Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 15, 1875, Image 2

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    :w.o.-n .'
Ukohiik B. ()im.ii.ani.h, E'Mtor.
Koaili-r, ir you wsnt buw whit Is lii
In ih. buatn.M world, Jual rrail our udm-tiiio
olowaa. tba Nrtwinl o-ilninn in iBrilular.
llorunltor liubenctc will iintuinlly
nrefor liis w hisk v i rnijjlit. Tlio "crook-
i'4" but nn I'lnbnrmwiiiK influonco. .
A son oft bo Hon. Duniol W. Voor
hoes, it is mill, will soon make bin up
lwaronco upon ibo t"u In the t'bar-
uctcr of Hamlet, which ho is now
studying. '
Radical I'octbv.
B-Bsa iffbl- flnir snrl llrlptt on hi Blolbll.
Juris, whl hovo loaitf'nt wbcr Avar goat.
CVo. (Joamarrsoi.
Butirnck, if bo obtuins Jus tics will
son follow.
Tho Genius of Liberty put it in this
way: Genorul Urnnt Isnowtlio "Third
term" eluiiiiaut on tho Republican par
ty' hands. Ilo i very expensive to
keep, and tboy are afraid to sell bim.
Tho greatest religious revival over
known in that section, is in progress
at Port Jerri, N. Y. Over 600 por-
sons bavo been converted during tho
nt few week, uiirl the work still
For many yoars every table of Stutc
areas has sot California down as cov
ering 188.D31 square miles. The lines,
as established by recent United States
survovs, show that the area is in reality
only 156,72a
Old Bihlk" 1). J. lluko, of Middle
town, has in bis possession now a liible
minted in 1551 in Germany. It was
formerly tho property of Abraham
Behm, who was killed by Jlosentino
and Moody.
Huron county, Ohio has tho C'cntcn
nial woman, llor name U Klinabclh
Trimmer, and she was born July 4th
1770. She is in good health for a Cen
tenurinn, and expects to visit Philadel
phia next year.
Some UusiNts. The Grand Jury
ofPhiladelpbia, last week, at the close
of thoir session footed up 548 lulli
345 were returned true, and 203 ignored.
Homo business in that Court for Grand
Jurors and every body else.
Tho editor of the Sunday Rational
Intelligencer, which came out for the
third term a few weeks since, has been
appointed to a clerkship in ono of the
Departments. It must bo truly gmti
fying to eo unselfish putriots taken
care ol in that way.
John 1.. Mmilb, ox-member of Con-
givxs from Ohio, has been appointed
Commissioner of Indian Affairs. This
is kicking ono Smith out and putting
another In. The cbango is no improve-
litem lor mo ueuur, eiiuer mr tm
Governinent or the Indian. , ,
JIow tium.iMR I When Forney's
deputy read Grant's Messago tho otbor
day, it reminded him so much or asu
iiiKlou's Furowcll Address. Well, those
things are all matters of tnsto, but the
contrast, in our judgment, is a little
roujrb on Washington. But tbon wc
can't appoint Pension agents.
Exactly. Hon. John Bigclow, the
rocontly ebcted Secretary of the State
in New York, expressed it exactly
a few days niro, when bo said : "The
Republican party is liko an old oak
treo dead at the top, and its high ph.eos
aro now only accessible to birds of prey
and reptiles who climb for thoir eggs."
Tho Now York Herald, in calculating
tho Presidential chances for 187G, puts
down 188 electors Tor tho Democracy
and 180 for tho RomibJican. In its
list of Republican States arc included
New Jersey and North Carolina, which
tho Republicans aro as likely to carry
as they are to pay the National defft."
i - i - .
Adult Sr.Nsc. The following Ian
guago was used by Dr. Butler at tl,c
recent Church Congress in Pbiludel
plilu: "Wo should abandon the irrev
erent Inrco nnd desecration of tho per
functory rending of Ibe Bibls in our
public schools.-'"Thousandsof ouriti-
r.ons feui. that tin wouiu do llio rigm
thing' to do, who aro yet unwilling to
. - yield to the point."
"Rkady forth. FaAY."-Tho Holmes
county. (Ohio) Democrat, has hoisted
a flag for 1876, with tho following in-.
ascription on it.
ros rnsattiRsr,
A 1.1.8 V I. riltlRUtX. of Obit,
ros vtts pss.isa.f,
ASnttKW p. OUHTIN, of 1'on.iaylvaoL.
Well, wo Wi.Mild light under that
flag, wili a will, knowing that in the
event of success, nf which there is no
doubt, that wo Mould unci moru buve
n restored Union and prosperity overy
II ion TiTi.r.s. Tlio editiir' of the
RvlMiuilii il'iifcAm in makes for broth
ei KinsliH',this way: The Luck Haven
Republican, edited by tho Kvangelisl,
)ohu Htiiinister Gibson Kinsloe, says,
under tho head of '"Loyally:"
"U' bava it frota ft rallahla mania tbat ntxt
yrar -Uk- U-ll will waor itocbinira itrino rod.
whlio ani! bin., who aiara st tha top. Wo want
llioin in unili-ratnn'l, howo.or, that lhoy nardn'l
thrnil tboir 0g nailer nur ami."
Yes; and Ibe ladies want yon, John,
to distinctly understand that you
nood'nt expect to thrust your ugly nose
anywhere in the neighborhood of their
flags, cither.
jR "Hab." Grant's private secro
tiiry is in a "peck of trouble, Indicted
in tho civil courts nt St. l.uuls and a
"Military Commission'' sitting on hint,
at Chicago, is a little rough on "tho
Government's" secretary. Here is one
jf nis "crooked" telegrams sent to a
fcllow,IWw ill the Missouri penitentiary
for his "oMokud" whisky business :
winiiM-ui Dm. , isri.
Cel. Jobo A. Sojh, at. i. 'UH I
C.n .i kHr ihsl au M bss fmi't Is folsg.
(Ri(sd BlI.'WI.
llabcock will itUXefio4 as mueb
difficulty In explaining bis trth'nims
to tho tbielk of tho whivky ring, as
iUv. Henry Ward Uoechor did in ex
jilaining bis Icttors of contrition, Jl is
a pity that great Preachers and 'great
scoundrels should bo so similarly an
Jioyod. !
4 WU11K
1 It HL. j Tho Utizttk, uiic of Cincinnati's lead-
A nillitury Court of lnquliy Wet in laticnl oiguiis, in its Waabiiigton
Miicago on the UiU to iiivcsj iguto fiL isji-rondoncrliB this t say-; "for
barges ma.le against Presl.liintGrulirflW0 ,ilrw fjuVAa.t2 there bavo
Private Soc:retur)', General O. E.
wick, of culinsction with the St Louis
Whisky Ring., Tho Cons it called
the request of General Uubcock, and is
uomposod oi'Lleutunanl-Giiiieral Sber-1
dun, Mujor-fanral Hancock, and
Brlgadier-Getifral Terry, wilb Major
t o..r. i u...i o..i..i
i.ruir, imt i ivi"ui m " i ,
is Judgv Advocate. J do Court Is or.
lured to report liicls aul give an op'n-;
on in tlx' cae. Now "Bab" will bavj
in opportunity to explain winii na:un,lr tho host
...i. i... . ..i i... i b: v..n.'.ii.'
'T ; . M '
j 0 , .
lor, that "All is lovely, and tho gxae
iiangs ultiludleni." The Governmeiil
lias been swindled nut of about forty
million dollars by this whisky ring.
jim is uiicgeu i. .o
Avery, iisbington olilciuls in close
.... .ii . .t .I.... ii.. i i. .....i
conininnion with the win House,
wore in daily correspondence with tho
thieves. Avery is the third man con
victed. virtue of hi mili.
lury commission, demanded a militury
trial and ho will get II to-day, 13 lit this
military trial will not Interfere with
any proceedings which may bo brought
in the eivil courts. 'Let no guilty
man escape."
National Kkkobmcks. Wo notice
that the National Association, organ
ized to maintain existing Christian
features in the American Government,
and to secure tho Jtcligious Amend-
- . ... .. 1.1T !. J
Mates, met tn rmiudcipnia on the win
mst., lor mo transaction oi us nnnuai
business. Iho lion, rclix U. tirunot,
of Pittsburgh, President of tlio Asso
ciation, occupied the chair. Steps wore
taken to 6ecuro articles of Incorpora
tion, under tho name of tho National
Reform Association. Tho maintenance
of Sabbath laws, the retention of tho
Bible In the Common Schools, the de
fence of tho Judicial oath and other
Christian features of the Government,
and the securing of suitable religious.
acknowledgments in. all now State
Constitutions, were expressly rccog as among tho objects of the So
ciety. The noxt National Convention
was appointed to bo held in I'biladel
plilu during tho last week in June, 1870.
What a lingo job Felix & Co. have
Ol'tkaofs at a Hihtocnt. It a
pears that all tha Southern outrage
mill bavo stopped. In tlio former
Messages of President Grant, the "out
rages" in tho South usurped tho largest
share. But so completely is the out
rage business lost from sight that not
a word ubout it occurs in the whole
of this Interminable Messago. The
outrages are supplanted by a foolish
-ry of olarm about free schools and
i he accumulation of Church property.
Where are Governor Ames, of Misaia-
ippi, and Ananias Hays? Could nut
they persiindo tho President lo issue a
supplementary Message on outrages, as
lie proposes soon to do in regard lo
the troubles in Cuba? "The Mrstagt
it singular for Us omiisions. It has not
h word for tico of the mot notMc events
nf tlie year. tU discovery nf the uhisky
rllU4fa,uA'vA - -Mrtf fiuirjl
fkaeitt against tlie, rect nue known in our
history, and the exposure of the Indian
Ring." '
Radical Dkvh.tiit. The recent ac
tion of the majority in the United
-State Sennto, shows tonclusively that
tho Iiudical leader aro just so vindic
tive and unfair now as they were
during tho war, for tho ubolilion ol
slavery. As an instance, wo cito this
fact: The Financo Committeo (the
most important) ot tlio Senate is com
posed of nine members. The Itudicnl
caucus appointed seven, and allowed
the Democrats but two. In equity.
our party friends were entitled to four
member throe in all common decency
hut tboy are put off with only TWO.
Well, the whirligig of time will roll
around, whon tbd Democrats will con
trol tho Senate us absolutely as they
do ibo Ilonso. The precedent set can
not ivoll ho ignored. What a howl
will then go up from lo3"nl throat for
unfairness, if the Democrats adopt pre
cedent lor tko govern mui) t of that
Legislative body.
Two Tunes. Teii day ago, Giant
telegraphed to the District Attorney
at St. Louis, who was uncovering the
"crooked" whisky ites, "Let no ono
escape. I liat jvjij a noble message.
Kvery Radical edilorsholitcj glory over
this Slate document. On -Sunday, the
5lh iiii-t., "the Government" sent the
Ibllowing telugium to tho same oflicer :
"Uso overy effort to prevent the im
plication of innocent jiersons iu the
conspiracy ." Why this change of
tune ? Because two of Grunt's chums
were sent to the I'enilentiury in the
mean time and bis 1'rivalo Secretary
Uubcock seriously implicated by true
Radical tesliinoy. That is tho reason
;!iti music was changed. This latter
lelegrum failed to produce a single
Kadicul odilorisl. A proper interpreta
tion of this lust piece of music is ; "Let
my household l'riuiid alone", "Hands
ilf!" "No you don't," etc.
Tho Pittsburgh Heating Telegraph, a
generally sensible newspaper, starts
the bowl over the election of Fiiahugh,
if Texas, a Doorkeeper of the House.
If tlio Democrat of the House have
done wrong in electing Filzhugb, what
should bu said of Grant with two ex
Confederate soldiers in bis Cabinet ;
with Monhy the rebel cavalryman a
his conudi-ntiul adviser; Longstreet
the recipient of one of the most lucra
tive ofllces, and another Cuuteduralo
soldier and Senator with ft flrst-class
lorcign mission. The Telegraph knows
all Ibeso litcls, and yet it let out its
hlile loyal squeal ubout Fiuhugb. A
Pup Greeley in bis palmy days re
marked: That sort of work should bo
lell'for "those incorrigible blockheads
whom an inscrutable Providence per
mits to edit so many rural Republican
journals." I
Ilr-commi iMsSATisriiu. The Phil-
odelpbia Inquirer Is becoming atarmed i
over tho "crooked" whisky and pension
revelations. That Radical organ now
call upon Pbiladvlpliiatii "to revolt!
FJnrt party andriso Hp, as ttioy did
against -Leo wl)cij.b.,luvadcd foiir'Vl-jiJo
Vtfiila, and dd'tmt our ninolcijial plun
derers." Well, that tot lilto K-forrn ;
buliow wtl bptler jtwould have
Bounded Infant Ih ilitiirm. What a
pity that those hysterical reformer
always turn out iu the wrong itiaaon.
menioiinei.onsiii,Hioiioiuioi,u.ieut,0clllll.t.n property of tho country is'
Bab-Li.tjuj about tb.Wklosod Uin
Lf ,, Frediin'a 'Burlii, a motliy.
rtw(fo!ln4jwj(h. ujrolr.d nbvu kd
, omuu. drawn lit that vWultv bv tbs
miouuoemuiit (but ths bsuk would
,)aj. go m,c oeut, upon dsposlts. Suob
i,,i,iuj ut.ut 0t tbeui wore, - So
. . . . .
old and
i tlln nnU plllclieU, and
wri,t.j ; ua others gloomy and
tlHckerVbmi H'tis their nature to," and
.(... iriHliUa Mark Taulov. lollv
disconrairlnir fir -
-",.. . , m
icun.siaiico. i,i ai u.o niouern
ern swindlcs-und their iiumo U more;
than legion tin freeiliiiun iiuliK
bus been the greatest and most uniai" -
doi.iil.le. Taking tlio acaiitv and bard
, .... ,, "...
curuud pitlumiM ot the oliluud tliriuily
. ... . .. ...
imlineo, ami, putting tlicm into tlu;pll,., right and power of the pwiple
biiltomlcss pit of private spc'-nlatimi, "t tlio I'nitwl. Sinus since these three
uij (l,p iired-ieniabl" em renev of do-1
JiU-rulj Ihiud. Every cent ought tolj" ul lllu Irulli, cuiiiinl ait :
be reiunded, if every dark deed in con
nection with the atfuii" of. mid persona
connected with the bank, should bo
shown up in tha blinding light of ex
posure, jto one sbould be spared but
. , .. j , l I J t M1U UHOl-OV OUSIIIOII W IUl UV
tho hundred, of poor, defrauded d.posl.!m)rovi)d hv tbt subterfuge, and be
tors, who are now the only sufferers," nol R'miru t0 ,,,., , if he
v . , ' -. ,i .
, i,oa iiitAxcu iiKAA mrgepor.
tion ol Grant's recent Messago roads
moroliko an ecclesiastical bull, or a Gov-1 not afford to countenance any such Jug
ernor's Message, than-that or tho chief; 8l'" w't' justice, and makes a gricv
K.ecntlr.nflhe nalinV -In II bo nro. " .m,,,ult" " loing- Unlu ho be
, , !
noses to run tho schools and loeco that;
pro,,ory taxed, all ol which is none of
i,;,, buMiii",,-nnd bo never onto refers
to tho huge robberies committed on
tho public revenues by the members
of bis lovely household, which should j
bavo been substituted for the school
and church lux question. By doinir!
this bo would have traveled in the
proper line of his duty. Another par
allel outrage is that of appointing a
Military Commission to try bis butty
Babcock who has been Indicted
with a gang of other scoundrels for
defrauding -the Government out of
millions at its revenues. It seems to
us, at this distance, as though Grant
was trying to niako a baiter fir him
self, or coaxing for an impeachment,
mid if he keeps on awhile ho will be
awarded one or tho of these diplomas.
A Ci.r.iiiTAi. IU;rrooN. We had sup
posed that buffoons ami hypocrites
would become scarcer since the settle
ment of tho Slavery question by tho
sword. Tho political agitators, Garri
son, Pillsbury, Parker, Philips, ete.J
haro all subsided, or died, but that
clcricul buffoon, Gilbert Haven, is still
fully on tho surface. In a MVlhndist
conference of clergymen, laymen and
Sunday school officers, which assembled
nt Boston lut week, he hud the impu
dence to offer and pass a resolution
nominating Gen. Grant fur a third
term. What a pity that Bishop Haven
and Gen. Grant could not bo yoked
together fur the balunco of their lives,
and sent outtoOregon joannoy the Mo
doc Indians, llnvcn evidently thinks
more of the Long Brancber than be
docs of his Saviour, or he would not
behavo so indiscreetly.
PaoviniNo roa tii Family. The
St. Puul (Minn.) Pioneer says : "We
have just board of an achievement by
a St. Puul lady, wbicb shows bow im
possible it was or is for tho President
lo be governed by any rules of civil
service. 1 Ins lady is the widow of a
gallant oftlcer who died in the service,
and, liko many another thus bereft,
suddenly found herself driven from the
lap of luxury in which sho had always
lived, and brought face to faco with
stern necessity. Without assistance
from any one, she went last woek to
the President and pleaded her own
ceso, aad it resulted in her not only
obtaining a $1,000 position lor beraulf,
but Bhodidiu the samo manner and atthu
same timo obtain other situations in
tho Govcrnmentscrvice for her brother
and her brother-in-law, and all within
ono hour."
Ratiikr Ka&thly It is evident that
Messrs, Moody and Sankey intend to
combine the collecting of filthy lucre
with tho salvation of souls. They
have just obtained an injunction against
soma parlies who had attempted, to
print and circulate) their hymns. Theso
pious odes ought lo be tirciiluled, as
unrepentant sinner sigh I'm thorn, but
thoy can only bo bad from the author
ited source, and at the standard price.
After all, tho monopolized salo of these
book and tbu port mils of tho illustri
ous pair, aiuij tl:s excitements of the
devotional exercises, has a worldly
look tbat is refreshing amid so much
piety. It is generally reported tbat
the two Evangelists pocketed J7,0J0,
in gold, while In England. Not a bad
financial revival.
Suttlid at Last. Governor Ilurt
rnnft baa finally found 81) AtUiimy
General in the person of Georgo Lear,
Esq,, of Bucks county. He was a
member of ths lute Constitutional Con
venlion, gnd was one of tbetliivv inein
beii who refused to sign tbat Instru
ment, although i( was adopted by tho
people by a majority of 144,000. Ho
i President of Tho Nutional Bank of
DnylusiQirn. - Ho has beep District
Attorney ol Duck counly, but has no
Stutu reputation as It lawyer pr politi
cian. and has evidently been aoocptad
as a compromise for those who bad
such a reputation, llartrsnft and
Cameron, wo presume, are both pleased
If nobody else Is.
Tuat Will Not Last. A bombastic
dispatch from Washington says: "The
13,000 stolon from the Government
during Treasurer New administra
tion, 1 1,000 at .ono time and 12,000 nt
a later period, were paid into the
Treasury, very anon ajlcr tlio losses
were reported, by II r. Visw himself,
out of his privato resources. He ha
not assessed the employes. Tho ar
rangements in tho Treasurer's office lo
guard against knar by stealing or
otherwise are a perfect at possible
m' " U"4"M"
W "ncy, wim a view w
,,iclr punishment."
ri,,vr.ueT -Slaws. An udnn
. "Tho President and Mm. U rant
not expect visit from their duugb-
tor Mr, "arv'm wivre tyring. an.
Sartoris and'hor T to w ,Mllh'
1 "-.Itrlari .1!
and enjoy tho ouaifarv and boiu..
At 1... : 1.
their boin.'if rood for Bara-Inris-Uraut.
Are tlin-o anv more
snob 011 hand f
.1 'VL Villi OX " HA II." .
The editor of the Pliihidi"li!iiu Tinut
thus nlludts to (ion. lliihcuck, who has :
bocom ( notorious ,Jutjly in th;.
rooked"'wblky trude. Ilo say:
"Bbcock .Is'so liav that vouit oli
inqiiirf. Mr. "Ui-ucit niade baste
ouiHjr Willi uifv-iiruiiruiimry uoiiiuiui,
and kas apiwlutod Slwiidun, UuueutiU
and Terry to constitute the court-.
Tbuy are to iiiuulnlt.bicugii. Martial
law cunuut well be dvclui'wJ I"'' the
iiuriHis of helping to wliituwu.u the
"'1'l;"t ""'"deutial nwreiaiy, niul
II bavo no power to compel the ut-
toilduiivo of wilucsse 'im uHlrar or
oldiur in the uriuy. (ionunil llul
' "llusell will ol course uieui' voi-
uubuilv and swtur that be ' iniiocenl.
,,u b.( ,-,..,.,, ,!
ll)9li,y ,lmt t(tl.y l,L.iOTe bim to be bun -
; o-l mid never knew him toilniiiiytliing1
. wicked or crooked. Hut how is the
(,'overiunciit to bo heard and o .lo
not iiieiiii by the government XI r. ln'ant
' , . b, v, - . . ,
1 I.;. LI,.. i ..!.: i i... ,i..i..
generals, even il tlmy agiue In striving
hearsay evidence nor summon before
tbeui anybody capable of giving any
other sort of uvidence against Uaueock?
Ol course tho proceeding of such a
conrt in audi a case must bo a sham
and can result in nothing but a white-
I. u..l... l.i. ...ill ..... 1...
I had any reputation left In be lost.
i VruaMut y,,,,,, M ,0 whoin ,,. j.
till presumption of Innocence, con
lutnlly compromised in these whisky
r. i.. i..." ..u-i.i..i ;..
"""'IB 1IIIMIM.M, W IIIIU 1 U limillUlU lO
believe. Meanwhile, the pledges ol
Bristow and Pionvpoiit to push the
prosecution without fear or favor wi
necessitate the indictment and trial ol
llabcock in tlio civil court of St. Louis,
along with tho. other persons mixed up
in the miserable business. Nobody cx
copt Grant himself can inlerli re tn
prevent. Then Babcock' guilt or in
nocenco will bo fully und fuirlv estal
linhed. All innocent man should ask
nothing more."
"Till MnVKRNMKNT" liLocKllr.AI-.
About hull" of Grant's Messago relates'
lo local State affairs, wholly beyond
tho jurisdiction of the general Govern
ment, especially the running nf the
churches and schools which be proposes
tn do. The editor of tho Philadelphia
Times hits tho Long Brancber this
way : ',
"It nppnars thut the President made
a littlu mistake when be urged Con
gress In devise some better method ol
verifying claim nguitisi the Govern
ment than now cxiils in the Court of
Claims, in that the matters of which
lie complains are not within tho juris
diction of tin Court. 1 1 would have
beon just a well for the President to
learn something of the subject before
writing about it ; but wo do not see
why be should bo cxpectod to remem
ber nil tho laws when be cannot re
member the Constitution. A mistake
about the jurisdiction of the Court ol
I'hiims is surely purdonahlo in u man
who supposes llial the taxation of real
estate is within the jurisdiction ul Con
gress." Goon Tim kb. An exchange goes
off after this stylo : "Well, the elec
tion is over, and the voters of this
Statu have again endorsed the Repub
lican party. But the times are no bet
tor. Money is as scarce as ever, and
il will bo until tho present party is
ousted from power. The Republican
who voted to continue this condition
ot affairs should quit grumbling, and
tho Democrats who stsid at home do
servo no sympathy. Official extrava
gance, salary grabs, snj general cor
ruption bos been endorsed, and it is
somo satisfaction to know that those
who helped produce this condition of
affairs must suffer in tho general dis
tress." . '
Not roa GhAnt. The New York
Times, Tribune, and Sun are dead op
posed to a third term, so i tho Spring
field Republican, The Chicago Tribune
repudiates it with scorn nnd tho Cin
cinnati Commercial and all leading Re
publican papers, Deo Irnm il as from a
spectre, but Grant marches steadily on
towards tlio desired goal, and will keep
marching on till ho reaches the nomi
nation. Then tha Democrats und In
dependents propose to move upon his
A Ktats (JprRAiit. Henry Itnwlo,
Slutu treasurer tiled, seem to bu con
sidered excellent game for burglars
and robbers, His house was entered
in the full, and only on Sunday lust a
colored man attempted to rob dim ol
a carpet bag. Exchange.
Well, il' too bad, that a gentleman
should be subjected to a double burg
lary. It I only a sholt tliuo since,
that Ibe Radical State Committee rob
bed this samo Individual of 25,000 for
campaign purposes.
A National Womufb. The last
Gocoi-nnient sensation is the indict
ment, by tho United StaliiGraiid Jury,
of G'on. Uubcock, Grant' private sec
retary, as a partner in tho "crooked"
whisky business. Joyce and Gen.
McDonald, two of Grant's butties ; and
Avery the chief clerk at Washington,
pit) already in tho penitentiary aiu it
looks now a though "Hub would be
tho next candidate. What a pity I hut
loyal men must' bu tortured in this
manner in n five country I
Still GATiiitunio Tiikm Up. Tbu
details of the loss of lil and wiuuk ul
the steamer ''Dentcbland," on the coast
of England, ten days ago, jndicutes an
awful disaster. Tho investigation is
still going on at Hnrwick. Out of tho
njnpfy-nino person on board when
the aUiaine slruck (hp t'ocljs, sixty,
eight bodies bavo been recovered. How
many were saved is still unknown.
CTSsspi -J
The SrnATR Hkap,-Tio Unitod
Slates Senuto fully organised for busi
ness on the 9th lust. Seiiutor Wallace
has been usssigned positions on the fol
owing Comnilll I Appropriation,
Manufacturer, and Revision of the
United State Laws. Thuao aro all
very Important Committees, espueiully
the former, which pusses tiiou all the
cash bills paid by Uncle Sam.
The only Mujiulors absent from their
seats at tho assembling nl C'pngrcss, on
Iho 6th Inst., were Alcorn, of Miaoiwip
pi; Crugin,.of Now Hampshire; Dor
ey, of Arkansas ; Goldlhwiiite, of Ala
balna Joiuisof Nevada ; Logan, ol
lllinoi ; Murrimoii, of Mottle Carolina ;
'ofi"ood, of Georgia, and 8tmrtn.
avij, 1 110 insi nsuieu nus 1101 yoi
taken lb oatil o) yflli e.
The "Five J'onjts," .Mew Voih, on
couiitoivd a f .100,000 fii-u on tbu 81b
Tll( I'lmuldson Hrothers, litLo
" " 1.,1.... eidi, ntin ..n
irropbi-n, 7 ''Z T .
Z sa.1 I Tha. Hit .rl.Wlr'J .
rng u-nrv-bouaMj cuusu unknown.
l.'uclo Sum's unimproved property
measure 1,151,000,1)00 u res.
Reading's dubt ainuunts to about
million dollar.
Anew process lius beeu dlseov-
lolui - ud by wliiulissihoiograiibs can be
iukuii at iiigui.
j A f w
Vf.J "
!.... , , ,
heat In tl..
ubout a'-lU.UOO.
UUO bushel.
With ground ur without them,
the minimi talk about tbu Mu and eof
luu duly bus set in,
tint i.f"LH"-iiii.,..i.--;,.i.,i..,i i...
, ,u:iuclimuti Public l.ibrarv last your.
ITUI3U wore livtiuu.
TO ll'lll ur.,i-.i ri,.t I
The I'liainpinn p'onnsvlviiiiia nie
cuter uta
lli, upiilu pie ten iiicln-a III
1 mainelcr in.eigl.t bites.
Din ing the inoiith ending Xovcin
wr ao, IS75, 4.!)!l immigiuiils uiiived
' u! t10
; ,
i A
port ot .V-iv 1 in li
i ' r-'l
'Inillllsoll. nostnttlMrr at
,..lile. III., was arreted nn (lie !llh
in-.!.. Ilir riilihiug the niaib.
There mo now (vo hundred uud
MUly-lour primmer in tho Western
penitentiary, at Allegheny.
A Sheffield man lias undertaken
tlio dubioii mission of Introducing
uucKwncai coxes into jMigtand.
Tho construction of a national
throe-font gauge railroad from New
York (o C Ii li ngo I to be agllntod.
A leading physician give It as the
result of hi practice that more disease
are caused by idloncts than over-work.
Tho total tno'iicjajA- coinage of the
limted isiiiies nillit mst month wa
B.2IMI.DH0 pieces, of Iho value of 14,
Massnchusolts. with, her prohibi
tion laws and vigilant coiisiabulary.
last year gullied 4'.tJ,:i.lH Darn-Is ol
Tho as'Xt Centennial anniversary
of importance is I hut of M intgoniery 's
nnsuiccs-l'iil allaek on Quebec, Decem
ber 31, 1775.
Don IVdro, o( Brazil, has hired a
marble .front Imaso nn Chestnut treei.
Philadelphia, lor next summer, nt the
ngiiro ol sju.oiin.
A flro at Five Points, N. Y. City,
on Wednesday morning lust destroyed
nine buildings, Involving a loss of $320,
0110. Iowa lias a heifer which recenjly
climbed up a bidder into a liny loll.
She was probably hsikin for the cow
thut jumped over the moon.
Tho Viceroy of Egypt has devoted
f Ii,1,0n0 that was raised lo creel a mon
ument of himself lo funding a public
school at Alexandria.
William Penn's Bible is in posses
sion of a lineal descendant, a Mi's. Mey
Icrt of Pennvlvniiia. It will be a part
ol the Centennial exposition.
Tlio English and French thieves
aro counting on great takings next
year ul tbu Centennial, and are com
ing to this country in swarms.
Thirty of tlio lortv collieries of
tho Reading company have temporarily
ceased operations. Five thousand men
and boys are thus thrown out. of em
ployment. Four girls, aged between II and
1G years, coutessed having set fire to a
school bouse in Greenfield, Mo., and
were sentenced to two hours each ill
Last year the total supply of lead,
including importations and sale by
the Government, was C8.500 tons.
The totul supply this year is placed at
."13,500 ton. . '
Burnnm's wild beasts aro being
sold lit New York at a great sacrifice.
Tlie goav Alexis, lor wfiicn tne givui
showman is said to have paid f-'.HOtl.
commanded but $50.
Nathan Spraguo, a sin-in-htw of ;
r red Douglass, has been arrested at
RiK'hcstcr, New York, for robbing tho
mails, ho being an employoo of the
postofllco at tbat place.
A cold-blooded Now York genius
has just invented an apparatus for murderers to death, which be
claim that it will do in less than four
Two Italian girls, ono IS years
and tho other 18 years of age, convicted
at Patterson, N. J., of passing counter
feit money, have been sentenced to
thrco years' imprisonment.
A eako of Australian gold, worth
about 7.000. is to lie sent to tho Cen
tennial Exhibition. A now and valua
ble gold field ha been di-ieovurud in
the northeastern section ot So lb Aus
tralia. A lit t tu girl, twolvo years ol ago,
named Ellen Gilmy, left 'her homo in
llroivntown, near Pittston, Luaerne
eoiintv, to go tn a store, in February
last, since which time sho has not beon
heard of.
There was an excellent grnsshop-1
per crop in Blue Earth county, Minn.,
this season. The people gnlhered 15,
7 lit! bushel ami IS quarts, on which
the Kiulu puid bounties to the amount
ir 13 l,2.i.V(ill.
Failure in biisines ore still Ibo
order of tbu day. There were sevenly
thrco failures in Now York during the
Inst mouth. They were n"t doing bus
iness enough to pay current expenses
so it is alleged.
The President of the Senate Sen
Ittur Ferry, of Michigan is unmarried,
us is also Senator Anlhosy, nf Rhode
Island, who was a candidate when the
former was elected to preside over the
Of Charles O'Conor, who is now
lying ill tho point nf death. It is said
that during a half Century nf law
ptiictifo ' he has never boon known in
inissliitu fiicpt or I" present unsound
proposition of law."
The fiiwt pluno over taken west
of the Alleghonies was ono owned by
Miss Siuuli Hpnurt, the (InUL'bter of i
Coloi.fl J-Ueii.r Sproat, an elllcer of
tho lluvoliiilon, who umiifi'ittoil to tho
Nuilbwi'sli'rn Torrilnry ii '7Utt, ami
iDViiiun Ul iuurictin, uuio.
Tlio rvmains nf "Coninipiloro" Jss
Htiiwui't, a funny olil colored man of
hno. wuro burii-U recently, tin. ncn
alor linvrry ouco iravo him bull' a dol
lar tl) hill S) cut, Ilo shuvod tho fcliuo
ami sol'l il a a llm by alointuii tst"
to 1110 senator, lor ton uoiiurs,
Tlio largest flour mill in America
is owned by Hon. C. ('. Washburno, of
-Miiiiiuu.oll, Kinn. t sown toi'ivs
bi)(h, ami irowilui) wilh msuhiiiory
I'min Ion In bottom, its cost wa
130,0(10, ha Ibriy run of burr, anil
turns out l,ftIO bnrrolsof flour ptirtluy.
II, II, Taylor, who dioil rocently
in t'hicujio, willed hl'a liilion tlolliiia
to oslal'lisb in thut eitv "u liai'liiiv
institution that will do tlio most cms!
and the least hurni." Tho trustue
have not tluvided whut to ilu with the
money, but Uoubtlos will found a hos
nll.' Silluilel I.ovo, ot Hullor county,
has siini tiiiily,i ii yeurn of his hlu
in eniryinu; the (lulled titutut lunils.
Durilif,' Hint timo hu tniveled, on the
uveritu, twunly-i-lbt niili-s iliiily, uinl
in Iho atrirrvKiito two biiinlruil and
piJihi - .,ti.1 , t,al eight biinnled
iiiiu two uinit.
bill nilllllltUlHMMIr.y iTi((t tLlM )MMlUll
itK'iit lliuL tho C'unlvhiiinl Cuiiillrit
ttitHnttn will HMHitJ iiriinium lorimrv-
rd j Mi It nam'- ovur ai ruCH, roilio,
tlio u rilliiiii inuiliiwiii'U lliul Htrutmui
" . . . . .
Illlllil llIM MlHI It) lllM 4tafMBllaU ll'ltlll I. ailllaUaV ,
A singular cas wu decided last week
In tlio circuit court tor Washington
con my, Md. It was given in evidence
on the trial tbat In 1871 Mr. Husun
Weckler asksd the Flint -National bank
of HuirentoWD to eb a draft oil Nw
, Voiklurl,U4T- Tbutulleroi'tbebalik,
! J,uU" Jf' M UW by ber
thut uo wished to Invest 11,000 in
V ushliigtuu county bonds, advised her
that a better Investment would be in
.Northi-iii I'aeitie railroad bund, wbieli
bond buvit siueo depreciated tualwutj
IS ..... I... . I. .!).. I . I
15 cent ou tho dollar. Il was also1
luted a an inducement lor such in
ve.linui.l that Ur. John F. Smith, Mr.
Weekler' physician, ImJ iuvustod 110,
000 ill tho Northurii 1'ui ific, uud this
assurance decided her. Robert (). Ny
liiur, the kon-iu-luw of Mrs. Weekler,
eoiilii'iMu.l the testimony, he being pre
sent ut Ibe convctsulioii, The acliou
wa brought aj,"aiiil the teller of the
bank to recover I :ie a'noent iinv-Hed
under ib-ceillul .-pie..-ii'iiti-.ii, Tbu
Juryguveuver.ini in .Mrs. Heckler's
lavur. The dcti-inliuit itemed tim :'ile
gallons nt lieeeit, and sai l Unit at that
time the railroad bonds were in g-sxl
ulu and esteemed as lin cxi-clleni in
vestment. Dr. Smith testified thut be
bad never inve.-U-J in the Pacific rail
road bond and never told any one that
he bud any. Mrs. Wccklcrtlral brought
her action .against tho bank, but tho
court decided that il could not be main
tained because It was nut within tho
chartered power nf national bank tu
deal in bonds, and that any one w ho
dealt with a national bank in a trans-
actioij beyond it power did so el bis
pern, anu can nave no remedy against
the bank. The detetdnnt has liled a
motion for a new trial,
While some mirfilvr-braiiicd bigots,
who of course are honet bigots . ml
fanatics are always sincere and some
small politicians, who are not Inmost,
are endeavoring to get up a religious
controversy concerning our Comaioii
Schools, it is a pleanire to find thai
men of high standing in the Church,
and men who bavo claims in states
manship, unite in relinking these sbal
low meddlers. The Episcopal Register
has this to say from a clerical stand
point :
"It has been said that these scIiihiIs
aro godless. WIiiiMIiom who uso this
word mean we cannot understand. Is
it thai the existing of a Supreme Being
is ignored ? Is it that infidelity is
taught? We have yet lo learn thai
there is a public m IuhiI in the United
States where there isany such instruc
tion. If it is meant that Eclusiaslical
matters are not introduced, it is true.
They are not introduced in business
schools, in medical, or law scbisils, vet
110 one suppose thut our schools lor
instruction, with a view to mercantile
life, or for medical or legal education,
must trench upon tbu department ol
Church and r.-liji-m. The Church is
also a si bool, the school of Christ ; il
has it appointed teacher, they are
quulified and able to give instruction
in that department, and much more so
when their pupils are sufficiently ad
Minced in the element taught by Un
common schools. The common schools
bavo never yet attacked religion or
undermined Ihe principle of morality.
When this is done, it will bo time
enough to consider and correct such
an evil."
Tiik Statu of Washington on Titr.
Daltimoiir .MoNUtir.NT. In answer to
an old Culifornian, who write to the
Baltimore .Sunlroni Sun rrancisco, for
certain information in regard to the
statue ol n aslungtou on the nionu
ment in Uintcity, the editor states that
on Ihe 25th day of Nbvcmbjr, 1829,
the last piece of the statue, comprising
tlio bust, etc., wa raised to the summit
ol I Us MMHMtnl. Tli atttltm ws. rmt
nut of tilio white marble from the ntiar
ries on tlio t orK roadL and presented
by Mr. F. T. D. Taylor, of Balti more
county, freo of charge. The statue Is
sixteen feet high, and was wrought in
Hi roe separate pieces from ono block ol
thirty -six tons, by Henrico Caucici, an
Italian sculptor, oacli block weighing
about five and a half tons when wurkod.
Tin (is sat Lota L Fiavd. The
New York Xation, in a recent article
entitled "Tho Winding Up of the
Freed man's Savings Rank," urges nirnn
congress me duty ol a thorough In
voslignlion into tho manner in which
the all airs ot tho bank were conducted
while in operation and are being wound
up, now that it i defunct. Iho sub
ject, the Xation pertinently observe.
i not a aavorv one lor llepubhcan
newspaper, and exposure ol it is not
to be expected at Republican hands.
inereiore, il nays, "wo oorncstly com
mend It Ui tho notice ol tho honest
men ot the Democratic part)', when
next winter in Congress they begin
tlie great work ol investigating the
dark phicos'ln Kiptiblican history."
St1 Kail. The ordinary steel
rail is thirty feel ill length, but the
liessonier Works, at Hraddock s rields.
is running them out sixty feet long.
They aro tho first steel rails of this
leugtb ever cast in any part of the
world. Thoy are said te cost no more
by weight than those of the ordinary
length, and ihure will bg a saving in
til cost ol laying them a well as in
tho reduced wear and tear of mlliuvr
stock, since a large part of this israused
by the shock which each wheel re
ceives in pausing from one rail to an
other, and on a track laid with sixty
loot, rails there will uo only hall a
many jolt a uti one with tails ol thirty
feet in length.
An 'ttr'aiaa.Bt.t will bt alvta hg tUt atia
t-fl nf iwt Uanar L.ltrarjr AlolUaa, I 1'it'l
0)Hra lluutr, nn
Thursday Eve's, Dor. 23, 1871,
la ao.l,t of Dr.a., Tsbloaas.
r .rw. asd mbimi, IBa praaata lo b. dfroloil
a.kiIsii Ubrarjr.
,J '"r"4' "" '"' ir
Aono; th llreakera,
will Um I at Ualtaij f.tuft of Uo ivta
inj. Hi ttn aturaniari will b lakta atf by
aidatrurf wa'l tttad 10 rap rt .ant tala bifhtyajnral
ami tn'arialiif iy. Tha ila la oaolit'U
will, a livbahla lihleptaa drama ,
Hparta 4 Lark."
Tb Atayttlatlnn bava ipal an ntiai lo naka
tha tfctivnstnmtwt a raa 1 .!(, anlproilit a
nrf troal U all who muf atttod. l a(Tor
an dipriuniiy In tanra wilbiag I mloy a ntrry
Chrlalmai at wont, iht two fold advantajra f
pltarart and roHt, at thtlr aianty will bt ra
lundad im Ida r-ria af a Library.
Admlailrxt. 10 ennti, Ktiarvml aoili, Si tat,
! Hjrt opnn a' A o'tliiiik, parlarnaneti ta oain
Diattta ai p. H,
H tart tJ (Mi linktlt f( ' t .ntWOltt.
K. t Vt. D. Irwl 1 ti (bt CotM ( Coajmaa
at V float nf (UarBiM Cm ,
ParJy A Bro. ) N.ll, Ji i t.liri
Itta mtriQi Ayditnr, appioit4 by ih
Cnurt ID diitiihiiia tko a) mov arlaini on tb writ
from 'i llft-n'l ' ra-tin, il altand
i lkr tawt at hii ufflaa, la ClaarntM, an Tbri
da, Jo atari i7fl, al IS on loci m.
CttarlrN. Dm. ti. IMi li AuHiior.
All portast sro borolij onbiUsmI .'
pon-b..ui( or la ano , Bjrilli.g ullb foar
biouoror. bankahl. aalar. i.on by aja la JoaOf
H . i lonliiia, i-ii.nlil, to tha solor nt mi J,.h
H t naliii. li 'ibo toimn atoilttpal Usui al
Cuaraal, botrlsa ibib Lbo 114 a of 4,.l
Mil imril.l. f,H,., r Uso r.ti- ."'. psisblr
four MitBlh. oflor ilatoi on, fur !.!. a.vahl.
r';li momb. .nor Sat. t nho far Si., i.asblo
i I, I'll, oo. f..f J.i, .aobls at.) I.l,
ISili as Bi4 uiilr srrs tr.udulrhllli altialB.4 bo
III. tt'i Jo'llo H trsfforj, Ika, b.,it (oof.
ir.a ta aoi-sr BlDlBI al liarahaM BaoL.. rot
r.oJr araVar bj sir irrm .-I Cr.r4,
ftMi p !. Wtrh rrtra.t.litai tiir. filia,
a rriri.rBII0( IB.I Sai f BBS I M Ip
M i'Vtnw i.icr4WM,rf vt. mm
r.rrw. I a)iil auti tna iaa aaaao. taatsaaa , i.! Lai
. . t '
I Mr Will 4 WA l t rj'H.I 4'
mltltssi-or fbllkliSar imI b. l-t" I. is
1 k
KilllM .
t Ul t lSlLJ, l t,. lW,.ah K,
frlaay, llatraktr HI. II4.
lb. b-l slnM flusb t ( ll'IKSRI, ,
ALiKa.vir caiil. 4 4 lufi.n. f
tlk'X r. ul w Hh il.laa is Ui.if J.M 1
ussty, tlBSliUng Is smi ul a ,-tMUssl ai uf j
wrk b-r.M ui lir.jil,
tivc atuuLKtoiitv u-iLr. i
bnj ... ...-t i -.. i-.u u '.uk
I...I. I I .......
bill. fain. Mttla. b.ui. it. I!..
l-is, tkirs bjr tbs tubl. 4 I J b-.'. mf iui,(.,n
r nblob I. esl.r.1; !. .Ha i 4 , .
lto II.., tiK; htrr.,'.ur,, .(,N
M..blpt, kg slivias, u4 wibir Iatui Iis.iji-iiu
tus ts.ll.lll lw HtubllUN.
S.I. lu suiuiu.ii is. 4t I u'otwih i. m. 4tU h ili
ttbajjeus tail .trvjlu wt.l It. iv-u
A. C. I'ATK. '
CI.s1li.l4J. h... IS, Tt 71 Adm'r.
Ilf IIKHKAS, a. MlVk'K, Hruiilt-til
VI Juils. nf lbs L'tturl sf Cttlaiu.B Cl... .1
lbs r.uty -Bllb Js.llrl.1 111. inn, rin, ;
lb. esunlif s of Cl.nrb.lil, Crslr. ai.d L'hnuu
-as (Ins Wiixu 0. V.ti.r.r n Hitu. Jun J,'
HsAb, A.suoisls Jbilif.t l t'l.rt-.IU t-usot.
hat. Imu.J ISvir t'i'utl, lu IB. Ulmcu. Inr tli i
buldtiw .1 a Cimrl wl Cusiuus ft... Uu-bLu,' I
Cuurl. Court f u,n.rl.r ..t.ii., lUturt itl Ojvr
.OS .iisiii.r, Coon ul Jail
ijr, st lb. Cuim lluus. .1 Cl.t rll.U. Id sail fur the
snuDty wfOlaarS.U.auiaM.n.iux tta tb. sacuu
"). i totu aay l auuar, letiu. al
la oituuas. la-a w.b.
HUI'iCH IS, rb.r.f.i., b.r.b; .Irri, u lb.
Corita.r, Juiloi Gl ikt Pasea, u Uoaaublaa,
l sa lor aai .oaalr ul Cl.arl.ld, tu .-(t..r irv.r p.rwo., allb Ksaardt, HalU,, b do ihosa Iblsai biib In (hair attest
SB l Uiair b.btl(, niruia u bt dosa.
II; au Ast nf Au.iabi;, pjurd 1st Sib si
Jl, A. I,, I'M, il u ai.d. ibt iluij ul tb. Js.
lis., at Iba I'a.aa ul Iba Mit, isl rnunttar of Ibi.
CuaiaoBa.altb, lo N'ar la tbl Clark f lot
Court ol Unariar ew.luaa of iba
auunllM, all tb. nsl ilBiiaNcaf oalarad inutuatur.
ISBJI ij .0 tfori.a a' sorava. ssarfad wtlb tbi
aabioituioa ul aa; ortai., axei-it .u.-b aah-s a
MS osraaaj aniura a of Iba rises, ua
dar .slliB( law., al b-s.t Irs d.r. lb at tb. oditi-tn ot Iho Court lo
abwb ibt sra uis-io rolurnal-ltfr.ria.'tival;,Bj
iu all eaa. wurro Buy r,a ixiiiUBaa. sr. aoi.r. I
Into Itri thsu un di liuf . tn. uu-uiu..iu.u.ut
uf tha .rt.lub to wai.-i tu.y or. laado roturus
bl, Ibo laid Jiuaipf. sr. .t mtui-n tbo .aji tl
iba Ma.0 lauocr a. il a.-t had Bot bist
ilVk.V abd.r mt baud slUla.ttoll, Uli liiU
uajr at Poo.uiit.r, iu tb. jraar ul oar Lord. au.
luwuMoa atdbt buudntd aad -tvooljr-Ho.
daa l is W. K. Mei'llKttSO.v;, -.Boria".
lafct nf tttMswii prt d'wn f'if irftt tb wrmtrl
'( of Jantl4r TK. .14 Mondn( Ktk, titt
M. L. A 1..C...
Klly-I Hfrtri
Irwin ,
Murray l
fti'tir:. ,,...
..-.. r4" .
TJ. Mc)' avl
vt Utihai lrtnrt.
it. Kmilh.
ti. Mtgant tt l.
v. IounU t( ftl.
VI. L4lU.
."$. Hoyr.
w. ... MiMlritlt'i didm'r. i
..,. Iuniair,
v. Wilkt.
..... i Mora.
......ti, Hilt.
., . -ft. B'tfOlal.
Curttr. llitb t 1 1.
.aaVI. 0.,OM tt ftl.
... ti. H bit4b 4 Bo.
vi. Ftirtrt. Hnydtr.
....Vs UfMI.
...... ti, Raltai.
, Isntabo ft.
. W
Ilauiaoa ,
Mo rift
M-t 4 Co
Wouofy ,
I r-. 4 Hra ,
.4 a... ,
HltVllB a
SheriiTs Sale.
1V vlrtaaof wrltiof Venditioni ATraaair.liiuoA
1 1 oat of tha Cnart of Cosmos FUaa of Claar.
eoaniv, anil to tliraeird, thtrt will
bt aioirw In poblits a!t, at tb Court Hoaia,
in Ibt bo ro u h of CltarltlA, on M-ndar, tht
ItHh day nf Jannarr. IHTA. at 1 aVIoek, a. aj.
tba following aoteiiboo1 ral atlaU. ta wit :
A errtaia piaoa of laaal tltatta ia Claarflold
borough, Cloarnol-I tmaaty, Pa., buBnld worth by
Hl urtrt, oaat by K iwio tVinper, toath by an
alloy, ani wvat by lot of MuKabt'i ortavto. and
having a franta dwtlhng houar, caponier bop,
largo itnr room, ruble, and ntbtr uutbuiUing
thwroow araeterf. Kriiaj, taktn In fisatiw aad
to bo toltl at tba praportr al rti Mat Kobnlni,
Aim, all tbat 40 acroa ol lairtl rltuata ia Brady
tontiphin, rioarltrM enunly, I'tnmylvania,
bwuDtltcii and drarrilxed ai talk, to wit:
Un tbo ntrth by liitd al Juki a aa tht
oaat ny iJmrmtm anal Anly rnti : writ by Jao,
Hhafler i eonlainlrK about atty acrvr, with aboat
forty Ira aerat lo4rd, having a vault frame
nouio, Trawta bar a aa-t a largo wrtbaid of aitortad
frail, tfitaal, takon im via-utioa and tt bo mtl
..ipi m juin ,. Ontr.
Ala., a oertaiw tract of U l aitaata in Bra lv
towotbip,Claartlolil amnly, Ha., bonadodan l do
eriLmd aa followi, vii i North hv (. ti Uoo.,
laaiier, tail by Cbarlaa Marihall, w'tit bj -
and tuuth by Krlt tarnpiki. oonuming n f .arih
of an men, wtU dwtlltag h into, flora b-fata.aad
awaia totrtwo. btliad, takon lo oiMStiua an t
ta bo aiald at Iba prupriy af J. Miltow Car ilo.
Alio, a oertaiw iraot of land lituato in U tf
lawaahip, CleaHlttd miit. Pa . aontatalaa. ...
buudrad aad thlit-Bino aorot, with sboat tw
atrti aitarod. a houat and log bars tbar.r.
rooted with a ong wnhardj thereon. Hti.d
lakta In titutioa and In bo mil nt ih prrtnerty
of Vim H Uohtu aad Wm. II. Uuiet.
Alia, ftotrtain iraoi af land aii-tut in Karthan
luwnihip, Ckarltld eonnty, , bunn lad riH
by lakJt af Jaaaoa R .afb. tonrb by Ian 1 or Jan.
lial, ta-t by Ua I of l)mU ittimt, an I wot by
laadi of alamoa R swrih, eonuiaiof thirty vlgn
acrra, and having log houto, tv htg abiv
ad otbor tw.prova.sHi I t karoo t. StiDd, tnka
is aiaoutios aad ta ba told m tht pnptrty of
John II tit.
Alto. a otrtaln traotof land attaato Is Por,wa
towmhip, Closr&ulil eanty, Pa., .ntisio
acrta mora or loar, alsoui f.irly-li aortu clear I
with a two ttry frame houa, aa I l.ig hxru, an I
othor ourbuildingi tiitrwon ert-toi., a imal
orchard with ahxat 6D trtt, hoandol at r..lluwi :
North hy land- of .Martin Wati, oait by Un ti at
M Art to Hat, wat by Iaa4i of J. R . auotb
b )ahtb ot Henry Owosi. i uhen in iw
liaa aad to bw told at tba property of Sney vlo
Oraokow, with noUoa to Jobs MjCVaokon. hoi
Aits, artrtaia traet of land .i.ts In JorJ tn
towa. hip. t'lonrtcld aoty, P., lHion..- and
doMribod aa loM-w t Wt t.y rt of VVilha n
IhoBpaon, nurth by Un It of II. tUrrvt', Wo bv
Undiwt hW'l Carry. stk hy Un I r W.Joriii.
containing at) avrt ai ira or with iniiii
irtoou aorot cfoxrod ind mi Itr oultiv uia, hiri itt
lg hiHiao, ptablo, and vtlmr onitanl Itg j thoMnn
roolod, with ttsall ynn-rg nrubrtri. H-nd
uken in tKteotwaand te ot ali -w tbtt proutrty
ol William Carry. r '
Alto, a aortain trant of laal I'tut't la Olrr.
lownihip, ClosrBold woaaiy, P , bouti ir-d and
dtaortbad ai lollowi i Uginnin at a akoatns
avrnvr, lknoa wort St porebat ia a whitt oa.
ourntr, thtnoo ili ptrohm iu a pitth piiw oarnor,
tbtsoa Mil 471 pircba to a pott and most, bdng
iho original ol tract No, ft ift,., of whieh aarrey
toll li a part, than tuuth 1.19 1.10 pvrahti to a
tuna, thvnoa wt ptMvhtt to a Maplo adj.rla.
ing load r Jam at 8hama, ineaea auuih 3T(i .V
pmnav along tba Uad of JMia,.. lib. to plwo
wvginmag. tmatainlng Ibo ar, aad having
4boit JO aorot oloarad ua which th-re ta a bg
dnaliiag and lug barn, alto mall arobarJ. 8.1a
td, Ukrn tu o locution, and tn ba raid si the prop
rty of tiaorga Ur bill, h-lr and nprB-
Aitm. a ornnaia traet of land aitime la Ptrg.
on luwaekiii, Claar Bald ounniv. I". . koti..i..i
tait by Urn,,Ut, wtit by W, Hilt, nortu hv Jrt.
vvrgoauw and r.aia oj mm Mtrd, oub
uimugahoat Mvanty t,tM sd harlug iboai
twouty aom alanraii, with log bvaia aid log ila
bit ihttroua orootad.
Al.o, oat atMr piaoo af land iltuata la Pdrga
na lowa.hip, t!artld toowty. Ha., hooadod
orlh by tioa. Wiihoruw, aatt, a ath asd wait by
ana Mtwra, owslalnisg atost alty sarti and
ba.iii(abool aaa art. .lunl witb Biaall l.j I altoul oibiaos fool fniol bj furtj lb.1 la osl .
Ilooa. as laf oubla tboraaa araela HSriJhl r au l-ilaMoarlal.,-. aW4i-l.B.l lo.ra.
U r b "a "ut"' " "'J " fnV't w' "HS'S "t 'ba tillaa of U4tab.rW, Ur.ilo
Al. i, aa.rt.ia traot al Ian .llo,i. I, jorjan
" " I" x ho7 ra., aaoaa Ol Ml
Ha. a nh knob boit, oubla as
otn.r bbiuoiib(i tb.raaa orratoa, 'too. I.J
unlaw., noria paotis ro.l, Ball b.r U.ptltt
Ubanib, anoi by alla, bjr lot af jobs
Saas. kalio, l.H.a la oianolioa. aa uimll
si Iba proaanr ol 1. Sir.a
Aloa, a traot af Iaa4 illuala la N..
Iba Uloa Uoaaoll roa. bb boob Ia4 crtli a4 I
toaib b J. . Oill ta, Ba4 taunb a foiloa. i
LoaiBi.Boiqs al poat oorsar aa tb. 1JI.B Uoa
sail raa4, nibaaa oortb W 4roai ooat a lad u. .
poilttboaaa wniik .1 4.(roM ...I Is, rat to po,
Ihoaoa Bootb IS Oil., wi tt f,rt lo M, M
o-..oaiO, BuBtalBiiit ia.r. paroaot sod
otbor uapraitamoau tbaraoa. .nr4, ukoa la
Motion, aad lo as .al a. lbs r1.op.rt7 l f.,,,
. Also, a arrula lta.1 af I...I .lt..i. I. If IMt..
d.l. orsa(b, Clairtold souni., Kb., sa ooata
" safMr of Hood ro as a s-I.J. balai
loo loot inwi and lit M ,mi ,.. ,, 1',
U la ni aoraaat.aith , ibr,.,-,r boan.larM
rtora botiM asd ail naariurt oBllioildliif. ibaraoa
roota. Stiaod, Uko la .looo.l-.a, sad la ba
Ml BB tba ol Uoorjrs ala.r.
. wwib iraoi 01 ub 1 aM4.ta t Morria
loaamip, Ulaarbol oauat., fa., boot4a4 aa lb'
uvrtb b, lfu.1 baukarla. oaal k. jublia ruAd u
tbo.aoia a, ara. ud-.ll, i h
onouiiBiat Bail an ora,bariiialo-Blro Irsis
Sloo a lira ia M -rrl. loss.bla, b-taad -4 a
Ibo sank b. iatao. ar JawpB, aarf by
do.. 1;. Urianar andab.r., Mtb hy land ol Jnaa
rVisaaa aal by r. M -ts)., Bonlnuia abnat
ova BBadn aoro., Mors or -a.., aad bai.ig tws
oata boB4bl ( r, ai. I.IS, ! toast Bbirt.r oliarod, logom.f with a s-a.!! arob.r-l-.
ABIi-4t takiia ia .soostian. bb I tu bo sold a. lbs
iir-ipariy ol 1. U.lo and llan-l Ualo, trsdin. bb
Poio a t-'i.
TMisraLB-tb ill!
tk. uZ!'", ' " 'U' " '
-L. Ii1, J ' " ' ""
u u '"'T""'"'""""' ' Wl
II ba IrsMtaulypat.ap aad aai ..l. .1
ua atpMt li.l w, Barton w ws.aj
a.a uraoa o, aad wbo. ta b... bI La...... .1
lu.b ra 1., .b.ll masa loo tn. aaipa, -ad la
as l.lasw will la Uoad b. praaoatr IB Uosft
lor toarsiBtw u.a to aiaa.r M bmmIis
pt to ta. onfr.
atsipr Orsica, 1 atwtf,
Clor.i4, Iff, It-. l IIT4. ) .
Who'lalij that jkmi would
. . nopw vsari rstiwr tntn ts wnoitsau rotas com
mool told ? Thki wlH tali hew To d It
Tb vary lair, lacraaa. of our aJlaws tat t auks
You Can Save Enough
la Kola Sirft Oak Mall -
from mywhtn In ihli Cttinty I tht City of PhllsAttflil,
aad hvt a 4y f ilf ht-Mtlnf iMt.dii, Wtmunaktf II
Brown M4 by thia ataUintnt, ao4 m will
, , , you Bittr ena totals tt I
tht M N1 X They
0 lw
Far Km 4 tvvt.
mm be rt-til
' bums'
rvtiti). Wt brarfM ill-will u any
oViskn icil pxof gemia m comio Ti
r w art rMptmiiMe (ot ttkl. t)
tht rifkt nmmut ol ibi attHiri
i given, thai
any warn,
alao, that ttto mommy wiil U aatd
iiha, for any naaon, lo return tht
tlMHy 'II PfW bav,n ior
aa. tfl. u tril oar tJjrna, canU,
vvara ia. j aHrrp Mranrm on ib itiiooi,
j fpHIS h
i rrHI at
Ptilladtlphla.hltalarft balldmif The al- of uv rdlrvary Mona.and It
oa iht Souih-MM ooratr a SIX . M-SIX1 H-SIXTH -11X1 H-HIXlH-ftlXlH
and Markot Wt.
lig ihclr
any oik
to the Eiprtaa Co. oa r4t d r
M ailowtd befura uavtria Whvrc .
marnxv and pay tb- pmnat b -
4W ym tnttr.
Xfjat aurfrtisfmnits.
Aurio.v- :" '
All riiiK ar Ittrtlir attad njtintt
nnrehiinK ur in any maantr Wtlllin with th
Ml minx pr.ip-rty, B(lw m th p mj.(, 1 .if K. Q
M'ile-nry, f llndy fowmhip. rfi 1 1 hiraaa. I
rl hirnM, I M-.l t. hri.llt. I oork H )tt ami
1itB-'-i, I cnpitosr.1, I 9int 1 u,i,, 1 hs,,,!,,!
iiire, I uhiin anl I btir, a tat ara pitr-i-hiirl
i? mam rili-HlT rtlo nn h -liv uf
Itot aoil ia jft )t!i bloj o l.qiii)r,
uh..T lit toy nritr i any (tia-!. I. II. KI.LH.
Ru aKtnmr, Uti. .. IH7A-.K.
i.tat of jHrofri jrawn Ur Jan-ttrf Tra. A.
D. H7t, romui acttif on th- ttal Monday,
fltttb; ani uuimt w.i kil
VI&Vi U'MOft..
Ui. 8h,w, Olwrlold J.J. !tayd r. Chan
Wm.KtJbi.aK4, " 10. O.Haiti. Diuur
Jno. I'.ii in, Cr'iilU J. C. Fjrimon. Par'a.a
Uoub iliLtr, ij. C. rtimlli. t;-.h-fi
R A ''mihWI.OaruotaiB.D.Sth-Mnoror.tlr'h'm
fliiii;. 11 u, kc4ri. J. B. n .li,H
John r' l.f. IUII Ch. K bikor. Uutaa
John Ci-nry, , . P f-nji'Cta al U.kef. Kn.v
K. H. Mnral, ' ll. M trkit, t aw ron.
D. Httturt. Brliurd frxUb HanAo-k
J. U Kinu, BraJyJ. J. ll.vtr, Morria
J. A- "vvra, Baruaiio'Z. llArtilitra. Pikt
iRATcnse jm im nttr wia.
8. Bvfi, Bboeria!Prtd. flhaw, tlanbtn
A. H. U'atbbam, ll-iggi
Andrew ri.nral, flfahma
1 A. H..U, Ura4iwra
J .bob Kintibart,
ft. VV UoaLtel,
J. Kftw, trvtiwol
Jai.tb timttr, Unlink
Jawkaos Mrtra, ilj-wa
A. I. Ilijkook, Kt3i
A. P. Moore, Lawranjo
Kob't ttwhual, "
Le-indor Un.ini.
" altr Snirty,
0 vv
lUmArt Vlimn,
(.'hriat. Km it i, Urmdy
(Itaiy tJmi-r "
Jav, Jd'Mirt, naraitli
fboi Mithill,
M. U',
J. K. MrKea, , Choatj Androw Woru, I. City
Joua(hii fry, Un. U. Luiat, M irria
Jita. Htiiar CoTlugton' Joo. D. Mitlt-r. Naobura-
tlMrnrld, II. C. P-trfc. Utola
8iUi Ctray,
KtcbtrJ livii.
Harry Hoa, -A.
11. V. Sgt
ftbnvr tlirus. Far kb 4 n
Ws. T. t. uov,
laoi. u.oois,
tasi. J. Saaitit,
W. hi. Htadtrtou,
Jaaaaa Li Itek,
Kli-ha I .ia, Pna
f. hvatiamgor, Ulr-ird1 Jiba Wrllv,
Wm. r Wiiaofl, Uoslivn tl. U. Bali
it. P. Kkgal, IU. kopbart, Uvsu.wuJ
arotifa vckkc thihb mtxtur, I7ra
II. II. UriiTbt. UtvcariaJ
P. Hprtnkla, Cat'iTitW
ti, riiuiaa, lii
k. f. Kiouii, fl! hi i in
IfOt i Hnotuw if, UuaTt
vVia. oH-iliarnia, Urmly
A . J. utatguw. USItoh
W. U. WbitoaidM.
Uaaa Bltam, Jordan
Jot, Krba.d, Kiui
Jaral Bloom,
3aia i ri. M .li, Uorati JtUajuw Bir, Lawr
Joaa iuri.
Kpnra-m Ahaw,
I MUM 11 L,
iltary ifttiltoa,
ltvid (Jrav,
imjlia Carry,
Mariua tarry,
.iircl (va,
t. A. tivMH, CaOrQrjia
rVia. tlurguta, .- (
i, H. dujw. "
.tarb KyWr, Morrii
A. . Ui4htrt(
tft-nl Chauoa,
J. P. Hamman, OoooU
Ab'm rtnydtr, Pikt
S. K, Arnj,J, Car'ivilit
Wot. L- Uli
J. Utadirin, VTooJw'd
whs ran a notick.-
a.iico ia ucrouy gives tbat tht Mlnwinc me
jount natt boos einiinjd nd pawd by bm. aad
-ttaam ttii-J nf record ib this odito lor tha 1b
tpvot mn -f Uoir, Irgotoci, ervdilora, and all o thtrt
iMl-irfa o-l, A il-1 will bo prowBtvd to tht Bolt Or
whaiia' Court at Clvarlleld ooonty, to ba hold at tht
Uotirl lloiuo, in iht horouifh ol Cltardold. ova
inoixring on tbt Id tlon Uy (htiing tht IVtkday)
f'arfiai tcnaat -if J. f. Otlt, A 1 stntHrator of
tn ra ali ol Jeul. tia, lte af Uradjp tatra
htp, Cloiru d oonnty. Pa., di 4.
Houotid i4'ttal ajosaitdf Jtis a ,. arty, tarrir
Ug Ktotitur o tba laal will aa 1 tottmnt ot
Ko sort B. tltarty. Uit o:' tiwtilji.
CitMrittld o4niy, P., diJ'itji.
Partial am tuat ol Kll;h tibtaf,dt?r, Ad niult-
trator of tht aitaM ul P.'trr A.hant't-r, lata af
or i.v inwua up. ..airaai, o maty, Pu. 4m 4.
Partial tow.nt .H K-iboetaJ. Una, A lm.ati.ra
trtx of iht oaiala Willia a Halt, lata of .
rcairt tjwauip, "loa-lild anin(T, P doo'd
Awin it or Jub W Wnlvy, Aituintitrator ol
thoatMtof Jaiqui blonloa, lata of Cw4rlold
bttTuuti, Cioarkold aMaty, Pa, dar'd.
Pint! auat of Jjtu C. Canr, A luiaUtratir
ol tat mum of l'r M. watb, Uto of Bali
township, ClaarBvId toualv. P.. dot d.
lluardian naajunt of Joint t tl. Taraer, taatrlUs
ot ntuuy (total an I AmiUx deU, mm ir thic
drr-n ,f (i.rgi ti. mn l.lo of Jpalfrd
ttiMnl.ii,. CU-anlf 1,1 tMiuotv. Ia..ilafld.
Pinal of John A. AajKiorBaa, Uuardiaa
nf J .no tlati'lvraMiB.
Parti..l atbint ul rijimr, 0nfJi4n of Mt Ha
Part t tl Hi-nuot of fliiBs, OntrdUn of Hn in Urn
dtM' it.
P.iiinl aj.snl of Kama. Gsai-IUs nf Aimi-I
Hn itraon.
D uiWr i: tC Kt-jittar Hmtr.l.
SheriiTs Sale.
f arlts ol arf 'arln.. Una
101 Of tS'
ba Oaart at O.aawa flaw of Claar-
l.i ouusir. aa ta aa olrooto, Uara Mil aa
i.o..J to PHULIO sL. at tbo Cart Maa.a,
IS Ibo bunKb at, a M .0 ijj, Mo
loibil.o of Jiry, Is7, at I a.loab, p si.. roM a.l.ta, IB WU
A a.rt.iia i , ...... rH-. : - l
"tao.Mip, .irro.ia aounl. ra.. B.m I
lt nua ia tbo maral ,i.i of .si .ih
ssrt af
No. s .n i u boaa-ia a. I 4.,arlbo-l as loliua. .
.iuoiit at a a tit oa Mtia .irool. lb.Boo bv lot
Mo. In V.111 bunroil aVj oisbt tout to a D-i.t al
Orsno .ll.y, tb.s.a It) a.ij alloy Cat to
s mi. tn.o.ia h. roiijao of lot No.
dro4 .ml oiglity root 10 a p ul bj awia Mrool, by tiaia iw 1 rlw af BofiaoU,
S.HI-.I, I ik.un tn biitfiatiua. and IB It, .old a. tbo
prii,oiv ! Li g. M. Hoary.
Alio, ail lb .1 oorlaia boll-llnn allb lot aad
sunoi.o appKi-aaat tborota, BttaatB ia Ibo bar
ou.b -tl .11.1-10U.B, t'totrSold ousaiy, fss a.,
b.uaa th. Uoit-4 tf ..tbroa Cnarob. Bad oolQ4
a fisiu. l.-ri j oy Iliy foot Is i u aa4 aihiaa
Im ib b.l.Bl. . ltd, taboo la oiaoqlioa bb4 la
00 il4 a. lb. proriorty af ll. UBr.liaa af ta.
1 our I Uroib'-ro i;mtb at Wa lioiii, oaa.ra,
.01 tfd. Il-ibiaoo, U. I. TsiBar, I, li. Uothrto,
and tl. A Suiibib.I, rraatooa an4 oeBtraot-iro.
Al.o. a oartaia to-,t try ulaas boara. It by IS
taof i an., ajita uiniau .vtry aadoraotib, U
.tbuf s-iia bit sad .aruUna BitporlBsitt laare
to. al.' in tbo TllUfo ol S.orliotf. Wodoard
loau.b.p, -ia lot No. SI, fronting aa Ooal llraat
IS loot ntit'iia oat I A toai u otnua allsy
and bo ua I -J out oy hit Bl KliubttQ a I.l. -Boitoilt
t.H.a lo oioosumii, at4 to at 1014 aa Ibo
prop.i-iy .11 n m.
ai.ii, a oiir.aia laja-dmry franta 4olllif bo.B
na lutai.oil tolsa Biionoiiaut tnoroi-i, itts
11 is Ih. b-truo.u ul vYnilauatoa. CiMrdoll
anty, 1., ,ilt. ua tbo uortll lido af tlraa-a
lro.1 ant .o.i.o lot Ni. lo, ! s win
ol MfiiKmB Sjal aad 4biui ol Ibilty fool. ..
1.4, ia oioou-iaa. aai to ua aol4 al ta.
propuriy ai K I II ,a.u ia..u
Alao, -a ri-ttu tavalory lraut 4allin4 hnas
wilb l-l . I vurtal.40 atitorta-i lat tbtrat.t aito-Btoiaiili-a
II ip.t anoBiy, fi., ti I
busao itoiiig li ) li luoi is ini,oa 11. 44 lot
list. If inliiif i -Mbib atraotaad ruaaia oal I
tbtl1i-a ll.iitu BBS SUMariil inrBuiito. ooilo l.
Ulan is oiMouotta J ta as laid aa tba arvpriy
Hi f K-"i
I Ton. a.ta.-Tbs priM or ... at .l.b
I lb. pr..siy .ball ha sirs. o ato.l ka m4 a
I in. of or ) .ikor ir
,.4, ., .. .,,,, ..,.,, f,f
, 1. B,,l t, h.4M,h.i. mi M4 m ... t
lb. ,ti- a.a aud rub al iba tsr.aa i ojbist it
.irsot o. a4 "a-., i o.-a ol 4".l-s at
nob ra-.ila. .ball aaba ao4 tbal.aio, as4 la
taataaas 111 tbo Uasj ba praBoMo I Uort
lor aoBBraoilo aalaa tho ajB.f t. aalsBitl
M ta tu aawif . .. Mcl'UHQ.V, '
aaaasrr's , I I bull.
lit) to t Mica CWthlng u City
mrt f wKt wt td) naaaiffacturt mm
nmt el Uvea, la our mm buildiBf .
f well cul.MWvd airi finbaivcdl 1 ksrv
usm. biotckMpcn out off llft city
u. drhra iltry My ihe tell owr Otk.
W wkvittmk, but Con Am aunolvaa to
om, ut tttiH thi only hnui loan
tn om Hou. Ta Ji of our cuiUoaw
- . i;it M u by oat pUa ai Tifhsrtttf
m hmt fuoiii, m am can bt Hike, aa ta
t,rfe? ia Ai r.fjvrM aad mtkinfff. Tm
tut.! ps iquiiniaiiics wa inaajm.
IV .Ol4s. .nil CfHiDlrV MnuU abiMlsJ
with e. h told, a Onsrmmtft
tKc Hr ksi low at II can be bouffet
hm in at in attain y (a a rrmsfMaj
buck Ia Uiii, it utdwacr wiihut 14 tlayi
ln.fKrtaM indrvd, Wcaiiaw,mbrfnaplt(
litowcrtaM indrtd
la fhiUiWphia, mu.
HIWlMtilta. aVwd
a '
attB Mranmn on lb Mr, a-afi flt dsretii
J about whtrt tht K- ia, o (hat ihy way mII tbtir
ooantcrffil rvi'j Thisw la tut O.L M.n L.
rt tha i
t ihe ai
attsfl rtTt f mati-rlal and prSct by
mat) wh'-a nttitMt':. rr"f can hav
marie-un'Ja arol br Einmi hw aendL
RHaoiK im iHtTita jy diiwcttoot thai
cm) iBt.-acrr by, rui-J irrinc rcinr
B.B..I r-... A. A 1 L-T ..J-
- 1". aj-' iht ptftv Ut of ri mhhm iben.
- rM M bu .,u a. iku
': t . Iilarl-lpSia
-J'rt-t ialiat -Biian il T. i.a.
frgat (U'frtlSfinfiits.
Sheriff's Sale.
T'.y lrtno r londry wHU af AVrf ? 4
out t tbt Otnrt of Cummin P t tr
Hld ttonnty, an ! to mi diroitt I, ih -ri will Is
np'M lo pnMt tali, at thiO.m-t II .io. fa h
Ibortmh of Ol-ifil I. nn Vt-t ttr, tn ) d j$v
r Jno 1 try, HT, at I n'Urk p. m.: tha f.
lowiaf IrtiriHi l r l art it-, to wit:
A'l tht im-it of R. J. M-IIj id. r btinj on,
half Ut.rt't. in tbt f i!iwinf p'Ufwriy .,t M
( TI.HI4 01 iMaiviiM, nrt.iy iiiwutb p, Clotr
I tteld emniT, IV. H.f.U a dl wri- at fi.
! luwa : Pr-mfini If1 feat ua Piiiaanr jt ...
' LjtlsirtHarf nil, tw h und rH au I ti
la.t dwp to Hn all nr. brniltl an 'h'Birth
by Un. 4-S-k, 1 1-4 St.'i IJ ani 14. mth by
n..w Janaib li jot, ir , lot No. lit. hvin i.rrnitd
tb rooa a lw -ai r fraatboutr, a c-m.i w,n N(
otttr, an I i'har asiitry atttoiiid a;i. (mt m
St i to I. Ukoa ia ot-wiitmn, i j V
tfl-l ai th prip-r'v of It J Mi lenlrr.
A' in, thi f rllowin rril atat' of O. ft ndant,
fitiiiU la tht birmb of flnmrtdf, ont n nf
fMttad bilti No. I IH jp-r aid plan of aatd
borOdt(h. bet.i itt bv I HO ft-t, with a tv. alary
framt itora bin, it hy 24 loot, wim wart room
aitabo-l, han led follow i. ru : Oj t by
H. Pat 'hia, sa ibt by tnaia rtrtrt, a .rtb ,
H. Pat ok m. R'tntb by lot of i am irl ttol.
td, takaa In attrtiliva. aa I U a It,u , t(M
(,Mft-rtT of Un l Vthtf-y.
Alio, tht rillfioin'dijrib'l rilrut lljtt
tntbofilUft of Kjiatarf tr, Cl.-irfti I v itiniy.
Pi., rit: Tlitt etrtaia lot uf i rnitin(
ttt as mils atrt.'t. HiiTtdl ni tl, n. by
Cliaton allay . t4i vVstat by Hiiu rMter, a tbt
uth by lot If j. Itl, aaiatf lid Uti (cm n, .sfl
fetdeep,ol hsVtn; thtrt ia a x't t s-ltor
framt huutt, 16 by it fott, with I an i -1-
bv IA ftMt. Alto a I tab it ab It M It faot.
aid a (io4 IjwU( ptimpoa tht pr nitt. H.
t it taits in oitttti in. as 1 ti bi oil at th .
pmpttrty of J ba Rl.
Alio, tit followlac rail O'ttt , J-i ft ,
tioata in II II tuwAibip. sl .r4-ii I e , 1 1 y p
eonuminf abrit forty f toir a v.i, T.f- Hfrm-
aeroi eitaraa, am btria a !! pUit bu,
l iUbla,and other aaton Id n ft thtM.i.'i i.i
od aad dtierioal at ftil'iwt : Ua tiit r, ,i '
of A. Nikd-ni( wtt by JiVtn rt al,
voathfby Wo'iltoa ani norm ky J . M tJm
doised, ukn in tiHi.ini, n-i 1 t bt an I 1 1 ti
pmporty af Jaoob Hik.
Attn, ost Una lat mtaiU tn taa birn of
U tatsUlt laid tut btioti N i. 3t In pi t ol aald
borttb, a&i bavm roeW4 thtrra a ti iury
framt dnvllmi boiiit. boon Ul ttit hr iliar4
tltrat, wt't ky Maplt allay, anrth y i.iiii uroot
and toB'b by lotof W a. Parfetr. it nr , ul-
is oaaeat'oa, aa. u bo Mid at tn pr.iptrtv a.;
Jamti Hatty. . C P 7
Alio, tht following real tttn ittati- ib )f-w
Wa-hiBfton, Okartild oonniy, Pa, ri; !,.( flt
by JOB loot, with lari I j.itory L haai. mll
auhla and olhar aatbkiildinita, bw't Ua ttMt by
lot of Kid llt t titata. woti by townvhip nad and
., bi y airty aninir:a or i
irrvoi. rtiio i, mkob m tftoontioii, and
la ba
toi l wa t prvpony of rbot. PatiUll.
Al a, aeartaia lot ia New Washington, Clanr.
tald aonatr, Pa., btmK da by 3X f, ,Ik a
loot lory framt bnuao, two-ttory fmiwo atldlor
tbap, nnd othrr watbiildtB(l, ha.lod mut h
a lit?, went by miia ttroat, aoth by J. It, Mo.
U array, aad north hy Htaamaa. 8Ud, ukva
jn viorution. and la W .hi aa tht property of
Win. W. Htnimjt
AUo, a eouaia twa lot lituatr in tho boroit'o
of Now V?iitiat ia, Claardtid painty, P.,
baaodad on tha wit by mi if H. W. !, M
tha watt by an allay, un tht th br mun Mrot
nod north by aa alloy, hoinf aJ f 200 u H sat
hariuf a lara twu-nary iramt boait wiu kltoa
ta nttatatl, at Bill nn i it iroiit utiltaa
tharoon. dttiod. tnkoi in iiiiitin, ai t u .
old at tht prpirty of J ihn X tlijty
AUo, a ttvtiuQ irtat f nl iit. ia itlum
ttiwoanip Cioarbitld a .an'.P., cmumiaf aboutt
otj(ht j aorts o I vtisidd aii 1 dtim.-.., f.
towt: nn tao nml by lot ol Ja: ib U.if r, aat
by laadaof Mihiui, wtit by UnUt' imi Ki. aoUittib By rfrio Urniiiko. Aami aiv
aorai ot' tnt U 1 1 ii iar4 and thj baiajtio in
woodunl, hivitii trftol tbtra.a a urii i.a
hunat, lug oara aad othor B0Mary outoutldia
and f-vJ y a on bard. ToMor,,ry uonn
of tbo boat Uu-Uioni m Ua tJony Mr Vmntry
hotol ttativd, laian ia titcuiian, md tm no told,
at tho profiart of Ua. A. Uliuti,
Alao, all U 'ftniant'aintorMt lu all tb.t arlt
traot ol land iitaatt id Kartbmj towotatp.Clonr
Mold CHtaoty, IV, b na4i nt loll iot : lijoftaainf
nt utwb ok oa Hi nan tat' lU'a unban.. n.
al ooratr of Uud Urmvrljr 4J4 ia P. A. ICart
bantpthtcMdosfjaaid rivoroy ltatattral owartot
tborvMl, til poroao tn awatU ptaa thowat don
wwnn i4 poronoa in a poilj Ihonaa dwo watt IM)
ptfvboa U a bio iry i tnonM 4m nna W portant
to plaot of ovutaibt(f, a-iauinin 71 aorvo nnd XI
ptrebot, rtforxiog. huwtvar.oai of nil iraiH i
aoroa, mirt orl.j -a,axld to W. d. itanaor.
Ahm, nil t MJW ajal n Mu tiai
oorlaia other trwt ot Und itiaatu ftirmrl in tha
ooaatiaial Oltariluldaitd Uyoumiti, HtfW iu Karl,
tuat towmhip, Crt4rhid Oiiiniy, p., livuadd
aaluiloaitt V:iV.J at a I.Hal? ui HVat
H'Meh of dm. bint tan. riroTiMiaav Jti uomsi
by th a urt l ia:d nvtr a-lu p ,,t r.irar
vittfi ttM aditUwtttl roruir of p S i
from tbt i4i I btfinlow da thv.ail r.v r tj tb
atvamt fur ibortjf 7tH n -rrnv iu a nuat
omar aa bmk ot tho rivei i Uotrat north
M dtfrtaa wan li ptr.'hti U p.Mt, uk.aj north
41 degree anal IJ pare net tu Mnpaowravr , tboB
outb jtidtpfrofa tait U porouta u utrua tiiratr
on bank at tbt nvtr , Uonoa down t.iti nrtr ay
tbt tovcral eonrwe tboraul 41 prMrj to a wmta
oak ; Ihunoo to (th .Id pareh Co a poat ooratr)
IBtntt tuuth 1W ptrebot u a pbtati tutooo wott
U prarsaai la white plant t.aic. pr.
ahoa to a ourner tbtate watb Jj Jnroot.
im j pomuoa w a ao-aio)B an i ptaja i ogin
a.njutaiainj .W anrai aad II. ix,.. u4
at. bia part wt pateou Nut. StUtiuid -it. i, (ten
utati uj pNtf ftiifl rnarun 7i aer-K
miiM ar kat, told to Pmacii M', ua, eit.
Alia, nil tbat mrUiA tuba imrm, ttjuajad aa
tht roaihti hy 4iuneli. noxin o, U. Alainaa
aad Priot' tp.Mn, oatt and aortb by Und da-
wuiniNian iaa narei, wore or ten, witht,
Ao., wnvisf oroetad merest.) two dweltm,
hra. aud oibvr aieaMAry aatbiuldiaici ; aitu. a
g-4 ambard, aud p4r. af tut Unrd
aeued, tanen in eieeotioa and to he ao.d at thn
property ol Hi vara Jtdtirroy.
Aieo, nil tbu nariatu mrtoUMOb taoeajut sa4
Uaet af load, titonta U Uwraiioo tawo
bip, Cloardold eoajs khv, hia ivd sn j dot
enaed a Miwaty to WU i aWgtaaiatf at etoaoa
by a hUck nal ua twwnaain rdi iooojo nbintf
tuld roat bj lHleusoonriM aad ditlMtai,
via; rwna it mfrmn Well ten ptretita, aatd
inidagrtot w.ittl IVpurubia, aorta drvne
at 44 porohet, aortb tM Uotfroaa weal w Mrrw
abet tavaM north do deraoa won u perttaH
norm or gifNi weK SI prva4, noru IU at
reti weal tf peithvi, aortB derate w-at 14
poroboi ta a want oat thaaoo or u4 oi J. W.
d.ati lima ti dtiiena wtt 41 pertuetw wait
pine mump vuoa Bwrta il rtojivot wott W
prbei tu wutti tbenoo auala hj uui wtaioaa
Moit We a 11 port baa to a poet ; ny land
ni Joan 4itanli toot t adi noatreot eat ti !
ptrtota lo tionoa t tbonaie by wtner Ua tt ol Jaa.
atiioaaii a or (9 4 dsovt aaai m portuot to a
puit ( ib4t aorta tt dogrooa an 2n peroow
MtplasieiH, abiuuiauif iU norriMd ',
I4J paranea. aad aiwnntt. ooi u4rl ot uw t
Urjtn trwu l land, wna nt Umm ttattodoa
a warrant ta tbo bama af Jra .esara, an4
grauUsi 0 tho Cowman wtnitn at PminvIVltIA
by pateai fronted on tun lltWyuI Ha), M I wtuwr traot vatntwd U do. IL jLiAiamanA
Jvittpa Miio a-lve-ia-ar in trait, b; pMtui damd
joia 01 jlay, ltl, iea meofd v4 d .iaao
tjH ajt ! ao.t ul tne Uid to.rcl, aad
iodar n (-tod atntt at ai iiri-aa, nnl oatitf
urtio liionow a ferfn au avum, a uf
btba bars, bjaa e.iti, and otaer UwMavary tat
bidini alio Moving a Urg ararmg erahard-
vi, uvH W Mf"'i"a i W h taiii at two
uHpertf of Jnulai Mitoii,
a) ssai ur a 1 ir.v
Iht profjert Hl be awW4 - bloat n pvd at
lit t,io ol - ataar arrnod"11114
i4't at iU tr approrod. otserwttt pH"
Sill a imtbspJiatJiy p! aid imd l
tut tienM ud rua ol tne j,trw t
atiouk vU and who, m o dttcvnj; at
hwt n aait. ahati mao f wd tn id" w
imttaat mil I be ino proaeaioa: va vo r-v
tlrnatUa plow tab tioMeffia rUnttv f4 bt
iht nbini, w. tn. runnf-v"!
waaairr'a OVrKn.
ClfMaaidj a Idea. 14, U74 .