Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 24, 1875, Image 2

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    She epttfr litan.
T'1' -il mmilr jtl r BttlV
TXr-. rr tl rne-T , ; ,-i-r t- -,-rrwI
Uaoaot B. Qoopundh, Editor.
Eudr, tf yoa Waal to know watt It going aa
la tha balloon world, yuet read osv aevertUiBg
eolamaa, tbt mohiI aolanlB la part too lor.
Must Go Ik. The Washington
i hromac says the Itepumicans nirjp
accept Grant for third term, or poiit
iral chaoa will be tho result. VII It
can't bo anv vom. r
Mark M. (Uriels 'i I'omeroy Pits gon
into bankruptcy. Hit creditors are
numerous and scattered throughout
the country. : Tbodobttatrfrrtigatoovei
H0,O0ttBtid thore art no assets.
Called. Wo uotioo that the Rev,
Mr. (ilendonning, of Jursoy City noto
riety, has accepted a call from the
congregation at Henry, III, and ii now
packing his traps to go Wont.: Wo ad
vine the congregation at that place to
"kcop a look out," because the clergy
man indicated belong in part to the
Heecher persuasion.
ltAMOAL Doixixks. Vf In Potter
county, whom the people have been
cnif over temperance ever iinee
1855, the Prohibition Inject received
only TWO votes, while tho "whisky
ring" candidate Tor Governor has a
largo majority. How is that for "pre
cept and practice ?" Is it not the same
game tho Hcribei and Pharisee- prac
ticed over eighteen hundred years ago T
(jIooino Back. In Massachusetts,
Ilico, the Radical candidate for Govern
or, bents Gnxton, Democrat, by only
5,27, while ho lacks 5,763 vote of
having a majority on tuo popular vote.
Tlmt is a little rough on the Plymouth
Hookers. This loyal and refined Com
monwealth has boon in the liabit of
giving from 50,000 to 80,000 Radical
majority for fifteen years past.
X Poor Sion. The Doylestown
Democrat says : '-The recent Republi
can victories do not appear to have
had a vory beneficial effect upon the
country. During tho past week there
woro ninotcon heavy fuiltiros in Boston
and 'ow England, and a number of
olhors in different parts of tho country.
Wo have been looking round for the re
nctioa promised us, but we have not
been able to see it even with the aid
of our fiold-glasscs. It is possible that
wo are near-sighted."
A Little CiiAiiorD. The lUdicy.l
journals, a low days after the recant
election, rcirtrkod : "Wisconsin lle
publicnn bv 50,000!" But the of leial
majorities are as follows :
Ladiogtoa. Renublloan, for 6overnar. St
Parker, Deatoorat, f"r Liealeonnt tlorernar,!,!.!;
lloyle, Domecrat,cereiary af ttate,621 KaehB.
Iifliaooral, far Trearerer, 2,804 ; Sloan, DaneeerBt.
for Attorney Ueneral, I, oil ; Searing, Uwnroerat.
for Superintendent of Pablia lajtraetiaa), 1,17.
Had tho Democrats nominated any
body clso than Taylor for Governor,
he would have been elected. Wiscon
sin may now bo set down as a Demo
cratic State.
Under tho provisions of the sew
Constitution, an entirely new Legisla
ture will be chosen in 1876. The Sena
tors chosen in 1873 will serve throe
years ; those chosen in 1874 will serve
two years, and thoso chosen in 1876
will sorvo one year. With the next
session ot tho Senate, therefore, the
terms of all tho Senators will expire,
and the election in 1870 will be for 201
members of the House, to serve lor
two years, and 50 members of the
Senato. The Senatorial districts are
numbered from 1 to 60, inclusive; those
chosen in 1876 from the even numbered
districts will sorvo two years, and those
from tho odd numbered districts for
four. At all elections subsequent to
1870, Senators will be chosen for four
- .
Tm Third Tibm Move. The last
issae of Forney's Sunday Chronicle has
a long article declaring that Grant is
Ihe only man in the country who can
aavo the Republican party, and favor
ing him for a third term. It basis its
hopes upon a statement which it makes,
nnd which decidedly squints at the
now and groundless issuo which is to
be forced by tho Republicans upon the
country. It says: "Governor Hayes,
after the campaign was over In Ohio,
otatcd in the Executive Mansion, In
Ilarrisbnrg, Pa., while a guost of Gov.
II art ran ft, that tho educational que j
tiou bad given tho Republicans the
victory in tho Buckeye State. It was
Orant who made that question a Re
publican Issuo, in a speech delivered
a few weeks previous to the Ohio
election." '
"The Gofcrnmcnt" Is now shut up
at Washington for onoe.ln six months,
engaged en the annual Message.
Tho Philadelphia Tina, in alluding
to tho document, says : It is "given
out" by a Washington correspondent
of the Chicago Timet that Henator
Moitun is in Washington hard at work
maanboturing anfi-Popery thunder for
the President's forth-coming Messag.
The wUy Senator thinks he sees a
voritablo bonanza for tho Ropubllcan
party iu this newly-hutched bugaboo,
and is scouring -the Congressional Li
brary to obtain old Vatican decrees
and othor theological lumber of like
irrelevancy to American political af
fair. "No one need be surprised," the
drtreatiotident says, "at the President
d'mpUiying in unusual amount of eme
tine, on the subject of the Catholic
Church," tinea Morton Is cramming on
the subject sua! will duly prime blm,
so that tlie Message shad speak "with
no uncertain sound." - For ths rest it
is stated that the Message, while mak
ing no allusion to the possibility ot war,
will urge the recognition or the Dellig. rights ot the Cubans, Md have
much to say ahoot the virtues of hard
money.' .Those arc probably only
shrewd guesses of a man on the ground,
except as to the Indiana Senator and
his pious researrftei In aoett of a new
and available issue upon which to con
duct ,the next Presidential, canvass.
There Is ao doubt thai Morton diltt-asts
. the further -efficacy ef (he '"Moody
nPhirt," and is preparing fbf a vigorous
. juwault upon the Pope's toe.
ua iijHax VOMPAN 7.
It seems that an oUet tvfrthward
for our great coal prnduoVi is about
being consummate A dlrtet ralfeoatl
from tlm f 'lu.ruu i Via
fr awn luaviwiB eoau
basins to MufW x. V, fi, lone been
oontemplaatd'kaa Wbrt, rivalry J
nd Jealous)- tat broavM abort defeat
to all attempts In thai direotioa. But
now aooordiay to eotrsspoadent of
uo si. ary s Vmetu, all difficulties
-avt .beta :vtoM Thi Wtltr
svldsatly baa aad aa inside view of
matters, and details them as follows :
"Tour readers tare MU 'aware tUt
for a number of years different Darties
hay boon agitating the question of,
bu ilding a railroad Iron the coal fields
f Elk onanty to some point on ths
lanes. Having tbis object in view,
various charters were obtained, grant
ing to several distinct corporations am
ple power to bsild along the proposed
routes, and strenuous efforts have boon
made, from time to time, to secure the
lunds necessary to carry on the work,'
but hitherto they have only resulted
in the periodical appearance of a corps
of engineers, and much oooseqsent
talk. The citizens of Klk county will
bo glad to learn that the time baa at
length arrived when this aubieot is as
suming a tangible, reliable shape. A
consolidation has recently boon effected,
whoroby the property and franchises
of a number of , these companies are
iwueu logemer, uui Harmonising
many conuioung interests, and Diacm
the wholo matter on a good, soli
foundation, ,
"The cousolidatod company will be
known as The Pennsylvania and Krie
Coal and Railway Company. The
pnncipal companies merged in it are
lbs Buffalo, Bradford and Pittsburgh
Railway Company : ths Buffalo. Ro-
cbeetorand Pittsburgh Company (form
erly the Elk A M'Kean Company); the
Dsgiisoahonda Improvement. Compa
ny ; the Brbndy Camp Railroad Com
pany; the Northwestern Mining and
Exchange Company, of Erie, and the
interests known is the Shawmut
ProP?rty. ,
"The, consolidated company thus
comes into possession of property form
erly belonging to the various compa
nies, as follows :
"The Buffalo, Bradford and Pitts
burgh Railway Company 261 miles
ol rood, built and running, eight miles
of grading, two engines, a number of
cars, and aboot 8,001 acres ot coal,
timber and oil lands.
"The Dairuscahaiida Com nan Ive
miies oi railroad aom, and about 1,000
acres of very valuable coal lands.
"The Northwestern Mining and Ex
change Company about 25.000 anres
oi mineral and timber lands.
"The Bhawmot property- about
6,000 ticres of mineral and timber lands,
16 miles of railway built, two engines,
and a lot of cars, telegraph line, c.
"It is confidently expected that this
property will flu-men sach amuK
security that the company will expcii
once no difficnty in obtaining money,
even In the present hard times.
"Arrangements have already been
nearly completed forasufficientainoont
of Pioney to extend the Buffalo, Brad
ford and Pittsburgh road to a road to
. point on the P. A E. road, at Wilcox
or Jobnsonbarg, and as soon aa tbese
arrangements are compietea (prooaciy
within a few days'), tho location of that
portion ot the route win be mado, and
the construction bo immediately berun.
When finished, the roennany will be
enabled to deliver coal from varioaa
points to Carrolton, on the Krie Rail
way. i
"The officers of the crmpany are as
follows: President Col. it. . teb-
bins: Vice President A. A. Marsh:
Secretary C. II Dewing ; Treasurer
A. Mc Kinney; General Superintendent
n n I.- -1 .i r xr ? - u m
v. it. utnoj , yniei jsogioeer a. a.
"It is currently reported that ths
contract for grading ibis part of ths
road has been awarded to Messrs. Wil
cox and Murphy, but this is likely incor
rect, as the board of Directors have
decided, before anything else is done,
to have Mr. St. John and Col. P. Jar
rett go over the trroond and select some
one ot tne many lines that have been
"The recent development of oil terri
tory in M ann county, along the line
of the Buffalo. Bradford and Pittsburgh
Railway, promises to still farther in
sure tho success of this project Dur
ing the past four weeks a number of
wens nave been pat down, ranging In
productive capacity from thirty to one
The development, in the trial of the New jvmsy llul jn,t Ul,r
Internal Revenue frauds shows oonclu-1 looth Legislature,
slvely that the Whisky ,Rlna;.lai de- jt ,, ,0 u.u Uw lml(lh ,
frau(dthe XjWj ojl of mill! taa Isfsh Wll Weigh hy bsikliigthu scales.
Df diJlars, ant JaUy,,lnt 1870. T.t, M JrUtn L buViittll'l.r no Imi.i-
notaae pf tW( rofp -gaged in fe beror-reatifisM.rriilnt winter in
1 W if
basiess Us frthv xine oent utLeas
JiaDOoek,urant' pnvata seoreUry,
proves an exoeptjion. But then hs has
had hhj fingers la so maay Jobs, he
Jioald be rich aa the world hat It
'The Philadelphia TVmoi, in rsfsrrlng
to thett fraadt, says
When la that "lattar alonaH 'Rah' '
h wot Id appear from the testimony of
tne witnesses in tne trial oinouonald.
hundred and fifty barrels per day
"The people of 8L Mary 's will proba
bly be disappointed to learn that the
line upon which this oosapauy proposes
to build will not touch their town, it
is their misfortaae to be located on a
summit and as there is ao immediate
prospect of tboir EOttuir the oountv
seal removed to that place, they had
hotter bestir themselves, se that they
may reap a part of the benefit to be
derived lrom tbis northern oatlet. Il
tbt mountain does not come to Ma
homet' it will be an easy matter to
raise sufficient funds to build the six
ot seven miles ol road neoessary to give
mom a connection witta this uae.
Tbis lino of road whea beitt will tap
the Low Grade road at the mouth of
Falls Creek, in this county, two milos
below Rnmbarger, or Da Bois Station,
whenos it will go to where the best
coal can be found.
TbiCurtik lUisan-The Bellefonte
Watchman, in speaking of the recent
election, says : "The Radical papers
cannot get over the fact that Bellefonte,
'ths home of Governor Cartin,' gave
Pershing a majority of 15, a Democratic
gain over Hartranft's former election
of 129, and that the county showt a
Deraocratio gain ol 984 over the eleo-
tioa of 1872. Thoso figures seem to
worry them amaiingly,' and the fact
that the change of public sentiment
occurred at 'Gov. Cartin's boms,' is the
bitterest pill they find in the box. All
manner of excuses and explanations
are made for the woeful defeat Sus
tained by the Radicals In this county
at tbt late election, all trying to show
that Governor Curtin or hit lalatnot
had nothing to do with It Mow, we
do not know that Gov. Curtin or hit
influsnct alone that mado ths change
in fact, wt know they havt not, bat
when tbt Radical papers took to mood
paint three yean ago to herald Hart
ranft's majority of 114 In this borough,
as coming from tbt 'horns of Governor
Cartin,' they shouldn't be to toaohy
about giving tbt result thie Fall at
'hit home.' Things art hot at they
used to was hereabouts.'
A Eian or Sodom. Moody and Ban
key have abandoned thetity of Church
et Brooklyn. Plymouth is too old
for them. They have oommiassd
business in Philadelphia, where tea
thenisnd persons wtrt anablt to Cain
adtektanoa on Banday last, aad ttoed
la tbt rain ta the streets for two hoars
expecting to gain admittance, bat
1 Hon. Henry Wilson, Vice Prestdwnt
of the United Stales, died suddenly at
Waabimrifin. on Monday auraint.
November Z2u, H atu past
o'clock. He had been S
time, bat tt-wa twant
proving, and hit death wat very an
expected. He was In the etta year
oi bis age.
now oaBteningJo its conclusion in the
United Htates Distriet Court at St
Louis, that Joyoe ased to carry the
letter aroand ia his pocket to eoavinoe
the dtstillera that U m perfectly safe
tor mem to manttaetare tne "oreoked,
providing they came down liberally
with oash for the etmpaiga,' Just
what Joyce need to say was, according
in one wiunse oenoa v. inorp, a
United States storekeeper, "the lolks
a Washington want money and must
have it," aad the' "fbiks,''. specifying
MoeocK, Avery ana otners, would se
thst they weren't interfered with,
Mow, did Baboock really write the
letter which these witnesses have testi
fied ta having read, or was It a clever
invention of the Ring to quiet the dii
tillers? If it was a - forgery, why
shoe Id the fling select Habcock an
honorable man, my lord I for the vic
tim t And tf it was a genuine docu
ment, what haa become of It T There
are rumors that Baboock will be called
to the ataad. Wo hupo they will be
verified, for that letter, nnlesss success
fully impeached, is enough to fix the
neadtjoaruirs ot the King within the
King at tne Vblto House itself.
A Mistaki SoauwHxai. The ed
tor of the Johnstown Democrat got tbis
off last week : "God bices us, but the
timet art lively since tho election, and
how gold and silver tlocs circulate
aroand among the people. We never
did think that epeclo would be so
plenty, and particularly right after the
triumph of the Republicans. But tbat
shown how short-sighted we were, and
bow little we know about anything.
Now. sinco tlio mills and furnacos and
machine shops and forgot and rolling
mills and factories and workshops have
started up again all over the State, and
gold and silver ban become so plenty
tbat men, ' formerly so poor that they
had to lean against the fenco to stand
op, are now going around with their
pocket full of specie and living like
lords, we wonder how we ever could
have been greenback men or advo
cated tbat plank in the Erie platform
The change from poverty to wealth it
as snddn as It ia astonishing, isn't it ?"
Hon. Orvis 8. Ferry, U. 8. Senator
from Connecticut, died at his home in
Korwalk, on Sunday last the 21t Inst,
lie was elected to the IT. S. Senate as a
Republican, and took his (teat March
4th, 1867, was re-elocted in 1872, and
his term of service would have expired
in narcn ibv:i. jte was in the t3d
year of his age,
The Hon. M. C. Kerr, of the State
of Indiana, prominently mentioned for
the next Speaker of the United States
noose of Representatives, was born in
Tituaville, in this State.and is a brother
of CoL James sL Kerr, of Pittebnrg.
A Fiat Some inoondiary fired the
driving park atablea at Harriebarg on
Saturday night and together with the
buildinga burned up eleven valuable
BaiDotBuaato. The Market street
bridge across tbt Schuylkill river in
fbiladelphia was burned last Hatardav
A gas main was being laid across it
and one ef the workmen took a lighted
match to find a leak which had been
notioed for tome days, when the eas
expioaea, setting are to the structure,
and in three-quarters of an hoar it fell
into the river. The bridge led directly
to the Pennsylvania Railroad depot,
and the company ased it in brinuine
cart ta the large commission houses on
ths eastern tide of the river. It also
afforded aooett to one ot their largest
freight depots. - The struotore was
valued at about five hundred thous
and dollars, and was insured for t
small amount of money. : On account
of the great lost the burning of the
onage win cause to merchant in de
laying their goods and impeding travel,
Mayer Htokley has called a consulta
tion of engineers for to-morrow, and a
special meeting of the City Council for
Monday, to take into consideration
meaaarei for immediately rebuilding
the bridge. It wat erected in 180M
and the original piers and woodwork
remained up to to-day, exeept to much
as wat changed by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, who rebuilt the
structure about fifteen years since to
accommodate their heavy cars.
Goito roa rat Jswsu.. Says
special dispatch from Washington to
the Baltimore Sun : "It haa oome out
tbat four persons are anxious to secure
tne removal or r'oalmaster General
Jewell. They are Senator Hpencor.ot
Alabama ; Boat Shepherd, of thit Dis
trict ; Postmaster Burt, of Boston, and
General Batter. Spencer h said to be
revengeful because of Jewell's prosecu
tion of some of his friends in Alabama
aad other States. Shepherd is opposing
Jewell beeasse be does not like him.
and because be ia too independent of
Sirty conventionalities. Postmaster
art for reasons bust known to him
sttf ; and General Butter, so Car at can
be ascertained, from tbs principle of
-general ousscaness.- II is Detteved to
be certain that these four persons are
using their infiaenoe, either individu
ally or conjointly, to drive Gov. Jewell
from the Cabinet The beast bat been
publicly made here withm two days
teat jeweu would beoompslled to leave
waea ate report was flashed. Mil re
port was handed ta the President
to-day." .. .-. !...
Alios Kramer, of Aarombur?
(Centra coaaty), who hat beesspeecL-
lees lor nearly two years, wat in tht
moaataina nortk of that shna with
several ef her brothers a law weeks
ago, and ia waadtring through the
thickets was separated from the rett
of the party and got lost At soon at
r absence was discovered they began
call, expecting bar to whittle (the
inner ia which tht ased to renlvl.
us ia piace of a wtietle taey heard a
voice away oft tsllina? them it was her I
Thsy would aot ro back, ss tbev
taoaght W wat tome parson trying to
loot mem. r uiaiir the voice plead
for them to cotes aack. Tbty com
plied, aad Imagine their astonishment
whea they oamt back they found their
sitter with , her power of speech re
stored, fibt related that ia stooping,
something aad cot into her throat
which almost choked he, whsa violent
vomiting took place aad ia a few mo
ments the ejected 6-om her throat a
earUlagiBoat tabt about lour inches ia
astigth aadrttembliag a toraped lutes-
tint. Hisot) this Mraagt occurence
teosj ataee she enjoin aerfect oontro)
ever hsi total orgats, i Crafrt Reporter,
I'tfll.AIIKLHUA, Jov. 20, 1876.
Tbeiiulossal slutun, Dirmoutilliig the
Art Uilltry Building 4f which I mado
moutlon two weeks ugi hatundtrgont
somt improvtnieiits. Tht sUillt was
a ropressnution of tu Indian njuaw,
with a ftathtred hcal-dn of tslo
plumot, and habited It a pluback skirt
oi uis iireseui lasnion as slit wat a
subject lur universal rlcloulo, tlit artist,
Four lypiiul cunes ol Republican
fraud and peculation are just now
piiiiuinuiitly btilimi tlm pulilie-tlio
Clews-Cheovor. vu, tbet. Xouis
whl.lcv fi-niidt. tit Krouiliflu'e ntiuilrl
awlmlie, amriiliu r-iMdmit ' BuruuM
Iruuds. 'Ilia dutlouiiiuiitC in t
oven If previuut investigations by Con
CanaJa. I I J , fr I !
Tbeumot mlraoles. -A Now York
policeman has boen converted by Moody
' , . ,lM'-,iIullsr.aGrinal,hasoauaedher!gi-oshadiiotrovealedalongsi-iiof
Iht unoceiiot c.1 ' tliointmihorsofifeutherito be cboppel off, and wliat jolber and equally astounding raacall-
.u ......j .... ,u... ,., aiuunsf iatetu.tas,APmiW Taking the casus ws have par.
unjunu prwji. 0( Columbia." by a ridiiulout oomblna- lieulurly specified lu their order, we
roeonomas anv tns uouuuss or propose lrom time to timt to sa
uiuuriy, ueoomes tiy una tranatorma
tiiSi,, liarebcf ded, gi'l l)(t4ito tfiiocl.
i no question of avciininoiluting our
Visitors with bed and kmrcl Is still
iiniluterininvd one. 1
Herald lieliovet it to It impoeniblt for
me vititnrt to til flndacuonimodations
cuaos ouirliC to ootidumn ii tr nnlilii i'
. a: -- - ---- , r T--T---. I . . ' I. a , f T , : .
pariy, aim uiigii iioiiest d Uplct Will l vicu oi song vr.ii ot M vy,4f uuum tne
a adinliilatratlon of TSenerul rjrnntree)eaiiuip
A oo-oiMnillvs oompany for the
manuiaoture oi orooms it
in Oberlln, Ohio.
An international wrestling match
is now "proposed ail a fealnre Tit the
Centennial programme.
John Supper waa divorced from
his wife In Michingnn, last week. I hure, and 1 agree with that journal.
flow sue is Biipporless. iue iowobi osumate
, Tbs koel of an iinmeute doublo-
turreted monitor is being laidat lioooli's
shipyard, Vhosuir, j'n.
' Out of 202 members of the next
House ol Tteprusentatives, 18( have
never served in Congress before.
.' --The Pretliyterian Church has In
Philadelphia suventy-tlirce congrega
tions, with 2,720 communicants. ,
i Theodora Tilon'aloturein Chicago,
yielded 11,850.00 not profit The Chi.
cagoans never wore vory particular. ..
.' The SiK-ruUiry of tho Treasury has
issnod a call for the redemption of ton
millions of the Five-twenty bonds of
1864. ' ,: ;; , ., : ,.'....,; ,;.
The "Roman Limp" ia the latest
fashion. It is acquired bv wearing
short shoes and having the hoel blis
tered. , ,,!, ..
Considerable suffering is oxnectod
in Canada from the shutting down of
tne saw mills, and tlio aisctiargc ot the
A Massachusetts luunurecturins
firm is flllina an order from tho Turk
ish Government lor 200,000 angular
The presidinjr officer of tho next
Virginia House of Delegates, Mr. Ice,
is supposed to keep cool under nil Cir
cumstances, i- i
Spread of the' "American" Ian-
guago. A late number of the London
Spectator spesks of tlio Spanish "carpet-baggers"
in Cuba.
-At the Connecticut Htato Fair, it
was discovered that the barley winch
took the premium had boen swollen
unnaturally by soaking it.
M. M. Ii'Vcllo of Schuylkill coun
ty, has auod tho Philadelphia Timet
for IiIkjI, that paper having charged
nim with lending the Molly Magturrt.
Mr. Hon is nominated for oflice
out in Nevada. Tbt only objection
wo should hsve to him would bo his
disposition to bo always on the fenco.
ret made bv anv
one, oi. tut numner wlio will oome to
the Exhibition, from tuuitle this city,
is 8,000,000, or 20,000 persons for Oiuili
day tho -Kxhiliitloii is open .As it is
expected that oacli' person will remain
on an average at least three duyt, tiiit
would then require ti-oommodaiiont
for 60,000 people ; then again, 60,000
persons will b here .poriiitiientlv aa
exhibitors, workmen or clerks of those
having articles on exhibit, making in
all, 120,000 to provide with food and
lodging. i i., ...
To moot this ijemand upon us, 1
must con lust wo are doing but little.
The contractor for tho Centennial
Buildings, Mr. Richard ltobbint, in
himself the most' enterprising man
amongst ns. in tlm l-cspeot. Within
ono hundred yards of the main Exhibi
tion Building, be isorccting a inagnlti
oent fire-proof hotel, that . will bo
finished and furniihed by Januury 1st,
next Tbis building, called tho Uullod
States roilly a nloek of dwell
ing houses, and being built in the style
prevalent hero each Iiouho having a
jwrlor, dining-roMii and kitcliun on the
first floor, two bed rooms, tmtli and
sitting-room in the second, and lour
bed rooms on third floor the wlmlu
forms the most complete hoti in tiiit
city, more being nine largo bod
rooms in oneh house, as now arranged,
and in a itcasure almost emirely
private, tho idea is perfect, and tiir a
iV a
low words about each of them, Wo
begl wifk tlratbrtJlii-4gtingsimo-
fc'hnt oVor old irronnd. ' The liuriiiirs
Jonrcjjs still an' of Lonilini were the financial agents of
tho Now TorWT llJo TTiirieirfUtM'V5DlTnrioht''-tT)-
iwarly lliroe-uiiartors of a century.
For uvurv dollar they dlsbuinod during
ibul, puriud ithey acoouoUd lionootly,
, i'lmii-tiiiuinial standing wo of the
best, and lime dratU, drawn upon thorn
by United Suites officials in distant
ports, found ready sale at a ditoount
ol iiirou m eenu .'Might d raits were
invariably paid by them promptly on
Trr, Tirr I Aa exekaaM tart tbat
Banksr. tat aaasiiat, wat whisky-
rtjftr Moat he took up the work of
ta wim tut aaapunce
t witaflM
ilrfla-ru-"" trastbH '
Tbt BridKoport, Conuecticutirran-
mira' co-operative store does a business
of 11,000 a week, and tbey have saved
during three months 12.200 in tho item
of coal alone.
A petition it in circulation, in some
parts of tho country, asking Congress
to adopt an amendment to the Consti
tution abolishing tho Senate as useless
and aristocratic.
The Chieaco Journal wants a con
science lund lor coal dcnlors established
The money tliut rightly belongs to
ucn a iu nil would make a big hole in
the national debt
For the information of inquisitive
nooplo we will ttnto that according to
Users (Lancaster) almanao for 1870
thore will be two eclipses of the sun and
two oi the moon.
The commissioners who recently
attempted to effect a treaty with tho
Indiana tor the Jllack It ills country
are in Chicago, and have commenced
preparing their report.
The Legislature of California has
enacted a law which allows every citi-
aen who will plant trees and maintain
thorn for three years a deduction from
hit taxes ot one dollar for each tree so
Egypt will probably soon become
an important exporter of salt to India.
Since the 1st of May last 6.000 tons of
tbat article produced by tho now salt
pans at Sues, have been exported to
It ia stated to be some what siniru-
lar, but it is so, that the wheat sown
broadcast of late years has turn.d out
better than the drilled wheat. This
teems to be the general veiatiet all over
tbt country..
A fire at the town of Irwin, Wost-
moroland county, Ponn., Tuesday, de-
troyeo fourteen buildinmt, ton ol which
wore occupied as stores. The losses
on the stores and the buildings amount
lO t 0,000.
ihe attempt to bore an artesian
well at Fort Wayo, Ind., has resulted
in a failure to discover water at a depth
of three thousand foot The work has
boen conducted at the public expense,
but will now be abandoned unless con
tinued by private subscriptions.
The new fifty cont note will have
the vignette of Crawford, Secretary of
the Treasury in 1813, on the left. It
differ! but slightly in genortl appear
ance from that now in circulation ex
cept at to size, being much larger.
Governors have long lives In Maine.
There are ton men living thore who
have been at the bead of the tlalo :
Kent, A. P. Morrill, Hamlin, Williams,
L. M. Morrill, Washburn, Coburn,
Cbamborlain, Perham and JJinglcy.
Four of them nro over 70 years of ugo.
A monument to tho momory of
juigar a. roe, was unveiled over his
Srave in Weetmininster church-yard,
eltimore, on tlia 17th mat A large
number of distinguished persons were
present and the exorcisce incidental
to the unveiling were of tho most im
pressive characur. ..-
Tho annual report ot the Balti
more and Ohio railroad declares tlio
total revenues of the road, including
tne main atom oranchos and western
divisions, for tho fiscal year ending
September 30, 187S, to be 14,526.552.-
Z7, showing a deoreaao, compared with
1874, of 1520,538.15.
A Boston court decides that rail
roads eannot refuse to receive tickets
issued lor passage in the oppositu di
rection from tbat in which tht passen
ger It traveling. Thit is a decision
strictly in accordance with common
sense, and with the viewt oft number
of sensible railroad managers. . .
Some Idea of the tnairnitndo of the
operations of the cash room of tho
United 8tatcs Treasury may be sained
from the fact that during tbe last fiscal
year the remlttsnees of money by ex
press from the room In which the theft
of 147,000 wat committed, were 08.358
packages, amounting to 1 150,298,535.50
Articlut of Incorporation of the
American Contracting Company of
lawa have been fllod at Davenport.
Iowa. The purpose of tho oomoanv is
ta build two hundred and fifty miles of
railroad la ataxics snJ Pueblo. The
incorporators number twenty-eiiibt
gentlemen of Davenport and Hock 1s-
lane.. i . ., , ,
party of ladies and gentlemen lrom any
particular place, who desire to keep
together, 1 Mr. Dobbins' "Dwelling
House Hotel," ho ought to call il, is
about tht only institution that meets
such a wtnt. i i
This building covering one acre of
ground, will accommodate about 1,000
twrsons, and if I could only announce
that fifty more such buildings were in
course of construction, the only ap
prehension that now cxiett. would, be
removed. . ,
Some idea may be formed of the ox-,
travagaut charges for hotel accommo
dslions, by the amount the lli-jn
Muwr Hotel, intends charging the Uer
man Princa and his suite. The purty
havo engaged ; tho ; Brvn Mawr
Hotel, for tho month of July, no
other guests are to bo token, ami
for that one month's board, tho sum of
1 100,000 is to ho paid.
One of the things about which 1 do-
sire to caution your readers, is tlio ad
vertisement inserted in tlio country
paper for "young ladies for tlio Cen
tennial Exposition." No rouuir ladies
are wanted at the Centennial, and it is
for a nainoloss purpose that these
scoundrels want "young Indies prepos
sessing in appearance." . A well known
broker on third third street, bus fitted
up an establishment in grand stylo
mo lurnilnroalnno costing 8ii0,0U(l at
a place ol resort for fusbionaulo gentle
men, whose bank accouuts nro as large
as moir morals are depraved. It is to
fill tbis and similar palaces of sin, that
"young ladies from the country'! are
wanuHi. .
Una wlrslp, who has boon making
uses of the U, S. iiiiM, to invoigla a
few hundred female, has just been
brought up with a sharp turn, by V.
S. Attorney, John K. alontino. As
our now District Attorney has no
sympathy for such scoundrels, bu will
convict this Lothario, and Judge Cad-
walador will extend to him the hos
pitalities of Cherry Hill our State
prison, until the Centennial shall hsve
oome and gone. ' , .
1 bo lees ot our Coroner, elected upon
a platform of salaries. 1ml not fees.
to amounted tl7.144.75. un to. and in
cluding Uctober 31st and would you
believe tbat this reform coroner pock
eted thoso fees without ever hinting
salary a single time. . .
And the lion, runuan Hheniiard.
District Attorney, who defeated Col.
Wm. B. Mann, bat dono much bettor
than even Coroner Goddard has done.
in order to put money in their pock-
eta, a cotorio of moral and political re
formers have organiaod an association
for the purpose of furnishing buyers ofj
i-ui unwiu in rnuauuinoia. wuu court
searches, showing what judgments,
liens and mortgages, are enterod
against any particular property. The
gentlemen propose to place a large
amount ol bonds on deposit wuu a
trust company, as eectrity agsinst any
erroneous cortiHcates they may give ;
but as the organisation purpose apply
ing to the Legislature in January, lor
a charter, giving it special privileges,
lucre is asnaKe in the bill that ought
to have its head tinushud.
Judge Kelloy's choice fur. President,
ia u. Mi tirant. , ,
Tho appropriation ol $600,000 b
Japan, to enable that half bealhonisl
country to bo fully represented at tbe
Centennial, is rathor severe upon the
CbristainiaeJ States of thit
v exeuuos ino sum anpropriateii iy ai
tho Slates of tho Union, if I'imiiayl.
van it's $1,000,000 is excepted. , .. , ,
nansas, by a voto oi sovonty to
seven, in her Legisluturs, appropriated
15,000 to the Centennial, and the
Marv A. Miller, of Routt, fVivnntrv
Caester county, was recently tried, con
victed and sentenced to a tint of forty.
eight hourt Imprisonment fof stealing
s- ,nita oar ot corn from a neighbors
swu, ua uut ipMoroi snow inai me
total cosu in tie otto amount to 1327.
Si. Pf f'Mfi Per .ear.biob, ildear
l'hilaiielpliia Board of Brokers, a jolly
set of fellows, whose bands, whon not
in their own pockets, arc always in
th one of somebody , else, subscribed
$6,000 fiir tho same object, and im
mediately telegraphed to thoir Kew
York brethren to "go aud do like
wise."'. . ... , i
In View of the foot that . butter ia
sixty cents per pound, eggs forty-flvo
cents per doxen, lard twenty cents,
veal cutlets, twenty-five cents, fhullon
legs eighteen centt per pound, potatoes
twenty cents a hall pecK, sausage
twenty cents por pound, scrapple ten
centt and sirloin steaks thirty tmnts a
pound, poultry twenty-five cents par
onna, and everything else proportion
ately high, with a ready . market it
aocurs to mo that your fitrmor readers
could not do a bettor thing for thorn
solves and for us than to send thoir
produce right along this way,
J. Bourdinan Reed and W. B. Uasol
ton, proprietors of tho Sunday JVsm,
have boon found guilty of libel, in
ridiouling a gay little Frenchman, who
writes society gossip for one of our
.1 .. : i i . i ' . i ' i i
uMujr imirvra. Aa idmb r romiimun USM
boen libelling society fur a doxen years
or more, it uoes seem rattier a aad
commentary on justice, for doing only
once wnai- r roncny has done a thou
sand times. . i , ,
The cornerstone for the W itherspoon
Monument was laid, during the week,
with great p-mp, by the Preabytoriats,
V itherspoon oame to this country ovor
a century ago, was President of Prince
ton College, a memlier or the Conti
nental Congress, and a signer of ths
Declaration of Independence, and the
Artiolet of Confederation.
Wm. MoCutohhv twelve yean of
age, Intitted on fooling with the
machinery at Park 4 Filamy't mill,
and izj or tW9 ago he dropped
through a trap-door ana t!i
machinery below, add ia sixty seconds'
timt ht wu mangle too fetrfully to
make even tjood miaoj meat. "'1
detuund.: ik no.oase did tliov ever fail
to uphold -too credit, of the United
sibIuh Jiom thsir own moans, when
the money on hand to the credit ol' the
government wis not sulllcient to moot
(he emergency. . without lorwarniug,
und without cause, tlio fliiahciul agency
so long held by them was taken away,
and divided between tho now firm of
CcMikc, Jk-Culloch A Co. and Clews &
llliliiclit-rjlio .naval financial agency
being giveu to the former, the diplo
matic and rdnmilur to tho , latter. By
wluil menus Cooko, MeC'ulloch & Co.
got their appointment it one of tho
inystorie- that lime has vet to unravel.
How Clvws- llabicht obtained theirs,
we have recently been told by Mr. II.
II. 'hoover,, a notorious lobbyist of
Washington. Our readers am aware
that Clews & Ilubicht are bankrupt.
and tht Chouver has put in a claim for
one hundred unci titty thousand dollars,
being Uui onc-lourlh part ol the profits
of the financial agency alleged to have
been procured by him, ' The examina
tion of Checvvr beiora tlio trustee
developed tho siguilicant ami sugges
tive tact that five iiui-ties were inter
esled in the profits ol the Clews agency,
but by a subsequent nmtti''eniolit, ot
which wo shall speak presently, tho
number was reduced to four.. Clews
& Haliicbt wore each to rotuiu a fourth
part of the profit; one James Van
Buren another fourth, and the remain
ing fourth was to he divided between
Ciieovor and Judge Louis Dent, the
brother-in-law of tieueral lirant.
All thit lias hoel, slated More, but
the rocupilulution is necessary in order
to uudorstuud the seuuel. 1 he one
half of Checver's fourth, assigned to
Dent, was, by a subsequent tyroc-incut
between ('lews and J.H-iit, ciincelled
the hitler receiving iu.fleud filU-eit tliou
biiikI dollars in cash uud the lucrative
position of nt tonic y for the firm ol
Clews Hahiclit. ThecIaimofCheov
ur and Dciittoboslnuvrs in the pmlits
of the agency rests upon the tame
bssi-"-the intluenct they are said to
have rxortt'd in obtaining the agency
for Clews. As Secretary Fish and Mr.
Boiilwell both disavow all responsibility
in the mutter, it is not difficult to sur
mise by a-hut paramount authority
the transfer was made. The dark
shadow of suspicion Is throWn directly
across the threshold of tho While
House. ' '
And just here wo reach the most1
mysterious pint of the Clews-Cbeevcr J
compact. the written agreement
shows that 'one-half Of fhe profits of
the agency w to goto lews ft llahi
cbt, the other hall to James Van Kuren
and ('hoover, with tho understanding
that Chcever was to divide ills share
with ' J udgo Dent. Now Clews A
llabicht we know, and Checver and
Dent are- also known, but James Van
Burcn Is ono of those mysterious per
sons of whom Checver himself profes
ses to know nothing. If Checver's
share of tho profits was one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, James Van
Huron was entitled to a similar sum.
Yet he has put in no cluim, and no
body teems to know who be is, or
what be Is, or where he is to be found.
, Hero again wc touch upon a sti-anirc-
ly suggestive ioint. Whan the soarch
tor this Mr. Van Huron becamo "hot"
as the .children say who pluy at
"hide and seek" tlio examination of
Checver before the triiateo was post
poned until tho 20th of November. It
was intimated by Checver himself that
when tho oxaminutioa was resumed
tho mystery about James Van Duron
would bo disclosed. Toll, tho 20th ot
November came, and another postpone
ment was had, and now the public is
informed that Chcever will not be
called upon to tostify again, "his claim
Having been settled out ol court. tip
the older bund, tlio trustee of Clews A
Co. asserts tbat tho investigation will
go on, and nn attempt be made to
hold Cheover responsible to tho credi
tors of Clews & Co. as one of the part
ncrs ot the firm.
We do not believt that anything of
tho kiud will be done, lor at the back
of Chcever stands that mysterious pcr-
souago, James Van Buren, and it must
be evident to everbody that Ihe reasons
tbat impelled Cheever to drop his suit
were reasons that were vital to the
preservation of tlio incognito of James
Van lliiren. If the trustee of Clews
ft ilabihct finds himself unublo to do
anything, aa he surely will, it will re
main for a Domocrutk) Congress to
strip olf the mask. We hope it will be
none enectimiiy.
purullel jets. Daylight Is admitted,
ami abundant facilities for ventilation
is uhluiucd hy a series of skylights in
tlio roof, Kleven tlioiixuud cliuin are
in tliejpihldiu, und a corn of three
luiii(tril riiiiliuii afuii isive volfen
teuitl und uif V-injIiiiiiW for af Ira
ui sMjt tile LuUip. AttutrofsixiuB-
irucs ioicam si training tan tnir ear-
song ev il Pt III bee UUUr tbe
of -Mr. SMkeyV' A-etass oA
ot tbree hundred Christian workers,
selected by tht ministers from all the
churches of the city for service In the
inquiry rooms is being trainod by the
Rev. Richard Newton. D. D.. oi' the I To
Kpiaeopal church, Rev. fi, M. Hatfield,
D D.,nfihe MothodlalEpiacopalohurcb
uuv. tv. r. Hi-eed, u. U., ol the Vtan,
hytei-ian church, und Rev. J, Whontdnil
Smith, D D., of the Baptist eliurcli. I
'The -mmtatefajrtaflaJJria4ajaasw''aBBra
ihe city of all dtinvmiHaUons ure hearll
ly in sympathy with tho work nnd are I
rendering every assistance in prepur-1
lug liir it. Tho cost ol nil the iiumuiue
preparations will be about twenty llioii
sninl dnl'ars, nnd It Hs fxpiicted from
present indications, that no cull lur
com rilmtinns will faavo to bujiiadu, but
thill IliC'iuonoy will he the spontiuie'.'
uus gill of those in tympuiliy wilh tlju
nioveinuiit.1 i ' " - . i
Tlie great work'df those gontlemmi
uliiuud has, excited uuusuul interest,
and tlie extent ur importance of il ran.
not no overestimated. -' At a meeting
noiii ui tuussgow a woctc ugo to cele.
Imito the uniiivorwiry !' their viWl to
that city oh a most Honmy day, iho
Cryslnl i'ulacii. seating six thousand
imMidawwas. .eixwvtlnd -nik. dev-aud a
sccjind moetiiig was, vrgnuiaoia, and
lliousiimls woru turned anuy unulileto
get into their nieeiingi , Jicv. Jlr. Wal
Inco.ol the United Presbyturian ctiurvli,
in a public, address said, a year alter
their viit, as u result ui i( svvun thnu-
siind luivo boen added to the rbiirclivs,
and that in the KvaugclisU' mums wore
recorded the namos. ot three thonsnnd
families in Waildom Iu neglected sec
tion of tho city) asking that a mission
ary be sent to visit and have religious
conversation with them. At a similar
anniversary meeting in Liverpool it,
was also stated iu a public nddress that,
omitting all uged peojile, children and
women, three thousauJ aetivo young
mon had been added to the workers in
the various churches. Like reports
come lrom Kdluuurgh. Ivomion, and
other points. Tho moounrs in Bmnk
lyn have attracted immense audiences
upon all occasions, tlie Kink has been
crowded, and two un I three overflow
meetings havo been conducted to ac
commodate those unstilu to guiu ad.
mission io It. The movement is one
in which largo numhort of our readers
are deeply inieresto'l. nud its progress
will be wuU-hed with special intention
Whttiidrhttlbu would liks ta tet such. Clothbu? at CJtv
ttopit war, rttntr wan tut WMUsait gooat cetji- .
monl told? Thil will taUjtuatwtaao.ll.w
Tkai Mn lavtva Itair-MH mt ur butlBiMM i
awtsMI aw Sat. at tar rnlVMt fWiai
You, Can , Save Enough
'-") ''lsaTlaw t tan SS Oat Haa t .., . -..
' i VtW anfjVwMfVlti thit utr to tht City f MIIhMiUI,
ittl kstva later of a.4M. Wiaimtktf A
Drown itiuid by thi tu mat, o4 m wlU. .
you atftar dm Mmi,
Criifitsatr tf
For Mm 4 ),
V) b inrt of vital w aetl wt msiriibftiirt ow
fKxla, aomc ol thata Ut Mr own iMiUaifair.
hcv arc West cut . aarva atavl 6 tuahfti. Thttv
cati be rt-litMl upon.: Slorekwpm oui gf iht city
miarritrfracatl ua whan thaw astv lh acll Our aTOtxlsv
"Of T" "T"L V aMtJ tAMsWtftV, but COfttlM oundf to to
r-talT Vfr Sar rio ffi-Will fb lny otw, nl Malt thit only bsjuuM m
loatlrn ecll uoor fruxk txtnlnt, rruar out hotwtj. '! awch aaf owr trtatttital
cn t ara rcaonailkle for artlclea buuichl of ua Jly tratr bJm of Ticketing
it rgA4 tWfw, ih malcriait un our twb, bo om uji bt mulod at to
HUI Ultra. ,
T K prvc In ylalt flgurea n4 nettkimfff TM
uuu tritM to tjtitaiiiuruwt and tatraiifort,
'Io ctiy ptKriilc Aiitl counlry ptot4t oqual
Wilh todl arttrit told, a UmirmutH
Wanimalitr tVtwft
, t vVl'""" lartfaliail ! l. .1. .. .k. it u I. i.
IT". 1 FT Jaytihort, aort ifcai tbt qtiaiiry ia at ttynai4;
aUto, thu lae moncr will Co paid back ia LtUt UlfhuUMHf .UttUI 10 47
itiit. lor any rraton, to rctura too gooda,
"r'A Tlf'l rTM.,a4t kiportanl iwJ.btYaw,uttriitap
ElotUr . L. 1 I"!1 Mvitu tltim In Phiboclphta, cwn-
Uat. la I '"A OUT tiftH, CartitV, aWllMMtiV, ad
wt otorv ta. lawa, atyvattajat-t on iim ilrart, ttstfa -wnrajri
where Ow aurre ia. ao thai they may acll their
counterfeit gcod. Utere'la but oat (lok Hail la
auirri. and ta
Fhiltdclphta, k bo lavft the aitc of four ordinal
ta i noutnaai comer oi oiaih-SIX'IH-MXIH
and Market St recti.
favaaVk. --a! 1 1 ewl pattcrnt of tnateriaf and prko ty
Jk0HitO Ct4llVl ' W reqtieiltd. Wraotu can havt
, . Cami ,yi iff madc-tiji foMa aeni hy Kaprtaa, by tend
if iht Ctty. " , , J 'ig their mMure pro ftjtMiVtaaay difoctMot lM
J - .. T. .... .:'-. .:' ' 'can ttfcut 4itA nntf deotribiitXsroltjf
t , ; . . wantad,titd oritt deaired. Payment can be ma4e
o (he Einrrarj Co. 6n recrii.i uffoodl. and the privi1f of eiajniairuj tbeto;
uHowediarfore pujrtm. Where r'-nja tin sh pleaao, we WtJi return Utt
tht hil&ng an4 tVr Hu aWr
nrt ay tbt atprtjtMcc batek to I'hlUdeluhi
asMMaal MMV t 41 OafPW
J HEKl'll EE'S SIS. i i
A New York letter writer says i
Henry V urcl lloeohnr, pastor of I'ly-
tnnutn l buren, and Ins doings still oc
cupy a luriro share of public attention.
Tho recent reiteration by Mrs. Mnul-
ton, in presenco ol le wtioie coikto.
irattnn, of her crave cliaives nainst
Mr. Heecher, onee tnoi-o bniulit the
dHL'ustmfr sulijec-t f'sirly the tayit,
a ml an alclitional inrentivu to tho Jis
ciisaion of It b now beine; furnishoil by
mo action ol the eommittee ol clergy
men Uiii)inti: ) to investiitate the
eharfres and to report upon Mr. ftecch
er's fitness to be ivtuim-d in momlier-
hip. It has been decided lothoroilcrh-
ly prolw the matter. (nd jmlginir by
the antecedents ot the Kentlemen
charged with the duty, there Is tit t lo
ronson to dnutit Unit a lull- und imnur-
tial inresiigatiuti will bo carried out.
II tbcir ac tion shiill servv to put an
end to the recital of tho cirvninalanpes
ol the cose, cause for unin'rsal rejoic
ins will be ufforded: for no inntter
how Mr. Heecher may lie affected,
society will train bv the fhriistini; nm
of siirbt t scandal tbe ventilation' of
which has dono more harm to morality
man aught else that has como to ligli
durig tho century In Americh.
Tho Supremo Court, eittinir in banc.
has refused to crnnt a specinl allocutor
for a writ of certiorari, in the case of
ni. 11. W estervclt, convicted of con
spiracy in tbo abduction of Chard
llrewster Ross. Tho ground of tho
refusal is bccaiiso tho fifth count in tho
bill of indictment was not within the
act of March, 18G0.
TEN EMixPERIENcfcr, ; ' ' ' '
'tu' ! .of.-. -,:, i
Jfovornbor IT. IR7S
. i I H I ."l TO TIIK ' " 1 ' ' ' -
' ..' il i l - : i i
1 . 1 wish to inform my old fmtronti ini.l ilie pulilio (enernllv tlmt iiftor Tn
Years' oxperionee in Join, business on the Credit Hysiam, I have om to
ths conclusion to try it on the Cash i'uit, for tlio following reasons t ' ' "
1st. My Ladirar Ii aliaatfall, ami I da ait atinlilo on-a a new ! of bioki.' ''
M. fb Oratlll Kratna Ii tIM Its aaaM T a laaiilrt'ttila Innhla anllou.
St. uat pajiuc cumnin.ri haraWpijr nan lt llmr e iwt Of f ISa fcil aait .1
4IK Br KKI.LINU 8TIIICTI.V FOR CASH,., baaa . J 4aaaatr a4 aaa start U fan
sl4tajKyf4lCjXAl.M..sialaaa.'lJfuaC .
Inviow of these facts I havo decided on nnd after MONDAY, NOVEM
BER 8th, to do a Stkici,t flrttNfccs. and in order to accomplish this
purpose I am determined to mnke my prieesau low Hint no in. in whoonlors'
my turn with .the CAijJI, cau.U'iiyf it without .Uui iiratlo be desires to pur
chase. This resolution will bo strictly adhered i i.'und I Hflvke an examina
tion of my prices by ull whei are in nood of anythini In my Unci To thost
who have oan.jn-lb htbit ofiroinpily payinir tboir bills, I( would say that
thit '-ohanjro ol buso ' is intsndoj for thoit- bauetlt, as well at my own, and I
hope they will not tukii umbrage ut an arraniremeiil which jrives thsin their
Koods at lower figures tbao 1 could olhirwiso afford, for the reasons above
slated, they have been paying tho debts of poor customers, and under the
eredit system must continue to do til. ,HOUO J j J O "
Ini itin all to call and be nssured of my intonlion to sotl tit prices which
will make il un ohjocit to boy for cask., I remain,
Tho Public's tBodient fJiTvani,' "
O. 8. FI.KGAU '
- fhtiiirbarg. Pa, Kuv. 17. lf-;4-Xt
A DEL Pill A.
In another column our loaders will
soo tho announcement of the mooting ol
Messrs. Moody and bankcy, tho evan
uelitt and sinirur, which botfnn in l'liil
adclpbia on bunday, November 21st.
some wocks airo it was uucUed to
vite Messrs. MiKKly and haukey to
Philadelphia, and t committee of tljtocn
ministors, representing all tho ovungeli
cal denominations of the oily, was ap
pointed to arrango for thoir coming.
This committee organised by electing
llev. uiuhara Mowlnn, V. v., ol the
hnisconal Church. Chairman, and Itov
C. P. Masdou, of the liulbriuud Church,
aa J-iccrolary. . The Minister's Com
mittee then spiMonted a conuiiittce ol
thirteen prominent unci well known
business geiillcineu ef tlio various de
nominations lo conduct tho butinost
arrang-cmcnls- for the uieetinir. Thit
committee elocted M r. Gonrgo iX Stuart
Chairman, Mr. John 1(. n hitnuy Truas-ui-er,
and Mr. Thomus K. Croe Seoro
lury. ; This committee ut once pro
ceeded to business. They secured tho
old freight depot ol flit Pennsylvania
Railroad Co., 1 hirtoenth and Market
Streets, which extends from Market
Street back to aa allow 373 foot, and
from Thirteenth to Juniper Struct, 260
loot. Aboutono hundred workmen wure
at ones set towork making t ho nocostury
cnaogos ana me ouiiuinc is now roady
for occupancy. , Tho main audionoe
room will seat comfortably ten thou
sand people. At the back end is the
speaker's platform, rising in tiurs, seat
ing t thousand people, and twotlhinls
way forward tho. floor gradually rises
to tbe front of tht ball giving gvory
one in the auriienoo tbs oportmiiLy to
see and hear lbs speaker. Although
a Tory large audience hall its acoustic,
proparties are such that lira speaker
can be readily board in any part of. it.:
In addition to the main audicnco hall
there are three large Inquiry rooms,
and a TetfJbult twenty feet wido run
ning around three tides tf the buildiog,
from stele there it egress by tea large
doon erring utm tares street i Tbs
bnllillut TH! ha lAtrtahry atatesl 4j
steam and llghttt br aCoeA a tbotttnd
gat' Duiattt M 'ft)tsttartr tiaet'-ansl
RichUaa handrad aad aaraaia-ais ta Ilia Caa.
Irnaial vaar. It it alra lha aar la whloh
Opaaitiaa Uosaa at aepraaaatalirai, Ifaa trat
laoa ;aa war. will ba la poaar at Waablnttua
and tha ytar ef tha taanlr-thinl rlaellnn or a
rraai.laal af Iba lnltad Sum. All of Ihaaa
aranli ara aara U aa ar traat iataratl aad loa
poruaea. aapaolallv lha twe iattar I aad all at
hen and trrrTthinxaoanc!ad with thani will ba
rally ant iraiaia rapoHat aoa awponadad (a Tna
sea. i
Tiia Ofipotitioa lloaaa af HaarraanUUraa, Uh'
lex ap tha lina at Inqoirjr enanad raira a; by
fna bi-s, will ataraly aad diligently lerartigaia
i Da aorrupuoat ana mladaaai Mraat a adaiiBia-
Iratioa aad will, it S ta at haprd, lay taa
lonnnauoa ir a new ana aruer barmd la anr
naiiiiaai aiaiary. oi ail tma Taa av will aot'
uln eumnlata and aooaraia aoaaaata, farniaaim
ita raatlara with rarty and traalwurlh infariaa.
I ion Hoa tnaaa aaaurbllia louHaa.
Tha tw.Bljtil.-J tVuidtutlal atatllna, wild
'Ba iroliarallani nw it, will ha naninrabla aa da
oidliia upua Uranl'a arpiratioBa lor a third terai
I uwvrana plunsar, aas atill mora u ilaaltliui
wbo anau DamacaBdiaalaortlia party ar Italarn,
nd aa alaaliaa Ibat eaodidata. OaaaarBiat all
tbaaa aabjaaia. thoaa wba raad Taa Sua wilt uara
ba aunaiaot larana of betaa- Iborouh-blf wall ia
Tbe Wai.r Si , whhih haa allalare) a alraa-
latitia af afar aiahty thaaaaad enpiaa, airaaay
haa it raadara ia avary Stale and Territory, aad
wa trait tnat tne year IK7B will ea tbe r anailiari
doahlrd. It wiu eoaunaa to he a thoroaaa aawa-
INtprr. All Iba t-aaera! aawa of tba day will br
loand la it, aoiidanaad wbaa animB.,riant. at fui
knttb when uf nouieati and alwaya, wo truL
traatad ia a clear, iBteraetiof aad inatraetlve
It ia aur aim la mate Iba Waaxtv fit s tbf
bait (so iiy aewpaper ia tlia wotl.1. and wa ahall
eonunue to five ia ita Boiamai a large amoaat a
wnaliaseoaa raadlnr. aaab aa atoriaa, talaa.
poama, aotetatlfte lulHlisraaa aad B(rieallaral ta
torinattoa, lor aniea wa ara not able to make
room la oar dally edtilea. The kftrienltnral de
parlmeetaaeially ta ana af im prominent rW
area. 1 aa leibiowe are ataa racalarlr rvBurtod
a in ouiomae i aao ao tor toe maraala al averf
The WtaRLV Sew. alrht aaaaa wilh SnaJala
broad eelamna ia ealr a year, poaiaxe pre
paid. Aa thii prloa barely ropayi Ui eoal of Lha
paper, Bo diagonal aaa be made from thit rale to
una, amenta, peetejaeiere, or anraaa.
Tbe Kao.r Bra, a larre faar aaaa sewaDanar
of tweate-alfhl aalamaa, lroa all lha aawa for
iwa ernia aoopy. sabaeripltoB, poalafa prepaid,
ht eeala a annalh ar St at a rear, tfeanav
Bdltiaaellrattl.iO par year. Wa hare aa travel-
lasaienla. Aauraaa, TUKKl'n, ,
ivr. 31, 17S It , . ew Yerh Cily.
'" flttale of ISAAC MoKKK, deoaaaad.
By Virtue of as order af the Omhaaa' Coart af
Clearlleld aoualy, ta aa diraeted. there will
etpoaed to publin ante, at tba Cnart HoBae, la tha
aorouxB ol UMaraeld, on
PrMay, Der.esaber IT, Iftlt.
al I e'otooa f. a, all thai aanala ttaat af lead,
ailaateia Knai towaabip, Olearfietl aoaatyv fa.,
beended aad daeanbed aa followt. ait: 6a the
north hy Ihe laaae MrKea Bnmeataad Para, an
aa Beat oy land! ar aohe M . Chaaa. aa lha aaoik
by laada of Jeeeph teal aad aihera, and as Ihe
weel by Cleernrld eraeh, laada af Iba eatale at br.
Heatl aad othera, aonuiBlng
aad aSowanee, wilh ahawt li arm letrd, and
harlat a food goad Iwo-atory Iu, Booae, art. hart
aad alber iutaraveeaeem Ibareon. . Tba land c
fnon lor larmiat parpoeae. baa a a,aatity of piae.
oah and hamloeh timber Iberadn. and la andaa
are wilt aau, aataf attaalas ht lha (real eaal
oyj -ktaf'wT l order af tha Orphans' aa4 qf THK t'.lAr.-.ISTS,
m.-lrsetitt-mifi-.tbera wSM-aSld hrlheander- .
ined, Aeu.iollrlorar H illiaaa Mallrn, lata of "' ""aeliaja lo brebn lBcled by Hum
Wotdaard luwoabip. dee d, In the Tillage ,4 ' ! ' :Vt .V ,
ri!7;,:ntt"'?';k,p;kr,1":''' Philadelphia., ,m,
Tscadav, Dareashar !,' IMJJ. '. , .... is tss, .,, ,
al 1 o'eloek p. m., all thai errttln plan of 1B,I, . KufaWtT, J) ayMnt jMarlut Sit.,
leU Ibe natele of mid daoA.aad. atlaala p aaid , ' ' ' " - ' ' i ' ' '
townabip, and dea.ribet aa f .ll.wa, via:' lUaaa.; .. .r.i...
ain, a. theaa. al,, Al,.,., JfS. ss, Jovsrtetl.
aoulb Slc waatS7 3 til pereliee to biekorr ;bieo AT
al"B Wrirhr Bbot Booth 7 Beat lit fleTaaeeJ ' , O A U ttirt J B y - " ' -ta
pinei tb.-a.-e by Ueorta Baiter and, rratdae. . , V, m' I "
aonh 4(1)' rail 3t I IS perebee te poat H fk'atw. Al"1 "'" aonliaoe dairy, mmir,g and area lag
by Seiaael SboS north Sill" weal IUS1.IS neiehee i t"aoa waeamayi, tor aotao weaaa.
to plana oi oegiuaingt eoBiatntsg Iwauly-nra
arrei aod forty parehee mare er leaa
Trnwa or nats Oaa-third Ibe pareheae
money at aoatrvaatioa of eale, aae tbird ia aaa
year from date of eale, aad Ihe belaaee ta two
yaara from data of eale,. the Iattar two paymaau
with inlareii, te ba eernred by boa.) and mortgage
os Ihe prciaiael. i. W.M. 1 Will J r.IUK,
Nor 34, ls7i-4t Adta'r.
ItBtaretkinably tht beat eualalnet wark
af the tint la Ike St arid."
Harper's Magazine.
v it a, .; Jiatizmaf ! Pim. . -Tbcvrcr-lMrtMiiogeii-siuUtivai
of th.iMjBjti
Bloat fa It irarc tti ountioat -irVfiq to pm.
olw tt.tfi and Mth. IttiitMtl.teft tMiiiilk
Dt how ,' baoiM it nMrti wwrj nth,
wt) Doaililer U M one uf U eduonUKi u weU
t nfiinrlklnrtrt of t nnlJiA tln4 ai. L.
j Tti fiiiPtetr which tttfi Ma.jr.ii in, pMf mm r.. (hr. nt-a -nrl h. tk. t.hal.l at. r aJ ' n-r, WIliTia wt-llia, una m.
4i.i. p..n..i...i. r.. 1 .1. i , . . . , , not let tne tlmei, ahoold eanae tti enn1aet-,ra to
M uZ. ..' "".''""""lifaganj ft with JaeliBaHe aampl..,. The
ll'Jh 8 11-T " """ " 'r. Umt ha. doaegood and awt arVit all ,h, t
1 iarioWe-flaot.eiW..
Still Fr.m Ueltaraata. hy Mtlaib.ra , Rntsy . tornd 3 tto . .. trai modera territ
Shoe, M.altaanoa. Bd I'tae cileaa, to Kr thiol, hare tret anpoeod a. aertale ia Ibte J.i...a
.11 aulee aod bash, tbr. t ttmei a wee, tearel U ell reapetla, It la am aieeltaet perte tt.ri' a.d
Brllafonle Mjnl.v, Melbeijay, and friday, at ' folly deeeryoe ill areat aaeoeaa
oy a p m. Ijeave I lirforr.
itti t-ETTIi(j3 I VJ ,,
Foar Orrrot Dxr-tarassr. t.
Waaaiaaroa, Octahtv , lot. ,
Pronoeali will ba reetlred i the Uitntraet Oil ta
ofthia Drparttnesl aalil tip. ta it retrar t.
IS7S, for ooareying the utile of lite t'nited
a m t arrtre at kartbaua
Kartbnat TueltUy. Tbtiridar. and
I a ail arrive at HellrfoB-.o br t a m. n ia,i Tie.'
quired with hid, trot. - '
St. rroin Uorrlidaia attafi U Hrtartowa, 41 ,
ilea end a.-, ait timet a Week s1 Ineee Uorria. I
ilaleMiaee daily, eieewl tandev. aa arr. vol of i
tha mail train ear at I p m i arrive al Kylertown -I
"y a p at. bears ftywrtowa d .lie, aaoapt Sua
day, allta; arrive at MoniaeUIr alio h. IT
am. iltikdraawrad.SIM. ,., Jt
tttr. tram Williame atrera ta Urahamlea, I
mitea and oaeh. three ttmee a weak. Leave Wil.
Itami' Drove Taeedey, Tbarad iy, ant S itard iv,
at 4:10 p m i arrive al Orahamtaa bv a.-lt. LitaVe
tlrahamloa Taeiday. Tburadav, ao I rtalartar, at
I ts p at t errire al WuliaW iirtre by 1: 10 n tit
Bead requited, tint. j
snis. rna Claarilrld. by thawavllla, Uald
mil. utnoata a atiita, r roaehville, Kartliaai, Call
.tea, tbree Ituaa, and NrUearille n.. o.l, to
Hound talaotl, 44 lailea and bark, Iwua a week.
Uava Cleerleld Moodav aa I k-rtdav t s .
arrive at Sell Liak by I p ta. Leave Kail Lick
roeaday aad Satarday, attiai arrive at Clear
Said by 4 p m. Leete Sail Liek Tuesday aod
Satarday, at t a m i arrive at Hound falau 1. be
Nam. Lre U.taad latent Tuaaday aal Hates.,
Jf 'a ai. amva at JHUU tUa.'k 4 S B St.
Vuad ratuired, tl,Ullt.
SSWB- PfOIB CleawSal.1. he CIu.fIaI I ll-i.t.
JeSrleit fit telle, aaj baHt, twtee a Wjek. I.aa.e
Ulaarteld Alooday and f rtday, al I n ta i arrtre
at Jeariea by t p aa. Leave Jetriel M iodar an I
eneay, aula; arrive at UearSeld hy 10 a ta
Uolrdrteiatrad,towti. , . .. .
l. 'raaa Uarweairilla. t,flM.l.. tin,.
Bower, t'nnt, OataaMl. New Waatilevu.. u....'
and raicaiaavtlla, la J;) aulaa aad biok'J
"ww. iMava uarwaaeviiie aoadae
Wedaely, aod Friday , at 4 a m i arrive at U raat
oy t p m. Leave Orant TdraJey, rkariaVy, as I
frtday. al 4 a to j arrva at Carwenivule br S ,i oi ,
tlond retgaired. l,:ltlo.
Sltl. tram farw.nirllla, hy Foteit, ftoelitoa.
Lntbenbarc. dernireoa Line. Ujltaenlu M...?
oldevllln, Hrookrlllo, Cornea, and Stratlonvllle
ta Otarian, Ml relief an J bai-, alt ttmei a We.ik'
Leavs rarwenarllla dally, ataertt Stinlay, al I
ve at
retia ret
p m I arrive at Clarion Belt day by t p m, L
Clerlan dally, aujoBt aood y, i j a arrit
Carwentvillonau day by t p ml ' II el roan
i.o b,u, oa,tw.
S70I. From I'nrereaiHIV hv Vtln .
New Millpoat, kt Awoarilla, II ajilei M4 kaaaVl
VT ""'"-' ettlrasarilla Tuaela
......,, oKaraay, Miami arrives Aa
aoarltleby II a m. Leave A men villa Taaadaa,
TberaJv, aad Haurday, al Hat a at: arrive et
varwenarme ay p m, Hand raqatrat, tdot. a
Ttl, From OaeaaJa VI I lie I. u.i.l. a ti..
aad hank. Ill limea a weak. Lear. Oeerole M ilk)
dally,.. aepl t..l.y, al It 30 a m, .rrit
tioeiiiiia ay llilee m. l.ear.lln.,.J.I.a.,i.
koept m at a.i. n u , .V.
by4:.i0p. ftnad rvatnwl, MoirV
704. From Roalijalelalllea IIope, at lira and
I .
Poettge IVee to all atahaeribert la the
I'nllcel Slates.
Uasrts'l .taalrwtwj yar..4..r...i 4 SS
tl 00 iiteludcl prepayment af f. g. poatage hy
rate iiablbttiera. i t . i
; eoeer,HSeaala Httraa't litsatua. H aaatv.
ed llarttt. h .e ea-a-mi .e year, tit eW
or, la. -J iar' -eraoellraa, at oee del tnat av
owe year. S7 00. e f .
Aa AVlrw 0,ty 0 nta.r tl, Mtuiiina, Waaa Harts vt'f ta aenptrd-yrdtfa or every (7at
0 FttaM JMtitltai a an .
l.ara; ar Sit Cpi- Joe fit t), fj mrt
c"'y ' P'"H'Jt ree.
tVncf .A'aatlere can be Bopplied al any time.
A Au.tpleraHoj'ttHaaaiisa.BlM,,.,
eaoipriitbg el Volutaea, ta nrat aloth binding,
will ba earn l.y ei,raea, Ireiajht It eipeaee
of parrhaaer, l..r $1 It per volume. AWe
vNa.ei. by mill,,U, SO. CMh aaaaa,
tar tnadnig, at aoau, at aiait, Boetnata. .
A Cawpltv Anwtttieal latea to the tret Fifty
toluraoe ar: JUtert't) Mmiairea baa Jttet beea
paliltahe I, retilerttig avatt.tble f .r Ibe
vaaabdaria.l Wealth at hlovnavtotl wktah aaa.
etiiuee tbla pritdiaal a prrfot lit.
arary y.-t..,.cfia See. alela, tl Si) ; ll tir Calf,
ti Ii. Soul paat.-.ta arrBaid.
A erriee al atra, ,d 1., un f ..tbo Ftrat
leiitary or the ilpl,l.o,f eoBlrtbaled hy I
mon eminent Atnerio tn p thliclita, Il w t4Vit
Tint lenet
- " aave iieatadale Tnaeday
and Sal.rd.y, .18 a a, , rt , h
lint. Uav.Ble. Ittp, Tae.l.y .d9.rd.y.
rt,r.5LT 'a"a" !. Hood
reorrlard, tc'irS. . T 1 I. , I ,1 ., .,,
h,i rrMAHeo.Si ri.rt'. ifarr.
- nam 1. 1 IT. u I II. I : ,
. 1
Alio, ewe ether traet af land, eltaeta la th.
town, hip aferaaalt, kneaded hy landi af ttrl.bia
Millet, Join t. Cedar, Aatea aoUaaaai ..a
atkara, being a part af a orant wa traatad In taa
note 01 uoajamia roaltney, aat eoauuelng ;
ant lit perehet. Tbii land U well tailed for
larmtag nnrpoeel, aaa a lartre oaaBtlt af atna.
aad kamtaek llmkaf akaraen. and laaliui.a
ia the great eaal weeia.
iaaat or San Tea ser aaet. wbea Ike eai.
rrly II hacked tons j tka ramalador af aaa
'bird at aewlreaalma) af Belt, Sat Ike kataaaw at
eajmai Say me ate af aw) aat lers yaara, to ba aa
talwt if saaatanvt Bartgae aa tha pretanaa, ,
, i - ' 1aw nk.'u
caaow anaamat n.aM7-et r
baek. three lima, a wnk. I..... il.. w..v...
oa TtMdat, IkeFi l.v.ejerln a... a. a. .
BenveMCrrVwaBrtill. bv It nr . U Y.ZZ.7.
T "areoay, and Selardav, at I p at .
arrive New W Mhif , by t p m. ltoad raqnTred,
SfOt. From Aaeoarllle. hy Me Pheranni lind
Wartovar'a. ta el .ilu ..a .
W."1'.U' "vlilB Taeidiy and Saiurday,
al lliln.. , Uf., b ,., B u"
al Aaeoavillo hv II a at. Bond raqalrirl, MW J
SiOt. From Lnlhariltarg. hy Trt.alrllla, ml
an, and lleU't Panitulawney. ItatilM
and baek, thrai ttmee a ore... laaae. Lotltera.
bar Taaa.lay, Tboredav. aad .SeLir.ttr a, s . '.
avrt va at. Feat tea t r -aay v-ll m. laove faaalul
Uwaay Taaetay, tear, r, tret ftaterTlay, al I
a..a oa i,ut.t.i.iL. .1
Came ta Ihe pra-allei of the eo'ta-rin er, Is .a . . . , .
' "t www mental einta , a
arweaa eaksv-d belter, eappoaed ta he abaal ana
yea nit, -lha wanner la - 1.
wart, prave tnpavty, pay akarawa. eaal bats at
poliliaked ia lUitrant Matiatiaa. twrm y -alien five t eoeanrahene va re.
a of I'mreea datlna ia.eeat.rr ear rloaiui.
in every aYnarluavat ol out a.ttonai l,r.. are Ml t. llie a feero'eewraf
etito.i te ryrww) ar.arY it tare t a Htorataa.
A.ldrtia. ll lrtt'Kft A IIKOf II KB-t,
, nv, ae. ire-et ( ; , N.a Vork.
"A Rtnoallorr si faahloa. Plraaore, aat
.,j . ' . . laalrwcllan.v
llarper'm llazar. '
"A'nifr-ert. rrM..- -
Tbe Aaaar la edited with a enm hir.1 1 1 ... ar.
aad Ulaat that we aeldom tod in any iouaal I
lew'tai ttaell la tba ergao of tha great
Wl'rld uf fajbtoa. rtoHea TmIUf.
the Amor eoatmenda ileelf to every member of
tba Jarojielinld ta iht ehil.lrrt by drall ud
pretty rVrkrtt.bjatie at,tl, t.dtea hv-tti faahion
platra la emlleea variety, lo Ihe provident malroa
by ua pwlitrat 'far Ika ahiMtwa'a eiaibea, re
a-elraaaii'wie lay tta laalatal deiigae far ejabvotder
d llpper and loiurtnul drae.lng-gowne. Bel
lite reading at aim of lata Hooer ta anttarmly af
great exoaiienea. Tha pagiar haa aooatrod a
wide popul.rll, for Ua Ireatde anioyaaal U
aStirda. A. K. AVaiey feel, , 77 ,
la ita way rhera II aothlag Ilka It. Freab St)
traalwarthy aa a faabian atti.le, iu nonet aat
eaaaya, tea Mry aad eqalba, aad all iarigeraliag
to tbe tad.-l.'t.r.y. .,,, , ,
7aTCRM8t' . I
PaOatre fraa ta all awbaxrlhtn la tbt
. , l aJIrt ftlalca. . ,
IlAkraB'i Barja, aneyaar II N
l 01 laalaJea prrfMmrsl ot tf. S poitaga by
Ibe punliioert-
r Uaaan. leene a.Ureaa for ana ynar.tll. to; of,
twaaf llarper'e Wrlodktnli, t one adtareaiifar
ana year. ? tl ftuiag, fren , IT
An hair. tArry .laiibet the Manama. Wtat.
M'l" ' "'" helopplted gratia tor evrry
t-lob tr yivk Ht'iTkiim, at 14 it reek, la aaa
Uianet tr, Ht Copiee for f.'O 00. wlthoat
r -t-
iaraa Barta, la
axtta eo9 rtlntetai
ahl ay ot
The aintj
at, Melt blidbni
, let
idhng. wb)l be area by ei prate, tat
il tit eai-h. A e.n'rra Are, earn,
aaiia aant aa rvetpt at eaik el
i pee vol., retpai at eepwwea e
away ern wni M eaaalaaed ef aa tka k. i,
aa T,'f lJ if " f tTRR HVK
at eiiieBpe,
prlaiat A'tylt I
ta. aata el
parr Am ear.
rromiaeat atlrallaa aril ba girea ta Haartta
aiaa la aaeb el Ike Oeataaelal la-
r'"pa-t?r!r',a a, a aal at I ataa alfe .rfearh'eeeMel
wit. ,, .efa.tea ...r . uaal-IB Hnovaaat,
.'TV,! afltlttirtlKN
I Nov. II, Itti-M haw erk.
iraatt. af st .It Par bav at I
Ha, tt.4VH 4tW..araTOio.irart.
"v. eretistt tt-t ,aj ( .a 5
aat, (aiB4.,,W,g-, ,