2SIu lUpublitau. Ukobok B. GonDLANDtn, Editor. "Thj K AlR Fl E LD, 7T WBDNKKUAY MOHNINO, NOV. 17, IB7S. Basilar, if run want to know wbnt ii going op la lhanualneii world, 'uat read our sdvtrtiaiug Uiudi, tbo Sfutial o'lluua in partleular. Tbo JDoniocrata ot Clinton county llko us CleartloUors gave tbo Treasury oliip lo the Radicals, just ibr tlic fun of oooiny how thoy will do it, Senator Wallace loaves lor the Ka tionul Capital the lnttor part of noxt week, preparatory to assuming his Senatorial dutieri. l'rul. Jntincy's account of tho Black II ilia reports littlo gold, but good toil, fresh water, tall tree and few Indiana. That dries not "pan out" very well. Good. Wo notice that our friend K inter, Democratic nominee forShcriff in Indiana county reduced the Hadical majority from 1,900 to 083. lie will mako the landing next time. CUIIglvnn lliceuj Ui Yauljl..lu.. vn I ho first Monday of December, and will oiganiro by electing Democratic officers. What a cleaning out there will be in the Capitol building. A foot of snow fell ut Buffalo, N. Y., on Sunday morning, and the telegraph wires at Omaha, Nobraska, woro cov. ered with sleet a foot thick. So said tho Associate Press dispatches. Tho Philadelphia 7iim aims to be very preciso when it anys : "John Lom oil's official majority ior Senator in Blair and Cambria is 711. lie kissed 1,639 babies during tho contest." Lem on's a sucker! Restored. Oregon falls into the Democratic lino. Tho Stato has boon rovolulionirod, and tho Democratic cundidato for Congross is elected by 1,200 majority against 4,095 for Grant in 1872. Quitk A Streak. Although Mercer county gavo Ilurtranft nearly 800 ma jority, tho Democrats elected their Prothonotary, Clerk of the Courts, and Recorder, by majorities ranging from nnn to ooo. Mm. Elizabeth. Woodruff, wife of II. D. Woodruff, Esq., senior editor of tho Johnstown Democrat, died on the 7th inst.,afteranillnessoflhreo months Mhn wns A very ctimnl.ln ludv. und wos beloved bv all who knew her. The Came amd the Blame. To tho Radicals of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Philadelphia, Lancaster, llurrisburg, and other largo cities and towns wo can now transfer the title of being tho "Whiskey Party." They have earned it. Immovable. The returns of tho Viririnia election show that despite tho numerous iniiepeiiuent cuuuiuuica ior Legislative honors, tho Democrats havo made guins over their former largo majority in both branches of tho Gen eral Assembly. The Philadelphia Commontceallh in stead of blaming Pershing's defeat on the financial plank of the Eric platform, should give the facts and state that Pershing was honestly and fairly elected Governor of Pennsylvania, but wan cheated out of tho office by frudu lent and corrupt votes in Philadelphia. llartronft only carries twenty-nine counties in Pennsylvania, while Persh ing has ft majority in thirty-seven counties. The rural districts, where honest clettions are held, show in creased Democratic majsritios, while in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and other cities, whero the Treasury Ring and Liquor Lenguo used money, whisky, and other corrupt means, the Republi can voto is increased. A Good Standard. Tbo new con stitution of Alabama contains a pro vUion.tbat all banks organized in that Slate must have a specie basis, and all their notes must be redeemed in silver and gold. Suspension of specie pay ments is forbidden, and bank charters nro granted only lor twenty years. Tbo loaning of tho Stato or municipal credit to individuals or corporations is prohibited. Taot'BLE AT llrADQl-ARl'EBS. The petty plurality for Mr. Rico, contrasted with tho old-time majorities of seventy nnd eighty thousand votes, proves, in the opinion of tho Springfield Republi can, that tho Republican party has no firm or permanent hold upon Massa chusetts, and warns it that without noble aims nnd more commanding it cannot expect to carry the State in tho noxt national campaign. Absenteeism. The aggregate vote polled for llnckalewaiid Ilurtranft three years ago, was 672,406. Tho vote Ibr Governor at the recent election aggre gated only 009,564. Thisdomonstmtoo the fuct that over 62,000 persons in this State expressed no opinion on tho 2d of November. That voto will bo out next tail. And we are satisfied that throe-fonrthi of tho voters will never voto for Grant again, if thoy over did before. , Tni Government Family. Whclh-J er it is defrauding the Revenue through tho whisky ring or locating Govern ment depositaries, somo member of the Urnnt family always has a finger in it. The New York Herald publishes sumo cvidoace to show that when Henry Clews i Co. woro appointed bankers for the Government in Europe, "Mr. Boutwcll thought it a groat mis take, and his opinion was overruled by the only officer who had authority to control him." The fact, adds tho Her ald, that the appoiuUucnt was pro cured by corrupt means "pats tbo high officer whs enforced it ill a most un enviable light." This high officer was President Grant; and the corrupt moans considered in the payment ot a larg sum of money to his brother-in- law, whose intimacy at tbo hits JIouso was constant, and who was known to bare also obtained money from the (ale of other appoint ments. (lOVER.VMEXT WHISKY. it apjiears that tho government family has boon taking a haad in cheat ing tho Treasury out of millions of dollars of revunuo in tho "crooked whisky businoss. It apporr that Ci rant's brother, Orvillo, and secretary KabcocU have been in partnership with the rogues, iho New York .Sum In alluding to this fraud Buys : Tho mora thut we learn about the whisky frauds in Bt. Louis, the mora apparent becomes tho fact that they havo been carried on with tho full knowledge of high officials in Wash ington, who buvo protoctod the roirma engaged in the conspiracy against tho public treasury. I'buCiueiiinuti Gaulle publishes soverul letters wnlter. in 1874 by a vory prominent lawyer in Unit city to J. V. Douglass, then Commis sioner of Internal Reveuiio, in which tho operations of tho Si. Louis Ring were fully exposed, tho names of its leaders being given without conceal ment. This lawyer wrolo that he bad a client who had himself distilled dur ing tho years 1871 and 1872 over 11500,(100 worth of whisky, of which amount soino f .'100,000 was "crookod" and paid no tnx to tho Gorornment, and he gave the iiumes of tho ofllciuls through whoso agency bis client was enabled to evade payment. Ho offered affidavits and other evidence in sup port of these allegations, yet ho found it impossible to induce Commissioner Douglass to take any steps in tho mat ter. Even when ho told that ofllcial that tho St. Louis distillers boasted that they had their support in tbo Ad ministration in Washington, and that Douglass himself was in tho Ring, tbo latter meekly pocketed tho imputation unu rviusuu loiiroeeou uituiiihi uu men who were robbing the Government. Grant all Over. Everybody knows that Tom Murphy, Grant's Col lector at the Port of New York, three years ago made Grant a present of a i 40,000 Cottage at Long Branch, New J ursoy, whero "the government" spends tho Summer. That Grant -is cettiiiff ready to forsake Long Branch nnd turn his cottage Into cash wo need but refer to tho fact that on tbo 15lh of October last two mortgages wcro re corded in tho County Clerk's office in Freehold, .Monmouth county, N. J. They were given by Ulysses 8. Grant and Julia 1). Grant, his wife, to Wm. B. Dinsmore, as President of Adams Express Company, ami wcro drawn for the sum of $10,000 each. Look at tbo shrewdness of the "gift tuker." In one year from this tho property will not bo worth the (20,000. Grant has got tho cash in his pocket and he will never pay tho mortgages. Sl'KAKINQ TO THE PolNT. The cdi tor of tho New York Hun, in alluding to Grants speech, says: "A corres pondent asks us to explain why wo say Grant's Dos Moines speech Indi cates a perverted moral nature. Be cause it not only contemplates and fore tells with coolness, nnd without any sentiment of horror, a bloody war between American citizens, growing out of differences hi religion, but it is calculated to foment and encourage, with all the authority of the Presiden tial uftlce, such damnable animosities. It is not only intensely wicked, but hostilo to the Constitution and to tho traditional policy of the country. No man of an upright mind and a tnio American heart could entertain such ideas or deliver such a speoch." v u .U. the election tho editors of tbo Tyrone Herald stated that they had gone down to Huntingdon and married tho Scott and Guss factions, and tho internal strifes of our party aro now healed in Huntingdon. But behold on the 2d that county, which should have given Ilurtranft 800 majority, gave Pershing 59 majority and the wholo county "fusion ticket" embracing true and old- timo Democrats and Republicans, tired of official corruption and dishonesty, is elected by from 749 to 139 majority over tho Radical county ticket, known thoro as the Woods-Orlady coalition and formerly tho faction followors of ex-Senator Scott. Tyhurst and Jones havo cvidontly got another marrlago on hands. Col.McClvrk's Paper. Tho Timet, of Philadelphia, appeared on Monday morning last, in an enlarged form and a new dross. Although tho Timet has boon in existonco but eight months, it has a circulation larger than any other daily papor in the Stato, with but a singlo exception tho Public Ledger. Mr. McCluro announces that in a few days ho will havo in operation one of tho best presses tho world can pro duce, with a capacity for printing thirty thousand comploto copies of the papor, on both sides, in an hour, with out touching the paper by hand. Tho Timet is tho newsiost papor in Phila delphia, and we wish it an abundant re turn for its efforts to give the public a first-class paper. VP TO TUH STAXPAltl). I 1 i:.. . . . .i n .... . . . I Jin uiiiiiig in inn ix uwrdi mis is the wuy they hold elections over in ludi. ana county; ' "On the morning of the recent elco tion in North Muhoning tp., tho froo ami independent voters, were no little astonished mid surprised to find posted on tbo building where tho election was held, a notice signed by the elec tion officers of the district notifying all persons that no Republican ticket would bo received or counted which bad mi it tbo immo of 1. Milliikun Kinlcr, the Democratic nominee Ibr ahurifl'. This notice remained posted up fur several hours, uud was taken down by Daniel ltamey. The officer signing this not i.o wcreJosonh Khi.ilda Judge, and (J. W. McConagby and R. C. Hoover, Inspectors. it o nave never known a more palpa ble and flagrant violation of the sinrit of our election burs than this. U was ono of the basest and most unrighteous attempts at tho coercion of voters that bus ever como to our knowledge. Can there be anv freedom of choice in our elections when the officers appointed ui reeoivo tno vines oi mo citizens no tily the electors that unless tbov vote for certain candidates tboir ballots will not be counted ? o hope lo aco an example made of uiese men, wno so inr forma the rutitv as officers and law abiding citizens, as to assume the role of the most virulent ami prejudiced politician. As sworn officers of the law is was their plain duty to receive the ballots of all legal electors without question, and without in nny manner dictating to them how tl.CV fdnvdil vnln unit ... I Iia i.li.a.t nf the polls to count lliu vote. What! business bud these nu n outside of tbo mum lmi b..luc hud tbov fn issue an onlcr tlmi Hie Illinois of those only voted for their candidates would bo counted ? Was their action bused on ignorance, or was it the result of a plan deliberately formed to rnerco the livo and independent citizens of their township? We bopo some public spirited citizens will make the neces sary information, nnd ullow these gon- nenien to make tlieir defences before our court of quarter sessions. They should not cso.ipo punishment." 'VVVl' I' I V I lU't'lUf . rt'fjfjr IL m.t r ..,- n n tr . n. . I . ...j , ,j, i .t . i in.ij vr ait.t. l.Atir.nn 1 A I i l(iM'riM 11 , ..... ,. .. ....... I i i u i. i . . ,, . ,, , , . . , lf'fi.fiLi i, i tn, a , " "V " '""in" ' oimi-ii, iiimi'ier, liu wiium llK li'live lo J ho following h the olhVml vole ol rlMiL ltUH. In the house, i the hearing of Morris withdraw the witness, the Slato lor Governor this year, us The majority of our reader will, no ! Wallace, "D-nyou, I will havo mercy Alter the witnoss had l-.lt tho iund compared with iho voiolor Lieutenant doubt, roeollect tbo fatal result that J l" did not use anv insulting I Mr. Curmihuu announce I ensn Governor last year, llartranll's plu- j Mel Cyrus Butler, of Brookville, who, language to her; asked lira. Owens ' closed on the part of Iho Gove, ii.ueut. rii ty is 12.0.111 I M.lcttu received .1 - attempted to arrest Joseph Laiwbcrry, whem the man (Lansborry) was; did He guve m. tire lo the iIcIViim., how ISO vo 0.1.1, IUwleu02,75 ; Jluwlo s ot Luwronee township, for being a, " urisU the gun over her head and , ever, that the Government uonl.l hold I J iM:?V i" ' "!',V,".'2 dTrWr '" "t"1""'' 18U4' Uii "mt lh.ri""V" hor? m "ot we" Miller that the lull ore to notily tbo delmuhii.t sits op 18,2-11 for Browne, ami UJod'and escape all are fumiliar with. Ho when 1 culled hia in ; don't know that 1 that Mr. lUlhhnm. wnu'hl l, ,-nllwl ... li.r Pounvpackcr. Both the liopubli can candidates obtain thcireloi'lion by a minority voto : ;. WT4 , IVTfi . LIBI T. IIOV'II COTNTIKD.I S -I Adullll - Alletilicoy Ariiitri.tig Heaver -Hrdli.nl Heiki- . lilmr -BrdtKord Bucks - builer I'smtiria -C.-iiurou Cut Imn IVntra Clioitler -Clarion - -ClesilieM t'li.ilnn -Columbia Cruffl'ord .1 t'uirtberl'd; Ilsupliin -j fltiiwure - Ktk tinn j Kurottu - .i Fre-1 - . Krnnklin ruimn - Cirecite - -Uuntiiig'ti j Indiana - -! fHtariioii ! .luitini . .j fiH(1CAlfl -i Lnwrenee j LflMnon -j I.uzprno l.veominj-! MeKesn -Me-eer - Milllin -..' Mnnron Moillgoiuy Monlour - Norllism'r, Norihum'd IVrry.-.-l ri.ila.lera 'ike--- Poller .Sehuylkill. I Snyiler -i Sullivan - -! Ku'quelia Tings . . . ! Union - - -Veningo Wrrn - Wssliingiii, Wayne... tvp.tmnr'd Wyoming -; Yotk a,(H aaiw 16.7011 1,1 Uh!i! To'.l . Msjorily' AXOTJJMt IVAHJUX TIIOUM.K. The Naval Academy at Annapolis Maryland, is stuffed chuck full ol Radical instructors and officials, but still the colored "waids of tho natiou" encounter the displeasure of "llio gov ernment." Tho last outraj'o perpe trated at tbo Institution on the "col ored race is recorded in this way, by somer.oi the Baltunoro tuirriidn, whoso editor has bean one of the chief advocates of miscegenation nnd negro equality tor 15 years. Hear bun : The colored cadet in the naval acad emy, Henry K Baker, jr., from MissiB sippi, wns dismissed from tho ucademy yesicniay uy tne secretary ol mo navy, ut tbo re quest of the superintendent. This cadet bus occasioned continual trouble Hinro his entrance, more tl.au a year ago, into the naval school. NiimherBof classmates and others ut tho school have been reported und sev eral even dismissed, for molesting or troubling bin. in vurious ways, but the hypothesis that be was only an inno cent victim of unprovoked aggressions is proven unteiml.lo by the concurrent testimony of bis class und by the re port of tbo board of inquiry in regard to tbo latest difficulty in w hich his name appears. It was clearly shown belbre ti.o board that Baker used, on the occasion referred to, language too gross for publication and totally inex cusable, nnd this flagrant breach ot decency, coupled with the previous ac cumulation of minor offenses, which ho bai committed, induced tho superin tendent to request hisdismissal. linker was turned back at tho end of the last academic year to Iho class below fiirilo flclcncy in the most important brunches in tbo year's work, that of mathemati cal studies, and nothing appears in his record as a cadet to entitlo him to bo considered a crcditablo representative of his race, or a loss to Iho sorvico to which ho belonged." This is tho last government outrago perpetrated on tho "national wards." But wo suppoao tbo "wards" will still continue to voto tho Radical ticket. Tuk K.'Iakkbki.ii'. A Washington correspondent of tho New York 7YWA in alluding to the election of a Speaker of tho next Congress, which meets on the first Monday of December says : "Iho contest for the Speakership will soon assumo a moro aclivo form, or at least will attract moro uttonlion. Randall expects tho nomination on tho first ballot in tho Democratic caucus. Cox thinks tho contest is between him self and Kerr. Kerr has sense enough not to boast of his prospects. 1'er.iiiii- 2.4X0 2.U5U 10 6IO 3 2'Jtii 4 'JO it 0,5 Uj 3.0W s.;i7;i - 44!l, 2 4l, 3,IW,t 4.'.;.4 A 2541 ;i.oii.v 2.4-loj 2 tir.ii 4.724 4 .178 4.1071 2. '-07j 1.127' 4,lil:j 3 7 I t' :(2, ,i -,'i.r 1 (il'Ji 2 liliJ, 2 5hs! 1 f.Otl 2 Kill i.C. Mi 0.171 1 322 2.2!l 5.S13 I0 3I2: 4.4!l,)j VIH 3. H4.V I..VIII 2 (Mi7; ".SOU1 1.4.51 tiWHj 3 347 2 424 4li 8J7j l.lW'.t, 04lli 0. 184 l.lW7i I 6271 2!l 2.7liti 1 01S; 1 176 3 2-'..r! 1. dWI 4 3iK 2.4:i.!i 5'tW1 1.(1X7 7 111 2 S7 2.52 5.2'J! 3 31111 & 5 1 '.. 0 1 4,121. 2,23 471 2.00. 2.11H 0. 15: 1. H54 1.4H2 1.4 1 1.12;.: 4 8JI 3 f.s.i S.3n;i 3 51., 4l'itl 5 0X7 3.111 si;; 70ol l.4il'.i 2 X.'t'.i 3,5110 2nl I 0211 pi s:tc 2.7X1: 3,4.11 4.0X7 xn.ii 3,533 01 4 17 1,3X3 50s 7.31)0 X' 3 2M3 2.27H 51.X.'.o 23X 1 2tl "517 1.4.V; 2.X3; 422 3.42'. 3CI4 1.H37; 3.2xi; 2.300 4.25'. 2.230 3 010 1.4X0 4,0X3 77.1115 272,511 4,071) 3IKI'j I324U1 31211 27lli! 301.111 1313111 3 too! 4205! 70IK) 3X'.ir 33'JU: 4701 272X1 3501! 5IK3 3221' 3273 2,V.IS; 37571 55201 43lf.l 47IU1 21.71), 111.15; 4741, 42HU! 31(11 !X! 201W: 20O.V 171&! 224X; 1771 75XI 142i( 20(.'X. 075s 1II35 4041 07 0 4207) 15X0. 2030 X330' 1332 724m: 4507 244X 3 a a F so sr. 7 1X7U7 301 15 ;nu 2tlU0 OS0 1 3711 0520 0713 37 JO 2325 55 s VtKtT ! and nse profane was put on trial lor murder in the 1 called him in) don't united States Circuit Court, sitting at language. i uuiourgu, on luesuav, too uin inst. tkstiuony or josipu mu,lmi Joseph Miller sworn Rusidu 7015 2 1 HO lxiu 1771 1043 0140 30113 0574 4075 603 C0H9 3472 370 40.4 0X4 1517 2540 3040 11123 llllx 12725 2335 3X5(1 4030 PHOT 34XX 0411 41UI 1440 002 8304 1002 4304 3001 242!) 47XO 05202 IO50; 434 10I1K DII37i 131.9' 10X9 719! 2951; llHS.l! 1177 21140' 1741. 4703 2135' 0242, 1010 X2X5! 1223 7099 1701 21)X9 33(1 3517 3933 17X4 2953 2057 4917 1X54 4957 1305 5203 292145394175 12030 AFTER THE BATTLE. The smoke has cleared away; the dead have been buried, the wounded uro under proper treatment, and we can tuke a culm review of the situation. For tiltoen years tho Republicans have held the field, and were strongly en trenched in power. One by ono their uiiiiii outposts nave ucen captured, and The proceedings in the case we din irum mo wmmercwi, wuicn journal Bays : Lansborry was among those who had boen drafted in the township in which he resided, and as he failed to report, Provost Marshal Campbell sont iwospec.uiagentstourrost linn, tn at tempting to make tho arrest, one of II. two men (Butler) wus shot by Laus be.Ty. and filially wounded. The as sailant tied, and was not arrested until last soring, when ho wns apprehended and brought to this city li.r trial on a charge oi murder, Lunsberry is alxiut filty yoai of age, bus followed the oceiipulioiw.f a furm- er, and thero is nothiiiir strikim or peculiar in his uppcarance. Mo lias a wile living, but no children, lie is represented by Messrs. Weir & (iihson, Thomas M. Marshall. It. 11. Carnnhan and District Attorney iieed uppt-nr 'or ii.o uovornnie.il. n'ESPAY's I'BOCr.XIUNOS. A hen arraigned, tho defendant plead not guilty, and tho work of em punneliiig ajury began. This occupied some three hours, the defendant chal lenging twenty jurors und the (iov crnmeiit four. The following nu.ned jurors wcro sworn: Joel Truesdal, merchant, West Alexandria; Henry nuausu, ra.n.. tMsj.mem.K. Crawfi.nl county; John 1(. Anderson, fanner, Washington county ; John McDoi.oi.gh, farmer, Washington countv: II. P.! Iloiiscmun, farmer, Kavetto county riiuik M. Kiisln.un, gentleman, Butler county; Wm. JI. Mulfonl, nierihuiit, Susqiiehttiinu county; Win. A. Dry. nobis, gentleman, Wyoming county; James Miliinney, farmer, Butler county; James II. (ieary, farmer, Westmoreland county; Jacob Scliatter, minister, Allegheny county ; .loshuii A. Kllis, gentleman, Lvcomii.L' countv. Alter the jury hud been sworn, II. B. Caruahan, Esq., oM-ned tbo case on tho purl of tho Government. He com menced by reuding the laws under which the prisoner was drafted, and then proceeded to detail tho circum stances attending the homicide. Ho said tho lioveriiinent expected to es- tal.lisli the fact that the murder of Lnptu.n Holler was committed by the prisoner, nnd that the crime was done while the deceased wns endeavoring to arrest him as a deserter from the army. Alter Mr. Carnnhan concluded, District Attorney Iteod offered in pvl. dence a number of documents, showing uiu uiKiiiiiiueni oi rroviwt .il.irsl.ull Lampi.ell, in the .Nineteenth Pennsvl A witness, would not prevent them from calling hlin as a witness for de fense Tilt llll'INX. Mr. Weir opened thocuse for the de fense. He laid thut they expected to lie able to provo that Van Vleit and Ilradford township, Clearfield county, und lived there iu October, 1804; knew Joseph Lausberrv: that Is kim ll.i.rn pointing to tiio prisoner); have known Duller had made a sudden und violent lilm tor thirty yea.; saw bim on tho attack upon Lunsberry, firing two SOU. of Octobor, 186 , at his own I shots at him, and putting him on the .""'""i . "uiiur nu up, van leu aeiunsivo irom tuu very start; and bad enino from Jeffenou i county to that the subsequent roslstouce of Lans- mi .wi-7 ; inov uia not Know uerry was In jiell-dolonso, and to save ".it no urwi, nor inn iney Know tke Ins own life, . me TKSTUioNy. Martin V. Owens, sworn Itesido in fi .t. .i.i . . waited ti l .l..vlil.. 1 .. .ri......." I uM...,, uaiw a nun miles I .11.1 a . k , J ; WWII, U. IUD UUIIHU oi 1 told lliem thut ha wuh t im i.b..uu.m.... .i.- i . man; they lo.ind out thut l" knew him and employed .no as guide ; arrived ut i.aiisiii.rry s about lour o'clock, and cumo out; I told them that he was the man, nnd they went lo arrest him; Lansborry went to the ban. and nth. wards wunt to the house; I was ulioul 250 feet from him w hen 1 recognised bin.; there v.'as a woman in tho house, nun as uiooiucers entered licnrd her ex claim, "my .loo," and something else, ui.k mm i recollect, wuat it was; the shooting occurred just then ; think she cried that tho 'officers had him," or had i.oinu n uei in in; at tins l.uio Lnns. berry was leeding soino stock ubout n.iocn or viglitoen t.)t away, but when the woman cried out, he immediately ran to the l.ousu; tin, mm thing 'l heard was thi.shooting, and Lansbeny siM.ii afterward ran out of the house and fl"d, 'nn Vleit followed and call ing mo in join in me pursuit ; 1 fired m him lliroo limes with a revolver; Laos berry run to il, woisls, he had ii rifle arroi in Ins hand: 1 n i,.,. OSI'llll Lansborry; (tho witness bore dusenh. ed the promises from a diagram sub milled by counsel for the delcnse ;) Lunsberry was at homo on Saturday night, October 2!Ub ; the next morn ing, us I wus reluming from the barn, I saw him coming in; iho next thing 1 heard was un uproar ul the door.aud two men cumo to the door and, utter ing loud outbs, said ; "Let us in hero;" Lunsberry bud came into our part of the house ; his apiirt.ncnts were in tho outer pun oi tne , liouse ; flunk one of tho men was named Van Vleit ; they broko through the door; an inside door was closed by oneol llu ivoinen, when inn men ti.reiv it open ngu'ii; they asked mo where Lunsberry was and i told them he hud l'iiiio mil : the kini.il man said "I wns a liur," the lurgo one mid I uoi going toslioot (bed -unv- now ; lie lius cone un uiuir il.i ..... broken off- I......-.I .1.... .1 """.aui.i 111 a loud lonool Voice; they then wb.le afterward ; saw Colonel Bntler! , , MaSwa, , Laiislwrrv" ' I '.'' ",' Lo ifbot, ailil ?b. at' b wh X uJk Mr OMl ' h L10 J"rtyl-n.b,.nTo out of Iho ,1 fi.'l . U "L X L ' " ,.r..hnck ,"l'Saw the small .nan como d. IS IT YOU Wl tild that you would like to get inch Clothing M City rropis wur, mner tnin ise wiomoit gOOHS com. manly told 1 This will tell you how to da It. Ths vsry larf IncraaM at our builnsat allows ut lo Mil. VlU IOWH SCALI Of r.CU,N0 You Can Save Enough la bujrlni Suit it Oak HsU TO PAY FOR THE TRIP p from unywhtri In tW County to tho City of FhlUdelphli, and havt a day of iight-iooing bmtdoi. Wananako A Brown it and by ttiia tiaumnt, and will ' jroa aiW oaa trial. Oharaclir tl tho Ooadi m Mil I Far Man 4 lays. f JO ,mrt of what we a?!! w Minutariur our A 7 Key ara well cul,arwMJaiKlAnihcd 1'hay ran ha rtlied upon. Sturvkacpen out ot iht city atcpft-nt U whan they toy thy tell ouf utdc. a ttv av w mii connne outMireja lo trtai). Wt (war ao Ul-will to any one, aitd Mala the oatly bacauaa mom dralaia aril poor arr-odi m coining frnai out hisUBC. 1 o ach of our cttuom. trt wa at mpucaailalc for anttitt bouflil ul u. ty uur pbn ol Ticketing me rtgAt tutmit oi lot naUnaia vu our gooda, aoont can b mialtKl ai to q ual i lica . HF. prico In plain nitumand miking iff, Tha amsi prii w liwitMiitiarKca anu tirangm. WlMMlktr 4 aVaim tf tat lhair CU I OH IRS. rpHF.prl I MIM 'l o I :v liMirt and ruunlrv rjroiJa musl advaatafta, Wuh each anlclt aolri, a t.mmrmmUt It givea, thai th I'rtcc iiu low ai ii can be bought aaywncra, ana inai ui quamy ta at ri)rkr.ieU alto, that tha money will be paid Lmik In full, t putch; wuara, rur any ntaaon, lo rttum in gnoua, unworn. i wiiliiii 10 daya ' whtra tht Slar g. PhUarlclphla, It la a larga buildmc. the on lh StHiih-caai corner of SIX Tl SIXTU-MX1U and alarkat StroaU Ml IIS la ImpAMnl indtad.hrranac, unprincipled I ptotiU Nitving ior La Philadelphia, m- Urftit our aiitna, carta, advmitawM, and top lraii(rr on the airetl, -fi u tirtitin ahoul whera lite tli-ra if, ao that they nay acll thtir tin of f'.tir ordinary alorti. and ta MA I fl M A J Il ls City. PIMl-UP itlcmi of RialcHal and prkn hy next own stairs snw l oloiie Hut nr n K.l i , ... iihnnl I.I . .,.l .. i . .i i u"" f "ul 1110 a irun bur- anout III a. l.. which was the t ,imo :.. , .. .lHi . him nitre; examined lb u. ti:n i .... ...... ... t . . r , j'.'V nii-'r u.m. Il.lllill mi ii. in ; barre which l.a.isberry had can ied ; ! ,i, i an Vleit was upon the other side nf !., , the house when the woman cried out. j ,,.rrv!a not notice a wound upon Mr. f.uus ry, or blood nnon bis arm : Lima. licrrv as In. fl..,l I k . T ri-iui iicu ues paltered with blo. . in front of me ; saw his left side ; ho bad his coat on ; there was a dog with him ; snw blond on his left coat sleeve; 1 had tired once at him, hut it was not within reach of him ; saw the blood on his arm riht after I fired the first shot; 1 th.uk the blond was on his aim iwi.'n lie came out ol I ... I.m..... m money and pay ibn aaptwHaga aU fu tnitr. cn requnud. IVrtona can have mad-UD itooda aenl h ka-uiEaa. l land. Ing their aieaaure ( (nritiib tuy d.irrtiona that any on can meaiuro by,) anil dctcribing (f-lor wanted, and prica dctairrd. I'aytncnt can ba ifiaHa receim ofgooda, and the priHrn of eiamining then i gtxiu ao not picaM, wa will return tht KrprcM i allowed before aying Whetv toed do not y ini axpfwM back to rhiladeipt id V tun t jw mr nam m tht hutUime mn4 ,r tht dtr WANAMAKER & BROWN 1 a J -.iiiiii.,ii..,j ppr. not examine tho Knnbarrei with u rum roil ; tne gunliarrel has Im'imi lost iwcen tbo court and counsel for the delense in regnril to tho admission of evidence as I., the conduct of the offi cers after the flight of i.isl-rrj-, tl.e ..u.i (.tnir.iiig mm was 1() ailllllSSl- blo as evidence. Mr. Gibson ur.mcil llmi it tnmlnH mujsnnw tho powerful violenco of tho ofll ccrs, and if it couhl lie shown that the olllccrs, acted in a hi rhlv rarvious tiihkath. manner, their brutal conduct would John S. Ilailel.augh sworn Am a. i " them of the shield of tlieir author qnulnted with Joseph l,ansheiTy ; tulk-' '0'- vunia district, and lhen,w.i. ' .1 """ m 'onccn,ii,g thel. "e wnness resunieil-rxcl, mas us (yru. Itutlcr and tieor' Van XhitX;. ncpiemner 11, iisu-i, as iicputy I'rovostl aiarsnaisor PMKiul Ageiils ; also the e, revuruH snowing me quota of soldiers wanted from Clearfield county nnd Lawrence township also, when' Lans borry resided; also the records sbowln.r that Lansbcrry had been drafted, but lama to report. TIIK TKSTIMONV. "MONEY MAm THE MARE GO !" TEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE! II!0XS1I)E.S STOIiK. 1 Xovembtr (i, 1S75 ( 10 tuk ri ni.ic : wish to inform my old patrons and the public generally that uflcr Ten .ours experience in doing business on the Credit Sysi.m, I have como to tbo conclusion lo try it on the Cash Plan, for the following reasons ,,,I',C,I" "."IM" Is oflo Iko oaaao of ea.i,lrr .hi. lr,,ui,l, an 1 ton JI. liooil pajriux oo.lm.ri hsro lo p.; ao. r.r III nr till, I,, l. . , , ,, XOO.il Al A 1 KKl 8MA1.L rhltt.KN rAllh, a aa in lu..n i I,, liuy FOR CLSII. ..-..''L1.'" "'. tl"'"" ,,ict' 1 ,,"V0 dwiM on and after MON DAY. XOVEM Hhli Htli, lo do a SruiCTi.v Cash JIl-sincsn, and in order to accomplish lliT. purpose I , delerniiiie.l to mske my prices so low that no man w ho colors my store with the CASH, can leave it without the article he desires to pur chase. I his resolution will bo strictly adhered in. and I invite an examina tion ol my prices by all who are in need of anything in mv lino. To tbo.o ...... ........, i.n u, ,,rU..,,iy paying tneir bills, I would say Hint this -chango c.f base is intended for their benclll. as well as mv own. n,l I and we tnlU.I il,n n, i n revolver i.. l.i. ,.. .i 1...1.1 f. , "ennngo of him I hcanl he had been drafted; ask-;'1' " length; but a short time' '"'P lh7i "n" tak,) 1"mb,1'"K0 "" 'arrangement which gires tl.ei'n their eo nun wnat lie was imii... i einpseil tromthemonic.it il.ev enter. -" .. . n r, -" .. - - j -..,. nether lie wus going to put in a sub-lc" Ul "airway until the firing ocenr stiluto for dliOII, or reorl ; be said luye,1S Jid. ""t bear Van Vleit and bis was going in , neither; 1 told him be companion say anything until they got had Letter do one or the other, nud if. door; they came In the door ho had no n.onev be ennlil li,.. : alonmido of each other tl.ei- .. .likely I close to the stairway when they called I Tlinii.ii U HI l . ii .. . mil .1 ,, 1,1.1 I. :....i .- . ..-I ii . .. . . ' .'."."..un, j'.nii., one ol i j " "M". n..uvi ui... . iuiisoerrv I ho following testimony was then tho counsel for the dcfoi.se. of.iect.-d to! Immediately piiK-eeJc.l un stairs. tbo testimony, ami Mr. l'.ir..ui,..n ! Cross examined Lived in the limn... elicited ; Col. H fimires than 1 could niliei-.t ,. it.,,1 .... h.. i .i i . . . y"v .i-i.aui." uiiove .tat d,il,cy havo been paying the dcbls of posr cu-tomcrs, and under t',e credit system mut continue to do so. Inviting nil t ci snj u0 ,M,, f my intention to sell at prie. . which will ini.k.. ii on .ili.....t ... I,.... r... ..t. i ...un ""j"' " vn. .it i reiiiaio, Tho Public's Obedient Servant, l'liiliii.tinrg. Po-, Nu. K, IS7J at (i. S ri.Kii.M. S. Campbell sworn Was last year there was a rout ulonir their ' rovost Marshal of the Nineteenth wholo line. A desperate rally this district in 1804 ; knew Cyrus Duller ; yeur, niueu uy power and plunder, lias; roeuinnienuca Ills .milled them tu ivcantiiro a few noiiits but they have lost so torribly elsewhere, that a grand tbnrgo next year will load to tboir utler annihilation. Tho campaign of 1875 closes us fol lows : Rfcrt'SLK-aX, llllnoli fca!iY,!'.... Miloo MaMoohuiotta Mibijtao M .... MiDDoaoUL Noliraaks Narado Now Jaraa Naw llarop.b.ra.... North Carulioa Obio OraROB Punuaylvaoio Kbmla Inland Huaib Carotins.... VaiaMnU.... Wiaeonmn H I VCMorsAn. .. II Alabama .. I A'ki.. 9 uainoi norm Conocettout . Ilelawara .. Florida Oaorgia ,... loiliaoa Kaotaokjr ,. Liinlaisoa Maryland Aliiaiaaippt ,, Miiaoor. Now York Tennearea Triaa Vlfgiais Writ Virginia Somo of thoso temperanco men who started out just before the oloction to work up an interest for the new whisky party, with Ilurtranft at its hood, bav ing done their work, can now fall back into tho temperanco ranks.' They play temperance so long as there is nothing else to bother their brains about. Like jumping Jacks, they move when the political leaders pall the wires, Taoro aro but vory few professed teniiMranco reformers, aside from tho female portion, who do not mako it a secondary political action, Tho year of tho greatest effort and ox poctation the crop was of the poorest results. The notorious Hill Mann Lm been clooted Prothonotary ot tho several Courts of Common Picas in Philadel phia, seven of tho Judges voting fur him. The voles of tho other five Judges woro scattered among as many different applicants for the position. Philadelphia recently voted for a con tinuance of rilgrim rule, and it is but proMir that tho leader of that corrupt organization should bo rewarded by these liadicnt Judges, Tho offlco Is tho most lucrative and responsible one in tho gift ot tho Judges, but they have placed it in vory bad hands for the next thrco years. Dora, olacloral T.ilrr.lliS Uep. doctoral Tolea..li' It will thus bo seen that the Demo crats lead their opponents by a majori ty oi 20. inn tne aliovo table is in structive from another point of view. Hvory Stato in tho Democratic column is rousoniibly suro in 1878. Not so with thoso in tho Itopublican lint. Maine was only retained by 5,000 after a desperate fight. In .Massachusetts which used lo give 80,000 majority, and was considered not onlv the birth- nlaco of licpublicanism but ils strong- I itr . . . ... ... j.. .mutual ...mii um un nin.iiir- do Wood is l.y no means out of the i ,d, t10 op,K.sition lost tbo .Stato in V rnr.T. Mississippi elects flvo .Dem ocratic Congressmen out nf six. Tho House delegation in tho Forty-third Congress stood lire Republicans to ono Domuorat, This ia not all. Tho Democrats have as fully cleaned the county offices of scalllwags and carpet baggers M they havo (ho Congressional deUnralion. Tho former good charac ter of the Htjte has been restored by tho people, after oxflorjmonting with political harlots for fifteen yean. I contest, While those Democratic mag nates nro con lidentof seizing thoolfico, lesser lights, such as Milton Say lor, (JilbcrtC. VVnlkor, General liauks,and possibly somo others, aro held in re serve for compromise candidates. Korr is tho most able and honest of the candidates, and Hanks is tho best fitted to preside llandall is the best parliamentarian, excepting Hanks, and VValkor is tho best looking of tho can didates. The exigencies ol politics and tho ambitionsot Presidential candidates will probably d.ctnto a man who will not become too prominent as Speaker, and therefore troublesome, so that somo ono not j ot mentioned may bo finally selected as a compromise bo tween all interests," An exchange says the ilon. Cassius M. Clay, still halo and hearty, mado five vigorous speeches in the Missis sippi canvass. In ono placo he so thoroughly cxposod a carpet-bagger who hud just delivered a speech, that the people se.xrd linn and would havo thrown him Into the Mississippi river had not Clay personally interceded in the man's behalf. Mr. Clay mode Fremont speoch at Curwcnsvillo in 1856. Ho Is an able man nnd until recently ho was ono of tho most Kadi citl of Iladicals. Hut from this on he proposes toaiitugoniio tho Grant family and govo nment corruption gunerolly A Mix. The Elk Democrat say a that politics In M'Kcan county was slightly mixed th.d ( all. Pershing carried the county by thirty-six votes, and tjie Democrats elected tho District Attor ney, (wo Commissioners, and one Aud itor, while tho Republicans oloeted the Sheriff, ono Commissioner, two Audit ors and tho Coroner. Tho voto on Prothonotary was a tin, and, in order to prevent embarrassment and rompll cation, tho candidates have agreed to divido tho honors and profits of tho oil. to, ono acting as rrolhonotary and tho other as his deputy. Carry tho now to Himon and (lov. I'ollock I iicllcloiito, Iho home of (iovcrnor Curlin, gives IS mnjority for 1 orshing, a liomocratio gain ol OS. And old Centra, Curtin's county, gires i.iuu n.r rersiiing, the biggest ma jority it has given Ibr thirty-five yesrs. Carry tbo news, carry tho news, carry tho nows to Simon. llellefonte Watch man. Cuiap (.Blur. An Albany (N. Y.'i paper aiai'ei "A Mrs, Croft attendod a Troy funeral and wept so loudly and so bitterly that a policeman scarrhed hor and lo.inu flvo stolen tidies In her pockets," 187 L and this year are In a minority on tho popular voto. Now Jersey al though lost to us through local divis ions Uiis fall, is strongly Democratic, and In 1876 will wheel into column. Ohio nnd Pennsylvania aro dobatablo states, and would have been won this year except for tho blunders of our leaders, in Wisconsin thero has been n second Democratic victory, Whether or not the majority of 600 or 1,000 by which tho Stale is carried shall be for Taylor or I.ndington, or tho Demo crats or Republicans elect a majority of tho State officers, when the charac ter of tho canvanss is considered and the opposition which Governor Tay lor's course in tho railroad war has nrovokod is woighod, even should ho bo defcatod which wo do not think probable tho ltepulilieu.il must now surrender the Stnte. This outlook, whilst discouraging to our opponents, should givo renewed courage to our friends. Wo are not beaten but cheated ; and aro in first class trim for the grand onslaught of 187G. Lot us go to work and organ ise, now, JilumwAurg Columbian. The ItECRNT CoAl. Invisticiation. The joint committee of tho Legislnturo, appointed to investigato tho affairs ol tho l'hil'a A Heading Huilinad Compa ny, and the Philadelphia Coal & Iron Company, held their final meeting at thoGirard lloaso, In Philadelphia, a lew days s.nco. Alter a lengthy de liberation a report to tho Legislature was agreod upon. It is understood that the report will be presented to the Legislature In January next, and will set forth that tho constitutionality of tno act oi Assemtuy winch incorporated tho Phil's ft iteading Iron and Coal Co. is ono Winch should bo dcuidui) by tho Courts, and not by Committoo ol tho Legislature, und they therefore recommend that tho oviilrnec taken in the citse bo submitted to tho Attorney General tor his oxnniiuation, ho being tbo proper tow odlcer to institute nro- cccdihgiagniistthocorporuiio!i,shoi.ld tho fact warrant such notion. The com iniltoo condemn thepolicy by which such a charter has been granted by tho Legislnturo, but think that as all other anthracite coal companies of tho oiajo iiau mono powers granted them, thero was no gisid reason why (hoy should bo withheld from tho Heading Company, but the committee ox press the bopo that a different and more prti- uuni course win do norenilor pursued in this matter. On tho chnrgo of con eiiiraoy to regulate the price, of noi.l, me eimiiniiico inii.K mat tne onmnina tion has not been Injurious lo tho pub. lie, and if It should become detrimental hereafter the law enn be resorted to to restrain and pnnlsli t!i parlies, Sena tor A. J. Hot, one nf tho members of the oni.imlttiw, was titrnc(ed to pre pare tho report, and (bo nommiUeo adjourned. nniM.intincnc ns special ngent; know Van Vleit; Mr. Butler was tinder my control as Provost .Marshal ; in October, IS1.4, 1 sent Uullcr and Van Vleit specially to ancst Lansbcrry ; it was reported to mo that in attempting to mime me arrest i,unstcrry had been killed; Lnnsberry's arrest had been ""' himioi. kv "MaumnuiK,,!. ing drafted man. George Van Vloit swom-ln October, 18(U, resided in Brookville, Jefferson county ; in October, 1804, was special agent of the Provost Marshal's depart ment; knew Cyrus Butler; ha held a similar position; he resided also in Brookville; Mr. Butler and I received orders to go to Cleurfield ; first wo wont to soo how things stood in Clearfield county aliout deserter from tho draft Attended to this duty ond reported. Then went a 810111! time to make somo arrosts, which wo did. A third time wo were sent specially to arrest a man named Lansbcrry. Wo cxiccted resistance, as wo were told Lansbcrry was a desperate character. This was about the last of the month. Wo pro- iin-uw unu cannon, a man named .Miller was wuh us. the bouse on waicneu ior a timo. A man came out nnd Miller said that it was Lansborry. lio went to Iho barn. It was a foggy morning and about daylight. We then went lo tho houso, and when ho rctariied from the barn I told him to unit. Hint bo was my prisoner. But ler also told him to halt. Ho went in to tho house, closing tho door. Wo forced tho door and followed him in. Lansbcrry wont up stairs, closely fol lowed by Butler. When Butler was alxiut half way up the stairs ho was shot oy Lansborry. I suppose it was a gun ho fired with, as when I got up tho stairs I saw him strike Butler with tho gun, breaking the stock. Butlor fell, I supposed, dead. Lunsberry and I then bad a littlo scufHo, but notl much, lie got out and got ahoud of mo; pursued mm a short distance, when ho disappeared in a pioco of wowus .inner anu 1 went back, and found Butlpr had gono out of the house, and I found him n hundred or a hundred and fifty rods from the house, lying beside a fence ; Miller went for a wagon and we hauled Butler to Clearfield ; he died at Dunlap's hotel, about two o'clock tho next morning (Monduy); 1 remained with him until ho died; tho bullet entered near tho naval, a little to tho left. Cross-examined II ad not been d l ink ing that morning ; havo no recollection of over being in David Miller's houso; um not uniiK lucre; when we followed i.ansuerry into the houso, wo wont through 0110 room, Into another in which wns tho stairway. Somo ono of us may hava asked "whera tbo man went to," but do not recollect of sav ing anything. Do not roeollect that oithor of us threatened to "shoot the son of a ." We woro not boistorous, and neither of us threatened or cursed. We did not shoot first, Mr. Marshall askod tho witness how ho could describe the manner in which Lansbcrry held tho trim and shot Hut. lor, whon ho (witness) did not soo either I. That the twelfth uud lliii-.,..,il, t llfilToifa votii'v stated in wriiimr u- . . I with Lanslrrv f,,,. i .11 ... lH,"l"'"""'ea-toll...ngivssofMaivl, prove by the witness, vfc' he had been at hom, ,0 ' F-U 'VurTTt? prisoner bad announced that he would ,-' tbo 8011, ; when he came int-Cd Ma s i IX 'd-TI . h" "" . . .1" "' ' not obey the draft. Jour apartments on thut morning ho j. ... i .V','111'1 that persona; Jfc. fet..rirk. J T, i;4. witness resumed: I (old him thnv lllmo ilb a rush ; I was standinir un . " 1 . r",l."'"'r 'K 1 "V tppninM bt b. 1- ..- ..... v4 vy PniU UL'L MIll.lt - - - ww.... ,,iinz ir.iui 11 l-iiirnnleil mo flnB..Mn. .1.. . UI "oiaaoanla Mmnil nronerl.-. h. uvoviuii III... nia would tako bim dead or alive, and he'ttt 1,10 time; could seo the door on tho! said the first man "who comes to tukol wl'Ht "i'1'' of the liouse, but did not no-lWl, mo 1 will shoot." That ended the! Lansbcrry going out thero or upj of i DetanitarH liemnal properl.-, h-rfllir -I was iii a buggy"P".n mo so suddenly that I could not lllh section of tho act of r.,.,,., I 5 . .Z "'. .I,:1 "Piof February 2-1, 1804, imderwbicii thel T""''?. !' j of Deo.ib.r.A. D.'i r'i.ai 1,10 defemliint .n.lu i.l.....l i. :..i.i.. I " o'clock A. a , -has and warn all .,, f. n. I,. ..airs either; the whole thing canio j ,nu Z Elands n,l,r, .'!' , & upon mo so suddenly that I could not ",a?'L" " U.H" ?d- uro Ll,'.1y . penal and must bo strictly construed. 2. That by the twelfth section of tho aforesaid act of March 8, 1888, those who wcro drafted were lermllv en. titled to l notified thereof by pro- conversation. ("ross-examined and Lausberrv was on foot: ih ....... not.co evcrvtbiiiir: don't know uhv I vernation took placo before tho fall!1"1'! tho olll eora tbnt Lansbcrry was 0I0.1I011 ; don't remember whut I went ! "ol there ; did not know that ho was to Clearfield for on tlmt conversation to William Belts ofClear- h'" did not know what was up Lans ' " not'ned thercot by pro- e Id ; ho is not here ; told it U, other,. I rr, never told me be expect a v . tc d) but can't remember who they were; the onicers; 1 heard the door i HJtn Tw""" never hunted the woods for Lansborry i ' hen it was bui'st open ; tho di- t '. i?,. ' bo 8Td P"nalfy or with a gun to kill him. 7 i ugram was made under v e.. - I t linv"' thereol at Ins last Ite-direct Never saw tho prisoner ' ",,lou om pl nearly all the timo ; from tho time or the conversation re-1 ,)o't know what it meant on tho din luted to In ISC 1. until vi.i,.nl,,i- i gram bv first n.isiiinn ni rtivnn. in ii. v -i.. "i. .. .. -'" A U. KKAMKIt. '?- . AuJ.tiir. s Vloarlal.l, Nor. 1 ITl'ATIOX WANTED nja voonj nan aJ clerk oraooioiit,.nl. Anr pulin oilblm loouiplo; Nb will apply iui iiicdiatt'lr. Ilefnroocea siren. AdJrcaa, Uoi 4J, Karlhaur. P. 0 . Cloarltld eooo.r. Ha. Nor. 17, nlaco of ix-sidence r,.nlr,'.i .1 T;i?,uor: " ""0,'t n"l'-' he was not , , imv,., tui hnniir r ninir. 1 WIU nfH III Ilunnrnir thisM1 . . : J ,..., (iw, ttttMam:t Dr J.G.IIarlwi..kwoi-lie.ided -oilier Owens in tho worn: it ! """T" Wm!,,. Government 17. t n. ... I ' ,.. 7 in I' ....a.. I.I I t x . i . 1 .:. .. . " HUl H.TN I V fUtrt'lXl With mink . . " - "v ::i:. '" " u' '." Bl'""'"nan ot that " ' m ino room ; am certain :0,-.tl,,i; .....; ' ,:: ;.:. .' 7J ottlcer rould not take a n.nn unless it to submit and surely had tho right to defend his liberty. ' Alter arguments upon tho point rcl- name, on a tho occurrence was w dition from abdomen ; saw him but once. uppcar at a designated rendexvous to roport for duty." ; I waa not in the corner ; there 1 "i V'"1 ' l" T'cvo. that J" il,- n. ... .,. " ' " e ph Laiisberrr. the defcndanL was - "..w,,, ,., ,u nm; , n,.,.,-!!.. - ., w, ...'.. '." "oiernmeni my who ; incro wns no othcrinan lon ...,,,', ,. " i ucsorter, ills Honor decided that an written or printed notice was nn & Mntiiliit. r... i ... . rum ..1 ti.rt ,.. Anii...j . .. .. ;Oi a " - J " " ..o.im aner i ..j n.u a u nar; ii . i,;a .,, r" i eurrence; cannot remember who !am also certain Col. Builer said liel! . . , i ? residence, he was ithl.im;bowasinadvin2con.i''i alioot the d : heard " do,Hr 7' w. .""""portiiig draft- r i n . . i ... . i vrt i bullet wonn.l in tbo i two shots at the head of the stairs; or could ho shown that the man had knowlcdgo that he wus a deserter. e.1 man within tho meaning of said ' , n,'lH.u , W."f,"0t somowhere on the s.air.. w.."!" wn" no' thor..fo liable to nr- .;. Z7 " Michael Frank swnrnK...i.ii :-! near but could nm .i,.... i,.i.- .i...:. ! ro. I..1""'11' i ..'. Clearfield in 1SIU. and knew ln.,...h ! were pistol or mm sl...t. - il.ev ' 1 "!" on. " '"dictmcnt for iiiur- ... -. ..'.' n.i..- .1.- .'..i...-. j..' i' TIIK AKIll'MKNTS. If of the lZ"i -hk! terlwM the head of the stairs, and , 't tJ I vZa ZXZ & i ... y. ::. r rv. .,om n"n 1 wou"1 ' v!. m ,n.tnpro i ttio.. niti,.v-? al. .i. r. . i niioniey, ami nt me renuest of the .ml It would meettheexn;, the west side; '2." - " SIl subst.tute ; ho said ifhopai, the money ml revolver. s B i ". CHIlt ""denou thatlio was served , -oik-IuiIwI flo il.. r.V t.? . hianropeny would ha levied loTa", Mr. Carnal.,,,, gave noticethat he ZZ Tk,1"1'! - V t ftt.7ch sold ; he was not married then ; I told would continue the cross-examination I JS"1 'he aforesaid act of March 8, Lu,J had amide nmi, hat t ...III 1 M 1)111(1 l'Cl QUI 11.0 llinih.il- fitrioi 1I1IS WlinCSS in t ie lllliriil.il. no Im I . in, . niorninif. wan iioi yoi inrougii w ith Imn. 0. Thut if the iurv should find Dm: The Court then adjoined until ten ' " W'M rved will, the o'cb.k on Thursday moVning .", ir'7r Prosc"be,''y tbo twelfth see . tion of tho act of March 3 lHG.i but t.i.J?sav s I.HOCXM.IN.,.. ! .10d find thrt ho bclilv & 1 ho cinss-cxaniination of Mr. Owens or sources of Information, that ho was turn nnd not chargo him a cent ; I left thero in 1809, und nover saw him from tho timo of tbo conversation related. Cross-examined Uo seemed pleased with my proposition ; onco afterward want d o sec mo I ho J . , C0,,lin"c'1 Bl "i-ll. length, drafted ...d did not report, o was not ! ri"T.0"0 ... . . vnvn uib nii ill I e.r....i.m.iu. i,,a nor. I n.r i..-n...ii mnn .. ... i ....... I ll. I tod. Uo not onlv xniri he would not report, but assorted that he would shoot any ono who attempt ed to arrest him, Ho knew thut Van Vleit and Itutlcr were Government officers, and they made known their when they culled iiim to saying "you are tny prisoner." ioso.i aim Mr. Ma.'shuil follow- line, flu I.:. ... . : . . ..... . . . " ' "".'- .nil. oi unu, aim tnnigs wero gelling statement as to the tl.rem. mnHn !,. vision, nf U, .r-.i i ... . 1 ! very able sneoclies for the de. i. i i . "llL"r Vsn Vliut heliire tbo shout- That if tho jury should find from ' . ''lulrn,tinR tho legal principles KnSlllnil I i.i, Ml.a .11.1 ..... .1... .... . . .... i ....'. . ..'.I.. , (,niM ,.l ,,. ,,n ..:., .i-.. i. . , I . R, ,.,,, ,, n.e um snooting nut ! "e eviiience tliul t ho (leleni it rr '." "" I" ""mviiinijiiii'i arnitco, ami lawlully notified thereof . ana luiiea to renort tlmt lt..n.,. -,..i Van Vleit were special agents, lawful- tho man or tlio gun nt the timo of tho shooting and le replied that, fYpm, tbp position of tho parties, Lansborry must have held tho gun so as to shoot down tno stairway. This is only a sup- j.uiii..n ..i -in ii.rviieo. In chief After tho shot was flrod, Lansborry struck Uullcr over the head and shoulder with the oun. tbo stock of which was brokon. I ex amined tbo gun aftorward, and found ii hail been discharged. Duller and I both fired, simultaneously, in tho di rection where tho first shot came lroin. Tho oourt then adjournod until ten o'clock on Wednesday morning, wxdnesdat's FBorctDimis. Vpon re-assembling, the Govern ment resumed the examination of wit nesses, as follows' VAN VLKIT kCCALLtn. ' Mr. Van Vloit was recalled by Mr. Carnahan: Do not recognise the prisoner: saw him but verr short space of time eleven years ago : siillor mined me in the pursuit, for Lansbcrry ; quite warm John S. McKcrnaii sworn in Clearfield in 18G4, and was Denutv Provost Marshal ; did not know Josepli .niioi.e. Tf , i went 10 i.ansiicrry a house to arrest him ; afterwards went to tho rivor, where a crowd of men were in wins, and i.ansuerrt' wns pom tea out ; it appeared tho first man 1 passed was Lansbcrry; I turned around and saw that be was running away ; ho was neuring a wood ; I was on horsebnek, but know I could not overtake him ; do not now n-cogi.ir.e him. Westly Miller sworn Waa sont to Lansbcrry's house on October 30th, 1804, by Colonol Butler to see if Lans borry was nt home i ft ho testimony nf this wilnoss was Corroborutivo of that of his brother, Joseph Miller, elsewhere given) saw Colonel Builer aftor the shooting; 1 procured a conveyance and "on iu v lesrnuiu ; tno wound was from a gun shot, and the bull soemod to bo ol pretty largo caliber; I rocog. nixo tho prisoner ns Josei.h Lausberrv Dr. Charles M. Matson sworn Was surgeon ol tho Board or Knrollmcnt in 1804, and stationed at Wntcrlqrd, Kriq couiuy. A WITNESS onjECTKB T0' li. If. luillibono was tho next wit. nous to be called on tho part of the Mi.v.iriiiuuiiv. AJr. Uilmu.l, fur doftmso, objooted to the examination on tho irrouml tlmi the defenso bad not boon notified that .ii r. Kuihbone would ta called as a witness. Ho thought If the Govern ment intended to deal fairly with the prisoner, a complete list of witnesses should he furnished before tho case was called un lor trial. Judgo M'lvonuan said that tho act of Congress, requiring tho list of wit nessea to bo furnished lo defendant, cer tainly did not require that the oomnl.it.. list should bo furnished every tiine. If um ucmmiiiiii nau nonce any timo, the requirements of the law had boen fully a...'k. ' i i Some further discussion ensued bo tween counsel, when District Attor ney Heed slated that from tho inform. alien he hud been able to gather, Mr. iiauioone nnd not neon nrusent at ll. last term of court, and that tl.o nnm,,r tne witness nan not boen at anv tim. r. . .. . . . '"""' mrnnnoa to uis aeiendant, was in the house at the time. nil.. BUTI.IS S OTINO DKCLARATION. At tl.ta rtril.il ll.n .n.......l r.u .... .. . fenso called Joseph II. Dccring and ! i 'thonaed to cflecl his arrest that stated that thoy proposed to ask the witness if he had not heard Col. But ler make a dying declaration relative to tbo shooting. Counsel for tho Government ohU-t-cd. when If is If. 1...I u. ..- . nan, stated that it it could be shown ?t . and with 'dcd revolvers that Col. Butler knew he was dying j ln !' ,mt h"lul"' immodiately rushed up tho evidence would bo admissible f. ! 1,1'" towar.1 the room where he wns not, it would not be taken, I ,r".ln " mru there woro no means of iho witness waa then interrogated! . ' tairway, and fired .. .. .....a. i . . . ." . . ...M.n n.ti. irnnn.i.ui .... . . n ... wucilior L.O . nnllei l.n.1 ...1,1 thei' went nnon his nramisca on .1... Sabbath, and without giving bim no tice of Iho object or purpose of their p.v-v.nu, i.niRo into me nouse, and with loud ontha, uttered within tho de fendant's hearing, that they would submitted. It was nearly three Mr. Marshall concluded and the court adjourned until u nnartcr before ten o'cliM'k on Sutiirday morning, when .Mr. Iieed will commence w closing speech for the Government. SATI IinAV's PROCKKIHMls. After District Attorney Heed had addressed tho Court, Jiide.McKennnn charged the jury. The important feature of the charge was that in regard to notice. The. Court held that it was a most essential purt of the Government proof to show 11 a m. arretted this, as Un IL,il.h. ,. ' r fi' " man Wh ,,r',0lf ml,ortn' 9Min on the part of th uirvrrililieilk. in View or thai fliAt him ho thought ho was dying, and re- pneii inui no nan not, whereupon the evidenco wns ruled out and the wit ness left the stand. LAMHDBIIRT'S WOUND. Mr. Iieed wus then called, anil testi fled that Lansborry and himself had gono to school together ; he suw Laos, berry tho duy of tho shmiting, at Se. fridger's, one mile from bis home, ljo Was wounded In the left anm ; it ws a bullet yound, and wm bleeding when ho snw if. Morris Wallace, Amos Hoc,,. Kllis Irwin, h. H. Merrill, Martin Owens, ("apt, Mjithew Ogdon nnd Michael a! Flunk wore called and tcstillc.l na In tno character was in imminent .ln.,,r, ni,i ... ft--. nus annul io sniior great bodily harm, and so bcliovimr fir..,l ......r, n .. ler, which aftcrwnrds resulted in his death, then nnd in such case his of. lenso is vxvnsablo boinicido in self do fensc, or at most but manslaughter, and thorvfore not guilty of murder in manner und form as ho stands Indict od, 7, That If tho Jury believe that But ler and Van Vleit, in attempting ii0 arrest of the d.dondant, did so in such a violent and threatening maiiner.with deadly weapons in their hands, as to create tho belief in tho mind of tho laraoter of the de.'enilnnt C, 17?;?? "V V" ?t to tako peace iu the county in which be I 1 T 1 ."l,on m Kal boili- del. I ""'t n". "o believing am! iiimn and wounded tho defendant ....I ! lliutdefi lltlll 111. ill mmmil I itur tti.i r-fimn. tlmt tho defendant believed thut hi I charged, wh prompted by n motive ... ..no tit ..........e..L .n.im.r no ..... ... ..inner .,p fi.w.ii... ... .... ...... ... .... . ... ........ .. nll muni ,,, On cross-cxaminination, Frank tes tified that ho understood nftor the de fondant had been drafted that tin .liil not Intend to report. For a year prior ... Ter uo nan noi neon at homo, and bo was unable to state tho reputation ol the defendant for peace. iho delense here annoiii.eiul tl,.. they would rest their ease, and i.n... v....B..iiunuii tno counsel lor tho Gov ernment said tl.cy would ofTcr no tes timony In rebuttal. Tbo court then adiourned until len o'clock on Friday morning. rBi nATs ranrtKniNiis. At tho opening of tho Culled Ri.i.u. Circuit Court, tho counsel In iK .u of Joseph Lansborry nrocoedisl lo make their arguments to tlio jury, TO(NWSVWl(ITTD, Tho Counsel fur Ike dcfeniu. tod number ol noinu wblnk ih askvdho Court lo charge. ThepoInU were as louowa ; mr n.i.l lo save himself, fired mion then. ki..i, afterwards resullod in Huller's duath llien, und in such ciwo, defendant is not giiiuy oi mitnler in niunner and form ns he stands Indicted, and th nr...... of the jury should, tl.orefi.ro, bo that v. i.i.l guilty, 0. That tho evidenco of the defend ant's good chsrseler as a poaecahlo oilmen is a legitimate clemont iu his defense, and should bo tnkun in con sideration by the jury in connection with all tho other evidence in iheca w. 10. That if npon a careful consider ation of all the evidence in the case, the Jury shonld have a ressoiiuhlo' doubt as lo tho guiil of the delcndant, thoir verdlm should b that of aenuit Uil. .... In roga to the necessity for notice from tho Government to a drafted man that ho is a deserter, Judge MoKennan ruled that an officer could not take a man aniens ll conld be shown that tha man had knowledge that he was a, dv discharge of his duties imposed under tho net. Cnn a man, His Honor nsked, be suid to resist an officer in the dis charge of his duties, unless ho has knnwludgo thut the porson ho is resist ing ia really an officer T 'flic very oiioe of Iho offense ii in resist ing or obstructing anotli.sir iu the per tbi uianco of duties speciully devolving upon him. and pre supposes knowledge, lie then referred briefly to the evi denco bearing iijxin this point, and quoted portions of tlio testimony of Van Vleit. Miller, and other witnesses on the pnrt of tho Government. Ho said tho Jury must be convinced be yond a reasonal.lo doubt that thedo fcudunt knew tbo offli 'era. who were. dressed iu citinens' clothes, who visitiil "lis house in Um night timo, and who mado ovory effort to surprise and cap ture him, were officers neting under tbo law. It was for tho jury to say whether the testimony offered by the Government established the print. i.AVsUKniir AcqriTTKn. Tho jury retired, and In less than an hour they returned a verdict of "Sot guilty!" Lansborry was then dis charged, and was warmly congratula ted by his Iriends. " ' The Hat or special buildings on the Centennial grounds is constantly in creasing and present Indication are that their total numhor will be front 200 to 250. Most of the important foreign nations Englainl, Germany, Austria, Prance, riweden, Ej-pt, Ja pan and others are putting up one or moro alructcrea for oaoh exhibiting purpoHea, or for the use of tho coramis I'lpers. ejjiibitor and visitors.