THE REPUBLICAN. CLBABF1KLD, PA. ffgDVBBDAT MOiSTkO, MOV. ( UTI. Ttrmi of Subtcrlptloiit U bald is fttlTMM.orvlUta three MtkiIHl M i peM r.i nrwud bafaire li msathiniM I M (I paid rM theeaVptratlea of lis wontaiv,.. I M f-IUatr. 9 If. PrtciLL A Co,, Hewft. anaf AdveitlalBat A tents, 17 ftk Row. MUt tteobmea html, ftra our dolj eatboriaed Agaal a Nsw York uiy. :, r 1lI.10I4IIM h OTIC US. . jj MeihodUt Eplaeepal Church -lev. B. f . I gtHt asa, astor. Pubila Service every Rabbet h :; t m, A tBd Tft t. M. j gebbetb Sobool at I A. M. Prayer k. atiag every Tharedny, at T P. M. f, Co mo nitloB dervlaa, first Sabbath of inrjf,. I lu, A. M. , I. renb tartan Church Kv. 11. B. Uhtlkr. I 8ttbbftth services morning end evening 8nb- ; haih Hohuol at t P. M. FMjif Meeting Wedhea- day evening. s HI. Hi-ancle' Churclti mlholic Utr, p. i J. FinmiUK. Preaching at ltiio'eloek, A.M., on L the Brit, third and fourth .Suadayaor .eb KHtb: ; Vespers anil liriedieilon of lb lilessed taeremeal at J o'clock, P. hi . fr-audey Frhiwl tvtry ftunda; aiiaroooa at 3 o'rlftk. OKHCML DIHECTOHV. . i hr or ioLitiaa upartkm anuioaa onuir, Sit and Monday of January. I t rd Monday of March. , Fwat Monday af June. ' ' Fourth Mndey of Ho-ptrmher. ' Tin a or nuLDiao common ruui. Pi rtt IfnndeT of June. Benond Hvmf of f(oT4itibr , rt'Btic ornrtai. frttitttnt hdfe Hon. Charles A. Meyer, Look II uvea . AWtfHMt ia Jiuffff lion. John B. Otvla, at Hellafonte. ' AoHf JJf William C. Foley, Clearfield, John J. Kaad, Corwene-ille. Prvthmnmtorv Ktl bloom. ttttfi&trr mtta lfwrfr It. J. Mutgan. iiKnVf A - Prwnk Kidding. r,rt.-rrr l)V(d W. Wit. A'aarty William K. McPherson. (,Wy Serveew Kamael P. MeCloikajf, Car wentvllia. (War AaiatMjar Jobs 1). Tboatpioa, Curwinvvtlle ; Tlnrk Hrowa, Clcarflald i Conrad W. Kylr, (IrAhtutcn. C'uNNfy Auditor Jarovt U. Bila, Lnmbar City; ITntun Inarnihiu. Jury Vomminim'rJthn W. KhuRat J" Mitchell, Ckarded. yBiwrifilirfral Aa Jbo (IrrjtorT, C'knrArM. .Aiie.J.bB W.WricUT. Wai. Ra dbiORh, Cynn t. Uorduo, Clcarfiald ; Josiab Bvana, Joa. H. Irwia, N.K. Arnold, Carwanavilla; J.J. LlngK Kiuinal Saan, Ofcaula Mills JoliS Ion HiBilh.n, Lulhartthnra;. Oar 8pimt aulaiua it daoldodly latertiting in a lural point at timt, ana fironiaaia rmami outfidcia abo want to tava iB4ary, An old weather prophet bus fliuwl iinttwcati-flx mnw ftormi thiawintar. Waoaa aland that. Our towiismun, cx Sheriff Tie, has barn laid p fur atrl daya paal, Uh a Mvera attack of Inrlaniniatury rboamatlivn. ai ' The WilUftinsrtort hoom company hava radrd oiit f bl mjmh ! lit ncighboraood of on buaJr-d and eighty -fla bjUUob (al of ng, Thoro in n possibility of a rclnpeo in rprlling haea ll.U winter. Cloarflrld arcaped tha Mourge last winta.-, and ll Is ta be hoped that it will far iu well tl.ii eeaan. - Nathan Comstock, 5 teacher in tho pahlio tohoola at Phlltpabur died n Priday af. lernoon, at that pteea, of tphut4 (rtr. His noma was at (Hen Hope, la this county. On Hundav. iho 17th nit., W A. Al len, of 8uoburyf killed a cbirkeo for dionar, and n opening the glssard found two silver tea oant snd two flvo oent pieeaa, which ware worn emonlh. , Tho Sunday School Convention con vtiics in this place on this (Wednesday) evanlag. Oct. U. W. Miller, of BeUrMite, will preach ft Sunday svhonl seraon In tha Presbyterian obur.-h oa Thursday evening. For tho wwk ending October 23, IS7A, thrra wera forwarded now lah Harea 1,101,000 feet of luabr an Increase, as ana pared with tha corresponding week of last year, or J8I.000 feet . -.' , a 1 Tlrm. Thi w the first wwk of oor Not mbr Utm of eourl, r.r tb IxM of olrll wura, Jalp Ori. rmidiog. Cart u nIM t 10 o'clock in MonJ.jr moraiii, uJ prooMdeil wilb Hi. utn.l loil.i. m I m Cider, it Is nuirt, may bo prowrvwl lor Jtrt bj pulUnj ll op In lrtlh cm fl.r Ik. oner of pr.nrriB fruit. Hq' ibould b. rt UM ni nuM of Inm Ik. drrgii, but r.rinntMo .buuld nol k MlowW lo i krura onning. Tho now pontttl cards aro now on duty. They are an ataber shade, aa qui la as heavy as Iba first ones, have no border on alther iJe,and ftru printed Id plain black. Wa don't knuw that tbey are worse or better than the old style liber ta well worth tha cent. iaa .aajaaa-- Eluction tiny ' one of tlie iiiietent and noil peaceable known In lull place for conn lline- la oar opinion II la a win law that eloiee aaluona and bar rooma oa each dayl. Tba remit of the election la cack dialricl la tba county la given la detail la Ibia woeb'a Barrauraa. aw The JiinoKsT llr;r.T. Mr. Geo. Pat- lin.ia, of Jordia tuwaibip, lilt at tbla cBca, oa flaturdiy laat, a red beet that beala all. It la about the alia of a beer beg, and weigh, ciectly alao pouadi. Clearfield county la coming np in "garden can." Any wore big Ibiogi out In Ike country t Cruelty to Animals. Soiiio iulni maa oorll oae .ay I art nook um. aa aa oa Mr. Bradley'! cow, cutting kcr through oloag tbo back bono between Ike kidney aad the hip. Tba breatb or fcol a!r eaa be pl.ialy coon aa it eaeepee wk.a tho krnao bnatbea. It will be a miracle If tka cow aurvlvee tkta Ocadiak aet. Jlon. O'corco A. Jcrika, Congrnhv tnan from tba JeOerioa-Iadlana dlitrMt, la attend ing our ooorl tbia week aa aa attorney la aa Im aortant 'roll. Mr. Jenka oaokerod Uca. Harry Wklta out of hi teat la Coagreci, by reselling ill man vote Ibaa tbo Ueoeral la a dlatrlol wblek akoald have givea While 1,000 majority. K.utinii and Prayer. In oK-oord- anco with the rcqooet of MMirc. Moody and Haa . key, all Proteneat deaomlnatloao kare eel apart aoat k-ridav. aa a lay uf faaliag and prayer, Ibrouiboultbc I'nloa. taina aervloea will bo held in tbla place at tho Preibylertaa Cbarrk, at I o'clock la the morning, and ia ibe m. a. moron at 7 o'clock la tka oveaiog. Prolific. Wa Icnni tlmt ourolil friend Harmoa IlowNja, of Lawroaeo lowoahip, bai drawa the premium Ibia Mama aa Iho eham. nloa potato raUor. lie railed a huge crop of Iho variety, the kill jleldiog over oao hua dred noutcea coch. Ho counted them la a aom kcr of billi, tkc bighrit lurning out 131, olbera from lot to 110, all mercbaotabla. rnii.iPaBt.iBu Kntkrpbike. Tbe lte Jnrml of that lowa aoya that a very manow low.earrying a aew tia eofee pot aad two plat bolt lei of wbliky, fall ikrougk Iko railroad above Rlrioer', oa Thureday of lail week. Ho a oa without tbo, aad a oooplc of okapa waul up iba neat day and tabed ap Iba boltlee. grlllng glorioaily dronk 00 Ike coot. on. FiRl Wo lornm that tha camp fcrn nf tbo Mceerc. tlyaa, wear Jaaenlllo, tjaliok towaikip, waa dcalrojred by Ira oa tbe aigbt of the I7lk of October, together with aia koteel, a large qB.atlt) of bey, oati, hod, aa. camp toola. Oao of Iko komi kad booa ta their aetvico lor fourlrea ycara, aad for II tbey moor parlioalarry. Tbo eawno of Iko .ra aad Iko ag gregate Ion wo havo not beeo able to learn. In anollior column will be lbund the adforllMmcal aT Moem. Woaamaker Brwd, proprlclon Of woo of Iho la'rgeet aad moot popa. larowlulag wrokliikmeaU ia the country. Tbolr adrortlMmeal aaa bo roan, ta a I moot every pa per ia tbla Slelo, an. palrona hail (mm ov ary ewowa polat la Peaniylrania. They 00 aa , Imiaanaa baainaaa, give cteelleat iadaremcfilO to bi.rt.ra aod kara a moil deiirablc Hock lo arlect from. Bamploa aval on applloaUoa. , 1,'amp MertiKii AaaociATloM-AP " tbe' aaaaal meeting of tbo awcbholdarraf Ib JuBiata Valley Camp Meeting Alrocltlleia, hot at Newton Hoalltoa, oa tkc 4tk lail., Ibo follow ing oallemea were clooled dlraotoif fur tho oa., Mng year i It. 11. MiOor. Hraoilllal . I Brl'. bii, Uwlitoti Jokn A. MeVvO, l.awliwwn j Joka Hamilton', S.WU.0 IlamilVon payi. 'if lr,. awaaMamirloa r,4)i. McVlollaaa, Me Vntowat f. f.. reyarai, ao Tatae I talker, AHormai Jpaa. JloJBtoa, Clear.el.1 f. r.gMa.r,Pkmpkaxgi t. U-H' '' R. Camoo, Boatlaoo, !. "Co mi and Sri M."-A writur1 aayai Kavar UhaMOoaia and aaa aaa" aa a pbraia i amnt la aaraaat aalaM U a aacaaipaalad wUb a data. Bach .a larlUt,,. aooaiU la t.i M It a. WJ. j-i-m a i V w Map- , ay aa of aba tll ftppolnt Nat fer jovr flalL "Call aa aaa wbaa f aa aaa waka ll aoavaalaat," 'Drop It U yea tn paulag, "Maka at vlall I baatfar;aabavaaabMrattaWra,Mtra lrir .t?-t,Hl u i i ki k k. l -T avoidad had tha irapr alar l wa af laa ban m Mtal a Waif alt by bl,k awaVaai aar; (ba law rUU tu itlllag liquor aa 1st wartd MdatataM at art alJipllJ , aaUu dapa..- . tft da tba Ulftg ra nail d. Wk paapla wUh ia I ft buha out U ft bUakitaUb abon ba((.aia bt thaapl pallia Ibaw If pvatblffl ilka tail fclad 10 tanar. i Hawiqaw, na aanauay iriwwu, aa -uwt wiawj .an ana llagirly, ll traa buracd. Tb toola ra ulb of Mlty KUI Aiwa! ba ukta at ft larga dU gum, tat tha bakldiag ia not raluaala. -aoaat. It li nrvar worth lu faoa aravtbing lika I ta ga w.rJu Mpplyiftg tbaM.S.abarahiaaa U. Yat U ll ft aoaraaiaat tuadjuu uf abanga. and if bava gottoa out of order la aunia way, on iua baary dahti of gratttiaJiaa4 tagbt n ba laqhitad aIht fyr ih 0-1 "T1. tium I. b.t,w . o,u paid wi,h u, pp.. .h, jsaa rura.Tna5o? baa Mora pollah thaft prlaolpla wa It laliklyj- plala, blaat, boftaat wparkftgtjrar wot at alb Wkoarar aahaa friaodly vlalt tu a faahlouabla boaaa oh tkc ttrongth of a inara Coiae aud taa at," will vary oftaa Ind that iba family airoia ba haa druppad lata by raqaaal U aa wngenial aa tha Aratia airla,ftd ba will prvbah laara it with abilly faaliag that will prat cut bliu taoturlug lota tba aaota high latitude again. Hut wba a wbvla-aoaUd nan whom yon huow to ba your friend, gi a pa yum tlgoroualy by tba band ami ay a, "Coma aud dina with uic ta-day dlunur on tha tank) at ftva a'elook ba aura U aonia wa aball aiptct yum' you in take it aa oartaia that your praataea la warwly dralrnl. It ta pliwaal nlwayi to uaka or racrlta a vUtt from a fritud, but a aod on tha atrret la all au(Aelot fmm ft la- abloaabla acejuainiaaoa. ' a a aaa Bann Bcrnkd. A eontftpondent at Tbrva Kuni writes ut, saying : Tba bank barn aa tha farm situated la Kartbaua township, baton g ing to Juha S. Purst, of Clinton county, waa burned, oft Ihnrrday aigbt, tha 28lb alt., with all Us eon Unit. Tbara wait ib tba barn five head of horses, ana yanrllng eolt, a targe quantity af wheat, tye, aata, hay, straw, thrashing maebtne, windmill, ata. Tbey are anabla to tell how tha Bra origlaalad. They had bean threshing on that day, and had been ab'mt Iba brn aftr algbfc,; with light untrt eight nrWeVcfci., whra they I reurta .ut in. ..p., ... Ww aanim . iwv b Piwcn uj uie rvarina; ot iar .r, mum warn tbov tot ta the aiouud the bulldiua? was about .in. i-k. 1,-,., . n.,H,1B , ,i.a I eouieou ai in aura setangru iu n. crnucu, i the tritaut, who is in very BoSerataeireoaitaoeea, and ean illy aflord 1o stand so heavy a loss. Tha toial tosa la about (2,000, being partly eoverrd by Inauraaoe tha barn Wing luiurd. Tbia la tha second lira that haa occurred to Mr. Purat, he having bad a Very ralunble grllt mill hural dur Ing the su miner, at a leas of nearly $10,00. Klkction Kxpknkih. Uolow will bo (band ft tabular sutement of tha amount paid by tha county to oaeb ret nra Judge for holding the raeaal election. Tba tola! makat a pretty round sua t Boraildo kw 33 6. Clcrd.ld It (IIH C'urwonavill. 13 &0 SI 10 Lumbar Cilj Itf 90 11 U N. Wbiolun... 12 oil Ii.oihiU 34 till W.llwwtoB IH AO Brrrari. !7 .10 BpII II V0 Ucc.lNr... lf.rgu.on .... Uli.rd Uotbea . l 40 .. tl It .. 10 M .. I 00 Ur.bHia , 20 20 Uiecawwd. i...... 10 00 ll.llrh 00 lluitoa ............ 0 HO Jorilun. ....... II SO K.rtboui.... M SO Knol III 110 UloMn... I. ,.,;..... Ill VOI Luwrenoo ....... IS 70 !).. llr.dlurd -,,v llrdj BitrnpdM.. ...... CovlBgl'lt........ Tiilnl I SO Moril. ............ M 00 11. 6(1: 1'cnn ,-IM-. 10 00 2.1'70. Pthet. 21 40 Xrt I0l'nioo 2o 0O 1.' 40) Woodw'd....., . 21 70 21 60 . 1761 00 cw - I TlIB STKUkT SCHOOL. All CXfllHlllMj eyi t It la both a day and a nigbt a nigbt acbool. lie leMooa rw the ra cotnmeadmentii nut givvp on Mount Btoai. Hut framed ua tlmt other aiouulolu froia wbeuco all tho kingdom ur the eatth wera onoo beheld la a liuglc Muiueiil aud offered In ex. ... . r..-i-:.i i .- ouang. lor m .lusie o in i.i". mi iuiwuuui L ... . . ... ,. worah.p. Tkejr lu. In la ul.u, out tk. Lord.' Prayer, bat one whole I'Olitionr would read, ''Thy aamo be taken la alo,"' "leod 01 Into Uuilita tl...",l,.p..uMur..i.. The, are complete withuot a creed "I believe tn aiy owe ply, "It Is your buslnaaa to see that they think differently, and lo help them to think differently, AwrrLThat "old haif," (Col.Tato) of tba Williaaaport Sm gets off this horrible laying :' A aalniatar nut a Utouaaod milci from Willtamrport, proaeked lait Bunday agalnit tka ilofulneia of overdreiiing and improper drcciiog. 'How maaj Cbriitiana,1 ka aiked, "ipcad aa kour every Baoday moroiag npon tbalr koeoa lo develione proparalory to Mrvice t Not very maoy aaroly. And yet how maoy there ore who apeuiP a aiaeh longer time tbaa thie every Sunday morn ing en Ihow oat kolbra tbe (law la gelling ready for cbarrb tkero la oo much lo b dene iib loopi, aad fold, aad rlbboni, an. pull-baoki." Tbe rebako waa aaerited to aome ealenti aad yat Ibe preacher woa aomewbat anrealoaabla. Could ho aataralljr oipoot a Chriatlan woman to got oa kcr kaeee with a pall-back oo r Tbo propaltloa la abiard. a a ai Almokt a Firi. n Wcducmlny aigbt laat, tka brewery ( Weadoll Kadrea, illu alo on Fourth atreot, la tbia ptaoo, aarrowly ea- eaped doatruetioa by Arc. After the worktuen bud Bnlike. krewing la tbe evenlBg, tbey draw Iko Ire, aad left tho brewery, aa tbey auppoiod, la a aafc coodilloa. Homo time la Ibo might, bewerer, penooa living acar were owakeoed by Iko eraohling of A luce, aad ob repairiag to tba pot, foao. tbo oao oad of the baildiog, ogainit which Iba but aabea bad beca tbruwa, la a blaH of. fire. With groat difficulty tbe liaa were ox lingulahed and tba property laved. They will probably bo more ourelul where tbey threw aahw hereafter. e w )anoebui:b Couhtebfeitb. J no. J. Kaoa, Comptroller of Iho Treaiary, by a drealor from hie oflra, at Waahlagtoi, deled Oeluher 4, 1076, notiOei everybody ta lafuM all Ivo duller aotee of tbo following banka: Tha Viral National Bank of Chicago, III. Tba Tradera' Nalioaal Hank of Chicago, III. The Firal National Hank of Paxloo, ill. Tbo Flrat National liaah of Canton, III. Tha Viral National uf Aurora, 111. . That la oerlainly a little rough on ibe Illinois banka, and show that lha gofernneut Is turaiag out soaaa eipcit engraver and Irst claas acuua drels la that Stela. 0- STILL OPkN. XllC flint grand eXH- .ut.. r ik. Putihur.'a indunrial - a., .i.. ih. aih a.....r, ..... .- '"".".i October, and wa lo remela niion uolll tbo Atb of November, ia continued for another week, and ticketa uf admlailoB reduced to twenty. fivoonkt. We admire Ibo entrrprlre of onr loutliwMlera eapltal elty aa. kopo Ibat tkiaral may aot bo Ike f Ihelr worthy ondertaklng. A baildiog corering twelve acre of ground la worth kioking at. and onr advloo lo any of our reader Who may kfm, 4r.ha oa ViluUrg at ae lima ia lu go and uk 0 look at Hi 1 ' I " t j , ir 1 htH B Ti.'RNipal "Coon" Kylor, of, Uiakam lowaakip I oaUlM ae ibo boll la tkc lorala line. Hearing him remark Ibat he bad I very lac laralpa, we reqaeiUd klm to furalih onr wiator'a alook. He eoaeeol.d, remarking that he would bring aa apa eewpboe!oea,tkoaoat time ka cbbm lo Iowa. We aemaaaV. a hag fall. "All rlgkt," aald ka. The other day ho emptied a hag feU of luraipo ia war cellar, aa. wbaa wo oowotcd them Ikon wcrejual twcaly-elght r Twenty aigbt luralpa far three bajkola 1 1 Well, if anybody caa beat that let aa hear from them. . ' Fire a Kriloia. Tbe ciliiciifi of Rumkargor woro aaaoyo. wilk a arc wbiek fcrefco oat la the dwelling of David Aatkoay, a hoot two o'clock oa laat Balarday moroiag. Tba building waa ronaumed la abort metre, aad tbo gable fn. of aa adjoiaiag .walllag waaaoaalderakly burned aa well a Ih depot bonding, wklek were hawov. or oavee) by the crertlna ur the The building waa valued at tfl.000, fully Iniured. Tho larger jrurtloo of Ih bouaehold guotla woro aavrd. Tho orlgla of Iho ire la onknowa. lo Iho oroVf ortliP ilnv." We haoe read h aWvalio.MOJatl.lnai hk. half Mlf, aiy pa.alon.Md appollloe." Probably man, I - y . ,Bdr,,,iu,.0f.r,or "r' ' ' a. ' .1 porooai ujkf Wad tkic wifl, ia, 'Tliing nnUon Bi'glar and tlovernor eleel IlevM .1 tlhie, .a.iod l-l-fnt-. Pa 13 04 Middlotowa 14 M ao when we were youag, but auw II la hard lo keep through Williainiport on FrIJ.y lad. They were J I TO Mla ... 0 M cbildn. I. J, .ki'ktkcymu..,..- fi?. ZZ2kJm3?ZZ . PhTaDeLpH.A S a ......a. . vvvv ... . ,.hlp, Clrarleld eo.oly. P... pMMiaal lllaetrallea of the fact that people were . wtM.. Oolober 11.1, 1075, of chronic dialrbva, beglaalnflacooaoailBoaMlllMarclay lal,whalNa.noLAH . S1MPH0N, aged f.l yeara, II wa mot 'a tWlora rooking victim of the prerral j moalhe aad 7 daya. - kar. lime who bai decided lo aronomlaa It oar- la Ooihen towaihip, ClrirOrld ooanly, Pa., oa "7 7. . .., Ke .Mlarca that ha ha li.aa Sued.., Oct. 141b. 11.70, MARY OLIVE, ..ugh aaat, Aa a atartar ha .oelaroa tact M na. givea , r ap laa ee i nepevu..., e. - la kteti hit brecebel a." He'll be rouira ia tnai It he fo wllhoal hia dianor oa "laat day." GETTIPKJ. rTlt71'I.All-')Vllo- TOH put a atamp oa a ltlr b very eiretul Ibdhryoa gel It . lie ,p (fgld ka d araefrif Ik a valopc, aa th put one depaVttaeat bai ordered thai all letleri'aot ta'dampHl et'oll h et I lb .ca. Idler ocot If thW haoalHal amvoraataal . .. . .. a.aa aa Pout 111 uuri. V".'B'"IY'" r --r , -. u ..L!.i t. .,! .J,..? .III aoan I maeipr .," "r - f . b aHgU to at h er oairakorklh opdar la get tkaaUcaawwaaiTaa fk attooaj aaamlljpV tlva JeftfiW Coaatr Teacken' haiuarlo via) t4 ay iii pUa iorlag tka itllla;', acmOMaurtal IttRaaa, Daaahr tfaV k n,i unirnt-i ac r i r , . !,... .... . '' " Piiilipbiubo JouBMALian,-Airround awllcb aaaxtba fralbt dapot toraati vktlaa trala pM"C ovar hand tbnw tars loadad aoal w A b7 fonwaaiaa la town rram Um VmIm My. iUt fi tbara arc low and thtt aiaay who ka?a aema ikara fruai Ua aait wauld ba glad ta ratara II the aaald. K1aotto day paaMd off vlib lit i la dlitarbaaat jonaa tba gaa fllokarad aaii aiplrad Jaat u tha choir bad got wall along ia tba irtl varaa at ft hyiaa, and tba anile, Inatruaiaatal and vaaal, quararad and dd aat In aolaam itilinaat,. Oa Friday on lag of Inat wack a mau by iba mua of Brady, living aer Kntorprlaa aolllary, waaaovainpaDying bla iiataria-law la bar bona a aboil diatauc Irwia bis own, wbea, la aroiiing tba lallroad, b atumblad and fall and a platol abicb a wa aarrylog in bit pvekatdroppadoat, was ii'bar)(ed and Iba auoianta war ludged in bin Irg. While b vti lying nn tba track two rvlluaa 4fil along and retard ta aaaiat bin boiua. A aiwtilar uk muvaueBt bapiaad Hi Palaa tlna hundmla af ycara ago, and will no doabt hpra baraailtrvr-Uii. Har. KiuK. The barn helonins ti tho I'oaat laria In tha atvrn oiovntaina, waa antiroiy daKtrojrd by fir An Monday awning, abuat A u'ctwb. Tha lira rtarttd at tha bay hula in lb foddtr gang aud waa arn at It ftrat blaied up, but It qirtud ao rapidly that nothing bat tba huraaa eon Id bo taken out. Two t-horta wagooi, iac tbrvabing macbina and ibakwr, una Mart, all tba haroroi, HO banhrl of rye, aome buckwbaal. I! Ion a at hay, 1UU buabola of eorn in lhaaarand Tanalng atcaiila wera deftroyed. Tbara waa no iniuraoec.and tha Ion ia about $1 ,CO0. Mr.Paoat anuria a Iran p, who eaina to fata plaoa during tfa, aud wa rvfuavd ludtting, with let ting tho barn ia nra Ilia nana ia Juaapb Hbil-. lltij and ?infi fmui tuut Pranohvilla, in UJomiieHi eounty. piiunug urairi aaviag aai nra ta the bar a, and Utt dnt liftving bean In tba bam. y p?ot.i wno aw the nra n rat say ik w j,, ,k b(( , Jls was bronghl ltft-nt Viiuiru Ft-annitO next morning for further hrarinic and tnkrn to jnll to await Uial. The wtwida nres had been eluat tu tha tuenilacs earlier t feats W)nn,ei,t but In tha sveniDi there wsa ni loairer danger frm that quarter, as thry bad watched the woods Are, end It wan not close enough to ao danger bis butlJinjti at the time the barn took Bre. Ctnlrt Mutt Hrpatttr. Tint Station in tiik Woods. Aflir I running lo tb. .ud of tb. Mth.nti(in brunch on I Mund.y uf lurl work, Condnotor F.rcr. ol tli. nrw, ituipea to ui.u mnoger wn.r. KcniMck u. Ihcil.iion ilciKni'l.ii lb. icbed- u lor III. end of ki. trip, but tho p.ircnger could nut tell lilui. lie llicn b.ckcjl tb. tr.m down to wiibio right of .iriiiiuti.n. At Ibis Duint brulbor Ellmurtb, uf lb. 1'hiliiiiburg cur- I uol, gil oil tb. tnin with llic .vl.lciit intention or nndini tbu lurt lUiinn. no uow w.u wun loiu. interct tu know wiicllirr he wn lucimrul in bil explorutiun. Iid you Bnd KeO'lrick ? Wo bio b.i.nv lu iulutoi bnitbur Briabia that wa found K.oiiricki. Hut what did y.u gat off the train to look lbrj -'Aifi'jM.uro Jommat. Hold no, HI. worth. Urjr up. That'a not builnere. . " r." ,. 1 i'AINKl I, AcfillRMT Air. DllVtll Ucll- I tilaiiM. on. nf Ih. eldeet and molt mnected olti' I ! iMe uf' Warhingtnn tnwn.bitv. met with quite a f . itrioue accident on Monde? 11. He gngrd in tho ham, arranging a toono Ooor ovor . tl,. l.era.flAor, and having inovcj e Joiet fron) lie poiittoa from under amne or the boartli. itcpned upon ooe that gave way, lotting him foil a dia- lance of almnt ten feci, and lighting on the floor one of nil tbigli. won fractured uml ibia arm bmkea In two nlacai. Mr. Dcnnlion ll a tnaa ia 1 in ' jroar ol on ago, ana aimuugn nc u oomg wall, hie injunei will ouueiHie prwT. very eon. out.reoiTitfi Hrftitblietn. .... v Mlirtill .Millor, f:OllHlll'tl ill our Jttil : for aoventl nnenibe on cherirei of rohhing Ibe ! moll nri rnrircr.w.a tn-dnv rtui.Ted to PiltlburL'h . . ' , . .,, " . , n ... .... by lloilotl butea aulhurilioe, where ho will an.-! I:M 10:108:00 ,,,, ,,, fc tv.aoderataod IkatiltlO 10:40 0.16 be kae plead guilty to th. eharg., end pruoliaoo i to rcveel facia that will complicate otker partiea. :" Ht'HiNiiKg (Jhani.e. S. ia. Mingle, Krq-, of (his ally, haa sold his Eaglet on roal lands aitunted nearly npjioslte rarmnasville, ta a Mr, Hteinmult, of Philadelphia, for the haodsomesuin of $20,000. Mr. nteintnela pronoara tocommenoe oprtiuua at once. 4oca: iyurea IfeublicON -T m a Lint of Ictlura rciimininK uncliiiintid la tba PoiUifloo at Cleorflold, for Ibo week endiug Nov. 1th, 1071 1 Rurleigh, Moaci C May, lleorg P Clapper, Nennie Miller, Kiclla Duugherly, Miehael MoclerMo, Lemncl llerdner, Jereininh rilepbena John P llearharl, llro,l.i : Bbaw, BobeM I , Kane, Kale P. A. QAtTMN, P. M. (li t . JWil. For the bast oigttrs tn town, go to It. II. Bbaw's, Market atreet. ila has Juat rteelred a large Invoice of favorite brands. Alio, a new atock nf Hmokiftgvtd Chwng Joari. Ua Md sea hiru. Pin tbla on your ooPar when yon ontae to town, and don't force t to aall and examine Fleck A Cu.'e extensive stock of taew gooda, aheap for i-a-h. ewttft tf ' la your I.lfw worth IO I aula I Sf.-knefs pierails arerywhere, everybody eon plains nf some disease during their life. Whan slrk, tba ohjfct Is to get well ; now we say plain-! ly that no perfloa ia thla world that Is suffering with lysppila, Mver Complaint and its effects, such as indigetlion, roslivanfis, sick headache, seur itomacb, heart burn, palpitation of tha heart depressed spirits, biliousness, An., eaa take Green 'a August Flower wittout getting relief and eure. If you doubt this, go to your Druggist, O. D. Watson, and get a sample bottle for IV cents and try It. Krgttlar pise 7t ernta Twe doeop will relieva tun. 11 ' ' 1 ' ' (I. Q, Orrrx, Hole Manufacturer, ach 51 'Ti-ly. wooparar, N. J. llara Von lyapcpala, with Its trait, af dis orders, billiouioeea,eoastipaUoa, water braab.lass of a i petite, headache, distress after eating, AeP I If ao, go to 0. l. Watson, Iruggist, and get ft I bottle of Dr. Costa Kadical Cure. Take it and ilia well. It e-te as ne ether medicine avar did, and tare relief Is guaranteed ia every a aaa where liractiona are followed. It lonea un the atomaoh, roelore. tbe natural niipetlle, atreaglbene tho week, and ai a liver regulator It bai a eou.l. A Cl.rvvio.n .1 Philadeliibla roTO "It la the very i fuuudatlen ol health." Tu all who arc auferiog I ... . Al:.w.lMrA a.i.mBnli nr ttrar. wa UV IrV it. A few doiro will relieve and a llllle pereevoronee eure the woril eaaei. Trial Mia l eente. nolo r ! alM bv P. Curler 4 Co., Williamagrovo t T. II. furoor, Urahamton, and P. Moyer, Kylerlown. mtihlleonly .t .j : "J ' JT Bi-iioiaa Fua Halb. H. Newton Shaw koe-po a full aupply of Fredonia Buggiee and Plattona , f,,on, f, ,.,. Tu bo aeea at the Hhaw Houm yard. Call on or addroaa klm at Clearfield Peoa ayl.anla. may U-lf. c, k M. M'Eonlly and gel your life la aured In tho lil oontiavialaj uieiwuraaoo ua 1 rny, f H.rHordj Coai. ' f I aitgll-ly I Bail. R. M. M'Kually'l advertiiemcnt la re- grd lo Lire inaaranea. inog-iy " , M- i.a ., ,,. gHHUMU.,', It'll.) ! At Rumbirgor, Clearfield couoty, Pa., oo Wed. needar, OnL 17th, 1074, by Hcv. J. A. lt'l.Ar, Ma. F.l'OKNB B. NKTTI.KTON.of Chicago. 111., and Mim BLANCHE Ull IIOIH, of port, Pa. At Phllln.bnra. Pa., aa Batarday, Oct. lOrb, Wa. Mtnni.aa, Km., Mb. HANDI.IN and Mua NANCY MAYt, both of Clearfield At tb reiidenco of the brlde'a father, oo Bua dar. Oct Hit, 1M74, by I). I)aaaat.aa, K.q , Ma. JAMKH BPAl'FOIII), lormrrly of Caoada, aad Mtaa CATIIARINK K. lll'NLAP, af Hualoa lowarbip, CleVl(0'O,tJh At the reiideno of Mra. M. A. Heynoldi, la Reynold, till., Pa., en Toe. I.e. Nov. 2d, 1074, by Rev. I). W. CaaaAV. Ma. IIBOHllE L. WKLClf, of Trey, Jtffereon ccuoLy, Pa., Bad Mmo Ll..IK UOl kh1AN,oflaUll-'tatk,Wlrarlol4cn.til-, Pa. At th M. R. l'araonage la Writ Clearfield, on Wedneaday, Nor. lid, IH7.1, by Har. ur. . at Ci.abbb. Ma. ALON7.0 Fl'LLINtlTON, of Law rence town. hip, Clearfleld oowaly, Pa., and Mi.a MKLl.K HAN LOCK, ol Pike lunnakip, Clearfield ountv, Pa. J Jlifd. i ., g g daya. Tbe Olive bud la plntked and gnaa, The praiuing ton rue ia aim , Bba'i guae to Joia tbe glorl oul tbroag That auada oa Kioa'e hill. oo j la Bloom tnwBihlp, ClearOald eounty, Pa., oa Suhdey, Oftolier B (at, I "71, LAlRA ' EMMA, (langlltrrof tl. r.mH Kt.ioaar A. Bt.ooa, af. II yuara, I mimlhi aa. II .aye, ' At herreildeace, la Kanhaaa, Clocrlel. onaa tj.Pooa Haluday ar.alng, Oat. lOtfe, l7ii, gftir a ever, lllnrulf about, tour hppra, mppoard lo liar berg heart .t.,aM, Mai. CATnAHINit gl'HNAHRS. vile of lb lot I. W. f. Braaaaaa, taa., decaaocw ajO It e malm On day1, .J , i Th ah)el f k actio va 'cava M Oukoa, Hcsaa, Maataauior 00017, ro- p 1101. aad -' ... ,... ---- (Jin, irr " uu eaaati oa hi, miia kw palate, tka Uta ht aa CatkaHai Rlur, i Tl.m Willininaiu.r Mun .f llio Bil' t .... .... XTi. .-.'... 8a. wai aarrUdlB UK, ultu tka otkor of 14 akiktrraj, II gnwa la nuukowl and waBunktul, 11 of whom an rat llrlag M grand aatUdm, (nnt-gran. ablldro ( uul III aklldraai. ..! , i Tka paraali tt Ik. dsauaa4 war. aatoeg tka Irat aaltlan in tkll part f tkawaualr, aa kratk w (John kltw) kir inrrlrat, Mr. u Un. Mum lira M Ma all ikalr akllim bmitM, and Mtk anln aiiapllaw tka, all mite k Iba fUlllV t KaHktM. tl rwdootkar laktarn (by wkUk mi akt al fkmlliail; knawa) vurwalrad lata tka Utkarat hurrk n kaf oulk, a, ma llwajl aMllataM, prlgkt aaiBkaa an at ibaut (ram tka larrWai f liad'i k.uM, ukatkar prwakl. w Mttngt wbaa nrovldaattUllr klndatwi. Har dwatluB t. th. ahnrok prontpta. kw to da kar taaan tor ha walikn, a-iwari fwadj a. mln. later to goo vanai of pnMar and poopl.. In bor dontk tka oknroh kna loot n nuraing aaotkor, and tho aoaaaannlty waTUd okriitlaa. Bat arkat la our loaa U bar atonal gnin. Wo oW' aiot aonkt Out Iknt oka koor4 tka Mnolaraoj, "It ll enough, oqbm op klgkor. Wall duato, good ud foltkfal oorvonl, tkookoot koon fotufnl ooor nfaor tklngi, I will a.ake thee rahir orar ninori enter tkoo loto Ihejey of lb Ltri." ' co llar funeral look plooo oa M'odaeWny, October 10th, at 11 o'clock, la Ike H. Joku'l Latberoa Cburcb, followed bj aa endeared and wide olrolo of friend.. Tkc or canton area Improved br the writer frun Rev. U'.i to a large aad iimptblilag aadioaeo. Her renialaa wore plaood b Ibe aide of bar bni- boBd In tba Union eenieterj, toawalt Iko evoilBg uf her Lord and M alter. P. B. S. rennaylTamia Hallroad TYRONK 4 CLEABFIBLD BRANCH. N aad after Meadaj, MAY 11, 187S, Ike rPaaaencer Traiaa will rua dailr (eaeept Sua. dayi) bctweea Trroao and Ciearnold, ao I'ollowa OIilABrilLD MAIL. . W. C. Inwia, Conductor. lilfAVK UUUT1I. LKAVK MOKTU. Cunewnarllle:l5, P..! Trrooe . t.OO.l.a. L'learlieltl ..J.40, " Oio1b 10.10," Pkilip.kurg....4.S6,," Oieeola 4.60, " ClearBeld 11.10," Tyrone . 00, " CoroaaTillo..ll:40V CLKAKKIKLl) KXPtUiHS. W. 8. PLoanaa, Conductor. "i,KAVK B0UTH7 "LEAVl.'IOBTH." CorwennTi!le...4.o0 a. . CleorSeld..... t:la " Hbilipiburg., 11.10 " Oieeola A.ta " InUuroaotloa. 7.10 ' Tyrone....... 7.17 " Tyrone ...T.00 r. M lnlonoclioa...T.07 " Oieeola. .0 Phllip.borg...!.l " Cleorleld,ar..l.II " Ciirwanerille..v.40 " BALD KAOLK VALLEY BKAKCI1. Eip. Mail. Moll. Kip. r. u. a. . r. r. a. 0.4& ft.a ' leare Tyrone arrlro ff.U 1.10 0.10 Bold Kagh. 4.68 MM 7.44 10.07 , Juliua 4 15 ll.U I.IO 10.40 Mlleehoig 4 44 11.60 0.11 1 11.03 B.llefonte ' 4.30 11.40 8.10 ll.OS Milceborg 4.10 11.10 1.01 11.10 Howard 14.00 1100 0.41 arrlro L. Harea leave a. 16 10.90 TVKONB STATION. aaaTWARP. A M Paoiflo Kip.-eea, 7:67 llarrl-berg Aoo'in, tiiO wcarwARb. Plltlhorr Bip'u, Pacifle Kitproaai . A W 2:07 114 r a r a Mall Train, 3:11 0:46 Woy FalMngvr, Mail Train, lilS Atlantic Klpreia. 0:41 I'hlla'da hapreii, 10:11 Ka.t Line, :60 "IIIUtVHl'Hll A MOBHANNON BKANCHK8. On and after Moadav, October I6tb, 1076, Ae- ..n.J.M. T..1.I t n.. .... , Phlllnl. 1 barg aad Moahaaaoa Bronohoa, aa fnllowa i LP.AVR BOLTH. lkavi north. H. A. M. 7:10 7:40 7:43 SletiuBa Morrifdale. Fhillpakurg, riteiaer'c, . liunbar, Oicoola, " Moekaanna, . Hterling. Hoa'adule, MoCeuiey, Kcndrlchr, 1:26 1:10 1:44 7:16 ti ll 7:00 11:10 4:14 12:114:11 1:60 7:60 121 4:23 11:46 4:16 ,' 11:11 4:00 11:33 1:41 ! 2:10 10:10 0:11 i:2 11:63 0:14 ' 11:17 3:47 11:21 1:44 11:20 1:10 Lowiatowa. ........ 1 00 Allooaa..... 1 04 Muryivlll 4 60 jjohaitown... ........ 1 00 HAKKIHBCHd ... 4 folPITTBBUBQ...... 14 Cloee coaaootlona made by all traiaa at Tyroao and Lock itnren. ft. 8. BLAIR, myl7'tf. 8aporintoiident. ; Alleghonr Valley Railroad. ' , LOW ORADK DIVISION, KATWARDao-aDay Mall laa vaa Httaburg B.Jj a. a. Ked Bank 11:30 1 Hligo Jnoetloa ll.-M) New Bethlehem I2:e0a. UaavavilU 17 Trov M i Brook v 11 a 1:18 i Fuller's 1:18 ; Ray aoldsvllle 1:18 DuBolsl:IO ftnaaift Tunnel 1:3ft Pen told 8:6 i Weedville 4:1U t Keoeaetta 4:i.l f arriraa at Drinwood at 6:40. . H tJtTWARDPay Mail I rave. Driftwood 1110 p.m.. benasetta 1:08! Weadrllla 1:81 Paofleld 111; (Summit Tunnel lift j DaHoiaIi3, Keynnldsvilln8:00 : Fullar's8:10 ; Brookvflle 1:47) Troy 4tU8 j Maryarills 4: If l New Halhlah-au 4 JI; Hligo Juaetioa i:3a Red Bank f:ti0 arriraa at Pittabara at f:l n. n. Cloee eoBafeeilt7nt made with traioa oa) P. A I. Railroad at Driftwood. DAVID ftlrCAR(10, Uea'l Sup't. TOWNSHIP SETTI.KMKNT.- JOSBI'H OWFSH, Tmaaarer of Lawroan towaibin, In aeeooot with Bckool Fun. for 1174 DR. To b.1. ot Miiremont from 1S71... ..'..-..!, 7 40 amoualof loa levied I,:ia.1 00 " ree'd from Co. Treaa. l.OKl 41 M Btet opproprialioa.. 940 07 " ree d frum T. Koala' debt..,, lii 00 ,oo io CH. By urder audita. 04.11-1 M " per cool, allow laapeyor oa maiuo ot ii m . a ev7 ii Ml aa " ordara audited Jane 71k 1 171 40 ), balance duo fund.. ....... 1,047 00 !..: tMi i Or thla balance. 1041.41 la tha haade of W. S. Bead, former collector. , aoAD rt'xa DR. i1"' To bai. at Battlement of Jonc 0, 74..,.. 14" I 14 amoaot roe'd from Co. Treasurer, anacaledui 1,010 11 atu'l roa d from tai duplloala...M 00 Id M of Hunerviaor'a duplicate . 1,001 70 H of onlcr drawn to Snpervicor. 07111 ,iV 11 CR. By work doac oa road a. " aaaacretloaa.. " Kuperviwr'e wage , " am't of ordora aadilad. M M peid for odvertlling.. a 1 per cent, on 1,I0I.17., bai. du na. fand....... ..M,l 77 .. no 7. 00 00 .. 1,101 17 1 .0 41 10 00 (1 10,500 10 : aaon rt-rr). , DR. ,. To amoont af eel levied CR. ..1 .411 01 to. r of Poor . . WOO 00 order, lifted J0 M 0 per coat, allowed laipayer oa ' , , .... 11.04 1 per cent oa otll.40. II 11 bai. da land.. 407 01 Sl,41tj4 Having iaminei Ih aoocmati ruf "JiiMpli Oweaa, Treaoaror of Lowreaea tawaakip, wkk tka School, Road aa. Poor Ian. for 1074, .0 Sod them aj above ataled. - t. CONKLIN, ''J Andlton. A.M.SHAW, Arvaavt W. T. SracanA, Clark. or. 10, I070 II, ... , 1'fta Kioeritloo will ha eontraued 'on vteh fron flatarday, Noy. 4, dniafloa redued to twante.flra aenta. ' ' ft"lft XECUTOR'H-NOTICK. Notlaa lakerohv aire, that leUera IreU- arealarv kavina beca graole. lo Ihclubacrlkor oa tboeelateor MARtlAllEI H A tl BRTY, deoeeeo., late of Oallcb lowaeblp, Clrarlel. aaaaly, Pa., all acracaa aadebte. la aald aetata aaa rcld la mai a Immediata paymeet, and Iboe baring claim! agalaat tbe aaaro (ll froatal tham del aalUbnilml. for ctllulat. T r iiflll WITHSROW, - Haa MiUport, Nov. II, li st laalot. E 8TJAV r;7 'T-rr' " -; ;, I , . 11 I.. .1:1'. ! ' Caaji trea.aleg aa th premUcl af Ik oaaoritear.. ia Baraildo corona, aa ar aboat ike kmtaf Aaia4,a MED MEIkkS.rl.rag tkrao Tear, om, 4 ha awacr u r,Uete. ta come ar waed, cawta neeaiHy, pay akaraoa aad taha II OR0 Of 1 a M ae aurpcM aur aiiotM. A cam , WAAat4l"T"w , ...o, Itrt-tt 'I eti o. A rar lat oAaaHaa., Tmatro. avv aauw Mrr;0. Sna.of Co., Port. ma., Mata. ' r Srw dtrrttimtit. rjrBUl4,LIST,- , , ; , Lirt of Ceuaoe let dwa kr trial at Ike Me. oa. wook of Xoeoathec lorcj, Moaday, Ne.eai- bor lath t . riaaop " CaMaaora taruleoot ol nleeH Orowoll ' "'"J' DaU....... u.. veaaea Uoreaoo te.aiklp Sh4,i oa alogal PtiMk ri tale aB4.,iia ri bvla k)iuhlll,,.M...-... brU'ikolfl Leock iieoia Orori...... ..,., ra Wllkoa v BoHeoetal ,. aa Pump r rotioroaa va Bloom V Carter -' -VI Wild va Huaekbargor ' to Boca A MoOna .M v Irwia .... vi Iwaa Straw .m.. a Bloom . . ,. va ForMt .... Tl See ' ' FULFORD ft THOMPSON, OtXKSAl IN3VIU1ICK dOMXTS, , , Clears!., reaa'a. Bapreaaat all the loaalog Fire Imuran Compoaioa of tka eountry t Oomb .....4I0.0B0, Roval Caaadiaa ..... a,uuu,nuv Home. New York 4,744,114 Lycoming, Maacy, Pa....- 0,a.i,ai Fraaklia, PhilaJ a...-.,.....,. 1,108,040 rhaeaia, Hartlortl no.,.u Hanover, New York 1,410,040 Home, Col , O................... 014,108 Allaa, Hertford 400,041 Providence. Waehlnrtoa.............. ' .10,000 Poraoaa aboat effeetina aa iaearahoa aa prop. arty af any kind, abeuld call at our ofloo, la Ple'a Opera Uoaae, aa. ooe oar Hat of oompaato aad rale bolero laeanng. joim n. ai'iiruni, T. W. TUOMPHON. Clrarleld, Pa., Oct. 17, '74-ly AIZB SCHWARTZ, . (late Oeo. 4 Co.) MILITARY UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENTS, HO. Ill MARKET BTHEICT, PIIU A. Band. Companiei, Ac, furaMibed. Baniplci pbotographi and Mir-mMiariog airociion Mm rro. MKRCIIANT TAILORS CLOnirKB", 1101 MARKET BTRRRT, July 14, S-ly ' Phlla L. T. ROSS, ti L. T. ROSS A COV , t . . Ct aWRNSVII.Llv. PA Haa lust received his Fall stonk at Uoots aod HboMe.oflha Klm Ira and Pkiladalpbln Bwaofaa lure, which ba sells abeap for aash ar produoa Alao, a fftll line of Ladies' Misses' aud Children's shoes, and a full assartaieut of leather aud sboa findings. This Is na experiment with him. 1'raetwo makes perfect. Having sarrad a Ufa appreaticeibip la the leather and manafaeturing of all kinda uf Boots and Whites, ha feel himself fully eonipeeeat to satisfy bla sunny aid, as well aa new, eustoraera that be sells the best Bond and Shoes for tba least money. D't fail ta call and examine hia stack and ba conn ooe 4 yourself. CurwsnivllU, Oet.10, 13-lf lyANTED. , " '' ' RT '"- ' ' ' N. E. ARNOLD, ' ttlRWKNMVU LE. FA.t . (8ueeaser to) Arnold & H,irlshorn. jon,tMIO -lnrh hnaved Milafloa. OvfbtMl poand. of Wool. Vartias having long Bbiaglas at Woal (ar ai th ar) will do well to eal ill oa na. Tha highest i hat price paid at aU tinea Alsa, ft full aad complete etoiik of DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, 1IOOTN & NUOEN, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, wklek will be ol. at obaoged for ikiaglea or reaooaabl price, or eg. WOOL N. B. ARNOLD. Curwonarllle, May 5, 1070. 1875. FAIaTa. 1875. "... '-.: i ,' ' . - ' BIUN OF T1IK BUI PITCHh'H,". ... 41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel, riTTftHimciH, rA. T. F. BAILEY & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN China o& aXneenawae, Window Glass, GltiBswnrc, i Lamp Burners, Chimneys, : ' ' "" i ' 'i ' Chandeliers and Brackets, DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. , TO THE HAl.t TRADK. ATTR r now ' pare, to offer lo Ibo Trad V Twl INI) vneelal in ull l km kn rn in tairoKt- 1 KD Ot'KKNHWAKR. la Crate of Beet Whit 1 Qraaito and Whit llraaitc and Common Aieort I od, to ult the Trade. Alao. 10 repack to toll i purchaaeri, which weoOVr VERY LOW TO CASH AKU rioari rnup.. uoa vinoaui. W are prepare, to Uke erden for AMERI CAN WHITE I1RANITR. COMMON YELLOW aad ROCEINOHAM WARE, at Maaalaclarer Llala aad DiMoaela, . aagll -lm tfAltMBIiE PROPERTY V 1 ...... FOR BALI OR FOR RENT. Tka oabaerlbar givea aetloa that a will altbar roatoraoll hi dwklllng and alor property, ait aate oa Re, lireet, adjolaieg the Leonard Home, lo tho aorougb or Clooraoia, ra. The Clara room ia 10 X 14 feet. The .welling bnoae eonlalai 1 room aad a kitchaa aa the Int alory, and S rooma oa Ike amend try. Tim novo room caa ba ka. at once, aa. tk dwelling portion ob aa. after tkc let of Joly. For further Bar tloalan, addraaa r apply to tbo andrilgad oa thopremloe. UEO. 0. PA8HMOHE. UlaaracHi, ra., may iw, 'la-n ' 1 fRAZIKR-S POCKET GUIDE X1 '' 1 OP PHILADELPHIA, lllaatrala. with mora Ibaa 40 eagravlaga oa wood, with biilorlcol aketekc of all plaoai of public lateveit la the Ccnlcnalll City, price aly tea caata, Bverr Amarwaa ailiaea aa. ovary erhool-boy ihoald poeMae a eonv. Andrei .. JOHN W. FkAZIKR. P.I, II. bar. No. lfllt North 18th (treot, Philadelphia, tfov. 1,1174-lai 1 " ' F OR SALE. rFawraerk hcra an. harna, Throe of ihe h or coo are aia yeara ol., an. aa foar ycara old. Alio, I Iwo yeirol. oolta, one yearliog aad aaa oprtaf oa a. 4w haaay lamkar aagaa. goa. aa aew, 3 tbree-ipriag waguae, and an kuggr. Mut he aold Bt oaoe. aod will call oa wag time or eaonaan lor ire., aw ar eaitic, ' M. tl lIRllWji BRO. ClOarlcM, a Oct TiT-at rt-t EN DOM, A RS RK W A RP.-T 1 1 I -it a '' .':i " ' ' If lb prtl waa cook tka haa. aalehal from Iko aaat door of tkc Show Boaaa, ea Friday, Oct. Md, alM ratara tka (am On vho mhlaelhot, a ra. war. of Slo will ho aai., aa. aa quoetlaa 4aea- CI04d,Pa,IM..r ,..TV.. ;: n ..-nt-r-rr-rrtn" n;; ;Trr.r "ii I J tv.,vl,.T t, ; i mil , A to V Var 'a akaatWH4-r; Apply ta Job. A-.laaur, at UM uiaaraaia palery MarWMrHekwla,a. ' ' , TNor, a,U7t-tl a n i l '(: idlmlro'.'.'.'.'.'.',',.'. Pattarooa mm ...i Morgaa ........,., Barley 1 - Ro..Biaa...M ..w........ Palaboa Sill - Uwla ................ IrvlB....: MeForlaa. Wright Bulk i4'i Cslsms, FALL AND WINTER. WILLIAM REED, Opera House, Clearfleldi Is receiving this week from t; New York and Philadelphia, a i: . ' : .. :: . t largo stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Millinery and Fancy Goods. Having the advantage of the recent decline, I will give you bargains. PRINTS, ' . MVSLIN8, CIIIOHAMS, TICKIN0, KLAS8ELS CA8HIMIRRS, WATERPROOF, SHKETIKUf, BLANKETS, Ac, ) SHAKER PLANNEU, RED PLANS ELS, WHITE FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, SHAWLS, FKLT SKIRTS, NEW ftTTLKM, lire lloodi ia all lb bow aa. cewra. HOSIERY AND OLOVES, ORVTf rNDERWEAR, LADIES' t'NDKRWKAB, CHILDREN'S l .NDKRWKAB, FANCY GOODS. FRINAKS, ALL KINDS, OIMPSAND LAf'EC, 1 YARNS AND ZEPHYR,' RinnoNS, Ac Red Flannels, 20, 25, 30 and 35 cents. . . White Flannels, at bargains. Plaid " only 15 cent. Plaid Dress Goods, 15 and cents. . .7 ... - Good double-width Black 18 AI pacas, only 15 cents. Felt Skirts, only 75 cents. Shawls, full size, 65 and 75 cents. Fine Ostrich Tips, worth 1.60, for .25 cents. Sasli Ribbon, handsome and wide, for 30 cents. Good Blankets, only 92 per pair. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, &c, in great abandonee. ' Don't forget to call ut .1 I ROOM NOV 2, OPERA nOVHfi, W1LHAMBEED. ij: ,11 ii.,,!',.: i !! : eeraU, aot. tt, IITI. I I,. ;i.'.( a. J- I 5 1 l4 tit (B a-B oW SI" I m - T 1ST OK JURORR- l.ial of Jarorc rawa for N'avomher term, A. D. 117ii ' ' aacoaa waax rataa aaxaar, lava. Abm, Warrtah, Deecorl J. W. Kvler, Dogg, Jaa. Ualiaglrar, " John Bel.k, " II. WIImb, Bradford Weclly Skirov, " Jno. Woolrldgr, Jan. Carlllo, Brady J. F. M.lhollaud, " . Ilury Wlngort, ' " ' Jao. Lea, ' BarBald Wilaoa Woo.1, cheat Newlew MrCnrd E. Ililtabraad, L. M. Urorto.Cur'ville J. F. StolBor, Decatur Wi Cbrlit. Tubha, Prrgaaon PtarCurtqr, Ilirard Lewli Coutrict, P. Hurley, llochea PhiL Ukamban, Haataa O. L. Norria, Law W. T. PaRua, Joha Barge, Morrat Ueorge Harlng, Aahary Ocarnart, W. C. Hoover, . Pean F. LeigT, Covlngloa E. B. rip. Joe. Wcatn or, . Cn Hi Andrew Tocar, . Pike a, Tucker, Claartcld.Rob'IStott, Hixward R. Thompcoa, w 'Jamcl Pbinpa, - M 0 liPUAKH' COURT SALK la porraaare af aa order ot tna urpnaas Coartaf t lea r ft eld awaaty. Pa the neiisnigaed, Administrator of iba estala of tfuaanaa Hrr, late of Bradford township, dee'd, will eiposn topeMlj sale, la tha borough af Wallaeatoa, at tha pablio house of hi ra. Sank Butltr, aa ' Tha raday, tlavf mU r IH, HIT A, .. at I o'oloek p. aa all thai aerUia traal of laad, laat. OL. ... . aamail A haaj ml.aaaktmla HaaJ. ford towashlpaforald.dobidasfoll.wa. vlai Rrflaalag at a aiaka adjuiaing lands anas oi jeaiea i Turner and II. I). Turner i thence east 144 t it rerehea ta a black oak aapllag t tftcaee awtth J west 1 .10 9-1ft perekea ta stona eomer by ahestnutt theuc Berth S7Jwett 144 perebet to mapU anplingi Iheaaa aeatb tH aaat 11? perches to plaee of beginatng, oaatalntng 111 acres, lift perehea aaora or less. Tba ImprateaaeaU eaaslat af ft two-story freaa dwelling hoaae Sftilft feet, frame barn UiAi reel, and ether Mtbwtldlo., A beat la aaras af the betid is slaMeTed aad unJar good oeitivaiioa. , . TitMMS.-Ona-third tba purebaaa money cash at aoalnuation af eale, oae. third in on year ftom daU of aala, and tha balance in twa yeara from data of aala, tha latter two payments with intereet ta ha aaceuad by hoad and mortgage an tho premise-. HAHUKL K. COWDKR. . Oat tft, IftTa -4t - Adaiitratof. READING OR ALLII BOOKS tf STATIONERY. Market M., Clrarfleld, (at Iht Poat Ofllce.) rTlHK andersigned beta leave to annonaeft ta X a eitneas of Claarneld aad vloialtyt thai r be ha ItM up ft room ftad haa Jail returnaft from tba eitj? t large nmoauit of raadiag matter, awasisting la part of ,.,,;,,. , Biblei and MiBoelkneoui Booka, Blaak, Acwannt gad pamt Raakt af every da arriptioa ) Paper and Kavetepee, French prasaed and plala t Pens aad Peaeils f Rlaak Legal Tapari, Dead a, Motlgagoa) Judgmant, Kxamp linn aad Prooaisarv aotea) White and Parch -mtftt Hria, Legal Cap, Keeetw Cap.ud BtIV Uap, Hheet Musi, ror either Piaao, Fiate or Yiulia, annstaatly aa hand. Any books or ttatteaary desired that I may aet bava aa hand, will ha erdeml br first aiprass, and sold at wholesale or retail w aalt ftatmera. ' I will alee baap parlodteal nttraiara, sch aa Magaiuaaa, nawa,aiieva, . A.tlAV LIH. CleartaM, May t, IBM-tf . t ', ' I ' I . ' .): . . .1'- i ll f- .' ... U ,.,., ; ClflHRRnSU ,,. .,: .,, .-. ..: '. .; i. in j .i tt i" I '. French kid M Tnrkrr Mo- ' if, ,l..'a. ,,r ll.i... Ml,' ,;iJ r t ' i roeeo Button Shoes, far Ladles, :i, ; . ' aoat. li, 'fsaf KRATZKR A LTTLR'i.' QOAL- COAL I !., TOW MOM ITMATCORCRRaV Th aaaoMlgac. Ukoc thli ataiknl af Ibfhrm- lag tka pi.ipaa of Ooarael. aad vartalt,. aaat ka kaa laed and rcpaa. tka old Den tlgdoa .ml bwab, karat, wit Ha a alia from town. aa. la aow prepared to furaiak a OrH-akaee artaee. t coal, aai ta aeiiref tac aama aay waera la lawa m tea atia aaa rauaam taa eavuno) aauoc A rxra e,aaatlty of coal alwera oa kuaka. far ?.u .1 tk. mtao Qrdor baft al aX.taok'a abaaa aaeM,, 'aad Saydar'a aharlag eaiaoa. . . WarlaAag lO-tf . a JIlaTICaM COaSTABLeW Plata Wa kara prlaud a tarn aaaahar of Ike aw FIS BILL, aad win ea the rwaeuyt al twrnmr. It, mil. mall a war Maa aAdroe, i ..,,00 V. was ran- . w,w. aarra i T7BATISXI aft DETT 0LXA8T1ZLD, 1 V o -a I I I I -4 Arl al. V f Sft. of oo4S Cl thai olook af .tdi, oaailttiai af DRY. GOODS, QH0CERIE3, BOOTS t SHOIaA 2 0 J , hats TQJ jrWWa. QUIENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4c, 4o., -,'ir D ft . ' a. At the mnM reesonable rates for CASH ar la Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, i-.: OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. OVAilVBBeoa aaade lo thoaa'akgagci la let ting oat aojaira timber cm the moat advantAgat pdtljaaro T)ANIEI GOODLAKDEB, LUTHERSBfRO, PA.';" Dealer la DRY qpOUS NOTic NOTIONS, I 54 HATS A CAPH aad BOOTS A flllOKi, Tobacco, tirocarioa end Fiib, Nalla, Hardware, Q'leeniuare and lllal.ware, Men'a aad Roya' Clothing, Drug., Paint, Oil, School Booki, a large lot of Pataol Medicine, Caadld. Nala A Dried Fr.ila, Che an. Crack -... era, Rock an. Rile Powder, i i 1 ' . Plonr, Grain and PoUloca, clover and Timothy See., - . '. Bole Leather, Moroecoa, Lining., Rindingi and Thread, Shoemaker' Toola and Shoo Finding. No greater variety, of good la aay More la the ooaoty. All fur ealc very low for caib or ooonln produce at tha Cheap Coraer. May 1, 1074. The Bell's Run W oolen Factory, Peaa town. hip, Clearfield Co., Pa. R ll R V F. B OUT! eM.HooUat. V BUR N E D U M'A pi The aalawttere kara, al gat ea peas, reballt aaiahborbood aaoasiity , la tbe ereelion of a flrst- elass Woolen Afaoafaetorv, with all the aodera inpiTtfttaitacbea ana afwptpatd la nafta all kinds ef Cloths, Oa.sitm-res, Batiftetti, Blaa kaU, riannala, Ao. Plenty of goods oa head to supply all oor old aad n ikouaaad new customers, W Bow we taa w eons anq eaamiDoj uu The hnsinoaa of CARDING AND FHUJCs will racelra nor especial attention. Proper arrangonaaaw wtll ba anade to raarita atsd deliver Woal, to snit enstonera. All work warranted and doae upon tha shortest aotiee. aad by strict atlea tlna to bniinesa we hope to realise a liberal shaft af pnblte patronage. OolMM) POt'KDtl WOOL WANTED) Wa will pay tba hlghart market price for Woo aad sell oar aBaaafat-tured goods as low aa similar goods ran be bought in the eounty, and whenever we Tall to render reaawBAbla aatisfetHiua wa flftft always be found at home ready to make proper aiplanatlnn, aimer in person or oy leuer. , - .1AMKS JO U.N HON A HONS, eprillftlf- -it 1 i Rawer 9. 0. LEATI1F.R BUEAST-STR.APS HIPKRtilinBD BY ; V 1 COVF.HT'tf PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK ' afadsof tha heat Mallea- .1' 1 i bla Iron, aad list tabbed r , in tba Uaaiea by the beat , , , i. ... fa " ' ' IVO I la easily aad qaVUy put ; f on an4 preveata tba whipping af tha hortew by tba pole, lot liable ta get out of rajiair. Will last for years. All wa ash is a fatr triel, U ' eonrlnraa til parties us i , lag then that they art . ansurpnased In ralaefor tha purpose for which tbay are Intended. ' 1 (SACKBTT A SmRWKR. Clearfield, April 16. W4. - k r - MARBLE AD S70E YARD! u a- rc " Mr . .8, S. LID DELL, Having an gaged In tha Marble business, desires ta Inform har frlenrjs jnd tba nubllr tjjat ibe 1 now and will kefp'ftoinfatittr 6n hand a Iarg afed well aeleeteol stock of ITALIAN AND VKRMONT MARBLE, aad ll prepared fa tamih to ordar T0M11STONKS, I J AX1AlLBTOMioy '"' jiojil'MENTfl, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lota, Window Sills and Capa, also. t BlRRi;. TAB LB AND WASH PTANP , , i, TOPS, eV., Jta...,, " ..' hj.Yrd aai Bevel treat, near the R, R. Dettwt, Olearfteld, Pa. - j je7,Tl TORRA COTTA STANDING VASES, j HANGING VASES, Vtnve Lining and Fire Brick, , j t , kept aonitanlly ca hand. , 4. 8T0.1E A.Dminin.. wARi OF EVRKT DESCRIPTION! .i'l'Slli IfJ V't-rM,r (V! CHUCKS! POTS1 CKOCKSI ...'.. .-fc..a.j .iu .-J. . mi Flahcr'a Pataitt Alrtlglit' Heir Heallu. " ITralt Canal . .u nrTTrtPt CROCKS, wllktld, -' CRRAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLR- RI'TTFR CROCKS, - . ' 'I'ICKLI CROCKS, r LOVER POTS, FIR lilMIIM, iTKWrOTJt, Aa. 0 groat many other thing! Inn antnemni I 1 '- ' mcwtloa, ta ba ba. at. FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S . STONE -WARE TOTTERT, Corner of Cherry and Thlr. Slroeta, ,1 , CLEARFIELD, FA.. , . aogl 1 Down I Down II THE LAST. XliRlVAL Alfiror mirnuli Till CBRAPBUTI AtfroclamvtWn agalost High Prices; , -;- - v . T WE are now opening up ft let of the beat and ' must seaauQable Uoode and "'afea ever ' offered Ift this market, aad at prices that remind ana of tba good old davs of cheap things. Thoae mko l..t SaJol. BaaalAB ajkl. mal.l - - atr .11. gatloaa surlvovaaad htit , - , CAW 4T OIH HTOK Corner Pwftf and Uwka4'tUitB , Where they tan see, feel, hear and know for them salve. To fully understand what are cheap gooda thla mast be dona. Wa do not deem It aertessary ta annwiaratw a4 Itnnlau mm stoek, It is aargb for as to slate that ' r n t . . i a T f niilli..'J,i V a ' M Wt kav Evervtliiug that it Needed Oa. aoncam. la tbla market, and al prleoi Ikat Bt.Uk o ...I Mv,irj.-f ' - 1 1 jurtai'll nilAwr a rjvn. wM.paTiaaiiame. For aawar.B of twanlr rear Ik. Ieadiaiba.r. at Cllag,f Ik UBlUdtlo,a.ordeanaqllat. w. adraatagea frtk Ibovwwgb, practical edara Uea of youag and middle aged meo. Student. adaluU al ep ao. FavMawakaad Wae . . t. C. SMITU, A. M , ' , M - V-! .0 ,v , Prlaoloal. - Ik MIMMwlT -OUillr-. tka Mby lajtalatiomi. oka ktad. ba Ikat rliy that wa rwoamead ta tka paklto patroaaga rmeOgn Haa awacr, 0rTA, fm, Sep. lt,'fe-oa. p I'll t 'uul.a ... a..-, i... "'. a ... i ' . . '..,.. ' A tw aatr gov aerie ana leii i aaravaa a aaaa, aklek I will Mil at a ltc. Alai varl earrlagu aa. haggM, aa. 0 rca. wagaa, aa ael aa aom ao. eorlaf warona. f am bcaa. fa tall at aom price. Can j) or a4dvaa .aa arte. Van o, or Mdvooa aeakuoavaaia, ra, Aug. , to -s at -...I .tk.i,,..'.. . a T.i t . i"yi ' i ffJ'h.fJJ.i.., " f I bfrlLsiirVuj. ... m.i-i vw- 4. . mm unair m inilllll BC61TD SiaiEt, ciAvmi it I m . ai. J I" a- inJRB.DBUG8,f i t ,n uiim ; i i t CHUMICALSI paints!" "oiis, pyf. s run- - TS!'Arr BRI'SIIES, pp.RrrsiERV, vajicy aooj! TOILET ARTICLES v r - . ' tf i v lU F ALL KlNPlf, PURE WIRES AND IIQUOSS, far medic laal pirvotaa. Tnissa, Aerajportan, BehoaJ Hooka, and Btalkta ary, and ail otner artieiaa aaaaliy found la a Irag Stort. , ( PHYKICIAN'R' PRKKtiRIPTIONi CARK Fl LLY CUMPOlNaUKD. Having a large ax- Cirfeoer In tbe holiness they ean give entire aet faction. -. . 4 i - J. O.HARTflWTCK. - ' JOHN f. IRWIN. Of ar field, Derember 18, 1874. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEAR K1K LI), PA., ..I'v.rnr ., : urn IKE BRICK, Ii t. .V I;. Furnace Blocks. Gas Relorls, ii:V (,vii n,;,r t... ::.'f Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, to. rk'totara; Topi, WfNctoor and faitM. CVipa, All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIHINAL IlMIIINS IX TRRRA MADE TO ORDER. C0TTA Wilb iuiproved Baaohiaery, Aral rlaaa material aa. aklllcd workmea, we eaa warraat all au, aunnracture to ho equal lo If not anparior to any in lha mnrkeC Artioleo of our manufaetero eaa be aeea al the Worka, near Railroad Depot, or at Ih Hardware Store nf Powell A Morgan, All ordera from a diitance, addreeaed to th 0Bral fiupor!atndBt, will receive prompt at. tentlOB. t' ''' I '".. HAHT01WICK, ' JOHN FERUI ttON, Uen'IBupt. if BealbOcId, llarakirh, feoUaad, Sept. Manafactaring DcpL maylOTI BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, tPneeeiHira Iq bujuton A Yeftog,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS i Maaafaotarers at PORTABLE & STATIONARY fc STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth an. Fin Street, CLEARFIELD, PA, HAVIKG engage. In the maBafactar f .ret. clam MAJ7I1UIBY, wa raepaotfcllr inform aa- pablic Abat are ar aow aroparr. I ill all order a okeapbr and M promptly l can ka .oaa tu aarr qf tb oili. Wi maarafactar aad Aool la Mnlay and Circular Saw-Hills Ha4 IUocki, Water Wbaala, Skaftlag Oifford'a Injector, Steam aaa. Steam Whletlo,,. OlUr, Tallow Cape, Oil Capa, Gauge Cooke, Air Cock, Ulobt Valval, Check Valve, wroaght iroa ripoa, S'.eam Puupa. Roller Foe. Fumpa, A.U Friatloa Metre, Soap Clone Peeking, Cam Pack- lag, an. all kiadl of MILL WORK) togrtkor witk Plow, Sled Solca, ' COOK AXfi PARLOR STOVES, an. atkar CAKTINdS of all klada. VOrder aollclud an. tiled at eiij price All Mow of iaquirjp witk wfarcac ta maeklaerj af our maaaraotara prompt Ij anrwared, hr addra. Ing at at Clmrleld. Pa. BIOLER, YOLNll KKFU. rjHJ TnR TRAVELING HIBLIC. Tkc anderliaaad aanouuoo lo lb. rIL publio Ibat Iko; kava pat a lil-weeklv kaek oa lha road from lloutijelo, via. Madaia, aa Ulea llope, running rcgalar cvarv Taeaoav, Tkaredav aa. Soturdav. Leaving lleutadahi oa Ibo ar rival of the moroiag train, aad arriving at 01 lea Hope ct II 30 A. hi. rotaralag, leavaa (Ilea Hope at 1 P. M. ralaraiag to Madera tho aamo evening. l'erMna wlibing la travel on aav la. termcdial da, a .11 be accommodated kr drop. ing a knelo tbe proprietor, at Mador. Parlle to travel law tk aoualrv. If lha, let aa know wkat train they nra coming oo, wo mill ftamt.lkaal tl l otalioa, aaut ran thrai aa aay ...! Ike, .laa to travel, aay day aarapl tka ,..,.. in.t we maei ao oa taetilea Mope ooed wilb Ihe mail. Our at.h la u ... comuiodetc, and we aok Ike palroa.go of tka uiaioilBg puuiio. BHUOO HltUTIIKBK. O. H. baorr, Rupt. . , iladera, Aug. 4, 1070-am. It S A L k: A largl and well .niched Brick UualKag, alia ate oa tbe river baak, In Iba borough af Cwar. AoM, katAlnlng oervra rcoma, arilk Oood collar, wal.r la Ih. kilcb.n, aad all tb moeWra aoare ainca. Pantrlaa, Bath, room, Clotbccproeeee, Ac. Lot aiaty foot front and two hundred aod thirty font OMk, -Wh twenty fool alley oa ttlo COM ule laid rajililaoe a Ilk M Ika prill hwVold clieaci, witk payiactittto tait paaoka. vwt. npiniraiion can v maa to taa wader. iguaVloiian.C.Tat, Xaj.,aha will give all aecmaary inlermalioa to tboao who device ta ia epeet tbe property. THC8. J. McCVLLOl'OM. .Majftlrt. 1815, tr. )rri- (.ii i.i ).. o.uearlleld Nursery. K.VCOURA(JK U0ME tNDUSTUY. TILL' aedenlied, kavaig ancblleka. a Kar. 01, aa Ik.' riho, about kolf way katwaaa Cleartdan. Varwwaiville, Ii proparwd ca far mah aM karat! FRUIT THRBb, (llaadard aa. w art, arwgiaaaa, ahratrbery, Urap Vteo., tHoaoaerrf. Laaiom Blaokberry, HtrawWry, aa. Hamborrp Vlaae. Alaa. Siberlaa Crak Trao.. Vln ca, aao earl; aoarlat rtbabaru, ae. Urdera. promptl; attended to. Addroaa, . -w - . i. I.U. WJtlQITr teplo ooj CarwaaovilM, Pa. STILLlAU U. H5NRY, JcoTtrg fvwaa luraaa,BaivBpaa,LUMBRa; jrt aad, aa. amaey caneaptly AnleMB ot agraamaal aa. dead af amatl, aaoauto. aa. aarraal. aor Ijy7g l , - , , , r. Wl"fTrTrl "'. 'o "a,( ! I fj