THE REPUBLICAN. CLKABFIKLD, PA. WiOHEPDAT MOBVIKO.MOV. II, UTI. Tirmi of Subscription. If paid is ftUTMM.srwIthlA Urea mMta,,.! 44 t pU af-ai OrMMil ktafon ill n&BUiNIH i M (I paid nfr th eiplratUa of ill oUi, I 10 flltMN. V. M. PtTtBJIIIU. A CtVMwa. pa par AdveitUlag Agent, II Ptl. Row, ! Reek men Strt, ar mr dnJy atrtboriwtd Agent New York City. rfcl.lUIOUM fcOTICfcft. . Met hod I at Epleeopal tburch R.r. D, f, nr-tfatta, astor. Publi fiervie every Sabhath at 10 A M-, end T, P. M. Sabbath ftcbool at I A. M. - Prayer . every Thursday, at T P. M. Cuutu union itervioe, Aral Rabbata af vry -auntb, mI 1"! A. M. lreabterlau l'hurcli-.H-v. II. B Rutlbb. 8btmth services morning anil evening Sab bath .School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes day evening. wt. auric' thurcli Catholic H.r. P. J. PiiamHA. Preaching at lUf o'clock, A. M., oa ih flret, third tod .earth SuDUaof eb aiealb. Vespera and Urt edleiion ot lb tile read taeramat at T o'clock, P. M. ran day Pehual ovary Kuadey afteraooa at i o'clock. OFFICIAL 1HRE1TORY. ; i nk or uldiiq qvAiiTkit ikmiori moat. Bn ond Monday of January. Tj rd Monday of March. j , Purl Monday f Jone. Fourth Miindav of Hrptenbrr. ' TlVa Or HMLMla COMMrm nui. piret Monday of June, tteoond Monday of Novoibcr ; priLto otnrtnt. ' " k trfiittti Nrfyc Hon. Charles A, Meyer, ol Luck Haven . ' Atfelt.Nt I .ai Jtufff Hob. John H. Orrii, a He I If font. A.mwinU AWfM Williiia C. Poley, Clearfield j John J. Head. Curwenavitic. : , Prutkmmattrytth Bloom, fttijiitrT mmn frrrf.rL. J. Morgan. Ditfrirt j(i(irnrjf Frank Kidding, JVnNrf David W. Wise. Shtriff William H. Mcl'hsreon. (Viunry Nuriyvr- Kamacl F. MoCloskoy, Car wensvilie. tkmmif Com m t m iottet-e J u h D. Thompson, Curwenouille ; Clark Hrowo, ClearBeld ( Conrad W. Kylr, tlrabimlon. C'uuNfy arfiior. Jauaa II. IIU, Lambar City; T.owla t Itlo'im, Cl.arflfld; Henry Wbttfihcad, UntoD lnwnabi). Jury Vommiiom John W. Hhugari, Jamat Mitchell, ClrarM Sp4rintdl Pnl'lir Srkonlt Jnha A. Orrgory, t'lrarflfld. Nutarin PwUigJohm W. WrigU. W. Ra drbaogh, Cyrui L. Uordin, Clrarfi.ld ; Joaiah Kvana, Jm. R. Irwin, N.E. Arnold, Curwaoivllla ; J.J. I.tagln, Kiutnal Saycn, Ofeaola Milts; Jobn aton Hamilton, Lulharitbiirg. Oar Sintimt eolaiua ! dtoidodty In tart King In a local point of ttvw, and froltabla nadlng to outfWeia bo vant to avo locat-y. An oltl weather proplmt biti fiKiired not twenlj-pli now ftornn thi winter. Wt an at aad thai. Our townsman, cx Sheriff Pie, has born laid up for MvaM day wl with a wrero attack of Inflammatory rnenmathm. The WilHiimspnrt hoom com jinny have raltfd out thl tHn la tt.a neighborhood of on hundred and eighty -Aro at 111 Ion Tact of log, There is a possibility of a rvlnjiso in rprlling boei tl.U win tar. Cluirfirld oroaped tha aeourg lait winta:, and It la ta be hnppd that It will far at wall tll aeainn. Nathnn Coinstook, a tcnohrr in tho palic tehaota at Pbllipxharr- did on rnday al- ternoon. at that iilao. of Uphold fur. Hit homo waa at (Ilea Hope, la this count j. u mm i ai - On Hiinilnv. llio 17tli nil., W. A. At in, r Hunliurj, killed ehickcB lur dlomr, .od un upMi.K th ctii.rd found twit lilvsr Ion Mnt nd twit ft, wot pi.., whiok .ra worm monlk. Tlic Sundnv Kchool 'onvontinn i-oii- vcuct ! Ihia plueff on thin (Wdnrdy) .vaBiBR. Ucr. U. W. .Miller, of Brllrfunle, preatU Fund. school Mruon In th. Pr)tertan oknrch 10 Tbunday treDinir. Kor tho work cmling Octcilwr 23, IS74, thff. wfr. f.rwirdd turn imm ii.t.b 1,101,000 fut of laber n ornw, a. pared with Ik. wrmoiidiof tk of UM jraar, or lai.ooa tot XoviMntR Tkrm. Thin is the flint week of our Nonbr torn ofeourt, fartb. trial of olril oaM,Jadf Orria pmldioi. Cart waa .tiled at 10 o'.loak oa Moada; moraiaf.aad lirooMdM with th. aaaal boaiom. Clilcr. it Is said, may ho preserved for Jtarf bj pnUlnj It ap ia alrllgbi oana aflar th. manner of pmarriaf frnit. - Th. liqaor aboulil kt Bfl Kltlod aad tacked of froaa lb. drega, hut .rnnnUlloa ehoald net he atloawl to befor. eaaainf. Tho new postul trd ro now on dulj. Tbajr an an rnabar ahade, n qail a. heavy na tb. Irtt onaa, hav. do border oa .liber aide, aad an printed in pl.ln Utct. W. don'i kmi that thee nr. worf. or better then Ih. old eljtl.i tb I. woll enh th. oaat. Election dny was one of the quietest and moat peaceable known to Ibli place for tone tiuir la oar opiaion It tt a alee law that oloaoa aaleona and bar roemi oa aasb dera. Tb. reeolt of the aleolioa ia each dialriel la the wunlj ll lleen In detail In Ihi. woeh'a Bircnuran. Tiik JSiunrsT Bert. Mr. Geo. rt- ttnoa, of Jordan toaathip, left at thn .Bca, oa Salordaf laal. a red beet that beala all. It la bout tb. alae of a beer keg, and weiibe eaarllj aioe ponada. ClenrOehl ooantr la eoroiog ap In "tardea eaae." An bif Ihloft out in the eoontrrf j Cruelty to Animals. Sumo iuhu- uaa ooril o 4a)r laH waak ami an ax oa Mr. Bradlejre ow,euttlo her threnjh eloai tha baek hone between the kldoee and the kip. Tba bnath or hot a r ea be alaialr aaxn at it eaeapea whin th. brut, hrtnlhea. It will be a miracle If lh eow aurvivea thla Beadlah aot. lion. Gcorto A. Jcnks, Congrwai. naa fon the JcHorien-lBdlaaa dietrlll, at attnad log our aoorl thia week aa aa attorney la aa im portaot 'eait. air. Jenkl oneaerad tin. Hart; Whit, oat of hie Beat la Coafreae, b- reeele in ill nor. eolta lhaa th. (leaeral la a dialriel wbieh ehoald bate ia Wbit.000najt.rllj. Fahtino AMD Pratrh. Ill aU'UOrd nee with the reaueat of Meaart. Mood; nod He.. ke;, all deaonlnalloaa hare ret apart ml ridn, a da; i.f fntllBf and pr;er, tbroeiboul Ih. I'nloa. l:aloa aenrleea will be held ia Ihi. plan at th. Prtibjlerlaa Chareh, at I .'elock in the norulni, and in the M. I. lauren at T) o'ekieb la th. f eatn. l' Wo learn lht our old friend H.rnoa newlee, of Uwraaoe lowaahip. haa drnwa the pnninn thia eeaena oa tha ehen ploa aattla ralaor. lie raUed a huaa erop of lb. t.riety, lb. bill jieldlni .ear o he, died aoUtoea each. II. tainted then la a Bun hr of Mill, tlta bibeal lutnin out tSt, olhere fron 110 to 130, all aaerebaeleble. I'liiLireBi n Kktrrprisi. The lita Jwml of that laws eait thai a eer; n.lbew fal kw.earrelBl a aew tla oolee pot asd two plat hottlee of vblebT, fell lhrouh I be raUraad nboe. Slemer'a, on TboreJa; of lail weak. II. oa wilbonl th. whiaky, and a OHpnof.hapa went up tb. Beat da; aad labed Bp tha boUUe, ftltlag gaarioua); draah aa the aeBleBle. m aaii . t Fire. We learn lht the lamp burn of tha Mama. H;aa, Bear Jaaearllla, Salaak lowaahip, d.acrojed bjr ire oa lb. alfhl ad the Ilib el Oetober, lofelner with alt horaae, a latfe ajaaalit) af her, oalt, fced, hare)oae aad cnaap toolt. Oa. af I be horeea kad beea la Ibehr leitle. lor ronrtrel leart, anJ for It thee naara perttaalarle. Tb. eaaa If tta lr tad the real. Ion w. bin tot bees Bbte ae rear. in mother column will be (bund the adevrtreoBoat af Heme. Waaaniker Htwwd, proprlalora er wo. of lb. la'rioet aad naot popa larMwtblaf aelebllabaMBta la I he taaatre. admtlaaneal eaa ax rowed ta alaaoet ewarf pa par ia thla Sinta, and ibeir palrona bail (ma a er; kBowa point In Prtia'jlfeela. The aa Iniaaaaa haeiaaiaa, (la. .aeelleat Indaewneeatf ta hejera aad bar. a axel dutiable Block lo Klewt Iron. Saaeplwa teal aei appUeaaiaB. - Cawp MtRTirtit -AsiriAriiai At lb.' BBBaal BtaXlaf af lb. aMwhkalelarraf the Jeaiata Vellef Canp Mrallnf Ataacllos, herd at Newton Banillrt, aa I be dth laal., Ih. follow. n( teatemeu wee eloel.d daroaloip lot ihwcB iele pear: R. H Milta. Mr.. nil.: . f. (rii bia, LtWlltarwa; Joha ' A. HelfeO, ' Uwteaaaen) ; jkn llaaultaa, SeaUa BenUloai pat Id ei MV oataaManlMowp f MeVMllaael, ( ITneewa) f. J. r,j,W.ILow rate ( owtaM tVeWlhar, ARoa rl, fl.rald f r aetaer,HUihvl . il-M tMI l R. CarBoa, llSfeWw, - ' 1 . "Com AMka 'Sr.1 Ml." A writer ay a I Marat take "Oene aad an mtT m a phraaa neant la oaroaal anleae It ba aecanpaalad with a data, laab a. lariuti... ..u.u a. ..ikl.. all If Ua mm hUm. ll. If a lady ar Hlr. you, aonpa. Bp he at ah. all! ppol.tatltt-j,o.r "Call aa an. ahaa ye. MB naht It aoavfalMt," "Drop la ae you are paaalai," "Mahe ua t elall yea kara aa hear ar two la apnea, " art aaelal uhtaulun k. .bl.h u. 1"( moiu bliaHlsi bp which ia.B,aapaiB.Bu( (be wtrld ahtaraUad kal uf.y ) aauipa.Ad ta do th. Ihllf rehllltd. W bob people wllk la I l lr, bl.he eul la a hUekaulih bun beloala ha eheeply peine then) hi atv Ilk. Ihi. kind 10 J-" c"". Is llaumlalr, as Wednudty f oalaty . aJwaji tt Ukea at larga dl.. $l0, bat tho -m hoi raluabto. aoaat. It li RVvr worth lu oran;tkiog Ilk I tha gai wrk. aapplylag lbM. K.obnrahaaoa It. Vat U t a oaaa.t lavdjuaiuf ttbangt.aud tu bva gottaa out ol ord'r la iubi way, oa Sua boarr dahtiof tfrallliiriakaatMadil M ba raotaiiail rd7 'lht fur tho .i woaloal voraltlaiM la ban. aoU sr. Mt.y n.i.l i.. t...u -K.. , . .7. . . . Uv nor poll.h thai prtaoipla aaa It larUhty plala, blaaty boaaat nai tfarkagljrar wt at all. j Whoorar aiakoi a friendly viilt w a faablonabla j .l. ...... I. . loaat oa tht atrvngth of a aiara "Cutae aud ma -r,- it .in a.... ai mt aL ,i r . . .ill my oftoa Ind that (ho bally oirolo k j mmm rwiptNi tmw uj nwi ii aa ungcniai aa lua Art! la eirola.aad ha will prwbabl loao it with I a ebllty fooling that will prat out biw loaturlug into tba tama high latitudo tkniio. Rut ian a hwl-toald nan whoa, yoa know lo bo your friend, gtaipa you igoroua by ilia baud aol aye, "Coato aad dioa with uia to-day 1 lunar on thO l-bla al Mrldnik b- anra ... nnM aw. ball aipe,t ,o.," ,u n lake II a. th.t your prtaraee ta warmly drairrd. It U ftlaaat alwaya ta Mako or rorolro a rlfit froui a fritadp bat a and oa tho itrrot la all tutor lent from a la ahioaablo acquaint auoe. ' Barn Bi'RNftD.- A correspoDdent at Tbno Kuaa writca ui, aaylng : Tb book barn oa thetarm aitaated la Karthauf towaiblp, belong ing to John 8. Faret, of Clinton county, waa burned, oa lhareday tiigbt, tha 2Atb ult., with all itt flUBUnU. Tbart weia ib tU Un Ave head of horeea, on yearling fruit, a Urge quantity of wheat, iy, aata, hay, straw, ihrtihing aaachtne, windmill, eto. They are unable to tell how lb fit originatod. Tby bad ba ihnifhing on j that day. aad bad been about ih bam after night: with light tintW right otn.WVc.Wi., ha they !" J" perwt.e wno ihe Br oral eay rt.n-d for lha a.gbl, and wer awakend about -h? Mh'12n '.! M' , ' . whni I bey diitdvterird the bleat. Jlawai brongbt two o Hock by the roaring af tb Sr, aud when Milt .,uiro KLannoo nest norniog for furlhof tboy got lo th giouud lb buildlug waa alioul ' bearing and tnken lo to await tilal. Tho burad down. Th boriw. -nd a portion U the I J" 6r" h" ,u V ller . . r . . , x, . I in (ho t-lat the baro burnt, but Mr. nmit feala onleata ar tha barn Ulongtsl to J. W . Rourb, j UtluK in the ieg'lh.rt WM B icager tbe Ivbaut, who ia in very BioderattrlrenBiatanee, , danger from tbitt quarter, thry had watched and eaa Illy afford to ftaiid ao heary a loia. Tha i tb "d and ' not olore enough to en toial lore U about tJI,efH, Uing parlly oorered by t "8"" li bHdingi at the time th Urn took . ... , . . , t n.Ctntrt Halt ItfMtur. ineuraao th bar hvmg tup)urd. Thia if Ih I t mm aeeond Urn that baa ocvurrad to Mr. Furel, ho I XllR STATION IN TUB WoODH. After having bad rrry raloabl grllt mill burnt dur- Ing tbe eu muter, at a kai of nearly IJO.OOI, laW .W Ki.KTiof Kxpknhih. Bolow will Ihj fbaad a tabular statement f th amount paid by tb county to aaeb retnrn Judge for holding tb raeent aleetloa. Th total maka a pretty round Buraiido br......M 601 Dvcatur..f..nH...tll 40 Clearfield Is 0 Kerguron 21 20 Curwonsvill Ij &0 (lirard ......... Ilvutidal.. ....,. HljUeihea I.uuibtir City ID M Urham.... Nfwburg SI So Uwowood..... K. Warhiagtoti... li MHlluliffh O'ceolN 34 (ttillluetoa..,H..... 20 b9 19 00 1.0 20 , It 90 24 0 : f na I YYallaecioB IK KUiJoriUi 31 SO BrrenHa 27 Bell 21 V0 Uloom...t. ...'.... 10 00 Roggti IK 30 Karthaus .... 3.1 SO j ;n tin i Knox Lavtraoa...u...n IS TO I Munis 9.1 00 i llrlfoid...,MV. 31. f'G; I'eiiu v. 10 00 Brady 2.1' "0 Piket. ...:...:.;.... 21 4 gtigrd ia tbo barn, arranging a tooe Soar vwr Biirneid.. ....... K l"i In ion 2" SO . ihe barn-floor, and having moved a joist from tt Chest l. 40jVoodw'd,...... , 22 70 J poaittoa frora under soma of tho boards, stepped (Juviogt'n...... 21 6t' upon one that gat way, letting him fall die Tot! M -iTi tK ; lane of alwtut lan feet, and lighting on the floor J one of his thighs wan frsctured ond ,hii arm, TllR STRKIT SriltKtL. -An exchange i hn k-n In two lae. Mr. Dennison is a maa in' rars i It Is both a day and a night aebool. lis 1 ln M J"r bis age, and although be la doing . - 1 ijzxssjzzr. riT"' "'! Jloant Blaal, but frsutrd on tint .rb.r nountalu j , , imm . ' ' Iron wbenca all Ibe kingdom of the erlb were " Mltrtill Miller, COIlHlll'd ill IMir jllil onoa heboid la a ainglc nu,l otTered in ex- i for aeveral wi.nlhe on ehanroa of robbing the ohang. f..r a ain.le act of l.le ond forbiddon I " forircr.wMta day rtn.ted l.Pilub.rgb . . . i ii . . . . ,. Hailed hlel.a aulhuntiee, wbee. b. will aa. worau.p. tor, a..., aot ... awe ",,, lk. fBrMr ,h.rg.. . . .J,uad thrat Prayer, but polillooa would read, "Thy ' be ba plead guilty to the ekarro, end prsaieM nana b Ukcn lu t.ln," "lead Be into tewpt.. I to reeeel facia that will ooniplicole other partlea. lion," "giro aa .ipotio.or.fil." Tbe; are nol HtpnUivmn eoupl.te without a creed ' I believa ib my owb j self, wy puaiona .od appelllee." Pnibably many ; porao., u read Ihi. wdl tmf, I'lhing. wertaiwr! ao when we were young, hut now it ia hard to keep j oh'ldrta la : they ihmk they must go." W re ply, "It la your busioor;. to e that they think dllferentl, aad lo help ibem lo think differently," Awnx. Th8t"iwhojr," Col. Tate) of tb WillUmsport A'a gets off this horrible saying: A minister But a thousand utiles from Williamfport, preached last Hunday agalast tb of omdresslag and improp, dressing. -How maay Christians," b asked, "spend at , hour arary Sunday morning upon their knes la j devotion, preparatory to eerviee f Not very many iiy. And yet bow many t&er ar woo spemr a mooh longer Urn thaa this very Sunday morn Ing o,lbar t hoibrath glaaj ia getting raady for, prtaarci tberaj M 4o marh lo ba dne wrath loops, aad folds, and ribbons, and pull-backs." Tb rebak waa merited lo aum extent f and yet lb preacher was somewhat aotwaioaabla. Could ke aataralty aipeet a Chrtatian womwa ta get or her knee with a pull-back oaf Tb propeltloa la abinrd. ! e m - - Almoht a Firb. On Wednesday eight last, th brewery 1 WadU Kadrea, situ ate en Fourth stmt, la tbia plaoa, aarruwly eapad dastruetlea by flra. After th workmen bad finished brewing ia tb cveoifig. ibey drtw th fir, and lft th brewery, aa they aoppored, la a sale condition. Aom llnw ia the Bight, bowrr, persons living sear wore awakened by ibe crackling ar flame, and on repairing to th spot, found the on end of tha building, against which tb but ashes had beea thrown, Ib a bias of fir. With great dliTieully tb flame acre ex tinguished and the properly saved. They will probably b mort earelul when they Ibrew ashes areaftr. ..a e DaNOEROI'S rnUBTKR FRITH. JllO. J. Kaoa, Comptroller of the Treasury, by irrular from bia ofte, at Wasbiagtoa, dalad Oetohor 4, 1874, aotiBvs ovarybody ta lafuee all five dollar aotes of tbe following banks ; The Pirat National Rank or Chicago, III. Tbe Traders' National Hank of Chicago, 111. The F.r.t Natioaal Rank of Pa i ton, ill. Tb Pirat Natioaal Rank of Canton, 111. Th First Net tonal Rank uf Aurora, 111. ,. That U certainly a little rough oa ibe Illinois banks, aad shows that the orernment is turning oat now xpeit engravers and first elan scoun drels la that State. U-0 aWnlii i STILL Own The first giailll eXH-1 sltloa of tb Pittsburg Tradesmea'a Industrial l.alllnl.. whleh opened lu th.t .Ity on Ib. 0,h of i ill ik. nib f r Noreuber, I. continued tor aaothar week, nod . . , . . ...Bt liekei. ofa.lBlaalonrad.ead to twouly Oeodenh.. W. adulr. Ib. enlerprlr. nfour toothwMiera epiul city aud bop. that thieret nay Bot va Ih. (. of Ihek worthy nndettaklng. A balldiBg eor.ring Iwale. arm of grownd la worth broking at, and oar ndelua to .ny af our raador, wbo any awn te-e. at maUt, ae, lie, labge nd lake a loot at II. ' ' ' i t'l 1 tiot'B Turnips I "(Joon" Kylor, of Unban lowaahip u eeautaaw a. ilea ben in th. lumne Una. Ilearlnf bin ranarh Ibet to had! au mm Mnoalcd blm lo furabk onr wlaiar'n etook. lb eoBauled. ranarkiag lint ha . . . .L . . WOBM b rtog Bi ap a eeojw. of aoaew, tne aant iibbo km cne lo Iowb. We deneadrd a bag fall. "All right," aald ha. Th. other dny be emptied n bug full af lamina la aar cellar, and wlara we evanle then that, tweaty -tight t Twenty eight taralpe far Ihrat baahala ! t Wad, If uy body eaa heal thai let af hear fron then. : "I'tw. i, Ih The lilixtmo of JMK SPAPPOliU, lormerly of I'aaada, and ISR At UlliMt. . ine tl"'"iMi.a CAT IIARINK K. It I' N LAP, af llaaloa Rannewpwc of ";m WUh are whnh broke , vt, , H oat Ib lb. dwelling af Darld Asthoay, .boat two .'.lock oa ka4 latarday nor. lag. Tba bailding aaa toaruaed la abort nelre, aad Ih. gable nd al na attjoiaiag dwellkag wMooaciderably horned ea well ae the 4 ewe. toileting, whiah were hawtt ee Mrad by tbe ejertlone of tbe Hllaeo.. Tbe red by tb etertlnar or tae ettlaeoe. in ng . ealaed - .o.., Mly lanrot). TW portloa a the hawaebold gooda aar rated. bnlldli largar Tbe erlgle af Ihe Ire le .ok. own. ":(otio'iny is the ordct? nftlif1 dny." We baa. lewd rtcobaewlitoOoenshlnt like half a Ikoaeead tinea, bob awerr had altoeaagbly t aealBwiria'wawnloalaaBBtllewMawday lal,wlKnll wt net 'a fofUra look tog rlolln af IW pretest hard tine, who haa decided la teoooalao Ik aar- I , ...toetaentaathrt kalwiira Op tW aaa af eeepeadeee, tad "anaMto Nteeea U keep hia broccbet a " HtHI b. IDoleM 10 lal 1 If W g wllboat kit diewnt oa "feat day." I m m mm CiKTTINi)' FARTim i.AH )Vlto' T"H pat a ettmp aa hitler W eery tarelal fhrfajyaa j M B a tie elppot HtM aJ trnif In en- eel.po.aata patl dep.'rtneal L..' erderd tbatfl Ut.era." ta nanpwi rh.l, b. n.t la th. . .. aM,.. it ,bM haaatefwl -i I liwaaal L L a o e! Port i it 0Tf Irrpe on Mp.ortn taep 0d Ot I Matlar )ieaet,l Jewell, writer, of letter, will toos kwaMlelBwlret aatowrta4lsrbBbltr lo got taa aueape a. anaaaiy tgweaaa fgal .ateaibl mmo gt tk. OaWunjoU Twaebny htato wi bp twte) If Uyil pUt Igria tw ,oltay, 4woyatnrl Unit, MoahtrattVh K., unrieit I pt t t i ft Fiiil.iniBUa JoURMALiiia.-A ground laalleh aoar the freight depot turaed while a ttal. p"aln .ret li end throw two loaded aoal of the traok, oa WKlaaaday. ' A but er raoelred by a aaoUanea la town from , , KrDlllMl ltM ,. OT M, ., ... k. ikm (tun ia.em.ii I would ba (led lo ratura II Ibey oaald. I Kloetloa day p.aaed of wlrb mile dliurbaaee ! . ' wle4 bed lire proprlelar ol on. af Ihi bar. la uwusuy.d the law f.l.tlr. to ealllaa Itauor oa aMella day.. . . ...... Ib krruaoo laaipi bad to bo jiotroduoad to abed light upoa tha ouogragatloa. Onaa tho u ttokarW aal aiatrod iaat aa tha oholr had got wall along la tho Irtt vara of a "d tnmwul and vaoal, quaverod and tllod oat In Mloa.a fftilloaMd , , Friday onfng of Uit wark a ntau by tU of B htg w KQturpriM wi(ittyt waa aoeoinpaortog ttia siatarla-law lo hor taomo ' distant Iroia hi. own, whoa, la oroaaing tba lalltoad, ha ataotbtad and fell and a platol which h 04 oarrylug in hia puckotdrwuped oat, vaa liiBHTbargcd aud Ibeouaiauta ware ludgad ia hi. kg. W hile bo waa lying on tba traok two fi'llun jH.n-d along and rrfuMtd to aaaiat him home. A iaaiiar Sauk noretneat iiappaaed la Pal. " '"l nd "'" happra hrHar--lin. Bar.) Kiufc.' Tho burn belonginff lo the Piiv.t !arw in lb aavrn mountain, waa out I rely d.Riiujpd by tiro 6d Mondaiy erenlng, about fi o'etorh. Tba fir ttarled at tho hay holo ia tao fodder gang aud waa acen ai it flrit blaied up, but U 'prettd ao rapidly that nothing but tba horaaa oould ho faken out. Two t-horto wagom, inc tiin-nbiiig mauhioo and ihaker, one i-art, all the harnexe, K0 huhel. of rye, aomo buckwheat. 12 lone ol bay, ItlU butbeli of aora in the oar and fanning uteavila wera destroyed. There waa ao loiuraoeep, and thololeaboaiM,f'V0. - Mr. Faunt aecufaii a tramp, who rain to hU ptaoa duriog tba ultrrnono, aud wee rrfuat'd lodging, with fal ling the been oa are, Hie nam ii Joaaph Hbtl-- linn, and I e cmi-i fruui aiout Fronchville, in d.J, fipi.r,,,, PiiuiitiK ticnire nanng eotnro to thl bnra. and aUa 4m having ban la tba running to th eud of tba Mo.hannon branch na Munday morning uf Iaat week, t'oaduolor Forey, of the new train, stopped to k a paiaeoger wher Krm'rifk we, Ibe nation designated i n Ihe sched ule lor die end of bis trip, but the paaeenger could not tell lilui. lii? ibrn hacked tb train diitru lo wiihio sight of etriluatlou. At thia point brother l!Lortb, of Llie I'bilipvburg Jotr oof, gut ufl tb train with Hi evident intention of finding tb lort station. V now wait with Some iuterent lu know whether he was fucrfitful In bis exploratiua. Iid you And Krndrickf Outvia iVt-eef.Je- , W ato bai.oy lu iuform brotbur Uriabia that w found Kendrirka. Hut what did get off "'" lr""' 10 'W"k t9t llt'kitiP'l'r9 Jotmtit. Hold i-u, lill-wortb. Dry up. That's ant buetner. ' Pa in un, Ac'Nknt Air. Diivi'I Uuit- nlsoo. one of Ihe oldest and tanst resitiwtad eiti iaes of Warblnftnn towosbii, met wiib oult a I st rioue aeeident on Monday Iaat. II Waa n-l , The Villiamport Sim of Ihn 3d .ava : llovemor llcnrlriehi.'Ra'Ooecrnor Wllll.m n;tlm, ,J ilornor alaol ll.yoa of Ohio, paaead through Willi.uiipert on Pride; Tbr; were all going home lo role, exceiit Hare, who i his Mluwera rated too aflca week twdor hnw ' Bi'HiNKsfi ('iiANug. S. i. Mingle, Kq.. of this ally, has fold hia Esgletoa eoal lands situated nearly opposite Farrandsrllla. to a Mr. Hteinmett, of Philadelphia, for the bandsom aum of 20,000: Mr. Stein met s proposes to eonmDo opWtivua at onoa. Lock area iVi-paWoVa ; j ((f cU)Tfg r01UIliTlln(f unt hiimwl S tb(PoiU,Bni ,t oiaatwJti, for t).a weok andinf i Nov gth, 1I7( t nurB).h q May, tleorge P ' Miller, Iiella Mafllereoa, Lamnal Stephens Joba P PUaw, Rb-ft J( P. A. UAl'UN, p. ctaiper, Nannie Dougherty, Miehael tlardner, Jeremiah llearherf, Kane, Kate ' l' tut v Pttal. For the bast clgnrs in town, go to R. II. Pbaw'a, Market street.. 11 has Just received a large invoice pf favor it brund. Also, a new stork of Hwokipg;yid tbewing Tol., U ad see him. " " hovlO-lt Pin this oa your collar when yon enme to town, and don't forget to eall and examine Fleck A Co.' eitnslv Mack of new gols, baap for cah. " ttw If la ywur Uft worth lo CaMtaf Rl -kns pitralts every wher, errrybody com plains of some dlseaa during their life. Whan firk, the ohjeot is lo get well ; now we sy plain ly thai no person la this world that ii suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effect, snob a a Indigestion, roaiivenrss, sick headache, aeur stomach, hrsrt burn, alpitttoa of th heart depressed spirit, biUnoine,4c., eaa tskeflreen's August Flower witlout getting relief and euro. If you doubt this, go to your Druggist, O. D. Watson, and get a sample bottle for IV eeott aad try It. Regular live 74 roll- Two doae will roller you. r" -' t. U. Orxim, Hole Mannfaeturrr, mcb SI '7 ly. Woohbi bt, N. J. liar a Voa IHapcpala. with Its traia wf die- orders, bllliousiMS,iwastipBUa.watrbraab,los of appetite, headache, distress after eating, A ? If so, go to C. D. Watson, Druggist, and get a bottle of Dr. Costa' Radical Cur. Tsk it and b well, tt art as a otbot medicine avar did, and tare relief Is guaranteed ia every eaa whore directions ar followed. It tones op the stomarh, restores tb natural op petite, strengthens tb weak, and as Mver regulator aaa a muoi. a Cl.rruna of Pbiladeli.bia say "It la I tie very I fouudatloe of health." To all who ar suffering e . Ai.... I.. I ...,n..k llvaa ana ur lr at a lew doses will relieve and a Hula pemvtranit ; cure th worst ease. Trial sis 10 cents. 8old ;b by f- C-rtaj 0... "l"- Hrahanton, .nd P. Mo,.r. Kjlcrtow. mchljoowly - ' :;fi'1 ' .e .. a t r J Hroeial Fon Halb. R. Newton Bbew karp. .,.. , v,,,,. ., ,H pi. , fr ..i,. To U aeea at the Hh.w Houm Call on or nddraea bin at Lloarteld r.aa eyl.ania. .; 11 If. Cai.1. on R. M. M'Rnall; nnd get ;onr life In. j eared in th. ay 14 Oantiaoeatei Ljfeenfumio. Con. , ' ""l"4 C" ' ' i I ongll-ly Hen, R. M. M'Enally'a.dVertiarnent in re gard lo l.if. Inaaranon- I2aug.y At Rnnhtrtw. Cloerllcld eountr. Pa., ob Wed ! 'T. ? J.ii.r. ' . ; nn. KL HI.M 0. lar. 1 t i.r.i U. :rl:.VB 8. t'hloago. Ill and Mian BLANC'IIX bl IIOIH, af Willinne port. Pa. At Pbillptburg, Pa, aa Saterday, 01. 10. h, 1074, by Wo. Rmntt., Eaq., Ma. HANDI.IJf aad Mian NANCV MAY4, both of ClearOeld co.nta, PV, jK 1 1 At tba rcaidcora of lb. bride'a felber. oa RnB- dey, OnL Hat, 170, by D. Oaea.i aa, K.o , Ma. At Ib. retldeaoa of Mra. M. A. Roynolde, in ReyBoldieille, Pa.,ca Tneaile;, Nor. 2d, 1.7A,by R.e. I). W. CiaaAT, Ma. iikoRUK L. W KI.CII, od Trot. Jtffcrtoo ennnty. Pa, nnd Mlt L1Z.1N UOl kMAN,oIHellltCtta.l,.rM4 ctaantrt fa. at in. a. a. ra Vw.r J;?"LYlfJ!;'rof,': trmm ,,! ,f clrS.ld aawnly. P.., Al th. M. R. la Weal CloarO.ld, oa h; Hoe. Or. I. M. Ill l .w- n, Clearfl.ld aawnly, r... nnd Mi. HKLLR HAN LOCK, of I'.ke lownahrp, ClearOeld county, Pa. In Brady townehlp, Clenrleld oonnty, P.., oa rrlony, Orlooer m21i lore, Ol coronic eitrraea, pjpjoLAS I. SIMPSON, aged M year., II noaabt nad 7 day.. '' la Ooahea toerBahip, ClearOeld county, Pa., ow Sundnt, Oct, J4th. 107a, MARY OLIVK,d..cb- , nt ad , ,.Jfc Tk, M WnJ u ng gna, The prattling too tae it at. II , Rb.'a goa. be oia lb. gl.rlaa. Ibraeg Iat etaada on lion a kilL Blv. to.a.hln, ClearOeld, Pa , oa Su.d.y, 0-tolwr Stat, 1(171, LAI RA )CMRA, eBghiaT ofO r. tn K."TS A. Vtaow, aged " r-t -T- At h.r reetdeBoe, I. K.rtkea., clMrOelet aaaa- .-. '.,, Oct ltb. lilt, TeeTer, lllntetlf obelH l" or heori auppoeed bare h0 heart f '.ate. Mat. CATDAKINg SCMNAkHS, l. of tb late J. w.r. ex aataaa. IwnA ago V f eato, aeatbe got I d.y. s : TM e0)r af tab) Mttat Wat betw M Ueebea If. MaalgaoU'r Oeaaty, !. P-f . - . . jltt.o.di- f. , it, UIr. tMntlwB - wa ww aa easm, aritat bar iavOwta, tbw Ut 1 aba aal C Hi Mill aMtrf , Rba na arrl4tn lill, aad waa the othar of 1 4 ehlUn-B, 11 grawa to naaboarl aad wataokodt II af whom ar yet llr tag i M graad akUdreB, St groat-gran 4 ablldrea i fatal III whIMNa. - t Tba taraata af tb daaeaead war Maaaf tha Sret aatllan la thli part af thaeuaty, aa arlh r (Jka ftltar) hr aartlm, Mr. tat Mr. Itkum lifid tw at a& thati ih II drwa iaanU nd with twtttii MwttM Ihey M raaida la tht fUlaltp af KaMhaaa. i) ftaaftam (fay whlah ftaaa lha u IkvlUarlF IwavaJ waHl?e4 laUtha Utaaraft burh (a bar youth, aad m ilay a eoaalauat prigkt gaaiahat, aeraf abaaat fni lb earriaaa f Oad1! baaaa. bather pi4hlg ar arftyar eotlog, aiaepl wkaa pro laat tally h la dared, liar dailoa to tba aharob propta4 bar ta da bar tttaioat (br ha wollara, alwaya rwady tw Mla letetr to ba want af ymeiM aad paopla. 1 bar data tba abareb baa loot a niualng Mihar, aad tha aoaiBianlty a AaTottd ahrlitlaa. Bat what la aur low la her eteraaJ gala. Wa d wot dwahl but thai ah hoard th Muter say, ttiaaogh, oaaa ap bigkar. Weil aViaa, good, aad falUful aarvaai, tboa boat Waa fadufal ovr a lav thing, I will Make the ruler avar many antar tboa lata tba Joy of thy Lord. " Her (iiaeral took piao aa M'edaeaday, October tdtb, at 10 o'oloek. la the $i. Jnba'i Latberaa Church, fullowtd by aa andaarad and wide olrel of friend. The or ci ri on waa UuprTed by tba writer from Rot. U:l i a large aad ypthliiag aadlaaea. liar renaiaa wr placed by tb elda of bor hue band Id th Union ceaietory, to await tha ova log of her Lord and Matter. P. B. S. PeunsylTanlallallroad TV RON X A CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON aad afUr Monday, MAY SI, lUTt, th Faaangr Traiaa will run dally (iopt Hub days) between Tyroa and Clarild, a lollowa CLBARKIBLD MAIL. , .. W, C. Irvim, Conduetor. r """LitA VB'ltitJUtAI. LKi V KOMTMr CnraMnavUlaSilit. KN. Trrua 9.M.A.H. Claarttoitl. I.4U, " ; Omwola... 10.10, l'hilipeburj....36, Owbeula.... 4M. Olaarflld...H.ll.Svl " Tyrone fl.uo, UnrweniT U le.. 1 1 :4W, " CLKARFIELU SXPRJ-HH. W. 8. pLtiauaa, Conduetor, ' LKA V B 80ilTH" LRAVB NORTH." CurwaavilkT.,.4.0 . w. Tyron M..f.A0 I. Clrilld.... :! Philipaburg. .10 Osceola IntoraaolioBw 7-SO Tyrone 7.S7 InUeMctlaa...T.07 Otceoln aa 8 00 Phllipsbarg...8.2 " j Clearflld,arM8.20 tJtirwenarill..y.40 BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. Eip. Mall. Mall. Exp, P. U. A.M. fa Mb f. M. S.4& M- leave Tyrone arrira I.U 1.10 7.1 0.1 Raid Ragle ft.aft It.&S 7.44 ln7 . Johaa 114 lt.lS 8.10 Mileabarg 4 ftt II. M 821 10.3 RelMuni ' 4..HS 11.40 8..10 1I.U5 Mdrsburg 4.25 11.10 0.02 11 1 Howard '4.00 II V 0.41 12.l arriraL. Haven kav B.l I0.!I0 TYRON R 8TAT10N. a ASTWAan. a m Pad) I So Expws, 7:4T llarri'barg Aes'a, M0 wbitwabii. A w Plllakare; Eip'aa, 1:01 PariSe Kapreaa. . 114 r ra Mdl Train, UrJJ VT.y Fanongrr, l.U Atliinlic Ranreaa, 0:45 Matil Train. 0:41 rhll.'d. Kaprvae, 10:11Paat Line, 0:bS PIULII'SltrKli A MllallANNONBRANOUKS. On .nd after Mondar, Oet.ber t&tb, 1B;5, Ao. eontmodatloa Traine eiltl run or.r Iba Pbllipe. burg aad aloebaaaoB Rranobot, na folbrwe i l.KAVR SOUTH. LK.4VI NORTH. A. M. A. M. 7:! 7:40 141 T:0 I :' 1:00 10:41 0:15 lli:l 1:11 H:;l 1 M 0:20 11:0.1 11:16 8lnlluna Morrlnlalo, Phlllpaliurg, - riteiner'i, , Unnher, r. u, IJ II 12:10 12:11 12:01 I lie. Mill nir li :i 11:111 r.w. 4:10 4:41 4:25 4:1b 4:00 I JJ 3:4T .:li M0 Moebaonoa, Sterling. Hoaiadele, MoCeolry, Kenrlrieee, 9:44 1:10 fake fkoh clkarfikld, to llellefHiite, Pa 2 OS Luek tUvra. ........ 2 70 WillUmrport X h Middletown 95 00, 0 l.annasler 4 84 Huntingdon a.....e 1 SO PH1LAUKLPHIA T 04 Altooaa,.,,,.,.., I 84 Johastown t 80 LwitewBH ea I 00 Marrsrllla. 4 ! HAKK1HBUR(... 4 76 IMTTB8URG. ...... 8 II Cloee eonneotlonj nada by all train at Trroa. ana boon iibt.b. R. . .LAIR, ' mylT tf. RnperinUndent. , .' Allegheny Valley Railroad. ' LOW 0RAUK DIVISION. KARTcVARIWDae Mall leara. Plllebart I J 5 B. a .1 Red Bank 1 1 ;J0 1 gliro Junction ll:Ql New Bethlenen 12:e p. n. Metycrllle Irari lroy l:a ( HroolTII'o l.aa roller s 1:10 Itoy ncldsrlllo 1:30 DuRolal:IOi R.nnlt Tunnel 0:1 I PanOeM : Wodellha 4:10 1 Hooeaelte 4:4.1 1 nrrira. at Driflwood al 0:40. WESTWAia-llit MalllearaeDtinwood 11:11 B i Broeaette l:00 Weadrilla 1.11; Pealield l:tli Bnnnll Tunnel Jilt i IluBoia l:.10t Heynoldarillell:00 1 Puller'al M i BraakrilU l:47j Troy 4:0. Maryertlle 4:17 I Now Bothjehen 4 Jl; sligo Juaelioa lk Rod Bank 0:00 arrleal at Pittabnrg at 0.10 p. n. CIom eoamotloat nnd. with traiaa ob P. a I. Rellreed at Uriftaood. DAVID McCARflO, Ueal Rop't. Jlfw flrfrtlsrmrnts. rpoWNSHIP SETTMCMKNT. , JOSIPH OWKSS, Trtaaurer af tawren. towathip. In aoeoaat with School Fand for 1174 i DR. ' ' To hel. at aeltlement fron H74.....'.....l,7 M ' aaoualef IM leriad 1,30.1 00 " roe'd fron P.. Troaa. J,l it appronttatloa.. M 704) 07 rae'd fron T. Rowle' debt.. 120 I 0,000 10 I'R. By order, audllai " I per want, allowod taopaywr OBJ0.74. " J per teat, on 4,IS3..14 M .rdw. audited Jan. 7th ... f d.fnad... ........ 81 IB 41 IJ oi oo . ' 170 40 . I,0i7 06 ' I'.il ' ' 10 flf thla, 0MI.4J la IW kaade af W. !. Reel, former olleue. . . . . noAn rt aa . DR. I" ' To Kal. .1 ellemeolof Jane . ';d ..... Mil 11 laoaat roa'd fron Co. Treaeurer, nneaatadui t.OM tl ' .n't roe'd fron ton 4plkMte...H4. .0 14 I - of Hupereieor', duplleau . 1,01)4 70 " of artlcrt drawa to 9up.rTt.ora, 071 M 84,5 JO ! CR. ' ' j By work don. o. ronda..... 98,40t 77 I- " eienereUeoa.. 110 70 Kupcrrleor'e wegee 00 00 - an t of order. ..4lled.... J.ltl 17 I " - paid Per edeerltelnf 1 10 1 nor coL aa ll,IVJ.l; 40 00 aal. dut road fand,..... ... 00 11 m.isTTo ' ' ' aaon prwn. - r DR. , Tonawaaltf bat let led l .414 04 CR. J By anoaat peld Morria Wallac, Orer- aaat af Por . W0 00 " ardert lifted JHO 08 w 0 per oaai. allowed taipayart a. H.8l . 81 04 " J per tent oa 801140. 10 10 bal. rise f.nd. .:........ ........,. 407 01 1,410 04 ll.rlng ataninod tba Oweaa, freaewtar af LaerraaetetwBBbip,wklh tba ochowl, Road and Poor fand for 1074, do lad then aa abort ttated. - ,. COHRM1U .... A..HAY, Attbt i W. T. Spacbwab, Clerii. lor. It,, .., 'taw .apoeiti. win wo oowtrwoow ottw woew fron flatarday, Nty. 4. . Adntwioa tcdaaed aa twenty-let teat. aotjO, 'Tklt PXKCUTK'eVN)TICR. J Notlo ta hereby (teas that taUore tceU aowlerT hnelng beea granted la the Baharrlbet oa Iheaetaia of MARIIARIT HAORRTY.doeaeeed, aal. af Oallcb lewaebhy, Orarleld aaanry, Pa, ail pereeae ladebted 0 aald aatal. at. roeOMtod t nal a payneat, aad tbeca beetng Intnt ageraot tb. uhi w(ll prcet than del; nalMallaalad far tattlanaal. T t wrrHBp;0Byt Hew aiRpaat, lor. tt, "li M laataea. prrr:7;x.,i.y,r Cast lree)tlleg aa tht prenltat af Ih. ndwrelgaeel, ta BtrBelda aorengh, aa) ar about tea hex A agaM, a KKO fllkl. rteoag tare yean aad, Ta awaar la taowaad ta Ban. fat ward, wrwT. piepewy, pap ebatgot aad teat H .RM S W rfWS - km- ' ).!.: - f , , . AouWBa. 1 , ...!, I078-Ir , ( f e M Vi Nr Dag at baca. Tanufrto. VeJ " i. J Addreee-O. trt.. A Co., Port. Mad. HaHe. ...I .:-?gW.aa dvtrttstaiats. lEIAleUST. . ,.., ' Mm of A. UMe asl doers fet trial at eto aaa. Bet week af Nareaber Tarn, Maaday, N.r.n- bat 10th t . Plaaey.. . ........ Oaottawft artllaoot al TO laaM Orawell hi,.,a.ohim w Iwtewltf , BaU...,...- H.TlbalM LaWHOOt tewaablp Pa4li,mii..Hi.M.M. 0 floflwl ., : -i ' r Oo.Mk i "r" . SaBdetlls u.M "Irrll alannhlU.H,r....-.- belo'i kolri , , , , Wt "floM. ' Ora....M,M,.,MMt...M. wa wiikeo aarnaa. Idtalra ee aauiiopoaor lm a. Naey tiara Morga. .. wa ratura. ,M. v. aMooa T Crier '" i ,(H, ra Wld T. Huaehbarget ' I narley. ... to Reee A MoOaae vt Irwia ,.tM tb Bwaa . Rtraw ,m.. t. Bloen ... .... v. Voratt ... T. floaa FULFCftD ft TH0MP8ON, atxtUAt. wsvKAirct Aatsr. , ('IcarOald, Pona'a, Kapraaaat ill th landing Fire InJurane CoapaalM of tb. country I Uaaen JJIO.oOw.OOO Hoy.l f.e.dla. 6,000,1100 Horn, Now York 0.7MJ14 Lyocalng, Memoy, Pn.... O.klO.lll rraakliu, Fhilod a........ I,008,lo0 Pbotoll, Hartford 1,051,101 Uanoeer, New York I I,4M,000 Home. Col ,0........o......... 010,008 Allea, Hartford OOS.OII rroeidanc, Wuhlnglo.......... ' 010,000 ParaoBB nboat rffeetiBg on InearBBoe 00 prop, errty af nny kind, nkould oall nt our oBa., In Pie'a Opera, aad eoa oar 1IM of .napaaial aad re tea befor. iaaurtng, J01IK H f IILFORD, T. W, THOMPSON. ClearOeld, P., Oct, 17, 'JS-ly AIZK8CHWAliTZ, . (lata 8e. Renna 4 Co., ' MILITARY UNIFORMS i AND ' EQUIPMENTS, Nfbllf)r4 MARKET RTR BKT, Pll I I.A. Banda, Conpanlee, Ac, fnrwahed. Ratnptta, nhotographa and aalf.aeaaaring dtreotlnn cent MERCHANT TAILORS A CLOrillKBA lias MARKKT FTRKRT, July 14, Phlla. ' L. T. ROSS, .... (Haoocasotto) LI. ROSS & CO., i ..i Cl'KWKNflVILlK PAh Ilea juit reoifd hU Pall stonk of Roots aad hboM, or th Kimira ana raitadejpnw awauiaa- Imp, tat kin h b aella ahaan fur tuib or li roil tie Also, a fall line of Ladies' Miss' aad Children' shoes, aad a lull assMtmont of leather end shoo flndloar. Thia is no inert men t wl'b htm. Praetio make prfot. Uavlag served a life BentiehlD ia the leather and manulaoturing of all kinds of UooU and 8hoa, be feal himself rally eomc4at to entisfy bis saaay aid, aa well aa Bew.euMoiner that he Nil. the best Roots aad Shoes for Ihe least moaey. Dira't fail to eall aad eaamine bis alack aad b oaviaead youreelf, , I T. ROS8. Curw.oivllU, Oct. 20, 74-tf TED, BT N. E. ARNOLD, ; itmwKKxvii.LK, r., ' ... (81 lo) Arnold & Hartshorn. jnOrOIIO tl-lnfh ttnaTO) Mil.flwa. JOHMl pawnd. wf Woal. Parll.a bating wag Sklagla er Woal (er allh- er will do wall to oall as at, Tka higaeet net kat price paid at bU tlrnea. k Alae, a fall .ad complete .took of DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTH A SIIOEN, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PKOVISIONtS, &, ., which will b U at reasonsbl prieet, r x ehanged for s blag lea ar wooL N. E.ARNOLD. Curwenavlll, May 5, 187. " 1875. FALTa. 1875. 8IIIN Of TIIK Bill PITCIIKH, ... 41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel, PITTRBtmcn, PA. T. F. BAILEY & CO., . t i , IMPORTER AND J0BBKRR IN China & Queennwae, Window Glngg, Qlnsswrirc, ; Lamp Burners, Chimueyg, ' Chnndolier and Brackets. DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. TO THB FALL TRADK, 'ITTR ar bow prepared t. offer to the Trtd. V,V epartal INDVCKMRNTO. IN IMPORT. RD qCEHNHWAHH, Is Urate, af Beet While Oraait. and White Ureaite and Connea A Meet ml, u colt tba Trad. Alao, ta ropaeli to Belt p.rrba0TC, which woofer VKRY LOW TO CASH AND PBOMPT HllllKT TIMH OUSTOMKRS. We ara prepared t. uke order, for AMRRI CAN WftlTR IIHANITR. COMMON YKI.I.0W eed ROCKINOHAM WARS, at Maaalaaturan' Lieta aad Dieoounla, i nag 1 1 -la VALUAIil.R PROPERTY . FOR BALi OR FOR RRNT. Tba tahteriWr glree Ballet that W will either reat er toll hn dwallina aad elort aronarty, tlt- nalt on Reed elreet, ndjoinl.g th. Leonard Henea, la tae aamgB ar l.'toeroota, ra. The Hare roe. le 10 X 84 feat. Tbe dwalling boaaa ooalelaa I roont aad a kilchea M th. tret ttory, aad 8 roent oa tka ttory. Too .lot roon MB to bad al aaoe, ead tka dwallinf pome, on Bad after tht let .f Jnly. For fart bar aar I let lore, addraaa ar apply I. tb. aaderatgaed an the prwaalMB. O RO. C. PA8SMIIRK. ClearOeld, Pa, May It, 11-af - URAZIER-S POCKET Gl'IRE X' OF PHILADKLPRIA, . Illattratael wllb mar. tboa 4t aagrarlng, aa wood, with hlM.rteal ahetehot of all plate, pablt latarort la IheCewtMal.l City, arte aaly wa aaetH. arerr jtnaemaa eiiie. aaa atery arheol-hoy eboald popeota . copy. Addrree JOHN W. FRAZlKR, Pwbll.htt. No. 1017 North ltth tueet, Philadelphia. l0,. l,it.i, Jj. Z j)r 8albZ r ... "r";j'; 'Faattaark hernet aol Wrwaaa. Tbraaof Ibe I nui are aaa .ta yaare iw, apa net to.r pearl ma. Aieo, e two-yeor on mot, one yearnog aa. owe j aprraf eeN, awo anary fenhar wagaaa, goad aa bow, J tnraa.tprlng wngoae, aad ana buggy Matt W eeld at awot, Bad will eed a aoag tint or taokMlo fwt irattt, abeee a mtti, , ClaerOetd. Out 87, TO-tt TES DOn.AnS tlEWAKD,-. -I i.l a .,. .ti !. r u i ' If the partial aha OaeA IW head eaeebol fro a IW Mat door af Ibt Shaw loaa. aa Pride; , 04. ltd, WIH rotarw tb tW aabaawtbtr, Bra- ward af SIB will bt pat, aad ae oeettaae aeara. Sb-rWM, Pa, 0 IP. -Vrif. . ... ,t-i -it-r-T.7 tt,t: 1 : A ierVa War eba ababt awtaaew.' Applw ta Joan. A.ltadUt, at Ih. Ulaartald leb.ry, Xarast taract, ClaarWU, Ph. OH. I, H1HI .nr.j : KBaaBM.N.MWf Paleben Bill ............ Uwi I rein..... , McParl.nd... Wright Bueh 94's tfstxas. FALL AND WINTER. I. ' .' Ml! It i. , ... , t. i, iti. i 'tilt; I In;" , i ... : WILLIAM REED, Jit .. ,1 Opera House, Clearfield. Is receiving this week from " ,: New York and Philadelphia, a largo stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Millinery and Fancy Goods. Having the advantage of the recent decline, f will give you bargains. PRINTS, ' .. MUSLINS, OINOHAMS, " TICKINO FLANMELS ... CASHIMtRRM. WATRR PROOFS, SHKITIKUP, .. :' ' i . . . ' . B LAN KITH, Ac, I ,.' ' f .'I SHAKIR FLANNELS, . RED FLANNELS, wniTR FLANNELS. CANTON FLANNRLR, SHAWLS, FKLT SKIRTS, NSW smw, , -I - ' Ilraet Mooda ia all the aaw tbadot aad Co lata. '..;..'. . HOSIERY AND OLOVRS, f ' ' ' OENTT rvnKRWP.AR. ' , ' t I.ADIK.S' t'NDKRWKAR, CHILDREN'S I NDKRWKAU, . , FANCY HOODS. FRINORS, ALL KINDS, SIMM ASD tACetrV" ' 1 ' YARNS AND ZKPrlTRS, ' ' ' KinBONS, A Red Flannels, 30, 25, SO and 35 cents. ' While Flannels, at bargains. Plaid ' only 15 conts. ea. Plaid Dress Goods, 15 and 18 cents. ' . . . ... ..;.,-... ; Good double-width Black Al pacas, only 15 cents. Felt Skirts, only 75 cents. ' Shawls, full size, 65 and 75 cents. Fins Ostrich Tips, worth 1.50, for , 25 cents. Sash Ribbon, handsome and wide, for 30 cents. Good Blankets, only 2 per pair. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, ic, in great abiinilnnce. Don't forget to call ut room no, 2, III .,! I ; : ..i r. -it I . -.( t OPCXXA. XZOHMaS, nLHAMTlEED. flbnrtaM, tVtl.N.llTa. ' ' ' MT.MT4 ' .a $ s 4 - S 8-5-n gwj cS r Iwaw -s (0 an JIST OK JURORH.- ' I.laO af Jnror. raw for Nrnhcr tm, n. 10741 1 . . rnoasa wtSK-Mtwino aanaAT, 18th. A bra. Warrltk, Beeanria J. W. Kyler, Boggaj Jaa. NeJtetjkor, " John Uel.h, " H. Wtleon, Bradford WMtly Hbirar, " Jna. Waolrldgr, " Jbo. Cariike, J. V. Malbollend, " Il.nry Wlngorl, ' 1 Jao. Lea. barnaida tVlut.o Woo.1, C'k'M Newlon McCoid . . " E. Ililubraad, " . F. Lciga;, Corlnglon UM. UPort.,Cnr'tllU J, F. Slelaar, Decntnr ga, Makeaa, u -Chriet. Tubba, Fergalon Petar Curlew, Olrard Uwla Coutri.l, P. Hurley, flosbea Phil. Uhanbart, Heatac. 0. L Nsrrlt, Leoroaoe W. T. rulttnt. " John Barga, llorrw oeorge tearing, Aabwry Gaarteart, " W. C. Iloavoc, , . I'ean B. Ft. Spencer, " Jan. Wcatotn, Cto'tlAadrew Tatar, riha inward Kn. Tacbar, Clt.rleld . Rob'l Stott, n R. Thonpeoa, ', I'birlpr, o UPUANS' C'OUKT 8ALK- Ib parsaanrw af aa order of tb Ornhaac Court f t'lr4ld aaatyt Pa lav aUrlgad, Admtnlttrator of the estate of Huaaaaa Hurt, let of Bradford township, dee'd, will aipoa topahllj sale, la the borough af Wallaeetoa. at Ih pahll house of Mrs. Harsh Butler, aa Tbaradajr. Navtaalaar Itt, Mtf -at t e'etoek p. ., all that eerUia Iraat of lead, Isle tba asUle af aaid detaAvsd, situate la Rrad frd Iowa shin aforeaald. deeribd ae follows, via i V ginning at a at ok avdjoiaing lands of Jamaai Turner and II. D. Tamer i Ihcaca aH 1444 10 ! ? are be taa hlacb ek eapliagj theaaa amth i 2v waat IXHI I0 perrhrs ta stone corner by ehastnat) Ihene Berth H? west 144, prhs to f a maple ewaliagi thwo auih M4 east II? aerebea to plaee of bciiaaing, aoatalatng Itl I acre, 1 40 prche more r lea. j - - d,X",r.ti:l7:d8TosE asd eartue .,ware aai .thw autballdlage, About 88 an of bind la e Mated aod ander got oulllrntioa. . . Ten we.-On third th purehaM noney eftth at toatrioaUoa af Mat, oae-tblrd ia ana peat ft on date of Mi., nnd th. bI.BM la twa yeera fron dat of mIo, Ih. two p.ymeate wllh Interact ta ba aectuad by boad and nortgege aa tb prrnlew. SAMUEL K. COeYDKR. On Tt, iaii 4t Admlnlttteior. READINGFOR ALL II BOOKS if 8TATWNF.BY. Market M., Clrarfiald, (at tha Paat far.) Til R aaderslgnad beg leave ta annoaaew ta tba itiaaa af ChmrOald asd rtalafty, that be has Iliad up a room aad baa Jest returned from tbe rtj will, a large aavaaal of reading matter, awasisting ia part af .. Biblei md MLaceUaotu Booki, , Mlaah, Aaaat aad Paa Reeks af every 4. nriptioa I Paper aad P. a v elope, Preach pressed and pielai Paw aad Peaetle t Bleak Legal Papers, Deads, Mortgaga Judgaaent, Fismb Ifon aad Prom lea r aote) While and Parch -aaeat lirief, Legal Cap, K0ew,aad RtUUap, Rlmot Maiie, tur itbr Ptaao, f lata r Violia, instaatly ea head. Any t7oh ar itafteaary aWired that I may aot have ea ha ad, will ee4et-twl by I ret aipreas, and sold at wbolosaal or retail to awlt at'mr. ' t will ate wp aeHdal lltrrataragsaeh as Mapii, Nwspatira, T. A. Llll, CiearO.kd, May t, l4 tf ' Wm wrv a fVaii itt ' ' f ... , ... Mm kU 4 p 1 i ' I ' ' . 1 I . 1 ' , .1 .' , ! v. ,, , , , juiA?stt . I'rrnrh Rid apt, Tarkrr No- rorr Button Shoes, fr Ladles, I I . RRATZKR A LTTM'A. t. 14. TiV-tf C IOAL! COALU .-j all TowaoM it Hat rosea!.. ' TW aaderttnal Ukee ihlt aMthoJ af' lelhrm. lat tW 01 ao af Oiatt.ld aad Thanilw. akM ae he. iMeed and ra-otaood IW aid Da. Ogdea teal bank, keralad wilbta . alia fron taww. aad I. aaw prepared tt luralah a Area-eaiM aetlete at oak, aad at eWlleer th Borne oay in new. at ewoMBawM rwan aa taw an .lean wauaa. At fat r,.o.ilty taal tiwaya oa ., let earn at too o.n Oraon left al BUlan Raadar'a aaatiaa ealaoa. iita.wienia,,, aWarwela. Aag. . 18-td,, , ,,,. , ., fimncaav a comTaBLaw riout tj Wt kara printed a hut Maker af 0W ace. FIB SILL, aad wtS aa faa reeelfl af Iwowtr trBtaalt, nail a aaaa ta oat addean,,.; , i,aaptt .:i.rm .muin T71-ATE11 A fiZSTTS utixmtiD, r-., Ay.i jT. 4 jo. T. s or qV IhaU OUok af a,da, oeoilttlng tf DRY. GOODS, QROCRIEa SOOTS t snort," r --' HATS CA,. rA'J! joaf Vt7MA QttESNBWARS, FLOOR, FEED, SALT, Ac, Ao., r , i . . ." .. Al th. no. reaaonabl ratal for CASH ar la Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PR0DUCI. Atr-ArlTaatet aud io tbon'aagagrd la let ting out tcjotr tinker oa tha noat adraatagMBB Una a. pdllJaaTI AM I EIo BOODLANDKB, . " Li'THKRBBI'RIl, PA.','"J " " Dealer lu DRY, GOODS, NOTIONS, II ATM A CAPfl aad BOOTH A HHORn, Tuba two, UrocoriM aad Fish Nails, Hardware, goeansware and lllassware. Men's and ( Hoys' Clothing, Drugs, Paint. Oils, Kchool Rooks, ; a large lot of Patent Medicines, CMla. A BrWd Prulta, Cheeee and f'ark ' evs, Kork and Hit Powder, i . j Plonr, Grain and rolaloM, t'lovar and Timoiby Rre4, ' ' Role Leather, Moroccos, Linings, lllndlngi and Thread, Hbomahra' Tools and Kbo Plndings. Ho groatar variety of goods ia any store in tbe eoanty. AU for sale very low for raah or eountr pMduro at th Cheep Corner. May 1, 147&, The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pen. town. hip, ClearOeld Co., Pa. H V R N K O II II T I BURNED UPI Tbaarll)re bar, at great aspne; rebuilt ncighborbood Bioessity, In tb erection of a Rrt class Woolen Manafactory, with all tb modern lmpntTateucbrtl, and are rr-pard to mah aft blnda of Cloths, Caeslmeref, Hatlnette, Rlaa kcta, Plannala, Ae. Plenty of goods oa band to supply all oar old aad a thousand aweutowrs, whom wo ash to eom and examine onr stock. Th hasinosa of CARDIN0 AND rtT.Liy1 will rwcair oar eapactat attention, Prripet arrangvitwnai wMI ha ana In Twrif atsd deliver Wool, to suit customers, All work warranted and done opon the shortest not!, aad by strict alien Una to routines we hop toraalis a liberal shan -f pabll patronage, IIMNMi POUNDH WOOL WANTEIH W will pay th blghast market price for Woo and arti oar maaafaeturad goods as low aa similar goods can be bought ia Ihe county, and whenever we fall to reader maanablB satisfaction va W4 always b found at home ready to make proper eiplanatlna, either In person or by ltlv, JAM KM JOUNHON A HoN, apriltAlf . 1 ' ' . i Rawer f. O. LF.ATTIER BUKAST-STRAPR PI PKR8KDKD RV ; lM 1 ? COVF.HT'M PATENT MRTAI.I.IC BREAST HOLD-BACK ' ' Made of the beat Malloa. .I') i ble Iron, aad la attached an tha Hamebytbbeat . , , Knap ever invented. It1 vA K MalyamdejaVlclypai r on, and prevents lb whipping of Ih boratm by th pul. kot liable to gal ami of rapair Will last for yars. All ' w ask la a fair trial, to - -" oonvlnoa all pnrtles us--. . lag them that thay ar t r , ansarpaased In value fur tbe paqMpse for which l , 'n7 intended. h HACKBTT 4 "rnit VRR. ClewrneW, April 14, 10T4. MARBLE AMD 8T0E YARD! Mrs. .8. S. LIDDKLL, d 1 ' i , Having engaged la Ui Marbt business, desire to Inform her friends jind tb nubile. tUat ihp la bow aad will kfp'oiistaiit1ybn band a lafgf ti all wkated stock of ITALIAN AND VKRMONT MARBLE, aad fa tiered t Caraleh to erdr TOMnPTONRC, ! J ByXilNyRAlLKTOMIJIJf MONI'MKNTfl, Carhs and Posts far Cemetery Lota. Window (tills and Cap, also, ( Bt'RKA Vt TABLE AND WASH pTANP . i. . ., I0PH, aVo, V ' Yard on Rer-d treat, near the R, R. DtieseA, OlearOeld, Pa. Je7,71 b.aa.n araln"t4f 1-aMb JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, IIANGINO VASES, Vtnve Lining and Fire Brick, , j ,, kept cwnatantly on head. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I fl'illi 0 l--r-. (iff CHOCKS! POT8I CROCKS! , , Plotter' P.loilt Airtight OKir'-Raalluc Frail ( anil FrTTFR CROt'RR, with ne, "' CRRAM CROrKH, MII.K CROCKS, APPI.R - BUTTER CROOKS, '1'IOKLS CROCKS, FLOWIiR POTS, PIE ll IH II KS, STKWt-OTS, And 0 gvtal anny other thlnga IaA auinefnua ta neutron, u ha had at ' FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S ' STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Coraer of Cherry nnd Third Stratta, ( ,t i CLEARllELD, FA., t augl ... t Down I - Down II THE LASTAKRIVAL 4W1 rTP rXlfTRli T1IR CURAriffTl A.frocUnwtWo against High Prices 11TE are Bow ana In an a lat of iV W awat aw',abl OotU and 'Wartw Tr acTcnd la this market, aad at price (had ramlad esse of tba good old dav of aheap things. Thn bo lack ftvlth vpon this woiat, ot ilana owr a gaUoaa sueiAawtr, .vJ bn . .; . . f CV4.. eT OIM HTOHktf Corner Pr. Jhi Mket'i-4s, Where they an , fal, bear aad knew for rbam eaive. 10 miiy aaoereiaaa wtai are eaeaw guus .nil man ne none. i no 101 oseera tt nearweeery ta Mwmerwtw wa4 Hetafa war toh, i aaMgh for as to stale that t n i if. n' r ; i'ik'ij..';,i v 1 -1 Wi kaye Evervthiug that U NeedtA And eaamad la thla market, aad at prices (bat aaeia jisHKrn piiaw son, t.,i rrrmAJKm.K.-' tar apward af tweaty ycBr. Ihe leadlag baaf 1 atn Callageaf lb. Called Motet, aletde antqual mdadTaatagat for tht Ibcrawgh, pracllcleduca timm af young and nlddte at-d n.a. Student Wmtreed ataap a. Pevatetnteietd irwoe , , , , J.V.SMUU, A. M, U .vi . ,.y . , ... . ,. mmimI. ' - awlatea4,IT -COLI.aV4.aa- ij th. aalF lawtBlaaionof mm bead aa tbba city that wa feaeatnead at tbe pabdht aatreatgt. reeeOy'a Htm Senate, fenl-cra, fm. Bop. lOb-Oao. 4--... ' -mi . . 8 IrW g,ap. ged ortt and tett af haraet (ta aaa. watea J win Mil at a taetiwe. .aae aorarel oarrlagoa aal Wggwta, aad o road w.rwa. 1mm ... mm m-mmtn vprunw . TT Beet Ct Ba d , Wwaml fa Mil 04 HI price . o) at addraaa 17 awateatga. . . ... , , .f.mflWtl,' HSt. wew M atna. goo. apruia w.groaa. a mm mtmUmmt . ie. 4--( scons lias., PlAtUtt IS a eit. JtSlialG J-., Aria aBi-opasa sjOBarj. . r t tt UI,K - i CHEMICALS! .1 TAINTS, OlleS, DYF. SIT'KF VABNISIIKS, HArt ir".. .'III BRI'SIIRt), PERFUMER!', FANCY B00DS v; i f. - TOILET ARTICLES, , i ; 17 l tl pr ALL KINDS, PURE WIXBS AND LIQUORS, for antdlclnal purpotet., Sapportttt, Beboal lluoke and Sl.ll.,.. try, and all other nrlieh. uanally fouod Is o Drag Storo. I v ., , PIIYSIt'lAN'S' I'kKhi.'ltli'Tiiive rinu. FULLY COkiroUNllKD. Iletlnga lar.e el- rlene In th bualnvee tbey nl glrc ealtre Ml ifncllon. ... , a J. (I. HARTSWICK, " ' JOHN F. IRWIN. Clrarteld, Drmhr It, 1074. THE CXEArIFiELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLKAKFIKLI), PA., vAarrArTranaa or i in: liiiicK. ..'8 l t ' . ., 4" li Furnace Blocks, t'as Retorts, Stove Lining!, Paving Tiles, to. thimtttr Top; HVootfeor Cnp; and I 'ait i. All kindi of Architectural Adornments. ' ' ' ii ORIlitNAI. IlMKINS IN TERRA COTTA MAIlR TO nrtDRR. With Improved maoblnerr. Irat eloea mele.ui tad ehllhd workmoa.we mo w.rmat all out nnnafacluret to be equal la If not auperlor to ny in the ntrkoL Artlckte of our coo he omo oi tl.a Work., nnr Nailrond Depot, or at tha llnrdwara tor. of Powell A Morgan. All Older, fron a addreeeod to tho General, will rareir. prompt at tention. ' ' ) I" . 1. HAMTIOVlrK. ' JOHN FKRIlt HllN. u..'i Bu.i f HoatbOeld, lleraklrb, Heolload, nupt. a.nutncinritig llcpL nnySO 78 BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, ureesMtrs to Rujntoa A Yeang,) FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS ' i Uaanfattnrere uf PORTABLE A STATIONARY ' STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin Street., !'"II rtBAMPIKLD, PA. HAVINO engaged In tht manfartr af Int. elan MAtnitXIHY, wt taepaal tally l.for. oa- p.hllt 4bal era era a.w tireiarrd ta III all order, aj eacaplp aad at promptly aa cab W dona la ay af tba title. W. aanafarlor. and deal la Mala and Circular Saw-Mills Head IMatka, Water Wboelc, Sb.fUnt QtlTord'a Injector, SUen Source. Atcaa Whittlaa.. OlWrt, Tallnw, Oil Capt, Oauge Cocke, Air Oackt, Olob tttt.t, Check ViItm, wrought Iroa ripe., a.ttu l .upt. Holler Feed Fompe, AnU. Frietlea Metree,rk..p Ston. Ptehlag, flan Prnik. lag, and all kind, of MILL WORE j together with riowt, Sled Sole., C'OOA' ANU PA RLOH STOVES, and other CAKTINUA af tit hlada. aF-Ordera aollclled and Inl',, ,, ,,, All kMlati af Inquiry wllh tweeruBM to naehiaert af aar naaafaclart pramplly nrwartd. by add roe. ing a, at t;iMroeia, ra. B1ULKR, Y0WNU A REED. pj THE TltAVEIJNQ PVtLw. Tht anderalraad ummibm an th. .-ti public that Ihey baea pal a lilweekly bech Ih. md from llo.i.d.l., th. Modern, la tllea Uone, running regular ttary I coda., Tboraday ad Salurday. Ue.lng llouladaat aaiba ar rleal of the morning train, and arrlelag at alien S ' . . . .. ' ' ""ruing, tllea Hope all P. M . 1 ralaralaa le Modeeo tho a... renin., fartoae wl.hlag h tratal oa oay la. day will bo taroamoHalad by drop. in a nt In IW proprietor Madan, ISiiIm '"I twiratai lato tae aoaairy. lr Ib.y lot ae now what Uaia thee ore m.i.. ... ,i. t i'Mi' tnllaw, tan) rail tbeai aa My nod Ihey eith to lr..,l, a., d.y ea.epl I bo toreeretwmr aoye tn.l we meet W na IW Ukea Hope Med with lb. m.ll. Oor wick u tm. .. aommmlelc, and w. aak Ike aelrno.oo ot lb. uatallnt puhllo. tlloFF HROIHRR.S. u. n.naorr, , Atatlmt, Aug. a, Itlt-tn, Y O It S A I. K! A largo and well Inlthcd BrUk DwaSeag, tltu. etc na tbe rlrrt beak, la tht borough af Cleer aM,e..ulnlngtba rtame. ertib td eellu, w.Ur Ib Ihe h.lcbcn, and .11 tW nodora coat.. alMMO. F.nuha, Bata-raoa, Clatbot prooeea, Ac. Lat Bitty feet front end ten, hundred and thirty oat bak. eath o. twwalw at din mm ea. . Said haiMfe,, Wllk all lb .ertll a. e,,d cScad, with ptymceittlo roil pareha. eor. ip.iicetion enn bt nada to IW under, 'lie H la A. C. 1 at., Ttm., Wh. Will gltt all aeon-cry Iciernelion la Ibot. who de.lco ta la rpoet tW property. TIIOS.J. htoCVLLOVIIM. .Mayll.1, S-Uti - fr-ee ...e.-lrferet ... uearlield Nursery. KNCOURAOK UOMEISDUSTIIY. Tllii Badanliaad, battel eeo.WU.bod a Nut ... .". " '-"'W, about Wll tewp hwtwaea veraraoM an. vwrwmeeille, le wenn otab nMhirele af FRUIT IKRHs, IHaadard aad dwarf,! aVergrawa, brabbery, Oratn Vina.. Uoca.hteip, aatWtaa Blnobberry, MeaerVorey, end Aa-pbecrp Vraeat. Alee. Ribrrlaa Crab Irae., ouone, a.m oori, aeanai naaaara, ao, , Urdera. pranptly l tllaoatlrd ta. Add ton. J. U WMU1T, tepM ta j t arwame.iae, Fa. 1LUAU 11. UKKKY, Jcmr, fg yor.ema Paa. are, WeieaaaJi, LUMBER !. ' Artie M of agmwaaat aad 'deade at aaa.ynn. aieuy oeoeol )y18 1