SICkETT A SCRRYYER, DI4LIM II HARDWARE, ni BaaufbeUrart of Tin,Coppcr& Sheet Iron Ware, 8 wood Stmt, CLKAHP1ELD. PA. Having largely inereaeed onr ttoek of Htrd ware, we fivit the pulie to aa amine oar stock and prU. Carper, tare and pet-eoni who oonUtaplate halld tog will do wall to examine our TOOLS ft BUILDING HARDWARE, which It new nnd of tha beat manufactnra, and will bo told low for mb. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTV, GLUK, LOCKS, LATCHES, 1 i HINGKS, SCUKWS All kind of Bonnh Plane, Sawn, Cbliela, 8qaarea, Ilamtneri, Hatchet, Plnmbg and Level, Mortleod A Thumb Ouagea, Revel, Braoee A Hitta, Viand and Iron 1 llenoh Screw, and tbo beat Boring Machine in tht market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKKT CUTLERY, A. Agent for Bu'rneU's Iron Corn Skeller, warranted. Alio, agenti for Rtcbarda' (iOTIIlC Vl.VB TOPS, wbtob effectually core Bio ok; Fluei. Farmen Implement and Garden Toole of every description. A large variety of COOK STOVES," which w warrant to gira lati faction. Portable Range and Frnara. aW Roofing, Spoofing and Job Work dona on reasonable terine. AH orders will recaive) prompt attontUa. June II, 1873. POWELL & MORGAN, dbilbm in HARD YV ARE, Alio, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARPIILD, A. TERMING IMPLEMENTS of all -a. klndl for Ml. by ' POWELL MORGAN. T AILROAD WHEELBARROWS for at), bp POWELL MORilAN, QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS N.lli, .to., for aala bj POWELL ).'ORIIAN. TT AKNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Finding.! for fait by POWELL A MORGAN, Q.UNS,PISTOLS SWORD CANES For inl. bj POWELL A M011OAN. JsjTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND Sit.., for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. TROX! IRON! IKON! IRON! x tot inl. by POWELL MORGAN. TTORSR SHOES & nORSK SHOE SAILS, for Ml. by POWELL A MORDAN pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES An. b..l If anufaetara, for tala bj POWELL A MORGAN. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE L BOXES, for Mala by POWELL A MORGAN. THOU. r. mi:hk.t. CT.t'i nonnoK. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. IIRANCH OFFICES la different part of tbe lounty, Tht following Old and Reliable Firo, Accident B lock and Life laioranoe Companies represented Ktab. A nets. 1609 North British A Mercantile Fire Ine. Co., of England 926,100,000 1855 Foottinh Commercial Fir Ins. Co., of England (tld) 10,(100,000 1794 North America Fire Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. 4.T00.600 iSiTQ nre Aisooiation J1 ire laanrance Co., of Philadelphia 31,100,000 ISM I'hnii Fire In. Co., N. Y.... 2,200,000 l07 Watertown Fire Ins. Co., of N. Y., lnaure farm building only 730,000 1R71 Am ton Fire Insuranoa Co., of Cincinnati 1,000,000 1851 York Stork Ianuranoa Co., of Pnnna lnaure homes. Ao T&,000 1874 Hertford Aceident Insurance Ca of Conneotieut 200,000 1MT riu Mutual bile insuranoa Co of Pennnlvania 6,000,000 lftftff Metropolitan Life Insuranoa Co of New York 1,000,000 Total capital 07,000,000 resons in to country aeatnng inn ranee, can biT it promptly attended I by calling at tb oboe or addreaaing bv latter. Inmsranees ef fected at the lowest possible rat, to ba obtained in nrst-eiais Com pan i a. JVo Vompumtt rtpn ttntrd wkiekmalct Attmmtntt, The abnre two life Insurant Co,', rap relented by T. Jl. Murray bare paid out in cash, between the dates of Aug. 1873 and Aug. 174, to tbe friende of debased policy holders in this Bounty, tbe rum of $2,lt0. Provide fer the future by Insuring your homos and your lives In Ilia Went Branch Inenrane Agency. MURRAY A GORDON, Clearfleld, May 26, lHTft. Agents. Jai. B. Piitaopfl, Prcs't. R. B. Bancnin, Bee'y CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, Or HARTFORD, CONN. A...H... tS,l1,M Rotlo of to LinbllitlM 112 ln.rnM tt th. v.rj eo.t Polier.bnlit.r. porlleipat. ta tb. proflU of th. Comptn;, tba. oontina.lljr reducing th. annual For rat.i, A.., .nil on or arirlr... R. M. MrKNALLT, A(.nt Offio. la 8haW. Row, Cl.ara.lil, Pa. 71a T. JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALIR IN " FURNITURE, IlTTTEHSi:, AND Improved Spring Beds. MARKET STREET, NEAR p. 0. The Mtterslgned begi leave to Inform tb eltl tea of Clearfield, and the pablt generally, that be has nn hand a In anortmeut of Furaitora. nob as Walaut, Chestnut and Palnud C I, amber Fnltrs, Parlor fuilel, Keotiaing and Efteaiioa Chairs, LadiM ard Grnti' Kaiy Chairs, tba Per forated Dining and Parlor Chairs. Can Seat and Windsor Chairs, Clothi Bars, Step and Ei ten sion Latddera. Hat Racks, Scrubbing Brushes, Ao MOULDING AND PICTl'RI FRAME. Looking 0 Usees, Chromo, Ae wklek would b satiable Tor llalieay pratents. deoll 71 JOHN TROtTTMAN. J. It. M'MURRAY will mtrnT ton with ant art'clf. or HRRCIIANniHIl AT TH R VRRT LOWKHT PRICK. COMB AND RRI. (I.lifl;:) NEW , WASHINGTON. 2rv &tei$, (btuttitt, (fit. KHATZER & LYTLK -THE- NEW FIRM i IN TUKIR COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Are marking down their IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, to tba low ft CASH PltlOEH. Reduced tpnsM and Mlllng for ready pay eutblee them to do It, They wUTendeTr to ba lIKtlMlirAIlTKltM for supplying tb eltliens of Clearfleld eounty with DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Drm OooHaj Wall Pa,.r, Root, and Shoot, QuMnaw.rt, Oroetritt, Ao., Ao. Abu all otbar food, la thtlr Uat. N. B. TERMS CASH. i. M. KRATZRR. J. H.I.VTI.K. Clearltld, Dm. 1, 1174. ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENEBA1 MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Ilal jntt opm.d, at tb. old ttand, In (Irnham't How, a oomplau atooh or jr e tr goods, f crar doteriptioa. DRY GOODS, GROCERIKS, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND 8IIOES, CLOTHINO, rft!fc., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON BAND AND FOR SALE ATA SMALL ADVA NCR FLOUR Reoelved b th ear load, and sold at a small advance. A supply of ROPI constantly on hand. Special tbduomentt offered to those getting oat Square Timber and Logs, as we deal largely In Lumbermen's Supplies, and r pre pared at alt times to purohasa ttm . if j " ber and lumber, KD, V. GRAHAM, Market Blwt, CLEARFIELD. PA. Oct. S3, 1872. JJARD TIMES HAVE NO KFFKCT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am a war that there are some persons a little hard to please, and I am also awar that th oomplaint of "bard times" Is well nigh universal. tint i am so situate, now that 1 can satisfy tbe former and prove eonolu.ivaly that "hard times" will not effeot those who buy their goods from me, ana an my patrons snail h initiated into tb se cret of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIME3 I bar. (rood, .aonjrh to aft tht inhabi tant. In tb. low.r nd of th. oountr wbioh I tll at im.ilinK low rata, from my mammoth itor. la MUL80NUURa, wb.r. I tan alw.y, ba foand raadjr u wait opoa allinnd (apply th.m with Drj Goods of all Kinds, Soofc as Cloths, Sattnetts, Caaslmeree, Muelins, Dslalnas, Linen, Drillings, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons. Laea, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Flet and Caps all of the best material and made to order- Ho, Soaks, Uloras, Mittens, Laeea, Ribbon, Ac, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDB. Ooffe. Tea, Sugar, Rice, Moists, Fish, Salt fork, LtnsMd Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen war, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Cultiva tors, viuer rresios, ana ail ktnaa r ami, Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glass, and a general assortment or ntattonery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on band, and will be sola at ta lowest possible Iguxas. J. II. McClain's Medicines, Jayn'a Medicines, Hoswttar a anal Holland's Bitter, IQOt pounds f Wool wanted for whicb the nighesi prio will t paid. Clovred on hand and for sale at tb lwst market prio. Also, Agent for Strattoavlll aad Curwensvilla inmaing saaoaia. wTm-Call and see for yourselv?. Ton will Ind every taing usually kept in n reUil stor. L. M. COUDRIET, Frenohvill P. 0., August 12, 1174. TVEW 8TOKB AND NEW GOODh JOS. SHAW & SON Hat. juat opened a Kiw Sroai, on Main St.,Ci.iiriii.o, Pa lalxlr oeoupl.dbr Wm. f. IRWIK. Th.lralock of tSCQV (S CD CD CD Oaociiiu of th bt quality, Queenswarc, Boots and Shoea nd utrj artlol. Oftotatarv for on.'a oomfort. Call and taamlDO onr alock boforo pur ehMing laawhor. K.r IRM-tf. s TEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILERS FOR SALE. Ta. andartlraad affnt Hr aala a. tM.oMbl Una., taalr aataai aaw mill, ranted M Walla., toa, daaritld C, Fa. Tb. wanla. aad bairtn ara aa gnoi at aaw. Th. .la. af tb, (!. f. UaS4, aad It la nal ranalair ordw. Tbcj will alaa t.11 tbalr Io,l. aad talk Bill, aad all tba worhlnt maoblaar, la tba mill. FarttM wliblat U parabaaa aaa tall an ar addraat unitnam. w Abagau. tv. i Claarlrld, Pa, Jon. It, 117a. n 5m twit, it. ; '!t QPP08ITION " TO ; - IJIl'ONITION! T. A. FLECK ft CO., r determined to atll DRY GOODS, V- t prtoes that defy eouirtltlou. lO.liatl yards of entirely new dross goods. ft, DUO yards Klerk Alnaeoa. Th eelebraled Colliniwood Brand, aoknowl edged th best goods for the print vr put on tba Summer Casiwarea, a lars assortment, ver? cheap. f. I.ADISE DRESS GOODS. lddee white drtsi gnwl. In great variety. Table Linens, white, and In twtors. Piloa away down. A beautiful lot of Hummer Shawls. bouttit at ft bara;ln and will ba sold ver low. w Ladies' Bonnets and Hats. Hatsand Rnntt,)rlmmdand untri tbe very latest style aleo flower for trimming, and very article ued for Mllinery. Ribbon, Lases, w rent a, ail entirely new. J luliefl1 )rt;s Triiiiu in igtt, A larve tin of Dress Trlmraint, Juat nnrrhasad. to be sold very cheap , . raroaiM in lull lioe. real oloe. Theflneet variety ot urlnls or eaiiowaver brought hi this town, from A to It) cents per yard. Miss Hillmait is here, T. A. FI.KOK. A. M. 11ILU. PKOPRIKTOIIS. QHANCiR UF The undersigned having purchased the store goods and property formerly oreupioti by Lever t'lega), on Kaooad treel, Clearfleld, adopt this method of bringing his busineaeto the notroa af the puhlle, and premii to furnish his patrons wnn tue very oat quality oi BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TRV.rHS St 94LiSHSt al acceding tow rat. This I am enal-led to neoatwa I here bo rent to psy, and ean tbara. m." ulVtL'tf.". T.Z:' mil but if selling a erood article for a low figum en- tioei eustom and expands trade, X am bound to suoeoed In my undertaking. Oive me a rail, eg amine my itok and learn my prWs, To my Isrga stock ofboot and hn-, hats and eape, I have Juat added s full stork of Gcnta' Furnishing Goods. which I will sell at tbe very lowest figures for eash, or in earbange for eountry produce, at the HIGHKST MAEKKT PRICK. Call and riamin. Mj Mora and prlc. bFlor. ,nn.haBlni alMwhar FKTKR M.OKOROK. , l. Ckarl.1,1, April J I JEW OPENING. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE HAT & CAP NTOItF. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKKT HTKKKT. A full and toraalal. of a.w aood. and nrw alrlta, duwa lo "HAKO PAN" PRICES. Cllli.nt an In.lttd ta ..II aad m. ttocb and JadR. for a. to anatlc and JOSKPII 8, SIIOWKIIB. ClaarlalJ, April U, 1874. w ANTED. BY N. E. ARNOLD, CHRWENHVII.I.B, PA.. (Saeotaror to) Arnold & Hartshorn. OO.CXK) SMnrh ostw4 KlilnirUa. I 0,000 peanda at Wool. Partial bating long 8blnal w Wool (or .lib. or) will da wall to rail aa m. Tba kigbtat mat. bat prlrt paid al all limta, Alta, a fall aad .omplrtt itork of , DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTH A HIIOEN. GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PI10VIS10NS, &c, wbtoh will ho told .1 rtatoaabb, prion, or ta thaagaj for tbiaglra or wool. R. K. ARNOLD. Corwtaitlllt, Ma I, IRT. . I7ILLIAM M. IIENKY, Jostick II ar tsa raaca ivr. Sratvaaaa. LDHR1H CITY. OolHHrtlaoa mada aad maaay promptly paid aror, ArUarM af agratmont and daadt a I aoattjanoa SMtijr aao.ul.4 aad warrantod tor or so awarta. ... l.JTI, a COfi r.r Dap at bomo. Ttnat frot. 91 - aUrM o, Rnol, 4 Co., port. Und, Malta. , , Jao2J.r REPUBLICAN. CLKARFIELO, PA IVIOMESDAY UORNINQ, OCT. 7, H7t. " ," i Qllh'AT DEMOCRATIC MEET- J.VU AT JtSAlHXd. GREAT DIMUCRATIO MCKTINU AT HKAU INU. HTATI CI1AI11XAN IIE.NDHIOK H. W'RHIIIT, ON Till IHaUKH Of TIIK CO.N TIMT. RePUHLICAN riSANl'IAI. POL- icy nr.vir.wrn. JtiAlilNii, October 17. Thu jfruut. nicotine hero Innt night woi an event in the hialnry of tbo Uemocrary of old UorkK. The inteivnt in the cniniiulL'n il.toni.iHc. an eloctiou day iippruuol.e.., ! and a. irritt rmn-i . in whleh ine ItmilirL. and a great crowd, in which the llmugt Ail liepuhlicaii and thut balance of power, tbo independent v. tr, were coiaKiicuoiiH iu)eaibled 10 lu-tti HluU-' Cbuinnaii Wright and Hon. (Soo'rge M. Hallua diauiiw the ihhucfi ol the content. All cIuhhob 01 tho community wore ivp-i rerouted ; the banker, thu merchant tlio iniuintiu'tiirer, tbo woikiiigmiin were there, all anxioin and attentive. Speakers lit polticnl ineetingH here about lmve mldom been honored with nuch carncat uttention, hiiiI tbo xtroug points of each addrowi wcit) loudly ap plauded. Mr. Wrighl'it iiiraigunient ol the Stuto auii Nutiimul u'lininistrn liunn wa very acverc, but it win hilly ondomcd by bin hcnrei-a, lie npoko an follows : FlI.I.OW-JlUMIH KATH (IK IIkHKH: 1 1 iH a Hatiitfuctiiiii for mo to he with you this evoniug. 1 come to speak to you faco to i'nue on thoxo governniental nieiiKlires which allect uh peiHonully, and which much concern tbo country. Thoro ia aoincthing radically wrong; thero U a mildew and blight on the land. Hud government baa done its work and tlie evil eoiiHCOjieneeii of corrupt and nelfndi legislation stand out in bold relief throughout tbe hind. Taxation has increased till the people are no longer ablo to boar it, and ruin and desolation bavo become funiiliar obocta ; all the Industrie! of tho coun try are weakened and impaired, and confidence in tho ordinary business pursuit of life ia one of the things ol tho past. Our furnaces Intro gone out of blast, tho wheels of our niiinulitc- tones are not in motion, the wage of labor is reduced, and the pnxlncts ol lite llirm at a rliupritinitrinir triei II, itt- I long shall this slate of things continue? Is there no remedy 7 llavo wo lost our courage? Slmll we abandon all hope nnd submit to a state of ntliiir that challenges our manhood and cour age, and which we can remedy if we but manilest the will and Hie deter mination to do it? Wo have become so long accustomed to the rule of tyranny and exaction that our energies have become paralysed, and the men ol to-duy are not liie types of their fathen.; we submit wheiixWu should riso up in the majesty of our strength and repel thu men w ho entertain the iileH llidt lltA rrwtlw'V iiml i-eNtii, ,if ! tl'oeountry .r. their private pro,HT.y, and the Democratic inusseM are hut hewers of WixkI and drawers of water. Let us make our solemn resolve, and put on our armor and contest this ap proaching battle inch by inch, and let them know (bat wo have a common interest in the country ns well as Ihey; and notwithstanding they hold tlie keys of the treasury they must not think their power is pcrpetnal. TIIK MILLIONS RiillllKIlr'HOM TIIK I'Klll'I.K. Men of llcrks, do you know I lie amount of tho monstrous sums that aro taken from you, in thu way ol lux ation, annually, und put into tbe ham Is of profligate rulers? During the lust ten years the taxpayers of the redcral Union have paid into the National Treasury seven thousand millions of dollars. You havo thus paid, in the, ten years, in taxes and interest, a sum THE sufficient to pay the national debt throe the country. It ia alleged that we times over, yon nay yearly seven bun-j postponed forever tho day of specie rc drcd millions. Our national debt ex- sumption. If such a construction can cccda two thoiiHand millions, and do he forced upon tbe paragraph quoted, you behevo that the legitimate do-1 and which is all thnt relates to tho mands of tho treasury annually amount to half this sum? What has become of these immense sums of money? 1.1.1. tltA nrmv nl' ,tfl1(ii,la m,m n.imet. ous than the soldiers Washington ever;11'0 restoration ot legal-tender to par (commanded in the revolution, answer! m gold?" Tho men who voted lor this question. Let the palatial oxeeu-S11"" renolnUon undoubtedly snpposod I live mansions in our chief cities and that """torntion toparln gold" meant fashionable places of resort, as well aB!convortll""ty ot PalM)r lnu Bo1 when tho immense executive plantations in ! 11 retched a gold standard. This m a the West, speak out . 11 tho corrupt ! f,,ir construction of the sentonce. 1 he mon who have embodied tho imblic ! Ucmocmtic party hns evor maintaitied moneys, and who have had secret ac 1,1 do now ihat nd ll,Tor ' tho cos to the nnhlln Trensnrv let tb "" basis of circulation. Hut whut pensioned satellites of a profligate court answer. Let that miserable officious crew who had a pass to tho occuiia-j Hon r.r loh ,,1,,,.,.. ai.iin In inir naked nnra-rt.r. hut who now drive i their four in hand, surrounded with 1 servants in liven', who occupy spue 1 Ions mansions that many of tho sover-l eigns of Kuropo ennnot afford to own I or occupy, who count their wealth by ! millions, answer. The money and the 1 y nm treasure of the people are their spoil, and they now clamor for a continua tion of executivo power, limited by the examplo of tho great Washington and his worthy successors up to tho hour and day when n r rand was placed at tho head of thegorernment. f he days ot llepubliean purity and honesty and economy aro gone. IL has heiMinin family arrangement, and a bold cor rupt attempt is being made to make it a family succession. ' ' WHAT IlKCOMrS OF TIIK MONKY. Our hard. earned money has been wasted from us and bestowed upon the millions ho fawn and flutter na im becile and weak man. Tho voico of Sumner denounced depotisin. i. Ho pointed out over thirty members of the t; run t family, clothed in purple and lino linen, fed at the puhlTu man ger, and who lake of our money all thoir cupidity mny desire. ' Tho latest rr.,,,,1 u-l,ir.. l,na .n..,ft in 11. ,1.1 i. ll. Clows transactions, where ono of the tn8 money-powor in tho country. "Dent." is a partner in a foreign finsn-1 '1 ho national banks got a slap full in cinl ageney, and a man by tfie name!11!0 ' "0"d't was recommend, of Van Huron has an equal interest. j 0(1 ,thl ,bo bBnk 1purrency bf n',,1rod Who this man Is Cannot he found ont.lnml ,l" ll "ppl"l by legal.tontler (in. f il.."ltin,.L tvi,iv" was th is that made tho howl in all yond question. Do you propose to quietly stand unparalleled taxation to please the whim and caprico ol a pniQi gato administration ? You all pay : the old woman who peddles apples and peanuts at her stand, on tho street corner; and tbo lame, ragged boy, who aellf matches to supply his poverty-stricken pnrents with broad, all come within the range of greedy and prying inspection. v CORRUPTION IN TBI STATK. . So much for Iho National Govern ment. Our State Treasury is not tn much better hands. Corruption at Washington has thrown out its slimy Credit Mobilicr finger and touched the official purse of tho men who have tho custody of the treasure of the State. You havo paid in the last ten years into tho Treasury of your Slate, for tho purpose of being placed in tho sinking fund, to cancel the State debt, tliirty-llvo millions ol dollar.' Of tins I sum twentv-nino millions have been I stmmnrlilLcd tn the dischnrirn nf deltl. I U"'1 interest, leaving six millions of! money your money unaccounted for and unexplained I To this may be added near two millions moro, through specious legislation and Iho manipula tions of a corrupt Trenaury ring, by changing Iho nature of tlie sureties and the rates of interest before that timo allowed. Tho money thus paid into tho Treasury for a specific pur pose has been withheld, deposited in pet lunik", ni, tbo ..Interest has 1 uq- doithldi) giino intotint bin In fcf uli scrupiilousoflicials. A State Treasurer, on a salary of five thousand dollars a year, becomes suddenly rieb, a well im tlie roluinorii lie liM baa( him. I Anil Imw Whir, iv)', urc we to aubiuil to tlitiMi tUwiiotia liiiuda? Are yuu rt'ixly end willing (o oonUnne to roar tkoyokof Arc you atupvfiod ntwbut you bave uiidurgoue nutl whul youaoo iLotoroyouy I, your "kill too tou(h to feci the opprowiive luh 1 Have yen no Jmi, l0j tjl0 mtnnant of your IhiiiI" and your money, which ban en- cu'il tbo grovdy rye ot the tax col It'Clor ami tbo excuninaii T Are you rdy to hand over peacoahly that roninant, mid bunt up un obwure roHi ditnoe in tbo iourhouM 1 Sij friuiida, do riae up in honoai indignuliou and drive bitik tlii'no vninnirua that am fitntont'd upon your vitiilal Let tbvin know thut it in our iiiouuy, and tboir liundn abull not LcMiivl'orth touch it. With auuh inanuguiuciilund corruption in Nutiounl and KUto (iovernnioiiU, ,U(W nn . ,,r.perity T Vou 1 . 1 1 will look for it in vuiu, unW you inako a change in your National and Mlale (loveni'.nentA. Till HKPI HLU AN UNANCUI, FOLI.V. To mid to our misfortunes (for they itovor como single handtd) w bevvo imposiKl upon us, by Jlepublieau nilo, uii irredeemable, paper currency, the representative of some seven hundred millions ot dollars, the effect of which was to drive all tho gold and silver from tho country. lor some twelve yeitrs wo have endured this public calamity. The piihlin pulse of this na tion became in iialilo and excited, and a Kepublieaii C'ongre a undertook to administer a remedy, and passed un act fixing tho date of specie resump tion in 1S79. This ill-conceived and ill-digcstcd measure was tho last hair that liroko down the burthen of tho camel. Jt was destruction to tho in dustries of tho country and closod up the channels of trade. It arrested the stivng arm of labor anil drove thu money of the country into tbe vaulu of tho hanks. Panic, has not yet come; but that is a necessary result from this act of madness, inihoeilily and lol ly. Tho men who passed thut act knew, and so did every business man in the land, that inevitable ruin most follow, liut Congress, tinder the plea that something must bo done to an peaso tho publio alarm, went blindly into it, hoping to invent some other miserable aubtorfiigo to cover up tbeir stealthy tracks. ow you understand why tho wheels of the mills aro silent and tho tiros of tho furnace and forge havo gone out, and why tho wages of labor nave como down lo a dollar a day, and the products of tbe farm have como down twenty-6vo por cent, and limited sales at that, Tilt DEMOCRATIC PROTIST. This Irredeemable currency was forood upon the country, and over tbe protest of tho Democratic party, It is claimed to have been one of the necessities of the war. The question ot specie resumption met that party square in tho face at Krie. It was cowardice to remain silent, aa the lie nublican nartv bad eone in for nu mo tion in 1879, we had either to dissent or acquiesce. Had we stool mute, like a prisoner in tbe dock, our lilence would have been construed into guilt guilty ol acquiescing in the Kcpubli can idea of resuming in 1879. The convention by a decided majority adopt ed tho following resolution : " 1 bat wo demand that the volume of money be mado and kept equal to tbe wants of trade, leaving tlie restoration ot legal tenders to pur in gold, to be brought about by promoting the industries of tho people, and not destroying them. Tbia ia what is denominated inflation. Inflation, bow? Should a Democratic Congress be denied the power to add to, 01 at the proper timo, contract the volume of currency? Certainly null And if we come down to the plain com-mon-Acnso view of tho Question, ouirht ! not the volume of that currency to bo equal to the wants ol trade? But this Is not the causa of objection to tho . Krie platform by tho nionied men of question, I am unablo to see it WHAT Till KRII RESOt.fjriON MIANR. What is meat by the words "leaving ll,)' do obJoct 10 rrelnK resumption m 1879, or any other day to be named, lh7 wi" insist on resumption when tho Industrie of the country will nor- mil it to bo dono. Tho Democratic Party hlT, noT,,r "n(1 Wl" myeT 'n: d"n "'' of "P0018 resumption, and 1 challcngo any man of intelhgt-nce to Put hl" nnror on 11,8 llne,or P-r'tfrapn of ,ho 'ne p'utform, und show it. It not tl,ur0- 11 " '- r,,reed construc- tion must indicate it. As a party wo will never abandon the idea of resump tion at the proper time, nor does the pluttbrm controvert this position. Wo do claim, however, that the volumo ol money should al nil limes, be sufficient for the demands of trade. And it mat- nnt "hat name you give it. So nmniui uu ,uiuma w v.:v. n i.v.i it will not interfere with the business of tho eountry. And who but bunk share holders, Wall street brokers and Kurnpoan bond-holders w ill deny thia doctnno ? W hat care they for sudden contraction, so that tbeir dividends are multiplied though the people sroan ? Sjiecio resumption must come, but tbo day ia in tbo future. Contraction as 'proposed in 1879 will not como, and ' its repeal is demanded by the business of tho country. TIIK NATIONAL RANKS. Put this pari of tho platform was not the cause ot tho hue and cry made street, and to recover Irom tho shock thoy exclnimod "inflation and repudia tion." Tho Democrats at aban doned no landmark of tho party as to specie resumption. Abandonment is not In it. As to tho question of the extinction of tho national banks id the substitution of a bettor system, 1 apprehend there can be no sound oh joction to this. We should have but one kind of currency, and that made a legal-iender on all contract and re ceivable for all dues of ihe government, unless otherwise provided. Tho pros, ont banking system is tho result ol special and class legislation. It is wrong in principle and should be abol ished. The hank geta 90 per oent of its depositod bonds in currency and 6 per cent interest in gold on the bonds. To thin add eight per cent on discounts, and you have fourteen. I aupposo moat of thorn may make eight or ten per cent more on their reservo fund and deposit making in all some twonty percent. Upon what nrinelnle pan it hji nrntjnrln,f t bar .tin government should nay them, in coin, twonty million yearly oat af the earn Ings of a tax-ridden people? For tho last ten years the taxpayer of th na tion havo paid them over one hundred and fitly million in coin, as a bonus for circulating a currency for which the government is bound to pay. - The are some nt the reasons why we re commended tbe change of our banking system. Km wrong that any tooor porated association ahould be furnished with special privilege to make twenty per cent on their money, when to ousines men In other occupations re ceive but a quarter of that um. Is I bere a farmer bol'ore me Who toils the year round, in siinshinu and storm, who live (r oent. ; What merelnuiL luochanio or munufuutuivv here who make six per wmt. ? . Are incse persons lean noservlng than Uie men who own bank shares ? Certaiuly not I Thureforo, it ia class legislation, and is intolerable. 1 . . Till IMPKNOINU STMUIKILII. And now a few words as to tho Im pending struggle, and 1 will have done. I'he Federal Uoverniueut never will be in safe hand until it ia restored hack again to the custody of the Demoerutie parly. II you would re form abuses, reduce, the expenses ol government, and huvo such an admin istration as the wanta ot the country require, there ia a way in which you can make beginning by the election ol the Democratic 8tate tickot , Our nomineos are pure and upright uiau, and you can, if yon make the neces sary exertion, elect thorn. It ia your solemn duty to I am aware that you "ill be opposed by your own money, drawn from you by oppression, and then brought into the Hold to de feat your bones and prospects of ease and comfort 1 am aware of tho vast frauds that money, in tho bauds of un scrupulous men, will accomplish, liut for these elements oar friends in Ohio would have triumphed. They did; hut the vilo means resorted to prevented Alton Irom receiving the return. Mr. Thompson, chairman of tho Ohio Dem ocratic 8tete committee, assure me that Allen is elected (iovemor of tho State by a majority of over ten thou sand. There is no doubt ot it. i ile stood up against tens of thousand of tho money of the Federal (iovemment and the banks: he stood np against I tbo vile practices and wicked fiiinirs of1 a wily enemy and deceitful foe; ho stood np against the appeal to the ro- ligioua bigotry of the people ; but the men who were of bis own household, I and professing the same political croed, stabbed him to the heart. May they hold in remombrunce that Wm. Allen, of Ohio, is surrounded by tho true Democracy of tho country, and bis name will he a cherished record with tho pooplo whilo those who joined the foe to defeat him will be forgotten. From two hundred and fifteen thou sand voles polled for him iu 1873, ho increased thai ntimlier eighty -five thou sand on the 12th of October, 1875. And what a noble victory our friends have achieved amidst all these difficulties. The Republican Slate of Ohio, with its boasted majority of thirty thousand re duced to a low hundred, is a victory over which wo muy rejoice. Anil hit us profit by this cheering result at our own election in November. Lot us, like injured men, rise up and drive back the men who are attempting to make Miwer perpetual, and w hose esti mate of tbo value of tree government is tho amount of dollars and cent they cull nmko out of il. PuiNrcu Qi kstions. Tho Harris, bnrg Mnrninq I'atrint, in a pungent ar ticle, requests thu Radical 7Vrnii to inform tho publio UMin whut principle in ethics Coventor llartrnnll, while Auditor (lencrul and e.t-officin Commis sioner ol the Sinking Fund, could jus tify to his conscience the violation of bis official oath in consenting to the misuse ol over SIX MlLLlOAa Or DOILARS of the Sinking Fund by the Mtato Treasurer? Will tho Trie qmph please demonstrate thu necessity for the exKindituiv of 115.000 in two yoars by (tovernor Hurtranil in refur- nishing and repairing the executive mansion ? Vt ill tho Jrlroraph be kind enough to cluciiluto the policy adopted by Governor llurtranft in bid veto of tho bill to prevent the ring county offi cials In Philadelphia and Allegheny from riddling tbo people under tho abominable foe system ? Will the 7We yrttiia graciously inform ns whether or not Governor llurti-anft, by tho veto just referred to, by bis approval of tho act to conceal tho depositories of tho balances in the Sinking Fund and by hi political associations, is not an enemy of tho now Constitution ? Ratiirb Pkktinknt. The editor of ii.. ii.:i..tAini.i. t i ii. . the rhilndclphin Itmr. in nllud nr; to . ..' i, ,,. , ' oV. two eminent IUdicals, say : Tilton and lioechor durote a year to provo earn other the worst ol sensualists nnd adulterers. isthut lkcher preaches to more poo- Tut It apical Ini.kx.-TI.o follow pie than Ireftr, lor largely tnoreod j j 8p0 th tw fllndsmontttl principles pay, and Tilton commands larger f p0Bn8yiv,ni, Republicanism : audience and compensation as a pop. , eA national L.t i. a national ular lecturer. It may be put down as btwing.. -jlty ojh, decidedly discouraging to modest mm. 2 .'jfddition.tlivision and silencc." istormwho labor lor a ew hundred Wm AmW; dollars a year, giving blameless ox-1 amples and kissing nobody' wife but their own ; and It would seem to teach those who are ambitious lor lame on I the rostra m that the way to distinction I is through the violation of every princi-; plo of manhood and decency. Thoro' ia probably room for an honest differ-1 ' , . ai.ii L. i once of Judgment as to Mr. Ilcecher'a , guni, uui wno can ao inr aoiuii Air. Tilton, judging him solely by hi own Eainted picture of himself; as to accept im as a toacher of atateemanship, philosophy or moral ? Tartu- (iivig no Taot Hi.i. Truth ib BiwayB ounniffiunv witn luwii, una i pmaiRK r in any wmy n iitnf with tht rol needs nothinir to help it ont. It In liwn pp-rty nw . th potMMioR always near at h.nd.nd .it uponI'i'u our hps, and is ready to drop out bo-jwbtat, 1 arroa of , 10 baii. f oat., 11 fore w aro aware; whereas a lio Is 1 bai..ia of b.-k.h..i, 1 m aad bi.,iding.i uiia. troubleomo,and U a man' inven-1 MJJiSt fi .' J-IT ,1 L . J 1.. 1 ..wu vu ,u. , ati.u ui.o vi uwia ; I aeria., I nova, a ntaaa alraw, aa tha tama tu a groat many more to make it good. I pnroh.atd kjat Coattab!.'. ..i. oa iba 4th It f. like .building upon a fltlse Toun-1 fti. "n "hhiJ-B" J-- datum, which continually slunds in 1 kmabargar, Oil. 11, 7i-lt need of props to shore it np, and nrove1 z j.,.-. v" .... at last to bo moro chargeable than to(jAU 1 lK)! have raised a ubstutial building at All parent ar. b.rah, ..mad .g.i.,t p. first Upon a true and solid foundation ; ahatiag m in any w; mtddliag with Ib. follow- for sincerity is firm and substantial,''" propartT, sow la iba pnioa af M.a.n and there is nothing hollow or unaound "tf f'ZV, .",, in it, because It IS plain and open, and 1 loothtr, aad a Ivgo lot of aad llaa, bardwaro aad fear no discovery, of which tho Crafty I I'lmmlnr- Thia prop.rlj war purrhaa..! hp m. man la alivava In , unu-cr ' al SbarH't aalt. and U l.n in tht poaMV.,a of man ib ai way in ganger. ,h, .,,, n,m IuhjMt w BJ ,rrt,p MJ A "(rOVIRNMINT" OUTRAUR. The editor of tho New York Sun, In allud ing to G rant's speech, aays : A corres pondent asks us to explain why we say Grant's Dee Moiuos speech indi cate a perverted moral nature. Bo. Cause it not only ContemplatOS and foretell with coolness, and without any sentiment ot horror, a bloody war between Amorican citizens, growing out of difference in religion, out it is calculated to foment and enoourago, with all the authority of the Presi dential office, such damnablo animosi ties. It is not only intensely wicked, but hostile to the Constitution nnd to the traditional twlicv of tho eountrr. 1 No man of an upriglit mind nd a true American heart onuld entortain such Ideiis or deliver snch a speech. (ianiso in Karnut. An exchange says that th Prohibitionists in Chester county aro beginning to talk confl-l dontiy of polling for lirown, thoir can didate for Governor, a Tote equal to, if not larger, than llartrunft will receive. Tho faot that Simon Cameron has stig matised the Prohibitionist a "fools, ' with other equally Insulting epithet applied to Uiant by many of tho Radi cal Journals, ha roused th Adam and they hetrnv a determination to contest tbo ground with their trad u curs and teach them th lesson that If they can't elect their candidate they ran defeat Ilartratilu . - , . ,. ! We do not think enough what in effective aorvioe prayer m, especially interreemry prayer, direct application by name for 01 hers, laying tbeir needs and cares, all Ihoy would or might re quest for thomrjelTTw, heJbre God. - i . .bj jaaampuwmvb- "' Th Christian lii Uoald never, aaa! nevrUaoliUtry en, a lit of mm vice must M 1 hn 01 love. And no path oan U barrea V the tounUin of I iiTrog wavers lowa by it side. THE STATE OnirEHMN.TN. When (ininl was Inaugurated Pros! dent on March 4, J873, the K quibli talis hud liovernoiy In twenty four .Mates, and the IJemiM niui m tlnrtuvii as follows : Jfrf.N.'.lS.N A'fM'M. IhttHMipliv Si t, Alabama, balawara, Arfca...., liaurgia, Calilvraia, ladiaaa,, . K.nMioky, yiurlda, Mtaaaarl, Illia,!., Marakad, Iowa, Narada, Kaaaaa, . N.w J.rt7, Ijsi.iaaa, Oragaa. Maiaa, T.aai.t, Mawaoaatu., T.aai, MUblfaa, Vlrglala, Miaa.wla, Waal Vltiala. afiMltatppi,, N.w Haiaptblrt, N.w Ywb, N.rtb Cart.lia., Ohla, r.uu.ylvaula, Hbu'l. l.laad, Satb Carolina, Vtruivat, Wuswa.ln. . . What a sweeping change there has been In nuulio sentiment In tho past three years can be readily inferred from tho statement that at the present lime tho Jiomocrnts havo the liover- nors, including Governor-elect Irwin, of California, in twenty -two Hlntes,and the Jiepulihcans In liut fitleen as tol lows: . , ,. AVp.ia.'oaa fu, I'lurula, - ' Illlncia, Iowa, Kaaaai, Lnul.l.aa, Malwa, Miol.tilaa, aliaUBMila, Mi.iflplt Sbr..k., Mori Carolina, Ptfin.jl.ania, HOoJ, Ulaail. Kouib Crellaa. Vta"BU Alabama, Ara.n..., ' r U.lih.nita, ' OaactMmt, llal.wara, Ominria, InSlaua, K.utHtfay, uauaobiitatia, MmosH, . n,, N.w York, "J1'" T.un.. ' T.aa, Vir.ibl., W.,t Yirgiaia, Wi, The Democracy havo gained (jnv. crnors in nino Slates Alabama, Ar kansas, California, Connecicul, Massa chusetts, New llumpshire. New York und Wisconsin thai is to any, three ill the New Kngland Stales, one in tbe Middle States, three in I lie Western Slates and two in the Soul hern Stales. The chango has lieen confined to no one section, hut has buvn radical and far reaching in its influence Four years ago this time twenty three of the Slates bud llepubliean governor or governors elect, only elev en Democratic und three conservatives. That is fourteen months before tho Presidential election of 1872 tlie Re publicans hud control of two-thirds of tho iStutos. iNow lourleen months be fore the election of 1870 they have governors in but fourteen of the thirty seven. lainrlaiUr. Tiirkatknkii KxnisrRK. The fa mous Washington real estate " pool." tbo details of which failed to be devel oped in the investigation into the Dis trict ring by Congress, was recently brought into Court by the trustee of Jay Cooke tt Co.'s estate in tho suit lor tho amount subscribed by Governor Henry 1. Cooke to the "pool." As this auit promised to bring out the names of the members of that pool every effort has been made to compro mise it, which has at iasl proved suc cessful. Tho trustee bus withdrawn the suit and been paid $411,011(1 in full lor the interest of II. I. looke or uny other member of the firm ol'Jay t'ooke , 4 Co , .aid , A tf, u,t i i ,l ,s i.,l.j mony in the investigation developed was tho subscription of 125,000 ol llenry V. Uooko, wbo was at thai time Iroveruor ot the District to -'a real estate pool." This pool wnslormcd, as was quite evident to the Congres sional oomnulteo, lor a largo specula tion in real estate based on adjacent street improvements to lie made bv the ring, who were the members of the pool. How much each paid, what par ticular property was purchased, or what tbe total was hits not appeared. The name of tho trustee for the pool came out at the District investigation, i, ,.r rr-iiiscu to inve i in nanus ti ,u e . , . ? . , those for whom ho bed the property. Tho latU-r promise to remain secret ntLvZrlm I mh another Congressional investiga ra. '1 lloresult tion " mor WK'CCHM''"1 thn ,Im ' dl'frtiSfmfutS. . CAUTION - AH pomma an b.rtb; .antianwt agaiatt pa"'" " ' "? waj mtd iiiag with ih. foi- lowing proportf. now ia th. poawaaem of Uaora. KMl ,.fbuV.i to...hi ... ri. ; t .orrti br, t browa mart, aad I rpriag toll. a. tba tamt btlong. to ma aad ara loll with him oa lota tnlj, .ul'Jwt lo my nrilor at aar timt. JAMKS MrKKKIIAN. Anwn.lllr, Oet. Ill, U; c AUTION.- ""-"! :. m " "" Atir.D uai.LAUrlKH . how Waabingloa, Out. U, 74 .11 A" BMlNISf KATOK8' SO'f 1CK - Notloa la brobp git., thu Lolttra of Ad -eiiairtraUu. an tha aauia or LORENZO D. HMCK, lala af Pik. townabip. Cltarttld 0ou.1t, Pa., dt, baring braa daljr graatrd ta lilt aud.r.igno.1, all parMia. to aaid ..lata 'will pltan m.k. Immodiala and thoN '' mand. win pra..nt th.m proporlp aatb.ali.aud for artuVaiaat witboat d.lajr, SARAH J. PRICK, IIKMRY llll., t'.rwoBtvlllo, OoL U, 7a-l Adm'rt. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Hollo, la hartbjr girt, thai Ult.rt of Ad ailai.lrallac aa of JOSI All Hut'KRN. JKRR'. iao(rtrgo..niwp..cioariaidooanty "j "Tf ?,'"" tV rnmt. ' andtrrltaod, all aartoaa lad.bud to aald aual. wilt pl.a.a mak. Itamllala parm.nt, and thoat hariag tl.lint or agalairt tha tama will thrra pr.Mirlp aalhtn lltand for atlUt mtnt without d.l.r. KMANt'Kt H1LPRRRAND, tlurd, Fa , Otl. tlb, 'li st. Admlnlttrawr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notioa la brrtbr gin. that Ullrr. af Ad mlnlllratloa aa Iba aautra of JOHN CKKSS WKI.L, Ra , l.l. of Oaliob towaihip, Cktart.ld toaalp Pa., amnl batlag bota dal. graalad la tha andtrtigaad, all parooaa iadtbttd to taid taUta will pl.aat mak. Immtdinl., aad tb tt hariag tlalmt ar drmaadt will prattat th.m proprl authaalloattd for aaltltmont witboat dtla;. JAMES FLYNN, Soilth'.Milli, pL Jt, TS-dt Adia'r. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J Kolws la Inrrabp gira. that U liar a ttata mtalarp bating ho.a grants to laaaubttrlbtr a. Ihoaotataw? JOHN RIHIIKU, doMaaad, taw o( Hr.dr townabip, I'laarltldooaal;, Ptaaarlraala, all ponoM lail.btad la aald ara roaaoalrd la mat a immwllata pajrmaal,nd lhaat bs.lag tlaimt agala.l iba uma will praatnl ibam dalr auUiaaliaalad fcr tallltmtat. J. ADAM RISHKL. Ulbtnborg. ItpL la, 'Ii Jt . .. Biatalor. ADMINlSTRATOn'8 NOTICE. MoUaa to barabp girt, thai Lotion of A I mulavaltaa oa Ibaaalata of UR0. W. SUOFF, taoaria lawaabtp, ObtarltlA aaaat;, Fa , ban. 1 aaaa dalp ctaaud I. tba tmdtr tt parttM mdobtU la tail) aula wit atttaatd, I tmaaa mwjra Immtjdia. p.pmt.1, atiaf aUlmt ar domaada will a aad tboat JJT1' rp Mlkmillaatad laa aoHlttaoM witboat Abiaiuorr, 1 Madtsa, Pa, Sopi. II, ill Admr l 7 tttottxUt, tU. " NEW F LOU It, FEKI), AND GHOCEllY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Market MtreaU an dour weal of Manalou lloaoa. Clearll.ld, Pa. Kotp tonal.nllr o. hand grOAII, I COPFItK, . ' TKAd, ''. ' 00A, COAL OIL, ' . BYRfP, '", ', ., PICKS, ' ' ' ' CanBod and llrtod Fraita, Tubaooa, Clgara, Caa. din, CM.r Vinegar, Battar, Rggt. A. ALSO, RXTRA OMR-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Ileal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of wbioh will b, .old tbaap for oath ar ia ttenanga lor totmtrp produo. A. M. kKASHK VU. Clurll.ld, Hot. IS, IdTI.-tf JEMOVAT.! JOHN McGAUGHEY WobiiI rp-t fully notify tk ptiHe gtDrmlly ttaf hp hn ranovH hit tiroovry Btor frum .ib.i?' Knw. tn th bulttliaf formerly toenpitd by J. Mi let K miwr, od Bwoad tirtwt, aait doar to llllr'i hrtlwr ilora, wbr latead k-nnf fall ltn nf ii 11 O V KItlE H. 11 A. MS, DKIKU UKKPand LARD. i:ilARS anj SiRI'PS, of all gradtt. TRl. Drooa and lllaok. rOVKKK. Iloa.t.d aad lima. FLOUIl AND PROVISIONS, ti.r.rKD nti its, All kiinla la lb. m.rkat. PIL'KI.RH. In J.rt aad SPICKS, ia trtrp f.irm aad varlttp. FAMILY FLOUR, AM. KIND Of C RACKER. SOAPS, MATCIIKS, PRIKD APPLES, DRIED PKACHR-S DRIRD CHRRRIKB, Coal Oil Mil Xt&mp CUm&eyi. A nd a g"od aarcrtmrat of tboat thing, nraallp krpt ia a grooor, ttora, wblrh ba will atobaot. fur m.rfcaoag at u. markat prlwm. .. Will mil fcr ta.b aa abaapljr a. aap alar aaa. TImm a, II and fcl. .lork aad jadga for yowrMii. JOll.N MiOAl'OIIKT, Clclrld, Ma; 27, 1171. G ROCERIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, (Saroa.r lo LYTLR A MITCHELL) WnOLKSALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIKIICK I.I UK Of TKAK. 0OI.0NUS, JAPA!S, IMPKRIVL, VOIINU nvsoN, KMQLISII BREAKFAST Paroat la Markat. BUTTER AUII KCO Will ba btpt aad sold at frtt aoat. Cath paid for Coaotr- Produoa. HERMAN CIIKRRIEJ, TrRKSY PRCNB3, PRRBERVED FEARS, PBIt.ADRI.PRtA HAM. FISH. Maokoral, Lak. Harrlag , Cod, Ae. Rami Pirkltl and Eagllah Plrblaa. FLOUR AMD PEED. Floor, Cam Mtal, Oat Mtal, At. """bill JAR. H. LTTLE. CHEAP GROCERIES! LUalRRR PITT PA Tba andnraltnod annoaaaat ta kl. .u fpUnrf. and patron! that ba hat opanod a good lino ol UROCKRIKS A PROVISION at tha old aland af Kirk A Ppmon; for wbioh bt tolltlt. a llbaral pa.rrii.ira. U. W. 6PRNCKR. l.ambar City, Pa., March JO-tf. JJOOT AND SHOE MAKING. joskph 11. ncr.mvo ... U..V.. . 1. Shaw'a Row, Cloarlold, Pa., batja.l rtotlrtd a lot lot af Frtntb Cair Skint aad Klpt, tht bo.t la Iho a.,k.i. 1. , afaotart arat,thlag la bia Itaa. lit will war- "' ot aa rpra..ataa. Tba tlllaaat of Cl.ara.ld aad vlolalu art rttpMlfallp larltad la giro klm t tail. - r oa ai aaon aottoa. I:ie 7np 6oRcu&rLowBArri:ri ttaorgta ar Florida, abonld tahMriba for tb, Moa.iao Nawt, pahlithM at Raoanaah, Ca. "' I "''.I'p.Mp.rann.m. Adr.rliaara dp.lrln. aoatnniar In iku. n,..A. .vu ,..,. , . H. aw poptr ,'. ,A. nltM. Scolmrn IMmla. on nuval,., f . a a drtaa J, II. KSTII.b, S.rannab, fla. I li.Sm HOUSE AND LOT FOn SALE. Ttra Houa. and Lot oa tba aoraarof Mar. kat aad Fifth .irooU, Cloarlold, l'a., ia for aalt. Tba lot toataiaa n.arlp aa aor, of ground. Tat bourn it a largo doablt frama, ooatal.iag aia. roomt. Far torml aad alar ialormaUoa auolt la Iba NhNribar, at tb. Pott OSoa. "H P. A. OA I' LIN. MEAT MARKET. F. M. C AEDON 4 BRO., Roar af Fla'l Opara Uawaa, CLEARFIELD, FA. Oa. orHMnl, rr . L . . i . ch.rarur for fural.hlag Iba pablla with Fr..h Moata af all klad, and .f tba r.rp btat nnalitp. Wa alto doal la all bladl of A grltultaral Impl. rata, wbirb wt htop oa aibiMilan far tba bra oSt af Ik nor.ll. r. 11 . j . i . aad laka a look at iklagt, ar atdr.i at ' ... F. II. CAIIDON a Rno. tyraaraaia, ra., Jalp 14,, pRESH MEAT MAEKET.-j M. 0. BEOWN it BEO., ' Marbwl St., Olmtald, Would anaoanot lo th. alllttnt ot th. Iowa aaS rlalall; that 111 .y Mill krop Ih. maat uarktl at jlha old tlaad, wbtra ihop will k.rp , Fresh Peef, Val Mutton and Until, of lb Hussl qnalltie. , Mark. I m Malaga Towdapt, Tkaroiar, ..J eatwJara. Sir. aaaaUL , w - wa aa. u. oaown a iro. I A PWIMTIBM, or m,m ttmmtr 1 linnaoallptitrMadat tbltaaaa. H. Uiotrls. JaLK lY (Mai I,l.K(iIir,.N Y UOTKL, 'Mml HI fuh Tlal. ...J ... 4 xi:ahfil:i.j, $a. Tltt tubtorllwr baiiug boooai. proprittor tf tliltbnttl, would rotiM!llullp aak a liUral .hart f pul.llo palroa.g.. Prioo. rtdocd lo aait Iba IllDM. jaaJS-'loilf. ... o. U LEIP0LDT SIJSCJUEIIANNA IIOUSE ' , CI MWKXBVILLK, FA. . NEWTON HEAD, Faorsiaraa. Il.ri.g botoma proprlotor of thia llol.l i woald toaraoUallp tolHll tbt patroaag. ,f ik, pabllt. Uoua, Imuaatlp .ad aoBTaainilp ai,. aatod s Mi ralttad aad raluraiabad ; good tat, pla roomt atlaohod. All railroad Iraiaa alot, al tbl. boat., ---- ... )aa.k S" iuw IIOUSE, (Oor. of Markat A Front ttrtou.) CLEARFIELD. PA. TU. uodoraignod baring takta ohaig. ,f in, Huttl, would rtapeolfullj pul.lic ii.trou.g,1 v--. ' - . . ui.Ltr.HioA. WASHINGTON HOUSE, " NEW WASIIINllTON Pa Thia n.w ml r..nt.l.. k . , 1. takta by tin and.ralgntd. Ha fatlt t'r aolng tbla to rtudor tatiaraotloa lo tboat who an., favar him with a .all. - ' Map I, 1871. O. W. DAVIS, pr,-,. jyj U M T o iJ"ii-H oliV. Oppoalta tba Court Houat, l i o c "a v e n," is N A. J'7I I1AUSRAL A ER0M, Prop ,. LOVD HOUSE, Mais Plro.t, PIIILIPSUURU, PENN'A. ! unnl!a mI.1. .k. , . ., l . .fforda. Thatrarallag publio it lnril.d to call aotl.U. ROBERT LOVD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Oorntrof (Mod ud Marht 8trcla. C'l.ARKILf), PA. THIS old aad aoaiModlaai IIoul htu.tluriai Upait year. ba ttlund ta ttanLU iu foraiar oapaalty for th n tort, un tat of atraa. fan at4 guaiu. Tba whola bail Jin baa baa rafuraltbadp aad tba proprietor wtuipara aa palai ta randar hit guatta taafortabla wfaiU aUylog with bin. pTh 'M k aai on Tlouta" Ouiaibaa ruoa t and from tba Utpot om tba arrival aad dapartarf di hi vug, ajvi.ii ifuuutibKi r. aprfl-70 tf Propriatwr r. k. lanoto. II. W, ARNOLD. F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Ranker and .Broker, Raynoldavllle, Jcfferaoa Co., Pa, Money rcird ob dapoilt. Diwoanti at mo derate rta. Ratra and Foratra Kfebanca ! wavi aa band ud oollMtiom promptly made Kfyooldarllla, Dae H, I974.-Iy County National IBank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in Maaonie Dalldlng, one door north af C. D. WaUoa'l Drag Store. I'aaiaga Tiokata to and from Liverpool, Quecni town, Glat-gow, London, Parii and Cnprnh Alee, Draft for aala oa tba Royal Bank or Ireland and Imparl! Bank af London. JAMES T. LEONARD, PrtVt VFjJi. SHAW, Cashier. ll:1:74 DREXEL & CO., Na. M Month Third 8 treat, PhlladelphU BACKERS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will raeelvt prompt tt tloa, and all information ehenrfullr furiiUh Ordera aolteud. April 11 tf. Jltntistrij. Tm. stewaet, dTd. S., Offiea over Irwin' Drag 8tor. Cl'RWENSVILLE, I'A All dental oparatlone. altber la tb merbameal oraperatlva branch, promptly etttntM ta aed at i if act ion guaranteed. Kpaeial atlentii.a paid to tba traavlment of diaaaaae of the natural tf-nfc, game and mouth. Irregularity of tht it-rib ih oeevfally eorrorttd, Taath extracted wiibt.m by tbe aaa of Ether, and artificial tet-tb lni-rtri of the beat material and warranted tn rfnl-r fu Ufaetloa. aprilJ'i'7l:ti JKNTISTBY. Ilariftg deUrtaioed t loaate in CorwiFilr for the narpiiM of partaing my profeitmn, I hereby offer my eer-icei to in puohe. I brt jaet Bolohad a trin of dental Inetrurtion an-i tha beet tenh-r of tbe Hennvylrania College nf Dental Snrgery in Philadelphia, and am n Firepared toeaecut all work pertaining to deal, try ia the beat manner, with tha latvit iiiiprnte tnenU. All work guaranteed to give entire ! ill act ion a to quality and dnralioa. Teeth ti trated witb'nit pain. Room tn n-T Runk hdill log. For farther information anpW in p-run nf addnxn K. M. THOMl'SuN. meLSl'76-tf. CvrwrDarille, Pa. A . M . H I L LS Would raipactfally aofify hinpati-nti that he ha reduoed the once of A KTI- MClAL TEETH to.Rt. 00 ner eet. ar .MS 10 for a double aet. For any Iwopereoai oomlaf at the name time, t have each an yjm aet, will get tha two aeta for .VtM, or $XiM each. Term invariably Ca. Claarfield, Jaly 1, 1874. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, WHOLAI.R MtLH X WINES AND LI QUO US, OLKAItFIKLD, PA. My(,laoaof huoinafa it nn Market afreet .di rectly oppnaila tba Court Floate, where I deire to keep fullatoakef PL HB LItJL'OlU, and will wairaot them to be aueh to my euit . tiive me call. July 21, 'Tb-it. WHOLESALE LIQUOB STORE. At the and of tha Dew bridge, WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. The prop rie tar of thia eatabllihmeat will bav hit liqeore diraetfYom dlatillara. Partie bnvioi fVum thia beuaa will ba aura to gtt a pure art if it at a ainall margin altiva ooet. Hotel keeiiera caa ba fora Inked auk llqnort on reannahla term. Pare wiaaa and brandiea dlraet from See ley ' Vinery, at Bath, New York. UKOHiiK N. COLliTRN. Ctearli-ld, June in, IHTVtr. :sT.4ut,iSiu:t wn. PURE RYE WHISKY. Wa again eall yoar atteaHoa ta tba above eele braled brawd of good, and we do ao with tbeooa fiction that there ia a great want esiating among a taat number of penooa whu ara compelled to ee, madieiaallv or otberwlte. a pore whitky. To mpply thia want we offer llailea'a Part Dye aa article which ha been before The public fur a anratrar of yean, It reputation etaadini high aa a thoroughly reliable tiiuuUnt mff medical men. Aa an evidence, quite a nninter ot our eminent phyfleian preacrtlre It to the evda in ol all other. Being made an tha beat known aeieniile prin aiplee, from the elioioent guia, anl hr jirciicl diftilter, it retaina a delifrhtful fiat or, an I, greatly improved by age, make H lergory antifhl after by ft rat elaea hotel and druffgii. Should you deoirc to five thi whiiky a trial, and are In doubt at t.i whlher ymir hntol nrdr( gtt keep It, (not baring one ol our lxn 41pl y ed.) write U a and wa ine II he mi-tt happr t direet ynn to tha peraaa wa handle oar g') in your netghbarhdo I. - We ara alio aide trtafietortaud mahMfaetureri ofthewrll known UK.M'KVKk d TONIC I1KKH Hi 1TKKH, which ha beer. aiteeeaffaMv ned fur over thirty rear a- a RIwhI Puriler, ami l.r. peptio aad Toaw. iiUKV cutter, Ma. h:t'7.i lil N Third At., PhiUdeljihis. O. I. c. IVniKRR to buy my DRY OOODH, flRO- It eerie. lllutKr. Drevf and Noliunr. Conieetioneriaa. Ao.. eheen for cb. Thu tnlhaoHhae It lata in lalhim hii Aid and new oaalomer that be haa opened . VARIETY STORK GLEN HOPE, PA. .ltd will Jolt eruwii ml arlM tn ! I ha lisiea. A liberal reiluetion will be mada to ewtemrr hay ing at wholerale. Cavil and vatntna ai a!nb kafnM unhalU el new hero. A liberal ihtre of publle patronage il aolteited. ' 0. J. KEA0T. nien Hope, fa,, June 14, IONKEMNG HILL-I'OSTINO Tba asikwaliaod waald rattiattfallT iaftrm tht oiliatiia of t'l.arl.ld aad rltlnitp that ht la prr p.r.,i it ar, an auollna, vtartut, aaa tmrr .--'" oa thnrt aotW, aad al ratal. H Bill., PoMora. poattd aad ditUibalod in lb. moat aoaipiraoat pi. i;.a. A abort of public la tolii-iw.' N. L. ROBIN", Mtrob If, Tl-tr. Cltarlrld, Pa. 1 1f 1. tw.. .fart ftt Jl ttlo a valuabla towa propottp la Iba borowb ol Claaill.ld. Lot MilHI ftat, with a good -rwj plank k ,alt Ibtrto. arattad, miafc t1 nam. dow atatra aad rWr bad rwoml ap ttaM- Ah, trwlog not. aad bath room oa aMa. uom Uoom tal.bod aamplata from atHar W altbv Oood douhlt portk and good waltr. Prlo" arraaklt aal paraiaRI. aatr. - " l POaagTI . .; . WM. M. Mofll'lbOlU'' '