gardwari, ttou'nri. 1 SAC&ETT 4 SCURYVEX, I . .1 BBaLSBI II - HARDWARE, and meaareotaran of Tln.Copper ASheet Iron Ware, .-.. .1 rot . . Seoaad Stmt. 1 tlltiriELD, PA. Harlag largely loonaied our etook of Herd ware, we larllo the puttie t eiaenlne oar ilok and pric . 1 Oarneatora end pmoni who eon temp late build ing will do well to einmino our TOOLS & BUILDIHO HAEDWABK, which sew u4 ol iho hut maaufaetan, ud will bo told low for oeik. NAILS. GLASS, . PUTTT, . GLUE, LOCKS, . . LATCHES, " ' I HINGES, SCREWS All kinds of Bonoh Plane., flawe, Chisels, Rquarea, Hammers, Heteheti, Plurabe and Levels, Mortised A Thumb Quag Berele, . i '. w Braon BilU, Wood ud Iron ' 1 Beneh Bonws, and tbo best Boring Machine la tbo market. Double and Single Bitt lies, POCKET CUTLERY, At. Agents for Surnell't Iron Corn Shtller, warranted. Also, agent! for Riobardi' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, whleh efleetually oan Smoky Float. Farmen' Implemonte and QardoB Tool! of ovary desoriptioa. A largo variety of .... , COOK STOVES, whloh w warrant to fire smUifaotloa. - Portable Hanfea and FitrnacfM. fcajw Rooting, Spouting end Job Work dont on nMonebletersna. All orders will reoelv prompt attention. Jane 11, lilt. POWELL & MORGAN, DIALIM II HARDWAKE, Alio, Mftnnfo.fltt.rari of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all 1 klndl for lalo by POWELL A MORGAN. T) AILROAD WHEELBARROWS XV for oalo by POWELL A MORtlAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nails, ate., for tale by POWELL A MORGAN, II ARNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE Finding,, for lalo by POWELL A MOROAN. Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For lalo by POWELL A MORGAN. gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AND Slioi, for aalo by POWELL A MOROAN. JR0N1 IRON 1 IRON I IRON I ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' For ,alo by POWELL A MOROAN. JJORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE , ( NAILS, f.r aalo by POWELL A MOROAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES. ' And boil Maanfaotaro, for aalo by , POWELL A MORGAN. "UIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE t BOXES, for aalo by POWELL A MORGAN. cvnva ooanoa. WEST BRANCH - INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRANCH OPFICBS In dttTereat partt af tha County. Tha folio win ( Old ud Reliable Flra, Accident. S took and Life Inaaranoa Campaniaa rvpraaaotad Eitub. Aaaata. lSOv North Britlib A MaroantlUFlra Ina. Co., of EnKUnd 3fl,tOO,000 ISftft Peottlih Commaroial Fir Ina. Co., of England (gold) 10,100,001 1794 North Atnartaa Flra Inaartooa Co., of Philadelphia 'a,7lMM 1K20 Fira AaKooiatloa Flra Iaaaraoca Co., of Philadelphia 1,100,000 IMS Phntnii Fira Inn. Co., N. Y.... 2,200,000 laST Watortowa Fira Ina. Co., of If. f., tafuraa farm hoildiogi of 70O.M0 1871 Amaaon Fira Intaranoa Co of Cinoloaatl 1,000,000 185 York Stock Ininranoa Co., of Piinna Inaareahoraaa. Aa T,00l 1874 Hartford Accident Iniuranoa Co of C'oonootiaut. 200,000 1847 Paaa Mutual Lift Inaaraaea Co., of PannaTlraaia........ 6,000,000 1868 II afro poll Lao Lira Inaaranoa Co or New York 2,000.000 Total capital 17,000,000 Paaana In tha eoontrj dealrtng ioioranoe, oan ha? It promptly ftUanded to by all inn at tha otfaa or addraaalng aa by tatter. Iowr-neoa ef feeted at tha loweat poialblo rata, to he obtained la Bret-laa eompaniaa. iVe Compuniti rtprt $nt4 wkirkwmk Ammnta. The above two lira inaarana Co.'i, repreaeated 1 by T. II. Murrar. have paid oat in caah, batweea tha datoaof Aug. 1072 and Aag. I "74, to the friend or deeeeeed policy boldera in tail eoaaiy, tha ion of S22.000. Prorlda for the futara hv Ininriat yoar hoaaaa and your Uvea la tbe Weat Ilraoih Inaaraaea Agaoy. II u Hit AY uuituun, Claarlald, May 28, 1876. A gent a. Jai. S. Piaione, Praa't R. I. Baarna, Bae'y CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. AIMU 3,IH,H0 Ratio of Amu to Liabllltloi Ill ForniahM fniaranoo at th. r.rr lowoot .oil Potier-hoM.ri panielpato In tbo prollll of tbo uompany, thai oootlnnaiiy rMueing in. mbiim parmanti. For rat... Ao., call on or mldroM R. M. M( KNAl.l.T, Agont, OffiM la Shaw'. Row, Cloarl.ld, Pa. 7:16 74 JOHN TROUTMAN, - DEALER IN ' f , FURNITURE, SIATTTESSEfll, . AND Improved Spring Beds, I MARKET STREET, NEAR F. O. Tbo uadoriirnod Org. loaro to inform tbo oltl- aom of Cloarfl.ld, nnd tbo poblio gn.rally, that bo baa on hand a Ina of Foralloro, aaah aa Walaot, Chutoat and Palntod Ohombo. SuitM, Porlor fiuil.i, Roflinlng and Eatoaaloa Chain, L.di.r a umto main, um rr foralid Dining and Parlor Chain, Can. Soot. aa Chain. Clotboa Ban. Sua and ElUa. tloa Ladd.M, Hat taoka, Sorobblng Brnibu, Ao UOtlLDlNa AND FIOTUM FRAMES. , Lo.klng OluOM, Clroawo, Ao, whh Won Id bo anitabl. ror tlollooy prwtnii. dool t JOHN TROUTMAN. J. R. M'MURRAY , wili. snprLT Tor with any articlr OF MRKCHANOIHB AT THE VERY LOWEST . PRICK. . DOME AND Skit. (AAIlyO NEW" WASHINGTON. Jru ewit, ftrorrrl.., Hit. KRATZER & LYTLE.I -Tilt- NEW FIRM! IN THEIR COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Aro marking down their IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, to th Inweat CASH PRICES. Reduead sipeneea and Bailing tor ready pay rntblee thee, to do II. Thy will endeavor to ba HEADQUARTERS for itipplylpg th eltlaeae of CJearleld euaoty with DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Dnio Goods, Wall Pep.,, Boot, aod Shen, Qunneware, Gronriea, Ae., Ao. And all othor good, la thalr lino. N. B.-TRRMR CASH. . J. M. KRATZER, J. O. LYTLB. Cl.arAild, Don. Id, 1174. ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hal Jul! oponod, at tbo old otand, la Graham's now, a oompioio aioea ei JT E W GOOD, of orery dnerlptloa. DRY OOODS, OROCERIKS. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTUINO, cf-c.,.l'C., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALKATA SMALL ADVANCE FLOUR tha oar lewd, and told adnata. Rlrd b tha oar load, and told at a email advaaea. A Mpflj of ROfl oonatantly on band. Bpoelal ladaoeaiaata offered to thoae getting oat Square Timber and Log, aa we deal largely la Lumbermen' Supplies, and art pre pared at all times to purohaae Mm- bar and lumber. Rl). We GRAHAM, Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oet, 23, 1872. H ARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I m aware that there are aone peraona a little hard to pleaae, and I am alao aware that the oomplalnt of "hard timea" la well nigh universal. Bat 1 am so taatd aow mat I eau aaniiy tae former and prove eoolaalrly taat "hard ttmaa will not effect those who buy their erooda from ma, and all my patron aball h Initiated Iota th ae- oral f ' HOW TO AVOID HARD TIJLES I have roeda enough to auniily all tha Inhabi tants la the lower and of the county which I sell at eieeedtng low rates from my msmmof h store la MULHUNBURQ, where I ean alwaya be foand ready to wait upon callers and 'apply then with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Snob aa Clotba, Satlnetta, Ceealmarea, Maelini, Delainea, Linen, Drillings, t'alieoea, Trlmmioga, Ribbon a, Laoe, Ready 'made Clothing, Boots and 8hOH. list and Capa all of the boat material and made to order lloae, noeaa, uievei, niiiena, Liaoee, nioooni, ao. OROCERIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molaaaea, Flah, Salt Pork, bineeed Uil, Fiab Ull, Carooa UU. Hard ware, Queenswara, Tinware, Caatlnga, Plowa and Plow Caatlnga, Nalla, Spikes, Cora Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, aad all kinds of Aiaa. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Qlaaa, and a general assortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different bnnda, alwaya on hand, aad will ba aold at tho lowoat poMlbm nguroa. J, H. MoClain'a Mwlieln.., Jarne'i Madtetnoa, HoaUtur aad lloofland a VllUn. aAO, ponnda af Waol wantad for whleh tho prkowill bo pold. ClovonoMl on band and for oala at tno lowoit maraat prleo. Alio, Agont for Strattoarill. and Curwonivlllo Tombing Maohtnaa. foaa-Call and ooofor yoaralr.a. Yoa will Ind oror,lbing aaually la a rotail liar. L. M. COITDRIET. Franobrlllo F. 0., Aognit 11, 1174. JKW STORE AND NEW GOOPS JOS. SHAW Ac SON i : Hit juat opened a Niw Stohi, on Main 8t.,CLiirui.D, Fa latalr occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their itock conilatiof com vr ao cd ao to at , ' Oaociaiaa of tbo beet quality, Qdebnbwarc, Boots and Shoes, od ererjr artlole neceaaarr for . ooa'a oomfori. . , Call and eiamlne our itock before par ehaalng elaawhere. Ma, 9, lR69-tf. STEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE ' AND BOILERS FOR BALI. - Tbo nndnalgaod offon for aolo oa rooaeaoblo lotma, tbrirotoaaa aaw mill, loootoa at Walmoo ton, Oleeroold Ca, Pa. Thaooglnand boilera aro ao good ao aow, Th. .la. of tbo .ngln. It I4i, aad li la good ranaln, order. They will ale. ull tkolrobinglo aad lalb Bill, aad all tae worklag anebtaory la tbe mill. Parlloo wlihing to poroboeo ooa oall oa or addroee GRAHAM. WALLACE A CO. ClearloM, Pa, Jaao ti, lift. - ' ' . THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARNKLl), J'A. . t'flNK8I)AY MOKNINO.OCT. III. IITI. BC THOU TRUE. Car out what othera ny, He lb nit true I U tliey goniip to betray, He tbon true I Ra eon at tent and do right, For tbe truth me he a good fltfht f Do what thou duet with all tby might li thou Una I 1U thou trua ! Let thy lore be slneer He thou true 1 Only God heat thou to fear j lie thou true I Hiaoe our joye tauat pua away I.Ike tha dewdropa or tbe aprmy. Wherafora ahoulu thou atay t Be thou trua I lie thou true I Friendship' very bard to And, He thou true I Trw low la not always blind ' Be ebon true ) Time at last makea all tbiogi at might. let ua not reaent JupI wait But not trait too much la fete, Be thou true 1 lie thou true I Like tha aatnmer'a fragrant Sowere, He thou true I o Lib tbo April' coming ahowere, lie tbou true t Like th mountain lotiking high. And the river rolling by J L the the blue and arching k, lie thou true 1 Be tboa true ! CAPITAL IXnUSTtt YCUft-JM-XCY. Cuiiitnl in alwava powerful; wino- tiinoa omnipulont. It is ollen blindly amount j nolilom dincrevt in adjunting public ncccHsitk'H. It is wmo in its narrow way among tut) jovonimenlB of tlio Old World, whero tlio govern- mont is the sovoi'ciKii power; but its teaehiiiffH, its iiiBtimw. iu commonly sclfinh view of its intorests, and its necessary exclusion from the ways and tastes anil stru't'S and sympathies of productive industry, unlit it lor an en liirhtcncd judirment on pulilic questions touching tlio nniiH-iliiito interosts of labor ina popular irovcrnmont. We are just aiproaching the solution of one of tho gravest political problems ever presented to our free government. lue tuoiijlitlvss may say that the question of our finances will lo settled by the elections of Ohio and Pennsyl vania. Hut it is not so. lndoed, tho results in those Slates, no matter what their verdicts may be, will bo but tbe opening skirmish, of the groat battle that is to lo fought. And it will be a mighty conflict. Jt involves not merely the question of our currency and of our whole llnancial policy, and ol our national faith and credit, but it in volves our vast and varied industry, with all its complicated necessities and impassioned theories. If tbe contest was to bo had in a despotic govern ment, or even in the liberal monarchy of England, whoro political power is concentrated, and where industry and comniorciul interests and population aro so compactly intcrwovon with each other, tbo solution would bo a mere question of statesmanship; but it is not so hero. There are many reasons why it is not so, and one of tho saddest is that our statesmanship has of late years been dwarfed to tho tricks of tho uemagogno, until what remains is impotent in the councils of the nation. W hon tho leader of the Son ate will sit down in Ohio, in the midst of fearful peril to both industry and the government, and counsel, not how to restore prosperity by honost meas ures and honest statesmanship, but how a local election can be carried at any and every cost of principle, and is followed by a great party with the whole power of the government, it for bids hoe or trust in the party of authority. And when the party that is without power counsels, not how to restore a sound currency and to make industry Roundly prosperous, but drills from tho anchor of intrinsic valuee to mako adversity sweep a popular elec tion, both capital and Industry aro bidden to tuko pause and look the common peril in the face. It is a dream of speculative capital, the parrot-like gabble of Wall street in New York, and of Third slreet in Philadelphia, and of the small classes who are money-lenders throughout the country, that tho struggle for what is called inflation in Ohio and Pennsyl vania is but a popular spasm that will flash and perish, They have been so told by trembling politicians who nro upon trial before a suffering people for their misrule, and who would avert tho retribution that justice has in storo for them. And capital, sensitive, timid and unskilled in touching the popular chord that bad government has made jangled and out of tune, pours out its treasure and bids tho politician and advonturer to pulluto the bullot and return with tho certificate of a hard money victory. Then, i-eason the monoy-chnngoi-s, thoro will bo peace, consorvulivo laws, early resumption, and money will reap a rich harvest of tho increased value ol a dollar, anil debtors will pay tributo to it by giving gold dollars in satisfaction of depreci ated currency debts. It is simply suicide, and those who thus teach cap ital, sing tho song of I lie syren that leads to destruction. If Ohio and Pennsylvania should bo won for in flation, it wonld liberalise and onlighten the intolerance ol resuinptionists, noth ing more. The nation will never tor a moment entertain tho policy of illimit able and irredeemable currency. No party dare teach it, for it means re pudiation, dishonor and death. If Ohio and Pennsylvania shall bo won for hard money, resumption will bo more difficult and uncertain the day such a victory shall bo proclaimed than at any time in five yenrs past. The accepted construction of tho ver dict of these States in Invor of uncon ditional resumption in 1879, would be the signal for a tide of bankruptcy such as this country lias novcr wit nessed, and the distress in all channels of business and trade would make cap ital but a feather in the nostrils of a needlessly atricken and prostrated people. Tho premium on gold would steadily advance, the value of all class es of property would decline, and tho debtors, who aro two-thirds of the wliolo people, could not bo reasoned out of tho litet that they must give three dollars of lulior or values to pay two dollars of debt. Theorise as we may, any attempt at enforced resump tion when our productive industries are paralysed, simply means a tempest of insolvency and madly intensified misfortunes to tlio nation. Will not men reason? Capital should, for it is not maddened with hunger, nor do its households sit in want. It should reason, furthermore, becauso it ia most interested in tho exercise of a sound discretion on this vitnl issue. It is in no respect equal to tho contest it is likely to provnko, lor it is, with all its lcgitiinalo auxillcrics, in a pitiful minority to-day. Tho country is made up ot debtors, with hero anil thoro a capitalist who is free from cmbarass raents to profit hy the necessities of his fellows. Why it is so, it matters not. It will not consolo a dying man to tell him that his follies Imvo brought him to an untimely grapple with death, nor will it make men stntosmen to preach that they have over-traded and specu lated and must now reap as they have sown. Provo to them that they hovo been fools, and they will not repay can dor with affection. And tboso people, these debtors, these embnrassed, su tier ing classes, aro tho government. They mako and unmake Presidents, Senators, Governors. Congressmen and Legis lator. Thoy made lirant President in 1872, bocauso thoy followed capital that then gave them labor and thrift. To-day the capital that nnee employed the reduction of prices and the limited demand lor products, or it li crippled nnd languishing, and idleness and dis tress have fallen to its operatives. They, too, should reason; but will they? There is tho lo'-io of necessity that is inexorable, ami want and de spair will bow to it. They seo that prosperity has taken Wings and left them : Unit their mills are silent, their forges voiceless, their miuoa temintltws, j their lorests tinlirolren by tlio echoes ol tlio woodman, and they plead in vain for the privilege to ourn their broad. They may not be schooled in the po litical economy of the age as taught by its masters, but they see and under stand that this stagnation and dialress should not prevail so mercilessly iu this favored land. They see the barns, tho garners and tbe cribs teeming with ileuty about them, and Vet there is lunger in their homes. They see the fields mellow with tho fruits of autumn and green with the promise of future abundance, and yet tho diversified in dustry that should furnish customers and mould th() sir.ow of lubor Inlo gold to requite the operative and en rich the nation, is lifeless and hopeless, They see money in superabundance in tlio vaults of our banks, begging for solvent borrowers, hut tbo iutegrity, competency and Industry which mice were credit to command capital, ure now distrusted because the lender, looking tothoconsuminatiunnf hisown favorite theory of enforced resumption, calculates wisely that both tbo prop erty and tbo product, of industry must depreciate into bankruptcy. They see that capitalists will not engage in bus iness enterprises, nor will thoy deal with business men as debtors exoept uKiu security outside of tho business for which capital is wanted, and, see ing these facts, which are as patent as noonday and within tbe comprehension of the most ordinary grade of Intel ligence, are we not admonished that our present financial policy is inherent ly and fatally detective? To this grave question wo beg capital to yiold respect. It is both just and wise to do so, for tho obstinate maintenance of a violent resumption policy must, as surely us tho night shall succeed the day, result in the triumph of a violent inflation policy. And, if the battle must bo thus fought over prostrated industry and wide-spread bankruptcy and the unreasoning want that enforced idleness will breed, there is unseakuble danger of the revolution sweeping to tho very verge of tho abyss of repudi ation, if, indeed, it can bo arrested there. In this battle Ohio and Penn sylvania this full aro but outposts, anil will but determine the field for tho conflict and the attitude of tho belliger ents. If by hard money victories ex treme positions shall bo irrevocably assigned to tho contending partiea, our froo institutions will bo exposed to a severer crucible than that of civil war, with all its dcmorulir.ution and sacrifices. And capital is to-day charged with the responsibility of shaping this issue. We regard tho man who insists upon unconditional resunipion in 1879 as the foe of industry, of prosperity and of national laitli as bund in band with tho madman who would flood the irredeemable currency and demand that it bo culled money. Wo cannot resume until we have gold ; we cannot pay until we earn ; wo cannot earn until our productive in dustry is employed, and our gold coff ers will bo ompty until tho balance of trade with tho gold nations of the world is in our favor by selling more than wo buy. Volumes of platitudes, however plausible, cannot answer these plain assumptions. And tbo remedy issiinple. It is not to bo the work of an act of Congress whose fruits shall ripen in a day. There must bo an inflexible adherence to tho specie standard as tho anchor of tinancial, business nnd industrial sulcty ; there must bo no on forced resumption in the face of im possibilities imposed by paralyzed and unproductive labor; there must be a steudy effort toward resumption by quickening thecrcntivo enorgiesof the people and tho gradual equalization of currency and values with gold ; there must bo a judicious rovinion ol our banking system to adapt it to the new and imperative necessities of the coun try, and to disarm it of ovcry semblnnco of monopoly; thero must no a Bell' ad justable currency that will divorce the business ot the nation Iroin the caprices or speculations of Presidents, Cabinets and money gamblers; there must be wholesome and just laws for the whole people ruthor than for favored classes; tho compensation of capital must yield to the reduced compensation of labor, and thcro must bo integrity, economy and statesmanship aulistitutcd for the debauched authority that now rules in almost every department and grade of public trust. l'mladclphia I mm. WHAT M THE ISSUE f The iVrstsays: What is the issue in Pennsylvania? Himply that of maintaining good government. The itcpublican party throws open its record. We need only go hack to lRtiU, when tbo public debt at tho end of the war was :,r22,tir2.l(i. In 1875 it was 2l,5(;H,i;:iH,38. Of courso the issue is good and honest government, but this is just where tho shoe pinches tho liepilbli enn candidates and party. This cry ing out "good government," at' the eleventh hour, is liko a pursued thief bellowing "stop thiol" when ho is run into a fence corner and nabbed. The people bavo been thirsting for honest government for years, but the party in power tsk no notice of their cry, but went on plundering them. But now, when Indignation lias come to a head, and the peoplo are determined to have good government at every hazard, their plunderers como in crying among tho louiiest for reform. Itwllnnt do. The peoplo hnvo their mark upon the rogues who have boon robbing them for tho last decade and cannot be de ceived as to their identity. They would as soon trust the devil torelorm tho infernal regions, ns the party in power to correct the abuses that pro vail at Ilurrisburg. When has the Itcpublican party "thrown open its record V That is just what tho pooplo and tax-puyors would like to seo done to look uMn tho inner pages of their books. It didn't look much liko throwing open the record when Mackoy refused to let tho Legislative committee oxamine his books. Will the Yes, mako a note of this? And will it persuade tho Treas urer to throw opon his money record for public inspection ? Then) are aomo figures thoro that will hardly bear in vestigation. Tho boast that the pnb lio debt has been reduced ten millions in tho last ten years looks liko the I'rm congratulating itself and tho Stato that tho rogues in and out ot' of fice have not stolen all tho pooplo's monoy ; Those in owor are entitled to no crotlit for reducing tho debt, and tho only wonder among honest men is that tho rognes loft a dollar to bo applied to thai purpose. In tho last ten years forty millions of dollars have boon collected from tho pooplo of this Slato, in ono way or another, for taxes, and it prenenls a "beggarly account ol empty benches" to show that only ten millions bsvo boon applied to tho re duction of tbo public debt. Wo repent that this is a contest for f;ood ana honest government, between lonest men and rogues, and this time tho honest men are going to win. Will the Prr make a noto of this and smoko it in its political pipe? Dtytet twn Democrat. , Wouldst thou not ho thought a fool in another's conceit, he not wis in thlno own ; bo that trusts to bis own wisdom, proclaims his own folly. When the Unman is still, the Diwno i speaks to it, bocrnse it Is Its own. m A XTl.AXn TllEMQXlT Y oM 1U8 OFh'lCE. Irt ilk leftor milking a" tail W ai third term, (irsnt aays lliut it "was be neath tho dignity of his office" to tell the pooplo whother or not ho intended to Use the vast patronage at bis com mand to perpetuate hla power. How has ho borne himself hitherto, tbultho dignity of his office should suddenly appear so groat in bis oyes ? On what particuliar occasion did he take pains to show tbe country that he respected tho proprieties which ought to hedge in his exalted station ? Was it when he visited New York fur tho first tiino afW his inauguration, and sauntered into a theatre arm in arm with Jim Fisk? Was it on tlio eve of Dlack Friday, when he took himself off to a little town in Pennsylvania remote from tel egraphic and railroad communication, alter leaving directions with lioutwoll not to sell any gold till ho got back ? I M'aa it WBeufbe peril kisl ipdorent brother-in-law across tho wafof to rep resent our Government at the court ot Denmark ? Was it when he permitted Jay Gould to pay foi' him the $1,0(10 which he had subscribed to the fund raised to lilt tho family of the faithful Rawlins out ol abject poverty ? Was it when he rewarded with the best offices in hi, gitt the men who had bestirred themselves to raise gifts of houses and horses aad money for him' just before be entered upon the Presidency? Was it when ho closed tbe doors ol tho While Ho .so and made his way to the seaside that he might devote to idle and dissolute ploasuros the best months of the year ? Was it when he haggled with Con gressmen for exorbitant appropriations tor tho "oxien8cs of the Kxecutive Mansion," and managed to get enough under that head to keep him in tkiver without eating into his salary ? Was it when he sent Casey down to New Orleans to manage the custom house, control tbe party, and reduce tho citato of Louisisnu to a province ? Was it when be found the chair of thoChiet i ustice vacant, and attempted to fill it by tho appointment of a dis reputable and ignorant adventurer in politics? .. Was it when ho disregarded the ro buke of the .Senate and restored that adventurer to the place that ho had disgraced at the head of tho so-called Department of J ustieo ? 1 Was it when ho permitted himself to bo advertised ns the chief attraction at the opening of a now seaside hotel, and apcared promptly iu company with noes Slioppard, making an un seemly exhibition of himself in return for a free lunch ? Was it when ho wont out of bis way in an annual message to praise the work of the lloss and his King, when ho knew that work was neither more nor less than highway rubbery ? Was it when ho became a party to the secret issue of 5,000,000 of green backs on the eve of an important elec tion, that a clique of gamblers in Wall street might make euough thereby to enable them to contribute largely to the corruption fund which was em ployed to wrest Pennsylvania from tbe cont rol of tbe majority in October,1872 ?, Was it when ho lobbied In tho cor ridors of tho Capitol when his first term was drawing to a olose, and be soeched tho faithful to double his pay, and assured them of his co-operation in case they saw tit to help themselves to a few millions in the shape of a sal ary grab? Was it when ho found a constitu tional adviser in the person of Colum bus Delano, and approved the policy whereby the Indian Icing wore enabled to steal $10,000,000 in five years? Was it when be entered into a com pact with thieves of Arkansas to over throw the constitution of that .Stato, or w-hen Congress balked bis designs and he pensioned the chief conspirators on tlio (iorernment as officeholders? Was it when he found places for Congressmen repudiated by the people who had sustained his wicked demand for tho autocratic powers contemplated hy tho force bill ? The "dignity of his ofllco" would not permit him to answer a civil question, to which Washington and Jefferson found no difficulty in framing a pointed and effective reply. But tbo dignity of his office docs not stand in the way ot acts which will send bis namo down to posterity in disgrace. Utica Ot)Server. COL. TlOS. JEFFEltSOX RAN , , DOLPH. Among the most noted nnd distin guished fnmilios of Virginia aro the Randolphs. For a long series of years before tho settlement of Virginia they bad been a family of consideration in tbo midland counties of Warwick and Northampton, in Kngland, and thoy claim among their ancestors tho pow erful Scoth Karls el Murrav. connected by blood and alliance with many of tho most distinguished lamilies III the English nnd Scotch peorugo and with royalty itself. The head of tho Ameri can family was William Randolph, of Warwickshire, Kngland, the son of a cavalier of high position. This Wil liam Randolph emigrated to the United States about the year lfiGO, and took up his homo at Turkey Island, on tho James river, twenty miles below Rich mond. From this parent trunk sprang the numerous branches by which the Stato of Virginia has been enriched in an intellectual line. Randolphs have figured as leaders of tho groat ante and post-rovolutionary movements of the Old Dominion, and the blood, has min gled with that of many of tho other celebrated families of that Slate. One of this fumily, Thomas Jefferson Ran dolph, died at his homo, near Char lottesville, Virginia, on the 7th Instant, aged eighty -three years. Thodcceased was tbe eldest son ol Governor Thomas Mann Randolph and Martha Jefferson, tho daughter ot Thomas Jefferson, nnd was born in 1702. Ho was educated under tbe eyo and euro ol his illustrious grandfather, and was ono of bis con stant associates when tbe latter reached tbo Presidency. ' Cot. Randolph made his debut in polical lifo in 1832 as a delegnto from Albemarle county, Vir ginia, iu tho General Assembly of that State. 1 He was a man of strong natural, powers and lino educational training, and early obtained a leading position in the councils ot his naliro State. When the resolutions for the abolition ol slavery wore Introduced they met with tho full and onrnest support ol Col. Randolph, and not withstanding this fait ho was re-elected to tho next session, although AlbemaHo was ono of the largest slavoholding counties in tho Statu,' Upon the orgnniratkm ol tho Whig parly in Virginia Col. Ran dolph was hoalen in 1835 for tho Leg-! isluture. Rutin 1836 bo and Judge Rives wore elected over Governor T.; W. Gilmer and V. W. Southall, and ro chosen the following year. After this period Col. Randolph romainod upon his farm until ho was elected a delegate to the convention which amended tho constitution af Virginia previous to the war of 1861. After the end of tbo war Col. Randolph again camo upon tho surface of public lifo, was a dclcguto to tbe Baltimore Demo cratic Convention which nominated M r. G rcoley and tompornryjprosident of that body. This ended Col. Randolph's fiihlic life. Thomas Jefferson mado ol. Eaiidolpa hi ducdtnfaiid to him was confided the public nnd private papers of his grandfather. Four vol umes of Mr. Jefferson's works were afterwards published by him. Col. Randolph was a man of commanding presence, ceniaj sand aottrtei la his iimnBurs, loutMmJ itv ale- toapitility and a fine type of the Virginia gentleman. HADICAL CORRUPTION.- NenaUir Thiirinan In a speech de livered at Mauslield, O., a lew days ago, aaid : Is there a man here who has not beard of the Union Pacific Railroad Company aud the Credit Mobilier? la tbore one of you who diMt not know, by swum Umtiutony taken boforo Congressional commit tees, luat by tho frauds of thoae oom iianloa, principally ruled and governed by curtain members of Congrose, tbe Qluof tbo United States are abao y eortat to lose not lees than $50,000,000? Mas any one of you for gotluu that over $425,006 were used by those eompauiee to procure the passage of an amendment to the rail road charter by tho corruption ol mem ber of Congress an amendment that surrendered tho most important rights of the Government, ana In the end euUiled upon tho people the loss to which 1 have referred ? la it neoeaaary fur me to produce the proof taken at the Just suasion of Congress that over $700,000 were employed by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company to procure from Congress au immense public sub sidy If Must t read to yon the testi mofiy given before a Senate committee a few years since, to show that bribery of New York Custom House officers bad become an established usage ? Or is it necessary to more tbau mention tbe prosecutions by tbe Government ol' merchants, groat and small, charged with defrauding the revenue out of millions by smuggling or otherwise not one of which frauds or offenses could have been committed had not Government officers assisted in its com mission ? Have you not heard of tbe practices of tbo whisky rings, demand ing the Government out of untold amounts of taxes, through the oonnlv anoe and with the aid of purchased revenue officials? Must 1 do more thau remind you that the official re ports ol responsible officers of your army and tho statements of disinter ested private citizens have clearly shown that, through th fraudulent practices of Indian agents and contrac tors, large number of Indians whom the Government is bound by treaty stipulations to support have lately been on the verge of starvation, and the country thereby menucod with an In diau war? la it not an indisputable fact that the appropriations for tbe In dians and tho Indian Hureau are an nually about $3,000,000 more than they wore in 1860, and that through tbe frauds and peculations of "Indian rings." in collusion with Government officials, millions ot this money are every year embezzled ? Have you not heard how fraud, bribery and corrup tion existed in tbe Post-Office Depart ment, nnder the very nose, so to speak of the Post master-General himself frauds and offense so gross as to necessitate not only the dismissal of tho detected officials, but also tbeir criminal prosecution in a court of jus tice ? II nve you not road ol tbe fre quent thefts in the Treasury, from tbe abstraction of a trifling sum of frac tional currency ' to a larceny of over $40,000 in a lump? Need I do more than refer to the long list ot defaulters in almost every branch of the public service, and whoso defalcations in the last fourteen years amounted, at the lowest computation, to millions ot dol lars? Must I again remind yon that not even tho Department of Justice ba been tree from taint, aud that, under the late Attorney-General, offi cers whose duty it was to prosecute tbe guilty were greater criminals than the men they prosecuted r Man's idea is to amend and turn over a new leaf, and so work his way up to re-conciliation and friendship with God : the Gospel way is first to be friends with God through Christ, and then to work. Mutual infirmitios, necessarily known to one another, and together confessed to the Father in Heaven, may unite ns more closely than common success and joy. c Al'TION. AM peraoaa are hereby eaatloaed agalatt per ebasiag er la ety way meddling with the follow pieperty, aow ia the peaseaeion of Wat. Kinder u, ef Urmdy towaaaip, vis t One fall set of wacoa-aMker's toola, a lot of oak aad aab lam bar, thro wreaehoa, one aal strive, aae eook etove aad pipe aae grind-ateae, aae set babe, lot af dreeeed apoaaa, lot er Baft wood, Iwe trade aad bedding, aae aet ehalrs, eaoeloek, two wash tabs, on meat stand, one table, two hiobiag-glaaees, lot of ererka, lot tie were, aae eow, lot ef hay, aad lot af potatoes. This property wee pareaaeed by aa at Coaefeble'a aale, aad Is left with bim aa loaa labieot to my order. FRKDUKICK KNARft. Trout. ilia, tV, Oet, tb, U7J H. c AUTION.- All Mffcma an. berak eawtloaed aiatnet varebaiiagor la any way meddllag with th rel ieving peraoaal property aow la the peaeeeeloa or ftobeA Beat, af Bell towaahia. vlat I alack mare, 1 plow, 1 harrow, I log ehala, N baehele of Wheal,! aawee or eera, aa aatnoia at oat, i bat-bale of lMwhat, I bed aad bwddieg, 1 table, 4 ehair. 1 stork, 1 leokiBg glees, I lamp, 1 sat ditbse. I tnb, I barrel salt, S bogs. I grain areata, 1 sevtb, I etove, 4 teed etraw, a the eaiae was srafTihaaad by me at Coaatable'e eale ea tha 4th woywf Oe4oaea awd-ts tots with bias on raea ewly, sobjeet to my ardor, J. B. KLLI&. Rumbarger, Oat. ll,7 lt All pereona aro h.ntiy waraod araiart par obaiing or io any way meddling with the follow ing property, now In tho p.lie.ioa of Melon. Barelay A Panlal, of New Washington, oil : I ot ainglo harneae, 14 eollari, a fut ef bornee. loalhrr, aad a large lot of aad.llei, hardware aad trimming!. Tbia property waa porehaied by mo at Sheriff ' aal., and la loft in tbo noMoeoiia of the partial earned, autyoat to my order ol nay time. JAMES OALLAIIIIER. New Wwblugtoa, Oct. 11, '7.-31 ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Nblie. il hereby gl.ea that Lallan of Ad miaiilration on the onu or LORENZO O. PRICE, late or Plao lownebip, Cloarleld oonnty, Pa., deeeed, baring boon duly graalod to tho uodrnigned, all penom indebud to eaid eotnte will plea, mahe immediate payment, and tbew baring olaiml or araanda will enroot them properly aothoutieatod for i.m.m.ot wlthoot delay, SARAH J, PRICE, ' HENRY BILE, Carweairlllo, Oet. U, TMt Adm'ra. DMINISTRATOK'S NOTICR. Nolle. Io hereby glroa that Lotion of Ad ml.lrtralioe an thaaatateof JOS I AH HOCKEN. 11KKKY, kloof F.rgaioB top., Cloorield ronaty, Pa., deeeeied, baring boon duly granted to tbo andenlgnod, art poneas tadobtod to eatd oatalo will plaoeo mono Immediate payment, aod there aariog etalml or domaado agaiaot the mm wIU preorot them properly aathootieetod tor oottle meat wlthoot delay. EMANUEL HILDEBRANO, Kurd, Pa., Oet. tin, 'IJ-dt.l Admlololrerer. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notleo la hn.hy gloea that Letten of Ad mlnlrlialiu. oa the oilate of JOHN CRE9S WKLL, Ba, lato of Oolieb towaahlp. Cloarleld ooonty Pa., drooaied, baring boaa duly granted to the andenlgnod, oil penoaa tadobtod to Bold tale will e.oM mahe immediate aaymeat, aad th. e harlagal.ima or domaado will oreoootlaem prop.rly autb.alloal.d for Mttlem.nt witb.ut d.Uy. JAMKSFLYNN. Smith'! Mllle. Rent 1,, It U Adm'r. lXKCUTOR'S NOTICE. I J Notlrj. h henby giro, that lettm t.eta mrutery baring been granted to teembMrlber oa lb. eitale of JOHN RIHHKL, doseoeod, leto of Diwly towaibtp, Cirargold ooonty, l'.eeeylrente, alt pereona tnd.htod to Mid oelnt. on rotnotled to mala Immedioto payment, nad tboM Baring alaimo .galoot tbe aimo will prevent them duly intheallealod for aotllemeat. i. ADAM R1SNEL. Lalbmharg. Boat. M, ltd Eleoabar. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICR Nnila. u b.nby glf on that Lotlore of A I mlaiilralioa oa the estate or UEO. W. 8IIOFF, lato of Ueeoarle lownahl,. Cloarlotd ooaaly, Pa., deoeoaod. boring beea duly graalod 10 tbo eador Ifaed, all pononi lodeblod to aaid eel I wifl Cleoeo mahe Immediate payment, aud taooo oeing . oleime r demand! win pneeat tbem Jroparly aalboatleated for orttlement wilbeat loy. ALBERT 0HOFF, Madera, Fa., 8ept. M, llla-ti Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Nolle, la hereby gloea that Letem ef Ad. miolotnllia oa tbi omoio of BAeJUBL POWIL, In. of cleeeSeM aoreegw, CWseld eeaeiy, ,-, deoeoaod, borlag beea doly graalod Io lao aaaor- Hgaoa, all aaroaaa leamble ia ooid aleaeo mahe Immedlele pvaMai, a4 baeoe oaoag ouumo or aeoaoaai am areeoat laoea proper), aaabaatteouol I aaulemoat w tenet iemy. A.atATB, 0ioaraaM,ea.U,Un4, . AeWi.! tti'$ tfalawa, Wm. Rood BOOM NO. S, OPERA HOUSE, It now receiving new fall goods of which he invites the attention of catb buvere. Is agent for this county Tor Hate Detnorest's papr patterns, tbo beat in tba market. A full a seo rt merit or fall and winter styles juu received. When the season arrives will have a full line of millinery goods, with an experienced trim mer that will suit the tastes of all. OPERA HOUSE, BOOK It O. M, Wm. Rood, CWeei,$wai.t,M. - , awe.HTe Crarittfi, U. j71r017I3. jTBXSD, An GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Harlot Street, eme tw weed ef Blaaeoe) Moves. ClearmeM, Pa. Seep ouaataatly oe bjaaA SUDAN, COFFEI, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, STRIP, SALT, SPUES, SOAF, ,. . Coined aad Dried Fralu, Tobaooe, Clgin, Oea- dlaa. Older Vlaogay, Batter, Iggs, Ao. ALSO, EXTRA OhtE.MADB Wheat and Buckwheat Floor, Cora Meal, Chop, Fsed, ac, All of whleh wIU be oeld oboaa for oaak er la oaoboogo for eoeatry prodeeo. CU.ri.ld, N.r. II, lITS.-tf JBMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Weald traset felly notify the awhile geaereJly that be has removed his tlroeory Rio re frooj (thaw's Row, Io Iho halMiag formerly ewewpied by J. Mile KnUer, am Bsoowd iaet. Mil dear to Bigler1 hardware store, wears be iatoada ke-Weag full Itae at UIIOCEBIE8. HAMS, DRIED BEEF aad LARD. BUOAB8 aad Rl RPP8, of oil grodoe. TEAS, Sreoa and Block. COFFEE, Beeotod ead Aran. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJJTjrED FHVITM, All bind, la the market. FICELES, ia Jan ead befr.ll. SPICES, la orery farm ead rarloty. FAMILY FLOUR, AIX KINIMOSCRACKKaS. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRTED FEACHEit, DRIED CHERRIES, Oosi OH aad Lamp CTUmxLtyf. And e cued oeoortmeal of tboeo thing, aaaally hep! ia a greeery More, wblrb ho will eiraeage tor meraeung at lao mornm pnooa Will Ml for oaek eo ebeaply aa aay ether eae. FUee. eolt led eae all Moot aad Jedgo for real Nit. JOHN etcOAUUHEY, CUeri.ld, May ST, It7t. G ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Rooeow to LTTLS MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND U ETA II, DEALER IN , CMOICB USE OP TEAS. OOLON0S, JAFANS. ' IMPERIAL, TOl'NO HYSON. NOLI8H 1R1AKFAST Paraot la Market. VTTBB ARD BOG Will be kept ead Hid at Bret ooot. Caah paid oar voeairy rroaaee. SESMAM CHERRIES, , TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, ,. PHILADELPHIA HAMS rum. Meekeret, Lake Berrtag, Cod, Aa. PICKLf. Barrel Flekloa aad BagHik FlokUa. PLOD R AMD PEED. Fleer, Cera Meal, Oat Maal, Ao. meblTt JAS. II. LYTL1. CHEAP GROCERIES! LUMBRR CITY. FA Tho eadenlgaed aaaeaaoea to hll eM friaad. aad patroal that ho kao oaoaod a nod line ot vnwiH a rRui iniuns at tae eie nun of Elrk A Bpoeoor, for wkleh ho eelielli o llheral aatroaaga, oj. w. erartCKn Umbo. CHy, Pa- Marok M-af. B OOT AND SHOE MARINO. J08IFIB.DEERINa.ea Market otneL la Shaw-e Row, Cloertal. Pa., kao yaol reeelred a See let ef Freaek Oalf Skiae aad Ripe, the keel la lao market, aad Io aow propone lo maa ametara erorythlag la hll llae. lie wIU war . real hie ork to be ae roeroooated. The elttoeee af Clearaeld aad rlelarit. an iB.reewoiiy BBTieoa ea gtoo BIOJ 011. wont aoeo aa aaon aotioe. TiiS'TI, E08AArL0IIBAr;-irV, Seorgla er Florida, aboald oabMrlbo or eh. aniaa aawa, pabllobod at Soraooah, Ca. ,1,1 . ,1 aor oaaam. AdoaMlaan .rlri.g .oetomere ie thooo Sulot, should on Iu Mromaa. A w me i4 aoaor . laeeoolteoel. Spnimo ooploo oeat ea ronlpt ef t eenle. Ad ArootJ. a. UTILI,Savaeak, Ua. I ll Im HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The Boan aad Lot .a tbe eoraer ef Mar boa ead Fifth Mreeta, Cleerteld, Pa., la for eel. Tho tot oiaeaeai aoarly ea one ef groaad. Tho o e urge aeaon irame, ooatatatag alao Far lorona aad ethw iaformolsoo ouul. U Ike oabMrlher, at the Post OBn. eeria F. A. SAULIN. M EAT "MARKET. F. M. CARDOH A BB0., Rear ef Pi. i Opera Boaao, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arraagemeeli are rf tbe moot nmpleie rboraetar for Paraiehlag Iho puhlle wllb Fruk "o ef all klad, aad ef the eery hoot eoality. WeoaweMbhallhbadoer A nlaalaaral imple oata. whwk we keea oa eiathlitea far the aaa- oat of Ike anblw. Col aroaad wbea la tewa, aad lake e took ea Iklaga, er addnn ui C aa. OAROON m BRO. Clearaeld. Pa, J.I, li, iila-tf. jRESH MEAT MARKET. M. 0. BR0V7H A BRO., Markal SI, Slow I old. .i . WeaM aaaeeeoa le the otriwai ef the Iowa aad otelBily thai they 0111 keep the moat Market at Ike eM sal, when She, U1 beep rreh M, Val ktsttoa and) Umb, el lbs 8ntat oaalilies. Maemot are tare Toe ode, a, Thanaayi aad aomo nro. mna aa a ean. Jaw Ms-tea M. . BROWN A BRO. I eaaaiiFjes o bvsbv aasoaiv r noeaoaai, oaeealo at IBM oSoa. g atria. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Merbel Bt , hot. Third end Perth,) CLeCAMolitLO, tA. Tbo oabooriner borlog beeomo proprietor of ibl butel, weald roopootfelly eah a liberal .ban f poblie pairoaago. Prwee redneod to .ait the ttMoe. Ja.M-tAiif. . - tt. L. LEIP0LD T C usqu kuanna-houbh7 O UURWSNHVILLK, PA. NEWTON READ, Paoraiatwn. Baring beeomo proprietor of Ibll BoUl, t weaM reajjeeUaily oelielt lao potroaago ef Iho pwtiM. Uoaea leaoaatly aad ooavoalaaUy elt eelod j a wl, nlttea aad referalibod i good earn pie ruome attached. AU railroad traiaa atop at able kaetoe. )eale-fe SilAW HOUSE, (Oar. ef Market A Froat etreeU,) OLMARFIELD, PA.' Tbo nedoniguod borlag hahra ohorgo of thll Hotel, woeld roapoetfully .olleit poblie p.lronag.. Je.l'Ta 1. K. FULLEKTON. ASHINGTON IIOIIH E NEW WASHINOTON, FA. Tbla aow and well forai.tUHi boaro baa beoo take by tho aadoraigood. Mo feole ermfldont of being able to neder eetlifeetioa to tbooewbo m.y faror eta. with a aaU. Nay,, 171. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop',. M OMTOUSl alOUSB, Oppealse the Court Hoeee, LOCI; J1AVEM,, PCJJII'A. J.U7I HAU8BAL A KROM, Prop a. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, -PHILIPSliURO, PENN'A. Table el way. lonptled with tbo beet tbe market af urdi. The trereliag peblte li larlted to oolL avi,7s. auaanr .uiu. THE MANSION HOUSE. O rawer Baaondawd Market Btreeta. CLBABKILD, PA. TBI I aid aad sommodloa Hotel has. dariag th post year, been enlarged ta doable Its Curve or eepaeit for the eatortatamewl of straa gar aal tweets. Tha whole baildlag ha beea rru rati bed, aad ia proprietor win apstre a paiaa to reader hi gaesta eeaslorUel while eiayiag with bim. aav-rba 'Mtaalea Hoeee" 0 m el bee rvae u aad rea th Depot oa th arrival and departar f aaeh trala. JOHN DOUOllKhTT, aprd.rt if Proprietor Hanks. r. s. atteoL. U. W. ARSOLB. t. a. ARot.a F. K. ARNOLD A CO., nun kern and Broker, ReymeldevUle. Setrerao Co., Pa, Moa.y rooetrod oa depoelt. DiM-oonta at mo derate nut. Eartora and Ponian Birbangeal wari on hood aad oollretions promptlr made. Reyaolderltlo, Deo IS, ISM.. ly County National Bank, Or CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM h Maaoaia Ratlding. oa. door eorlh of C. O. Weleoa'. Drag Store. P.ego Tiahrti to ood tram Lieerpeol, Qeeoai towa, 0 la.gow, Loudwa, Peri, and Coponbag... Alee, Drafti for aalo on the Royal Bank af aod Imperial Banh of Loadoa. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prer't. W. M. BHAWCaihlor. e,:.M DREXEL & CO., We. S4 enlh Third Street, Philadelphia BjUTKKRH, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applioatloa by mail will rooeiro prompt atlea tloa, aad all laformatloa ebeorfully furni.hed Ordon eolieted. Aprllll-tf. JfiitiStru. J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., Ofl.ce over Irwin' Drag Utor CURWEKSriLLE, PA AH dental eporatioaa. either ia the meebaoie.! er oporotiro braaeb, promptly oltendml lo oad oatlafaotioa gaoraateod. Kpoeial otlvntloo paid to tbo treatment of dinoeoe of tbe natnrel leeib, game aaA mooth. Inegalarlty of tho Imh aor. oeoerully oorrortod. Twll eilroelrd wilboal peio by the an of Ether, and artilioial tertb Insrd of the bort material and warnnted to nnd.r rat. Iifa.tloa. aprllS'7l:l, D ENTISTRY.- Ha viae determiaad ta leeate In Corwrnsvilla for tbo rarpoao of paraslog my proleaaina, I hereby offer my servir t the pabtle. I hate jaet laiehed a term af dental lastrectfona aaler tb beet teaeliere ef th Peaneylvenia College ef Desatel rturgsrry ta Philadelphia, and am a prepeml to esevata all work pertaining le sjfat- IPVi V iu, arvwi marai arr , wvai mw lairrt iau w anebtm. All work aaraatead to give entire aat Irieetissa a ta quality aad darallwa. Teotk at traeted without paia. Rooai la new Bank beilti tag. For farther Information apply In perana er address . 1 II rHOIfPttON, Carwewarille, Pa. A . M . HILLS Weald rsrpaetfally notifr bii petlrnta that he haa red need the prise of ARTI FICIAL TBaTTH to I.N ter aet. or $S-w for a eVoable aet. For any Iweporeuaa oomlag at th same time, ta bare eek m apper art, will get tba two set for tV.0, r 9IT.M aaeh. Term lavariably CAai. Claarflald, Jaly 1, 1874. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, wBot-asata aiiLaa is WINES AND LltJUOIta, , ' , CLEARFIELD, PA. My plan of buslooas io on Morhet etrect, di rectly oppoelto th. Court Houn, when I drtira to hnpe foil Mock of PliaE LIUI'ORS. ud will warraat thorn to be Mah to my enMuaten. Gir. eae a mil. Joly II, '7t-'.f. WHOLESALE UQU0R STORE. At tha end of th new bridge, WEST C1.1ARFIELD, FA. Tt.0 proprietor of this eeUbltehmeat will bay hla liquor direst from diatillsrs. Partiea bering from thia bourn will be aore to get a par anieie at a amall aaargia above sort. Hotel kepera eae bo faralahed with liqaora oa .roaaoMbto terna. Pare wiae and bread tea dirt frtm Pee lay l Vlnrrr, at Balb, Mew York. UBORUR m. coLnt'k.t. Clearflfld, Joao H, DTTPl? DVV WUTCFV 1 VAIU 1I1U Tl 111UJV1. Wa again oall your at tea tloa tw the above eU brated brand of gooda, auad we do so with theree rietiooj that there if a great want existing among ft vaat namler of peraoae who are rompellrd t aae, medieiaallr er otherwise, a pare whisky. T eapply this want we offer Hallrja Par yd), aa artiele whieb has beoo before the punli for ft Member of yearn, ita repaiatioa ataadiag high as a thoroughly reliable atlmaUat aanag medical men. As aa evidence, qutte a number of aor eailneat pbylaae preacrlb It to the axele sloa af all others. aWiag awd aa tha beet knowa aeWatine pris eiplee, from tba eboloaat greta, aad by preetieel distillerr), It rotatna a delightful fletor, aad, greatly improved by age. Make il largely wagkt after by Iret alaaa bia and drngtrisu. (thwald yto deaire ae giv thi wbivby a trial, aad are la doaat aa to whether year hetol or dreg gift horp It, (not having nae of oar aigna diaplay -ed.) write to as and we aball b moat happy t dlreot yoa ta the peraeoa who haadle our goods ift yowr neighawrboosl. We ere alao sle proprietor and manufaetnreri of the well-known D R. P tK K B H TONIC 1IKK0 BITTRRH, a blob haa been eueeeesfelly aaad for over thirty y snar u ft Bleod Paviner, eett-Ua-papti aad Toaie. IUTKY A CIIRI8T, taek2473 III N Third St., Pbiladelpkia. O. I. c. VtT'HERE la boy my DRY U00DS, 0R0 notioae, uonrrotlonerin, AO., ebeap lor ea. The eubaorlbor ben ware to Inform bli ale e A VARIETY STORE IN OLEN HnPE, PA Aad will eell a-ooda al nrlna to anil the tlojil. liberal roduetina will b. mad. to nitomer, ea; log el wholeeale. elMwhen. A llheral ihan of pablle palroaag milled. I all m hmi mmm Burro..!" C. I. KEAflY. Illoa Hope, Pa., J.aa It, IS? I. ljCTI(jlIiRIN"a Tbo aadmlga.d woeld nepntfully lofeno i ollleenl of Clnrteld ond rlrlnlty lhat he u I nn anon notleo, and aa roeaoaaoi. roree. Bills, Posten, Programmes, aad othor odrlrt' p-i.ud and diitrlbulnl la lb. moat r" plaeM. A ah.n ef puhlle potraneg. li " r N. L. ROBIN Menhir, t-tf, - Clwleld, T30B kALE.-The aaderelinod aferr or Clnrlold. Lot MalSi foot, wllb a gon Men aleak Sown leerooa orntod, with X w.iTwisnn lew! Mnn i. mm.1 aB alM ui fca. hJ noma op Hoon lolakod nmplote freei nlmrwat Oeeo) deaale penk aad goad waur. Prhs naahle ea4 pormeet. oaay. SaaagTg WM. M. MoODLLOD