Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 20, 1875, Image 2

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    " .1'
' Ueouoi B. Goodlandik, Editor.
R.,.,1.,.. If mi want to know what li aolng n
In the builnoie world, Jolt rend oar ilvrtllnj
aoluaiua, tba .tyweiol oolumn in particular, i
.''. I roil IIOVKRNOIli
Of Sobuytklll Connty. '
. lf Bradford County. . ,
democratic; county tickkt. i
. rn mhatob.
Pit. T.JKl'H. BUYER, of Clonrfiuld.
- roa fuunnu, r
J. BLAKE WALTEH9, of Clearfield.
eon ciMHMiaiOrltae.
'" ftAUK BltOWN, of Lawrence.
ran tmiTfise.
r. .1 KEAfiY. of lleeenria.
8AHi A. CAI.PWKMi, of Bradford
f ,,. . FOB CO HON It B-
. J, 11. XEFF, of Npw WasliinKtoii.
;, Cbiuluy Ross, "in wax," is now nil
the go in the museums in our large
,- Au nxenraion train of twenty-five
car left Allontowii on Wednesday lust.
to visit the Centennial ground at
The IIahnkss On. .Senator Wallace
addresses the Democrats oft bo South
wost at Pittsburgh on Thursday night.
lie is also posted ibr Mercer, Union
town, Mifflintown and Doylotttown,
"lioNBTJp." Xho Golden Age, Tboc-
The material was sold by the Sheriff,
and bought by the proprietor of tli
Xativn. The paper will bo consolidated
with tbo Xalinn. .
Governor Cnrtin is addressing
monster Democratic mooting ut liolle
f'onte as wo go to press. "Our War
Oovernor" is taking tho hido off tho
backs of the Stato Treasury rats, llo
knows all about them, and can tell it
too in a very, effective manner.
Tbo Cincinnati Enquirer, of Wednes
day luvt, in alluding to tho result In
Ohio, says :
" ''Tito men with iclfi'k inlcreiti wore prompt to
nrrny thcmwlvel oa Hit lido of capital, bat Ike
Fioor. bllad, deluded mueoa fell eaay vietimi to
prejudhie. Tnouiandi of poor men yeetertiay
eait their fotel for llayofl who will feel tho eold
hand or want before Spring . When the eruihing
hard tiwieo eenia they will remember tha lout
opportunity. '
A Radical Bi.exsino. 'J'lie Hunting
don Loeal Xeici, of tho 13th lust., says :
"Odo handred and eighty employee of the
rcaoiylrania Hallroad were discharged oa Hal
arrday. They were employed ae Craok baadi be.
teen Lewi.towa and Altoona, many of whan
narahomeein this plaee. Tbie may be eoniid
n.J au iuiliratloo of a hard winter for tbe uncm
ployed." Well, ooiitiniio to vote for Radical
officials and there, will soon bo Rome
more turned off.
A Damnable Fraitj Tho circula
tion i of a Wall . Street newspaper
throughout this .State by tho Radical
journalists and postmaster without
tho payment of postage This act is
as niuch against the law as horse atcal
intr. ; Yot. wo Lavq half a dozen ot
Iiadical newspaper bcfnro us which
liavo this New York paper folded in
side, for tho purpose of defrauding tho
Fostoflico Dopiii tment out of tho post-
ago which should bo paid. ;
Ballot Box Suiting. As an in
stances of Radical voting in Ohio, we
refer to tho vote cast in tho Sixth
Ward, In Cleveland. In 1873, tho
wholo vote polled was only 1,353, and
Allen's competitor had 410 majority.
' At tbo recent election, tho election
board figured a majority of 1,235
, ngaiiwtAllcn, being within 118 of tho
wholo vote polled two years ago. Tho
Philadelphia Pilgrims oould not put up
a bettor job than that.
Wanted A Cabinet officer to pro-
Hide over tho Department of tbe inte
rior. Secretary Delano's place is still
vacant. J no appointee will bavo a
third tern guaranteed, if iioecssnry, as
an inducement to tuke tho place. It
is nndcrstood that a halfa score of good
men liavo refused the appointment.
How Htiango, that a Cabinet offiou
should go a begging to find a bead. Js
it bocauso corruption reigns supremo
at Washington ....
---..-! J
Loyal Strateut. Radical campaign
Documents are now being circulated
by the thousands all ovor this Btate,
by being folded inside of Radical newt
pers, and tho editors thereof assist
voluntarily in violating tho plain lcttor
and spirit of the Post Ofll eo laws, and
designedly defraud tho Department
nut of thousands of dollars of Postage.
How can that "Jowcll" of a P. M. Gen
ral quietly look on Mid allow this
' wholesale fraid to be perpetrated right
under his nose?
'fin Deadlock Broker. Tho
Democratic1 Conference of this Sena
torial District succeeded at their third
session to nominate Dr. Boyor for
Senator, on tho 21Cth IwUlot, on Friday
evening last, at Tyrono. Our ticket
therefore, complete. Now, lot every
Democrat go to work for tho tickot,
the whole ticket and mailing but tbo
ticket, and labor constantly until tho
evening of tho 2d of November ooxt,
fur the success of all our nominee.
'i'h political horizon is Woming
brighter ane) brighter all around us,
Indicating dearly that we will gain a
glorious victory ovor tlx for of good
govtruinent in the) contest before us.
. -. i - j
, . Tn Ohio Kbaws. Two years ago
- the Democrats of Ohio polled only
' 210,0110 vote and elected Win. Allen
' T!vcrnor by 817 majority. ' It is true
; ltat iboro.was a Temperance ticket in
oo i.e.. bwojeare, agu - cu x.,yublt ialoniat ju- men is so glaring
wc-riy ilw.w ,lu., - . v u nu-. H..
the IrndoroU -wore still In a minority
jit that time.' Tt, last week otrrparty
friends polUd noivrlj- 3p0,t00 voto and
WOM SUM UeloateU. , ureal irUUU
'oni.wbml ; 'An exohang. remark;
' 'O it ertl arrant ie,' wae tbe doctrine
.vr -. Ck-oiaw an rioe.nn.U rare,..
rZ'T.. . .t- 8S.1 r Btt) in Jbtftwbcri but U will fail.
and elwt a tlevorner, and Ibe rfMibllMa Slate i , . ' .
ComaaitMintweaMFWoeer.'' j IUdlcalism M ooutnod in this State.
The frauds rwrpctrated by tbe Hadi. The crimes of that party are too potent
cal in tho two citie indicated gave to be overlooked Ivy tbe moat thcught
lhom their dear bought victory. Jlcss voter.
Democrats of Clearfield county, oir
ticket Is now (iiimpleto and one whir b
tho party may wyll foel proud of. ,
i he voters ol this t oniDjonwetalih
huvo never liaufthu nuniei of two hot
ter men presented for thsir snf.Vugo,
than tlinsovtif I vri s L. Pfusmno and
Vktob b. I loLLkT. The election of
thoso two gentlemen to thu Mifllees of
Governor and Htuto Troasurijr will bo
a decided iinprovemcnt In tho way of
integrity and ability on tho present
inoumbents, who have dubbletl in all
th,o littlo ring jobs goi,tei( up at llar
riaburg tho pusl iM years nntil
their personal inlogiity is soiled all
over'.' --" "' I
Our District and County tickets are
componed of excellent men. For Htnto
Senator, we have Dr. T.J err. Boter,
who baa boon a resident of the county
tor over twonty-flve years and known
to everybody In the county. Ho lias
boroloforo represented our county for
tbroo yours in the lower branoh of tho
Legislature. II iMoxporicnee and ability
fully qualifies him to bo tho successor
of Senutor Wallace in tho State Senate
Of his triumphant clwtion there is, ol
dourxo, no doubt. ! .! ,
J. Blake Walters, of Clearfield
borough, is our nominee for County
Treasurer. 11c was born in the coun
ty, and, liko bis father, is an uuvoni
promising Democrat, possesses rare
business qualifications, and will, there
fore, make a first-class officer. With
out discounting the qualifications of
former candidates, wo will volunteer
tho assertion that the voters of this
county have never bad a more compe
tent gentleman presented for their
suffrages for this office than Mr. Wal
ters. Clark Brown, of Lawrence town
ship, and Thomas A. MoGke, of Boll
township, are our nominees for County
Commissioners, Three Commissioners
are to bo elected, iu accordance with
the now Constitution, but no elector
can vote for more than two candidates ;
honce, tho Democrats can elect but
two, and the Radicals oue. Mr. Brown
was born in Lancaster couuty, and re
moved to this county thirty-six years
ago. Mr. McCicc was born in Hunting,
don county, and removed to this coun
ty with his father in 182C, when ten
years of ago. The former is a number
ono farmer, and has served in the
capacity of Commissioner tho past two
years with entire satisfaction, lis tho
result of our primary election fully
established. His Democracy end hi
ability for tho position cannot be dis
counted. He belongs to a large Demo
cratic family, and having always been
a good worker in tbo parly, be deserves
this compliment at tho bands of his
party friends. Mr, Met tee, liko his
associate, is also a representative of a
large family of Democrats, residing in
tho upper end of the county, all of
whom have been active party workers.
By profession he is a miller, but has
boon extensively engaged in lumbering
and farming. Ho possesses excellent
business qualifications and bis lurgo
experience in all branches of trade will
spocially qualify him for the offlco bis
party friends have tendered him.
For County Auditors, our party
friends have been particularly fortunate
in their selection. Ciiristiak J.
IvEAnr, of Beccnria township, and
Samuel A. Caldwell, of Bradford
township, will mako excellent officers.
Both have served in tbe capacity of
Justice of tho Peace in their respective
localities, and aro good accountants.
They woro both born in tho county,
and also belong to large families. I heir
Democracy is above suspicion, as well
as (heir knowledgo of hooka and
We know ull these gentlemen person
ally, as woll as their Radical opponents.
And we know further, that if a Demo
crat (as they always do) wants to Vote
for thoso who aro the most eomjictent
for tho positions indicated, lie will tfis-
count his ticket awfully by exchanging LpC0,.UUI on Nwiday. We presume
it for tbo Radical candidates. Abetter l)l0 i,.v. gonlleman has buen preach
ticket than ours was never offered to ing ,ermons on Hunduy and ro
tho voters of Clearfield county. ferrcd of course to tho temporanco
The Piluuim Plak. It appears
that the olectinu officers in the lead i PL'
cities of Ohio, at the recent ela tion
adopted tho Philadelphia Pilgrim plan
of repeating and counting, ospocially
in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus and
Toledo. A Columbus Dispatch states
that tbo Democratic Stato Committee
'are in possession of startling evidence
of tho most oxtensivo frauds having
boon committed in tho elections in
Cleveland and Columbus. In these
cities tbo bonost voto would have giv-n
Alton a hanasomo majority. As they
aro now counted they glv Hays
majority of ovor seven thousand."
Tbero is no doubt hut that tbo Demo
crat re-cloctkd Gov. Allen, but do has
been counted out just as Asa Packer
was in this State six yenn ago, when
Weary was counted in, so as to help
tho Evan steal through, Xow both
are dead, while Mr. Packer and bis
party aro carrying everything before
A Contest. Tbo Democratic Stato
Central Committee of Ohio ha given
notice through their Chairman, that tbe
election for Governor, will bo con tested
The frauds perpetrated in tho largo
cities at the recent election aro too no
torious to allow (hem to pass, and
thereby scat ltayoa th liadical candi
date for Governor, who has becu elected
by the grossost frauds ever perpetrated
ou the ballot box in any State. Forco
or fraud ha boon the game of the Radi
cal leaders for years. low much longer
tho people will submit to uo slaves, it
is bard to say. But, we bopo that the
party grounded upon "grand moral
ideas" will qait mbearsjng the crime
of negro slavery while yiggod in fur
higher crime frauds, perjury and
JbRAsiNO. The Democratic city com-
mkte of rbiladclphia.brotigbt tho fact
to the notice of the Court that the
Radical Assessor of that cify bad placed
about 15,000 fictitious name on th
Registry, list it voter. Tho fraud u-
jn,-cg of tl Coyrt ,gv0 feu,
striking off from four to five hundred
name daily tbo past week, and by
lection day will bare a pretty clean
u,. The eonrlnet nf th. A I.
tI,ftt cty ,how the desperate effort
I , , T ,. , , . . . ,
KM Radicals are making to cam- he
(iov. llti il )un It hus been playing the
roll ol the ICIcplniiit, ut a circus, in thut
he has been the chief article on exhibi
tion t all the military trainings and
county faii'4. fbr tho past month. - In
view of bis app liii'lnientt lor tho local
ity ol Lancaster, tho Intelligencer of
that city, has hunted up a Alu of tho
KepreM one of tho Radical organs of
that county, and clips some tbreo year
old sayings from that now vehement
Hnrtranft mouthpiece. Now, if his
Excellency was tho man then photo-
graphed, what has silica changed the
' We are no artist, but wo would just
liko to know how these sudden trans
formations occur. The liryrm was
fur mom truthful in 1872 thun in 1675,
as tho extracts below fully establish.
Bead thorn:
Bipreei, July I, INN'
fAe Boft'JiW afmetpae" fe eormof and need
porllloattoa. The only eertaln way to do Ihle li
to withdraw llarlranll and Alloa aad mbatltuto
tea la whom tbe nubile have aonftdenea. or. la
tble l;ao!doao,lo dreof (era, at le pojf and tbae
taiu'u eorrupt nogs a eehitary leaaoa.
lrrlea iioetllreir teetlhea that be aa d Hart.
raaft tudlrldually thoueaade ordollarafor Drofitl
an apeealetloae oa meaty brlueeiao to lae Stnf aaa
placid fa Ai'a kmdt or lAnf L-arpoee Ay John f.
." .ruiii BHO nooe'l n.MarUrf The ebarrei
aiteetlair. hie oomrtelrhe for hie ietegrily or both
etaad entirely duprvrad.
I KipreM. July 8.1
A role for llartrann la a direct etidorietneat of
tbo eorrupt and tyraoaioal rule of the treaaury
' . (KipreM, July IS,
Tiiti riot: Waal their frieud Hartranfl la tbe
gubrroauirial ehair, who will appoiat a eeerotary
of the commonwealth, who ai a nieotlier of the
board of ooiniuireionere of Ibe aiokiug toad, will
oo.operaio wita ar. ataekey in keeping Ike eeerete
of the "rault aeoouol" invlulala.
IKinrei. Julv 30.1
Ta tay nothln( of hit (llartraan'i) manlfeet
oompllelty wttk tbe Krana Iraude. bie owa eotree
pondeliee with bie broker etiowe that be wae oa-
gagrd with Ataekey In borrowing tbe Stale fundi,
if not la eperulaiiog wilb Iheni ae le pworn to by,
ine Bene uruaer.
(Eipree. Aug. 13.
The InterrO on J, kill, Sua 111 woald bo 19S,
102.31. Tliie le what It, the tai-
payen of tbn Itate ia interett alone to perpotoate
iiirrionrg ircaaarj rmr;oi i.etneMB, .MaeKey
Uartranlt A Co. Coutinuo tbil iniemaa-
agemeut three ycara longer aud It wiU eoet the
taipayera over hiir a million dollara Intereil
aloael We reipevtally aubmit that tbia la pay
ing too dear for lite whittle erea If it bal a Ue
publloaa nouthpleoo.
Kiprett, Aug. IS.)
The downfall of tbe eorrupt Tammany ring In
New York foretbadona the fate of the no
lete eorrupt eombioatioa at Ilarritbnrg, whieh
baa been ruling our politiea and our Slate gueera -went
with an Iron band.
IKaprtM, Aug. It
Wlioee only oajeet it to keep Juha F.
ItbrtranH, R. W. alaokee and other eoniDirntora
agaiatt the treaaury out of tAe ntNitoNtiory.wArrt
tAty wWd Ae te-cfoi If the eetao equal and eiaet
juiuoe were uKieu out lo inea at oat neea vleited
upon Yorkea.
IKiiirott, Aug. IT.)
Tbe faett wo have pretented tbow oonoluelrely
that Uartranfl and Allen are nnworlhy tbe taf-
fragot of bonett men. How etn honeat
men eonteitnlloutly role for Ibem on tbe ground
of txptHliouoy.
Tho editor of tho Tyrone Herald,
get off the following cheeky Ding: ''It
must require n good deal of check on
the part of Democratic editors, to as
sail tho record of (rov. llartranft,"
Well, tho Philadelphia Vecs in Sep
tember 1872, in alluding to "the ro.
cord of tbo liovernor," said:
llartranfi't arountwith Yrrket atiuwt that Ibe
former gambled in tlooke to ap amount aggregat
ing 171111,001) in one year IStI and that he had
Bo laargia oa dapoiit worth mentioning. Tbe ia
fernnoe ia, of oouree, that tbore fancy itut-ke were
earried if Yerktt wrara,"with moory belonging
to the Commonwealth af Penntylrania."
Never have the ohargee agaiatt any publle
man been eo eleerly proven aa Iboae ngaintt
Auditor tleneral llartranft. He bee been fvra
Tieted of unrailbruloaae aaan oflolal,with epeon
laling wilb tbe bondi of the Commonwealth, aad
wilb allying himtelf with a bead nf eorrupiion
lata. Not a eingle inbttantial aniwar baa been
made to Bay of tbe aooueatione agaiatt bin.
Oae of tbe moot damaging oountt In the long
Indlelment agalnet Utatrtl llartraoft la vmnee
tionably that eooneetlog bim direetly with Maokey
and Yerket, the broker in eti ek giimbling opera.
Uooe, carried oa wab tba Btata moaeya, Ibe
proofa of tbit are abiolutely eoaelHtire.
If tho editors in question want cithor
mora truth or cheek, let thorn search
tho files of tho PreM during July, Au
gust and September, 1872.
TllK other Ox (ioued. Long before
and during tho war it was all right
when a clergyman abused the Demo
crats and "coppcrhoads" right roundly
on Sunday, but now it is considered a
crime by the extra godly If a olorgy-
man makes a Temporanco srioecb on
Sunday. Objections aro made to Rev.
i jt A, Brown, tho prohibition oandiduto
for f;overnor, making temperance
couso. We really cannot see tho force
of such objections, when mado by Ro
! publicans at all cvonla. Wo rpmom-
bor before tho war, preacher took
eseciul pains, in thoir sermons, to
give Democrat "flu" on Sundays as
well as on other days, and Republicans
said it was all right Now, when thoir
ox i getting gored they bellow liko
tho "hull of Bashan." Poor fellows;
they aro in n bad fix.
Death of the Attobnev Oeneral.
Hon. Samuel K. Dimmick, Attorney
( of t10 Stato of Pennsylvania,
died fixim an attack of unoumoiiiu, at
the Locbit'j Hotel, Hnrrisburg, on
Monday a week, the lth inst. Ho
wept to Harrisburg on the 5th, fo rtt
tend tlu) meeting of tho Board ot Par
dons, and was sick on his arrival tbero.
lie attended tho first session of tbo
Board, but was unable to leave bis
room the next day, ami continued to
grow worso until death endid hi suf
fering, Mr. Dimmick was an able
lawyer, and as a public- man enjoyed
the contldenco and esteem of the peo
plo ot the State to an eminent degree
His unexpected and untimely death
will causo sincere sorrow and regret
among all classes throughout tho Stato.
His remains were taken to Honosdulo,
where they were intorred on Friday.
Cheap Camcaioninu. Tbo cheap
est electioneering dodgo over brought
to our not loo is the plan adopted by
Gov. llartranft. In the first plaeo h
got bis Adjutant General to got up
Military encampments all over tho
State whereat hi Excellency wa to
be paraded j) Commandor-in-Cblef.
Next in order was the systematic ar
rangement to buvo tho (Joyorjior to
attend a number of .county Fain, for
li purposo of exhibiting bim to tho
public. Bui all theso cheap dodges
seem to nuvo uilca. po sensation
wa created oitbor at a review or a
fair, and our te thtuiani a year Gov.
ornor will be a do::d cock in the pit
afW the first Tuesday of Xovombor.
Cheap dodge Mj jow tricks avail
nothing these depressed time).
fouiuuel llunshoy, of Jllsir couity,
has been nominated by tho Democrat
of Cambria and jfluir for State Sena
tor. Hi election is a foregone con
clusion, although Jiis opponent, Colortol
oC?". I vT popu,"r Senator, i
John Durr, of l)unkrd, GrJ
conty, aged 76. has been for tw.ntv..
ia davi without food, llo I ret re
markably strong.
Dlunphciuy and Irtiiul have boon vie-1 Tho ('iimbcilund county fair net
torious in our neighboring Stulu on ; ted over f 1.5(1(1 .
tho went. Crime is now, having a
jubilee in tho Bueku Rtute. Tho i
lauseit which leail to tho defeat ol our j
candidates In Ohio have no forco In
Peiinsvlvania.. ' f' i
Our views upon this question
mom fully and better expressed by
the editor of tho 1'liiludclplila 7Yitt
Ihnn we can, and we, t herefore, trans
fer his nrticlo on the subject to our
columns, as follows ;
"Assuming the most cheering reports
in favor of liny es from Ohio te be
correct, it is just such a result as Would
lej i
defeat (iov, llurlmnfl byB decided
majority in Peunsylvaniar" With at
least 1110,000 less votes and certainly
double the Republican majority accord
ing to old party lines in Ohio that
there are in Pennsylvania, tho ltepub
licans curry tbo Buckeye Stato by a
nominal majority, evon after they
have gained largely on the temperance,
school anil hard money issues. Here
tbo temperance question must tell
aguinst llnrtruiift, and the school ques
tion is unknown and unf'ult in the can
vass, while there aro ten idle laborers
in Pennsylvania for ovorv one in Ohio.
It the Republicans ahull lose anything
liko tho percentage nf Republican votes
that they lost in Ohio, Judge Pershing
will bo elected by 15,000 to 20,000
majority, or probably more. A care
ful analysis ot tho vote of Ohio shows
that tho Republican party, with its
30,000 majority, was utterly powerless
to save itself in the Into contest, and
that but for tbe lavish use of money
and the accident of a false issue ou the
schools, its defeat would have been
overwhelming. Here, tho misrule of
unscrupulous political tricksters who
have ustirpod the control of Itepubli
crtnihin, and stained its laurels wilb the
slime of the spoiler, are to meet the
poople tace to luco tor juilgmenl, and
the trial will bo a fair one. There
will doubtless bo plenty of money to
debauch voters, but the time has come
in Pennsylvania when every purchased
vote will cost the favor of twice or
thrice the number of honest Republi
cans, who still believe iu tho integrity
of Itepublicunism. There islitileor
no excitement in this State, and the
peoplo will reason about Ohio as they
reason ubout tho shamo their own
authority has brought upon them. So
Rood-tide can lie started Irom a doubt
ful victory in a strong liepubliran
State, for the true meaning otitic Ohio
voto is a pointed rebuke of the political
loaders of tbo party. Pennsylvania
will make her own battle with dignity
and earnestness, and if the Pilgrims
depend upon tho Ohio tidal-wave they
will reckon without their host."
Democratic Committer Rooms, )
I'll I t.A DKI.l'HI A, Oct. 13, 1875. J
To the Fmfle of Pennsylvania :
The indications are that the friends
of reform arc dofeatod in Ohio. It has
been a gallant and bold fight by the
people of that Stato against the money
of the Federal Treasury and tho money
of the banking institutions of tho coun
try. It has been an issue between tho
honor and integrity of tho misses
against olllcinl power. We sympathize
with tho men who have fallen in de
fense of those sacred rights guaranteed
to them by tbo Constitutional laws of
the country. By tho power of their
own money, raised from them by op
pressive taxation, tney have laden.
But tbo issues presented in tho contest
which hus transpired in Ohio are not
those which are before us in Pennsyl
vania. Tho people ol Ohio are an
agricultural people. 1 lie great staples
of Pennsylvania consist of her iron, her
coal, ber manufactories and mechani
cal Industrie ; these have first felt the
baleful influences of a profligate gov
ernment and a bad system of national
legislation. We of Pennsylvania bavo
been tbe first to tool tho rod of oppres
sion and tymnny, The people of Ohio
have yet to learn what it has been
our misfortune to realize ; had they
but bavo been sensiblo of the wrongs
wo suffer, the power of tho money of
ttio federal treasury-, anu me corrupt
ami demoralizing practice of the men
who used it, could never have beaten
down tho honest yeomanry of Ohio.
What, therefore, is our duty as Penn
sylvnnians ? Tho disaster of our
friends in Ohio should encourage us to
oombat this insolent foe with a deter
mination and teal (hat have no limita
tion, Tbo obligations wo owe to our
selves, to our country, to our families
and to the causo of good government
imperiously demands this of us. Tho
desolation of our manufacturing indus
tries, tho depression of the wages of
labor require that wo should enter In
to the approaching boniest with all our
courage, with all our energy and a seU
tied determination on our part thut
nothing shall bo left undone which the
emergency requires at our hands. We
cannot afford that the bard earnings
of a busy life of labor shall be exposed
to tho executioner's hammer, nor can
we stand and endure, that terrible bur
then of taxation which is exacted
from us,.
Let us go into this oontust under the
broad bunnoi n of reform. Let us stand
by tho organization that has been
formed and tbo resolves adopted by
tbe Democratic Convention at Erie.
Let us merge uvery personal considera
tion and look only to tbo common
Sood in the relief of a suffering and
istrcssod poople. Let us battle for
our homes and firesides before, tho
mcrconary power of a mcrconaiy gov
ernment shall rob it of them.
i-ellow-citiMis, the issuo boforo you
may bo tho Inst one bet ween the power j
of incorporated wenlt li on one sijj nnd
the integrity and honor of tbo poiular
masse on tlio other, Let thoso who
are attempting to imiioverisb and ruin
you understand and know ttiat the
hour of determined resistance lias
come, and that it is your purposo to
make that nianjy reolMunu! tth h the
einorgeni-y of the oecasinn rerjnire.
llr.NimicK H. WaitiHT,
Chairman iJeiifOcmtic Stato Com.
Halt, or a Kail Koah. Tho Lan-
oaster Jntelligenetr, of the 1 1 tli inst.,
saya: "Yesterday allornovn the Htrns-
burs railroad, leading from the bor
ough ol Htrusburg to l(nuniim J'laco
talion on .th I', II. il wa sold at
public Rule by tho awlgneoi nf II err eV
Co., to whom the ruud bolonjfud, to
Messrs. Iltnry liiiumgardnor, of this
city, and W. K, Lorkard, of tho P. It. R.
The riue paid was $11,725. The now
owners promise to put the road in a
thorough state of repair, and to add
many additional futilities for the trims
nortnlion of passengers aud freight,
Tbero i a rumor that tho road was
iiirtdinsed for the I'. IS. It Company,
lit this is denied."
Htbano ( II ai.u oi nation. Six year
ago, a Mr. Jolin biuholU, residing
witlnn two miles ot Urlianna, tlltlo, ou
a 300 acre limcston farm, look into
hi Lead that our country would be
afHieted with a famine in 1870, aud it
seem by a corrosiondui4 Ml f-ha York
(t'a.) uaiette, that Mr. r is lying in a
cii'n lie lii
0,0110 bushels ot wheal,
of hnrloy, 7.000 hiishcl
lorn than ft.ilim bushel or, new corn,
and 1 tootling around for more, de
claring that the laaihu) will be here
net! Tear. He i now fltt veauin old
and his relative and neighbor J,bink
that in will continue in thia way
while ho liv
A daughterof Memstor Kre!inghuyoii,
oiVW irm) wa married Oetnher
... ""- eJ, araf u, son w orj.
Mttl U... mm, atimlatef u
J. C. Bancroa Davis, I
The goveiuineiil hu retuiaed U
tho capital, much Improved by iu es-
lnI'- , -
Cnantorfiet bills on th First Na-
imiiai dbiik oi Aurom, Illinois, are in
I circulation,
Now Jersey'sdefuiiltlngTreasury,
Btioy, lias ueen ariaigned, and Ins trial
set down lor the 25lh
In Lebanon cuuty there i a lady
' nilietv-five Veurs oltl u-hn tinea boj own
bouse work.
, TheCatliolieeliurtdiat Uoylustown
was nibbed tit' all its Microti vessel on
vdiiosday evening.
"-Boston ' propmo' trt Ttb61!sh"the4tUu,l1 J-UlXurtuU. makp
n. - . . 1 ... tllllllllllv AV lllilt.f r.l l... .,1' ft.
oOlco of drawing master to tbe public
sciionis, ... (-. i
Tho city of Lulpsio, in Saxony ,ha
a university library, of 250,000 volume,
also, a town library, ot 100,000.
Tho crockery combination, which
lu.s existed since 1863, among tho deal
ers of Boston, bos been dissolved. , ,
St. liOiii desire to 'eclipse San
?rnne!co by a twolve-swry hotel for
the entertainment of man and boast,
Tbero aro 170 silk manufacturing
establishments in tho United States,
45 of which are located in New Jersey.
. By the new Slate oeiwus of Smith
Carolina it is shown that Charleston
has a population nf 64,000 inhabitant.
Andrew Burke, Ksq., ono of the
oldest members of the A lleghcny county
bar, died on Saturday evening last, at
an (dvanccd agr
Stedeford Co.' planing mill and
sash lactory. in Allegheny City, was do -
, .. r . . i. .
mroj-ou uy are tin r nuay nigni, tasi,
Loss ahotil 115,000.
-Tho p.t office at M.llnrd, Pa I , n, Ht te ' TreHU i
? m?i e'V, TU" "y Hii! hnw h- Monthly "ta
I robbed of 1100 in money and 50tbo Sta
worth of postage stamps.
An Allen to vu family has been
discovered in such extreme destitution
thut their only food during three days
was one greej cucumber.
William M. Curtin, a son of ex
Governor Curlin, ia shortly to marry
Mis Harriet Fuller Harding, daughter
of JudgeGitrrickM. Harding, of VYilkea
barre. .
Baron Brawell, one of tho most
.lidlin,. !-!. ...I -I L"..ll.l. I..J 1.
uiQimuiiiBuiMi ui r.iifjiiBu uuie, nan
said that in a railroad cose no jury ran
bo relied upon to return u correct ver
A miner pmsiecting in Alaska
writes to the Socrclury of the Troasu ry
of tho discovery in that country of a
vast gold field, which ho describe aaa
sccoud California.
Capt. Ben Lovell euplured two
while w bales in the weir at Yarmouth,
on Capo Cod. on the 11th. They are
tbo first that have been secured on tbo
Atlantic scuts-iard.
--A fair Sicilian maiden lately got
ou top of a bouse in Palermo, anointed
ueresell with oil ot etrolcutn, aud
burned herself alive because I lie coach.
man wouldn't marry her.
The Cnitod Stutes mint at Phils
tlelphm i now supplied with water
from nn artesian well on the premiso.
Tbe well is 458 feet deep and flows
100 gallons per minute.
Now it is Aluska which hus buen
discovered to abound In all varieties of
noble gamo and water-fowl, and let
lis whistier it in your ear, reader, in-
gold ! I There arc millions in it.
Philadelphia i happy. In demol
ishing an old building in Mi or street,
(liout two hundred old Hessian soldier
bats were found secreted in tbe ratters,
"hi time lor tho cenlonnisl."
Great Rritaln ban applied for more
space in the centennial Agricultural
building, asking for 13,000 additional
square feet making, it granted, her
total area 20,000 square feet.
There i an old man engaged aa a
competitor in ono of the Lancaster
printing offices who still works at
"case," although 71 year of age. For
forty year bo ha been employed in
thu amino otlteu, ,
A man lately sent four stamps to
the English Mint to pay fur coming
for him two pennies, one with two
heads and ono with two talis. He
adds: "N. B. It is for tossing that I
want tbem."'
An Italian has Invented a process
by which be ran put all tbo cold of the
Norlh Polo in a railroad car, and keep
meal fresh on It wbio running through
a prairio on flro at the rnto of seventy -five
miles an hour.
A section of ono ol the big tree of
California, intended for tho Centennial
exhibition, arrived at St. Louis on the
lllth Inst. It is 16 feet long with a
diameter of 20 feet, and wa taken
from a tree 276 feet in height.
Projicr Bteps are being taken in
Virginia to erect a suitable monument
over tbo grave of the mother of 8oiio
wall Jackson, which is in an old and
ncglcf tod graveyard near HuwksNest,
l-ayrllp county, west irginia.
It has been decided that every
gift to the Prince nf Wale during bis
India tour shall booom hi private
property, although tho present made
by him In retnrn will no paid lor with
the ;iui),ooii provided by the nation,
A man nearly seventy yoars old,
blind and Infirm, ha been sentenced
lo death for murder in Red River
county, Arkansas. His crime was
committed twonty-two years ago, but
be was not until reeontly brought to
A man went to a Msucliester, N.
II., Station one tiny recently, after a
lost trunk, when it was found that he
started from Worcester, Unas., threo
year ago, with four trunk, but ar
rived with only three: and that ho
had boon in Manchester ever since, but
hd pot had tiftlp lo go duvp to the
station to we about It upfprs.
A citizen of Hnlhronk, Mass., ha
old n eighteen years, from a single
ncaul! tree plained in ft hall hogshead
In bis hothouse, 12,300 worth nf puuehof.
Some of them were sold as hi A a titO
a ; many at from 124 to 128 a
diisen, and all of them at an average
of 118 a dosen, The fin It was chiefly
sold in (no in on tin ot reumprr and
A threo story fiamu buildliig In
Greensburg, occupied by Mr. Wm. liob
inson aa a storo and residence, and a
small confectionery store adjoining,
woro doatrnyid by flro about threo
o'clock on Hundny moi nlng Isat, inrolv
ing a los ot I2.UO0 on the main build
ing and t lU.UUOonthosUx k, with only
11,000 insurance. The firo la believed
to have boen tbo work ol an inveiidiary.
Ono ol the most striking feature
of the Centennial will be the Grantrora'
I encamnment. A lot of ixtv oreiLditv
acre ol ground wil) bi nroennd on
one i f tho Itrent lino of railway, with,
in a few miles of the city of Philadel
phia, and the ground laid out in such
u now houdl .n''r (" rtll l wdri-. to
7 000 bualiuU!J'u',rCT"",'M V'" r'l""i;B-i a
: Z S I no! SW.0mn!Mi cpn lr ommp;
It appears by IctU'r embraced Iu
tho Penn nianuwripU tiiat. ivnlbraoito
ooal waa found in tba Wyoming rug ion,
and ppppirnen acnt lo tiiglaud iq 1706.
Jlm'iur U baa jjn auppowa that
tbedi woTcry waa B ni maUp Qttl 4 1 1)
or i77i. in inowm f njo, writ
lag fpmii Ixmdort. reftira to oo4 billn
near fiUMmtgh A np of "anrtayf
vajiia, puWmlirti in If 7 fipU the ex-
"la- i
The Democratic candidate for Stuto
Treasurer ibwin- that bis position as a
t tiinlldute lor thill olllce shall be clearly
known, lie. but been nominated a
one tkhowiU rutvrm the pvlinimilia-
tiun id llmti.llioe. and ho ojosiros th
people ol ttl Hi ate to know his eiin
inn nf thu protilablo praclioo tbmugb
which Statu Treasureiw bavo eitriched
thoniselvtwat tbe cost ol ibe peoplo by
p"vuiinx tuw interest upon me Hit
incuse balances (hey always kept in
tue treasury.
Mr. l'iollet holds that it is embezzle,
intuit in a State Treasurer to take a
cent beyond his salary, and ho chal
lenge bis opposing candidate for tho
ottiee; MofB..ltawlo aui) Pennypackor,
to express a similar opinion, and to de-
moulhly oxhtbiU of the statu of the
funds in their hands, with whom de
posited, and with any Interest that
may have aot-rued upon them duly
credited ti the Stato. '
' Thi I a challenge which the other
candidate dare not refuse to meet.,
We hope that we will hear from them,
and that, if they propose to pocket the
Interest iiion an average balance of
two million of dollars, aa th Stato
Treasurers heretofore have done, they
will have the courage to avow It in
resionse to the invitation given to
them in the following lcttor;
Wrsox", Oct. 11, 1875. '
Pear Sir .'! believe that all sum
of money paid to tho Stale Treasurer
tor interest npou dfits are as much
the money of tho Stato as Is tho princi
pal, and should bo accounted for by that
officer. Please invito our opponent
to coino forwurd and state their views
ant1 understanding of tho law In this
fegnrd. Will these gentlemen agree
! with m thai It is emliezzleirnt to take
. ....... i.... i .i... i -oi-.j i...
a cent beyond the salarv affixed bv
law to the office of Stato Treasurer?
I rtoMrc a precedent that will cont
rol in tiituro to
temeuts who has
y on deposit and how
union til anything) Is paid toTit use,
with a corresponding entry ol credit
on tbe books of the treasury in favor
ot tho peoplo ol rennsylvania. 1 do
sire, even moro than my election, that
the condition nf tlie ,State Treasurer bo
openly stated at all times and subject
to the scrutiny of any man, or set of
men, desiring to verily tbo statement.
In conrliition 1 again aver that interett
paid far the vie of the State money ii as
ideredlu the rtrttiwriu nf ihj rwnj n it
. ' J ' ' '
; me pri HeiJUH.
' V. E. Piollct.
A Fat Widow. Tho York Daily
says the lato Isaac M. Sinircr.of scwinir
machine nolo, bad separated from his
wile, Mrs. .Mary Ann Hingcr, formerly
of York, and sister of C. A . Sponsler,
of York. Mr. Singer made no provis
ion for bis wife in his will, which dis
poses of nearly 113,000,000 worth of
property in America ontl Europe, and
sho has engaged counsel to assert her
rights, and it is said will be able to
establish bor right to her dower and
thirds about $4,000,000.
gfur drrrtisrmfnts.
t.iatof Jarora trawn f.,r November term. A.
n. it;i
rinaf wbbk eKooia Hoinar, Stb,
Lemuel Root, Reocerie Henry Holt, Covington
H. T. Wettal, Br 1 1
W. 1. Turner, Bnidlord
M. II. Utbor,
Tnna. llonnelly, Deflator
Jaoeb MeCiarren, "
David Crrrl.nd.
ABtlrew King,
Darid Unto,
r. Koblor, '
A. K, Weaver,
flaotuel McC'larrea,
W. T M-Corkl, UirarJ
A. 0. bale, Orahaaa
Iiaaa Swailea, Lawronoo
Ivrael Bbugart,
11. U Hoyl, Ilui(..a
i. M. Hag bf, Morria
Aaderpon Lalx,
H.K Dc.iaarj -R.
M. Hoover, Pens
A. II. Beweaaier,
(teorgo Prioa, Pike
?. Netf, Daratide,
Joteph H el too,
Bea. Bipaop, Cheat
A. b.toh, m
Thotnaa Cwalj M
M.S. Ogdaa, Clearfield
J. I. Walaoa, M
Jeaa. Boyatua,
W. W. Uella.
Matt. Holluptter, lawa
JBo.Nurrti,jrCat'avllloJ. 8uieklaad, Wal l
asitixtt w kb a th i an momuat, lira,
Abm. Warriek, Bvtria
J. W. Rykr, Boggti
Jaa. Uallagbar, "
John Bcita, "
II. Wilaon, Bradford
Weatly Shirty,
Jaa. Wooinda.
Jao. Carl i la, Urad
J. F. bf Mlhuiland, '
Henry Wingert,
Jaa. ItM, Barailda
Wilaoa Wood, . Cheat
Newton Mat.ord 14
B. Hiltebraad, '
L. II Latorte,Car'villo
J. f. 8 lei ear, peeat nr
W. NelaoB, "
Chnat. Tabba, Purgaaoa
Peter Curlay, Uirard
Uwla CoatritN
P UttTley, Ooabea
r'bil. Chanbera, Haaton
O, L Norria, Lawroaea
W. T. FbIUib,
Joba Barge, Norria
Urerge Waiiag, . '
Atbury Uearhart. M
W. C. Iluover, Peiut
B. B. Spanaer. N
1. Leigtvy, Covington
Jos. Weetover, Che 1 Andrew Tour, Pike
Wm. Tocher, Cltarleld Kb'l Htott, Woodward
R. Tbomptoa. M Ijunes Philips, "
la pertoaaoe af aa order of the Ortthaae'
Court of C learn rid eouutv, Pa., tbe andartigaed,
AdtaialPtrator of tho aetata of Hasaaaa llarr, lato
af Brad lord loWBtbia,der'd, will expoes lopabli j
sale, ta ibf borough of Waliaeaton, at Iba pub lie
bouse of Mrs. Bank Butler, an
Tli a rod ay, M or r saber W, IHT,
at I e'olwlt p. a.., all that eSrtaln traot or land,
late tbo eeUle of aaid deeeased, sllaeie la Brad
ford towaibip aJorasaid, desoribad ai follows, vis t
Bgiaaing at a ataks adjoiaiag laadi of James
Turner and J. I). Turner tboaoe ea,t 1 44 i 10
Jsrrbes to a hi ark oak sapling i thlaa aoitb
11 welt llfti-li porrbei to atoae ooraar by
ohastaati tbeooa Berth H7i" weal Ut I to
a maple sapliagi thoaoa south 32j,J east M7
perrbee to place of be ginning, ooatslnlag Itl
acres, U pare bee saore ar Isaa. .
Tht iiuprovoaieau aoaaiat el a twn atgry fratao
ejwslllag bouse 9ft, 14 faol4 frai-je bra 0,5 feet,
and other ootbu1dias. About hk serai a the
land Is eleared ad under good caltitattoa.
TBMs.4Dt third tba purely ate mvaay eaab at
eonlrtuatiuB of Sfle, one-third in) one year fiosn
dat Of p, ftnd th,e baanns In two years from
dale af laJe, Mif latter two payments with iateroM
ta bo saears4 by bod and aiertgsge oa the
promises. (.AMt'eU li. CUWUKR.
Opt JO, 71 4t Adaitaistrttor.
(Sueeraeof In)
T. ROSS & CO.,
CHRiriNflYlT.LB. PA-
Hai Jast received his Pall stoofc of Boota aad
nffoea , or ts)0 .(airaand raiieipi.La ataaniao
tare, wbtsh ho telli ehaap IW asth or prnduea
Also, a fall lino of Ladies' Mioses' sad Ohtldraa's
thees, and a furl stsortSMot of leather and shoo
findings, Tbia Is na et per intent wih bins
fraetwe aiakos perfret. Itaviag ssrvod a Ufa
apprBtlt"'B-p la tho leather and StnulaHurlng
of all kinds of Boots aad HBeea, he feels blase If
lally ootapetent to satisfy hia at any old, as wsll
as aew, euplomeri that he sella the best Hoots Bad
8hoas fer Ibo least money. Doa't fail ta eall aad
examine his etonk and IoqoiIbosJ yaarsoir.
L. f. HUtiH.
CsrpfMtllk, OeL SI, H it
AH pereoai are boraby umioaed agaia at
aaraaefing or ta aay way medmiai with tbe rol
lowing property, bow Ib the poeeeiiioB of tteorgo
Roblaon, or Ghost towashl)i, vit t I sorrel borse.
1 brow a maro, aad I raring oolt. as tba saw a
botaags lo tao and are loaa?itb hta) oa loan oaly,
saajrai io mj fief at aay uma.
JAMf.rt MoKHRIlAlt.
ABMNVllle, Oet. IB,
Mollea la harelir alvea that annllaatlon mill
na mane in ta. nero: .1 raronna, lor the Ooea
monwealih. at thrlr aelt eeeaten, for Ibe narilon
( Xlnra Park, enavieted at Ihe baiitamber term
of Querter Heeeioni el Clearl.ld eountv, an
erniearf tor one rear in tne woeern reaitea.
ooe.;i, tirt it
1011 E AND SKTTLK. '; r
All nereoa, wb know Ihomaeleee le bavo
aaa mettle aMnanta with ate mat enrlii, aro
berebj reqaealod t eoai and aettle the lame
withia thirty d.jl from Ihe dale at toll aotlae,
dither he earl or Bote, aad tbomtiv aare eoata.
' -dON HONS.
Kilenowa, pa., Oet. t, I.Uli-at"
VV WianBAl. Won. C. A.'MATRrt. Frealdenl
wWaw ot taw inon wt vvmmow rieaewt the iww.
tr-inh Jadlolal Metrlet. eomnnied af Ibeonwn
tlal tit tlaarleU, (..all. ,nd Cllnkin. and Hon.
V)'H. C. f olyv and tlti JOIIU ft HAD, A.
enelatt dndf eo af Omorleld anuete. aen laaaed
tbele Braoopl, la aie dlveoud, fur Uie hedla( of
an Anjonraoo vmiii oi vamsiua rieaa. at tho
Ceart Hoaeo, at ClearBeld, IB Bad fu, Ibe enan
ty of I'leardeld, anmrneneinf on the SKOONU
hokhat, tMi na i or ovmur,
HT, aad oobiIobIb twe treolia . .
VQTICR llUterwfore aarob; five la j.rer.aad
wlftieimeld and l i J Cl.h rf nrrld to
Mad.fprhJ t.l,Vr.1 ..A.y., M le'eln-h
A. M. at aaid UN. Uwa wViawe wherk I.
their behalf Bwnasi to aa dtma. "
HIV KN and.r mv load at C1.ard.ld, (hta Hlh Uy
of Oelnber, fh lad near f oar Urd oka tbew
alt kaadiwd sad Mewate-tv. 1 -'
W. It. hirPHKRKON, dberlir.
fw dwrtlsfmfuti.
Of Pittsburgh,
0l't T THE n it I.1C
Ocf; 6th foNriv'.'7th; 1875:
Valued at 50,000.
Bvery Uepartmeal will be (lied wilb tbe
wiutt Interetting Invention! and Arte nf the
Ago. Mario, by Irel-tleee BaB.H, will he In el
tonilanee from 10 A. M. nntil t P. at. airing tbe
entire KahiblliAB.
Unparalleled Attraction in Every
Department. Slugnifleont Building.
Crowds in altsmlonce,
Farmers' Prod u tin & Live
Stock. ; ' '
eT-Rctfaec4 Pare ea all Mall Roaao.
SepLN, TJ-lm.
1S75. lAItl 1875.
41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel,
China A ii?eiiKWure,
Window GUss. QliiHwnrc,
I nip Hurncrs. Cliinmeyp,
Chandcliera nnd Brackets.
rR ar iinw ftrrfitrril t offtr to the Tnt'U !
Kl) QCKKNSW AHK, in Crt- of Beat W bit
Mntoit and White llranM and t'titiimtin Aimtirt- i
ed, U eait tbe Trade. AU. t" rprk tm ault
parcbelvri, whieh veottrr VAIX l.'iW TO 1'AriH
We are prepared to tuke ordrrt for AM Kit I-
aad HOt KlNtlllAM V,A;K.. .Mai,olaetarera'
Liala aad iiwoantP. aug 1 1 tia
SheriiTs Sale
1)Y virtue of writaof Venditioni Ktpoma$ , lataed
X9 ei me s-sjuti wi beaaar-iw riaaa ei uioar-
Be Id ooaatVi and ta directed, there will
bo aipoaed to pablie aala, at Ibe Ceart Hoate,
la tho boroagh of Clearfield, oft Hater day, tho
80 th day of Uotober, l(7i( at I o'clock, p. at.
the following described real estate, lo wit :
All that certain tract of land .haute la Brady
towabip, Cleerlcldeowaty,Pennpy Ivaala, bound
ed and deer ri bed, ai fellows i On the airth by
tt. B. Good lander, oa Ibe eaal by Charles Mar.
sh til, on the wett by 8. Coantil, aad on tbe
south by Erie turapike, eontainlng oae-bair of !
aa aero, with dwelling bower, store bouse and
stable thereon. Belied, lakea la siscatioa Bod
to hs sold as tho property of J. II. C-rlUle.
Taaaa ar Balb. Tbo prioe or sen at which
tba property ahall bo struck of siaat bo paid at
mo iibi or ante, or sue a a aer arrsngessents
ada as will be approved, otherwise the nroaert
will be Waflaediateiy pat op and told agaia at ' '"'Ptora tbe .whik-el nsjority of the judges
the a i peats and riik of the per ion to whoa, it I r,rcl UD of napeotora. and tba nioor
was etraak ar. aad who, la eaaa of dsnoioaey at i Jad r ball srleet tba fKhar.
ueh re-sels, ahall make good tbe saaao. aad ia I
ao ia its boo will tbe Dead bo preisated la Court
for eoalraiattoa anlesa tbo asoasy Is aetaally
paid ta tba (Sharif.
W. H. Mel'HKKS'iN,
SHRairr'i Orrtca, I HherilT.
OlesrAeld, I'a., Ool. .1IT5.J
it r it T' is
n . ,. , , ... I
French Kid and Turkey Mo-
A. ' .
rocco Button SInhs, for Ladles, !
Seat. It,
. tlata S.o. Irani Co,,)
Blade, Oompaalra. Ao., Sarnlihed. Samplee,
nhotolram. Bad Hlr moaiariB dlroottoBa eant
Tbe ander.lined takai thia method of Inform
In the people of Clearleld and vicinity, thai be
hai laaaed and r..pened tb. old Pan Oldea
.ml baak. lotmled witkin a mile from Iowa, aad
il ... hnn.nJ I - l.n,.L - .... -, - . , .
coal, and le drlirer Ibe i.i.e any whera in towel
at naeeaablo rate, oa tbe ahorteit nntlc A
nod qaaatlty of eoal alwaye bead aad for
aala at the mine.
Ordere left at WataoQ'a tobaoa leaks, and
Snyder's ha.eiaa laloea.
Clearleld, Ab. 'ti -If.
The nvdtwt and heat BPpotnted Mltattosj M
eblrilnlnff a huatrrfoa hluoatloa.
for twviilars addreea,
p. mr a fAs
, . . rittoawgo. Pa,
sept. I, tlm-auw
A few more good and ecu af karaeli
oa bead, wblek I will aell al a uorlloe. Alio '
evorai aarnagei ami boggln, and a road wagoa,
" wen aa iobi good iprtng wiroa.. I am
bonad ta nil at soma prioe. Call aa ar addt
e at Cleartlald, fa JAMK8 L LKAVV
ABg. S,
11. ... .va,. -
1 4 1
WHKItkAB, by aa Aot of Iks OsBerei Aa.
stably of tba Oam taoa weal ia of Fenrivlrenie
entitled "Aa Aot to regulata the Utneral Kleottua
withia thia CnmmonweaKb," It ! enjoiasd apia
lbs Sheriff of the several ooantlaa to give publle
aotiooof aaeh olaotioa, the plaosi w bora to be
bald, aad tbo oflcers to bo slrslrd,
Tniusroaa. I, W. R0K8 McFIIVRr-ON, High
PhfTiff of Clearfleld oounty, do hereby give I'uh
lis Notlea to tbsfloetors of tbeoeuaty of Clear
fleld, that a geaoral tlestioa will be held oa
t amusv roinwiNo tha tttisT UoNiiar or Ifo-i
raaaha '.balwaj Iba f d $4 tkdh1,uj j,. j.. !
iitaausT roM-flwiao Tha rttiNT UoNiiar or Ma.
everal siertlon tllttrirtt to taltf ftm.wty, ai wbloh
Ume aad plaoo aba a.nalif.od votsri wtH veis
for aaa prrsow tot (Werwer ef tba Cosimaa-
woallb af saasyifawia. i
far aaa asraaa for Tiauaftr of Uia Oomajoa)-
wealth of PanBilvaala.
for on prrD for 9aler. rrpweeot lite
aoaittloa of OkerMd, CVqtvs aad Ullatoa la
tba (isaerat Arwaasbly af IhU Oeosatoawoalik
tm aas aaraoa (or tba ofltia of Coast, traataror
af CUarleld ooaaty for threa year a.
for tbrsa patfObi' f" tht oflrw of Oeasry Oova.
mlsslryTesJr fflaartlsad Mwway far Ural yaar.
f -bro poffbote'ror the saioa of daast tr Aadltot
af Oiwarftata. edaasjnror ibraayaais.
" v tha of twaty Oaraaar
wi viaavrwriw eoBBiy ror invoa years.
1 '
f,' '. v.fc-,.ir,flz r r7...
. .Li;?tt PITTSBURGH, PA. - '
?fijal fli'frlisfuifuts.
The fjlertonor tb eountyof Cteftrflold will take
ootico tttftt tli toVl clt4tlln wll b' (ukt t th
folltiwiiig iUim-i, viii -
"""ni ruwnBip, ai na ratoii notai, in uien
II oi
lfl townihlp, at be bouee of ttobort MehaOVjr.
Uloom t'wnhlp, at tli bona- of th lato J
It loom, Hr,
Uitggn towiiihip, at tbe faotiM of E.lward Albcrt,
llrii-lfard tnwnabip, at the bouse of Jacob Pierce.
lJradj tuwiiahip. i tbi ww LW-n. flt-pweiu.
IU leuthcriuurir.
Durniiilp lowujbiu, af Vwunu'd Mbool houM.
Ham ltd. bortiugd at the (txiblle $t hl bono in
Mid borutiftb. , ,j
I'beat town-hip, a tbe 1-oUie m-hool houj near
Rim on Horn him jjh't.
1'learfleld buroufflt, at tho Court Hou-e.
ronutioniowre-tup, e the aehool hnuae ttl Mol
onhiirjr. rurwoiiKvllle irunhj at pie hou-a of tli late
leiUKi BltMOu f J , - iw r, i
Uteatur townxhip, at Cwilns aeliool hou'av.
Furjruauai towmhip, at the buuive of John Jr
ory, rortuerljr octupivd hjr Th. RobUnn, (Uroad
tiirenl town. hip, at CunxreM Hill miboaI hta.
Uoahen townehlp, at the palttio eebtrat t.oaa at
Phawevilbj. ,
Urabaoi tiiwoahlp. at tha boaeeof Jaeoh HubW.
(Ircrnwood tiiwo.blp, at the ptitll bouao of
Bautial lluhion, in said Utwoahin. 'i f -.j i
titilioh town.hip, at the pulilie n-linA built, iu
llu.loa townnbip, at the ho tits .rf Jae Wili.n,
lluatidalt Un-uah, at tlw puMte bonae of Win.
Per Iter, io eaid Itorough.
Jordan UiwiinliSji, at the ptiMli' erliool buaae, In
Karthaup townvhip, at Itrldtfrti's arbool boaje. !
Knoa townphip, at Tiirker Hill miiwl boune.
Lawn-nne tuwtmhip, at the t'onrt H '-, in the
borvuarli of Cfeartivltl. i I
l.utaUr City borough, at tbt- public p'-1ijuI bouw.
Murrip iownpbip, at the bun forinerl oorupied
hy ibrtmu Kvkr.
Sew H tutbinton tsomuiffa. at the puhlie achowl
NewUorg boroairh, at - .-,n eaid b-roora.
Uioeola boruHKb, at the public fatiuee of Milu
Hf.Tl, is eaid rntniiib.
IVnn tnwriibip, at tUc hotat formrtlv kept by
W. W. Attderpon. ' '
Pike town thi p. at tlit home of the Inter laanie
Illooai, in the borough of 1'urwonprille.
I n ion tnwnehip, at tho hotineof I). K. Brubaker.
Wallaeetoa torouf(h. ni tbepablie aebool hof
in taid buroHgh.
Ve iMMlwanl low nub ip, at the buute of Tbonna
AN ACT rrgntalini the node of Totinc st H I
election la tbe erverai oeaatlai of ihia Com
aonwealtb, approvtwl the ClOth dar or March, ;
A. 1. lsfflt, r!:
Harriot 1. B U nmeud bj U Roaiato anil
llouee of It i preventative of tbe Comnoo wealth of
Pennp.rlvauia in tfcneraJ Aiwmnly net, and It ta
herehe enartttd by authorityof the eaiae, That the
qimliflnl Totera of tbo aereral eoantiea of (bit
Cum nun wealth, at all cfleral, townphip, borough
and Rperial e)ectiooa hereby, hereafter atilbor
ited and Raqaired to vale, by tiekate, printed, or
written, or partly printed and partly written, aer-
orally elafined at followi : One ticket ebalt em-:
braee tbe iimet of all Jadgee of eoorto voted for, j
and to be Inhelli'd, ouUide, "Jmlieiary;" one ticket
hall emhrara the namea of the etate ofllnrt rotd j
fer, and be labelled, "ataio;" one ticket ahall in-
brace tbe numr-i of all oounty omoere voted for
Includme; nflir of senator, member, and ancmbera
ni MPrnirtij,!! votea lor, and nitni.ert of Congmee,
if voted for, and be lalM'lled, "count r ;" one ticket
; 'hell etnl'racc the mimm it all townnliip offirfre
j hr, and be I a billed, "township am tick-
wnbraoe the natum of all boruuh oAcrra
voted lor, and bo Ubetled, "bitroti'h ;" and aavrb
elaa ahall be depnpit. in rrparate ballot botes.
mppiamoBi io tna Art aegnlating
election i In tbia Commonwealth, approved
Jaauary X0, aad febroary IS, A. D. lHJ it ,
Rc. . At all eleetfooa h-roller bald under
the lawe of tbil Common wealth, tbo polls sbal!
be opened at aeven o'olok. 4. h.. and eloted at
Pren o oloek, F. u.
8rc. A. Ia atlaleetloa dlilricU where a vanan
ey eaiata by roasoa of tbo dls)alit.oatiosi of tbo
oiBpers or otherwise ia aa elect ia board hereto
fore appointed, or where any B'W dtatriet ahall bo
foraanl, lbs Jadge or Judges or tbe t'oart f Co
bb Pis m of ibe proper eonnty ahall, tea dava
befaro any gearraf or special election, apawiat
Oo ra Detent pertKtas lo ail said vanantvaa. avnJ tat
e?r,Juet thf '' la Mid new district", and ta
uwe l (rinuura B Bny OlOCtlOB
oiatrict bnta b) not ha of the istne political
paHy, and the Judge of oloetlons sha'l In all eases
b of tht poliiieal party having the majority of
votes fa said diptrtWl as aearlv a tbe aatid io.l
or judges eaa aeertaia the (aft. antt in . nr
1 . diaRreemeat of tbo judffs bp to tho aalectioa
, ' V ".""' ,hr ball be a
- - in. murniar ot an oieettt.B,
aid iwc.nov ahall be tiled ia e-'liformltv with
eiiating lawi.
, i nurias or ixatmui trni-Ba.,
Sa. . S. Al the eueninf of Ihe poll, al all eleo
tlone it ihall be the duty of the jielge. or eleetioa
lor their reanMiva diatriati to deiirnato one of
the In.voetoTa, whooe duty It .ball be In kaea In
eu.tedy the re,l.try of vol,,,, .d to make the
entriee therein required by law, aud it eball be
tbe duly of Ibe oilier af the eald ia.ooura to
r, , numner in. natlot, nroteatod at eaid
eleetlon. .
. All elMtieae by tbe eltlaeae .b.ll W I,,
" nb.d ..
the rrder la which it wliwll be reaeirrd, woil tko
aomber reeoroVd hy the olerke n the lilt of votora
op'oalto the name of th. eluetor trom whom ro.
? m. u,k.
' ral llrketa ,e voted ih.ll each be
numbered with the Bomeor oorreviMn.ll.w wiib
the aaraber to the naneo of the voter. t.,j.
"J """ s"" "I"'" li-ltet or oaaio
the lame In k. w I. .
, ., ... mieateq ny B
eilliea of tbe diatriet. Ia a.llilion to th. oath
I" er-ewa oy law ij oe talcu and etil,
tney .nan eeverally be
eworn or alarmed not to diicluae bow nay emotor
BBteaa repaired In do aa a. wk
Beeeu ta a iadieinl DniOMdini. All t.
lpoetore,elerki and nreraeer. ot any eleotioo held
d Ti 11 "". "'ore enlerlQ, upoe their
e preienoe
7 ,H-nv.wr, h iHn inau no eucb minor-
lly laector, ami ia oaee there eball bo no minor
ity U.peow then by a Jiuiio. ,r th. ne nr al
derman, and Ibe la.poet.m, oeereae-e and el-rt,
ahall be .worn by tho jude.. C.rtiSeatai or neb
ewearlni or amrnlaf ahall be dele made oat and
u," . ' .1! "T . ., "leited hy
,J 0B"" " aduimUterod tin eatb. If any
j "v minoriv, taepeelor rofaHi or la ill to
ww the uWoeH of eleetioa I. ,h, moMoor ro
qaire4 by tbil not, or If .ay o,,, f mlmMm
I without oriof lir.i duly awora. ar If any
oBeor of eleetioa Hi. II Urn the r..rm of oih with
eul beia, duly ewora, or II any Jndfo or m, aor-
ity ia.,,eetor iball omify tba any oJr waa
I '.'" e u not. II ihiill Ui deemed a mie-
-......o,. .no ai.a eoavletioa tbe offioor or oil
eera eo ofcadln. .ball b. teed .t .ic.,lin. en.
tb.ueand dolUra or aot int
one year or both ia the dimrettoa of III. ,urt.
soB-BngiBTRian totbih.
10. On Mb. day of eleetioa any pereon
"kow "eehall aot nppear oa tbe rwalelry of
votere, aaj who elaime the rleht w, v.,. l.u
election, eball pm.aM at mail one qaalilnl ,o
u.r of it,, ditlrlol e a witaona lo tbe ro.l.l.nco of
theolelmant ia the di.lriot In which b. claim, to
be a enter for the period of a: kmat two month,
immedieuly proeodlai, aeid elosiio,, .bb w.t
aen aiiall be mora ur aBrmed, aad eubocribo a
written, ot parti, written aad partly printed alt.
..' '"! k' ''l
hall detne clonrly when tbe rtaideoeo U of tbe
pereoa k oU.r,l b , ruUri Ml tt, n
eo olalmlng tbe ri(bt to vole ahall alao take and
.ubieribe a written, or partly wrilton Bad partly
nr Mod .l.avll. lutiai to Ibe belt or hii know,
saiga and belief when and where he v. b-m:
that ha hai been a oiflien of the l' oiled Nutea
tar otw rnutk, aad af tho Commoawoaltb of
PenneTliaaia; that he hai landed la the Cem
UOBWeallh one or f formerly B quallSed
" "'"'' r,.r.,j, thai b. . !d.'
Uaereia lis meiittii Baal preoedlag aaid eleo.
V"' ktl 'l" iotod la tka dulriot ia wbioh
" ' " U friod of at lout
weaaaiy preceding ml elntloa
oat moTod iaio tba iliaLUt r... k.
1 ' rm mat no has, if
a-.. - w sge or npwarita, palU a H late
or tounly lav. wilbrn twe years, whit It waa assess
sd at teaat two months aad paid at leaat aaemonth
... - ,,n ana wnera ths Ug claimed to be paid
by the affiant was weaa.l, nA H t
Md lo whoa paid, and the bu receipt therefor
thall bo produced for elimination nnleaa tbo af.
lent ahall Plate ia bis afldavit that it hai bora
lost or destroyed, or that hs nsver raooivod any.
and, if Baaturallsett oltitro, ahall also state when
when and bv what oourt he was natural i pad, and
hall also hia aertlloata of aataralisattoa
for om.a,.aailoa i but if tha am, ao alaiming
tbo right te voto shall taks aad subsrribo aa affi
davit that he Is a aatira bora oitiroa of tbe
tail! Huiea,orlf bora alsswbsra ahall stats
tha last ia his aftdavlt, and sbaU prodaoa art
denes that ha has oM.Mut JL t.
" ", Dv and shall ar
deaoo that ha has haai L.
aitlseavhtp by raao of bit fctber's tutwrau"
latlon, and tbaU further atate in hia aj..i7 ik a 1
ho iaM Ihs .1. S
-a.- - rw.r7;U .no anaer twenty twe yaws i
lal k hee bee oltllM af A. (iaM
ne monk, aa baa mlded la lb. Stale one yean
I'' J.t"r' k" !""" ' vhwH..,Bnd m
moved Ibercfrom an 4 returned, that be baa ra
linw therein an nxielhe ! wrooadla eaid
eloelioa, aad is the eleetioa dletyliw two month.
va paid luaa. Tbe aaid aBdavita of
mrHb,th.i,iklm,d,,.d t H.,te'.t .1r'"'1 ,"' ."'
tha iMtloa lb.y Aatl keneleeed with nZ Sfl I" b" '"V "" 1
tow t, be lad by ttio met. .Jg, wilb; tbe pre.
IboanUry, and erraM ftmala aa il themrtili la
StoToa, liangep, OratoB,
Qrnta FronUi Fenders, 4o,,
Aa Denlere la , . ,
Marble and Marbleized Slate. ,
"Peerh'wT lSliaklnK Orate,
i Th bfl iid unW rIUM Adtatlnf Urtta it im
l lb ftfotbonoturj'i oflo. nbjMt It Kanlai.tlflQ
ottisr flwtioo piptrt r. If th .lection oflt.
etr$ .hall find that tb apilksot jiqww tilth
cgm quaimeaiiotii ut a voter (. thall b
i-ej to iwie, mhi mi B-vna eaau m aaaod to tb
' list uf taxaliles by tbo eleetioa offloers. tha aord
"ui" being aeltled where the olaiuant olainu ta
rote mi tax, and tho word "ago" where be elsimo
to roto a ago tho saiae words being added by
the Harks in oaob ease respectively oa tbo Hits of
ptr'tms ruling at such aloctloa.
.ctiAU.Mo.. u-a.-viataas.a rotaaa u.
fltc. II. It shall bolawral for any qualiAed
citlsea or the distriel, notwithstanding tbe noma
of tbe propoaad volar Is Motaviaed oa tbo list of
resident uaaMoa, to aballango tha voto of mob
person, wbereupoa tbe same proof of tho right of
aufrsge at Bow required by law shall bo publicly
made, and acted oa by th eleetioa board, and tha
v.tu admitted or rejected aooording to tha or
df , Krery parson claiming to be a aataralised
oitlien shall be tuiikpj W pnxluce bis Rat oral
iaation eortiaoala at the elect ioa beforo votiog sx
orpt where bo bae boen fur five years oaosecutivo
ly a rotor In tha diatriet ia which be offers bis
vote, and on tho vole of such parson being ro
oeived it shall bo tha daiy of tbo oleetton o 81 oar a
to writs or stamp oo sueb oerti Boats tba word
Meld," wtth ths day, moatb aad year, and If
any election offloer or officer, shall receive a seo.
otid rote on the same day by virtue of the same
oerti sji-ati-, eaaept where suns ar cnUttnd ti vole
b(;atipe of the nntaralltalion of ibclr fittlii-rs.
lhi-y and ihe person who fltall filler snob seoond
vote pi.all Im guilty of a tni i-meanor, and oa
eenvietion tbnroot be aned or lpmrisone..or both
al Ihe diptTftion of tbo court, but (he fine pball
nut eiceed Uvo bandrwd dollHr ia aab omsv. a of
tbo impriponiif-ut one yi ar. 1 he like
Rball be in United o eonvietioo of tbo oitiRers of
election who eball aegleot wr ret n$ to snake or
eausa l- bo wadt tue eodvrfeeieut redjuired a
alureeaid oa said tut Lira Illation aerlitiotuo. wt or i- tv or blkctioi otrirana.
rc 12. If any election oSnor ahall refuie r
nrgld-et i riuire ucb pro f of tbe riglii or aiif.
Irage as it prewribod by tbia Uw, ur th lev t.
winofa this is a oupiileuient, Iroui auy person of
fering to vole whuae name la not on Ibe lilt of
aspctaed voters, or whose right t,r vote l chal
lenKed by any 4aa lifted votw prsBt, and ahall
admit aurb peran to vole witiioul rediAriiig aai-h
proof, every pereoa so tif.ndmg shall a on en.
victlon hs guilty of a mi'dt in-ao'.r, and rhsll be
sootanoed for every surb oTnea to puy a Bae But
epeding fire hundred d tilers, or to undr;. an
impriPomucnt not more thin oso yeir.or i.nh ai
the di'creilnn of the eoort.
(v.,-s or TriK voTct av rna ocbt.
!'. IS. Ap soon as the pollralitlt H'e the of
fleers of the election thall proceed ta eeut.t all
ths rotes eaat for s h Omndi Uto voted f ir, an I
make out a full retard of the S4tne io Hp',-...,
with a return bt la addition, ia wki"h
ibe votofc r-oeived hyeach candi I at a e giv
eo after bi nr ber na-ne, frat ii w ir l a1
in figures, and ehatl ho sirned hr all sill nf.
oers, and eertiaed by aveneers if anv, or if e .t
soorrti6ad tbo overseors an I aay uflise reia-Hg
tosiga aroertiryor either or t lew, shill wrtto
upon eauh of the return, hi or th-ir rente - lor
not Signing or certlfYlnff ilisun. Ti. m- .....
ft9M tkm windnm t tk riUmn pment. m4 n
Aria tnttmtnt tknwimtf tkt Nm mviVpeJ hy tik
enefiofie thnU s matt aaaf i$m4 r tht UrtiH
oftrra oa aoea W fa -tote i eouNfavf, ami the rim?
kU so immliMlitjf pealad up ik 4 ,-,r a th
rUeiiom Aoitae foe imfmrmotimm of th pttlw. ' Ttio
triplieato re:urns shill beeoaletrlia eaTy-.
and be sealed la the nrateiteo of lh '.'St.,
and oas earolope with ths aa-ealel rura siit-t
given to the judge, whieh tbll oontaio o:ie lit
of votere, tally-pafier, svad oath of olt.t.ra. ao 1
anotbsr or said onvslopes shsJI be given t i tie iai
aority inppeetor. Al) judges living w.tbm twsUs
miles of tbo prol ho notary's nffij, ur wi:hi i
twenty -four miles, if their reaidtnan hs ui a lowa,
village or city oa tbe line of a r-itlro. I l-tin-
-to the county seat, shall before two wVto , p -t
men ii to, or ths d.iy onr th-i ele?iio-i, ant sii
olher judges ahall before twelve o'elook m-nl-.n
of tho second dsy after tbe ale-lion, dI'Vitr isi I
return, together with return sheet, to ih nr.
thoaoury of the oourt af im an ploa :' ti
eonnty, whieh said return sheet shall b tils 1, ail
the day and hour of filing marked thereon, at t
shall bo proservod by the prothon .ttrv f. oj i
inipeetion. At twolva o'elosk ontbi siid sNtl
day following any eleotioo, tho proth tnvry of
tbe court of oommoa pleas shall present th iti-t
reltrrns to tha aaid oourt. ,a aoaauo where iW.
ia ao resident president Judge, the B'tv la- jo li
es shall perform tbo doties tap! un m tie
oourt of c.immoB pleas, waioh su ill einr.-gi f.,,
said purpose; ths retiraa prevsnul iy th-? pro
IboaoUry shall be openei by said eoaft, an I lom
pnied by such of iu officer, aad sach sworn a
latanU as tho oourt shall appoiat, ia tbe pr -onoo
of tho Jwda-n or dgo of sai I oourt, aa I
lbs returns eortifie J and sertiaeateper elsHioa t'
sncd under the seal of ths oourt, aa is a r
plired to be done by tbe return ju iges, aa l the
voto as so eomputed and eertifiei sliaU be mJj
a matter or recurd in sid oourt. Tha soi.ioai 'if
said eoart ahall be opn so the puhlio, aad ia a its
ths return ot any eleetioa diatriet shall ia
uiiespog whan lbs returns are presented, cr In
easa of tumplaint of a ejualiAed oieMor n-iir
oath ehatgiog p.lpable fraud or miataka. aud
partioalariy specilying tho alleged itdiUAkj or
Iraud, ar ssbare fraud or mistabso ia apntrso1. on
tbe return, tbe Quart shall enamiaa th t ret are, '
and if in the lailrmdmt .J tV.. t. ... i..
aeassaary ta a jast retara said awl aCaatl ius
summary pness against the olautetoa oilsve
and oversoera if any, of the elttHiua dis-riclexa-plained
of, to bring them fonbwitk inUt o.a:t,
wilb all eleolioa papers in their paaj-iu., an i
if paltvblo snislake or fraad sbilt be disnrsrsi.
it shall, upon suvh hearing ai in.y bi dj ct
nooeesary to en lighten Uie aourt, an I t.
?orraoied by tlio oourt, sal sw o.irtihrl; Sat
alt allegtiti'int or palpsUte frail or rm -:,:
shall bedivoiiod by the said oourt ithia tSrst
days alter tbo dsy tba returns are bruit-hi iao
eourt for computation, aud tha si l tnq iirr aheil
be dirorted oaly U palpable fraud ur tnntaas,
and shall aot ha deamsd s jadtoial aliulWtiea
to eonclude any coot rat oow or here.iH r t bt
providfd by law. and tha othsr nf I tripliet e
retains shll be plaoel in the hex aad ss-Uol ap
with the balloU. Nothing in this ait an UI ro
quire the rot am of aleesmn of twrtjh or ttwn
saip oiheerp to bs mule to tbe oourt u dtrvite
ia this section, bat all ths return, af ttii el tins
of lowasbip and borough oDjtp su4i ,
closed in a soolo l oovor.diroeted io Hie p t ' h t.i i
Ur or tbs oourt ef aomia ia plsai ot t ip.-ja-.
eonnty, and skill hy sons ouj nf Hum bs li. ,
erod into his oHIts within thro3 dty a" t a, r
tnrh eleetioa and filed therela, la ettiitjai
wbrre thore ar three or mire jalj
oo-n, learaoi to IBs law, at 1'. t.
bill sit lo compute aid ewti(y rvU.-nt. tnU
unaroidaMy preraub If any u the u i jjif
es ahall himself hs a oaadidata for a jy uta -t at
aay elsetion ho shall not sit with tie nan er
act la oaunttng the return or suh altti m. d1
ia sueh oae the otaur julgsa, if aay, s tall r.
and if io any ootinty there snail iwao jul .piii
i&sd to bold the laid tuirt un ler ta prorin ins
or this act present and able to an, trie as I ta
srsry sanb aasa, tha regitur of wtlli, ifai Hint
and oounty oommtaaiooer of thj proper ejaity
shall bo aad enstiMts a Bjirl, w, or a ratyo. -ity
of whom shall have aud aterot) ail pta
ars, and perform all the duties veu I ia . tv
quired to bo perAiruaod by ths start Oea.a
pleas of suoh o.ito'y, by and uil.rtr-,
aioqs of this aeotioat but aoao uf the aiit.f
core shall aot aa a m-Mibor ui fUili Ituri Ujs i
himsell a candidate fur any at in Hiii.i,
tbe returns of mhwh ths said U ur 1 .a j(4irel
to count under tits prjvuiout of tbi s.iMii.
Par. 8. In all efaatioap hereaftor Itae eaNitWat
of aaturslipstioB, if geueiaa. shall bt Maoletivo
eridenoeof the lailt uiatiutnl th-r,iit. ail u.iere
lbs porsuB elf jr lug . voto olsitni the rit aa
tha iiayatt'tit i ttt the receiol of suAk t.i. if
aignud Uy the prop ofibei, shall be the eri Uacs
tliereof; If suoh person dses not pnutaJs oii'-h r
oeipt, tbon ths paymsnt of Ibe tat may bi pf-v-d
by tha oath ul suah perpon, or other evUfier,
stating woe, wbora aad ta waom sntVt tn u-
Itutlre U fUrth hereby (fir on, Tiiat
all perfina otfpt Jutl(U, of ttie V'e. ah"
thall hold aa flj9 or apptlntm-nt of tm ri-r
lbs fvernmnt of the I niled tvs. nr f thu
!jlt, or at nnr Incorporated dlilriot, wh.-tk-r a
comnilsittned ofb-er or othrvis, a suhonliasts
offl -er or agent, whu is or sha'l bs smnloysd aa
dtv tha l,gislaiira, KTanativa or JulUalde
aejrtjsanis at tiit Hta is or of tbe I otfl iul-t.
any eity or laoorDorate 1 dtitri it, an I site
that evt-ry u."-nttfr of C.mgress, or of ths Kiate
begtmlature, r of tbe oomtuoa or aaleot sou"H
of aov sitv or eotntnin inner of anv inro-pVt',e
dialrlot, are hy law laapiblo af holding
axerei'iae, at the saia time, ths offlie or P'
potnlment nf afnlgo, lnipectr or Clerk ef ft
eleetioa of this Commonwealth, ,
In Sase lb- plraon who shall bars reeeirsd th
ensiid highest bu utter of mice Tor inwtnT, shall
not attend on the day or s loot ion, then Hr pertos
who ahull bare wiied ths rrm i high !
be of voles for Mga at tho aett preoe Hag
tlnn, shall aot aa inspector ia bti plaee: and !
oass ths psrson who ahall bars revived the high-
ibsr nf rnren fbr Insptytrtr ahall ! tlsns.
Ih neraoa a'eeted Jndge, ahall appoint an Is'r''
tor In hia blare: aad in eaa the nersoa ftectid
jndge ahall aot altand.thsn ths lB'pw',r ho "
oeived Urn hiKhoit aavnbnr of ttiu, chtU t.r.-'
a jnigt m tm iv; or il aayveeau' '
tlnu in tba bard fbrlk epso of one hourafW
nnm ' ""' af one aour
.i... ' 1. 1. 'Z. " .In ...a basl
eleolml, prevent at the pl:oa ol elMiion. ibill
iHii ior woicb aura uuaosfr man um.w
lea i aaa am oi taelr Butntior le an we t
Aleo. thai where . lu.le.d. bv alckne-a er ee'
voidable aneldent, Il aaahlo In attend euek awelj
Ing of judaoe, than the ertiffoaia or rtim
bo lake abarwa of by one of tbo kvprrton
ol.rk. of Ibe eleetlon of the dliltlet, who ihell
aad p.rferm Ike dultai required el aaf Jf
i Hal, al fliera-
,f ociceei, -
U,ouiae4 l"
lailepasdenea of tbt I'mud Slat.i Ike elar
ina.M. an. noa v.
W.l. MerHFR'OT, -..