She&tpftMiran. ..IStSsOTWii. Ueohoi I). GoouiuNura, Editor. WKIlNKSnAY MOHNINll, OCT. 1.1, IMS. Render, If you went lo know what It going on lu tlie butinetl world, Jiut rend our etlvertlalog ooluuine, tho Sfueiat column Id imrtloular. DI'.MIH'HATKJ HTAt 13 TICKHT. FOB UOVEHNOIli CYRUS L. PERSUING, Of Schuylkill Connly. FOB. STATU TUKABUHKUi VICTOR E. PIOLLET, Of D red ford Couaty. DKMOCRATIC COUNTY TICkFl". roR KRKATOK. ' Dr. T, JKFFt. UOYKU, of CloarUuld. Bubjeet lo of (ho lltrltt Conft rcDM. roRTBRASt'HBR. ' J. M,AKK AVA.LTEHS, of t'lemllold. POR aumtOInt. CLAKK HKOWN.of Liiwioiuo. THOMAS A. M'OEH, of Hell. 1'OS Al-PIWRS. 0. J. KEAf'Y.of Hceoaria. SAM'li A. CALDWELL, of Bradford. ron- ootioxkR. J. 13. XEFF, of Nuw Washington. ' Tho Court House at Wintoraot, lowo, which cost t? 110.000 i-in l.iiifiiod on tho 3d iiiKtanU , Jonc of tho Tyrouo Jlrmld h now ruiiuingalliirlraiiflclul). Wull, three week will wind the machine up when tho 'cluh" ntid H. will both bo nhelred. Auditor (icnornl Temple in (.'renting eoimterimtion among tho T'ndicnl rings and roosters about llurrisbiirg. One jol) 01 steal after another is being exposed. Ohio. Tuesday Oet 12th was elec tion day in the buckeye State. As we arc compelled to go to press on the evening of that day wo will bo unable to givo tho result in this issue, liiit wo expect a glorious Democratic vic tory, i "Tho soldiers Fnond" und "our War fiovornor'' Andrew G. Cnrtin, has been stumping eastern Ohio the past week lor tho Democrats. Show us tho Clear field Radical who would green enough to admit this fuet two years ago. The cx-tiovernor is uow canvassing this State. Tho stupid falsehoods about Judge l'ershiiig and Victor K. I'iollet, now going tho rounds of the disreputable Hartranft organs, of which llnckey's Pittsburgh Commerrittt is the head, will only add to tho majority of these gen tlemen in November. Stalo purty criei and falsehoods manufactured for political purposes huvo had their day. Tubr Tn km Oct. Tho Hudicnl party may bo an excellent organiza tion to carry on a war-or lo manufac ture a hugo National debt; but it is unfit to rcgulalo a free government, which has been demonstrated most completely during tho ten past years of profound peace Turn them out. W hy ho cheated and robbed any longor. A Compliment raom am Opponent. Tho editor of the Philadelphia JVcM, in his isf.uo of Saturday Inst, said : "Senntor Wnllaeo delivera nn mldmee tbia evening nt Coaoert Hall, under tho nurpiooa of the Amerieul Club. Tboae of our city readora who deairo to heor Ibe ableet preeenlatlon of tbo elaini of the Democracy of Prnn.ylrania to be entruited with the adminlitralion of Ibe Stnto which they ate likely to bare nn opportunity of bearing will do well to attead. The rienator ia n di.paaaionete and alear-beaded uiau, aa well aa nn natuUi politician, nnd if there ia anything in tbe Democratic onao it will not be given away.'' That is nearly as handsome a com jiliuicnt as Hon. Linn. Hartholomew paid the Senator two weeks ago, dur ing bis able speech in the Court House. Wo havo nowhere soon it better put than in a privato letter from Cassias M. Clay to tho editor of the New York Vim. Ho writes : "I ais againet Inflation, but at!!l more agftlnet (Irentltm. eeoetat Aoro'y eooe lereret J oy fn 177S eeeaeea o fonitnealni otoe.o." Mr. Clay is well remembered as an old Abolitionist and Kcpublican. But ho soes the dangers ahead to his coun try from Grantism und is willing to forego pant party affiliations as well as present minor political considerations in view of tbo grcnt necessity of a bet ter government nioro honestly admin-; istored. Tiik Thick. As usual tho National debt has born reduced during the months of August and September, and, of course, will bo in October. This is tho annual trick played ofT on tho tax payers just beltiro election time by the Jiadical leaders. As the reduction is no greater than it was lust year, and tho year before, tho trick needs an ex- iiliiiini inn ticpniiur (hn ??niliciil Cnn. gr, in March bint, More broking of Additional rt'Vi'nue wan to be raised by our agents. This additional amount of revenue should have brought about larger reduction of the debt than Ibrmerly; yet, such is not tho fact. What has become of the money taken from the pockets of the people f Hav ing announced the small reduction in glowing terms, it will now bs In ordor to state what has become of the nionoy, Ti'RNiNo Kvr.ur JUr. It begins to look as though tho Radical county of. Jilair, wliich heretofore has been gsod for an opposition majority of from 800 to 1,500, would give a Democratic ma jority at tho next election, bocanse a large number of lending Itndiculs, who have become diagusLcd with their party leaders, aro goin; to vote tbo Demo emtio ticket Tho Altoona .Vi'rror, In iilltiding to tbe last convert, sys i At Ine meeeiog of Ihe Perching Club U.l even ing, SO little entbuaiertn and excitement waa .NMneionew by n apeueh delivered hy Or. Uerraan How. Tbo lloetor ie n wrll-knovn pbyaioinn o elitv. one of tho boat read men In the eonntry. 'm"mtt't"ry0,f.d' (MM alwaya hacotoforo been a Republican not a Ilk and water member of Ibe party, but an energetic, notion purUeen, Jlia father wua pree rnt nt tbo .brtateaiog of th. Ilinblicnn parly In leftl, puggeated tbo same by which it la now known, nod wroU Ibe all leading rdapka nf the filwlform. llle ore nn nmivo ctopovii .-um, and moat of bia relaUviw train la that aebo.l, It Ii act anrpriaing then thut bit appearance aa: rftralor at a ttemocratle .lub meeting created eon-! .id.r.,1. totoreat and ..rilement. After bM.g . Introdooed tbe Doctor eiplained the reaaoai for 1 hie of hllh bf enyiag that thn Reenabli. 09 nervuDiie rtaga -had eaa ItM cei aa far jreea lie eaarioii . frra.k..m. ilm onlonl Unilmarka and beariB at M ' benn)iae abrupuy .ad aaiiral, that fc. IrU juaiifte la I oulaida tbo parte Jioee allogeUier, meet-, o'TO,;"" oiociy ciiaom. Oervog nia euot'u.. SL--KSa..:: --KrSrraS TRSyarY..a(Jdn-r r nJt"",n" oonaideraiion nf the -"'V'i; J ...T'1" '" prineipniij P!,,o the Wtc of Mississippi, and tho r. bM i ? nele.pbi...J..h. , . j.j,.,! ; 0 bia IISTT, "."m , ""ail'SS "Uek1 . .o per.iuoutii. am rju:it suspicious, Tho legislative Cumniittco now in- vestiguling I ho Treasure und Amliltir General Hcpartmculs bus discovered ,i,, . u ,, m ., , . ., lint A. S. 31. Wallop tr.m.rtv Sup..'. iiiton.lfiit l the I'.ihlm Jluildtngs iiiit H I . . '', mil. i'uii':iii'i w I V .'w ii'nu mil jin 1 1 , n;i pg 1 1 i i rthyHl;H..Tri'iiBiivj', I no ( 'hnii-miin of, llio County Commit-" lino nf ijirfu hiiii .if rU.'m i.l No. i-5 ;) find A..ll 1H75... M- Moi'"!UuKhj'l'H t)r- VtriJ,vi ,.,,,-,'jjow York oitv, whwo .-x-1,;.i,:..l,H. i lit I'.iji ri.toiti4l, 101110 oncr fii thu ,. . , ," , , pvciMtl. n voftiiiil ftl. n,. .. .... .. ' 1 1 ..ill,... Ii ...III I... ,1.. I I...... I 1 1 roil nils 1 1 row out ol thy Ml ;it hctwoeu Juno IKi'l the sunnl no vouchers aro to ho found, except, n refund of .562.1)2, whut tho liulunco of tho 8 22,- 400 was used for no one in either ofllce is ublo lo toll, i Walters .is dead and of oourse cannot be beard from. Hut it is pretty evident that ho took tho poo pies money with biin Air jiaid l out to his butties. It is not in the Htnt 'iWsnrr nt all events: Proba-" lily (ien. Allen, torinor Auditor Gen- era! who is now riislicutiiigin Culoriido could explain this little Irregularity if; called upon by tho Committee. It is a pity that this excellent ofllcer bus moved so fur away from the scenes of! his boyhood and official operations. General Harrison Allen, formerly of V arron county und lately Auditor (.ten- oral could a tale niifuld if ho were pres ent with tho Committee in Harrlsliurg. It would be well enough for tho Com mittee to Ultimate to him thut bis presence was desirable. Tiia Senatorial Dhaii-Lock. Wo nru no little mortified at tho conduct of our friends in this .Senatorial Dis trict. Having balloted for three days at this placo. they adj. mined to meet at Tyrone on Thursday of last week, whero the balloting was continued nn til Inst Saturday evening, w hen another adjournment' was had until this (Wed- nesuay) evening, when it is boned a rosult will bo reached and the conferees return to their homes wiser and better mon. We have refrained from meddling in this question, from tho fact that we did not boliove thai cither Clinton or Centra was in earnest about this mut ter, because those two counties already havo threo of tho four nominees in tho gift of the jiurty. The former has Presideut J udge and Congraanian. und the hitler Assistant Law Judge, and if Senator is imposed upon her, those two countios will each havo two im portant offices, while wo will havo nothing. Clearfield is entitled to tho Sonutorship, and there should have boon no debute abont i(. Dr. Hoycr should havo been nominated tho first hulf day tho Conference was in session hero. , There is one thing upon which the ........1.. ,.r 11 1 :.. 1.. soiveu. j ncy are Uolornnneil upon reformin theStateftdmi.iislration. The times arc hard ; money is scarce, and tho wages of ivorkinginen are low. Tho people, are determined, therefore, to cut down their expenses. To this ond they will vote for l'ershiii till 1 I'iollet, and against Hartranfl und Jtu.l. UinvilliPl J I 111 I I'll 111 (, T)10-L .....,.., :.. 1.: . ii ..t. nv itirt 111 11 in on u piwui uil IHU f'VHM il which Iho people complain. He is sur rounded by a npind of iiiniecessary ollleiuls whoso combined pay is greater than llio whole cost of theoxectilivo department tinder Democratic adinin istiiitlon. Ho was elcctcil lo office when tho salary of tho Goven.or was (5,000, and now he gets (10,000. His expenditures uiion tho cxecutivo man sion have been at tho rale nf (0,000 per year in excess of his salary. If ho is elected, this style of expenditure is approved. It ho is dofeutod, it is con- demned ; and it will bo tho duty of his successor to inaugurate retrenchment, not only in tho executive office, but in all tho other departments of tho gov ornnient. A Wai.i, Strkkt Swiniilkii. The last (iovcrnment swindlo that has been brought to our notico is ono perpetra ted on tho 1'ostofflco Department by iI.a ,.,,1,1 ,,.,,1,1,. ..r IV oil .1..! II consists of a six-colun,., newspper,1 ta f' r MO-OW, and then the. Ojo Hartranft process,,,,, , l itis printed in that den of eommcix'ial llj t'.00nftl, ,'- 10 bo buck as ; '"-'gho l,t Ha.nrdny night wnsl,?l nnitv i.. Vnw York ....I i.,..,l leustoins. In other words the green-1"!'' lln'J lo"Si and very quiet. tonal ionul banks, railroads and nn toiinltoniil oanks, inilionils, and nn- tional theivory generally, and Hart- ranft and Jlawlo in particular. Tl.iu ,,-.,,. i. i.,.i.,.. .... i., :... . ...g v..,,.-,,tv .itvii - lated throughout this State (und of course in uil others), by being folded inside of Kadicul journals, as a "supple ment" for tho use und behoof of tho riadicul party, and in this way do frauds the Postohlco Department out of thousands of dollars in thu shape of postage. A bolder electioneering fraud on this constantly Indebted Depart ment has never been brought to light, and in call upon Postmasters, who uro tinder oath, to give this mutter somo attention. We hopo tho liadicals will not stenl everything before sur rendering up their abused trusts to the peoplo. TllK l'lllt.Alltl.rillA 1'itotinAM.VI. '01.1 Xick" is no mnkh in tho lino of rascality when compared with tho efforts made by the Philadelphia Pil grims lo carry that city nt tho ap proaching election. According to Mr, ln Lv of tll 1:ilttdull,llia there havo been placed on tho Asses sor's books, no less titan fifteen thou sand fraudulent names. Men havo been assessed I mm streets' not yet pared and from houses the foundations of which have not yet been dug. Tho Pilgrimsarebecomingdcspernto. They evidently funr tlio majorities that will coiuj rolling in for l'ershiiig and I'iol let from the counties outside of Phila delphia, and are preparing to have nioro limn tlio usual number of fraudu lent names tor repealers lo volo so as to ovorconu the rural majority. Court bus been In vol oil by Mr. Tem ple to purge the list, and it should also pnrgo society by ending the scoundrels who did this work to tiioftato prison. ' Cbaxt or Cocrsb. Charles (I. Fish er, who for a number of years has been tho Assistant United States Dristrict Attorney, at Washington, (his Father beinir tho Chief) has been robbing the ooonlo and ' rilunderinrr tho United . Ktutva Treasury of Ihousands of dol- j lor. lio.wit.rr hwii nt liourih in i nr.- ..mnntin,! in.,.,,, nt.,1 ..nt I tmonsiblo for his acts. Ho was sauo enough to hold a commission from t (runt und a very loud mouthed stuin-1 ojrbulllOW ))Cll Cttllgllt "the BOYern- , ... , . , , . . , H1.H.L au, Ul. C41C,, p, o, pumng t- at.. ,jt,,o ff insatlLl V SO Oil lo uliuhlo " "U, X' M "U' 1 ; inu muu ii-ai.un i v .im.iiih-, -nil-!. .... i ... . " ""TV - -( W v . ym lirOHOUnCOtl Crtliy too should SontS r--'v l-vo him arrested lor ... i . cerawxsy- Ant.,.,,,,. l ap t. is irilhout ueulif ilit coi'untcst hole out-i ") "'V"" '"V " .'" ' V T cioaninff ll oui tinnil u.iu an . i run democua tic hall y. - Tim auiiiiiil lciiiucr:iiiii Muss Meet- '"K otl' on tho evening of the 7, ''' "'' , s''l''"1"''-. '" Fin's .Opera , House, Ihnttoiiri room pl'OVIIIg too : .,,, ,,. ,1. . 1 X Z Tin, iiHMiruhly was eulhnl lo utttT fvy : " T', . Z, 7.. ... , "' . V . .,,, p-,,.,,.!,.,,, ' .pi,,, :,', won.lod by hull' u score of voices. It wtin put by tho Chuii'iniin, and can'icil . ,.. Kern, I'liilip Dntls, .1. L. Cnmphcllj lieo. Weaver, Jae.ih Dinielin,:, , 'ainuel I.ansberry, Dr. Win. A. .Means, John llockenhei'ty Jesse fioss, Ilobert K.l t'legul, W , , Hoover, t apU John S.i Mclviermin, F. C. Unwiiiuii, . Iniiies W. I Johnson, F. F, Coutriet, I'.' A. Howies, ! Samuel Clydv, John II. Kvlc4', Jl. M. Kly.ui Jus ,. A.HI.k.,,1 lieu. Howetw.v, lie,. Wooden, A. II. Newcomer. 1 lien.otiou was ntiimimnusly aroed to. ' Jlr. Luther, of Woodward township, moved that tho following r;cullemon act lis Seeretaies : Goo. M. Hrisbin, of Osceola ; IVaiiU Heed, of Hout.ilalo ; Johiolnii ton, of 11 rally t.nviiHlilp; Dr. Jiocse, of Morris township, and Dr. House, of Ilrudfiird township. . , : : .Motion ngrerd to. Win. S. Urudlev iiinvvd that J'anl; t.v i ii. , ,,i , . .. ... -.. ... rivuim, oi i teuriu'i'i, itr. 1. ii. iwan - dy, of Osceola, Dr. Geo. W. Caldwell. of Heccariu township, t.'has. II, Corvcll,! of Huston townshib. lusi -Daniel iior. i I man, ot JSuniM'lo linviislnp, act nun Mr. Test Counted the s.age and dl, ! o.k at oneo to secure a .'nmpleUi rep-l rintl . m,,,,,!,,,,.,,,,,,,,!' sehnols i liveiT.1 one of his enjoyable short: l"JI,1"1'"" '' inauulaeturiuj,- and, i,va, ibis year, nra women, speech,.,. r " general interests ot the Stale. They jWS()1i 1,,llil,h,il,1.y miK At the, conclusion of his remarks, J have also secured a itpai'o un the Cell-! l,i)n prisoners, llui gMitest liuiubol' J. II. Walters moved that the follow-! vuu-m ground, ailjnining tho lliitishl evr within its wulU lit one tune.' d'Ste A'"" he National mine, .las. Thompson, Krank Hol"or, An-I1'10 t''tl-l'"n f a suitable building for j Mincooku. Luzerne county, alter rag thonv Mile, .lumen Suva,-.. " a'imIIh I tho iiecomodalioii of Ihu eouiimlleo. lorn month' has been tinnPy ex- IS Ll, ' ' ' i"";"1 ,;-"""-"'V'" "Mi- Sarah ll. Hray.on. M. D., '.During thealuco'"?! '"T, 7" ,'".'"1 "IM-oitttment ,o the toe, Chairman Mt( 'till. .ugh introduced!"'""' 1 ''""delphia. suitable for the erec. chair of Materia Medica anil Thempcii thoHon. Francis W.Iluglieii,i.rri)tts-ti" ul' a rifte-rung.i of I.UOO yards, in '" iN'c,v York. Free Medical Col ville, w ho for nearly ail hour discun.'H'ilJ.which cau he used during the Contort- '"r ,von,on' tho finance tpiostion in it very ublo and . uial liir the sliuoting nf an intei nalioiial ! N Taylor, esi., ol Snieihport, manner. ; ,.,, T,0 lM , , b McKean country fell out of his back- At the conclusion of Ins speech, the! , , 'I'"" recently, and broke bis back. It Committee on Hcsolutions, through j" l (-'''"'leiuei. in this city would iH ,1()U,,,t i,0 ixKover from his their Chairman, Mr. Fielding, reported i organiiio a club lo take cliurgo of any , injury. as liillows : . lMn W"M that might be nee-; ' l,y u,b,t has j,t been ad- .Ulnr.r!rjrr the Massachusetts Agricul- ilorrrnor, and vietir K. Hiollct for state Trrot. ' expense would ho trifling, while tiirul ('ollege. and expects to plow her i,ilo,v8t 13 1,0 'idit.heKxi,ii''y'i"''Ki' -yr o.. mt0- nr,'rf, , nni w .-n.ioi.ti aril niinnive tbe pi nt form a.l opted It ihu lvni(i.-iny in nmnn tion at Kn, gh KplnnWr Uth, t.t m autlo ot rinuiilvi itbiph lliirouj-lil v in h:iriiiuii nitii Ih lit.inlntta n.l lnta,..l. , Cfi.,. ' IMrtd, That w nvrr.-Vo mm. rntl Iho legKlRttr cnr ! tlia Hob. Win. A. H'bIU-c, Ur late Slntu Hnialnr. tuiJ ua rnuorFlaiL.t.. fl.! Dpiuofracy ii."!. !U'I.'vhIh.ii ... tboii4iol tticj United bt, anl thai tlio H'nto hn s- curH Iho j a roDresiBtntivu wlioto r.iiu.l itwriiv, tl-trotiuo ' to jr-riiit ijitf, Bii'l emrny, oniinrriily qn.ilily bun j lo llll one of Ilm h'tit ft j luff i Ift tlio bi.ilj to whtf'a u bu IfCfU iliDrMi Httittnl, Tint Wr nlr-t nni) riiprm-j tin polliieal irwurm nf CtiUmel W lio ilurhburn. r,Ht Itcpri-iinir.'i'r;- in ilio -Intuie, feH'r.! , an i iiil.itre liu-nuniiiiT!. i)f tur Ca,m,ty f.nv. ii-n,M aiil flur lM dnaoia ta fpuniu tlivir elfrtion ly lnereap4 9 ' ( 1 no roMoiuiiotirt wvro iti()aoi witn- lalll 11 .iiii.ii After Ihe resolutions were diinuseil .,( k....,.i.. U',.ii..,. .. .. ..,.ii..,i 1 miiceetliHl tu deliver it speech, which has since been ndnpted hy tlio .State Committee and tho party as the ' key note" of tho caiii.uin. Tlie spwch lipiicared in full in our issue of lust week, and bos uiucd miivorrud circu lation because of its slitrtliiio; chillies against tho l'ailical leaders. At tho conclusion of Jlr. Wallace's speech tho mooting adjourned in a very .,ii...u;nui;.. ... u- a better pleased assembly, and it just 100KS now as inuuiru our niaoriiv:"'" .......i.l . I. t i.i.ii .1.:- L..n vtwuiu itiiuii i,.i.r. nun a tin, i , II,, to '..'. Tl.. l'i.,.1 1. .. .. e. '..v . .""""'b'. Tojilsnys: "Tho assistant Treasurer af Ww Yiiflf line hfin iliiiwtiol hi- tltn' - - -v -"-.ui iiiuiuiiti.uiiuivtw'cii inu uuc-ni, jh.iii.i- Secretary of tho Treasttry to sell four! ml moeliii)- ever held in eastern Ohio, million dollars gold duriii the present !ut Vouiigstown, on Katurday hist. month, as follows: Una million dollars I This is a trio worth any person while cacli 1 liursilay. 1 hut ts to say, that at tho present price of Ijutu, cu, is to bo added to tho people's taxes during lhu month uf October. The sunt of f 1,00(1,000 in frrooiih.icks is to is"" to bo shaved 09n,0(M) lor! An old lady, who saw it passing by,. remarked Wlint n hi., fun ,1 1,10 1,1 "'0 gold gamblers. IfjivmarlaJ H fiat a big . ,l0 g"Vot nint-i.t, or ntllicr the .Judical, ,!(1TV . .",., Adniinistralion, would luko tho green-1 ".. . . . i - - back lit its face value, gold gambling would be stopped, this Item of fti9U,- 001) of taxes for October would be j brought pi-ncti cully to a par. j r. .. I M'l , , , , I.. popular docunietits now in circulation are the speech (d Senator Wallace, do - ,. a ii- rv n . i hvered Pica Opera ilouso two weeks ago, ox-Uovernor lligler's letler, and tho charge of Judge Orvis. in the miners L. This latter. ,ve ,m llllblisll next WOelt. This week w e publish another speech delivered by Senator Wallace, in Phila delphia, on Saturday evening last, which w ill, no doubt, prove interesting to tho addition, silence mill division ring, Kx Stute Treasurer Keinhlo Is badly wounded. (iononil Cussius Al. l iny, the famous old Kentucky Abolitionist, nfler mak ing a number nf speeches for Allen iu Ohio, said, u day or two ago: ' I don't think it is ncicsMiry for tne to niukc any more speeches In this State, tiov ernor Allen's prospects are good, and I believo that ho will ho elected by a very largo majority. I ahull ut once proccvn lo 1 ennsyivnnitt, anil make a few speeches thoro." 11 r. Clay slumped this section of tho Stale in 1S5(I, Ii Fremont, limiting a speech at Ourwens ville. DkmocsaTS, Work! Let onrlriends throughout tho county see to It that every Democratic voter is roused up to the importance of the cominir olec-1 t on. JNow is tho time to nv out 1 h a. r i u. . . ., nt, Itadiciil S into orgnnwatlon which for yeai-s has ind its hendq.iurters at liar- rishurg in the , Treasury lint;. Let thoin these preycrs on their substance and the battlo will (hen be l,,,ir n c, ..i l,, ., ... , , ' campaign. "The (loverninent" has been rtirulii- log in Colorado fur two weeks past. and has not becu nble to reach the seat of (tovciuiiient siiieo It vacated I.oni lliitnch. Tlio idea of the l'rusl-! dent of tho United States signing p. pel's and issuing commissions away out in tlio , Ilucky JJouiilujiis partakes! gTOB'ly of l-OtDlltlell. i , . 1L. Vet, it is true, y, f j,, .j ,lxA0ri.T .70, 1 ' v' "ltn de,,),!,, aulim lo Heuillor aiitlCC': ' s. r, . . . n-H 1,1 speedi at rowerl Hall, Irt Hint cily .1. , I...I Um ....t.n1..l.. ..V...I (( mnr(h (l vftm ,, ,. '. ' ' , , l V'U l- SHI'S dlSCUSiud fioui tin ij.ivnlf.,1 nlnn, ,,.,., KrM K; " , .. ... " ' 11 '" wok-ii was ono ol tho utrgost nnn most tMitlnisuta. ., . ,. fh.. . . ;. , 1 .v y. -j ,'"..' .. , - 'J'nr. Xr.w Yomk Omri:, Tin. Now. Yoiie Slulu t'ciilciiiiiul Ihnir.l bus r gaiiiccd l.y III.) cli'diusi of ,M , Flunk Id'hlioiiseliiiirninii. ,i r. .'iiuii.icl Wheel- v ill jt.e VVIiui.l.rt" A Vll-o:i lowing .'.Utrhino '..nipi.ny, bus given tin. IV. liw.Ti.Of Higlor will at., have Ins oflU-o. It will ho thu bend 'quarters of tho Centennial movement ill New York. Tho hoard will iro to! n anil New York exliiliitoin. Tlio plans j niii ,c ,va,y ,liB Wl,ci . ... t . . .Mr. Edward MePhersou has craw-1 n, ,, .,,, ,,. , . , ,, , , , i eharj;.) Hint Judge i'cnd'ing voted ngaiust tho bill givingi soldiem in the army tin. right lo voto.j M r. M l'bep.n know he was falsifying of Zit !' ; , J K f I ,. , ... I Nearly .ht tli "u"' 1I,H -oi'nectu.n with tl.oboell nlvll,lv colluc I -loidical party would uutumllv lead to' I the supposition that he could tell a : ml. t,liiMil,)n lin il, l, l l i - ' ..Hi, . io m in i,y eMiiniieu ai ino ;case; hut, perhaps, when Iho Demo-1 I'eleiMiurg, Va., fair, weighing l.tiOO j truls liieked him out, ol hU . leikship1 P0""'1": '''' hR nd HI leet high, ,at Washingt,,,. they unbalunced hLn mlls fm,n N;""' ('nri,li"' ijiidgment. .Mr. Mi'l'bei-s.iii would do' TI,o hog UUcase .is (.oiniiiitting Ihettev in devotini- his time to,"-1."'I"V,"0Mln.t ' ''anklin county, I'lno. .pia.n- uir uie uuuiic ll t llK tit llui I.iniciirt.' i s . 1 i'ir I''""""". ' Go l. Slloorinis ,H,,ii . 'immomniillli says: "An oiler has been j s -r : i'o uunm-i oi ino unioorulic Mini this Jtbm. In J870 tlioro;No.v York familioa M to Ihu roccut woro4Jkt.notmtiL-(;; in 1875, 1 nitj.eiii'niifo in court of n tlm:o ycnr 24 Domocrutic (iovornor. In 187(1, 4 oIil. ",l''.v ,IM 'hfiii'lunt in a criaiiiml I)om,Cmlitl lwblt Hn J ill 1875, 2 DiMHOfl'iUin Lo"i;tltlHVf. ill IKTII flO 0 1 iH'mofnitiu 11101)11)0114 (!' tho UiMlsy nf Ii,. tjil iviw .f tin. I ,,;,,, I u. . hi 1875, 18ll MUMnt'OrM ol" 1 Iml IlO'h'. In - -( j - . ' , . Senutu tlio ITiiilml Slates : in 1871V '8 IllCmlll.Trl, The ra I iii of proro.-MOM will fiu' Htill inin? miu,i"tivo iitnot. ;., tl.,, ,!., j .,., i i :' ' "v ' VMlc inr' tliOV Will tliftKO tl olonil rVt'0 Sbnsiiii.i:. "I'iKhtlnjr Joo lln.iker' .euks like a state."inan and u ralrmt ' '. ; eii lie soys It seem l., me that our people shoul.l lutvo lumed .in since thut piinperity can. ml return to us so lony us the bad feeiing and dis sension c.viiled by the war of the re-: bi llion continue to divide ii. 1 firmly i believe that the true and honest sol- tllooel of tl... ....I.IU k. I ,i,v i..-ji,,iiv i,n,v iidmi ii-ut eiit en. ; veri liicn- iiiiiiiencu to inu encoiirnenieiil ilinl cunt. iiuiince ot the bad blood ' K-si.lcj t-o.I by the war, and they ..over - t A AV TtlAM Kv.Cnv t'.nli,, t r ... ,, .... '! "ii mis ,-51,'iie, r.x i.nv. t aiuor. ol ur-' Liuin and Jlon Daniel W Vooi heiot i ..r ..1.1 1 .1. . 1 ... . . (0 (ravel a hundred miles to hear. It B WllUOUl UIIII01 11.0 UCSt COIIIIIIIIUtlOII ofstump siiealters it. tho Cnion Cur-! of stump speak tin. Walker and Voorhccs. ,otir 3 onng men will exercise the ei.T (oral privilege this fall for the first time. ' T t i.i nr.. ..i.i.t ., , i.i " " "" ""J "tiuutu vote tho Democratic ticket. eflilnr Allol'T IlKSItlNATIONS. TllO i oi toe x uiiin.n-iiiiini j mm in uiiiiillllir lliu tone wns not illllireil. i tn ll.ii. qiieHt ion says: Tho Dcinocrais ! havo a right to eo, ,.in of Judge1 7 !'. "",lk'!l l'negyr,,t ,,.J 1 11 .11 f.... i - I .values, tho auetioneer, is l erahlng for not resigning his juikre.,, ; J Hj'P. " they see lit to do so, and - (.t)Uwlln t , .nls.. Kino paintings, ". ""'' lliu. ('iiliimou.l'ilirrim r,,,,o tl.l,l ""110 l)ln"'"' not denounce Judgo Pershing for do- ' ing.jnst what tiovernor Jlarlruiill did ' In M2 in tho worst possible form. I lie continue.! in the o eo o Am lor (ienunii until alter his cleclitui tor'''1! WI' ,"'', times since I been born. Governor, and not in niirsiinnce of his 1 elwtion l.y tho people, hut by a legis-i livo extension of bis term by a parti-1 sail ailniin.striilion, alter the term for which he had been olerled had expired.' llr. Ntanton, who had been elected us! tbo successor of Auditor ti'cnernl Hart-1 rantl in 1H71, died heliire his term com-: melicod, and tho Legislature extended (tovornor Jliirtrai ft's term until alter! 1.1. l.i'..l. ..I...:- ' inn vivi ,iii tnv . . iiiivi IllltUI ntl eiltlll, ; I. ,i,i t i ,(. i t .i V i . . """"" "..' ' ' ! doubtfu y conterix.,1, and was .leaf to , oyer)-appeal lor hisremicimt.on. Com-' plaint ol Judgo Porehiiigs positioii ! may coma from anywhere elso Omn i 11,0 supporters of tiovernor lliirlriiult, ! linli'Hrt I hiW motin In cmi.tini I Im I emtio candidate for tiovernor liir a1 l!l"u"1 SUll." i 'e-suror Now has very genteel imitation of a very ones.' C,1J 'elHivo in ln.iluniiKhs what tionublo net of the llepiiblican enndi-i ""J" '' enriuus ndio of Jat I "soil nionny." 1 1 consists nf a cinder .about the size nl nil apple, and was Tun IIissiomabiks. The lIiilli.-. I "ii-iho1 from the chemicals in 12,000, phia .Vnsofiry J'nts says: Moody and ! uOU Treanury notes which were Nuukoy havo nt length decided to com- r. '.""",n "'"""V " is w iso. Iho ("ity ot Churches isde- ciuu(,ly , glvaUst Jneei ,lf sl)i,ilim f0 generation than any other spot in the hind, and perhaps iu tho world. Con- "ill-'l'i,l8 "' "hoico they have made, Ze T wlI"'Jul"h 1'",'or f.linTi"K! Mooily and hank.iy inntato their esm- paign against iiniigiiteousness hcrol with even a feeling of joy. It is al ways pleiisaiit tn do good, hut to aid in extricating fellow-creatures from the slough of iniquity allords infinitely greater satisfaction. Jlrooklyn is in toe slough, anil ourcitinma niuy justly ,Tj"'cu '." HvmK ' the reviviili.u thcv will heln to oxtrlcnto it. and Hnnkey will begin their llnmklyn lahois tlie last day of October. It is a pity they cannot coinmcnco sooner, liir in thu on?f Interval thnt wretched city must groan In spirit ami sink deeper in the mice, whilst its Inhabi tants eontinuo to bivath an ntinosphiirei thoiC';'hly tainted by tlie late scandal.! We are told the revivalists have soon red : a largo building. Wo hope It is largol enough, though wo must confess lo a ;w.Sder;.a - - httf iVmotlyn sinner. ai,c..mpaion to Ihi. plank Is reserved rerv iiuinerons. It t tin a .A lor our t entenmal Kxhibition. The . k Wp rjxptct' much lic'm j i, .j .u.,, ... MAM ,i..n'nji 1 .'," , "T ""IT'SJ ,o ii i. noi rrowneu wnn irrnnu rruiii. ? .Y'.'ir.S' rrtiMi. The l.iisinoM a,i iion of llahoniel. iiioin. lias been, ilriroye.l by lire. m I,,,,,, .. ... i i ,t-,im , ."w in, 'i, im,,' ,"',n nn-,- iiiimliil ill the luihoad shops at Itea l I ... in e;, I'diii a. ivim ii. - . The inhiihitniihi nfljuebec, Cpper Caimdu, are already enjoying sleigh rides. '" At a London doj show this year i one of the iiuimuls a valued at ff 50,. i 000. ... . . t ,.,, i...w ,1... ti""is1""1- . I The Catholiu Tolul Abstinence I'uion proposes a grand parade ol the ,T,li" t I'hiiad. Iphin next year in honor of the Centennial, , l'w l" (Hiilsare being """f "t ,l"! nla "' l,0fM,000 per 18"),000. lit I liousund dollars huvo lv fflll,tiMl l.v I),,, n,,,.,.,. of tho Massachusetts women in aid of tho National Cenlenniul. , , ti ,.. i . .. . ., i, . ,', ,i ,...-', ,.i'i. . - it w n- ..mji.. u liioiii. The Ihinoim trotting mars Ameri lean Cirl ll il.mct ,,!.. ., ,,, , 1 f i.. ,1... ,'.. , 11 u in t he tiivt heat ill the IVce-ln all nice th Klmii-a ll. i,-,,,.. p..t. I TliO qimnvl lift .Ml'H. J. A. McLcilH, of WilliuniM- 1 .. ..;.. ,,r I. ...I ' i. 1 at.-,,iiprainiuii iHTpt-vm- IM'. I llO VIllOM niVatill inMootll, With a tail iiro-spiH t of violdinif morn of tho'lllt,nI t'o JA'piMntiii-o ; miinowirl. , .... 1 . lift u t?S.Ui)i1 tluinniroti uiruhist tlio iiinaircs iiL'iinr-l the; C,ii,,lln,l ,..,.1 1' .. ......l.. 17.11 , ...'I,.., i..i ' t v .: ' " . .,,., ii. inu " ') llio sun cpiiisuiii iii tt locoiiiioive ....... I. I.i 4'. u O-.ll fi..i "1-." 111 i..i c-..'...i. ., , , ,. .! 11 , --(..upper linn lii cn tuscnveivd on laiious corporations and t barterod lie 1,11 111 ill jtatouis lltlllpt. Ill 11 oil totvlMllili. l.Veiltninireoiiiiit'. Tim nra i, nid ti,esit in larK.fp.autitiesalK.ut six led licliiw lliesiirlucc 1 1 nlsiul sixty live percent. Ac I.. ... iinini.. in u rreucn .'laiistican. in...'., thaiiathonsnnd peoiilc have per - ished bv fire in theatres from the be - ,.ii, I,.,, .it tl,.. . ...i. lhu ju, o whi0 (he pc,:,,,, ,.,. I - ........ 1 'I timi. l 111(11 1 11 1 -J ll, COI I,IHIO,1I01I. 'riiiiivlhiTO thousand dollars is tho huiii owed by tbe Washing..., Voting Men's Cbriftian Associaiion, 'f aim ii.iu.MiL' to levy on. wo llmuitit ....i:..: .. ...-.i. ...i, n ivliKi men,,,, .., other thin a i I i , .i i ii iliiii.iici etiiu. on I no miliar. I.l.. -...I : i . . ., ...inn eautunm, iresiueni ot llio ''orhnin silverware emnpany, of I'rovi- ! OPOCO, ed for about UGOO.- IMMI. The olllcers of the comnanv snv iiiiiv. , ., Jill ailllll L eilllll.. . The olllcers of the comnanv sav t it is in no way affected by his tail- 11 IV II.- .......l. a i port. lt: A Piiminitieo nt a fair in Norw (t i j , .. .. , . ' . . . " r V t ;,a(I uot'" '"Xen nuio tl.nt hu.l been tiiken fi-.imonocnk Biid put intotwelvobot.;loian,in Ul0 .)0ckl, , , U'tt)1 ' .t Sh.Hr. m. , ties Willi varied labels. Thcv were iw,i .1,. ...... ...,l .,,,1 .1 t,,k' l"HlM " "I - " ""ien oiitstuu.tlic inifehteiliiess or Cinciniiali. The r, " IsniUjO would be trncof Pittsburgh, with Tln'iiotoriiiiisMadiimel''orlineyer,ihei' municipal debt big enough for a w lio was seiileiiceif at M. I.ouis to ten I.nprisonnient ,i, the llissouri ieniteiilii,i'y, for mal practice, escaped jii)m ,it(,lltilll.;, WtmJlny ttilit by s, hei-self through the I ransom of her cell. - ""rr"r '"" ' '' t- ""."'.' -" uiiK. anil the panicles ol glass so iniheilded in tho wood work of tho iwin that not a piece tho sise of nn inch could lie found. The piano was also struck. but n" '"ousinous co.ori citisen ol 1l,)mp' (,l0l'1'1' KM nt','i' overheard b' B "'lwsetitnlive of lhu Cimmereial, '" " n : " nrK. "'V ana " "'K1'1. " "W1 " 1 '"" 'um"' nx llvl' ('rant and Jeff Davis were nt St. I .mil. the other day nt the same lime, ft local paper complains rather bocauso they didn't shako fisls. If these two rejected third-termers had shine.l up each others hoots, what would have been tho diifereneo to Iho nation f U'.i,i,. ll I ,.i,,,.,.. ,., ... ' . . r-.' ." . , t ...i.i .1 i i. i ,' ui"1! " lu j-j, Ins Ice nn.l sent them awny, apparently MtMi;, hut, a diiy or two alter, tho hii,irn)om relumed ami said Hint ho ,n, ,.m(. pay mora, as the woman ,n, tllnu ,lt ,, , better than ho expected. uiuiieu nuuiti iiinu lign. A long drought in Florida threat ens serious injury lo tho orange crop. The ontnires tbouirh hut bull L'rown are hogiiiuing tn turn in color and to ripen pivnintuivly. And should there come a bountiful ruin tho probabilities ''' H't P''Ct "in.hers would swell ntpiillv and split open, while those tlnst (lid not split would bo under siso. Corn Cobs aro txtensively used in Furope for flro lightera. They are first sfceped ja hot water eonlqiping 2 per ceiif. of salfpefre, l,n.l tjllei' bo ing dried t a high leuiper(tiiro, are siitumtcd w ith 50 tier cent, of resinous mutter, These fighters, which aro sold nt from 8:1 to f i the thousand, are employed w ith udvnnlago nsd economy iu private houses and for lighting fur niiees. A timber merchant in Now Or leans has on exhibition a cypress board Inim Alabama, which ia thirteen foot long filty-lhroo and a half inches wldo anil Iwo Inches thick, and is without knot op spilt. This is probably tha largest piece of tin, her aver aeon in any tree from which (he timber was taken n'n,i i.;. .. .i in... .. rt ...."o. ..... a., enov, Ul nen eaten ton in insnieirt. ,--e IIKAVY VAILVIIKH-IIAUH ! ' .W '.'' iMA'l . Ilarihliiiri. is nnl an apparition. As 'predicted when Ihu Juv Cook liiiluro: .- . , i ol ,1,,,, ., .,, . I !........ ,. .......-. ..... iuu ..vM "K; ,1,1 llll .'lilt (..l AftM',,!' ul.,. ll.., ,1, ,,,,HH.1.I. ....... , I Ulilil-iltll'l niiuhl buj I'Min Ihat iiine to .tin. huvwiit, lM.'.l pines hav no a gri'ater or less exieul cMi'vImmTv nnd ihu hotioirl hiimu , '-...lliaHalloWeilbinisoirtolHisliintfom'tai i,, i.i,.'h.nV...i',r.t .i. f. v,.i ....i-......i .... ... ie,.i( ,;,,,(;. ii... l.ii... . . V r! Whole til it, ilii until il there in a eluniiie nliif High sal - iii tltut time will he m lines must ho out down, all maimer of government thieves must ho choked oil', thu terribly consuming indirect luxes UMisl liu (lestro d.ieitro thuro cull boi I'd let nnd tlicmi relnrnia' ,,,,,! I comjilished until IIio(4m iiu eutira pon.pltto chnnir In l'ivp.m'llt,'Rtntff, Hixl Kodnral. 1 Ls,k at your local nowspapei's ! j n.t'.uu" iXZ: Jvveryuberu literally filled with Sher-I oiUr w.k, b..ort., .mi ill s Kales ! From one column to twenty! I "" ttrv eun There is r,.l Uistreas! And in .m..;Jjfe casus out ol ten this is to ho traced to ' ui .,uit, ruruiiuro iuj axiuru..... lliu iul'uriiiil iudiruot taxation and ex- i Curmu oK.m. nJ um paia travagance of govornnient, inducing all. tVJiZilT otber, perhans necessi- rroiiUUui o.,rr.iiv,ii,cij,il muid., luting it. And yet men will go to the' l.r"i i. rJ.r u,ii iiolls and vote blindly to keep the very I -J""l'.n iuo.i nh II. s. ir... !ue in ,,wr who produce this state , (!. ml. of .,.,UU.; ol uuairs. Tuul ., , llei-o, in Lehigh county, with ui . i people distinguished for frugality, in-lpiui.,, ui ta".'"""-. dustry, eoininou sense, carefulness and Msr,lH lnoj... , honesty, these limes uro not so severely 1 2""" ,,'l1,,w"' I"" . felt a. wo see then, .round u. J ot, even : Kl'tfe hero, w hero thu hheritt 's sales usually j iima ornn,ru. of J. ,,0.11. .,.. occupied a vrrv few inches of upaee in "" Nii.mi u.,k. tho local liewi.aie.K. ihev now rise Ii,,""'""" b"'1" huk" thu dignity ol two column or moreli 111 oruinuiy times such sales mean! 11 1 " nothing more than that somebody has! ,jf ""'-" '"i'r....i,,sill . - .-1, I. w. M. Hhw, L.,lBr of Ilia t'oanly Na.l.mol heen or i ximplionably I... IB.11I1 .r l U-mwd. Mi.nair w that ia ItiriunuiO. .MllV l( that (Iclllors1 Iinvn liien l',,ni.,l In tl.iiu.ill nil In,. I cause ol llio har.lness of the times, (f.niiui. ,.l I ... .... Hut Iho iiuhllc imiHirlanee thu whole distressing matter assumes is to usecr fain tho cause and w hat the remedy. Look at your J'rci. lent, with his sal ary doubled-F1KTY THOI'SAND A YF.AIi! Your Governor, his salary douhled-TKN TIIOl'SAM) A Y EA if! Your Congressmen, more than doubled fro... two It, three tliousiind a year, to seven thousand! Your Cabinet of- ., iii r a fleers, and Judges: fitmi two lo five and tel. thouxuiid, and their iiiiuihersi iiu'n.nul inwli-i- uiu.i.iniio mini,,. ,1H ; i, . ' , . , i . c ' twenty to one ! l our legmiutors, ironi , about three hundred to OIIU It llll two' ! tllOtlHIinil each, tllld contingencies O nolle ilenomi ll tl,;,i;, I I.nnlr ..I thti nn in her of vour ulliioholdt'in i V ' of two ai-Uouuticjwho to I one thvro nre' whoro tliowiiKotl to Iks one thuro nrv1 hunlos now hi nny nocotwniT loijnl 1 hwmw you m mjuirod olot kmfc j J nt tho I'liormity of IW-h vow pay 1 1 1fiV I v .1 i I Oil! t. tHlJlt'SHt, H4tlU)dl'r your nionoy ' 1111,1 K,vu aVUy OllbllO ll.mlM lV tllO million- of hcivh. und vour JiOiriwlHfuiesi itv f.uif I'. .h f.mi. lnJiilu till J ...-J". r......-, iJ011 m''' B,H' ''" - h0 rodcml pmcm - 1 both tax your furl, liht, tho very ( rttunds und colli ns in whioh you ar buried ill fael cvorvthiiuf lunirible. i n .:. ".i :, .1.. ' I""" J'"" "'II liu. 11 lliej i""'1 " or prove thut you are . KlSSCHSld Ot OI1C thill Could be SXlId at ux w,.iIir'B ,. Shei ill's sales and . l.....l..rM x I.,.i,l.,e will. I.l. ....till. ..1 i...., I.., .;,t. l.: i.; ; tno.lOHi.ies: JJUl "yotl pays your me euoecriocre inerrlu into o tHHly oorKrole. inniicv mill tnUiot vime ..liiiii'ii.'' Ymi,BB,itl"b ''lae l'eon l..n.l A'ovielion, ' tlie ,(siJ ol you) Ko to Ihe eleeliot, annu- ally l..ll vote to KUHlUlll tllt-se Oppress- oi.tii.''es. If men did that 1 n ... i Willi their t-vtl lilii'il Ihev tlt. :' . .... !"""' ,lu UvHv' tmv- lm w,u! 1 l lt'' 1,1,1 "Ih'U tbeti' eyes to the facts I that sii.tihhiiI tliein 7 AUentoirH Iktn- - '" - . - I THE IlESO IVi7 V lilt. li.AHU. 117 I. lniirehe.ini or In ane vi.jr nieoUll i nllh tbo lot. When men pin-sue any line if policy ! '""'"t I""0""' Kpert notn ihe .oteeion they have a itason for it. Wlim. theJ," Wall Street Khylocks, and New York , heni. j aer'o. of eon, is oo.buio ol ont, is i nioiiey-cuantrers Kenoniny, clamor' i.l. . .i. .i. ..:i;-.t ....... - a ' H"ouBh . subsidised pi-es, for a f.-recd resitmplioll OI speelO pay met. IS, they K..OW Wllllb lliey Uro ttointr. noli .t , i,,.. .7 . ..... . !,iY, . . . , lo ,u."u" ."T. ' u,.u"l, ... i.e... " ".nalion they nave an "? . n,K,"V '""""". .,,,e ''vo ""Ka" "u,1" Bn,,u VjIII-CIIIIIWW, UlUllt.', UWCK B4JII1U MIAIUITII i iiiuiiviii) uuiutin, uiki iuviuiuvi inn - tioil Of her l-omlb 18 hold ill 't'W York, "'"' lium.",,T,iou A:? wil.' I no ll. nil n tieoniiii . ttlOSO UOIlllS liaVlUllellltrilUl.aUll WOllId 1 ,,i i.;ll,.. ... I.,..l,..,l , l, ..-.,. I .,t t,vo niillion five hundred thousand I State. The siin.u would Ihi true of1 every city und tow n outi-ide of Xcw York, whose bonds ure mainly held in that city. It is natural, theivliirc, that Jiew link shoiihl want lorcetl reioini ip- tion tho fixed policy of tho lEepubli can party. Ills naluiiil enough that tho iictv York I1V., rciiresenting the money kings, should desire to dictate llio fiiiauciul policy of Pennsylvania and Ohio, und it is to lie expected that Tt. 'v:i -r I... l..i.... ..t i.i j nc a i iiriitn itutit tin toitj toner nutiuiu lv-t'Mio Ihe opinions of J ivy lmiil.1. In the VCl'll.'tculur of the Calliorol. Mltckey King, these newspapers ' have liren r. ... 1 - e i . - seen. e have thus given some of tho reasons why NelV link wants a forced resumption of s,ccio payments, Hilt wnnlii it mil. In. tl lour ..utinintn Hut would it not bo a low estimate of human aainicil v to suppose that tbe l..;i;., tl,nu.,.,.U ,.r P.... ....t'and plain I ..r., ..;.. ,n .e..iir i,.r n.u vivn Struct tragi and role against their own interests. Ihe Ohio I'luttorm is the Kiiiiiiieipation Act w hich will forever set five the industries of the peoplo iidiii the control ol the money kings. J'ii7) Sfnctiitni: IIapkai, The editor of tho Danville Intclliyrncrr says: "Through tho inismatigement of the State Treasury, tho head of that de partment nt the close ol tho last letjis- latlVO SeHHion W as Coninelled to refuse ' payment of the salaries of inonibcrs of i J , , ii. t. .... t i I t ho ul' sat urn. and Inunv of I hem bud i . 13 . .' . . -. . . ----- it' huvo tiieir ciaiiun pnaveil uy ine banks and brokers. And worse, chari-1 table institutions like the Danville ' Asylum, all over tho Stnto WelO lie- iiriveu 01 ineir auiiuiti appropriations. Vet but a few months alter, Mackoy, in un exhibit w hich he made, showed that hundreds of thousands of dollars were deposited with A few net banks owned by tho Treasury Uiiie. It i Ul. i S; IIUIO to orcnK U) mis crowd WOO legrnde tho Slate bv rufiisiiiir to meet its obligations, wlnlo the piihli.i funds aro used in privato Institutions to en rich n lot of cormorants." .Missionary Wantw. The Blooms- hurrr (Umiihitm snvs: Somo neonle around the Miiner Hills, wo are in- fltrmo.l lr,.li.H . ,.l.,r.,.. l,., rF I flciates at a church about threo miles from White Hull to a literal supply of eggs, but directed them with rather uncivil force townrds his nose, on- dnngering his spectacles nswrll as the market value of the chicken fruit. Ile'ssuiillohaveinsiiitiated that one of bis parishioners had stolen a bible from tho meeting house, and otherwise of fended tlie sensibilities nf his flock. All tho indii-alions fogether would seep) 'fo Invito a missionary to that ein,rtei, The Kmprpss Kilgcnle has begun a suit In Franco lor the recovery of a number of works of art and of a quan tity of Jewelry, tho property of bersolf ni.uoi nor son, mo rnnoo imperiul, which were left behind at the Chateau. of Fonliiinhlenti and l'ierrofonds in hep sudden departure from r ranee In Rcp temlH'r, 1870, and which, it seems, have since been rnipoiinded hy tha French anlhorities. The recent heavy rains started down the Mississippi river 80,000,000 feet of lom that else could only hav been 0oaled hy large. forces of nitn and nort. .- ........... i o - .,,,1 ,v , A nenrl worth 01.10 was recently! found ill a Troy oyster served up raw,! while unotli.-r jioafl worth t(IO was ruined by having been stewed. And ., , . Illltl' , ,, rush lor raw oysters on the , ' " llHll Nlll'll I II in Ttny is biMSHiiing a public tmti.ia.' ti . I,. . , ., .. . ... . "'' "MH. l ineinnaii suidiuisi,, day for threo w.silrs by Uwa to aseor. tain Iho ellwl. He says that utter 'Shout thu teiilh time the pain ami . ...... I,,.., ;,... t. . ;.... ,""V 1 '"'",no moc'ilulod with I he poison.; grw dv(rtl$tmrnt5. 1 1 1'.I'dllT of ilm o.,i,.UHo r the coi'NTK : Ji NATIONAL IIAMK of t'lnrtuM, ! CI. TdXJtTXZl.'fiSir- " "" mmbich. -.- Limiti mij JiMmul,w $13,7-11 4ft (,42 IM 7a,UV0 oil. 4,a0A n ll,ISi IS X.yni 73 ,IM , l,SS 3 S.S5S oli HSl M ito TI 5,H m :,i7i so i7i,ai t IIOII.SIHI H , 10, .I St l.l.s TI , 67, SOS On , ti",.H M IV.7S7 it ., 4.4IX M l,TM ti , ..rsti.weo 01 awr aiaicmuul u lru lit th In-at ,.r aiv tOi.l I e.lg.' and ue.if. W. M. SUA W, ('..liier. ! ,( o.-ioi-, A. 0. Is,-, .-H.'nu.,.., buu , ,-,ure aae 1.1, nn mj JOII.V W. WHI0I.KY, N. r. Corrret Allrrt: JAMKS B. UKAIIAbl. JAMK3T. l.KONtKIl, mon tun siiAW, Dirrotura. IkL 11, ISio. -.ttPliANS coi'irr sale V Vll.l'Ani.K KRAI. KnTATK lie rirtoe of ao or,l,-r of Cm Orphiuo' Court of Clrarflvld eoitutr, tbrre wilt be anlj bv the o.ider rlgnod, Kxceutor of tbo iaat will of Samoet Bo kl, "gno.1, Kxceutorol tbo 101 , 4 j. ,b. ..,. Mnturdoy. ortobtr .to, IM1S, at I o'olock i tu , the folluwiog T4lu4bla rent ea- tote, lale the propiTtr ol SainoeT B'wb., doreafed. ,u,t- ln ; ,',,. lowjatlip, Cloirkold craoly, I'enn'a, tbe,ogb of Cberrj Tree. 'noiona ciiuuij, bouudui nod duaarihod aa lot- "w,: "' ?",n i' l ol ok. oorongtt 01 uoerrt T . , iu ..nh u .r. xii i. . .... , "ir J.h. L.rd ! W of Jon" i-ttard nJ Ui ""'J 7" m irrb ai , ii LLil mLTp ginainj. obuidibi i acrr aatt lio p imit, tm ala-ja h( lnginaiiif.aoalaii.iBi i acrrt aatt liO Mrehw i laorv or !. Thi llnJ t. r.rb! loaaJ. f qili,l, and l dUtdiiJ tuto two b4yw bt a tb iw ruad, i, anti win do wita a a wtiuia or la bartt, oMrflvidoil ly i4 rea4 Tl.nMp.oM.B.n h at etoDlraiatlua nf ,,nd tb balanca ia ut.e yr.r i a Iblrnar, lu Ir. taoHraj by ju.trMrtit wt. OKOHOK W. HOOKA, fitrrat-ir. Oot. , is;j it c IlIAISTKIt XOril K - Notice ia hi'rotir K'tait tba' aa aiiiiliiMtioa ,.l.h .r Fcoe.jli. ...... ,.r,., uf.n.,, of .u An -f a.-.... ..i e.i.l o.,.,o...l.b. i "'.".' Aot to .. tor th. isCfSMrntl .a will I aixl) lit lha H irrrn-ir of ihtt liuaina . eniuieo,".tn A.t to nro.iuo for tlie ineoruor. ' end reKolalinn of eerlolii euri,ir.,l,iiie, .pprovoil . Apiil m, ibto," lor luera n.'e.', Inei.riJrei.oe ",.", .VtJi ..u.'fu.' iJL'r..1. thereof in the oouatv of tlleerllel.l in eat I Cum- ""oniih. nn.l ror ihe vu.,... u h..v, ... aoaa aii'l eaiitr a I thM refill.. ti..i,Ha. an I ur,.. . . " . . - - r Irsra uf anld Act tf Aearwolr. Akl.AI.'K t KHKIIS, Clenrlrld Sent 111 'Ij-ii aolbdiora iie.rne.. e)...j,i, n tl Soli.Hutr.. 14ITTI(iV s " ou.nei.oi oeo eo ooiomi, t i.,ie. 4 chnlra. I eloefc. I loohinn nleas. I Inutn. 1 aot Ti l.Tx'Z C2 ,' I act. Ibe, I etovc, 4 hind, .tmw, aa tb. came waa I pereoeaeo oy aa. ot oon ooie rate on mo etn i J.vof Oeioboe. end l. hn with hi. u.. i. i bjeet to my order, J. U. K.LLls. Huinbaricr, ick 13, 1Mt u ' Ji ll I I oitaf IDC or in anj wnj innaiiupc wua ine Inl or- i ti'f property, boa In th tn af Meaara, I " 2r&t?zz 'bit'r.."; llb.r. .ndn larre lot of tod Ilea, b.rdw.r. ..J ,.,,... Tbi. trimuiinj.. Thi. property we. purchnnj by wm nod ie left tn tbe oou...i... .r I, eubjeel to my order at any JAMKS UALLAOblSK. New Wa.hlostou, OVk II, "7i-st - . . . . . A1I.M1.MS I IIA1UUS ISUTH IS. HMm Ii hereby glvM lh Letteva of A.I- miai.lrntion on tbo eetale ot LORKNZO II. PRIl'fS. Ulo of Pike town.hip. ClenrSeld oonnty, re., seeeeeed, saving been duly created tn tha underalgneil, nil pereeue iodebtod lo eoid eatnt. will pleaae annuo immediate p.yutcnt, nnd thorn haviag elalme or demand, will proeeut them pMperly nnlhewtieatetl for aeillemeot without delay, SAHAII J. PRICK, IIK.tHI UILK, rnrwenai llle, Oct. 1, Tt It A dm re. RE ADING FOB ALL 1 1 HOOKS STATIONERY. . ' Market at., lltanield, int Ihe Pest (rule.) . rpilE undenlgned bogi loom to anuoeaee tn ' " " tin Baa fl Mewl fan a .. aa mtinl km a lee. ownt.,.J tie aaa niiea an a ruoai ana aaa iat returned , ,nm ,, ilk , ,,,,, mmim, nM metier, conn. ting in pan or j Bibl0. and MinoelkneOU. Books, i n,.-i. . . ... n... ...... . Blank, Aeeonnt nnd Pona llooke of ovorr d- rlpllon ; IMper and Cnvelepca, rrenah prcaaed ren. nnn reneiiai nianit Legal i i'.,id'.. '.. i ...'-". K"P- lion and Promiearv noteai While nnd Parch meal llrief, Legal Cap, HreotdCip.aud Bill Cap, in. nnd Bit Can. Sheet alualo, lor either Plaao. Plnle ur Violin. oooituulty oa hand. Any bo..ka nr elatlonary ' , aw , ndmiaiatered tho nnth. If nay dwlred lhall amy not have oa head, will be ordered J"'' or minority Inrpeetor or fail, to by Irat oipro.a, nnd old nl wboletalo r null ' ""f' '" . f election in the manner ro lo nil .uat.imera. I will aleo keep porlodionl V i 7 "' " " T''tl .leellea llltralore, tnoh a. Magetiau, N.weti.pore, So. "el hbout being Brtt duly (worn, nr if nny r. A. II At 1. 1 N . I ""r eleotlon aball aiga Ihe form of oath wlib rlrarScbl, 11 y 7, If AS If I f1 'M'f doly iwora, or il.uv judgo or minor- Ity lneKWtor ahull eenify that aay oflt.r won Clearfield Nursery, j .r.::,"..": :rro.?i.'u'.u. Vssi: Li- ENCOUKAGK IIOMK INDUSTRY. rptlK nndorrlgned, but Ing eaiahliibetl a Nur- X eery on tlie 'Pike, about half war between i aery on c,r' "l1;!, "I'1 ?"J'T1r,i'i'!rl "o . "': ' ni.h all ktnda uf r HI IT TRkhs, (ateadard and j...r . i... .. ,. ..,,, r E,,.v.,j, , .inc., "no.eoerry, ...wtou nieoanerry, ntrmwiierry, A'.o s,be,i., cmb trvo., 1.".?.! Z .? " J,.'' " "m 1. U. WRIllHT, oop2f S ) cnrw.n.ville, r.. rioUUT rUOULAMATION. J Wiinuma, Hon, C. A. MAYKH, I'reaident ! Juitce of Ibe fjoort of Common Plena of the twen. ly-lnh Judicial Pl.lrlrt, compoeed of thoeonn ',pe ot e. .eernei.1, vrntrn nnu Llinloo, nod lion. IV M. C. f'OI.KV ond It.. JOHN 1 hrtli , . aoilata dudgei of ClearSeld e..nly, hero leaned their prueept, to me directed, for the holding of I nn A.jonrned Court ul Vommoa Pleae, nt Inn tuurt llouea, nl Clearflold. In and fur the eonn ty of Clearfield, eiiromeneliig on the SKf'OND MONDAY. Till TI1 DAY Of N0VKMRKR, IS74, and continuing two weeka. N0T1CK ia therefore berebv elv.olo larnM..d I Itueiaee, In nnd for eald county uf ClenrSrld In I oceno appear in melt proper pereiHia, at ISo'eloek 1 A. M. uf d.y, t. do thoao thinga which in .! . Jj. . perinln 1. M, HIVRN andrr my band nt ClearSeld, llila I HI, d.y uiimr, in i.t yrnr oi owr i.ora on. tftoo aand olght hundred nntl leventT.Sv.. W. R. Mel'HKRSON, KherUr. IMtKcTloN PKOCLAHATIoN.-4-4 " W'HKIlRAfl, by an Art uf lb. n.nernl Aa aombly nf the Commonwealth of rear.vlraaia enlllled "An Act to regulate Ihe (leneral Aiecthia wllhla (bia Communweaith," It la enjeinod npon ibe Shnrilf. of Ihe aereml eountl.a to gir. public n.iUee of aiirb electiii., the pleoea where to bo oria, anoj ine onerrc lo tie elected. Tnansronp, I, W. BOM . PI1KRSOV, High Sbrriff of ClearSeld euuntv. do berebv olr. P..k. lie Noltca ta the .lector, of th. county of Clear Seld, that a general election will h. held oa Ti ranar roi.i.tiwieu ens riu.t nlonnar nr Ho. vev.aa (kolng tb. Id day nf Ibe moath), at lb. l.etlon di.trlrte In raid ooooty, ni which Mine nun place tae n,uaiieu rM.ra will fol. Por on. prraoa for Qcveraor of the Ooaamaa- ttrallh of Ponnaylv.nla. Por one prraoa for T rear. ret of Ih. Oemmoa- wenlih or Penarylvnala. For on. fiertoa for, tw repramat the Munllee of UwarBold, CVntr. nail CUntua la lb. Uoneral Armmbly at thla Commonwealth far one eeec. For oae poteen for Ike offloo of Oooat, treauaror of WoarSe Id oonnty fur tbrea yeare. for thron piraoal for thn note, of Coeety Oem- mlaaloaerof Cleeii.ld ooualy for Ikroe yoara. For Hire, perron, for th. oe .r Ooustr Auditor nl Clonrlobl ooonly, Per three ynra. Far one perron Par hn oaVec of Connly Ooiuasr of CleorSeM eownty Ut rbroi t-nri. , i fi V . -aMM , w-f 235 LIBERTY ST. AND 242 PENN AVENUE, ' PITTSBURGH, PA. Tha rlotftiir. of the eoiinty of Clrarflrld will Uk nollo Una Iba mid alacli'm will bv hold at (fan following (laoeii, ria r . , Iteoovift tuvafbip, at tho L'nioo liotal, lo (llao ll,,,,,. , 0wn.hlt, at lha hovw of K.iliort M.haS,;. Ulootn tuaniNtiiu, ol tbo houoa T lha lola Janir. uiuom, Mr. . itir. towiialiin, al th' two of Ktlward Albert. tHwaabip, at the Sobm of Jneeb Piatea. Hnwif rownMbip, at Ibo houar 4 .tVm. Brbwrin, Is l.ulhrrlior(. ' llara.ide tuwe.hip, at 1 uanr . atdMol honoe, Horooltlo botougli at the public praool hour is rsid borough, Cheat town.blp, at the puhlle hooao soar Siojoo Korobaugb'a. Clearfield boruogb, ot tho Coort lloaee. CoTwgurti loooebip, at the rohool houot Is Mot- anoburie. Cuiwcueriilc Urouli. at Ilia houe .if the late bbHJWi. v - a r - Ileeatur lowiirliln, at Tentre erboiS hnae. KerKluiiw tuwiiriilp, ot the booee of John dreg. 1 ory, lnoerlf oi-owpiod 07 Tt.uo. Hutiioun, ( Uroad- I "f l liirord CougreM Hill mboul liwuee. (ioeheo towaobin, at tbo pnblie oolioul bouim at Abew.rillo. tl rmliaio tuwn.bip, oi the bow of i.,eoli Ilubler. tirvoawiNMl township, nt the pol,lt, hiio of soinoel lluligan, in nail towu.bii. ... , r Oulieb t(,wn.ilin. ot Ike nMt.iii. 4ud luu, l i rfnnip, uie. lliia.oa towo.liip, at tbe bouee if Jvaim Wita.m. Ilonttdolo borough, at Ibe publie bouee of Wm. Perkrr, in raid borough. JuMoe town.blp, nt the public aoboul bouee, lo Anaooviile. biorlbeue tuwn.bip, at Itri.lgen'a aebool bonee. knot, al Turkey Hid M-b'Hl bou, ltun-neo tonu.liip. at Ibe Coiirt llouee, in the hnmugh of t'b'arftcld. ' Lowlier City biH-ungh, at tin- publieerbool holla. M.irria towu.iiip.ia Ibe bouee formerly ineUi.L by Tboioae kylrr. New Wuebinxton borough, nt Ibe polilir rsvwtiurg iiot.iugb, at in aoid txirotiga. bouee. Owenla borougb, al Ihe iul.lie li.iuer nf Mil.. Iloyl, in enid boMugb. l'.-nn town.blp, nt the h.t.-l ftiriaerly kipt by W. W'. Audereon. Tike too n.bip, nt tbe li.mee of tho lole Ieooc nimttn. in ine loimugn o. t urwenmlle. I iiinn ttMruliii. nt IIm- binw ol' It, H. Druhakrr. i " niinirsjir.B i ur'mgn, m inv i.uuiii cnoui boh i "".h, IIr"r'1 ttmWV of Th A AI T rritu'tuii ttat M'dc or voting at all ' el-wtntnn in ilia fercral oouotmi or tbli ton- "n-aralth, appruH tha Stih day of March, A . i ISml, u ; Ti..til. ft Rrnate and ! Houpp f Kfrweutalivcur ttir Common-wraith Qf """"j" nrtuij mm, man u nvrotiy rumewt nj anituonij ui um HiHr, j nai liic tiualififd tu'cra of ihr M-veral eoontiea of I hi i',.. wallk nil all umr-.l;n lwu..(. ami -1 ..vial rlroilou-'.are berlir, beraaftrr aiitlior - iM-t and mjuiird to rule, by lick Ha, firintl. or wr.lU n, or tiarllr nriiilrd and eiertlv trrilten. nor erellv rleMihe,! aa follow. I One tiehet .hell etn- hre. il.e ueiur. uf ell iu.le. .,r u.iii r... and l.i lie Utlled.oot.i,le,"juitiriary;"oaeUehet .hell enilirnoc llie Heine, of the atato oflloera voted lor. OU'I lie InlH-IM, ".lele i" one tii-het .bell em. hoe the llnuin of i n."lo.l..ij ..-e ..f ' "T?I?'" .TT, f all county offieere t ided fur. eenelor. rncmlM-r, atl.l member, loted uirmbereoft'onaTe... !, ''" if v.. ted for. and lie UWIIr.1, "riiunty " one lirhet embinee Ihe uame. nf all tiiwunhin offli-ere vol. d fur, nnd be lalojlled, "ltiwii.hii one Itch - et rhall euihrnee Ibe name, o -t himinieh otlleer. .oled for. on.l U lobrlled, "tnoraojh :" nod nn.-h la., .hall be driiiailrd in .operate ballot boiee. A lorlbrr tilppleineal tti the Act rexulaling elaetiia tu tbl. Ceutmonwe.llh, nirovod J.naaro SO, and Fehraar.v 1J, A. I. lo;4: n iinn run r.iti.e aan to an oi-en. Sr. . a. Al nil eleelieni hereafter be d undo. ! "' '"' ' '"" lommonw.nlib, tbe poll, aha j ofnit4 M mtn t M iot rf)Mct I .e.en o'elocli, p. u. ! - -a .... 8rr.ll. Ia all eterlloa dirtrioU where a imib- e'U b' i"" f di,lul'iJlu', o? tba vtwmvm Moroto- fore appointed, t wlirrv aay acw dit trial rbaU be furai-d. iba Judo r Ju-lra of tba Court Af Vttta mum 1'lf aa of tbe proptrr ooaoty abaJI. tea day a brlora aur aeaerai or aiierial alaelioa. ai.naiat i IlC.lCr.a.'S: 1 tho 0.,.ol,.tuieal ol Inapoelore in any eloetion dialrio: both .boll not bo of Ike tome political parly, and Ino judfe of eleettoue eae'.l In all oneoe oe ot tne p'OUieel pnrly having the majority of vote, ia raid di.triet aa nearly nt Ibe Hid io,le - ...n,..o . ea.o oi Ibe dioaereeutenl of tbe iudaroa nt IA Iho aelortiuo of Ihe poliiienl majorii v of Ibe Jeiirea ...on eeieet one ot raioj in.pootorm and tbe minor' uy juage or lu.lfea aball aeleot tlie otber. tfn. I. vi benetrr there .ball be n Tenancy la oltel.oa board on Ibe morning of nn .leetioo, 4 tneaney enall bellied iu conformity wilb r.-...s ... nrflK. Of tLtrtlnt n..rir... I r" '- At tbe opening or the poll, nt nil .I.J. ' " ' J,ty of th iadee. of election wr their mpoettv. diettteta to d..iroau one of me to.portor., ualy It rball be to havo tn eaeuny in. rot.try or voter., nod to make Ihe I Inwrwis nsaolrnd by Uw, not it ahall be ! " " otber nf iho anld iannn to ! ono unmoor tne nailot. preaoaie.1 at.anid aleeilua fire t, All alaetinaa bT Ihe eitimaa ahall bp by Ballot, a, err balbit roUd ahUI ha BomhaPMl i. tha ci-derla whih it aball be reeeired, and tha nanver n-rororu by iBertrrka oa thn hat of votrra ppoeiva ine aatae a; thi elector frora wboia ra avirad. A ad aay rater volioe; twa or noretik Jala, tbe tavaral tirhaU ia rotatl aball eaoh he auaiberad wilb the aaiaher aomapandlaf with I tba aautber U the came of th rater. Any elae j tar may -Hie hie aa-aa apa bia liehet or eiaaa tbe aaaie la be wrtttea theraoa, and atUated by a eiUteaof the d.itncl. laadlitloalt the J bo praaerthwl by Ueliba t.hea and aabMrih lad byilerttau ollitfor, they aball aererally be I awora or affirm od at lo dieelaee haw aay alee tor j aball hart Ttd, anlcaa reqaite i to do a t ai it- . - i nil m- .fee mr.,c!rk. ,d of ..,.it,.. held dt ""''" ""' natorlng open their - ""jSn IbTn leVwr. b; mlnorltv 1..M..A, .r n.. .1-11 t. ..... . tweva in a iniioiai proeeadiBf. All iud)tea, In- Inority lu.noetor. if ebnll he a.., .i... Ity In.peetor, und in caee there aball bo no minor ity tuapeetor then by n Juatic. of tba er n derman, and ths inipeeture, uTcree. a and elerke ohall be eworn by tbe Judge. Certininloa of euoh I '"-s or.g eua.ii ee aolv main nut ee l b "" oBarre en (worn, and allotted be .- - en do aeon, aol Oloee.lllig one Uouaud dollar, or ImpriMiimiot not oiooeding one yenr nr both ia tho diacreUon uf Ihe .turt. soB-nauiavnaKD rorana. Sac IS. Oa Iho day of elect loa any neraon wh.. name ihnll not nrponr nn lha ronlatry of colore, on I who elalinr the right to vote at anld ; eieeimn, .hail prodo. nt lect one noAl.a.j . ier .( .bo d.nrioi .. . ... , the'r..ide. .r "Ll J"'' '""'""'''- immediouly praoediag mid eloetloa, which' wit! . sea aball be awora ur air mod. nnd eubceriho a ' T pertiy writaon nn I portly printed aA- ball deflo. clearly whora Ihe reeidonoe la uf the perauo ao claiming I. be a ruler, nod tbe eo eloialng Ibe right to voln ebnll nlao ui. and enhwrine a written, or parliy wrllUa and partly prinl.J obYluvit, ruling lo Iho boot of bia know "V 'i o.'..w woea nnd where he wna born: ,ntA b nta bea n dtinen of Ine Knlkd Kutee' .-. .v.,.., hh 01 me uoiuwinwoolth of . .. r..o, I in tba Coa- monwoellh our yar. or if r..M..,i. - ,i..j htor was.Us born .lllun thereof, nnd ha. ro- therein ell muoliie nelt .m.u. .., .OM iviuroeu, mat e hn. ''" I "' re.ide.1 in Ibn wialrhn. in which "".e.eo. .. oo n voter lor lb. ported of nt leaat .t .T v """7 projoaing ai election i thai bo hac not m ...J Inio tb. diairlcl fur the purpeo. of voting inereiat that be b.. ir twouiy-iwo ye.r. trf age or apwnrda, p.. a Slate or I., witWt. tw, j,. wbKdi wne ed nt tonal two month, and pild al I. a. I one month before the election. Th. aald Inrll ahull aleo Mala when and where lb. tag claimed lo bo paid by the affiant nai a.acMcd, nnd ea and where ak.ll bo produood I.T esamlnatloa e.loe. tS. ,r Snnt ahull .Ul. , I. bl. nSidev.l that It he. lute, loal or dctniyew. or that he uovor reeele.d any, Tl ' !""'' '"'". .l nla, auu when, i V " bT "rt e'S'S'led. nnd bUI nle. prvd.o. bU MrtiScat. n.u.r.ll.MUr. ' tk".' " "m " ''f derlVo . I"". ,k" Ul" f!1 .be ll . "J! '"" Stats d.;e. lL. "bi:'"Jl," "H. evl deuce Iknt he baa awn aelamtiico). ir in mutled . .,.iM..hi by r, ., bl. ...lon, and abnll f.nber ..... I, hn. aOMavll tb.l be la at lb. lln,n.fmnb,.,,h..nld.l,, th, 111 - .i" Til1 li"""'"ho Pnlt sule, n. monta, and boerwidW In Ibe Btete mi. IiZlJ .. "f preceding aald rin?'.TJ ' " "'' -be Z ,H P-ll. eb ewUoa, be t." rl -oi""' - all pcrnoa. making ,k ,!., 4 , .B(U,1m I f Ike wllaeno. to thole u -i.mT. . wvod by Ibe oloetu. baH and at tba ,r tko nkelto. tbey lh., h. mtrt with tLl n If nim, tally Hat, ..d ntbw narre iTrod b, U t. b. ll. b, ,,, M.r, ffl?m$"lEr.Z BXSSEL&CO., '' ' 'iiANMTtiniKii nt- " " Stoves, Eahps,. Orates, i r Orate. FronUi. Fmdan, to., AbiI lioMh-rs Ui .. , 3iANTi;r, Marble and Marbleizecf Slate. "'' AIM,-! 'oiirarmoftli y"' '" 1 "IV'rleHMM Whnklnjc Urnle, Tkf loO.I, bwl oil onlrT!Ubl Aflulln UroU It im. ii.... Htl.VUrOHVIHUULAH. i'fgat difrtisfmrntjj. l llwi ,rolliimitar'a offloa, asttftot alaaiMlUw ' n. otlirr tloolion ore. If tho eketioa oft- if wwr. .bail Sod that llio apylioaot pol.iim all lha . I. sl quolilieatiuna of a votor ho UII bo porant. ,.. u uU, hi. HOB ahall bo o4o4 to tho , li-t or uiaMra Ljr lha .loolioa olioon, Iho word "tux" being aS.led horo aToo ehtimaat elaiaaa to ! v,r ta , and tho word t'af" whora he rlaima ' t vote on aae, tha aana (lordf betoi added br I ttw tilorba to OHob oojo roieo)i,oly os the Uita of er.ont f otbng t oaeb otoeUus. rst.i.iot or saoioTsaas roria. ' i R,.c. II, It .ball bo lavfol for aor qooliftrd oftitea of lha diitrlct, aotwilbatanding (ho name j r tQe propoeed rotor ta eoouiaed oa the Hit of I resident tauUoa, to (balleage tbo rote of aueh peraun, wbereupuo the .ane proof of Ike right of i .olTrige a Bow roiulrod bjr law ahall ho publirlj I wade, eod oelod o bf tbo cloetioa board, and (ha 1 adioilto.1 or rt-iectcd aoooriling to tbo oil- j .tenor, fcrrrjr paraoo elaioiiog ta boanetamlited tfitii.'U liall Iw reti aired tu proimo kit nataral Isatim. oartilieata at tbr alactloa Iwfwra votiof orpt trtivta ba tM1-an fur lIvayranMnweuUrtv 1 a vuier ta Iba Uiitriat ia birh k (9m kti Vuta, aa4 ua tha vwU af aoek prraoa Wtajr ra- wired it hill Im iba duty of the flentliHi othcTl to writ or itam oa uvh errtiloata tba arortj "titrd," with tha day, aaooth ao'l year, and If any etrtl m iirrictT or IKnerfl aball netlfi aaa und ritc mi the Miue day by vlriaa "f the aarae eattihoatr, e)..i abera " o twe MttiM l rata t.k-aMK of tka baluraHiti''! uf tbair Uihw, (hay aad Ihe per m who ahall oftVr sacb teowui rota tba! I lie guilty of a MiMeMiwr, and at cMBvietion tlicreol beiodur Ipiar.iiiiBad.or both at iba diwrrtioa of iba eourt, bat the Ine ihall nut atem-4 rive bandrad d-irUrsi i aaob eaae, aur tl iiapriHiuiMnit "ne yr. The like .ai.Ubmat ahatt be .aoVtad oa -ftoBvielfua nt iba "ffjoerx of aiertioii who eba!l arxleet or rrlwifv ta Make or t la made tin- eudorfruivut riiviird ai afurvf-aid on aid 1. itviraliiatta arrllicata. KKin.Krr ur in tv or fctr.cTn. (.rrirrita. 12. Ir any vleetioa o finer ebaM refaa or anf'aat 10 nqaira iach proof f tba riifht af eat. rrajpa a fa praMribod l y tbia Ua, ar tba Iaat tn wbi.'b thii ii a tnipolfttieat, fruia any prrtna nf. for in j ta vuta whoaa nana la aot n'a tbe list nf aeaad roten, ar whoaa rijrbt lo rta U ehat lenirad by any -aaaliftad volar prat. aal ball admit mii b peroa to rot without rtnirin rab proof, evary perauo to. vtTvadiai tiall a too ena vielioa ha iroilty of a Uilndi-moaaor, and ahall be aateaeed fur et ery turh offoasa to pay a t.uea4 axe-ceding tre hundred duller, or to nn4ri;i aa inpripooaant aot airire than oat both at Iba dinrattoa of tha a-iart. caivAai or thr rorst ar thi orar. Sac. 13. Am aoaa aa tba aolit ball el Me lha .if lt era of tbe elmion ahall proceed to raaut all tba rotes eait for cah eta di date rote! for, an make out a full return of tba unit ia trlpliovp, wilb ratara abaal in additive, ia all of which be vote iveeitrej by aaeb candid 'e ahall e jrif. an after bia or her naa, Irat ia vn r la and axia 10 afattt, ani aaan aa nxtiaj hr all of itid of. 1 ttcri 'n,i e,:rt,flJ b ovaraw? if anr. ar if n .t t f r1ili Ibeofjraoarj an 1 aay offi i rafaai-ie - ; " " ".' oMir eilhr of t ,eiu, rliall nrlie "I"" " " h" "r Oieir rei. lr ool aiirnine or e rtifvlne Ue:o. Ti eof. e. ! "- '.''"' o. soofi'rl) e.d ;..7, A.l.reV Jm. 'eoei lo re. eiliae.. ne.el, oeet o br"S Voire...! .Aeetieo lev eroe. rernriu l.g t.l "-" "'' " eo m ..yeeC 6, H. rlerii.e .'n' 'e eol. I. eunefrj, oef lit evM. I r 'eo' . oa li. d,v e it. ' "" f" leyoreielioe o He neU.'e. Toe I ."I'.'ee.e re.orna aniu on enelic I m envHopt. ! ' be aealej In tbe tironet of tS e w-fl i ..- . I eneel,.ie with th. nnitlel reto.a a te i " '"" J"d, l"eh eh'.l eonle a li.l " "'or., tellt peMr, and u li of oB.iri. aal ' another of ei,l utivet.iietab.ll be (hen to th. mi. I "''rit in..orlor. All judeee I1VI114 miltio lo.lva "ilea of Ihe protlioo.rt.ry'. elll o. nub;! teieoly-f.inr mile., If their reaid 'O.-r bi ia x una. '" " "J oa t'je line of a I 701. .a... eniure to., e j.ou. p .1 jmerld,.., of Iho day after Ih.cleHoi, .ol .1, I olh.y jodfea .ball before twelve o'ol.e'. at .ri has rzi tboootary of tbe eonrt el oimaiii pleit if lb. eoanly.wbieb aaij return ahe-4 ah ill b: fltel, a i4 ioe oar afl4 Boar of llio aiarkuti th-rena. ai I anon no precorvea ny ibe protben va.-y to.' pa .:. inapoeUoa. At twelve o'eloek omth eti 1 1 1 doy following nny nloetioa. tbe projh .OJti.-y el tbe oourl of oommoa plane ohall proeeni th- ati 1 roturua to th. aaid court; tn eouauea whare Ih.-r it norctidenl proaident Jalfo, tbo n.w i. ej it .. ea .ball torform tbo delio. tmeiul am tie eonrt of ouaut in nleae. wjieh euUI o.i.'ea- I..- Mid purpo.9 1 tbe reternt proatil.l or ft., thunotery ah nil be onenel ur eoid ooa.-k aa 1 j ia pulnl by aueh al lu olBeer nod eaib awera o.. .i.utnie at iba eourt ebell appoint, ta tht nr: enoa of lha jude jaiffa of atj I ea.-t, mal tha retaroi oertiied aodoertiAuteiof ele'ti.) it ad ander the uil of thi oart, a ia a ts qairej to be done by the rater a jn Ijei, a 1 1 lit roU a ao aJMptiUi aad aartlAe I ahH bj aitii a matter of record ia atii eoart. Tea ee.iijat n' aaid oom-t ahe.ll be opaa to tbe puS ie, an I ia the retara af aay eleetiea diatrtet abUl ia ui.ainjr ha the retvraa are area-Bted. or It - af eaai.iUiBt af a ojualild aleiior ailtr eath ehargiug p.lp-aSle Iraa I ar miauba, an 1 parlicalariy apestfym,! tbe alle; ailauki er trau Lar where fraud or auetaka ia ap.uraai as tbo retiirn, tha eavirt a bail eaaaiiae the re: are, and if ia tbe jaliat of the eoart tt ah ill b aaoaajary to a joat rottira a at I eiart aiill aatauiduy firosex ag lioit tlie aleHioa ffr. aad oreraaera if anr, of the e4;tij diatrieteia (tlaloed of, to brm tbaal fonhaith lnt epart, with all eleotKin np.fta ia their eai is, ail tf palpable anatake or frael ahall oa dtae-tra.ed, it vh.ll, upoa aurb hvariajt aa any bj lio.jtj naoeairy lu enhgblea lha etaaf. aal a oorrevted by tba ciurt. Bad ao eerlil d ; ha all aUexitloa. af palpable fraal ar aniiaki ahall he dnoi tad hy tho aaij dirt wltbia thrj daya attar ihe day tbe returaa are hroujtM iate eoart f f tsitoputAUta, aad the aaid iaquiry ahall he directed ualy I palpable freed or amtake, and a bail a el he deonted a adieial a IjaiiMlhia to oonolude any euateat bow ar heretlW to bj provided by law, aad the other af txi l triplie'. ret am. aball be pie I ia the bi aal aal?l a with thn NHhiaa; la tbia an ail t itiira the retarai of aleetija of brajh erMtri abip omcjra tu be bimI to tha eau.-i a dir-tfl la thia aetatioa, bat all the rata. a ( ibt ie ua of loW4alin and boroab o(H n i ill He n. ehiaed la a aealad e jrer, direstd to tie n.-nh . 1 1 tar wi witeoaniH aoaiaiB pleti of liii. .,u: eouaty, ah ill hy aoea oa i wt tha b) dtr ttv4 in to hia olti'e aithta thra.- di i'i.r ee. r KB'h vleettoa attj hied tberaia. Ia eomtie wbera there ara tnre ar ire ju l,pa af atil mart, learae ( ia the Uw, at Cxait 1j hlg' "hU ait la aoaipaU aad e-rtif M t.m, aii. unarmdaMy prweBM.1. If any th at. I nI' ea ahull biiaalf he a eaadiJata Tir ajfrflital aay elwoli -a be ah ill aot ait with thj a .art or a ta neaoUnf tho ratana af eaib alni.u, ail a ea;h ae thj otior hIk, tl aay, mil ai, aad if ia any ootmty there aatll ",a'i ji lpf iijtl taed to bold tbe eatd eaart aa lr tbd) lu-ri.iMJ of tbia act pretent aud able to e-l, Ihia aaJ ia awry aueh eaae, the rrjiitw ef will, thi ahrif ami froaaly eomanavioocra af tbt prt)MM- emity ahall be aad aoauUla a Board, em,ur a anj i. ity ol whoia ahall haro ani etercno all lbn- era. and p-rfr all the duuea reiul la o. r i;utrl Ie be pnrfjraiej hy the eari of a plen of tttoh enaiy. by an I aiUrihj pnii aioue of Uie ti-eiltm. but Boae af tin anJ el vera ahall art at ai-iater of aa th Uurt ia aiinajii a eaadi lata for aai ofl ti ar tiij elj-tiia. tbe returuaof wbtp'j tS aatd B.irl ia riplnl U oauat aader th. prviaieat af tbi aa itl i j. Pat. . Ia al! elce:loar here after th aeriitjate of BataraluUion, if ft-Mittae, ahUI bi eajlaiirt eridenaaol iho taaia anntloae Uh rjin, a 1 1 a iar. the peretii 1f.ria lu ran eltti tba rtat aa tlie pTiB.tnt of Itx, Ihi revip' of aa ill tit, if aigi-ie I ay the proper . ah Ml he tb" ar hi a if ; i aaak peraoa deei not prodtue -a.-b re tttipi. tbea lha p: ymiut of the lt aiay be prored by lha oath of east) persvea, r- otbir el,eaM, ttatinj wha, where aal ta wo attsj ttt am paid. ..!' i Nutlca e fart ha r hereby f Ivm. T-al all parasiaa axeept Jaatieei af tha Pe, eke "bad held an alftia or appiiattajBt of Uatt uil" the f ireraai-nt or thi I'aiteJ Si'', or af (h 4Uta, ar ef any lneorNrated diatriet, wh-ib'i a Aetaaiiaal'inel oil ?er or othrwia, a a jbrJiatte wB.'er or ajftM.i, wh U nr aba.) ha eaiplrel it dr the l.i(ialatWa. Kiaealira ar Jaliclal d partaiaata of bu ttttie or of th leu-1 or aay elty or laMrp-irat-4 diair.H. i 'M that every ar Conare-a, er of lha Ouf lilialiiture, or of the entaaioa ar aeleot eoaafil if any eity or eaiaraiaaioaer of any iaeerpfirai'l diatriet, are hr lea .Boep-hl of h .ildiai eiareipinf, at the m ttm ., the nfl'a nr tf poiMtaat of Jii I, laapeeiar nt Cler ef vleetiaa of ihit Ootnauawaalth. OF KLKCTIOM OFFIOKIl. la aae the pertna wba ahOI bare rae-Ylred ( ea I hie;het aa bSpt ofvntea for ianpeeter, aaH aot attend n the y of aUitian, then th panut) who aball hare reai4 ta Mal hih'i bitf of rofei for Jndpie at Ibn il nre 'li(l Hon, aball aot ai InanecMt it bit pUae ; aad i oae tha peraoa who ebill ktri rwireJ tba bifh aal af rqtet for iuaptwtir ahall a tlatiaaa, the b-rtna tWled Jii'Uo, lhall )aMnt aa lape lor (a hit pUnoi aad In eaaa the pt-raoa 't jade ahall a tt attend, thea the laaiiwtor ah ff flve.1 the hig,liet aaaalMr or votea, ahall apt" Juldtala h't plate-Be egynacy abtll tiaae ia tha h'lard for the apaoe af or- har rtar the t'ma fliedbr law far Iba epeaia af lha elaf i'th. tha qaaiikad tbnitra of ih-nwa.hia, ward of ninrm ittr Whlek tarH oMeer ahall ban alapteJ, prraant at tha plaee at aleeliea. -ji no i i ineir Baatber I taea rat-wkwy. Ala, that where a jadwl. by aiekaeai ar m vol (able eoeUenl, Ii uaale In attend aah Ing or Jwdfea, thea tbt aerllffoata ar retara hat he tab -a aharr-t of hy aae of tbe i.prrt m larki of the tiaelroa ef the dltrlet bo aha I and Her farts tkn Jyii., aa.iHj r .m A lodra aa able to it toad. UlVfCt aadar y baaJ and aaU, al Ctaarlali IW, ibia alith day ! 0UbM, lj It. 8.J tba year af ear LorJ oae thoaaaad haadiW aal aawanlt.lfs aai ef ttt l I aadeeoe af th I altad State iba I? aiaii., ..