iThc jgtyuMirau. 0W Cilix . . -;' a, .,,' ,11,, -ifH..T1f Gioaoi B. Goodlanmii, Editor. WKDNRflDAY WOHNIrlO.RRPT. 19, IMS. Reader. If yoa vast to knov wkal U gelogoa 1b Oi builnoa. world, lu.l read our advertl.lng oluuaa, tna sptetal oolutnB IB partloular. DEMOCRATIC HTA1 E TICKET. FOR UUVhRNOR, CYRUS L. PERSHING, or Sohujinii conn. ' FOR RTATR TRtASTRKKi VICTOR E. PIOLLET, ' ' Or Bradford Canty. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY T1CKUT. riB .BNATOB. ; Dr. T. JEFF. HOYER, of Clearfield SubjMt 10 Uta decliloB oftke Dlrirlot CoBftrtBn. ' roBTRKiUURBN. ,. J". BLAKE WALTERS, of Clearfield. KB OQNMIIf IONKRII, OLA RK BROWN, of Lawrence. : THOMAS A. M'GKK, of Hull. rOB AUDITORS. C. J. KEAOY, of Beccaria. 8A.M L A. CALDWELL, of Bradford. roR oonossB. J. B. HEFF, of Now Washington. Tub Next Election. Wocommond tho following to the attention of voters: The now Constitution forbids all per sons from voting unless thoy have been ussossod at least two months and paid tlioir tuxes at Kant one month before tho dato ol the election. No one ot foreign birth can vote unless, in addi tion to the above, he has been natural ized a month previous to tho election The dato of holding tho next election is Tuesday, Nov. 2d. Friday, October 1st, is the htRt duy on which taxes can be paid. Friday, Octobor 1st, is tho laRt dny for taking out naturalization papers. Each of those important duties can lie performed at any time before the days mentioned. Lot our friends soo to it that the matter is attended to be fore it is too late. An exchange says that "two hundred Itepublicans in and about tho city ol Corry, Kno county, will vote for Persh ing and Piollot." Well, that will be tho brightest act of their lives. Wke'i Perching T Pennaylrania certainly Iro't for B Governor ot thai Berne. jYomyanit. Well, if you aro green enough to not know who ho is, just inculmto until Novoinbcr and your wisdom will ex- rpand to that of a chicken's. "Whore iignoranco is blisH, 'tis folly to bo wise." The bluster in the Radical press about Jndgo Pershing's record is best answered by the fact that his constitu ents worn so well satisfied with it that tlwy kept returning him to tho Legis lature as long as he would permit, lie was elected for five successive terms. Katiikr Thin I A Democratic gain of 9,000 in Connecticut, 32,000 in California, and 8,000 to 10,000 in Maine, is Attributed by the Itepublicans to local caunes. The same local causes wo operating and will afflict them tor-)-ibiy in Ohio and Pennsylvania within tho next month. Hi i)sKTS. Judge Elwell, of Columbia county, has delivered an elaborate opinion on tho lioenso law. He dissents from the great majority of judges, and holds that the granting of license is discretionary. If "necessary for the entertainment of strangers and itrssrellors," .and the party applying a proper person, grant them ; if not refuse them. . The Government Tramps. Tbe Lancaster Intelligencer, of the 25 th inst., says: "President Grant, accompanied by ex-Secretary and Mrs. Borie, Gen. liabcock and Colonel Fred Grant and wife, arrived in St. Louis yesterday. To-day tho President will visit his farm und arrange for the salo of his stock. Oa Monday evening ho will leave for Den Moines, Iowa, to attend (lie sol diers' re-union, after whirh the party will go on to Donvcr, Col." Tht Repnblieaa fltalo Coma iltoo not at liar- ritbarg, aa Friday lan. indiaaa eeaBty war represented by O. W. Hood, Kea. Report, wort load from every ooonty ia tho Stato, and tba awaofpeet ror a Kepublieafl victory Ibl. rail u iMtaeadlBBly Aattoriaf.-Nd,'aaa Jaeeaeefer. Well, if you are not "fibbing," things . mnst !ha very different in this State from wltat they aro in others whore election: have been held. Why, you "blockhead," aa Cireely used to remark. It is doubtful whether your party will carry any Stotos this fall except Ver mont and Iowa. Our State Iiiu,. Tho following is a correct statement of the current ex penses of maintaining the Huale Gov ernment of Pennsylvania, for the past thirty years : ISeS, SovarnoT Rhank (DtiiMMral)..ll,a.I K, aJoveraor Ji.ha.toa (Whigl 17,101.11 1861, leearBor Big lar (Democrat).... 213,lo.M l5, laeraraor Pollock (Know- nothing. Slr.DM.1 ISM, Ooraraar Parker (Democrat).,.. 401,1197 .it Ml. Oorernor CarUn (Henublloaal.. 41t.tio.l7 IHH, Oavernor (leery (Hiul.lioMil... Ub, Mi, ajorarnor Martraafl (K.publl taa 1,01I.,1SI.I It will be oUorved by this table that our opponents lve fought, bled and died under three different fogs trioce 18-10. .'Mark the extrawagance lis the bills in the last deoade over 100 per cent. enough to ruin any business or State interest. KNO W NOTHING) SSI KEYl yKn A little over 2' ,. .,,. fow politlful Incendirioa carried tho Know Nothing tocV thrtmirh this countv The history of n1Ht ttUd, secret oath bound organisation, built up and fos tered ly tlie cttpilal of demagogues ronegade clergy oion, Is well known o all who had arrived at the ago ot maturity In 1854. That secret political organisation, was gotton up in the interest ol tho then defunct Whin parly, by a few rare demagogues who attempted to ru Btora that demoralised organisation then on tho eve of dissolution. . Know Nolhiiiifism was a failure. It la true the lenders burned a fow chnroh building and murdered a few scores of citizens in the large cities, but us a pun fying element in our system of political economy, it died an unnatural death, and was buried with the Whig purty within eighteen months after its birth. lho present Itepnhlican party was founded on the bloody ruins of ''Sam' and "Sambo," nt Pittsburg, iu 1850. Tho same fate which befel tho Whig party In 1852-3 Las ovortakon tho 'Re publican party in 1874-5, and Its lend- ors aro just now on tho lookout for flankers, mid have established in vuri- on h sections, no less than three or four different kinds of SECRET OATH BOUND political organisations for the purpose of saving the sinking ship, which bus been run on the rocks by the domagoguos and freebooters who control that party. Wo, therefore, warn nil Dcmocruts in Clearfield county and elsewhere to bo on the lookout lor those political highwaymen who proposo to regulate capital and labor. That is only a trap, and thoy will bo foolod as egreglously as thoy woro twenty years ago. Tho same demagogues (those who aro not dead) aro at their old tricks and are laboring to build up Know Xothingism under a new nunio. Look out for the scoundrels who invite you to go out side of the Democratic party to cure our financial evils, no difference what namo they sail under. Thrre is no re lief for our iqiimilAe condition ruvpt in title of tht Democratic party. Radical onimiMxarioa are now at work in our county establishing lodges, un der various names, for tho purpose of bolstering up their party, and it be hooves every Democrat who loves his country and his party to bIiuii tho knaves whoongngoin this wicked work This is a froo country. Thorcforo let every man who prelors liberty to slavery, rcfuso to enter any lodge or organisation, where bo is compelled to swear both his soul and his ballot away, for the exclusive behoof and benefit of the Radical party. Lot all who are freemen remain so, and if there aro somo of our party friends who prefer the Itudicul party to ours,lot them go and joiu it voluntarily, and thereby avoid violating tho laws of God and man, which they must do the moment they join a secret otith bouml poli tical organization. Friends, beware I Tho men who have robbed and plundered this nation for 15 years are not looking after pub lic interest Having robbed you and destroyed tho industries of tho nation, they will not hesitate to rob yon of your liberty and your ballot. Avoid those wolves in sheep's clothing as you would a highwayman. Those Demo crats (if thero are any) who are foolish enough to sell thoir political birthright for a mess of itadicul pottage will of oourse not hoed our remarks. But it behooves us as a publio journalist to warn all, who are disposed to preserve their manhood, against the crime of becoming members of any secret oath bound political organisations. 1 ' VKMOCIIA TIC COVXTY COX yjcsrwy. itiosiltiy, Hopioiiibor 21st, 1H70, was the dnv fixed lor the assembling of the annual DcinooraticCiwiity Convention. The body met in the Court House, bat being Court wook adjourned to I'io's Opera House, f f The Convention was called Iff junior b Chairman MoC'uIIqukIi. v.Tjrs first business in order was the selection ot two tellers. On motion of Mr. Cur ley, of Brad ford, Messrs. James Flynn, of (itilich, and Frank Reed, of lloulzdalu, wore oloctod (Secretaries, A cull of tho election districts wus thcu proceeded with, when tho follow ing named delegates answered : Itlrnrlda Borough C. R. Patrick, Robl. Cotiar-r. L'loarUf Id-Frank PlaldiBf , hraal Ttil, II. W. Park. Curwaairlllt Fraak I. Thompaoe, Thornta tl(HlTf. lluutidala Frank Rent, Dr. Ilnuitthray. .blnrloo Dr. A. D. Uoi Tuuiubiob. Lunibrr Clt J no. McDvwItt, Jaa. R. Canplaa naw vrapbingtoB ur. A. v. uobbiii, wtitljr OfoauJa Nvll buutflttfly. Jaaiaa Hlla. Wallaooton Mlobaal H..J7, A. K. Fulloa. Dt'marta Towuibiu 11. A. Wright, Rarnabaa Ariuitroog. Itcll Uubarl M.h.n.r, Jaaub CamplioU. . Ulwoui Adam Wvavor, Uaiuur P. Blount. lli.Hi-llarld Mrou, Jamol II: WaU. llra.lli.rd -Jaoob William, P. Carlajr, Jobs II. HnwarL . hrady Jubmtua Uauillloo, Wm. A, Maanapi ! tl. Klra, Aiiam Hiiarr. lliiniiida Daniel UornaB, bavM CraMilax, Cln,l J'iba HuokaaUarrjt, Jat. U. Rralb. CoriDglfB Jobn l'ioanl, L. M. Uoudrtal. llaeilur Jarta tion, J. 8. Burkott. Frrj(uaoa Joiopb Muora, tlaorga Htraw, tllrard ltontanila Jury, Daaiai Kriat. Iloikao UUHbaW, lleo. A. MorriaoB. tlrahant Joiiah KvaaN, daorga Kiacish. tlrveDwuod Aaron Nawonmar, Klab J.ibBatuB, Clulioh John S. Mokiaraaa, Jbojoi Flyna. llnrioB Ulram Woodward, F. C. Buwuibb. Jordan Ivaao Wolf, J. W. Juhaaton. Karlhaut D. I). Malnar, Dr. K. J. Ollllland. K001-Darld KrbarJ, P. A. towhu. Lawranaa Lawtr U, Bloola, Jaaaa Doulbartj, I. L. MoHbaraoo, M. J. Morrla Oood Marrrll, O. L. Behaooorar. Jaata Beam. ... .. '.. I'ana-M. U. Fljah, Rlobanl Danror, Jr.' Pika Bobarl Portar, Arnold Bloom. I'nlnn Tbo. Unwklnk, Bliuoa Wellj. Woodwird Tboa. HmdarUB, llao. WiudoB. Poom ?isbeb. They havo got one of the Washington ring rascals in jail at last the son. Tho father who was removed soma time since fur misde meanors is still at liberty. A pretty Father and son thoy aro anyhow. A few weeks since wo chronicled the doings of assistant United States Dis trict Attorney, Charles G. Fisher, of Washington, D. C, in conniving with at house iu-eakor. Now we havo anoth ar chapter u the history of this Grant appointee. Last week the appeal bonds and pajwrs in forty criminal coses were (stolen. The detectives be Ingplaced on thosooiit iwoovcrrxl thirty -rifbt out ot the UiftM rrestod Pish as the thief, ho havtuf uSercd to soH Has papors for one-tenth of iks amount involved. Fisbor, seeing thai Dokuo, Sheppard, and others who snake lite large hauls from the Troas sory ge anwbipt ol justioexwcluded, no dmil.t, thai he could make asinal! rrab with the saaae result But being one of the smaller offefidera he was sent to prison. California and Maine. Tho rooent Democratic victories in these States are far greater than the surface indications would lead one to suppose. The result in the former State is a complete tri umph of right over wrong.and although the Stato officers were all elected by handsome majorities, the triumph in the Legislature and county offices is overwhelming. Tho members of the Legislature, liko in our own Stato, are elected biennially. Two years ago the Democrats elected 28 out of tho 80 members. This year we eloct CI of tho 80 members and hundreds of the county officers. In Maine the contest was on Gov ernor, so as Ui carry tho State tor Blaine, who is socking the Radical Presidential nomination. To havo al lowed the Democrats to carry tho State would have destroyed Blaine's last hope. Hence bis Radical friends tra ded a three year Sheriff or Protlioiiotary for a one year Governor, and in that way succeeded in electing a Radical Governor by giving the Democrats nearly all tho county offices for thret yean, and then suffered a reduction of 66 percent, on their lowest majority. If the Radicals can stand such victories as those in California aud Maine, no Democrat need complain. A Little Modistt Lie. Henry Ward Beeclutr having spent his vaca tion at the While Mountains, gave no tice that ho was shout lo return to Brooklyn one duy last vuek. The Patent Christians who run Plymouth Church took it into their beads lo giro him a huge reception on his return to that vicinity. This coming to Henry's ears, be addressed a note to bis beloved followers in which ho says : "It would tend to keep alive feelings that ottguit (o suhsido, to renow discus sions ot painful public transactions which should never bays had an exis tence, and which it wont woll both for publio and private good to bava ro movod, if not to forgutfulncss at least to obscurity. Too many hearts yet blood, too much sorrow and scorching excitement nss tnllon upon kind sym pathising hearts to make it wise to re new public demonstration, which might do uusiDtorproloa, and which niiirlit excite animosity which any good citi- sen snouid sank to noal. That is about the bast "ragged edge" piece be baa spoken for soma time and we hope it will do the Brooklyn saints some good. At tho conclusion of tho roll cull tho returns wore opened and a ballot taken by tho Chairman, oach dele gate canting the vote ot his borough or township according to the instructions given him by bis constituents, result ing as follows : For senator, Briibia had...., " " Bovar l.d.... For Troaiorar, Wallrra bad ' Worrrll had " " Dotla had " ' Lisas had........ " Sha bad . " " llul.lar had For Commit' at, Brawo had .5D Xjrlar bad ...... ..-JT H.aJrr.oa had..... 1 0 " Mullia had It " Toaar had II " . McOea had llipi had.... IS ' Milaahad A tabular statement of the popular vote will be Ion nil elsewhere in our columns.! Tho Convention being comocd of seventy-live Uclegules, It look thirty- cii'ht to nominate, 'the t'lininnan thorcforo declared Dr. T. 3. Bover duly nominated for Senator, J. Blake Walters for Treasurer, and Clark Brown forCoiuityComniissioner. C.J. Keugy and Samuel A. Caldwell hav ing received all tho votes cast for Auditors wcro also declared nominated. Thero was no regulur candidate for Coroner before the people, nearly every borough and township set up a cnndi iluto, tasting from five to fifty votes for their favorite. The delegates, how ever, settled tho question by nomina ting James B. Neff, of New Washing ton, for the position, and be was de clared the nominee for Coroner. At this point Mr. Dotts, one of the candidates fur Treasurer, arose and asked that tho Convention make the nomination of Mr. Wnltors unanimous, which was agreed to. There being no nomination for the second Commissioner, the Convention procoeded to ballot, as follows ; Mar - ..- .... ..,,..., Toaar - I HendaraoB .ll MaOoa ... a Mallaa ...H Milea a 4 Hlpa 4 Four more more ballots were hud with about th same result. At the conclusion of the sixth ballot, it was ascertained that Mossrs. Hips and Miles were a tie, and the rules roo Hir ing the dropping of the name of tho lowest candidate after this ballot, tho question arose which should bedrojnied. Mr. Hips, being present lu the Con vention, helped the members out of their quandary by withdrawing his name as a candidate, after which the 'balloting procoeded, as follows : Ba!ltinl Tlh ith Ma 1Mb 1Mb Itth Shalloallr 4Ua!irova af tba (iraotlra of aaadl alaa tail ibalr frlandtf, who adoplad tba pi -a of airotloBaarlBi daring our raarnt urunarr oanvaaa, r hertaltar, by Ijtni alroulara and liboloua uio iorlal nawapapara. Saob work wait raaalt la fraat Baraoaal and moral wrong! to aar pari). Irwada wttkuut any aqBivaltaa nbalavari and wa, tbarafora, Samand that It ha aloiiped, and II parolitad In brraaftar, wa aall upan ail naa Itamo erata lo aiarataa tbalr inSanoa ia dcraallBg all aaAdidatoa arfao Bar roaart It Ibla Vila malhod, an4 that a rolo aa thli afbot ba prvparad by Iba Caaatj Ooaialttaa, aaj p ubliajted ilb ibaolhar ralal. ' The resolution being rend by the Secretary, and seconded bv at least hall' a ol delegates, Mr. Wuple called for its adoption, which wus iinuni uiously ogreetl to in a most emphatic manner and in a tone not to bit misun derstood by tho offenders. Mr. Drockhnnk, of Union, read and presented to the Chair the following resolution and asked its adoption : AnorVrdY That la Boo. William A. Wallaoa, tba Damooratia ropraatataliva lo tho tailad Btalai BaBala trom tbli ComutoBwaallh, tha Da maflraor af tin Stato Bad nation, aail tht paaplo ovcryabara, aara a ahaiapion of tbair riiclita aad libortiaa whoaa abUitj aud puro Mrsoual eharao tar oouiwaudl him to tbalr higbrat rerpaot ana oauadrnra, aad plaocl bim la tba frual rank of AuailaB talarmaa. ' . After beinir seconiled, and read bv the Secretary, tho resolution was put beloro tha Uonventien by tho t.liair, and adopted without a dissuiitimr voice. Mr. llale, of Oscoula, submilled the following resolution to tho Convention and moved its adoption ifrtafvaa', Thai wa bavo abiding In tha latagritj and Damooraey of C'uloitol Wa. B. llartiuora, and that tbia Coaraalion aodoraa ula aouraa ia tha Lfgiilalura, and ma hii pub'io reoord bo ia aaoord with hla poraoanl aharauta.r The resolution wns read by tho Sec retary, and alter buiiirr seconded bv several, tho Chair submitted it to the Convention which body adopted it unanimously. The legitimate business of tho Con vention having been disposed of, after a low remarks trom the t hairman, re turning thanks, etc., a motion to ad journ sine die wus carried. In all our experience in the public affairs of our county, wo never before met seventy-rive better Democrats in any of our County Conventions. They were truly representative men, engaged in every pursuit in life, and just the men that our party can always rely upon when thero is work to he done. Wo aro proud of our purty friends and of tho cmphutic manner in which they disposed of the disturbing element which bussed around the Convention during its sitting. A protest was handed in, demniidiiiir " Jj that tlie election in Chest township be sjt uaiue, ueeause iiiu oineuiit wuu item the election deposited tlie tickets in a bat and closed the olectinn nt (i o'clock, 'rontrary to the rules. Ono of the delegates from Chest arose and ex plained matters, and the Convention, after hearing his statement, voted against receiving tho paiier. A (ellow, named Gardner, Hindu bis appearance with an affidavit, to tho DESEll VED VOMPLIMKS TS. Tho oditor of the Farmer's Friend, an organ of tho Patrons of Husbandly, or Grangers, nnder the bead of "Iteo ogultion ot Farmers," speaks us fol lows of tho nomination of Victor E. Piolctte for State Treasurer: "Tho political convention which assembled at Erie on Wodnosday of last week, bail tho sagacity at the last moment, to recognise tho claims of tho farmer, by placing in nouiinutinn for the nftfco of Stuto Treasurer, a rep'nksunutivo of the class in the person of our worthy State Lecturer, ('ol. Y. E. Piolett 'While it is not our province, as a general rule, to discuss the proceedings ol political conventions, their, plat. lorms or nominations, yet in this ease wo may bo pcrmitLud to say a lew words. "That lho nomination for State Treasurer was entirely unsought by Brother Piolctte wo know from a conversation had with lilm lour days previous to the meeting of the coiivcn tion; and whether be will accept tho honor tendered him wo have not yet learned ; but of this wo ieel assured, if he accepts the nomination and is oloctod by tho people they will bavo a reformer for Treasurer who, in the administration of the affairs of this de partment, will be influenced by neither fear nor favor, and will know neither friend nor foe. We base this predic tion upon a personal knowledge of the characteristics of the man." The next wituess'we call to tho stand, is tiio editor of the JrVAi'nymtit, the organ of the Miners' and Lnoorers' Benevolent association of Pennsylvania, published at 1'olUville, Pa., who gives tho following as its tensons for sup porting Pershing and Piolett, vis : Tho National Labor I'nion, tho In dustrial Congress of the United Stales, the various limners' organizations of the country, the llarrisburg Anti Monopoly Convention, the Cincinnati Farmers' and Workinguiuu's Confer ence, and all other bona tide lalxiring men's organisations in tho land, having declared against contraction and the national banks ami for mulling tha government legal tenders the exclusivo currency ol tho country ; and tho Democratic Convention having ab solutely and emphatically endorsed those declarations consistency, honor and a due regard for the present safety ...I ft..,..., r ti.. :...i..ui:.i i.rr.u.1 n... xt. rui... ,...,;.,.. " ...UUn,.. for Treasurer.' had offered hi... w.. rlasse of the ootiiitry require that tli dollars to veto for him. Mr. Walters farmers and tho working people shall, came forward and made a statement, I irrespective of purty and of local con and after hearing bim, tho delegates nideration. give their undivided suport I... BMiUU.U, U..V ,.0,,. V. ,.- Kpje ,, (; J p U out the dignity ol having his document . . , ,, ,', ' ronr b, ' 8 nig and Victor K. Piolett, We cull the csecial attention of our readers to the pictorial resolution A largv brswlng firm in Ulasgow have begun importing California barley for thoir beer. KUCCTIUS DiarRirtBi A'A'ira JTK.VS. The "narrow-gauge skirls" is tho Western name for 'cm. The new German greenbacks arc culled "Kcirhabaisoiisc Inline." God often -takes away nur earthly hopes that ws may rest firmly upon Him. . ! r- ' f Darnild br . Cur Ttil HouIkIbvU , t nit Tho Ilea v or Knit ('iitlor)' N. WwhU'a."! to wiulihK to Canada cutlory nalo I STT'1; lhHnAmuricmiiMm.1. KtinitHvilli Ohio, proKHum huiiU I J' " u Ui tho centuniiiul a ninylo b!iM:k of j lij(t "".'""!!! coal weighing tjwp Um. ( linn if or a , "'j ' llurnaitlca. Chut HH Oetinftua m.... Uiwilur FarfHtHta , U.rmr4.M Uushen v , Urbui. ,wt Urcenwutiil,..,, Uulih llmtoB. Jordan KarlbBUi KOttl ...a) LraoH Mnrria.M Pna FikfcaM. Unroll Woodward ,, Tolal Democratic Primary Eleclion Returns of Clearfield County for 1875.--0fl.cial. COl NfV I'KEASUIlEH. VUIINTV COalMIsSIOXKR. tt.t-i-:- in ; At'blTOH. I; i Out of eight fin nil red convicts in the Georgia penitentiary only one-tenth lire white, tho majority being negro Imys often U twlevo. -. Muidville has a wotslcn shoo fac tory at which severul tlioiisauil paint are made daily, bat who will wear them is the question. Gold to the amount of iwenty aeven thousand pounds sterling wss wituiirawn tram tlie Dank nt r.ngluntl last week, for Mow York, u Now Yorkers are beginning to bellcvo that rriminuls are never so securely shaded fi-om justlco as when shadowed by detectives. Col. Arthur Ginu bits a teu-ucro orange grove on Luke Monroe, Kin., which contains 700 trees, yielding from lo.ttuO to $13,000 per year. . M. T. Wame, of Kaston, recently sold two Hnmbletoninn colts to a man named Baldwin, residing in California, for twenty thousand dollars. ' A negro juatico of the peace in Jeffersou county, Fla., passed judg ment against his wife for stealing a chemise, aud in default of bail sent her to jail. . . I at! ! i IS IIIS II t II If III a S3 1.1, Sli: ! Ill ;:i III la i 4 W Vt .IS; SI Ml III in , TO l . It !. IS ; It Ml' su It I ai ss 1)1 4 all II III II "I IU; Ml Hil i IS 17 41 ITS 17 41 7 ' 10.1 . II . tl It . a. tail l;7 Hi. 14 . I ., It .!!' Ill in .. til s., "I -I 70 m i i ir I. Si?! I I ! 1 1 i ! XI X 7i in ii 10 Is . Il St a . lo . Ii . il . ""(" 4 14 . I . 6" . I' 10 6 . II.! . tl . 41 IV I la! Mli, 1 , It . 10 . 11 . t . !'. lOii. 14 . I .0, 1 . Ill 10' IS 17 I'.. "ii . " 4 ii i .. 70 174 JI: 10 .. ! !.... lai i I 10 i lit t I IS too .... 1 .... si 14 9 IS i If IS7 5 " !'..'... IS 12 II is 17 14 1 S ii 32 : i .n : 144 .11 llsl I 111 0 it i: -L... 1 . 4.1 II I' I,. II. . 1 I W . 10 . I. 1' "ii In .. 20 1 . 71 I I t'; 4 1j r 21 7:, lii 18' 4V 1 . "V 4 Ot lo 47: II ' II1 l'i.j.,1 It , I 17 : t:t' its I 70 l'. ii l-l II' I; IT U t ' 17 Ii . il . 17 il S7 HO iii in i JT St1 ' 10 13' Tl II 44 SO tl, SI 70 lot' I. IS ii' 12 II ii 41 , 12 K aa 10 40 ti I in , ll'l 70 4.1 40 11,1 II I 11 I 70 IS w ' "! I2 70 21k 1.11 44 -iii! ti r I7S' SO 4WJ I US'1 IS5 020 70 I4IH1 ISO 41"! til 20J IIP 424 III liJ iHHTi POLITICAL NOTES FJIOM THE CAPITAL. A srEAL of J5,000 AND MORE, OK THE PEOPLE'S MONET EX-AUniTOE GEN ERAL ALLEN WITH HIS "riNOlR IN THE PIE" THE FRAUD EXPOSED BY HIS DEUOCEATIC SUCCESSOR. Harrisbiieu, Sept. 10th, 1875. In the galaxy of Pennsylvania's noted Republican, politicians, lobbyists and ringstcrs, in the halcyon days of old Constitution legislation, shone with the splendor of a star ol the Arst msg- Kvangelist Hanky snys that (jiioon ! nitudo, the name of the "hero of Min Victoria is "iust such a i.lcawinL wn-i neiiiin" tho lion, l'eter He.dio. but in manlv bodv as wh hoo everv Kiil.l.nil. ! tho effulirent liirht of now Constitution ' the report of the Citv Atiditora of tin. in the amen comer uf our 'Methodist 1 legislation, bis star has culminated, J City of Villismapoii,ti.rllicycar 1873, churches iu America." I shines but fitlully in legislutivo hulls, I on lile in the il iiyor'sifllcc of said city, i .iv . and will ero long go out iu litter oh-i that thero weiVoutsUtiidinir, on tho lt T.7 f.. iTJi' V-T .i00""0'! livion- bl" ""' '" brighter day of July, 1874, ItilS.OOl) of 20 year Texas, has a fi.Hd of sixty thousand , .........i., Bm, i:1( m,.m.,llu.. S- ,L.. ;ix ncr cent l,n, I. f .!.! J.Z acres within one fence. Ho recently i n.. i........ ,. j ,,.., . L.L,,nai ' the following in which an ex Stuto official in high standing figures con spicuslysnd which hat created ennsid- cranio excitement in certain circles in or 10th, 1873, to adjust and settle any claim that tho Stato bud against the ityoi n i iiiamsport, ana warmdured flVlTHfV COURT SALT" by the then Auddor General anil others to J change my return to 836,000 (see return ' panuanoa .r an o.i-r t u,, Ori.kana' on file in your office) and In doing so 1 ! c""n. "'. -"'-'' mtr, ta Ba4.i,., Ad. acted in faith a'nd had no Jcsire .Vrprw-. "-innV;pWoi;"?.p!;r..0, Jirhi'::: to defraud tho Stato of Pennsylvania, j lro"li of LanbarCity, at ika pahiia aoaai or protest or ennco ino owners ol said , riv,-- bonds. I am, General, with much re- Tharaday, October Is, lJ, spect, , Wm. N. Jokes. . '" 1 '"lo"k P -"rtaia traalaf laail, Treasurer of Williamsport. i JJX t I ''o '0a wr.I l.jr laad uf Jaba P., BDrlh ba i anai at llr.arHall aa4 llaaiga ttnm.m, aaal b .auai at ma auaan I nana r(l aaj cr.aTii'iCATE or iowe. To tlu- Aud. Gen. of the State of l'enn'a: I hereby certity that il apiwura by fillctl an ortler by telegraph lortwcnty- six inonsunu oceves. Krlar Toaar HaBdaraaa.. Mellao Mallaa Milaa Ma.M IT IT ,t t ......n...t 14 ..... It 14 , 14 14 4 IT I SI II It It . It IS 10 It 44 14 II passed by tho Convention, and here after when they find libelous circulars nying around, adopt the policy indi cated by this wholesome resolution. TUE GREENBACK CONVEN TION. In accordance with previous an nouncement, a large meeting of citizens irrespective ot party distinctions ns. sombletl in riosUpora Jlouso. on Mon day evening last, the 27th. ' The moct ing was called to order by A. J. Jack son, on whoso motion Abrnm Hum. phrcv was elected President, James K. Watson, George Thorn, C. Kratiscr, Aaron W. Patchcn, James Savago and Christ, llirlingor wore oloctetr Vieo Presidents, and James Kerr. M. L. Gulich, John G. I.yllo and F. O'l.eary Buck were chosen Secretaries. Wm. M. MeCullough, Hon,., Dr. T.J. buyer and ex-Sheritf Pie were ap pointed a oommittoe to invito ox Tnitod States SonaUH Matt. 11. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, and Hon. Frank W. Hughes, of Potlsville, Pa., to address tho moot ing. i A committee of four wns also ar x)iutod, consisting of C. Howo, H. W. I Smith, Goo. K. liobackor and Wm. J. ill, for the purpose of propari resolutions oxprosaive of tho sense DuimNd 'TiHiETURR. lion. Cyrus L. Pershing and Idciitenaiit Governor Latta were born in I'nity township, Westmoreland countv, within three miles of each other. They will bo still closer together after the first of Juuu ary next, llarrisburg will lie their hcadipinrters niter that period. Those Walnut Dooms. Wo arc In formed by a cltixen of llarrisburg that tho lladicitln (probably by order of the cine! executive magistrate or monwcnlth of Pennsylvania himself,) have removed those famous Walnut Doors Irom the Governor's horse stnblo and replaced them by others! After the election the Walnuts will no doubt appear again unless somo enterprising Ilxliral otrloial shall steal them. A number of vouchers have also been discovered to have been stolen or re msved from tho Auditor General's ottlfe, as there are no vouchors on filo for certain warrants that wcro drawn ! This whole matter, we aro informed, will be thoroughly probed, and proofs will be presented establishing that a gross anil monstrous fraud has been practiced in order to screen this piece of little villainr and folly from public J llenl (' ailininiMlrulii... u. ,.... ... : lull, fin. am .....,.,ll L ...I.I...I I.., .k t. - Ia uat IBa to p.rto- I OllliecllCllt, Dill talk Ot i ;, . r ...." , - . j nu nM, oc.,,i,,,. llwaB Jhn A T II 'biliidelphia. If thev dol " 1 " """mBprirt, a lurge debt . auuitor tiencriii. j ituit. i tbr rrranin,. i, ,h, b.....,i, November, Pershinir will contracted by the city lor many i y l he re-settlein.-nl ol A udilor Gen-! " !''' V -i t ... i., ...... exiravairani nna useless imiirovcmcnls. erai Alien on a iiusis ..I :iti,uoil. the. .. .... - The commission of Alexander White, of Alabama, to be Chief Justice of Utah Territory, has been signed by President Grunt. Another Korce-bill Congressman rowurded. . Moody and Hankey are stirrinir up ine sinners .4 coming tn I this before have Tfi.tHSI muji Gov. Davis, of Minnesota, bus no pointed u grasshoppiT commission, so tlint next year the larmcrs shall known all about it what they are and how they can fix it so that they are not. Mr. Daniel Jlngei.stosa, of Straus- town, Ueiks county, is the owner of two hogs weighing 200 pounds, with eight legs each. The wonders were on exhibition at tho Berks county fair. The Pennsylvania Railroad Coin t noai oi the my I rc. n. hows. ( of Willinmsport. City Clerk. I'pon tho above testimony the re. settlement of this account was approved the eily of illiamsport during the by the Attorney General, and the past lew weeks, will continually coineto ' amount thereof, unless paid before the tho surface of events lo prove that the 1 sixty day's grace allowed have trans hero of Miuueqiia still lives. During ', will be Mini I lor and collected, t.ailaa, .1 routb br other Ian, lata ot ad drr 'J, lattib. t tha Ji.lui, at al, c't.itainHiff aboat 110 arm raor. or l... The imprurrflie&li conaiat ar a a and B ball turj fraiaa dwelling b.UM ISi2a luet. vilb kit.-hen au.eb.d, Ijg barn, ao4 albrr autbailil. ing.. Aboat Ti m wf tba laad w a lea red and an,ler gaul aultlration. Taawa Sat.a. Ona-thirS Iba Burrb.M ra'.aar al aunaruiatloa or Bale, una-.hirl in atie rear Iruta ilata of Mla. a..t tba blu. j daalb af Haaaab Mwre, w.oVar of Saaiaei Allien. ...e ... .an. lu.a.nip, are , lha latta, . ..: wilh inlrre.1,1. be KearaS hi bead aad mortgage oa Ibe prepert. , . . . w S. JIO0RE, jjwsoLOTl'ox'j-.'-'"' ' Notice 1. berth; ,!, (j,,, lk. pany have commenced runninga "Llm- itcl .Mail Train" from New York to Chicago, making the trip in less than 24 hours. It carries but few passen gers. What promise to be an immense con! mine near liusselville. Ark., is now being develotied. , It contains 83 to 85 per cent, of fixed carbon, against 85 to 90 per cent, in the Pennsylvania anthracite. , ,,. All Philadelphia wus put in a twit ter on Monday by a report that the Centennial buildings wore on fire. The report grow out of the destruction of a small frame building In which rooflne pitch and gravel were prepared for use. Tho flagship of Commodore Terry, the Lawrenco, sunk in Kno harbor sixty-two years ago, was raised Hop. tenibor 13th, and the bottom found to be in a good statu of preservation. It ia intended to exhibit the vessel at the centennial. Prof. Marsh has in his pnssoasion a iossii uirii, lound In the West, which has teeth, and ha concludes that the creature wns aa intermediate form be tween the bird and the reptile, and instigated by hi in. It was, however, j Slate would receire only $108 a year -I : l.'t - . '.. 1 l-. . j: - " - .. Hemidiill.forthenurrMTsoofnrenariiiff!uu,H,ruun:. n"Bl." "ol inese a.soovwy siinpiies ono ol the . . ' . 1 . . 1 T. mtrnfta ffliiahle ..1 T ami. In (loom lor some time nnvo ooen an on- i.A . i ... ..: it .. ..i ,.c ... ..iirau.... a'u.i.iK iu. aim ce ...... i . , . . .n . . O . . tivit nr viilmnlA Iiiu. Mi, missing links in tho Darwinian theory, Kx-Senator Doolittto in a recent speech presents somo novel views to secure honest' in elections. One of It will be observed that three were lied on the eighth ballot, and the ninth was taken to break it At the conclu sion of the twelfth ballot, Mr. McGee was declared the nominee for the Com missioner. . i , , j Tho nominations bavins- closed the next business in order was the selec tion of a Chairman and a County Com mittee for 1870. On motion of Mr. Wooden, of Wood ward township, Wm. M. MeCullough, Ik.. ..Ji -,1.!..U I...1 . .. .1... IU. CUIIIIU1.HW, W H,VU IHH. Kt.ll. W lilt. i . . , . . - . L.i . I..:,, ih. .ii-.i..;ri.-.j ...o snobbery of their inception, and now ers, the committee on resolutions mado T nr0 Vr n:,"n tP " these Is that each head of a family thoir report, which was road by Mr. ' . 1 ? !. l" "in'moi leiuic ghall have two votes, one for himself Ksrr, and is as follows : Lmcn who d 'h"e """ ??"' and the other tor the family, and that ' liOFi.rnr.l-a Nlnli. Troaui.mra anI ilL. . i .. '.'... J I Vk-I ll. u-l .1 ... .k. i.- ' ...... . i.j I... r.-i hiirh omciuls of vour Commonwealth I prepoeed, with a riaw to tba forced raaantplioa of I Is it not high time for the people to abaadoaed, aBd Ibat Iba Toloniaof aorraecy made ! aad kept equal ta tba want, of tba trade, leering Iba raatoralioB af legal tender, to par in gohl to J na oroagBtBDoai a aroBiotiDg toe lada.lrlea ol tba paoola, aad Bot br daatroeing tbeai. fiaielrerl. That tin poller alroadj. Initiated af alolUhiag legal teadtra aod giring aalional baBbt pawar ta farai.k all tba eurrauer will ia eraaaa Iba pawar of aa already dangaroai BtoBopoir bbb tBa aBomoua berdana bow oppreee. demand tbat all lha Balioaal baalt rlraulation be u. . -.i'.i.. .1 ..-.7 Mp"Plir aad penaanntlr r.B.!., wm nwiiwi, aim uid uuieguteit ,,, N ,MMj im ,,,, fltm UtiaipfJ, Tbat wa do Bot farer tae iaiulag of legal leader Botaa by Coogreai for anj other pitr poaa Ibaa for tba redemptioB af bun4a,aad Utter aa! oa tba Berne. After the adoption of the resolutions, Mr, HcCullough Introduced Mr. ('nr- penter, who made some very appmpri a to remark, but declined mn speech, becauso Its hod nil and had fully made up his mind to pursue the legal profession to the ut most of his aljility. Tho crowd (it was a crowd, because the building was jammed full) insisted that ho should firooeod, but Mr. Carpenter withdrew rom tho stage Mr, Mnltullough then intmducod Hall niooBi Dngga Bradford.., Brad; llarnrlda...., CI.e.t CoringtoB... DaoBturmin ForgotoB.... Oirard. tieaheB Tho Democratic City Committee of. Philadeljihia, have invited Senator Wallace to address the pooplo of tbat city on next Saturday eroning. If not detained In court ho will of con rue JUs rircscnt on that occasion, and dis cuss ar ruoslions of the day. banded in the following names as Com mittee men from their respective bor oughs and townships : COMMITTEE FOK IITt. niarniora. mbhbbbb. roarerrtrs. Burnalda bor..O. R. Patri.k.....nBra.lda. Clearteld II. W. Park ('rwen.rl(l.,..P. I. TborapeoB Carwaaarilla, HoaUdala Ur.d. 11. Ilampbrtea Hoatadala. Lumiiar City...JaBiaa R. Coppla.,.Loaiher City. X. Wa.h lon..John P. Featb .N. Waak'taB. Omol Dr. T. R. IllaBdy....Oaoaola MilU. Wallaaeua.,.. U lebaal Heady. Walliaatoa. liaaoarla lp.,..Barnbai AnBftranglllea llopa. ,(aaniaa njenaDey.,,,,.riower. ,. Sidney Smith Pi.rett. ...J.n.e. II. VyaU...WallaaalaB. ,.M. ti. (Illl. Wa'lgrora. ...JohniloB tl4Btiltna..LBther.iiHrg. ,...Joha l.aa Rarn.ila. ...iehs Oonaly MoPfaaraaa. ...Jota Pleard. rraa.hrllla. ...J. 8. Burkau. Willi, ,Wa, h. Monro... .....Lamber OIy. ...uaorga w. siaarer-natd iiiu.. ...Ulnar Shaw ..Sbaw.vllla. (Irahaia Uturre W. Baietah Orahaeiten. Ilullrb ....J.iha S. af.Klaroea..Smlth'i Mill., Ilaitoa John Heeketl. ,.,PBaleld. Jotrdae Hneklak PaUaraaB..ABaoaritl, kartbaui I. 0. Mol'lo.k.. SJt Llok. tnoi .,,0.rg. 1). BIh......New Millport. l.awraooa Ulara urowa inaarfleld. Morrla i. O. UarraU.......KylarUwB. Peas ......,.,.Jaaaae Dallay w0raaap. llla. Plka..,f Arnold Bloom.,,; Carwaaar.'lla. I'nloa ......,..T.oiDaa Broekbane-Roektoa. Waodar4...,aaa. kV. )To4aa.,,.Uaaladak. After tho business or ssiaotjug tbs Committco bad Issetr dlstiosea of, Dr. Dennett, of Now Washington, submit ted the following : JtreeW, Tbat Iiraal Tell. Ken. ba aad ba I. berahy eboata Repraeentatlra delegate to Lka Bait fremeerelie State OoaraBUoB, bb4 tbat Dr. . P. Mbaw, af Cle.rt.ld, O. L af Blorru, aad Jamai riyta, af Italiob, be ailaetad aa aoNfaraal la. maol Ilk. enafaraaa frem tha aaantlM of Caatra ad pilntoo, for tba parpaaa of elaotlag a SeBabarlal 4l"l le tha aama CanrenltoS. The resolution was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Hamilton, of Brady, rend and wupn!il to tho Chair tho following resolution i fitnhrd, That t. I. (Wiini. of Carweaa- Mla, H. w. Smith and Wm. B. Bradley. afCW- .naola payaeal, baa already brooght di.atex to I nronse and eject them from power? tha bB.iaaaa af tha aoaalry and thrtleBf general i ninM..i gt i.. . 1 Baakreptoy. Wa damaad tbat tbia polioy be v"......o...n. The Verdict in the Charley Ross Case Pnii.AnEi.pinA, Sept. 20. The Court room this morning was literally packed trom the Judge s bench to tho doorwsy and hundreds woro driven out of tho corridors into tho streets. The spectators evinced great interest and made an attempt when the verdict was announced to applaud, but all demonstration was Instantly checked by tho Court. Westcrvelt, the prison er, appeared much movod and bis emotion was visible Ho was removed from the Court room immediately after ine verdict was read, no was found not guilty on the two first counts, but d tillh unanimous on counts charged conspiracy to extort money. ami tno nun cnurgca detention. Ing the fteople, aad that we appose thl. poliuy and retired, aad legal tht) name and residence shall bo en dorsed on the ballot. We have seldom hoard ol a more terrible affliction in ono family, than has been the case of Michael Gallagher, of -New Garden township, Chester county, no uas lost eight ot bis nmo children by scarlet fover, four having died within one week some time ago, and four more having died week before lost. , . ,...' A Norwich, Conn., antiquarian will exhibit at a fair in his county a book published in 1523. a cane 225 years old, a leaf from a Bible brought over in the Mayflower, and a piece of tho white oak which fell in 1808 undor supposed that this debt was cancelled long ago aa he (Hcrdic) gave his per sonal guarunteo that the iuUiresl on tho city bonds issued to meet this in debtedness should Hot bo lessened by Stuto, city or other taxation. A few years ago tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in orderly increase its revenue, imposed a tux Ukjii the coiiioiis ol all municipal bonds, and, therefore, under this cull the bond of Willuiuisport were liable to be returned fur taxation. Just hero, however, the wily Peter wines to the rvsuce, uud by a littlo ar rangement with Audit.irlici.crul Allen, (proof of which wo will show further on,) mnuanged lo secure to the then limit predecessor. 1 roasurer ol illiamsport a receipt lor State taxes on the bonds, representing, however, only about 3ii,0o0 of tlicm, wheu there wus in fuel 0028,000 ol the bonds in existence. The tux iniKwed by the Stuto is 3 mills on every dollar of bonded indebt edness where the bonds ai-c held b parlies iu the .State, so it run be so u at a glance that when a return t.fonlv (30,000 instead of (028,00(1 tif bonded indebtedness was made, that the State during a period ol three years was iu this one little job defrauded out of more than 11800 annually, amounting in the three years to $5,.Vuo.OO. Hon. J. F. Temple, tho present Dem ocratic Auditor-General, on his indue tion into ofllco, was notified of the ac tual amount of the bonded indebted ness of Williaiiisport, and immediately, ordered a re-sctUement of the account, which re-scllolemot was handed to the Attorney General for bis ai.l.roval.and before that officer the following allega tions woro made bv S. T. McCormick, Chairman of tho Kinince Committee of the City of Williunisport : "In tho matter of tlie Stato Tax on the City Bonds of tlie City of Williams port, Tho iindersiirncd Chairman of the Finance Committee, of the City Coun cil of said City, in behalf of said City Council, makes and presents to the Auditor Gcnornl of said Common wealth tho followina allegations of fact in re lation to said bonds and tho State taxes thereon assessed bv tho Commonwealth and paid by the Treasurer of said city and also the names of the parties hy n ii.Mii prim tarts csn oe proven. how the bonds were issued. 1st. The 10th section of an act of armor partner for aettli-roent and eollerUoa, aha all) al.o per all el.iu.. mii.i .k. ..... bar...g an.rl.led anooal. will plra.i aoma fo.. ..! aa.l M'.le Ibe ama. . Tha l.u.le.u ,l he at Ibe i.. rt.nd br J .hn Holt, aba olioiu a liberal abara of public patianagr. john holt. . t. m holt. n .llaoetor, book It, U7a 4t 1SSOMJTION. tax on these bonds, at the rateol three mills on the dollar, but even this amount was not received lor by a mistake iu computing tho interest, only 810.80 wits yearly paid into the Stuto on this large bonded indebtedness of Williams port. There-settlement ol Auditor Gen- duct,,,,, tU ,,it,.v i.i 7J..J.u.rJ!!r",.!, ?. '. ".'. . r. v. ..T .....Ul. , ; ,m, j Allcfl shows U bulullCC Still due the tn "'".entile ba. inear. in the lMruur,h ef Statu ot 5 500 60 Wall.rloB. w.. di.mlre.1 by mataal eon.enl oa ,; i .,, . ,. the ISlb of Anfiiat, l7. The book, and ar. General I duple Will collect this SB 111, en..t will be Irfl al Ibe .tore for .Mile.... ,,, o.iu i.n.8 rt-t-over to ine rinte, tnul out j c, "le""" a'a ot ortoner. Aftrr of which it was defraudl. shall we . 'y w,u na t.ti an oo-,, f. ,(. say, by the connivance of his Rcnub- D The cost of the mail service iu this Stale during the hurt fiscal year was e22,721.93. Tht busine. will bt untiniwd mt Ihe ol.t Uni by Jew (iM A Hoo, who nrnpotw to mH g tol, chtMpr tbfti vr. IMewii, f iv sit 4 vtaiuinenarntosk tnd privm bclora pnrehai-f (Mwhr. 4 o.. U nlu!titi.. Sp. Jl. 1874 4t. . . ;sTi:.Va-. Assembly approvetl, March 21st. 1807. authorizes the corporate authonlics of the City of Williamspnrt to issue bonds not exceeding $200,000 P. J,. nam 513. 1 h ' annmpri- Bu,1,y on me two nrst couni iking a sct'K"''ty nn 1,18 tl''"1' ''0"r,,' "J it Hlili08rPu,,"- ,The jury was nnanimo la niin.l in these. The third and fourth c Governor Ilartranft apjiinvod the UKling Act of Jlay mil, 1874, which put tho Sinking Fund of tho Stato in the pocket of the Stato Treasurer. The Mr. Hiiirlioa whnatv.lia f,, nl.n..t nn people ol lho State are dcmeil a know - hour and a quartor In his usual able, edge of tho custody of thcirown funds, and argumentative stylo, demonstru- vlrt"0 of except as a mat ting clearly that thoro was nn awful! tur of 'vor. This law was especially wrong somewhere, beeante the iinl-j intended to mnko it safe to specula! versa! stagnation In business and nil witl' 'll0 money of the State by making our loading industries was the legiti.ine i.anies to tno transaction unknown, tpato fruit produced by the present' Knowledge being locked up in tho bad Dnancinl policy of tho country. brcn"t of "lnKle functionary. A voto At tho conclusion of Mr. Hutrlies'i r"r Hnrtraiifl and liawle Is a voto to spooeh, Mr. AfeCullough was oallod , Pontinuo this system by endorsing tho ..wi.n.r wiiu u..n,vett tt ami t.y electing a new custodian for the publio funds who expects to profit by It. Out, and in a few appropriate remarks upon tno issue at stake closed the mootinjr. J Trouble. Negro glavery still tmublot somo llmlicul editors. The Pittsburg Qmettt suems to be aiinoyod tha most. Woll, It Is qulle natural for those editors who howled against sla- Ptitriot. Haiiical ItAsPAi.iTr. The Harris burg Patriot says; 4 favorite gamo wiflj pulica) fu'iiconi)rles' who hnvo been det'octed iii villainy has been to steal the vouchers which furbish official Tory for yoars bofore the war, but: proof of it, Wo are Informed tlutt the when the battle cams had themselves ! "u "V'0 AT"",r 'Jol,t'1' nmcoi . , , ,i , ,. ,iin Hurrisburg, havo been tampered exempted, and thcreforo nover sniolled Wt. ,n(i that antone other mailer. JWS w w coiiiiuuo vo oo exon'iseu lor wtilcli lho vouclicrs hnvo boon Said, Bra hereby daelarad Banatorl J aaaaaraaa a meet bkaoa tnm Centre aad CllatoB eeeat.ea, la BoaalnaUB oeadidala far 8uto Seaatar, and B kerehy aalraaled lo Bar all honorable Been, la aoeara ike Bomiaaawa af br. T. i. Borer. Mr. Hale, of Osceola, moved as an amendment to this reaoution, to add the names ot Henry A. Wright, Daniel Gorman and Frank Reed. over this ttU&iUon. The man who do f ,1 n, umIiu. wnnrf D...I I.aIi.m tit " ?'T V wbii.ii wn unto tlie f..i worbt things up toaflirlitina point, audt t-t t.r.r. .... ,.,w.H- " i.iT . .. l..i "JV" l'u destroyed, nro tho Itemised accounts of expenses for the executive mansion,! nnidiil.le sum of 2nd, t'mler the pretended authority r.r .1.:. . ... ,.r a i.... ... . . - . too rst set . ers oi ancient thoritica procoetlcd to issue coupon NVootlbury encamped on th. night of Bonds to the amount of $045,00il) of TRADESMEN'S INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE Of Pittsburgh, ' OPElTOTHEPlBLirj Oct. 6th lo Nov. 7th, 1875. I'KEniUJI!, Vahinl at ,S.r0,0()(). nothingIxcluded! Krrry I)e.artiarnt will bo tiled with the Btort lateraellug IarealioB. and Arlr of tka Age. Ma.lo, by trtt rlm Bands will ba ia at lan.laare Iron lu A. M. aat.l t V. at. daring Iba ...lire k'.btl.Hloo. I'npnrallelod Attractions in Kvery Department. Magnificent Building. Crowds in altondenco. , ALL KINIIS OK ' Fariiiers' Products & Live Stork. JRV-Hedureo' Kara an all Hall Hoada. Hani. IS, 7tlm. Prom Ibe Itreinlie. of tba an.ler.lened mIJ. inic at ,bi-nummtt Tannl.oa the Lo tirade ri-ed, oa the m..rt.ia of the day of Sen..a. hir e li,-l.. kPn,ll. entv kl. k h. r rout. J. 1 he mn ba a piece aa, at Ike right ear . Anr information that will lead ia the d.eerrrr of the row will ha ihankfolly rearirad, Rad ibr rufortneB, literally rewarded. A'LLe.. - IOI1N O'NBIL. Sabula, ae.t. 11, fS.Jta then backs down nr furniahos a substi tute, Is wlhor knave or a coward IIaiixahihiiiv. Siuisom, of the In. crsnd we care not which horn of the dinna Democrat, remarks ; Wa rocog. dilemtua lu aoiies. (I'oorgo K napp.aged fourteen years, diod at bis father's residence in l'onn township, l.anca'tfr countv. on Wed nesday night of Inst week, after n pro- intcteti unless oi nearly thirteen years. Tho deceased had been deprived of tho use of all his limbs, onrsus of sireech and sense and was a victim of epileptic nts. Klins W. f! lover, whilu sowing wheat in a field on his farm in Fayette county, this State, was shot down in cold blood, on Fridav last. Tho mnr. dcrcr was concealed in a wood nenr whorcUr.dlovorwas working. Throe balls had struck him in the buck, ono passing through tho body, Suspicion rests upon his brother, A charily nation! in a Ualtiinoro hospital was recently searched and mora than 14,000 in money was found iu the old clothes be wore, and bo is an owner oi two larms near the oily. Ho had boon living by beirirarv. or sponging upon the proprietors of cheap hoardiiiir houses, and now thirty uf bis smnii crouiiors nave turned up, A Biiitfiilar lawsuit Is before tho circuit court of Ht. Lonls mnntv. Mo. John MoCnrlhy shipped 126 hood of cottlt), worth H.OOO. from St. Louis to t.'iiKinnati, on tho (fliiq and Missis sippi railroad, the lYoiglt'i. cqijt ract speci fying tho tiino of transit. The train was delayed twenty hours, the nrico r -i.- .... at. . i . . t-nii.o n o nur twins per nnnareil In lho interval, and Mfc M.K'arthv claims a loss of I7S0, ami sues for it The sophomore cnu of l.afuvette Collego at Kaston, Ta., arrayod them selves in Ka-K lux costume, ono night lost wpok, f,)d rtidrd on tbs members of the fresh mail cImU,' (Jfi The tf'AMPAitix. Tho njui.'. ths Democratic Stato Com mitt ifl pi)i)ndclj)hla, on .Saturday advices A-.. m Ilia r'nmn.itl.iA j j , .... i i .. t-v -T- t .-I rr r-'r'r'" r uestlorT The XXZ Z - "T " ! ' V W iparua utiiuBinti fveflnsyivauio. f hlr- gglng thenj , .r,,,. .. .. .i , 7 il 7 , ,ro" l,ul" beds and pcriwtral nghunt. dest rves any credit or tlio nomination erou. m.lAUM ,, ,, .,, ' , ".t.,. , (f of Ut.ii.lyrM L. hut the f, Ul0 Bonhs as last aa oomt!iriT "'. lue ;,J,!"rr"n T """ fey could be cauglil, antf among them U Oor rUXLZ r of Gov, Ilartranft .w,,.r,i. .. . i r ' 1 anu a son oi wyru i sntning. ' uio, .wh ..... uuniivmillK niin.,ru uiruj the date of September 1st, 1808, and having 20 years to run. Tins can be proven by Wm V. Logan, Kx-Mayor. WHO UOT THE BONDS. 3rd. All of these Bonds oxconttho sum of f 17,000, wrr iifrf to citizens of t "" yVna'n, principally to l'etor llonlic 1 5.",pT,rl' a uio ran ,m proven ny xtr. h m. r . Logan, Kx-Mavor. and Hiram Mudgo, Kx-rrcasurer, botn of tho City of W il- Hamsport. A FALSE EETt'EIf. 4th. The amount of theso Honds out standing In 1873 was 619,000, and in 1874, $015,000. This can bo proven by Kx-Trcosuror Hiram and present Trcosurar, Wm. N. Jones, by 1). B. Klse and also by the report of tle City Auditors for 1873. 5th. Tho Citv Treasurer for J87.1 instead of returning the true amount oi oonos outstanding, returned the amount as 130,000, npon which basis tho State tax was levied and paid. ENTER AUDITOR OENERAL ALLEN. 7th. Win. N. Jones, tho City Tieas urer for 1874, made a correct return to tho Auditor General's offlco, of the amount of bonds outstanding for that year, but was subsequently induced hy the then Auditor General (Harrison Al ien) to otutnge tht rdurn to I36.0(0 and the correct roturn was destroyed hy the i..ior tarnmii in (no presence of said Treasurer. This con bo shown by the said Wm. N- Jones. 1 f 8th. If direct evidence is required ss to whal portion of those bonds are i'J etiiaens oi 1 enn a it ran hn furnished by callinn on I'mrmin ft. IVi. rson. ot mo City of Philadelphia, A DMiXISTHATUOR'a NOTICE. Nallea Ii hereby glrea that Lattere of Ad tniniitralioB oa tba a.tala nr JOHN CKKSg. WELL, Sa, late of tlull.b looa.hip, ClearSeld eanaty Pa., deraaeed, harlng bean .Inly granted lo the undrr.jgnad, all hereon! ladebted to .aid enaia wilt piraac Blake in.Btrd.att navatonl, and logcieini. araemaaaa will praaenltham au.neniiaeled tor arttlement wilbool JAMES FLY.!. Hiotlh '. Alalia, W, fi-St A.lra'r. TXECVTOKS NOT1CK.- JJ Not Notice I. hereby rlren that lB.r. ...... aieBlary harlng baea granlad to thaenbttriber aa oee..a.eoi ouna ni.MiKL., daoaaaadi lala of T .own.ii.p.r iearnaldoouaty, 1'anaiylranla, mueoiaa ta lata r.lele Bra reqaeated ta mala Imuediala payment, and tboee baring "--'" m hhi m preaent thaia daly aBtlirBtloaled far aattlaraenU , . . J. ADAM RISIIKL. l.atbrr.barg. grpt. W, 'tj St Kircnlor. IjW-UT AH Presiibiit Onubt wrote to Uiistow.f "o H?rsonsl crum'UttCy should stand In the way of pertrrknir jJ lie dutv " lis did Dot think of tl.ta 6nc jieAi!J;ncnt when ho signed tho , , . . H ATeaWreW, Thai wa, aa aawaVn of Iba DotM salary grnblung act. .rati, pan, r . w,au; iv , question. 1 he amendment fsalne put or tnv iiBimtan, ib waa oociarea KnK this bronchi the orlirlnsl rtdi,(lon oeiore mo t onvonuon, and a vote l,v ysas and nsys demonstrated that it was carried, and the Chair so ruled. Hosolutions being still in order, lfr, Wti;e of Boggs, sent up to the Chair man Wright has sounded tjjo baltic call, and lim linns are f,d'iinij- Thero wiu Da uo vw ), hc ,-snks frpn, aow nnlil Movemliw, flov. ilartranft is splurging around tho country at military parades, order ed by subordinates at his command. A poiitisaj change in Vcnnsylvania proportionate to lUt in tyains will give g-ersoiug aj)4 J'lotuu majority of flU thousand. Ail slims i Pro? I piljou. i-tlM" Swftcyaey, .oofi & (Wan dale bank Kyrrhaa, v vxd .one, day last week to eight years iu tin-' penitentiary. Ill lho ohnrchvard at Tolland. Cornwall, H,fM .lodlcs hnvn been in lorrcd In half nn Aeft' ot g'l'duiii). Jo pcatctl burials 'havo' raised the toll (ill the church appears to bo situated In a pit; a horrible slime oojos from tIB givea Ir; tho higher pari of the yard anil trickles upon the (fjft of the chs rf h, dtsiiirectnnts'Tiar'e fit is iiroviuI f;T Du J;c. ,rinlrcrs., and on WiIF Hi. Klf mv m:,, f) ftfy f tni""pjieiy. of which is respectfully submitted, S. T. McCorhici t.mT'r'ruTH o ones, ft the A M.VMr tyfciflhe .Shift of ,,,, I horehy oortify that from 10 aV tulimblii liifUrinatlun ' existing In the Troasuror'e oftlt) In tho City of Wil linmsorL there wore outstanding on tho Orel Hay of Juno, 1874, lOlfUtOOof the coupon bonds or the City ol W il liamsport, of the issue of Sept. 1st, 18CR .L'i gfli,lh't 0n tho 2nd of Aug., W4, lt,0dl tit said bond, vfei-o w doenied bv tba Cbmmlsslonorti bt the Hiuklng Fund of skid bitv. hul nw rtrrt. sUnding Rt .that timet the sum'tifiillS, 0W, and 1 at) returned ths amount to 1)4 Audildr (tonerat's ' office,' except ihat Lhtrre wal tin orror of I), 000 in tny returfi, and ffirthet'l ended nn th. then AfitlltftV tnl-rnl a,n,sif Jsn. fl,h Strayed away from the bnhIm r .k. ...k. .o.lber la C.rlngloB towmhip, la lha latter part of May la.l, two yoang ileeri, Bbont two and a half yean old, oao of thru. It amutry and all red, I Be alber It white and Mark (polled. Aay perron glrlnglnr.rina,l..a at to Ihalr.wborrabi.ul. will be liberally rewanlrd. FIIKDRRlrK 1'Lt'llnl.I,. Leeonte a Jet ill, Sept. 2V, '7aJia QIIARTKR NOTICK " Railrola hereby girea tbat an a,...iiralloB will la lha Uorerno. of il.. wrallh af I'rBotylraoia, ,1 par.uaBoaof an order of aa Act af Aia. of aa.d Commonwealth i.ueo, An AC to provide for tha iansrparatloB ...rtt 'r.V. If M"ls rorporaliona, a,.prora. V "' " "" '' ""m Palrnl, inoorporallng lha ll.erelo l,.lo a body eo.a-.rata anlllled, -The IW. l!.,d h,btiZt?& 'JST "i 0h,M' iri "" r-'ka.lng and ae.ll lag of real aetata, and tha Improrcmrat thereof la tha eounly of dr., 1. Id la raid Com. -owweaitn, and n.rtbrw pBri.ou to kara, no., a., and ,jo, all th. rlghi., ad r. lofra of .aid Act of Aern,hy. 1 ' ,, . ,j . WALLACE KRKBS, Clrartald, Sepl. 1, T-il,l.r.. AD M 1 M ST RA TO U'S N OT I C K. NMioa It hereby glrea Ihat Letter, of A I minimal oa aa the ...... .r i.l-o h ,...., lala al Hrerarla towneblp, ClearSeld enaalr. Pa ' deoaeeed. h.rti.. t. ..i . .. Irtted ,.r: oeoaajM barin, hm duly g. anted lo th. aader ei, peTinna indrtted ta..l, ..lata will 1' eteima or. . .,n hH. ,,ly aalhrallaalad l..r wllknat A1.HKKT HIIOr'K, . a., rapt, n, st Adm'r. JOR RKNT. wiuer eaaiavar ia s Mas Short oa Ike nrentu.. r. s. All ttarilaaiadeblad lam, aall aad hiu,. by ea.h ,iUl 're -rarity, Wil. ...,k, mj at,.t h.reall 7 aow ia my awa land.. ramp atteatloa to Hal. .,te.r,i,,,rK,,;ri ! r- 8,,,.,R PITTSBURGH, PA. For apward. of terete yearn tka leading kaai. Ben College of Ike Halted hue, atordi led advantage, for th. th orough, prarlir.1 edort Uoa of youag and middle aged rara. Sledrala admitted al Bay time. For otrralan ad Iran . J. C. RMITH, A. hi., Th IRDM i lTV COI.I.Etili"r'!ilu, aaly inrtltiitlon of the kind In thl. ei.e that .. rraaommpBd U tba pahtic liatriaagr. Prrelva. " nowoer, r-tnaaerea, ra, Sep. U,"l la. 1 V TUE T RA V KLIN (i VWUC. Tba anderaigaed aoooanee lo the tr.irrliD publio Ihat ther bare pat a Iti-araekly hack 1 the road froor Hoatadala, raa. Madera, lo UUa Hope, running regular arerr Torailar, Th.rH.j aad l!.lordT. L.-aring Houlidala oa the it rival of tba morning train, and arriving at (.'aa Hope at 11 M A. M.t mornlag. Ie.rra Ol.a Hope at I P. M ; relnraing to Madera Ibe eaa araaiag. I'.ra.Bi wiabing to Irarel oa aar K. tonaediala day will ba aaeoai.nodale.1 by dye ing a lina to Ibe proprietore al Madrra. Partial w.ahtng to trarel into lha eountry. If thry letw know what train they era eomiog an, wa aid meet tbem at the atalion, aad mn Ibrm an air Mad tbey wiab tb trarel. aay day agaept lit three regular day. that we maal be oa the Una Hope road wllb tka mall. Oar with It to u eo.aojo.latr, aad we ark tht petroaagr af tka traveling pul.lle. SHOFK BHOTIIKKS. tl. W. gaorr, Supt. Madera, Aag. , l;j.Jm. " Q()AL! COAI.I1 I ( TO WHOM IT M W COJI.'KKN. Tha underrlgnrd take, tbia method ..f lara- ing tba people of Clearteld aad finally, that a. ha. I.aeed and ra-anened the old ll.e ctae aoal hank, laaa.od wilhla a mile from too, aal I. nw prrparad lo furaiak a Inl rtan arnrle ooal, and to d.-lirer lb. aama aay whrr. ia loaa at raaaonak!. rata, oa tha aherla.l aellre. il g.iod ou.ntitv of rual alway. oa bead .ad l aalc al Ibe tbioe. Order, len al '.,', lobaoro ale, , aal SByder'a .hariag ulaoa. A HANK WILSON. Clearteld, Aag. 'H tf . VALUABLE PROPERTY FOH 6ALB OR FOR RKNT. Tha nbaeriWr glrea aotioa that kr will eilbat , rawt or .all hi. dwelling and .lent property. Ml. oa neeq ..reel, adjoining the L.n.rd HoaOi, ia the horoagb af t'learleld. Pa. The .lor. raoB I. Hi X .11 feet. The booee ro.taial I u. ... a aiienea aa lha Sr.l atarr. aaa a room, on the aro..nd .tary. Tba .tor. rwB aaa ha had at one, and tba dwelling portiee oa and afler tba I.I of July. For forlber par Ocular., a.l.lraaa or apply ta th. Bndrraiiaed at theprrmiea.. IIKO. 0. FAS.oli. Claarleld, Pa, May IS, 7a-lf , . IH7S. FAl.Ii. 1875. ( , SIUN or THE Bid NTCIIh'R, 41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel, ' PITTtiii;Rf;ll, r. T, F. AILEY CO., IMI'OKTKKS A.NO JODMHRS I.N Chliia df, Qiireii.Hware; Window GIass, Glnsswnre, Ijinip Burncru, Cliimn"). ( Cliniiilcliorn and nmrHa" : QUlGbLSTS' jilASSW ..RK. 11 Ft srs saw wrenara T rperlal INDDtRMRNTH IM INI IjD Ql'lSKNSWAlU:, la Crale. ef fill will pleaaa : tO THE FILL TMAOi:. itia ta Ike Tra llll'iisi- V Bit. bnil. Bad Whim Mraaila aad Can. aim Mas ad, la tollilh haala. Alee, ta taiiael I'" parohaaer., wkirh wenfrr VKHY l. f0 rs AND FROMI'T SHORT TIMN Ct'STOHkl Wa ara prepared la lake arorr. far A till'' CAtt WIIITR IIRANITK. COMMON IWJ aaa Rtll KISIllBTAM WARS, al MBBman., in- . I, . . .. .. aad plaoaaat Sfll'