Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 15, 1875, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
irpald la aUranee, or within tbre months 00
ft p-tld after three end before lit Month..., 1 60
. Il paid tf- thetplrt.a of ill months... I 00
4T Messrs. B. M. Pbttkhoili. A Co., New.
papr Advertising Agents, 17 Perk Row, earner
Bknin 1 (Street, art our duly authorised Agent
in iwm i ira ;iiy.
MvihodlNl i:ntncunal Church- Rev. R. R
Hthvrnb, raftor. Publie Horvleo every Sabbath
i"i a m., ana it t. M.
Habitat h School at fl A. M.
Prayer liog very Thursday, at Tl P. II
Co.ou-i.nioa Harriot, first Hal. bath of vry
ITeab) terlau Church Hv. II. 8. Butlrr.
S.tbhtb eerrlees morning and owning- Hab
bath Hflbiul at t P. M, Prayer Meeting Vt edn el-
nay evening.
Mt. franc. i'hurrh Catliolir Rv. P
J.HHRRiitAN.Praaehingat I u.) o'clock, A. M.,nn
the first, third and laurth Sunday s of eaeh month ;
Vespers and ttenediction of I be Ulessed (Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, p. M. Sunday 8cbul every Sunday
auernoon at a o oiocr.
r.m of ioldiro qimrtri ikmiori court.
8 ond Monday of January. .
TVrd Monday of March.
First Monday f J una.
Fourth Monday of September.
Tina or oldiro nonxoa i-lr.i,
Firt Monday of Jnna.
Second Monday of .November.
rtiai,io orricitii.
Prttirlint Itdo Uoo. Cbarlti A. Mayer, of
Look 11 a van .
Anittant Lmw Hon. John H. Orrtt, of
it octal Judget William C. Foley, Clearfield;
winn w. ntitu, i;urwenTine.
PrthonotrKU Bloom,
feeielcr and RMordtrh. 3. Morgan.
Dittrict Afforaty Prank Fielding.
Twurar David W. Wis.
Sh.riff William R. MePherson.
Count if Survtyor Samuel F, McCloskcy, Cur
Coaely Commission res John P. ThotBpnn,
Curwnvllle; Clark Brown, Claarfleld j Conrad
W. Kyler, tlriheintcn.
County Auditnn James II. Hi la, Lumber City;
Lawli C. IHoom, Clearfield ; Henry Whitehead,
Union tnwnahip.
Jury Vitmmitnanri John W. Shugart, Jam!
Mitchell, Clearfled.
Supwintmtititt of Public JeAoofs -John A.
Gregory, Clearfield.
Jfutmrin Public John W. Wrlgley. Win. Ra
debaugb. Cyrus L. tlordon, Clearfield j Joiiab
Kranx, Joi. R. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwenavill;
J. J. Untile, Kmmct Hnycrs, Osceola Milli ; Jokn
ton Hamilton, Lutharsburg.
Our Spctiol column ia decidedly interesting in
a local point of view, and profitable reading to
outsider! who want to lava money.
PAPKHS. ,i , r
Sheriff Pie hit miulea very necessary
addition to bin Opera Home.
. mm
A camp of tlio "Junior Sons, of '70"
1 to be orguulted In Clearfield at an early day.
Tho American Grocer lliinkn this will
be tho woit profjierout fall trade seen in many
J1 , .
Clenrfit'M hnn Bixtoon full flvdfcod
1ow'i-rs,Hiid (uiteanuuibvr of bantlings In rapid
growth. m um
Mil my, Mifllin county, turnishps u
missionary to China In the pereon of Mill Fanny
llarilibargrr. Hbe If i"w on bar way.
If any of our frit'iiiU are looking
anion 4 fur a Normal School opening, wo direct
their attention to Mr. Clark'i card in our ipaoial
Komo ot our citir.en are housing
tli fir winter'! lupply of anthracite coal. These
mornings are first-rate reminder! that winter will
anon b here,
. . ei
?ev. (Icorc C. Huttor, of Jolinfltown,
will preach in Hi. Andrew'! Episcopal church, in
Clearfield, on Fumlay, H air inter IStb, at 10 In
the morning and at 7i la the evening.
WeniMl Kndrt'S has commenced tho
erection of quite a large dwelling hone near his
bn wury, on Fourth street. Jen. Butler, alio, has
qalto a neat boose umtor rowf, am ib aire.
- i am a -
Tho "hoyn" are milking vigorous ef
fort! to reorgnniielhe brass band. Wehopothay
may be successful. A towo the site of Clearfield
ought to afford Ruffiaient uiuiical talent foraflnt-
olasa band.
Couinu ro tub Hurfack. An ex
change says that Ttlton is engaged fur erery night
during the Iroture season , after September SO.
"The Problem of Life" is the subject he will wrci
. tie with. "
Kignor Bohoo, tho renowned Illu-
loniat, garo entire satisfaction to hi l audienoee
at Pie'i Opera House on Friday, FstunUy and
Alonday orentnga last, glgnor kaowi bow to
pleaae everybody.
... i a
The Curwennvillo bra bond paid
our town a visit on Saturday oigbt, and during
tbeir short stay scr enadi-d a number of our eiliaeni.
This band makes ezocllont tnuilo and li an honor
ta our sister borough.
It im Raid that there have been com
paratively few thunder stortni thii summer. The
final onr, however, will oeour on the second day
of November next, whi n Democratic lightning
will knock tbe Hadiaal abebang all to thunder.
Haii.road for Hale. The Indiana
S!,Qr nj the Homer, Cherryiree A Susque
hanna railroad Is advertised to be sold by the
herlff. Here li ft rare obaooa for ft man in mod
erate eireumslaneea to become possessed of an en
tire railroad.
AVo b arn from tbe Cambria Freeman
that A. W. Patchln, Ksq., of Palobinvllle, Clear
field county, has purchased the Lloyd bank pro
perty. In Kbcnsburg, for the mm of $fl,000, "n
the presumed intention of engaging in the bank
ing business.
A gold medal is oilored by tho Con
ire County Agricultural Soelely at tbe ooming
fair, as ft prise to tho marksman who will make
the best string of three rifle shot from tho iboul.
der, at ft distance of 100 yards, A gold medal is
alio ofiered to tbo best thrower of a I fl pound
ihnukler stone.
Wo have printed posters for a mans
meeting of those lo favor of an Inflation of tba
government ourrvney, to be hold la Clearltald oa
Mnndav. 8eiteuibcr 17th tho aeeond week of
court. Hon. Win. D. Krlly. of Philadelphia, and
Hun. Matt. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, are to bo
among tba speakers on that oooaiion.
-i -o -e---
H may boa "poor rule that won't
work both wave." but bow Can It be helped. If
the borough authorltioa are obliged to repair tbe
pavement In front of your dwelling, they oan
make yoa foot the bill j bat if you do tho work
toursclf vou cannot mnke them "pay up." It li
cheaper to do the work yourself, however.
s - -
Mr. Joseph Allio. who lives nearTy
leraburg, Clarion eouoty, waa one hundred yean
old on the lib of May, last, and his wife one non
dred yean old on the lltbor August. They have
been married TS yeara. Tboy are still enjoying
reasonably good health, are active and itrong for
peraona at inch an advanced ngr, ftnd posseii all
tbelr faculties.
Judgo liowrio, of the Krio judicial
district, lately made an ruer 01 euwri mi
tubmen t sbuuld bo Issued aglo n wilnoa
who ha hot beeo paid the mileage and one day's
feei In that capacity. Thii rule ihould be adopt
ed all over tbe oouotry, for It ii all wrong to com
Mil people to attend court 00 other people' bull
nni and pay their own eipenaea.
Finn Damn. Tho WilliamHport Sun
iayi: Sheriff Mabaftey, accompanied by Moses
Mabefley, John Rianbart ftnd C Palmatoef, all
able-bodied men, started down the rlvor in boat
on Monday morning last, for lb purpos of d
itroying the "fish dams' built In lb river sow
Irary lo law. They were well armed with all
necessary Implement for attacking flab workiand
demolishing lb saui.
1 a - -
All Aboard! We understand that
Hon. Victor K. Piolelte, lh Demotratl nomine
for ffiata Treasurer, and Hon. Frank W. Hughes,
if VotUville, have been Invited ftnd t gather
wllb United fttetet Henalor Wall are, will nddreu
tbe people In lbs Court House, on Tuesday oven
tor, Stpltinbir 2fttb. All who wish to learn the
cam and core rf aur political malndlei tan be
fteeomrnodaM on that oreaelon, provided they
eomi to il. wetting. It li not yet known wheth
er ittdft" Fenhlng will take tbe stump, but the
tner tbrM gentleman hart don 6, If Gov.
II art ran ft takes tbe lamp', of nosreer Judg Pcf
blng will f How, became It la Jat In his line to
ihow up and convict pabh rdoaderwri . ' -
Hank Uali.. Tbo event of tho baso
ball season In tbi plaea Was mateb game, on
Thursday last, between tho High Boys, of liar-
rlsbnrg; and the Cbiooks, of this plane. Tbo day
wu beautiful one, and this, In connect Ion with
tho reputation of tho visitor! ai a craek club,
brought out largo number of both ladiel and
gentlemen to wttneea the game. Among tba v li
lt ort wa notloed lavorat conveyance from Philips,
burg, Tbo game throughout was welt played, and
whan It It remembered that our boyi have played
but two or three game thll season, and practiced
one at all, their pitying was remarkably fine.
Tho Cbineki won the toss, and sent tbalroppo
nenti to tho bat, retiring thin with on run.
Tba borne club wrnt cut In one, two, three order.
In tbe second Inning, wild throwing and fumbling
of the ball give the visitors five runs, while tbe
Chlnoks were again whitt washed. Our boya now
settled down lo their work, and five straight while
washes for the Ulgh Uoya followed, the Clearfield-
en making one iub In the third Inning. On the
eighth inning, our boa again grew careless, and
wild and overthrowing garo tht visitor! ill runs.
One run was all tbe Chineks could get In this lou
Ing, and after giving the llighi three runs and
being tbrmaelves retired with a blank In the ninth,
tbo game closed. Tbe fielding of tho home club
from tho third to the eighth Inning was almost
faultless, and givea eridenoe that practice is all
that it requisite to make them able to cope auc-
oeasfully witn tho best clubs. Ai an earnest of
the opinion entertained of them by tho High
Boys, wa publish tbe following telegram, lent by
ona of tbelr number to the lltrriiburg Patriot
CLiAtriiLn, Seplrmber V. Tba game played
to-day between tbo High Boys and Cb In dec la
moose, of this place, resulted in another victory
fur tba High Uoya by a score of 16 tot. The
game waa very Interesting, especially from the
third to tht tightb inning. Tbe High Boys isy
that the Clearfield club Is the best they have tack
led on their trip. Tbe score will show how the
Chinoks made tba Buys play.
The visitors left on Friday morning, having
boon tht guerts of the home club while hero, and
expressed themselves as well pleased with their
vialt. Wo append tbe aoort t j
cniacKi. r.o. n.p nion aovi. r.o. n.
Johnson, 8b.. 1
German, lb 8
Let lord, 2b .i
Simmons, as 4
Mumma, 8b ,..S
II utter, p 8
Kbel. If 4
Fleck, of. I
Balslev, S
Mtllsr'rf. 1
H. Wallaos, ss 8
Kosenkiaua, of. 3
Walters, p 4
W. Wallace, Sb S
Krajrlc, lb 8
T. Muero, rf I
U. Moore, e... ...... -4
Howe, If., l
Total, ......
37 1
Total, ...
4 A 8
.27 16
7 8
High Buys....
, 0 0
, 1 ft
0 0 0 10-1
0 0 0ft 3-1 C
Baie bits High Boys, 10 ; Chlnoks, ft. Runs
earned-Hizh Boys, 7; Chinoks. 3. Fly balls
High boy a, U; Cbiarks, 8. Tiujo of game-two
hours. Umpire J. M. Seibert, IUrriiltura.
School has commenced. Along the
street at certain hours go group! of little girls,
while flitting about them li the smart little boy.
He Is doing astonishing things all tho time, or
Hying sharp thinga which make the little girls
laugh. At oat time ha will run atraight ahead
witb all tba force be ia capable of. There ia ap
parent ly no special object In view but he knuwa
what he is about. In the group is n is "first lovo
and be wants to 'how her what ft good pair of
legs ho baa goL At another time bo will burl a
atone at ft passing dog or cat. Tbia li to ihow
her what ft fine eye he hai. Tbn again ke stands
in front of a toning train until It is nearly on top
of him, but jumps out of the way in time lo save
himself, and look! furtively and with all census-.
ing enjoyment upon the look of horror u (Fusing
her faoe at the tmtninrut danger be wai In. Ho
will alae greedily trip up aome boy three Inches
shorter bn himself, or talk loud and swagger
mgly, and fondly believes bo Is a hero lo her eyes
which ho undoubtedly la. But his chief card
il in displays of strength and agility, made by
jumping over post. With all bit folly tbo giddy
lover bai a streak of prudeooo underlying the
onrrent. Quite frequently be knows the post be
is going lo jump over, lot none of ui are quite
fallible, and one in a while he undertakes a
poet whose height he hae miscalculated by about
an loob only ft little bob. An Inch Is very In
significant in tho4ength of a strevt, but unexpect
edly located 00 tbe eud of a hitching post it Is a
dreadful thing. And ai the little boy gathers
himself together after tbe shook, under tht Im
pression that tbo earth haa shot away from him
nto illimitable ipact, he realist most forcibly
bow great lov Is refined and pu rifled by suffer
ing. But, we're all been there, In our school boy
Ocr Coal Intkrehtm. We notice by
some of our eastern exchanges that our coal Is be
ginning to attract considerable attention among
gas in en. The Harrlsburg Patriot of the 0th
says 1 "Wi an tn formed that a mm-m baa be
made of the Murriidate Clearfield aoal. By add
ing ft email percentage of crude petroleum It Is
made to yield n gas of en illuminating power el
fifteen eeodlea; this Is at Norrlstowo, Pa. There
Is evidently a groat future open to the coal from
tbe Clearfield region." Why, you need not be ex
cited over that litttle speck of light. Tbe whole
Mosbannon valley, from the mouth of the stream
to Its source, a distance of forty miles, has about
ten feet of just lush quality of aoal, which can
not bo consumed In the next generation. Tbe
valley of Clearfield, for sixty miles, and the West
Brauob, from tbe mouth of Sinneuiahoning to
Cherry Tree, ninety miles more, li similarly
Well. We could not Help It.
Soma of our readers were considerably "put out
about it," last week, because tht Rkpublicax
was n half day behind time. This waa not our
fault. The blame rest! on Sheriff McPherion,
wh now control! about four columns of this pa.
per. And if things keep lightening up for anoth
er year, be may take charge of the whole concern
and run It In witb bli farms and houses and lots
and other t oeleras, which he to freely handles
and dispose! of these halcyon daya. What a"
tional blessing" w have resting upon us, and It
sits to Impartially, toe, on all. Keen those spe
cially provided for by "the government" feel tbe
ailed band resting bearlly upon them, while
they witness tbe property of their neighbors too
flseated on every hand. "Hail Columbia," etc.
The main building of tho Ktuto Nor
ual School, at Bloomsburg, this State, waa do-
itrnyed by fire on Saturday, September 4th. Tbe
fire broke out In tbe fourth story, about 4 o'clock
n tba afternoon, and all efforts to mt tbe bulld
og proved unavailing. It waa insured for $30,-
000, while the loll la 10,01)0, No interruption Tn
tb tern of school will lake place, suitable build
ing for boarding th pupils having already been
secured. Tb oltisam of Bloomsburg held a pub
lic' meeting and decided to commence rebuilding
at ona.
A Weather Freak. Friday lust
was ft queer day with us In this latitude In tbe
weather line. At f o'clock in tbe morning the
thermomeUr atood at 80, at noon It had fallen to
(13, at T o'clock In the arenlng to &3 and at 7
o'clock on Saturday morning It was down to 38,
cbang of Juit 42 defirees in twenty-fuur koars.
Tb eesult was a aevere froat, which did mnob
harm on tbe taWIe lands, w her vegetation was not
protected by tb river fogi. What real damage
wa don lo tb corn and buckwheat eropawe have
not learned.
e a -
Stable IUirnkil The stable of tbe
Suiquehannn Hons, at Curwensvilla, was de
stroyed by fir en Friday night, about 9 'clock,
together with 11,000 horse, belonging to J. P.
Irrln, Kq. Tho job was evidently tb work of
an Incendiary, from th fact that Mr. Read, tb
proprietor, waa absent with his team at tbti place
and ft faort belonging to J. G. Larimer, who was
slopping at th hotel, was left oat of tbe barn.
Mr. Larimer lost biiharneri. Some oats and bay
waa also consumed. The gross wtekedtitss of this
crime can ooly be surpassed by murder.
Highly Important! Tbo editor o
tb Elk Adeowtti last week furnished his readers
witb th following)
"We had tbe pleasure of an Introduction to
Henry Raw), Republican oandidato for Htal
Treasurer, w title In fcris.
He might have continued by iangtbat Henry
would be PiottitHl Into lb lake about th begin
ning of November, by a Bradford county Grang
r,now looking after th Interests of taipayera.
a 11 .i ...
An Kx ample. Tborailrond author-
llle bar had all tbe smart weed, thlittei and
other lrh pulled up ftlong the lino of tbeir mad
on Third atreet. Now, why anootonr borough
authorities and lot holder latitat tbelr example
and mak onr ilroeta look decent f Could w af
ford It, we would employ workmen t remov tb
infernal trash la vry street. Th lot holder la a
aulMnca, folly ( With ww4a4o
destroy the notion ' 1
X fellow named Deagon was lodged
la jail on Thursday even log last, .barged with
having assaulted a eoapls of girl In I he lower
bridge, In tb ftrly part of th tenlng. Th
Mm flhap ftttompivd to f. rre his way Into th
room of a lady Boarder at tft toonard lions, on
Wednesday night, but wai iwwimarily ejected from
tba hen. A IIHl iftaimary jostle wonia no
mark toward ridding tor town f inch worth tees
sneaks. -
Lumber Shipmknts. We loarn from
tht JfMoeml that tbo shipment of lumber from
Lock He, van for IST5 baa been asfullowst
ElhiDiacnts from Januarv 1. 1816. to At- '
gust 2ft, 18T& lO.tJO.OM
Shipment! from January 1, 1874, lo Au
gust li, 1174. 19.4Hl.H0
Exetialn IfiTft ToT.OOi
From Jao. 1, 1T4, to Aug. f I, 1H74 8A,S4
From Jan. I, 1374, to Aug II, IITft 80,317
Etceai In 1874......' J. 3,177
It will b obiervd by tbli that the shipment!
for tbtl year art lu exoeaa of last year, although
the market seemed mora depressed.
" e
Ocr Ahhihtant. It will be observed
that Sheriff MePherson bat boon furnUbiog as
with about four columnaof copy for eaveralwaeki
pact. It la not the kind of reading matter we
like lo lay before our readers, although rather
more profitable than miscalls nou i mailer. But
we can leo no enduring prosperity while tbo pre,
out state of depression In buslooei continues.
Tbe p reseat widespread commercial disorder af
fects all branches of Industry, and nn less some
new national aguots art employed by tht people
within the next aix months, the Sheriff will con
tinue to furnish even mora copy than now graces
our columns.
- i a
Brrnt)Lti. The) editor of the Ty
rone Vimocnt geta off tho following i
The atreet ooinmlealoner of Clearfield, In mak-
In a an excavation on on of the streets of that
town, a few days since, struck upon an old tan
vat. once counseled witb a tannery near by, In
wbicb be discovered thirty -three sidet of leather.
apparently In a good state of preservation. These
and are certainly welt tanned.
It will improve the correctness of Uli Item very
much to substitute Reynoldevltl for Clearfield.
Tho Iron City College, whoso adver
tisement appears in another column. Is one of tho
oetablisbed institution of thii country. It has
been In successful operation for more than ft quar
ter of a eenlury, and for upwards of twenty years,
tbe leading business college of the United Stale!.
Noted for the completeness of its oours of study,
and the thoroughness of its system of io struct ion,
It is without a rival in all that constitutes a first-
class business college.
. a
Sudden Death. lotor Woavor, an
ateeined cltiien residing oear Troutvlll, died
very mddenly on the lib. II wo tg hi field,
sowing grain, when taken with cholera morbus
and diod In a short timt. Tbe physicians lay,
bad the case oeourred lo one of our largo cities, it
would have been oholera, sure. Tbe deeeaaed wa
aged about 48 years, and leavos a wife and family
of children.
Lint of letters remaining unclaimed
In the Host office ot Clearfield, for the week ending
Sept. 13th, lH7i 1
Aoderfon, Wa.
liiird, Miss Kate
Corrwnoe. John
Colwell, A. J.
For inn a, Kliiabeth
Griffith, W.
Kreider, James G.
Selfridge, Hubert
Wright, 11. B.
Watson, I wis A.
Adjourned Hale. Saturday, the
1 Ith, wit the time fixed for the isle of tbe interest
of the Blattenbrrger itat in th Hope Fir Brick
Works. The eal wai adjourned to tho Court
House, at Clearfield, 00 ilonday, th 30th day,
when It will be offered again for sale. Thos In
terested will please lake notic.
Tho name of iittkl Hills postoffico, in
this county, has bee changed to Ulllingham.
Philip Freeman walked to ill auk Bear lo preach
on Holiday and on the way met three rattlesnake,
on of which he killed.
A number of our eitlsens drove to Clearfield on
Thursday to witness the game of hall between tbe
High Boys and tb ClearUeld club.
An aged man in this pla-te who ha used tobac
co for forty years, has recently concluded to aban
don the habit, and II In ft fair way to carry cut
bis resolution.
Shipments of e'al from this region this week are
more brisk than any Urn ainoo tb strike, If we
may Judge by the number of extra trip mad on
tho Mochnnnun branch. It would be a sensible
relief from the prcssur of bard time en tht
mountain if tht eoal trad might once more as
sume its former activity at increased price.
Her li a good story, which we believe has nev
er been In print, tbe truthfulness ef wlrieh I
vouched tor by a descendant of on of Ibe parlies.
Tba date of the occurrence is about half a century
ago, and tbe location was In the violoily of Clear
field. On ef the old Millers by the name of Ha
ny, the maternal grandfather of Mr. Harrison
Ross, of this place, built tbe first eoal ark to de
scend the water ol the Susquehanna. One of tho
neighbor was a man by tb nam f Abe Haai,
who, having been converted by th ministration
of an Itinerant, waa about to be baptised. In the
oourse ef a sort of catechism in what may perhaps
Ire let me ear f Ilibt !, iIn4
who built tb ark. Abe Hoes promptly replied
"llancy." "Hnney !' eel aimed the preacher,
ok no, Noah built tb ark." "I know better,"
reminded Abram, "lleney built It, fur by G d
ares fer oaof see Aim
Another Bank Hknhation. As Kb-,
enitburg of late hae had more than tbe lion's share
of bank sen rations, it Is not to be wonderod at
that our people hare become exceedingly scaly
about such institution. In regard, however, (o
the latest sensation in that luie, caused by thje
disappcaranoe between two dnye of tbe cashier pf
Collins, Johnston A Co.' bank, th uneasiness;
produced, we are pUased to say, was only of a !
temporary character, and si that well founded in
stitution has promptly met ftll demands, It ii xir 1
lo presume that it stands upon a firm financial
basis. To what extent it ouflcred at tbe band f
the absconding cashier we are not prepared to
aay, aa the stockholders are exceedingly reticent
on that subject ; but that tbe bank waa pinohed
to a considerable xtcnt seems to ke o needed by I
all who don't know Anything about It, perhaps.
B that as It may, for th fugitive cashier there
is more of pity than indignation ei pressed, the
universal regret being that be baa blasted bis own
future prospects and brought discredit upon an 1
honest and respected name. Iu bis domestic re
lations be teemed to livo and no doubt did II v
happily and contentedly with bis wife and child,,
and that be should thus desart them so unexpect
edly and so discreditably Is only another evideoc
of tbo weakness of poor human nature and th
utter folly of seeking happiness outside of strict
integrity and an honest and faithful performance
of the duties incumbent upon all of us, 00 matter
what our positions or oallings im life. tenon
a m
An Awful Death. A mowing ma
chine agnt named M. L. Lee, from Baltimore,
Md., met with a borribl death on an eogio of
th Lehigh Valley road, on Monday. It appear
that Lee desired to ride on the engine and asked
Eermisrlon of the conductor to do so, who refused
im. It is supposed that ha subsequently appealed
to tbo engineer, for he waa on tb angina In lb
fireman's seal when tb train started, la a short
time after, when near Paokerton, the connecting
rods en tha left side of tbe engine broke, and with
its rapidly revolving motion wa hurled through
tbe bottom ef the cab. In a second Mr. Lee was
drawn through tbe opening it had mad and down
under th driving wheels, where be wa literally
cut to pieces. Part of his scull was found in tbe
cab near where be bad been sitting, which wa
knocked off by tb fojo of tbo ihafL tfeoau
burg Hrpuklieam,
, Oxkn .Stolen. On Monday night of
last ween a yoke or oxen wa stolen from tbe rami
or II. Beck, of Jackson township, Lyoomingeoun
ly, and brought to this city and sold to John
Nltsche, a wall known butebar, for $40. Consta
ble Dingier, of Jersey 8 bore, oame on, recognised
the stolen property and returned them lathe own
er, which Isavti Mr. Nltsoh minua $. (.YiafoN
Morn Mount I Mens Mow at II Greenback!
will be takes in exchange for elothiog at Kcrr'l,
wno nas again receive a new stool,
Fail Goads at X. A. Flack A Co'.
New Good at T. A. Flk A Go's
Go and see tb great glt.00 suits al Kerr's.
Tbe best com i mere lulls, only , g4 Krr.
Fall Goods at T. A. Fleck A Co's.
New flood at T. A. Fleck A Coo.
The lady la abarg ofay mllllo'ry dep art men!
1 now purenaaing gooes iu imi line, anu win ot
her to commence operation! on Monday, Sep
tember 30th. Wo. Kriw.
New Good at T. A. Fleck A Co's.
Fall Good at T. A. Flock A Co'l.
T. A. Fleeb A Co. are opening a large ilook of
new Fall Goods. Ploas call and examine.
Persons attending Court will do well to to call
and see tb large stock of elolbiag at Kerr's
which hs will sell cheaper than er. Do not
fojgrt the place, "Old Western Corner," Clear-
Oeiu, ra. sept, e, fa-ex.
Krr baa received ft largo lot of Hals and Caps.
Furnishing Goods of rry description at Karr'f.
New Goods! T. A. Wa; A CVa, "
4 u t '
It ni Oak-tanned Sola. Leather for aal by T.
M. Robinson, aug. 3ft.
French and American Kip and Calf Skins al
Robinson s Latar stor.
titidj of Sko F ladings at Hoblnmn'a.
Tom Rvbiasow I threat ft Wariag's Superior
BoaiDft tbo bo,, fertiliser in lb Her Id
Ha tuples can be seen at hi Looluw ttors), Market
street, j(lerfleld, I'ft .. ... . i a it 1
Fairbsr pk $vf )MH B;biMgi.
Ia your Life worth 10 Cental
Sickness prevail! everywhere, everybody com
plain! of some disease daring tbelr life. W hen
rick, tba object ii lo get woll i now w say plain
ly that no person In this world that Is suffering
with Dyspepsia, LI vet Complaint and Ha effects,
suob oa iftdixeatlon, rostlventsi, aiok beadaohe,
eeur itemacb. heart bura, palpitation f the heart
depressed spirits, Biliousness, o., can laxeureon i
August Flower witLont getting relief and euro.
If yon doabt tbla, go to your Drugglal, O. D.
Watson, and gel aaiopl bottle for It) oenU and
try It. Regular tia TA tents. Two doae will
relieve you.
G. O. Gonna, lei Manufacturer,
atoh II 7417. Hoooeuar, V. J,
Pall Ooodi at T. A. Flack A CVc.
II v You Dyapepala, with It train of dis
orders, billlousneae, aunitipatlon, watr-brah,!oaa
of appetite, headache, distress after eating, Acf
If to, go to 0. D. Watson, Druggist, and get a
bottle of Dr. Costa' Radioed Cur. Tail ft and
b wll. It acts a no ether uedleln vr did,
and sure relief I guaranteed in every as where
direction ar to Mowed, it louwup ill slomacb,
roelorea tb natural appetite, strengthen the
weak, and as a liver rem la tor It baa no equal.
Clergyman ef Philadelphia aaya "Ills the very
foundation of health." To all who r suffering
from a disordered atomaob or llvar, w say try tt,
A few doses will relieve and a little perseverance
ur tb worst . Trial site 10 cents. Hold
also by P. Curler A Co.. Wllliamsirove 1 T
Forooy, Graham ton, and P. Mayer, Kylrtowa.
Nw Goods at T. A. Fleet A OVa,
Btiootns For Sal. R. New ten Sbaw keeps
full sunpl of Frdonia B utile and Platform
Wagons for sal. To be seen at th Shaw House
yard. Call oa or add toss him at Clearfield Pnn
aylvaala. may 18-tf.
Fall Goods at T. A. Fleck A Go's.
flTxrn Normal Brnoot, Indukji, Pa. fleoond
session will pn Monday, September fiih, for a
lrm of fourteen weeks. The buildln I new,
lighted throughout with gas, heated by steam and
supplied with bot nnd ooin water, nata rooms,
eto. Th beet arranged and handsomest school
Mil Idlng ia th State, for catalogue, terms. Ac.
add i tu H. at. Clahk, Indiana, fa, augt
Peter McGaorg baa feat reelrd full sup
ply of Boot and Shoe whioh will b sold lower
1 nan aver, in
This way, ladlu and gentlemen, n new aopply
or Boots end ttao, at
Call on R. M. M'Rnally and get your life In
sured in the Old uontinsntfti Lit insurance vonr
pany, of Hartford, Conn. nugll-ly
Rati. R. M. M'Knilly'i advertisement la r
gnrd toaiitr insurant. lzaug-iy
At tb ridno f F. K. Smith, Esq., In this
Eiao,on Wednesday evening, Nepiemoer nth, i"T,
y Rev. D. M. Mo-an, Mr. JOHN K. BOTTORF
and Mr. JENNIE KINCH, both of Clearfield,
At th Ward House. In Tvroo. on Wednesday.
September 1st, IHTJ, by Rot. H. M. Moonu, Mr.
J. ASHLEY STEWART, of Clarflld, and Miss
Ob Wednesday, September Ut, 1875, by Rv.
ft. BiiTLftR, Mn. FRANK WILLKY, of Delaware,
Ohio, and Miss MINNIE MITCHELL, eldest
daughter of Samul Mitchell, dec d,ofClsarfleld
At th Presbyterian parsonage In Tyron, on
rueaci ay, August 31st, 1 !, oy nv. a, m. moorr,
Mr. T. M. HOLT, of Wallaeetoa, and Mh. L. E.
TURNER, of BolUfonU.
Oft Thursday, Renumber 3d. 1876. by Rev. T.
k. ulapp, Mr. u. k. LKi-NTUW and Miss khua
DiLL, both of Williamsport.
On Frtdar. 8ntembr tflth. 179. EMTI.IB,
theenly daughter of Col. Victor K. Plnlette, of
ueadford ounty, waa aarvtd to the Ideal sen
01 Judge Asa Packer, of Mauoh Chunk.
On Tuesday. Aufuit31lb 187. by A.W. RT
woxn, Esq., Mr. HENRY GROH and Mm
ELEANORS K A YES, both of Morris township
Tn Pklllpiburg, on Thuradav, September Sth,
S7, by Rr. Wh. H. Dill, Ma. J. GRAFIUS
nd Mtsa ANNIE DlAON. both of Bradford
Oa Wednesday. Sent ember Sth. l"7ft. bv I
HiLnxBRANn, Esq.Mn. WM. THUSTIN and
Mm NANCY WOOD, both of Chest township.
Oa Sunday, August 39th, 187ft, by B. IIildr.
RRAiin, Esq., Mr. EDWARD WOOD and Mm
NANCY PEARCR, both of Cheat tewnship.
Ia Jordan townshin. on Aurust Sltth. 1875. b
01 Jordan lowoeiiip.
O. M.nd.r. R.DlaukM Bib. U. WAI.TBR
TKKN, i.i. of M L. .nd A;.n 0. Wil.oh, of
flluwarill.. .gM 12 Month, ftod I d.jr..
0. Borain., R.ntabff lit, Wi.
I C.ntr.1 I'olot. ClorHald goaalir. fm.. M
ki.izahkth HUHNlUttH, in ..iMm.d m.inb.r
of th. L.tbra eharbr.d Ufwi, If mobUii
Hoth.r tt0hnld w.a rrmt auff.r.r. b.rln.
b... .flllet.d with i.r.l7iia forDMrl, four jura.
Hueh or thai tin. ah. wa. aanflnad t. h.r bl.
Hh. wm . mod iibii .atMuad bf all wbo kn.w
bar, b..rtn, bar .Octloaa witb .brUtUa p.tiMM
ana mignatioa, aaa an.117 1.11 .imp id rfnaua.
Hh- Im.m hM.haad ! thrMntiiMN.. In niM.a
b.r loaa. fiha wu bariod oa Tboridor. Soulata-
bar Xd, berronaina baia. followad to tbelr ual
rortlnf plao. b . Irg. ooneoarM of frland. and
Oa Mond.r aranta.. 8ptonbar Sth. IRTo.
MI.NNIK ELLEN, dauchtn of M. bad Haa,
VaKDRaic. Kartbaaa, af ad 4 yaara,
iu aaoaiaa and I a day.
l'ennnylvanla Railroad
ON aad aftar lioaday, MAY 13, 1DTS, th.
Faaaaaiar Traiaa will run daily (aioopt Hua-
daa) batwaaa Tjrrooa and Olaarfiald, a. followa
W. C. Inwia, Oondaator.
"IkaV boIitiT TTIkaVOokth
Carw.narlllSS, p.M,
Tyroaa ff.00,A.M.
UMaola... 10.10,",..,10.1t, "
ClMrbald. 11.10,"
Carwaaatllla..!! :d,"
Cl.arl.ld 1.40, 11
rhilipabar(....4.16, "
Oaoaola 4..0, "
Tjron. "
W. B. PLUHHaa, Ooaduetor.
CarwaBaTtlla...4.50 A.
Olearnald tilt "
Tyron. T.OO r.m.
JoMratl0B...T.07 "
O.o.ol. 8.01)
Philij.b.ri...8.JS "
0l..rtt.l.,ar...M "
CBrweoarllla..g,40 "
PbilipabBr... 6.10 "
Oaoaola 6.1a "
InUraiUoB T.3II "
Tjroa T.17 "
Kip. Mall. Mall. Kip.
p. a. a. m. r. n. r. a.
6.46 S.6' Icara Tyrona arrlra 6.U 1.10
T.l 1.10 B.ld Kafla 6.06 1J.;.
7 44 10.07 Jaliaa 11.19
10 1, Milaabari IH 11.60
11 10.61 I' 4.16 11.40
t.St 11.06 Mllaabur, 4.16 I I .JO
(.01 II. .16 Howard 4.06 11.06
.4l 11.16 arrlr. L. I..T. 1.16 H.0
B.arwABB, a a
Plttaliari Eip'ia,
Paaifto Bxpraaa,
Paalflo Kipraaa, 7:67
U.rri.barg Aoe'Bl, 1:40
p a
p a
Mall Train, 1:11
Atlaatie Kiproaa, 6:46
Pblla'da Kipraaa, 1011
Way Paaaengar,
Mall Train,
Paal Liaa,
Ballafanta, Pa tl 66
Mlddlatown 6 60
MarlMU 6 60
Loah Ila.aa I 70
WIIILmiport. 60
HantlBgdoB 1 60
LwiatowaH ..w.. I 90
Maryarllla 4 66
HAHRIHbliRU... 4 76
Lanaaat.r I 86
Altoona 1 66
Johnatown I 60
Oloaa MnnMtloaa nad. by all traiaa at Trroa.
aaa 1.00a,
8. I. BLAIR,
y17-tf. Rap.rlaUad.nt.
Nolle la hereby given that the follow in ac
counts have beau aiamlned and passed by me, and
remain nieo 01 roeora in tat one for tb in
spection of heir, legatees, creditors, and all others
laiofweted, ana win no presented lo tho neit Or
phans' Court ol Clearfield county, to bo held at tbe
Court House, In the borough of Clearfield, com
mencing on th fh Monday (being tb 37th day)
of September, A. D. 187ft!
Final account of James MeOh, Administrator
ef lbstatof Mary J. Davidson, lat of Boll
township, Clearfield eoualy, Pa , dee d.
Final ftcoownt of Joba Mabaftey and Robert
Ilug-j, Administrators of ike eelate of Nathaniel
Hughes, la i of Chest township, Clearfield Co.,
Pa., deo'd.
Final aooountof Martin Nichols, Uaardlan of
Sarah Dougherty (formerly Ha rah Nioholi) and
Mary Brown, (formerly Marr Niehole), minor
heirs nf Jonathan Nichols, late ol Laoronoe
township, Clearfield Co., Pa., dee'd.
Partial aeeouat of James B. O rah am and K. A.
Irvlu, Kfewt4rof the aetata of William Irvln,
late of th borough of Carweaivllle, Clearfiald
Co., Pa., dee'd.
Final account of Jam B. Graham, Kiecutor
of Klita Flanlgan, lat of the borough of Clear
field, Clearfiald Co., Pa., dee'd.
Account of Sarah J. Swoop, Xieoutrll of tbe
state of Henry Swoop, lei of Brady township,
Clearfield Co., Pa., dee d.
Aoooont of Edward H. Williams, Administrator,
and Mary E. Campmao, Admtnictratria of tba
estate r Elijah Smeat, lat f Bogg township,
ClerfiM Co., Pa., dee d.
Final account of Aletaader M array, fluarJIan
of Uideon C. Foraee, minor keir of Matthew
Fore, Into nf Bradford lewaskia, ClearUeld Co..
Pft.tde'd. r ., "".
Final ftoooanl of W. W. Laugden, Admlnli.
trator of b eitat f Jbba Hummoll, Into of
Buraild teem skip, jUIrleld Co., Pa-, deo'd.
Aeoooal of Boa A loiander, Eiaeuaer of Simon
Stanley, late of Ouiick tewnihip, Clearfield Co.,
Pa., do'd.
L. J. MORflAN,
EepUmber I t Register A Recorder.
V. Ilat lac Vaaa tha aoal baak af Jacob Qallah,
la Laamaa towaibip, 1 aaa a.w prapawd to
dallaar tba boat wai I tb. aaanlymt 6(nall a
baah.1. Urdara aay b. UaX witb A.. 1. Jbaoa.
al taafCanamlal Parrliara Itor. " ' -
Cuaraald, Bapl. I, 'tV
ua"f Column.
Win. Hood,
ItOOM XO, 2,
I a now receiving new fall goods
of which ho invites tho
Attention of cash
Is ogent for this counly for Mme
Demorcst s pnper patlcrne,
tho best in the market.
A full assortment of
full and winter
- styles-Jnsi
When tho season orrivca will have
a full line of millinery goods,
with an experienced trim
mer that will suit the
.antes of nil.
i too ti no. a,
Wm. Rood.
ei.arlald, Sept. 1, 1171.
jCtflill totrtlstrnfuts.
Sheriffs Sale.
T)T rlrtuofwrltsof Viuiitioitf Krpmat, issued
J y out ol in uourt ol vommon tiea ol viear
fluid county, and to to directed, there will
b e i posed to publi sal, at tba Court Hons,
In th borough of Clearfield, vn Monday, th
17th day of Hupteiubcr, 1875, al 1 o'clock, p. a.,
to following dsserlbed real estate, to wtti
All defendant' toteistst (being an nndlvlded
one-third) in ft certain tract of land eoulalning
1U2 acres and tt perches, situate partly in Hub.
too toon ship, Clearfiald county, Pennsylvania,
and partly In Washington township, Jefferson
county, Pennsylvania, (the Clearfield county por.
tlon uRtaintng 10J4 tre and 8tl peruhas net,
and th JttTeraon eouoty portion containing 7i
acre), laid tract of land being part of a larger
tractof land lo the nam of Robert A Fox, and
known aa number 8613, and bounded and desorib
ed a follows t
Beginning Rt a maple, tbo eorner of tracts No.
a.'f3 and alillti tbeac ourth H0dErei wt
4281 perches along tracts No. 42 2b and 43U8 and
across the Jelfursou county line to hemlouk cor
ner near Falls creek , tbeiie suuth 4 dvgrae west
428 perches along tract No. 48UV and across Jcf.
Tenon oouuty line to beech oornerj tbenoe south
87 degree cost 318 perches along tract No. IW8
to puit corner of land sold to II. lUlrink; then tie
along Iletrlch 'stand north tldogri-eseftU IU 3-10
lercbes to pint, Ihenoe iilong Hetrick'a laud
South H7 degree east 120 8 IU percbe to post on
tract Im ( tbenev north 3 degrees at 278 8-1 0
pe robes along No. HaV'A to uiupl ooroer and plao
of beginning, whereon Is a large quantity of va I
uable pine, hemlock and other timber, and th
said land Is underlaid with valuable eoal deposit
and other minerals.
Seised, taken In elocution and to be sold as
tb property of Robert Osborn.
Also, a certain lot of ground, si tut to in Burn.
aid borough, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded ai
followi : East by alley, eoutb by lluraee Patch in,
west by Main street, and north by Heed ftnd
Mabtfley being HUalfil) feat, foundation laid.
Seised, taken in leoutUu nod to be told a tb
property of Hainuol Reed.
Also, a certain traot of land situate In Buroaid
township, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, bound
ed as lollnwa, vis: Beginning at n chestnut
grub ; tbenoe south Ht-i east IfiU perches more or
less to a stone pile; tbenoe north It east 106
perches more or less to a small blank oak tbenoe
uorlb 88jf went 180 perch e to chestnut grub;
tbenoe south lowest U)8 perches to plaoe of
beginning, containing lot) acres and allowance.
Also, one other traot situate in Burnside town
ship, Cleartioli county, Pennsylvania, bounded
a tullowa, vis i Beginning at a maple en line of
lauds of Thomas MuKee; tbenoe east 23U perohe
to stone north 8 east If 3 penbea to stones ;
thence west 118 percbe to atones tbeuo south
ft" wait 1U3 perches to map I and plac of be
ginning, containing 14-1 eorea. Seised, taken in
execution and to be sold ft tb property of A.
Also, a certain tract of land situate in Coving
tou township. ClearUeld county, Peonaylvania,
bounded as lullows, visi Beginning at stones on
land of U. B. Conoway ; thonoc south 7ft purchos
to poit j tbenco east by lirael Conoway I -til per
oties t post and line of David Aikey f thenos
north by David Askey and land of John Ilenoe
7ft perches lo stones; thence west 120 perches to
place of boptinaing, containing ftft acres and Wft
perches and allowuiiue, and having about acres
cleared, log house, lug fast a, and bearing orchard
thereon. Seised, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property ol Joseph Royer.
Also, a certain piece of land situate In Brady i
township, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, bound- i
ed and described a follows, vis: North by U.j
B. Uoodlandvr, east by Charles Marshall, west by '
, and South by Kriw Turnpike, eontaiuin
t acre, who uwcinng nouso, store House,
stable thereon. Soiled, taken in execution and
to be sold aa tbe property ol J. Milton Carlile.
Alio, n eeri tin tract of land situate in Chest
township, Clearfield county, Pcnnnylvania, and
being a part of tbe Lutt tract, bounded and
diweribed as follows, vi : Un the asl by
Mialiael O'lllgun, north by Lurenso Bloom, on
the south by Davis, and on the west by Sbaw A
li'-frlli b!f,!f 'bi,Ul VM"!",Wrl'jrUl,,fc,ri-'Bu and fort?:
small plank bona, log atmbln and mall orebard l01r attn oti9UlMliuliQW ,ixp'
tbereon. belied, Ukeo in ei ecu tion and lo b
, . ' ,, j ceuiv, c.
nlll 111 nmaiarlv nf I'alvlnnr llllliv.iaa 1 ' .
sold as the property of Patrick Ulllijtan
Also, a certain lot of land sitaato in the borouirh
of Curwensville, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania,
located aa loiiows, via: fronting on filbert
ntreet 60 feet and running back 1HU feet to alley,
having a two-1 Wry frame bouse and stable tbere
on ereled. Heised, taken in eieeutioa and lo
bu sold as tbe properly of Win. P. Chambers.
Also, all that certain traet of land situate in
Pike tiiwnsbip, Clearfield ounty, Pennsylvania,
bounded and desoribed aa follows, to-wit : On
tbo south aid of the Curwensville and Pen vi lie
Turnpike, hoe inning at lot N. 8 on aaid pike ;
thence west one hundred feet thence aoutb two
hundred feet to an alley ef V. Clark aad Patrick
Kerns : thence east alone said alley on hundred
teeet ; tnwoce north two hundred feet, more or less.
to place of beginning : aud having a frame shook
shop, 80x4(1 feet thereon erected. Hcitcd, taken
in execution and to be ld ss tbe property of
Kdward hraticr.
Also, ft certs in niece of lend si i nata In th
borough of Houtiriale, Clearfield county,
bounded ftnd described ft follow, vu: On the
north by property of James Haley, south br lot
No. 80, east by fleorge street, west by Maple
alley, having thereon erected a good frame house
known a the European Hotel, a blackimilh shop,
ice nnasF, sis Die boh oioer ouinuiMings, oelsea,
taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property
u ii in i m mracr.
Alio, that certain lot of ground situated in
Usceola borongb, llearlield county, 1'ennsyUa
nla, Including that lot No. 88 hiving a front of1
au teel, more or less, on i.mgie street, aud
less, to ivlward ollej, with a large two. story
Dunaing Known as ine naiiruau aoicj, witb sta
ble and out buildings erected on Mid lot : And
also the right, till and interest of Abraham
Uoii in lot No. 17 adjoining lot No. .1', In Oraeo la
borough, and extending fiom Ltngle street to
lid ward alley. Belted, taken tn execution and
to be sold a th property of Abraham Uoaa,
Tkrus or Bai.r. The nri?e or sum at whicb
tbe property shall be itruok off must bo' paid at
me ntue oi aaie, ur auou otner arranguuieDtn
made as will be approved, otherwise the properly
will be immediately put up and Sold again at
the expeuie and risk of tba person to whom it
wa struck off, and who, in ease of deficiency at
such re-iale, shall make good the same, and in no
in it m co will the Deed be presented In Court for
confirmation unless the money is actually paid to
ut onerin. vt. u. ah rilMt.-iUN,
BHnRtrr'8 Or rim, I Sheriff,
Clearfield, Pa., Htpt. I, 1875. J
SheriiT's Sale.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fi'tri Pnda is
sucifuutof the Court of Cunrunn Pleas of Clear
field eouoty, and lo me directed, there will be
exposed to publio sale, at the Court Huue, in b
borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the 27lh day
of September, 1N7&, at 1 o'clock p.m.; th fol
lowing described real estate, to wit:
All th interest of tho defendant (Wing an an
divided one-third) In ft certain traot of land sit
uate in Brady township, Clearfield oouuty, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows :
Beginning at a post corner of tract No. 1988,
thence aloag the lata south Kit degrees east
43 ft. 10 perches lo a post on line of traot S.tM ;
thence along tract K&M, and balance of tract 2fiOD,
south three-fourths degree west 870 perches lo a
post on line nf tract No. 37 ; thence north 41 de
grees and 55 minutes west 42 perches to a horn
lock thence north H8 degrees west 105 perches
to an elm ; tlxnce north &U degree west &7 per
ches to pin corner of tract No, 13 ; Ihenocftlong
same north S8 degrees and &0 minutes west 227
perches to ft hiekury; thenoe north I degree and
ft seconds west 87 perches tu a maple ; thence
north 4 if degroe Weil 31 ft 10 perches lofthcech;
thence north 1 degree eaat 'AS perches to ft post,
and place of beginning, containing 810 6(1-1110
acres, being part uf warrant No. 2uU9. Having
thereon ft large quantity of hemlock and other
timber, and being underbid witb valuable de
posits ot do a l and otner mi tier am.
Heised, taken In execution and to bo mid u
the property of Robert Osborn.
Also, that certain lot situated In tho borough
of Osoeola, Clearfield oounty, Pennsylvania,
known In the plan of said town as lot No. 14, at
th north corner of the publio square, fronting
abuut 8HJ feet on Curtin street, aud extending
uaca anuut lev isei ia an iwy, waving incrcun
erected a one-story frame house, (jetted, taken
in execution aad U be sold a the property of
Kntnit hayer.
Alio, thai certain lot of ground situated in tbe
borough of Osceola, Cleartiold oounty, Pennsyl
vania, sis of lot ftOxIftO loot, bounded on tbe
north by Curtin street, aouth by alley, east by
alley, west by property of Un. John bhoff, bav
in erected thereon a en-try frame house HJiSO
feet, belied, take in execution aud to bo sold
M th property t A.J. W. Merrvii.
Also, that boos and lot ia th borough of
CI..'B.ld count,, I'onnalTan.. alt-,
ie alley, on I
in. dj propvrt, .1 r. 1 tppio, and k
thanlot ol aaid boroucti a, lut Nu. .21,
I knnwn 1. i
iC l
Ukon in riapullon and Ui ba aold aa Ihaproparlt
of llcMon..i. '
Alao, all tb. Inlaraat of William Dick.,, .0.
.W.. and ol la ..lata .f ia and to tha fo.
lUWIDfl unuiiiiw iisum, ui llii ailUBMU IU IJOQ . (
raria township, Clearfield oounty, P., buaded
ana aesariueu s louowa, t Jlegmoiag
. beech o.,rn.r of John WbitiB.r lra.1 ,
aortk 71 ' " ! Pare... I. .kit.
ri'..2r. "SiTJTir. I
to d.(.ood thonoa aoutb 5, drfreaa .eel Itl
parebra to old eorner Ihonoe auuth all de.reoe
...t H4 parohta to k.mlu.,k ido.n)i north
.21 d'frcea .aal Ijl perahr. lo brch I Ihene.
north a) dere we.t ar, p.r.hoa to la.h i
tlirno. aoutb li dpiroea .t o prkM to
hil. pin. alunipi Ib.nnai.alh dogma .a.t
JII0 nrr.h.a to bnoh llienoeao.ith It d.(. 170
parohaa to eaat hank ol CUarllold emk I thenoa
norlb IS dajraaa .aal all p.nh.e to poM l thenoe
north 4 dranrea In, perthae to hrnlook)
theno. aouth 14 da,rMa aaat 31 perrhea to poat
tbcuoo north a degree. Mat 14 parohaa to poat (
thence aouth 84 Mat MH perch., lo poet;
thenoe oorlh I degreM .a.t 20 pcrobaa to .hit.
oak (down)) thenco north 10 dogroet .eat tr.l
parebra (rroaaiuf Cloarn.ld errak) I. kaailock
atun.. l thrnoe aualh 411 dogrtra .oat 440 penhra
to leoh and plac of bolniii' - ; .obtaining
l,J Kin, and bring iit,u, lo naiaa o," John
lliadj ,:.J f ill.ato fira.lj, and tn part.r Iran,
tt nana of Jmri lllatn and KphrUa
lllaio (ahould b. .ailed Aloi. II lain.) There be
ing I., taiall faraia cle.r.d tbereoa of about M
arrea and tbe halano. bein timber land fnoi
i which all while pise haa boaa out r and reua
ed. Sailed, Ukea la eacovli;, .od lu ha lold m
Ihe pcpcily o( (.arganf D.gloj and J-mer
i i..oaa,, auwiaiairalura.
Alao, .eerta in treat ol land altuata in Cbeel
lo.nahlp, 1.1. arc. Id oountr, l'-Bn,jrlrahla, Mn
lainla, aho.1 loe err.., raoro or laaa, with a ree
eratl..a af about t. or. u,ora or Vaa, aold
aad dMdcd to John aad Uargar.1 W ilkaro.,
boiigdod and dMcrih.d aa folloarti On
b, land, of Willfan, Huofc,, oa tba M.I V.T
landa Ifuraierl, lllaoekard aloi
il" !""" f W . ... J
...IT'.T.. j " ; . "'
a,tra cle.rcd wilk oroh.rd and lain, daclllng
beuM and bar., and a. t-n.M ko.M wwted
Ih.r-o.. Heleed. ukeat ia .aer.tloa .at
aold .a the properly ar H. , M.Mulrr.
$rgnl iPmtlsrtufn.'S.
Also, all of defeadaot's right, HU and Interest
In all that certain lot ftitual4 In th hormig't of
Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, boiln-
ded and downbed as follows, vis:
On th west by and fronting sixty fet on Heo-
end street! on tbe north by lt No. Two hundred
and ight (2Uti ;) on Ibe eat by an alley, ami on
en Hie eeutb by Reed street. id lot being i
ly fret front nnd two bundrou feet deep, ana
known in the general pi no ol William Bigler'a
addition to tbe borough of CI ear tie Id, as lot No.
Two hundred and seven (1T.) having thereon
rented ft two-story frua Waae, from etable, ft
small work shop aud ibr nqouary outbuild
ings. Also, on other pioo of land lat Bradford town
ship, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania
All of defendant's right, litl nd interest In
all that Oct tain piece or prteJ uf land situated,
lying and being tn Bradiurd townib'u, Clearlleid
county, Pennsylvania, Ixtundod and desert bed
followi, to-wlt 1 Beginning at corner of David
Poroee'a land t thenoe aoutb at ill ly land ol Da
vid Force, west one hundred and twooty.four
perches, more or less, to oorner of purport No. 1,
th homestead theoo by purport No. 1, east
one uuuureu auu iweuij-iuur percnus, wur ut
less, to the place of begiuaing. Coutalniug one
hundred and live acres and eighty perches, urn re
or loss. 'Hi laud la limbered with heuiln:k,pi.iu
and 04k. biased, taken tn execution and to
old as the properly of A. B. Uoodriob.
Alio, all that 40 acre of laud tit u to in Brady
towitabip, Clearfield oouuty, Pennnylvania, all
oloared eioept abuut five auroe. whiob is wood
laud, bounded aud deortbd m .follow, to-wil :
On tbe north by lands of John Bailey j on tbe
east by B. Carson and Andy Pants; west by J110.
tSbaUer 1 sowib by Andy Peats, baring erected
thereon a una II frame bouse, from barn and other
necessary outbuildings ; also having a good orch
ard of apple trees and cherry tree, tfieaed, tak
en in execution and to ba sold ft tba property of
John L. Pants. . . , ... ,
Alio, ftll that osrtaia tract of land situate in
Ooshcu township, Clearfield county. Pennsylva
nia, bounded and doribo4 a fotiowi, to-wit :
beginning at a numloca corui-r ol 10 a tut 01
Ueorg K tin. , tbenoe by the .am end land late
of J. I Heaui, weal about eo hundred and
ninety perches to a small hoiulook, in tkeeaeUtrn
lino ol land uld lo Jams A. Read ; tbenoe along
said liu south on buudnd nnd twelve purohus
to a post 1 tbenoe by the residue of Warrant Nu.
Iffll, one hundred nnd ninety parches to tho
western lino wl Warrant jNo.'ltflpt tbinue by
said warrant line north one hundred and twelve
perukes u plaoe of beginning euutaiiilug one
bund red and twouiy-bre acreo, aud eitbly rer-
cites and alluwano. Belog part vt a iargor
traot surveyed oa Warrant No. lull, and having
thereoa erected a small Iretoe dwelling hour
aud. other lwproremejili. hoiaed, taken m eao
culion and to be sold as th properly of John A,
nooier na uortes o. iwooier.
Also, one hois and lot in tb villa of WoL-
orer, being a town lot, with ft two-atory frame
bo una 18x2(1, partly fiurnisbed, bounded ou the
east by public road, south by Rolands; north
wj iv vi af. iiuuib; , wcbb ij OBaHi ntiini.
Also on otber piooe 01 mod situate Iu Cheat!
township, containing abuut vu hundred audi
twenty-six acres, mure or lass, with no impruto
meuts, bounded east by Cbect creek J wust by
Rolands' estate ; north by B. Moya ; south by
Isaac Kerns, oeiaod. taken iu execution and
be sold a the property of Adam Fiieringtoo.
ituate in Clearfield county, that ol Pouy Iva-
ma, b,g part ol tr-ot lurveyed-on WaVrant
Jio. 9jW, bouudod and described ft lollow. U -
jfjvv, bouudod and dsscribrd a lollnws, U-1 , .1. , u ,
will Begin.ngat.bmlook,a . ot toJlJ
larg tract., w.rraut. uuiubercd 360:i, mi, 2my Mnr lt ,nt ,''r"1"
...h ii.uu. Ik.... 1.. 1. . ..,i. rl .Drown. dfcd trom Juiiios
and 3bVV ; tbsnce by tb east boundary
"-"Vr r' oumm " ""'
south ou buudrud and eictitv-iuven netnliea.
more or less, to a post ; tboce by land convey vd
to Daniel Brubaker, wosl one huudrojl perclies,
mor or teas, lo a post ; tbeno by land oonveyi-d
to Du Bull, north on hundred and aigVy-soten
iMsrobes, mur or lees, to a post at tbo north
boundary line of l.ect No. Sjtflt (oallod a while
pine in dttod to DuBois ;) thenoe by aaid line east
en hundred piTchvr, mr on-less, to beginning
Also all that certain tract or uieoo of lud sit
uate in lysuon township, Clearfield cuanly, Penn
sylvania, being part of a traot surveyed on War
rant No. SJVtt, bounded and described as follows,
it: Bccinniiic at a lost in the line of land
surveyed lo Daniel Urukekerj tkeuoe partly by I building, tieitcd, Uht-n in execution aud to be
lauds of Du Boii thenoe aoutb ono sixty-twoj sold si the property of David MrbnflVy.
perch, more or less, to a heuiluok ; thence wet ) Also, tbe following properly situatnd in lb
eighty-seven pcrcbes toauotber bvmlvuk j thence i borough of Osoeola, Cleartild county Pa., fruul
by lauds of Du Bvis norlb lorty perobes, more or i ing ou (eel en Curiin street, and bounded wait
leas, lo ft poet j Uieno by same west auty poroh -
es, more or less, to a post tbeooe by laute nurth
one uuudred aud twenty-two parches, more or
lees, to a post i thence by same east oue buudred
and forty-seven perches, more or less, to place ol
beginning ; containing one hundred and tweuty
ix acres and torty-lwo perebes, wore or less, and
tb uiual allows no uf t p,r aaBt, fur road.
Alio, all that certain tract or piece of land sit
uate in Clearfield oounty, In tbo Bute of Penn
sylvania, bein part of tb tract surveyed outhe
aforesaid Warraut No. S!U9, bounded and des.
oribed a follows, to-wit : Beginning at a post.a
corner of land this day conveyed to John Dress
ier, Jr. thence by said Und east que hundred
porches, mure or less, to a post (also a corner of
one Inn dred and twenty-throe tiorchei to place
of beginning ooaUining Mveaty-teu acre and
eigbly-eijiht pen-hes, more or leis, aud lb usual
lb.wpe.e nf sit ner rwnt for roatla. An. KitvI
aken in cxerution and lo t sold a the proper
ty of John Dressier.
AIm, ftll that ewrtaln traot or piece of land
situate ia Bradford township, ClearUeld eodnty,
Pennsylvania, bouwded and described as follows.
vis: BeWnnins-ela aoat on thesouthuani slloor
bank of Ronrlng run, tifar whers the bH le
o nicies the township road (below Thompson's);
thenoe oast along the Henry Crowell purchase
perches to wb'te oak ooroer of the llenrv
Crowell purchase ; thence south 711 perches along
ibiiu ui w. n. iiHrier to post; tnenoe ua nam hot
along land of Alberta tu post; thence south li
perenes to post; taence west ten perebes more or
less to poet Handing oa tbo eoaih'-na bank of
Roaring ntiu tbeooe ut aaid run, the Southeast
side thereof, tho several oourses aud distances to
post and plac of begiuning, containing fifty acres
more or less. Heisod, taken in exeouiiua. 'and to
b sold as th property of I. ii. Bargcr.
Also, all those ocrlaln lot of Rrouad sltnalA im
Hcutsdale, Clearfield count v. Pendstvlrnnia. ,
desenbed as fttllows, vli ! Fronting one hun
dred feet on tiood street and running back two
hundred feet to Spruce allev. and knewn in nlol i
of Mid borougk a tuts Nos. 4-1 aud 4i, with a
large tbree-itory house, including store-room. and
other outbuilding thereon erected. Seised, taken
in execution and to be void as th property of
Ueorg Uagor. . j
Allot ft certain no nnd lot sltuatn In ii.
borough of Houtsdnle, Clearfield eountv, Pa.,
bounled and described as follows: Th snid
building la a plank frame, 60 x. Ill and two aiorics
high, with basement, known a the 11 ay ties Opera
nouse; locaicti or norrtftin pleeo of ground situ
ate tn iko addition to said boroiia:h of llouttil:.le.
in Clearfield county, known as lot No. V : begin
nlng at a post on oorner of Hnnoah and Charles
streel; thence along Klita street and Charles
LrvOtl thence lfd lve ivl'inz Churlei atreet In
plaoe of beginning, bellied, tak.m fn exeention
and to lie sold aa tbe property ut il. W. Haynos.
isnu it wrsos j mi euiorn warraui im nancy, coinaining aoout onc-uall () ) acre, inor
ti o.iv, and by landi conveyed or lsl, tfavingn hrgeh tei, 4txW feet with I i;(.L i:: .; f, . 'r i m 7 BT.,n?
lo Kb.w A Smith, soulb on hundred and twenty-1 wing tf twdiod, Malde aad other outku,W,uKi I 5 2Weeand I two br k nl. f Aepih
tl ree perches, mere or less, to ah.mb.ek ; Ihono r tb.iwn rectod. fcSd, Ukn ia execution md llIZlZl 1 ,!?J . L, 8,llod' tak? ift
by land conveyed to Du Hois, ,t one hundred i to be sold a. lb properly of W.sley C. Tbomp- "f r t " l,roIwt-T
)rches. more or leis. to nbiekorv: tbenoe north son. 4 ni. a tosteilo.
Also, all of the defendant s rirht. ti.U nAvrS.rM Woodwftrd
V 1 1 ; M i o 1 1 ael ZZftZZ itTt!. . .
line ami land of Joseph Jroxell; thenc north I , i . . . V. l"w,,OD ""i i E.taU.
alont said land of Josenh tr lV " r , ? ,lrrM,." ? " Cltarfleld street;
IHIIU Nnrlk tliC.k a U ....
alon. Hid, li ' "!. r. ft aiohouae;an.l biug of , lot No. f lh. ; " " n""!.?"."?. mraoop
containing UP aeres, morw or lee, eteiaad tak.
in xeution and to be etd a th arepvrty f
Hi ui on McParland.
ri.rt of a lrt of Und In tho nana of'
, " ,U". b'alnnlnu al cotrnl, Haa, anil ad. 1
Jolniag land of M. r.rl.n l a Ilillor. in nam. of
M.cbatd, th.ooa North ali.n, aaid Iao,I '
to land of J. D. Ilillor, thi.nco Wa.t alonn ,
raid l.nd of Mc-Parland a D.llor, in nainr .f ,
rnomaa llutl.nd; thano. aouth .Inn, .aid land i
to ooontj Ho. 1 Mat al..o aaid Ima to
plaeo or briinnlnit, oonU.nini 1; rr.l, tnoro ,
or laaa. KeUrd, taken In .i.t..ili..n and to bo !
aoia aa tn.pmprrtjr orrlimon MclarlanJ.
Alio, ona olhar trart of Uhd lo trarrni.too oano I
01 ihoinaa IttitlRRd, bagirininf at ouuntjr lino ;
Al Whltmwi th.nea north alona aaid land to
Mu . I... . i.iiu m ......r, ia ui. nain. 01 .
land or llpiart; t thrnoo sail alont aaid
l.nd lo a traot of laud la th. nam. of U lllt.m ;
Plunkat t theno. aouth alonx aa.a land to ooaaly I
b,,; Liam,',. K r. J,' I
.t.n t- . ..,J I- v. ' .,. ' " " '
, , ' aw mv auiu . uiu iriipeny
H-""'". .1 . - -
, , ... m, - ... . , I
' ' an Mial oiruii ploc.or Kro.iid altaaloiu
''Haifa of Utahrilla, llcoo... to.n.nin I
boundml .n tba wat k. th. kh.B.),it.- i..
rL , ,.. "rTh h.T .. h.f.' il.. 7
bounded n tb wal by tb Kbn)itrg road Btl I
feelfun the north by lut beloncin to W, J. '
MrCoj,, aa alio. 10 fealwid.: I
MeCoy, leaving aa alley 10 feet wid ; thence I
-iu5 mm,-, muvj ui, irt ; tnetioo hy land or
Tbnua Flick UO feet: tfieaoa by land of said
Flik Ufl f , ... th i . ... . .,, ..ntainln. ,M Vaara' la,, a,, or 1
.1.., b,,h.r .ith . plank VZ'Z hoa h7r "
m. "" ' -- !
auld aa the property of himuu i '
Alao, all that ferteio nlooa of around
la lb. Tlllaie ut I'tahv lilo, lleoraila
.,.,.., k.
bounded, on the oot br tha Kl.rnal.urit r,j
running 00 feel to lot of Mar. Ann Horn. theno.
Hon, aaid lot 140 feat to l.od of Tboiuaj Fllok
tliano. aloi,, ,, no (i , , ,, . (,nM' I
al. th. land or aal.l Tboina, f'Si.-W 110 root to
nooaiour. roao an. fim or koglauii... contain- 7.. . ' 7 ' . " ,
Itl 1 of an .era aior. or Uu, toirtbu .ilh a' 'J 1 " a"""" ' H'" nll Ima ol Warrant
plank dw.llln, boaaa and tb.r,n i '" 1 h d.aroe. aaat 1HI.IU
ereotod. Melted, Ukon in eieruli... and I. be I P""0" I thrnc. nottli 20 .i.rr.a .l 1
lold m the pr.ip.rt; .f Sitnoa MrFarlaod i kouilork i tl.pne north 70 do- i
i. ...l. . j. .... f faaa Mat by llao of V. arrant No.' 71 In S-0!
hr.!-h7.k r. T ,U lllf.-l thence hf ,'ll,n.,oll,2U coat 1-l".o.
hf 'V fe"h,,r '"""'"It aoathoaal , hi k.ull. Iio. ol W .r. No. IU, Ikon i. it ,1,,. . !
'"" ' tnotaa. Mint; I
lio IM It a pool i lheaoeanrlbMitl.0 r..ttolotor Uullola nutk Id) .l.Br- .Mt 01 1-ln porhM
S. Morarland; Ihrnoe .Ion, aaid lot 142 Iret t. , ll."n. al..l. aaui. aoulli 21 d.-.r. ...I Ja ,.,:
KI,...bor,rMd.ndplHofl.,innlt,l(,ntlalK!oh.,u...t in ao.ih li... ol W.rr.,1 ti.. L.
OBrha f.fanacre.Bloraorla.a. ti.Uod, lakrn .u I Soil . tlionae alon aaid lia. .oa4 Ot Sr.
ejecollon and to be aold a,. vu fmfnlj of Hmna ohoi to a I ll.rno, north 1 7 i d. .r... ...! II
crarl,d, ,,l.k tkonea n.,lU lid..
AI.O. al. that Owt.ln lra.t nr I.n4 1.... In . i i ..... . . . 7
7 : . : - ---
carta town.i.1,, UrerMJ ...untr, l'a., eon-j iuu,:l nM,.n ha, eioepiini .ud row.. I
IB. .bout 91 arraa Bonn. U. -rlth'iTl.l , . ... ..... ... . .
-.....a -. -- or . -ito aoouitit,g t lat. U... h.t wi Milk aid. of
14 aerea cleared, .Ilh a email plank houae It; Woodward atrMI lan-l of Y, K.
aioriM, Mg atauto aaa oil... itt.atl.lloga
WUia, .eal ar rerl. e, aarlh br Joha liillin, a
aau aoata u namual ttegarla. Rotuu. kakon IB i
'rarta, kcglnnlng al a apreoe la the fcrkt of bl. ,
and Hula Cleuleld ornka i Ihono. ap the hi. I
I l l.erg.ld ere-k tweat. nercbe. lo a whiu , i
'IB - bo. Mat. ant. t.a degreea .eal l.o hondrM
and fo.rl..u perchM to a hickory , theao. f.rfts ,
..Id onu.,,, Pun..l..ol., oVc of .aid pie of I th-ao. M.k 71)- . 7, l-k " .mTS. W?.,?. 'T.frrSl?h'' W."""'1
Und r,m, In th. forka of big and Utile t'l.arO.ld I to corner of Pre.l.jter.a. .!... lol. thcam, rl. I ,.. Tod... H.. "J? u., ?!,ri "
twenty-five degree west ne hundred and seran- ! 191 lo n post I lie nee south ft7 deirreea
lyali pirehoa lo itonei ; theoo north ftlly-one U,(I,J, rjvu no fM t o th et line iif Ckaifield
degrees west one hundred and Iwen.y pa rches to j irc. t : tlienoo su.ith 3H degrees nst 140 fetl lo
hemlock on tbe bank nf little Clearfield or so It , Ml. .llMa uf tiiining t.eiug lots No.
thenre down aaid creek, by th lev era 1 couraea j 82, 'il, 81, 85, -it), 87, HH, ft, 41, 43,
( thereof, four hundred and seventy-two percboatni ftfl ,,,4 Ag on lb plsn of Penfield. 3d. Be-
1 place of beginning, containing one liumtrcd Mid
jnlaty-fl.O ni an 4 IVIj-nciiy with lit usual,
Th other of anld pioes of land lying and !
log in Lewrjfto township, Clearlleid oouuty, Pa .,
at th junction of little an I big Clearfi i!d croeka ,
to wit : Bvuiriiiig at a lie tu lock un little Clear-
field ereek 1 tbenoe by land survey In th name of
Mary Baud north niitvteua dugts west two bun-
dred and twenty-five p.-mhe t an ah ; thonn
by other lauds originally p.irt aud pirjel of this
sum traot aouth igty one a-gre.-s eit three
hundred and forty it'Tohnu to stouei on the lrtk
or big CliMti field orouk 1 tbuit up slj ortHtk by
Its aeveral oours! one hnndmd and three potohoi
tu the mouth uf Jutlu Clnrlield cne , llnnoo up
said Ultle Clearlluld crt-iik and the ho ruin llr.t
described by th se.verJ ooamee of mid i-rouk two
hundred and llfty-tuur tiorclies to hernlooii and
, j.iacu 0f lgluning, ooiitmniiig
hundretl and
fillet err, with the uuil allewvttc ke lb j Also, nil the right, title and interest of tha said
same ui ire or bas, and tbo sanio land sold by f Woodward In on other treot uf land bounded
Robert lil 1-irU Jiintes Forest by de I dUml June "d dcscribud a follows 1 North by Woodward St,
20, IHtU, an I niirorl-jd at Dear tin I i ttu sme day ' oust by Undu of B. V. Il'iwiuan, houlh by au ai
In l(td book " r," piije will m ire fully a d i ll'.v RT1,1 wt,t by laud of II. Mosnop, bavlug afrout
at JrK appear, with a large frame house, frame on Woodward street of 120 H 10 fwl and a depth
j barti, sure lioulo, wagon (led, and saw mill, with
lull litigM, and about titty acres of laud
Also, a plena of nni in Ilngs tnwnoMp , Cloar
fietU eourty, Pa., beginning at a red 01k, by pab
lia road aud 'and o," the bit Joseph 1'igtn, In
line of lend of tieorge Wilson 1 tbenoe by tbe
said Oeorg Wihon land south one dugree west
aoout tnn hulidrod and eighty perch ti to a oorner
a i. rt)eld oreek at tbe mouth or a small run ;
t'lcrce up said south sevanty eight degrees
east thirty-two perches to small beech ; tbenoe
soutn oi egef well tare porclfl to a post in
lb m'dJIe of said turnpike road ; thence south
or southeasterly along said turnpiko, the several
courses thoreof, one hundred and fifteen perebi
j hy B.n-., Ufjd nwth QM.'U d
grv east fceventy -eight perches tu a post ; llicnc
uorih eighty-eight degrees west Iweuty-two
and five-tenth pi-rcbea e stones, and partly by
same and partly by land of A. lleMtiorrli 0110 ftnd
one-half degree east ooe hundred, and two and
four tenths porches to ft mrpl in or by the first
mentioned pjblic road ; tbenoe north aud north
westerly along the said public r-md, the several
ur tlieieef, by tb lead of- the aaid Jooepb
Lo ;an one butt I red and thirtv-mne and f-mr-tvmh
pcrt-'bo to tlio placo of beginning us afore
said, containing one hundred and seventeen acres
and ninety-one perehirs more or lees, with about
llllaen anrec el fared. For a more full descrip
tion uf till, see deud book "K," page eto.
Also, one oilier piece of laud situate in Boggs
township, Clesrlield county, Penuiy Ivania, bouud
ed aa follows, vie; On the north by the Kri
pike, aatt by land of N. D. Hoover and Kllii
Picklas, sooth by Thomas ILdtton, containing
about on hundred ami hltvn n-ro more or less,
with about lilly ares cleared, a frame house,
barn, sinnl! shop and small orchard thereon.
Also, all that certain tract of land situate In
Knoi towwmhip, Cloartluld outinty, Pa., and
1 knotvn as tbo John Doney survey, and contain
I ing four h nnd red and Ibirty-tbree acres and on
liuinlrnil and nily thn-e pcrcbes more or li
i " ,h "'h hy survey In the noma
1 ; r 7 u " . " , -V " '
n aad Eduboth
1 T. Leonard to
Jnmei Forrest A Hon, for a more fuller rfoit! of
i tiU for Mm.
sue docd book "C, pitta I3i.
' Also, all tbe undivided, onc-liiif InterosL In
1 nino,y acroi of land in Di -arur tok'nsuip, Cuur
' ll0,J oounj, Pa., hi 11 as It imnts common by
j '',a, Diuicling and Joel C. Forrest, and bound-
I ru u iep?ee uosk, Aimrew uauk'ti
and others, nnd ia tbo wi nr eo name uf David
.Stewart. .See deed bok "W," pg filft. Seiasd,
taken in execution ami to bo s-ild aj tbe
property James rorrcst ani Jool O. Forrest
Alio, tlut certain lot uf ground situate In
Burnside borough, Clearfi rid ouunty, Pa-, buund
ed aud deiorihr 1 as f liovv, to-wit : On the
north by t-euoi'd street, west by Main street,
lou'li by P.-nd of John Allison, an j eut by an
alley, and having erected thereon a two-story
i frame dwillini. a frame rlahlo an I oihftr out.
1 by W. 0. Crist, east by alley, north by alloy, and '
having two-atory frame bouse erected thereon.
I, tnkeu in execution and to be sold a tbe
property of Thome ftl.Zigler,
Also, that certain tract of luod situ ale iu Cheat
townjbip, Clcarlield counly, Pa,, bounded on th
north by Anthony Mcllarroy, east by Thumas
Coulry, auulk by Job WeetuFtw, west by Julin
Friday, and containing I sit acres, more or less,
having uo iinproveinenU thorcua. tieiied, taken
in xei-ution and to b sold n tbe property of
u. jttoioorBa a
Alio, that certain lot of ground aituat In th
oorougn oi j-ranaiin, dui lowusnip, UearUeld
coun:r. Pa., bounded on the aouth L .
. : .. .
?...i...,, .n. . l K. 11.
Also, all thoio ccrtetn tract of Und situate ia
Huitun towniihlp, Clearfield county, Pa., bound
ed and described ft fellows, vli : One lot begin
ninaa ml li.f nlfSatatt pnetiae AflMt Mia is ah Ida
plan of Penflcld, lo said township deeded to L.
turd, nuy 3, istz; llicnc snntti hi degree west
120 feet lo a pout, south 88 decrees east 200 feet
to a post, much 52 dogrees wej. 4 'i 8 II) feet t
corner of land deeded to (I.A.Worth; thence
north 88 degrees weit2 0 foot to a poat. north ft2
degrees eiit ll'O feet to a post, north Brt degrees
wont 7i perches to a pott, north 62 degrees east
42 8-10 pij-chi'i to a pcit, south 8 degree cast
7 J perches toft past; thence ninth 62 degroe
west 42 fret muth M degree! oast 3u0 feet lo
north Ha of Woodward street; theoao south 62
degrees west 04 feet to Oorner of land deeded to
Ii. Bird, Out, dS73; thence nurth 6ti degrou wcit
15 fad ta north ooraet oi Ut xui) tkeoet foutii
degrou east 81 feet to lino of Woodward stroel ,
thence south ft'Jdeicreci west 40 feet rtid north AS
degree west 200 feat to th plac of beginning,
oonuining 21 acre more or les, being lols No's II ,
12 aud 14 on tlio pliui ol Pcnlicld, upon which
ar erected three farm dwellings, o frame baini,
on log dwelling and outhouses.
Also, .no equal undivided half Interest In tha
following lot t bounded south by Woodward street.
west by land deeded to 8 packman aud tSobwem,
norlhandeait by ether lamh of said Woodward,
baring a front of DUO feet on Woodward atreet
and a drp'h of 3t0 Icet, containing half aa aero
more or leu, bning lot No. In on tho plan ef Pun
field, upon which is erected on tw-tory fraut
hotel aud outbuildings.
Alio, one etjual undivided hall Interest in tho
following lot: Bounde.1 oa the north by Wood
ward strct; m by land docdeJ to C. II. Cor
nell; south and wort by other lands of laid
Woodward, having a front of 149 fat on Wond-
Wsml klivtsa u4 tcfiU uf IN lYi-i, .antealutlig
one-third of an acre, iq iro or le. and being the
west part of lot No. 3 on th plan of Pcndcld,
upon whieb I everted a frame barn. '
Also, one other lot bounded anil d'woribed as
follows, to-wit : Beginning at a poll the oorn
er of Woodward Ut and CloarlielJ street;
Also, ono other lot hoan ll ami Jenltuvl
follows, bounded Southerly by Woowjrd si ree t
llro.n, nortlinlj an.l irrl, U of
laid Woodward, hutiuj a of lot fr.t !
dnrj atna. and a ..nil. of aoiifrot Mnula
in on. h..l. ... .n ...n .... ai ...
No. I? oa It... plan ol I'.an.l.U
AI.1, allll.c rlcl.t t.llr.nd muroat ofr.ld Wood
ward, la ona other Iml or land ko.mda.1 and da, i
orlhrd aa follo.a, llr(inn.l a n...l on lh- ao..ih
aido of Woiidnard Mwl an,,t, ourtrl, froai o
oornor uf Woo..nlnd Uloara. Id alrwla thoncao
...rib oj du,rr..a Mlt aluni Woodaard alrMt
10,1 4-l0foat u. oornor ol laud of aaid Woodward
"a lRarlca mown then.-, auoltt :i8 d.,re. .a.t
t . . !
- " - " '" -.. ai m ....nt... .nui
dugroaa north ill 4 10 foot to owrnrrof othor Und I
' "' W..o,l.rd. tlH.n.e nalh :i d.Loa "
1"'' fwt to tha plaoo of lireinnlne.
of nn W tn",e "r n.lig pfiit of lot No. j
Jator, frainobolldlo, ,nd outhou.ra.
A I, all th right, tit! and Interest of
w ' , 11 .7 V " I...
" woo warn in unn winer iraci u tjtmndeii 1
and,d a. f..ll.., lu .it : B,s,nni, .,
a nol In the ne f (' (art i al,..,.t liu
P" ' "' arn.i.l atr-it, IIH,
frttaoulh fVoia W.ndw.rd alrort : thrnoo north ,.
ai d.-grooa m.t fl.l Tirt to .a pn.t : tbrni.0 a.uth
H d'ara.. ...t ft lo a L.t ln,",,o k
Si degree enit 81 feet to .a pot ; thence south ;
degrees east feet to a pict tmn-o south,
" " weal feet to the Mid line of Clear I
" l Sd tct to th. aaid II.,. of Clear. I
" . wtj-i
hat " b plaea of beginning, and containing
ane - eirhtk af an acre, mora Umm .hi.Li
M"" ! ir and ho. I
P'rt " l'' f'.-.ld.
" '"" mw
Woodward in anoll.or tiact ..I land in II u. Ion
ahip. CIMrO.ld enunrj, l'a., bi.ut.drd and d
oniwu a. louowa, w wii I urg.nn.llir at a .Il te
P'n Hie a..ulho.t rornrr of W arrant No. 474 ,
"P"1" M ''llr" pweliae to
" ' anna I moBM nortn II da.
ra .oat al..n( I mo i.f urd laai 1(1 j .arohoa
to '",b" nll'. I thenoe north 2t'( .lo,r.
3u noroho. lo a lull Ibouo.. alone I....I. ol J..l,n
- - . .4. .... ...... oi ow.iunin. t rout....
hcrelolor. dccli-l tu, ll.o l aulield al. H. thurah.
il fr..iit on Woodward II I r el ol ill Iceland
ill of IU Id, Im.o- !, n.. , , ,
Ilja plan I
i haa f .
of I'cnllcld 'JJ. I...... - .k. .
2 drg. ,at Isu let on.h It .icgrca .
feel t. Ilia Booth Und of ft u Iv.od etrnot
b yj dc.ror. .... .Ion. Wood..-.
I tt.encc
Irret 114
1 - twre.t to.atera corner of lot deeded to Wrh.
M. Bar, June W. ltl ; then-r rna.b 4 dcraea
gmuing at the euutbvaal corner of lot No. 18 on
tbe pliio of Pnt)eld, deded to L Bird; tbenoe
I st-liu 82 degree wt 741 I I (et to the South-
j wefttoaraer of land of O. A, Wgttb; tbenoe tiovlh
degrees north 2UU feet nortii ft2 degress eaat
24U fi-ct north U degrees west 70 porvhei north
&2 degrees oaat 4 J 0 111 psnhw aoutb 814 degrees
j perches north !3 dgrs Oast fit 4 lu feel
"U(h 8n degrees east UU ft to tl norlft Hit
of Woodward strt; theno south ftS drgre
f lent to tw plf$ n wegiaatng, bsing
't aus. iu, JI, W, l), 14, 1, 10
u and 17 on the
; I'lan ef Piifli-Id. 4th. Ou acre laid off and
"'d as a ooiaelery. 6 lb. tine lot north of
j Woodward street adjoining laud of Frederick
; Lixiield, having a front of lOif feet on Woodward
j slreit aad ft dtplll of I'll ftt, being lot No. I
; 011 th plan ol PenUeld. Sth. On lot I2U by
' 2Kfol near th railroad, deeded to ti. A. Worth,
Plaiu reicrvmion oonutiuing a acres mure or less.
t being 11 N. 41 on tb plan of Pen field nto
whiob are elected ft two-story frame ator and ft
Warehouse ) .... .i
Also, all th right, title and, I teres! of tbe
Mid Woodward la oao other lot of land bounded
and described follows, to-wit: On th north
by Woodward street; east by land of Uo. U,
Robaksr t south by other land of said Wood
ward, and north by laud of C. II- Coryell oon
tainilig one-fourtb of an acre,uior or Uas, being
lot No. 38 on the plan of PantUId, upon whioh i
erected on shoe shop.
Also, ail th right, title and Interest or tba aid
Woodward In one other lot of land bounded and
do scribed a follows, to-wit: On Ibe north by
Woodvard atreet ; oaet and south by otbar land
-of said Woodward west by land of Ueorg K.
Rubaker; oontainiug one-lwuTth of aa acre, more
or less, being lot No. 'M on th plan of Poafiold,
upon which Is erected on two-aury fraua bar
ncs shop nud dwelling, .
Also, the right, title and interest of Hi ram
Woodward in oue otber M of land bounded and
described aa follows, to-wt : On Ibe north by
Woodward Itroet j oast by land deeded to Wm.
M . Bay soulb and wen by other lands of said
Woodward y cwaiiiyiig bue-Jburtb of an ftor,
more or Ins, being lot No. 8.1 on th plan of
Peifleld, upon whiob ar erected one two-itory
frame dwelling and oat house.
Alio, on jual undivided half intereat la ono
other tract of laud in llmton towmhtp, aforaeaid,
bounded north by land of D. V. Tavlur In war
rant 41112, east by land of J . B. Hewitt, south by
warrant No. 21S,and west by lands ol F. 11. Brown
Wm. B. Hewitt and KeaJiug, Fisher A Co., con
taining 2bu acres more or less, and being part of
warrant No. 4102.
Al o, on erjml undivided half Interett In on
other tract ol land iu Huston lown'p, aforesaid,
bounded North by Iwdsof John tt, lieading and
Craytoj Wandle, east by Warrants No. 21ft and
M0, Booth by Warrant No. 860 and John DuBois,
West bv Warrant No. iOfll eontaieincr 110 urai
more or !- und blng rart of Warrant ftittU. -
Also, un otber traot of laud in Huston town'p
nforesuid, bounded auuth by laad of ltMdmg,
Fisher A Co., Warrant No, ftUftlt, east by land of
Henry and Frederick Lixdeld and C. R. Kerly,
south by land of Jamison and Fisher, and west
by land of . D. Patterson and Wm. D, Wood
ward, containing luO acrv mor or less, upon
wh'oh are erected two frame dwelling, one frame
burn and other outbuildings. (Seised, taken in
exeeutio-Rjftnd to bo soil a tb property oC
Hiram Woodward.
Trrm or bL. Th price or sum at which
th property shall b struck off must be said at
tb tin of mi, or seek other amngeaaeato
j mad i will bo approved, otherwise the proper
ty win do immediately put up nnd eoM agala at
thxpns and risk of th person to whom 11
was struck off, and who, in ease of deficiency aft
auh re-sale, ehall make good th Mm, and ia
n lostanoe will tbe Deed be preseated in Coorl
for conformation unless tba money ii actually
paid to the sheriff. W. R. M PHLKBuN,
6naRirr' Ornca, I 6briff.
Clearfield, Pa., Sept. , 187ft.
SheriiTs Sale.
"Y virtue of writs of ierwri Paeiat. Isiax)
J 9 OU
out of th Court of Com rune Pu. r pu...
fluid eountv. and to me directed. th .in k.
I nxpoicd to Pl'BLIO BAI.B, nt th Court Boom.
1 ' tu borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the
tiia day of bt pie tuber, lB7ft, at 1 o'clock, p.
- '""""'"S ywtwimi prupvny, 10 will
Also, that oaruln pioc or lot of ground situ
ated in lb borough of Osceola, county of Clear
field, and State of Penuasy Ivania, bounded nn
the north by Pin alley, east by Decatur alley,
on the south by lot No. Jh"X, and on tbe west by
Blanchard street, and known nt kit No. 244 q
general plan of Mid borongb. Balled, taken in
execution and to oo aaid as th property of Jo.
i.a.h II a" fill r 1
Also, the! 4MHatn b.,u i. .t. . i
. !.V f- on Vd .,ot iltatoJ
i im sirofji. m tne oorouon or istar mw r a.i-.
, tM Ma, ,, 4 7Ll J, -V..
eroetod Iherenn i.l. t. i
Also, that certain bouM and lot eltealad It.
Hootidale, Clearfield eounty, Pa., and bounded
and described ai follows, to-wit: Degiening at
a pott ou tho corner of Hannah and Ciutrlea
SkaMM i.aat Uammh mtmi m a. .vu .
j post, MS to Elua atreel, and at right angle with
iu siivs, .nonce aioug saiia jviita street 50 feet
i to th oorner of Uliaa and Charles trels, tbeno
along Chart street Hie feet to beginning, with
lot and curtillag appurtenant thereto, beited,
taken into execution and to be culd as lb na.
erty of . W. Havues. T ' .
Also, all tfaat eeruin lot of land lit. ate In O.
oeola borough, Cluartield oounty, Pa., dceoribexl
m follows: On the southwest corner of Kliiabeth
street, fronting on Kate street, l&O faot and front
ing on Khxabetb 7ft feet ; being the eatne lot or
niece of ground sold to H. II. tvephftrt by Davkl
Kephart, by deed dated March 12, ltn8. Beised,
taken in excutioa and to b aold ft tbe proi.ertv
of Mary H. Kephart.
Taaua or SaLft. Th prio or sum at whlefa
th property shall b struck off must be paid at
tho time of sal. r such i bar arraagemsats
made as will baapprovtd, otherwue tbe prapeity
will be Immediately put up and sold agaia al
tb xpDs and risk of th pereon lo whom It
wai nraek off, aad who, ia ease of deficiency at
mch r sal, ibU mak good Ut aam.aad in
no mitanc will tb Dead n.nniu.t
for eoiflnnation uhIom tUe mooey U actually
rmld mib Mien if. J '
SiiRnirr' Ornrn, l tSbaruT
Clearfield, Pa,, Hepi, , 70.
TRQB. . H I' Hit AY. mVu uautMUt
D RANCH OFFICES tn different parts of th.
The Mowing Old and RelUkte fir,', iootdoarf
Slookiiid Life lb neoCfcitrepyenta
ui i nimneipnia
1S20 Fir Association Kir Insurance
v., oi rhiladeliihia
1,1 110.000
17,000, Uo,
i.ij.i r ptrnu r ire ids. l o.. it. V
"""'own Kir. lo,. Co., of If.
farm bulldinea only
' lir. lnn.raao.0o., of
t inclnnali
165S York Klork In.uranoo Co, of
""'ahor.aa. lo
Uarlloral Aoridrat Iararana. Ca
f t!'"";o""'-
7 ' 5I'"I Uf. lniarann
...... ....ruponiaa I.U. inauranc Co
.f N.a Yark .
Tulal oai.ital.
n , .T.OIUI, UH, In th. c.unir. dr.irln. i-..l
-Te 11 P'npt'y att.ndod lo hir .alii., at th.
.'f,,' ua l.j l.ll.r. .f
p-wtau nit.toUrtUMi
LI ! on,paniaa. Ao Comooaira tj.ra.
lio abo,. t. l,fi Inwraao r.nraMIM
!V 12 ;f Au: ,m Bn4 A--. w
f,it. -j- a j .. . . "". "t -ue
kTL jZZZi T" M"m " ,b" M,'r.
(.,,,,, , ,h.7i w . ,.. .
1 .' ,?!'.....'..? oar koaiM
. nrat iirancb Inauraao.
",4- Afanta.
J "' rA". PrX R. S. HaacitRa, 8ecy
, .T X 1 AJ-4
Life Insuranco rnmnanv
u. iianirvaii, tA'itn.
Italio of A u.l to Liahllitla.,..,
urnle...a inaoranra at tharar; k.oat ooat
. u.,c,-no..icra parlic.pat. ia th. prolta of th.
lonijan, onaliouall; mt.oiiur Ibe
paviurata. - , . .
ror rale, go., call oa r -.l.lrc.
, . M. JJ. kVALI.Y,
tHIc In Ska. 'a Row, Clcarleld, Pa. 7:14 7g
Improved Spring Beds,
The nndrrrlf ned Vra. Im.b In laforai Ike elai.
earn of ClMrtlelnV and tha pnhll. grnardl,, thai
he haa an kv.4 a In. aeaortment .f I'.raiHmv
milr. lit Ihdi-aj ,reroala. .
Wm t , . i il.RK TROrrtMA
I " "" avaaaw, te