Uiobui B. Goodlandib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. ' WKDNRflDAT MOKNINO, 88PI. !, Reader, If yon nil to kaow wbel Is f elne; oa la lb. business world, Juet reed ear advertising eolumna, IhejVneeiai' wlumajnjiartleular. " WKMOCRATIC aVTil K TICKET. ' FOR UOVKKNOUi CYRUS L. PERSUING, Of Schuvlklll Ceantv. ' FOR STATE TREAStlRKRl VICTOR E. PIOLETTE, . or Bradford Cooaty. TuiNixt Eliction. Wocommond tlio lollowing to the attontion of voters: Tho new Constitution forbid all per ona from voting unloss tlioy have boon assessed at loaxt two months and paid tlicir taxes at leant ono month beforo tho duto ot the election. . No ono ot foreign birlb can vote unions, in addi tion to the above, ho has beon natural ized a month previous to tho election. Tho ilule of holding tho next election ia Tuonduv. Nov. 2d. Thuraduy, September 2d, ia tho lout day on which voters can bo ossossod. Fridny, October 1st, ia tho last day on which taxes can bo paid. Friday, Octobor 1st, ia tho lost day for taking out naturalization papers. Each of those important dutioa can be performod at any timo beforo tho Java mentioned. Lot our friends boo to it that tho matter is attended to bo foro it is too lato. ' Mr. Piolctto, our nominee for State Troamiror, ia a Bradford county farmer - - - -- Gov. Pershing ia just fifty years of age j Treasurer Piolclto ia sixty -throo, and both of them aro among tho moat vigorous and upright men in tho State, j Eat and Eaby. Dispatches from Washington say that tbo President is displeased with Postmastor General Jewell, and that ho would accept hia resignation. Mr. Jewell Buys ho is ready to go whenover tho President desires. Settled. Tho Itudical organs have been crowing for three woeka past over the fact that thoir party had elected a majority of the mcmhors to the North Carolina Constitutional Convention, which met at Baloigh on the 8th, and cloctcd Democratic ofliccra to preside over Ha doliberationa. llow ia that for a Tiadieal victory? No Use. The Radicals in Now Hampshire are trying to punish and suppress vagrancy in that State. Thia ia entirely superfluous. Tho United States census ahowa that thia excessivo Radical Stale 1ms been on tho decline in population and business for over fifloon vears. Such are tho fruits of Radicalism wherever it gets a foothold. VVorui and Worse. Later returns from Laliiornia go to snow tnut tnu Democrat have elected nil the Con gressmen. Instead of having but ono member from that Stato, we have tho wholo delegation. Such a thundoring majority as wo will havo in tho noxt House. Why, tho Democrats will have to ask for room in tho Senato Chamber ii Uiia "tidal waro" kocpa rolling on. A Uood Selection. We notico by the proceedings of tho State Conven tion that Win. W. Betts, of this bor ough, has beon placed on- the State Committee for this XXXIVth Senato rial district. Mr. Bctta is ono of our most cnlerprizing citizens, active and npright in all his dealings. If a major ity of tho membors of that body pos aoss tho onorgy and tact of Mr. BotU, wo may look for a livoly campaign. Strino Him Up. Tho editor of tho Flutter Herald says : When Morton was in Ohio he saw plain enough that if the Republicans fought tho issue on tho money issuo tbey wcro bound to lose, ao ho advised them to take tho issuo of, a division of tho school funds hoping thus to incite a religious war. The demagogue who would creato a reli gious war for tho aako of a political triumph ought to bo hung. Such a man ia a traitor of tho worst kind to the rxtifa and order of the country. Mori Welsh Letters. Delano's Indians aro being scalped most beauti fully by tho lato Commissioners who wore drivon out by the ring. Mr. Win. Welsh, of Philadelphia, has sent a fourth letter to Prof. Marsh on tho management of Indian affairs. Ho continues hia charges of collusion in tho Indian frauds ngainst the officers of the Interior Department, and in conclusion aays : "It must bo painfully apparent to every closo obsorvor and student of human nature that Sccro tary Delano is cautiously laying hia plana for manipulating Christian agen cies without Die risk of exposure, and that he oxpects to be scrounod and up held by Christian people to whom ho give patronage, not on evidence, but on his own loud professions of vigilance And hn(iy." W Rise to Explain. Reader, on a former occasion m promised to say this woek : "Vor Governor, William lliglor." Thia wo cannot do. Tbo delegates to tho Erie Convention havo seen fit to change our programmo, and wo aro advised to write the namo of Oyrna L. Pershing, instead. Thia wo do with pleasure, for two reasons. Wo know Mr. Pershing to bo one of the gnrcst puMio men in tho Common 'vvoitWi, and because ho has boon select ed for (the position by our duly consti tuted .ropcoaentatives. Ito has boon 'thoroughly .tumUtd in public affairs, and like our omui highly ostocmed candi dnte, ho has never thud his official gar ments soiled, or bit poraoiwl character imwuf ssfully assailed. W ttro proud ot our nominoes. SioithffTiW them ever mot George 0. Evans on Clieajjint atrcct, Philadelphia, atnd handed him ttfiOO without taking a receipt or demanding jthoir notes. Alonoe wo place their names jit our mast head ithi week, and ask every mian who loves free jrovornmont to as exist in .electing tliem,and thereby over turn the corrupt cabal which has ruled t llarrisburg for tho pust .Ion yoars. ' THE no VERXMEXT A CCOUNT. A birds' oyo view of our Imports and ExHrta develops the following fuels : For the fiscal year ending on the anth of June last, wo Imported twenty-one millions of dollars l.$21, 000,0(10) of gold and silver coin and bullion. 'Iho previous year wo im ported twenty. the millions ($25,000, 000). This shows a loss of four million on imparts. The export account Is still worse. Last year wo oxportod about sixty million dollars ($00,000,000) of the precious motula. Thia year reach os tho sum of eighty-four million dot lars, ($84,000,00(1), being an exoess of twentyour million dollar. It will be noticed that our cash account ia abort Uiia yoar ticenty-eight million dollars. Although wo havo vory hard times, our bills for luxuries aro higher tliis yoar than last, as witness tho following items : roaaoaiTisi. 1875. I8M. Gotoa :,,50l,j0 65,0(8,00 Tea ja,7,7l Venov flood t,Al,lni KrullenndNuta 1I,.H7,MII Bilk ss.sao.aiie flusar 7o,io(!, ma atolataoe H,8,B0 Total f309,444,Slig $20,6(1,700 With the exception of our Coffee, Sugar and Molasses accounts, all our bills have increased, notwithstanding our poverty. Tbo fact that Congress, in February last, imposed a tax of 20 per cent, on eugar and molasses may havo produced a temporary blockado, and therefore curtailed our tteeet ac count. Iron accniB to havo received the RUVftrwat. Vilow . Thn valnn -of roir imports iho past year amounted to but $18,000,000 ngainst $34,000,000 for the previous year. That feature alone Bhould brighten up that branch of trade, yet it seems to bo in a more lan guishing condition than other business. Our Export account looks much worse. We have lost $50,000,000 on bread stuffs, $30,000,000 on cotton, 112,000,000 on oil, $5,000,000 on tobac co, and $3,000,000 on tallow, making in all about one hurulml million! of a loss. In addition to thia losa in trade, wo must take into our account tho fact that we ahipped $28,000,000 more cash to Europe tho past year than the year previous, while our gains in trade will not loot up fen million dollar. Our gains aro vory light while our losses are excessivo. Our gains in exports run about in this way: On provisions, $100,000,000, hidos, $200,000,000, oil cuke, $1,000,000, sugar, $l,000,000,iron, $1,000,000, leathor, $3,000,000. How long would an individual last as a trader if hia account would run against him liko this Government ac count? Wo propose, in our next issuo, to give a mora detailed statement of our export account, and a comparative viow of onr import account aa between tuxuric and necessarie. LOOK OUT FOR ROOSTERS. A gang of political sneak-thioves in and around llarrisburg, havo formed a ring tor tho purpoao of bleeding county Treasurers of this Commonwealth. The following is the bait thrown out through tho newspapers : "There is a rumor afloat that it has been given as the opinion of the Attor ney General, that County Treasurers dotted two yonrs ago, and sworn into otfico on the 1st ot January, 1Hi4, hold ovor another yoar, or nntil the 1st of January, 1877, under tho provisions of tha naw Constitution. Thia ia the outtole programme. Tho inside arrangement is a circular letter, addressed to every county Treasurer, asking a contribution of from $10 to $500 according to the wealth of tho county, in order to havo somo legisla tion upon tho question so as to contin ue tho present incumbents in ofllce for ono year longer than they were elected There is also a scheme on toot to tako tho question beforo tho Supreme Court, in order to test its Constitutionality, and for this object from $5 to $50 aro solicited. Thoso Treasurers who aro green enough to be caught and held in this tli in net, deservo to bo cheated. The game is a similar one to that attempted on tho Banka last winter, when an ef fort was made to raise the ratos of in terest. We Bay look out for tho acoun- drela,and let an eflbrtbo made to arrest and expose thorn. A Treasurer who is green onough to send these scoundrels monoy desorves to bo cheated, if not indicted and sent to tho Penitentiary. THE RADICAL PLATFORM. The llarrisburg Patriot Baya: Nono of tho wiso men of the Republican party havo beon able to interpret for tho people of Pennsylvania tho "truo in wardness" of the Lancaster platform on the currency. The resolution de clares for "Ireo banking, a anfb and "uniform currency adjusted to tho " growing wanta of tho business inter- " cats of the country." Now whether thia "safe and uniform currency" slial consist of greenbacks, national bank notes, or gold and silver, tho authors and advocates of this platform cannot bo pcrauadod to say. Evorybody.hard money man and inflationist, may Inter pret tho mooning of this doublo-facod resolution to suit himself, though thore is a very suspicious squint in tho direc tion of inflation iu the phrase about adjusting tho currency to tho "growing wants of tho buBinoss Interests." Con trasted with thoso tricky, dishonest, equivocal phrases, there ia a refreshing tranknons and Btraightforwardnoss about tho Erio resolution on the cur rency. Whotovor differoiieea of opin ion may exist on this question, there is no mistaking the meaning of the Dera ocratio platform, and it will attjuct support by its honesty and directness, while tho tricky and doeoptivo catch words of the Lancaster resolution will only repel tho earnest voter. a .--..i A Gencine Dewaoooi'E. It Isroally amusing to read tho speeches of Gov. Noyos, ol Ohio, who is stumping the Stato for lbs Republicans. Whon mon of his intelligence are drivon to blamo tho present disOsss of ilia con n try upon the Doinocrats, "because," as bo says, "Ihoy opposed the war," Repub licans must be bard put to fur argu ments to sustain a rotUin cause. In Session. A Constitutional Con vention is in session in Alabama. Gen. h, Torcoy Wlakor was elected Presi dent without a dissenting voice. Three fourths of tUe auimlwra are Democrats. Tho Now York Hun toys: When Andrew Johnson was Prusiilwit, ay. oral inBiiranoe companies offered bin) policies on his life ; but he refused all and .djed, contrary to general assortion, without itx-ia insured for a single dol lar. This is not all ay Cooke ft Co. defrauded him out of VQ,Wt the earnings of a lifetime. 11,112,111(1 4,al8,v00 l,3H 1,4(10 27,vO0,0(IO 7:,4.i,ion is,j;i,ai OUR MOM1XEES. Cyrus L, Torsliing la a nutivo of Cambria county, and wna born in 1825. Ho has practised law at Johnstown for many years, and has devoted hia lift) to his profession. Although a Demo crat In his convictions bo wus not a violent purtlsan, and was often culled upon to take a place on tha ticket. In 18S0 he came within a few votes of defeating Colonel Edie, for Congress, in the strong Republican district of Huntingdon, Bluir, Cambria and Som erset, and in 1856 ho was ru-uominatod for Congress, but defeatod by S. S. Blair, by somo 2,000 although leading his ticket. In 1800 ho was chosen to tho Legislature and served Ave years consecutively. In 1809 ho was tho Democratic nominee for Supremo Judge, but was defeated by Judge Williams' by' 8,701 majority. Two years ago tho people of Schuylkill county, without distinction of party, nominated him for President Judge against Judge Ryan, and ho was elect ed by over 3,000 majority. Since then ho bos dovotod himself to hia judicial duties, and discharged thoin moat ac ceptably. Victor Enillo rioletto ia of French extinction, and was born in Wysox, Bradford county, iu 1812. His educa tion was obtained at the ordinary schools of that section of the Stato, fifty yuars ago. It was solid xand practical, and fitted him for tho occu pation ho chose fur life that of a fann er. Duliig pud npeaker and oarly gaining tho respect and confidence of j tho Democrats of Bradford county, he was elected to the Legislature in 1840, and again in 1847. During the last session,John C. Knox and bimsolfledthu Democrats against the opposition with fearlessness und ability. Still contin uing in tho Democratic party, Mr. Pioletto was nominated by that organ ization and the Grangers for Congress in 1800, and beaten by Mr. Morcur by 1,001 majority. In 1808 ho was re nominated for tho namo place, and against tho same gentleman. This timo he ran the majority in the district Jownto311. In 1872, beingfor the third time put upon tho track, ho fuiled to socuro an election, as iu tlio ot her eases. Tho district is one of the strongest Re publican portions of tho atnte. When tho war broke out betweon Mexico and tho United States iu 1810, Mr. Piolottwas appointed paymaster.which placo ho held till the clime of the strug gle. Ho is now engaged in farming and stock raising in his t.ativo county. IIo occupies a leading position in tho Granger organization of his State, and is looked upon as ono of the solid men of northern Pennsylvania. DEMOCRATIC nil MARY ELEC TION. To Me Democratic Elector of Clearfield L ouiag : In obedience to the -rules tcovornini; tho Democratic party of Clearfield county, 1 hereby give notice that tho elections for delegates to represent the different districts in tho County Con vention, will be held at the usuul place of holding the general election for each townsiiin und oorough, on oatuiidaY, tho 18tL day ot .September, 1875, be ginning at 1 o'clock and continuing until 7 o clock, P. M., ot said day. 1 ho elections will bo held by tlio following election boards in tho respec tive districts, vis i II Sh.flVr. Clearfield A.C. Tala, Tbmr. Dourhartr. Ham Reaa. CurwaDarlfle Jaa. Thoojiifoa. Jaa. Jl. Sluart. Ellaha Ardarj. HouliJalt-Kobart Ballar, H. C. llowa, Janei DUBB. Lumber Cllj J. D. Qannf. Joba A. MoDiritt. W. W. Kalkj. N. Wuhlattan A. D.Baaaalt.Wm. Mabafer. Cbrlit. Kitrioker. Oaeaola T. R. Blaad. Win. II BaaforiL E. B. Itaiamaa. WallMetoa aaa Shlminal. Joba Waalbrook. J. H. lunar. Baooarla twa-0. J. Kaacr. B. W. Read. DirUj Baar. Ball Itanrj Bralb. Oodtrar Wobar. Joaauh L. Caraphall. Bloom Wat. Lloea, Frank McBrlds, Qearga Waarar. Boraa J. W. Krlar. Natbaa Ilooror. Jaaob Dimauna;. Bradford-L. M. Uill, M. 0. Wllaon. Hark Taylor. llradr Cliarlaa Seta wan, Jaaaa Liaea, K, u. llayaa. Boraelda llaalal Ooroaae, Joba Laa, MUhaal VinsllBi. Chan Lawraooa Killian. Joaerib II. Urelb.Jca. Coonelly. (JoriBctoa Ii. N. uoudrlat, Joba Pleard. Charlea Uarlbo. Deoatur . S. Burkat. Ricbard lluahaa. Adaaa Kepbarl Farsaaoa Oaora Btraw, William Wiaa, J. T. straw. (lirard llanlal Krlee, R. Jury, Franela !lutar. Uoabaa Tliampaoa Haad. M. II. baw. U. A. Morriaoa. Uraham Amoa llublar. W. W. Iloarer.Wa. II. Wllbalm. Uraenwood RUb Johnatoa, Aarna Newoomer. Emory Ball. Uallob Joba B. McKairaaa, W. H. Blaalay, Juba 8lapbana. imeton Joba llanRet, r. C. Bowman. V. Vol. Jordaa Robert W.Juhaitoa.Kamual P. Straw, Iiaaa V. Bloom. Kartbaut laaaa C. MeCloakar, C. la. Hertlein, Rollaad Kennedy. Kaol D. Rrbard, It. J. Sloppy, 1. D. Ill(h. Lawrence -Joaeah Oweaa, I. B. Ogdoa, Jaeapb II. Kowlaa. Morria Jamaa L. Htawarl, Adam Mover, Jr., Jaekaoa Hoover, I'ena Wm. t. Jubnaloa.nrier Ball, Jao. Pent!. Pika (I. B. Caldwell. Moaea Wlae. Hiobard Freeman. t'aion Simon B. Welly, Joba Bhaeeer, P. II. Crlnk. Woodward Thomaa llandaraoa, Oaorsa Wood en, Pater Huflner. Every qualified voter of the district, who at tho Inst general election voted tbo Democratic ticket, is entitled to a vote by virtuo of the rules. It is noc ossary .under these rules, thai tho voter must resido in tlio district where bo offers to voto. All thoso who bavo heretofore acted with tbo Pomocratia party and desire to act with said party in support of the tickot to bo settled by tho delcgato elections, aro authorized to voto and aro Invited to purticlpato in the eloctions. The manner of voting is regulated by Rules 7 and 8, and this Committoo will furnifh to each district tbo neces sary blanks for tho election and return. Tho County Convention will assem ble in tho Court Hoiiso, in Clearfield, on Ti ihdat, the 21st day of Septem ber, 1875, at o'clock, p.m., and proceed to nominate candidates as follows : Ona naraoo aa candidate Tor 8(ala Senator. One paraea a eendiilate for Oouoty Treaaarer. Two nereoae M eaadldatea for Co. Cemmiaaloaara. Two paraoaa aa eendidatea lar County Aaditorl. Ona pereoo aa candidate for Ooanly Ourooar, Jt is tlio earnest desiro of this Com mittee that tho Vigilance Committees, appointed to hold the Delegnto Election, be enrly at tho polls, and prompt in the discharge of their duties. Bee to it, Ft") low Democrats, that the full voto of your districts is polled. Let thero be a freo and full .expression of tho party at this election, ,(o (bo end that tho best men may be selected to fill the various cilices. Never beforo In tho history .of ho party havo bolter men bceq proaonlod tor your aupporU We aro approarbiug an important Sjale cloolioii. Lot harmony and good will prevail, and victory will perch upon our onunor. Wm. M. McCtiLLOiinif, tli in. Dem. Co. Com 1. M. Singer's Ehokmoi s Fortune. The will of Isaac M. Singer, tho in ventor of the Singer soaring machine, who died recently in Europe, was oDcred (ff nrohate before Surrogate Co(Hn of WtohcfctPT .county on Satur day. The real and fn'Cmmn ystnto is estimatod in the paior preonlo4 (it, 19,000,000 in the United Stales and 4,000,000 in Europe. THE ERIE COXVEXTJOX. Tho Democratic Slate Convention met at Erio on the 81 h lust., and wus culled to order by John Miller, Chair man ol the Statu Committee. Alter order was restored Hon. Jiiiues Ellis, of Schuylkill county, und Hon, John 1), Miles, ot Liolngli county, were put In nomination for icinpomry Chair man. The voto resulted in 132 for tho lormer and 112 fur the hitter. Mr. Ellis was conducted to the chair uud proceeded to appoint tbo usual com mittees on permanent ofllcers, creden tials, resolutions and platforms. Hon. Frank W. Hughes, ol (Schuylkill, was niado chairman on resolutions. Tho ooiiiiuitteo on perninnenl olllcors soon reported tho nuine of Hon. Demi rick is. lVriirlit. ol Misorno counijv nr Chairman, with the usual iiumlier of Vieo Presidents and Secretaries. Soon alter which tbo convention adjourned until Thursday morning. Nearly the wnolo day waa spent ny vuo commit tee on resolutions, which finally re ported a platform Into iu tho nllornooii which wus adopted by a voto oi iu to 2. Tlio Convention then proceeded to the noiiiiuntion ot a camiuiiito mr Governor. Tho following tnble shows the result of tho several ballots : i. O m.'s f- E a f 'si t c '4 Cn-S . HI IB lift f : i i ' On the eleventh ballot Hon. Cyrus L. I'orslnng, ol tScliuylkill county, re ceived a majority of all the votes cast mid, on motion ot a triend ol Judge lloss, who bud tho next highest voto, tho nomination wus mudo uiinnimiiiis. Tho fact Hint our party friends t un present nineteen candidates nuuliflud to dischurgo the duties of Governor, is conclusivo proof that tho Democrat ic party Is not dead. After the nomination tor Governor hud oeen niado general, nominations for Treasurer were mado, including tbo lollowing LTcnllctncn : Capt. A brums, Clarion ; Orange No ble, Erio; Wm. Hartley, lieilford ; in. E. Dougherty, Dauphin; . M. llreslin, Lebanon ; Mayor Powell and V. E. Embick, Lycoming; John Ii. Packard, .Mercer; Senator Warrant, M i til in ; ILL. Cochran, Venango; J. Harry lioss, York ; J. J. Young, John Hancock and John N. I'lersol Phila delphia; William Willis, Perry; Geo. It. Berrill, Montgomery ; Wm. H. Piny ford, Kayetto ; CD. Iveller, Centre. The ballots for this nomination wore as follows : riser ballot- PiarKl.. Nublo OlhariM alUriag. aacoxa BALLOT. Ilaneeok. Noble Playlrd.- Abretna Kmbl.k... ... e Km Poell. . Ptalatt rams ballot. Noble...-.-.... 7 I'lolatt - m I'layford. 1'iolott was nominated for Treasur- ', alter which the convention lid journod tine die. at 2:40. J hoso present at the convention con cur that it was one of tho most nu merously attonded, and coniiosed of better men than ever assembled on a similar occasion. Such is nlso tho opinion of tho oldest convention goer present. The strilo about candidates was of j a secondary character ; tho platform scorned to do the test question. Tho dolcgatos and the outsiders wcro divi ded luto two factions on the plulforin the hard and soft money men. The committoo as constituted was closely divided. Tbo "soils" numbered 2(1, and tbo "hards" 21 ; but a test vote in tho convention demonstrated tho fuct that the former bad 158 to 92 of the latter. Henco tho adoption of what is called the "greenback plntlorm. This document should be read by ovo ry voter and reads aa follows : TBS FLATrOBH. BnnWid, 1, Tbat we hereby declare aur unfaltering- damtloa to tbo fundamental prlnelplee or damorrallo government aa enunciatrd by Thomaa Jeftcraon la hlalret Inaugural ad-lreia.to wil i Kneel and eiast lualioe to all mm, of whataoever elate or pereuaalon, retieioua or po litical! tha aupport of Ilia Huie jovrrn menta In all their rights ai I he moat competent administration for onr domee tic eonoerna, and tha aurait bulwarka agaitut aati-repubiicaa tendenoiaa ; tha aupremaoy uf Uie olvll over tha military authority economy in (he public espenae, that labor may be lightly bur dened i the boneet paymeal of oar juat dahla, and the meiervatioa of the publio faith, freedom of relnion. freedom of tbe praei, freedom nf nereon nnder the protection of tbe great writ of oaheaaeorpea, and (rial by juriee Impartially eo kMled. - 1. Tbat the wlde-apread drpreaalon aad luffer Ing which afl'ect every baaineee end employment that ia capable of being tuoehed by legislation ahow bayoad a dnabt tbe Ignoranoe, iBcfllelanny, and wleiiedneaa of (be leadera of tha party (hat baa ruled tbe State and nation for a period of yearo, and can lor inair immediate anu perma nent removal from the placea they have ao long diabnnored and diagraoed. S. Tbat Iht undoa multiplication of puhllc uf fieere and the Inordinate Increaae nf ceieriei and emolumaala of oBieee are among the many evlle wktak aedieal rale hae forced aooo tha aeuatrv. aad favoring an aeoaomioal admiaialralloa uf tha federal and state gnvomuiente ao that tha people may be aa epeodily aa poiilhle relieved frem tbe burden of tagalion wltb which they are now aerloaaly oppreaeed, waaall apoa our feder al aad State relirorenUUivoe to atriva by all prop, ar meana to reduoe tbem both to tha, very loweat araatioable aambar and amount. a. Tbat the eoaduet of tbe prevent State Treasurer in Iba management of the (Jommoa -weelth'a flaaneea. In hie negleellng to appropri. ate tha mrneye In tha alnking fund In payment af the palilio debt aa rapidly aa repaired by law, la aan-aaeoanting for the lateral! reoeivod hy him on the peeple'a money depniiled with tha eeverel hanka and banking laatitutlona through aat the Stale, and bla iaaolenl raruial to nbmlt tbe arehivee of tha treaaury department to a le. gaily aonitkluled eommiltea or tha llouea of Uepreecntettvee. appointed to laveatigate the aame, la aanaa fvr grave euepicton, and ia deier ving of the eerereat eondrmoatinn at the band! of aa oalragrd aad already orertaied people. I. Thai the aondition of oar State Ironrury de. manda the moat aaarehlng and tboroagh inveitl- getlon and we eell apon the committee appelat ed by tbe lloaae of Kepreaanlatlrea to Inreall gata the iuic of the aama. and to reaolntely pur aue tbadutx which baa been eonSded to It. . That tho aamlneri of thta convention are here by pledged to apply all moaeyi ia the einking fund aa required by law, In tha reduetloa of the pub lie debt, and thereby aava tbe Interval aa Iba aame to the amount an reduced, and that monayt ri!0 tba Commonwealth from eorporailona and lidlviaul f ball he promptly collected and paid into tha traaiiry, toil tot in any manner direct, ly ar Indirectly, (o eiujjllr paj.li? a,',!,"," for Iheir own profit ar parpoaaa. ' t. That tha eoBlraelloa of the money earreney and irealaling madlnm, heretofore made by tbe f reread tyli, Rapabluas party, and tna lertaer eontracuoa view to t " luitrfl r. -payuiantt, baa nlready brought dliaater to the b..i-ieei af (he tCoalry, and Uinslana general bankruptcy. We damati4 tei ibui tu,lite be abaadoaed. and ibal (he Vol- ema af moaey by aaau aad kept inal to Ihc wanla af traaa, leering Mo raMra(lv ol legal leaden to par la gold lu ba brvngVt aboal by aromotiag the IndalUlea af the jl'ilt nif M 1 daatrayiag them. I. That Iba policy Initialed by tha Repnbllran parly of abolishing legal leadera, aad giving the aaueaat aaaae taa power so rarnisa an tna ear reaay, will laeraaae tha power et aa already dan geraua monopoly and tbe enormoua burdens bow tprressing tha people, wllhoot eompeasating ad valutv. and that all the aalieaal bank elreela- Una ahoaild ae' reftirtrlly aj permanently rellreet and full legal leadera be ingal .in-tneuir-e li9rtru h?f III iJJJ rnlj. LLiJ ! ! i i 1 ! I ft MS..ti.'j StlWUffvaaift I t - m e 4 a 4. w y - yy; i t .-S, . . t s s a c M mJs s sl-! ry t3 U t t tl Is! S o 1 r I r f s I M s aV let eta. MS aV V -t 3 X . . ,V 1 . ? (n 4V ayv U Q M 0 S-.SS m m 3sl S .t-tj... . L,. S. Thai Ibe public lalvicst demanda that the gori-rnmaiit abould asase to dleuretlit lie own tumey, and should make its Icgul tendara raealv able fur all public dua aaixpl where respect fur Ilia obllgalluna or oenilrocte ri-quiri payment In et.ln, IU. lleman-la Ihaetllnelioa of the present na tional banka and the establishment In their stead of a system af free lacks of illaaouut aod depoa it, under auch regulations aa tbe b tales reapect fully may preeeribe, aud uo peper money eacept such aa way be ieeuv. directly by and a,ioa the faith uf Ibe federal government, affording praoll oal ly a currency based on Iba gold and ailver aad olhsr property of iba abule people ot tba eous try. II. That with thia daclarallon of prlnolpla of polloy we arraign tbe laedeta of the Hepublleaa party for tbalr eilravegant eipeadilurea and proHlgata waate of tba people'a money, for their corruption, lor their peculation, fur tbalr oon tempt of ounalitutioetvl obligations, for their ob torllonete titcreaea ul the aalariea of our public oKeers, for their oppressive, unlnat and defective ayalem of taxation, flnanoe and eurraacy, for their eonliauaiica of ioeouipeleut and eorrupl men ia oOloe i ami, turther, gi-neral mismanage maol of both tba Htale end I'eileral governmeiita and we cordially lovita tbe liberal Hepublioana and all other ma-i, without regard to peat parly af. ullalioo, to oo-operate with ua In expelling Ibom from power and aoouring euun an adminialration of our publio affoirs aa charaoteriaed tbe purer and leaner deye of tba republic. XEWS ITEMS. Ileudaclio ia the name nf a post ofllco in Michigan. Hears are killing sheep in Grant county, West Virginia. A Cumbria county woman died a few days ago at tbo advanced ago of ninety years. Tho Hedford Pre has been sold by tho Sheriff. Mr. J, C. Long will continue as its publisher. General llcClellan is expected homo in tbo full. Ho will bo accom panied by his wito and family. It ia estimated that 3.000,000 poo. pie win visit the t.entcnnial f-xposition three times each. Tho Williamsport boom ia sup posed to contain at present ovor one Hundred minion leet ot lumber. Four millions of gold are to bo sold this month by the Hocretnry of tbo .Miiionai .treasury. A Lock Haven man claims to havo invented a flying machine. Heshoiild remember the li.le of Darius Green. Tho Chinese Government ia pre paring to send diplomatic representa tircS to tbo leading Western nations. Tho Czar of Itussia has tbo tooth ache liko tho rest of us, and uses al most the sumo emphatic expressions. A Detroit photographer says he'd rather fight a tiger w ith a snow-shovel than see a baby eomo into his gallery August had a new moon on tbo 1st, und ono on tho 31st. A similar occurrence bus not taken placo since Tho present populution of Ken tucky ia 1,311.011, scnttered over 37,- 080 square miles, or thirty-fivo persona to a sijuaro mile. Alfonso, King ot Spain, is going to get married. Tbo Duke do Mont- pensier'a oldest daughter has consented to accept the situation. Horace Greeley's gruve at (irecn wood has grown up to wild rosea and nu arbor vitie hedge protects it from outward molestation. Willie De Ilauw, a lad, shot him self through the heart while onguged in loading a pistol at New Albany, in diana, on Friday night. llillnrd Carpenter, of Evansvillo, Indiana, is about to erect and endow college for tho homeless and friendless youths in that city. Starvation threatens Iceland this winter, owing tooncthird of the island tinving boon rendered unitihabitaulu by a recent volcano. William Hutchinson, a farmer, liv ing near Wort bington, Ohio, was re cently shot dead by a tramp whom be Ion lid In his barn. I-'ti Wi,11.-ti uiii.Iiiili'-i iii-il V riiltli ful negro servant of Dr. iThodes, of Amherst, Mass., drove off a creditor of hia master with a musket, and has been fined t20. Tho court of Washington county has fined several of the township audi tors f.'iO for not publishing a report of tho receipts and expenditures ot tho township. Tho grassbop)orB are ognin de vouring tho Colorado crops. A great many larmers offer their ranches lor sale nt half price, and want to leave tho country. English journals stato that thut country will havo to import nn unusu ally largo quantity of wheat, and that all tbo malting barley will havo to como from ubrond. Competent judges who have mado tho sillily of female Las ton and fashions a specialty predict thai seven-up will take tbo place of euchre in tho host cirelea this season. Three white men and three no groos are reported to bavo been killed nt a Itepu Illicit n political meeting at Clinton, Miss., on Naturday, and furth er trouble is apprehended. Two hundred passenger cars are to bo orectod at Altoona during tho coming full and winter. These cars will bo used for transporting visitors to and from the Centennial Exposition. A fnsbionubly dressed young lady in this place, putting on tho finishing touches, was heard singing, "Backward, pin backward, oh, skirts iu your flight, imiko mo look small again, just lor to nigbtl" Threo hundred New Jersey Har risons recently in tele tho Mountain House, nenr Ornngo, in that State, in teresting and lively by a family re union. It was their third annual moot ing of this character. A railway workman nenr Lynn, Mass., a few daya ago, returned a wal let containing three hundred dollars, which ho bud found, to its owner, a wealthy man, and was told, by way of compensation, to "come flown to tho bench somo day and ho should have a ride." A frog, said to be tho sise of a cow's head, has miula its appearance near Montreal, ami lias a voice as loud as a dog, Suvorul unsuccessful ufforts havo boeu mado to capture his frogslilp, but wbun pursued ho dives into deep water ami keeps quiet lor scvorul days, A w iso frog thut. It Is said of Miss Hulolt, a lady lawyer of Chicago, that sho is gaining a successful practice, and thai alio ap pears iu tho various courts with ease ot mnnncr and commence, anu wmi an ability decidedly above tbo avoargo lawyer. Sho ia ready and ahlo In do- halo ami is never taken ny surprise. An Illinois Judgo hns lately de cided that teachers and directors can- notexpolapiipil frem the public schools on account oi absence, on mo ground that a child does not become tho crea ture or sluvo of teachers by being en rolled, the parents having tho right to sond their children to school only as they can spare thein irom homo. At tbo Inst term of court In Nor thumberland county a prisoner waa sentenced to aeven yenra confinement in the peritnntiury und tho authorities ol thai liisiittiuou will not roceivo any more prisoners bocnilso II it full. Tho Suiibuiy jail is not In condition to hold prisoners tho county won't build a new one, and tho sheriff don't know what lo do if) ;l;o premises: ' lCx Sejiator Joseph 8. Fowler, of ToilKesBco, has been acleftr-rl iy k com piilfoo, of (1)0 citi'cena of Kaahvill'o to deliver tlio oruflonpp (bp ilj' and fi'mcs of ex-Preslduiit Johnson. 'No f lino pat fixed, but the memorial services Wl firubiibly tuko placo somo time in Oeto icr. It is designed to make them sim ilar, In many respects, to those of Prosl dent Jackson. RINK AXJ) FALL OF KNOW NOTUIXOISM. A Rt.Tlloal'kCT Uf TWKNTT YKAHS. The iiidusty with which bigotry and partisan malevolence art) striving to revivethedead embers of sectarian con flict recalls the history of tho violent Ivnow Nothing eptdenilo ot twenty years ago. A bnel sketch ot that tem porary outbreak ol popular Insanity, its rapid rise and still more suddou decline, muy, therefore, not be without interest as will as profit at this timo. In a country like this in which mliii. ous liberty lies at the bottom of the political system no docont pretext ex isted for tho outbreak ot 1854, yet there are somo who believe that in spite of tbo lesson of that time another such cpidomio Is about to break forth. 1 hey hour tho same sectarian cries, the sumo low appeals to Ignorance and prej udice, the sumo slang about the 1 ope, which tilled the air twenty voars airo. and they are preparing themselves for a new invasion ot jvuuw Aotumgism. But like the Asiutio cholera, the dis- oaso is by no means as violent as when it mado its first appearance. In tho generally increased intelligence of tho body politic is found a better moans of resisting tho approaches of tho dis- euae, bo that the present aouossioa of iv now iotuingism resembles the first outbreak as much as the varioloid duos a malignant type of small pox. In 1H04 tho Domocrutio party waa in power in the national governniont and in most of tbo states, while there wore no questions of foreign or domestic policy to disturb tho harmony of the country. Of the foreigners whoorowd cd to our shores nine out of ten, upon uaturnlir.Htion, joined the Democratic parly. They hud no sympathy wilh the whig purly, which was already in Ibo throes of dissolution, and the ilo publicau paity had hot yot arisen to attmcl them with humanitarian ap iwuls against slavery. Among these naturalized citisens were many of the Irish and Gorman fugitives of 1848, whose talents, as well aa sufferings in tbo cause of political liberty, bad given tbem much prominence, and who were beginning to tako an active part in political affairs. A strong feeling against naturalised citisens was thus engendered in the political minority, who bad no difficulty in persuading themselves of tbo danger arising from this kind of foreign influence on the govurnmuiilof thocountry. Had those uaturnliaod citizens joined tbo Whig party tbo dunger from their interfer ence in politics would, in tho estima tion of tho leaders of that party, havo been materially lessened ; but they in sisted on being Democrats. At this time Judge Campbell, of Pennsylvania, a Catholic, waa Post Master General of tho United Slates, a political fuct which was soon put to immense use in Siviiig an imiietus to the spirit of Know othingisiu. Whenever a nuturalizod citizen or a Catholic received an ap pointment ol postmaster it waa at once attributed to tho sinister influence of tbo Pope in the affairs of the republic. During the winter and apring of 1854 secret societies wcro formed in the principal cities and towns of tho oast und gave the first docided proofs of their existence in tho municpal elections of tho spring of that year. By somo the political changes indicated in these elections wore attributed to the feeling aroused by tho repeal of tlio Missouri compromise, the bill for which was then beforo Congress. Hut another and very different influence was at work. The Know Nothings had or ganized on tho basis of hostility to Catholics and citizena of foreign birth, and were preparing for a crusade of political proscription that soon extended over most of tho states of the Union. Tbe last Whig convention tbat ever assembled in Pennsylvania met and nominated James Pollock for Governor, George Daraic for Canal Commissioner, and Daniel M. Smyser for Supreme Judge. The resolutions against foreign inmioiice suoweu tnuiine Know Hom ing spirit wus in full control of tho con vention. , Then commenced a campaign of fraud, mendacity and chicanery never equalled in Iho political annals of Penn sylvania. Know Nothing lodges were termed in all parts of the stato. There was scarcely a remote hamlet into which the fanaticism did not penetrate In imitation of othor secret aociotiea, thoro were signs of recognition, pass words, grips and solemnities of initia tion. The neophyte upon entering the lodge, took a solemn oath to sup pert for ofllco no Catbolio or citizen of foreign birth. Ho also promised implicit obedience to all the decrees of he lodge. Aa if ashamed of the' purposes of the organization, as its members well might be, tho meetings of the order wore held at unusual hours and in the most secret places. Ap plicants for admission were initialed in barns, in outhouses and under cul verts, and the belated novitiates has tened to thoir homos lost they might be waylaid by tho emissaries of tho Pope. " Duplicity and lying wore in culcated as political virtues. Bworn members of the ordor accompanied Gov. Biglcr in hia political campaign, addressed tho people from tho aame platform, possessed themselves of such secrets as might bo useful to thoir socrct friends, and returned to vote for Pollock. They supported candidates for nomination in the conventions of their party whom they botrayed at tho ballot box. The secret decreo of tho midnight lodge waa binding on the consciences of all who belonged to the order. Tho members wore authorized and enjoined to declare publicly that they know nothing of tho oxiBtonco of such a political organization, whence nrosotho popular designation of Know Nothing which Iho order assumed. Tho cloetion camo, and Pollock was chosen Governor by a largo majority. As Mr. Darsie's mother had beon gild- ty of tbo political crime of giving him birth nn the passage to tlio I nited Stntca it waa decreed in tho aocret councils ot Know Nothingism that ho waa Ineligible to the ofllco of canal commissioner, and Henry S. Mott, a Democrat, who had no connection with the order, was elected by a majority of one hundred and ninety thoutand votes. Tho eighty odd thousand votes, received by M r.barsio were what remained of the Whig party of Pennsylvania. All the rest had been swept into tho slimy pool of Know Nothingism, and the party never again reared its head in tho Slate, Elated by tho extent of their victory in Pennsylvania and othor states, tbo Know Nothings prepared themselves for its enjoyment. Thoy aaw beforo them in imagination a long and daz zling vista of political powor. No longer hiding under culverts and slink ing in out houses they camo forward mid boasted of thoir work. Their next movement was to be tho election of a President on tbo platform of proscrip tion of Catholics and naturalized citi zens. Hut their triumph was destined to bo short-lived. As soon as Know Nothingism emerged to tho light of day and its aims bocamo recognized it melted away benoath tbe hot wrath of Iho people. Its foil was as aud- den ns its riso. Horn in tho shadow this misbegotten monster could not stand oxposuro to the light. It had un lertaken to mako impious and cow ardly wr.r dth tho most saored prin ciple erf 'AfhirrliOT Jihorly. Vbci its followers rtobvered frliui lliifir error thoy descrtod by thousands ovotl while the leaders were counting their hosts, aud whon this next politicul campaign arrived ecr.rcolv tbo skeleton of an or- ganiznUc-ri y ashjtjt. I(tirrlfburjj I'atrxol. Tbo Philadelphia anj'lloadinir rail ro)c coriny' issued rtri order last wc.k fur lit!) buidiug pf four puw tass cnger engines at luv JtcMing ftf Each engine will oust from f 15,00. to t,zi,uuu, A Ql'IWTlUN ami Ait Answmi. Somo lime ago the Pillsbiirgli Even-1 ing Trlctjraih wanted to know: I "Can any practical and sensible lle-i Imblicun friend of temperance stultily ; ilmself by siipMirting a faction that! does not expect to succeed ?" : . IJobert Autlley Hrown, the prohibi-j lion caudiutte lor liovornor ot l'onu aylvania, in his letter of aocoptanco, makes the following reply : "We are also warned that by our separate action we will he responsible for the destruction of 'the only party that can save the country,' as if a purty can save the country which can no longer save itself. In contradis tinction to all this, the flint need ofl tho hour ia that citizena ahull tench their public servants that conscience is an element in American politics never to be abandoned ; that the senseless ness and tomorily of juirty leadera w ho ignore the conacionco of enlightened and virtuoua citizens and count on their votes to ondorse unrightiious acts, must ho rebuked by those very votes, and that if purtios follow tboir leaders to a merited destruction, new and healthful organizations will arise and fill their place and accomplish their destiny tbe better, as they take warn ing by tho fate of parties before them that have once been powerful but have perishod Jor their sins. Our own party represents tho spirit of reform de manded by the times." Gov HiULr.n. An interviewer of tho Philadelphia Time, visited Mr. lliglor, on Friday morning at the Uirard House in that city, and reports as follows : "Tho late hour at which the nows of the nomination reached the city, be ing at 2 o'clock this morning, found few about to boar the news. A few lingered about the Girard House.whoro dispatches wore received giving the dill'eront ballots. Governor Uigler was thore, but retired before the sovcuth bullot was reported. He was ontirely prepared to hear that auother tban himself was the favorite, and re ceived tho nows of Pershing's nomina tion not only philosophically, but with evident contentment. After the adop tion of tbe inflation platform, Governor Biglcr really preferred not to be the candidate. He is not, at war with his party on tho issue, although he is more conservative than tho plullbrm on the currency question, but bo preferred a contest on Stato issues with which he was identified, whilo he felt unequal, physically, to tbo desperate aggressive campaign tbo supremacy of tho cur rency issuo requires, lie believes that tbat tho battle will bo fought now on tbe money question, and that villi! issues of Statu and miinicipul policy will of necessity bo overlooked. The Governor's rest was evidently not dis turbed by tho result of the convention." Money must bo scarce in Georgia. Thore was a public sale by auction not very long aiuco near Luirrangc iu that State, which for odd prices remains unchallenged. Good mules sold for $5 each ; good horses at the same price ; oxen Bold tor 12 each ; young cows, with calves, brought .) and J.2u ; a good two-horso wagon went for 93 ; wheat sold tor 00 cents a bushel ; a now buggy and harness brought 23 cents, and a carriage and harness 5 It transpiers that tho lato William C. Iialston was a defaulter to the Hunk of California in a sum ranging from threo to lour millions ol dollurs. $cui gtili'frttstmfuts. uuTToN-r-" AH persona are herehv eanlloaed against pur- chaaieg aria anjr way meddling with the foliow ptopertv, Bow ia tha poesaeeien of A. V. Maleea, of Wallaceton, via: abav horses, I buggy, I eel doable harness, 1 eel single harness, 1 sleigh, I plow. 1 red and white eow, 1 conking stove, ae tbe aama belongs ta me, and la left with him on loan only, anbieet lo mv order. Clearfield, Dept. 11, 74 II L. 1. MOIIOA!). 1 AUTIOM. - All noreone are hereby warned aaalaat aar- ohaaiBg or ia any way meddling with the follow. Ing property. Bow In tha poeseeeion af Joeeph fae.se, ef Dell township, via I I bleak kereo, I gray horee, 1 eow, 1 eel eingle herneei, 1 act donble haraese, 200 bushels of oata, 39 busbala of wheat, 1 iatereet In T acres of corn, aa the came beleage lo me and la left wilh him oa man only, cabjaol as my order, J. B. KLL18. Kumbarger, Kept. Ii, 7i-( ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Isettoo is hereby riven tbat Letters of Ad. Iniatration oa tbo aetata of ataMIHL POWKI.. late of ClearSeld borough, Clearfield connty, Pa., deeeaeed, having bean duly granted to tha ander elgned, all pereoaa Indebted te eeid aetata will pleaee make immediate paymoBt, and tboae bavtag cleima ar demanda will p recent tbem properly ajuuoaucaiea tor aemetnrni witnout delay. A.C. TATS, Clearfield, Sept. IS, 1874 St Adm'r. drtmL PITTSBURGH, PA. For ipwrnrtli t twnnty trt the Ifwdincbaii- tM Colloftsof tfat UniUd HUlM, tffordi aneqaal )ti adTmnUffvi for th th oroagh, prtetiml educ Un tf Toviif and nldrjit tt4 men. fitudeotJ atJiaUtM at an time. For slrcnltn atUrtMi J. U. BMirif, A. M., Pr.ocia!. Tb "IKON CITY COI.I.Kr.K" It Iht mly lentltuiiM of th kind tn tbUtltj that w rMomntrad t tt.t pablit pttanf.Pmbjfl ria foaKtr, Pitubtnyk, , H. U74 -Sin. 0 RPHANS" COURT SALE.- In bnrauano of nn order of the Ornhana' Court of Clearfield nonnty, tbere will b espoaed to publio Bale, at lb Court Uuuie, in Clear ft Id, Pa., on Monday, fie pt ember , IHtS, at 1 o'clock P- tn., tb following deerlbet Drop-1 rtyf All thandlrlded ono-eightb Intereat of J J. A. HlaUenhrger, dee d, In nod to th "Hup 1 a7.aai Il.l-a. Wn.L. " ao n . , i ., a. a.f at.. r1l I I raJ oatat. Ono-eightb part of all that certain tract or nler of land iltnat in tb township of Bradford, county of Clearfield and Stato of Pennsylvania, deaerltiea aa loiiowi t ueglnnlng at a poat act X feet from thentr of the Tyrone and Clearfield j Railroad, and oppoiit th Woodland ateam aaw i mill ; then north bH autlj3 4-l0 feet to a poet act SS feet from th ntr of th rail-1 road thaneo hy othor landa of tho grantor ; aontn If ait sit toot to poitj tbenoo 8Hf weal liJ 4-10 feet to a poat ( then north BH woat to a post and placo of beginning, containing two acres neat measaro, and being part of a larger tract originally sarvoyed nn warrant granted to Jano Campbell, with tbe right to mine fire clay forth naoof aaid worka, together wilh fnnr dwelling hooaa nnd n tramway. Th Hope lir llrlek Works roper having a capacity for I nanofaturlng 1 0,005 per day, together with other im pro vm rats. Bald Fir Brick Works having an Mtablinhed rep atatioa with large and Inaroaiing trade, being , aa tar eat men t that will recommend iteelf to can- Italists on being aeon. Tnnna or Bah. On third of nrleo bid nnon eeolrmation of sal a by tb Court, tb balai.ee In two equal annual payment, aoenred by bond and mortgage on ine premiaaa. For further parlieutara, addreat MRS.CA110L1NB BLATTKNHKRdRH, Woodland. Ha., or Waula a A Knus, Att'ys, Clearfield, Pa. Woodland, Pa., Aug, 11, IftTMt COURT PROCLAMATION. ITHKKKA8, Hon. C. A. MAYKR, Praildcnt IT 'g of th Court of Common Pleas of th Twenty-inn tiitetai Utatrtet, eompmed of tb oonntias of OIarfild, Cantr and Clinton and Hon. William 0. Volkt and Hon, Joan J, Rnn, Aisociat Jvdget of Clearfield countv. bavo lasod their precept, to an directed, for the elding of n unurt oi common Pleas, Orphan Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv ery, at th Co art Hons at Clearfield, In and forth county of Clearfield, commencing on lha four I It Holiday, tho 41th day ol Mrpt,, iMia, ftDd to continue two week. NOT1CR 1ft, therefor, hereby girea, to th Ooronor, Juat ice of th Peaco, and Constables, In and for aaid vaunt of Clearfield, to appear In their proper persons, with their Heeorda, Holla, Inquisitions, Ktaminatlona, nnd thr Remem brancoo, to do those things which to their oBoes, nnd In their behalf, aerial u bo don. By an Aft of Assembly, paeeed the filh day of may( a. v. iroe, it is anaa mo auty ot in Jus tleea of the Pen of th eereral eounlle of this Commonwealth, to rot urn tn th Clerk of th Court of Uunrttr Bosuni of lb respective 0011 lie, all th recognisance entered Into before tbsm by any porsoi vi: ptnom fbaigod with tbe commission of nny wiib, urtpt uti oaaea oa may bo ended before a Juatlee of lb Peae. un- dr t Isilag laws, at least tm days beforo th oommonosmeni or tbo aoaeion or tbo Court to wbton I bay ar mado rotnrnablereapoctlvoly,and In all oaae where any reooinieanc are entered into lost than to days before thenmmnmnt or in scttFin so wkitn tha? ar mad retarnn blo, eoldJuatfcei ore tn, return tb cafti m tbo nana wanner-no H naid not had) not been iiaaied. " ' - U1VVN nader mv hand at Cleerleld. this lib day ff tfepieuMr, In fbsyear of or Lord, ono monaaan sigut nnqra ipg ,Tfit7'5 sept. li t. W. jt. Mc I'MKhAuV fblf $ftv A.i'frtisfmftttj. IJ KT'f ('KLCIHUIKII . 1 French kid und Turkey Mo roeco Button Shoes, for Ladles, at , KftATZKa A LYTIdl d. Hipt. ii, 'Ti-tf jy.SSOLUTlON. K.tloe U beftJ.f ill-en thai itt o.-mfiaar-tiip lirrttG iurei. ...( l'nreo John A T. M. Holt, tn tha tntm-aniilu huvliiK!, in tha boroufth nf Walhwaton, waa 4mmivx br aaatval aaatwn, on tha JMh day of Aujrual, H;j. 1 he bouk av aouiiU and Hotel nf tho firm ar left wiib it; twnior fj art ikk fur aeUlttunrit nd rollwtlon. who will alio mr all elaiiua aRainatth llru, I 'aril n. baring nuiaiikd txvaunti will pltaar emit fur ward and n lb asm. Th buahieai wit) be coDtinuad at (he bid Hand hy John Hull, who ao licit a lltwraJ abar of public patronage. JOHN llol.T, T. M HOLT. WallaotttrC, Svpt. Ii, lf(75 4t AUTION.- 1 , All pi-rfoui ara Utrthy nru4 r.falnat d gotlating tor my of th folium up; notra, gifta by m to ffn, rrl, via: Ua not calling fur fir hundred dallan, datsd April '20, iiU, pajrabla oo w aftvr d.ta, oop not call lug fr tire hundred and ninety dollara, dated April 2d, 1873, payable two year after dale, and on other nut calling for thro bitndml and Mranty dollara, dtd April 20, l7i, payable three year after date, a- we bar out r Mired taltiufwr th aame, mm will imt iay tb laid nuto or any part thereof ualaia ooiaiolled to du ao by dua ptveMauflaw. . W. POYLE, K. W. JOKUAff. Lutberabnrg, Pa , Sept. 15, 1i-St T HE BEST STILL ON HANI). A frw muro good bortei and aeta of harnraa n band, whieh 1 will eell at a anenAoe. Ai,., enteral carriage end buggtea. and a roed wagon, aa l tome good rpring wagont. I aw bound to aell at aotne price, t all on or addrea ma at ClraHlflld. Pa. JAM h. LEA V V. Aufc. 4, 74 iu. c OME AND SETTLE. Having takra ai brother into parlaerrhin. I desire 10 have my old accounts closed , I tbere. lure glvo oollee to all who know themselves in debted to me b eons foraard soon aiid settle up, so that eeraa take a Sew departore. ClearStld, July 14, '!!-. P. M. CAltbON. AT A MJAB LE PHOPE It'f Y T FOI1 BALK Oil FOIt It P. .NT. The auliearilier eivea ni.tii.e tliaL L. will eill.ar rt-lil ,,r Mill his A'tei'lOna- Biiil rii.. .... ante oa Hood slreer, adjoining (lie loneril llou.e, In trie imrougn o( cieein' id. l a. I he elore rc(m ia 16 X St feil. Tho "celling houao oonleins I rooms au-1 a kitelitu oo thj first elory, aud t rooms i.u ll,e a,eod aloiv. The alorc room cun lie liu,l t ..ii, ... u..H the ,!. .!lii.r nnrlmn ou and alo-r Iba le of JoK. For further par iieuiaa, auotess or eppiv to u,a omirrsignrii on the , remises. (IKO. C. r'ASrlMoKK. dearlleld, Fa., M.cr lv, 'iS-tf - c TOWUUM IT MAY CONCERN. The ondKrtiynfd fakea thia tnetkod of hi form tng the (Mwple of Cleartit-ld aod vicinity, 4hl he baa leaved and re opened the old Dan OttJea e.al lianh, louaied within a mile tnm town, and la nun urei.aretl to Inrniab firrt-elns artiele of eiat, and to dt liver tb aame any when in town at maaonabie rulea on I lie rhorteel nohoe. A good qumtitr of con) ainya oa band and for aale at the mine. Ordrre left et Wataon'a tohaceo tbn,, and Buydur'i abating Nttooo. HIANK WILSON. Clearfield, Aag. '7 5-If. jyjAlZK&SC'JlVVAIITZ, (lata 0u. Et-an A Co.,) MILITARY UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENTS, Nt.ll(8 MARKET STHi;i;T, PlIU A. Ilat.il , Conipartlea, Ac, furnih'-d. Hamplaa, photogtapha and atlf-meainhog direction neut WLllCHANT TAILORS A CLOTUII.R3, 1196 MARKET hTRRET, Jnly 14, t5-ly Pblln. S A L El A large and well-fiuiahed Hrlck Dwelling, aitv ate on tbo Hrer bank, In the borough ol Clear teld, containing eleven rooma, aitti good cellar, water in the kitchen, and all the modern conve nlencea. Pautriea, U alb -room, Cln'bec-preeaea, A. Lot aiity feet front and two hundred and thirty feel baok, with a twenty foot alley on the caat aid. Said Imihllng. with all the flppnrtrnanofa, will be aold cheap, with paymentilo auit pnrcha ar. Application can be tite to lb under, rlgiifd, ir to A. O. Tata, R.fp, wht will give all nveaaiaary information to tboao who dcair to in ipoot th property. TII08. J. iliCl'LLOL'OH. May Hat, lj(7S,tf. : . THR TRAVKLING PUHMC. Th nndi-raigncd announce to tbe traveling public that tbey hare put a tri weekly hark nn tn roe nom lloaitaaie, via. Uiuteia, to tilen Hope, running regular rry Tuaaday, Thn- Uy and tSatuntay. Lvavicg Houtnlale on Ihe ar rival of the uic.ru ing train, and arriving at ()ln Hop at A. M.) irturniag, leave Glen Hope at I P. M ; returning to Mrtdcra tba same veaing. l'eraont wiahing to travel un any in termedial day a ill be accommodated by drop in f a lino te tha pniprietora at Madera, Partioa wishing to trarel into the cowqtry, If they let aa know what train Uiey arc coming on, w will meet them nt the atatioa, and run Ibent on any road they wiah to travel, eay day aieept tb three n-gular daya thai w null be nn the UK-n Hope road with lb mail. Our wiah It to ae ootnuiodatc, and wa ak tbe palronaite of tbe traveling publio. BllOFF UU01HEH8. O W. tnrr, ftupt. Madera, Aug. 4, 3a. .RMKK3, ATTENTION! The foil.) wing letter from Matthew Read to parlies in Baltimore, speaks for iteelf : Ci.nAnrinro, P Aug. 9th, 1874. Meeirs. J. II. Lnn A Ban., Ilaliinn.re, Md. I took on or your Clwmpion Heir hake M. claims this srsren, on trial, ot yoar agents hero, P. M. Cordon A Brc, but before the tune cam for trial tb scent of th Table k.k Ht.,.kfl.. requested me to (ale one or bis marjiinco to try, at lb earn time, and keep tb one which dll tb nan worn ana Bulled me heat, which I agreed to do. Aeconiingiy when tbe time ratne for mowing both machine were tried, and tbe Champion did much the beat work and with Ibegrfaleel ete ; and when the time came for cutting groin the su periority ol tb Champion waa so gret, both in tha manner in which tbe work waa dune and in th 'ightneia of drew tit, that I eoul.l nal h.H.i. a m.oient about making choke. I have to eay for tb Champion Mavhiuethat as a mower it hna to my tnow.edge no equaJ, and lo reaping beata th 1 ai l Hake Buckeye clear out of ttte Sell, and I ci eerfally recommend it to any aad all fr- mr wo. wanta first elaM machine. , MATTHKW READ. lh ruling mg per.ne wera preaont to witneaa the trial, ana deouUd ia favor ol tho Champion. D. M. DnVunn, - . . - 1. M. IntiN, . . Fhakk Kkkd. Clearfield, AoaW Ii, 1 A7.r.-tr lS7.Ti. FAII. 1H7S. Btilit Ot TUB Did I'lTCIIEIl, 41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel, rrrrantjiiuii, pa. T. F. BAILEY &. CO., IMPOHTRHS AND JODIII R- IN Wiiulow GIars, Gliisswarc, l-amp Burnori, CIiimnrft, Clmu(ltjlier nnd Brackets, DRI'GGISTS' GLASSWARE. TO THK FALL TRAOIw WR at now prepared lo offer to the Trade peelel IN IMI CRM KMH IN IMPllRT KD Ql KKNHWAUK, in Crates or Heat Whit (Iran lie and White tlranil and Common Assort ed, to Hit lb Trad. Also, to repack to suit purchaser, whlrh weeffer VKI'.V LOW TO CA8H AAU PROMPT HHORT TlMK CUSTOMKHti. Vo ar r-ropired tn Uke ordcWfbf AMURfi CAN WHITK tlHAMITK, COMMtiN YKI.LQW and.ROCKINUHAr W ARK. at Unalactnrorl' Uiiu Uiscooau, nufll in ' ! ttuounrrmrnfs. IVimarj Eloction, Saturday, Sept, 18. j Amkm Ns rurar Vv.t The fe fur ana-unoiog TBBilidalaa will I.. f,,r 8etilor, $li f Traaarr, l ; Cuiiiiinaiair, tb ; Auditor aod Coroner, $.1 ; m h '( tit flbirtf naluda th printing uf IJ.OvQ ! tlfknts, uud mmt( te y4td tn udmVHct. fTATK SENATOR. M ara authoritej to aooouao tba nan of OKoltuK AI. UlUhbitV, of 0ilaf aa a candi date f.ir Sial tSmtior, rabjaot to tht rula gov. orning th )tooerati part. We sr authorlied ta aonoooe th Bam of On f J. BUVLH, f ClarfiM, Maaandidata lur bui bUftiur, aobjaat to tb rule governing (hi Deiuourallo parly. CUUNTV TltKASUKKK. W re Huth'iritid to anncnuo th nam of J 11 l.A K K W A I.TK Itrt, uf i iaarleld, aa a oai.d.Uia If.rtVunly TreiiaurtJT.auhjocl tothtirulei governing th Ifcun-crutio purty. W art nothoilif to announea tha na.m nf .msKril IMKH, f lirady li.abip, aa a fin didniB lor 'Jnunly Traaurr, inhject to tli rulea utuinitig th r'einoratto parly. Wa are nthrln-1 to atinoanea th nam of I'll 1 1,1 P )(il i S,4i lleecaria townahip, aa oan di'Ut ft-r County Tnaaurer, aubjeot to tb rulai governing the ilrutocrali party, W are aothoriii-d lo an n no nee lb nam of 8 AM I Ufa 1'. Mil A W, of Clearlield. aa a eendidat lor County Treaaurer, aul.jeol to tbe ruleagorern. ing the Democratic partv, Wo aro au! ho rin d to announo th nam of WILLIAM J. HtKf KK.of Karthaui townahip, aa a eandi.'al for 0Qntv Treaaorer, lubject to tbe rula governing the Dtniocrli party. W are aoibrfied to announo tb name af .WILLIAM Yf. Wojll.KLL, CUarfleld, ai 'cHDili'late fur Connty Trwaturar, aubjeot to tb ! rul gtrvoruikg th lfrmoeratio party. W are authnrlied to anntntooe th cam of l.KVI III LI.KR, or Graham lownabip. aa a ein dtiiate fr Oukty Treaiarer, aubjeot to the rule govrniiig the T)inoeratie party. COUNTY COMMISHIONER. W are aothoritrd to announo tb nam of flENKY A till. MM, of Korffi townahip, aa a oa.elalaate-He Oa.ejaaj.ay (lawM.,;,... auLj tO - tba role governing th Democtatie party. We ere authorlti-d to announo tba nam of CON KALl W. KVLKH. of Uraham townahip. aia candiuai for Cuuaty Cotnoiiitinnar, auhject to th tui.-e governing tbe Democrat io party. We ar euihoriied to nnbfinne the nam of F. . (Ol 1KHKT, 1 kanli.ua townahip, aa a rundidntn for Count r Comtnitfiooer, anhjevt lo ihe rulea governing the Demorraiie party. We ar authorited to announe the nam of ri.AKK llHOWNrnf Uerme tnwoaliip, t a onndiditte f.-r CYunty CummiHioner, aubjeot te (lie ruba governing the Democratic party. We are atitliorlmd to announee tba nau ol WU.S N JtMOVLK, f Bopg- townahip, M a rittuJiilate for County Coutniraioner, eultjeet V tht: ruin governing the Deinocrenr purty. We ire anthoriied to aitriwa-oe the nam of NM.ItKKT TZr-K, ef Cfaeet townahip, ee a eND-iidate U County Com mi an, on nr, aubjevt to lha rul'i g'ivinlng th Dtmio:r.nic ,trty. W ait aiilhtiriffd to aLnoitti'-v th name of SAMLKL lIKSDKHSON.of Wi.j ,(lW. ahip, an a r.AiiiJa(e tor County 4'm.i.i"i"n'-r, ai.l.jvt t ihft lolv gornrniiig tbe Deoiocratia party. We aro authorised to annuuoo the mrnie of JtlUaN UIP, of L'linWrtiiy, a candidate for Connty 'omwiftl-fner, auljeet Ot th rulea gur wning lb Demirrmtie purl v. W are author tied to announce the mam ff JAMIC8 MILKS, ..f Brady lownabip. aa a eandi dnto fur County Com nmviener, eulijeoi to tbe ratw gVc-Ttvoiug ib Dewweratic pany. W are an thirl aod to announce tb name nf 1U UII Ml LLKN.uf liki townnhip, aaaemdi Lt tor luuuty t'ommiaaiober, aujct to ibe lulei g'nerning tb Uvniocratic narly. We are authorised to announee th nam of TIIOMAl A. MeiiKK, ol Ik II toworhip, oa a can didate for County t'ommitaioner, aut.ject to the ruK governing lb DewocraLie party. Wo are anthorUed to annnuoee the name to lUrliCIW LAXSIIIillV, of liradford townahip, a a cnmlirlate lor County Commixaioner, oljeet uf the ruiea governing tbe Demurrant party. COl NTY A I'D I TOR. We are aulhuriaod to announce the name of C. J. KI.AuV, id lteoraria lowuabip, aa a ran tinted fr Count, v Auditor, fubjeut to the rule glfVi ruing Ibe Democrat i party. We are anth'-rifd t nn tin once the nw of (vAM.'M. A. CALDWKLL. of nradford loan hip. aa acandiJal for County Auditor, auhjwt te ttte rule gorerniug ibe Dototcratie purtv. COL'UT rnOCLAMATIOX Wbkrka. Hon. C. A. MAYER. I'reaidrnt Judif of iht Court of Common Ytet ( Ihe twen-ty-ntrn tttrtat mmipt, nompin a ox intcoTta. tie of ClenrftHd, Centre and Clintun, and Hon. WM. C. r Ol. KV and Hen. JOHN J. HKAD. At aActat Judge of Clearfield e.nntr, bare itaued their precept, to me directed, for tbe bidding nf an Anjournoa uimri oi t otntnun rtej, et tna Court Houee, at Clearfield, in and for the caan ty of Clearfield, eommenciog on the TIIIKH MONDAY, THK STI1 DAY Of PKI'TEMUKK, h7&, and rontniainff one week. NOTICE ia therelere hereby given tn juror ant) wltneaeef. In and for laid eouuly ot Clear bfld to be and appear in their proper pereone, at 10 n'elork A. M. of aaid day, to do tboao thing which ii their behalf pertain to be done. UIVKNandflrmybandatClearficld.thia lit day of September, in the year of oar Lord on ikon- annd ei'fht bundraH and ventT-nv. W. K.Ucl'HEUSON.fberll T TOWNSHIP SETTLEMENT- JOHN FLTNlt. Rioa.fonot-r Di-trict Traaa- urer ol 1'esn tuwastiip, tn e.wnnt wilh th road fnnda of said township for Uife : road ruxt-i. I'R. To anit reeeixod from Ow. Treaauror :m vn. By amoont of order raid Hit 4t lirtrictTr)iurcrsvercontage II M " p. i.U't order i I" " Bal. due from Flynn t . K. RArmii ri , Uiitilet Trcaonrcr. in v- eount with rDn Soi.i,l Dtdrict for lHT-t : pcnooi. rrint. on. To amount of Duplicate 1,no 11 M from ei Trees. Hyon ,1" O " " " W.F.Juhnann 2f M H Co. Treaa. Wito. 1! M " of appropriation 1W I " Pines from Fielding ti M " atnouat paid hy Collector Flvna 33.1 i Caik .'. I -I By amount of orler reJecinrd ! ,-t UDroneriBU o - H " onhrtnd.e.a. ISi U IKUTiriCATR. Wo, the tindrrxigned Auditors ol Pen n too ahip, having met aocording to law, did 'Wtd to adjurt the ottovc aroouata, and a(tereianiniig ihc vonrhera, find the balance due tbe road foat from Mr. Plvnn, fonocr Uirtriet Trra'. 1,1 forty -nine dollnrannd aeventr-fire centi lit'.'-'1 nnd tbe balance due tbe school fond fim Jl'. Haffetty amunta to one bindred ami eighiy-l' dollars and aerenty-eight cent a (firtj. 7 -;. the unoolleetcd a bxil tax amounts to en haa dred and Afly-hine dollars and twent) -two In testimony whereof we have hereunla urt our hauda thia anth day of Aa.guat, A. U l JOHN PKNlit, ) ABRAHAM MVRTKU, Auditen. R. M. I1O0VLK, ) Orampian lllih, ropU 1, St. KEEP IT HANDY. The Hcllable 1amlly Modlrltie. DTARltllKA. T-TaentcrT, Cholera, Pomnar Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cures' I Ibe un of JARDKUA'S Compound Hyrnp of Blaeliberry Root ami Bba barb An oid. well tried remedy, ontirolv table, pleasant tn take, ttiloh and certain in etlr ti can h dpendod on In th mot urgent ttfH msv ho given to th youngest infant ai well a adulta. In contains XQ CAMPHOR OR OPICM. It Is a plen.ant extract and readily tara by rhildien. Il h:ia . ften aired life When hTifai had dt upaired. Keep It In the honw a'l 11 in llm. All we ask for II la n tiUI. '' w jour lea1r pnt n-u off with Mmi-thinge!". n-T it. Try il. hold by Drugget and M"Te hr era Ihrnnghmtt this Slate. Prepared "tU lf IIAN.KLI. A HKO.,"0 MafkM M.. Phila July U, T'. 8m. JOlt IJKNT. A house nnd M on Pniirtbstreel.cn "7 terms. Alan a building nn UlarHet attrrt.'1 hior to the Allegheny lloaae, fi-rmrrly irer" y r. rnon as a snoe snop, cut t.Hti"" other bunneaa In a atnnll way. Apply b -" prrwjirp. P. K. All parties ind.-hled lni l r" call anil ami lv rah or nie. with Pl'r,,7 .1 '.l ( a L... amll WtSt- wruniT, tnia miiniii, i a "" ' . couHts settled on hy Augviit. I bar the t. L L,..mMl .nenti ! In oelino will aavo Imubl and costs. F- iHt'HT. t irarnrH, Jn.y 14, - US WASTKn. aa.. . .... . . ..-.ihleaift IDI re noli IrirCrlilrt Dl l ris'r v r rmtLlov fourteen tomi.ctnt wnr numing term. AM appiireiinna - J( ,.".' ... .,' a ka im WnUt aaoia AniIl.li,i.a reeeired until 8l' at which t.methe eehools will be W, W go,.. nyt.rd.rolth.Bn.,, Troutvill., 8cp. I, '75 -.11. Tiitaeirctn .a. '.latxTaill l.V rs- O w i in, r.w oa ,u k strlnia..! e Urre avlnbef ef " rr i iiii.u, nno win on tn rr ty oont. mall mpj to anv addrsa s