Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 08, 1875, Image 2

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    Gkoroi B. Goom.andir, Editor.
Readnr, If jou wil Is know what ii folnf CD
la the bu.ln... world, Juit rmd our adv.rliilnf
flalunini, tit. Spieiat oohimo In ntrlieuUr.
To Oua I'atbons. It will bo ob
Herved that we have nMociatod with us
In tlio pnblirntlon of tliiii journal, Mr.
Noel li. l.oo, a young man of Ligh
cliaractor, and of liidiiHtriou babita,
a workinun of fourtoon year' expo
rionco. Our old patrons and friends
can rely upon bis doing Just what is
right and proper In tho mechanical de
partment of this paper. , II tho odito-
rial column are not properly managed
to auit the tastoa of onr readers, please
crodit that to our account, as 1n tho
TueNext Election. Wecommeud
tlio tollowing to tho attention of voers :
The now Constitution forbids all per
sons from voting unless tboy have been
assosscd at least two months and paid
thai inno i lt.t on month lwfnrA
the date ot tho election. No one ot
foreign birth can vote unless, in addi
tion to the above, he has been natural
ized a month previous to tho election.
Tho dato of holding tho next election
is Tuoeday, Nov. 2d.
Thursday, September 2d, it the last
day on which votors can bo assessed.
'Friday, October 1st, is tho last day
on which taxes can be paid.
. Friday, October 1st, is the last day
for taking out naturalisation pnpors.
Kach of tlieso important duties can
ba performed at any timo before tho
days mentioned. Lot our friends see
to it that tho matter is attendod to be
fore it is too late. '
Cleaned Oct. New Jersey has
but ono Republican Stuto officer. Ho
is State Treasurer, and is now in jail
for appropriating 5fl,0flO of tho State
funds to his own uho.
Look out fob SiHaixs. Tho elec
tion in Maino comes oh on Monday,
September 13th. . If it thunders down
that way like it has in California, the
Long Branch Government may do
itself noma private injury. " .
Get Natubalizkd. Those persons
seeking to be naturaliied in order to
voto at tho approaching general elec
tion, should not put it oft longer than
Septomber Court. Bear in mind that
thoso naturalized after tho first day of
October cannot voto in Novomber.
Grant rfnd brother-in-law Casey wore
bumming in Now York for throo days
last week, in charge of Tom Murphy.
"llousu, ".Navy l ard, and a largo num
ber of saloons, and then roturned to
Iiong Branch for rest.
Strang E. The Radical newspaper
men have not yet heard that there was
nn election in California last week.
Howstnpid theso "government" sports
are becoming, any how. If they keep
on a little while longor they will bo
come literal "Know Nothings." '
, For Senator. The Domocrata of
Clinton county havo instructed for 8.
H. Pealo, Esq., of Lock Ilnvon, for
Senator to fill the unexpired torm of
Senator allaoo. Centre is for Mock,
and Clearfield . for Well, we'll see
about the 18th. After which the Sen
ntorial Contorcnco will settle the tli
pnto. Senatorial Conference. We liuvo
been requested to state that the Dele
gates ot this Senatorial District, com
posed of tho counties of Clearfield,
Contra and Clinton, will meet at Hello-
I'onte, on Thursday tho 23d day of
heptcuiber, lor tho purpose of nomina
ting a Senator to fill out the unexpired
term of Senator Wallace.
A Bxex'IIrr Cihcus. -it looks now
as though tho great preacher intended
to rival Bnrnum In tho show line; The
parson, during Jus stay at tho White
Mountains, constructed a big tent and
has been performing to thousands for
several weeks past. It would bo a joko
it those two great humbugs would
unito thoir business and start up a
great moral show. What bouses they
would draw I
The Complainehs. "Tho depressed
industrial interests" of tho country
just now enlist tho talents of tho edi
tors of our Radical exchangos. Well,
who deprossos thoso interest t W hat
party has been ruling tho country for
the past fifteen years f I'hysician heal
thysolf, or quit growling, and hand
tho job over to somebody clso, who
can and knows bow carry on business
profiUblo alike to all sections.
The Ticket. To-day our party
friends are in council at Erio. Who
will be nominntod we, of course,
cannot tell at this distance But our
tiekot Is Bigler for Governor, and for
Stato Treasurer Gen. W. W. 11. Davis,
of Bucks conntyr If these two gen
tlemen suit a mnjority of the two hun
dred and fifty delegato now in session
on the Lako Shore, we will bo highly
pleased. But if Roma other gentlemen
are chosen for the positions we will not
make any fuss about it.
The result of tho California election
ba npwt the third termers. Two of
(irnnt's ablest lody guards, Senator
Sargent and Georgo C, Gorham, Sec
retary ot the United Rttm Sonate,
wore devising a plan fiir a aoat in
that body. But the people havo drown
ed tho whole crew. The Democrat
had ono of the four members of tho
last Congress ; now they liar elected
three, sure, and havo ran the fourth
mighty close. They have also elected
tho Governor, and tho whole State
ticket, and a majority of both branch
es of the Legislature, thus securing a
United States Senator,.. If this kind
of Toting continue for another year
the itatlieal will be completely wiiod
mt, , What a pity I
rim cotton frauds.
A Washington correspondent of tho
Savannah, Georgia, News has "gone
through" the Attorney General's of-
flco lor the purpose of Inking a look
at the "cotton claims," and to see who
stole tho most after the war cloml. Ben
Butlor't brother seems to bo ahead,and
tho next on tho list Is Gen. llurlburt,
who resides at ltclvidoro, Illinois, and
lives in a 800,000 mansion and owns
a magnificent farm, all based on cot
ton. , When llurlburt entorod tbe
army lo was so poor that he was com
pelled to borrow money to pay bis
personal oxienses; yet he cumo out
of the war worth a hundred thousand
dollars, on a Brigadier General's sala
ry- Two-thirds of the cotton stolon
was taken in 18C5, and most of It bo-
longs to "imion nion," who are now
compelled to employ tho relatives ot
thoso who stole it to press their oiainiB
against tho government Ton years
have passed since the cotton was car
ried oft", and still tho owners have not
got their pay. In tho aggregate theso
cotton claims amount to over Jive mii
lions o dollars, and yet less than two
hundred thousand dollars ha been
paid to the ownors, whilo thoxGonor-
als and thoir friends havo reveled in
wealth for ten years past using thoir
best effort to client tho cluimants out
of thoir just duos, or saddlo it upon
tho government What a glorious
harvest a war is for bummers crea
tures who can only rise into notice by
a hurrah, and tome to tho front be
cause of thoir evil deeds.
Impeachment Like. Tho charges
of corruption made and proven, by
leading Radicals against Secretary De
lano, and bis son John, are of suflieient
impoi tiuico to work up au impeach
ment case when Congress meets in
December next. Wo notice that 1). J.
McCann,an exceoding smart gentleman
who did business in I'hilipsburg and
Glen Hopo about 18G0-C1, is a member
of tho Indian Ring, and made $14,000
off tho government for transporting
;oods 1,'I2 miles when tho distunco was
less than 90 miles. And the charge is
that tho Secretary of the Interior, Mr.
Delano, knew lite fads personally. Moro:
The railroad was compelled to carry
theso goods free of chargo from Omo
ha to Cheyenne, and tho contract was
not given to tho lowest bidder. Read
er, thcro is richness ahead. Just wait
until a Democratic Congress moots at
Washington in December to look over
matters a little, which have been cov
ered over with corruption tor fifteen
year. 1 he political goose will hang
much higher after that than ever be
fore, and it will not look so lovely.
Bosh. "The Government detectives"
made another largo haul In tho coun
terfeit lino, arresting a number ol
"shovors" and dealers at St. Louis lost
woek. This detective bosh occurs ovory
month, but the business still goes on,
and tho counterfeiters invariably cs-
capo tho Penitentiary. If all tho
counterfeiters who havo been arrested
within the past fivo years had boon
locked up, tho detective business would
havo been "played out" But as it is,
"tho Government" sneak arrests, then
is bribod, and tho Bbovor or manufac
turer is allowed to go frco by tho au
thorities, in order to convict somo other
rogue, rtonco iniwn snenks urn con.
stantly arresting in front and discharg
ing in tho rear, so that all go "scott
free" and tho occupation of the detect
ive sneak rendered profitable, bo-
causo of tho pay ho receives from tho
government and tho bribos he receives
from his confederate in crime. Such
aro somo of tho dodges of modern
Radical civilization Tho counterfeit
and dotoctivo ring is a half-brothor to
Delano's Indian ring all drawing thoir
pay out of Undo Snm In tho guise ol
No You Don't. If any body wants
to learn tbe result of the Into election
in California from n Radical sourco,
the reader may find it in those journals,
in tho fourth or fifth column, in very
small typo tho whole Democratic
tickot probably clectod, as well as
three if not all of tho four Congress
men, What a great wavo this "tidal
wave" is, any how. It look now as
though tho great modern "Union
savers" would bo swept out of cxist
onco by the outraged pooplo, even bo
foro tho Centennial come in. How
happy tho American pooplo will bo
when they get rid of this potato bug
party which has devoured everything
from Maine to California.
, Si.iiihtly Superceded. Tho Rudi-
col Chairman, Uoyt, lias boon partly
ignored by the Stato Committco,whieh
hns appointed Russell Errett (tho man
with the four sets of double letters) as
chief organir.or. Hoyt mado such
miserablo blunders in his campaign
oponings at Erio and Bellcfonto, that
the veterans demanded tho restoration
of Errett Boys, it's no uso j tho "tidal
wave" Will overwhelm, Hoyt, Errott,
party and all. The tide cannot bo held
back, but like tho dolugo. It will spread
over the whole land, and tho party
will bo loft without ark or bark to float
A Substantial Donation. An ex
change says, that Mr. Oliver Ames
ba built a fino stone church as a gift
to tho congregation in North Ames,
Mass. Tho church has a memorial
window to the late Oakcs Ames. Woll,
to complete the job, the building
should bo mounted with a Credit Mo
bilor spiro, and ex-President Colfax
and ex-Congrcssmaii ScoGeld, and
other "christian statosmon" should be
employed to lec ture tho rising genera
tion excry Sunday, and Beechershould
be allowed to handlo the adults in
Brooklyn stylo.
That Openino. Tho Erio Gazette,
the Radical organ of that county, in
sist that thoso distinguished United
States jurors wore not summoned to
attend the Ilartranft meeting, but that
"tho Republican of this City took ad
vantage of tho presonc of these dis
tinguished genllemon nn public business
to got up a meeting and invito them to
speak." What an outrage it was for
those Erie Itads to inveigle Hoyt, Scott
Co., info a lovo feast of that kind,
Well, let them return tho money to
the conscience fund, and we'll say no
more about it,
After the Brooklyn scandal trial
wus over, Beecher's weeping ultorney,
Shearman, sailed for Europe jiir (he
purpose of dclcudiiig Ills client 'over
there. In his speeches he inform bis
hcurors that "omutional kissing" and
tho "ragged-odge" business lire com
mon affairs between tho pustoin and
thoir congregations in this country.
The Philadelphia Timet In alluding to
this notorious hypocrite und legal
enpegraco, suys :
"Mr. Shearman, tholachrymnl broth,
cr of Plymouth Church, who refused
to tuko a toe for tho services ho run-
dered Mr. Jleecher durinir tho recent
trial, bus provoked a storm about bis
ear which will plunge him into a aea
ol irouoiu on uis return tnim aliroud
by bis speech in London. In that re
markable utterance the irood brother
declared that tho attentions Mr. Beucb
or admittedly puid to Mrs.Tilton woro
common between all clergymen and
moir lemalo parishioners in America
that tho plaintiff counsel acknowl
edged that his cuho was a huuo eon
spirucy, and Unit if one member of the
jury liad not been n friend ot Moulton's
the verdict would havo been u unani
mous aeqiiittul. Mr. Shcurmau is now
accused of slandering nil theso parties,
and is abused by the newspapers both
irieiKiiy aim uumuimiy to the pastor
us tho defendant, claimant und mutual
friend novel- were, and his character us
a christian and standing as a lawyer
uro both in a fuir way of being de
stroyed. If they are, neither tho
church nor society will bo a heavy
loser. Of all tho people tlio scandal
photographed in tbe light of Brooklyn's
ehromo-civilizntion, Mr. Shcnrmuu was
ono of tho ugliest and most disugreea
ble. The favorite and luilhf'ul attorney
of James Fisk, jr., ho nevertheless rec
onciled his performance of tlio unclean
tusks of that master with bis service
as clerk ot a christiun congregation.
During the trial he wus atone moment
insolent anil brutal, and tho next in
tears and apparently engaged in prayor.
If the scandal is to bo buried, it will
bo a good thing to inter Mr. Shearman
with it."
Tho Philadelphia Times blurs tho
New York Sun and hits the World this
way: .
"If tho Now York Bun will recall
just ono line, of ono word, that ever
appeared in the 7im,,makinga"tech-
nieal dolenso lor Hob Mnckoy," or any
other kind of a defense for his corrupt
management ot tlio Treasury, it can
then go on with its show with some
plausibility. Until then, wo submit
that it would be well for onr sparkling
JNow i orK contemporary to try Its free
lance insoinuothcrdireetion. It doesn't
take much truth to go a great ways In
a Now York newspaper oitentimes, but
at least a shadow of it should be preserv
ed in tho iS'in. Between Mr. Maekey'B
debauched Treasury system and a news
paper surrendered to (leliaiichcrl im
agination, the difference is scni-cly per-j
ceptiblo to ono up a tree in these parts. !
o one expects anything better IVom
tho If rW. it is the vehicle of a fugi
tive thief, who hisses back his impotent
hatred of everything that is honest;
but tho Sun is presumed to havo n bet
ter destiny than to ttiko tho World's
falsehoods fecund handed anil give them
what tho HWii can't givo them cir
Hud we tho power to control tho
Democratic Convention at Erio to-day,
wo would give tho New York World,
a black eye. Tho conduct of that jour
nal toward tho Ohio Democracy, and
its personal crusndo against prominent
members of the Democratio party in
this Stato, is an outrage, and forbear
ance ceases to he a virtue. Givo us an
ripen i'o, in religion, bvajnaM, ltiw
and in social life, but damn tho hypo
crite or fawning sycophant
Tho Radical campaign ha been
opened for tho third timo this season.
First at Erio, under provisions of tho
United States Treasury, then at Doll.
fonte two weeks ago, and now lastly
in Philadelphia:- Tho Times, of that
city, noticed the advent of tho Radical
chairman in this way on the 3d.
"Colonel llovt arrived in tho citv
yostorduy to tako tlio head of tbo Re
publican column for tho approaching
conflict. California didn't particularly
encourage him as bo entered the Hold,
but ho lias two months for breathing
and getting his Pilgrim lines in battle
array. Arkansas will probably throw
another slight shadow over his banner
on the lith, and on tho Pith Maino will
como in with her Republican feathers
dropping BOinewhat from tho storm of
faction and general cussednoss that pro
vails protty much everywhere. Then
Ohio will disentangle her political eel
pilo on tbo socond Tuesday of October,
and givo somebody a brain clout thai
will carry its staggers Into Jnovemhor.
If Colonel Jlnyt can get his disjointed
army through tho Buckoyo breakers,
lie will havo tho vantage ground and
may have laurel for his crown ; but if:
tho "reaction" that has been dreamed
of in tho Republican household doesn't
get its work in so as to defeat Allen, I
Colonel Hoyt will save time, cash and
reputation by closing his groeoiy and I
hastening to his adored and adoring
mountains. Like the young bear, bis
troubles are principally ahead, and we
affectionately tender him the sympathy
of tho Times in advance
"Colored" Buncomiik. A Conven
tion of negroes assembled at Carlisle, in
this State, two weeksa go for the pur
pose of ameliorating the condition of that
race and among the resolutions passed,
adopted tho following :
"Resolved, That relying on the'form-
or true and tried friendship of ltv.
Audlcy Browno, tho Prohibition party's
candidate for liovornor, and of Mr.
Penncpacker, It candidate for Slate
Treasurer, wo most respectfully but
earnestly request them to resign their
candidacy, and not allow themselves to
be used as Instruments to elevate to
Eowcr tho slavory-loving and rebellious
loinoeracy, and thus roopen tho vexed
questions which have been settled by
the war."
This fixes tbo "color lines" rather
emphatically. Hut if tbo friends of tbo
negro races can bolter their condition
by uch invidious distinctions, we will
bo compelled to learn the freaks of hu
manity over again. Will somo school
master or literary expert, inform us,
wlioro tho word "colored" comes from
and what it means? Doos Webster
know any thing about this now coined
Radical Strateot. Tho leaders of
the Grant party are pretty good jock
eys, and tbo result of recent elections
put them to their wits. The last trick
is this : Old Orchard is a famous ramp
meeting ground owBy down In Maine.
This sacred spot was hired for Radical
purposes last week, and the whole
party in Maine and clsewhore invited
to' attend. Morton, tho Indiana
debauchee, and several Credit Moblller
patriot wore imported to do the
preaching. How befitting tho time,
jdaco and speakers.
Gcorgu 11. aiiuilh,. socond president
of tbo Church of Jesus Christ of the
Latter Day Saints, died vestordav in
Halt Lako,
To the Jh-marmtie EM,- of ((inilield
'"'""'f ' i now oil exhibition III Dinwiddio cuii
t In "bedlenoo lo the rules govornin-,'! t.v, Virginia,
tho Democratic party of t'learlleld rn v. , . .
I'liMitiohH fur doli'utoi lo iviiu(icnt lliu
ditl'etvul dimrJctri tit itiu CuiHity Cun
vcnlioii, will bo held nt ihu iihiiuI plncu
ot holding UioLioiiL'n.i oluctioii lor ouch
tifwimhii- und hoiuuh, mi Hatuiu.ay,
tho iHth dnv nt Hiiptciiilwr, 1875, bo-
ginning ut 1 oVIuck und cuntinuing
until 7 o'clutk, p. m., of mi id day.
Tho ulwtiiiiiN will ho lu-ld by Iho
following election honrdHln tho rospoo-
tivo (liMti ktu, viz ;
li urn 1 1 ilc bor. Jioi Wot.ot, Mat Irln. A.
rivftrfltilil A.O. Tuleriiui, Duui-lnifty, lUrrj
Krt.- -
Curwfnivllle Jm. Tbumj.'un, Jm. M. Stuart,
EJi'ttft Ardfrjf.
liuuUll Hnbrt Hntlir, K. C. How, Jnuit
tuiubnr ClLjrJ.D. Uujr, Jolui A. MoDUItl,
N. Washington A. P. Dennett, Vm. M.ihmTof.
ChrWt. Kmtukor.
0'oeoltv T. li, Blaml, Wld. II San fur J, K. D.
WalUertoB liaae Sliltnmci, John Woitbrouk,
S. H. Turner.
Ueuoaria lwp-C. J. K9a$y, B. W. Uwd, liivli
lirll Henry Ilreth, Uojfrer Wober, Joari.ta L.
ClDIlltol. 1
HIooqi Wm, LlnM, Frank MrllrlJu, fiflortfe
J. tt, KyUir, Nathan Hoover, J.b
Uradturd L. U. (lilt, M. 0. W'ilmn, Mark
Uriirly Char let tMiffoin, Jenjf Mutm, K. U.
liurnl4e Uaniel Uorinan, John I.w, Miatiael
Client Lawrence KtMlan, Joii-ph II. Drcth,Jr.a.
CiiYliijjtoo L. M. CouJrtet, Jalui 1'kard,
Cbarlit Uartlto.
Decatur J. H. llurkut, Riohard H nuliua, AUam
VrauainwilMiY Htrftw, Willing ffi. J. T.
Uirard Duil Krie, . Jury, Kranci' Hugar.
Mot-hen - Tat in i mo Koail, M. II. Htiaw, 11. A.
Mum ion.
0 rm lm tit Am UuMtr, W. W. Uuovar.Wm. II.
Uronnwond KUb Johnitun, Aurun Ni-wctiuitr,
Uniory li-M.
Uulivh Juhu H. Mt Keirnnu, V. H. fltanlrv,
Julin Stril)oiiv.
HiiHtun .Ii.tin lUrkft, K. C. Bowman, V. Vox.
Jortlnii Uubwt W . JohiWoD, Hnrotii'l T. (Straw,
Inao V. Uluuin.
Kartbnui Unao C. Mcl'luekry, C. M. llortlein,
Holla tul Ki-nni'iiy.
Kooi I). Krliard, II. J. Hlopy, (1. I. Hitfli.
Lawrenoa Joictih Owtna, J. It. 0iKn, Jononh
II. Uowli, 1
Morria Jamei t. Plcwart, Admn Mwycr, Jr.,
Jack ion lliHivtr.
I'tnu-Win. F. J-.hnilon.llri.r Uell, Jno. ltnH.
fikc II. B. t'al.lwtll, Muaca Wiw, KmbarU
r rrriuno.
I'diuo Simon 1). Wcllr, J'tbii gbmar, i. II.
Ortrk. .t
WutNlward Tbouiai lleudfiraon, Utrgt Wood
en, I'rtcr Huffncr.
who nt the last general election voted
the Democratic ticket, is entitled to a
vote by virtue ot the rules. Jt is nee -
esaary .under these rules, that tho voter
must reside in tho district where he
oilers to voto.
All thoso who havohorctoi;re acted
with the Democratic party und desire
iu art nuu saiu puny in support oi Hie longs, wnicli lie iresnntud lo tho (.ov
ticket lo be settled by the delegate ' ernor.
elections, are authorized lo-Voto und . . n .,
a.-i-ii.vitcdtoparticipute..,theeleelio,,s.L17I"'i' I,;.nwn .?
The manner of Voting is regulated i h" J""l? 1,an f "0tl""" b"
bv Holes 7 and 8, and this Cunnnittee I ,me. '".f"""' lllu lecu rrence of
will furnish to each district the ,,w-es- h" r,ll,',ml-v w'f ,"f,
........ i i. . i I-...I i .- , " Siiler. Sinco Mnr two vessels Imve
sary lilanks lor tho election and return. . .i. , r -i . . .,, ,
fhc County Convention will aeu,. T V r J'
bio in the Court House, in Clear.ield, j ?n " "!. '"K"' nl"' -''' tho
on Ti ksimv, tlio 21st day of Scnlem l. " iM'nrJ io "jrdiir. wM
her, 1875, at 1 o-hk,rl proceed T1 " " "f ,ho ww, r"lk"
On. .run MndiUt for Ktftlo R-nitor.
On. p.ron t lor Citutit; Trcaaun r.
Two p.roni u nnclnLtr. fur C'. CuiiiiniM1(i(o,i.
Two tierioni s. Modidalo. for County AuJitun.
Out uorwo m MudidMe for CvuqIjt Curon.r.
- It is tlio earnest desire of this Com.
millco that tho Vigilance CommiUoes,
appointed to hold the Delegato Kloction,
be early at tho polls, ami prompt in
the discUargo of their duties. See to
it, Fellow Democrat, that tho full vole
of your districts is polled. Jjet thero
be a five and full expression of tho
party nt this election, to tho cud that
me uesi men mav tc snliytiyl tn till ihr.
various olhces. ever before in the
history of tho parly have better men
boon prcsontod for your support. Wo
aro approaching an important State
election. Let harmony and good will
prevail, and victory will perch upon
our banner.
W. M. AloC't'l.l.oimii,
dim. Hem. Co. Com.
Conscience Monet. The Hocretary
of tho Treasury, Mr ISristow, received
from Xew York, on tho 2d, one hulf
of a five hundred dollar bill, thu other
half to bo forwarded on an acknowl
edgement through the press of the re
ceipt of tho first hull, tho whole to be
credited lo tho conscience fund on ac
count of incomo tax. Tho sender did
not trust the department, or ho would
havo forwarded the whole amount.
Ilo Is evidently as cautious ai be is
A TiooiiEiN Limiio. JosephusSooy,
Iho Radical Slate Treasurer of New
Jersey, attempted to dope last week
With !0,000 of the funds nf Unit State,
but was overhauled in Philadelphia by
an officer and conveyed back to Tren
ton and locked up in prison. Although
olectod Statu Treasurer three limes liy
his party, no one would go his security
so as to keep him out of prison. That
Josephus Is a burlesque on the other
Josephus wo read about.
ilow Is Tins 7 It delights the Itud
ical editor and the Radical stumper to
pilch Into tho Ohio platform und to
tell the pcoplo that money is cheap
and plenty in tho money centres of
tbo East. Hut it docs no good to the
people or Ohio to know that money is
plenty in Now York, und that it can
no borrowed at reasonable rates on
government bonds. The people of
Ohio and tho pcoplo elsewhere want
money in their owu locnlilics.not loc ked
up in New York nt least that is what
they say. If a man needs a chunk of
ico when too mercury is hugging one
hundred degree, doe It do bim any
good lo tell him that bo can get plenty
of ico in Alaska fiir nothing? If he
wants work docs it help him to say
that harvest bands aro in demand out
in Kansr.3 Missouri? Thero nro
two ways of looking through a tele
scopo; one end contracts and the oth
er expands. Thcro aro two ways of
looking nt this financial question, One
is from tho Wall street money chang
er's standpoint, and the oilier isn't
Venango Spectator.
Lancastor Intelligencer iny: "A num
ber nf property owners in the borough
of Mount Joy have been thrown into
an cxeitonicnt by tho nppearanco
among them ot ono William Camp
bell, formerly a resident of that place,
but now of California. Mr. Campbell,
who left Mount Joy twenty-nine years
ago, claims Unit his father owned a
very considerable tract of land in what
is now tho west ward of tho liornugh,
and dying and leaving no ono to at
tend to hisalfairs, tho parties who held
the land in lease disposed of it as their
own. Mr. Campbell says be has the
original dcods and melius to claim Hie
property, much of which has become
very valuable by being laid out into
lot and built upon.
AmiriiEH I. its. It is said that J. II.
Nienlay is writing a lilb ol Abriihiun
Lincoln, to whom lie was for some years
private secretary, nnd claims that he
will give moro extended nnd authentic
detail of tho Into President' life, than
have heretoloro been published.
John (I. Saxo is rise of the linns ut
Saratoga, and everybody wunts lo see
him. lio know "what they do nt the
A poi -trail of James Monroe, paint-
j rd lit Paris, when ho was in IhuL eitv
iwlo to preserve tlio game for sporting
A tobacco leaf measuring forty,
two inelies in length and twenty -six
inches in width was grown on John
Khriever's farm near l.itlz, Jancasler
The personal expenses of the mem
ber of tho linn of Duncan, Sherman
& Co. were at tho rule of $ 150,000 a
year villus, yachts, horses, clubs and
city palaces.
. A man hi I'hiladelnhia bus a no.
tal curd with over 4,700 words written
upon it, and ho expects to write 2,000
words more upon it making 0,700 In
all. It is to bo sunt lo the Centennial
Tho Commissioner of Schuylkill
county havo been convicted of the mis-
approiiriatinn of public funds in build
ing a uarn iiitachcd to the Alms house
at a cost of (23,059.37. when the charife
should not have been nioro than (lli,-
Tho marriage of tho Postmaster
(jenorul Btlaiighterto.Mr.Arlhiir Dodge
win no one ol me social events of early
lull in Washington. The wedding will
take place at (it. John's Church, and
will bo followed by the usual bridal
levee or reception at II r. Jewell's resi
dence Kx Senalor Ross, one of tbo Re
publican Senators who voted against Andi-tw Jolmeon, Is now
forcmoji ol apriftiiigoflioein Luwrenco,
Kansas. He has recently written an
account of tho iinncaelnnent trial, in
whic h he denies that he was bribed to
vote as lo did.
Hico is becoming n favorite crori
in some sections of the Soiilh. It cosls
(3fi.l0 to cnllivats and semi to market
nn acre of rico, yielding 1,200 pounds
of clour grain, w hich sells for eighty
four dollar. The profit is about (I7.ii0
per aero, and tlio crop is not a dillleult
one to grow.
An industrious statistician in the
.St. l.oiiis .(CyivtVi'nin has been counting
the Christian mimes in the "City Direc
tory," and give us some interesting
averages, lie says that in every hun
dred males there are 20 Johns, 10 Wil
liams, 10 James, S Thomases, C Pat
ricks, 5 Jliejiucls, 4 Charles. 4 Kdwards,
i 3 ''"W 3 Ju-h-jiIis ami 3 Henrys.
When Andrew Johnson was (iov-
1 ernor of Tennessee the Chief JiiHtie nf
j that State was an ox-blarksmith. Tbe
I (Jovortior. by way of n compliment,
I made with his own hands a vest for
tho Chief Justice, whilo the latter in
' return made a shovel nml a imir of
Tho crops of Crawford and Venan
go counties promise better than was
at first expected. Wheat is but an
nverago yield, but tho quality is good.
Hay and corn aro an average yield.
Oats thrifty and a heavy crop. Pota
toes better than for several year.
Krnits of all kinds will full far below
tho productions of other years.
It is too frequently the case fur
papers of a low order of intelligence to
ridicule the college graduate as a belp
Icssnnd useless individual. Air. Avery,
nf Ynle lirwv" 1 I'cm?UjjI nhl,i a
month ngo, and already be has secured
a position of trust at a salary of (3,000
a year. It is as pitcher of a profes
sional base ball dub.
A Lowell woman bought a revol
ver at a Btoro recently, and at her re
quest the clerk loaded it for her, but
with blank cartridges, seeing that she
was much excited. Next day her hus
band appeared at tho sumo store and
sold it, saying that sho bud tired at
bim, but on finding that he escaped un
harmed, repented her action und scut
the pistol Lack,.
Honor P. C. Armijo, the mutton
millionaire of Now .Mexico, sold over
200,000 Ihs. of wchjI last spring. With
bis lather and a biis-ncss partner ho
owns 2.000,0(10 head of flioc-p, scattered
over n range of country inoro than
!10l) miles square. He has had two
losses by Indian raids, ono of 2)5, 000
bead and the other of 15.000, "but," ho
says, ho "haitlly missed them.
The royal gardens of England, nour
Kroginoro, are thirty miles in extent,
and enclosed w ithin a wall twulvo feel
high. The glass-covered conservatories
lire 002 feet long, two peach bouses
lifty-six feet in length, and piU for forc
ing melons, asparagus, do., w hich tiro
heated by hot water. These gardens
are considered tho most complete in
the world, and aro surrounded by
1,800 acres of magnificent grounds
stocked with deer.
Messrs. Moody and Sankey will
bold their revival meetings in Wash
ington in tho latter part of October, a
date (o which wo decidedly object. It
is too early, nnlcss indeed it ho spread
over a pericd of several months. Con
gress does not meet until tho first Mon
day in December, and tho President
and Cabinet will not be warm in tho
capital until about tho middle of No
vember. There is one consolation, bow
over, in tho fact that if tbe revival
meetings are held in October, Delano,
Cowan and Smith, who have bo much
importanl business on baud that they
are rarely able to get away from their
.i,11 ''f )""'" to ,Mt1ll',c '"T
... .... ....,.,, pju.iUKi kiiunu.iug
grnco ol Sankoy s sena, -
The duel between Alexander Ham
ilton and Aaron Hurr took place nt
Wcehawken, Now Jersey, on tlio bank I
of tlio Hudson river, immediately bo
neath tho Palisades, at n spot somo
000 to SOU (cot north of tho northerly
lino ot the Delaware and Hudson ('anal
Company's dock. Tho branch road of
tho Krie I'uilwny Company hns oblit
erated all traco (hereof. Shortly nftor
(ho duel tho St. Andrew's Society of
tho city of New York erected a monu
ment lo (ho memory of Alexander
Hamilton ; but the visitors to the spot
sooii destroyed it in their eagerness to
obtain mementoes, Tbo tablet, with
inscription, was, however, saved, and is
in tho possession of the family owning
tho property on which tho duelling
ground was 'situated.
A decided success hns been achieved
at St. Petersburg In tho construction
of a high speed bout on an improvotl
plan, lior outer shell is made entirely
of Alunlx nielul, an alloy of grout dura
ability much used in Kuropo for sheath
ing wooden vessels, and for axle bear
ings and the like. In a trial with one
of tlio fastest boats, this new craft
proved victorious, accomplishing nine
teen miles per hour, tho engines mak
ing an average of nearly six hundred
revolutions per minute, working with
steam stone hundred pound per square
inch in tho boiler. This vessel is des
cribed s being forty-eight feet lung at
the html lino, and has six anil ouo-half
leet at the beam, ami throe nnd one
half feet in depth of hold, while her
mean draft is one foot nine inches.
Sho is (tiled with compound engines,
said tn bo of very uM-riur workman
ship in overy respect, and which drive
a screw two feet nine inches in diame
ter and throe feet four inches in pitch.
For many years the Pennsylvania
Legislature bus been a little bettor
Ibnii a den of thieves. There have
been honest and puii) member every
year, but they were in the minority,
und carried through or defeated each
measure uecoi-ding to bow It paid.
Ono job alter anotbur, like tlio tieo.
O. Kviuis spoulation, wus bulehed und
put through in order lo enrich those
in the ring. Scores and oven hundreds
of laws embellish our statute book, on.
acted for no other purpose than private
speculation ; and a largo portion of
voeiii 10 iiiko money directly or in
directly out of Iho Irousurv.
Thu adoption of tho now Constitu
tion, winch greatly curtails private or
louii icgmmuon, ana enlarges the num
ber of legislators, mid also the election
of a Democratic llouso, have in a great
i.ieiiniiro i-iicvKou mo evils ruierrvu to.
Hilt slill tho peonlo should senn nil
bills presented, and especially thoso
i-uiHurriug powers on soulless corpor
ations. Hut moiu particularly Should the
Legislature hu urged to repeal a largo
number of obnoxious and vicious laws
heretoloro enacted. We have only
space now lo refer to ono law which
ought to bo repealed whenever the
Legislature meets.
An Act of Assembly approved Muy
111, 1874, uuthorigos tbo Secretary of
tho Commonwealth, and tho Clerks of
tho Senalo and House of Represuntn-tivc-s,
to advertise by ton insertions in
two paper in JIurrisbiirg, two in
Pittsburg and two in Philadelphia re
spectively for proposals for furnishing
stationery, fuel und so forth, for tbo
variou departments, and the Senate
and House each year.
Now this nppcars to bo eminently
proper. Hut let us see how it oiorBtos
ill tlio way of economy. The totul
cost of fuel, stationery, cU, amount
to Mimothiiig like (7,0W), while tbe
State bus this year paid over $8,000
for advertising hid fur these supplies.
In other words the odoertisinq roU mure
limn tlte articles advertised fur.
The following are tho amounts
charged, by tho favorod newspaper,
for advertising for proposals for fur
nishing stationery, etc., for tho various
department of the Stale government,
for the year 1875:
I'itUburgb Di.,iaeh l 37 0
U.i.11. but U0
ll.rriiburg T.lrgr.pb f?s 00
" P.cnot . so
rbll.'l.lplil. North AinrrleiD 1.1VI CIO
" Kvenuig llull.uo l,)u. oil
Boarer Vntl.T N.w. (two in..rtioD.)... ft.1 00
Tuul ti.ut an
l'ill.liiirgb I'o.l- t III SO
Comiu.roinl u. lie
ILrrtrburg T.IKrpli 2,,. ml
r.ttlol 2H )
fhil.d.lpbi. lnairr 35(1 on
Il.ver Argni (Iwo ln.oilltm.),..H as 0
ToUl ,2II if
roil .TATinSKiii r.TC. ros sot-nit.
Pitt.hurgh Po.l
" Conitu.reial,.
llarrl.bttig I'.lriut
" Tel, graph
Philadelphia Time.
" C'brooiale.,.,
ill nn
l.l :,t
SUP 9li
j! Ml
.1:l no
-tl.CIc ill
Grand total for all SS.OHI Sf
The bids thus fur accepted for articles
advertised fiir, amount to tr.r,S28.C5 ;
ami tho only supplies not included in
tins is fuel lor the Semite and House,
which will increase tho abovo a lew
hundred dolluiu.
Theso fuels speak for themselves :
and no time should be lost in correct
ing this slmse hy which, through an
innocent looking net ot assembly, over
ffiioo is annually paid to a tew favor
ite papers, lor advertising tor supplies.
Hie total cost of w Inch amounts lo be
tween 811,000 and 7,000.
Tho Democrat propose to point out
a number of similar leaks in the treas
ury, caused by special statutes, ami we
trust our cotemporarios will join us in
i naM.ti nti -An 11. i. I .Aiaialuf lit. wl..infl
them by repealing tho obnoxious laws.
JUonmmvnj Vnlumtuan.
On the Hichit Tisack. The Cham.
hersburg I alleu Snirit nensiblv snva
This campaign is to bo an airirrossivoone
on tho part of the Democracy, and the
policy is to attaek from the beginning
to the end. Thero should bo nothing,
increioro, to ueicnil, or oven to explain,
in tho characters or records of the can
didate whom wo present for the sulf
rages ot the pooplo. There are men
t, allied fiir tho ollice of liovornor who
aro without sxt or blemish, and one
ol tlieso should bo chosen. Tho field
is an open one, tho chances for uccess
were never belter, nnd imtliinz hut
stupendous folly can givo victory to
me enemy.
f(;t flmtisfiitfuts.
Sheriffs Sale.
1Y tlrttteof wrlUof Vmiiti,mi rHHn,,Mii(-I
i f oot oi ids uoart or uoamnn Pleat of Clanr.
fiaid eountr, and to diraclod, l tiara ml!
ba axoiud to puhlia aala, t tba Court JIoum,
tn th borouzh of Clear ft eld, on Moorlaj, the
4 m urj vi omwniiw, I ma, at 1 tvcioPk, p. m.,
tli tollowini daioribad roul cilata, to wit:
AH JffnnUaat'i intarattt (baintt an undiTldcil
on thir.l) In a rtrlain trtu l of land oontalninK
ton towflhi-, ClrftrflaM count r, l'onTlrtinia,
and partly In Wruhlntrtiin townahfn. j(l.r.n
mvrrv nuu l.cri'Oii. ilnt.t rr IB lint. I'vnnij'lvnnia, (tbo Claarllald count nor-'
tion nataimnx 10:i aeraa and 8 nrrehs net,
and tlta Jrlinrion oountT Portion rntainin 7 V
tum), aaid tract of land bring part of m larxxr
i run, vi laim )n uie name in UutwrU l Fnl, kixJ
known a number .10U2, and boundnd and detwrib.
ed aa fnllnwa:
Itrfiniiinc at a maiilt. tbo corner of Irani Na
and AW, thane north mii dafrw! wat
4JSi prrrhe alimx trarta No. 4W and 4:iU3 and
twroia th JeflifTnon wnnty Itn to hem look oor.
nrr nrar FaJli creak 1 ihrnoa anutli 4 ditrMi wert
Vif purohrt nlonft tratit No. -tSi'W and aoroia Jef
friim mitv lin lo he.-h ornar ; thena anutk
87 denrr-n eat ;tlfi piTnhru aln traol No. l(Ng
to port turner of land aoM Ut II. : thence
along Mettle 'aland rmrih VjdeitrvcaMit LiVS-lO
parchee to pot 1 1 thenco along Hctnch'i land
atmlb lT dRrtM cait 1 Hi ft 10 porchea tn pot n
traat line ( thenn north 3f dearm aait 27 H-lil
p--rcl.iii Rlmg Ho. lim tomaplaooroorandplaot
of heginnlng, whareon is a lar-ra itiantit at va).
whiiiv fituu, ni'ininr-K mj omor li m tier, nnd tha
Aid land fa nnderUid with valuable coal di poiiti
and other tainarali.
Haiiod, taken in execution and to be aold u
tlia property of Itohcrt 0l.orn.
Alto, a earUtln lol of frround, fitmte In Br
eida buroiia;h, Crturtield eountjr, I'e,., bonndiMl ai
follow : Ktmt hy alley, aiiuth by lierare ratohin,
nt hf Main ureet, and north by Heed and
M ah liny beirf Ml 1 1H0 feet, fonndalion laid.
rtaiiwl, taken ia ex rout tan and lo be sold ai th
property of Hamuol HomI.
Aim, a certain tract of land lltuate In DurnaLU
townahip, CloarBeld oonnty, renniyli-Aoia, bound,
od aa lollowi, riit lleginnttit; at cheat am
A-ruh ( Iheno aoulb HHJ" aM I f0 pnhea aaore or
Ipaa tit a (ton pilejtbeno north U aajt Kilt
ptrohei more or lent to a atunll lilark oak t tboneo
north tt weft 100 penhte U ohaatnat (trib ;
thonoe aouth lit0 weet lnfi percbv to plao of
btjtiiinlnjt, oontaln injr 100 ai-reiand allmranoei.
Alao, ono other traet iltuate in Unrnaido town
ahip, Clearfield county, riinylvania, bounded
ai followp, via 1 lt(inninf; nt a maple nn line of
land of 'J honina Mokre; thpnoe eait 22U percbaa
to (t'inea north eait 10.1 perihi to alunoi ;
thence went 118 pe.ra.ioi te atone; thence aouth
A" wait I (ul perrhca to Da np I and pi as of be
Kltiniiifr, oontaioiiiff (41 acrea. Veiled, token in
exefut.on nnd lo be dd m Ilia property of A.
I Inner.
Alto, a rertaln tract of land iltnate In Coving
ton tixwifbip, Clear.ield eounty, ronnirlvania,
iMiiindi d aa loth.wj, via s llginninj at atupea on
land of W. U. Oonoway; thence touth 7ft perehet
lo 1 thence nt by I ,! ConoarKj Urt pr
chnto poat and line of Jlavid Alkeyi thence
north by David Aikey and land of John Kenoe
Ti perch pi to atnnoa ; thence west 12ft pembea to
place of beftinainK, eoniaiainf 44 acre and lib
perch end allowance, and having about aerai
cleared, Ior hoiiie, Ir burn, and bearing orchard
thereon, rieiae'l, taken In elocution and te be
old ai tlio properly of Jnaepb Keyer.
All-., a certain pi to of Inni iitoale In Brady
tfiwnhip, UlcnrHald ootinty, IVtmiylvanla, bound
ed and deaertlH-d aa follow, vli: North hy (1
B. Uoodlandvr, eait by Uherloi Marahall, wiet by
, aad auuih hy fern Turnpike, oontaininf
a ere, with dwelling htuav, ilore home, ami
alalde thereon. Ha lieit, taken In axeeitttun and
to b anld a the prprty el J. Milteo Car I lit.
Alan, a or lain traot of land iltunt In Cheat
towmhip, Clearlield eounly , I'euniy Ivanla, and
being a part or the Ui traot bounded and
deeenbod aa rullowa, vit t On the eaat by
Mich tal Oilllran, north by Lorenio I. loom, oq
th aouth by Uavia, and on the weat by Shaw A
Marrtll, having ahmt o mart vlearod, with
otnall flat.Pt h-uii, n8 (table and mi. nil orchard
Ihi-reon. Helaed, Uken In eteeittiod and to
o Id aa the pnperly of Patrick Utllifjnn.
Alao, a eel tain lot of land alt oat a in tk. bM.k
of Curwanavllle. Cleat Geld county, i'ennitlvania.
located a Mluwa, vlai Fronting on Kilhtrt
Mreel d feel and miming Hack IHO feet to alley,
.ww-Fi.rj ira-aie notaa ana flat) I tbare.
on erecUd. Belied, taken la iwutioa and U
hi 10I u ib proptrl of Wta. J". OhamWi,
fgat gitlirrMsfmriits. j
A.w, all that ecrtalfl trait of land jtua.U In
I'lka lowmlitp, ClrarAcld twuiitj I'onnijrlvania, '
bun. ltd ed and duartbaJ u ii;i.. ..ii . n..
;!..., ,,.t on. bo,,,, ft,.! , ,ult l.o
buiiilrnl Irallo u .ll.jr of V. Ol.rk s.d 'trick
K.rni t Ibcu.. .Ion .II.T on. hundrwl
fot i ib.Do. aor lb tw. bunilrad nur. or l.i,
to or b.ginin( i an baring a fra .book
bnp, 1IU40 I..I lbr.oa orUd. ol.l, t.b'D
In .irciiiton .ud lo b. aulj a. lb. prap.rt; of
K-Jw.rd Kral..r.
Alio, a eartain i:o. of Ltd rilmt. in lb.
burouxb of lloutidal., L'l.arlluld Muotv. 1',
iKjuinl.d aod deioriboil a. lollowi, via i Oa lb.
norm UJ propsrl; ol J.ui.. Il.l.i, ...ulli br lot
li. , ...I by Uourg. .tr..l, wait by Mapl.
alloy, having tb.reon cnwl.d a gond frama boo..
anown a. me t.uropo.n llolol.a blaok.milb .hop,
i. bum., .tubl. aod olhar uulliailding.. S.iwd,
lakrn in .areulioa and lo In .old a. th. pruparli
ol William Fark.r.
Alio, that ..ruin lot of ground .ituated in
Osorsila bnrouab. Clearfield ouutjlv. P.nn.vlv..
oia, luuludlug that lot No. H4 b.rlng a Iri.nt ol
6tl fi-.t, mora or lew, oa LiogU elrett, .ud ol
tending biuib along Coal lire, I 110 fe, mora or
.-.,. Biir, witn a lar g. two-.tory
building kaown a. lb. Il.ilruad bolel, with .U
bl. and out building, .realod oa raid lol I Aud
l.o Hi. right, till. j of Abraham
Una. in lot No 17 adjoining lot No. 3S, in Onoeola
bo rough, and .standing riout I.lngl. lrv.l I.
Kdward alio. Belied, taken in aleeutlos and
to lie .old a. th. proparly of Abraham UoM.
Taa or gta.Tb. prie. ar turn at wlileb
the pruperly .hall b. alruck ulf nu.t be paid at
th. tils, of .ale, or .ueb other arrangement,
m.d. a. will b. approved, otherwiia tbe property
will be immediately pot up and eold agaiD at
th. .tpeae. and rnk of tli. peraoa to wboni II
wai alru-k of, and who, io case of deficiency at
uob rarale, .ball mak. good tb. Mm., and in no
liilla.e. will the Ured be preaootad Is Court for
oonUru.lido wale.a tb oiunev is actually paid to
the Sheriff. r. B. MclVUKRSON,
Snainrfi Ornci, (Sheriff.
Cloaraeld, Pa., Sept. 1, 1875.)
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of sundry write of FUH Faria li
med out of th Court of Common Plena or Clear
field county, and to m directed, l her will b
eapoaed to poMic iale, at the Court Hon, io he
Wrotifh qf Ckarfleld, on Monday, the 27th dav
of Augur-t, 175, at 1 o'clock p. B.; th fol
lowing deaoribed real eatate. to wit:
All th Intereat of the efend.tnt (being an un.
divided one third) in a certain traet of laod sit
uate in Brady township, Clearfield onunly, Pena
aylvania, bounded aod dncribed as follows t
llrgtnning nt a poat tcrner of traot No. 18B8;
thence along tho same aouth 80 degrees eaat
o- m,pronM io 11 poat on line or tract .liSM ;
thenoe along tract K5W4, and halanee or tract 20.
south three-fourths dt-pree west 170 perches to a
post on line of tract No. 37; thence north 41 He
grea and 46 mlnolea weat 43 perches to a bia
look; thenoe north HI degreei west Jiii perches
to an elm; thence north .12 deirrees west 47 ner-
ahei to pin corner of traet No. 13 ; theneealong
arae noriD nn uegreea ana t minutes west Jit
perches lo a hickory ; thine north I degre and
i aeoonds west BT perches tu a maple thence
north 4.'cJ degree west 11 6 -10 pernhes to a beorh ;
tbenee north I dear east HK nerclies to a nuit.
and place of beginning, eontaiuiug 81ft ftft-ion
acrea, ocmg part or warrant No. 2'W llavinp
tlierenn a larwe nuitntitv of hemlock and olhr
uiuocr, eon htng nnderttd wiib valuable de
posits of coal and other minerals.
fle.tcd, taken in excoutien and to be sold tu
the property of Robert Oaborn.
Also, that evrtala lot aituattxl In tho barons: b
01 uioeola, Clearlield county, Pennsylvania,
known in th plan of said town as lot No. 14. at
th north corner of the ptthlio square, fronting:
about nl feet on Cnrtia atreet, and extending
back alout 14 feet lean alley, having I demon
erected a one-atory frame house. Heiiad. taken
in execution and to be sold as th property of
Also, that certain lot of ground ettiiatcd in tb
borough of Uaeeola, t.loarfidd eountr, IVnanvl
vania, liia of lot 60x160 (eel, l-onndwd on the
north byCartin street, south by a'loy, ent hy
alley, west by property of Mr. Joha (ShotT, hv
ia reetod thereon a ona-story frame hotno Hin20
feet. teiied, tnken in eicutinn and to bo told
its the property of A.J. W. Merretl.
Also, that bouse nnd 1M lo tht bumah of
iiontsuaia, uiearaeia cmnty, Pennyirania, ait
oatd on tbo an nth -eait corner of Sua and Uood
-Mreat-, bounded nn the north hy Mtt"e nlley, on
thwet by property of P. Tipple, and known In
the plot of atd borough ns lot No. 221. Heisivl,
token In execution and to he sold as tba propsrty
of Daniel UcaWg!.
Also, all the interest or William Die key, now
deceased, and of bis estate of In an I to the fol
lowing deicribod tracts of land sitneted In Bec
earia township, Clearfield county. P. .bounded
and described as follows, to. wit t llrgmmng at
a beech comer of John M'hituinr traet; tliann t
north D7t degree Weet 1X7 l-i pe-rh-a to wiiite
oak 1 tbene aonth 621 degrees weat 113 perches
to dogwood; t hears south Si dcg-ei wet 217
perches to old corner ; tlnn?e louih 3-) degrees
eaot Mi perch e.i to hvtnleck (down); thenoe north
2f degrees east 4i perehe to boeib ; thence
north 81 degrees west 272 pnri-h-i to beouh ;
thenoe south 8iJ degrees east fij perrhos to
whit pine stamp f ttiennc ajth fi d-crecs wet
20o pcrabea to beech ; thence south 8 1 deg- cast 27')
perches to east bank ol Clearfield ereek 1 tbeno
north 23 degrees eait 60 perches to pi ft .- thence
north 4 degrees West itti perches to hciniVk ;
thane aoulb M degree east 21 perches to post ;
. nor lb 3 dfrM Mai Ht ixTt-haX to pot :
thenoe south P4 degrees eait Hi perches tu post :
thenc north I degrees east 31 pern has to white
oak (down if theao north 39 dojrrees weat 2tWt
perebea (crowing Clearfield ereek) te hemlock
stump l thence aouth 49 degree west 440 perches
to heceh aod plan of bexlnnlng; containing
1.93S aeret, aad being tracu in name of John
Urady and William Brady, and ar part of traota
in nam of James Uiein lower) n.l Kphrlam
ltlain (should b called Alex. HUin.) There be
ing two small farm 1 cleared thereon of ahont 60
aores and th balano boing timber land troin
which all whit pine has been cut off and remov
ed. Pel led, taken in exeention and to he sold as
'he property of Margaret Dickey and James
31. Dickey, Administrators.
Also, a certain traat ol len t situate In Cheat
township, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, con
taining about 14" acres, mors or less, with a ret
rvatlon f about two crs, more or less, aold
and deed-d to John aod Margaret Witherow,
bounded and dencrihed a follows: On the south
by land of William Hunter, on the tt by
lands of Jno. Fettwell (formerly HUnnhrd'i,)on
tb north hy lands of William Tanker aad L. J.
Ilurd. on the west by Cheat areck. with ahiut 60
acre cleared with orchard and lare dwelling !
hoo and barn, and two tenant baes ajrerttcd i
thereon. bisd, taken ia xenitin and te b
old as the property f U. tl. McMaster.
Also, all of defendant's right, title and interest
In all that certain lot situated in ihe borough of
Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, boun
ded and deseribed as follows, vii :
Un the wast by and fronting sixty feet on Rec
ord street ; on th north by lot No. Two hundred
and eight (2ng ,) on th east by an alley, and on
on tbe south by Hd street. Said lot being six
ty feet Trout and two hundred fi-et deep, and
known in the georal plan til William lliglcr's
addition to tbe borough of Clearfield, as lot No.
Two hundred and ven (207,) having thsrron
reeled a two-story frame home, train sUbl. a
small work shop and otht-r ncoeaiary outbuild
ings. A I so, on other pieo uf land ia Hrajford town !
sbiii, Clearfield oounty, Ponniylvania.
All of defendant's ria-ht. litis and interes l
all that certain pieo or parcel of land itu!ite,l, 1
lying ana oetng in cmdiord lowneh-p, Clearlield
oounty, Pennsylvania, bounded and ds son bed as
follows, to wilt Uegirfning at corner of Hand
force' land t thenoe sou t ft still he land of Da
vid 1'omm, west on hundred and twunly-four
purob, mor or leas, to ornr of purport No. 1,
th homestead I theno br uuroort No. 1 . iut
on hundred and twenty-tour perches, more or
leas, to the plan of bugiuning. Containing one
huudrwd and live aors and eighty perohes, mor
i 1. iin? iaou ia utpuercd witn lienilook,pine
aod oak. iSisied, taken in ex sou tion and to bn
aold as tha pre party or A. 8. Uoodrioh.
Also, all that 60 aor of land aituat lu tirade
townnbip, Clearlield county, Pennsylvania, all
cleared exocpt about fiv acres, which ia wood
land, boumtod and described as follows, to wit:
Un th nrth by lands of John llailey - on tbe
oast by B. Carson aad Andy Pants west by Jno.
Hhafler south by Andy 1'eati, having erected
thereon a small frame house, frams barn and other
noceaaary naihnlldint j also harlng a goad orb.
i appio ireea aua onerry trees. Hisiet, Uk
en tn execution aud te tie sold aa th timi.flri f
John L. PoU. ' '
Also, all that certain tract of l.n.l .11... 1. t
0 os hen township, Clearfisld eoonty Penuaylra-
naa Doviouea aad uescrinea a tllows, to-wit 1
Ucgloning at hemlock ornar or land late or
George Klin ( thenoe br tha same and land Ut.
of J. L. lUams, wst about on hundred and
ninety perches to a small avialeok, la thalern
lin or tand sold to Jamas A. Head ; thence along
said line south one hundred and twolv pcroh i
to a post t thane by th residue uf Warrant No.
191 1 , una hundred and ninety perohes te tbe
wo Urn Im of W arrant No. Ikil6 thono by
said warrant lin north una hundred aud twelve
perohes to place of beginning ( containing one
Hundred and iweuty-tlvo auros, and i;hty per
ohoa and allowano. being part ul a larger
tract surveyed on W arrant iSo. tw 1 1, and having
tharewq ro(nd a small I rami dweilin huu.i.
and other improvements, beiiad, taken in e
cutiun and to be old a th propurty uf Jelia A.
."".hi u vwria w. nousvr.
Alao, on kiia and lot in tho villa- f Wet-
ovr, being a town tut. with a iwo-atorv fr.....
huuae Ifixirt, partly aurniahsd. buiind.-d oa th.
east by pitolia r.d, aouth by Kolandi) norm
uy mi ei j. notlkey ( Weat by liaao Kvras.
iao on other ptao ul Und ntuau in Chest
township, conlaimag about one hundred and
twenty -six acres, more or less, with no ttnpruv.
H.v-H.., .fouiiuau eaei oy to oil orei-k ( West by
ItoUnds' tati norlh hy H. Moya ; aouth by
laaao Kerna. Miaed. taken In exeoutloa n,t m
0 void as th property of Adam k itonngton.
Alao, all that certain tract or ieo ef land
situate in Clearfield county, rtiate of Pennsylva
nia, being part or tract surveyed on Warrant
no., 00a n dad and daisnbcd a follows, to-
wit t liegianmg at a hetnloek, a corner l four
Urg traots, warranU nueioered 300d, ioo
and H.'i99 thsaee by Ui eaat boundary liue of
No. 36V9 and laud conveyed to HI. aw Nnilth,
south on hundrod nnd ighty-ser perehe,
mor or lss, to a post j tbonc by land conveyed
to Daniel Uruhakcr, wost ou hundred perobes,
morw or lee a, to a post t theuc by land conveyed
t la buis, north un hundred and ighty-evn
ieroii, mora or less, tu a poit at th norlh
bonadnrylin of traet No. fijVO (aallul a whit
pin in deed to Uullols 1) thenn by said tin fast
.,.., paruaer, aierw ev iesi. lo be inn n 1
avnlntningunehundrod and teuaer and forty,
lour porches, mor ur lss, and allow -aoe uf f Ii per
cent, Ac,
Also all that em In tractor plec or Ian I lit
nat in Union township, L'Uarfield ony. Pan a
yltanta, being part n a trad frayed un War
rant No. a.itfrt, hounded and described ai follows,
tv-wlt : beginning at a post la the tins of land
arveyed ta lianial Uruk.a.r, ihaaaa naril h.
lands of p BU) thnc soatk om litty-tw
gfija! tU'frtiSf infills.
..rau.., mor. or I..., to homlock i
,,tH,-, vm. lo .cm.,,1. , tl,.o
.jr l.n.1. f ll I o loria f il; p.rob.., uor. or
j o... Soodn.J .ij !!,.,:. .b..,
I..., In s iio.t i th.ciM by uo ! oil. hunilrwJ
brifimtiDg i ouuuliiltig ou. buutred .oil tw.uly-1
it .vrv.sial I'orcjr-twb irofaei, tu ir. or I.M,uil j
tb. u.u.1 .llow.oc. ul an per o.ut. fur roadi. i
Also, all that certain tract or piece of land ilt
uate In Clearfield oounty, in tho tftal of Penn
sylvania, being pirt ul the traut surveyed on th
aloriaid Warrant No. 3;iW, buuodud and daa
j enbd aa folio s. U wit : Uoiiining at a poit.a
' corner of land this day nonveyad to John D ren
ter, Jr. t thu oca by said land east ou hundred
1 perohes, more or leas, to a poat (also a comer uf
said land ;) theno hy th saolsru warrant Hue
1 of said tract, No, JiHV, etui hy Und 1 oonveyeii
to bfaaw A haiith,eoiboiiliuiiilr'landleuty.
tl re perohea, wr or less, tu ab-uiluok llienoa
by laud cuuvvyifj t. Hu Hutu, wst one hundred
perebei, inure or leas, to a hickory ; theno north
uue hundred nnd twtnly three perohes to place
ol begiuuing; eantaio ing aevcuty-twu acres and
eighty. eight perches, 111 ore or leu, aud the uual
allowance m ms r Oeot, for roads, Ao. hutted,
Uken in xooutiun and to u soid a tb premier
ty of Ji.a lrvuler.
Also, all that certain traut or piece of Und
ailtiate in Bradford township, Cler field vujuty,
Pennsylvania, bounded and deaoribed as foiluws,
via : Itogiuuiiigata post on the southeast aido ur
hnnk ol K-tnriug run, ooar where tbe bridge
oruatei the townatilp toad (tielow I'butnpsoa's) ;
theuc ttul along th Henry Crowe II puirhasc
paroliua to wnita oak ouraer of th Henry
Ctowell purchase ; tbeno south 7VJ perches along
land ol tl. Jl. Hurg-r u post; thenoe OH pcrubua
along land of Alin-rn tu poat- ibvnc south 2j
perobes to post ; thence wt ten perches more or
lata to poet otaudiug on th soathaat bank wf
Hoaring run ; theno up said rue, Ui eoulOeait
side ttieteot. the several ours aud dlaUoo 10
(roataud place ul beg. tuning, cuniaiuing fid acrai
Bior or less, he 1 ied, taken in xvoutiunt aud 10
b sold a the nrepen of 1. ti. itarer;
Also, all thoe certain lots cf grouud aituat In
Uoutwial. Ciearf)ld county, jnuaylvania,
deseribed as (..ll.twr, vix: Fronting one hun
dred feet on Uood street and running bark tw
hundred iret to ."in rue alley, and known in Dlot
uf raid borough as lots No. 44 and Ait, with a
large tnr-tory heasv, including 1 to re -room, ah 4
ottier outbuildiiiirs thereon erected, Helied.Ukeu
ia execution and tu b sold as tu ptopetty ot
uewr uagur. ,v
Also, a certam bona arid lit situate In th
borough uf Uuulrdale, t'learlleld Comity, Pa., and dt-iertt'cd h follnws: Tli sjii.I
building ia a plank frame, WlnSil end two tortea
j high, with baoeiaent, kaown a the Ueyii Opera
House t located on a eertai a niece ot around situ
ate in the addition to iid enrough t HouUdaie,
in t'hiartiuld county, knwu as lot No.W : ht'irt
ntng u a poat oa eorncr ol Hannah aod Clmries
rtrtrot ttieu eloiiff K'isa street ao4.Charlea
street 1 thi-ne IVo h-et mg Churl.- atreet
pUoeof net-.unii.g. rteiaed, Uken In xeuilou
Lnd to be sold a. the property ot U . VV. lUjuea
: . . "joea.
Also, all of the defendant's rlrht title and
iotereat in the following tracts or piev-es of Und,
vis; MicUaol Uuaeer, begionmgat tlte oounty
lino and laud of Joseph i'roxeli- theuo nutlli
along said land uf Joaeph roxell to land ut
lieury Heverly ; llienc welt along S3vl land of
Henry Heverly to land Of McPnriat.d A Dillor,
in the wsrraoiec nmnr of A Hhiter: thence
south along said land to county Hue; thence east
ailing eid OJuoty Jto to plan of lirinniui,
ontaiiiiag 90 acres, more or lea, heited. taken
, "
Aln. part or a triMit of Und In th nam aft
AW H hiliLcr, betiniing at coutity lio, and ad- j
joining land of M-r riaft 1 A jiam of I
Mleliaol MiiKder, ifacooe Noith alone said land 1
t U11J of J. B. liller, to-nco West elunz J
Mid land of Mor ar (and 4 Ulller, tu tiatnle wf;
Itiomas Kutland; thnce south alons; said land
to county Un ; thenoe east along said lin to
plao of heir in Ding, containing Itu -, toire
or lef. hfim-d, ttken in execution aud to he
i'W as tbe proporty of tSitnon Mcr'ar!od.
Alo, on Uir tract f land in warraolikt- name
ol I'tiouies Kul lend, tteginoiog' at-tnjnry hue
a id land of M'.'Kariaudi 4 lUler, in ttio name of
Ae W humeri thence north along said Und tw
Und of ISatnucl Hixrty tbeiiee aeat along said
land to a tract of Und tu the n.uuu of William 1 2h.'t (eat to Ihc plae of bt-giumng, eontaiuiug ou
Plunk ft ; thence south along laid land to oounty ! half of an acre more or h-ea, ht-iug pari of lot .So.
Intel thence eaat ainug county into to place of j :17 on t h plaa of l'.aiu-M upuj winch la erected a
leititinnt)f, funta.iuog lil tierce, more or lcf. 2 story" frame huildiug and put houats.
Aoout 4U uf tk.e land depute. Msl, AllM( . th fiffht( ti, nai ni9ntC of M(J
taken .n "C',""B ,u oe tb Vlr l Woodward in one other treat of Und b.und. I
ot h.mon AloParlaiid. and dwcrihd follow., to wit : ll-ginniog
Alio, nil that oertain ;oe of ground sitnufc In j a pt-at in the :ist line r Clearfield atreet, 10h
tlte vi tinge of Ctahville. IIfccia townvhl. 1 feet aonth fram Woodward street j thenoe north
bouiidt-d. i a tbe weat by the road AO ! 2 d'-ureal eait M feat to a post ; thsOJ south
leet, ou the north by lot bclotiging to W. J. t .'ll degrees ttist He teat to a post; ttteuce south
HoCoy, louring an alley 10 leet Wt le, thence I ol Wert 9CI feet to the said line t Clear
along suit- aey 0 foeti thane by knd ol licld street ; thi-ao north fiS degrtes went l0
'I tHNria hliek i ftvl; turuce by imd 04 "eiii j ft to tho plao of beginning, aud enuinin(
Pindt 14 feet X tWri-kni-g tb -plw of one-eu'sth of u r, snore or teas, upon which
ttgiumi:g, containing 9,000 aqusrc teet, more 01 it erected a blMkumab and wagn shop, and be-lk-j,
tog. tiur with a pUuk ditelliug h-Mi tl-.ere- i.iag part of lot S t. Hi on the plan or Penfield.
onrvctd. tfaiied,Wkewinrlrtl0.(,dtl.b Also, all the right, title aitllntereU Qr Hiram
sold as li.e proporty f Himon Mcfcarlsnd Wodw.rd in another traotofland in Huston towa.
Al, all lbu (wnain piece of gmuud situate 1 hip, Clearfield eoonty. Pa., bounded and des
in th vilUgu of Vtahvill, Itsccana townnbip, crtbvd aa tullows, to wit : lleginntug at a white
bounded un th weat by the Kbetulur( niad 1 Tu th soutlwMt firnor of Warrant Ho. 411;
running fit teet to lot of Jrfxry Ann llttrgo ; thence j (keno south firt d-gre west 2H 6-10 perches to
thing said tut 140 fret to land ul liioiua Fiiok ; Uud uf Frederick Lex field ; thenoe north 22 de.
theno along said land f-Q feet to a post : than-? greess west along lira uf said land lOi perches
ahtng 'he laud ol said Thotass Flick 140 ft m I te the public higuway theaee north 2uj degra
i.heiiaburg road aud place of beginning, contain- I Wet (O perchot j tbeno north 22 degree wast
Ug 1 f aa aere mor or lets, together with a I 143 2 10 perebe te tlte norlh line ol Warrsot
pUuk dwdling bouo and ouliuilIingi tbersnn no. 4 if ; tnr-nce anna 7V ocgreei east
ereoted. eitod, Uken in execution and to be i perches to a pine ; theno noith 20 degrees west
sold as the prttperty f Simon Mci'arland. I M porohts to a hemlock; thine north Tit de-
Also. all. hat pic of ground sitoat.d in tbe Wl. by h" f, 't l ' 10
lags of ttahviile. lUccaT.. township, bounded 00 I In.hM to a post .0 l.o. of land of P 1. Hcwit;
the tail by the hben.burg road, running I "TV ' J lP
tfiiffctto lands ul i'homus Plick; thencunorthwest
17 j f et to a pt thonranortbasl nO feet t let of
Mi Pttrland) thence adong said Ut 142 fret to
Elieushurg road and plao of liogiuaing, oonlaiuing
one half ul an aero, mure ur ltu. riauud, Uk'-n i
exosnue anu to oa sot fk UieftriHrty uf
Ala.. .Il'thal orrui. Ira-t ,f UnJ .'Hua.. la
Deooaria towtisliif, Clearfield ooiuilr. Pa., coo-
taioiug abou: 9-1 acra mire or Jr, with alwut
24 acre eUmred, with a sml -jilauk hiuac 11
aturie high, log stahl and other outbaH Utig
thereon erected, houndei eat liy Uo I of J. K.
Ittllin, west by Rrerly'a, north bv John Dillin,
and south hy tSamuel Hegarty. (ctid, taken in
xecotioa and tu Im sold as th property of Thu.
A 11, all the following Jccrib.'d pieces or
....,.p ... 1 fi'u.mumi (owninip, viear
Held county, IVnn.jIranU, one of aid pieces of
"',..:. " " . A. V : -
JT u., '1 IA ' B , , in" V1 ?'
end Uttlo Cirarileld crki: thence 0 p tha big
Uesrtldd creek twenty perches tn a whit oak ;
a .i..ri, u;ttica win 1 wo nunjrcd !
and fiurteea porch lo a hickry ; Oienoe south j
tweniy-Uv dt-grees wsil an huudred and svn-
ty sis pcrohca to stonts ; thcuce oerth filty-one i
d-greps wet one hundred and twenty perches to
a hemlock on the bauk of littl Clearlield rk 1 f
thenr down said ereek, by th several courses I
inereoi, itiur numirea and seicnty-tao pcrebosto 1
, .rrR.,lu,Kl vniiniiir one nuntired and
ninetr-fiv aoroi and 16J rolia witk iit nuMl
allitwanae-i. j
Th other of StUd pieac of liwd lying and b.
ing in Lawremc t jwmuip, ClenrHald county, Pa
at the junction of little aud big Clearfinld oroeks,
"oK.umuK in ft neinioGK on little Clear-
neia ereeR : tbenee by Und survey tn the name of
Mury Heed north nineteen degreei wn two hun
dred and twenty Hi pni-chei to an ah ; then
hy other landa originally part and ptreol of this
1; " ' r. n-..t-a... u Crw ca-. inree
hundred an I fnrte h.. , .1. .
or big ClearflttlJ creok ; theno up aid creek by
its several couraea onehnndrrd end three perches
to ths mouth uf little. Ulonriield- rrk . .... :
said Mttlo Cl.-arfield errfk and th iWin I
de penned by the several ouorict r sid creek two '
humtred and fifty-four pcrchos i li unlock and
pic 01 winning, eontainins? 4Wo hnndrcil and
tifteon aor, with th uual alUwanes )i th
ane more or less, and i sam Und r.A k.
Hubert Kl IertoJaiuaBFjrrW br d-ed dated June
20, Uftl, and rcrtrtrde.; at Clearfield tha same day
in deed b-th "TV S8, will m r fullr aid
at large appear, with a Urge frame house, frame
larn. store homo, wngon shed, nnd saw mill, with
other blld.o-, and a Haul filly aares of Un I.
Alio, s piece of land in Bogg township. Cloav
flld county, Pa., h-glnning at a rod oak, by pab
lio ral an l Und of the lata Joaeph L-jrn. in
line of Und of Ueorge Wilson; theno bv th
said tlorrjA Wi!r,n Und ,,(, ont) degro'wst
ahont one hundrrd and eighty perches to a corner
10 Clears! e-ek at tbe nkMith of a ei,l run ,
tbenee up said run touth seven tr aichl d-tre-a
asl thirty-two perch i to a small been ; t hence
south one deirree west thn perches to a post In
th middle or said tutnpik mad t thsno south
or aouthetiMerly almi2 id turnpike, tho acvral
oonras therenr, one hundred and fifteen perches
to a corner of Und of Alexander Stone . thenoe
by said hton' Und north on and onshlf do-
Krve ai seventv eiitlit nertvhea tn m. nml il.,..M 1
nrth eirhtv-eiirt di ereei ari r.i.i..i.i.
nd rire-h-nth prchcs to eton,.,. and partly hy
same and putly by l in I of A. Ileas north one and
... uua nurmrea anil twn 111
four ten'h perches to a maple in or l.v tho first
ineniUnel pli nxxi 1 thouc north nnd m irth
we.terly alouir Die ani l nut.lic road, the erveral
cowrs-s there ,f. by the Und of ths tiid J.iaaph
ni'in"i .mi umtit nme and nur
lenlh p.Tch.a to th ntftA of higinning as alnro
aaid.eunuining one hand re-1 and aeventeen anrea
and ninety-one pcrchci moronr lea, with about
rtlteen aert-s rlrared, Kor h mora full oVeprlp.
lion of tl'le, st-e deed bo.dt "Kf" pg a.i2, eU.
Also, otic other piece of, land situ vie in l g,CUufiold,iaif, I'ennsvlvatiift.bahiud.
od as f.ll.iw, vlii nn th north hv th Kri
pike, sn.t bv Und or N. 1), Hoover' and Kilt
I'lokln. south l.y Thoma lUliten, eautmnlnr
about on hundred and fificen a 'res more or leai.
bout fitly acres cleared, a frame k-iue!
, wall ahou nnd small orchid L.T!.n
Alan, all ll.1l eortain traet of Und llfutte U awU'ld! baW Hitrrst I
Kno lewwnship, oi-ar8.i I Lr Pa and ' ,r,'f ", Uo'1 in lU,Xan !n"" 'nr''1'
know. a. the jVhn C.r nrv., I'nd nii, 1 hrM '7 T
ngrorhndred ami th.i J v -Zi arje. and , ncl 1 'n Wn '"' h nrra.t. Na.2l -
bandros and ifi ihre LlhZ Ie. , . ' . 1 ',t,,,, Warrant dO and John HaHo-H
of l,sc Wamp-l. on lJwZ nZt in Zl , or l,M' nJ bein Frt of ffarr'nt .
nam of William Hunter, on th north by survey AIsn, on ntbirdart r land la IUln t
in ihe nam tl Karah Ward, and oa tha ett f"reiid, bounded south bv land of Iteadin,:.
by survey in the name f John and'iath r xher A .,, Warrant No. 6(iitf. at hy land ef
Urown. Hoe deed from J ...... T ... Mlenrv an 1 I're.l -iri.k I.. a !t.-l.l and C. It. K.irtr,
Jam Porreat A Son, for mure fuller recital of
iinv ior me, aa lel hmih C, ' pijn Iffr,
Alao,ail lh Mi-kfiivhlMl one-half intetot In
ninety acrni of land ia Ie.vatur township, (Mear
flel.l eountr. Pa., held a ...nam. In tk.
Jacob Dimeting and Joel 0. orrel, mid bntitid-
"7 laeos i tin., Andrew Kiuhm ia
..... utnvrF, nan nt tit) arrwir nm ul Uavid
Htewart. He deed hoik "W'p.flli, Snd,
'"rn ai-cun n and h Oi 1 ld
property Haines (urreil an! Jojl C.
For rust
Also, (hat oei-iin
lot lit airn.i..! .11... la. U
llurnsid boron h, Clearfield oounty, IV, bound
ed and described a fdlowi, to.wit ; Un th
north br Heoond stroet, weat by Main street,
sonli. by land of John Allison, and east by aa
alloy, and having arecied thron a Iwo story
fram dwtlimg, a Irani siable and other out
l Ull ilnis. Raised. Uien La,. ..J
J u the p oprly f l)y.d Jt kafl,
jfftjal Sflwtijsrrafittji.
Al.o, tb. folloolnf pro,.rir llM lo th.
I lrooKb of o.,,l CU.rt.l,," r.. V.,.
1 1 M I.., Ouric ,d b,;D,(.i ,.,
I '7 i:!'.-.",'?'. ."7
iir..n.r ..r Th.,.-... U
Alio, that certain traet of land aituat. im (!h.
townuhlp, Clearfield eoonty, p., bounded oa in
n-irth uy Anihooy ALMJervey, east by Tbumas
(Nmley. aouth bv Job Westorer. weat h J.k.
Friday, Mil oaUlnio littl acres, Uer or less,
bavmg no improvements thereon, neised, taken
in tmi)ution and to be sold as tb property of
Jha H. Limborn.
Alio, that certain lot of groan d siUat lo tb
iMiruub of Franklin, Doll townuhlp, Clearfield
Ub-in'f, Pa., bounded un th south by atreet,
n th, north and west by Ii la of H. Ma-harTi-y,
containing about 00a half (4) acre, mor
or leai, having a large h otl, 4xZ0 teet with
wii.g attached, a tol and other outbuildings
therf.-n erected, heiied, taken in xi-cution aud
to t sold as th property ut We ley 0. Thomp
son. Ah-, all thoi eertvin traot f land it in ate in
IhwtVon luwiiahin, Clearfield eountr. Pa., bound
ed acd deecnbi-d as follows, vis 1 tnelot begin
ping at the nor ib eaat corner of lot No. 13 00 th
plan of Peorield, tn said township deeded to U.
pir.i, Aiay 9, iet inenoe sootn bZ degrees west
1 2H leet to a pgst, ou tb i degrees tail 20t) feet
to a post, south !2 d eira weal 4ltj 8 10 feet to
eornerof land deeded to U. A. Worth ; thonco
north 38 degrees west 2(0 fet to a post, north i2
depress eal "0 fret to 1 poat, north &ti d'-ffrers
weat 7i perches to a poit, noith 62 degrees eaat
42 tl-10 perches to a pott, south degrees eal
71 percheetoa poatj thence soutn 6 degree
west 42 feet smith 38 dugrsea eaat 200 feet to
north Hue of Woodward street ; tbeno south 62
dee. rea west 91 fo-t to corner of land deeded to
L ilirJ.Uot. 1878- thenoe north 60 degree went
6i feet to north corner of tb same; tbuooe aouth
8 Oegroif et HI teet to Hue Of Woodward street,
itiwocc south 62 degree north 40 ft aod north 38
degree wat 2H0 teof to tb pis of beginning,
utaining 21 acres mor or lenr.being luU No's 11.
12 and 14 on tb plan of Pm field, upon which
ar erected three farm dwellings, S Irani barns,
oo log dwelling aad outhouses.
Also,nne eiual undivided half interest lo tho
followiug lot : bounded south by Woodward street,
west by land deeded to gpackman and Hchwm,
north and east by ether J and of said Woodward,
having a front of 2'tO feet on Woodward atreet
' and a depib or 300 feet, containing half aa
' tB'K or ia, betuff lot lto. 10 on ibe art of Pen.
neu, epiiu waicu orvDiea one iwo-siury I ram
hotel audouitiuildings.
Also, ou equal undivided half tott-rest ia the
following lot i Uouaded on the north by Wood
wrd aUuvt ; east by land deeded t C. 11. Cur
ydl ; south and wel hy other lands f and
Woodward, having a front of 140 fuot on Wood
ward ttreet aud a depth of 194 feet; containing
one-third of an acre, mor ur leai. aod tieing the
west part of lot No. .17 on th plan of Peuilold,
upon, wtitth la erected a f rame barn.
Also, us other lot hounded and deacriUd as
I , , , n, ,atRS tn corn.
J "f V? moA street ;
u,.,,, nuttk w d.-gr east alouir Woodward
ni" 01 ieei 10 oiuer land or said Woodward -Ibiruo
south 641 degrees eait 11 fret to turner
rl other laud of said Woodwardj tbene South
Si d -grsea weat A,t teet to lto of CluarUeld streetf
th'ttoe north 8i degrees wott along said street
lot teet to tha pU of b giuoi ig ; eomaiaing
one-eighth of an aor. mure ur I, up a whicn
are erected a two-story trams store building and
a warehouse, and beiug part uf lotNi. 37 un the
plan of PcuSt'ld.
Also, one otbaf let bounded and deicri bed aa
wcatorly by land or said Woodward aod Charles
Urown, northerly ant easterly t.y other Unda uf
said Woodward, baring a front of 10J fwt on
Woodward street and a dpth of 200 teet, contain.
lag one half or an acre more or leai and Umn lot
No, U an tb plan at Penfield.
Also, -blithe right title and interest of snll Wood
ward, in on other tract of laod bounded and d
crihyl as follows. Beginning at apost ou the south
iid of Woodward strwet 31 feot, easterlr from the
jrCOrnerofWooiiwardand Clearfield nreeU thence
norm hi tsircej east along noudward street
lOlt 4-10 feet to Corner of laud of said Woodward
and Charles Brown thenoe south HS degree- eat
along said land IVt feel to a piat thenoe south 62
fof said Woodward, theno aorlit all dutree weat
H'gruna norto au iu et to corner of other land
:t9 perches tu a poit: tbenoe along lands ol foha
Duttuia suatb 2ol dsgrees east 01 2-10 perchei;
Uiiinae along same south 21 degrees cast 222 per
ches to a piat In north lio of Warrant No. 2,
UOi; tbt-uo along said warrant line west 91 per-
I ntiM to n poit; th-inc north 171 degrees west II
wrtt l;t& b-lo the place of beginning : contain
ing T-'l acres, more or , excepting aad rtserr
inn tbTclrain ; 1st. One lot on louth aid of
H' tditd street ijeintrig Und of V, M, Jlawitt,
hereto! or deeded to lb Pnfield At. U. Ctiurcli,
having front en Woodward street of 104 teet and
a depth or 196 teet, beiug lot No. 27 un the plan
of Penlield. 2d. llcgiuuuig In the west line cf
Clear Mei4 itrot at lit ouUieaM wrrr of lot
dt'Odod to It, C. Frceland ; thenc South 62 d
rcei west 160 feet lo l lot deeded te oorge C.
Hickor; then?e south art degree eaat 17d teet:
tfanuoe south 721 weat 77 teat, norlh 38 wst2Q
lUrornaroi Prtr-i.ytertaa parsonage lot; theno 8.
leot to Uie ulb lino f Wewlward street ; theose
I sut!i 62 degrees ait along Woodward atreet 116
fta wert 9 '"t norlb m Krn west 274
z-iw tkot to eusiern corner el lot deeded to Wm,
M. Ray. June .10, l74 : thence south U d. gret
rait 191d.4 to putt ; thatire fvutk 62 JeKreel
north b90 4 10 fol to the west line of Clearfisld
street ; thenoe souU 8H degree salt 1 40 fet t
lb place f Ugmning tieing lot No.
'At, 4i, .1, 16, i6t ii, M( i9, 41, 42,
6. 67 and 68 on th plan of Penlield. rid. It.
tziauiiiai at the sonthuast oorner uf lol No. U oa
itte pl.m of Pnliold,-Jcded to U Bird; thence
eaiitu J2 decrees Wcit 741 Io feet lo th south
west corner ot Usd f U. A, Woith; tbeno north
It deg reus north iMtl leet norlh 6i degrees eait
24 feet north .'W dcrea wcit 71 perene north
62 degrees ast 42 0 10 peruhos south degress
701 porches north 02 depress east 3J7 4 lu I Ml
suuth degree vast 200 ft-el I the aorta Iid
of Wo.iiff.ard streett the louih 62 degress
wett 629 ft W tb p lac of beginning, being
lot N is. 10, II, 12, U, 14, 16, lo and ! ua tlis
pUn of Penlield. 4th. Un acre Uid orf aud
ued a a eeuietery. 6th. Un tut north of
Wood w.ird stiest adjoining laud uf i'redoiick
tiiKeid, harins; a frvut ot Iu9 U
(act on ooward
ol nnd a depth of 2"! fet, being h;t Ni. 1
" lti pllin 01 1,oo:i,lj- Ulh Un lot 1-u t'.1
',"l,vtFt nnarth railroad, deed id te tl. A. Worth.
Said rosvrvatiou uunUin-u- 'ii acrai mor or Icm.
AIo, all tlte rigut, till aud interest of the iid
Woodward lo uue olacr treat uf land bounded1
anddt-sdrileti aa follows: North by Wtudward it,
cut by laudator B. C. Uiw-ua. SjuUi liy an al
ley nnd vest by Und ii H. M ip, havinit a try si
oa Woodward atreet of llTO tt-IU tet and a dc.fti
of 194 feet, containing half an aere mure or
tieiwg lot No. 41 oa tn plan of Peneeld 0
wnuh ar orotd a two-atry frama stor aai a.
ware Uonso.
AU', all tha rib't Uib and inljred of tlie
saia WiMMlwrl in aiw thr hrt f land himukd
and dawn bed as Mlews, tow it: Ua lb swnh
hy Woodward street, eait by laud uf lie, t.
Hohakor f south by other land of said Wood
ward, and north )y Uud nf C. II. OVjull 1 con
taining oiie.fouiih uf an acre.mi-r or lea, tv-tng
lot No. 16 uo ths plan uf I'entisld, upta wlttoh is
orotMl (use so-..a an jp.
Ala-i, all tdio ritit, titl and intarastof the said
Woodr(X 10 oan 'ur lot Ol Und headed and
descried as t.-UuWj, to wit: Uo tlio north liy
Ivar 1 atreet t aat and south by other lani
r u .u. 1....1 . .... ku 1... 1 ..t .1..,.
1h..s.l... r t. . .
lor leia, boing lot .So. ill un th plan ol P-ntisH,
'upon whu-h t er.H ied ouo two story Iramo hur-
uoss shop and dwelling.
AU., the right, till and Interest of Hiram
Woodward (n 011a other lot of land btnin led and
discrihud as follows, to w)t : Un th north by
Wonlwird Sired; inilhr land dm-led to Wrs.
M . Hty ; soma and Weil by other landi of laid
Wood ward 1 containing on fourth of an a-re,
moro or I, iVi,i;j lot N,i, ;i on the pi in ef
IN-ulicl l, ujion winch are rect.l oa two story
frame dwo llng an I out bouv-s.
Aln, one eiiial undivided half Inlerei la nrte
other trit ot Und in Heal-.n town hip. aforesaid,
buuu l'-d nirth hy Und of l. II. Tailar In war
rant 49 2. at by land of J. U. Ilewdt, south by
warrant No. 2l6,an I writ by Undid K. II. lrea
win. u. iiewtUMid HsadiniCi tuner t
'nl,,if ''rea more or leu. and being prt of
1 wrrl No' '"
south tie On lol J tUra nnd Pisher, aid west
by Und of K. 1. Patteraon and Wm. t. Wood
ward, containing Ii0 aero more or lets, r-
winch are rnted two frame dwellings, one franw
' """fntinn, an! tn b sold at th property
tiara and other nutlmildiiiffs. Heised, Uke
' "tril n oonwant.
Trrhh ir "Atn. -Th prle or sum st hti
th property shall b struck efl mst be paid a
th lit a nf a I, or sack othsr arfangemeatt
mad as wHl b appTovd,olbrwlseth prfr
ty will b Immediately put ap and sold agate si
th xprna and risk nf tn prsoa to whom H
was atruak off, and who, ia eai cf deficisnor
sneh r sal, shall aiak good th sat,
n InsUne will th Used be prascnlsd is Coart
for oahrasatioa an less th money Is eeti'
paid to th Sheriff. W, U. Mi I'llKHS'iN,
annmrr't Urrtci. I BhirlL
Cl.arfi.ld, Pa,, Sept. 1, 1IT6.( '