gntflwaw, & Stutvart. SAtktTT A SUIRWER, 7. it ) - MAI.BM III HARDWARE, tad auutfMUnn of Tln.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, .... , Bound StTMt, CLEARFIELD. PA. Tiering largely Inoroaied our atoek of Hard, ware, we Invito tha public 10 eiamlne our atoek and prlooa. , , , , , , Carpenter, iinil roono who contemplate bulld lug will do will to mint our TOOLS BUILDING HARDWARE, which li w nd ot tho boil Buaufueturt, ud will bo told low lor oeih. NAILS, ' ' . GLASS, - ' PUTTY, ,;, , , , GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All kind! of flench Ptanec, Sawe, Cblicll, Square,, Uanuners, HatrhcU, Plumbl and Iiorcla, Mortiac.1 A Thumb UuajreB, Brrela, Broree A Bitte, Wood aad Iron -Bench Hcrewe, and tho beet Boring Machine in tho , j Doable and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Ao. Agents for liurnell's Iron Vorii Shelter, warrantea. Also, agente for Rlcharde' GOTHIC PI.t'B TOPI, wbloh effectually oaro Smoky FlueB. Fariaera' Implement, and flardon Tooli of 0T017 acKripuon. A largo variety of COOK -STOVES, , Y ' which, w warrant to giro aatUiaetlon. Portable Rangei and Furnace: ISa-Roofing, Spouting and Job Work dono on reajunabla teriua. All order, will roeolvo prompt atlontlta. Juno II, ma. POWELL & MORGAN, II ARD W AJIE, ' ' 1 i ' ' Alto, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ' CLEARFIELD, PA. ' j iLl j. J t x t j. 1. TARMINO IMPLEMENTS of all X. , - . " " klndi for aalo by ' POWELL A MORGAN. AILROAD' WHEELBARROWS for aalo by POWELL A MORtlAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nalle, .to., for aalo bj POWII.L A MORGAN. II ARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE finding!, for lali by . ' POWELL A MORGAN. MUNS.PISTOL9 SWOKDCANES t For talt bj POWELL A MOROAH. 43TOTKS, OF ALL SORTS AND , , 8i tea, for by POWELL A MORGAN. . For tat bj , " - l'OWKLL A MORGAN. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE RAILS, for aalo by POWELL A MORGAX. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait Manufnotura, for aalo by f'1' It U i I ' POWfLL A M0RI1AK. niMBLE SKEINS AND TIPE "' B0XK8, for talt by -i. V. rOWELL A MOnflAlf. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED (Saootiiort to Boyntoo A Younf,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ; - Munafictartn of PORTABLE 4 STATIONAHY STEAM ENGINES Cornor of Fourth nnd Pino Straoto, ' CI.EARFIF.I.n, PA, TT AVISO angarod In tho manufaotor of Irat- XX olaat MACHINERY, wo roapoolfally Inform ho pnhllo that wo aro now propand to fill all order, aa ah.aply and aa prompt! aa aan bo dona In any of tho eitloa. Wa mannraeturo and doal In Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Hoad Blooka, Watar Whoola, Shafting Pull.ya, Oifford'a Injoetor, Rtoam flauara, Stoara Whlatloi, Ollara, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Oaugo Coeka, Air Cooka, Qlobo Valroa, Cboek Valrao, wrought Iron Tifn, BUoa Pnmpa, Bollor Food Pompo, Anil Frlotlon Motroo, Soap Stona Paoking, Onm Pack ing, and all kinda of MILL WOKK, togotbor with Plowa, Sled Solea, COOK AND PAULOR STOVES, . nnd olbar CASTINUS of all kinda, Mr0rdera ootlotled nnd filled at eity prloM All lattara of Inquiry with refaronoo lo maohinery of ov mannfaotnro promptly anaworod, by nddrao- Ing a at Clearfield, Pa. ' janlTl tf BIOLKR, TOUNO A RKRD. READING FOR ALLM BOOK'S l STATlOKERr. Martrt nt .cuarllrlfl. (it tho Poatnaut.) fftllE ondanignad boare loaro aonnnonnoato X tkaoltUaoo of Clearfield nnd rleinity.ihat ha hao fitted no n room ud aeJ Jut ralnrnod from thooity with n largo aaoonlof roooiag matter, oomiating in part of . . Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, - Blank, Aoaownl and Paaa Booka af ererr do- erlptlon Paper nnd Envelope,, Froneh preired p.Vd....7m- ant Briar, Local Can, Keoord Can, and Bill Can, Sheet, Muelo for olthor Piano, Flute or Vtolia oaelantly on hand. Any hooka or atatlonery doelrod that I may not know on hnnd, will bo or. ordered by Orel oiproee, nnd aold at wholoealo or Mtatl to rail owalooMf. I will aloo hoop poriodlool literutore, inok no Mngnalnao, N.wi. pacora, Ao. P. A. VJAULIN. Oloartold May V, U-tf J. 11. M'MUKRAY WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH ANY ARTICLE OK MRHCIIAND1HR AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICI. COM AND SEE. ( i T3; ) NEW WASHINGTON. ..w. w, mai WK.I VKU A If 1STTN CLEARFIELD, PA., . c ") A :ui.j i f 1 An offering, at tka old Hand of 0. L. Rood A Co. Choir itook of goads, oonil.tlng of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SnOKS, 11ATS A CAPS, . HARDWARE, QURENSWARR, FLOUR,' FEED, SALT, &o., 4o., At tho moat eoesoauble rotor for CASH or la oiobango for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR CODNTRT PRODUCE. I; wT'Adraneaa Biado to thooo angaged In got- ting out aquara tlnbar oft tho moat ndrantagooi tarua, pdtljuTt JJANIEL GOODLANDER, LiUiiifiltnuunu, ra., Doalor li ' ' ' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERI & ULOYES, .... HATB A CAF3 ud BOOTS A 8HOKS. Tutttoeo. 0 root riot Hnd Ftih. Kallt, Hwdwr, guwniwin and Ulaitwttr, Men Dtl B071' Cluthing, Drug, Paint Oili, Hohuul Uuuki, a Urfe lot of Patont UeJieloei, CanJIctv Null A Dried Frulti, Cbw and Crack tt; Hook and runt r owner. Floor, Grain rid PotAtoeH. Clorar and Timothy Seed, Sola Leather, Iforoooot, Linlofrt, Biodingt and Thread, Hhoetnakerf Toole and Shoo Findingi. No greater Tirlety of goodi in any itore tn the oounty. AU tor tale rery low lor oaaa or oounirj prodeoe at too tJhoep Uurnor. it ay i. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pann township, CloorOald Co., Pn. II V R N K D II II T t BURNED UP! The inliMTibeM hare, at treat axpenn, rehullt aeichborhood neoeMlty, In the erection of a Irat olau Woolen Hannfaolory, with all the modern improvement attached, and are prepared to mail all kindi of Clothi. Cmilineret, Batinettt. Blaa kett, Flannels, As. Plenty of godi on band to upply all our old and a thoutand naweuttotneri. wnotn we ail lo some anu eiaioina oar eioea. The buaineu of CARDING AND FULLING III receive our tenacial attention. Proper arrangemente will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to auit euttomere. All work warranted and done upon the ahorteat notioe, and by atrial atten tion to bua ioeaa we hope to realiie a liberal bare of public patronafa. lO.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will pay the higheat market price for Wm and aell oar manufactured guoda an low aa similar gooda can be bought i the eoanty, and whenever we fall to render reasonable satisfaction we can alwayi be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either In person or by letter. JAMKS JOltNHON A bONB, nprilMtf ' Bower P. 0. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS , SUPERSEDED BV I'OVKRT'S PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the best Mallea ble Iron, and ts attached to the Ilemea by the best ' ' ' Bnap aver Invented. It Is eaaily and qnlokty put whintilnn tif the hnrciu . by Uio pule. Not liable 1,1 to get out of repair. Will last for years. All wa aik If a fair trial, to . , . eonvtnoa all parttca ot i f tag them that they are uniurpaaeed in value for the purpose for whiob they are intended. HACK KIT A SCHRTVER. Clearfield, April li, IBM. MARBLE AM ST0E YARD ! Mrs. S. S. LIDDELL, - j K . Uaring ongagod In tho Marbto burlaeli, doalroa to Inform hor frlonda and tho publlo that aha ku now and will keop oomtaotly on hand a larga and wall aolootod Itock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and la propitrod to furnlik to ordor TOMBSTONES, ';: ' .B0. AND CRADLE TOM IIS, MONUMENTS, Corba and Poatt for Cemotory Lota, Window 8111a and Capa, alio, BUREAU, TADI.I AND 'WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ao. fef. Yard on Rood atroot, noar tho R, R. Dopot, Cloarnold, Pa. J.7,71 "JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonatantly on band. STOVE AND EARTHENWARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ! CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Fleher'n Patent Airtight Reir.Heallnf rmir a anal BUTTER CHOCKS, with llde, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, A rr L It Ilirri KH t'KUUItH, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS. And a great many other thlage too nomorona to mention, to bo bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STQNE WARE POTTERY, Cornor of Cherry and Third Stroete, ol Che CLliA IAHP1KLU, VA. . . T. A. FLECK & CO., Hevis no on hand, and are dally receiving ad dittoni thereto, a large and well selected slock, at fresh from the manufacturer!, of Dress Goods, Dry Qaeds, Silks, IlaU, Bonnets, Old Ladies' Caps, Baa wit, Waterpronfs, La dies' Fur Caps, Hair Goods, (teats' Fur aithing Quods, Khlrta, Ulovea, Has, Overalls, Lambermoa's Flannel, ; Ladies' Underwear, Cuffs, Collars, Handkerchiefs, , CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND WHITE DRUPSKS. - Perfumery and Boepe, Balmoral Skirts, away down, Stockinet, af every else, variety and eolorr Notions, Trimmings and Fancy Uoods, in almost tndleej varitly. - N. B.-WR BUT FOR CASH AND SRLL FOR CASH. decZtf Down I Down 1 1 , . , ka 4 -t. f( I THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST! . A Proclamation against High Priceif one f the gnod old days of cheap thing. Thosa who lark faith npon this point, or deem ear alle gations saperaeewe. Bead bat CJtLh aT OMJH BTORE, Comer Frant and Market etrevta, When they can eo. feel, bear and bnow for tbam setvel. To filly anderslaad what are cheap gaade thft mast be dona. Wa da not deem tt necessary to caneaerato and Itamlaa oar stock. It la anoagh far nt le s leU tsmt We htTft Evervthing that Si Needed and eeneamtd In tblt market, aid at rleat tbal dealt JOSEPH SHAW SON. HEPDBLICAN. CLKAHK1KLU, PA. WKDNKKDAV MOHN1NU, HKI'T. I, UTS. THK THE A SUR Y KOIIRHR Y. Tho Now York Timet glvoa tho fol lowing liiittory of tlio ojiorutiuni of tlio dotoctivei in tlie Trosnury robbery, nd tho( wuys irjrWlikh thuy trmood the onine to tho purputrotora. uliiin tlit robbery was flint aniiouiicod, nnd for some time (Vrwrd, tlio impres sion was very generally untortulnod that the Becrut Hervioo Corps of tho Treasury wore aiono ongnged in work ing up the ciiHO. i'hm was a miatako, bow over, lor, aller wuitiiig A brief pff riHl, In which tho chief of that divi sion might lmvo requested hia co-opo- ration, Mitjor A. C. Richarda, Siiporin tondent of tho Motmpolittin Police Force, Uetuiled Dotoctivo Goorgo 0. Miller to attJiid to the mnttor. As soon aa Mr. Miller took charge of tho crwo he placed several oraon8 under close aurreillanct, not, however, until he had first examined thoroughly into their habits and associations. It appears that his suspicions from the vory beginning wore correct, as his hole theory has been oritnlilishcd as correct by subsequent development. Ho learned nt once'' that ' Ilalleck, a clerk in the cushier room, and one of the only two men who had a positive k.uowliigt of tho rtiAruvunr of Uio money in the stolen package, was on intimate, almost familiar terms with Win. II. Ottman, proprietor of the rostuurant pn tho north sido of Penn sylvania avenue, a few doors above Twclflh street. lie, therefore, kept a strict watch over Ottman and hia sat ellites. Very soon he was rewarded with a piece of Intelligence that crys taliged li 18 hnlf-tormed suspicions into & certainty.' A well known profession al gambler, John Kelley, was ap proached by Brown, who desired him to change a (500 Treasury note,which ho did. Upon reflection, however, he was a little dubious about tho source from which the bill came, so lie ques tioned lliowii, who informed him that ho was dimply having it exchanged for Ottman. ' This was perfectly sutis- fuctory to Kolloy, hia suspicions being completely allnyed by the itifbrmation thut it waB furnished by tho rent nil rant keeper. . . r. Deteteclivo -Miller got w ind of tlio littlo Kelley. lirown cjiismle. Shortly after this Mr. lirown suddenly left for Saratoga, as he gave out, to practice his "profession" at the races. Detec tive Miller followed him, and discover ed that Brown had more (501) green backs, plenty of them. Indeed, flvo were tendered by him for conversion into smaller notes to different persons in a very short timo after his arrival at the Springs. Miller began to think "horo's richness :" Peg-leg Brown, who was dead "strapped" a few weeks be- foro at the nation's capitol, to blossom out into a capitalist, why it was too much for him, so he quietly intimated to "Peg-leg" that it was high time to go back to Washington. After some porsuaaion" lirown consented to ro turn.' Before Miller had effected tho arrest he had closelv uucstiouod Brown olumi 1 lit, aniima iVitm wKuno ha 1. derived all his wculth. At first be stated that it loaned to him by a friend but this story was too transparent, ao he improvised another to the effect that ho wo employed by A man of af- fluenco to mnko bets. Tho texture of this boing as gauzy aa tho other, he was finally torced to submit that Ott man had supplied bun with it, but that if there was anything wrong be not aware of tho fact. Miller satisfied himself that Brown's object iu visiting Saratoga was to dispose of the suspi cious 1500 notes. As soon as Petectivo Miller had wo ven tho web around Brown, he tele graphed lo Washington to watch Ott man. Up to this time Miller had been working alone, out now the plot began to thicken and it was necessary to call in help, so the remainder of tho force was placed In the field to co-operate with him. On his arrival iu Washing ton it was found that Ottman was ab sent in Now York, whither he had gone to transact somo business, lift lock had also loft on leave of absence granted him on a plea of deafness, which he wished to have treated in New York city. Ol course it would not do to make the arrest public, lest they should got wind of it and skip, so Brown was allowod to go around on parole, as it were. One of his first acta, however, was to visit Oilman's and, learning of his absence, he at onoe telegraphed to him to come homo, that he. was in trouble. This appeal brought Ottman back to Washington and caused him to tako stcpa to have Brown released on a writ ot habeas corpus. He omployod as attorneys Messrs. Moore and Newman to take charge of the case, and in the mean time he kept dark himself, and in strncted attaches ot tho establish ment to give out that ho was not in the city. Detective Sargent, howov er, know better than that, for he had "piped" him to tho house and was prepared lo take him in whenever he made his appearance. As already stated, Brown was directed to bo . le gally held in custody hy tho detec tives, by virtue ol a warrant issued out ol Justice Shell's court, charging him with the robbing of tho package Ottman kept shady all morning inside of tho house, but Delect ivo Hargcnt, assisted by Police Officer Shilling, at tired In ciliitou's clothes, was engaged in watching the premise. llo know that Ottman was bound to mako his appearance at somo time or other, fur lie had checked a trunk to some distant point, and parading the sidewalk was a man with a pair of valises. At last tho patience of Sar gent waa rewarded by Oilman mak. ing His appenrnoe. lie at onco ap proached hun and arrested him. Ott man, of course, protested his Inno cence, but the Justice decided that it would require 1100,000 surety, In un Incumbered projwrty, lo satisfy him even temporarily on thai point. Aa he only succeeded in raising 127,(100, he was remanded to the custody ot the officers. Ilallock, on his arrest in New York betrayed great agitation, and attempt- ed to throw away a pocket memoran dum book, and upon examination, it was found to contain currency and a THE check forl'JS. , There wits also some figuring and writing upon one ol the pugea of thO book, Tho following In scription was written in thti book :r Sayo to show W. II., August Sth,lR75. Tho figures 47,01)7, which wore In scribed the prisoner uttumpteil to cruse, when arrested, hy scratching them with lead pincil, bill they are plainly distinguishable. An examination demonstrates pret ty conclusively that it is a division of tho aunt abstracted from the Treasury. Ilallock attempted to explain his mo tive liir making tho erasure by saying that It waa a private transaction of his that ho did not care to havo every body acquainted with, and, on being pressed further, ho declared that ho was only estimating his share of tho funda if ho had been concerned In the robbery. Petoctlves McHI'rcsh and McDivitt, aa soon us they reached Washington with Ilalleck, confined him at headquarters in a cell. On tho trip down ho had been In a great state of nervousness, but when he was immured behind tho burs his courage failod him completely, and it was uot long before he manifested a disposition to communicate somothlng to tho officers. The exact substance of tho confession, the detectives, for obvious reasons, refused todiscloso.but it is known that he admits having ta ken the packago, and that ho handed it to Ottman. He also states that lie was instigatod to commit tho act by Ottman, who had ropowtouily urgod bim to tonka a stake by no doing. On boing confronted by Brown, he stated that he know him, but thai he hud no dealings with him ; ho had no go bo- twoens In tho matter, but hud handed the money ever diroclly to Oilman, who was to attend to tho conversion of it into other funds of a character not likely to attract attention. In making the cofession Ilalleck was un doubtedly Influenced by tho impression that ho had been mado a tool of in the entire' matter,' and that as soon as Ott man could make his arrangement he intended to givo him the go hy entire ly. Another powerful lover was re morse, for he said to Detective Mc Divitt, "For the past two months I havo suffered iutenso agonies, and I will do anything to rid myself of tho tortures I uin undergoing," Ilalleck, it appears, up to tho time of hia ar rest hud only received trom Ottman $1100. It was arranged, however, that ho was to havo Oil man's place of! business as his share, ostensibly on rent. Tho dotectivea, however,shrewd ly surmised that this was all a "put up job," as a transfer of tho property had all been effected to another party, and not to Ilalleck. Ottman's visit to New York, was for tho purpose of mak ing the purchase of a saloon in Brook lyn for tho sum of 115,000, and to get rid of some of the money. Shortly after Uio robbery Ottman visited the banking house of Biggs & Co. with 11,000 in small bills, anil re ceived in exchange two (500 bills. Ho had scarcely received those when he carried them to the Treasury Depart ment, and presented them at the rash room to he exchanged into small bills. Tho teller, who know him, luugbingly remarked, "Ottman, you must be the man who got that (17,000 package." To this ho responded, "1 can prove wuoro l not niv lauu lulls from . I re ceived thcin from Mr. Jliggs himself." Inquiry clicitml tho fact abovo men tioned, thut Ottman had received bis (500- bills at Kiggs' bank the same day that he presented thom at tho Treasu ry, but, of eon io, not from Mr. lilggs, but through the regular teller. In the light ot later days, this seemingly fun ny transaction explains itself. Mr. Oilman was preparing to show that he got (500 Lil's legitimately ; "only that, and nothing more." Up to the timo of tho robbery, Ilal leck altomloU to Ins duties with pttno. tuality, and industry that won for him tho esteem of all his superiors. His reputation was thought to be Irre proachable by all inside of tho build ing, and when ovory one in tlio cash room came under tho ban of suspicion, Gen. Spinner happened to reflect on Ilalleck, in a conversation with Mr. Wyman, the chiof of tho division. That official, who bad listened gravely when thoso much higher in authority woro sjmken of, actually laughed and said : "Tho Idea of charging 'innocent Benny' with any snch orime." It nev er struck him thai under u pleasing exterior, Ac, Ac. It appears, howev er, that outside ho waa a littlo butter known. For inatnnco, ho was fre quently borrowing money nt usurious rates of interest, and it is known that he sometimes engaged in gambling. THE SUAVE OF IT. No "serial" in any of tlio inagiixines this year has "taken" like Mr. William Welsh's letters on the Indian frauds. They havo boon printed, in whole or in part, by every nowspaiicr in tho country, and in tho iutcront and sym pathy they have excited must bo re garded as the greatest success of tho season. What is most remardablo.thc support Mr. Welsh is receiving in his vigorous attack comes not from tho opposition papors alono, but from thoso of every party. Wo can count uimw the Angers of one hnnd all tho papers of any reputation at all that attempt to decry him, and theso aro only known a supersorvicoahlo organs, tjio hired apologists of thieves, w hose sup port an honorable man would by no means covet. Willi theso exceptions wo think tlio press of tho country is more nearly unanimous in demanding tho complctost investigation of Uio frauds anil the most vigorous prosecu tion of tho defruudcra in tho Interim Department than we havo ovcrknnwn it to no npnn any sunject, political or not, and in tliij wo aro sure thul it on ly expresses tho feeling of tho public it represents. So unusual a manifes tation must havo an unnsualcnuao,and this It is not difficult to find. It is not alone tho character and position of De land's chiel accuser, compelling a be lief in the truth of his accusations, al though that of course has much to do with the confidence with which the at tack Is just now mado. If Mr. Welsh had attacked the whisky ring or the postal contract ring he might have been applauded, but would never havo so aroused publio . sentiment. Thore would have been indeed littlo senti tlmcnt about It, but In this war Usn the Indian rung thore it just enough or sentiment to give It a character j quite distinct ft om that of any usual war iigtiinst ollluial vosculily. Tlioro! aidy alvuls, tho abuses In tho Navy do Is a peculiar criminality, recognised parlineiit, tlio l.anduu Williams' out by ull, iu robbing those who dirs mi. rng mill, the Orvillo (irant monopoly, hie to protect themselves, and a trns. tee who robs hia helpless wards in ex ecrated as no ordinary scoundrel. The fuct, therefore, that tho rascalities of the Interior Department are at tho ex pense not only of tho nation but of the nation's poor,fouble wunls, makes them especially odious, beyond the common place rascalities in other departments, and the Indignation nguiust thoso guil ty of them especially Intonso. In a peculiar degree tho national honor Is felt to bo wounded by official compli city in tho robbery of lha Indian funds, and there Is another reason fur popular Indignation in tho bitter dis appointment which tho many feel who confided in the President's solemn promises to reform all thoso abuses. One of tho best things that General (irant eves did was his attempt an apparently sincere one tn separate tho Indian sorvico from politicnl con trol, und pluce it upon a basis of sound business principles, us well as of com mon sense and Immunity. It was an iininuusoly popular movement on bis part, and almost to this very day tho remembrance ot it has retained for him tho friendship ot many who would otherwise have fallen from him in sor row and disgust. But tho President siiccuniben In tins, us he did in so many other attempted reforms, and leaving matters more and more to such men as, hnn allowed tho Indiun service to sink to a depth of corruption which may have been par- nlleled, in some instances, under form er administrations, but never reached such vast development. We say this because, whiio the Indian population utcatliiy (liininislics, Uio amount ex pended for their support has increased at an alarming ratio in the past six years, so that the corruption is ovi- donlly wider, if not alto deeper, than bclore. But even supposing thut tho robberies undur (irant are no greater than under previous Presidents, they appear much worse from the fuct that no other President mado so strong a point of stopping thom altogether. If ho had tried, and kept on trying, and only partly succeeded, we should still havo praised him. But ho made the best kind of a beginning, and bail it altogether in his own hands to clean out tho whole nest of robbers, when he fullered and finally surrendered. Had ho persevered in his Indiun re form and in his proposal reform ol tlio civil service, he would havo had the whole nation ut his back ; but when it cumo to tho second term he wa per suaded that ho could not do without tho politicians and their patronnge, so he turned from men like Mr. Welsh and Mr. Biunot and let Delano have his way. We would rather account for tho miserable luilitre in this way than by any reference to the members of tho President's family in the Indian business ; but it is none the loss to be lamented, and the disappointment It has caused, after the President had himself done much to excite public opinion ngainst tho Indiun ring, is one reason for tho indignation which tho exposure of Delano's doings has aroused. It is plainly enough appa rent now what tho people demand, and if tho administration of Indian af fairs eritltinuo narrow tnngi,r no ot prna. cut, they will bo likely to make them selves heard in a way that oven tho Delunos of the party will heed. rhil ailrljihia JVmca. II' Y IT IS SO. After tho elections last year, which resulted in giving tho Democratic par ly a majority in the House of Repre sentatives in the next Congress, and condemning the Radical party, and re affirming tho principles of constitu tional government, it was self-evident that the Radicals were aura perplexed. Such a result astonished them. This parly saw that final overthrow, and the rodernl (toveriimeiit going into Democratic hands, and the investiga tions nnd exposures which would fol low, would bo utter annihilation of the the party of fraud, force, and corrup tion. To prevent theso exposures of tho crimes committed by the Federal Administration, and the Urriblo rctri bution which was sure to come to tho party responsible for them, occupied the anxious thought of tho lenders. Morton, Shorman, Wilson, lilaino, Cockling, the more respectable of tho Knihcnls, were alarmed. Ihey saw what was in storo for their party Grant's "third-term" iden was tho first thing to be disposed of, and to unload that all efforts were at first directed. They partially succeeded, and nt last tho Lancaster letter was written to narcotise popular indignation. In order to follow up tho gamo to savo ho Radical party, other devices woro to be discovered. At lost it was determined to divide, if possible, the triumphant Democracy on some issue which would enlist tlio Interests of classes of the business men, and thus create an oxciteinont in the country. To do this, tho "money question" was selected as the most suitable for tho purpose. The prostration in busi ness, tho uncertainty, tho w ant of con fidonoo which prevailed in all por tions of tho country wcro attracting tho attention of nil parlies, and they wcro prepared for anv reliof which promised to be the remedy. Tho nioro plausible the relief suggested, the more acceptable it became, nnd thus the money question was tho issue which theso Radical lenders settled upon to divide tho Democracy, tbnl triumphant united Democracy which secured, by its union, tho majority in Congress, Therefore, wo aro led to denounce this dodge or trick of tho Radical par ty lo divido tho Democracy, iu order to cover up the crimes this Radical party has committed, the outrages on tho Federal Constitution, tho corrup tions in every department of the Rad ical Administration of tho Federal Government, the dosporalo efforts to overthrow the legislatures and sover eignly oi lha Stale", the achcnio U govern tho people with "the army," the usurptiation by Congress, tho ef forts of tho Radical party, aided hy the personal Intriguoa of Grant to car ry tho force bill, the Arkansas bill, the repeal of the habeas corpus act, tho San Domingo scheme, the civil rights bill, tho Indian ring, the corruptions in custom houses, the Radical legisla tion for the benefit of the negro at the exponso of the white labor of the country, the Credit Mobillor and sub- thu rosioiiico swindles in mail con tracts, the Boss Shepherd ring abomi nations, the burglary of the Wash ington District Attorney's office, and a thousand other oft'enoos against tho people which liraut and tho Radical party havo committed. All these are to bo hid from the notice and condem nation ol the people by a Radical trick to divide tho Democratic party on the "money question." Wo abjure the Domocratio party not to bo led into this trap. We earnestly invoke tho Democracy to resist thli effort to divide and conquer it now bo ing uiude by tho Radical leaders. We call oti tho people to he calm, vtoady, and (lutormined. Look the future in tlio face. Deleat of the Democracy now is tho overthrow of constitutional representative government. Aro the people ready to abandon tho heritage which "tho fathers" made for them, In order to oblige tho criminals in the liudienl party and save thom from condemnation 1 Are the people ready to abandon their Constitution, that they may try the experiment of mak ing currency or money what in five years will he as lost to their necessi ties as tho "Continental money" was to the generation that followed its cre ation. It is not tho time now to set tle the "money question." Wait till tho Domocratio party has both Con gress and tho President of tho United HtnUioi, einJ thou Ui it ntijunt tho cur. rency of tho people on tho best and surest foundation. Commomcenlth. (iunerul Jackson poured oil on the agitated waters of the political canvas on tho tnrilT question, in the days of tho Whig party and bank power, by suggesting that a judiriout tariff would meet the wants of tho country. Ijet thero bo, therefore, a judicious curren cy to moot the wants of tho agitators of the money question. Hanks are dangerous in politics, and to the prin ciplcs ol tho Democratic party, when thero must bo a judicious rcmody for present and merely temporary evils in business. Tho most judicious remedy is to drive out tlio Radical party and put tho legislation for and government of the peoplo in tho hands of tho con stitutional Democratic party. The timo for seeking ability, integ rity, nnd modesty in tho public men of tliis State is coming very fiuL Soon it will lie tho highest recommittal Ion for official station and plucos of high honor that tho men chosen to fill them never oven sought cither voles, dele gates or nominations. Il will be the mission of the Democratic party to make this rule In ull such cases in the future. Homo children were playing at a bridgo crossing the Union canal, at Lebanon, somo days ago. Ono of thom fell into tho canal, and would have drowned hail not a dog "Ned" bo- longing to the Porsevcrence fire com pany immediately gone to the rescue and dragged tho child to tho bank Senator Morton, last winter, spoke of ereenbacks as "battle born." Yos they were used to pay the soldiers' or- phans and widows, but now according to tho Republicans, the "battle born greenbacks aro "rng babies," "sham money," and "national lies." This is ingratitude to their own bantling. Tho Hasurd manufacturing compa ny of tikes Barre has just fillod an order for two wire ropoe, one 2,000 and tho other 1,80(1 feet long. They wore shipped to Virginia City, Nova- da, last wook, and are to be uaed for hoisting ore from a silver niiuo. The Grand Army of tho Republic of Pennsylvania will adopt a neat blue flannel uniform for tho Centonnial,and 'tis expected that thero will bo up wards of fivo thousand veterans from the Keystone Stale in line on the 4th of July, 1870. The old Know Nothing leaders in Baltimore, mainly Custom House and Postofllce officials, are trying to revive that defunct onlor. It is the only dodge left thom, and will amount to nothing but defeat aud discomfiture, as it did boforo. , The saddest thing in life is th spectacle afforded by a young person who has burnt all her hair off her forehead with a hot slato pencil, and cannot afford to buy a row of curls. Soimi wostorn paper says that Gen oral Iltirnsido and his whiskors will soon bo brought out as a candidate for the Proeidcncy. Something Hint ought to bo put down carpet. $fiv 3.arti$ftnfnt. c AUTION.- AH persons are hereby warned anlaet parch aring or la any manner meddling wtth the fol lowing property, now in the posiesdoa of Jacob ureen, ui uraaiora lownanipi I now, I nog, cupbuard, I tray, 4 beds and bedding, 7 chain, table, I clock, I tub, a lot of sheaf-oats and lot af potatoco la lha ground. The foregoing property was parcaatad by ma at t'enstaele sale on the I Ilk of Aug a at, aad te left with said Ureen on loan only, saujeet to my order. 1KAAC (MINIS Woodland, Aug. 1, '7a t. C ACTION. All persons art hereby warned aaraioat iter chasing or la any manner meddling with the j IffaWJi; 6 aeroa of oorn, I arrce of oau. I acre, uf kuek wheat, n lot of poUloe in the around, elieke of nuttier on 01 ctio.t ureok, l Tannine mi l. (unci nnd 1 ildn ial.llr, I grain cradle, 1 Iron a.nia, i iooioi anv. rnie properly waa pur 0D.M.I1 07 me at u.rin . e.le 00 too loin 01 Aua. and ie loll with th. .old NrS no loan, euhjoel lo my nrj.r at an; lime. 11 K.N 1( X N Kr r, Sn Nt, Aug. 31, l7t-lc CA UTION -'" All persona are berebr warned aielnel nor ohailiie; or in any manner inrddUn, with the fol limine; property, now in in. nan-J.ol nooort Jra- ham, or llrauTurd lownauln, .let Ono horee, eowe, S head young eetlle, I harrow, t pi owe, 10 uoaeu wneat, 101 01 rro, 0 oorre euro in the around, I nrroo onta in tho ground, I aeree of boehwaaot. I Ion ot nay, more or leoa, ond I woeh heMle. The alorceaid property wae purehaeed by meat Kaon 'a aalo on Iho dny of Augoot, and la 1.0 won niua on man 1001.01 tn my order. KOllKHT 8. STKWART. Bald nilll, Auf. It, IS7I. c FACTION.- All iterMOB nra herohy warned aralnelnur. rhnaina or in any way meddling with lha lot lowing: property, now In Ibe haade of Hiram Donaideou, of Penn townebip, via 1 Ono now and I hoge. Tula nmoorly wae norehaaod bv mo al ooneublo'a eale on Iho Slot of J.I), and la left wun aim on Han only, euiaool lo my order 1 ear lima. JOHN HIPS, Moaner City, Aog. 13, 171. It . QAUTION. . All are hereby enutiouod ag.laM puuoroa .prion wagon, poioaueod ky mo, ati n,' M. nvMiauarror oa 1110a. .... CASPM LSIPOLDT ClenrSoM, Aa IS,'7a ll Urn Csois, 6rsrtfi, etc. I KRATZER & LYTLE.!NEW NEW FIRM! IN TIimR COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Are marking down their mmi stock of goods, to the lowett CASH PRICES. Reduced aiptntet aad telling far ready pay aablet them to da it, Tbey will endeavor lo be HEADQUARTER?! for supplying the cltltent af Clearfield eoanty ua DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Droaa Uooda, Roota and Shooa, Uroearloe. Wall Paper, Qooooiwaro, Ae, Ao. And ail other g-ooda la Chelr lino. N. li. TKIlrlH CASH. 1. M. KRATZER, i. 8. LVTLS. Clearteld, Doe. It, 1174. ED. W. GRAHAM, DSALSR InT GENERAL MEECHAKDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hna loat opened, at tho old tUad, In Qraham'f Kow, n oomploto atoek 01 JT E W V O O D , of ovary dooertptloa. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTH1NO, (to., afe, IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, H I A, OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON BAND AND FOB SALS ATA SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Reeetrad b tba ear load, and fold tt ft small advance. A supply of BOPI constantly aa band Special inducements offered to those getting ant Bcjaara Timber and Logs, at wa deal Urgal In Lumbermen's Bappliea, and are pre pared at all tlmaa to purchase Um ber and Umber. GD. W, QIAUAM, Market Street, CLEARFIELD, FA. Oct. 11, If Tl. HARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLE I I am aware that thero art aamo aerseat a Hltw hard to please, and I am also aware that tbo complaint of ''bard tlmaa" Is wall alghnaivarsal. vac 1 am so situaiea now tnai l can satisfy too farmer nnd prove conclusively that "hard times" will aol aneet taoee who any tuetr goods from ma aad all my net rone shall he Initiated Into th e rat of HOW TO AVOID IIAIUT TIMES t have goods aaaagh to supply aN tba Inhabi tants tn ths lower end af the eoanty wbteb I sell at eieeoding low rates from my mammoth stare In HUbKunHliltU, wnero 1 aan always he foaad ready to wait upon sailers aad tapply them wltb Dry Goods of all llnds, Suck ao Clothe, Satlaotta, Cnaalmoroa, Mnallna, ueiaiaee, L,tncn, fruitage, t;elieoea, Trlmminga, Ribboua, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boota and Shooa, Rata aad Capa all of tlio boo! material and made to order lloea, aoeke, Uloveo, Miltene, Laoeo, Klbboaa, Ao. OROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Cat, Too, Soger, Rice, Meleaece, Fleh, Salt fork, Llnooed Oil, Fleh Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Quoenswara, Tinware, Caetlnra. Plowa ana now teoouga, nana, sptkaa, Cora Cultira- tora, Cider Preaeea,aad all kinda of Aaoa, Perfumery, Palate, Varalek, Olaoa, aad a general naeortment at otatlouery, 00 OD FLOUR, Of different hrande, alwaya oa hand, aad will ho aold at the lowoot poBaiblo Iguran. J. II. MoClaln'a Modielaee, iayna'B Madlclnoa. uoetotter a aad llooaand'a Ulltere. MQt aoande of Wool wanted for whl.h Ik. tlghaat price will to paid. Clevereood on band aad for aalo at tho lowoat market price. Aloo, Agent for Stmttonvillo and CarweaarUle inreanmg Macklnee. Ida-Call and eoofor youraalvoa.' Ton will Ind everything ueuolly krpt In a retail (lore. L. M. COIIDRIIT. Freochvllle P. 0., Auguat II, 1174. JhJEWBTOKE AND NKW 0001)5 JOS. SHAW ii SON Hart jutt opened a Niw Stoat, on Italn 8t.,CLaaanaia, tn lately occupied bj Win. t, IRWIN Their itock eontiittof Oaoctaitt ef thi beat quality, QrjRENswARE, Boots and Shoes. tail over, article eeeatart for eae't eomfort, Ctll nnd txamlnt ear itock before par ekatlng elttwhare. kfay 9, IsM-tr. STEAM 8AW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILIRS F0 SALE. Tka omeer.lgaed aaWo hr oale n maeoanble Wnaa, taoar ataoaa aow mlU, lecawod at Woilnoo Wa, Chart .Id Co., Pa. TheoagiMaod b.iOrre arw nt good at new. the aiae of the oaglae to 'J14 u l o4 remain; order. They alM aloo tall their ahlngto aad tola mill, ud all tho worklet- maeblaory la aho mUL Parlloa o lob lag Ie pureaooc eaa oeU en or oddro.. r.a . f !. WALLACE A CO. Oeurleld, Pa, Jnno St, lift. firorrrln, . . FLOUR. FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Market tttroet, one Sour went of Slautloa lloaae. Clearfleld, Pa. Keep ooneUutly on bond SlltiAR, COrFEC, TRAS, BODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT, k , SPICKS, IP, Canned and Dried Fruite, Tobaooo, Clfera, Coo- dloa, Cider Vinegar, Butter, Efga, Ao. ALSO, KXTRA OMR-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Floor, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of wbloh will bo eold aheap for oaeh or In ouobange for country produce. A. u. a it a at n n a cu. Clearteld, Nov. II, ISTt.-tf JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify the public generally that ha has removed his Grocery Htore from Kbew'e Row, to the building formerly oecuied by J. Miles K ratter, on Second street, next deor to Uigler's hardware store, where be intends keeping a full tine of . GKOCEttlEK. HAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. SUGARS and St RL'PS, or oil grndee. TEAS, Oreen nnd Black. COFFEE, Routed and Ureen. FLOUR AND FROVISIONS, tiA-.ri:i till ITS, All kind, la the market. PICKLES, an Jnra and barrele. SPICES, in every form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDH OP C'RAC'KKKN. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil and Lamp C&imiuys. And a good noaortmont of thooo tbinga nwelly kept In o grocery etoro, which ho will eacbaogr .Y.Pftrn"lt ot loo market prtoen. Wilt Bell for ceiti aa cheaply na any other one. Pleaau call and aeo hia atoek and Judge Cor youroMf. JUUfl alcUAUOUKl, ClearSeld, May 17, lite. QROCERIES JAS. H. LYTLE, (Sureereor to LYTLE A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICK LINK OP TBAtt. 00L0N0S, JAPANS, IMPERII!., YOUNO HYSON. ENGLISH BREAKFAST Pnrcal la Market. BUTTER AMD KIICH Will be koat aad aold at Srst eoal. Caak aaid ror vonntry rroauoo. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURRET PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. KIS1I. Mackerel, Lake nerriog, Cod, Ao. PICKLRH. Barrel Piekloa and Engtlih Picklee. PI.OIIR AND PRI'.I). Flour, Cora Meal, Oat Meal, Ac mck!7t JAS. U. LYTLE. rtUKAP GROCERIES! J LUMBER CITf. PA The andcreiguod announooa to hie eld frienda aud patrona that ho hoe opened n good lino ot OROCERIES A PROVISIONS nt Iho old aland ef Eirk A Spencer, for which bo eoliolte a liheral patienage. 11. or. nl bomber oily, ro., March 10. tf. B OOT AND SHOE MAKING. JOPKPH H. DUE HI NO. oa Market atr.t. la Shaw'i Row, Clearfleld. Pi., has jest received a nao ioi or rreaeh Calf Uktns and Kips, th. htMrt In the market, and Is aow nreperwd tn man araetor everything la hit lino, lie will war rant hit werk ta be as represented. Tee eiMieee of. Clearfleld and vicinity art Tvapeetieiiy lnvitca 10 give aim ft tall. Work dona al abort nottn. T:lTy njpyer'i Poultry Powdw. nuTuiea.iraseei ta time, to cure ( hie ken ef)olr md pes. t'ithaDpiiV3rthia 4 ooeetowataf -'" twn pro mi lesMtag. "'nairj livrniioen, CIOU- A. C. MtTIR A CO BalUmota J.aelt Im TTOUSK AND LOT FOR SALE XX Tho llouaa and 11 en Iho ooraor of Mar- oai aan rilia aire. la, Clearteld, Pa., lo for aalo lac lot eoaleiue nearly aa ooro of ground. The hoot la a larga double frame, containing nine rvwmw, war torme una oincr iniormatlon apply lo Ibo eubeoriber, al tho Poet OBce. ovl P. A. HAt'l.m. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAED0N & BR0., Roar of Pio'a Opera Uoun, CLEARFIELD, PA. Our nrrangemont, are rf the m.o ui..u cbamctor for foraiihing tho public with Frock -iw. ei.ino, nno ot tnc very na.t auality. .. .... m u, gricuiiarnl Impla mauta, which wa keep oa eahibilteo for tbo boa toe annuo, coll around whoa lo .town, anu tnao a loot nlJtlngB, or addrou na F. M. OA H DON A I1IIO. wiooracia, ra., duly It, lS7t tr. jjiRESK MEAT MARKET. M. 0. BROWS BRO., Markel St., Clearteld, Would nnnonnot lo lha oltliane of iho town aad y i.vy run aeep mo meal market tat old atanA, whore tkoy will keep C.n.t n 1-...I ar.... . . rim urn, v mi jnution ana J,am of lbs Anost qualities. Markol oralngt-Tuo.dnya, tkuratlaya aid BaturJaya. Hlv.aanonll. . ' Juaol.n tm M. O. BROWN A BRO. m . .owuooarr - He a oororai enpii, or oon""'ni nor in, Wo, or amewtia both orontando . mot.. IVIif, at ruj I'ifor li . , 4mJ TaWifteeViS. it talMolonoa. aadV oanreo npoa re. AJJ.KfiURNY HOTEL, (Mark.! St., hot. Third and Fourth,! t I.KAKPIKl.l,, PA. Tbo oubeortljcr. having boooaio proprietor of thi. h.itot, would roapooofolly nk a libural thare of publio patronage. Prieaa reduced lo anil tho J.n.Iu.'riilf... II. L. LKIP0LDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CUIUVKNHVILLlf,' PA. . K US' ION KKAD, Paoraiaroa. Uavlog noeomo proprietor 01 law Hotel, I would roapootiully aolioil tho patronage of tho publlo. liouao ieaaatly aad conveniently ait. uated ; a -.I, refilled nod refuruiebod f good laia. plo noome nuoobjod- Ail vollroaa Iraino atop nt thi. liuueo.. ... 1 . . joollll-fo SHAW UOU8E, (Cor. or Market A Front Itroota,) CLKAKPIKLD, HA. Tho nndenlgnad having Ukrn charge of Ihi. Il'itcl, wuuld reapectfully loltcir public patronage. janl'7t II. H. Fl'LLKKTON. ASIIINGTON HOUKK, NKW WAHHINHTON, PA. Thla new nnd well furnl.bed houro bai been taken by the nndcr.lgncd. lie fed. confident of being able to render aalieraelion to thooo who mar favor him with a aall. May t, 1171. U. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. jt j" II N T O II R H O U at K , ' . OppeelUUa Court Uoejoe,- LOCK haven PENK'X. J.I 47 1 HAU8RAL A KRObt, Prop'a. LOTD HOUSE, Main Street, PIIILIPSHDRO, PKN.I'A. Table alwaya aupplied with tho beet the market affurile. The traveling public ie invited toeall. uovl,'71. HollaHT 1,0 VU. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Heoondaod Market Streets. CLEARP1XD. PA. TniSeldaad torn mod loat Hotel baa. during the past year, been enlarged to double iu former capacity for the entertainment uf stran gers and guests. The whole boilJing baa beea iwfarniebaatt. and the rwriUr will spare no pains to render bit guesU aomturtalila while staying with him. sffrTha 'Mansion Mouse" Umaibas mas 10 aud from the Depot on the arrival and departure of each train. JOUN U0UUHKHTY, aprfl-70 if Proprtetur laitlts. n. ounoLn. a. w. ausold. a. AaanLu F. K.ARNOLD & CO., IIiMikerH nnd Ilrokt?. Reyitoldavllle, leflerauit Co., Pa. Money received on deposit. Diieminta at .- drrate rats. Eastern and foreign Bxebenge al ways on hand and nollfctlonw prnmpttv made. atteynoinsviiie, uee in, H74.-Iy County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maftonie JtuiMing, one dir mirth ul C. D. Watson's Drug Store, Pas-ar Tickets to and from Livermtol. Ouetni- tnwn, Ulangitw, London, l'aris and Copenhagen. Also, Drafts for sale on the Royal bankuf Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. jam MS i. bfcUNAKU, I'res't. W. M. SHAW, CVhier. il:1:74 DREXEL & CO., o. 34 ftouth Third Htrcet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will receive prompt at ten tioa, nnd all Informatioa cheerfully furnished Order solieted. April II if. Jfntistrji. J. li." STEWART, D. D. S., Office over Irwin's Drug Fture. CL'RWKNSVILLK, PA All dontal operations, either la the mrrlianical or operative branch, promptly attended lo and sahtlartion guaranterH. Hpectal attention paid to the treatuent of diseases of the natural teetli, gams aad mouth. Irregularity of the teeth suc cessfully corrected. Teeth ei traded without pain ny the use 01 ntner, and artificial teeth inaertctl of the bast material and warranted te render sat isfaction. pril3f'71:ly DKN TISTRY. Having determined to locate la Carwcnsville fur lite purpose ( pursuing my prolsisiuo, I hereliy offer my emri to the public. 1 haie ust finished a term of dental instructions under the bent tewhers of the Collcgs af liental furgfry la rhllaarlpMa, and am now prepared to execute all work pertnfntng t & nt (stry in the best tn to tier, wun me larrn rniproTs meat. AH work guaranteed to giva entire sat iitaction as to ejuahty and deration. Teetli ti tractrd without pain. Koom In new Bunk build ing. For further information apply in person r addrass E. M. THOMPSON, mch31'75 tf. Curwcosrille, Pa. " A. M. HILLS Would ratrpartfally notify bis pallcnts that he has reduced the price of ARTI FICIAL TBBT1I to tll tt, per ert, er f36 M f"T a double set. For any two person coming at the same time, to have arb an upper tel. wit) get ina two sett tor ti. au, or vi.-t each. Teran invariably Caw. Clearfleld, July I, 1874. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, 1 ( wnoLRSALn TiiiLnn ix WINESAXDLKJUORS, CLEARFIELD, PA. My blaccof builooaa is on Market etrert, dl. rcctly uppollta Uie Court llouee, wbcro I driire to keep a full etock of PI'KE LIQUORS, and will worraot them te bo each lo my corlomrr. Uivo moaoall.. Jalyll.'UK. WHOLESALE UQUOR STORE. At the end of the new bridge, WEST CLEARFIELD, I'A. TL pruurletor of this ertablUhment will boy hi liquors direct from distillers. Parties buving this houtvt will b sure to jfet a pare art--it at a araall margin above east, llatet keeper ma be furnished with liquors on reasonable terms. Para wines and brandies direct from Sesltf's Vinery, at Hath, New tnrk. Clearfleld. June 1, lS7-tf. r.HTBLiSHEit tta.IIjKY'N PURE IIYE WHISKY. Wa sjala call yonr attenllen to the abnvs Ml braird brand of goods, and we da mwitk theeoa- viction that there is a great want eEisting sLating a val nnmher OI person who are rompeiietl te are, medicinally or otherwise, a pnre whlkv. la supply tbii want we oner Htliry-a rurw Rye. an article whioh has bean before the f uidie fur m DUinlier of year. Its rcpntatioo otanditig high ai a thoroughly reliable stimulant amne( medical men. A an evidence, quite a nawbsrot' our eminent physicians prescribe H to the eifle slon of all at bars, Doing maila oa the beat kaown seienliin prle ciplee, Trom the choicest grain, anil hy praetiral distiller, It retains a delightful flavor, an -I. greatly improved by ege. make it largely eougbl after by I rat etas hotels aad draggifts. (Should you desirt to gir this whisky ft trial, and are in doubt ai to whether your hotel urdruf glst keep It, (not having one of our signs display ed,) write te aad we shall bo most bepp- te direct yon lo the persont who handle owr g-ma in your neighborhood. We are also sole proprietors and inaniifaetur-r of the well known UK. tsrtKVKU'8 TONIC.IKKR HITTKKH, whieh hae been suvcffally ued tir ever thirty year aa ft Blood Purifier, auti Hj ptptic nnd foaie. HUKV A CIIRUT. M. h2t7 .) 1)1 N Third St., Philadelphia O. I. v.. "rilKUB to buy my PRY OOf)l8, TV aeries, Uueeasware, (HaMware, Drug tM Notion, Cunfictioneric, Atv, cheap for cash. Th cuWriber heirs leave tt Infnrm bis eld sed new castumert that ha has opened A VAIUKTY fT0KR IN fll.KN MOPR, TK. And will sell guoils at tit liberal reduction l ill in t to suit the ti. A de to cuMi-Dim hsj- ing at wholesale. Cell and examine ftiT stock before purehsi-l elsewhere. A liberal share of public pairoaaf solicited, C. J, KK.UiV. (Ilea Hope, r.., June 14, t;i. trr TTroNEERINO I1II.L. OSTI The underoigu'd would rceportrullv loSira oilUeaa of Clearteld and vicinity thai ho a pie pcrea to cry ell Auction, Voodoo, ana om on .lin.l Mn,(M ...I . ..H.l,U M Bllla, Pootere, PrograramrB.and other edrerlli'M polled and dlitrlbnled In the meet toneplra-J' plaooo, A ahara M public I- a li"" . N. L. RoSI Marck IT, 'Jt lf. Clrartla,r F 'OR RAt.R.-Tka nndcrilsnrd ' aalo a valuable town nroncrtv la lb. bort af Clearteld. Ul to, lot toot, wltb o r"d to atory plank konaa tbareoa oroclo.1. out room, dona ataira and four bod loomi op Alio, trwlng room aad hath room co ereoed Bouea nilbed oomplcta fnim cellar Ie uUO" Oond donhla porch nnd good water. PrM"" totnhlo and pnymante oaay. ,u I0aug7l W M. M. MrCI'Ll.fll SH.