Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 01, 1875, Image 3

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Termt of Subicrlntlrui.
If paid la adraaoe.erwlthla tkne montha...)! M
If paid after three aad Bator, ill moatk...., I M
1 1 paid (' the eaplrntla. of ,1a month. ... I it
- Ar-Meaere. I. M. rmmiu Oa., Now.,
paper Advotllalag, IT rata Row, ..roar
H.ekmaa IBtrMl, an aar duly outhoriaed AgaaK
ia New York Cite.
MatBodlat KnluRanal rhHMh a a
Srnvnue, raalor. Public Servlea every Babballi
" "1 n. m., anu ir.a,
Sabbath School at I A. M.
Prayer e,. tllai mrr Thundae. ai tl p. If
Coian union Service, fint Sabbutk of aver,
.BAKlk .1 1111 . U
Pi-cub) tartan l'hurch-.R. H. g. Burins.
8abl.alb Mrvieea morning aad evealag Sab
bath School at p. . Prayer MMtlng Wednee.
Mt. Pranela Chttrh..rathBll-lt
Jcttauninan.-. Preaching al lilt o'clock, A.M., aa
the Brat, tblrd and l.nrtk M....H... t ...... . L. .
Veipon and Benediction of lb. Blraeed Sacrament'
170 ami, p. M. tluadey School every Suadoy
a a oioaa.
Recon4 Monday of Janaary.
V.rA Monday or March.
Flirt Monday ef Job.
Fourth Monday of Septs. br,
firt Monday of Juno,
fteeoad Monday of November.,
rtiBuo orricKRi,
Prwridnt ; Hoa. Cberlee A. Waver, Of
Look Unu,, t Jd9 11 oa. Jobs B. Orvli, of
Atwoeialt Jmdg Willi an C. FoUy, OlearnOlij
afODa ai, mia, uurweoiviu.
Prflar lit Bloom.
iVeptefev mna Rfordtrh, 3. Morgan.
District jtlfoMty-rrtb. Fielding.
Treasurer David W. Wise.
Wllllasa R. McPherson.
(Jountj 8mrwyor 8 a null F. McCloikey, Car-
(hunty ComminT John D. Thonpson,
Curwensvllls, Clark Browa, Clearfield ; Conrad
W. Kyler.Orahaiutott.
Count Auditor James H. Hlle, Lonbtr City;
Lewis 0. Bloom. Clearfield; Henry Whitehead,
UbIob townahip.
Jury Oommiiontr$ John W. tihugart, Jama
Mitchell, Clearfletl. v
8prfdt o 'nK.'fl AImIi Jobi A.
tlregory, Clearfield.
JVolonn -a.o-J.ha W. Wrlfley, Ws. Re
debaugb, Cvrue L. Gordon, Clearfield; Josieh
Kvans, Joi. R. Irwin, N.M. Arnold, Curweasvillei
J. J. Ltofle, Kmteet Hayers, Uaooolo Mills John
ttiB Hamilton, Lutbersburfr.
Oar Spteiat ooIbibd l dacldedly tBtaradinf Ib
b looal point of view, and profit able reading to
outaldori who waat to aar a monej.
New Season Tea two niontlm IVom
China, at J. II. I.jtle'i.
The Sc-liool Directors of I)in-
Iriet want to am ploy foorteta taoebarf. Bee ad
vert item en I.
Get ItvdiHTKRKD. To-dny and to
morrow tba Aaaaaiiora will ba at tbair reipeclifa
election bonaaa fur tba porpooa of rofiitariog
aaaa Bfci
We notico hy our exchungon that
91, MO touBtarlelt Bute are In oirrnlatioB. Wall,
they will aot bother na. Wo will not bt fueled
by any ilaa orar a $20.
It la the IlolKdajborg ftyitttr that fayiMPhll.
ijiiburg, Clearfield oouoty." PAilijubirf Journal,
Walt, tba editor of tba Hrgitiw, Ilk ovary
otbar feniibla ercature, knowa It ought to ba Ifaua.
Vchmc School, The public schools
of tbii place will open fur tha aaaulng tana oa
Monday neit, Peptember I, with a full norpi of
teaohere. Oat your booki and alatat ready, boya
and gtrli.
Nuihbore and triotnln, do out tho
mart and other weada wbtob grow In front of
your dwelling, and make onr atraota and alleya
look a tbungb the homea and Iota worn all ooao
Thk Oatr Crop. The finest oaU
rop arer harraatad In tbii county baa been hoaaW
tbia aeaaoa. Tha grata tiaioalleat and tba mag
nifloont weather for the paat two week kaa aaa
bird tba farm en toaecure It without a drop of rain.
l'enfield, Clearfield eoanty, la tba abodt of high
way robber!. HttHidmytbmrf Sim ndtrd.
woo iota yva wr
Tha minora roeantly eoavietad la Claarfiold
aouoty hare boea pardoBod. IM.
That la newa to mt, over tbii way.
Lirit of K' tiers remaining unclaimed
In tha PoitoAoe at ClearBeld, for tba week anding
Auguit 30th, Ift7 t
Flanigan. Wllllai
Kelly, Martin
SJoCloakey. Jamu
IfaUbewt, Tbomaa
WiIkob, Hear?
P. A. UAUL1N, F. M.
Hoover, Franklin C.
tlolliaibead, Tbo mat
Richer, Mra. Rachel
Quarterly Meitino. -We have
Un reqneatad to itate that Ror. J. 8. Mc Murray,
former Praalding Rider of thla dlitrtel, will preach
in tbo Woodland M. R. Charcb on Sunday, Sep
tember 6th, morning and ovenlng, being tba oo
oaiion of tho aoeond o,artarly meeting.
- aaal mm
The VhiUpHbuvg Journal aays: 1). J.
MoCaon. formerly a prominent aitliea of thla
plaoo, and nooeaaor to air. Irlah la tha ownor
ahlp of tbo Morgan. Hala A Co. property, and
who ramoved from thli point to ongaga In tho
banking builnoia In Nebraaka, la aharged with
fraod la ooaoootioa witk Indian affair.
Settled at Laht. Hereafter the
mail will ba carried from thli place to Corwena
villa oo tho railroad. In ebarga of tbo United
State mall agent. Why thla waa not done long
ago wa could norer ondorataud. Tho Idea of
carrying tha I n i ted State malt la hack, aloog-
ido of a railroad track, u a boatbea Idaa that
only a "Chinee1 could appreciate.
i -
Scndat School Pic Nio. We learn
that tba ofllocrt and frlenda of tbo Praibytorlaa
Sunday School ia thla plaoo propoao to bold a
graud pi aio, oa tho Fair O round, on Tburaday.
Tbo frlenda aro req netted to moot at the church
at 9 o'clock ia tbo morning or aald day.' Puna
toality will go far tuwarde rendering everybody
oomfortablo and agreeable. . : I f ,
mm m -
Ca hp M eeti no. fe loarn from
tboa tbat attended tba Juniata Valley Camp
Meeting, at Newton Hamilton, that tba tornoot
waa onorawua. Tho oxeoadlng Aa weather for
Um daya paat enabled everybody la the valley to
attend. Train of fifteen to tweaty can were fre
quent, and a I wayi leaded Inalde and oalalde. Io
a apirltual way wc uadanUnd tbo meeting la alae
a decided ewceeea.
From the Oftceola JUveiUe we learn
tbat on Saturday week miner named Welib,
while at work with bla oa la the Bureka mine.
ear Hootadele. waa e badly lajarod by a fall of
eoai, that It la feared be eaaaot lanrlr. Ilia leg
waa brokea la two plaeea, bla cellar boao brokea,
aad It 1 feared he ewfiered Internal bralaee. Ilia
era waa aet oaaght la toe fall to ony degree, aad
oaly laflered a few hralae.
Coal Oil. Friday evening, Mrs.
Wblldea Hugbei oarritd a lighted ooal ell lamp
Mpitair, aad wa called away for momeat. tier
attention wai called ibortly afterward! to au -uiaal
light, aod oa returulng U the room la
which aha left the lamp ah 5 lacerated It all
oblate, and the window artaiaa nearly eoaaamed.
Hhe at once threw tb lamp lato Ib itraet, aod
that pat a atop to what might havo proved o ill
attroni conflagration. tei'leiew Sulim$l,
Intendant Gregory baa beea holding Jlitrlet levee
for ten day paat. Wa ondoratand that Iho Bell
and Greenwood examination woaud ap la a rag
alar pie aio. Mr. Uregory wa delighted with
bla aeulhweitera trip nice weather, nice people
nod a alee time generally through Hell, Uaraflde,
Chart, etc. Oa Monday tart, the teacher of thla
place, Lawrcaoe townihtp aad Lawrence lade
pondjat were examined, there being thirteen ap for eertiSeatfO.
A New Idea. Tho Cambria Free-
mum any that a farmer la that coonty I credited
with a aew depart are la tho way of wheat grew
Ing, which h hai Ja.t hirveated with the moct
oetiataetory rooalta. Mo plaaied al Iho proper
Dm o half toaoapful of wheat la hi lit about eight
nckc apart, patting three grain Io each hllL
From each of theee bill na average of fifty-four
lalki grew to perfect lea, the beading ea each
'talk nag ing from Ito to ofghl laebea, aad tbo
Mtira lot producing a fall peek of lUiiEial wheat.
e mm
Xew Banking Company. We have
heea aatfaeriard to Hate that the new banking
wompaay ef OcoeoU, ityled the "Cltliear Back
ing Company,- tih a oaah capital of $10,000,
ill commeoeo hoc iaac oa or about tha Irit ft
September. Tbo Weiaeea of tbt ceeapaay will
boeeadaeted to the KmiU build lag eatll their
hoa la rampleted, which win ho at later thea
the mtddle of Ociobtr. The etoekhelder aro
Ue. M. Brlibla, p. A. flood, H. 4. McAuJfV and
The jli.YNoi,iM.vuLE Kirk. The
floartiblng boroagh of Raynoldavilla waa vitited
by a deatruetiro ooaflagratloi oa Sunday mora
lag laat, Tba flra broke out la tba back pari 01
what waa known aa tba Areade building about S
o'clock on Huaday atoraing. At Uta anting w
havo hot learned tha oauH of tba fire, but wo
kaow that aeveral attempu havo beea raaeatly
made by laeondiarlea to Ira tbo town, and we
auapoet tbo laat attempt waa encoeM,. Ueloa
will bo fvuad liot of the Wooa and ibe iaur
aaeo tborooa, for wbloh we are Indebted to what
la left of tha ferwM oBeo. No hoteli ware fl
owkkmi. Loaa. ixgcnaxca.
II. A. Soon.. $HiO
8. T. Reynolda 100 i0
D. C. Oj.l.rA Co ' k.WHI Bank ' ,
Si. ml. Miner 1 Jewelef.-
Uurgeai A AleiabderM.. drugi, S.&&0
H. 1,W0 dry good. 4,400
C. II. Berlew M,. I, Wit tmlma n0
Dr. Langfoet 3.A00 drugi
K. L- Bruwa. offloe - &0U
W. II. Huver.
K. Jlendrickioa I&O
F. it. Cole 1.1,(100 hardware f,t0
B. 0. McKd 1,3110
P. II earner.......
A. hi. Cotlo S.000 billiard 1,000
C. II. Oordoa ifio9 l.ioO
TboaipkiBi A lguor.... a.OOtl groeera t.uof
L. P. Heeley- Itl.VOU d. grooda 4,000
M. Wlnlw H.1MI0 aalwua I, ISO
P. OllkipieM liO jeweler
Brandon A RaynodaH... 4,000 Htmtd
A. Bogaer A Co ll.oon ekifaing 6,700
D. Reynold!. 4,000 1,000
II. U. lemaa A Co....... 4,&Ov drugi 1,100
(llbaoa A Maaaoa 100 drug
W. A. Mm ion BOO
Tbompaon A Reynoldi 6,000
lira. FiyBB.a. 1,000
Rubert Boltoo 400
D. Roeeereai 100 driga
J. A. Doyla. X,000 druga 1,000
S. B. Ake. 0,000 ealoon 1,400
M. M. llavll 60S (00
P. Taylor,- 80(1 H00
A. Bogner- 1,000 400
H. F. Barricw 10
U. Cballeyder 100
U.S. Miller 130
(Ito. Walten 600 '
H. fl. Belnap... 100
J. W. Fault 10
Bengen A Laogfitt.. S0 150
H. A. Bailey......H.. Son . 4 ,
R. 0. Fauat ! f
W. H Hunt sa
C. M. Biabop ; 40
J. M. Diita loo
T. C. Reyoolda SA
Mra. Jaoe Taylor 400 . , 160
Slander and l.mri.. The now'edi-
lor of the Mount Union AVa la atari ing out wild
a legal aye ia bla bead, and la potting blareadere
on tba law pbaao of alandar and libel, and define!
them In tbia way i ,'. . j i s ( o L
Slander la tbo defaming of a man In bii repa-
tation, profeiaien or livelihood, aa, If a man, oia-
llaiouvly and falicly, alter any alauder or falao
tale of another, whiuh may either endanger bini
in law, by iiupaacbing bim of aome heinoua oritue.
aa to any tbat a bjmji hath polauned another, or ia
perjured; or which may exclude him from aooicty,
aa to ebarga bim with aa infeoiioua dneaae; or
wbieb may impair or hurt hia trade or livelihood,
aa to oall a trndueman a bank rap U ULAcaaroDa.
Libel ligalflM literally a little book. A UM
defined to ba a lualicioua defamation of any
perawn, especially a utagiitrata, expremed either
in printing or writing, or by aigna, piolurea, Ac,
tending either to blaokeu the mvmory of one who
li dead, or i be reputation of ono wbo la alive, aad
thereby expoeing bim to public hatred, ountumpt
or ridicule. Whart. Law Diet, page 440.
Puniibtnent under tho lawa of 1'ennaylrania
Any penoa guilty of libel it ahail be deemed a
miideineanor. and oa oonvietion be arntenced to
pay a fine not eaoeeding one tbouiand dollar, or
undergo aa Impriaonment not exceeding twelve
montba, or both; or either, el-the diaorclion of the
oourt. - ,
Thla aew aoribo la evidently adjusting himaoll
and getting ready for a araaada In Huntingdon
Journallim, where the profaiaioo baa been oonaid-
erably curbed for aeveral yeare. We are highly
pleaaed tbat ho baa furnlibed tha 67o6e and the
Journal with thla bit of legal Information. It
may prove a blotting to the editor of thoaa loy
al journal!. ' J 1 '-"'.'( Mi
Kditorial Mi'hic Tho editor of the
Mahoning Aryaa, admit that be la the owner of
wo faorna, aod thic la Ib way bo blowi for hi
reader la a late laaoe I '
Thi week' paper begin Vol. IV or tb Ma-
kk'm., Aran. tiBit Ikk nlnuiiH ia aattntv tii
oor aubacriber tbat notwithstanding the dreadful '
financial condition or the country, tb 41711 yet
Uvea, move mo aaa it being, uot aa e a waned
iiuipuiian, nor aa aa overgrown uoiiam m iun
ble la deatb'c corner at Ibe tap of a pebble from
a ihepherd'a tling, but ai a common aiied man;
bat mere appropriately t a lively, witty, latelll
geat county aewapaper, abounding with foreign
and boma newa. local matter, theological eub-
jrcte atatad and diaeaued by lively, witty aad
learned wriiera. ine latee puouineo in iu woi
uuine are aot falce, but feaoded on facta of hiito
17 that have paeeed Ib the world ( it la aa lade- j
uen dent ArwM with two horn like anioorna, one I
ia to book the democratic parly, and tbo other to !
gore the rei'ubllcant when they deierve It, and
Coth borni ah.w a poliih of bard apphoatiua if 1
wiahea Uod'a bleaiing on the Grangera and the
old prayer, MOod peed the plow," anawered.
If oar reader do aot dieeouut the puff too
heavllv. tbev willofooaraa bo aatlifled that the
. . .
.baiMtpapar.. v. ...
Hidden Wealth. The lloynolda-
vllle Htm Id ay: A car (tract oommluiooer,
Mr. Dennl Bargoea, waa making axcavatlon
oa Jaekaon etreet cait of Taylor, be itrock opoo
aa old laa eat that wai once connected with the
tannery of Mr. Tbomae Reynold!, Sr., tbat atood
hard by, aod after probing It thoroughly be dla-
covered that beneath tb accumulated dabrl or
year a quantity of leather wa deposited, and
he aet to work recovering It, and much to bla
amatemtnt he extracted (Air ly -lAree itda 0 Ita
lAer, apparently ia a healthy atate, which will
probably bo worth five dollar each, ggrgatlog
one hundred and ilxly-Ave dollar. Three bidaa
wore placed lu thi rat prevloaa to the war, and
bonce have been there for more tbaa fifteen yean.
. mm
The Uuntiiifrdon OUAe says: Ihe
life or Hon. Fern eel H'nry waa Iniured Vor$,Y1,00ti
in all. There are $25,000 ef tki Bum on four
aeuarate and diitinct companlca, and $6,000 en
tha Railway Paaienger Inewreao Company of
Hartford, Connecticut, there being two ticket,
found oa bia penoa for $8,000 each. The large
amount baa beea oa hit life for teveral yeare,
while be never boarded the oar without Aral e
00 ring on or two travaling tnaurene pollcie In
fear el an aocldeat.
Tb Colemaa SlMen -Clara and Alloc, and
their father. Joieph Coleman, paieed through tbii
place Wit week on their way to Klkhart, Indiana,
where they bare aa eight month' engagement
with Mr. Forbea' company. Tbay are coming
tbia way during the winter. They look well and
hearty, though tbay it ill deeply mourn the death
of Louie, who died to California aeveral month
ago ef typhoid fever, and who wa on of tb
great ait onild octroi aet nviag.
Specie i a,
FanviLt aaa.--Farmer, look te rear own in
tereat ia the nee ef mrtijitiat mnmmrtt. It I
highly Important that yon should oa acm
WtrtUittr, of an eetabliihed reputation at Aral;
otnerwiM you win boi receive ine Denenu yon
ax pee ted, and are liable to brand tbem all ai
humbugi. Wa feel aafe la reoemmending Whan n't
fitM Bnn Smptv fhomkatw aa a pure article, and
eoBtalBiaw all the requlaitc for plant life. It
contain nearly 4 per cent, ammonia, about 10
per cent, valuable poop boric acid, end aearly 40
per eeat, bene pboipbate, ao that la the 00 ef
tbic, tb Boea Feriilir, yon receive a One ctand
or wheat, with a longer, ttrongor draw, aad a
heavier, fuller brad, aad a Ana hmd-of grata
following. Tb gooda aro guaranteed pare end
up to itandard, and are generally need In the
outer part of the State. M. U- Brew a A fire
are the imti In Clearfield. Call aad examia
tb temple, aad get a book treating on pltoi.
phete aad lu ue. We wuald advlae farmer 1 te
give theee goods a thai if oaly la amall oueatitiai
at arn aaa nooom aoarmoea 01 meir vaiee.
Beat Oak -tann4 Sol Leather for ial by T.
M. Robisaea. ug. 2a.
Frinoh aad America B Kip aod Calf Skin at
Hobineoar teaur atoro.
All klndi of Shoo Findlog at RoHnaen'i.
Tom Robinioa 1 agent for Warlng's Superior
Boa Daat, tb boat ferttilcer lo the World.
Sample aa be teen at bla Lea t bar afore, Urkt
siri, CMaraaio. re. , j
laperlur Onk Bol Leather al RoMaiea't. '
St a. a Normal S.-rool, Ihpiama, Fa. Seennd
waioa will open Monday, Haptcmber ttb, for a
term of foarteew weak. Tb building I pew,
lighted throng boot with gi, heated by ilea in aod
applied with bet led oold water, hatfa roe mi,
etc. Tba beat arranged mod haadaomeat ochool
belldiag la the Stat. For ealaiogae, term. A.,
addie 0. M. CkABi, lodlaaa, Pa. augi:-4t
Fetor MHleorge ha lu received a fall ap
ply or Hoot and Shoe which will be acid lower
tbaa ever. . ' ," Im
' 9 a--
Tbl way, ladle apd geadowefi, $ a tupply
ef Boot aad Sboei, at
Pear aa Vara Coat- I hereby give netle
that I aaa aew prepared to pply everybody
with real an Ibe ahoKea poMfble Mie. Lehigh
aad Wilbee Bar re Aoibraati wl b mode aipe
cialty. Tbece wanting brd ooal the ootalog, aaa bead their order to me or Icav
them al my office. Parttet mm diitenee oa ad
droi mo by letter. JAMKS L. LKAVY.
t tier tie id, re., ag. ie, t-i.
Cali, R. M7M:kau7 Md'gM your lift ig
eed In the Old Coot ieea 11 Life laiarance Co.
paay, of MartOard, tee a. . aegll-ly
Rhap It. M. M Kaally'i advrrtlemnt Io re
gard lo Life Inraroaeo. I3aug ly
li outae For Salb. K. Newton Shaw keepi a
fall eupply of Fredoai Baggie and Plat lorn
Wagea for Ml. Te be aeee. at the hhaw He
yard. Call oa or addraae bloa at Clearfield Paao
ayivaet. mJ l-tl.
reiiTiHo or vy Dimcijr
ll.eaa.ll. I'aaataf 1 tbii .IN. ....
la your Mf worth lu CouUI
Slcknoaa nroraila eery where, everybody oom-
plaini of aome diaaaao daring tbair life. When
aieh, Ike oMeot la to cat well ; now wa aaff nlaiO'
ly tbat BHi pereOB Ib thli world that la eulteriag
witn uyapuaia, l.iver uoinpiaint and Ha eneota,
nob aa indigealion. coatlvaoaaa, aiek beadaaha.
aeur itoinaeh, hoart-bura, palpiutioa of the heart
depreated ipirita, biliouaaeaa.Ao., ean takeUreen'c
Augaat riower wit Lout getting reUel and aura.
If you doubt tbia, go to your Druggie., C. D.
Wauoa, and get a ea tuple bottle fur 10 ooola aod
try It, Regular aiaa 76 oenta. Two doaea will
rolieieyou. V f j
i H. Q. Or i, Hole Manufacturer.
mob Si T4-1. WogpaiBT, N. 3,
Havo You lyancnaln. with lu train of dia-
ordcrt, billionaoeaa.eonatlpation, wator-braabjoei
nf appetite, beadaabe, diatreaa altar eating, Aef
If au, go to C. D. Weteon, Drugg'at, and get a
bottle wf Dr. Coata'a Hadtcal Cure. Take it and
ba well. It acta aa bo atber taudi!na over didJ
and aura rthef la guaranteed tn every aaeo where
direetione era followed. It lonea up the tomeoh,
reatorea tha Aalural appaiile, aUenglhena tbo
weak, ami ne) 0 l Ivor regulator ft aaa 0u oqual. A
Clergyinanof Philadelphia aya "It ia the very
founilaliwn of health." To all who are auffering
rrota a dUutdaredt atomaeb or liver, we any try it.
A few dued will relieve and a little peraerarance
oure toe worat eaaei. trial it e iu oenta. Bold
alao by F. Curley A Co., Williamegruve ( T. II.
Forcer, tJrahamlon, and P. Woyer, Kylertowa.
uohUeowly J
iUarrirl . , ,
At WilliauiaftoH, Pa., on June XOth, 1175, by
Rev. Jon a lUi'OHawotiT, Mr. JAMKi W. Alc
WEK, of Cheat tuwnibip, Clearfield county, to
Mlu kSTHKR K. MoUUU, of tha aama pUoa.
It glvoe aa pleaauro to Boto Jamaa' oaptnro,
and that ha baa concluded to mak i pilgrimage
on Iba bright ilda or Ufa.
On Anguit.l9th, 1878, by Ihaao F. Blook, Eiq.,
both of Jordan towoabip.
On Monday, Augntt 2S1, at Phlllpal.urg, Pa.,
by Wm. Mit'tiTriiKon, Eq., Mr. KDWAHD
In 1'aradiae, JelTi-rton county, on Auguit l&th,
1ST5, by Her. K. lliiuu, of Lutberaburg, aatiat
ed by Rdv. D. H. Ktao, of Punxiutawney, Pa.,
Mr. J. B. 8YKES and Mm FLUHKNNA 1'lilL
LIl'I'l. bath e4" Jefei oun oeuaty, Fa. , .
In Pared fie, JetTereon county, on Auguat l&th;
1071, by Rev. K. MAMoaa, ef Lutbertbtarg, eItt
ed by Rev, D. II. Kmo, of Punxiutawney, Pa ,
Mr. JOHN H. NULL and Mtia 9AI.I.Y A. IH'PP,
both of Jalferaon eounty, Pa. ' . 1
On Augu't 20th, It 7 6, In Penflcld, of cholera
Inlantum, the untant daughter of AMaiw and
(JHtiariaa Hrkpixu, aged V mnnlbr and ? dayi.
Ofdiptherta, on Auguat 22.1. H?&, AM(8, ana
of Mr. and Mra. Euax Hmilbt, of Brady town
atiip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., aged 8 yean, 11
month! and 12 daya.
Of rbolera iufantuia, on Auguit Iflth, 1875,
FRANK II., ion of Dr. Wit. U. and Claba K.
Ai.kx ANOiHa of Uaynoldirille. l'a.,aged0inuntba
and 11 daya.
IViiii.hj lvanla llnilrond
ON and after Monday, MAY U, IHTo, tha
Paaaenger Traina will run daily (exoopt 8un
dayij botweeB fyrancaad CJearfiald, fMoWf
, 1 . . OliAlU-'iULD MAIL. . I ,
W. C. Inwia, Conductor.
Curwanivi)low3:l5, r. a., Tyrone ... B.OO.a.b.
CltrUold......B..O. " Oioeoia 0.1 , "
l'hillpnburg 4.H&, " I Philipaburg...lOJ4,"
Oioaola ...4.&0, Clearfield...... 11.20."
Tyruaa a..t.t. Curwcaville..1l:4o,
W. 8. Pkuanaa, Conduotor. '
Curwenarille...4.&0 A. M., Tyruiia........7-00 P.O.
Clearfield 8:15 " : IntoraectioB ...T.Of '
Philipabnrg.4 H.10 t 0eeoia ,......M "
Oieeola.. 0.2S - Philipa.mrg ...8.24 "
Interaectioa.H 7.30 ' Clearfield, ar...0.20 "
Tyrone. 7.37 ' Curweniville.. 11.40 "
r. .
A. u. .
Mail. Exp.
P. M.
ri.b' lean Tyrone
arrive 6.U
v 6.i8
1. 10
7.U. V 10 Bald Kaglo
7.44 IU.U7 Julian
8.10 J0.40 I 'M Mlleahurg
8 22 I II. 62 lleilflfonte
8,:16 ll.Ha 'H;' Miltiburg
11. Io
4 bt
' ' ; : i.Ji-'
4.H0 n ag
laava I.U 10..10
9 0t 1 l 3i
0.42 12.16 arrive L. iiaren
aAHTwaan. a af wairwAan. am
P.eiBa Krpraaa, T:6T 1'itlabarK Kxi'm, 1:07
liarrl.bvrg Aoe'io, 8:40 Paoiflo Kxpra.a, 1.24
( ' pa pa
MallTrala. 3:JJ Wajr Paianar, 1:13
AtlaatlaHipra.a, 0:4&Mail Traia, 1:41
Phila'da Kapraia, IO:UFaat Llaa, . , :i
Bellefonte, Pa $3 OA
,fk Haven 2 70
Wiiliainiport.... 8 AO
nt:-.r,.ll 1 .n
Middleman . tl 00
Marlalta I 60
Laneaitar I HI
PlIlLALliL'p'iilX 7 05
AIUiona....... 1 ai 1 80
Lewiatowa, S 00
Maryivllle 4 60
HARRIbBU RG ... 4 76
Cloie connection 1
ada by al) traina at Tyrona
8. 8. BLAIR,
k $rw Averti$rmrnt$.
, . j; . . . ' -
Nntieo I hereby given that the following ac
count have been examined and paned hy me, and
remain filed, of record la thla office for the in
paction of heira, legated, creditor!, and all othcra
Interested, and will be presented to the next Or-
Chani' Court el Clearfield county, to be held at tb
ourt Home, in tbo beroOrfh wf Clearfield, dpi
menoing on tha 4th Monday (being the 27th day)
of September, A. D. 1876:
Final aoeount of Jamei MGhe, Adinfnlitrator
of the aitate of Mary J. Davidion, lata of Bell
townihip, Clearfield coonty. Pa., doo'd.
Final account of John MabafTcy and Robert
HdK-. Admtetiatratori f (h fUtc of Nathaniel
Hiigbea, laie of Chest townahip, Clearfield Co.,
Pa., dee d.
Final aooouot of Martin Nlohule, Guardian of
Rarab Dougherty (formerly Sarah Nicholi) and
Mary llrown, (formerly Mary Nichols), minor
heira of Jonathaa Niobola, late oi Lawrence
townahip, Clearfie.d Co., Pa., dee d.
Partial aeeouut of Jamaa U, Graham and K. A.
Irvia, KxecuWr of the etUte of William Irvia,
laic of the boroagh of Corweaivllle, CleerAeld
Co., fa., dec d.
Final account of Jama B. Graham, Kxeeutor
of Elite Flanlgau, late of the borough of Clear
field, ClearBeld Co., Pa., deo'd.
Account of Sarah J. Swoope, Executrix of tho
estate of Henry Swoons, late of Brady township,
Clearfield Co., 1'a, dee d.
Accouat of Edward H. WilUama, Administrator,
aad Mary K. Campmao, Adminlstratril ef the
eatate ef Klijah Smeal, lato of Hogg towaship,
Clearfield Co., Pa., dee d.
Final account of Alexander Murray, QuarJiaa
of Gideon C. Force, minor heir of Matthew
Forcec, lata of I)radford townahip. Clearfield Co.,
Pa., deed. 'tis -
Final account of W. W. Lanrdon, Admlnls-
Uator af the estate of John RamuseH, late ef
B limit lit township, Clearfield Co., Pa., dee d.
Accouat of Bona Alexander, Executor of Simon
Stanley, late of Guliah townihip, Clearfield Co.,
Pa., dee d. , , . .
September l bs , , lUgiater A Recorder.
rrvjwNsmr setixkment.
JOHN ri.T.VB, Jiq .foraar DlitHtt Traa.
arer or Faan tuwo.tiip, in aaconnt with tn, road
luuda of faid towaablp far 1871 :
" " " ' road puana. '
To anil walrad Co. Traa.orar 500 10
By amoant of ord.n paid
' DlitrlfltTraaaarariparoaataga
" P.nti'i oHot
" Hal. du. from FlylB .........
100 a,
y. li. BAFFEHTY, Diatrlat Traaaarar, la aa
ooual with faaa aabual UiatrM lor 174 I
mm Pl'.ia).
To amount af Duplicate mm
" " from ai Treaa. Fljna.....
.i le.F. Jouiiinn
" "Co. Traa.. VYia,
w - af appropriation...
" Fin.a from Fielding
M amoant paid by CaHl.r flynn..
' t'.ih
,,,.$1,001 IS
410 41
100 10
118 18
0 00
383 II
1 11
.....1,4.18 80
... ' 181 M
By amoant of oriUrt rHaamad..
' ( nnAollMled.... t
' " on hand
. , caanricAfB.
Wr, th. uod.r.iitn.d Auditor, of Tann town
.kip, ba( mat acaardla to h, did piaranl
to adju.l Iba ftho.r arcounla, and afl.r aiamiolng
th. rnuobrri, Aad lha balanc do. th. roa4 fuad
from Mr. Fljan, folmer UI.lrlatTrM.nrrr, t. ba
forty. moo Julian and aaraoty-Bra Mnta (I4V.7S)
naa tka balaaaa dial tba retool had from llr.
Haltaity amount, lo on. bundrsfj and eiably-flr.
dollar, aad aarant, aihl aenta (llli.laj, arhil.
tha unoollrelrd achourtal amount. I. ill hun
dred and Arty-alne dollar, and twealy-tw. oanta
In t.alimen, ajharaof liala barrpnto Mt
oar baail. thla 2ib day of A-guat. A, . 87S.
JdllN FKNTF., j
' H. M.HOUVBH, )
tlraaapla. Mill., kVpt. I, ' '
rpEACIllillS WAKTKD. '
. laa rboalUlrarlaraal Baaay Imaalp.lth
u t pli'3 fnartMa aat.n ataabw lot lb.
emiag AU Application. lo hala rltlaff
waaafpaair. iy aaiUaoata- r aiajy of lb.
.am. AppliMtiHrMal,e.aaHU H.u4aaio.r II,
1111, at a blob Um.tb.aalMaailMllh.Ut. aVaga.
gMt, . t, Jly oraar al lu. NoaM. -.
frautrllle, Rcpi I, YA-Jt. .. '. 8errl.ry.
I,..t ,.. ,1 IM-''
Primary Election, Saturday, Sept. 18
Ahhoi-r(tbnkrt Frb. The foe for announcing
rnndidataa will bet for Senator, $U ( Troaaarer,
$10 f Cow mieaioBar, $a Auditor and Coroner, $3
oach. Thli eb.rge include! the printing of ,H0
tickew, ana mmiI b jtmtH to aoewHce.
Wa aro autborlaed to annouaoo the nana of
OKURUK M. BRIHBIN, of Otoeola, at a oaadl
data for Stalo Senator, rahjaot to tba ruloa gov
arning tbo Daiaooratia party.
Wa aro autborlaed to anaonaoe tbo name of
Da. T. J. BOVKK, of Clearfield, aa a oaodidato
for 8 lata Senator, lubjeot to tho ralea govern tug
me vemooraiio pnrty.
We are autborlaed to announoa tba name of J,
BLA Kit WALT Kit 8, of Clearfield, aa a candidate
for County Treaaurer.iubject to the ruloa governing
too iiaoioeratio puty
Wa aro aatborlaed to announce tbo name of
JUS K I'll LINKS, of Brady townabip, aa a oao
didato lor County Trcaaurar, aabjeot to tha rulea
go vein ing tho Democratic party.
We are authorised to anaounoe tba nam of
rill UK UOTTH, of Heerana townihip, a a can
didate for County Treaaurer, subject to the rules
governing the Democratic party.
We are authorised to announce Iho nam of
SAMCKL P. SHAW.of Clearfield, as a oaodidato
for County Treasurer, subject to the rules govern
Ing tb Democratic party, .
Wc aro aatborlaed to aanoaaoe tho ante of
WILLIAM J. HOFFKR, of Kartbau townihip,
as a candidal for County Treaaurer, aubjcot to
tb rula gororaing tb Damocratis party. , , J
Wo are authorised to announoa tho nam of I
WILLIAM W. WORRKLL, of Clearfield, as B
oaodidato for County Treasurer, subject to the
rule governing the iemooratio purty.
Wc are aothorlatd to announce the cam ef
LEVI HURLER, ol Urabam township, as a can
didate for County Treasurer, subject to the rule
governing toe itomoeratM party.
We are authorised to announce tbo name of
UKNHY A. tilllMKL, of Bogga lowaahip, aa a
Candida, t for County Commiaiioner, aubjeot to
too rulel governing the UemoeeatU party.
We are authorised te announce the name of
CONRAD W. KiLKK, of Grubam townahip, at a
candidate for Couaty Comtnisaloner, aubject to
tue rules governing too ueinocratte party.
We are autnorlied to announce the name of
F. F. COUTKRET, ef Karthau township, as a
candidal for County Commiaeioner, rahject to
the rulea governing the Ueiuocratic party.
Wc are authorlied to announoa the nam of
CLARK BROWN, of Laerenoo townahip, a a
candidute for County Commissioner, subject to
tn rules governing the Democratic party.
Wc are aathorlied to announoa the name of
JOHN WITHKRUW, of Knox towoabip, ai a
caudidate for County Coiiimiriiunsr, ubjeot to
the rule governing the Oemvcratic party.
are authorlied te announoa the name ot
WILSON 1100 V bit, of Bogga townahip, as a
candidate for County Cnmmieaionsr, aubjeot to
the rule governing the Democratic party.
Wc ir authorised to announce the name of
GILBERT T07.ER, of Chait townahip, a
candidal for Coenly Commissioner, subject to
tna rules governing me Democratic party.
We are authorised to announce the name of
SAMl'KL 11KNDKRSON, of Woodward towa
sbip, as a candidate for County Commiaiioner,
subject to Ihe rulei governing the Democratic
We are authorised to annouoe the name of
JOHN HlPK.of Lumber City, aa a candidate fur
ueiinty uoinmisaioner, subject to tho rale gor
eniing the Democratic party.
We are authorised to announce tbo memo of
JAMKH MILES, of Brady townihip, aaacandl
date for Couaty Commiaiioner. aubjeot to tbo
rules governing the Democratic party.
We are authorised to announce tha nnmo of
HUGH MULLEN, of Pike townihip, aa a candi
date lor County Commissioner, subject to tho
rule governing th Democratic party.
We are author) ted to announce tbo name of
THOMAS A. MoGEK, of Bell township, aa a can
didale for County Commliaioner, subject lo the
role governing the Democratic party.
We are authorised to announce the name to
HOUKRT LAJStSUUKi, or Bradford township
aa a candieate for County Commissioner, subject of"
to rules governing tae Democratic party,
Wc are authorised te announce tbo name of
V. J. khAGi, of Hecoaria townihip, as a can
didate for Coeaiy Auditor, subject to the rales
governing the Democrat ia party.
We are authorised to announce the name of
SAM t KL A. CALDWELL, of Bradford town
ihip, a aaBdidale for County Auditor, aahjeel
te the ruloa governing the Democratic party.
J WnKRRAI, lioo. U A. aiAinn, rrenuuut
Judge of the Court of Common 1'leaa of tha twenty-fifth
Judicial District, eempoaed of tba eoua
tiea of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton, and Hon.
WM. C. POLKY and Hob. JOHN J. READ, As-
soeiate Judges of Clearfield eoanty, have issued
their precept, to me directed, tor the aoioing or
an Adjourned Court of Common Plena, at the
Court Home, at Clearfield, ia and for the eoan
ty of Clearfield, commencing oa the THIRD
1876, and continuing one week.
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to jurors and i
witnesses, In and for said oounty of Clearfield to:
be and appear ia their proper persons, at 1 0 o'clock I
A. M. of said day, to do thoaa things which io
their behalf pertain to be done.
GlVKNondermybaadatCleardeld.thls 1st day
of September,. tbo year of oor Lord oo tho
and eight hundred and seventy-five.
W. R. McPB ERSON, Sheriff.
Tb following Utter from Matthew Read to
parties la Baltimore, speaks for Itself: I
Ci.anriai.o, Fa., Aug. 0th, 1876. !
Meesrs. J. II. Laa A Bro., BaJllmore, Md. I
I took one of yoor Champion Helf-Rak Ma-1
cblnea thi season, on trial, of your agents here,
F. M. Cardoa A Bro., hot before the time cam,
for trial tb agent of the Table Rake Buckeye
request ed me to take one or bis machine to try
at tb same time, and keep th one which did the
beat work and suited me best, which I agreed lo
do. Accordingly when the time came for mowing
both machine were tried, and the Champlea did
much Ihe best work and with the greatest ease;
aad when tb time cam for auttlng grata the sa
por lorily ef th Champion waa so great, both In
tn manner la which the work waa done aad Ib
the lightness of draught, that I could not hesitate
a w meat about making choice. I have to aay
ror tba Champion Machine that as a mower it has
to bit tnow.edge no aqua), and in reaping beats
th Tat as Hake Boeksye clear out or the field,
aad I (U.eer fully recommend It lo any aad all fir
mer whi. waata first class machine.
Th following persons were present to witness
th trial, one deoided la favor of th Champioa.
D. M. DaVoaa,
F. B. Uvm,
Frank Rkkh.
Clearfield, Aneaot 24, 18T6. tf
1875. FAIaTa. 1875.
41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel,
China dc QueeiiMware,
Window GIass, QluBswnrc,
Lnmp Humors, Oiimnoyn,
ChaiidclicrR and Brackels.
WI nr. anw prapariMl t. offer t. Ibe Trad,
RD tlUBKNHWARK, In Crate, nf Beat Whit. aad White llranll. and Common A Mort
en, . nil Ibe Trade. Alio, t. reoarb to aall
arraaeor., ahleh weofer V K.IIY MW TO CAHII
We ar. prepared t. take order. Tor AMRR1
and ROt'KINUHAM WAKE. at U,nuleeturen'
f.i,la and (jl(on,. augll -Im
A few mora f end bora., an4 aaU ef harne,
oa ban.t, ableb 1 .III Mil at . aaorllea. Alee
eenral earri.aae aad aaggiea, aad a road wagea,
aa .all aa aom. goa. rpnag wagana. a am
aoand la aall .1 aom. arioa, ('all aa ar addree,
m. at CUarB.M, Fa. JAMKd L. LRAVV.
Aug. I, 'Tl lm.
Georgia or Florida, should subscribe for tbo
Mtaaiito News, pablisbed at Savannah, Ga.
flwsfjr, tflOJr IFerWp.M pet anaam. Advertlstr
dr si ring enstoaaor io thee States, shoe Id oaelte
eonima. ft i Ik fee' ff ' ( sewtaewif.
Specimen conic sent on receipt of I em fa. Ad
dress J. H. RHTILL, Savanaab, Ua. p
$rrd'f (Column.
Wm. Hood,
Is now receiving new full goods
to which he invites the
attention of cnsli
Is agent for this county for Mine
Dcmoresl's paper patterns,
Ihe best in the market.
A full assortment of
fall and winter
. atyle 1 jUb ;
When (lie Bcason nrrives will have
a full line of millinery goods,
with an experienced trim
mer that will suit the
tastes of all.
1IOOM IV O. 2,
Wm, Rood.
CearilJ, Sept , lOTfi.
Dctv SttU'trtUttntttU.
Sheriffs Sale.
1 JY vlrtaorwrltaof Kewd i Ui aTaoaa, lined
J cot of the Court of Com bob Plea of Clear
field eounty, and to mo directed, there will
bo oipoicd to public sale, at the Court Moase,
In the boroagh of Clearfield, oa Monday, the
27th day or September, 1076, al 1 o'clock, p
tho following desoribed real estate., to wit i
All defendant's tatereet (being aa undivided
one -third) la a certain tract of land containing
IU42 aores and 9 perch oa, altuat parity la litis,
ton township, Clearfield eounty, Peaniylvaoia,
aad partly la Washington township, Jefferson
eounty, Pennsylvania, (the Clearfield eoanty por
tion containing 1034 aoti and fit perches net,
and too jenerson couaty portli
acres), said Iract of land being i
and tbo Jefferson couaty portion eoatalalng 71
acres), eaid tract of land being part or a larger
tract of land In tba name of Robert A Fog, and
known as number 86112, and bounded and deeorib-
1 ed a follows i
I Beginning al a maple, the eomar of tracts No.
. V3 and im I tbaace aurtb H01 degree wart
42H) perches along tracts No. 4226 and 4.1U8 and
aoroaa tit Jenerson couaty llaeto hemlock oor'
j ner near Falls creek i t beuce south 4 degree west
i 428 perahes along tract No. 48UV and across Jsf-
fereoo eoanty lino to beech eoraeri theaoe eoeth
87 degrees east SI8 perches along tract No. 1VH0
j to post oorner of laud old to II. Itotrlok ; thence
along lletriak's land aorthildegrees east ISttl-lO
j porches to post thence along lUuioka land
aouta oi argroea eaat l xu a lu perche to pest oa
tract liae i thence north .1 degrees est 278 8-10
perches along No, 8608 to msple corner and place
oi Beginning, wnroa I a large quantity of !
uabl pine, hemlock and other timber, and tb
satd land is anderlald with valuabltooal deposits
and other mineral.
Stlsed, taka la eiecutloa and to be eold a
th properly of Robert Osbora.
Taaas op Salb Th price or earn at whlek
th property shall be atraok off must be paid at
the time of sal, or suck other arraagemeote
mad a will be approved, othcrwli the property
will bo immediately pat up aod sold agaia at
the expense aad risk of tba person to whom It
wa struck off, and who, Ib cas of dsfiolenoy at
each re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no
Instance will tba Deed be presented la Court for
confirmation an lei i the money is actually paid to
theSharifr. W. H. MrPRKRSON,
SHKRirr 'a Orrico, I . Sbarlff.
Clearfield, Pa., Sept, 1, 1876. f
Sheriff's Sale.
By vtrte ofaadry write ef FIH foerwe I,
sued oat of th Court of Ccmmon pleas of Clear
field oounty. and to mo direoied, there will b
exposed to public sale, at the Court Hone, la th
borough of Clearfield, oa Monday, tb 17tb daj
or August, i7D, at i o'clock p. m,
lowing described real eetate, to wltt
t.j th
All th Interest of th tlefendant (being an on
divided on-third) In a certain tract of land sit'
uate in Brady townahip, Clearfield oeunty, Penn
sylvania, bounded and doacribed as follows :
Beginning at a post corner of tract No. 1988 j
t bunco aloag tb lame couth 8 degrees eaat
4.1 d- iu psrenaa to a post oa line ot treat s&M
tbence along tract XI 8 4, and balance or tract 200,
aoutb three-fourths degree west 670 perche to a
poit on line of tract Ao. 17 thence aorta 41 de
grece aad 6 minute west 42 psrcbai to a ham-
lock ; tbenoe north Hi degree weat 206 parches
to an oimi thence north i degreee weat 07 per
ch ea to pine corner of tract No. 13 j tbeooo along
same north Jo degree and bl minutes weat 227
percnee te a hickory i thence aorta 1 degree and
6 seconds west 87 perches to a maple ; theao
north 46 degree west SI 8-10 perches to a beech;
tbenoe north 1 degree oast 81 perches to a post,
and place of begianiog, containing 818 68-1110
acres, being part of warrant No. 2tfu. Having
thereon a large quantity al hemlock and other
timber, and being anderlsid with valuable da-
posit oicoai and other minerals.
Seised, taken In exeeutiea and to be sold as
the property of Robert Osborne.
Tanas or Ham.. Tb price or sum at which
the property shall be struck off must be paid at
the time of sale, or suck other arrangement
made as will be approved, otherwise the proper
ly will be immediately pot np aad sold again at
the expanse and risk of tke person to whom It
wa struck off, aad wbo, la eaie of deAcleacy at
ucn re-sale, shall make good the same, and la
no instance will the Deed be preaoatcd la Court
for confirmation aaleaa th money I actually
peia io tue onenn. vt. it. i KjiKttBUfl,
BaiRirr ' Orrtca, I Sheriff.
Clearfield, Fa., Sept. 1,1875.
Th examinations for teachers ror the several
districts or Clearfield ooooty, for the year 1876,
will be hold a folio wi:
Peon, Frgnscn and Lumber City, at Lumber
taiy, Monday, auguat as.
Bell and Greenwood, at Bower, Tuesday, Ao
gust 24.
11 urn tide township and borough. Bur side,
Wednesday, August 2d.
Cbest and New Washiagtoa, at N Walk lag
ton, Saturday, Auguit 28.
Clearfield, Lawrmo and Lawrence Independ
ent at Clearfield, Monday, Auguit 20.
Brail ford and Bradford Independent, Williams
grove, Tueeday, AuRUOt 31.
Morris aad Graham, at Kvlertowa. Wednee-
aar, rapiemaer l.
Wallacetoa aad Boggs, at Wallaceton, Tknrs
day, September 2.
Decatir and Osceola, at Oreeola, Friday, Sep
Umber 8,
Gosben and Qlrard. at Conare.i Hill. Tueadar.
September T.
Covington aad Karthau. at Union School
House. Hedneadf.v. Hentimbue 8.
J Corwensville and Pike, Bloomlngtoo, Thar.
fa'J. IMmhSBUw I.Htt.AMMtMi4 Val-HI.
SetttemUr 10.
llustea, at Pen 11 eld, Saturday, September 11.
Knot aad Jordan, at New Millport, Monday,
September 18.
Beoearla aad Madera, Otea Hop, Tuesday,
Gulick, at Jaynesvllle, Wednesday, Sept. 15.
Houttdaleand Woodward, at Houtsdole, Than
day, September 10,
Examinations will begin at 8 a m. Tackra
will prepare themselves with pan, Ink and paper.
Teacher are requested to be examined la the
districts where they latend taaobiag. Sbctild
directors request It, teachers who have beea ex
amined at other plaoea will eater the olasa la tha
district where they intend teaching. All direct
ors are cordially iavlted to be present.
Aug. 11, 1876. Supt- or Clearfield Co.
la parsaanoo of an order of tbo Orphan'
Court of Clearfield county, there will be exposed
to public sale, at Woodland, Clearfield eounty,
Pa., on
Saturday, ftcplember II, IHtS,
at 1 o'clock, p. m-, the following described
property : All Iho andivided one-eighth laterest
of J. A- BlattcBbcrger, dee'd, Ib and to tba "Hope
fire Brick Works," consisting of tbo following
real estate i
One-eighth part of all Ibat certain tract or piece
of land, situate la the townihip of Bradford,
county ef Clearfield and State of Pennsylvania,
described aa follows : fieginniag at a post set .12
feet fro rn th centre or tho Tyrone and Clearfield
Railroad, and opposite the Woodland steam saw
mill,' thence north 88 " eaat 214-10 feet ton
post set 88 feet from the tae centre T the rail
road thence by other leads of the grantors
south 11 east 844 feet to a pcsl j thence
west 2531-10 feet to a pest; thence Berth 81
weat to a poet aad place of beginning, containing
two acre neat measare, and being part ef a
larger tract originally surveyed an warrant grant
ed to Jan Campbell, with th right to mine fire
clay for th as or aald works, together wltk four
dwelling bouses, and a tramway. Tb Hope
Fire Brlek Work proper having a capacity for
maflufaeiaring lO.Qtio par day, together with
olher Improvements.
Bald Fire Hrlck Works baring aa established
reputation wilh large aod increasing trade, being
aa iBveitment tbat will rerommend ltal( to cap
italist on being seen.
Tbros op Bali. Oae-third of price bid opoa
confirmatioa of sale by Ibe Coart, tho balance ia
two equal annual payments, secured by bond and
mongage on inc premise.
For further particulars, address
Woodland, Pa.,
or WAU.ACB Kntas, Atty's,
Clearfisld, Pa,
Woodland, Pe Aug. 18, 187ft-4t
By virtue of aa order of Ihe Orphan' Court of
t; leer Be id eewelv, lei andotreigMe Atlaalaialretut
of the estote of Knoa P. Me Masters, late of Chest
towaiblp, Clearfield eounty, Pa., deceaeed, will
sell al public Bale, at New burg, Clearfield Co.,
Naturday, .September II, lT,
at I e'clock P. a., the following deecribed real
cetat vis i All that certain tract of land situate
In Chekt township, Couaty and State aforesaid,
bounded aad deecribed aa follow)
On th east by John Horst, en the aoatb by
landi f Jacob Curry aod James Llngafeller, ea
tb wst by land or H. A. A W. D. Irwia, aad ea
tborth by land of r , out) oontainlng
about eifhty fore, ebiiUt fburteaa of which Is
cleared ThO remainder conUtt) 0 largequaatity
of plat, eak and chestnut timber. The land Is
of good quality and wall iaitd for farming pur
noses. Taaua or 8Ai.B.0n-thIrd at confirm atioa of
ale, oa-thlrd la one year, and the balanoe la
two year, with Interest, to be secured by bond
nnd mortgage ua the premises, and by good col
let tsrsl security. ;.
Hurd, Aug. 18, '76-lt Admr.
Th. R.llahl Pnailljr Med Ida..
D1ARRIIBA, DyienUry, Cholera, Summer
Complaint, Crampe, eu)., niebly nrti by
tb, a. of
Compoand Syrup of Blaokbarry Boot nnd Rhu
barb An old, well tried remedy, entirely rege
labia, plreaaat to take, quick and Mrtaln in effect;
ean be dopeaded oa la tho moat wrgeat eaeaa ;
mar he glrea ta the youogeat iafant aa well aa t.
adulla. la eeatalna
II ti a pleanat eiiract nd readily taken by
cbl4ren, It be, often eared llf, wh.n ph.lcaoi
aad daipalred.- Kee, U in the baaaa aad an It
ia time. All we nek for it I. a. Uial. Boa 'I let
your dealer pat yoa off with anmrthiagaln. Bey
It. Try It. Sold by Bruggl.u and Store Keen
er, throughout tbia State. Prepared only by
BANrikhL A BRO., 3100 Market St,PklU.
Jul, 14, .!.
llavlni lake mj brother lato artaershlp, I
desire to hare my eto aecoaBie cio, i taere
for give aotleo to oil wbo kaow tbemselv la
deb led to m to come forward rooa aajj settlf wa,
ao that we eaa toko new drpartar.
Clesrfleld, July (4 CARIPJ
; $UsrfltanroS. ; , ; '
'pKRFUMKtr, '
i FANCY e to
,, for adlelnal porpoMl.
Truaaaa, Support.n, Srbool Booh, and Station.
r. aea all .th.r artirl., araall . . .?
founil la a llrug Slor.
Pl'I.LV COMI'OI'NUKO. Hating a Urge el
perieaea In the buelnaea tbey .an gira entire anl-
Clrurf eld, berauibar 1(, 1174.
a a u r a ctu at n or
Furnnee Blocks, Gas Retorts,
Stove Linings, Paring Tiles, Ao.
Chimney Top; Window Vrnpi,
and 1'uteM.
All kinds of Architectural Adornments.
With Improeod maohlnery, Sret ela,, aaatwial
and akilled workmen, wa eaa warrant all oar
manafaetura, to ba Mfual to if not aaporlor to
mmj .n. m.raet.
Articlea of our manufacture ean b. hi nt tha
Work., aear Railroad Depot, or at tb. Hardware
store .1 rea.ii Morgan.
All orders from a diatanee, addreiaed to Iho
Oeaeral, will receive prompt at-
' JOHN FSRQt'SON, Uea'l Sapt.
f Beathald, Uarabirk, Scotland,
Supt. Haauraetarlag Dept. mayll'71
List of Jaror drawn for Sentemhr Terra.
A. D. 1878,oommeaelngoBtao third Monday, the
vm, (Ma vwunimi lor in roe weeiS t
n.a'l ritar-..
Jao. A. Hurry,
Tboo. C. U., B.ll
T. Wood.ldM, nraham
Clietoe MeCraokee,
Daa'l Smeal, Hogg'
Heo. O. alMfett,
Darid Dale. Bradford
Jan. Carter, Boatadala
Jaa. Il.l.T,
J. H. HuoM, Jordan
Jno. Meltarray, Kaejl
Robt. Pettereoa. "
Bamaol Hill, '
J. Aden, Rtibol, Brady
Joe. Foatirtbwalt, "
J. H. Dale, Lawreae.
8. M. Fullarton,
Jobaatoa Hamilton,
L, i . uonklln.
Df.n'1 Uonnnn, Barnalda
0. h. Reed, Clearteld
J. U. Marrell, Morrll
J. H.Brara, N. Wa.h a
John Troatmaa,
C. Kitrlrher,
Hon. Bailey, , Pika
V- II. Crick, Union
H. Shlmal, Wullaeeto
Fr,d Campmaa, ..
W. M. Sbaa. "
J. B. Orabam, "
Barrlaon Bloom. Car II.
Jaa. Wiley, FargaM
aa&an joaona aaoonn wnna.
Mgbtner, Beeoarla Jno. Moore, Koutidale
U. H. McUm,
H. A. Shlmal,
Al. Soolald. Haste.
J.Yothers, jr., Karthau
Lewis Brhard, Knox
Jno. Smith, LawnsMo
Thos. MePheraoB "
J. B. Kvlr. Morris
Daa'l Rilbel,
Arm. Curry,
R. Mitahell,
F. U. Millar,
J. A. Read,
Zaa. McNaal.
Cur'II i A. H He, Lumber City
l'atrtfk Daily, Pcbb
Job Way, Pike
S. P. Mi off, Woodward
J. Calhermeo, Otoeola
Uatl. Bloom. Fentaaoa
W. A. Baamr, Decatur
R. K. Flag.l, Ueahm
tba v a as jtraofta iBroan wgaax.
A. Patterson, Bccarla
0. A. Morrlaoa, Oo.bea
J. P. Bobleoa,
Aaniai Murray, Olrard
W. W. Hoover, Orabam
Wm. Willbelaa, '
Eliea Horning, llu.ton
Jaa. Bendy, M
D. Jobnalon, Jordan
W astir Thompsoa, Hell
Samuel Flegal, Boggs
Jacob W. ll.n.r. "
W. J. CmpS.ll, Bradfd
iieary tiutngar, alrady
j. v. jonnitoa,
Qea. Oilllng,
0. liarlafilt, "
Jaook Bon.all "
Uarriiea Palemore,
III Linn, '
John II. Bait.y, "
Jno. lllgb, Jr. Knos
4 oo. itwusberty of
Jamaa, Lawreaee
Sam'l Clyde, '
Jamaa Ardcry,
Deo. W. Ogdea, "
Wm. Owane, Baraeide
BenJ. "hepberd, "
Joha eieC'erd, Cheat
Dea l I'eroea, "
Paul Mcllarrey, "
F. Pleo.ll, Corlngt.n
Pater U.rnier,
F, I). Scba.rra, "
Joe. Vtrbook,
K. W. Brown, CloarTd
B. Oe.rh.rt, Deoatar
Wat. WiM, F.rgaeon
Hugh Dougherty,
A. II. Lawbead "
aliltoa Hiobola,
Joe. Poller.
O. P. Rem.
1. B. Caldwell,
Hoaea Erbard,
Joa. L. Dale,
Ttaoa. Long,
Jamaa A. Bloom,
Tnian wan. or,. 4tb.
j. u vonneii, Mcearta
R. Mignet, Covington
R. L. Hugh.., Deoatar
Wm. Moon, Ferauaon
Joaeph Work, Bell
wm. ti. ueol, "
II. 0. Leech, ' Bloom
Henry Uoh, Boggi
Burton Merrett, "
Ueo, Kllieae,, Brady
Julie billolte, dlrard
Kill Kyitr, Uoihee
Lewi, Irwia,
F. LI I nild. Hailoa
Jacbioo Booaell, '
Oodfru Sohoek, "
(leo. Erarrick, Karthau, i
S. Wymev, Jordna 1
Uti.. u a V
J. Moorcbrad, RuniBida
1 1". O..I.UB.
R. J. Hbaflner, " I
C. Bradford, Coviaatoa
Jan. Yothore,
I. ert llerrlak "
Cartel. Uertle, Morrll
II. Kef, jr., N. Waib'a
A. Mcllarrey, Cheat
Rnbt. Duabar,
J. Foltwell.
Wea. l'ow.ll, Clearffeld
Ab-Kp.. -
Wm. D. Bigler,
J.a. Simmoaa,
eai. voraeiy,-voo.wara
Ll,l of Camel let dowa for trial nt the Irit
week af Septottib.r Term, commenolaff Monday,
Mpwava J, lato I ,
Oatbrlo v, Lottery
Boeeler.. .,., v TbompM.
8artt... ....,,,.,. vi Mock ,
Irvln ra Barter -
Arlhara..,,.....r,1., vi King
Same.. .,Hl.....,t VI Band
Joaea..,, , vi SohoonoTor
Kelly', b.ln...... ........ vt Motile .1 al
AlbartBroa va Joy at al
Borrla , Nerpcr
Flnt National beak.. ,. vi Rca Bloom
Butler VI Howe
Dale vi DeHeek
Smith vi Motiop
llraham towaihip V, Wllbelm
Lawreuee School diet..., v, Hied
Boyer. ,..,, a Leoonnt
Laooaat. vi Boyer
Delleob ea Dale
Motiopw. v, Forreit
Llit el Caueai act dowa for trial nt tha third
week of September Term, Monday, October 4tb:
Rafferty ra Bpieeo
Finney ,a Caianova
Penta .....,....., e, Cerley
Aineareller VI Kallh
Same. .
. ra Corliy
. v, lleekeaherry
, V, at al.
, ta tloake. aowaahlp
, v. 8uh
, f e 0.n
, V. Cronin
. vi Bollorf
, aa BiikrranMi
, vi Darling
. v, Arthur, et al
, ee MiNnal
. ,1 Duabar .
, ea Bell
, ea Careoa
. V Iritae
4 v, Shirey
Driaken .....
Marray, traeUo.
K lteke,H1,t,1l. ,
3(1 oyr -
Bottarf. :
Lay', h.lte........MM
Seme. ...
Wllliema ...........
. ! OVSVSSIVIUI, i I ,.t
Jail . Clnrnel Oeu.U, Proa a,. It,
ir (Siods, &(.
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
ar datsnalatd to sell ' '
bt price that defy com petition.
10,000 yards of entirely now droa goods,
8,0110 yards Black Alpaoea.
The celebrated Coll ing wood Brand, ek a owl
edged the best goods for the price over pat oa the
Summer Caasiioarts, a large aaorUacat, very
Ladle wblt droa good, la groat variety.
Table lAaeaa, while, and la oor. F
oway dowa.
A beautiful lot of Summer Shawl, bought at a
Bargain aaa wm oe oi ?ry low.
Ladies' Bonnets and Hats.
Ilata andooot,trtmmdahJ on trimmed, la the'
cry latest style i also lower Tor trimming, aad
vary article used for MiHnery. Ribbon, Lac,
nreeua, etc., u entirely aew. . f
Ladies Dress Trimmings,
A large lla or Dree Trimming, just purchased,
t be sold very cheap.
The finest variety of print or oa) Ice ever brought
io uus town, irom to to cent per yard.
Mies Hillman la hero.
The andersianed bavins- narebised the line
Joods aad property formerly occupied by Lever
legal, oa Second street. Clearfield, adouta thla
method of bringiag his buaiaes ta th aotiee of
ia public, and promises to furnish bla patrons
with the very best quality of
' 'j :"i :.
at airaediag low rater, Thi, I am eaabled ta
do, boMui. I bar. no rant to pay, aad oaa there
rare divld. th. profit, with my emtomerp. It
may be Mid tbat tbi, la aa eiperlmeet with me,
bol If nailing ugoed article for a low Bear. ,.
Uee, eaetom and etpaada trade, I am boand t.
aaoMed ta my aaderukiag. U lea me a call, el
amioo my .toek nnd learn my price,.
To my large I took of boon aad abow, bale aad
cap., I hare jarl added a full atock ef
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
whlck I will wll at the rery lowert tgarea for
oaah, or la exchange for eMntry produce, at th.
Cell end etamln. my .lock nnd prleaa bafor.
purcnaeiug eieawnere.
Clearlald, April 11, 1174.
A full nnd eomplnt. amrimant e aeu nod,
and new itylca, down te
Cltiieoe nra Inrlted to oall nnd aaamlo. my
atock nnd Judge fur Ikemnlrea M to oaality aad
h.. i.
p " . . 'U. .
. 1 ) 1
Joseph s. showers.
Clearfield, April 14, 1174.
Arnold & Hartshorn.
JOtMBNI tMnrk fnatreal Bhlnglaa.
JfMXK.) paaade .r Waal. ,
Parlln having laag Bhiagla, ar Waal lor .Ilk
or) will do wall la call aa mo. The hlgheat mar
ket price paid nt nil tlmea.
Alee, a full aad complete Hock ef
whleh will be Mid al rea.oai.klo pteoa, or el
obangeJ for iblnglei nr vuni,
CarwetUK May a, lll. ,
ar rna PnAcn ann Bcaienaaa. LIIUR1.
CITY, Colteetlea, mndn Md maaey u-oaiptly
paid over. ArtieW t ngreemea, aad deada of
eeavoyaaee neatly aieeaVrd aad warraated ear.
'aMIV , ajy'7l
J fat tOfl ?" f'F kama. Terma fraa.
Sal " eU i,tdratl ti. Sxtnitts o Da., Pari.
Und, Malae.
jeen ly-
rnoi. a. atria.r. crati ooaroa.
BRANCH OFFICKS In different part, ot Ik.
Coont,. 5 r
Tb. following Old and Bailable Flra, Ac.ld.ali
8 took and Llf. Compnnm. rcprcaeaud t Altai.,
leotl North Brltiib A Merenntile Fire
Ine. Co., of England IJI.lM.ein
1101 Doettith Coinin.rcial Fir. Ine.
Co, at England ...(gold) tl.Wt.toa
1794 North America Fir. lueuraaoe
C, .f Phllad.lpbie- 4,T0l,.O
IH2I Fir. Ataoeietlon Fir. Iaaatance
Co., of I'blladelpbia 1,100,00
IIU Pbo-nll Fire Io.. Co., N. V.... I.iOu.Ool
1IA7 Wateruwa Fire In,. Co., of .
If., loaure. farm building, oaly JOO.IUI
1171 Ameaoa Fire In.uraaoe Ca., of
Cincinnati - : 1,001,001
kill Vorb Slock Innraaoo Co. nf .
Heiinn Iaaarea bareee. Ac...... Ti.Oof
1174 Hertford Aceidrat Ineuranoa Ce
of Coaneetieuk. IM.M.
IH47 Pean Mutual Life In.uraaoe
Co. of Peaa.rlieuiu 5.000,000
IBM Metropolitan Llle Inenraaea Co
af New York - I.HM),
Total capital 17,000,000
P.ioa, la the eoaairr doalrlng Inenraaco, eaa
have II promptly attended I. by ealHng ai tae
office ar addreialnf at by Utter. In.urueioe. nf
feeud nt tb. poiilbU rat., U be obtaieed
.a nnvciaaa oomp.aiee. Aa voauMaie, reara
aaarei waiea maaa AiHarmeara.
The abore twa Ufa laearnn. C.'l, repraMaUd
by T. B. Murray, kara paid .at I. eeih, lariwM
tb, data, of Aug. 1171 and Aag. 1874, a, ta.
friend, af deeeaaed aolloy 1. tbll aoaaly,
tbo tarn of $31,000.
Provide far tho futara by Ineurfng yaw hoaal
aad year Uvea lo tbo Weat Broach Inonreae.
Claarlold, May M, 1071. Ageata.
Fire, Life Accident Insurance
AGENT, Cl..rfj.ld,ra.
lurnani itraj acciubmt.
H.rtford, Conn..
..Aaeeti oter .Oae.M
Colombo!, Obi...
Aeaetta erer o00,M
Jaa. 8. Piaioni, Pr..'L R. R. Btkcala, Sea'y
Life Insurance Company,
Aet,.. M,11I,0HI
Batlo af Aaieli to Liabilitiea Ill
Farniahca Inenranea at tba rery lowert coet
Policy-holder, participate ia the proita of the
Company, tbaa continually reducing tho annual
ror ratal, to., call on or addrere
R. M. MrKNALLT, Agent.
Odea In Shaw'i Row, Clearlald, Pa. 7:11 74
, - : t., DRALBR IF) ,'
Improved Spring Beds,
The aadenlrned beai learata lafom lb. .itl.
rani of Clearfield, and the public generally, that
be ha. en hand n fine aeeortmcnt of Furniture,
aaeb aa Walnut, Cbaetnat and Paiated Chamber
rJuiteo, Parlor Saitei, Reclining and Ilteniioa
Chain, Ladlea' and Heala' Eaay Chain, tha Per
forated Dining nnd Parlor Chair,, Cana Soati aad
Wiadior Chain. Clothaa Bare. Htm anil
alon Laddera, Hal Racka, Scrabblng Braabea, A.
Looking Olaieoa, Cbromoa, Ac. which would ha
uiuble for Holieay praeenta.
Tk. andenleaod aaaoanea ta lb. trowellaa
publia tbat th.y haea pat a trl-WMbly hack oa
th. road from lloatidele, via. Madera, ta I) lea
Hone, raaning regular mry Taoaday, Tbaraday
aad Saturday. Lee. log Uoatadale ea the or
rlrnl af the moraine traia, aad arriving al Ola.
Hope at 11:10 A. M.i returning, leave. Slea
Bone at 1 P. M. raturaing to Madera tba earn,
oveaiag. Pereoue U travel oa aay ia
'd.'J'lI.!lJf h. W"eSllW, kliVVIaa -aitbiag
to travel into the eouutrv. If than let na
know what trnia tbey are ooming ea, we will
meet them at the atalioa, aad ran them ea aay
road they wtek tn travel, aoy day tb.
three regular day. that we maet be aa the O lea
Bopa read with the mail. Oar wiah to ta a.
commodeu, nnd w. aak the natroaago ef tka
trarellng public. SH0FF BROTH RRS.
O. W. Saorr, Supt.
Madera, Aag. 4, Il7i-lm.
(lata Sao. Baaaa A Ca.,)
Baaaa, Caaiaanlaa. Aa. rarai.hU. - RoiM
rtaarnpha aod eelf mearoriag diraalioaa aaal
J"' U. Palm.
A large and wcll lalehed Brick Dwelling, llta
ate oa the river beak, ia the borough of Clear
field, aoaulnlng eleven rooma, with good cellar,
Bator ia Ibe kitchen, nnd all the modera eoavo. Paatrlea, Bath-room, Clothc-praeeei, Ah
Lot eiaty feet front aad tn. haadred aad thirty
feet back, with n twenty fool alley aa the eeet
Idi. Said building, with all tke apparteaaaoee,
aill be cold cheap, witk payment! to ,uit punkn.
ar. Applimtion eaa be made to tb. andar
igned, or to A. C. fate, liq., who will giro all
aecaeaary informatioa ta thoaa who deilre ta la-'
ipect the property.
May Hat, 1171, tf.
Tha aabeerlber glvee notice Ibnt ke will either
rent or Mil kia dwelling and atora property, eit
aato oa kd itral, adjoining ta. Leonard Hoaea,
in the borough of Clearfield, Pa. The More room
la 10 X 14 feet. The dwelling uoum eeataiaa I
rooma aad a kilcbea aa Ike Iret itorr. aad t
roomi aa tha MMad otory. Tha Mara naa.
eaa ba had al one, aad tk. dwelling portioa
on nnd nfter th. lit of July. For further par
ticalan, addreaa or apply ta the aaderilgaed aa
Ibepremiiea. UEO. O. PABHMORK,
t-iearaiio, ra. May II, '71-tf
QOAL ! COAL ! ! '
Tha andenlgned take! thla mil bod af lamm
ing to. people ef Clearl.ld aad vwially, that ba
ha. l..Md aad n-aoaaed tka nU i
O...I bMh, leoaled aitbla a mile from towa, and
li bow prepared la faralib a fint-elaia article af
coal, nnd la deliver tk. aem. aay where la aawa
at raaeoaebl. rata. a. tba ahortaet aelice. A
good quantity of coal alwaya oa bead aad far
ial. at tk. mine.
Ord.n left nt Wntwa'l aobaoeo M. aad
Sayder'a baf ing aalaoa.
Clearfield, Aug. Ti b?.
A bona, nnd lot .a FaaHk alraal, ea eain
terma. Alea a nallding oa Market etreet, mi,
door ta tke Allegheny Hoaea, formerly Mrapled
by F. Short aa a aboa ahop, bat aailebta lor aay
other bailed In n imnll way. Apply lo Fraak
Short on thn premleea.
P. S. All partial tadebtad lo me aM plaaea
oall and let He by each or Bote, wltk approved
eeerlty, thla moalk. al I aaaet have aU u.
eaaat, Milled up by Auguat, I ben the keoke
now In my own uunda. Prompt ntUatlon to tkia
aetiM will aeee Iroable nnd aaeta. F. SRUBT.
tmrlrM, July 14, Ian.
Clearfield Nursery.
THE aaderrlga.d, baring eiublUh.d a Bat
Mry ea the 'Hba, a Wat half way bwtwna
Clearl.ld aad Oar.eae.Hle, la pnpared u tar.
aiek aUkladaafFBUIT TREsj,(io..dardaad
dwarf,) BvergrMBa, Skrakawy, nH Vlaee,
OajMbwriM, Lawt.. Blackberry, a In. be era,
aadRaaaarey Vtra. Alia, SlbetUa Orak Taaaa!
viataakaaa aviy liarlit Rhubarb, la Ordon
promptly attended Is. AdarM,,
. eV W BIO IT.
J""- 0arwM.llla.Pa
jyOTICK.- '," '
, Orricaorvau Krrvaeina Cat fo.
PatLAMiLPBia, Aagart I, 1171, f
JamM P. Cameron, of O.a.a. MUla. Wra.i.
maaiy, ie th. eel. Munagar aad Mialag lagta.
ewwiaaay, aaa iaa eeiy aaiaarua.
.goal ta Iraaaaet baaineea k It, Baaaa aad far M.
BMoaat, aad aa, walraett a par
haeae fir ..ppllee of aay klad will hanwogaliei
aoaf I ai appro Iwd ky kla.
t ' . . j . tl. U. BUILMNPota, ,
JtrBTicBB dk cauTAeLBav nu
Wa kava prlatad I large a en. nee ef aV, now
FEB BILL, wAwBI M tka eanipd ml twMar.
Ira eeait. mul t ey le an, tddrMa. ' myH