Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 18, 1875, Image 2

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    She publican.
Ueobqx B. Goodlandiu, Editor.
Reader, If yom waal to know what Is goiag on
Id lite business wurld, Just read our advertising
autumns, the ,cpeWaf oolurnn In particular.
t-..: , i THE Pltl.MAKV.
liulo 4 tli require tlio )emoeratic
jirininry oleution to bo held annually
N the sSiuriiiy freeading the third
Tuesday' of dntrmlier, (tho 18lh tills
year), j Tlio County Couvoution will
uoHiimlilo oil Tuesday, the 21f, being
tlio first wouk of court. Ciuiiliiiiitos
are tilxo required to publish tlioir
iibiihw nt least llirco weeks prcviotw
to tlio election. Therefore no nunio
can lie legally1 announced, according
to tho rules, iiUr the first day of &
tmbef. ' ' . 1,1 -' 1 '
Tlio fi'O for niiiioiiiitlrrg riiniliiliitoa
will bo:, fur, Senator, 015; Trousuror,
$10; Commissioner,' $.1; Auditor and
( Joronor, 3 each. This cburgo in-
cluileg tho limiting of 8,000 tickets,
ami! must be jmid in advance. ''"
The Nsxt Ki.kctwn. Woeommend
tlio billowing to tlio attention of voters
Tho new Constitution forbids all por
tions from voting unless they have been
assessed at least two months and paid
tboir taxes at least one niontli boforo
tho date' ot tlio election.' No ono ot
foreign birth can vote unions, in addi
tion to tho above, lo has been natural
ised a month previous to the election,
Tho dato of holding tho next election
is Tuosday, Nov. 2d.
. Tliursdayj September 2d, Is the lust
tiny ou which voters can bonssossed,
Friday, Oatubor ltd, is tho last day
on which taxes can bo paid.
Friduy, October 1st, is tho last day
lor taking out naturalization papers,
jiucu ot lueso important flutiug pan
be performed at any time before tho
ilnys mentioned. 1 Lot our friends soo
to it that tlio matter is attended to bo
foro it In loo late. "
-iirs. .Attorney general n llliams
does not drive tlio government landau
lot since hor husband lias boon relieved
by Judgo I'ierrepont. Strange I If it
km "hor'u," as cluiiiiutj by, tho "gov
ernment organs," why did she give it
np when Mrs. Fiorrepont camo upon
the stage ?
Neaiii.t A DrEt. Two French ce
lebrities, Taul do Casmignaclio Impo
riulist louder.and tho Commune lender,
Henri lioachefort, and thulr friends
have been trying to fight a duel for
fortnight, lint it Is pretty plain now
that neither will bo shot. Not only
France but Europe's penco would bo
moro endura'blo if both were banished.
-. BusiN!!. A'oerly six columns ol
sheriff 'i sales in the Westmoreland pa-
iem muieaio mo Business ntlairs in
tbat county. What a glorious inheri
tance tho lindical party lias boquoath-
od to tho American peoplo I How good
it makes a body feel to seo fourteen
cent timber sell at srrwi, and pig-metal
worm 12, sell fur $18. It is enough
to make all iunkoedom sing, "Hail
Columbia P and embraco lioechor th
iogy, so as to moke a short cut to
Heaven In order to get rid of business.
Om.r IlAir bom.-The brethren
of riymouth church, alter the trial
voted their parson a $100,000 salary.
That was cheap I We mean the vot
ing. it appears now that not $50,000
lins been subscribed. Voting a salary
and subscribing nnd paying tho tnon
ey, are entirely different acts. If tho
.Plymouth brethren find it diflicult to
raise the oxpotisos for Booolior's first
trial, what are they going to do about
tbo second effort 7 'Why not try a
fuir and raiso tho wind in that way ?
An adlb Aruuiiknt. Tho argu
ment of F. II. Uowon, Esq., President
ot Uio Beading liailroad, before tho
Legislative Committee recently, is
certainly the ablest production in luw
nnd on rail rouding ever presented to
tlio A momau public on thia subject.
It seems to us to bo fwmpleto vindi
cation of tho company; and puts the
retail coal dealers of Philadelphia in
an awkward position before the people
as honest men; We ro jealous of
corporations; but Whilo they tarry
out tho designs of their creation by
doing the most good to the greatest
niinibor, wo will lie last to condemn
tbein. ' '' 1
CtNTa Dkmochaui. Our frionds
over the mountain held their county
convention on Tuesday a week, and
put tlio following ticket in tho field :
Senator, P. dray Meet, of the M'ltleJUaa.sab-
ul.Jeel lo the District Conference.
Hhevllf, Levi Manenor Treaeiirer, D. A. Mae
T frolbaaourr, Aaroa Milliaate; Re(iur,
W. a'. tlaroell.U , Kordw, W. A. Tobie. ,
ConimliiUineri, lln-j Minnie, J. Newlia Hall ;
Coroner, lit, Jneeph Adarat) Anditon, A. J
(Irioil, Joeepb Hillilanrt. .
It is grntilying to as to notico that
our friend Mttnson, of Pltillipsburg,
has received tho nomination for sher
iff. "Lev," resided in Boggs township,
in this county, for t number of years,
nnd is personally known to many of
our citisens. Success to him In his
"new departure"
What NbxtT The editor of the
iscllelonio JHdustruu Alvnctit is not
pleased because be cannot bnvo things
bis own way. The Doctor lias "fooled
nronnd" so much that lie has become
nn "outsider," nnd feels disjiosed to
kick at everything. Here is his last :
Ton. Droit, llb I he aid at W.llaoe, of Clear.
Bold, ii trjlnj lo eft up tbe oomln( somlnatloni
is me ueiBooiett state eonrentitn at Krle. Thie
Tho Pittsburgh Di.tpatch belongs to
thul class of journals which bad about
as much rospeet for tho Constitution of
their country, which guaranteed Mie
odilors "lifo, liborty and the pursuit of
liniipiness" during war period, and for
all time, us swiuo bus for pearls.
Thoso writers were schooled under
tho Liiieolii-KUiiiUiii-tiriint reijime, nnd
thoy consequently feel moro liko the
subjects of a desiotism than tbo In
habitants of a Hopubllo. It Is, thoro
foro, quite natural for those peoplo
who prefer tho will or caprice of a
ruler to a written constitution, to lit-
nore and bring into disrepute so sacred
a'aocnmontas-tbatr ThlsUndlcall
ring orgun, two weeks ago, indited a
rather appreciative notico ot ex-l'resl
dent Jobnsou, stutitig that his love for
the Constitution amounted to "a bob
by." The evils that now afflict us are
upon tis boratise our rulers and thoir
backers attempted to ignore that In
strumcnt, which all bud taken a solemn
oath to "protect and defend.? Tho
crime thoy committed iwas a double
one. 1 Jtesldes violating tho written
law, thoy coupled with it the benlons
crimo of perjury. '
I, Tho Pittsburgh tender, in alluding
to thu.'.i'HJiVA'j article, appropriately
says: '- 1 ' I ' : an . ! I! i
Thli It enrioua laocuare. Wa ahall neel ha
toM that "rlrtue ai Iba "bobby" or Booratei,
tba bible, the "bobbr," of the trie Chrl.tlao. To
call tbe love of the Conitltutton of hla country by
a itateeman, a "bobby," la to taylhe'inoot ear
oaatle thin, poielble abuat the rest of oar publio
men. The linplieetlon ! that adellty te tbo Oon
elltutlon, tbe hiibaet law of tho land, n eo elransa
and tinuioal an attribute of oar pollliolane that
iuo man ie a lima ooceairle vbo poaeeeeae It.
Out with aae hUehjr. Ik ukabbM
tby great glory, poor Andy. Would to baaven
that niora of tby eontetnporariea had poaaeed
it! would that thoa eonldet bequeath It to tby
Bueeeeeore t Xha eouatry it now aiid ever etaoe
Uie war bae been aunering frum a lax ohiarvauoa
of the Cooetltntlon, and will rufter nntll It geti
baok to Ita boneet obeerrasoa. It waa, tboy eay,
neoeeaary in tba throet of oirll war to make the
Constitution bend a little to tbe elrouinetanee.
llut that naoaiilty baa antallad a dreadful emt
and let a danfreraui praoadent. W bet we waul
la s general revival of Mr. Joiiaeoa a "bobby"
among the Anerieaa people north and aoiitb,
ao that our preeent Stateeuien will be oompelled
to oly tbe provision af tha OuBititatioa that
laao ue s natioa.
It is so remarkable that thoso who
held tbo loosest views In respect to tho
Constitution, always proclaim them,
selves patriots abovo all, others, and
Bhout tho loudest for "tho union," after
the war commenced, but never before. Tho
men who, before tho war, proclaimed
that the union was fraud, and de
clared : The Cvmtitutiun of Hie United
titatet is a roix-iuifif ux'rA (tetft, nnd an
agreement irifA hell, bounced into full
Hedged patriots after May, 1801. Yet,
nut one of those moral cowards and
sneaks lost his life on a battlefield, or
pulled the noso of a rebel, but they
sang lustily up north along the lakes,
tlio Cunflda border and nt Bunting,
" We'll bang J eft Davis," etc. Not ono
of tbo chronic Constitution haters
ever bummed that tune in the hearing
ot Jctr or any other Confederate. '
Tho mon who look upon tho Const!
tution us a "hobby" are not fit fttr
American citizens, and should co
where their friends are in iitissia or
Gormnny. Our liberties are no safer
in tlio bands of such mon than a lamb
would bo among a pack of wolvos.
The Stati Deiit. Tho Commis
sioners of tho sinking fund in their
published statement on the 2d
of August, foot up tho State debt of
.Pennsylvania on thnt day as follows :
Debt bearing eola internal .. 11,41, 500 10
Debt bearing latere In Caltea
Statea oerreo.r 11,1133,51,0 to
Dubt on whioh latareet baa bees
elopned in aaa ie
Debt bearing no loteiert ' juOAtil S9
Chambaraburg eertiloataa, not
ay J,, l, l .J.M8 u
Total debt July 1, 1871 .. "JJ,eDI,54 tt
The amount ol bonds In the sinking'
fund applicable to the redemption ofj
hub uuut, uror , r
rrLtn tbo Penn a railroad 5,8'0,SI9 88
ruu mo Aijegueny valley it. ltM S,JOU,OU0
The lust hugu pluntlurlng Job
biimglit to light under the present cor
rupt imtiouul adiuiiilslralioii Is that of
I oluntlius Delano, a member of tbo
Cubiuet, his son John and Orvltlo
Grant, the President's krotlior, who
plundered tbe treasury of millions ot
dolluin, and at tbo same lime cheated
the Indians out of hundreds of thou
sands of dollars. For two years past
efliirU have been mude to remove this
Cabinet olllcer in order to hroak up
tho robbers' nest, but tbo President
alwuys insulted those who culled bii
attention to tlio acts of this plunder
ing band.
Itoeontly, hnwovOr'TWfJ "elrilnont
liadiculs Prof Marsh, of Vale Col
lege, and Win. Welch, a prominent
Plnladolpliittii, who have'. Investigated
this matter and are satisfied that tho
charges are true, went to the President,
and so informed hint - and domanded
that all tho parties engaged bo re
moved from oflleo. Six months bayo
elapsed and tho robbers are still ply
ing their gituio. , Now, however, these
gentlemen are engAgod in addressing
letters to the President; through tho
newspapers, setting forth tbo. charges
of fraud in a very plain manner,,. Wo
will seo whether "the. government,"
will pay any attention to these scoun
drels. ', "
The charges are made by pure end
tindcfllod liiuliciils who Lave boon ou
tho ground, and know alb about the
frauds which have been committed.
Tho peoplo will please take notico
that they ra put liwmoorwtio lies
made for tlio nccaiioii. If only half
of what Messrs. .Marsh and : Wolch
charge Is truo, Ciiiint should be im
peached (wo expect lo have the pleas
tiro of chroiiicaling thut fact before
two years moro roll around,) anil I)o-
lano and his confederates locked Up In
a ponitentlary.
NNirn 1TKMN.
Kx-Ciov. Win. A. timhani.of North
Cuiiilina, died on the litis ImnI.
(iov. JUurlranft, and fumily are
sifinmuriiig at Miiiuoqim Spring, in
mumum eoillliy, ;
Miij. (in.. JluinUelinan, of the
Lulled States army, is in London, ao
cnnipaiiied by till wilh uiiil daughter.
J ho Assisluut Treasurer of tho
I lilted Slates ul New York bus been
directed to sell $5,000,000 iu gold dur
ing August.
Tho Pennsylvania ruilroad com
pany lias dulcarud a quarterly dividend
of two per cent, puyublo on tho ilOlh
.1 TIIKUI.oai.iNH Y1KW.
i piaa mm vnm ay a raiiadvlphia oarreenoa
dwrjli "Wabava bad Beaalor Wollaoe with ai
looking atlar the Ooveraerrhip. lie anpearod to
about evealy dirhle bii attention between the
aiagnatea ol Iba party and the nana re re of the
I'eoatrlTaala railroad eompaay, 1 eaaoet tall
what afleot tba Senator1! viiit nrodaeed, but thie
I know, that Sam. Joeephe and -BUI MrMallla'
are for Uigler, aad tba I'enneylvasta railroad
rorapany la not indnTerest t bie notainaUon
Oneotber thing I might meatloa, whieu la, that
w htalar to oa tha auberaatorial elate, there
la a illrttoaitloa to concede the Stata treaearar te
s Liberal HepablHian, anl Cat. Jabs W. oraev
la tba ooliearratlva whom Iba anginaera af tba
Krte eosvasUaa sra aatirelj willing lo put upon
the ticket."
We must confess that the editor in
question has doso it up tVroirn, and if
he dock pot "take himself np" he will
find himself on "ragged edge," so
for as truth is concerned.
8MJMH 86
inis woum still leave lourteon mil
lion, seven hundred and twenty thou
sand, nino hundred and twenty do
lurs and twenty-nino cents unprovided
for, which must bo raised by taxation,
By applying tho two millions of sur
plus in the state treasury some inter
est could bo saved and the olTlco of
Stato Treasurer would not be sought
nftor so eagerly by tbe banking fra-tornity.
Sublimi ! Tbo Bellofonto ' JIVffcA-
man a fbw woeks ago made tho obarge
that StnU Treasurer Mackoy paid a
carpenter $1,000 for repairing Oovorn-
or Ilartraiifi's borso stablo, and that
tho budding was onibcllishodwith wal
nut uoors. , This is indignantly de
nied by tho loyal organs, and some of
tho editors have nearly worked them-
sclvos up in a fighting mood over this
charge. Wo know nothing about the
tacts, but wo suspect that it is truo. It
is not a bit worn than tho taking of
4,3i)t.4i ontot the Stato treasury to
bury ox-Governor (fcary. If that was
lawful nnd proper, what is thoro to
prohibit tho friends of tlio surviving
ox-tjovcrnors, Jligler.i Pollock and
Cnrtin from making a similar raid on
tbo taxpayers for funeral exponsos.
So many of theso dirty tricks bnvo
boon played off on tbo Stato treasury
of lato years that ther oan scarcely
be a mistake made by accusing our
public Bcrvanls with heinous frauds.
Jo and Boor Turns. Tho editors
of tho Lancaster Intelligencer are dis
pleased nt tho action of tho Demo
crats of York couuly, at their rocont
convention. Wore we as handy to
those York county fellows as Messrs,
Steinman A Ilcnsel, we would cross
tbe Susquehanna, via. the Columbia
bridgo, nnd cuter York connty and
kick those delegate to the Erie Con
vention as long as we could find tbom.
And If wo should happen to com
across somo of tho township delegates
who acted so foolishly . as. to voto
against Chauncoy Black, wo would
drown them In Codorus crock. Btich
independence as those York county
Democrats put forth In their late con
vention nocds to bo snublwd in tho
bud. It is too bad.
lho scallawiigs and cnrpet-baL'L'ors
of Mississippi are having a first class
quarrol. , The leaders . lire washing
thoir dirty linen In the public tub.
lho misfortune seems to be that tho
clothing of both factions seems to be
very dirty,und all thoscouring thoy are
giving each other docs not affect thorn.
Tho "damned spots" won't Wash out.
From tho way the fuctlnna are expos
ing each otner, it appears that their
characters are just as dirty us their
clothing, and if this cleansing process
is kept up a little longer tho peoplo ol
that Stato will find out who is the
dirtiest fellow, and can avoid hint in
tho future. Tho assuciatu press dis
patch from Vickshurg ou the 9th, says:
"A special dispatch received to-night
irom Hernando, in tho northorn prt
ot tho httito, contains tho billowing
Col. G. Wiley Wells, United States
District Attorney, and candidate for
tbo Republican nomination for Con
gross in this district, made a siicech
here to-day.. He denounced (jovurnor
Ames iu the bitterest terms, and de
clared that in the interview between
Govoroor Ames, Sheriff Crosby nnd
Attorney General Harris, at the time
of the Vickshurg riot, tbo Governor
instructed Crosby to arm the blacks
and mnrch against Vickshurg. Attor
ney General Harris protested against
the advice, and lirgod a resort to tho
courts. Crosby loft with these in-
structioiu from the Governor, who, af
ter his departure, turned to Attorney
General Harris and said that the
blood of twenty-five or thirty negroes
would benefit the Kcpiihlicau party in
tho State, Col. Wells savs that ho
mado this statement upon the written
authority of ono of tho most reliable
aud truthful Republicans Iu tho Stato.
Attorney Gonorai Harris was present
hore to-d:iy as a supporter of Wells,
and heard tho remarks without denial
and with approval."
Tiik Moth Ra or Presidents. North
Carolina comos next to Virginia in be
ing tho Mother of Presidents, and
Tennessee puts thorn forward and
buries them. A ndrew Jackson, James
K. Polk, and Andrew Johnson wore
all born in JJorlh Carolina ; were all
elected to the Presidency while citi-
'ens or tho Stato of Tonncssoo, and all
lie buried beneath the soil of the lattor
State. Polk and Johnson were linml-
grants, Jackson was made a citizen of
lennossoe by th act of Conirroa
erecting it into a Slate out of port of
isorib I'arollna. There is project
afoot to place the remains of the three
Presidents togolhor and erect a grand
monument over thorn.
Tin CoNrKRExrr Wo have been
authorized to stuto tbat tho Democrat
ic tonloroes of this XXXIVth Senato
rial district, will meet at Bellofonto on
Tnesday, the 2d day of September,
for the purpose of Selecting a delcgato
to lho Krio Convention. Our Clinton
county friends do not hold their coun
ty convention until Tuesday, the 31st,
at which timo tho conferees will bo ap
pointed to moot as-above indicated.
Tho confereos of Centre nro J. P. Gop
hait, Bollefunte; T. M. Hull, Miles
burg, and George Mctiaffey, Pbillips-
burg. Col. JamoK P. Weaver, Of
Milesburg, and J. G. Meyer, Esq., of
Aaronsburg, were selected as repre
sentative delegates to the , Krie Con
ventlon. '
So, so!-tA Radical, SUtto. official
tolls tho people that Governor Ames,
of Mississippi, advised the murder of
a number ot negroos for political pur
poses. Ho remarked, to Attorney
Gonorai Harris, that lho shooting of
twenty-five or thirty negroos would bo
a God send to tbo Republican party in
mo Btalo, and could bo usod up north
with good effoct. Of such stuff aro
mado carpet-bag Governors. Ames is
Ben Butlor's son In-luw. ..
An outertainiiiuiit was given at
ItaolHMter, fJV. lor -the two. children
of the unfortunate Donaldson, who are
living there.
'Joseph A. Young, eldest sou 0f
jirignam loung,dlolsuiliiuuly at Monte
Utah, on tho 5Ui Inst. Ho leaves four
wives and seven children.
The fruu-to-all raeu at Cleveland.
the other day, was won by (iolilxiiiilli
Maid, Lulu second aud Auiorieuii Girl
third. Time, 2:181. 11)1. 2:1UI. .
There is how no livinir ex-l'renl.
dent, but it is believed there will bo
ne on the 6th of March, 1877, unless
Grant should dio In tho meantime.
i Tho totnt amount of crudo oil
moved by tbo Allegheny Valley Rail
road from tbo Butler and Clai 'ion Dis
trict during July is 412,779 barrels.
The, laraest mirror iu the world
has been put into thu parlor of tho
United Stutes Hotel ut Karutoga. It
took two plattbrm cars to gel it there,
Mr. Frnneis Tniiilfny, fsthxr nf
Judge Trunkey, died at bis residence
in vt est rialcm township, .Mercer coun
ty, Pa., on the lstinst., in tho 72d your
All tlio nations in the world but
three, Russia, Italy aud Greece, have
accoplcU the invitation ot tins ifovern
inoiit lo participate in tho Centennial
exultation. . . ,
General Geo. K. Pickett, the C
fodorato Hero of (Jottysburg, died at
Norfolk, on Friday night the iioth tilt.
Jle was the most brilliant olllcer of
the Southern urmy. 1
Tho contract for furnishing tho
navy yards throughout tho "country
with livo oak timber during lho pres
ent iiscai your nas been awarded to
tioorgo houtliard, ol ow lork.
The full amount of the Virginius
indemnity has boon roady tor distribu
tion. Persons who cluiiu any share
t hereof should address tha l)cpart-
nieni oi iMtiu) ut osiunguui.
Only 150 copies oat of tho 22,000
printed of Jiapoloon Ill's lifo of Cit-sar
bavo been sold, and the publishers have
brought suit against the ex-Kinprcss
and Prince Imperial lor tho sum of
170,000 Irenes damages.
'lho loss by tbo destruction of
crops through tho recent Hoods uud
rains in tho W eslern States will amount
to about the same as the loss bv tlm
Chicago flru in 1871 iu round num
bers $2,000,000,
An Iron mountain, rivaling its
Missouri namesake, has been discovered
sixty miles north of Duliith, Minn. It
is oight miles long, one and a half
miles wide and 1,200 feet abovo tho
level of Lake Superior. -
A man living on Licking River, in
Kentucky, estimates that ho has seen
at least 10,000 bushels of wheat iiass
,1,,..... 4 1. ne .t t - i 1
uvnu bmu BiiL-uiu, IJUVIIIU ueea swept
emir vy mu temino ircsiicts.
Tho jury in the Mountain Meadow
massacre, trial at Heaver City, Utah,
reported on tho 7th that they were
iiiiauie to agree, ami wore discharged.
They stood nine fur acquittal and three
one iieniiio aim two Mormons lor
conviction. , .
1'lui J'realiitvrinn lioitner, in a lead,
lug editorial, kiiUiUhJ "The Differenco,"
a review of the lloccher cuse, wtya ;
"It make a wide difference with
many whether a minister accused ol'
criiuu is HMir, unknown to fkinn i,il
without iiilluuntiul friends, or whether
lie is ncu, iMipulur, f world-wide repu-
iuiiwii, nun wui-niiiiineii witn wealthy
auinireix tYitinn a low years two
country viurgynien iu Puniisylvania
have been ueeused of immorality, tried
and acquitted. They loll the court,
room quietly and wont their ways,
having no one to congratulate them
and nono to shout them a welcome as
they pussi'd along. Many yours ago
a most godly country clergyman was
uecusod ufa crimo, aud tried twico bo
fore lho court of this county, lho Jury
disagreeing both limes. During the
first trial the lute venerable Dr. Hor
ron, and two or throe other ministers
wore in the court-room, aud In ii's ml.:
iiross to the jury, one ol tho counsel
lor mo prosecution animadverted with
intense seventy upon tho fact of thei
prosonco, ami aeuouncetl it as an nt
teinnt to lutliionco tho iurv. At H
soconil trial no minislorsorothorfriendi
wore In attendance. And when the
jury failed to agree a second time, the
aeeuBou wont home to his work, hav
ing no boqucta presented to him, re
ceiving no ovations, and without any
increase of salary to pay the expenses
incurred in defending his rcpiitution ;
nor did ho try to lighten the loa.1 of
griof resting upon him by smurt say
ings. "Hut how different is ovorything In
tho caso or Mr. Boecher. During the
trial he is surrounded by wife, child
ren and sympathiaiug friends. Talent
ml btaniVr, euillh ml distinction, an)
eager to mako an impression favorable
to tho oelebratcd Brooklyn pastor.
Tho choicest flovrs are showered
upon him, and ho a received with tha
mosi approving snilcs and the soRest
words. When bo appears upon tho
platform in tho prtyer nieetiiig room,
bo is cheered, and in his Friday even
ing talks and Suibath sermons, his
witticisms oft rebeatod as most ot
thorn have beon nro applauded to the
echo. As tho disagreeing jury retires,
Mrs. Boechor takoi most of them by
tho hand and thanks them for what
thoy havedono. Al tbo result though
not an acquittal ftyiuotith church ia
convulsod with ddight, Mr. Hoecher
oracks Ins jokes ion tho succeeding
Sabbath and makfs tho orthodox doc
trines concorniny; tiiirinal sin, the atono-
ment, and rcgonoation, tho subject of
soon, me cnurci votes a sa arv ot
one hundred thaisund dnllai-s for tho
present year, and makes arrangemeuls
tor a grand public reception when tbo
pnstor shall retim from his farm in
the full. A I! tint is in bad taste it is
simply disgusting"
Itthonelassi tics the results, as brought
out on tho scandal trial, failing to line!
much cause for lloocbcr's friends to
rejoico, and coneltnlcs :
"In view ol uD the fuels we bavo
staled, and of inkers Unit might bo
mentioned, moro humility on the part
of Air. Hoecher al bss offensive dem
onstrations on the part h" bis friends
wouiu uo vastly more becoming, at least
until a much better exculpation has
been made amiurcst to tho nubile than
tho mere failure of a jury to agree."
Any one who will hike up the Re.
port of the t 'uiiiuiissioiiers of the Sink
ing Fund, lor the year ending Novem-
er ooiu, loi jh, will unserve In it some
thing thut requires explantton. in a
summary of, tho puymonl. made by
the commisxionei-a during the curawit
year, they tukcorodit for 12, 807,817.32,
"credited in sinking titiid ledger, in
order to equulisu the general and sink
inif fund, und to euablu lho Mii..
Treasurer lo properly koop thu account
under the provisions of thu act of May
9,1874." This is taking oredit lbr
tins lurire amount of moiiev the ii.,,,.
as thoiiL'h it had been used lbr tbo
domptioii 0f tl,o publio debt. But not
ono dollar was used tiir that purpso.
I his money, without any authority of
i "uu iii uirvcb vioiauoil ol uiy Lou.
stitiltion, had been lukeu before this
time, from the Sinking Fund, and
placed in tbo General Fund, and this
peeious entry is intended to sniinrn
the accounts. Section II Ai-iiel IV
oftho constitution, prohibits tho use of
any tiart of the moneys of tho Sinking
Fund for any other purpose than to
ly mo interest, unn roiltico the public
debt, "unless in case of war, invasion
or insurrection." The act of May 9th
187-4, gives no authority lo divert a
dollar of lho Sinking Fund, or to take
credit for a dollar already divorted
but only directs how tho Stato Tress-
urer shall keep his accounts and in
what books. This 12,807,817.82 hud
been taken from tho Sinking Fund
previously, and placed Iu the General
Fund, and this happy method was hit
upon to settlu tho account. Atthn
same timo tho commissioners carried
500,000 additional to tlio Gonorai Fund
for which they took credit, the
as though it had been applied to the
extinguishment of the public debt.
iioru we aiscovereil how and where
the Inrco sum of 3.:i7.817.3 '1 Wflnl
snokeil Irom tho Sinkinir Fund and
.rivnn XI....I I I
. ... .uuim-v lo 1UUII III UIB iavor-
rltu banks. Hero is a biir leak discov
ered, and we pause lo allow oppor
tunity for some oftho treasury ring to
uajmuiii ii. imtjiemnen jfcninerat.
Tho Indian commissioners nublish
a long and carefully written "Ajipcul
to tho Christian Public," out routine
iiiein noi k dciicvo tho stories toll
against Delano and Smith which "ori
ginated with disappointed contractors''
and which nro sustained only by "ir
responsiblo witnesses." There muy bo
some small frauds oil tho Indians, tbev
admit, but tho department is doing its
Dcst to lerrei inein out, and the chari;o
1 1 ... , i i...i ...i .!.'
m,mk,vhiiiit niiwionuiuuurriipiiuii II
enl In l. H'l
Sot NU Umiu Sknsk. There is not
much evidence of n new rebellion in
tho address ot the Conlcdcrato, Col.
David tr. Gooilwin, nt tho recent re
union of tho survivors of the Third
Georgia regiment nt Portsmouth. Tho
languusnis beautiful and patriotic. JIo
said: "To tho future and not to tho
past, looks truo nobility ; wo cannot
ull'nrd to carry dmd corjiscs. ' We are
soldiers, tlio present is with us, and
the future just ahead of us is too lull
of hopes to stop to repine over the
things that have been lost. We hare
no timo und should havo no tnsto to
mopo over the past. Wo wnnt recon
ciliation and union wo want a hannv
people. This country is
and united
WiibbiiiL'tou Star savs: ' If
novice about to unler the public ser
vile was to look ju nt the treasury department-to-iuty
and see thu sorrow
and despair of tlio poor fellows wbo
bavo had lo step down and out in oon-
soquouco of th reorganisation of tho
depitrtment, h would, if any manhood
us ion in nun, snake the dust of
Washington from off his fuel and 'im
west,' or any iilace else where lie could
got a fair day's wages for a fair day's
u.ti-L- 'r,i,l..'u.l.......u.i:u...:.... :
-. ... n. ,rvuj DUUIIIUIWHAni-IIJII 10 VVVII
worse than yesterday's. Tbon it waa
anxiety now it is despair. A rough
estimate of the number dismissed to
day will approximate ono hundred ami
fitly. This number was swelled to
such proiortioiis by the dismissal of all
uluika hurotoloro borne on thu tumiio
rary rolls, as under the now sundry
civil appropriation bill all funds here
tofore uvailable for Dsviuir thiselaju
of emiiloyes lused into tbe treasury.
Included in this dischargo ure some
iorty females. The scenes aud inci
dents in the corridors of tho treasury
are sad in somo instances and amusing
in others. The tours of thu 'wuaker
vessels are lost In tho ludicrous at
tempts of mouuv-brokers to colluct ad.
vances they have mado to those limn-
ooroa among the unfortunates. One
of those brokers came riisbinrr in flr
discovering that ono of bis customers
nauooen dropped. He first patronized
bis 'client,' tbon bo sympathized with
him, finally be came to business, asked
how that little matter was to bo ar
ranged, and was told to go where there
is loss humidity than then ia in Wash
ington in July.
' "It seems from the remarks dropped
by thoso discharged that many, too
ninny, bavo lived abovo il,uir inoomoo,
nnd it is a problem with them ho to
soothe irate landladies and washerwo
men. Other sanguine ones, instead of
uruouiug over their troubles, present
or persjiective, havo gone to work to i
get uai K. l ne telegraph brings evory
hour dispatches from members of con
gress interceding for favorites. Mean
while Mr. Bristow is pestered to death.
'ot only is be besought by the light-
iiinir in muy ins nana, out is crowded
with tho victims of reorganization in
his own room. It is hard tor him to
convince those sent adrift that he is
acting only as lho executive of a law
tbreod upon him by tho very legislators
who now appeal for clemency for tho
The Coroner's inquest oti the body
ol Robert S. Gatcuel, tho advertising
solicitor of tho Pittsburgh Telegraph,
who was drowned in the Allegheny
rivor on Friday a week, resulted in
tlio findinir of a verdict of accidental
drowning from curlossly excising his
life by climbing over the railing ol the
suspension bridgo while intoxicated.
Jno. W. Wn.ut,
Who T Thu Cincinnati En
qtiirer oaks: Who will embark in cotr
tun or woolen mills when it pays
oeiuir to uuvua tin txix lull ol govern
ment bunds? Who will bo a laborer
iu tho hives of industry when all its
rewards go to the suecusslul drones?
It is the jsilicy of tho Republican party
Ui add to tho interest bearing debt.
They tuku uu th lion-iiilurosl one fiir
inui purpose, every twenty years
ine iiriuci nui is tittiu III Interest, but
sun remains lor iHislenty ull the same.
The privileirod classes havu ovurvtliiuir
to work for whon they invest their
siorxs ana bonds in gold, and no green-
wicks ; whom more snail be nttlu money
in circulation, so that it will be im
mensely vuluuble to thoso who happen
to misses thut commodity. What is
desired is a reversal of this. Retire
tho bonds with interest."" Restore lho
greenbacks without interest. Kn-
eourugo tho factory which gives em
ployment to the tropic, by exempting
from luxation, rather than that which
does nothing of tho kind. Tho laborer
must lo upon one side in this contro
versy. Tho Democracy oiler them
wages, life and full employment. The
other side idleness, taxation and debt.
R. Audloy Brown, thu temperance
candidate for Governor of this State,
Is pastor of the First Unitod Proabylo
riau church in New Custlo.
FallllV Keniblu baa urilli-n on mi If i.
. . .. . J. u. jonnel
biography. It will bono tamo per- uo. uiinnj,
.,,1 iiinni-u, mr j aniiy can
Snv SAvtttlsmnts.
V 11211 'nn TTTIiAIIl.
1J J I rfUllOim,
Lint of Jurore Jraaa lr HfptemWr Trrw
A. 11. lilt, aimiaiMeli.!) oa the ih.ra MunJav, the
2ll!h, anj L-oulluunif lur tbrae woeke 1
raaiaaaa ii aoaa-naaT tvaai, loth.
i' "JT.'i """"t"; ''' C.ppler,
I linl'in Mnl;r.iaen. "
Ileal rimeul, ftiijf
lleo. U. Mirrett,
barnl Hale, Uia.lforJ
Samuel 0,11, u
J. Adam Hlibol,
Jul. I'.iell. ll,.,
Jubueloa llainillua, "
bali'l Uurtiiaii.
l. L. II, Ti
W. M. Bbaa,
J. 11. Ilrabau,
llerriaoo Uloom. Car lie If. Kl.lm.l uruii...
Jaa. Wl'ejr, Ferisaoa re.l C.u,in.o, "
t anaau jiHima aeuoas. a-aaa. .
J. I, pinner, Ileooarla. Jno. Moore. Iloulid.le
Jne, A. Murrv.
T. WooiMiiea, Oubjia
Jae. Carter, lluuu.lala
.1.-. II lr. ,
J. II. Ilualaf, Jnrda
Jaw. tfuMurray, Kaua
Hobt. tUlteraoe,
J. H Uale, Lawreaee
S. al. Kollertoa, "
L. J. Conklin, M
i. U. Merrell, U.,nU
I, Cloarll.lJ J. II. ,., N. W..h ,
man. - ii;. trii,k.r.
Movee, iha
r- II. I rmb, 1 olua
II. II. .Mclloe, U.ll
II A. Shimrl, Uzxi
llaa'l llirliel,
Arm. t'urrr. Ilur Ie
H. Mitchell, ClrerfieM
f. li. Miller, "
J. A lt- I,
.an MrNaul,
Mall, llloum, Kergmon
W. A. Itearae, Ileoatur
K. K. Klofel, Uoibes
TSiASans Jl-noai
Al. Heoleld. liueio,
J.Votbere, jr., Karlbaua
Leole Urbaro, kus
Iuo. hmlib, Lawrraoa
Tli. N.l'hareia "
J. ll.Kvler. Mnrrle
Cor'lleiA. Ilile. LauiberCllr
I'alrhk Ilallv, I'eoa
Jub War, Hike
S. P. Hhor, Woo,ward
J. Catbertuan, Oioeola
iRroaD wasc.
A. I'atteriuo, Ueoearla,0. A. Murrleos, Uo.hen
"'T ioouipeoa, ueil,j, r. iloblioo,
Samuel Flrgai, liogge
Jacob W. lUner,
v.j. tairrpoell, jjradrs
near Hunger, Mraujr
. d. jnuneiun,
mid and
gtw drerfittrmrntf.
ours; let us strive not to undo, mako The man Lyslo, who was with him at
it what it should be a great, a good, tho timo ho jumped into thu water,
anu wno was suspected of having
pushed him over, was honorably dis
charged, as the evidence went to show
that he tried to prevent Gatchel from
mo late tbat bufci hi in
A M ista K a. Tho : Democrats of
Jefferson county want to trade their
excellent President Judge, Win. P.
Jonks, off for Governor. This, wo
think is a serious mistake. Judge
Jenki is th right man in tho right
place. We proposo to furnish the
"right man" for Govornor.' Col. Blood
oan do no bettor act than to vote for
Wm. Bigler, at Erio, on the 8lb of
September. ,
Clinton County. The. Democratic
primary election comes off in this
county on Saturday, tlio 28th day ofj
August, and tho County Convention
on Tuesday, tho illst.
Tim Stat SrifATK. Wo notico by
tbo Clinton Democrat that S. R. Pcalo,
of Lock Haven, and A. J. tuigley, of
Uinpman township, are candilntus for
the State Senate.
Miss Olivi'i Love. Miss Olive
Logan gushes amusingly over tho
negro waiters at liong Branch.
"Some of them," slio says, in a letter
to the Grtwhic. "are not merclv hnml.
somo they are distinguished iisiking,
me nun nps, aquiline noses, sinning,
av nlmn l.u.L. I I.h. ?
"VI 1 . n biiuou anu an hnii
tive adjunct of beauty ; and tlio com
plexiona of many are in no degree
darkor than thoso of tho Spaniards
and Mexicans whom tboy servo." Tho
waiter at hertnblo is one of those soft,
kind, restful Southern ncicroes whom
we all love. 'He puts me in mind of
my old mammy, said a Southern lady
th other day. She did not mean hor
mother, but she meant her foster
mother, in whose black breast she
found tbe fount of lifo. JIo is so kind,
so obliging, so gentle." ' j
Ninety-two counties in Kentucky
from which official returns havo been
received give M'Croery, Domocrat, for
govornor a majority of 30,702. Thoro
are twenty four moro counties lo hear
from which will Increaso the majority
to alxmt 4S,000.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will givu premiums to tho most
faithful onifincurs and fireman nt tlio
end of every mouth iu tho future.
this will bo done us an incentive to
oncourago them iu perlorming thoir
duties well. , I
The irreat ruin lull which has done
so much damage in this country, in
England and in France, also extended
to India, and its northwestern pro
vinces havo been flooded, with a loss,
it is feared, of many lives. Thus three
continents have sn tiered simultaneously
from the same cause.
Fourteen million two hundred and
ninety-eight thousand postal cards wore
issued the from department dnrinir tho
month of July on tho requisition of
postmasters, this is tlio largest num
ber ever boforo issued in any one
month, and shows tho popularity of
this branch of the iostal service.
Tho Baltimore American suvs .
Thore Is hardly a stcamor that arrives
in this port from Savannah or Charles,
ton that does not bring among other
things several thousand watermelons.
Within the past wook no less than 20,-
000 melons have arrived and sold hero
at prices ranging from (20 to (40 per
hum trail . i ,
It I luii-e. lina rionn "Ilia pntian nt in, lur.
Mr. John TI. Parker and wife left jon" equally with the cause of public
their homo in Jiorth Washiiie-Um, But- decency mid morality requires thut it
bo exposed and tbo rasouls and incom
petents discharged no n.attor whether
they are Kpiscopalians, Quakers, Jows
or Infidels. If there has been no
swindling, the Interest of religion re
quire that tho suspicions cast on the
agencies bo dissipate! by tho fullest
publicity and investigation. In either
enso any "appeal" is but of place.
The interests of the "Christian publio"
in (his caso are procitely the samu as
the interests of the general public, and
it argues III for tho calso of tho com
mission that it should attempt lo influ
ence a portion of tho people by an ap
poal to their sympathies and fears be
fore tho evidence is in and tho rase ad
judged." Pittsburgh Petpatrh.
not to be believed. Tbe agencius are
in charge of men especially rocoiumoud
ed to the Pi-esiilrnt by the Quakers,
Kilo,liaiio Presbyterians, Metho
dists, etc., represeiting "nino different
communions.'' The causo of religion
itself, they urgo, will suffer, if these
church agents bo lilniittcd to be guilty
of selling short rations and shoddy
blankets lbr good ones, aud therefore
the agents must lo sustained, at least
until tho Department Investigating
committee shutl mcei tiiin the facts.
This "appeal" dees not strike us fu-
vorably. The commission in the first
place certainly iiistutes the facts. -1'ho
churgo of fruuj in the Sioux atren
cios were not mude ry"disoppoinlod con
tractors or "irresjiinsiblo Witnosses.
Prof. Mursh, of llo collego, the prin
cipal witness, is ndtber; but a irentlo-
man of the biglust character. Tho
othor witnesses arn almost all officers
of tho regular auny, on duty on the
plains, and theirs mould certainly bo
first-class tuslinion. Itisvorvstronir.
and upon it Grant requested Delano
to resign.
As for the fuirni4s of tbo Investiga
tion for whoso docilion the public is re
quested to wait, it is sufficient to any
that the members werfrmostly appoint
ed on Delano's rocommendution. It
is, wo fear, a whito-washing commis
sion. llut it is tho assumption that tho
causo of religion is at sluku in tho mat
ter that wo are disposed to take tho
gravest exception to. Religion is not
at slake. Tho question between Prof.
Marsh and tho Indian department is
simply whothor thoro has been fraud
and mismanagement at tho agencies.
lor county, on tho morning oftho 21st
ult.,and walked to Allegheny Junction,
via. Butler and Lardin's mill, arriving
In timo for tho 7:51 p. M. train on tho
A. V. It. R, Distanco, forty-two miles.
Whoso wife can beat that 1Freeport
A Granddaughter of Kthan A lion,
aged nearly one hundred and one years,
wus visiting ipringnuiil, Muss., a tew
days ago. Iter namo is Mrs. Jemima
Graves,! She is said to retain her f'ue-
itltios to a wonderful doirree. and re-
members her illustrious grandfather dis
tinctly enough to doscribo hie pursonal
appcurnnco, liubits, and drjss in detail.
' Tho largest library in tho United
States is tho Library of Congress,
which contains 274,000 volumes; noxt
in order is tho Boston Public Library,
with 273,000, whilo tho Harvard Uni
versity Library, with 198,000, and tho
Now York Mercantile Library, with
155,120, nro respectively third and
fourth in point of size.
The iron steamship City of Sydney
was launched at Roach & Son's ship,
yard at Chester, Pa., on tho 4th inst.
The City uf Sydney is tbe third and
Inst of lho vessels of its class now be
ing built at Chester for tlio Pacific Mail
steamship company, ita sister ships,
a just, generous Government. Let us
cultivate the idea that wu are part and
a parcel of it let ns seek to break
down all estrangement lielween tho
sections. It is oar duty, it is our in
torest, and it should lie our pleasure. I
want to seo the time when this great
Government shall shower alike its
blessings and protection upon a whole
and common people when under tho
American flag, ull sections of this union
shall stand in sympathy and in jieai-o
when tho actions, the passions, the
sentiments aud emotions of our people
shall be centred In the mighty indus
tries oi a nnitcii and happy country
i,ct us penu our eitoris to accomplish
Anothbe Coon IIkoi'Oiit Down.
Congressman White, from Alabama,
was tha minted suthornftlie infamous
rorre Hill which did fiif pass Conirress
Inst winter. One Dntus K. Coon, who
lives at Montgomery, In the same
State, ran as the Radical candidate
lust week for an office in which Mont
gomery is situated, and in ordur to
render his calling and election sure,
issuod an address to tho peoplo defend
ing thu odious provisions of White's
dctunct Force Bill. Thore were 2,400
votes Killed, 1,800, or moro than hro
third, of which were Republican, and
of that nil in tier Coon received inst
tcb. This Alabama eonti surrendered I
as promptly to the ballots of his in
dignant iiobrhbors, after publishing his
address, as his namesake up a tree did
to the unerring aim of tho rifle in the
uanils ol tluit mighty hunter of tho
west, Captain Scott. He jvtt enme
(lown.l.vnliria rrtYmnn.
Ticki.i Mi, iw, Votkus Rimihihm,
In 1807 and 18(18, Wm. U. Mann
was paid over :),(III0 for examining
the acconnta of foreign insurance
agoncios. R. B. Brown, editor of the
Clarion lkmocrnt, who was a membor
of tho House in 1851), believing this
bill to be a swindlo, introduced a res
olution requesting tho Auditor Gen
eral to present a statement of tho
services rendered, and Mr. Mann's
ltemizod hill. Ho believed that 1500
would lie a lair compensation for the
work. Tho Radical majority promptly
voted down the resolution. - The peo
ple, in this connection, should reniem-
bor that John K. Hartratift was Aud
itor tiencnil when Alunna bill was
audited, and that Win. II. Mutin moved
at Lancaster that Gov. John F. Hart
ranlt b re-nominated fbr Governor by
acclamation. You ticklo mo," ete.
All liereone are herehr earne,l ipilii.1 nB,.l,
aelnf ar la anjr manner mnlJIing vulb lho fob
,.,DK ,.,.rr.T, now in me Iweaorilou of Jneob
Oreeu, ul lirailtord townebip : I ouer, 1 hue. I
eupli'iard, I Imr, 4 bade and WJ.Iini. I ehaln, I
table, I el"k, I tab, a lot of aheal-eate aad a
lot ol potatoee In tbo (round. The fureg.tng
urortr aa parobaeed l,jr uie al t'onilable'i
rale en the llllb of Aogual, end ia Irft a lib md
Green on hiao oalv, ealiject lo nr order.
Woodland, Aug. Is, 'ib ll. ,
Information or
Oaorgla or Florida, rhonlil enbaerlbo for the
eioaiino nae, ltebad at Havannah, l,a.
"''-tll Seeag, par aaoum. Advertitere
expiring outmeri in tboaa c'tatea, abould OMeitj
nuune. iie ue aeal jeper ia rai weflraM.
fpeeinien eniueo eent on receipt of a oral e. Ad
drear J. II. Kriril.l,, EaTaunab, lla. S-lS-Sm
In liurenanea or an opler of the Ornbaot'
CmH of CleerSelrf eonntr, Ibrrrarill he aliKiml
In polille rale, at Womlland, Clearfield aoitaiv,
0. Ilarlefcii. '
Jacob llun.all "
llarrieen faeamoto," .
tli Linat,
Juba H. Ual'ejr, "
Wm. Ovratii, Huiniide
BeaJ. bheiiherd, M
Jobo bfoCerd, Cheat
1111 I Uarevu, ' "
Paul Meliarvev, "
Y l-lubell, Covington
i'.l. r Uarmrr,
IT. 1. -, bnrre, - 1 " '
Jul. Ver'ieck,
K. W. Urown, flearfd
B. Orarbart, Decatur
Win. Wlae, Fergoiou
vsiao asaa, oi:t, Ith.
Anniaa Alurrav, UirarJ
W. W. Hoover, Urehein
H'm. Willbelm. "
Ellaa Ilumlug, Uuitos
Jne. Bendv, -D.
Jiihneioo, Jordaa
Jno, High, jr., Knoi
Joo. ijoujrbertTof
Jnaer, Larrenoe
Dan I ClvJa, "
Jamee Ardery,
Oeo. W. Ogden, "
Hugh Oougbertr, "
A. Ii Lawbrad
Joe. Potter,
O. V. Heeea,
J. H.,
lloeea r.rhanl, .
J.ia L. Hale,
Tboe. buaa.
Jamee A. bloom,
Saturday, Vrplembrr II, lMt5,
at I nlolorlr, p. m, tba folloerinr. de.orik.J
properlr : All lb. undivided eae-eigblo inlereil
nlattenberver. dep'H. a u,d il.. .,IIA.
K.. ub iv..-i. ... . ... r
....v. , euneieiina oi mo OIIO,
reel aetata !
A.MOTHKH Convirt. The Hughs
villo, (Pa.) Enterprise, heretofore inde
pendent iu Klitics, has declared in
litvor of the Democratic party. Its
oditor, R.. A. Kiligslow, esq., says:
"And now, however humiliating tho
concession, we are coiiik-1IuI Irankly
to confess that tho great Republican
purty has become but a 'whitened sod-
Ull. I .! , . . r.
ii icure uiieu witn ucuu men s bones.
Wo have no alternative left, in honesty
of our purposo that of doing tho
greatest good to tho greatust namlier
but of fully osisjusing tho great
principles of Democracy."
Shortly alter ex-President Johnson's
trial bo said to a friend who was con
gratulating him on bis narrow escape:
ics, aim wuen 1 uie t want to bo
buried quietly, and hope tha same
wretched sot of scribblers who have
just been writing me down on iutoach-
iiienv wou t ue allowed to write up the
funeral." ,
TiiE(iKATFAii.uix. A New York
paper tells w hat is probably tho truth
ful story of Duncan, Shorman Ii Co. It
snyB thut after Sherman senior had
withdrawn Irom the firm a new spirit
seemed to take possession oftho honso.
IV ot to mince matters, the old firm won
its high reputation by doing nn ex
clusive banking business and avoiding
speculation and all uncertain ventures.
But tho ovil influences of tho limes,
tho desire fbr getting wealth quickly,
a want of discrimination iu judging of
proper investments, untimely opera-
the City of Francisco and City of, tions in oil, in cotton, nnd In worthless
U'-l. I l..l - 1. !l I I l .1 I 1 I - . I I .n I
vv aM-iiiiiiou, iuuiiciicu sumo WCOKB runroilll uoillis, intituling III liounillll
ago, being now nearly re oily lor sea,
Tho solo survivors of tho Moun
tain Meadow massacre, according to
the Suit Luko Tribune, are two young
men name joun laivin and Atyron
stocks, and making unwiso advances
havo been followed by the usual re
sult It is a pity that the history of
tun great, nouso could not oo written
as a lruido to vnunir financiers. It
lui'iii aim minj . . ... - . .
Tackett, who are now supposed to be WT reviMU T l"r,;"-,r ol bosetting
living in Arkansas, tbe former home t"I'li''--" " dcn rocks where
n . a . a 111 tl 111.' im tl taVtMWlr I U'l-all Is I t.ill il.t.
of their munlored parents. They were! "I1,"',?0 ,0 ' , ' U, 0"1'1 fa,n tl,c
tbon brought to Salt Lake City and; , J' tU" "f pf"'11'"'0' Tto,
n...n k'"" '"i iiimiiiiiifiurnn w iH.u
largo risks avoidance of shaky securi-
put In charge of a benevolent hidy
w no Kept mom till an opportunity of
fared for sending them homo.
About COO yards, or 1,200 tons, of
rook-, leu Irom tho rool of the lloosac
Tunnel, in Massachusetts, on tho night
ties, which built the house tin and
mado up its great reputation, and of
moot nor Kind the flash and omplrica!
financiering that occasionally lead to
great fortunes, but generally yield ono
of Uie Cth inst. Tho rock was sup-1 inevitable result-bankruptcy. IPiV
... 7 "v uiuui-iK, anu hi inn iiamtjum Jlullctm.
Ttmm uacbviiuu UJT UXeUVSlllJIIS WlllCn
preparatory to the
had been mado
brick arching. All tbe men that could
be utilized were at once put to work to
remove tlio obstruction, and trains are
ognin running as muni,
A ono dollar note, issued by the city
of Piltsoiirirh on September 1, 1841.
was received by tho eomptroller of
tnai city inst wees: irom a resident or
Toronto, Canada.
A Birr Pii.i.. Mr. Pillisbiiry, not
long sinco tho Democratic candidate
for Governor of tho Pino Tree State,
is printing "open letters" to the Hon.
James G. lllaino, in which the writer
chnrgm the ex-Hpoakor with complicity
in tho I red it Mobilicr atlhir. and tells
hnii that his namo has been, is now,
und ever will bo identified with that
transaction." Mr. Blaino provoked
Mr. Pillsbnry to drop into print in this
way by some offensive reference t
that gentleman is a recent public
speech, and it may prove that the
Pennsylvania statesman, whom a Ynn
koo scliool ninrm captured iu Washing
ton connty nnn carried otr to .Maine,
and who Is ambitious to become Presi
dent, will yet rue the day when he tin
earthed Pillsbnry. ,
Theodora W. Brown, Benjamin B.
Ilullock and William II. Ottman, have
been arrested for tho thofl ot H7.OO0
from the United States Treasury on
tlio Z' oi last J unc. Jlrnwn was ar
rested at Saratoga ; Hiilleck, who Is a
treasury clerk, iu Acw i ork, and Ott
man who is a restaurant keener, In
Washington. Brown and Ilalleck
wore tnkon to Washington whore thoy
havo been committed, with Ottmnn. in
default of $100,000 bail each. Clrcum-
stances are very Strom: airalnt them.
and Hallock has made a partial con
fession. Other arrests will probably
bo made.
despatch, dated Niagara Falls, the 9th
says, at 0 o clock this afternoon six
residents or that Place visited the Cave
of tho Winds without a guide, as they
had frequently done before, Alter
passing through tho cavo, two of the
party, Mr. Ktliulbert Person, nged 89,'
and Miss Lottie C, Philpolt, aired 25.
descended to an eddy which is nover
visited by tho guides. Whilo bathing
I no iniiv lost iter liwthold anil was
caught by tho gentleman, but the cur
rent carried both into tho river below,
and thoy were drowned. Thoy were
soon to be married.
Col. James B. McOreory, tho suc
cessful Democratic rnndidato for Gov
ernor of Kentuckv. ia not vet fnrlr
years of ago, and served with consid.
erablo distinction in the Confederate
army, where he attained a col
ohclcy. He was speaker of the Low
er House of lho Kentucky Legislature
lor six years, and report speaks favor
ably of his Integrity and abiliiy.
An Excellent Sklkition. Hon.
Bii Slifer, of Lowisbnrg, has boon ap
pointed State advisory member of tha
Centennial committee on agriculture.
agricultural implements, and other
matter pertaining to agriculture, with
reference to the Centennial exhibition
noxt year.
Tho President has appointed Henry
N, Blako to be Associate Justice for
Montana Territory. He has also
signed the commission of llonry H.
Wells to bo United State Attorney
fbr thu District ol Columbia, vice
' Tho richest woman in America is
tbo wife of Prof. Gammcl, formerly of
orown i iiivorsiiy, ji. i. nuo has an
incomo of at least a million a year, hor
father's estate, which she has just in
herited, being estimated at fully tiO,
OO0.0IMX Tho Sheriff of Northumberland
county took nine prisoners to the pen
itentiary at Philadelphia on Saturday
morning last Their terms in that in
stitution ran from 15 months (Charles
iveiiy, colored, fbr Luramy) to 13 venrs
(Patrick Corry, for rape.)
A statue of Christopher Columbus
is to be erected in Fairmouut park.
Philadelphia, by Italian workman sml
the money furnished hy Italian sub
scriptions. It will be unveiled July
I 1 LIT.! I ,
a, mm.
Tho Pittsburgh "b-tf says tho debt
n unit city is u.DOU.uilu. and tlinL
tlio oity tax rate is flitoen mills on the
dollar on an assessment twenty-five
per cent above tho cash value of the
property assessed. .This is the work
of radicalism pur and simple.
K. U. Johnson, Stato Senator Irom
Columbia county, Florida, was lately
aliot dead in cold blood by an unknown
assassin. , lr l,js death tho Republi
cans lisvo their majority in the State
Wade H. Bolton, of Memphis, Tcnn.,
died in the early part of this year,
and left by his will $10,000 to the
widow of Stonewall Jackson. Ono
half the amount has just boon paid to
Mrs, iSaukson.
One-ela-nlb Dart of all thAtoarlala Lrel t.l
of laud, (inula la the, loannbip af Ilra.llr,l,
eooiity of ClearAel.l and Hlate of Pennevlvenia.
deanrinod aa follow. , Ueginniag at a poet net :t.t
feel from tbe oentf of the Trroae and Ct,MB--ld
Kellroa.1, and oppoeite the Woodland .team eav
anil: tbeaoa north 8S) aaat Ji,S 4-ltt feat tee
port eat SS feel from the the centre nf the r.11.
road t theaee be alhar landi of tha graotore
aoath IjOaaet JU feet to a poet thenoa
areet til 4-10 feet lo a lioet : theni-a north si0
weet to a port and plane of beginning, eontaining
twa aaraa neat meeeure, aad being part of a
largertraotorigioallv surveyed on warrant grant
ed to Jane Campbell, with the right lo mine Ure
elej for tha ana of raid work., together with four
dwelling houeer, and a tramway. Tha 11, pa
Fire Brlek Worse proper baviog a capacity for
maaofeetaring lo.tluo per da, tugethar with
other improvement..
Said Fire Urick Worke having aa aetal.llibed
rapalatioa wllh Urreend loereaaing irada, being
aa ttiveetmrit tbat will recommend ileall u oap-
e a oeiug aeea.
Taaaa or
twa equal annua!
aorlgeire on tba pramieee.
ror larthar parucolars, adilre.f
Woodlawel, Pa.,
er ., ALi.At.-K a r. Kaaii, viltv p,
. A Cloaraeld.l'a.
Vtoodland, Pa, Aug. IS, I87J-4U
J. O'buinirll
Jo-eph Work,
Win. 1. Itoca,
II. C. Leauh,
llvury ItiiM,
burton Merrell,
lieu, Klliuner, llrady
Jai-kpon llouaall, "
tidlre rk-boeb, "
J. Mounbi-a-l, Iturniide
C Uradlurd, Covington
Jno. Yothera, . '
A. Mcllarvey, Cheat
ltl,t. liuoliar,
J l'eltwell,
Wm. Powell, L'ltarlleld
Wm. D. Uixler,
Joo. Kimmuue, "
R. Miguot, Cuvihglua
H, L. Iluliea, bi-calar
Wm, M'Hire, r'ereuewn
Juetin Ilillolta, Oirard
Kllii Kyler, Ooihen
Lewie Irwin, '
V. LliKeld, lluilon
Ueo. Ninerieb, Karlbaua
H. Wyuiar, Jordan
flel Road, .awraae.
R. J. ShaSner, "
Levi Perriek "
Chriet. Ilartle, Morrie
II- SoS, jr., K. W..b'n
Jae. Anhura, Penn
Abm. bpauear
J.,1, i'urv.
' Jae. torni-lr,n'o,daard
. ,. .. , , . percbee to poet Ibenee along
sai.a Oae-tbirdof priea bid upon eontb S7 degreea eat 1 III S it) p,
of aala by tha Court, Iba balance ia Irael lina : tbenee north SI dean
oual payments, lecureil h bond and pureboa along Jfo. 31.1 to maple
The axamlaatioae for taarbere fur Ike
direriete ef Olrm, Seld eeanl, fu, tkeyearlora,
will be held at foHowi: ,
faun, YergeeoB aad Lumbar City, at Lumbar
City, Monday, Aoguel IS.
Bell aad lireenwood, at Bower, Tuesday. Aa-
guet II.
Barnrida lowaahlp and borough, Darnrlde,
WedoeaiLay. August lo.
Cbeel and Kew Warhiogtoa, at New Washing
ton, Saturday, August IS.
CleerBeld, Lawreaoe anal Lawrenee rndeiMnd
anl al Claarleld. Monday, AatuBl III.
Bradford aod Bradford lodopendeot, Williams
grove, Tueeday, Auguet 31.
Morris aad Uraham, at Kylartowo, WaJnet.
dav, Ssptemaar 1. - v
Wallaoetoa and Boggs, at Wallaaaton, Tbnrs-,
day, September 2.
Deeatur and Oeaaola, at Oeooola, Frid.v, Sea.
umber a.
Uosbea aad Congress Hill, Tuoadav.
September t.
Coringto. aad Kartheue. at Itaien Kohaol
II, lose, Wedaoodey, Seplambor S.
varweaeviiie aud nae, Uluomingtun. Tliort.
day, September S.
llusloa, al fenSeld. Saturdav.SenUieUr II.
redy, b'aioa aad Bloom. Lethershur Vrl.l.v
a.... i ia ' "
Two of Senator Sharon' Chinese
servants wore married recently in a
San Francisco Methodislchurch. Th
bridegroom wore full dross, ".Vclii-au''
style, but the bride was attired in tho
manner of hor country women. ,
It is as true as ever thut i
Knoi and Jordaa, at New Millport, Munilay.
September IJ.
Becaaria aad Madera, Olen ltopa, Tuesday,
September 14.
uulioB, etJe.yne.vlUe. Wedaeodar, Sept IS,
llualsdaleand Woodward, at ll,,uts,l. I. Thn...
day, September IS.
Binmlaatlaat will begin at t s m. Taaohors
will prepare Ihemeolves with pen, ink and paper.
Teachers are reiiuested lo le eaaasiaad ia the
meiriois wnrra uiey Intend Irachiag. Khould
directors rnqaeet it, teachers who have hoes II
amineo as oiner plaoae will aaler tha ele.. ia tbe
dietrlet where ther intend teaobiaa. All A....
ore are cordially iov I led la be preeent.
Aug. II, H1J. , pri. .f claarleld Co.
1875. -FAIsil.. 187.-5.
41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel,
Chili a A luoiiia,tvare,
Window Glass, Otiisswnrp,
Ijtiiip Lstirnors, Chimneys,
Chandeliers nnd Brackets.
Sheriffs Sale.
j V virtoeofwrllsof V.nttitioni A'tdamos. Ismed
) aut of Iba Court of Common Pleas of fleer
field cuunty, and to ma directed, there will
be eiposrd lo public ..le, at tha Court lliiase,
ia tho borourb of Cleorneld, on Friday, the
anh day of Aujru.t, lN7i, at 1 o'clock, p.
the following desctibed real eslate, lo wit : '
All defendant's Inlercet (Ulna; aa undivided
mie tliird) in a aerl.ia tract of land eiiiilaliiin.
II'IJ aorce and prr-boe, siluste partly in llu."
taa tuwnship, t'lirtiHld countv. I'eui,.. Ir.,,1.
and partly In Wasbinalon township, Jefferson
counlv, IVnnsylvania, I the ClenrBeldoounlv nor.
tton e.intaininc 1 0;t4 acres aad BU aerch..
and the JcDersoa county )Hrtion eontaiainir 71
acres), aaid treat of land beiuf pert of a larger
tract of read iu Hi" name 01 KeUrU A Kt. and
known aa number an, and bounded and describ.
od aa follows :
llrginiiinn at a maple, tbe earner of tracts No.
.'.Mil and 3411:1 i theeoe north Sli degrees wsst
49 perches along leasts Ho. 22J and tins and
across the Jcffereoa eoimty liae to hemlock eor
ncr near Falls ereek t tbeitee euaUi 4 degrees aesl
42 pcrabea along tract Ne. 4S'J aad aaress Jef.
fereun county line to beach oorner ; thence eontb
S7 degrees east .IIS probes nlong tract No. lent
lo put corner of land Bold lo II. Helrick: thence
along Hi-trick's laud north Ijdrgreeseest 13V J H
perches to post ( Ibence along Uctrick'a Und
'erebee lo pot ua
degrees east 378 H-IH
IBlll. M.rn.r .n.l n.u
of beginning, wliaraon Ia a large quantity al val-
i""w, ocmio-ja anu otner timber, and tbe
said laud ia underlaid with valuable ooel deposits
and other minerals.
Mailed, takes ia elocution snd to U sold as
the property of Robert Osborn.
Taaaa or BiLa-Tba price or sain at whirb
the pn.ierty shall be struck off aaust bo paid al
iba lime of aale, or such other arrangements
" "'" I'P"""!. oUierwIea tbo property
will be immediately put up and Bold at
swe awen ana nsex at life porawn to abooi K
was struck off, and wbo. in esse of daet.i,c.
such re eale, eball make good Ihe aame, and in Bo
inslaaoa will Ihe Ueed bo presented ia Court fur
continuation aalesa tba money IS actually paid lo
tba Sheriff. W. R. MePIIER.SO.V,
riuaairr't Orrua, I Sberif., 1171. J
SheriiTs Sale."
Hy Tlrtae of tundry ritf of F Urt Fat-in, t.
-d out of tho Court of Common Pleas of t'k-mr-Urld
ooonty, nd to nt denoted, there will t
oiptucj to puWio !, t tho Court Iluu-e, in ht
buroujth of t'lrteld. on Kridr. 'ho iTik dr
of AuuM, l7i, at 1 'olmsk p. m.( tbo M
lowinf deacribod nal ootato, to wit :
All tho Intemtt oftho dcfoidaot (Mnf an.
di ruled ono third) to oorteia tnl of land lit
Uc i Hrwt towmhip, Ckorfl.JU eot. Hono.
jtroni, boaodod and dooohbtd ao follow r
b-mninn at a pot oorner of tram No. 1VM ;
thea atluajr tho Mm aoath Ot drgroM at
43 ft-10 rohei to a pott oq lino of trtet SbM ;
theaco along tract :iti, and of traot ZilUtt,
touth thrao.rourtba dnjpreo wait fc70 peroliei to a
pott on lina of tract No. 17 y thanfte north 4 de
RrosM and 5i ainulM wut it porohoi to h-bti-look
j theooo north (l deRroti wost tli penthot
to ait elm ; tbono north 82 dt(raaa wml i7 ar
oheo to pin earner of traot No. U , theaee al'tng
umo north XV degree and 6 uinutn weat Hi
perchee to a bickury t thoaoo aarth I degree and
ft eeeondt weet ST iert)hoa to a naple; theaee
north 4tf degreea weet 31 t it parebe to a beeeh;
tbenee north I degrw oaat S perebee to a pott,
and place of U-inomn, niainlng Btfi A I .hi
aaree, being part af warrant N- 9iOW. Hmtng
Uiereon a large quantity o heititock aad other
uiueer, ana being vndcriaid with valuable tie u of ooal and other ninnal.
Seisrd, taken In elocution and to be noW al
tba property of Robert Oeborue.
Tiaaa or 8alh. -The prieo or anin at whirl,
the property ihall ho itrurk off nait be paid at
tho tine of lale. or nrh other amngeuenu
made aa will ho approved, atherwleo the proper
ty will bo Immediately pot ap aod told again at
the eiprtteo and rlik of tho perron to whom il
waa tUuek off, ami who, ia oeo of detlcleacy el
aueh re aale, ehall make good tho lame, and la
no toil en 4e will the Herd bo arc eon tod in Court
for conformation unlese tho money If artnaUi
paid to tho Sheriff. W. 11. Mi I'ilKltHON.
BiiKRirr'a Or net, Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa., ag. 1 1. 1 87-.
The umlerHgncd take lhi inethoj 0f im(orm'
tug the pmtple of (.'learficld aad virinily, thai be
baa aad ra opened the ol.l D, Oj(.i-a
(ul bank, leoated within m mile from (own, and
U now prvpared to furaiah a finl flnu nrtiele el
Dual, end ro k lieir the pme any where Mi town
at re.tonabla nttei on the flinrteH aollw. A
rd (piantitv of oonl nfwayi ua hand and for
ale at tha mine.
itnlrrf left at Wi,taoni tolae etore, aad
Syder'e aliaring aal'ioa.
Ctearfiol.l. Ang. 4, T lf .
11 K 11
A fi'W mom good horaai and aeta of harnen
on hind, whioh 1 will el at a aaorilne. Aleu,
everal oarnagea and bugglra, and road wagon,
m tll aa aome good prlng wagona. I am
bound Ui fell at entue nrloe. fall on or addreu
ne at Clearneld, Ia. JAMKd L. LKAVV.
Aug. 4p 74 3m.
V ,r I"" TT"" to olfer to Ihr
u.,.l ,... I.., .1... i ... ;,i i . , , .'I'"'"" ininiUKMKNTH IN IMI'ORT
. '. , , " ,,I"",UIUI1 Ut UlU. KU Ml Kc. NSW A UK, la Crate, of licet White
in. ivivuoi iivtMi tlinillgll nil tllllltror wr,ip aao waita uraalla
to be eighty -kvvon ycitni ol.l, miU hint u'JX JTr.' 11' Htr"'i i
T.l.m.1.? J.. leilU.1 1.... I . .11 I-
j " 1 v w vim hi inn
own barn in Jtii biiiond, Mint.
Ilenrv Gi'iitlo waa nliot anil Itill.xl ai
l hurlottii, IS. V, on Tliurmlay, hy a
atnty hullut fniin a pic-nio party, who
wuruaiioounr, ai a lurgoi on tlio op
poBito slilo o the rivor Irom him.
Willlo, agl ahout olftren ream, and
ft son of A. J. Kuthurinan, of Mitllin
burn, ' recently huniotl lo (loath
while pouring coal oil on a rlro which
was kindled lo burn potato buga.
.Kinpnror William will make a abort
viriit in Hcptemlmr to Home to aee hit
friend Victor, lliamank, Moltko.aiid
everal other gtmerala will acconiiiaiiy
llersrhel V. Johnaon la aaid to be a
candlilaUiforGovemnrof Goorgia.with
trong proaMX'vM of aiieeem.
thia great object, and when il ahall
have been achieved who ahall doubt
tha nplentlid future of our country T"
and Ciimniua Aesort.
Iso, ta rrpaek tu euit
KI1Y I.OIV To riKit
We are ta take ardere for AM KKt
end ROI'KINIIIIAM WAHK,at Maaaleetarera'
Liete aad UieeoBBta, aagll-am
Jeania K. Ilapbara Atianh tar. i reirre.
, , Na. Ji Mareh Term
Joe. II. lleiiUtra.
Tha aailersl(aed eammlaeienei, aipelated tu
take lesttmewv ia Idle aasa, erlll allrad to Ik.
dullee af kn aavaialmeal, at kle effiee la Pie's
Itlaek, aa Friday, An(. J, al II oYloek, A. M
where parlies Interested mar attend
Cleardrld, Aa. , a;j.i,a tVmial.slnner.
r, Jaeab Uimellnf, iHilleelur ar
Bams laanslilii, t,.l or mltleld his liaiiliesla kelaeea ClearHeM aad Ilia hlue Kali,
aa taa tllh f Jalv last. An; ana fie.llu, ibe
eaeee will ha liberall, rear,led hj raturaiaa It
le him at Wast Ueaater I'ust Omca.
West Uaealar, Aug. 4, U7i.
JaN Cltarleld Cugalv, Pena'a. )ly
Kutloej Is hereh alveai the! Ihe fllreesers ef
Ihe riarthaae llridire and TurBiika Comiaav
have surrvodered their eliarler, and hereliy
attention aJI egtitrol uf Lha aaid Uridee and Turn-
fike frum aad aflar Ihe 31th dav of Jul;, lull.
11 unler of Ihe Hloi khulilars.
, Aug- i, '71-U l'raitdenl.
Tlia Reliable Family Mpdlrlnc.
DIARRHEA, DftaaUry. Cholera, Hammer
Complaint, Crampa, ete., 0,010)1 1 j ourrd t
the ueo of
Compound 8-rup of Illahborr Hot and Itha
lrb Aa old, well tried remedy, ontirel- f
teMe, phaeant t take, quick and eerlain in eftf -C
can e dejpomliMl un in tha ntnal argent atr i
be given t the voungool infant aen-ell '
ftdult. la oontaini
It 1 a !envant attract and realtlr Ukrn r
children. It hee often earrd life when phj'Han
had deapatrM. Ket p it In the houee and ut- it
ia timed AH we auk f or It te ttUI. Poo l W
your dealer pot y off with enmclhinf eler. Hut
it. Tt It. Mold l.j D ruga i. ! and Store Kt-p
orn throufrhnat thie Slat. IVprt oalr by
lUNKl.I. A 1IRO..2UU0 Market St.,Pliila.
July 14, 'T.VSm.
Orrir-a ar via Ktvvssieu tl IV 1
I'ail.Aliai.i'au, Auin.t ft, l'7.i. I
Jemaa P. Cameron. of Oaeeula Mills, rlaarleM
e-.aai;, la tha aala Manager and Mining rh'I'
eer af thia atMnaaar, aad Ihe aale aulhi-ri.e-l
agent ! traaaaet basiaees la Its aame aad far lU
aevoaat, aad aa agreement., eoatraru or ir
ehaeaa frr aiippliae al anv kind will be reeugaliei
eirepl at approved hv him,
augll.lm fraaldaBl.