HIic gUpttHuan. -rf"V'l :- ' f --. -1.-... . j. Oiohom B. GooitLANntR, Editor. CLBARmt.br p" WEDNESDAY atORNlNU, AUGUST II, I8TI. Reader, If ,ou want lo kaow whet la olnf on In the tmilu.i. world, lutt read our adverllilng aolumnl, the SpreM onluran in jiartleuler. TUB PIIIMAHY. liule 4th require tlio Democratic priinury election to bo hold annually on Hit Hiturdii) jimwi'ny tht third Tucsihiy of September, (tho 18lh this your). The County Convention will ussemblo on Tuesday, the 21st, being tho first week of court. Candidate lire also required to publish their names lit leant throo weeks rovioua to tho oloction. Therefore ni name run bo legally announced, according to tho mien, oftir the first day of Srp lember. Tho fco I'or announcing candidate, will be: for Senator, f IS : Treasurer. (10; Commissioner, $5; Auditor and Coronor, f3 each. Thin charge in clude tho printing of R,000 ticket, nun in us be paid in advance. Ttu Nxi Klection. Wocommend tho following to the attention of voters : Tho new Constitution forbids all per sons from voting link's they have been assessed at leant two month" and paid their tuxes at leant ouo month bcfnre tho dnto of tho election. No ono ol foreign birth can voto unless, in addi tion to tho above, he has been natural ised a month previous to the election. Tho dute of holding tho next election is Tuesday, Nov. 2d. " ,', Tbursdny, September 2d, is tho lost day on which voter can be assessed. Friday, October 1st, is tho last day on which taxes can be paid. Friday, October 1st, is tlio lust day for taking out naturalization Mipcr. I'.iich of theso important duties can bo performed at any time before tho days mentioned. Let onr Irionds soc to it that tho matter is attended to be fore it is too lato. HADICAL STATKS.VAXSIIIP. i BKKCIIKH1SM I be legal outrages anil public rob-. Ilns.klyii uioinlity Is now one oflhe liencs committed l.y our I'redlt-Mobl. pulpit theme In Dctn.il. The Hev. Her Congn.n, with (Irani' approval, Mr. JluHory, a liuitl shell llupliat oler are so numerous that ono becomes gymuii, bus boon regullng hh oongro- alnrmod after counting a few of thorn, gation with n sermon on the lleooher INO department of tho general (.ovum, (oan.lul from tho lollowing approprl. mom is so iisenii in tho wople a tlio at text ; j ' 1 !' ) I I'listoltlco Ilepurtliient ; all, high or "Thlna n wlekajneea ib.ll wrM lh.., .nil 'fur. Xoabii. (IV Pardon. This body held a throe dnys session at liar- riswirir lust week, rorty-five cases were heard, nino of which wcro recom mended for pardon. Ohio. Our latest advices from this State, and from liopiihlican as well as Demoeratio sources, aro that Allen will cortoinly bo elected Govern or by from 25,000 lo 30,000 majority. Senator McDonald, of Indiana, has been looking over the field in Ohio, and is confident that tho Democrats will win. Hbad It. Do not tail to givo lion. Alexander II. Btephea's fourth of July oration, found on our ontside, an at tentive perusal. It Is tho best recon stnition document which bus yet ema nated from either the North or Houlh. It would be woll for tho country If every voter in tho tTnion would prac tice bis precepts. The Washington Chronicle seems np prehonsivo that the next Presidential election will bo decided by tho House of Representatives, but gots out of tho difllcnlty by ciphering out a Republi can result. Considering tho political complexion of tho next House this may be regarded as a greiit arithmeti cal triumph. , ' i . 1 The remains of ex-l'residcnt John son were intoned in tho comotery near (irccnvillc, Tcnn., on Tuesday afternoon, the .Id, amidst a largo con course of people. The widow , of tho deceased was unable to attend tho fu neral, owing to tho shock sho received by his sudden death, and It Is thought sho will not long survive her husband. A Senatorial Conkerknci. At our county meeting in March last, A. W. I,oe, of Clearfield ; J. K. White, lipsburgj (then of Osceola Mills,) and John B.' RafTerty, Grampian Hills, wcro appointed Senatorial Conferees to moot thoso ot. Contra and Clinton for tho pnrpoao of selecting a Senato rial IK'lopite to the Krie Convention. Wo nndorstand that tho conferenco has not met yet, and we are unable to stale when or where it will meet "Th put record of the Rrpublletn party la a true tnriei- of III Attar, poaiibilttiaa." .dir.! 'tpere, Tho record is befure the people On its pages are written frauds, corrup tions, porvoiniou and nsuriations of powor such as was nover boforo dreamed of. If these are only an in dex to its future possibilities, the soon er its grave is dug and its obituary pronounced the bettor. Altoona Sun. That is just what tho people have detormincd upon doing in November ., WHO HAS OUR JtWXKYt ' Elsewhere will bo found the state ment of Auditor General Temple, showing the taxpayers where State Treasurer Mackey keeps tho public funds : Mackoy's own bank, the Alle gheny National, at Pittsburgh, ha nearly three hundred thousand dollar, and a concern in Philadelphia, termed tho People's Bank, owned by Bill Kcmblo and his Pilgrim ring, has three hundredand seecnty-tico thousand dollars. There are nomore"scaly"iuatitiitiona in tho United State than the two Just named ; compol them to pay over to the State what they owe and they are bankrupt. . . , The large balanco from one to tiro million! of dollars, which ha been kept In the Htato treasury Tor the past liml ami the vrav-n will tut mj ili.n llmf I " ' J ,n.' n - ti i -. I treasury ring for banking purpose, m.wt athlotie Ciodit-Mobiher cannot . ? , . , " r. 1 . 1 ntiil I he fnmliAra nr Una Pilifntn mil o - At JIomk. low, rich or KMir, derive almost duily bonufits nxim this brunch of civil Gov eminent. Thoreloro, in order to re call a few of the iiitpositioua and va gariea of the American Congress dur ing tho past three years, will fully es tablish the tiharuuter of but body of mon, and develop tho inioiiltie prac tised iimh the wople by their agents under Jludicul dictation. ' It seems that neither religion.iimrul ity nor tho constitution have been po tent enough to keep the avorago Con gressman within tho bounds of ordi nary statesmanship j tho revcrso 1 tho fact. NumurouslYuudulent schemes, conoooted outsldo by political vaga bond for tho purpose of robbing tho Treasury havo been endorsed by the majority, ami law passed to legalise them. ,i ; . This is not all. The numerous changes and unstable character ot Congressional legislation Is ono of tho wornl evils that tho war bos entailed upon us, except the lingo "national blessing." Onr tax and tariff laws un dergo such sudden and frequent chang es that tho officers who aro expected to understand them, seem to. know as little about them as tho common peo ple. This constant changing of our law, and tho crimes committed under them, Is what disgraces us more in tho estimation of foreign governments than all else that besets our liberal In stitutions. , To illustrate, wo neod but refer onr readers to tho numerous radical chang es in our postofllco laws within the past throe years. At ono time news- ners circulated (roe in the counties where published ; then a law was passed Imposing postage upon them. Tho reason given for this imposition was, that revonno for tho department must be raised from this source lo pre vent bankruptcy ; at the end of ono year the department was more In debt thnn under tho old law. About tho time the pooplo wore educated to know what the law was, another radical change was made : Papers now cir culate fret in tho comity, but tho pub lishers must prepay tho postage on all newspupora aent out of the county, be side doubling the postage on all tran sient matter. Change after change of fraud is made by those who know, against tho majority in the passage ol this law. . Besides, it is pronounced unconstitutional, and we may there fore look for another change as soon as Congress meets. A caso is now in the Cnited State Court at New York that may cause an abrogating ot some of our postal law. The question at stake is that tho law of the lust ses sion is unconstitutional on the ground that it originated in tho Senato,whora- Bi the constitution provides that all revenue measure must originate In the House. If tho point bo sustained it will affect tho law that compels pre payment on newspaper sent to sub scribers out of the county whore pub lished. The Assistant Attorney (ioiieml for tho Postofflce Department, Judge bponcc, thinks "there may bo souio plausible ground" for tho position that tho law of tho lost Congress, doubling tho rates of postage on printed mat ter, is unconstitutional and void ; I ut it would be a pity, ho says for the courts so to decide, hocuuso it would make a great confusion and interfere with the revenue of tho department. Wo prcsumo tho court, "watered," as it baa been, for tho purposo of do- ciding that paper money was as, good as gold, will hardly entertain Judge Sponoo's scruples, if they find the law unconstitutional. More : it is chargod that this same Judge belongs to the ring which makes its headquarter in the South and West, and has succeed ed in robbing the department of mil lion of dollars through fraudulent mail lot lings. Hence, be want no "confusion" because, like his confeder ate, Fisher, he might be removed or compelled to resign. ; Exliovornor Biuler, having been deserted, on account of tho hot weathsr, by all his Centennial co-workers, who havo taken to the Springs and the sea nhore, has been at homo for ten day past. In tho mean- tod upon the taxpayers of Pennsylva- nmo lie lias opened ft now Ore clay ni for a doren of vest irlv nvlili.nre - J D havo coined millions out of thia bank ing capital, and not ono dollar of theso large profit have been returned to the State treasury To know that thia huge palpuble lrand bos been successfully porpctra lap baakalMla)- laall raurova ISaa.1 The reverend gontloniun, without discussing tho guilt or innoconce of Mr. Beechor in regard to tho direct charge of adultery, expressed the opinion that tho laxity of morals In Brooklyn disclosed by the recent trial la tlio legitimate outgrowth of Beech erism. While Mr. Hovchor has pic tured God's lovo with almost superhu man pathos, God's haired of sin has been ignored, and tho consequence Is that hia congregation bus acquired an Irreverence tor sound doctrino and for discriminating morality. "Ho has had the moulding of Plymouth Church people for twenty-flvo yonrs," said Mr. Mullory, "and he has neither made them decent nor rut loose from them. His preaching haa tendod to mako his people look at ainusaweaknosaitialcad of a wrong, as misfortune instead of guilt; they are to he pitied instead of, blamed, and an free lovo, blackmailing, lying, perjury,forgery, (.lighted homea, disgraced children, and suffering Chris tianity are the damning fruit." Aa unpleasunt as it may worn lo the Ply mouth brethren, It i only the truth to say that the opinion expressed of thorn and their pastor in substantially tlio same that Is entertained by the most thoughtful leaders of many of the religious denominations through out tho United States, including tho one to which Ihcy themselves profess to belong, , , , Jiovrs opjcxixa. Last week wo alluded to the cum paign oiiening event at Erie, on the part of tho ltodical Chairman (lloyt) and tlio United States Jurors. The Warren ledger of the 5th insu, pub lished in the adjoining county, in al luding to tho Radical circus says ; . "The first Republican ratification meeting of the season, was held at Erie last Thursday evening. There had been quite a display of trumpets over the matter by the partisan organ. A great number of prominent men wore advortisud to speak. Tho meet ing was to havo been held in tho open air to accoiiuiKxhtto a grout crowd. Nothing of this sort happened. Sena tor Scott did soak ; but he had a sore throat, and the weather beiug threat ening, and tho crowd slim, ho spoke in the Opera llouso instead of the Park. Judge Scolleld did not apeak. Scott endorsed Ilartranft and Jtawlo. Of courso he did of course bo would. They belong to lbs Cameron ring with Scott., But Scott was fiigbtonod. He told the people that if tbo Democrats got into powor they would ruin the financial standing of tho country, just as though everything was all right nsw, and a wholo pooplo, the hank men excepted, wore not on the verge of . bankruptcy. Ho was troubled about another thing. Ho predicted a detormincd effort on tbo part of the southern Democracy to secure indem nity for their war losses, from th goneral government, and we suppose he kept a straight face in doing ao.but laughed right out . svs soon as bis face was turned from the few in at tendance. Messrs. Wolf, Huight and Mantor lollowod Scott, and the meet ing dispersed. It was a Spiritless af fair and did the party no good. So much for tbo first gun of the cam paign." ' 77 A" WKftTKItX I'l.OOOS. AA'II'.V 77;.I.S'. M rs. Tilton Is passing the summer at Washiiigti.ii, ( nun, A Spencer ( I ml.) funnel' set out an acre of mullein by mistake lor to bacco. . ' ! - l Pop Plus IX is feohle III health and not expected to survive the uu t u mil niontlia, j ; ;i Iluus Christian Anderson, tliepis'l and novelist, died at ('oH'iihageu, on the 4lh lust., aged 70 yours. Prof. King, aeronaut, has been en gaged by 11a mu in to take tho place of Donaldson, who bus not yet been found. Gen. Bidwull say that rainin mak ing with native gruK is an industry worth f 500,000 ani.uully to Cullili.rnia. ""Nino hundred and thirty-eight for- elgn ana coastwise vessels arrived at tho port of Philadelphia in July H8 foreign, and 8S0 coastwise. A London special says '20,000, nr 1100,000, iu specie, hn been recovered A... U....1. -r.L. iiu..l.:ll J..1.I..1. iiviii lua niTta ui oia m-iiiiiur, nu.i u ih,. - was wrecked on tho 7th ot May last. I ''0 4L'ru,,K0 ." ",,,lu hr,K"r ,. , last yoar, and the prosiKwls before the Tho steamo, "Ht. Marco" takes out flood wore favorable for an unusually irom uoston lo Mvorpool ll.o head ol i heavy crop. It is now thought there bo very heuvy. The wheat 1 continued existence ol this party by its sutl'ored severely by the cold I ''''Hunce of tl.u public will, the Slate in the spring, and half of Treasurer will resort to that strategy KXTKKT (IV Till LAIMHK IH.NK To TIIK raoi's miliar i-iiom ci.nthai, and SOUTIIIHX OHIO, imilANA A Nil 11.11- Nni. jtioii iii this Statu will lie i-onooiitnited Cincinnati, August 6. It is dilll-:01' iHB",' misod by the Radical cult at thia time to loi iu more than a I llurl.v il opposition to the InvesU- rotigu oHtimuto or tho damuiro to the g"iou o. mo atuie t reasury. " , ; crops by tho rains and overflow of' ' avoid tho perils which thia must Ihu Ohio Valley, hut it Is believed that t,r,,'l". as well as tho danger to Alio they will tie crop had su weather in what was planted was winter killed. bich military commanders adopt to Of the remainder It is believed one-! deceivo, mislead, or surprise their an third is hopelessly lost, and tho re-1 tagoiiisls. Strategy is often the sub muining two-thirds partially damaged,! "timte lor strength, tbo power of mini though it is believed tho damage will uurH "r lllu ability longer to contend, be much less than i generally expect-1 "'.ut "'rutcgy Iroiu thu State Trous od. The acreage of wheat sown wusl"1'1"''" vital a contest lor himself larger than lust year, and the relatival1"""1'11 parly has buuu expeulud by j yield, compared with lust year, will ' ov UIJ reuHoiinliloniun who has oluervud ,lio filly percent, less. The chief dam-i t'10 n'"'ry thus tiir of tho effort to in uge to corn is in the river bottoms, 1 vmtlgato the Treasury of Pennsylvania. where the crop is a totul loss. Thulj ""'oeu, ii mis noon hinted thut when planted on high irrouiid has sutl'ered i 1110 proiier time wiucs a "eoup d etar 77 A' STATU TIIKASVIKHX ! bus 'fiiiids" In hia (.nice. Is this a NTH ATM))'. i made-up set of flguresf Who loaned il will hiiidly be saviui! too inui'li to tbo money? For how louir was it assert that thu contest ut the lull clue- Ion nisi? What bonus was paid for it? ihuso -are mbjuets which the House K:::!!:::'i',b,"'ir-!ril!" ounimiltee Siust fully investigate. It won t doceive anybody. InvustiguliiHi ll now eswuitiul. Aj-iAiiiic. . ;,. 5TA' lUCATIOs'o? THE I'UII IIC FVMiX. Tl.u following statement of tl.u bal ance in the treasury of the state, July 31, 1H75, has been furnished tbo Pat riot by the Auditor General, being a copy of the statement of the State Treasurer to the sinking fund com mission, regarding tbo prcsont deposj. taries of the State funds: 1 aiNKINU ri'ND. Maa af Oainaraa, krta, Pa. ....... t,SM 4 Vaaanga Nl. Bank, t raaklls, Pa.,,, T.II4 HI rlr7ar, M vonaiu ua., nonaaaur. ' Jaoob U. KiJj, Fallatlrllikla I), r. Maaoa t Co., Towawla, I'a kniaa, nun Co., Urariiaaarf, Va... l.ailB a M.uaa a Scip 3Ht'crtlsfmmtj. Sheriffs Sale l.y virtu r flumlrjr writ at. fimri Pnrfa U hihI u uf lb tivurt df Co una (Hi 'Ibi of t,'Iir fili MtiHty, M l lu Jiniltti, (Iimx will b h a i'iMl tu (itiHe it lb Unim llutati, In bt aHtrvuii pnr vi' Mrnviu. m rritn, m mtt tiny T Aiguit, l74, t I o'oloak p. mu; iti. fwl- II flew (Iffrtijmfuis. 0TKI- 6TASD Koa 8AI.E.'- illaldaS i i ttiir Is nuruauoa af an onlur of tha Oriiham' Cmti ut 4.'laraHl ouak.v, ika sftdonlxna.1 will oflar al .ul.ll aala, oa Iba jimalMv. la Wallara loa. Cl,-.f.l. aoualr,M SArilKbAV, AufaH Isih, Isla, all llial aartoia hwua an.l hh ailaata In Wallaali,nt CiaarHaUi auaalj. Pa., Sauailrd ant iIi-mtHm-I aa fulHtwa, via: Uaxlaala at a rarlaia Irani ol lan.l ait. ' P"" ." -" "" -""'" ' lulus laaerlhl raal aatata. lo wll : A II Ika Intaraat of laa , M.a l.al Salni aa un rJ) In a ....la HraJ, loanaSia. t'laarl.,IJ aonnl.. P.oa ""M . l aartrrt aa-l i4 aaaoriba aa tolkiwa alltanla, aoumlail sa lltglaolug at a poataorsarol Oal No. iaSS Ibraaa aloa iba aawa aoutb aa di-ra aaat aa a iu tiarooaa lo a p.iat oa llaa or Itaal asi , alalilr I"1 0 aa allajt Ibaaa at aaij all, oaa l huoilrad faal la aoruar of A. M. Hbaw'a lull lltraca 1 br aataaotta bandrt4aail siaatr faal lo C'laaral.l I alrvat i Ibanra bv aaS atraot aaa buo.lriM4 (Mt la . umi am, aa balaua .ftras teal. 1" P'r "l "f " aa.lb tbraa-loarlba s.(raa waal . parilia, to I ' 7 ' Z p T " poat an Una of Iraat No. 17 ( Ibauso uiirlb II ila- j "" tbafoos araaua a . .. raaa anil aa ulnulaa waat ( i owrubaa lo a bant. iin a-.ai i'n a rnaqn inn l-,a. ok Ibafiaa aoril. SI aVaiaaa saat Mi pa.ohaa , awl othar oolbulliliad. B.I. to aonaana al I ! au alaai Inauaa hortb IJ aaaranawait al oaf loa-tiok n. in.. aitittA ttrma will b DiaJa karia.,. akaa to pina woraar of traat No. is i llienaa aloug JOHN IIAHKINS, aatna norlk 8H ilaarooa ami a mlnuUii waat JIJ7 BaxSm btaboryt tkaaaaa aaMk t aaa) 1 a aaoonaa wait ar parenaa to a mapla . tban.ia nortb la dafraaa waat 31 I ,arobaa La a brapbi tbanaa sorlh I dasroa aat .IS tHirvhea la a no,l. and plana af bagiaslag, aoaiainina; 810 &A-1 l.t ol-iok p. Cialra Hall, Aug. I, 1.171. St A-ln A j)MIMST.lTOR'3 SAI,K western cuttle, to an Knglish house which has previously taken live stock successfully from .Montreal to Kuropo. The Krie Itailway Conipuny's suit against- Commodore V anderbilt to re oovor nearly 1 5,000,000, alleged to havo been fraudulently obtained by him, lias been decided in fuvor of tho company. A trenlleman in Kinirston, N. V.. ha cured hia hen of a mania for hutch ing. Stonea, clubs, basins of water wore in vain, but when firo-c mutters exploded under her she concluded to come oft Tho Departments ut Washington were ull closed and business suspended on Tuesday of last week, in honor of the Into ex-lTOsidenl Johnson, whose remains were committed to the tomb on that day. Howard Kingshiii-y swallowed mor- nluno Iu liaugor, .Me., and rnretully laid liimsclf out on a bed, with his hands crossed over his breast so as to make a good looking oorpso ; but the physiciuns disarranged linn In using n stomach pump. Tho Clarion Jarhonian is happy because in 1877 there will be neither National, State, IHstrict nr local oltlccrs lo be voted lor in that county, unless some of thoso who will bo elected next year should dio or resign, and mako a vacancy. A Norwich (Conn.) woman was attracted to a well the other day by the screams of her little girl, who had fallen in, and though sho pulled her up in the bucket twice, tho child lost bur hold both times, and was flnully drown ed before her mother's eyes. (ottysburi' is gottiuit to bo a very popular aummer resort for tho people of Hitlliinore. The (iettysburg ceme tery has seventeen acres, the monu ment is sixty feet high, and tho town contains 4,000 people. Tho little law office of Thaddeits Stevens Is still stand ing. - - Tho Grand I.odire of the KniirhU of Pythias of tho State of Pennsylvania will convene at the Court House, Kits- ton, on Tuesday, August 10th. Four! hundred and titty representatives of different lodges, including tbo (irand live. LiOdgo, and some 300 visitors will lie present. The fire on tho elope of the Hour will bo a lair average crop, not niucl if uny less than lust year. Much do peiids, however, unou fuvomble weath er for tho remainder of tboscason. Tho oat crop has euttorod more than either wheat or corn, having been beaten flat aim so nuoiy damaged that it will bo iniHMiblo to Inmost it. The percent age saved will bo very small. lirlcy suffered severely from the cold weath er, and but little was growing of' this grain ; the quantity saved in condition to, n.uUig wi b, compare ti-rolj- im significant. Hay' promises a partial crop, hut of inferior quality. . St. Ijouh, August 5. The rivor here rose ateudily mill 10 o'clock on Wednesday morninir, When the iruuirc marked 30 feet ami 10 inches. Al that point it came to stand. This is the highest water since lHti.'l by neurly a loot, There was trouble at Kast St. Louis, where the Knginoer and Street Inspector, Willi lurim fureea), worked an uigni meowing up iouiHrary em bankments, which prevented the junc tion of tho river with the Calioku creek channel, and saved hundreds of houses from inundation. Most of tho people remained up all night with their vuluaiilos about them, prepared lor a busty flight. As it was tho occupant of a settlement at the foot of Main street wore forced out. The I'ittsburgli dyko, by which St. Louis receives the greater part of her coal supply, was partly curried away and left impassa ble. , Tho St. Louis signal corps at tribute the execssivo rain to tho rapid evaporation el tho unusual and extra ordinary quantity of snow on the mountain slocs ol Montuna and throughout the Northwest. This vast body of humid air, the sitrual records show, was carried east by steady west winns, anu striking a luvorulilo condi tion, tho Central .Mississippi Valley was flooded. .More floods ami storms AIM predicted within tho immediate future. Tho signal service men say that from their reports iiolhiuir can aavc the lower Mississippi country from an overflow. Some of their ad vices are to the effect that at several Mjinls below .Memphis tho water is only an inch or two below danger to liiver men, however, are more sanguine. I abilities for management of Mr. Mackey mu iu uw dixpiitYi'ii. in view, there fore, of such a sudden effort to throw off the odium which now attache to the Kadicul party by reason of its denial to tho representative of the pooplo tbo right and opportunity to ascertain tho condition of so important a department of the State government as that which receives and pay out the people's money, it is proper that preparation should bo made in advance to meet it. " This is now our purpose. Lot it ! always rememliered that tho House of Itcprescntutlves of our State Legis lature Is tho only power under the Slate Constitution ill winch is vested the right to impeach, and also originato taxation. . Thescare sovereign powers, I the highest functions of a government' oi mo people representing thut con stituency where aloi.u the sovereign power is inherent, and is only conferred on the representatives of this sovereign ty for the protection of thu people themselves. The representatives of the people, tho House of Assembly, originated tho investigation Into thu htute J reosiiry Dooaharta Uraa. A Co.. Ilarrliliora Paapla'i gating' Uaak, (in CaiUa, Tun uuit-rijrui odnjinlatra.or of ika oalul a balnt part .f warraet Nf. Jan llwlr,f ' '" '. "a -.11 o.r a, am.... M.SCH) ltla,ba,.aJ ba.n. nna.ri.ld ...h ,J-1,U a.. ' r' " . . .. ' . a.oaa oa ,0l II coil a lo.sua aa ,ii ar IS. K.r.l Nat. Bank, Towaoda, Pa frank Ila Goanla Uaak, Cbamoar.. borg, Pa Inland Inauraaaa sad iMipoalt Uom pany, Laaaartar, Pa. , Indiana Vosnlt UapoaH rJ.ab, Indi ana, Pa. . Oold raruiara and tlaabaslaa Nat. Bank, Pblladalobla, Pa. Daapbla Dtpoill Bank, Hurlaborg..,. Kaabaaga Bank, Wajrnafbarg, Pa.... Hank ol Brandiwlaa, Waal c'baalar, J. K bleb A Co.. Haad'i'lia!"fa!.!Zi AHagkan; Mat. Bank, Pill.borgau sa.44a la rauyiaa uana, rni.aal,bta....M.M. laW.oM 14 Maanaaloa Bank, Uairliunrg fa. . !,, It Jaianoa .a ttmatna UU ..... I, I, aaa at t,ni 4i lav 1,141 IM 4,ou a a,t'S w. I.aia IJ asmi, ". ..M..-MS4.I1I J ,.ll. h,.IU afao.1 and olbar annual.. , ! ', , V" , 1 7 ' ( T t , . N..I -at dt.. Ill Wl( nnBHlil.nl (Ml I k. ..nil Ll Halloa, takra In aaMalian and lo bft J al .. Z .. JL , 7 lb. propart, ol Hobarl O.boraa. - . , 'b" , "'I1 k '-JJ - ' , Nirtlay, Ska and Haaloa, oa tba a'tutk bf laud ef Tanaa or fata. Tba prlaa or aan at whlk I I'billn Saartra, ad on U. wart ba bad Mi. H. Ika propart ab.ll ba atrnak of .a.l a. paid al U.r,i.lrM,g as iim, mora ar I..., and Iba lima l aala, or look otnar arr..,,mn. i known aa tha "Kaad.r King liomaataad." Tha "?. " T VP"-' siaarwlaa aha pt.arl I imravaw-wu auaaial of a two-alor fraua boiua. , will ba iamadiatala pal ap and aold again al tr,m, , ..,, ibad a ad albar aulbaildlng., Iba aipanaa aad nak of tba ptraoa lo wbom II ,J , gMul ..,.,, or,b.,4 ao.l albar lr.lt Irm. wwi i atrnak a, and wba, la .-of do4i.ir at Tba land ia all alaarad aad aadar aaltlratioa, anob ra aalr, aball aaha good tba aaua, and lo ao mpi u ,.a.,wd w.lb a rain of good aoal. inaunaa will Iba Uaod b. praam lad ia Cosrl for I,, Tasaa ut Saia. Ooa4blrd Iba pnrohaaa uoa oootraallou aalm Ika Bonaj Ii aotnallr paid to . ,b t MaornialUia ef aala. aad Ika balanaa ! Ssaairr'a Orrira. Claarl.ld, Pa., Aug. II, IS7J j Baarlf. ' I to two raul tvoDOftl paBott, with intcrvatt, to iiwfi bt tMmJ Mi Biortgftnoo tbe prtmii!. b P-M-VJ J. M. UAttTKH. Adm r, (Jrtvat, Imliaut Ca., P., Aag 4, HTi.-Jt jy Ml ! ttk tioart f Cona flcM of Ctoar- i , , ih rwad from Uuntidii. vli. Ilkdcit. tu UUh Itoptj, muniDf rotfulavr oTrj TuMiiv fbaradatj in a ntiirajr. iusvitijt iioutstiiio on tbe r lali aaa..!. . ia. an ak all.a.J 1 ba r-at..k,ii-i k. r'..4 na,1r ' Tho iiadmirnod unoaneo to tU trToltog la tht WroaKb of CU.rfl.ld, ia Frid.r. thflP."1""' .'ir;wij ftw oi Stta 47 of Augutil. i(lTtit ot J v oivok, t, Lh folluWiDnT duurabatd ratal latsln Im w (t . 111.1 AUVl NT. a.a J . . ........... ...... J-anorr. and Maabaab.' KM. Baak. lona-tbird) in . aart.io UJ laln,.; u'". SZTTV.""!''?! """""'I"" ,'i-411 i0 : saw sad l-r;a.., .(..al. parti, I. 11... Hl , H. j, ,m to HZm,Z Z., lui.ua . . . f 7 , '"""VP' I trin.Jula d., .ill U a-o .)., H br drop. D1 wiohlBc tu travel idiu (ha euunli-v. If ihH law u kuuw orhftt trolu tho arc Mutla on, will IlaUooo ia TrA,ut7 July 11.......,:!6,H(H i Klnklm runJ.. UaDaral Havoano ad C'vupoB AioouuatHH...,M, 14A.UVO 11 'tluo o'UUiuiu aero aoJ HU iitibai IC6ti7l j bjJ (,a Jt ffrraun ooouiy .urtioo coiiUioina; 7J ' l irartor land ,n lb. ..... of Bb.rt. A F,.,, and j r.d .b.r .lib I. t,.,.!, da, atcapl la. l. I '""" '-'-' 1 ' 1 ' I ll.,i,o road wilh Iba inalL Uiu- wiah I. lo ... It was ill obedienco to the public will! "'" will bo seen thai the actual !, ..d tua, u..M ortb M d.,r. .'..t' 1 rin ;t'.2 " 6HoKTi)'ukL' as cxpivsrHHI n.tl.oiit olijectioii, except: "'' " me treasury avaiiuoie juiy i- r- " ' .... u. iv. snorr, gapt. by thu State Treasurer and a few of, 31, . $1)30,3:12 51, the conpon I ITJJIS ."Z2. uXV.";.'. L JI1'-'' UIM- 1.1 ....ll:..... ... V- .. 1 1 Ol HI lit ll. i Mu..,.,.. ob.I I. in 1 1... aM.l..v. I . - . " . " ' Coinnientiiiu on the above exhibi tho Patriot says : From the above statc- roimim pn.i. .iu oi.joeiioil una I -.w...,..s w'"; purao.. aioog iron. no. u an arra.l Jcr- -w (1 . r r it-.VTl-ll r been heard from any ix.rtioii of i ol money on hand. When it is re- t""" " "'' i il"" anmb l-mi'r.u.'J na.iir.u.- n iuo,..l.. V... . V... i nielnlwred that the he.vv tuiv ,t oat a., pn. sioac rt a. lss . .. - ..... " ...hi evv j j , i. Ma.n.r ui ..ti. .i.i ii U.....L.. . i ii. wrtorr.iaaa M I. IMI. r.i ,. . r.. Ot dissent from Convention, I Maturing debt called III May 1, and the aloag Uatriat'i land sank tdairrar.aa.l UU J.u! .agol.r bunrJara. Prior. uiod.r.ta. Apiilratbn his eve th uttoivd aasonil.ly, uioelinif, nr county commit tee of tho people of this State. A cabal of liailieal .Statu ttonutors to protect either their party or their officer (lid what they could to prevent tho investi gation. 1 be committee of the llouso of I!oh soini-anuuul interest were paid In July, two items amounting to near one mil lion dollars, it will be seen thai the ex hibit furnished shows the treasury iu its leanest condition. The heavy pay ments out of the treasury immediately proceeding tho statement and the heavy rosentatives authorised to ii.vestiimte ! payments into the treasury (near 8000, were in-evented, forbidden, denied the (HIOi immediately alter the statement opiortiiiiity uf performing the duty d "ot argue ap much for discovery as uuvoiveii liKn iu J no State 1 reasur-1 eo.ieeaiiueiiu er refused to permit the committee to uiscuargo us tuny. Kumeinlier tl.ul tins committee be gan its ellorts to iuvesligutu throtttciul management of the .Stum Treasurer and demanded to examine the book Wo are not informed whether the State holds a cent of collateral lor any of its deposits, and presume that as no interest ia received tor the use of the money that so also no collaterals are required. The exhibit is painfully siig- and puHirs of the Ktuto Treasury sev-1 gestivu and carries along with it its orui minima ago. r our months alter own comment. thia etl'ort waa inaile a re Kir t of the committee was presented to lliedovel it er and the Auditor (ienonil.ss required by tho commniid of tho House of He resentatives. ,i ... .Now, during these long saiumer days, tbe Suite Treasurer has been en- gttged in one of two lubors, either or- C'hicaoo. AuifUHt 5. licnorls ll.ut u' l"'"u"c' ,"m"ul1 r UelenU ; UegraUctl tlio civil Hideo Colliery, at Muhanov Planes, in Iconic in fnnn the southern mul i-....., "V" -v thisStato. which caught from tbo burn- j tnd portions of this State, where'. inir nf . l,fr.nLrf u-u. Av.iiwr.ii.li.xl ..tt i ul.iim. l.ni-.i -nilu. I ... I.... . i tax- w. ...... v., f,...,,. j ...... ..... WI iMlv inst, after burning thirty-two .vugne that a summary of thu losses Loss on tho breaker, Jia.OOO. i cannot be mado with any dei-reo of accuracy. U is lielicvod, however, that tho totul loss will not exceed $.'), OOO.IKKI, and that a few dnys sunshine will show that figure to ho much too largo an estimate, -orn hss suffered greatly, and it is staled that 100,0011 acres of that cereal, lying along the hour. Insurance, $40,000. It is not vet known what damago was dono in the slope to coal and fixture. of the moral depravity and commer cial deadlier of tbe people, who, Iu a single day, could turn every rohlror out without firing a gun. mine of excellent quality, and a coal bank on his farm, over tho river, op posite this place, if he cannot get assistance on the Centennial grounds to forward tho work daring the dog (lav, he is determined to develop hi I "" Oararaor wa wa.t . ma. of aarra. W. . waat a wtaa aftar tba faablaa af Hamaal J. Til. mvn premises ny opening mines oi a,,, of n.w yki. wka will ant b. afraid lo clay and Coal. , .rg apoa tba Ugl.lat.ra III dot, ta tba paopln aroawd tha rsalta af tha Stala Imustr,. Wa wawt as aarnaat af Ik. ratom thM ba. baaa dlag-dongad lata tba aara of tha paopla nnanall, a, ra. "Oi. Ka.NTccat." There was un election in Kentucky on tho 1st of August for (Irrvertior and other State oftlccrs. Tho fleinocrutlc majority Is so large that tho election ofucera have not boon able to compute it It wa 40.000 before, and titer is no doubt but (ho Stato went 20,000 Wt. tcr on Monday a week. Tho l'bila- at aah approarbing alralio. b, nwolatloaa, paarbM, pamphlala and aawapapara far tba laat droada of ,a.ra." I'arA Vara. Well, we have a gentleman residing in this borough who fills tha bill. William Biglcr ta the man. Why don't yon speak out 7 A KiutARSAi. Tilton's attorney ilelpl.ia iri-M, in alluding to tlio result havo notified the "ragged edged" say, "Kentucky voles as of old." Not preacher s defender that they intend mncbly "of old," tho lemcK rat need to rail up this Celobrated case on the to lie defeated by from 5,000 (o 1 0,000. second Monday of BepUunber. We Kentucky was ono of tho four State mov that the ease bo carried to iba llial toilod to cast its voto for Frank- Wbita Mountain fcr trial, and all in Paeroe, in 1852, giving nearly 6,000 , newspaper reporters banlabrxl from the for (a. Hoott, who also carried Massa chusetts, Vermont and Tennessee- two northern and (wo southern Stale. long. realm, or lock the whole party up In Plymouth church, where they all be. fWXA TOK DILL JiJiClIMiS. Hon. A. H. Dill, StaU Senator from the Union district, has- withdrawn as a (iubcrn atonal candidate, and gives hu reasons in the following letter: , ' ; I.anuicau, Ia J.I, It, 1174. . (7roro 0roM, Km., CAai'maw ihmrrmlit (ban. tjf UrmaitMra IMmr Sir i I m b, tha proeaad isgi wf aar eoasl, Maraalioa that tha dalagata. alretad ta th. tltata aaarMtloa hara baaa I. traatad to rata for . ia that bod, for Ib.aoni I nation of Oararnor. I an not a eandtdata fot t ofllaa and I tat. lata Aral pablia tmoorts- all, of l.jlar ao, thai Ika dalowataa to Ika oa. raatioa na, bo aBlranmalad bj aa, obligattoaa to na. A (lor il. ,ara af aaallnwn. aarrtaa tu Iba frpraarntntira af thta aanmtnnit, M Katrl.bnrg, thia paraowal aad politiaal andorianiant la hi.hlr gratn,ing, ana l aball ahariah It aa not tba laait of tha bmb, faron abowa aia. Il is daiira ta onr. ota I. Banalorlal tarsi, sad tha nation f th. aonrantto. will pot a a.o.r aodtnoaai oougatiow to aa ao la ra tannar at la eostlaa. t. drarrra tha aenraril ( my aonitiUMnti. Tr.1, Town, -. ' . A. U. 1)114. i lie tone ol tbo Senators letter I certainly commendable. Too few of our public men take this view of their indebtedness (o their Immediate con stituents, and allow thorn selves to b carried off oy vanity and ambition, and seldom And the road haek to tbe point from which they prematurely started. Poor KiNAKciMimi. The Wash. ington administrators have succocdcd in extinguishing one million tteo hun dred thousand dollars of our "national blessing" during tbo month of July ; so Itadical newspapers Inform us. Dur ing tho same period tho people paid into tho treasury over three millions of . extra tares under tho March tax law, the prooewd of which were to be "ap plied to tbe extinguishment nf tbe public debt." Well, this Is a peculiar way of extinguishing that blessing To give our agent f 3 to pay on a note of 121, and he succeeds in having only 11.1! endorsed thereon, looks like slow redemption ; yet, this is tho way our agent do business at Washington.,, , Worked Ovr.a. Stato Superinten dent Wickersham, succcedod In saving 13,000 lo the State treasury last week, by frightening the school director of Mi Keen county into reasonable meas ures. Those directors in May Inst, at their triennial convention, raised the County Hiiperiiilofideaf aalary to 12,. 000. A mov emon ton tho pari of the I Stato authorities, similar to Sheridan's Louisiana affair, pemuiiled the direc tors to rc-assemblo atxl undo their May job no far as the salary wa con cerned, which by a voto of 68 to 10 was reduced to fl.OOfl. " I" ' 1'LATroa sis -Tha Philadelphia Uiron teal ay: There waa time when political platwirros wero anknown and when Voter formed their npiniim of ma caniiiiiaie not ny tl.e platform upon which he prnnosed to stand, but upon the record or hi private and public life. The Itemocratie party In Penn sylvania boasts of aoorr of honorably distinguished men, eminently fitted lo to be it standard bearer. Led on by urh, platform, become mere mattor of form. ' They ar well enough as an appendatra, bat after all tba part fol lowing will partake of the character of uie leaner. Ana ho nilTcrano how good platfbnu ia, It will never aar a iiia" candlilata front defrat. 1 Grace Ureonwood aecontly attend ed a parly It. ljoi.doii iveti by an American artist, where site met Miss distinguished by her bloom and' thoj l"j bottom, are under wntor. The fine, classic ehai-acter of her bead and j wl"'nl 'mrvmt nriy m"r- face, as well as fl.r the perfect simplic- ity and maidenly modesty of her toilets ' Aiiianv, lud., August 5. Itis tho fitness and fit of hor dress." j impossible to givo even a general cs- . . , .. . . i . . . . tinmteat present, from the fact that -A fast mad tram U to be placed tll0 0)io Vor uf rising hero at the upon tho road between New Wk and ratc , ,l)(.b ,n u011rfunil ovornow. Chicago. 1 hclludsonnvei, New ork : ii ,., i,m i,, ,,,, ,,.. Central, T.ako Sho and Michigan T1, Um , fttrmon( in tlmt ouuuioni nave tieen uei:uicu e cannot comprehend, the honest payors will never understand why so simple a matter as the showing how upon as,:,,,..,,,.-,, , ,, i tho route, and tbo scrvico will bcL-ln it.... - ... ... . ,J, ". . . . . ' '" P'cion. just as ., . . , . . "... iorw w i.i'nt in tots. ; oais, u.itti : corn ti.. ;r,u...,i October 1st. 1 welvo stops only will L- ,,:,, ,,, ' . ' ,,, " 't the investi bo made between New York ami Chi- i "... .. ' : : . ' . charges inaile w ... . ., ,i. , . ..".j unj iihito. i (iiaioes nre l... j cbl'o. olthoiiL'h mails will lw exchanged !.;:.... .i... j ny me coin at every station. I""1 '. ,l.n" wl,,lrrer that he cou r .... ieu.il. lines t-teitr, inure will lie a small There are three tanneries hi Klk oounty which use an aggregate of 40, 000 cords of hark per annum and turn out 300,000 sides of solo leather. A I the tannery of the llessrs, Scholia, at Wilcox, which is the largest in the United Suites, 200 mull are employed. They havo 605 double tun-vats, six bark mills, and seventy dwelling houses. The tannery cost 12,000,000 and the buildings cover twenty acres of ground. A suit has been liee-un in thu portion ol tl.e crop saved. Ini.ianaimi.is, Intl., Aiicust ft. No reliable estimate of the aggrcgitte loss lo w neat, corn ami other crops in tlio Stato (tin ho mado at present. In some suctions tho estimated dumago is 50 ier cent. ; in others a much greater percentage, and iu many localities tho enure crops aro destroyed. 1' roni tho most reliable information the loss in tlio central and southern portions of United State court in the western .lis-1 u' "tale wilt aggregate 00 to bO per trict of Missouri by tho heir of Don " ' iuo enure crop, lu tbo Jow Joseph Valliero, a captain of a Span ish regiment stationed at the post of Arkansas in 179H, who claim six mil lions of acres of land in Arkansas and westorn Missouri worth $15,000,000. Tho claim is based upon a grant made by tbe Spanish provincial government, June 11, 1703, which apcar to be duly recorded in the royal archives. The lists of lifo in the southwest of lands along the Wabash river it has been estimated that 200,000 acres of corn havo been entirely destroyed by tho flood, which alone, at 115 per acre, would aggreguto 13,1)00,000. Tr.aaa Haute. August 5. The Wabash is slowly falling. Tho first mail from tho i'ust since Saturday caino in on last night's train. The F. . , .. iwi'i.M ifi in in iiiiiiiii..i eniiuiuii'n tl.nt ranco, by tho recent inundations, tl0' to 10 cro "j dl-.,r,u.ti,M1 turn out to bo very much less than if ,.-rf,, i was first suited. Instead of 3,000 or ... ' rV' " . . Z .7 '"' . Min I, i I ., , wi , i, i vi.it i.n.i.u i. una htw tumi 4,000 persons being drowned, tbo loss, my, ( all told, docs not exceed 00(1. I ho i dost ruction of property, on tbo other I.afavkttk, lud., August 5.-Tho hand ha been much more considero-1 Um u, tbo CB in Tipp.wsnw county bio than was origina ly reported. 1 ho , j, , miuUm , ,j0JBr, in Vanol subscriptions in aid of tho ""fferc'rii, W,wll nmi .untaincmintim aquar- eiieral tor of a million each. This is the us- have boon laruo and almost irei .. . ..." V. turoUL'lioiil r.iiioiio irreatesl in ( ranco. .:........ .. . t... .... t.:..i . " ,, , 1 , ' i.iunn-ii tuna tu en.im . mu n.iiu n liter among all classo. and next In amount ovcrflo ,m, j, (t iH,m,,0 , in Lonuou anu lurougnoui j-.ngiami. j(ll41im0 i,v Ki.t WBtier u ,10 crit. The American peach 1 osteemod : in tho uplands some estimate much a great luxury in hnglnnd, and our , higher and others a little lower. peninsular peaoh growers, with lhe American Stoainahip Company, aro I J rrrrnsoNVH.i.. Auirusl 5. It is about loinit in operation tho carrying ! rather tlilllcult to estimate the loss todntts, nr w hatever also was tukeu and of fresh picked fruit in refrigerators toi tho crops. From what wo can learn ! received by them, and bow, by what Liverpool. The difllcnlty, heretofore, from tho farmers the wheat, outs and i kn'l of order they paid out the funds In Bonding tho fruit lo England was lo Say crop is damnged Ally per cent. I received by them, get it there before decay set in, as it j Potatoes aro almost an cniiru fuiluro. I '''' rato of interest paid for the Watermelons, a large item in thiaj"" ol tlio public money, the "witli- i.itic h money is iu the Treasury, how mucu received, and how mucbuisbure- ed, could not be ready for boniwt ex- animation any day in the year. Dut it seems that the State Treasurer re quires four months to prepare for ao simple and plain an inquiry. This is not idlo speculation, for four months ago tho Treasurer reported he uau ai.io oi iuo punno money on band now it is said that he has several bun drcds of thousands of dollars. Whose money is loaned to make up a prima fiirui case 1 Surely tho thousands in tho "Peoples' liauk" cannot be a stationary fund. j .- , ... Taking all this time plainly prove that arrangements had to he made for "an investigation. '1 his create sus- tbe lirst relusal to ier- gution proved thut the ore accepted as true ti'ssion of the Slato Treas- Id not submit to an examination which would demonstrate them to bo so, , , ,. ,., Mow for the strategy. We expect, indeed, it has been hinted, that some day in the course of the canvass for tho coming election for Governor and Slate Treasurer, an oiler, au appeal, or a demand will be mado by tbe present Stato Treasurer to somebody, to come into hia office and examine and see that there is no defalcation ; thut tho money of ll.o public is there ; that tho charges are not true ; that tha Itadical party ia five from censure ; that the State iroAMiiror is an abused, pcrso cutcd, honest official. How this demand will bo made or to whom, wo do not know. We be lievo tho opinion of tl.e people, whon t IB Il.m,o, will uu IIIUI It IB ' loo IttlO. Months of piviutration for au iiivoatl gallon which a few hours ought to accomplish, force ou tbo public mind llio conviction that tho wrongs sought to no made pubho have been in all these months concealed, as murder is sought to ho hidden by tho cremation nf the murdered individual, which requires nine to vllect. Hut if the demand for an investiga tion should lxi made, then the pooplo will demand that the committee of tho llouso only shall havo lull, free, unre strained access lo ull the books, papers, bunk accounts, credits of tho ollice for tho wholo term id" the present Sutlo 1 rcasuror. hvovv bank, broker, bank ing house, where or with whom. any of int. people money has been placed musi ue examined and produced belorc tl.e committee, tho evidence of tho corpus of tha deiKjsit, w hat was de posited, money, cheeks, nolo, orders, All exchange says that (iruut and his confedoi'ules havo disarmed labor, destroyed commerce, created tl.e long est sustained panic we have ever ex periouced, made a football ol tl.e pub lio credit, sent grumblers and thieves degraded the civil service, used thei( public lauds as personal perquisites, originated a Credit Mobilier, and al most brought a dies irae on the land. parana. to port luraao .long llatrkk' land aoutb .7 drgri.a r.-4 1 20 t lu potaltaa ta port on raoi i.uo itirnm, uuno .tf uegr.i-. earl Z7H H-IU nrialtni aloag No. :i a. unqiJ. norodr and plau. of oagiunlug, bar.Q lia trft iuautil, ol'rat 'a.bla pin,, b.-iiiloik mu. o:b.r timber, and tba .aid land i. andailaid with valualilaooal d.-pilita and otbar iuiwr.1. . . ea.iod, lakon In wxrrotlaw -awd a. br aald mi : ilia p.vpart, of Bobcrl Oabora. . Tnana aka.-Tbk pHa or a.ok at which tba proprt, .ball ba atrurk off moat ba paid atf th. lima of aala, or aaeh otbar arrangamaata ainda aa will ba .ppaoad,otharwiaa tha propaf. I, will ba innnadiatrl, pot ap and Bold again at Ik. aipi.aa and rlak of tka paraos t. whom It I wa a.raaa oa, aad who, la e.,o cr daBelane, at ..ah ra-tala, aball iwak. good tba aar... nd ia no iaitai... will tha ba.d ba praaantad in Court for aouBrmatioa .nl... tha nona, i, aetuall, pa. a to ma sn.ria. w. Jt. Al ri.hltsos, 1 Snaa.rr'a Orr.ra, I ' dkarlffi Claarbold, Pa..ux. II, ISli. i .ta. ,in , i rend.noa va Pina ureal, nrat lo.ir iu l.u.l Chomh. MltS. PCIIEKSlKkllOKN. Jul, JS, 1S7S -It. c OMK ipil K BEST STIM, OS HAXIi.- No (itt. A doctor's wife tried to move him by tear. "All,", said be, "team are useless: 1 have analysed them. They contain a little phosphate oi nme, some cmoruie oi sodium, and water. Jt a no use ...... Soto Chkap. A young man in Lan caster sent a dollar to a firm in New York who advertised a receipt lo pre vent had dreams. He received a small slip of paper, on which wa printed, -foil i. go to aieep. , AND KETTLE. T T -I !- '. i - Ila, in Lik.o my l.rothar into parlarr.bip. I do.ir. lo bar. m, aid aceout... alinwd. I tbara lor. gira nutiee to all who know than.-hr. m d.t.lrd lo ta. la . forward mmm. nnd att!e .p, a .bat w- oaa taka a a.w dqiartarr. ClrrS.I.I, Jalr 14, 'Tk-tf. V. II. CAIlboN. .KEEP IT HANDY. - TU. B.lliblo Faailty Madlrlne. lUHKflKA, br,rut.rr, Chol.ra, Bi.intn.r j i-oitipiaint, uramp., are., nuicklr eurrd hr JARPKI.LA'S , Ci.niilii.t ) Wp of MUrkberr, Soot and Rb. barb A a old, wall trli-d mmelr, antlralf rrga l.lilr,pl..ui.t li utko,ifolak and eeru.a ia aflarl: oa. is, drjtrndrtl mm ia tha-Moat nrg.nl r.M, ( way ha ivan to the ,ounr;at iniaot m wall a. to adult,. In eoat.in. V N'OCAUPUOKOROPIPM. ll la a ploatant attraot and rraJil, Uk.a b, rbiidr.u. It b.e often hi4 III'. btu ph,,icia... bad dr.pairrd. Kaap it I. the baaa aud uae it in lime. All.eaik (or il i. . ttial. Don't let your .Ira!" pat jion off with aamvthinfalaa. Dor . it. Tr, it. Sold b, Druggt.ta aad Hiore Karp ara Ittrouirii nut thia State. Prepared tmlr by HA.VMtl.L a VKO.,:ilva H..k.i St. Ph.ia. ' Jul, 14, '7.1 3m. soon perishes when exjrosod. Tho re frigerator process of shipping beef has been successfully established, and tho country, aro a total loss. same can be succcsslully applied in the , I.kkt Aoaim Paovtwcn Koa.-Col. Shipment Of licache. i , . , . (i,.r,ro-n K. l,e.,l e.,...in nf the nill. At West Tolnt, N. T., a day orof l'resident (irai.t, has boon appointed I I y,'- nonse al' ....... ilmwmenl of the sum oi aiiins from tho pinper disHisiliou nf them in (he sinking fund, uncording to law, ami loaned on interest, arc to be "investi- two ago, an attempt by sovernl older " inspector In the Custom tor (iemiinl, if he is asked to nndertuko any invostigulion on tho n..l.l. in ..lt..:. l.l ..r ,u..ldsitnv. Sir venra aim ho ronnnioil fourth class, who reporte in June, did ' from the l'resldenfa military staff to uie n aio i rettsurer, wit not roanlt a., fi..r,r, W. tn tb. h..i,r I ioin ( 'ol. Stockinir in the ircnernl onler "")' '"' promptly rcfuso lo be used party as they might have wished. As (business. The firm of Leel and Stock lrwin was walkinrf his host at miard inK became notorious, and made 20(l,. tKMit midnight Ihcy attacked him with 1 0,, "t of iinportcrs within two years, th design, as statoil, of rilling him I ''""t win"" '-.eel sold his contract down tlio side bank of I'ort Clinton. ! "th Iho government (o Frank Squires Tho assaulU'd cadet stabbed ono of r f.lll.lioo. Ilo has lost all tho money he ever made by speculation. AYa" Vim .S'mm. Old John 3'yler, of Virginia, did not tor a purjKiso so plainly statcgic, for h is too sensible a public officer vol untarily to undertake a trust roamed in a oummiltoe of the llouso of Hop. resenlalives by tho solemn act t.f, that IhiiIv. When all this Is done, wituoul re straint on tho part of tlio examined, and the result of the investigation by tho llouso committee, as its proceeds, m.m day to dav, in mado known tlimui'li the public itrivts. then, aud thorn In the thigh with his bayonet and clubbed two of them over tho head wit h his musket. ' They wore carried on lit- lor. In ll.n l,n.,.ll.l m..A u-lll 1. 1.. I let that cadot alone in tbe future. .k" ''. m v'ow1 i.ga as our ' litpnil Mi (.rani. J..I1.1 IJiimntr A di.im fiuneral Alexander Hamilton, son ; in the latest volume nf his diury, relate ' not till then, can the iioopio form any nf the arrent AleT.mlni II. mill,,,, nf . I... rr........ a.l i i 1 ... .. .1 1 . J n - - . luini'iMtiui. nun j i n 1 . 1 psKtHl American history, died at hi residence, I him what was to n done with (iov No. 83 Clintion place, Now York City, 0rnor Tompkins, who had not declined, aflor a long and painful Illness, on tho Ho said thut after eight years' sorvice d inst, in the 90th year of hia ago. I t was oommon law that the Vice l'res He aorvod In Iho war ol 1812. aud at , idency as woll as tho Chief Magistracy tho time of tho lamentable duel between ,hou Id change hands." his falhor and Aaron Uurr, which was I , , fought at Jloboken in 1804, the Into im sc Ho leave no children bo- of tho Orand Mastor that danciaa- in iwraonui encci the lodge room I InconaisU-ut wi New York hind him, so that hi will probably be divided among hi the good of the craft. oroiucrs, pi wt n-Joecph Alexi John I ., aged opinion as to thu charges made. Any strategy which avoids or seeks to avoid this will tail in its purpose. Tho snoor lately published, as If by authority, that when tho Stato Treas urer u rernfj! ho will demand an in vestigation, to savo himself nr protect his parly, is thus made harmless. This threat is discounted. We trust tlio gfttf 3.fli'frtisrmfnts. fJEACnERS' EXAMINAT10N.3 Tka anmlaalloat for leaekwr. tor Ika aararal di.triata of L'le.,i.ld aoaai,, (ar Iba ,anr ISIk, win a. ne.u aa loimw,. ; Pawn. PercuMn and Lawibar Cil. ai Lambar City, Monday, AugMt 11. Vail aad Urraaaand, at Bower, Twaada,, As gurt tl. R.ra.ida towaihip and borough, Tl.rarldr, Wednaad.,. Aagu.1 la. Cheat and Mew Waahiagtim, at N.w Waahiag. tan, liaturd.,, Aug.,t la t.iaarnal., (.a.reae. and Lawraaea lodrpaaj. nt at Cla.rB.ld. hfoaday, A. roll .. Vmirord III Bradford ludepond.nl. William.. gram, Tuaaday, Augi-at 11. Morrtl aad Urah.m. ml k'l.rtw.. VJmmm. day, flaptrmb.r I. Wallaretoa aad Boggi, al Weuoretoa, Tbara ay, Splmbar 1, IlaoaJar and Oierol., al Orraala. Friday. S.a tambrr 1. U.h.a .ad Olrard, mt Cmina Hill, Taaad.,, I u n Irplriobar 7. -j Corlngt.ui ud Karth.ua, at faio. rkhool , ..u , Hoar., Wedooaday, eaptembar I, i.twrairine and rua, aiootainglaw, Thar.. A few mor. rood bona, and eat. of harm-. oa a.ad, whtrh 1 will a.11 .t aaeriSi.. Ale.,, rer.r.l oarnago. .nd buggie,, and . nad v:ioo, aa aril aa aowa fond epriii- wmmymi. I an bosod to aall at aooi. priee. Call ou or ad-lrr.. ma al Clrarlield, Pa. JAM KS I.. LRAVV. Au, I, 74 3m. - !"! A -A . H - i tt cw-i v au pertHiti Hre nvrvi, wartMil iK,ii(it ir ebiiig or i any ta; ned'HiBf wuh (fa f.iltpw luf fnptrrty, uaf to tt pMtfi of IV nt. II, I'vacbuie, i.f itlooia tuwrAnhip, tUi 1 llurtei, I lo-hrw wigtuB. I Mt (juubU ftitd m tlogi barrnetw, 1 )v, I harroVp 1 otMik itflt-i, fl ehiirt, S nwkir o Ua.ii , l fcuma. 1 (i.Wri. 1 ink. 1 4iu)tblr7, 1 labU, 1 Mt of i4h , lUiWidl . w aa,t" ramlUiOf, 1 biif kj, lot of crfrt, 1 aiov ni 4 bnifi.p DR. - ton rp-mw. porrh.-M by n m earriw b fa baJ. ( latt ratl!uieal - rtlooaJul, UtkmMia . Uft mtb hii UmrnA - d 00.rliB( of l7t.... IS 34 njUmj rJ"tny '" Sui rPf..ritia of U7i.....-i..w SU SS Rockto. Anf. 4, 187..I. w r ,lf ffbooltii iw4 for lI4 1,908 St TOWNSHIP BTT1,KMENT.- I.AVID HKAMS. KSU. lllrtrirt Trru.rar of U.-aiiv towB.hip, in aeeount with tha .H.-I.ool, no. a ana l-uor puoda rot S74 ::- -po w 1IOH If HAY (JONCliUN. Nolia. I. h.rebr wive, that lha DirMtor. nl tba Karlbaua bridga and Tarnpika Company bar. aurreadered their . elMrar-t, - wnd hereby nanuua ... control oi 10a Mlu nr..lg ana 1 urn Elk. from psd altar the 2 Ilk da, of J.lj, lr. J anl.r ol tbe Hui kkohiera. - J. W. POTTER, Rankest, Aug. 4, i It .'I f ; Prxidafll QOMMIS-SfONKit'S XOT1CK. . , Jaania R. Ilai'lwrrsv ),A'.'.e. , Latbariharg, Frid.,, day, Baplrmbar t. Brady, lain aad il Saptomliar I. Iloil.a, at Peat.ld,S.l.rday.S.pu.mUr 11. knoi and Jordaa, at New U illpoH, lloaday, September 11. Baoaarl. aad Madera, Olra llepa, Toerday, Sep.embar 14. Uallcb, at Jayoe.rlllr, Wednaatlay, Brpl, 15. . Iloatidaleand Woad.ard,at lloatidala, Than da,, September IS. 1 . Kiamlaallan. will bagl. at a m. Tmwkera wiilprap.r. tkamralra. .lh pmm, ink and p.r. Taackara are raquertrd to b. eiaminrd i. Iba di.lri.ta where tka, iatand taacblag. Sbenld diraotaea reqaaal it, I Maker, wh. h.r. bona as amlaed at albar plaMa w.llaater tka alnr. in th. di.trtet where tbe, i.tead taMbiag. All directi on ar. aordiall, mailed ta ba prenl. J. A. URKIlnRV, An. II, Wi. , . Sept. ml Chmraald C. IH7S. FALlt. 1875. lltlif Of TIIK BIO PIT01IKR, 41 Wood St., opp. St. Charles Hotel, riTTsnMICH, PA. M.Mr,. Ititmrm 3j Miirrl. Term . tl. Uepbars. I t !(. - I I ' Tba .aderaigar.1 MmmUainner, appaiale.1 lo tak. lerlimun, in thia im, will attend to lha duliee nr hi, appointment, at hi, odiea im Pia'a block, oa K.I.I.t. Aug. JO. at 10 o'rlook, A. M, wfcera pnrtia, inlar.'ated may attend ISIIASbTK.ST, Clearfield, Am;. 4, 11:5-11 , Cmmlirloner. QOALJ COAIr i i ;, ; ' , , : v! TO WHOM ITMAV COStCKKN.'" Th. nnderrlrned take, this mnh.id of Inform. Ing tba people of ClawrSold and virtnlt,, tha. ba baa laaaad and r-ou.nad tha aid lie. Oo.Im, a.ul bank, laatled witbia a mil. Irom tow., and ii aow prepared In furniik a fint-elaa. artiele .( .ml, and to deliver tka aam. n, who, 'hi low. aronabla rale o. tbe .barters .otire. A naM.tity of eo.1 .Iwara o. hand aad for tarn im mid.. urtirre H-n u w.taon nn,der aknrlwg aam., ' IBANK WIUOJI.l v.aarariu, Aajr. 4, 15-lf . H of bn. dm. baa. ...... " ra.h from Co.nl, Trea.aw... . ialarrat mn inrplua (aad. n r -1 .... . I W s ca.. . -. It, r aorta. Mtnnt (ar 1l7t.........M.... " . r I8n.. ,,,, ISIV .....w. f leaeliera'.ardfra rr.irmjBd abklemaata to lak-p.yara...,M.m. " Ma'i tar aahool lot Mu. lm.. w 8acretary'. aalar, rrLairkna and aonlinranaiea (I fuel and kladllng.... ildte, pipe and hod " eeraral yean tnitioa lo Boll twp..... M wra-BI.re on ti,V.lt 92 at 1 par rU M bal.m i. TreM. handa ta Cuileclor'. b.nd. V I . 1. . ; , ... .fii .t r, 1 stttn rra:. ... DR.. To bal. title . 4irt ralHrmewt..n'.,.. " ainnMt from County Trea,. ....... " ' ul 1.1 auriaed for IHI4.. 7 IS sa it it as r 4S to 17 J.iri. aa ta 30 74 ia aa I7T 1.4 IS) .17 t t.4 t sa la l,14 46 Mi it fs.lna ! .! Ut 84 .. 7:1 it ... I.44I 411 JJiA rca. By voufhera ra.lrfraed '. work door b, rltivonr..... H.OI7 li :-y a r H.eja Si " bark tare. .. rinarratlonr................ M Traaa. pansmlair. .. $I.SK..I4... l.rrr.o:.r. far ...llvllno mii.kl . I atxirrtariiM to rti-.rrt i,,,.. T ist of juaons. Ll.l or J.rora drawn for SeptrnAstr Trrm! f - 1 s ' n A. I. IHI4. mn.nrneln.on .he third lion.U. th. i . "1L ttftb, Md eoailaninx for tkna waeka: , - To WI. .lua t ta,t .rtttoment. faavaaaaariiMnv - i " raeiipi. of J,. Po,n,tb.ail nmir wwaa, Mihr bil U.. Ja. M. Crae, Darsmrini Uas'l CappWr, U.ehrn Jno. W. Wrinht, " I Jan. A. Murrr, Thoa. 0. Im, Cell T. Waud.klu. Ur.b Cliaten MeCracken, " Jam Carter, lluuli.l.l. Ilia I smaal. Ooir.lJa.. II. ley. - Ueo. U hlerratt, " J. II. llu.ter, jttrdd Ila, Id Hale, Urffard ' Jao. MrMurray, Kno H.l. in fat or .f Trear.... fund, front Vrn.ngt. enanty...... amownt ol duplirflto for 1174..... bal. of Jnr. Portlt-thwait , 3.J.U It .. Ml l .. J4 1 sa IB 11 1 ,. I 4 HI ..' IS! 11 r.l .. 14 tr .. an'. : . nil na ., .iu n it 8 tl l,7lt S ( llcbt. l'alteraoa. 3. U. Pale, Lawreaoa S. M. I'slleHoa, ' L. i. Oenklin, N . U. Merrall. Morria Wa.h'n Sam.el Uill. J. Adam Hl.h.l. Ura.ly Jim. 1'o.llrthwait, " -John.ton ll.millon. " !..'. ll..m.. a.... 1.1. II. L. need, CtearOatd J II.Bjera, N John Tmlman, . ( K.trieker. W. t. hh.w. " . - 1 Vn. K.U.. in. . B. Ilrak.m, ' - P- U. friak. 1 ..... Barriaon II loom. Cur l II. Shim.l. W.ll., Ja. Wl ay, Krrg,a'Prad ('ampmaa, aneoa. birk, 1. Mghlner, Baaaerta.Ja.. Moore, ll.alidale " cr:1 R, vouehrr. rodromed.. u .hate.nar.ta tu ritiien..7. . axn.etaliaiii of 17.1 - t r iam. ...... '" nling bomi 11,148 11 14 71 14 WI 4 :i Tho Freemason of Iowa aro very on nomoeratic i.rtws or tlio Ntate will Im in prepared for this etratoKy of tho State th 1 Treasurer, l'twinu the corrcctnerui nf 'l wrn .11 luirtti. , tuna., vlnar. t.. I. m ..er.. .r o.. - I . 1 , , " , . -- ...u ..... , ,vii . vi ml nuttrj wfncti three survive him nateoflicer have been deprived of their Treasurer at Btratoi'v baa apiwared A IV." 88 ywni Pilion-''T tjng in violation of the "statement" Is pubfishod til the Htate 1 61 and 1 hilip, aged 7.1 1 decision. j Trcasnrer, attempting to show that he T. F. BAILEY & CO., lJUI'ORTKRa AND JODBbEr IN tit lna A Oueenaiw are. I- . 1.' I i. . . Winilow GIass, QliiDBware, : " ' Lamp Iiiirncn, Cliimneya, Clmndclirr nnd Bracket. DRIGGISTS' GLASSWARF. ' , i , 1(1 TUB FALL TRAIII-. Vr K are wow prepaid la rifat la Ike Trad. IT terlal INIIIICIiMKNTH IN IHPOUT. Kb gi'liKNSWAKH. I. Oralet af Haat Wklt. raaiW and Wklte llra.il. aad Comma Aoaert. ad, t. ami th. Trad.. AIM, I. rrparh t. .alt parebeeer., whioh w.f.rVI!r.V LOW TO CASH snu r.ourt shout Tina I'I STOMKUS. Wa are prepared ta lake order, far AMKRI CAM WIIITB IIHANITK. COMkloR VK1.I.OW aad aOCKiailRAM WARK.al Ma.alaal.ran' Llau aad UlaaH.la. . awjll-lm otick.- .;, , ' Orr.ra ar yaa K.ma.aa OotL Ca. i fs.LaaaLaau, Aaaaat t, lira. J.m P. Camaroa.afOaMla Mill), OVa.rl.ld mat,. It tka aala M auger mmi Miaiag Kagla. aw af Ikli awmpaa,, aad ika .al, a.lk.rlud ateat ta trueaat kMiaamifci tt. mm ad tmriu anaowst, ..4 t agreameala, mlraaU aa v ekaaaa l ( tiua4lM af aa, kl.d wlU h .pare, td k, him. f ' Hell Rogg. Rr.il, Rarn.idr rirardald H. M. Mrll H. A. Shlmel, ll.n l Rl.h. Arm. Carr,t R, MiUkell, t.V. hlilwr, I. A. Rrad, lao. MeNa.1, " Mall. Illaom, Pergnaoa W. A. Home, Urait.r R. hi. Klig.l, Uo.br. . Curlle At. SOil.M. " R.n. J.Vother.Jr., Iiatih.ua Mwia srhan:, Knoi r per aaot. for p.,lng oat Sd, 111.81... Jl 4 lal. In Collartor'a handa. 4I ! .ih Tree., h.n.li.,,..... .11 I ! 1I.7U rraT.r.t'ara. We, lha wa-lardtaed A editor, af ttr.lv lown akip, baria met aoor.li.g to l.w, did prorredto rxamia. th. aeewipre and TMehrrt ef ll.v.d Rreiaa, TraMarar ( .aid euwahip, ft Is7t, do report tl.it we lad tha aararal .oH.t .. alsii a .Utrd. Thar, la a aabool bwlane. ol oar thou -and, Ibr. 4i...lrol nnd aixt,-lra dollar, and I., u.. i.l - v.... tet .....a.." , in. i - ' Jno, Miolth Uwrra... ! bM.l.. and the ram of tr. hundre.1 aad ainaly J u v , , lia doll,oMdftr.lhrreM. t.t.'.ll ia lb ill'.' ', , M,"'t! ' k.n.l. iI lh. C.lrral.r, Tb. Ru.,1 1'un.l I. Iw ?. I'Smbgr Cil, I dt-bled tn th. Traaturer In tba , urn of thirty. '."I:' "". I ' mtajfcB, ,0Ur, ,.,i renlr-aaraa eenta Ifsl.TTI. 1 .ko i and ho la indaMtd I. lh. Poor Fnad la Ik. ram or r.hly-..x dollar, and thlr.y-tkrar eanti (.aa. while the balaaa. I. th. Coltarlor'. Itanda ainoniit.-to tha .am of foar hnnilrrd and ,lJtta dollar, and twenty-ail aewta Itilt.ltl. In t.,ti,non, .hrroof, w. hare harruato rl onr hand, thia 7th do, of June, A. II. IsiA. CHRISTIAN KOI1II, HAMII. KISHKI.. IIKNHV IIARTMIKI.T. Arrr..ri J. If, (R, ' ,; ,"; , Town Ctrrk. jjeutkerrbwrg. Joly Is, Isrt ll. pitlvSU MK.VT MArTKKT. M. 0. BROWN & BRO., Job W.r, 8. P. Shef, i Wi.o.U.rd J. Catharman. Oeeeol. taAASsaa juaani, , . . Kuan aaaa. ... 0. A. Mitrrieoa, (lo.haa 1. r. Hoblaoa, A.niu Murray, Uir.nl W, W. Ilaovar, Urnhaat W WillUlm, ' ICIia. Itornli... HiirIo. Jaa. Bandy, " o. Jt.ha.loa, . , JortU. .lao. Ulna, tr.. I i Khu. Jno. Oouahr-rlrot J.rnr,. U.rrna. Ham i Clyda, , . i Jamoa Ardery, M Uro. W. Ogd'ea, M Hugh bougliert,,-" A. 11. i.l.ne.4 Millon Riohola. Joa. Potior. 0. P. Keaar, . 1. B. C. 1,1. ,11, . Krhard. Joa. L, tlala, Tk.n. I.onr. .lamea A. Itlnnia, 1 Au.lin.ra. A. P.llerat.., Ilaoa.ria W..II, ThMipau, IMI Bamwal flrgal, llOKgi jmkio w. llanay, W.J. Cutpbail, HradfM Urar, I la. .gar, Brad, 4. n. joitn.toa. tUr. Iillllu(. ! 0. Il.rtafrk. I V ) Jaa..k Hun.all ItarrlMa Paaam'tre,' 1 Kit Llnea, . . dob. II. U.llry, ' Wa. O.oaa, llara.i.la : tn). Sh.h.r.l, . " Job. MeCrd, CI...I I I.a.l Careon, " I I faal Motl.rre,, F. Plnbell, Coring.an I I'aler Oarnlar. i - . r. II. Scka.tr., Jaa. VarlMxk, . i K. W. Rrowa, Oarf-d1 B. (Irarbart, Ilaeatar Wm. Wlea, Cergaeo. isiaa waaa, ort. lib. 1. 0'Dannell, IWi.rtalK.Mi.uel. joeepa work. Boll K. L. Iluahaa. Hi nm. v. iiefa, " Wm. Moore. I'ttn.. A. t , II. 0. Leaeh, Bluomja.li. IIHI.iu, ulrard' A hoeaa ad l it e KauMk rlreet e. M'f llasrv 0a. t boom Htli. Ket... .n...i : Irrwia. Alio a hull..!.. ... M.rhl .IrrrL Banna Merr.11,1 ' . j U.r. (r.l., C . I door ta lha Allrgben, llusw. formrrlr irrur'"1 r. l.tiaald, lluitoa I UT r rnort n. a aboe .hop, bnl aaitaMo lor .... Uaa, kmeriek, tianh... ! "'h.r l.u.ine.i la a email wa,. Apply Ctak S. Wrmar, Jordaa 1 1". Ba lha premtie.. Mil.. Ile.d. La.renca ; ' All p.m.. Indebted ta ma will ptoa R.J. Shafoer, aad (etlla h raH. ar aala, wllk approred I. arl l.ernrk " I wr.rily, thia month, ai I mail hara all my ar l'hrl.1. Harllr, Mortla ' """ aelllod np b, Augtot. I bar. tha hook. II. Neff. jr., N. IV a.h'a a.w la ai, m Inatl. Praaipt aMaaliea Jas. sriliora. ' r.na ' wm aar. troobl. .nd ooeta. V. sii"r.i- A.l Wlfkrt tt, Olwrnthl, , 1 1 WMId annonnae to Ilia rlllaaa. of tha lean aad U.,L 'Irdnliy that th .till k.-ap the meat m.rkrl al ,7! ad mmbJ. ptos t will karf . Plk. ! (.'real, tin of Vnnl Million hihI I.nlnli. iO(,fho finest qualities. Market aorainae-.Tua.dara. Thur.d.1 ."'I .lurj.i. (lire na.oall. at.aa ,'74 tm - M tt. !lRoVK A riKO. J Cuv,naFiunT Z l?Olt KKNT. ran ' 1 - ! t.glllm H iHILUNroBD, Uaa. Kllluger, llrad, Jarheo. Boaaall, rfed(re) aok.mk, J. MoorrhMd, Hornei.le 0. BradlaroX trt,,g Jao. Votbera, A. Mellarre,, ( k.,1 BmM. tiaahar, 1. rsltw.ll, " al '. i Wm. Paw.lt, Olaardald Wm, D. Btglar, 14 Jaa. Bimmo.., -' Job Carry. Jaa. Coraelr,Wa..dwatd JIIWTM It, ak t(TAIILKSl MM ...W., "J,to "T aaaaaaa af lh. a. Mi BILL, mm will ll npt W t.M.p. r.aaalt,malla,,i., .ddtw. , L'le.ttil.l, J,, 4, B)t. ,. W." C. ARNOLD, T,Avr::.COI,T,KCTION OrTK K, CI1RWKNSVILLK, aJ ' Clearteld Cat,, Praa'a. .