THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WEDNESDAY MORNINO, AUGUST 4, UTI Terms of Subscription, If paid In tiruM,f within tkr month .,.$1 M If paid after three aid before all months..,., t 17 paid aPer the expiration of lis month... I "Messrs. 8. M. Pbttikhill A Co., New e rer Adveilialng Agents, 17 Park Row, earner Iter k man 'blreel, ar otr duly authorised Agent In New York City. fcEMUIOUtt NOTI C lift. MetUodlat liitUroiial Cknrcli Rev. B. V. Brat-Baa, j ii lor. Publie Strviet vry Sabbath at i in A. M., anil 71 f . H, Hat-bath Hebool t A.M. Pray or ft, ting trtry Tbnraday, t t P. M Cmnn union Servle. tril Sabbath of ry o.tnin, at i A. M. Preabjttrlan Cliurrh Kev. II. 8. Butlrm. Babbitt b services morning and area i of fab bath Hebool at I P. M. l'rajar Meeting Wedn day a ran iog. St. Franc!. ('hurt b'Utullc IUt. P. J. Bhbridak. Preaching at 10 o'oluek, A. M., on tha Brit, third and lourtb Suml) of each month ; Vespers and Jlcr edict ion of l lit- Uktsed Haerauient at 7 o'clock, P. N. 8nndoy fir boot mtwy umly afternoon at 8 o'clock. OFFICIAL lilRiCCTORY. nai or koldim quakth ibmiom ooubt. Re ond Uooday of January. T j!rd Monday of Merck t . , ; . ' . , i j Pi dt Monday at Jnna. J j Fvartb Monday of Beptanber. . . , 1 ' TIMS Or BOLD 10 C0HM0K M,CB. Firat Monday of June. Seoond Monday of Nor em bar, ruai.10 orricKtia. ft-ffioW llun. Cbarlca A. Maytr. of Lock Haven . Aiitat Judy Hon. Jvhn H. Orrlt, of Rellcfonto. . f jteeacMte yWat Wlfliam 0. Poley, Clearleld j John i. Head, Cirwenavillo, . I'roiawNofore Kil Bloom. - Ktgitttramd Xordth. 3. Morgaav , IHttriet AurnfVnnk Fieldiag. freaanrar David W. Wi, Shinf William R. McPberaon. Oonefa 4trMjor JSatnnel F. MeOloakey, Cur weneville. Voumtg OeetanMianeriJobn D. Thompaon, Curwenarillc t Clark Brown, C'learnald Conrad W. kyUr,Urkeileo..- Vunmtg Aurftivre Jiiip H. Hile, Lumber City; Lewta C. Bloom, Claarlield; Henry WhiUhead, Union townabip. Jury t'oMati'ftr'owt John W. Shugurt, Jamci MltchHl.Cleartttd. XufMriKntirt PmbUe AWa-r-JobB A. Urrirory, ClearflHd. mrim ' Alia John Wt Wriglcy, Vim. Ra drbaugb, Cyrui L. tfurdn, Clarfildt Joalah Krana, Joe. ii. Irwin, N.B. Arnold, torwt mville ; J. J. I.injrlr, Km met Sayeri, Oeola Mill; John ston Hmillin, I.utberaliurs;. Our SpnUI column in decidudty intcrealing In a local point of view, and profitable reading to outiidtra who want to rare money. r I"!---: r -- Tlioy hato 4' knavwh editor" out in Indiana. So the if-nf)r intiwatea. , Ltuvy' Livurv mid Sale StalU ih the place for good barjfiloa. - . -. i m a 1 ' Indiana, our nuighlioring town, in to bare a bpw M. K. Chun b building erected, at a rout of j 15,500. 4 , 1 Kiwli enn be bought ntJns. II. I.ytlu'n at wholrtale fricea. ' Ail aro Invited to call and price hit goodt. ' V Tito Wont Binitcli I'nmp Alerting 1c- ginaon Die 17l b, and Ibe Pine Station Camp Heeling on the 3lt day of AuguM. AuuMt liatl a new moon on tlto lt, and will have an other on tba Slit. Two new tuooni In a month la of rare occurrence. Petitions are in eircultiUon at Wil- liamfpnrt, asking that the death eatenco of llarnvy Mct'ue ba comuiuUil to imprisonment rurlife' , Preparations have len rommenccd for tha abandonment or tba Pennsylvania canal, between lluntlogdoa and Williamsburg, Blair eounly. 1 ' ilr. William AlcNollis, oi Cluarfield townahlp, Cambria county, it laid to havt B ft eon acres of grouod devoted to pot a teas, and U is esti mated tho yield will be 3,71)0 buahvla. 4 - . - i aw - Suiri-cls and pUeaanta are auid to be quite plenty isj the mountains, bat the law prohibits the killing or llthor until after tbe first of flppieniber. ' '' ' ' ' Tlic Clarion Jtcpubtican i ofl'uretl tor Mlt. It in tha county organ of that parly, and will ba a good investment for a printer whe favors Brechet polities and "ragged edge" affairs generally. In Session. The County Commis sioners wilt bo In aosaleo for several daya on and after tbe 12th of AuguM. Perauna baring any public buiincie to transact with tbe Board will plenao bear this mind. 1 St. We learn that Mian Mattie MoniMn, of Belltifontc, haa been selected one of the teachers la tbe publie schools of this bu rough. Tha corps of teachers for tbe Leonard Uradd He hoot fa wow ooenptetor - - - - Airs. Kc.K'rmerhorit, of ibis borough, gives notice tn another column that she Ii pre pared to take a few regular boarders. For further Information apply at her residence an Pine street, neat 0o Lutheran Cbureb, J " f i a A Valuari.k Propkutt. It will bo observed by an advertisement In this issue, that John II ark ins offers a valuable hotel property, situated In the borough of Wallaoaton, tbia coun ty, for sale. It lo the only bole) in that place. . - - The Supremo Court oiT)nnnyivania lias just re-a til roved an old decision that In the matter of tho highway, a county, township, or municipality la liable for any damages resulting from neglect or duty In keeping tbt highways io a proper state of repair. Statk Teachers Association. The twenty -second annual matting of tbt Ptnnsyl- vsnia State Teaoheri' Aaaoelatitn will bt held tn tho Opera Houat, Wilkes-Barre, aa Tuesday, Wodnes day and Thursday, August 10tb, 1 lib end 12th, Utta. i e . Vm. II. HoWly, an employe at Jiill insyer, Dill A t'o.'s boat yard, at Lewiiburg, this Plate, was killed OB the 27tb ulU, by tbt bursting or an emery wheel. Ilia lower jaw was terribly fractured, and a fragment of the wheel penetrated bis bron M, caualng death In about two hours. Tho PuiixttUluwDcy Spirit, of lust week, says i "Mr. Joseph Craft, of Uaskill town- shlp,brvutht ua a sheaf ot California wheat. Four years ago Mr. Craft commenced raising tbts quality af wheat from a single head, and this year be cot onu hundred and twenty doien. Arji;msnt Court. Judires Orvis, Road and Foley are balding Court aod disposing of oasea In wbich no lory la required, o that tbe businosa of tbt regular term ia Kept bet need Bot be delayed by smalt legal debates over Aols af Assembly aad deeiaioae or ibe Supreme Court. t r Tho KvaiiKolical Lutheran Church on Kartbaus bill, this county, Mt. Carmal charge, will bt dedicated to the sarviot or Almighty Uod on Sunday, tbt 1Mb of this month. Hev. J. Klstler, of Tyrone, will preach tho dedication sermon. Kverybody Is kindly Invited to attend, i a t t- Our townsman, P, Mrtieoro. Ksq., has opened out a stock of new good, at lloulsville, this fount j, where ht InleBds dclag ft geBetal merchandialng business. Peter now haa two lnt-laai sloret under full headway, the one be ing his hat and shoe olort on Second atretl, la this place. A (iitKAT Man at Cremson. Tbo Cmmbrim 'rremna says i "Col. Jemet F, Ceaey, oumewbat noted throughout tbt tounlry as Presi dent (lranl'a Immaculate brother in-law, and Colloelof of tha Port of New Orb-ana, has boon doing Cressou the honor of bil preeenet for some two weeka past." There are throe harmers' (irai)fros In Clearfield county. Tha only 00001100 la the Slate at prcaent without Orange organisations are Allegheny. Cambria, Cameron, Carbon, am, Junlala. M Keen. Philadelphia, Potter und Som- et. There art about 471 Oranges tn this Statt with a total memberahlp of over 10,00a. Tbo third annual report of John A OreaorT, Sunetinttrtdeiit af Common Stboow af Clearfield eounly, tt tbt State Buptrtnttudeat of j Publie Instruction, will bt found on tbt first page of this Issue. All who want Information la regard lo the progreat taada la school mailers will do well to give It a perusal. SiNoULAR. An exchange contains Ibe following 1 "A short time atoce baby was born Bear Caatoasbarg, wbkh la almost toa plclely oovered with strawberry tad blaekbrrry marks, with Ibeeieeptiea at tba ftea. Tbey are aot merely ml aid Mark spat bat full tlatd nad well ibaptd berrtM hang from tba cbild'a Kmbi khd body ia llkt maanai aa Ibe berries tn tba vlaei. The child ta healthy" A others Skb Vh. A Ki'i.t Ionian who formerly resided la oar town, but who ii I ow a resident of another Stale, turned up bar a ft weeks ago, on a bulttcu arrend. nod aftr "doing tha town," Landed ui tha follow lug ntt-uj-orandutu : - j... . i aulumna of that journal : return I waa ertoniibed to witncrs the substau-1 , ' ttal and nolveraal or the pirn. In! ' wll"'d into our sanctum lookiug as oleua ooupaay with aeveral gentlemen I fsd along wieiuber of (lie Lake County Cuinuilllee of tha Mveral atrrtti and took a memorandum of i Bf.T. knd nd the Uurtrnnr a proela tba Improvements, and lul atatonUheJ U) fiod I "atiu. and be eat down on a thrM-leggnd that lhay aoJ half a Million of dollar. I am "' ue though be bad juat reluruud highly graliBid to witness the pn.sprity of "Old I frwm ,UB uf " 'J m"n Town, and hope U way continue, for which I bare no doubt), though aur "national" may boar down heavily upon iL Hut then all leetione are hlePMd alike in thiii particular. No l.arui tbia " artialil la abon to tin locnhtv in relallin , blaaaing," but like tuu raja ul ttio Dwoolay tl . ...1... .11 .1,1 J. Still thert re those aiuung'us who db'hot seciu to oe ay prog reel, but really Inaial a Ut rw varet that w are aundtng stilly Those bow over who leave here and remuin a way for three r four years, always soe tbiaga Just a our cor respondent did. Well, there Is bo remedy or mediolpo that willcureoonitttutlonaJgrowIeri. Ukhfohd. "A corrvNjMiiidt'ttt of tho C1it9 Ihmocrul, writing from llfdtord tarings, rays that Uen. Cameron, Col. Jams Duffy, of Marietta, aud bis honor Mn.vor liridns are negotiating for tbe purchase of the Kpriugi, and that Lewis llousoal. present proprietor of the Montour U ante at Lot-k Haven In to keep it Ex. Well, it la necessary that!idrrd springs sboold undergo a revolution. It can ba made one of tbe most magniDcent 8uramer rnorti In tbe world. Nature has riobty mdowed that vloluity, but tba artlBolal arraogemenli an terribly out of order. We hope tba gentlemen Indicated will succeed. There ti a mil Hob of money In tho property If controlled by proper enterprise, and if tbe present nkitt unttd, rough-board stalls art tupentded by brlok and plastered wall, the patron I will increase from eOO to 2,000. The surrounding eoatrfry la rlehly endowed fer rusticating purfioeei during the heated term. A more hospitablecom- munlty tba that of Bedford oouutx cannot bo found anywhere, and tho railroad facilities are such that if one li too closely eonuned, tn escape either north or south for fifty or one hunJrrd miles and bak aa bc aeiii)illibiid. Ui tlw metro. Dedford la the place, if flicd on. A'XkW IEPARTl'RB. Tbo inhabi tant of Decearia, Uulioh and Woodward town ships bare never I tad a publie conveyance by wbieb tbey could communicate with tbe outflde, world, oicept vim Tyrone, which com p tiled tlu-m to travel about ality miles (from Olen Hope) lu reach theeounty seat. All public enmmuiiicatloa ; between this place and that section of country was by way of Tyrone. It gives ua pit mure (o ohroui- j cle a decided change lu tub programme. Through the efforts of Senator Wa1Iav, (li-o. W. Kboff, Esq., of Madera, and a few other other, mail route hat been eatablitbed from Osceola Milt, Wn Houttdale and Mmlcra, to OIcb Hope. TU ler- vloa will ba three times a week. Luder I Lis ar rangement, passengers can leave Clearfield ia the morning aud naob Ulen Ilope by noon. Tha advert iemBt of the 8m-ft tfo-orbtrr, found la this issue, will give the reader echcdulr time over Ibis route and tbe neecaaary dulaila for get ting orer this proaperous section of our eounly. A Heavy Hale. The Tyrono Jh m- erat, at last Friday, anys i "Oue of the largest t rati Terr, It' not the lsrg-at, of real estate ever inttde in ttiie jilaoe a i UelDciilny nf ID if wrei. v. t. luiowtn, tlq . sold to Mr. Put. Flvnn, of Jmieiville, his llituk and Hall buildiog, iionting ninety fiot on Main street, for Ibe lum of 1-25,1110. Air, OnliltTell re- aerving a leaae on thu Hank building fur five years. At the lame time, Mr. Caldwull so hi hix Iirivate rtidenre, iucludiug ground, to Mri. H. J. 'Ijno, lor 0,0ln, with tiptional pririiago ul tupaeaion until the lal of .April Most. Jhrywere uth carh sales." UooJ luck to ull the parties coucornod. When we ooiue in pusirsaion of a bundle ot .'vUMU or S0,WI ia -"greenbecLt," we J may indulge in similar oruauienta. Hut now. wo are only M.i ,rlDter ' '- i$ ' ' 1 Ahanuoneo. It will bo noticed by an advertisement In this issue tbnf the corpora tion known as the Kartlmu H rid go and Turn pine Company baa abandoned their charier, and tlut la tbe future no tolh will be collected on the road between Baow Shoe ind Prenclivllle, nor at tbo bridge. Tbo duty of keeping the turnpike in re pair Bow devotvee op0" ,no Pop cr visors ht the townablpt through wbich tbe road ruus. , As tbe one end of tbe kridre ia in Centre oouaty and ue otber in Clearfield, it wit taeotui tho duty of the County Commissioner to keep that tt ret lure )u repair. What condition tbeae improvements arc In, we havt no means of knowing at this time. Ill RoLAitv. Tho WilliuiiiKport A'gi, of the Jittth u)t.. says t "The at ore of JJanleubarg A Sailor, near the Hrrdlo House, on Thursday ninfbl, was entered by some unknown partjl or parties, who gained an i-utranct by opening a window-ahuttor in tbe rear of the atore. The burglars were successful In opening the safe, frstu wbich tbey took a gold watch, tho properly of Mr. Ballot, a rilvsjr watch ami fdd ring bf longisg to Mr, Jlardenborg. and saint other falunttts. The loss Is more than $10,000. Tbo thieves have not yet been aaptured, although tha pollen are keeping a vigilant watch af soma suspevted par ties.' f t ' ' " ' 1 ! - - A Ifioil Flood. Tbo recent ruins have produced what a great many lumbermen have for a long time been praying fur a rise In our r-treams, so a to send the raits and ug, which look like so much driftwood, to tbo lower mark at, wbelber tbe timber brings anything or not. The owners want tho job oft their band, to that they eas east about for something else. The, river aud Clearfield creek were bank-full on Tuesday morn ing, and wa presume that in a lew daya Loijji Haven and Williatnfport will have a full supply of logs, something they hero been looking fur all summer. Mitt. .Miiry 1. Jeidts, iseriot of the late Dr. John W. Jenks, died at tbo residence of; her son, Phinea W, Jenks, Kaq In Punxeulaw ney, Pa., on Saturday afternoon, July 21th, In tbe 78th year of ber age. Tbe deceased was tbo' mother of Hon. Win. P. Jonks, President Judge of the 18th Judicial District, arid Hon.(lcorje A. Jenks, Member of Congress from 26th lUitriot, and mother-in-law of Hon. Isaac 0. Oordon, Judge of the Supreme Courl. Mrs. Jenks, with ber husband, was one of the first settlers of JcfTcr sob county. j 4 It is Out. Wo bud tuudu arrange- ments to publish soon after tbo trial, the charge of Judge Orvlt In tbt miner' ton piracy case, but at tbe request Of Iho ceunact fur defendants wo agreed lo say nothing about Iho ease, much less publish the charge of tha Court, until after all the parties Indicted were tried or dianharged by the Court. Wt ubserra that other Journalist hare sot bad tha Impropriety fit publishing tbt docu ment brought to their noticet or, we may hare beeo hood-winked t ' 1 - " County and Statu Tax. Treasurer Win this week forwarded the duplicates of County and State tales for 174 to the Constables tn Ibe several boroughs and townships. Those persons who cannot vote this earning rail without the payment at a taa, should boar tes mind tho fact that tbt ai irnnl ha paid tu tbe Comteblt. r Collector, before (he first day of October, flia payment of taiei ea election day to enable par tlee to vote it illegal aud subjects tbe otHcer and eitisan to heavy penalties. TheCloarfiold County NornmlSthool at CarwoBavillt tloard last week . J he normal it e all participated ia a pie nlo, held in a grove near town, on Friday, and wa understand had a real pleasant tad prtfitabm time. NibJuir,wbaierrr, Interfered to mar the frttirltie and enjoyment or the day hot eveo a shower of rain. A largo number of the students passed through this plane on Ibe train last Saturday afternoon, on tbo way to their hornet. Wo nro imlt'l'trH lo tliu rmnjtilt'r. Thomas II. dreary, Ksq., for a copy of iho Al toona City Directory, and which also contains a directory of tbe principal towns In Rlalr and Clearfield It Is a valuable contribution la a local way, for which the author deserves thanks as well aa lo bt liberally rewarded for hie undertaking. The work Ii gotten up In a n-nt style, and Ii handsomely printed. It It a omllt In both compiler and printer. 1 6 Jlitrry Snyder, liavintf, ro tittetl and etherwiee improved the appearance of his shav ing talooa, It bow presents an Inrlting appear ance. Harry Is aa auterprialng young man, and thosa desiring a good, clean snavt anouii tan Oil M. l. Ull P'"' TP"'1" "', i'"Tt llon.o, .0 Morkal ftrt.l. 90 1 . r Tho Into contiiiiKinii rniim linvo tint tiM o loo to " wbert ond rj. .roff hkb .... bM. ,toliilll( oot I. Ih. I. Id. I. lioeta.J B.t tho rla. Ill oor Mrromi tloklf loo hilrmn bo bu boot nit "P blfb nJ ir" Ur o.ortbrao aoalki, .blob .boaia bl. U.n .1 NirMoi I. April. ' i In Dintkikh. I'urlilc, the "lorl" of lb. Mi Tlt (Col.) U-roli t ilib tl bli "on" lb Iblo l ! ' t f -Dosorwl tbK llh. Umltr tort- " ' ' ....J i.ra. -oaibo. -Wbllo Mw. ... wo Inl lb.1 oar ! to bi. ,.lo, for a., Ii... la hi. f.lo, for aa doabl, lor. a, aoro liar, drapory rrablao aad a.rapbla, Ibaa ..lipalurlbobral aorM-Morr or. tbio b. b0 k.loa to lb. .boral woald raral.b ,tllo. horo tf.rr. "HC WANTED TO BEE THE DENTIITER.1 ' A. A. Carlllc, a former "dovil" Id tlili offloe, af terwards "toea!" OB tha Drook villa Jtjfirtonittm, ta angHged M such on tha Fair Play (Colorado) St-timttf aud U seems that ha baa turned dtnliat " " i ! WM wi.lli-a and in Ha me. I until it n-aeinbled ,u """ '' r iriwauKar boat ; hi. head ""vel.d in alM.ut fourteen yards of red ntn,nel' ' he blew hts nose on a pile of manuscript in which wt had bemoaned the actio of tuttiiKtlie, lie aked I 1 "lie you tlic local editor the man what writ them pieoea about tootb carpmtter 1" We auktiowaadred Iho soft lmeaobment and ootltintt' itxiutrtid wherein we might bonatltbim. 'Wall, I've beern tell Unit tberv was some here, and yru'd got word from a half dosen more dent islcrs that tbo were coming lu pull teeth, and I thouglil I'd ooiuo and ask you wliwb was the beat one. You sw inv lesth are awlul bnrd to gut out, and you might as well try to pull a petrified slump with a flrbin line as to get a dentister at 'nil that dn't understand bis buaiueai." "Aro you troul'lud with the toothaclio TH wo arled. "Tronhled, mister ! 1'roulilsd ain't bo nume for itl Night afore last when I wrht to bod that 'era tootb was grow li n' around kind o' niieusy like,, and I k unwed It would give me thunder afore worn in'. After while I want tu sleep and got to dream in' thai Monkey the follow what got on that salve, yon know had invented a patent pill machine with seventeen fly wheels and a orosi-eut saw attachment, an' that while It was gofn' at tbe rate of a million boaea an hour, I'd got my bead mixed up with tbe wheels, aud then 1 wakod un to find that tootb just a Jumpln' and rearin' like a bob-tailed maveriek In fly time. I put in cotton, camphor, liniment, caster oil, eatarrb remedy, solium' syrup, vermifuge and all tba medieine I could find around the bouse, but It won Id n l stiiT.and Is jrotn' yet. Oh-h-b," and be ! threw ont his toga and arms in a paroxysm of agony, upsetting tbe paste-pot and striking tbo devil, wlio had just eome up alter epy, in the brend baikct with sufficient lore to knock more wind out of hi ro than ho has had since be ran tbo I last fool race. - . We are tetider-huartrd, and thought that por- hups the promise of sp-edy relief might render i the pain more endurable, and to Wo proceeded to I oonfdo biin by remarking :, VT, rulleuiuegououi, n. i', r, it. a. s , oi the Rovnl l)rntl Academy, of Herlln, bu en gngod the adjoining room, and will be here to morrow. His instrument hav already arrived, and it' their extent and ouelUy arc any criterion by wbk-h lo judftc of bis proficiency, we can oafely recommend him.'' 1 ' 'Milter, would you mind letlla' a feller tea them li, sire men tf. "inquired the auflerer. , "Certainly not, ' wc milted, and then we wi down ttniri and got the monkey wrvneh, shooting stick, press wrvueh, milenng saw, a oouple of side sticks, and had culler, and bringing them wo Ibi.1 llinin tiolorw. Wu ftt lint in I it J Ia bun upon their flin'tif of temper, ind endeavored to villain to him huw it would Ixi to axtraet ft I relrautorr touth with audi instruments, butaa bol tuin d them over he anrwerod i '1 (tu't know about gettin' thai tooth drawed jit. l're lieera that these den list or tan plug up iMtk ii ou, lliitv'ni (itid daw. alui If I it it drmwed my month II look almu.t as bad as yours; its 'Tudtl.lemt Jut-k's.' or el mi I'll burs to Set a m.w i eolh, and that'll eott mere'n havin'this a flllsd. "ike Ur. baa all tbo iuatruuicnts acceaiary for Citing teeth," wu replied, "wait a moment," and wo w;tit down ntuirf and brought up tbe mallet, oervw driver, enld chine), a rat-tall file, a handful oi two line Keglisb jnndnd sown roller ooiu poHUou, Wv explained lo huu that the instru ment n were Ufed lor imcrling the filling, that tho quids were what was called "hard tilling," and the roller composition "soft filling," and that he could have bia clioioe. JJut bo luid them duwn cortowtuHy, and as be pulled off tbe flannel from nis upper jnw he mid : '! tuoa I'll let it go a little longer. It don't hurt otur aa bad dw a it did when I eome bore, and I remember now tbiit grandmother used to nlway put ft in ber teeth when they ached, au' I guess I'll go homeland try some. Oood day, miNlur 1 I'm tuuub olflcd lu you fur abowin' me thuui ibing'1, tint I don't think them Iutch mo ple's teeth ia like otir'n for 1 iverwr saw such ln itrumenta afore." ilc didn't think be had done any harm, but Ir. I'ulkiubeg-'di.ut lKt a cuotomer, and our render and ibe world lost that brilliunt teuiper nnre ellusion as the result of his visit. .Mu, i, JliuNr.i). On 'J'liursday niorn- Uig (July l!-d) about 8 v'eloek, the large mill propeiiy of J. S. fur st, nt Cednr Hprlngp, Nittany Vitllry, kmiwn as the Iidund Mill, was set on fire, and tbo Hour mill and warehnu'e, eoutaining 7,untl l.uihels of wheat, i.UUO buj-hlof ci)rn,3,0U0 buKheli of emtn, sflvtral hundred bushels of rye, and over lOti barrels of flour, and about fcioo worth ot seeks aad bairs juat- received, were de stroyed. About l,jl)U hut-he is of ( rain were saved in a iln inured Mate, and about l,0(0 bunhcls were hnoled awity by nHihhors In a damaged state for feed. OI the grain ia the mill, about J.atW bushels were on sturuge. nliiuh tba owners lose. There wax no hmiraiiec on the grain, which was the proprrtv of tho Fund Rror., tbe last insurance having expired a couple of weeks piarloun The mill was insuitd for alti,utu ; of litis ,000 waa in the Lycoming, f2,K) in the raruiera Mutual, of Hnnville, and ft.nOO ftt the Sugar Valley Mu tual. The milt waa running at tho time it waa burnt,' Piro commenced ua the second or third story, aod had got under such headway when lirst secu ItiBt it couldn t ue stoiipeil. Alter caretuliy considering all tbo circumstances, the owners art of the opinion that the tiro waa the work of aa incendiary. Tho mill was valuod at -0,iMO, and after ibe insurance is puid Ibe owners Kill lost at least ?,wuu. (.viaron itmtiw. CAMP MEETING AT WALLACETON. A Camn Meeting, under the charge of Graham Urn Circuit, Methodist Kpiecopel Church, will be held soar vallaoion, cioartieiu couuiy, !'.. com mcneing Thursday, August 12th, and continuing one week. A boarding tent oa tbo Camp grounds will bt cuuduckid tor the ootiotuuiodalnm of the public, on the lullowiiig lerma 1 , Fir irason sovea dnye...i $fi OA one day. .uu.... 124 " dinmir 40 " breakfaol, or sopper 40 The Ttrnceeila of the boarding tent are to be ap plied to tbo erection of tho tiuw M. K. Church at W aJlaeeton, Pa. Uy urder of he Camp Meetiug C" 111 id it lac, ,,,,,. I.'SW, 2t ' ' ' !' 1,1 ' " Presrher In Charge. wmm o A Ml R At U LOL H KkCA PE. Ah t llO flint exiiress frutzbt.unilerchsrirft of Conductor McCaus- Intid, entered Incoming creek bridge, 00 Tuesday nljrftt laal, at I3:J0, an uhifet, baring the appear- mi tf a parson, was noticed by tbo engineer walking on tho track, about haK way to the bridge. The engineer gnve the usual aignal and reverter! tits ensvne. fmt tneooreet nam no aua t ion and was si rock by the cngiou. Tba ahook was very slight, aa the engine a motion had nearly been spent. On examination, the object turned out to be a woman, allotted by eomnembulipm. The only injury received was a few slight outa about tbo head.; Considering ber perilous situa tion, the ineidunl waaciaiting, and tier escape from Instant death was miraculous. Kennvn feeerrf, Attack K bt'a Bbah. Several Jays sinne while K. J. Harris and Wu, Wolf were pieking huekleherrieson the innuntainDear Water- vilte, tbey came aorofn an old bear and two cubs, the I wo Utter were trord and one of thorn shot, when the Did mother oumo to tho rescue of ber bolier, and opened a "ruugh-end tumble fight. Afltr fighting aouic time and having their clothes almost torn from them, Mr. Wolf shot her in the bead, wbieb killed her. liuriog tbt "engagement" , the bear rcceiwd four balls and six kmle stabs. Mr. Wolf, Jr., who eanio to their resruo with a gun, had one of hts legs very badly lacerated, but by applying oil taken from tbe old bemr ho is slowly recovering. Reuben Harris bud bia "mug" hosed right atnartly. Jertry HKort Htmld, w m - Harm Rt'RNKn. Tho v frame bank barn of Samuel K. Mohan, of Bufflngton township, was entirely destroyed by tire 00 tbe mnrniag of the It)tk tnst together with tbe oon teats. The Are was discovered almut 2 Vclook, a. m., but the building was en far burned hut lit tle eould be dnnt to sere property. At the time there was a heavy stutm ut wind aud rain, accom panied by Ihunder and lightning passing over, and It is supposed that the barn waa struck by tba lightning. It was with great difficulty that Ibe dwelling hen no adjoining was sarod. The loss Is heavy as there was hut a light insurance on tUe building. The contents were covered by la snrsnoe. ImHnna Ifrmotm', Jmty 2V, A Fikniuhh AtT. On Fiitlity lttt a big was taken into Uia mill of Uarrison, Fuller A Co.. iu whirb a laice rruke had been driven by some evil disposed person. The result was the almost utter destruction of a good saw, and the narrow escape from death of tuo of tho employes on the mill. The person that wonld thus endan ger tbe lives at iaoeean man, a no sjuss tue de struction of property, ia equal to any crime in the catalogue, and no punishment it too eevrre for bitn. lirBokviiU JfffTamiam, Lint nf iHtoin ivrnriinfnrr unclnimed In the 1'nptr.frVe ot Clearfield, for the week ending August 21, 1H74 : Arthur, Hubert C. Arthurs, f, Warner It. II, Arilla J. Bell, Wm, C. ' llrewbman, Wm. P. Ilrooks, (leorgo ITudion, T. Menohbarfrrr, D, C. Johns, S. P. Kooser, Cortue TI. (2) Rnbins, John Wiley, Joseph W. P. A. (lAt'LIN, P. M, Specials, At'UUST FLOWER. Tht most miserable Mnga In the world aro thme sufTerlng Iroin Iyspepla ami Liver Com plaint. More than trvenly-tlve per ent. of the neottle In tht t'nited ft a tea are afflicted with these two diea and their effect! snob as sour j itoolfB( ,iek hdarbt, habitual oostivonosa, im- ur blnnd, b.rtliurn, w.lrrbro.h, itnnwlng oad lurninK p.ln otllioplt-H too rtoniarn, yoiiow iki.. otd toD,uo and dl.aitrro.ble taato la tbo aj.ulb, Mnmil ap ol lb. lood atlw ..lln,, low nirita. 1. Uo U lb. lira, HH of C. W W alto. tad get a 7. Mat botlla, or a .nail botlla lor I. aonu. Try it. U. U. Uaaia, Bulo lUnolaotaror, oh il I41)f. Wooi-auar, M.J. Ulliip that oajh. Ur. Mrrla' .rrup al Tar Wild Ch.rr. anil llor.buond to KuarantMd to euro oonirlia, ldr, boaraMroa, or any d,M.M af Iho throat, laiiKl or loadioK to euoiuiittloa, ia Irra tina tbaa aril otbor pnaaralioa. aothi.K II.. I a. Ii... ..or aol.l Mt. M urunr-tlr aod wait ll oarro oroup la a low niautoa and ia tho boot kaowa rtmoilr fur whoo ia, ouab. Coatalaa ao opium and ia to tako. Cuagh .ora .to iiaa. .boa. luaia aro rackrd aad tura with par- , lad aaro and p..d; rinol I T.i.l flat, J "" ',? : ! Clr.t6.ld ; P.Coilr, A (a, Willie H. lorr.y,rabamtoa, and P. Hi-jar, bu. aaro ana r.n.i .row u. . auairoroi T. jor, Kjlorto.a. I nrh limwlr, Call on B. M- M'Knally and get your Ufa In sured In the Old Continental Life Insurance Com pany, of Hartford, Coua. augll-ly Bbai R. M. M'Rnallj'i advertisement la re gard to Lift Insurance. 12aug-1 BuuaiKi Fob Bam. K. Newton Shaw keeps a fnl I supply of Fredonia Buggiea and Platform Wagons fur sal. To bo seen at tbe Hbaw House yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Ptnn sy Irani a. may 13-tf. Dlnrrird. O. Tliar.ilar, Jul; J2.I, IMTft. b; JM A Cwf..i.u, K.i., Hi. AMIIIKW l'KAHI'K, or J.IT.r.un ouunly, .nil Mil. 1IAI1Y EUKA.SclH 1'KA.SK, or U.ll leu. hip, Vle.rleld oouuty, fit. At lh or (ho briuVi poronl., on Tliur.d.r, Jul; 12,1, 1 874, bj H.. Jm Uoir, Ur. IV. J. SMATIIKIlH.or Humlr(.r, I'LitBold muni;, I'.., an.1 Mil. MAIIlilK V. t'UI.TuN, of Hulokiburg, liiill.a. oountjr, Ho. On Piind.r, Aiicnil til, 1.179, by Ho. ', II. Dux, Mr.JOHKPII HIDKIl.or WooHUml, Ulror fl.ltl wuot, Vm., oo4 liro. XATILUA DAMu.N, ur l'uiliiiburg, Coutr. oouoty, Po. sua. la (Ilea Hope, Clearfield county, Pa., on Mon Itiy, July iVth, U76, infant obild or K. W.d M.U. ItKKO. aged o weeka and S days. In Rojnoldavilte, Pa., at tbt realdenot of Mr. H. H. Cu, on Monday, July IVth, IH75, Miss K 1.1! IK A llKAUi-UHlJ, formerly or Karthaua, Cluarhold eounly, Pa., in tbe lOibyearol borage. At Ilrookvllle, Pa., on Tuesday, July 27th, lT4. or diptherla, BPP1K BLANCH K, daughUr of Lara yktt b M. and A. A. tfciijiBLb, aged 3 years, I months and If days. Pennsylvania Railroad TYRONE ft CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Monday, MAY 23, 187ft, the Pasaenior Trains will run daily (eicent Hun- days) botwoon Tyrono and Clearfield, aa followa CLEARFIKLD MAIL. 1 1 ' W. C. Ibwih, Conductor. "L K A V B 8 O U T U . T" L K A V K N 0 R T 11 CurweuavieMJ:l, p.m. Tyrono . 9.00, Clearfield 5.40, " I Osceola... 10.10, " Philipeburg....4.35l " Phllipaburg., . 10.14, ' Oieeola... 4.60, " Clearfield. ... 1 1.20, " Tyrone ,...9.00, j Curwenaville..lli4li, 41 ' CLBAHFIBLO BXPRBB8. iM W.fl. Plumhbk, Con duo tor. LKAVB 80UTII.7 L K A V E N O RTH Curwcnsvllle...4.S0 i. a. Tyrone 7.00 p.m. ClearfloM ft:15 " Intersection ...7.07 Phllinafaure-. 6.10 ' Oaooola 1.00 " I Oaceola .2 Pbillpaburg ...8.24 " Interaectlon.. 7..H0 " Cleartleld,arM..2t " Tyroue. 7.S7 " , Curwenarllle..V.40 M BALD BAULB VALLEY BRANCH, Mail. Mall. " H. Kip. P. H. 1.10 12.48 32ia 11.40 11.40 1 1. SO 11 ot 10.30 a. m. p. H. 8 J tl.4: leave Tyrone arrive (1.14 7."1 7.44 H It V.IO Raid Krtgle 4.48 10.07 Julian A.IA 10.40 . Mileobura; 4 40 10.42 llellefonte 4.99 1L04 Mileaburg 4.24 1U4 Howard 4.00 12.14 arrive L. Haven leave S.I4 TV HONK STATION. u - 02 .43 BAHTWAHD. A M WaaTVTABn. A U PaoIRc Kipress, f i7 Pittsburg Kip is, 2:07 Uarrtihurg Aoo m, A:4 favitlo hxpress, V 24 p v f p a Mall Train, :2it Wy Passenger, 1:13 Atlantic Kipress, fl -ift! Mail Train, 8:41 Phiia da Kxprcaa, 10:l2Poat Line, S:4tt FARR FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Rellefnnte, Pa (3 4 Iiek Haven 2 70 Wiliiamntiort. S 00 Huntingdon M 1 SO MlddlettwB ...H....$4 00 Marietta 4 40 Lancaster ft 84 PHILADELPHIA T 04 Altoona 1 04 Johnstown...,.,,... S B0 Lewiatown I vo Maryevillc u, 4 60 UAHlU.Sbi;KU. 4 74 PITTSBUKU ft 14 Close onnneotions made by all trains at Trroaa and Look Haven. 8. B. II I. AIR, ylT-tf. Superintendent. inv giflmtisfiumts. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, WUOLISALR nBAIiBB IU WINES AXI) LKCORS, CLEARFIKLD, PA. My plaoe of balneas ia on Market street, dl reetly opposite the Court House, where I desire 1 to keps full stock or PliKK LWUOR3, and will warrant thorn to be snob to my customers. UivemeaoalL July 21, '74-tf. WHOLESALE LIQUOB STORE. At tbo and of tbt new bridge, WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. The proprietor of this establishment will buy his liuora direct from distillers. Parties buying from tbia bouse will bt sure to get a pure article at a small margin above tost. Hotel keepers can bo fnrnii-htd with liquors on reasonable terms. Pure wines and brandies direct from Steloy'i Vinery, at 11a tb, New York. OHORUE Ii. COLUL'RM. Clearfield, June 10, 1874-tf. VSTJBLISUHO IN! 1 7. PURE RYE WHISKY. We again eall your attention to tbt above tele brated brand of goods, and we do so with the con viction that there la a groat want eilsling among ft vast number of persons who art compelled to use, medicinally or otherwise, a pure whisky. To supply this want we offer Halle) e Pure Rye, an article which has been before the publie for a number of years, Its reputatloa standing high at a thoroughly re-liable stimulant among medical man. As au evidence, quite a number of our eminent physielans prescribe It to the exclu sion of all others. Being made oa tht beet known scientific prin ciples, from tbe choicest grain, and by practical distillers. It retains a delightful flavor, and, greatly improved by age, makes it largely sought after by first-class hotels and druggiata. Should you desire to give this whisky a trial, and are In doubt as to whether your hotel or drug gist keep It, (aot having one of our signs display ed,) write to us and we shall bt mort happy to direct you to tht persona who handle our goods In your neighborhood. We aro also sole proprietors and mannfactnren trtbawetl-kntwn DR.STiKVKR H TUNIC H Kit B MTIKK8, whioh baa been successfully used fur orer thirty yean as a Blood Purifier, autl-Dya. peptio and Tonic. HITRY A CHRIST, Maoh2i'7 111 N. Third Hi., Philadelphia. IJROCLAMATION. CURWEXBYILLB, JTKE I, 187i. Please take not lot that after this wo will pot lively adopt tht CASH SYSTEM. By adopting this plan wo will bt ablt to tell goods as follows 1 MRU'S CALF BOOTS, formerly told at fid.OO, we oaa sell on the cash plan for... SA.IM) MEN'S KtP BOOTS, formerlv Sold at $4.00, wo tan sell oB tJt eaah plan for..... I.(H1 LADIES' SHOE, formerlv sold at a.1.00. we can still on tba cash plan for. w'J.fJO LADIES' SHOES, formerly sold at 12' 40, wa can a II on tbe cavb plat for W.OO and all roods wt sell proportionately low. Wt have tbe largest aod best Selected stock of 1IOOTN A Mil OEM, In Iowa, and by adopting the cash system will bt ania 10 sen as mw aa any oiner nouae in uie oouu- tv. H e mean buslnesa. vt e won t bt underaom, All floods must bt paid for before leaving tbe tore. We also keep on hand a full lint of Boot and hnot findings and keatber. u. A. ItUPS UU. CurwcBsrillo, Juat 2, 1S74. XO THE FARMERS rLEARFIELP COUNTY. No more excuses for not buying a Mowing Machine on rocoant of ao rain. M. G. BKOWN k I1RO. Havt Just ordered a ear load or machines. Farmers, push your business. It la tht only businea In wbich there has not been a prostra tion tf prices and scarcity of money. . Conn ties that depend on farming are rail or money. Lancaster City Banks re I a so money on deposit, aa farmers have filled their to Hers. Business la reviving la tht east tllve heed lo farming. Do not let as send ont of aur county for produce any mora. Cease ta lumber until merchants art compelled to eome hero tt buy your timber, then you are aura of a fair price. Remember that RROWH A RRO. are selling Tbt WOOD and tht BTCKRYB MOWERS and HKAPER0. OOATK8' OHIO LOCK LEVER HAY RAKB, Five difiejoat kinds af HAY FORKS. Ellis A Hoffmen's ONH HORflR THRESHING MACHINES. DUCK BY! QRA1M DRILLS. CIDER MILLS. WIND MILLS, CUTTINO BOXER, aad aaythlng alee im tha Hat wanted by farmer. They a III tell for taeh am easy terms, tr ei eaaage fer trade. Call oa M. 0. BROWN A BRQ., Market street, cieaneid, re aujoiBiog Noasoa's store. Jaat 10, 1874 2m. f ru good,, 6rowi0, (5tr. KRATZER & LYTLK -TIIK- NEAV FIRM! IN TIIRIH COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Ar nurkins .l..n ll.ilr , ' IMMENSE STOCK OF MM)1)S, to tbt loattt 1 1 CASH PltIOEHi; Reduntd apenet and lolling for ready pay enables them to do It. They will endeavor to bt HE A 1HIVA KTJEHM for; the cUiseaa of Clear Geld with , , , nnty DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Drew Unods, Boots and Hkos, Groceries, . Wall Paper, Ijueensware, , Ac., Ac. And ail other goods In their line. N. B.-TKKMS CASH. M. KUATZKR, U. LYTLK. Clearfield, Per. 1(1, 1874. ED. W. GRAHAM, 1IEAI.BK IN , '' ' , GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQlAltE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Haa Juit opi-nrd, ot tlie old t.ntl, In Oraliftra no., . otfi.M noon or jr k ir o o u s, ' ofovery deiRriptlon. '' dry 0001m, . 0KOCKUIKS. HAKDWAUE, BIKITS AND SIIOK, CLOrillSO. rf.,.hi.. IX GREAT VAItlKTV. FLOUK, .. .. ,. ... . M I. AT, . , , .. SALT, : . KYK, OATS, CO UN, ALWAYS ON IlANn AND FOlt SALE AT A SHALL ADVAKVK FLO Ul "" iLeoelved b tht oar load, aud sold at a smalt advance. A 'upply of ItOl'K eons tan Hy on hand. Special tnduoemoutt offerad to those gettlcg out Square Timber and Logs, as wt deal largely la Lumbermen's S applies, and art pro pared at all times to purchase) tim ber and lumber. ' Ill), W, OR All A M, Marktt Street, CLKARFIELD, PA. Oct 23, 1872. . . II ARD TIMES HAVK NO HFFKCT IN FRENCH VILLE I I am aware that there art some persona a little nerti to lease, anu i am also aware mat the complaint of "hard timet" ts well nigh universal. But l am to situated now that lean satisfy tbe former and prove conclusively that "hard times will not effect those who buy tliriranodsfrom me, aad all my put rent ihal,l Ite Initiated Into the at. crot of IIOW TO AVOID. HAKD TIMES I have goods enough to aupnly all the inhabl- tantJ In the lower end of the county whiih I sell at exceeding low rates from ray mammoth atore In HtJLhUMitiHtt, where 1 can always ba round j ready to wait upon eall era and mpply than with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Buoh at Cloths, Satlnetta, Caaslmeret, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Calieott, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Clothing, Boots aad Shoes, Hate and Caps all of tbt beat malarial and made to order lluse, Bocks, moves, Mitlena, Laott, ill boons, Ao. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt Pork, Linseed Oil, Ftsli Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen n ware. Tinware, Casting, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Uu Hi ro tors, Cider Praaeee, and all kinds of Axaa. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, flless, and a general assortment of Stationery, - ( Q0OD I FLOUR, 01 different brands, always on hand, and will be told at tha lowest possible figure. J. II. MrClaln'a Medicines, Jayne'i Medicines, 11 octet ter't and Iloofiand'a Bitter. 4000 pounds of Wont wanted for which the highest prloe will bt paid. Clovereeed aa hand and for aale at tbo lowest market price. Also, Agent for Straltonville and Curwsnsrillt threshing Machines. fcax.Call and see for yourselves. You will Ind everything usually kept In a retail store. L. M. cnilDRIRT. French-Ilia p. 0., August IS, 1874. VKW STOKE A.ND NEW GOODS JOS. SIIAW & SON Hot ual opened a Ntw Htom, on UainHt.,Ci..rli.u, l' l.lnlr occupLd hf Wm. f. MtWlS. Thoir atoclt oonai.laol Gboclliu nf tb. boat quality, Quef.nswark, Doots niid Slioca and i-Tcry Article DrorHiri for oaa'a oomfort. Call und aiatnin. our stock b.for. -ur cliaaiD, alaawb.r. May fi, 1800-tf. S' TEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AHU BOILKHD Fori BALK. Tha andrr.l.n.d oF.ra for aal. o. rra.onabla torna, thalr ataaol aaw mill, loealod al Waltaoa toa, Cloartold t'a Fa. Tb. aagiaa and aollara ara aa good aa aow. Tho alio .r lb. iglo. la 14.24, aad la In goo. ranning ornor. jury win aha ..II -hrtr ohtngl. aad will, aad all Ib. worklag aiaobla.ry ' tba Bill. Farliaa wlablag ta panhoao cna call oa or adilro.a r QRAIIAM, WALLACE A CO. CloarlrM, Fa., Jan- "". I'- g$mVf Column. WILLIAM HEED AT COST ! Having dntermiiicd to reduce my stock very low, I will gell for GO NEXT PAYS , AT Actual Cost! Buyers in need of DIIY IGOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, bIiouKI give iIiIh utlontion, as tliey will receive BARGAINS ! kUj rniNTs, t 8 cent. GRKNAlllN'KH, ut 18, 20 and 25 el.. TYCOON KEl'H, nt 20 cvnU FINE PONGEE SIT.KS, nt 45 cent- TABLE LINENS, t llli cent VTlllTK GOODS, v.-ry cheap. In fact everything at such prices that they arc IIO UN IS TO NKIjIj I AT COSTI WILLIAM REF.D. Room No. I, Opara lloaH, l.arly .ppoait. tbo ro.1 UHrw, Clr.r8.ld, April T, 1871. MT.18'74 JrM b09&t,Jkt. iT. OPPOSITION TO IMPOSITION! T. A. FLECK & CO., oro dturaload to Mil DRY-GOODS, t prloai that aonpatlUoa. i ID,0I yard, or aolltalr aow draa. good.. MutiardaHlaob Aluaooa. . ... Tha oolahratad Cull'oi(ooJ Braad, ai knowl odgod tb. but gaoda for tbo prloa arer put w tbo Bumaiar Caalm.r.a, a largo aaaorlaonl. yory oboap. t, , I. A DIS DllESS GOODS. I' ... ... . Ladloa whit. droa. gwda, I, graal r.riotj. labia, ahlla, and la aoionj.. wa. do. a. frto. 1 baauilfal tot af R.mmor, boagbi tl a bargala ud will b. Mid nrj Vow. , v i i ' I Ladles' Bonnets and Hats. Hall and Baii.u,lrimno4aad natrlmnd.ln ib. Tory lato.1 Myiaa, mlM for trimaiiBg, and arwy artlol. aal for Mllibory. Ribbon., Laeaa, nroaia.O., Ml aatlralyoow. ' ( Ladies' Dress Trimmings, A lara. liaaaf Draaa TrinHln. '... -i 1 to bo aold rary obeap ' rwrvmm ,a ,au una, raai aloo. ThoAarotrarioty oruriataoroallM.v.rkn.n.k. to tbia Iowa, from t to It w, aar rani. .'I I t ,. .. . , i ,i i.. Uiaa Ulllaa T. A. VI.K0K, A. M. HILLS. Mtirn , Q1IANGE OP i'niJl'IUKTOKS. Tho aodoraianod bavin. tl.n.l.uMl ....... rooile ad liroiicrtv farm.rlv mJ k. i, oa Honond ttratl, Clr.rliold, adupla Ibial ajotaod of briaglag bia ba.iaauu, tha aotioo rf i to. panito, and roaiia lo faraii bia pMrona .lib th.v.rj but quali; of .., BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, at ..riding low Kim. Thl. I ao, onahlrd to do, botaoM I bare no ronl lo pay, aad can thore foro dlrid. lb. proi. with ny oaatomiira. It ?',. . " ,h' "" " aap-rlnioat with no, bat If Mlhog a good arllolo rr a low Dgoro ra tio., ooaloa and ..panda trado, I am buoad ta av.d la ny unduukiog. dir. an a oalL ox amino my .tuck aad laari njjf priooa. To ay Itrgo .took af boot, and ihooi, h.l. nJ apa, I ban jaal Ml fall atork or . . - 4 I ' . . ' I ' . ! I, t "!,; i . Gents' Furnishing GooiU, wbtob I will ull .1 tb. r.rr Kgon, fn, aab, ar ia oaobaag. for aoaotry produr., at tbo UIGHKST MARKET PRICK. i Call ud naailaa aiy otaok aad prtoaa bolbr. vw. hmih, w..u.ra. . .. .. ,;.' ( , , rBIKHMrOBOHUS. ClrarMil, April tl, l;4. JEVV OPENING. SHOWERS'' BOOT & SHOE .ir I v HAT & CAP ilHTORK. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, market murr. A full and Kinplol. af atw gunli and aw atylra, down ta HAJU) PAN" I'KICKS. Clllaont ara Inrllnl la mil and Mamin. my atoob aad Jadg. for iboaiaalroa a. la aalily and ' ' JOSEPH B."SII(IWKH!' Cl.arO.ld, April 14, 11174. i . ' v . BY ' N. E. ARNOLD, . CtRWI.NnVlI.LB, PA.. ; t , (Steoeator to) Arnold 4 Hartshorn. JOfMMNI Sn-lnrh Hharad dhlnglrfc JO.IMK) poand. if Wool. 1-artloa baring long Shlngloo ar Wool for oitb- or will da wall to oall ra aio, Ta. bigbrat aiar kat piio. paid at all tlmra. i ; AIm, a fall aad ooaiploto ataok of DllY GOODS, - HATS & CAPS, BOOTH .ft N1IOEN, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, .blob will ba Mid at maaaabhi priwa, n ol abangaJ for ablagh. ar wo.!. N.I. ARNOLD. UK May , 1Mb. WX1.LIAU ti. HKNKY, Jomrrg .r raa Pa.ra BrmiTaaaa, LVIItCR OITY. CollMlioaa aa.da aad Boaay aroaptly aald arar. ArtlelM of acraaia.nt and aM. .1 aoaTayaaaa Mlly aiaoaud aad warraatrd nor. raat a. a. aaarga. . aajy i . $5" (AApir Day M Lome. Trmi free. IftV Addren (1. Atinmun A Co., Port land, Mttn. jMST-ljr The PobRj.:- Civ: Tho i Pii.icip'23 f n 4-to!d - -:i WVUiC tit (; A - '.'rx - 4 Rallying Vcrc's KAJliJjiK I EiH I i! IB I B I B IIINI have taxed to their UTMOST n11 thalr vast SwillUaa f"CA8H CAPITA!., IKHOICE OP MAhKFTS. , , I j ..-COMPETENT WORKMEN, 1OTCOMPHEHEN81V TnE Result is 4-foid. HERrECTING OF mmm of UTTING DCWM I UCE OF BUvStiSS ENLARGED. BV totao'aVDulla, '.'Obitwict. ! ltd. 1 0ttl, ' m riiii n WAMAKESl & BROWN OAK HALL, S.E. Cor. 6th & Market Sts riinadclpliia. lUisrrUanrous. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, ,f1iJi !'i,iirT,7 1 ii't'a SECOND FTliKUT, CLEARFIELD, PA., ;J riRAi.Riia is . U rRAI.RII9 IN - PUItK DllUGS! , ., CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OILS,' DYE STUFF VAKNIKI1E8. . . .... i - BBtlHIIKH, ',"; l-KHFtlalMtr, FANCY 0 r.ou I U 1 i ' ' ' 1 7 i ! TOILET AKTICLKS, il i I ( ) lli IV In I I I I .. i , ' .'.i i' ..! or Ait. kinds, ' ; 'i PURE 1YIXE8 AXZ LIQUORS, far aiadiolaal parpmua. Tru.ara, Pupport.ra, School Booka and Station ary, and all otbor artirlr. uaually found in a Drug Stor.. I'HVSIOIANS' P11KSCKIPTIONB CARE FULLY t'OMI'ul'MibU. Ualiaga largo ol n.rienoo In tho buainoa. tb.y caa giv. .nlire aat Ufaetion. , i i . - . i ' ' J. 8. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IKW1N. ,, Uraaiaar l, Ill M, THE CLEARFIELD FIliE CLAY CO. . r. ,: CLEAUFIKLI), PA.f F1U13 It It U K, Furnace Blocks, (ins Rrtorls Stove Liiiiugs, Paving Tiles, La, Vhlmnty Top, llfiidoie I'ttpt, All kinds of Architectural Adornments. OllUlINAl, DESK1NS IN TKRRA COTTA MADK TO ORDER. With Improved muhiovrj, flrat elaaa natarlal and skilled workman, wa can warrant all our manufacturta ta be aqnal to If Dot luparlor to y in Hvt Dtarsau r , Artlete ofr fcwnfaetura du h tmt mi tha Wurlt, near Railroad Depot, of at the Hard war btore of Pawcii a Morga All ortlfri fron a distant, adtlritd to tb OaiMraJ tuparintndnt, will rcwolTa imnpt t. icniioD. J. C. IIARTHW K k, JOnV KKROLSON, Oen'l8ut. f Hvathflfld, Oarnkirk, PootlaD.1, . Snpt. MM)rMtria tfU 1 tiirtO'TI Jrjpjfr'i Poultry Powdir. ler .and a bnslawal of I (FrtriiiM'reiientlos toeloso- ' hums ana prtipar ivonitif. Villi a ntraNiful stiniil of 1nat,erttandrellrifrrlnlrmBaUI,any onrmty ksoip ruuluy it t an I a ron Bnrinaii i ( for an j I etxg th of lima, with truth prtitltand pleasure, l'ackaic Cto, flreforiioe. k ynar dealer. Aent tree npoa r A. C. MKTKB CO BaltUnQr Jeoelfl 3n i - poiSALIi. Ibe andrraiftned, deteminad tn reduce 1(0011 and material, nmA U dlpoM of, at eicecdtog lew ratea, a number of HOIISKS & UAKNKSS, (AHKIAGKS k BITUGIES, WAGONS, AC, AC, I ean nifiiljr parties with eltbor new or seeonA hand carrlaaea. bnciira, or wagons,! fabtoual low prices. Horse, oll and yn. n name to match. Parlies In need of either cannot baj tbvm M oheaply aaywher else. tiuva 1 ivi v jAiwino u. iitni . Cloarlelil, April 18, I871..H QOMB AND BKTTI.r-. I herabv sire aolln to any cufttimert that K am dvWrnuntd fc have all mj nn-eiikd neannta eloscd at aa early a erid as possible. If ensto- ncr nannol pay, let inrm eooie wrwara ana Ue their aoaoanti. If tbey will not aom and arttl with m. (bey mar b eoiupelled to a til with tva fnr of th law, and )ner th nsval posts tn loch eases. I. M.COUDHIET. rretobv.ll, June 9, 187.-lm "lTlTCT 1 J N K E H IK i5" ' Alt IULLPOSTINO. Th nderitgned ehlntntialt; tofcm th eltlient of Clearfkrld and Tleinlty that be tl pre pared I cry nil Auction, Veadae, and other Halea n abort aotle. aod m tewoubla rates. Hat Bills, Posters, Program met, and other adtertising post4 and disUiaaled la the moat wneplonona plaeM. A tbara f pwblie patronage Is aolioiteA. M. L. KOBIN8, March IT, "I tf. CknrAeld, Pft. J" ITNtlCRli CWTAIli.K MM We hare printed ft large aehabwr tftwme VER BH.U. ud will th reoaipt tf twenty. In , mall ty tt ui ad Jresa. aajM 1 . m W l WW. in- A,, i io-iii'Tiifiiit. tit.t 1-'iill hnve if THE KOJTir, dio; Another Season. IXPEhIeNCB, PLANS. stock. THE PRICES. : ith. Chin, lillataooa. Sica. in, au Cui'..ra a.- inr. ia- uWTt. I Urtimfln, Hit Umtt. tJp the Largest ' . ) Clothing Business E. A. SOUTHARD, Fire, Life ft Accident Insurance AGENT, ctetrflcld, Pa. . TkAVtl.Bh'S MPS h ACCIDENT. 1 Hartford, Conn ...AiftU orar .1,00t,t0 IIOMK FIRS INSURANCE CO. ColnmbuR, Ohio .....AaaatU orer fdO0tOOO l,,B -7 Jai. 8. PiMoai, Prai't, R. B. Burma, Bae'j CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Araota.. S3.ait.0M Ratio of A..t. to Liabilltioa 12S Furni.h.a lnauranoa at th. v.rv lo.aat .a.. Folloy.hold.ra partieipato ia tba proBtaef tbo Company, tbaa cootinually roduoing tbo anaaal parmsnla. ror ratot, Ac, call on or addr.a R. M. M, EN ALLY, Agent. OHloa la SI,..'. Row, Cloarlold, Fa. 1:14 74 'i. a. atinair. orata aoaaaa. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRANCH OFFICES la dlforoat porta af tb. Coonty. Tb. following Old aad Rcliabla Fir.,, 8 took and Lifu Io.aranoo Companioa raproaaatad i, Aaaata. lu North Brlti.h A Meroaatila Fir. Ina. Co., of Eagland t(,000,IOO ISfio Soauiab Coanuoroial Firo Ina. Co., of England (gold) 10,000,000 'i.. nuno Amcnoa nr. Anaurane. Co, of 1'hllad.lphia. 1820 Fir. Aanoeiation Fir. Iaaaraaea Co., of Philadelphia.... I5 Phienia Firo Ina. Co., N. Y.. . 1807 Walartown Fira Iaa. Co.. of N. 4,r0,IM 1,100,900 1,200,000 Y., inauraa farm bulldinga oalj 700,000 1871 Atnaaon Fira lnauraaoa Co., of Ciorinnatl 1,000,000 186J York Ktook In.ur.nce Co, af l'.nna. Inauroo horn., Ao 7o,000 1874 HartrordAcoideatlnaaraBoaCo of ConneetieuL. 200,000 1847 l'oaa Mutual Lir. Inaarano. ' - Co, of l'.anaylraala 5,000,000 1H60 Metropolitan Life Inaarano. Co af Stm York 1,000,000 Total capital 07,000,000 Pcaona in tbe country de.irlng inaaraaoe, .an bara it promptly attandad to by calliag at tb. otfioa or addrenlng aa by letter. Inearancai af faoted at tba poaaible rat., to ba obtalaad la firat-olaaa ooupaaiM. A'o (mpnmtM rtpn. MNlrd M4t'cA aar. Aaamatrato. . The ahore two Ufa Inauraae Co.'i, reprawntea b. T. H. Mvrray, bare paid oat ia oa.b, betwaaa Ib. dataaar Aug. 1872 and Aag. 1874, lo tba frimda af dereaasd poJkt bolaara la tbia aaaoty. tie inn of $21,11(10. Prorld. for tho futara hy Inaurlag your bomaa and your liroa la tbo Weat Branch In.uranoa Agency. " MURRAY A GORDON, Clearleld, M.J JO, 1874. Agonlt, JOHN TROUTMAN7 DEALER IN FURNITURE, attti;ssi:s, I , .. ( Improved Spring Beds, WARKBT STREET, NEAR P.O. The undarfi fried hrgt laara to Inform th eltl d of Clearfield, nd tho pyblto feoenvllf. that he haa on hud ft fine uaortnMt of Fnrnltora. aueh m Walnut, Cheatnnt nod Fftlnted Chnnbar Kuitea, Parlor Bui tea, Heel in ina; and Ei tension Chain, I .ad in and Oenta' Eaijr Chain, th Per forated Dining and Parlor Chain, Can State ud Wiodtnr Chair, Cloth! Data, Step and Extn aion Laddera, Hat Raoka, Borabbinc firnihea, Ao MOULDINfl AND PICTURE FRAMES. Looking niaMol, Cbromoi, Ao., whlefc would U , anitable for II u Ilea; preeenta. decl'TS JOHN TROUTMAW. jJJAlZK ft SCHWARTZ, (laU O.o. Brana A Co,) MILITARY UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENTS, NO. Il MARKET UTRF.F.T, Pllll A. Rands, Cotnpanlec, Ao,, furnished. Bam pi as, -hntographi and aelf-mea raring direetlona sent re. MERCHANT TAILORS A CLOTHIERS, m MARKET STREET, Jnly 14, '74-ly Phi la. SALE! A large and " II finished Driek Dwelling, sltn ate on the river bank, In tb borough of Clear leld, containing eleven rooms, with good cellar, water in the hitehen, and all th modern eov n lea (Mrs. Pantries, llath-room, Clothes-pnsMS, Ao. Lot siity feet front and two hondred and thirty feet back, with a twenty foot alley on the east side, Hitld building, with all tb appnrtenaaeea, will be aold obeap, with payment to salt parehav aer. Application ean be mad to th nnder iigntd, or to A. C. Tata, Esq., wh will glr all necessary Information to thus who dealr to la fpeet the property. May Slit, S71,tr. VALUABLE PUOPEUTY fOR BALK OR FOR RENT. Th subscriber give netle that will aithtr rent or Soil hi dwelling aad stor property, sit ae! on Reed strevl, adjatniog th Leonard Ho, in th boraugfa tf Clearfield, Pa. Th store room la 16 X 84 feet. The dwelling bona eon tains I room and a kitchen on the ftrst Itory, and roomi on tb second itory. Th iter room eaa be had tt once, nad tht dwelling portion t oa and after th lit or Jnly. Fer farther Par tlenlan, addrtes or apply tb andersigned ta th premim. d EO. C. PABrMOHK. Clearfield, Pa., May IV, '7ft tf Clearfield Nursery. 5NCOU RAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE andrsagnd, having aUbllshd a II tt rya the 'Pike, Kot half way tetwttft Clearleld aad Cnrwsaivllla, Is trtptitA tt fwr lah allkladatf FRUIT TRKKg,(itdardat4 dwarf,) Evergreeia, Bhrwbbtry, 6 rap Via, Qeoseberriea, t.twtt Blaekberry, Btrawktrry, aad Raaberry Viae. AUe, Biker I at Crab Trvtt, Qaite, and ttrly aeirlet Rknktrk, At. OrAtrt romptly tUeaded W. Addr, J. D. WRIdHT. pl 'l y t , CtrwMvill. t