THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JTLY K, 1ST. Termj of Subscription. tr paid In .dvanae.or within throe monthf ...$2 00 fi .r- ii,. .,,ir.ti,n of .i Bunihr;;; o ; '. ' " ' ,ib" 8. M. hnmiu A Co., Sew.. rn,J ' " "M b""w " ow", piip.r Adveitlalug Ak.uH, 17 Park How, autnar ! " "one ' II 'l"r. They will bo lotn lleekman ' Hlreel, are our duly auluuriaed Agent. 1 palled to "draw II" or nl ll ml tbia fall, ibuuld lu N.w York City. KKI.HiHKJIn raOTICIOI. Method!.! Ilpleeopal t'liurch R.t. B. P. Hrnvaaa, I nator. Public Borvire av.ry rJebbalh utOA.M. Prayer . atlng every Thureday, at ft P. M. Comu union Horvlee, Orel rjabbath ar every month, al lii A. M. Pie.hMtrian Church Bar. II. S.BuTLna. Hnhlinl h eorvicr. morning and evening nab - k..hB.hoolatlP.M.Pr;v.,M...ln.w7dn. day araning. Mt. Kralicl.' CllurcllCatliollrR.r. Pjrall grain and nam, oK, polatoaa and garden J. KueuinA!. PfMobkiig at lot o'clock , A. M., on tba llr.t, third and iaurlb Snnd.yiof taak month i at 7 Foloek, 1'. M.-Kud.y rehool av.ry Sunday tltsntooii t a o cloak. OFFICIAL IlRtCTORV nMB or ULDIMO Q I' AH Tat B IBHIOMI OOUBT, Rotond Monday of January. Tl:rd Monday of March. Pint Monday ef June. Fourth Monday of HipUai her. TIM B OF OtniBO COM MOM Tt.T.i. Pint Monday of June. Second Monday of November. ruauc orrircRt. Pridt (jff Hon. Cbarlrn A. Mayer, of Lock flriven . Anitat Lm Jntly Hob. John H. Or? If, of Hellefonle. eeiafe i.doMWilliam C. Foley, ClearBald ! Jolin J. Keftd, CurweniTille. 'ruiaunetdryKli lllom. Htrfitur and ileeordtr L. J. Morgan. llittrict Attory Frank Fiel.iiug. Tr:nurtr David W. Wie. .S'Atn Williiim K. Mtii'heri.'n. (.IvHNfy afMrreyorHauiuel F. MeClokey, Cur wcoiville. Vouttlf Cvmmittionir John I. TlioDipnoo, Curwrmiilli Clark Drown, Clearfield ; Conrad W. Kylvr, (Jraliamton, f'..anlfal jlufiilnfl -Jimw 11 . itue, i.umirer iwy; I.ewia U. tiltHiiii. Clearfield j Henry W hi teheed, j Union townahip, Jury Cnwrnitiiuiiiri-John W. Ktiugnrl, Jamei Mitrbell, t'learned. SMfMrtMttlrl o Public Srhttoit John A. (IrvKory. Ciearfleld, 1 iVvfannt 'Wie John W. U'rigley, Wm. Ra drbaugh, Cyrtii I., (lordon, Clearfield! Joeieh Kvni. Jul. 11. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curweniville; ,f . J, I.ingle, Km met Snyeri, Oioeola Milll John It on llatnilton, l.ulhartthura;. Oor Sprcint eidonin la danldcdly interaiting in a local point of view, and profitable reading to outilderi who want U lave money. Tito hytiropltoliiu dixy huvo como, Ihe Html deit of tbe yrar. Til trtitlt fishing tummm tllH-H nut t expire until the 16lb or A u fruit, j " TIlO fioldft Of Wheat liro ftttlWtiVP ill I their golden hoe, and many of them are ripe and ! ready for Ilia reaper. m e A. A. JaHcfton htv mijipniwhtl Mr. Wm. M. Fhilipf, who reaigned on the lit Inat, aa Aiaiatant Puportnteudcat of the Low Orade Uailroad, with hadiuerte at Ilreokville. ItoV. ThomitH lUil'lihurt, Intrh nl Pbilipeburg, who quit preaching a year agof moved weet and went into the farming buaineaa, hal had all of his erupt eonftaeatvd by the Iowa grn full upper. Hud luck. Jtov. Jfl. F. Mumly, of Port CIiwUt, Now York, will preaoh in tho Prebytorian Church, in tbii place, for four Sabbat hi In ana- nenion, eowiLeiiclng next Sabbath, July iMth. Mr. llutter, the pa tor, ii absent from home. i Imihihtant. Mr. J. K. Huttorf dc- elrei ui lo any that although he ii making better photographi now thnn ho hai dono at any pre vioua time, ha has tbii week reduced the price, iu that he now makee thorn cheaper than they have ever been mud In Clearfield. It Look for It. Tho card of Montra. Ilaniell A Hro., DmggiaU, SdOO Market atreel, Philadelphia, will he found In tbia iut. Thai who deilre to keep a reliable remedy for all ton roer diiorderi had better read It, and "keep It handy," became you know Bot4 the day nor tba hour when yon may need It. Kkmovf,d. The Koynnh.Hvillo Jlcr aid, la alluding to the removal of Ir. Alexander from Curwoairille, iayi : "lit, W. B. Alexander, lata of Clcnrfleld county, la now a reildeat of our town, and O tremor llnrtranft hoi appointed him Notary Public. He li now prepared to do every thing In hii line of buiinen." . i an i Tho Urookvilliaim are) Agitating wa ter work. They have ft 40,nuo and SMS.tmO He. The Intereit on tbia turn would be S2,70O per annum. Tba annual revenue la aet down at $3,490 for every one bnndred conianieri, and thoy expect to hart four bnndred eoninmera in a year or two. That will certainly pay on paper, anyhow. In J'oftiTioN. Wo notice that A. A. Carllle, a former "dovil" in thli office, Ii writing up tbe loral "digglm" of the Fair Play (Colorado) Smti'ittl.- AU Informa hi reader Ibat the chief of the eltabliihment ll Preiident of the Tonng Mtn'i Chrintian Afioclntloni but he fail to atale that the local 1 in any way connected with the AMoclatton. On. FutK. Ten oil tankfl wore con- auined, on the ltd in it., on the Low tirade railroad, juat eait nf the tuuuel, at Wlnterburn itation. Tbe earn became aoennpled, and when the train at'-pped at Ida ilalion the uncoupled ear ran Into It, and the remit waa a Brtt-claii omaah op and lira. Kerb tank contain! about 80 barred of oil. Yihn would have luppeeed, three yean ago, that llufton townxhip would eoBtume 80 barrel! of oil at one "bee." How timet do chaugc ! n ni K ii.i.eo Acciiientaixi". Hoiijainin Ilutler, of Lmrrrttot lownahlp, engaged at chop, ping for M-ra. Putnam A Co., In lluiton lownahip, tail county, wai fatally Injured by a falling tree on Wt'dneadny morning of laat week. He cut, down a tree which in falling it rack a a dred one, the topi of which at rack him on Ibe heed end injured him io badly that he died the me evening. He wai married but a ibort time ainee, and leave a young widow lo mourn hit Hidden and lirrible fale. IWrorncK CiiANtiKH. JoMopU K. Arnold haa bca appointed Puttmaiter al Rcrk Ion, In 1'nion township, vice Hanitl K. Urn baker. Tho death of Thninai W. Fleming, of Carwent ville, makei a vacancy in the office at that place. Who will bo appointed in fail Mead ll not ao well tettled at Ihia time. P. 8. Binct the above waa la tj pa, tbe eoa troveriy hni been tetlled by the Pott matter Utneral coumlaaionirig KJ. Uoodwln, who will make aa eivoellent P. M., barring hit poll ilea. Not bavin lalorvlewed him, we cannot lay whether he favor a third term or not. Tub Ninety-ninth Kovrtii. JIwl there bem a real Fourth nf July, In Ihia place, we might chronicle the fact. Although happening on Kniidy, ll wa the moit unlrerially celebrated of any Fourth within the pail fifteen yean. In Ihil borough It wa celebrated ou tbe individual plan. Many left the teen for Phllipibirg, Oareola, Tyrone, and ether placet math along tbe railroad, while a few enthmlaitie and patriot , ' . u . i i I fellow-citiKDi cominimced on Saturday morning aud held over oat 11 Monday evening. Theie ! taller, we preen ml, will be ready for th Ccntea- j nial any lime aHer Ilia let nf April next. m t m , town corrnpondent has had bii "Indignation highly raised by the ignorance of some people hire," and lt' proposes lo ventilate the character! of (he "iioor, U no rant dunce who think Ihem- ! aelte win," through the oolumna of Ibe it a ma lic as. Your proposed ventilation would be a lirst-ehai libel In our column, but it would only be ordinary amusement lo repeat the tame language In a school -room or on tbe it root. We aerk leeal Infertueilun, and ara alwaya thankful (rr all lent ut : hut we muif be allowed lo be the j jiHgc a lo aliat should be printed, ucoauie me penalty li always visited upon as and not apon the writer. .Nr.Aiti.t a Kim. Sumo pnlliuiiriTB- Inr. In lam the II. K. aaureh bulMiaf In Wa.t Cl.arlleM, ona da; wank Mere laal. Tba mi.iiua ef atuuke Ird to Ibt iJiaeor.ra thai th. builninK wa. n Ire. hmi where tbe Ire waa doing flVetlv. work waa not a. arident. The hnllding na. oobKiirrablr daataRed before th. Ira WM s tliigiii'hrd. 7h. I.nd, il atipenn, nlMil-t.n-. to Hi. ctiiirrh, and b, a trap door 1.1 him-r-lf down to the ground benaalh lha lour, awd lime dalilaralrlr kindled l. tr, ef (Imm or (.aril. .nd .h.elng.. fha ana tratliedaei precn tiurelr, and the earanlng llnaka Itl to the ai- ingai.htnent of Iba alhar. A kalebet waa faawd whleh had .ilikall, bw nwad b; tho haeondlarj I. "pi ll nn Ih. flora, of hi ardfk, (iooo Prospectd. It w our luck tc g.i . mti. .itiug, on ih. 1.1 .j m of Jul,, by trip lo lit n.w borough or Buraalde, thirty-one miloe up th. river from tbia plaoa. W. peeMd Ibrough Pike, Curwena.llle, Pcaa, Lumber City , , , , ' .... Hrarnwood, Ball, Kaw Waabluglou and lb. lowar and of Buea.tda towa.blp. Kr.rylklng look. thriving and pro.peroul, lb. lumbar bull - n.... W. bar. oflea p....d up lb. rlr flat M i- j rafting," but never rw thing, m ragged. A larga autnbar of raft, and lug. ir. "bung U'i there be a flood, aud aril It fur leu than thu Mump age li .orib, apendiag their time and money U- aider. . . The deprolon of the lumber trade ll a lueoeM. H eaa get no nor... Nrllh.r loot floodi aor inonev. How.r,r, our r.opl. need not d.pead wbollj on "woo. praip.rlly in Iba eoel buelneee t will a.plit a larga porUua of aur olliaroi ta ral.a i enough to pay their leiea and In .aa for other In- jeldenlale. Ile.ldca, our agricultural Intoreete 1 . .,, , , ., ' ... mm rllly er.U lor tb.y ara Ihl. ; taaaon, allhongb a lala ona. Tba quantity of truck I. greater tbnn aver before, and tb. nrena . ln rnllooa and making .luring! I. oonclu- j 'IJ '"' ""P ' ' row a inn ibii. ni uitrt irequeuuj pi. i td tr Ibo rttutt utinnl, la (lie put twenty jwn, j but aTr uw thi rirnloi tnttrtfti to prui- i fterom, Th Bttinmui flli) of bt Mil ry w piiMd wen tXMltwit, and Ibt oors mi! ou eropi Udlott mDlflotot jrltld. W artr looked upon better nil proipKti t thli ninb of tba jw, and fron tb Hit firinari and g.rU'Ben ara naklnf war upon Iba potato bugi, Ibat crop will paj bandfomily, although Iba uo j i, who must maka twa daily raidiun them, may thiol, tba will be dear, if tba tuemj duet not aurrtnder before tba cIom of the dog daji. It li icvaa jean ainoa we patted oar the coun try abore Lumbr City, and we were very much gratilad ( nolioa the ittbatBOllal praiperity on etary hand i tbt tuoat luarkvd wot the pulling of tbuueaniU of stuiup by the fariatra and the re morel of elder., briari, etc., frutn the ftncti, Tho erectloB of new and ejtecllant tlwrlliiigi liitoa the time Indicated wa alto noticed en ertry hand. Quilt a village hat ipruag up at the mouth of BvU't run. and Lewiiville. at Thorp 'a mo, la aiao ifpuininf borough proportion!. So il Franklin, at the month of Client crvek, where dwell our teemed friend, Robert MehalTey, and two of bii on , who have made fad haroe among the Htiinpi or that locality. Oitend, Cheat, Cuih and Mew Waihington are jot about "a they uaed to we," while (he original eture,griit milt and n.w will, entitled Uurwilda, haa grown into a borougb, and they talk ahoot llurgeit, Council, etc., jntt like we do here la "Old Town." Tbii young boron t;h conuiai excellent building! and will, in a few ytarc more, make a populoui and proiperoui eommunity. . nan. SAMUKL II. SllAFFNICU, EbQ. It Will pain many of our reederi to learn of the re" her auddi-n and unexpected demite of t hie irouiiuunt eitiiin, which eoenrred In Lawrence tnwnxbip, a ft notlh of Ihia borough, on Friday leaf, in the ft.'tj year or bin age, Mr. 8 ha finer wai an at-tlve local Democratic poihician, well and faeorahly known to a large u of the , of ... . . . . he atiooiatcd wore or leu lo a majority of oar political eooteita within tbe pait twauly yoari. He wai elected County Commiuionar and eerved In that office from November, 18(18, to November, ltt'1, and we believe enee, If not twice, eerved ai Meroaatile Appraiaer. lie waa an honeft, in- duitriom elttien, and railed a large family, nearly all of whom rviide in tbii vicinity, lie waa a widower, bit wife having died a few yean ago, A large funeral owrtega followed bit rein aim to their laat raiting place at Monnt Joy on Sabbath morning. s - aann- - Poiboned. Too much cniio cannot be exereiaed In the picking of potato bugi, to prevent them from coming In eontaat with any part of tbe body where the ikia la broktn or crate bed, and the hand ihould not be uaed about tbe body io any way until after a thorough weih Ing. Joba Harwich, a eitlien of thi place, hai had toine experlonoo la tbii Hue, a relation of which may prove of benefit to othen. While at work la bit potato-patch a week or two ilnee, with hit thlrt ileevri up, ataylng the lugi by the hundred!, a tuall abraiioa of the ikln on one of bit arm took a notion to Itch, and he earetenly e retched It witb hii Belli, thereby Introducing the polios. Into bli blood and he hai beca iu (far ing ilnee la a t manner, lilt armi I rat, . poiaoneu erupllone, tho Irntatioo from whioh bu doprtred him of aleep for a number of nlghtl. We are happy lo ttate that he Ii Improving. I i t I,,. u . . ti t.l ex-uoiei rfuitiee noodwanl, wbo died recently at Rome, reaohed Wllktikam on Thunday night, having beau brought to New York direct from Leghorn. A committee of tbe bar of Luicrne county received the remain al New York and eticrted tbi-m to Wllkeibarre, where the funeral wat held on Saturday laat. He aetcd ai President Judge of our Court for many yean pravleui to 1802, when the younger Burniide wai elevated to hii place, and Wood ward promoted to tho Supreme Benob, which be adorned ai brilliantly ai any of hii predcoetiori. Hack Again. Daniel M. Dohorty. who it well known to moit of our ei litem, baa re turned to Clearfield, and baring purohaicd bit old Hand from Mr. Jautti Cleary, aa well a tb hep In tbe Old Wcitero Hotel corner, occupied by Thorn a J. Cleary, will agala be pleated to aee all bit old onitomeri and many new onea. For the present, be will occupy the room next lo the Flrit National Bank, the other shop under going a thorough renovating and changing, and move to It on th I2d of thit month. See bit card lo thli ittne. AcriHENTs. Tho Brookvillc Jrffvr om'uN, of the 7th Inil eaya t Max Shrodei, a eon due lor of an oil train on tba Low tirade IHiiaien, waa killed a few days tinea ia tbe following manner : He wat aland ing on lite engine looking back watching tout boxei thit were heating, when the engine run into bridge No. it, a ihort distance wait ot Reyn nhliville. Hie head itrucfc tho timber! of the bridge, knocking him of) tho oar, when befell Into the el ream below. Heath waa inalaueoua. Jaiuea Oaborn, ton of Robert Oihorn, of tbia plaee, wai killed on Wednerday laal, while peal ing up the railroad on an oil train. It apptara that on lhat morning he bad applied for and re ceired pcriaiiaiun lo take paaiagn on the tram to which tbere wat a cabooie attached. PaMuiigcra when permitted en lAe train are requirud to keep within tbia ear) but young Oaborn had got out upon an oil ear, and paaaiug a point ealM "lionie-aeck," aeveral of the vara jumped the track, upon one of which he waa riding. On re moving him from Ilia wreck it wai ditcorervd that be wat fatally injured. He wai taken to Reynoldaville and hia family notified j but before the arrival of auy of bii friend, death bad put an end to hia rufferiiigi. Hi remain! were brought home Ihe eme evaoiug. - m e a - - Lint of lottcm runiuinin unduimuii In the Poat office at Clearfield, for the week ending July ITU, 181 j i 1MI. Mary E. Meberuilt, Edward McMalten, Tboma Notel, Kdwln Rebiion, Mn. Maggie Root, Harriet R., Mn. Maggie Hhigling, Tvoy WaUoa, H.I. Walton, Francis A. Yoiug, Alex. J. P. A.UADXIN, P. M. Week, Jaoob Clever, Charlea Hardy, W illiam II outer, Lib. Henry, Wealey Henderson, Hue 8. Henry, Lewii Miehrll, David Michel, haa McNillir, Palrlo Tin? I'liiiifmburg .TirrMrMrfmtys: "Wliito bob, proprietor! el Ibe U areola lanaery, uc itro,P( t,y tiv great Arc, have Itaied tba Philipi- burg tannery of Mamon, Holt A Co., for a term y" "nd taken poaaea.lon. They were both original member! or the firm which built the UnwJt mai for ((JlBt ximm tttutot$ of the naffer we welcome them back aa old citisem." "Two frame building', a dwelling, wagon ahuii and blaekamtth ibop, were burned al Woodland, on Friday night. A la naual witb wooden the content! were saved. Tba tire wa kfpt froi i spreading by Ibe efiorla ul the vitlieni." The lateit Information from Ibe Pnnylt i la ' I and Weftern t.reieelrd railroad is that the Ci u- patiy ia la a fair way lo ngotiat il bonds, and Ibere Ii a prospect thai tbe road will be hoilt, j although it Ii a difDcell matter to build a line of road In theie times of depression." f IV. b. Ilamnro, thai nb.,11. fur' some iiane.-s.ii. star. HAP. A Kmiiclivillc torrcti- )lOB1)rl( ,ITB A eeul. uf janr Cl..rll.lil high. Ijera lady and g.allMa.n eama dowa beta to i oapamiiy. nolo oj v. a., n .inn, vie...iu, . nrad the Kurtb, but were aon.ld.iablr put aut j aieHnjaowljr lha neil morning un noticing tb.l their buggy ,, ' ' ; T . , h.d but Ibr. wheel.. The abient wbe.l, all.r a ; Lai.1. on I. M. M Knally and gl yonr life la whole day', hunt, w.. foand on an oak Iran. I rod in the Old Continental Lif In.aranee Com. The. 'French boy.' nre lull of (oa down hi-re j nany, of Hartford, Conn. nugll ly nOOUl III. r.BF.n, OU. wn.ri .,. win on th. now, wh.n they .tart for bum., and alwey. .11 on lha right .Ida." lurrr.i.nn . Onciol.A IUi.ief. At miHiliiitr tfj tba Oaeoala K.h.f Camilla, n.le July id, l7, II wat KmtnJ, That lha gecrelaiy, through the newppanerr, reo,nert all aha hare money In head., for tba Relief food, la remit Iba earn al aa., ao tb.l a general dt.trlbatiea of .aid feed .an ha made al aa early day a. n.-.i.le, Ota. M. Bnu.n, bWrtary. - Iter. Mr. Grey, 1'ruiileiit of Dii k- Inaea aUmiaaey at WlUlam.port, nr-arhed la Iba hi. E. Chilian, ll Ibt. hi.t abimth. litteb from CHUT, M, ,,,, . no.thl ,, ftm ,, a aoraiounloatloa from Cbe.t appeared lu your eoluniua. Tb.r. ibould b. at Ica.l una penon lo "ach to.n.bip and borougb la Ih. count, lo weekly ehronela Ih. tran.piring event., which ,,, B.kt ,, lu41i ooluu.ii. luteioetiug. I'll, drought hal grr.tly r.larded v.getaliou wheal 1 "". gravelly land i. eunaiileralily Injured or J'''. c",u"' b' ," V", 'I'" " 1"""" TP I lu lb. lown.uip. Oall ibort, lat.eawlogia.y Im prove uy in. J.I. ralu.l graaa ibortl aorn galling ever the frevir, with a lt.vorhl aeaaon m,v make an araraga erop potatuei, early planttng, look well. The bug baa advanet-d with tuoreaaed force, but la wet In every palob by luuriaa and dnrttruyi-d by picking, wliioli 1 boliava to be the only euro retnetly. Tbe potatoci ara gone over daily by null people toioe at often at u fuM, up lo furiMcr ,WI , mttb f.roP. t ara.n, we moy exiiect a full yield. The b,, depoalta ill eg! or larra on the graft, on I r.T ' . " ? .s .M,u " ; hatch out and get their growth before Ibay are een. In tbia latitude Ihuy feaat on tblatlei, but ler weed, onloni, tomatoei, and many other vege table bvaide the potato. Their depredeliona are becoming general, and their uiiaoooouUble in ereaat will lax our exertiooi to their greateit ca pacity to keep even with Ihem. Ho tar they have not made much headway. uur BcOooi uiroolori nave uectiivu en a nx moatha' Urm, with a ilie ht reduction vn teach era' wage from la it year. Thi doei not look ai if bard timet had reached Cheat. Borne of the tax pay era ot-ject lo It, coniidering the tlglitneeief tbe time. On laat Babbetb, ai Lather Barrett and William Hunter were return in a from aburea at rVaitever. thuir horee beoaue frightened at tho hoiiliugof an umbrella and became unmanageable. The linei, beiotc old. broke, and the horae ran off. ll Barrett jumped out and fell to the ground, putting a ilioultier out of place, ureal. in g a rib anil bruit ing bimielf ooniiaurably, Mr. Hunter waa badly cut in toe need, tbe buiriry atrlainc a rock, break ing a front wheel and throwing him out on hit head and ihouldera. He experience ooniiderable pain In armt, ihvulder and breait. Beth luQcr great paid. Their injurtei were attended to by Dr. A. D. Bennett, of New Waahington, and a phyaioian from Ulen Connel, whuae name I do not recollutt. Both old gentleman are doing aa well ai could be expected, ooniidering their age and bodily infirm it lei. The aoeident occurred near T. F. Hunbur'a reiidence, to which the injun-d parlin were taken and cared for, io the moat chrtitittn meunir, until tbey were removed to their homea, Mr. Hunter on Monday evening and Mr. Barrett en Tuoaday morning. Mr. Hun bar and lauy dcierve great credit for their treat mcnl of the injured pertiei and their friendi and neighbor! who oallod lo aee them. There wat no requvft but wai chcerlullr outuitlied with, and everything wee done to make ait hj comfortable aa the vtrcumatancea would admit of. There are aeveral cbrtalian ncoi.le in Chnt townihin, tho opiniun of a cerlaiu diieiple of Dogberry to tho contrary notwiihilandiug. We were bleiied with a very hra vy rain tbia evening, loak ing the ground wen ior i lie nrai time iinca cany apnng. A lew more auch ahoweri, and corn and polatoai will do well. The coal wm a little bard on aide hill corn tk-idi. Your, Ac. Chbht. . ew - THE BENNETT'S BHANCH B. . ASSOCIATION. The aecund xeml-annuHl uieciiiia of thil Aiao- ciation, will be held in the Prvabyterien Church, at Penlield, Friday and Maturday, July IWd aud dttiu, mis. ontK or KXKRCIIKI. FfUliig Aieraooa. Oitenin dfvotional exer- claet ; tie of Iba Hi Me in the family i Farutlr wrihlp how and when conducted How young bould children be taught Bible truthi ; Singing ; Atdrea ; Pinning j How far are pan-nti reaponai ble for the aiaimnt nf Hil.le knowledge obtained by their children t Roll oall j Receiving membera; Hearing report! from achools ; Pam quealion butt Mifoelleneoua buaineaa ; Diimiff at 6 o'clock with pinging and benediction. Virfuy A'reeiRjr.-Opeiting eRereitct at 74 o'clock ; Obttaelea in the way ef aueeetiful riun dity School work ; How lo overcome theie obate elei and Inereaae the eftlaiency of our icbooli ; Ringing ; Addreai t Hinging i (Jueitiona answered ; Receive membera ; Ciuae at hell paat nine with prayer, doxolgy and Wnedii'liou, Saturday '.ireaooa. Children' meeting we expect Rev. R. Crittenden, of IKdlefonte, to take full eharga of Ihia meeting ; Cloio at ll:ta. VufitWfiy Af'ttrxoom, Opening exerciii'i at 1 o'clock ; llifiiilthed bmineaa ; Smgiug ; Add mi ; Singing) Flection of officer! and tiling place of ntixl miftiug t Miaeellaneoaa Adjourn by mo tion after half peat Z o'olofk i King, "All bail the power of Jeaua name llfnedictiou. We eaepeot araiatani't from IteT. Crittondcn, Cfailcoal, Harvey and Roll and. Ksecutive Committee end otflccr : J. II. Kookku, Preaident, 1. B. Wmauiw, V. Prei., L. liiBD, Hecretary, A i. vina Monav, Trcat'r. UNION AHEAD. Rocktox, July 1, IS74, Mn. Editor: A'ou were good enough to give our neighbor! over in Bloom towmhip a purl, he eaute thoy were to well off Ibnt they need not pay any aehool tax thi year. We are well off, loo, in Union. We arecompellml lo pay a higher tvbool tax than ever, although we have $1,871.72 In the handt of oor Biatrial Treasurer. I under stand lhat the Board line aliened 16 milli ichool tax fur tbia year. That aura, together with the eaab In Ibo trvaiury, ii nearly money enough to build each of the Bireeton a new huuie. lie- aide i, I aee hy the Auditori itatement Ibat we have $J68 road fund a and $'2b poor fundi in tho Treasurer' hand a, making a total of 2,48. I 'oim that we are very Hob, or we wonld not al- )- . mmu b. Uin- .-,ian,i lntt Talk about IMoom tonmhip having i72 In tbe Treaaury 1 Why, we are four timet bettor off, and expect a double tax. Tbii ariaei from hav- ingf good men lo regulate our afiain. Sprrinla, CAnautiRi aid Bi fioiat Poa RAi.a Half a doten new and aeoond-hand buggieiandoarriaget for tale, at exceedingly low pncei. Apr. 2H-;im. Jamb L. I.xavr. lloaaaa Ann llAnnaia ron Salr. The under rigntd, for the purjioae of reducing stuck, will tell very oheap a nuinlier of horaea and a number aeti of harneaa, Janca L. Ltavr. Apr. 2H-3m. VaxTBn. 100,000 25 lnb ahavrd ihinglti alio 10,000 ponndi wool, for which the bigheit market price will be paid. Call on or eddreii ARNOLD A HARTSHORN. Curweniville, Pa., Apr. 7, 3m. KKAI1 1 REA1H At the atore recently oe oupled by Mr. L. Flcgal, and under the xuperin tendence of the new proprietor, yon will find the largeat ttock of Beoti and 8hoea, of the latert atylet and greateit variety, at lower caih pricei than before offered in Clear li eld. I.adiet' fine French Kida a iperlalty. Millet and children's gaiter, fine failing, lip ped and trimmed, 20 per cent, lower than hert tofore. Within the pait week, in addition to bur al ready large itock, wt huve opened 1)4,000 worth of new goodi, bought at "boltom" price, and will be told the tame way. Oar new lied, juat opened, cannot be excelled In the city, at we have pnrehaaed the flnctt fur and tlraw beta, of th lateit summer it y lea, in the market Yon need not go tu Philadelphia to are the "Centennial," aa we Lave It at the More, In the ahnjH) uf tbe nioeat little hat nf the eeaann. We have Jurt opened a new and complete line of Uenti' Furniihing (Joodi. Oenti' fine Shirti In every style , and if you rnn't be mi led, yon can select the gonda from inmplea, leave your m ca fe re and have them made to order. A erfet Ht gtinranteed. Of Trunha, valite. and umbrella! we have a splendid line, just opened. It is amy to say lhat all there goods are sold low, but the ikeptical are re united to oall, and I will convince them of th truth of the aiicrtion. We thall take apeeiel palm to aocommodale all olasiei uf cuntomeri, but the farmer especially. We will lake ia exofaango lor good wheat, rye, oats, corn and other grain, potatoes, butler and eegs so none nerd complain they cannot buy gnods for want of lomotliing to buy with. To lay Hi at I feel thankful to the public for their la rite patronage extended, in the ihort tiuit I have been in tbe buaineai, does not express my feeling. 1 am truly grateful for their cuatotn. My aak-t having already more than trebled, I hall try to deal In inch a way In the future, at to continue to merit lha I literal patronage of the people. Remember the plaee. F legale old aland. The old lign Ii itlll up, but It will ihortly be replaced with a new one. Your inoit obedient lorvant, PKTKR MHJEORUK. Clearfield, June 16, l75.-lia Have You Pyupcpela, with lit train of dlt orderi,billlouifietireonatlpatlon, water braihjoti of appetite, headache, distreis after eating, Ac J If io, goto C. D, Watson, Hruggiit, and gut a bottle or Dr. Coata'i Radical Cure. Take It and be well. Il acta as no ether mndio'.ne ever did, and cure relief la guaranteed In every eaa where direction ere followed. It tone! up the alomach, rent ore the natural appetite, strengthen the w-ak, and aa a liver regulator il haa no oqnal. A Clergyman of Philadelphia sayi "It ll the very foundation of henllh." To ell who are miUcring from a disordered itomaeh or liver, we any try it. A few dose will relievo and a little perseverance cure the wont rates. Trial site lOeenta. Hold alio by P. Cnrley A Co., Wtlliamigrove i T. II. Forcer, Qrahamton, and P. M oyer, Kylcrtown. mchlTeowly 1 1 CAUTION. We have for the last three year been lendlne oat i am pie bottles of Boat nice 'a Urrhad B. are for eougni, eoidi, eonautnpiioa, ana an ui of tbe throat and lungs. We now find other per tie advertising sample boltles in the me way. All we have aeen id laeo little sample bodies enntain ether or chloroform, intended only te dry ?!' IS ""J"' rS&Z! tain, no ethar, alilorofurn or opium, but Ih. a. eret af Ita rnanaaa ii In a Herman ailraot af the ertiv. priannle. of Hum Arable, and nh.v.ieiena bu, onr raedlctuc. and ore It in their nratter lua- Uourning good, a rieelalty al Heek a Ca'i. llrnoim rw Al.a.--n. Newtan Khaw k.p. a full lulilil, r I'redonin lluggia. .nd Flatlorm IV.aun. lor .ale. To be aeen ni the Khaw Hon. yard. Call on or addrera him nl ClearBald i'enn- ylranla. may 13 U. AlAli R. M. M'Knally'i adrertltemenl la ra gard ta Ufa liirnranro. ISeng-ly tVllTICBial CIXIITAIII.Ka' fKKI If Wa haea printed a larga nwmber of th. 09 rU BILL, and will OB tba reeetpt of Iweae, lr. Mat,, mail a tony t. ana u4drna myt JOB ralNTINO Or BVKItY I)KCR1I lion antly .toriton nl Ihia olet. On Sunday, May Id, 1875, by W. I. OuaLKi, Kaq., Mr. UKUIKIK W. PUVVKL1. and Ml.. MAKY 11. llUMUAHNKK, all of Claarlleld oounty, Pa. At th. M. K. Paraonaia, In Brockwayvllla. I'a. on 1', June lllib, 1HJ1, by ltav. J. B. I.rox, Mr. WN. A. StVI.KH, or Lulb.r.l.urg, Cl.arlleld countv. Pa., and Mill Ll'ULLA A., ald.rt daughlar .f B.v. L. U. MaMHlLt, paatur of me iv, tuuron in urouawnyviiin, On Thunday, June 341b, 1HT5, by W. I. Ci a Lav, K.n., Mr. AIIKAM l'KTKKS and Mil. 1IKNB1KTTA BUMUAHNKK, all of Clnrn.14 county, Pa. On Sunday. Juaa If lb. IttTt,' by W. I. Ccn- L.v, K.q. Mr, LOl'IH TUHNKH and Mia, DAnAu.jiflo iiAinan, ati ui uiearn.m ooun ly, Pa. Al the re.ld.nea ,r lb. bride', parent., on Tueid.v, June luth, 1Kb, by Bee. W. H. llaai ta, Mr. IKO. T. ilollllKT, of Januvllle, ClearBald oounty, Pa., and Ml.. Jl I.IA HANNAH, of Allcman.vlllo. Cleartteld oounty, Pa. Al tba ri'iideno. of tba bride1, peronte, on Thur.J.y, July 1,1, 1974, by Bev, A. K. PuLTon, Mr. DAVID It. HOI'SKR aud Ml.. MA 1,1 SKA M. HOOVKlt, bulb ar tlrahnniton, Uleartleld county, Pa. On Thunday, July lit, 175, byUao. 0. Kinn, K., Mr. M. W. JUI1NSUN, of Ureenwood town ihin, VlutUald oounty, Pa., and Mi.l MATTIK K. MOUHI, of Pcnn towoibip, Claarlleld aounty, Punn'a. At tba Pratbyterlan Par.unage, In Clearfield, on Thur.J.v, July lit, Mi, by Iter. H. 8. Ui'T Ul, Mr. WM. i DBLL and MluMAHY BAIN, both of Woodland, Claarlleld aounty, Pa. At tba farm of Pari. llctJaoaoa, Keq., near CloarBeld, Pa., July lllh, 1"74, by Bar. Wai. H. Dili, Mr. MutiK8 MoLAVUHLIN and Mil, ANNIE URAY, both of townablp, aounty, Pa. Sit. Near Kylcrtown, Clearfield oounty, Pa., on Wodntiday, Juot 20tb, IM7, Kl.lZAUi.TH, wife of John W. Iiivii, agfd OV yeari. PenuMj I van la Railroad TYRONE 7xIURfTkLd BRANCH. ON and after Monday, MAV S3, I87t, the 1'ataencer Tralna will run daily (exoeut Hun- day) between Tyrone and ClearBald, at followi CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. C. Ihwin, Conductor. L K AV K tjOmi.rv A VKNORT ilT" CurwanRville.,.3:IA, r.M. Tyrone .H 9.00.A.H. Clearfield 1.40, Oaoeole... 10.10," Pbilipaburg " Philipaburg...l0.)4 . Oaoeole 4.50, I Clearfield. ... 11.10, Tyrone. Mtt,' jj?urwcnivllle..U,o, OLKARFIKLD EXPRESS. W. B. Plumubb, Conductor. . K A V K 80 UT U. T1. K A V K NORT llT" Curweniritle.,.4.S0 a. h.' Tyrone 7.00 P.M. Clearfield :li Pbilipaburg.. 6.1V Oiceola. 0.3j Internet ion.. 7.3d Tyrone.. 7.J7 ' lnterection...T,DT ! Oaotola 8.00 " - Philipibarg...8. " ' Clearfield, ar ...0.20 " Curweniville.. 9.40 " BALI) EAOL8 VALLEY BRANCH. Exp. r. h. fl.45 7.01 7.44 8. tO 8.2X H.Vj 9.02 9.4S Mail. Mall. Kxp. A, M. 8..V 9.10 10.07 10.40 Id. 41 1. M. P. M. leave Tyrone Bald Kagl Julian Mileihnrg Bellefonte Mileihnrg arrive 6.1 5,5H .15 4 50 4.. 18 4.15 4.U6 leave t.l 1.10 12.61 12.13 11.50 11.40 11.30 11.06 10.30 ll.DJ Howard 12,1 j arrift L. Haven TYRONE STATION. BAtTwaan. a m Pacific Kipreia, 7:67 Harriiburg Acc'ni, 8:40 WBITWABO. A M Plttihurg Kxp'M, 2 07 Pacific Kxpreaa, 8:24 P H I at 1:13 0:41 S;58 Mall Train, a:22 8:45 Way PiMtnger, Mail Train. Atlantic Kiprcn, Phi la da Kxpreat, 10:12 (Fait Line, FA RK FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Rullefonte, Pa (3 05Mlddletown $5 00 Look Haven 2 70 Marietta.,.,., I 69 Witllamaport. I 60 Lancaster , 8 Huntingdon.. 1 80. PHILADELPHIA 7 9S Lewiitown. 190 Altoona 185 Maryivillc 4 50 Johnatown.-..... S 10 HAHRISBL'IUl... 4 r&IPITTSBUKa ft It Cloie connection! made by all tralna at Tyrone and Lok Haven. 8. S. BLAIR, ui)IT-tr. Haperintandent. c IOMB FORWARD AND SKTTT.E. I take tbii method of informing oar enatomen and the public generally, that I am about re moving from Leconte'a Mills, and desire all who are indebted to tb estate or to me, and bar un tattled account! toeome fome forward and eel tie without delay. Those wbo do not some anoa and comply with my request, may be compelled to travel some diitene to adjust their account. Tbe huiineaa, from th SAth day of June, IK'S, will be earried on by Moaari P. A. Mignot A Hroi., who will do all in their power lo aoootno date eld and new euitomeri. CAROLINE LECONTE. Leeonte'a Mlllt, June 30, 1874-lm JpRESU MEAT MARKET. M. 0, BROWN & BR0M Market St Clearfield, Would announce to tbe eltlieni of the town and vicinity that they still keep the meat market at th old stand, where they will keep Fresh Hoof. Veul Mutton and Lamb. ' of tho finest qualities. Market ttorolngi Tuoadayi, Thortdayt and Saturda,"!. Olro ut a call. Juue V,'7& Cn M. 0. BROW 17 A ORO. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. At the end of tbe new bridge, WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. The proprietor of thit estebllMhtnent will buy hi liquor direct from dlitillen. Pertiei buying from thie house will be iare to get a pur article at a una 11 margin above eott. Hotel keepora eaa be furnixhed with liquor! on reasonahla terms. Pare wines and bran diet direct from gee ley ' Vinery, at Bath, New York. OKOROB N. COLD URN. Clearfield. June 10, IS 75 -If. njej'er'i Pouitrj Powder. wamnterl.lf need la time. li cure t hit ken cholera and fHwt. Wthaanpilyeftliia 'iiotlir.aii'l a bnaiowalor fi'linjii) nttnailoa toelaaiv lll.fnrl Kl,r iniOer fef.llllf. ii't;-ii-iii" RinBirriai,anTonrniaT herp Pouhrt ( an ta conflnt-mri.t ,fr any tanrtfa of time. with hum prutltand i)rure. I'sriue 35 cU., fivetriiM. rourdealer, aeni lice upon re- A. L. HITER A OO Balttmore. JunelO 3m To"thTHrm1rs or CI-EAUFIEM) COUNTY. No more excuse! for not bnylng i Mowing Machine on recount of no rata. M. G. BROWN & BRO. Hare Just ordered a oar load of machine. Farmer, pmh your bus) nest. It 1 the only busioei in which there hat not bee a a p rostra tinn of prices and Scarcity of money. Counties that depend on farming are full of money, Lancaster Cily Banks refuse money oa deposit, as farmers have filled their oo fieri. RuftlBcii Is reviving In the east, (live heed to farming. Do not lei aa tend out of our oounty for produce any more. Ceae to lumber until merchant are compelled le eotae her to buy your timber, then you ar sore or a fair price. Remember Ibat RROWN A URO. ara aelliag Th WOOD and th MTKKYB MOWERS and REAPERS. C0ATKS' OHIO LOCK-LEVER lIAV RAKE, and ethers. Fir dlfTeirat kind of HAY FORKS. Kllla A Hoffman's ONK-H0R88 THRKBHINd MACHINKH. BUCKEYE ORAIN DRILLS. CIDER MILLS, WIND MILLS, Cl'TTINU BOXRS, . and anything els In ibe Una wanted by farmers. They will tell Ibr cash on taty lariat, or ex change for trade. Call on M. G. BROWN A BRO., Market ilreet, Clearfield, Pa., adjoining Motsop'l store. Jun 16, l7 2m. t.HTBt.lSIIKn IpJHT. iitil7i:vs PURE RYE WHISKY. We again call yonr attention to the above ele Irated bread of good, and wt do ao with the con vict, o that there ii a great want ng among a vast numter ot peroa wbo ar compelled to are, medicinally or otherwise, a pure whisky. To supply tbii want we elte Halley'a Pur Rye aa article which hat beeo before the poblla for a number of years, Its reputation Handing hieh at a Ihirmoghly reliable itlmulant among medical men. As aa evidence, quite a number of uur eminent pnyaieieai preacnoe it t tut eaeia iloa of all others. Being mad oa th belt known tcltntlflc prtn eiplei, from the eholeeat grain, and by praetieal distillers. It retaiaa ft delightful Savor, and, greatly improved by age, makee It largely aunght aner ny Bril-eiasilioleii ana draggut. MhewM you dtslr la elv tbia whisky a trial, and ar la doubt as t whethtr your holed or dreg gut keep It, (not having one of oar aigua display ed.) writ le ua aad we shall be most happy to direct yon t the peraoot who handle our good Ib yonr nelghberbeed. We are ale sale proprietor! and maaufaetereri of tbewt ll-knownBR.BTlKVKK'H TONIC HKRH RITTERg, wblob haa been sucw-fally used for ever thirty roar as ft Bleed fartler, ewli-D;!- pepiie ana ion it. niTBY A CHRT8T, MerkT4':.s 1)1 X. Third at., Philadelphia. m 5r (Rot&tf $romif0. tr. KRATZER & LYTLE ' THI NEAV FIRM! IN THEIR COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Ar. marking down their IMMENSE STOCk UF GOODS, to th, lowt OASH PRICKS. Roduced exnimea and aelllng for ready iay iBablii them to do It. They will endeavor to be JlKAIHllTAItTKIlM for tupplytof th oltiaeot of C liar Held oounty with DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I Dra.l, . Wall Paper, Iloota and Uhoea, Uueen.nare, Uruearl. Ac., Aa. And all other gondii in Ihelr line. N. B.-TKUMfl CAKII. J. VI. KMATZKH, J. U.LTTI.K. Clrarl.ld, DM. IH, 1174. ED. AV. GRAHAM, DKAI.KII IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, .. SQl'ARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Haa Ju.t opened, nt tba old .tend, In Oraham'a how, a aompieto .took or ji' k ir v o o u s, oravary d.aariptlon. 4 DRY OCK)DS, GHOCEKIKS, HAnDffAKE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, .fw., 4v... IN GREAT VARIETY, , FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, liYE, OATS, CO UN, A L WA YS ON HA ND AND FOR SALE AT A SWA Ll AD VA NCK. FLOUR Ibe car load, and iold advaaoo. Received t Ibe car load, and iold at a imall ad van oo. A tupplj of ROPE eonitantly on hand. Special Inducement olTerad to I bote getting oat Square Timber and Loge, aa w deal largely la Lumber men ' Buppliea, aad ar pre . pared at all time to purehate tim ber and lumber, , BDi Wi GRAHAM, Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA.' Oct 33, 187). II ARD TIMES 7 IIAVR NO RPPRCT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am aware that there ar terno person a little hard ta please, aad I am alio aware lhat tbe complaint of "hard timet" li well nigh nniverial. nut i am to situated now tbat I enn latisfy the former and prove oeneloelvly that "hard times" will not effect thoee who bnv their cooda from me. and all my patroni ihall h initiated Into Uie a, eret of UOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I hare good enough te mihi-lv alt the Inhaht- tanta In the lower eud of (he county which 1 tell at exceeding low raiea from my aiaiameth store la MI LSOMU KIJ, where I can alwavs be found ready to wait upon allera and tnppfy them with Dry Goods of oil Kinds, Bach Bt Clothi, Bet leett i, CaMlmerci, Musliaa, jVeiainai, binen, Drillings, Lal.ooe, Trimmings. Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Roots and Shoe, Hats and Cap! all of the beat material and made to order lloee, boobs, uiovet, Mlttena, Laeet, Kt boons, A. OHOCKUIKa OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rica, Moieties, Piih, Halt rerk Lloaeowl Oil, jVilb Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware. Queenawara, Tinware. Ceatlnr. Plow and Plow Caitinga, Nails, 8iikti, Corn Cultira tan, Cider Presses, and all kiodi of Aiet. Perfumery, Paints, Varnlih, Glut, and a general airertaient of Stationery, O00D FLOUR, Or different brand, nlwayi on hand, and will aa aala at the lowest poibie figure,. J. II. MeClaln'l aledlelaa., Jayna'a Maillalnel, and lioofland a ililtara. tool pound, or Wool wantsd ror whloh the high..t prlea will ha paid. Clorereeed on hand and for aala at Iba lawaat market price. Alan. Aneht fnt Ktrattonrille nnd CurwanavllU Thraihlng Uaehinoa. . i hvft.Cnll and aaafor yonmlvea. Yea will find av.ry thing aiually kopl la a Mail .tore. L. H. COtlDHIET. Franebrllle f. 0., Aognil U, I Ml. JhjKW 8TOHB A.NDNKW GOOIiS JOS. SHAW & oOiV Hay juat opened a Kw FTot, on Main Ht.,Ci.nriii,n, P. laloly occupied liy Wm. F. IRWIN, j Their Hock of i JJD III XT 3E CD CD VD St i Oaociaiw of ihl beat quality, QuiCEMtVAHE, BoOtl Qlld SIlOCS, ' and ornrjr article Decenary for . ona', oomfort. Call and ixamiuc our itock lefora pur ohaalngel..wher. May S. lRM-lI. 1 JOTICK. Th anlertlened hereby fives notice that an person hai a right to eoBl'aet delta rf the late ra wf "Kylee A Rberirer" bet hlmseir, and that he will net pay any debt! for said trm eoDtraeted hy David II. ghartaer. lie, tbe laid tiharUer, ha ao right to buy an v thie for tbe Irm, or to receive any Bmw dae the Irm. Trot baring enm plied with hit agreeeneat toaKltatlag him a member ef wid ftrea ' LRONARt) KYLRTt. Kylortovn, inat 3e ln;j" ut'$ Column. WILLIAM HEED AT COST ! Having (lcloriiiinod to reduce my slock very low, I will soil for llio NKXT DAYS AT Actual Cost! Buyers in need of duy ;goods, CAUPETS, ' WALL PAPER, should givo lliis atlunlion, ns they will rccrive i ' ' BARGAINS ! ALL F HI NTH, t 8 centi 1 GRENADINES, it IR, 20 nnd 2.1 rU. TYC6OX REPS, nl ' 20 coiili FINK POMGEK SII.K8, nt 45 oeitln TABLE LINENS, nl , r.conlsi white ooons, .iy (,i.en. j Ir. . i ii fuel everything nt nucli prices . tlint tlioy nro lIOIM TO NKIal.I AT COST! WILLIAM REED. Room No. 1 Open Kowae, Marly eppoilte tbe Pestutln. , . I (.'learflild, April J, HT'.. no,.y; rn ftoddj, tit. QPPOSITION TO I HI POM IT I ON! T. A. FLECK & CO., art JeUrmintd to tell DRY GOODS, Bt prloei that defy competition, 10,0t)0 yard of entirely new dress good. ft.uliit yarda lit ark Alpacca. The celebrated Collingwood Rrand, acknowl edged the beat good for tb price ever put on the market. Hummer Cat i meres, a large atsortment, very cheap. LA DISK' DRESS GOODS. Ladiet while dress goods. In great farit-iy. Tabl Llneni, whit, aud Id eo'ort. Prlo away dowa. A beautiful lot of Summer Shawli, bought at a bargain and will bo told viry low. Ladles Bonnets and Hats, Hetiand BonneU.triuiraedand nnlrimmed.ia the vary latest ttylet; also flowen for trim wing, and every artiel uaed for Mllinery. Ribboni, Laoea, Wreaths, Ac, all entirely new. " IadicB Dress Trimmings, A large line or breat Trimmlnt, juat purrheeed, to be aold very cheap Percales ia full line, real ale. Tbe flneit variety of prints or ealioo ever brought to thli town, from to 10 centi per yard. Miu Hill man It bore. oct21'T4 T. A. f LKCK. A. M. HllJ.r. QHANGE OF PHOPRIKTOKS. The undersigned having purchased the ttore goods aad properly rurmerlr occupied by Lever Plegal, on Second atreel, Clearfield, adopt tbii metb'K) of bringing hii buinesio Ihe notice of the public, and promise to furnish his patroni with tho very beat quality of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, at exceeding low ratal. Tlill t am euahlrd to do, htauta I hare no rent to pay, and can there fore diride lb. prolu with my ru. turner.. It mny be aild tbat thi. U an eiperlmenl with me, but U arlling n good article fur a low figure aa tlee, eititom and anpnnda trade. I am bound to Iweceee in my tandertoking. Uire ma a call, rl aaaina ray .lock and learn my prieoa. To my larg. .look or boot, nnd ibnoa, hata and tap., I bare Jul added a full Mock f Gents' Furnishing Goods, whlrh I will ..11 nt tba rery lowa.t figurea tor enah, ar In etrbange r.r ronotry produce, nt lha IIIGHKST MARKET PRICE. Call and aaaraiae my atorh and prirei h.fore rwiiMiDR .m.nen. PKTRR MeflROROR. Clwn.l.l, April 11, H7. JjEW OPENING. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE ''' ' AMD HAT & CAP NTOKK. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, ' MARKET ITKKRT. A foil anil nimpl.l. uaortmaut of n.w fundi nnd new Mylrn, down ta HIA HP PAN" PRICKS Cilitena are inrltrd to rail and eiamine my atorh and judge ror Ib.tnrrlve. a. lo Quality and price, or goode. J"S It I'll 8. HIIOWKItH. Clearfield, April II, IHt. TANT ED. N. E. ARNOLD, ('IIMWKNMVIM.G, lA i . Arnold & Hartshorn. JOO.OIHI 0-liirh Whavrd lilnRlra. 1 0,000 powtlda of Wool. . ail lo bal ing Ions rbingle. or Wool (or ail ,r) .m do ..n t. ii o. ma. th. highnt n ket prira paid al all llaiea. Also, a full aad complete ttock of DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, 1IOOTN A WHO US, j GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, j SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, which will be toll at reasonable price, or -1 ehang4 for iblnglei or wool. I N. H. ARNOLD. Carwensrllle, May I, 187. WILLIAM M. HKNKY, Junnrr. or rwa PaAreafHcairttaaa(LUsil.KR CITY, Colleetloai made and money promptly paid ever, Artie 1m of agreement and deeds of ooaveyaaee Beally ei ecu led and warranted cor rect or ao charge. MJ'tl lC t 44 A 1lr Terms free. s9l lAV Addrtea U. BtnaoTl A Co., Peri. I land. Main. Jan2My The Tdrnfltv Clover S 1216 i GOpiB. The ft Principles as 4-to'd tin, fti uur Aiinouncsnienu lMt Fall I.av hridj hutr w yatur'a tjrowth and ONE PRICE, CASH DOWN, RETURN THE K0JTEY, RELIABLE GUARANTEE nun. ng oi a 4 Rallying Words 4 Another Season. 1AIIIMMM1MBI811N have taxed to their UTMOST B" their val faoUltle IJ-CASH CAPITAL, "CHOICE OF M AhKFTS, IH ..-COMPETENT WOHKMEM, rCONVENIENT BUILDINI1S, l-COMPHHeNSIVK BXPEItiENCB. Tiie Kesult is 4-fold. PERFECTING OF PLANS. REPARATION OF STOCK. UTTING DOWN THE PRICES. LACE OF BUSINESS ENLARGED. I ut. hrnwrifr al 0,allng lid. Doma tutiNUi poa eH. WE 1 TO BUILD WANAMAKEXt & BROWN OAK HALL, 8.E. Cor. 6th & Market Sts., riiUadelplua. Mar ,M, l7i-3m. lUUrrUaurous. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, 8HC0ND BTKKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DKALEIIg IN ' . PUllK DllUCJS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OIIJS, DYE STUFF VAIINISIIES, U 111811 K8, pkrfi:mf.rv, FANCT 00 01) TOILET AUTICLES, OF All KINDS, PURR WINKS AND LIQUORS, for mcdirlnal parpoiet. Trues, Pupporten, School Dooka and Station ary, and all other articles usually found In a Drug ft tor. IMIYSICIAJJP' PRKSCIIIPTION8 CARK PVLLY COMI'0l'NIKD. lUvmr a lares ei- Eerlenee in the bnsiaess they can give entire sat fartioa. . J. O. HARTSWICK. JOHN F. IHWIN. Clearfield, beeembor lo, 1S74. TIIE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLKAIIFIKLD. PA., , HANtirarrritRna r . FI1IK KltlXK, Furnace Blocks, (ins Rctorls, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, &o. ihimncy Top; IfVurfoir Vnpt, ' i a tin I'n.ort. A!l kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIIIIN'AI, DKSIUNS IN TKKRA C0TTA MADK TO OltUCR. i ' '' - 1! f!i .' : ,i ' With Improved niakinerr, Grit ola.t inaterlal and .hilled workmen, wn can warrant nil onr manufacture, to be equal te If nut .ulierlur lo an; In tlto mnrket. Artielea af oar mannfai4ura aan be Hen at Ihe Worh, near Railroad Dram, or at the Hardware Store of II. Y. llifler A IV All AtA.. r.Am . aialnHn. . .,. J t ,! General rjutierintendrnt. will reeeiv. nmni k tentlon. AT. O. IIARTHIVK'K, .lnnv rK'tiiii-tinv ,,.. or Ilrathnrlil, ll.rnklrk, Seotland, nupl. Manulacturto, llapt. marSO 73 - . i i.v pae.aae. in ill. worm Hlncl. paekae., with elegant priia, poet. paid, 2S l'. . i.i .-j .... .... v... . Hu,,tm pvd. .lamp, ... r.leu, F. P. (JI.l l K, New lle.K.ird, Ma. Hij Jj'on BBNT.- Arnold's Halt, Ib Curwrnfville.tir nlehtor wee h, on reainable lertni. treating capacity, fliiUj stage, 1S40; drop eurtain all rem p let. Alie,l tint rooini on leeond floor, 20x20, suita ble for offirts, 1n,nlin on Alain atrctU 'or fur ther particulars addreii N. E. ARNOLD. Curwenirlllo, April 7, I8:v..;!m JOR SALE Ibe nnderrigned, determined to reduce rtoek and material, pmpoeei to dispose of, at eireediog low rale, a nuuiber or IIOJIHKH A HA1INKSS, rARRlAGES t IIUGGIES, A(iONSt AC, AC, I eaa top ply parties with eilber new or teoond band earrias;e, liur,jf, or wngons, at fabulomly low prices. Horse, old and ynong, and harnem to mat oh. Partial la need of either cannot buy them ai eheaply anywhere else. JAM KB I. LKAVT. (Garfield, April l7S..t( C OME AXD SETTLE. I hereby fire oetieo lo my euatomrra that I nr. drtormlnr. to hare all ni, anaallled aoeonnta aloaed at a. early a period a, pua.ilila. II mere eannot pay, let Ihem aotne rnrward and Hi. Ha their aerounla. Ir they will aot oonta and ettle with ma, they mny ba anmpelled to nettle with aa ntneer or the law, and incur tba nana! eorta In such eaa... L. M. C0UDBIET, Frrnohrllle, Jane ,175. Jm At'CTIoNI'.ERI.Mi Ann 1HLL POSTING. The und.nlteed Would raepeetfnllT Inhrm lha dtl.ena of t'learneld and eleinlty lhat ba la pre pared I. 9rj all Aaellea, Veailaa, and arher Male, on abort nolle., nnd at reaeoaunl. rate,. Hale Hill., Poatera, Programme., end olh.r adrartUia, aoaled nnd dialriboted In ihe ami ana.wtt'a'.n. plaae. A abate .1 pnhlle patnmaa I. ..Molted. N, I,. IIOIIINM. Marrh 1?. Tl tr. llrartli'M, I'a. 4th. Uin, l.tiataotlM oa gafatHhna th Maney. aacuiln, our CvltMaara fit T)iK SUAftAHTEC. Up the Largest Clothing Business In the World. UsrtUanrous. E. A. SOUTHARD, Fire, LRc & Accident Insurance AGENT, Clearflclrl, Pa. IRAVKI.ER S LIFE A ACCIDENT. Il.rtford, Conn ...Aa.eta over 3, 0011,01) IIO.MK FIltK INSURANCE CO. Coluiubua, Ohio (foUe'TMy Aaetta orar $600,000 Jab. 8. Paao, Prea'l. R. E. Bniraaa, gac'y CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OK HARTFORD, CONN. Assets... fc1.IU.Mt. Ratio of Aaaelito Liahititiei 1JJ Fnroiihe Incurane at the very lowest cost Policy-boldert participate in the profit! of the Company, thni eontinually reducing tbe annual pa vui en Is. For rates, Ac, call on or address R. M. MrKNAIiLV, A rent. Office ia 8haw'a Row, Clearfield, Pa. 7:1a 74 TOOK. R. Ul Rlur. ctbi'i oonnox. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. nltANCn OFFICES In different part, or the Connty. Tha rollnwini; Old and ReliaMe Fire, Accident, S tcck and Life loaorance Companiaa rcprcented : E"ub- Aaaata. law North Britiab A Mercantile Fir. Ine. Co., ar Knuland f30,IOO,.O0 18U SoaUiah Cmaerelal fire Ine. Oo, or KnalaoJ.. (gold) lO.OOO.OM 17VI North Atn.rien Fire Co, of Philadelphia. . can. ,o, 1820 Fire A.aociaUon Fire lararanoa '"' Co, oi Philadelphia S, 100,000 18S Pbornii Fir. In.. Co., N. Y.... 1,200 000 HOT Wat.rlown Flra Ina. Co., or H. Y, inanraa Tarn building, only 100,000 1S71 Ainaaon Fir. luauraao. Co,, of . a a a " ...... a. a. ........... llUVV. UVU 1858 Vorlt hloek In sure no Co- of 1'enoa. I Dsn ret horses, Ac 7A,Wt 1874 Hartford Accident Iniurano Co nt nt.nn.nli.,. a..a ... atVV.VVU mil Pean Mutual Life Inauraao. I'O, oi I'eoneylraain A,000,000 1800 Metropolitan Lite Inanrano. Co oi Now York ..... 1,0(10,000 Total capital 01,000,0110 Pe.nne In (he mh.ih , . . ,nulli, eaa hat. i promptly attended to by calling at lha ufV. or addreaainf u by letter. Ineuranooa af feciod at tha loweat poaaibla rata, to ho obtained in Irrt-elau aompaniae. Ao Cbmniniee ranna. tnud trkirk net. A.e..Mear. The aho.n two life Imuran. Co. 'a, rrprceented by T. 11. Mnrray, bar. paid oat ia carh. between tha dale, of Aug. and Aug. Kill, lo U. fri.nda of dcreaaed policy holder, in tbia coaaly, the mm of 0.2,iiio. ProvIJa r. ih r.ii.H k. 1.....1.. l . ... ...... j iu.uiiu. w.r auiaei and your lire. In Ihe Wc.l Hranoh Inauranra "R'ncy. MUKKAY A I1UKDON. llearSald, May 20, 187j. Aganl,. JOHN TROUTMAN, DK.U.KR IN FUKNITUllE, AMI Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. O. The under.i.ned her. leave to Inform th. .til. aena or ClearQelil, nnd lha public generally, thai he ba. on hand a One aaaortnient of Furniture, enrh a Walnut, Cheatnat nnd Painted Chamber Suite., Parlor Snilcr, Krclinitig nnd Rlteneioa t',, l.a.llra' ami llrnt.' K.iy Chair., the Per fnrtrd Dining and Parlor Chair., Cana Seat, and Wiailor Chair.. Cloth., liara. Kljin a,.n aion Lnddcr,, Hat Rack., Scrubbing Brurhea, Ac MOUI,IINfl AND riCTVRt FRAMEg, Looking (llnaaea, Chromo,, Ar, which would ha .oitahle for llolieay praeenta. onivi. JOHN TIIOI'TMAN. .'Oil SALE! n ..... .,iU wr.niii.nen iiricn swelling, .lin. ate en tb. rlrer bank, In the borough of Clear. ., K .in., ruoma, wiin good cellar, . i aim auina moiiera oonre aleaeea. Paalriee, Ilath-room, Clohe.-prei.e., Ao. Lat eitly feat front nnd two hundred aad thirty feet back, witb a twenty foot alley na thaaaal aiile, S.i.l building, with all tha appurtenance, will ba aold cheap, with payment, to auil nurohe ar. Application can be made lo tho nnder igned, or to A. O. Tale, Eaq, who will giro all neocaaary Information lo IhoH who dealra to ia pent the property. ,, iiiua.j.jtcviiLi.oi;tiH. May 11.1,1873, if. c I ALL AND SETTLE.. rt.Vftl. liMM H.hAn.J Ia m.. I 1 I... . . .. miu wvmm time witb oo hop. nl permanent impror.m.nt, I deem it ne.1 I. quit buain..., and horl,y notifr I lalm., lh.1 I It... . 1 . 1 . 1 1 i l paper, ia the banda ol Wm. Porl.r, k.u, for nl. .fluent un collection, lie t. lull; aulejuitaed to aettle my bu.inea., and will pay all hone.1 et.iaaa l.rr.l'n I nl i n . I m. Ma . A . hour, on bo.'neae, being phy.ieallr eo al. ...... w ii,u.e uavnig uaeeiueii aecownl on my book, will eonf.r n favor n aa hy ralhag oa mt. i-orier ai an .any cay anil adiuat tha ram a proper manner. t ll k DllOKT. I'lenrlielil, April II, IS7t. Am. ArAl.l'AHLE IMiOrEHTV . FOR BALK Oil FOR ItKNT. Tha nhaerllior airea aotle. Diet ba will .HI... rani or mil bu dwelling nnd elor. property, alt. on It cod atreel, adjoining the Leonard Hoar., In tbe nnrough af Clearfield, I'a. Tba .tor. mom la 10 X 84 1..1. The dwelling boa., coatnlna I roniae and a kitchen oa lha Aral atory, and room, oa lha aecoud atory. Tha iter, room can ba had at once, nnd lha dwelliae; portion on and after Ihe lat of July. For further par ticular., aildraH or .pply to th. anderiig ned .a loo premiroa. u r.11. u, rAHftMUtla, ClaarBeld, Pa, May l, '7i.lf Clearfield Nursery. tNCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. 2I1UE and.nlnn.d, harlag .aubllah.d a Mat. L l.'y an Ih. 'Pike, about halfway aotwMi l.arfleld and Cnrwenaellle, la nrahnt.4 aa a ,. Blah nllhlnde.fFHUIT IHKKa,(.lnaardaa4 dwnrf.) Kttrfrwu, Khrnhhary, Urap. VlaM, llooeenarrlei, Uwl.a Blaekharry, Bu-awharry, and Raaharry Vlnaa. Alio, Slharlaa Orah Trm! (..I.e., aad .nrly aearlal Hkabarh, A.. Orittt promptly all.nd.d a., Addraaa, t. D. WRI8BT. Mp.O.'M,,ill..n,