THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAHKIELD, PA WRDNK8DAT MOKNIWO. JUM Mailt. Terms of Subscription. Cf pftid IW thrM d btfor iti t M If tbattre(ti of ill obU. I Rpr AdrtliUf Ag.Bia, IT P-vrk R,Miiir Bwk nan I Btr!, r our duly Mtberltcd Agtata la N.w York City. fctCI.KilOUM KOTIClvM Met bod tat Klarpal t'brcfc--Hv. B. f. Btrviki, i ur. Ibli Bar tot trybtUlk M 10i A. M., ud P. M. HftbUtk rtchiwl t a A. M. PrTr It, tiBC, M ! P. M Coma wato BrrlM, trrt Habbala f avrj aentb, at lot A.M. PrtbwrUa Church Kit. II. B.Butlei. Ba.bti.vth MrrioM Bornlng aud vtalng 8b bath Sokaul at I P. M . Pry Mtiaf W4nM day facing. Ht. Franc U' Charrh t'alholtc Bar. P J. HMKaiOAR.Uaat at lVft a'aloak A. M.,oa tka flrit, third and laurtb Hwadj of fcoata. OaVPICIAL lIBttTOHV TIMB OF OLUIM) QVABTBB SUSIOMS COL'BT, Bar ad Monday of January. Th rd Monday of Marak. Plist Monday af June. Fourth Monday af September. TIMB OT SOLUM COMBO! PLBAB. First Monday af June. Seoond Monday of Nov.mber, public owe ma. Pretidit Jerfav Hon. Cbarleo A. Mayer, or Lock Haven . A$titaml te uafoa Hon. John H. Ortll, of JJalleloBte. .aennre Jerfae William C. Foley, Clanrfleld Joha J. Head, t'orwenarilie. PrttknoffyVU Bloom. fttfiittr md KtfrtUr L. J. Morgan. Jiiitritt Atlerwey Frank Fielding. rVra.Nrf- ltevidW. Wlaa, Mkirif William R. MPharaon. Vonniy Smrfgor Hamutl F. MoC1okry, Cur wen.ville. Caimtm CommitioHr- -John D. ThompSUD, Curwenavillei Clerk Brown, Clearfield ; Conrad W. Kyler, tlrahainten. Count jUdVere Jamea IMIile, Lumbar City; Uwii C. Bloom, Claar&eldi Henry Whitehead, Union townahin. Jnry CmmiiiontrtJun W. Bhugart, Jatnaa Mitchell, Cln.rnt-d. tiujxritdt mf Public Stkoott Jobo A. uregory, uiearneia. .V0(-Wt Pmklie Joha W. WrivleT. Wm. He- dwbaugh, Cyrua L. tiordoa, Ckartieldf Jusiah Kvana. Joa. H. Irwin, a. It. Arnold. Ourwensville J. J, Llngle, Kmml Sayer., U.ceola Mills; John ston Hamilton, Lutberaburg. Oar Sweinl euluran ia decidedly interesting in a local point of view, and profitable reading to outsider! who want to save money. Dog dy will buin on tlie 4th of July and end on the Iltb or August. A quakcr ltuly preached in tio M. K. Church, In this ptaaa, last Babbath avaniog. No Pai'eh! Next week will he 4th of July week. No HartatlcAX will be issued. "Your choice at eight con U a yard T Is bow toe way our aierebants label tneir cauro, How is (hat for low F ill the gradunting chuts of 18?5 of Uickiaaon Hvuituary, Williamfurt, ra., we notice the nam of Miff Ida A. Taj lor, of Clearfield. John Shaw, nged about 78 yetuu, und Catharine Huow, aged about 74 years, were mar ried In Madison town.hip, Clarion county, on the 19th of February lat. "May they lire long and broiper." Tyrone in to have a great big Fourth of July ob the 6th. Tba authorities bar Invited everybody, and ex-OeTarnor Curt In Is to be tba Orator of the Iey. Tba Vtftb la ta be a buga affair over there. MeHflra. Graham, WulluoeJc Co. offer for sale, on reasonable farms, valuable saw mill machinery. Tba engine and boilers are as good as new. Fur further particulars ace advertise ment lo this paper. ... .. a i Hiciii.t Arrayed. The KuHquehan- aa (Jatritt man saw a lady dining at the Haratoga Houaa In that Tillage recently, who bad her fingers laden with rings ta the ralu of $0,on. Ha must be a diamond est i water. - e a The Clinton VAmwraf aayMbat Henry Nonemochor, who runs the pony gang at 11 leach nrd A Co.'s mill, eat 61,29ft feet of Inch and n half stuff last Monday In 11) hours. This Is Hu bert euttlng aver dons on I ho mill Id the same length of time. Tho Temperance women of Mercer county ha bald a convention lb Maroar and adopted a aeries of resolutions, on of which re quest the officials of the different churches to as unfertnntd Instead of fermented win fur sacra mental purposes. Bide a 'Wee. When the farmer sows bis seed In the Hpring, b knows that there will be no barrast till Autumn, bat a doean't ow that account refuse to plant and nurture the teed own. Yet tome man are discouraged because they do not rwoeivo immediate returns from their first advertisements. One day hint week a swarm of been took possession of n oupl of knot-holes in the Id of (be dwelling occupied by Mr. Fred, M. Cordon, In this borough, and the little busy creature, ara now Improving aech shining hour la storing away booty betwn th siding and weather-boarding of tha building. m - Shut Down. Tho Lock Haven Republican aaya that two saw mills or that city bavo already closed down far want of logs Bhaw , Tawna A Co. 'a, and Bimpaou A Martin's. A light flood would furnish stuck enough to keep the machinery la motion all along the river. Will w get It f That's tba question. The Hunk in thin plaoe will be Closed on Monday neat. According to a law paasid on the Id of April, 1873, when tha 4lh of July falls on Sunday, Monday shall be observed as a legal holiday, and all bills of exchange, r hecks, drafts, orprumiiiory not.., felling due on the Monday so observed as a holiday, ahall be duo and payable oa the Saturday preceding. The Tyrone Democrat aayti that J. 11. Riley, Km., ohief elerk in Superintendent Blair's efflca, In that place, waa recently seat a young red foi by a friend In Clearfield county, and for several days his fonbip bnd many admirers. Mr. Riley prAsealcd It to tb Actuary of the Zoological (larden at Philadelphia and It now oecapiea quarters In Felrtnouot Park. m - Patch Work. Minn Mollio Walker, of Hunker Hill, Centra county, baa Informed the Centr Hall Rtporttrt that sb has just completed B quilt which contains fa tkoutand und in pi, ind tbo wants to knew If there la "anybody around who can beat it." Moll la baa evidently not been "gaddiag around much" recently. The 'patches must be fry tmmft, or tb quilt Is a rery arye ona. Young maa, Motile la worth looking after. A Leoal View. Judge McDcrmitt, of Mercer county, ia hit charge to tb (Iraud Jory held that easel oommcnood under tha Local Option Law, repealed by tha act of April Utb, t75, could aot be prosecuted, la consequence a large number of oases commenced under this act were diipored of by verdict of "aot guilty and tho oouaty to pay tb costs." Tha "not guilty feature may b legally right, but "tb county tc poy tb cost." ii a public outrage af a very brasen character. The defendant or the prosecu tor should be com pel M lw pay tb cost, r divide It bctweon them, Bad the meay sboald never be made t suffer for tba faults of the Urn ; where It can porsibly be avoided. The (ihanhiiopperm. -A I'rwnd in eaatera Nebraska baa cent a a buah of twigs cut aff his apple trees after the grasshoppers had gone through kls young orchard. He states that B large per ventage of tb young orchards in that ccllou aro destroyed. Oat there they call these destraetiv insect mcost. Our oormpoitdeBl j further stales they obtained their wlngiabont that lit of J. and took tight, "but they bav i left dcsolatUn behind Ibeea." Tbo ut!logs la quastloB can be seen at our office, and tbey fully 4oionstrat the destructive flower of ph grass-hppr-ooasta. Tbey not only dvurd lb loaves and fruit, but peeled th bark off tb llmbl as eieea as though II baa bcb iea ob whb kalfe. Ktranuk. Twelve yean tfoa latly of this place started out to tak a walk .wearing a valued breastpia, th property of her baiband, whose nam was ea It. She had not gun far h h missed II ad retraced ber steps to bual for It. After muck bunting tb pin was given up Ivr lost, and after a tics reootketloB of H bad died oat. A few day. slnoe, a little girl left th ft at the office f tb gentleman, Just twelve Tri after Its )os. As M fnf atisnt. and a YPauon was leu, a i a Was left, tlrcly Ignorant f Hare wheaee It earn or what Induced III return. The nam looked a tkuh an effort bad Md. to eras t, ad tb supallB that tb balder m i tb cob flask-, tba t oaWa t oatiotioBsly bld any longor, and rata reed U under that pressure. However that may bo, II us a welcoaie rovry. Cfafc Vswteerwf. A New Swindling Doimie. "In thaaa days w look fr 'ibarnara io a I moat nmty braaeb of aaiiuau (oieopt tba prilling bulnai) and tt baa baan oar painful duty aa a faithful ehrontoltr of paaalog araula to writ up tha litrp iadivltlaal la alnuat ovary branch, atcrpt tht ulnar., wbuw wo prvpoa to put oa rouord ow. Wo laara Indtraetly (that la throunb a third party) through two Sotnaraat awuoty Jum, who ara aoourlag Ilodfurd ouunty fur a uiMliig oapitaliit (t), tha partiaulara of tha lalal dudgu, blob ara about aa follow, t Oa I ait Friday two atrragara, 'or inallar' tip, Ul lata, riraDtlug aatold waaltb, dailroui of lavaating tbaif fundi and of 'davaloping tha eoaatry' waited upon a famar Avar barlla, and aftar making him beltivt that hit fara eoolainad iniecrala of tnoaloulatile Vftlu, prueaadad to aagotiat fur tha right to Muiii and taka away." Aa they war oioaadiogly liberal la their all era a bargain was eoun trw'k, tha herpara agreeing ta pay down a bunui of una haadred duller.. Alter the panrrt were all draw a up and prerly algaed the eharpera pulled out their wallets to pay over the bwaua, when it waa diaeoverad that lby didn't have change enough. I hey bad, however, a ehcok for sii bunured dol- Jar. en a Clearfield hank, but ae tbey were aot personally known bereabouU, Ibey would have lo get aoue ona to endorse the bote before tbuy could grt the money. Ine runner bit at his bait like a get me money, i oe lurnier bit at nis oalt like a cat-fl.h at a red worm afler a rain, and willingly affixed his autograph to tba chrck. Tha sharpers drew the (60U, but failed to call upon the farmer ki ki. emu .ki.k i-.i ... i .i and pay bim bis IOO, whi.h led to aa toveatiga. tieu of matters. A search wa. immediately tutod for the mteaing capitalize and one uf them The other party esoaped and 1 suppoMd to be lurking about io mew litre In our county. The following description Is given ot bim t About b feet 8 Inches high, sandy hair, black moualavbo, high crowned slouch bat and grey clothes." vr " " i" vt "" '. in foregoing we ciippoa from the uediora inq mirtr, and the following from the Somerset Utraia i "Last week two men, giving their names as Millar, and claiming to be brother, bought a farm of Mr. Peter Ilauger, of Brothers Valley township, Somareet county, Pa., and were to have paid H 00 as an 'earnest' of tb bargain. A check foraCOV on a Clearfield bank was all tha Millers could produce in the way of uionny. This check Mr. Ilauger endorsed, when it wa. cashed at the bcrlia baola, and in a few days was found to be worthless. The officers were put upon the track of tba Millars, and on was captured at one, and the other on Monday, an it te aot pmua bla that their ill-gotten gaina will profit them much." Yinnib Keam's (iiRMiooD. Our Centre county exchanges have paratatad that Vionla waa a product of that county. But a Leven worth, Kansas, oorrcnondeut of tho Chi cago iHttr-Om alludes tuber in this way : This bewildering young moulder of graven images is a Kansas girl. Tbo paternal lUam was for many years a resident of Uiin Bute, wher he followed the arooetien of hotel keeping. He operated firs t ia the Bhawnee House, Leavenworth, and after ward la the Kldridge House, at Wyandotte. Tho patrons of th?ee hotel, and eitiicna of the tow an named recall the Vlnuie Kcatn of those days aa a pert, plump little body, with remarkably bright ayes and a "handy" way of waiting upon the guests it the table i and It is related that when the family made the Journey froo Leavenworth to Wyandotte she drove the cow, walking the whole distance barr-footed ta save her only pair of chocs. Nobody who knew her In thio sylvan era of her childhood is able to recall a single sifts 1b her looks or her actions of a bent for chiselling statue. And yet It is fair to suppose that the "divine atttctua" bad at least a wliiepering lodg ment in her mind even then, if we are to accept tha flattering estimate which her friends put upon her work as an artist If she ever " sculped "any -thing In Kausas except biscuits and butter-roll, there is no record or remembrance of it ; nor is It known here how and when she first cotuttienned her working of miracles In stone. 8 lie had but little education and no art training when she'leit Kansas i and to people thereabout sho is herself a grtr wonder than all br statues. It seetus utterly impossible to credit tha fact I bat a girl who only a few years ago was washing dishe. in a frontier boarding hotHM should new be winning wurld.widc nttcutiou in a sphere which is sup posed to demang the highest and sublime.t genius. Putting aside tbo question of tha real value of her work a an artist, the fact of her success as a woman, her triumph over ob.taulus which few men find it possible to surmount, is not without signal claim to general and praixcful ranognitio n. If success be the true test of tnertt her title to fata ia above dispute. - mm a - Lewihburj, Centrk A Hi'rtucK Crrkk rUiLBoan. At a meeting of the? nVard of Direc tors of the Lwlburjf, Centre A Hpnifc Creek Railroad Company, held in Philadelphia, on the 8th Inst., tha fallowing officers were elected : President Hun. Uvorge K. Miller. Secretary and Treasurer Jamea H. MoClnre, Directors Eli Slifrr, Ui-o. 11. Hobirts, Win. 3. Howard, Strickland Knca.s, J. P. Coburn, H, II. Duncaa, D. J. Morrell. Tho following is an anulvpl.of the rood it Ion of the road, taking it by secti'ms of a mile each : Sections 1 to IB, flu ii bed and onr. running. Seec. IB to V, graded. Sec. IN not let work light. Sec. 19 let to Col. Jamea Moor. ' - See. 30 not let work light. Se. 81 let to Mr. Cum. bell. Bee. S3 let to llridgenx, Nny s A Co., of T.ork Haven. This include William's Tunnel, li'JO feet in length. Sees. 31 and 34 not let work light. Sec. Si let to L. J. A H. Van Dvka. This in cludes llowley's Tunnel, SOU feet long, only 40 feet of which remains un bored. Sees. :iD to ii (through Penns Vallev) gnuK-d. by Van Dykes and Moore. Bees. 4.1 to 0j not let work light. Sees. 66 to &T eroded. This takes it to the Pennsylvania Railroad at Tyrone. From Lciuont to llullefoulc the dlilancc is but aina miles, and the route very easy. On part uf he route, from Hell t foul to Valentino s furnace, there is a bora railroad track laid It is th determination of the Urd to push th work on as fast fast as posriblc. Th work on the unlet sections being of a light cliaraotar, these sections will be ready for tba rails as soon as the others arc. BtlUfonit Hrpublitan. - i m a i i . . - pHiLtrsHCRo Journalism. A mule at the Morrisdal Mikes broke Its Ivy; and was shot on Thursday. A llelf iau in the euiuloy of the Morrisdal Coal Company was seriously injured by a tall of slate, i J bursday. The engines upon this side of the mountain have been unfortunate this week, throe having been sent to tb shops for repairs In two days. A miner ny the name of Uawalt, employed at the Morrisdele Mines, received a painful wound la tha arm from a pick with which a companion was at work, on Thursday. Robert Holder, an emu lore on the crave! train. had his arm broken on Saturday, In the Osceola yard, by the falling of an Iron car roof, while the crew was engaged in clearing up the debris of (he fire. There Is a rumor of a projected line of railroad to be built by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany from the big Fill t Hoatidalc, by direct route, for the purpose of saving the labor neces sary lo move the deary coal train, of the Mo.hati non branch over the summit of the mountain. The public road from Pbilipaburg te Oscoala Is being changed at this end of the route, to avoid tha steep hill at Oearhart's, and (ho heavy grade Hear EMeinvr. una raa will loiiow the survey Uiaue for the plana road company by I. U. Lingle, Kq., some three year ago, continuing in a direct line for some distance from tho plank mad across tba beaver meadows, passing along the base of tba (Jearhart hill. - m For Kit in I'usTAiik J(atks. The prex- snt rat of postage between the 1'nited States and the ltriti.b Islands la sit cents for each kaf ewers. The rate between the I'm led State, and other sountriea rsngs from sii to sixteen cents (prepaid by stamp for each letter of ont omrik 1 uf an ounce in weight, Ry the Intcrnntional Postal Treaty of Ucrno, to which the I'nitcd Melts Is a part;, the etiiting rates of postage between all the contracting coo Ulrica that is the United Stales, Kngland, (lertnany, Austria, Hungary, Delgium, Denmark, Kgypt, Spain, Frantic, i Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, the Nether landt, Portugal, Hotimunla, Russia, Servla, Swttt-! erland, Sweden and Turkey is to be reduced and made uniform. Ihere Is now the British Parliament a bill change, a far as the linih l.l.nd. arc couoe.ncd, j and U fit the lint of July a the ttin wbea the t change! ta begin. of the rate that bav. ousted up lo the present time. o multiform that scarcely any one know what thoy are, there i is to b between Kngland.nd th.ahov mentioned I States, parties to th. ireatjut Bttue, au uniform , postage ofAs caf J ,;,;-."',;aTl l.alf an ounce, c.ich half, ounce involvmg an valra charge ol the .at.H t, aaaowat. Owing t m b.leh on the part of , trance, letters to and paying in the mail through ; Franco will not have the advantage of the re duoed rata until the beginning of the year lK7tl. Letters t and from Kngland will pa.., on and from July let, at the new five cents postage for each half ounce. Pkil4 tpSi I'ntt, UNr-ORTl-NATE HOY. NillO yeui'H flL'O thera II veil la the upper part of the county yvung I maa noaied 0 raves j he Was ale young man i and helped bis old father to run tho farm. He J taught a Sunday School nlM, didn't chew,. rnokn, drink, lie, nor go swimming on Sunday with Hie ! other boy. On day b wade up hi mind lo dig for himself. He scraped together what little be t Iio.sessvd and went forth to battle with the world. I landed in a weitern town wilh fifty-four cent. . ia his pocket and hundreds of mile from home I and friends, and to-day that boy (you may aot I believe it), he who worked on the farm with hi aged parents in. lead of lying around reading yellow covered novels and frightening his old , mother almost to death by threatening to run oft and becoming a high banded pirate, 1. occupying ; a scat ia the new Stale's pruxm of Nevada for I Inducing a tnul to elope with him. Iltllrfvnit H-ufeaema. Wholkhalr 1 hikvinu. Tlift arnift r llinn I.Mullln In Uat week, on lli eharge of being connected wilh a gang of thieves ! that hat mad stealing a burlneis for sum years i ""a 0" f . ' . r V ? Ya T ' r.nkil, anil lli want end of till. AOilolv. Ind to i the arrest of Hi whol gang. MiMuIlin , taken I Che.l Spring, Cnmhrla county, by lbs , Constable who effected his arre.t where he n rued Slate's evidence and iuiili'-afl Jark . Davis, Waller Davis, Al. pavil and Mil Doty of Cambria county, and James Young and Levi i ei mi we7 Various robberies ar laid to their charge, among which Is that of the rob- bery of tb warehoo.e of A. M. Lloyd, of Holll- i day. burg, last winter. A large quantity or goods has been fwnod In th poiiioB f the partlei, and the proof seeeas to be strong against then. They have all been arrested and lodged in Rbcns burg Jail. Fyrea iAratoonsl. ( Lit Of ItilterS ri'milfuln Ullt lnimt,il j is the Postofllc at Clarfl(d tt th Wk ending ; Jon ISlb, i7i i Bascm, Meorgs Kaarr. Maccie Iileom. Wisp jJrrthft2) il.-Rtnna, lr rj II C.i, 4i Molll, D,tV.,, ilr. U, U;l, ft.nm.l joh.Ma, W, K.II.,, I. M. W.l.b, Willi.. P. A. flAVLIS, P. M. Lkonabu Graded Scuool.TIio fol lowing itatlatioi of tba Primary Department of onr aehooli war promised mj t weak, bat wart not rooelrad tarlj aaough for publication. We giro them for tkt benefit of tbeea iulereeUd : A AID DB J. . a'KKJiaiOK'n It'NutL. Whole numhrr of pupil, enrolled, 1; target Dumber In attendano durltif one month. II t highest avrag during any nontb, t pvrventage or ailandaoue during any woain, VJI a rare ft attendance during term (8 month.), 6a par aaatago of attendanaa during term. VII t whole number promoted during term to (irammarlo- Jartutnt, Stl ( whole number of viiltura aorolled, 70 ; whole number of vlille from IHrwtori, SI j whole number of visits from County Buparln tendent, X. o D v anAM a, b. nnAn'a asnoou Whole number enrolled during term, 114) largeat number la attendance during one month, V i otKheat average aiienuenee during onamaaia, , I hi(heat pr oentaga of attendance duriog one month, VO i at erase attendano during term (I munih.), AO ; per oentaga of attendance during tha j f i"la number of visitors enrolled, 66 ; j wouie lunwr oi visue oj wiiwwn, a anb p sbadb nisi r. 0. JAstaa' school. wBol. BUmber carolled dor Id. term. 124 i j Whole nui f jnr-Mi nun,b y4 . hiehcat a I mi '. ki,hrt m ' "'I'1"" I1 her in attvndanoa doling sue montn, average attendance during nue month, monA M , Average nundenoo duriog term (S momi,,! 60 . p ceotage f attendance during I tIDf -j , who(e nnmUn of visitor enrolled, 6u ( whole number of visits by Directors, M, Total number of pupils admitted to the Depart. meat, ,14T j largeat number in attendance at one time, 2n0 highest average attendano Tor whole of tha Primary Department for any oae month. 214 j average at ten dance for Department during t,rw, 174 j er oentaga of attendance for Depart Respectfully. J. F. McKaaaiva, . moot, bo. Principal Priaonry Depart A Pribon Wanted. The Brookville Jffr9nia aayi i "On Friday morning last, Sheriff Darr removed Ibo two prisoners, Foster and Austin, to Clarion Jail for safe keeping. The insecurity of our Jail renders a guard neoeisary at times when then arc any prisoners confined there in who the authorities arc amioua to keep. This Is ct I ended with aoaaiderabl expense, and hence the transfer of lb tw above mentioned to tb Clarion Jail. They are evidently connected with a gang of thieves and robbers, who if aa oppor tunity offered would aid them to escape. Wa think this action of tba authorities was wisely taken, as It will be quit a saving of money In the and, as tha jail In Clarion ti said to be per fectly secure." The above named larks arc the boys who rob bed the store and poitoffloe at Drockwayvlllc, and were rultsrqiiriilly arretted at Troutville, In this county. Hail IIoad Kntkrprik. A dispatch from Wiltlatnsport states that tlie Jersey Shore and Pin CrR Railroad Company are pressing their work with energy, with a prospect cf speedy completion. The road between Williamnport and Jersey Shore will be in regular running order by the end ol July. From the Slat line to Buffalo, N. Y., th road Is now running, and tha connec tion will aoon b made from Jersey 8horc to the State line, thus completing direct communlcatloB via Philadelphia and Reading Railroad with buffalo and tho tireat Laka. Th Oatawissa Railroad has been leased by the Philadelphia and Reading. This eonibfnstfen will create the short est rout by many miles to this region, and seourethc Philadelphia th bulk of trade from the Great West. Tho Catholics held a pic-nic yester day at Cabin Springs, a short distance cast of tho borough. Th little folk and tbclr frieaJi, w learn, not only relished th splendid cake, ice cream, and other luxuries provided for the occa sion, but enjoyed a mirthful and pleasant day in the woods, nntll Interrupted late in tb alter noon by a heavy rain. Specials, NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMER! I Wc, the underslgued morohaat of Clearfield, hereby pledge ourselves to closo our place of bu nines on Monday, July 6th, lftfA, ud will ftoiitively decline to open our store on tbai day or business, Kraticr A Lytic, John McUaughey, Win. Reed, Weaver A Bette, Jaa. Jl. Lytic, Haokelt A Schryvar, J. A. Stewart, A. ii. Kramer A Co., Jins Kerr,. R. Mossnp, J. r. Showers, H. 1. Snyder, U. W. Mraheoi, II. F. Nauglo, I T. A. Fleck A Co., A. i. Jackoen, I'ster MuUeorgo, Mr. T. J. Watson. , WOODS MEETING AT PCNNFICLO. The Lord willing, the Free Methodist will bold a W oods Meeting in Mr. F. Hooker's woods, at PeiinUeJd, Clearfield county. Pa., ootnmeneini on Thursday evening, July 1st, and closing on the evening of the 4th, Iter. J. Robinson, of Alleghany, N. T., and Miss Kinnia Mellow, of Rocketer, N. Y., will bo with us aud preach upon the occasion. P reach ing moraing, afternoon and evening of each day. The Free Methodists sr trying to re. to re th old land marks which our fathers have set, in oppos ing sin ia every form and being sanctified wholly throughout body, soul and spirit, and belicv wheo Ibis Is done by the Holy Uhost, it will b Known ny tu uie, seen in tb dress, and mani fested by tha company tbey keep. All who lovo an earnoat Christianity arw invited. U. R. Habvbt, Preacher ia Charge. P. 8. If tha weather should be unfavorable, the above meeting will be bald in tb Presbyterian Church, kindly oflcred for lb occasion. a. R. u. Th very best Coffee, Tea, Sugars, Byrupa, lish, Cbees, Ham and Dried Ueef, at jc2ft-2t A. Q. Kamta A Go's. Carbiacks An Bi aniBc Fun Sall Half a dctan nvwand second-hand buggie. and carriages for sal, at exceedingly low prices. ' Apr, 24-.1ni, Jambs L. Lxavr, THE C01.LINUW00D BRAND Is an Alpaca. It is acknowledged the beet goods in tha market. We have bought largely aud ar prepared to retail it at wholesale price. Lndieti In need ol a nice alpaca drees will do well by nailing at T. A. r'l.n I A Co. a, before buying elsewhere, as we ar determined to sell cheap, for caxb. NKW GOODS t NEW U00D3I! ' T. A. Fleck A Co. ar always getting good. Wc are receiving our second large stock of bum mer dress goods, rmliros, muslins, ginghams, and shirtings. Ladies' bats and bonnets Id great variety. W Invite you all to com and lee th Dice goods, may II, 79. New (Jood. Nw Uoods, at Flic A Co.'s. HonHnn avvi lUnuitsa ron Rami. Th under signed, for the purnos of rmlucing stock, will sell very cheap a number of horses and a number Sal. of harnoH.. Jauks L. Lraw, Apr. V-3ni. ' , Waitrh. IM.flflO 31 tnnh shaved s hincle tUo It', Dim pounds wniil, for which th highest mar hot price will be paid, tall on or address ARNOLD A HARTSHORN. Curwea.vll'e, l'a., Apr. 7, Sin. READ 1 II RAO 1 At the store recently oe enpled by Mr. L. F legal, and under th superin tendent uf the new proprietor, you will And th largest stock of Baots and Shoes, of the latest Myles and greatest variety, at lower cash prices than before offered In Clearfield . Ladies' fine French Kids a specialty. Misses and children's gaiter., fine lasting, lip ped and trimmed, 10 per cent, lower than hr- paesiog through ) wt,'hhl tht pjlll wek, in addition to our al to authorise this mj. i.. 'L , . t of n;w d M mt utom prices, and will D. told the sain way (,ur new Hall, just'oprned, cannot be excelled (n ,n- tii w hmn rilfnbaW( the flnsst fur tnd ,MW Utl , the uwt iarom t,,el ,B tb, mmrM VM nr.t, lot ga to Philadelphia to th ..tnUntliiv .. wc Cave it at th store, l X -t rf lb) CMMB. w- uvt 0?(tn a w and oompUto Hbb f Uent. lurnllilillg Oood-. y,nti. flu SbirU ln and it Mn-t b() ,iUl, Mkol lt ff0m AtkV. ur maa- sure and have Uiem mad to order. A perfect fit guaranteed. Of Trunks, valises, aud umbrellas wbava splendid line, just opeovd. It Is asy ta sy that all these goods ar aolJ will' convinc them of th truth of tb assertion. W shall Ukc.pcoial pain to accommodate all classes of customers, but the farmer especially, i W will lake in eirbangc for goods wheat, rjt, oaU, corn and other grain, potato, butter and ggs so noo otd complain they oannot buy g"ods for want of something to buy with. To say that 1 feel thankful to I he public Ir j their large patronage extended in th snort tlin , I hare been in (be business, docs net xprss my i feeling.. I am truly grateful for their custom. I My sale having already more than trebled, I shall try t deal In inch ft way in the future, aa i to continue to merit the liberal patruftage of tb people. Remember the place, Flegal'sold staad. The old sign Is Hill up, but it will shortly b replaced , with a new one. Your most obedient servant, PETKlt M'OBORQE. Clearfield, June IS, 175.-In AUGUST FLOWER. Thf mot Bllmeb! beings In Iho world are inuM lufTrriiig from and Liver Corn- PUittU u"n ln ty-ava owl or : i i . i. 1iit.J ... .....! (beae two diwam and Ihelr affectt snb af tour lomBOh, sick hcedavb, habitual vens-s, in pttr, b(o0-( Baarthum, waterbrash, gnawing and l,grnlng palm at tn pit of th stomach, yellov ShiBr Coted tongu and disagreabl taits In tb moiltrD( flomin Bp 0f the food after sating, low .i.,. aM ta the Draw HtoreofC. D. Welann tni g()t , T6 nt bottle, or n small bottlt for 10 MOt,, xrr (. I O. O. (Imcki, S')lo Alanuracturer, mob II 7-ly. Wooobtbt, N. J. ffti) that Cough Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar Wild Cherry and Horcbound U guaranteed, to ..... AnHka .ii. I . kaUHmii tip mttw illuaM of ,t ibroat.lunrs or cheat leading U. coasumptlan, in ie ititettiBn any:mer prrwarawa. momug inai we neve ever "it wo ymtf mm wni. t car creuplna few wiiBotes ad U th beet known remedy for whooping ugb. Don lain, n ottlam and U nleaaaal tak Cvagb-wuni vie- ifms, whose ling ar racked and lorn wilh par- 1 oi.rai, t.i ,ur. ud ty4j r.ll.f frM It, M. Triml 10 NIU. bold Wt O. D. Kiln, t' ; f. 0rM7 a Co, nilluuHinini T. H. fonxr, OnkBl.i, Ml f Mgj.r, K;l.rtw. Call oi . M. M'lnnlly and gal your Ufa U sured ia tb Old Continental Life Uearaae Corn peny, of flartrord. Conn. aug I l-ly Mourning goods a specially at Flock A Oo'a. Besom Fon Salb R. Nwta Shaw kps a full supply af F radon i a Buggies and PleUwra Wagons for aal. To be see at tb Shew How yard. Call on or address bint at Clearfield Penn sylvania, may le-u. Black alpacas, very good for Si ate at T. A. Fleck A Co s. Mice shawl for ft) at T. A. Fleck A Co'. Ladies hue fori audit ctnti, orlh more money at Flock A Co'a. Alraoas all prices at T. A Flock A Co'a. Nw bid gloves at T. A. Flock A 0'. Percales and white pique at Fleok A Oo'a. Parasols, a full assortment at Flock A Co'a. New embroider! for sal at T. A. Fleck A Co' New dress good at Fleck A Co'. Sltks, silks, sheep at Fleck A Ow'e. New stylo ooilan and ouffa at T. A. Fleck A Co'. Whit iMT7A. FlaakA Co'e. Und.rwew for ladies at T. A. Fleck A Co'e. Millinery goods, all kinds, cheap at ,T. A. Flock A Co'a. Trimmed hats and bonnet atT. A. Fleck A Co s CaJloos and muslins vary low at Flock A Co'a, Raait R. M. M'K ally's advertisement la re rard to Life Insurance. augll-ly Parrlrfl. Oa W.dn.,dr, Jan Hth, 1876, liT R.r. Rul tllil.u I). b.,C.ton.l JAMKS I. BTL'AIIT, ud Mix EMMA I. HUNTER, J.oglil.r of Ih. Dr. lltmrtR, botb of Boilaburf, Owtrs touot,, Al Mllbart. Ikk. oa rridu. Jun. Ilb. 17S. b H.r. W. U. U ignT. Mr. t'LAVIUH J. llA VII). of VMtch Crrk, t'.utr, eounly, P.., and Mlu AMUK AKHKI , Ol HBO. K.O., laalr. ouuut, l'a. 0a SaBdT,Jon.2llth, 187&,bj Joax 0. Ttlkb, IC.q., Mr. JOHN YOl'NI) and Ml,, FHlKBK CIUMIIKKS, botb of P.onn.ld, Olnrlald oooo l)r. fa- Al tba M. K. P., la Wait Claarldd, ob Suud.j, Jon. Ivib, laii, by h.r. Dr. J. X. Ci..a, Mr. J. U. HICIIAHUKUN aai Niu L. t. ruX, botb ofCl.arl.ld. P.. sua. In Drouk villa. Pa., on Tuevdar. June 8th. 1876. 8AKAII, wife of Mohbs C. TnoursoN, io tb 36th year of her age. In H ootid ale, Clcarfleld county, Pa., on flat- urdsy, June ivtb, 1870, of indentation af the lungs, P. 8, WAHUUt UN, aged S years, HI months nod 19 days. Dearest Husband, thou bast Hit , Her thy loss we deeply feci f But 'tis Uod that baa bereft us, H can all our sorrows heal. He died in the blessed hope of Heaven, aad he la now at rest. Peace te his rcmaias, h. j. w. Tn Clearfield, Pa., on H uod ay evening, June S7th, 1876, HENRIETTA, daughter of Janns inwix, In toe cutb year oi nor ago PennNylvaniallailroad TYRONE CLEAKFIKLD BRANCH. OS and after Monday, MAY IS, UT5, the Passenger Traias will run daily (eicept 8ua days) btwa Tyrone and Clearfield, aa follows CLKAHPIKLD MAIL. W. C. Ibwib, Conductor. ISA V BOl'TH. LbAVB N0KTH7 CarwanaTlllaH.S:l, ..a. Tyraa. t.M,A.Bl. OkooI...," Pbilipaburg... 10.14," 11.10, OanroairllU.. 11:40, Ola.rl.ld. 1.40,, " Oicaul. 4. SO, " Ijroaa d.0, - CLEAHFIKLU KXPBK8B. W. 8. Plubmbr, CoDdaator. "I K A V KSoiifll. 1.E A V tS 0 KT H7 CarwuiRvllla...4.oQ A. H. T,roa...H..T.OO P.M. Cl.arHold S li " I lnt.r.eotlon...7.07 " Philip. bur,. . .H Owaola Ot " O10.0I. A.Ia ' ; Pblllp.liari.,.1.1) ' lolmoolioa.. 7.30 " i CI.arB.ld. ar.l.20 " Trron... 7.17 " Curwenlll...9.40 l!.LU IAULK VALLEY BHAHC1I. Bap. a. Mall. M.ll. p. at. arrlr. Kip. p. a. Hi 7.01 t.Oi 0.41 8.S laav. Tyron. V.I0 10.07 10.40 10.S1 11. lli Bald . 5.IJ 4.60 . 4..1K 4.J1 4.0 leara 1.16 11.63 11.11 11. SO 11.40 juuaa AlilMUar, U.ll.foBta Mllsaburg 11.30 ) 1.15 nowani 11.00 11.10 arrlr. L. TVRONK HTATION. aaarwAan. PaeiAa Kipraaa, Harrltbarg Aoa'ia A a 7:S7 1:40 waarw-BD. a m Pitlibarr. Kip'aa, 107 Patite Kipraaa, 1:14 P a Mall Train, 3:11 AUutie Kxpreaa, 0:45 Pblla'd. Kipraaa, 10:11 p a Wa, Paaatflgar, Mall Train, Part Lla., 1:18 0:41 1:40 FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Ball.f.nla, Pa ., ..II 05 Middllown 6 00 Marialta. t M Look llaraa William .port-.. Huntingdoa ... LowiatowB. Marrarill... , I 70 SOU 1 80 1 10 4i0 4 74 LanaaalOT .M t 81 PUILAUKLPUIA I Ot Altoona 1 8t Johaatown.. t St UARIUHUIIIUI., l'ITTSBUK(l..... a It Cloa. ananMtloBa I lad. bjr all traiaa at Trona and Look llaraa. 8. 8. BLAIR, BapariataBdanl. Biyll-tf. WHOLESALE LIQUOB STORE. At tba and of the new bridge, WEST CLEAKVIKLD, FA. Tba proprietor of tblfl esUbllsbment will buy his liquors direct from distillers. Parties having from this hous will bo sure to get a pur article at a fine II margin abov cost. Hotel keepers eaa be furm.hed with liquors on reasonable terms. I'ur wines and brandies direct from Stele ' .' 1 ft. i L 1 V . 1. ' ? tumjf mi uaiBt nw inn, IIBOHUI N. C0LBIR!. Claarlrld, Jnaa 111, 1SJ5K. Ifejer's Poultry Powder. waireatec.irueea la Um. to cure chicken obolera ana gapes, friikasuarlrefuia ruwdcr.ud a baetowalor f dlnerv auenvoa losleaa lli lea. antl BrottaT fatxHmr. wiia a neecmi aappif it A. C. MlTtS COh sHlttBor. TO THE FARMERS CLEARFIELD COUNTY. No Bore cicuses for not buying ft Mowing .Machine en recount of bo rata. M. O. BROWN k BRO. Hav )ut ordered ft car load of macbitios. Partners, pish your butinas. It Is th only hnsiaes In which tbr has not born ft prostra tion of prices and scarcity af monev. Countia that depend on farnilhg ar fuli of money. Lancaster City Bank, refuse monty oa deposit, as farmers have fllled Ihslr toffer. Bnaiaees Is reviving fa the east fllv heed to IWrming. ! aot let as seed out of eur county for produce any more. Cease to lumber ualil meruhents ar compelled t coiae here to buy year timber, then yon are sar of a fair price, Himmber that DROWN A BRO. ar sclllBg Th WOOU and the BUCKEYE HOWKKH aad RKAI'EKS. C0ATKS' OBI0 LOCK-LEVER HAY ft A KB, and there. Five dllTejent kinds f HAY fORKd. Kills k Hoffman's ONK HOUSE TilRKHUINO UAClllNKd. BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILLS. CIIlER MII.L8, WINT MILLS. CUTTING BOXKH, and anything else In th lino wanted by farmer. Tby alii sell for cash on asy trtu, r ei- change for trade. Call on M O. BROWN A RIIO., Marlrt street, Clearfield, Pa., adjoining Moaaup's store. June 1, 1875 Jm. :h Tji h v i h 1 1 ; iiTisaf." pure it ye Whisky. Wc agala call your attention ta tbo above l. bratrd brand of goods, and we do ao wilh tbeon victiun that there Is a great want eaistlng among a vast number cf persons wbu ara compelled to use, Biedleiaally or otherwise, a par whisky. To supply this want w offer Mat ley' Pr ftyft aa artiole which ha bea before the public for a number f years, Its repaUtioa sUadiog high a a thoroughly rellabl slimulaat amoag medic) maa. As aa evtdeae, ulu a aumbor of oar eminent phy.iaiaes prcrib it to th irla Iob f all other. Bring mad ob the best known aeiaalift prta el pies, from the choicest grata, aad by praolieal dinilUrs, it retain a delightful flavor, and, greatly Improved by age, makes largely sought after by first lass hotels aad druggists, Should y to giv hi wbihy a trial, aad ar in doubt a to whether yur betel or 4rug glet keep it, (aot having one of uqr ttgu display cd,) writ to us aad we shall be most happy la direct you tw lee persons wb haadi ant goods la your B lg biter head. We ar olso sole arepiietur aad maufaturri of thewell kaawa DR.lfTUIVKR TUNIO HERB BITTKHB, which baa be) aeafally ad (of over thirtv yar as Bked Fariier, aoH-Dya. peptic aad Teaie. RUEY A OIIRIiT, MafbS-n 191 X. Third Philadelphia. - W WV 7 W Z "uf ' """iiBtjinai.iia. ,an ubsbbbt keep rlWT (svaa la oonanniaat)ror any Uuih off Wae wiia b rotU44 pli.. Peckac.lcta LiEVfliZf -OBtiraaaaoBr. I t . ertl . aa ! I 1 Junl6 KBATZER & LYTLE -TBI- NEW FIRM 1 in THiia COLOSSAL , ; CONSOLIDATED. STORE, Ara aiarblBf iowa . .j IMMENSE STOCI OF GOODS, MtbalMaft . I CASH PRICES. Hoduced ZBenses and lotting frradr bay enables them te do It. Tby will endeavor to be HEADQUARTER for supplying tbo ellisoni of Caaxfleld county with , DRY GOODS, NCTIONS, Dm. Oooda, . Hiiota and Sbuaa, Qrooariaa, Wdl Paarr, Qtwna.ara, Av Ao. ad all other good ia tho lie. N. B.TKRM8 CA8II. j, m.kratzkr! J.nUYTLB. Clearfield, Doc. II, UT4. . ED.W.G11A1IAM, tlEALSK INj 0ENEB&L MEECHiNDISE, SQl'ARE TIMBER 4 LIMBER, CLEARFItr, PA., Ilaj Just opanad, al tb. lid aland, In Orahala'a now, a Maariat. aloal of jt'F. ir v.n out, ofrrary daerintloa. DRY 0001)8. T ' '. . . OKOCEtlKS. , UAUDWAKE, B00T8 AND 8HOB, CIOTIiINO;ftr.,rf., in great .Variety. FLOUB, . i. (. ., MEAT, f .. i SAIIt JIVE, . , - . OATS, ' i , , CORN, AIWA n ON HAHD AffP FOR SALE AT A MALL ADVANCE. FLOUR ' Received b tbo car lnad,aod sold at a small ad v sac. A fupply of ROPK ooistaitly ob hand. Bpeclal tbducemeatf oiAredto thoae getting ul Square Timber aad Lgs, oa wo deal largely la LumbrinB'a 8upHt and art pr- . pared at all tin to pirchas tim ber and lumbar . El). W. GRAHAM, ' Market ftreet, " . 1 CLEARFIELD, VA. ... Oct t 1871. ! r , , TTARD, TIrVES ' - " r " : 1IAV1 N0KFVECT ! IN FRENCHYILLEI I am awaiw that ther an wtoe persom a little hard to please, and I am also awar that tb complaint of "hard times" Is well nigh universal. But I am so situated now that I can satisfy the formr and prove eoneluilvetr that "hard tines" will aot effect tbo who bay their goods from m, and al) my patrons shall be iaitiated Into Ike se cret of UOW.TO AVOID HARD TIMES I hav goods enough to tmpphall the Inhabi tant in the lower nd f th oty which J sell at eiceeding luw rates from my wan moth store la MTIjRONIIUKQ, wher I can always be found ready to wait upon callers and fply tham with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such as Cloths, galinetts, Cssslmtref. Musllo, veiamas, Linen, Driiitrgs, taiicocs, . Trimmings, Hlbbois, Lace, Heady -made Clothing, Boots sad Chocs, Hats and Cape all of tb bast material ind mad to order uoM, Book, uieves, Mittenstiiaca, Ht boons, As. QHOCKKIKS OP ALU KINDS. Oofuc, Tea, Bo (tar, Hlee, MUihs, fish, Bait fork, Linawd Oil, Vish Ol, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queenswaro, Tinware, Caatinc. Flaw and Plow Castings, Nails, Siikss, Corn Caili va lors, Cider Presses, and all kiids of Ait. Prfutnry, Paints, Varnlib, flass, anil ft general assortment r ntAHinry( OO OD FLOUR. ". 'i , Or braada, aim,, ot band, ud will ba aata .1 tba .wan pMama tgaraa, l( iH . U. HoClala't ll.dl,laa,a;in', Madlclaaa, IlolUUar a aad UooB,ad , HilUra, . . 1000 noandt of Wo.1 waitad for wblob tba aianaii prloa will D. paid, Ulovaraaod on baad aad tut aala at tba tavaat Bark.1 prlaa. Alao, fur llraltoB.IU aad Carwaaa.lll. ruraablBf Haoblaaa.. .... 4 . ti.Call aad aN for Toaradraa. Toa will lad r.rjllln, a.aall; kept la a UII atora. CODORIIT. rrtnabrllla P.O., AafoaMI, 1174. . JkJKW STORE ANDHKYV GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON , . , H( jual opened ,r Ni Sroai, on Uain 8t.Cuiinii.s, fa. lalolf occupied bi Wm, F. IRWIN. Tb.lrotock oontlitiot Otocinu of tht boat qtttlltjr, Queen.warc, Boot, and Shoes, anil orar artlolt ntooaaarr for ' , - ono't oonfort, ' ' Call ud lamlnaour tlock bafor p- ohwlni aliowht'a. May 18fl6-tf.' JJIS30LUTI0X,-., , ; , . . Tba aattamklp bmulbra ailrtia, bwa.a O. Ilabataf aad i. H &d, Indlaf aada, tba ra aaaa or M.b.f,' A KMd, la fiaraild., Fa, waa diaMl.M by aaaldil Mliail oa tb. lib da; of Ma,, 1171. Tba bMh, aad aMaalt ar. la tb. buda 1 b. Maatlaf fn tWUaaat, wbm all naraaa batlaa badBaaa wilk aald Ira aiatt ap,lr. , D. BtKRArrbT, Bararld., Pa. JaMlt, Itlt.Jll , ,. WILLIAM REED AT COST ! Having determined to reduce my Mock very low, I will sell Tor the . , . , '.'.. 60 NEXT DAYS -AT- Actual Cost! Buyers in need of DRY (GOODS, - CARPETS, 1 - !. ; ! .... ..... i 1. . . V .1 1 1.1 . 1 .ii' ".,1 1 J.., . WALL PAPER, slioulil give tliisutieiition, as tlicy ) will receive . BARGAINS ! AIJi PRtNTH, tt 8 conti GliF.NADlNEfj, M 18, 20 ami 25 (li. TYCOON nKP,S,i 20 csiila. FINK PONGKK Ml.KH, at O oenta TABLE LINENS, at . 35 dwiiU WU1TK (iOOIW, v.'iy cheap. In fart everything nt turh pricr.1 ' ' tlmt tticr are , nOIM TO MELL.J ; ' '' ' ' . " V. " AT COST. WILLIAM REED. Room Na. I Opart loaat, atari. appttlW tb. Pajatuaaa. . Clrattald, April 7, 1IT. BIT 1574 fr s5act1, r. 0PPO8ITION TO IMPOSITION! T. A. FLECK & CO.. ar dtmla4 to ll DRY GOODS, tt prtoM that defy oompeUtl. 10,0M yard of entirely aw drtss good. a.wuf yards Blark Alitace. Tha celebrated Colliogwood Brand, aokaowl edged the boat goeds fur the prfo vr tut oa tb market. Summer Calmr, a larg aasortmsnt, very cheap. I.ADISE' DRESS GOODS. Ladlaa iklu draaa f ooda, ia great T.rlali, Tab la LlBana. wblta, tail la oo'ora. Prlet awajr dawa. A batatlfal lot af BamaMr Bbawla. at a OerfB,B BOB W1U M .Ola Ttrj WW. Ladles' Bonnets and Hats. Hats aad BotaeU,trtmmd aad uatrlmmed.lB th very latest ftyle.t also flowar for trlmmiag, and ery emote awaiov miitncry. nibboos. iact wraauf,e.j an oouroiy bw. Indies1 Dress Trimmings, A larre lla of Piree. Trlmmiue. Inst untvkad. to be sold very cheap rareajcs ia lull lie, real at. Th laert varietv of nrints or aal lee aver bmnirht to thiatowa, from to It ewnti per yard. Mi,, Blllaiaa la ban. T. A. A. M. Fl.KCK. HILLS. QHANGK OF PfiOPRIHTOK.S. Tba andaralrnad ba.lnc rnrrh.wl tb. aim aooda aad propartf foruarljr oren.i.d hy Lavar KI.J.I, .a Saoond atmt, Ckartald, tkla matuod of bringing ki, buain.M ta lb, nolie. of tba pubtio, and promim ba furniab bia patron, wllb Ikararj bail qoaliti of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, at alcawllaf low rata,. Tbl, I an .D.I.M lo da, aaan, 1 bar. ao not to paj, and caa than. "irio. na proa I, wita mjr raatomrra. It ma. ba aald tbat tbi. la u ....i...i .i.k bal If a.llin,aoodarliHafora low Iran aa. II.M natom and aipanda trad,, I am boand to aaeoaod la ay ondartaklaf. Ulra ma a rail, at aulat Bij .lock aad laara af prloa,. Tu a Ur,a alack afboola aad aboaa, bal a and p, I bara jaat added a full atock f GentB' Furnishing Goods, wblrk I will Mil al tba Tarj lowaat Cf una for ea,k, or ia aicbanfa for roaolr; produc, at tba HrGHKST MARKET PRIf'K. Call aad ainmlna at; atock and prlra, bcfra parckaalai alHwb.ra. , PRTRR McnKORdR. Cbar.l,l, April II, l;t. JkTEW OPENING. SHOWE11S' BOOT & SHOE HAT & CAP NTOftK. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, NAKKKT STHKKT. A fall aad eomplat. aiaortm.nt af Ml food, and n.w at,loa, doaa I. "IfAKD PAN" PRICES. Cillaana ara la.ll.d lo nil and auuina n, lock aad jaclga fur Ibouirrlrra aa lo ualilj .UJ i au" JOSKPII S. RHOWRRS., April U, 1J4. "yyANTED. IlV N. E. ARNOLD, CDRWKNHVtlXK, PA., (SueocMor to) Arnold & Hartshorn. (XM10 Wnrh MhavM Miliif;lia. JtVNMt pwada of Waal. I'arlla, aarln. loni ShlBalaa or Wool lor allb. .rl Will lift .all In nail un n.a Tk. kl.k... . - ... . - . - . Haur. 0.M , ... ftnw pniu bi an nine,. 41m, a fall aad ratuplrta atock of DRY GOODS, ! HATS & CAPS, BOOTH A 81IOEN, GROCERIES, FIaOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c., which will bt told mi rtotoitblt priotw, or u ibnitl for ihlAfloi r wool. V. K. ARNOLD. Carw.MTlll, Umf I, 1T. WILLIAM Jl. IIENKV, Juhtiuk or TBI P.ACi.apB.niYi-in, LUMBER CITY. Oolloetloai mt4m ud munmj roaptlr ptAA oror, ArtUltM of fronMt m4 dnd ( MBTtjMw Mt oioevUti ti mpyt4 or. r4 or m lwro. tyj'l $5 4ft Ptr tmf y fcoao. Tri fr, AoiTtrt li. fltixiox A lo., I'oH. Ul, Mtitft. Tril;TojR The yjT Principles as Ihm our Aiiouiio.menU laat Fall hav liad lutlf n ynr'm growth and ONE PRICE, CASH DOWN, RETURN THE MONET, RELIABLE GUARANTEE HIAI.MISOIR , 4 Rallying Words 4 Another Season. illMKTOTWBTRTfllflNl hava taxed to their UTMOST n" lholr VQS faollitiee IO-CASH CAPITAL, ..-CHOICE OF M ARKETS, .-COMPETENT WOHKMEH. larCOMPHBHEN8IVB EXPSrIbNCE. The Result is 4-fold. PIERFECTING OF UREPARATION rUTTING DOWN THE PRICES. LACE OF BUSINESS ENLARGED. fUii j ii " "3d. aawaHtr 1 Dtallni DOINQ butlNEII lacotlc, aor Cuilanan "- , fdb at Twa om rmct. ' I ctw. L . etiAjmiTEE. WE AIM 10 BUILD WANAMAKER fe BROWN OAK HALL, S.E. Cor. 6th & Market Sts., riiiladclphia. Ilaj .SO, llTt-im. i5rrllanfou5. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SKCOND 8TKKKT, CLEARFIELD, TA., UKAI.KIIS IN l'UUK- lmuns! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OILS, DYK STUFF VABMF1IK.S, RRI'SIIKS. HKRVIJIKRY, FANCY 00 f)D TOILKT AHTICLKS, '' op au kinds, : .'. , PURK' WISES AXI) J.JQUORS, for niedielaal parpoau. TruM... Rupportart, Rcbool Rooka and fflatioa- rj, and all othar artiel.a nauali found ia a Drug Stora. PIIVSICIANS' PRKRCItlPTIONS CARR FULLY COMPOI'NUKU. li.air.. a Ur ... aarlane. la lea buriaaaa tb.y eaa gira antira aaU J. O. OARTKWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. CbraruVId, Dar.mb.r 1, 1.7,-. , . , f THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLKARFJKLD, PA., MANtrArTriiKRti or FI1IK IIRICK, Furnace Blocks, tins Rclorls, Stove Liuings, Paving Tiles, 4Vo. t hlmury Tom, H ludotr , C 'jm, una firiara. All kind, of Architectural Adornments. 0KIU1NAL I.KHIONS IM TKRRA COTTA M ADR TO OltllKH. Wllb Imnrovad maebin.r.. A..t ....i.i and aklllvd workmen, w. oan warrant all onr .nu,.r,rr. io M aqnal lo If not auparlor lo an ia tba markat. Artlcla. af onr muinrbiM h . n.. Worba. near Railroad omM.n,.i it.. ii..i- oioro ui ji. F. Dif lar Lo. All order, from a di.t.n.. .il.lra.J i tk. Oaneral gBparlBlrmlent. will recolva J. ;. IIAKTHtVICK, JOHN FKR(irS(l.. ,.. a... .r U ... I. H.l.l it LI.L o . " ' w. .....Murtu, iiatti.iia, pciianu. . 8upt. Manalbotarlajr DapL . . iqtj20'TS W NI'FTi A""" ' ll ""'"It t -LillUl I'naepackaMialb.w.rld JIB' pa'barl'. b el.,,,,1 Prt..,, X ceala. For oilier anvalh.e read .lamp. Ad rtlaaa, F. P. OLLCK, New Iledftird, Maji. 4'7- pOU KKN'f "' ' ' ' " ' Arnold', ll.ll, ro Caiwannille.ptr nlchl or wark, oa reatonabla trma. Heal in, aaiacllr, tot! ataie, Distil,, drop anrt.ln all ramtlelo. Aba, Bna room, .a aaaond loon S0i30, auita. bla for oltoe,, rronllaa aa Main atraaL For fur lb.r partltulaiaaildraaa ' K. K. ARNOLD. Cnrwanxill April f, 1171. .Sm , poll SALK 1 be nnler,lnej, tleterminad lo raduea aloek and malerial, prop.,., lodl.poaa of, at eicaadina low rata,, a number of HOUSES 4 H.UiXKSS,' t'AKHIAGKS A UL'OGIES, WAGONS, 4C, AO., t eaa ui..l, partlaa wllb eltbar aaw ar aaeond band oarriat buitKiea, or waaonr, at fabaiooaly low priMk Horw,, old aod young, aad baraaaa to maloh. I'arliea ia aaad of aiUter eaaaat ba tbcm aa cheaply anwhet. .Ie, JAWK8 L, I.EAVT. a. aillcW, Alitl it, U7t j j j j QOMK AND SKTTLE. ' I barrb aira aolic to my enatomert Ibat I am dotaraiined ta bar allai oBMltUd aMoaata aloaad at aa oarl, a parlud a, puaaibb,, II caato mare eanaot pa, let tbem aoaue forward Bad aaU Ua tbelr aawouBta. If tha will aot com. and aeltl. wilh ma, the a b. eonipallcd to Mill, wilh aa officer of tha law, and iaaur tha aaaal eoata In inch caaea. L. M. COt'ORIF.I. FrrarhTilU, Jaaa 1, 1816. lm AUCTIONKE1UNG ana THf.i -KWTIXQ. Tba A,,,,n,4 would faipaelfull lufotta tha allletn, of Cledrllrltt and that ha It pr. parH I. or all Auction. Vra.lna. and other Salra oa abort aollca, and al rcaettaahle rata,. Kale Bill,, Foitara, Fao(rainia.t,aad alhar e.l.ertilinr aoat.4 and dlitrlhntnt la tha moat aonaplraoa, plaoaa. A ahara al pabltt palroaaft la aolloltad. , .N. L. R01IINH, Man-li ,7, 'IS-tf, I'laarScId, 'a. Leaf Clover the People.' PLANS. OF STOCK. 4th. 0Mn lallrtactloa oa-. HarunnTna Iht Mona,. TJp the Largest Clothing Business In the World. . , IttisrrUaufous. E. A. SOUTHARD, FIrc,Life& Accident IiiKurancc AGICNT, Clearlleld, Pa. TRAYKI.KK'S LIIK A ACCIllRNT. Marirord, Conn ..ArieU or.r M.OOU.CO II0.MK FIRE INBLRA.NCE CO. Colnmbna, Ohio , tfebj'74.1. Aaaetta orer (CuO.OOO Jit. 8. Piatota, Pna'k K. Ti. Dan nan, Bo' CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Ataal,.. MIKont Ratio of Areata to Liabilitiaa 1XX Fumi.hea inauranca at Iba rer lowcat cost Folia. holtl.rt partieipata la I he proSta of th. Contpan, tbna eonliimali reducing tba annual pamenta. For rata.. Ac, call on or adrirce K. M. Mi KNALI.Y, Arcnl. OIBca ia Shaw'a Row, Clearlleld, Fa. S:li 74 taoa. a. bi bbat. emu, ooaua. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRANCH OFFICES in different part, of lha Count. Tha following Old and ReliaMe Fira, Aceidanl, fi lock and Life loanranoe Companiea rcpraacnud : Eitab. Aaaata 1800 North Britl.h A Mercantlla Fir. Ina. Co., of England $26,000,000 18116 goattiih Commercial Firo Ina. Co., of Eagtaod (Rold) 10,000,000 ..uiiu nia.rica rira inaurane. Co of Philadelphia. 1820 Fir. Ariociatlon Fira ln.urance e.Too.toa J. 1(10,000 uo., oi rmiaueipbla 18SJ Phoenil Fir. Ina. Co.. N. V. l,jou,m 1807 Watertowa Fir. Ina. Co., of N. IT., inanraa farm buildinra on) 1871 Amaaoa Fira loauraaca Co.. of Cincinnati I8SJ York block Inauranca Co, af Panna. Inaaraa horaaa, Ac 1874 Hartford Accidoatlnturanoa Ce of Connecticut. 700,0110 1,000,000 79,000 700,000 1817 Paaa Mutual Llr. Iaaorano. CoH of Peanalrania 1,000,0011 2,000,000 sou Metropolitan Lite Inauranca Co oi new xork..., n . i i- ai,uoii,otia Feaona in the oountr i.n Tn ....... I . . hara it promptl attended U by aallina al lb. oB, or addraaaiag aa h letter. Inruraacea af rectad at th. lowcat poiaible rata, to he obtaiard . ia Irat-rlaaa eomiiaalaa. -V u mtti aicA rti Xianaoa. The aborc two Ufa Inauranc Co.'a, reprcaenled by T. Hi Murray, ban paid out la eaih. hetwara tha dataaof Aug. 1871 and Aag. UU, to lha fr.enda of darcaaod polic bolder, la thia ooanty, the lum of t22,ooo. l'rorid. for tba filter. It inanriag onr hornet and your liraa ia the Waal Uranrh Inauranc. MURRAY A UOKDON. Llearhald, Ma 2, 1875. Agcnta. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTTKSSKK, ;-:': ' i ; and ; , , . Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 8TREKT, NEAR P. O. Tha nndrraleneil here le.ra to lt.r..n tl.. .t.i tani i of ClearOald, aad lb. pahllt generally, that ,i.tu m one aaaortuinnt or , urniture, anch aa Walnut, Olie.tnnl and Painted Chamber Suitea, Parlor Suite, Reclining and Kiten,ion Chaira, Ladiea' and (lent,1 Ear Cbalr,,he Per forated Dining and Parlor Cbalra. Cane Scat. and ) ,Chlr'' Cl0,h" "" PP and Exten alon Ladder,, Hat Racka, Scrubbing Rruiha,, Ao MflULDINf) AND riCTl'RS FRAMES. Unking ni.c, Chromoa, Ac, which woald h. rultahlc fur llollea preaenla. tl7 JOHN TR0TT.M AN. pon SALE! A large aod wrll-Inlahed Hrlck Dwelling, iltu ate on the river bank, la the borough ol Clear Held, oualaiaing olarca room,, wilh good cellar, water In the kitchen, and all tba modera coar. nieneea. Pantrlea, llath-room, Clo'he. pre.,.,. Ac. VI " bJr Ik.v feM back, with a twenty fool aller oa the aa,'t jide ba Id building, wilh all lb. a.,iarl.n.aeea. will be aold cheap, with pementatu auit puroba aer. Application can bo made lo the under, aigoad, or to A. C. Tate, E,o,., who wilt gira all necoaaary information lo tbna. wb. daalra lo le aped the property, a, ....... N'OS-J-nlcCl'LLOIJOil. May Hit, H7S, If. riAi.i andIettlk- nlng been onaOned lo ny had for time with no hop. ol permanent improve! time deen Bom. deem It 1 improvement. 1 quit buaine.e, I hereby aetif y pa'ron. that I have pled all my booka aad papai t ia tb. hand, of m. Porter, f:,o.. for eel. ueujeal aad oolkMion. He ia full, authorlud M arllla in bu.ine.a.and will pay all houeat tlaimt preaeatcd again,! me. No one need aume la my touB. an hu.laeti, being phaicnll au.l.le lo at tend loll. Tht.ea having unaatllcd aooounla .n inj attiili, will confer a fvor m me b nailing oa tlr. I orler al aa early da and adiual th. mm. IB a proper ui.nner. FRANK ailtlKI. ClrarneU, April 14, Itfl. 1m. v-AT.r.viu.k ritorKuxY T ; FOR SALE OH FOR KENT. Tha ubacriber givaa notice that he niu rent or rr.ll hia dwelling and .tor. prop.n ail. aal aa Reed .treel, adjuining the ln, H. ia lha i borougb ,f ciMrllcId, Pa. Th. atora nmi la It .X .14 feet. Tb. d..ii,, imn moUl tooma aad a hitehen oa tho b, ,, a Jlk. Tb. . eaa ba had at orue, aad lha d.eln,,. oa aad after tb. I,t of Jul,. Fef farther p. tiealara, addraaa ar appl, ta tba mder,lgad an tha praltr, u KO. C . PABKAtUH B. tleaili.U, Pa., May III, Clearfield Nursery. XVCOUKAGK HOME INDXJSTKT. rplll uadaralgoad, baring tetabllahed a In. X taraa lha 'Pike, about half way aataeaaa. Clawteld aad Curwanavllle, la prepared ta fur. Blah allktnde .f FRUIT TREE, (,undaad aad. dwarf,) Krargraaat, Strabbary, Urap. Vlaaa Uo.aebarrlaa, La.taa Blaetberry, Bimwbarr; aad Haabarry Viae,. All., t'.S., Crab Tm! Uaiaet, aad aarly reulel Rhabarh. Aa. Ord.ra promptly tltaadad ta. Addr.aa, ."' ',Tlll,.PV