Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 30, 1875, Image 2

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    pe JUpuMicatt.
Gioboi B. GoonWKDitt, Editor.
o..j.. Ir ..... .nt to know what It going on
la tht butlniti world, just reed our advertising
olumna, IIm Spntal mi" p"""'
California elects four Congressmen
on Beptcmlwr 1.
West Point. Forty -tlireo aranlour
Major-Gonorols woro turnod out at tins
military manufactory on tbo 10th.
Thore is nothing more amusing than
tho vohomont attacks npon Boss
Twood by tbo newspapers owned by
Boss Cameron.
' The grain elevator of tbo Detroit
and Milwaukie railroad, at Grand Ha
ven, Michigan, was burned on Tues
day night. Loss, 845,000
v "Religious riots" are of frequent oo
enrronce those times in Gormany.
Thoeo local freaks aro the index to
what is to fullow just what John
ltnnwn'a Humor's Forrv raid was to
tiio rrnr m ln.wi.y.
As Kxampix Gov. Tilden.of New
York by simply etojipiiig leakt in tbo
treasury of tbo State, has had tho
Stuto tax reduced one-half mill on the
dollar, makimr an amrcnto of two
million six hundred thousand dollars.
Tilden is an old "copperhead."
Lihkrai Tho Democrats of Clar
ion county, at their convention last
week, instructed their delegates to the
State Convention to vote for Col. John
li. Kuox for Governor and Copt. Wm.
M. Abrams for State Treasurer; Tboy
might as well have recommonded some
Clarion gentleman for Frosident, too,
whilo engaged in tho business.
Phillips' Man. That celebrated
fanatic, Wendell Phillips, puis it in
this way, "Whon Congress refused tho
fureo bill sho left tho true men of the
nation with ono alternative. Wo must
tako for President a man who is a
force bill that is, Grant. I am cer
tain that under no other man can tho
Republican party hope (or success.
With theso views I demand of Grant
that ho load us again to victory."
Pooa Barn Builders. The Direc
tors of the Too'r and County Commis
sioners of Lebanon county have had a
sharp legal contest as to who had the
rii'ht to build a barn at tho Alms
llouso in that county. The Lebanon
county court decided in favor of the
Commissioners, and then tho Directors
of tho Poor carriod the matter to the
Supreme Court.
We notice that Judgo Ross, of the
Bucks and Montgomery district, lias
delivered a written opinion vn the II
conse question. Ho hold that In. ef
fect the new license law Is to take out
of the discretion of the oourta much
responsibility which has hitherto been
vested therein or perhaps imposed
thoreupon. He maintains that tho
courts are bound to grant licenses to
all who may apply therefor and who
comply with the legal conditions which
re required from applicants. By this
new act of legislation Judgo Ross be
lieves that a tree license law has been
ostaldishod, and that it no longer lies
within the discretion of conrta to limit
tho number of licenses granted by any
consideration except that of the quali
fication of tho applicants, but that
they are bound by tho law to grant
the petitions of all proper petitioners.
If this opinion should be confirmed by
the higher courts, tho new licenso law
will mako a radical change in the
whole license system and produco re
sults which wo belk-vo woro 'not con
templated by those who effected tho
legislation. For these results, howev
er, the courts cannot be held responsi
ble, for, as Judge Ross remarks, it is
not for them to speculate upon tho con
sequences of tho law but to adminis
ter it in accordance with its spirit and
meaning, and in regard to this tho doc
tors seem to widely disagree.
A Government assault. a game
of political sharp-shooting is going on
between Vice President Wilson and
Grant's personal organ, the Washing
ton Republican. Tho Vice President
scorns to bo ashamed of tho behavior
of his superior, and speaks out quite
plainly through tho columns of tho
Boston Advertiter. The Republican
counters and charges the Vice "gov
ernment" with being a "thin-skinned
Credit-Mobilior" and a "oringingly,
cowardly imbecilo." ; lutthor high-
sounding words, wo should say, for an
organ which loads a party csntrollcd
by grand moral ideas. If imbecility
leads an old rooster liko tho V. P. to
tell the truth, it would be well for tho
country if a few more leaders would
imitate him. It is so remarkably
strange that wbenover a loading Had
ical becomes disgusted with the crimes
and follies of his party, and commenc
es to exposo them that he is at once
pronounced a rascal or crar.y. Speak
ing ot tho Vico President's letter of
defense and justification, the Boston
iWsays: . "When he condemns wbnt
" he finds evil in that (the Republican)
" party ho stultifies hiniBolf, and worso
" by arguing for tbo perpetuation of
" its system of corruption, profligacy,
" grabs, rings, third terms and oflleo
" holding. If ho is sincere for reform,
" and cared for that chiefly, ho would
" at least mention with rospeet the
" great Democratio party, which ro
" form has honored with its confidence"
Ilari'lshorg will hereafter keen an
official record of births,
J udge M ttPaddon, Delegate to Con
gress from Washington Territory, died
on Friday morning last. '
, Tom Allen, tho prise fighter, hat
retired tram the prise ring, and is now
ut his homo in 8u Louis, Mo. .... r
Tho Philadelphia Prett says lion.
Wayne MacVeagh, of llarrisburgh, In
tends removing to that city to prac
tice his profession.
Lady Franklin, the noble wife of
the unfortuata Arotie explorer, Sir
John Franklin, Is lying at the point of
death. ,
The point at which Captain Boy-
ton touched tb. English shore at the
conclusion of his late channel voyage
lias boeu iiumoti iioyton icock.
Henry M. lloyt, of Wilkeabarre,
has been appointed Chairman of tho
Republican Stale Central Committee,
ol this Statu. ' "
M. W. Mason, inventor of tho lo
comotive headlight and other useful
railroad appliances, died at Rochester,
N, Y., on the 20th Inst., aged 70 years.
Tho Colorado potato bug has visi
ted nearly everv agricultural district
in New Jersey and una caused terrible
A million dollars worth of judi
ments have been entered ol record
Schuylkill county, as a result of the
recent coal siriKo.
An important couveution of all
Cotton growers and manufacturers of
V. V. 1 I.. . . . . I . I I I !
me umiou niates is vo ue ueiu in
Raleigh, N. C, July 15.
Mark Twain is accused of remov
ing tho cushion in his church pew at
Hartford and putting It into a scat
no lias purchasoil on tno base nail
grounds. . .
It is said over twenty tons of vio
lets aro annually used by the profum
ers of Cannes and 2i ice, in France, and
ono hundred and ninety tons of orange
blossoms in Nice alone.
It cost a round million to build a
singlo story of tho Chicago Custom
llouso with rotten stone, but it will
take only $100,000 to pull it down and
begin again. s
Tho President will return to Wash
ington, from "on the beach at Long
Branch," tho latter part of the present
month, or early in July, to hold a
special session of the Cabinet.
Throe hundred additional monoy
In snito of the confidence expressed
by (leu. Spinner and other officials of
Hie Treasury, no trace uas oven ins
covered of the 147,500 recently stolen
la broad daylight, during business
hours, and with six clerks present,
from the cashier's room of tho Treas
urer of the United States. If such
things bad not occurred before, the
thell might be regarded as most re-
But the experience has been too fre
quent to cause much surprise The
boldness In this Instance is the only
striking feature about it. Impunity
has givon enoouragemont to the patri
ots who handle the people's money and
1 I. .1 . 1 .1.1 ' i .! ...I
noip uiomsoivei wiiuuut stiuv, wuuu
their private supplies happen to run
low. They reason that if members of
the Cabinet can grow rich in omco by
joining Rings, sharing in contracts
nicy control, ana npcoiiinuiig upon
ottlclitr Information, subordinates ought
to be allowed like privileges, sinco
thore is no moral difleranoe In the two
modes of stealing.
J tier is no metliiKl or lileninying
the ninety-flvo 1500 bills, for, strange
ns it may seem, although the Issue of
this large denomination is limited, it is
not numbered for detection, and hence
thore is no check to stop the circula
tion ot the monoy. Taut laet was well
known to the impecunious officeholder,
who selected bis package from a mass
ot others lying on the tamo, pocketed
it, walked out to lunch, and came back
prepared to resign if noeossary, or to
go on supporting tho Constitution at
several thousands a year.
The country must bo prepared for a
great doal of this sort ot ontorpriso be
tween this time and the 4th of March,
1877, when the lease of Grantism will
expire. The incumbents know it is
their last ehanco. and thev mean to
improve it by carrying off all they can.
Mr. ;now, tne sucoebsorot uen.npin
"Double Faced Politics." This
just now seems to trouble the editor of
This tribunal has! tho Philadelphia Press. Asthe"cditor
just nffirmcd the decision of the court
below and say that tho Directors of
tho Toor have no authority in the
i '
NsAUi.Y Closed. The bloody chasm
IB rapidly Cloning III. Froiw not,! 4
woek iindeniablo evidence of this is de
veloped. Tho latest incident occurred
In Boston. On Wednesday last the
the Norfolk artillery, escorting asthoir
guest, General Fitzhiigh Lee, arrived
in that city to participate In tho cen
tennial celebration of Bunker Hill.
Tbo cheerful spectacle was presen
ted of tho loyal people of Boston
paying an ovation to an cx-Confcd-erato
officer. Gen. Leo bowed
again and again ns tho numberless
thousands greeted him along the lino Ud belu,r abttn(on h
it march.
and proprietor" of that journal is bet
ter qualified to speak and write upon
that subject than any other individual
wo know of, wo give the following as
a sample:
At Mo tlmi Mid In oo past catnpalfn that gnve
lusnt victory u e tin liemouratic icsaoriDren
foithrul to lb plmlBM of Uiolr plfttforat. Tbo
politieol MireU of tbo eountrr aro foil of proofs
to iDttoin whot w doolsro. Horo U on of tbo
notkblo fttti; Whon Jomeff K. Folk run at Bean
didaU for Praridoat in opposition to Honry Clay
bo wrota alettor to Judgo Howa ia whiob ho pro
claimed himself as good a tariff man at ltfarj
City, who wai tba founder and advocate of the
ejstein of protection calculated to build up Ame
bian industry. Judge Howe circulated that letter
In all directions. Oeorga M. Dallas, the candi
date for Vice President on the ticket with Polk,
discussed its merits and appaorad Us professions,
yet when the Polk Admioistrutioa wai in power
Dallas defeated n measure ef protection then In
force by his onstlog vote in the senate, and
Jamr-i K. Polk approved the repealing bill. Tbu
il plain history.
If his "history" is no better on other
"playing hob" with many of tho great , that Church tho second lnrcrcst in tho
fighting men of the age. It is a heavy ; Dominion, tho Methodists standing first
disoonnton tho valor of soiuo rather ""2" i."" , .',".r """i re"l"viy,
passive patriots. '
Tkmpebatk JiFKEttsoNiANs. A call C'ollego have resolved tooreotanew
numerously smiied aiwoars. in our hospital, the 1250,000 of subscriptions,
Brookvillo oxchangos, demanding a
Takes no Stock. Tho editor oT the
Dloomshurg Columbian says, "Wo hear
of Mr. Iligler, Mr..Galbraith and oth
ers, declining to bo candidates for Gov
ernor. We tako no stock in declina
tions. The Democratic party nod the
jjcoplo of tbo State have a right to de
mand the service ol any citizen when
they aro required, and no man not ab
solutely void of patriotism will refuse
to comply with such demand if made.
Tho declinations mean only that the
persons publishing them will not strive
for tho honor. We hnpo yet to boo tho
day when no man who makes himself!
a candidate or solicits any such favor,
can bo nominated or elected to any
iStuto office.
Looking rr Tmmis. The editor of
the Now York Sun remarks, that If
Attorney General Pierrepont carries
out his design of making a thorough
investigation into the acts of tho Fed
eral office in Arkansns who held ap
pointments under his predecessor, ho
will bring to light an aggregation of
villainies without parallel, oven under
the present corrupt administration.
The investigation ought to go far
enough bock to include a searching in
quiry into tho circumstances undor
wlus-'b a UitrUit Attorney and United
Stales Marshal wero removed from of
fice because they wero instrumental In
bringing an Indictment against Powell
Clayton for being concerned In elec
tion frauds ; but as this would deeply
involve tho President, who re placed
tho too teulous officials with personal
friends of the accused, and thus gavo
renewed liconso to tho corruption of
tho ballot box, It can hardly bo ex
s vM, nH.BT,.bp TiIAini.:in.i
press uispaicn n-om asningioij, on jtw Courts. Twood Is now in
tho 25th, states that Judge Buenos, Ludlow street jail In Now York, oom.
Assistant Attorney General fur tbo milted in default ot bail on tho civil
Post Office Department, has fitrnishodlsuit, which the eity brings against him
an opinion fo tho Fuatmaatar General . fl . b ,f
calling. Why, boy politicians know
muro about "history" than this literary
fraud. For the editor of a metropoli
tan journal to belie "history" in this
way is a disgrace to tho profession
The writer is a profound, if not a nat
ural Know Nothing.
Sherman's Book. General Sherman
In his momoirs does not devote a sin
glo line to any of Centre county's five
gonorals and tilteen colonels. Jim
book is a fraud.ict7fon(s Kcpuliiean.
Considering the way In which Gen
eral Sherman speaks of many ol tbo
generals ho does notioe, it is perhaps
as well for "Centre county's n vo gon
ernls" that he did not mention thorn.
I'hUUpsburg Journal.
Gen. Rhcrman's las move is certainly
ardor olllecs have boon designated by
tbo Postofilco Department These au
ditions will mako the total number of
money order offices 3,094. . .
The highest mountain in the world
has boon discovered in Now Guinea.
It is 32,783 feet high, which beats
Mount Kverst by about 3,000 feet. It
has been christened Mount Hercules.
Tho new sensation is to get Queen
Victoria to visit tho United States in
1876. The event, could it hannen,
would bring half a million people to
tno united Males irom J'.ngland alone.
Tho shock of an earthquake was
felt quite sensibly in northwestern Ohio
and northeastern Indiana on rnuay
morning, tho IRth inst.' . At a few places
in Ohio it was quite severe, doing some
aamage 10 properly.
In Iceland voleenoes that have
been inactive fer ages are breaking oat,
spouting nro, and desolating the conn
try for scores of miles around. , Hun
dreds of lives have been lost, and thou
sands are homeless and food loss.
The celebration of the two hun
dredth anniversary of the attack
mail upon Swansea, Mass., by King
f liilip, at tho opening ot his war on
tho .New Kngland colonics, took place
in inai town on tno zzti inst.
All tho troops which have been
on duty in tho LuEcrno and Schuylkill
coal regions liavo been sent borne. A
final settlement ot all uifticulUos, it is
thought. Las neon reached, and th
collieries aro all in operation again.
Marshal Batain is said to be direct.
Ing the military operations of Don
Alfonso's army, seated at the King's
council board in Madrid. If numbers
were nnder his control, he might get
out a second edition of bis "Grsvolottc."
At Middlolown, Del., an immense
Iieach refrigorator is to bo built, capa
le of holding 200,000 baskets of fruit,
which the projector guarantees to keep
by a lieouliar irocxing process, for any
length of time, from one day to six
months. 1 .
The need of coal on tho Pacific
coast is fully mot by tbo lato discov
eries. Largo mines bavo boen found
in Washington Territory and Van
couver's Island, two havo boen opened
in Nevada, and several are reported in
California. ' ' ' ."
Tho carninirs of the Union Pacific
liailroad for tho first fifteen days of
Juno, 1H7 ami 1874, aro as follows
1875-8 180,008.53; 18741,104,537.94;
Incrcaso In 1K75 1118,470.69, average
increase in 1875 over 187432.50 per
The union of tho various bronchos
ol the Presbyterian Churches of Can
ada, which oocured recently, makes
j 567,091, and 613,946.
-The trustoos of Jefferson Medical
nor, is expected to reach Washington
this weok, and then tho counting of
the notes and bonds will begin at once,
and eontinuo until completed. This is
a very sonons matter; ought not to be
trilled with in any way. Injurious re
ports have been afloat for several years,
affecting the condition of the Treasury.
ana tney ougnt to oe silenced once tor
all. There is now an opportunity to
mane a thorough ana exhaustive in
vestigation, by counting tho public
monoy openly under proper restrictions.
ana in sucn a way as to end all suspi
cion of any deficiency, if none exists ; or
allowing tho whole truth to be known,
it there has boen robbery on an extend
ed scale.
There are various modes of making
tho count. The usual plan of accept
ing packages marked as containing
oerlain sums as "all right," will full to
snlisty tho tiublio on tins occasion,
1 he contents or each bundle must not
only bo verified, but doclarcd to tie
free from counterfeits. Itisnosocret
that the bonds and notes of the United
Mtntos have boen largely counterfeited,
and some of them so successfully as te
defy the skill of experts. To what ex
tent they may have been received at
the Treasury in good faith, or been
concealed among the genuine issue
by rogues in omce operating lor out
siders, is not known. But if thore has
boon such collusion, or if counterfeit
havo slippod in by accident, there is
no longer a reason for concealment.
" Tho retiring Tresmiror owes it to his
reputation, and the incoming Treasurer
owes it to the protection of his bonds,
men and bis own security, that the
present count should be perfect to a
cent. A woek or two of additional
time is of no consideration, when com
pared with the satisfaction that must
follow such a course. An incomplete
count will only augment tho distrust
which already exists.
Mr. Bristow cannot bo an indiffer
ent spectator In this important busi
ness. Ho is concorned for tho credit
of tho department and for his own
good name, that when a cbantro take
placo, it shall not bo said that the
Treasury was rotten when ho left it,
and that rascality had been covered up
with his connivance. .V. Y. Sun.
Tin Bi.'nker Hill Cixtexniai..
The ono bundreth anniversary of the
battle ot Bunker Hill was celebrated
on tho spot on Thursday, the 17th, by
a grand military parade, siiceches, fir
ing ot cannon and tho exhibition ol
relics of tho glorious days of 70. The
military exhibition was, perhaps, the
finest display ot the kind over seen In
this country in a timo of peace. Com
panies from Maryland, Virginia, Ala
bama, and oouth Carolina woro pres
ent the latter company carrying the
old battlo flag of Kntaw Bprings. The
display of northern troops, mainly from
tho Now Kngland Mates, Now York
and Pennsylvania, was fully up to pre
vious expectations. Thore was a fra
ternity of feeling between tbo men of
tho North and South, both under tho
samo old Aag, and on ono of tho hal
lowed spots el revolutionary memory,
that brought back to tho spectators
visions of tho days when wo wero a
united people, and gavo assuraneo of
tho fact that tbo powor of politicians
to keep tho two sections of tbo country
much longer aart Is passing away.
Tho groat Centennial at I'hiladelplila,
on tbo Fourth of July, 1870, will re
move every vestlgo of disunion and put
an end to the Kadiral teachings nf hate
and mistrust. If it should do nothing
more It will bo worth ten times what
it costs in time and money.
Ha ii t'AL Si MMEiisALTS. The editor
of tho Philadelphia Times, growls in
Our attention has boon called to the
following article la last week's Stand-
afil, which we flilly endorse. We give
It place, because the combination enter
ed into by the Pennsylvania liailroad
and certain oonl operators, to crush out
other less favored, Is to manifestly un
just, that evory fair niiided man must
condemn tho action ol the company in
entering Into the arrangement, and
which will be to disastrous in iU re
sults to many worthy and deserving
men who havoinrosted their all in the
business. It is to bo hoped that the
company will at onos retrace tho step,
and do equal and exact justice to all.
Thore has bouo greutuxoituniont.and,
indeed, consternation among the bitu
minous coal operators lor the punt ten
days. Uapoiirs that on the first of
tho nionth the I'enua. Itailroad Com
pany leased the preference of a fixed
number nf coal oars to certain coal
shippers in the bituminous regions. In
this proforeneo each liipier pays the
company 130 tier car per annum for as
many cars as lie wislies. and that num
ber of cars are set aside for bis ex
clusive use. For instance, if A takes
100 cars and 11 200 cars, the oom puny
will beep him supplied with his 100 or
zuu cars, as ine cast may bo, to tho
exclusion of everybody else. A fter all
the largest operators are supplied in
this manner, it is mud that a large num
ber of cars woultl beahtorbed, and the
remainder of the cats are then used by
tho company for their own use, for
lumber shippers, stole, Ac, and for,wi
mal drahrt at do nottnjnu the tirrtertnet.
I lie enect, it appeals, was Instantane
ous. Operators who had boen ship
ping ten, fifteen, (wenty or more cars
of ooal a tlay, suddenly get none, or
perhaps one or two a woek. Their
customers, of eorrse, could not be sup
plied aim natumiy Kerr comwiled to go
to thost tntpprn tno tnunied the prefer-
enet of the compmy ; and it Is said that
ot an the oporabrs in tho Allegheny
regions only oni Arm is supplied with
cars, lbe otbt-H get none, and, it is
said, if the polcy is continued, they
will be competed to go out of busi
ness at great Ins.
It would strito any ono with com
mon sense viev that a policy produc
ing such disastrous results must be
wrong; and wlen we have heard the
opinion of tho ligul profession they say
as common carter for all shippers, it is
simply and clearly illegal on tho purt
ot the coinpanyto make any sucn tin-
just and gross (Incrimination.
Again, it is snd it an ordinary ship.
Kr wishes to sSip coal to parties on
the steading roa4,lie mnst transfer his
ooal to Heading lailroad cars at llur
risburg, at a cost; to him of say twenty
oents a ton. Itul if one of the prefer
red shippers shits his special cars to
the same points ion the Heading road,
his car and coil pass at once to the
Beading road,-and without cost of
transhipment. I
Theso aro the complaints, and, if
true, it Is evident that are niatlo with
good reason. The lituminotis coal
men have thousands nfdollars invested
in their business. Tboy havo sustain
ed heavy losses by reason of panic and
strikes, and now, whin tboy aro look
ing for a revival of ttado, and in some
measure wero rogaiiing It, by reason
of the anthracite troihles, tho Compa
ny that should protest and encourage
evory industry alongthoir road strikes
a blow that must ruin hundreds ot men
who naturally had a right to claim
this great corjioratiol as their protect
or ana incna.
Tho Vonango Sjiectator relates tho
following: On Thursday evouing last,
threo men came to tho house of Wil
liam Prilchard. near Deinnsovtown.
and Inquired tho distance to Franklin;
they also askoit lor something to eat.
They wero told to como in by Mrs. F.
II. Prilchard, who lives in the house,
and a lunch was tot before thorn. Af
ter outing, they linked Willium l'ricli
ard what tho charge was and he refer
red them to his son Francis in an ad
joining room, engaged In tacking down
a carpet, 1 uey went U) the other
room and wero told there was nothing
to pay. Olio of tbo mon stopped back
a few imees, drew a revolver and as
tonished Mr. Pritihaidby tho demand,
"your money uryour life nghlstraightl"
Mr. Prilchard backed into the dining
room, tho whole fhruo of the robbers
following, each with a cocked revolver.
The whole family wero then in tho
dining room. The chief rohlwr then
told tno other two to guard the doors.
Francis I'ritchard told them to hold
on, and he would give them tho pock,
ot book containing all the money in tho
llouso. Ho then went to a drawer, a
robber follow ing him with a cocked
revolver in one hand and a "billy" in
the other, Tho robbor took the pocket
hook, examined it, and said to Mr.
l'richard: "You havo more money
than that.'' Mrs. Frichard replied
"search tho house then." The robbor
commenced a search of tbo drawer,
finding a silvor watch, which he pock
eted. At this timo Mr. I'richurd's
hired man, who hnd been watching his
chances, spnnig for a door that led
np stairs. The robber made a grab
at him but. did not catch him.. Ho
then snapped bis revolver at him.
which fortunately missed fire. The
hired man succeeded in getting to tho
upper story and jumped cut of a win
dow. The robbers heard the ash tall
and the whole threo ran out to catch
the hired man and prevent him from
giving the alarm. That was the last
seen of tho mhlHirs. The man rcturav
ed in hour with Daniel Turner, John
Turner, and George Turner, three
neighbors, all armed, but the robbers
had gone. The hired girl also suc
ceeded in gutting uway without tbo
thieves knowing it, botore tho In mi
man mado his esuapu, hut rdio was too
much frightened to do anything but
concvul herself in tonic bushes, a short
distnnce from Die bouse, until tbo rob
bers bad left. The amount in the
poclcot book was about four dollars
and fitly cents. That and tho watch
make tiio nut result of the thieves'
rlabors. Mr. l'riuhard hud several
thousand dollar in I ho house, which
tho rascals might havo secured if they
had nut been frightened by the hired
man's ohcupo. That money, which no
doubt caused the attack, is now where
it ought to bo, deposited in oue of our
banks, where it is perfectly info and
is no lunger an incentive to robbery
and perhajis murder.
The lending villain was about six
feet in height, with Burnside whiskers
and dark clothes. . Tho other two wore
about fivo foet seven or eight inches,
dark clothes, stout built ; one with a
gontooaud chin whiskers and tho other
a mustache They wero all ol vory
dark complexion, perhaps colored for
the occasion. In their hurried depart
ure they left a vulise containing some
scraps of victuals, matchea,seissors and
a comb. There was also a letter in
tbo valiso, addressed "Mirecves, Mil
lerstown." Its contents werei; "1
havo seen Jim and Andy. Martin will
tell you the night we have set." Tho
A correspondent of tho Now York
World, in alluding to tho gigantic en
terprise in which our townsman Is now
engaged, says: "Now, as to the sight
seers, ex-Govornor Bigler says that
the matter has received tho careful at
tention of the Board of Finance, and
the number of visitors, pluced at the
probable minimum, is estimated at
3,000,000. In tho main exhibition
building alono there will bo twenty
miles of avenue, more space than most
visitors would care to cover in one day.
In addition to the main building will
be the many other attractive adjunct
to bring the visitor on the grounds for
mora tiiun ono day. An important
question, then, Is, How often will be
come? The gentlemen who have
studied the problem say at least throe
times. Tlireo entries for 3,000,00(1 peo
ple gives a total of 9,0110.000 entries,
which ex-Governor Iligler thinks a
moderate estimate. A reliable firm,
with extensive Kuropeau cunnenions,
is already in receipt of advices which
lead to the belief that all Kurope will
be represented by ut least 500,0110 )ieo
ple. The greater part of these will
come from Great Britain and Germa
ny; it is difficult to say Which will send
the turgor number. This leaves 2,500,
000 to bo drawn from tho States and
Territories, nearly all of which have
given very promising assurances. Tho
commissioners think, however, that
the requisito number cun be relied up
on without going vory liir in any di
rection. Taking Philadelphia as a fo
cus, there are, within a radius of 2.1(1
miles, 12,000,000 of people, allowing
five members to each family: should
each send a representative there will
be 2,400,000 visitors from nenr-by
points, leaving 100,(100 to come from
oiiuddo tho limits named. The com
missioners estimate 6(1,0(1(1 as the av
erage daily attendance."
Six horses, purchased in Boston for
Senator Jones, of Nevada, were ship
lied to him on Saturday. Among them
are tho noted trotters Sweet Briar
and Lady Otis, for which the sum of
Annual Klnaaelelfltatement nf Huston Bebottl
District 1st lbs rr.r nniluif Jane II, lITii
8elea tales eollvttaa ,..
In treasury, 1174
State a.iruuriBllja.. ,
Heads eulg ,
Passat'd tales received ,
Teachers' salaries,,,, ,
Fureuer debts
Kuei and nisoe)lane.ins
Keflrvtary's salary...
Trees, ealery ....
Culleetur's euntntitt!iiaH.....t.,
Bel. in bunlt of Pl Treat,
In treasury H
Uncollected seelrd Usee, tl to '74....
" uiiesstv.l M ,
i mills Iti uf ID7J estimate!.
........ 1711 4
...... iti es
l.imi te
I,SU 47
T Till SI
M,70 SO
(77 tS
Ill IS
....... 1,1X1 14
........ . il tit
...... II so
14 i
.. H ss
... S7 47
14,741 10
.. i,uut te
Dulstsniting iirders
" bonds
Intereet itueeslliasle
Sstimated osnenses of nett year in
eluding interest end exonerations...
Aieeui over liabilities.
It is gratifying to observe tho uni
versal approbation that is given by the
Democratic press and ieople to Hon.
I,. A. Mackey's recent action, with
reference to tho appointment of candi
dates for the United Status uaval and
military schools from this district, not
withstanding this action resulted in
one caso in the selection of the son of
a staunch itepuhlican. The tact Is es
pecially gratify ing, us showing the high
sense of justico w hich porvados and
actuates the Democratic party. For
years it has been customary on the
part of Itepuhlican Congressmen to se
lect for such appointments the sons of
Kepublicans only, llut Mr, ilackcy,
alive to his obligation as a representa
tive of tho whole people of the district,
Instituted tbo system of competitive
examination, opening tho doors wide
for the talented youths of tho district,
irrespective of the political predilec
tions of their parent. Fair and thor
ough examinations wero hold bclbro
competent committees, and tho result
showed a creditable standard of phy
sical and intellectual strength on the
part, ol the candidates. Kill amongst
tho number, in each ease, the commit
tee, without a division of opinion, point
ed out tho ono best qualified for pros
oiitpromotioii.and Mr. Mackey prompt
ly gavo him the appointment, without
oven inquiring whether tho boy came
of Democratio or liepublican parent
ago. This course was not only right
in itself, but creditable aliko to Mr.
"Mackey and to the party which elect
ed him, and which now so unanimous
ly approves his action. Jswittown
A Gooli Skin. In former years,
when a candidate for Governor was to
bo nominated, at this stage of the can
vass, nearly every pupor and politician
was committed to one or the other as
pirants fiir nominations. This year
scarcely anything of tho kind is seen.
Tho papers that liavo preferences ex
press them with unusuul modesty and
caution. There is a general conviction
that tho occasion is too inqiortaiit for
haste or wrangling. I ho ensuing cam
paign is oven' where regarded, to a
Ttum extent, as a sure prognostic ol
the Presidential Contest in 187C. All
true Democrats feel in their hearts that
wo cannot atrord to mako a mUtako.
At such an era, principles are every
thingpersonal likes and dislikes noth-
iiiL'. 1-iicli and all of us have friends
or neighbors whom wo would like to tencc: "Ho (Mr. Itcecher) will not
...... I. ..,1 I...4 I...... .A ,, ..... . '
m-u, out " oavu no ngui to allow a littlo Hung like that to Inter
carry those individual feelings to the ' (ere with his Christian usefulness."
extent of jcniiordir.iiig tho party wel-i its -
fare. It ia the duty of ovory Democrat Suit for libel was Instituted in Pitts
lo sink his attachment to men, and ; burgh, Saturday, by William S. Kvuna
think only of the triumph of bis part)', airainst Willinni J. Koiintr. and that A- v' ! eoiiecior of Uimuiii,
Nllillur l.liml ion in tlin nun i.uuit I l..ll l)..l,i;l.l.. S,...,.. . I VIUO txjBool fund :
nor foolish prejudice should Ihj allowed twenty fivo thousand dollars for an al-
$f Q&ttttistmtnU.
H. ioo te
I, 001 oo
4,000 Oil
.. 1,111 It
IIO.tM 13
Ananal Inanclal statement nf Huston Road
Fsnd, June 11, 1871 1
Outstanding orders f(l,54t 74
Road work required Ibis year 1,000 00
tt.M 74
Tn hands of Diet. Treat...
Ssaled tates H
unseated tea of 1874..
.. $.101 IS
too 7
7,174 It
mills, 1874 eelimalet. ....... MM 10
BscKirrs iiai-B sva I, 1174.
I'atoated kin 1,J0 41
In treasarv, July 7, 1S7
Heeled teiea eolleoted besides thoi
marked ouL
Ptld money and orders for Wilson Rub
111 tS
Ili),0u0 Was ,vuld. Iho Others Include For repairing roads Bnder Hit
a pairot saddle I
carriage burses.
Toiler Frank Fob.
One-half of Treat, salary
The Hew York Herald devotes col- j ''aid oidtrs before July 7, i74
nmus to the discussion of Mr. Beech-
crs stick-it-out resolution, while the
t ,401 to
K.O i
71 III
117 M
t.v.t 3:1
M.J.-S It
Cincinnati Enquirer disposes of the
whole matter in tins single telling sun
Road tan lavlr.1 for 171, j mills.
J. 0.1 VI. KB.,
Attut: Ij. IllltU, Clerk.
July 80,
to iuterleit) with tho brightening pros
pect for the success of our cause. We
do not care who tho candidates are.
nor from what portion of the State
they may come, so that they are hon
leged libelous article.
The Secretary ol the Treasury bus
directed tho assistant Treasurer of the
United Slates at Now Turk to sell II,.
est and true men men who will win ! 000,000 gold coin, on euch Thursday
aud deserve to w in. Hutm Sentinel, j during tho month of July. The total
., I amount to ho sold is 85.oVm.OOQ.
Imihutant Hmsiox. Some timo I .
since tho case of farkhill, Cashier of ;
the Monnngahcla National Hunk, f j
Brownsville, was tried in -the United '
States Courts. Farkhill had refused ,
IO SHOW a revenue omccr to rummage ! All p-reout nre hereby wsrned arain.t tmn-h
the hank III search ot unstamped Checks. ! aslng or In eny mtnner med.lling with the fol
To amount of duplicate, 1174 768 1 1
By amount paid L. J. Murxea tt It
" I'. K. R. lal paid L.J. Uurge. I74- 4 0,1
M etoncretioos u n, 71 la
BJ. due Borough Ill 74
ift 14
L. J. Xturgsn. Treasurer, in neeount
vsltb ftvhool Fund.
gfw giflfrrtlnfmnits.
Wo sincerely trust tho company will loiter was dated March 25, 1876, and
at once abandon the policy, for surely, ! signed "U. Kiley." It is hoped these
county convention irrespective of par
ties, on tho 12th of July for the pur
poso of putting a Temperance county
ticket in tho field.
upon securing which an appropriation
by tho Suite of 1 100,000 of subscription
was made contingent, having been ob
tained. - ,
A swarm of locusts from thirty to
sevonly-flve miles wide, half a mile
deep, Aying throngh tho air at a snood
A Berlin dispatch deseribinif the of fifteen miles an hour continuously.
dinner to Mr. Carl Hchura, say I "The i and driving poople Indoors fin fcar of
speeches turned uion the double na-. Doing smothered to death, passed over
tionality of Schtirx as a law-breaker j curtain portions of Nebraska tho othor
in Prussia and a law-maker in Amcri- day.
oa, with humorous allusion i to the al- E.mtliue Gutm, a asrvant-glrl In
tored circumstances which have made . HUemM v wb(J , M
ho outoastof 1850an honored guest I r of Vy tho death oHiirl
in Berlin in 18-5 and c anned as a m ,0way,who w. loatou the .team-
national g. ry wy uortnany am. : hillcr. has boen entraaed for Borne
ei- ,(i,. ( . ,. . j t... -
iiiuiibiio iv . miiiiiui, emu tie st nuu ui
America. The allusions to Schura'
forts against ofllcial corruption were
received with great enthusiasm by tbo
American portion of tho auditory."
Wm.M. Twood
was rttauetd from
a gun if ho don't marry her now, any
Prof. Donaldson and throe mom-
bers nf the press made a balloon ascea
o i-enitotitlary, on Tuesday of last ' on from Toronto, Ontario, on the 24th
eok, by a decision of tbo Court of;1"" were picked nn the next day
ppcals reversing the action of tho y vn" off Point 1 'oter, on
taking the ground that postmastor. ,, , i not y.t beon obtl,no1, mato Sra' Assoc"!
are hablo on their bond lor losses of ' though there is still a probability that :. ,- btba ,lnotl tl, Ifith 11
Government property while in their
possession. A registered packngo, con
taining about 1200 worth of postage
stamps, was received at the Boston
postollicc lor transmission beyotul. It
was traced to that ofllce, and thera
missed through tho negligence of the
postmaster or employes there, as it al
leged. The sum was charged up tn
Gomiral Burt, the postmaster, who de
murred in ft letter to the Postmaster
General, by whom it was referred to
Judge r1icnie, wbo justified the de-
parUneut in charging it to the post
master, It is tho first tint J.hat an
opinion hot bvcTi given holding
111881011 respontlblo on their bonds lor
tbo loss of Government property pnss
ii.g through lbs post ofllce.
ho will obtain the required amount
within a tew any.
The new stattio of Htonowall Jack
son. presented by RdmirintT Knulish
men to tho State of Virginia, is to be
brought froo of chargo to Norfolk. It
will arrive in Hcptcmbcr, and be for
mally unveiled and inangnrated at
Itlchmond at the timo of tho State ag
ricultural fair in Kovombcr. The sito
selected for tho statue is on the north
side of Uis capitol.
George Grant, founder of the Vic
toria Colony in Kansas, is the ownor
of a farm which embraces tho whole
county of F.llis, is larger than any
dukedom In Kurope, and contains 576,-
440 acres. Mr, Grant devotes himself
nrincitiaUy to stock raising. Jle lias
just wintered IfiOO nhoep and has f 250,-
oou invostoo in atone oi au sons.
Lake Ontario. Thev report liavinc
Buffered great hardship, ttefng in the
water Cmr hours, clinging to the bas
ket of the balloon, which was dragged
tnrougn tne water at rcariul mecn
The Kxecntivo Committee of the
tion have fixed upon the 10th. 11th
and 12 Ui of August aa the time flir
holding the annual meeting of that
body, 'i he Association will meet in
the city of Milkotilian't).. Aa excur
tion throtiL'h tho coal ncirions and over
,11141 Nwiiriihack lUilroad at Mauch
Chunk has boon proposed as one of the
leaiures ol tne annual moling, , ,
The famous rase of Jarndi-ca a.
Jarndyco has a parallel In Kentucky,
wuore uiore is a lawsuit almost as old
as tho Suite, which was betrnn in 1815.
Tbu iubjeot maltor of the suit is a tract
ot 19.00v acrin of land. Tbo original
plaintiff wu Joseph. JJJjckwoll and tho
ocicnonnis were pinety-ntne u ftum
bar. Tbo plaintiff diod thirty years
ago, to.d now it it believed thai not
ono of the prigiKd panto or of the U
tornoyt originally au4oyfi(J inrvivcs.
The suit descends from father to too tt
a pritcd family possession.
if tested, the courts will otherwise com-
Cel them, and the damages sustained
y otierators injured by an illciral act
will far more than overbalance any
supposed advantage in this arrange
ment. . In the meantime this great
company Slitters in the public mind, in
having done a trrossly unjust and out
evkeeawo ct against (Joe wwn menus
and supporters, whin she has always
claimed that hor policy was mora fair
aml'liberol than any other company,
and particularly more so than thai
other company, whoso alleged oppres
sions are now being livostigatod by a
committee of the eislature.
Political Stuvatiotv. H has boon
assorted by many tapers since the
late Kadicul convention at Lancaster,
that there was a larj and inirticnttul
party of old-time Hnow.Nothing, or
political bigots, in thl ronvoiillon,who
were determined to pish the issno be
fore the people, but on second thought
laid it over for luUi-e use. In this
connection tho Allenlnwn Democrat as
serts, "That the spirt of bigotry and
fanaticism is not dcuf in tho licptttili
can ranks, and that It was not idlo
talk when announce! several weeks
ago that Kiiow-Nothliiism was to bo
revived by them al a levor in this
year's campaign, was made evident by
by the character of tie resolutions nn
der consideration ju tlie Lancaster lie-
publican convention, and which came
very near being incorporated in their
platform. They coiiUmplatcd warfare
on tho l alnono cimrch, oy insuiuous
appeals to tho bigotry of other denom
inations, and raising a fancied bugaboo
about the "power and "grasping ot
said church. The resolution had lieon
adopted in committee, but upon re-eon-
sitlnratinn wu omitted It being tho t
that more use could be made of It next
Nickel Minks In Lancaster coun
ty is the greatest nickel mine in the
world, and the only ono that has yet
lu.iiti iliufiiiviirur in tjm 1 intnjl htali.n
this way ; 1 ho itepublican organs ol ( Tll0 lllill0 lict ,,. tbo uivi( ; M)(0
Ohio are complaining that two of the bl,t wot,n n10Htc, oounly nn( X'U iiiuu uu nu 4'cmuwittsu nwx i valley. JJosidos nickel, iron and oor
wore formerly Kopubllraiia, im they j ppr llftvo bctii found, Tho copper
uumiuuco uuiicim oiiui v-aij, vnnuiuuui ; uug i,uim known there for seventy
for Lieutenant Governor, and Thomas
K. Powell, candidate for Attorney (ien
orul, as renegades. They should cast
thcireycs upuii their ICcpiiolican breth
ren in Pennsylvania apt) bo pontont.
Here sjimo Bcpublicniis venture to
complain because because both the
candidates tin tho Stale ticket wore
Democrats until ton years after the or
ganization of the lisipublican party, and
until there wasn't whole plank jefl
of the old Jcnocratic party linth. If
th old licpublicansof this State could
gat a chance just now and then to uo
tha candidates of their party they
would bo happy, but tho on)' Jtcjmb
licans running in Pennsylvania to day
are the Temperance oniiuidHtes, They
wero Republicans when it oost some
thliiff to bo a llcnublican. and it hut
boon the principal business of that class
to do tho voting and lot eleventh hour
laborers bag the pennies.
Loit. Sarcasm. The pd'tor of the
Clinton Democrat remarks: "A piote
of what Artcmus Ward would call
"sarkasm' is the assertion by the Hello-
fonto ItemUiean that "Simon Cameron
has always been right f 4W saying
that, It will not surpriao any ooe (hat
11 coiiimiin uiu itniiieut party oy say
ing thaf'wo (tho Itadicalaiarenfl Cam
omn men !" We havo always said as
much, but it is seldom that a Kadiral
ran be fonnd bold enough to face tho
chargo by acknowledging the humilia
ting. But ll:o (7)i(Wi'vtn(ositwiiiaro
ly, for which luj p'd Chief should not
lorgel If.
Tho New Orleans ReinMiean. "official
organ of (he Sfate of Louisiana," pnb
liiliM 63 ool u inns ( paget) of notices
to delinquent tax-payers and 7 columns
of sheriff's tain In a late issue. Who
wouldn't bo an ofltolal organ r If no
body rise gets rich In Louisiana Hip
ofllcial organs will.
scoundrels may be caught and that a
healthy example may be made ot them.
Colcmhia. Dam. Tbo damago done
to the dam last spring by the ice, hns
boon found to be more serious than
pposed. It is rather an expensive
Tho jury found a verdict airainst the
defendant subject to a question of law
reserved, ns to whether the officer bail
any authority tn uml;o the examina
tion. Judges McCandlcssand McKen
uan rendered a decision, that in accord
ance with the provisions of tho Na
tional Hanking Act, the officer had no
authority to make the examination.
It apears the net specifically desig
nates tho olllcer empowered to make
tho examination. Were it otherwise
lowing property, now in the puseetsion of Joseph
n Bguoer, ot xiuroime township, vll : I BoroM,
1 wagon, I sows, T sheep, 1 timber sled and one
geld of wheel, as the seme helnnge to me snd is
sulijeet te my order. UKOKllE WAOO.NKK.
Hard, June la, S7a-3to
All persons ere hereby warned agaiott pur -eheeiog
or ia any manner meddling w ith the fol
lowing proprrty, new is the handt of James Frel
mer, nf Bell township, vit i I eook ttuve end
utsueill, all the tinware and dishes In the bouse,
& ehairs, 1 table, 1 bed and bedding, 1 euj.boanl,
1 ten-nltte sluve end nine. I douehlrev. 1 vrind.
irresponsible parties Could gnill acCOHB , stone, I bend saw, ss His same belongs to tut and
to banks and work irreparable injury. I " ,iu ' VViiKTTi'jn
afluir. But it is a sitlislucliuii to know Proceedings W(ira instituted against a osiend, June at, 1876" te
u the coiht7irryeir making a com-
Ideto and substantial job of it A t the
lig break on tbo west side, an entire
new pioco of several feet bolow tho
present structure. Tho company con-
numiier oi oanK ouieers last spnne:
but this will have tbo effect to sottlo (CAUTION.
them. II itlmmnriort Sun.
template extending tho new part as , paper suggests that tho great fallin
on in tho circulations of t
newspapors of Plymouth Chti
Bowen's lndepemU nt and II r.
far as the auiall fish-wav, this season
The formation of tho new part is some
what different (Kim the old one, and
several feet wider, and twenty inchos
higher. It would seem to bo impossi
ble for tho ice to injure it from below,
as tho limbers slope below high wator
murk. Tbo upper sido has been made
perpendicular, aud planked with fivo
inch oak timber. Tho ice sometimes
cuts up strange freaks, and unless it is
well gavelled or filled in above with
cinder or stone, it may ground and
shove against tho timbers and make a
clean sweep ol'nvery thing. Tho'diunt
er of the Alps ' views tho hundred
workmen from his lolly iereh with a
feeling akin to triumph, for in the
height and strength ot the breast nf
tho dam is his LarvvHt secure next
spring. In the memory of the oldest
fisherman, the catch of shad has never
been so small as it has been the past
season, Cvlumbia, Herald, ,., ,
All tiorroni are hereby warned aTmlnstnur.
chasing or ia nny way meddling with the fol
lowing property, now in the hands of Jobn A.
Nsff, nf New Washington. Clearfield eonaty, Pa.,
cooe iwtv, a m rnnirs, i running cat
A Xew York
the rival
Ut'Ot'h- art 1 Hon, 1 wt hftrncn, I ilnd,
newspapers of Plymouth Church, Mr. m '? i . o. TZi
or's Chrittian L'nion, is thoetl'ectof the " aog.,1 wuk w, 1 muiy now. Thie
,ll i .i t .1 i properly wet purAaeed bt mo June IMh, 1S74.
scanuai ami a loaen oi tno popular; ,d le i,n with the said ,lhn A. Neff on loan,
uma;iit v. mi uiim tnetr nousve. jnsi sonjeoi t my rner.
year s rjport of tho circulation of tho
Christian Union was 118,000, this year.
78,000 ; of tho Iiulependent last year,
42,000, this year, 35,000 ; while it is
only a few years since tho Independent
was accredited with a circulation of
90.000 to lOO.O'lO.
Died, on Sunday morning Inst, Am-
oor risner, ngeti lourieen years
Mew Waehingloe, June 3U, IM79-SI
All perm in r h erf by CkulUofil hj(,q-
Iuiub.piii or in any way meauimg wim (be lul
lowing pru.wtjr, now m porMfflou itt John Koin,
oi auoin Miwhriiii, via ( 1 browi m
mfcrc. i two norPt Wirnn. 1 iDrintr waan.n
eowi, 2 jrarlinf heifer, I tprng eivlf, 8 hug, 13
betu, 1 long plow, t ihorri plowi, 1 harrow. 1
wind Kill, t acnt of whcut, 1 aent of rya, ft
(.,!.. . i- r acrrp oat, man i aorvi oi C'lrn in tn r round.
Sulldliy evening, I, Fisher, agod j at the teme wee parched by in. Jnne 5 . .4
nvvwii vetim, nuu tin juotlliay nilflll, " "om 10 epy oruer ni any time.
To amonnt of duplicau lS7s.
11 State appropriation 1K74
" nmount from A. V. iuisen
1321! 14
IS 04
M li
It SI 13
By orders No. 1, 1, i, 7, I, II till IS
M Treneurer'o percentage I K7
M advertising I (S
" 1 Treasurer's book.. 75
M balaaee dn;ilieata to F. raupman,
Treaeorer appointed. I?l S4
Uslanrn due boroogh... 12 71
IM ;.i
L. J. alnrgnn, Traasom, la aeoonnt with Streat
Fund :
Tn amount of duiilirato 1874 1171 11
By tialsni dsplicata tn F. Campman,
Traaeuter 1171 IS
Bel. due borough I al
Hutement of Borough Finanren, Sehaol Fund :
Orders assessed to dala.HM. tITt 4S
Orders paid ...
Bsl. daplieata IS74 .......
" l7i.. ...
Liabilllies Rlmve reeonroes
Stioet Fond :
Orders issnod by eouneils unpaid ICS II
Proportionnient of Boggs Iwp. debt....... lot 3tf
Interest on same I It
Certificates for work, amount unknown...
tun n
I brown man. I bay i Ami. of Jupliote unpnld.
une irom l.. J. Morgen
Perry Fishor, aeed ten years, all chil
dren of Mr. Knmuel and Mrs. Mary
Ann Fisher, of Lake township. These
children died ot that terrible scourge,
tho scarlet fever, ami in the same fam
ily there are tlireo more dangerously
ill of. tho sumo disease. .lercvr Vtwi,
June 19.
T. li. Foncir.
Orabamttu, Jute Id, 1171 IL
iSiich'kinu Accident. At
Sthikinu Kxr-KitiiiNci.-'-lii a pub
lished address, signed by the chid of
ficers of tho Minors' and Laborers'
novolent association, under,, date of
Juno 14, e find this uxplieit aniioiiitfo
mt iit of the end of tho slrike m the
Rclmvlkiil rc.irion : " An a eoiinlv nr.
gniii.alion wo oau continue lo tight uo ' precipitittcd down No. 2 shall of tho
hingor. Tho keen pangs of hiingori!'"",J"eliaiina t.'onl Compaiiy'g mines,
,, III I.HM, .VlUlllCOKU, u uisutiieo OI OOII
I lake this tnethud of Informing our euftomors
and the public generally, thai I am nliout re
moving from Leeonte'e Mills, and desire ell who
are indebted to the eelele or to me, nnd bare nn.
eeltled aeeoenta to noma foine forwerd and settle
Wilkes- ucey. itioee woe do nut oome toon nnd
I n .1 i nqwi, eie.y oe eniapeuea in
liari'O, fa., Oil tho morning of the 16th .trend tome dutsuoe to sdju.t thsir accounts.
I ins business, from the 2nih dny of Juns. IS7.1.
sere F. A. Migoot t
heir newer to aeoina-
detw old and now anetomert.
leonle'e Mills Jnne III, IK7J let
Elotsl of liabltitiea
N. C. Ml'HROW,
Wallaceton, June SB, 1871-lt
- 1 if
4lil Jl
inst, Thomas Vivnu, I'eter Reynolds,'11" ''"sinest, from the Mi
Thoinin, K. Williams, Henry King, j wIh.iil'dB"
joini ixuiitic, itiiu josepu uiKuru were
have driven tho more unfortunate
our number into a reluctuiil acceptance
of terms, they could never have boon
induced to accept. This I'uct, and our
knowledge that others w ho have not
yet yielded will soon oe compelled to,
and from the suisu cause, hare deter
mined us upon thus publicly recognis
ing flic necessity of putting back into
your iuids tho privilege of breaking
tho double lock us union mon. You
aro hereby authorised to accent tbo
siluution "under pretest," each branch
to have llic t ight to resume nnder tho
teet, and instantly killed. The ncci
dent was caused by tho scofl'obling
giving way.
Tha andcrtlgntd nffere for sole on rossonnnlo
terms, their steam snw mill, loeatcd at Wallaon-
ln l!lk.e.M l l. q-l : i l:
A Woman in W HghtsVille, the other j are at good at new. The else of Ik, eerine Is
They will
nnd all the
Parties wishing
tu iin u lijv ni:iit to iihiiiiiiv umivi snw ' r, - .... . , r - . --- ,
law of the unum at its pleasure Rntl''' t by one of her pmlific IEITwSiJ? A slT.r.,d,h,s.f;f: ,t2
tl-(.onfd'1,ite Colonel John S. M
by, of Virginia' has ryte'vid an Invi
tion from a conimittce ol Boston ccn-
JJomon to doli Vrr rlne of a scries or ad-
dresaos in eVremoiiTomjiloin'thatclty.
years. Ihe iiu kul ore Is ot a gray
color andsobardlhatit is obtained only
by blasting. A tier it is broken into
small particles itii thrown into a fur
naco and subjcrid to a strong bout.
il is men smeiiui uao iron. Alter ue
inif nlaccd between two heavy iron
rollers and pulverised it ia sent to
Camden, N. vhoru the copper ia
nupiirated from las nickel. It is next
protected fvom filohll nickel by a for
ty per cent, duty The average price
of nickel is about 2.00 a pound. In
tha Lancaster irtpp from four to five
bundrpil tons u uhliiiiiod montbly,
and alioiit one hnidred And fitly awn
are employed, i
Knormous Kniinks. An engine lias
recently been pluced on (ho Pennsyl
vania railroad which wolghs seven
tons heavier than tho pondroiis 31 o
doc, whoso draw ng capacity is almost
twice that of an ordinary locomotive.
The Modoc is capalde of taking eighty
loaded cars from llarrisburg toC'oliiin
bia, while other pngines are jiiit to a
severe test whon they pin ;tty csjii
on that portion of tho road. Thp new
locomntivo when fully initiatotl is ex
pected to pet away with a hundred
cars. Thj3r)tiy aignnicpf that can be
used against large engines is (list tlcy
are hard on tracks, but as tho Penn
sylvania railroad company hai adopt
ed steel ralli able to withstand a fur
greater pressure than Iron rails tho
wear will not be material. Tho intro
duction of these mammoth engines is
considered a very economical measure
hy u.s rji;)roau company.
(Slowing accounts oome to ui of thp
discovery of 'gold In the Black llllli.
fv..l 1ll..l.rl T TVuIa It InnsiN rWini
. ' - k Lf. 1 1 nlclicr us i
a tnspaicn, ormnrmi me n-pen oi tnii. ---r - - - -- . . , , r-
OusttV In every parti.cnlar. Home nf br"ko" bttlk r VW. l"ath. I glla n. t year.
(Ill V, gave birth to triplets all W-s. i 14,J,i and is In good running order.
They are all living ami doing tr,
MlO ought to have a gold meillll. 0 to purchase can call on or addren
understand she is endeavoring to raise ' uraham, WALLACK a CO
a new military company - because tho I .cvu' f-' 'j!L4'
'boys littve all gono to war." llerfimt VroTIC'H.
effort is a success. A few years airo i
tllO SillllO borough Was honored With! Th nnlenljned herel,y glvrt notlcn that no
A.M. IIOLIIKN.T'easartr of llloom townthin, in
neeoant with said School Dittriet lor Ihe yean
1172 A 171:
llnl. due oa lest settlement 1141 41
To tnxes collected on duplicate of IB7I I IS 4s
M " received on eollector'adupllenle SO 71
Reoolved from County Treasurer Svl l
Slate appropristion 41 So
To dii,licste of I SIS I I l
" IntereM nn S.10B. II Ml
By orders ...
M percentage
M diseounts on tatee
Bel. due front Treasurer
II ,131 II
.. t ill l
... 41 41
S 47
.. SM 17
II 1.11 I
Amount nneolkxte l far 1171 k 1S73...
in eollector'i bands 4172 4l
Ko 8-boiil doplicaU tieucd for 1174.
W. t. WOODS, )
Fores! Jnne H, 1174 Jt.
upon the nest terms that can he so
ctux'd," .This in a etHilciwiioii of tbuox.
nerienee of the opcnilions of a well
established principle wlnob it vmi
have U'cii very well lull tlie asociav
tion to consider belbro it engagid in
tho disastrous business of striking.
Takm ok Tim Kit. Tho Philadel.
phia Timet narrates tiio following ; At
lialf past 3 o'clock yesterday morning
g llireu months old baby came In in
bling out of the second story of tha
building an tha southeast corner of
Sixth and Willow, oppnsito the Mont
gomery hotel. Its mother bad thrown
it out and tlit.i rnino tumbling all or.
She was frightened by the smoko from
a tiro in the biisoment Tho baby fell
into tho possession of a Tuie reportor,
but Mr. tioorgo Slilller, a painter, of
Mount Joy, Lancaster county, was for
tunate enough to "catch it on tho fly."
Tho mother was slightly bruised on
the arm ly her tail.' ihe lather walk.
lVirtf, ''When I married." said
c.t-t 'haiicellor of tho Kxchenuor Lowe
at a London dinner party, 1 declared,
'With all my worldly gtssla I thee on
dow," although I hadn't a shilling in
the World, ' llnl," chimed in the wife,
"yon had your splendid talents," "Yea,
my dear, but you know I didn't endow
you with them," was (ho right Imiuir
ablo reply,
Abraham Jackson, tho Hoston law
yer, whose exalted Christian character
went to pieces with tho shock of the
publication nf his rascality, cannot give
hull, and will doubtless go to the State
prison for bis crimes. The eslutos en
trusted to his care, and from which he
stole, will loso 11100,000.
There are four persons in Conway,
N. II., who aro blood relations to tho
Queen of Kngland. Their grand-moth-
. .. tt-Ml: t r 1-
- , - ' . 1 , . 1 "i v" ei iiiiiwni to n ininill St., tuim
od down to tbo stairway and advised , ,, (WlM , l0 ,,rinp(.
of ales.
The Splingtit'ld lieiiuhlioin thinkj
that if Judge Kellcy of Philadelphia
dm'su't cheer up and wipo his weeping
eyes, somebody will bo culling him tho
his wife to do tho samo tno next timo,
.'1 wjili your baby wai nut named,"
said Mr, Stilfler, who appeared as if I10
bod found a diamond. "1 would chris
ten it 'Firefly.' Take the advice of an
old fireman, I used to belong to tho
Columbia huso company of this city,
and when you are in a dense Bmoke
full with .your luce lo the floor and
creep along. You will then como out
all right." "1 hope I w ill never be in
he will not nsy any debit f, r said Rria contreotrd i
i ny tiavld II. Shsrtsrr. lie, the tnid,
! has no right to buy anvlliine fur the firm. I,.
receive any monoy due the firm, not having eotn
plied with bit tgreeuitBl aontlltuting bitn n
member nf snid firm.
kylertawa, Jane 10, IS750
JcSfl Clearfield County, Penn'a. iy
M, 0. BROWN & BR0,,
Msrket SI., Clearllsld,
Wnuld annonnoe to the etlltens of Ihe town nnd
vicinity that tk,y still keep the meat market nt
the old stead, where laej will keep
Fresh Hoof, Veal Mutton and Lamb,
of the Cnest qualities.
Market ttaruingn-Taotduys, Tbursdayt and
Solaris, t. Hire us a call.
Jans v. IS Stt M (I, BROWN k BRO.
A large three etnry nrirk hotel, on corn rr nf
Mela ilreit and Held Ragle turnpike. Iilen Hope,
I'a., enntalning office, parlor and
nn first flour, snd 14 bed rooms and alt o'her
Jerry Dismill Ol American politics pros-! irrangemeoli for B Irsl-rlaea kidel. A rcller
., 1 l ue.lar ,k. l..,l. I.1I.IIR. . 1. 1 . I .L
oniiy. :
Please take nolfre efler ll.le we will posi
tively adopt the
n.v adopting this flat wa will he iblt te tell
goodt at lolluwt i
lormerly soli at In.!-!, wa bob sell on
the oath plan for,... IIMS)
formerly Bold St IS OH, mm CSS sell OB
t-a naih plan for I4.O0
formerly sold at I'.IO, wb rsa eell
the cash plan f..r I'l.Su
formerly told attt'l.1, n-e nan a.11 bb
the eab pita for. ft.00
and ell good, we Bell proportionately low.
We have the largret and best selected stock ef
in Inwn, and by adoptiag the eaeh tyttrej will hi
able tn tell at low at any other bouse in toeeouB
ty. We reran business. We won't be BDderoole.
All must ba psid for before learing let
Mora. H i eleo keep o hand n full line ot tl"t
end Khne Findings Bud lotathet.
i.. r. nm a cq.
CurweBsville, Jobs 1, U7l.
Col. Wait! 11. I. anion of Martins-
burg, whom everybody knows as Presi-
thase)iia fix ffjuin," sobbed the poor j dent Lincoln's law pnrtnor and histo
woman ; ImiI lliu baby smiled at its rinn, is spokeu of tor the Republican
i il it know 1)0 had just saved j nomination fl,r tji.vornor of West Yif-
tha aoldicrf havo pknncd ont gold of iho
pinhost quality. " .
It has at last becndeflnitolyseltlad
that the State Kair will bo held at
Lancaster this year, on the 27tb, 28th,
9th and 30th of September, and the
Sosiiim.iik Lvi(4. Ti ivporlV(iil) The Dresident has signed the coiii
tlm lllauk lil a4:p oniptradictory, - miwlon of Jaoob X(. Mlrow, of
I'rof. Jaaney says, the yield (if god :tq ho lixtl) AildiUirqf'tlio f reasnry,
thus liir ItHej Ihiui) nmU' stnnll, while
Ikilouol Dodge nnd special oorroapond.
ent ooufirm Custer's report that the
yield is abundant. .
. leather Tom 1 In rite, the great Irish
orator, Is dying of eancor of the stom
ach In Dublin.
undsr the whole building, good stable and other
ont-liulidingt. The eforeiaid helel will he rent
ed for n terra of yeart, lessee lo give security
for rent. Sold building will he resdy tn oeonpy
by the Irst of SsptemWr, 1171. For further in
formttion apply tn O. J. Kesgy. Serrotsr of
Odd Follows llsll Association. Iilen Hope, I'a.
ny enter oi nnarn or i riistees.
W. U. WIIITRlilllK.J
irvrsri C.J. KKAllY. Secretar.
Dldn lllpa, Jnna (I, 1171 Im.
We fiatB printed a larva BBmhor nf Inn now
FKI Ull.h, and will na lie rtxipl nf
lv ttBU. uil Miitf la mi mlilrtM wyM
liM OMktlj trit.4 tt lb. i offlot.
The andtnlgned will Ball at I'nhllt Sola, al
hit reiidruen ia Shnwevilla, nn
Balurday, July d, IH74,
the following deeerined Boreootl properly. '
Took nnd I'arlnr Staves. Tables, Chsirl. Ret., good lloot-eaoe, lot ol Veaillaa ml"
mmA .l.l.a ..J . I.... ...1.1 . ..I . ,k.P hOUtt'
Bold and kit, ben furnirnra. Aieo, a lot l
farmlag ULo.lli, eoustiting la perl ef a (
hrto power Tkroablng Maehint, aleteit
Plows, Harrows, and Vnnl eth.r ttlltlel, W
SnaeroBt In mention. i
Sale Be IS '.nek i. B. ef bvb
day, wkea IBnat will ba mada kaowa. m
A. B. IHsW-
ShtwsvIlM), rs.. laat II, IIII II.