t UpMuiitt. (jtotuia B. GoouLANUits, Editor. WKDNKKPAY MOKN1NC1, JIIN JS, IMS. tub. If toil wnl lo know nb.t ll lolnl In tbo bu.lue.i world, lull rend our adtertlitn ooluwne, tba AjMnat oolumo in par.lou.ar. SLKIXIH-IIAMMEIl Alton MEXTS. DEVASTATION. Next to tlio grasshopper, riutliinir ha proved no blightlnir to tho pros- Our ciipilitl oily porlty of our oouiitry us tliu carpet- yours, like New York, bus boon robbed buif mid through tbo South, osiiociiilly ! ,f millions of dollars by a bund of po- in Louuuuna, jtlifwiHHippi and Souln Carolina, 'l'bti destitution created by SKWS ITEMS. I THE C0LI1AD0 POTATO 'WHAT WILL RE Till! EFFECT (iov. Allen, of Ohio, is HiMv.,.mo: HEKl'J.E. j UF IISA(1 UEEMEXT1 Phih.do.lphn for votire old ' Last lull wo announced that u low run li ih tlio question propounded by 1 V. I 1 1'll.nfM I I.. I.. I...... I., ll ,11 C ll... '... V,..-f, V..i..,l... nr'e ,VuHod SlKtu" H"'""'!' vi'-'i'i ln found In the suburbs of this ! rch-hri.tcd Tiltoii llrei-her cuse : District I oiirtn Bin in ' " '' city, and tbut in ue timo wo might At lust wu begin to sue tlio end of liainsport. expect them ingriin abundance, 'J'bov i the grout trial which for nigh, upon Tbo steamer Schiller wus lost on huvo now appeared in tbriiiidabloniiin- I hall' :i y.ur hns furnished reading tiir Tbo Contro Hull Reporter wunts ox Uovornor Ciirtin to fill tbo Sonutoriul vneanoy caused by tlio resignation of Senator Walluo.e. J low is (but for lngb, Fred? Tbo Cutholio churcb and public Bchools nro just now troubling somo Radical newspaper editors. TIiobo thin skinned fellow would like to ros- urrcct "Sam" aguiii. i B's seem to bo tbo rage these times. Tbo name of Heochor, Bowon nnd tbo two Bacons and Butler nro likoly to go down to bi"tory togctbor along with tbo grant scandal. They all bo gin with U. . Tlio Duke of KdinburgU is tbo only ulo of Oiioon ictoria a tons who IB not a momber of tbo Masonic ordor, nnd bin father-in-law, tbo Kniperor of Russia, if) one of tbo few sovereign" of Europe who oppose Masonry. AiUm Hoy, Kiq., will dellrer tbt Alumni ad dreoe at Ponniijrlrnnin College on the mtb prol., nd Hot. U. W. Miller 1 Diclnnnin on the Jill. Uellenintt ii the place lo lend lor an orator!. HtlUI'imtm Jtrpvilica. All right, you may liirnisb tbo ma terial for "blowers and strikers" and we will furnish tbo Btuft" for Governors and Senators. Bismarck's organ now doelaroa that a provision of tlio imporial constitu tion requires tbo consent of tbo iod- oral Parliament before war can bo do clarod, unless tbo Federal territory bo attacked by sea or land. If tbo sol diers ot a neighboring country uro'all dressed in lino with their oyos cocked toward the Bhine, that is to be consid ered an attac k. A Propkr Suuokstion. A .Radical cxehango says two Presidential api rants, lilaino and Wilson, wcro upset and badly jumbled about by a railroad accident near Now York on Saturday. It might bo well to use a little enro that so many do not get on ono train, or sonio day wo shull find some horri lile accidont has occurred and has be reft us of candidates entirely. Tourists who havo been to Y'oso mito valley this season complain bit terly about tbo poor accommodations and petty annoyances. Nono of the hotels in the valley are Biiid to be hall way decent. Beds are bard as plunks, tables poor, and a conplo of waiters for every one hundred and fifty guosts. All tho roads are toll mads, all the trails toll trails, and about all the grac ing ground in tho valley baa been leased by the Commissioners and fenced in. The Temperance Grab. Tho Tem pornnco party held thoir Stato Con vention at Ilnrrisburg on tho 16th,and nominated Dr. Robert A. Brown( of Lawrence county, for Governor, and Elijah K. Ponnypacker, of Chester county, for Stale Treasurer, and adopt ed a very lengthy platform. Tuo nom incea are both Radicals. Brown is a Prosbytorian clergyman and ex-army chaplain, and after the war was oloct- cd State Senator by tbo Radicals of tbo Lawrence district. Lookino to Impeaciimknt. The St. Jjonis Timet declareB anew that the Lone Branch cottngo was not a present to Grant, but that he took the $:!5,000 his ow lork menus gave him for tho purposo and bought the cottago and paid for it himself out of tho gift money. This money was con. tributod by seven persons, and ono of them in return Boss Grant made Col lector of tbnt port. Such in tho view the Timet take of tho subject, and perhaps tho tho next IIouso of Rep rcsentntives may investigate the mat ter. Sock. Tho Kttehen Organ of the President tells ns why bo nnd his Cab inet declined to bo present at Bunker Hill, when it npcaks of the bad taste of publishing the expenses of Grant and suite at the Concord affair. "Now," says tho organ, ''Massachusetts is mi- Imppy because tho President and his Cabinet decline an invitation to attend the centennial of tho battle of Bunker Hill, and agnin become advertised cbnrity-lKiiirdcrs at the expense ot Boston hospitality. We pity tbo taste ot the descendants of the Pilgrim Pa- tbcrs." "A )oi ui.E IIeauer." As gamb lers would say. Tho ring which has robbed tbo taxpayers of tbo national Capitol so hugely since Grant's advent to power, is lull' illustrated in tbo fact that the Administration organ at Washington, the A'ntitmal Republican, publishes tbo delinquent tax list which covers 420 columns of that paper, at a cost of $00,0(10 to tbo taxpayers. It is said the profit on this job is about J70.000, so that it socms to pay nicely to advocate tho third term. If this mode of doing business is not ol doulilo-beadcd character, wo will con fess that wo know nothing abont "game." Kaii.eii. Tho attempt of Taul Schociinc to break tho will ot Miss Maria M. Sleineek, for whoso murd ho was convicted It: 1HGD, has proved n failure. Tho Orphans' Court of Bal timore, on Monday last, had under consideration the petition of Scboepie to rcvoko tho will nnd letters testa mentary thorennder, upon tho ground of nn nlleeod iwirriogo between him and the testatrix, entitling him to hor entire estate. Judge Ingless deliver ed the opinion that tlio petition had failed to prove tho marriage, ana tlio documents of the pctitionor were (iirircd. In the course of tho trial certified record of the police court of Berlin was produced, showing that Sehocppo had been ooiivk-ted In a Bor lin (Germany) court of the throe crimes of larceny, forgery and extor tion, and lie is now serving out a term in tbo Illinois Stato prison at Joliet, having been convicted in Chicago, un der the name ol J. P. S'ibiilcnburg. the former throughout the west is not half as futul and enduring as that in flicted on the latter States Indicated. The effects of their robberies are felt throughout tho Union, and will retard and cripple tho Industrial Interests in the southern States for generations tod come. Recent investigations of the finan cial allium of Louisiana, made by a legislative eommitteo, show that tbo ravages of the carpet-baggers and their white and black allies have been oven worso than was supposed. 'Tbo eom mitteo find that at tho beginning of tho year tho public debt amounted to more than filly millions of dollars, dis tributed as follows : FlontUi debt 3,l5,17l tl Bondi louned proiiurtjr bnoks f.S.IS.ASS .13 Bonded debt proper ,U4,UU 00 Contingent debt reported by Aud itor lO.BM.OOO 00 Contingent debt not reported br Autlilor v,uvu,ouv uo ToUl tlMOI.IM tU Add trnet boudi nod bonde Mil ling . H,19( 1 lilii ul strumpi'U whose members have became rich, saucy and defiant. Mow over, it sevius now ns though that im mense concern whero loyalists have been niuunlactured to order by thous ands, we mean tho I'nion League seems at last to bo in curnoHt in nn at tempt to breuk up the ring of plun derers who havo so long fattened up on tho treasury of tho city. Tho elec tion of Burnt and Marks as 11111111111118 of the Poor was tlio hist straw, and ll... I l..W...Mnn nHAMdlnJ n..JtHlna ttl 1 I, I lfll ultlll S Ik frilllltl VI1U ll'nIU I HI I IUJHIH II1-IIIIUIVB MIII4 I v" ... " ... -"..... resolves; seventeen columns in tho Evening THE IIEFOH.V HOUSE. I DELANO, SOX A CO. The Kcpulilicun piipors of this Hlut.- i.-i......,.!!.. ,.0Hidei'ed, Ibiscoininer. uivo sneereU at mm .icnminceii inu; . . . ' .....i ull,i -i,.,.,,.,. The UOIIRH.TIUIC Mouse Ol uvproseiiiuuves . , Muy 9, 187. just seventy ycain alter bors, and from tl numerous li ltei the public Ihut bus bud cvou greater tlio tloaili 01 nor uiUMvrious iiuiiiesai.e. ! jeceivou uurin mo post lew uuys, invt'itsiiy uixt continuity ot inierosL, i. i .. .i .i i in... i. ! askimr information reimrdinir them. wo than tliu most excitinir seriul novel It IS miimUBVUU lllllb lllll Uin.-lt 1 , n .... .... i'. i . e . a. l l III"! m vwiiinm..-- Hills exoodi ions will outer the p,iK' conciuuo mat ui.ro are sun many wun a nero in ueauiy pern ai mo onu nugo volumes o a. is ... u' muy ..mi .ivpowerovoronormouHContracts, .: i . ... ..r ' 1,11.11.1. riv.u-i.iH. wl.. ni'M tirtiiiMiii. ol' ill' i.viii-v i.liniiiiir Mliev u'er.. utiocucil ut tnn tlnuinutive I . . ...i n ....... .... ...i.i....... r, , ,P , t : . ,J i. . . .,, ! ooiinoelions Willi ail sons u. ;imuij, House to legislate, i liny wore so uo- ( tt(J ,triU,in llld11Htl.y. tistoined to the annuul B.pearauee of, Wi,h (V()0 C01Illl)l,I1(i ol' the public Horn country, and emerge tit the lit- tie end ot It tbo habits of this Siscct and the means , Against the hopes, perhaps, of some, oclnvo which Ibis year incloses with ' suitable lor its deitiiiotiou. i against the expectations ot almost ev- Por nearly or ujuXo sixteen years cry body, the case approaches its con this beetle has in'i-if Hdvan.-iu. or. .elusion with lihiiiitilf and defendunt. ors oslate, slio being insane, under ; iiw.ru utrictlv sheubiu. soruadinif ov.'r i iurv and lawvurs. all alive and well to .... r. a nun I . . ..' " . . . . . .... . too country iroiii Us nalivo liuuiitu, partieiputo in mo .leiioiienicni ot tne of Hliei-ilf'sl tho tiluins near the bane of tbo Rocky iilninm. There is occasion for devout Robert T. Lincoln, of Chicago, has been appointed guuruinn ot bis moth bond oftl&n.OOO. Tho advertisements Toi.l toO,ti,ig ot Tho total population ot Louisiana in 1870 was less than 800,0(11), of whom 3B-(,000 were negroes, tbo most of tho latter paying no taxes. In addition to tho Suite debt, the city of New Or- leans, which has also boon rnder tho control of tho carpct-bairgorM, owes a debt of 20,000.0(I0, with a popiilfttion of less than 2lin.nnil. Whiln the debt bos been increasing, the value of prop erty both in tho city of Now )rlcnns, and in the agricultural districts has boen steadily depreciating, until upon a largo portion ot the roal estuto the tbo annual taxation is greater thun the revenue derived therefrom. The committee say of tho debt created sinco 18C5 that the Stato has not been benefitted in an amount exceeding one-fourth of it; and that one-half tbo taxes which have been collected sinco that yoar have been squandered or stolen. Tho public should not forgot that when tho people of Louisiana fairly elected a Government of their own to supersede the carpet-baggers who had so long plundered and op. pressed them, President Grunt, at the instigation of his brother-in-law and other intruders, twico unlawfully used tho Vnitcd States army to ovorthrow tho legal government and install iu its place usurpers who had been repudi ated at tbo polls. Whereas, This action of Councils bus also shown that so long as the men now in power lire permitted to control tho Republican party, it is idlo to ask for or to expect any improvement in tho character of our public officials, and nothing but the extreme measure of an open and uncompromising con test with thorn is left to tho true and earnest members of tho party : Hesiiioiil, Tlmt the Union League accepts the issue thus forced upon it self and all rcspectublo members of tho Republican party, uud that it will, iu pursuunce of its expressed purposu, to endeavor lo obtain good nomina tions, uud to support only thoroughly nnohjcciionublo men, use its power and influence against the election of any candidates noiuinulcd by tho con ventions about to bo held, who belong to or identified wilh that dictatorial baud of men, nominally of both par ties but without true alleitanco to eith er, which now rules and oppresses our city, anil is disgracing nnd destroying the licpnmienn organiMitioii. THE MeKEAX COVXTY GRAB. Tho llarrisburg Patri'4 says tho Superintendent of Public Instruction hns addressed a communication to tlio school directors of McKcan county asking them lo lake action looking to tho reduction of the salary of super intendent of schools in that county. I to also intimates, in case tho school diroctors shall fail to recommend a re duction ot tho salary, uow fixed at f2,000 per annum, that justice to oth er counties will, he fenrs, compel him to tuko the whole sum out of the Stuto appropriation for MuKcan county,now about 2,500 thus leaving to oe dis tributed among tho school districts about fjOO. Now, If tho Stnto Superintendent can se-saw in that way, wo hopo ho will just add tho (200 taken off our superintendent's salary, to the common school fund of Clearfield county. That would bo nico. However, that might impair his decision in which ho says that tho amount paid county superin tendents does not come off the schools, or, in other words, does not decreaso tho State appropriation to tho schools. We hold that the legislature sliould fix tho salary of theso officers and there by defeat both tho depletion and grub games which nro played every threo cam all over the State. o intend lo show tip this grab business at length at Borne future lime. Tbo department should bo ashamed of tbo present 'shciiancgan" style of regulating su perintendents' salaries. State Centennial Boaru. The llarrisburg Patriot Bays: "In conform ity with tho provisions of the first sec tion of an act of the legislature ap proved the 12th day ef May, 1875, wherein the governor is authorized and empowered to appoint fivo suita ble persons from different sections of the Stnto familiar with the resources, arts, products, history and capabilities of the Slate, who, with tin) United Slates Centennial commissioners, nnd tbo alternate commissioners from Penn sylvania, shall constitute and bo the Stato board of Ccntonnial managers for this Stato, Gov. Hartranft yestcr- A Nkiuocs ('iiahiik. The editor of tlio New York S'n makes the tbllow inir dumai'mi' statement : ' Tliu man agement of tho national homos for dis abled soldiers will reipiiiti looking into when Coni'ross assembles. These in stitutions have been largely controlled by Hen Buller, who has a wuy of pro- ik ..I . r..- l.:- : . vn. I. ig will iu.ei-i! lo. ..in ii.i'iii.n, n.iu who, unless ho is greatly slandered, bus a peculiar faculty lor forming friendships for peoplo who do not find approval in tlio estimation of tho pub lic. We havo hn.l frequent complaints train inmates ot the Homo nt Hump ton, Va., whero five hundred crippled and disabled veterans are boused, al leging that tuts ot tyranny aro common there, the institution being under the control ol a protege ot t.cn niillcr. t.rrul extravagance and an unauthorized use of tbo funds of the institution nro also charged against the Jlcpnty Governor by men who send their names in coiifnlenec.lhough they would not dure to havo them in print for fear of the rengeunco of tho officials who hnvo been put over them. Wo know nothing ot tho truth ol these charges ; but tho inmates of tho institution have claims upon the coun try, and if they have been badly treat ed they should havo the opportunity to tell their story to a Congressional committee, who would have the power to protect them from persecution for during to complain. Reports of op- fircssion iu other soldiers asylums uive also reached us, und we hope their whole management will be inves tigated in such a manner as to assure equal justice to all concerned.'1 arauh. Gen. Duff Green, w ho tit ono time was among the most prominent public men ot the county, died on I hurnlny lust ut his homo in Georgia. I The Pennsylvania Railroad Com-1 iiany bus sold its old freight depot in Philadelphia, comer Market and Thir teenth, for J837.500. Strawberries nro scllini; for throe cents a quart in Norfolk, Vu. Bushels aro rotting on tho vines in that neigh- liorliooil, ns a docs not pay to pick them. Judge Jereniiiih H. Black, of Penn sylvania will deliver tho oration ut tlio mi veiling; ot the bust of the late Bishop Campbell, at Bethany College, West Virginia, in June. Tho onco famous nice horse Kan garoo, for which tho Marquis of HasU ings once paid 12.0U0 guineas, now goes iu front of a London cab at six pence a mile. Half of the iniiiil Centennial build ing, in I'airinoiint Park, Philadelphia, will he up uud under rool within a month. The work on all the buildings is progressing nipidly and sat islui torily occupy I Mountains, whero it was first discover-1 thankfulness on the purt of tho public. mi Tdt- ed. Inking '.bo ratio ol its progress ; that this is so. J I the cusu bud broken eastward for tho first two years after ! down tor tiny cause other than its owu it was found, it would notl.uvo reached ! weakness, tho duuingo to truth nnd llio Atlantic coast until laojoui it ine ueiuy in mo iiiiruveinng oi iiioioi new ami cr.i.io lugisiuiioi. wus nr-i . m.j,,,.. bus doubtless been helped along by the scandal would have been lamuiituble. rested by the adoption of the reformed ' .,. railroads, specimens nying lido Hie ine question ol tne gum or luno car windows, and being carried miles ; of Ueecher is one that has got bcloro they could escape. iwllhil. Keligion and morality do- This insect crossed the Mississippi maud it. and exry thing thai is host ill river from Iowa into Wisconsin in, tho community in outraged by doubt 1801, or tbo spring of IHlio, and bus or by suspicion strong us that which consequently advanced moro thun one darkens the character of tho Plymouth hundred miles per annum in a direct j pastor, mid which us yet is neither line, instead of about sixty, tbo rule of ichanged into ubsoliito conviction nor which it moved through Nebraska nnd scattered by Indisputable proof that it Iowa. But it has at last reuchod tho is groundless. Atlantic roust and abounds from thisj i'lio cuso bus been managed by litigation, while tho saving in expense all to A XD SO THEY (JO. The smashing of tlio gods Is going on il appcant. Phelps, Ji.slgu ,1c Co., mural idols of Kcpiililicitiiism, a your i . i. i ' ...... ...i- i....... I.,-... of Inst winter until some credulous ! . , " " .,,, rlln u ?' V""1. l ".i" people have been .led to W10VB o(. taii ,,,. ,1B",tX.u. Jf IV that it wm really . wor bless a I, ,. , tlllkt lho J)l,,llll(m ,n , delmuding somuof ""JT; 1'V ltl,.B.l. They prospered in the; "G(,vi.n)liu,lt! H,..,lilieais. is coitipluin.Hl bleHy o he lailure of the, ., of- ,ank, miU y. stagnation In , ., ,.,,,,,.. Minions ol oollars' House to legu ate. J ney were so no- , ,.,,.1 mriken indiistrv. P..i hnvn no. ,...1,1 full d... tins. Purchases of silks from liquor ilenlrrt havo been made by Cliiflin & Co., und this confiding, credulous bouse never suspected notion', nohow." CluNin is one of H. W. Itcecher's pil lurs. Clullill bets on Henry. Clttllin never suspect anybody, lie is like Kcucon Richard Smith, of Cincinnali himself guileless, uud so. "to tho niiro. all things are pure." About six inonllis ago a reverend "culled brud tier" was caught ill New Jersey, whero be hud a church und very demonstra tive congregation, stealing poultry. Tho turkeys, ducks, rooslcrs ami their wives, were ill a big clotliuH-buskct, oil bis arm. Our "culled'' preacher said, "Har muss be sum miMcnk 'limit dis clutrge, mi do - public will please jess its lids the additions to tho statute book. Besides they delight in much government. These Republican edi tors have by long persistence iu I'ul so political theories educuted themselves interest in four great Rings, uud the largest opportunities united to tho strongest desire for wealth, it is not surprising that they should have grown rich in the last fivo years. Uul'ortuniitely a bud odor bus ul wuys been utluched to tho le ad ot this noted concern, nnd even its grcut gains hnvo not unproved bis repiilu- 1KCH to believe that some legislative puna ecu must be found tor every ill Unit ulllictu society or disturbs the pence and buppiuc.H ol us individual nicin- tm tjmp, wln'i. money exorcn,. bent. Hence when tho wonted i1imi.I1 ' .,,.: i.i,.,. 'i nnliiii and crude legislation wus nr-i ... ii n,,....... i,u i , .;,P Urn. mivify . -... j- ....... ...... innweuco' constitution, and when the Democratic Uci f,,,,, , w m,vt,,. ,rlu. ,,,,,,,1 got to he ; House truusai'led the necessary busi-i 1 ncss of the session and ailjourncl with-: '.Vi the Seiiale of ll... United uui niuciiiiitT I Mi' ilium niiioiuti tu mi- ifMKit ill mi- u,ll(l-lUjllwlli i(lV,aiil,1ii..iiliiiii it . " 1 . . . i.1 . i 'V. s digested laws, they were quite amttxed ' ft i o ,1. the Pucif- , '!. '!!' JIT J2 1 'lily disgust-! ::"...,....! ... "a r l. u" ' " . . '. "n. enrred to tliem tbut the people aro vustly tlio gainers, there being no new and contradictory laws for tho courts to construe and give rise to vexatious city southward for several hundred Beeeher's lawyers with tho aid of miles. Its progress through the .New Kngland Sinter, is only a question of time, probably not extending beyond the pieseul season. Wo hour ot some funnel's in this ni.il nllit, ...... . ...i I n.i,.r , ii ,liu,rllut-i . . . . ". I :'... ' n .. ... : f i. """! io, in winch lio and soiiioot the siinor- .. ,,,,;, .unvnt oh ((, ,nr in't uiiii.iv. hi ni .. ... , -- ---- i niiH. oeeu swapped on to a nur.ei. ot itably concerned. Jo escape I'cing, rhj,.k,.nno ,w." cliiflin summoned as a witness he relir.l f (.0ii i(0 the "culled" reverend, say, iiumoa .in... uio n-jnii i wn iuuuv,i.i.u . came back in disrenule. Ho succeeded in un election to Con- gross in iHt'A. uud bocame 'Jhuirinuii f the Committee on Cluims, where the Stuto amounts to many thoiis-j "We simply usk our fcHow-citir.en to I suspend judgment in our case." ery I well. .o on, gentlemen ; snow your bands and tho public will know : whether they are clean or soiled. Kivo hundred nnd twenty-seven children vvho havo reached tho mini mum ago (sixteen years) will be dis charged from the Soldiers' Orphans Schools iu this Slate during the pres ent yenr. Suit has been brought by the Unned Stales against tho Oil Crock nnd Allegheny River railroad fiir taxes amounting originally to 810r,f)06.88 ; but enlarged by penalties and iiiterost account to 31,008.87. In the U. S. District Court, nt Pittsburgh, a lew weeks ago, tho fam ous showman, Dan Rice, wasdiseharged trom tho payment of all debts con tracted prior to the 9th of hist r'ebru ary, that being tho date when his pe tition in bankruptcy was filed. Tho recent difficulties between tho Pennsylvania Ruilroad and tbo Baltimore A Ohio Railroad havo at hist boon compromised. Kvorvtbing is now fixed, and tho freight und pass enger agents of both companies aro arranging a now schedule ot passenger lares and freight rates. Fourteen hundred immigrants left New York for Kurope, in tho steerage, on ono day week bellire last. The most of these aro people who havo coma hero for work and failed to find it; and if they return home for many weeks at Ibis into, the arrivals trom abroad will not much exceed lho de partures, for tbo current year. Tho Biilliunt Oil Rcfincrv owned A Rat in the Cheese Box. The by Lockhnrt nnd Frew, nt the mouth Sunbnrv Dnnnrrat snvs: "Here is a of Ncilev's Hun. nenr Pitlxhiirirh. win. short pen picture of Bob Mrvckey, tboj burned on tho 12th Inst. Seventy-live present Mate J rensnrcr ol J eiinsylva- thousand barrels ol oil were consumed, nia. A Philadelphia paper chronicles j and ull the works and buildings ot tho largo establishment. J.oss estimated at225,0()0. Insurance? 100,0110. Tho works will at onco bo rebuilt. bunk no Mc liniili nbi.lg, I'M. ly left bis parents' root with n pocket knife, a nniidwh h and a bunch ol twlno devoted agriculturists ill the Stuto of New York'. tbut money could command. An jlr. anils ol dollars, for example, a com .. . i ., .. , ., ,. ., ... - .... i... i.iu v liiuiiiiiii -v Ull .H neucu Biiiu mo otner out, jir. r.vurts tiur sou oi mo exncnniiiircM oi ino-.. . .. ... . . i i.. did not neod lo invoke tho hundred House of lust winter, with those of tho j ':..' ...,.,.. .i,:,.i, . ii,,,. ! -,'"' or Hiiyllonk. rAl5 Tra,.yy,l,(, I ETlVt independent, und with a g?d opinion 'S 1 vrr ftn1 Mntlnjreiit iiittti f ihn . Vl -uv """""V " """'" houh tur ifi.i, fri v7.ni i jn iominiMsiiniLT oi jnuirnui huh-. Jim .- n . .. the use ill the 'liee nieter. -Mr. Delano , . ,i.nirui v... ilniH a Dcinocralic lions, oi Hep. . .,, i....,. ,,. ,., ,.i.u,. ,t Hl anil mi.omu an Aiimirai. rue vidence in his favor of any aecotmt, rcsentntives. ollli-ered and managed by .,,. ,,;, ...i ,,.I. i,ih il...u .'!"!'' . ." "'c'. nl"' has been shut out, unless, indeed, Mm. Democrats, and acting upon the Dcm- r, (!i,.,n ,: .;.. .,K,L l,i, Wlls K1, lt''' mlo a iliicu. c" . . , IMI1 ll (111 . Airi'VI IVU .Mill H- int.. the abinet he was not ignorant jH (uw ;im (f U,0,we.lUl.,lt und most ulttiru, and there is o good ivnsou .him. . ' bus lessened the expense of legisltil ion j he has manui'ed the Interior lor doing so unywbere. Hut the -ow, with a Uelcnce thus exhaustive nearly SJJ.iliiu since last year uud over Tip.MiHtni.iit and n.nde tbo ' ..... ... .. . ..I'llV, 111. .11,1. 4l.IIVI.il, ii....m. ... i,.(. .,,,1-B 11... K.iii-v- mil. is a lull verdict, in : done, urn. noiwiiiistaiiiiing tne met , p,,,,,,,. f)III,... ...t.,,....!..... i the ., ..... t ..Il.l r...i..i.. iiiun ii, in lin- i inn United States cavalry, killed himself that of former houses, and was rea-1" "V " " " . " hn ,r(.Ved Tbo l,"r'""1 t'"""''V 'o Ueeanie lho .,.n,.l,W m..l liftlfiilt in ..flb..r!,u"r,"!,""."0"cl",c '.m'r T I wilu.ot lieneiiil hhendiiii. He swal- a d ore ex ensi e .is io supi liestlian ,l1r1"I,llu .'" , "'11' ' UI " ' lowed a ring before be died, which, it i,..i.r,rC "UnU'. '"f r"""" '!'' f'"5 T"- 'i alleged, sT.e sent lo hi,,, before her given fti-o tnkrn from tho P'l rt- wiicU 1(UK u,aM m (in)UJ, the po.isoi ine . minor v.ene. ... u.iu it.v accounts of the IIouso of lust winter on ftlo iu tho Auditor General's office. Any ono who chooses can verify them for himself. The promise of reform bus been as faithfully fulfilled as it was silcnnly made by the Democracy ol the Slate. ILirrinbura Patriot. neighborhood ploigkinc no their i.o-been scaltered with a lavish bund. tatocB and planting the hind with corn, Becchor has lacked nothing for his dc insteadol trying to diitroy the beetles, j fence, unless it wus innocence, and Others talk of iiliaiidilniiig potato col- ! that question is what is on trial. His turo altogether. This1 is uiuicccsMtry, defence, the best tbut be has to present, if proper moth. sis of ideslniviug the I is before the public and tho jurv. No beetle an' adopted. 1 be people in other porlions of thelcoiintrv. wliciv this insect has bccit, abundant lor , Tilton's ; and bo did not dare to avail , ocralic doctiinw that llioso peoples nn years, have not niiujuloncd potato ; niinscii oi tnai wiicn il was oiiereu , ncsi goveriieu who are n asi goveinen Lund Of- bectlcs must be killed, or they will of his case, his only chunco of oven it 12,000 since 1K73. Ibis has been fi ' . it.,,,,,.., pension Olllce destroy tho crop. . ! teni)orary escape is a full verdict, in : done, too. notwithstanding the l't uJt jiutl.nt Ollico subservient to tho 1 hero will bo probacy three broods Ills invor. . divided jury will no ai-1 inui mo niemoeinuip oi me jiouse ... -)0jt... wujeu )lul hKvuvs and of beetles diiriiig tho stoson, the Itilest . most the same ns n verdict against j lust winter was numerically double Jjj,,,, illustrated his citiver, one remaining alive overwinter in tlic linn. 11 will compel him tostepuown beetle stage, iiko the toiaiiiou s.uash 1 and out, not so instantly, perhaps, but bug and the spotted melon beetle, i not less certainly than a verdict for crawling away under the linrk of dd Tilton. Vindication for him tbut is logs, or into outbuildings tit tho tip-1 not complete is no vindication ut ull. proach of cold weather, and remaining jit is a condemnation hardly less ell'ec thcre until tbo next spring. Tho live than that which a verdict for tho female Colorado beetle, which bus plaintiff would imply uud nctuully cx passed through the winter, seeks for! press. tbo first potato leaf that appears, nnd; It is well that this is so. A Chris deposils Iter eggs upon the under side; ! tinn preacher, who stands before men but as soon lis the eggs hutch, the ns the appointed messenger of the gos sninll, oval, yellowish grubs conimeiice , pel of truth and purity, uud i hiecially cnling the leaves, which they devour very rapidly. It is In this stage that tho insect docs its principal damage to the crop, as tlio perfect bcetlo cats very little. Mow, when the larva or grub is at work on the leaves, its de struction is most readily accomplished. In dry weather they wuy bo brushed from the leaves with a broom. Those one like Jieecber. whose only real au thority to preach is his personal char acter, forleits bis right to proclaim tho in every his char-1 in these branches ot tho I WHICH WILL YE CHOOSE ) marriage. On lho outside of it was engraved tho words, "Be satisfied." crevices. ,. 1 But even after bo hud swallowed this I J l"e "I' H precautionary el- hWo i( clru ,liln ; torts lo cover suspicious acts Willi sc-i m crecy, und lo surround himself with . (. j,n A. i(MI1n heen rc cbosen instruments and fumi ly coiinec- nomilm((.( f,,r tic statu Senate by the ; lions in the most oonfidciitiiil places, it ll,ii.,111('1)nventionof Blair connlv ; was next lo impossible to conceal ull I Jt ; .,1(ll)c tmt hi, D.-miHiatic oj. Itheopcmlions in which ho was dmid-' rlll.lt H ; , Col. John Linton, of iv or ...nmiij nimrriioi. ... C "ll III I. ti it ColllllV. Col. l.illton has tin iittni iiim riiiHt wn iiininn tti in - . .i. i i . . i.. :.. i . i - . Them is ouite a difference bet ween I . i. i. . . ... i.. ...... . ,.e ?,rv V lessons of the gospel if ho is covered ! "tho unwritten law of tho Republic" on ,)0 immunity extended to 'him by the CdiMrict '"",',crvc'"' l,"I,,,II,r with the stuins ol n sin imputed, audi the third term question, as doc-lured bj' j'retii.lent. I - r ., -, IIkavv Libki, Ykiu.i.t. On Friday lait the jury in the enso of W. D. Mooiv, Km., against the proprietors of the 1'itNluirgh J W, on a charge of libel, returned a verdict for $10,(100 in favor of Moore. The defendant's coun sel iiiimeilintelv moved lor a new trial. which bis utmost cllorts have not boenl tbo Lanca8tcrConvcntioii,andthowrit- 'j'ue recent explosion ut Washington able to wash tiwuy. Howsoover clo- ten law on tho sumo subject as laid I .,.,. the n.snlt of know led. m l.roiiL'bt jquent, it is belter lor religion that his down by Grant in answer to the dolir-1 ri-spoiiwibly to the notice ot tho Presi ; voice should forever remain silent than oronco of that bmly. The Lancaster Ll,,,,. t,v i. mcmbci- of bis Cabinet falling on tbo hot, parched ground j that the world sliould associate tbo I platform on thclhird term isns follows : j w,j(., compromised in the gravest will perish, us they are incupaldo ofiptiro and undefiled faith, by whose lltmkeii, That we declare a firm and j manner Delano und his son. There was cruwling to any considerable distance, j ideals men. are enjoined to regulate I uiiqiiulilied udherence to the unwritten n0 tMissil)le escape from the proofs ol und the heat ol the earth and the sun then' live and lashum their souls, with I law "J the JdimUic, irlmh vmltj, unit collusion and venality; nnd but for1 en. soon destroys them. Hut this method the uncleuiincss and llio stain which! umler the. mnrtion of the. most vrnerahle premature publicity he would havo A letter from Jerusalem mentions will not answer, except wnen tne even ine suspicion oi nunnery aim or examine timns iiw iTisianaoH trrvo-r, yHvn (llt ( tK, I'uhinet, not so niucli i tho tvmnrkuhln fact ol n grent snow vines are small, and hclorc they spread perjury must impose. any citizen to tirotcrmt. and we, the r . .... ,.. ns for being cuiigbt storm in that city on the 2(ilh of March. ..... . oi :. i i- ll i ,l...i l. t t l, i.i: .... i. i :.. . . 6 J mi- ......... ... .1. VI UIU g.oi.ni. , ..ill- w III 1. in- eoei-i-, .111, iiviiiv-i 111,1 rut. ini.k .11' iiiusv , 1.1-pil uiiv.uin 01 1 iuiii-i ly uniu, if. . 1 m (t aecoiiipiuiied tiy ligntning and I lllllldir. (Ill ill e.oili.j , n.o.Sb weuinei . . ."m'.iiiiho in jm-m-ii, inn. 110 1111.J- iii.-iti-' nunut of ihi 11111, niv .i.iiiK.-ruiii oji- The most certain metlioil of destrue-' by appear us n constant witness to his! posed to the election to the Presidency t ion is poisoning Willi runs given, innocence. iiengion says mill not . ol any person lor u third term. the fact tbut ho drives a span of 81,800 horses. When ho was elected Treas urer in 18(58, bo didn't own as much ss a hob-taileU nmU. Out of salary of t.),000 he has not only lived at the ton of tho hcun.cntcrtuiuing his friends most handsomely, hut has paid olf several thousands of dollars of old debts, subscribed several thousand dol lars annually lo tho Radical campaign fund, lost 81110,000 through Ycrkcs in Philadelphia, bought 810,000 worth of stock in tho 1'ittshurqh Commircirtl.paid lor a brown stono residence on ono of tho most fashionable streets in Phila delphia, nnd now sports a 11,800 span of horses. Isn't it about timo for Re publican Stnto Treasurers toslep down Objectionable as the use of this virti-iily no unclean hands iniisl minister The written law of the parly, as de lent poison may be, still no injurious ; at her allais. but also no bauds sus-i livercd by Giunt is us follows: peeted ol iiiicieiiinu'ss. ll needier is jn lor the "tliiru term. lilonot guiltless, be well might give the whole j trant it any more than I Jiit the first. 1 remainder of bis life, though ho reach- would not write or utter a word to ed n hundred years, to the undivided change the will of the people in cx- etlect upon man or beast about the farm need lollow, if precautionary measures are adopted. A very minute quantity only of tlio poison is required to kill the grubs ; consequently to In sure an even distribution over tho waste, .red. It plants without any ooirsiiUcnblo nnmc. Srchiwla nillV 00 CtnplnYi ctnpl which recently sent a remittance to i can bo distributed in water, but con tho United Suites Trensury and which received notice that it was 1285 short, has written tho following letter to J roasuror rummer: "tthilo you nro slant agitation ot the mixture is re quired, or the green will settle nt the bottom of tho vessel. Probably tbo best vehicle is flour, looking up that 810,000 you might "".V cheap, sewnd-ruto quality of which keen ono evo on our 8285. it seems ! will answer the purpose. One pound your department has more accusers of Paris green mixed with fifteen now." pounds of flour is a good proportion, -Tom McGolian, a notorious Jus. i out it should be thoroughly and evenly perndo, made famous by the tragic end """"'f, , 11 11,0 ,fl"1" i"'-t" ' ofhiscoiinsel,lloti.(M;Vall:iniligham,i,,l,nnkU'',1over tho loaves ol the pola- wholost his life in exnlu niug miraei"' " """" " "J i it.. i i" ii ... .1 i ....! ul n ii ii ufw. il nut firn Litiwit . nun uud out and or l o r. lo ef a party to , ,ho K,u m.. Uvd without etvting leather their own nests."- York Oazette. The Hao Monev Convention. Tho Now Y'ork Tribune says : "Tho Stato greenback convention, called to meet in Ilnrrisburg on the 2Gth lilt., Sir the purpose of forming a new party upon lho Indianapolis platform, did not as semble. Not a single delegate was to be found. Kvun the half dozen Phila delphia paper money enthusiasts, who signed the cull tailed to put in an np- penrnnco, and arc no doubt convinced, at tho last moment, of tho Ouixotic nature of their effort to creato a polit ical organization in Pennsylvania on tho solitary plank of cheap and irre deemable rug currency. The move ment they tried to slnrt is evidently dead, a fact which is encouraging ns assassinated nnd killed in his saloon, I some panicles oi iia? poison, wincu is on Hasin street, Hamilton, Ohio, at 12 ' '''rUlll, ff to tl"?'' io n,,x. o lock, on Sunday night, the 1, 1th inst. fV""1 ............ ....... There is no clue to the assassin. I ll'u' .""V1'1 01 m'i "."''J' veN!H!l' and stir them with a stick, being euro- Miss Alice M. Singer, daughter of nol to inhnlo any of the dust which I. Jl. Singer, tho sewing nineliino in-, mnv during the opemtion. veiuor, us iiiBine.i in j iiiiigioii,,-iii.iin 'rjy, however, tho poiMin mny he Devon, Kngland, on the l()th inst., to ' pnndinsed already ipivpnred for use. Mr. . A. P. La (.rove, a former resi-, Illixed by machincrv, and this would dent of Hrooklyn, N. Y. The bride s , i,e ptvferable to 'the home-mixed dower is lo be 81,000,000; and she Is nn idle. to rcceivo 810,000 worth of diamonds, j A two-quart tin pail, with a cover, Her wedding dress cost 81,000, and will make "duster," olllxotl to n lian each of the six bridesmaids received a ,lo three to four feet long. Tho bot drcss worth 8ir0 from Mr. Singer. torn of the pail should be perforated Tho remains or General David 'lb numerous small holt, just lurgo Mead who had boen buried at Mead-1 enough to allow the mixture to pass villo about fitly-nino years ago, wcro through in fine particles. There is no removed one duv last week. With the use ill applying tho poison until the task of exploding the charges against him after a jury has failed to relievo him of the imputation. Hut mean- time" ho should not essay to preach; tbo gospel which enjoins upon men to avoid not only evil, but the appear ance of evil. If tho jury disagree, bis case, in no event hopeful, will bo absolutely hopo less, and his doom us certnin ns tlio fulling of tho stone which the laws ot gravity bring to tho ground. THE C0MMOXm's,llO0LS A XT) JXSAX1TY. Wo have long contended that lho common school system ns at present conducted has been fruitful ill laying the foundations of mental diseases which, subsequently, has sent the poor victim to an insiino asylum. Any in telligent person who visits a primary school, and notes the crowded condi tion and witnesses the infants, soinoof them scarcely out of their swaddling clothes, conning over their lesson with wearied look of discontent and frotful ncss, but must conclude that it is a hot-bed system, the tendency of which is to overtax and overload tho bruin. The heads of tho school department don't seem to notico it, the' aro so in love with the system. '1 heirs is a Pro- Tie public domain, Iximj the hcritnoe of rrustcuu Idea; they havo urrnnged poyitV, nhoulil be returned fora'ilual tbuJied and the child must be schooled ' Hitlers exrlutMy." The Honorable to til il, no matter bow torturing tho Kdward has been clerk of tho IIouso operation. Ilcneo thcro is little hope of Representatives for eight or ten of reform in that quarter. Hut wo vcurs and knew whereof be wan sr.enlr. havo often wondered why medical , mil'. Durimr that time tho lienut.lieni. pressing and having their choice. Tho question ot tnonumocroi terms allowed to any one Kxncutivo can only come up tiiirly in the shape, of a proposition to amend tho Constitution, a shupo in which all political parties can partici pate, fixing tho length of timo or tho number of terms lor which any one person shall bo eligible for tho olllce of President. I7ki7 uci nn amendment is adopted the people cannot be rettrirtrd in their choice, ly a resolution, further than they are nom restarted at to age, nation ality, etc. It may An71111 in the future history of the country that to change an Executive because he has turn eight years in ttflice will prove unfortunate if nut dis axtront. I would not accept a nomination if it were tendered, unless it should come under such circumstances to make it an imperative duty, circum stance not likely to arise. Will flomo of tho organs oblige the ptiblio by stating just which ot the two conflicting deliverances is to be accept ed as the law of the party ? The Times. THE PUBLIC DOM A IX. How the Hon. Kdward Mcl'herson must have chuckled ih hiaslccvo when : bo wiiile tho resolution for the liepub- liciin r.11110 olive ill 1011 which Miys : Now, alter weeks have elapsed, a On the morning of the 27th the snow story has been coneoetcil ut Wushing- was a fool deep in the Holy City and ton and spread over the country, in- 011 the bills around it. tended to whitewash this foul trans-. action, and to misrepresent tho fuels.! A man in Iowa obtained a divorce Kven if this statement was triic,wbich from his wile lust full and then hired puis the President in the allitiido of! her for a cook. Since that lime she sending Measurer Kabeock to rebuke j has had moro now dresses nnd pimnnnry Delano the younger for blackmailing a . than she ever possessed as Mm. . Surveyor (ieneral appointed by bis - father, the case of the Secretary of Commonly it is tho husband who. the Interior is not bettered ; and so 'dying, leaves a business for a spirited fur is involved. Grunt also deserves I wife to continuo but iu llostou Henry impeachment for conniving nt the C. lladger is advertised ns carrying on a school louiidcd oy ins wile. crime. Kvcrvbody knows that this incident' is a mere trifle compared with tho outrageous and organized plunder, in w hich this son has represented the in fluence nnd ofilciul authority of his hither. Since the matter has taken this shahe. it is desirable that Delnno should remain ill olllre until tho meet-! IIkki six. lion. John Trunkcy. of ing of Congress. Though ho will ' Franklin, has written a letter refusing havo eight months to prepare lor in-1 lo havo his -iiame used beloro tho Stute vestigiition, to put papers in shape, to convention ns a candidate forGovernor. A llnston damsel, who put on her gloves to clean thorn with benr.ine, and then went too close to the gaslight, found that she had a first-class confla gration on bund. oxecption, says 'the JtipuNoan,o tlio ! larva-of tho beetles begin to cat tho , men who know that the 'heaviest per parly has been in the asceiuluftt in showing tho returning good Benso ot a , bo tootli and hnir, dust hud returned leaves pretty freely. II tho poison is ' rentage of juvenile patients oomo to both' Houses of Congress, and has had Ini-iin ..nrtion nf thn net.t.h. nf lltm . . .... ...1.. it ...111 l. ........ ....I ..ir i i .:.i. .1: - ... . . . - 'V ' i - - t0 j.uiio else remained oi a man "I'l".-". "v .-.. y, . "... mo " .... tueir . minis wun uiscuses ciigcii.icrcu nesses out ol the way, and to removo inconvenient evidence, still, testimo ny will bo found to sustain all tbo charges that havo been niudo and oth ers yet to bo preferred. If the official files aro destroyed or mutilated or curried off, that fact will speak for itself ut tho proper time. '1 ho building is fire proof, and the four times repeated effort to burn tho Navy Department cannot bo tried on tho In terior with much hope of success. De lnno is an ornament to tho Adminis tration and a pillar of tbo third term. Therefore ho ought to stay nnd be vindicated. The Pittsburgh Post calls the lalo Attorney General's office the "Depart ment of Injustice" anil there are very many who will agree wilh that paper. ?. H. ISruggins, Ksip, of the Mercer Dispatch, hits been nominated for Sena tor by tlio Mercer county Republican convention. REMARKABLE PLEA. The "crooked" whiskey mnmifne-! tAUTION lUtv flvertisrmfiits. . W. C. ARNOLD, - LAW !i COLLKCTION OFFICE, CrRWENSVILLK, j2S ClenrfielH Cwnntr, Tenan. ;.'. Commonwealth who went astray aftcrlwll0i 7f) n wl) jn vigor- j '' before the eggs aro hatched, in the school room, don't rcmniiatrato the doctrines of m. I), "elley and , (m) ,erfu j0t,Ki B,x ,cl!tt und the grubs may cscapo it ; therefore against the system, conducted as it is. Henry C. Carey some years ago. j anJ (m,0 jII(!u,. j Htockings, nnd 't best to wait until they nro fairly at And as tho school department and the Death or a once Notf.o Politician. Gen. Duff Greon, a gentleman who once was a lending Democratic politi cian in this country, died on Thursduv day appointod the following named, lust at his home in Dalton, (in. lie gentlomen to act in that capacity : was a man ol culture and ability, and Morton McMichaol. Philadelphia : An- "!r inany yen occup en a promincni drew G.Curtin,Iiellcfonte,Ocntro conn ty ; John II. Skoenborger, Pittsburgh ; George Scott, Catawissa, Columbia county; Foster Wilson Mitchol, Frank lin, Venango county. Mr. Scott is the president of tho Stnto Agricultural society. Daniel J. Morrell, of Cambria county, and Asa Packer, of Carbon county, are the Vnitcd States commis sioners and alternates alluded to In tho abovo aoction, and who, with the gentlemen nanwd yoatorday by tho governor, will oonstituU the centen nial board inr Peansylvanin. Mistaken Globe. Tho Ht Louis (lube volunteers this remark about our State "government '." "Wbon Hart- rnntt was a candidate, throe years ago, Mr. Met lure warned tho peoplo ol Pennsylvania that his election would be the inauguration of a reign of cor ruption nnd robbery throughout tho reoiiircd, nt his death, a coflln eight work on the leaves. 1 hen with the nicdicnl men in tho various localities. loot lollg. iliisu-r go over Hie .leu. ..in. .nim, rum nnv. ll.'gieci.Mt 11118 imperative Utliy -A violent tornado and storm of hill or row thoroughly. Tho operation ; it 1ms at last fallen on the siiperintend- nnn cuts ot our Insane Asylums to sound warning. Dr. Curwen. . ' , 1 i .. iovi.er Klioili.l ne Uq'ncii lit lite iniii il- 1 l llieiptll III till-ntnte XjllIlltllC .ASVllllll A mrgo limiliii r o. ..., er .e. u j, ,v,,i,. , ,cvw( wpt ,ow I al rHhll rir. read T.VJ tllV ltt'lli Hll't IIMIIHIOlin III- ighlning passed over the cily of (nincy, , t,)0 mM'M nof expensive. Tho 'the note of Illinois, on Tuesday night, Juno Ijlh , v,pr .hnW bo ,,0I, , Uu, ,,. j Vvim l n a chief executive ot its own ill tho other end of the avenue, and that time it has deliberately taken from "actual settlers," and bestowed upon wild-cat ruilroad coqoratidti an amount of public domain equal in exteut tothecntire State of Pennsylvania. Kvery intelligent citir.en must remember the enormous grants of hind made to the Central Pacific, the I'nion Pacific, the Northern Pacific, tho Denver and tllrnm l.nvr. rnisiul thn rumuvl-nbl., i.Ika ! l.n. . i ., . .1 - .ii. i All pereoni are hireby cMlloned ewinit that tho semiroot their tell-tale nn. ,b.i." or In ., m..r .nedilln, .,,1, . COIlIlt books WtlS iu Violation of the leo-br wetun end two horm, line Ut Constitution of the Vnitcd States "! 1'ru,B. ' ,n"' '"' f U-1.1..1. Jn.i.Hu !... .. i I, 1 J'inn M. Cypher, of Owel, Tin. eeid jimpprt llirillLf I . "". I" " . Ml ' J H let id Wm oa lu only . . fs ; ho comnelled in inr rriiiimn cne to ..hiM.. A ... bo a witness against himself." The! ' adam KKPiiart. caso was recently argued before the ! ""T?1 "'"M;? ; I'lt'.. UnitcdStntesCourt in Chicago. On the i )t"l)LIC SALK part of tho crooked distillew it was ! contended that tho compulsory em- llarrishurg, ri-nd a paper on mental n.., -.,.. 9.e ,4 1. .....v... A t.l. ....I' .... II. l....i:..l ..... .... ....... fniii.A Riivei-n iuiiiries wern sustained ,. . B' ' ... i..ia ... n.iu .... .. ..-u. o.n-.- nuntn r is) Knilroad. tin) Lake Xupor or stniiios seAiro inju ics wcro BUsinintil. . ,,! .,,, !,.,. n)llr ,e necessarv ! ctv. be d hist week in l'oltsville. in ..,.,1 ,1 .i. t i...:J.. .... iy !!,M rnera I ki T..o I iU present ychonl St r.. J'a'eWc. I . X ny lulling llinnirs and Kiiieu. lilt thut mtixt be determiireil by an exam- svstem. bv deinnm nir much sin, v nn. 1 .,i . ,. .i....i, i i ... ol lho tornado presents a sad , ,.( ,,, ,.i,. ui" i,i . .., ! , .V .. , ,.,,vin ...... nn ..,,i ...... ... ii'vim ...m m , tiroveit to ne nauKrupu and have In plnco in the political nffuirs nf tho na tlon. I'ndor tho administration of Jackson and Van Burnt!, ho was a power behind tho throne, and by Ins pen uud voice aided in supporting and upholding those olllcials and the doc trines they promulgated. Contempo raneous with lllair and other men nf thnt class, ho acted his part in such a mannor as to commnnd a lull snare oi public attention in all parts of the country. Asa lender ho was bold and of tho Wack Hills consists of Senators per acre by tho nso f Paris green t ... ... ........ - ,(0n ,, tuo plants. Miould a sec sceiio oi wrecK. J he damage o nouses )roo,, of bui,tleg kmr Mlro (h( and burns is cstimuled ut r.(l,OU0 - .,,. ftr0 rlpc ,u',j, mUBt )0 dc. beyoral bridges and culverts on the ,(roVP(1 in , Mm0 nmmvr. Western with greatly aiding in producing men- volvcd the people, independent of the .it. ..ir.i-i.se. j nu e u.u pieuriei. learn thai this view was cm 1 bli it. dene in bbftwiville, on Haturday, July 3d, I HI A, the follow In f deirribol pcrttl jirupfrty, jt Conk nU I'nrlnr Htnr, 'ful-li, Chair. IM taU, itofid llooV-rtRf, lot ( Vpnillon lllin-li and Crtina, M'l a It r pro rarial j nf thrr hgu hIJ anil kicrhtn fnrnilur. Alxi, lot of forming uti-ii'lli, wnitlm in prt of a twa- '( hre u tr Thrahinf Mcliim. liu.tt op. inauy omrr ariicicf, i"o deascd to government ii. a l.ms I.r hundreds of ., " TiL " '' ,,,1 r Vi 5 ? a",, dnrsc.by Inillion,of dollars. It is encouraging! , h' CZ "I. " l! !T railroads leudimr into tho citv wcro 7 v.i.i.n.-.. , inillions ol dollars. 11 is eticou rag ugi .,,., washed wZ I f"rnu:,1 w.110 ,my W ",osl CXI7'-! : u0 PP"-."referred to to see that a change has come over tho ! n : enco in figliting this insect, assert that : the eommitteo on publication with the! minds nf tlio Hadical leaders. Prob. The Commission to treat wilh lho they can save their potatoes from dc-! renuest that the part in relation to j ably thcii plethoric pocket books arc ii.iiu.ir. i... .ne i, ,i,iT,i-,i,..i. u. r..iu. ...... ... ...r,. . .n., , n lunin: eun. in ion ne m-.ii io I lie .u per- not Ublo to hold BlIV IllorO Subsidies i. i iiiteniieni oi runiic iiistriiciion lor pub. dashing, and In many of tlio great polit- Allison nnd Morrill, Mr.Comingn,Mem-j A few writers hate endeavored to ical campaigns his management was! ber of Congress IVnin Missouri, W. II. frighten the people hy asserting that both ablo and skillful. Ash by, of Nekrnsko, Bishop Haven, 'the application of Pris given to the the llev. Mr. lllnninn, and tho Hon. i leaves of the potato it likely to injure F. W. Palmer, editor of tho Inter-Ocean, the tuber for food, or that it. inuv All tho members have signified their-poison tlio soil. Hut plants do not acceptance except Senator Morrill and ' absorb mineral subtuiices through llishop Ilnvcn. Tho Commission will their leaves and convey them lo the rendezvous at Yankton nhm.it lho niid- roots; nnd tho Pari" given, soon after dlo of July, and will proceed thence to, touching the soil, becomes an inert tbo various Sioux agencies. Its mem-1 substance, no moro capable of doing barm than so much sand. Ilesidestho .Massachusetts still has a law which provides that "whoovcr travels on tho Lord's day, except from necessity or charity, shall bo punished by fine not exceeding $10 for every offence." The statute is practically a utility, no pun- r pub lication by him." This being n move in the right direction wo hopo thnt it w ill be Ibllowcd up by measures that will relievo the Common Schools of the Conn, ion wenllh of the odium of being tlio iiurseiles and feeders ol the Insane asylums of the State. Dinville Intel ligencer. The "Kaiy Hied," Ac. The Na tional Christian Association will get the Presidential worm if it is caught ialnucnt inch ns it aulhorixes having Iwti.n iliAinloH U.i.l.in InuliV tmitisi lull Ill.tS. nTC fill bald-llCllllcd it makes all Sundny travel unlawful, t, Tuesday lnoriiinir of last week 'I'hmtity of green used upon nu acre i ".v 1110 ' i At Us session in and consequently no damages can bo .,, L of altogether too minute to produce i Pulsburgli on Indiiy it iion.iimtod v.md for lotnrle. .M.t , l,ll.. 1 10 .,,",r00 5 "J Bl"" 'T." r. . nnv effect whatever uiiOii soil o idaiils. 'Hon. J. H. Wolker, n Illinois, for Pivs- Stule. Now he says that his adminis- . ways or railroads on Sunday, unless! ,u M '' ,i i,ii,ii,Ji ""t wo have n still stronger proof of i 'lent, and Ion. Donalil Kir kpiitriek of i... t. ii il... t.n...l ... proof can bo introduced thnt tho trav.t .... ...... a. '.... . i .....i n., i.. Us innmuious elfccts limn nnv nrgu- -ew lork, lor Moo 1 resident, llio irain... ..un i"" I- ' a , . ..... 1 rcu. J no iiii.il.-. in m..i. hi ., . . .. . ' il .,,, ., ..,., I, , .... ..,.,ln .i ii....) i .inui,. every direction. 1 wo dwe unrs. one . .... .7: : . ; . : ..r... 7 T , bote! and every place of business in 1,111 ",m"1"". ol, rnnANCT. An exchange1 .. . ... ' .' i... .n havo been raise.) nn plants sub nctod cult thiiiff for nn editor to keep up a' remarks "United States Senator. . ". to it. and nol one Instance of ininrv . . .. . .. i ... it. r . a . .i i . .i was roooea oi ..vo in monev, and , . ,- " l.nwinff of "Independence" while ho n right, of Iowa, at first thought the , ,. ... ,, .,...,i, , ,',m : through thiscause hns been discovered. rity and integrity could suggest. Mr. MrCluro will find out that it is a diffl- has a big load of personal bile on his """V lute letter a rgt-ry. lle'0l)0 'Tl0 ,, hy firo is estimated at, ''i.Sun. , stomach." Tho Globe editor evidently .' ,,,,,.. ";, ' , ," I nsuranco 7,ni (I. A reward ; , fi. . . .... t i. .-..v. o, - I nf.!!!! lumr, ntV..t..l l.mr I l,n WlmnifT i .III WIIIIF UIU LIJI IIM HIV t'llll'l lltlll It r rcii, gouyscn is e numy sa isnen :fllT tll0 nprohension at.a conviction of "', " has tho Philadelphia Prest 111 his ey. That journal abused llartranft thivo yoam ago In an claborato manner, but it is making up for lost timo now. Two political clubs, tho I'nion League aud Ibe Mysterious Pilgrims, aro contending f the control of tho city of Philadelphia, and at present the Pilgrims aroahcad. Tlieyhaveln fluenccd Councils lo elect as Directors ol the Poor two notorious politicians, against whom the I'nion League made ator 1 will, the Harry White letter and docsl 0 b ju'r w)l() B(nrtcj 1l(J flrlj not believe tbero has ever been any B lo but lie bur lam. in tbo liquid dew and cut oil' one of her fingers on an old seytho hidden In the gras. Thci-e'n tltird term movement any wny. Kx- I bo original manuscript ol l.ray s !,. omo ,lrawbnt k to lho sonli Sonutor Washburn, of Mnssncliitsetls, "Klegy in a Country Chiin hyaid was nK,Ilt is quoted as saying lie won't voto sold in t.nnuon, on -nnv .-n, uy .nessrs. against tirnnt, next year, in tho event ! Sotheby, Wilkinson Ii H.slgo, It con-1 Tho Democratic Committee of Cam of tho hitter's re-nominaton." I tains many vuriutioiiB from tho poem bria county met on the 14th and fixed . -r r as now printed, notably tho names of j on Sattmioy, the 18lh" of Septcinbor, A PnorER Step. The' Bellefonte "Cnsar and "Tolly" instead of "Mil- as tho timo for holding tho delegate liejmbliran says, tiovernor Curtin, D.H. ton" nnd "Cromwell," nnd many alter- elections, and tho lolinwing Monday liiish and Co'nstnns Curtin start.-d tor ntions, erasures and rorroclions, which for tho convention. New Kngland on Wednesday last with) ! show the anxious care bestowed upon tho intention and for the object of get-1 its oomnosliinn, H was bought. b' Isn't it o;ucer that, while two luiy il,,nu.mn Vnt.keo canllalists to come! Sir William Pracr for I23. liavinu vom engaged in the Ikiochor-Tillon an ooruMt protest All this may be to j)u,.fte and start a cultlcry orlboen sold by the same firm about, trial were attacked with vertigo, every fun for the clubs, t:il how abont the horse-shoo establishment or both. We twsnty years ago In tho Penn collen- one of the host of women who read ' a . . .1 1 r..i poorT hope they mny be successful. tinn for 4.131. I the testimony escaped? ' the impoi'lalion, liiaiiufuctiiro or sale of 111111011; against tho toleration of secret societies : ngninst land monopo lies ; and iu favor ot civil equality, ar bitration as a mode ol settling national difficulties, a sound and ample govern m cut currency, justice lo tho Indians, and a direct vote for President through the abolition of the device of electoral colleges. Oi, a tariff plunk the associ ation found itself nimble to harmonise differences of opinion. The New York Graphic, (i rant's or gan, snvs it may be t.iat there are no contingencies which call for a re-election of .''resident (irant ; that is an open ipiost'on. Hut wo insist there is no constitutional or other objection to a third term, The l thin Democratic Stnto Conven tion nominated Hon, William Allen ftir tiovernor and Wen. Samuel F. Cary for Lieutenant tiovernor. but the nation would havo been better off to-day, by a billion or so, if this streak of honesty had como to them ten or twelve veal's ago. It is a little Into now to talk aboul "reserving the public domain for acluul settlers," Pottsvdle Standard. ployment of their boSks wns equivalent' The m.J.rilnned will nil at Publij title, el to iniiKing mem witnesses against themselves. Such employment oi' their books of account wns not very npllv compared to the uso of boot undthiiinh screw to extort testimony in tho mid dle ngos. Kx-Senutor Carpenter urged in neuaii oi ins clients that only the material used in tlio manufacture ot , I'lo... iirmi. and hiskcv could hit ln -fnllv I ,.,l numerone u mention. . ' ! Ha la l n...... Ii . . r ..... .1. ... . .ll l. ..J. L - ' unreasonable seir.nre as is tiro-! ' A. ii. sua w. hihitod by tho Constitution. In tlio t sl""ie. P., bine a, u;s -jt. ConrnA of l.ia eririimniil M.........M !-.. ' neuter declared tlmt thn mn.im,i i'l KENT Ott I.RASE ..f ih I'.,;..i u...... i.. I -A . iiiivi I.-I4..I-I. ...in p.i.cii(-t., wrongs against tbo citir.ens for veuin. which in Kngland would overthrow n FOB A TKHM OP YEARS, A Ure taree.llnr.v hrlen fc,tel, nn on. -r ft Main e.re.l ami Itelil Kagle tarnpike. tllen Hnpe, ministry in tin hour. Un tho part of L".'?1;1"'0 V,'?' .' V'" "J T .1 . ! . i t... . .. . ' . on "ni fl""f. ""'I I liod-roomi and all niher tlio I nited Mates it was claimed that 1 erranrenenii f..r n trii-elara kotel. A wliar if tho seir.nre of the books of tho ""Jerlhe lmle UlUlnj, .,kI lUi.le ii.doik-r crooked distillers was tinmisonahlo ""'"-''" T"' he..i .ill be rmt- .1 . I- .. . 1 e.l for a term of yi-an, leMea tu lira reruritT and, tberelon-, unconstitutional, so was , fr rent. sid l.uiid.n w,n be re" i.r ti.ewp.r that of tllO Whiskey itself. As the I ''7 ,r September, ISTi. lor fu.lfcfr ie bnolra (if neo.iii.ila ...;,.l l ...lit. ' f.'r.na.ion applj lo 0. J. Krr. Seoremrr of .1 . . -"I'l.euowi 1,.1 A miv ..ise,.- .-oil. lilt, tor SII1V IlieilllS Ol , Isiuio K. Stino engineer, K. M. Hod gers conductor, K, S. Sturgeon brako mnn. nnd Daniel Hull tirontnt.. nn.. ployes of lho Pennsylvania railroad' 00nv'(,tiiig the conspirators against the und running on tho main lino, were I revenue, the government will not give 1 t .... .i .i arrrsicu ill aiimiiitown on .Monday a week by officers from Hiirrisbnrg.'on tho churgo ol being engaged in the rob bory of cars at various times. Their bouses at Ilnrrisburg were searched and a largo amount of tho stolen prop erly tnseovereo. ai a hearing given t be in in llarrisburg the throe first them up. Without them the pinsecu lion might ns well be nbniulo I. The injunction will no doubt he dismissed and the trials will proceed. Carpenter is i.lciiding hard lor postponement in behalf of his clients. Patriot. I AMoeietina. .lien llnxe. I'a. Il order i.( Uuard ot I'riiiuea, II. A. WIIIHUT. ) CoNRp BAKHH. Trurtrri W. H. WIIITKS1HK, ) Atn-T! V. J. KEA.1Y, 8erelerjr. tllen llnpt, June !l, ls;j 1. LOOM TWP. SCHOOL Kl'NH - The State Paul (ieorgo Seoit. , named wero committed in default of pri'sidcnt of tho Pennsylvania State ! Agnciiltiiml Society, D. W 65110 bail. Secretary A Temporary Hotel. The new hold to boerecte.1 by tho Pennsylvania Kuilroad Conipnuy, near the Centen nial Ituildings iu l'liilndelpliia. will measure 2.14 by 7n0 feet, and will ac comodate 2,5011 guests. It is intended expressly for the accomodation of. visitors to tho Centennial Celebration, but will contain all the conveniences of the moro permanent building of a similar character. It will contain a dining-room 170 by il) fct, capable of seating LDOO persons a restaurant SO by 2;i(l feet, wailing.room 170 by 200 feet, together with parlors, ro-oeptlon-rooms, Ao. The new steeple will i A S. IIOI.IiKN.Treafurer or llle..a lonaikip. ie aount with laid Huhiiol lltilrirt lor In. )ran 173 A IS7S i IIH. Hal. due on lent tettlemenl ' T.. ..... i. .... .- .... Society, I), , Seder.1" " n.ii.,1 ..nJi..-. .i,.h...,. J. H. IIll tllf.nl. Trensuivr. I "eMlrod from Cwanlr Treainrer on11?'' (,,"r7nn "f V,Vv'"!iuTn,d:,pCr;;;v:::zr: on ItH'tilio ol fair, ami A K loum . . , ... . . - --"i-,-i ."r'.'i c-'.iv. I i.eorge tthey and I'.ldinhre McConkev i members of the same eommitteo v, sited ! -Lancaster recently and were met by a 1 CR eommitteo of the' Lancaster Park As- rVu.ZZ'.'" socintion. The necessaiy papem wcro " d.wonnu o'n'Veiei'.'.'"," signed by the high contracting parties l"'1 Triaeurer... for holding the Stale fair in that citv this full, the time fixed being the 27lb, 2Slb, 2.dli and UOth of September nnd the 1st of October. bell nn the State House reigh 13,000 pounds. till 41 121 I It ll M 4 .. : ,.. ii II ... 41 ... W I, nn I (inventor Wnlkor. of Virginia, and (ieneral Jubal Knrlv, have bean np jKiinted on a eommitteo to rcceivo tho stntno of Stonewall Jackson, which will aonn arrive at Kiohmond from Kngland and be erected on the Capitol grounds. Amnniit unrntl,tM for fs.l k 1J7S. In eolleetor'e hen.l. Nn Si honl duplioela leaned f..r UN, O. H. KIM1AI.. 1 JAI OII r.U.loX, ) AuJile"- W. L. WOOPH, I AtrneT! JOHN CI.KARV, Clerk Poreel June 11, IST1 IL JIlaTIl Ha- CUMHTABLKrl' - Wo been printed a InrfO nnmber t tie f EK HILL, and will Ian rw-elpl of t'ee-T l Mill, mad eoOT 14 HI nddrlll. 93