TI1K "CLEARFIELD; RKPl'BLICAX," CKORGH H. OOODLANDBH. CLEAHF1ELU, PA. HNTAIlLimiGD IN I S 1 . I he large.! Circulation or aujr Newepaper hi North Central Pennavlr.ul.. Terms of Subsoription. f paid I. iitruot, ot within I monthe... (f paid after 3 and bafor. uonlba f paid 0er iho oxpir.tion of 6 tuunlh... (Ml . SOI a im, f.0!11811'6; .J f ransl nt advertisements, par square of 10 llnesor tei, A UlUMurlll f 90 i Kur each ue tit insertion & ! V'lm1ni,mt(iri' ami Kxnoutora' noitofi S 60' Auditors' notiae I 50 j Cautions and Kitrays 1 60 j nimiululkiii notice. J Of I Pruiessional Cards, & lines or less, I year.... S 00 I Local no I Wop, por line. SO ' YKAKLY AUVKKTlPKMRNTfl. j I square $1 AO $ sol a inn $.St 00 j liiirfi,. 14 00 column.. 70 00 J i squares... W 00 1 column lit 00 UKOlKlH 11. HOODI.ANIlKH, Kill tor and l'ubliiher. ffarfls. Taos. H.m RiiAr. otrci aontioii. MURRAY & GORDON, ATT O.Ji KEYS AT LAW, :80'74 CI.KARPIKLP, PA. " FRANK FIELDING, ATTOHNKY-AT-LA V ( CleirUeld, Pa. Will attend to all busloosi entrusted to bin piomptly and faithfully. buvl271 WILLIAM A. WALLACR. ART r. WALL ACM. DAYID L. KRRIH. JO II 31 W. WHIOLKT. WALLACE St KREBS, (Hu-ccasors to Wallace A Fielding,) ATTOI1NEYS-AT-LAW, II I!'; Clearfield, Pa. A. G. KRAMER, AT TO UN KY-AT-LAW, Ileal Eatato inJ Collection A glut, ci.i:aki-ii:i.i. ha., Will trtiut!y attend to all Ugn business en trusted t liia oar. lr-Oflioe in Pit's Opera lions, second floor. April I -l(m ton una b. h'nxally. iianiei. w. k'uurht. McENALLY & MoCURDY, AlTOIiNKVS-AT-I.AW, Meat-Held, Ha. rMieti;l business attended to promptly with) idrlily. OfHce on ricaund street, ..linyc ; Pint Nutmrntl Hank. jau:l:74 G. R. BARRETT, Attuhnky ani CoiiNHKLon at. Law CLKAHFIKI.il. PA. Ilavlnc rcsiirned hi Judgeship, has resumed die iiractioe t the law to bis old oflioe at Clear- nVf.l, Pa. Will attend the anuria of Jefferson and Kilt counties when sierinlly retained in connection 1 with resident eounrel, S: 1 4:73 WM. M. Mc CUL LOUGH, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, lMt flolrt. IR. jFfl-Office In Court Il-tine, (Sheriff's Offlne). I.c-jfal huainca pramptlv attended to, Krai eitata bought und sold. jell'73 A. W. WALTERS, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Clearfield. P. ft-Oll'.ce In llroham'e How. pleeS-ly ' H. W. SMITH, A TTORNKY-AT-LA W, 11:1:73 I'lr.rHclil, Pa. WALTER BARRETT, AITOUNKY AT LAW. 'Hit' on Soi-ond Ht., Ciearfleld, Pa, (novel, 86 ISRAEL TEST, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Clearlleld. P.. jkT-oflloe In I'ie'e 0ir. Una... Jy 1 1,'CT " JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. .stf-Offi-iB lu Pio'i Opera Hoii.B, Huuiu Jfo. 5. Jan. 3, IH7I. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTOHNF.Y AT LAW. vtnl Kal r..tate Afceut, :iearfleltl, Pa. iifKce on Thlril stro.t, bet. Cberrj k Walnut. tf4rK.p9fttfully off.r. hi. i.rvlo.iln .elllng in4 buying landi In Olearfield and a.ljolnlng :uuntll ; and with an tipariene. ol over twentT ran ai a inrrtyor, Hatter, hiioaelf tbat b. enn ..nHor aliiraction. (K.b. :K3:tt, J. BLAKE WALTERS, KKAL ESTATE BUOKEU, AND PRALRR IK Maw I-aOgM niitl Climber, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Bee In Urahaiii'a Row. 1:25:71 J. J. LINGLE, A T T O It HE Y - A T -LA W, 1:18 )rcoln, Clearfield Co., Pa. )r:pri J. S. BARN HART, ATTOHNKY - AT - LAW, lellcliiule. Pa. Will practice in Cli-arlM.I and all of the Courla of the 23lh JiKilolal oi.mcl. neat relate uu.ine. and collection of clalma made apcinllroe. nl'71 ' D R. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN & SU UG EON, LUIllEKSIIUKIl, PA. Will attend profoaalonal oalla promptly. aujflo'TO DR. T. J. BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND S U RQ KO N , OhHoe on Market Street, Clearllold. Pa. raj- Offio. bouret t to 12 a. uv, and 1 to 8 p. m. D' .It. E. M. SCIIKUJiKIf, IIOMIKOPATIIIO I'llVBICIAN, Oilloo in ru.idt'm.e on Markvt it, April 24, 1S75. Clcnrflold, Pa. J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SUHGEON, AVISO totaled at Pennflfld. Pa., offera hia nrotaaaionai aerrires 10 ine ople or that plmte and stirroun'liiigeountrjr, attended to. A ileal Ik prninptly oct. U tf. DR. J. P. BUftCH FIELD, Late Burgeon of the H.'ld KcRlmont. Penns;lranla Volonteors, havlnc rsturnea from ins Army, offers hi profoBB. final iottIoos t It-e eillians of t!1rirAeld eounl T. fT-Prt.feiilonal rails promptly attended to. Offlft on Heeond "Ustt, formerlj occupied by Dr. Woods. iapr4,,o U DR. H. B. VAN VALZAH, ci,i'.Aiii'ii:i.i, pi:nn a. OKI'K'EIX MASONIC urn.niMi. f4r OBpe houra From It to 1 P. M. May IJ, IS7J. DIt. JEI'FKKSON I.ITZ, ' WOODLAND, PA. Will promptly attund all ealla lu the line of hie proferaiun. nuv. 10-78 Q. V. WEAVER dt CO., iui:;asTs & apotiikcaiiies, I I RWKXSVILI.E, PA. ll.al.ra in all kin.l' of l'tf, MtolrlnM, Pan ry Oooda and Ilrur ffi.ta' Sundrira. Cnrw.naiill.', March 17, IS74. GEOEGE H. FERGUSON, with W. V. LUMMMOTT & CO., dealers In HATS & CAPS, HOOTS Si KIIOKS, 3:17 o.ll Uaik.t lt.et, Philadelphia. 76 If A. H. MITTON, ManufiietNrer Rnd dealer In Harness, Saddles nnd Ilridlrs, ColUra, Whips, llrnihet, Fly Nets, TrlmuilofS. Ilraa lllanketa, Ae. Vaenum, Frank Miller's nnd Neatsfnot Oil". A Kent for Bailey and Wilson's H aggies. Orders and rtpatrlnf iiriinitljr Rttetded to, Phop on Market rtrei-l, tlearbeld. IV, In room formerly oerupirrf by Jos. Alesander. ( -1: 1 476 TDK nndenltctted iWijs leareto Inform the pat He that he is now tally prepared to rmmiumo lata all In the way of furnishing Horses, Huggies, Saddles and Harness, on ths shortest notieo and n reasonable terms. Hesldanot on Luoust slrast, kotwssn Third nnd Fourth. ll KO. W. (IKAIUIART. j lltarleld, Fsb. 4, 18T4. I CLEARFIELD GEO. B. QOODLANDEE, Proprietor. VOL 49-WIIOLE NO. (Cards. JOHN D. THOMPSON, J.ustlot of the Poao and Rrrirrner, Curuciiavllle. P. fcfl,CuUrtlins tuad and iKonev promptly fel.2inilf ' paid over. ! ORO. ALBRRT DRXIlT ALBKnT.. W. ALIFHT W. ALBERT & BROS., Minuraoturen A .aUoaiv. Daal.ra la Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &o., WOODLAND, P KN N ' A. arOrdm iollclt.d. Bill. Ailed on ihort nolloe and reasonable tcrmi. Addrcil Woodland P. 0., Clr(l"ld Co., P. .Ji.lr W A1.1IKHT A 1IK08. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MKUCHANT, frenchvllla, lleartleld County, Pa Keepe oonitanllj on band a lull auortment of n.nall.v kept to a retail ature, which will be iuld, foroa.h, aa oheap a. eliewhere In the eountr. Frenchville, June 17, 18H7-1T. T H OM A S H . FORCE E, niALia in OENE11AL MKKCHANDISE. GKAIIAMTON. P.. Alio.extenilve manufftcturor and dealer In Square Timber and Sawed Lumber of all kind.. M-Ordera .ulidi.-d and all bill, promptly Ulled. fj.vl" REUBEN HACKMAN, Houso and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Cloartlelcl, P.im'a. ?4Wlll exeooti'Jobe In liia line promptly and In a workmanlike manner. arr4,ff7 G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CI.KAIIPIKI.U, PKXX'A. jtr-fl-Pumpa alwnv. on honcl and umde to order on abort notice. Piiee borod t.n roaannable terma. All work -warranted to render aali.faetit-n, and n.v Hardware, uroceriea. ana everriuins diliverrd if de.ired. m)25:l)pd E. A. BIGLER &. CO., DKAI.RTCR IS SQUARE TIMBER, and manufauturera of Al l. kllMil'K t. i:i mimhi:h, S-7TJ CLEAItt'lKI.U, l'KNN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM. don Ir r In Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, tlllNOLUS, LATH, A PICKETS, :lu'7.1 OarBeld, Pa, JAMES MITCHELL, nr.Al.RR in Square Timber & Tiinbur LuiuIh, joirra ci.i:ai;i iki,d, pa. H.F.N A UGLE, MATCH MAKE It & JEW LIEU, and doalcr in Watdics, Cloeks, Jewelry, Silver and Plnted Wnre, &c, J.ID'71 t'LEAHPIELU, PA., S. I. S N Y D E R, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKKIl ARO 0.A1.KR in Watches, Clocks ami Jowelry, ! frraaoai'e Ron, tlrltt Strut, CI.IvAIIKII.I.I), pa. All kinda of repairing in my line promptlv at onded to. April T., 1871. III'MOVAI,. REIZENSTEIN II BERLINER, wholffalo dealers In GEMS' 1 1 i:lSIIIi; (,I)()!)S, II are romovetl to 17 Chutvh strrtt, lietwren Franklin and White ti., New York. j 1 '7 J JAMES H. LYTLE, N11. I ric'i Opera llutiac, Clcaillcld, Ir. Dealer In Oroectlvs, Prorifloiis. Vcgetrttlcs, Fruits, Flour, Feci, tie, etc. Birll7i-lf JAMKS WATSON k CO., RKAL ESTATE It ROK EIlS, L'LKAHFIEI.D, PENN'A. lluiittoa and Ofllfei to lot, Collection promptly made, and Urst-oliist Con I nnd Kire-Clay Lands and Ti.wn properly for snlo, Olline in Western Hotel JhiiMing (2d floor), Heond St. mylii'Tty JAMES CLEARY, BARAER & HAIR DRESSER, SECOND btkekt, J;11 CLEAHI IIil.il. PA. (ti nAHHY KNYI'Klt. (Formcrlr with Lew Bidiuler.) DAK11KR AND IIAIltbltKSSKK. Khopon Market St., oppo.lt. Court Houae. A clean towel for .vorj eu.tonicr. nine 1U, '75. JltATZKK A LYTLE, AllENrS IN CLKAIU'IKI.D COUNTY Foil MIKILMKIVS Celeb rated, brands nf Smoking; & fuming Tobaccos. We are vnabled lo wlio!ce.ile to draleia through out tbo county at ol'T prior.. KKATZL'H A LYTLE, leMMf Cle.rlleld. Pa. UNDkutakIni;. Tho amlpMis;nr. are now fully prepared to carry on the business of I IH:itT AlilCJ, AT REAS0NA111.E ItATIW, And re.pectfully aolirlt tho patronage of Ikna. needing aucb aorvleca. JOHN TIIOI'T.MAN, JAMKS L. LKAVY. Clcarteld, Pa., F,b. 18, 1874. J '1MB! LIME! i ho undersigned Is now urrpared to fiirnloh the public with an excellent quality of Bollcfonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plastering pimmum, by tba lare or small liianlity. fan be round for the propint at I'ie's new building, on Market street, oetl tf L. K. M.ClM.Ol'tlll. MITCHELL WAGONS. The Best is the Cheapest ! Thuinns Rrilly has rwriveil anothrr largr nt of MAlitt'hell WAgon," which are strong tho very best nutnnfaetured, and whirh he will sell at the moat raaaonahlo rales, ilis nt.rek include a I in tut all drseriptiona of wngnna largcaud mi nil, wide nnd ii a mi w trwek. Call an I e them. aprtt ;4 TUoMAH K HILLY. JOHN A. STAlU.Ktt, UAKKK, Market Ht., ClraiO.ld, Pr. Frrah II rend, P.uik, Eolli, Plei and Caks on band or made to onlt r. A gt-neral a"nrtinent of I'onlorllonariee, Fiuita and Nuts In stock. loa i'ri'atn nnd Oystsrs In season. Hnlui.n nearly oppoaii tbt I'ostoOir. Prices uiodcrato. Man'h 10-7&. C. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides Store, . Pllll I IPtallllIKi, PA. VKAI.KH IX IIAKOWAIIK, STOVKH, 1IKATKI13, HAN1I KS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIR. AXO HASVrACTVRKtt Of TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPEIIWAKI. Prreqalaht Straet, rbllllp.Viur,, C.ntr. C.., P.. Ma t, 1ST. 212G. ORDINANCES OK TJ1K Borough of Houtzdale, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PENT A. OKIilNANCE NO. 1. AN ORDINANCE KjJoliilii(t certain dutlee on the Street Commlaaloner. Section 1. Be it orilained by the Town Council of the Borowjh of lluut:lnte, and it it hereby ordained by the authority of the same. Th.it it ahull be tbo duty of the Street Commissioner, nt all times, to koop the streets and allej-s within tho limits of the Borough completely open and In (rood repair, under tho direction of tho Town Council. Sec. 2. That it shall bo tho duty of tho Stroot Commissioner U give to each person who ehall have been employed, to work on tho strocts and alleys, or for any other work done under his or their direction, a certificate setting forth the amount due to bim, whereupon tho Council shall cause an order to bo drawn upon the Treasurer of the borough for the amount of bis wages, to be paid by liiin out of any moneys in his hands, not othorwise appropriated ; I'rovided, always that tho Treasurer shall retain out of suid order any tuxes or other claims outstanding anuist tho person or persons in whose favor tho said order may bo drawn, ulbrcsaid. Sec. 3. That for every neglect, or refusal, on tho part of tho Street Com missioner to do mid perform tho duties enjoined on liim in this Ordinance having received three days notico from them, in writing lie shull forfeit anil pay the sum ol live dollars lor every offense, upon legal conviction thereof before the Jlnrgess, such action to ho instituted in the corponito name of tho Borough, nnd the amount recovered with costs, to be levied nnd collected as sums of hundred dollars are levied anil collected by a Justice of the l'eaco tinder the laws of thisCommonwenllh. P. J. AlcCl'LLAliJl, Burgess, seal Attest : lionT. ISuti.eh, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. Si. AN tlllDlN VVt i: Itclatire to Ob.trgrtloii. In tin Htrcet. and Alley., and lor the prevention of Nuiaauee. within the lloroufrh of lloutadale. Section 1. Be. it ordained by the Town Council of the Borouqh of Houtzdale, and it it hereby ordained by the authority on any iivtcmo wlintcvur except in any pin t of any street, linio or alley, in Loams, nricu, stones, gravel, clay, sanu, Drusii, or any otnor iinpeuinietit, ou tnictiiiMOriiuisai.ce whatever, for a longer perioil than two days; every person so offending, shall tion conviction thereof forfeit and pay for the use of tho Borough, fivo dollars for every such oll'enso. Sec. 2. That if any person under any pretext whatever except in case of building shall occupy any part of that sido of any street, lane or alley, within tho Jiorough, which adjoins the lot of another person unless the per mission ot the owner or occupant of said, lot ho first obtained every person so offending shall forfeit nnd pay for tho tiso of tho Borough, fivo dollars for every Biich offense. Sec. .'I. If any person shall put or jlaeo any mnnuro, compost, fence, wall, building, impediment or obstruction, in any of tho streets, lunes, alleys, or public grounds, of tho Borough, or cause tho sumo to bo done, cvory person so oll'ending slmll forfeit nnd pay for tho ttso of tho Borough, live dollars for every such oll'enso. Sec. 4. That when any person Is preparing to construct, erect, or repair any building within the Borough, lie shall inuko application to tho Burgess tin' a written permit, and tho Burgess is authorized to grant permission to the said applicant, to occupy for a period not exceeding six months, one hnlf of tho width of tho street or alley in front of and next to tho lot on which said build ing is to ho creeled or repaired, with stone, brick, timber, scantling, hoards, lime, snnd, or other building materials ; and if any person shull place, or cause to bo put or placed, any brick, lime, boards, scantling, stono, or other building materials, in any street or alley, without such permit first obtained, or shall occupy beyond the limits uliovo prescribed, or shall after the expiration of the said six months, continuo to ocennv tho one-half of such street or ullcv as aforesaid, ever)- person so offending shall lor each and every day the said street or alley sliull be thus obstructed or impeded, and it shull bo tho duty of tho Street Commissioner to notify him to remove such obstruction or impediment, and in case of iiis refusal so to do within two days after notice is given, the Baid Stroot Commissioner shall ro movo the same at tho proper costs and charges of tho owner of suid material ; I'rrividcd, That after tho six months have expired if it shall unnenr to tho satis- lactiou of tho Burgess that an extension of time is necessary, in order to ena ble nny person to complete Ills Iiullitlng, ttm satimurjress nitty," im-npi.m-nrlrnr ninilo to mm, renew the penult lor a period not exceeding three months. Sec. 0. I hat it any person shall put within the limits of the Borough, tho carcass of any dead animal or any part thereof, or any ofinl, filth, or putrescent maltor, whatever, every person so otlendiiig shall forfeit nnd pay lor tho every such offense. Sec. I. J hat if any person shall take, remove or carry away any sund, clay, gravel, or earth, limn any street, lane, or alley, or from tho public ground, within the Borough, or shall make, erect or construct any embank ment, mound, heap or causeway of earth, gravel, sand, clay, ashes, stono, or or other materials, within any street, linio, or alley of tho- Borough, or shall dig any pit, hole, or cavity thereon, or cause tho same to bo done ; every per son so offending shall forfeit and pay lor tho use of tho Borough, ten (follars lor every such ollenso ; J'ropideil, altrayt, 'J l-nt this section shall not prevent the Street Commissioner from grading, levelling, amending and improving tho streets and alleys, tinder tho direction of tho Town Council, anil taking and removing snnd, clay, gravel, and earth for the purpose aforesaid. sec. 7. I hut It sliull bo the duty ol complaint being made to bim, or upon bis own knowledge, of any violation of this Ordinance, or tiny other person who may bo aggrioved, forthwith to prefer a complaint to tho Burgess, or any Justice of tho i'oaco ot said Borough, who shall instil uto legal proceeding against tho alleged offender in tho corporato name of tho Borough, and on lawful conviction of tho offender, the fine ad judged against him, together with costs, under ono hundred dollars nro lovied nnd uiiilcr tho laws ofthis Commonwealth. Sec. 8. The one-half of all tho fines fo bo pnid to tho High Constable, or any ll.o other hall lor the use ot tho Itorotigh. 1 J. McCL'LLAGH, Burgess, seal Atlest s lioiiT. Buti.ek, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 3. AN OMDINANCG To regulate the Hldrwalha or Paremenla, anil lo autliorlie the conatruetlou ol Cellar Doora, Porr lira, etc., with cortalu limit. tlona.nd rentrlrtlona. Section 1. lie it ordained bti the Town Council of the Borouqh of Houtzdale. and it it hereby ordained by the authority pavements, witnin mo itorotigh shnll bo the line of tho lot to tho outer edgo of ,t,c. innt no person alter the pnssngo ol this Imlitiunce shall erect, put ir place any cellar door, step, porch, or other impediment or obstruction, which shall exceed more than four feet beyond tho front ol bis lot, and if any person shall violate this provision, it shall bo tho duty of tho Street Commissioner, on complaint being made, to give notico to tho owner or occupant of tho lot in ironi oi which snia impediment may bo eroded, to remove tho snino within ten days, and in case of his refusal, tho Stroet Commissioner is authorized to remove tho said impediment or obstruction, at tho expense of tho owner or occupant, to bo recovered by tho Street Commissioner as debtj of an equal amount are by law recoverable, and tho snid owner or occupant neglecting or refusing to remove the impediment or obstruction aforesaid, shall also forleit and pay ten dollnin, to be recovered as fines aru recoverable, for tho use of tho Itoroiign, Sr.c. .'1. That whenever any owner or occupant of any building, or lot of ground, within tbo Borough, intends to lay or renew a sidewalk or pave ment of brick, or plank, in front of said building or lot. or nny part thereof, ho shull call upon the Couiicilmcn, whose ivy posis or siiikcs, mo width, height ami gtailation ol sniU pavement, and it shull bo the duty of tho suid Couiicilmcn to seo that the snid contemplated improvement, when constructed, is in accordance with tho saiil measurement. grade and width given, and agreeable to tho suid Ordinance, and overy pave ment shall correspond in width to tho requisition of the first section of this Ordinnnco, measuring to tbo outer edgo of the curb or plunk. 1'. Atlest : Kobt. Butler, Clerk, ORDINANCE NO.-I. AN llllDIXANt HToProtenttlirl.nrroarlinientofllulldliig., Walla and l.urloaurra un the Htreeta, Alley, and Public (irouuda. Section 1. Be it ordained In the Town Council of the Borouah of Houtzdale. and it it hereby ordained by the authority of the tame, That niter tho passago of this Ordinance, when any person Intends to orect, or place any building, wall, or enclosure, on tho lino of any lot within the Borough, adjoining a street or alley, he shall, before ho commences the cellar or foundation thereof, call upon tho town t ouncilnien whoso duty it shall bo lo designate, mark, and fix, by posts or slukes, tho line or lines of snid lot, so fur as to enable tho applicant to erect or place suid building, wall, etc., In such a manner as not to encroach upon nny street or alley, und it shall bo the duty of said Couiicilmcn to seo that tho saiil building, wall, or cnclosiiro, when erected, is in nccordnnco with their measurements, so fitr as not to encroach upon nny street or alley, and if nny person shall neglect to comply with tho nbovo requisition, he shall forfeit and -pay the sum of twenty dollars to tho uso of the Borough ; ami it shall ho the duly of the Street Commissioner, upon complaint being mado to remove any building, wall, or enclosure, that shull In any manner intorfero with, or encroach upon any street, lano, alley, or tho public ground In tho Borouifh.nt Iho cost and charges of tho person who ment, lo bo recovered ns debfs of equal r. J. JHCVUl.LAlill, Burgess, seal Attest : Bout. Butler, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 5. AN ORDINANCE: Relatl.euaiot.er Nol.y AneanblaKt. e. Section 1. Beit ordained by the Town Council of the Borouqh of Houtzdale, d it u herebu ordained bu the authoritu of the u.i 'Tl.oi if nv nmnn no ...,o. sons shull disturb the publio peace of the Borough by noisy assemblages, drunk cniicss, riotous conduct, profane language, obscene remarks or actions, each und every person so offending, and being thereof convicted before the Burgess of said Borough, shall forfeit and pay for every such offense, a fine not exceed ing ten uoiiurs, ai mo uiscrction oi mo iittrgcss, and in default of payment of such tine, to be Imprisoned for a period not exceeding fivo days, at the discretion of the Burgess aforesaid. Sec. 2. If any person or persons (ball hereafter bo found standing, assem. bling, or loitering on, or about tho streets, alleys, foot-walks or corners In said Borough, in such manner as to obstruct or interfere with the free pnsange of CLEARFIELD, the Town Council, or a majority of of the tame, Tlmt if uny person sliull, citso of builtlin occupy or obstruct the ltorougli, w ith wood, timber, coal, forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars or place, or caused to be put or placed use of tho Borough five dollars for the Jligh Constulileol the Borough, on shall bo levied nnd collected as sums collected, by a Justice ol tho l'eaco, collected by virtue of this Ordinance other person making complaint, and of the tame, That tho sidewalks, or leet wide, measuring from tho curbing or plank. duty it shall bo to designate, or mark J. JlcCLtiLAliJI, Burgess. SEAL causes tho interference or encroach amount are by lnw recoverable. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ro.--j : . , . PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1875. persons along or upon tho same, or shall he guilty of rude, profane, indecent or Insolent language or conduct towards, or in the hearing or view of persons passing along said stroot, or being in tho neighborhood, every such orson so offending sliull, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay for overy such onense the sum of one dollar and costs of prosecution, or in default of puyment, shall bo confined in the lock-up of tho Borough for the space of twenty-four hours. T. J. McCULLAGH, Burgess, seal Attest : IioBT. lit TI.r.B, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO O. AW ORDINANCE Relative to Bonfire. Section 1. Be it ordained by tlte Town Council of the Borough of Houtzdale, and it it hereby ordained by the authority of tlte tame, That all and evory person engaged in creating a bonfire within the Borongh of HouUdule, or aiding in tho euntinunnce thereof shall, on conviction thereof before the Burgess, forfeit and pay tbo sum ol nve dollars each, with costs ot prosecution, and in default thereof be imprisoned for a period not exceeding forty-eight hours, at the dis cretion ol the iiurgosB aioresum. Attest : Bout. Bvtleb, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 7. AN ORDINANCE Relating- to Theatriral Performance., Cymnaatle Elertl.ee, miow., KaniDillons, c Section 1. Bi it ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Houtzdale, and it it hereby oriainrd by the authority of the lame, from and after the promulga tion or tins uriltivnce, ilint II any person or persons intend to exhibit within the Borough any thcntrical performances, pays, circus riding, feats of horse manship, gymnastic exorcises, dancing on tho tight or slack rope, ground and lofty tumbling, sleight of hand, juggling, legerdemain, panorama, or any other show or spcciiic'c, which has lor its oiiject the amusement ol the people, anil tho pecuniary interest or emolument of tho person or persons so desiring to exhibit, ns aforesaid, such person or pei-sons shull, on or before tho day pre ceding that on which tho exhibition is to take place, call on tho Burgess of the Borough for a written permit to exhibit as aforesaid, and tho Burgess is hereby authorized to grunt bim or them permission to exhibit within tho Borough for a period not exceeding five days, for a sum not exceeding fifteen dollars, which shall bo uid at tho time of granting snid permission, and in case tho pel-son or pcroiB desire to continue to exhibit as aloresaid after tho oxpiratiou of said permit oi license, application must bo made for a renewal to the lliyr gess, w ho will ruiew the sumo if sulisficd of its propriety, nt tbo rate of five dollars for every additional exhibition, lay tho said -person or porsons, within tho Borough ; I'rovided, That if tho Burgess bo absent, any liicmbor of tho Town 'ouncil, or the Treasurer of tho Borough, is hereby authorized to grant tbo permit, and recciro the amount payable for the same as aforesaid, and I'ruvtded further. That this Ordinance natural curiositiucs, animals, etc., gratis, when unconnected with any ot the uliovo named entcrtuinments, amusements, shows,-ctc. Sec. 2. That if any person or persons shall proceed to exhibit any theatri cal performance, play, circus riding, etc., as mentioned in the first section ofthis Ordinnnco. without having first obtained a permit or license from the Burgess, 1'own Council, or Treasurer of the Borough, as aforesaid, tho High Constable shnll and ho is required and directed to proceed forthwith to arrest all and every person or persons so exhibiting, and buvo him or them beloro tho Burgess, or any Justice of tho Peace of tho Borough, and tho snid Burgess or Justice of the I'cuco shall proceed to fine the pel-son or persons so offending in nny sum not more than twenty dollars, nor less than fivo dollars, for every such otrenso, nnd in case tho said fino shall not bo immediately paid, tho Burgess or Justice of tho Peace shall forthwith issuo an execution directed to tho Jligh Constable aforesaid, to levy and collect the amount of said fino, with costs, of tho goods and effect, of the person or persons so fined ns aforesaid. Seo. 3. That upon complaint made to tho High Constable, or of his own personal knowlcdgo, Hint nny person or persons are infringing on or violating this Ordinance It shall be his duty at onco to arrest every person whom he shall find engaged therein and bring him before tho Burgess or Justice as aforesaid, under tho penalty of not less than fivo dollars or more than ten dollars for every neglect or rcfusul, and in case of his neglect of duty to recover nny fine niter an execution has been placed in his hands, ho shnll lie liablo for the amount thereof with costs of suit. P. J. McCULLAGH, Burgess, seal Attest : Holer. Bi ti.eii, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 8. AN ORDINANCE Relative to Know. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Houtzdale, and it it lierelnj ordained by the. authoritu of tlie tame. That it shall be tho duty of every owner or occupant ot a lot, within tho inhabited part of the Borough of itouizdaio, within twenty-lour Hours oiler full ot snow, to remove or procure to be removed, snid snow from tbo sidewalks, and nlso from the gutters in TTurrfJrf snht wsihs, lo tiller unobstrnMwt psaanjrn nt t haa wntnr : and person or persona neglocting er refusing to do so, shall forfeit and pay for evory such offense tho sum of one dollar, together with costs of prosecution, and shall pay tho cost ol removing tbo snow. I'rovided, That w hen a lot is vacant, tho owner or occupant is required only to make a clear passage of four feet. V. J. ll'CL'LLAGU, Burgess, seal. Attest : Hoot. Buti.ek, Clerk. ORDINANCE XO.II. AN ORDINANCE Relative to Nnl.aneea. Seition 1. He it ordained by the 7'otrn Council of the Borough of Houtzdale, and it it hereby ordaineit by the authority of the tame. That any person or persons who shall within Uio suid Borough, cause cither directly or indirectly, any stud horse or horses, to cover any maro or mures within ono hundred and fifty porches of any dwelling houso, academy or school houso within said Borough, shall forfeit and pay t bo penalty of fivo dollars, for each offense, unless it bo in an enclosure of sullkient lieight in the back end of the lot, mado close so as to bo hid und concealed from tho view of the citizens nnd inhabitants of the said Borough, and every fine and forfeiture, as aforesaid bIiiiII bo recovered on con viction before tho Burgess, for tbo use of tho Borough as other fines and for feitures aro recoverable. Sec. 2. That if any person or persons shall play at ball, run or whoop, or shall ongugo at any kind of game; or shall throw stones or other missiles in tho public streets or alleys within said Borough ; or shall by day or by night, inuke or cause any kind of noiso or disturbance to tho annoyance or disquiet of tho peaceable citizens of tho said Jloroiigh, ho or they shull severally, on conviction thereof before the Burgess, forfeit nnd pay for evory such otfenso tho sum of ono dollar, together with costs of prosecution ; and in case of neg lect or refusal or inability to pay tho said forlciture immediately on conviction, he or they shall suffer an imprisonment in the lock-up of tho Borough, for the spneo of twelve hours. Sec. 3. That if any person shall let stand, tio, hitch, or inuko fnst any horse or team, to nny fence, or upon any sidewalk, within tho limits of tho Borough, ho shnll bo liablo to a fine of not less thun ono dollar, for each offonso, or more than ten dollars; and every such firio shall be recovered on conviction before tho Burgess, for tho uso of tho Borough, as other fines and forfeitures aro ro covomble. P. J. McCULLAGH, Burgess, seal. Attest : IIoiit. Hi tler, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. lO. AN ORDI NANCE Relative to the AaaeMment and Collection ol Ho rough Taiea. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Jfnittzdale, and it it hereby ordained by the authority of the. tame, 'Tlmt tho Town Council in as sessing nny tax agreenblo to tho authority given them by law for Borough purposes; ahull apiortion tho same upon tho basis of tho last adjusted valua tion mado for tho purposo of regulating County rntos and levies within tho Borough, ami tho assessment shall be regulated and adjusted by tho assess ment made for County purposes; and it shall bo the duly of tho Town Clerk to enter in a book to bo prepared for tho purposo tho several and respective amounts assessed upon overy inhabitant, or other person charged with Bor ough rates and levies, which shall be open to inspection without feo or reward, by any person clinrged thereon, and in caso any error or mistnko occurs in tho ussessincnt ihus mado, any person interested may apply to tho Town Council for redress, und they shall grant such relict ns to them shall appear just ami reasonable. Sec. 2. When tho assessment Is made and adjusted, tho Town Clerk shall ninko a correct and fair duplicate thereof and deliver tho snmo to the Burgess, who shall issue hit precept directed to tho Collector, commanding him to col lect tho taxes assessed off tho respective porsons named in said duplicato, and in case of neglect, or refusal by nny person therein named, to pay tho sum wherewith he or sbo stands charged on demand, it shall be lawful tor the Col lector to levy tho same with legal costs by distress and sale of goods and chat tell of such delinquent, giving ten days' notico of such snlo, by written or printed ndvorlisomcnts, and returning tho overplus, if any, to the ownor. Seo. 3. The (.'oik-dor shall, within six months after receiving tho duplicate, pay into tho hand) of tho Treasurer of tho Borough tho whole amount of tho tuxes charged as assessed iu tho said duplicato, except his foe for collection, mid such sums as tho Town Council, in their discretion nuv exonerate him from, under tho penally of being charged with, and amenable for tho whole balance remaining unpaid. - Seo. 4. Tho Collector shnll bo entitled to reluin, at tho final settlement of his duplicato, five per cent, on all moneys by him collected nnd paid to the Treasurer, nnd tho same shall be in full nloresaiil. 1'. Attest: Hoiit. Hi'TLKR, Clerk. CERTIFICATE. The nbovo and furee-oinir Ordinances, dated Houtzdale , A. 1. 187 , were duly enacted in Town Council, by tho Town Council of tho Borough of lloutzdalu in the Comity of ( 'Icurflcld, on the day and year aforesaid, and wo do hereby authorize anil direct the same to bo promtilgatoil unu published according In testimony wiikukoe we have hereunto set our hands, and cnusotl the seal of said Borough to bo affixed this in tho yenr of ottr Lord one thousand A'ttest : ItonT. Hitler, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 11. Aft AUDI NANCE Rcl.tlng Is the Reeaov.l .r I ege. Brash, ele. Section 1. Be it ordained by the and it u hereby ordained by the authority of the tame, 1 bat on and alter tho.pasg ago ofthis Ordinance all lot or property holders within the limits of the Bor ough aro hereby compelled to clear tlie snmo of logs, brush, or other matter likely to endanger property by fire. Mac. 2. That if tho furciroiiiir Ordinnnco is not obeyed by those holding unclenned prnierly within '.he limit the right to hare such improvements REPUBLICAN. P. J. McCULLAGH. Burircss. TsialI shall not prevent the exhibition of compensation for collecting tho tales J. .Mel t l.l.Aiill, llurgess. seal.J to law. day ol eight hundred and seventy JAMUS CAHTEH. PATIilCK QUINN. W. C. LINGLE, I). C. GATES, P. GALLAGHEIi, Town Council. P. J. MoCULLAGH, Burgess. Town Council of the Borough of Havtzdalt of the said Borough, the (.'ouncil have made ns they deem necessary fiir the NEW safety of proiierty, same to bo collected Rout. Hl'Tl.ru Secretary, Houtrdnle. July 7, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. 13. AN ORDINANCE Rel.tlug to DaligcrouaStovc-u, Wove. Pipe, and flues. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Hnttzdale, and it it hereliy ordained by the authority of the tame, That any person keeping in uso, on and nllor tho 1st day of August, 1874, any stove, stovo-pipo, or flue, in such condition so as to endanger property by fire shall, upon conviction thereof, before the Burgess, or any J ustice of tho Peace of tho Borough, forfeit and pay for tho first offense five dollars and costs of prosecution, and for the seconu or any succeeuiug onense snuu pay a nno oi not less thnu ten or more than fifteen dollars, at tho discretion of the Burgess or Justice of tho l'eaco trying tho snmo, and costs of prosecution, which shull be collected as debts of l:i- . .1 ....1 .... 1 ri ,., ., .. a iiko amount, ure now uoiiecteu vy law or J ustice of the Peace, before whom according to tho OTidenco sworn before stove-pipes, or nucs. Seo. i It shall be tlie duty ol to make an examination of all tli Seo. 2 It shall be the duty of tho person violating any of the provisions Attest : John Cameron, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the Riimilng at Large of Hog. and (io.ta within the l.tmllaoithe llorouh. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Hmo:.jh of Houtzdale, and it ii hereby ordrined by the authority of the tame, That it shall not be lawful for any hog or hogs to run ut largo inside the limits of the Borough from tho 1st day of August, 1874, until the 1st dny of October ol tho same year, and from tho 1st day of April until the 1st day uf October in each succeeding year, and it shall not bo lawful for any goal or goats to run nt huge inside the limits of this Borough from and alter the 1st day ol August, 1874. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the High Coustnhlo to pick up any lions or goats that he may find running at largo in the Borough nnd put them in a pound provided by tho Borough lor that purpose, and if tho owners of such Logs and goats fail to claim their property inside of two days alter being taken up by the High Constable, the High Constable shall then proceed to sell them to tho highest bidder; Provided, however, that any owner of any hog or goat may reclaim his property at any time insido of two days after being taken up by tho High Constable upon the payment ot two dollars fine for each hog or gout, und filly cents on each head ns costs. Sic. 3. Tho High Constable shall retain to himself fifty cents on each hir or gout as costs out of each sale, also fifty cents on each hog or gout returned to owner, and he shall pay over to the Borough Treasurer the balance realized on each sale, together with the two dollars tine on delivery of property to owners inside of five days after such sale or delivery. 1'f.lfcK CA-Vll-.HO, Burgess, seal Attest; John Cameron, Clerk. The above and foregoing Ordinances, dated Houtzdule. the 23d day of May, A. 1). 1875. were duly enacted by tho dalo, in the County of Clearfield, on the day and year aloresaid, and wo do hereby authorize and direct the same to be promulgated and published accord ing to law. IN TESTIMONY WIIEUEOP wo nave ucrcumo set. our mums, unu causeo mc seal of said Borough to bo affixed this 23d dny ol May, in tbo year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-fivo. PHILIP HAIiTMAN, C11AS. S. LEWIS, PATMICK TANNEY, JOHN ARGYLE, GEORGE CHARLTON JAMES WARD, Town Council. PETER. CAM KKON. Burgess. Attest : John Cameron, Clerk. THE SMVGGLJSG JiUSlXESS. Recent revelations fully demonstrate that the government is annually do- lrauded out of millions of dollui-s of revenue by "letter A. No. 1" merch ants. Tbt the artwt morcantilo firm of 11. II. Claflin 4 Co. should have en gaged in this infamous business, as tonishes man'. We are not one of that number. Sinco his report in tho Boocher caso wo have lost all faith in him as a "christian" merchant, and an upright citizen. Tho Beccher report, and the revelations before tho Now York grand jury develop tho true character of the head of that mnmoth rm, if not all of them. The following detailed statement of this smuggling business we find in the Now York bun ot tbo 11th : Judge Benedict was on tho bench in the I'uited Stutos Circuit Court, Crim inal Branch, promptly at 1 1 A. u. yes terday, to receive presentments from tho grand jury, but a quorum of that body was not in attendance until an hour later. When the requisite ium- her of jurors were nt length got togeth er, they entered with a lnrgo bundle ot indictments. As wns expected, thoy were voluminous presentments gainst all the men prominently men tioned heretofore as implicated iu the great silk smuggling frauds discovered somo time ago, including Horace 1). Claflin and all hit partners. These in dictments are founded tion section 2,082 ot the Revised Statutes, which reads as follows : "If any person shnll fraudulently or knowingly import or bring into tho r lined States, or assist in fo doing, any merchandise contrary lo law, or shall receive, conceal, buy, sell, or in nny manner fucilitato tho transporta tion, concealment, or sulo of such merchandise' alter transport nt ion,' knowing the same In have been im ported contrary to low, such merchan dise shall be forfeited, and the otl'eudcr shall be fined in any sum not exceed- ng 83,110(1, nor less than .!, or be im prisoned for any time not exceeding two ycars,or both. Whenovcron trialfor vio lation ofthis section tho defendant is shown to have, or have had.posscssion of such goods, such evidence shull bo deemed evidence suflicient to authorize conviction, unless tho defendant shall explain the possession to the satisfac tion of tho jury." 1 hero aro threo indictments against Claflin A Co., in which Willium It. Tal- cott, their buyer, is joined, and Iho numerous counts relate to many uiller ent transactions. The following is a sample : Circuit Court of Ine umtnl Matte ot America for the Southern District of Aeie iorkmthe iSecond Circuit. At a staled term of the Circuit Court of the United States of America for the Southern District of New York, in the Second Circuit, begun and held at the city of Now York, within and for the Southern District nnd lireuit utore said, on the 12th day of May, lu tho yonr of our Lord, 187, and continued by adjournment to ami including tho 10th dny of June, A. I. 1S7!S. Soutltern Vittriet of Xetc York, n. The jurors of the United Status sf America within and for tho district and circuit aforesaid, on thoir oath present that Horace B. Claflin, Into uf tho city and county ot iew lork in tho district and circuit nloresaiil, yeo man, and John Claflin, also lateuf the same place, and Edward E. Karnes, al so late of the samo place, and Horace J. Fairchild, also late of the samo place, and Willium S, Unnn, also" Into of tho samo place, nnd Dexter N, f orce, also lalo ot the snmo place, anil Daniel Robinson, also Into of tbo same place, and William 11. Tulcott, also lute of the samo place, yeomen, heretofore. to wit, on tho 1Mb day of March, in the year of our Lord 1873, at tho South ern District ot New York, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did and there fraudulently, knowingly, and un lawfully receive and conceal, and in a certain manner and by certain means to tho jurors aforesaid unknown, lii cilitata the concealment of certain goods, wares, and merchandise, to wit, a large quantity of silk goods, lo wit, seven cases containing silk gtsxls of tho Talue nt 135,00(1 nnd upward, n TEEMS $2 por annum in Advance. SE1UES - V0L. 10, NO. 25. as such debts are collectiblu by JAMES CA11TEK, Chui lililo by law. rnian. in mis iomnionweaitn ; ,1110 liurgess such cases aro tried, shull determine them as to the danger of such stoves, High Constable und the Dorouirh Polico :ho nouses within tho Borough, and arrest any ...::....., a . .: ,..: of tho first section of this Ordinance PETER CAMERON, Burgess, seal Town Council of the Borough of iloutz- more particular description of which is to tho jurors aforesaid unknown, af ter their importation Into tho I luted States contrary to law, in this, that said goods, wares, and merchandise had been smuggled, and clandestinely intio.lunen utLu the Vniltvl Stntoa to wit, into tho port and Southern Dis trict ef Now York, from a foreign country, to wit, tho united kingdom of Ureal Britain nnd Ireland, said goods, wares, and merchandise, nt tho time they were smuggled nnd clandestinely introduced into tho United Stntes aforesaid being then and there subject to duty by law, the duties duo and payable upon said goods, wares, and merchandise not being paid nor accoun ted for nor secured, they, tho snid Horace B. Claflin, John Claflin, Ed ward E. Homes, Horaco J. Fairchild, William S. Dunn, Dexter N. Force, Daniel Robinson, and William II. Xl cott, at tho time they roccivod and concealed nnd facilitated tho conceal ment of said goods, wares, and mer chandise as uforesnid, well knowing the suid goods, wares, nnd merchan dise had been imported and brought into tho United States contrary to law, as aforesaid, contrary to tbo form of the slatiito of tho United Slates in such cast! made nnil provided, nnd against the peace of tho Unit jd StatoB and theirdigiiity." Tbo second oount of this indictment differs from tho nbovo only in charg ing that tho defendants "tmnsHrtod and facilitated tho transportation of the goods described, instead of con cealed and facilitated the concealment" ot the same. The third count varies the charge again by tho phrase, ' Sold and facilitated tho sale of," Ac. Tho fourth, fifth and sixth counts iu the samo w ay cover a transaction dated Nov. !), 1872, in which tbo vnluo of tho goods Is alleged to bo (35,000. The seventh, eighth and ninth counts relate to another (35,000 sale on Oct. 10, 1872, and the document concludes with n tenth count which relates to a concealment, transportation nnd sale, nnd tbo facilitating of those three things, on Nov. 3, 1874, $35,000 being ngniu tho alleged value of tlie goods. Tho other two indictments against Claflin A Co. differ from tho nbovo only ns to dates nnd amounts ; ono cover ing importations from France, and the other imHirfalioiis from Germany. Besides his place iu tho indictments against his employers, Win. II. Tal colf, the buvor, is thrice separately presented, with dates and nmounts re cited as follows: Oel. 10, IS7J.....tK!5,(!0;M.reh IS, "74 40.0H Nov. 0, 187.1 35,0(111 April 14, ISM.... 411, 000 Mares 15, '73,... Si, 000 Ma; II, 174..... 40,nuo April I, I ;... SO.SIIII A.g 1 J, 1S74 40,0110 April 20.1S73 4(l,0(lo Nov, J, 1874, .., 8,nll0 Feb. Id, 1174.,.. "4,0(10 Nov. 10, 174..... 411,0.1 Tho auction firm of Field, Morris, Kenner A Co., composed of Charles M. Field, Aaron Field, John J. Morris, Win. (i. Ftnner, nnd Edmund D. Fen nor. bnve three indictments filed against thein similar lo those agninst Claflin A Co., except to dates and amounts. The goods that they are accused of having concealed, trans ported nnd sold, knowing at tho time that they wero smuggled, roach the enormous aggregnto valuo of (1,425, 000. " Tho Grand Jury also presented six nev indictment, nirninet t'lins. I.. I.nw. ! rence. llohert Des Anees. Anron Wolf. Henry (1. Levy, Lntnyettu Graff, nnd Gtistnvus W. iiull. Fivo of these in dictments chnrgc tho primary lact of smuggling live times (;iOO,ililO worth of silks, coupled with a conspiracy to cheat and net rami the government. Tho sixth is confined lo the .li-esont- ment of tho conspirators as forgers of invoices, bonds, affidavits, consular certificates, and all other papers ordi narily necessary to take dutiable goods out of tho hands of custom officers. Filially there is a new separata indict ment against Lawrence, accusing him of numerous forgeries, and setting them out in minute detail. Wm. S. Dunn, of Claflin A Co., went to tho Clerk's ollice in tho afternoon and gnvo (20,000 bail lo appear and answer the three indictments in which ho is impleaded, with his purtiio-i, Au gustus D. Jolllnrd and Duncan E. Mc Konzio oceanic his sureties, By an arrangement made with District At- torncy Bliss, tho other defendants ex cept those in prison ami those under rocognizimcos, uro to upioar to-duy und uxocuto proHir bonds. . Mr. Bliss says that the prosecution ia ready to go on with uuy one of these cusee on Monday next, and he nopus to bring them all to speedy trial. Tho Grand Jury has not finished Its labors, but is to bu discharged on Mon day. Appraiser Darling has reorted to the Collector of the Port tho re-examination of the suspected imports of Philip Schtilhofr Co. of 477 Broomo street. Tho examiners inspected flU' tivo cases in Field, Morris, l-'eiijier k Co.'s auction rooms, seventy nine in bonded warehouses nt (!02 and 004 Washington street, and eight at 58 Luight street. Ono case called silk crape, invoiced us 5-4 goods, measured only 20 inches in width. Tho experts unil government examiners report sev enty-nine cases us correct in vuluo anil classification, twenty casus as under valued from ten to twelve and a half per cent. The penalty is twoiity-fivo per cent, of their value. Two esses of mulines consigned to Schulhoff A Co. wore found to bo undervalued 23 por cent., and suit was bcaun for their forfeiture on Wednesday. Another caso ot silk goods imported by Schulhoff A Co. was ordered into the soizuro room of the Costom Houso yesterday, on tho charge of being un- uervaiiicu. jir. w. u. Uitchcock, tho importer who started tho investiga tion into Schulhoff A Co.'s revenue truiksuctions, said yesterday that tbo end of the ease had not been reached. His complaint is that tho Montossny troblo crapes imported by Schulhoff 1 Co. from Lyons have boon largely un dervalued, nnd he is ready to provo the charge at the proper time. Tbiw of tho suspected cases of troblo cropea aro in the seizure room in the Custom Houso, and Mr. Hitchcock expects to sustantinte his charges when the goods aro appraisod. There are two suits pending in the United States Court against Schulhoff & Co., ono of which is for undervaluing plushes. The sus pocted goods of the firm are still un der suveillunco, and tho Appraiser, it is snid, will order a new examination of somo of tho eases, not being satis fied with the one already made by bis officers. Tho first fruit of tho information given to tho governmont by Lafny etto Graff, ono of Lawrence's confed erates in tho smuggling business, is the seizure by Deputy Survovor Nichols of eight cases of silk tastings and ser ges invoiced us Balmoral skirts. The goods wero shipped through tho Cus tom iiouso Dy j.awrcnco a year ago with the connivance of Dopnty Col lector Dos Anges, and wero placed bv Graff in the auction house up town to bo sold. The goods are worth several thousand dollars. GETTISO USED TO KEGRO SUEEJtAGE. Mr. Charles Nordhoff, in bis last ' letter from Louisiana, tells tho follow ing illustrative story : "A prominent citizen of New Or leans suid to me, when, in 1808, tho blacks were tor tho hrst time to vote, I was a candidate for office, and ' I heard just before the election, that John, a man 1 had raised, who was my personal servant, and who, since his freedom, has lived with his family in a house of my own, rent free, was going to voto against mc. Now, 1 love ine uoy lino a Drother, but 1 cull ed him to mo and asked tho question, and I was deeply irritated. Ho replied that if I was on tbo Republican ticket he would gladly vote lor mo ; but if not, ho would certainly voto against mo, 1 told him if ho did ho must leave and not show me his face again. Tho next dav was election day. I watched tbo poll, which was near my houso. I saw John come to voto ; ho did not see mo, but he pulled out his ticket, unfolded it, hold it over his head, and suid in a loud voice: 'I'm votin' do Republican ticket' I drove him out ot his house, took away his employment, and ordered that ho should not bo admitted to my honso. I wits very sore and angry toward him. My prido wns hurt. It lasted several months, and I missed John. Ono day, on the anniversary of the doath of one of my children, ho sent mo a bouquet of flowers, and 1 did not refuse tho pence offering. lie lives with me now, and will till ho dies, but sinco then I have never tried to control a black man's voto. I havo learned better. Now ther come to mo to ask mo how 1 would liko them to vote ; and as tboso I employ necessarily loso a day if they go to tlie polls, I noticed in 1874 many did not voto at all." Character Makes the Man. Tho man of character is always tho man of iron ncrvo ; ho may bo neither a great statesman nor a politician; ho may bo humble in his associations and aspira tions; but with all these exceptions, If ho has character, his heart is right, his integrity is unshaken. Ho looks on truth with a clear vision, acting in ac cordance with its superior dictates ; ho docs not fear nor shun the fuco of his fellow man, for bis soul is whito with integrity, and he looks humbly and trustingly, and, in short, has character good and stable character. Charac ter is tho corner-Btono of individual greatness the Dorio and splendid col umn in tue majestic structure ol a true und dignified man, who is at once a subject and a king. Such is tho truo typo oi ported manhood ; to earth be longs his corruptible body to another nnd more enlarged siihcro his soul. stamped with divinity. At tint trial of Warren Hastings, when tho oratorical powers of Pitt, Burko and Sheridan wero brought so emphatically in(o play, old Doctor Parr, (tho Head Master ot Harrow School ) was an interested listener on tho occasion, for Riehaad Brinsley bad been tho Doctor s favorite pupil. At tho close of the eloquent tournament, tho Doctor had retired to his corner in tho Westminster Cotfco Houso, where ho wns launching out, ns a matter of course, in prniso of the speech of Sheridan. Burko happening In, heard most of tho Doctor's eulogy ; and, at its close, remarked, "Why, Doctor.yoti have snid nothing about my speech." " lour speech, Edmund," thundered forth tho Doctor, "was oppressed by epithet, dislocated by parentheses, and debilitated by amplification." Tho good wear their years as a crown ol glory upon their heads ; tho bad, as a heavy burden upon thoir back. A ninn may learn to rido several hobbies at a "linio, but it will provo more astonishing thun useful. lu an ago of mediocrities, a man a triflo higher than his fellows, is often mistaken for a great man. Never reflect on a past action w hich was done with a good motive, and with tho best judgment at tho time. No man improves in any company for which ho has not enough rescct to be under somo degrco ol restraint. You may deiwnd upon it that he is a good man whose intimato iriends aro all good. It is only by lulsjr that thought can be mado healthy, and only by thought mat ia i r enn uo mane nappy, . . Experience is tho pocket mini,... few think of consultinir till thnv hnva lost their way. To live is nni to Icnrn, but to apply.