She Urublujitt. - imm i i-iit'a' i 'i f'T 'i ' Oaoao B. Gooolandih, Editor. CLBABFIELD, Pa. WKDNKSDAY MOKNINrt, JUNK I, 1875. I I Reader, if joo went lo know wdiet li going on la the bu.ln.ei world, Jail read our tdv.rti.lnf eula.a., the 4eeil eoluian lo particular. Nr Dioovui.w. Itooent i)cvul ment go to .how that tlio people o!' thin country nre cnrwd with "Ilk, whis ky mid Indian "riiigH," who annunlly choat the people out of million of dol lnr of revenuo.i i . i . . . Till Famii.t Dakkm. Col. Krcd. (J mil til bunking house bus already opened for business. I'pon tbo day of opening, Mm. President Grant drove down to the bank, and mndo a deposit of 12,000, by tbo way uf encouraging Fred, in bnsinos. Ax Ini i,t. In court at Montreal, Saturday, a lawyer quoted some point in the Jteeeher trial, when Judge Mon dlet nid : "Don'l fur (iod sake, quote from that ease bere. It is a din grace to New York." It ia evident from this that our half oivilined do minionites nre down on Plymouth morality. , , , On, Tm ! On, im ! "TIip Gov ernment' has wrilten a letter lo Hur ry 'VVhitu in aiwwor to the Lancaster resolution, (.runt does not want tlio third term any niore than he did the first. What a remarkable elucidation of Ca'sarism ! How conclusive and emphatic! . The Radical or rebel who is not atistled on that point must lie put down an a blockhead or a traitor. Kauiii Ktoxouihth. It is hard to say which Is the more blighting to our material interests, tbo ravages of the grasshopper pluguo or Radical role,-. Of ono thing, however, wo are quite rertsin o ed with both for anotli or year, most L.i' v,. i;i . ... ' ,' . , ,' lwniy wi 1 iaao w ngs niroii ersnoresirn 1 . . . . I 1 1 lie Lrcllullll sliitlltcs nf 1V Itl.Mll while the political jnckalls will be left alono to eultivate the burnt districts. A PaiTTV Thino. Tho Radical platform made at Lancaster hist week, is so insignificant that only about ons third of tho voters can stand on It it's a perfect dead fall, and no intelli gent votor will venture on It. The planks aro tho mere off-full of such lumber as C'rodit-Mobilier, Salary Grab, Back-Pay, Sanborn Contracts, Washington Rings, etc., otCi ' No so ber voter will venture to get on it,only the gophers and roosters will occupy it. 'Tun Govian.Mr-.NT" Knraokd. The third term "dig" given "the gov eminent" by the Lancaster Conven tion is one of the wickedest thrusts made at that Institution since tho rcb ols grounded their arms. Grant is ' hopping mad," and is determined to play "the bull in tba china shop" from now until the November eleotion. Like all patriots (!) he says he has nothing to lose, and way gain a point by forcing himself into a position he does not merit. Mistaken Soi ls. Tho backwoods delegates who wandered to the recent Radical State Convention at Lancas ter, may bo vain enough lo suppose that they helped lo nominate Hurt ranfl and Ruwlo ; but such is not thu fact. The nomination was made two months ago and ratified on Saturday night previous at tho Lochic! Hotel , in Harrisburg, and the meeting ati Lancaster was Conceded on the part of I tho ring rfiontcrs for the purpose ofjpudialed by the people. Just look l getting a look atthcir country cousins. B few of them : There was Juhn Cess- Tnsr Did Ir. John M. Ailanu was the Senatorial, aud Wui. C. Arnold Representative delegate to tho Radi cal State Convention at Lancaster, last week. They helped to kuock the third term In the brad, aud present to the people Uartranfl for Govcrnor,and Rawlo for 8taU Treasurer. Tho peo ple next November will rotir these two worthies to private life, like they did the officers ot the Conventiom Inst v. , ,, ., , ,, i November Cessna, n hito and Mann, ,., a...... , , mi nqniuiswfu, nuu yuv luoy lean a ....... ,, ,, . . . . . . I r i, illiam B. Mann, the real boss ot party whose principles como from (lod! , . ..... , , . the ring, repudiated ley tho people, in A LtCKfisK Prucher, It seems a city which ' gave twelve thousand that Henry 'Ward is not the only mem- Republican majority, nominated tho bor of tho Ueochor family who ieeccon-, Governor at the l.iiiicnsler Copyeti- tric and bangs on tho ragged edges lion. ' occasionally. Klmira, Now York, is! Tho people have set tho seal ol their also blessed with a Beoeher and a sen-i displeasure upon these blind guides nation as woll as Brooklyn, Tho Key. whom Republican conventions por- T. K. Beoeher, n brother ol Henry's, !it in following. Last Novem- ha recently preached a discourso in bcr they failed to avail themselves wholesale apology lor tbo liquor traffic in thii style : "I defend yoa. Your trade 1 lawful j no ono can accuse ynu of misdeeds!" Dr, Guorgo, ol the First Methodist Kpiscopal Churuh. gave a scathing review of th sermon Sun day evening beforo a large audience, and the excitement bid fair to rival, in a small way, that of the ono uoarer to New York. The defense of the liquor train ic by a minister ia indeed a ovelty that none other than a Beecher could successfully practice without bo ing throwa overboard. Not Happt. Radicalism it no long er happy. A Stato nomination i not equivalent to an election, as In days gone by. The rbiladclphia Pren ap pear to be breaking ground for a do- feat After recapitulating instances when Slate elections have gone like bricks set In a row, each following tho impulse given by its neighbor, it asks, "Suppose Ohio should go Democratic ?" and adds, "If we lose Ohio it will re quire the strongest efforts over the Re publicans of Pennsylvania have made to elect their ticket this year." Tho only answer tlm Pr(t can make to il own oreanndrvni is, that if tho ltepub Kcan of Pennsylvania expect (o fsirry Pvoasylvani fhey must carry Ohio first. But, as Sir 'John FalstafT told Justice Shallow, when lie wa asked to return roan of a thousand pound, "that may not to easy be." ' Th de feat of Ilartrand aud .JIawlo. In No Mnbor next I a foregone conclusion. Th people hare determined to clean out tbe T,mml)vt fend State Treasury tepMtJneiiU,iad brk up tba God m rtay whirh prey upoa (.hem. RAItt.Y EOCCATED. Tlio policy of Unco w hich lm been resorted to for the hint llltoen yearn to govern thin country, hmciiih tu lie taking root nil over the liiinl.'.lt 11111)1 ex 110 dilleivuco what the crime roininll ted are, military and bi'iilo.lViicv seems to be uppermost in tbo minds of our rulers and it proportion of the people. As an Illustration we need but refer tu the sentiment which prevailed through, out the Stale while the mining tlisliir bailees existed in this county. Nearly every liadical exchange wo saw, and some Jleinocviitle unes, loo, we are aorry to say, ,wiiiiled the following sentiment : Afelre Is ClearieM aoual. bib Is s bed- sin. snil nothing almrt of tbo military will auppre.a tbo outrage.. Thia U tha opinion of the tnu.t la- tellieal portion nl tlit eouninnlly. This would sound well enough in Europe,' but It i dnmniiblo heresy in the United Sttitcs, u ij I must he aui prcsacd if vu wunt to continiio ll) be railed a Kcpuhlic. The ignorauco aur! stnpidity "of the most fntclligcnt por tion of the community" Is most com- plu(ely elaborated in what has trans pired since their luminous advice was given. Ifad .Sheriff .McPhi'iwoii heeded the counsel of "the moot intelligent," and ignored , his , legal advisor,. Senator Wallaov, probably titty murders would have been committed In the mining ivgions of this county during tbo re cent strike'. Hut having ndniitcd the legal course of conduct, mid giving In ill oHralur and miners time to cool (heir Mood and to think and act like sober luciij all have come to their dense and are now at work, fully wit ieticd thai Mb operator mid miner played the fool newt successfully. Had it nut been for the local authori ties there would have bicn a niiniber of funerals and every principle of law upon which our private rights and public liberty rests would have been violated. ' .1 VICTORY IX AMIES. A good deal of virtuous indignation bus been gotten up among tbo lie pub licans, because) the Governor and C()m(lil of Vpw j,,,,,,,,,,,!,, in collnt, ing the ballots for the olectlon of Sena tor, threw out, those for "Natl" Head instead of counting them for Nathan iel Ueeil, 1 1 seems to us there is 110 l m ..r , ,.., ,,m,t,,r 111 Voo'the terms, and leaves no discretion with the official: shire, passed by a Radical legislature say, in the chapter prescribing the manner of conducting, elect inns for Slate Senators, thai : "TUa full Curittiaii ami air uauic of aiat t iaf ton votril for, with iht iailial Ultar ur Irltara of (ha niildla same, and thr vasal abtiraviationa fur jonior, taoon.l, third anj tba liaa, ahnll ba wril tao ar priolad upon cvarj ballot 1 nl arT bat lot ant tbua praparail and rait aAuH I rtmnritri aa a blauk naif not fonitcif. Threo ycara ago two Ib-uiocmts were counted out under this must ex cellent law ; yet, nut u single howl was sent np then against its injustice. But now, when two Radical Senators loso their sente, and two Hcmocrats arc seated in tber Blend, it is a very bad law, in the estimation of the party controlled by "grand moral ideas." The balance of the joke Is, that the seating of these two J cmocratio Sen ators gives tbo State to the Democrats and puts a Democratic Governor in tbo Exeeutivc chair, and tho great Radical victory won hist Mnivb, turns to ashes. Thu Radicals in New Hamp shire, and in fuot elsewhere are very unhappy over the result. They made tho law themselves and It was pro-j nouueed an excellent act, whilo ill turned out Democrats hut now when! somebody olse's ox Is gored it isawful ! I'Oh IT IV A L KA n-A-M VWIXSi. The recent Radical Convention which met tit Luncaster,aud re-nomiua-led UarlranlV for Governor, and Rawle for Htato Treasurer, was controlled by the worst political elements that ever assembled in this State. Tho leader! who set tho job up liuvo all been re- na, Temporary Chairman, repudiated by tho Republicans of his own dis trict, was made Temporary Chairman of the Lancaster Convention. Harry Whito, tlio Permanent Chair man, repudiated as a candidate for Congress in a Republican district, was nnvlo Permanent Chairman of the Lancaster Convention. Kdward McPherson, tho resolution reporter, rcpudintrd with tho Con gross ho served, prepared tho rrsolu- , . 1 lions for the Lancaster Convention. of their services. Next November they will quietly ignore their advice. THE TH'IXS. It is pretty generally known that Henry Word Bcechor ami Harriot Beecher Stowo aro brother and sister. The former is the author of the "Life of Christ," aud soipo ollior works, aud tbe latter is now writing book enti tled, "Woman in Sacred History." Wo hopo sbo will not go as deep down Into tho grave a when alio dwelt on Byron, and embellish the pagoaof this new work with mor truths than are to lie found in "I'nclo Tom' Cabin," In our opinion, Harriet mid Henry perpetrated inure social and moral devilment than any otlidr o persons now outside a penitentiary. Harriot might tnuko a good thing out of Httgar or the Witch of Kndor, but d(p had better keep her dirty hands off of JUnnah and Mary and Martha, after haudliug Byron and I'nclo Tom for so long a period. ruffs from Harper, Boston Common mullh (Infidel, 'n(iij Wtrily (re ligious), Allnny Journal, Fort Meott Monitor, and olher Radical paper are; "dogcheap'anyhow, and Harriet may. prevent hrr book from going "a high as akiui," as Sam Wilkinson remarked , w lion alluding lo Henry's book. ' Taul Boylon was successful in Ida sccoud aaUcnipl to cross tlio Kngltsh channel. Jlo Wayl.'J on last Friday morning, at 8 o'eksk, and completed the Jonmcy in twotiy-thriM) hours and thirty minutes. The JI0i)oo hrrc be crossed I between twenty aud thirty mile. I AO f'HA THRXA h I'XIOX YET. The Presbyterian t 'hinvh North and Smith has been trying lo cfl'cel a union I ever since 1 he close ofho war. Strong c.'iinnlltivH Imvo been appointed IVoui both ections, lutt till ucgittii.tioa mom to lad. In the (toner! Assembly I Which ! held ilk I session lit! CleVolnud, Oliioniit'JVeet;, another' oflorl was niiide. Thu t'oiiiniilteo on Hills and Over,,,,, reported on the e qucs - i"'ii ui imivinBi iti iv.iMMiii.iuv llll the rresliyleriau C'buii h South. The rcciimiitomhitious are embodied in the following resolution, which was adopt ed with only a few dissenting votes: rVMoafif, That tfcla Aiaauililv ilarply ri'gr.ta Ibat ai'icotialluna in rcft.-ruit.'e tu fratirual cr raHlioBili'nca baia failail 1 that lha Aiwtulilj ilaata It tipMliant as srraa tba iiMilio vl' fratamal r. lallimi at proiau! by furtbar nrielialionilbniUKb Ilia at anotliar oowtalUaa. At tha aaua lima lha Aiiainblv nvall itaall of tliia op liurluiiiljr to afllrui uuUiriHally ila atiullilanaa In Ilia Lulasritjr autl Cbrialian oliaractur ul aur bratbrrn of Ilia SnulhorD t'hurrh, and ta drrlara that all art sod rlliiemnia nf tha Norlharn AftMwblioaaf shlith Ifaoy riuilAis aro wholly nil and void of bludinf affloaoy aa juilaiuaata of tha church wo rrrent (ir Ha rulca ol procaad inaa for lha Praaliytarica and Charon ipiaiuna.atid that Is 10 far aa thay or nay af Ibaaa aas ba aun. porad to tinpart any iuluriuiu iuiiulatiooa on tba preiaut character and ataudlas ol tha churchoa and tnaoibart tif tha rlftitthi-nt Aaiaaably aa Prrabylrriani, aacb au aiplicntlos of thorn woul4 bo uujual e them and would ho lliaapprovad and lagrctled by tti, and lurlhar to raattrm aiplioitly In hartnasy with tbc rcpcatml and rraphatlo d. Ulrrancaof ISrncr a-aainbllapt'our baarly wll- itnsiifli auil aur aarnaAl a4id ainoera datlraj tur tho rr-crtallibiiifnt vl fratarnal rclatlnnl bo Iwcun tha two hiiilh-a n tarma and cnadltlonh which llmll bo nuluallv hunomlila tni la tha iiril ol t'biiiliau haaity furbesranca aud brolb frly hive t aud that wc await in charity thanarly aumlnit of tha 'lav whoa we ahull again minjl. with nor brethren il the rnjuih.ra cborch in Chrillnii fallowahip and co-operation. It is cvitlent Irom this that the di sensitms are to be continnett, and the whole question of a fraternal union hu been indctinitcly postponed. , An I'.nnki t.scAiiv Pmii.ippiu. The editor of the llollidnysbiirg StaiuUml lives too far from the tield ot strife to write the follow ing unkind para- g'up'i: . . I'raacul Hp.raraiiiici indii'Mla Iba ifm-dy auli. sldencc of Ilia mining trnnlilca in the Clearncld reKion. The an-iking minora, rrndarad bebl by tbo mmiiig cosanliia of tbo autboritiaa, andia. oiled to dacda uf viuU3"c by tbc iui.udiary ap peal, uf audi men a men a Mnji Pirka and John Siacy, tcraporiiiid ilia wbola region fur Mime Ititie. Mcu who want Ihura with the in teulion of workinjr w.ia drtren from tha plana, aud many wure maltreated. "The authorities" did their duly cx actly at thu right time, as results show most conclusively, and Hrsons at a distance had better not enter judg ment until they hear both sides. A Fatal Stab The Radicals at their State Convention, last week, so riously wounded the government" by hilling il over the head in this man ner: ltfvUt, That wa declare a ftrm, MuuualiAed a.lhrrrnea to the onwrlllrn law of Iba rroublle, which wiai ly aud under Iba aanclion ol tho nioal rcnerablo of eiiiinplm, limlla ihn Preaijeiitial acrvlca of any cltiaen to two terma : aud wa, the Rcpulilicaoa of PcniiaylmnU, in r.-ooaruition uf thia law, ara unalterably oppoaej to lha alactlns to tha Prcaldcocy of any purroa for a third term. If that docs not settle Grant's hash wo wonder what will. RhNKUAIirs AT A PRKMII M. The (iuilictil leudei-s seem lo be in love with renegade Democrats. Ilurtranfl and Ruwle aro both of this elass, and no genuine Radical coulil make a nose at a nomination. "Tit ros Tax." The 1,11c jiroltlKatra of Jfew Yis-k believed tba ecandal. Mr. .'ewer'e neceA. Mr. Kvarts is mistaken. 1 The profli gate classes are on M r. Beecher's side ; and those who most fear that ho is guilty are the religious, respectable people. Sun. ASSO 'U TEn I'll ESS 1. ETTEIt. PiiiiaukM'iiia, June 1, 1 S7f. JAY COOKK, No. IX on the list of Real Kslute Sales, at tho Philadelphia Kxchango, May 21th, was "Ogontz," bile tho palaco of tne pnnco ot bankrupts, Jay cookc Thu protiertv, consisting of 217 acres of ground, with its munsion, built four stories high, ot tjinncy Granite, was glowingly described in tho catalogue. And yet, its two towers rising grandly in mid air; its Italian nud porte-eoclurr outcomes ; its ciglil Until rooms, billiard moms, theatrical room, with stago and scenery, lis score of lied minis, its six furnaces und its of low-down grates, its windows of heavy French plate glass, handsomely stained aud ilgureil, as Mr. Cooke only knew how to-figure, ami its frescoed wulls, all i fulled In wIIt-acI ottiiiii llinii llm nim'l.iil curiosity of tho timing Unit attended tho sale. I take it for granted, that excepting ii i .!.... inuslirtsinieries duernarks Iwlee house planum nujiiv eus uunsvs, gi Hsincs, rosen'oira, rtpmwtwg rsial, (very I picturcstiio, fish pouds, hedges of j Norway spruce," must have deueuer- ated since Jay Ccoke ei-eclcd litis royal castle on Ciicltou Hills, at a cost of l,0Ui),t)im. In order to induce a bid. tho i auctioneer offered to throw in the ele gant household furniture of the bank rupt, his 300 fine oil paintings, library of rare hooks, und large stock ot claret, catnwaba and sherry wines, bat never a bid was niado for "OgonU," ami I can account for it in no other way than that a half acre, on which is creeled tho mausoleum, was exempted from tho sale of the bankrupt's estate, 1 would not, fur the world, aswUino that the millions of greenbacks sunk by this rennwiiud firm have liccn buried lu thai mausoleum, and yet, if an intima tion had been suggested by some friend nr fian of Cnoke. flint in ttin Ictf. Imnil rnrngr nf Hint nniinnlmim u-iim l,.ii i,.,l three or four millions of syndicate i bonds, or government greenbacks, 1 think a sule of "Ognnta" would have been effected. Happy, fortunate Jay Cisiko, not to have a bid for "Ugontg ;" the trustees of tho estate can now place him there, kecMir of the "lodges at each gate," cultivator of the mu-dirooms, feeder of the fishes, tc. Ac, at a nominal salary, of say, 110,000 per annum. How nlco it was that it was not sold, for Mr. Cooko can now hsik after the deer park, ami tho graprrica, anil alter the toil of tbo (lay aro over he ran Con template tho"nulatoritim and reservoir, reprnenting mint," until tho cow his four Jersey and Alderneys come home. iriii.noo. Graduates of the Pniversity of Penn sylvania will beimilifled t" know that John II. Tow on, whose will hit just i . i i i ..ii . . , inent of Arts, Science, .Medicine and Law lapgbt in tho institution. Mr. Towno also left If.OOO.flOO to his rela tives, and vnon to the I ei,nsyvjinia . Hospital, A Rich ' Pi.Aca."-By (he decision I of the court of claim: on Monday. u,.i.rf m ..i U1...1.... t ii i... I sons of the great Illinois Senator, re ceive an award of I2.i9.000 for 1.457 bales of cotton on the Mississip pi iibuitnlLin belonging to Mrs. Doug- a.i..',u .... aai'.a i-m-'iii .b a'lliriunaa, ny mo reiicryi ioics. iiialium should iiittko Iho l)oiiglai faiiiiy , rniuer eomiorinuie or iciy imj-a. . Tbcy iav dlivrfj Michael An- grlo Drivata porTosHinden(;c;au( ft"8 a gixidfhiiirj for jioor iliko thnf lip wa never in llrooklyp J r .1 . ; tiurgli receiver ot t ho till Crook rv AI etui's for r irnitnlii tniziiV! tiur j&nrn-ji . .e ... .. . . lliu piiroi'iiy, ill,. .1 iii.'i i-i, iiiniu nil tiecii rcgisici-cu, nenueiiineii io vne i,oilgu. - ," ,, , " rnlvorslty 0,000 tho Ineom, of Thara U . r,..,.rk.ble effort l 31X2!: which ,. to Is, used In paymen of ttauiUet iUe Blaiik Hill. i.oKoti.tioi.. nnTlurffl salaries lo Iho professors engaged In U nahlnirtoii In a ll.ielr ammlirn nf wr8'f V ? .r"1 "' J,l,0ilp Imnsrlinir lii.tincllon lo Ir,,. lnr. Vf,?''' , n ... .... v iiiiiiinai ifieni il la iitiimiiiiii aa iiiii minn u Ban i AA'11'.S ITEMS. Moth Houses of the New York Legislature adjourned tint ilie on Nat untiiy, the 22d all. The 'iiil)le Nefiraska people riltiitcd thirteen niilliou trees on their . I prairie lust jwnr, - (iolonul Forney, of tha ' Philadel phia PrM. will net return tgthis coun- ll'V limit li.f.iimltt. nnvl I ' ..,.,,, . 1 y'TZSL I'rinccton Illinois. Thu dreaded grosHlioppers have reached Illinois and a cry of alarm la walU'd on the breeae. A general rush Hunt Oaliloroia to the gold and silver mines of Vermont in vnmtnti, n. , , , Gen. Killpatriek has boon admit- led lo the bar, aud proposes to make Richmond, Indiana, his future field of operations. Mrs. (iaskins, of Carteret countv N. C, "weighs 640 pountls, aud one of ner si.K'Kiiiirs n nuhel nl sliolletl corn." Andrew Jackson, leader of the gang of thieves who latuly rohlied the express olllco at Corning, Arkansas, bus been arrested. , , The Presbyterian bodies now in session in the North aeoni to be unable to make any liroirretta toward a union I U'ilt, thaa riiii.b Uintl, In lltitler county, this Slate, nine otHcei's are to bo elected in November, anil for these there aro H8 Republican nod 00 Democratic candidate. James K. Munbak, the retired actur, is building a churuh at iluedooU, Ylllren county, Ohio, with the earn ings of his readings. The enisnde has broken ont again in Oberlin, Ohio. Women on thu streets snlisxi keepers on their ear rowdies on their muscle. The flist grain ever cultivated in the Kishacoqiiillas valley, Mittlin coun ty, was in 1705, by one of tho McNitt family. .Sosuysthe Lowistown Umrttt. Tho Postmaster fioncral has for bidden the Cincinnati postmaster from paying I.. D. Sine, a dealer in lotteries in that city, any money on postoftice orders. Musical sand is found near ML Sinai, in Arabia. When disturbed, notes are produced resembling an a-oloan hurp, or tho sound of a cork drawn over a wet glass. (ienoral Braxton Bragg has ac cepted the position of Chief Kngineer of the triiff, Colorado and Santa Fc Railway, for which gronnd was broken on .May 1st at Galveston. Tho Legislature of Rhode lslnti.1, on the 25th ult ., elected Henry LlpHtt tiovernor, una Jienry I . Msson Lieu tenant Uovernor. Tlio otlioers were sworn in and tho election completed. The insurance on pinperly destroy- en in ino line lerriiile conllagralion at Oshkosb, Wisconsin, has nearly all been uiid, ami arrangements are making tor tlio erection or a large numlier ul brick buildings. The lliiltimoro A Ohio Rnilnwd Company recently paid into tho Mary, land State Treasury the sum of $424, 2l'!l.Sl, in satisfaction of the tidgment rendeivd against it by the Cnited Stntes Siijireme Court. General Brockinridge leaves a sou w ho bears tho namo of "Owen County Breckinridge," in honur of the county w hick secured the eleotion of bis lather to Congress In 1853, in the contest with Governor Letcher. They say now that George Wash ingtou's father was a bard charaotor. He nsed to go hunting wild bees on Sunday anil wear at tho nigh ox bo. ennse hr wnnldn'tomcinnlerth0yokci and let him put the pin in the bow. The Ortler of United American Mechanics will bold a grand celebra tion, in Philadelphia, during tho Cen tennial, on July 8, being the anniver sary of the order. Thirty flvo thou- sand mechanics in full regalia will he in line. I lan O'Leary AumIiwI his walk ol five hundred miles, in Chicago, at one o'cltsk, thirty-two minutes and filly seconds, on tlio ..Id till,, completing the distauco in ten hours, twenty-eight minutes and ten seconds less than the time allotod 150 hours. '"MollioKhort"and ' Juuinta'' and three barges were dis Iroved by fire at Pittsburgh, lust Tburs- day morning. No livos lost. Total loss ol.itl fllls, IUIO Tl. ill. chango"anchorcd near by was damaged j to tho amount of 1500.'. David McCargo, Ksijt ; J- ..i- li:n. ,11 I II v- signed, iw General Superintendent ofjwjn.K (, "jngalta is jnmprd to the . i , " . . ,M""W" u The Pittsburgh Ii)xtleh, of Wed-!"1 mwlay a week contained the names of niiecn nnntireu nnu iwcnty-six persons who had been granted a license to noil j liquor in "that county. Tho list oeeu- i pied lourieen column t.ieonso innmii-cisariwrnrisoniorc, that eon n try arc granted by the Coun ty Treasurer. -Th. financial condition of Spain! crown wono ana worno ovcrr utiv. Tts revenue, which wa, Uli.OfloioOO it. 1871, is now but 80,800,oiH), nd its debt at three ner cent , is fully ly t2(,5,Ufl0,0U0 1 so that it would take al most tho entire revenue to pay tlio in terest on the national debts if that in terest were paid, as of course it is not. r Shorilt Wpringer, of ftiyottc coun ty, bus arrested forty miners for un lawful demonstrations on the South west Pennsylvania Kailtxwd. and Itxlgcd them in the I'niontown jail. The prisoner Who Were On a Strike, lit dimpled to iulorfera and compel other miner to cease working, and, in soma ooso, it I said personal abuse was re sorted to. Tho recent sale of pews in Dr. Unit's new Presbyterian Church, Now York, brought tho highest prices ever pnid in this country. One hundred and fifty -five pews were disiosed of at be state, wore not well kept, aa be al : i: A I : .,1 L.n .1 1H .ll...l a., a prices wlircb realised a premium ol f 77,imu. J mi tout valuation' of the entire sitting onliacity of tho church is 8800,000, and the stinual rental will amount to 118,000. Tbe Nuiirciiie Lodge of iho K night of Pythias nas docidtidto hold its next session In Philadelphia, on the fourth Tuesday In August, 1876, and appointed a committee lo make arrangements for tho Centennial celebration there. A committee wa appointed to prepare a now manual, Willi instructions to re , Imnenetra tilo to tlio vaxe of the general public. Tbe Great Fa ther will not hear the children of tho iforest talk; and the Great Father at- tsndant braves, Delano and Smith.haT no Idoa ol letting lied Cloud ur Spot- 1B." TV. . WrP,n,K V,, ,n to dftnmT.t nf tha Indian ring. Tbe shii "Alert" and "Discovery," of the British Artio expedition sailed on tho afternoon of tlio 30th ult., from Portsmouth, Enelanil, Thousands of nnoplo witnoMod their departurr. f bora wo gtvat chtierng dnd nit)cb ' port at the next session of the Supremo , . minrr. i new have ia j of the general public. Tbe Great Fa- iner win not near me cniitiron ol men enthuilsstu frisnifesUd. ' Tba guperil llo U ontrlal at Vlckaburg oi T nm ent a disnntch wlsblttir aucccaa tn thn he. nf l,,fi..iMHa. i ji-ij l, iex)cdition." T)io votwels aro fitted out ' rf 'o year. voya,fe, when they ! i will be prdjircd. to fetul n ioful or I pot. AX APPALLI.YO DISASTER. I A riaKHaoacoiTiH AraowixDCHUKiH! Tuaaiai. aciNCs siventt mem, WOMia AM) IHILDIM riaiHII. SraiNiiriKLD. lias., May 27. Tho I vabinet, in order to have at least one most horrible disaster lathe history or competent man at bis command. The llolyoko, Mass., occurred to-night, in ! Warren ledger, in alluding to this sag the bunting of tho Freuch Catholic geslion, says: church, at South Uolyoke, during the "J udge Seofleld is unlucky in hi evening sendee, Involving the loss of j toadies. All great men must eadure sixty-six men, womcs and children totulies, but few have so foolish a squad Tlio exorcises had nearly closet), a of tliein fellow who in their blind vesper sendee was being sung, when cul do him infinite injur-. Ono caught the draperies on tu. altar caught tiro.biui in the Credit Mobilier net, by from a candle, and th wall being low, , making au unauthorized and untrue and tho flames streaming up. tbo build - ing was set on lire. Tlio audience liumlicrod about seven hundred. The people in tho body of the church . caM3d, but on the stairway leading from tho gallery human being were backed '" ,lcn"u u'"i "Iruggling to oscapo " ,hu lamea niBhed toward them. M"y ''"pwl to tho floor beneath and ncrv irnutpieu 10 uoatli. luo gallery skirUsl both sides of tbo building, with only ono entrance from tho front, Tho scene was fearful in the extreme during the little time it lasted. The priest's house, which joins the church on the rear, was also burned. The bodies were -taken to Reter Monats'a store and the Park street school house for temporary deposit. The Inquest will bo held to-morrow at 9 o'clock, a. m. The church and pastor's house was totally destroyed, but tho loss is small and partially In sured. Besides the sixty -six bodies, ! tatin, and that Renusylvaiiia could there are enough fatally w ounded to j nt bo better represented than by his carry tho total loss of life up to seven-1 being called to the Cabinet. But many ty-tive. The reoopiized dead up to i men who feel und would liko to say this time aro as follows: Mrs. Burgers, 'these things ara driven off by his toad MmVictorNoirin.St. CalixteLanoie, ilea, who seem determined to" do all the ,i j I- ' " ' , . .i-iniiiiiiw, wiioi aaaiia 1 - four children, Isaac Morin, Fabier Mo reau, Miss Ida Lu France, Justin,1 Mrs J-.vina, Jll I t'eslletetlau", wifb and nrissan, Aipnonsiue Jioreau, Mary one 01 me nicmocrs ot the intain Daucette, Ktta Mcncner, the daughters ous Credit Mobilier ring of being an of Augustus Couche and A Ueno honest man, especially ono of those X anion. Jwho voluntarily denied having any Tho exercises bud nearly closed connection therewith, and stated that w hen tho tiro bookf out. Immediately tbo name was "too French" for them , tho list is George A. l.n Dow, ( 'on a panic ensued ami the pooplo rushed ; to comprehend. It is well understood j grossman elect from Oregon, died in for the doors. Tie gallery had but ! that this man Scofield was the greatest Paiidlcton, that Stale the 1st Inst. ,... ..,.. c . i... .1. 1 1. ,,!,. l VV....I. ...:.. . . II., ... ,.i..,..,i i... ,i... ii..., ... mm iiiiiaiiiu limn lliu iiiiiii. vail I lie stairway leading frjiu the gallery the I people, were strug(Jing to clear them-; selves as thu Amies rushed toward them. The passigo soon became blocked, rentlering exit iinMissible. Many jumicd ovr the sides of the galleries on the crwd beneath, and a number were tranf ded on and killed many escaped thnugh a door back ot tho altar leading t the priest's house. The priest's exerlions to keep order were fruitless. The screams of the living and the iioaun of the dying made a dcul'cuinr tumult above the orders of the pastir, w ho worked most heroically, and wis Hraonally instru mental in saviinj many lives. One tauiily ot lour were in the church and : gossip lias sprung up in tcuiierat(?) all were killed. Many were pulled out j New Knghitid, since the Concord i-elu-by tho arms and feet so badly burned ! bration. with reference to the amount that Ihey lived tut a few hours, tho I of grog the Presidential party eon flesh peeling oil on beinif touched, sinned on that occasion. The follow. Some were tiikrt out with scareelv any flesh remain. ng on their bonus. Tho Sisters of Me-y from the convent were wsin on hind caring for the wounded, and witk the priest holding services over thu lying. Thu mother of Father JlulVesie was among those terribly burned, rather Dulrtwne lost almost overythinu in his residence, so rapidly was tho Ititldiug consumed, it being as dry as tinder. The large tenement house Joseph Prow, near tho burned church, was thrown open for the reception of tho dead and wounded, and several dinlha occurred in this building during the night Several were also tnken lo the N. Y. boarding-bouso, and the physicians trace the wounded the best of earn. Those who were too badly burned lo rwover were put under the effect of morphine and jiassed away without a struggle. While tha exercises were were being held over tho dyinw ! most inuiuso quiet provailtul, and the rough luborcrs knelt upon the floor with uncovered heads, but about the morgue and in the streets the wailing of tho multitude was pitiful to hear. Si immum at Last. The Philadel phia Times says : The intriinie carried on so long to put General G rant' man Ingalls at tbe head of the Quartermas ters Department has succeeded at last. Gen. Meigs, who ba for seroral years iwavni n,i ajii-iin u IIIMIICV llllll IO roaign, retire, or accept a fnroii'n mis sion, has now been ordered abroad, "for siescial service In inspecting and re- i'T"nK 'M ,, ln ol lor- cign armies," and Colonel Rtifu In galls is detailed to act as (Quartermas ter General during hi absence, which will probably be made to extend over the remainderofGrant' term. Ingalls i not the next in rank to Meigs ; Col, Allen and Backer aro both alvove him. But it ia one of tho peculiarities of Ibis military administration that it pay none of tbo regard that a civilian would naturally nnv to rsnk or seninritv or hean ol th Vfiiartermaster Detiart- 1,10 J'reslilent personal staff, wa jumped orer all the lieuumant colonels " i" aM-iiriri men of Subsistence. It will be a nice, "impact little military family in the A Bin Dxru iT. The Allegheny Val i.... :i t . .i . r. . . ' u ' 7, 'T, , , " U - ,.1a u t "r ! '',tfre1 M".T ?'.b ' TO"l" 'T ,' . TiT ' h"10 "J m- 1 '"""""'. AIj"P7 rd N. Sawyer to recover M),000. the amount of William A. Tomlinson'shond. The affidavit of President John Scott, which accompanies the declaration.sets forth that Tomlinsnn resigned bis posi tion June 30, 18,4. Homo timo alter, it is alleged, it was discovered his ac count with the company were deficient to the amount of ii'n,754.!i5. The bond, as almve stated, is 150,000, and the action Is brought to recover this sum from his bondsman. After this proceedings wilt bo Instituted against he ex-treastnvr alone for the remain ing 118,764 .95, being the difference be tween the amount of tho bontl and the sum total of the deficit. The defend ant, it Is stated, claims that he Is not aocoiintableforthemoney. The books, legos he pan ihow If allowed to trace everything np. VfgfjurjA eVfrfrr. LlYIMI Willi A Hl'LIKTIN HlS HkAD. Mr, Carruth, the Vinuland editor who was shot through tho head by Mr, Landls, about two month since, till live, and his cose I remarkable in the annals of turgery. Tho N. Y. Herald say : Hi hoiuo pstlilc doctors, who wore called in the rase to the ex clusion of one of the most celebrated Burgeons of Philadelphia, have given mm nut ono medicine Irom tlio liegm- the use of the probe is considered In judicious. The ball isaupimsed to bava lodged near the eve. upon the skull. and should it becomo encysted there is bono that the iiatient may recover. TUt ha still llioa and li conjclmni Is citbor marvel of nature or it triumpji of medical (kill, Pooa Fai.tAB. Cardoio, the colored Superintendent of Publio Instruction in Mississippi, who wrote to the Sun omo time ago protesting bis Innocent of certain offeiico alleged HiU'll'l him, is naving p Qjiportiinity ProT time bctweoii the jail and tha court room, a no on i willing to rik their money by Nwinlng .urttT fbr blm Hun. '" " LEFT I1ASVED COMPUMEXT. A northwestern Radical orean iu- sisls that (irant should apiioini ex - Coiliri-essllisn Heufleld s inemLi- i.l Lis 1 denial, in the Judge's name, of owncr- nip ol (lie stock, utliera make him I riilwiiliuiu Ll- i.nt. !.. a.. I. .... I.:. - . ff vai aamK iai uir, i-arpclbag IVom thu train. Others cheapen and decrade him as a noliti eian, by hasteuiug to noniiuato him for every otliciul vacancy, big and lit- tie, that any whervocc lira. Those toad ies are not Judge Scolield's real friends. J hoy ara a load iiiwin his back. Al most everything that he has done that has been offensive to nubile seutiment and injurious to bis isinularity has i,.. i ....I ..c 1 : i' .i -vii L-evi aim oi nun ny iiicsu men. All of them have secured some olllco from him, anil every such appointment has cost the Judge'a share of his pop ularity. No well informed persons question that Judge Scofield is a ptibliu man of the first of ability one to whom it is no misnomer to apply tho comprehensive word 'statesman.' None doubt that he would grace the highest Root ucKIIlg llieiliselvus." it is iniioed strange that any man of ordinary Inlclllitenw should suspect - m .1 mi-in 111; n 111. i 1 ri 11 it .1 111 11 Johnson's administration, and earned tho reputation of beingoneofthe most uncantlid civaturcs that infested tho national capital, 'fliis is bis standing among those who have handled him. flow nittuiul thcreloro lor toadies to cater to each others tusles. nconcm ami Harry lute are ecr- itainly at the head of t he class, and tho inipurtiul historian will make a record of Unit fact when he comes to put his manuscript on file. If Pennsylvania ever foitlensl a brace offirst-ola's dem agogues, these ara the individuals, and no inislnlie. (iovirnmkmt Wiiiskv. Much idle ing despatch limn Huston, dated May 2ii. is to the iKiint : The inouirv of how iniich w hisky Gun. I irant and his par ty drank ou the occasion of his visit to tho Concord ami Lexington centennial promises to be an interesting and dis turbing question. At a meeting of the Stale Tcoapornnce Alliance this alter, ittsin, presided over by ex-Goy. Tinsk, a Mr. II. D. Cusbing stirred up tbo meeting by offering a rusolutiou that a committee be apiioiuted to ascertain and report whether liquors were fur nished ly the State to its guests on the occasion ol the Lexington and Con cord centennial. Ji r. t 'ushing explain ed that bis reason lor offering tho res olution was the fact ttiat lha newspa pers Lave published a bill, from the Revere House, giving as ono of the items in the entertainment of the Pres ident and parly over $10(1 for wine and cigars, ilr. Ciisiniig added that he had it from thp intimate friends, not iiiu enemies ul iresKleul liralll, I list there is danger of Grant falling back into tlio condition be was in preceding me war. GaxAT at Imitating. Kellogg. w ho pretends to be tlio Governor of Louisi ana, seems lo have taken lessons from his patron, Gen. (irant, in ndation to increasing the emoluments of bis office, for his salary bears a small proportion to the total expense which the im poverished people of that State arc compelled to pay for tho maiutennnce oi me r.xocuiive otticc. Tho fimirc as given in tlio Appropriation hill for I uier . t. ,, iniu, are as ioiiows: floraraor'e salary Oetaraor'aaoatingeateiueaeae rrirale Saeratary Clarlia. Portar ana weeeearer.... , 27,100 In 18110 the entire expensts of the Executive department, including the Governor's sulary, was $10.50(1, or aliout the same sum which Kellogg absorbs for "contingencies." In an other respoet the policy of the rtsurping Governor Is liko that of sonic other high officials. In addition to the money ho draws openly from the Treasury, the opportunities of his offico ara believed to be so cultivated as to yield magnificent returns iu cash. Till GovxaxotsHiP. A Washing ton dispatch to tho associate press says Kx-Governor Cnrtin, of Pennsylvania, has written a letter to a frieiid there on tho subject of the coming campaign in that Stale. Some time ago quite a number ol Curtin's ersoiinl friends, as well as several leading Democrats, among them Mr. Samuel J. Ilandall, j were in mvor oi mnKiiig l urtin the cundidato of lha liberal ltcpublicniis and Demoeruts, ngainst IlnrlraiiP, for Governor, Cnrtin waa to make tho plunge (a Kaii'lall expressed it) by go ing into Connecticut and stumping for tho Democrat; but in this be tailed through tho persuasion, it la said, of Whitclsw Real, John Cochrane ami other liberals, Cnrtin now write that under no circumstances will he bo a candidate for governor. Ho tbws nut think that In tbc present condition of politic in Pennsylvania he could give any strength lo the combined opponi tion, even it he could accure th nom ination. Jlo is firm in the belief, how ever, that llartranlt and the Republi can ticket will be defeated, ami that the Ilemoerata and liberals will elect their t'uudidato, OiiAoain, TlieSpi-ingfield(,Maiwi.) Republican, strange a it, niay' aooin, coming from (hat quarter, coddles the "government" in this rude manner: "(ion. (irant and hi family are prepar ing to leave lor Long llranch. Ima gine, if you can, the dullness of Wash ington for four long month, till 'hi Kxcellency,' a the Jltrald rails him. comes hack again with hi cigar. The deserts or the far-off mountain peak are nothing to the stagnation of the n.pUa.1 in I'M'' eiiHttneji, wih. Prosidont aim inost ol tic y auinet memtier gone. Our J)eino ratie IHetid aay that they will show the country in 1877 that a President ran live in "rVasbiiiiton thro' the summer, and that their man vm! tlo a the old President all did, stay there. Lincoln, Buchanan, Pierce, Kill more. Polk and Van Huron, one anil alj, r.;ni(,ln tliuipial the year rouii'l, wii, possibly, a trip or a fort night away, - (.rant won't slay, and til aaauelatea aud interiors follow hi example," LroAi.i v K Judire Hall dr. oidod, at the recent ailjoamed court ip Somerset, that lead itrnoll (Itrnaturua wore aot jeiral, nd that the Court here after would Ulto no eognizance of poli tiona, bond or other paper nnloa the signature ware made in ink. Thia deciaion will be of importance t mapy P'VM. 1 sfi ot fridge view JrJ signed with pencil. llAlllf'Al. Itl'I.E. The Warren Arifi.r in refering Uli ' .. lie lueuroveriilncut ol our once huiuiv lid priasptinitin country snys: ream! anil oorruption sis-iii to i,,evll.bleeo.,,.quene,JofRadic,,l rule. I hey lire inseatrably eonnei'ted with ttie existence ot tlial iinrty, or at least I..-- k,.. :..i.t- us lease ot iowur. rio patent is litis liiet that it would sewn all the politi cal rascals hail united with It for the urHww of creating a vust combi nation lor plunder. One fraud follows j another, until it is almost almost In, possible to keep truck of the expositions constantly going on. J lie t'acilic Mail Subsidy and Sanborn and Jiivuel'rtttds lollowcd Credit Mobilier, lliu Indian Ring frauds have been exposed, we have been treated with "straw bids" in tho Post Olllco iloia,rtiiiuiil, front und back pay took thousands of dollars from the tHMiiile'a iioekels into the liis k- '""' ".' au-u.j uMrrYHONX t tl,EAKFIi:l.l) fill A NC'IIJ lost a million dollars by the silk smug- ' - I Wiiii.m turma..... irliies mill IhrciiniilliiiiM In- ll.a. U' W au.l after M lay, MAV :l, IS71, ilia Kliiabeth Suiilea.... Pimr uiirl e.. ..1, I ll. 'l .I'll. .1... , ... r ...... " , , . , .1, tor. Will an end ever euuiu to this? Wu opino not till power has been com pletcjly wrestisl ti-om the Kii.iieiil party. Not till that party has been so utterly overthrown that all chance of ever regaining Hwer is gone forever will tho people breathe easy, aud fool that their interests ara not at the mercy of a mercenary and unscrupulous political combination, Not till a Presi dent has beon chosen who will disdain to aimoilit to office thieves ami cornm. tinii ls. men nf Lrnotvn l.n. I .I.. ,.i..,. . , . , , , ' Cleartielil :le " l,nlereelten...7-n7 men M heur au iiitlcllilile murk ot Phiiipaburg... s is oraois i.m disgrace and are utterly unworthy ol'f'ee.iia s.jj , any nositinn ol trust, tin rcuL l"1"11" -'-" " Cie.rei.i,ar.2s do the graut mass ofAmerican Hoplo, comprehend the enormity of the fraud and stealings in the various depart ments ol the Government 1" Is it any wonocr llinl "uuru times is all oryr Tu at Dr.ATii Roll. Conirrcssmei llko other people must die. The Inst 1 - ........ , 111.1 1 .i-uiv. nn. 11. the general election in IK" I. having a majority of :I02 over the Republican . candidate. There ara now five vuctin - fies in the lower house lo lie tilled by special election, as liillows: First dis- trict ot Miissucliusnlts (Mr. Rutllng ton's,. Republican nuijnrity. 5,'iili ; Fouil h tlist rift of .Maine ( M r. f I ersey s), Republicuii iniijority. 2.!IS:- ; Thirty third district of New York (.M r.AHcn'e'l, Ill l II I.l: :..:... i o... ocraiic plurality, bus. I lie vacancy in the Ninth Georgia district (ciiiimsI Ii y tho iciith of M Milium Inn all einlv been Hllwl by the .Iction of II. II. Hill Democrat. . . a . tv tn.iiinn I' '1 ll... .... .. ........ ......... .... ion i-iuu snys: tne iiemocruts Came into power lit Atalttlllin. ttie Crist - It of tho Statu is rising ami lite ivpu - tation of the governing authority there i beiollllllg mora slivorv. Tiiev have accomplished some reforms and' taken stc.sto bring aliout others. About the first work ol the Lcifisliilure was to pass an honest election law. which. i...,l;.....:...trt..i:.... . . . . . """"" s'"a ......v.. ..... . .mmk M"" Cation of property, lilucttll ,r ,. tBX, WHS Skillfully framed III prevent1 in the future the' election frauds which 1 ll., .. . , , have been the curse ot the State iltir- ing the past few Veal's. This secures fair elections, and a Democratic ad-' ministration will b, a possil.ili.y in ll.e J ftlture. - m a.. j The IlniTiNhurir Fntritit fiinn)iTnn( t the actum wf the Coiiwulioit in this way : 11 ih evi.uni to tno iujuiitwt ni- (trt'lifiiHicm that the Kt'publienn imnv ias panned the day of iu utt. W w 14 gniKpui Ut 1 DO nMCCttori of a thick aud thin purtiMn and a mmi af nhilitv lilrn Mr Klmmr r.x m m uoimy like Mr. wraiiff lor a rnio- ft'""' I'l imivini. iinvu ir. iinvtiu, wikini' merit aa a cundiduto, if ho has any a-if.ininia, ii, ma lueu.isjiicuousniis, allows that tlio old aggressive spirit of the aei ,uuiiv:ail JIBI ly taUCAU. JlllOlOllgUr Dencre in itselt, but lollow alter Htrange god and nillies around new standard-bearer. The Philadelphia 7miifaaya: Shorn of hi Pilgrim friend, Governor Hart - ...... ..,.,.., ..,, , ui.ii i i all clause, of rit.rens by virtue of his r.ntl aanr.......... il. ... . irreprotu'iianio M rsonal reeord anil his manliest plirmiae to administer the nf. lair Ol the Stnle ID a thominrl, nnit nunc IU B WloroUL'll ana i.',... - ., ., . , conscientious manner. Whether tbe hcarlineaa with w hich our rinesters endorae hi, candidature will make the public newly auspicious remains to lie seen. Tl.ii Di.lau-neai ri..........a C... II I r . it Want C.CIl. ItunCOck for llCXt I'resl- lent. If (ien. Jlunroclc tsisess.-8 half1 Ilie sense wc think he (loo, he will bolj on lo bia .Vaior (icnemrs com - mission and let nolitnn a one. (imnt would bo heller off today if he had held on to hi commission, and let the rnsntlency, no lur as he was concerned. go to the dogs. Tut Forr Orrtt Sna Hon. R. XI Henderson, M. V. M'Alarney, pnst- mat..i a.f llnaonul. ..,,1 f-l...l... t .......... ... .. . .u.i. at, aaitia ai.m no a. . liruner, hnvo been nnnointcd coiiimis - ..,.., Hioners t M'lwt a mtf tor the now post oflice to bo cm-ted in thin fit v. Wo . . .1 . ... . location is early determined on. Pal rial. . The American flag which waved over ort .Mt llaltimore, dur ing tho British bombardment of 1M11, and uggitcd the well known "Slur Spangled llanner'' poem, is in the h. sension of .Mm. Applctou, Xew Vork. who is a daughter ol' (ienoral Annis teat), the tlefeuder nl (lie fori. (ien. Sliernian'H Immioirs. in wlii. l, ho criticiseil the military ability nf onio ot tne i.eneralH in tuo Ktslorul army, seems to have given grontolTensu toGi-ant and othors, and now, It isenid, (irant will write hi memoir. If lie prove as pood a wrileras he is a speak er they will be a valuable pnalueiion. at Last. (ieorge Alfiv.l Townnend, having aweptwl a position on the tnH' of the St. Loui Jmn. Democrat ie newspaper, will be no long er obliged lo depend upon hi invention for a living. He can tell the truth now without fear of losing his siinntion. Thi is frtiin ttie m-n of Ihe uiclr...! i.tiiviiii iit-,iiwiicuil liajoril, l,o.)l , Mura.viltr Fourlh district ol Tcuiiessue t ,M r. : 11 1 hiiImui im Head s), Democratic majtirity, 10.4:10:! ! cmineiti Oregou dislrict (Mr. La Dow's). I lent-1"'"' '""k n ....... If... a.., e . ... ... "v. ' ' aneoomaca at Ulear - Clirj natlemon. Of Hie laOtnsvillo i ,rM. ""'aiag eleeea room., with (nod eellar, lmrier Journal : ''It ia said f hnt 8eo- 1 'n 'hB kitchen, and all Iba taodera eoae.. refarv RnlMsmn aorinnalr li.i.,b. r "''""' Panlriea. Uatk mora. Clu'he. pr.... a,. UklfJ T .. 1of'U''')'(t float and two hundred and Ibirl, DUmillg thO null anion or Wl old ItlU fl o''. with a twenty foot alley aa tbe ea.l uuauiK vim anil nr Wl OW tut that are left, and adopting Paul Hoy. ton a, the 'nll.d Stato .Navy." " Ihe able editor in lex IS no hot- ter off than elsewhere. Tho author of a rojcciou commiinlcation interview uie eoitorin tno manner which ha gained Trxa interview auch worbl- witle respect. n...,e., W..I11.J1 r u..i,r. . - a.-. fiium, ,.1 a.riiiiim laii.inLV an ... ....a a . .'. . ..-. iv, ni, oniKtl III neck, call- a.. ai.naaai.a mmn hx-Oovernor Ctirlin, ol Pennsyl. vania, delivered the address on Deeor tion day at the Soldier' Home, Sprinc flcld,(lW 1 A Mifflin county man recently walk- Read-mile, ) cppnj Ivaula. It ia on dit" thiX Ih Hunbnry and Lewiatown railroad will again be oper ated. Independent of fho Pa. It. It. recently fell from tho mow iu bis barn 1 ny t'nu I kae niaee'd ail my booka'and 1 a'' " "" ' ear, t.iH. .una to the barn floor below W distance nl ! ?''" ' "." " "' "i l . ' , .1" "." '""'" ' '' . . luuSi nisiailCO Ol Itleiaeatand a.,lleeii ll. i. a.n. .V..... I ther rartienlaia t U.tlt AU Tn KKi. 'I'he New to, York U'mltt in allinlin:; lo il says: this is Hot the very depth ol idus v il is the very height ,,f surctiim. Resides be j till I Ins, by uoiniiiuliiig Alcsmx Hart- Irani) and Ifnwle, the li.pnblica Pennsylvania have sat ilun n on -l I Simon C atnemu s liniiMliug-iniu, so .1 .11 .i.... i .i thill all Hint run alter tliein may rcu4. A party that iiuikes such iiom inatioiw on such a platform should not be a tlifhViill one to beat, anil wo leave II In thu Slate ol Messrs. Wallace and Randall lo decide whether or not its voice is to Isi cast for political repro bates whoso only claim to forliearnuce lies in their thinly disguised treachery lo every one but themselves. aaaaMaaaaoaaaaaawaaaMwaaeaaaB-aHBaaaa aaaaaa aaa Maawe J.l.rt.l5,,!,'l!!5:..'..:. iViniNj 1 vaitia itaiirunci V I'uaaenecr Trailia w 111 lUuilMily (eacsit Sun '"I1"'"'"" yroua and Clerhrrl, a followa I'LliABKIKMI MAII.. U . C. Ihsis, I nlitluclor. I.KAVK SOITII. Curwanaiilla...3:l, p.l ClaarUcId .!". - Pbihpaliurg 4.Ku, " Oaoaola 4.UI, Tyrone 4.1m, bEAVi: NOIl III. ' Tyrone .. .e,i.. 111. 10, " l'hilipalutg...lU.I4," CleaiS.ld ..... 1 1 .!, Clrwen.rllla..lli4i, " I'LUAUFIKLI) XXFHKsS. W. g. fLsssss, Condoclor. 1ka'k soiiif XSXvifTfoitTSr r"orsenillle...4.:.0 A. s. Tyrone .,.;.eil r. . Tyrone.. 7.1a " I Cnrwennllr..V.4S riAl.ll KAfJtK VAI.LKr BRANCH. Kip. Moll. Mall. Kip. r. a. e. v. i 1 "ia no l r.1.1 I 7.44 s..i ksva T.cMne amrr 0 III II. 1.1 Kagle in.iir JuimQ IU.IS Mllc.biirg IlliJ Hellrronle II Uo Milccburg I. IS 12 JJ IMS 11,511 II 40 11.10 II 0 ISM S.l.i 4 in . 4..1S 4.7.1 4.0 lean 31 S tt t.ul V.43 n.M lluwerd llM.'i arrli'e I. Hair i vkom; staihi.v. aim. A s ' araiw tut. - ,.,, . ... 4 M !7 24 I Hurl. Urn a T:o7 i'lflaliuric Pp-.e, S.4" Cicinc lpreae. 1 Ml Triii i Aiiamie Ko.rr... r s 3:1 W my Ppmnj,r, 1:1.1 I 4:41 ! 4:S Mail Tr.n, I'bila .Is Kpre., 10:1. l't Line, PARK FROM CLKAI5F1KLD, llellelunte, Pa linek Huarii W iilimiiiorl Iluiiliugiinli ..... : WffiXZXniA t! PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. . as-iUln.ona , Mi BttAXCII (IFVIl'KS In OUTinal i.erl. nf the .. 4 .iirji.tiaatown . I M I Cmiiiiv. ,. 4 7.1 1'l ITSBl Hll.; tli . , . .. . ' , . ...Ic l all train, at i h? '"'' 'ire. Ace,4. ! Mock end l.lti la. lomrnniea r.-pn otail: laewieiuwa s. s. HI. mt. cioperinteiiilent. ...i; ii. R(.CL.MATIOX. t I 'KWKNsVlbl.K. JI'.VK I, lnjj. I , , I 7, , ' 7 , u ... ' I ' ; . ('ASH Si S 1 KM a : ,, ,hl. f , k. , g..-l. -. feiinwa , .Mt:N's c tl.r Honrs. ' loron-rlv .nil at iii u, wc can 'ell .iu ; inecvli plan lor... JI.UO -M1-..N s klP HOOT.-, ''"'J ' "M ' j 0". " c" " ' 1 Mt l.ttilt: silohs, , , fwiawly clj at .i.n, wa ean .ell aa l l,u lur ',-s0 t, ulK,- hnoks. ' I t. tonne riy Mtlti M $10, w mm m) tu iltu t-tv-b jiUi fr- , f ')UM It feaflffc: c inwMwwa. A llwt ' 1 town, and b? liititiott the eb Um mill I tn m-H b uw aD uthr br.uta in lh Minn- 1 y. V' mn hnmuw. Wo wui It nndrratood tb K"0'1" ",u,t P"1 hr Mor Tin)t th. : ,u,r- u ' kp wn hand full Un or hoot hI Sh(H) Fi.,MnsM Mj tthrr. i T. iWSa 4 10. ; I'atweaaville, June 3, Iti'U. LIS HHI ism. IMII.IaYlS PURE RYE WHISKY. Wo tjnin .nil jutir oHt-Btton to tht nWvr I.ratrd broad nf Coodn, und -! fittb lhMo. Tiflion tl.t thu it a jrrfftt wont txttling mon( 1 namker f prr.un. h. ar. ranpeiiea m i .... inemeiaaiit or niner.lae. a nnee whiake. Tn .iinnlr till, want we nffer llallev-a Para n, ..rLiei..hiei, ha. bee. wr.. , Jal aabiu n."ii t year., it. reputation aiaaiiinr ". l"eIJ re ,at,le , Z. " " :" :: : ' ionr .ininenl nlioieian. nraelU ll i. at... ..I. : .1". of ail eiiina. K'in "u en acienilllo pi in. ! Jian (rreelly lmpmre.1 by ace, an.k it largely iacbl ; ' sf'er I'.r tlrat elaa. kiotel. and drugglm. Mauulil yna dartre to give lb. wbUky a trial, nil ara in doubt aa to wbvtbar Tour botol or drua- , S'- i. lam wne .K i,ur lni aiapiay- ed.l wma lo u. and we .ball ba uiiill l,.i, l'" "' perwna wbo handle oar -,,"""""" !ufihewrii.b.,. nE Ji't??.?.' T'T.'y. J"",""" aiplaaatioa nf tbair priaeiplea, par an IIR.(iT.K tU 8 TONIC IIKKII d ptor.i. ; ,h. , and duliM of neb ha. beea .ueee..rully aeeal fa, pi,H. ofaeer. : tha riehla of the pronle. and lha niTTKhH, wh ' ''.,'', J"ra ana I'uriaer, anti-liyi. i ' ' nrET a CHRIST HaeMtTal 131 N Third at. I'tiiiadelnhia l-iti'T.;.Vl"" All lierann. are hereby warned Seminal charing or In any manner meddling with Ilia ln. lowing proper!, bow In the .r lUnUaeie , i,, . ' .. . a- - ! i'' .v 'l""1'.1'' ' L'.' ? h..J. ( i":'"':1. J re. m-uw, amor, i imiii. m bi:, l two-hon wiob, i ttmStr irl, J "" rtwi.t tww ir, i MTibo, lina 'hrtll. 1 ffritld tiin I takla 1 .,U.L. t troar and duhM, JI hrdi and hodftln. I not (,f phairt. I duaxhtray, 1 clock. I win, I mill, t hridl !nd ...lille. and one half raR oak and pine lira aer. lying in t'l.a-e'i data na I'laarliel I rreek. ' V"' f"f") parebaaid b a. oa the lib .f stay .aat. and I. tell with hint on loan, euhieei In our order. ABNol.ll A II AHTSIIOBN. I'lirwiaarllle, Jane I, ts7,..;n IXKCCTOIO s XUTICK. NntW ta hereby given thai letter, ti .etaniHMl. ary on tbee.tate..r JosKPIt MiCl'LLV lata nf Jordan Inwaabip, I'learDrld eonnlr, l..', .Uo'd, hating beea duly granted to the anderaigned, all' .ouaoiei, .o aaia aatate Wtll pleaa. Make lairaeiliala pavmrnt, and tin. baring Haitaa ur demand, will preeent theni properly aalbealiealed " miifarni wiinnni nriav, AI.KXAMlKH fKlltlt'rioK, joski'ii rArrKiisoN, Lumber Cily, Juna I, ls;i. 81 Kieralori. OTtt'K- f kie applied I,., a .arrant for a pirn nf land in I'enu Inwnrblp, adjoining land warraated in lha name f Waa. l. Il,(ler oa lha M land warraatrd io Ihr name of 0. Kralier on tbe aouth. No. nl)2l on the weal, and running ta a poiot an the B.irih, oontaiaini twanle aerea, more ar leaa. JAMKS MltCIIBLI,. ClearlrlJ, June J, pon SALKI ... . l. "nT',' 'k "".''"".if""- A larg. and wrll faiihed llrirk llwrlllng "''. a twenty foot alley a rf'; -i. Hk l the app T-fbr li nrlraanma, anil pureha - .aa win em ail rary lafnraiatloa to th.iae who dealra lo la. .iened. nr In A H T.t. ... . . .. i1"1 "" lrofcrt-r- May iwt, nr., ,r. TH08.J. SI, .L0l (IU, '- - PA,'' ANU SKTTJ.H I'J"' !'. H" permaatatliuproeaBenL I naeiea aetn anvllard lo my bad lor aeeea .. aeei la aa 1 k.. .... 1 . . . iei.eai ana aoiiaotiaa. I a a full. all. lay bun..,..u. .1.1 p., alibaaeat .i ee...e lay ualne.a,aad l;lp.y all baaeal al.iraa treteakd agaia.t a... pi. ., awd t. . , . . . . ."" t aa....e.aaen tn 7 j T. . PV'leally analile I. at- lead lo It. Tb.a ha. in. anwltle,l aaal. .y book a will roarer a faror oa .a ky railing oa Mr. Porler at aa early day aad adjual tba lajue ...r,panaar. , f H AM l V UHT. I'learield, April 14, UJk. ' rjX) I.NYRSTOlts:-. " Fur S,I,-1,M Clearlald Iwtk Boada, kaarln lalaew at p., ... p aaaa., ray, kl aoaai aaeaaUy. AddwaoD ". Kapabllaaa lifted S51" S20 rl,F''- J" W Adlrea. n. SM Xtmt h. ae... aaaiua. ilfir ilffrtisfmriits. j ICKXSK NdTR KS.-' If TS?&:,ZJft2; r. I bicaox-. ai tba Juna .i..n. seat, agreeably to Ilia Ai-t nl Aaaeuilly I BOTSS Llt-alSSi: Wiliiaui Scbwalu, it Aduui,.., Daniel pnraii., Jatuee .Miiora .,, John Hvau i Jaaaea )V Curry. A mile BlKlamaB Jubu H. llirsey . Ilrady .. llrsdy Bradford llursnlde Uurnetda Cheat Col Inglos M....Celuglon Covington t'learhrld L'lcarlield ,.l Clearfield ,.,. ....t liarliclj Clcarlield Curwaaaeilla lirceowiind Illen II "pa Ilulich HiiBtidala Ilnutidule i J"1;" C"1"1- j j, n.u'Zm iocr. I, Uipnidi. - ullert4.B 1 John Jtoiirhaily , l- Kai.rua.rr."'.:;;" llnnlictala lliiBlldnla Hiilili.Ule HiiHtrdnlt Il.tulailnla Il..ul..l..le Ilnalliisle lluuttdaia u,,,, ..lluaton Iluatnn Mnrrta M.irria Htw Workington Oaceoia ..... oeeai, It Oaaanls .,H OaaeoUl H..OMMHla , Otteula Oeceola ,,..M..M Oceania .......Wallaaalus Wuodwarci Woodward Woodward Woodward WawdwarA - J,,bn Xli-tom my ! Jawca llnley lane. Iliitiit..., r. a. iiouun. 't'Uoma Millaa ' W llllani l'ather.... K. C. flow .. Jamil la. t-coAeld..,.,, Wis. II. LaToscba.... Audraar f'oliuar Mary fcirenbower Uaarga W. Dana Hilo UoJL Jacscl U. Liplop. ...M--,", Naal tlob.rly. allaoial CrouiD .......,H..,.. oiullh Jlalrd Janice ilaberabain W. II llancar I rat. Karrlau. Sarah Holier....... riantoel UnrdoD , Lawirnce Caaapbell. iaasa P. CBraou Ilcorga Hbodaa William Shield Uenrge I'earee ; Ucerge M VocS .jfcJ wnt.Real.B uocii, Lcnn &i. Coiidirlal Peter Ouriiior , tleorge kt. Knbuckor. Ijeorga N. t'olburo H in I S. Untter ....... -S. I, lilama Sliphcn Oraft I'liliick Kerrigan Kitgerald ,....,.,.. Ilcirge W. l.tiiLleirn Wwaidwar . U'nnalaieeal . ....Col illgtoU ....Cui iuKtiio I.'ia.ili.ld Lswreaoa . ...ClearlrM L'luitelS .CurwewaTllle OlcaoLa .......... .. 1 tia.'. yillie bogi ue Woo.liu . Wimdwaid 1 s I May IJ, l7i. KU I1LOOJJ, CI, rk m mi.'. rriti f.oniio. lArer r n a ivimi TO' " m i orvMiNon K-tak. ..,. ISIIH Nuilli Uliti.tiAlteieaullla Kire ln. t'li., of KufUtel :n,lll(i,tltiB , lc'14 eotli'b Cooiiucrciat rirv In. I.'o., of Knglnn.l. ig'illj Iii.iiiii,uwu ITS! Nnrlb America lire Itournu'i- Co.. if I'tnh lclphia. (,7ti).0iiu Is2 fust inaciaha t'in lawiaaeei , C f Cnilnilrlpnia i.l-O.I'tlt) , ISS3 l'b..:uil t ire lor. l,'.. Ji, V... "'I Watwtowa Fire In-, c. , ..f . j 1 unuree tanil InnMtnira onli j iki A,n,,.,,,,ri:. in.ur.t,,, i-..., .j ' "fM VrWwwC'i j IiMUreatiurece. Ac le"' ,!VH'"l.d''"'U,"r"''c I ,., M , ' L',;",';; ,; i n, ,,f ivnn.iiTao,. Meir.r.iii.!, i.ii, ii-,n.t.. t of New ur'i ,lMl(t,lMlfl T..,IHH1 .l.HJtl, llllll s.Ortn.wia , T.Sal ei.ital.. IW i. ll enanlry ..eairlnw, c. proniptly attenile. to l.r eilling at lha i ollice or .l.l,e..u,g u. I,y Ictlrr. Ia.araae.aef- "i"" ,"wo" r-" -".f ke..i.i,inW in liral-elaaa cnuiliauiaa. A.. fvw.u..i..ra , Tnr tirn- mtlrr in.inii.ii...' . tea, life In.nranc CoTy re,,.t.a lay X. H. Msrray, kave pJ hi la'. We 'e'aV. ; ti- Mt in of !iJ,HHt ! 1'rnri.U Ur Ih lulu re li.v inruriii "iur biua iatotl .Tuir U ht w HpsbcS insumnt 1 1 )!K)1()SA 11 nnii,nal will ka rrMiveJ mi t.i ik 11 of Jul I tb Iowkt hip. Clem 11 of Jutt fur th ptorVio ind dririDir (hrftarti tb Inmnr dim na Lnrrl Kun, in llunttn ten bip. Clemrbtld ooaaif, !l Iho white tinhor I ' ! " ; of a to j w(f iron un ui Jotm a. f((to timet. At. Dtrkod on tbo voaniv m p, mi tht nto price kt .M., pitjmouti and ami) an l of p'rcontsj(o Ui rrtala fur tho ooniplttion of vontrict. Ntoo bat rellablr. fomjietrat and rep'niihlt pTio nord apply. .1(1 IIS A. OTTO. Withansport, May I. 'Ti It. D ISSOI.UTIOX.. Tba uadnraifrweil, liaetiif dl.a iliH partm-r-ehlp, e.lra ta aHlla up tbe brm buoka. TIhi baring unsettled aeeuant. with thalnte Ina.inaai eeltle tbrai wilhuiit any furtlier d'lay,or tliry will bo tell wllb an officer nr tbe law tn b. ml leeled with anala. BU LK'II A J ACKSON. ClearDeld, ti.o. I, 19?l. may 2(1 St.' TUSTIl l: ii COKMT.4lll.Ka fc-KKll We hare printed a larr. aaanber f lb. Be yr.K HII.L. ar.J will an Ilia neaiut af twante. I "eawin.a. .nan -on.i. ue .aarau .tlfMita Wantril to Hell The Pntitieat, Peraonal. and rrnfierty Rigtas'Citizen, ' 'e , eaa i.,e.riuia le ejremae .art aoe, S ! rer ... tin 1.J.. P 11 n I Ceni... In. . . .k. j lataCnnrtiiailoai.rlrliia.helrhiatoraadorifiB. obligatt'riift Ineurn-d tn i-rny rrlatinn nf lift ; alo preliinimry rulrt f.r dflitoratlT txtdifi, and foil diwtion and Ufa! form tor all hainfii Irani artiaur, a mahiajr Will, Mortcnc", N'tfi, I raft a, tetatratta H. A L l.ihrary in a ainjrle ruin mo. It mli tbc want of all cUsr and all to -rtrytMty. JO.SKS HK'ITMKH CO., 'A.7.I.. Ph. J'OTIl 'K- ennie K. Haiibiiri n byl In the Court of Cnwnn-aj bar Belt friend leaa af Clearlleliaenaa- 1 ly, No. .1 March T. J iaepb II J A ;,ua A't. Hr ,ir,a. Yaa. tha laid Jo.ffb U. Ilepbara. ara hereby aoliflrd and renulrod to be and appear betnr. ear .aid eaarl, lo be hrld at ( leareld. an Ihe ;tk day of Jane neat, tn auawer the peliliou aw lil.l , of the aaid J.aale K. llapbura. alieve Batue.l, nd abuw eauae, (r auy you bava. why tl.a auid Jennie K. Ilrnliurn, your wife, alinuM net lie ' itivnrted and aeparaled frota the bond, el taatri- uiony, entered Int. with you, aeenrding I., the j Ael. of Aaaeinbly In aa-h tear ma le and pp. !il'led. W. R. MePIIHaSON, I aberitr. OfBef, t Sheriff, j Clearfield, fa. Mar IJ, l;.j 41 -art V AHLK I'ltOPKIiTY fOH 8ALR lilt FOR ItFXT. The euliaeiiUr girra anlie. al, at be will either rt'ut nr anil kia dwelling and alar, propertf. an nate oa Keed atreet, adjoining the Leonard llnuae in the borough of I'learneld, fa. Tho atai. nla la ll) X M feet. The dwelling hnuae emitaina ? nmiaa and a hileben na the a rat alary, and room na the aeenad story. Tba atora room, eaa le had al onoe, and tba dwelling portion a nnd after tha let of July. For further par lieulare, eddrea. or apply ta lha wnderairnrrl aa Ilie iiremieaa. I1RI1. 0. PAbw.MnH K. ri.arnrld, fa, 11. y IV, li-lf KV STOHK KEEPKR I berel.y glra pablln a.tlra that en Ilia id day of Mar. IST4, parehaaed lha entire atnek af .lure gondi of MnMa Arnold, ia New Waahlnglna, T..r.r'l! '? h" ,'ok """ """! 1 - -a one nuggy, an. Wugnn and one .et e. 1 kameaa. Thoe. hanwiag thaiiierle.a Indebted la .Arnold, will plaaae Inrward and eb. ! ap their raeuanta. N. A. Arnold la luy aulbori.ed 1 ! la Iraa.ael bu.ln.M la .yab.Mi.s-. Tk. knalne.. will be enaliaued hy ro,t tha eld aland. . JASIIS 11 A1.LA0I1KII. 1 u a.hlagloa, May IU, Me ltf I Tntnn a .-a........,,.- l 1 pj I u I 1 er.ia IB W. Wl I'lHH ' " All 4 PeiV frit, paekagea ia Ihe wmU Single pev kage, with el-aanl time, noil nald, is eenta. For ether uoeelnea .end .tamp. Ad- nlaai, P. 9. QUICK, New Bedford, Maaa. I'TiJ JOH RK.NT Araold'a Hall, la Caiweei..,!!.. jer alikt at ;?.!!' f" ""' larma. Heating r.tia.'ly, e..w 1 aiave. intent n .... .. ... .. .11 ...ul drop aartala all oemplei.. " . ( "mea., Ilie, April , IITJ.-Ii N. t. ARN0I.P. a 1,,,, n . , i Id "H SALK. Ike ander.igaed, daleraaiaad lo railuee lloek aad aaierlal. propoaa. la diapo.e af, al eieeadlol low raws, a aniaher of IIOIWKS II A RN K1SH, CAUttlAGKS & IU'f.TilKS, WAfiOXS, C, (V I eaa "upplj a art lea altk either aew ar teeoad hand earrlagea, bagglea, ar wagnai, al fatiakiaelj ba. pHara, llorMa, aid aad yoaag, aad baraeil, la aaalok. Parries la Brad af altker aaaaot k Ibe. aa ekoaply aay where alae. ,. . JAMM I. trAVT. i'lea-eld, Aprllt, JanJf.lye