THE REPUBLICAN. WKAttFlKIl, PA WEDNESDAY UOUN INO, MAY IB, 1171. Termt of Subscription. tfpald Ii i4rMot(ir within thrat Month M I r paid If paid after three auii btror til moat be..., I t aTr the expiration of tlx month.,, t 91 Moetre. 8. U. PgTTBKOlLL Co.. N e paper Beeki la N. Advertising Agent, 17 Paik Row, corner an 1 btreei, are ur duly ttthurlied AgeBt i Tom vity. nULiuioim notici:.. Met hod tat tiplacopnl Church Rar. B. P. Br a rata, i mor. Public Service erery Bebbaib tt 10. A M., and 7 r. M. Babbath Ho huol at A. M. ' Fray or ft, etiag every Tbaraday, t T P. M. Coinn union bervioe. Irit Babbath of tvery month, Hi loft A. M. treb)terlau 8. Bon, a. rjbblb aorvicea morning and tenitf 8eb. bath Rcbool at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednoe day evening. Ht. Pi-nude' Church Catholic Her. P. J. 6fltBiHAR. Maai at 10, o'clock A. ., oo the I rat, (bird and lonrth Sundays of aaah month. OFFICIAL 1)111 fcCTOHY. mi or atoLBiRd qoabtk ibmiok eotrnt, B i OBd Monday of Jaanery, TYrd M on '17 of Mareh. Flirt Monday tf Jant, 1 11 Fourth Monday of September. TIMB OF BO tOIIIO CONNOR FLUB. 1 First Monday of Juno. 1 ' 6cond Monday of November. -rtiLie orrirtni. rti(a( Jitf Hon. Charlff A. Mayer, of Loot Haven . Amie! i-w Jafa Hon. Job II. Orvi, of Btlltfoatt. Aeo' Jif William C. Foley, Clearfield Joha J. Read, Carwoaartllt. . , Prlkmtmrjlti Bloom. KtyiMr and Jfeoorrf. L. J. Morgan. 1 Ditiritl Arhrrwew Frank Flrldiog. - Fraatarar Darid W. Wise. SA.rr William R. McPherton. OoBif Awrrfy-ar--Samuel I. Medoakey, Cnr wtnirillt. Ovary AMMiMfonr Job a t. Thompson, Ctrwtoevillat Clark Brown, Clearfield Conrad W. Kyler,rheniten. A weStore Jam II. Mil, Lam bar City; l.owti C. Uloom, Clearfield; Henry Whitehead, Union towaebip. Jury Vammuitbrntrt John W. tfbugart, Jamat Mitchell, Clcerftrd. 8jriuttdft Pmhtit Skiwtt J "ho A. Urogory, Clearfield. Jfotaritt , John W. Wrtgley, Win. Ka debaugb, Cyro L. UorJ-.B, CleerAokl, Joaiab Kvans, Joe. It. Irwin, N.B. Arnold, Curwenavill ) J.J. Llngle, EiBintt Sayan, OwolaMilli; Jtba ItoB Hamilton, Luthr.1urg. Oar SpteM tulamn ll doeldedly lataraiting in B Incal point of vtaw, and proltabla raadiag t outtUara who wast to aavo may. The iyi,ilipHlirjcorBl W heavily aiag caged fo tba roal buali laeM and "parenal" ffaira Iki4 waek It will bo observed by an atlvortine- tnsnt la thia iaina that Mr. P.umora offer l a good dwelling bouaa and alert room for lata, or rent. --1. mtm a a n Barmim'a men wiii erect the cunvas for bia imuenaa Cirona nod Mt-oagcrt. to-day (Wadnaada)r near tha Fair Ore and in Wrat Olaarflald. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Slophen H. DuBois, futhor-in-law of Mr. jsiieworm, ar tna rauipaoarg jvmnmi, hn at Odaaaa, Sobuyr eoanty, New York, aa tba lttb or April, aged T7 yanra. " The itpellinff bee" epizootic which bat boon tha raga for ale ajefltba paat, ooo railing orthograpbera from eirouaifaranaa to aantra, la about "played out," and we taoto not had a ipell yet I V'bat can tba mattar ba t Dead. James Ai. l)eino, District Attorney af ClintoB oonaty, died at oak Hired, b tba Stk Inatj, after a lingering iltoaaa, aged 42 year. Judge Mayor haa appoint anl William Paraona, Jr., Em , to III Iba raeanay antil January Belt. Some SAcrilegious thief entered the Baptiat C'harab, at Mill Creak, Huntingdon eoua ty, a few nlgbta ago, and robbed tba aaotrlbutlon box of about twenty dollara. TMa Bum waa d poallad by tha Sabbath School ebildron, by maana of potto- aalloctlona. ' A Call. Kx Governor Bigler was at homo for a frw dayi again, looJiDg mora rlg oroaa thin bo baa for yaara. Ha U aertaioly ono of tba bardeat workara bow togagad on tha Cen tra n I at and ndhrrea to tba fata of tbo aaterprlao wltbja ml worthy af tba eauaa aadlhe man. Suddem Death. The Lewistown Dtmmrml rvmarki i 'Miea Joalo Waot,efMaVey I awn, as aewompllehad and highly eateemed grand daughter or Mr. J. Rngliah B rit, died rery aud denly fait week. Fh attended a party, and owing to tha chilly waatbar took ft oold, from which tbo died about tblrty-alx hour, afterward." i . . ewi - Church Dedication. The new Called Broth ran Chorea, at Sao bom, In Wood ward tvwnabip, will ho dedicated to tha worehip oftiod.oB Baoday, June 6tb, Rar. J. A Otaaa, aeetatan by own ar two ether miaUtara, will conduct tbo aervleaa. An in r It at ion ia ai tended to all to bo preient. ' , j t Accident. Hev. B. F. Stevens, ot thia plwe, wbila in tba nood-boaaa. axarelaing , Wmacif with n ax tnjitme IrfWooal. thf other day, tat blmtelfrrry mroraly in tba ankle, from which ho eaffrra eoniiderabla pain and iacoa- Tanlcnat. It waa really an accident that ha did ' not rpllt fata root In twain. He lan handla "tbo word of tha aplrlt" far mora anroly ihiBtnoof Mann 'a double-bitter.. ' - a i The Lnncastcr InttUigenctr says :, "Jimi Jane E. Leonard, for aavortl yeara paat Uaohorof tiaography and Uiatory is tba State No rnul School, MiUararillir, Pa baa bten roeentlr traoted to n rltpilar porltlon In tha Normal Sobool at Indiana, Pa. Should, tha Board of Truateaa acerpl bar reaigaation, tha UatitntioD will laaa a teacher wha, by long etpcrieooe and atody, baa qnalifled harielf fur tba poll tion which aba ao ably . n4 maafaciatily Ilk' V , ; r''.: ' : i. , Dr. Gibson,, of Willmmsport, a jurtr In alter. danea at tba Coifed (Mate uoun, ai Pittiborgh, died aadenly, on Tufday areniog tflaatwwak, httWc fcnnaa of a frrond, tat thel loot named Hy, whara ha had beta Waiting. Tbo decaaiaoT waa an a. termed eitlaan of Wllllama-J port, and a phyalclaB of ami pence. Ha waa n tntmbaroftha Methodiat Epiaeopal churoh, and haa a brother who It a minister In the aam de- nomiantlun and n member of tbt Erie CooTm-no. . Tub Chkapkst Book in thi World. The Life of P. T. Boxoom, written by himaeU, SuO page., Illuatrated. Badacad from 3.0 to with fret ndmleaten ta nil who boy It 1 Tba Great Trarellng World1! Fair, which will ex hibit hart to-day (Wedneaoay). Horace Grtaley on id tbta book waa -rib a$10 graoabaoh U beginner," and none knew batter than the philoso pher of tba fneoBt tbo elamenta of Itietraetlon natfunr; to eater Into t eococaiiui inc. , urn aw ' HehebvbRb-I'MIOM. Williamsporlcra art Baking huge arrangement! la wakomt tba PeoBiyUaBin Branrrne at I ha He-mien, erhiefc la to tome off in that city ob tha Id or Jane. Tbey may nagloal to do tome tblnga enUraly daw a there, Ui they new do any half-way bmlaeoa what thay gel atarled. The penplt hart argaa- lied and appelated tbt proper Commlttata which aattlea the qoeatioa. A braatlful day will wit- neii tba huge it pIc-BM that arar a ia tabled oa MM Watt Branch. ri M..;il Hi o a LAicf-nr On Katnnlay niht kwt, after Mr.Jnba Siidlar had eloeed bn eearoe lloBery negleotiog, howaier, to ahnl tba abut -ten to hi bow-window aoma folooioarly ta.llaed party broke one or the ponea of glam la the win-' dvw, nod Hole Urn from A Vol of elgare, which were there a a aiga that aaob gooda were told Imiae. . The glare wai antra heart Ftenoh plaU, and It will pot Mr. Htadler to tonalderabl ea penaa to replace ll. Vodtr exUtlngelreamatanoet, It woold ba well la take erery procaatlon agalaat taroadi by tblrvti, , -j Bonus Found. The Clinton ZVme- rmi, of the IJItb init., aaya i '0n Mooday mom lag, tha body tf Old rode Billy neraar, of Whet ham, drowned nt Quoea'a Ban Dam ea tha Slh of April, waa found la tbo boom, near Iht Ma ad. Coroner Ftieaoh iummeeed lleary Malta, Peter Hilar, W. M. Bennett, Chal. Bberwotd, Uoorga Hardtr and B. B. Wyman aa aa laqooat, who re ported a verdlet of aoeldental drown log." , , Alee t "Tba botty af Vaihoa fialatt, drewaed m the loth of April, while engaged la rafting aa Barhfr'i Ran, abmi tea milea attrt the month of tie ftroBOtnabuBieg, la Centre, waa fuund laat Runday mora log by O. ft. Wattoa, abo waa paibtng a me tha rirer la a en nee. , Hla pulo ilroah Iba body In Iho water, which by wan at woo tawed to Iho an, and with tha at M.taaaeof Mr.Ji la A. Ctfc hrowght at ahtr. The kdj waa feand aVont 410 yard from where B waa met earn totta. - Tha remaiaa ware Uban to tha raatdonea of Oalnaa' toathw M Htohmry BUI, Kratlag tawnablp, thla tewtty, aad en Men day were bar lad," , B. CONVENTION AT CURWCNtViLLE. Tha A)tooB Dh trial MothotllHKplaoopal Bus day t-hool CoorrBlioB will meat at Curwaaivilla, on Tuatdav, Wadacaday and Tbartdai. Jaa tb, vtb aad I0tb, 1874. w OfflMr i Prcatdaot, Uv. Tbomaa M. Raaaa, Praaidmg Bldrr at I be Ulttrlel Vtea Prtiidtnl, Rcrt Jaioaa Oarai 8aeriayi lia. Juba W. Clravar i Bcaouthe Couioiitlor, lUv.T. . Kaeaa, P. K-, Rar. Wm. II. Dill. A. U Rv. Jmh .U, Young. A. M., 1). W. MKardy, K.q., Hob. Jobl PalloB. Jf r, fBoouuttV t t ' Taaadaf afl'Moon, Jama llb-0aclng ijarvlaaa and Addroaa of Wekuma ; Our Hun day Bobuol Fiald-lUr. Thomaa M. Raaaa 11 1 1. la Enblama rrpraaratiog Ua Teaotiar urk 1U. Tbuiuaa II. Bwiliar ) 'Nit Hunday'a Luton" (I Samual, ti:4-U); How to aludy it iter. W . II. Norona llww la laach it Kr. B. C. Swallow Ajitilioa. Hub and lilach bfiiird Krrlrw Kar. J. Vt. tMrar. ar Diaeuaaion ) I'raiao bat vita y Adjuuroiuvnl, Tuoaday arming, J una tl 0innlng Hcrvicpa Hr. L. B. Crvou j. Auuual B. tf. Btratv u ttav. flaurga W. Miller. Wadnraday asoraing, Juno f tU Opening Bar vicaa Rv. K. Turuttr ; Our Miaiukva and arto-lliMaaiiaB, by Rar a J, W. Curry, J. W. Matttra and J. II. Agua Tba Cundilium of Hue. mii in our Work opined by Bar. J. M. Ctarkr, M. D., nod Bar. B. F. Blovvoi ; Tha 'lYnchera' McatiDg Bava. M. L.Hmyaar and H. H. Culbura t Tha Kutltuiia.lio B. B. Labor r Rev i. J. W. Laokia and J. B. W. Ileaa. Wrdneaday aftarouoB- J one Sib -Child rwia' Biaatiog Opaniug oi-rvteaa Kv. J. W. llaugha waut Addrama by Rera. W. J. Owani, U. C. Pardoa and J. F. Bidl ; Mow to Prvacb to Chil-draa-Rava. W. M. Memingrr aod R. II. Whir tva. , , Wadnaaday tvrning, Junt lilt Opening: Brr la Bar. W. 8. IWmlio ( Tha Paraoti and tba Sunday Bohol Bar, Jaioaa Curoa and Uao. W, Rbaaia Tba Paator and tha School Kef. Was. tiwyoa i Tha Cbildrea and tha Church Rar, Qaorga Ooyarj Tba Tampcranoa Cauaa In tha Sunday cbool Bar. A. a. MeCloakay and H. fi. TboupaoB. , -.. Thursday morning, Jnno lOtb. Opaaiog Bar riera Bar, J. F. Craig I ba Study ol tha Wurda of Barlptara Rcra. J. Uray and B. P. Campbell Sunday School Literatara Rera. II. Linn and W. W. Baaaa ) Tba Modal BuporiBtaiidaalRar. J. A. Uixan ) IiaUHiun on abura theuia j Map Exoareiao Rar. H.C.Pardua) Tba Diaoipllnary Plan for Ibo RoHgioaa Knrtara of Children (Uis aipliaa Paragraph., 61-a8) Rar. A. W. Daakar i Oar Eneoorafcmanta Bora. 0. W. Bouao and R. K. WilaoB. Paalors will pleaia report Iba namai of dala gatea aa aoao aa fKnalbia to Bf. Mr, Youojr, at Curwan.rilla. Dtitrlct Strwarda' Annual Meet ing, Wedneiday, Juna Wlb, at liJi'.r. u. Trnlua learmg Truaa at 8:44, . m., and 7, r. arrlra at Caiwanarilla at A. M., and V:60, r. m., raapeeavely. Rvturoiug, Uto Uam IcaTaa Cnrwanavilhi at 3 r. a., and rracbt. Ty roaa at 6, r. n. . , . . , Tbb Lectijhk Staoe. Tq holji Ibo Latberan church along (?) we, with other; Re paired to Pie'e Opera llouae, the other oraning, to hear a lecture ua "Horace drielty a a Uaro." Tba hero wo were wtL acqaeiuledj with, but tba lectere? waa a at ranger. Well, no beard It. Wa hart lieteaed to ftnxe nnd Uougb, PblHpraiiil Fnd. Dougle, Pouitroj and Xmiby, Bevcbor and Tilton(notin the llruoklja caaa), tbt tlrer twngaed'' Daugberty, and lit "bort" nan iaruier, (when ho negotiated with a JeflVrWB) oouwiy farmer for 40u cuauiubor tree) j we hare bevn "pell-booBd" by Anna iMuhiutva, 0Ho Logan, Mn. Lirermore, and a number of younger and more aged lecturing aiattrr, aud hare, llitrtiore, our cart pretty well luuvd iu tba lecture line, yet the tUort of Rev. 0. T. Stack, dcltrerod on the ;vu(ng r iba Uth iuat In our Judgment, waa far the arerage, nltbougb be had rat brr an unpopular "hero Sm: -t. Tha "aid "hero" did Qotdi.tarh the aud. raw a ba,! aowe bad boya tried their beat It product i';. . Although bat young ia tbt Add ai a lecturer. Mr. Is leek haa ai ready euperccded at leaat tbrec fourth of the profeailon, ia our ratlntation. Ho la In potter lion of qualitiea which go very far to make up a popular lecturer, whieb majority of the profeaaion bava failed to acquire after yeara of thoagbt and labor, and mure lb no that, tbey narer will. If Mr. Sleek poeaeeaca tbo dogged pcntttraiiee of hit "hart, he miUaecend to the plane held la tbo lecture field by 8.4 xe, Uougb and Pfalllpa five, yaara heace-naugb u aatiafy tha ambition of any ordinary mortal. Ha ia In puaataaioa of Ibo drawing! and anderatanda them, now let -bint execute the work.: Study, la bor, and effort, It what tunnela mountain!, etc., and turna oot guod loctareri, lawycra, doctor!, mcebanict and farmer. Work and atudy baniabea i ia nnd felly. , Horace Ureeley will get far mora credit fur hie gvod deeda tan yaara hence, when fall pott Heal eagariet and moral foiblot will ha forgotten. Tbea, tad not till than, will tba "barV property electrify tbt aaditadt aud, of coortf, euppurt tbo t , L . j, ' .L .. . . , apenker. Nolwltbatanrif og tbeaa ma4l lauHr, Mr. Ureeley waa tha poitMior of the broadaal and 1 grandeat view ever tntcrtaiaed by niaa, nod if iher aonld ba laatillad Into at leaat onehalf uf tbt hamaa family, tbt world would bt no Improve ment oa the tiarden of Edea at tha end of a few generations Ha detailed la hi Tary looj jil hypocrite., Ilari and blackguard., ( Tub Cadet Appointments. Lost Thanday, the lllh Inat wa th time, and Look Haven tke place, for tbt examination of appli cant for tha Natal Cadetahtp in tha. XXth'Con greiannal Dfatriot.' Tbe trtntleo domptaing oar Diatriat wort formerly lac laded la no kia ikB a... .l nutria pi.arf.iA- end Kik k.-l tongeu io ine nrie ui.inci i .rnir inn nuivn to the Tioga Dlatrlct ( M.fllin to tha Blair Mil riot, and Union to tbt Dauphin DiitileL Now theae ooantiea form a ae parole Dlttrlot and art, there, fore, entitled tn a Waal Point Cadatahip. Ileno. the apparent racanty, aa imt (rtn() Bt w,,t , , I Tht Committee, appointed by OongreetmtW Mnohey, ton lifted of Dr. B. V. Wileoa, of Clear- field t Prof. D. II. Halting., of Bollefoate, and ' . ., . rror. a. n. naao, oi moo tiareo, wuo m aa Indioated for tbo examination of applicant!. j Tha applicant ware nine la namber, aa folio wi r Centra county . K. Bell ley, Jaa. A. Ley den, Dorrie Oingry. j Clearfield county Ed. flatnibnrf, William Humphrey. , ' M.fflin tonnty FdWird J. Thompson, Ueorga Mltbeli, .1 Clinton county Rdwin Mnlr, F.1. J. Larhiatr ; I'nioa oouaty Robert J. kemblo. It will bt obterred that tha eompMitlon waa pretty llrely. I - ' ;i t ' Tbt appointment to the United tit ilea Military Academy, at Weat Point, renajaa open forappll- caata nnlll the 17 lb of May. , 1 OSCKULA ScntXJL BlIILIUNU. Tlld Oaceoleana are not going It bt behind in tha tehool building line. A contract ha been mad to erect a flrat-elaaa bwttdlng daring the Bummer. Tbt AVrcfte la alluding It tbe enterprise taya t The ground plan hi- tbt mala part of tha building la ,13 1 (So feet, with a front 2ix3, being I ahaped. Th firtt ffoor, main part, I 24i64, aad may be divided by a partition. The front ia 24 feet aix Uiaboa by 9 feet, inaide, and ii di- rided from Ihn main winga hy a hall 19 feet in- width by 64 feel in lenglb. Tbt iMr.'l.fCi wmir, I. m.n, tn. riKiu wing m. pi.r, and th. roora i. froat or Ibo ball t, .4 (nt an iathM by 84 ft In langth. Tba .l.r.J ttoa t. nw IHl l. IB. aanaia ot mm owiiHug, in, eopoia ia (i mgw i u. .... Viawing lb, front and Bid, .laralioaa, th. uaild. tng will praatnl a r.ry bandjouia and ayiauelrMa! apiiaananofc . .. ' t ' ! iba following iff a Hal of tli. bidi nsdor oaii- .ralien I I ,7,VV t Annr.W nio.or, .i.aww .aoic. ..kj.w, ... II-.- ....... ulu . i - ,,ojv j j. n. iiai.r, ,i,ou. i vh. ...j.., 88,0118 May. 4 Maiorrlr, ,4.6811. '.r (..i.M.y-. i. MarUa, total, M8i : A. B. Martia, par yard, 88 aaala i VaaraliB Hroth.ra, lolal, 700. - i '.r ifnaoa FV.rtWilllaifl giagar, pr pmb, I it 1 1, w. lUwdmbot, i ; , f j.t ; fr lai. II. Blbblim. 484. Tba hid af Mr. Parka being lb. low. at, tbe oon traol w.a daly awardrd ta hiaa, Tor tha antira MBpklia. of lb, batldlag. ( ; VAt Gatt!laOD OrOANIZEd! TJtO Clti- KB, sf tba mw tawaabip of Uroanaood, bald thalr ,llio. .. th. lllb, and bar. "..t ,p Imb knpiag at awa aeaonat.' alMtad ,r aa follow! : 'IL ' Jnatimof tba Paaea laaa, K,aicr, Joho Ball. CoBatoblcAarea il. N'awcoww. . Aaaaaior Da.ld Belt. ' " ' Jadga of Elaottew IVarld Ua. ' taaa,K,rt .f Bra.lla-J-M K,at,r, Uarld Ult.h.11. . BaparrlaorB (iMrg, t). MoCrack,a, Coarad r... . - D..1. U I'.-.,,... Juarab1 . .. , - , I ii i,'. I naw-oaa. " ' . , . . gcbo.1 t)lrelori-JrM flppdaartn, ry-ar) J.Q.A.Joluuloa,ly,srJoha A.Bowlsa,tysarti! M. . Ily,. T.I. niwi Jtha S. Jwbnaton, S yoart. Town t wra yuariea a. i owrp. l,-... Mttritt Trtaiurer-Wilaoa MeCraehtn. i Tba aggregate rate polled wa about IS, aad It look, to ai at thai dlilanea 14 ttotgk rraaty weald bt nmtty treaty dirlded at tbt geShral election th Hemoeratc eomlng Ml a Htth ahead. ' iaa a af ' 1 : Uhk UmVM, KousKatiatrWilcro II n hint far yon, and n rery important an. Hr1 ortrlnr p k4 with Mamkotr anal eoanltrpaatt hill ht mort keep It ttry tnan h pane of glast will beep ant tha lights Jh.atmo phtrit maiatntawlll penelraln nil era aarlce. Heaet tht ImporUatt tf hooping tht heel In apart-rtoma (Ofalnfly tdtedi nlany aVnar f 4' I1 tr eieont vltltat ha been twwt U mi hatleaaly gmrtnr illa4 with llaeaJ by nln t fst had arhaeh had haa emlMad t ttn anoeen phi ft tht epata htnt Wham e In nam haa frtm f II wtftng "l " 1 ILC. lark,, b-llding U.m I U t.'', tbi W.on. " ' ' " ' ' 81.84 rtejCbMVl ,, i.u.Ml.Urt . r.i.dratl-k In' til!. 'iW tola "''"' . T. "''i'' ' ' 1 PB'l WHI h,o.r M o lr.p II nwl.ToirrP. lutai fat hulblitiB. uraaoB warg and blaBnng, I ... , .. U.S. Circuit Court, In thin Court, ta nioi..a,oti drpsdl'i tunami, jMaairif Wtir and Ulbiuo, tha aaa of tha f cited 6 la tea va. Jtoihi Laaiberry, ndlebrd - fcia ahn nrder of 0) ina Huc,twa4 aeaiiauo aaur Ifta avemBer tar w uf Court, at 1'ittiburgb, for the following roatoua i let. That ba waa aire. ted oa tha Ivib dy of March, ltt.ft, liaee wbiuh time bt ha beoa een Uued la prtaun. hit. Sd. 1 bat the witoewt material to hla detonat are aealtarod orer a w.da extent of ouautry, and will lake niuoh labor and mora Uma than be haa bal ntuoe uto aareat to procure (hair atiendauoe at iU left of dourt f that he' haa wxaroiaed all the diligence be could to bo rvaJy fur trial at tbii term, but baa failed to Snd, by diligent inquiry through every atwron epoa to him, the prt-aent plaoe of real deuce uf William Blerooa, a witneai material lu bia defonae. 3d. lie took out n aubpu-oa ihrtly after hia arreat aud by direotiou ol vuaianffb tmat IrefBMo be at rred on all of bia wilneaaeOt hoWiaaeabl bwao able to mure the aaid William Slovene, for the raaauaa belorn ataled ; thiat lie cannot gu to trial aal'ely wifh'tnr I Lie ,inta, d' rrwtd,,. believe hv rcaidutwtttiluthurtoilrftioil el'rtit' Court, and that be tea procure hia attaiMUnoe at tha nexl trrui. 4(flArht there are other Important and ma terial wifiirtar fur whuin he bn. a aultprrua out, who, be, the .aid defeodaut la luiurmed, bava not been and rnnnol ba luuud and terred in time to ecu re their attebdajier at the prrarat term. tHtgueiiJ JuaKPH l.aSMirtmr, ., Death from a Grain of Qoujt.T-rOn Om loth an., Wllie Bead, aaa-of Bub. At t bourn, aoo, of York luwn.bip, aged about live yoari, died from the afli-ola produced by a grain of euro. The corn lodged ia bn thrual, and lb lilt! fellow waa operated upon by- ant family phyalciaa for Ita removal, but during tha operation theoora da aoended late the lung, beyond renob, from which be auftercd rery muoh fur about three wee ka, when ba died, fart hVimife, Littt of letters remaining unclaimed In tbe Poitoffloe nt Cltarfleld, for the week ending May Uth, iHTft i H rook Jibn , Linden, Barnard vt Urdy, William w t,,'T Smith, flimiua Oelilar, Malt. ' Stooktoo, MiM Allot ' Howe, Cbsrlea loo Ian, lieurd llevtnaoh, Waahtnglon Yoae, Liaila P. A. UAULIN, P. M. . n , 4 u amy ,m y y y t rl?rt'erencd to onr ftflvtutlulncolnmnfl will diveloee tbe fact that n change In Inaaranta matter haa tali en plate, Mraara. Murray A Uor daa hating ftarahaadd from F. t Uary Uuek til the conipaaiai wblch ho heretofore reprrientod." a o- A. G. Kramer & Co. have removed thettf , pmrition and h'ord MurttoBhaw' Row, oa ilarkeV Hreil. Iat4 tL ttuiui iextierl oocapU'd by John MoOaugbry. Famii.t CinaiinB Fob Bain. A good Family Carriage for inle cheap by T. J. Borxn. tuny IW-31 ...j' .u- K i:4 : .iA Nnrirt la hereby given that I have aold out my Fire Insurance Intaroat to Mar. Murray A Gordon. Tha old and reliable Coini.anioa which I l.trimrly rvprcrented, are now Iran iter red to ttivio. a nrm eutirriy re.pnnaiuia ana wrll know a In tbe county, and I would reapeet fully rw-iiuiiuund uiy old ou.tontcra to iuiurc with them, feeling confident tbey will give aaliifjctio n Khbii, O L. Uutv NblW GOODS 1 NBWUOODS!! T. A. Fleck 4 Co. ait alwaya getting gooda. We are receiving our aeoond large atock uf Sum mer drcai gooda, ealieoi, muilinK gioghaau, and fhirttoga. Lailiee' httta and' hwuiati in greet variety. We invite you all lu come and eee tba ntoe gooua. may ix, it. 'VTaXpurttoarat. othr. tvfuerrtlnt htid rf- Bttbv riudi, for aula cheap at wayMI M jUai I'. ..A t, 8naw'b. T11K COLMNUtrv "RAND It na Alpaca. It it ackhawlcgW'i'ptM good in the toarket. We hart bought largely and are prepared to retail it at wholdale priori, l.adiea ia natd Or a ot alpaca Ireea will do wall by ealliug at T. A. Fl.a k A Co.', before baying e lie where, a we are dotaroiinod to toll obcap, for oab. 8TXTioMKKr. A lot of flat atntitnonr, tnrtl opea, writing papcre, lake, pent, blank hooka, di-edr, Ac, at vtry rraaonablt relet, at toayMt A. I. Bhaw'i. New Good a. New tioodt, at i Kl. P. V " it Plkck A Co.'a. If yanwniit flnt vaaei or mkotel emaojf du at tna t, call at A. t. Saw'a. STILL LATER! Owing to the great man at T. A. Flaub, A Ct.'a aheap caau atuie, tbey have bera tompellad to .end for (he ercond largo alock of Millinery Uooda. Our Trimmer I nw ia J'tiladeli.liia, and on next Wedneaday, May 11th, we will be receiving the Dt MQtUD, ot Uiiliaert Uuoda aver iu thia town. All tbe uor It tea of tbe action, "' pattern Hate and Bonnet, French Chi pi, neir, Xurduoi Silki in all the new and taahion. nblo ce. Large aaaortoMnt of Ribbona, Fine French to were a apeeialty. Ornament, gf every deicriptkoa lor Hata and Bonnet.. Scan, Scarli, in all tke new de.igna. All of the above nauted goodl WiU . be told at price a to auit the lime.. We arc determined to keep hp to tbt at) lea,' Tiimnrtogdonrontheihortcat notice at " - T, A. Flbck A Co.'. AM -f t ' 1 ' M A For pure druga and patent mediclna, call nt lueya-tt A. I. Stiaw'. " For ulo at thaw's Drue Store the b'eit and ohonpeit perfume and hair oil In town., it t A. I. Shaw 1 aeHiag off tan of bii lock of koliilay gooda at ootU my ft -at . CahrMoU imp Unl ft SALLe-Half a doxan new and aeoond-hand bugglee and carriages for tale, at exceedingly mw price.. Apr. 2S-3XKU , ' ijAtna L. Lxarr. IloBBta t H4hrr.aa rtneAi, The under- algned, for the purpoae of rednolng ttoek, will tell very cheap a uuij)crf' koraea nivdaoeahtr f barnta. OJ.) I 0AUBW.B. LtAatt J , Air.29-3m. A. L . Ubst' Ft ihiihiiii Ot'By-A M line juatrt- telrcd it huowcra , rie a I'pera llouae. BUIHIBl .qiURWLiUBXfl !! , r IPrnthvrt, Farrey Rrirt,f (hirti.Aen oy for ( beater L. Smith A Co'a aelebrated yoa ker City" fine Miirte. Special order department. A good lit guaranteed. J. S. Hhowera, apIZS Pie'a Opera Honat. . India tianae, Bilkr Summer Marina 'nnd Nile Thread Under sie4 -AIo, beat qwallty of Jet Drawer, at aaioertrn' la Pia'ttapera Neaen, - nt hi t .a -mm I ;.)l . .Cohara, On la, Q tea, Sow a, Uaidktrhifa Bna potidera, Ulovea, M Bott AwM Ao la prion and quality la itH allnt a api:a . liptiera, for I at l, mtanJ children) fib varti tr, Juit opening at FnuaxKa', apUtt IM' Opera llouae. 'i. i'lll nne ttat ihoO'tfMlea' La.lter tHlvef,4 ew he, aqnal tn tht beak make. I 'd.i Artowirftai ' aplSS ! Fin' Ojtert Moatti1" ,!!ClJH!,'W'llM ltd A lam. Inroica of Boot, and P-huBl for rnun i ..a ho. a. ftit lull... nluci and .kildr.n. fot ol ; Br,,i jouttg, rof luc rion and piiot, lur wul, all : narrow r,.r." Oonil and bull jbiim, ln..ui and oaiightly rtor, 11 ai lb, "law allow.." It ( t, .,.r MrTHM not 40 he an4CT)H1. W. IIBWBB!.',' fll '.a 'l .u..'il. PH.', 0)rt Ho,. I .-! ;t rrrt ". 'i-.i.i , ..HATfl. UAT3:l IIATJI!!- . , A bboic, liu, of Nutora, l,I4 and .V,ol 0tat g .wary anwla W. Mil- a, tioprw-tolantawrr tgur.1. , ..... '.!. . HlltlWKHll. Bil 28 PI.', Ojiera Iloaea. Th, (Vntflnnial Board of Coinrnlailonara da al-vd to bava on, Ara.ri.aa bal, ear, boot, ,ho, kud tcBli' nirriitbln ttnrt bo t jlilftilloo, and altar apmdiaig rnotithB In'traVrlrng amund t tab, aalMUtw, tr. 4.Unara 4 u an... In 178 to lb, Eahi,atinB41dlBglh, Mr,,r. ti v,Vnlt4,,l7i, l'EJ EB McMliUHUE. i, ( r !-! ' I'. ...-.: la.rfi C b. AI. al'E.ail.'.WvliMiM.l Im M. Jrd to Liui IniurancB, , , BujIJ-lj i P. l,r, eaa I'll bob boom auiNrvbalt I ,' "P' "J ',rVl"iiii' (ii - V.o ,aa .it, I'aAfta' Kf. M ' itHs.vfay a!lVW10$h Yuii can buy Eipitr. ahoea for JJ at X r.U . ii (PHliK MrUPtllltlK'S. Truaka and valiMB. 4i,ap for oath at PtTEll MeliLUHUK'g. tliaT MM "itylt nf nt( 4nJ' PafVT ehwrTtdt ' Pala! Pala 0b, bow valorul to wear abo,, thai pinch ynrtf 8om4 1 " Ort a pair tliat tta all, oter,d toachra no nb.r, at OJ. w iX 'IKKTU HOlOHit.: jj.,, aj,.i. iM ;..luu Antarla, tbl. iprlng, lolely Io pnrchaie a ttock of boot and I hot, hat anq fauf ana wrnia lurniaamg gnnni : L-T ' - ffcitfH'altfOlOBJll i w , 1I ...i ki..,M ft)w U f00 vttU'n4 WOi)i )or wbloa ,1,, hl(bet i market ariet will bt paid. Call on or addraaa ( A ee..u J. M aartt. iriLmn. CarweaaTllla,Ta., Apr. T, 3m. tc r ai.Te I fVi", In,, tt.'' Th. 'lnr.rnor.f Maine baa iaincd hla prfrcla. raa.ea I. all fatlaaB) a.l.aau UJtMala. ,ow la laaiAald CoraMto. al. ouc, ttil'.fl for tbelr of hala,eap boolean.) .I.'iea. ao.. fornilk lag goad, al PalTlUt M,UOMf). Om.1i aaa B. Al. MHw'ttf aad ,e.a life la MM 1. Ih. IHd OoaMaem.l 1.14, ItMaraaa. (kiaa. paen.ed UMtolaK Uow. ,, .1 ..rt.,.f rf,.,0 Bill l,W t.M.l ad 'lrDlw w faWH. flm.hafMapM n !.' M Frealna. BuaHe, aad FMrWrm w.naiVBM. .TaMe.a.Bia nm ,ard. CH Mra88 hla aiMeMd Fa. art (Ml '1! i. - ' I'Mi f Af.n .ar. I.r. al.trb nt aninn... ana amr anm. w. mi. m anarwirewair row Mew itrle collar! and tuff, at T. A. Fltek A Co 'a. ' White gooda atT. I! VlaoeT A CoV ' TJadr rwear for ladle at T. A. Flank A 0o'. MUlin.ry gooda, all kiada, cheap atT. A. Fleck A Coy - ' " , . . f. ; Trimmed lata and bonn.U atT. A. Fltok A Ct' tfaw embrtldtrlM for talt at T, A. Fleck A Ct'a ' ' Nt dreet good a Fhwk A Co'it ' ' 11 'Sllkiallka, ebean at Flaoh A Co'.'' f. i k ... e ...- u ' CaUtui aud mntlias rery low ai Flock A Co' " Bleak tlpaaaa, rery goad f r II oent it T. A. FieekAle'a. ' .,-... - Nlee hawli far $1 at T. A. fleck A Co'l. -At turning gooaVa a apoemlty at Fleoh A CaV , Ladie Viuaa fur and IS trata, wtrth Mora woaey at Fleck A Co'. - i k , Alaea. all prion l T. A. flaoh A Ct'a. , i'Vaw kid gUvts at T. A. Fltek A Un'i" ".' . . ,1-. n "' " 1 - d Pvtcaln and white pique at Fieok A Co' -, jiaraetla, ftel) aaatrtaaant at Fltth A Co'. A large aMtrtment ofWalde M. Claflln'a rtoou ehott ami gallera nt I'KTKR MeUKoRUB'B. AUUUST FbOWKH. Tli utoaf vilierablt being! la tha' world art Uioee tuff ring from Pypepiia and Lira Com nlaiut. Mora than aavantr-fivt par oent, of the people In th United Stale are afflicted with thtae two dieaaae aud their effect auob a aour ttomach, aiok headache, habitual toativeatee, im- Cure blood, heartburn, naterbraab goawiag and urn I ox Saini at tbt pit of Iba etomaoh, yellow akip, coated tongue and dliagrreabla taita la the mouth, turning up ol too tooa niter eating, ww aplrila, At. ttu to the Drug Btvrtof C. D. YVateoo and gel a U cant bottle, or a imall bvUl for It eonu. Try It. , , . , 0. 0. Grkkv Bolt JUnofacturar, mah8l7Aty, , Woopttar, J Stop that Coug;h Dr. ilorria' Byrap oi Tar Wild Cherrv aud Horehuund u caarnnteed to euro aeiigh, colda, hoaraenaaa, or any diaaaae of tna tbroattlunga or cboti leautag to eenaumptioa, io leu tiaialthan any'othar prtparation. Nothing that we bare over auld acta aa promptly and wall. It curea croup In a fow miauio aad la tht beat kiiuwn roanedy for whooping eougk. Contain no opium aud i plcaeant to lake. Cough wora vie tiiat, whoia lung are racked and turn with par otytma, find aura aud apeedy relief from ita am. Trial aiae, 10 oeote, Hold by 0. D. Walton, Clearfleldi P. Curley A Co, Williamegrovef T. II. Forcey, Qrabamton, and P, Moyer, Kyltrtenn. inch 17t'owly. SJtarrird. . Oa MouJ.y, Ma; ii, H;J, by A. H. l.iPi,r, k.q., Ui. fKXEU UUYKHH, f B.IT.I. Hun, (J.olr. .o.nlj, l',,ul Mi.l ALICk' HI .TliK, tit MorrUdW. Cl,.rahl cunly, " At th, M. ft. Pir.nn.f,, CI.BrA.ltl, P., oa Son.l. trmlof, M.r fib, l7i, br Kir. 1). P. Bttii, Mr. JOHN P. JOHNSON ,nd Kin JKNNIR ROWI.KV, both or Cle.rll.ld, Vt. sua. In Jurdaa townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., ta Thumlay, March Itiib, JOHN CURRV, aged 00 yeara, 4 month and 4 dayi. . j, ... ' Tn 71enrflef(t, Pn.i em Friday, May Itth, 1S75, ADUA BLANCH, Infant daughter of Wa. W. and Kara WouBii.t, aged t year, 9 monlbi aad 1 day.' -4i; i I.-. . .!.-'( Ia New Millport, Clearfield cotntyr Pa, ea Saturday. Mr 1Mb. 1875. NAN NIK B., dauxh- tr of Rar, W. and P. C. Tbvdat, aged IT year and 7 month. ... PennMylvanln Railroad TYKONS A CLKAliKltLU BKANCU iTiy aau .r Moid.;, NOV. IS, Wi, th. . " CLKARPIKLO K. " .u i ) mi W. 0. liwi, Cuniuol.r" ' 1 j'- LKAVB SOUTH. LEAVK .VOKTU. CI,,rflolil. l.40,r.M. Ibinpiburl-...,.3i, " 0anlu........4M, " Tyron. 6.U0, " UkwIl,. 10.10, " Hkllp.lmr(...l, " Cla.rli.lil .. ...11.111, CLHAHUKLU KXI'RKSH. W. g, Pi.rum, CoDiluclor. LEAVE SOl.'TH. LEAVK N0HT1I. CI.rIJ.... fblli..lurg.. .M 0,eil, .M " I.Ira,eUoa.H (.41 Iyro,.... 1.54 ' ! Trron.. r.u. 1 lntrccli.B...T.12 " ' Oif.ol. I.ll " I Pbillpiharf ...Ml I 0l,artald,ar..(.M tYRONE STATION. ' a a WR, A E.prMa, I7 MIl.J Traia, 1:16 Uarribar( Aaa'ai, IM ' ' " ' . Mall Train, ' Atla.lkKapr.av i 0:14 l'liil. J. Emu, 10 ll Rlatln'U Expre,., 4:11, ( 4 Way Panntarr, 1:1S M.ilTrala, , 141 Fait Una, 1:68 Th, Mall mahM) el,H coaarotian with Atlantio RrpratiMrt ml lt4A, arrlvlait at, at lllllt P. a. ami at FhiMalpbU atSilO a. n.i aad with Mall n,M at Ii41,arri,ia( alAll.oa.atM4 r. and t l'ittiburtli at 1:40 a. Tba Bl are aormMtl with P..I0, EipraM Mat at 8:17 a. w., arrlvi., a Marriaburir at 114, a. H. .ad at PUiladtlphia at 4:14 r. .; u4 with, Bi- (rr.i wt at 8 4 a. v., arriving at Altoooa at :,0 a. v. and PitUbartB at S:0O P. n. Ltaring PblM.Iibla m tha I'unlki Baprta, at llili r.m. 1 tba Mail at 1:011 a. n-i and Pillaborgli .0 At lantic Eipr at 1:1, r. u. or Paelfi. Eiprta, at 8:10 I. n., mak, elon ,onnetua at Tyrou, with Irairatof Olaartald. . ,. t N. li.Ili. Mall Wain arrirc at Carwral. vllleatUj A. and lr,a, CarwcBi.ill, at 8:88 p. n. Th, arrir,, at lama plae, at Vial t. ., maaiaing 18 bIbhI,,. rotaraing to Qloarteit, lnaa Uoarlald for TyroB, at 4:14 a. . FAHB KUOtt CliEAHFIELD, TO BrilahrrtBi Pa.....$! 81 Look Ua.M..... 1 0 WilUanauort..., 110 Huntingdon r.... 1 80 I.latoo.. ........ 188 Mary rill. 4 it UAai.lSBIIKll., 4 16 HlddlcloWB SB 09 MariMU. 8 M Lanea.l.r I 88 PH1I.AUELPIIIA Hi Altoona 1 88 Jnrjnatown....,.,nM, S 80 I'lITriBDKU...... I It Clo., eonnrallona nada by all Iralni at Tyroa, anrt Lock jiarca, i rmri: i. ,it g. BI.AIB, " ' ' Bylt-lf. .,,,.1. ., .., .,( . BapniatandBBt. JJOEfS NOTICES. ' ;. .,, Tk. following partooi haf, Ht,J In th, offlo, of th. Chirk af ta. Conn of Uuartar H.iii.0. or ClaarfleU Maaty. thaif patitioBa and hoad, for Lir,na, at th, Juu, Briaiona Belt, agrMa'ily U th. Aft wf Aarnnb.y: Wtlliara gehwMB, ll : Adaat ti B.rr....,w....- Ilrady Panial l)oraB..a.H?...r..,M,..,..Uradrord Jama, Moor,w n Haraalde JobB Ryan i Uaroald, dataaa P. Curry.....u..A Aotlta Bigl,Biaa..,,,a...r.H.A, ....Covlnglaa JobB B. Uorg'-'y. f Coritigl,o John1 Bl olaoB...'.'.'.;V.J CovingloB B. tViw. ............CKaarli.ld Jamaa Mi,L.ugblia..i.MMM....M. ....Crurflald H.orge I,, heliiulti,!..,, ,.,.L'laarllaia t. R. Pollarloa.. t'learOrld JoB..I,utb,rty.....,rM..,)iM...w Olaarfl.M nawton KH1.M..-WI ta.M..,....iiarw,nantl, KHiqui. Ilullibaii...,,, .Mu.,MM.,.H.,.llrt4nwuod B W. Rrcd Qli-a Hope ....... ..Ouliah , Honudal Ij. KaterliBeH.. Chariot KuanaT Jumna Carter,. ,. Hnatidale .....Hoatidala k...lleatadale VMr..,,.Hoatailal 1 1 outi dale Honttdala ..HiinUdale ,.,.. lloutatlala Honttdalt Hontidalt notton IVillram Carran.,' Hiuaboth Siaile.n Jnha WoInarnvf r.'',,,- Jamea Haley. ... lane !twl,.f: k a. nuttoi. Tbom Mil Iaa. William rarkcr--lM,.,.., B, C. How -fa.-1 ht..,twHt..M....MwrMf. tiuitoa Andrew folntr.v.r..i..,kr..,i.uH.,X..i. Morria Wary Ht ten bo war Morri Oeorge W. Uari. ..Nw ft Mhiagto Milo llnrt Oaceoln Jamea H. LiplQn.,,v.nM,,T,.Hm....Oaoola ffeal .LMherty.,,.,.,M,,M,,v Smith Bnird4.....,,,., Jamea lUbenliinji,. .,,. Oaeaula W. I( 'Dancr.rt.t....,,.l, ... ......Oaeeola Pail. Kerrigan.,.. ...,...,,., f Oaoevln Sarah ll4tlar...MM,iM....t..(w'8.Wallaoctoa Main u el Uurdon.H.., .-,.4,.-Wood ward Uwrenrj Cainpon,tfMM..,,u,.t,.,,.(H.,Wtodaard Iiaao I'. Ceriou..,,,, ,,,,,..,.,,,, .Woodward Oeorga IlhoiUi,,,.,,,,,,..,,,,.,,.,,, Woodward William 8hi.ld.,r, tAm.,., Woodward Ueorga Pearce ,v,1r... Woodward Ueurge W Ueck Woodward w no LB a lb tiatoNai 'I I I Leon M. C'ondtriet CorlngtoA 4tt Uaelar..,.ti,a..d.rt,m.CorlBRloa Ueorga V. kibaktfMMMt,.MMf.f.t'larSld Hetrgt if, 0wll)iraBH..p.,t.4r..vM Utreaee '' ,J ' IBT4tlAfj ' ttntuiigi p. HuiWi.;.-.., riearflcid H. 0. Olafttl Clearfield Siephtb Oralt , '.t,.Curwenirille Pntrlck Kerrigan.., .,..., H,...Oacol John ritrgeraid OimwoIb fleorge W, Lnmhern.,, , l'oicyvlila lugen Wood in.. Woodward Hat 11, mv..( ELI W.0UM, Clerk. R ECilSTEIl'S NOTICK. i in Motia. ia hereAqr gl.N thai tha follawlag ao. nMU ban IrM. aaaeaeaadarfid paaaad Or me, aad naaaaa lied af raawd la thla edtc lor lb, ia )mUob f heira, tagataa or.dil.rB, Mid all .Ibeia IntarMlMli .nd will h. preMnled I. Uve Mil Or Bi.naa' Uoart al ( laarAald eoaatj, to ba b.UI at Iba Ml 11m. I. Hie konagh W (llaawnald, aaa. BBaeaFiag sa ib, I.I k4o.dar (bsang Iks Ilk da) ol Juaa. A. la. I8IA I , U. .rd. en. hip awwaal f dad. A. Wialara, gwdiaa af It. K. A H. i. Kapkart, Biaa, shll dren ml Marti. V. atonharl, aVif 'd. , . .Final aeooant of D. If. Parker And Marfka n,nler,adaalnlrlore ml Anlr.w Tioot.r, late mt Morrll townahip, de.'d. Final Bceoaat of I. A. I. Flagal, BdlBlalratirr of Jaroh FI,kbI, lata of Ooehaa tewaahlp, dw'd. ' AecoanV4 of Al,t lavbat, bdmlamrktor ar Aaorn Lachat lataajf Ulra.4 towrrahlp, deo'd. . ' 1 ' . . . . , t. J. MOItflAN. ' ( (H. ;1 II . " ' . Aagllter A Reorder. grw itvtrtUrmrntf. fJH) FARMKH8. .......... . W, hava rM,tv,d a utrgs 101 01 iaa national Tra, Bin. Burn plan tare, mad, at C.oHr Hall, Pa . th. .v.r brought lo lb, BOBBty. bIhi laid r!ln,and llopkmi' t.aaogbl. Allwarntat ad 8ret.ol.aa. Plough, aa low aa 88.80. u. mtuwa A bhu. ClaarB.ld, May 4, I8T6. IL T X) OUIl PATJtON8.Jt CLKAnriBLP, Pi., April 10. 117ft. We havif thla day diiputad of our entire In tor- eel 1b the Herd ware Store and Tin Shop, In thle ulaoe, la Moearr. wiLMaa rowaib nan ifk r. Moan ax, wbe will hereafler anaduot the bualaeaa at the old Hand, on Srnond atreet, nnder tbo firm iibi and tvla of "Powell A Morxin." We chner fully ratommend them to tar aid cuilomora a geiilltiiucu of Integrity end eioellett huatueai oapaully. , cry JH'peoiiu.iy, may&St II. P. Ill (ILK R 4 CO. N OTICU OK INCOKPOiUTlON. Noll,, la b,r,by girni that aa applioatloa will ba mada to I -B nlt Court of Uuarter H.a. alona of t'loart.ld oounty, to bo h,ld OB tba Aral Monday of June, l74, by tha sttlaMta o( lbs ril Ug, of N.wburg for a aharlar af laoorporatiua aa a boraugh, la aoaordaaoa with lb, gouaral Ao, of AaarmblT. aad lb. earsral ffrroplMaanta tb,rto, rolating lo th, anwrrporaUoB of BarMglu 1. Ui, UiiBiatoowislUi of P,..aay.?ania. WM, U. MoCI'LLOVOn, . ' :' Att'y for PatttloaM,. Cleuneld, May 8, l7.-41 TTVISSOLUTION.-- TiTT7 Th, tiartfiarahln haralofor, MiillBf batWMB R. V. w Inoa aad H. vaBvalBBB, ta tna pra,. ita, of Modlotaa, ia tbia day dliMlrW by aanu.,1 BOBIBDI. .,,-:. . j R. V. WlXIOIf, ;'" " H. B. VANVALEABT. Claarflald, May lit, 871. I .. . ' N. B. Th, hooka of tha Arm will b, foaod al tha 0OI0, of H. V. wllaoa, wbar, .bay will heart tlfad by Bilhajr of tba abova .araad. ' ' A DJOUKNED ASSIGNEE SALE 1 o ' Valuable Seal Estate. Tt. -m ;' ;,b'lr"u',''',h;(i,"li Cltarfleld, an MOMjAY, May 3 1 at, 1874, at 1 o'clock, a certain lot of ground aitnata in the) boroogb of Vlearncld, oa tbe Booth aide of Mar-i ket atreet, adjoining the Poll Offltt on the tart, J routine H fact, oa Market atroot and run nine lr"l!.ie.'"r;. ..1 UTh:.',:.".,i'':r! Thlilot la one of the moot dealrabla buaineea aitea In town. The right to uao ibacuwlara wall of tht Peat Ornoe In building i aeourod to the purohaaer. n paymaul of oae-half It oolt. Tarini made known on day tfaalo. ...-.: A.C. TATK, Aarigntt of B. A. P. Kynder. , Cletirfl.lJ, May , 187t3t , , . , ! D 1SSOI.UTION. The eonnrtnerabip heretofore el letlnt be tween M. G. Arnold and W. Roa llartfboro, In th mereaattle hoiiaeai, ia tbt borough tf Car wenavillo, trading aa Arnolb A IlAaraaaax, wa dliaolred by mutual eon. ant on the Jirtt dug Jiiy. 18JJ, The book a, note and Jndginent. of the firm are left ia tha haodatr N. B. Arnold (r etllcmtnt and collectioa. Thoae purl iaa having un Fettled account with the firm will pleaee call and tattle them without delay, fa Wreaotrfioa refaM tey lo iJk erea( kturi, , . Si. B. AHN0I.D, W. R. HARTSHORN', Tbt nnderai;nd propoaea tn tonUant tbt bn.l aua tf Mtrehabdikiug at tha old ateod, and ia tcnil to conduct it on a more extended male and aril good cheaper than ever before He want the old aatrtna and new oaea. toe, M hmr tbia ia mind. , , K. Ii. ARNOl,l. Carwenviltet May 5, 1876.-lt . . N OT1CB TO TAXPAYRItS. In aeoordano with an Act uf tha Ueneral AMtmbly of tbii Commonwealth, approved tha t3d day of Mareh, A. I. 1H7S, and ax aupplo meat approved the Sd day of April, A. I. lTlt, "rotating to tha collection of tnxea in tbe county nfrjidcld," notioe ia therefor hereby given ta the taxpayer !T!diog in the diatrlela below aaraal, that kh. Con.iy Tftl"'. ' aao.rd.nM with tba aaond walioa of aaid letViilll attaadal the place of holding the borough and townahip alec (tone .on the following named dayi, between tba hour of S a. a., aad i t. n., naleea otherwla deairnalod. fur tbeournoee af rreeirtna tna Count v and blate taxoadueand aitewedfu the year ln7a 1 1 ril For Wallaccton, Saturday! ie u r. h. For Woodarard, Tueaday, Jane la -: For Ualiulk, Wedaeaday, Jnae K. For Beoaaiitk, Thuraday, June If. , For Knox, Friday, June IS. For Jordan, Saturday, June H. For Cheat, Monday, Jane 11. 1 For New Washington, Tneadny, Jane 2J For llarnaid town.bip, Wcdneedey, June. tl. For Buranid borough, Thur.dayi June 24. Furliell, fc'riday, Junt JA. l be a reduction of eper(.,wkiU Ire per eeat. will beaddi afitr l fit day o Jul all tnpaiu UbXee, making a aiBtrenet M lfan ptr tt prompt taxpayer. tVartia eaa alwara. from nadaftortha Id of Maj, pay thalr taxe at the ireaaarera omte, a rare opportunity win at afforded merchant to lift (Aei'r lictnw far IB7&, and tbta aruld a trip to the Court Houie for that purpaae. ... DAVID W. WISH, Treaearer'a Office, j Tranaarer. Clearfield, Pa., Hay 11, 1S75.J 4t , . ;. yANTED.' ,;'V " Nt E. ARNOLD, " CfJRWRNa.VII.LB, PA..'," ''."j ' V'1 :ffaeoeBaor to) !' Arnold & Hartshorn. . . 1 . -.1 JOtMMM aM-litrb. Hhavad thlnglea. , JO.Otxi rwnd, of Wool. , ... , . Tartlet baring hong SlilBglca or Wool (or Bilk er) will do wall to call oa mo. Tba highrel mar. k,t pric .id at all tlmea. ' Alio, l full aod complete atock of " , ' f ' ' DRY GOODS, , HATS CAPS, . . HOOTS A miioss, GBOC'EWES,' FLOUR, FEED, "sit LT, P UO VISIONS, Ai!,' ' ' ii I. .lie. . ..' 1 wbicb will ba 14 at reaaaabB fNTHHnv o? ,a- ahangcj for ahaih-a or wiol. tf. K. AltltOLIt! Corw.nn BW, May i, 1871. POWELL & MORGAN, i r I.. 'ttuta ta' ''' II Alt i iv A in:, ' " "' Alio, Hinafactarra,f ' I Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ' Ct.SAHltD, FA.' " li l.i..'.j::.i. l:tJ ..'Ji. l .1' U.j.i JfiAKMINO IMPLEMENTS or all ,;t i" .il i klnda ftrtalt by --n ' i.-l -.' :! t . r0n-Rnt A MOKQAV. It AIIR0AI) WHEKIBAHROWS .If. for winby' , . : -v 1 rbwsu icoiuian." O 1L, PAINT, PUTXYi GLASS 1 ! . :- ! -ft - , Nalla,tU., far ml hy , . i "' POWKIL A NOROAN. ' II AHNF.S3 TKJMMI'GS A BI10K ,' ' '1 .pit " ' ..... rindlnartor..l,bl. ... !.,.,. .. l v i, . .1 F0WKl.Ii A MOaAti QUNS, PISTOLS SWOKDCANKS , I Foraalah. , ( ... '.. . .. ... !l TIlWKt.l. A M0RUAX.' gTOVKS, OK ALL fSOUTS AND 1 nil,,, for aal, hj. , - . Ill Ii' , : - ..,''.. - -i FoWHlX' A M0KUAN. juom; inoN! ftuoNi jnoNi Fon.Ub)' :" ' . PtlWKLL A MORtlAN. u OltflK i nonsK SHOE ; SAILS, for ia), V'' .M'',1, !, I :. rilWRLL MOHUAN. IULLEJ. BLOCKS, ALL. SIZES " AadV,8HtaBBfalar.,fKBal, j 1 ' POWELL A M0R(1A. 'jntUtlt SKKINS ANT) PIPE .. mr I ..B0XKl,ferMBly ! ' .:' i.-..i i pnm-i.t, . Mr)MAi." TRIAL LIST. Llat of CauMi act down fur trial at a Court tf Common IMee, to commence an fhe aih Uon- w7t toe .in ui bimi n. v. t Fryer Admr,,...,.... va Uiihcl t nl. (l Swoop; Hsrl,jj,tf..u'.u Tjltr .. Barmoe 7. t A. ker. Cheat. ... r Thumpaaa. i i M. ra Thonipitn. ,. v Finney,, . i ... ri Hock. ...ft Uwl. ' - ..-i-Jl. .v. ra lloaxonbtrr . .' BoalerH UeBeok4 ., . Swarti , Oroaiman Unokora,, k-H,. Same. ,,,aa. , , ta. Williaiaa. llyora. i In in... ...... ..... K.liy'a bal r, ,...-.... Job. Burria.... Duughany ...........M. riuydM.. .H.H.HM. Walla ,.. Catbrart rtmurrellttnit , . tl Br.ri. !"; ' Hartrr. .':;. a MrUbM. .a t, Nper. re PI,. . ra tiallaghr. va 11 owe. . 11 Hoover. '; 1 I' LlH of "Short cauac eel down for trial at an Term, ttmmtntiag on tha let hloniUy, 7th day efjiint, A. ll. 17 i,. ,,-... . j rinxT aati. Krgund... M, M va Caldwtll, Welch va Irriu. Spangle T WeM. ' ' lirinkerH...H vIabnm.' ; i. J Haine , ra Sam. Maya. va Krhard. ' Brubaker t Boweraoz. ' MatUruatai. ra UDaton. ' " Wearar.,,.H. ra Keria, ! , Coulter v Siiirey. r, Harwich vt VanUrabant. , 1 trcDVt) win, Onthri.: ri Lowry. : Uo....., M rtBttiBtrtttl.1 baaceDBUa,Mm,,MM,M,,,n Vt Arthur. , ,: Arthur. TcKlngttal. Albert Broiu. ta Jot at al. Crtery a Knapp, " Miller. va Beaty at al. 11 Nat'l Bank ..,. a Bleom. Same va Finney, .'. , Beaty ri Illllor. ' Irwin , d.. U oaken townthlp. idunay at nl..w T Smith. Coudriet , v. Lacbet tt al. Builar va Howe. Lute ,.m . vtUeBeoh. ' fcLofl. Va Mitchell. Oraham School Buard... i Wlllbelm'a adiur. u.:. uridw';::: , i.iluh n ' ti Hoi tor IT tt al. Byera. Liaee. MpplllVU' 'IT utt If I )ltl U'UU . ALK'T Valuable Coal & Timber Laud. ! . . EST. OF ISAAC llrKKB. DBG'1. MBp vlrtnc of aa order of the Orphaa Court of Clearfield eoanty, to lii direr tod, there will beex j pind to public aale. at th Court llouat, in the borough of Claarflald, on , BION.OAY, MAV !. 315, at S o'clock p. m., all that certain tract of land, alluate la Kuox townrbip, Clearfield county, l'a.. bounded and drew i bed at follow, tit : -On iba north by the laaat UrKaa ll'imeittod Farm, ou the oaat by land, tf John H. Chnaax, on the eouth by land of Juiepli Uct and other, and oa tb. by t'leartiold creek, landa of the ca tat, r lr. Ilouta Bod othara, acntalaing 114; acrea and allfwanoa. with aboot 40 .area cleared , . and bating a good two-aiory log houao, orchard I and otber improvement, thereon. Tb, land la i good for fanning parpvm, with a oaanllty of pino,ooJt and beinlook tlaib., thwroa, aad taaa- darlaid with ooal, being ailuated ia the grant coal baiia. ' Ala., oao .tha, tract of I,b4, altuat. ia Iba townahip aforeMid. houodod by laada orilriakia A Miller, Joha l. C'oil.r, Agwa llabiaaoa, laada or aaid Iasao MeKcV. .ala.aand othera, eoataia. tng 102 aoraa and lit prebe,, and bciBg a part of a tract warranted in tba aaiua or llen)atnln Puultney, Tbl, laed la well aaitcd for laruiing purpoaoa, haa a largo quaulily of p'.na, oak and boailk tlaabar tacrcoa, aad la attuatad la the Mai baaia. - j Tnbh, or Salb. T,b per cant. wb,a tb, pro perty I, hnoeked down, lb, remainder of oo. third at eoBflruation of aal, and th, balaBC, ia aqual payaaou ol on. and ibo yaara, with tBtar cal, to b, ,Mur,d by bond and mortgage oa tha prainleea. " JAMKg MrtfltR.' ...... J. 1HY1B tli-KKB, ap!28-4t 1 1 .. lruileca. i i JOHN TROUTMAiJr DEALER IN F UKNI T URE, MATTHi:SHIlSv , - AND ' ' :!' ' Improved Spring Beds, MARKBT STRKKT. SEAR P. 0. Tho uaderilgned beg leave to Inform (he eltl- I "ae of Ctanrfleld, aad the pnblle gcaerally, that ne ubmiu mum xsurianvai im ATrwivir, Boob a Walnut. Cheat nut and Painted Chamber flultea, Parlor Suite, Reclining and Ritenainn una tra, ..artier and tieata Kney Chatr. the rer forated Dining and Parlor Chain, Cant Heata and Windanr Chaira, Clothe Bare, ritep nnd Katen lon Ladder, Hat Kaoka, Koruhbing Ilruiber, Ac MOULDING AND PH'U RK FRAMES. Looking Olaeaaa, Chromoa, At, which would bt auitahle fur Holieay preicnta. deoIO'TS J0IIH TROl'TMAN. JJIEY & OHBWT, - ; t Suctcuora to Kbvpbb A Co. . TO thole fwttrtattd In tht fvarehaa of itrielly PUItE RYK WHISKY, ' For Medicinal Pnrfioaer, wt offer llnllcy's 'Pure Itye, Price 2.20 to Ifl.JO pcr gallon, and wlU bip In package to rait purchaaora. , i .j , ' " We alao handle largely a COITER DISTILLED WniSkY, : "l: ' ., . -i .i. '' " ' .FINE WINtS, BRANDIES AND GIN, . i . Aad ar, .mm HaBufaolnrca af . i I HI. STfKVKIt'S TONIC HERB BITTERS! Send for Prlet Llrt.1' ' "'''i -- . "' j i ' -i' HUBV A CHRIST, ' j tblM'Tay 1J1 N Third ISU Philadelphia.' I 1 fvACKSMlTU lOl- U IN CLEAHFJKLD. 1'UJl 8ALK. The undrnigned, havlnir determined loohane hia bualntta, olfera for ante hia fthcrp, Tool, Ac, I oonaiaUng tf two aew portable Forge., with all neceMary looU and implamcai., of the let eat and mort improved kind In ua or to be found In tbe ' boat fimtth Hltopa. Attn, a largo uuantkty tf I Moraa bbt and Iron tn hand. : t j Tht lutTttion af thia ataud baa n great adran- j tnge over all other, being aituatad on an alley , leading from Pint atreet to Reed atreet, at or near ! tbe Leonard Uouae.. lu close proxlniily to the Fir Unj Work, Plating MilU and Haiiroad 1 Hepot give it a prefereuue over all other alaud I la town. Th property eaa he lesacd tn good ad- I rantagOffvr parobaead far a raawonabla priee. , ' ' ., AMOti KKNAUU,; Clearfl.ld, April ?, lfi74.-tf .... , t . 1 1 -..('. 1 1., Iho umlcrnigned, determined to radttw alook , aad material, propoaci todli-poae of, at rx'cedlng' iow mitt, a aumoer or HOIIHRM A If AHV1TRM ' ' ' 1 can auiilv iartia. with ell bo new or aaoottd hand earrlagM, bugglea, or wagtuia, at fabttloualy mw prieea. lioratx, oit and yoang. ind narnnt to ma teh. Par ilea la a rod titbtr tnantt hay them a cheaply anywhtro tliw-. : t Clearfield, April IR, I875..H ' '. A UP1TOKS yOTU.'.K.-; la tba matter of tho hoi la th. ui, oft the Orpkaa Coart ,.lal, ol Dai I.I Blooia, lear&eld County, daaeMed. The anderlc td Aadllori ki.neintrd Iht tha tourt urt to distribute Iht balaaet in the hendttflbtj Admlniitralar of said estate, heruby givta action (bat bt will attend to tht dude of his appoint entMl hianfletitn Clearfield, on Thwreduv, tht 21Kb day fM-.y,iB7i, at It o oloak, A. M.,wben and where ail pntties lntrt"tfnl may attend if the? proper. WM. M. Mrt'l LLOCOH, April, , lK7t. - i ' Atidtl'.t. $7.85 for 10 Cents. Prailer'aTlme Tablt and Pocket IH. ec- ttry fbr Mny contain fT.r4 worth of Ifi- fcraattoni'' i ' ' t ' J ' 1 For aatlFf4'lory?eaaoai) not h" divuLed, ev ery Maeter Maeeu ahonld havt d copy. Price ! centt. For aal. at Newt Htande, Hotalf, ot Rail road Train., ete. Mailed an whereon receipt of lu nenta. Ufll-e II A V Huulh Third .trv.A, I'hil. adedphiai' ' " . May h.-dl Amotd'a Hall, In Carwrniville, (.er high I or eck on rtnaenable term. Keating capacity, ( tag, taxtt; drop anrtain aal tomptett. Alio, I but roams ta ttoond lhtr. tuxl'h, atu ble for officer, fronting on Main street. For fur tber Partteuliuetddrw , ! .. I Nh B.AliNOLDd Cuiwensillle, AprH 7, Il7.-m ,; . ijltM bAl.U. Tbt andev.igned offatl far 1 tale a raluabla Iowa prnpart j in the bartngb ol Clearfield. Lot 8(1 a IB feet, with a good Iwo etory plaak hftatt-thtremw wrtnled, with thne room down atair and four bod room ap at air. Alto, arwing room and balk room tn aeoond Boor. Hottet flaiehed eomplett from cellar to attlr- eJondl 4tnhl pntoh and good Water. Frltt aa aatau. and naymente ay. i ., . Joaag? WM. U. McCTLLOrOII.. J- iHtTlCKt dh CORtrrAHLIam flKal Wa bar pnaud a Urgn aambtr nf tbo new PRK DILL, aad will an tha receipt cf tweair trt etnii, mall t nawr ta tat tdtrta ' J aiyW Srw a,dilljsfmmt)rj. 0 PPOSITION r i ? i i ITION! T. A. FLECK & CO., art determined tt at 1 1 DHY GOODS, at prif4ryiip.tititri0K 10,000 yarda of entirely new dreaa goodl, MUOyoH. Ulack Alpacca. Tbe eelebraied Collin gwuod Brand, arknowl tilged the heat gooda fur tbe price orer put on tbo market. Summer Caa.luierri, a largo eafortmvut, very . .1 I I l i I.ADISK' DltESS C.OODS. I.adUa white dr good., tn grtnt variety. Tablt Lintnt, away down. whit, and In oo'or, Prlo A beaatlfal lot nf Snmmtr Shawla, bought at bargain and will ht aold very low. Ladles' Bonncls and Hals. Hati and Bonnet,trlmmedanduntrluimvd,la tba very latoat at y lea; alao flower for trimminn. and erery article need for Mllinery. Ribbon a, Lactr, Wrtatba, Ao., all ontlrtly new. ' Ladies1 Dress Tniwnm't' A large line of Urea Trimming, Jnit pnrcliBcd, to be aold rery cheap feroalea I fall hue, n hi LiM" Th fioflt rarittyoririntt orralii'O aver bmaght to tbia town, from I to IU ecnti per yard. dUia Uillmati in hern. r, U J i J w h a J . T. A. FLECK.' A. M.HlLldS. C IIAXGH OK PBOPniKTOKH. The nndrraigaied baring the .tort gooda aad properly formerly occupied by Lever i legal, on rcvond .tract, tlfwrneiil, aucpti tni meihod of bringing hi. buaineaa lo the uolie of j tbe public, and mnin lo furniab bia patron! wllli ibvvery boat iua.ity or t - . ijnnmri' ' CTTftT't ' iJiJVjllJ vL OliULlO, I i vw . " )t ,4- . i.A ' :. t- J1 f-vOOJ C) TJ A'I'fJ '.tf T A PQ UA1U WJl1 ul at exceeding low ratal. Tbia I am enaUed to do, heeau.e I have no rent lo pay, and can there fore dividethe pmlt with my cu.tomcr. 'k may ne laiu iuu ui an experiment wttn ine, i bat if aelling n guod article fur n low figure en-r lieea euatom and expand trade, I am Ixiund to hcwth in nty unuenaaing. ttire me a can, xa amino my atock and learn my price.. it and ihoea, liata nnd llrtock of , Gents' Furnishing (Jootlsi, which I will aril nt Ikt rrj fawctty-fininw 'for eanh. or In exchange fur country product', at tha Call and examine my atock and pric. before puirhaalng elthcrr. , , , k PK'TKR McOKOKtit. Clearfield, April SI, IK;&. eV'r6rENrNQ. 5HOWEHS' .na'iAH jjav : HAT & CAP H3qAfl J.iAV wto at j :. IROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MAIIKKT riTRl. K'f. Alttinml ciiwltle'laktiiivntl'L' w atflt?, dowa it Vala I "llAltf) I'AX" miens., v. i . j 1. 1 Citla..i, aro to call and e k anil Ih ... ftf it .n.l. I. H.lM. f ...1. Ji.Slil'll tt. SIIOWKIIS, Cl.ar8.lil, April II, lni4. I Ml'OKTASTJ ' TO HPECL'I.ATORft, CAPITALISTS AND MECHANICS. Am Ken Bard, the patentee .f tht Kxnelalor ' Cantbook, being oa the point of removing to Cal- norma, tieiiraa io tii.poan oi nt enure loiere.i in niu icni, ui ilia m npm 1 1'r '( ""erfinn, h,"".r Midland eoanty, Michigan, told in II " Cookann.1 Jolin lloultl ; Ali.(r.iM.iintr. Ilich. inn. eold tt Wm. J. IMaar.U nn-l Roht. NarpT. and Wanhington ti.untr, Minnenoia, aold to Mi.' ebael Moffat. Nothing but hi total inability to j h)Ti7 miit imnirni uvihohii i.-r up. i ... uvmi from auoh a larga amount of territory, would in duoe Mr. Ken hard lo dirpna nl bt. Interest. In treaenting thla portion ol hi. patent for sale, M r. nnard would remind the pubiiotliat he i oiler. ing no uetried article for tbelr acceptance, but a Cauthnok that throagh Bereral year of Iho .ever eat trials, under all circumstance., ha. eatahllnhi'd lor Itself a world-wide reputaiiun and gitincd tht unqualified approliallnn f all practical lumbar- men. For partlculara, apply in person er by leturto AMUH KKNNAIlD, tpri. JM.Tt.lf.J . ClearfitM, Pa. , . .. . . , , AM) SETTLE. ! A. W.V.aU.n to my bed for soiii II. W, Prw " intnt Improvement, I f Vf it tad hareht noltfvM ' iriMrMMrV. Having hern confined time with no hop of pormantnt deem II beat, to quit Dunne my patron, thai I ha? plated nit my book, and paper In the hand, of t in. Porter, F.q., for aeU tlement and collection. He it fully autbotiied to tettl lay bninoa,Bnd Will pay l haueet claim! Ereaentbd ntralbid; wjt.l Wo tne Wetd name tt any oast on bim'neai, being physically enable to at tend to l. Those having ansellled aeenuiita on my books will confer a furor on me by calling un Mr, urter af an tarty da and attjnrt h name ia a proper manner. FIIANK ttlltiHT. Clearaelds April l4,dhT. bm.tiii m. i, The tnderaigned would reap, cltlitn. of Clearfield aad riein eel rat lr fc.ferm Um tlr that he t pre pared la ery all Autlon,A'tn-lnA uidwthtf fialrt on abort notice, and at reaaonal vata. Hale Uill. Ptatrr. Ifioarnnwn, aa olbT advrltting potted knfi lirtnrTuted IA the moet eonaplonoua plate. A ahare of public patronage la s Dotted. i .) .j i'it . 'atvu m n. a. iMtiiran March It, 'ft If. L'leajtdMdtek. Il-g .. 5;.a." wiisrrllaufou?. , HARTSWICK X, IRWIN . Ba II ai. BECOKO RTRKET, tf-r-j- .!.r:r!M .1.: DEALERS IN .liJ'u'oeTiM-i-'V'rp tSrV n'O V II EMICA1.SI PAIN TS, OILS, DYF. SIHKF " "Ml VAMXIRIlKir,- :rii ,-:n URlbllES,. PERFl'UEBY, FANCY 00008 TOILET AHT1CLES, OF ALL KINDS. PURE V'lSBS AND LIQUORS, '''' ' (i 1 for mrdlelBal parpoai a. ,!)'(. :.!.'. ... Trueire, Kupiinrtara, Mcbonl Hooka and gtatluB .ryk and all otber artielaa Baaally found ia a Drug 8tnr., , I " . PlIYSIl.'IAXS' I'RKSCllll'TIOXr! CAHB H.U.V 11. f ing a largo el fierteiia, ia tt.o lueil:eee th.y aaa give entire rat efaetion. . , . J. 0. HAllTSWK'K, JOHN P. 1HWIN. ' ClearM.t, reo,m,er In, l;4. THE CLKARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. . CLKAHKIKLD, PA., HaiI lAdl lfHl r FIltK JIUICIi, I'ui'iiacc .Clacks, Gas Uclorls, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, I . .. . .... J fitnuifv Topi, 'lmlow Cups, . I t n ... , ft nil t'aMft. . ' All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ; 1 I OKI i t V f lsifJNs ix' Ti;l:n A COTTA MAUC TO OJtI.EH. " With liuprovcrl inauhinrrv, flrt c?nsi materia) and akillvd workmen, we can warrant all oar nianufai'tdr to bo equal to if net etrjicrh r to any in the market. . ., . s- , ' - 1 11 ' " Jf '".r tiuntif.tctare can Lo itu at the 1 Wrirkf, ih nr H:iil.r. id U tiV or nt the Hardware aJgVT f F M'fi,fr 4 ! AH -order from a di,ta..) XT' l h ........... , .,.v ,;.l ttflUWI.1 I - ' J. (.. llAltTSU K h, JOHN FKRtil'r'OX, i Ucn'l 8unt. of, Hvnthfn l (Urnkirk, Hcotl.inJ, ' f opt. Mnnnfuctorinff kipt. 1 iiAnT2t'7S Li.t of Jurura draan for Die hold. nx of a Conrt af C"iauion Plaa. onumaneing on the 6th Monday fJl.t) of May, l.H7 ; knintnitn. ' John H. hUewart Samuel A. Caldwell an a nr. William h. Irrin Juliua A.Tarpc -.j Jamea Mile John Ilailcy Henry O inter i ' Uoorge Kriaer ' t "t I John flan key ,' " ' ' CKABAH. - IPittrh-k Carley f ori.icii. IJwxbm Flrnn I William Nerlmg I aot-TlDALK. I M. II. Mcllugh Iavid liurkey ' ' JOBUAR. larker Strong t' Knox. Ueorgo Arnold .n Hoover t f ' tntarr, ri John Ilockenberry COVIKRT0.V. I CirW. Menthol . f 1 i.Arpr.. lift Jnmot n t owwaA ' rl.RAKl IRI.n, A. W. Let Dan id W. Moot Henry Iliidjcc John L. Crnfrf M . rmw B1HVII.I.B. PhiHp Mallow It. F. 8:criing Uoorge L. Reed K.'niKl,TON. Jamci L. Cook Rivbaid Uanrer, Jr. , riKn. ,. . ; Phil Lnng W, W. Dun bp John II. Clcuier J J. B. Kraticr . , II. II. J noitipaon 'tifrt-AWrn.. .i Edward Tott . A. D. Launarl L 1ST ..OK JUliOHS. . I,lt of Juror! drawn for June Term. A. ll. oniB flnt Mmnltiy, the 7th: I tIRASP jL'nor,, I LI" AIH1EI p, f,. r. U. A. M ile hull . nt a AniiiMiroa, , , William Mthatrey nai f ABt t. ' William Mays i : KBI.L. Ilohert Mebntley .mo Uourar rnnnrros. (T,rp li rw '' John F. Recti , . . .-JlllAp,, . Job a Curry ' XARtn.UI. I. 0. MoClosktv ' I. WltHSiOi. A. Samuel Drouq hi I 1. "M.t David Forcer John A. Wtridf : ' fiii:nr. , Jin. nh M - Uirth i , I " V:.-Atrir; ('"J- Jnmc Th 'i m ii pn.n I Sohn tl. Iturgoon , - , rikn. . . fMirirfc S UlAAttt' Kichaid Freeman woonwABli, I h.HUB. Il.n.l.ra.n Jacob Mock t Andrew Hutighiunn BKLiBlA .... Iraiah Worrek TU(.H. Klnn Vim. 1...1. ' l rl.-anok. IVur Krana d , ' I OKI... Wva.Uaopjell y Ibntnaa biiiiderlin FHiunil..., ? AWrnti'ltraliatB t '- ,V'.ri:cl..lta KA.IT.U. i .,1 I W. K. Uowdrr ' I (k-ore Albert : 1 f ' rt,ilrt" ! F. K. l".rrr Ruhfti Caldwi.ll VAWnr:vrw. Tonn R. Prtrka M. T. Fulton Win. T. S pack m ah 1. C II loom John f. DaVe " ; rlll.rt.- .1 li,hTi.hl . lime Markle HH'IBWl IW-lf OTrOT i ". . m.-aiaawr. - num. iwltfi.eia. r t 4 ... -1.1.' Ji.tiu Ihtime -.Jl''M i.lfl., r rYt fumrhailr laiat lloilonback, 1 oarvtt.A. kdwaidHbuf . Ur. A). Dcl.nntr l'r. 1. 11. Ooud ' .loii a J oilmen . I- Doiud Uearlurt A. J. fclelfler V ni.fcwn(rKrt ll.D.lvpttart ' 11 'k7 VI U i H Warren . t fllllAII.. ,u t , 1,-OaW.Kriw ,w . 1'r.HN. I no. 9. Johnsion Cha, Mttio.ern J'lkb. .Tame N'orris lutin Itanrork J. Jordan Dli.oni . '' woonwAnn, Utnty Petcri J lleubpo Hnguity I J. W. Wtillao ' I Jno. a,. Ful ton ( finttn,.' W Tlln,.T . . 1 A. O. H mvrV ;.. .'. ,. j.k.otxt WtXK., . , .r ; BlCianUl'! yn jj fomtner j, r j i( -f ,v4 f, (j0 j Sun li rlin ' ' nnAiroiin. ( jj Vi,0n ntr n I tr t'i.f' ' j jifrfv Kirk' '' ' j'rt(J'1Blllla Hej,r : .n,.wl, td,,,--, , "1 nwUflLw, ! "'i. ,, i..t.i,. (!.' uu;tr x. A 1 II. M.irfr 1 : ailABAM. .C. Latasberry 01 i.H'it, J.iHiaj Wilson "joniiiy,' Il.nry !faD If. fwiui ' .laraei flilliiraa LAW HKM'R. NicnrgdiHiHiV Koliert.W. M-M M.iRliia. I 8. twva if, hvein I I j Lioharil Kjl.'-r A U- !.. l.U ' I aam 1 Hon ' ri;,il. ' Ala. 11. Jivin s . . : Henry Kern. . Fr rows in. . Kljnn Htamt) Fieheti Win. Hag iWir liKi-kTI B- Wd'.flrr1 ' " J " v rt.iiifVTirn. L Joffii A. HwIm ' 1 MoW' i lUhtrt W. M.-N'auf Zeno. Ilnrihurn.rr AnirtS W. lilaniM II WAIi,rt:T.x Alex. Frnr 1 T IT K aiideraignoo Wf learu to Inform theuab- lio that ho I now hilrr prepared tn acenmmo- dntt all in tht way of fnrniahiiit llorasa. Ilturaiu ttad Jlci and Haraea. un the atior tart aotico uul in terma. Uuiidvoeo ua Lc4illreat. Hi Tl'lrd aiul Fourth,, , i . ,, 'fle.rfl.l.l, Feb. 4. 1S74. ' 'tut i 1 -A V I Addru, t T,ni,NTKK'H fi.M.K! !' ' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE - AT. i Public or 1'rhato Sale ! ''Be!ngfa Portion of ll fstat of Aj K. " ' Wright; deceased" Th under. igned will (ell nl public- tnl, unl t. . aooner diapoat-d of, on tbe I vJtT S1(KIY Ol' JIJNtC. I WIS, nt the Court U M"-, In tb" l"t mi -li I i.f Clcaifi.M fav. .l Im ft.lj.f.rtf d'-riltd icil trubx ii . Al', all the iibdivide.l hulf p.irl .i jn ai t. i more or Ira, in tint aereral fitful nl lind ! pnrt of lb J4 t-pb t'taifcarid J. Lu llairi.ou mr J try, litualo in Woodnurd IowlfIij., t'iiai l. lil ! Culeli" tiid tHtrtfr! Olmltnian, "It. ivx I'b- nnunt of Tulnai-'e wti tr t ine an. he ulher litnher lh rvn. .1 AIo. aiK'tli'r ttri' t c.'iit lining 17 nriaf ni'-i or U'fp, filutilc In Woi.iird t .Hiuliip. I.cing the alwcptmd f tlit Thxuiiii Waif ton eur-cy, baling It.eieoQ wltile pine, IhiiiIiki tna vtur, aikdiiiting nn.lerUid iriib nvtral ttjinaof viiIun bit coal. AIpo. artiitlur trru-t it 40 acic. un re r leu, i.nrl af Ih Hard furrrv, boinu tha bank "'tt ttrotnid aiitnie at the nmaih i-f Alurgan ll un and adjoining land of Wiilinuj Alberr Urn , iu Woodward tewnabiii, Clrarflald county, and tur ored with valueMe beinloch and otber timber. Abo, another tract nf luO acre, mort or leaa, boiog ptrt of tho Thomaa Stewardeon turray. ttnato in Dec tor townahip, Clearfield county, and I ing wUtin tbt coal meaaurt of tbt Oaeeola coal baaln. Alao, two pa ret la of land eltnatt In Lawrence townahip, within one milt of tht berougb, and rateable aa out lot, ana I hereof containing tight acrta, wre tr lei ; the other four tore, adjoining landi of Robert Wriglcy and other. Alw, nootlier tract of land, aituttt la Plkt townahip, containing 31:. aerea, befog part tf war rant No. 4'J60, aituat within tlx tnlleaof tbe bor nngh at Clearfield, evrd with raloabla timber and underlaid with fireclay of tht fint.t quality. Alio", all tboet four certain bedding lota atiu ata in Bend' addition to tbe borough of Clear field, and known ai lot No. and In aaid addition, Al.u, alt that pared of ground altaatt la rear of tbt Academy lot and hifireoiVi atom, part of lot No. 3", io guttural plan ol C'tarfitld, baring a large fratne l.ullding thctcon and aaid let itu tta and boutided a tait .idr by an alley. All tho .oe docriL'cd landa are raluahle. 1 ho lanlr in lieca'ur and Woodward town.bipa arc ail wit hla tba coat nteaaurea af that li.trkt, and within roach of rnilruada,eitbct built or bow building, and ooniuttn.f ti.tiuielvca to parcbaicr for coal arid In m bur,- Tbeae land will bt aold at private anlo, if parti, do Ira lo paicliaae, hul if not aold at prime vale will bt publicly aold Bfoumcntioncd. Term will bo made rriionahle to ault pur c barer.. All ln(uiriea addrtefted to tbe under .ignvd will reocfvtfrauipt attention. ..jew i , A. O. TA'iB, Truitct. 'ClcarficU, Pa., Jon. 2n, ).-17.'..-t.i T A Flit ST CLASH NEWHPAPKI1. 1 Indfiterdf nt In'fvrrj thing I Krurtal in noth ing! Oppnfcd to all cuirupl ringa lo Municipal, State nnd .Vmioital atTairi. . . TflE l)Atl,Y TIM KH ' will ho iriiif-d on Siitarday, the lUth of March next, and trery morning tbcrcaltcr, Hundaji ex rented, nnder the editorial direction of A K Nc dure printed compactly from clear, new type, oa a large lli rheet. eoutainiug all tbe bcwb of Ibo day, includiog tbt Atioriatcd Freaa Telt granva, special Tt lcgiame and Corretptndenca from all point! of inirvit, and fear lea. editorial dtcruaiiena uf ail current topic. Frice, 2 cent. jI all luhacriptioua, pontage free, Six Iollara per annum, or Fitly cent, per monih, In adrance. Adverttveincnt. filteto, twenty nnd thirty tent par hue. accord. ug to poaition. f ' THE KEKKI'V THEi " Vifl ft limed on Fat m Jay, Mnrch 201b, and werkiy tbirealter, containing all important uewa of Iho week, and com nl etc market and financial report.. Mailed, for one year, portage free, at the following rat: One copy ...'....'.$1.00 Tin Copict 9M Twenty Capita 10.00 Advertisement! twenty-five centi per line. lit mittance. rbul. be uiadv y drafia or I'oit Of fice onlcri' Addrtf THE TIMES, 1 So It aotith Seventh IS tract, inch 3 3m Philadelphia. ' ' COURT PE0CLAMATI01r. ATllKHKA.-l, Hon. C. A. MAYER, Prealdent T Judge nf tli e Cnnrt of Common 1'l.or of Iht Twinty-fiftb Judicial Di.trkt, totuoeed of the cmj ntte of Clcarlivld, Cc nir and Clinton nd Hon. William C. Pulkt and Hon. John J, ttmUli Araociate Jvdgei of Clearfield county. I i,-,1S 1 their precept, to me directed, for the ' k",.r;I"'f'l!"dWJ1o"'moB Plena, Orthani Court, Court of uar'terb;fon:;,)Ber and Terminer, end Court of UorterttWMR-v.-rT- ery, at the Court Hon at Clearfield, In and for tha county of Clearfield, commencing on the 11 rat Mouday, the 1th day ol Iunc, 1HT5, and to continue two week. NUT1CB 18, therefore, hereby give, to tht Coroner, Jo. tice. of tha Peace, and Conitablea, in and fr aaid eoanty or Clearfield, to appear In their proper per.ona, with their Record., Holla, InquUilion, Kiaminatione, aad other Remem branoei, to do thoie thing! which to their officea, and In their behalf, pertain to h done. lly an Act of Aeaomblr, pafaed tb 8th day of May , A . V.l It i made tbe duty of iht due. ticca of the Peace of the lev era I couatie of thia Commonwealth, to return tn the Clerk tf tha Court of Ouarter Ecuioni of th repcotiv eoonrkf, all the rnonctixanoea entered Into bttfura ham hy any peraon or pereona charged with tha tommiatiun of any crime, except auch taaea a may be coded belore a Ju.tica of the Peace, un der exlillng law, at leaat tea daya before tha commencement of tha aeaaion of tba Court to which ll.ey are made relnrnablercf pectirely,and In all earea whrrt any recogniiancea art entered Into In a than ten data before tba eaumenoamant , of tit iun to which they are mada fetarna I ble, Ihe aaid Jurtlcua are to return th iamt in tho anno manner a if aaid act bad oot been , pird, U1VK.V ander my hind at Clear field, (hi 31at day of April, in tbe year of our Lord, on thousand eight hundred and aerenty-flv. pj.rtl tc , WH. Mrl'Hia.HOJi, bhoriff. COURT KOCLAMATl6N.,)., Hon. C. A. MAYKH, Prcaidcnt j Judgd of tho Court of Co in men Pica, of the twen-.-ibtk 'Jirdi(ii4 tHKiritt, corutioaed of iht coan- 1 Ha 't.f t ..nrf.eltl. CentM and Clinton, and Hon. i " M. C, FOl.KY and Hon. JOHN J. RK.M), Aa- s aociaie juages oi Licarneld county, bave laaurd I their nrccipt, to n directed, for the holding of ; an A'ljoitrnud Court of Common Plea, nt the Court Hour, at Clearfield, ia aod for tbe coun ty of Clearfield, e.innirr.citig n the FIFTH MONDAY, THH SlKT IAV OF MAY, lj, ami continuing one week. i Noi'lCli is therefore hereby given lo Jorori and wi'ueraca, io and for aaid county of Clearfield lo he and appear in their proper persons, at lit o'clock A. .M. ot raid day, to do lhae thing! which in their heliall perluin lo he done. ' I.IVI N under my hnnd at Clearfield, thti Slat day t of Aprtl, In the yiar ef our Lord one tboniand 'i- right hundred and ecrontr-firo. t, , flr e : W. U. UcPUEUSON, rbcrHL ' :E. A. SOUTHAaD, Fire, Lift & Accident Insurance Afa'PXT, t lcai Qtld, Pa. - TllAVKI.RICfl LIFE a ACCIDENT. rti.nfort, Ccnn. .(..,;. Ami trtr .VOO.ON : - ' .--,.'... .... . 110)1 E FTltK iRstlltANCK CO. ' CuIqibImis, Ohio., .i. (lel7i-lT ..ArteiU over wti(,tH0 ' Jas. tf. I'ABaoxa, Pre.'t, 11. E. Rxkciirb, Bec'y CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF nAUTFORD. CONN. . Art , W.SIO.OOO Tlsii of A.elt to LiaMUtles JI2 j FamiHiHi ineuranrt nt tht very lowcnt oat I m'oltey-hcldtre parueipate in tb profiutf tbt , : Company, thus continually reducing the annual i pRrmcnla. For rate, fcc., .'alt an or aridreM " . ., . .. ll. M. Mi F.N ALLY, Agent, I ;oa.jaVhrWUT, Cltarfifhl, l'g. - Mill ; f FvO'LEARY BUCK, , ( GenoraJ Insurance Agent and , Real EstaU Broker, , j 1tfj.ieqttljiQ folloninii rcliixhla laurahta Co'l: : t N'u rib ItrUi)i t .V rop-ini; Ua. Ce Ko.tOft.DO Waliingtin Life Insurance Co. 4,(1(111,11110 2,1". I in.ooO , lire A""o"ltilion Inatifance Co.n) AtaaifHi I.ft insaranro Co.,..,j,n Pint' ni IiiFiirimcc Co., K. Y ; Wfiterte,n Kire, Ih-mim dwelling' 1 nd farm KaiMln.fa nnly ' .iir.iinoo 1 Yr, P.,Htii'k ln-nr;inc Ov, Dorset ine a red kjnifit death en-l theft. - i P. H Part tea In Ihw iw-vmuy dctHnf; lrirnta . oa their- live or pmprty can have it promptly cttt a.lml t by att'lretnjr i hy letter, or eel ling hi peraon at aar ffl.', in Pie'l Optm Hnnat, U'Htni ha. l.t'leMAMr l a. ' ' angtd'Tfi UK 8 A L Kl J A large nnd wetl-rfnlshed Biick tteTTTng, ifm ' ate on the rirer Imnk. in, Oic honugh- of Clar , field, ovthttt?tliVn Mia,iliAi good cellar, j water in tho, and all the mudera tnnrn tdant, Pnwtrte. Knh rnmr fto'hca, Ae. Lo aixft fee front emd two htndrtd mid thirty itathntk, wkba twenty Ax alley tn tNe onat ' lid-, batd building, with all Ihe tppurteajnee, will ha sold cheap, with . ft auit pereHw r. 'Applhnatiim awn ba mad (n tbo a inter Vanned, ort'i Ai V. TaaVv BanA hf will glv nil noe-ary lufarawtia ro ho wha newkt tt fa jneat tb drgpoHy. - ' - 1 i T1I0S.J. MoUULLQU0t.4 May Slit, tA Ii lOJIN .A. KTADLKB. , lAhtH, VMfirtnt 4 CletxrJd, tit, r ' ! rt Vtltlm mT Mi'tti ' 1 ' .V! 1 14 '""Hc, Frolt and Knit hi Hock.-