Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 19, 1875, Image 2

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    She gkjmMuatt.
f W ft
Ueokoe B. Goodlandeb, Editor. '
lUader. U yea ml U kaow whet li (!
It the huilom world, Juit rood our odrtrttilag
etlumni, the tyreiet oqlutun In pirtloolar.
Read tlio amended gam law In an
otlior column in tliia issuo.' it
Pope Piim ha just celflhratetl his
eighty-third l-irtluiay, and is still halo
and heart'. i, i-
"' CoN8IIERAM.V MlXEB. ''UlH'lo
' juke," of the Butler Herald, says, "Ex.
Chief Justice Woodward diud at Romo,
Luzerne county, thin State, on the 10th
Instant." ' ".-.
i '. "Love in a Cottaoe." We under
stand thoro are quilo a numbor of peo
ple looking np this lovely sentiment
theso tiirlit tunes, while trying to make
both end nieot. . ...
Aootbor Theodore Tllloa bu turned up. He
we dnwa a a Comaot Pleaa Jnror In Pill.
borrh a few day!
Well,two of a kind avo too many far
this Continent, Xo Golden Age could
sport two such charactora at once.
Cadets .Appointed. Hon. John
Boilly, Congressman from the llloir
Camliria district, lias appointed James
BropliT to the Cadet military school
at West Point, and James Kenmcy to
tho naval school at Annapolis.
! Too Bad. Wo wroto reeogniied lust
wook, but our "devil" mado u say,
"Gen. HoCandlo hits re-organized the
soldier clement in tho person ot Maj
Forcstor and Capt. Grior." Were we
a reformer, wo would cay soiuo had
worda aomotimes; but wo prefer to
take things as we find thoin. . . -
As Kstrat Item. A Into issue of
the Philadelphia Pn-M contained this
oommon sense item : l
Make the Ceatoanltl a work of pride, af pa
trlottia, aod reooaciliitioa. . . t -
This is the first appearance of this
latter word reconciliation in the col
umns of tliat journal for fifteen years.
, The "devil" must hare slipped that in.
' Jlboe Voodwa. The unexpect
ed death of this eminent jurist, a full
statement of which will bo found on
our first page, will grieve his numer
ous acquaintances in this county, where
ho presided as President Judge for
many, years, -lie liaa mnuy warm Tkei iht rovwlid wiiiofjeiai cbrin be ackaewi
ndmirors and , personal friends in r "H,"!
Clearfield county. -. ' - l- . This is atill little hidden and my-
' PASBiKOAwAYTlie recent death ,rrio,, "d 11,0 " reader may
of ox-Chief, Justice Woodward, of the Va 't over lightly, hut when tho ap
suprcme bench of this State, adds one propriato logislaUou" fentnre is tanked
more to a very striking list of deaths.
Out of tbe fire ex-Chief Justices liv
ing a Couple of yean ago; only one,
Chief Justice Lowrio remains. The
other four, Lewis, Head, Thompson
and Woodward, have all died within
loss than two years. , i i
Dkatu on iiiNos. 801110 educated
and refined people are terribly "down
on rings." Hero Is a sample ring: Ac
cording to the Philadelphia papers, of
.the forty-four dolcgatcs recently elect
ed in that city, to attend tbe ficpuMi
csn Btato Convention at Lancaster
to nominate candidates for1 Governor
. and State Treasurer, forty-one are of.
Cue holders and active member of the
State and ring. Bhould auoh
things he 1 Let us see who will howl
now, and demand that tho ring he
lusted. ' Oh, but tho Radical Chairman
of our County Comnvitte could become
eloquent over this themo, if he only
wonld. i lie loathes and ' detests the
fumes arising from these corrupt rings
as much as the flavor escaping from a
dead mackerel. . -t 1, !
Tue Cat -L'pttT -Gen. Sherman
ha written a history of his "March
Through Georgia," and other cam
paigns, which has exploded like a
. homhuholl in tho camp of tbe heroes
of many battles. ; The General has a
short way of tclrinjf all he knows
about war, and 'the . men under bis
command. . Somo of tho great war
Generals have been pretty well skin
ded by Rhnrman. Gon.Loganthroatoni
to write a reply to thnt port of Gen.
Sherman's recently published memoirs
which refers to himself and General
Frank Blair as merely political Gener
als. ' Lognri regards Sherman' criti
cism as impugning his abilities a a
aoldier, if not his courage. If Logan
succeeds in having himself entered on
record for anything bnt a blower, he
will bo rather successful. ': v
1 Oh, IIohborI I Those southern reb
els aro constantly doing something
down there which unnerves the "chris
tian statesmen" ap north, here. The
last awtul thing dono fras the mttr
rlngtot Miss Anna Semmos, daughter
f Raphael Remracs, at Memphis,
. Tcnn, on the 6th to Mr. C. I). Bryan,
of that city. Bishop Quintard per
formed tho coremony, which took
' place beneath the largo Confederate
flag presented to Semmcs whilo com
manding the Alabama by tho hvdias ot
London. ' Commodore Bommos and his
daughter should quit rifling with tho
politicnl affections of the "loyal mil
lions" of this country, and if they do
not quit voluntarily, bandit Sheridan
should be sent down to take a look at
Mobile Bay, anyhow. ' ' ' ' '
A Bad CoNastsBUAN. A Washing.
ton dispatch aays tho grand jury ot
the District of Columbia has indicted
William B. King for perjury in having
on tho 23d of February, 1874, sworn
before a comuulUts of Congress that
he hod never received a dollar tor tho
ptirpoao or assisting in procuring an
appropriation for tho Pacific ' Mail
Steamship Company. King 1 the
Cndieal floor keeper of tlM last Con.
jgress and was elected from Minnesota
.to ,',ko, next.' Congress, but" If half is
truo that hia Jfieiul,ay about him,
tb .will -spend tho nest aix years in tho
BcnHeMifvry. instead of the national
Capitol at Wasjiingtor. where he ' has
jnadQ wrer l&OQ.OQd in fw year; by
cellinir GoDKromnttM a'otes and pork
etmc the fash himself. It k littlo
rough on the nlenftier ho sold hut U
Uesy 0t Datr pf the nionetf fitf W
"still bt(aTOt ( i "tv.', n 0 ...I.
This scheme has been troubling a
certain class of reformers fur some time,
especially that wing of Godly men
termed by loyalist 't'unajian letrs
mon and HsiiUer" made up or'sucti
mon as Judge Strong, ral the United
States Supremo Bunch, whe agreed bti
fore he vqf afjKHMta, to uociu a .very
important question, ponding belore tbat
tribunal, in Jay Cooke & Co. interest.
A nd yet thoy failed. Kx-Gov. Pollock,
of the United Slate Mint, the manu-
facturcr of bogu coin, with "in God
ws trust" stamped on its face to make
it pas for silver, together with Schuy
ler Colfax, Oake Autos; James Crooks,
Judeo Scotleld and the other members
of hcTrcw, who""uYaTtso largely "u
Credit Hobllier Mock and rebbed the
government of millions of dollar while
acting as the sworn representatives of
Christian constituencies, art aom of
the mon who are constantly agitating
tho question of incorporating God and
Jesus Christ into the Constitution. If
we behoved that such an amendment
would prevent the men iiidioatedfrom
robbing tho public and stop perjury
among government officials and im
provo tho morals of such clergy ineu as
Beech or, Cloudenning & Co., and com
pel men generally to do that which is
right, and lire np to the Golden Rulo,
wo might acquiesce : but this we can
not believe, because their blood is taint
ed. Their futlicrscoinmittod the great
est wrongs ever perpotrated before
God and man.' 1 Thoy banished and hung
people for opinion's sake.' Such re
formers have cursed the world ever
since the flood, and they will "poster"
mankind for generations to come,
Tho annual convocations of these
Constitutional religionists for several
years buck have developed, loo, very
muteriul facta, which mast have at
tracted the attention of the close ob
server, but not of the many. The men
of talent and brains who wero in tho
scheme six years ago have nearly al
jumped off tho train. New leaders
have come to the front, and have, In
two years, developed their plans more
broadly than tho discreet and conserv
ative old managers had dona. , '
At their recent session in Columbus,
Ohio, Dr. Pollock stated the object of
the meeting to bo this:' ' ' ' ' '
Our tittiUoa aika for nh aa aaaadtaaat ta
the Ceaitltntioa 'ea abatl initablr aipretf oer
aatioaal aebaoaledfaieal el Alaif btjf Uod aa U
avaree of all aeair nd authority la oirll fovoia
meat j of tbe Lerd Jeaua Cbrlit ai Iba Ruler of
Hatloni tod of bil rtrealed will aa of inprerae
aathority." The oeeoBd roqaeet lo Ibia peliliea
Ibal Jmus CbriU abaE be ookaealodtod aa Ike
Buler af tbo atliuoi U Iba vital tune of tbii
qoeltloa. Tbtre are aincero but partial frieod
of tbia eaaaa aha are villinf te yield Ula poiat
and aoeetit iaiply aa ekaotrlfdraoal ofOod.
Poiiiblr the llaia waa la tbo kiitorf of tkli
eouotry wben tbia would lure boea ouEietaBt.
But tbat time le peat. Tbe iMae kaa bora too
diotiaetl; Bade. It la Ike diHieetirle ObrUliaa
fealurra of our (oTenimeat wkieb are neat vio
lently artalled. Tke opeeiol eoatrororey la aot
over tbe relation of tke nattoa te Ood, bat over
Ita relatioa ta tbe relitioa of Jem Ckriati aaxl
tea tmra tkiB( tor wbieb oor petiuoa praja tl:
on the question becomes alarmiiiir.
This the editor of the Mew York Oi
aerwr doea in this way : " " '
We bare aot roea tke proporlllua ao dt laitely
at fortk frera aa aatkoriied rearse. It le obel-
oao, at a flaaee, tkat aaok mm alteractoa of oar
lunaaraeBLU lao laipllre aa eutlra rovolatfoa or
Idoaa ae te Ike tbeorj of equal righto of all area
aoder the loveraneau If the Cwetlltatioa la la
made ao aetlee Initraaaaat, pat iato force by ap
propriato leojtilalioa, It will be aoooaeary aad
proper te require ooaforalty tuite prarleioaa oa
the part af all wbo bold oBiee uador U. Whore
woald thli place all eltiteae wbe do Met bolioro
la Uo Bible aa tbo oapeorao haw af eetleat, raoaa.
iBg of ooarra tke Bible ao laterpreted by the Mo
preiao Coart af Iba failed Itatoi. . .
II oi-e we bare tbe scheme in a nut
shell a state religion just as soon as
tbe Constitution of tho United State
can be appropriately amended to suit
tho case. . The "appropriate legisla
tion" feature the editor borrow from
tho political harlots who dealt in Cred
it Mobilier stocks, and the fixing np
of the Supreme Court to say that the
Biblo is tho suprome law of tbe United
States, i suggested by tbe appoint
ment of former jwigM, who in advance
agreed to say that "greenbacks" were
gold.. How quickly bad precedents
are imitated,; , How kindly the editor
of the (Merim allies) himself to the
viows ot Dr. Pollock. iv -j'J.
Reader, think of it. The men now
upon the Suprome Bench to say to us,
by ''appropriate legislation," how much
we must pay "for the support of the
gospel among you1.' and the creed we
are to adopt and It Vo up to ! ' Would
that be an improvement on Beecher,
or on "grand moral ideas," so flippant
ly huckstered about of late years!
Certaimlt in Xma. An exchange
says "the Jackeon Dcmoc ratio Asaoci-
ation of Washington City held a meet
ing on the 4 lb instant and adopted
resolution recommending the nomina
tion of Senator Allen G. Thumwn, ol
Ohio, for President, and Senator Thoe.
F. Bayard, ol Delaware, for Vice
President. A ticket composed of such
men as Thurmau and Bayard would
be one for which no Democrat from
Maino to Oregon need be ashamed to
vote.1' They aro two of the torcmoat
members of tho Senate and both enjoy
unsullied national reputations." That
association is always heard from very
early in tho catitpalgnVhut kind-'o-sing-
dnmb sfter nomination) are made
But then it' old, and it is quite natural
that its enthusiasm doe not last tmtil
tbe end of the canvas. Th truo in
wardness," as Beecher would ay, ia
rathor apparent if the design of this
move, was intended for shrewdness.
Tma, vebt Tain, Grant' family
Organ tho Washington Kepublicn
edited by brothet Harlan, K getting
its back up because ','Vlce , President
Wilson Is stumping tho southern States
for his health.- The editor In question
remarks;' ! -i--t '" i-
' Seroe ef tbe toToteroat wowopaaof serfbhlere
aeapla the lion ar vote rionaeat wneooj aa
Herial Ilolei tofothar aa the froauAraorloaa-
Bter-Kpenf led-Bunaer-bridga-tho. bloody .ohoira.
ooaelllatloa trtTolore' waio U roagh oa Balea.
Now, brothtf ITftrlnfl, (here wo no
body said anything about that hut
yourof. It is one of your irreverent
cock-and-bull atoriea, gotten op to in
jure brother Wilson at the expense of
Sergeant Bales. '1CJ yourself ' that
erihblo that "bloody chasm" item.
Gcnisfl Dab. ee. Ihe Sew York
Sb shines out io tbi way, while re
lating to business wets : '
Heeee la rkt bloterraf How Verb were there
a aaaoy Mora) la tat oa Brbadwoy oo Me). Tbe
Snt of May kaa poieed, an yol tbo pootoas "to
ket itero eae la Ike leoe all ibe wap ap Broad,
way iron Ceaal lo fweMeewtk atreot.
What a hatf y tnd glorious and free
people wo' nre, linybot!;.But, aaya
the laboring man.l want cash. Where
ia It to be found f Grant's own nla.
tioni'oan really t( U tho Work,' de-
DVMUN1I9F j pt s 'I ,,
A number of Democratic paper
have recently spoken of our neighbor
and fullow-citlien, ox-Governor Bigler,
In ry flattering term In cpnnocflim
with the notntnaUon lb Un-eria nt
th iipproacklfig KtU tConventloil at"
Ki-to, end w inljj jrivaj i'oxpossioal to
our.f leajt opiijon w4jot o sny tljwt no
suggestion on tho subject of the Gu
bernatorial nomination would be more
acceptable to the people of this see.
lion of the State. But tho Governor
himself, as wo know, whilst deeply
grateful to tliooe friends who hare
honored hltn by the expression of their
preferaO0, emphatically dissent from
any such uso of his lining ami docs
not SesTfaloTo sav'tliat ho Is" "iiX "a
rantljdato air, nor an expectni of the
nomination in question. Ilo seems to
be weddod to tho Centennial, and de
signs to oontiniio his connection with
that natioual ontorpriso until tho open,
ing of th exhibit ion, and 0011 Id xu
therefore take part in the approaching
campaign.' We nre itorrjMhat the ex.
Governor has arrived at a .conclusion
of this kind, If, wa coulij "pack" th
Convention wo would make Centen
nial Governor out of William, anyhow,
Thcro is energy and work enongh in
him to run the Centennial and tbo
executive chamber, at .JUrrioburg, al
the same timci 1 i .. '
it . . -ui -u u.u. m - ,1 ...
Pkepahino ro the. 'unxoa Or
dinary observers Oftur'soo. that the
funeral of somo man of quoetiouable
character during life it attended by
some highly respectable ieople. U 1
a solace to tlio mmily to know that tho
dear departed bad "a most rospovtabl
funeral. . Some little effort ia made,
no doubt, to invite a few prominent
peoplo to attend the obsequies, and ride
in the carriages which precede the
hearse. J t is a pride not Is bo con
surod, furitUatribuloto the element
of a character which is osteeued ol
men. No ono cruicUtes such an efi'tut
to redeem the name of tho dead from
the associations of life. Wo commond
it. It is wise. It is alfuction' hist
offering. It ia like tbo flower on tbo
bior. It i beautiful. Mo Grant is pro.
nanus for his political fuueruh ilo is
calling into the house of mourning ro-
specuioie peonio wuo nre to be ruauy
to act aa mourners whon he "goes out"
of political life to ono of the house for
the dead Executive either the Bono.
houso, the Murphy house, or the Galena-house.
, Pierre'mnt and JJristow and
Armstroug are invited to cento, aud
Uoss bhoiilicru aud r reti. Douglass and
Harrington.' . Xoot, Clayton, Xomiiu
luiams, and Bttmlttli aberidan are to
he requested to make room lor respee.
tablo. people.. Who are to be at tho
"wake ' is not important, as that will
beheld iu tbe "night season," when it
is dark. rlidadiiphia (Jomuoiwttiltn
From the -Mitllintown Indeuemlmt wo
loam mat tue main umitluut ol rosea
rora Academy, located at Academu.
Juuiataounty,a toursturv brick build
inir, was destroyed by tire ou Wednes
day night, 24th lilt A portion of it
was occupied by Prof. Stoi tho prin
cipal, as a dwelling, whoso family tvas
awakened by tho smoke entering thoir
rooms. .Looking out ot the wiudow
they saw the liuht reflected on a houso
in close proximity, and supposed, that
tho one oa fire, "but were horrified on
rinding that it was tneir own borne
that was beinir devoured by tbe fiery
demon, h was with great ditHoulty
that Prof. Stone and his litmilr escaped.
as the donna volumes of smoke through
whicn tbey had to pass almost sunt
catod them,. The fire spread so rap
idly tbat everything tn tbo building
was consumed. . Prof. Stone ion on
private property will amount to 1,000.
The loss of th building is about f 9,000,
00 which there (s an insurant- of 14,
000., , "Th are originated, iu a room
in the basement, in which was stored
a lot of furniture, and is supposed to
have been fired by no incondiary.-r-
.1 ne burning ol tbe buiidiuit will. not
affect tho school, ample accommoda
tion having been secured for boarding
all the students wbo have 00m from a
distance.'.') Uiriitvum Scnknri. ,. 1 ;
I .. 1 ' 1 u'.r.l V--"
DAHA 0 PHILADBbriaM AdditiOl,
division, and silenoe bar been going
on upon a grand scale in the Philadel
phia House ot (JorrectlOB. As tbe
Philadelphia Twtem stales it, "members
of tho ooeimission hav boen in the
habit of dividing; tbe purchases for sup
plies among themaelve without adver
tiing for bid, and of rendering bills
for them under assumed names or those
of their clerks and business partners."
, Ibis sort ot rascality 1 in strict ae-
oordanc with the principle laid down
in tbe following noted ; letter ot Jtoss
IVemble 1 , . . m io.f ilt
01 ' MTaiivaT aararwsar ov Pawaa I I
"Hiaenaoae, lUrak ID, ls7, I
MMr Daia Tiriaa : Allow aae to latrodaee to
yoa aiy particular frieod Mr. ueorge O. Braal.
He kaa a olalai of oarMaiafoilade that he wioaea
yoa to kelp blrj la. Pal kira lkroo(k aa yoa
wobis na. He aadoralande addltioa, airMiQa,
aad alloace. ' t " ' '
' "Yoore. - W. B. Kaaaig.'
"To Trru J. Cerrar, rUq , waabiafloa, U. C
: The. Philadelphia Commissioners
have applied Kemble principles in a
very moderate way. Jf they nod gone
the whole length, they would havo
robbed outright without seeking tbe
aid of assumed names or those of their
clerks or bnsines partners.". Ak
.YtrkStUU;:.: "i : I i.K ir...r-i.,i,. , ,
-s . . . r t -;
War li it. The Philadelphia Cbst
moniceafA says I In th recent publica
tion of the lift) of the lata Admiral
Kooto there is a lecture delivered by
the Admiral before tlio American Colo
nisation Society in 1852 which eon-
tains this statement: "Th trade of
Liberia, araoemu (in 1861) to holt a
million annually, fo white man it eViiyi-
Me re ofitt there" p; 98, We have
made the Italic the more forcibly to
present to Grant and his patriotic as
sociates the utmost, imports! nee ot at
once sending aeerel oommissionor to
annex Liberia and get lb half a million
annually, lieaides, tbi is an oppor
tunity rarely ooourrlng tor I r rant to
carry out th ciVtf right Ml. If there
i a spot of earth that raises half a anil
lion annually and the pear, oppressed,
degraded, subjugated white man in sof
fenng on doromi of cofarfram the preju
dices of the government, ie depied,
has no right a mack man m ooand to
respect, I denied ear, hotel, theatre,
and other social and political rights,
and, above ill, Taut had office because
ot hia color, Grant should tend Banditti
Sbendan and avenge tbi gtgamic
wrong. Half a million anmially, and
no Granlit to get it or hold oftlrv!
Annex and revoliitlonin.Dh', Granfr1
Tisbi bii Com tlaob Attoi. Pottj.
VtU.E, May 16. To-day hear Ham
burg, St. ificlisal's liuthoran and lie
formed chunk was dedicated. A largo
concourse of people came front tho sur
rounding country to witness tho dedi
cation. During the services a flro broke
out In a grove whore a large number
of horse and carriages wore tiod to
tree. ,Tb ground being thickly cov
ered with leave nd brush, the fire
spread with great rapidity, aqd before
tbe team could b reached nine horses
perished in tho flame, and fivo more
were burned so teverelv that it was
necessary to kill themtobe put out of
agony and pain. . iNvulecn vehicles
were entirely aesiroyod.,, ako peanut
were jirinoipally ened by fsrmers.,,,
Eslph Price, th oldest InLabiteiit of
Armstrong coacty, J a, uied at rarker
a lew days ago, at the age of 104yeara.
He 1 thought by Bonie noraon te have
been the oldest person in the Stat,. Ir
Important discoveries ol suit and
coal have Just been made In Idaho Ter
f roWheat Uripeiiluimniillv luToxnsi
.....I' Vil. U ill ...vj .
unit inu fittritpn-n wiu Mioai coillllldlive
tlio iarirrH wlU sU c
liartrt'Htlhg; i4 $1
Hrl'ha (rt-uij J,oJgo of IJootl Tump-
Judge Piorropont, the new Attorn-cy-(iunurul
entered upon the discharge
of his duties on tho Mill Inst.
The cx-wifu of tho Iato Heimtor
Humner Is soon to marry Honry Junes,
a dork InthoNow York Custom Hons.
Mrs. Sarah Clinton, iliiuglrtor fj
John Adams, Sr., died A iltv (iiiys since
nt Kly Creok, Otsego ciuinty, New
Y(rrlr,-tn her 9fitttymrf
The MilsnAolniSMtls ilnuso of Keivl
resontativv yesturtlny njirirojirintt'd 1
5(l,000 to represent the Ntute,ut tbe
Philadelphia Exposition. !(. " ( -
Main is onurinit land for sole in
Aroostook county for 50 wsits per aom, '
payaoiu iu -woik on thu pulilio high.
vyaya.ll ;iio u-ast, young man. .t t .,!,t. ,
J-(Jnernl: 'Shoridnn Inarrlaco to
tlio daughter" of frenernl Itncker, cbiof
qnartoMnaater on General Hheridnn'
statf, is now fixed for Juno next. ' ' '
Auu.d tuuiKxi 111 ong uevcnur-iti-ton
case js all in, and the argument will
commence to-day .(Wednesday), The ill occupy nvo day.,' ,
, . The slimming npof thslngcmpin
Miohigan and Wisconsin glvon the crop,
a tar as hennl from, at 411,000,000
feet less than that of tho past season.
It Isofflclully announced. nt Madrid.
Spain, that the Treasury has paid to
nien rushing, being the lust
Installment of thu Virginias indemnity.
-r-Carruth, the Vineland editor, wbo
was . shot by Lamlis and enrrie the
bullet in his brain, is now able to ait
up, and his physicians say ho will re-
oovor.-nn ; ..; t-..,',t...- n Hi: . '
'General Osborne has disbanded all
tho Ninth regiment on duty in the coal
region, except companies A. H. and II.
which are left at Huzlcton fhr tho
preaent. 'i " ' !'
, r Tho. Louisville Conrier-iJuurmiVi
sMHnul (mm Loxingtoa say General
John C. Hrockingridgo is sinking rap
idly aud his death may lw expeoted
at any moment , , ,..,.,.. . ,i
' Hon. Willard Hull dleil at Wil
mington, Del., yesterday, in the ninety.
fifth year of his age. lie was a class,
mate of Hon. Horace Binney,,ln Har
vard College. i
Three indies, daughters of Peter Uar
ii ti in, of I'ppcr Sandusky, Ohio, were
drowned near that place on Monday
whilo attempting to cross tbo Sun
dusky river in a wagon. '
Schuylkill pay its Comity Super
intendent tho largest salary of any
county in th State, 12.260, and Sny
der and Forest counties the smallest,
500. : '.)'.,; !J ,!'. C I ;l ... I
" ' A special dispatch from London
say that eii'litr-nlne bodies of peions
who were! lost by the wreck of tho
stciimsliipMliillcr have been recovered.
A diver has mndonsiirvcy of the wreck.
. Thecaipet-bngof Kile G. Parker,
late treasurer ef South Carolina, is sup
posed lo have oost the State about
22S,000, Thu people .niiKht to bo
thankful that he didn't bring his trunk.
-i-As was natnrally to be expeoted,
the Block Hills gold fovcr has crowded
a nnniber of the frontier towns to over,
flowing with adventurers, whoare with
out money, without work, and nnablo
to get away. -' " '"" 'l ;.-'
Tho troftiiiu race in California, on
tho lltb iuit best three iu five, milo
heats, for a purse of (20,000, between
Denance and r.duintou. was won by
the latter. Time, 2:241., 2.2C), 2.21l,
2:20,2:20, .,, ,
(iold nunintr ioNortlieust Georgia
ia said to present just now a vory hope,
fol appearance. Tbo 'completed mills
are running with saiiHfoctory results,
and the handing ol sevorsl large works
is rapidly progressing, t' t" - '.
Jefferson Davis. In an address lo
the Texas veterans of the Mexican war,
tit Houston, on tho loth lint., entreated
them to be as loyal now to;iho Mars
and Stripe Its they, had bedn tealous
and bravo In defense of tielr first flag.
.ir. .John Hall new church . m
Sew -York city is the laost spacious
and i costly edinoe bekmgiug to the
Presbylorian denomination in America,
costing more than a million dollars,
and soating over two thousand people.
1Ett Senator Scott will soon remove
from llnntin'mtnn to Plttshureh. whero
he will practice In w. It rs snid that t
he ha the appointment of solicitor of
the Pennsylvania Kallrond t.'ompnny,
at Pittsburgh, with n annual snlnry
of 115,000. "'I'l' '!"
i ,', Mrs. Cuuniiigiiain, wiileiy known
for her connection with tho ladies' move
ment to purchaso and preserve the
grave and homo of Washington, and a
tbo .first lady Jlcgent of tbo Mount
Vernon Association, died iu outh Lar
olina B few day a ainco. , .,:
1 uiThe Sonthern Memorinl Assooia
tion ho adopted a resolution that all
the soldiers oi the Federal and Confed
erate armies be eordlully invited to
join the Memorial Association In decor
ating ' the graves at Arlington on the
1st outline. ' ' - ' " " ,
'. The procession at tlio Masonic
Temple dedication in New York, Juno
2d, will bo one of the largest and most
imposing over witnessed. Throe thou
sand Knights Templars and ten thou
sand. Master Masons will bo in line,
many of them fion hurope, with f hirty
bras bauds. ,,. ,' ,1,',:,, .
The Leavenworth Timet save that
tho fruit and grain crop of Kansas
look fine and promising, and all that
the farmers have to fear is the gras.
rtosrasr .Whether tbe latter will be
come a destructive pest remain yet to
be seen. The farmers of 'Kansas r
oaid ta be very hopeful. - ( f
' Tbo ' flciieral '"Asscinhly 'bf the
floutiiorn rrcsBytennn t purch win
hold Its annual meeting at St. Lo(ils On
the ,20th' inst. ' The most important
fcaturo of the ' Assembly will bo tho
flisensston bf Wondly relations betwoen
the Northern anl Sonthern bnlhchos
of the Church, which now excites eon
ridcrablc lteling oq both Ulc; -y (' ;
: Kx-Sciistor Scliiira, who ha just
left, lb country one visit to Germany,
had intended ..going abroad, with bis
family un the ill-fated steamer Schiller,
bnt the banquet and ecronado in his
honor by th Cierman resident of Now
York eity detained aim. aud , he was
compelled to secure passage on the
Pommorain, sailing on the day follow
ing., i,,...-, )r. I , vl.:., D- li .,!ll ,.
-McFarland, n telegraph rrjierator,
through whose negligence a terrililb
accident oenired near Now Bethlohem,
on the LowCrade Hailpnnd, last sum
mer, was sentenced at the last term of
the Clarion Cormty Cbnrt to pay fine
of 5, cost of prosecntlrin, and'b im
prisoned In the eonnty jail for 'twenty
rbnrhonr; If is trial csme off Inst 0,11,
Srhcn ho was recommended io the
mercy of the Court. . tu.n.i .,
The firat kicometiva bailt at Hi
Altoeoa aliope has beeeput on tharaili
fbt a trial tripv. .An ordinary locimo.
Uve earmot draw moM than sixteen
ostrt lie the steep grade west of K itUfr
ning Point, yet it it said rww ' pat
tern of engine- an aaily haul twice
tftnt aaantxir. i Tie ire boa, or furnace
where the thelitis be reed, ia nau feet
long, Several additional engiajc upon
(be same plan(wi)) be crccjco,
Jlulr. Under article IV, section 9,
of the new Constitution, the power of
tho Governor lo grant coiuinututiiiiis
of HttutiMiues aud put-Jons can ualy bo
oxctvihoel "upon recommendation in
writing by th Ueutuu.lit Uovornor,
Hecretsry of the Comiuonwoultb, At
torney General and HooeUry of Juter
finl Aflalra,' or any thro of them, after
full bearing, upon duo publio wutico iu
open session."
Tlio Board Is equally divided In u
political sense. Messrs. Lntta and
MvCaudhussro Democrats, and Mussrs.
liuay and Dimniick Republican-. '
Al a meeting of the above named
ofllciiils behl on tho 4th day of May,
175, tka Ivlhiwing rule) were adopted
to iVKlat all applications ftir pardon :
Vrsf. The fimt Tueiday of each
"THnrmttr-te appointed a the day whereon
tho board shull convene to give full
heuring iu open sossiou to all applica
tions ior paruon. ,
St cund. The board must be furnished
with proof that notice of application
lor pardon ho been published ouco
week lor, so cousecutivo weeks, m s
newspaper iirintud iu the county or
city iu which conviction was had, said
proof to bo niiido by the afliduvil of Ihe
publisher of tho uuwspaiior that th
publication hud been Hindu as required
by this rule. ., ,
. ., iAini. cotice of , tho application
must have boon given to the judge who
tried tho cause, and to tho district at
torney or attorney who prosucuted,and
pruot ui nam nonce uo iuruisneii. . .
Fourth Kvery application for pardon
must be accompanied with tbo follow
ing papers, written in clear and dis
tinct band ; , , . . . . .
1. A certified copy -of tho wholo
record including docket entries, min
utes of the court, copy ol indictment,
ideas and all other papers on file, re
lating to tho cuso. , .
2. A brief tutumout of tho reasonn
upon which the application is based,
setting forth all the facts, will be re
qilirvdlii. every application; tbe notua
of ovidenoo taken on trial ; letters from
responsible perilous in tlio community
where tbe crime was committed.
' fifth. No applications will be con
sidered if presented to any, individual
me inner ot the board. ...
Sulk Alluppliuationsand correspond
ence must be addressed to or filed with
tho recorder of the board at Harris
burg, so that the sumo must bo pre.
pared for presentation to tho bonrd at
its next session; and no application
will bu beard or considered unless tho
same, aud pap-irs upou which bused,
have been tiled at leant tuu days before
said session, and ill uo instance will
this rule ho relaxed.
Seventh. No applicutiou that has
ouco bouu rejected will again tie placed i
upon tho record or beard by tho board
wilboiil the consent hint obtained
therefor, and w hen submitted the sec
ond time, additional reasons, petitions
and proofs of notices to judge, district
attorney and the public must be furn
ished anew.
Eighth. No party will be permitted
lo occupy more than fifteen minutes in
the oral discussion of any application
unless by spcciul request of the board.
..' ,. , Joll.l liATTA, .
i . Lieutenant Governor.
7 ' M. S. QuAr,
Secretary of the Cominonwcnltb. ,
i f, " , Attorney General,
' ' Secretary of internal Affairs.
' r A. Wilson Nonnis, ,
Y Hocorder.
In order that our readers may have
some idea of what tho peoplo of the
country pay indireeily that is, as fwf
on iuiiorts for tho support of the
GovornmeuL w copy tho following
brief table from tho Pittsburgh Com-
merciul, of the loth, giving the value of
imported goods, aoci ine taxes ibereon,
for a period of eight years, from 1807
to 1874, both inclusive. ,
free. Value. DatT.
1MI7 I0J1,11? IllS.luJ.riO
I m ts,t:i3,0M iae.jse.ns
ISS I4,1,HI , i . nejsi.Mt
l70....,.,. 4i2,t7l,l .. HI.ilI.tJ4
1S7I IIS,7tt,M,JI
is7 , tra,ii,sss m,it,i
U74-. IU,M4,744 ., . lU,eJ24
Crom this it will ho seen that the
three billions, nine hundred and ninety
nine million dollars worth Of goods
which wore brought into the Cnitod
iilates during the eight years nsmcd,
cost lhjnto fiit iiUinnt, four hvnttred
ami ftfty-nx millin$ of dollars more
than oneJhird of which vast ssm was
nothing but laxet, oallod tariff duius.
But this is only a part of th story.
Suppose there ut an equal amount of
home manufactured goods consumed
in th country during tbe same period,
which will be equally eubanoed in
price, by this tax on foreign goods.and
D"1'1' "t Uie people hav an.
other pne billion, four hundrttt and fifty-
tcven million of taxes to pay on those
borne made good. This latter sum
however, doe not go into tbe coffers
of tho government, but into the pocAefs
of thm hrnne manufacturer. Is it any
wonder that the laboring marisesof our
country are experiencing "hard titnos,"
and that hundreds of thousands of
thorn are in a slate of want and desti
tution, from which death itself would
bo welcomed as a happy roloase T .. ,
i Ka Hoie roa tub C'sioa Kxatts
gAB. Wo notice that somo of the Kad
ioal iournalt aro endeavoring to write
up Charles U. Wolfe, of I'nion county,
as a candidate for Stato Treasurer.
Those scribes may as well ajiare theuv
aelvas the trouble, Tbo Heaver King
will have something to say about that,
with whom tho Union Statesman(?)
wes never a favorite, They showed
tbia when they clipped his Congres
sional aspirations at the last apportion
ment., This stung Cbarlio bo badly
that he had tho imprudence in the de
bate on that measure in the House, to
personally denounce the Itadieal Chair
man of the Apportionment Commit toe,
M r. liutan, in the most bitter terms. the two subsequent sessions of
tho Legislature he endeavored to ob
literate lb offocUi of bis ill-timed speech
by the most .obsequious deference to
the demands of the King, but it will
prove usoless. The latter are a class
who never lorget or forgive, hence all
tho efforts of Cbnrlo' friend cannot
effect hi nomination ; theralhre they
may as well oease their adulatory rheto.
rio in bia behalf, .We rather rogrot
tbat the fate aro so against Charlie,
as we doubt if a weaker candidate
could bo put forth by tho liadical
Convention. Daariilf Jntclligencer.
KxACTit So. The Cambria fVwihi
remarks : In reply to tbo assertion of
the Gazette that Lswrenre, tho alleged
smngglor of 13.000,000 worth of luces,
is a Democrat, Ihe Pittsburgh Post
very aptly remarks that being a Demo
crat be .ought to have conducted him
self more properly, for although thoro
is nothing strango in a liadical grabb
ing things, It does excite curiosity
when a Democrat engages in such busi
ness, Consequently the Posf, like our
self, Is In favor of punishing Mr. Law
renro to tbo full extent of tho law.
So Democrat ought to smuggle laces ;
thcro are, ltmlicals tnough Ibr that
business.' , , ' ,., i ( , i
Poob, Bowew. Xot the pious broth
er Bowen of Brooklyn, but the biga
mous Bowen of Charleston, I never
out p( trouble. ' The AVtrl and Ontrier
actused him, among other things, of
bavin; instigated the murder of Col.
Whit, committed eleven rear ago.
He prosecuted the paper for libel and
lost hi suit. And now h lias been
arrested pn Hits old rhargo. Wo do
not suppose that he will bo convicted,
but bo la likely to with before he I
done With it that he bsd kept still And
let the1 "detective press'' alone. , j ',
Shepheii I'citrl Andrews, a volumin
ous and eccentric writer, whoso books
aro never read, was oxaminod us a wit
ness for the plaintiff in the Tilton
Hoeehor ie. ) Andrew hoi spent
much of hit time In tbe house of Vic
toria C. Wooduull, and inbn testimony
gave a lit,uf prominent persons, male
and female, who havo visited the resi
dence of that notorious woman. It
would be interesting to know what
precisoohjuct these governors, generals,
editors, judge, etc , had in view in
buying their respects to Victoria and
her sinter, Toniiie C. Claflin. Of course
tho female visitor are the leading
strong-minded beauties, who want to
vol o, bold pttu o and make things lively
generally, and It would be of no use to
inquire why thoy sought the company
ot these women ! - - -
IJ. Who frequented the bousof
Mr, Andrews I've mado a list (pro
ducing throe square lotter-papor sheets.)
. Mr. Kvurts objected to the list. Judgo
Xoilsun thought they would tako a
few, ami Mr. Andrew read with dig
nity and pride, interrupted by other
people's laughter, as follows: William
Orion, president of tho Western Union
Telegraph Company ; Wbilelaw Ileid,
editor of the Tnluiie ; A. F. Wilmartb,
President ol thu Hume fire Insuranoo
Company ; ex-ColloctorSmytb, General
Miller, Grunt's Chief of Staff; Orvill
Grant, General Grant's brother; Gen
eral Dent, General J. SI. Hammond,
Chiuf of General Sherman' Staff ; Gen
eral ; ilenjumin F. Butler, Governor
Halin, ex-Governor Campbell, Judge
H. P. Dihblu, Sonalor Spenuer, George
W. Julian, T. J. 8. Flint, President of
the Continental Bank ; V. J. Durant,
Vice-President of the Union Pacific
Railroad Company ; Henry Clew,
banker ; Prank Work, George B. Grin
nell, Jesso Whcclock, President of the
Slock Jlourd; Albert Brisbano, soci
ologist ; Kdward M. Davis, Jimish War
reu, Josiuh Cumminga, M. Drury,
Theodore Hanks, Iiichard B.Trevelyck
the last three interested in tho lalior
movement ; Bev. O. B. Frotbingham
Mr. Kvnrts Isn't tbat enough ?
Judge Neilaon That's enough.
Mr. Andrews Only a few more.
Mr. Fullerton Any Indies?
' Judge .Noilsiin Admit the ladies.
Mr. Itonch We can't.
Judge Neilson Well.
Mr. Andivws Klixabeth Cady Stan
ton, Paulina .Wright Davis, Susan It.
Anthony, Wbclla Beecher Hooker,
Mrs. Khzubvtb Phelps, Mrs. Brisbaino,
Mi-s Prances ltwe McKinloy, Mrs.
Laura Cuiipy Smith, Mrs. Theodore F.
SM'iieer, I.illie Devereux, wbo was n
witness here ; Sarah F. Norton, Mrs.
Palmer, also a witiitws in this ease:
Mrs. Martha It. Wright, sister of
Lucretia Mott ; Mrs. Matilda Jocelyn
Sage, and Mrs. Bolva Lock wood, a
lawyer from Washington.
Judge iVeilHon A lawyers wito,
you meau.
Mr. Andrews jsoi a lawyer.
Mr. Pullerton Tbo lady would tako
an exception to Your Honor's ruling.
Mr. Andrews Mrs. Griffith, friend
of Michaul Scalon, attache of Jrith
II orld ; hinily Verday Daltey, attache
of tho Sun, reporter of Mr. Beecher's
sermons; Eleanor Kirk, Mr. Ames,
artist's wife; Mrs. Brick Pomeroy ;
Miss Either B. Andrews ; Mrs Barnard,
llvrald't Washington correspondent.
. Whon whisky it sold in the oen
market for lees thaa the government
tax upon it, it is pretty evident that
somebody It doing a losing business,
and it long continued raises a strong
suspicion that there is cheating going
on. So well convinced, at least, was
Secretary Bristow that thoro was fraud
being committed, by the whisky ring
that ho removed Commissioner Doug
lass from office for having failed to de
tect it. tie lately sot Investigations on
foot himself which demonstrated the
following facta: ,
"A earoful estimalo, baaed on data,
obtained by the Solicitor of th Treas
ury, establishes clearly tbat at least
six thousand barrels of whisky had
boen manufactured in Su Louis alone,
on which not one cent ot tax ha boen
paid to the government. The exam
ination made in Chicago and Milwau
kee are not so far completed a to en
able the solicitor to make an exact
statement in regard to the operation
of the ring in these two cities but he
i confident that the proof now in his
possession will demonstrate that at
least twelve thousand barrel of illicit
whisky ha been manufactured end
disposed of st those two points since
tbo nrst ot January lost.. I neso are
startling figures, but as - tbe details
borealler to be given will shew they
are based upon documentary evidence
which cannot be assailed. It tn I
than four months the government has
boon defrauded out of noarly 1900,000
of taxes by the whisky ring operating
in SkLouis,Chicago and Milwaukee, it
Is quito sale to say that more than
13,000,000 has been annually lost thr o
tbo inomciciency of the Internal -Revenue
"ommiartioner and the corruption
of his subordinate."
Such fact are in possession of Sec
retary Bristow as willonable bim to
convict a largo number of rovenue of
fleers of th grossest fraud, probably
including the whole department of the
Commisioner of Intcrnul Revenue.
Several million of dollar ' worth of
whisky has been and will bo soiled and
confiscated by the government Bris
tow' efforts to break up these frauds
wero defeated by the influence of the
wliuky ring upon Grant, but latterly
even ho bos been compelled to yiold
to his honest Soeretnry.
An order has boon issued dismissing
all the gnugcra and storekeepers em
ployed in district where frauds were
discovered. It i believed tbat nearly
every official under tho trefwry and
tbo department of juatico located in
the revenue dittrict where teisuret
have been made are more or lee im
Lanpaclet Williams. Landaulet
Williams ia not much given to joking,
and ret It appear be hat keen sense
of the humorous. Ins western paper
we nnd a aispatcn irom Washington
in which tho following statement ia
made: 'Judge Williams explain hi
resignation as Attorney General by
the heavy cxponacs Attending tbe lifs
of a Cabinet Minister In Washington,
and says that be found his salary en.
tii-oly- inadequate to moot his outlay,
and that he was constantly getting
behindhand.'"' To appreciate the ex
quisite drollory of this, It is necessary
to know that when Williams first
went to Washington he waa as poor
as a church mouse, and for economy's
sake occupied narrow apartment near
the roof a public hotel, whilo now he
reside in an edifice which nearly ap
proaches Little Kmma Stewart a pa
goda in the prctJI.llousness of it ap
pearance the ownership of the house
being vested in hi wife, while his
stylo ot living for several year ha
been proportionately ostentatious,
That he has been accumulating real es
tate In hi family which has cost great
sums or money, wmio living at tho
rate he has, all on a salary of fft.OOO
for the hnwt of the time he has been
in office, indicates either tbat he is
nxerflowing with fun, or else that he
has peculiar ideas of the significance
of words when he talks about getting
behindhand. . If ever there was what
is called a forehanded man In office In
Washington, Williams la the Individ.
ual. Anr lor .Sua.
1 1
' In oecordance with the law enacted
at the last session of Congress, Secre
tary Ilristaw hue commenced th with
drawal ot functional currency prepara
tory to issuing small allver coin. Over
iUoO.OOO of tbe "small trash" ha been
accumulated In tht treatury within the
post month
To Tub Point. The Philadelphia
Chronicle remarks: "If Gov. Hartranft
was not so intimately mixed up with
tho Statu Treasury ring at Harrisburg,
he would be a much stronger candi
date, and possibly the most acceptable
one tho ltepublirans could nominate.
But why talk of Hartranll or any one
els ? The matter Is definitely Battled.
W am going to have Democratic
Governor, just as certain as "gnu are
made ot iron.
gfif 3.di)frtUrn(Bt.
1, W. Boss McPiiEBsox, High .Sheriff
of th County of Clearfield, charged
with the preservation of law and order
therein, do hereby warn all disorderly
and riotous persona that turbulence
and throats, Intimidation and rioting
must not exist.
All persons who wish to work in tbe
mines must be permitted to do to at
their own free will Bud without hin
drance from any oue. ' i - .
By tbe law of the land every man
has a right peaceably to pursue any
business be may select, and no organi
sation or body of mon lias the right to
prevent it 1 '
It is my duty to enforce this right,
and to preserve the peace of the comi
ty which boa been broken In violating
it, and I Notify and Warn oil interes
ted, that I will exhaust all my power,
and that of tbe eitiaen of my baili
wick, In af tempting so to do. It I am
resisted, or my officers interfered with
In tbe performance of this duty, and
tbe civil power is found anable to per
form it, I will call for the aid of the
military, which I am assured will be
promptly furnished.
As HIGH SHERIFF at the conn
ty of Clearfield, 1 call upon all it citi
tens to aid me in keeping the peace,
and compelling nhodience to law.
All who are present at a riotous as
sembly and refuse to aid the officers of
the law in quelling it, are guilty of the
riot Those who are not for the law
are against it.
(rood citizens must aid me in main
taining law and order.
Those who wish to work must he
allowed to do so.
The disorderly and lawless mast dis
perse to their homes.
High Sheriff of Clearfield County.
Sheriff's Ofllco, Clearfield, May 18, 75.
RfcPOKT of tke ooodltlos of the COUKTT
NATIONAL BANK of Cloorteld, at tke
eloee of hoeiaeae oa May 1, 1ST:
Loaoa and diaeooota
.. l.iet
Over draft
U. B. boode to eeearo etrealatloa.......
Other etooke, koado, aad Morteetoe...
Doo frura approved roeerve ageale-..,
boe Treat other Katioaal Beaae......
Poo frora Stele Hull aad Baokore
Beal rotate, faraitoro aad Silerea.M
Carroat eapeaeoo aad lajtoe poid...H.
Cbeoki A loeb lleeei.laeled'foterapa
Btlle of other Natioaal Banht-
Freetloaal earreaey,taohidiag aiekele,
Legal-loader eou
fire per cent- rodooatiag food....
Duo fTora V. . Trooa. ether Ibaa
- per real rederapltoa food M
Capital aleak poid ia... 11 at, tot at
riurplei load lo.eot N
Other aadiridod protti. t,IB4 St
Batioeel Bank aoloe ootiunlia 7,e ot
lodirldoal dopoeilo eahjeel to rbeek. 4,J4 tl
Time orrtiteaue at drpuelt. .,, .43,SU 71
Oaokier'eooorbeoaUtoadlat I4 II
boo toother Ketluoal Uaake.. . l,tot ti
baa to Slate kaako aad eoaaore ... at a4
..STUBS 19
iwlee 'eaoleoooa, ClearUfa' ChaXo, S3 1
L, W. It. Shaw, Caehier ol the Gouty Katioaal
Book ef Clearfield, do eoletaaly erraar tbat the
above etateraont ie tree te tho beet of bit haool
edge aod hohef. W. M. 6IIAW, Caehier.
KuWibed aad aororaw bolero ate Uaii Ilia day
of May, A. P. lilt.
JOBM W. WRieLBT, g. P.
Corroot Atteolt JAMES T. LKONeRD,"
May l, 1175. birrotoro.
Afoata tSaatoA te Ml
Tho fol, liool, Perooaal. aad Properly
teueel ohoroo Moo, ro oeerelet aod too, to
lira. Bf rieepiilee Nraet, I L. P.
Ooalaiala a ooaatarataro oa the Federal aad
Bute Ooa ttitatloae, (irlaf thoir blrtoy aad eriria,
aad toll aaplautloa of their priaelplea, par.
Keel aad proeleioat ; tka powera aad datiot of
bile OBeera i th rifbu of Ibe people, aad the
oblieotioBO iaeurred la erery relatioa ef life ; alee
praliariaary relet far dellberelieo hod tea, aad fall
dlrootieoa aad togal for all haeiaeie traao
aetioai, aa atakiaf Willi, Deodl, MortfMet,
Loaeee, Motet, Profit, Coatraeta, era. A Leer
Library la a elafW Tel area. It aaeoM the traata
af all eloooee oad eollt lo everybody. ,
J0NB8 BROTHERS A CO, ".le.. P..
reay if, lore-ei.
All panose are hereby firmed atelaet par-
Lulka . 1. ... II i.k 1
leoiief property, aew la tka aaaaa-ef Oooraa
whoat, I aoroa of rye, t aorol of oata, 1 triad
aiiU, I oattiag koa,',l ret to af karaaaa, I wafoa,
I lo tied, I doable Mod epreaal tad ohaiaa,
t reaa lore pear eld eelt,! boy 1 peer aid tell,
a - j e e - i
ol hoot, I oraat oat aaere, I hareaa, 1 oapboard,
1 doothlray, II ohaire, I hade aad koddia. I
oook aod I parlor elovea, aad t parde of ear
pet. Tbia property aae parekeeed by OM al
Sberirt aala aa tka ttk of May, llfl, aad It
Ian with klat aahyael la aiy ardor.
Carwranillo, May II, '71-lta
All poraaaa are hereby -reread aa-alaet parak.
artag or ia Bay alaaeer aioddlleg with tbo fol.
loaiBg parooaei property, ao I tke head! af
Levi Leader, af Bogfe lotraekla, via t Oao poka
rod aad white atea, ooa lao-aone wagea, aae
klek aad wklte oow, eae plow, eaa Borrow, aae
rod two year eld heifer, eaa aooklag Hove, eae
egg novo, oao aapaoard, throe bode aad hoddiag,
oaa eleok, oao vet eeelre, eae table, I aaraa rye.
Tbii property was parehaeod by aea aad ia leH
with klat aubjeol to ojy order at aay tiraa.
Waaaoetoa, Map It,
All aeoaaaa are keeaky weraad affalett pur.
eaaalai or la aay eaaaaor auddliaf wiU tke fol.
lowiag property, bow ia tka kaadi af i. A. Met,
olt i I ttovee, I oot eholre, I recking akalr, I
aaphoard, I bode aad hoddiag, I ataad, bet of
oarpot, 1 aoroa af wheal, I ptew, I atara, I
bono, I aot haraooa, I tied, I wagea, I ptgi,
I oewt. Tho loot wet perebeaed by ao al
ShornTo Bale ea May fth, aad ti left with kla
eelrjeet to aiy ardor. BEl Bl.i MBlalAB.
New Waohiagloa. May II M.
All per real art hereby weraed Bfoiart pur
akaalag ar ia aay way awddliag with lb Bel -owlag
property, aow la the aoiooMlaa af S.
Miller, tin set the Ire, I roohrag ahaJr, I
tablet, hawk ease, I etot. I Mood, lot of
ware, I pieka, keif iatoroot I eoal ear, 1 atoooa,
I bed! aad bead log. The eouie wee parehaeod
hp ate al Coartal-le'l oalo aa Mop let, aad loft
with kla eohjeet ta ay order.
Row Waiklagloa, May It IL
All parieai at korohy weraed agalaH B.r
ekaiiei or ia aay aaaaor aeddliag witk Ike feU
rawing property, aow la the head! of tl J. Mllla,
via 1 I hlaek aow, I white aow, I tiaber a led, I
feaeleg alll, I plow, 1 atror, 1 opened aaw, I
prlntealvoi, I boll, I bogi, parchoMd hy aa at
theriri rale, tad left with hia oa loaa lobj.rt
a oer order. W.P.MSZB.
AaHsvUla, Map II, 'It-tl
1 herobv alea aabho Bollea that 00 the 1J
lay af May, Ilia, 1 porehaeed the entire Meek af
lore goodi or Moeee Araold, la Bow Waihiagtoa,
together with all hie kaeke, Betel aad aaooaate,
ae troll al aaa baoer. aae waaoa aad laat ef
koranH. Taoee hBualag IbeaMleal ladehled le
Mr. Araold, wiB plooN oobjo torwordand rha
ap tkelr raeoaall. BT. A. Araold ti ay a.thoritod
agoal a traaaaal la ap ab.aoia. Ibe
kaaiaMi will be eoatiaoed by ao at tka aid ttied.
Ke Waiklagloa, May II, It
Nolloa a) hereby glrea that Lotion of Ad
Blalitrettea aa tka eetaM af JOII7I CDP.Br,
hit of J or ooa tawarbip. Cwarlold Ooaaly, Pa,
aooaattd, aaviag boat daly graatad ta the eadov
ilfaod, all paroaaa iaOehtad ta aaid eouie win
tleaet aaha laaodlaa payaeal, aad then
ring eleiat ar deaeadi will proiiel thea
praaarlp aalaaatlaalad for aotUoaMat wit boat
May I. Ittl. et Ada's.
(IWtfi mm Um lihalar.;
, BABBU aUID lAIBJnm- ..
a BtVM Umkmt B, ciplla CWvi Baae ,
A ! fmm Ikt M0 iiMiaw, mJ It, IS.
- Jftjat Jdi'frtiSfmf nts.
SherilT's Sale.
TJT rlrtaeef orltref KraWfl leaf JTrpoaer, lerued
1 eat of Ike Ooarl of Quwovia Pleaa of Cleer
ield oooolr, aad la aa) dlrailed, there will
be tipoted lo puhlla eala, al the Coarl lloaro,
ia tka koroook af Clearteld, aa Moadap, the
7th dap of Juaa, 1171, al I o'eloob, p. a ,
Ibe fellow lag doaorlkod real erttu, la all I
A esrtala Iraol 0 lead ellutla la Weil Clear
Held, CtearBtld ooanty, Feaaiylvaala, anuuded
ea tbe worth by CUorleld aad feaateld pite,
eaet by laada of Mania Kiohola Weil by Nlcboli
otroel, aeath by laada of MerUa Nlekelf. tin
of hit eighty hy IU foot, baviag arreted
thereoa a good lao-atory fraai heuie aad etber
oalbolUlbgs. Soloed, take le axonruoa aod to
bo Iul4 ae tbe property ol Irvia i. MoUrido.
A lea, a eertata treat of load illuate la Covlag
too towaibip, Clearteld euoaiy, Prnar)lvaaia.
booaded Bad deeeribvd ae folk.01 j Pre iauioc at
a abtleeett aeraor uf tlio Jurof load berouulore
old by Wllllaai Buiiell te SU),bea llottaayf
theaoe ahiag tSo liae of eeid lot eaet et porcbi-e
taaaoetf thoaoo aorth tat I ir ,1 n to pen va oil
llae, weet lie pereboe le poet j Ibeaeo Mulb 114
poroaee lo a Maple aoraar ia uoo aeroielvro ooa
rayed hy Keobee aad Jeaub Maaror lo Prearii
L. liaravt J theeee by lino of tho re lea eaet tt
pereboe ta a while aak aorauri theaci auotb P
perebee lo the ploeo of eegiboiog, owaleieibg I6t
oereeaBd 141 perekoeaad allawoore, nerear btm,
keviag a large frarae koura, frame bare end wa
gea iked, a large bearieg oreherd and 17 aeree
eieared. Belted, takea la oioeetlea aad to I
iold ae the property af Joka Bane aad Mary
Heetu. I
Alio, a aertela Iraol of lead llia.le Id Weil
Cloarleld, Laoreaoe lowBebip, Clearfleld enaaty,
Peaarylrania, kouadod aad delinked folluwi:
Oa tka eaet by a atreot. wool by ae alley, borlb
by a itreet, aoalb kp properly ef Lewie M loo
ser! I harlog a aaelf twa-itarr fraal Bduio
aad other oat balldlegi therooe Orel ted. Scbad,
takea ia eaooutioB, aad to ho eold aa tat prop,
arty of Thoatae J. Mlekela. ' : r..-
Alio, a coruia treat of land lltaatt la Cbelt
toweibip, CleortloW auaaty, I'raurlraaie, buua
dodaad doacrtbod oi fullowe: Uif laaiagat a poet
oeraor of Joba lleekonborrp, tbraoe hy hia lead
eerie Mdefiooa wool 1st t-ll porobeots floae
ooraer; theaoe aorta Hi degree! eeit It pe rob
ot Ihoaao iatk logroll eon hp laada ot K
a. trvta loo e-ta pereaeile a poet ; tlveeoe auulk
Hi degree! wort ft perebee te a poet aad ploeo
of begiawlag, aad aoaialalag ,1 eMrea,. aot
aeaiaia. ' Hoiad. ukea In aaeaatlo and to le
old ea tho property ef Mortis Uncteaberry. '
AUo, s oortaia treot ot load eituatt la the
Borvagh af CleerSeid, CleorSiU Bounty, I'eaa.
ylvaaia, houaded aad ueeonUd aa rbliuura i oa
Iba eail bp Edoia Cooper, oouth by elley, Bret
by lot of McKaigbl eitale, aorth by Head
Hroet kaviag aharooB a large twu-etory freae
boaei, aooupiod oe a boolliag aad Cwaiectioaery
Store, with other oat bail liogi. lintee, Uivb
la eaeeatiaa, aad to he iold ae Iba property af
Tavaae tiohiaa. m..
Alee, a eertoin Itaet or lead, rltuau la Hooli
dale borough, Cleerteld Co , Pu.. buuadid oa the
Berth hy property of Jaaea llitry, ouuth l,y kit
Me. St, aoat hy Uoerro otroel, aeit by Aleplo
alloy, boring thoraoa eteolod a froioe houre,
hauaa aa the "H uropooa lliKeli" aleo bleekeruith
hop, lee kouee, liable, eai other eeeeetarjr oat
haiidiBge, aad kbowa al let St io tbe geoerol
plaa oi aaid horaagb. Belted, tefcoa In etocatt ,o,
aad lo ae eold ae lao property ol Wra. farfcor.
Alto, a evrtala trei.-l ef lead, illuate la Oroeo
la boroogh. lleerleld n.uety, fa., ea Mlaacbard
treel at fret aod oa llall fltreot 1 jtf feet, end
harieg a large leobrj ,luk dwollmg homo,
ly ttf li la r.te,aud other outbuilding!
UrreuB orreted, eod koowa ae Kit No. Ill ia the
geBoral plaa or laid boroogh. Soiled, lehoa ra
eaeeutioa Bad lo be eold oa the property oi dotra
McUboj, gorBiihee of L A. Btoaoroad. - - '
Alee, a oertala tract of load iltbate la Oeeiula
baruagh, Cloorteld ooaaly. fa, haeaa aa let
Ke. Iw I la aaid Iowa pht aad bariag a large two
Hury plaah hoaee, aw by a feet, with aoceoiary
oBtbulidiage ereeted tuerioa ereoied. Boauded
oo ft Howe: FroBtlag oa blaoehad itreet tlty
loot aad oa Uali itreot lo feL Soiled, Ukea
la rl.roitna aad ta ka aoM aa tka eroparty af
JokaMeUaey. 7
Aloe, a aertela treot of load iltoole I Pete
told elllege, liearlield roaaty, Pa , oouaoWd oa
loliowe t Prgirmiug at tke aril Line of lol do
eenood to at. M aUiwaaa ol Ihe oautk tree af tbe
aoeit atraet tbrougb Pouobeid tkeaoa leuUi Sii
drgreoa aaal along Ilea of Bowaea'i kit li
feet lo aeutkwat euraer ; laoaoe eoatk t degree!
wool III t-mieettolbe liaeofiaiditroeti Ibeaeo
aortk Hi degree! eoat 110 yard! aod 1 11 feet to
ploeo of begiaaiag, aad karleg oreetod
a twe-eury Here hoaae II by feet, aa ioe
boon end ware rooa. Boiled, tok.o ia oiera
tiea aad ta be told u Um proper ly af It. W.
Aloe, t oortaia treat of load tltaata la Krlet.
towB, Meriie towaibip, Cloarleld eeaely, Pa.,
kouadod oa Ihe aorth hy Moia 111001, oa Um eaal
by lot ef B. b. hohou oorer, oa tbe eoelh by ao
alley aad weet by MorrixUle road, being in tlio
II loot ia (mat and 40 feet oereil tke booh end
witk a frame daeiliog keueo oao oad a hair elwry
kigk, fraaa elere rooa, iwoieaad etker irafirovo
aoetl Iberooa. Botaed, takea ta eieeuitoa aad
to 00 eold aa the property af laaoa Thoapona.
Aleo, a erlola I root of lead tluaata la Mnrrli
towaibip, Cloorteld eoaaty, Pa , bouaded ae fol.
lowe : oa the Math hy hi re. O P.II, Berth by tlolt
Loahart, aaH bp poblie road, weal hy KoUob,
ooauiaiag ooi-holfaora of land, havlag a lao
ury fraaa hoaee aad arable theroo ereoied.
Aloe, a fara la Morrie towaibip, aeataiaiag
okoot IN aorta, aaora ar loii, aud beiag too eaae
koaght af P. Hlahlo, boaaded well hy P. Maaee.
eealh by laade of Joba Maaee, aortk by Jooeph
Moghoe, ooot by Jpoeph C. Brenaer aad alhera,
altk ahoal ot aoroa rloorod lid MaaUarakord
heited, ta oa la aaeaaUoa aad la aa aaid aa the
property of Dele A Co.
Taaoecr Beta. Tbe prteoer eaa at which
Ike property ikall ka itraok ef auil he paid at
Ike Here of aala, ar aaok other arraogoaepie
aado ae will be approved, oiherwiee the proper
ty WIU ha iaaediatoiy pat ap aad eold agaia al
tka oipeaee aad rtik af tka feriea la von M
waa itraeh of , aad wko, la ml of d. Id. any at
aek re role, okall aaha food tbo laaa, aad ia
ao iaitaaae will Ike Peed be pretested la Coon
far eeaBraaltea aalea the aoaay la aetuatll
paid te tka Sberir. ' W. 11. MnPaKJWiKVJ
aaaairr'i Orrioa, 1 , Haarla.
Olaattoia, Pa., May It, ,.. v
- - Sheriff's Sale.; ;;
- By vlrtae af aaadry wKla af d'-vf farankl
aod oat of Ihe Court of Ooaana Ploaa af Utter
eld eouaty, aad la aae directed, there wiU he
eapoeed to poJ Uo eoJe,al tho Coart lleuee, ia 'he
oorouga at vr-era.n, aa B.eJ.v. tbo Tib
day a Joao,. 7t, obi oi'tlortrp.TS.iaha DO.
krwreg doaarrhe real estate, 10 oil : ' ' TT
A oertala traot af Load tttuau la Barailde
bewaihip, CloorteU OBoaly, Pa., aontaiaiag abvat
aiity aeroi, aero or leu, with imall rraae kouaj
aad aboat too erree aloarod, aoaade eaot hy K.
A. irrla A Co wool by Boioea, earth hy A. liar
ler aaa aeath by Deleea. Sotted, takea ia axon).
lioa aad la ho eold at the property f Ueorge M.
MeKca, - - 1 I ,
Alia, all that oortaia lol of aroaod i i.T. 1.
Now Millport, Eaot leaaikip, ClearSeldoaaatp,
na.7,.w, hmhn aaa o.erriooaai tellowa:
Bagiaolog al a ooraer oa Miia atreot, tkoaae
by lot Mo. It. u no rear e allee 1 thea. lur a.14
alley aorth tl foot ta aaraa af lot Na. It;
iBoeeeoy lot aa. II weet 111 fool; tkeaoa tl
root hy Mala lareol ta ta plaoa af begiaaiag.
kaeaa ia plot of aaid village ai Na. 14, having
tkorooa treated a twe-atorr koeie aed Mi mmii
tt water. Boned, takea la aiotaUoa, aad to be
aid ao tka preperly af Jaaa Lewie.
Aloe, all tkat aertela oleeo af load iltoot. I.
Brady tewBlhtp, ClearleUt soaatf. Plaalylva
aia, beiog part or warraat No. 1677, boo oiled
aad deeanUod aa follewi t Brgloaiag at a white
aak aoraar If lead aaaiigaad t Wat. Wanda ;
tkiaee aloag Ike eaae eail M peroke aore or
,wm; w viva , tovoee sun ey eaaa Baath TV
porohee, aore or leet, to etaaa 1 thooeo atlll ho
aae aaat II porohoe, aero ar leu, to kttalotk 1
Ihieee iU:i ky aaaa Hath la Sertbaa, aore or
hna, la a koalock 1 Ibeeae alill bp nave aavt tl
porthM, aore at I oil, ta a booth j theael ky land
af o'oha Qverdarf ooatk I peratiae, aara ar
loat, to a hlebery 1 Iboaal aaat US eeroheo-iaa
or lei, ta a pool ; thoBaa Berth a-l daroea aaat
II l it poroher, aore ar leoe, ta a poet, thoaee
aorth II a II peMBoa, aara or toee, ta ploae af
hegtaalBg, aoataiatag 4 aoret aad 01 pen boo
- ""-"ov, vowre or veee, reeerving Oot Of the
above I ooroi aad Itt perehea, aore or aaa, oaa
oyed aad deeerlbed ia deed frea Jaaub C. Saitk
and wife ta Jeka Pad hy deed doted April It,
Hit, and raoerdod 1 Cloarleld oeaalr ia dd
book I E. page III. Aboat iu aoroeaf the aro
pony le etoereA, Bad Iba ho knee la waaoPtod,
Belied, takea Is eieeatlea and hi ka aaid aa tho
r--r-1 v " o. v. aaiut, - ...
Alea, all d.fmdent'l rlrht. title end 1.1.-.., 1.
all that tertal lot or greaad lltoete la tka bor
Olt af Uaattdala, Cleerlold eaaoty, Pa , bound
ed aad decanted ar follewo. tit 1 Oa the aoutk 1,0
-o wo vva oy uooa iiroet, as the
--, oy oa aiiey aaa aa taa aoM hy lot af Joba
voroit, iroauag tt trot aa elite at root aad lit
reotea Irrod otroel, birieg a fraaa huaea wd
otker laapreraaeate Ueroua. B4ted, a til it
election aad to ha iold aa the properly of Lake
Biley. -
Alea, aertela hota taa tot tint aVJ la Wl
liaaigiooo, Bradford towaehlp, Cloarsold aauate.
"a, aaid tot Msg M ky 1st toot, wltb twa-itart
frea koaao, IttJt feet, aad loop, IttlS, aneh
other eataaildlago thereoa, boaadel at totlewi ,
Oa theaoalhaoet by tarnpikc, ea the eet hy al
loy, ea aorta. ed ky areparlt af Jeknao Wll.
". oa aorth by alley. Boiled, Ukea la eia
eatloa aad to be told a tke piaporly ol it. .
'km.m tft .TWril kkuuj tt6Wtjlm.'
Mip, .,rai MUBty, Ftv bu,t 1 acr-i, nan
r lMp with lrt mt-fltor tnm hotif b J
moi ti, Blwrtituvt. ir II. olhf lt,lUkr;i
t4 tbrta, wo ht. ft oa M,( J
Wm1o, mm ih wtM b- Jmn MtKw, mm lh
rim mj mktnk lot mu4 4m Wwturr, m
ttM totatal my mmrtm (at m1 Mr?ICorBit. t
towlii, oiklti M oa th ut j
A 4. w-H kj A . TttlWa; ton, if. Ik
y fry Nwn aad aorth hy B Llorrt't m4
AIM, Tl mms aa RtfiM1 Uarr, ta ti4 vtn.
hip, hnaM4aa fol I oaa j mnk V iU ff J,
Uaibara, mmm ky k af JMhta Fif aaw. oth
r ao4 of 4fMdMtt aa4 Math ana wM hy
AIm, ! arM aa logm NarW m, ftaofrtj
m tha 4mmm Vmm tra haaaaai at fHa-M Oa
th mm hy avM Urm mM a th Mft ht
UM-ta rff iratji, aa th Mth h- Pm. Nohl
mat aa4 aorth hy ftfcm (( trwot Bivi,
Uka la MMaUoa as 4 ta b mI4 aa Utvaroptrti
T W. B. to4 laaiaal raH.
AiM, aMa4abat'a talarM ta abaat II aarM of
im attaaia ta riha tawMihip, ClMrl.,4 aoaaiy,
Fa., hwa44 aa4 4MriMl aa foil, rta t A4.
tilatag lM4a ml tt. B. Cl4e,, Sua! HowIm
a4 B4atar4 Iwartiwarth. it44, iakaa U ol
Mttaa ail t h I4 a tha attartj af UwL
I. a J4a W. Ev4. . . '
Aha, oertala tract af laad tilaata la Brody
toaaekva, Claarlald aaaaty, Pa., la tka tUlage
af Raaoaaogop. aa taa taraarM Baatk ea at.,,
etraott, aa tar til ago, boaaded ea tho aaol ay
Boatk eeraat, weet ky Mala ureal, ttalk kp allot
a4 tort, by BUop, aad karuga Vw'rlar hot
utlier uiitliuiTtl(nBj Ihartxra. lnt l0 y 180 ftitt.
Kvlal, taken tq fiaoitUoij ftp4 Ip bf wld u lb
prujitrly of T. J. HaMiih.
AIM, -m t(a1alr4ttf Und, itf Olieit
luwneht , CIarfllJ Ou., P., raiilalalng aboat
IM Mr, to? or tei with M lmbrurraaia,
bouadad a fulhiBta: Oa th Mtt bf Utlligavna, ua
th tt F Jivby MoQwrd. 0 lh ovrth hy Cbu.
Ui, south hy ChtrUa Ual ' Swlwd, taha la
leeailoa. aad to b aaid aa tht urwptrl of 0.
Alcavail that ar. Mat aaUta, ait at ia
Ooab-a tvwnfbip, CUarfilii C.( Fa., bouadtd
and dtieribspiJ m lollwa j By laada of Wia, L.
Baia, Jtdia $uktf, JaaiM ttrahtua aad 'othart,
etiulaiolnf rriy-otta ( tt) ara, tntv (SO) aarra
ilfatvd, aod barlrtf t hereon rctd Ing huM
aD'l lara flcl4, ukan la txeeuttan, and la b
mi 4. aa lb p ropr i r ur I. K. Bnirty.
Alan, a evrUia traot f Hod la Bteaaria towa
hip, Cltartatd mmty. Fa.paVaartbatt u lollowi t
Brgmniuf at a pat hy aa l an Itivtaat aid of
Clearfield or-k ; thn hy fin of iltt W. Col
tl aorth ? 4tgrM tait 9 preha to rVne
puit t tbtsae anrtb JJ drgr-ta rtM 17k parohea t
Ibtmot aortb 7f dogrowo ml I pervhia In a fMat
oo ClMrAtldcrh ( thoaM hy a Htra oa lb aoutk
aid f Mtd t-k to a hsMtoak f lhanM aoatb S
dgrM at 2u trhra ta atn thoao aaatb M
degree wtnt Id! prbM to a pot Ihoaa tih
4 dgr tat l4t jBm ta aaal atdf Mtd
rreek i tbtaoa ottk II dTMi wit 21 rrcba,
tbn eurth 4 iit:jraa aaal iJ prrcbee tu ulae of
(tagiiiuing, eootaiiaog III aor-a and II J 4 10ft
-ponhca. Abgut aitto umi of th prnpnrtjr
)rfd aod uodragvd atal of aultiveliua.
Tha lutpravemeDti euotiat of a largo two itorjr
frntne tf nrillina; hoot, a good bnro and othar oa).
tuHdlngi. " Ther la atw a good twa mtf tataat
bouM and a blaokaavlth ahapontba propartjr, and
a thrift yoang appla orobard la boariog order,
(foiled, UkD la aiMutioo, aad t h aoM tka
pntiierl of JtretnUh 0oopr.
,lik xlrm'i t pwd &-Wi4tovihr
deworibt4 a folio we, Tin
,W. 1. Bg(aolg at wbltf pin aa tht narik.
aal of lb tfaut aort ejd for Julin Brow ; tbeooe
by Wat. flrowa '$ laad arth l degree aaat 16
porehe. Iu wbit haiel then hy Jajb Klag'a
laad ioah id mwxmm vetB LMl tie a poaf
ibaaak my Jacob Miaanooppara laad art h 34
degree- treat it parcbrt to a ftoaa; tbtOM hy B.
Brova'a laod twrth m$ agrta aaal 1.14 parebaa
w plao af begioatag, Motataiag M aoraa aad
144) piaahM, Mora ar itu-' , .... u
Tto. S. Alo, a owtata traot aHaataaa aforanid ,
beginning at a " o tfe 'athMWt aaah al
Claarffpld erk , (beaeo hy laad af The. UaHn
aorth ft lgi- arret :tlt frrt I a prtnai I lien of
aoutk 11 'Irgrtwa wel 41 rrirbht tna pia i ihitnaa
oath t detY(a aaat IW perrhtc ta a bewilook f
thaa- aoaw IU Uograof aaat. VJ mtchei U a
fii tbBM auaih 17 degrwa aaat t a auall
Mrrtocberr- oi Cb booh of Ciarnld Tk up Mriik hy to duTarmt ourMa,44
prekM to plao f brgieulag. atalatag Bl
aorM,aiora or 1m. Alat ftrly acre of tbia
land ta iBd a4 vodar pm4 atua f aultira-tivo-
, ,, . , .
Nu. I. Alao, a t ertala traet attuaf ai alVitaald,
oagionlng at a a bit pio(tbne aiiutb Jt7 do
gra er.t 41 proba t a maple ; tbeaor hy A.
Kag, decra-ii, oouth SO riegreM aatt 7tt perubt-a
tit bemlocki Ueoo aouth 37 degra-a aaat 1U1
pert-he. to a wbita pin; iam aorii iA dt grti
4 out r-SdJ poraiita ta a whtta piot? ; Ihenrte by la a I
-pf Wa. Hrowaairrth a4Wgr-o ti pere)c
oo to aalddla ol Cioarlield oreok ; thooj ap ike
Mm to pl-atf begiaaiog, oonUtaior; 110 aoroa.
ion or loo..- TIm tbroe lat deooril-tii tnau a
log Mtaad, taken io eavecutiun, auii to b old a
tbo p(fc pri af frojiiite Ctupf a-il t,'. J.
Keagy. ; ., - . - r t-J -.ft , ; t
Alao, all defeat. an t 'a wtor! io aooruia pioii
mt laa4 autaated ta Mwrrta toahip, CkarAeld
oaaif, Fa.. CMUlaiag about tbraa a roe. all
elMrad, having reLd tbroa a Craaw tlereiiing
fatjtaae aad frame otoUo, huvadod aa folloer : Oa
th Mat a art eat ft taod af Nieholaa Full ar,
aortb and at Hit h by Ubdtof Z wk ldllar. Solaoi,
Ukea hi tivoatloa and to bf oold aa Mm pr pirt
of Jaooh ttMootaiogr.
' Alrt, a rTtla traet of toad altaata la Cbeit
lernahtp, CIrOtd eoaat, Poaayt;aata( o
toloing aboat lo aero, Dior or baa, with a ra
erratiua of abort-1 two mttm, ra ar leu, Mid
aod deoded to Job aad Manrarot WtUorav.
bousdod nd ileoonbaJ aa fuilt : Ua tbo aoat
hy bvadt.f Wiliiaai Hutktar, oa th aaat hy
lauda af .lao. Fait well (formerly Blanclurd',)!
tbo aorth hy land of Willi, Takoe and L. !.
Uurd, aa tb wathr 0tWk mok, wiik bat
ttm aara ord, with arrbord aal Urg dorel
Mag hoM aad .harm, attA two Uaaval hoaaea
rootad toiervoa. Boned, takea fa xoalioa.Ad
to b iold aa lb praporty (f B. 0. Ji.M.-Ur.
AIM, 11 that fee-rta i a trartl of land aituat la
Boggi tuw oalup, Cloartiold enuaty, Pa,, begiaaiog
at atooat at aorth eait oaraorof um; titoaoi
wait thirty-Bva pareboi to apoat; tbeao tvnatk
ooa huodrod aad cigbty-two pttreboa, by roil i at
of Ardary trait, to a poet j tbeaeo na thirty-Av
porebo to m puat; theoe aorlb iao huadnsd aod
eighty-two powWel ra ataedt l pbvao or hegta
aiug, aooUtuinf 3V aorM aod 9at han Irei aal
ihtrty pewoowa, Aoiteei, Ukao ia oaaoa'-ioa aoi
to be eold oa th pfoparty of Haory ao t Mar A.
Altn, m Mrttia tract of Itaad ainata ia Liter
towaahip, Clearfttild ooooty. Pa., boandeJaad da
acriboj a fblloera ( Bogianlag at a pi ea tka
phlfe toad loadiog froai Oeee-jla M PfciUpsbarg:
tboaoo hy Mid rood aorth forty -f oar degree wit
tj an foot p.tat; tbre hy MOda af Joha
Craia aoaih fany-oio aadoae-hal! degr-a att
aaa hnodrod oad aiity throe and oat-half foot U
o port ; tboDoe by faoda of Joha Craia aooth for-
l-;owr dogreo tMI it eia root r a pat ;
thoaoo by laada of Joha Craia worth fori --aim
and Ulf ilegroaa aaua has Ira i ) giKtr
tbra aad mm balf foot to a past, th plao ol be
gioaiag, oo tain tog ooa-tiuaiur or an aoro, aad
boviag throa reil-d a boue and a aubi.
Salted, takea tn oteoutloa and tn hs uld ai iba
property of Mary Wiata. oad Wilia-a vy.lll.ra .
Alto, ll 4aodaot aright, till aodiaieroet ia
U Uatantah. lot at gruuad Viaata ia the bor
ough of Clearfield, Ctarlld ooaaty. Pa-, hoaod
dnd daaartbad aa Um, tit : Ua tha atrth by
tocait atatoat, a thoaaat by lot of Uoar SavJer,
oo th fouth hy oo allay, aod oo -ho wait hy lot
JiMoph Variiaer, and batag tfty fet froai oo Li.
ttu at atraet nd oaa huodr.d mui aerenty-tvo
feet djrj. hoeing a Urg tare awry frame h tm
12 tyiS feet, a ekop and at&bl aoj olbar it
prorenaeaU theraoo. 6etad, takea ia aieoutioa
aod h bo aaid oortha prjpany 4 aWo Ala. - -r
Tkytlir 6r rAt: Th prloe d ialh ml which
tlho property ahall ha atroeh man h paid at
the fime o lala, or oeh other arrangrtoDU
atada oa Will ka anipmni, otharwia the property
will ba iMnodialeiy pat up aod aoltl agaia at
tbaexpotiM aad mk f .tha pertoa lo whom it
woa attack f, mod who, lo our uf defioifocy at
aaok ra aalo, (ball atak gtij tbo Mine, aod ia a
inalaoae will the Ikoe-d he praoatd ia Coart for
tfimU'ianleaBtOOMona( fa rtiiallv etaid bo
the dh.riir. yr. if. MrFUKhsu.y. "
BntMeVa Otrrtra, . t I ... BbanC.
Claaroeld, I'a., May II, 1S7V J
C-i ... e-dl J-A-t. .
-'ShriiTs Sale.
BT olrtoe afriU af Uwmri lr-a.4
am ef the Coart of Caoiaoa Ploaa cf Clear
iold eooatj. d to ta dirtd, thr will at
oipoaod to ft'lUTXttALB, at the Coart Uoata,
ia the horoagU ef Clearfield, oa Nyad,
7th day r Aprils l"Iir' at' 1' olmk, p. av,
the following prabal property, lo wi'
A oortaia two-atory fraaa dwelling hi'. Id
by SO foot m rrw, ith lok an4orlib-e apiarii-or-at
thertOi, ll-aahj ta rtt borujek r Wallaoi
tom OiagroaM Co., Pa aad adjoin lug landa at
th Tyrone and Clvarflold HrilraJ CDipaT.
ttttd, tahof) ha otioo, aad a ba Mid aa tke
property of Wia. Kticktar. .
AIm, a oortaia tw--tory fram4 tlwelling boa,
S3 by 40 faot, with lot and etirtillage appurUneat
thereto, altuata In tha tillage ot Wnntleid, Claif
hld Co., Pa , ao lot ftft by W foot, and bmad4
aortk by a atreot, vast by AH alley, weat Ky lie
B. Hobaohov, aa4 uth hy fraak Howell.
Soiled, taknn lo axoeutioo, and to ho x!J a the
property of J. H. Kline, -
AlaoraiUhat oartitin lot, of lapj nltU ia 0a
oeola Woroae-hi Olerr.M tfou. "I'a., deMd
aa Mawf i Oa tht Moihwaat ooraer of HhMkaih
treat, fronting oo Kate at reel tne ban i red aoJ
fifty ft and fiMttlaa;iia Bltuboth atroot aorentr
Ire foeL hoing tbo aane lot or n'.eoa of grousl
enld ta B. H. Vr-phart hy tiM Koph.rt. hy i-l
March Jl, ISM, etiftt Ukcn Itt etuiloa and
to bf tui&mn th prrai to- of Mar r M. Kophart,
Alao, a ovrtain pleat or tmteti af land aitkiat
lo Oaeottla tMrotigtb CkttTo)ioootr, Pa-, h anJ
4 aorth hp 410 olUr. aoet by leeuar aiity.
aooth bf eateSo, ItkanU weotay Blaoobard etreet,
oa kow oa lot Km. lit io Mtd bwiugh. ttotatd,
takoa io uorvalioo oad le ba Mid oa taa property
of JoMphidV, Cto,.,r . -,r ,
Ttawt ar 8tYa.--Th prfot ar rata at wkieh
tha property eball ho etrok of aaat be paid at
th tin or aola. or aueh a hr arraagoaaeaia
naad aa will b ,pprTd, otherwiM tb proporty
4ti ha laaaieaiauly put a and ald agaia al
th ipaoa and riah of iba prao to wboo. II
wu atraek af . oad wh la tin of deaiy
aeioh r aal. abtall aiaka food the mm. aod ii
oa iaauaoa vitt tbo tVroad ae peoooated la Coart
for row area attoo -daleaa ho aMy la ootaall;
poid te th IS hen ff. W B- MePHKKSON,
HHanivr'a OmcK. I Skerif.
gitt.t:V, l,lt,s,Jjj J J j
(,i,. , POB, 8ALS U rftB BI.
1 The inWibar lira aotloe thai ka will ellkn
rent or loll bu dwelling and alert property, Ill
uate oa Reed elrool.adjoiaiag tha louard liiH,
la Ihe borough ad tileaiaald, Pa. Th. Hare rooa
ii l Al le-4. . IKo dwelling heuaa eooloiai
raoMl- hod a kilehetr on rkc Srt ttorr, aad I
raoai ea tbeBBaead altry. . Th store rooa
ooa lit had at oaea, and the dwelling portiot
aa aae inrreho lit of deflr-. Par Hrtb.r ter.
tlcelere, addreio-ot top ly te tbe Bndtrrifard a
tl,. prraioei. II E0. 0. PASSMUKE.
Vlotrset, Pa, alio 1,
Pa. a.i. B, 1 n. r-i a.b..-t, tMh
bearing iBIarett at p?r cent, per anaua, r'Tt
he Mml lunutllj. A4drn"n-,
rll-l Kepahlleat ttt-t.
Jenele B. niiikarn Vyl fnlne Omtrlef feaa
p-'aar aatt irtoa,: Plaaaf riartoidoow
rt " lly.flo. SIH.rtbT TJ-
uaaaaraa j 411100 dlot. ear wren-.
Yea, Iho raid Joirpb II. HopbBrw. ere oervKt
anlllod aad evwalrod te a. rod appear before eer
eold oowrt,aai hold at Wearier, oa 10 lib
daw af ekaao aaat, la anowar the poliboa a Utrl
ad tkaaaid Jaaalo . liophara, abote aeaet,
ad laaw eaaeevaf aay pta haoa, why the ltd
Jenele tt. Hrphara, year wife, ehoald aot ht
diverted anS.ietjereted fraa taa hoade af aot
amf, rkthred rath witk ye, aeaordtag It ttl
Arli of Aeaeably ia tack mm a. I. and pn
rlded.i . ... w, E. MaPMERSON.
hW - 5. -I . - reri.
Clearaeld, Ha., May It, 1171. ) It.
ial eaakatpv witk alrgaal priM, p"-P-
x I or oaar aovaiUM Hat neap, r-
rdoa, t P. DLI CK, K. BodlerJ. Maaa, I I H
T '.l0 r. He 111