THE REPUBLICAN. CLUAK FIELD, l'A WEbNUKUAY MOHNINU.olAV 11, 1171. Terms of Subscription. tf paid In adraOM,or wtlkln tbrM Month! ., U paid aftar tbraa aad borbro all nonth,.... tf paid af-.r ikaaxpiratlon of ol iaoalfa..i II II . I 0 . 00 V-MaMr,. 8. M. ParTaauiLi, A Co., Nam- Adrottl.lug Agoau, 3T Nib Row, roroor o.kajan itr.rt, ara our .air .alaorta.d Aaaal. la new Jora Ully. tvUl.lGIOUN NOTICKA. Mcthoillut Hiilucopal C'hurch-Hv. B. P, Stkvknb, i aitor. Public Service every Sabbath l iu A fll., fctlU 7t f. M. Subt.ath tijboel at II A. M. Prayer etiog ovorv Thursday, at Ti P. U Ootnu ;.nlon Service, fir it Sabbath of every noum, at n't a. ai. lrHbterUu Church Rer. H. B. Drmaa, tltilibntti services morning end evening -Hah-I bath Kohoul at S P. M prayer Meeting Wed nee ' da? evening. Mt. Fraitrls thurrrt t'at..ollr-.Rev. P. J. Hiuhiim. Mini at 10 o'oloek A. M., on tbt li rn, nurd arid lourll. flumtnji nteeoh won lb. OFFICIAL I)IHI.( TOHY. I. HI OF BftLDiaO QrABTKB KMTOMI fOVRT, Hu ond Monday or January. T Vrd Monday of Maroh. ., Flitt Monday af J una. Fourth Monday af September, . . , . TIMI Or BOLS1IQ COMBO M.B4I, Pint M on day of June. Siovud Monday of November rt i. to orricina. 'r.tfrftn. Cbarln A. Mayer, of look Haven . Atitnt i.'tt Jdyt lion. John H. Orvti, of tie lUIonte. AiciWe Judpf William C. Foley. Clearfield John J. Head, i'urwenev ill. 1 ' ProtkwnvtvrmVM Bloom. H9ittr and RtrdtrL, J, Morgan. JJtilriet Atlornrjf Frank Fielding, . 7VaiNPr band W. Wise. . ,.-William H. McFhetina. tVtHN'y .Vtfrrf - -riamurl F. MoCloakey, Cilf woniville. Ovnmty Cummtfiuntrt John D. Thompson, Ourwenavllle: Clark Hruwe, C'loarflald Conrad W. Kyler, t.rhaaton. County Auditor James II. Hilt. Lumbar CLtyi Lewia C. Uloota, Clearfield j Usury Whitehead, Union townr-liip. Jurg t'wpitiMM.Mer John W. Hliugsrt, Jamci Mitchell, ClearAi-d. UttptriHttHilrtt rf pnbUti Srkaoh John A. (Ircgory, C kit r Held. AviinVf iHbVi Jthn W, Wrlglry, Wm. Ka ilfbauKh, Vyrun I,, tliirdnn, ClrnrHrlil: Joaiah Kvana, Jm. K. Irwin.N.K. AriitM.Ctrwruivlllt; J. J. Linita Kmtiivt Snyen. Urerola Mill i Jobn tun Uatuilloa. l-ulbari-burg. Oar 8pcUi lmuo duid-d!y inuroiiing la a looal point uf view, and urwfltable raading to ouUldara who want to savo uviti uy. Court hHjriiw nt Jliilwny on MimHay, tha 24th day uf May. - i A thtvo weeks, term of Court com- nirnoed at Look llavvn on Monday. Tho telegraphic thHpntche in tho Hoynuldavilk Htrald al ill continue tu ba tntrt ing reading matter. ! Several Jefferson count" cnntlidutes called on tho editor of tbo Hcyuldartll Utrmld In it week. - Jndiuim c-otiuly tins Kixteen citnOi- dtt Tor 8 he riff, and lUteoa for Coram liii oner, on the ltenubllcan id". and ''ill tbey araaot banpy. Hew V. Hollitn, of KneliMter, offi ciated to Pi. Andrcw'a Firrpal Cborcb, In thll finer, laat fumlny. a - William Rood tins junt returned from the Kant with a full lino of millinery and fancy goodi. Call and eee. -. - m i -- - The Clenrficld County Normal School, under the manngi mont of J. A. (lrgory, Coonty KuprrlutcnJenl, rtrnuvneed at Curwenarille, un Monday, aith i-ry favorable iroet. Oiir Klk county exchanges announce thnt Dr. C. R. Karly, 4 Kidway, and Moo. Cbarlei Luhr, of St. Marya, will tall for Eorope. on or about tho lit of Jane. A good pair to travel with. Tho limnd Jury at tho last April aeiaiona of tha lllair County Court made a pre entmenf, aarnoitly raeommanding the ereetioa of a new Court Hoaao In that eonnty. The preaeat building U pronoonerd unBt for uat. , Thh Cahk Laws. We would call the attention of our rvadera to a top p lament to the game law, patted but win tar i Dear killing ttopt on tha Ut day of VtctmUr, and net on the j I at day of January ai beretofort. . i . A vnluahlo canary bird, belonging to! R. II. Phaw, the tobaeeoaUt, got oat of ita eage a few day ago and made III eecapt. The pro-, prletor will tttectn It a favor, btaidet reward any permn who may render tutth aiaUlauea at aill lead to lit recorcry. It wi an excellent linger. aM i i ilr. Aiur Jlloom, who met with a evera accident on (be rieer, at Coxcitown, a few wfcVi ago, while engaged in landing a raft, Wat oomejed to hie home. In Carwene tille, on Mon day or Uat wei-k. Although be la yet in a erltieal vtuiditlon, there are tome bnpea for hii reoortry. Chaniibof I'astoiir. Theiieynoldv tV Htrald tnyt : "The Her. Iainurl Mllee, wbo bat Mt bag and ably filled the PnaenttilM llapliat pulpit, it ana eeded by tbt Kev. W. A. lit due. wbo will de liver bit initiatory mm on on ntal 8abbatb, tbo Via intt., at H o'ol'H-h. Church Dkdication. The new Inited Brethren Cbnreb, at Sanborn, in Wood ward townibip, will be dedicated to lot wonbip of Uud, oa Suadny, June tb, 1976. Rev. J. A. Clem, at littd by ona or two other uiaUttrt, will conduct the.tcrr.ceii. An inrltalioB It ei tended trw all to be pretunt. mt f JIuidok Elkotion. At a recent elec tion of office n for the Lower IJridgt Company, the following named gentlemen were elected Dlrectort i Win. D. Digltr, James Irwin, Juha U. Hcbryrer, Mattbtw Ogdao, Wn. L. ltiebeL The Board orxaoiw-d by tied Ing Jamea Irwia Preiittent, and W. M. Shaw, Cathier of I he County National Hank, Troaorer. XoTirct Having diKed of oar tore to Powell A Morgan, wo desire to make a apeedy tettlementof our aeooonta. All pcrtoat knowing thetnae Ivee indebted will accept tbli at a notice toeall and telile. One of the mem bcrt of tho firm will be found at the old etand fur the atal foar Week a. H. F. Biota" A Co. May Sd, 187t-It. Ahranokd at Last. There has been eoaeiderabla annuyanoo to the public la relation to tarrying the wail from tfale plate to Carwent Tille for tome Unit pa it. For awhile tho railroad men earrlid It ou the traia and lata "threw ft down," and it bad to bo toavtyed la a buggy ua til Monday lait, wbta it waa pat on tbt traia again In eharg of a twora officer, and It will a tbui carried regularly hereafter . At the contract oa Ibe route frtm hert to Clarion expiree oa the lat day of July acxt, we pretumt tbt Department will not interfere with Ibe preeent arrangement, and after that the wail will be tarrM on the cart, In charge of the regular a font, to Curwenif ille. AnSKNTEF.IKM. Thifl lfl to DO Con demned in all public capacities. It will be no ticed by the proofeJI Kga of the Hrhool Dlrectort' Convention In tlirM col a rani, that o,ultt a Bom ber of diitrieta were unrepretcoted, and othtre only partially. Tbie, we amlerafand, arote rreta the foot that nearly all tbt abeeatcea conceded the election of Mr. (regory, and did not deem it nertftary to attend the Conrontloo. i m f - CBtKNWooD. This i the namo of the new lowinbip erected out of porta of Ball, FcrKuaoa and l'eim lownihipt at the March term, and the Court orJrre I an election to ba beld at tha hotel occupied by Hulllban, la taid township, on tha 1 1 lb day of May, 175, for the election of tho necetaary township ufllctra. Tbt new townibip started out with tbt name of lloyt, but waa obriattard at tbt elott by calling it "flrecnwood," which it will bo known hereafter. Mt a ww i Ex trim vi Clkmkncv. We learn that the Ronrd of Pardons bat recommended the pardon af Thomas Waplt, who wai convicted la 1 ATI or placing obttruotlona ea the railroad track, acar Wallaeetoa, end trntenocd to icten yea re impriaonmt nt. They also" recomiitcRded the par- doa of David Ball, coat Ic ted la IP "9 of "murder la the eeeimd degree, M for killing a men named No eat h, and sentenced it tea yiart imprisonment la tha Peaitttjtlery. Laniberkt s Trial Comtini kd. The east of tbt fulled Btatta vt. Joseph Lane berry, ladloted for the mardte of Cyrae Butler, la aa attempt ta rod it tha draft, waa ealltd up la tbt IT. S. Dirtritl Court, at Plttaaargb, ea Friday hut, whoa hit eouatei Mestra. Wtlr and Qibtoa, red a toaUaaaate ta the Keeomhor tarta, owtog te tbt abataoe af mateHal wlteaeet, and Iwr Iba rtatoa that be hat aot heel time ta prepare for trial, aatlag Wean la prieoa tiaoa hit arreet. The eeaUaaaaea waa graaled. 0a tha tete goea arar ltll Norrmber. . P. T. IARNUM S ORtAT TRAVELING WORLD'S FAIR AND UNIVtRSAL IX POSITION. t There are Mme propailtloas so tneoatrorertlbly takllihad aa ta bare long ilnee pasted beyond the propriety of dlaeuailoa. lor es ample, the world It a round body, aad P. T. Barnum'a Ureal Traveling World's Fair, wbleb It to ethiblt at Clearfleld, aa Wedatiday, May ltb, lMTft. la In-1 oomparably the biggest aad best show In tbt' world, atitbtr of whloh atsvrtloaa any Intelligent ; person dretmi of disputing. Among the mattei tba latter faet la at well, if aot batter, known than the former, but It may net ba quite a generally understood that tba great America a Monarch of Marrtl Land and Ntmrod of earloally buattra, groni In ambition and enterpritt with the years, and Is eonitaetly adding te bit laat moving ool loctlua of maieum, mechanical, a u torn a tie aad animal marvel, living pbeooinuaa and areale aoveltlea, tlil hie representative eibibitloa bat growa to nearly three timet Ita original stupendous proportions, require! the services of over a thous aad energetic mea and auperlor horses, and pre- aeata under Its acres of twaaly aentre pole can vases, thousands of turiotlltei, flfttta hundred uperb animals, birds, rep tilts, and amphibious mar I do monsters, and two grand combined tiroes com pan lea of aueh pre-eminent artists aa tbt great Brasilia!, one, four aad set ea borse bareback rider, Martiuba Lowanda ; the lovely and daring eques trienne, Mme. If lite Dockrlll t Tony, Ibe eblld bora; Luke Hirers, Natbatla Lowande, tha Letllt Brothers, Moat. U. 11. Dock rill aud W. H Por ter, Ibe beat of the big feolf . Most great men are credited with soma remarkable "tail words," aa a tort of original bequest to turrit lug bumaaliy, and when Mr. Barn urn's tnra oomot though may ha livt te walk to hi! owe. funeral ta Jo la that aaravan to whloh fall friend Bryant rtftrt, md tbt only one mora "Innumerable" than hit own, he wltl undoobttdly gist longlogly afar toward Afrlo't tandi, Arllo star, Egyptian, Indian jungles, and European Art repositories, tod rs peat tbt watchword of hit lift "Jora J'. It. re. Tblt Is the cbaraeteristie which imparls such value and Irresistible Inttrest la hit great iiblbltloa, and will here, as alitwhere, rectlra tha tribute of attendance from erer.vbody. Th Wist Point CADrTsiup. Wo learn from the Ch'mlon Otmoemt tbat Hon. L. A. Mackey has been requested by the Secretary of War to nominate a cadet to the United Butea Millar Academy, in tbt place of W. B. Qordoa, who bae beta Sliignrd te the 9t)th District under the new Congressional apportionment. The ap poiatee must report at Weat I'oiul foreiauiiua- tion oa tbe loth of June. Therefore, It it neces sary tbat the appointment ahould he made at en early day, and at Mr. Maokey hat determined to make It ua tbt eompetiliro plan, adopted by biiu in refennoe to tho Natal oadetsbip, he haa dtlg aated tho 17 th day of May as the time, and Lock Haven at the place, tir the examination, aal those ulsbing to cooipete ebould address bin at once. -.i The age fur the adiiilision of cadtls te tba academy It between seventeen and twenty-two year, but any person wbo bas atrved honorably and faithfully nut less than one year as an officer or enlisted wan in either the regular or rulunteer or vie In tho late war It eligible up te tweaty- fuur years of ago. Candidates mutt be fret from any in feet loos disorder, and, generally, from Buy deformity, disease or infirmity, which may render them unlit for military terviot. They mutt ba well verted in reading, ia writing, Including or thography, and iu arithmetic, aud have know lodge of the elements of linglisfa grammar, of descriptive geography, particularly of our own country, and the history of tbe L' oiled Btal-s. Every candidate It subjected ta a rigid physical examination by aa esperlenoed Medical Board toon after bis arrival at Weat Point, and If there It found to exist la him any cause of disqualifica tion tbat would Impair bit eflioeney Immediately or at no very distant period, ba la rejected. Tha eadet la then examined by the Academic Board, and if founu not pioperly qualified be It rejected. Those admitted are required to sign articles bind-, log themselves le ecrve tha United Statee eight1 yean from tbt time of their edmlstloB into the academy, nnless sooner discharged. The pay ofaeadet It foul per year, with ona; ratioa per day, to commence with bit admission into the aoedsuiy, which the Department aayt la auBcitnl, with proper economy, fur his support. A sound body and constitution, suitable prepara tion, good natural capacity, an aptitude far study, Industrious babltt, perseverance, an obedient and orderly disposition and a correct moral deport ment are bold to be essential qualifieatione that tbe War Department argot upon "candidates knowingly dedelent In any of these respeeta, not to (aa maoy doj subject themselves and their friends to tbe chaacet of future mortifleatiea and disappointment by accepting appointment! at Iba academy and entering upon a career whloh they cannot auceewfully pursue." A MitiTAKi. The reduction of the salary of the County Superintendent by tbe Coa- veoUen af School Director!, aa tbe 4th lutt wo aonslder a great mistake. Tha duties of tha Su perintendent in a comparatively new and unde veloped county likeours, are constantly Increasing. To illustrate : three yeara ago we bad about one hundred and fifty ecboolt la tha county now there are one hundred and aiaety-tbret, being en ; increase af lairijr per eee., and this iacreaaa will : continue for yean le come. Clearlold It not like thote old finished ap agricultural count let, which rtmala about tba aame. An Increase of awt-fatrel in labor aad a red net io a of eighteen per oent. la wages ft a gig barkmrd that no ordinary laborer would eubtnlt to. In our Judgment tbe reduction It grottly unfair, even in these piaoaing timet. Dlrectort should bear In miad tbat by the dose of tbe next term, Instead of baring one hundred and fifty schools, as wa bad three yeara ago, wo will have at least two hundred and tweutj- Ive. And if it waa worth $1,2 Of ta vltit one bond red aad fifty tckoole three years ago, what would be a proper eompeniatloa to superintend two hundred withla the next year, or two hun dred and twenty-Ira tba year following f A oheap salary always commands oh cap talent, aad If tbat tt what the tohool authorities want la tblt county, It will not be long antll they will bava "their man." What Mr. Gregory's riewt are oa this question, wo know not. If faa It satisfied, and still con tin net te carve the publfe ai faith fully aa heretofore, we will "Jry up t" but If he, like tbe Directors, begina te economise too, It will bo a little rough an tha "free schools." Mark that I TosTorncK Aifairs. It seems to take tome people a long time to learn a little bit ; of common tense. Wt noticed tbe ether morning ; no lew than tit letter! potted op at the delivery i window of the postaffioe, In tblt plaot, without 1 any stamps oa them, and If aot called for by tba j writers, will find their way in tbe Department'! I watte basket. Wbtlher tbit arises from Ignorance or design, It bard ta toy, but it looks bad. Wa I learn from tbe postmaster, that ibe mhtakea made is lAs'ret tess an (lee It ttUl worse. Tbe writers are too elan tly endorsing tboreoa mora than tbo , aeceiiary address, such aa "prlated matter," I "seede," "merchandise," "booka," "plant!, "pa part," ett. Now, If either of then words aro written oa a package, It reeWree iHer aweteg t rwret to convey the metier to lit destluatloa, or If teat, compels ibe receiver ta pay doable relet. Tbird-elast mall matter ahould not have any ether marks about It Ibaa Iba address. First elasi mailer It act anceted In that way, Yoa eaa write a wbolt letter ea the bach af your envelope If to disposed, aad It will aot Increase the postage, nor ba a vielaliea of tba law. Tbe rate ia three cents for ovary half ounce, or fraction. But ta write Bay other information ea paakagea af Ikird olatt matter than tbe address, li a violatlea of tbe law and subjects the writer to heavy penalties. A Miraculous Escape. On Mon- 4y last Mr. John O'Nell, of live firm of Akin A O'Neil, this city, had a narrow eecape frum in-1 slant death, the particulars of which we take from the JirMf of Tuesday i "Mr. O'Nell left this j city yevlerdey morning to attend to sumo busi- nets ia Clearfleld county for hit firm. He had i gone as far as far as Handy HtHge, a few miles north Ol Ueceoin, auu na mneaciau aie "h there. When the train started from the depot, Mr. O'Nell thought that It waa only moriug a abort distance, and would stun again. But wben the laat ear came opposite to him, ba saw bis mia takt aad made aa effort In beard tbe front plat form. He mUeed bis Touting, waa tbrowa violently to ibe pletfrvm, dragged a Oooalderable dis tance, and then forcibly rolled away from tba car. He was picked up aud tarried into the station buuse. Some parties oa tbe Iraia happened le notice the men carrying a body, and conjecturing It tba ."."a, .h al'. .r..J h. : ".".r ta ...k I. lb. .t... Nr. O N.II j that there had been aa accident, so iniormeii me uk..V. bl. J..IJ.n .. Tl!r tilmnS.i b.a II wa. fnanil bit lajarln war. lb. frarlar. I af la rib, aa tha raft alue. tba fraetar. af Iba ! l.ft aakl.. Iba lo af tba faarlb aail Aflb ftnian of tba rigbl baad, aad a.T.ra brain, oa to. aaok aad atbw nortioa, af tba aodjr. laaaa 3mm. On tin Wma. Tbo editor of tho R.;a.ldllla Jbrafa' laal aaaa rarallila, oaoa l.a.ll;. H. rnaatlj paid a rl.ll ta Praalald, la tbli ttij, aad ,aU 11 la tbl, wajr t -Oa a iwnl ,1,11 U Naal.ld w, atop,al ai tba Kaatald Haaaa, bapl b, Mr. Jaaiaa bahU. Tbli kolal M aa. af taa boat baam la Ibla aaalloa aad a ara pW. Mat alae. ara watar atojtf wi aL Rltaaaad a, It la, aa.lraad my aalM.laa kraata. M mmml4 baafwad raaaH lar abaaaar. aaahria, aad anaalall, Ikwaa wa. an fwad tt kwatlaf .ad llala,." thru taken to ueeeoia auu cooveyen iv tuc mp-1 , . : . . .. a II .h.t. Dr. Bl..l,. f ,.. ,.ra. ' 'H-' " ' " hi. n.dll .laa. aaU acapalaM !. nar.. aar paMa Ml I. a. aaaaraala. , Mr. O'Nall'l lolbln wa. Into thndi, bl. I .1 ..., ,f: " "" An Alaammd Alii'LXR. Thw etplins- ivwh inanrw I - "A cur lout affair happened at a grist milf la Westmoreland county ona ltf taaT taek woman who bad eeeaaloa to visit fbamtltefoa busiaots went up it airs ta view the woudert of tat machinery, ana www examining taa awning machine very intently she approached that treaob croua in feu (loo too olusely, Iba ewaeequvooa of which waa that bar drees waa dug lit batweea two eugwhevie, the iron teeth af wbieb began lu gather la Tier clothing in a slow but frightfully systematic aud sure manner. Tbt milter taw tbt danger, aud bainaya -very ittoag aad rob oat IftdsrWutt ba immediately' tlatped tbe terriied woman ia hit Brawny arms, and bracing bib isei againii ao wp rlaiit bust, there tiaued a alruarla batweau him aud Ibe bolting machine at to which should bare ibe woman, it was deeiaoa in tevor ot too miner, however, wbo by a herculean jerk, aol Ibe woman elear but Ibe in ao blue got bar elotnea, and after tba excitement waa over and the womau set down, there waa an awkward ombarrateaneat, wkioh tha miliar toon dispelled by darting out and tend ing bis wife up with a bundle of clothing." ia a ea mr From tiii MwNt aim to vub Ska. It turaa out that Paul Boy ton, or Boyingtoa, who bat reauared himself famous for hit diving aad awimiaing teals, waa bat an ordinary boy tea years ago, and recti r log hit education on tbe Atlt gheny MounUlat, la Cambria county, at we learn by tbe 'rvMr. " Hit seheel daye were spaat at St. Franeii College, U ret to. from IM4 to 1SS, from where he went to Capo May, and there ooia eattd te) ladeltfe ia fcli alvthg fwale, tlw ant ing from the tup of Iba Allvghtalet to tho tea. A mora foreign allitace oaaoot ba (bund. Bora aad educated la tba wood, and yet adapt! him. self to the tea. Corniautvilli Bamk Cabi. The ease of Adam Bieffe vs. First National Bank of Conn can it 11 It, tried la tbe Crawford County Court or Common Pleat, has created eons id treble inter est. Tbe plaintiff snad for tbe value af bonds lot! at the time Willlami, or oomebody alas, robbed the bank on the night of February 1st, 1174. Plaintiff 't rasa wee !,. - Tbe defense waa tbat the booda aggregating tomt Wt.Mo ware de posited at tbe owner's risk. Tha plaiotiff claimed that tba directors should ba held responsible be cause they hoowlnglT employed iaaompettat and Improper oflctra. Vtrditt for plaintiff. This ia a lest cast, aad tbe Anal aeialan will settle the claims of nine l ten other feowd loaere Skmrjmilk Advertiser. A Burning Accident. An accident by Sre occurred Thursday afterneea a Wall's Station, by wbleb twa daughters of Copt. James tiray were very seriously injured. Mr. and Mrs. ttray were In Pittsburgh, only tbe daughters and tba gardener being about the residence. Tha latter t'artrd a tire in tba garden for the purpoae of burhiug bfuth, aad tbe younger gisl, aged about ten years, Indiscreetly went ao elose to it that her elolbet took fire. The other, who it1 seventeen) years old, attempted to reeoue bar, hut waa alsoeaveltiped with Ire. Their alarm brought neighbors, and tbe flaiaat ware extinguished, but both were badly burned. It ic thought, however, that both will recover. Grmtbmrf jDemoerwI. IjnL of lettern remaining unclaimed in the Post office at Clearfleld, for the week ending Al j 10th, IK7& i . . : . A ikev. Thomas Murpbey, James llell. M. A. MriCioakty, David (Jraheru, Mrs. Janey Manaban, B. L. it Johnson, C. U. Mann, Wm. T. Junes, Mies A. t Nileun, Oscar Kehoe, John Ncvliug, William Krmer, Klinira Young, 1ilton McXillea, Tlina , f . . i . t J i p. A. Al I.IN, V. M.i A Kkklkton Found. An exchange says i "A perty of hunters oat in tho woods of Forest county last week, came eorosa a skeleton lying between two logs. . The? gathered tbe bones up and buried Ibem uear where they found them. It it said that thirty years ago, a man named fttih 6lru' her, ttartcd from a point near Tidioutt to go through tha woods to Clarion, and nothing was tvtr beard of him. Tfaeit are probably his remaina." ireotVeiie Rtpmkiitmn, Bab Boys. Wm. K. ilarpster, a boy eleven yeara of age, waa tomtnitled te our Jail this (Tuesday) evening, for stabbing another boy named Alter. We have aot yet fully learned tba facta in regard to the unfortunate a flair. Both boys, we believe, reside at Spruce Crack, thia county. Tbe atabblng wsa done iu a fight, ia wbieb Harpaler atabbad A Her three limes. Tba latter Is eaid te be lying In a very critical oondl lion. fealiayrfoa Monitor, . J fipecta la. fot at A. I. BHAWtl. NKWttOOOSt MWUOODiifl' T. A. Fleck A Co. ara always getting goods. We arc receiving our second large stock of Bum. mcr dress goods, oalitoa, muslins, g ing bans, aud shirtings. Ladies' katt and boa net e hi great variety. We invite yoo all to coma and tee the nice goods. ' , may II, '7s, R. II. Shaw baa received a large stock of to. bacee, cigars, pipes, pouches, and other goods usually kept ia a trst-tiasa tobacco store. ForagOodeifargcteB-H. HHAWS.n y Rett brands of tobacco and cigars at R. H. Shaw's ttbeceo ttora. may 12, '7. splendid earsaparilla pop for sale by tba box at A. 1. H HAW'S. may It, '74. Pa tan. Para paints, oils, turpentine and var Liihas of all kinds, for tale cheap at mayo-dt , . A. I, Suaw's. Boy jour clothing at A. fluiniburg's aae-priee store, . THI COLLING. WOOD BRAND It aa Alpaca. It li acknowledged tbe beet goods ia the market We have bought largely aad are prepared to retail It at wholesale prices. Ladies ia aeed ol a nice alpaca dress will do wall by calling at T. A. Fkaua A Co.'a, before buying elsewhere, as wo are de term toed ta sell cheap, for BTATioaaaT. A lot of fine stationery, envel opes, writing papers, Inks, pens, blank books, deeds, Ac, at very rtatoa able rates, at mar a-4 1 A, I, Shaw'i. At A. Ouiniburg'a you eaa buy a full Bating Suit at from S.0t ap to flo.M. New Ueods. . New Quods, at Flbck A- Co. s. If you want flue vasea or mantel oraamfait at eoat, oall at A. I. Shaw's. . - , . At A. Qulntburg't you eaa buy Boy's Clothing row, j.O0 U $16.00 per suit. STILL LATER I Owing to the great ruth at T. A, Fleck 4 Cs.'s eheap oath store, they bare been compelled to tend for tbo second largo stock of M illincry Ooodt. Our Trimmtr it aow ia Philadelphia, aad on atxt Wednesday, May ISth, wo will be receiving the finest assortment of Millinery Uoods aver brought te tblt towB. All the uoeeliiea of the season. - Fine pattern Hats and Bonnets, French Chips, fine Leghorn Mats, Children's Hate ia great va riety. ' urquois tttlki la all the new and fashion able shades. Large assortment of hibooae. Fine French Flowara a specialty. Ornament! of every description tor Hatt and Bonnata. Bcarfs, Hearts, ia all Ibe new designs. All of the above named goods will be Bold ai prices to suit tbe timet. Wt are determined to keep up to the stylet. Trimming dont on tbe shortest notice at T, A. Flbck A Cos. For pare drugs aad patent medicines, aall at may-4t A. I. Shaw'i, For tale at Fhew'a Drug Store tbe beat aad cheapest perfumes aad hair oiie la town. 41 A. I. Shaw It telling off tbo remainder of kit atock af holiday goudt at test. myMt CaaaiAait add Boaeiae Foa 8 A La. Half a doitn new and second-bend buggies and carriages for sale, at exceedingly low prieoa. Apr. S8-lm, Jaw at L. Liavr, noatae arb U innate fob 8 a lb. Tbe aader slguad, for the purpoee of reducing ttoeb, will sell very oheap a Bomber of borate and a number tett af harness. Jam at L. Laavr, Apr.-lm. Oarrt' Fran m ita alaani. A full Haa just re eel ved at H bo we it', Pit's Opera House SHIRTS! SHIRTS II BHIRT8 t!t Flat Rblrtt, Faocv Hbirta, Cheap Ihlrta. Agea ty tor Chester L. Smith A Co't celebrated "Qua ker City" fine Shirts. Special order department. A good fit guaranteed. , J. S. She wort, aplJS Plo'o Opeia House. Ritfc Smmmm Marls m,nA I.liU Thread Under Skirts. Alee, best quality of Jeaa Drawers, at Showers' la Pit's Opera House. ( . . .,. Coll art. faffs, Tim, Bowa, Hndkernhieft, Set aure, Ulevot, Half Uaee. c, Ac,, In pviea and oealitr to cwil uJI art ' Suowaaa' . ' s rie t uptra iiewtt. Slippers, for laditt, misses aad children, a fine variety, jaai opening at puowana , ap)2S Pio'e Optra House. Call and tea the "Neidiea" Ladiel tl titer, i new thoO) equal le the boat make. J. 8. Smowbrs, apl2S ' Pit's Opera Houss. JVHT RRCBIVID. Ad A largo te voice of Boeta aad Shoes for men " la. -I-m k ""I '' 'A V JC-'' "i ""' "' "!" A ababn Haa af H atora, r.h aa, Waal H.I,, jail apaaad. Ala., a vara larga alaak af aaajnar atioiU. rMdr fur lb. saaaoa, llarln, aalabhabad a ropatatloa la tbl. da- tiarlnoal II will a. oar alai to kw, It af b of aa avary artkr. wa a.11 at aaprwodantadlr lav i,araa. J. H. (IIUWIHS. , .01 II VWt Oaora Hoaaal Taa Caaaaaalal Baard af Ooaiailaaloaar. da alrad to b.r. oaa Aawlaaa baa, aaa, boai, (ftM, aad foala' raratablaf aUro aa aabiailtoo, aaa after aawadtaf aaaatb. irawallag raaad aa auha a aakouoa, ara daaanaiawd la aiaoa ia laid tela ablMataaaalMlai Iba aaaraaf - April Id, Ufa. ' f IMMIM I aaaBUaw-----a-. Rbab ft. tf, BTlaaJly'i advertlMmeal la n gard ta LIS) latataata. amgll ry . . i . t ' narraar uiua inn ma aiiri. nuvame ana MiLi.rpaHT lleeMi Snacuttr. Oa Trtday, May, Ttb, 187i, I will return from rblladHphia, with a full well selected line of Summer Millinery Ooodt, eon listing of tho newest style Paris Pat sera BoBBatt, Hats, Ribbeme, Ae.. totrether with all Ibeaeraliiea af the oaeeua. All "Miiliaery doodt" bought befova tha Srat of May are not taibtoaable Summer sty lea aad o a reliable for tba awatou , lb ere fur a, peraene buying from my a Look oaa rely ea tbam buiug the best stylet, at to prioct, for tauie quality af goods. I defy competition, at I buy and aell fur oaah aad aot an long credit and have ail advaataget la buaiueee.for selllagailuw prioet, aad wbieb I Inttnd giving myouatumell the advantage of tbit teuton. Dun t fail to at least oall nod tee my goods, before yoa hay. April IT, HTM. Mat. T. M. Waraoa, and caps at susb prices that will attonlib you. Call and tea for yourself before parobattng else- Yea oaa bay Perk In ' driving boots at PKTKR McU KORQB'8. ; You aaa bay Ulmifa oalf tboet for M at , . pb'TKU MtUKOUUEU, Trunks aad vail set, eheap for cash at ' . PKTKR MeliBuRUK-li. The latest style af hats and caps, oheap for cash at PKTKR McUEoRUK'B.l Pala 1 Palo I Oh, bow nalnfal ta wear ahaet that piuch your term ! Uet a pair thai file all, orerand touches no where at PKTKR MeUKURtlK'H. Duxt Alexia will again Amarma tblt spring, tololy to purchase a stock of buott and hirt, hatt and esps and rente' famishing goodt from . PKTKR MoOMUttOH.. Wairrtn. tffO.OOO Sfi Inch ibaveJ thinglei atto 10,400 pounds wooT, for which tb blgbett market price will ba paid. Call en or addrtli ' AKiVUlil' m MAaklDpOttAa, CurweBtvillt, Pa., Apr. 7, m. . .....a Montour Slatt Paints, for painting bouses Is olde and eutaide Ootugea, Fans Balldinga, Ae. Beautiful, durable, aad aoonomtcai, uieuaa u pure Linseed 0(1. mysc i o " w. v'-.f HI s " . Laub Pl.stub.A ear load of RaBtlngdoa gfmd piattcejuat received at - ( : An Alt. an bUKSQi,, , Clearfleld, hfiroh 8, ISTo-Juio. Call en ft. M. M'BaaMr and get year lira ia- Ittred ia the Old Continental Lite Insurance Com pany, of Hartford, Coon. augl3-ly 'V'" 11 CAUTION. '' ;" ' ' We bava for tbe last three year been rending iteamnla bolt lea of Boaoaaa'eirauHAB bWaur fur oougba, colds, consumption, and ell diseases of (be throat and luna-i. We now find other par- tie advertising sample bottles in tbe tame way. All wa bava seen of toeae nttia aampie Domes eontaia ether or chloroform, intended only te dry up a cough for a day or ta. He careful to call for BOSl'HKK'S OKKM AN AYR IP, which con tains ao albcr, chloroform or opium, but these a ret of it eueeett it In a Utrmaa extract ol tbe active prinoir-lea of Uum Arabic, and physic lane buy our medicines ana ore h in ineirprariioc snc- Qeesfulty; Sold by 0. D. Walton, Clearfield, Fa mstaal Tuaowly i - , (l Hare Von v-pepila, with lu train of dis- ordera, bHIloaaaeta.aonstlpation, water-brae h, lose of appetite, headache, diet ret after ealiag, Aor ll so, go to u. v. uataon, uruggiei, ana ge, a bottle ol Dr. Cesta't Radical Cure. Take It and ba well. It arte ae ao ether medicine a far did, and tare relief it guaraatoed ia every a etc where direetiont art followed, ll tooes up too siomaeo, reatoree tbo natural appetite, strengthens tbe weak, and ae a liver regulator It baa n equal. A Clergyman tf Philadelphia says "it it tbo very fouudatioa of htaJtb." To all wbo are suffering from a disordered stomach or liver, we say try it. A few dotee will relieve aad a little perseverance euro tba worst eaaea. Trial ilea 111 teatt. Sold also by P. Curlay A Co., Williamtgrovt; T. U. Forcer, Orahamton, and P. Moycr, Kylertowo. mohl7oow)y New ety le collars aad ewlTa at T. A. F leek A Ce'l. White goods at T. A. Flack A Co't. 1 . , Uoderwear for Udltt at T. A. Flank A Oo't. Millinery goodt, ail kiad,oliaap at T. A. Fleck A Co't. vi i i ma.1 i . ' ! i i s Trim mod katt aad bonnets at T. A. Fleek A Co't New embroidtrloa tor sale at T. A. Fleck A Ce'i Now dress goodt at Fleck A Ce'i. Silks, lilka, cheap at Fleck A Co't, " ' o - ' iNI ' Ctllooo aad matliat vtry low at Fleck k Co't Black alaacat. wrv noad for It aiats at T. A. Fleck A te a. Nloa .bawls for $1 at T. A. Fleck A Co'. ' Moarntug gooda a spoaialty at Fleck A Ce'i. . Lad ice bote for I aad Iff eeute, worth mere moaey at Fletk A Co't , Aff aeat all prioet at T. A. Fleck A Co't. New kid gleraa at T. A. Flook A Co't. : . . Percale and white pique at Fleck A OoV ' Parasols, a laB MNrtaaeut ai Fleck A Co't. The governor of Maine hat lnued hit proola aUon to all former tlOueni of tbat State, now la Clearfield Oa., Pa., te at oaea report for their oapply af batt,eapa, boott aad shoea, aadfuraHb ing goods at I'KTbR MoUtUUliK d. A tarao ai sort men! of Waldo M. Claflin's boott eboec and gaiUrs at PKTKR McOKOltQK H, Bttoaras Foa Balb, ft. Newtoa Shaw keens a full eupply of Fredenw lluggiee and Ptatlorm Wat?oat fur sale. To ba eeea at tbe Shew House yard. Call ea or add rest him at Clearfield Penn sylvania, may 11-lf. marrirl At Iba ra,ldoaoa af Paraa Star, la Knot towa blp, oa Saadajr, April lSlb, IST&, br JauH M. kick. a, Mr. KMAm'Kl, RLOOkl and Miu CATUARiNR llcKKK, balb af K...1 lowaiblp, Cloarfioltl wuatj, I'a. At Iba mldraoa of tha brfd.'i inolbrr, la Clear told, Pa., aa VTodnHdar, April 1Mb, l"7.,b. Hot. B. a-.8raraaa.Mr. BAMUKI. 8. BI TTLK8 aad kflia J08EI-U1NB II. WKkSU, botb af CUarlald, Pa. 0a Teoidar. Hay 4lb, Uli, at Iba mideaco of tho wMdi rttber, b, Kar. l,ran, Mr. JACUIl MrCLARE.V, of Datr lowa.bip, aad Mia, COKUIA af Befo lowa,bip. . Caatra aoaal, paport ploaaa oopjr. At Wall.eoloa, oa Wadnoodar. VI. r ttb, l7, br Rot. A. X. Folto. Mr. CHAltLKS Mb'U KKII aad Miu ROSRTTA UOllOAN, bolb of Bo,to lowntblp, Uloarnold oooatr, l'a. At Claarll.ld, Pa., oa W.,ln..d.r, Mar ilh UTS, CAH1IL1N1, wlf. of Joa MtU.cunar, aaod IV Toar i raoatb. aad l& dor,. AI,o, aa Pndoy Jiornioi, Mar lit,, 1871, Infaal obild of Joaa and c.aouaa HgUauunar. Mutbor aad .blld a.r. ploerd la Iba oarac ,ffia, and follawad ta tba tomb b a T.rv larga aoarao of .ititoaa oa Friday aftornooa. Pennsylvania Hull road TVRONI I CLKAUFIELD BRANCU. ON aad aftar Moaday, NOV. 11, 1,74, tho Paaooomr Traia, will rua daily f.toont Baa day,) botw..a Tyroa. and Cl.arfl.ld, aa follow. CLEARFIELD MAIL. . W. C. Xawta, Ooodo.lar.' LEAVE B0UTH. LEAVE NORTH.. 0l.rt.ld-......l.4,F., " Tyroaa ........ V.lO.a.n. UMolaHH...M.10.19f, Cloarbold 11.10, OaMol......4.iO, " Tyroaa (.01, " CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. W, B. Plimmvb, Condaelor.. ' LEAVE S0DTU. LEAVE NORTH.' Cloaroald.... 4.11 1.,.. t.19 " Oaoaola. t.4a " InUraootioa.. t.4I " Tyrona.. 1.64 Tyroaa..Mm..7.1t p.H. IalorrooUoa...7.11 " 0l. ....... n " Pbilipabar, ...d.ll " Cloarold,ar,..(Jlf ' j TVRONR STATION. a astw Ann. A a Pacific Kxp.cas, 117 Ilarriiburg Ace'm, 1:04 P m WBHTWARJ, Mixed Tralo, Cinrin'ti Ripreas, Pnolflo ExprexK, Way Pa nr tiger, Mail Train, Mall Traia, S:4o Atlantic K i press, b&4 Phlla'da Evpress, 10 II Fast una, Tbe Mail make clean eooaectieu with Atlantic Rxpreee east at t:4ft, arriving at llarrisburg at II 04 p. a. and at Philadelphia at 1:19 A a.: and with Mall west at 6:41, arriving at Altontia at 1-2t p.a. and nt rttiiburna at i:4 a. a. The ax prett coo need with Paclfle Riprtsa east at IT a. u arriving at llarrisburg at 11:05 a. u.anlat Pbiladetnhia at 4 16 r. a.; ard with Pselfle Kx- prett Watt at 114 a. arriving at A I toon a at f'00 a. a. tnd Pitt i burgh at 1:60 p. a. Leaving Philadelphia ea the Paotfie Kinross at 11:45 P. u or Ibe Mail at S:0i A. a.; and rutehurgl lantfe Bx press at 1:19 p. a. or Paclfle Express at l:ii a. malt eioeo aouaertioa at Tyrone wita tralat for Clearfleld. N. B. The Malt traia trrlvet at Curwins vllleatlltilS A. u., and leaves OurwentvilVe al 1:00 p. M. The Bxprett arrives at same place at 9-61 P. a., remaining 1$ mint tea, returning ta Ulearfjeci, leaves uiearuaiu rer ryroaeei f:ai.i, FABK FllUM CLKARFIKLD, TO EollarawW. Pa U MlddHMawa ..... Marl.tla.... I II Lanoartor .H M II PHILADELPHIA 4 Altooaa I II look Haraa I 7 WIMaraanarl., I Maatraaaoa M.,t,( I wa LowlatAwa.. ., I td MaryorlM. 4 aa JohaRtawn.. , fl ll PITTKBDEO I II HAKRIBBURO... Tl Oloaa aaaaaalloa, aiad. ba all tralaast f .. aaa M.I aiaraau .x .i t. I. BLAIR, . aiy ir -M. i . W1LL1AU tl. UKNHY, Jbiti a rwa luaj aw Bwarwawwa. Lira IIHII OrrV.' Oolkwllw., wa. aad ataaoy paaamily aaM Twr. iiwih. a ud doada af liaririail Maar Uliatil aaa warranto! aar. Mat a. abarfa. lajy'tl $tx dvrrttsrmruta. yyANT ED. r ' N. E. ARNOLD, "' cuewamriLia, r., I ,:ii,,1 - (Innmar la) . -. !. "..-.jut' ji.riijii ' J..,:' i" Arnold & Hartshorn. 00,(100 to-lnch Bharaw Ihlnflaa. j 0.000 pouud, r voi. "I ; ' Partlo. havlulf lung Btiioglo, or Wool (or alth. ' r) will da woll to aall aa art. Tka kighMt mar. ' kat prte. pard at all Uaata. . - v ., ,.. Alas, K full aad ootoplota atoofc of ' - 1 1 DKY GOODS, ;:.;';HATS SlCAPS, ;;;; BOOT)';,,'-' SalOES, tifiOCETvlES, FLOUR, FPED, i SALT, PROVISIONS,''! ' - v ... r.t whlak wUl wa aol al naaoublt ,rlMi, oral. ohan4 for ,blnlai or wool " - ' K . B. ARNOLD. Darw.a.rllK May I, IIM. . Friday,' 3fay 7, 1875, t will rotura rrani' Phlt.J.lphla with lb. Irit and only- ' . i ' Bt'MMER STYLUS SUMMER ffStti Bl'IIMKR STVLEH SI:MMKR STYLUS ,.rlUMMfcH BlVLKd BUMMKH BTTLEB . ywt oat, which will aoaiprlM rlob, rara and ala- .11 1 1:-, t fal;. . -, PARIS PATTEIllI Hi- ,i f, , ! PA11IS PATTERN , , l,. 1IONNKTS, ,' ... '"' ' ' ' " DONRETH, : ' "' : HAT,-.m-.'i i . ,. ,, , ! HATS, : . :!( , , IIIUB0NH, KIBBONH, ' " ' ' ' M.i FL0WKR8, Ac. I t , ,. .., , FLOWEKri, Ac .Xay foar aurohaaM antll mit wood, font., and you will not rograt duing ao. jwiir. I. n w A irjvn. OlMrdohl, May 1, U7o.-It ' 1 OLIt PATliONS .j... ,., - We beve this day dispoted of our entire Inter eat ia tbo Hardware More and Tin tilieet, ( tbU piaoe, to Mcatrr. Wii.luh Puwkul aud Wm F. MoRdAV, wlio will hruatter conduot tho buelneu at the old etand on Hecond at reel, under l ho firm aeuue and style ot Powell A Morgan.," Wt cheerfully raoommend them to our old cuttetnert as gentlemen of iategrily and txcetleot business capacity Very KeipeteTiiHy, mayft-aU . . H. F. BIOLBR A CO, Llet nfrauatt set down for trial at a Court of Cum won Piter, toeoinnienca aa the 6tu Mob. day, the 3 1 act of May, A. 1. Ia7b: Fryer Admr . vt kixbol t tl. Pwoope's Kir Barmiry. Cbssa,...,,.M. liutflera...M,l Delleclu. Bwarlt. ........ Driuker.n.,., vt Tyler ve Askey. " ' ve Tbomptaa. , ..,, vt Thompson. rt Finney. va Mock. ' i.i..i...i. rt Iewia. . rt Hockenbero . va MorrelUt al. Tt Ooss. T vt B.vart. ) Paine , Wl Miami... Brer. HM Irviru. , Ktlly's beira Jnnss , Korrie....... , Dougherty .,- , rt liar tar. ;, , ve Mciibet. , va Sohoonever. , ve Neeper, , ra rie. Snyder...... .,,.. va Uallagher. v am vt uowe. Catbcart. , r Hoover. Lilt of 'Short eauim tat down for trial at Juna Term. auminenoiutT oa tke lat Mender. 7th day efJunt, A. 1. lttTi ; pibkt waax. ve Caldwell, , ' va Irrin, Rrgood.....,. Weleh Bpaogle., Drinker- M. Same Maya. Km baker Matter u at aL. ... Wearer , Coulter Harwich . i j 1 utkrla...r..Mn. ties llatcom Arthurs Albert Bret. , C recry ,..M ........ M iller Ut Nat'l Bank.. Burnt. Heelj..,.m.... Irwin Murray et a) Coudriet...... Butler. .... Dale .. .......... ra WtM. i re Dubrae, ve Same. i , rt Erbard. vt Boworaul. re Weetoa. . va Kerin. , , , va BKirey. va Van Brabant. ' aureaa wan, i ve Lowry. r,,.. va Stainoret al i ; va Arthurt. : a Kiogetal. i va Jar at al. a. va Knwfip. - Te Baaly et al. - - Va Bloom. ti Finwey;' ' " va Milter. va (iotbea tawaabip. Ts Hmilh. Lachet ol al. va Howe. va DeBeok. HUf. va Mitchell. Oraham School Board... ve W lllhelm's admr. BotterfetaL vt Vottorw at al. Chest Bridge Ataooi'a..,. Va Dyers. , Melioh vt Lince. QRPUAS' CO CRT 8AI.K Valuable Coal & Timber Land. BST. OF ISAAC MvKEfi. DEC'D. By virtue of an order of tbe Orpbaat' Court of Clearfield county, to ua directed, there will be ex anted to pnblio talc, at tbe Court House, in tbe borough of Clearfleld, on MONDAY, MAT t, IBTS,' at 1 o'clock p. m., all that certaio tract of lanj, tituate In Knox township, Clearfleld county, Pa., bounded and doner! bed as follows, via : Oa the aortb by tho Isaac McKee Homestead Farm, on the eaet by landi of John M. Chase, on the soalh by .lends of Joseph Beet and others and 1 oa tba weti by Clearfield creek, laadt Of tho ot- tatt of Dr. liouts aad otaera, eonlaialog 114 acret and alls wanes, with about 4 acres oloared, and having a gocd two-story log home, orchard ! aad other improvements tboreoa. Tbo land it 1 good for farming purposes, with a quantity of; pine, oak and hemlock timber thereon, and it an- , dtrlaid with coal, being situated In the great coal baiin. i, ono other tract of laod, sKoate la the township afore aa id. bounded by lenda of Hriehia A Miller, John V. Coder, Agnes Bobinaon, laoda of mid Isaac MeKee'a ettatt and otfaera, eoataia. Ing 103 aeres and 114 porches, and being a part of a treat warranted in the name of Benjamin Poultney. Tbit land la well suited for farming purpose, has a large quantity of nine, oak and hemlock timber tboreoa, and le situated la the grout coal bailo. i Txnua op Bai.r. Tea per oent. when the pro perty it knocked down, the remainder of one third at eonflrumtiou of eale, and the balanoe ia equal pay menu of one and two years, with Inter est, to be secured by bond and mortgage on tbe pre mi sea, f JAMK8 MrKKR. J. 1UVIN MKKK, pU-4t Trustees. The uaderaigned, dctcrutned to reduce slock and material, proposes to di'pote of, at exceeding low ratee, a number of HORSES ft HARNESS, ' j CARRIAGES & BUGGIES, 1 , WAGONS, AC, AC, I oaa eupply parties with either aow ae eeeond hand oarnagee, buggies, or wagons, at fabulously low prices. Unreal, old and young, and harne.ee1 te match. Parties ia need of aitbtr eanaot bay ; them at aheap ly anywhere ele. JAMBS L. LKAVY. Clearfleld, April SD, S7k.-lf j UDITORS KOTIOK.- ' - In the matter of the i Ia tho Orahaat' Court citato ot David lltoom, of I lenrOtld County. deteaved. J I The aadrHged Auditor, appfllated by the! court to distribute the bale. not In tho haade of tbo Administrator of taid tttate, hereby gives notice j that ho will attend tithe duties of bis appoint! ment al his offl-e In Clearflold, on Thursday, the ' 3Mb day of May, 1876, nt la o'clock, A. M , when I ana wnere aU parties interested may attend if tWy tet nruntr. WM. M. McCl'LLOHUH April, N, l7o-4t. Auditor. JOR RENT. Araold's Hall. In Catweosville. nar alaht or wreh, ob reatonabla terms. Seating eapaclty, atage, iax4tt drop curtain all onmplete. I Also, a ana rooms ea eecoad Boor, lOxXt, ta Ha bit for otlrcs, fronting oat Maia street. For fur ther rirticulai a address ' .V. B. ARNOLD. Curwaat villa, April f, HTi.-Jm BLACKSMITH KHOP ') IN Cl.E.ARHKI.D, FOR R U.K. Tba ttnderilgned, hiving deteTtnined to change bit bosinees, otters fur eale kit Hbop, Tookl. ooaaislirg ef twa aeer ortahie Forges, with all Boeeseary tools and Impleiueate, of tba latest and stoat improved kind la are or to be found la Ibe best Smith Shops. Alto, a large eoaHty af Horse Show amd Iron oa bead. Tbo of this etand baa a great ad ran tage over atl others, being si touted oa aa alley leadlag frova Praettreet to Road street, at or uear the Leonard Ifouta Ita oloaa proximity ta the Fire tie Works, Planing Mills and Railroad Depnt gives It a preference Over all Other stands la tewa. The Boasrtf oaa ba teased ta good ad oaatage or pw rebated far a eaastaabla price. , AMg BKMABD, ClatraeH, April f, IftTS-lf QPPO8ITI0N TO IMPOSITION! T, A. FLECK A CO., ,. . .... .1 i Ji; ... .i - I .. ,: art AetermuwA to aaU . ,' .; . DRY GOODS, ' ' ' ' 'ai prtoa. that dofywontpotltlon.'' ' ... .,.... V ...v fi . .. ... .1 M'. ll.Ml yard! of anltraly nair drat, gaoda. " i ,0.Mly.r4, Alpaota. . . i .' Tb. Brand, aohaawl adg.d tha Im.1 good, for tba prlo. oror put oatb. arkot. ' 1 . Suinaior auliaarai, a larga auortai,nt, rary ""P-.,.;.! ..I ,-; ... ... I .''.'UDISl.' URESS GOODS. Lad Irs white dratt goodt, I great variety, j : Table Llaans, white, sad la aoiort. Frtoe away down. ' ; ,u i''r f i l ) A beautiful lot of Bummer Shawls, bcaght at a oargata anq wiu a torn very tow. a t Ladle Bonnets Md Hato. .'i - 1 I ,i ... -i t .. HataandBoaneU,aHmmadaadaotrimmW,teitke vtry latest etyleti alto fiowen for trimming, and every article ascd for Mill nary. Ribbons, Laoei, Wreatbi, Ac, all entirely atw. ' H Ladies Dress Trimmings, , ' A lara? line of Dresi Trimming Just pirebaaed, to be told very eheap , t , , l'erealet ia fall line, real nice. The Sweet variety of prints or ealtcO cVef bronghl lo thitlowa, from S to 19 enact per yead. . Mist Hillmea It bora. ' T. A. FI.IIOK, A. U. BILLS. C IIANOR OK PROPRIETORS. - Tbe andertigned having nurehaaed tho More oodt and properly formerly oocupted by Lover legal, oa btcood it reel, Clearfleld, adoptt tbit mtlbod of bringing his business to the notice of the public, aaa promises ta ruratsa als patrons with tba very Uttoaliiy as t ,. j "I i DAATP P. CTTATO ' ;': HATS & CAPS, at exceeding low rates, This I am anaMed to do, beeausa I bava no rent to pay, and eaa there fore divide the profits with my eaatomera. It may be aaid (bat this is an experiment with me, but if telling a Brood article for a low Arum ea- tloat euetom and cxpsndt trade, I am bouad to saeceea ia my undertaking, litre ate a aail, ex etuint my slock end learn my prioet. , To my large stock of boots and shoes, ball and eapi, i nave jual added a full stock ef Gcnt.V Furnishing Goods, which I will sell at tho very lowest Kg a ret for tain, or in exchange for oouotry produce, at tbt UIG1IEST MARKET PRICK.', Call and .xaniina itock aad prloaa hofaro par.aa.iag oiaiwnora. , . . pb'TKH MoUEORUE. Cl.ard.ld, April 21, 187. JEW OPENING. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE AND ..... HAT & CAP NTOltK. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARK8T 8TRHBT. A full and eumpltte assortment of new gooda da o w Uriel, down ta "HARD PAN" PRICES. Cillient ara Invited to aall aad eaamlae my ttoeb and judge for themtelree aa la qaality aad prioet of gooda. JOS a, I'll B. 8H0WKR8. Clearfleld, April 14, 1S74. , JMPORTAN . ' TO BI'RCULATORS, CAPITALIST AND MECHANICS, Amos Kennard, tht patentee of tha Xaeelslar Canthook, being on tht point ef removing to Cal ifornia, deetret ta d lipase of his entire Interest la teid patent, eaai of tho Misaimtppl, Interring, However, Midland county, Michigan, told to tl, L. Cooktand Jiha doe Id; Alpuna count v, Mich igan, told to Wia. J. Bdwardt aad Robt. N armor, aud Waabiagtoa county, Minneeeta, sold teMI ehael MolfaL Nothing but hit total inability ta supply the iinmens demand for his Cantbooke from anr-b a large amount of territory, would In duce Mr. K eemard to dltpoaa of h is In -erect. 1 a nrtitneing this portion of bit patent fur aalt, Mr. Kennard would reuiiad tht public (hat be is offer ing no untried article for their aeeeptanne, but a Caatbook tbat through aereral yean of tbo sever est trials, under all circumitaooea, bait established for itself a world-wide reputation aad gained Iba unqualified approbation of all practical lembor mea. For parlleulara, apply In ptrtoej at by letter to AMOS KKNNAtLB, epril 3I,1h;.U.J Clearfield, Pa. C ALL AND SKTTI.K. arlnc bawu ooala ta ai bad laf odbi. liai. with ao hop. .1 paraaMal tuaroTaawat, I rllla my boiiar.., and will pay all hoooot olatoia Ermatod agalaot mo. Mo ono aord oorna la my oar. an bua'aaaa, aolng phyaloally aaabla ta a4 t. It. Thaa. bariag aaaattlwd aoManta aa lay book, will oonf.r a faver aa . by oalliag aa Mr. Portar at an aarly day and adiott tho ,ama ra a propar maan.r. RANK .HURT. Ck.ara.ld, AprU II, 17I. to. AVCTIONEERLNO " Aaa ' " - BILLPOSTINO. Th. aadmlgaH waadd raapaat'ally laram Ik. MU,aa. af VUardold aa. Tloialty thai ba to pro parad I. ary all Aaoti.a, VMdaa, aad atbar Halo. oa abort a.tloa, and at twaaoaahla rataa. dala ill,, Poaton, Proraaaua,aadMhaa)TOrtl,rag aa. .laariaata. ta ua aiaat N...MI plaoaa. A ibara af pabli. patraaaga It alloiar4. K.lT ROBIN", M.rrh IT, 71 If ' Clnrwold, Pa $tt4 s Celxwv. WILLIAM REED 1875. SPRING. 1875. 'M l APniL. NEVV GOODS. ''"''V'new goods.' new goods. .in..';- ..i fi.i ;i !.::.',' .Hi D... .'. ran". Domestic Dry Goods. Newest styles Dress Goods. Linen Suitings, Ac, &c. Xolions, Trimmlnfrs, . C!i!-. i'l I'tO . A ':. Ladles' Furnishing Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hosiery and Gloves. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. CARPET CARPET CARPET BRUSSELS INGRAIN RAO STAIR DRUG GUT RUGS, &o. Also, t full lin ol MlLlNLRY GOODS Havinf an xperiRcd Trlinraer from Philadelphia, ladies will find A nice itotk of trim tntd goods." , Anjlbingnot oi hand will ba o darud promp'lr. -Ptwaam glra ai call. WILLIAM KEED. aVeoea Va. I, Opera Hemja, aoarly tp petite tba PteaOdVaa. , aoarSthl. ApeN r,1IT. .! ' aav.SIT4 HARTSWICK 4 IRWIN, .EOOMD 8TRKET, ... , ' .. '3 CLEARFIELD, PA., DIALIRI IX ) I. .,.- i. ... . ..-. PURE DRUGS! sxx oaaDaoaa sszjlm sc. CHEMICALS! PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF vahsihiies,' " 1 ' 1 BRl'IIIU, PERPUJIERT, .'ft''.!''; , ! vahct eoooi TOILET. ARTICLES, ."-'OS ALL XtXM,' ' .. . 1 " I PURS WIXB8 AUD LIQUORS, f.r atadUlaal parpvara. . , i I. 0 . -'!!' il I Tra.i, Pupportar,, .ehool Book, and Slallo.. ry, aad all otaar artlalo, aoually , foaad la a Drag fttara. : PnYlPtAH8' PRKr)CRIPTIO!IH CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. llaTlat a htraa ai- aori.nca Is tb. baalaaa, tb.y oaa glra ,atir aat- taiaetioa. I. OB ARTS WICK, JOHN 1. IRWIN. Clearl.U, 0Maib II, 1174. II EMOVAL!. JOHN WcGAUGHEY WeuM roerneetfull aotlfv the nubile aentrarly that ke hat removed hie tireeer Store from 8 haw 'a Row, to tbo halldiag formerly eeeapied ayj.niiee kratier.oa nccona street, acst teor to Blgler'd hardware store, wuere he Inteadi keeping a full lino of GIIOCEBIEM. UAM8, llRIEO BKKIaad LARO. 8TJIARaandrll'PI,a(allgradal. ;i TEAS, Oraca and Rlask. COFFEE, Roato4 aad Oraon. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CtJTJTED fRllTi, All hindr la tb. aiarhal. PICKLED, ia jar. aad harr,!,. ,. ' ' , SPU ES, i r,rf tana and rarioty. FAMILY FLOUR, - ALL MNMOFCRACKGNI. SOAPS, ;( MATCHES, , , DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHBS, , .. DRIED CHERRIES, Co&l Oil aval latap Chimnsyt. Aad a goad assert meat af those thin at utuallr kept la a grocery store, which bo will exchange tor maraouag at taa maraet ptoee. Will tell for cash as cheaply at aay other oat. Please aall aad tee hit itook aad Judge for voureeti. JOHN McQADUHIT, Clearfleld, May tf, 1IT4. T 1ST OK JCROR3. Lilt of Jurors draw a for tht holding of a Court af Common Pleat, eommcaoiag oa tke 4th aionuay i-wstj m may, ioi b t aaaaroaa. i otaia. Job a Saakey aaanaa. Patrick Carlty otLica. Jamee Flynn WillUm Nerling aouviaALa. M. B. MeHagh at'tToa. David Barkey JOB DA I. Parker Strong aaox. -Ueorge Arnold la wax a c a, Philip Mullen B. F. Sterling Ueorge L. Reed a.'wAiniaoroK. Joba H. tStcwart Samuel A. Caldwell BBAOV. William K. Irvia Juliut A. Terpe Jamea Mile Joba Uailey Heary tllntar Ueorga Kriaer Wlleoa Hoover cwaar. Joba Hoe ken berry . roVINUTOV. Chariot Btrlbol James S. Cone way ci.uauriai., -A. W.Lea Daniel W. Moore Usorv Bridce James L. Cook Joba L. Cragla PIXI. Richard Daartr, Jr. rvawaxavtLLB. J. I. K ratter nil. Phil Long eieu. W. W. Dunlap John II. Clouter H. B. Thomptoa a arama. -Edward Teat A. D. Laonard J 1ST OK JURORiS. List af Jurora drawn for Juat Term, A. D. 17 a, commeacingoa the flrtt Monday, the Tthi OUAXD itTBOBa. rLBAariBLa. rBBavaoH. Ueorge Straw L. K. MoCullvugh R. A. Mitchell John F. Read a. wAauinBToa. joanaa. William Mebaffay John Carry aarraaiA. a a ara a ci. I. C. MeCloskey tAWRB.oiCa. A. H.Sbaw WUIlam Mays BBLL. Robert Mcbaflcy Zenoe Hoover Samuel firowa WOBBIS. David Foroey Joba A. Weolrldgc Jamoa Tbomptoa rata. Soha R. Dargooa riKB. Frederick 8 Bloom Richard F recta aa WOODWABB. Thamaa Utadtrtaa caatr. Joseph H . firtth nacATta. Jaeeb Mock Andrew Buughmaa raavaaaa iraoBt rtair wbbk. BBOOABIA. otTLira. Frank Flyna Wm. Davit u Litre x, Polar Kvaat a a am Att. Wm. Sohulti xox. Reubea Caldwell LAwauaca. Joba R. Parki M.T. Faltoa Wm.T. Bpaekmea L. 0. Bloom Joba C. Dale aoaaia. M.J.Browo i II. A. Douiherty James Hoi lea back OBCIOaaA, Edward Shot" tieo. M. DaUaey Dr. D. R. Good Wm. Bwaggart H. R. Kephart rxaw. ; Isaiah W arrick BBLL. W.J. Campodl Themaa Sunderllu BBAorona, Aaroa Urabaai S. K. Cowder aeorge Albert BBABV. F. B. Porter rutsr. Joba Flshel Isaae Markle William Mctlarvty B. U.McMattera CBVIRorOH, , Joba Hugar ci.BABnn.rj. Eire Ale Joba Jobnaoa aacATta. David Gear hart A. J. Steiaer R. D. Showaller Thomal Warren IBAB). Daniel Kriee ooaacM. J. W. Wallace Jno. A. Vultoa tlBABAM. Ellis Turaer A. U. Hoover Jna. S. Johnston Chat, MeUovera FIR B. Jamet Norrit Joba Hancock J. Jordan Bloom WOOBWABU. henry Peters Reubea Hagerty I - aavena wini. aaocAaia. Wm. B. Courtney eiMKR. A. H. Shirty BLL, i Levi Haaderlla kRAnroan. H. P. Wilton Jehu Aatee ananr. ; Brady Kirk j Ferdinand Baylor Jaeeb Kdiuger I Wm. Broukbanh IB kHsina. Qeorge Patehea ct.BABr1a1.a4 A. W. lira bam H. W. Para A. C. Laaabcrry a v Lira. James Wlltoa iennAu. Ilearv Pwaa Joba II. Swaa Jamea Ullligan , uvinct. (leorge Uulich' Robert W. Read woman. Jeaae Beam Leonard Kyler oar sola . I W. S. Bradley David Hamtttea raua. Wa. Preemam 'I - ovrwwBatrn.l.a. Alex. H. Irvia Deary Kerne CHBtf. Samuel Fisbel Wm. Wagoaor aec Ate a. Wm A yore ruuauaoa. Wm, Flyau riaa. Mease W lac Robert W. MeNaal Uaee llartshora A met W, Bloom WAiXAcafoa. AUi. Praooo Joha A. Rewlee Jimnc-atje d, comTAnLBAf riata Wa aara prlalad k larg. aaaibwr af ta. a f . a miuu, a-, wiu aa taa raaMa. ar iwwarr ra aaaaa. Bail . aaa, ra aa. addraai. wfW (1 (IA Par Da, m iMaaa. Tarau frM. apv aparw Aaarow) O 0a.,ParV laad, Mala.. Jaantf Birfliwr, I inwarr, tt. IRONSIPES STORK. . , .) i ' - ' ' : G. S. PLEGAIi. DEALER Tit HARDWARE, 8TOVE8, HEATEIW...I .; ,1 i I f i i , RANGES, liULLOWWAHE, ' PAINTS. OILS t VARNISH. PUTTY A OLASS HOPES, STEP-LADDERS, WOOD AND WJXLOW WAKE: V.f Th. ..l.braud Tolodo AnU Pmilag OahruiMl IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS,' K. hatUr Paaip. I. ta. alarkat. LAMPS, CHANDELllRI, LARTERKB, LAMP PLUES, of.llkltdi,. LAMP riXTCRBS, Aa. All at lawaal rlaao. l-i4-t4 CI rest, eklllpahiirg;, fa. rput'STEE'S SALE I VALUABLE REAL ESTATE t , AT .11 ' Public or Private Sale! Being a Portion of the Estate of A. K. Wright, deceased. . The uadersigned will call at pablioaaJe, unlets sooner diipoard of, on tho FIRST MONDAY OF JtME, 1ST A, at tbe Court House, la tbe boronght of Clearflel Pa., all tht following described real estate, vi Also, all the undivided half part of 440 acre more or loot, iu three several paroelt of land, part of the Joseph Clark aad Joha Harrison sur veys, situate iu Woodward township, Clearfield county, and tame landt held In eomouB wilh Caleb and Ueorge Churchman, having a targe amount of valuablw white plan and hemlock wilh other timber theraoa. Alee, another tract containing 157 acres, mora or less, sitaale in Woodward township, being tha watt esd af the Tbomat Mariloa survey, having thereon white pine, hemlock and other timber, and being andsrlnid with several relat of valua ble coal. Alee, another tract af 4t itree, more or lets, fiart of the Susaa Ward turvey, being tbt bank ng ground sitaato at Ibe mouth of Morgan Rub and adjoining land of William Albert A Brot., la Woodward to wren in, Clearfield county, and aor ered with valuable hemlock and other timber. A Wo, toother tract of 100 teres, more or leu, being part ef the Tbomat Stewardsoa lurvay, situate ia Decatur township, Clearfield eeuaty, and lying wittia tbe coal measure ef the Osceola coal basin. Also, two parcels of land situate ta Lawrence tawaabip, within oaa mile af tbe borough, aad valuable as out lota, one thereof ooolaiaing eight aeres, more or lose ; Iheothcr foar acres, adjoining lands of Robert Wrigley and el hart. Also, another tract ef Land, situate la Pike township, containing 113 acres, being part of war rant No, 4240, situate within six milea of tbe bar. ough of Clearfield, covered with valuable timber and underlaid with fire clay af Iba tnest quality. Also, all 1 bolt four oertaia building lett liti. ate ia Heed 1 additioa lo tba borough of Clear. Sold, and knowa as lets Re and ia Mid additioa. Also, all that parcel ef ground altuate la rear of the Academy lot and Moasoii't store, part af lot No. SO, in general plan ef Clearfleld, having a large frame building theteon and taid lot titu ate and bounded va east lido by an alley. All the above described lanle are ralaablt. The lands ia Decatur and Woodward towushipt ara all withla tba eoal mea an ret af that District, and within roach of railroads, either built ar aow baildiag, aad com mend tbtmtelvee to parehaiera for one I aad lumber. These Itndi will be told at private tale, If partial desire lo purchaec, but If wot told at private tale will be publicly told el aforementioned. Teraaa will be made reaaoaable to suit par obatcrt. All inquiries addreased to tha uader aigned will restive prompt attention. A. C. TATS, Traitet. Cleerfli U, Pa., Jaa. M, Iftfe.-td rjiHK TIMES. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. . IadeptadcBt la every thing I Neurtal la Bath ing t Oppoted to all corrupt rlnge im Municipal, State and NatioeeJ affairs. TUB DAILY TIMES will bo leaned oa Saturday, tho ISth of March next, aad every morning thereafter, Sundays ex ecuted, under the editorial direction of A. IU M Ca elum, printed compactly from olear, new typo, oa a large folio ahoet, containing all the aews ef tbe day, including tba Associated Prest Tele grams, Special Telegrams and Correspondence from all points of tut crest, aad fearless editorial diteaaeiona of all current topiot. Price, S aeau. Mail subscriptions, postage free. Sis Dollare per annum, or Fifty eenta per month, in advaaco. Advertisement! flfteoa, twenty and thirty eeou ptr line, according ta position. TUB WEEKLT TIMES : ' Will ha issued oa Saturday, March 19th, aad weekly thereafter, containing all important atws of tht week, and complete market aad financial repons. maiiea, let eaa year, pottage rree, at the following rata : Oaeoopy .. H.,.I.M . Tea Copies ....,., 9.40 Twenty Ceoiee. n...M.m ..14 M Advertiscmenti tweaty-fivo tents par Hut. Re mittances tbeald ba made by drafts or Pott Of fice rdtrr Address THB TIMES, " ' So. 14 Sooth Seventh Street, " mchl-Jm Philadelphia, COURT PROCLAMATION w HRREAS, Boa. C. A. MATER, Presides! judge or tht uourt or Com mea rices or the Twenty-fifth Judicial Distriet, a ompeitd of tbt tountict of Clearfield, Centra and Chatta aad Uoa. Wiiliau 0. FoLar aad Hoa. Joan J, Hbao, Assoc lata JJudgee of Clearfleld county, have iaiutd thilr precept, ta mt dirtcltd, for tha holding af a Court af Commea Float, Orphans' uourt, uourt ei wearier aeisteaa, uourt or urer and Terminer, aad Court ef antral Jail Deliv ery, at the Court Home at Clearflold, la aad for tbo eeuaty of Clearfleld, commencing oa the Srat Monday, taa Ttn aay at aae, and to continue two week. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby glree, to the Coroeer, Jastleei of the Peace, aod Cob sublet, la aad for eaid county of Clearfield, to appear la their proper peraeai, with their Record e. Rolls, Inquisitions, Kxami nations, aad other Remem brances, to do thott tblngt which to their oSleea, ana in taeir benaii, ptrtaia 10 00 aoat. By aa Act or Assembly, passed the ta dsy ei May, A. D. ltV4, It Is made tke duty of Ike Jet tioeo of tbe Peaoe ef the several eouatlet af thia Commonwealth, te return to the Clark of tho Court of tluartar Settlona ef tba respective oeunttee, all tha roeogalaaaem entered into before them by any peruoB or persons charged with tha aommiasioa ef aay crime, except ouch aatee aa may be ended before a J ait toe af the Peace, aa der oxistiag lawe,al least tea daye before tha aommewcemeat of tha aeseioa af tha Court ta which they ara made retureablereapecllvely.aad la all eaaea where aay reaoiaiaaaaee are an tared late loot thaa ton daya before tho aommeaoemeat af tba atsstoa la which they are aw do reUru We, the eaid Jutticot art to return tha tamo ia tba tame manner as If said let bad aot beea paseed. UIVSN aadtr aay baad at Clearfleld, tblt tlat day af AprU, ia tbe year of our Lord, eaa thousand tight hundred and seven ty-flve. aprJI tt ; W. K McPHKRBON, flberlf. COURT PROCLAMATION.--Whrruai, Hoo.C. A. MAYRR, Protideat Judge of the Court of Common Pleae ef the twenty-fifth Judicial District, ocmpoaed of tha eoua tlet of Clearfleld, Centre and Ollntoa, and Hoa. WM. C. FOLK Y and Hoa. JOHN J. RRAD, Ae anclate Judges of Clearfield county, bava isteed their precept, to me directed, for the holding af an Adjourned Court of Common Pleae, at tho Court llouea, at Clearfleld, la aad for the eeua ty of Clearfield, commencing 00 tha FIFTH MONDAY, THE SIST DAY OF MAT, UTo, and continuing one week. IS OTIC K Is l here fore hereby given to Jurors aad witnesses, in and for taid eoeaty of Clearfleld ta be and appear ia their proper per eon a, at 1 0 o'elook A. M. of eaid day, lo do those things which ia their behalf pertain to he dont. UlVKNonder my band at Clearfleld, thll tilt day af April, la tba year of oar Lord eat thousand eight hundred and seventr Are. w.r. Mcpherson, Sharif. B OOT AND 8H0E MAKING. AE.DB It ttTVBI.rt J . . . . , .'" ' . un.o..u.n a.raoi atrooi, ua Shaw'i Row, Cloarlald, Pa., hu Jail raoairaA a la. lot ar Fr.a.a Calf Ikla. aad Klpt.aV. aott la taa ajark.t, and ia a. a pr.aard ta otaa afoatara aaor,laiag la all Haa. B. HIE war rant III work i aa aa roprvMau.. TO. alliwaa af Dioara.l. aaa Tl.kall, m r.rp.wlfallr lawliad ta glra ola a aall. Work aV. l ok oft mum. riirn, N EW SHOE STORE.- f wmIJ In in. M..U i OLul.u ana ta. ,allta al largo, tlat 1 aara nau aVa .Wort atop nmaarl, rra at frank (aarl aad aat aroaarod ta auAa aad aiMAall klada af .ut. aad RaoM, oa faratarl, daw. ay Bkarr, oa AaM aalwa aa4 will faaaaaM all kaaaa of work Ml 10 rta, rtfl or .at la taa .ra. TmUtnh ataakatoa,lM ka-4. .kapaa Mwkot nwt, daar ao aka Allafkaai, aul. Mmk,l4'TII,".