Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 12, 1875, Image 2

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    She eftttluatt.
GiohoI B. Goodlandir, Editor.
. Roador, If yo araat ko kaaw kal 11 falsi
la tka boolean world.
aolumol, the .saeiol column w p"1
CrdinIMiio"fcy ' oi yr" ol11
! Mr.lill. " Texas. hd a htintlretl
thonraind dollar Arc on the 8th.
Tho Elk count Hdil n
"Lon'1 Wilcox iiomiimtcd for State
Treasurer. " " ' " " ' , ' ,' ,
,: Battle Creek, Michigan, bus 500 ad-
VetitUU, none of which had- gone tip
tttW account, although ready,
President (irant has been Invited to
attend , the centennial celebration of
Westmoreland oiinty, Pennsylvania,
on the 13th limUiit.
. ; : - i i.ii -.1 I ' -'
; The Democrat of Kentucky have
nominated esc-lTiiiled Ktates Senator
James B. McCrecry tor Governor. An
excellent nominee. :
' NAVy lit'LM. KlHowhere will be
found at length the regulations, adopt
ed by the Navy Department, in the
appointment of Cadet Enginoer. Tho
out-fit i very minutoly net forth and
footed. '
Another Exile in Placi. Daniel
D. Pratt, w ho wn turned out of the
United States Senate on the 4th of
March last by tho peoplo of Indiana,
ha been appointed Commissioner of
Internal Kevonue. Those whom the
peoplo discard Grunt embraces.
; The Hait Family. Grant lias
appointed his brother Orvillo Super
intendent of all tho Indian Agencies.
If Orville is not ' worth a million of I
dollars by tho 4th of July, 1870, it
will bo becauso1 "tho government"
can't come to tinio on (he Indian ques
tion. , ' ,
' I(etim:d. Mr. F. O. Whitman, who
has edited and published the Lewis-
burg Journal for four years past, has
retired, and is succeeded by H. II.
Morcer and J. D. iiishel, who promise
to still further improve tho Democrat
ic organ of Vnion county. Success,
gentlemen. ! ..
Oct You Go. J. W. Douglass,Com-
missionor of Internal Eevcnoe, was on
Tuesday notified by Keoretnry Delano
that his services in that department
wero no longer nocded. J. G. Heater,
special agent under tho Department of
Jnstioe, who figured so prominently in
the political arrests in Alabama last
fall, has also been dismissed the service.
Prooress. Mrs. John Walton and
Miss Anna A. Dutton, represented the
Columbus School district in tho War
ren county School Directors' Conven
tion of that county on tho 4lh Inst.
Mrs. Walton ordered Mr. Walton to
take care of tho baby until sho ro
tured from the capitol. John says tho
baby behaved excellently while Ma
was absent on public business.
. Bold Financiers. Tho last Con
gress imposed a tax of forty million! of
dollars on the people to keep np ordina
ry expenses. Xow tlio administration
organs have the brazen impudence to
tell the people that Grant nas reduced
the national debt fico and a half mil
lions of dollars during tho month of
April. Well, suppose ho did after we
gave him the money this at the end
of twelve months will only amount to
thirteen millions. What docs "the gov
ernment" intend to do with the other
ten millions wo have paid it 1 Williams
has been turned out and perhaps ex
penses will now be reduced, and the
monthly reduction may sum up to
three or four millions per month. But
to continue to collect forty millions
nd only pay hoentyfive or thirty mil
lions, would bo a very Radical joke on
tho taxpayers.
Worse and Worse. The Radicals
in our State have been growling at
Grant for some time because he put no
Pennsylvania in his cabinet, although
be hsd often promised the fiiithfUl that
he would do that thing. When Wil
liams was kicked out, it put these pa
triots in high glee, supposing that
Pennsylvania would certainly beaward-
ed the Attorney-Generalship, but it
was given to Xew York, (Judge Pierre
pont), which Stale has already one
member (Fish) in the "abinet. More,
Commissioner Donglass- " our own
Douglass," as they usod to say when
he was Internal Revenue Collector in
this district was very unceremonious
ly kicked out of the Revenue Depart
ment last week, and his place given to
ex-Senator Pratt, of the State of Indi
ana, which slate has also a small regi
ment in the Washington bureaus. It
looks as though Pennsylvania Radicals
wore boing snubbed on all sides at the
National capital. - Good for them, they
had no business, at their last Mtato
Convention, to nominate ITartrand for
President, Instead of Grant.
A PaoscairnvE State. Ono of tho
leading cause why New Hampshire
remains Radical is beeause bigotry has
' incorporated in the constitution of that
State a religious prosrriptive clause.
No person is eligible to the office of
Governor, Senator or Representative
unless bo Is of the Protestant religion
At various times attempts lave been
mado to strikeout the prescriptive fea-
hire, but they havo failed. This clauso
is in square antagonism to the Consti
tution of the United States, which pro
hibiU religions tents as a qualification
'fbreffloe. This test is a very odious
feature, yot U seems to attract no at
tention, although infamous and at va
rlsnos with the fundamental law of tho
country.' ' If some Southern Slate wero
to put a similar offensive clause in its
constitution, and say that none but
. white men ahould hold office, bow soon
the army would be ordered off to sup
press the treasonable practice It is
. ' t s wonder the population of that State
It leas than U was fifteen years ago.
- Bigotry smothers all correct vlews of
-' 'Migion of political economy, and Is an
ofTonse against the Intelligence ot tb
Two more departments of tho State
government havo been delivered over
to tho Demoointlo party by f ho people,
to ronuiin in thetureofoupnrtyfiily
so long as ourgiits behave them
selves well. ,;-' ! i
The Auditor Qoiiural'ontee, la tow.
presided over by Justus F. Temple, of
Groeno county, from the extreme
south-west corner of the State. The
following is a list of the names of the
clerks under Mr. Temple : 1 ''i ' ' v '
OUIaf Clarl-O. W. O. WiddalL of Uma
uorporatioa iiora, w. i, nayaro, diudi
Musty, i ,' i ., I i ' . --r., I I
CItrkt w. J. Jarlman, or Jaaiaia ovmyi
Waltar Diffanbaob. of Colombia eoiaty A J.
Ha.dorooa.ol aU.lrao.atyt W. II. kaal, af Aa.
laibaay aoualy i 0. P. Wardaa, of Waaluioro
land eoaatyi Jobs MoMarrly, of Jofiraoa
oooity Joiiih O. Uarird, of FayitU aoonly i
Ubnrlal Markall, or Waablnfloa aouBiyi wil
liiln fiaaaotn, of Indiaoa oouaty.
WatebaaB AIM Bolikoonr, of Allrfbaay
OUBlf. ' l. -it- 1
Mr. Temple has certainly honored
the nowspajior fraternity In his selec
tions, and this shows that tho affairs
of his department will bo properly ad
ministered. ' Mr. Jnekman is tho edi
tor of the Miffllntown Dtmoerat, Mr.
DirTenbach Is a son of the Veteran of
the Bloomshurg Columbian,' Hr. San
derson is a son of tho old editor of the
Lancaster Intelligencer, and Mr. Han
som is a son of the editor of the Indi
ana Democrat. Mr., McMurray, of
Brookville, wo know, too, to bo au ex
cellent appointment.; Of the other ap
pointees we know nothing personally,
but wo presume they are good men.
If not, thoy need not bo retained. ,
, Tho Surveyor General's office, and
the Bureau of Statistics i have been
consolidated, and christened tho Office
of Internal Amvlrs, and presided over
by Gen. William McCandless, of Phil
adelphia, personally known to -many
of our eitiiens. His appointees are:
Cblof of tbo Burma of SlollUiM W. HJI
Orior, of Colombia, Looeaalar oooBljr.
Chief Clark J. Hlmpioa Africa, of Huallnf
don. Clark 1 A. D. Bollraa and D. W. Handaraoo,
of Pbiloilalphis 1 S. b. ralrkrab, Dalovaro A.
Randall, Sclmjlkill j 8 Georfo, Ljcuniag; J.
I. W. llmwo soil II. Alrleki, Jr., liau.hi ; . L.
Soxtoa, Tiogoi t. O'Laary. AlltgbaByi Major
B. Foroilar, Caotrai Jobs Chrlalr, Ulairi H.M.
Sharry. Adanf.
Uaaan(tr Mitbaol Bradlay, fblUdalpbia.
Mr. Grier was formerly editor of the
Columbia Herald, and is, of course, a
propor man for the place assigned him.
Mr. Africa is the right ! man in tho
right place nu excellent appolutmoul.
Messrs. Brown and Forester, we know
to be well qualified and dcaervtd, this
recognition. Of the merits of the oth
er gentlemen on Gen. MeCandlass'
"stutf," we know nothing, out doubt
not they are equally as well qualified,
and can only hold their places by dis
charging their public duties promptly
and uprightly. Gen. McCandless has
ro-orgnnized tho soldier clement in the
persons of. Maj. Forester and ('apt.
Grier. ,; . . '. .... : i
We shall esteoin it a pleasure to crit-
iciso both Cliieft and clerks for ineffi
ciency or ncgloo-t of duty, if informed
of tho fact. We have plenty of good
men to fill these places and none other
need be kept there.
Murray, the Chairman of the Radical
County Committee, is one of tho sharp
est mon living. He is up to nil man
ner of strategy and doop laid schemes,
and they are not covered by a thin
veil, either. To illustrate: Tuesday,
May 4th, wits tho day fixod for tho School
Convention. Murray was a director,
lie thought that would be a good time
to get up a crowd of tbo faithful ; so
he culled a meeting of the Radical
County Committee on that day for the
purpose of selecting a Delegate to their
State Convention. Before the School
Convention was through with its busi
ness, Murray jumped up and moved
for an adjournment, so as to have "a
full house." . The presiding officer of
the Convention did not entertain bis
motion, but Murray insisted, and
finally secured an adjournment.
Scarcely had the adjournment boon an
nounced by tho Chairman, nntil Mur
ray culled tho assemblage to order for
the purpose of electing the delegate in
question. The meeting looked rather
formidable at first, but In fii4 minutos
after, the directors had nearly all with
drawn, and when wo left tho court
room, only 14 Credit Mobilicr saints
(two more than there were Apostles)
remained in the room, and they were
not of the kind who dwell in harmony
and peace. Murray's diplomacy is
liko Ben Butler's integrity and valor,
a little thin for a graduate from the
school of "grand moral ideas."
QctrR. The Philadelphia Pressnnyt:
' Tho Patrona of HBaboadry art atroMf Ib tha
OrasoB LafialaMro, hoalao aovaatooa of tho tbir-
ty Saaatora and Sfty-foor of tho alaly roraaoat
aiiToa bakiBgiag to tho oroor.
And yet, that samo journal informs
us that Attorney-General Williams re
signed his seat in tho Cabinet for the
purpose of being elected to the United
States Senate by the Oregon Legisla
ture! Tho idea of a Granger voting
for the man who took 11,600 out of
the United States treasury and pur.
chased a fancy carriage and horses
with it, for his wife to sail up and down
Pennsylvania avenue, to the disgust of
vary body. JtUaidea, ho has tllHlly
spent millions of the people's money in
his "Bureau of Justice, (!) and for
committing similar crimes he was com
pelled to leave the Cabinet or suffer
impoaehment at the bands of the next
Congress. Grant has allowed four of
bis United States Judges to resign
their seats, who would have been im
peached for having committed higti
crimes and misdemeanors had thoy
continued exercising their Judicial Amo
tions. Williams is to have his crimes
covorod by a similar garb, instead of
being sent to the penitentiary.
A Remarkable REVERRAL.-The sec
ond decision of Judge Pearson on the
coal tax qnostion Is tho last judicial
sensation. It equals that of the famous
Duroll ruling in Now Orleans, but we
do not know whether it will lead to a
resignation or net. We have always
esteemed Judge Pearson one of the
best Judicial officers in tho StaUi, but
the George O. Evans rase and the coal
tax question seems to pnule him.
What is the matter, Judge? ago, or
something else T The ease now , goes
to the Supreme Court, and if the law
is pronounoed constitutional by the
Supremo Conrt, It will adH at least
half a million to the revenues of the
State. ,
George Albert Mason, lately conno
ted in No w Tork, of having in his po
session and altering counterfeit notea,
was sentenced oil the 8th to twelve
year in the penitentiary and a In of
one dollar.
REFLATIONS FOR their appointment
In mirsnanco of law; ninllcations i
Will tlit PiltiAlt'Afl lill IU Mbvv 1
-- i-"'imi'-oaiiuMQ
ntoni lor mo' appointment of undot
Kni4neers. 1 f t! I f-J
l i jThenpiulcatibt is ID be addressed
to the Scerotiur of tie Navy, ami can
be made by the candidate, or by any
person for him, and his name will bo
placed on the register. The registry
of a name, however, gives no assurance
iT an appointment, and no preference
will be given in the selection to priority
of application,
III. '1'he number of appintinents
whiolvi'at .be made Is limited by law
to twenty-fivo eaoh year. Tho candi
date must uot bo less Hiu,n sixteen nor.
more than twenty years ot ago ; ho
will be required to certify on honor to
his precise ago, to tho Academic Hoard,
previous to Ills examination, and no
ono will bo examined who Is ovor or
under tho nroscribod aire. Ills ampli
cation must bo Rccempanied by satisfac
tory evidence ot moral charactor and
health, with Information regardlnc date
of birth and educational advantages
hitherto enjoyed. Candidates who ro
ceivo permission will present thorn
selves to tho Superintendent of the
IXaral Academy on the fit Li or Septem
ber, for examination as. to their quali
fications for admission, '" ' '"
IV. The course- ot study will com
prise four acadoraio years, also two ad
ditional years at sen. i All cadets who
finally graduate will bo commissioned
Assistant Kngincera In the Navy as
vacancies occur. The pay of a Cadot
Knginoor is tho same as that of a Cadet
Midshipmen, 1500 per annnm, and at
sea the samo as Midshipmen.
, Y. Tho academic examination previ
Ous to appointment will bo competitive,
and will bo on the following subjects,
namely: Arlrhmrtic: the Cnndidnto will
bo examined In iiiiraomtion, and the
addition, subtraction, multiplication,
und division of whole numbers, and of
vulvar and decimal fractions ; in re
duction ; in proportion, or rule of three,
dlroct and inverse; extinction of square
and cube roots. In Algi&ra, through
equations of the first degree. Plane
Geometry. Rudimentary Xatural Phi
losophy. Reading: he must read Clear
ly and intelligibly Irom nny English
narrative work, as, for example, Ban
croft's History of the United States.
In Writing and Spelling : ho must write
from dictation, in a legible4 hand, and
spell with correctness, Doth orally and
in writing. Ocojraphy.' In English
Grammar and Kniflish Cim)i'fion he
will be examined as to the parts of
spooch, the rules connected therewith,
and the clemontnry construction of
sentence and will ho required to write
such original paragraphs as will show
that ho has a proper knowledge of tho
subject. The candidate will also be re
quired to exhibit a lair degree if pro
ficiency in pencil-sketching, and to pro
duce satisfactory evidence of mechani
cal aptitude. Candidates who possess
tho greatest skill and experience in
the practical knowledge of machinery,
other qualifications being "equal, Will
havo precedence fur admission. '
VI. Any ol tho following conditions
will be sufficient to reject a candidate:
Feeble constitution, permanently im
paired general heulth, decided cachexia,
all chronic diseases or results of injuries
that would permanently Impair effici
ency, Via:
1. Infectious disorders. ' '
2. Weak or disordered intellect.
3. Unnatural curvature of spine. '
4. Kpilensy, or othor convulsion,
within five years. ...
6. Chronicimnairedvision.orclironic
diseaso of the organs of vision.
0. ureat permanent hanlnessol hear
mg, or chrome disease of the ears. -
7. Loss or decay of teeth to such an
extent as to interfere with digestion
and impair health.
s. impediment or speech to sucn an
extent as to impair efficiency in the
performance of duty.
9. Decided indicalions of liability to
pulmonary disease.
10. Permanent Inefficiency of oither
of the extremities.
11. Hernia.
12. Incnrablo sarcocole, bvdrocelo,
fistula, stricture, or hemorrhoids.
1J. l.ttriro varicose veins ot lower
limbs. Chronic ulcers.
14. Attention will also bo paid to
tbo stature of the candidate, and no
ono manifestly undorsized for his age
will be received into tho Academy, in
case of donbt about the physical con
dition of the candidate, any marked
deviation from the nsnal standard of
height will add materially to the con
sideration Sir rejection.
IS. Tho board will exercise a proper
discretion in tho application of the
above conditions to each case, rejecting
no candidate who is likely to be efficient
in the service, and admitting no one
who is likely to prove physically inef
ficient. VII. If both these examinations re
sult favorably tho candidate will re
ceive nn appointment as a Cadot-Engi-noor,
becomoan inmatcof tho Academy,
arid will be allowed his actual and
necessary traveling-expenses Irom his
residence to tho Naval Academy, and
be rofltiirod to siirn articles bv which
ho will bind himself to serve in the
United States Navv six rears. (Includ
ing his term of probation at the Naval
Academy,) unless sooner aiscnargoa.
If. on tho contrary, ho shall not pass
both of those examinations, bo will re
ceive neither an appointment nor his
traveling-expenses, nor can tie nave
iue pnvnciro oi anuiuer cxanunaitun
for admission to the same class unless
recommended by the Board of Examin
ers. 1 he academic year begins on tho
20th of September. '
VIII. When candidates shall bavo
passed tho required examinations, and
been admitted as members of the Acad
cray, they must immediately furnish
tbomselves with the following articles,
Ooo parada-lall t-lt 71
Oao oarta-lalt. 1ft 19
Ooo wort ma laiL... . I SI
uoo oaaraoai.rt.. w, ,. n 00
Oao roboor oaol t l
Ooo parada-aao S la
Oao aaroaa-oa.H. 1 fft
oao pair alia abooa .,........... f l
Oaa aalr low abooa..... ,. I M
oa pair fTBinaalBBi.allpparl ' lit
Elbt walla ifclrlao.,..., II M
Two aiikl ialrla,....... ,.... I M
K.iir aaa.r.ahlrlaa............. I U
Twalao llnaa tollara , 1 M
llBIalra toalt I ft
Faar aaira Srawarr.,.mM.rtM.t.,MHa. $ M
Sll BaodkaraaUfa .....-... I M
Rihl lowala I
Two pair drill floral ,.... I S6
Two pair Uila-tbraaa loraaH....m M . Tl
Ooo pair aaiaaodara , 41
Ono allk baakarohiaf.. 1 11
Ono aarB-Ha I.. " W
Tow alolbao-baira ......h., f
Ooo bair aaallraaa. II 71
Ooo atraw aaattroia. M 1 l
Oaa balr pillow I IS
IIM pair klaakala..u.......-. II
Two bad-apraaal,...M...M., .. I a4 ....... Ill
Foar pUlow aaaoto I 14
Oaa lootk.briabo... IS
Oaa balr-bruab . , SO
Unowblak .....h.... 10
Ono eoaraa aomb 14
Oaa Sao oorabo. -.............. K
OaoaaafO. ,...M....M.HM,M..,.. II
Oaa aaka aaap.,.,. , II
Onaaoap-dlah n tl
Oao raoolrllloa-baok........ .............. ....... ' 44
Ooo aaaadrT-boak. , 48
Ooo paaa baab 47
Oao ilanall aad lab. is
Oao Ibrood aad-woadW aaaoa. IS
Ooo raj.......... It
Aad la a tana a wltb rcaaa-raata old .
arvouro for Ibotr aaanaoa aaa 1
Oaa tooklof -iloat, half oaat. (ft
Two woab-ba.ina,ka4foal.,.......... IIS
Oaa waaar-rall. ....... ...... I II
Oaa llop.baabol I 11
Oaobrooai - ' 40
Oao lablo-aawoo..,. ..m....... M
toui ...,!.....v.....v iRi n
Th articles marked , not being re
quired t tonjorm to the standard pat
tern, may tie brought by th cadet
from bis homo, but all other articles
mast conform to the regulations, and
are thtrsfur required to b supplied
by the storekeeper. .I , '.' . .... , i
IX. Etch Cadet-laDgineer mast, on
admission, deposit with the paymaster
... ..r ...... i .I..I1 a-...
, , . . . ,'
wuiuu uv win ire ereuneti un mo imhikb
of that officer, to bo exiiended by direc-
linn ni-u, v.,,M.r:.,i..,J..,, i-a. ilu
-I . l L . t i. i it ....t.
ci lexi-eooKs jniu taoer auinor-
tied articles buaides those aiuinointed
in the preceding artiohv i
X .' V hlu at tbo A oadeuiV tho Cadets
will "bo eJuimbiud, tsm. tuue to timo,
according to the regulations prescribed
by I ho Naval Department; and, if found
deficient at any examination, or dis
missed for misconduct, they cannot, by
law, he continued intlio Acadomy or
Naval service, except ukhi recommen
dation of the A endemic Board.
.1. A Cadet-Engineer who, volun
tarily resigns his appointment, will bo
required to refund the amount paid
liiui luaUraveliug axpuiisea. ..w
" faretaryoftheKary.'
Navy Department, Jon. , 1878. '"'
' ' Form or Application, 'i
IIon. Geo. M.' Robeson1. ; ;
Heeretttn of the Jfavy,
; " - ' "Washington, D. C.
Sir:1 ' ' . 'i ' '
1 respectfully mako application for
examination for the position of Cadct
Eiigllicer, U. S. Naval Academy. (
, 1 certity, on honor, that I was-
years of agoonthe-i-i-day of ,18 .
' I inclose testimonial as to my quali
fications, Ac., and certificate of a physi
cian as to my physical condition.
, My P. O. address is i- '
1 1 . i . -
Very respect ftilly,
TIOX. '."i";
" 'i'llMular Mv 4lh 1 R7H ' aim Urn
day fixed by the Common School au-
thorlties for the election of County and j
t ity siiponntrnaonts tnmugnout the
Commonwealth. " ' '
In pursuance of the advertisement
ot MiHmitcnilcnl bivgorr, a conven-
tlon of School Directors from tho sev-1
oral districts of Clearfield county con
vened In tho Court room ut 1 o'clock,
un the day indicated. " ,'
The Convention was called to Order
anil tho object stated by Mr. (iregory.
whereupon William S. Read moved
thnt Win. M. McCiillough, Ksq., actus
President, which motion whs unani
mously agreed to. On motion of Mr.
liird, William 1). Woodward, of Hus
ton township, was elected one of the
Secretaries, and on motion of Col. E.
A. Irvin, A. J. Sypher, of Oecoln,wua
also ejected Secretary.
The Convention being duly organ-:
inoil, the first business in order was'
tho calling over of the several districts
to ascertaiu tho aggregate number of
Directors present. As the districts
were called the IHrectors answered to
their name as follows : ' ' ,'. . .
flaeaarla Cbrlatlaa J, Kafgv, Jamas llalaoa.
Hall Uartpraaoatad.
looaa-Joka Saaltk.
' Bo((a Uaaid Moaao, Saajaol LaaiWt, Hllol
PaUra, Hanry A. ghiaaeL w
Bradford Dr. F. B. Raad, Banaol Laaaborra
Walr Hklrat, Ilaaid I. In.
- Iradford lad laaao Wilira, Uaoraw Wllaoo,
Jataaa Laaaborry, 8. r. Laoabarrr.
Br.ilr- Kll Uaraoo, Lawn Bhoak, J . L. Waa
rar, S. U. Rants.
Brida-afiort Ind -oaoph M. saoooar.
Uaraiido Tp. Paalal U or man, . TboaiHWB
Boraalda Bor Unroprtaentad, 1 ' '
Chaat Uaraprvaaalad. i
CwvlnRtoa LawroBoo Flaod.
I'loaraeld Jamai T. Leoaard, Wllliaal A.
Wallaca, Wllliaal M. McCll..oh, Tboaial II.
Murray, laaao Jabaatoa. Jwho F. Irwla.
. ijarwaaattlla laaao B. rWcaan Saiaaol Ar-
Bold, Zacbarlab MaNaal, Edward A. Ir.ia, Jaf
faraoa Oataj.
Doootur Kao.. Q. Oaarkoart, JabB Craaa.
Frrauaaa Tboaiai Barrta Juba T. Straw,
Wilaoa H. Smith.
Ooabaa Rolrt K. Flaral, Albart H. Wallar,
A. B. Sbaw. Jobs Harraj, . B. Tarlor.
tirabaai Tbosaaa U. reroat ,Joha H. Taraor.
Unlieb Ueroproaootod.
Haatoa Willlaia O. Woodward, Laaiaa Bird,
Cbarlai 11. Corrall.
Jordaa Raubaa Straw, Ilaar Swaa, A. w.
lUrtbaiai-iiBraproaaaitaw. i . -kaai-M.R.
Lowii, J'ika W. UeCalloaab,
Darid baiiUi, Wllliaal Wilbarow, Daaial Uow-
Lawroaoo Thotaal llaPbaraaa, Wllsoe F.
Tola. Williara . Rood. Tboraao N. FalUa, Joba
Sbaw, RofaJ Tbotapaaa.
LBwroaeO lafl rr iinan i. nianai, vtaar d.
MarroH, A . Maaoa, Uartla Plobola, Kooan a.
Orooa. A. P- ' , -
Laaabar UIJ niniaai m.. uaar, .ia.i a-.
Morrii rotar atoyor.
Madars lad. Uaorfo W. Shoff.
Daw Waabiaiwa Jaataa Uallajhar, Dr. A. D.
BaaaoU, Jaaaa llatloa. Foatar Daaia.
Oaooolo Elijah Waataa, A. J. Sypbar, t. H.
Hanaoa, Rohorl Walkar, R. B. HarlaiaB. T. Slam. Em baa Mooro. WU-
Uosj F. Jahasloa, Willlaai Ruwloa, Villlaol Proo-
sna. ...
PHta Dariaa D. RKUr, romolot nooai, va-
1'aioa Bataaol llaitaj. joob n. viooaar, whw
IT. Brobabor, Larl . Drroalar, Haarjr Wblto-
WallaoatoB Varapraaoatad.
Woodward Jaaua Coraaloj.
The call ot the roll showed that on
ly ninety-six out of tbo two hundred
and sixteen Jlirectors in the county an
swered to their names, and but 93
vote were cast on the salary question
and the voto for Suiwriiitendeiit less
than ball. Tbo call ot the roll having
been concluded, the next business was
Die fixing of tho salary.
J udgo Leonard moved that the sala
ry be fixed at IS00; Mr. Arnold
moved to amend by making it 11,500;
Mr. Smith reo nested to let it remain
at 11,200, and Mr. liarlman remarked
that 11,000 was an adenualn compen
sation these hard times.
A Her considerable wrangling and
debate, participated in by Messrs. Cor-
neley. hhoff, Johnston aim Jlociu
lough, it was decided that tho list of
the names ol the directors present do
called over, and that each should vote
for either of the sums above set forth,
which resulted as follows i
4 - Diraotnn Votod For
9 . i . I.fteo
ao la ' ' ' 1,10
(1 I.i
" And it was thereupon declared that
th salary, after June next, be fixed at
11.000. It will be observed that by
this piece of legerdemain, 55 Directors
out of the 216 in tho county decided
the salary question. That, In our Jung
mont. is a creator humbug arranire-
ment than a Houtxdalo Primary K lec
tion. The salary boing disposed of,
the Chairman atated that tho next
business In order was tho erection of a
County Superintendent, and that the
Convention was now ready to receive
notmnatons for that offico :
Mr. 8mlth. of Woo district, noml
nnted John A. Oreffory.
Mr. Slioff, of Madera Independent
district, nominated J. r. McKenncic
attcr which Mr. Pchock, of llrady dis
trict, moved that the nominations now
close. Unanimously agreed to.
The Convention then proceeded to
ballot for Superintendent, with the
following result : ' '
Jobs A. QrafirV II
J. F. MaKaariair....
Mr.' (iregory was thereupon de
clared elected nrrperintendent for tho
ensuing term. The proper certificate
and other papers being made out by
tho Socrctary, the Convention, on mo
tion of Mr.' Murray, adjourned sine
die. ' Vs. M. McCci.i.ounn',
' President.
Vf. V. Woodward, a .....
A. P. Stmeb,
During this season South Carolina
has shipped over two million dollar
worth of fertilisers, manufactured from
the phosphate of that Stnte.
The corumony of conferring the
beretta on Cardinal McCloskey took
place on Tuesday, April 27, 1875, in
the Cathedral at Kow York. ,
The Dig Cove Tannery, owned by
Messrs. Park or A Korper, situated tome
mile south of Mot'onnellshnrg, - Pul
ton county, was entirely eonsnmed by
fir on th 8th instant. A la rge quan
tity of bark was bunted.
John Steel, or ''coal-oil Jobny, as
he is sometime called, I living on a
farm thro mile from Pittsburgh, and
lika an honest man attend to hi own
buiinea and let everybody else alone,
lie belongs to the granger.
Philadelphia, May 10, 1HT5.
The Liberal ltepnblicans of J'oinmyl-
vania have mibrmiilly detoiminml 'to
bold a State Convention at Williams
port, bi Angiist. to "ctiusidur tho pro
prioty of nominating caudidutori for
iiuvernor and State Treasiurl'.
Free transportation to and from
Williamsport, and freo boarding for a
week at Herdic's hotel, would attract
a crowd at the Convention, respectable
at least in numbers. -) jq.
Another evidence of the prosperous
times that are coming with the bund
i..f.ri... :ju.... ' u.e.u....i !..i.i
1 Z. V.:JT Z Z Z ! i
. nni) I ; .1 I '
lJa.SW.., K IUI iraijiiiiBfl
u .naua a. SMNUSH, wins, court,.-,
Ac, ill tins city. Diinug .April, 1874,
there wero but G90 permits Issued. Of
the permit ismied for 1875, there, wero
400 for two story houses, 4:15 for tbreo
story, 6 for four story, 43 stores and
dwellings, IB stores, the balance made
tip of churchos, factories, warehouses,
ochcol-bousea, Ac. These building op
erations for April, of themselves, would
form a pretty respectable swetj, town,
i JAY COOaiE., ,! I-,
The handsome residence: of Jay
Cooko, or rather the granite inonu meiit
of hi creditors' folly, is to be sold at
publlo auction on the 25th of this
month. The property lost moro than
11,000,000 in money, to say nothing of
the heart-aches of those who lost their
all through tlio ignorance of Jay
Cooke as a financier. .: a .- j , -r - j.
DEATHS. - " t lev
During the first week of Ma-, 374
P01! P"6 "V thta. clty to ,h?
Of this number, 96 died !
from diseases affecting the lungs, 32 of
scarlet fever, 1ft of old ago, 4 of par- i
alysis, and 7 of apoplexy. Thirty of
tho number wero between 70 and 80
J - "8 nt n(l 15 between 80 and
100.,' !
' ' A number of attempts have recently . was washed with her broadside to the
been mado to corrupt petit and grand sea nnd all on board these boats per
juries, now serving here. So persist-1 ished. The tackle nt the stent was
out and bold have theso attempts be-1 released too 'soon, leaving the hunt
come, that in two instances during the j suspended by tbo bows. ' "
week tho attention of tho court was j Three boats then got away. One
called to tho matter. The court sent j of them, A lite boat, was so hmllv In
r tho district attorney, placed the jinvd that sho sunk, und cloven ot' tho
matter in his hands and hoped the i peoplo on lionrd of her were rescned
guilty parties would bo brought to I
punishment. Tho examination dc
vclopcd tho fact that two men did ut-
tempt to corrnpt the jury, both nf
whom have been placed muter 92,0110 ;
bail each for their attempts at "cmhrn-
C0T- . , '
About the middle of April there was
issued in this city, by John U. llentley
& Co., a 1C page monthly jou mill, culled
the "Publishers' Iteview." Its obiect
is to supply book men with a key to
the literary productions of the month,
and of fourthcoming works. It is ono
of the most useful publications it has
been mv pleasure to witness iu a lona
time. The department devoted to i
musio is an exceedingly attractive us
well as novel feature in this new jour
nalistic venture. , ,
The lion. John Bright, tho great
freo trailer of Kngland, recently told
his countrymen to stay away from the
American Centennial Exhibition, be
cause of the high tariff policy of our
government. The day tollowing the j
..ul.ln iImui.1..1i attiiriiii.Kiii.r II. octliill :
cable despatch announcing this action
ol Mr. Bright, came arequivt Irom tlio
Commission of treat llrituin to. our
Exhibition, asking for just double the
space allotted to that country.
During the week anemograph letter
was received at the Centennial rooms,
from tiaribaldi, which reads thus:
Cara Sionore : lo faro verainente
tutto il possiblo poiche il mio pa-so
purtocipi alln grandiosn esibiriona di
Filadolfia. t -
Dolsntn di non poturo venire io steso
Koma, 11-4-75. Veetm, Garibai.DI.
Mr DearSir: I will certainly make
evory possible effort to have my coun
try participate in tne mngninceni cele
bration which is to be held in Phila
delphia. 1 deeply regret that I shall
not Do able to come myscii.
i rillV, li. tiARIBALDI.
Home, April 11, 1875.
' OT at EXPOKTB. '
1 'iirliitt tho month of April thero
was exported from tho port of Phila
delphia, to foreign countries, the fol
lowing : Agricultural implement.! 15.
947 ; bread and breads) lift's, S1,3D9,91.V
carriages, $ti.H ; coal, 111,444 ; cordage,
$4,010 ; cotton, raw, Bfi8,807 ; cotton,
manufactured, 7,3K1 ; dentists materi
al, 19 200; drugs, $23,732; fruits, 12,-0-13
; hair, manufactured, j 1,70 1 ; hay,
$899 ; hides, $ 10,953; Iron manufactures,
$57,483; leather, and manufactures of,
$120,300 ; rosin, $528 ; oil cako, $37,53 1;
petroleum, crude, $72,047; refined,
$435,054 ! residium, $9.528 ; perfumery,
$1,500; provisions, $417,225 ; sewing
machines, a;t,U77 ; sugar, rclincu. oni;
molasses, $55,492; tallow, $76,011;
tobacco, leaf, $17,401 ; manufactured,
$078 ; wearing npparol, $1,525 ; boards,
$20,517 ; cooporago, $94,(1 1 1 ; wood, $15,
358; miscellaneous, $1,738; total, $3,
010,307. Of this amount, $913,003
worth was carried tn America!) built
vessels, and $2,102,704 in foreign bot
Durinif tho week the Into rcsidcuco of
the dead Forrest was olfured at public
sale. Tho proporty is located a mile
and a half abovo the public buildings
on Droad street. It has front of one
hundred and eighty feet on II road
street, and about the same jn depth.
Tho sum of $101,0n0 was bid for it.bu'.
as the executors bold tho property at
$110,000, the auctioneer withdrew it,
The Republican party of this city
bas selected it delegates to the State
Convention, which meets this month
at Lancaster. The delegation is solid
tor liov. llartranft, Imt are all at sea
in regard to their candidate for Treaa
prer. This much 1 will say, that all
agree that the ticket shall not be weak
ened by the nomination of an objec
tionable candidate, hence only the man
whose reputation, liko the simise of
tn Vtesar, la nevonn suspicion, ran
hope to obtain tne support of "our
boys." I tnist to b able to -inform
you next week on whom their choice
has fallen. : 1 '
The Itichmond fVn.) Whig christetii
Vice-President Wilson the great Ameri
can invalid.
We now have in the United States
tbirty-oight agricultural col legos, with
389pro!osBorsauil3, 917 students. Few
of tho graduates, however, heenm
farmer. ' '
Oral Brown lis retired from
politic and gone to linilding house.
Twenty-two handsome stone front resi
dences stand in his name on the tax
list of St; Louis.
Hoswoll C. Smith, author of the
widely known Smith's grammars, arilh-
metlcs, and Kcoirrapliie for schools,
tlied in Hartford lately, aged seventy,
eight years. , ,
There has been au advance of 20
cents por ton on coal in New York iu
cousoquenco of the active demand.
The strikers and operators seem lo
work to each others hand altor all.
China ha engaged the Confeder
al General ltlpley to constraet erten
iv works for th defense of th coast
and the principal river, (loners! Kip
ley sail mr th hst In a few days.
Tbo Alabama' and Chattanooga
Railroad was sold on the 3d inst , by
master commissioner to trustees for
the first mortgage bondholders, for
$1,200,00 over and above th Hon
created by receiver's certificate, conrt
costs, Ac.
To ii h there is nothing more awlul
to couteiiiphitothaii a slaipwruck u
niid-ocouii vsaiel huriajd on the
rocks, with 400 pcngcra,joti boa I'd.
Kiltlii'in, mother, children, brother
und sisters, tutllUig 'Witlfrtho angry
wuves. .Sin u re the Uot ill) of ilie last
horror. J"- "
The steamship Schiller, which sailed
from Now York for lluinbiiri, Gor-
many, on tho 28th of April, w
ith about
400 Iiuiiian bcinin on board, and curry
ing dOO.OOO in gold, 4,000 bushels of
corn, s.uuo uarrels ot rosin, all the
mails lor the continent of liurope,
atfi frnli talife'BiiJnO hik;wiistlriven out of
by 'n! stm-m and landed on a
a , , ,
'H 111 U tirilftO IOLT, HI OIH' OlllKK, Oil
. M,jmiryr-'it
l .... "i . . ..i u Yi"V i.
wreck uucitLttluiuoHKlheSctlly islands,
a group ut thu wwtt enlruiMxi of the
luiglixii oliiuiutJ. IsrltHiging to the coun
ty of. Cornwall, about thirty . inilua
V. S. W. (ram .'.'iiintls Kiid.V, ii m .,,.
.! ..' i .li 1. LATER PARTlfllLAaS.'!! I n) ,:;
" LoNnoN, Mny 0 Bvenin'if FoHy
thi'eo survivors of 'the rcy and pasit
ongers ol the Schiller have arrived at
Penrance. I Of those, thlrty-thrcehave
gone to Plymouth and the remaining
ten iiro'tort ill o fed moved .""Tire fol
lowing additional particulars ol t lie dis
aster have been referred :' ;' ' ' "
" A heavy fog has prevented' olwcrva
tions on board tho Schiller since Thurs
day, and In consequence of the fog the
engines were put at half Bpeed and sail
was reduced at nlile o'clock on Friday
night- ''""I
t ten o'clock the same night the
ship struck the ledge, and at one n
crest panic Prevailed. Cntitain Thomas
is hiirhlvm uisod for his conduct durinir
tho torrible scenes which followed.
Two boot were filled with men who
refused to come out."- Thot-nntnin fired
his revolver over their heads to drive
them out and then fired at them, lint
without effect. Afterward the ship
by tho other bouts. The fog lifted an
hour ufter the steainer struck, and (lie
lichts were plulnlv visible. '1 wo of the
hoats on the steamer were Crushed by
tho fulling of tho funnel. Rockets, and
guns wore fired from the steamer until
the riowdor became wef.
Tho deck house, crowded with ieo
ple, was swept nway at 2 P. M. The
on plain gnthered some of the surviv
ors on tho bridge, and all wero gradu
ally mvrpt away by the flood tido,
which took tlio doctor mid captain last.
The rigging which remained almve
water was crowded w'('' passengers
and crew all night. The main mast
fell nt 7:30 A. M., and being of iron
ith all who had taken refuge
on it. The foremast gave way soon
afterward. ' Lite belts and wreck stuff
saved the lives opsonic, who drilled
miles away. One mutt was "resetted
after being in the water ten hours.
Two boats from Stagnes arrived a
short time before the must fell, but
wero tumble to approach tho steamer
on account of the shoals, but picked up
,, (.,lp,ai T1()nm.
T . . - 1
stin(;lerB in the water, tlio Tiaei.
eft the
bridge at 3 n. m. to assist those on tlie
deck, and when he reached (ho deck
was swept nwav by a heavy sea. All
concnr in saying that be exercised the
greatest rare and was not abed Ibr five
nights previous to the disaster.
The sea begun to break ovor tho
vessel half an hour after she struck and
the tide rose twenty-five feet before
daybreak. Only One. tromns trrjs saved.
The survivors who landed at 'I'reseow
escaped in the Schiller a own boat:
Tho vessel which cost $700,000 is a
total loss. Tho disaster has caused
great alarm throughout the country
There were passengers on board hail
ing from every State from Maine to
Wisconsin, in some Instance a hus
band, another a wife, and still another
a son or daughter, nisi a few instance
whole families all went down together
'-i-(rov. Ingcrsoll, of Connecticut, was
inaugurated on Wednesday, the 5th
inst. ;' .
Mr. Joliii Sheriduii, futher of Lieut.
Gun. Sheridan, died at his residoncc in
Somerset, Ohio, on Thursday lost.
' Texas Jack advortisos in all tlie
London papers his readiness to guide
English tourists over th American
prairie. .
Tho earnings of the Union Pneiflo
Railroad for April were $1,620,962,
against $742,810 last year; an increase
Ol fil2ll, 11)0.
lr.thai-0 n. r,M.n.!,,lAi. nf ll,.
Now York JWjir, nas given $100,000
to Iter. Dr. John Hall's new church,
in sow ork city.
2Uw ai'trllsttBfnls.
Tbo fullowlns paraoni hava Had in tha ofloa
of tba Clark of tho Court of Quartar Sataloas of
Cloartald eooaty, tbah- polltiaaa aad aoada for
Lioonaa, at tha Juaa aaaaloni Bait, agraaablj to
tba Art of Aaaambl 1
botsl Ltcaxaa.
Willlaai Sobwsai, Jr ..Brady
Adam Knarr llrady
Danial Doran Bradford
Jonas aloora.H.......n.....4.. ..Ilaraatda
JekB Ryaa Bnrtiaida
Jaaiai P. Curry ......Cha.l
Antlla Bislotaan Corlagtoa
Jaha B. Uargoy. ,. .......CortairtoB
s. U. How .....Ukaroald
.laiaaa aliLauaklia
....fllea Hopa
Ooorja It. Ijaliialdt
D. H. Pullartoa .
Joha Dnachorty....,i......-.....H
Nawtoa Kaod M
Samuel lltilllhan .,
I. W. Itaad .,
U. Kaiarliao
Cbarloa kaaoay ................. ...
Jamaa Carter
Willlaai Oarraa
Blliabatb Saillaa. .,
Jobn Motoaraaj
Jama Halay
Jataaa Dnn....i
P. A. Ilalian.
Jaiura L. Kcolald.. ...... ........
Win. U. l.aTi.salio....;
Andraw Fulmar..
......... Houtsdala
......... HoDtadalo
. ..lluali.B
- .....Morrit
Haw Vfaahiag-um
Mary Elaoalwwer......M
tloorco W. Darla.. I
M.lo 11 ot I .
Jamra II. I.iptua
Koal D..barlyM ,....
Srailh U.lrd
Jaiura llaburahaat....,
Sarah Hollar
Saaiual ........
Ijiwrarwa CampbalL. .......
laaao P. lanuii ,
iirra Rhulai
Wllliaal Shiaid
Uaorga I'aara j..
v WHoutaAi.N tiqi'oa.
Polar natulan
Uoartfa H. Itulmokor..,.
Ilcurxa N. Culinirn
fcr.1TAt BAIT .
?imual S. ftoltrrs '.
at. 8. Olaiiii....
Slaihao Ural..,.. .........
Patrick karrirB
J.'lm ritioaralil
I .;
. . ...OoraalA
, Oaroiila
tlaurra W. Irttahara 4......... ..
Boyaiia VYooiiia..
........ .......Paaoyallto
KLt IILOOM, Glark.
May II, II7J.
"I A V I'lON'.
All paranni arl haraliy wiraori aaalaat rur
ehiala or In any way inaddliao with tha follow
K firo.aily, auw In tha itaiac-aalun af Joaa.b
Varlioo, uf Cut toxtna lowtialilp, ail ! I lliiraa, I
enwa, I atorfo, I ono.horao aairua, S boda aad
k. ddias. I oupbuard. I labia, I chain, a lot nf
wkaat la tha gri'tiad. aad oua hlio f boaa. Thia
propi-rly halmisa la laa and il lart with Mai tuk-
Jrot to mr unlrr. 11 A. II 111 LRU AN.
i Pruaohtllbi, May II, H74, U. -.,,.
aTJAt'TipiS,- I -.-i'i h'li '
All ttarinal aro haraby aaallanad'' acolaal
riarahaalnx or I any way ataddliao, with tko la.
owlnf pswaarty, how ha woaaaailaB af f hwakaa M
Raolk, of EaaoaraovJirady lowaikia. Claar-
nria aoaniy, i-a., an i I aouktag atova and ajpa,
a oMiina; a.oi P'po. a wawa Boa waaaiag,
II okalra, I Moklaf akalra, I aawoaiaa labia. 1
aloob, M jards aaraol, I lauaia. arafa of boaa.
It aal af blarkaaithi' kola, l.aat of oood worb-
lh aoola, all wo yvo wood la yard an ah oe. Tbl
praaawty waa wortaaaod by bm May Sd, aad I
Ml wllh hia aa Iota aabnaM to ray ardor. . ,
Rual.ariar, May II, It. JOHN B, KUlg.
The World's Great Object Teacher's Culminating
W O tt L. D '
Museum, Menagerie, Caravan, Circus, f : ,
Colossal Exposition1 of all 'Nation!
. e.:,.yl . , I... I.-I I I I, .
p;'T. BARNUMaV'T,.;
if KTr"
l a- . j
...... N
Im (nrn Collrfts lfUuiLtliir -Ifrtt, trill pilch Us might
Metropolis of 1 treaty Venire I'ole I'titiltou at
wBP.rssnar. MM' to, tars.
k; In
100,000 Cardinal Cuiuosities !
Steam Engine-Operated Automatic and Polytechnio Institute
Bnrnuiu'M CoIosmouiu or Forkign An tomato ni.
Tnetufiinf haudrdi of eitrcmely eariou ond divert
lag Life-BiiaBUklnt, Mot Id ( Meebonieil Aatomotom
from farU. Uonevo, UniMli Mil BtrliB.-
I.SOO RtnroMntotivo Amete, HaU, Blrdo, Hb4IUi
nmpniatiDHfl mwrmm m otiwitn.
Tho ' ' ' '
fliojrl; Bioro eif-omire than inr ordinnrx Menngerl
Only School of Captive Living Sea Lions,
In grto4 Unkl of atr. The owljr Afriea Xotial
OUick MaiuU Ii.Hi.
Ai largo m u Ox. Tbe Only
(Scnulne Ethiopian Horned Horse
A Bopo,nt Stuicadof
Wltb aaatl (br IO.OUO Sf aelalara. Prraentlng la anprrmo artlitio OfimrMitioB and ilallat riralry
' . " AND - " '
1 fP it '
1 .5r&r JbVrffta.
$sr0 a mo ifc
WM It. POHTKB. tba fuBnlaat af (oit-orownf
; ,1
Perf'irmpri of evory notion, over oBrt'gkittii. ftlnro tha onoiih nro rnlB-Bt Arcnlo Talent to
(NMetitato a ocoro ererdinarr tirratei. A CARAVAN COl.LKUR of Kdoratod Klophante, Por
forMiag Potrite, M fill Trkk Uhargare, OaalnO tqneelrlona, Otown Mnlea, Apa Act or, aad
other Mtoaiahing finite aVbolara. Tbo arrival la towa eaoh Burning of
wrwaiaai ntaere. idtMnara. Ui-iimiIl Tpknoilata.
balaj baraldad by tha HtllHTIIIST PAUKAKT
aaaaiaa aplaador a doaaa Hoaiaa Trluanba. and
to tba rariahiol atraiaa af Prof. AIM. Hrott'a
N rw Wlut i
fr mptnmt I oiMal T r.M. rml Animal amd OremU ttrrt
"m r : j MM Mr Mrr.
ay-Roaaabor Ital a Rlalo Ttakol, far Ika anal frioo, adala la tko Kwtlrw IO flJrwat
rraa Adaltaroa Uaoraataod to all woo kuy T. T. Biraoa I AoleUio(r.phy, . - ,
,THI OKIAI (SOaLO'S tAta willalaoaik.oltol
LUTHERSBl'Rf?. 1 - .
S" F A I It ,
,:; Pronriutors.
' a 'I I
l 'I .! ! f I ; II J I r
-i :i . i . .10 i. i '
II I.V. 'l 'I
:i i'i.i
) h
What St,mi, Khrtrivihf and One Million JhJ
far firtvi Art'omtliJittt. '
origtuntiitf, ntf ftnlttnri nl irff( whil I unu
intMilj rati ou need If torn PrtM -
f The Worlds Show,
Ami the tmlf Kbibitiot In Anierif riryufi ttrnl
trmwut ftg fk HrlijioMt e' u , ttnti tinilf tiitrd Vy imi'i
Nrra tltrysjmum mmtf ttovk".
Kr-t-.r.ntu ntm iban TKN TIMKK Til K lMtt'E OK
AU.MIt-SlO.' n fiiifilo Tukel (Ouljr AO rritlfi) nd
lailtlrifr to ftuh drt'nrtuirttt ChiMrca u trier nlnt1 rr
b.if triet, with FKKE AIKMISSIO.V :o all who tur-
rnHftj i no oi r. i. uhmi i, wnnen "f niotm-n;
llt iifl. llluHrv't. oi.d M.M.lftW up lo JH7&. It
luted l,m H M tn l M 'V.ttl. lluv rl.-ck
lo m bej in tier." H n ack OlttELstr.
Over 1 000 Men and Horses I
Coaititatlnjt on oMnnrthpr onjirirailentf il an I petrleu
cuncrnlraliuB f U H K A T AKKNAH BKYONI) ( KN
Tl KH, prominent etnong tba pre-oailnont being
Tk Wild iViVcr if Hrmil, wbooo fuperhlj darinR and
pbnBomtnel aohioveincDU ua ono, fmr attd ttrtn tare
fWirkrU aortra, oaUhlithca bin Mrhaiupion" Ity tbo unan
iaioua amitviit ot hi pruloiaioa.
MMK. F.MHA rfpf'KWIi r,.th"Emprf. of the
Arvso," ami I.oroljr Aniaana of balebadt 0XaeatrieBtse
TONY, lb OontaurChlld .
MONN. K. II. IMK kHIM.,Maitroftbo Mr an.
T"( I.'ANI)K.thBIie.,piirfJ Athloto.
HIV IZHH, the o,ifina) "Mo Jm.i" aad
Ucjueitrlaa UurUia.
11HOTUI.HM, Frad Juhn and
a.Wla, Champion Anrrtoan QaiBaoti.
fonhj. Ttf rthef with the rrrataal inmb-r nf
cntitonioiiltta. t wni Kantau u lata r,H I. !
rank kaa arrr iron aioooilla. In raannitaila aad
wia)altnal!r aiorlnt Ihmnith adulririf aattltadei
Mailer Slulckl nrlfada, - .
n.4 1 jr..
I, .I- wmr,"f-'
a a a-
tWitr '5, fli'fr.ljfmfntj.
" tr :' - - ' -- tr f
Not It' li lirrvliV ttvH tlint (lit) fi-lloW Iiik (n-
otMinl hnfn lrfn iiiWi.(-1 nnJ inil hy m, lutl
rt-iduiu ttlfi.l nt hi llm tittioc (r lti In
itwliun fit r, U-fnt9f$, mitttfTM, mill nil ulhur
ItiliirfDU-U, Hinl will Im inM-niwt( lo tlm Dttt Or
ili S.H' vtul ! V'lw.rllil ton til) , ! Iw kii M thm
t'tiurt llou-f, in llm b(troiitti ut CloNrtlsltl, sum
tu,ricl!i( un Hit Itl MuDtUjr bvlit tli Tib imy)
of Jan. A. JV U7t' - ...
tiut.riiuiibi vmii f Jtapl A. Winter,
JiiftriiUn of E. K. H. J. Kh trt, muuT ta.ll
tn o( Mxrtla V. Kfjihrirl, li-a'J.
tinl Mfiianl sf U. If I'-rktr nuJ M.rlh
IIuntirfiiiiiiit.litT.lora of Amlrv Hunter, lata of
V'lrrli tgwntlilp, Jctf'il.
KiOatl vrouiit "f J. A. Id. Plojjul, ft'lmlnliireilur
tit JftGuti Flkfl, Ut of Umtiin low ohl(i,
Aotfount ul Alfl I. chut, tor (if
Ooorg LtobAt. Uta tti (i towmlup, i1-hj U.
Ii. J MMltilAN,
1 My ll-U Ucjtitttjr A Kctsordtf,
:noi V.. Hepburn bj Intlifl Court of Comm-Hi
ur Bl irlitiil t ri-M of i (rurni-itioi.t..
n J t , Nt. HU Marsh T. '76.
ua, tut -aid Jn.i-.'q II. !lp(ititirn, . hvtJtf
aotlflctl tiirl rrfjntrMl to hunt,., aiinr f'tr otir
fit itl dauri, to m blil at tJImrttnil. on lb 7(li
Hy ftf Ju ut, io nntr tbi- ,.-litioQ o. litwl
T tU id Jonntf) K. IU taju, ? nuii,
up) rbow n.M, if tny yo b, wbr tbo unl
Ji'iiato U. H(iurn, our wilf, tioulJ not tt
sUtJttmmsi viul mMklud lam Out IjouiJi af qutrl
luonr, o(rrHl iot witb )a, tvcourdinR to t!i
ti of Autinblr im Mieb ontw mid nnd nro.
ridiMl. W. K. MsPllKtViOiV,
- - hfrtlfi Offi0, I i-twriff. -
OUtvWV'-v, Uf .U, JW-i 4t
-t-f-H. r 't - -
In iMordtnco with h A"t of tbi (J- anr!
Ar-'finirlT of tldi ('oininnilih, npjiroi-tl tha
V.'.l do.vK. MtrtU, A. I. It;i, tod tb mppl
hi tit Mpiiruvnl tbe I'I Uf of Arll, A. Ii. 17.1,
-rflHtlny to 'b eolletli of ttvio I t toMf
ot C'lmrllfiJ,' bo4hm i tbmfors htrcbj ( ivtto to
tbo UxpiTorg raiiding Iu tba diatriota below
noBtvd, tbat tho County Trruiiror, Ii U'ooril.noi
with lh iktcifid turtioB of Hid At, wilt otUtid Ol
the I'Ucci of holdlug thr burouyh ftnd lowoob ii
okctiuui f'0 tht f(lluinj Bitae.l djr, bctwrea
1 1 hour f V A. M. P-l b r. M , Ci,ir OthrfWi-9
lpM(ia(nl,fiir tUfiiirb of ,l.'l;thnl(llJ'
oml Msjiu (.(. iJitAituiJ uhm-I In, tbftMi I7j ;
Knr V'4ll40L'toti. SatunLir, -ftirtt 13. from 1 to
4(tl-a M.
Kr Wu.dird, TiiOsvUf, jHnt (S.
For Ouiti h, Wrdnptlar, Jun Ift.
Kt H'4.-rn- Ibumfny, Jui ih ,
fur niti tt h, Junt H. . .
lr Jufif4i,Ufily, Jyue I;).
Kur (.'lirft., Juno 21. '
For K V prl iikj un, 'iu-dTi;lf Jone Vi
Fr iturmiiir) i..iD-bip, U'ritiivJuv. J ! 1:'..
Fr burn li it b'-runffb, ItiMin.U, -l-ia 24,
Vt IMI, i rUi.y, June 3a.
, l l" oil toifi rilid to m 'i rriiurrr Ih"" ttill
hi' n -lhol iD 4 jit ptr tt , v Mlt II . t) ur nrfll .
Nil) ,u n,Ur-t syttr tk j itl iif ty Jm'-t nrtl, 10 rhll
uupBlduXefftunklflK diffcKOtio nl J r..N jujr C.-iif.
lo inniuit luipavcri. I'lrtt- a enn 'Mjr, fmiti
1 tl'i lUl ti:r Irt of oMl.i, J.i' ilii-tr I.IM nt thn
I litamrar'i otT.4. A rarv ojiji Ttuuitv will he
I fturJiii lunn-liHiil to lifl ikr 'r tUrnitm fr I H7 ".
I nd tbiH . i.d ft tiln In h- ."'-urt H'if" fif thitt
mrji-.K'. , UAVII) W. W I.-4K.
Tici.-Ain.t ofii'U', ) Trrft.uivr.
: C frflr;J, 1'4., My U, triT5. j H
XT A 'WTIrt, Awnu for th bft tcns
Mnzie pncaaw.j.1', wilu tjugaui jiriio, it.t-ittat
li ei'iiti. I'or ntbiif unvoltto cn't rtisDip. AJ
diOa. P. I'. ULl.l K, .New ito.iii.,.1, Mil', WJ
. , DIALIltl III
. ' ' Alto, .Mauaiicturoriof
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
ciuiniLii, r a.
' " klaitl for rale ly
A 1 1. WOK I) W H EE I. B A II ItO W S
' lor aal. ty
' ' roWKLI. a.MiiRtUX.
NUa. U.. for rlo bj
l'OWEI.L I Mulit.'AN.
TinrJinji, for inlt by
For aal kr
Siiea, for aalo by
Far talo oy
NAIL8, funil. by
Aad boat afaBBfaotara, for lata by
B0XK8, far aala by
Tha eoiart north in buret of ore x ielinc br-
tweoli N. K. Arnold and V. Koao llarth(rn. il
tha mercantile battioMi, in tho Iwtraufb of C-r-fniTille,
iradinK ai Ansoi n A H Rtfaini. "
diaoolTMl Iry muival eonirnt ou the .fSrat dag
Mf, IS7A. The booki, nolo and Jmlftmi'Oti of
tbo orai are Irft In tho bandi of N. H. ArnolJ for
elllnoeiit and eolicotioa. Thoao pnrtlo bavirf
ntiPHtlfd arruuota with the fimt wil) i1r.i rail
and ffttle thr-iu without -UUy. Tk diitvlnhi
rtlattt omtf ta tt mtrnntitt fnei"ipt.
The nni-Tigifi propuaei to (Vintlliue tlx'l'il'i
nrn ef Mirrhanillilng at tho old ataiid, and
trndi to ! net It on a more oxtended maU) ni
Mil gnode than verbpfire He mtnl
tho old Batroai and now ontp. toa, to her thi ii
mini. N. K. ARNOLD.
fur wffBuv Ilia, May 5, I87i.-St
Valuable Real INtalr.
Tborc ail! bo anld at MiMic outcry, at Ihr C.rt
UcHlia. in Ukarlirl.l, on MON l AY. Mar M M, I "Ti
at I o'clock, a certain lot of ground aidiatr in lae
bdimuf'b of CloartlrM, ou the iulb iiV of Mar
ket street, aJjn.amg tbo Pult OHioo on lb ri'lt
front, na; 14 loot oa Markrt vtrret and ruimiiiK
hack betWftn Intt of V. A. U an tin and John
Trout wan ITS foM to an alley. .Tliii lut i oiff
the noft deiirablu huini lilea in lnwri. lb
right to dm tb tkUtrrn wall nf tha l'l -'ffi
building ia afcurrj to the purchoorr. nn priTinrot
of oae half hi noit. Tiiriui aiftdr knnan nn ilT
of Mle. A. O. TATK,
Anflff"" of K. A . P. Rjadcr.
CleerA-!,!, M .y 5, iHTi.-St
N.Ml-8 ) bt-rr-lir tivrn th-it an aiii!icthH
will bo made tut i next Oiurt M ijunrt.r vi-
loni of OlcarftVId i ho held n th Unl
Mtiod iy of iurni, I fa, by the eiliatn u'. lit ,
Uga tf Npwtiurg f.r riiarmr of in oro i ati
aa a Ixirungb, in arior.inrn with rhn n-rel Atl
ot ApfmuI.Iv. nnd ftifeevml aijilcte-nir IhT itu.
relating l i tho lacorp rral Inn ! rt(ir-m;.i in th
Cumiiioanreallh f I'vun IvuniA .
WM. M. Mecri.i.nniti.
A'l'r r-r IVtiii'tn"'
rl'learffM. Mnjr 8, Tfc.-4i
Th- narlBoral.b Wrotofora caUtiHR li'
U V. W iltfl i and II. II. VaiiValpal). I iht praf
lieeiif Me iinnn, I tbi day diPPol.vd hy ou.m
Cloarlirld, May IpI, I;.,.
N. n.-Tho bo.ikpoT the firm will a. f '"1' "
the ofhM nt XL V. H ilton, whrrv ibej -rt"
il d by either of Ih nhive n im I. 1 Jt
: $7785foM0" Cents.
1 1'rBilrr'aTlnKTabll-and Torki'l Dlrof'
lory Tor May contalna :. tvorlh "f
For aatl.ra.-tor manna aol hara diralH
ary Maalor Maaoa ihmilit k.ia a aapy. Pnaa I
raall. For aala at Nawa rllanda, Hotoli, oa Rail
road Tralna, ata. Mai lad anrwharoon reorir1
111 aoati. Offloa 1) A 91 Smtb Third alraot, fkll
adalpkla. May a. 41
fjOTA RM Riia-
Woknararolaad a mrtolnt of Iba RlU'lJ1
Traa Ulna aora alinkan, aada at I'anlor Hall,
Pa, tbt noat ovor kroaxbt lo liar ooonia.
Itld rollara, an. I llotiblna' nloufhi. Allwarrill
ad arM-olaai. PVraabj aa low II
' U. tt. BHOWN A EH".
, ChartiM. May I. ISTI.-lt.