'garilirart, A liuwnrr. 8AC1ETT A SCHRYYER, HARDWARE, aad Bunhetwrf of Tln.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Seoend Street, CLEAR PIBLD, PA. Haelag largely Ineremd Mr rtoek ef Herd, warn, we lonte the poblla to osamlaa our elook Bad prises. Carpsatere and person! who eontemptate build lag will do well to examine in T00L8 A BUILDIHO HARDWAKE, whloh li in and of tbe boat msBafaetare, and will aHld low foreeiB. ,, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, . GLUE, LOCKS, . LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS AH hied! of Bench Plnnol, Row, Chisels, Squares, Hsmisers, Hatchets, Plumb and Levels, Nortleed A Thumb Gaagel, Beeeli, Brneeo A Bitts, Wood and Iron Beneh Sere.l, ond tb bolt Borinf Afnshlne IB tb - - i murkot. Doable and Single Bitt Aies, F00KET CUTLERY, Ae. Agentt for Burntlt't Iron Corn Shtller, warraatod. : ' Alee, agents for Riehardl' ' GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, whlab. effeetaelly ouro Smoky Pines. Farmers' Implement ood Qarden Toolf of erary description. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wt warrant to give tetlifaotloe. Portable Hanfc$ mnd Furnace. aeRaoftng, Spouting and Job Work done ob reasonable Until. All ortlin will receive prompt attenticn. June 11, 1873. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, ,' tSrieeessori to Boyoton A Young,, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth ond Pino Strooti, CLEARFIELD, PA. . HAVING engaged 1b the maBufnetare of Int U MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform he pub-He that wo era wow prepared U 111 ell ordere ee oheaply end as promptly oi eea he done In uj of the ettlea. We mennfeeture end dentin Malay and Ciroular Saw-Mills Heed Blookl, Water Wheels, Shafting Pullers, Glgord's Injeeter, lln Qauges, Rteam Whittles, Oilers, Tellow Cupi, Oil Cupi, Oauge Cocke, Air Cooke, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, Btaaa Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Frletton Metres, Bonp Stone Peekloi, Onm Pat-IB lag, end ell kinds of MILL WORK f lofether wltk Plows, Bled Boles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, sad other CASTINGS of ell kinds. JBSrOrdert tolielted end tiled St any prions All letters of laqelry wltk rererenoe to maehlnary of out manufacture promptly aaiwered, by eddras ln as at Clearleld, Pa. Jenl'71-tf BIGLKR, YOUNQ A RUED. "JkTEW 8TOUE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Have just opened a Niw Sfoaa, on Mslrj8t..CLiArni.D, Fa lately occupied by Win. F. IK WIS. Tbeir stock consists o( DQ2r CS CD CD CD a G social as of Ibt best quality, Qukensware, Boots and Shoe and eyerjr srtiole aeeeaaarv for oa.'i comfort. ,. Call and eiarain. our stock before) pur etaeelng elsewhere. May 9, 1860-tf. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS b STATIONERY. Market t.,Clesrfleld, (at the Peat Oflce.) TUB aaderilgned begs lenve leeauonncete thoeltliiusof Olearield and vicinity, that he hue gtled np a room and hue Juct renamed from tbe ally warn a large amoantef reading matter, eoailitlng in pan 01 Biblea and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aeeount and Pnss Boohs of every do- eeriptloa Peeor and RnTelopes, French pressed and plain Pene and Peall Blank, Lege! Ptpore, Deeda, Mortgegosi Judgment, Riemp tlon and Promissory Botes While end Parent mom Brief. LeteJ Cap. Reoerd Cap. and Bill Cap. Bheel, Muilofor either Pleno, Flute or Violin eonitantl ea hand. Any boohs or slattoaors deilred that I may aot hare ea head, will be or. ordered by Irlt enprees, aad sold at wholeiele or retail lo ealt aastemers. X will alee keep periodical lluranre, lass ss Slagailaee, niws- papere, mo. r. . nuun. OUarlold Hey t, lltg-tf Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY, fgpHI aaderstgaed, having established a Rat X aery on the 'Pike, abont halfway betweoa Clear A eld and OorwetsTtlle, Is prepared to far- alak all kinds af FRUIT TREES, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreen e, Bhrnbbery, drape Vines, tsoosebetrtea, Law tea Blackberry, .Strawberry, and Rasberrr Vines. Alao, Siberian Crab Trees, Qoiaeo, aad early saarltt Rbabarb, A a. Orders Btampuj atuaaed to. Address, J. D. WRIGHT. aept.'M-y Carweavllla. Pa PY1IE nnderslgnod begs leave to Inform tbepnb- i. Ha that be la now riiiiy prepared to aooommo date all In the way of farnlshlng Horses, Buggies, tiadillee and Harness, on the shortest notice and an reasonable terms. Residence on Loeaat street. aoiwaen intra and ronrtn. 0R0. W. OBARtlART. TlearAeld. Feb. 4, 114. IOR HALK. The nnderaigned offere for sale Talaable town property In tbe boroagh 01 i-iearneia. b eoiina loet, with a gnodl two atery plank howee thereon ereeted, with three; rooms down ataira ana ror bed roomi p stairs. Alee, eewiag room aad bath room on seeoad floor. House flniibed eomplete from eellar to attle Oood doable poroa ana gooa water, met raa- aonabie ana paysaenis easy. 0Mg7S WM. M. MeCULLOUGH. J. R. M'MURRAT wii.L gnpnT ton with at artih.r OF MtRCHANDIKI AT THI VRRT LOWgHT PRIUI. COMB AND BEE. t::Tly:) NEW WASHINGTON. '1LLIAM M. IIKNRY, Jobtt er ena Psabs iitb Scbitbnbb, LUMBER Colleetloas made aad moaey promptly paid oewr. Artleloe af agreemeal and deads af eoeeyeaB aeeti, eawealod aad warraawd ear. ratter eherge. ISJyTI Jlrj) good, CrowUs, tu. 1. P. waiVBe. ,.w, w. mm. M1MVKII fc IIKTTM CLEARFIELD, PA., Are ofiriag, at the eld tuna of U h. Raid A Co. their itoek of goods, eonilitlng of-. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A 8110(3, HATS A CAI'S, I1ARD1VAKR, QUKENSWARI, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At tht MoH rctaonabla ratai for CASH or la tiehiiug. for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PHUDUCB. , .';(.,,, i . i .1 I jPHVAdraoeM nada to thoH atifagwl in pi ling oat (atjuarc Unbar on the tnnlt adranUgooua ttrrni. pdtljkaTS JANIEL GOODLANDER, Ll'THKKBDl'RO, FA., Deelrr In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERT & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SMOKrf, Tobaoooi QroMrlM and Fiih, IV till, Hard vara, Qawmwara and UUnwara, Men'l and t)ua' Clothing, Druga, Painti. Oil , Hchuol Bo.. In, a larg lot of 1'atcnt Mctlioi net, Candl, Nut A Dried Fruit i, Cbeci and Craok ra, Rook and Rifla Powder, Floor, Grain and Potatoes, Clovar and Timothy Seed, Solo LtaifatT, Moroeooip Llnlngi, Dlndingi and Thread, 6hoaiakcrg' Tooli and Hhoa riadlDgi. No graatar variety of goodt In any .tore In the twanty. All for aalo rry low for sain or ountrj produoo at th Cheap Corner. May 1. 1875. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Ptnn townibip, Clcarflold Co., Pa, . B1IRNRD OUT I 6T aor BURNED UPI The tubHrlben have, at w rtat aineoio, rvhullt neighborhood neecaeity, tn lha oroatlon of a flrat elate n ooleo Manufactory, witn all tha modern Improvement attached, and are prepam) to make II kindi of Clothe, Caaelinerea, Hatlnette, lllan keta, Flannela, Ae. Plenty of goods on band to apply all oar old end a iboaeand new auetomera, whom wa aaa to come anu examine vur atock. The builneea of CARDINO AND FCLLINU will rooelra our aeperlal attantloa. Proper arrangenenta will be made to reeeira and deliver Wool, to autt euatomere. All work warranted end dona upon tha ahorteat not lee, and by itriet atten tion to bufinena wa hope to realise a liberal abort or pubiie patronage. lO.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay the hfcheit market price for Woo and aell oar manufactured gooda as low aa similar goods ean be bought in the eonnty, and whenerer we fall to render reasonable satisfaction we ean always bo foand at homo ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. lAfllbO WUIlABUn at BUflN, iprilintf Bower P. 0. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY COVERT II PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the best Mallea ble Iron, and Isattaebed to the Hemes by tba best Snap ever Invented. It la easily and quickly put on, and prevents the whipping of the horses by tbe polo, hot liable to get out of repair. Will last for years. All we ask ia a fair trial, to eonvinoe all parties us ing them that they are nnaorpaaeed In value for the purpose for which tboy are Intend. 6ACKRTT A 8CIIRYYKR. Clearfield, April lo, 1874. MARBLE AD STOVE YARD! Mrs. S. S. LtDDKLL, Ilaring engaged in tha Marble baaineaa, dealrta to Inform bar friends and the pub) la that aha baa ow and will keep constantly on hand a large and well eeleeted stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and la prepared to furnlih to order TOMBSTONE, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Corbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Bills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ao., As. YYerd on Road street, near the R, R. Depot. Clearl.ld, Pa. Je7,7i JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eonitaatly on hand. STOYE AYD EARTIIEY-WABE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS! ruber's Patent Airtight Self Heailof rrnir. 1 anal BUTTER CROCKS, with lids. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, A r r 1. K - II U T T H It l'IUl'h,, PICKLE CHOCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, BTBW POTS. Aad a great many other things toe aumarous ta meutton, to 00 baa el FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONK - WARF. TOTTERY, Comer of Cherry and Third Streets, CLEAKrlHLD, f A augl T. A. FLECK & CO., Have now on hand, and art dally receiving ad ditions thereto, a large and wall selected steak, a at freak (Tom the maaufaflterare, of Dress Goods, Pry Goods, Silks, Hate, Bonoete Old Ladies' Caps, Pbewls, Waterproofs, La dies' Pr Caps, lUtr Goods, Itente' Fur. ishing Goods, Bhlrta, Olores, Hose, Overalls, Lumbermen's Flannel, Ladies' Underwear, Cuffs, Collars, Handkerchiefs, CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND WHITE DRESSES, Perfumery aad Soaps, Balmoral Skirts, away down, Storkinga, of evervisise, variety and eolorr, Not inns, Trimmings and ranoy (ioodi, la almost onaieea t anety. N. B.-WB BUT FOR CASH AND SFLL FOR CASH. deoJlf Down 1 Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices? ATR are now opening up a let of the beat aad TT aaoet aaaaonabla Goods and Wares ever offered ta this market, aad at prloee that rewind n-eei tae goon eia daya or eneap tninga. lboaa wha laek reita upon this point, or deem oar alia viniia tmperwueve, need out tLL fffT OfR STORE, Corner Front and Market streeta, Where they ean aoe, feel, hour and know fnr ih. aeleea. To fully andersUnd what aroaheAB mndm flhtl vast bo done. Wa do not doom It neeeeaary for as to slate that We hare Evervthinf that ii Needed aad eastern d la thie marhet, aad at prloee that aetoateh both eld aad yeaag. dmie JOSEPH SHAW A BOH. artlljrtllniuoM.' JJARD TIME8 IN FRENCHYILLEI I am awat thai there are some persons a little hard ta please, and I am alao aware that the eon. plaint of "hard times la well nigh universal. But I am to situated now that lean aatisfy tbe former tad prove oonv lost vol y that "hard times" will not etfrot thuao wba bay Choir goods from aaa, and all my patrons ahull ha Initiated Into the aa erei 01 UOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have goods enough to fup1y all the Inhabi tants tn tho lower end of the oouaty ft blah I aell at e unfiling low rales from mymaaamotb store la MULbONIIURU, where I ean alwaya be foand ready to wait upon oallera and supply them with Dry Goods or all Kinds, Such as Cloths, Satinelts, Can 1 01 ores, Masllns, Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Calicoes, Trimmings, Hibboua, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boota and Shoes, Hats and Cape all of the beat material and made to order Uose, Rooks, (J loves, Mittens, Laees, Ribbons, Ao. QROCfiRIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt fork, Linseed uu, rim uil, (Jarbun Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, K.ihi, Com Cultiva tors, maer rresses, ana an atnus 01 Axes. Perfumery, Paints, VernUti, (.lass, and a general as ion went 01 stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwaya on band, and will be old at the lowest poaalbla pgores. ' J, II. McClaln'a Mediclner, Jnynr'a Medicines, Hosteller s and 11 (Jutland s Hitters, loon pounds of YVool wanted for which the eigneat price will no paid, l im erseed on band and for sale at the lowest aiarkat pi-lea. Also, Agent for Strattonrllle aad Curwenevllle Ibresblug Mao blues. H-Call and too for yourselves. You will Ind everything usually kept ia a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frencbvltle P. 0., August 12, 187-4. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO, CI.KARKlKLIi, PA., ' n .ft rAL'Tt-arna or FIKi: llKICK, - Furnace Blocks, fins Retorts, Stove Liuings, Paving Tiles, to. i'hlmnry Top, HHuiloie Cap; and fair: , , - i - All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIOIXAL DKSIUXS IN TERRA COTTA MADE TO ORDER. With IwproT.d meohiovry, Brit elan mal.rtel and ikillttil workmen, wi ean warrant all our mannfarlurri tn he oqnal lo If not loperlor to any in tlie market. Artlrl.i of our manurnetnre ean lie moo at the Worki, nrar Railroad Depot, or at Ibe Hardware Store of II. F. Bigler A To. All ordvri from a diitance, addrriied to tke General 8uperinteodrnt, wiil receive prompt at. teotion. J. i. HART8WIFK, JOHN FEROl'SON, Orn'1 Supl. of Il.alhl.ld, Uamkirk, So..llaJ, 1 ttupt. Ilanuraoturiog DrpL may20'7l ' E. A. SOUTHARD, Fire, Ufe& Accident Insurance AGENT, Clearfield, Pa. TRAVELER'S LIFE A ACCIDENT. Hirtfwd, Conn -.Aueta orer t3,00,00 HOME FIRS INSURANCE CO. Colamhui. Ohio Aiaetti orer (000,000 (I.L7.y its. 8. Piaioia, Prei't. R. E. Iliacuaa, Boe'y CONTINENTAL Lire Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. A nets t,ill,M Ratio of Aueli to Liabilities, IIS Furni.hei tnmrenoe nt the eery lowest eon Polirr-bold.rs perticipale in the nronti of tho Compeny, thui oontlouslly reducing tho nanus! payments. sor raiei, r., ran on or enure. R. M. MiENAI.LV, Ageat. OtHoe la Shaw'i Row, Cleerield, I'a. :1 74 F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real , tstate Broker, Represents the following reliable Iosaranoa Co'a: North British A Mercantile Ins. Co. l2,tM,ni0 Washington Life Insurance Co.. 4,0,0lo Fire Assorlatlon Insure nee Co.. J.oOO.OOO Amaaon Fire Insurance Co 1,078,149 Phtvnil Insurance Co., N. Y 1,000,000 Watertowa Fire, Insurea dwellings and farm buildings only 574,000 York, Pa., rlUtik Insurance Co. Horses insured against death and theft. P. 8 Parties In the country desiring insurance on their lives or property ean hare It promptly attended to by addrtiaiag as by letter, or calling ia person at our office, in Fie a Upere House, noom no. i,uiearneia, i a. augnto n DEALER Iff , FURNITURE, ItliTTllFHHFH, Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P.O. The undersigned begs leave to Inform tha eltl aens of Clearleld, and tbe pablle generally, that be hM n bend ae tMeeiBM.iit of afwrnlitire, auflh as Walaut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Suites, Parlor Suites, Reclining and B ten. ton Chaira, Ladies' and Genta' Kasy Chairs, the Per forated Dining and Parlor Chairs. Cane Seats and Windsor Chairs, Clothee Bare, Step and Kitea alon Ladders, Hat Rack a, Scrubbing Brushes, Ac MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, Looking Olaases, Chromoa, Ac., which would at suitable for llolieay preeents. dee 1 1 71 JOHN TROUTMAN, JJCEY & CURIST. Sueceseora ia Knrnaa A Co. TO those Interested In the purchase of a strictly PURE RYE WHISKY, For Medicinal Purposes, wa offer lfjalltw''B I'uro live. PpIm 41 50 to BA A ataIUb anal tlt Vm m We also handle largely a COrfER DISTILLED WHISKY, Prloa from $1.70 ta $I.M. Wa I en pert FINE WINlS, BRANDIES AND GIN, And are also maaufaetarera of DR. BTlEVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for Pries tlrt. ' ' ' ' HI) BY A CHRIST, hit 7Sj) III N Third 81, Philadelphia. POK SALE! A large eed wrlMalihed flrleh Dwelling, alia, ate ob the rlrer beak, la the borough af Clear geld, onatalalng eleven roomi, with good oellar, watr in the sitebea, and nil the modern 001 nieneee. Pantrlee, Helb-room, Cle'ho. presses, Ae. Lot ilsty feet froot end two hnadred and thirty feet barb, with a twenty foot alley oa taeeait ida. Said building, with all the epportoBaaoee, will be eold ebeep, wua paymeatato salt pureba- ser. Annltoatlon oaa no maao to tbe under. le-ned. or to A. C. Tele, Km., wha will air. all BeMaiary larormatloa te thoie who desire to la- epeot tae propert,. THOS. i. MoCDLLOUBH, May list, Iiri.tf. THE REPUBLICAN. - ' CLKAKKlKljU, t'A ; () -ir v fill n K MAI HOrtni Jill, (II n 1 n, l"fP. CJCSAR1S.V. t 1 1 . i I. i t Til It I'MTIU STATU SENATE SHIRKED ITS DUTY C.KSAR IMMORTAL. Xoltliur lii this nor in any oilier country tifta tliuit wasotl a ccnlury, or own a liulf a oontiuy, without IniiiK- into notice aonie kintl ul a t ifmir. Opportunity iiihv bo wuutiiiAC. out tlio niHii who wouiti n n romu ihko una Imlil Biiiirt'ino coniiniintl in iiruwHit in ornry vnuntry ut all liinca. Iho t'lmiitctorialu'a ol the inliillililo, nuvvr ubauut, ami itlwuvo-i'vaUy I'u'aitr art) oiuily m'Oirnir.iHl when ilovolopod. When he him NiircotMlvil, mill wlion tho iiooplo rtau his diiiolliun by tlioliulit ill Ina worki, tht'y tliavovor In Ji i tit trails coinuion to IVanm in nil iti'cs. 1. Tlicy find that ho hits vniirmoiia power ol' will, called viirioiiHly, accor ding to tho diilVrotit jinl from which It is obfii'rvod, obstiiutcy, lonncity ol' purntMe, porattrvroiiro, atiililxiriintias, or dowudntiM, but a power which men tool without being nblo to ilea- criho, It ia the will which iii-ohmcs all tho nioro vigortunily when opposed, which inttens anil leasts upon ohata- cle, which is never so steudv tut when Oeariiiff aiiHii.st, opposition, which re joices in an ailTenie burrtmt.and which vulues no acquisition which has been frainod without contest. It is that lorm ot will which takes a lino U an object and holds to it most firmly tlir'o tines aim tuin, aim siiniiyiu, tiuy aim night, up hill and down dulo, auross DHL's, lorcsts, swamps, rivers, and oobc miitM, through tho Milid witlls til' the houses of a city deep tinder Rround or under waler, or straight through tbe heart ol avast mountain. Jtui a sci entific will, which fits means to ends, and applies to its own purpose nil cx- litut Knowledge. J he w ill orl:awar is reticent and subtle, hut it never,nuv or changes. It may be covered with velvet, or it may brixtlo with barbed dnrts. It may he in expression coarse, gross, impudent, itml nlirapt ; it may be n'lincd, elegnnt tormal, and del'ur tiul, but with or without tho mtaviter in modi), tho fort iter in re is never ab sent. CVsur's will knows nothing ot failure. It penetrates, but never re coils, it may bo crushed In impact, or destroyed in fatal explosion, hut its lorward motion will never end until its internal propulsive force is ex hausted. 2. Tho second trait of every CVsnr is audacity. This is not tho during of tho fool-hardy bravado which onine from deficient bruins. It Is not tho counigo of tbe onthiisiitHt which comes from abnormal and perverted senti ment. It ts not the pliyaiciil bravery thnt grows out of indifference to pain. It is not reckless disregard of conie- quenccs. It is not the otten seen and well uiulemtood love nt contest and danger lor tbe sako of mere excite ment. It is not tho bravery ol the nervous limn whoso will can force him into !mt Ho in spite of tremulous and intense apprehension. There is cour age higher in qnulily Ibnn Ca?sar's, but it is not this, lie would not be come a martyr. Ho could in nocoso bo a hero. Cn'sar's audacity is boldness in act joined with boldness in thought and ooldness in design. It is joined with that sagacity which sees just what to do, lust when it can best be done, and just the means requisite.. Camar's In tellect is lar above tho averago, ollon, apparently surpassing human propor tions, so much as to be incomprehensi ble to bis coteinporaries. To think, to will, to uo, quickly, audaciously, ro- morselesHly, wisely, ia the work of Cnv sar. ilia plan matures, bis meant are marshaled, and his blow fulls before onlinnry men dream of his intent. Tbey stand appalled, astonished at his deed, but while they are stunned and paralyzed, he goes to acts still nioro startling and audacious. 3. Aext to strongtb ot will and su premo audacity, t icssr ia known by his profound contempt for human life, human rights, and human laws. Nim rod, tho mighty hunter, cared just as much for tbe lives and rights of tigers, elephants, eagles, lions, ostriches, cam els, and hippolami, as Cawar cares for tho lives ot soldiers or citnens. lot ic- sar the right to live is something wholly unknown. loCwsar the right to own anything at all is a claim w holly ig nored. Oicsar knows no law but his own will, and ho neither needs nor wishes nor tolerate agents who look, to any other code fur guidance, lie abhors trifiers, bookmen, lawyors.mor alists, and all the class whoclnii inn pi-m- ciiilo as their guide 4. t awar is vistinguislieii lurther- more by his dependence on and trust in brttto force. Ho may have no mili tary education (Or. Francia had none), yet tie by instinct knows how to turn masses of awkward boors into a pow erful machine or urmy. Ho lets ov erty, ignorance, or vice force men into his service, no puts lorth rules lor their government Ho clothes and feeds them at lowest rates. Ho givos them tho minimum of penco fur their uso. lie deliases them tiy aliieet ser vitude, and be wears thorn out by hard work. Ho knows, and acts upon the knnwledgo, that a hundred men can be hired into an army more readily than ten can be hired into a factory or cornneld. 1 o t awr men are cattlo. To Ca-sar human lives aro coins and counters for bis gamo of empire. To GVaar all property is the plunder ol a hostilo camp. To Osar nothing has value but that which strengthens. Ho covets nothing but powor: hecborish- es nothing but that which strengthens bis Iron band. B. Ca-sar is destitute of emotion and sentiment. When ho givos np arcliol liout city to rapine, slaughter, and pil lage, it is not from hate to the victims nor from favor to his soldiers. Casnr baa no enemies. Walla, Bhljm, armies, institutions, dynasties, may be obsta cle. Uo will remove them, neutralize thorn, or destroy thorn, but be dues not hato them. He may nee men of all grades ol ability, but lio does not lovo them. 6. Ctesar is a central, combining, at tracting agent, the natural focus to which the rays of governmental light concentrate. Ho ia not In any sense known to the code of morals, nor can he be preuounced wholly bad by the same rule. He doe not come nnder that codo at all. 7. Cwsar cares nothing whatever for laws, constitutions, rules, precedents, and usages. He has no more thought, care, or concern fur them than has the boar for the canebrake through which be paws his way, or than has tho ele phant for the reeda and underbrush of the jungle. If in his way, Cresar sweeps them asido or treads them nn dor his feet Such in brief are a few of the dom inant traits of the man which every great nation, be it empire, kingdom, or republic, baa in waiting with tbo will to seize and bold absolute power. America has at least one such Casar. Iiet ns watch him well I Arte Orleans Awllvtin. A NornKR. Andrew Snydor, member oi me rennsyivania House ol ilcpre sentatives from Northampton county, died on Tuesday the 20th,tn the forty fourth year of bis ago, at bit residence, in Lower Monnt Bethel, of typhoid fever, after an illness of two weeks, Mr. Snyder was electod on tho Demo cratic ticket last fall, having served in the House one term previously. The Kansas desperadoes, the Jainee brother, bsve killed another farmer and are atlll at large. r"E wpiv Mexico, J Pivnltltmt LpiiIo du Ti'iniln rwwitly, r. (ijifiiiMi t no t inKriwi oi. aiuxioo wim hi(m ii in which no rvvluwofi tho ul- iiitiratii nil) lint Kin, mm aiutnu tlmt In 1 iieeordaiico with thvati!finluion to th atom facts tbut before long muni boro tiHielilutiiHiti Hoimlo would he orgon,, vvulud through an investigation which laed in rlepleiiiber, This will mako can neither be silenced nor diverted Uio (jovorniiient of Mexico more in hurinoiiy with tho system of tho Uni ted Httilca nnil give the l'rusideut an other advisory power iu relation to all iuiportaal luttltuial question.' . In tliia country, tho Kenale roprononta Ktato sovereignty mid Congress tbo 'morj iniuiedutu popular will. In Mexico tho Heunte will be ft composite body In lis represuntiitive functions ami ca pacities, Jlut still tho plan will give the nation a fuller anil more complete voice in relutluu to laws and ordinances, and will act as u cheek on the Presi dent In case he should bo tlisHied to exorcise authority nut expressly dele gated to him by the liiiiduiiienlul law of the Kopuhlia. In these respects tho creation of a Nennte In Mexico hi a de cided step iu the right direction. Old prejudices and a spirit of bigotry ure referred to as tho causes of the lute unfortunate outbreaks in eci ttiiu por tious of Mexico, in which men were attacked for holding particular ' reli gions views uml opinions. The Presi dent reminds the jionpla.'thut he bus carried all the amendments to tho Con stitution, and also tho reform laws,and declares emphatically against the in fractions of conimets made betwocn tho licituhlic of Mexico and all men who live upon its mil and oliey itslawg and ordinances. These Ideas and prin ciples, whoso incorporation Into, the Constitution and liws of the country elevated the Hopulilie to a place among the moat liberal and civilized people of the earth, President do Tejnna main tains must be obeyed and enforced in this age, or Mexico will lose all sland- ing in the greot family ot nalioiis, nndi uo irvniuu an an nnvii nnu an uuicain. Bigotry and intolerance in matters of religion have been hungup, with rusty1 gibbets and other instrument of tor ture, and tho nation tbut taken them down, like the Oerinan student who raised a demon, will bo rent and de voured by the instrument they would uso npon others. The President has correct view, upon this subject, and win no douiit entnrce them tinder the power and authority of the C'oiiHiitti tion. Tho important question of edu cation received full attention from the Chief Kxoctitivo of tho licpublic, and he stated that u plan would l sub- milted making education compulsory, nnu nt mo same tune providing lor we wnoso interests, may Uo alloc led by training of female teachor. Kdncn- his favor or hostility. Thoybnverep tion is badly needed umnngtho masses resented to the President that the re of tho peoplo ol Mexico, and the more: books are put into the hands of men and boys tbo fewer swords or rifles will be handled by them iu nnlawflil raids either on native or foreign soil. The relations between Mexico and the United States nro not in a satisfactory condition. All along the llio tiranilu frontier outrages nro being committed upon American citizens residing in 'iexas. Hands of united .Mexicans cross tho river, buru houses, steal cat tle, and kill men aud women if they resist Such raid are of almost daily oectin-enco. (tonenil Cortina ia in command of the Mexican side of I lie river, hut he makes no effort to either stop tho outrages or punish tbo guilty parlies, .utirder are becoming more numerous, and ninny person removing lroin that section of country lying bo- twoon tbe liio (.irnnde and tbe Nuocos. It ia certain that the repetition of these outrage will, in the cntl, lead to an open rupture between the two Repub lics. The people of Texas will become tired of these acts of barbarity, blood shed and plunder, and cms too river into Mexico to right their wrongs in their own way. With tho canoe ofj the Texas revolution and tho war of lN-ltl fresh in tbe minds and memories, tho authorities of .Mexico should com pel their bordor-ruinan lo rusiect the law or hang them tip by cores, and thus end tin matter. President Te- jada can servo hi country efficiently in tnis manner, and such action should not be delayed. rAila. Time. . VALUE OF WHEAT BRAN It has somotimos seemed strainro lo me that wheat bran should be placed so high in tbo list for tho value of ita manure. Tho cxplunanatlon probably is that most of tho phosphatic ele ments of tho wheat are found in the hull, and phosphoric acid or phosphate in any soluble shape is one of the scan-out and dearest of manure. As stock aro not fed entirely for thoir ex crement, this test i not an absolute one of the relative value of different kinds of feed. Still I regard wheat bran, either from countrv or oil v mills us valuablo feed for milciT cows. Chem istry informs us that tho phosphates which abound in bran are essential to milk, and where cows arc found chew ing bono in old pastures, the fact is often due to lack of sufficient phos phate of lime in their food. In prac tice it l generally profitable to Iced new milch cw daily with bran, not so much as a substitute for other food, but in addition thereto. The bran has a slightly laxative effect, and make a tolerable substitute for root. In very cold weather, and with aomo eowa in nny woathor, corn meal should be add ed, particularly if the milk ia intended for butter. Much, in fact, depend on tho cow. Some cowa naturally go to beef, are always fat, and to theso corn meal would be less necessary. A lax ative, milk-producing food like bran will give bettor results than oily food, like corn meal. I think such cows are liable, to a certain extent, to transform their fat into cream and butter, and this, by tho way, ia the only process of making butter from beef suet which is not a fraud on tho consumer, The great majority of cow are always loo thin in flesh for profit. A good cow, in full flow of milk, alway tends to leanness, and even if tho milk is to le sold, should bo fed on food with mure Hit mrnilng quuluiu man wiieut bran. Wheat bran, as got from a mill after taking gnat to .market, contains muohofsanuile.aml is heartier food than that which comes from largo flnurW establishments, where every dust of Hour is caretully separated tor barrel ling. I infer that this coarsest bran, almost like sawdust in food, possesses the element of bran intensified that tho less cauaillo it contains tbe richor it ia in phosphate. As it ia Bold by weight, of courao tho coarser portion would do much more bulky per ton than the fine. w w- f DaNOKB or PaoTltACTED 8l.gKP.-e-But here, a in ao maay other cases, the evil of deficiency has its counter part in tbo evil of execs. Sleep pro tracted beyond tho need of repair.and encroaching hnbitually upon the hours of waking action, impair more or less the functions of the brain, and with them all the vital powers. This ob servation is as old as the day of II in pocralo and Arouxils, who severally and strongly comment npon It. The sleep of mfuntoy, however, and that of old ago, do not come nnder this eat egory ot excess. These aro natural conditions, and to be dealt with as neh. In illness, moreover, all ordina ry rule aud nioasuro ol sloop must be put aside. Distinguishing it from coma, there are yery fow case In which it it not an unequivocal good ; and even in comatose state the brain, we believe, trains more from repose than from any artificial attempts to rouse it into action. Edingtmryk Re view. Misa Susan B. Anthony baa Just de livered a lecture on Social Purity in St Louie. It ia deflcribed a frank, powerful, and anccesslhl, ( How lef; her vrjr jiruvauyn. umaxo-fa thkr asd sox. HlnwthePni.iiltiiit'gpplupiiMW'rtnliJ liinimi, thoro 1ms bwm it concerto! cf lutHo roliovo ilr. U1ik IVum liis nl(witii nrvt CAininil and In ilnv from it aim. If, us Is now aliened. the President did not uk his resignation, so much the worse for the President. It Is admitted that Air, Delano's son has been guilty of corrimt iiruelices. Iu Jndiun and other jobbery, and the organs of tho Administration seek to cxciiho (bo lather by making the son a scapegoat. This experiment will not succeed. John J'elnno Is no youth, ns bus boon represented, but the head of a funiily, with large cxpcricuce of the world, and quite equal to hold hit own with any of tho sharpers about the ( itpiloL lie served as first chief clerk of tho Interior long enough to acquire a train ing in lis ways, and then went to Min iicKiita to figure among tbo plundercm of Indian pine lands, the contracts fur which hud to lo approved by his lath er, during this tnn0 he was drawing uy as a clerk iu Ilia Pension Ollloe under Maker, recently appointor! Hnr vcyor tionerul ..of .Minnesota, without poi'tormiiig uuy service. A few montlta ago he Was appointed by hit father, with two others, aaa commission lo examine the completion of tho Union Paciflo Railroad, noon whoso report depended mlllUuis of acres oi mo piionc uoinulti. Aud lie has boon sent to the Indian country with largo pay and perquisite, fixed by himself, to acquire information on tho spot which might bo turned to profitsblo account. . In these. and oth er uffairs bo has lieeu always regarded and dealt wilb aa the connecting link between tho outside jobbers and the Nerrotarv of the Interior when Mr. IteUtno thought it prudonf'not to np- pear nominally in sonio ot the trans actions. His engagements were al waya kept by the father, us multitudes of docisions will show whenever the department i thoroughly overhauled. Kncouraged by past success and im munity from punishment, these ojiera t inns became bolder until they culmi nated in an explosion a lew days ago, when certain contractors, who had kept faith with their agreement,' re fused to submit to additional extortion and told their griefs without reserve. The immense patronage and power vMciiioii uy me secretary ot mo line rior necessarily insure him a largo following ol dependents and others tireiueiit of Mr. Delano, under cxk ing circumstances, would bo n confes sion of weakness, if not an admission of guilt. Therefore, lie Is to ornament the I runt I aliiuct until resignation bo-1 come a necessity by tbe approach of I congress, and tlie certainty ot a scorching investigation if he should be in ollico to answer. Charges of corruption do not' dis turb the President. Ho clings closer to all accused of venality, anu for rea sons that are no secret. To supposo that Delano, who claim to be a branch of the family tire, would Iks con demned for that reason, i to confess entire ignorance of ttrnnt's chareter and of the ruling motive of his ofjfl ciul conduct. He might sacrifice hiro coldly to serve a Bvllirih object, or for neing detected, but never because or his jobbory. .V 1. ,Swa. The Detroit Free Fran libels Penn sylvania when it says "Pennsylvania has 11.05 in tho Stale treasury, and the question is who shall grab it." That balance isfl.iti. It Is such reek loss disregard of tho odd cent thai has brought us so low. "Why, what drove,., you from home such a bitter night as this?" asked a woman of a poor littlo boy, shivering and crying at tho corner of a troct. "L roeut words, ' be answered, with lha tears streaming down his checks. A school boy being asked by' the teacher how he should flog him, re plied : "If you please, sir, 1 should like to hare it on tho Italian system tho heavy strokes upwards, and the down ones light. . It cost tho State of Massachusetts 129,250.40 to bury Senator Sumner. It cost less than that to bury Carpen ter, Chandler and lion Butler. Though thoro might bo a bill run up for that purpoae hereafter. Marcus . Wnght, formerly a Con federate General, ha received from the Khedive of Kimit tho appointment of adjutant general in tho Egyption army, with tho rank and pay of colonel. Gen. Joseph K. Johnston, the great Confederate strategist, has been chosen to act as chief marshal at tbe North Carolina centennial of independence,on tho zuth ol .May. ('smith, the Vinrland editor shot by Landis, baa nearly recovered. With half an ounce or so of lead in hi brain, ho will probably write heavy editorials In tbe future. Why is a newspaper like a tooth brush? Do you give it up? Because every one should have one of his own, and not bo borrowing hi neighbor. , Gen. Geo. W. Cass, President of tho Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, lias Oocn appointed receiver ol the riorlh ern Pacific Railway Company, Kmp umttsfmfnt. c AUriON All persons are hereby warned against par oheeing or ia any way nseddliag with the foil Hir ing property, bow la tbe posseaeloa af A. U. Taj lor, of llrady township, via l 1 Weed sewing luaonine, i oooa store, i unie, l sin a, i set et chairs, 1 lamp and a let of tinware, as the same was purchased by as at ennitable'a aalo on April thl, 1S7&, and Ulcfl with hiss on loao, subject to vase F. R. PORT BR, J, W. CORF Latberebarg. April M, IS 7 6. -It All persona are hereby wanted against par chasing or la manner aaeddling with one eorrel horse, one hay mare, three cows, one wag oa, tear head young eat l la, new la the poteeeelea of Csth ariao Wleorand John Wleor, of Bradford towu eaip, ae the, eaeee eeg to aae aad are left with theaa ee loaa, aaajeat to any order. D. F. WISOR. Woodland, April II, UT4-lt Q ACTION.- 7 All portent are hereby wanted agate st purch asing er ia any way aaodtiltaff with the following property, 'w in the pottos tine of Aeta B. An tes, of U rah am township, -lit One red aad white cow aad calf, aa the aante belongs to me and ia left with him oa loan, suhjeet to my order. HIRAM B. ANTICS. Waltefetoa, April 11, lt.7a.-3f QAUTION. t Notice la hereby gtrtn to all toartrned that my wire, ftamaniha Jane Wlsor, having left a; bed and board, wltboat any J art cause or provo cation, thla Is lo warn all persoae not to trosl or harbor her on my aeeount, as I will pay no d-bts or her enntraetlng. D. P. WISOR. Woodland, April 91, I ft 71 -St E XECUTOR'S NOTICK.- Notlee (a berehy girea that Letters T.ita- menlnry oa the Bitele of JACOB PBNTX, leu of Brady towaiblp, doe'd., here be-n grant ed to the nnderaigned. All persons ind.blod te raid KilaU are required to mako immediate pay. meat, and Utoee baring elelms egainit It are re. qnir to prolan! them, duly autbeatloeted, with out deley, to the nnderaigned. I'lllLIP I, FRWTI. LatharsUrg, Marsh, SI, fa-ete RIMatsr. A DMINISTRATR1X' NOT1CE.- -41- Xolleo II hereby arrow mat Letters afAd mininratloa ea the eetato of J. A. BLATTRR. BBRblNR. teteef Oeeeoba, Clearleld Cenaty, Pa, deooasod, aarlag boea del, graatod to tha uvndor. elgaed, all peraoaa bedeeud ta said oatato will tleaen mat. Immodiata paymeat, aad thorn aria, alaiau er domaada wiU prw.nl them properly aatbeutlealrd for aetUemeat wlthowl amy. OAIOUNB (LATTINBIRutR, pru , ISTt..at Adm't. fry Adi, ftrorrrirs, tt. KRATZER & LYTLE -TIIE- ,.. ,j NEW FIRM!! ' '" '- ' lit ;' ,! ; COLOSSAL ". CONSOLIDATED , : . STORE, ,, . I , . , . , .1,, V. -I 1 ' ' ' Art narklif Jowt. their ' ' , i f. IMMENSE STOCK OF (JOODS, -1 i' .' n ... ' j i i. CASH PRICES. ReJned aipenaet aad talking for ready pay enables theat (Vide It. They will endeavor to be HEADQUARTERS for supplying tba eitliens of CleerleM nty with DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. Droll Goods, Duotl and Shore, tiroeeriei, ... Wall Paper, Qne.n..re, Ae.. Ao. Aad ail other goodi ia their line. N. B.-TKRUI CABII. J. M. KKAT7.KR, i. U. LI TLB. Clearfield, Uoo. la, IS74. ED. W, GRAHAM, DEALER I.t GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Has Jaat opened, at tho eM ataad, la Uraham's Hew, a eomplete atock or TEH' (IOODI, of erery deeerlptlea. DRY OOODN, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BIXIT8 AND 6UOE8, , CLOTniSQ,f.,ift:., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, ' MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALWA TS Off BAUD AND FOR SALS AT A SMALL ADVANCE. --- -F LOUR - ReoeWad h the ear load, aad told at a fault advance. A aapply af ROPE eonsUatiy oa hand. , Special ta4aeeneatt offered to taoee gettiag oat Square Timber aad Logs, aa wt deal largely la Lumbermen's fiappLiea, aad are pre pared at all L iaseo ta parohaaa Una r bar and hmher. El). W.GRAHAM, Marhet Stmt, CLKAKFIELD, PA. Oct, IS, 1171. NEW FL.OLII. FEED. AND GROCE11Y STORE. A. G. KRAMER A CO., Reed fau. ea door went ef l-eoBerd Howe. ClearBold, Pa. Keep eonstaally a head 8C0AR, corrsB, TEAS, B0DA, COAL OIL. ITKCP, BALT, ' si'icbs, : -" ' 1 WAP, , , , TT Canaed and Dried Pralts, Tohaoee, Cigars, Oaa- dlea, Cider Vla.gar, Butter, Kgga, Ar. ALSO, IXTRA OMR If ADI ' ' Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, ao., All er whleh win ae eeld aheap for sash er la eteeeaga for eestry piaduea. A. O. KRAMER 00. Clearleld, tor. II, ISTd.f ypSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER ' C O M P A M V, OBCROLA STEAM II ILLS, i AaaracTcaBa LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS ABB , SAWED 6HINGLES. Ai.to-Bills of 11 EM LOCK aad FINI aawod ta order an abort aetiot. A woTO WR LOTS for aalo la tha hoteagh Ai.ao LAROB ARaORTMlNT OINRRAL MBRCHANUiel at their Mammoth Store ta Oaeeola. . B. H, SniLLIlfOFORD, Praaldaat, OaVea Foraat Plaoa, Ka. IM 9. 4th it. FWa. tOHlf LAWBHR, aaaatwl Sop FdJaal-TI Oaoaala Milla, Clearleld Car Fa. The aavdersig aad rtaaeatfally aetiftetlhe nuh he that he will heea aa laeid tW aaia aa aoaora twaoitef Freeh FUh,of eJ4 hiadt, reeetvea. from turn Baet mm4 Waat 4a.ly. Abo, Freeh Vegeublea aaaasa. iieoda CseUeerwel io all amrta of tha boroagh aad vieielly. Oder Ml at hie re4eee, amraar af eeoea aad Rca-a iHreeta, will rwaaira arotapt atatioa. -rr - ft . IX. W, JORDAB, CUarioid. fatx 14, l7..m T : gniwrllanrsM. "3 yjx'KUAHJirmm,.. .". ."-i i. : ( Pl'RKLY VKllKTAIII.K. -j I'KKR FROM ALCOHOL. '; -1, , , ,DR. WALKEU'S CALIFORNIA VIN EG AH B t T T n S. Dr. J. Walher'a Calirorala Vluegar bittors are a purely Vagetablo preparation, made ehieO) from the native herba found oa the lower ranges of l be Sierra Nevada moantaiaa ef Call I urn I a, tba medieiaal pntfierttaa of which are eiiiaeted tberefrim without taa use of Alcohol, .deques-1 (tea la almost dally ashod, "What ia tho eouao of the onparalleled sueeets ef Viaauaa Itrrranar"! Oar anawar is, that they rewiove tbe emtio or it ia-1 ease, and tlie patient reeovera hie health, Tboy I aro the great blood purl Her ami a life-giving prinetole, a aertroa Renovator and Iaricratur i ol the eyiten. Mover before ia the hut ry af the wurlu aaa a meilieiaa boon oompounileu noo ertting the rem ark able qua! Hie of Vtaruia JJrr rata la healing tbe aiek of every dleeaae auaa Is heir to. They are a gentle Fargativa as well aa a Toole, reiwring Coagvrtion or Inflammation of tba Liver ana Vtaoeral Organs, ta ttlltoao li The prop art les of Dr. WalkeVi Vinegar Rit ttre are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nu trielfiut, Lai at lie, I)luret(p, SeJatlve, Counter Irritant, HudoriAc, Alterative, id4 Antl-Diiiuua. U rat eft I thouson.la proelaiat Vlaegar Bltlor lha mijei wotifittrfMl lar iBoravat that ever atiatAiin. ed the staking system. . . - Ko peraon aaa take theaa Blltere aoeordlnf to directions aad rental a looganwell, pro vl tied tbeir bones ate ant deirnrel by mineral ttotnna or other m-atta, and vital nrgaae. Billeaa, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, whioa are au prevalent In the valleys of our great rivers throuKbut tho I' tilled Hates, esiiefioJly ihnte of the Mittisiippi, Ohio, Missouri, llMnuis. Tmneseee, rombcriand, Ark an tat, Red, Colnra (, Itraaoti, Rio Uraod. 1'uarl, A I alia na, levbile, Savaoaab, RtMBkc, J a tart, aud maay othert, with tbeir vast tributaries, throughout nur entire oountry daring tho Kit miner ami Autumn, and remarkably so during res ton or unuul heat aad drynees, are invariably aoeomptnied by ea tensive dvraiigomenU of tba elumacb and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treat meet a purgative, exerting powerful influence up 'in these various orguus, is ereentially ueeteary. There li no oatbartic tor the purpose eijual te l)r. J. iValkrr't Vinrgar Hitters, as tbty Bill tpoeilil) remove tbe dark-culurod viicd matter with whivb the bow el are losdnl, at tbe satao time atimuUt iag tbe svcrelion of the tit it, and generally re tor ing the healthy fuucioi of tbe digcaiivi' orgnn. Fortify the buJv against diteaae by purifting ill its flutdla with Viorgar Uitters. No ebidomic can take bold of a system inns fere-aimed. . Pypatia or Indigettl'm, llradache, fuln ta tbe Hhouldera, Ocngbs, Tigbtoeta of the fhf-t, Di iners, Hour Kruntiona of tbe Htomarh, Had Taste in the Mouth, llitinus At tack t, flpitaiion of tha Heart, Inflammation of Ibe !utige, Pein in tho region af tbe Kidneys, ami a hand ml other painful sy rap torn t, are tbe offtprtnga ) Dyspepftia. One bottle will prove a bolter guar antee of Its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White RoeMIng. fl eers, Krysipelae, ell-d Neck, Otitre, rVrifu lous Inflammations, Mrreorial afffctluoB, Old rioraa, Eruptiona of tha Skin, Hore Kyes, ete. Jn Ihete, as ia all other eonttitutlonal diteasee. Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers la the most obstinate and la tract a tie caaes. Fur InAamiaetery and Chruaic Rliaumalisai. Oout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermilteal Fevers, Diseasea ef the Blood, Liver, Kidneys ami tb Bladder, these Bittrrs have no equal. urh IMa aasee are caused by Vitiated Blood. Moehaaical liUeasaa. Ferrous engaged in Pel tits and Mineral, snrh aa I'lumbers, Tyio setters, Onld beutcrs and Mlnera, as they advanor ia life, are subject te purely sta of tbe Bownla. To geard egsiaat Ibia, lake a tioee of Walker's Vinegar Bitters acea-io nelly, . , , , For fkln Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Fait Rheum. Blotches, HhU, Pimplee, Pustules, Boils, Carbaaele, Ring-worms, rValtt head fforo Byte, Kryatpelas, lloh. (Scarfs, Dieeoloralioaa of the dkin, Humors aad Diseases of the Bkia o wbai ever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system ta a abort time by tbe ate of tbeae Bitters. Pin, Tape and other Worms, lurking la the system of ao many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. No system ef medicine, no vermifuges, ao anthelmioitica will free tbe system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, ia yemog er eld, mar ried ar eingle, at tbo dawa ef womanhood or tbe turn af lite, theaa Tome Bittern display ae da elded aa Inflaeaot that improvement ia aeon per ceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon Rnd italmparitiee bunting through tbe akin in Plna- Sles, Kruplionn, or tores; cleanse It when yoa nd it obstruoted and sluggish Id tbe veins, cleanse It whoa It ia foul t your feelings will tell yoa when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tho aystem will follow. " r. ii. Mcdonald a co., Drnggtata aad Oea. Agta., Ran Franelece, CmJi forata,aad corner of Wasbiagtan aad Charlton streets, New York. Bold by all Druggists and ucaiers. aovt .4-otn. G ROCKRIES. JAS. Ii: LYTLE, - (flueoeseof te LYTLE MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I.N CHIMCB I.I Kit or TBA ft. O0I.ON0S, JAPANA, IMPKRIll, , 'XNQIISII BhtAKFABT Purest la Marhet. en DUTTICR AMU K(.C Will he beat aad sold at I ret eeet. Oaib paM for Coaatry Produea. GERMAN CHERRIE8," '". TCREBT FRCKEb PREBERVED PEARS, rniLADELPnu iiamb. PIMI. " ' Mackerel, Lake Herring, Ood, Ae. PICKLE. Barrel Pick I., aad Ingllih Pieklea. FLOUR AND PEBD. Flour, Cora Meal, Oal Meal, Ae. m.hl 'Tt JAB. H. LTTLI. CHEAP GROCERIES! Lt'MBKR CITT, PA. Tho aaderilgned annoonoel te ail old frlrnda and palm., ibat ha haa opened n good lino ol UROChRIKA A PROVISIONS at the old eland or Kirk A Sponger, for whioh be aolleiti a liberal patronege. l. ay. 8PKNCBR. Lumber City, Pa., Mareh 0-t. JOUN A. 8TADLER, RARER, Market HI., Clearleld, Pa. Frerit Bread, Rare, RMIs, Pies aad Cake, oa hand Br made be order. A general aorortmeat of Ceateetloneriee, Proila sad Nats I. et.ok. loo Cream and Oyileri in eraeen. Salooa ararly orpoalte the Poilomee. Prloee mod.rate. Mirth lavwa. . - OUSK AND LOT KOH BALK. The Ho.ee aad Laa tha mrraor of bUr- het OBd Fifth atreele. OlMrarf l. L. t. The let ooatalai aearty aa aero of grouad. The io a larg. mnuom rrnme, ontainang nine noma. For terms aad other mraeanaVaa awl. te tb. nbeirlaer, at law Pem UeVe. " " r. A.APtm. .T'iM,r,,-l ALLKGHEJi V HOTKL, (Marbrl St., hoi. Third and Fourth,) ('.ICAHfllCI.II, PA. The luliMirtber baring hreomo proprietor of lliii hotel, would rerpeoiJuily a.k a hheral ihare f puljlie polreiage. Prleie redaerd lo awit the sauJO-'TiilfT . U. LLKII'OLllT. SUHt.UEHAVNA'UuC'SE,' , (7URWKNBVILU, PA. -' ' - KBWION READ, PaorBiaroa. Ilavfog hosoaia proprietor uf tbi, Uotol, I would roaiutluJly aolieil Ih. patronage ot the pubiie. liuuie loeaaotly and .oovealratly ait uaudi a tij raflltodend refuraiibed rgd earn, pto looma atuahed. Ail railroad Irama atop at lull hou... . , , , , . , . jan2 Ti SUAW HOUSE, .(Cur. of Merbel A Froal ilreelt,) CLKAHKIKLIi, PA. Hotel, wimul n-ipeetluily iuli.it iiubiie patronege. i.ai ii li u tin I viitiiiu NKW WASHINGTON, PA. This aw and well luruished howco haa been takeu by Ibv ttiidcraignad. He feels confident ef buiiig nblo to render satisfaction to tboae who may la. or liiiu witji a aalL May ft, 11.72. , 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. M llNTIItfR HtlURB, . ' -i i ' ' i i , - Oppoiite tbe Court House, LOCK HAVEN, PE.XN'A. JeU'TI IIAl'BEAL A KKOM, Prop's. LOYD house; ' ' Mein Street, PIIILIPrjllUHO, PRKR'A. ' ' ' Table always lupplied with the beet the marhet affordi. Tba trareling pubiie la lerlted toeall. norI,'7l. , . , KOVKRT LOYU. THE "-"inTNSlON-'Fd . , Comer of ftecondand Market Htreeti, CLEARKILII, PA. THU old and sommodleue Hotel haa. daring tbe paat year, heea aalarged ta doable Iu former capacity for tbe en tortile seat of straa gera and guests. Tha whole beil.il ng haa hwea nfurnlshed, and tha proprietor will too re ao peine to render eia gaeaU eomfortablt while its y ins; with him, ay The 'Mansion nouse" Ometbos reas to and lYom tha Depot oa tbo arrival and deparrara if each train. . JOHN DOHUHBHTT, apHt.T tf Proprietor Hanks. r. K.'apmiU-D. it. W. ANNOLD. j. a. antotb F,K. ARNOLD & CO., Hankem mid Ilrokem, Reynnldarllle, eloflVraoa Co,, Fa, Money reorirrd on deposit. Ditcumts at mo derate rtts. Kantern and Foreign Kiehange a), wnvs on hand ami eollroticms promptly made. Beynolrisvllle, Ieo lo, tS74.-ly County National Bank. ; ' OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROuM in Matoaie Building, one door north of C. D. Wat toe's Drug Store. I'etMttgt Tickets to ami from Liverpool, Queens town, (llstgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Al-o, Dralts for sale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of Loudon. JAMKB T. daVONAKD, Pres't. W. M. tfUAW, Cathicr. t1:l:7 DREXEL & CO., Xo. 31 Hnuth Third mreet, Philadelphia B.f.f .'.,, And Dealers in Government Securities. Aip!!earloa by mail .ill roeeire prompt atten linn, and ail Infurmatien eheertully furniBhed April II If. Jrutistrit. J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., Oflloe orer Irwin's Drag Store. CURWKNRVILI.E, PA. All dental operatloaa. either la the mechaaiteJ inoperative branh, promptly attended la aad satlsfbietion gaaranteed. (Special altentiou paid te the treat moot of diaeajea ef the natural teeth, gums and HKiuth. Irregularity of the teeth awe ceiffully correct rJ. Teeth extracted without pain by the uio of Ether, and artificial teeth Inserted l the host material and warranted lo render eat isfactioa. aprill6'71ily eYtistry, D Ilariae determined to loeete ia Cur.rnrrille for the purpoae ef porruing my profeailon, I bereliy offnr my eerrire. to tb. pubiie. I hare juit flni.bed a term ef dental Innractlona nnder Iho bo.1 Irechere of the Penniylraoia College of II. .1.1 Surgery in Philadelphia, and am now propoTMl to eaecuta atl worh pertaiaiag tn dent iitry In the boat m.nnrr, with the Intent Improve- mrni. an worn guarantrea la gir. entire sat i.Urtlnn ai to oiialily end duration. Teeth 01- traeted uitbint pain. Room rn Be. Benh build ing. For further information apnl? tn pereoa or addiea. It. U. TUOMPoON, laobJITi tf. rarwrnitille, Pa. A .M. H i L L 8 Woold re tpoct fully aot if his patients .that he has reduced tbe price ol ARTI FICIAL TEKTH toUueo iter act. er $ .15 00 for a double et. For any two peravns eofutwg at tbe name time, ta have ear-h aa upper twt. Will ge4 iho tQ Mu f9r Ji.OO, er each. Terms invariably Cvn. Cl-arflrl,!, .InW I.1R74. J " QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. THK vnderaigaed, auooeaaora ta REKD A POWliLL, hare purcbaaed the CLEAR FIELD PLANING MILL, and retiTted It for doing aa ev tensive baslaeaa. All the machinery will be added necessary to make it one of the most eomplete eatab is bm eats ot tba kind ia the State. They are aow prepared to receive orders for aay work tn that line. They will givespecial attention to all materials for house building. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, sash, doors, blinds, b rj ck crs, .wo t l ni.ro, c. ' ' OF ALL STYLES, alwaya oa hand. WORKED BOARDS, nnd all artlrln nernn rf for ballding, will he etehangid for bKY I.CMPKR. ao that persona at a diitaneo may bring their lumber, eaohengo It for, aad latere home with tho maoufactared article. The Company will alwayi hare on hind a large at nek af dry lumber, so as to ha able to til aa order on the ahorteil entire. Only the belt end meet ibillfnl hnndi .ill he employed, ao that lb. p.blle may rely apon gvod worh. Lumlier will bo worked or sold s. I.w aa It e0 a. imrctiaied any eli.rw, atid warranted to gtra aatllfaetloa. Al the bnliail .III b. done ap-a the ea.b prinoiple ve aaa ntord to worh for imall prolta. - DRY LUMBE.t WANTED 1 Eipooially ana and.a-l alf and t.e iaeh paael etui, for Whleh a liberal prion will he paid. The baaineaa will he eendueted nndar the nana af lha .. "flearlleld Pinning Mill Co." M. O. Brawa will personally sup.rintrod the hwiiaees, Orderl raipsetfully sollelted. M. O. BROWN A RRO. Clearl.ld, Pa., J en eery S, 174. 0.1. WHERE ta hoy my PRT OO0W. " eoriei, Que.ni.nrev Olaee.are, lime and N otiose, Oeafeollonertes, Ae,, aheap for ea.b. The suhieriher hegi leave to Inform hil old inf aow snslomers that ka has epeaed a variety btore in 01.EN nor, ri. And .til aell gooda at irriea. to rait tai timet. A liberal redscti.a wtll cs made t oajfemarl hty ing nt wholeness. Call nnd esamlnw toy atoeh Before parrhlilig elee.bere. A liberal iharn of pahlie patronage aolleiud. t ' 0.1. KEAOT. Oloa Hope, Pa, Jaao II, 171. QARl'ET WEAY1NO - The nadereigned Is ,rared te e.e Ri Omrrr te order, la any ityle deelred. Ile'l'l had eeortblny yearearae.oalaiperlineem Pl adelphia, ae fools eoeadoMaf glrlagaaliiwelies theaa .bo may fa.erhlm with tkelr waarmg. Ord.rl sent, or letlei, addreeaed te Wlllnwig'ere PoetoBee, Clearleld ea., will meet im r-ro.pl atteatle. , ORARLR D. RKDIFBR ' Bigler Itallew, Dee. II, IBT4 em