Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 05, 1875, Image 3

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: J t j3 i - . .1. a jtcr vv .
PA . i
VK1NHSIAV M0KN1NQ, MAY , 117ft. '
Term of Subscription.
17 paid In advenes, or within three month .J oa
It paid after threeaud bofbre eta months...,. I
If paid af'r tbe axpiratloa ef it months... I el
VMeasrc. 8. M. PiTTiiotti A Co., Hews
paper Advertielng Agents, 17 Pork How, corner
Beekmen 'Ktreet, art our duly euikeriscd i seats
to New York City.
Melliodlit r.plaropal Church Re v. B. 9.
Bthvino, i eitor. Publie Bsrviee every tiebbsth
it 1(4 A M., and tj p. M.
tiabbath riebool et f A. M.
Preyor . sting every Thursday, at f P. U.
Coma uo loo tiervioc, first .Sabbat b of evsry
month, at l"i A. M.
Preabytarlan Church lUr. II. 8. Hotlbu.
8itblfttb services Morning and oveuinf Hob
bath Suhool at 1. M Prayer Meeting Wednee
day evening.
Mt. tymnets' Church Catholic Re, p.
J. Hukhidax. Mmi at lot o'clock A. M., on the
first, third and fourth h'undwys or each month.
fiHM or aoi.mia ova rtbb etMtofts corn.
8a ond Monday of January, "
TVrd Monday of Marcb. r
First Monday of Juno.
Fourth Monday of September. -; f
TlHt Or I0LDIM COSMO tlti.
First Monday of June.
Second Monday of November.
rcaito orricaaa. - 1
Pmltttnt tt(fift-Un, Charles A. Meyer,
AAUUI fIt . . . .
Aimttt ..rtJ Aafft-t-llon. Jehi If. Orttr, of
Holleronte. ,
Attotiatt Jl) William fj. Foley, Ctearfisld
John J. Kaad, Curwenevllle. -
JrMkmirv-ll Biooai. -j "
" Jirwittir and Aseereferw.L. J, Morgan - t
aVmI-icI dMmy Frank Fielding, .i
Twmnr David W. Wise.
,SAan Wiltian H. MoPbereon. '
Vfwmtj SarevyirtwSaanuel F. McCloakry, Cur
weniville. Cimnig Cewmiwtoner.--Jobn D. Thnmpeavj,
Cerwcnevtlle t Clark -Brown, Clearfield I Conrad
W. Kylr,Urhanitoo.
fNMf AaJilore Jetnes II. fill, Lumber City;
Lewie C Utowa, Uoaruold j lieary nbtUbead,
Union township.
Jury Cammiionr-3Altl W. Hhugart, Jamej
Mitchell, (Jloarncd.
Superintend! of Public SckooU-John A.
Gregory, Clrnrfletd.
Aofortet "eorie-Jnbti W. Wrlgley, Wm. Fa
debaugh, Cyrua I,. (lord on, Clearfield) Joalab
Kvaoa, Joi. U, lrwia, N, K. Arnold, Cur wait villa (
J. J. Mnr, Kiiimet .anj eri, Oiofola Mill; Jola
atnn HaaiHlun, 1'Ulbtmburg.
'HoriKo (it ocley as a lloro.".
Mr. rowoll.oiNowport, Vcrry county,
)oat ihrco ehitdrun recrnlly, )y the tncarlra.
The Flynn HrotUor&' log drive paKsid
out of Cltarlield r. k into tlio rirar at noon on
Sunday lait. m t m
Jlt'V. llr. llurchflolil, of Curwonavillo,
ooaui'iod i bo pulpit or ihfl l'reabytrriaa Cburob,
in this pljeo, laat Balibath.
ii i i
Soo M. O. ilrown & Hro.'d notice in
reference to new Agricultural implement! in the)
new adrertiMmonta thla weoh.
Divinb Skrvick. Hov. G.V: Iiufter
will prooob in Si. Andrew'a Kplicopal ehnreh od
Bntidny neit, forenoon and evening.
The rcyulnr My torm of tbe Clinton
Cunnty Court eomineuoca at Look Haven, on
Monday, May lOtb, atid will continue three wreka.
Tho citizi'iiH of Klit-nrtliurg, Camlrift
eoiinty, recently rvted on the Water Worka qaea
tion. Tho reault atood 1 1t for to Ii agilnit tbo
improvement. '
WoAlmortiland county i nmking ar
rangonaoata for a grand tcntenaial otlebration of
a deolaration of lndepndnceM which waa ntado
there in May, 1773.
There will bo two or three, hundred
applifatiotif prraentcd to tho nait lijeomiog
Connty Coart for Jkeoae. WiUiamtport furniaLoe
about two-thlrda of the Dumber.
"Jim" Kerr, nt tho old WcMern Ho
tel, has juat received, and la now opening one of
the large and flneat stocks of Spring Clothing
ever brought to tbia place. Cheap, too.
Kx-Govemor iiigler intends to Imve
aa oxeuriion party of prominent New York gen
tlemen rUlt the Centennial ground! tbia week for
tba purpose of a ma ii tig an lacreaaed Interest In
the andertaking.
Lewmtown bfta a hen which laid a
tort of Blamere-twiu egg a few days afooe one of
nearly the usual alie, with a analler one attached
to it. It was worth presetting as a coriaalty, but
was unfortunately broken.
i I iC -
. Tho Town Council of LowUtown baa
paisod an ordiauwa to prcrcnl ball playing la
tba streets of that borough. It aavea wlodow
glais and allows tfie streets to be ared for what
they were intended for, "
be noticed by aa advertisement ia this isioo that
tho oitlians of tbe village of Rewburg, Cheat
townahip, propose to have thimaelve act off and
Incorporated aa a borough,
iosepb Milikon, Khq,, on ot tldold
cat ciliiena of Mifflin county, died suddenly oa
Balurday morning, tho 17th utt at his reeidenee
in Lewlitewa, aged 82 yeara. Mr, MiHikeo was
wetland personally knows to many ofour sititens
e aw
- lit-opENiNO. Julin C. HurwU-U de-
ii res ns to slate that he has agaia commenced
the ma au fact are and sale of Harases, Baddlea,
lit id lea, Ac. at the old stand, la Shaw'a Roar,
Market street, wkert ho solicits a share of pat
ronage, ii a awn
LicrnhkNoticb. Thwaotwrtionwho
design applying for license at our June term of
Court, should understand that la order to giro
tho full time for publication, their petition ahoald
he tied In tbe P rot hone tary's offleo not later than
the 10th day of May.
. "Horace, tirvcley ns a Hero."
e i
The Caokthhip. 'Jho Clinton Denxo-
erof italee that the Naval sadelahip etaminailon
baa been sot by Hen. L. A. Maokey for tbo lth
of May, at Lock Haven. Wo understand that the
siauilnatioa will take place In the pretence only
of tho com mil lee and Mr. Maekey.
of Wm. M. and O. R. Frysinger, publisbera of
Ihe lewiatowa 0serfe has hern dissolved, Ksv,
W. M. retiring. Oeorge R. Is now sole publisher,
with hii father, Geo. Fryslnger, Br., employed as
editor of the political department.
Tor Farmlkb ! Juinea H. Lyllo ia
agent in C lea rite! d county for Cope A Co.'s Bono
Dost and Phosphate of Lime fertilisers. Farmers
con now Improve their worn out and barren land
and causa It to yield largo aod remunerative
rrops. Ulvo these fertilisers a trial.
i p
Moftrtrs. Krntxor k Lytlo have just
received a well selected itook of Pprtng and si
mar goods at their storo, of poll to tbe Opera
Howse, Tbo gooda were stlooted with eepaoial
earn to suit Iho fancy and wants' of the people
In this section of conn try. Call and eiamlno for
Cnuncn Indication. The now
I'nltad Jlrethrea Church, ai Baniiarb, 1a Wood
ward townahip, will he dedicated to Ihe worship
of Uud, on fiunday, Juns Otb, 184. Her. J. A.
Clem, ailated by one or two other ministers, will
eonduet the services. An Invitation la ex tended
It all to he present.
Will not t i-ou I) I o you with many lo.
cala, but will aay tbia t I have everything ia the
line of Dry Qooda, Notlona, Tiltamlega, Millta
ery Goods, Wall Paper, Carpets, Ac, Ac, ant
tbe way ihey are moving off tail 1 flea ta tho fact
that esih prices win every time. Largest as
ortment la tho connty. William Rbbb.
i mm 0
Sunday School Convkntion. Tho
Altoooa listriot M. K. Banday bohooi Coat smtloa
lor mt, will beheld ia thee harsh oftbalsofiloty
In CarwenarlUs, an Tuesday, Wrdoeedey and
Thoraday. the 8th, 0th and 10th days of June. A
general invitation is ex tended to all the frlonda
of Sunday School c to he present oa that otcasioa.
DtATii or ah Oi.n Minhth. Hot.
Jori.b Flow.ra, Malabar f Ih. KrU M. I. On, di al hi. boat, la M.adrill., oa Th.n
da?, April IHb, la th. flat 7t tl hi, mf. Mr.
Flowara waa al on. tlai. Pr...dln, K.d.r ef tba
Car... diatrlct, a.d waa wall fcnowa te aianv .f
ovr rrad.ra. and highly rcaprctad for fell aaan
good aua.itl.a. i t
XoTici I linving dipoM)tl of our
tore to Pow.n A Morgea, wa dwira t. aa.h. a
pMd, aettleaaaai af M, MwoaaU. All pvaaaa, tb.aa.lrM ladrtMd wUI MMpI thM aa a
aollra M eall aad aattl.. On. of Ihe ai.aib.rl of Ika
ro. will he found al Ih eld ateaA tt ta. Mil
nrwaka, . rl.MiiUllO.
Ma, Id. IMa.fl.
Tho South Chicago Tim aoena to be portion
larly eiated oror tharMuJloftbereoaot aanieipol
oloeilon In that onbryo ally. Among tbe auetee
ful eandidatca w aellne the nam of our highly
ateemed young fri4, A. R. Howell, mm of
ei-BLeriff Powell, of tbia borough, who has boea
baiking on tbe abort of Lake Michigan fur Mr
oral yean paaL The Vdttor, la alluding to tho
ana be-up of tbo City Council, aaja i
''Tbe oompoaltloa of the village hoard elect la
oioallent. Tbe faet that Mr. II one wae on both
licktta apeak lufilcieutly for kli ability and popu
larity. Mr. Powell, our own repreMaiattve, la
known to moat or ear reader! aa a young man of
great ability aod eoery. lie baa been managing
1anner in ibia piaoe ivr io yeera nail, for too
argo lumber ftru of Pardee, Cook, itlaiwhard A
Co. 1 he election on Tot-tday ahowa ho popular
he ii In Mouth Chicago, where bo ia beat known.
Dr. llewa ia a pbyeiotan in good praolioe at Home
land, generally nulled ililad bVtilemont. Ue la
a young wan of good parte, act) to aod entorpruv
lag, J. it. Oalbuun ia a land oommiMioaor, wo
Lwlieve, tor tbe illtaote Central Hail road Compa
ny. Ho ia alao a member of tbo ilrdo Park
Board of Education, to wbieh poaitlon bo woo
elected utie year ly a unanimoua vote, Ihu
geotleman would make on ei colli t Proaidonl of
tbo t ill age Couaoih Truman B. Uilwilo ta a
wiiwleoele paper dealrr, a man of great buefaeea
tact, anl eterj inch a genllemaa. Mr. bona lay
la Vieo Prealdeot of Iho tJbieago Roard ol Tradt,
wbieh may be taken aa aa iadwatioa of tho kiad
a man be ia. H ub audi board there la little to
fear from "rioga" ot any kind.
Ibo rrault of Iho lectio atuel bo partioularly
gratifying to tho people of booth tbteago. Last
year ibo eoelk oad ol tho village had not a aingto
repreaeatalivo La tho village eeuarU. Tbia Uioo
thvy will bo reproaenled by two oiecllent ama.
Mr. Powell, for wboae good quelilioe tho people
of Bueth Chicago manlfeated aucb high apnreoia
tloo on oleetton day ; and Dr. llewa from Holland
Setittmaat. Wo art not acquainted with Pr.
Hewa, butlboao who art, apeak of alia la un
qualified tarma of praia.
The Village Clark elect. Mr. 8ooval, f alio
from Iho eoutb oad. Although wo had no rep re -oro
tattoo laat year, although wo had plenty of
taiatioo, while little or no improvements were
mode ia tbia end of tb village. With Mr. Powell
and Dr. llewa to look after oar interests this
year, we expect that many much needed improve-mt-nts
olia.ll go en.
M r. Powell got 148 voters out of SOi votea po lied
In bis ward ia booth Chicago. Ho baa lived hero
about two year a. Wo wib weeotild make friends
us last oa he does, He polled Ibo lergeet veto
waa oa loth tlclicla. Wa oongratulatn Mr.
The compliment paid 41 Lei," as he was famil
iarly united la hit boyhood days, are certainly
gratifying lo bit frlcnda and arc, no doubt,
worthily earned. We notice by the returaa that
their aggregate vote wac almoat 1,400, aaarly 70
per tent, mora than It waa two yeara ago, show
ing foncluiively that Hoolh Chicago ia rereading.
"Horace (ireoluv m Huro." - ,
Rev, O. T. Stkck'b JjRcrr re-. There
waa conreaed in tbe Opera llooae, laat oveaing,
one of the moit Intelligent and appreciative, aa
well as critical audiences, of which A I toon a ean
boast, lo listen to tba lecture of Her. C. T. Bteck
"Horace Orceley as a Hero." It waa tbe aec
ond time we heard tt, and we were somewhat
fearful left oar high enoominma, pronounced upon
ita Brat delivery bere, might hare been over
wrought t hut we found that e were like gueen
Esther, who had Journeyed to King Bolunon'a
court to eee fur btraclf tba splendor of bis temple
and test the wisdom which was ascribed to htm
and were compelled t exclaim that the half had
not been told.
We wrote whet we believed, that no inch eulogy
bad over been wroaoomwd anon anv of our treat
slateamen or heroes, nut eiceptlng lh "Father
of bis Country," whoso gnd-liko attributes had
lam unaer eon trt button the aluqaenet of a world j
ana we uave tounu no reason lo change our een
vietions, for wo bars found our own views uul
vcrsally seconded by intelligent ladies and goa
lie won with whom we have conversed. The lec
ture ia what we stvled It. ia sluublr. eouiiw-ehea
alvo phrase, truly grand a matter picos of literary
composition, a mosaic of suhltme ideas, a apeei
mca of word painting, ia which there is a truly
artntic and beautiful bleudiug of tbe real witb
tbe ideal tbo whole attractive by the matehkss
elocution and rhetoric witb wbieh it was clothed
snd presented to ths audience.
During ita delivery tba people aal spell bound
the highest token of appreciation tbev could
gha except when seme peculiar outburst of
vluqueocc, or ionic lieautifnl idea drew forth their
plaudits. Those who were nreeeut cniuved one
of the richest treats of I heir lives those who
were aol, missed an intellectual nleaiuro which It
Is tbe pririlege bat seldom lo enjoy .AUomm
Rev. Bteok will deliver this fatuous lecture In
Pie's Opera Ilansc, on Tuesday evening next,
March Ilth, for Ibo benefit of the Lutheran
Church of Clear Held. Admission 15 aud 60 cents.
Tickets for sale at tba Poslofflee.
"Horace Greeley aa a Hero."
- - - - i mt -
For the Girls. An exchange wvya
that loag dresses art aa great a desire lo balf
growa miiaoa as an tbo ftrat pair of boats ar a
mt with a toil to It a b?. Oa Monday fore
aooa a cenplo of young girls, who bad searoel
entered their teens, managed to array tbomselvco
la the coveted apparel, and after many bashful
aassays at tbe garden gate they Anally ventured
upoa the street and indulged in a little promenade,
up aad dowa. It was amusing to observa too
airs of conscious womanhood they gra them
selves aod tba many effort they made to keep
from stumbling over tho trails which would got
tangled In their feet Ah, girls I tho time for
these airs will eomt too soon. Be happy In the
Innocent enjoyment of your sports of ohlldhood
while yon may, for It will probably prove to bo
the happiest period of aH your lives.
HU8INEH8. AhoUt tweilty-flvoofourt
exebenges daring the pact few weeks contained I
. ;
ton tiem I
"Twenty-ilx Ibeneaod, Are hundred and forty
Ions of eoal passed ever the Tyrone aad Clear! eld
railroad during tbe work ending Katarday, April
lOtb. The largest week's work since tbcerectioa
or too read.
This Is aotbing. Let the strikers go to work,
and tbe "Government" remove tbe panic by sot
ting a good example la the curtail meat of ox-
peBsee, aad la six months wa will ship three
times that amouat from Ihe oastera portion of
this county, aod aa equal amount from the west-
era and northern sections by tbe Low tirade
road. Tbe capitalist, aad the laboring maa who
expects lo belter his condition by going Weal ar
flout k will discover his mistake la a few years,
ahoald be live that long. The prospects la no
section of tho I nlea are ea bright aa aar own.
DiHMiLVED. The patrons of Metwra.
Arnold A Hartibora, of Cerwensville, will ob
serve, fay a notice published In our advertising
columns, that n (.isaolatlea has taken place to ih
afore (rude e7y. These g"Btlemon have made for
themselves excellent business reputations and dw
serve a liberal -hare of public patronage la what
ever puriults they may engage. Rusoess to both.
Mr. N. B. Arnold will continue tbe business.
He was educated for the trade under one of tbe
best teachers fa theaouaty and most Mtoreed,
less ha discard! all example. ' , ' . i t
mm-m- mm
Nor Trui. The Huntingdon Local
fleara says : "frank fielding was found guilty
or breaking late Bummers A Ce.'i store, i this
place, and was sentenced to pay f 10 floe, costs,
nnd undergo two yean Imprlsionmeat In the
Western Penitentiary.
Not a word of It true. Frank Is our District
Attorney aad hat aa nest door ta at. He
is as busy as a nailer getting ready ta wad a lot
of fellows to the place tadlcatod by the tbe Lot ml.
The Court has been Imposed upon, tt Is some
other Individual.
"Horace Greeley at a Hero."
Westward, Ho I Tho Cambria
F r earns a, says i
"California has recently received aeoeesione to
its population la tho persona af thirteen young
mea from Conemaugb and Hloblaad townships,
this county, alt reeled hither, aa doubt, by the
enticing hallucination that "far elf ha Ida are
People will go West, wbethar It bet tan thai,
condition ar aot. Three. fourths ef these mov
mints are failuraa.
The Dcllt'ibnte RrvMcan. in all ml-
ing t. a rernrr eil.a.a ef Kertbaot, aaja i "Mr.
Rubart lleiaea, of fnow Bhoe, ia ooo .f tb. f r,
few landlord! in tbia .aantjr, who baa aol appllrd
for lloann. M. H. ..." did real' aalliog taa
ardcal, ht whan 11 MOiaa I. a good leble
and hraping ena of taa ' far, hll hotola .. Ibo
ounuly, h. la thrra aver llaar. Rom. m.a eaaaot
harp a good hotel without Honor, bul ha eaa.
Put Awat Vw C'onciald Wkai
exi. P.raona .be bav. kern in the habit f car pillola, raiorr, dirk kaivta, aling ahota and
all otbar daaerlplioaa of eobaaalrd r dangepa.1
w.apom, will de wall to leare than al homa la
the future. The aaw law aiakrl It. aiiadaaiaaner
I. oarrf Ihaai aad, npoa .oavlalloa, iaipoaaa a
An. t not baa than tauO .ad M teprieeaaioat of
aM ujiira thaa aae jaar, or either, or bf h, at the
diaeretloa of tba Coart, of anv peraon ae otfrhdltig.
Piatii or Mr. PiunraoN. Wo lonrn
that Joha Fergaioa, LraiMl, M Lumbar Cite,
bat lalalr ef Lock port. Clutea t..t7. died
lharaea tba IU laat.. aged 74 jreara. HU re
ai.Ui. fiM4 Umgh Ihia ,1m. wa Mmad.,
iiht lur InteroMl al Laaaaer Clip, la lb. !
elnl.p of hkb aaarl; all kli ralatlrH reilde.
e waa a reprweatallr, of an. ef the Mdert aad
eat aaaraawal fallla wbieh Kttkd ta thla
ombi abawl aariaip rear. eg, ft " ' J
' r ear r '-, ' .
Collirowood Bp.ard.-A Urge atock
of Cel.lngweod Rraad Alpaeaa al paab) pram, al
Rralaar A LpUa'a Mm.
"Hnrmr1 Orwilcjr Hero."
PrilLU'aBCRU' JotRtAUBMb. -W-Tli
mail train aorta ran over a oaw at buabar on
, TtmWtrike ksa cut 4a ibrilrtil lJat
oi our uiauaa aoow ninety per oouu
One of the apoclal policemen at the M err ia Jala
Mines loot Bis gun, ana is ottering a reward lor
tne roiurn oi it.
The Governor has sppolated Owe Hancock,
Rq , a Notary Public ol the Commonwealth of
renaayivania, lor tnis piaoe, ana Be has moo au-
ly oowmlssionod aad sworn.
fiDeeleUog iho fte; of coal
lanoa, anova ttoutaaaie, n oniric to, nave ait-
covered a aii-fuot vein of coal upon it, twenty-
avo leet above water level, a abort dUtanco from
tho shaft which they eunk lo tho six fool vein ly
ing Illy-iwo foot below water level.
Xfngi Parke, State Organiser of the Miners'
National Association, tba leader of the strike in
this region, was arretted at Sterling nstool an
Wednesday moroiog, by Cepeaia Clarky of ibo
t ultra force, aad taken to Clearfield la tbe eo
ooae of Ihe local freight W hen Ihn train ar
rived at til) p1r b jumted f rwar tH enbonto
and drawings pistol declared thai th arst man
who attempted te take him was a dead man. ru
stic! j the six policemen, who bad accoiupaniad
him fos fcarKk fricada would attempt to rescue
aha, drew rhetr pistols aad do od on blm, when
ho eurreadored at diseretioa. Ha waa placed oa
board Ibo train, followed by aevoral minora who
baa come In oa h local ds train. The in allied
Bpon riding to Cloarleld with him In the oabooae,
which was coalrary to the regulations of Ibo rail
road oompauy, and tbey were obliged lo wait for
the acit train. From thla point C.ut.QJarh aad
uiuer uviiraiain uwuwpure Bin ro irw
leld, the other police men returning; to Ilcutsdalc.
Tbe arrest of Parks, for the alleged atieraaoo ef
threats on this occasion, gave rise lo considerable
feeling, and It ia reported that throats ware made
against Capt. Clark, but as Parka was released oa
bail aod relumed to Houtsdalo oa Thursday, tho
weiiag suoildea.
uame Lawo 'llioi-o is no law so
quickly forgotten as tho game law. Following
is a inori summary i
1. No nigbtbawk, whipporwlll, sparrow, thrush,
larh, snob, martia, awsitow. wotMlpeekat, Atckef,
roUuurioic, rood bird, -tanaoor. oadar buoyant
nird, or olber iaaocliterous birda ean bo shot or
killed at any time of tbo year, under a fine of Ire
1. I'heaaanta, squirrels, plover and rewd birds
cannot be abet awtwrea Juaury I icfiaWr
1 partridges kotweorr Jawuary I otid Nuoambor
1 woodcock beiween January I and July 4 ; aad
rabbits betwevw January 1 and October I, nor at
any time to bo hunted with ferrets, under a pea-
ilty of ten dollaro.
3. No pheasant, partridge, woodcock or rood
bird is allowed to be taken by means of any blind,
trap, snare, net or derico whatever under a pea
ally of ten dollars.
N'e person ean bay gaatejunt of etsseot por
eeasiwa beiag pt Vswairitf 4r1K'Be-idcr, yank
ally of teu dultars.
. Bhooling or hunting on Sunday Is prohibited
under a penalty of from ten lo twcniy-Ove dollars.
., . - m .-
"Horaco Greeley aa a Hero." o
Kicked by a Horde. On Thumlny
f la it week, aa Mr. A. Bonnet1, of thta place was
leading a horse from Fulton Brothers' shop, tbo
bone commenced playing, and having too much
rope, wheeled around and kicked Mr. B. oa tba
nrck and face, breaking his collar bone, cutting
bis fare severely, and stunning him lo such an
extent that ho fell to tho ground, where he. re
mained in nn imconcpieu and helplena condition
until Mr. 11. Turrenoe and seme other gentlemen
eame to his rescue and aaaiated him ia gelling up
and ururied him to hi homo.r-(7c"o Jorfooriia
, 4- , mm 4 ft i
'HaimioaO rAct-inENr. Wo leurn m-
cldenlally that Mr. John O'Nell, of Altoona, and
a paasengar en Ihe mail train north, on Monday
forenoon, obile attempting to get on Ihe train
whm la m.illon, at Snody Bl 'laiaaail kli hold ;
and fell la such a manner aa tn allow bis left
band la get bcBeath the ear wbor which maagktd
it fearfully. It was thoogtlt that th Injured
member would hare to ha ampuUtcd,
i mm e mm )
Rk-elected. The School )iroct)rB,
Coasaatioa mot yesterday and re rooted J, A.
(Irogory County 8uperintendent for three years.
The vote atood aa fallows t
J. A. Oregory
J. F. Mcheorick
. 9
Tbe salary was reduced from $l,2M to $1,000
per annum.
Washington iron Work have heen
leased by Jaouh Yearlek of Nillany for two years
from the Drat of May. He baa taken Immediate
poamrion, having taken charge on Monday.
Ihe works will perhaps be stopped a little to atock
up, which will not take long, and then it Is said
tbey will tmmwm briskly, ike lease laclodee all
tba slock and 6x1 ores held by the old company,
and some 7,600 acres of land. Ctimtom IMmocrnt.
Lint of letter remaining iiiielitiinvd
ia the Postflffion at Clearfield, for the weak ending
ah, mio ; ...
Harlo, William
U ear hart, Peter
(lardner, J. P. .
Haines, Miss Borah
K 00101 Jacob
Kriner, Elmira
Ljllick, A I Jura "
KebkMm, Harsh
Koogb, Mr. H.
Hpancer, R. W.
Walker, J.
Wilson, Bamael
Witebev, Rom .
Yose, f.iiilc ' ' '
"Horoe Greeley an a IIoiu"
Paixts. Pare naints, oils, turneotlne and var-
niahea of aH kind, for tale cheap at
may5-4t A. I. Pbaw'b.
Day your fflothlng at A. aniaabwrg's aaa-ar tea
Is aa Alpaca. It If acknowledged the bast
goods ta Iho market. We nave bought largely
aod are prepared te retail It-al wholeaale nrioea.
Udi" ' ' alpaca droi. wHI do well
V w!iD " T A' Co hot '"I
elaenhcre, as we are determined to sell vheap, for
a . . i . , i ,
fiTXTiowxBT. A lot of loo stationery, so el
eiee, writing papers, li.ks, pens, blank hooks,
deeds, Ac, at very reasonable rates, at ,
At A. (luiniburg'e yua can buy a fall Spring
Suit at from ftv.Ov ap to $24.00. f
New Good a. New fjooda, at
Flkce A Co.'s,
If you want Ine rases or mantel amamtntx at
aoit, sail at A , Bbaw's. h p j j p
At A. Huinsburg's you can bay Boy's Clothing
rum 5.0 to flc.liu per suit. . .
Owing to the great rush al T. A. Fleck A Ca.'e
aheap oesh store, they have been compelled to
send for the second large slock of Millinery fjooda.
Our Trimmer la now in I'hiladetphia, and ea next
Wednesday, May 15th, we will be receiving the
Inert amort meat of Millinery Uoodsovor brought
mi iuia town, aii ine novelties oi ine season.
Fine pattern Hats nnd Boeraois, French Chips,
tine Leghorn Hals, Children's Hals in great va
riety, i'urquoia fctlka la all tbo new aad taakioa.
able shades. Large assortment of Ribbons.
Fine French f lowers a specialty. Ornaments
of every decor ir"..n lor Hats and Bonnets,
ecarfs, Hcrls, in all tbe now dssigna. All of
toe above named gooda will be sold al prices to
soil tbe lines. Wo are determined to keep up to
the styles. Trimming done on tbo ahortest notice
T, A. fLaci Ue.'i
For para drogi aad patant aaadieln.1, .all al
aa?4.l A. I. BaaWa.
For tal. at f-haw'1 Dru. 8tora th but a.d parruinM aa. aalr otla I. towa. 41
A. t. "haw la aallin. of th. nmalodrror bla
Hook .1 aolidar govda ai ooaU agv.4l
O.RBiAaae ... bueuiaa Pon .ai.a. Half a
doian newand aeoond-band buggleraadoarriagoa
rar aaia, a. eaoeaaingi. i.w prieaa
pr. 20-aia. jawai l. Laarr.
Iloaaaa .an llanaaaa von Salb The aader.
.all very eke ft auatbar ef honm aud . i..b.r
..ta of b.rn.M. Jaaaa L. Lnarr.
Apr. .
Oam' Frameaia. alMtna. A full Una luat re.
aalvrd al . Sa.w.ra', Pie'a Opera lloaa
flHRTSI fllltKlflll BIIJRTS'II
FhM thleta, raae RhlrU, Oteaa IhlrU, la:
oj .or ..are..r ... oam. a io i
iral.r L.Ealth A C.'e eelrbratml "gnaj
' AnePhirtf. paer.. ordar eVpaiawawtTl.
I guarantee.. ' . J Jjdtwwfcera. I
krr City" ii
A good tt
- IVli'"1 n vKf llouao.
fadla lluu, Bilk, 8amean Merloc aad Llel.
Thread Uader Hblrla. ' Ala., heat quality ar Jea.
Drawer., .t Sbowera' b Pi. 'a Open Hoaee. -
C.Murt, ColTa, Tlea, flowa, Hanilk.rrbl.N, Hut-'
peailan, eioeei. Half IIom, Aa Ae.,1. prim .ad
finality to aait all at Bnowaua' J d
api'e , r w M-a. Aipera hobm.
Bllppera, far ladlee, wiUae. aad eklldrea, a In.
variety, Juat op.uing at Pbowbhb',
apias , PU'a Opera Houm.
Call aad eee Ine "Naidleh" Ladlee' O.ller, a
new abM, .quel to tbe beat meke.
7 J.0. flwowuRe,
pill Pia aJJj..ra ll.aae.
A laree larolr. ef Root, and Bboea for ai
aad boya, for ladiee, mlaaea and eblldren, for eld
aad yeeef , fer the rich aad pear, hr wide ad
aarrow fMt. O.od nd bad ahoea, b.ndaeea..nd
naighlly abeea, a. cheap .a the "law allewa." Il
ta Mir p.rfM aet ia e. unaereeid.
a ' ' J. B. Mtwaan, '
aplji Pie', Opere llo.M.
A .hole. Haw ef Ratera, felt Bad rVeel Hata,
Jaatepeaed. Alee, . very large etoek af ,
gooda, ready ror tne num.
Ila.leg oMaaltabed a twpatathal la thla do
p.rtm.nt II will b nnr aim tn keep it up by offer
ing every article we wrll al wnprredentdlT row
gem. 1. B. BII0WXR8.
apl II Pie Opm NH, ,
' The Cwahtnaial RmiA or OemwiNleeere go
elre. a htm tmt Aaaartaeai hat, wp, weot, fWM,
eat feMC rarwlahtag aeer. .a eabtWtVew, and
ef ear aeeadrnf O...IM ' la tree. Hew Mea.d lo
maa. a Mheetiow, an deteraalaed e. ra 1.70
t. ah. IthlaHI.. hedldlag Ike aeer. 1 '
April 14, M7. ' tMoubwjr..'
Haiti a. M. M'awally', adrtrtlaeawal I re
gard l. Life - aeglMy
MiLLiaaar Qooua-A Sraom.TV.-wOa Trlday,
May, Tth, 187&, I will rotura from Philailelphia,
with a full well selected Uno of Bamuer Milliuory
Uoods, con slating of the awsil alylo Paris Pat
tern Bonnets, Ifats, Ribbons, Ac, togeibur witb
all Iheaovoltios of tho aoaaoo. All "Millinery
Ueoda" bought bofvo tho Aral of May are hut
fa hi unable Bummer stylos and unreliable for the
season i therefore, persons buying from my stock
caa re) von tbeen being tba beat Mr lee, as to priest,
for an mo quality af goods. 1 defy competition, aa
I bay and soil for cash and not on long credit and
have all advantages In buslneia, for selling at low
prices, audi which I Intend giving my customer
theadvaauga of Ibis season. ioat mil la at
laaat call and sea soy goods, before yua huy, .
April 27, II7J 3L Mas. T. E. Watso.i,
Peter Me(l verge- can sell you boots, shoes, hats
and asps at auohj prices thai will astouUh you.
Call and sea for yourself tofWt purnhaaing else
where. 'I i!. ' r- o--T-i 'if,.- . .j .
-Youena buy FerbioV driving booti at
, ... , . . PKTKH MoUEOROK'.
You can hay Elmira calf ahoea Tor $3 at ' 1
..i ) PKXalH MetiKORtlE'S.
Truahs and valises, cheap for eaafa at
The late it ejyle of hats and caps, ehenn lor
caaaal ( f t. , , pbTKR MviJKOKUK'R,
Taia ! Pala !1 Oh, how painful to wear chocs
that plaeh yoar cores ! Uet a pair that Bts all,
overand sonoaca aa a bore at i -
..,:., : I'KTtK NuUbOUtiK'B.
Dux Alexia will again -visit Amerioa this
spriag, solely lo purchase a stack of boot a and
shoes, bats nut) caps and genu' furoiikiag goods
irom rbiKH houhvuuk,
Im 1,0 pwmit (l, lor wlilo lb. hiib.K
market irlM will b. pd. Citl on or .-larwi
CnrrairUkKjirV, Apr. T, In t 1
U.otuur fil.U P.Utl, for piloting bout.1 1&
Id. nd oatiiile CottAgei, Virn iFuildin,., Ao.
Ileialifalt diirl, ud Mubonic. . Uro.nd Itt
II. t. Bioi.ii Co.
I.Ain PLirrK..-A c.r food of lluatingdon
CI.I1IJ, K.rrli S, ial.-2no. . . .
CatL aa 1. M. M'RnallT and art vour life la.
sored In tbo Old Continental Life Ininranoe Com -
panyof llarifordfCoon. . , aaglt-lj
; ' '.'CAUTION. . -We
hare for the la it three yeara been rending
out i ample bottloaof Ruucnaa'a II a a n ah rSrntr
for otnigha, eolda, oonaamptlon, and all diseases
of tho throat and lungs. We now And other par
ties advertising sample bottle In tbe same way.
All wo have seen of these little earn pie bottles
contain other aa chloroform, intended only to dry
up n cough fur a day or twa. He careful to call
for noSL'lll(fc"S UKRMAN RYRl'P,wbiahouo
tains no ether, chloroform or opium, bot the ee
erst of Its sueeess la In a Uertnan extract of tbe
active principles ef (Jam Arabia, aod physicians
buy our medicines and use It in their practice sno-
eofsfnlly. Sold by 0. t. Wntson, Clearfield, Pa
alava You Djanepkla, with Iti Ira I a of die-
orders, bil)DasnAss,oonatipation, water-braah.loas
of appetite, headache, dietren ner eating, Ac
If ee, goto 0, 1). Watson, Uruggial, and gat a
hii- n rv..... ii -. i . i ' ... t i. i
well. It arte as no ether medicine ever did '
and sura relief la guaranteed In every case where
mreeiioBs are loltowod, it tones up ue stomaek,
restores the natural appetite, elrmgtbeua the
weak, and as a liver regulator it bus no equal. A
Clergyman af Philadelphia oar -It ll the very
found alien Of health," Te all who are suffering
from a disordered stomach or liver, wo say try it.
A few doses will relieve and a little perseverance
uure too worei aasce. i rial also iu ceate. hold
aim br P. Curie A Co.. Wllliamierov i T. H.
Forcer, tirahamton, and P. Mojer, Kylortowa,
mcblieowly ,
New ryle collars and outTf at T. A. Fleck A Ue'e.
While goods al T. A Vleek A Co'a. ;
Uaderwear for ladies at T. A. Fle-k A Co'a.
Millinery goods.all kindi, cheap at T. A. Fleck
A Co'a. .
Trimmed baU and bonnets at T. A. Flock A Ce'i
New embroideries for sale nt T. A. Flick A Co'a
Vow dress goods at Flack, A Ce's.
EilkR, eilka, cheap at Fleek A tV. '
Calicos and muslins very low at Fleck A Ce's
Black alpacas, very good for 24 sects at T. A.
Fleck A Ca'a.
Nice (bawls for $1 at T. A. Fleck A Co'a. .
Moaraiug goods a specialty at Fleck A Ce's.
Ladies hose furl aad It eeata, worth mora'
money nt Fleck A Ce's. . , j
Alfaau aH prion .1 T. A. fink A Oo'o. .
Haw kid f I.IH at t. A. Hack A Oo'l.
P.realaa and whiuplqaa at Fleek A Co'a.
Pwmaola, .fall at riaak A C.'a.
Th. dor.roor af Mftina-hM bauud bla proal.
BUli.a te .11 fornar oiuaoaa f that Huta, now i.
Cloarnald C, Pa t. t ono. report for tbair
tapp.7 of bat a, Mpa, boot, and abo... and furnt.b.
ia, twdaal PKfKH MctjtOKIlE d.
A Ura. aaaoruMaat of Waldo U . ClaAin'a boot,
aboaa aad (aiura at PKTKU MoUKOHUK'B.
0a TaeidV. Maroh (lb, 18T1, by IKr. VT. 8.
HauLia, Mr. 1IKMIY KNVDEIl, of Pike towa
hip, aad Mi.. LIXINDA K. McQKILKlN, of
vbeH townahip. -
6n Saturday, April lttb, I8T5, by Rar. W. 8
H.ULia, Mr. KR'UAKI) lll.At'KIUIRN.of Burn
aide, and Mlaa MAUUIK t). PAHSONH, of Ulan
At Cle.ra.ld, P..,oa Taaaday, April Jetb, H7S,
by Wa. Ponv.a, Km., Mr. ALithil IILUUM, of
Pike u.wnahlp, and Alia. MZKIU WEAVER, of
nieea. lownenip. . "
At C.rweaivllle, Pa., oa Thurrdar, April lid,
..ia, dj wa., nra., air. JUII LAfln.
of CleMHeid oaunly.
0a Moaday, April Mth, l7j, by In. W. W.
Raa.a, Mr. JAUK8 An.lCRUH and Miaa
HAII1 A. SMITH, both of Ulearield Many.
At the L.l her.. PaeeoBBf., L.therahurg, P..,
by K.v. K. Mtauaa, Mr. likNRV 8ALAUA and
MARY C.UKH.Sl.UKH,bothofllradv townahin.
Clearfield eoanty. .
At the reeid.nee of Jon. Nkwcobbr. In New
naaningwn, ra., en rrmnraday, April Iffth,
187t, by Joaa P., K,., Mr. Al.l.CN
JIOORK, of FrrauM. toWMhlp, and Mlaa AUA
USH NEvruuMKIl, of il.ll townahip. I .
At tbe realdr.ii. .f th. brid.'t mollier, In Clear
Held, I'a., m Wadn.a.ay, April Jhlh. IH7.. by
and Mln JUIISKI-tl INK il. WELSH, both of
Ulearlold, r.. - - -
- - . 7
fn Lawrt-nca to.n.blp, April 10th, 107ft. 8IN
8ANNA11 M. RnWI.K., ag.d l yoarl and J3
d.ya. v-
Al Mo.haanon, Pa, mi Tbwriday, April 13d,
Mr. ADAM Mcl'IIKRAN, .(.d Si ......
Pennsylvania ltallroad
OK and aftor Mnaday, ROV. IS, 1871, the
Paaaeagar Traiaa will r.a daily (aaoent Bun-
d.ya) batweea Tyrone and Clearfield, ae follow.
vr. o. Ih.i., conauoi...
Clearfield- 1.40, p. w,
Tyroaa 9.00,A.I
Oeeeol.......,..l., "
Philip.larg...o IS,
Ctoailleld I .., '
Phllipabarg 4.51, "
Oaceola 4.4), '
Tyron...i .,
W. B. Pt,aaiaaa, CedMlar.
Clearfield 4 IS A. a
Tyrone r.n,
Intneeetloa...r.n "
Ow.ola. ...... .1.1,
Pblllp.barg...a.SI '
Phillpabar... .1 "
Oaceola. t.4 "
Inteneetioa.. fi.41 "
Tyrone.. AM 11
Mixed Trein,
Cinein'ti Expreaa,
Paclfle Kiprcaa,
A a
Paeifio Kxnreea, 8:17
Ilarriabnrg Aoc'm, 7:04
4 11
i i ' ' 'I .
r a
r a
Mall Trele,
Atlaatlo Kinreaa, 0:64
Way Paaaenger,
Mell Traia, . ,
1'bil. da Eipreea, 10 U!
raet ijine,
Tb. eaakee eleea ennaeotlen with Atlaalie
F.tpreaaeaat at 0:4ac arriving at llarriebarg at
u:ue r. m. ana at I niiaacipnia at ii:iv a. a.; and
with Mall writ at 0:41, arriving at Alloonaat 7:26
r. at. and at Pilteburb al 1:10 a. a. The El
preee ...nMII with Paelile Eipreea cat at 8:17
a. w ., arriving at iiarriauurg ai iroe a. a. and at
Philadelphia at 4 15 r. u I aad with P.olSc (i
preae weal at k:4 .. a., arriving at Altoona at
0 A, a. Bad Pllt. burgh al S CO r. a. Leaving
r-niiageipnia ea ine ratine etipreae at 1 1 :,a p. a.
ar Ihe Mall al 8:00 A.a.l .nil Pllltbargh na At
laatia Rapreea at 1:10 p. a. or Pacific Eipreaa at
8:10 A. a., m.k, aloe, eoaneelloa at Tyron. with
traiaa for Clearfleld.
N. B. The Mail train arrlrra al Cnrwraa
vllle at 11:S A. a., and leevea Carweaavlll. al
8:00 r. nr. The lipreaa arrival at eaiae plao. .1
9:60 p. at., ramaialng 10 atlnntea, retaralng to
Olearlied, leavea Clcrflald for Tyroao at 4:16 A. a.
KARH khom clkarfjeld, to
Ballefnt., Pa II ts
Mlddletewa ft 01 , M
lM.eeeter I 16
Lech Haven f 70
Wltnaaeepert ,. I ft.
Itwwllagwea 00
Lewiatewn. ,.,M I
M.ryMlH.-... H
Allee.... ........,
Je.eiewa. ao
PITTABima . . ta
OIm. mmUoa. a. ode hy Ml Iraia. at Tyro..
iJ LaBaaSl lleaaraaam
'"' a. a. tArtt,
1 rgrw jatofrtistmrnK.--11
iiv ,
Arnold A Hartshorn.
JOO.(XH) SIMucb Mvt4 MiIukIm.
Parties having long ShingUa or Wool (or eitb j
) will do-all lo call on me. The highest mar-
kl prie. mitl at ill tlmrs.
AIM, . full and complt-la atock of ' "' '
! ; ; HATS &. CAPS, : ;
I ' '.i- .,t . ' '
wbieh will bo acid at reasonable prioas, or as
changed for shiagles or wool.
Curwenirllle, May 5, Wl,
Llat of Causes act down for trial at a Court
oi Common Pleas, to comtnence on the ilth Moa
day, the Jin ef May, A. P. 187: '
Fryer Admr.M
re Riahel et at.
va Tyler
ts Ahcy.. ,, ,
Yf Thoinpso.
vs Mck.
VS Leola.
vs Hoekeaherr) ,
vs Morreil at al.
Hwuoto'e Kir
Barai(jy ,,.
Chase '
1 IeBeok.
Hwarts ....
Brio her,
Bvers. M
Kelly's helra.M
Jonoa .,..,MM.
Nurria v
va Uosa.
....... vs Byera.
vs llarter. 1
ra Motihea.
vs Hoboonovsr. i
vs Neepcr.
vs Pie.
.....I vs UaJlaglier. '
va Howo, , -vs
Hoover, -
List of "bort" ceases set down for trial at
June Term, eommrnring oa the 1st Moaday, 7tb
day ef June, A. I), IBT4
rtnar ubbk.
, t Caldwell. '
... ve Irvln.
ve Weld, i ; .
, re l'ubroc.
vs Hams. ' ',
.t vs Erhttrd,
... vs Boworiog.
rs W eston,
vs Kehn.
i va Kliirey. ' ' ; -;
vs VanUrabeat.
vs Lowry. '
vs Stciuerat al.
v a Arthurs. .
i Jrer...
i 1 "t"r '
! -01'r
j !
i Uaibrla...
. n..
Itaaoom ,
Arthurs ,
Albert BmMm,,.,.,,
lit Nat'l Bank...,
vs King et al. '
vs Jov et al., ;
vs Knupp.
va Ilealy et al.
Vs BIom.
vs Finney.
vs Miller.
Murray ot al
Hale.., ,.,
va Goahen townshii
vs Smith.
rs Lacbet et al.
vs Howe,
rs HoBeck.
vi Mitchell.
Graham Bcboal Buard...
vs W tllbclm's a.linr.
ve Bottom at si.
HoiicrfT et aU...
Cheat Bridge Assoc! u...
vs livers.
vs Lines.
Valuable Coal & Tlmlior Land, i
Mr Tirtu. of an ordar of th. Orttliana' Court mf i
' Clearfield county, tn na directed, there will be ex
Lpf.ard to public sale, at the Court 11 cut e, In the
vurengn ei Vioamsifl, OB
at S o'elork p. tn., all that certain Irael of land.
iiuai. in anoi inwnantp, uirerncld oounty, 1'..,
bbundrd ead dooeribed ea follewa, fit t
On tbe aorta by Ihe iaaee MeKeo lloaieito.d
Farm, on tbe .eat by I..4. ef Jhu M. t'h.M, on
tbe aoath by land, of Joeeph Beat and .then and
on Ihe by Cltarlield ereak, land, of the ee
leta of Dr. llouta anil othrra, euolaiaing IU
.area and allewanea. with about II. eereeoleared,
and be. ing a good tw.-eiory log home, orehard
and elfaar inproreniMte thereon. Tbe Ian it hj
good for farming purpowa, with .qu.ntityof
pin., oak .nd beuleok limber therrnn, and ia un
derlaid witb 0o.l, being aituated in tbe great vmU
. Alio, one athar Irei-I af land, aiimt. In. ih
lewn.hip aforraaid. bounded by lamia or llrl.bin 1 piOLLlNUWOOD BRAND.
A Miller, John D. Coder, Agnea Roblnroa, V
ofaaid Irau MaK.', eetata and otbere, contain. . . .
Ing 11 Mroa and lit perrhn, aad belnga partlATEW OPENING
of. lrMtw.rr.ated in Ihe aemo .f BenjanTln ( 1 wrt.nimva.
Poultnoy. Thla lend ia w.ll auitad for raramg ( v . .
parpMM, baa . large qaantlly of pine, oak and ; ',
hrmlMk limbar tbarwua, nnd ia iltualed lalhet !
great Mnl baaia. , j: . j , i - .
Tanua or Halb. Tea per cent, when the pre. 1
party il knocked down, Ihe remainder of one.
third at .ennreaatien offtake .ud the belano. la.
eqn.1 payment, el on. and Iw. yeara, with later. I
eat, to be aecured hy hood and arurtgag. oa tb.
promleee. '
" J. IN YIN MrltlR, i'
apua 41 i , Tr
Joeeph AmDaarman I
ee V Wbereu, th. ander. )
Margaret Aam.rioaa J algaed haa rreelted a
enmmia.ion, taaulng out of Ihe Court of Common
Pleee of Cle.rt.ld eoanty, la the Rate of Pena-!
aylrenia, .ud . hiaa dlreelod, for Iho eiemina-1
tion of witaeaaoa 1. a certain eauae depending,
between Joaepb Ammevmaa, librllant, .nd Mar- j
garet Ammerman, napondent. Theee .re to give
notlee tbel I will eaerute tbe ".Id oommlaalon oa
behalf of the Plalatilf and Defeailant, at my ej
Dre la Clearfield, on lheJ21h day ol May, A. D.I
1876, at 10 a. ., whea Bnd where all partioe in ' aea attend. 11 W. 8.MITH,
epU.-Zt .. Coamiaeiouer. i
Ihe uadureiiraod, determined lo reduce .look 1
and material, pnipoooe ladi.poae er, at caeeeding i
low retM, a nurabor of j
I mb inpply partlca with either new nr eeeond
hud e.rri.gce, bugglee, or wagoua,a f.bBloualy
low prleM. Uorees old and young, .nd ham...
t. match. ParllM in awd of aitb.r cannot buy
tbcm aa cheaply anywhere elac.
Clearfield, April 19, I876..lf
la Ih. matter of thl ) la the Orphana' Court
oataUol David Dloom, ef I laart.ld Coanty.
d-caeed. J (
The nndenignad Auditor, .ppolnlnl by the
rnlirt todi.trll.iile th, ti.- mill. hin;l! f Ihe
Admlnletraoor of ..Id Mtale. henby glvea notlo.
thai ho will .ItrBd tolh. dutlMof hia anpeiot-i
mint nt hla ndt. In Clearfleld, on Thuradev, lb.
mth day of Mey, 175, at 1. o'clock, A. M .wben
aa. where .11 partlca luiermted may attrmt if
they ace proper. WM. M. MeCl'LLOUOIf,
April, , 1876-41. Auditor.
AraoM'. Hall, la Caiwenaville. aa. alekl mt
week, oa tarma. Heating Mpaeity,
cOO) aUge, laxlOf drop eurleio all euinplete.
Ale., I fin. noma on eeeond floor, 10x10, auiu
bl. for ofnoee, fronUng sa Mala atreat. for lur
Ibar partieulaiaaddrcM ,
' Cnrwenavlll,, April 7, H74. 8m
The aaderaigned. having determined ee ehenn.
hia buainoaa, oU.ra for aala bl. Mimi. Tuola. Aa..
eon.l.ling of two new portable Purgca, wilh all
neeeaaary toeltand tmtiUmenta.of ihe end
leo.t luipnaved bind in aa or to be f.aml ia tbe
beat (Smith abopa. Alei, large o.nenlily ef
linrae Hhoea and Iron op hand.
Tba Kcalloe ef thia aland haa a great mlrnn
tage aver .11 .then. Being ettuated o. .n alley
leading horn I'lneelreel lo Hoedalreet, ntoraear
tbe Leonard lleeac. Ita rloae protlmily to the
rir. day Worba, Plaelng Mill, and Railroad
DcpM glvea it a .referenc. over eU other ataada
ia town. Tbe nroaertr ea. be leaaed to wood ad
vantage, er purohaa.d for a reanoneble price.
CVeerlcld. April f, Ull.-lf
Having leea confined to tny bed for some
iime wna no nope et permanent lMipro-easnt, l
deeon M beet te quH burtaese, and bcrnbj act try
my patrons that 1 have placed all say books and
paper a in tbe kanda of w m. Porter, Kbo,., for set
tteaaent and eollectiea. He la fully authorised to
settle my baviaeee, aad wiit pay all beoect claims
agaiast ma.
bouse ea bua'ncal, being pbyaieally unable to at
tend to K Thnee baring unsettled aceoents oa
y beobe win eoafar a favor oa ae by calling- en
Mr. Porter at aa early imj and adjust tke eaasa
a proper manner. w. PHAMa. 0HURT,
ttcarneia, April ut 107a. .
coetua Von Bl,a. R Kewioa flhaa keens a 1
fall supply af Vroduaaa Baggise and Plailorm
Vimi for ssJe. To bo seem al the ttbav Uoase ,
yard. Call ea er address him at Clearfleld Pena
eylraala. way 11 -if - 1
T. : A. FLECK & CO.,
are doterminodl to sell .
,1 it-i
I -rlei-f tt Mj etnnpaltlon.' ' '
Ifl.ftOtf fires of entirely new Areas good. 1 ' ;
6.UU0 yards Blaok A I paeon, i . v. t .j
jbh ootxiHiiaa uoiungwooa uraal, akaoaw
1 exited the but goods for the prioe ever put on (be
i market.
, tfuumer C'assiiuerts, a large aeoort stent, sryi
cur ap.
M . I :.. ; .. n-;T ' ...ll ..I
L.dif. whit. dri oodl, Id ra
Tall. Lin.oi, hlt, md In colon, FriM
wa down. -
. .. ., , u !.' '.,.1 m ..i ,..
A ot.uilr.1 lot of Bomoj KU.U, bonght al .
bargain wid will b aold frry low. ( f( .
Ladled. Boiiuets and Hats.
!' -r.ii t'-i.t tJi-n.f. m ..t - .-
Hats and I! nonets, trim mod aad the
very latest styles; a Up flowers for trimming, aod
every article used for Milinery., Ribbons, Laces,
Wrentha, Ac, all entirely new. '
I'd ' .i ri'ji tT-t ( !-., . .
Lodics Bresa Jriiniiungs,'
A targe line of Dress Tiimming.juct purchased,
to br sold very cheap . , ( , ( i ,
Percales in full line, rehl nice. ' " '' '
The An est variety of prints or eat lea eVer brought
to this town from to 10 rents per yard.
ti i; ; 1 1fif .1 'I !!;-::;.;. i ;
Mine liiltmia ke faera. I 'i-.t;' hit.
it, ; I .
.A.M. UILLn.
ill" ..,..1,1 : ,-. . t
Tlw andarsignod having purebaatd the sloro
node and properly formerly oooupivd by Lever
irgal, on Second street, ftrarfieid, ailnpla this
i method of bringing hie bmineoa to the notice af
, the public, and promises lo furnish bis ptOrons
1 with tbe very bast quality of . ,
at exceeding tow rates, This I am enabled to
do, booauae I have nn rant to pay, aad can ihere.
fore divide the profits with my customer. It
may ho said that this la an emerimeat with nn
I hut If selling a good arlielefir a low Igor ea-
uoeo eiieiom ana exponas tmiie, 1 am bound te
succeed in my undertaking. Give me a call, ex
amine my stock and learn my prices.
To mr larjr. atork wf boitl. ait.t .Lio.. lata and
1 hm ' '""
Gcntri' Fumiflliinir Gooda,
whlnh 1 will aoll nt Ilia vary L.wa.t Dirnr.1 for
ea.b, w In .xrb.nai fcroonalry produea, th.
Call and .x.ioin. mf atock .nd prir.1 brfor.
puK'haalng alaowb.rt.
Cl.arl.ld, April il, 1871. '
A full anil complete a.iortmcnt of nnr gnnda
it i w atyiee, .own i.
Citlseoe are Inrltvd te ead aad ea amine say
stock and Judge for ibcaaeclreaas toqaalily aad
pucre oi geoat. ,
, April 14, l74.
Ainoa Kcnnard. the ristsntce of the Kieelaltir
Cant hook, being on the point of removing to Cat
irnrwio, dealroe to diaposc ef hie entire Interest tn
sain patent, east or Ilia Misaiestppi, referring,
however, Midland eoanty, Michigan, sold to H.
K. C ib a and Jtn Unnldi Alnona einHr. Mich-
if t, sold to Wm. J. kdwarde and Root. Nappor,
miw .pniaHgon ooimiy, aiinaccota, sum te Mi
chael Moffat, Nuthing but bis total InahilitT to
eupply the Immetia
oremena Tor nia iintnooas
from seek a large aiaoaat af eerrtlorv. weald In
duee air. Kounard lo dtapoee af kia Uttcreal. I a
preaentlng tills portion of hia patent for sale, Mr,
K canard would remind the puMlethat ha ia offer,
ing bo natrlod article ftr their acceptance, but a
Cent book Uiat throng It aeverel yeara of Ike aerer
eat ttiala, under all eirciimilanoea, has esUhlished
lor itanlf a world wide reputation and gained the
unqualified approbation nt all practical lembar
men, for tartwilarat apply In porsoa or liy
Clearflrld, Pa:
v , "BILLPOSTlNtt.
The nnderslgnid would reipoetfollv inform the
elllscna of Clearfleld aod vicinity that ha la pre
1 : pared (e cry all Aurt..n Voadua, and atker baies
on snori nniiee, aaaat manna bis rates. Hale
Hiiie, I'eotore, Programmes, uad ether advertiotng
poated and distributed ia tile meat oaaspieaaas
places. A share of public pat roe ago is solicited.
If. L. nnniNM,
March It, T-tf. ' -t ' : Clearfield, ta.
JlHTICks CONftTAHLIeJt' fglvt
We have printed a large Bumbor ef tho new
MM BILL, and will ea tba reeotpd af Im-swey.
oeata, snail a eoar te eat sdroas. i ; auafi
t1 to 4l0n F" 15 T l f''. Terms froj.
aPU (9a4U Addrese fl. IMlcsoa a Co., Hort
haad, Maloa. - ... -mi
grrfl' Column.
! I T C J
i:;MjrH:)'.:f ;ri
! 1875. SPRING. ; 1875.
A 1 III Id.
AM ')
.ii'rs:Mri iS'U'-i
Domestic Dry Goods. , ,
Newest styles Dress Goods.
Linen Suitings, &c, &c.
olions, Trimmings,
Ladles' Furnishing GooiK
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
, Hosiery and Gloves.
! 1
,t,."t'' r.iii:: . i : ('
. Alto, full lis. ef :
r 11 :i I s: !
" AllLlN'tRY CfX)DS
lUring m azporiortiwd' Trlittmor
from l'liiladelpliia, lad ies will flntl 1
, I nice tuok of triuemietl goods. , .
.Anllitng nut houd' ill bo or-
ciefod promi',l.. v ;' . , ,
PlfA.A glr III t cull.
... WILLI A? A TtEEt)!
Reom If a. I, Opera 11 ease, r sMhHf aaacvtte ihe
PcetOtRea. : - i'T
Ocariletd, April T, Ml. 1 na tT4
1 , A'l !.! .1 ! ' ,1
: .1.. .i t. .. .. s
1 Kiin:r..u.. .).). -vix
1 ,0 11 KM 1 CA 1, S! ,
II 111 HII KS,
', ,(.' i . ;t , -'
J ' 1 ' ' i FAKCY 900D
v ,: l-,i, . . .i J -t
. i
'' ' ' :'i ' I
for aacdialn parpoara.
. ...(!T'.i''. ((:'), '','
Yruiicr, ujinorlfra, School lluok. &n.i Irtatioo
r. and all oth.r artirl.t u.aal.
v . , f...nd I. . JJrug lit.r.. ; : : ; ;
Fl l.l.V Cu.MI'Ot'.M'UJ. llaTiuu a l.rto .1.
p.rl.oe. In Ih. buain... tlirj ea. ,itr i.ntir tat
Ufaotlon. J. (1. IIAIITPWICK,
' ' JllHN V. IKWIN. r.:
CKardild, Il.feml .r 10, !;,.
JIEMOV.U.! ( " '
Would rrrprctrully notify the public generally
that he baa renoved hU Gmeery Ft ore from
''i Knw, to tbe buihling formerly oeenpied
: by J. Milro Kmtacr, on Hoc oad streeti host dodr
I to Itltjler! hardwsre Store, where fit ' tnieule '
1 keeping a full line of i :
. i: v 1: n e i: n.
SltlAfs'WILTl', ef all gradoa. '.) 0
TKAft, Urrni and Illa.:k.
.... i... .
COi FliK, Uea.Ud aad lima,
C'.MM'CO fill ITS, . .
All kiml. i. .lie Innrktt. 1
PICK LiiS, la Jar. and havi.ia. ,
I'it'Eti. in eer, form and variotj. . .
A 1,1. Kl Mil. Ilk. ( IIAt
SUAI'S, ,. . . '(',... .',
,'. MAItULe. ', ..... , , . !
. DRIED APPLES. , , ' '
. , DlilliD CIIEU1UKH,
; Coal Oil and Lamp CUm&cys.
And a g.od aererlajent of lUca tbinga a.uly
kept in a groerry ature, which be will exrhangc
for giarhBtieg al'th, ai.rket prioca, t
Will act! for ea.h .a cheaply a. aay other oae.
Plreee call and an. hla ateelt .ad judge Air
Clearfield, May 17, 1.71. .
1st op jntoiis. .
List of Jurors drawn for the holding of a
Court of Common Fleas, conuxaciof on tho 5th
Monday (.'Ustj of Way, IH75 :
John H. Htewart
Samuel A. Caldtrcil
an Anv,
Will ism K. In in -Julius
Jasnes Ullrf
Jcha tlaiiey
Henry Ulntor -!
Moorge Kriner
Wilsoa Hoover
i omscs,
John Fan key
- (1R1BAV.
Patrick Uarley
Jaraee Fljna - 4Se
UMIiata Nerlins;
forTAt.a, .,
M l. Mcllaffb . .'
m stoji.
j David llnrbey
Parker Strong
John Iloebcctoerry '
r bailee Bcrlhol
James H. Conowar
cLKAarir i.n.
A. W. Lre
Daniel W. Mooro
Henry Brido
John L. Crania
J. R. Kratser '
H. U- Tbotnpsoft
EJirarol Test
sV. gl. Innari
tl rorgo ArnolJ
I'liilip llullen
11. F. (Star I Ing
(leorge L. Hd
Janes Ia. Cook
raia. .
Ttlfhaetl Ilanver -Tp
i nia. '
li'li) Long
I CI ion.
IW. W. Danlap
I John 11. Cionscr
It sst of jckorh
J.Ixt of Jurors drawn fur June Term, A. D.
eumaioaeiiigon the Brat Monday, the Tib;
.tnsn Ji noas. J,.
(.. K. MrCulloiigb
U. Ah II itch oil
S. WArUltNUTOg.'
William Mefeaflry
Willisin Mays
- nai.i..
Itohort Mi-hattey
Krnos Hoover
Hdrtd rorecy ; i .
John A. Uoolridgc '
Joerph 11. lirrth
( nr- ATt a.
Jacob Wrtck
Andrew alaughuau
jiieorgc Straw
aUJia F. Read ' ,
John Curry
I. C. McCloskey
' tiAUUM-R.
A. H.liaw
Samuel Rnowa
Janece Theiapsoa ,
rraa. ' '
Heha R. Unrgooa
Fredtfrich 8 Hloom
llichard Kreemaa '
aootia 'A an.
Iho maa Henderson .
Isaiah Warrick
XV. J. Campit'.U
Thoatna Bunderlia
an Airwitn.
Aaron ttraham
8. K. Cowder
(leorge Albert
F. E. Porter
Joha Kibel
Isaac Markle
Wll lain Mollarrcy
II tl. Mi Maaters
John Hugnr
Ktra Ale
John Johnson
nanATi'B. '
David Orarliarl
A. J- Hteiaer
R. D. hhnwalter
Thomas Warrca
Daniel Kris
flowarx. '
J. W. Wallace
Juo. A. Fulton
Rllic Turner
A. tl. Hoover
Frnnk FlrnB
Wm. Davis
Pter trans
Wm. irchulta
Ucnbaa L'aldwcll
John It. Parke
M. V. 9mmm
Wm. T. Spachinaa
I. . U. liliiem
John C. Dale
wn a m n.
J.HrewB .
II. A. Hougherly'
Jainca Hollenbark
narroi.A. '
(leo. M. Del,nncy !
Dr. I. R. Uood
II. II. Kephart '
ran. '
Jno. IH. Johaatoa
l?haa, Motlovern
J times Name
lohn llani'Ofk
J. Jordan lllioat
lienry I'etrrs
lisutx a Hageit
BKrcin waaa. ,
Wm. It. Courtney
IiM'l rundertlt
N. P. Wilson
.lohn Anion
ltralv Kirk
Jacah RMibge - i
W m. llroebtkank
(laurge Tateheu
Hit Auriaut. .
A. ilrabam
II. W. Para
W. ft. Hradley
Ales. II. Irvia
Henry Kama
cwaar. .
Pamu-I Ktrhel
Wm. Wagoiier(
IiRi'ATI' a.
Wm Ay era - . .
raaot son.
A. II. Hbirey
or aii au.
A. 0. Lansbcrry '
. ni'i.H'U.-
Jauca Wilson
JOIlliA I,
llcctry Kwaa
.lohn II. Hwan
tpwisa (IlitftaD T t
I 4.AMB(uk4 1
llenrge ttulich'
Uolyert W. Herd
Jersc Dram
Leonard hyler i
oara'tl.A .
David 1 1 ami ilea - ,
Wm. Free mam . i . -W.
Flyaa rr
Ml. A ,! t
MoatisW'iee ,
Robert W. Mi Naul.
Zenos Hart thorn '
Araes W . ltlauai
Atei. Freilfe ' '
John A. Rowlea
AflKNTR. male and tVrosV. to roll Pi Ho,
everywhere, Foartcca tbouaand tatailed by one.
Another writes : "I tan make mora money ia tbia
haiaiaeea thaa 1 can. oa a lO.oot farm, all
atocked." .. WI1ITNKT A CO., .
roh. &, HtTI-am . . Norwich, Can.
fW&mrt, iinuavi, xfiu.
JltOWSi;j10SlfXOBK.f 4 i t
1 . a j 1 1 1 1. 1 &
! i.ll !,
Dll.S .t VAlt.VI.SII. '-'!'
.! i I TI
Tba l.ltdo Anti-FrMlInf O.lraaU.d
Ko batUr Potnpa la fbt markat.
- , : . 1,.'-' ,'i i: i f
LAMP Vl.VRH, .fall klnda. ! '
All at lowtit prit... f '. , ' ,1-1'M
rrc.qutl.l. Slrfct, Plilli,,.bur)f. P..
rRVsTWH sale! . I N
iAT-i j-iii.;.
Tublie or Private Sale!
Being a Portion of the Estate of A. K.
Wright, deceased.., ,1,
The unle rsiaaM wiil sell at aaMio sale, unlass
sooner diai... vf, a aha . v
FIHMT M(IM)AV ()!' tttlH,
at the Court House, In the brought of Clearfleltt
Paw, skll the fel lowing J. schbeti real esuto, viiv 4
Al, all tbe until t ided half part of aiO aerct
mero or lees, Ib three several parcels of land,
part of the Joaef.b Clark and John Harrison sur- .
ve.Tt, Situate ia iVmidward town chip. Cleat fl eld
count r, and sanv lan-ll brld tn eotnoita with
Cakh ant Oeorge Ctmrelimsn, kaThng a largo I
araftnnt of tsluaHIc rUic jlnr and hern lock witb
oihrr tlniiter thereon,
Alao, another tract containing lj7 acres, amra
or lets, rtiuate in )Voodu-srd township, being tbo -a-eatend
of the 2hqaas Maiflon aunry, baring
tli e trim white pint-, hnoilcek as.4 ether timlter,
and Iteing underlaid with serrral veins of value
blceoal., - ,; s . , j . - r r
AIf..'iioiher 'htft of 4t ecrcs, mfe or less, 1
part of the f-uaan Hard surrey, being the bank
ug ground aiiuale at the moulh .f Morgnn Ran
and adjoining land ofWilliHtn Albert A Bros, in
VYuodwsrd lourpabftt, flert!eld county, and Cov
ered with vnliiatjle hrcilock and other timber.
Alto, another tract of 100 acres, mora or leas,
being part of the Thomas Bteward'on survey,
situate la lAcnrtur tew.ui.lB, ClcuSelel enuatv,
and ; ing within the ena. measure of tbe Oaceola
coal bariu.
Also, iwo i-arcti uf Jand situate in Lawrtace
towtifblp, witfeia ote toiilo of tu berongh, and '
v a Triable as au lots, Cno Ibereof oontaialag eight '
acres, more or 1cm ; tbeothcr fwor acres, adjoining
lands of Hubert Wriglry and others.
Alro, another tract of Incd, cituato ia Pike
towDilup, containing 33,'t acres, being part of war
rant So. 42jit, aituate within aii tnilcaof the bor
ongh of Clearfleld, envcrri with veluabla tiajber
and underlaid with flrevlav ef rba IfVioat quality.
Ala, all those four cerlaia building lota situ
ate in itrcd'a addition to the borougb of Clear
field, and known aa lota No. and in taitl
AUo, all that paroi 1 of ground situate la rear
of tbe ArstUuiy lut and wop's .tore, art f.
lut No. ri", In Ki'tiM-al plao ol Cle nrlield. havifg'
a large frame t-ulltling ibrieon and said lot aitn-'
ate and bounded ob raat aide hy an alley. - r .
' All the abovo lcaeriiM-d lauds are vaJuaUe.
Tbe laD'ls in Dicatur atid Unodwanl townibips
arc aH within iLecoal uiearuree or that liitrlct,
and within reach of railroads, either built or bow
building, and commend themselves to purchasers
for coal and lumbar. These lands will be aold at
arirata ante. If partioe desire bo parch aae, but if
act aold at private sale will bo publicly sold as
Terms will be made reasonable to suit pur
chasers. All Inquiries addressed to the under
signed will rcoeitc prompt aitcatioo.
A.C. TAIS, Trustee.
Clcaj-fic) j, ra., Jan. SO, 1.-75.U
rpiIK TIMES. ' ' -
n imoi vijass itanDrAi'aK, .
Independent ia everything I Kewrta) la noth
ing 1 Opposed to all corrupt rings la AUoiii pal,
State and National affairs.
; ' . TUK DAILY TlHtS , , Vi
will he (rsnod ob Saturday, the 13th ef liareh .
aeitp and evwry morning thereafter, (Sundays ex
cepted, under the editorial direction of A. It, Me-
Clure. printed compactly from dear, new type,
on a large folio sheet, containing all the news of
the day, including the Associated Pros Tele
grams, Special Telegrams and Corrcapoodence
from all points of Interest, and fearless editorial
dlseaesiena af all current topics. Price, I crate.
Mall subscriptions, pottage free, Kit Dollars
prr auoata, or It'ifty oca's per month, in advanoe,
Advcttiaemeate fit teen, twenty and thirty cents
psr nnc, aeeortiing io posilioo, , . ,
Will he lliurtl oa SaJCrdny, March tOtfa, and
weekly thereafter, containing all important news
of the week, nnd complete market and financial
renurts. Mailed, for one vmf. tmr.M fa
1 the following rate :
j Oite cnpy...;......U.......' :
Ten Cup ice ... H.t0
j Twenty Oopice.. ......... . .......... .H.00
Advertisements tweoty-Dve cents per line. Re
aiiiunces abaU bo made hy drafts er Pott Of
! ficc ordrrs- Addreas
t - . . r . TUB riwiia.
'?fo. U .South 8evrfitb Htreet, ' '
inch.1 Jm i'hiladelpbia.
r t WHKItKAS, Hob. 0. A. MAYER, Preiideni
1 Jadge of the Court of Common Plate of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of
the en unties of Clearfleld, Centre and Clinton
and Hon. William C. Folkv and Hon. Joan J,
Kbap, Amoc in t a Jtrdgei of Clearfleld eoanty.
hare iosued their precept, to me directed, for tbo
bidding of a Ot-nrt of Common Pleao, Orphans' '
Conrt, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court el sieaarai Jail Deliv
, ery,attbc.'ourt (ionae at Clearfleld, la and fer the
roiiatr u Clearfleld, enennienrlnf oa the Irsi;
M..iidaj, Ihe llli day ol June, IHTS, aad
te continue two week.
. MU1K B IH, therefore, hereby glrea, t the
Coroner, Juatioea of Lite Peace, and Constables,
In and far said eoatity of Uloar field, to appear in .
i their proper pcrseee. with tbair Records, Rails, .
InMUiritiuns, liXABnaauons, aad other Reuew
brances, to do those things wbtrh to lhair offices,
, and la their behalf, porUta tc brkdoaa.
l.y an Act of Aaacuebly, puecd tbe 5th day of
May, A. D. 1M, it is outdo the duty of the Jna
1 tiers of tbo INanco of the aereral conn ties of thla
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the
; tirt of (wHiftrlrr fleKrlons of the reeetlvo
ennntles. all the rrcngnluncca catered Inte before
them by any person or peruana charged wltk tko
commiaaion of any crime, exeept euch eaaca aa
may be ended before a Jeittce of tho Peace, ua
t Ur ekUilTiR Uwe, at leea! test days before tho
I eemiTrnfeMimt of the suasion of the Court la
I which they are mode ret am able respectively, and
in all cases where any rvoognlxaaees are entered
inte leea UiSa lea days hefora Iheoommencamoal
af Ihv eeesiiafl ta wbieh tbey are made retarua
; hie, the said Justices are to rotara the same ta
i Oie sbH) mftOiMic nl if said act bad act been
) parsed. ' ( .
illVKN nndcr my hand at Clearfield, tbia list
day or April, la the yrarf our LerJ, one
thauaaad eight hundrnd and aerenty-flre.
april to . W. R.McPIIBRSUaI. Sberir.
Wnrnrjia, Hon. C. A. MAY Kli, IWdent
Judge or the C"Urt of Com men Pleas of the twenty-filth
Jfi.liflal District, eotnpoied ef theoonu.-
tlea of flenrfMd, Centre and (1 In ton, and Hoa. 1
i WM. C fl-VY nnd linn. JOHN J. UK Ah. As.
' sonlatc Jtufgea of CleartVId connty, have laocM-i
their precept, lo rrfc directed, for the) hohling ot
an Adjnmrd Court ef Common Pleas, al the
1 Court llnnse, at Clearfleld, In and for the eonn
tv of t'lratnd, cwtomenfiiif nn ih FIFTH
' MONDAY, -'fUN .HUT DAT tW HAY, 1876,
' and continuing one week.
NUTH'K ia therefore hereby glrcn te Juror an J
; wltuaiaei. Lav and fur said etmnty ef ClusrBeld ns
-j bcaudeppoair in lliuir proper periona, at 10 o'clock
' A. at. of snid day, to do thoHC things which la
! their bnhalt pt-rlain to be d.'ne.
(1 1 YEN und. r my bnod at ClcarflrU, till 31 at J.y
of 4jril. in the yoar af our liord one Ibouaanil
i eight hundred and sevQitly-flre,
I ! W. R, Mol'UlaRaON, flhcflt
.AW-.S m .. . -
JOSFfH H DERHINfl. oa Market rlreet. la
i Khaw'i R'.er, Clearfleld, Pa., bee Jest received
'a fine lot of French Calf Skies and Kips, the
I beat IB tha market, and is now prepared to man
. afactur everything tn hie line, lie a iU war
rant hie work ta be as represented.
I The cltlseni of Clearfleld and riclalr aj
" napoetully Jnvleed to giua fcUnaealL .
3 1 fl rt dyim t hr Jf 4 j!jf'T'y' t
j I won Id annoaaee, to the poop hi tr CloartolA
oit stk-.p lernnriyi r. ny rrana sjeort an .
, prepared to make and mend all kladi of fioots
1 HhowW, el Ibrmerlr dona he fthortv do ekmt
aotWa anal wilt gnarentee all kinds of Work aet
ta rip, ravel or cut In the eye. The best French
slck alerr.ii on hand. Khnp oa V arket treet.lfett
door to Iba Allegheny Hotel.
Harsh. It TVIt TfinVAft kltf.T, '