uxn. Uioboe B. Goodmndkk, Editor. clbabkikldTi'- ' W1DNESDAY MOKNINO, HAY UTS, 'Horace Greeley as a Hero." i i Miss Ida Groolcy, oldest daughter of the Into Horace Greeley, waa jnnrriod on tbo 1st Instant to Col. Nicholas Smith, of Covington, Kentucky. : ' Bold. The I United Slutoa Hotel at Saratoga 8prlngs was sold on tho first Instant, for tlio sum of 1350,000. It was built and furnished during "war timos," and cost 1,000.000. .. . - i Tb Wobxd JdovsieVWo notice by oar exohnngos that Bcoohor's church was crowdod last Sunday, and qulto a number of new converts wore bap tised Mid, added to th congregation. 1- I - ... '! - - 1 ...... Tho Hudical Senatorial Conferees ot this district meet at Bollefonto on the CUi, at 1 o'clock, fur the purpose of se lecting a Senatorial delegate to repre sent them at the approaching Stato Convention. " '.'.-. A heavy storm passed over Knox villo on the 1st instant. Tho county bridge over tho. ' Tonuessoo river wan blown down, incurring a loss of f 10, 000. The Charleston railroad bridge was alo damaged. . , i , , 8. M. Brophy,of Aitoona, connected with the 'Pennsylvania railroad in lion. John Hoily's ofllco, has invented a patent to register cars which will save tho corporation a largo expense, and make Mr. Brophya handsome for tune. ... Tin DirrtaiNCg. An exchange ays that, the bakers of Tltusville charge eight cents for a loaf of good bread,and tbo hotel keepers fifteen cents fora drink of bad whisky. Sooneeon judgo pretty nearly what it costs n Ti tusvillian a woek to live. Constituted Agencies. Tho Wil liamspori 'Timet snys tho express com panies of tho Vnitod States have mailo arrangements with ex-Governor Big ler, under which their agents nro au thorized nnd requested to sell tho stock of the Centennial Board of Fi nance ' .i - :.n ; Ha owns LV -Hon. William I). Kelly, of Philadelphia, who has scrvod his party far more xealonsly than his God and country, for many years, has returned from a trip through the southern Slates, and now wants to change, his vote on all tho reconstruc tion measures. ' '.''' .i. Why Sot? Tho dofenco in tho great scandal suit has closed, and nei ther Sister Tilton or Brother Bowon were pot on the stand. No other two human beings know mora about the jrfthan they ; yot,thcy aro not called. But, then, ii Plymouth can stand it, we suspect the outside the barbarian portion of tho world can bear the disappointment. , ' .' " ' ' To bk Kb Klvxid. Tho linns berry caso is tobemnnufactured into a hugo Ku Klux case for political pur pose in the approaching contest for Governor. ' Special orders havo been issued by "tho government" to tho United Statoa Court authorities to "work this case up to its highest point for oleotion purposos," as the de toctire told Lnnshcrry when he arres ted him. ... Titt Times. A correspondent puts it at us in this way : "What do you think of MoC'lure's Philadelphia Timet?" Well, it is tho best and cheapest paper published in that city. Only IS per annum, and contains just as much news and solid matter as any of the 13 and 110 dailios. . It is a de cided improvement on Philadelphia newspaper enterprise, and is bound to succeed, Because before another year rolls around it will have an immenso circulation. ' ' . Too Thin. "The Christiana! Work" la the titlo of Talmago't paper. Tho publisher has sent us a prospectus, hut we cannot publish it The "Christian" part of the journal is too much like the Independent, the Golden Aye, and other, nicely named organs of the Bcechor-Plymouth persuasion. It is "too thin," Mr. Jiiiiu. . i'ou assuino to publish a religious journal, but it Is, In reality, only a Badienl orgnn. The "Christian statesmen" business on tho Colfax plan, and liberal Christianity, as practiced by Plymouth church,doos not suit this "old logy 1 latitude. Tn Cook-Id Railroad. Charles B. Wright, of Philadelphia, hat been elected president of the Northern Pa cific Railroad, in place cf George W. Cass, resigned. ' Mr. Wright for the lost flvo years has been a director of the company, and for most of the time chairman of its finance committee. Some efforts am making by the oQl ccra of the company to better its fl nancial condition, and, if possible,start np work upon tho lino of tbo road. Several project to this end havo been suggested, but none as yet decided up on. The point la this : shall 600 miles of railroad be lost to the stockholders, or build 1,600 more to savo 11, and thereby nako it a through road which will eventually yield a dividend nt some future period to somebody T So si It. Tho Journal and oth er Radical journals Insist that Cyrus Butler attempted to arrest Lnnshcrry "rt the rejuset of Proootl MarthtU Otmp Ml.' Well, suppose Knquire Portor or IlowiS Wonld request John MeClul- lan to cnlor a private houso and ar rest the owner, aud John would gel a lilactk eye lor his pains. What would bo the' verdict rendered by sensible monl ."Served him right.,' Why did tho fool go to do lhi thing without a propor warrant r -Now, ooroe on with your documents. IIowl as loud as you can, we are living In a free eonn try, now. Kobodywill be pot in jeop ardy tor telling the tnitk . The press and the foApt are free and snobs are forbiddon. 'They closed withLinoola's COST OF LEGISLATIVE ELO QVESCE. One of tho editors of tho l'hiladel- phut Timet bus gone to tlio trouhlo of investigating Legialitl ivc expenses qnr- lli-teh overthrown By tho action Uf mg the lust session, und compiles hotg,o Songrei.siijn,il IXniiinlttoo jiii ttie costs ..f eloquence to bo as follows; .jLmM outlines, lhallhey IkIwI "Tho co of our, Legislative quenco is rather a curious study, i he total expense of publishing tho orato rical effusions of our legislators last winter was 7,00 1 37, and is most un equally divided.'. Of tho fllty Hens tors, General Jones, of tho Fourth dis trict, mid Strang, or Tioga, are tho hcayy-wright Senatorial .dtbttteii Strang scoring up to $179 80, and Jones crowding clone, after liiui at $175 80. , In point of volumo of dis putation tho Fourth district is but tl behind tho pino forests of Tiogn aud Potter, Bechlel, of Schuylkill, jostles Jones at $172 24, and JluUin chalks IMS 24, while Wallace, the Dmeoeratio leader, who novor spoko oxcept when he had something to say, drops down to 890 45. Col, .Bitvis talked $103 01 out of tlio Treasury ; I.umim took H 02 worth of tho arti cle; Nagle thought $1 80 enough to express his Views; llnrter goes in to the tune of 72 cents ; punkel drops to GO routs; Oi'uUMj thought 24 cents would do, and Alexander took nono nt all in his. ' MeKihbin, of Franklin, Ycakle, of Montgomery, and Alexan der, of Philadelphin, were tbo silent Senators. In tho House oratory vege tated far boyond its growth Id tbo Senate. Mitchell, of Tioga, (ho lie- publican leader, put the Slate iu fbr. ful3 12 lo preserve his eloquence; Wolf, another Kepn blicuu lcadcr,miiled in to tho anion nt of $393 20, and Hur ry Iluhn, on tho same eido, thought that he could not do justice to Phila delphia on less than $182 worth of dis putation, i His Democratic collouguo, Air. laurico, is immortal to tho value of $148 10; Mr. Tallcy, of tho same fuith, orutcd to the vuluo of $141 44, whilo Mr. Koighnrd assumed that ho could not do justico to tho Democracy nt a less enst than $230 48. Of the Philadelphia members, Messrs. Hoi land, Marshall, Monaghan, Patterson Dcvoreux, Bukooveu, Iiinggold, Wood, Sogdor and Fredericks imitated Grant on tho third term, and were ob stinately silent. What was lost to the eloquence of tho ualiou tiy this ccouo- my lo the Mule cn:iot now bo con jectured. Considering ,that Philadel- pui.1 pays two-nuns or nil the reve nues of the Commonwealth, wo have not had our share of cash expended for omtoiy j but it may bo answered tliat wo havo had very full componsa. tion for the quality we have giveii.and we must bo content. ';llomco Groeley as a Hero." . Axotiieii Public lioniiF.n I'bki. Grant has just panloncd Jlajor llndge, tho Assistant Paymaster who stole four hundred thousand dollart of the people's money for which ho was tried, and miraculously convicted and sen tenced to the penitentiary for ten years. Tho, application was made by tho wife in person, and so pathetic wero her appeals that it V said, Grant slied teats. Well, tho exerciso of mer cy Is at all times commendable and we will not condemn tho President for it in this caso, but hod bo exercised or- .-j. wnlHin I- wl .1 Imv placed lloilgo in a position to steal tho public money. Ho wns not fit for tho place. lie is one of those unfortunate creatures who would spend $400,000 annually for years and still hare noth ing left for himself and family. It was a high offonco on tho part of the President lo appoint such a spendthrift to that onticing position, now he si ill commits a graver offence by pardoning him and turning him loose. Such pun ishment Is very expensivo financially nnd morally, and is no terror to evil doers. - , TniiE As Gospki, Tho St. Louis Republican, in alluding to another re ooinon, says, "when you find a southerner who tnlks shout a now re bellion, it is tolerably safe to assume that ho did littlo or no fighting for the old one. Tho most earnest rebels dur ing tho war nro now tbo most consis tently and thoroughly loyal." Yes, nnd whenever you henr a northerner dilating aliout rebels and another war, sot him down as oo who never saw tho Confederate Gray or tbo Foderal Blue, either; only when a neighbor returned homo on furlough to have a wound healed. Tho .North and the South are pestored with this class of patriotic vormin, and will probably never get entirely rid of them unless the truo union element is allowed to kill them off, as tbo laboring bees do tho drones. A Bap Cash. Hon. John M.llroom- all, tho leader of Delaware county Radicals, sued Goorgo W. Ormsby, an other "moral idea" leader, for libel spoken during the lost tall canvass. Hroomall was tho Radical nominee for Judgo, and was deleatcd in a county which should have given him 1,000 majority. The trial closed on Wodnes dny Iwt, snrl rMtlto4 in- the - no quiltal of Ormsby. Quito a number of Delaware and Chostor county Dad- ioal politicians wero present as wit nesses, the most prominent Mlusing answors to Important questions, on the plea of self crimination. Tho trial de veloped an awful slnto of morals for a Quaker community, I iko that. How ever, some ot these rogues only wear tho garb for tho puposo of cheating tho unwary, flow strnngo that men who "inherit their principals from God," should lie so wickedly. Round Sentiments. Tho leading jonrnali of our party, north and south, are beginning to discuss the Presiden tial quest Ion i n a decidedly proper manner. The Richmond H'in? (Pern.) says: 1 , Our Uokot, of oourio, moat tomo frost tho Norlb and wboo wo 107 North, a aaoB tho old froa tatt and both eondidatoo oo M aiatt, of ooartt, nt ponontoto. Bat thoy ansae bo raoo raproototatlto of liberal, notional, oonttllutlonal viewa t mn ho la bond and In heart, In o'mr in nnd In onndnr, nro fullr In harmony with In tonaHina onlru Mrnl noa owopt nntsnllooi rrooa tko Itlddn tbo UU alaolic.ni. The spirit of the arguments of tbo Clncjiinstt Inquirer to prove that the next Democratic candidate for th Presidency must como from the west does not meet much favor In tbo cost The sentiment of tits Democratic newspapers hi tint expicswd by tho Utica (Xi-vrver: 1 ' .11 1 ' ThV Qt,nrf ofhlth fotomol sho Now York lf . Itlsloro in lit ehorto of Sonotoro In Controoo m IUitfonAtt nnd oMoot on wilhoot rogord to loootlos- oil fororn tho ftrif is I to tholoo of k Prttldtnlill nomlnoo. - "Horace Greeley as a Hero."' ' coy sen ya ti ye per fid jv This caption In what troubles Itudi cnl organ just now. Bandit Khorldun ,( brigands, hnvojicoii so cqm eh-i.itl, jugej liliciiuUtiid hutt' aling waylho nrgnns'mfosaiiP'sfato the cuso in this way : Th ConiuUtw, sfUr oaraftitlr liftlDf Ilia Im- ttoa rlurn, uniwRt,! rtrsl IUtublli,ftnt Is Ilia uauia snd on in lilt Binu, soa Sll tbair ! wilh Oeiauerali. TboM udimIaJ hud Un rlurn(l vImIim! Ijjr lh lloliirsinn Hosrd, JH ihfj qutttl; gurt up Ihtlr Plirtl, snd sllaw wl tb IleinoflrlB la eouia U ll u azpranly graad, thai aaaptinf Ilia abaagaa Ihua niaila, aa atltar baii.' wvra to ba aaaila, alaapt to ail vaejnaiaa aaimaa oy aaain or ruflfnatloB. Tbo Damoarala ooulil alTunl lo ojaka lliii eoncaillao. ao U savo tboav aiiw ooS too, Joy iiblbMM wera srHrroui lu doing It, aa tbey goto up tum or. Ytt Id tho loco "I loo award, ao! or tbo aRrmaiit Mailt, tlio DeuioflraU havo ouatod fuur Uupubllcaa mouibtri. It it OA sol of prud. This stutuiiient is as devoid of truth us a flea is of tullow, and smacks more ol perfidy and mlwhnod than any thing now In print! ''' '' 1 ,:l ' The facts nro precisely the reverse, and tho Kodieal CngroasiomU Commit tee so slnto it. " A majority, 'of 'Demo crat wero elected to the J.cgislaturp by the peeple of Ijouisuno, and when that body 'was nboul to assemble, Grant neut liandiltl Hlioridun down tliere nnd he, Willi the army, boj oni't-J od seven Democratic niciuhont out of their seats and put Radicals in their places. The tjoimnittvo only acted hi I aocordiine' with tho i'ititunis of the election which thef had lieflirfl them. 1 Talk of genenwity on the 'pari'' of" thoso who wero nevor elected! It is the kind the wolf uwurds to thelumb. .Had tho Kellojri liiimnmrs bet'ii tiloo- ted tho committee would never1' liuvo ousted (hem. ' ' "" '. ' Guutleuion, quit, your lyiug'und howling. .;. Your fate is that of Bel shaaxar. "'The hand writing on the wall lias leen pitipcrly interpreted your days ure iiuinbcred ! , . h i : THE "VOfl.lL IDEA' PART'.' Tho purely partir.uu man, like any other bigot, is blind to all common sense views nnd Ideas. 'Although tho pcoplo have not sent a majority of tho Radical leaders to the Penitentiary for "high crimes and misdemeanors" which they have committed within the past fifteen years, they have done the next best thing exiled them, nnd now, like the first crimiiiul, Cuin, they have beon sent forth with tho mark of disappro tion upon their foreheads. These fiiets, one would suppose, are known to all who observe and study the ordinary events of (ho day, . Yet we find some of thcHU would-lie lenders just ne stu pid, blind and deaf ns though nothing eximorninnry nan nnppennl in tho lnst deiad The most mulish tippenrs tn he the editor of tlio West Chester Record, who bin acted as a kind of polar star for the "grand moral idea" party in Ches ter county. In alluding to coming events lie soys: ,1. , r, Tho ehanott of n lltrtonrotia fUlorf will bo srralljr incrraiad If tbt Urputilloan NaUonnl Con Tontion dota not noiulnata n candidate fur I'rori dent who reprrtenlt lha boot olemonti nf the partj. Wo wonder who struck that brick. Hut ho continues and throws in this piece of Sunday school literature;, Tbe oonoclentloua volar Vonht nt prloolnlot m ther than nan, bat bit ontbusloitn tauoot no nroaied over neandi.lale for whole portonal char attar and tnrotr bt hat no ndmirntion. " - H looks to us as though "conscicn tionsvotcra" wcreriithcrscaTOO InChos ter enmity if tlie mnjnritj- nf thsl conntx for fiftoon years past aro supposed to barmonir.e with the above text. Again ho remarks: '" ' 1 A port of moral Ideat aan oalj win vietorlot whan led by men who in their own livat illnatrnlo lha printiplot for whioh thoy aontooit , The word feature in thisoxtruotmust have been intended for Butler, Colfax, Carpenter, Chandler, G1COI1GK O. EVANS and "the likes." This editor, liko Ueecber, preaches somo devilish good doctrine, but bis practice is fear fully against his theory. , ..- L -J. . . -.J ' I A JUnKL Sympathizer. Vice-Pres ident Wilson, Inst work, paid a visit tn cx-Vico President General John C. Drcekenridgc, at his homo in Lexing ton, Kentucky. .Wilson, nt tho be ginning of tlio war, raised a rogimcnt and threatened to meet llrockenridge "on tho field of bloody strife." But Bull Bun No. 1 scared Wilson back in to the Scnulu, w hero he divested himself ot his bltto uniform and fought Breck enridge nnd his rebels from that safe chamber. Ho never again deigned to cross tho Potomac until ho started out to restore his health a few years ago, Grant has always, for some cause or other, mndo It too warm for tho Vice Prcsidjnl to remain in Washington. Hence ho strolls around ovor the coun try, and to-day prefers the association of Breukonridgo to Grant. '1 Law Attn lioxANcr A Justico of the Peaco at Des Moines, Iowa, has recently wrestled with a charming case. . A physician of that city brought suit against an unmarried woman to recover for medical services, but his bill contained some items not neocssari ly connected with tbo art of Gnlen. Among the articles enumonued were "oisler suop," potatoes, medicine and visits, cgus, wood, chair, irroocrios. crackers and wash-tub. Such a com mingling of substuutials and luxuries, of physic and potatoes, was novor soon. Tho tootinc was $lil, fur all of which, less $2 cash anil $4 for making shirts, the vender of pills brought suit. jNcituor pariy empioyoit an altornoy The damsel defendant filed tho follow ing cross bill: ,, . . 1, c ,.ti Dm Uoii, Iowa, January s, lilt. Jan. f. . ..... For inrhlnoj two yean , For wailiing and mending elnthaa...,..... For oaailin nnd buttono nnd thrand... For applet nnd ffrapao ..... For time occupied in Ulkioc lovo For tnndriet , For took log fonr tbirlt.,.,....h.,,, Totnl Credit by enab... , Bolanet dun nan.. i...w, ...., TonNADO. A terrible tornado struck Columbia, S. C, nt half past fivo, on tho 1st. Tho stccplo of the Presbj to riun church was demolished and the roof of tlio market blown off. Al though a hundred porsdns wero around no one was seriously Injured. Tbo depots of tbo Greenville nnd Columbia and South Carolina liailroads woroun-l .,.r...i .... 1 ,i. ....;... i... 1 n I luun M eu.i umvi inw umiiHeii. H'uo wero uprooted in every direction. Only one death is reported. Tlio storm overturned a passenger train on tho (ieorgia railroad as 11 WBB leaving nut ledge. Dr. Montgnmoty's house, near Itutledgo, was blown down, and his son four years of age, Was blown away, o oqi , . TtU MoNAsTaaias. Kmpomri Wil liam has signed tbe bill abolishing all monasteries in Germany. This action is doe to tbo InAuoneo of Itismarck, who threatened to resign nnlees the bill became a law. -: . ' t'liless a Milwnnkro girl can take a brick in earth hand and mako eight feet anrl (bur inches at a standing jump, she rarsly got admrtteri into the beet society. . v.. . ,-'. 1 ,,. .YA I'.S ITEMS. Twenty-seven t ircuies and men ageries uro on tho wing. r-XUv J-jrnihj Mirriui AIkuiu, will .'lif he (eiilurgeil M sljtlii i'W- 1 I ft v. B inns to 'Coo grcft aiw-w4r if the lied Men will yio i nn u( HMsiuirra on May Hth.lV.Ai'. t -U. Tho Supreme I.odgo of tho World, K. of P., will moot in Washington, V. C, on the 18lh of May. Mrs. llnyard Taylor it translating hor husband's history of Germany Into tho Gorman language. Tho total number of bopt iackoll iu tbo West from the 1st of Novomher to the 1st of March is given at 5.1157, 000. ' .". . Tho lrls'h,)mpoi's lire Well jilettsed to find that tlio number ol emigrants from Iivland lu 1K74 was 10 2t31ess than in 173.'. " '; ;'.; ' i jV destructive), flood in Mill river, near Ilostou, on Saturday, the 17th ult., aniisnl dainugu to tho extent of nearly $200,000.. .i ., , o n ... :,. . i-The! Odd Fellows of tho United States passed tho Sfith anniversary nfl me lounnutiqn or tno tinier, last Mou day a week.' ; . ' J. J!. Kemte, . of, (Julitiiruia, has sold to C W- KollogK, of San Kiim cisco, the trotting stallion Sam Purdy, for$50,0(W. .,,.!, : ,,,. i-tlie ToI.tIo, Wabash and Western Railrond has reduced passenger fares trom' Kort Wavne. lnd,, to Now Yovlr to$14, and to HoUn$13.' Tlio rush of immigration to Xc braxkn, Wyoming, Utah nnd tho Pacific coast," tins spring, is enormous, and continues without sluitouioiit. ., ' .: -Tbo Chinnuin silver niiim t NW. i burypnit,Musa.,kasbensoldfor$l,00(),-ltha 000 to a joint-slock company organised in JS'cw York for working tbo mine. Mine. Nilssou has 'entirely recov .i i i. . i.i , . . . . ered hor health, aud tvritos to her lriends In America that they need have no moro uneasiness on her account ' ' -t-TUev apprur to be getting Into the way ol hanging agaiu in Pittsburg. They have now four men in Ihoir jail under conviction of murder in tho first degree .. . , , J. C. Now, tho tuocossor of (Jen oral Spinnoraa Treasurer nf tho United States, has givon bonds in the sum of $lfi0,0(r0 for the faithful performance of his duties. , . ; , . Seven of tho jurors drawn to sofvo on tho jury during tho Inst session of tho Indiana county court were not present, owing (o the fact that they died sonic timo ago. A candidate for office in Missis sippi informs his fbllow-cilisens that, "at the earnest solicitation of my wile and daughters, 1 hnvo consented to bo conioacandidftlo for County Tivamiror," Tl,n !;...... ..C I I .1a 11-.. 1 ;illf,t011 l,nsnTOpy of the first book ever printed in the United fittttcs. It Is r.liot s account of his labors among the Indians, a thin volume of twenty pages, dated in 1060. ' ' " Paul Boytou will moke a second attempt to swiiu across iho channel. This timo ho will enter tho water at Capo Grisney, on the French coast, and pooh for Dover. Tho dav anpoiulotl (or the trial is May 27. 1 Among the presents nt a wooden wadding in Allontown, the other night was an immenso cake. This was re served for tho last ; and when they came to cut it thoy found it was only a ohecso box coven) with Icing. Lieut. Gov. Glenn, who aisumcd tho chair of State at Springfield, Illi nois, on tho Hth, nod to officiate dur ing Governor Bevoridgo's absence, is tho first Democrat that has occupied tl.Anl.ntw ftlnoolO&O -tlin.lc'VII VUl S. -Goiicrul Spinner, who retires as U. 8. Treasurer on the 30th of June next, will pass bis summers at "Hick ory Grove," his homo on tho Mohawk, in Mew York, and will spend tho win ters with his daughters in Florida- Major General Devcns, tbo Com- mnndor-ln-Ohiof of the Grand Army of tno itcpuDiic, una issued a genera: ordor for tho general observance of Saturday, May 29, as Docoratlon Dav by that society, inasmuch as the 3(th lulls on Sunday. In 1S73 Prussia produced 32.347.- I09 tons of coal, of the value of 18.- LftOO.OOO. Tho mines belonging to the niau) produced about 4.0UO nuu ums. Prussia, therefore, in tho produce, of com, ranKs next to England and tho v.,:....i 0 There was a great flood in tho streams of the Hocky Mountains, a few wecKs since, and a number ot bridges on tlio Union I'acifio railrond were washed away, iinpodiug travel and compelling passengers to ride in wagons several miios to mako connections. Sullivant, tbe big farmer of Ford comity, Illinois, or the corn king, as lliey can In 111, intends to plant 10,000 acres In corn, nnd has rented 9,000 acres moro to bo planted in corn. Ho win put z.ouu acres in flax, 1,000 acres in onts, and expects to cnt 8.000 tons of hay. Tho experiment of transfusliig blood has Just been applied to (ieiiorni r rniiK uinir, wno lias lor somo time been prostrated with paralysis at his home nt St. Louis. Si x ounces of blood wero Injected into his voins, and tho result is said to bo favorable. Tennessee planters aro complain ing greatly of an unprecedented de struction nf mules, horses and rattle by the Buffalo gnat. It it. estimated that within tho post ten days $100,000 wdYth of stock has boon killed by thorn within A radios of a hundred miles, taking Momphis as tbo centre of the circle. "-According to a Harrisburg dis patch to tho associated press tbe adju tant general estimates U10 cost of the military occupation of the Lnserno coal region at $1,000 per day. This esti mate will fall fur short of tbe outlay when the bills are oqttlcd. But $1,000 per day is too much money to throw nway. . ii ... The day of the old half cent has, like that ot tho big copper cent, gone by, having made its Inst record on tho books of the United States Mint In the year 18K7. It made its apismrance lu 1793, togotber with the first cent coined under the present constitution, and was much liko it in design. ' ' An anthracite coal field has boon discovered in J obusnn county, Arkansas. Tho coal has been tested in a trial trip of a steam vessel at SL Louis, and the report of persons who witnessed the experiment says "tho coal produced intonso heat, mailo steam rapidly anil abundantly, produced very htllo asb, and one ton was equal in rOlcicncv to two tons of tho best Pittsburg coal." . --Mr. J. Gilchrist ii the urcsontown- or, and is now foeding on bis farm, two miles west of Groensburg. Pa., a natural curiosity In the fbrnv of three mam moth steers, six yean old Inst 4th of tlarcb.' I hey wero raised m Koscmseo eonnty, Indiana, and after taking the highest prominm at the Htsto fair at Cleveland, were brought east throe months ago aad taken to Sow Jersey, whero they wero parohased Iry the firesent owner, for the purpose of kocp ng tbera as a irpwlmentm" the centen nial. At their last weighing they turned the scales at seventy hundred pounds, and are now-supposed to weigh about twenty hundred mtirej' having rapidly increased in, weight Their appearance is alike,' and the three are nearly the samo weight Thoy are very gentle and a great eurioeity. '. , ASSOCIA TEf) Pllb'SS LETTER. Piiiuinei.riiiA, May .1, 1875. Till J1A.AAH r NATIONS. Now that this inuvel outoi'taiuinuiil is ended, I ran.: with h pIDprloty, tell I ithuul being no. I lha affair. The' I gotten bati what I saw tkero, without cuseu or ailvvrtiwng I whole thinif was well as the Art Gallery was the featura of the Inhibition I shall condno niyself! exclusively to a description of a few of, tho many nieces of ivrtu exhlbitml 1'hore were just 142 nlocos of works of art, uifuly .catalogued on utiam-tintud paper,' and aindngst thrtse whleli ftt Iructed most attention, were tlio' I.one Picket," by A. CarH'iitor. This was, isdeod, true, nntnro. Castles on Uic Ilhino, Tax on Totum, by 0. Ongivus. The Way-worn Traveller," by C. Obblvr. Mnstered nr, byO. Astor, areTyotrUt-' ing exemplification of the artist's skill. Tules of the Sea, by Herring. Nothing could possibly be truer to nutuiv than this. The initio Indian was gnod.and ought U) be on exhibilioa at tho Con teuniul. Tho Bust of a Commentator, by Morcer, attracted very great nttvu (ion. Portraits of Washington and Lincoln, by Gumuiv S, Tumnit, wore said to be, by visitors to Kuropean Galleries, equal to any works of art thoy saw there. Kuins in Chins, bv iAsU, was perfbet, but the Old Mill and tbo : Waterfall, called to muni an old familiar sn. Tho Skljiper's Home, by.iCheetomau, was, la niv judgment,1 iiiv- imii ihuw vm extiioiiioa. jon could not hoar tho old Hkipper talk, while looking at them, but it did not require a vivid sketch of tliMnind to wero ririven hack step bjr slopj . One imagine them living, moving beings, (after another 'of tho basinets buildings animated with life and vigor. - A more P" M'H tiet wtr '"licked" up and truthful illustration was never present- crumbled into masses of ohspeless ruins, ed by any artist. " , .. extending from Algomn toC'tipo street, To describe all of tho 142 . would wbero wore situated all the principal tako more space than you can spare,! K00,' tores, banks, hotels nnd mid, in a wnl, uU wero exuellsnt. but i newsimper otlloes. ' All of them' went those especially rood, wero a view nf famous Switch-hack, by iinrtt j Hower of Tores, by Steele; Coke andi'V1 "'oi,' ''teililics for the tnniKporta. , .,j DlacKHtone, by Minor; CrMiibe on , Constitution, by Home ; Family J the by Stono; Sweet Sixteen; was exceed- ingly good. 1 own up 1 fultliku cut- ing 'wct sixteen,'1 1 loft so much in lovo with Iter. . True Hlue. bv Unrlow. und the Slur of Kveuing, by School, itro all that 1 shall now speak of , rorhaiw, licl'oro closing, I liad better mention that tho "I.0110 Picket," refer red to above, wns from the gurden feneo of Farmer Brown, tho Costlo on tno itninc, wns a penuv cast 0 on an pcmiv castle on an oi-nngo rind; the Tux on Cotton, was a small pieoo 01 coton with a few carpet tacks on It ; tho Way -worn Traveller, a very old shoe; Mustered Out, was an empty mustard cup ; Tales of the Sea, wero herrings tails; the Little Indiati, a spoonful of Indian meal ; 'flic Bust of a Commentator, was a mealy jKitato vthat bad been boiled until its skin burst; tho Portraits of Washing ton nnd Lincoln, postage stamps ; Ituius in China, were n broken cup in an nsli pnn; tho Old .Mill nnd the Waterfall, wero a worn out coffee-mill nnd some. body's sister's back hair; tbo Home of1 tho Skippers was a piece of very old 0 and the highest $2,000,00lt. The cheese; the famous Switch-back :" was c''y I" t10 utmost confusion. II1111 27 Inches of dyed oakum ; Sower of'rtredof families nro homeless. Wo Taros wns a ncedlo and thread ; Coke I n'en and children nr lying alionl Iho nnd Mluckstono, a picco uf coal and coko; I'ombo on the Constitution, was a liair comb on a piceo of paper on which wns writlon tlio word Constitu tion ; Family Jars, were two preserving jars; bweet Sixteen was represented jby fifteen lumps of Migar, somebody! box ol'iiiiligo;nnd tho Star of Kvening' inning i-iuen one; Ante uiuo was a was iir might, newsy, prOKperons r.voning tsar, 01 wiueu t Iiarlcs JJ. School is the able editor. KinilT RKV. DR. JAIIOAB ' Tlieoonsocration of llov. Dr. Jaggar, as Bishop of the Southern Dioceso of Ohio, took placo at Holy Trinity Prot estaii Kpiscopal Chun b, in this city during tho woek. Tho ceremonies wore truly grnnd, and imposing in tho extreme. Tho e"min, f tho lowly .NaiHi-ine to his disotples to ' bo meek und lowly," sooms to havo been lost sight of in this instance. Tho cere monies wero under the direction of Kight Key. Benjamin Bosworth Smith. of tbo dioceso ot Kentucky, prosiding bishop of tho Kpiscopal Church in t'nited States. Tho king, doublo too file ol whilo-robod clergymen, marching u rou nd the sanctuar)- to such mnsie as tbe"(-ffli(V hxultemut" (Goorgian 6th tono) and filing to right and left, after having marched down the southern and up the middle aisle towards tho chancel was an imposing tight, seldom witnessed in any Protestant church. ausiNisB paospwCTs. ; I slated iu August last that the per ccptikle improvement in business af fairs would occur with tho bursting of tbo butts in tho spring of 1875. The present outlook confirms all I then said. A few days ago one of our largest real estate agents sold seven largo residen ces for occupancy ns well as nn invest ment ; the prico of the lowest was $42, 500, that of the highest $97,600, the olbon scattering between these two sums. Tho purchasers of those two properties aro manufacturers, whoso prospective business warrants such in vestments. One of tho strongest indications of tbo prosperous times in the immediate future, is, in my opinion, found iu the improvements that the American Steamship Company havo just added to their steamers. During tho month of April, whilo their vessels were in port at this place loading and unship ping, tweiity-llvo first-class cabin berths wero added to onch steamer of the line. Tboso additions havo been mndo to moettho demand upon them by a much larger number of our merchants, who deal in foreign goods, going to Kuropc this summer, to personally purchase their slock. .,- .. ; Tho steadily increasing demand for such goods from country patrons 00m pols our large dealers to go to Europe; this increase of ocean travel, has forced one hundred additional etnto-rooms to he built in tbo company 's fino steamers; and I ninst confess my nrido as an American, rejoices at this, for the reason that Philadelphia alone, having had the courage to build the only line of Kuropcan steamers, sailing beneath the proud flag of our country, it is gmtifylng to know that American cit iicna are patriotic enough to patronize a line of steamers built of American iron and oak ; manned by A meriran offlcors and men, owned by American citizens, with tho American atari ahd stripos floating from the mast-head. One of tho remarkable things In counoclion with this lino is, that ovary outgoing vessel carries to Liverpool. machinery made by American mechanics!, of American iron, and , Iho .quantity steadily Increases. . , , Philadelphia, with her lino of Amer ican steamers, so Successfully managed by Putirr Wright ami his sons, has taught Now York, Boston and Balti more a lesson of Americanism that It would bo patriotic for them lo follow, I A 1ISAVY WKIUIIT. . The death of Mrs, McKinney, gud forty seven years, occurred a few days ago. Hor weight just before being taken with sickness was 604 pounds, ami being sick but a few days, this hngoliimp of mortality had shrunk but littlo. As it wns found Impnasiblo to carry her down tbo winding stairway, the front windows wero taken out arid tbe corps lowered from tho nocond story to tbe earth, fihich an unusual sight attracted the attention of the curious, and a largo crowd soon gather ed to witness tho largo woman lowered to the street. The job was performed without nocldont. Six aaen carried her into the front parlor, whore she was latd out, and tbe crowd dispersed with an exceedingly novel soeiMi na prtesed 11 noa their memory. i,.., . . In Massachusetts only one acboor tcacher in eight is a man. ; , . TJIK OSJIKOSK CALAMITY. TlllltS IM'NIMIKIl lU'll.ltlNllS DUHNUl, l! Cl.li'lll.NII TWO IIOTKIS, TIIK III'HIA Ilia'Sl!, ANUTWO NKWI-AI'mOr riCKS Loss $2,0110 trOn.T - j OsIIKohii, m' April 2J,'--Veseit ; 'lay's eohfliijmtloti bewail nt Pine knd Alnt'ioii streets, and sprou, eatvSril Loss $2,0ll0,tMfl; and noillicuHtV'iirU. thivuglMlactw Ic, Pearl, Warren; ik llrgh itrecii, do. itroylng the depot ol the Ht. Paul Kail way, and extending to Mum street, where the principal business houses nro situated, and on the north line of tho above limit,soHthotttcrly across Fifth, Waugoo, and Otter streets lo Cape street, tho south line being tlio river. I he burnt district eofor tho whole, of this iutu,i With, the (jxceptlon of a block or two about tho foot of Main 00Mlr.,Ilro UUlOOKftUI -Wltittk-th 0W oriijiiiaioil was tlio wiiill of Morgan & Brotheis, ort tho nhrth side or the river. It was us dry as tinder, nnd filled W'lth' tlio most combustible nia teriul. i The heat whs so intunso that the flninuii wev nnable to approach sufficiently rieur tii render any service. Tho noifrhborinff lumber piles A II an oosy piy to1 the flames, i Millions of feet of onsunocl lu in bet' wore immedi ately enroloptd; A down other saw and shingles mills and Inmhor piles yieldeil to tbe fury of the flames, which woro funned by a high wind, and np idly consumed tho small frame hngsos of the mill: employees. : "Pew of the families ssved any of their efl'eots. . Tbo Hrunicu tii'r a time loutrht bmvo- to stay the progress of the Hn. tint 'down beforu the resistless hurricane Merchants' had timo to save but lilllo, tion of goods to a plane ot aufety wero iimitod. "A few succeeded in caiTying soma of their mixl valuable, wares "way from the trnok of the Aim, but a Us" nuiiioer lost tnom nil The Boekwith lloiiso ami tho Adonis Hihiau, two hotels of Ini-go capacity, I'ul'uiKhed with all the modern improve ments, wero- dcKtroyiMl in ultiUMt a twinkling. 1 Nothing worth mention ing wnsrmroil.ii Tho loss 011 the former will lie about 8KI.OH0, and on the lut- ,ur WA"wi.i ,'t lie iiewsiisper and tele- K,"P' "UleeK shared the fate nf the sur- rounding buildings. Tlio Daily North toestern tifftve losses nbout $18.ioi), and the loss of tho IViH's, a sprightly week ly, will reach' about $10,000. " Three mon wero reported killed by fulling walls. , Over 200 residences, Isrge and smsll, nnd ovor. 100 Mores, hotels, banks, Ac, wero burned. Tbo (iorn 'House, a vnliinldesl rait uro, eiMtlngm-arly 81IK1, 000, nnd the finest in Wisconsin outside of .Milwaukee, wns also rlestmy,!. The total loss is variously estimated, the most modiirtitccstimtilo being 7fi0,. streets, or roaming around in search of n place for sheltor. The heavens wero lit with a lurid glnro of the fire, which p to a late hour last night Was buniing fiercely, nngs of despera does were prowlinj; - about seeking plunder, c They inspired great terror, and tho olliscns nrganiccd for mutuul protoetlon. Tho police wero powerless to Buppiess metn or u quiet ino lonrs of outrngt. The flames began to yield to the persistent efllirts of the firemen and citiacns nt 9 o'clock. 1 1 '' The fiillowiiig are some of tho losses sustained by fiio insnrance companies: filobe, (hk agn. $fJA00; Mercantile of Chicago, $12.100: Kortliwetitern Na tional of .Milwnkee, $10,000; Penn of fhlladolphin. SHn.oot) j lrnders of Chi cago. $20,000 ; Fire Association of Phil aiieipma and American Firo Insurance Company of tho same oity, from $20, 000 to $25,000 ; Phcwiix of Hartfonl, $30,000 ; Phatiix of Brooklyn $25,000. Tbo heaviest losses aro stistainod by tho Hartford Company of Hartford, which amount to $."iO,000. ' ' ' , A PLYMOUTH CirVRCIl KLSS. The difficulty which is sometimes encountered in courts in gelling a wit ness, oven though be bo Uonry Ward Bcuohor himself, to give a direct au awor to a plain queslion, was never morccompfetely (illustrated than in that portion of his cross-oxaniiiiation lost week by Ex-Judge Fullerton, iu refer ence to Mrs.Kmma 1). Moulloii having kissed Ueecber, on a certain occasion in hor owu houso, to which her atten tion bad boon called by Mr. Evarln, ono of lloecber's counsel. In order to distinguish that particular kiss from his daily practical experience in the samo lino of amii-eiuont, Beochor, in his direct evidence, hud poetically term ed it a "kiss ot inspiration." Tho fol lowing were tho questions put bv Ful lerton and the answers given by ileech er : . . , V. When was it Unit Mrs. Moulton gavo you this "kiss of inspiration" as you turm it? A. It was Saturday night, tho 31sl of May. y. And whore wore, you thonf . A. In Mr. Moulton a study. , '. , Q. Did you lie down upon tho sofa thou? A. N'q, sir; I was sitting at tho table at tbo time. Q. But wore you at any lime dur ing that evening lying Ukiii the sofa? A. No, sir; 1 know 1 was not,, - s i i' our recollection is positive upon that? A. It la very positive , 0 You can distinguish butoen that visit aud all tbo other visits? A. That visit stamped itself very indelibly nn my mind in regard to such features as 1 recollect. ' , , . i. Do you recollect thalwbeu Mrs. Moulton was on tho stand alio was asked tho question by your counsel w bother she k issd you on that occasion? A. 1 heard but a part of her testimony. i- Did you bear that ? A. 1 don't recollect whether I did or not, sir, y. Was not Mrs. Moulton asked iu your presence in regard 10 kissing yon? A. I cannot now sny whether she was asked in my presence, and 1 learned it from hearing her, or whether I read it in tho testimony ami learned it so. O.. Didn't you suggest toyourcoun sel to ask that question ? ., A.r-It mny bojthot t did. ,' ., ' ; y Don't you recollect lliat yoiidid? A. I think Job aro helping my mem ory a little ; you and I together will fet It out. 1 havo an impression Dial did ask my counsel, and therefore that I must havo heard it. , Didn't you writo it on a slip ol paper and hand It to him? A. Yes. sir, I think so. Whether 1 whispered It or wrote it upon a pioco of paper I would not say now. My impression is Is that I did suggest it, and therefore I must havo hoard it. ' Thus at lust Fullerton succeeded in forcing an unwilling admission from Boucher that he hud prompted his counsel to nsk Mrs. Moulton about Tier, angelic "kiss of inspiration," j Paroxysmal, paternal, sisterly, ro eonciliutorv, and innpirnlionnl kisses appear to fio as familiar to Mr. Boecher as household wonls. The honorable defendant, according to bit own ac count, lias done a grent deal of kissing. He has kissed Mrs. Tilton (sisterly), Mrs. Moulton ('iiispirn(lnnally), Mr. Moulton (oxperiineiitatly), Mr. Olivor Johnson (unwillingly), Sum Wilkoson (unavoidably), Mr. Evarts (profession ally), Mr. Sherman (uidigunnlly), Bes sie Turner (fatherly), and Theodore Tilton (roooiiciliatory). .. . , , , A Wait LAwTa.--In MoadvUfe lately , an attorney forged a writ of naonu corpus, ny which be released a soiled dove from the tods ahd decamp ed with her to fMt$ unknown. , LEGAL IIOMAXVE. In the Pulled Stules Circuit Court lust week tlioJuilgesgiivca hearing to nil eiprly proceeding which was based u.)0it svertnentof u L iiluAf-iitnl nofel cliaiinlor Tk pluiSilill'silii tho tilll ! tiled ru irqViMiU n l.iinisiiiiiii, tV't) cluii. lo bf heirs i"N'nrti V llrttH'tlt' wboiwus a diitWliturd Elliuibelli.JliitAol' It ho' jefiu liuiltfav from Corning to; ler, Of Baton lloiivjs? Tho ball' jocl Uvbti, intlitetVUy Uiro wilK the birds, j forth that in 1824 l'.lmuhoth Butler, at; llaton Itougo, deposited with the late : Stephen (iininl tbo sum of $110,000 fur tho use of Nancy Brown, tho deposit lo continue for iilnely-niiio years niih-HS 1 110 money was sooner culled lor iv Nancy Brown or her heirs. In 1833 Ahiillll Ifliss. IIIIO of th(l hlill-u lieiiind wltii tho certificate of deposit given1 by Jir. uiraru to j-.lir.itliutfi iluller, mid at4iuwu.,tU'JttlWiUtfy,.jiUuiu iliu,birditiiiat4iu uuy to procure tlio money, but Ins lUnds being fiiminiCleul fin couhl not have advanced lurllutr West daily, mi coiniilote the joiiruev. Siibsequonlly til they now fly us liir west as Spring, ho had a domestic difficulty with Ida I water. Uuriiruiitke pven nl w eeln Ihct wife, who in a fit' of, rage flii'iiiv; the i will iu all ju-ui u I i I ity ' Lo ;i'uh 1 n I at nil ourtiflcato and leltnr'nf attorney into i points along the 'tieuiWe Valley und tho fire, whero they were destroyed, jsenltcred over the siinuiitidlngeoriiitrv. In tho nionntlmo Mr.fJlnnd died, leav- and there Is ii' mvisiled fhnfii' coiiii'd- ing a will creating certain trusts, which are well known, and naming tho city of Philadelphia ii'titeu uiider his will. lieing in indigent circumslunuwi the 'Oonipluinniitawere unahlc to tnko Curt It er stops in the 'plotter until very 10 wutly. Their coiiiisul ttpplied to the trustees for , leave lo uxainino Mr. fiiruid's books for Iho entry of this deposit, which application was refused. Wherefore .they pray the court ti) order a discovery and account by thu city as trustees under the will... A ikinmrrer was filed lo (he bill.iip.vn which' the hearliig'wus hiiJ." TlioTirgifiiicnt was' node by Mr Flank Cheney fortlie com plainants and ex-Jndge Brewster for the city. ' Tho Court sustained the de murrer, holdiug that thocomplniiiunls' remedy if they were eiifillcil lo one wus not against' tho Iruslees under the will, but against the peixihal rep rescntatlres of Mr. (I'irard ; and also that, us the suit was for tbo recovery, of personal u.-ln(o, It should have been brought iv The executor or adminis trator of Nancy Brown, and not by her heirs.' , Tho Judgex said the claim wns strongly colored wifh improba bility, but that no difficulty should' be put in tho way of counsel's efforts to examine Mr. Girsrd's books in onlerlo UKOertuin whutherthoro was really any ground flir prosecuting the demand I'Maaelpma iimes. ' - . WILE XOTReTx VESTUU mi). At tho last seession ot tho Legisla ture the. House of lieprenciitiitives created a commilteo to investigate tbo ulliilrs of tbo Stato Trttasury and ex amine the accounts, lui., of Mr Mnckey. tbe present J reasuruivas well as bis predecessors Kemblo, Irwin and Mc (iruth. I'nder the authority thus giv en them tho committee called at tbo Trcusury several weeks since and in formed Mr. Mackcy's representative of their appointment and purpose. They wore iiiibrmed that no otistnulo would be offered to them and tho people were rejoiced to Know that at last aomo light was to bo thrown upon tho mysteries of that much suspected department. Accordingly tho couimittco again pro ceeded to tho Treasury dopartmonl on Thursday Inst, lor the purpose of com mencing their labors. . Jtutlo! auhniigo had como over Mr. Muckey and bo confronts the loiuuutloa in person una Uenius their right to investigate. Ho mm uii-iii luat .s iiiuiiiiwra ill uiui-eg- islaturo thoy wore nt liberty to mako an .examination u sausiy lucuisoivos ami tno publio as to tbo inU-gnty ot j thn Ibis trveucv should W ahulisl, l. tho Treasurer, bat on condition that! It is-a disgnico lo our country. 'It "if they found iho Treasury intact they (,,K. t ti,u mml terrildo ahnses- ll would glvo him a certificate to thai i, aUitved Irom all accounttihilitv. lJt efTcct.'' Ho denied their right aaa,u inunngcd bv pcrsorrs who hivo to comnutU'e, and would not allow any ), thararter Vmt to kiso- nrv (iff it outside parly designated by them lo ,v, nol ilrt what was reniainingin muko iho cxumiualiou. Of course Ihe .,;,. ..1,1... 1 ,,c , 1... commlueecould nol stultify themsulvos Z .Tih - V ,1 . l i i 1 1 1 .-ii, v.ii.1, lui. juuuri. lautwniiuiwi snail not uu urougui lougnir llio 1 onimiiiee must not allow themselves to OO lieaiCU III mis wa. AIUT Jlon- day next wo shall have n now Auditor (ienernl let them go to him for that aid which tho lKiwer of bis position gives him. 'Let us have light upon this suhiccf.-trrm Sentmaf. , . Br.AtTtm'1. Twin Bairns m th!"""" ' '""- IIST. HO Dad thO pleasure toscCi tho newly-mado twin brides at the1 t;ihson Honsa isst tiirrht and nuiu confess that o more perlect cxemp'.in-) cation of the Krench storv of tilrofio- Girofla could lianlly exist. They were' "K ""--An ex- at supper with their husband. nvhanr" . 1 ' flowers atmt to the night when wo saw them, and a nice iiiti tea party the four made. The bridegroolnbrothors. but not twins. It is not often In a lifetime that ono is pormlttod to see two brothers married in twin oi.t.r. Tho l,,,.l.,l lo twin sisters. Ihe husbands are easily distinguished the ono from tbo other. The elder ono wears full whia-! Lcrs.wr.ilr. lha iniinrrno hoi .im,,l- . kers While the joungor has simply a muslacho. Tho trouble to bo appre hended is in tho sameness of the wives, and a vory pretty sameness it is. To used a homely but trite phrase, they aro as like as two peas. To descrilte the one would he to descrilie both. They aro of medium sir.o, perfect bru nctts, dress exactly alike, and seem to be about twenty years old. Beauty has richly endowed thuso fair brides and placed itsdiiniilcd seal in the cheeks of each. . How, in tlio order of human passion, it came to pass thut neither of the IimkIuiiiiIii enuhl liill iti l.vii u-iil. . . c. r r. ,1 "0 his wife without fulling iu love at tho snuio timo with hor sister passes our understanding. , It has been suggested that each of tbo Morgan brothers fell in love with both tho .Sluurt sisters, and, to setllo .the mutter, put their swculhoarts in a bag, shook 'cm up, and drew cuts for tho one that came out first. , 0 anpposo they know, wo don't see how either of them kn to which qbo of the twins ho is married llioy eaiuo into suptwr, and by iudici- ons ussurtuionfc wero sealed each lit tho right hand of her husband. V hen they wont out of tho dining loom one couple was allowed to gel some dis tance in advance before the otbor started, to prevent confusion. . r a. - . . ... --" --!- o nave tint noy dupoe I. Anoll Tnorni.ES. Tho 1rVntaym''l,,',1'm "' 11 l nroy, pivaidiedioel in Ihe ll.rdwato Mure. ho thing aimed nt generally by trades' l"n s""llly last, in his church in .lorsev 1 1'1' ot'ttrr. Wim i nlons is not to permancntlv Clevato I ri.'-V' f"'' ' l .t''0 "iucc bis fiunous ., r.. tho working man, but to afford a main-' tonnnnco to certain individuals wlio happen to be exorcising Certain call- mgs, in tho enjoyment of a stato of a Sluto of well-being not permitted to their fel- kiws. It concludes with these remarks on strikes: New York has been a great sumirer by strikes, certain industries have been driven away, while others havo been seriously crippled. Ship. building can no longer ho snid to exist 1 V,"' "t,l'!lnu'r "" '' Mr. J at a iwgnied Industry in this eitv,l ll,;"Jei.ou) of iluyiotni, s and building has almost' ceased during lt"1',""1"" Cmranf, who wi ng lias almost ceased during .li .. ' , " iuo insitwo years allowing tostriries. lies. v.lipntO nits BCOn nilVCn tlltO Other' ,,. .. . , . . . channels, nnd the lalmrer wonders why' tiling Are so dull. l,et him look back at the strikes of 18' 173, and be will get its building i con- an answer ns far ccrned. i No'er herettiforo in this cbun try liavo traders-union assumed so mcnncitig nn attitude, and strikes such lommlublo proportions', as during tho present troubles in the mining district of lVnnsylvania. That's So.-Th Lewistown -Srrift- led M lA AtMiaaged -tbis, ith j A k . V 1 l0R , 7 uel pertinently remarks: Kven IUdi- Hry f one thousand dollar liewitl, i.tn"..,l.,l7 cl theology is in default . Tako it'thatho saved ll by doing without a ''. l"U or nmiy tooo.bip.cieoi field ooonty, leading "Chaplain," llen-e-ry Ward ' h'ved girl." He must have hecn in I Z1"1' r"l' nn.lertigned, all Hoocher, for example : Uo t.rlcl out j the habit of keeping very dear glrls. &ZVJ'1l.l T'C" Crly With Sharpet Rfi(, and now he ' 1 1 i I wdl pn-.-al them properly aolhrnlirnled tor tel- is Tiltoii-ing with ono of hi own Suiistanti.il . l'i!Kii..Tlva . Shane. I "" '.. '. , llh'NKV a kRTl. ineinoera on a queetion of adultery. P"110 "eerfiow aaycvtA. trow was Wa'd liko lo know just what radical- slaughtered tho other day by Thomp isiain good lor except as aMminto n l'"er, of thin place, In th elom "escapo tho wrath to eotne." Evorv- r'1' 1,1 whitdi wa fbiind a two-bladed whr iubandippoan it jiirt nukesl, (jack knit and a broken Mil.. Wa are frioaiif. r'lloioe. Greeley a a Hero.". I MILL IOMSOF ' EOXX IX THE' ! WOODS OF WESTEUX AA'IP i " YoUK. i Spoilsmen will dnul, ileus lai Interest - cd thrfuct tliutjli. fc. u countless niilli(iiilnl' plgeuM to joe touml wilhliij one kiaotrcd miles of ' thieity. The wmntfy A-lng lei i tlieiniiiu line j living biota cell the Intiiii Unci Their roosting place is situated ill a wild mountainous roiion west of ; Coopers, N, V,, a few miles this side of; Corning, and embraces 11 tract of hind 1 from st viin td tcA niilos piare, bcuVily I timbered, nod tnihniknii bv clennnusf jor highways, from which they insno at I ilnvlhrhl unit ueii I l.,tw,v... ll, i.,ui,,l i-i- Air tnuny mijiilji iiirVjS rf UkI,w dn )i iconsinls nrincioullv ot ueorns. II .Coopers ulioiit three weeks ago, 11111I j orublo iliiinher of the birds will build mull' news uuu Iiiihii m this cuu mid tboso adjoining. 1 he writer tool a trip tj CiMuplwlUilunl woek, with! excellent success.' "(tynnsiie liexillagol t- 1.11.. .J..: ,ulL i.i.-l. i::n. , ?- ,11 iinijiin-nn uiv inivf ll'gll irilli ih the top of tho centre ono our parly look up a position, nnd when thcfllglii flight commenced uhout l. u., we oould, ' not load and liifo, fiisi enongh to takoj the flocus lis they chnrged upon us; liko the waves, of Iho ocean. Th'()lLi .PAINT J'UTTV; .'.GLASS flight lasled an hour, the' muring rtfl v I ' ' .-'.' our KUiis,exb.anvtiug cxciUmil.audJ K"': ,u" ,or V tbo lively running toiiud fro of u small ' , , POWELL A MoRUAV. army of boys .pickii.tf uj, the deadj " ? "TZZT- birds; rtiid lh$Miioa mitniniiitfui: one. rroiii our clevuled position we conimniided a view of the country for ten or twolvo )niK hi triitb und; (Jve or six in wit 1 1 It, uinl for the eiilire ilis tiinco iiiiiiiense (locks could be o'ocu stretching out In long lines until lost in tho disltinro. When Hearing the "roost," several flocks arriving simul taneously woul I sweep to-ri'tber ililo ono tininenss' flock lud hli-lit iu the trees in n thick mass, seemingly cover ing 11A iiCjiT nr'fiantt fiVArhnr Jkio- I'liir. v i ( THE (iOVJMXJIEXT SECUET flETECnYE SERVICE. , It happens now and then thut the pcoplo get hit Buight into tb workings of tlio Federal ioveri(iuvlil Secret DeteetivooieiTice. ... ... ,,t .,n.,;, . It-is an imUouk dcparliuoiil odious j 10 uie popular insniieis. iriiiiiiious.uii I , feelings. A .secret detcctivo agiMicv.l supported by such 11 government as! Ltntd'iU Wilhi'.uis disgraces ought nol ! to be pcrmrflisl 1 exist tovtiday. J H This brunch of I'edeiiil power grew up out of the war. Spies and inform- eis hid from ',H.ldic view, rs,onsiblo uuy hi most1 wnorw iiiieri'sis inev suo-i served, five from nil nccnnnfiibility,! ready for hire or from hato to oppress mo vrcaic nun 1 no poor, 100 records 01 (ins sxorvirvii iitjre :pv any nv r,sv 111 tlwpr, a; the seal pt I edcial power, would disclose such iniiimies as the worst despotism would shun. But there liiow unofbliootof this detective iigeney which is still secret. Nobody knows who lire employed by the I'c.I erul authurilv in this 8011111. Men fcSCI't the' aiVSt-SJCCt govern llieill agents, . hm on iimuity no such lej'soii is louud clelrlment or . inn the ;wy rJIs of tho n o, llllilur rlouio utlier inline. Ill a t trial in n Now York court, onough ' , wns hi,wn to satisfy any treo man I j v0 trust tho m-mocrnlic Contfi a-s vvili """"P i". rancu 111 reienui I 11 11 Hscover, we tlllllli, il Will dlscoyer, we tlllllli, to excite til iro of the pelinlo iiimfn- Itmiil.v il i ll! o,,vi ,P; ,, llesl,ll,i; " '" mx 0 tls of dollars to the taxpayers, public illlcl'ests Will no't be , fiiongfi to excite the iro of ;,f tho conn 1 thousands 1 .....I tl,l nublic inli-nuls will n,,t tte imnutivd. Destroy this ninieiida.ro ofi mvil, imKjrinl, despotic govern 1 ii;',i ii, ,. ,!., c ?i ;.,r. ment. who, In old Ireland, w ere regarded Ju,olll ,,,0 moaflM( o( mntikind. yi rniers, us Vnf. 'XkuJedil. COIlld hAve'slllkd 'with ." ' , " . , . 1""!'": -.' V'v "'"'" K iiniproye'i in tins country: exiTPt tn Tlct ;'''"CfS- - ' ' ..." ' ..." " 0 .. . 1 m"r " I" -"e'ier truil, re- "!""' 'i" Tl81"1; ,;;'.t-Bf-,';,t"l Valuable Real Estate. I ty' o, . i i Z ' - " -""'Jt 0ort I "'''"f l "ont'.u'ts wilh tho rrnp. j , 0i,.rnei.i.o.ioNUAV ,u.,i.i, n;i, 1 U"" YH' n "t"1"' " conceal. 1 ho,.. 1 .vi.rt . Rn.ia lot of ponnd .iio.t.inib. Heccher Case bus not Oil Odor Which "roob of Oleareld, on the toolb aida of Mar- . . )h -,,Q1,i1i, k,.,. aJjoining ih. p..at omoo on the 00.1, I1 1 hi r ri-scmlilwlhchc nij hn u M , MltkM ,tnM M. j'1'" '""'0 ot tlnisc blossoms which poison I ck b.t.r lot. p a. ii.oii. .od Job. I"" over-hurdem'd Uir. 1 1 , flowers Trootro.n 1 , i feet to na alley, lbtalolitoneof . .. . , . . ,.,(,,.:,, , ; ' ih " -i-irobi. bo.in... .lie. ,. to... Tb, . r.i .r .1 , iii iuiiiiui nuuir aney SUOIIIII V rosemary Ulld paiisies . lor thought, ami ruo for all, even if tbev may call it "herb ot grace o Sundays,"' and thoiiffh. ns Onhclm snid r'hoe' "may wear it ith a ilitforenoc.'' The ! Boechor cs- is planted in our Ameri.j can siH-iely like the fabled I'pos lt Its contagion IS fpread Upon the air ' and conluiiiinatei ull who ure compel!- i ed to breath- it. ; j hiivVr ,1 I - - --- nn to, I .iwiiw lll,mn WAT 1TB1.V RAr.E.-The Oil Creek and Alleglienv I;....- !.;!. 1 : i t i f ( Hivor Hi llroad is advertised lor sale under a decree of the supremo court, ' nt th Merchants' exohangc. hi l'liila- j dolphin, on the Kith of May. Thui properly will be sold subject to niort- gage ailionulingto ti,5Hrt,O0:8j,0001 of tlio purchase monei nnev to be paid in lor rcniombrunce, und pnusies for'af "at half lu . CIllllO 1 1 .1 1 1 , 1 . , t'onr 01 tlearUeld oo'lnlv, to be held on the Brit 1W but ItH" . " . ' ba,!,m' twenty day. M,.d.y of Jo. 1ST., b.; ibe ottutn. tl lbt ..I , Tbo bnmls ol Iho ooilljiaiiy secured by (tat of Xewliarg for a aharierol laaorparao.to 1 tbo mortgaga of May 1, 18ii8. to Wii-! " in oooeiin. wit the gojerai At I am ti. MrwxhM.1 tr.wt.vo -lll I- . coivou in payment lor any amount nr c. exoessof tho sum stimulated in citslkin Vtti-,-o Cm-nan. -Tha' Hor- . John . (ilendeening. who, it will Imj j remembered, was several months since; I tried by an cccolosiastical court tin' lha lafge ctmrjtvgatkm 'prseted ' riMipHataiifle in the pylpii, vbk Ii "m'.rm vwhiy Willi flowers. ,' "'""'i'"oiHvunioi uas pauilllO J,r- "'loiuiiiig scuipim mut pnul tlio 1110 mwyers wiio conducted 1 hl" delense.nnd his salary has not been; 11'"" 4 lua'- j1"1 ''J' tho intermission in lust, lke p,i,ip wrM ! mlnil"try i i : in v. wawi a4 u. D. VaaVaitas, la u arao- ' '''-"' ; r .V".1' "'fATtins. The Lauras - i..i. ililien l. V' WlOl us Rilely I nmrlr. li nnv 11 mil 1-.. r'v " ' " 'gu- -V" . I V irregu - Inl-itir lit tl... wr. 1....... !.. ... J , , """"" alter, """" 5" "also swearer, lie has 1 ' " "giioiso nniior r. l uiien- u!,'k- ,f, Ilanisbarg', for perjury. The ! s0 Wl'! 1,0 tried before Iho I'nitttl ; l nuin-n wis, net iMiiii-t m 1 lllladelphia, JllHT.tK -The Vork rk Sun gets off the following i-: " '"' " nmnda, llotrit.ot Rail here was once a Pcnnsvlvaiiia J..i. ' .??.?!?'!:"'? miV." TELtf "Tl !... l ! T . hitrrr who lnid by thirty thousand do) - juin in uue si'ssio 1. II lien lie certainly getting down to hard ti when our t-atttohtinker after rach ar ticles, .Why not frod them on pig Iron T Tim New 20-CicNr Piece. Tho du- signs eft ha iO-ct'Ut silver niew author. . 1 ir.ed by tlio act Of Congress of March 1 1H75, .worn selected and approved lt Wi't-k-.. Tbo, pbv a silting figure tho wor.l "l.ilieny" shield, the whom sur ,j (jo, pnverso iiesign con- Ot I.iliertv, w'lth Inscribed on tho shield, tbo wholo surrounded by tbir- teen slurs, and beneath tho figure the dulo "1875." On the reverse the fig- urvW'iem eagle, sitrroiindtsj try the in. 1 1 seriptiwn, "United Hates of America," and beneath tho eagle the words "Twenty Cents." Tbo edge of tho e'U" will ho perfectly smooth, to dis- usfrnisii 11 110111 me xo-crnicoin,wnicn biwrs n reeded or flntctl edgu. D(iv 3.flvfrttsrrafnt3. lTiWlTf T ' xV MflTif! A T v' " 1J1J" uiuuaii . SBALSKS IS II A II I W A It , Mio, Mftnafcturri4f Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLUitriun, rt ulyAIlMING IMPLEMENTS of all kinds tor into bv P0WEI.I, MOROArt. . ' - . ITJAU.POAP, WHEEL5AKliO WS txty - I 'i fur tale hy ' 1 POWEl.t, A tfOBIIAX. .irtisBBo iniAiJuiun &. biiuh Flnilinge, for tote ty '' " .Ct-iJ'. - l-OWELt 1 MOndA.V. Q UN i, PISTOLS SWORD CANES n . tor tola bv ' ,iS.'' 4 roivgi.L A uonuA.N. ' , gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AND j, 8. lei, for tola Vjt P0WKI.L A M OHO AN. t . I"0N ! I RON! IUOS ! IKON! For tola bv ' ' l'Oll l.Ll. A MOBOAX. OKSE SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE . ', KAILS, fur tale ti ' ' 'POWBtX A MOUdAN. , j-- ' '-- - OULI-ET BLOCKS, ALL SIZES a. . if I trel Sett Manofartoro, for tale bj POIVKM. A M0RIIAN. .,,,,, . . '.. ,..r."'.. , . j ff U.f M BLE SIU2I-NS AXI) riPR . DOXEli, f..r onlo 07 POWELL A MOBOAX. . -v j , rlllsy jlay 7, 1875, , m Mtur ,tum pbil..loloUin nltb th. irot , and only Rt'M'.IEIt FTVLE-l H1MMK Sri'LKS : lil'MMKK K1VI.1: SUMMER STVI.B3 KI MMKIl STVI.E1 rjUM-UEtt STYLlii fet out, wtiieb will comprint ri Ol, rare aud elo- 1 i PAKIfl PATTEKS . I1 DIQ VATl'kllV IIOSNKTU, IJO.NNBTS. ' HAT. . ; MATS. HIIinOKS. , I 7 ?. i' . ' ' K1HH0NS. , FLOWERS, c. .; FLOWEttS, Ac. IMov your (.nrchoteo ontll na goodt ooae, nod run will not regret doing to, MKS. T. ft WATSOX. ClearCoM, MoT i, lslS. It T)Xst .lSKOLUTlOX. Th nortner.bin Wetofore a. lotint k.. ' twrrn N. E. Arnold and W. Hoot Hortiborn, la ' "' "eroaollle bonincie, In tho boroj:h of Car. ' wruT1"o. Iratlinc a Ansotn A IlAnrasoov, wot i di..olrrd by roulual oonarnt .0 tbo drel o-o, . : J,,,, ls-s. The booki, notot and Jmiiwitnti of ,oe nrn nro left in tbo bandi of N. K. Arnold for 1 twrm N. R. Arnold and W. Hoot Hortiborn, la 1 Ibe firn oro Mt in tbo baaili of N. K. Arnold for "'""' enlitoiio.. Theoo Piiii k.r.r. snoettled oeeoanlt witb tbo imt will ploote eoll oud toltlo them wiUioot deity. 7o diteoolioo rtolrf ooft (0 lie Mrrmorile toeioee. N. E. A KXOI.O. J";;"'';,', . ' W. R. 1IAKTSIIORN, Tht DTidertlrntd pronnot to onnllBoo rho bnjl. I ". of M.robaodidns nt tht old ttaod, nnd in. Itindt to condoet it 00 n more otendodteolo and hoap llian overbeforo Ho w.nu , ta. i,ooe oca now eneo. too. u W thr. . aind. . K. K. AKXOLU. Unrwentvlllo. Mar i, 1S7J.-II i PJOTJUNEI) ASSIGNEE A . .. SALE nZh' to not die eojtorn wall of Iho Poet Offloa in building I. aeonred to the rrarohoeer, o. otynieal 1 m' "oe-nair tu e.trt. Teriat made known od dtf r.iit. TeruM "r'l, A. C. TATK, Airier, of E. A. P. Urndrr. (.'I.,t. 1 1. May 9, IS7t. ll OAD TION.-4-' , ' '. , prvptrly. n 'W in the rniuettma of B. U. Uillo. ,,r' ol ,'l"', tp. i : I hay mm, I r,an "W,,1'IV St ! T." Reo, 1 row, 1 grindrtonn, I polrty bloob, I 1 ehoio, I parlor l,,vo, 1 oopbuord, I tohle, 1 olork, 1 ' " M' ant txiaill. 1 'IM ! Ml 1 e""i " " purouati-u n tn mi p.unn i title n April t, fs;i, ,d ar. Ion with him on loan, t.i.jU to my order at nav timo. PHILIP I) yet. !il'n af' V ,T4.-, VToTlCE OP INOORI'OHATIO.V. 1 Kolle l heroler giren that on annlifttioo i".'"',". ",x ' ' T" ? "T !!.' -'"o ... ag to the ioC'irpuratliin ol Ooreuaj lo t'lt mmtHWcnltb of I'onnrylvoni. VI it. M. -Vict l l.l.oi Ull. All'T lot leUOoort. . Clo.-n.IJ. May S, ISrJ. ot r 1 -- V) OCR PATRONS CuKABrlBLn. Pa.. Anril IS. 1S7&. Wu have tliit day ditnood ol nor onnra intr- nn Tin B'jof, in U11 Pow.ll and Wo. F. 'realtor aoaduet tbo boiiaeM ' name and tvit or "I'owoii a iora." Wo hoorf0iiy rooommend ibeu to our old ennomen Ver, K. n.' tfri,. , luori !t it. f. BldLER A Co. , uoyi it -j.", ,,-,-- i "0,'' " "toa iv roaioai 1 ; , v w,n. . II. aj. VAXVALZAII. . llrarrM, May let, ISti. 1 ' ' " ne iin will oo iiioou o. toe on,ee ,.f K. V. wiln l the nlW f K. V. Wili..n. where tbe. will be ...I.i . , ,.l .. . ' ... "y enow or mo nn aatnM. mvt-ti $7.85 for 10 Cents. frailer Time Talile an Porhel Direr- lory for Mi) cwil. In T.81 wnrlh of In formation I nT oati.fotory rratnat not bert divnlt".!, tr im'' try staffer MaenoieheaiU bavo a onnv. rriee ! I onto umo) of a ov noot tlnl-d olreel, rou- a.ieti.eini. - - . M.ya.tt ItWKitH. ' Wo bar 1 ' - U. ! Ar . W H.ilnoal Trot Illoo oitro .!. r... I1.1L i s l or a i nn a a a ii-i a i ' - ri t i il ant 9X1,1 o-totuhl lo tho oonnty, tltt dd roller., and Hopbine' plongbt. Allwarraal d tnt-elata. P looght at low ai It . , . M.0.BROWH IRO. Crtaraelo, May t, lllt. lt.