f. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARFIKL1), FA WKDNKSDAY MOH NINO, APRIL W, 18T5. ' Terms of Subscription. If paid in advenee, or within three montha ...it 0 (l paid .ifier throe aad before ail month..... 1 5fl If paid tPir the cipiretlon uf tic utuiUhs ... 1 99 Nciin. 6. M. I'eTTEkuab 4 Co.. Ken paper Adveitieing Agrete, XT Park Kuw, vomer list k nan 1 tlru tt w our dul eelbuiisrd Agents in New York City. hKMCiioun kotii:i:m. Methodist I. ..let opal Churchy-Rev. B. F. Btkvexh, i aitor. Public tierviee evsry tiabheth 4t lw4 A M., and 7ft P.M. Sabbath .School at V A. M. Prayur A etiog every Thuraday, at T P. M. Cuiuu -anion Service, firat tSebliatlr of every contli, .u 10, A. M. lreb torlaii CburcbBrv. II. S. Dcti.i:r. JSab.ar.th aurvtoea morning ft nd eveumc rib- bath iihol at I P. .V. Prayer .Mretitig Wednes- Jay eveuiug. Mt. Krancln ChurrliCathohr Her. P J. Shkhidak. Mass at li o'oluok A. M on tbe tint, third ei d leu rlii tunda)a ol cash month, OFFICIAL niREtTOIlV. j t:u or luLniito giutHM SKseioa corar, Bit ond Monday of January. TVrd Monday of Marco. Ftilt Monday of Juno. Fourth Monday of September, TIKI Or MOLDIHO COVMOX ri,Kl. First Monday of Junf. Second Hun day of November. riBLio orrirana. PrrtUskt Jtdgt Hon. Charles A. Mayer, of Look Haven . v4MVat fvw Jdge-rHvn. John II. Orvll, of Dallclunle. w . i Afoeialt Jmtlyf Wlliiatn C. Fohry, Clearfield j John J. Head, lurwonevtlio, , t ProthaMarvKi Bloom,' Htgitter aa Kttordtrh. J. Morgan. liittritt AttnrnryYnjyk Fielding, freaowrer Terid W. Viae. flU.njf WUhmtn R. McPherson. lmtg Srrgr Hamnel F. .McCloakey, Cur- wenarille. County rwiiiottfr Jubn I, ThunpKon, Curwensrlllei Clark Brown, Clearfield I Conrad TV. Kvler.Mrahemten. (VHHf (rftlrtIaioelt II. Ilile, Lumber Htyi Lewis C. Blomn, ClearftHd; Hjnry Whitehead, tnwn.hlu. , - - fury (,'flMMiattoiiert John W. lhugart, James Mitchell, Ulearnea. ' Snp4ritedtml of I'nblie Srkooh John A. (Irsgory, Clearllrld. Xotariti PuMie John W. U'rigl.-v, m, Ite debaugH,. Cyrus L. tinrdon, rieartltldl Joiiab Kvens, Jni. K. Irwin, N. M. Arnold, Curwr-nsville ; J.J. Lingle, Kiamet Sayrs, Oaoooia Hill; Jobn lion II n hi i lion, liiitbrbiirft. t'ollinfrwood Jirniid. iVtor MeOeni-c, Kw., linn pjuvlmKed the Darn-t farm, fur tho aura of ?8,JUli. Fwrly-thrt'O tipplicnt ioitn for license bare beu ftmd in Cenlr oennty. Tho lCIk County Court common cos at Hidgwuy n MondH.v, Mar S4tb I). Jolinnon & Son.lnlcortlie BnK-k- arhoff Uouv, Ucllrfonte, bart lcied thcI)iitt' llouxe. In tliMt town- Mr. riiiU-nion Jlolsappllo. ofSomer act county, autl Mlit Amanda Uotberabaugb, of - IIunliogdoD roonty, vera unitrd In the btOy bonda of matrintnby the otber day. A colnrwl whnoM in an Alk'ntown cnurt tcftrfd lo tbo flrteenth amendtoeot aa a law tlicy havo op in Wllllatnfnort, and y ' heam ttll on It down here, I rockou." iiiiM Tnr.CKi.KiiKiTiEH The etlilor of'tlio Indiana Vtmorrnt, and 1'rtriJeiil Urant and hit t'al'inct, hi iped the Cuacorltra and Lexington! una to orlebrate ihfir Centennial, on tbe 19th nti. im i ' ' Ahrkhtri). (ieo. W. Spoiict'r, who U euj'poied to hare levn thn caura of ihe ilcalb of Ignatlnf Bruner, at llpynoliUvllIe, hut been arrowed and La now in the Urookville jirinm. i ii a Mr. Jio. JohiiKon, oClMtlslnirh, who painted tbo aeeuory fur 1'ic'a Ojiera llttuc, in tbia place, ha born ngaR-d to eiwata a aiwHar Job for lite Reynold! Opria Houar, at Keynoldtt lie. Tho dictionary mnmifiutttiroin Hro reaping a Hob harvcat out of I ba spelling "bea" bmineni, and if vlgurouily followed up It tnajr also inprevo tho orthograpby of many prop la amatiugly- a- . . Jivink Service. Wo have hoou ro- qaeate4 lo Mate that Her. Mr. Uurchlteld, or Curwensville, will preach U the Preabytariaa Church In this place, on Sunday next, tlia 2d day or May, morning and evening. a In the lintB of patent iftHm'd to tho Inventors for the week ending April I Sib, I874 we notice among tbo rent the following; "0. B. Young, Clearfield, scroll sawing machine." Thli Is said to I one of the best Inventions of the age. Tho editor of tho JMoonishur Colum bia, II. L. Dicflbnbaoh, Bsq., has tuitained aa Irreparable loss hi the Jeath of his wife, a daugh ter of Hngb Coaly, doeeased, of Clinton eoonty. Mrs. Dlaffenbach was a moat amiable and estima ble woman. i i m ; On Taedy ovenintf Alvin, a noli of Frank B. Steror, of Boaliborg, was kicked on the temple by a bone which be bad struck juat aa it waa entering Iba liable. Tbe boy's skull was broken In three places. At lateat aeeevats be waa still alive. Collingwood Jintnd. Tl o I'hilipHhtirgh Journal remarks : ''Drills for the turlber exploration of the ooal at the abaft above Uoutadala bava ben shipped from Pottiville. The explorations, to be con ducted by Tbomaa McCauley, will of course be pushed forward as rapidly aa possible' - m Tho Mrftnnnin wty tliut tho pools (ran are tod with tbe mills al the upper end of Mil ton are lined along the shore with dead flrh. The cauae of thli wholeaale di-itruetlon Is suppoM-d lo bave been owing to (be severe winter and accom panying ice gorgea. a ei Union Kablmth Schools in Clcurficld county that are too poor to eoppfy tbeinselvel euffioiently with books and papers, ean receive aid to a limited extent from tbe tbo American Sun day School Tnion, making application to tbe Heciety'i missionary, Rev. H. CrittendL-ti, Belle fonle, Centre tounty, Pa. KrRioUHLt Injiiiikd. Wc lenrn Ihht Apgar bloom, of Carwensrille, waa.reriously, if not fatally, Injured on Monday a week, at dues- town, a abort dlatnnee above Herrtsburg. While engaged at snubbing a raft, a lath pole broke and flew up, striking him In tho face, knocking (be fterh off one ebet k and putting an eye out. . m - A Bad Spell. A Villiamport lady wrote lo bar fellow, saying t "Plea earn arona an talk m te the 'pcllin anach tbik orenin." A few "spoiling bees" might euro her orthogra phy, and we hope tbo that "cvenin." Clmrlot W. (ioodhinder, formerly wf Milton, hna beca elerted Mayor or ihe city Fort HcoM, Kanaai, Witimmiiorl Timr. It gives uspteaiure to ebmniele "Couiln Char ley's' promotioft. But tbrn be la training with a very tad enw. Pomtroy, Kellogg, Ingalle A Co. are as fatal to morale and good gorernmrnt aa the graaihopper la to vegetation. aw ANtiTHEn Timm. Vol; 1, No. 3, of the Willlamsport Sntf Tim U before na. It ii an eiglit-p.ige journal ef rather pretentious style and appearance. A little good Kunday readia; lll Lot injoretle maraliand baiioeaa or that progressive eity, ai.d we hope tbe publishers, U ttrt. W.lon, McMalh A IMberlld, may ino seed in thofr enterprise. If "iplte work" Is not at Ihe bottom of tbe ondertaking. SfBsTANTiAlrRtTnH.Ancxrhiintfo la alluding to the practical edecailen ef Ihe masses remarks i "JeWf has about superceded grammar, hirlnry II beiag eoreml by drnminf, good manners are el a.l.le for po eafc, and professions are retried lo tradn, and the result Ii Ignoraneo, tanUy, aooial depravity and a large Increase or heinous crimes, as well as the physical depravity of tbe body and wiud, all covered by moral bankruptcy." This geaeralion aeoda a moral doctor very badly. i i e a ' New Kntijiprikk. The Lock Ha ven Ihmotrmt lays that Mr. Charles Kperring, of that place, baa beta rhasam aa Ibe engiaeer to locate a railroad for Mr. Charlea Ulancbard, of ThiladtlpLla, on the Bennett's Branch ef tbe Sianemabenlng. It will ran rmm thebeadwatefs ofAndereoa creek lo Winterbara, a station aa Ihe Allegheny Valkj Railnmd, a distance or ba tween four and five toltr. Mcur. Craig A BlaocfaaH own ft large tract of timber land In thai locality. We believe that a wltlaloa af the land has bten made. At Wiaterbura, Mr. Craig ! a large stone saw mill. Ml Blanebard proposes to balld ana there, tea, a ad (He contemplated road will be ase4 to eon My logs fro Ibe place where oat la ihe mill. It is rumored tbal a ssaall town Is In laid out at that rtstln. DEATH OF HON. EOWANO CHARLES 1CHULTZE. It grievos us lo announoe the audJen demise of oar esteemed tersonal friend, whom wo bava known for ever a quarter of a century. He re sided fur many years at tit. Marys, Rlk county, nd bad an extensive acquaintance in thia county. His death occurred at Reynoldiville, on Thursday a week, aged nt arly 6V yeara. The IteyaolJivllle ihmtd, a alluding to bli death, says : A few days prior to bis dcalb be was eujo)ing ba uiual health, bia rpirits were buoyant, and the gtava waa little ttiuugbt of. As tbe news or hii departure wis bamlrtl from mouth to mould, how ividly tboMf wuidi wire nun lied iy all, "In the luidpt of life we are in death." He was the victim of brarl dUtair, and whin death cawe he was inRnged in reading the Journala or the day. He put bia paper arid aad faded Calmly aaay, like one who draws tbo drapery or hie euuch about bim and Itee down to pleaiant dreaini. I be Judge has been one ot U for the at five yearr, and no man has done as much as he tor our lawn. Ho started us on the road to pros perity. Hit advrriiiementii penetrated every nook and corner or the land, and hundred or people rushed to the embryo city and secured fool-holds. Oat of fafs real ealate tramactiona he a mailed a fortune, but he died almost pnoiles. Tbia Is eaiily understood hy thie who were Inti mately acquainted with him, He was extraordi narily generom, and tboie that aiked bim fir aims aaver departed tinpty-handeil. He valued money only lor the bappineM It hrwnght ta bim-, sel and brother mortals. 1 h rough charlry. in a legion of ways, he d:poed or hts fortune asi Fpeedily as he made it. He came into exigence under a Hood, and a cloud seems to have bovered orer bim during hts entire terrestrial pilgrimage, He was born la U arm any, on tbe litkdayof Joae, lotto. Europe wai man oeing invauea oy napoleon uoneparte, aud on tbe day In question, when Ibe advancing army drew near, the women of the land hunted remote hiding places, many seeking tbe cellars of tueir nouses, in one ol Ibeie places, witu tbe re sounding of tbe bugle and Ihe reur of cannons, and Ihe tread of armies overhead. Judge tSibultaowaa bora, boon alter ami a ratio to Aenertea be waa married and raised a large family, many of the members of which arc living in this neighborhood. Assessor ISllot. Jlclow will be, found aa official Hit of tbe names of tun aeveral Assessors elected at the February election, In and for Clearfield county, for I "75, together with their poetoffiee addrei r ' DUtriel. A'amt, Puttnfflet. Iiuranuc iwiimgn, hid, J. 1 1 o lines, ihirniiua. Char field Jauica Wrijtley. Cleartield. Ueorae W. Cole, Curwtiiiville James linn ii, lloullalc. Jaa. 11. Cupplea, LuniberCity Foster Invn, N. Wah'on. R. A. Csmpbelt, OircolaMilll I mac Hhiminel, Wailaeeton. Curaeoiiille " llouti'lule " Lumber City N. Waahing'e" Otceola N Wallacetun lteccarta townibip.Ueorgt W. Hrx, Olen Hope. Hell " J. W. Campbell, Cuali. Bloom Win. Henry, Foreel. Bogga Jam el II. Waple, Wallacelon. W. It. Williams,' W 'ma drove. tleo. II. U'ingcrt, Lullienburg. Jlraillord Brady lluruside John Kanli, Patoliinvlllc. ' Cheit Covington Wm. ll.Wnconer.Huri! John Pirard, Frrnchvllle. David Uearhart, Ptiilipaburg. F. Cortes Bell, Lumber City. Mitchell fchope, II-Id Hilti. J. A. Fulton, gliawirlllc. A. C Dale, Orahamtnn. J. B. M'Kiernan, Hinitli'i Mills W.D. Woodward, Pcnntleld. J. W. Johnston, Anaonville. Lurcnso Hertline, halt Lick. ' Heubeo Culdwell, New Millport Martin Nichols, Clearfield. John Hoover, Kylerlown. K. M. Davis, Urein'n Ililla Decatur KergUKon Otrard (lofbrn Uraham Oulieb Hurl on Jordan Kartbaus Knoa Lawrence Morris Penn ike Daao Caldwell, Ctirwcniville I'uiOQ Philip 11. Oriak, Hook ion. I Woodward Bi.ui'l Henderson, lloutsdale. No Aises'i lor baring been elected lu Knox lown-' midvweamr, and, upon eonviction thorcof, shall ivi.r,.. lMti.,n ilia r...,i...lln,.. I 1,8 puatshed by fine ur iuprieonmeiit, ar either, ebruaryelect.on,tliecommiii.onersi)i(tlijtliieftri((i()f the euntt having Jurlsdictioa ibip at the appointed Mr. Caldwell, Ihe former Assca?r, mm e am- A Bold Thief. Tho U'nnhiiiL'toii borough, Lancaster county, cormpondent ul the Colnmhfa Net-aid, ot hit week, relates tho follow ing : On Fildny uigbt last a butglary waa committed iu our borough which staggers the credulity of our iiihabilai.ta, Tbe eircnuialancei aa related lo ud others are es follow i : Mr. David II. Hoarder, formerly of tbo firm of Bruner A Hmrttcr of Columbia, w bo is now engnged in the lumber buaineri tu Ulrardelil county, ta here on a rim, and is tbe guest of hii fathi-rn-Iaw, Mr. Hamuel him. lie reiiri'u tu no room ubuut n o clock on the evening in qiieitlon. About an bonr alter- -rds rmiiuoi vtui, Jr., reiurnca nome ana uik uvored that all the doort leading into Ihe bouse were wide open. Aa lha Inuiatea of the lioune ap peared to be all aileep, suco an unusual thing led him to make further inveitigationr, and lighting a lamp be proceeded up-itair., when be found j that tbe doora leading into Ihe different rooms ! were alio ajar. He entered the room decupled by i Air. IS bar Iter, who awoke from bia alvep and waa Informed or the strange elreumstaaoeaod when .h. l.ltcr.ro.etodrea. bimll it waa aicer.an.ed ihul In. itanlaliHtiiB had intMlariuu.lv flinnt.Mired. They contained bis pockst-book and a bunch or ! kevs. The amount or money in tbe former was $180. Tbe apptaraoee of this lodispeosenable neiuer garment is natarany conneoteti wnn iue pen doors, nut H requires a lively fancy to con nect the felonious entrance in the house with any liar.nn miaeqnainlr,! With UlC OITmlrei. 1 ho puvket-bwuk, with valuable popers but minus the money, was subsequently picked up in the yard. When the "aawentionaolca" and buneh of keya arc found wa will inform your readers. The I act of the recovery or tbe money we never expect to able lo cnronieie. Collingwood Brand, PHOPKBTY OWNKRS Ll ABLE. All im portant case, in relation ta beeping paramenia clean, waa settled In tbe Philadelphia Court last week. Tbe facts proven were about this i On tlm Alb of January. 1873. Mrs. Doyle went out to take a short walk. On her return home, and while pairing la front of the premises at tbe nortbeaat corner of Ridge avenue and Urcen street, aba clipped on tbe aoow and broke both bones of her leg. Bbe waa carried borne, and was oonll tied lo her bouse for six mouths, and is yet sutlering from tbe ellccis er the accident. Ihe plaintilts proved that tbe property in front of which she fell be-longed to Mr, Comfort that It was vacant at tbe tune of the accident, aud that tha suow bad not been cleaned from tbe pave ment during tbe eolire winter. It was abown that aa ordineace of the city requires anow to be removed from pavcmeule wituiu aix working boora alter ceasing to tail, and it was for Mr. L'oulorts negligence ia tailing to remove the anow, by reason ol whieh tbe accident happened, that tbe auit waa brought. The defense denied any liability la law on tbe part uf tbe defendant, and alleged that tt waa Mrs. Doyle's duty to bava avoided tbe dangeroni ildewalk in question. Af ter argument, JudgeJtddle ehatged the Jury that it tbey found from Iba evidence that the defend ant allowed Ibe pavement to be and remain in a dangrroue coadmon by the accumulation of anow and ice. and that in cotiaeqaeneo of his neglect the accident hnppvned, hew as reaponrible. Alter a abort consultation the Jury found a verdict for plakntil in the cum offl.OOU. n e lUWOia lay mat VI.UVV WUIiu jmj iur gUM j aiof .nUw.bov,ib,i, im, tw,. Miribi,i.ilbmliy htall attdll fo(t hB TrMor,r the law, It "will pay" to keep clean pavements. e An Im porta nt Tr i a l. A L n nd Cnw of more than ordinary Importance we learn la to be tried In Centre county next month, before bis Honor Judge Klwell of Columbia county. Juilge Klwell'a great exprricneo aud ability, eipeeially lo eases of this kind, seem lo be recognised by tho legal profeseloa throughout tbe fclale, as wa notice be ia choren to try many leading cae. I bis case la sat (low a lor May Id. l ie etty or Philadelphia is Plaintiff and Henri. Biuitb, Bhodos A Bmith are defendants. I be attorneys concerned are Mcatrs. Blanebard, Beaver A Wil son of tbe Cenlie county bar. Judge Linn or Lycoming, Bono tor Wallace or Clearfield, and B. U. Peale of our bar. Tha question Involve the location of certain lands mostly in Centre county, which were lone since devised lo the eity or Phil adelphia lor Ihe benefit al tho poor. As tbe great mineral weal Ik or the lands Ijmg along tne neat Branch river aad its tributanee is developed, tbe titles to leads grew ta significance, aad our lead ing lawyer, are likely Is bava aemethlng of a harvest before these queelions become Bnally set tled. The lands in dispute in this ease arc be lieved lo be very valuable, aa being of tbia kind, and tbe coaolueion ef the ease will be watched with much interest.--Cfialoa VtmmtrmU Cadet Appointed. Tho Clarion ifemecrwl saya : "Dr. A. O. Egbert, Congressmen of tbe 2f th District, has appointed Edward Thomp son, cf Franklin, lo tha Nalat eadetahlp at An napolis. Tba youth thus se lee ted Is fifteen years oia ana sea or wm. a. tnompeoa, wao waa otown to ntome oy a lorpeoo wear u inn in 1871, leaving a widow and family of small chil dren In atreigbtened cireumilances." Mr. Thompson was a brother ef Dr. II. P. Tbompeoe, of I'arweastille, and af Joseph L Tbompaoa, who residie near thia borough. Their Beyer's house, In tbia place, la Iba fall he la mother, and grand-mother t Ibe cadet, also i Jared hie back pretty icrerely, bul waa able te go resides here. I borne oa Tuesday.'' Terrible Accident. Tho l.cwirt- town tVcscfM say 1 1 . . , 'Peter HI pa, an old cltiaen of Deeatar town.hip, residing en Jack's Creek, wee killed yesterday morniiig under peculiarly sad cireewstanecs. He bad noticed a eraneon tbe bank of the stream, and took down bts gun with lha intention or shooting it. W bile blowing In the mutsls of his piece, be attempted lo lilt the hammer with bis foot, when it wae imtantly discharged, tbe load entering bis mouth aad blowing out hts braiae. He waa about DO yeara of age, ofa jovial dtipuiitlua, nnd well known ia Ihe region in whieh bo rcaided. Ha leavei a wile and aeieral children lo mourn their leu." m They rwvni to linro queer noy out la Clertoe ceaaty. Tha aewciwt says : "When tbe Kimersbarg hoys attend prayer-meeting, they kaeel for Ihe first prayer, tha seeoad they alt oa the Boor, and tho third they hang oa lha bark of tbe scat, aad thereafter don't getdowa at all, hut sit ap and gate at Ihe girls. Uaen the girl, anust like It, ar Ibey woeldu't always he seohiag aver tbe next seat, jait ta see Ibat other girl's aew bat." . a w To rr iUBUiLT The Northmlor- laad Via aays tbe contract far balld in g tbe east end of Ibe aerlb branch bridge, (cue apaa) con necting that place wtta bard'a lalaada, and re cently eerried away by the high water, was awarded to Daniel Fisher, of Union coaaty. Caw tract price H,W, ta he completed la three montha. A rope ferry will he eeialdiehed aeroel tbe catlehaaacl ever Wbteb the entire bridge We tweettaway. m , m i 7' .'ollinrwmid Jlmml. THE 000 N TV tUPERINTENDENCV, Kmtor lUpi'Di.itaa i Now that the trl-canlal aonventlon of 1H rectors, for lha alecllon of a Coaaty u par inta lent, ii apkraM'ng, It way he prtrtr to can aiieauon to a irw iaoii oonneoieti with the last eonreuilou, and which ahould be taken iutoeoniidvratlon at the coming eonveatloa. It rs well known that the oiuw or tlx aaadl datei wore p relented at the ennvt-ntion of 1H7I, lima anabltiig DiraeloM tu lor tbo man of Ihvir clioioe. Alter a majority of ibe convention baii deelarsd w l la. I'.ruytlw, ana bit eommUott'ti wai wiHtlnIU on aooauhf of tome Ir regularities anw iiuhitoalcrroritke appointment ot J. A. tlreeory was secured. To mauy neraoiis this aet'uied unlalr and conivquently otaated con atdetahk euinplaiat at tbe ti 'rahk -amiiplaiat at the' tiuia, .' Cn urtlrf j , he the diiatialaolion tnaa axlaliug, H w , soot prumlaod ou tbo pari ol biia and his fnvnda and aupporlvre, Ibat under vxiiliug cireuwalanws bis rt-elaouuU WouW not be demanded ( and la fact, 11 baa ouly recently Ueu made kuowa to many uf lb a lweJera that be wmiJd f ak a ,a elvelinn. ' - 'roui present indloatlona, tbe coming eoneeu lion will not only be aiked lu re-elect bim, but bava no oppoiing candidate. I am not advl-ed aa to tbe uauee ut thli drpatture from the prece denla of former yeara. Perhaps It la owing to the i art el a "two term preeaaent oaring oeeu a--a-li-heil. and I ho ftatilrauia lo lliat lioiition b I loaition bm wi boon rriirhteneil utl by it. If tuch fa the ease, I beg leave to aay that many or our PI recto re are opposed to iHub precedent controlling the election ul a County Hupurintendent, and particularly in u ' jth-i tbe ....Htton wlll am lh My of pre.enVng a ehoioe of Candida., ' , . ,u ' A k. n,. ..n.in it. -it. Hit present van-, as an audi riaims wcit vinuanj and a thia can be done by Ibe convention itself, those Directors having a candidate to present should net tail l presrait his claims before the eonveulioa. 1 am decidedly In favor of u-alectlortriscr rare, and not an appointment by "nuanimous oonsen."J . A fiioacm. April Hi, 1874. " '-, Collingwood Brand. AN ACT. Below we give an act of Assembly which will doubtleae be of in tare t to many of our readers t To provide for the erection of watering troughs fur tho uie of horses and cattle, on Ibe public . road a of this Cummonwealth V ' v i' I ' Y meatus, for the want of convenient walerin places on ute puoiw nignwaya noraea aou oaiua are frequent stifTcrers, tlisrerore. HriTHifi I, Ht it tnaelid, bv tht 8naf amd Houm AepMMUlKees t Vammomwattk q1' I'fltnajftvnniu, i unrnt nwttmntif u, ana Aety eimeleet ov m norAer of swme. That under the sanctioa and auerv.iion of euporvieers uf toada of the respertjl o lowneblpa of this Com monwealth, any person or persons, who may erect end Bia in tain in good repair, a public watering trough of not less than four fest iu leogl b, twel va Inches in width, and oine inebes in daplb,ifreleer id either wood, stone, or iron, and barepurelear water continually running into the same, by piper, or otherwise, er tb water supplied by a band puiup, iipoa tho side ef publio highway, i auitablo for watering borne and cattle and ap- j prorod by the aapwiaora of each towablp, ahall le entitled to receive from the road fund tharco4 toe aum ot tnree aoiiars par annnia on we pay ment ul hii or her mpectli e road lax. hKr. S. That wlicnevar any person or persons who are in poaiesiioa of nioniog water crossing any public road that nilgbt be made anailftblo, tor luopurpufteot the provinons or this act, or wbtra water might he aupplied eaiily by a band pinup, who neglect or refuse to accept the pro vmuna ol thia act, tbo supervisors of roads iball erect lha mine anil keep Die aoaie ta proper re Pir, and fur a negltct or reluial thereof, aball bei subjvot to the penaliiie of exiiting laws imposed upon supervisors oi roaus-inr a neglect oi auty. Hkc. h. That wbcoevorany watering trough ts erected bit thopurpoo otervsaid, tbe aatne sjhaJt be pisblbj property, and any uvreua wv person do-M etroyius: the eame, or interterinir or committing any nuiance upon the aaiua, shall be guilty of a 1 of Ihe eaae. and the auntivisors of roads of the repH;life lownabips shall prusecate the aaine. a e i 'AnAwot. )HPtwjntrilmtm'!iitH,if,,e pr,MWil'b!,r!;l'r, fUvZuuu?" I through ...lha following apology , the edi.or of! c-rifWlwlhl( Vrfjm. the Orosula Hwitlr t . . . , ,,,..,.. ' ' . Mr Dbam 8in i My reforenca in Buy termor! articio waa 10 me aouuuaoauMBt in ino uscaoia Htvilt; that "Dr. Pierce is lso tbe first ta ad "vanoe llie important tbeery, that every thought, "(every mental ofiort) tn plica waste aa wU ae "traneiliwn of brain snbatanco ; aud that great "mental effort i are attended by a corre.poading "expcn-liture of vital treasure, which are aub "ireoted from the forces areilabb) fgi ihu ncooni "livs ol the syitein." Ptolnsors Carpenter, Daltoii, Flint, and otber rminml phemilla anil tiheiuluffiih. will iwnalira a. one emitted to tho hemlftt of h discovery, act well ei to It. i.ublicatioo. the editor of tbe Hrtrille will now float wilb serene coinpoiure down into history. I humbly crave his pardon far previous niisrrprtaentaliOR. So Caaon. m , m SuilUlcl I. Itovor. of tho Mi'dicnl r ; died 1 the r ' realticmtc r his father, in Headiwg, Paoa tha 14th init., aged M years; Be wai B bMh-r of Dr. T. JelV. Buyer, or tilt borough. ' ', '' ' ' h " '1 The Philadelphia Tress saye i "Dr. Buyer wai attached to the gunboat "Mattabasett" at the time ti atxf Cn silk 4,W A IhaMovl j In Albemarle Hound, and Waf SubeeqrtentTy prc-1 moted to Ibe rank of Burgeon and ordered to tbe Pneifle squadron. After rem a in In g one year ia I the Japanese wait re lie returned noma, Invalided , with con tt tr.pt lott. and he not Miiew been able for duty." '" ' '" "' . .e . at,, i. i. b-it i Tiik It. K. Movement. The Clinton Democrmi taya ; Aa adjourned meeting of the Kartbaus Railroad Company was held last Thurs day afternoon at the offlce of 8. R. Peale, Eiq,, la Look Haven. Present i L. A. Machey Beaj. Hurxtbal and J. B. Barter ol New York L. M . Co-adrlet of Prenrk villa, Charles Paarrs of - Kert. haaa, K. M c(l array ef Baft Lick, J. 8. Reese cfj Baltimore, James U. U rah am of Clearflod, A. C. ICoyvs, Joha JoaeoiW. Bi .MoreaMothcraj R ' R. Bridgens, John Junes and D, 8. Maynard were appelated a eommltMe I aolk-tl mbscriptinas from Ihe ei litem of Keating, aad Meaars, Kcyee, Peal and Mackey were appelated to confer with tha Keating estate representatives to secure the tr aeiti lance ia hnlldiiig tbe road. The enterprise la advancing as much as could ha expected, and tba feeling mai Tested gives aaturanoe that tbe road wlllbecoxistrttoled. ' j J Jl .j Attention. Thowe merchant who were so unfortunate, or busy, as to forget the Mercantile Appraiser's appeal day, and design retiring from buiincis, had better make that fact known te Treasurer Wire Within the aext thirty days and thereby save trouble lo both. Thorn who are willing to make nn affidavit that they will ifitlt business, can lava their Uceose f trlejtcn off, or have a Justice to render a judgmeat agalntt PntitmnliMMllH h an ami alila a Una. I Herriiburg- Sold niruin ftnd ant the ciudi!! its inarka CapU David Mctlaugbey whelm diipdsed; of his saloon to Messrs. Samuel and Frank Betters, who have taken possession and arc now doing the agreeable behind the coaalrr f that old and popular establishment. Cap. still holds on lo the ouaand will continue to roll and pocket as many balls an (ha next fellow. . e -m Another JIuhinkmi Chanor. Wo learn that Ihe popular firm of 11. F. Bigler A Co. bare disposed of their entire rnlereit tn tbe bard ware buiincif, In this borough, lo ox -Sheriff Pow ell and Will. Morgan. The business wl hereafter be conducted In the name at Pewell A Mot-gee, whv pnipoee lo Issue Ihelr proclamation to Ihe public next week. - List A It'tU'm rt'inaininx tinclriiiiu'd in the Poatoffiee at Clearfield, for the week ending April 26th, H, : Bettle, 0. H. Hoffman, Misa Little Hatter, (Ih .rlM ' l!bhhard ThomaajA Cunningbaai, M. Hodman, J. K. Dimgberty, John limon, Frank Fox, A. U. Monday, Patrick Hill, tleorga Meollald, Albert 1. A. UAULIN, P. M. Parmerh. Attention ! Clover mid timothy seed for tale cheap, at Ly lie's grocery, , Pi.-t opasa House, Tho Tyrone aytO "0 Sirti- day last, Itav. T. J. Heese, Preaiding EUtr of tbe Altcona Diitrlct of Ihe M. E. Church, fell down a pair of slalrs, into lha cellar of Mr. F. D. Brother Reeee had better keen out of the cellar on such eaoj days, ' ) JJlfl Withdrawal. Tho following enrd fully explains ttaslft LmiKRaatiRQ, Pa., April loth, 1 876. To the Sthoat ittncfrr of VirmrArld Crania t . Thia ia to notily you that I withdraw my name as a eendidate lor the oatce of Coaaty nuperin lendent. K 0. Have. luiomufmrnt. VUH COLINTY Hl'PKitllXTIiMDNT. Ma. RaiToat I hereby aathoriaa yon te slate that JOHN A. UHKUOKV will hen candidate lor the office of Boner la tended af Cemmom Hehoole of Clear Held ceeaty, before the Convec tion or ftcheol Direeters, which meets la May neat, and I hone that all tree educators will aiat te bava him re-elected. He ia aoneel and compelont, aadVeserree tbe position. A DtRRrroa, ttpetUiti, CARutAena awn Br gar as Foa Pa lb. Half a ilnaea new end second-hand buggies end carriages for sale, at exceedingly low prices, Apr. JH-3m. . Jamrj L. Lravt IIorrrs ar H Aannaa roa Palr. The coder- signed, for ihe purpose of reducing stack, will iml very ebeap a aamber cf hereee aad) a wuasber tali af barweea. jaaaa a, avearv. Apr. H e. a!l-l " Ubw' rrasiaaiira Uoena.-A faU4iJastfl- eelved al Rbawere Pie's le Hoa.ev tlllHTRI. iUlKT?JI. glllHTSIII VIM Hhlrli, r.oiij Mlrla, Cbp RhirU. A ej for Cbolic L. Bith Co', Ml.br.lc4 b.r Clljt" im Bbtrt.. Swll oMr drimul. A ! M iuiUMit. . I- B. 8boi, plW - Pl' 0im IIoum. !nJI luu, Bilk, Bumnin Uni.o Mil till. Tbr.i.1 I nJ.r Slilrla. AIM, brat UaHI; of Jiu l)rw,, M fHioirw,' t. 1H.', Up.r. Uoum. " . -- , Ull.rl, Cull, Tlu, llo, lluak.rcbl.r., Bu yrndm, Ilium, ll.lr lkn,io, o., In irlMnil uailit, lo nil all .1 Bii.w.m' ' !4W. i.j. i I' . -t tot tm ImMi ! iis.aj.L n.. 1 fi.. .l.... .kil.ir.,. a In. tmrirlf, aiag'at ' ' fraawatia', ' myt - Pie'i Opera Uutias, i Call and ee tbe "Neldioh" Ladiel (UiUr, a new eboe, equal to lh beat wake. " i ,,. ,it ;ii.int J. a-. 6 no sue, : .j !pUl ., ,( f . Pi' Opera Uouss, j :, .C,T MKCKIV1CU.'' -: ' A large Invoice of Boots and 'hoe for men , nnd bays, lor Indite, mlscaa and children, for eld I and young, for tbe rich and pwori for wide aud j narrow feet. Uood and bud ihoea, handiomeand i vnitgliliy snoee, as rneap aa iae -law aiwwa. n la aur purpoie net ta oe auaenoid. i i -, : J. 8. Hirowaaa, ., ajilH Pie'a Ojer ITouae. , , HATS! HATS Jl II ATS 11! -.'lii A ehoioe lino or Nutera, Fell ud Wool Uati, just opened Also, a vary large sUmk, of summer g oJi, ready for the seaion. Having eitabllabed a reparation la this ls- fiartment it will he oar aim te keep It up by affer ng every arUole We sell at uaprenedeitudly tow figures. . , . J.S.SHUWliRS. apllS ' " ' ' Pie'tt Opera Hooh. MttMNtat (leooe A rinaoiALfT, tm Triday, May, Ttb, 1ST ' 1 will return from Philadelphia, with a full well selected line of Summer Milhosry Goods, oon silling of the newest etyla Paris Pat tern Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Ac, together With all tbe novelties of lha aeasoa. Alt "Millinery Uoodi" hought before the first of May are not fhihlonable Hummer styles and on re liable for (be season ( therefore, persona buying from my sleek can rely on them being ihe beit stylett, a to prices, for same quality of goods. 1 defy competition, aa I bur and sell for cash and not on long credit and have all advantages in business, for celling al lew ices, and which I intend giving my eiialouitrt the advantage of Ibis season. Don't rail to nt least call and eee my goods, bufom you hny. April 17, Il7tt. Mna. T. IC. Wato, ' Ptler MoUeorga can sell you boots, ihoei, bats nd caps at such prices thnt will aitoniih yon. Call and sec for yourself before purchasing elee whore, m, , . i-.,1 .: . .i' Vcu run buy Petkioa driving hoott at ' PKTKR MoQKOKOK'8. You can buy Klrulra ralf ihoca far tt at .. ,11,11 J'KTER MoOKOHtlK'S. Trunks and rallies, cheip for oah at i . - i v. PKTKR MotiKOHlIK'8. The lattit style uf hnti and oaps, cbcan for cash at PP. frill MctlKoRiji:, The Centennial Hoard of Camiaitsloners de-i sired to here one Aaiertoaa hat, enp, loot, shoe, aud gents' furnishing store on exhibition, audj make a aetootlon, are determined to mre lu H7fl tn iba Kakibitioa huiUlin tha atnra of ' April H, PK 1 KU McU KOitOK. PaJn ! Pain !t Oh, how painful t weaf shoes that pinch your eorne ! Oct a pair Ibat lit a all) ovoraod touebea uo a here at ., PKTKR MHIKOIIOEH. . Duke Alexis will again visit America this spring, aolely to purchase a atook of buols and shots, hatA and oapp and gents' furaiohing goods from PKTKR McOlioltUK. n aitri. loo.uou 20 inch, ahavnl siunglcs alio 10, COO noundi wool, fur which the highest Montour Ptftto Paints, lor painting houifs In- side nnd out ilde Co-tin gei, Farm Hmldlngs, Ae. Beautiful, durable and economical, ifroaud ia pure Linseed Oil. - ... rnyJfHS '"' II. F. Biot.t: A Co. IiAUtt Pt.AHiK. A car load af Huntingdon ground plaster Jaet received at KHATKKH Js LVTLK'f.: Clearfield, March S, 1875 Jmo. Krai. It. M. M'Knally's advertisement la re-1 "d t0 lU "" ,. augi2-ijr Cali. on R. M. M'Bnallv and get your life la- tared in he Old Oenttnental Life Insuranee Coin- ny, or Hartford, Conn. .i( . aug II ly Al'OUBT FLOWKU. The moat miaerabU bclnar. in the world are! those suffering from Dy.pepala and Liver Com-1 la lot. More Ibaa seventy-five per cent ef the 1 people In tbe tailed bia tee are afUieted with tbeeo two diieaecs aud Ibeir effect ; aueh aa sour ! efomsch, sick headache, habitual roatirenaia, Im- f pure blood, heartburn, water braab, gnawing and burning peine al the pit of tho stomach, yellow wA aaiagM aad iU agraalU lata ia ! the month, coming up of tbe luod after eating,! low spirits, Ae. Uo to the Drug Store of . 0. 1 Watson and gel a 76 eent bottle, off av email bet He for lo cents. Try It. i ii, u. unaa.t. Bote Ainnuiaoturar, t tneb 81 75- ly. W.por.nviir, .V. T. t i.. Rtan that Coartu Dr. Morris' aTyrun of Tar Wild Cherry and Horehound is guaranteed lo cure coughs, ool.ls, hoarseness, or any diicase or tbe throat, longs or chest leading lo consumption, la wee usee tnaa any etner preparation, note ma th at we have ever sold acta ao promptly and well. it cures croup la a lew minutes aad is the beet known remedy for whooping oeuih. Contains no opium and ie pleasant lo oak a. Cough-worn vic tim, waeea luege are reeked and aora wtta par oxyeme, find sure nnd speedy relief from iu use. Trial sise, 10 cenla. Bold by C. D. Wat .on, Clearfield) F. Vuriey A Co.,' Wlinant-rrovet T. H. Foroey, Urahamtca,and F. Moyer, Kylertowa. . t ' ,! . ' ' "' ' I . BtoeiKa Fun Sai.b, It. Kewton Shaw keens a fnll sunnlr of Fredoaia Buccfea and Platlnnn vr agons lor aaia. Te be aeea at tea smew iionee yard. Call oa or aedresa biua at kwaruela r)ena syhanla,, may JS-tf. , New style collars aad can's at T. A. Fleck A Co 'a. White goods at T.'A. Fleck A Co'.. ; Uadcrweai for ladles at T. A. Phnh A Co'., Millinery goods, all kinds, cheap nt T. A. Ftcok ACee.--.-- - - - - - Trimmed haUaad aehaetaavT. A.lleok A Co's New embroideries for sale at T. A- Fleck A Co's New df cis goods at F lack A Co's. Fllke, rllks, cheap at Fleck A CoY Calicos and moslias very low at Fleck A CoV. Blach alpacas, very oe.t for ti cents at T. A. Fleck A Co's. Nice shawls for II at T. A. Fleck A Co'a. M earning goods a specially at Flerk A Ce's. Ladies hose for fi and II cents, north uieis) money al Fleck A Co's. u t t. i , ' Alpacas all price at T. A. Fleck A Co'. . Naw kid glorea at T. A. FlaA A OoV. ; Percales and white pique at Fleck A Co's. Parasols, a fall assortment at Flick A Co's. The 'lovernor of Maine lias l.tiied bli procla mation to all former eitiaena ef that Mate, now rn Clearfield Co., Pa., to at onoe report for their supply ef hats, caps, boots and .hoe, and famish ing goods at PKTKR McUKOROK'S. A large assortment cf Waldo M. CI. Bin's boots shoes and gaiters at I'HTKR MeOKOKUK Hi SHnrlrl t. Morrit tnwn,bip, Cl..rl)ld Annlr, P., i nor.d.j, Ai.til lid, 1?J, I,, A. W. llAVH,.i K.q., Mr. JkKFUIAII IIOUVKK .ml ll.u LYDIA DRAM. ; Sird. 1 ' ' la Brady townablp, Clearfiald eeualy, Pa., ea Wednesday, April ith, s74, UKORliK OX1HKN, aged 7fi years, 7 montha and 10 days. . .. , , Ha leaves a wife and twelve children, and a large circle of relatives residing la Brady and) Lawrence townships. He rerlded longer la the former townabip ibaa any ether sltissa aw re siding therein. In Kartbaus lowasbip, Clearfield county, Pa On Tbaraday, April 8th, 1H7, PAHAII, wife of nnwARn atruARvar, q., agta ,w years. Bbe wae for about forty years a member of the kf K. CUercb, and A eeeslftent ChrisHaa.1 1'ar lag a married life of thirty fire years, she svef made home com fort able and happy, Death found her ready, flbe expressed bee a If at be lag fully prepared te go. ft be reals from her labor, and her works do follow her. ' ' ' ' ' la Ferguson township, Clearfield county, Pa., en Monday, April 18th, Ilia, bAHAll, wife ef Matthuw Huron, aged 6J years, II moat hi and todays. Bbe leaves a husband, twelve children, and a very large number of relatives te mourn for her la Wsllseeteo, Clearfield county. Pa., en Wedneeday, April 11, l7d, Wa. U. BirLaa. aged sl yeara, 1 meatbs and 24 days. .. The sebjeet ef this ebitaary was a victim ef Iba destroyer, eeammptlow. In his lest boars he adeapnbllc profession of faith la Ihe JJ I viae Master, say lag that he was prepared la die with a clear mind, forgiving all Wrong and asking Bod's blessing ta rest apon thoss that might have bean his enemies. Ila wy aeteralrjr ef a tfuiat aad reserved dlipoaliloa, aa aftVettonara hatband' aad ladalgant father. Me antsxed a be eenslble af the vanity ef earthly thiaga aad Ural U waa pleeeant te die re pace ewcy from earlbly eorrew "i . : fa Cleetwetd hwreegw, FrldaH April t-ld, rw7a, ARCHIBALD, infant see) of Jem and Mauv Pawaveoa, aged 1 year, I months and 16 (tare, . grw gult'frtistmfais.' A I J0LUNUW00D BRAND..- QPPOSITION TO , nri'ONiTioNi T, A. FLECK & CO., ' art detcrmiljefl to sell ' ' 1 ;!!',', ; duy goods, , j ..." , , j l (irioos that defy eouipetition. . 1(1,000 yards of entirely uev dress goods. ft.tlOOyarda Blaek A I pace a, The eelehrattd Collingwood Brand, arknowl. edged Iba best goods for iba price ever put on I ha market. Summer Cafiinerrs, a large uiioitmeul, vi-iy oueap. - it. i I " ! . i ; UDI liS' UUESS GOODS. ' . Ladles white dress goods, la great variety. Table Linens, ahlte; and la oo'orf. Price away elewa. . . 1 A beautiful let of Summer Shawls, bonght at a bargain and will be sold very low. f :t I ' i ' ; LiKlIeH' Itonneh nnd Huts. . ..it', . . n Mats and Binocta,trimmedanduntrlmmed,ia the very tateet styles) alio flowers for trimming, and very article used for Mlliaory, Ribbons, Laoee, Wreaths, Ac, all entirely new. .11 ; . . ' ' Ladies Drcus Triininings, o- .i, ! , , . A Inrfrc line of Dress Tilmulng.just purchased, to le cold Very cheap : Psroaies In ftill line, real nice. The Aneal Variety of irinti or caliooever brought to rliis town, from 4 to 10 vents por yard. Mills llinmiVn is here. T. A. FLECK'. A, M. HILLH. oetsrN ' rQUANUK OK . PJtOPR! KTOKS. -it f I.. - i ; ' ' The andrrslgned having purebased tbo .tore goods and property formerly oocopiod by Lever Tlegai, on 6ciud afreet, Clcaifield, adopts Ibis mriTiod of bringing hi. buiinmi lo thn notice of k. H..I.IU ..rl. ..r.u.i, n f..l-il. kla with the very best quality ef BOOTS '& SHOES, ' , r HATS & CAPS, at exceeding low rater. Thli 1 a in enabled to tie, bcpauie I have an rent to pay, and can there- fore divide the prnflle with my customers. It, may he said that this ie an experiment with me, but H selling a good article for a low figure en-j ttcea custom and expands trade, I aia bound ta aaeoecd In my undertaking, tike me a oa1!, ex amine my stock and learn my prices. - To my huge stock of bouts and shoes, bats aad aap, I have just added a full stock of icns Funiisliin"; Ciooda, , which 1 will tell at the very lowest figure for cash, or In exchange for country produce, at tha ; mOitlCST MAKKKT PRICK. Call and examine my ttoch and prices bel'ur pun-baring elsewhere. . ' ..'i ' PKTKR McOKOROC. Clt arBcld, April 31, M7. TO BPECtLATOHf, CAPITCALI6T9 AND , MKCIIAN1C3. ,; Amos Ueanardt too patentee ef the Kxeelslor j C-aatbook, being on Iba point of removing to Cal-1 Ifornia, desires to diipme of his entire ititereit ia : aald patent, east of tlie Mississippi, reserving, however, Midland eeuoty, Michigan, sold to 11. U Cooke and John (loo Id ; Aipwna county, Mich. Igan, sold tu Wm. J. Kdwnnla and Hobt. Nppr, and Waihlnglon county, Minnesote, told to Mi ohael Mfffat. Nothing but his total Inability te supply the iron ens demand for hii Caathooks from encb a large amount of territory, wonld In duce Mr. Kcnnard to dUpo.e of his interest. In presenting this portion of hts patent for eale, Mr. Kcnnard would remind the pa Mm that be is offer, lug Be uatriad artiolo for their aeouptaooe, but a Cant hook that through aeveral yeara of tbe sever cat trials, under all oircum.taneea, has esleblished far itself a world-wide reputation nod gained the unqualified approbation of all practical lumber men. For partMuler, apply In peraoa or by letter to A Mod KKNNAHD, apiil lil.Ws.tr.J Clearfield, Pa, C- i)VKV PUOCLAM ATIONT Whriiras, Hoa.C. A. MAY Kit, Preaiduut Judge of tbe Court of Commca I'leaaof the twenty-filth Judicial Dlttrlot, oompnaeel or the eoua ttei cf Clearfield, Centre and Clintoa, and Hon. WM. C. KOLKY and Hon. JOHN J. KKAO, As sociate Jndgea ef Cleartield county, bare Issued their precept, to me directed, far the holding of an Adjourned Court of Common Pleas, at the Court Home, nt Clearfield, in and for the eotin tr or Clearfield, commcneiog on the FIFTH MONDAY. TIIK SIST DAY OF MAY, We, ami continuing one week. N0T1CK ia therefore hereby given to jurors and witnesses, in and for said eounly of Clearfield to be aud appear ia their proper iieraona, et 1 0 o'elooh A. M. of so id day, te do those things which in uieir behalf pertain to be done. til V KN under my hand et Clearfield, this Sl at day of April, la the year of our liord one thousand eight hundred nnd sevrntv-flve. W. II. MqPIIKHHON, Sheriff. COURT PROCLAM ATION.' WTIIKRKAS, Hen. 0. A. MAYER, President V? Jndge er the Court or Common Pleas af tba Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed ef the counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton and Hon. William C. Folrt and Hon. Joan J, Raan, Aesfiete Judges of Cloarfiold county, have limed Ibeir precept, ta ma directed, for the holding or a Court or Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Court of Quarter Besbiona, Court or Oyer and Termiaer, and Court of General Jail Deliv ery, at tbe Court House at Clearfield, in and for the county of Clearfield, commencing on the Brat Moudny, Mie f tlx day or June, lrtlA, and Ie continue two week. NOTICH 18, therefore, hereby given, te tha Coroner, Justice of the Peace, and Constables, In and for aaid county of Clearfield, te appear In Ihelr proper peraons, with their Records, Holla, Laqaieltions, Bxaminalioas, and other Kent em bras oee, to da thoae things which te their eAeee, and tn their behalf, pertain to be done. By an Act of Aneinbly, eecd Ihe Hth djy of May, A. 0, II hi, II ia made the duty of the Jne tlece of the Peace ef ihe several eonwtiee of thia Commonwealth, to return la the C'erk of the Court or Quarter fltiona of Ihe respective conn ties, all the rpeognraanetc entered Iota before 1 them by any person or person oharged with tbe commieaioa uf any crime, exuept aueh caeca ae; may be ended before a JuU-e uf the Peace, un der existing laws, at least tea days before the eommeBeemeni af the teuton - of Ihe Court In which they are made lelurnablerc.peetively.aad la all ea.et where any recognisanoea arc entered into le.e than Irn dj befoit Ibe coiumencrment of tbe seition to which they are made returna ble, Ihe said Ju.tioei are to return tbe same tn the snu.e wanner as H raid act had not been passed. H1VKN Bader my band at Clearfield, this list day ef April, in Ibe year ef ear Lord, eee thouaand eight hundred and r-eventy-Av. aprl tc W. R. MrPHKItHON, her iff. Muring been ciiAnrd !o my bed for some time with no hope ol permanent i ni prove mm t, I deem It best to qalt bertuces, ami hereby notify my patrons that 1 bare placed all my beoki and papers in the handi 1 ft in. Porter, hq., for set tlement and collection. He Is fnllt authoilied to settle my curiae, end will pay all hetteet el alma t reee led again at me. No one nerd come ta my ouse on bu.'nesi, being physically unable to at tend to it. Those having unsettled icnounte on my book will cooler a favor oa me by calling on Mr. Porter at aa early day and adjust the .ante ia a proper manner. FRANK BIIOllT. Clearfield, April H, t"7t. .Im. N KW SIIOK 8T0HK.- I wonld anntmnt., lo lb. Voiiiit. of ClMrfl.ld and tha p.bllo it I'T. that I bara ra.M th. dkort tkif fcnwflr " hr Vnk HlMrt tm prqauW to aaki1 uid .U all klal, o( Bool, lid rllio,,, ft, fnrm.rl7 dona tt, Hhorlj o. flbnrt lottr. an. Kill irannl H kladl f ' ! ta rta rMt or oat ta " Vh bwt KrM Muk ai.a;a.a baod. 8b.poDMa,bal8uM,lal dmr lo tba AIIl.or llotrl. M.rrb. II TMr TIMM 4ft AI,L. T 1ST OF JUK0H3.- List of Jurers draaa for ihe holding of a Cnnrt ef Common Pleas, eowuivaoinx va the 4th Monday (Slat) of May, lfi7 , atunronn. John II. Hti'wart Ijamuel A. Caldwell nnAbr, William K. Irvin Julius A. Terpc J m met Milea John Bailey Henry tllnter Ueorge Krlner ' 1,1 aodua.' Wilson Hoover ciikst. ' I IIOallKI. John fMiikey on a ham. 1 Patrlrk Cailey on.nH. Jamci Flynn William Ncvling , not Tsini.r. M. B. Mollugh t; nfrrox, DaTld Burkey SOUP IV. Parker Strong KIPS.' (laorgs Arnold I.AWnRKJU Phitlp Mullen ,.. B. F. Sterling (Jeorge L Head K.'AIIIIM.TOX, . James L. Cook PKHX. Richer d Denver, Jr. i't k a. Philip Long . - uaica., W. W. DunUp Juha 11. C looser , John Ilockenberr ' ttlVtlOTOR. ' : Cherles Bertbol j James 8. Conoway , ri,RAMriBLI. ! A. W. Lea I Daniel W. Moore , Henry Bridge John L. Crsgle t-tinwaariLi.a. . J. K. K ratter tl. U. Thompson I itnt ATta. , , Kdwsrd Teit I A. 1). Lannard JlST O" Jl!ItOItS. ... ... i Llat or Jurors draw for June Term, A. D. 167, sawmiaiiagee. the Area. MetMtay, tho tth anAxa Jt aoaa. i .. t-LKARrilLtl. L. K. MoCullough R. A. Mitchell a. wasHtaorov. ' William MeanAc aaccaata. , , William Mays BLL. ' Robert Met. alley v I i&enoi Hoover ,'. t ananronn. r Devld Foroey John A. Woolridge cnaaT. . Joseph II. Breth narAti a. Jacob Mook Andrew Baughmaa , r ana i so v. Ueorga Straw , , , . John F. Heed JOMiiR.- l John Carry i 1 ' aaerraaia, I. C. McCloskey I.AWRSXrX. 4 ' A. H.Bhaw - ' bamvcl BroVn , MORRIS. James Thompson i ran. Soba B, Burgoon . riKR. Prederieh A Bloom Richard Freemen i woo ow ana, i Thomas Uendrson travniirb Jtuona riaiT wkbic. OKI-CABIA. Isaiah Warrick ; r an li.. ) W.J. OampeeU lhomaa riuudvrlln " anAnroiOi. Aaron Orabam 8, K. Cowder I Jeorge Albert Rnarir. F. K. Porter VflRHT Jolm I-Vhel .. ffnac Marklc Wihlam MoOarvey B. O. Mo M ester tuvixurux., , John Hugar ri.RAarir.t.p. Ktra Ale -John Johuioa DKCATt'B. David 0 earl.. rt A. J. Htlaer R. D. hii (.waiter : Thomas Wairen oirar:. ' Duwiol Krlse GOhBrX, t J. W. Wnllaca Jne. A. Fulton flRAUAH. i Ellis Turaer A. li. Hoover ui ui a. Prank FlynB ' Wm. Davis ; ausroa. Peter Kvaos KARTKAl'.' Wm. Behults RMOS. Ueubeo Caldwell lAWDKHCR. John R. Forks M.T. Fulton Win, T- Spaokmsa L. C. Bloom John C. Dale ' aoanta. M.J.Brown II. A. Doughcity Jamea Hollenback oaciMLA. Edward Shun tleo. M. DeLaney Ur. D. R. Uood Wxi.Bwaggart 11. II. Kepbart , rr.xx, Jno. John. ton Chas. Xotlovera el km. James Norris John Hancoi'k J. Jurdaa Bloewt ' woo on a a it, henry Peters Reuben Hegerty o weal. " ao. in:. ' 1 aro-ABiA. Wa. B. Courtney BBLI, Levi funderlin niunroRn. V. P. Wilson John An tee RHADV. Brady Kirk Ferdinand Keyler Jacob Edioger Wm. Brooklmnk arnxNitiR. Ororge Pat alien A. II. Bhirey ORAU AM. i A. C. lBiberry oi i.icn. Jemes Wilson JOB OA R. Henry Bwas John II. Bwan James Oilllgen LAwwaxra. (leorge Uulinb' Robert W. Ueed Moani. Jssse Beam Lcward Kyler , , David llamiltoa ' rasa. Wm. Free warn Win. Flyan riaa. Moaee Wic lioliert W. MeNaut tnue llartsboru Amoa W. Bloom W ALLACKTOX. Alex. France ttRAariaxD. -A. W. Orabam II. W. Park W. S. Bradley i CI'MWRXaVIIXR. Alex. H. Irvin , Henry Kerns r II RUT. Hamuel Fiabel Wm. Wagoner ' IIKCATI a. t Wm Ay era - rRftt:oat J4in A. Bowles QOLLINtlWOOD DHAMD. N EW OPENING. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE . ' i I AND ' '' -' i j HAT & CAP NTOJtE. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, ' MAtlKKT SIRKET. A full and complete aisortment of new goods d new t firs, down (o "UAiiD PAN" PRICKS. (...,. ' " f fltli.t,. tn Invited to n .nJ .ittnin my atork md JiiIk. fr thaojnlvM to ..lltj od prifc. of (nod. I JOSKI'll 8. 8II0WF.RH. Cl.iiDd.l, Airil II, 1874. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, 08CK0LA BTEAM MII.LK, H 41, CACTI) RU LUilllKK, LATH, AND TICKETS SAWED SHINGLES. Al.o Hill, of HKIILOCK ud I'INS Hd I. mlr ol abort BotiM. j Alio-TOWN LOTS for ul. I. Ua wofk oruKwiik A,.o I.AIlllE A880RTMKNT Q.N'KBAL MKKOIIANUIKK at Mr lUiomolk Slora la O.cola. II. II. BllILLINurOKD, rraaMrat, -Fomt PlaM, No. lit 8. dtb at, Pbll'a. O.e JOHN LAWSIIB, Oanaral B.p'l., fJJ.nl OhmI. Mill., Cl.ar.ald Cor Pa. rlili TIMKS. - -- - A FIIIPT CLASH MEWPPAPKIl. lndt-prndrnt In ar.rylhlngt K.artal la nnth. In,! I,pn,rd load norrupt rfng, ia Moateipat, 8l,t. anj National affaira. IIIB DAILY TIM KH will - l.nnd .a Satordar, th. Ilh of Mareh nnat, aod ...r, voinlng lb.rMMrr, fandaj, r.iit.l,anl.rth.rditorl.lliriolton of A. K. Mr ciur.. prlnlH anmpft.ll, frora rfear, n.w tp., n. a larav t.lto pbwi, eonlalatn, all lha a.w. of tba day, tocloding tha AMiwiatad ProN T.la ,ram, Hpoci.l Tclaaraoi, and ('orr.ppoml.no. TntiB all point, of Inlor..!, and frarlm .ditortal diMiaiana of.U.arrent tviilo,. I'rloo, 1 ...ta. Mall ali.orlpiioB., po.U(a fr. 8i llallar. prr annua, or rirtr oanla p.r nonth, In advanoa. Adv.rtiMmi'at. ,l,.a, twanty and thirty a.nta pw Una, armdin, ta ti'.aitian. TIIK W8KKI.V TIMM Will ha laaad oa ttBloiday, Marah tilth, Bad wackly lhrraafl.r, ooBUIaliig all iDiporlaat aawa of lb. wa.k, aad aompLta Biarkat and .nanoial roporta. Maibd, far wra tair, M,taf fraa, at th. followiiij rata i On enpy H i H...$I..O T.B Couial , . 9.99 Twanty Copio, 11.0. Adroiilariwnta lw.Bty-.va rvnta pn Itn, . Ita KlltBBDM aboald b. aaada hy dr.fl, ar PaM Of .aa .rd.nl- , Addrtaa Till TIM KS, ' 1 " No II Month Kavnlb HtrMt, BOhl.la, ! Phlladalpblav PllTsg Wo Jp vmn u. $td' Column. AVILLIAM keed 1875. SPRING. 1875. vr; ' i APRIL. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Domestic Dry Goods.' Newest styles Dress Goods. Linen Suitings, &c &c. Notions, Trimmings, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, ' Cents Furnishing Goods, ... i Hosiery aud Gloves. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. CAIIPET CARPET CARPET Blil'SSKLS INGHAtX J ; , l!A(i, : . 8TAIII DRl'OGET m fis, c Alao, full lino of MILINLUY GOODS Having na xpt-ricnoeiJ Trimmei' from Fitilttlelpliia, Indie, will find nice stock of trimtnod good.. Anything not on hand will bo or- d.red promp'.ly. rire gire u. e call. WILLIAM HEED. R a, bo. i, Optra lloaee. Marly .pporlte the Poet 01... rleerfleM, April 7, I'TV Mr m. 5rn oo&i, mtottxitt, t. FI.OUU. FEED, AND G'KOCEKY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Herd Ml., une d.Mir w..l of I eouird Huum l lfirlltld, P. Krri .nit.nllr bhd S1IIAH, COI'KK., TF.AS, , ,-(nDA, COAL OIL, 8VKUP, , SALT, SPICKS, SOAP, " . '. . Cananl and Driad Fralu, Tob.c.o, Clj.ri, Ca- dlra, Cldar Vlorfar, Ballar, Ki. U. ' ALSO, EXTKA USlfc'.MADE Wheat and Iluekheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o,, All of which will h. aold ehrap 'for rarh or IB aiehang. for eoantry produce. A. O. KRAMER A CO. CIcarBeld, Nor. II, 1174. If HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IS PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRI'BIIES, PKRPl.MKEV, FANCY 0 COD TOILET AIM'ICLES, OP ALL KINDS, PUfta WIA'ES AND IIQVORS, for nidttlnal p.rpnac. Truiara, Support,!., Hobool Duaka and StatloB. ary, aad all atbar article, aenally twuod ia b Drag titer.. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. lUvina a Urea .1 parlcnea la tha haailieaa they eea give entire eat- leraclloa. J. 0. HARTSWICK, JOHN V. IKM'IN. Clrartcld, Derenber l, 1SH. rlROCKRIKS. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Sureeeaor to LYTLE A MITCIIELLI WIIOLKSALJS AXMl RETAIL DKAI.ER IN I'lltlll'K LINK DP TEAM. OOLONUS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YODBO HYSON. ENGLISH BKIAKFAST Purrat la Market. HUTTKH A Nil KtCK Will ha kept and aold at int coat. Caah paid far Country Produce. 0K11MAX CHERRIES, TI IIKEt PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PIUT.ADELPniA HAMS. Mackerel, Lake llerriog, Cod, Ac. PICkLbH. Barrel Picklea and Eagllah Pieklea. FLOUR AM) FKKI). Flour, Corn Heal, 0.1 Mril, Ae. aiorTi JAS. It. LTTLS. JJl'KY CHRIST, 8ucreiM t. KaVDKtt A Co. TO thnee Intere.ted in th. parehaae of a atrietly PURE RYE WHISKY, Fur Medicinal Purjioiiee, we offer Ilnl ley's lnro Itje, Price $2.20 to ..... per galloa, and will ahip la packagea ta aait parebaaera. Wo alee kaBdla largely a COITER DISTILLED WHISKY, IM frfim II.7S la tl.tt. j V Import FINE WINtS, BRANDIES AND GIN, And are alao manafacturerr of I DR. STiEVKRS j TONIC HERB BITTERS. Seud for I'rioc Lilt. IIIIKY A CHRIST, . cb2 7jv) 111 N Third St, 1'kil.drlpbia. :A ICTKlNKKIUXr, ISII.LI'OSTIXG. The emlrraigned would r.tnMtrnlly inform Ihe , eltle.ii. ef llrer.eld and vieliiily that ha i, pre. I ; pared te cry all Auction, Vea.lue, and elh.r Helve ! 'en abort nolle., and nt rpaannehle relea. H.le Hill,, I'o.lvra, Programaioa.end other edvertiaiag j , po,tl and dletribuled ia Ihe meet eonepieoon, plaeea, A ahnre of pBtille palroaege la Btillnited. 1 i N. L. KOHIN8. Hatch IT, 'IJ If. Clearfleld, Pa. ' I) TISTRY. Having detrrtnlaed to loente la Carvnaaville for Ihe narpoee 9f pareeing aiy prBfeaaloa, I i jtieit flei.bed a tare, af dcetel inatraetloae BBder 1 the bevt teecliera af the I'annrylvaala College af i.eniei nurgery ta ,-Btiaarlphle, an. aai Boer nrepared loeeeeulo .11 .rb partalalag ta d.at l,Uy ta tho beet atanaer, .lib the lal.at Improve eeenta. All vrorb goernnlvl to giv. enure tat lireelioa e, te qnellty aad dnralloa. Teeth ei tractcd .llhoiit p.ln. Rnoai la , Bank balld lag. Por farther laforaatlon apply la peraoa ar ulilrM. Btcbint If. a. ae. iiiuaaraije). Crnraavlla), fv JimTltlt db V'fl.1AvM'riR Wo hart prilled a tare. Basber af the mum PKK (ULL, ejid. Bill oa the Melp, of t...ly. f nli m v.j J l. adareia. el,U Rxrfltwrr, IlawirVtti. B0NSIDE3 STORE.. Gr.S. FLEGAL, DEALER II HARDWARE, 8T0VE8. HEATE11S, . , RANGES, HOLLOW-WAKK, " FAINTS, OILS VABNIBH, ' PUTTY t 01.AS3, ROPES, STKM-AUUERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WABE: Th, aelehraud Toledo Aatl Frcalag Oareallaed IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. ' No better Penp, la the aariet. -' LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLVK8, of all blade, ' . LAMP FIXTURES, Ae. All at loetit price,. ' 1-1174 Pnasaeblc lltvMt, Milllp.barej. Pa. rjpitVSTEK'S SALE I , . VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT Public or Trlvatc Sale! Being a Portion of the Estate of A. K. Wright, deceased. The undersigned will eellat pablie Bale, unless sooner diajiesed of, en the FIHHT MONDAY OF JUNE, I WIS, at tbe Court Home, in tbe twroaght af Clearflel Pa., all the follow in described real estate, vU. Also, all tba nadirldad self part af i&9 a ere a more or less, in three several paresis of land, part of tbo Joseph Claikand John ltarrisoa ser vers, eitaate in Woodarerd rewnsbip, Olteifteld county, and name landa bld la eomaatn with Caleb and Oeorjre Cb arch man, havjn a larpe amount of valuable wbllo pine and betaloek with otbrr timber Ibrrcon. Also, another tract containing 1 at acres, more or less,sitasle in Weodwerd township, being tba west end of tbe Thomas Jtleriton snrvej, baring t bet con nliite pinr, hpmlwb and otber Mm bar, and balnp underlaid with scleral velas of valua ble ooal. Alsn. another tract of 40 aaree, aire er Wa. part of the ueaa Vard tarxry, bving the bank ing gronud sttaale at Ibe mouth of fiorgaa Raw end adjoining land of William Albert A Bros , ia Woodward township, ClearBeld eounly, and nov ated with valuable bnmloek and othar tinber. A lo, another tract of 1 00 aerea, more ar lean, being part of the Tbomaa Btewardsoa survey, aitnaU in peeatar towaship, Clearfleld eeaaly, aad King wlttia tbe eoal meaaure ef tha Oseeole ooal basin. Also, two parcels of land eitaate in Lawrence townabip, within one mile ef tbe bereugb, and valuable as out lots, one thereof eontainlng eight acres, more or lese j lbs otber four aeret, adjoining landa of Bobrrt Wrlgley and ethers. Also, anotbqr tract of land, situate in Pike township, containing 313 aerea, being part af war rant No. 4250, situate witbia eii miles of the bor ough ef Clearfleld, eevered with valuable timber and underlaid with Are elay of tbe finest quality. Also, all tbose four certain building lets situ ste in Heed's additioa to the borough of Clear Held, and known as lets No. aad ia said sddition, Also, ail that parcel of ground situate la rear of tbe Arademy lot and Moaeep'a atere, part of lot lSe. So, ia general plan ol Clearfleld, having a large frame buiidiag tbereun and aaid let situ ate and bounded on east side by en alley. All tbe above detrribed leads are valuable. . Tbe lands in Decatur aad Woodward tewoahipa are all witbin the eoe) meaaaira ef that District, and withla reaeh or railroads, either built or wow building, and commend themeelvee to purchaser! for eoal and lumber. Theee lands will be sold at private sale, If parties desire ta purchase, bet If not sold nt private eale will be pabliely sold aa aforementioned. Terms will be made reasonable te salt pur ebasers. All inqniriee addressed ta the under signed will receive prompt attention. A. 0. TATI, Trustee. Clearfleld, Pa., Jaa. 10, Ia76.-U ED. W.GRAHAM, DEALER IM GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Ilea Juit opened, at the old atand, la (Jrakaa 'a nvw, a oompiei. eioei 01 A' E O O D , of every deecriptloa. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. BOOTS AND 8H0ES, CLOTHING, drc., dv., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, II YE, OATS, CORN, ALWA TS OiV HAND AND FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Received h the ear loeul, aad aold el a a mall ... .dvaaee. A (apply of ROPI eoBotantly ea baod. , Spwlal ladae.ai.Bla .Bared Ie Ihu. gattttuj .at Bqaar. Tlaiber and Log,, a, wa deal largely la LnnbermeB'a Supplies, aad are pre pared at all tlaiea U p.rebue Ila. her aad laaaar. ED. W. GRAHAM. Market Street, CLEARFIELD, FA, t Oet, , i.rt. R EMOYALI JOHN McGAUCHEY Weald reapeetfully Botlfy tbe pablle geaenlly thai h. hae reeaored hie Grocery Ster. Ir.ee Kba.'e Row, to tbe baJUI.g feveaerly eMaaled by J. Milce K raUer, .a Heaead etreet, Beit doer to Bigler', hardware Blare, where he latnda GROCERIES!. HAli8, URIKD IKir aad LARD. 8VUAK8 aad 8 RU PS, all grade,. TKAB, Qrera aad Black. COFFHR, Reeiled aad tireeB. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, r.M J j.i rnnri, All kiada la the aaarkel. PICK LK8, la Jen aad herrelev 8PICR8, la every Ibraa Bad variety. FAMILY FLOUR, AM. klXlm oPrRACkBRaV 80AP8, MATCBKH, ttRIKD APHt.'. bttlKD IACIt, DBIIS CI8RR1I8, Coal Qtl end Lamp CliauuTS. Aad a food aeaorteaeal ef theee tbinga aeaally kept la e fTMery awe., which he will enehasga tor eBarhotlag al aha Barbel prteea. t WUI Mil re, eeik ae ahaaply a ta kc oh, Plea, tall and tea hi, ttetk tad l.die Per yeereetf.