Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 28, 1875, Image 2

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    -;rra- rrr t:i 7 r . : : z--.
Georok B. GnoDi.ANUiu, Editor.
The Philatlc-lphin. In now tbo
loading third terra organ in tlii Slate.
It Is a royal jonrnnl anyhow, and hail
not fur to an to meet its loved idea.
, An exchange nay, Michael Meylert,
editor of tho Sullivan county Democrat,
weijrh .175 twind. . Ho in the heaviest
oditnr In the State; and ono of the
flnoM gentlemen in tho Union. 1
j'XoNE AnotT Tho Ohio Radicals
aro hunting a candidal) lor Governor!
this lull, hut can't (ret any decent man
to timd bis hand.; ' Tho 'conporhoadb'"
boast of eariTing tho State this fall hy
50,000 majority foi1 Allen. ''"''
' Governor' l'ingley, of Alninci, has
declined to bo a candidnto for re-election.
It begins to look so blno even
in ltadlcal Xcw Ki.glnnd, that lew
men of nny reputation in that party
will allow 'themselves to be put into a
position to be slaughtered,
t - .
KtnainboaU were burned at the wharf
at Xcw Orleans, on the 23d causing
the loss of ft largo number of lives. A
Cincinnati excursion party was on
board of one of the boats.,: Loss in
property; $150,000.
'Smoke TuatI" Out of tho eight
hills vetoed by Governor Hartrnnil last
week, seven originated in tho Radical
Senate and ono in tho Democratic
House Wo mention this fact so that
tho peoplo may know whore objoction
nble legislation originates a Republi
can Governor being tho judge.
,. Gracei'Ui.i.yI A Radicnl exchange
rejoices over tho lact that those scalla
wag members of the Louisiana Legis
lature, who were never elected to that
body, but bayoneted in by banditti
Sheridan's solders, have "retired grace
fully '' under tho compromise and al
lowed tho Democratic members elected
to take their seats. What loyal (!)
magnanimity I What unadulterated
patriots theso political shysters aro in
their own estimation.
Conhomno. A Radical editor learn
ing that tho whisky wing of bis party
succeeded on Spraguc's farm, ex
claims o long Rhode Inland goe Republican what
lo ha onre how Connecticut acta J
Tho latter Ntato sends four Con
gressmen to Washington and tbo for
mer two. Ho evidently believes that
"a half a loaf is better than no bread,"
and therefore enjoys himself over tho
overwhelming defeat which his party
has encountered in every direction.
GoiNo Ahead. If Gov. Chamber
lain,' reform continues to rago much
longer in South Carolina, all tho ear
pet-bag and Rcallawag State officers
and members of tho Legislature will
bo locked np in tho penitentiary, and
this latter body will find itself minus
a quorum on meeting day. What a
calamity) If tho school of advorsity
is a good school to go to, thon South
Carolinians aro being well educated,
if it does not prove too expensive" the
lesson will bo n good one for them as
well ao ontsidors.
The Hi'TT.ER-LANsuKBRr C'ase.-EIso-mhero
in this issue will bo lonnd tho
reply of Mr. Meek, editor of theliclle
fonto Watih ma it, to tho blackguard dis
patch sent him hy sonio Ilrookvillc
gentlemen I Kasoii and lleicbold we
know personally. Tho liirmer has act
ed in tho capacity of a blackmailing
sneak for several years, and has rob
bed tho tobacco and liquor dealers in
this county of hundreds of dollars, in
his smart way. Tbo latter is ono ot
the meanest men living. His counte
nance is all that ono needs to behold.
He considers himself no better than a
negro, and for a number of year ate
and slept with them, lleicbold, liko
Cain, bears tbo mark of his depravity
in his lace. Ho is a compound black
guard and disgrace to the whito race,
and he Is so marked.
RinoTED Partisanship. Jlccauso
tho Democratic Governors of Now
York (Tilden), nnd Ohio (Allen), have
kicked a few Radical rogues out of of
fico Decently, the loyal press-gang
terms it "partiian bigotry," just as
though Radical Governors did not prao
tlco tho samo game. Not a single
Democrat was retained in olTico in
those States whilo tho Radical free
booters controlled them, no difference
how Honest he was ; yet, now, when a
policy of rctrer-hinont and reform Is
introduced by we Democratic Govern
on and corrupt sneaks are kicked out
of office, theso saintly roosters pro
nounce it "parllxan bigotry I" While
Radical Governor were turning out
Democrats it was deemed a loyal vir
tue,while now it's a crime ! How dem
agogues do change. .
Tbo cleaning out process will bo in
augurated nt Harrisburg on Monday,
the 8d day of May. A number of ex
tra loyalists who hnvo basked in (ho
Auditor and Purveyor Generals' offl
'oa for a long time, will now havo an
opportunity of enjoying tho company
f their brethren sent into oxilo from
VTasliingtiai, who have "fought, bled
nnd died" in the hu-t ditch.
' Auditor General Alice and Surveyor
General Heath will o that day, hid
farewell to Ihoso magnificent Capitol
grounds which they have in tho past
4mbcllishod lor yours. Justus K. Tcm
lilo, of Greene county, will become
Auditor, and General M'Candless, of
Philadelphia, . Secretary of Internal
Affairs. The office of Surveyor Gen
erl wa aliolished by tho new Consti
tution and the dnlies merged into the
In our mind cyo we can see
vuM regiment of carpet l'g lp
ing !. tho hill toward the depot.
It's a p'ttf that those old soldiei
are thus turned out, but as It i just as
spring opens, the frogi will not injure
riiK.irrito.wjny a electiox
The political foulest in this State
this full will bo of an extraordinary
character. A huge effort is being
made by n combination of eucmici at
home and abroad to change, or in some
way subvert our system uf govern
ment, l'ronidcnt Giant and his cor-.
nipt backers, and every crowned head . ox-Admiral SeninieT" The flirinor
in Kuitipo have clasped hands on this slimed himself all over during the
subject,, and if the republic survives j Connecticut canvass, and tho latter
its ono hundredth year they will all has embraced the opportunity of spit
bo disappointed. Tho elections of tlnff out some of bis political venom
1875 aro the keys to this question. It
(unlit and his political parricides cur
ry thcin, a militavy dcsotism will be
substituted for our present form of
government, and 'liberty and personal
freedom for white, and black will bo ex
changed for mental slavery, und tho
FREKMEX of nil North America be
come us abjectly the slaves of tho nil
em as the people of Austria, or as tho
late nci;ro slaves were tho chattels of
their musters. We aro no alarm ist,-r-
Just look around and see what haa
happened at our Nutionul Capitol and
in sonio of tho southern States, recent
ly. This is not all. Questions of a
mora local character aro of equal im
portance : Tho election of a Govern
or and Slate Treasurer occurs in .No
vember j but ns these candidates aro
to bo selected from u largo number of
worthy and competent gentlemen by
tho State Convention, which assem
bles nt Kric in September, wo shall
pass tho subject by anil come homo to
our county affairs.
The new Constitution has wrought
a radical change in tho election of
County Treasurer, Commissioners uud
Auditors. Ueretoloro the Treasurer
was elected for two years, hereafter
he will be elected for three years.
Formerly we elected a Commissioner
and an Auditor every your, who held
his office for threo years; now wo
must elect the wholo three at once.
While thcro aro THREE each of
these latter oillcers to be elected in
November no doctor can vote for
more than TWO candidates, and tho
threo highest in votes shull bo declared
oloeted. This will result in giving the
Democrats two, Commissioners nnd
two Auditors, and the Republicans
one each. ,
Now, what is before aiia under this
new system? Unless some ot the pres
ent incumbents or thoir predecessors
arc elected this fall, ri first Monday of
Janutiry nest will demonstrate the fad
that seven men will enter the Court Ilmsc,
and take charge of the affairs and bunk
in the Treasurer's, Commissioners' and
Auditors' offices, who may never havebcen
inside of these, rooms, much less have
transacted any public business tJiercin.
This question should bo well consider
ed'. It is not a purly question and
will effect all alike. Take a business
view of it, render, and how does it strike
you 7
Is the change an improvement in
any senso, except in a partisan fea
ture? Wo think not. While tho
more purtisau has gained his ioint,
what business interest haa received
attention at the hands of those who
havo wrought tho change? What
business man who employs seven or
more men would make it a rule
to turn off all his hands every three
years and run the risk of getting oth
ers to tnko their places, who knew
nothing about his business?
Again : Our party fru'iid in cant
ing about for candidates for office,
should never inako up their minds to
supKrt any particular ono until they
are satisfied that tho man they arc
"going for" is the embodiment of three
essential characteristics: honesty, com
petency and porsonal popularity not
becnuso he is aclovor fellow, only. If
a candidnto possess those nocessary
qualifications there should bo no hesi
tation on tho part of tho individual to
support him. Wo have plenty of such
men In our party ranks, nnd it is folly
to jeopardizo our success by trying to
nominate any other.
A candidate lacking cither of these
characteristics is a burthen upon the
party instead of a support ; if unfortu
nately charged with lacking all, if nom
inated by accident, will suffer defeat
and dcmornli-o the party, for which ho
can nover fully atone, no difference
how acalou ho may bocomo. There
aro, of course, other qualifications
worthy of consideration such as par
ty servico and location but theso af
ter all aro rather nt a personal than a
party character, and need not be close
ly adhered to.
The voter who seeks the welfaro of
his country and tho success of his par
ty, will look around for a candidate
who possesses all tbo rcqiiisito qualifi
cations to success honest, competent,
popular nnd entitled to party support
for past services. There is no uso in
"gadding about" after men who lack
most of the qualities indicated, because
wo havo drones enough to carry and
support without brooding or manufac
turing them "according to order," and
thus supply tho enemy with ammuni
tion nt our expense. This in war
times would bo pronounced treason,
nnd it would bo politic to refrain from
an act of this kind oven in lime
of peace, when thcro is no enemy
We havo thrown out these gonenil
hints for the general good, and in our
judgment, if followed up, by our party
friends can work no harm to any ono,
nnd if accepted and ailed upon will
go far toward defeating tho enemy in
his violent attacks upon our nominees
and avoid mucb of tbo bitterness and
personalities engendered daring tho
Til b QiTjeTinN Seram Tho Radi.
cal bandits wko had made an nr.
rangement by which tho election of
tho next President was lo lie thrown
into tho noxt Hoiiso of Representatives,
will please tnko notice that their bash
is already cookod for Iho feast. The
election 01 threo Democratic Congross
nifii in Connecticut out of four give
ns still another Stnto in the Houso of
Representatives in case, by tho throw
ing out of the votes of srrntliern Stales,
the election should go Into that body.
Thcro aro thirty-eight Stnto 111 the
Union. Twcuty aro necessary for a
choice, oud (ho Ileiuocrsts now havo
twenty-two. Thy vill probi.blv carry
California, which will make Jwcnty-
three. This ia a comfortable marirln
that wjll Dover all ckanoa of accident.
The "JJinghtm House," com of
Mnrkot and 11th trpc, Philadelphia,
is offered for sale.
sectioxa l jia the a.
i Those men in high social or public
j stations who are constantly upbraiding
land misrcprunontinu .the uctioua,
whether they reside noih or outl 'of
the Potomac, reeiieuiiiif this coun
try ' and nob (friend A h rohiilllo,
whothcr they be cX-fricikur liliune vr
nt tbo approaching Centennial, in u
loiter advising tho people of tho south
tn remain away from tho loyal city of
- Tho editor of tho Mobile Register rn
alluding hi Mr. Sciunio s letter, ays ;
"Philadelphia has been nil extreme
Radical city, but few of us reflect that
in a voto uf more than : ono hundred
thousand people (nearly half of the
voto of Alabama) the majority aganst
the Democracy is but 13,000. Penn
sylvania ha boon tho home of Thad
eus Steven, but that Stale, with hor
vote of more than half a million, gave
the Democracy last year a majority
upon general ticket and a Legislature
Which has sent to tho. United Stale
.Senate one of it brightoH: intellects
and firmest Hpirits of that body. The
Legislature of . Pennsylvania, ''which
conl rnl tho iiinnageiiieui of the Cen
tennial Exposition so fur us any gov
ernment power ran superviso a pri
vate corporation, have. In tho election
of Wallace to tho Senate, spumod tho I
1. ...:....:. ... it... i I
i'ij uginiiiuou to ivoo u ndiinrai ;
Semes and tho South object so iudig- j
naiiuy. i iiey stand rcatly to aid a
lu removing the lat badge of Inferi
ority, and to wclcomo us ns a State
equal iu power and honor w ith them
selves. ; Far belter, it , soeins to us,
would it he to stand shoulder to shoul
der with them, to continuo the buttlo
which is not yet over for n restoration
of tho Union upon tho basis of co
equal Slalos, and for an obliteration of i
tho bitterness nnd animosities which
strike hlindlv at friends nnd foes
alike." . ';'.'.',..
social wnoxas: 1
Philiidelphiniis nru just now won
derfully exorcised about tho "social
ovil" which seems to prevail in that
city lo an alarming extent. A city
exchange says; "Tho abortionists'
trade onjs actual immunity, if not
virtual protection, ami its terrible re
sults havo grown more apparent from
day to day. Arrests arc made but
no prosecutions follow..' Abortion und
ilil'uiitieido grow every year more com
mon, and men and women carry on
their work more boldly and openly.
Tho very newspapers that enter many
homes contain tho flaunting advertise
ments of professional abortionists, i.nd
scarcely a week passes that these pa
pers do not record tho death of soino
poor, foolish woman, who has, in sac
rificing the life of, her offspring hy tho
vile arts of these people, paid the pen
alty with her own,"
Tho state of society is bad enough
for tho latitude of Hruoklyu. lint if
this is truo of tbo Quaker city what
is there lo restrain the pastor and pco
pleof Plymouth church, who have been
reviewing their'wnlks and talks in u
NeW York ourt for two or inoro
months, from leading precarious mor
al lives. . . . :i '
Again, nro the newspapers v and
preacher wholly to blamo for those
outrages and innovations upon sound
morality? If so, they had batter turn
a now leaf, nnd try and improvo the
next generation.
Wo notice that tho professional Tem
perance "roostcnTars crowing. They
talk liko Patriots, heroes anil states
men. But wo aro anxious to see how
they will art in tho approaching Gub
ernatorial contest. Tbo Philadelphia
Timet in alluding to tho movement ro
marVs: '
"A formal Mil for Temporoneo 8UU Ouofta-
ttos lit bM bines by toe Stole Oomoiitloo of
thet organlutlon, of which Jomei illook ii Olioir
mon ond I. Newton l'elroo ! Secretary. Tho
Convention Ii to meet 04 Horriaborg on Woaooe
dar, tbo lath of Juno, "for tho nurpoooof nomi
nating oantlidttea for Governor nnd stnto Troaa
urer." Tha renaoo gives for thia movement !
that the repeal of the loal Option low hy Ibo
Legillatore, thereby forolng more Iban two-tbirda
of Ibo Slate booh to no odiooa, iranraeUoebla
liceoae yilrm, againat the poiitivo vote of Ibo
people, dirplaya tha nudaeity nnd baaoneta of
party mon for aupnoeod pnrty aneooai, wndor the
r-orruptlog influence of the Honor buaineea.'
Holding onto partiea na nnwortby or truiton the
queition, tha local option people prepoee in make
tbo Uauo Bunaroly ia tbo ooming Gubernatorial
oonteat. While the local onlioo taiue may oon-
trol tena of thouranda of voter. In the alrugg le, wo
Incline to the opinion that a vary email propor
tion of tbetolaea will vote for bopleaa third
Uoaet. 1'he campaign will be one of nnnaunl
uoimation, vitb great national la uea made para
mount in too itrlle, ana tn the ana tne nnoa wtu
bo drawn aa poaitlvely that tblrd. pnrty
aneoto will he very likely to diocelrn to
proportion! under the preaiuro."
Wo are not personally acquainted
with the gentlemen who head this
movement, but wo hopo Ihoy will not
sell out before election duy as their
friends did in Now Hampshire and
Connecticut at tho recent elections In
those States.
The liowisburg Journal thus allude
to a prominent citixen of that place:
It la with moob plomuro we notice many of onr
rtemooratic elcbangee are orglng tbo elelota ef
lion. A. H. LmII for the Domocratie nomination
for Governor. The record eurdiatlnauiihed elt
iron hue won for him n high plane In the beartaof
the people. Ilia popularity at homo baa ioereeoed
na ha baa grown in bonora. uon er the etrongeet
traila of Mr Pill in oar eatlmatlon la bia eicaia.
Iva modeety. He never haa aought for omee. The
noratonliona for tbn Houea and Itcaete worn not
of bla Backing they were alooit forced opon him.
The meatidolng of bla nana for gubernatorial
bonora la not with hie knowledge and convent. If
hie own wiihee worn nonenltcd, we know be would
prefer to praatloa hie profoaelen novo nt home tr
ailing public poailiona.
Hot that la jut thn earl of men wo want In
otncial etatles. They are out of nallenoo with
pflloa aoehara. They bnve dieeoverod it la thla
claaa who make the '.OVee pay wbes thcy.are
placed In poiitlona of trntt.
Wo would not bo eurvrlied If Mr. Dill would
no round the muat available man when the n
vention mecta In Bt-ptemuer. If aur-b aboald bt
the oeee, Iho proapecta for hll election would be
highly encouraging. Hero nt home he wiuld
have aearcely nny opposition.
Among tho muncroig excellent gen
tlemen named, none pro more com
petent anil popular than Mr. Dill, and
if nominated he will poll an enormous
voto In Iho West llrancb Valley, es
pecially in Lyooming, Union, North
umberland and Snyder eouiilies. Sen
ntor Dill is a brother of our worthy
fellow, Rev. Wm. II. Dill. In
politic! the two brother differ vory
niatuHiilly . , Tim latttr may yet see
tho error of hi way in this particular,
nnd vote right, too. i n
' On the flt-U of May next the Demo,
emtio Stnto ofllcor elected last fall,
assnmo control of their rospeotlvo de
portments, when, no clouot, a general
cleaning- out of those Aegean Stable
will commence. 1 Hour strangely the
order to "vnmoso' wiB fall on the rtjr
of those fossils who hart almost onme
to bchovo that they held a life estate
in the pnliljc treasnry
General Harrison Allen, who re
tires from the Auditor Gonoralship this
week, will spend the sumnicr. in Colo-
lS . )' . !;.! if U
ia the ilitiirior lakes of Now York,
arid ill I
tho Adirondack, the ico still re-
miiliH iropi two to turio itx in iiiick
liessw V y y
Tho Tltiisvlllu Courier says tho
shipments of oil duily now amount to
30,000 barrels against an averago pro
duction 012:1,0(10 barrels.
A son of Editor Sansom, of tho
Indiana Democrat, has been appointed
to a clerkship in tbo ollleo of Auditor
general Temple, nt Hurrisburg. ) i
Tho Now York Prohibitionists
havo fixud upon.Juuo 2-d and 23d,and
Ky racuso as tho time and place for their
convention to nominate a State ticket.
Tho snow birds In Kansas are
nmking a good living by eating the
ogga of tho grass-hoppers, which have
been .thrown out of tlio ground hy the
frost.-, ! . . .,,', ;,.,.;,..,',
Alaska has now n paper printed
on Its own toil, a miniature sheet called
the Alaska Bulletin, published at Sitka.
Tho total population ol that pinco la
stated at 502.' t i
, Early' vegetables and fruits aro
said lo bo killed about Richmond, Vir
giuula. Tho loss to truckstcrs lu tbo
western part of that State is estimated
at a million dollar. ' ', ,
The frost got its work iu on the
Pittsburgh gardeners, , last week, de
stroying all their early vegetable and
fruits, theraby throwing tho season
baok six weeks, , i .. .
-Rev. Francis Strang, of Weslfleld,
Tio,,B ,., fhthcr of Hon. 11. ll!
i. . . -
niriinrr. niea wock oeioreiast. nenna
preached for forty years lu the com
munity wnere no uien.
, Six companies id cavalry and iwo
of infanlry have been ordered to the huso
of tho Black Hills as an oscort to Mr.
Jenny, government geologist, who will
nmko a survey of tbo country.
' Judge- Pearson, iu n long and ex
haustive opinion, sittiugo the coal tax
from the statute book on tlio ground
of its anoonstitntronality. The lax is
held 1o be a tax n the franchise of
companies nnd not on tho coal mined
hy them. ! .
i-Thd reports concerning Ihe fruit
crop in New York, Michigan and Illi
nois are all to the effect that the fruit
buds havd not been winter killed, as
was nt first thought to be the case.
Tho crop, from present appearances,
will bo moderately good.
. A six foot vein of anthracite coal,
fully equal to the best Pennsylvania
coal, has boon struck in the Shenandoah
valley, Virginia, in the neighborhood
of Harrisonburg. . A letter Iroin a gen
tleman in that soction says tho indica
tions are that the supply is unlimited.
A committee of the most eminent
Presbyterian divine In the country is
in session in New York for the pnrpnso
of forming a plan of union for submis
sion to the great international Presby
terian Council which is tn meet In
Inndoii on the 25th of next July.
Ilnrry Fl unks, sexton of a church
in Cnrbonditle, narrowly oscnprd hang
ing while jn the act of ringing the bell
on Sunday morning. Ho 'became en
tangled In tho bell rope, was jerked
from tho floor and would havo been
strangled had he not been seen and
rescued by bis son.
' American Union Ijodao No. 1. tho
oldest Maaoiiia ludge northwest of the
Ohio river, ha decided to hold a cen
tennial celebration on the 24th of J une,
1676, at Manilla, Ohio, in which city
it is located. It waa chartered Feb.
1776, and traveled with tbo army of
tho Revolution. - ., I
Tho Jury in the ease of Alico A.
Karly, of Rockford, llli nnis, against
Wilbur F. Story, editor of the Chicago
Times, for libel, in the publication of a
story nearly a year ago, in which Miss
Kaily'l charactor was assailed, brought
in a verdict in favor of tho plaintiff for
125,000 damages.
Just one hundred years ago, on
tho 16lh of April, the first gun was
flrred at Concord and Lexiuutoii.whicb
opened tho groat drama of the Revela
tion. Tho gun then fired "was soon
heard around tho world," and lost to
tho Uritish crown tho America Colonics.
and gave freedom tn a w holo Conti
nent. t . ;
The next centennial celebration
will come in May, at Mecklenburg,
North Carolina, where a Declaration
of Independence was indulged in a few
month before tho final Federal Decla
ration at Philadelphia, and which there
fore claim to be tbo real cradle of
American liberty. . , i
About 12,000,000 feet of sawed
logs, stored in tho Wolf river, from
companies abovo Lake Poggnn, wore
lot looso daring ibo past wook and be
came a jammed and confused mas in
Fox river, above Oskosh, Wisconsin.
Tho rivor Is for several miles blockaded
with logs and it will bo Impossible for
steamers to get through until the
stream is cleared.
Tho New York loirislaturo b
passed anew holliday act, which clear
up the numerous discrepancies in the
turniur laws on mat suujucu ine now
law provides that when the leiral holi
day fall on Sunday the Monday noxt
following shall bo deemed a public holi
day for all or any purpose of business,
and all paper maturing on saul Mon
day shall be payable on tho Saturday
This in Kentucky' centennial
year. Une hundred year ago Kich
ard Henderson purchased from tho In
diana all Kentucky aontb of Kentucky
rivor. . One huudrud years ago Daniel
lloono lurvoyod tho purchase lor him,
Oil hundred yearn ago lioono com
pleted the fort al Boonosbura, in Mad
ison county. Une hundred year ago
hi wife and daughter cam a the
Unit women to Kentccky.
Captain End has contracted with
Colonel James Andrew, of Alloirheiiy
City, for the construction of 850,000
cubio yard of fascine and 100,000
cublo yards of stonework at the South
Pas of tho Missiwlnni. together with
the lumber and pile necessary fir the
construction ol the Jetties and dyke.
Tho contract embraces sufficient work
to Insure a depth of twenty -nig feet of
water In tho channel, and will involve
a cost of $2,500,000. When completed
other provision will be mado to secure
a depth of thirty feet of water, as ro-
quirofl by contract with the gov
ernment. '
Donaldson made annscensiou from
Philadelphia last Wednesday and is
now minus hi balloon. Alter starting
tho balloon wont southeast and landed
at Conrad' terra t'otla works, on the
Williamstown, N. J,, railroad, at 6:50
p.m. Ibo wind was bieh and the bal
loon becoming unmanageable and no
assistance being at hand lie was lorced
to put the basket loose, and tbo main
Mart of lha hallim wan Lost. Thn bnl.
iooniat dropped to tho oartb, it ia sun-
yumiu, m uiaiancv 01 to ieeu
The new Unking- arm of John
Sherman, Jr. knd Col. Fred Grant took
possession of their healnena quarters at
Washington City, on Taesday of last
week. Toe huge ura fit toe estab
lishment, which measure six feet sev
en Inches In height, Ave fcot one inch
in width and three fcot five Inches in
depth, wa moved In and attracted a
groat crowd. The ssfs wa shipped
from Cincinnati and t the lartrest In
that city, Government or private
i oe ynung nrm mn nave some groat
financial tchemra in view to demand
such eommodiott aooMnmodation fhr
j their prospective Hind
Tho Individual whoso name heads
this article has been mouldering into
dust tor more than ten years, ami wo
would not willingly do his memory an
injustice. Hence we take this oppor
tunity to correct a statement made in
tho Issue of tho Watchman of the lid
Instniil that ho was the murderer of a
Mm. Smith, in Klk county. It will bo
remembered wo stated that he shot
her through tho neck, because she ro
fused to lell lilin where bur husband
was, whom ho was trying to arrest tor
not reiortiiig for duty a n drafted
man. Since then wo hnvo mado con
siderable Inquiry Into tho matter, and
turn wo were iiimiiikoii in our asser
tion, so Jitr as the shooting of Mrs.
Smith by lliitlur is concerned. ' It was
not him who committed that outrage
ous und cowardly deist, but anot'ier
Government pimp by thunamo of An
dy M'Lain, who was ougaged in the
same disreputable business that Duller
was. Why thin scoundrel M'Lain was
never punished for the cowardly crime,
is one of those mysteries for which
God Almighty will hold those who
could have brought hlmlo punishment,
Hut tlits is all wo have to take hack
concerning ltutler. He was nothing
but a hired spy, Just as we stated be
fore, and went about the country nab
bing poor fellow who failed to report
fhr drafted duly, and those who were
"suspected" of being "disloyal," re
ceiving in pay hi salary as provost
marshal and thirty dollars for each man
arrested. Wo still insist that Lans
borry gave him Just whaUiedcservod,
for none deserving of better treatment
would have engaged lu such intamoiis
business. Ho never was a "Colonel,"
that title being simply used to secure
a pension fhr ids wife. The extent of
his rnnk, if n-e aro rightly informed,
was a second lieutenancy, and the
amount of his sen-ice is embraced In
the fact that ho acted in that meanest
of all mean businesses spy and in
former upon his own neighbors and
drank up a lot ot bad whisky when
tho revenue win high. He was a good
lor nothing old stngo driver, and a first
class loafer around llrnokville for a
number of years. He was made a tax
collector oneo, and defaulted and stuck
his bail, and that's the kind of a hero
he was. ' His service is now magnified
by Radicals for political reasons.
While wo believe Duller got just
what ho deserved, wo havo no panic
ularsynipathy for Lanshcrry. lie was
one of a large class of loud-mouthed,
ranting loyalists, who believed tho war
was right, if other men would fight it
out. lie wits in favor ol its vigorous
prosecution, but afraid to help prose
cute It. Hecauso ho was too cowardly
to fight for a cause h believed right,
was no justification, however, for Pul
ler's course. .
In connection with this subject we
append the billowing dispatch received
by ns hum Hrookville, on Sunday
morning, the 11th instant:
"To tlnar Musk, Bmronor TUaMVirrHMA,''
JlKlAurovra, I. -The article In your pajwr
eherootoriaitig Col. butler, who arreilcd Lena,
berry, na a inenklng aeouudrel and elating that
ho killed a wcniea, la lalrc lo erery particular,
nod the man woo wrote h ia n deftmcr of tie
dead, n, liar and n villain. llnvid Keeen,
A. P. lleicbold,
John 8. Unrr,
'' ' II Sweeney,
SUaa i. Marina. .
Now, if the alsive fluttering remarks
had come from five decent men, there
would be something in them, porhas,
worth not icing ; bin let us for a niomont
examine the cliuretersof some of these
individual to see if it matter what
thoy say about a fclkiw. First npon
the list is Mr. David Eason :
This individual, as we aro reliably
informed, is a Government oflloer his
title being deputy collector of internal
revenue, or ruthor a spy to mako mon
eya legalised black-mailer in public
employ, an exhnrter in the church, who
holds an office and makes his money
watching and robbing the citizens oi
Jefferson and surrounding counties.
lie granted government license to
tho whisky sellers of Jefferson county
who were arraigned for Belling under
the local option act. A noon a ar
rested, these mon went to him and took
out a license, to avoid the United State
Court, whon he immediately informed
the committee, so as tn be a witness,
and get his fees, five dollars in each
case. Tbey all plead nuilty. but he
pocketed the fees, nevertheless. P,a-
son i a great Methodist, and bawl
louder than anybody else. He is sure
of Heaven, if the Devil don't get him
Dr. A. P. lleicbold la tho next dis
tinguished blackgnard on the list. He
is a government official also, being col
lector of cnstnms at "Sault d Mario,"
at eight dollar a day, and loaf in
DrooKvnie. J ins ominent Doctor once
helped to take the skin off a dead nig
ger, whose corpse he stole from the
grave-yanl and then tried to throw
the responsibility upon a neighbor into
whose Ice-house he stiu k tho skinned
body. Ho has been iruilty of dngens
of other equally dirty acts, bad we
room to enumerate them, lie appear
to be the head of Radicalism in Brook-
ville, and is a dcformed,.lirty, stinking:.
meddling whelp, whom no one respect
and wboso picture is used in his neigh
borhood to prove that depravity and
meanness can be stamped upon man's
plnsiognniny as well as upon his prin
ciple. Then comes old Barney Sweeney, a
sort of docuir without a diploma. He
is a man who puts on a great deal of
dignity, bat be can t deceive anybody
into believing that he knows anything
alswt medicine. He don't stand very
hiirh in Hrookville, and durinn tbo late
tire there he got into a little trouble
about a mattress and a couple of nil
low which he cabbaged. 11 ii house
wa not involved in the fire, being a
ooupio or square away, nut he drove a
wagon up and liiaded it, deliberately,
in daylight, saying tbo goods wore
placed in hi cam nnd must be identi
fied before he would give them np. He
finally gave the mattress to the wrong
person, and sleep serenely on the pil
low. A Cent county jury would
pronounce him a thief. Sweeny is a
candidate for associate judge in Jeffer
son county j a great temperance man
oh all occasions, bnt gels dmnk when
somolwxlv else liavs for tho whiskv.
Ho i generally known hy the name of
old "liiimpy," and ought to he in the
zoological tianlcn to show what the
race ol men wa before tho flood.
The other two signers of the dis
patch, J. 8. Itarr and S. J. Marlin, are
spoken ol as decent men, who say they
signed tho disimtch under the impres
sion that it was a mere statement that
Hutler was not tho murderer of Mrs.
Smith. This Is prnlsthly true, hut
horcaltcr they should be more careful
to bo fbttnd in resoctshle company.
ncaejontt natchman.
To Tn Point. The New York
Herald hit tho nail on the head in this
way : Senator Morton is an eminent
statesman of the Itepuhlican party. Ho
lias lieen the aHstate ol repression
ami. rovetigo, Ho ha championed
every infamy or usurpation in the
South that called itself a government.
Therefore, when lie pronounce New
Orleans a doad cilv he sjieaks hi own
ofrnflomnalion and that ot hi party.
DyinR New Orleans represent the ia-
noraeo, the cupidity, tha folly and tho
crime ol Mr. JUorton party.
1 fmmi U..1.. I. L..1 . I t
vnn i-viiiii him imu n imiHinwHiiw rw
Ccntinn nt Ml Ttila nltv Wa
(...-j..... twiunou Ilia pi-i iiiHiiDiii uimui,,
all ott of report to Hi contrary not-
nivmlOUUI tn an!-.- 1.1a MAwman. knia
niiMoinuuiiiir. jar. nuiiHrn bhim Kir
i.lirm ill w lev WUCKU IU Iflllg IHHllO
one of hi daughter now at school.
a..MA..a 1- a r. I.. , kl . I
Burglars blew open Joe Piek well's
aft, at Maqion, Illinois, on Friday
night last, and got away with 16,000
m shim ana metier
Pllil.Aliei.i'iiiA, April 2(1, 1H75.
A gentleman whose authority upon
...a'. a I.. 1.1. Id'!-. .1 l . .
' I " ' . . ! i .T Tii .i V i
political aflttirs i UmpieStioned, hM i.llrlv Willinw Hint tho atrnnir nrit. of1""1" AV ' m u" l'"l'"""H lti . c , ,-lvaa. lo wmmcnoo on the lib ilou.
for James pflmS! J ol 1M' 'f win m JV"".' "'' " "r '' j V. I'Z
well-known publW.orpftl-i..:.,.gh ;KfcSt1krit jd..t,d.vv.,.o.n,
! t'ost, as the lrwinocntlie candidate liar w. i-nn ll I" ? - - mk.vt'hosc, i,oi.ibji.l.c wiys could not ii....fcr inJo..
i n... i ...i :.. a tioncnst ompaiiy. ,,,,., ,....!,,,(,. , ,i
II'. Il-lM,o. UHaiptiii t luuvr.
Junnuiii in i vJiiimt it ninii, jn iiiv . i " - ri " -I a; ai ...
fin we iiiv L'inv-.. mom Tt It Mill u i--iitiilU . fi I f
political prophet, 1 assume that hi Jho Connecticut Republican nows
statuinent Is correct, and that the I l"lIlt'r "W"" u"m" dui'0 tho llnnsli
I'lttsburgh journalist, who has labored , '"8 of tlu'ir mri' fiood-naturediy.
so effectually for his party, ia to recoivoi Hiwe the eleotion their disapK.iiitiiient
1,1. in.niia.1 . ....... i i'i. c....n.. ..f has f bo nil vent ill nit inir ru i 1ih as lu 11
the party lit 4 It Is end o!f tho lino is de-l
cidodly in favor of Mr. Unrr if I ex-
eept the rnngh- element of whioh1,llowli! . enil)l ul me jjanioni
Josepbs-M'Mullin are tho typical lead- Erenmg Pof to sliow that tho Dcmo-
era. Mr. liarr's
castigation or tho
Philadelphia hucksters in politic has
liotm too caustic to permit of his escap
ing the retaliation theso men have iu
storo for him when thsy go up to tho
So fur as tho Republican nominee is
concerned, the multiplicity of candi
date from the 'Western part of Iho
State will crcnto a scramble for the
office, and tho candidate that can bust
manoeuvre hi forces In a general en
gagement is tlie gentleman to whom
tho honor of color-sergeant will bo
awarded. ...... ,
, , riioviNcuiisM," ; '
A gentleman connected with, one of
the largust advertising agviwies in New
York mado this remark to mo a few
dayaagu; ' If this Centennial Exhi
bition was to be in New York, instead
of Philadelphia, our merchant and
manufacturers would havo oxpeuded
by this timo hall a million dollar in
advertising their busiuess, and the
benefit resulting to the Centennial
from ibat would have Iwen incalcula
ble." As he expected an excuse, prob
ably, I looked sheepishly at hiiu, and
like the mythical lad, rusuouded pet
tishly, "I couldn't help it! '
Let mo instance a single case of how
our young men are taught how not to
advurtisu,. I will tuke the firm ot
Hood, jtoubright & Co., who occupy aa
tlno a wholesale dry goods store as
there is in this city ; they do, whut we
here call an iunnense busmen, but
what a bouse in New York, with far
less pretentions lo first-clussism, would
look upou ns ridiculously insignificant.
They havo every facility for doing ten
millions of busiurss a year ; they prob
ably do about ono million ; they ex
pend in all probability less than S Jill)
a year in ndvorlisii,g, wbllo thoy, of
all others, ought to havo their adver
tisement in every first-class county
paper between here and Pittsburgh, in
one hundred of the host papers of Ohio,
Indiana, and other places iu tho South
and West, and their advertisement
should bo placed conspicuously in all
our Philadelphia papers, so as to greet
the eye of every traveller to New York
over the Pennsylvania, ami tho Phila
delphia and Haiti more Road. Sales
men in their stores imagine thoy do an
immense trade; they aro taught to
believe that advertising is useless,
bunco our young tradesmen early learn
provincialism, and .it never , leaves
them. , , . . i
Hut do not imagine that all are like
this firm. Our industrial esutblUh-
incuts are learning the bcucfit of ad
vertising, nnd they are growing rapidly
more and more liberal in this respect;
their workshops are being enlarged,
their bank account is swelhnir, their
capital increasing, and the wholo city
loels the effect of their enterprise.
Mr. George 1). Wctherill died on
Tuesday, aired 83 years. He wa one
of our best business men. For sixty
years he and his wile trod life' path
happily together; successful as a mer
chant, breviiw;! with wwtlth, nntl l,m.
ed hy their children, the rugged edge
of despairwas tiAhema thingunknown.
When the aged' partner ot Mr. Wcther
ill' lite' blessings wa told that his
spirit had gone to Rod who had gave
it, she lell in a swoon, wa carried to a
room adjoining that of her dead hu
band, where she lay in a comatose state
nntil the Friday following, when sensi
bility returned juntas the remains ol
Mr. Wctherill were being carried past
tho door. Sho aroso from the bed,
walked to the room door, looked at
tho casket which contained Mr. W.,
and then fell backwards upon the floor,
a broken-hearted corpse. They both
now rest beneath the same sod, in tho
quiet of tho dark, dark grave.
Scarcely less sad was the scene that
occurred on the some day in another
part of onr oily, wlvere the remains of
William Coogan, aged 72, and hi son,
John P. Coogan, 27 year of age, were
taken Irom the same house, placed side
by side in one hearse, and laid together
in tho samo chamber ot the dead.
During the samo week, Mr. James
l.'oleman, jr., a young married man,
living at 712 Siegel street, lost hi only
two children, by scarlet fever, a boy
and girl, four and six year of age.
The day following their bunal Mrs.
Coleman died from pnre grief at her
loss, and mother and children sleep
their last sleep aide by si'lis, leaving
the heart-stricken father to tread alone
to him lif' thorny path.
Bank aonngas.
Two of our city banks have suflVred
severe losses at tho bands ol sharpers.
Tho first wa at tho Farmer' and
Mechanics' Bank. whore a irontlomanlv
looking thief entered and Landed a 110
note to the paying teller, asking him
if it was good, and while tho teller was
holding it up to tt,c skylight to see if
daylight would penetrate the filthy
lucre, tho gentlemanly-looking lellow
of an inquiring inind picked up two
packages of money, and douhtlma for,..r tl.a I..1I..P l.a.l Li tlO 1.111
U.HI. W.ail. MV KMV, UBU UU W ' " VI,,,
walked oft", and singular to any, fmgot
to return for his greenback. Ho got
off with 3,000.
The second robbery look place the
loliowing day at tho .Manufacturers'
Bank, Third and Market street. Tbc
bank runner had been to tho V. S.
Assistant Treasurer' oftlro, and in re
turning, liavinir a box in each band
and a wallut containing 13,000 in cash,
and check for K!,00d mora, in the
breast poekct of hi coat, wa met at
the door of the bank aa bo waa about
to enter, and hi passaire blockaded bv
three or four mon, Vhv seemed auvious
to leave together, and in haste. Mr.
Scott was Jostled, and before he was
aware of the design of tlie party, the
wallet was stolen. Not being able to
use eilbor hand, yet fearing something
wa wrong, ho hurried to tho cashier
and handed tho boxes to bun, and thcu
discovering the disnjiiearanco of the
wallet, returned quickly to tho door,
but was unable to ace tlie thieves. ,
Evidently theso thieves havo gone
in search el' the gnntlemanly fellow,for
nono hnvo since been heard from, ;
A loint'committce of the legislature,
appointed to investigate the affair of
the Philadelphia and Heading llailmad
t'ompany has neon In session hero
since my last letter was written.' This
much I may say, that whatemr of
sympathy heretofore existed ftir the
miner ha been removed by their re
cent notion. Th people of this city
now regard tho miners a murderers,
robber and arwoneei-, with whom tho
strong arm of the military nnly should
A oommittoe tn retail coal dealer Ap
peared before the legislature Commit
tee they stated that thirty thousand
men were eat of employment beratiso
of the rike ; that the bnsinee of tho
Commonwealth was paralysed ; that
it wa onconsuiuttoeal tor It to mine
ooal, and that th strong arm f the
law ought to interfere and 'take the
power (torn thit great corporation to
mine ami sen coal. To this Mr. Gowen,
President of the Reading, remarked
with nuict humor, that if to sell coal
, In the poor nt:.' a Ion lessthan the
price charged hy tho retail committee-
of Pit0 lul vol,om ""'J' ttro di"f",i'l
of hnm-ily. Take, lor instance, the
lrHl" um llul '"lr """'I'"'
Wo havo no doubt that If nil tbo men voting
on fraudulent nntnrnUaniion papora, nil the men
admitted electees while under ago or othorwire
dieuualiAed, nod nil who novo boon improperly
allowed lo vole on oerlilloolee, oonld be etriekin
from tbo llata nnd their ballola withdrawn, Iho
Uopublicana would Ind themaalvw iatliauia.
Jority."' " ' '
In other word, this Republican or
gan charge that tha Democrats polled
ten thousand fraudulent votes iu Con
necticut at tho Into election, Governor
Ingcrsoll's plurality being nearly that.
Who honestly believes that nny such
fraud were perctraUxl in that eleo
tion? If the Republican possessed
ovidence of a single case of Democratic
Hand, would it uut be published with
flaming headlines from one end of the
Statu lo the other ? Rut without pro
ducing one instance this Hartford Re
publican paper attempt to explain
away the deteat of its party by a vague
and general slander ot It opponents.
And why, after all, should Democrats
be ctiari'iHl with I in ml by an orgnu ot
tbo Republican party? The accuser
must come into court with clean Hands.
Is a party which numbers uniting its
lender Simon Camerou, Zitch Chand
ler, Ren Hutler, "Credit Mobilicr" Col
fax, Clayton, Uorsey, "Poker Jack"
McCluro, Kellogg, Causey, Piiichbuek,
Packard, Durell, iJusteed, Miu, Whil
teniore, "liigiuny" llowen, Hill Mann,
"Addition, Division and Silence" Hum
ble, 1 urn Murphy, Lcet, blocking,.! aync,
Sanborn, Sickles, "Sccor" Robeson,
"Chorpening" Crvsswell, "Subsidy"
Pomctoy, and a host ot similar charac
ters combined in political rings iu
ucarly every State, entitled to the
right of trying "Btop thief?" One of
the most disagreeable things about this
party of "great moral ideits" is its hy
pocrisy. Just such cant ns the II art
ford Evening J'ost indulges in is the
staple part of Radical literature, and
yet no political party that ever lived
on the earth has done more to debauch
polities and society than tho party
which has been in power in tbo lien
cral Government and until lately in
most of the States sinco the culmina
tion of Radicalism in civil war in lBiil.
Look at Rhode Island to-day the Re
publican factions accusing each other
of the vilest corruption und bribery at
tho polls I The Hurtlord Voiiroid. lieu.
Haw ley' newspaper, learn that "ruin,
mouey and ignorance will rule" in tho
future in Connecticut, -if butter ele
inents do not bestir themselves." No
danger, (ienerull The betler ulemenls
havo bestirred themselves, and the re
sult ol the magnificent Deuiocnitic
victory in that Stato is that thu Repub
lican party ill never again "rule'' in
fioon-Bv, "Laniui'." The hound,
truo American of all parties will rejoice,
wo think, at Iho report that Jsindnu
Vt illiams Is lo lie "retired into pnvat
life. Poor ohl "Landau" is lo lie
moved from the office of Hiirh f'oin-l
.,, ri
,.e accident '
missioner of tho Justice lej
iiTani canal.
ll ever a man was hy some
put into a place ho disgraced from the
moment lie undertook: Tnc iiiscnargcot
it duties, William is that man. The
record of his official conduct is A stain, j
a reproach on tho character of the ad
ministration or law.
It is reported that Judge l'ierrepont
i to be his successor. Thin cannot he
truo, for Judgo l'ierrepont is a gentle
man and a lawyer of high social dis
tistinction and legal reputation. Such
an appointment is impossible, if to be
made by Grant, but there may bo such
influences as cannot be disregarded
that will cr.mriel the presence of such
a gentleman in tho administration of
tho cigar to which Grant is attached,
at Washington. Wo hope, hut doubt.
i'EDtHTHiAMsM. Weston, the great
walkist tho Flora Temple of the foot
pads has just been shelved by a 1'hil
adclpliian named Paniel O'Lcary, who
last week undertook tlio tusk of beat
ing Weston's timo for wulkiag 115
miles, succeeded in hi task. He com
menced on Friday, at tho Chestnut
Street ilink, at midnight, and accom
plished the distancu set down in i'i
hour and B9 minutes, Weston's time
for the samo distance being i'i hours
and 59 minute and 44 seconds. After
concluding tho allotted task, ho walked
an additional mile and an extra lap.
Uis fustest niilo wa tho seventh, tlie
timo being 9 minutes and 5 socouds.
Thi is the best pedestrian feat on rec
ord. Mr. OXeary was in good condi
tion at iho close, " ; '
' A Qi'KKH Hadical. The Clinton
Republican, printed nt Lock Haven, is
rather a candid journal. It says:
"We do not take half tho interest now
in that Connecticut election that wo
did two weeks ago." Tho editor con
tinue and remark in this way : ll ia
true that our own Htato Convention
did last year adopt a resolution which
was understood to bo a condemnation
of tho third term project ; but a some
of the paper of the Statu appear to
have forgotten the fact, wc trust the
convention which is to meet nt Lan
caster next month will take cure to re
peat tniit condom nation in language
not to be misconstrued or disregarded.
Too Into, "Kins," (irant is ahcnif You
must swallow him or holt.
" Bad Chumi!. llancroft,Jlhe histori
an, rather goixl authority in matters
of fact, says, ''Tho Wcsloni Ilescrvc
" of Ohio contains a more, intelligent.
" population than any other territory
" of tho samo extent anywhere In the
" world." Exchange.
The editor ol tho Venango Sjuvtatur
says: "That scrap of history may lie
correct, but tho people aforcaaid can
turn out some mighty mean specimens
of cheese, tho meanest we ever scent
ed, and tho liveliest wc overlooked on.
Banci-ofl has evidently not been among
tiietn luteiy. no iiiunv nave uecn ami
ding to tlio graud-ftillicrs of the pres
ent checsu anil skipjwr breeders..
Til lsjlm. Thcro are sad stories
about Grant's Cabinet officer, Hecreiary
Delano. Indinu "rings," stealings,
frauds, and corporations, as usual in
('rant's favorites. 1'oor silent, dumb,
speechless Grant, .No wonder he has
nothing to say. If h were to speak
he could only say, "Tivi." l'oor (.ran! I
Evorybody ho loves, embrace, likes,
favor, steal away Ills timo out
Delano Is to jo It Is said. Wo ' think
it would bo well to huvo an Internal
revenuo detective search out the
reason. ' ' " '' - -
: No Oo An exchange aav, "an old
fashioned lady remark: -""Mri Kdl
tor, nlcase to print me piers against
the foolish fksbion which the women
have of pinning their vei r closely nl wit
their face." .t. ,,
' Kditot--fovr madam I When we
pitched Into their bustle and pannier
they got their hack up higher thiwi
srer. It ws now fly at thmr face it
will avail nothing. Fashion, madame,
t an impregnable fort rem, whether
fou attack fit Irotu or In the tmr, aad
woman h In commander "
fit' 1 ll K i.Ml'r.iriiMi sr
Vusbinifton corro-m.ndciit of
, I'iit.bnnh,r thus sketches'
eoplo iu the L'lilleries. To the old
iinlntiics ol the cupitol this man's prcs-
dice awakeneil iiiaiiy nit iiioies of an
excited nwt, ho I'mrtinii btislraii
riiil ill the legilative halls of the eupi -
tol. The mull was James M. Ashhy,
ex t'oij(iesiiiiiii from Ohio, a mini
lvhV nani ii Igy lowii iu bif t y
its iiiineaebiiii nt Ashley. Ol'hiiii notli -
ling eke. will , be Uuowu, DcyiJiid the
ono fact that be was thu mail who In
tiisluccd in Iho lloosc tlio proposition
to impeach Andy Johnson there is
nothing in jiio lite iu tviiiti liin avui t by
of being, remembered, flu i a niiiii
below tiib medium size, stunt In liifurc.
His face Is one jmlieutivo of the coin-
inoii-phKu'rAid'tfliiidetl hver by un ex -
presHion ol 'Importance purely nbsurd.
His lace is buru of whiskers. "His hair,
nonver, is ills strong point, it lliltt
Ilea truw Vel'i Ms-'"'1 below the Coulter
crowrt !f tlb sklill'it lfilfs nwurin Inx-i l'"-'"
nriunt,1 cuiMfiilly -curled ' ringlets,!' Ihoj .,
great prido irl'lheir ownor. He Wall; ! "'1"'
with a strim nnd an assumption of iniaj H.lcm.r...'.'.'
porlanCaj that are vory ciitci'laiiiiiig. Anhsra
lie is now (jiinipletojy tun to seed, nod j J""'
it is doutliil that bo could bo elected i'm'"...!!.'.."
to the post of village constable in bis NtMni'l ttamk
native county in lllilo. His lift politi-j
calpiwt we tb.pjvTiibi uf Moil- ( j "'n".'..'.'..".".'.,
tana. Ho wnsappoinlcd during! iranl'si Murray del...
first form. Hi, im now nut nf i,Ihpi. ' CouUrtot
coniitHy,-'.-J." n.. l,a' . (if ot
inv J'. i). uimmii in in u ii it'll is uiy cun
ceuletl liv li ih ttMsiiniition of c)k:i (i;-
rt'H(,liilioji 111, I hi UfMiMS ill lfifi7 tulMrheh
iinjuMu u .lotijisftii tliciv wan a gonenil
liinli. The iW'iiitlori thcrt wrnl over
f V r fcuwml mnnlliit bHore it ciuno njt
There I n nolftltlo tiiiTfrt-ncc in ih(
KNti(.onfu6ii. tlitou itrrmf.u to-diWd
AkIiIov, tlie 'nmn wln tried to drag
down. .Andy .Johnson, now mi im
ecuniuiiH irlui-t-okct, un objret of
contempt to Ihh jMlit:cnl uvHot ialc-H
ii j i .1
Johnson U ftti hoiMnrd mi-nibcr ol the
I llited StatCH SonntO, t whose lp(tti)l)
nearlv tho wLolo country rejoicoH, in ' r"",m "1 wrty.
great fcaa H'.l .!. revul,iut. fi,liK
111 tltvor fll lllltl.. , ;. I Incl per (far. Tim .urrou,, Jn,. are (,ir. nlen-
..-i .ji..- ... n. r , H; ol limlxT lit IU, iiaujeiliale ricinilr el Ibe
I'LUNiiiiKimi in Hum 1'i.acks. The ' ?.wiill?11Ule'i?.l;, ' ""-"
., ... . . .... i, i 1 l'co, or will bo to the mil by toe forin.
nens from tilimgtiin is thai lla-1 ..... rue mill i. iue4 aisnn u, ..4 . bTif
IH, Secretni'V (if till) IlltOl ior, one ol ' il eoatkweat of Lotauebma. noar the turn.
fiinnt's I 'nliiiiut lins Wen invik'.I !V '""'-r. in. ... Kit.
,i ii . i- ... ,t.i ! laiinibR. ur further particular ajureaa too un.
the .'rusiilt-iit to resign Ins oIIk c. i lie o-r..,;Bj. 1 sUuioun
inciting C1IS Ix iH'.' tlint tho HctTcllll! Tonne. Tlia! .kalf wa. ; ll,. a.'.ute m out
iv s fin Jolin. an officer ill tlio same J'"':""11 ''""'. ''jr "" s sole with no.
department, lias heen cnoght stealing
with the knowledge anil approval of
the Secretary himself. 'I'liesiatcnieiil
is tliut tlio pluii'Ierlng tlnnsaction was
mo in which a large hndy of laml be
longing to certain Indians wns dis
sisisl f to a nit tnl K?t- of cupilslinn.
Hull wlille most (icrsoiis at i Wiisliiugv
lon are sul istied uf the truth of tho
charge mado nguinvl the Oi'lnniis, sev
eral hcsitulo to Isliuve tluit (irnnt
would ask the ivsinaliiui of any of
ficial on an v sin li ground us slate I.
t)n (lie i.mlrni-v lis in III,- inariit ll,ns'ov 1'i'Lla nuJ
Sliephenl aii-1 iliek Jlringlo..,,,.
(OH liko theso tsOelll lu Klllt I-UWI
Uiu bond of uniun het,ve.'n (irnnt end
Min i. hliiniii.ti.ta.
UUt m.UHp.Ol.l. ' - -
0 - - - . ; ,
Iho ..interns worn hung out in tho;
tower ut'tho old -Xnrjll C'inivh ju J1(k- !
; ton nil Snwlny niglif, by llnhn t Kcw-
re-i'T ' 8 f, lu" 01 l'":"v"
T . iHTinrmcu too . u,,, v
''"'ed yours ago. when the lliit'isli tisik
up tliujp linu tmnu ( xhe trmion
" K'1""1' J'm" llvrer
viv- win., M-m-ll.
. '. .'. I i . . ...
lion, .lollll Illllpcr, of the firm of '
Harper ltros.,died at his hoinc nt New
I orlt. -. ; i :, :
nir gtHmliSfinfnts.
Valuable Coal & Timber Lund.
B.V If lue ef an onler of tho Orhana' Conrt of
doarnel eeumy, in ue rtltftou, theve wUI beak,
Cd in publlo aula, nt tlie Court lUurc, In lue
ug-li of CleorNeld, on .. .... ....
MOM1MY, M4T t4, IM7H, '',.
nt I o'clook p. m., all that certain traet nf,
aitualn ia kns lownabip, Citaraeld uwuutv, Tn.,
bouudetl nnd deaeritied aa followa, via :
On Ibo ootth bv Iho UcKeo an lb. enal bv lan.l. of John H. Chaae. on
th. aontb nt land, tt Jooeph Boat nnd tttiera nnd
on in wvat ov vienrsein ereok, tania nf U oo
Una ad llr. UVm. nnd other., aontnlntnK 114
neree nnd allvwanoe. wilb about eU aerce cleared.
and bavin, a (ocd two -nrr ka home, orrlmrd
and nther Inurnvemenls IL.t.oo. Tun land ia
Sood lor rariuina nnrpuae., with n quanlilv of 1 - , , . . 7 1 .
pin., ... and'k timber ttaervon, and ia un- V l T "? "i ' I""'"'' -Lljld
wb be.n, .il.ated in J " . r'rH '
A'.to, nfl i fldiar traet af Ian, I, aituate la tha
to null ip aluraid'. boundad by landa of ltrialia
A Mitltr, Juba It. Uodar, Agaea KobinMtn had
of aaid la McKoe'p aaiata and other. aoaUin
fvtnttnal bortni . ' . . .
lanaa or h.i.e. Ten o.r ernt. wbes Ik. nro
nerty ia huoeked down, Ibe ronaaioder nf ono
tbird nt oonDriuntion of anle. and tbo ualonee in
no,ual perineum ol one and two jionre, wlih Inler
e.t, to bo aocurvd liv boud aud turtai:o on Ibo
pr.uium. ', ,,".
" 1 ' ' 1. IKV!. Mi'KKR,
oixmnwooD uhand.
pOMMlBaloNKR'S i Soi'ltf,.-
V' '. " ' .n.-y
Jfi-ih Am mar man )
Margartt AmtBBroiMi tirncd has t-irod a
eoMiaiiiMion, uauing out of the Court of Cntnrnon
I'kaa of Claarftvldeuttntjr, fn lha Slata of Peno
n.vWania.afid ta htm dirwird, fwr tha naming
lion af wilanaaaa fn a certain eauaa drirniling,
batwaon Jupb Atami-nn, hbfllant, and Mar
garat Afamirman, rapandtat. Tbaaa ara to giv e
notioa that I w.ll aiartit tha aaid ooainiiaaiua oa
twhair af tba Plaintiff and at mr at-
fa ia t'karflald, aa ibo I2ih day of May, A. U.
inia, ia a. aaca and ber all pariiaa ia
taraall oaa attend. If W, HMIT1I.
apt 2 it St CotBiaiarioDar.' "
lha an.Ur.ign,d, raai to roaaec Hook
w reUa, n numlHir of n
low roue, n numlHir of
. cAnniAGj;s 4 uruuifcj,
' WAGONS, &t, 4C,
I eaa annplv pajlira wilb eilhrr nrw or keond
band onrrla.i, l"i(.-, r warna, nt Inbuloaalv
low prioea. loree, old and Jonna, nnd hamen
to inaloh. PavlU In eaed of niilior onnnol buv
Ibiaa aa ebea,!! an;whvre eler.
', JAMUS I.. I.KAVY. -
tliniti-l,!, April If, lTi. lf
All poriona are horul.v warned axaio.t pur
obulaa nr la anv wa; lnoddlia( wilb Ibe foliow-
ii propenv, now In
I'PlTOIt'.l -OTI('K.-
In tba tnall.r of the 1 In the Orphane' Conrl
oatatnol liarlJ Ulonn, of ClearDeli! Oouutr.
eoenaed. ) '
Tha an,l.r.l(riied Aa.llmr, ),nln'ed V 'law
oourl tn di.lrlbulo tbe bal.nee In in. U.kJ. wf :&
Adralulitrator of .aid eetale. bei-hv (ire. nolle,
that be will attend In the dniiea of hie anpnlnl
m.nt at b,. otiae In Cloarneld, aa Tb.r. l iT. lha
Jlk dnr nf ktav, l;i, M IV aVI.,ok, A. M .wken
nnd whore all ejurtieo lnlereal.4 uanv ntlend If
tbev new proper. VIII. H. M.CULLOUU M.
April, mrt.di. . Auditor.
"Ul, a ..If-. bin picket book, eonlainli,. fji N
mono- una , one ie nnd en. I bill.-, bill
or ffooda nnd a note for 7lv, pnynble In the r
et ot Man,. M. flvna. tk..bve reward will
be paid for ibe reiura mt lb. n.kat koak nnd iu
annt-nH in Deri.' atom, la Lumber Cllv.
' ' ' ; HAI"KKRTT.
Oramplan II I'a, April U, ll7. lt
t..h.r.i,. April ,,, WUS-luK1 :; si?i:w.?..k.
fpRl.Uj' LIST.
i ; -it--
S""' "": "
! liilu..!"'.",'!"""!
! i "','i"'"""""
I I'oogUrty '.Zl
! rinjd,,..,
..... t
v lltwkutibtrr) .
vi Muirvlt tl al.
.,.. vi lif.
v liftrur.
vi MvUliw.
ri HnbiKiiiwvvr.
I va
va UIUnhi;r.
...... Tl IllimToJ.
va lI(Mjp.
' !.it "Sborl" ruan l dovo fur IrUI ti
efuiil 'i tuw. ouiuucDeitig un tJie l( Muitlav, 7lk
dy ul A. U. IHIj t
riftraT WMtK.
vi CbUwiII,
VI Ir in.,
va Walt).
- Uutirtt.
va tSkto,
va Krbard.
.' vi tiowaraog.
..- vi Walton.
j Ivfg'iiid....
! ninle.,..".."!
! Wmriru.
w Kwia, - . ..
, v Irbiraj.
Tl VMiirbDt.
vi Lowrj.
. u,.m... llriHr(J.
vi Art ban.
.......... va Klajt m. '
vi Jur at !.
vi Knupp.
.4 v Batv tt al
vi Htuooi. ,
vi Fiootjr.
ta UoabD tuwoablp,
va tJaitb.
va tacbat it aJ. .
va Umrn.
Va Lbok.
va Mitukall.
va WiUbvloi'a adir.
liaitorri t al.
va liy era,
va Linn. ; .
limtiBua lcLttul Jiuartl,
UollClf Hion.n.)'....
f, ht lirulge AfMt l...!
QllPUAN-y't'dCnT SALK.
- uv viritw ul an trd.rof tlia Orbiii' Cvml
ul 0ttH -Iti cauntv, l'tnuMlv(im, mmi to m 4i.
rtHlt ii, ll will be aspoied to pabllq aula, in
LMthfTfi iTf, efiuniy and ritate ai .tnl, on
at I o'elook p. n , : ibt wrtt'B Iraet mr piaee
i laml aitaata lu Uwoihip, count
.Staia at'.rMil, tula tbe mtu of Jwib Vuaa, J.
rcacl, wuuu1shI and dtacrivi fulluw. vit:
i "b iho n.irih aooj tan hr Un i oi Jftotib Hit
.nJ ufl ch Mlk mu4 'mi),t Ly
U-uotainibg about fur ww, aati knowa at
itfb lln-nnan
aa tho
l" 'n7.
Ltttherfliorf, Aortl la, ls7o..St Admr
! ( ' 1 ' K. l. or VWa, '
1'biiaila.phla, April (Mb, l-Ti. )
! Toil la lo jrire biti. ihnt on the 29th dav of
j il.iuli, A. D. lhT5, a amrract in bankrnj.tcT waa
i tMtiiil a f in t tha cjfatc of WILLIAM t'LKM
. 1)1:N'()., f i'hilA-lflphin, ia tlie eouiity bil
I ailc'i'hia, formerly of Clenrriold coanty, aad Slat
, v n. H.n .i1. n
! ruM x Ui
ol raobuvivacia, who nai hrrn adjutgoJ a bank-
pi tttlua; tbai Ui A)intnt of
silvery uf any i.r,i.i-rtv hrlont-
! J
99, and
ilen liv Uw : lltit a iniflihir f (he errdltan of
,h ", u pwm hmW dfbi, and i
eho-iw ooa r lor ai)Ci.r of bia fatal, ill
b. hi 11 at OulrlnT bankntptrv.iobabolsraa
4t Ntt j. ylUk (ral, I'liilidrlpbia, be-
f,,rf Wa,.0, v.,,an to 27ih
daj r April, A. b. IJ j, at 1 1 o'? a. tn.
, JAM lif A. fchKSrl,
I'll t It ' V. S. Mabi,ai Mearr.
' ' ,
j Counly Superintendent
r. M KTUU ...,, .-
In noreunnoa of the fortv.thira.
, -- - U-r av, -' .
''J nolili le meet In eonvrollon at the Court
I lli'iiar, ia (bo Our ti nil
Tl'KdUAY IN MAY, A. li. IS74, (baitg l V4U
., .a au wifuin,ai tOO rin.T
uay ui laenonttii, at i a ctoi-lt tn tha alicraf-oo,
aitd MltMt, ritm HMt. by a Majority f tba wboia
anMberol lHraettr prataot, uoe praoa oflilttnry
and aoieotiflr acquirement, and of akill and ai-
porienna ia tbc art of teaching, aa Count; ISaptr
inlndeotfur the tbrea aajemJing yaara ( deltr
utiia tbt amanat nf oonpeaaauun for tha time,
and certify tka retail t the Htnla Saprrintandrat
at Rnriiliarg, aa frqaired by the thirty-aialk
and forttatb aotrtinn: of aairl Act,
' J. A. rtRrKWHY,
5 "On. Hop't f Clear Id GotrtfT.
' flMrHplf( April 14, WTI-St.
Valuable Real Estate.
TImt will ba aold at pttalla on (fry, at tha Ooart
Honaa, in Claarficld, a SATURDAY, May lat,
U(i, all that ccrlaia lot of gronad ailuate a lie
borough uf CfoarAeld, on tha aonlh aida of llir
kal tret, adjoining tho Poat OfRoo on lha nat,
framing td Ue4 ua Uarkal atirat and raoaiat
h7,, J.JlJ
T, 15
lh, M10- j,,ir,
L .. ET!! Vk
iat or v. a. uauiim aad Juba
ft to an allnj. Tliilot iaoacof
daairaUa huaitiaa ailoa ia tuwn. Th
rifrht to uia the eautara vail of tht I'oat Offiot ia
AiMcnw of E. A. P. Rfixlrr.
ClrarfltM, April U. IBTi. -St
, ntor 01 toe Ur.
rflARI.K BcnNATIlll!.
Arent for Tri'tHi.
Mr. D. 9lwrt haa ntird fr -tn the Im af
1). Bit? wirt 1 tlna, k-aring I. A. Slanart pniari
rtor. All pirtma lndrttd ara irqacited toaa-i
imnrdiait lottlaiaoit bj oaah or aota.
j Am. ni iiaf, ia '.arwrnatnia, par aifii w
wrpfc, im raaainatii tarms. Fnaiiag capMilf,
U'Hi, aUgr, ISj40; drop curUm alt .mpiU.
Alao, I fma raotut an aafmn 1 ittor, 10n:', iaiu
bla for offiifa, fronting on M.iia alrtal Kuf far-
tuvr rrHruiriiff al Iran
X. K. AKN0I.U.
CttreiutTill-, April T, lf.7i.Jra
Tlia Undortiktncd. ba. in Jrleruiinfd lo ehD
I Ul W'iD" offc" tnr aal hi ISb -p, Toali.
wm""in r lwo portable Kurgea. with all
neee.aarv tool, and implement, of tbe lete.1 ani
j mo.t iuiprove.l kind in an or t. be feund ia lb.
I bM. Uatlib ttoafia, AJao, . Ura. aoaetil ef
I Horee bhoea nnd Iron on hand,
i The Inveliow .f thia atanil ha. a nrmt alru.
UKe ever all oilier., In-in. on aa nllev
! , 1 h".f '
tiro llj Worka, I'laolnj Mill..,,. I K.lli
llrond aire, it n nrvrerenee over all nther iUdiI
la town. 'The preperly nan no lenaej m ,ki,I a4
vantage, or purvha-ed for n roaeonable pn...
Clf.arBol.1. April 7, ISTi.-lf
la aoeordaat with aa Act vf lha Uiacral
Auili! of thia Coraaionaanltb, approiaJ lk
32d day af March, A. ll. 1810, and lbauar-f
inent apprortMl Ibo Xd day of April, A. I- IM
I rtiii.R m ia courruaa of Me in ma f-aa.j
ClearM.l." natltw ia therafora harehy guca W
lha taxpayart raaiding m tba dial nan ata
namt'l, that (ha County Treaaurer, ia award"!
with tha aaonnd fretion nt aaid Aot, alll ali-
u I'lacea oi noidjiic tlie borooitk aal toanir
KorUr.nam, Momlav, Mav ltlh.
n iMiHif.B Ul A. II. iImI Una nvn tl.. i.a I . i J... ... tM
rr oiwrn., llliav,!.., Jltft.
For lieoainr, fii..y. M iv Itih.
For Oereole. 1 hurmUj, MJ 1.1th.
For lloul.d.le, Kri.l.v. Mar llih.
For lka-e, talnrd, Mae loth. ..
For lln.ino. Too.rlav. Mav lih.
For Union, W.Jar.d.r. Mav Iwik.
Fur BrilT, at Huinl..r.r, riiur.dir, M.J
" " Troul.UkK Fnd.v. Ma; Sll.
" " LaUimharg, Ualurd.;, Ma; li
fer Corwenevllle, Mnndar, Mav lilb.
For Pike, Taeadae, M.; I5lh.
For lll.u.,;, Mar Ifllh.
For Fenn, Tbundav, Ma; J7tk.
or .n.nhe fii, .ul.;, Mav Ktb.
bur roriooaw, Salardaj, Mar lt.
I pon nil Inaoa paid la tha Trna.nrar tb.r '"
.,''";"'", "f -f" t, while ire r
will he )er .. jlm af Jml, i to '
paid uaea, mnhio, .dirler.naf TKM net""1'
lo prnmpl Uap.,.,.. v,niM Mu, fro-lb '
V. 'J F" 1 1" uana nt tha Treaearer i '
Ike balaaao nf tke diatriola wi k. vUile
dnnn Uonra, ., , . ,. .,
Iraiani'tOlH, I Traniar
r mrt-id. r.., Apni t, ir ) i