V1J. Je, CitoHOE 11. GooniANPiit, Editor. CLBAHF1KLI), I"A. WEDNESDAY MORNlNll, APRIL 14, 1875. riiilailclphm 1ms Jnt lout ono of her inoHt honored mid liijjlily esteemed oilituns, in tho portion of Col. J limes I'R- . A a coimeouonco of bail ink, it it reluted thiit tlio siynuturcs to the original oojiy of tho Declaration of In dependence have flidcd io Hint tlioy mo scarcely visible. Hktirkd Statesmen. Chandler, Carpenter mid Ilutler friiined tho IV land press gatf law. They liuvo nil been retired from public terrier, but their bad deeds will live nfter them Tha nnklodeit el of all, jt'Vn to tlia lladieal' rKffntlj, It Connect!.!. Jtickmond iioaiVar. Dry up, down there, you rebel! You have no right to mnko fun of the miithnp thnt befall our loynl neigh bors, whoso distron is ulrendy severe enough without being enuteri.ed by au UHivpentnnt rebel. Tla Hrpnlillenna Kain ton rocmbon In th Cuntiwtlout l4ftii.lalur.'Ai7rti'd Pmt. Not it word ol it true. Tho Demo- j enitt had 28 on joint ballot last yenr, nd now they have 33. How Is that for a gain ? lion1, the Democratic mu jovty lust year, over till, was only 1,9011, this year it is 5,(!R4. A similar increase in Pennsylvania next fall will give us tho Stiito by 00,0(10 majority. Tho total vote in Connecticut for Governor wan Inge moll, Democrat, o3,78S; Clroen, Kadical. 44,303; Smith, Temperance, 2,780. Last year the Temperance Votq'wns neary 5,000 but tho temperance party sold out to Grant 4 Co. as it did in Xew Hamp shire, No man in tho world needs tho temperance element worse than Grant, but then it's a vey Htrnngo alliance. The liAnicAL Piuiit. Tho result in Connecticut has caused a field fight be tween those loyal heroes, Grant, Hhcr- dun & Co. on tho one side, and Gen. Iluwley, liluino Si Co. on tho other. Tho former blunio the hitler lor the defeat of the government troops in that State and the latter in turn blame Grant k Co. for their army method of conducting elections, force bills, ban ditti order, etc., etc. A LtTTLKCorBT.-JndgcsOrvis, l!ead and Foley with tho members of the Bar, assisted very materially by Crier Howies, hold a two days' Court last week, and by tho way disposed of a largo number ot cases down on the ar gumont list. This In a movement in the right directiou. Wo never did deem it uccessary to have present for several day in Court forty-eight Travorso and twenty-four Grand Ju rors and several hundred witnesses and parties to suits, while the lawyers were reviewing their niistukoB, and being set riglit ly iliu t.inuu 'i'lils plan was always nn expensive luxury to tho taxpayers. Keep on improving and we will soon bo right, and then "go ahead" will 1k very appropriate. Riiod Island. Tho recent election in this Statu shows that that liudical household is badly split up between the Spraguc and Allen families, while tho Democrats look on and for several years have mudo no nominations un til this year. - Tho iiadicals are also . fatally troubled with tho liquor ques tion, and tho voto shows that (ho fac tions aro pretty ovcnly divided on Govornor. Hazard, Kadical (whisky straight), bad 8,085 ; Lippitt (whisky mixed), 8,280; Cutter, Democrat, 5,138. Tho largest voto ever cast in tho Stato was that of Tuesday last, and it only aggregated 22.100 votes. Not as many as aro polled in our Con gressional district, and yet this loyal truck patch elects two Congressmen and two United States Senators. Thoro being no election by the poople for Governor, that duty will devolve upon tho Legislature. A nico little fight may be looked for on .that occa sion. Grant and Aniiv Collide. A Washington Icttor says : Last night the President was out walking upon tho avenue. He had his hands in his overcoat pockets, and ho was puffing at a cigar in his usual stolid fashion. When ho got down in front of tho Im perial IIolel,whore Andy Johnson lives, ho saw Mr. Johnson getting out of a streot car. JIo quickened bis paco to avoid mooting him, but in vain. Andy came plunging through tho crowd.and in crossing tho aido walk ho ran right into tho President, tho two striking shoulders. Tho two men just glanced at ono another. Neither saluted, or acknowledged ill tho slightest deirreo that they know oach other. Grant wont on down tho avenue, and Andy grimly ,valkcd toward tho hotel, to read up tho constitution as an uppe tiier for his dinner. Anothor letter writer says, when Andy jostled "the government" it daggered visibly, show ing that it rests on a sandy foundation, and needs underpinning to prevent it from toppling over. What wicked Insinuations! t III Explains. A Massachusetts Kadical attempt, and successfully, too, perhaps, to tho minds of muny, to explain tho causo of tho overwhelm ing deleal his party sustained in Con ' noeticut, in this way : "The brethren were so busily engaged in reading the proceedings of tho Beecher-Tilton scandal during tho caivass that they forgot all about the election." There Is no doubt that a largo number of tho venders of high-toned morality in that Slate spend more time in reading np Plymouth church alTairs, but the number of votes show they all went to tho election, because his party polled . more votos than ovor before, although fhey woro never worse beaten Tho load is too heavy which these godly loyal moralists have shouldered. Grant, Sheridan and Poocher. A party loaded down with such clorgy men as Beeehor, soldiers like Sheridan, statesmen liku Grant, candidate like Oreen and stumpers liko Blaine, Jew ell and Co., it enough to damn any or-futniution. THE ASSESSMEXT FOR 1875.' Last week we laid before our rend-1 em, In ii tubular llirni, the adjusted ". truHes, o, poiminK om snonsencii.ee l rm ion.wve ui me iiu.i i 7 n. ,i h'fectH ni eiiino to our notice, llclow will be found it similar table rclitt(ng i to Dorset aim niuics. u w in ue no . ... . 1 1 . ...1 II I ticed that tho thirty-three Assessors fix tlio nveiugo value of horses In this county at t'ti, and that but ono Ases sor (in Pike township) ''hit tho nail on tho head." Tho lowest valuation oc elli's in Brady and Kurthaus whore the overage is only 962, and the high est in Gulicli and lloutzdiilo, respec tively : J92 ami !15. Tho practical point Is that if tho County Commiasioners woro to allow tho Assessors' work to pnss with out adjusting it, tlio owners of horses in Gulich and lloutxdulo would bo compelled to pay about fifty per cent. moro county tax than those in Brady and Knrtliaus. Would that bo right ? Wo think not. Now, by adding about tweiity-fivo per oont. to tho value of tho horses in tho latter and reducing those in tho former a similar amount, tho rate settlos at about (870) thnt fixed by the Assessors, and all pay about tho same rato ot taxation, 1 1IOKSKS A Mt'I.KS. Dlar.lria. 3 "2 -1 s ii Is RssAsat. i . ': llurn.ida bor. n, a,o;l("i 8.25.V 4,tl! Cl.'.rlkW.. tin CiirwoiiiiYUI.; 7' to Houladala t7i) S.Uill J.llij 4,1 Ii l,H(l! li'.JJi I3,:.7ii ' 4,70l II, 7511 III. i('i 22,410 1 i,W I2.5II'1 ,000 13,MS 10,415; t.uDOl r.ni ,!! IO,74l 11,20V Lumber Oily., 4I N. W.,1,,0 u SS Osceola : 3.1 Wallaoololl...! 4U; llnoari. top; 11.11 ... niouln 1 5 i i2ii 22!! I7H j Hi , l7, I 121 11)8 ' , lid I 117 ; 141 ! 126 UoKKa Bradford''..,. Brady )urnsileu.,. Ob.al.,..... " ' CoriQtloo-..i Daoatur. KtTKUion 11 Irani. lloi.beD. Ur.bain Ihillch Huaton Jordao 7S llrd 10 p.cl ... aism.1 rithi I u .. ;; ::, , ... About n.iii i V.tJO know about it : A 1IK10T AXD VEMAaO(lUE. l--v.s,.,.,,l.-..r ltli.i.ir. i.wnlt v... v ' , . .. . . .. mum put V I.) lilu v uni.wiieui uieeii.in Ho stumped every county in tho Stute anil retailed moro bigotry and denni gngism than any of his co opartners. The result must bu painful t him, oven more so than to (irant, bi-cansc Uo wont tlicrc voliinlnrily, and depor ted himself moro liko a jackass than a statesman. In bis speech at Hart ford two days before tin) election, ho said: A Democrat lo rlotory uesoa on. UliDr, via. r Ibe Inatallaliott of the apirl. of nbrllion .Bit of (be uton wbo ware in tn. rebellion In power. 1 bef of yon for yoor on lake., for Iba aako of men,.r,.(C..nnr.,..l.d.Tot for... that h. eonlllc. of I87S iurolroa llirli.au. of l..ral,and diiiojal.r. Mi.no older tlian Ooa. H.wlejr, for,.. . picket lio. of Urast'a army, threw ii. abadow over polilleat ron.aa.a for twea.y-lv. ye.r. .nd yoo ar. told ta. ye.r. aftar th. I.at war to forget ..d forg.r. and not refer to Ibe die- agraeabl. aubjeot. 1 wi.b a.r osrly to aund In '.S and 'CI, and '81, .,id la ninny other ann.. paigna when onr brother! atoeit from 'SI to 'Sa. This stuff ill substance ho repeated in every spcoch. More bigotry could not ho put in tho same number of lines, and it socio tlio peoplo of Con necticut so understood it, because a Democratic majority of nearly 10.000 and a gain of half the the Congres sional delegation, twenty per cent, of a gum in Senators, members of the Ijcgislaturo and county ofllcers, Is such a thundering declaration that no man need hesitato as to what it means. If Post muster (iencriil Jewell and demagoguo Dlaino cannot interpret this verdict of tho Nutmeg .State, let them ask Hi run, Chandler, Carpenter and other western .shysters. 4 VEAV SHOT. Green, tho ltudical candidate for (iovcn.or in Connecticut, has boon playing Mayor of the city of Nor wich for tho past year. In January, after rending, bat.ditli Sheridan's New Orleans manifesto, and Q rant's reply through Attorncy-lienoral Williams, "fio ahnad, wo will sustain you !" ho issued a bombastic proclamation in im itation of the New Orleans banditti in which he said, ' To-day I shall causo a saluto to be fired in honor of Presi dent dm ill's, message. Neither Kit- KluBl Klana, nnr Yt'hito L.OTgn, vfn any other associations using arms to execute their unlawful purposes, can be permitted in that way to govern any part of this country." Mr. James Lloyd (Iroen took tho public money, purchased a quantity of powder and fired a hundred guns iu honor of Sheridan's banditti order, making the beautiful valleys of Connecticut echo and re echo his thunders, approving of tho dcsjK.lic overthrow of the civil au thority of a Stato by bayonets, whon no breach of tho pence hail happened. For this folly be has been soundly striped by the good people oi the Nut meg State, and wo insist that ho is en titled to bis reward. Ho issued bis own proclamation and bunit his own powder to keep tho Kn Kluxers and "other associations" from regulating tho South, and it is as littlo as the Ad- ministration can do in return to send General Babcock out alto.it the unfin ished Washington monument, to fire a hundred guns or so In honor of tho1 people of. the land of steady habits, declaring tbat Administration Leagno ors and other associations from the foot-stool of power shall not regulate the political affairs of Connecticut. Aximixa Obi-iian. Walter L. Ses sions, ox-represcntativo of the Thirty second Congressional District of Now York, to be Special Indian Commis sioner for gallant and meritorious ser vices in support of tho Administration policy. Only twenty six left 14 of tho 40 saved. Pass them along. ' K W Ak, ,l,b. ?TrT.,""" """...T L; ...Tr." ?.r"r:.. Z.V IH.0.MI bl.els.n,ore. Iti. pmbable it " . .. nh.; . "A. r.. , -n.rwZnT.u.nZ, ' ' Unrmo....' n 27.010 87, 1 llrd 10 p ot. Clllioil oi n.s cniHiren liner inn mini-1 i m l" i"n -mini j n.i . j ...s , IM.il.uli.li.l.in n!l'..r llm in. ....... . v. inwi iiiiiiun.i.- Mortia.a us: ii,ii 74 Rijlit 1 nor ol Knisor William.' ' Ins tormiT wiles gninilaiigliter. v 1 newMpaper, ami coniroiieii n so iar, au ,n. , ., -p ran. i hs lu.oio. n AUmtrijut pi ronort vneti on -to snv that in I .. . ,. . . , . , , -wi... m m. vHIK.. . .v. "- least, as regarded liimscll. Mhephcrd w"ifn.ii o.vin( ,m a m. m ill I'm...... 'iii. 5,,jii 70 main. . . , i t .'. "vv in, um un ivii in ircimj n uve ikics i no in ernaiionai commerce . ... i . .. ,1:. im , i'.,.:.,,. i.M .t t"" """ ""i'""J oaiini oy uw Union j ,7s' 74 aw., risht only halt of tlio towns ot tho Mate t.(llltv , ,Xow y,,, state, a short ,,f .,ur ... will l.u laiwdv incvascd 1 3i , - . . 1 . "'. Booood ..r.t, ckmr,Li. ,ju,i. n Wo..dmmi...!iM T I oooi so. t7 Rail 1 J uTot. I cll'orts hnvc been niadctoeomplvwith , ' ' ' ,.,,f oil h. id.vd a d Tl. 1 ... 1 1 ,, l,nll l ,,f y '",t there i evidence .; -f brinK. bt. .!. ,,,. .Ua, , I , ; i,t, ,.,,...:......,,. ,)f ,.., ('..niimlson- t one .111.0, jalilul one ton nilud am possibly one miltoii biisli.ls i.t gnnn : , ,t t ho statemont is true. . , uv. .i. ..j Vrun,ito f.ni.h b . T...1 4.,i:,.2,i07l 70 ! , j'1 " " I ' "'t V?.. ' J "' I 'Rty-'x 1' "f '"''.per month will l,e loaded f.-om this; ....... di, himiU!u. ihi, ,' . ' ...... "'it? "t'X .lS5 IT'" f..B,'0M !'? i It will bo ob.rs-e,l by tho tabU-that ! ,le if i,l g has been dot,., II, that " e" V" e,""U " l,v'Kmx i",!ra0 ,0 mn "0 - V UtwVi onite a miml.r of the Assesso mi ' direction ' " " '" ''!''; ' Hon. Kllwrt Herring, oi'New Vork at tract an enorm:M,sl im iwased ship- doubt be did it in uood lailb. What I ''t .. p,j, .ura. quite a nitmlKi ot the Assissors np- .iinctiou. . ,i, ... ,. ,- i, , i ....l..l.....,l l.iJinent of urain from tlio West to tbis!; , ..,,, ,.,,., J1. I i,.....i...i '" "'"' r'"ia .ill. m. ...t.ur.. 1. proached very near tho standard ; some . ' - ; . .,,,,: mh birthday, is the oldest lawyer in 'i.y. This givutly increased tonnage .,,.,;,, hi, mm , tlUllM M,j 1 ,, , ' 1' a lew do an above and others a lew 1 in..-.n ..iS m.. ..i.,.B .i,.,., , .,, will foire other lu imivements In rainil L1.....1.. i.;. i-; 1., .., "..J 1. ..,: ",'''... """" 1 "' . 1 u"l """"" " dollars below,,,,,,! where the differ, f'!! 'itf U ! " '''i"" th "r in 179. "'ion In rtnlflr to gain time. To 1. , -m..,.,. ui.'r . call, as - j TTA K It A NT I N H A K Kl'J'TC'V.! I",-,.,, '"!""" ence was less either way, than tl.We!i;n,Vliee;.Wsc;;u Kli Croiicr, au ancient citizen ol'i (Vn n gmit slibi canal will be cat i ."POKEU. : , . ' . " &,.,K. " : ,. , ,.,;,.' 0 ! percent, the boanl mado 1.0 alterii- testimony was finn clear, and strong; j)elawam, swm ' , K. u. P. - CriprilTc J : -.i ...'. ..' U-I..5'. ..... 1 f .0 .",?M e',.v;il on. 1110 niouin 01 ,,roll.u ( I. ,1 . Kmm im lid auimiivh. v.i-in. o,. ..' -- . ! ? , ., ,.i,llal.l..lil. Aiiril 8.1..' ui. OlterlllS lions as llie county uix 0.1 inatnnioiiiii g""1 1 ' "T'i i Vm ""'."".""."' ., , J miner t reek, in tlio unaware idver, . . . , ,v0 nnrn viard (ien 1 , ' ' " 1 oll'c'- , r: a 1. ,0 th. d. f ! Tl,t. of ...dor ,.,.,.1,1 I... 1 r. t,.led II she had not kissed .Mr. Beech- Jlcniyt, lay should sit in tho I'lvs.den-' .in, mouth of Van Harbor lilver. on ; l'.nr. .ne..P Wl ' "n,in " lttr V'11- W . ' ' ". H.reb. A. it. l:s. . ...ran. m iw.tirn.in V.. : d ... J .u.c.on.r ,. ., ,', 1 ; or at one of the mentioned Interviews, , tinl chair. Tho venerable biMiver still:, 1,., A tlnntit- Utraii a short .llstanco ocnencK, 1 resiueni tiinnts "i-1 D as .rdr i tuaorphsaa Co,,rt .H a,i.i iba a.t.,. f wibLUM ii.kn. id w""!)-, to lollow tins tip with a tabular state-1, .. .. ,.,,.:, Lmu.n. his wrinkled bn.w. r if""'u . I istor in K.igln,L has found it dilUeult I won. j-k.Wrh.WH is to. ..., vm. .a ... t nent of, arms, houses and lot, .nd I done .a .. A , I iZT'.Z' V unsentuil Innils, and other taxable 'pnlliy ol a pure woman tor her pastor ... . in ,. lh ,.i. .,.;,, and Timber free, is but a lew miles , " V.''" "mdsiiat, nit I, mis, ..,. .,hi,...rnm.:ih., ,a. p.iai of Mourn orr,imi rr.i .. , , , ..... I wl,,,.,, .1.- J,,,- w.-itl.i...r m. the mo- 1 V" u0 rl"'' . bo .tn0 ' ! V.i '.' , L . . . 'll,..! vice of an ungrateful country.- Some .1 1 .-.to,. . .., lt, , .., u.i. .d u,i,..r, ..1 ... ,..,,,, .!. I " "" T payers will not post themselves upon I i '"C 01 es' 1111 "'a liuuii. inng siii.mi. s tolr(m thaf, lyf juy, 'j'tiev will entire distance fiom this Mammoth ' . . ''.,, .,..:, i,.i, , stai. .rur.1d, l.u ,....,.,.,. j.;,i, Vou,da- us ir..l. .c . piu., b, i. ... forbid- ! dr.bt utoii..., .1 . .1 . . It was the womanly act ol a J.tii-o wo- . , iii,,..,..,. , A I. .,,. linn-is. lirain Klevator In tlio ocean by such a UH "e, l"ul I liu I sill in ut aHM u uui , , Un W l : m .m, h t. nw rf . ih, lathM tho tnx question they need not con-m ,, ,., ...hichnn or,1infroi.n. P'" "f. 1 'llAburgh. ' Al x.. a, Hams-, urai 1 ra or io 11 " " draw-.ker. Uut this ought not to be o. ih. .o,,h .SJ.,lT!lJiu. .d b..kr,. ..,.,,. u..ir drb... .od to , ori.i lit ,.r... ... 6... nr.. ...III,.,. .I,. oil I ............ l.... I r.l. . I. ..f ""r4f. Mstoll nU I Ullatlelplllll. .ana., inl ..,n e...,. s.a,, ! ... 74 pa.abaa to . v... .... a.wi '" "l lUiVI. Tilltl UilU L-Ttl It'll lllC limillHiniil , 1ll.na unl. nl. h,.l ll.AI. ... I...l.,ln.u l - ' j - CREDIT MOItlUEtt COLFAX. The Credit Alnbilier thieves, ever shut llie Aim exposition, lmvu ton - . . '..1 ,v....i ..e rv.i,M' ...... w i jnghiK eft'eitt of fluke Aine' tfw iO mi iiny rltiuluin hnik. fho lost doilgo Was toj Kt n inid editoHpl (on tho cjuiiok doo- tor nhi'iil liiserteifiiT tho Iliirtfoi-d i . ..! I'M l 1 . .1 -I. .1. Post, mid then hud it copied by tho Now York Eerntng Pu$tt which iva1h ..rttaad br u.a. cnrinnn .ua. " Atuu elaimail to b.v. n.il. to Mr. Oallas mad oih.ri war. mad. .t Iba tim., In tb. ua&Durad ' for tlio .ujoa rtataJ by him. i Near. KA.r,, M..t, April I, IK74. . r. ...in i.. i . 1.U...H ' uuria Ain, w. , lk will iniw Lv 111 i.nivi- .i.i- - t-imiivi . , . ,. V 11. R. U 11MU1V.-NS DlMltl VUIIO'.VIIVV Sunday school convention.' What an example ho is lor American boys to follow I Why, Boechor is nowhere. tl I The Connecticut olwtion bus brought out moro romtor than over crowed , on a similar occasion. I'llMPI'ISIlRV Kni'PATION Tshthd. J M follows: iHeiinition In tl o Mou nlai u lleaiViw this, action as a very decided notice on ; no "titter, aim in order thai there ease ol ono ol tie Arkansas tlislr cis i rip., .r .... .... hcunaKHS f...,.i.u La.... .O...UI,, Th. ll.r,ro. m that;... bu tb. ' , , K,, ,ll0 part of these ongiMgatlons that uo nn'lei-ti.ding ubo.it' (or instance and compare the costs o ,, ,UMZ, I s M,, M 1.. i M. . Ku.oiaoi oakaa AmciUva Ui.oo.ar.J bj Im , massacre, nits ni en posipoueii. Iu'. ,. ,,', ,;,, ,i,,,i r,,,,.,,,,, .' the matter, and to prevent our woiilsi marshals, district attorneys, special . . H ". " 1 J ha.ili.,Tu..J.j, lla, ik. 'crr:!': p.ke,edbyi,,,e.,,,e te counsel, clerk. con.,i.si1,,ieMr,,,,s;ATOTIC.:- TXSi tS ...1M.iilii.b.wa.MlKll) sullerors, inaiUea ll.o LoiU lovelli a Th"ro "K""'"' wo 1"'"" wbiv,t wo have to tiy. and all other items oi expense in nll'J., I K.r iio.i., fnJ.j, tl.r 71k. 1.1. t'.. .b.rt...a..m.. clieerlul giver," loiituined a lot of Iowa " MntLlist co.,e7reua i ' P," W ashington known the Now Knglnml Stitles. During the .. jV'uu"?''J ,h". 'r",?' ' H.ur.i.,, 11.; ..u. To which Oliver Amos, 2d, replies potatoes and a pair oi old boots. ?rfi.Ud A, " very bdl,ts, fiscal yet;' they woro ,.s follows: ! SrVu.MLV?: 'T'JtS'liT in this tthyr""" ' " ""7-"i-Tho Rherlff or Porks county lias nt mvo ,lm,,,m,! to tkeni the clergy. irul,uUl," throughout the country. M.i...fct ail that. tua. .... u,air n , luunLaii ...tuui.t. b, ca.ii , U ii.oi.r, winaaJar, M.r nib. At an alecs tor of tla t. .1 lb. I... 1... seised tho Wilmington and Heading I , of , ..i,,,!,.,., will "step down Tlita (i regarded m .the head of, "-MjriJ.:-;: ,5 . S.AMVAhT. ' SSS,,?K' SftST iu?" .. 1 b.','. . Si 'Ii. , wWK. ! sal 0y AVr.. Um ml t(1 fl)1.?uy ,nk0 such a I"'1 ' 1 1(. . it in ., ... ..... n m ... XTEW OPENING. ; , uSL.imJt. ui, ink. W u and Uta .".ivu..:! , :( ,,ie isl Htates "I- . will he the Gran. Marble llolho. Iormo.,. cost to the pubhc and as ,s far . .b, JMJUW , 1" , y , , yM v.u n. .bal.tlb.lln. Mr. Aaaa. .II.ikkI h. M'd, ., . ! V .. 1 M 1 7 r ... JtlMtuTZ' , ' K,r L'" y' - ,T i 7 u' V tii. .a...! to Mr CuU.i ..J otb. ba w 10t I that 2B,000 ot the members of Baptist uisl l liuicli.at Jiroananii aii, wnoio n t i.t,ii .- .,,.li.,ll...l ! t''l, " -...3lM,is H r : , : .. ! " " Trou.ui, fnj.y, u; li.t. i" ,?Tt"r:.?," . "".Ti l' i .o....l ..'..,.. ..,l. Mi...,l SI llllll I e b co: ( Jnu I '. that the public woro SWllllllcU; ., ,i.u...,., .i,, ,l. C.h.,,.1 . - L.tl.r...on. S.larJ... M.r ua. Ar1'1 riMThc( Coiiiiu1m.tJ- Kil.tcntioii law now ""I . ' In force In the State of Now York w. nd jo p.cl. j seoms to le, to a giTnt extent, a tlend .Right.. ' I Ut(or. Liko nny other law diainotri About riglii 'cally opposed to republican institutions " lit ri'inains almost dead upon the stnt " B" P-ot nte iKiok. Mr. (iil.nour, rinperinU'ii ." ais.,,." 'lent or Public Insmietion of New "!! " " York, in his public report for 1874, " 'snvs:' "In relation to eompnlsory ed ' J! ' nc'alion. the Superintendent Is con- Ivineeil tbat such a system cannot be put iu succesntul operation at onee.nor i intlecd, until after some vears of enro- ful lireparation." .1. .I .1.1.. ... A the preparation tbat is iieeessa-;? W It another term for Grant and a lit- lie moro bnvoiiet power. Then the I government count tnue mil cnarge oriiaB pamonou ex 'a gentleman, would have kept secret ana gnnmea ns sncreii. ' "ct nobody but Mr. HcHhei- could hnvo set bis lawyers to badgering Mrs. j Moulton about - that kiss. No matter what has been divulged, in this rambl ing trial, no matter how black or how contemptible tlio ingenuity of counsel and tho awillnes of Witnesses may make tho lharctcr of that sanctified squirt, Theodoro Tilton, there can noth ing come out hereafter so full ot n- luitigtitod n,ou....cs as this attempt of mo great prcnclier to make capital out of tho purest , and holiest instincts of i womanly nature. (rsajijo spniiitor. Tub Dkab Uncovkiikii. An ex change says : The high water at the recent flood washed about lour fcot of earth from ten to fifteen acrns of land i ''" .0Dt ? H'lmOSSOO river, llC4r IjOlllSVlllc, Jtl.IU.lt County, Jcll.U'SseO- lien tho water subsided a Htrnngo o' the denuded area was covered with skeletons. Some Were Straight; SOn.0 re,'lillillg, some double.1 up and some I . 'in i. III sitting posture. There were the osseous ini-ms of infants, of children and of full grown persona. ; Over ono tnousnntt lorms nave ticcn coin, led Persons who have lived in tho vicinity of this mysterious cemetery for more than ball' a century never hoard of any human bones being discovered there netorc, and tho skeletons are not lound in a mound, nor in what appears tn be unaitiHciul formation ol earth. J 1. uncovering of acres of skeletons has crealcu a sensation anil Is shronued in mystery. , , "J. D." os "J. U.n At a recent mooting in Memphis to take action in regard to tho death of John Mitohcl, tlie following dispatch from Sir. Jeffer son Davis was read: ''Gentlemen: I'nublo to be with you 1 send you my hcartlcll sympathy in your protioscd tribute to tho patriot and devotee to liberty John Mitchul. Together wo struggled for Stato rights, for tho supre macy ol tl.o Constitution, lor commu nity, independence, and after defeat wcro imprisoned together. As Iny friend I mourn for bun, and regret his death as a loss to mankind, i .. . Jefferson Davis. A St-UT Inkvitaiii.. In conversa tion recently with a representative of ... ni, .joins mpuiHicaH, ex-Jioproscn-tative Phelps suid that "tl.o Jtepuhli can party is now sipiurely divided with in itself and from this tmio until Iho national convention- next year, the contest between the Grant, or ltudical, and tlio Maine, or Conservative fno II, i. is will be ui.iiiiiiiiii.H.M u. that tho President was undoubtedly in tho field eithor for a re-nomination or to dictate a candidate tiir tho suc cession. ...j , ., i i, , , t How Sf.wi.no Women abk Pahi A correspondent of tho IjeJger says that clothing lor city deulers Is "made up by families in Ducks and Montgomery counties at tho followW prices, which aro certainly low enough : Overcoats, 05 cent to II each; Chesterfield couts, 3.'. to 45 cents; vests, 25 to GO cents: punluloons, 15 to 40 cents. Tho writer says that many poor women aro almost worked to death to obtain a living at these iirices. Tho materials aro out out ami delivered to the sewing women, and are afterward collected bv at-cnts of tho Philadelphia wholesale houses. Si-abk Tim Cnows. Tho slmiL'hlor of crows has becomo so great tn Hart ford county, Maryland, that tho Doer Crock Farmers' club lias felt called ,iKn to interfere and passed tho fol lowing: 1 . H Armris. It Is tl.o t.ninion of the members of tho Door(!rcok Farmers' Club, that the crow is moro of s friend to tho farmer than an enemy ; there fore bo it resolved, that disapprove of the wholesale destruction of crows by means of poison, and we recommend i the repeal of the law OfTorin(f bounty for crow beads. ' - Hatiiicb 'fill. Tho Milwaukee iVir is authority for tho rather apoc rypha! story of three young frogs that were lately llmnd enclosed in a Solid block of ice in a Well. ' ' Tho Ico and frogs wero placed in a tub near the tiro, and soon after tlio train were dis covered sitting on the edge of the tub' gleefully chirping their spring song. XEiVS ITEMS. i P. T. Iliirniiin win elected .Mayor, I' lliiil)('iorl, Conn., on .Monday n u - i'i'i. - eli. ... ., ........ . , ,. , . ;i L,.0,.i., l.itnlod at that nlaco. V"? . y. ' , j . ,.J...tv linslit'en concluded with (lie Kk kiijioo liidinn under which they will proceed to their renervution . . .. I I ! . ni mo mourn i erniory, communion ground within tho Inst year, flj. JylTersoll Davis and CW. u . i....:.-.i . l .ysse. o. ttnii.j are iiiv.teu i re- uuion of tho otllcors of tho .Mexican , ... ., o.t i war in Austin, Texas, on tho 8tn of i JJ ....... j All Eris firm has roceived au onier i for ten car loads of plno lumber for . Cuba. It will bo shipped to Philadcl. li.l. 1 :l .1. ' i a. .1 1- U,, its destination. pina ny rail, nun iuei.ee uy snii-vosvii , , pjorida is said to be tho best (lm- bered State ill tho Union, thoro being in it ovor thirty uiilli.m acres of timber land. . More timber,, than anything else, probably. t. (W'.iU ..tlMiulnpf'..!- f.l VnW York, has donated eidH.OOU lor the os-! tablishmeutof tt Homo lor Aged and! InlirmPersonsof tho KvangeliculLiith-.l crn denoniination. ' ! - -Gen. McClellsn will remain abroad ...:.i. i.;. ......:i ii t . Z III tendons havo beeu paid the... by the! Khedive of Ugypt. . Khoridan says ho is going to send, Colonel Grant up tho Yellowstone to tho mouth ot tlio jtig iioni as soon ns, the iee breaks. Tlio Colonel won't oh. I lllv m i.rvunn. i u irinvi m , ... , , . , .. .. J' l" iho "blK '" l-t " The trial of John D. Loo and oth- nave lurnmliy pMiestvti ngumsi uii, - iJ v... ".i u ' w- ...;n ...i... .i... "'""I" ""'." 1 .i u.. unut. u, ... .. ...... iti... .. i. ,,,..,. u. in, rip. nciion oi lie io uiurenec. i reiinru . " . . - . .. . . - . i------ .....i t... .,. .... mu. g horn" part ol it. . March. SU3.000 baskels ot gram wcro lhat woro iHwM.y to the elent ol le Parker1, of Tennessee, ! 1,m,,wl ,'1 'nto seven urge ships. 1 1(.nili11(, Hhophord indulge.1 in the cours ?x,Stnte Senator McKen-1 veiileeii other sucl. vessels are sung , Mt U11H0 , f.ije,,,. , l)llt .Governor n.i , . . !.!.. .... i... . ,i . . . New, of Indiana, recently appointed .lie commission in j.r. .ou.i Treasurer of the United States, fo take effect Irom Juno by His Kxeclleney tlio S Ih hist., and forwnrded to linHaii aud!s. ' t Tho second W'odnesday in April is devoted to tree planting in "Nebraska, and is known us Arbor Day. The practice of setting apart one special day each year to tret, planting is a good one, and should not be confined to Nebraska alone. , Jh ceremony ot unveiling the monument to the memory of tl.o kite Kn.peror .Maximilian took place in Trieste, Austria, on the 4 111 iust., in the presence of the Kmpemr Francis Joseph, the Archdukes, the Ministers, and an immense concourse of people. 1.. Clemens, "Mark Twain," is put down among the- heavy taxpayers of Hartford, Conn., paying taxes on I&M1.0. ' Of course this docs not rep. resent his entire property, as there are many exemptions. .Marshall Jewell figures iii thrj same list with 8102,130.quaiT..'lo.l all tho time, on thoi . Mr.tjold'scelebraled trolling mitro Steel Grey, of llirminghiun, Kngland, trotted on tho Otb of March at tho Itoyal Oak Park Trajtling Truck, uenr Manchester, ten miles in twenty-nine minutes and forty -five seconds, finish ing apparently none tl.o woi-so for her journey. ., . Tho Flrie Okyrwr reports on the authority of Congressman A.ti. Hgbert, that t.ol Curtis bus abandoned the con test for the sent of Itepresontative lium that District. , It seoms be neglected to file bis papers with the Sergeant-alarms before the clone of the late session of Congress, as is required by law. --John C. New, the coming I'nilcd States Treasurer, has a sigiinture more wondorf.il even than the present in enmbenf. His autograph bs-lts ns if it might have been Spinner's struck by lightning and has Mitch liibyriiithisn perplexity that compared with it the nuthogrnph f Spinner is Soiicorian penmanship. Tho Commissioner of Indian Af faii'S has received a telegram from Agent illiighnm, at theCheyenne-river agency, stating that lib can bring to W nsliington iiiiio Sioux chiefs, Includ ing three or four prominent ltl.uk Hills men, Whenever needed tor the contemplated negotiations to purchuso that reservation., The total number of men idle in the twlbracite coal regions of this Stato is estimated to bo bT.,000, of whom 33,000 uro in tho Schuylkill and Ma boney regions, 10,000 in tl.o Lehigh roirioua. ...id 201100 in tl.o U'voininrr region. These men havo been on a strike since Jan. 1st, and tlio suffering among their families has been intense. 1 At Kirmingham tho menagerie lion got out of his cage. They ticl a good piece of meat to a strong rnpo, and the lion aeixed tho bait. Then th men polled on the rope, and the Hon, considering that they wanted tho meat, held or, with bis teeth and fol lowed np with his feet and a they to ped he was safe In his cage. Thus dims appetite lead to captivity. . W. Walker, a prominent cili- en and scientist of Brooklyn, N. Y., a victim of a distressing nervous disor der, brought on by being run over by a dray in 1871, overdosed himself with tho extract of hcmlook, on Satur day night a week, from tlio elfeets of which bo died. As ho took the doses bo kept a record of tho effects upon him until a few momenta of bis death. ' Tlio danger from ico floods which has happily passed by on tho rivers ot Pennsylvania Is now Impending on the I uilson (oiinecticut and Mcrrimac. lrains havo been delayed on tbt, Hud son River railroad and grent damage done tn ilan.s and manufactories in New Knglnnrl. Travel has been inter- rnptodon tho new Hoosse Tunnot route nntii railroad bridges which havo been swept away can be rebuilt. In the rilarv of J. (J. Adams, edi ted by his son, Charles Krnncl Adams, Vol. 2, j,. 332, h say. Jan. 4, 1812: "Mr. Itaimlwrt bronrht nresent nl norcelniir Krr my w ife, for ( 'hai-los, and notbsr for myself. 1 reliised to ro oolvo thom, it being a a principle which I found to be necessary to adopt from the first Hay I became a nnblio man. never to accent for myself or my fami ly guv n un. nnia a panne once. ASSOCIATED PRESS LETTER. I I'iiilahklI'IIIA, April IS, 1H7.Y ' IN hkvoi.t. o i 11 .1 i ..i i. ... .......... v, ... ............. ... whom m ii.eA.w.niini uuiorruce, re-, ceinlv held at Norrislmrii, in appoint their chuivhes that , , s, i.r. v. V", were not asked lor iiv them, uno oi 1 . ' in .; ' . r . . . these churches has Vlosed Its door1.1'0 "epuMicrt rty; W. thcixs, A.uihe. i. outrage of last year were against the clergyman tent mere, and , ):r r., , V" ',:, '::,, tint... m...... .r K.s... ' - I; '.U."';IL f : liuivu.nt IlinBdanil llttster, Incoui-se . ,)" " b - h j . .,..,., .. ...,- ii, Arknnsas iiir a sinulci , ., , ... ... of construction, will dualities bo t ho i nciiovcil. ilixt t-i.-i I second, mid several others will follow I., ixmiii Hiini.udiitti i The revolt in tho Protestant Kpiseo- i .'"''. l" liIM to stand by his pul Church goes steadily on; ft.ur l'icndt and to take care of his wohiiiI church organization havo already j Ihis is, III itself commondablo, but taken place, and on Monday night may oe cameo 100 iar, ano a person next, tlio Fifth Beformed Episcopal mS often treat arsons as h.. Irtendi Churih, ofthlscity,illbeorguniIcd,l';,,,0 ro reality bis encrolt-s. In u-i.li nv fl..l... K TncW nf tills respect President Grant has, in Kmaiinol Episcopal Cbim'li.ot Chicago, as pastor, and back of him is a lair cnniriviiittiin of esrnesl men and , wl)nion, determined to sepnrato tho Kpiscopal Church of America as far as possible from tho Bmian Catholio form j of worship. T Iiiwl.,citnltr1 il.M n. tlwi 1 1 .llfi-nl ' Council, to bo belli in May next nlj pnrposo r.f showing him that Ins Chicago, an effort will bo niiido to j Iriendslnp wus misplaced. Tlici-o is a chnnge the namr fiimt the ' licliinmil" ll""' 'n W ashington calleil 77ir Crtm. to the American Kpiscopal Church, and i Ullll,' ""'1 published ostensibly by ""other effort will also be made to do1 " PU. Ksq. Thisr.nper ha. abused nivuv will, iba nastonil L-own III thelthe President regularly and severely, liabi'. " . iiuain iiiafiic. 'fhu Girard Po'.nt Klevalor was finished in Jlece.nlicr hwt, and iVoin then until April tint, 2,000,000 bushels ol gran, woro conveyed irom it to ocean j vessels. . Daring tin lust ten days of .. .... .:.:... . . . .. , limes, i, rieroi.iii.u!,,iruu,i,.i ii.. utrun. I ((. .... m ' ,. .M npm. . . i i . a lOftlltl. Oil ('It 111 IIHIUI1) I Illt'Hv Will lOnU 1 .1.. Ul 1 1 n ic... .-...i.s ,..u.Ke , ,,01istl.11(.t(.d .,BB0S myconipro 3( nex was signed ,Cnrf( M since P.-ovi.lc..co r tho I'li'suleiit mil,,. ,'.. ... i: . . .. ..... ii.n u.ieie.j ui ...,miii..v.i (VI .r-i iiuain ol the work. now wtiinow During tlio mont'i of March, 510 permits wcro issued from the Iluilding Inspectors l.lllce. t'f this iiuuiIkt, 227 wen for dwelling louses; 120 wore I '"r "" """ '" n'T y t. u,p,Slhc r..u . t. i , i.. i...:i. 510 buildings represent a money value of 11,500,000, and are but a prelude of wlint is to loltow In the building lino In this city during tho season ot 1875, which, in my judgment, will be larger than ever before. A moat brutal murder occurred here .luring tho week. Lewis II. Love, 4T years of age, lived unlovingly with his wife, I. call Love, of whom be was jealous; coming homo In tlio cveninir, he was told Leah had gone to spend llie evening will, her brother; they r way home, and continued it after they had gono to lied. Mrs. Love left tlio bed and went into the next room, where her only son, a lad fourteen years ol,L was lying. Lovo followed, beating bor drea.ithlly, and at last, Btabbed bor through tho heart ; ho then cut his own throat with a butcher-knife, stub bed himself in the bead, but unfortun ately his windpipe was too tough or the Kmle too dull, and his "wur.nn wasn't cut. Mrs. Lovo died almost instantly, and Lovo was taken to tho hospital, where ho pegged out in about twenty hours allorwirds. Father fienleman, who suceeedod in ircttimr away will, tho money and musician oi bis church, was culled for trial on the day designated ; tho judge declined to hear it bocauso ho thought (ierdcinan entitled to an impartial trial, unit it therefore went over until tho May term of court. Dr. Weevil, whoso curiosity led him to cxnmino tho new carina of M rs. Hunsom, a patient whom ho was at tending and who was shot by Mr. If. has so far recovered as to be able to bob around ori crutches. A hearing before a justice lias been had, and Hansom put nnder 13,000 hail tor bis appearance at Court. I cannot be made to think that Weevil lost bis limb simply liecansc of his admiration for thnt now carpet. Jacob Overhi.lt, a farmer residing in Bucks eounty, brought a load of hay into this city a few days ago, and in nonring a tadroad crossing the locomo tive whistle Bcroechod, tho horses hay In the gutter, with Overboil under it; when he was released one leg was found to bo broken at tho thigh and tho other below the knee. (iRAKNIIOPPER. DesTITITION. T1.0 ofllcers detailed by (len. Terry to make a canvass of tho destitute people in thoso portions of Minnesota which havo suffered by tho grasshopper re port 9,154 persons totally destitute, of whom 4.1117 aro over twelvo years of age. 1 here is an appropriation by the (iovernor of $30,0(10 lor tho relief of these people, and this will be expended in the purchase of iM.rk, flour, and other provisions, which will Ihi supplied by the army commissary at cost prices. It is understood that inuddition to the rations, clothing will bo issued where :. i. .,.L..I.,J -f i,o i this enrollment report that th.iro were Tho liistanccs of atleiui'ted fraud by persona a. . . t .. who niii.li.sl fur relief when they wore abundantly able to provide for them 1ho fllol tmt my wL were severe Ml(r,.r,rs scouted the Idea of accepting i0Tur,ml(.,lt Bi(i pri.f,.rring to depend selves; hut it is grawying to record on their own exertions and the help of tne.r more lortunste no.gniH.rs lor sup port until they conld make another han-ost. In liskot 6,00(1 people have lieen enrolled who aro wholly destitute, and thev will hesnnnlied with ftxvt and clotf.il. g nnder the supervision of tn military authorities In that terri tory. The Hhrevcport (Ii.) Timt after commenting nn th happy deliverance of Arkansas from her political affilia tions, adds: "Let o ir people be oni ted, reasonable and Judictoi, and the drama of Arkansa politic, with the rn result, will be played out h(r." THE (10VERXMEXT )VARXE. The Cincinnati (unite, one of the Icndiiiif Wentum or,riiu of ltiidicnliaiu, mm recent v nuiuireu in none t u u . , . ..... ... '"'V0 Intore.t in Pi-osldent Grunt, and liu uumi iiill'llil I'll i iv imt a s 'i ' .. , ,liv ., j , ' , ""' l'w "eni t.rnnts Icbiiracter, billy as prominent lis nny our opinion, nindo many mistakes. Notably in tho mistnku thnt proved seriously injurious to himself person, ally, and to the party he represents, while its general ull'cet was demoraliz ing. ' This brings us to tho point to which we desire tlio President's attention, for :.ndwitl.oatW...le. H.h.rge.1 him with complicity in the District King frauds, while it defuiided Shep- I.Ai-ft an. I liolil lii.n nn ua a i.xulul i...... tltit KbiahasrU niiiclit ntt bave tiveii . rmiioitaililo, although it seemed strange tnnt wmu u,e J'rosiili'iit was trj-ing , J:nii.t ... I,livi,li ... threatened resignation. Vr.l.k.,f.b m...i..l.K HIV never first rate lock nt tllO great American iranie. Hi devotion tO ha been steadv,but,as now in Kngland !" V,. ara rdi pie., he has not always been able to make LLl both end meet. W by, tllO Very day "e, or will be brenibl t. th. aaill by the farm before be sailed Irom this city to enter " 1 ' m4 tbn. sod a half upon his present mission, he played poker all the afternoon and night with a party ot distinguished gentlemen without regard to their political ante cedents. At first be lost pretty roundly ; and just bet.irc 6 o'clock in the evening, he sent an excuse to a citizen ' with wbom bo had agreed to take "dinner, saying that some iinKrtant business which he had not been able to com plete, rendered it impracticable for him to keep his engagement; and a later hour, being still unal.le to make both ends meet, he sent another aixxloiry to relieve him from the necessity of at- leuuing an evening party wnon he was expected, r many, alter daylight, he w ashed hi fitce aud hand just in time to drive to tho steamer in which ho had taken passage ; aud then, we re happy to say, ho w as just able to make ootu cad meet, retiring from tho contest ueither a winner nor a loser, though bad ho left off sooner, th ac count would have stood on the wrong side Air him. The game was eater- taining, though neither profitable nor otherwise, and suon, wo dare say, ha been ibe average run of lien. Hehenck' experience with pokor in Kngland. A'rw York Huh. - , ORAX'P HOLD. The dilor of the Now York Sun weeps over tho deception practiced on th government in the appointment uf me now uovernor lor Utah, in al luding to the matter, ho say : - : It has been a matter of great sur prise to those who have olwcrved the H.licy which President (irant, under the supervision of llmther Nowman, has observed toward the Mormons, that tho new (iovernor of Utah, 8. 11. A xtell, should immediately upon enter ing into office have proceeded to ingrati ate himself in the good graces of tho unrepentant poiygamista, who consti tute the mass of the population in that territory. It is said that two dava alter his arrival in Salt Lake City ho issuod to tho Mormon Delegate, Can non, a certillrato for bis election to Congress, which had been refused by his predecessor ; that ho board at a Mormon hotel ; and that he ha ap pointed a Mormon named Clayton, who lias numerous wires, ns Territorial Auditor. Hut the secret of this amia bility toward the saint has leaked out A xtell was appointed at the request of r.ttigy Bargo.it, and nargoiit, as every -bodv knows, represents in Wasl.inffton. not tho Stato uf California, but the Central Pacific Ilailnind Comnanv. which corporation, ru-cording to a I'tah letter writer, is just now anxious to cullivalo friendly relations with the disciple : at , Hrigham Young for purpose of its own.1 11 once the re markable change in the attitude of the chief irpresei.tative of the Administra tion in li tab toward ths Mormon saints. V mm all this it would seem that tl.o inilueiioo uf Dr. Newman over ti rant has been impaired by bis long absenco from tho country. This will bo greatly regretted by all sincere friends of the President, for reasons well understood in Washington. WxsTEnii KntCATioN. Tho nil Is at ! tending a seminary in Illinois set two ciiicseiis io ngnung chickens tn fighting ill their rooms last lS,".ul,! '.. llet" T l.,,c T'1' ran liKh' Hull hi iiifl rnnciiittir mid at the conclusion of tho contest the winning maiden wns "liettcr" by a gold watch, a pair of silk stockings, a French corset, a Imtunl bustle, and a beautiful book-mark, with "Christ Onr l.u.de worked on it in colored silk, j "Yes, boys,'1 snhl Nancy Bell, a fe male blacksmith of Iowa, a she strad dled a horse's leg and yanked off a shoe, "I was brought p to this bnsl ncss and so was my mother; and there an. t no Hoevhor scsnrfal in onr fami ly, fbr a fact." (food fl.r Nanry. The Cincinnati Uatttte thinks Ala drew Johnson diaes not possess suf ficient dignity for a nubl.e official.-. And yet the UturnVm.jiports for Mayor inoir is.er inosiornoid, ol.l Joba Ki.b inajon, the eirous nan. Hon. J. J'rnctor Knott is native of Ulairsville, ra.. hmTather havinv been postmaster at that place. RADICAL "JCSTlcR' DEALERS. Whi n the licnincrulic Muiiku iiuvlri, the nvoplu limy u.o'l some-liirtlintf. exniw urea oi mo wuv in n uh were inui ...namei Dciinrtnioiit of J tut ire tru- , . i vu pmii'ii '!' Mr All"! tivv-iu'iiiini n ir Hams. It is now opining to bo pretty , ,.. , ,,. ,1 .I,.!,,,,,,. I,. II. K.sili, Ma.l.all, II moniki.. Dailudt Ni'W K.gland, all KU.tr...,, ..in:i,i2fl 4li .. 102,041 M Eioiti .MI,II' H In every other soiithem district tho same system of plunder has boon car ried on, to an extent at yet unknewn. Una II. WilKu..' ..-.Inn. 1. .l...AJ I a.ifc titu . ii. India nj.wi. o uwi.i.m , to an early exposure. , '! A Chicago man thinks that tho worst siH-dler ought to get tho dictionary, and', tlio winner should have a ''wruatii oi ; sorrel, or some other garden tat, likel then. Greeks." JUm 3at'rtisrmruts. " ., SSIGNRKS BALK or Yuluublc Heal Estate. Thtrf nill lm olJ Nt puMlnoytrrf , tt lh Court Hu, in lJl-.rl.iJ. on SATI KHAV, Mi 11,' lH7.'. kII tlinl 4)fft-iln IU ot prtuort tmt m Ihrj borough of rittrttrtd, on the Miitb vt Mtr-; kl ilrwt, 4tjuiin( tli I'm Ulbr onthritl,i iurniti H lrf nn Warkft tlrrct uitl ranoilij; : l) k ivtrfin lull ot V. A. titulia and Jolt i TroutniM ITI f la n bIUjt. Tbl lul u one ut ' th moti iil ruble buiinMf filti to towa. Xbtf ! rijbt lu un tb iMlrn wl of ibt l'uit Office iM I builiin if wrurd te (be turchair. on p&vmtMit ; of ob hnl( fti ml. Truifl mud Imiowq on I orh3. A. V. TATK, Al(uf of K. A. P. HyoU.r. C1rrSvU, April U, l75. Jt i ooninif about four acaea, sod known u tha.belii'U a, lout, or uanr.rop.er, 10 o. ...... an ... u.n.. . ' T .11 .n.l. a-ir.l. ...... in..inki. 1 I Thi. . a J.,1,.1,.. .r. Tk. ltS - sm pawn-, with . ..ttlaw upaaily of lO.lllXI hum Mutbte. ol Llbnbarf, near tb lrn- k rafiing Io FanintRiTOr. InJi!. and kil tMnlaff. Pur r-rlbr prtiular aJtlrMa th ud-tlt-riiictiwti. TM. 0o lMir out. I tttt Lrftla.ot It. tit O qaal anaunl favuU, wLtta lulirul, f U n ourctl by twud un4 mongnt. J. If. OHWAI.D. .UA1.UAI.KT VOAM, Luth.r.burj, Af.rH 14, lTi.-3l Adinn. . L 1st ok jnuoita Liit of Jurri dm a a far the bold a af a Ooart of Cnmmon Hleue, eumetieia( on the Urn Uouday (.Hit) of htsy, lrt7b: Job a H. 8lowart , Joan Sankey Sanuel A. Caldll ei.nii. .: nDr. lntrtck (.'rly William K. Irvla I flt urii. Jaiitu A.Terpo f Jaotfii riyaa jataee Miitw - Williaai Khg Johl Bailey I NoruDALK. Ilcory fliolar IV. D. Melluth Qeorfe Krloer ' ''I ' HrtToi. Uavid Darkny . . Joan ah. , , Parker Strong EWP, (Jeerfe Araobl l.atH BKjBVBt Philip Mutleu , H. V. S:crltag 1 (Iworga 1. Umd WAianuros. Wileun lloorar i mutt. 1 Jeha Uaekenberry CoviNOToa, Charlu Berlhol , Jam S. Coooway1 ' CLBAartiia. A. V. Ue liaaiel WJJoore Hrory BHttge Joba L. Crania -; rtiawaiwi villi, J. it. Kratter M, B. Thofapsoaj uararta. Edward leal A. II. UuiuerJ Janet I. Cook TIN. Uicbard lianrer. Jr. ii a i. Philip Long until, Vf. W. Danlap Jobo II. ClotjKr JIST OP JUROItS.- i Llat of J.rora draws for Jiaatiro, A. D. tSl, MBna.eiacos.il. Irat Monday,!., tilt: saaan jeso.a. 1-LBA.MK..D. L. K. HeUall,.nfk i K. A. Mlleaeil 1. W AHH1KUTOR H illiaa MekaOejl ...-LM..A. W.llia M.r. .BLL. Itabart Mabalef lanM Uoorar aa.ro... Darid Forary Ji.ho A. W'Dolridg. ratiT, rsKut-aes. Oaorita Strsw Jok. f. Ke JOR.I.X, . Jok. Cnrrr RaNTS.ra. I. C. MoUUMk.r LAW.aa,- A. D. Shaw SomimI Brow. oa.ia. ; . Jala. I Tkomnaos r.ai. Sob. R. tur(o... r.... Frederick g Ul.wut Klob.rd .'roam.. woenwA.a Tk.au. Ur.aeraa. Jua.nb II. llreik i.Ki-Ar. a. Jaonh Mork Andrew Ba.ghnas ' runm jcaiiaa i.ar mi .MOA.ia. taalak Warri.k a.-Llea. . Frank Flrna War. Daala aoaTot. ''" PauxRa... RABT..Alia. . Waa. Seb.lu SSOI. IWikM Caldwell LAwanncs. Th . .rh. t. T. r.lka Waa. T.SpMkaa. L. C. BIoom -Joba C. Dal. BOB..., H. J. Inn i II. A. now.h.rtj Jataai Uolleaoaok nacaol.A. M. OolM. Ur. l. . uood . Wra. S"aart " II. II. Kephart . ' VMBR. n.bu W. 1. Caannoall TkMe H.ndarlls .naoroui.. A.ro. Ur.b.aj i. K. Oowdar Uaotp Alkrrt -aabr. -, r. k. r.H., ran,, iaka Vtak.1 laaM Markka All l.ra Mc.larver H. U. MrMaa.m oov.m.twi. . Jaba llanw CL.a.r.u., Ktrs A I. Joks J.bnaos Btn.Tus. O.rid Uaarkart A. .'. Sl.I.er R D. Sbawtar ' Tkoaa. t irm . qibas;k Ilenirl KrlM woaana. Jno. S. Jobaata. , Ckse. Uclioror. sal. J. W. WeJlM Jao. A. I'.lto. Jama. Norrla loka lluHss-k UkAH... HHaTnnar J. Jordan Bloom A. U. Ilwrsr .. WrtopWARB. hnr l..or. i I Heakoa Uagarly .RrrAn.A. , W. B. Courtlier I aoaBBI. , . A. It. bkirrj BRABAB. A. C. l..H.rTr S.'Ml-S. ,. Jama. Wllaun JflRUAR. nmr RwaB Jaba U Swaa tart.. U.I Saao.rU. a.Anpoha. . V- WUeaa ., dob. A. (a. skasy. Dradr Ktrk . VeadiaaadHaeUr Jonah Rdip.w Wat. Broekbawk -- ai'Ra.iaa. -Uer. Patobas CRaariBL.. A. W. Urabaat H. W. Fark , W. . Uraol. . . C.-RSK!.aT...L..' Aln. H.trtla ' Utmrj Kara. AaaiMl riikal ' War. Wacom ; - aao.TVS, . -Wa Aya ra.or.na. Joha A. Kawla. Jsutva Ulllig.n iawr.icb. llonr(. Oallrh' Sober, W. Hood BOB.... Jelaa Ilea a. tMaard Kylor aao.oka. . Oarld llunlim raaa. W. rraaeaaai Wa. riasa . w a.KB. , Moiw. Wiaa Hahwrt W. MaNaal Kaaa. Il.rt.kara am W. BlMa WAtLarBToR. Alel . Pra.r JAMES H. LYTLE, 4 Pit's Oyer Hob at, ClrwrBald, IS. ' taatar la OrMnlaa, rrcTlataar. Vnatatlaa. rral.a, Plear, Fetl, Ma, eta. B.(4-tl-lf l(iv ViU'crti.'Jfmciits. I)KIi(il', I'.I.IX.'TIO.N'. ar L-. "."rA ; i ,"". " 1.7'' hi tvniiif , nv ruor bi mo rrrnuvm, ??'': ! 'f'1- IN? TOTKf'B TO TltKSpASHKIt.S t SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE AM. HAT & CAP HTOitK i ',R30M No. 1,. PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MAIIKKT HTUEKf. a full fttxl eiimp1t moriuit til gf ntu $ nt mtw fit i, tlawn i . IIA It!)- i'AK" JMlIOKS. . b'.iiicn am lniltd tu cll ami esaitiiu My i lurk atia jatliro fur lbtnieKt ni b qulitjr mad ( prirue of guuti. r , fi.la' Joei.b Maaia. K.O.. Brriatrr. on (bo l;.l, ; Jay of Auril, A. b. IS7i, at II 'rh,.-k .. - plltlt-ab i' tj. 8. MuabaJ.l. llMacaar. ! County Superintendent 1 ! Tn ih Sriimt iO.Wwr y' C'UarJttli CoHty t uBNTLffiiRa iio par.uat.ee oi we lony-iuira : T r i 4p' . ' ' iV0, "hire- . v ... ...... v-..-- - , i.uuar, iar noniufn i vioriicni,iin mo r ivn . Tl tSUAY IN JJAV, A. U. Ih7., (l-rli tf : . 4ih day W the matUh', mt I o'clock U Ike rieroAoa, and aaUfrtv riwn twee, by a aiajwrity of tlie whole uumotr oi inravtora .rMnt, one pi-raoo oi uterMry . tad wieanfic aeouirv taeaW. aud of tkill and ex perienoo ia the art of toacbiar. at tuuntv Kaner- i iatendent fur Ibe three iooeljo( yeore iftr- ulna the aaoaot of ooutneniatioa far lb. aAd oortil (bo reauU ta ike Htal. Superintandrot .. Ilarri.liurs. aa required bjr tba tbir.y-aiotb and furtiatii aa4tiMi, 9i a.d AaL J. A. OHE.I0HY, ' ' ' Ca. .'up'., of Clcarllald Cooatj. Vlaarnaxi, April II, rt - Alt vreoae sr. herebr warnad .niraat itttrch- Rrtn. or In anv aaunrr ntmliUin with, eertala 1 Alt ......... .a, la. m.A.w tat.llt.J llaal an alfa.l ' bar il,.raa,.uw ia ih. kaada .1 tl. H. Walk.rf Ii. th.t k. will hrrp .a V aad for aak a. uaart Itew W.atalncton, aa (ho aan. wtf n.s.'bMrd bv a.a. M 1.-M.I. Vi mJ .11 ai.j. . . 1 1 "jf !h"'f I"'" "1 rtl' ,"7. JAMES OAI.I.AUIIKk! Xew Walldnatd., April 14, l;6.(J( .)K HKWAJKD,- f U (j Lo.t, at LHtnUr Cltjr, on thnra-lay, April till, S oalf.this pocket book, eoa.aia.Rg $311 in money aaa 120, 00a III, and on. II bille .bill of goode and a not. ror 7Sb, p.aald. I. tbd or der ot kla.lia M. Flrn.. Tha .00.. reward w.ll ba paid lor Iba ralur. .f tba poak.1 bwk ud Ma Mn.eota to ilfa' Muro, ia Lumber City. J. II. KAPI KRTT. Urampm. H.lla, AprU Id, Islk. Il c ALU AND SHTTI I narloB YierQ eirblnod to Bay bai rn r Baoa. tim. with au Bo. wl poraaaAtnt uapruremo.t, I deem i. boa. .0 quit burinoa., ...I brreby Bottfy my palrona Hiat 1 kara plaord 1 my hook, and pa sera ui lha baada ol Wm. PorUn-, luq., for aat ttama.t .Bd avlMMlioa. He ia fully auUiortaad to Mtlla my bullae., and WCI pay all kooeet ...ima proaentra airaluM m.. ; ffo n. noo outua to my kouaevn bu.'ne.a, being phyaieally unabl. la M .ead t. It. Tbuw kavutg unaatitrd HLOunia .a my bouk. will ounfer a fa, or o. me br r.llin. oa Mr. Purler at an early ,Ry Rnd Rdjuit lha aame a a prapor awoaar. r SANK. BlIOllT. ( leain.ld, April It, 1STJ. Km. pUB T1JIKS. 1 . , . A 1'IKST CLASH MEW8PAPKK. ' iBdrpendeat la .ferilttlag I Neortal la Botb irr I Oppoard to .11 oarruf.l ring, ia UuaioiuAl. Slate aaU Kailonal ad.lra. 1 TUB DAflV T1MKH will W laeaad aa Bala.J.y, Ida lit). f Marol. a.xt, and .v.ry morning tbereaftrr, H.ndaya ak- orpimi, uuuor ine ooiiona. i.ree.on of a. tk. Mtm Clare, printed flo.npae.ly frem alrar, ..w tip. oa a mrga lulu, .beat, aontoining .11 tk. srw. of in. oay, .nr.uding tba Aaaonutrd Praia Tas. grama, Hpwial Telrgrama and Cormpo.deaea ruaa oil po.n.a w. IM.aroat, BBS rearleae MltorlaJ diamtaaian. af .11 warrant toplra. Prtro, t wata. Mall BRbMrintlona, poalago freo, gii Dollar. par annum, or rtnr aaa.a por m..tb, in adraaoa. Adi-artleemeBU lllwl, Iwauly and thirty ocnu ih ,, k.ut4id iu pu.iiion. TUB WKKKLT TIM KB Wlll U taaaod ou Ralaiday, Harek KKk. aad weekly thero.lUr, oo.l.l.lng all imporla.l new. of tha weak, an SMaplala aiarkaA laJ. Inaaalal raporta. Mailed, for ana year, po.Uge fraa, at th. Mowing raw I j. ,. ;j 4 ;-H "opr ..,.J.....M..r..$t.M Tea Oupiaa S.SS Twaaty fjoplaa ... ig.go Adrarlieemrata Iwaotj-lta Mile par II... He mll.aaa.1 th-.ald b. mad. ky draft, or P.al Of Sea .rdarr Adlraaa ' TM TIMRB,- ., ' No II KoRtk Hananh blraat, la Pkiladelphia. F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, Rrpmeata Ik. fcUnwia, rrliohla laaanuia) I'.'a: Norlk Brltltk A Meraanlll. tna, Co. Irf.iafac. Waahinglo. t,if. Inauranoa Co t.lov'ono Fir. A.aorlalin. Inaura.ro Ca..i.,,., f,.Bnau nroBaon rtra InMiraBra Co...w, Phoauti laearam (Ja., M. V , Ea.a.i.,... t,0,Ol Halerlow. lira, laauraa dwelliawe and farm bulMlnge only ITf.000 Twk, Pa., Stork laauraaoa Ou. , Uoral. i.aarad agalnet death and Ihoft. ' .. . t. Parvio. la tb. eaaalry dealtlng laaaroora oa their liraa or properly ou have It promptly attndad Io ky addrraaing aa by letter, ar eall.ag Room Mo. I.Cbmrleld. I'a. ia . V- ,i .'. 1 Pt'M"waa, aog.-,. , 8 A t. R I I A large aad elLtalahad Briok Dwelllag, alia at. oa lha mar bank, la tba koroagk al Clou-, eld, aoBtaialBg eleeea room a, with good a.llM. " I. Ik. k.ukaa, aad all trrn aora mra! i.nroa. Paatraaa, Bath-room, Cloihoa proaa a. Lat a.R.y faat fro., and (wo kandml aad Ik'irt.' fMt kaok, wltk a twrs.tr law. .ib. .1 L I aid.. Bald baildiag. wtih all ko wartoaaooa. wu. akp, .uk raymOBI... wit p.r.k. aao. AppNoattM aaa aa aaa.k t. iko a.dOT. eigaad, o, to A. C. Tate, Ir... wba w.ll glr. all aaoa mformuloa tt Ikoaa wka derira ta k apoat th. prapor. y. -ay T.,,?10"' "''. J ". or iviaT DMcaip. t.a. .Ml), .MH .yy, OTICK TO TAXPAYER.1. ' Aaitaibly ! ItiU Cwnui'iBWaalib, nppwaj Hit : ilay ! Maicli, A. v. lain, ana I iid af U.....A. U. ii.!o,.r.d thaw.... .,,., .,.,..., lk. k,i d.. .1 ahi. a. it. liit. -n ---- - . . . 1 ; ' rrUtiu to tk oul.Mliua of Uli ! ikm umiv I vt UImtIivIiJ," MoliM Iti lbtrrur ttrbf tivm Ml Uspy ri.Jtg tht Jlirii tMUw lb Mound ttiuB of Mtd Aol, will tUUbd tl dt, fur (b I Fr Curtffonitlllat Hon&ny, Mj 14lb. YJX 1'lko, IWKtdmJt May Utu. For IMguiti, UJum.I7, Uj Zrtih. ' Fur I'tjtiu, 'IhuriUav, My 'iUii, Ft l.uwWr CM, FrliUjr, Mt Jstb. t'ua all Ulta id to lb Triiirr tbr will be reduction of jit pmr mi , wbilf Irt per Mat. ! Will b (r f Jiri day Jtf mI l ftll t iMd Uftot Making ft4iUerc XUjT per eeit. to pruiapl Uipftjren. 1'arUw oa, from tb lit f ils), pay ibeir Uiu at tb TrMrr'l otlo. Tbt bii.oo ( Ui dmrUti will b Till lei after ;JaGort. VAV10 W. WMK, j - Treanrtr'i VtRcv, Treuarer. , C:tMrD 4, F Af.rlJ 7. liH. J 41 BLACKHMITU 8UOH I.N CLKAHKlhUU, FOB 8AM5 - Tb uudvntnol. baving tleteratDadl toebaii j bia buiioee, oiler fur aale bi ttbop. Tool, Ac iouaeiellug of two aew portable Furg, with all i BOtepiarr ttwlnud impleiaMiU, of lb latt ao4 ttiut iiupruveO kiad la r lo be feaod ia Ih bct Hinitb Htiupi. Alw, a larg jtiaatitj C llvno Sboej d Iron va ba4. iba local toe of Uii ilaad bM a great aira. tsi over all vtlier, being nt aale ua an alley lending fioui Ftn itreet to Uaatl eiraet, ataraaar ibe LtHrtiarti llwaac. lie dua proiintitjr to tit Fir Clay Worke, 1'Laoiug Mtlii ana Railroad ltpOt gtree it a pre.e.euvaj ever all atber aiaade ta uwa. Tit property eua be leaaed to gooJ a. rDtigr . ur purobaaed for a ra.aaable pri. AM US KKMAUU. Claarfluia, April f, I8J4. U Arnold' Hail, in urwttniieille, pr Bloater week, on raaonatl tertnt. Seating eapaeity. i flUlf ; $Ue, drop portal a all Miaplcte. I AIM, 1 fin rooBi oni Buor, 2Ui2V, tuiu. bl for offieo, front lug ea Waia atreeL For fur- Ibrr f-artteulaiiaMrea N. K. ARNOLD. Curweiiffllro, April 1, ISTi.- V.KNTI8TRY. llaria etrmiiBti to kaaat la Carwtatvlll fur the narptM mt purtutng mj praieaainn, I btrcbjiafler mj aarvitei to ibe pabli. I aava juet luiibeJ a tena of dun t el ioitruetkai ualer j the bet traeber of lb HtnntyUaaia Coiletj f Intal Harjrei ia J biladrlpbta. aad sow 1 nrttH id exwuta all work partalaiag la drat- (elry ib tbe boat nuaaer, with tb lateat Im prove. ; mt-ni. ah wara guaraiiHtaa 10 giv entire at l lafaetioB a t tfuaiitj a daratttfB. Teelh x- vui M aea Utink build- i" a auiily in pereoa er . U. TUUMPaUN, Caraeaavillff, Pa. Sale. Writ, of Fieri Furi ia- Cramna PlrM of Clear- dlraatod, .her. will b. the Oo.rl llouea, .. ha BaUrday, the It.h o'eloek p. aa.; Ih. fol- tr, to wl. : land al.nata I. Low. county, fa., branded Becioaint .t a atone ro roor of land of Mat.h- MrebM to poet : thaar. laatook . thMoa waa. 142 r"i mtw hihriih waean . and nbu-a of bcainln. anataJtitBo 13 ara. ur la.a, Ui.,I . oar. of tr.au So. tuil a.o 1IM, i .Iran, test aciwa cleared, kavlnf oraHad Ibaraon i " "ld aa U.a properly of Alaiawdar Kline. I la irnrtjr ahtll bt struck off b paid i j Iba i:to f laU, or aah ettir arraagvtitnu i mail, aa will b anprarvil, alharwlao the proiertf j will l iiuB.liftclj pat ap and Mtltl aftia at - tl. eipciia and rink of th ptraoa ta wbnai il i trai truck tf. and wh- ia aaaa af icftcivttdy t Wlll the M pntnrttmi im CuBrt fuf I owfirinatiua uIm the wy la aetaally paid U i u sbenn. W, K. McPllKKSllN, f NKRirt 'i 0r ira. . 1 tisane. Ctearfiaid. April f , 187ft. j . A IXTIONEERIXO j- ABB HILLPOSTIXG. Tb. BBdaralgoiid woald reapwlfall; lofora tba el.liaoa of Claorftald Bad aiei.ily that k. la pre pared ta 9TJ .11 AaettoB. Vea-lae, and ..bar Sale! tm abort Botlee, and .1 ro.aow.bt. rale. SaH) trilla, Poatara, Pmfrnnea,.ad ..bar ada.rtii.. poaled and diatribnted la lk. Boat oonapieeoaa plaaea. A abar. af pabli. p..roaa la Killci.ad. . N. L. U1IH.MS jlaarrolT. - TMr. CWariald, P UESU K1S1L- Th. Hj.rti.uJ h.u.111. .lA.k..!.. a Ka and Waal daily. Alan, Frrab VairaUbla la ROMa. Ooodl dellrrrad t. .11 par), af lha honor aad Tleinlly. Ordore kn at kta reeideaee, ooroor of Soaoad ud Head ttroMa, will raaair. prompt atteslwa. i i. P. W.J0RDAS. - Clear Bald, fak. 14, l7t.-m jOsTlANNONLAN D ANdTuMBER ., t... CONPARY, OSCEOLA BTRAM MILLS, VARvr.ct-ututs LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS ABB SAWED SHINGLES. Alb BUM wf IIBHLOCK aa PINE lawad to order as abort aotwm. , Auo TOWN L0TI for tola ta tk. boroark of Oaeoola. Aiao-LAROR ASSORTMENT QEN'RRAL MKHCIIAMUIrlH at their alamaatk tora a Oroeol.. II. H. BII1LLINOP0RP, Piaridal, Oaoa-Forart Plaoa, No. Ill I. 41 at-, pkil'a. -1 ) . AJ0HJI UWSHP, OaaaraJ Bap'l, pdjaU t , , Ombo). Milla, ClaarA.ld Ct, Pa. QROCKRIK8. JAS. H. LYTLE, (fewMnur to LTTLR MlTCHKLLl - - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALER IN . CHOICE LINK UF TEAS. OOL0H0B, JAPANS, ' ' U 111 PERI A I,, i ': : 1 T0CHQ BT80N, 1 ; . INQLtSU BREAIiPAST Parwt la Marktk ' BUTTKB AND KCO Will ba kaft and aahl at irat mt. Calk aaal ftr Coaatry Prod tea. 1 i , ..- -! 1 , .. .. 8RRMAH CHRRRIBs, TDRKIT PRDrtI8, ' PRR8BRVED PBAM, ' tntLADELPBIi RAMI. 1 mi. Maakanl, Lake Iterriag, Cod, Ar. ,fi'J .- riCKLBH. . . Batoal Pirtma and Baglak PiokHm. , FLOTJII AND PEED. Floor, Cora Meal, Dal Meat, aa. .aMkltt JA. II. LTTLl. gTORKKkKPKRS, ATTENTION' Wa dlra to Mil yoar arteatioo laaua aakmaira Cummlaaiat ktaiaaaa aad to tar faellltiee farduv C.aing of ..eh arodtoa aa ear aoa.ifoor. aaad aa. aalng a kvrga trUt wl.k ally Mom, wa ara aa Mod u mike qwtek rot.ro., at fall prraaa. Btotaktapara harlog Ohiakaaa, Baltar, Igra. a a.kar pradaaa, will da watt ta (Ira as a trial. Wkaaw Uroaarkaa art lakaa RR aaaaoora, ..'aa Imrm WW kt tkargad. , B. I. KIRK, BOR A 00h WkoltaaJ. BrMart a4 Otamkaalaa Monkatta. Ba. IM M. Tk.ad atrm, Pblkad'a. apt 1 7