$arilir;uf, & ff..uwf. SATkETTirkHRmR, ' DBALRM li HARDWARE, aad maAufaotarera of ,Tln,Copper & Sheet Iron M ore, Second StTMt, CIEAKFIBLD. PA. Having largely Inereaeed our .took f Hard ware, we invito the publio to .minim our .lock ud price.. Crp.nteri end p.ron who oontetnplate build ing will do will to ei.unne our TOOLS ft BUILDING HARDWAllS, whisk li bcw and of tbo boit manufacture, and will bo told low for oaik. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOOKS,' - ; , ; LATCHES, 1IINGES, SCREWS All kinde of Bench Pl.nee, flow, Chioelo, Square,, ilamuera, H.tchele, Plumb, and Level., Mortiied A Thumb Uunge, Horela, Brace A Bittl, Wood and Iron Bench Screw,, and tho boot Boring Machine in tho market. Double and Single Bitt Aios, POCKBT CUTLERY, Ae. Agents for EurneU't Iron Corn Shelkr, warrantod. Alio, agenta for Riahardi' GOTHIC FLUB TOPS, which effectually euro Smoky Pluel. Farmer!' Implement! and Harden Tool! of .viry deicrlptioo. 1 " A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wo wanant to give aatifacliun. Portable KaitrtM and turnfura. .Roofing, Fpontlng and Job Work done on roaeonableteriua. All or Jen will recti r pmmpt attentlfa. June II, BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, tSuooeMora to Boy d ton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer, of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Fine Street!, CLEAIIFIKI.I), PA. HAVING engaged In tho manufacture of tnt olau MAC11INKRY, we reipectfullj Inform he publL that wo an bow prepared to 111 all order! .1 cheaply and ni promptly can h don. tn any of the eitioa. Wo manufacture and deal In Unlay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocka, Water Wheell, Shafting Pulley!, Gitbrde Injector, Bteara Gauge!, Bteem Whiitlea, Ollan, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Gauge Coeki, Air Cooka, Globe Valval, Check Valval, wrought Iron Pipae, Blaaal Purapa, Boiler Feed Pumpi, Antl frleuon IfetrM, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kind! of MILL WORK! together witk Plow!, Sled Bole!, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all klndl. J Order Kllclted and filled at eity price! AD letter! of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly aniwared, by addrel Ing ai at Clearfield, Pa, Janlt-tf BIGLER, YOUNG A RKBD. tBvtoKB AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON llavajuit opened Niw Stoat, on Main 8t.,Ci.iiir!tLD, Pa lately ocoupledby Wm. F. IRW1V. Tbeir itock coniiiti of li) lli "CX" CE CD QD CD S Gaocatlna of the beit quality, Queenbyvare, Boots and Shoes. tnd every article Deceuar. for ona't oomfort. Cell nd examine our itock before pur ohuing elaawhere. May 9, 1868-tf. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS A STATIONERY. Market t, Clearfield, (o.t thp Poat Office.) rplll loderalgoed begi lo to annoane to J. tbflitia of Clearfield ond vicinity, that bo ha aUtod ap room and hot J oil ratnrnad from thiol.? with a Urn amount f reading matter, eonatatlng l tart of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aaooaol aad Pais Book, of oary do erlptloi Papor and Bnvalnpoa, Fran eh preeaad nd plain i Pona and Poaoilii Blank, Legal P,pra, tede. Mortgagee) Jodgtotnt, Bianp tioa aad Proaaieaory notea Whit and Parch; ent Brif, Logal Cap, Reeord Cap, aad Bill Cap, Sheet, Maalo for tlthor Piano, Flat or Viol la ooaeiaally o haad. Any hooka or Ulloaan daairod that I may not kavo on band, will ho or rdarod by trot tiproaa, and aold at wholaaala orroullu ait aaatonara. I will alio koep aarlodlaal Htorataro. aaeh u Magnlnoa, Nowa papor oo. P. A. UAULIM. Oarflold May T, l-taH-tf The Lightning Tamer. Till nndoralgaed are the tola Agente In thli OAontv for the "North American Ualraniaed LK.HTNINU RODS." Thaao aro tko only aafa rode now im wee, and aro ondoraad by all the aelentile mew In tbo oonntry. Wo hereby notify the eltiiena of the eonnty that wo will fit the a. ap better rod, and for laaa money, than la eharged by tho foreign agente who annaally travarao the eonnty and aarry off our little oavah, net at to retom. ENCOURAGE HOME LA 110 It Thoao wlahlng Lightning Rode oreeted on their building! need bnl addreai a by letter, or oall In noreoa,. Wo will pat them op anywhere In thaeoanly, and warrant them. Tbo Node and Pittaree oaa bo aeon at any lime by ealiing at onriloro. II. f. BIULKR A CO. Claarleld, atarebji, lT-tf IjlTory wHtable Til R nndenlgned bega leare to Inform tho pub Un that be ia now felly prepared to aeeom mo dele all aj tho way of farniabtng Mora, lloggiae, i Baddleo and Harnaa, oa the aburUat not too and an roaaonahU itrma. Reef daaoa on Loaaat itreet, between. Third and Peoria. I UKO. W. QRARIIART. ' nieardeld, Pah. 4, IBM. I F IOR HAL Rr The nnderairned n9m far aalo ft ralaable town prnMrtf ia the boronvh of Clear (laid. Lot (Mlxlttft feot, with a good two. ttory ptank bonaa thereon oracled, wilh three rooma down atalra and fnur bod rooma ap autre. Alao, aewlng room and batb room on ooeond floor. Honeo nia bed oonaploto from ellar te attle. Qoo4 donhio poren an4 goo4 water. Prioo rea enable and baymenta aaay. MeogTK WM. M. MeCPLLOfOH. J. It. M'MURRAY WILL KOPPLT TOO WITH ANY ARTICM vr ...v,i.nriniirii,vll LOW IW1T raioa. comi and am. iMiiiy,) NEW WASHINGTON. 4. P. WIAVRRH. U i:iYKI. & I1KTT8 f ; ' OLKARF1KLD, PA., ' . - Are offering, at he aid itana of G. L. Reed A Co. their etoek of geedt, ooneietlng of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A 8II0KS, HATS A CAI'K, iiahu" ai.h, QUKENHWARB FLOOR, FEED, SALT, &o,, &o., At th mnat rooouaaMa ratoa for CAflll or In ticbr.it go fur Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OH COUNTRY rROM'CK. JM-Arance. nnlt to thoia angagrd in get- j ting out aquara limber on tho moat advantagtou tenna. pdtljan73 TJANIKL GOODLANDKH, ' Ll'TIilillMll'KIl, PA., ftcalcr in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, ! 11 ATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SliOES. Tuliaeeo, Orooariea and Fih, Nalla, Ilardwara, (Jutanawara and (Jlaaawaro, Mnn'a and lioyi' Clothinf, rvt Painta, Oil", Hohoul Hooka, a large lot of Pntont Mvdk-iuta, Canditi, Not A Dried Pn.it, Charae and Crack ari, Hock and Billo Powder, Flour, Grnin onj Potntops,' ' Clover and Timoihy Seed, Sola tent her, Morocco, Lirtlnjr, tlindiiif; and Tbrvad, Hhucinakori' 'J'oula ami Hboa aV'iudingi. No groatrr rariety of gnoda In any aloro in the eounty. All for tla rvry low fur oaah or eounlry produce at the Cheap Corner, Aug. 27, lH71t. The Bell's Run Woolen Fnetory, Penn lown.hip, Clearfield Co., Pa. II II H N E D (I U Tl f , . i BURNED UP! The luhaerlbori hare, at great exienio, rebuilt net irlilior hood neeeisitv. In the erection of a firtt clan i Woolen Manufactory, with all tlo nodtirn improveuienli attaehed, and are prepared to mnke all kinda of Clotha, Ciiaaituarea, Hnltnetle, HI nu ke tt, Flannela, Ac Plenty of goodi on band to uiily all our old and a tho maud new eustouiera, w'm wo auk to eoine ana eiaiuino our siock. The bualneia of CARIUNO AND FULLINU will receive our tPieclal attention. Proper arraiiKementi will he made to irreive and deliver Wool, to auit fluitontera. All work warranted and done upon lha ehorleat notice, and by itriot atten tion to builneaa we hope to real lie a liberal abare of publio patronngo. HMMM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will p.v the highc.t market price for Woo and ..II ou?,n.nurlure.l good. a. low iimll.r good, can be bought in tlie oounty, and wbenerer we fail to render reaeoaable eati.faotioa we can alwaya be found at homo ready to ma ho proper aiplanalion, aitner in per mm or ny latter. JAMKS JOHNSON A HONfl, april2S(f Dower P. 0. I.KATIIKU CUEAST-STHArs RT PER8KDHD BY COVr.KT'M PATICXT MI-.TAI.MC BREAST HOLD-BACK Madaof tho best Mallea ( bio Iron, nnd li attached to Ihe llautra by tbo heat Soap ever inrcnteil. Jt la eaiilj and quli-kly put on, aud prrvrnta the whipping of lha horaea by the polo. Not liable to get out of repair. Will lait for yeara. All wo aak la a fair trial, lo eonvinoe all parliea 01 Ing then that they aro ( ; i nnaurpaaaed in value fur - - Iho parpoea for wbieh they are intended, HACKKTT A 8CIIRVVER. Clearfield, April li, UU. MARBLE AMI M0K YARD! Mas. S. S. LID DELL, Having engaged la lha Marbl. buiin..., deilrea to Inform her friend, aad the publlo that ah. baa now and will keep eonelantlyon hand a large and well .elected itock of ITALIAN AND VKRMONT MARDLK, and li prepared to fnrni.h to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLK TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curb! and Po.li for Cemetery Lola, Window . ' Bill, and Cape, alao, , 1 '. BUIIBA1I, TABLB AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac. tH-Yard on Reed atreet, near Ibe R, R. Depot, Clearlold, Pa. J.7,71 rpERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eonetaatly on hand. , STOVE AD EARTHED -WARE Or- RVERY DKSCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS! Plaher'l Patent Airtight Jlelf . Healiiif fruit Canal BUTTRR CHOCKS, wilh lid., CRRAM CROI'KS, MILK CROCKS, APl'I.R. I1I1TTRR CHOCKS, PICKLK CHOCKS, PLOWBR POTH, PIE DISHES, HTKW POTS, And a great many otber thlnge too numernna to mention, to ao aad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONK - WARE TOTTERY. Corner nt Cherry and Third Street., CLKAHF1HLD, PA. ugS BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN 8TRUMHNTS! Orgaaa, both aaw and Hund kind, at the Muale Store, oppoalte ilullch'i Parnttare Store. All perKini intercrtnd are invi ted to call and eiamlne a new atyle nf Organ anw on exhibition. Sheet Muaie and Mueie Hrmee eoaetanUy .a hand. aplll-tllf T. A. FLECK & CO., Hare now ea hand, and are dally receiving ad ditione thereto, a large and weU aelreli-d .tuck, a it freih from the maaufacturen, of Dreee flood!, Dry Quad., Silk., Ilata, Roanele Old Ladiee' Cape, t-h.wl., Welrrpreofa, l.a dlee' Pur Cap., Hair Uood., Hiala' Pur ai.hing OikhI., Shirt., tllov.a, lloeo, Overall., Lombermen'e Flannel, Ladiee' I'oderwear, Cuga, Collar!, HaodkarcblefR, CHILHRKN'R VNDKRWRAR AND WIIITK DRESSES, Perfumery and Soap., Balmoral Rkirta, away. down. Stocking., of .veryreiae, variety and cwlorr, Notion., Irtmminga and ranoy tjood., ia almoat endleea variety. N. B.-WK BUY rou CASH. f OR CASH AND PKLL decltf 8AW8! SAWS I SAW81 DISTAN-g CROSS OVT, MILL, DRAfl AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Bojnton'i Dghtaing Cross-cat Saw. AL8 0, PATBRT PBRfORATRD A ILKCTRICSAWS, Par aaJ. by win, a. r. biolrr co, JOB PRINTING OV XVRRY DKSCRIP Ilea aeatly wtoated al tat. agio.. w "IAFID TIMES IIAVK NO KKfKCI IMJFRENCHVIL'jUS) .. . . ; the llopulilir ; for ni'iiily ttn yt'iint no ; host ilo Ui'iiiu-lu'itt Iiiih hi'en 1 1 fa I'd wilh J. ., , 4in nil our borilcru; mill yet tho l'Vili'i'iil ' I am atrai'O that thnro are home per.otn a lilllei i . , , .. . .,t , ,i u hard to plea.e,and I am al.oJnai.llmt Hie hnyonet ill ft llirfio lllirtioil ot tho Jtc complainl or "hard time!'' ie well nlg.ll universal. ! llllllic eillri'Hl'H I llll Ill lH III ll'll('U llllll Hut 1 am loellualid now that lean wli.lj III. piply ,. iiiovcllU'l fl'lilll llttcjlll rormerand prove oonolu.lel,r that "bard liine." i,,.,V,tl,,,ii.,l,,,,,!.,ll,ioHi,ir 'IVn vmiva will not .lloil thoeo who buy thelrgoo.l.froramc, ling to tlmll limil'Utl lininrw. j llij culH and all me patron! lliall lie Inillalid Into the c ImVi'lilWsi'll " I hC( OIHtH III MTU Illli 1 t III' crei or IllOW TO AVOID HAND TIMES li,,,, i, . t .ui.i.lvall Ike Inliebl. lant. In the lower end of Ihe county which 1 till ' ''Xre.illng low ratoa from my luulilluolh lre In HUl.lSONlirHd, where I rnn alwnra ba found read, to wait upon oalkra and ipply them with ; ti(m jH (uullUll( inM,u.tiUIlll H.0 1.PV CnaiU nf nil 1tfni1 Uivasin tlioir ttixal.lo viiIih-h nro Ii-hk-"i , . , ""'"N iumil, tiii-ir K'vor itro muvpiutvd mid Such ai Clotha, Patlnctti, Caaaluierea, Munliur,' . NiiniK iii'oiintilli'il. Tho hmiUiiiK Delaine!, Linen, Drilling., I'allcoee, I OOWII of It ll'Vl'O K'l lllllrl till! H Iltl'I'M ot Trimmingi, Kibboui, Lace, tlio jrivnt MifwiKiili to lllllt' lll(ill tho Beadj-niadcClolhlng, Hoot! and Shoe!, lint, and 1 liTlilo Hllil tllltt till TO lil'mllnl llll'l llll'llrl Cape all of tUboetiiwtorial and mode to order I . ,1 . ..,..., nll. ,,,,. u .... HoM,Sockl,tlloM, Vittenl.Leoe., Ilibliom.lc.j ' !,, ' '. , . I."'11"" "". 10 UU0CKUIK8 OK ALL KI.V11S. pitll'lll It. I ho l'lllt 111 tho )KMiilt to . , , , , ' titko I'tiiD of thi ir own niti'ivsU w ilo- Coffee, Tea, Sugar, nit-e, Mo e..e., F ih, Se t - , .1 1 ,1 1 . ,-,i Pork, Lln-Cd Oil, Ki.h Oil, Carbon Oil. I1'"'1' till-Ill l.y lll.M'll.lllll'l.T o hf tti'V II. Il....... Tin... r.. 11.... i.i.. 1 I'lllllK'Ilt llllll l-XIKtH t Ill-It". 1 lie Olirii- and Plow Caitinge, Null., rtpikee, Corn Cnltlra-; wr.,vme. rronn, alio an auiue ui n&ea. , Perfumery, Point., Varnl.h, HI..., and a gcmral ! ...ortn.r.1 of Stationery, ; GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand., ilway! on hand, and will be lold at the lowret poi.lble Ogurei. J. II. MaClain'a Mciliolni'., Jerno"! Medlciui', lloitctter'e and IliHinaiiii'e Hitler.. &OD0 pound, of Wool wauled for whltih lh higlieit price will be paid. Clorenard on hand iieniilo tinuln iul llil I'l'Pt". ill olli' WC audfonaleat the lowe.t inaikal price. .. l(lnl.lji1, ..,. loa.. .1... ThAr,rb'lnM.rh'inc.,r"'t0Vil''"'1 C"r"n"1"'; r.ll rl ..,.1,1,,,, averthnig u.unlly k-pt In a retail elore. I,. .11. COUDKIKT. Preuchrillc 1". 0., Augu.t 13, 1874. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. L'LKAKI-'IKLD, V.., MAX IT ATT t'HKRA of ' FI1&K ICltlCK, Fiiniace Itlocks, (ins Itclorls, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, &o. t'hltnury Top, ll'dlrfoir (Tijm, (iiiI 'iinrn. AI! kinds of Architectural Adornments. OHIOIXAL DUSIilNS IN TKRHA COTTA I vou nml 1 in our section of Ihe Jicpuh MADK TO 01IDKR. lie Inny go on lo give ntti-iitinn to our ! privaie ull'airs. With improred machinery, Orel dam materia! Sir, go to my own great Stale, tlie and aklllcd workmen, we can warrant all our a. , ,l,,it I i, I., ,,.,.,, n.,,,-,. ' m.nufaelnree to 1 equal lo if not euperkr lo .Jlb. market. l .hiI.. nr.,,, niMfiufurtiire can l,n .pen .1 tl,. , Work., near Itnilroad bepol.or at Ihe Ilardwara Store of II. V. Iligler A I'o. All order, from a distance, addrc.ard to lb. Ileneral Kuperintrndont, will receive prompt at ' teation. I J. (1. II AHTHH I K. I JOHN FKKIII SON, UenlKupl. of HealhOeld, ilernkirk, KeoU.ad, I fot. Uanulaeluring Dept. , may:o'7J IT II E : I. A R G E S T ASS011I.MKXT OF .ver hroughl to the eonnty, are helrg reeelred at Ihe Hardware b.tabli.hmeiit or II. V. Illl.!.l-.K ea Ct ooinprl.ing tb. following Cook Slovel ! SrEAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSHUKIIANNA, RKOUI.ATOR. NOPbE. EXCELSIOR, TRIUMPH. GOV. PENN, HEADING NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Ateo, the following Heating Store : BPEAR'9 ANTI CLINKER. SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. WEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S TARLOR COOK, HORNING LIGHT, BON TON, OirSEV, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RU3Y' DAUrillN EGG, CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, rilOENIX. HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE RlXIM STOVES, 4C. Clearteld, Sept. J, Uii. E. A. SOUTHARD, l ire, Life & Accident Insurance AUK NT, Clearfield, Pa. TRAVELER'S Lit K A ACCIDRNT. Hartford, Conn.. ..Alicia over f. 1,0011,000 HOME Flit B INSI'IIANCE CO. Colnmbtie, Ohio.. ....Auetll over (000,000 foU 7.y J... 8. I'.a.oa., Frei'U R. E. Ilea, una, Sec y CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, ' n J i OP IIARTFOKD, CONN. Aaaota.- .VI0,ftni) Kalio or Aaaota to Liabilillei Hi Furnithri in an rant at tha rery lowral eoa Poliey-holdera partiripal In the profile of the Company, thai eontinyally roduoing lha annual paymenia. ror rate, e.t can on or aonreaa H. SI. McKNALI.Y, Agrnt. Offlro In Bhaw'i How, Clrarncld, Pa. 7:1.' 14 F. O'LEARY BUCK, j General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, -. Reprceonte Iho following reliable Inauranoa Co'ai J North Brltlab A Mercantile In a. Co. f:d,lfle.00 Waahington Life Inanrance Co dj.nfto.uod Firo Aaaoclalion Inauranoa Co.. Z,Ai(l,0H0 Amaaon Kir Inanrance Co MTU, ltd 'honil I nan ranee t'o., N. Y J.flOO.BuO Waterlown Virt, Inaurei dwelling! and farm bulltllna;a only ftTA.Otifl York, Pa., Htock Inauranoa Co. Horaea Inanrrd agatuat iloath and theft. r. H. Parliea in tho country deairlng Inauranoa i their lire or properly oan have it promptly attended to by addreaatng Ma hy letter, or calling in peraon nt our oitice, In l'ia Opera Houee, 1 Kooaa No. I, Clearfield, Pa. aug6'74 SALE! A large and wrll-Aniahcd Ilrick Iwellli.a-. liiu. alo on the rlrer bank, la tha borough of Clear lold, oontainlng eleven rooma, with good ocltar. water In Ih kitchrn, and all tha modern eonv. nionoea. Pantriea, llath-roont, Clo-hea-preaaca, dfl. uv. -iaij irtini, enn two nonirM and tnirly felbaek, wilh a twenty foot alley on Ibe eaal ida. Said building, with all lha a unar tenant. will ho aold eheap, with paymenia to anil pnrrha aer. Application ean be made lo the andfr. aignod, or to A. C. Tal, Kao,., who will give all eeeaaary information to Iboa who dtalre to in- ipoot the properly. TII0S.J. MrCtTLI.Ot'011. Nay Jlat, lMl.tf. w ANTED AQRNTS, make and fcmala, U cell Plelure. ovary waara. Paarleea Ihoaeaad rotallad by owe. Aaatber wrltea : "I eaa make mnre money la tble kweloeoa Ikaa I Ma oa a tlt.M, farm, all "oeked." WHITNKV A CO., F.a. 1, 1,7. Im.) Norwich, Cona ! f t4iffiii 1 wit Mi fir Sixth, 'i ho in ;ii li I ii lit nc-0 ol f("v" I'liiiiu'iit of Icii'ci' iiiul I it it 1 in i' 1 the fontiiiiiuniy nI'lUu riily id' tho(Hiiml J'j'l'10 4'il,l,jiJfv.'l ih.n4m to uvorn llu'in.si'lvt'ri. Tlii iihiiom ! tioii eovci'M mid I'liilirnri'B nil tliu itkI. l''or wvll-iiih a (Jniiiilu the tout of no ' iirmi'il loo hub ih'omsoiI iiiioii the noil of luwHoulit to ho hi full iorco ovi'i oviT)' I-orlum ol' lliu lit jiiildU'; mul yrt tlio otlo nil bayonet control uihI crnlnttm ns much of tho ltopnlilio nH wttrt cm hnii't'tl wilhiiv. tlio uriimtl tliirU'cti Si a! cm. Tlii in)iixti'n ofttittt nortion ol' tlm UiMiulilir nro imnilvji'il tiivu. lll'MS of till" tmoplo Ninth ire illH(l'itU'll iy lo t'Ollllltlllll 01 llll" COIIIIUT flOlllll, ttu j H10 vitul llllll cmii'llllill lioillt ,() ny COI,B,itllun, m ,,, Btm,,. Jllllllt I1H llll'll' IVpiTSl'lllllllVO III this WllOlO flll.StlOll. Sir, liii-niH of In v mill wriltt'ii ifiinr- mitit'" 11111I ri'niTvi'il lights. lnTouti' vi tulixiil, thi'y bi'i'ouia mi'lilj', 'Jii'wlllo ni'iii'ii'H when Ihi-y nit iiilrni"r.il, mill I lll'll' lIlll'lllfriMIU'llt lll'lll til llll" Wlllllu IllWr. viollltl'.l tllxl U (NMIllilillll of w.1,llK UH'I Ollll'lli'l" ln'rvilllill"', llllll VCt thin Kw not iip ovur the ivlmli" li.-pn I ; Ik; fiiwK Hrinr; the avIhiIc of the pmplo 1 within tho iiilliii'iii i" of till" wmnu : but j whi n you tli privo tho w holo penplo of I'l'IHH, wiign llir inlnnenu'iit ol )iiiVo 1 t'Diistil til iulinl l'ii;lils linnj;B into iirtinil ji upoiily, liny, into nlimiMt uttrl" (lo- Kll'lll'tioil, till" fllllllieilll illtl'lVHlH of t lie I pi'oplo in othiT Hoi'lioiiM of tho iti'puh. lit", you liml t In-ill looiiiiiir up, you liml : thi'so uri'itt rijjhtn liml l'iiiii'uiiIl'I h con. ; Ironliii you mill lliu pi'nplc pi'oi-luiiu. jiii";, ''l.i't tho law lie uli-yi'il; tin' Con I Ntiliitif.ii Ih rtiipi'i'iiii" ; );ivo im 11 t-iiiuli-j t loll of iilliiitK tinilt'i- tin" luwn mill llu' j CoiiKtitutiiin, ns will .Nuilli im Mouth. ; tluil will lu iiifi hiiclt lo im pi'ucu nml pnwpcnly mill tlniuictul riicccsk. i lit" ins of u tnnrkt't lum tlt-tnyi'il tbo liusinoKBof tlu iVmtli. You ureluiilil iiif; 11 wnll nrounil tlu SiMitlicrti por tiuii (if 1 1 1 im iti-piililic ; you n it- ili-crt-iiH. inn i a '4ipucityi its miil is unlilli-il; iU rrfip lire lciiieil ; i( proilnclioiiie ro ilccivnsi-il; tnxntioii i ini-ivnsoil ; the poupli'iu'o inacoiiilitiiiiinf tiniKrliiiuly ; cliuno nml tin- fcur of climii: i upon tlu'in ; thev cniinot niinly tliriiiKotvcH to the pi'ixluctiou nt t tie great riliiplen of the Jii-piililie. lliey cannot tro on as I .: sent on this floor, mid theit" you will Hud our COnl, our li on, our oil, nnd our ! lumber Iving in liiles at the fnriiuee. at the iil mouth, or I lie oil nt I lie tank, or the luinliei- nt the null. A I'll sans m e uiieniiliiyeil ; their laniilii s aiv slat-viii"; ; they melt etniliiynient ; they nsk to have limn the men Unit have (.-a .it ill invented, hiiioi-1, tlitily miii)i't daily toil, meaiia to ki'eptlii-ii'cliilili-tn i'roiii Hlai vini'. It in denied tt, them heeatiHe the ouninesH iuteresti. iitei Ihe IjiiHiiu-K men of that port ton of the l!uitillie uiii prost inted. I'lUBtialed why,? ; KecrtilM) their, lunrltet in lost, lieeuiixe they enn no louver nell theii' ' nrtHloetiiiiiH hi the ifiiiiittn- in n hii'li i they linve been wont heretnliiro to m il them. Stimulated jiiduatiioa on the one litind in the north nnd a contrai'ted nun ket in Iheothemeetinii Im vo l.ron ili t thia condition of atlairs to the Norlh. The flick Mid the drill of the miner lie idle tit tho mouth of the drill, the lire of tho puddler in t)itenelied, nnd the ax of the lumhermnii lien tat ill nt the foot of tho tree. Tho hum of lmy indus try ly the Lehigh, and Ki'huylkill ia no longer lieniil, nnd the npindlennd the loom and the shuttle, lire no longer producing to muko tnxalde vitluea mid wealth lor the people. Ai-tinaim ore thrown out of employment; tho huii lieHH interenta of tho people urn aiiU'er iiifr; thero ia no longer tho market wo hud ill the pnst; nml Ihey eome toyott hy 1110 ami tiny nseit to you thnt thero in nil nhidiiifr eolivii lion there thut thia ia lai'frely ilue to the prostra tion of tho liiiKHii'M inti'i'i'sls nnd the prodiietioua of tho South; thoy eome to yon with the ilechirattoii that then' intereNtn ni-o ironti-ated hecaune you havo dejnived thoni of their market. The liuninena intoii'itta of every seel inn of tho eountiy aro interwoven ; niiike olio nnd you Ktnke nil; relieve one and yon relievo nil. I'ltianiial ilillieulties mid tiiiuhha that i-onio fiimi dilleivnt aoureea lire mndo to bear their nliuro in thin givut nnd -rravo result ; hut the nhiding con viction in nettling down upon the peo ple, nt least iu the neetion 1 represent, that the use of tho Kedenil Imyonet nnd the deprivation of the rif;lit to fjovorn themselves to the people of the South in the Kitive mid lending cause for thin condition of things. T'ley coino to you and kk yon to tiikeaavny the Federal bayonet and allow thepeo plo to govern themselves, eeaso the ef tort to rule from nhove nnd replneo it with the rule fn im beneath. Let the people do an they do with us in the North. Wo ((overn ourselves In our townships, control our road utlairs. iv r ulato our nclund luattom, see that the mini who is most competent is allowed to control the domestie concerns in the township tlittt fiii in of Sitxon civilian 'T """ c,u"0 to "" tn"n ln,m whom wo got our laws, (five themin tho South tliu rule fiimi huiumih uml not from ubovo, ami you will find that tbo men who can take care of their in dividual allaiis and of their allium in tho township can control nnd regulate tho affairs thut grow out of those and that aro the ruling and controlling powers of tho Slate. I'cnso the cft'ort lo rule from above and lei us rule limn beneath, (jivo these people the power ami the opportunity to grow rich. In doing thin you grow your grout staple, yon iucrcaso your i-esonn-ea and yon reiiivtgoriito tho whole. Take uwny tho Kedenil bnyouet, replace it Willi the government of tho people them selves; enforce thelnwn that you httvo; let nil the rights of nil Iho people in ill tho South bo protected under the fmnraulcea of the lawn thnt you huve. nit lake away the Kodcruf bnyonel from the throat of the people of the South, and in restoring their indiistrien, in making litem wealthy, yon bring back taxable vultien, you' Fifing buck property and business and prosperity lo all the people of the Aorth. In this the issue made up hy this resolution? In it the l-rcsiilent mid tho Imyonat, ugalinl sell jnvernmont nml the law? Is it the l'lesideiit and tho bayonet ngniust local government and (he law? Is thin the issue that thia resolution makea tip; or ia it aim ply thut the logical result of its ad op. lion "Inill bo thnt Mr. Piiiihluii k shnll hnve Ida Bent when we meet next De cember? If thin resolution, however, mennn anything, it is nn indorsement of a fatal policy, a policy that in tie. struclivo of civil liberty, that revorscn our traditions, violates tho organic law, perpetuates a govoriiment of fraud, docreanea our revenues and prostmtca tho business interests of tlie people. Manifestations of iipplaiiao lo too gnl-lories. LKIUT QIUlti.WY llAMXfKKA Tin' . liiitiC. Ilnuiii-iera lire likely In, Tho following In the full text of the eiiiiii' 1fSr;riet'ln tliciftitti itiptH to niiike .new (us ulll lui'ill bill pume l, hy the i nplUil Out nf IhiM'i'tufal ol' t4it l.i f;iM-1 1 nili.l Hliiliw t 'iiiiri'Ha: 1, Intuit" lo eliitnge iho litw of 1H71 in ' SrurioV I. Thnl from noil nrtev thu uiTuriiMiici! with 11 piewm eiU'il nv- pilule of I hi' jiinHugo nf (his Ml then" I'UliclnVtit of tin: TiviiHiiiy Itln Who alnill bo lu villi mill colleutej oil nil ilia wuuleii to pirpnro im- tlie pniilical tilled wpiritH thi'ienrter pmlttoed In tho eniiipnlKiiHoI'lSiSnnil 187(1, by (cttlngj Uniliui httilea u tux of ninety cents on lionvy nvnilublo buluneea into lliu ki ii- ,"uvh jiroof yullon, or wiuu pillion when eitil revenue tlepnrtiiient of the Trena- Ik-Iow priHit, t he jiriitl hy tho distiller, ni-y, wbei-o it could he mmiiptilntcd no ownei", 6i-' jiewin. lmvino; pnsm-Baloii a lo do t he most good. ithereof bt'fui'o tho reiuuvul i'miii the 'l'ln J'atriut, In ii well ooiiKiilored nlwlillei-v or bonded wnrclioimo, nml ao ni-tiele, exposes the liilluey of tho cniii-jiiutcU of Sec. S,2Rl of the Meviwtl Htitf plninta' Inndu, and tliilloueti'ittex thul iitea of the Tnited Stuten na in jnioii the" ilcfunttil si-ln liii- wn aiuiily ft ! himU-iiI heivwitli iK repenled. plun lo itocuiniilutu heiivy uimI iiiineci-H- Si:c. 2. That Set:. a.llliS of the lie wiry balances in the gi ueral li'Vcnuo'vincil Hlututes lieund thesuiueis hero liiuil nt u tiuii) when the neoplu liml itihy, unietidetl by sink inbuilt thewimla ilitlli'iilt lo pny even uioileinle luxes, "twenty cunta a pound," und iiinerting uiiil fur n pui-piwi' tbnl may well lie in- in lion thereof tho words '-twenty four fonvtl lioin 11 liiiov'li'il;o ol' the past cents a pound": I'nwitlrd, That See. transactions of . tho Slate jiiu:;. A iH.il'.ll ul the lievisvd SluliiteH bo, mid eliwe inspection of ,lhu Tiwiisiiiy. llie'lho saine is hereby, ninended by Htrik estiinnles mid iinilei'C"tiiiiiites of iv-'iiii; out tliu wind "live" wherever it ceipts mill tho iippiiipi'iutinus shows ioi-eut-H llici-oiii. nml iuserlino in lieu thul the proposed liiuiunul ineasiire was 'I hereof the "six," unit by striking out not n iiii'iisure of iieiwsiily, but a nuns- the word "wxlyV mid InserliniJ "suveii tire for the ueciiiiiuliilioii of mi iliiiiet es- ly-fivis" iiiiiieasinu; the duty oil ci-ai-n naiily lare balnuit: in tlii'i'ncriil ivv.jlroin (?." to Pti nllioiisauilnnileii;ait'tles eiiue ilepai'linent. . :iWiiu $2,110 lo S2.75', J'rvriikil, That In ahorl; tlio Tn-iisury, ever shu n Ibe ini rcnse of lux herein provided for the Intituling ol' tin: pivsent Stale shitll not apply to tobacco, cliu-n or Adlulni.-t ration lias been most Kru-lv Cinar. Uiu on which .(lie tax under the luisiuuuiieil. mid tlie reineily is owl Ut oxisl in luWHshiili havebeeu paid vvbeti be foiiinl in pnssiiiir inensiircs pi'i'iuii'i'd this ucl tnkm ellect. 1 ' " 11 by Ihe iih'Ii w ho uivo iiiisiiinniip-d it, ! hut hy It ciieral reloniiiitinn of the whole Hvsti in ; ennseoneiillv it was lliu im-t of wImIoiii for tin- l.i-ir-ljitttri-1i" reject the bolus pivpui-id by the Treas ury 1 i 1 1 1 ix ipuieKs. I be House very iinnierly ri-ji-i'ti-il the liu-nsure. mid iiisleaii of udilln t a i Schedule (I, See. I.5ll4 of the Kevised the .Suite's taxutioii. set uUiut cutiiiiifiSliiluies, iiii amount eipial to twenty- down np-oprinliolis so ns to rorres- poiiu with the Ri-nciiti limn. . quince at the esliuialed expeiiililiiivs, the cs tiiunted receipts nnd the onderi'Mi nililes of reci'ipt", niade lor the ulterior pui'poeio t'oiieculed In the rojected bill, will vindicale the wisdom of the llmic in rejeeting it. The giMs appropriu tiinis, ineliulini; those reciiiuiiii udi'il by the lloui'd of Public t'linrities exeei-ded by a Ktniill I'liiount t I.OIKI.IIIIO. Aeeoitl- i ing to the J renstiivr'a i-Htiinnle, the resources for the general 1'miltor the current year are f '.t, 227. rutl. Aseoin liarod wilh 187-t, he litis niude the fol lowing lllidi'l-i'sliuiiltes: .iuii.. yfrr.l,f, Land. I'cr.on! pio,erly N.tioriHl I, mill. Writ., will.. g.ivl.,,.r.. f-'nllalornl iohoriinnoe... Tlnalre. nn,l rin'u.i-.... Ililliar,l lienn.ei Killing hoii.es Hrne.r! Patent luoill ,inr. Ilr.wera anil tlialilli-r... Kori'lKO in.uranceM U ,nu. on clt irt.r. f.c. publle ofll,.,! ISTI. E'tiutaUt l,-7t :'I.IS.M IS iS.'J.OIIII I'll .ji:.,.',2i 21 :!oi,t'iii i::t u,7s:i 2i S7,it7 4.-, ft.i'S) ml i.. linn i i 1 1, Mil r,;i , is.tis Hi i.'MO . l.i.iv li ,vn,'M lo j,IUS in iiou.iuio im I L'76. 1)011 1)11 0l,1)lifl llll :;Mi,iloil tin Jt.ei O IS) 7,llill mi :ill,i:oll nil S.l.llll I', l.llilil oil 6,1.1111 llll 27S,lMl I'll Jll.li'l. 00 Ij.Ailo Oil rl,s:.i,roo M SI,iiii7,oiw (W The above (inures show an under estiiiinte cf PI87,7'!' "4 upon the taxes named. It is more than probable lha! eiieli item will exceed this year the sum collected ill 1S7 I. The following table will show a com-ctcd estimate for!S75: T-ivcn licatnH under iho new l.cuiuo law l-'atier tali mat (., aa eouipurt-d with lecripti of Ls7t ItalaiK-e iu guiural fund NuvhihIjit .in, i!r4 . . TrtA'ury etliuitt.ci. .- lutt.utll I I 'jiui.i'Oii ; .,,,,, 1 XUi'j ' L.ljI.dJ I. :.. .1. ......I .1 .1.. .1 I I i ii i-. iiiio' in, r in,, iv nun in., i- . .. :.- :. . i i:... t.. .1 ...:ll ...I 1 lax. if its leniihty is nllirmwl, will ml,l ?lll0,noil more lo the jreneia! fiiiid. The J'ntriiit. speakiiie; ot the House, says : The ni'lion of the House is vindicated by a caivt'id examination of the tacts. Its appropriation bills were ehnsvly iii-; proxiioateil to the means ol lliu Uvnsv hit, so closely ns perhaps tn occasion .Vi a. i einhari-assiiit'iils in its imiiiiii;i'iiii'iit. He Knows. Thoedilorof the New lint what ahall be said of the action of j York Tribune jiaya the liilloiving coin Ihe Heiinle which preferred to tlt-U-at ' pliim nt lo the Deinoepjlio majority in the nppinprialions to deserving char-1 the House at lurrinliiire. '-Tho fact ities rather than put the treasury ilo-1 that tho session closed without the pailineiit nKin n year of liht biihtiiees? ' passage of a single bill nt the dictation A morcdesperute ordespicahle pni'tner-j of llie Rin;s w hich have ao long ruled ship was never mnnitested than is , I'l'iiiisylvaiiia must inspire the ill' lo shown in this transaclion. I pendent men who aro trying to reform Tho object of the State Ring tints the politics of thnt Stale wilh new become, uerleelly apparent, to winch , ntny no niipeniiineil llie relusul to pny itho niilaiies of tho members of the Legisluture, iiumely, (ho neeiimiilutioii I i)f a Iteuvy bnlutiec in the Tivasury for I campaign jturposes. There cull exist I no real necessity for largo unexpended balances in the general fund, uml ns j linn nlrendy been shown there isn nuir jgin of ni'ilMlnntinlly Sll)U,(KII nller j meeting all the nipropriutioim ineliid ; iug those lor chnrituble instittilious re jected by the Semite. Tbo amount of ; Ihe chiii-itiible ttpproprintinnn refused by tho Radical majority of the Senate (represents the campaign bulunre in the j Treasury which, is to be bundled by the Slate lling. We desire thul the 1 people shnll make a special nolo of this lact. tWmunin M (,'anai. Rino. The onslaught (Jovortlttr Tihlcil UiOll tllO hilo Cutia) boi.aa lotol aawed a-U andFinelaiober,ahoil Killer of Svw York M Uttnictiiljr tllO Jand apade, lot of old anctal, three and a half bar- attcntiun nt' tho country. Tho Now I"1! of ri1 J;,""! IV'1 P". . ii it . i . Ibrd and bedding, I horaau, lOchaira, I clock llilk I nfnt IU nUhh)ir til hlH fnnilly and 1 Udlat. A II It.- forfj-.tng pmperly waa t'OHI'nO, HIIV"! ; 'I'liO Uttftt'k 111' (tovornoi j purfhaaed by me at Hhcriff'a mile on the 2nd day Tildon oii ll.e Cutml Kin nnd tlit- ro lttf Xrch,nd ia leitw.ih him JJ"u0iwAI T timroi'U'NsnosH with which ho iropnmH j iJtlthfr.Mirg, Mart-h HI, TJ-1t.' to purHiie tho iiMV-mlcru, no matter of' . " " wlmt jmrty thoy inayTio, in ono tit tin? (. ' lmorf ni'MIH fl this pOtim.. Ilo lit loitnt t All wrKot.a art- htrcby warned aralnal i.or- UliOWS hy lliu WOl'k tllllt ho m 111 I onriK'Ht. ilo mav l olmrL'Otl with 1 -" "' "tie ar rel-now in the poia ', .... , afon of Cnn-lunlino Heiiighng.of Karlhaaatown- Uttl'ltiptinX tO lliuke polHtful Capital , .hip, clearnrtd county, p.., the aajne belonge Ollt Ol' it, nnd to Itirthor lli OWII Hill- to me, and are left wilh hi in on loan only, tub hit ion. Wo do not know hi motivoH. ! J001 tu m' rJ" ,l 'fhere are motives ami motives, and we do not miderlako to explain or inter pret them. Hut whatever he bin ,.,.,i;,. .... , I,,,,, I- ,l,.,i .... , , ,. . , . , ..' . woee ,e ni-n,,,, aiv.n ,n. a.eiier. i.,i.- have one public man nt least w h i, il mpnl,rT ,, k.i.io f Jacob i-k.niz, he tins political umbition, propiwen to bte of llrady toon.hlp, deed., have ne-n grant ndvance it in a manly. Imncst wnv, hy IM theiider.ined. All pcr.one indebted to . . - ' e l ,.t, K.,.1 ar nmulnt In m.k. Immeiliul. r.w- , pnwoi-ntin nml pniiiHliintf thiovo in-, .(('111 (d t'OllHortilli; Wttll and UMtllir them. KmiANua Of Mtiicy. 'J ho I'resiilenl is slid engaged in (he "noble" work of furnishing situations to those ot his friends who have been thrown over- bonill by the people. A telegram from I W tisliingtoii saysi It wan stateit nt the t'npftnltoday (Satuilay)by thefriendn of cx-Senntor Chandler thnt ho had been tetiiletvd, and will prtibnhly ac cept, tho Inhsion to Russia, lieorge linker, recently iipHiintcd, it is sniil, in about to tleeliue. . ... ... i , Sr.tKitK-A Western judge, who 'steeniB capital punishment too slli-hl i for some oireutea iu bis vicinity, hns ndopted the following awful nenti nce : .lllllgo '-1'l-isolier, 1 sentence you to n-un tuo I'Mllllilllllloiis inn i ci-oss-ex-iiiiiiitiitinns of the lleei hcr-Tiltoii t-aae until you ni-e dead, and may Cod have mercy on your soul. ' ( 'oiiiim-t. '-lliddv." said n lady. "Step over llllll See lioll olll .Ill's. .1 ones I is this inl'llline."' Ill 4 few minutes '""""my, renn.jl.ania, drcea.ed, baling been Biddy returned will, Ihe inforniaiion j., nS tllUl .Mrs. Jonea WHS sevi-llly-two , p.vmrnt, and thoee having olalme or demand. Vciira, nevell mouths, nlld two days '. Pnllbem pnperly authenticated for eel ibat niorninir " """" wOhow dilav. inai morning, . , samiiki, K cownKR, - The Rochester (N. Y.) 7uiv saya Ihe pencil lives throughout north ern, middle and caslrru New York, notwithstanding the cold wcitther. nrv all in good condition. Apple, plum and cherry treea are also healthy. No - Ring" measure wan pnnstsd. iry Iho Legislatui-o, owing to the iinifoim opposition nf tho House, nnd it follows thnt no "ring" newspnper in the Hlato is pleased with tho result. "Dearest, w ill you accept my Land ?" said he. "I jirelor to play my own, and draw to a good pair," said she. Schcnek did it, with bin little Hum phlet. , . ' 'TlfK'XEW TAX HILL Sec. :i. That on ull iiiohis.Hes,t'iiiic,-ii- traleit molitsses, tank lioltoin, sutip ol sngnr. fnnc juice, meluda, iind on sit gar according to Iho Dutch etiiliilard color, iuiporU'd front loruin couiili'ies, there shall be levied, collecleil nnd paid, ,in mlilitioii lo duties now iinpoaoil ill live per cent, of sniil duties ns luvird upon the aeveml nrticlea nml Hindi lierein di sijjnateil: I'rntitlril, Tliitteon ceiilrated latlaila or concrete ahull heieafler be l lussixl us atipir, tluliuble aeciinliiii,' to the color of the Dutch staiidiinl. tind mclniln shull be known and deiined its mi urticle inude in the process of sii":ai-niiilviii, beinjr. the cane juice liotleil ilown to the supir point uml voiiluininjj all the sugar iiud luo- lasses resiilling trout the Isuluig pro cess without any process nf purging or claiilitntioii, nnd nnr nnd all produc tion of sugar cane imported in mats, Iiii'h. baskets, or other than light purk ngr. shall be consiilered sugar nnd tin tiiibte as such: J'lm'i.li.l, fttrlhi-r, Thut ,, 10 drawbacks on ivtined sugar ex- poi led alloweil by See. :t,lll!l of the lie vised Statutes of the United Stnles. only one per cent, of the niiioiint so allowed shall be retained by the I'niled Stales. ' 1 Sr.c. 1. Thut ucli of See. 2.5(13 of Ihe Revised Statutes us provides I hut only ninety per cent inn -of tile several iliilie nnd rate nfdntyim iiusei! on certain nt tick's therein eiiuin- e in I ei I ., r Hec. ahull lie levied, fwllcftiit tit ul paid be, ami the same is hereby, lipealed, mill tho several du ties and inles of duty preset ibed in said See. '.'.501 shull be mid remain its by that section levied without uhntemc-nt ol ten per cent., lirnvided in Sec. 2.503. Sko. 'i'lmt tltO iliei'(aT(i of tluliut I provided hy this net shall not upply to i auV e:Miis, Willie or inuii'liaudiseuetu-1 nll'v on shipbonr.1 nml bound to the J 1'iiilctl States on or before the tenth I.V Febniury, lST.'i, nor on liny, : aneli coinls. wtti-i-n or merchandise on j I ili'nosil in U'lll'i'liollses nt- lilllilie Storen , , ... - . .... ,.. u, (,0 ,,, ,, mo linaijo ol tins act. I . . . . Sec. U provides Ihal nolliiug in the I nit of K'bruiiry H, 1S7B (Ihu Little 1 Taritf iti'll. hIiiiII be const rued to im-1 pose uuv otity on liolling cl'itlis licit- loiote llilillllien live Ol tuny, or iun-l plitx the use ol stumps on entries Ol'l rii'iiiil iu the puss-books ol savings hmik uojm ttnu xial. The t'oiiueeticut canipnigii is get linglivcly. ThoAiltniiiisli-iition orators aitf uniting the wliole .State ling with the old war cries, and are slinking the bloody shirt w ith great vigor. 'I ho election occurs on the 1st Monday tilth) of April. ilni! .avrrtijcnuiits. c lAt'TION Notice la lanrahy given to all eonoernrd that Ihe gna.la, e;rwoer. ei, rotiftvlleimriei and Hit urea in Die rlorr room now occupied l.y John Heheurlrb, in Troutrille, bflong to me, and aaid John Schen rirh ia only acting aa my agent, without any authority lo contract any debt In my name, and I will no! be rcaoonaitdc for any eontraHed hy I him. The following property la alao left In hie ! potMeaaton, aiiJpl to my order : I bety marc, I ..fpoli, I cow, I aclta of barnraa, I eled, I apring ohaaing or in mnnner meddling with iwo boraoa rnnnnii.,, ev.-vil. Salt Lick, Pa , March 31, Is7-ai ft ? X ECU TOR'S N OT ICE. mtntf lhl) h,k1tg fUlmi winri tl r;. nuired to preoent them, duly awtbentwaled.wilh- oul delav, lo the unilereignrd. 1'IIILII' K. 1'KNT.. Lnlhcributg, March, 31, '7i-t. Rirenter. I1l ( : Kilts) SOI ICUNolic. ,. here i glvea Hint letter. tc.tataeolarT on the e.i.le of AHAM elAltnlULL. dns-aeed, lata of llrady lown.hip, Clenrapld eounty, 1-ena'a. baring been duly granted t. tl,a uiiile'i.igecd, all per.oua inilebteil to .aid o.lato will pleaee make purulent, and Iho.e having claim, or demnade will prceal them pruprrly aattaehtiealed foe .et lUment. UANIKL tiOODI.a SUKIl, HF..NKV KNAItll, Rn., I Kieculora. l.ulhrraburg, Mareb 17, 1(75. l p.XI'XT TOR'S NOTICE Nolioe ll hereliv given Hint letter, te.tnment Krr na) thee.t.teof o KottiiK AO AM WKAVKH. laie of llrady tap., Clearlield aaontv. Pa , dea d Having neen uuiy graniou lo me unter.lgnad, all pereoa. indolKed lo anid eala will pleaaa make Imme.linte pnyiuenl, and tho.a having elaima or demand, will pre.int them properly authenticated for .rtlliiui nl without delay, ll KO. S. WFAVKR, A HAM WKAVKR. Troulrllle, March In, lN7d. at.ej Kteoalora. i UMIXISTRATORS' NOTICE. a- Notice la hereby giren that lrfltera of Ad- iniai.trellon on Ibe esl.ta of Sl'SANNAH UAH II, l.te of Bradford town.hlp, Clearlield ' Admlnl.liator. Wllll.m.grove, Marrh 74 e7t at. JA UTION "' " ' AH perrnna are hfreht warned atrainat titircfc- arlng or In any manner ttiwl. lling with a pair of i ii re year Ohl, onft, nmnn Ihe hantla or lkrpol4 Nnahhitnler, aa th ram (Wlong to me, and or rubjret to my order at any tltn. All A 51 M0YRR, Jr., Klrlown, March 14, M, s TALMOaV FOll SAU5. The nd-faifrrod wlahf to eirhane p ll thr M-Uhrah-d horao I'RACO. II willlnur h'm f a opan f draft horeao w tMrr $nf)t 4rir tng berao. Iro it of "Mraniwg' ttook, I IT haoda high, weighi ,1t9 ptmXotot vorydar depplM grey, lengthy bali4 M a good atapMr. For farther awrttcnlaw hd'lroa LottwhnT(, March IT, HT.-4 yumllmirous. II. F. BIGLER & CO., . , , " ... Bl 1 U D W A It K, - 1 Alio, Manufaaurariof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CI.gAUniLO, PA pARMINO IMPLEMENTS of nil kiuda fur rale by ' ; . li. K. HIOI.KK ai CO. A 1 1". HO A I) W H EE I. B A It HO W S for aalv hy ( II. F. HHJI.ER A CO. PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nalli, .to., for ial. by II. V. 1IIUI,E1( A t'U JJAKNES8 TRIMMINGS 4RI10K finding!, for !ale by 1 II F BKil.EH i CO. QUNS, PISTOLS SWORD CAN ES J". ,' T '": rorial. hy' ' . ' j ' H. F. HIQLKK A Oi : gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AND BUoa, for aala by ,. I! r."BlOLF.tt A CO JliON 1 IKON I Jh'OIN ! IRON ! for aalo hy ' H. F. 1)1(1 lKK 4 CO. JJOJWK SHOES & HOUSE SUOK MAILS, for ..I. by II. F KHil.KR A CO pULLEV BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And lo.l Mauufactur. fur aala by ' tl. F. niOI-KIt j;uL 'jnilMBLE' SKEINS AND TIPE BUiKS, for aala by ' H. F. I) IDLER 4 ro JODDER CUTTERS for salo by cn30-7U H. F. RIHLKIt ft CO. (JLKAUF1KLD PLANING MILL COJIPAN Y T 1 1I B htilrratgned, aiioeeraora lo IlKKI) A I'OWKI,!.. hate punhaaed lh" CI.EAK- HIAA Pl.AMNU MIL!,, and rvliTtvd It fur doing an a ten aire kuainraa. All the uiaebinery will bo adili-d neeeaaary to make it ooo of the in ut comiilete catub Uhiuenta ol the kind in the (tate. Tliey arf nw prepared lo reerire order for anT work In thai ll:io. They will t ireti)feia at leu i ion to all nuteiiala for houae building. , ,. FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARuING, ' ' SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nn.n hkth, .yiot t.in.ro, tie. OP ALL STYLES, alway. on hand. WOltKKD BOA 11 US, aad all arllclci neera- r, boiljin.. will be ..chaneed for bltv LTMIIKR, eo that pcr.one at a di.tance may ""l! lumner. eeenuage n or, and return ' The Company will alway, have on hand a large aloek of dry lumber, ao aa to be able to All an order on tbe ehorte.t notice. Only the brat and mo.t .killful hand, will be employed, M that Ihe pulilre may rel, upon good work. Lanibrr will be worked or atild a. low a. It can b. porcherej anywhere, and warrauted to give eati. faction. A. the bu.ie... will be done upon the ea.h principle we van i.gord lo work for .wall prolle. PRY LUMBE t WANTED! Eapeclally on. and-a-t alf and two ioeh panel .tuff, for which a liberal price will be paid. The bu.ine.l will be conducted under the name of lha ., "Clearfield Planing Mill to." M. (1. llrown will paraonally auporintend tbo bualnooa. Ordera mpectfully aollcltett. M. (a. HK0WN A IlKO. CloarflrlJ, Pa., January H, 1874. KIIATZER & LYTLE. THR ' NEW FIRM! IN T II K I ll i COLOSSAL . CONSOLIDATED , STORE, Aro marking down their nillKVSK STOCK OF GOODS, lo Ih luwtfl (1ASH PH1CKS. Roduca.l aipenae and telling for ready pay enahlea them to do tt. They will en dearer to he lli: tlll AllTICRH for anpplrlnf th eltiaeni of Cloarttold oonniy with DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Dreaa Uol Hoota and 6faoc( Oroceriea, Wall Taper, , ljuonawrt, Aa., Ae, And a, I el bar good, ia th.lr liae. N. B.-TKIIMS CASH. J. M. KRAT7.RR, J. U. LYTLE. Clearfield, Die. tfl, 1171. H BIGLER ft CO. k.v. for CARRIAGE & WAGOX MOODS, SHAFTS AND TOI-HS, ' ' - ..... .'i i HUBS.SPOKES.FELLOES.lo. Carriage aad Wagoa Maker! iboald Bake . a.l. ef Uile nd wall and .aamln. them. They will be Hid at fair prleee. - nwn tl t S b) .9fl lf I'M.. ' Termi frM. OmU AtMree.8. Sn.ee. A O, , Pwl. ''"l5wUancoiis. 'V! N KG All UltTKItS. pritfefj- VRtiBTAin.i;.' ' l-'UKli .FROM ALCdltoL':":' , DM. WALKER'S . I'ALIFOHMA V I N R H A R H I T T E Jt S t Dr. J. Wulkcr rtiliroi nia N lic g-tr 'lltlf or arv ptnety A' fjfil ic juTr.iifntlori, niadi cliitllv ' from th nalite herb found un tb lower rrnfe 'of the Rutia Nevmla inonnlnliK of t'ulilornlit, 'tilt iiiFilli'iTiril prnjifrlfa of wbieh era e Xlim-trd ' the'efr im WUh'iiil tin ue of Afculn.i. Tin- f'it-i-1 (Ion ! aliuo-t ilaily atieil. 'Whut t lb" fnu-e uf thv iinpnratlrlttl tn'fr" of 'iK..tti Urtr.ur,f ' i Our an f wit if, hat Ihey remai c l In frirtrt) of dli- euaf, and the inllet.t ireovt-ri hralth. Tbfiy ' aro the giaat l-l'iml purlflur nnd a lit"--jilt iK principle, a pttTret H-norntor an-1 fiivl-.rHtr 'of the riyntriu. Nftu-r l(iore In the h!tfirr bf Ilia world !ini a nu-'ltelnr bten e-Mnjioniidcd ; aeinff the ri-infirknhlr .iw lltif nf Vivnun lltT ' Tmia Tn hrnling (lip tK of every diartue limn la hi-ir to. 1 Tliey are a (ren'!e 'iir('tlva aa well a n Tonic, relli-yliiir CotifntVn, nr liilauuu itlnn of 'the Livir and lrf ml Oiuii, tn UiL-.u Oli- eaier-. ' j The putpoitifi ul lr M'.ilJmV ViaKl' , tora art' Api'rient, lliapliort lit'. Curiiiinaii.c, Nu ', trici'ui I.aialiie. Diuri-lic, pie.Jntnu, ('oualtr j IrrUu(il, Sii'lftiflu, Altern!tt. and Aut-Ui'tvua. (lrateful IhiMir elide proilulai Vincger Hitter. ' Ihe moot wonnVtrul Invignraitt that ever m'tnln I oil the .Inking .y.leai. j . No pH-reoo eaa tahi iht-m llitlera arcorIing to , direetiona and remain lonjcunwfrll. prwvldi-d their ; ttonaa at not drulroyott by wioeral puiaun or other iaana, and rilu) orgaa. Blliena, Kemlllftit ami Int.rmlttrnt Fevt.ru, j'whleh ee ao proenleM ift Ihe raMya of our grnt i rira throiifhoot lha I'tiilrd Htettn, enin-.-inlly j iImm of the Mi'fiatnppi, Ohio, Minfmti, lIHnoia, I 1 onnePie, ( inMeriaii', Atttnnttf, Hfd, (Milnra I tin. lrao, Hio Uini.df, Parl, Alnhnmn, Jlol-ile, Haviinnnh, Konnoke, .Iniriti, anl mmy olhrrr, with ihiur ratit triliularlte, llinnRliaut mir tut ire ! country during the jiimiu.t ah I Auiunin, end riuuri,'Jy eo lUiring rmmpa. of uuuual hiat a uii tiryiu-a". are inmriiU'iy noi-oiiip inlt-J by e- Ivixiie iliraiijc oti -f llio tiinach and liver. and other nhdutuinAt tlrpi r. In t hi tr trunlim nl a purjfalive, eertLU!t a pnnirritl iurlueuoo upon Ihvie varl- u or.iut, i . tineuhally nw:V(ttry. Thrrc U no rnlharlic lor Hit- purpotu ctuul to I'r. J. Wnlkor'a Viiit'jcnr liitlerc, an Oicy will ip-Ptlily n-uiort) Ihe deik -eolu vie d i.iat'rr wi'b which Iho Uowcl art- l lid, at the lame lime liirmlal ing the at-cn ilniK nf tlie lirt r, aud g' lu-r.illy re ton tig Ihe hra'thy fnneticn' of (he iligt-mive orgaim. F.irtir.v Ibo body again. t ili.imo !' purif.ing all it. fliiul. with Vin.gnr Hitter.. Nf ipidtinlc can take bold of a .r.leui Inn. fore aim, ,1, Pi, j, cp.ia or Iiidio.tion, ItcNdrtcbc. 1'nin in ihe SlioiiMrr,. C- u.'i., Ti,l,lnr(. f ilto f bi.l, I'iltioe.., r-our Kroi'tiori. of tliu Sli'iinioli, !,ii Te.le in the Mutith, lliliou. Attack., I'ulpil.tion of tlie ll.-.rl. lufl.Hliuinlioli of the l.ungi, I'nil, in Ibe rriilon of ibe Kolnov., and a iiundml other pniotul .jaiptomf, are the oR prine. ol !V.p.'i.. Out- b"lilc will pTove a btlter R.lnr antcc of In nieril. tlinn a lengthy e.lveitl.cmcnt. I Scr..lol, or Kin;'. I'l'il, While Seeling., M : ccr,, Erv,i.ul., ttclit-d Neek, Goitro, bcrefu , lou. Inlluminutiool, Mcrcuriel affiloc, Olil ' Sores, Kniplioii. of tl,v Sl.in, .'-ore Kv... etc. In lhrc, a. in all oilier en.litiitii,al diaee., : Walker'. Vinegar DiMer, lime .liown tlie'r greet ; rnr.tire p:,wer. in llie moM uli.linnte and ia ! traetehle ..., . F'-r Itiflaminalurr and Chnmic IHienmniiaiH, ; Oout. Bilioti-, Rcmiitent and liimiitti-ni r'evera, i Oiacnaea of the Hlood, Livrr, Kidney and lha, .Had tit r, three Hittra have no etLHtl. Hucb Die- , eaaca arrranafd by Vniatol lllood. ! Mcehanifal Itiaeaava.w-Peraon mynged in Pa ute and Mineral, aach a limlri, Typo act t era, Unbl-beatera and Itinera, aatber a ivauR in life, ore rnlijrot lo paralvaie of the lioweia. To guard againat thie, take a float of Walker' Via gar liiltt-ya oceaaionaliy. Vr Skin Liat-aijt, Erupliona, Titter, tall Hlii-tun, llUitohea, fputa, Pimplva, Pualulra, Hiile. Carbunclff, Kiug-worma. (vnld head fore Kyea, Krympelan, Itch. Scurfa, l)iacoltra'iooa of Ihe Hkin, iliiuiora and IMtcaaea of the Skin of whni ercr name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the ryatcta In a abort time by tbe nee of there Hi I ten. Pin, pc and other Worm, lurking in tbe yalem of an many thousand, are efTfctiinlly de atroyed and removed. No av.tetrj of niftlicinc, no rerinilugca, no anthelminttics will free the yatein from worm like thvio Bitter. For Female Complaint, In yooog or o!j, mar ried or ingle, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn or lite, the Tofiie Itinera diaplay ao de cided an intuoaB that improvement ia Boon per ceptible. Clean tbe Villalod llloml whenever yon find Ila imporitiea bunting through tha akin in Pirn plea, e-.roptione, or Horea ; oleana it when you find it ohatrweted and ltigciah In tliaveina; clean a It when It ia font, yunr (Vetinga will tell yon when. Keep the blood pare, and Ibe health of the ayrletn will follow. h. H. Mcdonald co., Drncgiato and Den. Ajrle., 8aw Franeieco, Cali fornia, and eoraer ol U aahtnaitoa aad Charlton alreeU, New York. Hold by all Drugejala and healer. noT4';4-m, JOHN TROUTMAN, FU.RNITUHE, n VTTitr.ssi:s, AND Improved Spring Beds, HAIIKKT STHkb'T, NEAR P.O. Tbe undernamed beg. leave hi inform tbe elti- aene of Clearn.1,1, and the public generally, that n. hal on hand a An. aaaorlmrnt f t'erniiure. .neb aa Walnut, Cbeelnut aad Paiatce) Chamlsit Snitea, Parlor Suite.. Reclining and Kitenaion Chaira, Ladiee' ar.d flrnla Ka.y Chaira, the Per fomled Pining and Parlor Chain, Cane Seat, and Windrnr Chali., CMliM Here, Stt and Ktten. Ion Ladder., Hat Raeki, Seruhhlng tlraahee, Ac XWUMUNU AN 0 PICTI KK FIlAUEs. Looking flloevr., rhromnv, Ac., whleh wnnld be .tillable for Holieay prreent. d"-cl0 7.1 JOHN TftOVTMAN. Down I Down 1 1 THE .LAST ARRIVAL i AND OF C0UH8K TI1B CHRArKST! h Proclamation against High Pricesf J WB ro now opening np a lot of the beat and moil eeaeonahl (iootla ami War.. .... offered tn thia market, and at price that remind I vuw m me goon ow iinyi ot cheap Hung. Thnae who lack faith upon thia point, or deem our alto. gaiion inrpernnoua, noeai hot t4LL T inn T4nEt Corner Front and Marhel rtreet, Wher the? oan a, feel, hear and know fur th. We. 1 fully nnderaUnd what ar nhtap guoda """ na au m. ueem it aeoeaaary to omuaaoral and Jteumae our atook. ll la enough We have. Everything that is Needed and onnaumed In thl. market, and at price! Ihal wm,.,, wvta iu ami yonng. J JOSKPII BHAW A SON. FAIRBANKS' RTANDAkD at v A Ia i: h , no Ait. !.. DHaf. -rrtwa, Wrehouao Trocka, Copying PrMwa, laiprwred hfooey Drawer, A. fn aub mr II. F.lUIOLER i CO., Iknlera tn llanlware, 1 1 hMjJd lf oad tret, CUa,Md. Pa. fin Uoofins and 8ioul.nx doa. at abort a.llc. aad M Bleat T-arra.Hi lu.'"4 "f"'" evly aad prompti, AMJXillKiNV I10TKL, (Market HI , bet. Third and Kuril,) tl i;amm!:i.i. pa, The aubierilur harlnx liMonit propilalor of Ibii hulel, wuuld ricwl riilly aR a HU rel ihata f publlo palrntiNge. PrW rediiord (o tult the llmea. ' --' jD.30-7'f. . U. Jd. LKIPOI.DT. S" IJsQU EH A NN A 7lOU8B, CURWK.VBV1I.LE, PA. NCWTUX HEAD, PaoraiKTo.1. Hifiag btownto proprietor of thia Hotel, I would reepeetfully avlMtl Ibe patron. g of Ibo publle. Home leaianllr and eonvenUntly all- 1 u-ti-d: lj ral)tedand refurnlibed i giel aatt ! plo rootna allaebed. AH railroad I rami (top at I title liouto. , . .... Jan2-T6 14JHAW HOUSE, I tO (Cor. or Market A Kruut elreet,) CLKAttKllil.D, PA. The underaigiiad having tMknn eliargo of Ihla lltilH, wuuld repeutlullv aolieil publle palronnge. jutl'Ti 1. K. r 1'LM.h'lON. ! lf AKIIINGTON HOUSE, j T NKW WAHIIiNOTON, PA. Tin ft-vw and writ furuinlied hout bm bven ! tu kin by tliu un JtinlKiied. He fcela eonfldent of j h mg ttbie lo rrndet aaliatiirlitMi tn Ihoao who may mur mm wnn a aad. Ma , 1B;3, Ii. W. DAVIS, Pnip'r. o T ti li ii li ii ii m i-; Oppotile the Voun llouav, LOCK UAVK.V, I'KNX A jvM'7l JlAfKAI. A KHOM, Pr.ip'i. j JIHK MJIIIOl K IttH Hi:, UKl.l.KKONTK, PA., 0, JOII.NSTON A HOaNS, wili'7.1 I'ropriulora. OYD ROUSE, Main Street, PlIILU'SlJl'lia, I'KNN'A. Tttlile alwiiya aupplltd with tbo beat Ibe market alTonla. The tri.rrliiig publle la invited local I. norl,'7i(. liltlltUr L0l). THE MANSION HOUSE. Coroeror heaondand Market Htrtete, ci.i:aui-ii.i, pa. rilHHald aad ootuiuodiona Hotel baa. during X tho pail year, been enlarged to double ila former oaparity for ibe entertainment of etran. era and arueata. The whole builJin h ku I rfurriiahd, and the proprietor will apare no fwiina to render hla gneata oooifortablo while laying v. ith bin. i i f; e 'Mtmaiun llouaa" Omntbua rune to and from the Uopol on the arrlral and departure .if eaah train. JOHN UUUUllkHTy, ' apro 70 tf Proprietor 33.1 tills. r. kTauxolii. a. w. An sold. 4. . ARXuLO F. K. ARNOLD &. CO., ICaiikrM and llrokerN, ' nejtiolrliTllIe, JcfTcrfton Co., Pa, Money received on d.'polt. iJlicotinti at mo derate ralra. Eviftern and Foreign E.chanfa a), wava on hnd nnd eollrrtiona promptly male, Hrynul livillp, JVr 1(1, 74. ly . County National Bank, OF Cl.KARm.I.D, PA. OOM In Mnonfe Iluildlng, one dor north ol I J l u. u, vtataon I 1'rog nioro. 1 li 1- ... i t i i i ri .if."h)(v urarn i. ir.rni ui i vrji.tui, 4UITn. town, (ilii-Riiw. Ijtuiilon. Paria nnd Coprnha;rn. Alao, Iraffi for aaleon the Royal Hank of Irelanc and Imperial Rank nf London. JAMliri T. LK0NARD, Pref't. W. M. rJIIAW, Carhiir. tl:l:74 DREXEL & CO., Xo. .11 Mouth Third Street, Philadelphia is.i.rhmts, And Dealers in Government Securities. Appiivi!wS t-y mail will receive prompt alien tion, and all luformntion cheerfully fumi.hed Or.ler. .olieled. April 11 if. gcntistri!.- J. M, STEWART, D. D. S., fPIP ,Vjfc Ofllt'e over Irwin , Drug Riot. J?f333 Cl RWKXtiVIl.LE, PA. All dental operatlona. either In the mechanic! or operative branch, promptly attendtd to aad aaliafHctitin gnaninlred. ISpeolal allenlion paid to the treatment of diaeaaea of the natnral leth, gum a and woulh. Irregularity of th teeth aue eefxfully corrected. Tactb eat rnctrd without pain hy th ue of Ether, and aniCcUl Icrlh inaetted of tho he! material and warranted to rerder aal iiractioti. ipril2i'7l:ly THK CLKAKK1ELH WOOD -CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured c.pcclally foe THE Cl.KARFlEI.T TRAIiE, row ialb ar aug.1'7. H. F. P.H1I.KK A CO. J IMK1 LIME1 lh undoraigned la now prepared lo furniah the public with an excelled! quality of Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plaaterlng parpoara, hy th largo or email quantity. Caa b found for th praaeat at Pi'a new building, on afarket atreet. octl-tf L. K. McCULLOt'OII. CUKAP GKOCEHIES! 1.1'MUKR CITY, PA. Tbe Qiidcraigrted annouaeea to hit old friend and patron that b haa opened a good lino ot OIUM KRIKS PH0VISI0N8 at tbe old aland of Kirk A Hpeoeor, for which be aelieit a liiieral patronage. II. W. Sl'KNCKU. Ltunl.er City, Pa., March 2 tf. B' OOTANDSIIOK MAKING. JOSEPH II. riKKRIMl. oa Market etrcrt. la Shaw'e How, Clearteld, Pa., bea jo.t received a Sn. lot of French C.lf Dkin. .nd Kipe lb. beat la Ihe mark. I, .nd tl now prepared toman, ufaetnre evervlnlng la kli line. II. wiil war rant hie work I. be aa reprea.ated. Tha eiltaena af Clearfleld and vicinity ea. reapectfully invited la give kirn a call. W ork done al ihnrl nolle 7:ll'7!y HOUSE AND LOT Kt)R SALE. Th. Honee and Lot en the eornrrof Mar ket and Kifik etreeta, Clearteld, Pa., ia for aele. The lot conlaina nearly an acre of ground. The honeo I. n large double frame, eolitainmg nine ronme. Pnr term, nnd other information apply to tbe .ubaerliier, at Ihe Poet Oliee. "' P. A..0A1I.1N. c 1ARPKT WEAVING, Tbe undmienrd la nretiarej to ...r, It.n Cim nr to onler. In any .tvle deelred. Ha. ing had ovrrthlrty yeer. practical ciprrirnce in Phil edelphta, he feel, csmfident cf giving .ati.factioa ol tiiuae who may fa, or him wilh their weaving. Or Icr. ai-1,1. or Liter, addrrcillo Willi. m.grev. Po.tonVe, Clrardi ld Co , will meet wilh prompt attentlen. Cll A R LKS D. UKUIPKK loalor f l.lioa. Do.. It, l7tC. Clearfield Nursery. 3NCOURAGK HOME INDUSTRY. '1HR nndenlgned, he. leg eiubli.b.a a Nm J. .cry oa the 'Pike, about half wae betw.rt Clearteld and Corwenavllla, I. prepared to fer nlah allblnd.orrRHIT TKKKii, (ataadard and w.n.i avergreeae, Sbrahbory, Or.pe Vine., UooeeborriM, I.e. ton Bl.eknerry, Slrawberr,, ad Raaberry Vln.a. Alio, Slberlaa Crab Tree), Ueino.,.nd early a.wlel Rhubarb, Ae. Order, promptly all.nded lo. Addreu, J. I). WHIIIIIT. wpla.-tl-f Cwrweaviile. I'.. O. I. AtTHKRK ta bay my DRY UOOIlt, MHO I T oeriel. Qunnawara, tl I a., ware, Drug, aad Notiom, Coafretioncriea, Ac., cheap fer eab. The anbeerlber be, leer, bo Inform bia old and new ea.lomera that be ba. 0mned A VAM-.TT 8TORE IN 11LEN HOPE, PA. And will cell good, at pi lee. to nit Ihe llmea. A liberal reduction will be made lo onatomeri buy Ing al wbuleaale. Call and elamln. my clock before pareha.lng eleewb.re. A liberal th.re at public patronage I. aolielud. r r e . ,. C. J. KRAUY. Olea Hope, Pa., Ju ,, ,7, F. BIGLER ft CO.'S SPECIALTIES BUIl.IIKRS- HARDWAkK, . -BCUANICS" HARDWARE, Lt'UBERMIN'g HARDWARI, rAEMINO TTINSILS, MILL PtiPPLlIS, . , . , . iao NAILS, PAINrs, OILS, TABNTRBES, , PAINTER' fINDINOi, . a. .'. . CAtCIUBD LAOT- M.y It, t7. Had, Heine. Jao't ly 1 . wrtf WApia.