THE REPUBLICAN. " fM.K A KKI KJA7 I'A iVtliNHSliAY MORNING, At'RU.T, 1374. Terms of Subscription. Ir pitid in adranoa.or within tbroa month 0 I paid tiftor iliroo nad be for all inonthe 60 I. paid f nr th aatuiralloa of all months... I 00 -Msr. 8. 11. PaTTFWoiLit A C.,Na-l i, ......... it v.,l u,.. ( Ufckmsn "rtirtft, oio eur duly auiboriivd A ami ta New York City. liLK.lOUH NOTK I.M. .Mot v tut 1'itUcupal C'burek Rov. A. D. iVrn, i' stor. PiiUie horrtco ovrj Pabbatb .1 hi) , , and 7 1'. Al. Si.uu.t . elmul At U A. M. !.-. . . ........ TIihJ.i, .i "1 P If Cum i 'it .Service, flrit (-si. hi lb of ivrr umitU, -I Ji A. M, Preb) utrlati Cliurrii- it . ii u it,,.. -stabhath -arfiooa tr,..mlB and trrutnr-M- Nth o( Mflh ,nd , dlrfp b th. ehiif U;hribuuUta IMI.-l,rorMoalniHdn.a.jbU(irilorUyw, fli(uUuu ,ftlrllllioil( i iy offiuiii(. I oi Hi oflrndrr bod alroadr allot dowo ono offlnor Ht. I'raiu-lo Churrli Catliollr -IUt. P. I RUd would no duU uink o deaiwiair roaialoneo. i. HnanttA(. Mnaa nt 10 o'oIik A. M.. on thO Ualhbuuo vn bio arrival t I.iWttv. I'., found I', rut, thud aid titurlti rJundnja of oaek tuoolb. , two wan wkv knew uf the whiroabuul if lon m i ! mwwmbmhmmwm 1 borrr, but rotutod to fivo ny Infurmotion rola- OFFICIAL IHHFXTOHY. i uk or Bui.niiu gt'AitTKR aitaaioxa roi nt, Ki ad Monday of Jaunary. T , rd Mi.iiday of March. F i at Moii'iny f June. Fourth Mcuday of Scptcmhrr. TIKK or NO COHIII!l ri.KAW. Pfrat Monday of Juno, tfroend Monday of NovtuiUr, pi BLic urru'Rita. I'ffi'Um fiWyr lion. Cbarlca A. Mayer, of i l.o;-k Haven. Atiittaut t..w Jtlff linn. John II. Orvlr, of llellerunt. Ax'Ki'tia yn(i WilHoi f . Foley, ClearBold ; Jnhn J. Head, turwenaville. fr9tkouutaim Ell lltooui. Hnifr mid lleennUr L, J. Morgan. Ihttriet ArMy Kronk Fleldiiif. Traiurrr-lVtA W. Wiao. ,V.. WJhMta 11. Mo J hereon. (,mig .VHrrryfM-SaMiuel V. MeCloakey, Cur Wennville. , , .. . ... . T-l. Ik T V.... Curwe,,' IHo; Clark Hrown, Cloarfield Car a J V. KTlt.r.UMla.iii. f'oNitrjv Awrrifora Jam II. line, l.tminer i iiyi T.fwi C. llloom, nearfli-ld; Henry W bttehead, Vitlon townahip. Jury fMweVna tea John YY, Hhugart, Jamet MilrhHI. ripartli'd. SMpirintrmiml nf PhIHc AVoo't John A. UfcRnrv, Clearftetd. A'ofdVii I'uhlir John W. Wrijiley. Win. 1U Irhaugh, (Srua I,. (Iiirdon. Cleorfleld : Joaiah Kvmi. Joi, it. Irwin. N. E. Arnold. Ciirwenavkile i 4. J. LiiiRlr, Km met ajrvi, Osceola MilUi John at n llainilloit, l.utherebnrg. -.. uv. iiii! ,Af niwinili ! On tmk i mi. Millions of pipooim hate p r aed northward r-rer our torn within the lnat fvw diV, la araroli or hatching fjuartera. . . m - m - SlATKMKST. Xbo rttiti!llllMlt ol the llorough Trraaurrr, In aoeoiiat with the borough I funds will fwl In tha Atiditora, etatcinent I ( I t'lla wit. . t i.i i il , ,.nil,-n wti-v ilnn t AllliniiKli the wcntherwnMm lino , ana to truer as a proprr ir rMn.H, . two or 1hree raft piiMrd thia plart on Monday an 1 Ttir'Jnr. Tin' ItrpuMicttn intimati'A tlmt tluf hare got a lii oa in Uroukville, but (be vdilor propufil to let tl Court develop I he Tact nl the May hrin. Tht-y luivo no harhem ovt'P iu Indi ana. Tlicy utf 'llair ArtiMa" to ahave wttb. Hi.w re lined they ore becoming over there e'.aro il.ej void Harry While out of clfiee. id liLACJiaMIT!! A IIKM lVOIlltnl : tiffin for anie bit blnckamith ahop, forgca, tooli j In n, it., leltig deltrniined to quit lha builne. Thii ! a iplindi 1 ct.uuoe fur aomo hlakamilh Fee hia advertlromettt in thia iaaue. Tiik Oi.i Wav. Wo notice tlmt J ii.lo Jeftk, in the Clariou and Jelttraon diatrwt, rule that nil partie amlying for tieenee wupI follnw Iho utd oi'jdt of giwng Ihret weeki not lew and have twelru cHiteiie aian their tetilion. Jtfv. Wm. A. liiiltfo Iiiia iwintHl nf partor of flic B.ijttt church of Corwenai ille, and baa luccpU'd a vail tu preach regularly In tho J'aptlat church tu Ckai&cld. Ptrticfi may be i-xpectcd ia the Uottit church, ia tbia place, neat Pa'ta'h morolng, at 11 o'clock. a i - yr. C'hnrlcn licotl, a condut-tor on nu of tho freight train on tha Tyrone A Cfcar Ccld Uraiuji mad. wbile in tho din-barge of hia doly, one day Imt week, had hi left foot caught U'twtcn the Lumper of two rare and bruited vuriTt-lr before tt could be cKlrloalod. (ioim. I-nnslit'iTy my tlio United HI tea dt lectin told him that be waa arrealcd fur ''political purpfltee"to aiaka capital for the Kedical parly. Aa Lanaberry waa a full fledged liadieal whea he abut llvtler, Jtenaon A Co. may moil tomtthiny our e aiet, aa they have done oat of many ttbrr. Stiix Unkkinkii. (iov. llhi-traiift till oiirrlra tho Local Option repeal bill in hia Lrrcrhea po;Vct. He will, however, lie compelled to 1I4-0 or veto It hy the 2llh or Ihi month. In the meantime, we untie by our tichange, a large number of perion aro applying fur lie n 10 in tha latt Local Option eonnllea where tho aooond term of Court I bol l the latter part or April and in May. Hefty. A new York mwr my: "Alter ten yiare of auecerul dscrltm fraw Ihe I lion amy John Lamheiry baa Ucn eapturei 11 Tioga totiuty, Pa. In lHtia, whila atealiag through tbo camp line, be abot and killed Cl. lioller, who waa endeavoring to capture him. tMnce that time he baa lived on outlaw' HtV, baa uevor applied for a ponalon or a foreign miaiin, mnC even now dott not earc for notoriety. He I In tho I'ittahurgh Jail." A (ioU-SKNU. TllO ItlTOnt of liUIIH berrr fu' shooting, Iluller tco year, .go, is a perfect gnd scad to the aapecial loyal, Bad Kail leal hlgaia generally. It gives there unscrupulous Black, guards annlber opportunity to assail th. chars. lerof El (lov. lligltr, Senator Wallace and even Kx.Scnalor luckalew, away p In Columbia county. Is charged with being a traitor, and kick ing lb. illaruptl.'D or tbia I'nion. Mailer altheugb a "low fellow" was the peer of all those aaalliwag. ftho aew stoop lo tradura tb. character af their superior. m a mi LlXIK IN CAMllRIA I'ol'NTV. 'J'llC Lbensburg Veeatna remarks I MMr. Willintn llirliart, who rcaidva a couple uf miles aortbeast nf tills place, has just lliccvxfolly Completed Ihe burning or 1,2(10 bushel, of lime lb. largest pit ever burni d In Cambria county. Mr. SI ik. llune tan, a practical band at lh. business, dug lh. alone nod rtiluecd it lo lime. Mr. Mihurt baa two veins of limestone an bis farm, Ihe lower oa. tKIng from Ave lo sevra feat thick and aaderlying a vsia of black moke, resembling pent, aver Inpping It. II. will use tb. lima already burned en his farm, and year will 'burn a yet larger itniuitily." The Hreak-cp. Tho turriblu tlc- -Imcli .n of property oo tb. North Uraneh and lb. lower riusqn.hanna, aoil other .Ucems, within hc past fortnight, caused great anxiety oa the upper Wert Branch, bcenuse of tho heavy tee formation and the larfe quantity of snow which continued ta Increase Instead of diminish as Ilia Ill of April approached. ! l.w of this, everybody rxpecled a "big ood," and that all onr timber aad bridges would move daa stream Hnelhjr whia Ihe break op should com.. Dal hiw agreeably all hava ba dirappolnlcel. Al though the Kueiiuehaona river and ClearlSelJ creek were b.ilh very high, and lh. Ice lhers ever Ihlckor, th. damage wax ao greater thaa en ordinary i eraelme whea there was scarcely any Ine or sm.w le aaell the atrvauie. Our Timtikr I'rop At jirvwnt wo ab say but little about oar timber businesa. One Iblui la aerialB. lh. fall at ia Ihe prodaolloB la .i I... i lesa than last year. Instead of srndiog asveatecB knadreel rafla, ar about ten million (10,000,000) reel or (ember to lha lower sn.tket, as we did Usl yesr, only about eight l.uiiJml er .Ighl huodrcd aad fty rafts, ar probably Ire aillle. (,00l,000) reel, will be feat Into market Ihi. year. The redacliea wlll be severely felt by a. IB Ibi. eeualy this year, and If tbe nrleel fall meoh below last year me ao i... .,n 1 .er.l. Hut there I. BO lee of lirlnl dlsenuragrd. Lei ear limber .lead, and oar Urania to lo work and raise wheat, eara, pole- lees, beef aad potk ef owe, which It we harder worh tbaa timbering, aad they aeea Bet e.nil what little money they here But of Ihe eon a ly for lhal which Ibey eaw produce Ibmseivst. Cm rtlt Dhinitt The Kltltinning 'rve 'rsss sayf t "Th. dlgn'ly af, and respect for, Ihe Court I. being rigidly maintained. Jtsdge Rugge aad kls Asenclalee have made an ardor thai all ihnae who eoeunv aeals lasld. tbe bar In the eearl room, must hoop their feel below tb. level ef Iheir bead, aad hava Instructed lb. Ciiee ea damp gvally ta Ihe teat all, eleeeled. Af swr lawyers all keep their feel aaaar Ike table Be .rder of this He will be seeeser; la Clear. THE ARREST OF JOSEPH LANMCRRV. Weny of our rtoiUrt ar familiar wllh tbo affair which occurred between Vyru Duller (bo was no officer), of Brook villa, and Joeeph Lanaberry, which occurred at tho reiidoooaof Ihe tailor wHlb ttt threw milce or ttali borough, to Uclober, IB (14 Tbo I nor bod boon dralted, and falling to report, tbo former with three or four other bmee (!) vara accompanying bin wool to Loofborry't borne for tbo purputo of arroeling biut. Tbo mull wo flfht In tbo boaao between (bo two men wllb Br, arms, out) both wer ahot. Lansberry wodo hi seep and baa boti it largo vr alao. nonnatbooooouDtoibisamtt la tbo Williams port Bmtiiti of ihe 10 th ult.i ''Tho Jllowlnf aro tbo aorlleolari of tho arrot I "I Joseph La ut hairy for tbo tuurdar of Culunul I - wug period there boo bt-rn no relaxing of tbo odurto of i bo t miru Piatei omeoro to men lb li arrest. A brother of Cel. Jlutler vowed tbat bo would spend bis lifetime in hia rltorti to scour Ibe murderer, aud ho boa redeemed hit pledge. Till ft urn IT. ,aWo an in for mid tbat drteeiltee were at oiio lluio clow on bia trail and loot it. Rathbone, tbo Icuottve who made tlio arreal, ia a resident uf !"'"'. w, re., ana tull young tuan, perbape not worn tbaa tweuiy-tt. years ''" -' a muscular, ana appears to iit inarriu, no accordingly proound a warrant Tor theao two nivu. and auuld bate apprrbi-udvd tbrta il bt had out aaecoodod In arnitinc tbo nurdoror. Duo of tbvao Bro ho mat In a notol brro yeitorday and apoko to him. Whllo ia Lib trly ho ffolbrrvd faiia tbroa porttva a hiot which kd biin to aurpret the locality in which Lanalxrry waa lirtnf . fNKPaaio row thh ahukbt. "Ho canto to Jeracy riboro oq Hat ant ay, In company with an aaaiitant, and mado arraogo mmla fur tbo orrcat. Securing two trtrua bo Btarlvd for Knfliih Prntrti. ahor l.anaKnrr hud ncfnily purolntH-d a faran of Wm. bugliih. ! reciiDx o part ni too eompany to atay bftck until bo would fivo I hem a aigual, be. in oompany with Cunalahlo Ding It r and a young man nouiad llon oell, wi-ut to tho bituro of lmbvrry and Induced him to cuuio out ander prottnao ofdvairlng TO THADB noaaKa. "At the pvnper tiluo tbo appointed nlgnal whB made, but it wa not reo:guiwd by ihuao who had remained hoeb. Acoordiugly Kalhbont in tor wed blia ut hia errand, aaaaring him thai tbo Iraat r aUtanro on hia part would rtvult in hia being ibot towa tmuiudutely, aa no ana utngior woro arwoa lbtwtb, whb anddlree.ed jtoorre! hint at all baiarda. 1U y.ddod d woa taken to Jeracy (Shore, Ironed and guarded, and laft night atarted fur Pittaburgh, HberlB MahaNey being toleeted by Rath hone aa aa additional aid in eaaa an oacape or reaeae Ut attempted. w AimsniKua or thb iattieo.taa. "Lanaberry la about 50 ycare of age, and haa worked the paat winter for Jaiaca M. Wolf, at Watrrville. He bai traveled tuueh In the laat ten year, but doea not appear to hate left Ibe Hurquchanna region. He reaided one year at Kiuporium, aud another at llarriahorg. He haa had aercrai almw, but pnrehaaed the oroiierty uf Knglinb under hia pnpcr name, and t hero are Jtllt m.n(. mm ;,,' tUa on Cne doek,t al uiniBnuport, aaainxait To am r atk. "lie expreacd himitlf aa reaigned to hia fate, .nd glad that the end ia near. He but been haunted for more tbaa ten yeara wiib tho dread f arro-t, and declare tl.a aun to he wore than iho reality. He appear to be a man or oo- aideroble nerte aava that other partiee are more 10 blame that be ia lor the murder, and it li aaid thtt .t lht ,IBfl n, Wlll ln',k, iuiport,Dl aiioioiurei. . AimiTloaAL PAUTIRULAt. "Siueo writing the above wo have heeu able to gather the following particular relative to the 1 murder of Col. llutler : He waa a discharged aol dicr, and appointed deputy provoit marshal for Mi at diairict. Lauaberry la reported ar a depara ate character, n'Ai tinArran, and refuted In report, whereupon hia arreat waa ordered. Ho declared be would never be taken alive, and if pomMe, would kill aoy ono who undertook to arreat biro. Col. Duller determined at all baiarda to eapture biin, and in eompany with twu aaiiatanta, repaired to bia buuae, which -. .tu...l I U. I . . I'L 1 berry bad btm notified by aome ot bia rrienda of Iho intention of the nlUeer, end waa prepared iib a rine, n niie uoiier wmb aacenuiug me ataira, 1 Assar.ntir iiot ni, inflicting a mortal wound. II, however, clinched him, both rolling down the ataira when finally Col. Butler bt-eoming exhamted from low of Mood, released hi bold, and in the excitement i Lamuorry was permitted to eaeaps. Col. llutler 1 liter U.'ore the Legiilaturu of that State, an argu- .7'r 11"". 10 VM:,J,wWb?M, h,!il,l, 1 'ehM! . I mtat fv of Pproprlation for lb .inl ine following day, Ibe shooting having occurred ' .... a , . at llo clock 1h noon previous' i Utl""' d one Tmitory have LANaaaaar ixtibvikwrb. j don this, and the tiaupl dcarvea Imitation' A reporter of th Pittsburgh JWer Inter led but h,b" X Vork will follow It or not, la a Mr. Lansberry, and gives the public Ihe following ! oweilton. A year ago, Mr. Blgler would have aa lb reault t I beta laughed out oftbocapitol at Albany, had be Joaepb Lansberry, lh man who la charged with ' ...l . ia IW, wm brought to ib.etl, U.I.T.Q. . - , , , , In, io .hut. ol ulbcr. .r lb. Moral hi.m I ''ih1 Mlcm rcmnilllllK llllt'lulllled ud pUood I. Jill. wamitanil for lri.l .1 lb. ! Foilofflo. .1, ror tb. nk endlo, Unilml HUttt Uirtuil Cit.rt bcin. lodff.d ...lnat I April ilb, 1H7& I bia Ihi. arnlnf b; U.rib.l Hall. Tb. Hit- jMirrA to-d.;, i. Bolieiigtb.mrrivalorth. prlwa-1 r, glv. lb. alleged o.iliculara of lb. .hooting ot Col. llutlar nd lb. eflorta alitoa to Miir lb. ml mnA it lh. a .u.i I Mbtainctl ar. maba. tr.t-.Uaa ' RKIT.LirAR CAHPAIOIf nOCt'llRXT fur next fall a election.' Among other tbiogl th. tHipetrk asaerta that Lanaberry u a prominont ll.uioerat of Clearfield eonntj nt tb. nine of th. hilling of Col. Itullrr, and tbat ex-Baalor lluchn- lew nna wm. A. itaiiao., in. fire.ent united1 Klatea rl.nlor, wer. wantcaanelng and arging i arnwt roaialane. to lb. dan during lb. war, and t II.. 1 II . IV.II... . k. .Ll... m.A-l I- ' aacretiog Lanabarrf from the omoera ol th law. A, liamberr doea-aot deb. tha shooting of Col. Butler, aud aa b. aonld, therefore, hare ao particular object la concealing lb. faela eoa uected with hia eaar, a reprmataliva of lht. pa per elld upoa the prieoaar, in tha aonut, Jail to-day, la aaeortam If tb. amrtioni nad. iy tbo liiipatck tbia morning w.r. tru. or aol. Knlerlng tb. corridor of tb. Jail, the reporter aa . a ratber am, .Toop.aitoi'ijiRaKv ma, attlrrd la tha faded, weatber-bmlea drea, of a lumbercnaa, ar baekwo!e farmer, loobingefer, inch freab Irou the rural dUtricUt Tpoa ataling the olijeet of tb. reportorial Tiait Laaaberr, at Brat acemcd a littl. pniiled, but a momeat mora apresfrad m perfeet willmgneaa ta talk apoa lha aubjMt, although b. .aid tbat oa tb. more dirat point, be tboogbt It belter lu aa, aothing until h bad Beared r-a atbrrae,. Well, the cbmi aa it ataada looks Tcr, had tor rou, auggeated the reporter. "Vea," aaid Lansberry, "it does. Th. vohbt una ba. brb tulb, and th. public do aot koow the real facta yet. That Just what I want lo get at. I will aol k you, Mr. Lansberry, lo commit yonrseir, bat iu may have something lu aay in your dclense. ask j you i "Weil," said tb. old man, "in the Aral place, one of the Bewspaper aoeoanle says thai Colonel HntLrdiedalmoet instantly after being abut. The ehoultng oeearml ea ounuay, Bflfl ne aiua ui. uatil the Beat day." The newspaper aeeooBla sa far, I believe, say Ibis shooting waa don. without any prefocalioa whatever, ia mat "It i aot, sir. MB IUUT wa HBBT. I will tell To bow tt wa. I waa encaged as a lumber fraiuetur la Clearfield county during the war, and was drafted. Two friends of mine, Mr. W eater and Mr. Belts, gave mo money to got a substitute, I agreeiog ta worh it out with tbm. i bey banded the money to a Mr. Hills tu pay fur my luuelitot. At that time in Clarflld aa well aa practicing law I Ik I leva It waa tb Kafttmnn't Jvmrmnt. Tbo paper bad an article in me, and a party wrol a card and signed my name, ahuatog Mr. Bwoope. I did not know Who ll was inai aignca my name, at tha time, bat I aineo found out ( the man ia dead. Oa aeooant at thia card, Mr. Swoop used bia Influence lo prevent my being allowed a aob- ttilute. Well, the result wee tbat although I ottered the mey, they RKTTSBD TO IBT MB FIT IX A BHIlTITCTK. The lime bad ran ever three ar fewr moalba, when one Hnnday morning two moo earns to my house. I w In tb loft at th time getting sons grain, and tb sa wit boot any rinony what ever broke In Iho door. It wa eery early ia the orniog and 1 did net know who the men worn. Werw tby in uniform f "No. I didn't koow whn the were. Aa I came down ttalra from tho left oao ol them drew a pie tol and ahot me." When did the ball alnkn yea 7 "It ahot ma hereon tb arm (laying hia right haad ow hia left ami and (showing ouw of hia flagcra) lhat Anger I aan't get bead yt on ao tount of it. Well, when b abet m 1 vaeluded It wa waa for man, and I seised my rifle from behind the door. , Thru with you It wa self dr!ene r "It wa." And yo dMnt know that they war awldtar ar eficer t ! did not. I . hfP'T B SOW W MO Til It T WKMB." Havo Toe read Ibi artil ia tb Ditmnlrk tbia morning I allowing in papr.; , "I have. ThaA art I c I ear that Wm. A. Wallace waa aclive agalaat lht Uovernment aathontlee In Clearfield oouniy, ana iniimavew n ,n alramewlal in keeping yon secreted siae th shoot ing, a wall aa asaerting that Chart K. Haeka- lew wa owniewtneing ine rvwieieRwe -. Ia that o F 'It ta not, ro far aa I know. Do yon know Buohalew f "I do not. I never aaw ibe man lot once. Io you know It ea, A. Wallae l I do. Hava known him aloe be waa child M Io you kaow whether or aot h wa engaged la arging raeialBftf ta tb draft t "I do not." Did h ever nrgs yon lo rvalat the draft 1 Ho did aol. I wa approached by parlle aa both aid politielaaa aoma arging aa ta be n one aid and soma aa th other, bat I eeaeluded la have nothing ta do with either of them. 1 kept qoiat aad laid aothing. Mr. WALLAra axTta aacoPaAoaaaa either directly at Indirectly I make aay neiet ftfte. Ha avr aaid any tk lag ta aa at all upoa lhla Mallae." Tk.a Itiimalek art I el thia moral state that tt I know that at oa Mm "aa ofl-r waa made by Wm. A. Wall I gtvt ap Laaahorry, pro vided th OoTramwt weald allow him to b tried la tb eeeoty Coart of CI sort eld." Thai imp lie that Waltaaw wa lestrameotal In keeping yam MiiiJ afue the aheattat , aai waa la oommaai- eatiew wrtth jrw-m -, laa van war ia hi aa4e. new ia ibbi r 'It f falat Mirwaghawta t atb mot aaaa ww, a. WAUars ar had aay Btla ar aommaalaatie wita him I to aay ahapa ainoo bofora thli ihootlng not for ' ail Bountha or a year befuro that." i Ho waan'l tuvaced by you al all aa oounaol F "No, air. 1 111 you I not aeeai bin or had aay i bin g tadv with hiatal all. , I undcra. mad that i aw AnaaaTiti tun political m uioaaa. What r f ;, , v '( waa (utd on tho train, on luy way hero to I hi elty, that! waiarmtad fur pulUioal purpotoa." Who told yuu t "Tbo warahal who brought w. : Tho mar ib a) did not briog J nil It' waa lha tarat-aorvita dclaotlTtl. "Wall, It woo one of thou followi, Ht U qulto a young man. I forgot bit a a ma." Ho aaid that you werw arretted far polltltal purpoaea. "Iladid." Tho detoatlvoi, it item a, have had aonaldarahlo trouble get (In a: ton. Whara bava you beeu all lam oloven veara t "1 bavrf aorer atcrotod uiyoi'tf al all. I Drat wmt lu Baglnaw City, Miohigoo, and renalnad the re that u miner, hauling I am iter on tbo Kow kawlin rivor. I then aoiut to New York Klalo and roroaiuod tho winter la Krle oounty. 1 then moved to Allfghany county, Now Vrk. Alter remaining thrro aw Mia being away altogether two yaara I retnovrd into ('ouieron auunty, tlihi Slate, where I have been rvor ainoe." UiJ yoo travel under an aaiuuiod name or try to aaereto youraelf 1 "Xtvor. 1 aavKN cnAXuaii hv xami. Humelluiea I waa alok-aausei fur laatanea. while on tho Knwkawlln Hrer all I got waa 'Dad,' hut j I nreer ohangtd my name, I bava been living ' in rameron oounty for utno yeara, at hmnnriuu. I bought a little piece of properly there from a man iimujq j jerry (.aiianan, ana UT MIBRIKD i.Aar aCUVBH. f had taken a rclaiivo'a child to rail, and toa- eluded to take a wife in order to get bettor eart taken of tt, 1 paid even dollar I had oa thka plaoo of property, and wbta arreated the other day I had hut ulteeu eouta all told. Now I will havo to eaennne my property, I euppow, to get money to defend me (n thia eaio." Tho aeenuula of your arroat atate that you were dialed out of one oouniy Into another. "1 Waa arreated in uiy bouao." Then yon were not chaaed oat of "Iko wildi of Tioga oounty, aa tho Itiipatck aaya J "1 wai never in Tmga ouualy in my life." Hero a gentlemen doeirtog to tea Lanaberry In terrupted the eunvoriatioa, and upon invitation Iron the priaoner to call again alter be bad ecu red an attoroey, aa be aaid he might then he a Lit to give eeino wore Information, tho man uf peneil withdrew. A Mintakc Our exchuneripei-Hint In pronouncing the man Butler, ahot by Lanaberry a "Colon. d" and 'Preroat Maraball." He waa aril bar. Tht editor of lha Bellefont Wtlckm la alluding to the affair aaya : "Iluller, the proroat marahal who waa ahot by Lanaberry ten year ago, wna one of thoae sneak ing acouudrola who went about over the eountry making Arreali for ftotO. 00 a bead, and receiving hi blood money from tho (loverumtnt. Only a abort time before llutler was killed by Lanaberry, ba abot a woman amoed Mra. Huiith, in Jerti raoo euumy, through the neck, for reCaaing to tell him where her hu'and we. Tito poor woman waa inttanily killed, and liutlor wa allowed to go aniniDiihud, He tauke into lmUrry i bouae like a thief, for Ike purpoat of dragging him away aa ht had dragged other, but ho tailed to aooouipli'h hit ohjivt. Lanaberry frit that bia bouse waa bia aaitlt, and be waa not alrnid to de fend it. llutler eat abut and kilkd. Aud now wo hope that an Impartial oourt will eoqult Lena, berry in new of the loot that ha only executed a Juat vengeance upon the murdeter ol an innocent woman, which the law lud failed to do," We think tha editor In qiMMlon la partially mlatakri. If we aro not mutaketi VanVliet, who otnptoyed llutler to help him arreat Lanaberry, wa Ihe fellow who kill, d Mr. Smilh. rAKKI.RHNF.M8. Wo leAPIl liy tllO Phillpvburg Jomrnnt that a terrible accident hap pened lo Pamoel Korti, hrother ln lew of Jacob Dluailiig, of Blue ball, and eouain of Mra. L. W. Munson, uf lht place, at Emlvatua, Vanaogo county. Ho wmt into th aaoond story of a mill ia which ho waa employed, to ell lht machinery, when bia clothing caught on a haft and he waa rapidly whirled about it, until hii clothing waa e Manly lora off and hi body waa bat a mas ol brviaod aaj lacerated flesh. Although both arms were amputated, be was alive at last aa eounta. 11 i liity yeara of age. TiMKd Ciianoe. Tlio editor id' the Philadelphia 5"a? of Frid-ty aaldi Ki Oovar norltiglcr.w o It working up the CoiUrouiai "" Vork with to muob argy. ia to dt- Andaraoo, J..M.,h Allomana, William Hurna, lUlrlak Uroolta, Auao, (,) llriHlk.. Kllw.F.1 ILhn, clary, W. T. Livergood, liiahard L'lyod, Juha M't'linley, A.J. MrUcrnioll, J. W. Paiagc, lloland 8uloinaa, Htrpbca II. (1) Wagner, Catherine P. A. UAl'LIN, I'. If. U.K. Ml. Maggi. 1'iaiion, Mn. Ilwi, II. F. (1) llarria, Wa. U. Wool anil nhiiiglpf) wanted by Mi'rwrg. . n i, . Arnold llart.hi.ra. H ..rd nuoiuiffiiifnt. I'OH I'ODWTV UPF.HIJTI:VIF.!T. Hg. Rnirunt I hercliy aathorlse you to slat, thai JOHN A. UKKUOKY wiH haa eandidaU for tb. offlc. or Bupcrintendent of Common Sehoola of Clearn.ld .ouaty, befur. Ibe Cone.. tloa af rlehool llireetora, which met. la May neil, and I hope that all true educators will as. 1st lo hava biin rs-eleete i. II. la boncst and competent, and daserros the poailiua. A Diaacroa. SpecialB. W.Tan. 10,0011 20 laeh ah.r.l ehiaikw. alsa 10,00, p.ands wool, fur wlii tb. highest mnrti'i prlc wiu o. pant, tall on or address ARNOLD HAI1T8IIOHN. Curwenarillu, Fa., Apr. T, Bra. Ilememlrcr tbat T. A. Fleck Is Bow ia Phlladel- lihia, and next week they will b. receiving a i.rge aioca ot areas ana ary goons, Billons, nut I llo,7 f'J "'. purchased for cash, "hloh "'i1 "J ,,,la ')" " lierotufore. All ' T" l''" ""'! " 5"1"l, eompar pneei. T. A. Fl.Kl K A CO. Takb Nottra. Mli Hlllman, our milllmcr, I atill with ui, and wear prepared to sail bate and bonnets to auit the bard times. Please call. Also a grata for tho bral pattern a In the worldIt. Uoittrlck A Co's. T. A. FLKCK A CO. Have Voa IHsnepsta. with Its train of dis order, billlonaneaa.oonitlpation, water brash, Ion ni appetite, neaaacne, dtiirt.i alter aatiag, at If so, go to C. U. Watson, Dnigciit, and get botlle of Dr. CosU'a Kadieal Cur. Take it and well. It ct aa no lbr medicine vtr did, and aure relief ia guaranteed in every a as where j direct tone ar followed. It lonea ua tb alomach. I restore th natural appetite, atrengihena tb 1 weak, and aa a livrr regulator it has an equal, A , Clergyman f Philadelphia say "III th very foundation ef haalih," To all who ar suffering 1 from a disordered atomaoh or liver, we aay try it. A few doaea will relieve and a little perseraranoe our th worat ease. Trial alaa 10 cent. Hold alio by P. Curley A Co., Williamagrov T. II. Forcev, Qrahamlon, and P. Moyer, Kylertown. mchlTeowly CAUTION. Wc hare for the laat three yeara been leading out am pi bottle of Bokchkb'i Mrhmsm Hratr for aoaghs, colds, consumption, and all diseases of tbe throat and Inaga. We now Bnd other par tlea advertising aampl bottle In tbe tarn way. All w havo aeen of th little sample bottlaa eontaia thr or chloroform, Intended only to dry up a cough for a day or twa. Be careful to call for BOttUlHfart) UhHMAN BYKIJP,wbtchooa. tela no ether, chloroform or opium, but the as oral of its uca ta la a Merman attract of th active priaoiploa of tiuia Arabic, and physicians buy our medicto ea and ueell ia their practice ano oaisrully. Hold by C. D. Watson, Ulaarneld, Pa mobsr7aeowly Wartbd t Bat.1, on Thawb. Tha aaberiber drslrea to sell or trade a Twe-hora Treed Power, marly new. Will trad for a good, young mar. WiLfio P. Tatb march 17-3L Clear Dsld, Pa. Hclved at T. A. Fleck A Co 'i lhla weh a fln aseorlMeat of Whit Uoods for Spring trad, heap for ash, Th f)aat asanrtmont of Ladl Tie la Iowa, at T. A. Fleck A Co'. Call and Ihrm. mob 10 Calicos, muslins, gingham and drea goods, new, all will bo sold cbi-ap for Pah at mch It T. A. FLKCK A CO B. New napkin of all kind and price, at mob 16. T. A. FLKCK A CO'fl, Tho place to gat your mottoes la at mch 10. T. A.PLKt'K A CO S Another tiew linoof black alpaeaa a apeclalty al T. A mea m - . van ana a mem. men iv. Kemmber lh aie aw tie, all th aw abode at T. A. FLECK A CO a. mob 16. New hid glot for goal, at mrk 10. T. A. FLECK A CO'fl. New nbroidrrtc, aew embroideries, bapr meh 10.' (' T. A. FLECK A GO'S. While shirts, whit ahlrts, for ganti at mrb 10 T. A FLKCK A CO'fl. Lamm Pi,Ara, A ear load af Huntlagdoa gruad alaaUriaBl rteaived at KHATERR A LYTLK'H. Clearflald, March I, IRlB Smo. Rial, R. M. M'Boally'a adrertlMmoat la r- gard tw Lis iasaraaoa. awgii-ij Call aa ft. af. M'laally aad get rwar !' tw Mfvd la th Old OoeUaeaitaJ Ufelasaraae Oat paay, of Hartford, Coan. aagl lly One Uu nd red Dollar Hanard. Having beta Informed tbat aome Haleaman or I'roprloiur of aa I rue Foundry, baa lean report ing imnni tho trado that wo have gone out ol (bo HlUVal IllrilNHtSA, aad had boaed up all our pat tern a, wo oflVr tbo abora reward lu any oao who will luruiah aa wttb the name of the parly eo reporting, that will load to hia eonvlrltun, aa the itury la U1m la ovary particular, while tho faot la wo are awotloually adding bow tetterne to oar pretest nook, aud ahali b pkaaed to reoelva and Bli all urdera lent ni. 8TUAKT, PKTKRSOM A CO., Broad and Noblo r)ti., Phllada. p0- Cat the celebrated UAKLKV bliKAF CUUK, made by the above Maouiaoturara, Bt'ttoiaa Fun Hat.B. K. Newton Hbaw ktepa a full auitiily of Fredonia Buaaioe and Flatlorm Wagona for eala. Tu be teen at the Hhaw llouaa yard. Call on or addrta blm at ClearBold I'eoo aylraala. may l-if. Wood and Willow War of all diaortptlona for al uy 11. r. liigitr uo. 8av Time! Have Labor! Bar Money) Have Clothe ! The " Novelty vt ringer ' ia the beat in Ilia market. Jluy lt try It. For aalo by II. F. H 10 ran A Co. Juat received, ft largo lot of Bonxploiiv uamp ana iiantern at U-Ti H. F. BlQLRH A Co'i, NoTHia to Wabon AKpOAhaiAoa Makbiib. We have Juat reeelved a general aaaortiaent of Wagon and Carriage Wood, alao a full Ho of fipiioge ami Aiita, which wa oner etioap ror oaan. H. F. liiataa A Co. Paint, Oil and Varnlb for tal by H. f Uigur A go. II. F. Diglar A Co. bava been making xtnlvo addition to tbeir stock of Hardware Ihe laat few daya. Everything new In Hhelf Hard war, Sad dler' Hardware, Farnaara' Hardware. Builder Hardware, and Hardware of all klndatoan be'aean at their alor. May n Hrap Tut ! l'ron who eon torn plate liulhling will Jo well to oall and axamin our a loo ol IiriMrlXtl MATKUIA1A We have In stock full Una of Huildera' Hardware, Naila, Paint, Oila, (Jlaaa, Putty, Calcined P la iter, At. my'2'n 11. F. Uiui.kb A Co. HAwa.-lietan'e Croaa-eut Paw, Oreat Ameriean Saw, Boy n ton a Lightning Haw, at II. F. Bio LB a A Co'. A ftill line of Household Oooda, Japanned Ware, Aa., for sal by it. F. ltiglr A C. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cagea. Wood and Willow War, jloueebold Uooda. All kind of Hardware. JapMOtted War. Painta, Oila, Varnish. Cakined Plaater. Wagon and Carrion Makera' sun 11 1 lea. All of the above for eala at the mammoth Hard ware 8 tore of II. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, vivarneia, ra. at DM Cages a targe aseortmant at II. P. Dig lor A Co.'s. Montour Rlsta Paiata, for painting hoaaea la Bide end outside Cotlagea, Farm Buildings, Ac. Uaautiful, durable and eoonomieal. U round in pur Linseed Oil. larSK'U H. F. Hioiab A Co. Calcined Platter for ala by II. V. Illgler A Co. Axita. Heventy-flra doun CltarBeld Wood ch ipper Aiea at V:2j:;i. II. F. BIULKR A Cu'l. Paixtr Ar Paixtrh' Fianiaaa. -Our stock of Paint and Painters' Materials ia cow' jte, in eluding1!. T. Lewia' Pur Whit Lead. John Lo om A LVa Par Whit Lead, F. H. A Co s Rock Lead, and a number of cheaper brands of While Leadi also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnlsheaol all kinds, a full line of Bru.hea, and a full linaol colore, dry and in Oil. mv'iH'73 II t. Bio La a A Co. 2U4. In I'aion township, Clearileld county, !'., on Saturday, March SOtb, 1K7&, 8AKAII KI.l. A BKTII, InTvot daughter of Isaac aad Ax K. Makki.b, agod t months and 6 daya. la Altnona, Pa., after a lingering Itinera on Katurdny, ilarch SOlb, lH7e, A. II. MrM-.AL, aged tVM yeara and I daya. The dveeaard wai a miller by occupation, and wtll known to many citiscua of thia enmity. In JanesvlDe. Clrarfleld county, Pa., on Tliura hv, March S'tb, 1ST a, KI.I.A M, wife of J. Laiikkm, aged IS jrara and li days. In Reck to, Clrarfleld county. Pa., on Palur day. Mareh 7lh, HT&, AHTH I'K, s..n of J. II. and i u ABLorra Ciai skb, aged It month and 14 day. JJTEY k ( UniHT, 8uecasora to Kbtorr A Co. TO thus iatrstd In th pa re base of a trictly PURE RYE WHISKY, For Medicinal Purpo, w offer llallcy' Pure Jlyv9 I'rlcelS.JO to Ift.iaprr gallon, and will thlp In packages to auit purchasers. W also handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Prio from $1.10 tfl.i. W Import FINE WINtS, BRANDIES AND GIN, And ar alao manafactarera of DR. STOCVKRS TONIC HERB BITTERS. for Price List. 1H1KV CIIM.T, mchM'Toy) 111 S Third 81, Philadelphia. OR017GU STATEMENT. A. W. I.KB, Kiq., Treasurer af ClearBold Bor ough, la account with the ftehoot, Poor and Borough Fund of said thorough for lBTdi P0OB FUND. UK. To bai. due aa per Aud. Rep. St. H, $8 TB CH. By Poor orders rdemd 180 71 By Trea. per rentage at t pr cot. on ttSi.7B H...H 1.1 TS By Auditor' fee... 6 at) Una borough.. 38 II ToUl tutflft 7B $Mi TB 8C1I0OL FUND. To bai. doe a par Aud. Itep. or 1871 Jl.l 19 To amt. of duplioate ot 1874. J.'.Bl 43 To eaab from State appropriation 11 17 CH. By school urdera redeemed H8 If By percent, alio wad taxpay- an per cnt. on K.44 4"K.. 8t IS By pereonUg allowed W.0. col. A pr. t. on 1137.0.1 46 84 By Trea. I pr. ot. on SUhV.tiV tvS All By advertising expenaatu. 7 By Auditor' ieo 00 Baa boroughs 90 34 Total .... 110S9 89 $:WH9 69 BOHOL'OII FI ND. DR. To dnplioala ef 1874 1341? 97 To rent of markt bona lot, 1878 62 AO To licemea from Burgess I 00 To cash on rent of market lot, I874., 10 00 To proceeds from boada 10U6 00 To account of Joiiali W. Kmitb, K.q.... 10 00 LI.. By order redeemed for 1H7B.. IX.1 26 By I878 76 98 By m m H74. i;m gs By cash paid on Judg't ra. aor. No. 17oJuaoT. 1H74 46 9 By coupons f bor. Improva'Bt loan redeemed 169 AO By bai. da Tree. Le, par Aa- ditora' report, I hi t 81 41 By A per cent, to taipayar oa IIOltO.AS, rebate. 61 47 By A par nl. to collector W. O. Foley, on 788.44 89 42 By Trea. I pr t. oa mo08.47 18A 16 By advortiaiag aipaa....n' 1 AO By aud i lo i a' lee B M rJalane do borough. 47 B4 Total. : BlKS 47 4&US 47 AHBKTa AruvnunLal aliuk hevttmaiarh till 43 ol til Hint do nn mrkt tot for 1874.. Total tl0 li LIAHII.ITIKd. Hondo Imnrnroment loan fulDO M Jndgmeat Ne. 17. June T , 117. 57, 4 Judgment In favor of Dr. T. J. lieyer.... til I, Order, anredeemet, 1871 II (0 IMS " " 1874 and 17. ToUl Asset. h .. 10, 00 .. 7j ,0 ..702l Oil 1WI ,3 Liabilities erer asset tSIU 14 inprovement fend , t2n00 00 aiirovemeat ardsra paid.. 171), 31 Coupoaa oa improvement bonds to, 30 t204 ,1 Wc, Ibe endoreiiaod. Aoditer. ef Cleartald bor- ongh, de hereby certify that wo have oxamieod the foregoing aoeoauta or A. W. Lee, Treasurer uf Ct.era.Hl borough, and tad hts statemoats eorreet, and that taere ia dee by Ihe said Treea arer, ta the Peer Fund ..! I ;le tba Rchoel read .3.I4, aad te the Roroaih Food tl7..t. and Ibnt tho liabilities axoeod tbe asset, la the earn af M. 13,14. Wo alsa reaaest Ibe llargeoa aad Towa C.BBail le eelleet Ihe rarioal aeeoBBt. du. by eitiseas ta Ihe betoagh. U. L. RSkll, H. A. BIULKR, Auditors. i. I. WALTKHS, J Clearteld, March II. 173. It N EW 6UOK 8TOI1R. I weeld BBBeuaee. ie the neoale ef Clearteld Bad tha psbli. at large, tbat I have rented the Hborl eke, formerly na by Frank Kaon aad am areaer.. La mak. aad mead all hiada af Hoots aad Rkeee, aa formerly deae hy Shorty ea short actio, ssd wlll gaareataa all blade ef worh Bet le rip, meal ar eat ia lha eye. Tho heea Freaeh eteehalweyaea head. Kkopoa Market gtreot,Noat ww ea vae Aiiagaaay Hotel. Mereh,t4TI:lf THOMAS ALI.IX CHAELES H. ELLIOT, NOTE HIIOKEU, W1TU JoBN W. NaXTOR CO. Stock and Bond Commission Brokers, 111 South Third Street, Phllad'a. I'afiloular attentioB glrca to purohasea and sales of Uuverntnunt Uonds, Refer to M. W, Woodward, Kiq, Cashier Haa afaolarer. National Bank i Charles lllaoobard, Esq., Lumber alerobanl , Herbert Russel A Co., Lumber Merchants; Wm. Montollus, Ksq., Vice President Uaok of America Powell A Co., Bank ara, K'illiaiasport, l'a. ' mcbl4'7.-2m G. W. WEAVER & C0., DHUCiGISTS 4 APOTIIKCAR1ES, Cl'RWKXBVILLK, PA. Dealer, la all kinds of Drugs, lfsdlolnes, Fan. oy Uootle and Ilrurglsla' fiunilrlrs. Curwenstille, Maioh 17, III,. GEORGE M. FERGUSON, WITH W. V. LIPPIXCOIT & CO., dsalora la HATS & CM PS, BOOTS & BIIOKS, 3:17 6.11 Market Street, Philadklphi. 7ft tf ucTKlo:Km lilLLPOSTING. Th nnderalgncd woald reanoetfully inform tb citliani of Clearfield and vicinity that ha la pre pared to cry all Auction, Vendue, andother Ha lea on abort nolle, mid at reasonable rate. Hale Bills, Posters, Programmes, and other advertising poated and distributed ia th moat conspicuous plcs. A share of public patronage It solicited. N. L. IlOltlNH, March 17, '76-tf. ClearBold, Pa. jji ik Ks lvm C ' " ! The undersigned mpootfully aotifiestbe pub-1 In that he will keep on land fur sal aa assort mentor Freih Fiih,or all kinda, received from tb East and Weal dally. Alao, Ft.ih Vegetables ia season. Uoods delivered lo all parte of lh borough and vicinity. Order left al bia residence, corner of Hecood and lted street, will receive prompt attention. B. W. JOBDAN. Clearbeld, Feb. 24, la76.-3m SHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA 6TKAM MILLS. UARtrACTI'RRI LUMBER, LATH, AM) PICKETS AKB SAWED SHINGLES. Also Dills of HEMLOCK and PINE sawed te order oa short nolie.. . Also TOWN LOTS fir sale In lb. borough of Osceola. LARIIR AS8M1TMRKT UEMiRAL HKHCIIANDl.-tK al Iheir ilammolk More la Osceola. II. II. SHILLINtlFORD, Prrsldsnt, OBce Forest Place, No. 123 8. 41b St., Pill's. JOHN LAWBlin, (leaerel Rup't., pJjauS 7 Osceola Mills, Cl.srfitlJ Co., Pa, T HE TIM EH. A Ftll&T CLASS KEWPPAPL'H. Indepcndint la everything ! Nrurtal in hoth Ing ! Oppoird to all corrupt rings in Municipal, Slate and .National affair. THB DAILY TlMKri will b lsaed on Saturday, lb 11th af March next, and every morning thereafter, (Sundaya ea cciiied, under lht editorial direction of A. K Mr dure, printed" compactly from ekar, now type, on a largo folio sheet, eontaluing all the aewa of iho day, tncludiog the Aaeoclatcd Press Tela grams, rlpeeicl Telegram and Correspondence Irons all pointa ef Interest, and fear leu editorial disouaaiouc of all current topiea. Priee, f cunti. Mall uhecriptioia, postag free, 811 Dollars per annum, or Filly cent a per month, iu advance. Advertisements 6 1 teen, twenty and thirty centa par line, according to position. T11K WKKKI.Y TIM!:-? Will b Issued oa KAtunlay, Mirch 20th, and weekly thcrealter, eontaining all important new of the week, aud coin pie to market aud Bnancial reports. Ju ailed, for one year, poitsgo frf at the following rata i One copy M $1.00 Tea Copies 0.00 Tweoly Cupiea 18.00 Advertisement Iweaty-Bro nt per line. Re mittance should ba.mad bv drafts or Poit Of fice erderr Address TUB TIM KB, No 1 1 Houth Seventh Ktreet, mcbS-Bw Philadelphia. G ROOKKIKS. JAS. H. LYTLE, (naceessor to LVTLH t MITCHELL) WUOLKSALE AKl) IiET.ML DKALER IN CHOICE l.l IKE or TEAK. 0OLONMR, JAPAXH, IMPERIAL, TOI NO BY80N, KNULI3II DHAKFABT Parol la Vfarkct, BUTTER AUD IXC Will ba kept and sold at frit cost. Cash paid far Country Prodaoe. QICHMAN CIIKRHIXS, Tl'RKEY I'RU.VKH, , PRK8ERVKD PEARS, PIIII.ADKLPIIIA 1IAVIS. . I-IHII. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ao, PICKI.KH. Oarrol Plrkles and Rnllsh Pickles. I'l.OC R AM) I'KIOI). Flour, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ac. mchrfi JAR. II. LYTLI. QLOSING OUT COSTI Owing lo the panic, wv think It policy la close out oar atock AT CONT, whhh wlll be an advantage to both aa and oar euBteuiers, Our atock ia Urge, ing of CLOTHING, IX ALL STVI.K3, HATS c& CAPS Gents' Furnishing Goods Which wo Intend selling at ot for aaak. We say Just Wind we Mean! If yoa wish to tare aow ii year time to buy. Orereaala Siagle eoau Raits Paau Pants and Vests Uailer Sails Over 8hirU Rack t levu Hoee Soanea lers Hate Caps Hemcaskei lb. alaee. th. OoaH Hnase. tecll'I. D fn.m tl ta I, oa a mil, Oer from tl M le tl 10 t to le il go ' It CO te 10 01 ' IMtt IN ' 1 .0 le I 0, ' IHI. 4 II I Oft te I 00 " I II te I M " I, le 10 " II le ... 71 " I ,0 to 4 10 Ills I 11 Marhet atreel, eppesll. STRWART SOW. DINK. WHITS t ROAR LINIIKJ IK1N8- Jaot ret April H. Ivtl- Jost reeslred aad for Ml. hr . r en. ttt!t Column. WILLIAM REED 1875. SPRING. 1875. A Pill I,. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Domestic Dry Goods. Newest styles Dress Goods. V Linen Suitings, &c, &c. Notions, Trimmings, Ladies' Furnishing Uoods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hosiery and Gloves. WALL PAPAR. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. CARPET CARPET CARPET nitrssEr.s INGRAIN ItAfJ 8TAIU liRIIGGKT ltr8, c. Alao, full line of MILINERY GOODS Ilnving tn experienced Trimmtr from Philadelphia, I Ad id will And anlct stock of trimmed goods. Anything not on hand will bo or dered tromp'.iy. Plena glrs u. a call. N WILLIAM REED. Item We. t, Op.ri Rewse, .wly eppoelte the roe. vmca, CVcertelt, April I, I art. aer.1174 grrr A tn't tfalumn. CLOSING OUT SALE I CLOSING OUT SALE I , ' O - ', . 2 SEDUCTION IX CLOTH 1X8. - : o s W deslr t acquaint our friends and tba pub Hit tbat w ar iwdoeiag war atook to Com tht day. LOWER PRICES ItOWEH PRICKS LOWER PRICES CLOTUINO AT COST : CLOTHING AT Cost CLOTHING AT COST CLOTHING AT COST We bate just purchased a large lot of Clothing, at prices lesa than tuanufactorer eonld make them up. Hut. as th panic compelled them to toll for cash, we took advantage of it, and aow offer to our pat rons aa immense stock of Clothing AT I.OWKR PRICES THAN KVER AT LOW KR PRICKS TAAN KVKR AT LOWER PRICES THAK KVER AT LOW It II PRICKfl TIIAV EVER AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER We intend te Close this stock all eul by the 1st day of January, ho If yoa want a Bargaia, ooete sown, as wo will and are de termined to make a rerolntioa ia the Cloth ing Business. 100 pair Pants received this day, to ba old 4.. low as tS.M.. Hemsmber, PaaU we sold last month AT . i. NOW DRINU M i AT tj II NOW II II I Ml $.1 bo AT U 31 MIW BltlNO ,.1 ,0 AT S3 30 NUW UKlNll ,1 10 AT to 3t NOW I1HIM1 t-1 30 1 OLD DEMOCRATIC PRICRR w.r. high I compared wllb the prices at eiilrh wa aro Bow erlllng Clothing. j RKMKMnSR TIIK PLACH. OLD WESTERN HOTEL CORNER. KERR A CO. Clearteld, Pa., Dee. I, 1171. R w to 0)930)0) 919990) k S U R R H K g y. w 3 b I b e g i s s I I ' g 3 S e is d St g g g B B 5 S 5 5 S Smmenmes . a a a g E r, 15 r. 5 j J 3 2 m t at fl at m o 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Jrj) tSoofls, Crorrrirs, Hit. FldOUK. FKJBU, ad ) v .: , GROCEKY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Heed Nt tin. door weal of Leonard House, C'lcarlleld. Pa. Keep constantly on bund SL'UAR, I . ' ; coFrnc, - ' - TEAS, COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tol.acco, Cigars, Can- i ' K dies, Cider Ylni'gar, flutter, Eggs, Jo. - AI.Sll, EXTRA OME.MADB w heat ami Buckwheat Flour, j Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o.( All of whloh will be cold cheap for eaib nr in eicliange for notrT produce. A. O. K ft A M K It A ro. Clearfield, K. Ia, gTOP THIEF I How often tbat cry is heard la onr large towns ; but ao one ever thinks of stealing from T. A. FLECK & CO.. I For their goods are ao cheap, it paya heller to buy thaa steal ibnn. Purchasing ntirtly for 1 cash, aod selling for tbe same, wa ar thua ena bled to offvr od at a smaller margin than can possibly be duo by any t.ndoingevn tho small set nart of Inni l.uaina lih.P t..l an iitirely NKW purchast of DIlY GOODS ruitl LADIES' DUESS GOODS ' ) in variety uutarpnuaed and price to mil Ihe scnrclty of money. Our stock of . MILLINERY GOOES, Itoiincls mid Loilics' Hats. ha nevi-r heen n the eonniy. ' LADIES' ANU CUILbKEX'd t'NDl.HWBAR a cuuiplatc acoortnicnt. Lndics' Dress Triimning!, In Full Una. . Lateat tt) las. GenlH FuriiiHliin Goodit, a largo variety, both coan and fln. WINTER OLOVKf, v YARNS, WOOI.J?. ZETUYltS Waterproofs, in Great Vnricly. All ar Invited to call and axamiu onr good and price bafnr buying alaewhcr. We make no wry facta becaus you don't buy, bat believe Ihi to be a free country; and that orory on has th inallanabl right to life, liberty tho pursuit of faappineaa and to bay roods wher tht-y can secure th asf goods for tlis least money. Al Wm. Rrwd's old stanJ, oppotit Mossop's. T. A. FLECK. ctll7t A. M. HILL8. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN jPURE DRUGS! i C II K M I C A I, S I I I PAINTS, OllsS. DYE STUFF ; VARNISHES, i I1RIRIIE8, PKsn-MKsr, FANCY 8 00D TOILET ARTICLES, OF ALL KINDS, BrTD ,, , ,. ' ri JitO JtlMl ljluynn, for medicinal pnrposrx. : Trnsses, Hupportors, Ht'bool Rooks and Station ery, and all other articleo aaually found ia a Drug c'tore. I PHYSICIANS' PRESCRI-TIONri CARE 1 FULLY COMI'OllNDKI). a large ex j perleoee lh the Imstness they can give entire sal Isfaotioa. J. fl. HARTSWICK, , John r. irwin. ClearUeid, Occouber 10, te;4. (FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SA1.R RY II. F. Kiglcr A Co. IRON DOI BLK-SHOYEL PLOW'S. WOOD lOI IILX-KIIOYRI. I'LIIWS. WOOD PfNlll.H-SIIOVl'.L PLOWS IRON : I.TIVATOWS. WOOD CI'I.TIYATOIIS. (IOWAMIA 4 IKON UkAM PLOWS. I'lTrflirltll C.TKKI, PLOWS. IIACPt'S BUI.I.EFONTR PLOWS. ROHEOX'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. df-Sharrs fur all nl Ibe above Plows oen alanlly en hsail. myai-II Beale's Embrocation, (I.ATR row ill's,) For all dlstssss le lleres,, Catll., aai Uumaa,r.q"lrleg lh. ... .f aa xeeraal applUatioa. Tail Srabrecatloa wa. .tUanvdy .aet he Ihe SoTernme.t daring Ihe war. for .ale by llertewleh A Irwin, Clearteld aceph H. Irwla, Oerwea.vlllo. Uealel Uoed. aador. Lathersbarg. tf, IOIIN A. RTADLEIl, tf RARER, Marh.l tt Ch-artelrl, Pa, Fresh Bread, Rush, Rollk Pies BBd Cubes 0. haod or made to order. A general assortment or Confectioneries, Frail. Bad Nat. la Block. Ice Creesx aad Oyster, in see win. Samoa areliy eppoeite the Poaloflca. Prices mederale. hlareh ll-li. JlmntBS. 4k CltlTABI.RH PIEI Wo her. printed a largo .amber ef Ihe a FIB BILL, aad will a. the receipt ef tweavy tve eenia, mall a ee,., le aa, eddrees. apt, Barflirarf, iEluuart, Ctf. I KONSIDE3 STOItK. g. s. flegal; DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, 1IEATF.RH, IIOLLOW-WAHK. PAINTS. OILS VAI1KIK1I, I'UTTY it GLAH. ROPES, STEP-LADUEHS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE: The eeleWaloil Toledo Antl-Freeslng Galvanised IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No better Pump, la iho market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLIES, of all klBdo, LAMP FIXTUIES, to, All at lest prices. 1-1474 Pretqiielsle Ntreol. Pliilliisburg. Pa. rpjU STKIVS SALE I VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT Public or Private Sale! Being a Portion of the Estate of A'. K. Wright, deceased. The tindorsiancd will Mllat nuMla sale. nr. I... aooner diopoie.1 of, on the I'lllHT MdNIMV ftp tJUXE, lHltf, at the Court Hvurc, In tho bornught of Clearfield Pa., all lh following described real Mlata, vti: Aiof all th undivided hnlf part of 00 acres more or leas, in three several parcel i of land, part of the Joaepb Clark and Juba Harrison aur-v-y, eitualc la Wuodwurd townihip, Clearfield county, and lain land held In cewmon with Caleb and Ueorffc Cburoliraaa, having la'ge amount of rsluahle while pin and hemlock with other timber thereon. Alto, anndicr ra-t containing :7 acrca, more or lef,iiaste in Woodward lownahlp, being the west end of tho Thomas Marttou aurvey, having thereon pine, hemloL-k and other timber, and being underlaid with acveral reins of valua ble coal. Also, another tiaat of 40 acre, mora or hue, part of the iSman H ard survey, being the bank ing rrui.d aitaal at the mouth of Morgan Run and adjoining land of William Albert. liroa , in Wtwdward lowpship, Clearfield eounlySnd cov ered with valuable hemlock and other timber. Alo, another tract of lut) acrca, inor or leu being part of tli Thumaa Steward ion anrvey sit ml In Deoatitr lowuehip, Clearfield county, and Kirg wittin Iho euai mcanur of tb Osceola ooal ha fin. A Ieo, two parcels of land tituat in Lawrence towotihif, within oa mil of ihe borough, and aa ut I. la, one thereof ontaioing eight acres, ninrc or lc-a ; the other four acre, adjoining land of Rutu-rt W rigley and others. AUo, another tract of laud, situate In Pik township, containing 33.1 anrcs, being part of war rant No. i'lM, situato within six miles of the bor ough of C'laarflcid, covered with valuable timber and underlaid with Are clay of lha Inest quality. Also, all thoie lour certain building lota aita ate ia Itced'a addition to the borough of Clear field, and koown aa Iota Mo. aad In aaid addition. Alio, all that parcel of grund situate la rear of the A cat) (.my lot and htosaop'a elore, part of lot No. It", In general plan o( Clearfield, having a large frame building thereon and said lot situ ate and bounded on eaat aide by an alley. All the abova described land ar valuable. Th lands in Decatur and Woodward townahlpc are alt within tha coal measure ef that District, and within reach of railruadi.eithsr built or aow building, and commend tbmWe to pnrehaivra lor coal and lumber. These land will b sold at private sale, if partiea desir to pare has, but if not sold at private aale will be publicly sold aa afuremeot ioned. Tirtna will bo mad reason ab I to salt pnr chstcrs. All Inquiries addrsd to th undsr signed will rooeiv prompt amotion. , , tl ft , A. 0. T ATB, Trnate. ClcarColl, Pa., Jan. 20, lS76. td ED. W. GllAIIAM, DEALER IN GENEAL MIECHANDISE, SQl'ARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Has Just opened, at the old stand, Id draham'l Row, a complete stock of K II UOODS, of .very dcsorlptioa. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, II ARD WARE. BO0T9 AND SROES, CI.OTUISO, dv., tfc,, IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUH, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, A I, WA YS OX I1ASD AXD FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVAXCK. FLOUR the oar load, and ild advance. Received b the oar load, and acid at a small advance. A tupply f 1I0PB onUatly on hand. Special iaduormeuu, offered te tboee geitlBg .at Suuar. Timber and Logs, aa wo deal largely In Lumbermen's Supptlei, and ar. pre pared at all tlmea toejmrchaa. tim ber aad lumber. r. n . Y . C R A II A M , llsitst Street, CLEARFIELD, TA. Oct it, mi. REMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify the publle gene rally that ho ba removed hi tiroeery Utora from tShw' Rnw, ht th building formerly ooeopicd hy J. Mi lea Krettor, on Second tret, a it dor tu Biglar'a bard war etore, wher he iotead kai piiig a full Ho nf "BO . IIRIK IS. HAMS, DRIED BEKF and LARD KI IIARtS aad 61 HCI'S, ef all grades. TEAS, Orcea tad lllaek. Cnl'KEE, Roasted aad Uroca. FLOUIl AND PROVISIONS, Cf'l-B MHV1TM, All hinds la the market. PICKLES, IB Jan and barrels, SPICES, ia .very form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, AM. KIKDS OK CKACKER. " SOAPS, MATCI1E8, DRIED APPLES, DRIHD PEACIIIS, TRIKD CniRRIKS, Coal Oil and Zitvmp Chlmiuya. And a good aeoortaienl ef thlnp aaually kepi ia a greeery More, wbirk he will oichasvfe for Barketlng at tho market prleea. WIH Mil for eath as abetply as aay ether .a.. Pieces nil and are bis Meek aad ladn tr y.raelf. CHatteM, May Tt, im. "-