Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 07, 1875, Image 2

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    (I v I'.tl r . ire
Ueouok B. GooM.ANinu, Editor.
W'a propose to compile Irom tlio as
sessments on fllo in the (.'oiuniitwion
or' oflki), iiml put In tnliuliir form audi
It is neliloin wn timl unything Iruth
fill relating to pulitilcnl iit.'uii's In liar-
The Jindionln in Connecticut have
endorsed Onint, mid if tlioy can ride.
Into power on Hint boat, the ' third
term Htoek will be nbuvo par-
Bx-Govcrnor Curt in won "stump
ing" in Connecticut last -week in tlio
intorcst of the IVmocmtio nominees.
Tho ex-Governor tells some, awful
tough yarn on tl.o uitiniuistmtiun.
Compulsory education docs not im
press itself favorably upon the Ohio
legislature. The bill which provided
for it km defeated in the Sennto by it
Inrgo vote. Tlio people still' favor a
republic out there.
Fred Grnnt is going to earn bis sala
ry by loafing around Sheridan's head
quarters ut Chicago. Tho young iniin
will reqlro another rest in a month or
eo and go on a trip to Europe at gov
ernment expense.
FinibHKD. Baltimore's new City
llall covers an entire squnro and it is
built entirely of white marble, and is
described as tho handsomest building
of tho kind in tho United States. Its
cost was $2,500,000 and wo believe
that it was built without developing
a job.
An cxchiingo says that Senator
Morton is preparing a speech lor tho
next full's campaign, in which ho will
howl about the condition ot affairs in
the south, and the "rebellion in a style
that will totally eclipse all of his pre
vious efforts in that line." He will
find out that howling will not save his
Shutting vr Suot Congress hav
ing adjourned, and in view that the
government will soon leave for Long
Branch, fivo keno shops in 'Wash-
of the Assessors' work us we deem oM'"' Kignlctl "'" ,
public utility for tlio infoinmtion of. tor, Geo. W. Curtis, lust week did, by
our readers, some jpf whom. .limy l.oi'W,", Wlile something sensible re
turned into Assessors soino of tkeso) luting to his 6wn pMtjvind wo glvo
days; If wo shall succeed In pointing I""' readers the benefit of what ho
.,. r h,a m-iiva eommitto,! I.v says In relation to tho "reform" going
former Assessors and prevent those
who are to fellow from committing
similar mistake, wo shall have accom
plished tho object aimed at.
Tho table found below gives ubui! s
cyo view of tho Assessors' and Com
missioners' efforts at regulating oc
cupations for tho current year. If
Gov, llni'lranfl, who has been ill
r the piist ten "luys, Is recovering. ,
ifiMdlA TED I'll lifts hKTTEII.
; 1'illi.AlKi.i'iiiA, April 5, IMifi.
Ilii.1 HAMUM. J. if ANll.M.I..
--A new l'owii for Indivt, to slin on , Tills iteulleiiutii, so well mid lavu.'-
Over everything, when in u hurry, is'nhly known by Pliiliidtlphiiiiis. xvhom
appropriately called ajen unvis. v no nus so creiiiiui.iy rtsaiwciiusi sine
viJc.J..h V. F-ninnt has de-1 4. . " ! .'-.
oided to
deneo in iUrginl
1 met hi iii n
John V. F.'moi.t has de-' - '""'' J : lk.U so cler that they separate them- I,,. bnly pro
tttko up hi, pcmmnotit real- T W ".' 1 1 " ''W, ,0 " ' 1 I selves Iron, the .nrroiimling mist and gle which is
HvAthwU. - tixS, rrtti ;-noetp,o6ul' Mention. . K : rV'hod a pc
Tiiere are iiiituy striking, peculiar, We have no doubt there will be ...
I lie .vil.K'ring.unil saildening lliiiigMiboiit siMiielliln of a positive decision l"'- VJ
I this lleeclier businens us t lie case tie- rived ill soon in the Kusterii coal ro-ixl
i velons Itself in omi rl, mid one is tUlrlV ' irions. Tlio
. in ii iiniMi wnon he couiiiiiiiiittes tlio vmiiiovur una tno uininoyoii nave uccn 2,. d f jj,:0i. a. u.167o,jiJ ihrmui.K
1 Investigation. JJut there aiv imne cimipiuinised IVoui tiuio to time, which unm ...iroi iii W a.iy ut April, A if. i72,
1ms only proeinst.iiiiu-d tho Unul strng-; A'Z. .rl ,;,; ;rob, .,, C
nun i-MiinioHMiig. ii liiia.iii,, uipayvr raiilBi; in th diitnait btmw
llnv dvnliiifiiuuts.
dirtleulties between the ; 21:. .... 7 "Z
Floi'idinns chtingo their diet semi
yearly. In thu suiunieu they live on
tlsh, and in tlio winter on Yankees. ' '
Oneof tho moist suvoro snow storms
of the season prevailed lit Lincoln,
says in reunion to tuo "reiorm going
on within the liudieal arty. Head
what ho says: , $
i.'IM l,..u I....... ..I'
li. nileKS miill. at tho nronosition ol ''!' the seasoii prevailed, hi
,i; , ...villiin tl, ci nV"' Will hhv -NebnlsUii. on 'i liiii'silay lust.
V'.,.... i,.,liln 'I I... 1 1,. I mil l'r, l
1'irx.i cnils em tbo Colored IlillJ, outi,
what other way Hepiiblieun victory is 1 t" pcmjiui.-! tiir tho Civil Kiglits bill
During his life time Horace (iroor
reiorm "within the party." Will any
mull who does not wish to see a Deni
ocrtitiu restoration in lH7(i suggest in
to bo seen red? Yet, without this ro-
r. ...I.... ..... 1 1,..,.,.,... ..I' 1I...1
,,. . . ' iiiriu, tuiib mu iiiu . unm vi unit
Assessorsnnd tuxpuycra will give tlivletory ? Jf , ot.0tinn of Inst au
table some attention they will no doubt i imli m,n m.m.m election.
notice how varied tho Assessors' jadg-j would it biw'e resulted as Uepublicans
incuts are, and tho glaring ucoossity
of having a board of revision so as to
produce equalization in tho imposition
of taxes. ' ' , ,
Reader, study this table. It relates
to a subject in w hich wo all havo a
common interest, and it costs but very
little more to be right than to bo
wrong upon this subject :
' Otfct'rAilu'NH
-i I -i !
; 5 a, 8 '
E.3 1 E-b' Hkvaiikm.
lturniiiil bur'
Clurleltl.. ..
Curwenivillo i
llouli.U'f. ...I
Lumbfr Clly.i
N. Wailiin'o.
Omnia !
Breoarla twp
CurinKlun. ...
If pfhon ...
Urahnro... ...
(lulich .
Karlhaus ...
I'ik.. ,
WotHltnnl ..
3,:i5l $61 Right
.! 1ST
.! WSi
. 61,1
J :si:
. 2!.4i
. 1,2:
.' 3i.J
.J w:
J 117
.1 j'
,.; I in
,. 176'
.: 1411
..i ltl
,.! 1M
, 132
' S.'H
i in
I I":
12.645 V.I
4,7101 Tl
4,11211: l
24,.'I40; li
1 J 411"
IH, 87('
II, 166
in HcU 3.1 i.ot.
70; 25 "
70 AadS0 "
fliim tlieiM)Vuro Ittbuiu iniiosed upon
him as (ho lender of the niinniity
during 'tho session of Congress, bus
done, -hiui good. That lie will Ata
chosen Speaker of I ho next (.'uiros I
do not enterluiii a single doubt ; ii' 4Hiu
can form an opinion limn a few of the
niauv IcMurs II r, liunilull receive from
the' Smith and Wesf espwlallv, ' in
which tlio wannest eiicouragi ineiii ivrld
support are nroferretl. t I would suy
ley lenl ?lll,(Hm, to persons from wliom i ttnit (lis election to the .Speiikersliip
I.' (.!... ' .'i tiill In, nit
ri.Ai.ii. iiiruru iuiiMiiir
14 II. S. fuwarl, (rustiii
It I'nr.liiii I."iulrt, w."is)bo.ii
;. ' Or.ilisw Tuwa l
H TIiim. II. Furur, ntriktslUs..,..
4 p.iti'Ut Bniiaiua.
Uullch Township.
14 V. AHetoan, wtTcliiii Jtae,. ;
10 P. A A. Flrnn, maruhtnillM
One of these fuels is that while Mr. nower of tho Commonwealth, which ' . " f" Aoi, i u msm 4 ; urj .Iiim. ........
------- , , , ..I . , . i . . : Ilia .lacc Ml lioldinf Ilia Burnugn mil iunuidii y, a. rriJaaux, Marolianuiia.. ......... ...
Ilcecher niw leans on the bosom ol ; once put in motion cannot licsitutu to ;,,,OM n, omnj daji, ut iu Haiton Townalilp.
m inner rueiu mimii nun jioiun nun inn ussui-l iib biiihihi hi hid jiiuhvi . iiit.fu ; mruc vi c,..ih ... wmm.7 . Ia0iil.!r mcrcliaii-Une
ot the peace, i no I'm nueipniu i , ralw "Hi J-..,., i.....ip. '-ra. y 1 " B. l,.,.,r,. .a .usWri...
in some we considered remarks unon 1 i u ... ...i a.i . lit u. l. w I, jrns..,
tlilii miliinet iuivh! ' , V'..r Ii.. M 4iii. 1J l.yon A Liolili-ii, itieioliandiie ...
The men who liuve inllumed them-' t.i.lugi.., w..iu..da,; Mj., i:ii.
selves to the point of lawlessness are ; ,.ur ,JujUm; , i,a, , ji,,
ill an indifferent 1'ruiiiu of iiiiml In For iir..n,.rj. Mu.rd.r, mj !.. ,
hearken to the counsels of rensun, but ' " r.baoi. Muniiay, mji i"
nollit. wlncli nnoesln to till) namad. UmI tba Cuuuly f raaaurar, in aaounl'ino. ,
l.A 4n....n..,i.,..ilili u.l,i..l ' itb the aauuuii au.lioa uf taiil Ael, arill atleuil at
trustful car the story of his sorrow and
of tho ills which have beset him at the
hands of w icked conspirators, and in
deed finds his present eouilort in the
sucicly of bis Plymouth brethren geii
iil'iill.', Suifli os Dew-on llownril, Asnist-
,11.1 I'ual.ii. 1 lllllilllll' llll.l tll, Vl si l-i.t
oiilyubhort time ago, when be as( ono lesson is as old lib history, and it rf i,,',,, iy is.i..
(lespcriiieiv ciniL'ing lo I no raggeu , luis oeeli laugiii in every age, nun nj , k.i u...u. 1 bur.i-.y, .May 1.1111,
ecli'i'. and when tho emisohitinns of iiv evei v L'overiiniont that bad tho utti-ib-i ir iiusmiaia, Kuia), May inii,
J lie laborer muv
T do
10 on
i 00
r no
ill oo
1 (III
r oo
10 on
t 10
T 10
12 60
7 00
13 ;.n
7 HO
7 bi
7 no
r uo
wish? To rnntcst the field in 1H7B
with the influences thnt were domi
nant In 1874 still controlling the part)'
would bo mere stiicido. I hero must,
therefore, bo reform within the jiarty
or defeat. And with such no alterna
tive, tho character of tlio reform de
manded is evident. The causes that
divided us In 1872 and in 1871 must
bo removed. Tho division of 1872
cannot bo explained bv the word
"sorehead" because even if that could
show why certain Icndei-s d (parted
i r. .i j, . i . ....... i
now can ll e.xpilllil me ueieeuuii 01
followers? Besides, even- man who
is not satisfied with saying "sorehead
as tho solo key to succession of that
yenr, and who knows h.nw many sin
cere and intelligent men shared the
i discontent and joined the opposition,
knows also at tbo oiiciiiiic of thisycar
7i Red J5p.oi. the possible liepublicnn secession was
Auom ngui i appalling. ino reiorm wiinm me
" I.... V,. i... ...i, .:,
oA.imop.oi. T" "J '"" " " , ' V i .I
ai; !u i those who aro dis)oseil to take tno
....About right' risks of Democratic success rather
i". j'i. i than to connive longer at what was
do 40 i lelt to be the Impolicy and worse of
.... About ricbi I certain licpulilican tendencies. io
IwM''1 jo '' I "liea,i f' ankly. there were a very great
4 Itcii 20 p.ot.' muny I'epiihliciuis of 1872 who in the
o:i a.ij jo j beginning of this your said that if Ho
'"'as ,S i"i i IMll'''('n" Icadei-sbip were to bo longer
' ' ( represenh'd by such gentlemen ns liiit
...J " lor. Chandler, Carpenter, and many
i'J''d!0Pcl !moi, they ivnlly prefer to ttiko the
'o'i AiiuVo'pfoil c,mlu'11 ! ""cli a leadership as that
.... Abniit tiitbi df Tilden, Thiuinan, and lleck. To
iiriio upon such men the perils ol
,i tbo Democratic tendeiKT, mid of ill
iia Add jo p.cL councils that were sure to eonlinl the
me csiiuo cull recover n.iiniiig. ..v-w..,..u., iL.inn and the svinnalliv of his Chris, utes ol irovernincnt
Mm. Cheney, inolbcr-iii-law of tlio ( ,'.! ,n,. :, t,;,,u ' i; tinn brelliren winild seem to have been ! work or not us ho will; ho may re
late Xltirure vneviei. iih-'i n' '"V"!..!!
since ut her home In Litchfield, Conn. ' '
law to coinmiind
wrong to himself.
tor ll.iiCK, Saturday, M.ty I5lb.
V... 1I...I..I. 'i i.v U.iv Isili.
iur Tulbn. Wnliiai..v, aiay laib.
rtiost liver
01 ...
(IV ...
i I
Total .
, Tlio wife of J'.x-President .lolinsou
is lying in ivcrilicnl condition with con
sumption, at her homo in Tennessee. ,
In lBTo'thero were 3.73H saw mills
in Pennsylvania. This is more than
there aro in' any other State In the
I'nion. ,
One Frost, ot Marion county, Ky.,
ins named bis fivo sons, Severe frost
Winter Frosl, White Ernst, Jack Frost
nnd Black rrost.. , . . , .
Austria is so much afraid of in
t inducing tho great .Colorado potato
beetle that she lias prohibited tho in
traduction of Anieriiain potatoes.
The friends of ltusscll Errott,C'hief
Clerk of tho Sennto, recent v presented
him with a gold watch and chain which
cost, nearly e.iiHl,
The fiftv.Rixlli nimivcrsv of Odd
Fellowship will bo celebrated through-
out tlio .United States on tho lllith of
the present month.
.San Francisco's new three-million
dollar pulace hotel will contain, among
other tealures, u liulies lullinnl-rttoni,
furnished in princely style.
A Chiiinninn in Sun Emneisco has
obtained a patent for fastening tbo
seams of .overalls. This is tlie first
patent for a Chinaman In tbo United
Tlio wholo business sirtio i of the
village of Tieoiuloroga, X. Y., was de
stroyed by fire nt two o'clock on Wed
nesday morning, March 81st. The
loss is" estimated nt (200,00(1.
John Martin, a member of Purlin-
fi dcd by him, bo made the imgun nmin idle nnd beg or starve, if ho shall ; For, at liumbarjiar, runrail-.y, May Smii
it ... i . , . ... , . i . i. .. i i ... i p . i :.. ' itiiuivinvi rrn'. waj ..,,
i hi. n ..lob nniM .rf hmuir ""'". ' cmiinam, aim iiiiinse t , cnoose in no so mr iiieni.-ni.ei , .. .. ,,,,,,, H111,.j,y n S2,i.
"j ' ... : I........ ... ..v. .....:. i- . : . M.'i'l lor liiivmir created so trnoa Iriond.
.. I. io ii i r.., ,,,,... 1,;
..linn in i i lu.t.t . ! A I II, l llnit, In. ivw.lit In Muni
haraelcr his udiiiillctl ability, and , V. . ' ,. , , , . ., ,
i : .....I :..t.,..,.;... nll m........ ... ion wi.riis initi iniiieaieil n hick ot iiihl
" i " r TT. ... O . r' iiV. . I. .. tnist In llrotlicr
uinnv null mi int.. ti 'i. i.ii..... .i.v, .....
Shenrmnn which he
now so toirrhiiigly displuvs. Frnnk
Moiilton was then a "noble young fel
low" In the eves of the Plymouth ru-
' tor, nnd lirother Shenrinim n meildle-
;iili(iliim to these, (lov. Witle has
formeily. niiniiiinceil, in tho columns of
his paisir, tuo Oiimitamiiiititii, thai
t el ll IVIlll II Hill mvsi-l.b DO J'f l.lli- , n.'.i .1 i
. J ... . .... ar.H-ie iiu-vnr v.lh W iivoirreas of
cralio canuiiloto n year heneo, lor the ! ... j . . . ,
Presblency. This ilns nothing more , 1 1.
nor luss than that ir, 1 'ennsylviiuia is ' i . , ' : . '. . .
IioiiotoI by tho election of Mr. liandall ' V"" l,m"u ,,
to tho Speakership, sho will ask no I A 1,111 """- W"J'" " 1 J"
1 '""'
m of the
liurch hut members of tho wingrega-
lllll. not to ut. Bum l'M- Lurwooauila, M-itiduy, Alay mil..
Hilt, he is Hot lll l-oi I'.He, In.ail.y, May Jlb. -' n L-u...n.- ...... inrifditnf " " . -'"
titlo or foiitrol in any degree over the i-r i,uluu,r c,iy, iriaav, M.v sisn..
iirniB and sinews or lawful will ol bis I lor Ka.guaon, taiura.y, Ujj 2J.ii.
more. 1 Ins is, tmloc.l, a high honor
accorded to Mr. litmdull hy his purly
iu hisnativoStnte; nobly hus he earned
it, and, from years of intiumle knowl
edge of tbo in'niC J can say with truth,
rigid worthily will he hour it.
Other incident! exist to give him
strength, more particularly from the
West, as it Is scarcely probable that
Ohio, or Indian:!, or Illinois each of
which will present a candiilnle for the
President!)' will weaken die cImiiccm
of the West for a President by the
election w h Speaker linni Unit section.
About" twentr-two nations of the
earth have sent to die Centennial Com
Htm, thnf shrewd business man Mr.
II. II. Cliiflin principally. Now, the
fellows. Kvory attempt to compel
otbors to accept idleness or suffer, the'
penally of violence or murder is' not
only a palpablo violation of law, hut us
clear a violation of reason as well.
And lawlessness is lawlessness, and
murder Is murder, not only in the eye
ol the law but in tho estimation of
every honest judgment whether com-;
t all I.XUI .ail tw lb Traarorar Ibaro ill
bo a railueSimi of yira per car, wliita too per o. nt.
trill ba fir Jirtt oVijf Jmlg next,, lo all on
paid taxa, iuuk.K a dMiarriioa ol iarcot.
10 proiuil taipaywra. i'arlies aaD, from Ilia lot
01 .tla, pay .lia.r laxaa at tbo 'iraiiaurar'a oil!,
'the balaooa 91 tba d.alr.etl will be vU.toll attar
Juuo Uourt.
Trearurora Oliioa, I ' 'i iraruror.
Cioarbald, Pa., April 7, ISIi. J it
milted under the orders, of organized I,ACKSM1T11
K'iated labor-1 SJ
SHOP ' .
in lu-.Ahriian, roii b.tu:.
Tlio tiiidoriljint-d, bavini. drti-rmimsl lo cbaiia
bia burioua., oltt-ra lor aalu bta bl')', Tvoia, Ac,
ooua.tliiil ol' lao si- portable larjjia. all
the i
thirly-lhreo Asscssoin
standard of vn
on tl.o 20 tit ult. His death, it is said,
was haslenoil upon learning tbo death
of Milchel.
Kx-State Senator Hubert McKon-
t party, was to invito tho reply that tho
i ..,..'.. i ,.,! i.,.., I.,,., i .i,
r"'"'"' - 1 1I,I! r ..,oil n,....,.
A glanco at tho abovo tablo reveals f ti1P,. Clulll0t 8l.c,m, eorresponding ! "u'r,t f(,r ilnlh- v'l 1,l', llcr;
e singular fact that not ono of those leadership. Hut many of tho men "1'1w ' Jbo Ittto John Mitrliel, diwl
n.loiiied ii..,! most obnoxious to this criticism nnd
i-iiliio (GS), fixed by them- ''"'"A" lmVC tu,aW!' an' ma"7
l j a T,..l ,. i,l,i . ., , , oi me measures w nc i 1 ney sirongiy
ington were dosed on Tuesday nigh Bc.lvc(, Those in llurnsule and New filvori,d bnv0 m)l k.,,11 ; rovC(, y
by tho pohco, and it is understood-that Washington boi-oughs came within the party in Congress or in tbo coun-
nll tho faro banks, lottery shops i"d "ono of it," tlio former l.eiiifj; ono dol-jtry. Wo see no reason to suppose
other gambling places are also to bo nl, b(,ow nru) (hu luttl!r 0110 uoBt, that tho spirit which has begun this
..ij I , .. , . .i i i reaction will decline, and for Ibis,
closed. labove it. lhe Assessors in (.ruham1 ., .... '
I , , , i among other reasons t int the nn i-
KxvuNsivi; Justice. Under Attor-! 1,11(1 ,"""'11 o'0 'nl very near Hio K01 know very well tho linmrtir of
nev-General Williams, justice liko any j "ml'k. whil ,,,,,H0 1,1 tho townships, the party, and that it will not bo lis
... it... ;. t t.a ...i.i marked with a . approximated so eiplincd nnd driven, like tho moss of
'r'Zr:" Z!closototl,cirsta..,lani;!l'''-'!j'-1 tho tnp of the pur.y
l lioy lmioriit.(r!0 lltew..r
shals in tho two districts of Arkansas
last year wero equal to tho whole costs
of tho Federal judiciary of tbo entire
Commissioners did not deem II neces-:
illtiit if lint ni-ttm. f tin. r'n..Vf..l in).
! sary to change their work. ! Kim,.i,i Biinw ,!, ,1,. j,ifl .ei. whi.-li
The extremes in tho boroughs, it havo been repudiated wer,e still in the
f J '...:ll.. :.. llll.l nanAn.ln.,1 ,l..f'..n. n.n.,1.11... .,uo,t,.jl
T,,ir, ; lw:a A ml Willli ms il i not it-t-t i, urnr in inuiieiu .,.....,
Lmon in lsl.8. Ami vt uiu mu i iTkut.i ti.nv..,. .,,
: where the avorago is tJtl.l, and In; " "'
! , , . . . . .. ..... gain tho hearty support of nil dissat-
Iloutzdale at ?o4, making a ilitlerence Y.a, i;..i.i;..,,a
..C 1 .1. I ..... ....... rp..' i
I vi uii;i tjiiv iiitiiiii i.i-i win. a iiu
carry tho election alter all.
and chosen leaders of nssociat
ers, or by the deliberate murderer who
takes lite, for revontfo or L'liin. "Ami
rcL'iilur rlvmoiilh hody guard in the being so, no government can tolerate ,o,,ar lujia.i.s, f n.a b.ot a.i
court room is composed, of fully inili- it no just public sentiment ran either wo.i ...pronst k.ud in oa ot io be roai.d in tb
nted mumbers of the cliurch, M r.Boeeh- defend or rxtenuate it. If, us is now i b1;,c'' "i'i."11'' "'
cr's ullliclion makes him appreciate the 1 threati ned, the strikera shall so inaiig-1 !eum u,,,,!,,, ,f d ba x.aat adim
iirecioiis love of lliu bretbivn, and per-! urate disorder in the 'oal regions Its to i hibo . ii ott.-ra, ininj a.iuaiau m. a., alley
inlis even better understand the won- j del)- tin. local authorities, there is but ! ''"'."' '" ''' ''d ';"",'"r
linillB VII11IU III ( IIVIl Jiivi V . i tnw iwnni , ti piivi inn umi mi-ii rn
Wc do tint nndtM-tiiKO to ixiititn nt tlioir communa cninun pi weir uiui
tlipsp mtluM' rcniarkitltlo fitctH, but we i ptitco, the (iovernor must nnd will cni-i
niniiKm' ti nt tlu-ro i n tinfwi.uV c.vplu- j ploy 8i li foroo n muv bo tit'coHsniT 1
II .Mr. ncochor h Htory is true, . to piotm tno iivon nuu projH(ny ui
thO ClllZtllH. lit) (lid HO III MlNipU'llftU-
tm county, u yoar Hgo, althouti lio
fell that, on tliv nuked nut-it ioti ol' dll-
11 W Itruwn. iiht 'liiiQiliif..,.
Ii 1'. II. Cnr.cll i On, mert'ljanilili'
14 Jaiiimi llriiitiiw, (t"'noi
M Onlener M ltP, u.tntl.nii4iit... ........
H MnttLew H vim, pri'ticili
14 -I. I. Coffrcth, lbap"o ml eiultiing ...
llou'.tilnU Itorotigti.
ft F i an k, J I.i vert ir -it A Cu., nurrbamtiM.
II) I'tx-Q'lurt? Vntt luinti, iorrel)Bt.iKB
Ii 1;ivt, n'iifit'lijntrii
14 ilium Cl;nriit. n. I'lUCtiiiit
It li:i)imiiii 'lirttLio, (lonlVetibuerli-f.a. . 7 OH
14 iiin'l V.'. Hirlinyer. l.(n('Cii)lt
I) Mutt4 il, C'hn, eiudims ,
14 W.J. Hhmlfnj(... ilniifi
11 l'utrirk Iudb, nlofiiiajf
IH .lit met Dunn, uirrfbtiniltup
12 l.Arpur A tV, ini,lnmlU'
14 J. It., imliiicr
14 Jiitii. llcMfttrnrytiiiiioli'jnr.'- ....
4 vi Ktronp. tfroeert.. ,..,..
14 Willimn
II F. A. Huttun. ffioerrie
14 Fouriner, frot-erlf
14 Itrnti, Dim. 4 i'o.t groctrin
14, W. V, LBBfClartJ, cinfoetioncrici
' " Jordan Tennttlilfa '
14 Juia MfCracken, i.turobandiia'.....,
14 H. K. Kwan, m.'rt!iii:iJiii
I.t J. C, k l. Jubiimon, morchkndtia.....
KailhauM ToMuhJp.
1 1 W.J. IMfrr. inerftiiJi'e.....
II l). KUiU-r, tuvrchaiiiliffl ,
11! .). V. PciMer, Hitirhfnjn ...
;t J. i XfCluxkr.r. uTohaoUtfc
KlU'X Tnuiulllp.
Ii '). J. K i hurt, tuiT.lMtiilinC-
Ltnrriice TuHiihlp.
ft ii; It-rt B'-liafcr. bi'cwt'ry
14 i. N. 1'oHmp, inihanil.a
' i LaUiubrr City.
' It JoliO Fertittni A I'm, nirfhin!lj.,.,
1 14 Htlm Kaitcll X -n, in oft !i ati'
M 10
? 00
, 7 w
, 7
, II t t
, 13 f-li
, 7 (to
. 7 i'"
, 7 00
, 7 m
, 1 DO
, 7 M
. 7
. 7 CO
I "
. 7 CO
. 40 10
, 7 00
. r f
. I.I (0
, 10 no
. 7 0
. n
hi vxpi't'U'iice i'timi-die a wrning to -nil
ckTirnncn disptwed to pivfer the
l'l....i,.rf M.imaii-i .i.i.r.iad " ! " 1 ' ' m. "'
r, , .., i,-.i- j ..rr.liai.iliao
L'rnit it m j.rulfrtiici; uvt-r nil oilit-r atninU 1
la town, llw .rurl aa U lMa lo gooi !- , HM I- T oVH,lili.
vnuli;r, ur i-mutun"1! lur rsnaoaa 1U tiov. 14 )a!i)i- Tt.iiroD, hi r ha'i-liic
AMos kK.V.Mtl). , 14 M,,,,,, mplnr.tliw
flWilii'tt!, April 7, ;&. If . s , i 14 Vu-t Mynr. lBirrln'lU
. . . , - . . 14 l.witi-itd Kjrlr, ii)i'ivhndlia
9 Mirrr'.i" Con! Companv, aifrclnuiUiat ..
Veua Township.
14 J.tlni I.J. H.illffly. .i.twIiRtuUft)
I4 W. A. M'rr,t.-.-Niff't o-i urofft-i,.
I'lke l'itmhl
14 K. T. Fit.. ctBiiTtlwr.ery....
I 4 AUin Htuilit.O'fiiitjc'inicr
L'uK'ii TdWiislilj).
II !ntM.-l Urulukt-r. tiicrob..n.,)
15 J R ArnvtJ k oen-hnodt!!
of law at the point of the hovonel, or "'"' ....'. w ,,....u ....r..K.,.
over the pives of the rioters, if'ne.ys- QALU'ION ; iffi .
Biirv. I Ins is a public, an inipeintive , , , . . 1 14 T. T. couati-nrry
uniy, aim to piovime u csnvm- ir. ii rt.ji,, t , ,y .,, d,mD, b tbiii.!
inelislllu Of lllltdlieSM that Olllr helietits , l.,ff uronortr, now In I'ae .oj".caatn of It'.bi-rt
the eruzed suicide. Those who advise Williaaw. r nomborni-r. Brair, Clear I
la eottniy, la, v.i i . rnia. a w... ant. a .iri-
7 HO
t m
12 oil
mission tlio olllcinl lists of the Conunis. ,(.!(.... 'f u-iitliens to that of Chris-
sinners nisioiiited I.v those liireiirn trov- (iium. H is niiirnn friend, as he now tells 1 ference between the men and tin' rail
ernments, to see t hut their Industries innu-d out to lio a conspirator I road, the men hud just t iiuse of com-; lowinj rroit)r, n . M I J ti.n.n,
lira properly repivm nted in ine r.xni-, ujrniiiFt his piwkct anrl Ins ehnmcler;iplunu ; timl whatuver may no Ins cyni-j ' ro" b. ,,,, " ",rvi,,.ara Tii var,i.'
hitiunnf 1H7U. These comniissioncin but hia Cliristinn l.rrtliem, nn the eon- putbics in this Ishiio, when the ln' ! tka aa.t. 'fiVbaaei Vt ' at r. j
have all been selected l.y their respect- (i1(n-, thoni'h he certainly smilihetl jure disrcL'nnleil nnd murder slnlUs .i.i ir'i mi.- m. Mirch , i:i. noil i left ch '
ivo envermnciitH because ol (lieireini- ilMii in the due ol his secret trial, forth ivd-hnnileil mid defiant, he will blm bjct t mu orj.r onij
nciit litneas, and ns illustrative of the HV defeniv at his present puli- mnke peace and restore the supremacy
clinracler ot tno conunissioncrs mini lie uinl, and are sparini! neitlicr tears,
abroad, 1 present tlie iiiiiiiom nntl odicinl ajxpunsi', prayers, nor exhortations in
stnniline; ..fa few of the commissioners ,j bobnlt: It is plain, theivfore, that
appointed by the Netherlands. 'Christians are safer bosom friends for
lr. K. II. Von llaumliniiei', Jlon- n cleri'Vinan than heathens ; ami let
orarv Professor at llanrlcin. ri-csident. nl ministers lay tho lesson to their
AH at' biri-b niolloai-.l nfralnat
tiurlmfina: or in ant mm medil.ioir allb Hit- f ..I-,
ii. a. wiuiiiir.
Illon H"lf. 1, H7i -Jt H
the iiiflaiiHHl men thus to expose them
selves to the lust iienultics of the law,
cannot be holiest unless insane, and
.taail., I rti.boarJ, I 1 clock, 1 atan.l, 1 t ,r. f. M. Holt, ui rrhnn'lir
.(mint mailiinc, an l 5 Ha .f clialn Tbil pro. Sbiim-I A lloti. i....rcbi.nli.c
per.,- Mm to an I i. lafl in bij p.Mf.jian, ,Wr-o!o Hor,..tSll.
kombaraar. :. lSIi.-3a ,. H. I'nmaan, foiailurr...
.Mr. A. 11. KiL'tnnn, President ef the 'i.nnns.
Hociely of Dutch Industrials at Leiden, i --
.Mr. 1'. llartsen. President of the Til 1C XJCW POSTAL LAWS.
nn, a lending Itopublican )oliticinn of i llonrd of Comuieive and Mnniifuctiiivs ; tieorpe V. Fairman, Ksq., of I'hila-: bcy should be shunned in every com-
JUenipliis, Tenn., lias own seiitoncou i oi Amsiennnn. tieipnia, lias issucniiieioiiowiiiKnoiiee: ninnity lis len-lolil (jiviuer cniniuais
to the penitentiary for fivo yearn, for ilr. J. h. inn Heeiiiskenk an . Notice is hereby pven to the public tbun (heir impassioned iollowers who
neesi, .nisi at ine nugue. j innt iniiier tno provisions oi tno set ot imi vy tneir neiiests.
.Mr. II. C. Van der lloiiven Vim foni'i'ess npproved March 3, 1875, the!
On rdt, Secretary of the Heclion Over- nostiifje to 1.0 liorealtor cliari;ed on all 1,K(IAL HOLIDAYS.
velinve of the Societv of . L'ricnltiire matter of tbo third class, re-1 The Philadelphia .raityT cives the
ri:l.l,..l..n,l I-........1 .. i ...llr... Ill ,wn-,l lun-a ! histoid of the leL'islntioll in tills Stlltel bla foroBlca.. 01 Main n.t tor fur-
Mr. .M. .M. do .Mnnchv, Presi.leiit of '.hall be nt tho rate of ono cent for j Willi reference to Ieil holidays. It is. rrt cniai.aJarc.4 ; '
iilho lloitnl of Comnicive anil .Mmuifiic- each two ounces or fraction thereof, ns , nncn v. ns inuows: jh--tiiiuiii who
le J. It. M'-!iirra,r, .tnrcl.niiili.a
4 " I'.imt mcdlcin....
II J'.hn N.ff, eanfc.'lii.ocry
Walltxrliiii lt-..roujli.
I 11 .latiica llalwraltani, cofili-ciiiinarT..
I Ml
' 7 Ctl
7 I II
li m
7 nil
. 7 Oil
. 7 I'll
. I (0
. 7 CO
. 10 Ut.
. ; oo
. i :o
. 7 IMI
. 2n in
, 5 mi
. 7 CO
' lid
7 on
7 nil
inarrvuiir his former wilos irnnd-
dauj(litcr in violation of Nlnto law.
Moody mid Smikey, the two great
est revival preachers of tho it(e, nro
nightly nd.lressinH hugo crowds in
London. Mr. Sankey is a son of K.
Staiiiaf-y, of New Ca;;t!o, Pa. M'-
is a nut ivo ot MossachusclUi.
Arould'l Unit, in rui ircniPTill. ir i.'thi ir
wrtltt a retKonai'Itt icimf. bVitiiij cittittcitj,
fill b $UKf, )i4U) dnip rarfuiu ttl, rumll.
AUo. I Ii nt rotitiii on trronJ t'nor, Vds'.O. puiU-
U-rrtafore pri
:d by Saw;
the set of -Ipri! 11th, 1SIM. t!si
IaKT iiim Com I. It is nnnounced
that Col. Forney will soon return from
Europe, whero ho hus been for some
timo, and will tako full control of the
editorial columns of tho Tress. This
would be docided improvement, bo
cause since ho left about two columns
of that journal havo been under tho
control ot a fool, if not a knave. At
the Col. returns tho better.
KoNStNSi. An exchango states that
Hon. Gilbort C. Walker, of Virginia,
intends offering a proposition in tho
noxt Congress providing for tho as
sumption by tho Fodcral Government
of all the Stnto debts. This is not n
new idea. H was broached years ngo,
and tho Democratic party invariably
opposed it as being contrary to tho
trne theory of our institutions. A s has
been vory justly Baid by a cotempora
ry, "let tho Statos liko individuals pay
their own debts." Tho United .States
government has debts enough to liqui
date without becoming responsible for
any moro, nnd it will bo time enough
for Unclo Sam to talk about paying
other peoplo's dobts after he pays off
his own fiadicnl debt.
Kliotions. Connecticut nnd Mich
igan hold elections on Monday. In
tho former State, Governor, Logisla
ture and Congressmen woro voted for,
and the lntter Stato, Judges and Mu
nicipal officors were elected. What
the result is, wo nro tumble to sny
tbis (Tuesday) morning. But we
Bhall bo greatly mistaken if tho Dcm
omcraU havo not mndo a clean swcop
in tho Nut Meg Stato.
Later Tuesday 2 o'clock P. M.
Tho Democrat of Connecticut linvo
elected their Governor, Legislature, and
gain two Congressmen. The Demo
crat had ono member nnd tho lindi
cals throe in tho Inst Congress. In the
next Congress tho rulo will bo re
versed. At the municipal elections in
Cincinnati nnd Columbus, Ohio, the
Democrats cloctcd their Mayors by
swooping majorities. Tho political
break-up in Connecticut is tho more
significant when wo state thnt Grant
& Co. had all their leading stumpers
in tho flelibuslng money nnd patronage
with all tho power at their command.
Tni Naval CADtrsittp. The Clin
ton Democrat says : Hon. L. A.
Mnckoy baa rocoivod qnito a numbor
of applications from young men In this
Congressional district who nro desirous
of becoming n "middy." Nino appli
cations nave been received. Ho has
not yot made any selection. Wo under
stand that the appointmont will not bo
made till sometime in May, when he
proposes n competitive examination
nmong those who may npply, that lie
may obtain tho benefit of tho commit,
tee's conclusions to assist him in mak
ing scloction. This examination will
be mndo by n eommittoo appointed by
Mr. Mnckoy, and the result will havo
duo woight In determining the appoint
ment. This is a liberal nnd wo bo
lievo the bost way to dispose of such
appointments. H opens tho door of
promotion to tho poor boy ns well ns
tno rich, nnd bases tho appointment
npon the qualification of tho niu.licant
himself and not upon tho amount of
money Ins father may hnvo or tho
amonut of political Inflnonco be may
be fable to bring. As theso boys are to
j fill important positions nnd becomo
representatives in the Nnvy of Ameri
can principles, in peace nnd in war,
H is important that good material
should be solocted, and a competition
tnt is open to nfl nnd "loU tho best
W win" it as fjotb way of obtaining
thai a . .. . - e
wru ma m eonld ne devised.
board reduced the former thirty -three
per cent., making the avorago f 7li,and
added thirty per cent, in the latter,
milking tho avorago 70. A glanco
ut llitrnsidc and Jordan townships ro-j
veals a similar inequality. While tlio
ono is fixed at only J43, tho oftier is
f 8 making nearly one hundred per
forty per coat, to tho former fixed the
value nt SCO, and by reducing tho bit
ter twenty per cout. fixed tho avorago
ut fG5, nnd thereby approximate
equality. A great many wiso men,
and thoso too, who DKMAND
EQUALITY in taxation, often' insist
thnt tho County Commissioners have
no right to meddle with the Asses
sors' work. The fallacy of this theory
is fully demonstrated by our table.
Suppose tho board bad adopted this
view of tho case, w hat would havo
been the result ? The county rate is
fixed at five mills. Tho nggregnte
value of the one hundred and twenty-
six tnxnbles in Jordan township is
1 0,350, which would make J51.75
county tax, or forty -one cents for each
taxable, while ono hundred and twenty-six
tnxables in Ilurnsido would only
pay 127.09, or about twenty-two cents
each. Would that bo right 1 As ad
justed by tho board tho citiscns in
each pay about thirty cents.
Wo call the attention of tho reader
to another freak in tho nbove state
ment. Ittimsidc nnd Chest townships
occur in the Initio just as they do up
on tho ground side by sido and
have exactly two hundred and flify
five taxnblcs cacti, i et, tho Assessor
in the former fixes bis aggregate valu
ation at 110,870, while in tho latter it
reaches $15,055, and if allowed to pass
would on tail "Vy per anl. mure tax on
tho citizens of Chest than thoso in
Again: an investigation shows
thnt whilo one Assessor rales nnd
classifies his occupations in four class
es : 1100, $80, SCO, and $20, another
equally as intelligent puts them nil
down nt $00. It would bo just ns
good sense to rato nil farms nnd homes
alike. It is notorious that the pursuits
Mil avaittg of aaaati aavo avw wuriad In
vnlito as tho property Indicated, oi.d
to assess cither at one rate is certainly
compounding nonsense.
' Moro: whilo our people will persist
in having their occupations assessed nt
a low rnto, they will bo compelled to
pity more nn their farms and houses
and lots. It will bo obsorvod thnt
tho aggregate vuluo of oceupnti us is
$121,080, nnd nt fivo mills will yield
a little ovor $2,000. Now, if occupa
tions uro mndo to avorago I mil or
$150, doublo thnt sum would ho raised
and our real estato released just to that
amount. It is folly to supposo that If,
a man pnys only twonty cents on his
occupation, that his taxes nro ro.
ducod. Let him pay ono dollar nnd it
will relenso his real cstnto of at least
eighty cents of its burthen. Besides,
if tho Assessor only puts his own oc
cupation down at $40 ho dnro not put
his neighbor's down nt any moro.
llonco a largo numbor who should pny
at lonst one dollar, got off nt twonty
The nvorago in Lumber City ap
pears rather high in compnrison with
the smnll boroughs. This nriscs from
tho Inot that fovoval persons nro rated
very high nnd the numbor of taxable!
being small the avorago scorns high.
Tho reduction will bo mado so as to
mnko this borough comparatively
oqnnl with the others.
The Governor's proclamation seems
to have quieted tho coal strikers In
lbs Anthracite regions.
Ilui-pers journal of l'iiili:athn (!)
is thcrcforo committed to "reform or
defeat." The former will never occur,
tho latter is not far off nnd every in
telligent "Radical knows it.
Our outside is taken up this week
with Senator Wallace's speech, and
It is a straight-forward, legal delinea
tion of tho principles of our form of
government, and should ho understood
by every citizen of this country.
Tho Philadelphia Inquirer, ono of
tho leading ltndieal organs of this
State, in alluding to the speech, snys:
Mr. Wallact'i tnaiilen rpeaah la tha Unltad
Rtatra Banala on tba LonLlnoa raaolulios wax a
Dotmbla triumph, and gara ar.uranca tbat, alter
lang waiting, that I'vnoajlvania ba. at la.t a
tnambar-ln tbat body trbo .ball haaa lomathing
to My, and wbo ihall know bow to .ay It in aucb
manner aa tn eootraand tba retpeet af bia. fallow
member.. Mr. Wallace', a xpertenoe a. a deba
ter in onr Bute Senate ba. not been witbont It.
good reenlta. It gara bina fit training for tba
bigbar plana and graver datial wbieb ba wa.elae.
ted to dieebargr, lfeaid.a bl. ripa acholarly out
turn, hi. aatural ability and bit profound knowl.
edge of American politic, Mr. Wallaoa poeaeaee.
a reputation for invincible Integrity and an
blomiibed truthtolneae of abaracter wbloh eaa
nnt fail to ba appreciated in a body like the t'ni
ted 8tatea Senate. Altogether, Pennsylvania baa
good ret ion to enngratolate herarlf upon bar new
To extract such compliments from
an avowed enemy, is certainly gratify
ing to every "Democrat, not only in
tho county, but in the Stnto. Wo pre
dict thnt bcloro two sessions pass over
thnt Mr. Wallace will hold tho same
position in tho United States Senate
that ho has held nt Ilnrrisbnrg,fortho
past eight yen,
A SpKcmm lion a list. The titlo ot
(ion. O. O. Howard's lecture is "An
Account of the Battle oT Gettysburg,"
a very intoresing subject, doubtless ;
but a good many peoplo would rather
have him render un "ncconnt" of tlio
Freedmnn's Bnnk. Tho General had
better step down nnd out ns n lecturer.
Let him and his buttles account for
tho fArce millions of cash they cribbed
from tho poor negroes whilo hugging
and kissing them Judas like nnd
then robbing them. This General
Howard, liko his counterpart, lleoehor,
has boon standing on tho ragged etlge
for a long time, nnd is notorious for
two things only iinpndenco nnd hy
pocrisy nnd tho sooner his friends
haul him off nnd bnnish him from the
public gnr.o, tho belter.
Spinner, tho man who hns put tho
worm-liko picture on tho lower right
hand corner of tho "greenbacks" for
thirteen yenrs, bus picked up his hat
nnd left. Ho is as queer ns his signn
ture, and he should bo looked after.
Ho will be wanted after a while to
help "red up things."
Tho Hoard of Pardons will meet at
Hnrrishurg on tho 4th of Mny next,
and fully organise under the provisions
of the new Constitution. Tho nttor-
ncys and friends of criminals seeking
pardons, can put In an appearance nt
inai lime.
On TnE Go. "Tho government" fam
ily, Bartoris & Co., spent several tfnys
in . Now York Inst week, "shopping,"
and made arragemcnts for a tramp to
"iJosting" on tlio 19th, to help cele
brate Concord and Lexington on thnt
uny. .
An exchange says thero aro fivo
pnirs In tho present .Sennto tho Cnm
orons, Joneses, r'errys, Johnsons and
Morrill, How would our Minister lo
Grcnt Hritnin, General Hchonck, piny
! J- U!
A Goon Ibsa. A committee of tho
Massachusetts lcjinlnture aro consid
ering tho expediency ot Incorporating
"fldolity insurance companies," to in
sure tho personal honesty of officers,
publioor private, under bonds or other
special obligation for the faithful ad
ministration of tbeir offices.
ttll'cant Kottiit-Mti....
Ilr. .1 Th. Under 1'ivwilenl Hm l:fl. Mnili.i.l matter of the1 therein mentioned are nimiily entinier-
Tho Kmpcror of Braid proposes j 0f tho Society to further Manufactures 'third pamphlets, oe-! nted ns days concerning winch notes,
to abdicate in favor of his eldest daugh- ,u)d Trade Industry in the Netherlands. nsional publication, transient news-! drafts, Ac, falling duo on thoso days
tor, tlioCountressd'Ku. Tho Kmperor, I Those from the reiimiiiii!;; twenty- papers, magazines, handbills, posters, j shall be deemed to be payable nn the
upon his abdication, will maken tour lone nations are equally distinguished, unsealed circulars, prospectuses, bisiks. secular days next preceding. This act
of Kuroiie. after which ho will pro-i and as each nf own State. 'Govern- ii.B..iia-i'ir,t uroof ..heels, corrected .included Christmas Uny, the first of
lhr fert.cnlui. aOdrra.
Cuiweuarillr, A p.-.l 7, l87o.-.u
tkn ti.stkV.
done in Kuropc.
mi. it.
The milk bill of r.ur cily nlms-hmisc
ninotiuts to ovor $10,00(1 per milium.
In 1873 tho medical prescriptions for
tbo.iKwr. w;..ib(ij,wi.i,',iitwi' muftu,v.v;.'!
on the principle that it was cheaper to
buy milk than physic. A -yours' ex
perience has proved how much more
efficacious milk 4s than medicine in
such an institution.
A I.RKAIirilL lMI'RKI'.W'fnV
The Milwaukee Sentinel says: ''The
editor of tho Courier-Journal assumes
ceed to the United States, w hore ho mcnts are alsjut selecting t'oiiimisnioii
will iiiitko his home. jers to look after the interest of the
Fashionable invalids in Kloridn , inlleront rMate. it; oecurreii to me timl
nro represented lis having a charming
time, dancing, ynebting, cnting Ircsli
vegetables, shooting nlligators, deny
inif tho allegation, smashine their med
icine bottles, throwing nwny their
crutches, and conducting themselves
generally in a jubilant manner.
County, 111, iYi'"lio" lilft'tV till" Ju'dg'o.
Williams seiitonecd Wilbur r. Story.
of the Chicago Timet, to ton days im
prisonment m the county jail tor con
tempt of court, in having published an
article, construotively reflecting on the
character of certain mcmboi's of tho
Grand Jury. " - ..-. .
John Itoyer, of I'liumixvillc, aged
eighty-two y oars, was on r riday gath
erctl to his fathers, Mr. Hoyer was
prolmlily the oldest printer in t lie t'nited
States, having either worked nt tho
case or edited a newspaper for sixty
mid years. At ono time ho edited a
paiwr at rottstown, probably ns long
ngo s ntty years.
Mining is being prosecuted in the
Mm tu witn seal nnil nctivily. 1 Ins
especially the enso in Georgia, where
considerable quantities of gold are bo-
Ing taken trom certain localities. J Mir
ing the past year copper oro to tho
value of $100,00(1 was sent to market
trom this State, und iron nro nlso com
pettsntcd thoso who mined it In a satis-
tuctory manner.
Orders havo been received nt tho
shops of tho of the l'eniisvlvnnia Hail
road Company, in Altoona, for several
new cars lo bo tlenoniinntcd "Centen
nial passenger cam," and it is nlso
slated that a number of new locomo
tives nro to bo built. During tho pnst
several (luys n numticr ot additional
workmen havo been employed in tho
company's shops nt that place." Tho
shops aro running on full timo again,
ten tinurs, inslcaa ol eight.
A partnership lias been formed
between the sons of President Grant,
Senator Sherman and ex-Governor
Henry 1). Cooko, nnd a banking-house
is to Do conducted i.y tins ni-m. Hi
understood thnt Lieutenant-Colonel
Grant will either resign or bo ordered
to return to Washington, so that he
can givo his personal attention to the
banking business. '1 lie firm ought to
bo omte successful, as it will certainlv
have inside news which will enable it
to net Intelligently.
Gen. Hennrognrd, of Conledorato
fame, is successfully running a tireless
locoinotivo, of his own invention, on a
short railroad from Hew Orleans to
Carrolton, La. It appears to consist
simply of a strong cylindrical vessel
into which steam is compressed to furn-
isn propulsion to mo wheels ol tho car.
sufficient to enable it to run tho wholo
distance Irom Carrolton to tho fit
border nnd back. Onlv ono man i
needed, who opens anil shuts tho stoain
valves, regultttos tho bruko and takes
lures. It attracts much attention.
In the suit of Helen Josephine
Mansfield airainat Lucy 1). Kisk. exocti-
trix, in whicli a verdict of $25,700 was
obtained on two promissnry notes ifiv-
en by J nines risk, Jr., tn Miss Mans
noiu, n motion mr a now trial wn
urgiied beforo Judgo Van limnt. Tho
ground ol the motion was nowly-dis-covorod
evidence. It was nsserted
thnt it could bo shown nn n retrial that
tho money derived from the sale of
stocks lor which tho note of $15,700
was given was applied by Mr. FiBk to
tlio purchase of Miss Mansfield's house
in 'J weiity tliird street. Judge Vun
jiruni iook mo paKTS.
All the people in a Paris house
woro recently startled ono night by a
iremoniiotis noise mado in an uppor
upunmenv. jtusiungio the doors they
saw a man coming down four steps nt
a time. Ho was a thief, had made his
way in with a falso kej and feeling
nis way nnoui ma ap irtmonis trom
room to room to find valuables, had
come upon somo slrango, solt, movable,
unrlirlit thins ill tho middlo of s mom.
Ho felt of it, passed bis band higher
.nn. wetter ami leu a lace, cold as Ice.
Krightcned, eagor to escape, ho could
not find bis way to the door, and in
his flight upset every article of fiintture
in tho apartment. Then thoy all went
op stairs and found the tenant of tha
fourth floor hanged in his room.
rant' slient. mans, tirints. eiiL'iuviiiL's. January, the rourlli of July
hmks. flexible i.utteriis. articles of day proclaimed by the Governor
merchandise, sample cards, phono-I I bnnksgiving, lusting or cessation trom ,,i-.,
letler envelops, postal : uusmess. la mo loregmng list ine
it miirbt. be nl' lil.l.lie hnnetif. ft. nI.ow ,rrn.,liin tinner li'tlur envelorM. liOHtlll 1
with what wisdom these things are envelops nnd wrappers, cards, plain I nt t of 7th iMny, 1H74, added the twenty-, 't
i and ornamental pnpur, photographic
representations ol ilitteivnttyiies, seou,
cuttincs. roots, scions, and nil other
mailer which mny be declared maila
ble by law.
Instructions, All packages ol Hint-
ill 1874 they wore decreased to $90,000, od or enveloped, with open sides or
ends, that their and may bo readily
oxaniinotl uy postmasters without de
stroying tho wrappers; but seeds and
other articles liable, from llieir form or
nature, to lose or damage unless speci
ally protected, may be inclosed in un-
senlcd bags or boxes, which can readily
no opened lor examination ot the con-
ignorance of draw pokor, on t he ground j tt"lt nni1 'wlosod, or sealed bngs.mado
tjint hois a Sunilav-scliool Snnerin-K ninlorial sufficiently transparent to
To this the impeached editor responds
that he assumes ignorance of draw
pokor on nothing of the sort. He loves
the Sunday-school and everybody con
nected therewith; and when ho crawls
into the regimentals of a Sunday-school
SuK.riiitciident merely to conceal a
show tbo contents clearly without
opening, may be used for such matter.
Matter nl the tliml class, inclosed in
sealed envelopes, notched at tho ends
or sides or with tho corner cut off, can
not be mailed except nt letter postage
rates, nnd matter of this lass contain
ing any writing whatever, except the
fondness for draw-poker, ho hopes the1 address, will be charged with letter
lightning may strike the niothcr-in luw
of his ndopted uncle's grandfather, and
scare her within un inch of her life.
Hero, as in Louisville, we have dis
tinguished editors whose love of the
Sunday -school is quite ns ardent nsthis
Courier-.limmal editor's, anil whose
knowledge of draw-poker is tlio theme
of lireless praise from thoso whoso ed
ncntion is less favored. These gentle
men sometimes seek a transfer from
the cares of editorial hie, to the ease
and emolument of public station. ( n
such occasions they would lie only
happy to conceal their affocliou for
draw-poker hy crawling into tho regi
mentals of a Sunday-school worker,
and would probably attempt to do so
wero it not they, ear the lightning
might striko them.
We bad such nn editor to run for niacins life and pronertv in peril, bv
public ofllcc, not long-sineo, but un- their tumultuous and disorderly enn
Ibi'tuiiutcly lliure wero no rcgiinenlnls jduot, and, with force and nrnis, aro In
of a Christian soldier big enough to jtriiding upon tho rights of individuals
No package of any class of mail mat-
tor wiiirrliin-r morn thnt four pounds
can bo received for convoyuiico by
Matter ol the third class must bo
fully prepaid by stumps affixed thereto.
The excitement which has prevailed
lor ten nays past, in the anthracite
coal regions, has about culminated.
'l he Governor's proclamation seems to
have the desiretl effect, and was ns
Wiikhkas, It is represented to me
thnt In tho counties ot J.uiscriio nnd
Schuylkill certain ill-disposed persons
nnvo cominneii themselves together, In
violation of law-abidine citir.ens, nnd
cover Ins fondness for poker, lie
didn't implore the lightning lo strike
nnybody's mother-in law not even his
own but ho wont straight lo his
pastor with whom ho doubtless never
played poker and obtained n ccrtifl
cate of gind character, went before the
people on that and was struck so badly
ov ngiiining or hy I no pconio, that
alas, 1 fear it has permanently unsel
lied his judgment.
That high old priest, Father Genlo
man, who violated his vows of oelehney
by marrying the organist ofhis church,
and who alloiui.teii to reach Germany
hy tho round nbnt way of going Irom
Philadelphia to Jersey Cily ; thence to
Cincinnati; thence U llnltinioro; llieuce
to Germany if it hud not been for
tho Baltimore detectives is to have
his trial noxt week, in tho Criminal
Court. Ho Is charged with stealing
about $ 1 00,000 of his parishioners' cash,
which, in thoir eyes Is a slight olrence
compared with taking unto hiinsell n
wife. Tbo enso against (ienleman
looks bad, and yet 1 shall be grcntly
mistaken if ho is convicted. Tho ex.
priest Is a Gorman, and the Gormniin
nro more than anxious forhis acquittal,
whilo tho Irish aro determined (o con-
vict him. Ono thing is certain, "No
insn or initcu need apply ' lor a situ
ation on that jury.
CiviMZATin on a llnsT. Tho col
orod society of Washington, 1). C, is
deenlv iutuivHled in nn nviatuemtir.
wedding, to take place at an early day.
n, ...;. i r u, I.,-,., n... '...
. ... I,,,.,,, Ml , r. w ..,,,-n, mi, rt.U1 I.I
Senator Jones, is to be led to the alter
by General Itutler's cook. Groat prep
arations aro making for the happy
event, and it Is rumored Hint tho man
sion of Senator Jones will be thrown
open, In order that tho favored pair
may hold a reception. IIobis Kn.i.itD -At Paris.
Ky., April S, during tho stallion show
there, Goldsmith's Abalnllah while tn-
lug around tho track was met by his
full brother, John Bright, and the
shnflof tho sulky drawn hy tha lat
ter entered his breast and came out
nenr the ton of tho shoulder, causintr
denth fn a few moments. Ho was vni
ued at $30,nn(' .
und corporations, and well
disposed persons from tl.o pursuit of
their lawful employment nnd nvoen
tions; And whereas, It is mado tho duty of
the cxecutivo to take care that the
laws bo faithfully executed.
Now, therefore, I, John K. Ilnrtranft,
Governor and Commander-in-Chief, tlo
command nil snch evil disposed pontons
in tho aforesaid and other counties to
disperse and desist from further un
lawful combination an. I demonstrations,
nnd to return without delay to their
homes, nnd nll such persons nro hereby
notified that if they fail forthwith to
comply with this command, the sheriffs
of said counties shall call for whntcver
military aid mny bo neecssnry to pro
servo onler," protect lifo nnd property,
nnd enforce the Inws of tho common
wealth. Given miller my hand nnd tlio grcnt
seal of the Stnto nt llarrisbnrg, this
thlid day of April, In the year of onr
f.ortl ono IIioiihiiihI eight hundred and
sevcnty.fivc, and inf tho the common
wenllh the ninety .niiith. Hy tho fkiv
ernor, " M. S. i'Ar,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Tlio turbulent spirits in Northum
berland county took tho hint alter
rending this document nnd cooled
down, und have behaved themselves
pretty well.
Ponnia's Cahk. Various statements
having been made In regard to tho
net ion of the cabinet upon tho applica
tion of Gon. Fits John Porter lor the
appointment of a bonrtl of officers to
review the findings of the court mar
tial in his civse, it mnv be stated bv
authority that the application was
briefly though informally considered
at a cabinet meeting on Friday last,
and tho Secretary of War was directed
by tho President to hsve the new evi
dence alluded tn by General Porter in
his communication, examined and a
synopsis of tho samo prepared and re
Mrtcd to the President (or his Inflirm
atlon, with tho view to a decision on
tno application of General Porter for
executive interposition. 1
Murray and Mvors.themunlnrora nf
ine ivcrman peddler Wah . have been
sentenced to be hanged.
second of February for tho same pur
pose, and nlso to be ol.sorvcil as a
"public holiday." Then by the act nl'
April 12, IStii), "Gnotl Friday'' was
added to tbo legal calendar, to be
"deemed and proclaimed as a public
Marina deletmlnid lo locale in Cnrnrt.avi!ic
for lhe purpura ot po.ui.. uiy lolcrrion, 1
bereliy t)ff"r my ear lift to tba public. I bate
juat huiaheit a term of ib-ntil un tcr
Ilia uc.t trader, of lltv 1'ruii.yVaJiia t ' of
llctital Hurcciy in 1 iu'ud. h.l.iii, hmI am (.km
and any j prepared tn rxi-ctile all woik pertain. a:; to di-i,t-
I.i- mrf n foe-!..-.! uian-r, witu toe lat.-.t liiinioi e
tot ,... an,.k . ...
noality ami ilurellou. Ti-etb vx-
iiboul pain. Hooin iu nea l.oil-1-
IT'ir further in!..rmat.uu apply i.-i ta-rr in or
a.u.r.. B. II. TllOMl'MlM,
urhalTa If. Curm-aiville, 1'a.
t,. . t..i .
Mercantile Appraiser's List.
i ei-aaa. llcrcarla Tounalilj.. , tax.
12 Julio (i. flkugnw, nrrrbaniliai-.. .......... $11 in
4 ' " .almt unedi' lnM. a '
corning notes, drafts, &e., falling due , ' Juh" ' l,,ki merviiaodije
on that day to be considered ns tint,' " c"1' K """' Mf.iione.
and to bo paid on the next preceding1 ,, ,. ""Sr- 'iwnl.ii.
secular day. Some objection having j 't r.nZ:Z:Z
iwii inuuu iu nun iui mw, nn ikt want
I.I W. II. Kellj, uierilndiw. 10 HO
H W. H, ltnticer. fitir:iuDrrv ? -'ft
I It Mi (1m, h, rv ft;Mil', Kmm'M, 7
noali-:,, lullmr.l ri..iai, 2 i... 4 M
14 CYnrh Ktijo. jrnc;i'T , 7 "l.
1.1 Kiftiit-t K.iverii. iiiftn.bfltnli'w 1"
' 14 .1. II. KriiI.iT, bui)l nnJ kltco 7
14 Kir aid .M.-liii, ,1-1. ln'i b-i I -Ii-k-f 7 fl)
14 Ue-krib. f.iriti-urfl...a 7
14 Mir!t,iel Snifor l, eonf.-attnery 7 un
i. 14 A. .'.. tifld. uuu'y rt4 balpr 7 'l
II J. U.!l.'ii''ry " HI
ill h. W. Kt-lrtr. wi-rMiat.tli-..- 7 M
V rivrrixlit A l.inulf, morin liw 2 "l
I 14 (l -n. K. Jr.nfd, j.wo'iy. - 7 I."
13 Il irHnati A IVi", luMwaro !tt (in
, 0 .M'ilii.iii!in Ln.iJ nnjt J-hmU-r C'.mpa-
r. mK Vailiptt...... Ml ll
I T. Ii. lUiitniy h Cu rti ifi... .v., 7 rt
Irt T. 0. Helm, ft X, mrr.Vw.iuuiL'. (
:. II l.l'.v.I, ('alilw.H A (V. lunkor - 12
; 14 ll. O. Wt t Co., Kr B;rj nnI 7 Ut)
i 14 Anna (.iter, millinery 7 O'l
': H M. I. AVvllmnri, nim hant lailor 7 Ci
IVoodwrard Tunushlp.
j 14 Ja. rortilff, nurchati'i v ...v 7 6tf
14 fl. A. Wmrrn, drnn i'li ittfiTiry.... 7 t'fl
i 14 (1. XV. aflmrxirn, timlvctintifry 7 (0
j 14 McOnllj A SoulUcr, mn'mi.tJiio - 7 tin
i 14 XViioilm A Cui:imin, mrr. b'.nili!' . 7 Oil
i 14 Pifher A Co, wen-hiin.lia. - 7 m
; 14 Ktra Ctckitl, urrehftttJipn. i
14 Unlltnm A Smtth, irr'.'"i?ri, etc 00
framc'il nnd nnfi?d April 2, 1H73,
onnmomtinc tno "loriil lioli1nyi hn
follows: Tno Kiwt dy of Jniumry,
the Twonty-Mcoml of Fobninrv. tho
Fourth of July, tho Twenty-fifth o
Owmltor, and nny day apminttvl hy
tho (iovernw of tho Stato or tho Prt'
hieiit of tho TniM Htatcs for Thunki
ffivin fasting, or (jonornl eoiwation of
buftiness. Tho (Ionian of tlio (Vaimrn
of thin not wa.- to exehido "(iootl Fri
day," tut Ihoy forgot to aild nny
wohIh n,poalingtho"(iood Friday" act
of April, 18.')!), so that act still Mandn.
r oi
1 (Hi
7 !
7 00
licit TuHUblllll.
14 lUvld Hell, general nrobtU(liao
14 X. I. Hounjr, urocrriM
14 Hubert MIi4IIot, fitmrBl niorchaDdiw.
Hradlurd 1onniihli.
1 1 t. Ci Icy A Co-, ntfrclian Hi
14 r, II, HfivJ, ilruge nnr mcrrha-Jiiw
(1 Ml'!,iiii!nih' 1 00
II CM. r.lwftl,Nr, RruowTiati A ounlvct. 7 00
llrady Towiinhip,
is ii, (I oo.i lander, meroluBiittt .,
14 J. II. KitngiT, htknlwarota.. ,
II J. H. &rynr A Hra., mcrtiamliM.
IB M raraA Uoiilloo, toaivbsa'lH.,;..j,
M ChrUlian llurkliart, contcrtionric H
14 Mean A Uny, itrii ,
t.riiw, mtrtilt(inlifen... ...
11 H II L h '
I XV. H. fhiiitn ffroT-fli-a..
4 Tin.. Ileiidfrcoa, mifiiio liitj..
I orrtifr llut the aH ie 1 ft onrrect IUI or thn
oatutf ant prrfOQ and Una) -. 1 for lit eur
rnt VMf. K lioe U hnrehr eUeu Ihit nn aiinral
7 UO will W he I at the Ouuuly Cuinntinfionitra' i!fi t.
to C!eraVliJ,t) Tl ESDAY, ibr JOlbdajof Ajiril
Dfxf, where all wbo feel them) vet airerievctl
t. -n an attend If tlny m aror. No
It 00
7 00
10 01)
IB on
r oo
r oo
7 00
7 on
KKSIONfcn. (it'll. F. K. SpillHOr, who 14 K- J- Mpllmry, oonfMt a, groosrki..,!! 7 00
tliirfna.n v.. nr 11U 1 1 A 1 "H Mlorllfn. MCr.'bliBJiM
or rfiluctioaa tan bt wads utter thodajuf Mp;e .1.
laiitlirraiiorjE. j JAMKSSMl.hS,
Uircb U,'7iUt ' M item tile Approucr.
14 S. (1. Kaiiti. iuen.lian.lib
14 Johr Suhenrieh, dry ffaoda,
H. ... ,nn k...k.. ., a.
,1 ,. . """'I';"'".'. iir groeet'a 7 W
.- ur.a a miia, nieri-uaudii.
14 K. tl. Mcllrnrjr, druja
15 C. D. Kraur A tiro., taerchaniliae.. ."...'.
11 Ji.lin Dull.,!., dry gooda, groeerir
14 Harh jlrueka, greerriea, eiinfratiohi-r'.
Hurnaide T.irt ii.hlp.
H. F. ftlVAX. I.ialrit Tn-ft.i.rer af Jordan tuwu
abip, in aeimant w th tlta Sfh..ul a'un-le of eaia
t0llip fre'a June 1A, 1S73 t.. Jaua 1!I .
)i.nnM to amt aerated for ili'i $IST4 31
. Tn ami due freaa luruter Ireaa... 7 ;7
T entt reed finu. elleetor nf
'latilirnte far IK. 2
Tu Stata apprinrUtiuB.
Tora.h f .i l.ou.3
1.. ni'itia Aura from CV Treaa.
To lire ord-.-r haiaiiae...
if 7 r.n
M S..
3 tia
ia tu
for thirtnon renin linn been I'nitcrt
Suites Trcnxuivr, Inst .Moniluy tcmlcrcil
hi resignation to thn l'riwiilent, to
tako effopt on July lnt ncxi. Tho
Uvnoral han been a little troublesome
for snmo timo punt and would threaten
to deprive tho wuntrv of his serviccsjil A. w. dry ,da, (raWrlH .
n iiv.ii;. i i uihii!. UIU 1HH gltlO SIIU
him. This time the cashier waa pro.
moteil, leaving a vacancy iir that of.
flce, which thetJeneinl wnstletcimincd
should ho filled by his choice, and
Ihrentened, as iisnit'l, to rooign if he
was inicrieivil with. rSoerctaiy liris
tow promptly Informcil him there was
no opjiosition to his tendering his res
ignation, whereat tho venerable Trea
surer got angry and indulged iu a series
of pious cjficnlntinns, but not in tile
spirit ol piety. It was a sort of bovixh
lo cu!
7 HO
1.1 00
11 0d u;
Kr i.-liuol unlere reteaiiint....
lly iall far tlvaltiin....
Hy liercentar
Uy atat. unealleeteil u date-
7 00
7 On
7 00
r mi
7 to
10 M
play "J dare yon to Itnock tho chin
off my shoulder" which really pro
voked the Treasurer nnd when the
fight began the Secretary wanted the
resignation to tako effect immediately.
It wits in a dispassionate, momcnt.hotv
ever, he thought it. better to wait un
til a worthy mun could ho found for
the place. H is said that Morton's
man "Friday," John C. New, cashier of
tho first nntionnliiniiknl Indianapolis,
is to lie Jiia successor.
Hew dvrrfUcmrutja.
lit trlrtue of lundrr write of Veri Wtr la
ened eat of tba Conrt of Criwrmn Plea, of Cli-ar-alri
aonoly, and aa aia dlraeted, there trill be
aipoied lo palillo Bale, at the Coart Houae. in the
borooih of Clearlrld, as Saturday, Ilia Silk
day 01 April, 1H75, at I o'clock p. aa.: lhe fol
towing deeeribed real aetata, lo wit :
All Ikaleartaia traol of land Btt.ieta la Law
rence townabip, Clearaold ooualr. Pa., aonniirj
aad deaorllied aa follow.: Ileainnina at a atone
earner oa tha Bortbwee! eonier of land of Matth.
aw V.lan I tbenee eat Its perehe. to poili tbonee
' pvroaea io aemiueK j tnaooa waat 14
perehel to .lontai lliaoea - "4 pereho. lo .tonal
and plaea ef beelnninj., enntalning At aerel mora
or lea, bains a part nl' traot. 'o. 2(102 aad ttlUS,
aboat tea aorae elrarrd, barh. erected thereos a
ania.i tog nouee. Sa.aa,!, takru in eaanitlion and
la ha .old aa the pro party af Alexander Kline.
Taaaa or Hall -The poor or aim al wbieb
Ibe property ahall be atrneh eff eaoit be paid at
tba lima of aala, or aaeh other arratii.inanti
made a. will be approrrd, atberwlaa the property
will ba lenieedlalily pal Dp aad aold aaln at
tba eiprnaa and rl.b ot tha pareoa lo wliim It
waa itroch off, and wbo, in eaae of duficli-ney at
unoh re aale, aha.ll nak. rood the aauie. and In an
Ineuaoa will Ibe Uea.1 be preeeitted la I'oart
rtmnruiation Miref ma Biiiney ia actually paid le
lb. Sheriff. w. u. M. PUHHS.IN,
Ksantrr'i 0tlrl, I SheritT.
Clearlrld, Pa, April 7, l-. J
-1. Nollca la hereby giren that Letter, or Ad
talnlatratlow aa U.a aetata of J. A HI. ATT UN.
HKHUoH. lata of Uaaaola. I'laariald L'aoaly, Pa.,
un-ro.oa, narmir oerw ouiy graated to the under
igned, all perron, indebted to .aid aatala will
eieeee mate Inmediale payment, and ttioee
aering eiaitna or areiaoiia will preoeot tbeei
properly aothentleatid for eelllnnrnt wlihoal
Oreeola, April 7, !S7..t Ada.'!.
QAUTION - - 7 " "
All person, are hereby w.rand aa.le.r
ebaaiae ar Is any manner inedallag w ith tha fol
lowing property, new IB the rttoita- or Ueorgo 41., ef lireearia lownrbip, rli : I gray bom,
I blaeb Bare, I yearling eoll, t eews, I .prlna
wanna, I dearborn aragoa, 4 ehoat 1 plaw, I
harrow, I ooojk etera. wilb irteMila, I eoraer awp
board and dlahoa.a' brdi aad bedd ing, 1 error
wheat laj tba a-roand. Thie araoerte waa nee.
ebaaad by ana at eeaetahle'4 aala aa MarehtOlh,
era, meet m tan wilt aim aw Hiao, tahjaet lo ay
order al any lime. ABRAHAM SMITn.
oiei Hope. April r, ms.-it
7 Oil
J 110
7 0.
7 BO
7 04
7 oil
7 till
5 on
7 Hi
7 vol
7 tw
7 till
7 eo
T 0.
II 60
7 0J
1 liorrow, Mehatf.-y A lUwl, druga.H
.... ... ..inner, merenaoiliae
14 J... UeMnrray t Sua,,..
II Jaekmaj Pelrbio, merehaniliae
14 A. II. Sfhacfl.-r. eontecliooerlca. .
13 lluraea l'..lcl.ia, dry g'.iidr, groccner...
Cheat lon-nelilr..
I William Hunter, tne.ehandira
" patent meilteiae.
14 J.J. Sn.t drr, merrhau.liae
ft Jauie. I'arrv, lnerehnndi.a.
14 Aurlln Curry, merchandise .,.,..,,
14 W. II. Wagoner, tnrrehandier
14 J. R. McKve A Co., merehaniliae
,. . V . . ." P"1" i'iai-i...
14 Jaeeb R.'llaoil. iaerebendlea.. .....
14 Pry A llroa., merebandiee
14 J. W. l.anibo.n, Ka., r.tnain. or eture..
II John IliH-konberry, mercbaniliee
Coall.gtoal Tuwuahlp.
1 4 Franrla roudri.t, dry goo Je, grocerler,
14 Fmncie Lrirry, merebuwdiae.. ,
II Jo.lin Plaliell, grccrrn.. ,. ,
I L M. l'oiidili t,t,n ltnerhandiee..."..l
II tlilliUudA Ueckendotu, iMrobandite.
Curerauarlllo Ilorougli.
ia rprenaie Sweeney, fancy,M, 10 00
i. n. a. .later, ctntl.lag 7011
... i-oun ei iiooowin, raoreuandila.... 10 00
Is J. K. Irwin, ilrngr m q 0q
,."r ""lilaa. t 00
14 C. h ogn.r, jewelry , ., 7 00
15 tl, IV. Mearcr A Co., druga. .', 10 uo
.1 o-l " . " palenl medicleee t 0
!'; TbompaeM A Co., tn.iehaaidlaa...,.... 10 00
14 Wai. II. Tiii.oipiiin, 7 oil
14 K. lirolf A Son. oonlreiloiiery Ar 7 oo
... m,o niigi-r, uanlware ,M
14 A. M. Kirk, Jewelry..
14 W. A. bale, gnieerlet
14 lrl'lik.y A Co., grooeriea.
10 J. P. Irvla, ticraliancliia....
j..Bn irrla 1 A H,o., dry gooda. grocer . II tn
t. oegner m rhompann, alothing f 00
IZ .'. ' no,nnuBn, grocerier, eoafeot'a.m 7
' rtnranam tlatea, bardwatw M, 10 00
nrnoin ilartaborn, gen'l mereb aa,. II 40
re a.. 1. Knit Co., thoe etora 7 ot.
Clrsrflcld. Ilorutigli,
14 A. II. Kramer, gracarlea and faait ...
14 M. H. Ulanla, eonleelionoru...,1
13 A. ilninahurg. clothing
14 II. II. hhaw, t.iheeoiitiiau,. ....,..,,,
14 Juhn Weple, bnnlwata 1!
II II. Bridge, eiothlng...,.
II T. A. Pleeb A Co., fancy gwntle.....'."
14 A.M. 11.11. A la., eohlectieaeriee...,
14 J. hbaer A Kona,
14 M. tl. Umwa A llru., niaibioery
II K. A.naop, merehendiae.
14 A. I.Shaw, drug. ,
14 II. P. Naogla.Jcaelry :
II Hamuel l.hnydcr, jewelry .
M K. W. Ilrahain, mi-touenil.eo ,
14 Alea. IValron, LolMioconiat
14 P. M. Cardun. machinery ...
1.1 11. Stewart a M., ..k.
II Joha linli.b. fnrpilura iloro...."
i J I ' ' "" "'handlae..
14 T. b. nalsun, aiiliner.. ,
14 P. A. Haulm, .u looery
14 Joha TruiiluMw. I0rr.1l.1e.
14 John Mtailler, ronfreiionertea v
1.1 Jama. II. Lyllg, grooeriea
II t. U. Miller A Oo. aatrobandlea
13 J 8. Hhowen, bootl and rboaa
William Heed, merebandiee
IX Jaa. Kerr A Co,
14 !. MeUangbey, reilaaieiaL..,,.
M bllliacl room, I tablea, 40 00
Job MeOaughey, graoarlaa and tead 10 Oil
II. P. UiglerA Co.. hardware 01 aa
4 V. II. waleea,, drage .., 7 eo
.3 M patent medielnoe 00
.1 Leeer Fmgal, boeta, .boa. sad bate..., 10 00
(l Wearer A Helta, mereheadtte. ., II AO
. ."1. urj.wr, nam ware
..n a,
H Walent teultrlBU
14 O. D. Rank, reetaaraat
Clearfield Co. Peak i. ,..,.,
I t'aepar Lelpoldt, brewery......
9 Wendell a) 11 dree, btawary.,.
Owutar TawaaJtlp.
14 Jacob Meak, merebendlao a aa
II W. J. Jaghrea, rrehapdltt II M
June 6
10 00
7 OO
7 00
. I 110
. 10 00
. 7
, 7 Oil
, 7 00
, II 641
7 00
, 7 tin
7 mi
13 00
. 7 00
. t till
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 IHl
10 00
7 00
, !S t
. 7 tl
7 110
, 7 00
7 00
10 on
1 II 30
, 10 on
13 00
7 00
II 30
. I 00
1 00
7 00
30 00
. 00
I 00
.. I0..1 17
0 0.1
c.v ts
... 4j 33
fiiio i
To mill iine'.Ueotrl 4.'.2 33
To bat on lehool ordi-r 2H 30
To ami ettllrcti-d on dup. l.7r, 1 .. A HH
To fr Co. Tree., unreal J I2i 0,1
ll'o amt aeerud for IS7I. 0 .0 2S
Ta btaia appropriation: ta;4 , VI ZV
Toenib fricbo-.l h-ta.e I 10
, SHI3 l
Ily rclioiNl nrli-ra .e.lea.c.1 lull 19
Uy c..l. pd f..r uee oi ech. house 3 f"t
Ily percental. .0 4
Uy exim'e nn dup. '7.1 anl '74.. .'..H 0J
By a... .lint uncoliaeted , S..I in
Feb. 30 Ta an.t an.
lla.-t..d ..
$(131 10
P. SWAN, bi.triol Tr.-Aturerof J ordan t ...
ehip, in a.'ient nl:h tlie Itoa l Pund of eai.l
to rneMp fri.o. Oct. 30, 173, to dale :
. "1 To ami K. Algier'a duplicate H7
To ami llol.l. 11... I .. ... 3-.0 M
To un.natrd road las received
Co Trcarnrrr, 32J ofi
To aarh reo'd oa dup fur 1813. 4 Oil
To eaib on dnp. ef Alglcr.. ..... 47 4'i
P..V road anlere rc!oeml ln.1 Ol
By tat worked andor Algier..., 2H it
l.y exonerallnn ' ... 3.1
Uy be! an AlgUr't book. ......... 8 iO
Ily tal worked ander Keed...... 313 -'
By pcreentuirr u '.....M 14 77
Ily anab 00 dU(. for IS74 47 40
By ami In Iraan.rrr'l k iada..,,. . t 3
' '"
1174 nur.ia. ' 3
3leh. 18 Tn ImI. io tniar. band. i,,,, 9 t8
Ta H. Algier-i wnp. for H74.... 501 II
.. ." 874 1
By a:nt worked nader AlgWr
for !; (:n i
' ny eiMcrntion for IH74 8 7.
Ily aiutwork.-d, ajt in 1S74 13 m
By per et. SJH. IV al t per CI... 4 M
By ami In ireie. hendr .' 4 Vt
S7I -1
' n.l..t 11 Uo!.i..l.A..
B. P. SWAM, tll.lrifl Trearurcr of Jordan I
a'lip, In ao.ut with the Per Kundofrtil
toaailiip from July II, I87r, la datal
To atol arreued for 1871 (!" '3
By rea d from C,t Straw..', f
1875 Br t.rr,.antaee 4 9
Mch. tJ By amt nenlli rte.1 to date.,..,. 371 03
JM73 73
1871 ls'3 ' mains.
3 Th earh rar'il fmia Col. Straw- 04 13
Mch. tl To 8tI. Wlearr
tor duplicate of H70 44
1 tint It
By poor order redeemed
By ami la treat, hud
Uj porrentaga.
$101 17
t 01
IS4 tl
We. tha nnderairnml. euJitnM ml jMnl.a Lnan.
ehlit, having duly aaamiaed Ike abaaa ereannU,
lad them at aSera autad.
autumn aTnAw,
JOHN aW AN, ta..
ATTliT: Aatllere
A. W. Torea, rierk. mehtl l