.BhtffttpuMuan. Gkoiicie B. Goohuniiiu, Editor. CLKARKIELP, Pa. WRDNKPDAY MOllNINll. MAHCII 11. IKT4 Notioi. At a Meeting ol tlio JJi-iu-ocralic StntoConiiultteo, in llurrisbiirg. March 4th, 1873, Iho following lies olution was mlojitod, vi : Resolml, That the nej.1 Democratic State Convention, for Mr jmy of.Xom inating Candidates fur Govrmor ami Slate Treasurer, be khLut Jhe City of Jiri, on IlVuW.iy, rt; HM '"y Sep tember, 1875, at noon. , ' -. , , , The Convonlipn vill .consist of ,tlic usual number ol vdclegntes, vix : plie Delegate for oneji member of tli Nen nto nrid Homwql' J?ppreseiitiitivo'r " , JOtlNMJTiLEIt, ' Cliuiriuiin. Tlio tiiciigo Times says lliiil),J. Pmlor lyipti having held up Jlusoe. to a Pliiliulelnaiia audience us u model 8ta(esuisii, It has -been decided tlmt MosvJJiiijisUa J?!'1 "".Cl'lIUaiTiriiu-lad' wuTJcixir pulriotio service niul. .. a At'oNmnRi'M. Jf it rcrMiired Vice President WllsMi one year to find out whether Grant really wanted a .third term or not, how long will it lake Iho average 'Republican citizen to discover the milk in the cocoa? Till IJino IlaoKEX. (jraiit'a left bower, Colonel Fabens, died in lir.n hcth, If. J., a tew days since, llewas conspicuous a few years ago in the ne gotiations on behalf of 13aez for the annexation ol San Domingo to the United States. Purson Brntrnlow snys a good word for journalism when ho asserts that small men with plenty of money can crawl into tlio I nitcu Mates .tiMTioc of helping to sure tlio country but it takes an intellectual giant to! fmm bankruptcy and moral ruin. In soar from that condition to tlio iligm-1 y oi un note cuiior.iuii-nciigcd. Appointkii. Tho Hellcfonto II'iifiA man says thnt Cameron Iliirnsidus, of that borough, has just been appoiututl to a number one payniastersliip in the army. C'auwis tho oiily. sen of Judge James liiimsidcs, and a grand son of Senator Cameron. t -The appoint incut story is a short one. '. IIappt 1'tMcx rats. Henry Ward Deecher onco publicly boasted (if lie did not publicly thank Godj thai nota Democrat was in any nmnnc(,gr foru connected with Plymouth church. Tlio Democrats now hare good reason to , ho thanklul such was the case. A New Kkatcrb. Wo h'liiii from an exchango that the M. E. Coiifereiice which met in Huntingdon two weeks ago, adoptod a proposition, by a largo majority, to recommend to tho next General Cotrl'orsrwie tliat -Prcsidirifr Kl tiers be elected herenfter by their re spective districts, instead. .of Icing, an-. Plymouth. The Beeehor-Tilton scandal is still on tho hoards in New York, t The -testimony tnken during the past week lodks to' tho 'indictment of Tilton rather than Becchcr. If Bossie Turner, called to tho stand by the latter, ill tManrpto'-'bf "the Sunday school children of Plymouth church, wo would simply yonfak "tfiat the "school for scandal" may as well be closed for tho period of tho next gen eration, i BeSsio and Beecher aro cer tidnly enough for ono church, if not for a whole generation, or for all timo, if to be looked upon with moral glasses. Partially True. Tho St. Marys Gaulle states that "an election lias " boon ordered in tho Clearfield-Cen-" tre-Clinton district to fill the vacancy " occasioned by tho resignation of Sen " utor Wallace." That is true. Hut tho editor in question has not been as successful in making his point as the Assistant Sorgeant-nt-Arms ol the Senate was incalculatiiig his mileage for tho service of the writ In question. Had tho editor informed his readers .that the election would not ho held nn til next November, his news item would not havo been so startling, nnd would have been correct. Grant Impeached. Most of our readers aro aware that ex-I'rcsidcnt Johnson is back in tho United States Senate, a representative from Tcniics sco, whoro ho was before the war. On our first pago will he found a charac teristic speech delivered by him lust woek. If he has not sueeocded in making his readers believe that Grant should bo impeached nnd sent forth in disgrace, ho has at least established the fact that General Grunt is a very dangerous man, and iilthoiigh highly honored by the American people, ho has forfeited and betrayed the confi dence reposed In him And deserves the censure of a confiding people, t . j a Death or Hickman. lion. John Hickman died in West Chester on the 23d inst, in the C5tii year of his age. Mr. Hickman was it man of ability nnd strong opinions, but hp wrecked himself as a politician when ho sided with tho Republican party in 1801. Ho had formerly nested with the Dem ocrats and was a member of Congress from 185 1 to 180. After lie left the Democratic party, he drilled into noth ingness, and although a gentleman of eocial worth, was never ahlo to retrieve tho political standing of former years. Hickman was too honest and there fore he could not prosiK'rwith his now associates. OutiioPoxy. It is conceded thnt tho speeches delivered in tlio I'nited Slates Senate during the recent extra session, which have attracted the most )iiblic attention, wero thnso delivered liy Senator Wallaco and ox-Prcsidcnt Johnson. That of the latter will be found on our first page.and wo purpose Inyinj; thnt of the former before our renders next w eek. With tlioso two poocbo on the one side, and Grant's suutliern reconstruction policy for a platform on the othor, tho approach ing Presidential contest will be fought. Tho constitution and fqual laws on vm side, and Grant, banditti Sheridan and Louisiana government on the oth er side. Buoh Is the groU0(i work Jald down for the next canvass OFFICIAL II II III ERY. Of llie fiirty odd lliidictil ( Vugus. men Bent into exile hint lull by Ihoj people, over twenty-five Intro been ro-i warded by (irnnt with iip'uiiiiltnciiti to lucrative cilices. The pels oftho: President aro direct iiisulltntli peifcj pie, unit comes niiir ciigngu in uciny total deprnrity totlninuiiinuu tvlinhiis ho little respect lor tint declared will of u five people. A square bribe in money limy bo more ofl'ensivo in a legal senao, but the mural effect U precisely fbo snnio. (irunt in fur more corrupt tlinn tlio general run of the leaders of the Radical parly, ami will within the tiext eighteen months commit polititieal su icidc. In regard to Louisiniiu, the I'ithI- dent flagrantly disregarded his duly, trampled the law under foot, connlred with corrupt usuriiers, and or two yeitin pusl has drilled tlio.titnlo liko 0 subjugated province, turning it over to tho mercy of a gang of thieve and iidvoiiliircrs headed by his own broth- or-lu-liiw as Collector of the Port , of New Orleans. . ... t Those outrages are notorious to the world. They arc" a disgrace to the name of freo government . and a ror proach-to otrr civilization. Vet they arc-all endorsed by a servile Senate, Oim lrnv President who pcrpelmled them and abused his trusts is up plnudeU to tlio who, and approved as and honored his countrv by somo ilia- interested Mtorlffcc. lie ordered his fuitlilul Semite to convene on the fifth of March and to eit until tlu'ir submission was inudo in this shameful homage. Ho required them to ignore time-honored prac tices, to stultify themselves as judges. and to declare as true what thev knew to bo fulse. The party obeyed. It ac cepted the responsibility and then ad journed. AX OLD SIXXEft COXVERTED. That old veteran enemy of the Pcm cratic party, Thurlow Weed, of New York, tho only surriror of tlio old political firm of Seward, Weed k Co., lias joined tlio Democracy ,for tho pnr- m.CIlt etu.r 0 oW fl.itnd ,1C myt "I never expected to lire to sco the day thnt I should be compelled to join bands with such enthusiastic Demo crats as tJov. Tilden and Horatio Sey. moiir, against my life long friends. But such is tho tact. The huge frnuda committed along tho lines of our pub lic works by our party friends, which hare been exposed through tho rigl laneo of these Democratic leaders compels erery man who lore his country and desires to perpetuato her institutions to drive corrupt men out of overv brunch of the public service." tiov. Tilden, of New York, baring mritt a message to tlie legislature of that State, exposing the lingo frauds committed by tho Cunid ring, has in effect sjdit tho lla'dicals of that Stato into two parlies patriots and public robbers. Tho former arc rallying un der tho leadership of the veteran Weed, nnd will assist the Democrats in tifrning every free-hooter out of of fico at the first opportunity. It makes uaTeot"jrod to learn that such a man as Mr. Weed, is compelled tu break with his part' which ho has lead for f .rty years, and now when he Anils his associates are bound to ruin tho country) ho fin-sake all his asso ciates and joins the party which alone pan goreni this republic in accordance Willi mo designs or lis tuumlers. XOISE VEXES T11E.U. Tho corrupt rowdy clement annual ly eont to IlaiTisburg by tho people of Philadelphia, in n capacity of mem bers of tho legislature, is patent to every individual who has visited our Stato Capitol for ten yeiu-s. Some of tho con n try members may hick ii. an intellectual way, but then they arc not dishonest, nor do they pursue the calling of rowdies as a majority of the citv members do. The strongest charge wo havo noon made by the Radical against the pop ular branch of tho Stuto legislature, In which tho Democrats am in majority, is that it has been noisy, porhaps row dy ish. It is not corruption and brib ery, Biieh as made tho Radical legisla tures of Pennsylvania badly eminent, but "noise" that troubles tho tender tympanums of our dulicato adroitta rios. Well, let them havo it so. . Wo say, and tho peoplo sny, givo us the noisy fellows, but deliver us from the noiseless, stealthy, stealing set that robbed tho Slate when special legisla tion was bought and sold in tho legis lative mart. But as a matter of fact, however demonstrative may hare been the Democrats (and Democracy is a dem onstrative principle), tho real disor ders did not come from tho Democrats, as tho following from a correspondent of the New York Tribune will testily Th Rvlloli bsn Irlnl to throw th Llama U,ob tli llemoeraU tor Iba diigrantrol dloonifr ttiat pravailcd In tat uoaae vna night lant week, Iih 11m boon bill waa ap, bill Iba truth la that tha rowdyitoi on that and naar othar oaaationa proetwiled ehiau from tha Hadieal aide, and do. lablr from tha roaith and oharaelerlati younf man wham tha naopla of PhlladrlpliiaDarailt ttia oornar aroacrr poltlielani to alpat to rrpraaant hat ail. Tba tamoorata In I ha lloaia hava howo iharaarlraa Ignorant and alnpid in many thinga; but tbnjr hava bat tha virtue and eeoae to etrangla orerv doubtful meaaara aaat over from tba Jta'lieal tieaeta, and it u itnjtoeeil.le to point out a tingle job tha; tuppoitud aa a party. The Happy Jamily. Tho party lips and downs in Rhode Island seem to be on tho increase. It took tho potato patch sited Commonwealth nearly two months to elect United Slates Senator in tho beginning of the year, and last woek tho Radical leaders met in State Convention, it took that body tluvo days to nominate a Stale ticket, which lins heretofore taken loss than half a day. These things goto show thnt there exists great internal lissatisfaction within tlio parly line, which will soon break out in open ro hellion. The gross wrongs perpetrated by tho leaders of tho party In "little Ithody" . cannot he concealed much lunger from the rank and file of the party. The following hit of sarcasm wo copy from the I'hilaih'lnphla Prrju of the 20th: Peoi.lr in Connecllut and alaiiiw-huietia trare a fni dal annnyrd vrtrda by tba nalaa a-hlch thf hhnde lalandrra made Is tryiaa; la aomisata a ttovemor, altlla many meenbera of tha eonron I'nn loat their Totee by being arnwdad aoroe tha Htata Una. It might, paihapp. ba well, ta iaw of Iheae facta, ta deck Hhoae lilaad orrr, and ao iBoraaaa Ua atanding.raum. Thai is lilllc rough on the "Laud of tho Pilgrims .ui... . .. i - am.1. Pinchback wants to impeach Cojlogg of high crimes and misdumoauors. - It looks out of plane to hear the pot call the kettle Mack Mil. WALLACE'S SI'JCECII. Mr. Wallace's iniiideii speech, as it it htuka very much us (hough (his Jhn Mitchd's widow and tlaiigh is termed, seems to attract more mil-! gallant IViinsylruiiia would be made ter are living in llruoklvn, X. V. vcrsul altentiou than that ol any ulh er now Senator in that tody, both 'on the part of his associates and the pub lic. ; The Washington I correspondent of the Pittsburgh (?rrr of the Sid, ays; ' " "' Nearly all Iba non henntora have ip.ikan dur ing tbla extra aamilon. Wallaon, of PanuiyKa hie, eu,so Ibia alli-rnooa. Ha would bata inado no itaei-b during Ibe eaira eeaiiun bad it at beea lor Ibu oall tlial waa uiada on all of lliw new Bvsiiora to i,ek upon HiU rea..luila 10 km iiwa. Wailaoa la a a,.r oaer eoaker, and a?-ijw.r;K ru, 'I'io";':::; ) Hiftd ih. uuit if -n e.P-JingiT Wrn-n ui. eel. tnil ihiiMfd in avtl. Ir.-u tlikt IOtum hitu ftllaotiLrB wlicn h ootuui tu tuoak . . tibjfct tht promiiDi more (fornil ittcrt TUo HpiKiial uuri-oKjMiiitli'iit of ilu ('iiuimmti Inquirer hvh : ' ! itiioa it (lit UfBiticrille jjum- ta Hit (Srn.t. urn ttorouut f LI eluio ftnil uvurkU klwvtlvdx t" pnrt- iolltici, unit louiensu in w(eliing d1 divining tha niovcniKnii ami ImiIci or (li no mf but Itti iliicliit9il lo-t.it' ft vigor and origi nality lo d)Ut ror tiLicb liiutlly any fra pared. lit ubrarvatfoni uiun ttia two reotilu lioDi or Mftiin. Frcllnijht'jfaan ami Anthony mm vary la gen. out aoJ txavlleot in taeir an ! , Tho rbiliulelpliiK -iVwi nuticcH ill. WuHnco'i. speech in thin way i WaiuiiToa, Mar a Sl Tho vpoorb of fen tar Walltoa, of J'viinfylvanta, tu-day, tHaai hint aa unq uf.ilio leadura an tli Deioauratlo nida t.f Iha Bt-nalo. It la roanled by nisny ISruatora to both ldca Iba abluit argmnnat that baa been made again. Iha f relinRhuyata roaoltiiion. Mr. Walliou'a tuaunar a a imaiikor U taty aad ileaAiit, and altliouj(li U waa hia flrat airrt In tlio Soaala, ha apuaarvd to bo arfi-tly at hatae and at aft it of lti iluuii'.n. Yvary aa iha 8cn- atawaaortba Umlalann diaooaiiuo. Iba Buna- vary aa lora aava Air. Witlln b aut dimn lie naa narutl oungrnlululed )y bta eullatutr. Olivin, tho Wtthliinloii coivripiHi deiit of l ho riajluflflpliii, Tina giva nHht pti. picture of .Mr. Wullneo: ea ioo atmiiiva, aoa Den i..I!::.l"' !.''! ,v''"''Lr a Una lace, but a liner form, an J vet II ie evi.lont Hint Ilia Crash tn.ik n aneelal llni vita hi. eoDetruelion t lr lie li.a H"' prisklml jsM (ucli man in ari-ry toan vl Iha Blale, oilieatf euorir, eiceiita. tt-iialur m auaee Da. ruak-Ued Iha Senate Clinnilior lo the noun ' or life, '('lie un la alatlnaare near hie head. III. face II not Ilia kind that ndl. II. own Merjr. ilia leinpeatof pua.ioii ha. a-el ovar It, but left no eigne o! the Mriia.lii la Ita track. H he h i. had deep Ihou.hta thee liar. ploti;hod no furrow.. In hia hallla wlih lime .o Tar ha baa won. Aa ha h.a never Iried hia wiok., II la too auoa to pro. aounce hiut a Ketialorial eagle, hut a be hjile frum ienn..vlvania he nine turn out an bnneet bird of prey. The editor of tho Times in alluding to the speech says : rVnalnr Wallace .poke manful!)-, and, aa all admll, able, aa well, for hi. Hint, vr.tenlur in pled in. fur law aud ju.liee lo Louieieaa. ' lie made no attempt at dceleionlion, but pre.outud the truth, nt bi.tury in .uch a luunner that llier eoold not be enrwered on the floor, even though thny eould lie out-voled under Ibe aaaou. drill. Ilia analy.ia of th. matiile.t parioea of tha rcari lutiou, anil of Ilia probable rcaulta to lo'biw ila adoption, an mo.t aearnhing and exhaii.tire.atid ha eoinpelle.1 the uajorily to look enuarely la the face the enlerlaininenl lo nhu-U llu-y were about tu Invito the country. A'o could produce column alLcr cub uiuii of similar extracts f.vin friend j and foe promiscuously, but as wo pro poso (o lay (lie speech ill full before our readers next tt'ccli, we will close for the present. AN IVNIKIBSKMKNT VTANTr.ll.-lt is very evident from what happened while the Senate of the United Slates was convened in extra sesssioii, llutl that body was only culled together M (he purpose of endorsing (irant's infa mous I.ouisiaiia-ArliuiiHas ioIicy. Yef, after two weeks effort, that hotly gave him a very mild endorsement after all. Just why (bey made so much bother about it docs not nppenr.': Senator Tliurmuu made a very pointed inquiry when ho asVed if it was customary to ondorso (ho PresiuVnt by resolution fbr doing bis duty ? Tho Hadieal Hen atom did not annwer the interrogato ry. The fact that it majority of four or five Senators endorse ti runt's usur pations amounts (o nothing. Tho peo ple condemn it. If the thirty-throe Senators who voted in favor of it wero lo resign and go before, t heir people lor re-election, nut more lhau ten of (hem would bo returned to thoHenate. The people ol the country fully un derstand this fact. -1 i t Wur is is TliiJi? A lriend in quires of us why bills arc. defealed in (ho legislature, although the yeas ex ceed the nays; and points to tho de feat of the judicial Hilary bill among others, although tho vote : stood- yeas, 95; nays, B9. The now constitu tion requires all laws (o ho passed by a majority of tbomcmbcmclccted to each House. There being CO members in tho Senate, 2ft must vote for a bill be fore it can become a law. In the Houso, (hero are 2fll members, hence it taks 102 votes to pass a bill through liittl body, lino would he termed a 'oonslididonal majority." This is ono of tho elegant features In our new fun- ilnincntal law, because it prevents a few members (a majority of a quo rum) from passing laws. Under the old constitution, 52 yea would have carried tho salary bill ; yd, i( was de feated although OS members had voted for it, because it lucked just 7 of, bar ing a "constitutional majority." i I 1. . . . - 1 .:!-.( Tu K Contest .SETTi.r.1). John M itch. ell, the Irish patriot, who succeeded in having himself twice elected to tlio British Parliament died suddenly In Ireland on the 18th of March. . His wife, and family, w ho rrsido in is'ew Vork, were almost overwhelmed with grid upon receiving this unexpected telegram. This settles (ho contest with (ho liritish (overninent for a seat in Parliament, Ten (hisiaiind people attended hi funeral. 1 ' Ai.ovAl.Jon The Pittsburgh says: "( ongrossman Parker, of Mis souri, neur the clone of the session smuggled through a IHOO.fHIO appropri ation to feed 3,000 Indinn prisoners who wero to bo kept In confinement at Ft. Leavenworth, until 1HTH. ' As soon as the allowance passed anil was grablred by the Indian Hinfras per ar rangcmciil, (be 11,00(1 Indians are sca(. tered upon their reservations to bo used in gobbling np other nppropria tions. (jen, (irant's friends in (lie King were enriched lo (ho nxlent of 1-100,0110, and Mr. Parker was appoint ed Federal Jndgo in Arkansas. This is ono of the rases (hat need no 'com ment." ' Hcnsihi.is. The editor of tho Snrinir- lleld (.Mass.) Ilepubliaan. remarks : Ken ator Kdmunds has done himself the greatest credit. To Is) abused by Howe, litigant hargent and Morton in succession for making a ' llcinoorslic sHrch" is glory enough for one session. Anortkouua- Hopulilitian eorivsiiondurit proteases to know that the Vermont .Senator has long "coiilcintilatod" the step away from luirlisuiiship. which ho now nines, nut nas oeen Ueterreil by (bo fear of "poliliwj ostracism." Pj;im:W.Y inOriiib. ThoTrciil'on. (.J.,) Jrue American rail) on the neimtu (o appoint . rlncliliaek d.xir- keoper, and build ft tonsnrial palace fbr liiiii.wlierepliyslnjrniiuiiiol lniir-ciittinn and ec-olulic shaving can lx done under his Biiperintendenco, aimoliitliis Conk line's ourls.waxing Ijogno'l moustacbo, blacking Morion's boots, aud othsrivlse keeping jhe "leading statesmon" ro spectable externally. a( least. " ' JIO.X. SAMFEL J. 1IAXVALL. I Speuker jl tho heL t'uugress. A Wiishiugloii telegrijlji slices that I ho y il'jfiliiil iltlrgnliiin'Ai III be Hlllill till' llaiiilldl liiriSponkeiv .' .Mr, Iliniilull, tu (-'tniimiiV Willi oilier niemhers, nttcr - tho" udjniirnnient ol Congress, visited liieliniond. ii'L'inia, mid while there was invited lo visit both brunches of tho Legislature. in the House lie was Invited to a i privileged seat, mid was generally i greeted by the members, and in the 1 w. v,,c.ed . (ay, niul wum intr.VlueHl to tliH ScnA - I . f. i. i- i i. Kir i ..v i ii r in .nr. iiiiirisi. Hin ....... . .,.. ,8 ,, on t lio floor. . Tho Iliehmoiid tWuvrhi noiiclnJ Mill m'l'lll Mt.'al I lin l-.t.i.ilitiiil. tit lim Ht'mtto ul ll'llHU yittlei'dilV, wiih un ovalinn hIiKo wurtliy tho hili- wt li'giH.i.tivo hoclyof'thiH old Com- monwouith mm the iliMtinuishoU wn 1 1 1' i nun to whom the boiioin were piiid; nnd we trust our citir.ei,i will yie with tho geiienil Arwotiihly in doing their bi'Ht tow un in milk i in' hm nluy in liieli niond l.iiveahlo nnd plennnnt. Tho gitllunt tight hti made in the )nt Ton jrivftH to prevent' tho tinjnut modiflen tion of tho nih'fi, nnd thornro mkill. endiiiame and nhility he (lidplnyed aft uio uitner oi the in-inoomiie nmiontv, nniiiHt tho civil right find lure bil.H, entitle him tonflrwt phico in our nf tW tionM, mid w.c nro moro than gmti fied nt tho IifailvVihttine with which llO llttM been K0 Hoonllineouslv ITlVt'lod." mi hj. i i tin 1 ,t ,i . iiuiMioim """J ' hh-iiih inv preHonro ol'Ir. Kiindutl in thnt city 111- inurKs: "Thi( diritiiigiiUlu'd cLampiun of the TV m oe m tie hiTd" ( Mlisevvnt ivo cmwe ar rived III lIltMI'IIV I'lXllltl'elnt' llWIt'lalllaa i on a brief visit, ;.. i ! .u ti,0 v.Z KIlllUO Hotel, lie has IllmtH of fliellds Ill liic llliolli . as well us lliminrli nil ' t,c South, not leM lltllOMLr tliOKU wl.o have never seen binitluin auionjj those who have tlio jilciismo ol' his personal acquaintance. Mr. Kandall lias Ibuglit nobly for Iho C'oiirditulioii, both inside and outside of VotigrcMs. lie is not only true to bin colors under all cir euiustuiiees and on all occasions, but he Is always 'found at the front, from flint to jast, whenever bin duly (o his eoiiiitryatid Iiis'jinrty rulls'hun." . It wouid bo very graliiying'tu us to seti a l'eiiiisylvaiiiiiu electctl to the Speakership of die next CoiigivKS, and. in our judgment, no one in our delega tion is better qualified for the position than Mr. Randall. We shall refer to this subject again. , AHOVT THE LEGISLATIVE. . 't hoin has never been greater effort (o bring a repivsculntivu body indidis- n.i.nl.i l I,,. Kt,ili lli.na.. ,.!' H. ..,.. (l,lltuiv0, j8l a',ijtHiriiwl. i'roui the lirst .the rings, which have conliiillcd legislation tit iliiriisbiirg for several yeans ih'clarcd war upon tlio Pemo cratic majority. iSeviug they- occiiia tion gone, they tlctermincd (o have I heir revenge by ihmwiiignll theotliuin possible upon Iho House. Through their allies, the members 1 nun Phila delphia, and a few from Iho country, they obstructed Ivgislatiou in various wayrVtnd when that would not an swer their piirisisc, Inaugurated tlis gmcel'til prftceetliiigs. On some occa sions they liii neil- llie lloust into an apparent beitr-gartloii. They became more f urious as their designs were frus trated from timo to tiuie.iind tho Dent ocratio majority prevented their pur poses being curried out. Their last movement was an attack on the Kink ing Fund, bill (hat, with all their other dtxigns, was defeated ; and for the lirst time lor yeiutvtho conspirators against the political and financial integrity of the blale came out of tho contest bad ly beaten. We all know how natural it is lor evil doers to throw the blumo of disturbance, if any occurs, on (hose who oppose 1110111.111111 prevent (heir ...... ki. .:..... l.. ..i ..... ti.- iM..iiiiiniiiiiin mviii Liuii.n. trui,. iuu duleutotl rings pumuvd- tltts Vuursv, to ward the jK-iiiocrlie majority, but Ibev hnve not been able la hoodwink an intelligent publie. ' Tho Democrats no doubt committed some limits. The Speaker was new at tho business, and the increased number of members, with tho many who had never before sat in a legislative, hotly, made the Houso un wieldy and somewhat tlifliciilt to man age. The rings took edvantago of this stale of things, which matin il more dillieult todcleat thoirpiaiis promptly Nevertheless (boy havo been overcome in tho contest, and now a wail of de spair goes up from these defeated pat riots. Herein lies the gist of the legis lative trouble. " ' Disinterested parties looking on from H distance, see things in (be same ligb(. The New York J'ribune snys: "Tim Pennsylvania" I.egislnlnro which ad journed yesterday is entitled to the credit ol leavinp; llurrislmrg with a cleaner record than any (hat preceded it wilhin a score of years. The Dem ocrats, wl-o controlled tho House, have as a rulo used their power judiciously, all hough It will hardly be claimed thill they made the best of their opiinHunl tics iri the election ol a United Mates Senator, which was the first important mutter demanding their attention'. The fact (hat the session closed williou( (he passage of a single hill at the dic tation of the ring which have so Inng ruled Pennsylvania must inspire the independent liien rt'hV) arcMrylng to rc lomi the politics of tlni(S(a(e with new hope and utml, 1 ' ' Cowlraunieata.1. in. Kdithbi The very able speeeh of Mr. Wallaaj, in tJio tsensto of the United Ktulee, on tho Louisiana ques tion, duservfs more tlinn a passing no tion, lor it entitle Senator Wollaeo to tlio gmtitudpof the, iwople throughout (lies entire UiiMiiKiind esiiociully the ciliacns of (his htalo, His ooinpre bensive views iu (be eoiisliltilional as pect of tho question, and defence of soil government and lliealmnlule rights of tlio people every where, under our form ol government, is oliaractcristio of the man. . 1 desiro, with your per mission, to rail attention lo the con trast between II r. Wallace's speoch and that of Honator Johnson, n( I eniicssec The hitter, though able and logical, and withal terribly anil truthfully ar raigning the scoundrels who misrepre sent ami oppress tho people., has the impulse of uemonal grievance, winch socks to redress wrongs both to him self aud hisseetion. Mr. Wallace seeks Only the good of Uie entire onuntry, anil pleads forcibly and feelingly in the interests of in ovorbitrdoned and abused ponjilti, both north anil south, which entitle .him to tho thanks of every honest man, and at onoe shows his em. inont fitness fbr tho high and responsi ble irtmitinii to which the party so unanimously railed him. . . .March !I0, 1874. . . . ' , ' 'A tiwili Itnsx ---The largest Deiiio- crnlio vote in New Hainpshire pollctl previous to itns year was that liir Gov ernor In 1808, whleh was 87,202. The Democratic vote this ynnr was R!),1C3 an increase of I, HOI. The Isrtrost kirovious Hepiiblican vole waa rsilloil for (iovomor in 1808, which Was 89.. 7H5, Tho Hepiiblican vole tliis year w as 30.282 or 600 less, In other words. ll0 Democrats luivo dono boltor than thoir jitviiuus be,sj. . ty nearly B,00fJ, while (he Uepiibiieuiis havo fuiicd o do u well as their jirevioui best by 500. 4 Which horse is making tho hot ter time for .the Presidential goal of wfl?,,;:,:,..-.j 6 Pivd inch' kiicalt iirt nroinitlv whon the name of John Smith is railed Iti I hi Arkansas I.eo-lslstitrs ' p XEWS ITEMS. v j p , . . ., f 1 I mTi.t. I V7Ti..s . was Mild lor (51.15,(1011. .oi. rorner and lilsilauglileiv Mrs. .F..i..l.... 71 ,a elgley. are soioiirninir lit tienoa. ; nanyol'I'liiladelidiia. Peiilisvlvauia! has 1 lie iMiiiouitl 1' n-e iHsiiiiiiiec 1 tun ;.,. L,Z" " 7" ."UR0" l,ri JoeJeU'ersoiiinised tweuly bushels ... i .. ., . .' . Kecent high water has uncovered n. r or ti. cio soidie.- i,..rii ' Kcrrr of Mirliiimir the imw Pr. 3 " I'llfUlIi lllr 110 n lltlfl- t. ...... j i- at n u ... . luinncr ineifiiaiit. , , J 1,0 J.'uiiinnii I.egislalure has been culled to meet In extra session nn (ho Hth of April. ' ' 1 llo M. HliU, aged 2li, youngest tluiigliter of Signor lllilr, died on Fri day, -March lOtit, 1875. k ' . Forlv-flve dollars ll'!l'!ll'"M m" ''"''"' k" Helena, .Monliiiio J em- wero pnul in tory, a few wee (us ago, lor lorty (loncii c" 1 ho 10th of Jhiy is Id bo n ( en- Icnniill holiday, nt Titsiuderoga, N. Y in meuiory ol tlio sviiiireol the fort by Kthan Allen, in 177.V I . !. .. Mr.l'lyriscs S. (JraiK, Jr., son (he President, who bus been In IaiiiiIoii'1'"'"0 "u""'" mey sliouKl luive been i'..- ....i .i. . i. i .. I-...0 . i i culled iiiittii lo tnka anion nmin so Im. un nu.i-ruiuntn, mtsieit ioi-owiir.eriauti, toniiiUoalouroflhndoiiiKrv. A Maine woman was true lo her lover, and married. Iiioi nllir hu enmo uacK irom . aiiroriiin.iiiier .iin .iiiisenco . nl' twrnit..' vi.n'ra back rich. , , M 1 .N.' Il lie enmo ... I tic paper ninlirts Say (bat the ruiva tbi-v bueo ii-r-i-lvi.il lliiut r- i.,..i ,,,.,-., !i;,...,ll,.,, .1,.,.. .,,.l". l,i..l. they attribute to the general provnl cntw of hard tiines. f(: i .f r .,., ii. i . i 1,1 ' I ,"ll': ,;U?''- ,,,, itv I. w, . IrV ,', I, 1 ,f . ,,. deriiiLC (io.thitrdl Wnlilii, on iho IV,-. rj ,.,e roa.i, near .tnegncuy t.ny, ,., 1 ' 'll. . ti i sc. i . .y mu in iunoiiie on .ituiiiiuy Iliorninir of lust week destroved lime - teen business houses.' All ibe town iii. .i.-si,.7v,i - in. mss m cstnnated nt 8100,000 j insurance, 820,- I .. U'l.. 1... :. 000. - Ada llauctK'k, ihtiightdr of Major - (ieueral Winfield H. Huncfick, of the I lilted siutes army, men, in ,ew i orH, week hctoro last, after an illness ol ten days, of Ivplius fevett, aged eighteen years. llcr reinniiis.,weie interred lit Norristown, I'a. .'I'lni m....ei.lii.. ' t.f ll,,. t 1...0 .I....1.1...1 4n. iii, i.i ...... i .'.i of redeeming mutilated Vnited States . " ... ... currency, liy winch n tlciliiclion is tna.le pmiioriioiinl to the part or the note thai is missing. -The change in inl.iv cil'.-i i nn 1 1... 11 ..!' A,il (.real trees have liceu ll'iind in Australia winch exceed Hid giants ol Ciililornia in height, though not in cir - cunifeivnce. Out' fallen tree in Vic - lorin uicasureil 4h0, while the highest yet discovered in California reaches only -ta" leet, llie average liouig Ironi """ Tim .11...... i t.subi in l....t T.. ik'hik'o ly tho HixmU will not roiu h a tli0 n'HpmwIiility ofn t'linniic inibinan linll' million dollnrM. The (liwistfr will ! M,,i"''t tf the t,iiiHmy which hiw Inon hunlly Hhortcn crcip liy u (iinle nciv ! ''t iimr! iUr bovpri! ycurn, nrnl cn- Ihe whrut liirnJ ihnt mt wiihlK-d will Morse the pivvimm tmtawfiil line oi' the I a . a . C.l. ..!..!.!.. I...I..1 I no Mvuiiniiiti, lur ..coin, una it una tlio nwi of tho bottom timl will a better croji liirliuviiiirlieen ovgrllowcd. During tlio late ice tniro in llie Knit, the citv nut lioritiesol 1'nrt Jervis, on tlio Delaware river, attempted (o move (lie accumulated mans of ico by blasting with .istrtha anil tiitro-rlycer- 1 1 it, two oi tne moHi eowerliil airenls ' . . -., . ' r " " " h ' known, but wit lout success, ten inrre s of nnpdia hcinK used nt one hlns(. fol. T.co Jordan, (lie great funnel- of (Juorgia, Ort ns and cul(iva(es 211,000 acres, the nrinal cost of which, was 1150,000. lie has eighty laborers, but is gradually ndop(ing the truant sys tem, lin mines twicd as much corn as fio ncfilrj. " Six overseers superintend the pliintiition, nud iiiiso from 1.400 (o 2,000 bales of collon. j An Ottawa (Canada) dispatch, of March 23d, siiy u "'J'ho lumber market has Ih-cii moiti lively during llie past few days than it has been tor many months previous, and considerable lum ber has changed hands. At present there nro about (15.000,000 feet on the Ottawa market, of which nhnu( 30,. 000,000 feet lire sold." Thoiowill he twenty -ono contested seats in the lower Ilmtse of Ihe Forty, fourth Congress, two of which are from Pennsylvania. Carlton B. Curtis will conlest Uu) seiit of Dr. Egbert, from tho Kriu district, ami Thomas II. I-'lor-enco Unit nl' f'tiiiMiitin' Precmnii in one oftho Philadelphia districts. Thu l.ogUlaturo it tho Klnto of Mnine li nit passed a law prohibiting tho killing nl moose before tho first ol October, lHtiO. There-, are slill a row moose in (hat Nluto, but w ithout some such pmtectiiin, (hey will vary soon no oxterininntotl, as they luivo In-cu in the Adii-onilacks. Owing (o (lie prolonged winter, and Intense etild, (ho' eosl supply in Poiighkcepsiu,' N. Y., Is exhausted, and thorn is a panic in (he coal market Hundreds nro being turned away from tlio yards. Dealers have been able (o procure bill little coul at Jt'owlmrr;, be cause of the flood disaster, which has carried away bridges, putting a stop lo tlio running tit coal trains to tide water. Tho annual election for Directors oftho Pennsylvania ttailiWd Cotnpaliy was lulu on lucsdiiv ol lust week. Tlio following gentlemen wero almost, unanimously clcctod: Thomas A. Scott, ,1'mwli liactin, pistol' Jlop'is, John .M. Henneily, A..- Iioriivjiire, .Samuel M. I'.ellon, Alexander Wlldle, S. Parker .Shortridge, Henry M. Pliillips, and John Scolt, of Pittsburgh. Tho lumber stnlistics of tho Kng innw Valley, which includes till ot Kast ern Michigan, IliiVoJiis) liocn published. Tho number of mills it puis down nt :52 ; rnpitnl. $ 0,359,000 1 men employed, 7,727; lumber rut, 610,180,500; lutli cut, 1 26,375,01)0. Tho figures show a doereas of 79,713.6 15' In Ihe lumber out in 1875 from 1H73, but an increase in (ho out shingles over 8".1 of 10.1, 044,950. ' . Tho Interior Depiirtnu-iit Ht Wash ington will ns siMin aa possible send out a conictent geologist to examine, tho lllnck Hills country, and ascertain ncoiinitcly Its alleged mineral wealth. Tlio War Department has been asked to tend on( iiniinsliaiely a military ex pedition to expel trespassers from tho region. '1 ho f resident iiiuhiiIs to pro tect tho Sioux in (heir treaty rights, hul will take- rapid steps for tho ex tinguishment of the Indian (itlo. Mrs. Kitcli hns not got the Khe dive's w e,dding present after all. Con gress passed tlio resolution authorising Mr. Filch (o aecep( it fur her, nnd would havo remitted tho duty upon (ho diamond, had not Oi'iicrnl Hhor mnn sensibly said that ho did n want nny fuss. Noithur tho bridegroom nor tho futlicr, however, can afford (o pay tho duty, and, as tho bride would have (o leave the diamonds on deposit somo whero anyhow, il Is decided to IcnYo llcm In the customhouse for tho pres ent. Their valuo, by tho way, is not a half-million, as supposed, but only about aevtinty thonsaud dollars, and the duly on them Is about f 17,5(10. if It wfiiHi aiigi'csled (n Ihp Khodjva, ivo havo no doubt ho would s.nd over hia chock for tlie tmoinrt and ivhvat Win l,rii fr.,m K.l 77 A" MOXE V (,i:STIOX. T JIA It IIISHI'ltd The ulle gallon thnt tlio Sluln Tivas- HI V IS llliaoie III IIICCI illll IISUUI DM. proprhilions. for a-l.urittiMt purpostV : w.ll....t divctitig Ironi ihu Sinking r uiul live liiinili'cil thiiusitnd ilollurs, ,, ...... . , , , Ihe llleles( lut tense lllld sblllll. The. TiTiiMirv is lis ablo to meet tlnuii this ' i . T . ;. I year us lasr, uilil no one Knows Mils; lin t neltcr tlinn Mr. Mncki'V, lift belter than Jlr. Mackey. The .. . .,i-iii. . mi. ...ii . ..........f .r it... u.... I '' I'"'"'"'" Conimittee, comes at an , i,.: '; ..':,, , onporiuue moment, ami iinscls (he i theory ol tho 1 rcusiiry ring, us lo the w ant of money lo meet appropriit lions. We repent, what we hare said Isewliore, that the action of the House of llepivseiiiativcs. in refusing to divert money Iron, the Sinking Fund, meets tiie tiiinrobatiiiii of the tax-nuvura.- 'I'l ......l... ..t-.l n,,,,, the report oft he niiijority for the following reasons : l ' lJ "I III'1 CUll! Mil UCU IllSSeillS I Hum the report of the majority for thel follow ing reasons : .... 'iu... i i i .i. . .i , isi. j hi. nut iii-ii hi ciiilipillllll III IllC iv porl is that Iho House of Hepresen - tatives failed to pass a bill proposed by IHU l leiisu I t-r lit IUU ntltlU 11V W I1ICII i. 'c ........i .i... .j.... . i i - 'i milTlr.ii. til tnii.lu i-,iil.l I. ...... I....... .Ii i verted from tho Kinking Fund (n (hcj irencral fund lo nnv tlieiinnronrintioiis. i Waiving the question entirely whet Ii- i cr siicn inversion was necessnrv tor the alleged purpose, Iho undersigned , think Unit a iiucstion Involving tho in. teirrilv of the sinkinir fund should ihuve 'been submitted in the first lii - , . ,i ... ,. , of Mulll' ,0 tllu finance comniiltco ol the i i yi portnut a question us to deny lo nil 1 tho charities the aid ol (ho State. 1 1 j w as not a revenue measure which nee- ! ...,nilf .... I t, h i!it,..i ; . ..V ..-i-""" the Douse ol lb prcseiitalivcs, it was a proposition niiieii tnc nuance cominit- tee of the Seiiato bad full power to ' consider ami iieterininc. , majority ' ol' llull eiunliiit I etv nml of I lie Kinnti. i ivi.i-u in i,li,-,l aviiiii.illn- with ll.i.llirillt'Oliml a InurMhlll hecullsn In, iir. - ! Slate Treasurer mid if there was so ried out Napoleon's order on the 18th grave a iiecesity for the passage of the; llrimiaire mid tlio elevation of (Jrth i Kill, it is lo be presumed that the (reus- and Mayiiard lo embassies because with . ir,; would , IV0 UN ul....itte .11 r.rell. ...id trembling et,nies- 'necessities H Iho consideration ol (,e!rence they li.llowt-.l the instructions of l'ilH,v sympall.y w H I. Ins adminis Hill. 'ill. Im (i.on . )n , ! Ihe contrary tho responsibility wasi ., t House of Jtepresentn : i ... ;.,i,,,r. ,. il, i,.,i ,,1,1,1. 1 ,1,,, 11u (- ,1,., siui., v,r,,,-,l " l " I . r. imerctlly devoted to the spccitio pur .,.,, it rn,ut)(m ,m Kmc ,,.., ; ... .,,.i,.,ll... il, ,..i.l,.,., ! coiistitiitiiuial provisions. It is not )ivtcndcd Unit such interference in llie piirliculnr iiuiiiuer proposeil was for- bidden by the Constitution, but it is j insisted iism that the responsibility of : such a meiisui-c should have been taken bv those who bold imlitical control of (fie administration ol the treasury- ' licsiilcs I bo current history of fho! fieasuiyol'tlii.-Statcconcliisiveiy proves i..,i a,.. .I,...,. ...i..i.,i,...ritfl .....:....;.. . ..-.....n ........ ...j.,,, i"' V ' ." !"" "'' ,1,nt ,ho fro isnivr is pos se-tsednf ri'niuries of which the mil joiiivure ignoriinl. All similar tip - ( 1..;,.i.j,ius niado last year have been j ,,l,)n,.v )ui, ,y the treasurer without 1 ,.,,, Li;,. c .... i,,ii!,.i,.,.v f f,,,,,!,. ! ie t ,iu ,.,-,. ,,, i... t.,'.i,; ,, ,1,,, ,llr,nov ( t, sii.'kii.ir fund it is to - (,L. ri.grclt'ed. but it is IikI much (o ask ,p tt ullw 0f Kepivseniatives just as- ; Kiinuiiir now!' itn. not in political iw.h m ...l-.. tsvimmtliv with tlio tivuKiiivr to lul-o i "'.) ' miikhi mim ny un- u-gni Uz.itw.n ol mit h polity lit tnc tutnro. So other tvinedy was itro,oiu.,o;, no other uii-aiift Hiiestcd nnl thvnwpoii sil.ilil y of iU ntjection must hu taken by Ihi'wo w ho ivtngiit to nhilt it irnm their own bhoiilderH. It tunnot bo Haiti that tliw provisions of tbu nuvv i-oi)Htitution reiatum the ...i . .- I iinsHiii'e ol t ie iiroiiosed act iinperutivo. Vi 7 , , : . , 1 lie new coiistitutioii was tho law ol tlie litlld on Jimunl-v 1. IKT-t mill tin. provisions of tho act of Jluy 9, 1874, are almost a literal transcript of the constitution, both in its restrict ions and penalties, so fur us Iho sinking fund is concerned, and il is certain thai the -nww C.sistiiiiUun .and thu act ol 1S74 tlid not prevent tlio payment of lost year's iippiopriittinns. As to the necessity for llie bill, the report deals iu figures which your com mittee havo no opportunity to rectify, and tberel'ora tun not dispute, but be lieve (but (lie climates uiailu of rev entia lor the current yeur will lull lur short of what will bo Iho actual re ceipts, and tlio, undersigned cull see no justification of (lio m l ion of tho ma jority oftho cuinmilteo if tho treuKiiry oi uio stale is in uio sumo condition as in previous yours, unless somo sudden and unexpected chiingo has been de termined upon in its management, ol the necessities of which, from ignor ance of its causes, tlio undcrsignd! ran express no opinion. . On the eve of an investigation into tho oon.liii"U c: tin. ii-cnsury ordcrtl by tho House uud not concurred in by tho Semite it ran be well imagined why tho ilouso refused, pending such an in quiry, to commit itself (o an inconsist ency by iniiiuting by law a change bo radical in the management ol Ihu rev enues ot the .Suite, until tho invesliga (ion hud established the necessity lor such action. There is n gravo sus picion in Iho minds of the people of the .Stato, irrespective of party, t lint ihero is somelhiiig rntlicaliy wrong in (he management of (he funds of the State, uud when they asked through their representatives iu tho llouso (oho per muted to (uko a look at (heir own funds, alleged (o hu in (ho treasury uud were absolutely denied by a lie publican Seiuile that right, the uneasi ness was still further increased. Un der all tho circumstances tho Houso of llcpresontulivos daro not do otherwise tbau they tlid and tho responsibility of defeat lug thoso humane and necessary appropriations musl fall where il justly belongs, upon tlio licpiiblicnii Senate. Allot' w Inch is respect fully sn limit led: j W. II. PLAvroar, A. II. JJii,i , Thomas Ciiai.fant. HIGH TIDE OF C011RUPTIOX. Certain events luivo happened in Vi nslniigton in the lust lowdavs which tvhilo apparently escaping general ob servation, nro worthy of Iho gravest consideration. A our readers will re. inenibor, President (irunt celebrated the dentil of tho lust Congress by can celling the civil servico system,, The point upon which ho based this action was that, as Congress hail failed (o make appropriations to enable him to furry out the rules, ho was no longer responsiiiie lortlicircnltirccinent, 1 his has lieen lollowed liy n system nl an- pointmeiits in various parts of tho country that represents what is even rt luoro fatal ilcnarturn from the true principles of liepiihlican government mini wotim oo cnitxMiicn in the success of (he third term. Wo refer to the nn- polntinctil of so ninny members of (ho hut Congress (o dim-rent positions. Here, lo begin, is (hut line Iloosier statesman, tlio connoisseur in corn and bacon, Mr. Oith, who goes to repro- scut America in (ho courtly city of icnua, anil wnoso only remarkable contribution lo Ibreign politics was a prophesy made somo six month ago that "In sixty days tho Priuco Impcriiil would bo Kmpcror of Kranee." Then we have .Maynard, member of Con gress from Tennessee, who began his licpiihlicnnism by a n-rocious aneech in behalf of accession, who goes to Tnr koy. Ho on down the list, Congress man after Congressman lias been diimned into places, from tho mission to Vienna to Iho nostin-utcrwhiii in I.idle Hook, with which humble offlen Iho President 'chsOTi (ho ambition of jhis rnndidato for the (lovcnior of Iho ui... tt-- j . . . . nlntp. o do no( know how man j - 1 ex-Congressmen have been appointed, 1 ' but tln hIioiiI of beuefllteil rcjircscutil-' I ''' I htrgo enougli. 1 I neiu, in m nuiw, un ivnniiii Hi,ii-r lh Constitution why a gentleman who Iseivcd us ill Congress should not.ni; is in" '" "is term, ucoepi anoincr ....i. n.. ..m.. ii.., i...... i i.. !'"''"" olllts'. llllt llOW call W0 hUVe ill deiiondent represenlatlvo giivernineiit i i.. .i . ii.. i " wo icitvu tu uw nanus oi iimiet tienv I lie power in nnoillg tlio lliajornv of the letiresenlutives? What is il but a bribe, Ibis giving high pluco toil, i.ii,i.,.s..iiliitivii ul ll.. i i I.m,, .,!' Iiiu t ! i ' V-..l" , vi ie .1 li ' because til "his pitrly ? if the I'resi - dent hud been governed by ll st liso of llllblie Illness lllolio ill seleClillL' his candidate for missions he would have sent Sebiira lo Vicuna and Cai n)ii(erliuic.d u. prr.i ut tbeia, duly auiiiiitienicd,niili to iiussia. lltjt ll.e only coiidiserutioi, ! ' " " "silataiifaisi. ' ' UMX BCi'lUH 10 UUVO COIUrolk'U II IH llllllU ll... -..,. tl.nl i.i.i,.., i,..liti,.l....u l.n....l been thrown upon tho cruelty of an! unkind world by the recent political ...... , .w..,i. ...... i been thrown upon tho cruelty of mil unkind world by the recent political ........ i. i : i II.... i..i.. ' i -i 1 " ' .'luiiwii, ii,, iii.tiii iruvj ;.i 1 without u whisper every coiumanii I from the White House, having sup- i I l.lu ...I...:. .;.... ,1 ...:.i.. 1 "" iuil ,ln ii'iiiiiiiiniuinuii, iiui, lull I lu frim.illM critiaiili.mtiiiii ul I In. iiirinl.. re'preseula(ives of n free people, but us Ihu stall' of a d'onoral, ho is Isiuiid, j therefore, lo givo llieiu employment i out oi mo piuiiiu xrcasiiry. vt iuu : t'lcsiirisni but tho power of a ruler to 1 pay his followers tor their vassalage i out of the rmblio Treasury? What i more could ftesitror ilonnpurt do (ban . .. i ,. . ii, 1 a ii lieneral dmiit is doing now? Ho places mo resources oi uio 'ii-uasury, tho iilinoiiitiiient to liich nhices em.' , . . , . . " i, , Missies, uiul jutlgcHliips ut the control ol the men who huve lollowetl biin and who will follow him fo tho end, just us lloiinnnvi. ininln tlm i,r, ,'.i,. .i - i" . , linn in dissolving the 1' lunch Assembly anil destroying; tho French Id-public j dukeii una marshals and kings. Is mere any tlillerence between the cle-- Vlltillll of M unit, till' instance. Ill bo - .runt IhrougU U,e. last ( ongress ?- iw mi iih-'.iiiv iuuwiv iuu nuillt-'. mu, ,- ,in(, jiVoresenls a higher type of corruption than any we hnve - : yet seen iintlc-r our (iovernnieiil. 1 IV. .In ....1 on.. 1 Lot tl, 1 1,,,-,.,-,,,,,..,,. : will mil be well served l,v mmiv of the I . .. . J. - v .-- ' L.entlenieii thus shiiiili'il li-niii I lir.ii- seats ns ('oiigressinen into ollice. Against tbeiii personally wo have no roiujdainl; but tho jirinciple that the President of tlio I'nited States, at tlio I close of Congress, should havo il ill his ! power (o beslow Ihe honor and eniolu- i nienls of this nation upon any (.'oil i gressman who has obeyed him, is n corriHit tirinciiile, iucoiniiatiblo with i freedom and representative govern nient, and, w o iH-peal, is nn illustration i of tVsiirism in its woi-st li.nn, quite as i iiiii..r,ii...,,H i il,., 1.1, ..pi.. ..r ii... ...p,w.m ... ...v ...... y, ..a, r '? '.'",', . - 1 ol bis I'.xccl ency loa thinl terin.-Aor - 1 lor Herald. j -- i CHAHM1XG LEGISLATION iho editor ot tho tv lmk ?un uu kuowh uu uihmii n( ui rcirrruiK 10 tho f'kwilljj- hnun of tho hint CoUIVSH. nays Mr. (.urliel.l ( IiiniKtl iM-ent credit ' ftt -'0 ''inii of tho lule Rewind ot -ConirrrnH Ih-ciiuso bin (Mmiaiittee on " onSrr Aiiiii-opriations had met a mouth in udviinco ol llie usual time mid prepared the regular supply bills, so as expedite tlio public business and prevent eon-' fusion in the Inst days, ijiko must of his promises, it was lusilc to be broken, j I he records show that the great ap-j propriiiuons were Kept nac-k until the ! 1 Uviitn la auia, Saluan oearlt closing hours, and then loaded ilown 1 ''m-Vii i?'''a''' p,ic,,",""it"" with sveeiul legislation and jobbery of. !'-! , (ho i.,o,( discrciiiahie kind by (i,ei Mercantile Appraiser's List. persnnsl eonnivoncc ol the very I hair-: .a'inim . o nn. man who had taken lo himsell so much j c"""' Hcecarls Tawnalilp. merit lin- unperformed service. 1 li '? "' '"". irrliaarli.e j jo lit,-,, 1.111.1,... K.-.n ,.,.....1.. w Y-" ""i" b.j j..vr.ni,, , forwanl they might all Imvo bton com- pleicd ten i.ny(i heforo the end of tho ! and Ibe various items could! have been dclil.cn.tcly examined. But j such a course would linvoshiit out jobs like that which Mr. ltainsev and Mr. Hamlin smuiri'lcil in for the benefit of (ho express companies, by doubling the rates of postage on transient news papers, magazines, Ac. Hence it was not pursned, and tho public was de ceived in order to helpliis corruption. In 110 former Congress wero tho rec ognised forms of legislation more shamefully disregarded tlinn In the last. The revised staHilcs,which have changed (ho tariff materially in favor of certain inonomlies without a par ticle of authority, wero voted upon night after nighl'when twenty mem bers wore not present. And lliis hill was never scriiliiii.eil bv tho coinmit (ees as (ho rules required, and was never enrolled on parchment, but stands a solitary exception bearing the President'! signature ulllxod to a print- oil volume. Tho ?iver and Harbor! bill, appropriating nearly seven mill - In... ..I' .LillnM ..." ...:.....! i. .i ....... ... ..... n ea.un.vii ' g ti i i. . . ..." louse in 1110 IBSl linill-S WllllOlIt OVen being read. The ninjorii v did not care ... . I.... .i.. to itiiow m iiui, tue nmemiiiienis were, ami gulped I hem all tlown at ono swal- low. Oilier bills wero passed with less ceremony, and without (ho lcns( regard to tho many millions that wore reck lessly voted away. They wero pur posely thrust aside until near tho close. so that examination was Impracticahlo ami iiitiin mniio easy An item from tho Legislative, Kxcc ut ivo and Judicial Appropriation act, unticr mo ncau oi jioiiso ol Kopre sentntives," illnslrutes tho Bin t of care bestowed by .Mr. (iarfiehl iu preparing ft : "For hlra or boraa. and ra.il waaoa. flip aarry inI the matle, aal far aaa aaddl. buia. far ataafr. eoeer, fire tbeaa.nd fuar bundr.J .ad MTeatj flr. doll.ra. "ee nraiier. wad rrjni're a Ila Htna, tea tboumid duller.." ll would seem by tho latter para graph thai tho mail wagons and horses were furnished and repaired al a pretty round to.t alter being hired. 11 tt t in point of fact the two items havo nn connection with each other, though they aro thus tied in tho Jaw rut tinnier, ly printed. It will bo curious to see huw (he last ten thousand dollaii will bo expended, and to what objects it shnll lie diverted in tho lane of this appropriation. The United Sn.i,., S..,,i ,l i on Hotinesuay. Jho nomination of Don A. Pardee as I'nited Mates Dis trict Judgo of Louisiana, ncg J)urre resigned, Was nm ooullrincil, This leaves Louisiana, without a Federal JllllgO. . $cw Sflvtrtiisfmfnts. QAITION Ketite I. b.rhr tlr.a la all uimim. ik.i lb. (ooda, uraeerlee, aonfe.li.a.rt.1 and Hilar 1. Ibeatur.roiin aaw oaoupiadby Jofan Sehearieb, in Troulville, bclonf to aie, and aaid J.ih. S.-b.u lleh la mtly.etin. a. rev ...nl. wltlie.t .... ..Ibnrily ka eanlraet any deU la .r n..,., and i I will a..l be raapeaalbll f, an, J.lr, "J ''"ir1"' ProlM)r,f .'a. 'eft la hi'. ii.emn, .unjeoi 10 my oruer 1 1 bar atare. I eolt, I we. I ..iu of baraee., I .led, 1 ,r..i .nd etude, (ot or old tnrtal, Hire, and a hair bar- " , ."io.r,ao..i , ran ai eioer, a nan. aad llt.re., I cupboard, I bed. aad kaddiaf, I barn... II eli.ire, I eluet ad I ta'il... AU Iha f.rec.-lr., ami..rly wa pnrehaaed by ate at Sbenf a a.l. oi. ih. ttl ... f Maroh, ud la l.l with him on tuaa. , . ' . " OSWALT. I.ulheribnr-. Maroh 11, I87J Ju KNTISTRY Hatln. delerwlnrd la I..!. l in. for the parpnae at poo.m, my pra:...ia. I htraliy ntt.r my aaretr. la the r.nkn. t ...... Ja.t luubed a term af dental inatraelloaa under lb. be.1 Ireeber. af Iha I'enntylrania Collena af Denial Surgery ia rhiladelphla, and aw no. prepared t. .aetata all work partaialaf to deal, tatty i Iha boat awaaar, with Ua lateal lmr.ra.e taenla. All work KaaranlMa to (ita attltrt aat l.rarllon a. ta quality aad durailon. Taelh . traeud I wlibaai p.la. Hel. aaw Baek balld l.f . Fat farlhar iafaraBatliiB aaply la perma ar dsraai . t- HOMl sON, mebll'TMf. I'srweaarllM, Pa. Vitw rtrtiiicintnlJ. QAUTION. All ptifoui ir htrftt.r wimvd mtlnit pur cbftiitiK ur i tiinntr ut(ltittiC with two liorM vim- I 'link, mill on aurr!-now is lh pnttoa- - .bin, leailiald county, I'a., aa Iha aacae baluaia nn (( uontiHn'tnn nruiKiinf.ui Kriits.(iitwu (" leu Willi Ima aa m only, 1 leal 10 at aula, at any tlin. - i - . sliliASTIAS II0KCII. I rUll I.lck, I'a , March al, ISTa-ll - ... ...:. lA Iv(-U I "II MJIIl.lv - I Nolle, la licrcliv .Iran lhal l..-llar. reita. 1 meniarr on iho l.iui. of J AColi I'KM.. ! ol "rady luan.bip, dee d., have lia-n rnl- ' "' !"..".'" ""''""a"' All f".,,,,. Indcblod to ' ii.'.,i th.iao imvii.ic eiaima ai.in.t it ar. . LutbriLu'. Mn.h. 31. 7j at. EiMiiiar. ' """i i"i ft i .1 1 r.M r i w i.,. i;. ; , ....i n,,,. It w ,K ' "'. Kb!, Krq., Tiemurcr of Ch-urDi-ld llor- nuh, la eer.iuat vrilh Iho r-elioul, I'uur and lloroujth Kuii'l. i-f ruld borough for IMit , . . i,.i Jul.. i-r Ami Hpi. l'n. '73. ilSl ; Rll. Ily Ponrocltr. mleaiued I Uy Trc... per crnlae ut I pr Stall 7 j iiy A ' fi .'.V.'.'.'.'.!.-.".'."".'. il cent, nn an .own.. i.'i n OH 31 is . iua uurmiau si ToUl .. ai.Hj 7ii iiih;, to I seiloOL PUNO. I J" b"'' P" 'i-of ir-... 2is "a nutt, ol duplicate ol I S74 J.iHl , hi.i, ., p,.,,i,ii mil) i ll. ?r lwal oid.r. tr letmed lss ll I Ily nrrceul. alloaed lasnav- ( ere . per c.nt. on Mil 4'... ' liy pereut.go aiii.i w.c. 1 4 1"- ' " '"M :mt HJ 21 40 si VI 7 al ' II llll VOi 14 uy adterli.ina e liy Audnur.; i.e. inng CApeuM.... ir leu. Due borough.... ,.4.lnliu fi'.l .;ihu u ' We, the uii.lrr.iJiied, Auditor, of I'iearlield bur ! '.uh.' ''" crtily lh:l ' h.a eaamiood the furi'K'ii.ig aa--uunU of A. W. Ue, Trea.ur.r of tltaincfd h.rruiitli, aril tind hi. elalcinasl. cmrccl, and thai lour. I. dan by the etid Trea. tinr, to the I'uur rulid i.'.&i .11 e to Ike School Iuu I tJlti.ai, In all .:U bi II 1.. IIKK1I, I K. A. IIIIII.KIl, lAv lilora J. II WAI.TKH.4. J CloarO.l.t, March SI, 117.1. 31 ir KY k (MI HIST. 8uoi-..tnr to Knvnsn A Co. ! T0 '!' ' H". .nh... of . .iri.ily VURE RYE WHISKY, For Medb-iiial I'urpo.., we uRer , JSllilCV H I lll'C ICVO. , Price tlM to a.j per gallon, and wiU .hip in i package, lo mil purchaaer.. We alio handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY ' ' 'rom ., ioSI.Oj. w. import - ! FINE WINtS. BRAVDIFS Afl P.IN And arc .lao nianufiictitrcr. of Oil. STfKYF.Ii'S TONIC HERB BIHERS. Send f..r I', I..- I.i.t. IIIUIV CllliHT. Ill N Tlurd HU., Philadelphia. ;VKV .SIIOK STORK 1 XI f 0:j BIin..m,i P. to the i-e.ltv-f C'krfti!il J j. nl.hr Rt Idij-.-, that I hnv. rJll the 1 Mmrt fh. ft.nti-rlr ri n br F !.( hliort mnA m sh.... i.ir.-i .i..... ' J ... " rotu- ..d ,ii KU iriue nil kioU uf wurk nut lo 1r,,?l nr ' lu TbcWtt irvncb iii.r i". ti". aii, Vi.e"', hX" 'i..aii .M.reb, 21 ';:ljr TIIOM.tS Al.t.E.V. TOIIN A. STADLER, BAKLK, Meiket St., Cl..il,l,l, p.. FiT.h IlrenJ, r.iiek, Ilolle, I'ir-e eDtl Take. iB I an. I ur nail, to tinier. A (enrral aieorlment il t'oiifectiuDnriea, (rail. bbJ ula la etot-k. r.I ., ... . P""1- Stlffloea., . i, n, .urti, am P 14 ,10 mrk, mtrlii.iiine 14 c" J' Krcs-r' rec,'1 if.cti4,i.. E!ra Towu.blp. ,'J c Towaahit """ . n...i n.n 1 , 7 00 7 00 14 Z. I., llm.ver. (reverie. 7 ot r m 7 tsi U Hubert Mttlaa.r, leaeeal uerchandin. Ilradl'urd Township. II P. Cmle.tt A Ca-, ai.rrh.oji.a. .. 14 f. II. Br. 4. arnn .r.,1 ,.k. 1... r oi I so f. i?'.!1" ?""' "'"",h Alh.rt.,merri;:. (i m 14 0. M. lailwalailer, iranerlea A aonfert. T IMI ' " nradv Towuehin. 13 II. tlimtlanilei-, nierchnnJi...M.M.,4 14 J. II. kJinjcer, haidware 11 J. II. Bi-jler A lire., ni.rehaaaiav," 1.1 M iora A lUmiltoa, mar.-faan.liae....,'.. . 14 thriitiaa Uurkliart,oi.nreelioaerie.'"". 14 aleana A llaje, rlru.a U 4. M. Carlile, sjerolia.idirtl'.'.r.'.TJli.'M .4 8. M. Kuntt, trtereliaaili.e.n. 14 JebDHeheancb. cr, .. rrot..rU'.! 4 a. .. M. llr.ry, eonfeel'., reeariea I. Jolin I elit-rlmv. M...nh.H i... 10 oo 7 Oil to ot 10 Ila 7 00 7 ofl 7 PO ? Oil 7 4NI 7 oo 7 oo 14 Hue. Mraiijuuiery, arj taaHla.'crom'ai I thl 14 g. ti. Mellenrr, draire. .'" J 15 C. I. K,.n, A Bn merchiia'dia.""."" It ! :"'".""" "' '1 I""da, aroeorlea , . l - . '""."reoaudlM... 10 i. 00 OS 14 Sarab llrmka, imeeriea, ouolealioaiit. 7 es 1,. . . """"a Towu.liip. 'M P.tobiD, dry tooj,. ,.ri n W' T'hi- 't tJ', (troeerio. ; 14 llerrnw, Mahatley A Heed. drue. 7 10 I.. '"" need. or... l Jebn I', t'unner. n...l,... ... 7 041 ! ,'f i": Mci"rr.y A Soa. m.rebaadiaa.i!! . t !i 14 Jeekaun I'alrliin. n.l,...ii.. .7 I . 7 (n u a u s.-ba.fl r -" ... n Herae. Patoh!.; r"".';;';'" Cheat Towualiis, H William lluatcr, u.ercL.aj,,, 7 7 so 10 ot 7 10 i Oil ,j , , , patent medleiaa. 4 J.J.bnjil.r, inereband.a.. 14 June, tuny, Dierebendiie. 1 """......,!!!.. . i ..... "'- U'erenandiae 14 J. II. McK A Co.. meeelin.Hi.. 7 Si I on 7 7 til 7 00 S on r oa 7 en t till 7 on 14 Jaeoh ttullapr), tuerebandiae i , ". """' ""'kaiidiae 14 Jotin ll.k..ury, aj.reh.odla. , (OTllietoil loUli.llln. 4 t ,., C.4rl. ir, , f wi, , 4 Jraoei. l.e.y, ,r-h.nd,. , , 4 J..,,n Plab.il, grw,, Jc i 2 ir. t""M:1- " ""reHand.ee. II M 11 tlillilaad A Heokeadtmi, m.rob.,.di f J" a arwen.riiie nonugli. M Spreakl. A Sweenay, fMC, j ,0 M I.I a .TL. . " - tJ 1 .. . WMB-.a, 11 1. R. Ir.,., ,,... ,7- i. r. patent vardieiaoe . 14 C R Heaaar. Ja-wclr. 15 U. W. Wearer A to' dro!...."".. n Tk " . " pateal aiadielaea li I. ,,,M C" ' aiabaasiaa i i ?.',' 'I Jn"",""-I!'"ariea. I. ft. Urnff A Sua.ouul.Hiliuucry Ar... 11 J.eub Uilt.r, banlwar. 14 A. U. K.rb.jeweley. 14 W. A. dale, artiwatio. i4 wet'iuakr, a t... gn,e,rit.::::::: a 1' l "' """sdiaa ?... It til 10 oa r i io to . ts ta so I oo T oo It 00 7 r oo T 00 7.'. 00 14 it. . a "a? ' 7 oq' rwaet's 11 10 ia r, , T ., """"P""a. .lotoinf f at i, i-i.. '-'r,''.' "". "" - ij fr"T"l'J. "rl"l,ur. !n'l WKb"aaV.?.' II all -- -. .. ..w w t-u.aua atora.... ..... . 7 I'lcsrneld Itorouch. 4 A. II. Kramer, aroeerlr.ua! fa.it ; II .M. til. nit, coafeenoaeriea. II A. lloloatiurf. eloihtna 14 H. 11. KliuV' -"" t 00 r oi 10 ot 7 III II Ji.ha Wapl., banlwar. ....'.'.'"!.'.'."'.'. T III .a 11. Iln.lce. elotliln, !' T-1 l,',"'k '' II J ... Shaw A Son., n.retiandl.a li M. II. Hro.. A lira , oiaebinarr 11 . Aio-aop, merebandiae II A. I. SI,., j,.. ' "" U II- f. N...l..j.elr,...... . " II Haraaal I. rmyder. jewelry 1.1 K. W. tlrabam. mi-lehandia. T oo 11 It r to 7 oo 7 oo 11 oo t 01 T oo T to . " '. raen.noi 10 , ? u 7 ". ' i f,' tZfZ-Z"''?? iJTJ S- r o r to I! to eK..i..-i .7 r. ' f 1! r 1 t Ly"' ' " ' "arth.ndla.... I. f IS T lo Jo. Tr,,.,.. , ' r oo r to 11 Ji'h. Bladl.r.aaareaiio...ur T oo t. , . ""' Sroeerlea , II K. tl. .tiller A ri. - k " j. " II to 11 M i. j a . . . 1 i a oo I t o, .Vrb" ". ... It ll. rt llliara I1...I, tuerehandire 5 oo rr a t.oH alulhlngt if j,n II O. MeU.Uhey, re.laarant. , y a. .. i i". a. n kUliwrd Mom, I lealea. 40 tt a Ta J "'ca,.r. r.'awt.Md teed, 10 lu ... r. ni.ier to.,aeraw.ra II V. II. W.ieu, Sraire. Z.Z 1-1 " pa'ant mullein.. t lsrer riew.l, boon, ,bo and hale.... 1 ea.er A Ueiu, mrreh.adl.a 4 Saekeit A Sehryr.r, hardware 1 tt r tu . m I is 11 Hi 11 IS r to I 10 a ..aeiiwiea at llwin, Sr.f 11-0. Rank, reaaraat t Kl e vnaraera U. Bank , ...fc 1. an " aodalt hndrea, brewery.. , g M Iloratar Tawaatila. J Jok MoaJl, .re1iudla..... .,..',., In J W. J . Jaebeaa, mereh.adla. ", j JUiv (Irrrticrmfiits. ci.aas. filrars losniehlp. '" rax. II H. H. Stewart, sroaarlee THO II t'arnllfie I.rroiita, merflh ledl.e T ba ' (iraliam TnwMahln. ' ' 1:1 Thua. II. I''.rry, ra.rjhiadi. 10 IIS 4 " p itnut nwlioiaa ft UU aub. i ,"wl II K. Alleman, Ulirchrtiidt.e, (ullrb Towuahlp. 11 P. A. Kiynn, merchan.il.. 1 " saleat mesiala 1 If F. A. Prliloam, aarrohandlaa ,., llu.teu Towaalilp. t U Y. Poublua, mcrehnndiae 10 0 I l( , ,,murev Jewelry aud Suafeofrh... Ill i u (). n. w.md, jruga.... it ; l ,, t .loln.u, ta.iabandin '. It , , w Ur...n. inenliaadia..... . f, tit . ' n ii,.,,,.. .lL,,'.'.." - . h tiawrvt Wain, i.rch...di.. ' I. J-fT" . ' iiuuiiuiiiv IrVluui a- (; r.". ,";;l;;,;n;",";;;; It Maihi.. Mayer, ccafcotioneriea. M 01 lo eo , 7 IH! , 7 no 7 so . 7 so , 7 HO , I on ( M . II Ut . U io , t en . 7 no i 7 eo II William t'liarlton, graouriae M II lleaiamln t'harllou, aoafeelioaariea II H.mi'l W. IlirliiiKer, Kibaeeuol.1. ....... j II Mueoa O. Cohn, oloiblna K. 14 W.J. Shorbauh, ilruffa - 1 1 i". II Patrick llunn, ulolhlnx. v..i, m... I Jaine. Uuao, merebanjlie. ,'.;-.., If llarpor Oo., merehendi. 14 J. II. Sprout, millner........'...F...t.,.. II .fohn NlcMearaey, eonlwllonarlc.,.., 14 lrl Htroup. rroeerlea.'..... II William Outran, Kcaeaf Ice.....,'.' It f. A. Jlultoh, gioccri.. II J. Fuuriiivr, gioi-.rlca M llr-ad, llroa. A Co., aroeertea tt,..i II W.C. I.enKford, euafeclloaaala.... I T on , 7 lit 7 Oil r l e i 7 r on 7 fO Hi r o 7 OS 7 nil 10 cm 10 o 7 so I 09 7 till " a 7 no 7 no 7 Oil It 5l ; 43 ! ' 1 1 JsV Jortlsn Towaatilp, ' Js'iiica McCraflbcnl niMrliaaidiav.;.. I 14 11. r. swan, lacrrlianiliac 13 J. (.', 11. Juhrwlaa, lairawaaidl.e. , Uarlliawa Tunualllp. Ill (..(Ter. oierohidl.e - 11 II. Flahcr, merchaodi.e ; II J. W. Poller, merobaadiM - 13 J. C. alcCioakay, nrebandia. 1 .. Kilos Tow.hl, M4 'I. J. ttrbart, ntcrvbandica flu j Lawrence Tuwnahlp. S rhatLa Schafer, brewery It It. N. c'olburn, niercbendia. l.uwbrr 1'lty. , II d..hn Farguaon A Co., metchaitdiie II John ltu.Mll A Son, tucrchaDdiie 11 II W Kn.nr .,..!. .... i.. j 2 xtt,r Hal Ii A Co., marehaaili..!!!! i murria uwiiariiu. I ii ftnr i fiouipto:., nirrrhtnaifc. t On I U Jim fttoni, mrrcbrinfliM iv.t..,... f tlt I 14 fn(rr, merehindUe . " III j 14 Trfsnnnrrl K)'1r, mrrvbtinfilM. ..,. J flfl t V Morr.i Cijs.) CoinpkOT, oiwhwiitiw fj in i I'mn Tuwuitilp, ' - 1 )4 Jhn B.KHrlT. murohtBil.M J ('0 I 14 . A. MinrfteijiifK't m1 gruevitt... J Uu ! IMkP Ton Hkhlp j 14 K. T. Prl1, cfti.rrellnncr' i 14 Ala.Hniilh,ci.nrfllinOfr i lrlilnn TuWUililp. . 7 UU . I 0! . T M : ll us T oa 12 it . r eo Jo lit 1 ne , 7 ta . 7 s , 7 7 OS , 7 rs It OS 7 e. T tl) II ItimM Hm'iBvkrr, nifirebatiiliM 13 J. R. Arol4 A Co., ffifth-D.H., .,... New Hakhlugton Borougji. 14 J. I'. Ptrwftelrtrj'..-. 13 M. Aranltl, ucrahsiiiihre 14 T. T. Wiltwn, tt.nU'fllinncrj' 10 J. II. M-Mnrrj-, inrrohftmlW , 4 14 patent Metliciltf , 14 J.'liH Nf, oonfwlMDrjr..,.v....H v WalUcetou llu rough 14 J. A T. W. Ilfitl. mrrtnJi. 1 1 Shint-I A Oom, niereliandi't , ffoceoln lloruuf;)!. 14 J. II. Fi.rrmin, farnUur , 14 Jm )1lt-hrtm, nnr(ionr' U W. Kelly, mrrhn.li H W. II. Ianpr, FnnrcltOBrrr I 14 Mu. iiw). Bo-tltrb. ilrjr gA. (fnx-i'w, ueo. ntTHHeft, billmrtl ruom. 2 IiMm... . 4. 14 IVneh. k'.rin, rraeere. 7 ; 7(10 U Kinmet Sahara, tnereh.ndi... I! M 14 i. il. Kri.lav. beota aa.l aliae...... 7 81 14 KUward Mellunald, brwalaaS'l .hoee....7 7 AS i I Jaa. Ilv-ikilh. fiirnilura.. 7 Oil 14 Mieliual Sanford, aoafnetiunerjr .i.a 7 Ai I II A. lieulrW. ra .ns li.kerr 7 0. I II J. ft. Hrnwn.cenfeetinaarjr "7 as I II ll. W. Keller, merfhandtej ... 7 ! I S l.iv.rie;hl A l.ieele. merch:ioiiae....H... Si 111 il II Geo. K. J.inra. jewelry . T 13 ll.rttrian A Frin. karjw.re It ttl ft Mu.banao. Land and I.umUe-r Cmp.- ' np, m.rchandi.a , ill Oil I II T. II. Ulondr A ('., druji f C in T. C. Ileiia. t On, inerrliin lil.... ...... 20 IHJ It Lli.T.1. faldwell A Co.. baskera II ll 11 R. O. Way A Co., araary aad feed...., I IH 11 Anna llalea, millinery .' 7 00 14 M. II. Wellniaa, Berebutl Miliar . 7 Woodward Townahla. a 11 Jaa. Curnley, taerebanrllae 7 11 II. A. W.rren, drnita .nd atntlonrry.... T Oft II 0. W. '.ainborn. aonlectionery t 0! 14 Mertilly A Soatker, merchaadiae...... 7 0 14 a'rHidia 4 Coianas. mer.-baadtaa T 00 14 Ki.her A Co., aten-hendiee 7 On 14 Kara Caebill, mercbaodiM. T 00 an I 14 11. Ilm. n A Hmilh, Krueerie ate. 7 to ,,0 14 n. H. Fbillipe, irooerira 7 an 1 eertui- tbtt the .lima ie a aorreet rl.4 uf the aai...aud perraaia and ftrrat aaae.aed for tba ear rent year. Niittea I. beraby it. a Lbat aa apnea! will ba bel.l al tlie Cnnntr Coraraiaaiaaera' ulllee. Id Cleariald, on Ti ESUAV.lbr Jtuhdayel April Beat, wbere all who feel Ibera'elVea agfri.v.d eaa altead If tbey ae. proper. No .lon.ratioa. r redoetiooa aaa ba aaade altar th. d.y of piaal. Lntharaburc I -. . 4AMM MtLtUI, Mareb 14, 'li-ll Mereaatlle Appralaer. rjH)WNSHIP STATEMENT?. 11. P. SWA , ll'.alriel Treaaurer of Jurdaa tuwo akiip. in aeauant w,tb tha Hehool fnod. of .aid .uaa.hia fraia June IS lsTl IA J.m A . 1873 ..araa. . JuneSS To atut aaaeaaed for lf);.....'....$li:i Tnavat due fr.0. tann.r traaa... 7 17 . Ta arat rae'd rmui evlleotor of duplieale for IS72 1ST .1 ,. Tt Blale appmpriatiua. IS7J... B.1 S3 . To ea.h for aehool hou.e S 00 To aailitia laea from Co. Trau. It tl ' To ilee .ohod order b.Uin.... . i i . - i-SKPlrtia. . Ity arhuwl orl.ra redooatad Uy Saab paid for tlealloaiw..w.. Ily perceutaire M My -' ..w.aiUaaeA la dale . 10.J 17 I oo 6i ii at it I5M li 1174 Jonel .1 tlRBTOR. To .oil ube.I1ecr..l.i To Uil on eehoid urdrr To aim collected on dup. I K71. Ta eaeh fr C. Tree... onaaat'd To .rar-.e.wd for 1874 T. Btai. appeopnatroai IS,4. Toeaab f.racbo.il aoafr.. Hi .U 14 it 14 .a Hi to S..I ! II 1 1 tt tlKIJ It rasntroa. Uy veh.Mil ordera re.lv.ined 1011 tt liy ea.h pd fur ate of eab. bo... I ta Ily p.rreoUire. M i9 ii Uy eaun'. oa dup. 74 aal '14. .4 ti Uy atu'iaal .aeollaeted aal It ami ll is:s r.b.io brtros. Taamttoeuljwtod..i .1 l5l II B. F. SWAN, lii.trlet Traaeurer of Jmdaa town, ahip. In account wiib tha UoaJ ru.doi'..ll towaatilp f.u Oat. is, l7 ta dal.i . 1 bx.roa. ., ; To ami R. Alcier'a duplicate.,, $.'11 07 To anal Knot. Heed'. " ... .1-6 Kl To an.oalrd read tax raoalred Co TtcMarer. M 124 to Tu eaah rM'd oa dup. lur ISTI. 4 OS Ta oa.b ua dup. ct Alftlcr. ..... rarmrolt. By road enter, n-.tacmcd ...... ny lat worked aoder Al.ier.. Ity eaoncratloit ' , Uy bal aa Aleiar. book Ily lax worked under aUwd..., Ity , Ity pmentaae M Hy eaah oa dup. for 1871 Ily sau in treaauirr'a haayta.. i;m t I""4 pahrob. " ' klob. II Ta Hal. ia traaa. band. ' Ta H. AIlarH dup. for 1-M.. li ft 161 II 1271 ra.i.rreiw, By aiat worked under Algier ror is;4 (lit l Uy Moaeratlii. far IS74 Uj anal worked, aj la IS74.... IS : Uy pare I. tl II 4 al I per at... I Hy ami. la Ire... hand. 4 274 J Aaiaani ba Br... haa-la. ....... , t B. r. 81VAN, Dl.lriot Treaaurer of Jorda. tuaa- aip, la account wili tba I'ao. K.au .1 .aid lowaahlp Iron July; ll, II; 4, U dalai ..roa. To ami araeaaad for 1974 tdTI 71 caatiitua. llr arat rea d teoe. Oul fiiM ita i llii U a a. Mrh. II Uy .ml aaeullerled la dau.17 1:1 1174 lt wtn ' T .k ree'd Irum Col. Slraw. 4 li Mch. U Tu K,LW,. lordapllcaUaflSil l 11.1 rsatirraw. "y poor order, redeemed .... Ur ami ia Ira... audi...... , 11 arenlaaw . till " W t ll Ihe wndar.liaai, aodikir. af Jarda. teat 'P. baoa, laly .aam.aed Ihe eker. aeeoaef. ' ihew, u abatt Mated. am'nRi" rthaw, John Williams, JOHM H1N. fie. AtTtati Aiiaea A. W. Vor.w, Olarll, . aaakM-ll 47 It 7l kt 101 II .. ill 1 .. 1 4 14 II ,. 41 ! '. I l T ua III 00 .7 eo li in r no r to t oo 7 oo