ardu'xrr, ft Start. " i. . . .. i i SACkETT ft W HEWER, HARDWARE, and nianufaolureri of .1 Tln.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Wart, Sewed 6lreet, CLBARFIEI.I). IA. li. -t i i. nut etoek of Hani ' were, we Invito the piiblto to examine '' aav prteoe. Cenieotere and peraoaiebo oonleiuplete build ii will do well le examine ear TOOLS BUILDING HARDWARE, whleh ii lew and of the boot manufactura, end will bo ,old low for earh. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, , LOCKS, - t i ; LATCHES, IT lllNGES, SCREWS t . . All kladi of Bennh Plenea, Bawl, Chlieli, Square, Ham mere, llateheta, Pluuba unci Lovcle, Mortleed A Thumb Ouegea, Be tell, -Rraeea Bttt. Wood and Iron Beneh Serrwa, and th but Boring Maehine in tb ' market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, rOCKBT CUTLERY, 4a. " ; j Ajents for BurneWt Iron Corn 8heUcrt warranted. AUo, agenta fur Rioharda' . 1 , (.OTI1IC H UE TOP, wbieh tore Smoky Flue. Farmer' Implement! Mil harden Tools of trtry dceoription. A Urge variety of COOK STOVES, , , , which wa wtvraut to give aatlRfeotlon. , ' Portable ilauttt and rttrnaetM. U Roofing, Spooling and Job Work dona on reasonable term. All orders will receive prompt attentii a. JuMl,,Jl BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, tSueeeaior, lo Bwyntoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers or PORTABLE & STATIONARY ' STEAM ENGINES Coroor of Fourth and Ploa Streeta, ' ' CI.EABOTRLn, PA. HAVINQ engaged lo Iba manufacture of Brat ahaa MACHlNERY.weoeBrwtfully Inform tha pnblle tbat wa tr bow prepared to fill all ordara a, eheaply and ae promptly aa eaa be done ia anj of tha eitlee. Wa naaufactara and deal la Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Bloohe, Water Wbeela, Shafting PulUja, Oifora'a Injaotor, gloom Oeagee, Steam Wbtetlea, ' Ollera, Tallow Oupa, Oil Cup Oauga Gorki, Air Cooke, Olebo Vulvae, Cbaab ValYoa, wrought lna ' Pipea, Sle.m Pumpe, Boiler Teed Paoipa, AaU Frletloa Metree, goap Stone Paeklnf , Uum Paek. ini, aid all kind, of MILL WOHK) toolbar with Plowa, Slad Solaa, y j COOK AND PA nLOn STO YES, aid elb.r CA8TINQS of all hlnda, tr-Ordara aollelted and (Hod at 0117 prieaa AH lettere of Inqulrjr with raferoaee to anachlnarj of aar awnufaotura prompttj aaiwarod, by addrea la( aa at Cleardtld, Pa. jaai'Te-tf BIULER, VOlNll A KhED. ThJEW BToitE AND NEty GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hit jut opened " Niw Sioai, oo MainSl..CnirnLD, Ft latalr oooupled j Wm. F. IRWIN. Thalr atock oooBialiol , , IX) 111 XT OI CD C1D VU 5C ' Gbocibiib of tba bfat quality, Qukknbwabk, Boots mid Shoes. tod ttj article Deorsaara for ona'a comfort. . Call and (samioa our atock beloro pur ahMinialBawhare. May 9. 1806-tf. I readTng fora llTi BOOKS STATJOXKR Y. ' Market It., ClaarOnld, (at tha Paat trace.) Till BBderelfBoe: beri leaaa la aaaoaaeo to tha altlaoaa of ClaarleK and rlelaltjt, thai ha haa liwd wp a room and baa Jaat relaraed froai tha ally with a larie aateaataf rudiaf atlar, eaB.latla In part of Bibles and Misoellaneoui Books, Blaak, Aaaouat aad Pail Baoka of every de aartptloai Paper aad Rnrelopaa, Froaoh preaaad aadplatai Peaa and Peaellai Blaah, Legal Pwpera. Daada, MortKaRM) Jadtrmaet, Rieaia lloa and Proailuory aoteri While aad Pareki eat Brief, Leffal Cap, Reeera Cap, aad BUI Cap, Bheet, Maaiafor either Plane, Flaw er Vl.lla eoaalaatly ea head. Ana beeka er etatleaeri dealrad that I aey aet hare ea band, will be er. ordered by Aret eapreea. aaA aeld at wbeleaet. erreullto ealt oaammere. I will alee hoop perledieol literate re, aaah aa Mee;eilaea, New aapera, Aa. P. A. OAULIM. Oharld Uae f. 1 tl The Lightning Tamer. TUB aadorelgaee) ar tha oole Ageata (a tbti OAoatr foe tke "North Amerlaaa Oalvaalaed UOUTNINO ftODfl." Tueae are th aaly aafe rod aaw ia waa, aad are eadeeaed hy all Iba aeieauie mea ia tao ooaatry. W hereby aotify the eUiaeaa of Ik eaaaty that wo will pat them wp a bettor rod. aad fi lee mooey, (haa la barge) by tho fore I fa ageau who an anally traveroo tha oeoaty aad earry ffwr Ittileeaehgaevort retara. KXCOURAGE HOME tABOn. Tho wlahlog Llibtalag Rede reted oi their bulldlaga aeed bat eddree aa by letter, or all ia pera. W will pat them ap anywhre, la theoaaaty, aal wrraattbm. Th Rod aad Pillar eaa be aeea at any tlna by enlling at earner. H. F. BIULKR A CO. jOlaarflatdL!warrh 1. tSJI tf Ijlvery iStnblo. THK ( ad bega lear la lafena thepab Ite tbat he I aow fully prepared t atvbomma. date all ia th way of furnlihing lloraea, UuRiriea, gaddlea and Harneea. on tha ahorteat aotiee and en Naaoaahl lama. KeetJeao a Ueaal atroat. aetwtea Third aad Fourth. ORO. W. QRARH ART. D.tyfleld, Feb. 4. I RALlTb aaderine4 offer for aale a Talaable Iowa properly la tbo ofOlearrM. Let aealaa feet, with a rod two etory planh howee tbereoa .reeled, with three reeve dew. Main and rear bd roeaia ap iteira. Alee, aewiag rooai aad halb room en aeeoad Boer, lionea Aniibed eeaaplele from eeller te attie. Oeod doable pereh aad good watrr. PHea rea- toaable aad pajaieate ea... IBaagrl WM. M. JeiieArMmikAY wttt iuppiT too wrrvt ant artici.e OP MIRCMANDtSE AT THE VRRT LOWBHT PRICK. COMB AND SEE. U l'Jly,) 'NEW WASHINGTON. grj Coafli, Crorfrlti, tf. . r. wsaraa... -W. W.BBTTB. WEAVER A BKTTH CLEARFIELD, PA., An onerlng, It the eld llul of fl.L. Reed t C. thotr atook of g oedi, eonalillng of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ' ' BOOTS A BII0E9, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARI, QUKBN8WARK, FLOUS, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., Al tha Moat reatonabla ratal for CASH er I eiehanra for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COl'NTRV l'RODUCB. Adrftneta nado t thoaa angagvd U gt Uag out tquart tlBtwr on tba moil ndvanlagaoui tarm. pdtljantl JTjAMKli GOODLANDEtl, M'THKRHBI'UO, PA., DUY GOODS, NOTIONS, IIOSIEUT 4 GI-OVKS, DATS A CAPS m,J BOOTS -. Tubaeoo, (Iroearlea and Flab, Natla, Hardwara, , yuaenawaro and Ulacawara, Mn't aud Hoy' Olvthtng, Druga, Patnta, Oil. Hchuol Uooka, a larga lot if i'ataot Uadiotora, Caodiva, Nuti A Driod Fruita, Chatie and Crack era, Hook and Rifle Tuwdr, Flour, Gmin mi J lVtatot-H, Okvr and Titaothjr Bm, Sola Ijfalhar, Unrflonoa, Titnlnga, Bindinga and ) Threftd, " Kkrtamrikofi' Tooli and ' - - ha Fiudtnga. V grtattar varlttp of gooda la aiT Hurt lo tha ooantv. AH lor aalo vary hiw for faaH or wanir) produM at tbo koaf Coraor. Ag. 17, )tt7S. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, PfB townibip, ClcarfloU Co., Fa. , II II R N R D OltTl BURNED UP! The subaorlhera have, at great expanat. rebuilt neighborhood nreeanity, tn the ereetlon of a flrat laa Woolen llanafaoturr, with all the modern Improvement! al lanhcd, and are prepared to make j ail at mil oi ,ioiira, auitaere, saiinoui, iiiaai kola. Flannel, Tleaty of gooda oa head to anpply all our old and a thou land new euatonera, whom we aak to eetno and examine our aloek. Tbo bufineaa of , , CARDIXtl AND FCLLINO will receive oar eaparlal attantioa. Proper arrana;ementa will be made to reeelro and doliver Wool, to ault cuetomert. All work warranted and done upon the ahorteat notioe, and by at r let attoa tlon to huaineaa we hope to reallie a libwraJ ahara ff pubUe aatronago; ' , , . lO.(MM) POUNDS WOOL WANTKDt Wo will pay the hi glint market price fnr Woo and aell oar manafatured gooda aa low aa aim liar gooda oan be bought in the count j, and whenever we fail to reader men ruble aatiifaetion we eaa alwaya be fonnd at home ready to make proper explanation, either in pereon or by letter. eJAMKS JOIINKON A HONfl, aprlllfltf Bower P.O. LEATHER BHKAST-STnAI'S BUPKRBKDKD BY CoVr.HT'M PATENT METALLIC . BREAST HOLD-BACK of the boat MaJtea- ' bta Iron, aad taelUwbtd ' U the JIauea by tha beat , Soap ever iaveoled. It ia eaiily and quickly put on, and previMtte the wbippina; of the boraea by Uie polo, kot liable to get out of repair. Will laat for yeara. All we uk la a fair trial, to eonvlnea al) partiea aa o . Ing theai that tbay ear ' ' anaarpaaeeij raYahiorer the purpoae for which they are intruded. SAOKBTT A 8CHUYVKR. ClearnelJ, April lb, W4. MARBLE AUD STOE YARD! Mrs. 8. S. LIDDELL, Uarlnf anf aged la tha Marble liaiineaa, daalraa to lafura her friend, aad the puhlie that the haa aow and will keep aonataally oa band a large aod well .elected atoekof ITALIAN ANU VERMONT M AH MLB, aad leprrfared te rerwleh to order TOMBSTONES, , , , ; BOX AND CRADLE TOMDS, M0NTMRNT3, Carba and Poali for Cemetery Iitr, Window 1 i lllkt Bad Capl, aiao, IlURKAtT, TABLB AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Aa. tot-Yard en Reed etreet, near tba R, R- Drpot, Clearleld, Pa. J.I, 71 'J'ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGINO VASES, 9tovo Lining nnd Fire Brick, t , t kept eonataBtly on hand. STO X E ' AD EARTHED - WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ! CKOCK8! P0TS1 CROCKSl Ptener'e Patent AlrtlRhl wteir fruit Canal Kealliig BUTTER CROCKS, with llda, CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPI.R RI'TTKR CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, P LOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS, And a great many other tblnga tee nanaeroaa te ateatioa, te be had at FREO'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Coraor ol Cherry and Third Street, CLKAKFIKLO, PA. aag. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL 1N HTRUM8NTHI Organa, both bow and aeeoad hand, at tbe Muafe Store, oppoeitotlulieb'e Fern i tare Store. All pereoaa iatereated are invi ted to aal) aad Matalae a aew atyle of Orgaa aow oa eibibition. Hhtet Muai and Muaie Hooka eoaataatlyoaj had.f 11 aplJt-tltf T. A. FLECK & CO., IUto now ea hand, aad are dally reeelrlng ad ditiona thereta, n large aad woll ..looted .lock, aal froeb froai the aaaaafaetarerB, of Draea Gooda, Dry Oeedi, Sllke, II.U, Boaaeta Old Ladioa' Cap., hhaell, Waterproof!, 1a elee' Par Cape, Hair Ooodr, Orate' Par . Bilbing Hood,, bblrta, Uloree, Hoao, Oreratle, l.anbernien'a Plannol. Ladle.' Underwear, Cuff., Collar,, Handkerchief!, ,C 0 CHILDREN'S t'NDERWEAR AND WHITE DREaRES, Perfaaiery aad Soapa, Halaioral Skirta, away dowa, Htorkinge, ef eeery trie., variety and eolorr, Noltoao, Trlmeiingi aad raacy llooda, ta alatoal endlea varlaty. N. B.-WK BUY FOR CASH AND SELL 'OK UAIU. , , - - , darllf imt. m 8AWS1 8AWS1 6AW81 r... BMTAK enoaa-niiT am i. naan AMD . CIRCULAR SAWS, Boynton'i Lightning Orosi-out Saw. ' , ' ' At0. PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC RAWS, , , j Fee Bale hy '' U.F. BIOLER CO. PINK, WniTE A ROAR L1NI1WO silRs--Jett reeerrea aad for eal be April te. l-ra. B. F. SIOLRS A 00. JJARD TIME8 , HAVE NO KKFKC'T IN 1FHENGHVILLEI ' I am awaro that ibtra art omc rona a little hard lo plraar, and I am aUo awara that tbt oouinlalotof "hard titnn" la woll nitth unlvoraal. Uut 1 am ao al luated now that 1 oan tatiifj the furmar and prara oonclutvtir tbat "hard timea" will not tffiHjt tboia who buy thHrgnnda front n., a&d all mj jtatruna ihall 1 iiiiilalid tatto llafi trot of HOW TO AVOID IIAltl) TIMES I bara otti eDouch to uiii'W all tbr Itibabl tanta In tba lower aud of the ooualjr nbioh I aril at exoaoding low ratoa from my tntuniuoth aturo In HtLSOMirRd, wharo I oan alwaya be found ready to waif upon ealleri and mi'P'J 'htm with , Drj Goods of nil Kinds, Booh m CliitU', Rattnetti, CaMlmrrpa, Mimllna, Dalainoa, Linen, DrllllDgi, t,lloip , m , Triiutuiiiga, It lb bona, Laoe, ( Jfc neaiiy-inaae (Liotumg, uoon auu cnoca, iui auu Captall of the boat mnterlal and tuado to order Uoee, Soeka, Uloret, SJittena, Laeaa, Kibhona, do. anocKiiiKS of am kimm. Coffee. Tea, Soffar, Rife, UolaMei, Flih. fult Fork, Lloaoad Oil, Fiah Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queenaware, Tinware, Canting, I'Juwi and Flow Caattufta, Naila, tiplkei, Corn Cultir. tore, Cider Freaaea, and all kinda of Axea. rtr fit tiiery, Talnta, Varnlili, (Han, and a Kuiral aKaoltlunt or Mattouery, - 0 0 01) FLOUR, Of different hr niida, alwaya on lianifj and will be lu Id at lue lowciat poiaible ngnrna. J. II. MvClaln'a Medicine. Jayna'i itedlcinca, llutttivr' and HooflaDd' Uiitera. (00( Dooad of Wool wanted fur which ht bigheit prioe will b mmL Clorrraerd on band anu lor aaie at tfeeauweiiaiarkei pwce. ., Alto. AaTcnt fur Htrallonvillo and rurwonat ilia in rein lug Maontuoa. fea.Cell and feefor rouraelvet. You will find rerythlng aaually kept in a retail at ore. L. M. CfnUIKT. Frenehville V. 0., Auuat 12, 18Tt the cli:arfikld(: WRECIAYCOo CI.EAliriKLD, PA., '4 .OKI. HAvrrAriraraa r - FIItK ltltlCK, Furnace Block!!, tins Retorts, r i it, ;:,)!! I Stove Iiuingd', Pnviug Tiks, aVo Chimney Top, ll'tarfoari Cop, and IVim-i. r All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIlllNAI. IlESIHXS IN IKKRA COltA , . , .... MADK.TO, OBUKR. ; - With Improved to act) In. fr, Brt alaaa malarial end aVHM worVrrjiri. we ran a arrant all our manafartttre to l ffanl to If not euperlt r to any ia me maraet. Artlelea of our manufaetura oan W leen at tbe Work, near Railroad Depot, or al the Hardware Store of 11. r, liigler m ( v. All otdcra from a diatence, addroaaed to the Oeneral Superintendent, will receive prompt at- lenitoa. el. lIARTifWICK. JOHN FERUl'HON, 0a l upt. f Mealbleld, titu-nklrh. HenUaad, - tSopt, Manutmelariag Dept. mnySO'TS T HE LA B (J E 8 T CT' i A ASSORTMH.V'T OP MTOVKW ! STO Vl ! erer brought lo tbe euuoty, are belrf reeelreit at thellardeereKetabli.bnentnr II. K. Hlt.LteH dt CO.. eompriiing tbe followiug Uonk Htoree: SPEAR'S CALOHIKIO. HUSyVEHANA, . a I. ., ,.; , BHipi.ATtm.' ... vi NOBLK. KXCBteSIOH. " TltlUMPH'.-'H i BOV. PEKW KEADINO NATIONAL RANGE, 1C. tC Aire, the following Heating Storaa. SrEAU'9 AKTI CLINKER. SPEAR'S ANN DUST.. HPKAIt'8 ORBICULAR. : .d, , SfEAU'S TARLOn COOKJ,,) UORNINO LIOIIT, ! a BON TON, OIPSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, 7! RU3Y' i DAUrillN EGO. CHESTER KOO, , ; ' VOLCANO, T' H ' ' PHOKNiX, 1 HFAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM rJTOVra, AC. Clearleld, Sept J5, 187S. -.4 , E. A. SOUTHARD, Fire,Llle& Accident Insurance - t AUENT, t'lrarBeld, Pa. ' " TRAVBI.KR'H t.lPHA ACCIDENT. Uarlford, Conn..'. ......AutU orar ll.OOn.OllO HOME FIRE INSIIRANCK CO. Colurabne, Obla M robl' Aaaetti over (000, IliC Sm. g. Pmaoaa, Prea'L R. R I!a,na, Srr'y CONTINENTAL Life ' Insurance Company, or HARTP0RD, CONN. : Aeeeta ....i,iit,an Halle of Aeeel. le Llebilillee. 112 Ferniihoa Inauranoo at Ibe very lower! cent Poliey-holdera pariieipata ia tbe profile of the Company, Ikua euntinually reiluring ebe annual paymeala. , For ratoa, Ao., eall on or adtlrer "' ( R. M. M, KNA1.LV, Ageet. Office la Sbaw'i Row, Cleartold, Pa., :Ij 71 - F. O'LEARY BUCK, " ai . .( '" I - ' , " . ' General Insurance Agent nd Real Estate Broker, - j Repreaeat th following rellabl Io0rftnee Cay North Brttlih A Mereaalile Ina. Co. t,l00.oo Waahiaitoa leife Ineuraae Co 3,00,00 Firo Aoeiatioa laaaraaee C. S.aoO.tHiO Amaaoa Fir laauraaee Co Mf.MII Phipnii luauranee Co., N. Y 9,000,000 Watertowa Fire, taaure dwellingl and farm Uridine anly H ( 17 6. BOO Tork, PatftHuah laaarane Co. lloraea in a red agaiirat death aad theft. . i P. 8 Partle la th eoantry dealring Inaaraaa oa their Ijvea or nroperty raa have it promptly attended to by addrcMtne; a by letter, at ealling ia parma al our office, ia Ple'a Opera llueo, Hoawi No. I, Clearfield. Pa. m.t2t,'H pon SALE ! .1 A larg. aad well laiibed Rrlob Dwelling, rile ate oa the rirer beak, la Ike nornueh ol Clear. '' water la (be kileben. aud all the modern eoore- i nieneee. Pealriee, Uath-ronm, Clohaa.prem., Ae, Ul elitj feet front nnd two hundred and thirty '""'T '' ' I aide. Said balldlag, with all the eppurlenaaeee, I will be Mild aheap, with payneatalo .till pureha- mrr. nr.Mn oe aiaeo lo ina andor elgmd, er lo A. C, Tola, Beq., wbe will giro all neeeenry lufonnallna te Iboea who deelre to la apeet tba property. THOS.J. MrCl'LLOt-nll. ey nil, is,l,r. ..z m . ; fANTEI I AuKNTS. Bale and (.male. U aril Pletwrew everywhere. F.eneea Ikeewad retailed by nam: Anethet wrllat : "1 rgh Mak.or.ainary ia tbi. baaieieea lhaa 1 eaa-aa a tie. eat ft rat, all etorhod.'- WRITNKT 4 l'0 Pea, I. IT .! Norwich, CVaiai . THW1 Bt'VflTU IP AM .Ut thefroiw. cont of ll.u Kmom- TIIK SKW IIKIIKU.IOS KLAX no XtnrUlJlilUAW. ,,,, ( ,l0 ,., , t1(, mi, ,!ll0, t,m CliKA U KJ Kt.l), IM WRDNGHDAV MOHMNU, MAIUII U, IHT4. THE TWO TRAVEL ERt. - i -i i A uew poem by W I Ilium Cullan Bryant, pub- third ia tno reoraary iiianue.i P Twea evealag, aad IwUre uiy e)e tp, There lav a landaeani arav and diini... w t ' I idiiii iii inn j eja on iwihutii. vaira Andelouda that lild the horlion'a brim I Bw or waa (t that I dreauiod F A waking droaan F .1 oatin-.t at.v j .: 1 Jet retry abaaoa real tt-ftQ t Aa Uioae lliaiuierit uiy tje aay. Ttmiah la allot brutalhe old wind lilMtd i ".,!'.'," , .!.. me air waa I in on wiib faiiiag ai Alia onward, tnrougb tbe Iroaen I law a waary traveler g. ailet. .' . Urlten o'er that luudaiia bare and blt nV, Before the whirlwind guitauf air, - -'' Tha auow flakei atnote hie withered ebeek, And gaiharel oa hi rllver h ilr. Yet oa he ftirod I hroujch blinding enowa, Aud murmurini to hiiuaelf be aaid i ''The night ia near, and durkntM Krowjy,,, H. ' j nej nifini ii noar. eui nurmn "Dt-rp, dt'ep cunb Aulumn iT'ie trtaal. ,.., 4t ; it-en, dfep t'ttou Autumn fl'iwrr Ibetr hide i'b tun oiftreero they wuelu Iruiu light) , And they who Journeyed by my fide ' Are I oat la the eurnunding night, j ' "1 loved themi oh. ao word eaa tell The love that to uiy friend I Lure, ;rctiartt-J -Willi the adfr4fll .'. 4 'J , Of thono who part to meet an more.' "And I, who faea thii Utter wind, 1 .,, And o'er tbee aaowy hlllopk arecp fli Mutt rnd my journey aooo and And A rroatyooueh, a froien altxii." iJil ihiia bo ipake, a thrill of pain (Shot to oiy heart I I atoned my eyea ' And when I opened them ugain 1 ilartcd with a aurprie. ' ' 'it 'Twaa evening attll, and lu the Wet A Mnala of glowinit erimeon lay, i-S , 1 ar the utirrow there runt btot : ; .iThni piwlauofgloaiia day. Tho watera In their g1ay ih-Vp,' Hliooe with the huoa that ttiigad the iky. Anil rugged cliff and barren atevp Oleniu.-d wito a brijhinea frm on high. . Aud one waa there whoe journey lay Into the aluwly gatlieriiig nijebt i "p ho hM l5WT T P f W' vale ful Jmfiilheight. I marttd hia firm, though wvnry tread, Tho lilted eye and brow aoroue, And aw ao ahade of doubt or dread I' over that travelrr'a placid mien. And other emit, tht lr jiuruey o'er, "" And Uade good iiiirht with wonlfof olierrj itfMBoeaaw wwaJMIMUot eao uieee ; V he e4d. -aaell alaep -ere hag l ltei-e lading gleauia will mon he gone M Chilli vlecp, to rue, refreahed and ettvng, In the bright day ihnl yet will dawn," I heard : I watoht-d him aa be went, A leiaening form, until the light Of evening Irota the tiruiamfiit UadBewad,aad aw wao It at to light. KKcrWXIXU Jhi.VAGJiJ) JIKP- "However oluroxiaiirf 'tbo htle Con-. Kirn may Ih ti criticism fur iiiany u( ila m tiiuw. it han li U ono re ili i uiii .rei iiid , lliut. will ever coin 1116ml it to tin" ' tiivor oflliOM who tench: tliflh'nli1 circflinstnlit ea, tbat "t ho croutoat of t bene ia rlmritv The general wreck ot onto valued ri'putatiiiiia in and ulxiul the admil.ta- tniluin and in tho circle of its accept- eil leailern. prrHcntctl auch a gbaatly mo.iiinicnt of wnntiug akeletona of tbo fulle.i, tlmt aomo general ayate.n of rec tifying political dumagea bit'itmo a Hiiprenio neccariity. ('arjientcr, and t'bamller, and Kiiiiibcv, und Tbnycr, and duller and a boat of leaner lighta hud withered in the initial ol their fob lower, mill the low ulriilieult lie prom iae of futuro aaotulaeiwix' oxenping tbo people for a year or two had to Ire burnialietl nnd biighlciu d !' popular inapretion. . No MirdiiuireJ ineaat.rtt on III iiiii't auch a case, and net mil re rtirtnntlon in any of the lcadera who liuXeiod on tho rugged edge ot xiwer wiiaiaitlt of the oueation. ('onir.nnM, therelori', reaolvptl itavll into n ia-l irl eoiii)uiiini, tioiiotv-uciion pouiit ni rTl'O tit ver of inuaty and otberwiao ilitmag od piilihml apririta. Kellogg licing ulaml all that vaa Jutl to hnui! the ail iuinijitiiitioi bury on in J.ouiaiami, w aa repain'd Jiy apcc.ul iwognitioii aa the legal (lovernoroftho Stule, mainly bo cnuao il aecmcd to be clear that bo bad never liecn elected. And baring rec- titletl Kellogg, tho Ilouxe look tin curly onportuiiity to rectily itself by etinl ....... vin-v jui iii nine in. parlicipato in tho final, and thua tleclnrud tbo Kellogg election und tbo Kellogg certificate unmitiga gated fratula. lttttler waa rectified by allowing hi.n to naiirp the Icailcmbip of (Jie.iluaand rl'" lirs.cnp with tho (Tvif Jtighta till. ( 'caaiiti would j have got in bia repaint on tho Arkan aaa resolution but fur the fuel that the . .. political, pateh-tt'erk, had,. about tlmt ''jtlia girl MrtiTirglhrlha original gar ment ; und the friemla ol John Young i Brown, remembering how "tiao doth breed a habit in the man," clamored to rectify hia record in tho dying throes of the action ; hut the niill bad, nn- lortunately, abut down, and ho waa bidden to wait for a more convenient aenaon. In the general divino apirit of for givenuaa Unit hoary political aiunorn proffered to each oilier lu the closing hour of tbo lata Uvngrcwi, there wan apociul (itneaa in rewinding the rcaolu tiona of ccnauro paaard iimiii Secretary Simon Cameron on the :llltb of April, lHfi2; W heartilenmmend thia act aa ono eminently worthy tbo popular ontnrn oi mo rony-tnirtl t'ongreaa, and ben., it waa to be done, it waa well to have it well dime. Tho reso lution of 1S(i2 waa tbo act of another era in the biatnry of tbo Republican party and tho country, and ooro on its fuco tho indelliblo impreaa of the age mat gave it birth. 11 waa tho era of integrity, of truth, of honor and of patriotism, anil it wrote ita grand pur poae in every line of tbo aolemn judg ment of censure The evidence of tbe facta being tticii.'na now, undiinui and having been preaontcd (to tho limine by Henry li. llawea, who proved Hint oiiicial liilneboml and nmcial vo- linlitv in the War Department deman dwl lira turiaal, condemnation of the counti'y, it Wua 'reaolretl, by a decisive voto ol 7:1 10 4, that ri-crotnry Cam eron, "by involving tbe government in a vast number of contract, with pcr mina not legit imntely engaged in the business pertaining to tbe aubject mat ter of auch contract, especially in the fiurchaao of arm for futuro delivery, ia adopted a policy hiuhlv injurious to tho public cmoo, and deaorvos tha eenauro of tho Houae." For thirteen yeara tbo resnlutinn atissl, without a voice having been rained tn expunge tho record. President Lincoln had jt.atly relieved the Secretary I'nurt t)o ccnauro in the first clause ol tho t-cstV h.tion relating to tho purehaao of mil itury supplies in New York, hul tbo i-euatiro wo bnva quoted, deficit expla nation, and it rcinuined aa a monument ol tho integrity of our alatiwmniblp before the daya of machine und bay onet elections and of a aclfish peraonal domination. lint time mellows nil things, end t) lempercil the honesty and courage oC tnetinyani IKI12. t ameron waa bowed ui gri. i, ami ins open, manly Dmw The mercnt m.ntlcninn wa kind and blushing cheek were guttered enough U tlo ao. Tho flush of oleetr. wilb Trolling tear. It waa not "aor- city was wickedly oiupluvod ; tor to row flogging ain." but the "worrow hia Jmrmr ii n,... i ,Ui.-l m,i. ...u i. . . . morfi tinintlliil tbnti hearity'a aolflhat plaited tta crown on the aag. , 1.0 - chiel aa bo retired tn biave the mom of a nation tbat was in ita delttgo of ago ny, jl.ilto the grrtrl Athenian proto type, Aristides, auniaincil the Just, who gave way to Miltindca to win tire field of Marathon, the patriotic Cam. cron, witli lean for hia country's woo. jrave HUttlon tho War Itcpartntcnl and am-PUd mtracianj .lavrMaBa-Uttio) af heat la id to hawersyeatlnrov- pub'iio raflcxl him iusl 1 , ' Id l,trr ol popular paaiou he woWtim! flle. fl'JL'V. jfvru iitt(.n .f iMHoMli.itpiJIIicO.iif, Kvi linn IIm linwl or wvloumt' 'fi lie , " "" l,u" " lni't HU'fr.wii'fWflM wllli iipVnnp''iin '"' M'nilli, tirton mill pt'r- viKilithM-. i I.iko ' AHhiIiU, I,i hiiV "Hi'iilly flmrjfo tlmt llio npirit ot rc aoon rc ftillid hv liiai'imiilvviiifii rl' ut'HIoii In ttlivt' nmoiijc" un tlmt the Athimfnn to lontt hi- oumt' mfiviC niiiHrtlicM-tuitlikHHKeHiiiiH nC Xitxii, nuti fin vo fiiTvi-0 from dUlmiiov tlitj Svcivturv to leiul a canipuii'n ot loirin-: tJatii-otlvlijitwWr tutfl iwiH ii tlilo C'omiiMHiwonllli lior liiirlu-Ht lion- orn for n price. Ho lielioved tlmt the ) hvnrM WHri innilo iur QWur, 1ml then MennuHl that It. whim mnde ftirTituatou. uud ho rutin-tl fVmn iho Imttlo wit. Biiuthur luli'iitu vulv wt' vuuHiiro kivoii miJ :uiii . aulijoct tlio Jtt'putillv to Iv llio IriiH .r l!,.iiivi!UtHiivi.iillilililuoilltotl It ml ili'vimtotiun. Hlittt'. lint tliu viftuu uii'l HliitoHiii-iii. I" Ulitl) ho oumhineHl ooulil lint nlwaTH )u I lovopthrnwii in niniillv fnlluwinir etui- UiHlH, mill III lust ho IHHIIKht Ilia HltllOl lo hia own .lnne of qiitialionnlila mill-j m-iifo, and wrtlliod hiirmolf In tlio blot toil luuroU ho had only litiiuil with Ida IViiltliiaa rlutidi hmom. llu ! waa mado Honniiir. mid in tha ini.iJ I ffmwth of unlltlcnl ilfinnmnirv ho W ! fiinio Lircat. H.mri h wim irr.ati.rtlmnU'i'l'tHiK'0. llmttho IicIipI la wimoat it Stimiinr, and atop by ad'O tho imlion!"1"! la tho niinda of a prodi iiroirmiil iu,i II fi..i,nlo. Ailniiiiislni. L'ioua nuuiUw'of tlio Anici-iftiii twoplo lion and CumrrviM had ntliiittiMl a Htm. iiiiirL'nji hi ill tllir) I mou Itivt'l. nt'w t'm ol ourpo- 'liticHl liiMorr, when n IMnehhuclc myriiuU In New Knglmid nnd the touM command a Semite mid KlloKJPi,.,1lj it k Avulcomod, chorwlied ami extort approval from a Houap, On' lull: J nenri ot time had foma, nndit wlni ' ! n, ,u , mm mu . mw - ural jaatlee tu Mr, Caiu.rou, and aa a eurreelion of it. owa reeordl, hereby direct tbat aald reao-i lutitto be reeoiiKk'd, and that tha recinaioa he ea- tered en tbe margin of Iba Journal i tbe aaid resolution aa recorded," .. lloliiiun adiuitti'd tho justice of tho ivanlutiini ui' i ensure, but ploadnl the j liiea ol yeara aa wearing out tlio ro j aontmiMitH ot a ' nntiim. Dawoa, bav injr h'liinod to truin with BulliT uml Xo nnncnt to Siiiwuona, thought tho limir of LU'iiorul forgivenem! had conio. Kol1ej,'a hoarao volco was lo( In rcve ! ry and llutlor'a lino bcumcd with ilo I lii;lit at tlio luuir-di'luyud triumph ot inn int'ai prvntiieNit. ' Tl.. I. 11... P.... ...!.!.. L1.u..i.u.rUM i.. i.i ....... .....t healed hia wound:, by fl.W a t 'on-1 iii,,. i,i.uii' irv .v.... I . it wit." a tilting inuute tmin audi a tn Y liitntl I such a tnnii, and now that tho i work of repairing political iluinagea ' V haa commenced an nnapii ioualy, it ! alioulil bt piislicd to touipletion, ' Hut Inuo.of uiituy vuxatiuna no'imta hna boon oblitenttert. 'I'Ihp are atill dark ' nioiiiinienta which chill the gratitude 1 of llio venornhlo pnlriot-alnUtinmn as .. ooiiMika kntk niioa the alHirnv,' aiuu- j mis way through which he climbed to limii'. 1 Tlioro lire whitened aktilbi and rikeletotm of friends ativwing I lie' path of hia advunccmeiit, nnd they ehould be given lionnmblo political aepulchre. 'l'be miagtiideil J.egiNlaturn tlmt, on tho 14lh ilav of April, 1HI:I, ifiwlveil, u'Xhut Uie i'itivcrunr ba '.ejiifefni o instruct the AUorucv-ticiicrul of thia VrtihMiMMlit Hi HMtilute eriuiina! "I, ppocoodmm Ajrttinat Simon ( aim-run, William Hrobat. John J. Patterson ami I . " ?.".' .' ,.y IK nry 'J'boin:m,M hIuxiIU ulont- itH nlorl fttul exiillltiiO tho nfiW.d.nif! imoatation Uml minirl.-a with tho r.--! paitH aud tho dreaniaof tbo vimlicutcl sieruitlirunder tbo vert shadow of be. ,im.; The noiino ia in acaai m now I rut it time m abort oinl "'twere wrll it done quickly." tion. Jlitch- cock, who ao atiitngclv tnla.indemtoo.1 ' .n . . . .. btiimtii nature in tho old timea of liirty yeura ago, aa to auppoae that ttikuig money frun. tbo iiolilo red innn -aa-M not l.oneat, nnd who for ao trivial a nhndovr of fault blackened tbo recorda :jnl' (ho. Wait llepartnieut witaj ofllc'.nl , cenaurx' or Cnnimlaainhvr ratiioroa.fina' tinl'nrttinately been called to hia final account, nnd he cannot undo bia wrong. Were be living ho: would doubllca baaten tn taka up tbeiuapU'a- tion of roiigmet and eerily that' to iiiindcr an Indian having now becomo boem vii hlo' 1,i"t'Vo" or-igbt miUiiiiirKit tho. houlh , ..rtCerl-fiirl C l.d,, are gnnuged. ho u!'H'y. 1 disordered,,, mmd a to wuv a virtue, muat bnva the long, long ago, kn m,r ajnmld Ira UK resort fhimM lv oxnnugeil. vi ina nMiwiic Hit M vliii;, a t recommend that hia oxocutora bo etilliil to tbo front to perform thia act ot jualico to one who cornea with the plnutlita nfi t otigreaa i.a a lung injured man. Aim then lii i. Alexunilrr Simpaou, and Frank Jordan, and David Taggart, and Dartbolomew JmKirtp,ainl Robert 11. McOonib, aud Gideon J. Hall, atill in our midat, who on tbo 12th of Feh- 0r, jrs; iir.i.ueit.'.ii. legialallv proicHt t nmoron a elefll.on aa United Slatea Senator, in whieh they , ' ' ii ' " I. .7 i..i,.......V....i ..7.1 ,t of public plunder, and tbo superadded """."t""" running and au element of shantele-a and wholeaale ''-'s attempt ol f.rant and hia .up private bribery." This, record must portera o force them Into revolt I hey be expungret. Itatandaoaa menace to good Dion who would imitate our distingiiiahed Senator in our future strides in political greatness. Let them lie summoned at once, and unite in tlie patriotic InnguAga of ('ongrewi, speak ing fin? lite nation, that, "a an act of personal justice to Mr. Cameron" they will roscind their terrible and miatnken aecuantions. And Jndgn Kclbry muat come in a erowd hy himself and rc acind bis hasty libels of August 14, lHtia, against the man who by hia si lent assent in Congress is dcclui-cd hia long-defamed but now- triinnnliant leader, ilo Jih lun-d that but when a youth ho first heard of Simon Camer on, 'and rt. wsa a the perpetrator of a great crime." Then culling tho ohaer vatiou -ibV evhtk-tiine about him, be iva tliat "for more than thirtv venrs 1 havo watched the tortuous career of this wan," and I'bo haa never hern false to bis criminal instincts." Then expnndlnrt With hia subject; Il0"adrtarfr"",,",1',,,, "Tke evil report of his deeds pcrvadea j'mi the country a a reproach tn our Htutav , Yea, tiubupiiily for I'vunsylea nia arid her great Intercuts, tho bus aiird-winged liimo of Simon Cnmoroii i national." Judge Kelley will ilensc stand up at onco and i-itacind this ad. tlrcsa to hia constituents, that is ao re ple1?"with rnniejnii t injustice to bia iiotv-windevetted political chief, Fall into line, gentlemen accusers, and brighten the evening ahndow of a life ao long and so strangely atood, and give tho grund patriarchal statesman of our Commonwealth the high measure of congratulation thnt hia ripened fruits of integrity itnora tircly ilrmaad tit yur linnda. r And henceforth bo virtuous nnd yon will be happy 1 Philaiiel)ihia Timet. A Ci.KanvMAN Takrn la. A rath or atuuaing aovne ucrurrcd to rcver ial igifitl final,, w lo In n popular preacher. Ilo went lo havo hialiko- ncaa taken at n pbntngnipliei's, aiitH put on bis surplice in an ante room. Vbiin nshared into tliu maiiimilsLimr- room ho Mrna noViilitlle disroiieorti-d on seeing a Circassian beauty, in full costume, chained and on her knees, her countenance expressing tho plead ings of a broken hearted girl on being drugged bofnru tha Miwaehnan proprU etor -of R nappy hnrom Ihinily. The reverend gentleman, aa soon as he had recovered from his nrprim, took an interest in tbe high art proceeding, tutor vfntfeVl )esgaa lb St thorcil fell loo much across the face. ''Would von ktnillv ahiior me what vnn rn.,.i V" i j. j - j . I Tjila anocdote.ll,a Ibe popular liroai hor 1 La, been taken in thamatio oltiludo, with a Cin-aasian alavo appealing to nim to reitvoae her Imm ner tlirnldom. Thi i a private studio joke, nnd will, disibtlcaa, never go further. Court Journal. , , A method of JirodiicJng hmllcallc ered hy Kmtchinan fismH Do In lift? lie. . . t ,i, . - . . . hnnf -nt'-'.iwrtitiw -Kctlpral imwi hIho Htnoilayra It ; Hint wlion tbo r l'irHrt'vu f'lvcv f llio (Vnlml (lover Miwur re "nt i rgiuovml, u now robe 1 lion will no-;l,r'uk ' loHl1 ' irticnl I(puhlionnft ' 'nim tlmt their party, if continued power, win noin tuo rehtu Hpirit m ". wi innt inetr opponent 11 tlii'V ibtuii control ol'thoirovonnncnt. will uitelittin tlio inoiwlor ot civil wur Atlw mnkliitf due nllnwnm fur Uitil pttrtinuii fwlulily which i-Ottfrly ru- tuivrH whnt atiuina lavoiablo to tlio rc 'l'" 'l "u "runn vunur- wllil1' nwupla of what aetMna plmwililu and rivdililo on lt own idp moro Vfinlily tltitii dimai-coBblo truth tlioi-oulily oruven, wlion niritinat it, ' "t wondir that a lioliof ao uiilutiutlfd haa obtained audi wide ac ' ft "rt woll known. With tta it in a hc-or and bald nlmurdityr hut withGUNS. P1ST0LS SWORD CANES - h - udfil u a fiti-ilinu Uoirinn ol tlio rn,"''i I t-rofdi ,".' : Tlio mi kid truth ia Unit thuro ia no- whi'i'o within tho bdrdera of tbo South ern Slutoa any illspiwition, latent or open, kili'tit or oxpreawd, lo ttiM iiaimt tliu authority und Iuwh of tbo government of the Utiiled Hlnto. No candidate of any party haa bocn tol arntt'd by. any nuuirnoe in tho cxpres riinn of a jiurioao to rebel. No Jour nal in city, town, or villngo in any .St.Uu ban adroculed a renowul of the wur or counseled disobedience? to tlie In vvd and rtwintitiu o to the otllt era of tbo I uiiin, whothur civil or milititry. 'J'hia i tho tenth year ainee tho aoldiero of the t'liiiiedemtioii Inid down their tiruiK, but there bus lnvn, iliirinir all ,1.... I f that lonir porioil, no sni''lo enw ot , "",d "IT"'''?" " olli " V'0 Koderul army in tho oxecntion ol hia ordeiK-' ' Wo inn ai arccly conceivo of 1111 oviU'P rrnni tho coininamlcr-in-cuicl which a Kergiiiut'a guanl of United Slnlca aoldiera could not execute tin. cbccliod in tho rudest mountain oonii- tty wiiib of tho Ohio. Thai gnevona pniTrrriitinn littve been reiH'aU'illy ol- lered la very well known; tbat thcao huvu iiiused 110 rebellion, no inaurrcc- Ition, no roeietiinoe, nnd no opposition. either orgntnrcd or mioigtinir.Ml.ntigiit lu t'liuvinco the ukmI piijudiced thnt the diHtiOKilinii to rcliel dniei not exist. Then n to the motive for rebellion 110 one tan jjive to a, rntionul Southern imiii a riMinni whv be Hhoiibl again lake tip nnna ngainla tho foreca of the Union. The organized and dixciplined Htrt'iigtb of I lie united South nun once , Smutched ngniuat tho Htivngth of the I,.,. 1. ..1 a- ....I. . .l.... 1 - ... .1 .A. ll ...I . I...A I - J.. .1 " t f J '", "ut ''' 'l;l'oua Southorn janldirr or adventurer that nnr amnller ; arrtlV of Southern IftrcO Would ,,lool . , A 1 !' ' n"' ';,or,'.f ? wo n,,.t 1 ! " 1 '""V,1"0" in."' W" . 1 ol tl.ehctlcral would I v unite ail the pi"i,le of. ' Mm Viu-tl. n,r.iiiiHl tl,K..ntl. y l)n arn ! ... i ,.7.. ... .i.. .... """" ,"" , . . , 1 K V . V 1 u'niilil ,il iiiipi. ciui If. n.oiuili niuMi 11I1I ut once ceano. to I " tho euuae of revolt or to inquire who wtiflln lbe who in tbo wrong? Io we nut know tbat thoy would no longer hsik at I lie law or tho justice ol resistance, but consider the net inly upon llio simple kirn of tiBicii, ooaatrtied ns nmilrgatcd tre 011 f Can any live, or titty, or Ave hundred thousand of our Southern people bo mado insnne enough to think that they Would, li Joined, even ill just insurrection, by the remaining ger iivcn, inrumcn, nun mu well uvuig of all tbey bold dear in a bloody game wherein tho chance would be against them in a ratio ot a thousand to ono. iln'Mi absence; W tbo disposition to rebel ; in tbe absence ol any sane mo tive for rebellion ; in tbo absence of all adequate mean ol aticeeasful rebellion; with the truces of a gloomy, bittor, coeitly, blootly, and ui.ancceasl'ul war ghastly aud red in their memory, why will political calumniator eontintie to echo against tbo people of tho South tins siuuiow slumlur ol a contompla- Jul mvw febdlllon T: 1 I Our twoplo havo offeK-d heroic non opposo forhearawe to insult nnd pa tience to provocation, and to thia poli ry they will atendily adhere, in tho abiding hopo that the fust-changing Bcntimcnl of tho ruling masses of the KepttUic will rehuko tha ahtisers of trnwer antl bring relief to a weary and heavy laden people. JVcw Orleans liimcitn. grit) 3tiltifrti8fmfnts. I.tKKl'liTOKI NUTiniiV-Netloe la here- l J by givea that lettere teetaraentary oa the e.iata of ADAM MARSHALL, deeeaaed, late of Draily, tewaelilp, ClearBeld eeaaty, Penn'n., heriug been duly granted te tbe undersigned, all perannr Indebted ta eaid eitate will pteae. Blake parnaent, and Ihoie having elalma or deraaada will prrnoBl theea properly aalbentteated for et tlcmenl, . , DA.NIKL tltlODL N DER, UK NRY KNARR, Sa., 'I l .' i . I Ezoeulera. Latherabarg, M.roh It, 187t. ll 17-ECUTOU'S NOTICE. XJ Ni Notice la herehy given that lettere teatament taiivwtwtiifHOrlflB ADAM WRAVKR, wa.. LI earn rid eonntr. Pa., deed hwribg beea duly granted to the uodersigned, all peravua indebted to aaid eitate will pleaa make immediate pajoieat, and Ihuaa bavin; elaima or ftmaaaiiB win proaant lata properly aut beat (eat eel tor semomeai witnoat delay. J 1 KO. B. WRAVKR, - dtUAM WRAVKR, Troolville, March 10. 11?4. t.) Kieoatort. tmoN. AW poraoaa are hrakv waned acalait nareh- a Ing r ia aay way medal tag with th following preporty. aow ia tb poeiaa of William Raw rda,of Merri towaahia, ia: a aeroa af wheal. 11 aereoof ryo, I gray and I alark mare, 1 it af deaMa baraeaa, 4 eowa, I ealee. A abeep, I boga, I plm, I hahrrow, 1 ahovwl plw, I baggy. I two bora wagna, 1 euttlng hoi, a lot of aiogletr aad halt aad Ungwe halaa. Thia property ta llt with him oa lee) mtyec-t to my order at any tia.. JOtJKPii POTTKK. Kyhnttwa, Mattb IT, IST5. lt QAurioN.- V 7 ' All poraaaa are hereby waraed agaiatt par haaiag or la any way meddhag with tb follow log proparty, aow ta ta poeeemion af Joba 11. Ahhe,f tlwliehaowaaklp, vin I gray and I blaeh horee, 1 at of harneea, I t we-bora wa on, I aatltlle and bridle, spread, graba, 1 pair bedataadl ahd bedding .i Thia property waa par ehaad by m at IKbenlT'a aale vb tb 18th ia., aad ta lift with htm oa lo, aohjeet to mr order at aay time. JAMKd PtVM.N. ftniltb'a MiHa, March 17, 1H7.-St C aution- All pereua, are hereby warBod agaiait par rhaelng er ia aay maaaer ateddhag with th. fol lowing properly, aew ia Ibe bandeol C. A. Etaf men, of Rrflraria tnwnehip, via I I bay bene, 1 gray horw, two ret, of h.rneaa and I lug lied. Tbli pr"perly waa pofpftsrc al SherirT'e eale on tbe Itih tn.t , and tr left with hint ob luaa, aab. jrrt In aiy order et any lima, Sialth'a Mill., Mah. 17. JAMES H.YNN. qavtion - " All p. n.ei are hereby eealloaeA agalart purebaaiiig or In any w.y meddliag with tbe fo. lowing preperry, aow ia novneMioB at Oeerge A'royl, ef HweeaH., lewaehlp, flat I hay marea. eew and eelf, I wagon, t Beta harne,., I plow, I harrow, be4e aod heddiog, I .addle, I .hovel plow, I eeok .tore, I labia, gahaira, I de.k, I alak, I duugbtray Iba properly waa pwrebaaed by aw at Ktorlg a .ale oa tbo llih Inn , and la leO with blm oa Ioob eebveulijeet to n.y ardee ataay luae. - -- . . JAMES FLYNN. Smllb'i Mill., M.rah IT, lait. Jl , gTALMON KOll HAUK.J 7 ( The Baderrignod eririKa la eiehange er eell vheeoeohealad aeveoDltAIM. Me will trade him let a epaaf draft hweeaa or a good etng. trie, eg horM. lira. I. al "Meeeenger" eloek, h IT hiede klgh, Mbe Me pooeata, eeUt eery dark dapple, grey, keglliy aOd aad a good eUpper. lor farther partiealaa, Bddraoe - , m. RRASrl'S LI'THKR. Lalberehnrf, M.rrb IT, IM.-t , $U$Ui...fouj. ' ' " tMtsrrUnnroujs. II. F. BIGLER & c().,;VlxA" ,,,rTK,tH itiKDWAR;, ; ' A lao, Manufaolurtraef Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. I CLCARf IILI), PA. ' ; JpAKMINO IMl'LEMENTS of oil klada fur rule I. II. P. BIUI.KK i CO. j It A1I.U0AD WUEKLBAIIIiOU's! - tr aale by 1 H. P. BIQI.KR A U " Cm LA SH. I QTL, PAIXT, PUTTY, Nolle, 9H tot aal by I L' U. F. BIOLER tt CO I J A RS KHS TRIM MINGS SUOE j I riadinga, for lalo by i . . . II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. For aale hj II. P. U1GLEK i Cj" CTOVES, OK ALL SOUTS ANJ) 'am are Apcrietit, llaplin.ttp, Cannlitetiir, No l I irictnae, l.aaatlre, lUurelie, rlclailre, C.,uiilr ' Siiea, far aale hy . U.K. UlOliEH k CO. RO N 1 : 1 RON I IJtON ! I H0N1 for lale by II. r. BIOLEB CO. 01UiE SHOES UOliSE SnOK NAILS, fur aale by U. F BIGI.KR CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait Mnnufaeture, for aale by ' n. F. BjObKH ft to. 'JtlUMBLE SKKINS AND IIPE BOXES, for aale hy ' H. f RIGLEK Is ro- pODDER CUTTEItS for aalo by cp30T0 , H. F. BIOLER k C0. QLEAEF1ELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. rpilK ' X POR f.U: I neiV aueeeaaora to KKrU m nave parchaeed the i.'LKAH KIR1.D IM.ANINO Milh, and retiTied t for doing an ettenatve harlneat. All the auabinery wilt be added amrewry to aili II one el oomnlele ealah labiawtB d the bind ia the Htate. They are now prepared t reeeiva erdera " -t ""k ni (newM """B '0 " " " " "'' FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARMNG, 'SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, . BRJCKEri, .woixojr.vo, eTt. Of ALL STfl.KS, alwaya oa haad. WORKED BOARDS, and alt artlelea aeoeara ry for building, ,.ll b. exchanged for DRY LI'MURK. eo that peuooi at a dUtanea nay bring their lumber, exchange It for, and return heme with tbe menureolured ertlcu-a. , TheCowpany will alatya have oa haad a large eloek ef dry larnbor, ae ee W be able U til aa order ee Hie ehorleel aeliee. Only tbe beet en aioet akilllu) handa will be employed, ae that the pubUe may rely npea good work. Lamber will be worked or Bold ae low aa K eaa be porchaeed anywhere, and warranted to give eatiafaetloe. Aa tho bualaeea will be done epoa the eaah prineiple we eaa nSord to work for amall proaia. , - ' DRY I.UMBR I WANTED! Kepeelally on and a-lalf and two lash panel tutT, for which a liberal price will be paid. The bailoaoa will be eadeted antler the aaata of ike "Clearfield PlanlnR Hill Co." M. 0. Drown will pertoaally taper In tend tbo buaineai. Order reepeetfally oelieited. - Jl. a UROWM A DRO. Ceoarleldp Pa., Janaary S, 1S74. - K1UTZER & LYTLE. NEW FIRM! 'in their COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Arc martin; d-wa their lUMtSE STttCk OF (.(MIPS, CASH 1'ltlOES, Rdued tpana aud aalliog for ready pay taahlat litem lo do it. They will eadeamr to ho IIKAOaiAltTKIW for auppUlng th aitiaeni of C4rteld toaatj with . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. lireaa Ootla llo4l and Shoe, , (Irootrtea, J1 Paper, Q t were, Ae Ae. And a.l ether good, ia their Uae. 5. B.-TRRMS CASH. J. M. KRATZKR, J. Ii. LYTLE. Ole.ti.14, Deo. IB, l7l. II. F. BIGIiKR A CO. ha? e for tale CARRIAGE ft, WOODS, SHAFTS AND FOLKS, IlUB8,SrOKr.S,FELLOES,o. Carriage aaA Wage M.kere aheuld pjahe Bete ef tkl, aad eall aad eaamlae theea. The, will held al eahr prieea. . mayil t at he f" t-eaw. Tormr free. l Addrea. 0. Snveo. A Co , Pert, has. Maine, Bve't lv. PIIHKLY VIJIkTADI.!'. KliKI'. KltOM ALCDllnl.. lilt. WALK Kli'S L'ALUuIIXIA VINE (I A It HIT T K K S j !r, 1. Walker' OallAiraia Vinegar Hitler are ja purely Yeietahlo prepuration. made chiefly I from the native herb found oa the lower raDgea of tbe Rlerra Nevada mountain of Calitoruita, tho properOoa of whieh are exliactad tberef r m w it huut the ue of A Icohol. The (in-!- tloa It almnrt daily aaked, WbHt la the eauiie of tho unparalleled aucecia of Yivaoan HiTTNnaF" Oar aitFWer I, that they remove the oaue of dlv eaa, and the patient recover hia health. Ihoy are ina giaai- uwva punaar tvuu m me gn mpr, fSXa. tbe world baa a medlnino ti ni-ifeet Heaevator anJ nvwurauof -torw ia tae aiitry ui I iba world baa a medlnine been aumneundcd ! aeaaing tbe rainerkobla ((iialiOoa or V twioaa ilit itaa ta bealiaa; the aira or every diieaae man I their t... Ihey are a giatla Purnativa ai well a a Toaie, roliuwiaa; Coaj(oi(iin or lnllaiiitnilie o. jtbLi ver and lrraj Oigaaa, in ifilmaa ixa- The pr,ierlir of Dr Walkir'n Vioigir Hit- IrHtanl, Hailurilte, Alterative, and Atiii.llniuua. tlralefnl thonanda proclaiaw Viaeitar Bitura tbo Boit woodeifuJ Ijivigoraul that ever tvalain ed the ainkiog fyatow. , iVo pereon eaa take lhae Bittar aeoTiling to direction and rriaMn nell, prwritM theii bo nee io deMr'tves. fay aiiaeea) puin or other ntt-ane, and vital oraaae. Bit loot, 11 em 1 1 tent and foif mlttm.t Fevera. whleh are ao prevalent in the valley of our gmt riven throajrtiont th l'nlt4jd ttat-, rieriall v thoaeof the Mimlnlppi, Ohio, afiaaonil, lllinoie. Tennenaee, Cnmherlaml, Ark ansa, lied, Cotora dw, Hmtti, Rio Ornndf, P.arl, Alalhtua, Mnhilc, Saranaah, Koennke, Jame. and many other, with tholr vatt trihuturie, ihrtn:h(iiit our crtiri eoantry daring tha Htnamrf ami Anioain, and remarkably eo riartrg eanra of onuual bea and dryneae, arc InvariaMy aoeoinp inied by ea renalre derangainenla of the tfimiir-h nnd liver, and other abdominal vlu rn. In their Iraa'meril a pnrgatire, oaertmg a puwcr'tiltnttacnee apuit theao varluaa )rpfi', I tFeentially aeceary. There I an eathartitri for the pi:rpoe etinal to Dr. J. Walker' 'lnrgar Hitter, aa thry will fjiee lil) remove the darh-eiirored vliokl witter with whi.'h th bowel are londrri, at the annus time alimalat log the aee retinn of the liver, and generally t to H tig the bialthy fuoetlnn of the di;etir organ. Fndlfy the bodr ee alert tfiaeaae hy purifunit all It fluid with Vinegar Hitter. Nc epidemic eaa tak aoia or yieai tuna lore aian-tj. Iryfpepaia or ludijtftion, llvadai'lie, Pain ia tho Vhuuldere, Cmijch. TttrbtRe 'if the Cheat. IMitinef. Sour Krurtitm nf th" Ht'iinneh, bail Taete in the Moath, Hilit,o Attack, Palpitation of the lletirt, Inflamraittno of the l.uii;. Pain in the erjrlrin of the Kldneya, end a hundred other painlul aytnpt'ttn, are the iiffprinjt ol l'yFppfta. Una Uoilie win prove a iretier guar-anti-e n It merit thno a lengthy advettUement, tcrffula, or Kitig'a Evil, White Kwcliiug. Ul cera, Krvaipelaa, (SwolU'd UteX, 11 oil re, tscrofu liaa Inoaininatitina, Mercurial affwetlon. Old Sure, Eruption of the hkin, .Sore Kve, ete. la theee, aa in all other coaatitational dieaae. Walker' Vinegar Hitter bar ahowo their groat euratire power in, the aioat obUnie and i traetable eae. For Inflammatory and Th runic Rheuuialiaai. flout, Ililiou, Itemittetttand fnterntitteal Ferora, Uiaraaea of the Bluod, Llrer, Kidney and tbr Bladder, theao Bitter have no equal, fnrh Pi eaee are rauaed hy Vitiated l)liod. MeohaBieal lltMRaeaPeraoai ep(fd ta I'aruU and Jdiaeraia, each a Plumber. Type actlera, Utdd-beaUr aad Miner, aa they advance ia Ut; an Mbjeet te paralyala of the Bow1 To guard egart tbia, Uk a dot f tt'alker'a Viaegar UiUer, eoMMiatty. . . . For Hkia Ptaeaaea, Krnptioa, Tetter, Halt Rboain, Blutrlte. bpuU, PiuipU-, Puatulv, Boila Car bunch-1. H in;-worm, eSeald bead Rnre rTyr Kryaipelaa. ttoh. Srurli, Dieeolorationa of th Skia, llu mora and Diavaaea of the 8k ia f wbaa ever nam or aature, are literally dar up and carried out of tha ayateai la a ahert liar by the aae ol tneee Htttera. Pin, Tip and wilier Worrna, lurking la th ivetea ef ao anaav lbtiu.-inu. Are eoefltuall v da- trorad aad removed. No avalem of medicine, oo venailurea, ao an thai minute win ire tat ytm from worm like the ill iter. For Female Complaiata, ia voang or old, war ritvd or aingl, at the daaa of vumaubood or tb turn af Itia, three Twaio Bittora display a 4m aided aa influeaoe that imprvrement la aooa par eepttWe, . Clean the VitUtrd ftlftod whenever yon find ita in punt to wwrettng tbro;U la aata la rtaa alee, KrapMena, r tSorea ; cleaiia H wbea you find It botnotad aad alaggiaa ia tae vekna : flleaaa tt wbea it 1 foal ; voar fceliuc will tell yea whea. Kep lb btwad pwre, and lb health of the evaUaa will follow. r. ii. McDonald a co., Drnggieta aa, IIm, Agtr., Saa FruaelM, CoJI teroia, aad eoraer el Waabingtow aad Charltoa treeu, New York. Sold by all Drageieta and uealeri. '. aovi 7.Bm. J O H N T R 6 U TM AN," ,'; " DEALER is FURNITURE, Itf ATTIC ESSEN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. ' t Tha uadareigaed hege leave to Inform the etli aaaaof Clearfield, and th. pablia generally, that he haa an hand a See aaiortrorut of Furniture, reek a. W.tout. Cbeatnal and Painted Chamber Settee, Parlor Suttee, Rwltnlng aad RiWneion Chalra, U'lleo' and Ileal,' Easy Cbaira, th. Per. forated Dining and Parlor Chair., Can. Srahearf Windeor Ch.ire, Clotbea Bara, Step aad Extes aloB Ladder., 11.1 Raeke, Serabbing Braebea, Ae ' MOCLDIXQ AND PICTl'RE FRAMES, lioohlng tllaaeoe, Chromoa, Ac, wbieh weald be raitahle fur Ilolieay preeenla. aa, deelO'Tt JOHN TROFTMAN. ; Down 1 Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AKD OF COUR0I Till CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices! Wt ar bo opening wp a lot of tb heat and meet oeaaoaebl Uod aad Ware evwr of red ta thia market, and at priee tbat remind oa ad th good old daya of ebeap thlrf. ThAtt wno iara tana wpoa inia point, ar aewm oar atlo gatlow laperwooa, wood bat V.tLV odir OCR MTORE, : Corner Troat and Market itreeta, Wher they eaa at, feel, bear and know for them oelraa. To fully auderatand what are ebeap rrod thia muit be don. W do aot deem It nTiilian t Mwaierat and Itemiia war atateh. It la aaagb for wa atat Uiat We have Evemhing that ii Needed and ooaeamod ia thia market, aad at prVee that aatoniah bolh old and voang. dal( JOUKPH RHAW A SON. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD 'fr? H A. Ia Sl.,JL.I a. v.. , . EN, .jesr" Siia,. ar aLL ataait Daggwg aWrawa, War Traeka, Copying Pne. fm proved Money ftrawor, Aa; - foa ialb ar II. 'F... BIOLER 4 CO. nealert la Ha re era re, ' BMblt 71 tf Seeond !ftret, Clearteld, Pa. Til Roofing and Spootine; aooa at abort sella aad aa meal reaeeaeble ewuld'b4 refl'if 'lT d promptly e- JOHN WAPl.r. j I,' SoWj..!!' ' i . A I.LK ii. (M. I.LEGBENV HOTEIi, arkel "t , bvl. Third aad 'earth,) l l.lvAKl.'lt:i,l, PA. Tlie lubaerilM-r havinf beeome propiletur of lliii butal, wttuld rcipeUuliy ak a liberal ahare i tlinre. I putilie nairoB.a;. I ri(v reonorq loieif iae J.n.20'ri:ir. 11. I,. LKIPOLbT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cll IIH'KNaVlLLK, PA. .NKWION REAU, KaoraiaToa. ll.vloy; bevme proprietor of Ible Hotel, I a on Id leipeclfully auhelt Ibe patrooafa of tbe pnlillo. lloura iueeantly and aooTealrally alt. uati-d : a lj refltled aad refuraLbed i guod aaai pie rocaii attacbed. All railroad Iraina atop al Ibl. huuH. Jan! 14 QHAW HOUSE, kj (Cor. of I Market A Front atroeta.) CLKAHP1KLD, PA. Tbe uadereif tied baring taken eharge of tbla Hotel, woald re.pectfully aolleil pnlilie patronage. janl'It . 11. B. rUU.KKTON. 17 EON AUD HOUSE, (Near Iba Itallroad Drool,) tl.EAHMKLU, TA. A rbare of nubile patronage la re.peetfelly eo llrited. 4:lo'M B. B. ROW, Prop'r. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbla new nnd well furnl.hed houre haa been taken by the) onJeraigaed, ' Me feela eonfident of bcine able te render aatiafaotioa te thoee who aaay I farer him with a call. Mays, 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. M ON TO UK HOUSE, Oppoaite tba Court llouae, LOCK Jl A V IS N, PE-J1NA. jeU'TI HAHfEAL A KROM, Prop 'a. B ROCKKRIIOfB' IIOUHB, BELLEFONTB, PA, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor,. T OYD HOUSE, 1J Main Street, PIlILlPbllUHU. PENN'A. Table alwayi aulinlied with tbe beet tbe market an-'irde. Tbe U.veliog publlo te invited toeoll. norl,'7. ROBERT 1.0 VP. THE MAN SI0 HOUSE. Corner of Heoondartd Market Strt, CI.r.AKFILl), PA. 'IMIH Id aad eommodloaa Hotel baa. during J. tbe fat year. bea n larked t doable it tiirmer etpaelty for th entevtalameDt of a Urea, gera ani guaiu. Th whol building haa beea rcfurnlahed. and th proprietor will aparo a paina to render hia gueete eoufortabla while staying with him. ' v-fti 'Maaaloa IIoun Onaibaa raaa t ind frotu th Depot on the arrival and deparrare r eaen tretn. .juiin uuuuiittti r, april ? tf Proprietor aulis. r. a AUtoLn. a. v. arioi.b. j. a. arxoi.b F. K. ARNOLD A CO., ICaukcrH and Krokers, UcjnoldaTllle, JerTfcraon Co., Pa, 1 Money reoalved oa depoalt. lilteount at ano dcrute ratea. Lalera and Foreign Eiehange al wava on band and eollertione pnnnptly made. Heyafddevllle, Ore It, lR74..1y County National Bank. OP CLEAUFIBI.D, PA. KOO 11 i Ma4hvi Baildiag.onedoor north ot tJ. 1, Wataon'a lm; Store, 1'aaivace Ticket to and from Liverpool, Queen- town, llaiiwt Indon, Paria and CopeahartB. Alan, Drafts for aale on tbe Royal Bank ef Ireland and Imperial Bank of Londna. jam an i. Ajcu ntiu, rre i. I. II. ft II AW, Caahier. tl:1:74 DREXEL & CO., : No. 31 South Third H treat, PhllaJelphla , JUel7.1.A, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatiaa by mail will receive arowipt attea tlon, and all Information elieerfallj furnished Urdere MulmUA. April 11. tf. Jtntistru, J. M. STEW AET, I). D. S., fHirje over Irwin'a Drag Rtoro, CURWKN8VILLB, PA. All dental operation. itbr ta tb meehaafoal or operatira branch, promptly attended ta aad taliafartiaw gn era n teed. BpeelaJ at teat ina paid lo tha trealaaont of diaeaea of the natural teta. game awe) mmata- lrrtralarity of tbo teeth eue- oafullyeoireted. TooUeatre-etod without paia by tbe uae of Kther, and artificial teeth inated nf th beat material aad warranted to render aat mfaotioa. aprUXe'71:ly TUB CtEAK FIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! . . Haaafaetarost eapeeially fee TBE CLEARFIELD TRADE, . roa bblb ar sagt'll H. F. BIOLER A CO. IMEl LIME I The anderiiened la now prepared lo furnlah tbe peblie with aa oxeeUent ejnalily of Bollefonte Wood-Burned Lime, ter plaBtertng parpoeea, hy the hrge er omell enaatity. Ca be loand for the pre rent al Ple'l new building, ea Marhet afreet, eotl tf L. K. McCl'LLOroH. HEAP GROCERIES I LL'MIIER CITr. PA. Tbe auderatgned aanoaaeea to kt, old friend, and patrone that ho ha, opened a good liae el OKOt'EKIKS A PROVISIONS al the old etaad of Rirh A Spenoer. for which he eolieita a liberal patronera. H W. SPENCER. knealier City, Pa., Marek It-tf. JJOOT AKDS1I0! OOT AKD SHOE MAKING. JOSEPH H. DEERINO. o. Market etreet, la Sbaw'e Row, CleardelA, Pa., haa Jaat reeeived s tea Ut of Preaea Calf Skiae aad Klpe, Ike heal Ib tba aiarket, and la bow prepared temaa afaetare everything la hia line. Ue will war. rant hi, work te he aa repreeentod. The tltlaeae at Cleerteld aad eielally era reepeetfullv iaeieed to give him a eall. w era eae al abort soUee. MI'Tly HOUSE AND LOT FOll SALR. The lloaee aad Lot on th. eoraer ef Mar koi and Fifth rlreela, Clearield. Pa., ta for eah. The lot eaataina nearly aa aero ef ground. The novae l. a large Beable frame, euntaioiog alee wane. For terme and other iaformaliea arp'l te tbo anbaertber, at the Poet OKoe. both p. A.8AI I.1N. CA ARHET WEAVING. The aadaniraod t aiwared U weat Ra Canrar ta order, ta any atyle deaired. Having had ever thirty yeara practioaleiperieaee ia Phil adelphia, b feela confident of glviac alifavrin et tboee who may lavwr him with their wraria. Order aeat, ar letter addreaeed to W illiatn;rn Pee ton ae, Clearfield ao., will meet with atteatioa. C1IAHLK- U. RKl'll-tK Btgler Rlatloa, Dee. 11, l?4m. Lime for Salol THE anderalgned, reaiding near the drpet kM aeade ewmpleu with Liwa Baraen eaat af the mowatala, whereby he Ii eao. Wed te keep eoaataatly aa haad a large ouaatily at - - PUKE LIMEI whleh he offer, te farmer aad haildeee al B trite above eeM. Thoee ia Bead ef the aru.1. .eM el W.I1 u give BM a eall, or addreaa ma hy letarr, hv lor. aegetlauni their lime. 0E0. C. PASSMORE. Claarl.ld, Pa., Jane , lilt. Ik i. c. WHERE I. hey my DRY OOODt, 0R0 eeriee, QeoeaBwara, Olaaeware, Draer aad NetloBB, OowfeetioBerioe, a, eheo, rr eark. The .abnriher hog. teare ta lafena hit eM and A VARIETY STORE I! OLE HOM, PA. Aad wIIIhII liberal redae good, al nrleea lo Boll tha til A Ilea will he madW le enatoaren lay. lag at wholeaale. Call aad examine my Meek hersre perekaalal eteewhera. A liberal .b are a aablie patreaag oelieited. C. J. KEAUY- Olea Hep, Pa., Joe. U, 1171. J OOKUToiTTHirsiG. ' Of TH ni CA1VT HOOK I MARKET STREET, CLEARFIRL The eM CiearteM txeriatee Caal lleol f. h dlenolred. aad a aew ewe forward by Amee I aard aad 0. D. Merr.ll, ef Cleerteld, ead Allard, of Emporium, Cameroa eeunty, - I" nera. aad Jaa. 1. waleea, ef Oleerteld. ae Seeer al Agewt, The sew ewpaay wiU eerry IH haalaeee of auaefBatartag, eel Bog aad ahrf the ObbI nk,.wltk all thur Impreeewea". whUh ar. aew porteot. All erdere pr"F"' JAAS . WATSllN, Jala, let, 1st!. Seal Agatl-