SnrfliiMi't, ft Slmwr. HUkKn & SdlRYYER, HARDWARE, ' and mannlVtarer of Tln,Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, II! Jl I , i ,-, . Bmad Dint., CtKtKrlKMl, PA. . ' lllilu largely laorMied ur took t Hard ' war, weinvlle lb pobli to clarnln our tnra toil prtrel. Cerpenlore ami perroni wbo nnleniilat bullil log will do mil to "amine our TOOLS BUILDINO HABDWAKE. which la aew onil of tho boil matufactur, aod j III b Hid low for ea-h. GLASS, I'UTTY, UOKH, t ' ' ' . i - LATCHES. ItlXfiRS, , ( , t ; , SCREWS A It hinds of l-nrb Plant. Hews, Chisels, Pqutrw, Hammers, Hatchets, Fin tabs end ItSY-ls, Mortised Thumb Uuki, By1, HrMi A DilU, W'mJ nd Iron Uriifh 8orwt, kdJ tli brtt Borinf Uttohin i lh ..... Uftrket. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, At. Agents for Burneti i Iron Corn Shelter, wnriwit!. AIm, ngmti for Hiobnrdt' which tflVctuftll run Stut.kjr Flue. i FrnutY IiitUmtnti ini( (lardrn of v$rj Jrwriptloo. A Urp variety of COOK STOVES, A-rhtrb fro irat twelve tjJi.Url!. i Is , Portable itn tig en ami VjvL-Hoifint. Spoullnjt and Job Work dona on rtMonablo tfrinn. All order will rMlr prompt UFDlKlV HUM II. IBI'l. . BIGLER, YOUNG' & REED Suecior U OctyntoB A Yang,i FOUNDEKS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Cunior of Pnurlh and Pino Stromal. (l.ctnFiKi.n, PA. HA VINO cngftged in tht manaficturv of lrst laaa llAClIIKBRT.lrorwpotlfoIlt info tli pufcll that wc ar M praxd to 111 all ordvra aa ohMlv aod aa promptly aa aan b don ta any of th eltUa. W raanatVtetar and daal i .! ii ..n:M I.. - - ' Malay and Circular Saw-Mills ' tlaad Dloaka, VTalr Wln-ll, Bhaftln PulUja, Oilurd'i Injactor, Btnaa Oaarra. 8u Whlitlaa, Ollora, TaJ.i Cant, Oil Copa, Oaiiaj Ooaka, Air Coeaa, Ulob VaUel, Cboek YalT( wrougbt Iroa ' Pipaa, Staa Panpa, Bvtrtr Tti Pampa, Aatl Prlatioa alotrat, Raap Bum Packlaf, Ouai Paek ln, aad all kind of MILL W0RK tngatbar wltk Plowa, 61d Sole, - , i , i . t i l r .. i COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, j Mdk.,cA8TiNos.iiki.afc i J pB-Otim relltlt.d and llltd at my prUwa All hit. af laqairy with nfaraaaa U Baobiaary of oar manafartor orwraptly aanwwl, by aildraa-' ln ai at Cla.rt.ld, Pa. " ' jaam tf BtULEK, VOUNO I BKED. i EW BT011B tVXfl NEW GOOPsl N JOS. SHAW & SON .- HaTr) jult ojiened a ' Na Stom.od Maio St..CktianiL, Pa latelT occupied by Win. F. IRWI.S Tbair a took ooniialt ol aainw aa-cd x , Oaocinta of tha bfat nualitj, Qukenbwarb, Itoott and SIlOCB. and frerjr article neeetaart for nna nomfort v I Call and txamiot our atook balota pur ebaalm al.aarbara. Ma . IHfifVlf READIN G FOR ALL 1 1 SOOKS if STATIOXXHY. . Market t., CUarOeltl, (at tttw PaatOHct.) riUI Bdereigaed bega leaea ! aaaoaaee ta M. tbseitiseas af Cleorleid aad visiaity, that be has tUed reeni ui baa taa ratwrwed fretB UtaaUvwIta. ft large taeamtel raadiaf amatMf.onsistiafl ta awrta-f . Bibles and Misoellcuieoai Booki. Blank Aaeoeat nd Fast Books of every da' swrlptlea Paper aad Rsvelopes, Freaeb pressed gnd plala Peat and Peaelli t Illank, Legal Ftpar Ids, Mortgagee ( aJadgeaeat, Riess flm aad Promissory notes White and Pareb; aaeat Brier, Legal Cap.Reeord Cap. and BUI Cap. 0beet, Haste for altber Plana, Plate er Vloln oasuatly band. Any books ar stationer) tbat I may set have en hand, will be et Hered by Irst exar, and aoid at aholesele ar paull te tall aastoaera. I will also keep periediaal HteraUra. iweb m Magasiaat, News papertwAa. P. A. AILIM. Clearteld May T, MM-tf . , . The Lightning Tamer. fTlHl aadaralta4l ara lb aol. Af.ala ta ikl, I aaaaty frlka"Mrtk Aaiarlaaa Oalraalad iToRTBINa B0DB." Tbaaaaratbaaalyaafa radj a.w la aaa, aad ar aadoraad by all lb aaUalit aaaa la tb aaaatry. ' W baraky aatlfy Iba aitlaaaa af tkt aoaaly that w. will rat Utaaap- a bIUr rod, aad f I laaa aa.a.7, Uaa It eberg.4 by Iba f.ralga WKvmm wmw wmwmmttj wTr- t vtiTiat mmm aarrj off ar Utile eavsw, eTwr ta retarrw. , ENCOURAGE HO MB LABOR. Tbeaa wisblag Ligbtaiag Bods aeeeted aa Uetr kUdsags aewd bat atid rose we be letter, a ail ti aereoa. Wa will pat thetJ wp aavvhere la tbeeeaaty, aad warraat tbeai. The Rede aad kl tares eaa b earn ai any tlwe y tailing m earsieee. H. P. BltiLKR A CO. , Clearteld, Mareb ta, 1T af Iaslrery Utable. rfMIB aaaWalgaad ban ham to iafona tbapah. X. lie that ha . www felly praparad la aillmaaa data all la the way af faraiakiag HoreN, Bagglaa, ajaddlea aad Ha.a a tb. abaruat all aad a reaaaaabk. uma. Rldaa aa Lwaul alrwM, brtwaae Third aad PoarU. OrtO. W. QBABIIART. 4). 4, 1174. , UIOR HALrVTb. aadaratgwed afert tm j" .I,, a... I. ! ... 1 l "---' UahlUaollh.Mata. . . - r-r"v- .atanttatatl be. 1 thaaweo arailad, with tkewa .taenia Aie e elaira awal taar bod re. me a, atalr. AkM.twtt aawaiaajal hath raaaa aa aaaawd aaa. , Sawaa AWIakaal earn p 11 from erklor ta aMav 0d deaal. parak awd gwoal watrg. Prlaaraav aaaaata aae aaa. Wmmyri Wat. at. MaCOLLOt'OH. J. 11. M'MURttAY mt. ttiPUT TOO WTTS AST ARTClE 2..,.MA,,D,B A TUB VRRT LOWEST PBiSB- COMB ABU BBS. tiifctlyi) NEW WASHINGTON. ' fir" :,oou, flrowlrji, tr. j. r. wtayaa.. . w.aTt. .-i'f.-r-f -.'iitj.!'! WliAVKIt V II in IN f m -m Ml, ' ' V'i,BARFIE..I PA. .::;.,! r,: Ar onorlag, at Ihf aid eteud of Q. L. Rr.! 1 Co. their etoeh of good., aonalitlnf of -1 0 i , -1 a n m -i a DRY'- GOODS, GKOOERTES, Boots a shoes, HATH A CAPS, QTEBNSWARB, HARDWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., Ao., At th moat reaannablo rata for CA81I or la Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COtlNTRV PRODl'CB. tVAdraacta atad to thot ngaffU la gal ling aot aquar tlaahar oa tha aioat adraaUgoaa tonna. pdtljaaTS AN I Ela GOODliANDER, UTTIIKRSrU'RO, PA., ! " : A i Dal-r lot , ,; DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, hath a t)MM nJ ndorn A PUE T)mi0 Untncrin an1 Fih, Ni!, Uarilatrc (Ju0tnwfr hA lltamrar, Men'i and liui' n-nlilt,pt, Dm(, Paint, ' Oll, ftrhunl Hooka, a Uric ht of Puttnt Mmlirlnta, Caoillv. Nutf A trWJ Fruit, Checw aud Crarh trt, k-kfti f rW Hia VowUrr, r . . Klonr. (i in in and I'tHalix1-, Clnvar an. Titualby Srad, ' fok I.cmthtr, MiinKV'i, ttiiiinx. lUnJiiijt an Tltnpfrft, Pbonitktrrf T(Ai aJ ( - Hh Klndtdj. " 1 No graattr titItIt of jr.0 In nr ttvr In thr eoantjr. Ail ror ai rory low ror ran or connirj produce at tha 1'hcap Corner. - Aug. IT, UTS. ' The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory, Peon towniblp, ClaarBeld Co., Pa. B U R N E D UP I The tilribr bar, at groat ospenaa, rabulll naishborbuod necMaitr, in tha erection of a Brat- elau Woolea Manaiaalorrt with all tha modern Improvement! attached, and are prepared to maka all tuna of llolht, i.:avaineri( Daiinett, jjiaa kats, FlanaoU, Aa. . Plenty tf W& o liaad to supple all ourold and a thousand uew euslomera. whoin wo aik to euaia antl xamlna our slock. Tha butlnefe of CARDINU AM) Fl'l.UN'a rill reralro nur vopeolal atlaatiun. Proper xrrangctnants will Ite made to reccire mat deliver Woo), to auil uatomari All work warranted and ; Joao upon lha sborteat notiet, nnd by striat alien I lion to but i nes we hope to realise liberal share j f nahlip patronage. J : 1 i - ,f ' . , 1 It,tMM POUNDS WOOL WaNTRD! j We will pay the hitrbeat market price for Woo : and sell our Manufactured jp-oitu a low a similar j gooils con be bought in the eevnty, and whenever i always be found at bom ready to make proper explanation, ettaer tn norsem or uf letter. JAMKS JOHNSO A HONS, apri)S6tf Dower P. 0. LEATHER Bit KAST-STRAPS SrPRR.SRDKD BY ' COVF.RT PATF.JtT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Madeaf tltwbtst Mai lee - ( ' bto Iran, and isauaahed , M tW Hemes by ibebrat r-v .-. 8aep ever invented. It i. , taearity ajdtiiklypwi . . -, i em. anil prove to lb . i, whipping of the kareea -by the pole.; liable to get ont of repair. - Will last for years. All , w twk is n fair trial, ta marine all parties as- ' ' in them hd iba art Of A U r ' 4 ' ' 1 aasnrpasfad fbVtroefo; lb purpose for which the are intended. 8ACKKTT A 8CHBYVKR. Clearfield, April 16, 1874. MARBLE AD;ST0.E YARD! M . S. S. I. I D D B L L, Ha.inj n(a(d la th alarbla builaaaa, daalraa ' kw f"" J "P",'f,hM h, . aew aad will kaap aoaataatlyoa aaad a larg aad woll alcld rtotk of ITALIAN AND VERMONT i M AIIBLK, aad ltrrpard tit fwrnlatl tb wrrrar I TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CHAllLH T0MB8, ilONIUKNTS, Curba and P..U for Caarlry Lola, Wbndow ,8lkiaiKlCar,aly-' . Bt'REAtl, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac., Aa. tu.Tard aa Rrad Blrt, atar lb B. R. Ipot, Claartald, Pa. J.7,71 ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Strive Lining and Fire Brick, kept aaaataatly a baad. ST0E AD EARTHED -WARE ' OP IVBRT DESCRIPTION! CEOCKS! TOTS! CROCKS! Kl.htr'a ratent Airtight Beir fralt t'aual . Heallnf BtTTTKR CROCKS, wilb lldi, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLR - BI'TTER CROCKS, PICKLB CHOCKS, - 1 PLOWER POTS, I IR DISHES, STRW POTS, i Aad a great a, any atkr thtagi lo aaatarowa I awatioa, la a bad at . FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S ' STONE-WARE POTTERY, 0rar at Cbvrry and Third Straata, .(! BAKOAIN8 IN MUSICAL IN BTHCMBNTBI Oraaaa. bath M aad aoad band, at tb Maata Sutra,, Oalleb', Paraitar Sura. All praoaa lalratod ara larl. 14 ta aall aad xaaaiaa a bw ttyl of Orgaa a.w aa eibibltiea. Sbl kla.i. and Mail Book, owalarajly aa kaaJ. ; ' j apl4-rlf T. A. FLECK & CO. iiUm urg. aad well aeleeled atoaki ,,t fm, rrow. iba aaaaafMlareM, of Drea Oaada, Dry Ood,' Silka. Hal, B. Old Ladiea' Capa, Skawle, Walerproof., La dlM' Par Cape, Hair flood., drill' Par. . ai.hlag Hoowa, Sblrta, OIre, Hm, OTeralla, Laaibriaa Planael, LadlM" laderwaar, Cwia, Collara, llaadhareklef., CHILDREN'S t'NDERWEAR AND WHITE DRESSES, Parfaairy aad Boapa, Balaloral Skirta. away-1 dowa, Storkiaga, af arylria. variety aad eoiorr. ' Nolioaa, Triaaaiafa aad Paaay Uaadl, ia alaaoat I dla tariaty. N R.-WE BUT P0R CASH AND SELL;' POR CASH, j J . J v 1 I 8AW81 8AW8I 6AW8l' ' --i - . Dianaw nanu era wit, i.h -,..-.-.- v . , ..... . n,.v CIRCrLAB SAWS. Bornton'i Lightnlar Oni-out Saw, ALSO, PATEBT PERFORATED tLBCTRIO SAWS, . Par aaJ hj rtlt,tl B. P. BIOLER CO. TINE. WHIT I 4 10AN LITtlNO IEIBsL E JmaM u. .1 u, tm I. 1. - 1 . April N, lit. I. P. BIOLER A CO. jrtllsrrUiiiuous. JJAUD TIMES Yi'ClM f wrct..-1 IN ' FRENCHVILLEI I am aware that liter are .mo i.i-riti a Utile hare. U please, and I aru alio wr ttiMt Ihel oouplaint of "bard times" is well oigh unlverMl, Hut 1 ani a time tid iiw that I ran satiify I It i former anl prove oonrlualvelv that 'Mnird timet" will not efloat these) who buy their goods from me, ! and all my patrons shall e iniliated into the e ervi oi , i I HOW TO A VOl II llAliO TIMES I liavr f.H rauusb U. .ti.l; all llir .i.hnl.l tanl. In III. Invar nd of Ibo ouualv which I ...II at xiwtrlng Itiw rat from at atoiaieolh ator ta iui mi, onrr l on lja I. fuun.l read; ta wait upna oallara and au pijr tbam will. Dry Woods of nil Kinds, I m-vr ,n mni fiiy, tiiniiiiiunfr inicrtift. Such aa Clutba, S.lln.di. Ca.iliaeraa, Mu.liu., I till KtiitiHlicn liir the Vcur 1874, wnx ... i ssrir1 r1" n'v (i,,",,;i,ls r ,1,e Ro.d,.H.CTlklng,Bot and .., 11.1. d-, ll'""' ,' 1,0 ."1IH,I'. Mwmg td Capa alluf tl.abo.t malarial and mail, to order-i Kftldltl KHIIIllliy of till' iloaa, Boeka, U !,., Mlltaaa, Laoa, Rlbbona, Ar. I I'ilV. Stilton Hint it Iiiim tui'll (OOll, and 0R0CKUIK8 OP ALL KINDS. will cninmro with uny otlicr Cogc, Ta, Buiar, Rl, MiiUmu, Fi.h, Pall,! "a" llll IttfiftT t'ilU'H, llic uctllu) mortal Pork, Llamd Oil, t'i.k Oil, Carbon Oil. I itv lwilllf 15,2:iH. irivillif thu ml,, nf 1 llardwar, QuMa.waro, Tiawara, Clin,., Plow. aad Plow Ca.tla,., Nalla, Snlk.a, Cora CultlTa- l.r,Old PrMMa,atal all k ad. of Ai.a. Parfamrry, Palat., Varnl.h, Ola.,, aad a grntral l-"'-. "" ui.i. innil nil- iiiiviou a.unmeni, yclir ot only 14, mid 7-10 Ickh tlinn thv fc - i 1 'vinr 1872. I'Oiincctiiiii ii ilt iiiiU'd Hluto . , I iiu'iit of the ii'ti'i'iitiiKO of ili'iitliK to 6f dllttrcnt lii.tji, alnajaua bund, and will La tho popillntion ill I'lich Wliril Would bo aaldallh.lawralpo.alhl.i(ara. . illtl'IVKtil.K, a,l it i to 1.0 nyi-flt,! .. ... ..r.iir.n... ajn . Jia.UCin., iinuiivri aau uiiirrr. iOOt pnunda of Wont wnnlrd fur whirl. hlgho.t prlr will b paid, t'liirrrlced oa h iur .aiv a, in low., maravt prmc. . Alan. Airnt for Blraltonvlllr aad 1'nrwi.ii.vilU Tbroalilng Maabllir. )l ) l ' $ ' ttalX.ll.nJ ,r..r v,.u,il,...' r., l.'l.J avnrjlhlng B.uallr brpt la a retail ator. L. ,M. COHUIIIBT. Prnbrlll. P. 0., August 1!, 1874. iiici.i:arfiw.1) FIRK CLAY CO.! CI.KAKKIKI.K, I'A. , ( ffANtriCTt R&na or . f FIHK ItltKK, Furnace Blocks, (ins Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, 4c, ..i t l.iiri Top, H'itulout and IVtf. Chlmnty All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORtlllNAI. liKSIilNil IN TKB1IA MADK TO (lllllKn. Wlllriniprord marliin.ry, Ar.t al.aa aial.ri.l and akilld workman, wv ran warrant all nur innf.ptur.a in l.r equal In if nut aup.iii r In any in th marhtt, - Artlclea of out wwiulnclar. oaa b ara al th Work., nar llailro.d Di-put, or at lh llartlwar Ptora of U. P. B,lr A . All o,dra frnaa a.ill.laana. andr.a4 lo lha tlnral gupflrtnlrndi-ttt, wiil rncriva prompt al. tcetton. t. , IIARTHWIfk, j i JOlDf PKRUIiSOM, llrn'l Hnpl. I f HralhtHd, tiarnkirk, SVotlaad, upt. HaaalaotarHig Ucpt. ' Biaa20'78 on'lanoandLu'mbTr; fllNPtHV, OBCKOLA 8TEAM JIILLrl, MARt'ACT(aaa tAritinvi i A'tir 'Xvni i'i'iVTl"r ,,,l 1 "i,cl s,l""' , nu0 w,r1 l,UM rlhlt, 1,A1 II, A Nil ICK ETS fmvjjjn hirth. and IK It nntivitiea wero i f l aaa : i ' ( I 1 Saved Pattnt JiibbeJ Shinjh-l. H. II. BIIILLINOFOHD, Praaldaat, 0ea Porat PUa,,N. Iti R. 4th at., Phll'a. JOHN LAWSIIR, O.aaral Sup't., Oanola Mill., Clearteld eoanty, Pa. A taw TOWN LOTS f.r .at. la tb boloafb af Uaeaola, , . Al-Kep Iba LA RO EST ASSORTMENT oftiooiia ia Clearaeld oounly at tbeir Manmolb 6lr. la OMaola. Tl " E.ArsbUTHARD, i .'.'.,. ,1.1-, ' FlrcLlfc&Acddont Insurance AGBKT, ( Icartinlil. Pa. ' ' TRAVELER'S LlTlT A ACCTliENT. Hartford, Conn AurU over t-1.0il.00 , HOME PIKE INnilRAXCK CO. , Columbna, Ohio Aaaetta Over tr.tlt,fltt (ebl'7-ly Jaa. 8. Paaaoaa, Pre.'l. A. E. Biat'iiaa, Str'y CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OP I1ARTF0RD, CONN. Ai.. ...M J 1 t,t,. Ralio of Aaala I. Liabililiaa. lit Farnt.h.a In.aranre at the rrry eoal roiMty-aoiiiera panieipat. ia tb. pronnt ot lac Caaipaay, thaa aaattaually rv.lo.inf lb aaaual Pur rat,, Ae., rail oa ar a.l.trM ' H. M. MrKNALLT, Ant. Of)c la Sbaa'a Bow, Clnrleld, I'a. 7:1 J 74 F. O'LEARY BUCK, a I , , . j n , Ueraral Insurance Agent and Real tState bfOKer, ' Reprceoate the following reliable laiareaoe Ca'aM North Briii.h A Mereaatiia Ina. Ca. ftt,ie,M' r ...urano. vo o.o.i,o Piro A.Milallon lnaarann C. liertiu! t.ooii.'oiit Anaana Plr Inauraar Co Phvaia loaaraar (V, N. Y. Wal.rlowa ,r. Ia.u.aa dw.llaiaa aad farm waiMin.aalr.MM.. trs.lltit Tort, Pa., Stock la.nranne Co. Il.raa laaarod again.! death aad then. P. A Peril la Ibe eoanlry deairing laewran oa their liree or properly raa bare it promptly alteaded I by adilra..iag aa by letter, ar calling ia aaraoa al ear olhre. ia Ple'a Opera llr, . i, viearaeia, ra. Mgit 74 THE LARGE ST ASSORTMENT OP 1 NTOVH! iTOVlla4t'mnleH,il'1,x'n'4',r,4; female clnldron, " '.MIRj n, lives of the fnitcd Ktales; " brought to lb rounly, ar belrf rewired at ! 12,2311 ; foreign, 3.387. tb llardwar Ketauli.liaimtor H. K BICl.Kil i 4b tO..ool.rl).ng Iba following Cook Siutaa i , ""Aha from aparlled diataara ....14,314 BTEAR'S CALORIFIC. SUbVlUKllANKA. RECIUIiAToK. ExcEiiioH) v'. -;l7u:'f TRIl'MPII. 00V. rENN. READING , NATIONAL RANOE. AC. AC. Al, thw Alhrng Mealing Altre, " ' ' 8PEAR'S AKTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST, SPEAR'S ORRICt'I.AR, '' SPEAR'S PARLOR (W. ' ' MORNINO I.K1IIT, HtN TON, ! OIPSEV, VULCAN. SUN IIR A at, RUBY "' DA CPU IN EQO, CHESTER EDO, VOLCANO, rUOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND ft TO RE room mtoves, ac. ' rioarl.14. Bpt 3, 1171. "' " 1 on rtttmiio op evert descbip U lira aeally tteewled al HO. nlt. i THE HEPUBUCAN. ' CXEAUFliaU, PA WE UN Ed DAY JIOH.VINU, MAIIl'll 1 '. 8!o, VITAL STATISTICS I'liiunKwuiA. run isti Marriages, Ulrths iinil Deaths. ANM'AI. HKPOHr 111' TIIK IIKAI.TII 01 Kl cm 01' TIIK CITY TIIK SANITJHV I'ON I1ITI0N Of TIIK I'ITT IILIUSII TIIK PART YKAR INTKKRHTINd KTAT1HTMH A IIKNKRAL "UMMAIIV or TIIK HtTlKNB or TIIK IIKIIIHTIIATIO.N IIKPAIU'MKNT roH TIIK P.1ST KKrilTKK.t VKARH. I Tin' niiiiiiul ivpoit of tlio llcullli Of 'il....-.. .r..- . .... . , ,.( , n ewiy fto.Mfi of the IKlolllntion ' j ... i ,n , ,. ' . ".. 1 . "' or c,I"nl 0 W!0 U living .o".,iiiiu mo iii'niiii tiinri'i- iiiim not inrin ' j did tliia von-iiniMirtniit in hi ,.','1!,''T"it- .. , v.,, - j .Ulliilnm fo n, iliod di-usiiii lho llv , t1 ll lll'llllll Dltlll'l' llttn hilt infill nmt.nn.Vrl 110 Imn ll llllll' lllu'llso llttlflO- tl'll ny Mlilfllll llnlici' I'XIVlit wnrll't ' r..-..r u I, .1, ., ............I !.. ... .l oiiiiiieiii ed iiiiSiittmtifri in uio i ivi'iiiv-m'ioiHl wnnl, nd , i;iiiiii'l l oiisidcriilil,' hi'iidivny, mni at ; the i low of the yi'iii' wan funnily over Hie illy, thu thive latr-t iiioiiiIih nf I lie year fur iiishini; n,.,nly onf-hnlf of thq, lliortnlili- I'miii ll.i. I,.il,. .11. , , ., " 'TP, -.,. I i lie nunibiW ill UiHtiA iwisti'ied iu rioK the year was 10.MH7, nn inrrea-w of (iK.1 over tho pivvious year. The number of mule bii tlm wnt' 10.2:11. an inrivane of M ,iver the ,,r,.vi,,., venr: tho female biitlm ,m.l.rv,l n . lni'i, nn iiicreiiie of 2IMI over the jire vioim year. The births in encli month of the venr 1H74 were nn Ibllowa Mi.mli,, Jnnnarr .,, I'.bru.rT a. March-!.....,. .A ,.r il Mar Jnn Julj Auau.l Of fo- T Xiii',ml..r UKtUilMT Tolal, 0.1H 1 ' IM tn : Fl.l 77 VI rnl Fi ant : a.O rf" "' T"1dj'7 I lit I ' iai,u i nil UIO imn ir.xa lilt ln4 1.71 u.'..i lt,r.; ii I J7 i;,o.i 727 7-'il "Hi 74. S: ri7 741 7 It Si: JJ ,; - ll It.MI 1.1:1 iio rorTA i ,,( w,l, in,m,e,.. 20(1 were col , ulvd iiinli a and lr2 fohnvil feniuleH. i Still-lmrn weiv. 612 mule nnd 3"!l fi- mle. " Trh'lfW 2. " , The' liiriliH in no ui re om lollniva: - . . ward W.rdr. I t 3 4 i II 7 I Oil II not it :ii7 la .:. 14 aj:i is .... mi i .. ilT 17 W.r.1.. .. .-.; ti .. 4 :t .. 74 n .. 4HI 74 ..1714 5S .. sia tn .. 5HI 17 .. 47 2B ... 77ft ... 414 ...11114 ... Hit ...!.! ... &.! ... SO ... no lit 307.11 t77 It Inst 71 ..... 410 0 Ill I'nknow The immberof nittiTiu)e rei;iten'd diirinj,' tli year 1874. WB fl,(M!l. Of the Rroomn 3.9:'8 wero nntivea of the t'nited .States, 2,38;i wero of fowi.rn birlh, and 328 imlivitica wero m it mr on. Of tho briden 4.408 wero nalirtw not (iven. 1 lie ninnlier nf marriairea in n lneh Imiiu pailiea wero nntiven ol the foiled Statea wna 3.013. and the niimbor rf iarria),'eii in whrch Inith pnrtir were of foreign birth wa 1, Clll. Of (ho foiviijn uicn married (2, 2S3 ) "It, married women ot lho t'ni tod State. l.Glli married foreign wo men, and 11 married women whow na tivities aro not riven. The nco of the purl in married were aa fnllowa : M,a. ... St ...S4H7 ....M47 IJSS .111 IM .... Jll .... II L'n.lrr it ta la IS IS la .It It la 4t 4t to Ml S ta at l la 70 71 l to No gilB 1174 !: IIS7 tin 16; 41 - Si's Of the 11 men lift ween 70 and 80 married, ono innrried. a woman between twenty nnd tweiit-flw ; one married a woman between 25 and 30; two married women lietween 30 nnd 40 ; throe married women between 40 and 50; two married women be tween BO and CO, nnd two married women botwurn f,0 and TO. Tho iKnrriaj'o. wore divided nuiong theaoTeral montlm as follows: January S87lJnlr u 41 j Pelrnary StnUofoM 4ntl Marcfc M 4m Sf-pi.mhr 6.141 April Si4 (MobtH 1st ?" StlNor,br Juae H.1 , Uwrenbor tS7 Tho een-monies emiiloyeil in the marriages were as follows: Metho dist, l.tllHl ; Catholic, 1.344; Episcopal, 740; Presbyterian. 714; lioptint, 531 ; Lutheran. 527) tiermnn Itefonned, di'i; alileiinen, 322; Henrew, 108 i lo'iepi oueiii, no; mayor, no; r.van- g,.i Assoeimion, 3iii; Hutch He- liirmed, 30: .Moravian. 25; I'niveraal lift, 21; I'llilnrinil. 12, Kriends, 10; Church of Christ, 6 ; Second Advent, . j . I onirn'LOltioiinl. 3 : New Jeman em '',' Christian. 2 ; Mennonilo, 2; I Kronen Chun h, I ; Independent (icr- i ninn, i. , . ArarKg. anarriagee for raoalb... j Arerag Marriage, for week Averaga marri.gra for day . MORTALITY. I'he number of Interments in the oily during the year 187 1 was 16,315, a decivuso of 421 from tho previous year. White, 15.415; nilnn'd, 870; males, rt.4NN ; leninles, 7,827, male i annus, .u.h; lemale adn Is. 3 "109: i ou H rotiiDora mil - R j iotrar (Biwldoot., agllgoet honiald I nd rakide ., A? jt'ahaowa. M, g ICJlt '". ei aaa irora lb otaar lotalllHM (!;....,. ,t77 v - . .. n s i j Ariaal dralba ia Ilia ail) .....Is,tlt The principal causes of death were: Alicess, C9; apoplexy, 230; cancer, Jin ; ccrciiro spinal meningitis, 82 ; consumption of the lungs, 2,304 ; chol era infantum, 8511; cholera mnrlmn, 50; convuliions, (177 ; croup, l!l; diii theria, 17S, (nd scarlet fever, 354. Tho ages nf the person who died in 1874, compared wilb 1H73, were k follows: -IS74.-. 4tt . Oil . , tn . tit . 4tS . !- . 1414 . Hit i ItN . 171 . Ml tit , 17 II I -1ST! -till It74 tot lie . tSa 4 at lilt lilt - 11.17 - lltl nil ii Ml S7 II fader I year , I to I year I la t I halt year.,. It U 11 ,eor ... It latt,aara... ft tale ........... MutOyMr. 4 1M ywara. MtaMywra.. ttt7t yare 7tlasryea,a. IttaMyaara. .. , nt laty , IKlallty'ra............. Ilttailty'ra. The nuinlicr of deaths in each month o the year 1H74 was aa followa ; I?. ontna M.let. Km. AiluHe. Chin. ToUI. . I.H 14) 170 74 1.110 warv a uuruanr .,., ftMli.;. ill. 1 ' ' rt ' I:I3 M April .. nv ui (-res ii,:uii i!",'.::::::::::!:: HI i5 ' K IK IX .iuiy tut im eg i.iit ',H7i .. ., III! Oil i 112 U . 1.711.1 I urt --. SJ (17 Ml ti4 nut tit i!a.. hci.Dibar .... Ml tan 0"tob . 7J4 tin Nor.ub,r.... Ml ,A li(WBilr M HO 7cf 1 ill 717 oil 777 tii tn T..I.1.. ...u 7hi rii rn,.n no exenw ii.uK'k mor liuiiilva w iih Ulil, mni K. i-IiiIiIivm1 I'M I OVl'l' HI1IIIIH, ii.. , - , ,, . . ., ., ,.r . inn., iii, ',n mini. MOIXI I1N 111 lon'H? fwaiJij'iij!. JlV.rJa. ( , VI.,J,"1 ll ii.. it ti i it... ;t i"i II... : la... m it... M 17... 401 II... till It... Ihl'lll.... ,. JWj it ., JOT 1.1 .. linn ii .. mi .. 3 t ., 4j4 j? .. 707 2a .1441 2t .. 7411 Tho nuirringc birllm nml di'.itl.H in! cuih month wUw, aa fllw ' Mmlha J.nit.rff i'ourji.y.M.,.. Maafb.i Aprh...7...'... "aj .M Jun Julj Aufuat. b.tvmbar. Odolwr Norlab.r.M lrmbr... Uan(.j(a. .... MI f-r iioa 411 14.14 ' l.llll Itnt Iiikii UTi .. iVl . i;s .. 411 4811 .. am .. M . .. i7 1 -- 1440 I4 I line nut I.U4 I USD li7 , lllli u 1 I mm .mi 1M Tolal Of..l IK.3H7 j Marrlagn.... M la .i.rj t ,000 of pipuUllnn. HI nil. J6III In atrrjr 1,1101) n( populalli.a lba ! la , I, Dili nf .n.ullio. tmiiARr. . Till1 flilluwilljr (nhll, hIiOWA R i;,'IIII' Kiiminaiy of the retiinm of the de pnrt input for the ut foiii'tecn yenm mid ix montlm: Vv.r ISKIl ll.nh.. H.i4 17,171 " 11,741 15.IHI I1..4I" li,437 l:,l7 Marrir.., ,llo 4.417 l.n-.. J.IT1 t.Ul a.Hn i 7,n; B.HI I).,n.; I l.lilti li.u'i; u.rsa ir.jii i.'.Hi'j u,j I4.JK6 lHb74n ) mil... 111:1 .... "",:t ,M" imid ... '"'I7 I'm "" l,li ir.,w i;0L..a.....v.f 17, mi '' '" i'1 a.iNZ a. in njwt c.lvo IH7.I I.1.7. J :,ivi mm uii, njo in.rti; 14, :1J I ..I.!.. F1TZ.IQ11.X rORTKICS API'liAL ! 1 '" perruU' Thero U h niaiilv pi'ivintt'iico in (ion- i "' i'urter'a dt'luttii.l for jimtiro whiili i very Inipreiwive. Ho hiw addri'iwcd what bo evidently deem, i fund up. peal to the I'reHldeiil, whom he cuphe miMlieullv tenna '& reilow.H,ililier." mU. '"3 nnl l,ttr"lr,n' '!','1 o latoa to a eontinuiiig neiiteiioc ul dm- fraufhlHi'lm'lil. hut torn, ritvlninn nf tlm j harBh judmenl whith thirteen, year agownnpronounefd on him, and which. I to ti) his own vii'oniui wordn, "tho 't itinL Benlimi'lit (if thn i,rniiiti,v iiIImi'Ii rejortR," and a new trial tor attcr-dis- eovfreil evidence. To thnt appeal the. ullfii doblicr, who rules at lent our military deatinir, vouelwnfoti no nn nor, not oven tho fomiul aektrAwlod UK'lit n hlih ffentlenien aro willing to ninkc tn each other, and nn official in hound tn make. Fuilin iIiiih, Ucnenil Porter lm deemed it hio duty (and wo niw it wa no) to lay tlio wholo mut ter iK'foro the American people, llo nn rely would not hare done so had there been in bin mind tho faintest, tcuhleut apark of bo that hit appeal would lmve Iwn otherwiso than in!'1 " ll'iii,n "ill be made at the ram. it It regard tn the appeal, its Line, its temper, ita aimplu, manly elo qunee, wo have no words of our own better than thnao whith bare bu n atid of it by a contemporary : it ) It Is o simply earnest, so palpably ainecre, so proudly and yot to rralto ly iiiiwrtiiiiiile, no touching in the i boa w ith whii h one iall nut aoldiei appeals to another, who in happier (lava was nt luaat In protVasional allln dty to him, that it will enrry sorrowful conviction to tho mind of every one who reads it thnt the anllen relunnl to givo tho revision w hieh is asked is a cruel wrong. This Is no exuberated pruisa, but simple, precise truth. Hut what carea General Grant for all this? His sol dierly instinetHhave sunk or been aonk- edout of eight. Ho la not tho Grant of Appomattox, or tho Grant who, in ut ter contempt, pilloried Butler before the public, or the Grant who reported .kindly and truly of the South when tho war was over. Still bus in ho the Grant of twenty -eight yearn ago, when the two young soldiers stood ehouhlcr to shoulder under tho deadly artillery of Moliuo del liuy, or oa tb elnjios id 'C'hapoltepec, or at the storming of the Helen gate. It is the selfish Grant ol to-day a polities, tho friend of Butler, tin. ehmn of t'hmidier and Carpenter, the patron -of Kite John Porter's per secutor, the fugitive hero of tho sec ond Manassas. Tho memory of tenor twenty or fifty dollars whioh Captain John Popo lent Lieut. Grant to get him back to Galena years ago is more potent than all thcaoldiorly ayniputhira to w hich Gen. Porter now In vain ap peals. Ho will have to wait, we imn- f;ino, till all those mon and things shall ic of the past. In the meantime the appeal goes into the records of history. Brtltimort tVacrtfc , An Altibnative. Fred. Douglass, T U l.., ,J ,k. i(l.r.:.r . V -,"- - .....i colored ritisem have united in an Ail dross to the liepublican party in Con gress, and threaten if the colored folks aro not bolter oared for, thoy will com mit murder or join tho Iicmoorutie party. Wo aro not prepared lo say n un n would no tlio greater evil. c givo their own words, and if the "ra pine, blood and fire" don't bring tho Radicals, why the threat to join the Democracy certainly will: "Consider ing that we belong toadaaaofeiliaeua who will suffer hy the non-aclion ot CongresH, wo earnestly appeal for ro lief. If affairsnre permitted toprooced as reqnires no unusual loresight to see that the colored citiions of tho South will cither be driven into neu trality, or, for wlf protection, forced to act with llieir old oppressors in the Democratic party, and the hitter is more probable than the former, as a pcacetul organisation for tbe purptwe of neutrality would naturally excite suspicion, surveillance nnd violence. There is still one other alteniatiro to which wo arc cupoaed, ono w bich is truly fearful tn contemplate. Unman nature ia the same every where. There are many varieties of man, but only ono liiinimi nature, uml it is Hw.illV thnt, stung to innilness ami desiicrntion by contrived and incn aning outrages, and teeing no means of coupe, asoirit of retaliation and revenge may ! aroused which will fill the South with scenes nf rapine, blood and lire." " " Their Hanr The Hultimore d.nrr. , . ... lom, one ot the moat pronounced Ite. publican papers in the country, ja in i vuriieni niNiut inc r ni-onieim llniiK husiiieas. Itsnya: 'Of all Ihecollowul snindk-s H'rpe trated by an unscrupulous set of ras cals, who are collectively designated as the -'Hialrii t King," tlie moat inex cusable and tho moat cruel was the robbing nf the Krcedmcns' Dank. They procured liwina un der fulw pretences, and persnnded tho weak and incomielent oflli'era into vi olating the law under which the bank was incorporated, for the pnrpoaw of giving them money on worthless so. enrity. In looking orcr the Hat of col laterals deposited by two gentlemen wno nave ngnred prominently, and not entirely reputably, In District af fairs, we notice that iorao of tho secu rities am entirely unknown to lho Stock Kxehange, and others are worth less trash tbat could not be wold lor five fenta on the dollar." A OAM K PAtiAvrsi:. .i . a.. i. "'''WH'll ItlH. "I till Ill'lllHll lloilll- ilmy Snivi'V, (ivi'ii wuim Inti'iiwliiii; ft? "'T,' i,lir1 """" 'r vWM- ".v ,l,nl I""' gramli'iirol' "cenciy uinl nl.iiiiiliiiin' of lrniiio ivniK'r lilo "'"Willi 11 lit (1110 III IIIIIIMIIll ill. mi (Willi n .art f thpir rout,, vn of tim in r. .iiiiiiiiiiwiin uiLl lilllluliK'a Wl'IV wi muni-Mum (lint dm im-n ronl.l nhoi l ,., ,, i,,,,,. ..i.. .l,n(, ,... A I Siv,., i Xf ......... ; : . kJ . i kl . . . n ..,.! I ...i ... i - .i.Min j.iiniiiiiu,,,,,,-,, i mien mi ninrni- s,'Xtoiit Hint tin. moil won. mid,'.- , tlio iiwiwity ol foriiiini( it oiiolo with i ' llioii' wiijfoiiH, niul pluriiiK llu-ir lioini'sl "' ,.,; tho iiwiili. to pit oft them fmnii J? A .174 HlO (H l'llsiolmlly ,'llinjri'd llllllliulf. TllOi JJJ toiiiiiiiiy luiil two lioinin irori'd by! iJjitlii'iii anil odd of their iiitronoinlcul i tii ' pnrty enmo nonr hwing bin i(fc on oiipi . . jiJtluct'Btion. A thr na tho oyu fun di.-!()" ''.I'oni iiloiii rrrtnin pnrtH oi thoir route !?" ""'I"1 u,u 'u'1" l,0,l"" ' 1iITii1imw whirh tlm I , . . iini'i, iiioi hiioi nir lho aako ot t it'll "".'ji'W. hii'h it n,,p,..-H n,'0 oonsid. ji'.a. - , ,xi.j,jvii-vi i, i-k-ui lu'iifuoy oy liuiao. imirio liitol lMiiiilvoiitiiri)rn. In minikin, f tl... hito Mud Hirer, bo siiyn tlio i-ompn-ny wviw under tho iii'i'i-miity of ttuv uliiii; Hiine nini'ty liiilin . north nloni; lt ImnkH bfoiv tlii-ypnnldliiidrtcnwH-l nit; r.iuii', in ioii.iciiiiii'0 ol tlio (liirl.--i Minil in thu ImiiIoiu, Alone ilnm lit1 wiin n inoy luiiieu nloiifr It hniilf, one of the drivi'i'ii numiwly eiii)ii'da auti miuwiim inlerineiit. Tho wutor limk uijt niee be ihonht he would indnle in ll li-illi, but on tlitiTili( he whiii liniiid tlio (juivki-uiiil iii to hin knvi'x. Ho endeavored to exli'ionle liuntielf, hut the linrdrr be tried the inon quickly ho dewoiiiii'd. No Homier did hi iinirniliw miumo nwnm of tlio dimeroim nature of hi jiri'difameiit tliiiu lliey ii'udu nil I.ivhU1 lo I l.o M'ene, nnd lhrowiii) the end of a roiie, ho' filled it nriuiiid bin trnint niul thenj ivih dmnod out, lie in nut Kjinir In , ir.v iaumtr m nun nvcr iiim. In l 'Mtiiniir in tout river niiii. Ini rift y tA tirh. iimon-; which in a Itiixt of HtiM'kltM rtniu VfiT mm h rtwfinhliiijr nnr 'urtn hn tnint. hut uUiiit twicoa.- laty.v with hluck .rj.uU on I l.o Hi.U-ti iiiHtca-l oi ivii. it ml p(wa-tiintr, mi ox-qtii-ilonavr-r. WiliUhoonnml monntftiii Wn ,iiv itiutiornii '1 ho hhocji Imvu imiuonM hoinH Uy wiiioli tluy him un ahlrtllo clinfr bm'I drop trmn' vrng tn rrnr nlnn t lit inouiiltiin biiln. In Imitlin tht'iH HtiimnU tlio ltmili'iv hiv tfeiiiTtilly ohllo;is in n trend into pro fipitntiH nd lottv hrihtfl. Amongst the other uuiim.f in thin iviou mo kind of inoniituin linn, mi id to he toiv llm-o. North of tho Henr I'ttw Monn l.tiii. thiy t anto tijum tho Uiul IkIios of tirrnty-uiht of tho HlackiW't In dituiH. wlio. it nippciirt lmd heon on u hoQ stortlin expedition, hot woro I ori'ftakon, killed, mid wnljH-d hy nn-; othor hmtilo trilio. Tltln thev 'think ; oct'tifivd (uny hist t-pfin, rO fiflcpn f(iT0itM..I,nr-n fit i 'Vhvii aro fiflcow f()roiiM.)nrn citi A'ii in liu piv.s;-iit ji,ivMt, Two of tliom. K-niirx, tho dorm an, rtud Joiiop, the td!!ininii, rtro in tho .Sennto. In . I . H , r f . , - : lilt) JIoilM' tllVIVlllV CVO InhmOn,foiir! o.-a.M iiiiiru.-ini. ntiiriiinintn,on V ttllll- f dinn nnd ono Mi( wn. i , iUir Sili'ntisfuifitts, pARHON NOTICK T' whom It toiir pontern : - Notice I. hereby orii mrellnii nftk- Iwiinl of ( (be par- WALLATE I KREB3, " ' Cleartrtd, Hlieb 3, 1S7S 3I. Altora Jl. ! . APMINISTIlATOlt'S S.LK I WORKED BOARDS, aad all artielea aoe..a j ry for bnilding. will a aacbangwl for DRV Th..ieig.rtKi.irtnttr-,i,.MUt.' j-'.'ji''v r 'i1 p,:"' ',.". af Job. W. Wright, lele at la barongb af Cl,-' '''J""6"' "' Bold, dooeaaad. will ie al pablk, aal. at tb , b ",h "" ''' ..-.. h. win ora,a, ra Tti.raalay, Narek Irttk lots. Ibe following d-irt,ed real laU, t : AH tliat certain tract or rtiwe of land, In (he towa.bip of Deratur, ia the eoanty f Clearlal i and Slati of I'.nnaylrasia, bouaded and ilntritttd a. f.llow., to all : On the eaat by a part af the tract, oa ibe wool by land of Wright Bna, on thr analb liy land of Alberta, and oa lh nurUl by Robert Kalaoy eurr, b.iag lb undirldM one-balfof one handrad and alerea arm, more or leaa, hell Jola'ly wilb Joba Wool riJge. Till. Ian I ia wi-ll titnberod. WILLIAM PORTER, Clrarnold, Uarrh J, 7 J Jl AJmianbalur. c AUTION. 4 All Tpereowa are hereby warned agalait par Abasing or ia any manner rnedtling with tbe fo. towing pi-nrterty. new ia the hernia nf Jeremiah Ooejvrr. nt Heeewria township, ettr Twoeloeks,l aberry tallee, I stwtee, eeofc stoYe, 1 ebrn)i, beds and beJdirg, 11 ebnlrs, S blaeh horses, 1 sorrel boree, X rets deebte htrneea, two horat wwgoae, spring wieon, open bitgir. aarrtae-,! wsaatfig tnoebiaa, trub sleds, long slrai, I timber I eleais, baUf interest ia tbresbiBg raerhtne, I plows, t barrow, t altorel plgws, 1 mt ti.-aters, stump j vaijaiaa, nmj rasie, I Sieijras, I avis harness, I aottiag baiee, ltt bwihels form ears, log basbeli oats, wiadmiil, grist mill pesuhle W f t9-r hn m straw, waleiMtrr, B aeree f wheat la tbe groead. t aeree o4 rye ia greand, tCMt.dtlS of bewikMh lv, i etieep, I sow and o ptft, rope and palters, eireelar eaw and bo, k, rtt rope, tog wagon, as the amine was pnreb-st-tj b; me at fiber IB s tale ob the Ibtb dav af February, g7b, end Is left with aim Uaj) only, sabjeet ta ar or dr. A. W. LfcH CkirH- lJ, KeK. 21th. ll;. St - - C Aurio.v.- AH persoas are hereby warned against psjr ohasing or ta any way meddliag with the follow, tug preerty, sow ia the possession of Wm. 1 1 artier, of Uirard township, vti: One bay bone, 1 roava burs, I arts of harneM, I sow, 2 bead of youns; rente, i rpring ealt, fl bead af sheep, 1 sow aad pigs, I two bores Wagow, I ItaiKer sld asrdebaiiia, niadtatll, plow, barrow aadenltira-i iar, e avrea at wnem m iba trrtand, its the soma belong la ate and Is left with on taa only, sabject t my antee at any time. HtHiKKT 8. JsTKWART. Ilille, Ft.b 24, c AUTION. All parsons are brrebi warned sgainni nareb-' axing er in mt way mdtling with the toltoaioK r...r, ,m k. laaawarm-IUtl Ul ADnnSII It., Uoae of l'eeatar township, fit : Two oews, I two- year old better, I two horse waron, t sets f har-1 ners. i aruan mulrs.and a totor hvr.asibasaiMej belnnjrs to me and Is left In his nos-essinn on bnn. ' w;rr.,,,,,71,RV''urf,MMEK WOCE OF liOODS, CPKCIAI. I.Eiilal.ATION.- ' ' ' . , k3 t lb lowwl Nolle la hereby glraa la lh pwbli and all paniea lntreled, lhal apnll Milan will be I at Ike premai aree.aa of oar Siete l-glHatura lo ! taoe aa aet refallng aa aet of iionti,, enpror- d the Iklk day of Aprl', A II. 1 1-1.1. rolaling lo i iba apalioarioa ainteana laa.l. iathoarw town ehip .1 I'in. la t:ia,teM eonniy. IIIHAM WiHlDWABO, , HAhllipb CONOWAV, 1 f.b54 41 CltAS. RollACKRK. i A DM IMNTIIATORS' XOTICE- KoU ia krrel.y glrr. lhal teller, of Ad minlrlralloa on the of MAHUARKT S. IIKrK.l.teaf Drady towaidirp, Clearteld eoaa It, . Pennaylrania. deoraaed, hariag bo, duly granted la tha ttadrmgaed, all ii.raoaa ia deblel ei aaid eal.le aillplraaa make Imiaedlal parurahaad lhoea baring elaima er demaada will preaent Ihem properly anlhntioatd for ae. tlcaneot wilhoal delay. JOHN P. BECK, Lathirahnrg, Peh. 4 '71 tt. Adminialur. A I'DITOII S NOTICE. r of lb.) Ia Kid R- I rd. j lb Omhana Coart Clearteld Coanly. Th anderetgned, appninfed Aailitor lo 4il- V'!T L, k,'I7 r,.i.i.g h. ik. b.,.i. f Jaeai Koland, Admiaiatrator. Ae.. of attul l. e, u ud .., ik. piU n,.,iy ntid tbeeM. heretiy gin ...i.e. mat a win attend to la doliea el ki. appaintmaal lb. oltlf f mer aony MrUarar, la Ibe boragh af Clear Arid. Pa., Prlday, lb llih day af Mareb, A. D. Isii, al la'rlork, P. M. W . B. THOMAS, P.h. 14, II7J .) Ami,w. A DMINMSTRATHIX'H NOTIf'E. -Rclio i.hrrtby glrra tbil Ulleraaf Ad. mlalriralioa aa Ihe ealale of AlinAflAM LIT!, let of Lawreat town. Lip, deartrld o.aly, Pa., deeeeeed, hating born duly granted lo lb endef aigaod, all pereoal I.4.I.UJ ta aaid e.t.t. will nleea immadlol ..j .1 k MARilARET LITE, Adm'g. I . ' ITTLK, Allorner al l..., , f.b. I, 1171 It I Cleartlel4.Pc..V V"OTK'E it hereby given to all eon- (rreed that Ibe gola, groearlaa, rawtVali.. eriea aad lalar la the aura room lauly ona. pied by B. M. let aad aow la th ware ofTbeo dor atereaaoa. bolnag I. m. and Thr.dar Stereaeoa la only arliag aa my agrat, wltkoal aay aalhorlly to eaalrart aay deal la my aajaa, aad I will not b npibl for any Mlraolad 'r,jT. v .... J. B. QEARHART. r.iip.h.rg, r.k. ir, i7t . 2llUHanfoii. II. F. BIG L EH & CO., ni.Liaa u EI A It XV it j:, Aliu, Mauufaotureriof Tin and Shed Iron Ware. CI. A k n II, l, PA. lAllMINO lill'MCMENTS of nil kind, for .al hi II. K. Ill i I, Kit A CO lliUOAIi WlfEEI.nAliHOWfi lor .air by II. F. DIUI.liK .t CO. PAINT, PUTTY, (,I,A8.S, Valli, ,tc, ror aal br II. f. BIOLEK A t:o. . - AIISKSS TWJUAI1NGS & SIIOK Piodlagi, for aal bj II. P. HIG1.EK A CO. (UN, PISTOLS BWoYdCAjTkS . ' Por aala bj II. f. HIGI.DH CO gTO.VEH, OK AM. SOItT'S ANI ittaaa, for aala by , . II V. BIO J.Kit A CO TltON! I HON! IKON! IRON! Per aal by tl. F. IlHiLKK i. CO. SIIOHS&JIOUSB8IIOK SAILS, for aal by II f IIIOI.Elt A CO 11 ItSK fm r l-v It I fiPK ll t K17P And Iwot Manufacture, far iie bv II F BIUI.ER A f.t. JttMBtE SKKIXS AM) VIVV- ., TlOXKK.for il by 17. F RIOf.EK A f0 pOMETl CUTTKUS-for eulo by m H-1t-7( tl. F. BIOLEK A CO. QLKARFIELD PLANING MILL C O iM PA NY, .-T..1!0 lers efiffl. sueressort to RKKD A rOWnLI.. have l un lissr I the CLKAR- lil-ILU I'l.AMMl Mll.L. and rel.TiL-d It for doing su rxiLUiivt' Wsim-ss. All the Msahinery ill be alled n.Mrj to ntake it one of tbr moBt anmpltlf eftab ivbments ot the kind lathe at. i nt-y are now preps ml in rervire orders furane work in tbat line. They will jrirespwial "'"" " waTri.ii' lur Bouse nuiuiirtg, FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARdING, SASH, DOORS, lll.INDS, . T, .not Ifir.fC, Afr. OP ALL STYI.Ei, alway. oa baad. ThoCompaay a ill always haraua htvud a Urge atoek of dry lumber, sn aa to be able to til tv order osi tbe shortrst not iff. Only the best and moat skilllel bands will be employed, aa that tbe pat. lie may rely apoa gmtd worb. Lowlier will be worked or sold aa low ma H eaa bs parebftted anywhere, and warranted to kitt aatisraetioa. As the biteloMs will be dae upon tbe eaab pritieipl we ca.a i.ff.trd to work (aw small prtiflts. , ,, DUY UJMBR t WANTED! Kspeotally one and a-, aif aad two inrh puel tig, for whioh a liberal priee will be paid. , The haslnes- will be eoadueted tinder the name of Ibe . "Clearflcld rianlnf? Mill Co." XI. tl. Brow a will personally snptriatrnd tbe Kuiaeii. OMeea lYSpeetfolly solitSted. M. a 11KOWN A LRU. Clearleld, Pa, Jsoasrj 8, 1674. . KIUTZER & LYTLE. -TIIK- NEW'' FIRM! IN their COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Ara marbiaf down tbrir CASH I'HICES, Red.! ad ej pen see and selling for ready pay Hem to da II. Tttey will eadearee la be enables iu: iixii AitTKitH lor mpplylag lha of Clttrflobl . .lib DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Dreaa Root, and oboe, Oroeeries Wall Paper, Oaaeaewar, A. Ae. Aad a.l alher good, la their II. N. B.-TRRMIt CASH. 1. J. Clearlakl, Ilea. It, 1174. M. RRATZER, 0. LITLE. II. MGLER k CO. hara fer aal SHAFTS AND roi.Btt, HUBH.SroKES.FEI.ES.ic. Carriage aad Wag. Mahar ebnld mat. a aet. of tkl tad aall aad eaemla Ikem The will b eold al fair priM. mayl II $5. SjOA Per Day at lm. Term, fro 'U Addne U Sri.a.a a Ce. Port. lead. Male. jaatl It iUisffituiKoiis. INKUAII IllTTKItS. PtlllKLV VKflKTAIll.H I'JIKH 1'HO.M AIX'OIIOI.. Ilt WALK Klt'S CAt.O'liIINH V I N K (i A II I! I T T K I! S j lr. J. Walker t alilorai Vinegir Bitter are ;a purely .'ft-lnW pn pa ration, uiade eitic .rum the netlie ln-rlm luttuil on tl lowi-r rnng of Hi Hira heviidft uiDuntalni of t'sliiornltt, th medicinal propt-rfirs of atiicb are niertt o : tbuielr iu MH bout I tie uoe of A icoliot. 'I Uu lime tion is ultnoM dully aiko l, "Wiittt is tin mure ol i the nnparallvlrd u.Kff i. 'wrnst Uni am ? i Uur anvner is, tbat thuy rni:r the esu-e of iIm i ea. aitd tlte patient reeiivcre bis beaila. Tli.- , ate lite gieat Mood puritirr and a lifit-viring ' principle, a p'Tftct Ittuovittor ani In i'irnl'-t ot tlio rtxtriii. Neerr hrfora In the hlnt'-rv ol the world bos a medicine been rotupoiiuilrd - sussing Ii, rvQiarknbl.Mii.tilii.aii of VinuiAH 11T ( tbhh in liftilin ilm si. k if every ilisMe uiitn it . In lr t'i, Tliry are n gciilitt FmsMro ns wt ll a , a Tonic, relieving t' or IrilSiirfimatlttn o: tie Livr and VinfH-ml t)ri;niit in Bilious ! ,eaos. , ., ! 4 The ,twa am Apt-rifM, iapliretia, t'arialoalive, Nu- , iMt-t-iu., Lnvitlivf, ;iiirwii-, iSvilaiive. CuiiMi-r Irn'fl.:, Su-li.rlfli', (Alttrs'tio, nod A nt ' tlmtcful llinu-andu prorla'oi 'iiiv;ar Dittrrt the mom won n (nt Ii igoraiil tlinl ever iiulsin ed the r-lnhitit; syrt. No prison eitn ta'-' (bra lliiirrs i,tMtof.ting lo direflior- and rema-n J..f tinwell. j:rov iilt d their Koiif not (li-lr'i c I i.v iTtttx-rnl puiinn or Otbrf intsnr. Rtirl fj 1 1 ta) l Of f n l'.ilioMs, Itrmifft-U ko. fi,ieti'itt.'f.t Ptvi-re, wbifb are itrtnlrrtr m tito -)); af our ;rrr.t rims llirt'isuoul i! l.'.iiJaj-i .aia, r.(.-riaily Oioy of Min-'iiieippi, Oiiiu. iits uii. ll in;s, T.nni-e, fit wlT!itti!t- ArltHtMa, K-1. t-'-t.rn-l'i, lira so. (io tirttT'.),.. P,-Mr, Alrilnn, .Mi. tile, tiara bun k, li-ionoke, Jbimev, an4 manr (-Kire, wilb Ibeir vent 1nl.ai4rr, tltiuiif;bout oitr ft, Ore country liurifiK I tie honnmr nn f AolLtnr., sod ninarkably tluriog ren,n of ni.o'onl lirsil and ilrytiees, are tnestriaMy am omp micd tx tenriie tnasni- of tho t.uarb anj hver, anl other i.tlotniiinl riei-ra. Ii. lh ir treniiuenl a porslie, exertiug a (.owrr'ul mthiiacr' these varioua nrgnr.. It enert',nl7 neeMBry. There is no emthertie lor iba purpose eual to lr. J. Weikcf's Vimgar Uitttr(as they ili speadil) reoior the dark colureil iiU matter with wliifh the bowolk are lotwlrfl, at the entne time slimuUt iag Hie aerretion af l tie livrr, and gcnernlly re storing the healthy foro-ii'm- or the 4igeetire organs. FoHify lho body against dieeaee by parifi trig alt its Bit id i with Vine afar Hitlers. Kvepiilruitc can take holt) of system trim fore-aimnl. lJya)ep,sj or Tndigesttnn. Ueaiinbf, Pain la j th IS ho older, C our he, Tightnesa of the Chest. . Uittioef. bcur E met tons of the Stomatrh, (tad I Taste in the Month, lt.Iious A Marks ralpt'.atioo or the Henri, Influooiatlon of the l.ongtt. Pain 'in the refton af tho Kidneys, nnd a bundrfd jot Iwr paialal symptoms, are the nfTopringii l lyppsi. Ooe bottle aiil prove a littler guar- tlit re of its nietiti than a lrulhy a hertisi-uieot. I 8an-ftitn. er King's Keil, U bit SwtUjLgt, t l j eeri, Krysipelas, hwoili-d Neck, Uttre, t-crefu-j Idas InAaBJinittions, Mrrcurial alT-'Mlon, Old ."re. Kntptions of the Initio, Pore Kvee. ete. In these, ne in alt other eon Mi l a tion al disease. Walker's Vtavtfar Ilitirrs have shown their growt ooralire powera in tbe m.kst fbstinaie atid iu traetatile eases. Fnf TtiflatnmntorT and rbronie Ttlretimslistn. flout. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent fevers, biseaeea of tha Utood, Liver, Kidneys aad the Bladder, tbeaa Bitters bare n equal. teb Dis eases ere caused by Vitiated Hltiod. Mtthaaleel IfiseaMS.-Ve.vona engaged in tttutaa wmu wioTinug, iHcn mm I luiauwgrs, 1 7P setters, (lold-benters and Miners, as ibey adranne Tt avut&Hl .Miaai Ikia la.i alnaa T Vinrs;ar ftittwra oeewsionally. For t"iln TUsnwt, F rapt ions. Tetter, alt Rbeam, blutehea, KmU, Pimples, Paste les, llnils. Carbuncle-, King-worms, lcld-bead Sore Kyea, Erysipelas, ltrb. Pcurfs, Disco I oral ions of tbe Skin, Haiaors and Dtsenses of tbe Skin of what ever name or natnre, are literally dog op end serried not of (be rylem in a short time by Ibe ae of th'se Bitters. Tin, Tope aud other Worms, lurking In tbe system of so many tboui.mds, ere egectually de stroyed aad removed. No system of medicine, oo vermiluge, no antbelmioilies will free tbe system from worms like tbee Hitters. Fur Female Complaint, in young or ld, war-, ried er single, nt the dawn of womanhood or tbe turn of lile, these Tonie Ilitirrs display so de cided an Influence thai improreroent it ssmn per oeptihle. i Ckan-e ibe Vitiated Uloud wbene.or yoa find iu ioipnritiee burstiug through the akin in Pim ples, Cruptions, or t-ores ; eiranee it when yon find It obstructed and sluggish in tbe reins; cleanse It when it is fool; yuar feelings will tell too when. Keep the blood pure, and the health nf the system will follow. U. II. owVPONALD A CO.. 1 Ornggista and Oen. Agts., San PraneltMNi, Cali fornia, and corner nf nefainfrton nnd Charlton streets, New York. Bold by all Dragnets aad Dealers. ttt'74-gm, JOHN TROUT MAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTItKHSIvH. AXD Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Th. aaderatgaod hegi Irar u iaform th tt. aeaa f ClaarAeld, aad Ul pabli gN.rally, lhal ha haa aa band a fine wreortment f Paraiiara, aweh aa Walaol. Cbaatnal aad Paiated Cbanbrr Saitea, Parlor Snilea, Reeliniag and Eatwiaioa Chalra, Udiea' and llrala' Ery Ckalra, the per. foralad Dining aad Parlor Cane Full aaJ Wiadaor Ckalra. Oleiku Bare, Step and h'llca lioa Ladder., Ual Raaka, gerabbing Bra. he., Ac MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, Looking Olaaeu, Ckromoa, Ar., wbieh wovld be aitabl. for floliaay present. "I'M JOHN TROI'TMAN. Down 1 Down 1 1 THE LAST ARR1VAL! AND OP OOtlRSB TUB CMRAPEST1 A Proclamation against High Prices! tlTB ara aow opening wp a lot of tbe beat aad IT moot aoaaoaahl tlnoda and War arar orre) la thla market, and at prior lhal remind one of tbe good eld dan of eheap Ihinga. Tbon wh laek tallk apow I hi. point, or deem awr alia, gatlo. aaparbaoae, a rod bat VALI. UT Ot lt irORK, CoriMr Pret and Market atrawta, Wker they e. a. feel, bear and know fo, k. aelrea. -To folly what arc eheap good ' tbi meet ba dona. We do ant deem it neeeaeary , r aamerata aad Itrmlia oar atork. - It la eaoarb J for aa U Male tkat We have Everything that Is Needed I aatd eon earned la tbta market, aad at prieoa lhal aelomrk kolk old aad yoang. I JOSEPH MAW A BON. ITtT FAIRBANKS' BTANDABD v a 1m i: h , Baggage Borrow., W oa Traoha, Copylag Prraa, lmprvrd Mwwy Draw1 At. roa tAtt tr ' H. F. BIOLER & CO., , Dralrra la Hard war. . mahM 71 If rWand Rtreel, Clear. Id. Pa. Tin tooling aad Spouting doaa al ibert aalp aad aa moat reaanaahle etld'hy1 u promptly aa- -ru JORN WAPLR. ' 1 fotfl. AM.KailENY HOTEL, (Market Ht., bet. Third and Fourth.) ( I.EAHFIt:i,t, PA. The stitiserilM r having beeosne proprietor of this botel, would respeetfully ask a liberal share vf t'lil'lle palronnffe. I'ris red need lo ruit the linn s. Jeu.Ji-'7i:if. 0. L. LKIPOLDT. 0 iirfi'lJ KH A N N A IIOI'HK, tO crRWKXHVII.LK, PA. NEWr.V ItfcAJ), Pttor-aiKtoii. Ilnving lite'1 toe proprletef nf tl.)s Hotel, l"u!il resj eettullv solicit the phtrnnsge of IL pitt'.te, lloa-aj It-asanllv and wmvrBtmtly si. uut tl ; f Tt rt-fit led and reform hwd : girfvt taui ,IV rur.ins attahed. All lallroai! trains sit p at ILio boiiea. i - , i i janSU Jj SUA W llOUSl.r ------(for. ol Mrirl;et A rtioeU,, . I'l.KAltKlKLU, I'A. 1 bti un'ler-lKi.ol liRTlrg eh urge of ibis Ili.tcl, woiihl rc-ticfllullr soliell patronaec; ' I. K. i-ULLIiliTO.N. 1 KO.N Alii) Hul'SK, J J (Near the Itaitrond l-p,.t, t'l.hAltFIKI.D, PA. A rlare nf pul.l;o patroojge is respeetfully o lUilfd. :iyU &. It. HOW. I'nV. ItASJl I N G TON "JIOUHK, IT NKW WitNIIINOTON, PA. This raw ud well furnished huiiea baa Utn taktm hy tlte uuJersigtitd. Jie feels eoafident of hi itij nblo lo render satisfaction to those who mar rater hint with a eull. May , U7I. U. W. DAVIfl, Prop'r. M UN Toil It II Oil UK. 0,pailc tha Caart lloaa LOCK IIAVEK, PE.XK'A. . Jcl4 71 HAl.'tikAL A KROV, Prop'a. 11 HlH'kl'.llllllh'l' IIOI'NC, BKLLEPONtS, PA, D. JOHNSTON A BO.tS, Proprietor,. oci2i';t IOYD HOUSE, J Main Slrret, Pllll.ll'Slltlllll, I'tKR'A. Tol.l alwaya aapplied wilb tli be.1 themarkrl alt .ril.. Th trtvehog public i. inriled toeell. al,'7S. llOlllJUT LOYll. THE MANSION HOUSE. Comnrot feenndnnd Mnrkt-t Sticets. I.l:AltlII.Ir. pa, fpHH !d aad eowmodlona Hotel bas.durln; X ibe ,Ait year, been enlarged lo doubts iu former e. aolly for tbe entrMiament of stran gers nni guesU. Tbe wbula bailtiing kai Kern r. furnished, nd tha preprteiur will spare no paiua to render bis guests nmirtabe while tayliiff with bin. $?r-ThB 'Mnntl-m floase' Orxnibas ran c end frtata the llepoi an the swrifnl nnd deponure f each train. , JOIIS DC ViiU KRTY, aprfi-TO tf Preprlel. e Jtauhs. i a, ttaoLn F. K. ARNOLD fc CO., RankcrN nntl Itrolirrn, ttcjiiold.rlllr. Jrirrrinu ('., Pa. M'.n.y reeirNl on drpoilt. Dlreotint. at mo deralaralm. Kaera and Poraiga Riek.nge al. war. on head aad enltertione promptly made. Ilrym.ll.ellle, lire If., U74.-ly County National Bank, OF PA. UOOM In Moaonie Bail llBg. one door n.rlh ot C. D. Wauoa'a I'mr Stole. I'.a.ze Tiekel. lo and Lirerpil, Qarna ."Wn, iln.r.iw, Li.tiUon, l'nrla and Coprnli.rea A ,n. Ilrafir for aale imi the lioyal Rank of Ireland and Imperial flunk of Lmilna. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pre.'r. W. Al. FI1AW, Ca.hier. ll:l:74 DREXEL & CO.," No. 31 South Third KlretL. Plilla.klpbla And Dealers In Government Securities. Apptiealioa by mail will reir prompt alien Hon, and all Informal;... ehoerfully forni.ked Orler onlirlrel. April ll.lf. gtutistrii. J. M. STEW AET, D. D. S., T" fIoee orer Jrwin's Drug Store. CVRWENt?VILIaE. PA. . All dental operations, elder In tbe mecbanient oroperatir braneb, promptly nttettded ta aad eatisraretrtin pfwmranteed. Ppeeial attentton paid t ibe Uwnlnient of diaeaaas of tho natural teeth, gams aud meutb. Irrcgnlarity af Ibe teeth sac cessfully corrected. Teeth eitrtuited witbont peiw by tbe use of either, and artificial teeth inserted of the best material and warranted ta render sat isfaction. aprllM' THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Maaafaetaecd ..perially for THR Cr.KARFIKl.V TRADE, roa aai.t ar .oilTt H. P. BT01ER A CO. pUBLKl NOTICE The intereei eg fmmm MeFarUnd. in a store al lUabrilita, hneing been pare based by me, en tbe Iv.h nf October, 1S74. Lhs business has Urea tn-.r then. tt J Wtt-rit.r wiii ee rondaetiHt in that store by the undersigned. JOIINCLAHK. a'tahviUtt, Dec. I. 1ST. Sm J 1ME! I.IME! The nnJenigned is now prepared to fern Us the publte with an excel lent ejue'ity of Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for pltntertng purposes, by the large or email quantify. Can be tonad for tbe present at Fie'a new building, on Market street. ocrtl if 1. K. MrCULLOt fiH. CUEAP GROCERIES! Lt'dMOKR CITY, fk. The undersigned annonneee tn bis old friends na natron inat ne nas openea n gee line OROJ F.UIKS dt PROVISIONS nt tbe etd sUad f Kirk di Spenewr, for wbieb be aolieits a lihvnU patrcoagn. II. W. PPKNCKR. LomWr City, Pa., March. ?Mf. UOX ANI) SHOE JIAK1.NG. JOSEPH H. tiKEKINO. oa Ma.krl ml. ia 8baw'a Row, Clearteld. Pa., haa Je.l rrreltrd . ia lot af Praaek Calf aklaa aad Elpi.tte boat I. lha market, aad la aow pre parr, aa wftB .faetwr rrylbiag la bia Ii. II will war rant bla work ta ke aa rrprereated. Tha eltlaana af Clearteld and firialty ar reapeetfaily iarlled I glr klm a call. Work daa at akert aollae. t.ll'I'l HOU.SE AND U)T FOR SALR Tb Hob and Lot oa lh orar of Mar k anil PiOk alraela, l lcaitrld, I'a., ll for mb. T,e lol eoataiae Brarly aa acre ot grooad. To, . . ior,r. 0001,10 mo, e.niui.1, -. rwoma. Pa terma and atker iaformatioa'apptf to tbe awbwerioM', at th. Poet Ome. tU P. A. AAl'LIN. Lime Tor Sale I THE aaderaigaed, rMidiag aoar lh depot kal made aempleta arrangement wltk Liaa Rnmere eaat f tb moaataia, whrby be ta eaa hkad t krp eaaataally oa band . large ,aality PURE LIME! which ha oicra to farmera and baildera al a trill ahoToat. Thna la Baad f th vtiek, weaMtl wall t (ire ma a call, or addraaa M by let let, be for. aogotlaliag Urn. OEO.a PASSEORE. Cloart.ld, Pa., Jaaa I, IMI. O. I. c. W 11 ERR ba hay my DRY GOOD. erlo, QaaoBawar. Olaaawara, Ilrer aad ""."..i voBniiBna, an,, eaeap ioi w Tb aaberriber hoge leara ba iaform kit eld eat aW awatoaaera lhal b ha, .poned A VARIETY STORE IN OLEN HOPE, Aad will aall good, at arte to rait th tlw. A mrerai rMat,oa wtu be made t lag al kaj- Call aad at.mlaa my Mock before psrrkaaial baawkar. A liberal ahar af pabli BatreaaiaH eoli.iud. C. J. It"'' Olaa nope, Pa., Jaaa 14, 1171. JOOK OUT FOE T1IE SIGN or TBI niCt CAST HOOKI MARKET STREET, CLEARPI2LD. Tha old OlaartalA Eiael.ier Ceal Hoot " dlaaolred, Bad a .aw aa formed by m"Z aaral aad 0. B. Merrell. T Clearteld. aad A Hoed, af Rmparlwaa, Cameo. aw.ty, tt P" ara. aad Jaa. B. Wateoa. .1 Clearietd. -al Ago.,. Jka aew amaaay wiU arry J" baelnea f maBBrWtarlag. eelHng and "Wrf" a Coal kUoae. wllk all tkwlr l"T"T, whttJi an ww part. at. AN rwarw t"r l. JAB. S. WATailHi JbIt 11, lift. Seal Al.