THE REPUBLICAN. I CLBARFIRLD, PA VYBDNK8DAY MORNING, MARCH 10,1875. Terms of Subscription, If paid in advane,or within three month .. J 99 ' paid after three ad before six months.,,.. S 60 If paid ftfr the expiration of all months ... I 00 Messrs. 8. U. l'lTTkMHU. A Co., New. ppr Advertising Agents, 17 Park How, corner Bsc men Street, art war dnly authorised Agent in Ksw York City. tvlOI.MilOUH NOTICES not . lat f-. tec opal Clinrcli-Rav. A. D. Tor en, j' ttor. Publi Brvic sry Babbeth U lJ A , end 7i P. M. Sabb.t i ehol at 9 A. M. Prey. atiai every Thursday, at ft P- . Cuns n tji tiorvieo, 0rt Sabbath of erry jonih, U A. M. Preabytarlait Church her. II. 8. services morning and niiig -tiab-bftth School at S I. M.Prayw Meeting Wcdne day waning. Mt. traucla CImrrli ( atholir Rot. P. J. 8ihhua. Mni at Ml, o'clock A. M., on tba ynl am) fourth Monday faeh month. OFFICIAL MHKCTORY. or loLniin via at ten swainxs coirt, flu and Monday of January. TVrd Monday of March. That Monday f Jon. Fourth Mnndy of Heptember. tiMi or holdivs common n..u. first Monday of June, booond Mooday of No vein bar. ri orpirRM. Wrfecl .fWyc-IIon. Charlri A. Mayor, ftf Lock Haven . A,tfiai 'M JnJgt Hon. John II. Orria, of Brllrfonte. Aocin'a William C. Foley, Clearfield; John J. Read, CunrennviUa, VatAoHuiary Kit I. loom. Htfittrr mnd Unorder L. J . Morgan. IHttrirt Atlornty Frank Fielding. Twxrr-lHiii W. Wise. Sheriff William R. Mol'hcrton. lmtnf Surftjfitr $muv P. .lcCI0fk-7. Cuf wensvtlle. , Count i Jummiiontr$jtin V. Thompson. Ctirwensvillet Clark !Jrewut Clearfield Conrad W. Kyler, Ur.thau.ten. Ounnty AmlttnJme II. II lit. Lumber City; Lewi C. Bloom, CtearfWId; Henry Whitehead, Unloo township. Jury Com m m i on rre John W. tihugnrt, Jaiuo Mitchell, Oarticd. SpritmUt Phlit A'cAoWs John A. Gregory, ClesrtMd. tVotenei PnktiJtAu W. Wrlgl, Wm. Ra debaugh, Cyrua h. tlordnn, Clear ft eld i Jnsiah Krana, Joseph II. Irwin, Curwcnsvlll i J. J. tin gle, Osceola Mills; Johnston Hamilton, Lalher borg. DEMOCRATIC MEKTING. - Tba lemoemtsof Clear ft eld county nr hereby notified to assemble, in the Court Room, In Clear. flM on Tuesday eTCtiliiff. March lUtli, 1811 (Court week) for the purposeof choosing a Repre sents tira delegate to the approaching Democrat i gist Convention, and to sclcot ihreo Cn 'arena to meet thorn of Clinton and Centre, for (be pur pose of electing a Senatorial delegate. WM. M.McCrLLOUMII, CtenrfWiI Fob. Sltli, 1875. Chairman. Urookvillo, liko llimtiniIon, n ni-: late'l otcr Ihe Water Worki quertiun. A iv-uiiioit nf the I'ommylvnnia Ko- ssrrcs Is to come off nt Wllliamsport on the 1 ofJune. ComTminion Rcrviccn wro hold in the Presbyterian Church last Sabbnth. ' Tbo W tllitimsport Sun wijh tho mntt-h factory In fbart city ia preparing the sticka for a factory In England. - m awn ' l.'ol. UurtMhorn hiw our thanks for aeopy of SuhiU's Hand lok and oiber Ugisla tlva documents uteful to printers. in - - Snow fell in thin region, on Siinduy night last, to the depth Of ftf teen inches, plump measure. Tbia la by Tar the hearlest fall of snow during this winter. Tho sentiment,' "Oh tho snow, tho beanuful anow," ia about flayed cut in thin latitude. Ti o did eh of a good thing to as bad as non. i ' - . m -e o , Damaokp Wo notice by a correfv dent in the itelleronto WaAwta, (bat tho recant fen wood done eoaeiderablo damage to tbo Karlhaua bridge, It boing barely pnasabt. Cocrt Next Week. Wo expect to aee nearly ail our patrons In town neit week, and havo tbarefoM praparod a fine lot of blank re ceipts, wbiah ws will fill op i Ihelr request for futuro os. ''"'" The CIpnrficbl County Normal School for the year 1A75, will be held In tho borough of Curwenavlllc, flommenoioc on Mooday, May 10th, lf76. Por farther information, address - . J. A. tlnioonT, Clearitld, Pa. More Notaries. Wo learn that Qor. Hartraofthaa appointed and oommlsaioncd Mr. H. X. Arnold, of CurwinaTiHe, and Mr. Km mat Savers, of Osreo'a Mills, aa N .tarisi Poblto. They are both genllanMn, aid folly competent for tho duties as lined there. .I, i--o a -' Mnney had a tire nn tho mnmin oflhiSdlost., destroying tho proportion of tho helre of Josbua How man and Baker Longcaka, and tbo itoh of T. Taggart A Co. Tho lose la estimated at I15.ltf. partially Inrwrcd. It la supposed to hare been tbe work of aa Incendiary, John Cooper, IVenidoiit of the Firnt National Bank of Columbia, and prominent oRlten of that bemugb, dlod on last Tbnraday night, after two weeks Illness. Ho waa aged 78 years. Kdwia Cooper, of tbla borough, and Jeremiah Cooper, of (Hon Hope, Ibia oounty, ant nephews of the decea-od. Incensed. The editor of tho Lock naren HtpuUitm inllmatMl a fow wteks ago that that city waa about aa bad aa Sodom and Gomorrah. The editor of tho Democroi denies tho charge, and elotos by aaylrg : MWo think to pat Look Haven on a grado with them Is great injustice." To which, Sodom or L Haven 7 Promoted. We learn that (lovornor II art ran ft has appointed oar member of Legislature, Col. W. R. ILirtohorn, 0 ember of his staff, with Ihe rank of Colonel. It la with pleasure that we ohronlcle this promotion of Ross, " b. I. frnllLrly b, hi. ..ighb.1 .nd nr. utltlod that th. eonfSdrnra rtpoard 10 him by Uil Kieellcncy will BOl b. riolaled. . m iT1 . A,ii.iri'l rnn.t MjirirrY ."EKTINO. OP AOBIC' LTURALrMKJlETl. A mMlm, of lha Clc.rflol.l Co.nty Ajr.oult.ral Roci.ty (ill b bold la th. Court Hon. a, at CK.r - old. oa Mond.T .realm. M.reb Itlb, Isti, for ,h.a.r... .f eltln. officr, for th. ntolni " ' ----- - year, Mi baai.ew. tb. trkaawtlua of othir laipon.ntl A. U. KnAMaa. Bea'y. NlW PoSTM AHTKB8. A rontoflW ka. kna at th. wot ead or ti. 8ua rnit lu.B.1, la tbla county, .ailed Babul., and Henry Doublet appointed .'o.lmaalar. Mr. Iaa.e ffblmtl ha. keen aipol.ted l.t ui.iler of the 41Im at W.llawt.a I Baiaa.1 Q. ' Kuala, at TraalTllta, aad tlra. Barak . B an.t!, I'o.lmi.ireu at Patehlatrillo, all la thit Kualy. CoAt Eovaltt. Tho Pliilipubnrff rfra.1 MaUa that Pell.rlll. puliM ha., baaed th. eo.l minei f J.mea P. .lata, of OtMols, .a the Maplrloa branori, aud it M repotted ar. t. pay .ln.te. t.aU per too royalty. it tb. lareal royally paid la tbit r,ia, but I. alt. tb. only aaae where lb, aiinea wir. tpMed, truck laid, aehut. moled, and a. or) thai la mnnlo, rd.r at tb. tint, .f Uatlne. Ki.MwtmTn on Snow. TI10 Philipa- kur( weatkeriook bad tbla lo y la kit l,.u. of Ik. lk latlaot : "Wedn.tday, Ihe third day of aprl.,, Vrou,ht the drepeH tu.w .r .ny d.y af taw reaaoa. II It waa aot for th. ..fallible .lataaae, w tboald lot know that eprin, waf here. Woudar what th. a. a. Ihou.kt wli.n b. got ap o noraiag. eh f . in, ia. Rati. Fit O1.0 Bi ttb The t'otitre Hall Jfrmrfer uyt t "At Hub Ur taer'f rale, la Pen tawatblp, oa Ikareday law. a pair af, .110 la geo "dor, irare k.vk.d of t. Olh Urlaw. wer. Hade fly year, ag. for fllb't faiker, aad after th. dca'h af lb, laltae, war. bought by ITagh .1 tba n't of deeeaMd't pereeaal pr prrlf , aad ao Ike, bar. bet bought bark agaia hy kit foa Olb, af Pluaat 0p." i ' .ttHTietifi. -Wo notitw y tho O.Mle, that J.d,. Orrla if at Bedford Rpriaga ar aw by. Tha Jearaal la quoottoa aaya i "Ilea. Joha n. Orrlt, Addltloaal Law udgi af tbe Utk Jadlalal PletrM, It ptwelding arar lb. aevMaJ Crta la tkit aaaaty, tale week. II. hue already ma. beitt af friend, ha oar tablet J.dg. Orel, baa atad. for hlatalf aa en? labia tesaUtkaa, (la, ka baa doaaed Ike JadklM tetauaa, mt will aaaa teaod ra aba fraal raakt of tb. fadl.larr la tha Hate." Ir.ATii op IIakvry Mann. Wo ctironklvd tha dlaaitar on tka Pao-HmdU lUil road, faw wcaka ago, Mr, Mans via en of tbt V let 1 nil. the Ittllrfonto atclnm, nf lie alb Inat , aayi i ' "On Friday murnlug lail a diialeb waf rc etivtd tbal bt nt failing rjpldly and could II vt but a Urn boura. That afernN Mrs. Mann, bit inolhar, atarttd for RiruliantllU, arriving tbrra on niurdny morning, a fw htmra bafora brr ton died. 11 traa eonMloua all tba lime, and thagrlettd mother had tba aad MlitlacdoQ of being reoognlard by biro. The remains were 1 brought home In a (iinl train, arriving licraon Sunday. On Tuesday (be fiineral took plaoe, and It waa one of tba largtat tvar tern la Ihia part of the country, there bring aouie tlgbty tebU'lci In the proovaiion. "Harvey Man waa 87 years of age, and n gen tleman of very quiet and retiring wsnotr. 11 wai a empable and mcrful bnstnrat nan, and waa the comfort and tolaoe nf hti whlowcd mother. Ha waa unmarried and rich, aud generally eateened by everybody. Ilia funeral waa largely attendrd by tba workman who emloyr bo waa, and wba all deeply ngrot hla untimely and uel- aneboly fate. "Tbo aeeident which eauml Mr. Mann a death ' was precipitated by a brtkiu rail, whirb threw the ears down au cmbankmrnt twmly-Dve feet high. His wounds went a terrible one In Ibe bead, reaching from tba right eye almost to the base of (be skull, and other wounds on lli fore head, breast and sides, four doctor attended him, and, until Friday morning, be waa not eoa lidered to be In danger. Immediately after lb newa of Ibe aeeident a as received here, Mr. Cameron Uurnslde, his cousin, startedfor Stoubea tllle, and wss with bin through all bis trouble. "Mr. Mann waa tba grandson of Ike lat Jodgo Thomas Born side, and the nephew of the late Judge James Burnslue." A New Bridok Tune. it npiwRm that bridges where public nccesilty demands them, are not as odious, nnncoesssrjr and ei penatva as they "used to was." This wo Infer from an Item on that subject, which we clip from tbe ttrtillt, or ihe M Inst., which reads aa follows : "'It dues seam Strang that the actual wants of the eitisens are ignored in bridge matters in one part of the oounty, while magnificent Iron struc tures are put up in other parts." Well, all we hare lo say is, let those who re side In the viciaily where a bridge la a public necessity "come down on paper" for one-balftbe cost of building a bridge, and we will do our 'level best" to prevent tbem from being "Ignored" and assist in bringing Ihelr case before "tlie proper authorities." Bridges ever large at reams at a pub) ie crossing are as netessarry, la our estimation, aa is a Court House, or prison, and no section or tho county will find us 'going baok on Ibeiu" if the people make their wai.ts known in the naual way. The amount of private subscription raised In tbo vicinity where a bridge la demanded, is the very best tost that ean bo applied. It Is very easy U ascertain what a bridge will eosl. Hay from $.',t.'fl0 lo $10,001) fur on and two span bridges, from one hundred and siity lo three hundred in length. After learning tbe probable oat, and getting "lots" of money subscribed, we would almost guarantee that Ihe "proper authorities" will assist those who mnko a reasonable effort o I help themselves. ! A Pleasant Surpiuhb X'artv. A surprise party waa held in humbor Llty, no Wedncadav, Ihe l'lhof February, tn oclebratetue Mth y ar or Mrs. Kve Jordan, wife of Jubo Jor dan, Br., deeuased. Tbe party waa hold at the residence of Mrs. Kusan Young, one of the daiigh ters. A host ofrelatlrei from nil quarters Mtue iilouzhing through snow-drifts tumbling in, group after group, ladenod with good things, much to tbe surprise of tbe aged grandmother. Mrs. Jordan, although she has seen the frosts of many winters, la comparatively healthy. Hav ing lon taken some three or four years ago with a paralytic stroke, her limbs are rendered some what helpless, yet aha can knit, lew, and see clearly without tbe aid of glassea. She is the mother of thirteen children, all of whom arellriog but three, and all reside in Clearfield county, with tho ex ecT) t ion of two sons In Nebraska and one daughter in Illinois. Her grand-children nam ber eighty-one, and great-grandchildren eighty three. Of tbia total, alty-H feasted with her on tbe above named dny. The company was highly entertained in tba evening by tbe Lumber City Baud, who to return were treated to an oyster supper and other delicacies, of which they par took heartily. Thua ended a d.ty long to be ro uiciubcrcd j because a reunion of tbo same friends, on ajtke occasion, will doubtless aiaver occur again. ' ' ' A Gumiinq Purr. Tho editorof the JuAoaiRf Argus, after attending Court for two weeks at Brookvllle, thus relieves himself after hla return home to Puntsutawoey : The Rrookvllle bar U well known throughout the I'oited States as one of unsurpassed Integrity, learning and ability. The members are nt daly courteous, but they love one another. There is not below tbe Uonrt or Heaven, a purer juurt than Jenka. There Is not aa eleioont of thought that makea or mores bta soul, but seems to bare been efluied from tbo frontal Mind, in whom we all live, and more, and have our being. May be ili-a Inn, as an eiamnle 10 Bis ieilws, ana n bless mankind with the Jnst administration of the laws. When the righteous rule, toe people re joice. Were It aeeessary to Inform our readers more fully upon tho question nt lasne, we would state that ihe editor In question la member of that bar of "unsurpassed Integrity, learning and abili tv." and that "tbe Court below" and "the Court of II- aven" nre a considerable distance apart. ItoBBED. Mr. Kilwwd JiilniHon, of lb. Hroek.rhoir II, .om hor., wm m .nf.rlun.lf lo h.T. bl. trunk brvk. op. .nd robbed on liond.; of U.l k. 11 contaiifd IhiT'j ll.r. in bill, tr doll.r. in lilvor, ..d on. dollar In ,old, mil of which w.l t.brn. Ra.plelon rvatinl on on. or two p.ron,, but fabtfqu.nt.strain.j tion ,howod th.m to bo tnpoornt, ..d ,ino, th Ib.rt hot not bw. flicd n .ny on.. It it to b. bopod tb.t th. tbief n.y yet u d.tMtMl .nd puni.hrd. Bttltfont Iiint of luttcrti remaining uiu'luimvd In tb. PottoliH .t Cl.trn.ld. for th. .! .nding M.roh lib, lots I B..hon. A. Holloa, D. X. 11.11, MiH M..III. Uti.r, Thonu 11.11, Wri. M.ry A. McUHrrty, t. D. Il.iloy, Mit. H.rnh 1'ropl.t, N. Ilalky. Miu J.n. (t) R.i.orth, M.(l. Il.lo. llirton Vrmplr., Kmily Pr.nw.llt, Mr. White, J.m.a Urnrry, Cb.rlM Hooh, Mary V. r. A. UAUI.1N.P. M. tCHOOL MANAGEMENT. ' Kri.r.To.i. 1'... Fob. tih, 1873. Ur. Kl.rro. irinM olkw in. . abort tpao. I. your oolumna for hittory of tho duinf. ol on. 'ZU , ,nl s,0 Ui.trlel tor .m, of Ihe ari(hboro U haul al.r for alran.p t.ho.1 houaea, the trnohar and ,cbnl.r. elp.i.lnr tbe rVhool room. B.t th. Ui.r of lb. Hickory ll..llo Bchool , , , u ,M 1,0. ,h. Hoard. fWry 0, ,,j,Ml.4i,g ,he elreumtunK, for bi, 1 llta for kaolin, a barrel of water, wkil. he ! ele.ned lw. wind.., Ike t..h .nd ai,hte.a W 1"lbl lha Uaala .f aaid eho.l room, now t, tb.i lor .ia. r ws.. t Bptciatt. IUel.,1 at T. A. Pick Ca. . thie week one a.nrlm.ol of WliiU U,Hlt fur Spring trada, ebeap for oaak. laoa III in. Th. Inert areortrapnl of l.adlet TIN la town, at T. A. Fleck A Co't. tall and ee. tbew. aichlll Calieoa. aaualiDa, linahaiaa aud drort goodr. new, all will b. ftdd cbvp lot caen .1 aa.k IV r l.A.tlininavum Mew n.pblai of all kind! aad prim, at eaak II. T. A. PLtitaV t CO 8. Tha nlao. to g.t your motlee. at at mrk li. T. A.H.Kl K A CO S Aaelher aew Hoe of black alpaoaa a aptcialty al I. A. Heck A Oe a- Vail aad lee tkem. tacn 10. Mcmembar th. nlac new Ilea, all tba Bow ahadel I T. A. PLaXk A t-Oo. m.k 10. Boiantaa. Pint elan baardlng.wltb pleaaanl roomi, in a deilrable hMatUtD. l.rut. mod.rau. Apply to Mrt. Met lellaa. Oppotit. Ioaard Uradcd Hebool, tt. New kid glorot for g.ota, at mck io. T. A. FLECK i C0t. New1 .mbKlderlw, Bow imliroldeilil, ehtapn Iban crer, nt mck 10. T. A. FLKCK A CO'S. While eklrtl, whiu Bhlrta, for gtutt al m.k lo T. A FLECK i COS. rtaatait. A ear load of llantlagaoa groaad plaatcr iu.1 reeeired al KRAT.EH A LYTI.K . Clr.rfi.ld, March a, Ult ima. L. Flegal kai nr.. t. tha eily and tad, gowdi rer, low I. price, aad la oarnng bis au meant and natron, aalraordi.aiy bargeiai, each aa were ae,.r belore eflered la Ibi. Maaly. .'traoar will aa w.U by glnag kiaa a .all before goieg elae.hare. -, Fl,(al fayt ka Wifl ailoalih kit (iialtmerl wllk low priewt. "'" riagej le tcll.og .1 al eoet la prepare for pria, trade. .J.-au Flegal atlMnf gewdt la wet Ike llnea. j Fab, tl-tli ' Aiai -tUtanty Ire d.sM Cbmrteld Wood ekopaer. Ate. at pARtr t Pauk! 1 do to eli-nira II yon want go jiIi at low prltaa. Peb. H-i. j Klagal aclla the Parkor liocU Mil Bbooa. Plcgal hai tba laU ityla HaU. Vvhihd 500 Dumllea will pay euh. Prb. U:li. f itraw, for which I jAUl't L. Liavt Tim llMfr m MAKKkT. Wo I. Meaa Mackerel, tba Brat aver oltwd In thin Market, fresh, fat and deliaioua. Tbey are not No !' with tbe bonds out on.ana tar superior (o ro. i a wuu aaauson. in quire lor Mr Markarolat Uee. HSm. tlTLB A MlTfUlLI.'B. R. U. M'Unally'a adrertise tnent In rt gard Ut Life Intnraoat- 'y Call on R. M. M'Knally and got your lire In sured in the Old Continental Life Insurance) Com pany, of Hartford, Conn. anglt-ly III uuiri Pon 8ai. R. Newton 8baw keeps n fall supply of Predoma Hujcglea and Plalioroi Wagons for sal. Tu bo aen at the Hbaw House yard. Call on or addresa him at CtearBeld Penn sylvania mmy IS tf. Wood and Willow Wnj-a nf all descriptions for ",u " M"r . Rare Time! Hare Labor! Baio Muuoyl Sara Clotboal The" Navally Wringer" is tbe beat 1b tba market, liny II) try It. Por cale by II. t. Diai.RR A Co. Just received, a largo lot of noo-tiploeive Lamps and Lanterns at v-IWS .. i H. F. Biota 4 Oo'a. Kiirifra to Waqos akd-Cahmiaqk MAKana. We havo iust received a ircneral assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Bpiiuga and Axles, wbteu wa oner cneap lor oasn. . . 11, F. Hiolsr A Co. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for sals by It. Blgler A Co. ' II. V. Rigler A Co. have been making ei tensive additions to their stock 01 Jiaraware ine n nw days. Kverytking new in Hhslf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Parmera' Hardware, builders Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be'seen at their store, May 21. Tnia ! Persona whocontcmplate building will do well lo cull and examine eur stock of HUIUUNU MATERIAL. We have In atocka full line or Builders' Hardware, Nails, PsinU, Oils, dims Putty, I ale i nod Plaster, Ac. Biy.'N lit II. J. iui.n m v w. Hawo. Diatan'a Cross-cut Raw, Ureat American Saw, Horn ton i Lightning Haw, at aw, at ' P, Diolm A fV. Jl. A fnll line of Household Uoeda, Japanned Ware, Ac, Tor aale by 11. P. Bigler A Co. Pajsts as PawticbV FinniJMiB. Our atock of I'aiulf and Painiera' Materials ia ooia-'-stOj in niu.iintr .1. 'I. lrfiwii' I'ure White Lead. John Lu cas A Co a l'uro nntte ieau, r. n. v Lead, and a number of cheaper brands of White Lead; also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Yarnishesof all kinds, a full line of Brushes, aud a fullliaeel colors, drf and In Oil. ' ' my28r3 II Hioi.nn vo. RKCAPITULATION. Bird Cases. Wood and Willow War.) ilousKhold floods. All kiodaof Hardware. Jnpanned Ware. J'cints, Oils, Yarnlahos.- 4'sJolned Plaster.. ' :i in "Au - V..fia..(hB.mothHard - '"""',". , v... V... vir. Aa.ii'.lh.muiTDmn- to I)r. Morri.- H.rop of T.r, Wild Cb.rry ii . ir . .. L ..It .1 o.r Holt. Wm,l.,,l. t Holt, W.IIM.I.H , H. E. II-1, Willi.n', Uror.. M.rob U lj. Bird CngM l.r h Co. .. Urf o MXortment- .tn.r. Bif- Hootonr 81.1. Point., for nnintloK houtpl In .ilr mild, V.m llail.lln,,, o. Uoatiful, d.r.1.1. pd woftomif.1, , Uro.nd in puro Oil. my37 II. t- Bioi.m 1 Co. C.loin.d Pl..t.r for ul. by II. T. Blirl.r t Co. Oa TIiorid.T. Pcb. ISth. 17S. by K.r.Wa. II. Dliu Mr. I.KWIS C. SHAFP.NIiH and kliee ANNA II. HKKI1ICK, both of Lawrence Iowa thip, Clearfield eounty, 1'a. At Bldgwar, P.., on Friday. Feb. IBIh, 1B7S, by Sooir. CiiMim. Mr. UII.I1KKT I.A MOW -T'AtirK. of I'ennlialrt, I'learlleld enuntr. Pa., and Hut II.IZAHKTH llll.K, of 8U Meryl, ia eounty, 1'a. On Sunday. F.b. a I it, by Rcr. I. N. Ciovan, Mr. ). W. OIIDEX aad Mill M. L. HOt'SAI,!., both of ClnrOeld eouaty, P.., At tbe Lutheran P.rtMag. la La Unrlharg, Pa., i Mondar, Feb. l?d. I;i, by Her. K. Maaaai, Mr. I'KIIHV IIOOVKIt aud MieaSABAII lir.,1 UuMCKd, both of lirady towoibis Clearncld aunty, ra. Oa ToeadaT. Feb. Md. UT5. at th. rel.lcao. of the officiating clergymen, Rev, Mit.aa, Mr. UKOKIIB HKltKllLINU.oruiearn.lo ooaa- ty, and Mira MArtv n. l.iu.l, oauguier oi Joaa Lroata, K..., of Jeffereon Munly. . Ah Pri.l... V.h .4th. laTA. be CnAm.ea Ro- a.rKr., Ko., at hi. reeidenee, Mr. JAMK8 W DKVI.IN. of rrnnr)eld, Clearilel.1 eounty. P.., aad MiH MAKY IiKWALU, of HI. Marya, Klk uaty, Pa. , , At llnlonrille, on Thurtday, Feb. Jitb, 1175, by Rev. J. V. It. ll.'i.Hat. aaailted by Her. N. II. kllLi...toi tuoeoia, ar. ji.ri.un w.'m.r.., Tynna, Pa., and Mitt BARAH M. McKWKN, of I Dionnll., centre eouoiy, ra. 0a Thiimlay, Feb. J.Hh, 1B7S, hy A. W. R.r- uon, Brq., Mr. ltullf.Kf Minur.l. arm ante MARV A. 1I0LLKNIIACK, bulb or Morn. townahip, Clearlcld eounty, P.. At Ibe rriidene. of A. W. Lea, K-q , oa Tuea- day morning. March Vlh, l7, by Hev. A. ti. Vnmiir IL... A. U. MrULUHbK). or tne .1. A. Church, and Ultf WII.Lt.TTA C. LKB, or Olcarlitld, Pa. ' ! I f ' The aubalauliel. Wultik accotspaaled tbif wa- tlca, makct It plain la af that tbe Rer. gentleman baa drawn an ordinary prlt. en tblt aeeailoa. "Et ti. Le." It ao mora at lueh. A long and bap. py nnion It conceded ta both by the writer. ltJ. , . . , At ber r-H'leooe in Ilnmbarger.'cieoraeld won ly, Pa.. Monday. Feb. 1Mb, lH. Mr. HACHKL J. McSHKK, widow of Wm. Mrtinan, aged 61 year, 10 months and 14 days. At flrant fltalton. on Batunla. Feb. Wlh, 1875, Mr. BARAH JANK MAX WgLL, daughter of II r. Ai.bkrt Nbwrli.. of Ponnfield, Clearflelfl eounty, Pa., aged SI years,' II won tba aad 32 days. 1 Near Rumliarger. Clearfield county, Pa., on Wnan.lxr. Fob. 24th. Mi. QKOllMK WASH INtiTON, laiant ta of Jvm Pait raa, aged T months and lo days. In Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa., nn Prtdftr, Prb. Mih, 1H74, ItKHKCCA FAKLKY, wife of MrtoMia ad 8 year. In Rrady townabip, Clearfield coon If, P., on . l, . a..L IJ.I UlUllL'l. S. naturnny, roc. s.n, .' aged H8 year. 1 month and S days. lVniisj 1 vanlo ltallrond TVROSS et'cLEAHHELD BIUNCU. nN and after Mooday, NOV. 16, 1874, the V7P assenser Traiaa will run daily (eieept Sun days) between Tyrone and Clear lie Id, as folio we CLB AKPIKLD MAIL. W. C. InwiK, Conductor. LBAVR SOUTH. -LKAVK NORTH. Cl.arOeld 1.40. r. a. Philipaburg 4.S., " Oaoeola 1.1", " Tyroaa... ., " Tyrant .... I OO.A.u. Otccola 10.10, Pkilipabur(...IO l, ' Olearheld .....11.10, CLKARFIKLU IXI'KKciH. W. B. rtraaaa, Conductor. HAVE so i; Til. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield I.5 Tyrone t.10 r.M. Phillmburg.. I. .VI lntereeetioa...T.ll Oaeeola 4. 49 Oeceol. I.H " PhillpabBrg,.JI. " Clearti.ld. or. ..!. " Inlerteetlon.. 0.4t Tyrone.. I.b. TV RON K STATION. BAITWAHn. A a I w.BTwaan. A a Miled Train, . lilt t'lncintl Kiprcat, 4-II Paclflc Eaprrit, t 14 a Way P.raenger, 1:11 Mall Train, S 4I Fait Line, iikl Pa.Hl Klprrw, 0:17 llarrhlinrg Ace'm, T:o, p a MallTral., liti Atlaatio RiprrlB, fi'94 I'hila'da liprets, 10 13 The Mall make. el.a. conBeetlen wltk Atlantit Kipreiieatt al :4. arrl.l.g .1 llarrlaliarg at IIHl. t. a and at I'klladelpbia at A. a. and wllk Mall well .1 till, Brrlelng at Alison, at 7:11 m u. and at Pitt.burrb at 1:40 A. a. The Hi pren Mnnecti with Paelte Kapra rait .1 k:IT A. .. arrielag at IfBrrlaburg at 11:01 A. a. aad at I'hiladc i.bla at 4:1. r. M-i aad wita faciue at- preai waft al t-U A. a., arrlrlng at Altooaa at ff:.o a. a. aad Plltrburgh at 1:00 r. a. Leaving Phi adelnhieea lae facia, n.preae at nr.. r a. lb. Mall at 0:00 a. a. and Plttaburgb .a At lantic KiprcM al 1:10 p. at. or Paeld. Kiprea. .1 3:10 A. a., maa .ion tonnertina a, lyrooa wuu trait, for Clearfield. N. 11. Tha Mail traia arrirea .1 Carwea.. villa at ll:3A A. a., aad le.?.. Carweaaeille at g:00 r. a. . The Ripreea arrirea at tame plea, at O:o0 l. w., remaining 10 mlautaa, .retaralng ta Claarfied, luaree Clearlcld fur Tyruae al 4:1b A.M. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Ballcfonte, Pa ! It Mid.llel.wa tt 01 Marietta Ill Laneaater I It PHILADELPHIA 7 Ot Altoana...B,. 1 It J.ihaatowBWMM 1 1 lk ll.r.n..... I JO Wllllam.norl 1 10 Huali.g.l'.aMM.... I 10 Leaiatewa. M. 1 10 Maryirlllo- . 4 M HARR1KBURU 1TTHDURU I II Clot, eonaertieaa Bad. by all train at Tyroaa aad Lack Haraa. - BivlT-rf- rlanerlnteBdenl, Sheriff's Sale. "ffTlY vlrlaa of writs of leeors fri; U- I owed out of tke Court of Common Pleao of UeerAeld county, and to me directed, there win be exposed to P V ULICHA 1.E, at the Court House, In the borouih of Clearfield, on Monday, 1Mb dav of Maroh, We, at 1 o'clock, p. m., tbo t.,lnmlar HmI Kslale. to Witl All the mhi. title, inter it and claim of tho Derbr Coal Company, of Ibe Slate of Pennsylva nia. th nrndaDt. of. In and to all that eortaia tract, or piece of land, altealo In the township of Decolor, in tbe oounty of Clearfield and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described no foiiowa, to wit : Beglnaiog at a post, eeraer of George 8b all a, In the meadow below tho Coal Bank t thence by land of Teals, north 11 dsgreea west 77 perches to a pest lhaoce by residue of tract of Joseph Whitehall, south o;t, degrees west 104 perches to a noati tbeaoa br tbo same, south twenty-ail and a ball degreea east oereniy -seven perches to ft post In Meorgc Hhulla linej thence by land of Bhulta, north sitty-tbreo ana a nan oegToeo eaai one hundred and four percuss to we piaoe or oe Sinning, oontaiaing forty nine acre and one bun red and sixteen Dt-rches. Also a certain other piece of land, adjolnlog tbo above, bounded as fellows, to wit t Rcgioulng at a post In the southwest corner of the above tract I thence by land of Lloyd, north twenty-eli and a halfdeg.aea woat fifty-two ond half perches to a poatt thence by land or tbo same, ncrth alxty-throe and ft half degree oast lot perches to a post in an old lino thence by landa of Phillips and Test, south lift degree art olj perches to n bimh sapling on tbe former tract f theaee by said tract south i degree wast 104 parches to the place of beginning j ooo taininx thirty-fuur acres, and twenty perehea j both the said p lee re making Bi acres, mora or less, being pari Ol a mrger traoc or taoa, war ranted in the name of Joseph Whitehall. Also, That certain piece or tract of land, sltn ale In Decatur township, Clearfield euwnty, and Btato aforesaid, boua ded and described as fol lows; to wit: Also, All those alt certain eontiguaut tracts or parcels of land, lying on the water of the Mo rn an noa creea, ia ine oouniiee ei vieamem aaoi Centre, In tho Stat of Pennsylvania; One tract on the east side of Moshannon creek, In Bush township, in the county of Cvntro,aforo eaid, beg i unit g at a peat of tract, John Wide man and Jacob W idem an j tbenoc by Jobo Wide man, north 40 degree west 08 perches to an old sprue corner, near Moehanaen ereek ; thence by treat of Robert Oleon, and lands of Johnson and Bowman, north degrees east 461 perches to a pest on the east side f Moshannon thence north 31 degreea east M perches to a post i thence by tract of Jacob Resh, couth 40 degree ast 1H9 norebe to a nost : thence bv land of IJsory Craminand, south iQ degreea west 6 1 flf porch to n post, and place ol beginning i being Ihe sane tract or Ion eurveyec nnoer warrant, so Jaeob Wtdsman. and contain ine 4(13 acre and 3& perches, and an allowance of (I per ceou for roads. On other troot, situate partly In Rneh tewn shia. Centra county, and partly In Morrla town ship, Clrarfleld county, adjoining and bounded by tracts surveyed on warrants, to Jacob Wldeman, Robert Oleon, David Lauch, Ueorge Habakcr and Jess larnaU, aad containing o4 acres, more or less, being tbe aarna tract surveyed on l warrant granted to Peter Tarnall. One other tract situate principally hi Ruab township aforesaid, aegiunlag at a map! corner of Jess larnell ; thence by ant, north 7ii de gree wsr-t lO.'t) porch to a maple, on tho bank cf Moehaneon creek i thence down the earn 791 i acrcbes to a poet t thence hy land of Jacob Keen. aura OS aecreess west pervuM iv ia uibvd of beginning; eontalolng 431 acre, and al- owance of sia per cent, lor roaus, c, eeing amo tract surveyed on warrant to Benjataing Martin One other tract situate in Mrrls township. aforesaid, beginning at white oak corner of Pe- terYarnall t bene by same, north 67 iegreeo 71 ,lrKrrr, m.1 bnli Mo.hniMio erh i Ihraw by . I bl.ok '' 7''' J'"r!J' V!L" p.n.h to .kin o.b I lbo. loolb .0 J.,t. "''"JlZ 1' Job. Una lhr tract, aarryd on warrant to John Wideman, brginning at a post oath west aid or the Erie Turnpike ; tbeoee by residue or tract William Poller north 40 degreea weet S3 4-4 per. i a. .1 1.. I-...1 . Warn. lf..l.l. encs, n a i im " nonli TH decree east Ac 1-fc uerchei, tc a poatj thene north 87i degree vest 70 prchee to line of Wm. Potter; thence hy aaid tract north 47 dt-Krees west 1IHI parches, to an old beerh nfimr. acsr Luk Lombard; theaee by John Reed north T5 degraea cast ifJ perehea, to an old ash t thence by surrey of Patrick It ay a noun v dames east 3 10 pe rebec, to an old hickory stump; thence by tbe same north 41 degree east 44 perches, to an old dead birch j thenoe north ft degree east .m percnee 10, a p" v " i .hm non creek i thene bv the earn north 62 de gree east 80 perches to aa old forked maple on bank of creek j tbenoc by Robert titans north 641 degrees east 6H percbe to an eld hemlock ; theoce by Jaoob Wideaaa south 40 degree coat 0H perehea , to a post In lino of tract of Jacob Mycrt tnene oy ean .rac maw mm vt vuua U v.r Miaath M decreae wesUtO peroheo to a post; tbenoc by Kite Turnpike south ttd degreea west 6 ! perches north 46 degrees weet perehea, north 7ft degrees west 9 perehea, south Oft degree west f 6 perehea, sooth 67 degree wt II perch, to I pot and place of beginning ; containing 441 acre, It perches, and allowance. And one other tract, aurreyed under warrant to Jacob Heh, beginning at a post comer of the new turnpike) tbeae by traoU of Chrt-I tlan Musser and Andrew Urafi onth 0 degrees west 1 60 percbe. to a post of Joha Wiseman ; thene by th sam north 46 degree wet I4t perches to a post ; thence by traot of Jess Tar nall north 71 degree eosl VI perehea to on old, wblto oak ! tbeoee by asm north 11 degrees east fl7 parches, to a post ; theao by same north IT i degreea weet 100 perches, to an old white oak, tnene by traet oi Deajemia iurua winn oe decrees east 102 perches, to and old cherry tree, on bank ot otcek thence south 40 degrees east 220 perches, to tb place or beginning ; contain-; log ShO acre and 22 perahe, and allow taee ; be- i las' the same aix tracU r piece of land and , premises which John Trucks and ol hare, by laden-1 turc, dot hth day cf October, 1106, greeted aad ' coBvyed to Jam Nelson ia foe, who cold aad conveyed tb sam to aaid defendant, tho Darby Coal uompany, oi in oisie oi reoaayiraaia. Toaua or Bal- Tb price r aum at wbich th property aball be atrack off mast be paid at tb time of sale, or aach other arrangement made aa will be approved, other is th property will be immediately pot ap aad cold agaia at tbe expense and risk ol tb person le whom M wa struck off, and who, a ease oi neacteaey el Owen re-sals, shall make good tba aanse, and In no In stance will tbe tOecd b prcecaled in Court for confirmation nates the moacy Is actually paid tbo Sheriff. W. k. M. PHkka jm. haaairr Orntca, I - Bhcritr. Clarfild, Pa., Fab. 17, 187. ) JEGITE1VS KOTICET Notie 1 hereby riven that the following a connts have been examined and passed by me, and rem sin filed of record in this ofno for th In spection of beira, legatees, creditors, and all other Interested, and will be presented to th neit Or phans' Court cf Clearfield eounty, to be held at the uoun nonsc, in in eurougn oi viBe,rnrin, huh. mencingon th Id Monday (being lb 1Mb day) Of March, A. D. M70! Fioal account of Juki Bloom, guardian of Sa rah Jane Owens. Looisa Owens, Loreate Owens, David Owens, Henrietta Owen, Ellen Owens aad Him on P. Owen, miner children of Levi Owens, late of Pike township, Clearfield eonoty, dee'd. Final account of J. 0. flhaw, administrator of all and siocular tba roods and chattel, right and credits which war of Martin Klin, late of Lawreno township, Clearfield eouaty, deceased. Parti) account of Tijlor Rowles, administra tor of all and singular lb good and ehatula, rights and Mlts which were of Uevtrgc Howies, lat ot bwrepc fwniiin, ccarpeia ponnty, uc erased. t. 3 MOBOAV, feblt to Hegister A Recorder, II VLK ON II KIRS. Ia th. matter of lb. .itabt of laaa. Dr.aek ar. deeeaecd. To Leak tloodltadcr aad Denl.l Oaodlaad.r, b.r kuib.ud, Levi Draueker, A. M. ilruucker, tl. I. 0r.uck.r, Jamai .1 Draueker, Har.h Healt, in. tarmarried with Johoavn 8.014. Mary Beolt, Catb. artne Smith aad t'hrllliaa Smilb, ber haebaud, llelca Flegal aad L.TW rlegal, b.r hueband, llannab llot'eyand Kdward llelley, ber hatband, KIim Kodgera and IIbbIbI Rogcra, bar hoahand, and Mary ilrauck.r, th. widow, heir, aad legal rcpreeeatattvea of I aaaa Uraaok.r, lat. af Urady lowaehip, Clearacia eounty, aeoeaeow, una to an other pereoat intercled, greeting t , Clearlcld County, at: ' You are hereby eltcd to b. and appiar before the Judge, of our Orphan.' Court, at an Orphaaa' Coart to be held at Cleatfield, oa tba third Mna. day of March, A. D. Wt, tbea .ad Ibar. to ao eept ar re fa a. 10 take tb. real .tut. of laaa. Iiraucarr, oeeeaaeo, iituaie in nrany wjwn.o.p, C'ltarfleld eonnty, Pa., at th. .ppralaod valuation, rut upon It by ihe aaid Coart, and retartrad hy be SberlrT ea Ihe Itlb day af Nor.mher, lift, ar ahow raate why tbe tame aboald aot b. told, and hereof fall aot, Witucaa lha Honorable C. A. Mayer, Prerid.nt Judge, at Clearlcld, tkll Ilk day f Peoruary, 1171. L. J. kaOllOAN, ftoJt lt Clerk of Court. It ULE ON IIEIRS.- I. lb. niattr, af Ike litalitf William Kirk, Tolirarlai Lalkw, Mary Ana lllhee, Jneeph II. Kirk, Bill. Ktra, nraay r. hub, w. Khk and Thomaa Kirk. Jr.. aad Ua.ld Reama, tkelr gaardlaa, llarbara Kirk, Ike widow, krlre and legal repreoealatlee, af Willi. m Kirk, lale af lirady low.ihlp, Clearlcld ewaaty, deeaafed, aad to an otner aereoae laiereeira, groouag i Clearlcld Coanly, an Yea are kereby eited ta b. aad appaar aefnr. Ui. Jeeget or .ar orphaa- coart at aa urpaana Court lo t bold at Clearfield, .. tk. Iklrd Moo day of March, A. D. 1171, thea aad there to ac eept or refut. lo Uke tb. real eatato of aaid W II liim Kirk, deeded. illuaU la Brady lowaikls, Clearlcld Pa., at tba appralaed rdaatloa pat apoa ubob il by aa iaquMt duly .warded by lb. raid Ce.rt, and relumed by aaid lau,aeet aa tha lib day af November, 1174, ar ahow eauae why tha tarn, lhaald Bet be aeld, and hereof fall aot. Wltaoal lha v. a. mayor, rren de.t Judge, tt CMBlleld, tbla Ilk day af Febra ary, IITt. L.J. MOHOAN, lebM It Clerk el Court. ANTED. AORNTK. mala .nd Maul., la i.ll PleturM every where. FoaHeia Ikowaaad reUiled by .a. AnMher wrltae: "I ra make more meaey ia tkl. baalneet tkaa I aaa aa a lll.tM f.rm, all flocked." WBITKET A CO., Ftb. I, llTt rm 1 ora(A Cok,. grtd'f Column. 1875 TpViTr' 1875 Consult Your Interests I WILLIAM REED BOOM Xo. 2 PIE'S OPKRA HOUSE CLEARFIELD. PA., Will apea aboat March Ilk, KTi, a Tory large Block af DRY GOODS, aaltab'a for tb. MHI. Uarlag purehaeod pre kloat ta tk. recent adraaaa, I eaa aell geode at pricei a. rer belore .feted la Ibil market. 2,000 jdl beat quality feat rol'd print, at l att. 2,100 4,010 1,000 1,001 M, ,! ; " -i . Ti ( ; -f "... , IfOt. cry gee bl'hd analla yd wd II U. "'tlCfllOwt 1 " - lJtF. 1,000 " ginghams, vary grd II ot. A large assortment Alpaca Lustre, only M et. together with a full lin or gblrtiage, Cotton ads, Drill, Je aad CaMlmerca, that will astonish , 1 . ALL PAPER ALL PAPKR ALL PAPIER ALL PAPKR ALL PAPER ALL PAPER A vary In. of Wall P.p.r. keweet tl) lee, at prlcat tbeaper lhaa .find were kefuiw. . , AM ENTIRE NEW STOCK CURTAINS it FIXTURE NEW CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, , FOR TAULI AND FLOOR. Doa't fall le tall aad lee. H.ring engaged. Irit-tlai. Millaerfrom Pkll- adelpkia will opea at proper Beal.a lb. aaeat Hack at : ,, , . . MILINKRY GOODS tvor kroigbt t tojvn, ml tbla Ir-iB of bual- ness will b glrsa thnrougk attention. , , Ilarlcg adopted two CASH PRINCIPLE of do. ing ba, ileal, I tut del.lmloed to Mil , . , ta talteaih bayavr. Do aot forget le fall al Room He. I. I M1AR BVSIM1XR. team Nt. L Opffi Hwea. Marly faaaallt Mm raetOfet. T , , Cleerlel, Merck l,ll?, .at 1ST WALL PAPtamm I WALL PAPI II WALL PAPK II WALL PAPK I I WALL PAPK I I " WALL PAPKaU m A U.'i eolumtt. CLOSING OUT SALE I CLOSING OUT SALE I . . . 56 . 5 . o REDUCTION IX CLOTUINO. . . ... s : W. d.Blra le aeq.alnt our ftlanda aad tk. public tkat w. ar. radaelag tar atoefc la Can thii day. LOWER TRICES LOWER PRICES LOWER PRICES C1OTHIX0 AT COST CLOTH 1 NO AT CfaST CLOTH I NU AT COST CI)TH1N0 AT COST W. bar. oit parchaiad a large lot of Clothing, at price leea thaa maaofaetorera aoald make tbem up. But, a tbe paaie .ompelled tbem tu aell for eaab, we took adraatag. af II, and now offer to aur pat ron! aa immeaef Mock of Clftlhing AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER AT LOWER PRICKS TAAN EVER AT LOWER PHICES THAN EVER AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER AT LOWE1I PRICES THAN EVER . i-, ' ', . 'Ml ) I W. lalead to Cbwi tbla atwk all .at by I tb. let day of January. 8. if yoa waol a J Bargaia, aom. mob, aa w. will and ar. da toraia.d le m.k. a revolution la Ibe Cloth lag llaalBwa, , . . 100 pain Paata reeeired tkll day, to bt old aa low tt J 40. Remember, Peat, w. told lail moatlt AT II 10 NOW 8RINU (.1 io AT tl II NOW BRING 11 M AT II M Iltivr BHINH $1 M AT $1 M HOW BRINU M II AT tl 41 MOW IIK1MJ $.1 10 OLD DEMOCRATIC PRICKS wore kick .awared wilk Ike prlcat at wkiek wa art aow aritiog t-Ltaiag., REM KM BER TUB PLACE. 3 w W ftf OLD WK.STRRN BOTSL C0RNKR. P w 90 Pr O o tl 7) ta tr 8 KERR A CO. ClaarlelA, Pa Dat. t, 1174. , 2 3 I Q 1 ! I . R to to rj l O I B E B B-B p I I I 3 H'B B B B B m o a a a g E B B E E ff a a a o n 2 2 2 i m BMOVAI.1 JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reipeatfully Bollfy tb. public generally tkat h. bai raaiovml bit Oroeary Store from Shaw'i Row, to tba building formerly occupied by J. Mllei Krataor, .a Hacoad Mraet, ant door t. Blglar'a hardware .tore, where k. laleada keeping a full Ha. of GliOCEBIEJi. HAMS, DRIED BEEF tad LARD, ! . 1 IU0AR8 aad Bi RllPrt, of all gradea. TEAS, Oreen aad Black. COFIKB, Ru.Hed aad Urera. , , , FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, VJMVO FR I JTS, All kluda la Ikt marktt. PICKLES, ia Jar. fad barrel!. , ; :'! ' BI'ICKS. Id .vary form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, All. KINDS Of CRACKER. SOAPS, . ' MATCHES, : DRIRD APPLES, , DRIED PEACHI8, DRIED CHERRIEB, Cool Oil sal Zaiinp CUaaays. And a good aaaorlment of thoae thing! anally kept ia a grocery itore, which be will .icb.Bg. for Bt.rketlog at tb. u.rket prloef. Will fell for eaak at chctply aa ..y other oa. Pleeja aall aud flaw kit ttoek aad judge for youraclf. JOHN MrUAl'OIIEY. CleardelJ, May 17, IS74. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Opa.oilt. Poal OtTiat. J i'l i New Goods I New Prices I CHOICE LINK OF TEA". OOLONGS, JAPAN , ' e '.-1 ' i i 'i IMPORTED, ,. YOl'NO HYSON. ., ,,T BNQLI8U BItKAKFAST P.reet is Market. ' ... : ! ; BIJTTKH AND ECfiW JZX'"?"''''tl'hf GERMAN ClIERRlEd, . TTRKEY PRUNES, ! PRESERVED PEARS, . ' ' ': . j PIIILADKLPIIIA HAMS. FIKII. Mackerel, Lata UerriBg, Cod, Ar. il riCKI.EH. .';-( Barrel Pleklei and Kaglitk Pick let. j '.OUR AND PF.BIr. Floor, Cm Ural, Oat Meal, Je. ' feoU'It """ " LVTLg A MITCHELL. ED.AGKAlIBl, , DEALER IX ' 6ENER&1 MERCHANDISE, SQl'ARE TIMBER & LIMBER, 'CLEARFIELD, PA., Haa Juft opened, at tb. old .land, ia Urakam'f . Raw, a t.mpl.t. at oak of ' JTEW OOOOM, of ,rery deecrlptloa. t DRY GOODS, ' ' '' OROCERIKS. " ! i ; HARDWARE, j wm AND SHOES, '.,!.. j CLOTU1NO. efx;.,o.,i IN GREAT VAKIETY. : ; . ; - .-.! FliOUK, MKAT, -'' ' " "' SALT, UYR, - ' OAT9, ' 1 CORN, ALWAYS O.t HAM) AA'D FOR SALK ATA SMALL A t YA SCR ; ,. F L OUR Rcgeir.d L Ibe far had, d ftld It k im.ll advanoc. A awpply of ROPB annetanUy oa naad. i J Spaaial ladaaemeal. offered ta Iboae geltlag twl Squara Timber and Log., aa w. deal largely la Lumbermen'. Suppliee, aad Bra pr. , pared at all IIbmb la parcluw. Ilea. ber and lumbar. 1 R Hi We OKA II AM, llarkei Street, ,;, CLEARFIELD, PA, 5 Oct, 11, 1171 QLOSING OUT AT r w a w T b wajW. wmyr gawmT m ' I nwlag u tb. piaio, Ihiak II policy It ctnee' tat ear ,loek ; i ; i -i u"s I AT COST, which will be aa adranlagc ta k4k aa aad oar caaltmert. Our itoek la Urge, eanotittof af . IcOTHING, I IN ALL STTI.ES., - " . r. f li I' i HATS & CAPS! Gents' Furnishing Goods, .i ''' 1 Which we aalllnf al loll far eaib. We Raj Just What oe Mean ! If yoa wlak la nr. from 14 la fl oa a fall, a.w it yaar tim. ta bay. Oar lret-iaaa OrerMlo from lit 01 u 111 00 Siagla .oata Unite I II la II 00 Til ' II Mta il M 4 MM 1 00 I tote IN I MM 4 0 I t. U I 00 " I II tt I 00 1 10 1. 10 II te Tl 1 to It 4 00 ' Tl It I tl P.atl Paatl aad Vttti Uuder Sails Over Halrte Rack O levee Hoa. S.ape.aera Hat. Remcaabet lb. , ta. Coart Hoar.. deell'TI D Market at reel, BTRWART A BOH, TVtTlCKJt' dt cormTABLKiv nn We have arlated a larae Bambar af taa aww PKB BILL, aad will ea tke naaipt of I' ea eeale. mail a caay te aav t.'reea Jrj eto&t, 6rsrifl, OJtf. NEW FLOITB. FEED, - ., ? AMU r-.-y f , -T GllO CERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Be.d ML. ant door af lonard Hon at, ClrarOeld, Pa. Keep toattaatly oa kaed 8UUAR, COFFEI, 1 TEAS', i i i SODA, COAL OIL, RYRl'F, SALT, SPICKS, OAP,,' ,". , . - , Canaad and Drlad Fralte, Tohaeao, Cigar. , Caa- dirt, Cider Vlacgar, Ballar, Eggf, Ac." L SO, EXTRA 0MB MADE When! and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Heal, Chop, Feed, 6zc, All of wklok will be Mid ehaap fur earh or is aicb.nge fur eoaatry prodoee. A. O. KRAMER A CO. Clearlcld, Nov. It, Itlll.-lf gTOP THIEF! How often tbst trj ta beord In oar large towns but no on cTsr thick of steeling froa T. A. FLECK & CO., For tbslr gocda nr sc obep, II pays better to buy tba slJ tben. 1'arebosiag ntlrlr for cash, nnd lling for tb cam, w ar thus no blcd to offer foods at a stualUr mar in tban ean possibly b done by my on 4lngra I he snsnll- cut part r trust tmslnes eitkrr way. W bat an entirely NKVV purohs of DItY GOODS and i LADIES' DRESS GOODS! , a tl '7 v m i ! In variety nasiasd and prleos to oult tb 1 sesreity of money. 0r stock of iVULLIKERY GOOD8, Bnnrts'nd Ladles' Hats, baa Barer been B.I a tba aeanty. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR ' - a complete aarertment. ! Io4'ca life's Trinimings, Ia FaU Liae. Latect Stylcl. GcotB Furuisliing Goods, a burg, variaty, both aoara aad lae. WINTER CLOVES, ' TARNS, , , "1 .' WOOLR, ' '.' IEPHYRS 1. i t 1 f 1 1 I ,' i , 1 Wotcrproofs, ( in .Great Vnriey. All are l.vlled a. call aad aiamla. our goada aad price, bwrara buyieg .Itewhcrt. We make ao wry fae.a b...... yaa doa't buy, bat bclleva thia to he a frea Ma.try t aad that r.ry oa. haa tba laalleaabla right ta life, liberty, tb. paraalt af aappinea. aad tw buy gwoda whera they aaa mcara tbt lee. gewda for la. lba.t moa.y. At Wm. Reed'e .Id etiund, eppoeltt Metiop'i. T. A. r t.nun. tctll'X A. M. HILLS. HARTSWICK & IRWIN. SECOND STREET, ;ua CLEARFlfiLf), PA - !7!f DRALEUS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! : mc cc i. i. ' . i Alao, onotber trset of 49 acres, Bor or kt, DttM'lf! rl I C lVP CTIll'IT' pw of tbB mTi being tbo bank r AIM IA, UlliPS II I f4 OlUrr i0(tKro-BdtnMtiB the month of Morgan Roo VARNIBIIK8, BRISHK8, -AV r PHRPl'MEftV, FANCY OO 0 D ' " ' TOILET ARTICLES, siii-rtKiiti) urn. 1 O? ALL KINDS, I PURS WISES AND LIQVORS :- - i! J ,-;il if J. '. , for medicinal f-rpoe. , ' .( f , -j t , -,',) r i YrMaMi SHMntiMf. BebMl Hooks and 8latlon. I Trasses, 1-oppocterw, Brbeet Hooks nl mat loo- rv, and all ether ertieleo ally found ta a Drag 8 tor. t lMIY.tirTAN PRMCHTPTIOX CARK- ri'LLK VOMPOimilRU. Uaw.Bg a large ot-1 r , p.rl.M. ra the bnltrieel tbey eaa girt eutire tat. T""T 1 I I i A ! 1. (I HARTHWIfK, i , JIIIIN F. IKHIN. 'rh...r.. All lao,ulriel addreeeed ta th. aad.r Clearleld, Dmmbar II, l7t. ilgnrd ill receive prompt altralioa. i ! A.C. TAK.Trailrl. . , a ' Clcarlcll. P.- Jaa. 11. UT!..ld FARMING IMPLEMENTS! ; . roR sale or . ., j. II. F.' Itlgler dt o. , .m - - . r ' IR0! DOtBLK SH0VKL PLOWS. WOOD DOVRLB-SIIOVRL PLOWa " WOOD BIKULB-SHOVRL PLOWS - , IROS CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. ' , UflWAPTDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSRURII STRIL PLOWS. HAUPT'S RELI.EPONTB PLOWS. ROIIESOVS aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. aMTflbare. for all al lb. abava Plowa mva llaally .. kaejd. ' "" myM-l II. F filGI.KA i CO 'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDRRS UARDWARB, MKCIIANIor HARDWARE, LUMBIRMRH'B BAIDWARB, fARMINtl UTBNSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, ... IROS at RAILS, PAIBIS, OILS, VABBtSHBB, PAINTERS' riHDINOB, CALCINED PLASTER. Hay II, 1171. PIJIK, WHITE A ROAR IIRIR0 SKUtSr Jaet ratalrad aad far eal. by ( April tl. I ll , R. P. 1IV CO' JJjrtujrf, titmt, 0tt. JQHN W. .WAPLE, MANUFACTIrKKR OF Ti,u Slient-lron & Copper Waie AND DIALER IN STOVES & RANGES, Near Market aircti, Clearitld, I will keep oa baud a full ttoek af Cook and Hot lag Stovea, Hanger, Ar. Alio, a full line of TIN WARE, Sheet-Iron nnd Copper Ware. ! will tnok n afrCcUltjr of tb following Store, Ed ipsa. Monarch, anil Victor Cook, Hong, nod Motuil Friend, Conop oad other notig Store. . I will fxrbsng Tiowort for Cotton Rsgs. dtS,'7l) ' ' JOHIT W. WAPLK. ROXSIDES STORE. . .- . . G. S. FLEGAL, ' DEALER IH HARDWARE, gfOVEH ' heaters, R A NOES, ' ' ' lOLLOW-WAKE,' " ' ; PAINTH. OILS I VARNISH, PCTTY t GLASS, ROPES, ; ; n- STKP-L4DDER8, WOOD AND It. WILLOW. WAKE: . L r i i The celebrated Toledo Antl-FreetTng Galv.nll. IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No better Pumpt ia the m.rk.t. , LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLliES, of all kiada, ..' . . 1' k ' LAMP TIXTl'RKS, Ae." " v ' " 1 ' . I . . . . All at leweat prioel. . , . 1.14'M PrcatiQclalt Street, Phlllpabarc. ka. rpi.USTEE'8 BALE !t. , .. al VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Z " AT Public or Private Sale! Being a Portion of the Estate of A. K. .., i Wright, deceased. , Tb coders lg ned will Mil ot pnbll sal, nlcoo Nonor dipoed of, on the . FIRHT MONDAY OP JUNE, 181ft, at tbo Coort Ilonse, In the boronht of Cloarfleld, ?4H oil lb lbllewtng 4fcribc4 real ooUto, di t All that certain tract of land, litoato io Deesv tnr township, Clear A Id eonnty, sorreyed andl warranted In tho nam of Cbarle Risk, ceo tain. Ine 4M as re ami allocraaeo. Aloo, tbat adisin. ; ibf tract, warranted and rarccyad in tb nasi of . Robert Rsiney, containinc 4 aer sad allow. ! ant Both of said tracts belnc and It in In tb t Osceola coal basin, and bavin; tteroow o Urf swouM of r . ol roloabt tlnber cf diOwroot bind. Also, oil tbo ondlridcd half part of 6i0 aerwo mora or less, in three ssrsral p. res Is of laadt part of th Josef-b Clark and Joha Harrisoa nr rsys, itpt U Woodward township, Clwuftcld rcontf , and e land held in common with Caleb and Ueorge Churchman, baring a lt amonnt of caluobl wbita Ido ond bcmlcck with other timber Ibercon. Also, another tract ouotaininf 157 acre, mora or less, sitnntc in Wcodwsrd township, boiag tbo (. rad of th Thome Martton Mtrr ha In a I thvieoB whit pine, hemlock and other timber, j Wihg, HbilriId with peversl vein of raln- and ertjoiniiig lad of Will ism Albert 4 fires., in i Woodward towpship, C1etrflld ooontr, and OOT red with Taloaltl be ra lock and ether timber. rt with Taloaltl be ra lock and ether timber. AU, another trset of I HO crs(moi nr le. being part of th Thomaa Btewsrdson tarrey, sitwate io Decolor tewoibip, ClearftcM eouaty, and Wing witfcin tb coal mcasuro of tb OssscU root basin. . Also, two parrels of land sltnat lo Lawrcao tow nib If , within one mile of tb borough, and ralnahlc a ont lots, one thereof containing eight aflros, more or less ; the ether fovr seres, ttjoioia.g lands nf Robert Wrigley and other. Aim, another tract ol land, aitooto la Plb township, containing 1S aeres, being part of war rani No. 45 jO, situate wit hla aim mile of ttwhM-. ougb oC Clsarfiold, eorertid with ralocbl tlsabco rd ondertaid srtth Irwelay ol tbo tmoot o.aaUtgr Also, all tboc fOcr ocrtoia bailding kU ait. I ill Kes-d's, addition to tbe bnrgb CIe. field, and known a lots No. ood --to Mid addition. v Alto, H th pofsol of grewad ltoal h rr of lb Academy let ami ktwon'i Merc, bait of tot Ko. If, 1 general plan of Cloartold, having rg irwme Miiaing ibctcob an oaio m ana- d boawdod ea owat side by aa wlley. " Ail tlw mhov waloabto. n-..-, .nd Ufyftd.. ia..uim i aie all wiihio tb eaJ meaaare ef that PiMrict, and within reach of roilroad,lthr bollt ot ow building, and oomioead them salve to parehaaon for v,, Dj lumber. Tl.. laodi will b sold at private sale, if parties dttlro tc pnreba, bat If aot fold at private fall will ba publicly teld aa aforeiaeolioaeil. Terui will ba made rcafoaabla to fall par- Atlentlon, Lumbermm! I are aow maaafactBTlag ear tMPROWn 8TKUL . HOCKKT IjHIVINil t,a. iionKR, Oatft, amneriorae aay atbet ra aea, Ira have tlto la Block a large quantity of Cantlvaoka Bulla. 'hrf t rafting purpoaei, which we are lelliog rkeap for each. AMOS A H. KBNIfARll. " Clearlcld. Pa., March IS, IIT1 ' ' ,.. Beale's Embrocation ,: , ' (tATB POWttt'rJ.) " . Far all 4iaaaaai laaldaat la ileat. Oaiem, aad Hamas Pick, ree Irlog Ike aaa tl am iteraal appllMttlM. Tbla Imbreaalla a a, uwatlTtly weed , , tb. t.v.ram.Bt darlag Ih. war. j far aula by RarMwktk A Irwla, OUarlalj R. Irwla, Oeviwaaavilia. ilaatal er. aader, Latbararg. 'V QiRPET WBAnNG.e- TT Tke BBdcreineA la waaajad aw e. Caarar ta order, la aay etyea .Mired. H.vlaae aaa aver tk Wly eeara freMieml eipeeieaee la PlaV. adalnhia, be fealt BldeBtaf air lag talia6ai.atai bob. waa maylaearaim wltk tkelr weatbae. Ordera Mat, ar art lore addend to WllHamagraca Pewtedaee, CleaelA to., will meat wllk prompt. aUeatlea. . OIIARLIM D. RIUIIBR Biglw gUUea, Dae. It, 1174 tab. Clearfield Nursery. 1NCOUUAGE HO KB IMDTJSTRT. qVIBaaderelgaed.haTlag eetakllaawda Rua X aery aa lb. 'Pth., aaaal half we belwcca Clearleld aad Carereaeetlle, la le far. Bk allbladaaf BRUIT TRBKeUlataaeaard aaw) dwarf,) Bv.rgreeae, Skrabkan. Oraaa Vlaaew UeaeaUewiea, Lawtaa Blaabhaarw, BtraeaeMt wja aad Raebaery Vlaae. Alt., aaaaiem ChmATaeem. Hal aaa, aa. aari, e. arte, Btaaaaae, t eajejeaa framptly atlaaded ta. A Bat r a Be. W. a.. UBI.BT. Bepto..y t t wrweetltava, WANTHIX-Sj: iU CMe,',dii. atnUf Caat Haok Camay ,,, wat t,, . , H.eOt CANT BOOR (arblbj, , rfaatliraBlltykarAtyt,..mttriM tmit. haailLaH ImABiLm .a" m. aF .a JB. (omatica in air ,aowoowe eaa pwwr wcfw MMX. VAnVOR,