jflarflivarf, ft tintrarf. 8AC1ETT ft SCHRYVEI, ' DIAL It III HARDWARE, and maattfaetartr tf Tln,Coppcrl Sheet Iron Ware, Second Sir I, CLEARFIELD, PA. n..t.. anr otoflk of llnrd- wort, wo Invite tbo publle to Memlne oar flock unit prion,. Cerinnl.ri old ponoiii who oonlemplnle bnild li will do woll to nuln our TOOLS BUILDIHO HARDWARE. which Ii aew od of Iho boil manufacture, and will be eold low for en. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE LOOKS, . . . LATCHES, HINGES, SCBEWS All kindi of Ben.b Planei, "awi, Chliell, Squerel, lUtoinori, Hatchet., Plumb, nnd Lvell, MortiMd A Thomb Uugee, Bevele, Urocot A Ilitla, Wood end Iron llench Screw!, ond tbo but Boring Machine ia tbo market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Aa. Agents for Rurnrll's Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, egente for Rieberdr (IOTHIC FLUE TOP, which effectually aura Stnohy Fluca. Farinora' Implement! and Oardcn Toall of arar ocarripuon. A largo variety of COOK STOVES, whloh we warrant l give Mil, fiction. Portable ttangei and rurnactt. Roofing, Spouting and Job Work done ot reaaonable tenna. All oruerl will receive proropi audita. "fJL'i.i'lTi BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, V Successors to Boy n ton k Young,) FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS Maaufacturtr of PORTABLE & STATION A KY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Streete, C'l.KARMKLII, PA. TT AVISO engaged In the manufacture of tnl XI elaaa MACIIINBRY,wereip.etfulrylaforn I ha nubile that we art now prepared to III el order! ai cheaply and ai promptly aa can be don. In anr of tht eltlea. We mannfaetirt and deal In Mulay and Circular Saw-Milla MM""'" llead Blooka, Water Wheela, Shafting Pulleyl Oifford'i Injector, Bteem Oangtl, SUam WhlaUet Olltra. Tallow Cupt, Oil Cnpa, Qange Cocke, All Coeka, flloba Valval, Check Valvee, wrought Iroa Plpee, B'.oaoa Pnmpt, Boiler Feed Fompa, Aill Friction Metrel, Soap Stone Packing, Oum Paek Ing, and all kind! of II ILL WORK togelhai with Plowi, Sled Solel, COOK A ND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINDS of all blade. a) -Order! aollclled and HI led at llty price! All latura of inquiry with refarenot t machine.) of onr munfaoture promptly eniwired, ny aaaree log .1 at Clearfleld, Pa. Jain4 tf BIOLER. YOUNO ARKBD. -fVJEW 8TOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Ha juit opened a . New Broil, on Main Ht..CuirniD, Fa Utolr occupied bj Win, r. IRWIN Their ivock cooiiili of mm'tT C2 CD CE) UD OtocHiu of tht beat quality, QoEENswARE, Boots nnd Shoes. and etrery Article Decenary for one', comfort. Call and examine our ilock before pit chaalng eluwbere. Mar 0. 1800-tr READI NG FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATIONERY. Market St., Clearfield, (at the Poet DBJce.) rpHB aadertlgned bega leave teaanoaaeate X the eltlaena of Clearfleld and vicinity, that he baa attod ap a room and baa Jnat returaed from theeliy with a large amonntef reading miliar, coaalillng la pen ot Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aeeoaat and Pan Booke of aver da- Hrlptloa Paper and larelopte, Fraaeb preeeed aadplalat Pane and Penellai Blank, Legal Papera, vee.a, morigageij .laogmeai, Hemp tloa nnd Prumleinry notee White and Parol meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap Sheet, Muilefor aithtr Pleat, Flatt er Violin tonetaatly ta band. Any boohe or atatlonery deiired that I an ay net hare ea band, will be or ordered by tret oxpreea, and aold at wboloael! or retail to nil loitomeri. i win aiao ittr perltaleal lltaratart, anon aa megaiiaea, newt. papere, ae. . r. a. havlir. Clearleld May T, i-lf The Lightning Tamer. rpillaaderelgaed are the sola Agent, lo Inii X tnnnty for tht"If erth Aaitrleaa Oalvaalaei L1GUTN1NO aXODS." Thtaa are the tale aai rode aow la wat, and art tadoreed be all the Mlentlle aiea la tba toantry. Wt hereby notify the eltlatat tf tht eeuaty tla, we will pat ineai ap a belter rot, ana rot loot mane, tana la thargtd hy tba foreign agoata who annually trarena the eoaatj aad earrj oa anr utile eeaa, ..ear le rtlara. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thoat wlahlag Lightning Rod trttt4 o their balldloga md bttaddrttt ta by latter, ti tall ta peraoa. Wt will ant theai p aaewktre ia tattoaBty. ana warraDttneai. Tbt Hod ant Fi tart a taa am al tay tint by tail leg aa earattrt. 11. r. kiulkh i:u. Clearflald. Marrk , IHTt-tf t Uvory Stable. THS amderalgiwd beg leare to Inferai tht pab iio that ha i now fully prepared to acooamo data all ta tba way t fcrniading Horeta, Bngglet, Baddloa and llarneeeVn the aboHeat aottee and aa reatoneMt ttrn. Kteldeatt ta Lecaat atrttL belwet Third and Fourth. OHO. W. OIARHART. Heart-eld, Feb. 4, 174. I1R taAIe-SWrha wa4eretgtid offert fr 1 tale a ralaabla ttwi preparty la the boroagh of ClearlWM. IvX tMali feet, with a gmvd two ttory plank hoaa tktrtoa eraeted, wit three roe bib dawa aeatft ewd fwur bed avteae ap elalre. Alao, aawlag raata avnd bath Matt aw eetond flotr. Honat aiahed eoiwplttt froM etUar to attr Utod doable porob and good water, Priet rta onablt aad payaatnt taty, , SOaegTI WU. W. MeCtlUOUOH. j; It. M'MUiiRAY WILU illPPLT TOO WITH AWT ARTtnl.R IIP MERCHANDISE AT THE VERT LOWEST PRICE. - COMB AND SEE. (l.wiTIyi) NEW WASHINGTON. Jrg 6oti$, 5rorlt, ttt. p. waarta.. W. BRTtV WEAVEI. A, IIKTTIH 5 r. ' i ( '' . . :. ' CLEARFIELD, PA.,S ' An offering, at tho old itena of Q. L. Reed A Co. thlr nock of good, eonilitlng of ' DRY - GOODS,' GROCERIES, BOOTS A 8II0KS, OATS A CA PS, HARDWARE, Ql'KKNSWARK, FLOOR, FEED, SALT, &o., U, At tht Moit rcaMiiftllc rmti for CAHll or In ichaUift for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODI1CB. Aiivno9 mJ to thow Qgk(cd ta fit ting ont tqimrt ilmtwr oa tht mott ulrmUgeon torn. pdtlJmTl JANIEL GOODLANPEU, 1,1 THKHBUi nil, I" A., DtaUr it DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS ud DO0TS 4 81IOKS, Toliamo, (troftripf ind Fiib, Kalli, IUrdwrt. duMnnurt tn4 1iiaiiwavrt, Mon una llojri' Clothing, Drag, PaiBli, Oil, St'huol H coli, ft Itrgt lot of Patent Medicine, Caiaiei, NuU A DrUd FrvlU, Chwit md Crtck trip Hock Hint fowdtr, Flour, Grain and PoU.ooh, Clovtr nd Timothj Seed, 3olt Leather, Morowwf, I.intnga, Binding and Tbrtad, nhoinalteri Toala and Shoe Findinga. No greater variety of goodi In any 1 1 or In ttif toontr. AH for aala rerv low for eaJh or eounirj prodaot at the Cheap Corner. Aug. 27. 1873. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Penn towmbip, CloarAcld Cn., Pa. BURNED OUT! ' BURNED UPI Tlie lubftjrlbern hart, at great ex pence, rebuilt oeirhborhood ncoeitT. in the erection of a Brat- alaH Woolen Manufactory, with all tht modern improT entente attached, and art prepared to tnakr 411 kind! 01 Ulomi, ininmere, oeiinni, ninn keta, Flan aelt, Ao. Ymy ot gottia tl haod ta 4uply all our old and a thouaand new cnntotnen, mnom wt aaa 10 eoue anu examine but iiwi. The buaineaa of CARDINfl A.N'U Fl'LLINO ill rive our etDeelal attention. Propel trrangementa will be made to receive and deliver wool, to amt enatoaitra. All worn warranieu ana done unon tht ihorteit not lot, and by atriet atten tion to buaineaa wt hope to realiit ft liberal a hart ii pabiio patronagt. . IO,MM POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will nay the bieheit market price tor Wot and if II our manufactured gooda aa low aa aim liar (ooda an be bought in the county, anr whenever we fail to render reaaonable eatUfaotion wt tan alwaya be found at home ready to make proper explanation, ettber in perenn or ny tener. JAMKH JOHNSON A SONS, tprilMti Bower P. 0. " LEATHER llliKAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY t'OVERTM PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the beet Mallea ble Iron, and ie attached to tht liamet by the heat Snap aver invented. Jt la eaeilj and quickly put oa, and prevents tht whipping of the horsea by tht pile. iot liabla to get out of repair. Will latt for yaara. All wt aak la a fair trial, to eonrinoe all partita aa '' r lu them that they art ' p ' ' ' nanrnaated in Valnt for Ct ft tbt purpoat for which they are intended. HACKKTT A SCHHYVKR. Clearlleld, April I ft. 1874. MARBLE AM) STOXE YARD Mrs. s. s. mddkli,, Haelng angeged in tba Marble buiineia, deiiree ta Infom her frlcadi and tba publle that the ha now and will keep tonaUntlj on hand a large and well telreted itochof ITALIAN AND VRRMONT MARBLK, aad il prepared to farnlah to or tier . TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMB9, MONI'MRNTH, Cnrbi and Porta for Cemetere Loll, Window , , , j gilte aad Capa, ahw, , ., , , i BDRRAD, TAIlLB AND WASH STAND' TOPS, Ac, Ac. Y.rd on Reed etreel, neer the R. R. Depot, Clearneld, Pa. JeT,7l TERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eonitantly oa hand. STOE AM EARTHED -MARE Or EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKS Planer's Patant Airtight Rair Eeallac mu t ini i BUTTRR CROCKS, with lldi, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, ArrLK HUTTBR CKUUKS, FLOWER POTS, iIK DISHKfl, BTKW rOTH. And a great many other thlnga too numerooe ta menuon, to be bad al FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Coraer ol Cherry and Third Street, CLKARF1KM), FA. augS TARGATN8 IN MUSICAL IN- 1J PTHUMHNTe' Organ, both atw aad eeooad baniatattba Maaki Htort, oppaatlatialieh' rural tare mora. All paraoa iDitreeaed are invi ted to eall aad el amine a new ttyla of Organ aow oa eihibilion. Sheet Muale and Mtala Book eoaatantlyan bend. aplHTJtf . T. A. FLECK & CO., Hart now oa hand, tod are dally receiving ad dlttona thereto, ft large and wall aeleetrd atoek, tat freah from tht neon lactam, of Drte flood, Dry Oneda, Hilk. HaU, 11 oft net Old Ladle' Cap, Hhawli, Waterrro, La diaa' Far Capa, Hair flood, Saata' Far. alahing flood a, Hhlrta, (llovaa, Hoat, Oreralla, Lambtrmea't Man act, Ladle' l atter wrar, C'nffa, Collar, llaadtttrehlflc, CHtLMtEVM t'NUBRWKAR AND W1IITB Ftrftaierf aad loan. rUtanoral ftklrt. awar- down, Htoeklnga, tf eterrbiie, varitty and eolorr, iiouena, TrtmmiDca taa raacv uoda. la almott eadlew rariety, . , , ( , , , t N. B.-WN nUY FOR CASH AND HKLt FOR CASH. dec. if 8AW31 8AW3I 8AW8I DISTAN'l CROMXtT, MILL, DRAII AND . CIRCULAR SAWS, ' ' Boroton'i Lightn'mg Oross-cut Saw. ALSO, FATKNT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC 8AWR, ,A For tela hy ' ' 1 aetlt.Tf H. F. BKILRR A OO. PINK, WHITI A ROAM LININO ELRs-, A Jan rttttetd taa rer tait n April N, lira. E. F. RIALER A CO. Hmlteittfouf. JJARD TIME8 v ; IIAVH NO KFKKCT . IN FRENCH YILLE I t am await that thera art aoutv prnuna a Utile bard to plena, and I am ales aware that the coin plain I of "hard tlmie" ia well nigh intlvemal. li til i am po puuaivtj now iaa. a can fuiy ine former and prove ooneluaively that "hard ttinea" will nut eflrct inoae who Buy ineir gouua iron ma, and all my uatroni tlte.ll be inlliatfd Into the crtt of HOW TO AVOID II AND TIMES I have gooda enough to aupply all lb tantt In the lower end of the nouoty wglah at eiceedlng low rate train my maintiotb atore tn Ml'I.NON lilIKU, where I ean alwaya bo fotnd ready to watt upon tallera and tupply them with ' Dry Goods of all Kinds, Buck Clotha, Satlnetta, Caaaltnerta, Mualloi, Delaine, Linen, I'rillinga, Calieoea, Trimmlnga. Ribbontp Lace. Ready-made Clothing, Bouta and Bhnea, llata and Cane all of tlit beat material and maile to order liote, Booka, Ulovei, Mittena, Laott, Hibbona, Ao. QROCKRIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rica, Molaaaea, Flah, Salt. Pork, Linated Oil, iub Oil. Uarbon Oil. Hardware, Queen were, Tinwnrt, Caalinga, Plnwa and Plow Caatinga, Naila, Hpika, Corn Cnltiva tora, Cider Prttaci.aod all kiada of Axti. Perfumery, Palnta, Varnlah, Olaaa, and a gentral aaiortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, alwaye on hand, and will bo told at the loweat poaaible figure. J. II. MrClain'a MelidneF, Ja.rne'a Medliiuea, lloatttler'a and liuolland'a Hitter. 1001 nonnda of Wool wanted for which the htgheat price will be paid. C lover. wd on hand aud for aalt at tht toweat market price. Alao, A cent for Strattouville and Curwenarille Tbrttbiog Mauhine. te-Oa)l and stefor yottratlvM. Tot will find everything ntually kept in ft retail atore. 1. M. COUDRIKT. Frtnehrille P. 0., Auguat 12. 1874. " TUB CLKAR FIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., nAiifiCTi mta or . , Fllti: ltltK K, Furnace Itlocks, (ias Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, &c. t htmiiry Top; II 'Unlow and lnr. f ', All l:.j. f i.i,:.....i AJ nn nuiuau, ni uitwhiui ai nuui ciu, ORIlllXAL I1K8IDNS IN TKRllA COTTA MA 1K TO ORDKR. With improved mecblncre, flrat elaai materiel and ikillcd workmen, wo ean warrant all our manufacture! to be .quel to if not anperlirto any in the market. Article, of our uianufclure can lie ecen at the Work., near H.ilrond Depot, or at the Hardware Store of II. F, lliglcr A To. All order! from a diitenne, adilrepaed to the Ooneral Superintendent, will receire prompt at tention. 1. n. HARTBWlrk, JOHN KKROl SON, (len'l Supl. of Hratbfield, Marnkirk, Scotland, 1 Supt. Alanufaoluriog Dept. meT207a J0SH ANNONANDAND ItJMBER C O M P A N V, OSCEOLA STKAM MILLS, aaai'rACTuaaa LUMBKR, 1,AT1I, AND PICKKT8 Sawed if- Patent llibbed Shinglet. It. II. SlIILLINOrOKD, Pre.iJ.nt, OIBce Pore.1 Place, No, 1 ij R. dth it., Phil'a. JOHN LAWSIirt, Oeneral 8.'t., Oaceola MiMi, Clearneld countr, Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS I it lale la the borough of Oaceola. Alio Keen tbt LARllF-RT ASSORTMENT of Uoodi in Clearneld county nt tbeir Mamtnolb store la urceoia. jans-7. 'j t. M. t)UU I 1-IArt.U, FlrcllfctS Accident Insurance AGENT, Clearfield, Pa. - TRAVELER'S LIFE A ACCIHENT. H.rtford, Conn ..Ancle over $.'1,000,000. HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO. Colnmbul, flbi... febl'tt-ly ...Anetti orer f A00,0b0 Jit. B. pAtioa, Pre n't, R. K. Baaraaa, Src'y CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Aimii. ea.lie.ono Hatio of Ami. tn Liabililiea. Ill rarni.hce imuranee at the very lowcal coit Policy-bolilere parlicip.t. in th. profit! of the Comp.ny, thai continually reilueing the annual payment!. For rate!, Ae., call on or addre.l R. M. Mi KNALLY, Agent. Omc la Shaw'l Row, Clearleld, Pa. ?:Ij? F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, .': j ' ReprtMnta tht following reliable Imuranee Co'i: North Brltiih A Mercantile Inl. Co. elS.loO.OOO o.vue.uou Waihlagtoa Life IniurenceCo ..Olo.noo rire Auociition inanrance Co.. j.ciin.ono AmaunaPtrt laearaaraVo... J,07H,H 2ZZ!rrz2;kSu aaetf.naboiidinaniy iri,Mojwrit of hatiea rtirjitA at his ilis- r,rt'd".'.ti..d.ft" ' """" '"""'I'-retion, was carried, hut not without p.s. P.rti.. in th.untry.lclrln. ,.ntel i11""'1 opposition, anil against tho strong ea tbeir lire! er property can have it promptly aitenaea to oy encireiimg u ny inter, or calling il perion at onr office, la Pic'a Opera Hem Room Ho. I, Claarteld, -Pa. .ug2H'fl T II R LARGEST ASSORTMRNT OF NTOVKM ! HiXatk V .''ml f w Mun aver brought to the oonnty, art being received at in. iiarawareMieeiunniaaiet la. tr, Hlfjl.aiK IA., tenipriiaig tbt following Coot Stovee SfF-AR'S CALORIFIC, SU.SliUEH A NNA, REOULATOR, -!'. . ,,. soblk. EXCKWtOR, . ' Jt '-.. TKIUMPH. GOV. PKNN. HEAD1N0 NATIONAL RANGE, AC. 4C. Alio, the fonowtng llcatlng Stovea t SPEAR'S ANTI CI.INKF.lt, STEAR'S ANTI DUST, J i jSPEAR'S ORBICULAR, i ,,- ( SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK. IfORNIKQ LIOIIT. HON TON, , OltSKY. , VULCAN, ' HUNIIEAhl, K , RUBY , DAurniN eoo, CHESTER EOO, ,. -'.VOLCANO, r-HOKNIX, IIIAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ' KK)M 8TOVEM, AO. CUarlelisepL Ji,l?l. '. " rf on rMinjTiNa of' evert dkhcrip- (I tint neeily eieented it tbli ofllet. THE REPUBLICAN. CLBAUKJELU, PA WEDNESDAY WOItMMJ, MARCH -1. U7A.. THI WORLD It WHAT WK MAKE IT, I've aci'ii aoine people in tl.tr lifv Who alwaya are repining. Who never, nevur yvt oauld let The alorni-rloiid'a ether lining, Thert alwaya eninrtliing la tralaa, Prom tunriae lo ita telting; That Ond' band made their map of life, They term the whole lorgrtliug. And I haw aeon a lilred light To ein-bt'olumled vtaluii, (Siiino people wlni, where'er thy be, Make carl h atin an Klytiaii They alwaya aee the bright eat aldu Tho direful haiiowe nvvvr And kwp the Hotter of hope in bloom Within I heir heart forever. The one ean make tho ainitileat dy Seem wood rout aad and dreary; Til other ami Ira I he elmida away, And makea a dark dny cheery. Ibia life of our it, after all, About ai wt aba.ll wke it t If wt oaa baniith grief and care, Let'a baalt to undertake it. THE riOT A.XD THE CRIME Pit EPA HE. Tho riiilttilolnhiii Coiittnuntn'tittlt diK't not npi'tik too Boon rofrinilinu tho lilot ting of Gi-ii. (inint nnl hi rttmcul ( iiiiiviw. It wim Iho liixt pnper to aouixl the ultti'in, nnil ujpiin it npkn in the lullou'iiif!, IoitiiiIo woriin: Tho ItiiilUiil muiiitily in thin ('nn l'itkh in driven to iliuir. In tho ikn- IIClDtion Wllil'll llllH Hl'izt'll llll (ho 01)11 Hpimtnin tin ttfo pivnni iii); tho mimt dinholiinl iiicuiih tin- thoir HtiorcMt uml Hllli'tV. It w mlinitti'J now tlmt "tho tinny" ia to htivo hn iro mm tinnooi'HHiirv up- priipi'itiliiina ftoo yrart in nrfiviitv. This in to Mot'uro tho uid of hVilrml troops to (wix-o tho pooplo. '1'ho civil rifrlibi bill ia to ho imwil in onlor to excite civil war. 1 ho enforcement hill U to he ptiHHcil thnt tiitint mnv no "military necessity rot the cxciino tor liny vio- iHtion til tho I otiHtitution ho niny think proper. Tito habrat corpus uctm to he 8itsK'ntleil, thut tho pvoplo mny ho trnninlcil iniilcr tho feet of "tho nrniy" without rodoi!K or relief. The rule nf l'oii;reiw to count tho vnton for FivHident nnd Vlt o I'resident in to bo "fixed" ao thnt any Htitto inny be ex cluded frotn the count nf vote which Hives n Democi-titie majority. Moro tnxea ure to ho levied to furnish money liir (iintit to cam- out his nefarious lot. This is tho exact condition of 1111111111 nt Washington. Wo warned tho peo ple weeks no of this crime against liberty. If them is u drop of the blood of Aim rim 11 uiiiiiIioikI leit ill thepooplu ot the I luted Slates wo invoke, ls- seech, plciid Willi llicm tn nnmso aud prcliaro for the ureal peril. The crista I ia comiiiL'. (inint and Dauditti Slier 1. Inn and Vt illuitns will stop at nnlliniK- Ihcplot and the crime nivciiliumatiiiB. v in,v (lie white ntco to meet III every county and ileinnni! ol'lhe people to prepare. Wo ask thut livery effort bo iniido by tbo patriots in Conrcm to prevent any appropniitionoi money noing paiw- oil lor tlio iil'i-iiIs ol tins loot lo use. Stop all the aupplion. Let tho Demo cratic (invemoni of the Democratic States convene nt once at Altoonn, or elsewhere, and amino the mean for the protection ot our tiovernment. the lmio was lien Ktuncai iiov- eniom met there. Let tho exnniple bo followed by the (lovernors of Item, ocratic States. There is no tituo to waste in iiiecitlative thenriea. l'repai-e fat once. Unready. It la snbjuirnlinn to the Railicari) or freedom fbr the people! 1, lie or death. .Need tve pvo any other evidenco of these views than that nllonlcd on Monday week in t'ongress. 'J'he committee of tho House of Uep rescntativea, npjmint ol to investigate tho condition of theatl'iiirsin Arkunsaa. of which Poland ting-law Poland was chairman, reported thnt the pres ent Slate government of the Stnlo of Arkansas was the constitutional gov ernment, that no charges existed on wbii'h to legislate a. to that State. Now nn .Monday (Inint aent n mes sage to tho Federal Sennlostatiiigthitt the government of the Slate of Arkan sas was naurped hy the present per sons in office under it, that 0110 Brooks was the rightful (iovoruor, and request ing the Senate to cither overthrow the legitimate State government roisirted by tho llouso (.'oinniitteo to ho 6on? fiile, or Invest him, (Jrnnt, with power to iletinre martini law. When wo read 0110 day that tlrant implores Congress lo sett lo the qncs tinn of State government, nnd when that is done asks Congress to give him martial law, "tho army," and Ilnnditti Sheridan to subvert tho State consti tution and authority, then all wo have said is entitled to the serious attention of the people. Prepare I Rauioai. Sen imks. That (irantand his political bnnditt's linvc some huge frauds on hand was evident from tho recent effort mndein Congress tot lmngt1 tho rules of that body. The ring hold now a I Kin t two daily caucuses, tor the purposo ol lushing the discontented into line. Die associate tircsa dia- !... , ... . V i I""' " " "n oiiiiiniuy sax's : 1 Ito courHO ot n number ol Re- publican members of the House in mil' fiosly staying nwity from the caucus ut night, and other who (let-lured openly that they would not bo bound by tbo action of a majority who wore in attendance, establishes one fact con clusively : thnt there will he no iiarty legislation this Congress. The caucus Inst night was not a full one, and there was an utter lack of harmony among t hose present. Alter n prolonged and . . . . i i -n . exciting tiisrtlsHioii, llie out to irnioot electors anil prevent iratKis ai trie eiec- ' tj,)lm i Soul hem Sillies, ntld nl- lwi-- Iho IWUitl to ssed the protests n nilllllier Ol prominent , Koputincnns. I ho lull agreed iikih mny pass l no t louse ny a small ma jority, but lins lit 1 Ii' or nil show of get ting through the Senate, where tho Democrats will insist iiKin debating at length nil the points involved, which will he fatal to the measure, unless tho I Republicans ngrvc toallow some of the ;1.1,11ri.i11 hi'i. n e..i ....i "I'l""l ' " ,'", ' ."is would necessitate nn extra session of Congress. The bill lo "protect elec tors nml prevent frauds" is precisely tho reverse; the intention is to intimi date void's nnd commit fraud, and thereby re-elect Grant. That is the true object of all legislation now at noshington relating tn elections in Iho Southern Slates, t , I'Nl-OADlsti. After the election ol 1H7I1, says tho Doylestnwn Democrat, which was suggestivo onoueh to thor oughly frighten President Grant, he cried out in his agony that it was "time for the party to unload." llul as "the party" seemed unwilling to engage in this business, the people have underta ken tho job, and have already done a good deal of unloading. Several weighty men Intro been pitched over board, Imping thereby to lighten tho ship. Zock ( 'handler, Carpenter, Drowulnw, (iillwrt and others. All this will not, keep Iho craft from sink ing, which ia steadily going to the bot tom. Already wo hear the cry come from the affrighted crow, "save lis or wo perish." Rut the people hare ro anlvod not to savo them. Hon. G. W. Eitsly, Democrat, was on Toeaday elected'lturgesii of Johns town by lib majority over Irvin Rut ledge, hsq., Rcimblican. Johnstown is ftstinliy Republican by 3fH1 mnjnrity. SHERIDAX'S HIDE. Tlir rat'i'iu notrit'tvol'i.eiioml Slmr- iiluii linn Itnmlit out inuny uIIumoiih !(hiKimiiuuTt'nroor. roimior nt'iuir hIvIcm him the horn of tho rhnrt nt i.' .... v..iv. a ai. i.u:.i- t ii-:.. i nil uit-n, niiu ui i ho i.iuw ij ii in- litntor. To your Uumblo corroHtrondoiit, liw! inost momomhlo ride in tho rido tVom I ivvilioi, it Stution, wlu'ro ho rodu hclU'i'-pkoUor IVum Wntlo Itiunpton.j mid from hin own iiu'ii. who follmvod in IiohIchh rout in. Uvit thoy iniht. j J ho prtmont writer wn$ lmU A ! oripjilo iiikI nn invalid, wiw novor n cillu-r im tho commander of .truth or Motdior. and prutentU to no knowhid'oi RnProni(itnt hoyoud tho ivimhiirn'mcnt of mi.Uury utVair---pivHuntoH not tolof hi oxponnyti. If IHm ExcoIIviipv (M-itit-wo tho huiubh'rtt irivnto who loiM rosiim on tlio 4th of luifh ho will umiorgonu mo baptiniuoi niv, jmii no, anproncltott im near tho hnUlct.d of j 'iivviliun'a n pukotf. would permit; tounted Lomax'ii brigade, whkh nam- herod (fmni memory') aliout 700 men ; was in tunned wo had four such brigades engaged, and two in reserve; went over tho field when tho fight was over, counted the losses on each sule, and saw the polpiiblo, indisputable evi dencCA of nn obstinate contest, nnd a wild, panic-struck flight. Mlionilan s hoailnuurlciK woro In the houso of Charles ti. Treviliun, a man who communiled univemnl rospoel by his simplo integrity nnd truthfulness. lie, and oilier cilisens, as well us two laukee prisoners, stilted to your eor- respnndent that nn the first alarm of a repulse, Sheridan and his stiill flixl an fust as their horses could carry them, leaving his army to lako care of itself hy following hisexaniple, in utter rout, throwing away everything that could encumber flight. no much lor "Sliei iilun s lime Horn Wudu Hnmpton. As for tho "Five Forks," the writer is personally neqiiuiuted with ninny of tho men who liunied tlml iMirtion of our line broken hy Sheridan's cavalry. They were in part men who had never seen a battle, were strung ont in a single lino three feet, or more, apart, yet they repelled all tho charges of Sheridan's picked horsemen, until ('lis ter led. '1 hey all licar witness that his chnrgo, which ho led in icrsun, was tho most gullunt und determined they ever saw, and that they weroustonisli to see Custer and his men ride on nnd over them, although the head of the charging column seemed to crumble nnd sink under their rice. Kx-rebles generally think that Custer und not Sheridan, was the general who made the cavalry a formidable arm of the invading armv. Hut whatever "heroism" was dis played nt Five Forks impartial history will award to the defeated. Heroism and glory w-uid cheap to tho victors in the closing hours of the "rebellion," and many vulgar upstarts had their heads turned hy honors duo to the real soldiers such us Monde for instance, who fought the southern armies in their pride nnd strength. J Lyndibttrg Virginian. A Jom on llANii.-Tho Clinton 7Vmi-' era! says : A bill lias passed first read ing in tho State Senate to npiiint an inspector of lumber, w ho is to be paid seventy-five cents per thousand fur his work, and no contract to sell lumber i good till after the inflection has been made. This is a job in the interest of anmo individual or set of individuals, which It will bo the duty of our repre sentatives to detent. There is no necessity fur nn insKK'tor, anil the only service lie could be put to would be to annoy the lumber interests nnd impose a heavy tax thereupon. It ia gratify ing tn know that a petition, signed tiy lurire number ol citizens, has been sent down protesting against the pass- ago of the act, and wo cannot douht that the nppenl to defent it will ho sue coasful. Wo hope that no renresentfttive from tho lumber region will allow himself to be "coddled into this ring movo nient. Vic's Opinion. Victoria Wisslhiill was interviewed in Kansas the other day. It is her opinion that the result ot tho great trial will he nnlavorahle to lleoehor; that It is nothing hut a farce; that Frank .Mnulton knows more than ho dare tell: thut the truth would involve many Inmilies besides those of Itoocher and I iltnn ; that llccchor is a liar; that Tilton is as bnd as llecrhcr; thnt sho knows ovorvthinif nlxiut the business ; that -M rs. Stnnton nnd Miss Anthony know a great deal, but of course, not so much as sho; that they know too much to bo wanted as wit nesses; thnt Howen is tho mcphisto- phclca who stands hack with a red hot poker ami punches others on to des perate deed. Isn't it a shnmo that all the wisdom possessed by this woman a wisdom with which no ono else sooms to bo blessed should go to waste us it appears to bo doing. Roosters, says Josh Hilling, are tho pugilists among birds, nnd, hnring no sinuible shoulder to strike Irotn, they striko front tho heel. hen a rooster gits whipped, tho hens all march oft" with the other rooster, If ho 'nint halt so big or so liansitm. It is pluck thai wins a hen. Roosters, aa n class, won't do enny household work ; 3-on kan't git a rooster tu pay enny attention to a young one. ihey spend most ot their time in crowing ami strutting, and once in a while they find a worm, which they make a great fuss over, calling their wives un from n distance, apparently to treat them, but jist nr. the hen gits tharo, this elegant cuss lieniw over nnd golioles np the worm .list like n man for all tho world ! Tn a Moi'Nh llcnnr.HS. Among the most Interesting relics thus tar discov ered of the mysterious race of mound builders, who occupied tho Mississippi valley previous to the advent of the more barbarous Indians, are numerous ornaments of mica, hike the weap ons of hammered copper from Lake Superior, shells from the (inlf of Mex ion, the implements of Mexican slime U, or Iron ore from Missouri, these plates, of a mineral not found in the lircnt Valley, giro a plain hint of the extensive commercial relations nf those prehistoric people. The mica was evidently mined in western North Carolina, where their lung nhnndnncd workings havo lately been re-opened, ami mndo the scene of a very modem enterprise. Blooiiy A vta i a. A special from Topeka, Kansas, snya thnt nenr Helena, Colorado, on the 81 h hut., thirty vigi lanls went to the house of one'tiibhs, and on his refusal lo deliver himself to I hem to lie hung, act fire to the house, in which were (iibbs, two women and several children. Gibhs lenncd mil through the flnmca with a revolver nnd shot three ol the party dead nnd wounded a fourth, when the rest took to their heels and fled, (iibbs had recently been aetpiitted on a charge of murder, and the vigilant, protioscd tn take a summary aiienl from the de cision vhich set him al lilwrty. Tho United Order nf American Mechanics, at a tnectimrlield in Album- how that tho receipts fur tho past six months in the State councils amounted to 120,1)11.11, and the disbursements for the relief of aick and distressed members upward of 15.000. 1'ho tires- ent irrnporty of the councils is valued at fij,"d.4!, and tho present mem bership ia 7,079. , Carpenter, Clerk nf the New Jersey Assembly, was expelled from his posi tion Inst Wednesday by a majority of tho House, consisting of all tbe Kcpub lican ami part of the Democratic mem bers. Ho wan charged with corrupt practices in connection with hia posi tion. A Democratic mirjceaaor was at once elected, without opposition. XOT Ml'VH. Tim M. Y. Jlaaht lliiiiktt tht Pivhi- tlmt nnht lo ivhIm und Id tliu mu htHcitrt cotihirr take it turn to hivo tlin tEcpHhlicaii tmrty. iinnl tlt'clim d V ii.. -. . ...... .. inMiiiiiLr. nu iiiruim in uiv in mo Wliilo ilouw) jiim tut lou nn iojiMlilt. Tho UcmUl huvh: Ho him tin opportunity to ccn,nlt'io tlit'iutntlh1! hotwocn hlinNt'lt and U iikIi hiuton hy Hiirrondorinir tho cxtru him- divd thotinmul dollniitwliitdi fV'll to him hy the intitinouK wihiry mh. WhhIi- mnu ivhiHod any pav lor hirt wrvici-.i itopi - oat'Ii nonrly onoiiih to thm Icalnro o hm gwnt minh4. By thut ditto ho will have received tho my of two full tornm nt tho ruto which would havo continued but for tho salary grab, and tlio country will not grunililo at pny ing lilin four yearn' aulury for two yeurs services, if ho chooses to deviate so far from Washington's example as to take il. Kirn if ho should think the additional hundred thousand dol lars which comes to him by tho salary grub loo great a Hncritlco Iho people will not object to making it np to him by a pension for life. A Republican ( iiiigrenA offered this inducement n lew years ago to the DemiK i-utie Judges of the Supremo I otirt, and it might, be willing to enso His hxccllency s resig nation by n similar act of liberality, if he is willing to accept it. Hut he would lienor consult Ins lunio hv a closer liuitntioii of the first President. f he fact thnt we measure his disinter estedness, pnlriolism and magnanimity i... 1....1 .. i i i i... r. ui so i-.Miiieii n Kiniitiiu-i nun nutKC it the foundation, if not exactly ofexpee- tations, at least ot hopes mid suggest ions, is probably tho highest compli ment ever pitul to diameter. Ilis Kxcelleney's t'ol.oliKU" 1'ahtialitv. Olio thou sand dollars fine, says Iho Patriot, five hundred to the negro intormer nnd five hu ml red to tho I'nited Slates, with one year s imprisonment in the county juil. This is the penalty which tlio Civil Rights bill imposes on any land lord who shnll refuse to furnish lodg ing and entertainment to n negro ap plicant. He may refuse entertainment to n white man, hut wo to him if he reject the application of n colored cit- men. vt hen the civil Itights lull no- comes a law informing will grotv into a good business in this country. . j A l'ouglikecpsio parent lately in duced 0 ciYiupy youngster to make quite n heart V meal of buckwheat cukes und mnpfe molasses, but the hit ter proved to lie a meesyrupof squills. The boy said he thought something ailed the molasses the very minute his father told him tn eat all ho wanted. Why are sheep tho least moral of animals? Because they gambol in their youth, spend much nf their time on the tun, many ot them are hiaek legs, and they all get fleeced at last. An unknown nitin jumped off the dome of Iho Cnpital nt Washington on Wednesday, n distance of two hundred feet and killed himself, lie bud been looking nt tho Radical Congress, nnd found lile lo lie nn iinimppornthlc burden jtUtf dwtisrmfutj. c rUJTION.. All peritm are hetiby wanted agalmt pur. ohaaing or in any maimer meddling w ilh the lo. lowing property, new la tba banili of Jeremiah Cooper, of Heec.rla toweihip, vll I Two clooai, 1 cherry t.hlce, 1 Move., cook Hove, 1 eupeuardi, a InmIi and brddiog, II cbairi, 1 black nortec, I frorr.1 bono, S hi. dauble herneie, S Iwo-horw wagool, ipring wagon, opto bugicy, oarrlage, mowing machine, bob iledi, long lied., 1 timber ledl, half Intereil ia tbrerbing machine, I pluwa, A harrewa, I abovel plot., 1 lulluatara, .tamp machine, bay rene, I elcigni, 1 eeto boraeM, 1 cutting boaee, 1j0 buihell corn ear., 11)0 buib.ll oat., windmill, grill mill perlebl., lot af bay, hit ul itr.w, cornlodiler, 1 eerai of wbeat to lb. ground, S nor.1 ol rye la ground, 100,000 feet tf nemioea log., .netp, I eew ano a ptge, ropt aan pulleyi, eireular law and back, rait ropa, I log wagon, aa the name waa parch. wd by m. .t Sh.r 10 '. i.l. on tb. lath day or Vebruary, 117a, aad i. 1.11 nith bim oa loan oaly, aebjeal lo my oe. der. A. W. I.KE. Clearleld, Feb. 1-lth, lilt. II (JAUriON. All ptrauna are htrvhy warned agaiaal par ebaing ir in any wy meddling with the follow ing roirrty, now to tbt pneaeeaion of Wna. Ilanier.of tiirard tuwnahip, tit; Ont barborae. I roaa horet, S art a of harnesa, I aow, 2 head of young ealtle, 1 enrlng valf, 9 bead of ahrcp, 1 aow and pigt, I two hen wagon. I limber aled and abelD. windmill, plw, harrow and ealtira tor, 4 arre af wheat ia tba ground, a the anH belonga to ait and it left with him oa loan only auhjert to my order at an? time. ROBKRT 8. ATHWART. Bald llllla, F.b. 24, IS7i. Se C AUTION. All person arr brrohv wrndgalnt parch axing or io aoy way meddling witb lha following nri'prrty. aow ia the poaaeeeioa af Abraham H. Uoaa of Deoalor tow a hip, via t Two tow, 1 two year old heifer, I two hone waron, 2 lota of bar- aeas, I brown tna lee, and a lot of hay. aa the aaina brlonga to ma and i left ia hi aoaeeNion on loan. inhjent le my oruer. I1KNHV UOS3, Weet Drjalnr, Ftb. 24, 187a. St s PECIAL LEGISLATION. Not toe h hereby givan to tht paMfe aad all nartlf Inltrealvd, that atmlleatlon will be made at the prrtrai eeaaioa of oar State Oglelatara to paaa an aet repealing an aet of aaarmblv, appro d lb lhlh day or Ari A- D. 1H7.1, relating to rht applieatlnn nf tax on land tn the new town ship or pint, to (-learneM nnamy. 1IIKAM WOODWARD, HAMUFt CONOWAV, fcl.N O C1IAS. ROIIACKKK. ADMLISTI.ATORS, NOTICE. Not lee I hereby girra that tetter of Ad BBiniHralion on the aaUte of MAKUARUT fi. HKt'K, late of llrady tonmhip, Clearfleld toua ty, rennajlraoia, doeraaed, hiring hean duly grantrd to tht tioderaigned, all pfraen in ditbtej tfl aaid eetatt will pltaat makt Immediate penarnt. and thoat baring elaita or demaad will preenl (hem properly aulaonlieattd for eel. Ikmcnt witbout deliiy. JOHN P. BKCK, l.utherahnrg, Feb. 24 74-lit. Admlnlatrator. N OTICK llarrltt Hoglt by htr be Kt friend I In tht Court of Common Pleas ef Olearleld eeua ty Pa 'No. 104 Kept. T. 74. Net. Smr iee-ee. Robert Bogle. Notion is hereby given that the andersinad eora- mitarontr. appoint ml hy t heeourt to take teslimoa t In tbt above elated eas. will attend tn Iho duties ( nf the appoint mant al hia ollee, la Ike Boroogb afl Clearnehl, I'n, st 1'a-ars.lsr. tha I lib day af March, A. D. Tt, at l o'elaek A.M., when aad wbero parties inlarraleit may attend. I V RUM OOMDON, Feb. 17, lr-l. Commissioner. UPITOK'S NOTICK. la tha matter of the E.tata of Uavld II . land, deceaeeil. I la tb. Onih.n,' Court Claarleld Ooanly. The and.riigned. apneinted Aaditor to die tribute lha balance reniainlna In tbo band! nf Jacob rloleail, Aumtalitrator, Ac, af laid de coded, fa tnri amnng the p.rllei legally tntltltd thereto, hereby giveo .mice tbet he will attend lo the daliee of hia appointment nt the .met tf MVKn.llr A ItM'iMr. In tb. boroteh of 'l..r- Bell, !'., na KrI.l.r. th. Illb day of rjareb, A, I). I;, at o'clock, P. M. w.. Tiioxah, Feb. 11, ISTI Ii. Auditor. AD.MINISTHATHIX'H NOTIf'B. rl'ilie. llheraby give, thnt Letter, .f Ad- mlnlitratioo en tb. eatale of AIII1AIIA.M LITK- leteof l.awrecetowa.lii,,ci..reidinnty, Pa, deeded, having been duly granted to the under eigned, all pcreoni laileli let! to aet Id data will pie... m.ke lmm.di.1. paytacel, and Ihoi. b.r- ing claim, cr demand! will prcrent them proierly authenticated Tor eettlement wilhont delay. MAI1IIAHKT I. IT 7., Adm'n. Or J. L. CI'TTLK, Atlornev-at-Law, Feb. I, 18)1 II ) Clearleld, I'.na'a. fJAUTION ' " All penoai are hereby ei.tt.ned agalail purrbaiing or ia aay way meddllag with the fl. lowing deieribed property, vie: 1 bay aoree, 1 roaa mare, 1 let of timber eledi, 1 (we-hnr.. we gon and 1 eeti ef harneoa, now la lha poiM.loa nf Hamn.l Blolt. of Bom to.niblD. a. the name baloogi ta .1 and II left la hi! neiiei.lo. oa loa. inblral to our enter. 1. A I. M. MOLT. Willeeetol, Feb. II, II7I.-.11 NOTICE Ii hereby given lunll eon earned that the gotda, geoeeele., ensftellta. eriea and lilnrea In lb. .Ur. room lately mow- red by R. at. Teat and new I. tie Mm of Tbe.. -r. Weveama, belong . mo and Tbeoden teveaeoa le aaly acting aa my agaal, wllhoat aay aalharity ta entraet aay debt I. my ..ma, aad 1 will .at a. reipoa.ible for any eoetraeted hjhlm. J. B. UBAEUART. Phlllpehari, Feb. It, llTi.-ll DliSffUaufous. F. BIGLER & CO., H, II A 11 1 W All K, ; Alao. Maaafattnrariof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, FA. j MRMING 1MPLKMKNTS of all I : I hladi for lala by j u. r. Biui.mi a co. It AO-ROAD WIIEKXIUHROWS for aala by 11. F. B1GI.EK at CO. PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, FalU, eta., for lala by II. P. B10LER at CO. 0 IL, J J A RNKSS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Fladlagi, for lali hy H. F. BIGLER tV CO. Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For aala by H. F. BIQLKR i, CO gTOVKS, OK ALL-SORTS AND Slioa, for aala hy ' II F. IIIOLKK & CO JRON! IRON I IRON! IRON! For aalt by U. K. 1UOLKH . CO. II ORSK SHOES k UORSK 8IIOK NAILS, for aale by H. F BIULEK CO pUliLKY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bell Manufacture, for aala by II. F. BI0I.EH k CO. 'JMIIMIILE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for i.l. by HF BIOLER I ro pOPDER CUTTERS for salo by cu:i0 7fl II. F. BIOLER t CO. (JLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. THB bideraigned, auertiaora to RKKD I I'OH Kl.l,. bare tmirhaaed 1 1" 'l,tAH YIKIV t'LANINO MILL, and retted it for doing aa axleaaiva balaeea. AH the math inert will be added aeeeaaary to make it one ol thi atoat complete eel ah iihtnenla at lha kind ia Ihr Ktatte They are now prepared t reeeire order for any work in that line. They will gireapeoiat attention to all material for buaat buildiug. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARbING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, . BltaCKETH, .HOI l.ll. G,t. OP ALL STT1.E8, elwiyi nn band. WORK KD B0ARD8, aad all artiola aeaa- ry fnr baildiag, will be tieaaaged tor 1KV Lt'UBKK, to that peraoa nt a distaaeo may brlag their lamber, axrhaag It far, aad ratara homo witb tbt mannlattnred artielr. Tht Company will alwaya hava oa hand a large aioca or dry .amber, to a io no aoi io nn aa order on the ahnrtet aotiat. Only tbt best and moat skillful hand will be employed, at that the pnbiie may rely apoa gout work. ..amber will be worked or aold as low aa It eaa b parohaaad anywhere, and warranted to give aatiafaotloa. Aa tba bnaiaeaa will be dne upon the oaah principle we ean nffurd to work for am all proa is a DRY LUMBE.t WANTED! Rtpeelally one and a-talf and two Ineb pant) nun, lor wnica a nnerai pnoe will at paiti. The baalntss will be toaduoted tnder tht nai of tbt "Clearneld Planing Mill Co." M. tl. Browa will peraonally auparintend tht busiata. Order rvrptntfalty aollcittd. XI. (i BROWN A BRO. Clearfleld, Pa,, Jaaaary 1, 1874. KRATZER & LYTLE. NEW FIRM! IN THEIR ' COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED STORE, Art mark in dowa their IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, OASH ntlCKS. Rednoad ei pease and atlllag far ready pay t aablt tham to da IL They will endenrar to bo IIKAIaiAUTKItS for supplying tht tltlttn of Cloarileld oonnty with DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Drell llooda, Root! and Sbnea, llrootritl, Wall Paper, Qoweaiwart, At Ae. Aad a.l other good, ia their II... !. B.-TKRMS CASH. J. at. KRATtSR, i. O. LtlLB. Clearleld, Dae. 1, IITI. J F. BIQLKR A CO. hv far aal CARIIA6I ft WACO WOODS, SHAFTS AND POLES, UUBS.SPOKKS, FKLLOR3,o. Carriage aad Warn M.han th.ald make a or. oi ui, a.l Mil aal ..am lae Ibem. The, will ha mid .1 fair prim. B.yll-l JIMTICata as CO.niTABl.Ka ntm We have printed . largt aamhor tf the atw saw nii.u, ana wiu aa lae raeetpd 1 Iweate. ve Matt, mall 1 ee.v ta a.? add race m,M yiNKUalR IHTTKKH. PCRKLV VKIIKTAIH.K. FHKK I'HOM ALCOHOli. Oil. WALK KITS CALIFORNIA V I N K (i A K BIT T K R 8. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar II inert ara a purely Vegetable preparation, made ehicfl) from tba oatlr herb found oa tht lower range of tba Sierra Nevada naoontain of California, tht mtdioitul proper'!) of whieb art cxtiaeted tberefr im wilhuut lha uet of Aloohol, The (u tloa I almost daily asked, "What I Ilia cause of the aaparalleltd aueeoe ol Vi.inoAH IlirraHr" Oar answer 1, Ibat they remove the ut of dia ease, and the patient ruoovrra bia health. They art the great blood purifler and a life giving principle, a pirferl Renovator and Inrigoratur or th aysum. Nerer fas-fort la the history of tbt world ha a medielna bean eompuundud pm eaalng th remarkable iualilies of ViaauAa 11 it rae ia healing the airk of every dlaeasa maa ta heir to. The? art a tenllt Furitaltvt t well a a Tooia, relieving Congestion or I nil. nutation of the Liver anil YlM-ral Urgnuc, in iniinua ins ease. Tht proptrllea of Dr. Walker Vintgar Hit ter art Aperient, Diaphorrlie, Canninative, Na trirloufl. Las at ire. Diuretic, Bexlnlive, Counter Irritant, budorine, Alterative, and Ant U. lions. Orate fat thonsanda proclaim Vinrgar Bitters tha moat wonderful Im igorant that ever mi t lain d tht aioking aysiem. 0 person ean lakv ihvse Itinera arrMdlng tn direetion and remain loug unwell, pro. il-d iheir bones ait not dealroved by mineral poison or other mean, and villi organs. Billon. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, wbtob are ao prevalent In lha vallrysufour great river throufthunt tht Tnile! t(alet eaperialt) ihose of the Mispal.pl, Ohio, Missouri, illinuis Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkenras, Rrd, Colora do, lint of, Hia Urandr, Fcarl, Alabama, Mobile, Harannah, Kotinoke, James, and many uther, with their vast tributaries, ihruuKboat our entirr flounlry during the bummer eti-l Autumn, and remarkably ao duriug seasons nf utiOFoal heat and drynese, are iuvariablr aecomp inied by ei tensiv derail gfuients of the ktumanb and liver, and other abdominal riscera, lu thir treatment a purgative, exerting, a powrrul ioflurnoe upon I nose various organs, ia orseniiany neceirarj. Tber Is ao est bar lie tor lha purpose equal lo Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as I bey will speedilj remove the dark-ralured vised metier with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time ttimatat- Ing the accretions nf th liver, aud generally re storing the healthy function of the digrslive organs. V.tritm lha Iwulr ...inat rllia.ia 1, t.orirrln- all ita fluida with Vinegar Itinera. Nc epidemic ean taaa nam 01 n ayiein iniia iore-aimeti. Ar.rMtynnia VI iiiuiRrniiui, iivpi- ue, i .m . i.. l!k....l.l&. T. nt ll.m Pk... i i. I.. .1: .il..- 1 1 ... I -.I.. .., I., i.wr i-iiou "I"-' v.'.ua,.. . -aj - ... IJ I itinera, Sour K ruction a uf the Moinsch, ItmJ Taste In the Mouth, Hi lions Attacks, P-lpitnilnri oi mi neari, iniiauiintiiion oi in i.ingri, rain I IL I. .1 e I IS ae,J . other painful symptoms, ara tne ntTyprlnga o'. iryspepEia. ne ounie win prore tt nvurr K":,r anlre nf lis merit than a lengthy advertisement. Berfu1a, or King'a Kvil, White Hwrllings, IM oars, Krvsipelas, 8clfd Neck. O-.itre, lScrfu- Ions I n fl mir mat ions, Slcrrunsl afTiftions, Old Sorts, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Kyt-s, ete. In thee, as in all other toastiinuiniai uieeasra, Walker' Vinegar Dittera hava shown their greal eurativ powers in the most orislinale aou in trarlable rates. For Inflammatory and CbriMiie ltheumatitni, (lout. Bilious, Remittent and Inlermilteut Fevers, Disease nf tht lilood, Liver, Kidoeya and the Bladder, these Bitter have nn equal, rnrh IM eases art eansed by Vitiated Blood. Meebaniral Disease. Person engaged (a Faint and Minerals, surh na Pluoibers, Tviie Betters, Uold-beattr and Miner, a they advane ia life, ara subject to paralysis of tn Bo welt. To guard againat this, takt a dost of Walker's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For flkln Diseases, Eruptions, Teller, P alt Rheum, lllntches, Knots, Pimples, Paslntes, noil. CarbuneVet, Ring worms, Heald bead Pore Ryes, Erysipelas, ltoh, fcarfs, Disrolorations of the 8kin, Humors aad Diseases of the Skin of what ever nam or aature. ara literal It due up and carried ont of the system la a short time by tbt nst of taett Htltera. Ptn, Tap- and other Worms, larking la tat ysiem oi so many lunninuar-, are vnvr.Hii j ae strayed tet removthd. N ystem of medieiaa, no varmilagea, no antbeiminltiea will fret t be ayriem iron, worms na mesa miters. For Female Complaint, ta young or old, mar ried or (ingle, al the dawn of womanhood or Ibi turn of lile theso Tool Bitter display to do aided an influence Ibat Improvement ia soon per tap I i Me. Clfaose the Vitisled hlood whenever yon fnd it Impurities bursting through tht skia ia Pim ples, Kraption. or borcat tleans it wbra yon And it obstructed and sluggish in tbo veins ; cleanse It nhi-a It i foul; your faeling will tell von wbra. Keep tha blood part, and the bealtb of the system will follow. R. II. M. DONALD 1 CO., Or u( gists and Urn. Agfa., Pan Fraarlaeo, Call forma, and Miner nf VVuliington nnd Charltor streeu, New York. Sold by nil Druggist aad aoel74-om. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATT It ENS KM, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P.O. The nnderiirned beg. leave to Inform the cltl- aaai nf Clearfleld, and the public generelly, that ne aal .. nana . a., aieonme.t or rumour., nch aa Walaut, Cbeitn.t aad Paiatod Chambet Suitca, Parlor Roitei, Reeliolng and Riteniion Chain, Ladlee and llenti' Ka.y I'balra, the Per forated Dining nnd Parlor C-hairv. Cana 8eati and Windeor Cbaira, Clothal Hare, Step and Kilea ile. Ladder., Hat Racka, Scrubbing Bruahei, Ac MOULDING AND PICTI'RK FRAMES, Locking Ohaeee, Chramaa, Aa, which a.ld be aaltable rnr HoiMay praeonla. deell'71 JOHN TROUTMAN, Down I Down II THE LAT ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices! Wl ar. aow opening op a lot af th. beat aad moat naeanable Uoodi aad Warn. .va. aftered la thla market, ud at nrice. that remind ..a of the good old daya of cheap thlnga. There wao inc. tail. apo. tan petit, or deem oar alla gatlona euperlnoaa, need hnt JIT OIK MTOItK, Corner Front and Marhel atrtrta, Where they eaa nee, feel, hear and know for them eelvea. To fully anderitand what are cheap goodi thil molt he dont. Wt do not deem it weeoHan t. enumerate and itamla. o.r ileo.. tl Ii oanuga for ta le alale that We hare Everrthing that it Needed aad enaenmed la thla market, and at price! that aatnaiih both old and ynang. aeejn - JOKKPII SHAW a BON. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD NCALEN, all ainnat Baggag. Bareawa, WarehMaa Trwehe, Cwpylag Frtam, Improved Movy Drawee, Ae. II. F. BIQLKR t CO., tattler la Hardware, mcbJt tl ti gee.,. Street, ClearlaU. Fa. T" Tla Koofing and SponUng dona .t ahert ..tie. a.l ea moat re.eoaabU term., aad repairing aeelly ud promptly ut o.l.d hy . dMt'N JOHN WAPt.R. Jftottls. ALLKGHENV HOTEL, (Market HI , bel. Third and Fn.rtb,) ( I.KAHI'ltLI). PA. The aubieribrr baring baeoma proprlelor of thi. b'del, wnuld reipcelhilly a.k a liberal ihare vf public patronage. Prirn rednoed In .uit tha Ju'll-tiitf. U. L. LEIPOLPT. SUStiUKHANNA HOUSE, ClIHWENdVILLK, FA. NEW TON REAP, Pnor.itroa. Having beeoma proprietor .f thla Hotel, I would reipeetfully eulicit tbe patronage of tha publle. Uoum ieaeantly and conveniently ill. UHted ; . l, rallied and refurai.bed t good lorn. pie ronrna attaebed. All railroad train, atop at tbli burnt. j.nlll II S iuw" j i o use7 (Cor. of Marhel A Front itreete,) t'i.tAUHKLll, PA. Tha undenigned hnvlng taken abarga tf tbla Hotel, would reipeetfully aollcit public p.trooaga. j.nl'71 P. K. FULLEHTON, T KO.NAIiD HOUSE, lj (Ne.r tbe Kallroad Depot,) CI.EAKt'lELP, PA. A ihare of public patronage il reipeetfully go. Ilclted. 4M U H. B. ROW, I'rop'r. WASHI iJGTON HOUsbT" KEW WAHIll.NliTON, FA. Tbii new and well furnlib.d 'boura baa bee. uhc. by Iho nnieriigne. II. feela aoaldent of Uing able to render aatiifaetloa t. Iboaa who may f.ior bim with a eall. May I, IT1. O. W. DAVIS, Prop r. jJ-ONTOUR U Oil SIC, Oppo.lte the Court flouie, LOCK HAVE.. PR.KN'A. JeK'71 IIAI KIUL A KIIOU, Prop'i. 2RI)( KlvHIHlKI' Hdl'HE, BELI.EFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SOXS, uei2i'7 1 Proprietor. T OVI) HOUSE, lj M.ln Street, PIIILIl'SUL'ltll, PRNM'A. Table alwevi aupplicd with th. beat tba msrhet afford.. The traveling public ii invited to cell. novi,r.i. Kuur.KTl.uiu. THE MANSION HOUSE. Comer of hoeondand UarktHHlrteta. C I.tr'.AKFILI), PA. 1MII old aad oommodioaa Dotal baa. daring th past year, beea enlarged it doublt Ita former eapatlty for tbt entertainment of stran ger, aad guests. Tht wholt building bat btta r. furnished, nnd th proprietor will apart aa pain to render hi guaat tomfortablt while taylog wltli him. Mrrbe 'Manalon lioaat" umntbu run ta end frum th Dtpot on tht arrival and departart of eaeb train. JOHN DOUOHKRTY, aprn-Ttt tf Proprietor faults. r. a atR!toi.a. a. w. Aaauta. j. . Aaxoia F. K. ARNOLD & CO., flanker and I.roker, Reynoldtrtlle, Jeffrraon Co., P, Money reeeire.) on deporlt. Discounts at no derate ratr. Ksster and Fortiga Uicbeogsal wavs on band and enletions promptly made. Keynoldsvllle, Dr In, l74-ly County National Bank, OP flaBARFIHLD, PA. ROOM In Masonic Railding. on door north of C. D. Watson's Drug Slre. I'ssf-gp Tickets losad from Llrerpiml, Queens tnwn. tliasgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. A ten. Oralis for sal on tba Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bsnk nf London. JAMKS T. I.K0NARD, West. W. M. 8IIAW, Cashier. tl:l:74 DREXEL 4 CO., No. 31 outh Third Hlreet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities! Application by mall will reeeire prompt atttn Inn, and all Information cheerfully furnished Or.ters snlirtrd. April 11 If. SfUtlstiii. j.'m. stewaet, d." d. s., Offlct tror Irwin't Drag Stort. Ct RWENRVILLR, PA. All dental operation, either ia' tht mechanical oropersltTt branch, promptly attended ta aad aatistartion guaranteed. Bpecial atleation paid to tba treatment of diseases of Ibe natural teeth, gums and month. Irregularity af tb leelb aoe eessfully tomered. Teeth extracted, withowt pata by the as of Uther, and artiaeial te4b tnshi-rtad nf the beat material and warranted) it render aat Ufaet ion . nprilJe'T 1 : 1 y THE CLEAR FIELLT WOOD-CHQPPERS AXEI Manufactured eipteially fbr THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, auiVIl II. F. BIOLER A CO. pUULK' NOTICE. Tbe Intereet of Rlmoa MrFarmnd, la ft iter at t'tabv ille, haviag bee. pare baaed by ma, oa tha Illlh of October, l"!t, the belineei bal been ilnec then, nnd hereafter will be conducted ia that itora by tbe.nderngned. JOHN CLARK. I't.bville, Dee. II, 1171. -Sm" 1MK1 LIME I The undenigned la now prepared to farawh the public with an eioellint quality of Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plaitering purt'oari, by the large ar imill quaatity. Can be rnnnd tor the pre .rut at Ple'l new building, na Marhet ctreet. netl-tf L. K. McCULLOt'UH. CHEAP GUOCEUIEB1 LUMIIKR CITY, PA. Th. andertigned nanouneet to hi. old friadl and patron! that he kai opened a good liae ol OKOCKKIKS A PROVISIONS at the old il.n.1 ol Kirk A Spencer, fnr which he lollcltl a libera! patronage. II. W. RPENCKR. Lumber City, Pa., March 2S-tf JJOOT AND SHO: OOT AND SHOE MAKING. JOSEPH II. DKKRINtl. u. Maiket Merit. I. Shaw'i Row, Clearleld. Pa., haijail received a Ina lot nf French Calf Skim nnd hip., tha bait I. the market, and la lie prepared t. man ufacture everything I. hie Itn.. U. will war rant hi! worh I. be ae repreoeated. Tba cliliena af Clearleld and vicinity ai. relreetfally Invited t. give him . eall. VYorh doae .t ebort aollee. l:ll'7Sy HOUSE AND LOT KOIl SALE. Th I louse and Lot on tht ooraeruf Mar -at and Fifth streets, Cl.erft)d, Pa., is for ml. The lot contain nearly aa tort of grnnad. Tbt boast I a large donbla frame, aoa lain tag aiat room. For term and at her information apply to tb tuboeribtr, at, th Pott Ode, aovis IV A.flAVMN. Lime lor Sale I TIIK undersigned, rtsldiag near tht depot ha madt oomplet arrangnmant with Lima Burner tart of tbt moan tela, whereby ba t ena bled to keep toaataatlyoa band a large quaatity 4 PURE LIKE! whloh ha nten t. raraaen and h.lldera at . trile abtvt Mil. ThoN ia aaed of tho article weald da well to give ma . call, ar addraal ma hj tatter, ba ton negotiating their lima. OIO. C. PA88M0KE Claarteld, Pa., Jnae I, lilt. O. 1. "HrilERE to buy my DRV OOOPi, " M .trie., Queemwere, tlwaewara, Drag! aod Notion!, Cnfeettoneriee, At,, eheep for Meh. The aubrcrlber hegi leave to Inform 111 aid art ttiw etatomen that ha baa opened A VARIETY ("TORE IN OLEN HOrE, PA. And will eell gwada al a r leva tn eult tha time!. A liberal redaction will be made t. eaitomera bay. lag at wholeiale. Call and eiamlne my etoek hernre p.rrhillnl elaewhera. A liberal ibara af ..bin palroaage 11 aollclled. 0. et. KEAOV. Ole. Hope, I'a., Jeaa 14, IITI. JOOK OUT FOM TIIK SIGN OF THE BI CANT HOOK! MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. a oi. vioer..!. Kieel.iee Ceal llool ue n diianlved, aad a.w awe formed by Amoa Kee irnrd aad 0. B. Merrill , af Clearleld, aad O. M. Allard, nf Kmpnrlnm, Camera, eweaty, aa part an, and Jit. E. Welee., wf Cto.rl.ld, na Oene "go", ita aaw tompaay will entry aa tai hnliaeei ef ma..fael.ri.g, aalll.g ud ebippi'l lb. r.nl 11 ..k. ?. .. .. .. .-..I. - . i hi v n i ,B.iirw. which are aaw perfect. AN wrAer. pewmplly tiled. dai. a. watsub. Jelr let, 117, (lent Agent.