Site (Itonng D. Goonr.ANDicR, Editor. CLKAUK1RIJ), Pa. WEDNESDAY MOHNIKl), NAllCIl I, (iood llvs! Mnjor (lenernl llonjn min Franklin Duller, of Miiwichun. otln, and npoon notoriety, retiren from ConifreM tomorrow forever, wo hopo. His nlmonco will ndd counitlrnbly to tlie moral chiirncler of tlmt IkhIj-. Tlio oditori of the lielleionto Watch man crow lustily over tho cJoetion of a JVmocrulie Bii-1'iwa, two Squired and Hoveml other minor office in tlmt ex ceedingly '"loyal" bornnjli, nt the ro eent eleetion. A Tkhiihli Storm. A tornado panned over Pettis county, Missouri, on the 2-ltli lilt., leveling ninny home mid duinz other dumnire. A train of freight care wiih hauled hum the truck and nomc of the eain enrriedndis taneo of one lmndivd yuril. The track of the ntorm wiih only one hiin dit'd and fifty yard" wide, hut it wn most terrific in its course. Skinh or I'aoai'KBiTV. 'J'ho lliirriB burg Patriot linn heen nrrayed in new i;armcnt8 for tho past week, and in its general get up, in decidedly improved. Thin journal duHorven the patronage ot Democrat throughout the State, and those in this county who can afford to lako a daily, nflcr ninkin;it'-a11 right" with tho HuriuucAN, should imb- ncribc for tho Patriot. JrT Like Tiibm. The liadical C'niipremi is in troiil'lc. The expendi tures of the government are now greatly ahead of the receipts. A pru dent biiainoM man would curtail his expenditures to moot his income, but our solona never think of that. They aro now trying to deviso waj-s nnd menus to make tie receipts conic up to tho expenditures, and tho result is that our taxes will hu increased thirty or torty millions of dollars per year. To get rid of heavy taxation the poo ' plo muni get. rid of tho Ilcpiililicnn party. (ieobii Wahiwnui'on. The linine of thin individual, is, no doiilit, famil ial' to all our readers. He was horn February 22, 1 732 ; inaugurated the first President of the United Slates April 30, 178!); retired at tho end ot his second term, Mnreli 4th, 1797 ; dim) December 14th, 17fl!. Ifo wns "?irst in war, first in peace, and flint in tho hearts of his countrymen." The admiral's of Lincoln and Grant have pronounced both tho "joker" and the "tanner," second Washington. They como about as near that u Judas did to being a saint. Too Dad! Even that Godly loyal organ, tho Christian Union, seems to have lost all nKJct for tho National Legislature. Tho editor perpetrate a parable of this kind : Tin Forty-third OuBgrewhu b?n littl Hit. tar tbu KioK Log toward tb floutb but ff It will not, by acting or foiling to Ml, trod old to t King Stork rogino, ft miy yot win mil grnti liido. If Ita mmbori ahall Doed te oonfeu, "Wa bava Uft andona wliat a ought la hara dona," lot thra not bara to add, w Wa liava dona wkat wa ought oat to bara dona." , . After that, if those C'rediUUuhilior, Salary-grab l.ongressmcn (hint cailt,B1) thnt 0f Poluntl. Pretty nurses upon thfl rocks ami mountain, to lull upon them and hide them from tho ... . . i. .1.-. icopio, lucre is no use jor itiiti. mhiu of rtthhish. A Trcii blkp Spirit. The editor ol tho Lancaster Intelligenar Is greatly wonied over the fate of the Texus Pacific Railroad, and domaiuls Senator Wallace's views thereon. oca the Lancaster man own tlio road or Mr. Wallace, or both ? What a pity that his spirit must be constantly vexed about sonio great Stato or national en terprise. It is but a short time since ho settled the United Ktutea SeuaUtr ablp and tho Mayorality of Jjaiieastor, now he has got both the Penn sylvania ami Texas Pacific Railroads nn hand. A ninn who assumes such gigantic proportions will certuiily burst if he is not hoojicd. Will somebody look afler tho man and see that be doe himself no barm ? Plai firoKEN. The New York Tribune, In alluding to the conduct ot the Radical leaders in Congress, says : Tha fAolhnrdy AdraiRiotratlos laftderi, who bra wrging tha wraaklaMtegialROon far tba South, woaht do well lo read tba Hrpublioao pmai of ilia eoRBlry os the lohiaet. No far aa heard from tbera ti not n aingla nepubliean Jonrnal, whoaa oploioo an asy luajeel la worth anything, whtcb dea not oppoia all RtaRinraa of tba kind. Tbey Bfo wiaaaoougb to eea that ccrtBin daalb Ilea in rbat direrlioa. The Philailt'ljihia Inquirer, also nn Adininistration organ, iu alluding to public affairs, gets off tbia bit of coin fort: ftaepeBdtng tha kueeui eorpei and making tinitod atnlaa depRty marahBla eola Jadgea nf alaatkiwa. aols nonutara sad reocrdera of returna. with abeolute and unqunllonad power to arraat any and seery oaa beiora or at election! whom Cbey may wiih to prereat rotiDg, ara thinga which would aeem miira asprantiaUl for Ruiain and AnelrlB than tba linltad HUtM. I- -. 1. - ! .Bayonet Rt'i-t Because the white ami black people of Arkansas have tamed all th public robbers out nl otBco, (Irant proposes to liayonet them haci again. Tho following summary of lite exploits of tho carpet-baggers in that Ktate we clip from the New York llerali: "In 18J tha whom bonded debt of the Stale aaaa t l.JIO.OM . t bad no liml lag .lent, and bad sewr ,'I08,I(H) In tba trwaaury. From Jaly, 18SS, toOatobar. S74, Iba Iroaiury rooeiTad orar M, ooO.OlM), n floating debt waa twearred of nearly I,lie0,(l and Ilea koaded debt was laarewad S,;i0,M that la to lay. In ail year, the men who mined Arkanaaa apaat Il7,btu kuo, and tbia In n State which baa Iww tliaa kal aiiCliok of paopto." Tho ferciMlsno "Democmtic organ," but ll tells the naked truth some times. Suppose ael of rascals were to iircream llm Htnte doU of Pennsyl vania in prnjMirtitiii to the above, what would tho Voters of tliis State do tinder such circumstances? Just wluit tho jsaople of Alabama have iloiie Uiru j the rasrneii out and deliver the Slate affairs iuio the linnils of honest men. And lor iloin-j llun Grant asks Congress to rive him tbo priviaaujf of susjientting lib kaheitl corpus, so as he ova soud bis oliUcn dowrt there and seat bit rs(( niufllaw Jong cnot'gli to slfal the bal ance of the Slavic. It would be far better for freedom to nse the bayonet on the Pregailcmt than allow hira to so it in tho dsftiue of .c ruaCurcs who honld be shut up is prison, if a?ot hang W,c,iMWfl.,SNOK,v. The editor il' the Philndrliiliiii ! Vf M nllt'CCClll'll ill Ulltill!( nil' HOIIIO-1 Llllli'r HOIlNllili illid I rnllidll ill liin imnin I" f . ............ , if the 25th nit., tut u kind of reply to Mr. Weed. Ilo remarked Every mnB knout Ihn eunditiun tn wklok we find ounalTtt, and no tlio luvu will airaa aa lo Ilia nauia. Tlia llrtiilioian party in! with a diaatroua overthrow lait fall ; lha financial an4 huaioau lntrila of Ilia nonotrr ara darangad, landtba Mouth fl diRiallrllad, ivrtira. anil tlio aouroa of ainrahanaloo of dangtr. Tba prub. km la buw lo nooiUr Ilia allualion I lo ravaraa tba vvrdlot of lha Call alaelioni lo rcalora pop. ulur pontldanoa In lha Hapublioaa parly lo ra liava tba ntagnation of buainaaa, an4 pacify tba South. lliui'low Weed, the god-fnther of the Itudieal party, nun-titled at the management of public affairs by his pupils, hits taken to growling wonder fully. In a recent letter to n friend on this subject, among other tilings ho says : Wa have barn larloualv wvakaned and wound- ad by lha baok-pay grab, by lha Trraaury lia- iiarimaot luibaoiutia., by Baunorn oonlnuli, sod Waabiugloo City guTaroiuant fraaiU. Although greatly in love with his party, Mr. Weed would rather see a Democrat elected President in 1870, than "an incapable licpublieiui of equivocal integrity," Ilo wanla tho third term business settled at once. Ho also suggest as a way of dealing with our foreign creditors that Con gress pass a law imposing duties on silks, velvets, jowolry, wines, 4e., Ac, limited in its operations for two years, that would virtually prohibit during Hint period their importation. Re sumption, ho says, would follow with out an efl'ort. Ilo condemns the Civil Rights bill as an unnecessary eni.ct mcnt. After tho defection of Thui'low Weed, no Republican who loves his country and wants to see it restored to peaco and prosperity, need hesitato for one moment to throw his influence in fa vor of the Democratic party. A ten yearn' fuiluro to bring about tboso de sirable results, should satisfy tho most captious, that there is neither penco nor prosperity for this I'nion while the present salary -grabbing leaders are at tho head of public attain. MORE NEW STATES. Tho Radical leaders, fully aware ol their decline ami loss of power in the National Legislature, aro trying to holster themselves up by making new States out of Territories they control so as to save their majority in the United States Senate, if Ihoy cannot hold it anywhere else. . A bill was passed through the Sen. ato 011 Wednesday last admitting the 1 erntories ol .ew Jlexico ami tulo - nido into the Union as Slate. The Democrats will have a largo mnjnrity in the lower House of the next Con gress, and the Senate being nearly pnrtinent will be in charge of Col. A. tied by tho recent victories of our pur- j K. .McClure, and Prank McLaughlin, ty, compels the '-salary- giiibboii" toi Ksip, will be business manager.. The resort to every trick to hold the Sen-j combined elfiii'lsof those two gentle ate, and by admitting these twoTerri-; men ui""t make tho Timet the lending lories as Stntes, it will add four more j journal uf Philadelphia, Col, McClure incuilsirH to their side of the chuniber. lis one of the most fulfilled politicul These same nnsoriipulous leaders cut I writers in the Slate, while .Mr. Mc- the Ktalo of Virginia In two several ; years ago fur tho purpose nf adding to their number, but to-day their trick gives the Jiemtrcrats our tsonuuirs from that Stato instead ol two. We will not be snrprised if a similar state ' , ' , ,. , of affiiira overtakes the ( redit -Moln- lierites in these Terrltoriutl before two years roll around. . Again : Tlio leaders of a party who have so elaborately set forth their in competency to govern thirty-seven State, should not ba in such hurry lo increase tho family of States, Lou isiana, they have turned into an Ire land, and the futo of Arkansas la worse to bo looking afler tho government ol more States, when It i manifest on every siile that they aro unfit In con trol old ones, much kmc nou ones. Aft xtka Session. President Grant has issued a proclamation conven ing a sjH'cial session of tbo Senate for the 5tb of Jlareh. His evident that ho! is resolved to use that lly in carry-1 mention Tyrone as being a very suituv ing out hia policy us far as it can hclpbo location for tho same. On ex him. but tho people hnve interfered lamination lh mmmitteo discovered with his plans, and he will n.i. ht he j .t !4,F .l.,ortU," "f ' ', . styled tbo criminal insnno, aro confined must behnvo himself in the future, oi rl"tlor jn ju juons, jails or alms houses, put up with tho consctjuenewt. Tho 'none of wbitliam provided with tho exile of sucli,'luitties"as ;ilbert,ol Plo- rida ; Pratt, oi Indiana ; Chandler, of Michigan; Ramsey, id' Minnesota; Scott, of Pennsylvania j Kniwnlow, of Tennessee j Klunign, of Texas ; Lcw- is.of Virginia j l)oreniun,of West Vir ginia, and Carpenter, of Wisciiniii nearly all to bo Hueceded hy Demo crats, must make "the government" feel sad, If it has any feelings left. Mr. Wallauir, ilr, Hcott's auccessor, will resign his sent a (ttlulc Senator to-day (tho 3d), and proceed to U'ffsjl- ington on tbo 4tb to take his neat in I'nitrd States Nennto at the extra ses sion on tlui bill, W presnine an ad ie an ml- .,i ...lil, ""V ; onduy ,.f r li,, journmciit will be brought altout in ten days until tho first i December, when tho new, or Demo. cratie Congress meets, in accordance with the Constitution. TlJB Cujllt IJOBY KllUt'ATION BlI.L. At there ui n bill before our I.eris Intura with tliin intent, It H'onld l well cnouirh ftir our llcipniiiental'e Ln move kIiiw in that direction no an to give tho peoplo nomo time to reflect. Tlui ndvocnteft of thin bill immune that tho Kutta, M tho Irfginlntiire, bun tho riibt to look after tha r))oml "tutus ot iu inhabitants. , Hcjioi) tliig innvc- nient o compel purenU to nend thoir children to nchool, . If tho parent con. cayIm thitt rifht to t)is Stcita, nntl hup rentier, bin authority over (lit) child now, may not the Stato alU'r V'hih nlo rwsiinie to Imik after tht inlcrimt of the parent f Anil if the nioraU of parent" nnd adult frer.erully, can bo Improved In that way, why not lin pono oitoihir penalty upon thetn for not attending t-uiiyi')) T And if tbey n'finie, fine theen five; dollaiv Cjr every Sunday tlicy arc altcnl from jttio houf o of womhip. Reader, tjiink .pver thia matter. Mentiil alarary in fur wortw than chattel slavery, mill yni I know what U cant tin to fct rid of the latter. . ' Dkab I) t)KA. The pturiute of the t'nited XU wijl rvqeivo tbo Url cleaniuir out on Uauocjiw 'hot over oc curred in that body. f tint think of Cbnndler, Carpenter and tftat claim of political harlou biildiii( hire well to Grant, RaWl( cVCo. Woreour toarrt little hottr, pur cbaunU would oer Ullnly b ecalderl by (lie annvtng tf h Blh. Hut we will In- nd cool (T, and in "the courttcj .evcutit". iJ.j, bci ue,tjntii,,tly piniii) 1 . ... . m.. ua. AwilLlA-u! A . I. !.'..... "t.'.. Income l-eooncilod and p'!' wUh(lr old ftuihloi,(Mi XiiiiiK, liavi H4 IthlnnR an we find them 1'O.MI'II.SOIIY KDUCATIOX. ! The iiiIvimiIch of thin Ivuiniiinn in. lltillll llf CUM' KVHtlMII Illtll'P llll'lll-!'.trf iiii iii II.U u'.it . ,., , ,.,v . , 11 ha. tx-rti f, r yen trlr.l In mnr i.r li. tmiD.I raliui raiiairin uf tiuiope, and wiih ibo beitj remit. 'M-irue ilatlrUol uii Ihil nolnt are tuter. ' 'anting. Amur... lienuiark, itwedrit, Knee.u, Mod oowtiultory aduoalloa. Nut oliild la ln,.. ..J V l.J k - i ... louml in Haionv who baa nut alli'Bdail anhiMil. la . Prut-ia. in isni.oiu of s.ouii.nim -MM-.. ,.i. ' IHII.OHU wr nnl ,.r .nlinAl l Ku.l... t aSj.Ollll pliildrrB. mil. u. l:il or llir. i..'r mrm ni.iiininni. n 1110 urnou irunilT ill mi tan nrt a rlngla ailult ooulil ba fnuit.l, In Isur, that waa iililerata. abow lika rt.ullr. 11..1 ... in..... ti.- -.1 .1-.... ' Now. why nut tell the whole story?, In the countries named, liareiits nie! conipelleil to give up all their able bodied sons for seven years, as soon as they arrive ut twenty -one, to servo the statu in the army. Tho statu will al low llm parent to keep the cripples and invalids, Ilesides, tho name au thority compels yon to pay an 'annual tax to tho church. Is it a republic our people want, or a monarchy? AVo infer from tho movements of promi nent educators, that our school system is to bo made the steppiiig stono for the inauguration of kingdoms nnd cm. pi res on tho North American Contl- n....l S,.vm.,. , I.ll.l ... go to school, and compels every nil-' K.. 1 , n. ... 1, unu .,. nn) pa rent to support the church in .lnllnes1 and cents. V e begets the 0,! Is this what we want our youths! ..-..ato and churel, united ?-; 1 nose no uesiro .111. union are on tlio right road oad when they advocuUi, 80.0(10 sheen killed in the I'riiH-U States; education. ! by dogs. The ilestnictiou of wool and j w mutton in this way is plnced at 1500.- i.i'iil a Statistics. The "00. In this State the dogs massacred I compulsory l'llll.A HKI health officers of our capital city have given their report to the public. It is a very interesting document, and we propose to lay it before our readera in detail at some future period. The dcaths( since 1800, 14 years, are 233, !('!; liklm 240,122; marriages OO.IiSti. In 18li4 and 1872 tlio deaths exceeded the births. In the former year the death roll amounted to 17.S82, while tho births footed up but lu.ftOl. In tho latter year tho deaths were 20,544; births 20,072. Tho deaths in 1874 were lfi,31S; births 10,387. Tho most marriaiics occurred in 18l!fl. 7.087. and in 1873, 7,801. Although there were 1.214 more marriages in 1873 than in 1R74, yet there were CIO more births in the latter than in the former year. The avcrago of marriages are about 18, ckronide, which hereafter s-i- nay, imii per mount or n.-ctMi per year. ) Til I! Xkw Pai'M. Tho Philaibl-i.Mr. nliin t,' llcieamniiir lma lionii miivli.iu.ol ' 1 j- i "i 1 , .ny an itssociai ion ol gentlemen, who. i lake possession on the 13lh of: .March, and will issue n two-cent daily 1 . .. ,. ... .. 1 called The ,,. 1 he editorial l-t Laiighlin is at the head of one of the i I......., ....l.i-l.:.,,. ;.. 1I...1 Ug.T., 1..M,....,.fA ..,r.. n ,,. OlllllllJ, Tbo Times wjl) start w ith both brains and capitnl. I. ., .... al ' , ., . .' the Constitution kills tho rorty third f, . . . . . l.'...iii I T.i... ,..,. M,.,.l, HI, j Congress, without doubt, tho most cor- nipt hotly of men that ever assembled j In Hip Rational Capitol. More ';chris tian stalfaiucii'' will bp aenl into exile hy the Hsiplc than on any lin'incr oc casion. A'iVIV 1X.SAXE ASYLUM. Atlho lust session of tho Peunsj r- vnnia Legislature, ft commission, con sisting of tienrgo L. Illinium, Thomas S. Kirkbridge, Joseph A, Reed, John t iirwcn, u. IMiwson uolenian, li. I lurk Davis and Jliestcr Clymor, waa ap pointed to inquire into tho condition of tho criminal jnsuno of tho Common wealth, and wcrp Instructed to make a report lo tho nexi (the present) Login-' Iiiture. Said coiniuittoo have reported. recommeiKling tho erection of a new institution lor tlio aecoiainodatlon uf that nurticular class of insane, nnd means lor tho proper carp oi our pro- nlo. Theru In eiitiro uiinniinilv nf. opinion in tho ciiiiiiuImiIoii, tlmt no cIuhb of tho iimunc hIioiiIiI be kept in any of the institiilioim uIkivo limned, mid that (lui-e aliould be a new iiHti tuliun erected u till) ;tlTOIillnilittiiili of the uillowini! cluHHen nf noinoiifl i 1, Joni.crfm iiinuno perHiHiB, who huve CDiiiinjtiAul or "hull Attempt to commit iiiunliT, nrson, rupe, rnhlitiry, or other liijrh oriniCH or miiuleiiieiuioni. 2. Tin we chnrKod with coininittinu cither of tho crimen before mentioned, who aro Ircliovod to fcin liiKCtnily, or of whow nnity there nmy bo no great doubt ia U it'ijllire tbo invcti),'iiliiin of tixH'rtn. - ' " '"' Ji?"" " "" '.' " Mrf to honor n tlimnith tickets inwied rnu " " ""' I tho Kroiind ol iiinnnity, who nliull bo!,1''."' ' " " ,p. . ,, ... , .. cuniet-bauuer, Jo ndjudged by tho Court tryin, the of. ! '"lt ."'"'"J'"") ' W m ' H-rntb l',,roli i ', f(, rob(IR m,m ,1nirerouA tobonti "''" ltwJ Imvp red iccl tU fur,,. v J , ' !,... 1 fVom New York to wentern point" M'r ,i"""'i R .1. 1 hono acquilteil orHueti t ileum on llll'0 4. Thtwu utifiritd ill) tlio i'olnl,ii aiuti nf either of niub criinca while nunc, nntl hccotiiiii( iiiinie before iriul or nentenco. , 9. Thorn becomini iiiHnno while in prinnn after conviction of any crime, and continuinfr iiintiiio tha term nf Ren I tenco, who hIuiII not have friend, or rebitlv'B to whom niicb initano purnonn inny ba tl iij. pruJ nt tho expiration of nciitcince" with nf'cty 'tntfaoanintnuiiity. 0. liiKunn cnuvli'ti gonorally, whtmo innnnity ahull havo been n'crUi inert, and who may be trnnoferrotl In aocord anco with the law of thin Common wenth. ' The fnt tlmt tlipinenibi'innftlii' com- ni'mnion arc all In favor ot r)0tV hiRti luunti, ..... ,mje Kiveii Rinn. r. .. ,, , Hi liy Tf tuCTH for .con- I"troni;e among mh-i omeo why one rtboiild bo cnlnblmhrd, In mif- ... ,i, '..i,iX ,," n I, or. In tlu'O d tlomlnlonV (lenenil ficicnt cano for unto believe that tho liCBiwi.iiro ,,, .avnrnmy eonnmer ,e f(,1ow priHom, J)r, Mll(,ito wnmll ll0 "liTi " . . i ... ,i ..i had beeomo devotedly attached since Ibo neoemtity lor an liumtiillon oilWir r(.llt,m(Ilt. ol.auKhli,, ,io th kind Indicatcil i admitted on ull aj ((B j),.y Toi-turuoa tlunne; a yel- ImnilK, and oa there are htwpltctlii at 'low fever epidemic, and about flic Philadelphia, Pittnliurirh, llarrinbiirg, Danville and Warren, il in but proper that the building" nhnuld be erected nt Tyrone, nenr tho centre of tho State, with ipiiiioad fuciliten from every me.. Jion of he 8lU'. l-r r r-samr MllrHKI.L ANU l'AHt.lAKNf-rJol,ll Mitchell, tho Iriul, Cut lint. Imviliir been elected to the jMlt'liiih l'urliiiment from Tippornry nnd refined odmiwlon, ie uirain ntniidinK an eletition with every protiabiiity oi i,m not ticini aiiiuuii'ii, an tho Unirjidh do not want him, and very likely will nu have him in their iinr- lunuerU. Jl o wujUr ii)0 kiuaiIi ulierty for cipprttniiMl Ireland for Kngltuid o grant a bearing; in behnlf of hie country Rum eo liivoriible a piwlllun a goat in paiiiunioni. i ue mikikii gorurn meuln trfatN tho Irinh penpla Ju4 a uraJ) Iroatn Louininninnn. fl'l lli.lurineil winter tin" time XEU'S ITEMS. ui.. ii i.. i . ..n .1 ........ l lllL-linll L'llillli'ilt. In lllllll. ... ... . .. V....1- iimril.MKr 1,'nu I... ,'..ul ...I I,. I '.,1... Mllirj.eV, llll' CnCltOeil .CW ' I, Sfveiity-iitrlit llioiiRunil eniinll to should bo convened t 12 o'clock finm the I tilled Slates landed at the 5th of March next to receive i.vimi.l in 1M7J I nnn -..L ; i! U'l pool ill 1871 n,. i , . ....... ' uaiiKing-iioiisu ot Jiart, t an., 1.1 1 1 V it' I 'V. I if ' I 'i 1 1 y I ill u u,, in lii.l II...I I. ' S Afternhinse of tuentv vein-, a! ... . i. .' , Jwlnnllv . , iiiiiiicii 111 r mnee nv 1110 1 A colored woman named I.ucv lliuvkins died in Washington on tho 22d all., at 1111 advanced uge of lift years. Tho valuable libiaiT of Jlon. C.I, ! AVard.of Townnda IV hns been do1 7 " requireu to taao 110. linted by his heii-s ti I.afavelte colle.-e ,' 1 at Kasti?,,. ItcontainS , ' , tho I luted States, ut Washington, 1 l!'tw' theinurderercil lhellam.tlie lithdayof rebriinry, in the year licit iimiili- il 1 1. I U;. ..,;..., nn, V . ,Z . 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 .,'1 1 ,. r iT i" ;' i l 1 1 nun tiiu 1 iij, 01 1 lusmii'gn, saiiereueiue 01 tno 1 lined MutiHt nt America, tho extreme penally, on Tuesday, 22(1 ' the 9!llh. ; nit 'after making a full confession. .. ' Rev. Liicicn II. Pnigbeo, D. D.,LJJ'"" 1,"d''iit: Hamilton r isli, presidentof tho Weslcyun Feinnlo Col- ' u'',v"ir' ol Su,u'' leg", Cincinnati, Ohio, has been elected! tO tllC liresitleilCV 111' .MI..rluiiV fnllnrrn I . .. 1 1.- 1........1: "i"""t''1 Kt ''' ' W interniato, who shot lien. Me-j ,imSpUnoA:! a troin custody. )Hril, the year 1874. there were Daring the year 1874, there were ifl all. ....a. ... 4 1... I', 'a ...I Ut.. . .... 1 3.878 sheep. Louis Napoleon, the Prince Im perial, is classed seventh 011 the list of cadets receiving commissions in' the Royal Military Academy, at Wool wich, and is placed at the head of his ches in fencing and riding. Tho billiunl iimle'h Ibr 82,1110 anil the championship of tho world at the three-ball ganio between Mimrico Via- iiiitis aim iiiuuiipiie. 111 aow 1 one, on 1 n. 1 i.i. . . ... , 11 iisiiiiii.11111 s iiirinoav, wan won nv Vignaux, scoring GOO to Riiilolplie'sfiSii. Stephen A. Douglas' memory may yet bo honored with a suitable monu ment. Tho Illinois Senate has pussed a bill appropriating ttoO.OOO fur the e'",1',i. f tlio memorial already be gun, uml it Is believed that the House will readily concur. Parson llrownlow has purchased a hull' interest in the Knoxville iJiJiYu n'lii no Known as tlio li A'17 crnrf f tironh ; ". 1 lie daily uppears with Hrown-j Recks. iM. 1 1. 1 ii" mine miliar which nus oeen dollar which has heen iniNMiiceii 111 the coinage ol the I iiiteif States piiimises to be of great viihio to ,., ', !: . , , , unlike the .Mexican dollai's. it is uuitnrni : By.c nd weight, and tho pure silver, In il exceeds In value that in cither the! ll. i ,i .... old American dollar or tho Mexican dollar, and is about tho same as that, ot the J apaneso yen. , A cat belonging to Jus. (iibbs, of Lewistown, Pa., about three weeks ago gave birth to It double kitlen. H had. two ciuniilcte heads, fniircoiuplcte and fiiur smaller legs, and tho aiipcarance: ui ii.i uisiicn, iniiiigii 1111111 soiiiniiiT to hip they were joined imlissolubly to gether. The kitten walked and ute and lived for ten days, when, stnini'oi to say, Mr. ti. killed it, iMicnuse of ujltemoarat superstitious notion that its birth was i v.lZ'"'1'"' " ' ,, ., 1 lacaocy an omen ol evil, The anthracite coal carrvlug com panies havo agreed uiion a schedule for! the coming season, allotting n percont- ago of the trade to each nf the com- pnnies, and fixing a schedule of prices.l The average prict) at Port Richmond. I for llurch. will bp .ir per top, inl - vimclng live oonta In April, ten each in i ir ...i i ...i lift'... i. July-, August, September, October and P'1'0' y. while most of the others;lady, who smothered the flilino with November, making the average closing 111,1,1 Clv" "'"'C 'lnder the Confetlointe woollen garment. Had not help bet prices IJ3.00 per ton. Last vcar tlielt?ovl'ni1,""ll'1 M 'So,l'or people, i closo at hand she would probably hai " I oiK'nintt nrici was H4.20. ailvnncimr lo ' h"1!11 electing tlieac wluto reluls, been burutsl to tleath. iiiii unu tiiuik., win niieeii eueu in oiieiiing pni'es was 4.20. ailvnncing to! """" y...A...B i...- uue, .1 oa ,i. ' thail only e iH-ted enrhlv-fivH iimmiiiii Tbi ,r f h. rzxir largely at the wells during tho pastilal ...i,,,,..!,,,, Boul(l lmvo lcrl, nil. The price of refined heenl,,, ,0 d ',,., , '.,,, 7 ;,as i... ni....i ,...... ii.' ii,i... .:n .i I..... . li l it. a.;,l0, Pro three cltuiwn ot peoplu in win .lu n.uc . to renioyu tl,o indncutl ilTC 'J'?"? "Ll.h. f' i'?1''"' nnil at tho winie time niutcrliilly bene- cii i,ni. r ! ii -,o,t ... .j ..... .....iij. .,. lust week it the well tori:.' per bitrrcl. j Viliuiii 11. Oirilen, tho flint M nv- or of Cllcrti'ii, nnd njio nf (ho int(bt)i binincMj men of lllifnis,:i.nvrll usiiroin incut in ocveiiil of tho ptral rnilivnyn ol tlio H'H, viy iniirrit'il on the Hlh! culture nnd intulliircuip of (hu Hun lb in ol'KelinmrvtuMiwi iiriiiiiiilo 1J, Aniul, (miflnul ii tha mitim punulutiiiii, and iliimthtcr of tho liitu John Arnot, ui',iii tlmt cliut ulune, after Litter ouperi Klfiiim, New York, Mr. Ogilvn Inm encc, huvo niun been found who mv nincht'd tho nound uo of nuvuuty, coniietent micticiiiilnlly iiud linncntly tc while bin bride In twenty yenin younger. ndiuiniiiter the ullitim of a State, city Tbo I'hicnuo Tribune, Biiyn thut "tho i or county gnveniineiil, Nonioro con- miii'i-iH;!' ol her flntt Mayor ninkcn t lilniiril nntliiil i t IlitUvll incccHnorx in ofllue feel )jke bojij fttjuin. . .ii i i i-i. . i .. . . . .i The 'nni.ylviii,iit lluilmnil Com pnny pcfnHt to allow tftlt1moM A Ohio enrs to ihii over i( lino between I'bil- . ,1.1.. .,,,,1 V..... V.. I. nn.l 11 that lnlr... tlo,, bnro U.on glvuu ,. It cmplovot'R to take no lreli?blB and Ir-uo no ticket. (Von, tho hitter nhicCR to point- on tin. Biilliinore A Ohio mad, l . .. ..... . followa: Chicniro, Jlli.'ifi; Cincinnati, 1(1.25; St. Iintik 21.21.; Louisville. li2. Tho llomiic Tunnel, fniinplelud, in four in ill limn, him rout the htlxir of an immeiiRo niiiubcr nt men for many yenm, the expenditure ol 13,(IO(l.ii()il,! unit uta niuniu w in nver.. n i. null 110 puMillilo CVH'WIII rtwult Iroin It. Htnted that it will tnko a loudutl freii(ht.i Hut why fdionld UrantiHin bo no terri train forty liiinntes to paw thnmirh it. i lily Rhm kiil at the pronpect of rebel Tmiunortfltioil conimnic and hip-1 influence in Cnnn.f Ilid not (mint per aro ruprewuitud (o bo eatur oiipmilnt I Ming rpbcl of South avail thcmaclvcH of itn finilitii'it iiirit'iirolina, IbiiHUit' to Uuwiit, and did hoi-tcning tho dintnneo between Kew nnt a radical Himitto confirm him ? la Knglnnd cilliw and tho Wot, nd Krcntj nnt llnulin, a Virtinla' rebel, .1 uiliru ot oxpoetntloinof increnwof himlneitnare tho I'iiHirI HtuttHi Court, and la not banetl thereon. I t'ol. M onby , from the "ttmeStateii-ant'ii im,.,,..i a. i..- ...i. ...... ..... i confidential fViend and the ilncnrnncr ((,nt inf,0, Rl , ,inU80 0V ,,J nl,ai nf Ji Imu.iii'n Ai m lninl inl inn Mudd, Hpanjilcr, Iiiul Al'liolil gropiir-lrni'i,'l party mint permit the South excellent appoinimeut. If llr. Tein doncd.'tho iit'lition fttr the clemency I " 'l!'t' I'tT own ounilidiiton for Con-! plo enriwindi hinmelf by anoli turn, of the Premilent bcini gliriied by nlHnn' null hor people niHidulurmliiwI I thero will be a U)i,roKl nverhniilinfl ami ninn ut,i,i...ii.-l nt tlm Drv 'I'nrtii. irtui, a niimlier nf whom were ut tended : " . . by Or. Mudd. Samuel Arnold relurnod o Hultimoro. uh nlno did Spnngler. Tlio Intlor, aliotit two voniniiince, took iii 1 1 13 rcMdeiico wllli Jr, Mudd, be twcin wiinin niidSpa,)'h'rKreiit frlepd. hip axlnted, Kpnui'lrr wns n native ol ronnnylvniila, but louriitul liii trndn ol carpenter iu Unltiinoro, where ho workoil for many yeaw under Mr, Jitmca (ilfl'oitl, a manttir builder Mr. (iifford, on tnklnr the ponition of oar iicntcrat Mr. KortreThcalro.cmiiloyod puriKjer an ftwitant. ypiintleri" no pronpecti of bin recovery. woe rniiuir a siout, in-ill, man, nntl wn nliout fifty -five year of auo when ho tliecl, H wt nllugiuj that ho tik viibuu,!' in mu iiaiibv a,i niNjau .mi iiu nicht of tbo aucuuhiutlon, but turned tho animal over to Reanut John to jnibold, and alo that ho had errnnKcd wtldi Jonii, in nnve a wnon. AX E.YTHA SESSlllX Oh' T1IK SEX A 77.'. . H'l the I renulenl nf Ilia I mini iV,,cV .j 1 WIUMimiUH. - . V 11 hBA"i "JU 01 Intercut to t l,U i t nitott hut eg required thnt tlio Scii- 1 hum nva iiimi. oueu eominuiiieiiiiuiin as innr lui mifU in !l .1.. ..f ","v - " ... r ... lliet 'l mv, iiiereiine, i, i 1,1 1 iiin iiiiiKi in me wnoiu snuiii ivgiini sillelit. ..I' llm' imi. ...,..iu.i.i CI ,. m . ' t. .. ' . . if v years, n j ilnty to issue this my pint lainiition, nore pro-IMeelaiiiig that an extraordinary oc ' .egislativoi casion requires the Senate oft ho I'liilid 1 ... . . V h ' .. I .1,11, i, iui, turn inv liliiciaiiuiuiill. 1 Mates to convene fur the transaction ..... . ... v.,.y., ,,u, inuisiii iiiiii 0 biis.i.ess at tin, .'api.ol in tho City 01 Hasliiiijjtoii oiitlieailiihiyol .March next, at 12 o'clock at noon on that ilav. ; of which, all who shall nt that time be I ' , , , A itt noon 011 tiiiii imy, I ol which all who shall at that time be j , V 1 " --mil , ....ilil.l . ..... ... 1 . .1 . 1 ,.f'i.iii. I.,,wl 1u7r, 1 ... .1 1.........1 Tin vtauv.1.. '" wr.nn.. Tho election ol a United States Sen- !'" ') Legisluiure ot Minnesota coinoletcs tho list nt incinlicrs f il,,,1 L'3 f' Vi V? c ? ' I Roman, Democrats in italics, and ull .1 a. ... . .. . . . I Horn,,.,. I),. nn, .. V,, ?, . ". . : others, 'inch. g Liberal Republic Independent . Republicans and A Motiupnlists, in snmlltctinitiils: th k senatk V Ml J II K HftnA IT,. I Tartu and., ii.Aaivi. 1x77. (;... (..( jit (, 1S7U. flan. E. Hpanorr iKKina 1877. 1'i.wrll Clayton 1B7H. a. W. Dnney ClALirilflNU. 1S70. Aarun A.bargnaul ISHI . Xcwroa llisiis iimai-TiriT. IS7U Urrii 8. K.rrr Tarm rod. sis.urni IS7U. ...ail I . ., SiaRlHftA ism. V. W. lliUhroi..k ISHI. A. 8. 1'ad.loi.k savi oa 187V. Jhn 1. Jimra ISHI. William Slian.a MM' tlASI'dUIRK 1877. Aaron II. Cragin 1H7A. 11. Wa.llniKh SKW aKIINKT 1877. r.T.Krrllngliurai n ISS1. ria, '. rVi..';.i I OH I . WiUinai W. folaa iai.A Alt.:. tsr7. an 10m. noauii f. A,iynr. FLORIDA, IBTV. Fioion U Conovar I SSI, l Urlt, W.Jv.n OEIIHUU. IK77. Tho9.M. Sarunmt I87S. Jala II. (Vamos II.I.1IIOI9. saw VOHK 1879. Hokoo Coukling 1881, Voaril A'.raAM NORTH r-ARol.tNl 1877. Mill W. (,i..o: I87H. A. J.rr,. OHIO 1S7T. John A. Iirnn 118711. John 8hrrinan IS7U. KiolianlJ.Ogla.hy innusa. U7. Olirar I1. Murl.m ll. J". E. il,lt,..nM lim-ji. 1S77. Iliarga II. Wright IK7U. Via. U. Ailiaon ISHI. AH" (J. Tkf,inu oaiiioa W7.Jm A. AVIy I87. John II.Mil b II 1'Biteri.rAxiA 1879. Simon Caiuarun 1881. II'-. i4.Vo(7on IS77. Jaruaa M. Tlarvay ib"T. Henry u.AniboBT I aiions IHI.ISU '"7"- J"'m Ingaiia IISsl. A. K. llurn'ida I 1877. Jhc. '. A'l.rr.w,. '1177. Tbo. J. Ilnlitrleon l70. ri. V. Jr(Vee.- 1879. Jba 1. IMIereon I 1877. J. itodio.o Wen is:r. J. it.i....K 'it 11..-. ... TkaintsaKS i7v. a. Va.-am-y lui. Air j..., . ,,,?; ... L .. T0",f" , u.nn.b.i iiamiio '"" "r '' "(' lS. VSIIUOST 18711. Ju.lm S. Morrill 1881. tieo. F lolmuudl VIBIIIMA 1877. J;kn M'. J,..lo. ISHI. iVolert K H ilAeri waiT vinnmu 1877. (.'. Mne 1881. AlUt T. Ciyicrroa WIli'nsilR 1877. Tlmolliy 0. How. 1881. Avoi'i 1'AUr.ans ..'., i '' BA..AI ni'HKTT i;r. tin. 8. Bomwd t haw , Zn; Km. "H. ' Cnaumvr . wTwindo,. issi. h. j. h. McMiiiau umaiaiian "'f; J"" I'M MARY. Forty -third Congra.i. .. 49 in 4 I Forty-fourth. Cougraia CI 38 i I .o.. li.WH'ALS A I AHMED, The Cambria Freeman tlinsmintedly remarks : . ... A """"itt jifesn is niaiiiiesung a . '''aitiil amount ol alarm from tho Iiiul, ,!m.t 1,10 "7 ( 'mgress will contain oiKhty llvo kiiiutliern uiemliera, a largo number of whom were nnicent in tlm I . . ... r 1 ' ' the inurder tf L"v "v ""t" "eni ii ttiuv iii , ,wtj( t ()f w fc v j nnntl b, cl..e. Tbt'KO ttretho imtivc! ' ai n hitn men nf the Smith, tho Hearties, iincl tlio tlnevnifr nnd iitnnemtin enrnnt Uwem . all( ju,tM 'f(ir tlio pontile uf the Smith nn it in fur the ieiiti nf ?iurtl ) ennfef plllto on llipeo wli Btpiid hy llio'n in (hoir trivRttw liour til nectl. JUvArly nil the elusive plf of IbctruthoflbiapropoHi. Hon could iMnwilily Imj furnished thini''1")' '""t he won the reciiiictit, n (in i.i. tbo liiejept Mriteiitilp nnd pitmpernun tlitinii til Vii"'nil,'Nortn Ciirnlina contl and tieortiin, when cnntinHted with hp illniirihiiiy mill COlTUjit Htltto of 1,11111,11 Mini uiy;iMA:ii iteiciiLi unu iiui!lfl- l'K 'winttcy in ,.i.i..anal Jli-s.,,)- r 1 ."'"'T ' . Tmm' I (""'l,r j"1,1? uo,'0,' ",aU? oorula, I mill thin nL llin Vennl liiiBi.riiiiiili.uu liii J, J'ntturnon, lnmi nt lion. HniiHom, of Anil lllfl corrupt (Wr ton, of Arkunniutj at tho rliHjiiunt I.mnur, a meinlicr ol tho lloune lnmi Mirwimippi, and at tho mciidacioim llliyw. now froip Alnhamn, hut lutely fvom I'ji'iiikiutloiit. Wo honor the Mouth fur ncnilinK irr al'W and nemt coni)Mitent int'ii, rvhrl lhou)U they Kt rtl Ui Conire. Hiibntnutiiil (rood l.ontiwt whh tho ' Mnr-lil Key of! the rebel army, and if all the Northern blood nhrtl hy him could be collected In one vant nwrvnlr, bu mlht nwim in it ; nnd yet (irant nominated nnd a litditf( Scnnto tnitirnied him to a! HH 0v II omoo III Wew I li'lonnn. The to elect nrp ttcnt men ne i,eir renre 1 . i. in i.,-.. -.i.i.. t'u.i. Bi'iiiliiivi-n, i.u'i n in ji n einv iiert.i to nif(m tiiion,eii nnd rnriiet-hn; thlevee," Shot HiMnr. V. C. CaniplK-ll, hiKik-keeiicr in Jl, C, SniithVinnnnincc UHi-ncy, ti Wilkenbtrrc, wuB iirrcntetl limt Monday allernoon for ombcrjilo ment.the nmnunt huing nearly $10,0110. In the evening, he lit hlmwilf with a W niton carbine, at the Liiuomc llotino In that city. The nnn,rtunato man waa atlll alive at lant report, but there --. Proviiikd Pur Hon.' (totllove R. Drtfi ii tq bo nominntcd M Minister tn il. piuwill ."nr. 0-iij. ntr.i.rrin , in Chairman of the Committee, on For cign Affaire, and wnn not re-eleclo J to tho next Congra. Hence (Irnnt nendn 'him nn a Miaainn. I'XltlX KKXTtMRXTS M i...... 1 .1... 1. entile iticiuhci't !' 'hIiivhh 1 11,11, 1 In- rtlllll, ll,H, 1 llll ntlllt'- llt'll t. l.l' COIIIIIICIIll (lll'lll In Hie l.llilltlll lll'illlllk, lii ivalioiit, iiiul iwiiei ll'iilly iU tlii'iii to tell us what thev think if the sruti-1 incuts they ciubodv. Do they cn.liuae i: . .1 '.. r nr ri'iiiiiiiuiti lueni f , eveiy white mini m every neigli-1 i. i .. i . ' ,; wind the black man, ivnicinlicriiig ; that the responsibility li,r tho exlieuio' poverty to which wo have been in-' "" ,lml i iviini 1110 lilllCK man. lt'tnemlieniiir 1 need and the eon'mif iniv..riiini.nis in iiueeu unu ine corrupt governuienis to which bis vote has subje, led us res,s,' not h 111111I1 upitu bun , as upon the bad men who. u-iili tin, ,wuiii'in.,.a ,.r Fcdeini siim.orl l,v.. I.,-, U 1., 1,1.1 men who, Willi 1 lie iisKiu aiu es ol , Federal support, have by appeals to his J ' .. wow passnins sought to make Him ourl enemy. niie we laiior n.y all honest means to conviiico him of the truth ; ami that both must bo prtmerved bv i good government, and that those who ; ..V. 1 .... ' .1 1 . " U 'uv,mv ol Imth races, let as nt the snimi time sec ho is fully protected in his guainii-: .'ts. to 'vole as he at all , elections. Let us continue to deal with him honestly and fairly, and let! t 11 J . . lis en inline, riiium tn nivttn ".' , 1 I""icai party who t;";l.'' Hwk 10 km,w ".'0 ""1'' m 10 nnd liomcs upon our soi . Jv-.. . ?!'nvu '," ('"!!!!1'"' Tl"'' ,vi" Bel,U' '" l til til 111 III 'I llll lt mil lit Mirl .il ..! ill Canada. They will !i000 of VK,HU pwltKs or 1.201) luinilk-M. (in 1 nu I 111 it'll r-iniot. n Uit'HO, .i.ill : iatnilfi liuvu m'tlltul in MimMolm 'litil j ... .'..I.... 11 ll'lllioil, J,l 111 llllllCSIIlll, I 80 111 Nebraska, 215 in Kansas, and CO I1..1...L. c 1-.!.. m: I other states. The remaining 300 (am-i ilies Imvo arrived recenlh- uml ibcii- i n mio nrini-i in , ami null llesllliatlOIIBIS IlllkllOW. J llU HullHUS i eslinatioiiBis iiiikiuiw. J bo Kuiisus .Menniiiiites huvo bought 150,000 acres of hind, upon which they will settle in the spring. A meeting of delegations from those now here is to be held at Klliburt. Indiana, next mouth, to mnkc iii'ruiigoiiicnts fiir the immigration of the present your. 1 1 Km Nil Unkasv. A correspiinileiit of the New York Tiibune says that the President fears that tho government will havo trouble to carry out the pro. visions of laws rescctiiig tbo national debt. Tbo open and flagrant frauds in mime of the chief sources of revenue, notably silks and whisky, may reason ably occasion solictude. The New York .Sim remarks that when a great dry goods house like that of A. T. Stewart Co., cease, to deal in certain linos iif silks, because thev cannot uuv I he unties on them am. ci.miele with the duties on them no,' eiiinnele with iuc sin ii iririeu irisius. ui 11 i ei- win iiiil; buy the I...1 I- .1 1...:..:.. ! nation oi our revenue laws must have ! -....Hl-.l... li.O.I. lV ll.llllllllll- come to a pretty pass indeed. ' Yur Lik!" Ali-s. Tillon' snvs hi .liil 'I'illiu. -o b I,.. .,, l. Till .V 1 nmiiicr says he lnl. .Moiiltnii says he dul. "ilessie"' snys he ilid. Mi-s. -Moiiltnii biivs he ilid. Ail these say Ilcecber ii I in evidence, though cir cumstantial, us st long as any eviilem-o, short of "caught in the act" could lie. Now, who says ho didn't t Simply, the clerical scamp himself! lie sets lip' a general denial, a (id is tinnnil to swear Ihu whole down us a lie. Well, with fifty thousand deluded, magnet iatl, fascinated, charmed, liedeviled uilinircrs in Brooklyn, Now York and vicinity, we would not wonder if he succeeded. A'cif York Day llaik. Ji'TK on Piatt, A youim lady ol Al- j bauy, Oregon, was getting ready to at- luniA iiuia;ii tin n ix-cuiii. niiniitiy uveu ing. As she was arranging an urmf'iil of jute about her head, tlicstult caught from candle and was soon ill a name. Sho trieU to pull the burning hunch I nun her bead, but her elliuts were futile, as she hud fastened it with about three doncn hairpins. Her .,..,,... i.- i i... .(:.. .i . . .......i.t ... ni.i iviu:. iiiiuiuer i a , help been ' have To U. Hristi. l.tmHiior lUrtraiiU linn ih-Hiu-tl a uuinuit for tlio execution on Wi'diifHtluy. tho 21th dny tf Muivli next, nf .loncph lliwn, cotivicteU in Schuylkill county, on tho Kith day of I I'uiiiyi ,n, nrumer anil Aiinetta, pis t'tttl, Ins 27, 187:1, Will Uko U bo hmiiretl. 1 hooxcciition , f,oM j,, Uvini, been ,-mnt.. tV writ of cmr laviiiir been irrfinted bv tho Supremo Court in tho cose of liitrney Mcf'ue, the (itivemnr hnn directed tbo Hherifl of I.yciiming county tn return thp Vlif ram for ij pxtmutliui. . I'a linos Mi. Jnuiift M. Cnlemnn, Kmii.. fnrmcrlv of the Indinun cnimlv bar, win, In i72. boHiiHi the t'nited pity a flno of 12.3(10 nnd niulcrirn an iniprlMonmcnt of flvo yearn tliiiiition in Hie western penitent itiry! On rri I uncoiiiiiiiniii nuriinn niuu 4'miili nt I'irii'i who in t ciuuliilatc fur thetliiitl term, inn, eviiieiiuy UMlKltlj for Irieiidn to sec hiiu, tlniHi; term, nnd evidently liMiknif nmiiiul Now anu Tiihn. The PitMiiinrli Putt rrmnrkfti ''The wrirliglir rime, fineu wiirrtR niirprlnlnp; wonder, In IHU, Andivw .IoIiurhh ".tipolnied A. H. PudtltMk, of Nelmtkn, tiovernor of Wyoming Territory, l.iitt month In tho Ncbmskn licrrinlnturo Kx-fiov. Pllddmk wnnchiwcn V. S. Senntorovcr John 11. 'I'bayer, w tin voted llir thelin waohnient of Prethlent Jtiiiion. Now PrcHiilcnt (irant bun aiiiiointeil P,x- Senntor Thnvcr tinvernor of Wyominij Torritnrv It will bo Jnh,i'im ... ' e"' "V donnrlOll tlllll i l'uddoi k h turn next to vote for im IK'Ul'llilli; nomehoilv etl, ' - . . b, .... ' MnMa Htati llnuntni' -.'I'lin II,,,. I 1 I ,jVj I I" IItlt - lllirillill UliJy innlritB ll.n iiievn ..I. ....... " CI .KHIUU npiinHi tno pronem ntnto otticciK, tlmt ot tho appropriation ot 3,fit7.t!0 made lant winter by tho IciriHlature, ft)- (ho oi(pnn300iif'llii'il i,bliii,,i,t lureo.kiAOtvn nn tho (tiuMvillA School Iiveoti)ration, only 1,818 8(1 wan ctltlmntoly tmpend. cd, and yet tho whole aiini nppropri ntcd Id nilfnlni; (Vom tbo Tronnnry! What wi done with the Imhinro? That Is the fpiention tn which the peo ple hnve it rii;ht to dcnifllld n: tinHwer. Uli t'J.ili (loon. The Clnrlon Ih moerat rmy Mnjor John McMiirniy, nf Hrookville, hnn hctin appointed to a ponition In the Auilitor tiencnils tutice, ut llnrrin- hnrif. by Mr. Temple, the inconiinir An I tlitop 1 leiionil. A limit ludlcloun mid of the flnuiiciitl aecniinla nf the Klgte. and the tranniictinim nl Allen, Miiekev li Co, will bu fully invent iattKl. The proAcculion in the Tiltnn lleccbcr suit on tho 22d tilt., rented their cane upon the couclunion of Mm, I Moutoi'a tentlmony, Tho sudden cne ; nation uf their cum) wan a matter of, antoninJiinent lo both lay worn and npec, Ultom. Tho trial hua already iKcupliHl nine wcekn. Henry 0. Freeman, Km., the nblent memlier of tho Philadelphia bur with tho exception of tlie vencrublo llnrnro Kinney, ha jnt died anil In being oulofrigod by bin profensionnl bn'thren. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, who In now travclinr In Rimmo, recently pa'.J a vUlt tn the Pope of Home, by whom ho waa received Vlth the hnnnrn nnn ally paid to HininnMier1 tranpom. StUtlul I tint lit I I Olll't. fnlllld fllillv llfl Imrnihla. . forglne and litterliit; penlon vtuiehent ! ,b," W lan.i. of jo.e.h pot. A ' ,, nnd of wlthholdl,,, petmlim moncv I nMVJ !ltAn'":?',, ...... ...I. .. i ,,rei idMHilu.1 lllllll I'llllllllllllH, 11,111 WIIH ncniciicctl t lha John liuilim TWO WA YS. 'I'll.) IllHllllllV llf iVllnllllll.l ccl.'l,',itil in two ilifl'creut wuyu ill 1I1.1 MfUlll. Ill .MlHllVUlO, IVO tVUM tlllll llll the lienlllll, bhlfk ullll while, blllu Ulu! iri-iiv, lii'iuililiriin mill llomocrnt Con. lederato, and Federal .'ether, mill iimkinir I" turned out to- tho 1'nited Slales iMiinniunilant. tieneiiil tieili'llll relineyblicker. their chief, Marshal, bad a ulorious . . . ' . r am larinonious nmcess on to tea v ...!.. V... .1 Him iv. .linn, ,11 . 1 .. ...i' iiii'iiii.ij ..1 country he limudeil. In Alal Iti.piibiicans spent the day II 1111 a" memorial uskiiii. Ciuh'iih " asningion ami lively loyally to me ..i.niili.e he l.uiiu m In A ..l.u..,.. I ... ii, I.,,.. li,.,. : ii... n.i.i.,,,! tlio law allowing t lic President to sus-1 pernl the haUa, roruM net and tect" them fi-oni their iieighheai-s. U'l.j, .. il.,,... ,..:i,..o .1... ...n..,.i !,.. i,i ... n..f 1 ...:. i.'l t Inch of these ways si ri Ices tho reflect - ivo ciliici. as tho best way li.r north-1 ernei's in (ho south to celebrate the national day of our great American I J' hero-to generously join ill with their i forging the past, and ' coniincniorating the coinmon glories of our past ns an augury of ncommon1" national day of our great American I'!" r'"i""J h" "'"ok off muii ba paid at l,i. . ....I.. :,V;.. ... .,i .1 i..tho tlua of lala.or lueh othar arraifinanla ... K. ...... .uoi j.,... ... ...1.1 . .' ""h"' "' "..". l.uul AH nt. nn..i.m. nl' t. Klonoiis Iiiture ; or to petition lo have Ihu Constitution W to have established, and died l.npiiv because ho scced.'d"t aside and !w polic power given tho President and all future president: over tho lives uml '.-. 1.1-1. ..1 .iiiii'i icuii eiiiKeiin, nu longer . .....ft : i pintwted by tho great hulwnrk of An- glo-Saxon liberty? Pittsburgh Jsatler. lf w9i (li'f ft ififtiifi.ts I).RDl). NOTICI X , " .. uwrwvj glrrn that an sppllcalha will ba made at tho neat inranng of lha hoard of pardoni for lha par- don of Jaoioi Oahi.ll. ,., WALLACE KUHne. tlcarflald, Miireh 3, ISTS-at. Allowm. T. . 11 . k- .1 ii , IJ.lll.MSI l(.ltl( X SAI.I',. 1 Tha n. li r.!.MJ ..r .1.. ..i.,. of John . Wright, late ol tho b..r..uah of Clear- 'l,l d""!, will o,ml i,ubilo aia at ilia ,,(iu( m)J u h .. .i.r.,-,urriiisiisi1, I be following dciorlhad ml aetata, Til: All thai earUin tract or piooe of land, iltnala in the lown.aip of lloralor, is tba ooualy of lloorSel.l and State of Pohi.eylreaie. houndid and drmribrd ai followi, lo wll : On the at by a part of the Iract, on lie wrrlby land of Wri8lil Kiibi, on Ibo eouib by laed of Albaile. and on Iba Borlh by Kobrrt llainey fanay, bring Ibf I of dobo Cain eoulli tony. nine and ona undlrlded one-half of ana bundrad and alcrrollialf d'grei a rail oua hun.lrcd and llily three ridga. Tble land il well timherrd. WILLIAM I'OKTKR, Clearfield, March It, '71 St Admini.trator. pt'BLIC VKXDUK! There wll 'ill ha Bold at public aala. In renoa towueblp, at lha reaidenea of tha oudcr- eigoed, on . HirilHIlAV, MAKC'II IMIli, ISJS. the following named properly i I boraca, 1 twi year old and J oaa year old aollt, inilk eo... 1 one year old ealvel, an.l 1 b-ilf be d Aldcmcr i.. . T -. en &..-.I..1 I S Clifttr whila kwi, 31 nr.., . m.,.q,, Wlin IO liniu., ,, , , i-',- Z... k.n. o.. ii.inra .i.,...i i.... i. .k.... i i I a k....j -i.k -M.'t " .w... nvv.r.a .KW", 5"? '? .!", .?' ' ''"'. "'" and ,allera,4 ret or work harnc... 1 of .In-i gla Iiaioi... Alio, s lot of i eel aorn and corn in Ilia ear, by lie bu.bal. h iy by tba ton, 4c. 10 commence at l o clock r. s. ol laid iter, will be made known. WSI. IIROIVX. Clearfield, March 1, 171. ;i 1 MIK TIMES. A PIUST CLASS NEWSI'AI'KH. IntlrpetKitnt la evrrithlng f Neartal in nutb ing ! llripoifd to fttl porrupt riogi io MiiBieii.. HliiU nt aVnIiUukI ffair. THE DAILY HUES will U ifiunl on 8atrtUjr, (he 1.1th of Unrob nit, and tvtry morning ibrrolfrr, Sunilnyti eftiiMi.antlfrlbf editorial diftwllon of A. K. Nr. on K Jargs fuho fbLntaitiiB all Ibo aewa of i tha day, inrluding tha AMOcialH l'rcaa Tola-! grama, SpMiol Teiegratna and Cnrrpon.lcnea irooi all wtnta of Internet, and fear, cm editorial d.TUaaUi.a of all eurront topic. I'ri, I eaof a. Mall itibtcrlptiona, pooge fire. 6iX Dollar. per annum, or Fifty oent. por month. In advance. AdvorUaemrMa fifttma, twenty aud thirty M-nta ' par I ine, rding to poaition. TI1K WKKKI.Y TIMi:H f rj i prmivti vompaiij irtB eiiar, bow iyno, Wilt U laauvd ua tUtmday, Xl-roh 2-Jib, and ; weekly tbereafWr. ooaiaiaing all important nowa of th wtn-k, and complete mark at and flnancial reporta. Mailed, for one yoar, fmiUgo free, at Uie lollowing rate : One copy $,rto Ten Cwpiea , 9,t0 Twenty Cop tea ,..: (t.03 AdTortiaauienu I waa ty -Are conta pr lin. IU miilaaoaa tfatmld be laade by drafia or I'ott Uf Aeo onlara- Ad-lrtt-a TUB T1MKS, N 14 heath Havrtlb street. Uieba lot I'biladelphia. f fgal 3Uhftli$fmcnt$. Sheriff's Sale. TY Tirioeofwritaof Vntlitioni pcu.a, iiaaod J J oot of the Court of Common Pica a of Clear- oanir, ad to mo direetod, there wil! aipoaed to publla lala, al tba orl llooia, l"roub of Clearleld, nn Tlmridaa, the J"k, ll' i' iyikiM4' " ' '''"lk tlia fwlluwlag daletload real aetata, to nit t A eertlin traet of land .Unite In Cbeet town, ihip, Clearfield enunly, Penn.llranla, bnitBilad anj deirribed ai f. llun, Ua 111, aiuillioaH ke landl of Ji,.lab. UialMiru, an lha nortlienit iy Tubtae V'atlovor, on the nnrlb aad wett he bfirg pail nf a larger trial of 1bb.I tn lha bbbio of Jonathan Wailaiar, bating n 'I'll lug home and l.'g .table and other Improvement! thrreno. Helard, taken In eieanliun and to ba auld ai Iba properly uf llaniel gelfrlilge and Tbau.ura Hie rena, Alia, a eartaln traet of land ailuala in Morrll urrcy, aontntning tliirte inei aro or leea, nilb about Ibrea .ere. ,l,ed lend ' M.h.t .T i "? ' " Robl- and a pf.nk Br fram. kon.n Ih, erae,,, "i i,, J 1J Z " J '" 4"" ""h" Keiied. taken in .iM.nllon ud to. b inld Z lha ' in ? 1 11 la pee. proparty of -r.r .Mktfc W" W M "" j'.h J I-' 'h degrea. .... Tw, Ao. a ,m., ,0, nf U.d eltu.,. In lleari. Ilhe. BeTd',.. Clrarrield co,.,,Pen.,,l,.i., bn4. I l.krn in' e,.',i!i. .Vdo I 3V. ,l " .lA rd loulb hy land of McFarlind arid llillon, weet w. I.I and r,.t by land uf I It. n.llon, oonialeli.g eighty-Ova aerea mure or leu, nnd having .iity-ira anree of Bleared land, lug home, log bai n nnd large bearing oraiiard Ikareun, Hailed, taken In eifonHun and w be nU aa lha property iif ntaltbaw Cuwvn, Aim, a eertelB lol of land litualo In Wonilnard, in. Clearfleld annnty, Pn., In lha Tillage of llle, and baring a largo lern.atory frana I'uaayellle, and baring a large lern.atory frana nimee anu iiania ana oim-r onibnildlngi Ihrraon ereeled, raid lot being HO feat front by Inn foe, tiaek, bounded aa foltowe : on tha Booth hy Main tree), nn enit and nnrtb hy tba rune nf A lei. a dera. an km) by lly, rltlied, tiikea In aiera linn and la li auld M Ike properly of Ueorge W. Iltll Biid D. P.. Bloom. r Alio, aeertain traet of luo.l. llln.le In tlie bur. OBib nf llontidale, Clenrfiild niinnlr. Pa., no tha ,' '0r l Hood i,d h!u, itrnet,, . n goa trl and ranuin. b-a liiili.1 .. r.ig auar. aon anonn in tm plot or raid borough ai prt of lot No !U. and haelug a imall frame idiroiiiBg noaia and oinee outtiuililloga Iherann " tailed, taken ia eimulp.n nBd la ba .,d h, ir , ,fr.k .Mcllllth end a..l. ' ..III.I, Alan, all that oartiln tut or plane of ground itt. Hale near Ihe mouth of Chril aiaak , In Hell Urb hlp, Clanrtiald nonnty, Lin., having thereon n luu-.tory Irnme ib.-liing li.ioae, having n front of Ikirty.two feat aXl a drplk nf twenty. four feet, and ths lama premlM upon whHth tha nald da. fandint now raatdei, aaiiad, lakea in Bteeukian and In be aold ai ike pmprrly nf Pelar Thump -eon. Alia, b certain traet nf land rllaale In M,.rrt tcn-nihtp, Clearleld eminly, I'a , bounded, on he aoutb by private road l north Ly Unu nr Unnry .limvar ; ueat by iiii'l. ki deknaua and Wag.mer, and, easily lind of llmry lluoi r nonuining It anmi, nnd karieg ebon, eight nerei olnred, a two alary frame dRelllng home, amali alahlB aud atkar imprai-emeauiherna. Uaiaad, taken iaai- llBinpton. ...... u n ev.u . lue propeiiy 01 niriiaiil Attn, neerUIn trnnlof land allnala in Jordan lewnelilp, 1'I.Arg.lJ ennaty, Pn, Imnnded l.y land! of J. R. I'attaraon. Thngiaa nnd Mlttln Sanlh, (I. Kralarf. . tl'tHtAB, due. MiiAlliitrr, and II. B. Taylor ,' aontniblng nna hundred and llty anree, mora nileil' being pari ol tree, war ranted la David Bm'lh. ttriaed, taken In dera tion nd te ba cold m Ihe property ol ti. M. Ulrk vrman, tlarnlibnaot Paler Buyer. Alan, n eerllln triel of html alluale in Ihe Vor aaghof llontidale, Clearleld conniv, I'a , front ing IRy feel nn Marv atreet.and rtinnlng baak ana liiindra.1 and my feel la Klk alley, nnd known in plot of aaid town ai lot No. 179, wiih n twn-elory frnmearplnakhnuM and other Bat -koneae nr hull dlnga Ihrreoa, Belied, Inbon In fierjutnn ejidlebvtjilitAiHiii.kcljaf dnmr, linn. Al. Inn aertain Irnrk. nf land iliualaln Pikn lewmhlp, Clrarleld noanly, Pa( bumeted nad deeeriHed aa Mluwi, Tin I BaglBBlng at a put an Ike nnwtli tide nf the weet breach nf the Buanaehannn rtrer, Human nortk thirty ill dog. eail liilerg pen-kll lo n peat i thrnoa aontk elthlv irren den. aave.i. .,. perakei ten nkltn-ank Iraa, tbrana north IUy. alghl degraaa neat fnarlnan pnrehaa la n peat nn brink ot nrer i llienrn ap Ihe rlenr by Ita cereral eearerl and dlitnnora to place nf beginning , eon Ulning ee.enty.I.e anma witk allow.ace, kavlng oaa plank and inn log hunni iheresa. Alia, tbo andirldrd one kill nf all thai aaa lain trnel or plans nf land illuala in Pike toc chin, c:ia.raal gonniy, p,. bounded nnd i eriued m follow!, vii i Beginning al nl a perl nn Ike anuth went hank af Bunqneheaan rtrer thence by Innda nf Polar Hooeee, Berth St deerOM anil It pontes t. a ion i inrnea ny babsi nr reter llonvar aonth Ik legem rail t perrkei tc a whlte onk tract I rg;tl adi'ntisfmtiits. ltiei.ce north by lamliof Win. Caldwell, to .1.,. privo,-. w . pi,., j ...uucr y' III 11 in t'allwi.l. anuth 17 duxraai aa.l lis iiarchoi to IMi.l 1 Ibanro by land, of Wui. I'riv, Kmth SI writ ii.rhaa lo a float tbanoe math by landv of IVm. I'rioc, 1 14 drcroaa anit X7 lirrebra lo a .takm thaiina by land of Win. I'rloa, aoulb H-1 rio digrisw waal l parabaa lo a bii'kory 1 tbanra logiava wett 12 purohn lo s poll t thanaa north 1 m pon-hoi to a po.t oa haoknf rlror i thmeo i.l llk Ik. .....M.. ..J A.. : r . . . 77 . lanrr. ,,f lb. rlrrr 241 ,,rrb to pl.o. of !,,. niiig, oiimairlng aiicbty-nino arrr-a and tlilrly. , '""'r":0"'"' " , i . ... w .. i drni.i.l a. iiiu.. i win on tba on. 11, by V'."""" ."" 'A.: i' g a lg rbani.v tharmn ar.oi.d, wiih w.i by J.ihu nala i Lar :l. ... .I.....I ' ! , . , J,Z',',7 1," r. iI.m. "" land. B,I"'J. '"V" 111 "rrull. n snd lo hr.oldaalha I t.. ..r si..-Th. Prl, ire or anm at whioh laada ai will ha ai..riia.l,olbtrwla.lba ori.por. ly will ba lloiurdtatrly put up and lold again at tba aiiitnHa Mid riik of lha Marion to whom It "..ini. VP.... WM, II PN bl d.ll'lllt. ,Uob ro rala. ahall maka good lha aaaia. and la : .n .Ill tha li..d ba pr.aaoi.d I. Oourt I "w Vh' """n W' "' M' !'llf;"!?N'.. Cla.rb."! "a!,""'0":'. 1871 I 'tart'- hprilTc fllfl wm.w. tly virtue of lundry wrlla of Pier! Fntint la load ,'ld e out or Ilia Court of Common Tlaaa of Clvar. county, and to ma diroolrd, lharo will ba vxpolril lo puMtc rale, at tho Court ll'iuia, la ba boiouxh of Cliatflold, OB Tbunday, Ilia lllb dor ol March, P.75, at I o'clock p. m.; Ilia f. luwilif drrchUd real ritalo, til wit t A rcriain liat-l of land In Llrorsria town.bii, Clrarlirld eoiiuty. I'm., dt-ioribod aa follow, t U. 1 . a - I-- "V ." .nir bi luicarllrlil erroa mania liy linaol iloo. W. Ca. Ball north :il ,l,,i,n l kerebn lo frno. : poali ibonoo north It ilrgrora Brrt Kl naiabni , ,h, nc rib 7 drgr,-.. aail prli 10 , poiat n l'lrli.ld crli-k; ihanoa by a lino 00 Ihr orrrk ,,uh 34 dogra.. lail 144 .r.h.a a. lha ai.olh iiida ofNli, onk lo a hrmloi-t: tbanra routh la ocgmi cat III poichcilo , an llianoa louth t ilrvri'v. Wlat lllfl l.orclia. lo a nili Ihoaca north 4k dt'Krraa wall 142 i.-rrli. to rait ride of laid ''"ki """T " 'r;" ?2 pcrohei: '"" """' " : prroiia. to p!.;i. b.icuining. c, i!i .,.. d in,4.ipc, rl.ea. ehiollr improved land, wilh LulLlloa. a. .,Hy,i,;ooof awriof',V,:...,a lie mid, on Thunder, March lllh, IS7i, at I ' o'clock, p. Hi., ell that eirtaln trAcl of land eita ! ale In Uicalor townablp, Cli-nrlicld counlv, I'a j I.oomI.iI and drrrril e.J aa follow. Hcginniilg a! ! a ioel oa Hie piildlr road Ii adi-lg from Uaroola to : Hliillp.l.urg i Ihenia- by .aid rud north Tony -four 1 ,1. .roi aa.t r..,i i.. . .....i k. land one-half feet to a poeiithenoa by land of jjobn Crain aoulh forly-lour degree! wi-it lixty. ri. iv... io b po.i ; ..leuce oy iani. oi lolin Ira in north forty nine and abtf dejcrerl writ one bus. drod and lixty Ibree and one half fail lo a Mil, lha place oi hi-gmning, oontaiuinp; one-auarter of an aere. and baring a bourc and atalile tkara oB erected. Soiled, taken in exeratiow and to ; '' " "," PPny f Mary William, nnd j Milllam VIiIIiiiui. Alee, a tract in lama fowaiMp, beginning at a , point on Ilo roulh ildi of raid crak: thenca by j '"'', of ."' W- """''L'4 ,lr ! I'"" '""I" 'y Thoi. llroom'i land ' ? Jc" percbai ton pint: thruee i north 8o u.ariae cart .10 Karrbia to a kii.t on , . T , . . . ' ":' ".' ' F'"- (vrtuci to am; in on re wuia tu at-iw) writ XV i perch, ! ai. . 1...I ! ... , . .. , I niog at . hickory o. ii,. . Z'l ZLu. lh,,', """,h 4i ' 1 P'rche. lo a I mM' ""f """I "'"lh 1 l ' . , V ' ' . o'l ai grcai t it p.Tcbt Ui Llenrfleid tm-k; Ihen-w by tiic twwe lu tho i!ce of lrKii.niug, eontiiiiini Hit aoii-i and 37 .orclnt ai,d slluwaiioit, rrifrung luii'lrjf lU Kild out of tba name U John Cit-r. Alaa, a iract in anmn tu witch !) lontng at ft-men; (Iipdo auutb zi dpgnoa .( :'tl jicTc-hfit to poal: tht-noe njuih drgretji am ;i (ifreheo G a iot. thcuco mh .11 tlcKi cea eiut I'd rclit ta ft .il; tlieor fuulh tli;rre ftt-rl dtt ercliet tc a jtuft; tlieo-.- ani curii-( 1 pciclif to a noat ; 0.v.:c noiitli :( pifrliu tu a uiAle cornw, au eourae Ift torr-h.'i tu poil; iltoarc nort ti 53 derr m irnt hr UdJ ot X. t'liilit.a 116 prehea to plane of iH-gi&niog, et.n:aiDut) aeroa aol U parrhea. Aleti, thrve traotaif laud in IlMoarift tu-ruihip. Jcfcribjil aa fulloat, tin Una thereof br-riatimf al a whin pine oa tbo i artheat of tlia ut .r....l r.., i..i. u tbenco bv Wat. llrown a land D'lrth 34 deirroea rait 31 perch ea tua white baat-l ; tlirnee bv Jacob King a land Mmlh of, deXreea weat 138 ptiebea to . pwM; tbemo l.jr Jacob H ianooppcr'a Un.l north :i4 .legrf. we.t 38 percbaa to a; tbBe l.j K. Itruwn'a lanj north 66 drgrere t.t 13ri DrebM ,B oi Wginoin,, eontaioing SO acre, and Uu prtbee, more or lota A1-0( , vcrtin trBC Bihltc M mfonpRi , ning at a i.oat on lboutbat Unk uf tii-.rHanU cri" V; M jy lnJ I hoe. Aluller aorth 70 ilaitrotia weat 1:9 ponboa to oinmt theatre i,n. 66 drgrcee Weat 1 1 peralie tu a pine; thenr aoutfa 37 d greoa coal lOU ptrcbea to hawluca; tfaenoa routh a re greet eaat tf J ptrchta to a ap!e; thenoe anuth 7 dt greea eatt to a awall errrieeherry on the bank ol Clearfield orrek; tboaee op aaid ertok hy the different eeuris. 408 perch aa to plaea of bi'gioniDg, euntainiag gl aorca, nturo or leaa. Alao, a cert Hi tract, aitoata m aforeaid, ko. ginning at a white pine. Ibeueo eoeth .17 dogrrtMi eaat 41 pertbea lo a maple; thenoe by A. Keagy, deoeaaed. aoutb 20 dgref tait 70 porohea to a hem lock; thence anuth 37 degree eaat IU J prcha to a white iioe; thenee north M degree eat Dorehee to a white pinai ihonee by Itud n Wm. tiotth degreei wet 2MJ perohoa to middle of Clesrllcld oirk: fbeaoo p tbo earn to .l0o ol beginning, Oofitalning II aerea more or Iom. ak'iiMd, taken la eieention and to be aold tho property of Jan-y Cooper. " Alao, a certain trart of land titoat In Vcrgw. aon lown'liip. Cleaifleld county. Pa, boondvtl tr U'uom, John V. Head and olkera, aoBtalalai lo numlred and tblrlaen aeeea. more or tear, and n"' "'"7 aea el.are.l. . lari. hara. dwell- landa of R. Lowie, K. C. Ilamiliooi. Matthow in noeie, eo.l bearing .irliBfil tbereon. Hilled. laarB ib etrotnion aa.l to be auld i. Ibo properly of John CatnpSell. .. Alao, a e.-n.i. ,i or land iliuite in Baeearia toi,.hip,clereliloiinly, Pa., (...nadad and da rlld ai lolloirii Ailjolniug lanila of Walli Ma)a oa Ilia wait , a pehlle road on I lie Kiilh . on Ihe tin be l.n.l. of Spnnglor, bounded hy I'learDeld a leak oa the north, ana. talnlng lin acre., mora or lean, wiih allowaoro, e , and h,ln( ihe aaaia pleea ar lied nhleh Uie aaid .1. IV .1. ... . i . l . 1 i'.nr. oy ariioie ol ! agreenrnt from Hamuel Ho.Beler. R.I..1 i.k.K la tioriiilon and lo be iol.l aa the property nf Hammond. rertnio traet of land ilata hi Halt Cl.arllrlJ eoiiiitv. V bounded .,..1 I u... . V1'. "f Julia il. Unaty, .. ,b. proparty if Jella it.,.. " r -,...., - Tamil or 8i,.r. The priae or mw at nbiok Ihe property llii.ll be ilreok off riiim be paM at Ibo t.rae nr rale, or auoh other nrrBBgumaBti Blade ai will lie approiir,), olharwlia tile property ill In. Imnirili.trlr pnt up nnd ...I.I again al the eipenre and rlek of Ibo porroa t whom it Ravi itruok off. and who. la oae of dri.B. .. ' 'l0 Rr. ihall maka good the eaina. and in no I InHaane Rill the Deed b praaantad la Court foe confirmation nnlcil the money la nrtuaUr paid to thB Sh.ritr, W. It. AtcfllKiSllN,'g (l.rlii, J bkut, Clcnitlld, Pa., W 1?, ISJj.J bnen s Sale. - i BY vltlue ofRrlla of .erRr. racial, li.aed I ont uf tha Court of Common Plena ef Clear- ! iiuiu nouair. bbu in ma airaeted, tbrt nili ba eapoeed lo PUIII.IC BALK, nt Iba Court llou-e, in the boroBgh of Olenrleld, an Thnriibu, Iba lllb day at Maruh, l.17i, at I n'eluek. k ! ., the rollonlng pareonal proparty, In wll i All that certain two elory frame ilwelliBg, in by .11 feet In aiaa, allnni, on haI No. 3i l. iba lenoiigh at OeeeuU, t le.rH.ld onaaly. Pa., u,d lat bitl'l Waa .led on Iheeaat by Kli.eelk inert. loalh by h'l nf tl. Krphart, e.l by and north br lol nf Mary Kcphirt. R.lil, .ben i aieeulion and to haloid ni lha prop.rly nf U H. Kophart and Mary Kepharl, Tannn ar Sai a.-Tha price or al wblnh Ike properly ahall ba atruek ef mail ha paid al a l'm f " RrraagaaieBla jBdc ai nlll ba ni'ptuvad. atketwlie Ilia property will be Immediately put up aad aaid again nl lha anpanaa and rlik nf tba pereua tn whom il waa nraek ol, nnd who, In eaie of deaeleney nl luck re lain, ihill make good the lama. nd In an initanae will lha Deed ha 1. en. i far eonflrination nnlela tba money la actually paid to Uia Sheriff. V. It. Mrl'IIL'KriON ) 8naan..'B ilmiA, ... riher'lff Clrarlleld, I'a., Feb. If, llfi. YAUUBU' KlvVL KSTATK I . AT I'KIVATIi SALE. TUa ..I.MI....I m.U. I. .k- I L r Curwenevllle, nffeia at private eale hit linine and Lot, lituMed nn the acrnar of Piltiert nnd Hifk itreela, 0,Mieila to the itean wimlen miili, lbs lleiwa la a twn-elory frame, containing rix room. '-. " o naen nonea, anal home and rprtng hoane attached, and ei- ufexcrlient fruit, enn.1. Ac A ...A ...k. For leime, eta., innle nn iba nl... ,.. . ."" HHAUUIIL.R. Cnrwcnitllla, F.'k. 2, IS7t.-3l PURSH FISH . Tha aadeeal.el .,t..ii ,ia...k..k Ita Iket ba will keep an land for eels nn nmrt , it V...k III. k j. . , ..... .,.,, nn .inue. reeeirea ,mon Uie Kail nad W..I daily. Alan, Pmk Vegetekiee In HBSna. Ucode ,lrl.e.i.d as all paMa nf Oa. b.raagh and yirinlly. Olden, len nl hie reildenen, enrner nf aVeund end Head aterole, sill rnasivs prompt attention. U. W. dORUAN, Cleuiaid, Few. U. I7. iv , AnhrfM nk..ll.i.nt. n ti:.. vr-r, Vhrn. Viir.tta Ikociatt' t lailod by . ...iwtiu.. wrn : "i ru aut ntTtv bomj in UU Ikaa 1 en, i. ft. a na tv. .cJna,1 WIlITNItV k CO.' I on pRiNTma ot iviiit unctrr. If tv3 neatly eiccalcd nl tkli nfnna. iUtA't tfolumn. . 1875iiyf,hoTj875 Consult Your Interests! WILLIAM HEED RK)M o. 2 PIB'S OPK.1A HOUSE C'l.KAItFIKljD, I'A., Will open aUat Maroh lib, IS7i, a rerj larta took f DRY GOODS, ultal.le for lie aanion. IIbtIbi nureliaaeel pre. rloua to tba reaenl ajrinoe, I tan tell (oooli 1 1 prleei B.rar befora otmt laj tali mar bat. J.OtiO rill bait qualttf fait col 'il print! at ata. 1,M0 .. . t.t. . " ,u, 1,1(10 eerr goo. bl'.l.d aa.lla yi wd It tta. I.DOO " aieallaat - 11J 1,000 "i jinjLamr, rare (ond o all. A large aaaortnnnt Alpaet Lutra. onlj 11 all. logoi bar with full Una of Sblrllugl, Cottonnda, Drill, Jesai nod Ciuilneraa, Ihat will aaloabk you. 1 ALL PAPKR ALL. PAPKR ALL PAPKR ALL PAPKH ALL HAI'KK ALL PAPKR WALL PAKE WALL PAPI WALL PAPK WALL PAPK WALL PAPK WALL PAPK D A rary tint aaaorlruanl nf Wall P.pae, aawaat , t priena ekeapor t un ofTnrad lareWfja AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK CURTAINS d FIXTURES. NEW CAlll'KTS, OIL CLOTHS, POR TADLI AND VLtxa. Don't fail In aatl ui Ma, llarlngeagag.dalril.elua Millanrrrom Phil- adelpkla will npsn M proper mini MILI.NKRY GOODS vsr broiglit is loan, aad Ibis Iraaik of ku.i. na nlll ke glial tbarnagk nuanlljn. Having adapted the C tB PBIHCIPLI of to- mt In.laeie, I Bni ka'rrmlnd l mil ) i U. nil at I'i knynrr. ' j. Bo Bet argnt Ii aall al lUim Is. t. I MIAN 1UBIKIS9 WILUAM REED. toMMs. I, Open Benea, snarly pimnva nesrlild, Merek I, TT5. r,74