..liU. Ai J r-i-i X i - SACKETT & Sf I1RYVER, I. , -( ' ' MALUM l HARDWARE, ud maBufailereri at Tln.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, Boeoad Street, i . . ClBAirlKlD, PA. ."'"t T, i "- Raving largely iBcroaaed our etoek of Hard ware, wo lavite th public lo elamino our otoek and prleea. Carpanter, end pereoni who ennremplata build tog will do woll to elamino onr TOOLS ft BUILDIKQ HARDWAHK. whloh la new and of the boil manufacture, ud will bo told low for caih. ... .. rJ, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY. LATCHES, HINGES, ...iiii .".! .) Im . : SCREW8 All kind of Dcnnh Plane, Raw, Chlaela, Square, 1 1 aid men. lUtrbeU, Plumbs and Level, Mortised A Thumb Quagea, Berela, Breeee A Biits, Wood and Iron lieneh Screwe, and the beat Boring Machine la the market. ' " Double and Single Bitt Axes, 1 POCKET CUTLERY, Ac Agents for Burnett's Iron Com Shelter, warranted. Also, agents for R lobar di C.OTIIIC FLUE TOPS, which effectual); euro Bmoky Flues. -. , Farmers' Iiuplementa and Garden Tools of every description. A large variety of COOK STOVES, wblnfc ww warrant to atlifcotloa., ) Portable Mlange and Furnace. Roofing, Bpnuting and Job Work done od reaionable terms. All orders will receire prompt attentita. June 11, 187S. BIGLER, YOUNG V REED, (Sureessuri to Bnynlon A Yenng.) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ' Manufacturers of POBTABLE & STATI0N1HT STEAM ENGINES ' Corner of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLKARFIELD, PA. HA VINO engaged lo lb munnfBetnrn of flrat claae MACHINERY, w. reapeetfuliy inform tho oubllo Ikit we are now prepared to til oil ordtrt bj cheaply Bud bi promptly el oa. bo doao In Bay of thi eltioa. Wo manufacture an. neat in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Iliad Blooke, Wotor Wheela, BhoftlBf Polio;!, Gilford', (ejector, Bleam Ganges, Bleam WbliUee, Olleri, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Gauge Oookl, Air Coakl, Olobo Valvee, Cbeok. VeJvea, wrought iron Pipei, S.eam Pampa, Boll.r Food Pampa, Aatl Prietlon Metrci, Boon Btoao Paeklof, Dan, Paok lag, and all kinda of MILL WORK) lofttkor witb Plowi, Rlod Soke, j COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and othor CASTINOS of all kinda. BJ-Ordira aolloilad Bad Mad at alty prloe. All letter, of Inquiry wilk reference to machinery of oar maaaraotaro promptly anewored, by addroa Ini aa at Clearfleld, Pa. . Jeel'74 If BIULER, TODNQ A REED. JeJEW 6 TO KB A.NB NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hits juat opened a Nw Htobi, oo Malo St..Cl.nrHLD, Pa lalelr ooouiiedb Win. F. IRWIN Their Block oonaieUof OioccitiH of the beat quality, Qubenbwarb, DootB and Shoos, tori ererj article necmnri for one', comfort. Call nd eiamine our a lock befor pur obaiing elaawhare. Mao 0, tR6S-tf. "pERRA COTTASTANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stnve Lining and Fire Brick, kopt ooniUuitlj oa band. ! STOXE AD EARTHED -MARE OP RVRRT DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! TOTSI CR0CKS1 r-laher'a Patent Airtight . Healing- arralt uanal BITTTRR CROCKS, with lldr. CRRAM CUnr'KX, MILK CROCKA, APF1.H - BIIT1 Bit UKUVKB, PICKLI CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PII DISHES, STEW POTS, And a groat aaany ether tbiago too antnofooj to aaantioa, to oe Baa bi FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE . WARE POTTERY, Conor ol Cherry and Third fitreeta, CLBAKPIELD, PA. eagl Down I Down 1 1 THE' LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COtJRHR TUB CIIRAPBSTI A Proclamation against High Prices! Wl are now opening up n l4 of the Wet and ssoet eeeonafale (Joods and Wares ever offered In this fnarket, nnd nt prions thai remind erne of the good old days of eheap things. Those whe lank faith a pen thin point, r deem ewv alia- fations inperlnoas, need nut . . cjill mt arm store, , Corner Front and Market streets, Where they ean se,fel, hear and know for then selves. To fully understand what ere cheap goods this ssust be done. We do not dwn it ssoeiisrv to ennmerat and (teniae our stock.. It U nungb for U Kate inat We have Everything that ii Needed and eonawved In thM Market, and at prices' that astonish both old and yvwng. desSA JOSKPH RIIAW A BOlf. Clearfield Nursery. SXCOUlUGEnOMB INDTJSTRf. rll undersigned, kwlag asUhllskeA a Mry en the 'Pike, about half way between CJearield and Cnrwensrllls, Is prepared to fur nth all kinds ef FRUIT f HBRa, (standard and dwarf,) Ivergreem, 8h rubbery, Oran Vinos, Oooseboftfes, Lawten B la oh berry, Strawberry, and Rasberry Vines. Also, Siberian Oraa Trees, Qaiaee, and early is arte t It ha bask, A. Orders aroantlj attaaded tt. Address. , , J. D. WRIGHT. epN.'M.y Owrwenvlla. Pa. grit Woods, ftrcrrrlrs, (?tr. . W-r- J.p. watria ., w. w. nttl WE Avian- BKTTM i Jl I'l'HM! i CLBARF1ELD, PA., .'liiUTu Aro offortaf, at Ibo old (land of 8. L. Kood A Co. tbtlr itook of ,nodi, ooaaiitlDg of ..OJ w dliifiitA .4) .. DRY GOODS, ....GROCERIES, .s i .I'll ; .,;! I BOOTS A SlIOKfl, HATS A CAPS, 'HARUWAHt, giTKKNSWARB, 1 FLODE, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At the most reasons).! rate for 0ABI1 or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, r . OB, COUNTRX PBODUCH. drAdranoei aittle to those engaged In get ting out square tlmbtr on the most advantageous tems. pdtljaoTJ rjX) TUB FRONT! fiRKAT KXCITKMKKT ' AT TnB i1 CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND : OYSTER SALOON I , 1.., . i 10 1 (. Tbo UHtleriignod baviog Juit fitted op now, large and eomtortabla roomi 00 Markot atrrct, ocar Tliird, mprtfall; iafnnni the public that bo now droparrd to arootaiDOdata tbeia witb ororrUiing in hia lino oa abort amiaa and atall houra of Mia day. Uo korpa on hand KRRSI1 HIIKAD, . , , RUSKS, ROLLS, P1KS, '' CAKES, all klnill. FRESH OYSURS IN EVERY STYLE, and a general sMortment of CONFKCTIONERIKS, FllittTB, Kl'TS, Ao., AllofwMoh willbedeliteKd t easterners at their resldenoes, when requested to do so. tCF, CRRAM, rty the disb,serred in a neatljr fur nUbed room. Thankful for the generous patronage bestownl in the past, be hopes to merit and resolve a, eon tlnitenoe of tho isme from bli old rasto .l, ll mors, and others. '. ' . JOHN STADLER. Juot 18.'73-tf. )ANIKL GOODLANDKR, LITIIKRSDfRll, PA., Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERT & GLOVES, , HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A BIIOEft, Tnbweo, Grooerlei and Fiih, Neili, Uardware, Queen 1 war and Ulan ware, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Drug, Paints. Oils, School Boohs large lot ef Patent Medicines. Cand.ee, Nuts A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack er, Hook and Kifle Powder, Flour, firuin and Potato, Clover and Timothj ?eed, Sole Leather, Moroceba, Linings, Binding and Thread. Shoemakers' Tools and Shoe Findings. Ho greater variety of goods In an? itore In the oountr. All for tale very low for oaah or eountrj produce at the Cheap Corner. , Aug. 27, 1RTS. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pona towa.klp, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURRED nilTI .! v A , mt .of ;i v, t'Ui BURNED UPI The subscribers have, a4 great eipenss, rebuilt neighborhood neoenity, in the ereotlon of a flrst dIhi Woolen Manufactory, with ail tho modern improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinde of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sallnetts, Blaa. kets, Flannels, Ao. Plenty of goods oa hand to supply all our old and n thousand new customers, whom we ask to corns and examine our stock. The business of CARDING AND FULLING , will receiva our especial attention; Proper arrangements will be made to reetiTe and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and done upon the shortest notice, and by strict atten ttoa 10 nusiuesa we Dope to realise a iioerai snare 01 public patronage. MMMMr POUNDS WOOL WANTBDt We will nay the highest market price for Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low aa similar goods ean be bought in the count j, and whenever we fail to render reaionable satisfaction we ean always be found at homo ready to mako proper eiplaaatton, eitner in parson or oy letter. jam bo juiiainun BVRB, pril26tf , Bower P. 0. " LEATII K R B UE AST-STR aTS superseded by cove:rtm patent metallic BREAST HOLD-BACK Made ef the best Mallea ble Iron, and Ii attached to the Hemes by the best Snap aver invented. It la oaiOy and quickly put - 1 on, aud prevents the whipping of the horses by the pole, kot liable to get out of repair. Will lait for years. All wo ask is a fair trial, to ' eon vines all partiee us- Ing them that they are unsurpassed in value for tho purpose for which they are intended. 8ACKKTT A SCHRVVKR. Clearfield, April lo, 1874. MARBLE AMI STOXE YARD ! Mai. S. 8. LIDDKLti, Having engaged In the Marble business, desires to Inform her frl?ndi sH the emWUi that eke has now and will keep eon it an (ty oa hand A Urge and well eeteasted stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLS, and Is prepared to furnish la order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLS TOMBS. ... . '6 i;: MONTTMRNTS, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Bills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLB AND WAPH STAND TOPS, As., Ac e,Vard oa Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, viearneio, ra. jt(71 UNHM1TI1INQ. Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Rhr oa Third alroet, orer Kile;', blaoknallk joop, ci,a:AiiriKi.u, rA. All kiadt of HidoB and Shot (lno ana h.nj Repalrlog done la a Irat-alaea manner and at fair fneee. JH'II lil very Ht able. " " THE undersigned here leavwto Inform tt.epue He that be ii now fully prepared to acoommeV data all In tho way of furnlihing Horses, Haggle!, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and n reasonable terra 1. He ideate an aet street, between Third and Powrlb, - OKO. W. GRARI1AHT. Olaartletd. Feb. 4, 1174. I JO HAI.K-Tbe undersigned erTers for eaie a valuable tew nrowetly in the borouab of Clearfleld. Lot HCiIKi rest, wilh a good two story plank bowse thereon nreeted, with three rooms down stairs and four bed rooms up stairs. Alee, tewing room aad bath ream e eeeoad leer. House unlshed complete from cellar to utile. Good double porch and good water. Price rea tfinabU and pay eMail easy. 1 lOangTS WM. M, MeCULLOUGn. J, R. M'MUltRAY WILL IlPn.Y Ton WITIt ANY ARTfrl.l OP MIRCHANDIHR AT THI VERY LOWKHT PRICI. 0OM1AMO8XI. ., t. WI,4 NEW ' WASHINGTON. Pisrdlaiirous JJARD TIME8 ' JIAV NO KmOT ' I. IN FRENCHVILLEl I am awtm that (here an ot terras a lirtle hard to please, ami I am alio twnr ihat the complaint of "hard limes" I well nigh univcrxal. Hat I am 10 sitiniird now that I can oatlefy the former and prove eouclusivsljr that "herd liinei" will not effect those who buy Ihrlrgixidi front me, and all my patroni l.all Ke iiilttaU'd Into the se cret of HOW TO AVOll't HARD TIMES . j i 1 1 ' ' f 1 v I 1 I have goods snout h to uni.lv ell lb 1 i 1 ha tants in the lower snd uf tho cuuotjr wgioh I sell at esceeding low rales Own my utHUiinoth slurs in 1 MUL80MBURU. where 1 can always be found ready lo wait upon fallen and nupply them witb i Dry Goods of nil Kinds, ' Suoh as Cloths, Sotlneltl, Csiilmere, MukHns, Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Calicoes, ; Trimmings, Ribbons, Lara, Ready-made Clothing, Rouls snrfKhuvs'llnts and ' Caps all uf the best material and mado lo order I Dose, Books, Olovsi, Mttiem, I.ace, ftilihobs.Ao. ( GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. , Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Mutairvi, Fish. Salt, Pork. Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Csrhnu Oil. Hardware, Quconaware, Tiawnre, Csitfngt, Plows t and Plow Casting!, Nail, Hiitke. Corn Cultlva- tors, Cider Prencs,and all klads uf Axes. ! Perfumery, Paints, Varnl'h, Ulaai, and a gcmral j assortmsnt of Stalionery, ' c u t . GOOD FLOUR, , j Of different braudi, nlwaya on hand, and will be; old at the loweit possible figures. J. II. MeClaio'i Medicine, Tayne' Mvillclrea, Hosteller's and llooOind's lltllers. 6t0 ponnds of Wool wanted fur which the highest price will be paid. Clovcrieed on hand and for sals at the loweit market price. Also, Agent for Strattunv.llr and Curwcnsville Tbreebing Machines. 1 ' b 1 eVtvCnll and Ho fbr yourselves. Vou will find everything usually kept in n retail ilore. L. M. CnUDKIKT. Frenohrlllc P. 0., Auguit 12, 1871. TUB Ci,fc!ARFJpLP FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIKLD, 1A., , aAJirricTMirtns or FIKK UUKK, Furnace Blocks Gas Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, 4.0. 111.' 1 . : Chtmnty Top, ll'fndoio Copt, mid fa trt. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORMIKAL KKSItlXS IX TERRA COTTA WADK TO 01IDKR. With improved macttinerr, llrat elaia material and akillod workmen, we ean warrant all our manufacture, to be equal tu if aol eoperkr to anr 1b the market. Articlea of our manufneture flan he aren at the VTorka, nrar Rnilrond Depot, or at the Hardware Slur, or II. F. Iligl.r A Co. All ordera from a diitanre, aililrDaaed lo the Ueaeral Hupenutrndrnl, will reeeive prompt at tention. J. fS. IMHTXWH'k, JOHN FRROIISON, llrn'l giipt. of H.atbBrlJ, Uarnkitk, Heetla.d, Dopl. Uannfaetoring Dept. mij20'Tt JBAD'J'ttIB!; ) ( I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the eltlsens of Clearfield and vlolnity Is directed to the fact that Good fellow A Son aro the agents of M. Niece A Co., and have luit reeeired a naif down ear loads of flour and Feed, which they offer at the lowest possible fl- mrww. a large sioca 01 FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CIIOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, PoUtoea, Shelled Corn, Cora la ear, Ao., Ao. Particular attention la eelled lo M. Nleee A Co.'a brand of Pamilr Plonr, which It tho beat la ine maraei. i Floor and Feed ean and will beaold ebeaper taaa It obb n. ontaioe. elMWbero to Clearleld ooontv. 4T8tore oa Market etreet, next door to Hob. Aleaaader Irrin a re.idrnce. IIOOIJKKI.LOW A RON. JanlDtf Agenta for M- Nleee A Co. yjOSHANN0N LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, ' OSCROLA STEAM Mill, .astirarruBBi LUMBKR, LATII, AND PICKETS in. Saweil it Pntent fobbed Shinglet. n. B. SIIILLINUrORD, Preeldenl, OO00 Foreat Plaee, No. lit R. 4th at., Pkil'a. JOHN LAWSHR, aeneral Sop't., Oaeeola M Ilia, Clearnrld eooBty, Pa. A Lao TOWN LOTS for rale la Iho boroatb ef Oaeeola. Albo Keep the LAHORKT A8R0RTMRNT of (Jnoda in ClearQold eountj at their Mammntb Store ia Oaeeola. Jan9-74 Genoral Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, Repreaenta the following reliable Imaranee Co'a: North Brlti.h A Mereantlla Ina. Co. H.I OO OOO Waahiogton Lire Inauranee Co a, 4,oao,ti00 J, (ion. eoo ,07. H Fire Aaeoelatlon laeoranee Co.. Amaaon rire Inrnranee Co H., Phoinil Inauranee Co., N. V Walertowa Fire, intnrea dnelltnga ,,000,0110 mmu ma .aiiauige vdij...u Ofe.vow York, Pa., Stock laanralhM Co. iloraea inaared J76.000 agalnrt death and tlieft. P. B Partiea ia Iba ooantry dealrlng Inauranee oa their Urea or property eao bare it promptly atteoded to by alilr.Mlng ui by letter, or oailing ia poraon at our ofllre, ia Pie'o Opera Home, Room No. 1, Cleatteld, I'a. aog2l'74 FAIRBANKS' 'ft' p BTAHUKU NCAL K H, or am. unnit BSg Barrows. Warebonie Trucks. Copying Freasei, JtaprUvcd Money Drawer, Ao. raa lAi.a it II. F. BIQLER & CO., Iralera I. Hardware, neUeVtOitr J ' Seeoad Street, CUrleid, Pa. JBATZER VlYTLK," AOKNT8 IN CLEARFIELD OOUNTT FOR I.OHlLI,Altl'M ; CelebraledBranda of Smoking A Chewing Tobaccos. k We are enabled to whoteaale to dealer, throneh- oot ta awmly .tali, arb-oa, ' . KRATKRR A LTTt.R, JrS:74 tf Clearleld, I'a. JJ F. RKiliKH & CO. - - haroreraale . . CARRIAGE Um WOODS, ','' 8IIAFTS ANDrOI,E, UUBS.8POKE8, FELLOES, Ao. i ( 1 . Carriage aad Wage. Maker, akeald aiake a Bote ef tail aad eall and atamlae then. The, will be Bold at fair arkeoa. , , mayll 71 TIIM-ICR' CNTAIII.t:.' Kll-'ja We have printed a targe Banker of law ao FEI BILL, and will on the receipt at twaatr ra aente, taeil e eowy ta anr eddreeo B,M TT1F. liF.PTlT.fTrAN . nr v a 11 vi irt i a .Kin wrr?"igiyjjrt.i .i:a WBONKHDAY MOUMNO, FEB, U, AN AFFECTING APPEAL. Dls dragie und offeoting bleee ufboetdry vas dooken from der many dreaiHul und sad truuples of der ovrry day oggurrsaees. Of you buf dears t shed brebare to shed dem pefure reaJiug dol bleoe. A joy vas loose his eat py a pulohor who dook Id to tint be poloney saueagvs, und poy drlri lo rt'govrr dor rat, mil der gtim'ii,ce vloli you v 111 see i nioHKH it'll a in nor cat! Pulnher iphare dot ot 1 lUrio not vuo ilflttW hair: My tiiard vas villvd wit snd, Der grief I dond sku inar. Tu e my hidilrn M, His New died Mft(ao t ym -1 u'i-ii - $ reed like I 1 tH edohe. ' !!'4wM I've bad dut DIiouiri eat Mure as a guuj-U ytun ; Of gourie I reel me ail, Lull veep mini-self mil dears. Bit' Mi Pulclirr, trop dot htiife, Led loose dut ki'Ulrn's ftl ) Dook nut a grvatura'i IIJo, Tu make yuur snuingc im at. Yen .ud a liiMIe puy, Dut out vas give lo mo j I'll vrel me guot mil joy, Auf you vai Ird biiu vm. Vor vb en my nlhep emit tied, My age id vos yuuil dree. She galM me py hrr side, I' nil give dot cat lo me. She dold me lo feed him Two or dree dunei each day j Or ele he vas gol ililtia, a' j l'd tif deal ridavnyr , . . . ' Pn, rnthrr, Sbharf)dotcst I 1 Ilnrm not a ilng! hair ;- Or 1 vill got me mat, Be chub him uf you dure. v. r. vttkt9. k l J .... . A I TUK SUyj)A Y LAW OF PKXX NYLVAXLl. AH AI'I'MKD TO RAII-l(.Mfl. The Commonwenlth of i l'ennlvsna, Ax. Hrl., , UtlO. It At K(BBl!ir.R, I In the Common I'leae o Juniata County. No. lis, Hipt.T. 174. rt. 1 leriiorart to jititiee JoHtCoMWAV. Kreiiler. Lo!, S. Atltionn Plitif 1 Kilmund S. Itoty, null IneitH JMg fitt Vluiiant. The. "Mi(Ii.m'i7tvliJ!H pnldiphen tho lolliiwillj r ii 1 1 i r ill, dclivt'lt'll hy Juilfrri Jtinkin ut 11 iTcoiit ti'i'in uf I In' Common 1'Knn Cnnrl of Jnnintu cotin-tj-. 'J'ho diets of tho cmho aro fully ntntt-il ill the opinion of tho Court. Per Curiam. Tlio defendant was eonvicldd undur the net of of Aiiril, 17!M, Uri(ht ly'a Pnnlon, llllh, for iwrfbrinlntr' worldly employment on StimUiy, unrl lilts Imni'lit tin) if colli before n On ft'ilioinn. Tho worldly employment friiKiHtt'l in eonliiir liK'omotiveit nt l'lilti'if 11 ftiiliol), .1 niiiala rotinlv, on the L'lilh or J ulv, 1S7 l,ind whic h looo niolivea were tlrnninir tminn of cam loaded with livo Htotk, eadle, lioird. Sic. Tho train", hud ct l'ittKltit;h on the afternoon of Katunlay, ami hail reached l'atterwm on tho morning of tho 2(lth, where nrraiij'cmonlfi exittt for eoalitiK uiif.'inefl, unci tieientlniit wilt) an employvo ol the anid eompany. , . It ia ahown very clearly that ritock trains cannot lie hy for twenty-lour hour without serious injury tho stock, thertt Iwiiifr no provision fur feeding and watering in the enra, and tho motion of tho train itself a diver sion and relief (hy nrri'tinr attention) to the aniinals as thny aiw not nearly so restive- as when the train is stand- ing. It is also shown that no stock vards exist at Patterson canahlo of aeeom-' modatiiiK a train-load ol cattle, and that none short nf llarrishtirij; tlo; mni. tu uuciuiil in uciivcr ilium lltUI,i. li, ... , .... tho fields for wnlerinir ,! locdin,. . K 1 a 1 l'"!'"- would require a largo loi-ce ol men and iK i upy much time, and with sonic cat tle it could not be done at all ; nnd at Patterson it could not bo done1 ut all. There) wero over two thousand head of livo stock on these trains ao coaled as aforesaid. Ilore, then, wo have the conditions under which this wvrldly labor was performed : over two thou sand head of rattle and stock, nliva, in cars, could not bo ted, could not be wa tered, could not even lio clown, with out food or drink from Saturday noon. with no yards at Patterson capable of Holding mem, and no toruo to handle them, with no clinnco of relief until llurrishurg ia reached. Under these circumstances tho defendant coaled the engines which were speeding these brutes to relief and rest ; and he ih sued for tho penalty prescribed by the Sun day act of 1704. Should or ean ho be mado liable under the circumstances? Wo think not, anil might rest this opinion on tbo statement of the facts alone. lie did not start the train or onler it to run, ho found it there, re cognized the necessity of ila running on, until a point could be reached and whero this mass of animal life might bo relieved, and hia labrlr in coaling tho engines in no wiso differed from the Sabbath day. What he did is covered hy both nocesaitv ami char ity. The framers of tho act of 1704. when excepting tho works of "necessi ty and charity," without defining the works themselves, saw plainly that they word using terms which, in tho distant future, w ould meet tho advance of tho race the changed conditions of tho pcoplo and cover acta una voidable in their new relations. In doed, lest too rigid a construction miirht bo tiiven to the words in their own tiny, remembering that under the Mosaio law not even tire could Iki kin dled on the Sabbath day x.xxv. chap. 2d v., Exodus. Tho act expressly sanctions tho dressing of victuals in privato and public houses, the ferrying nt passengers, and the delivery ol milk before nine o'clock, a. m., showing how liberal wore their views of the necessity of aomo thiius. Kven then they well knew that furnaces, glass works, ant many other Industrial pur suits could not bo entirely suspended on tho Sabhnth day, and tlioso have gone on without question ever since. 1 bo word necessity, in Its comprehen sive signification, meets all the una voidable requirements of tho present advanced ago. Had these ancient law makers been pcrmittetl to seo the fu ture (they hatl only a prophetic vision of coming time) and realised a graded iron road from ocean to ocean, with its tons of thousands of vehicles, and its ponderous engines passing with tireless energy, niirhl and tlav I with miles and miles of valuable products en route ior too great centre ol trado, with armies of travelers at every point of tho great thoroughfare is It to bo supposed that they would have asked this stream of life and trade to halt at tho dead hour of midnight, wherever found, and wail until the Sunday passed, when they themselves rciusea to inrego tneir millc and dressed victuals? Dut they have dono all that could be exiieeUx) or oven asked, when they excepted work, of necessity end charity iorms broad enough for most all tlio contingencies that may ever arise in tho history ol tho race. What tho defendant did was both necessity and charity j ami, like tho lock-tender in Commonwealth vs. Murray, 12 Harris, 500, who open od the gate to permit tho travelers to pass on their way, and was bold gullt less beforo tbo law, so here tho coaling of tho engino permitted tho sintering animals to pass to relief and safety a work of noccsaity and charity and be is excused. And nnw.Slst Decentlwr, 1874, Jitgfl. mont rovcroaxK , - Jl tub Curat. Tn Political Tnn Tbo New York World publishes nfDcinl returns of the election sinco 1872, which show that In the course of two years tho Republican party, which elected Its President by a majority- of 750,000 votes, hsi been put in a minority of ovor 600,000 votes. ; In 1872 their par tv carried thirty Stains, ami l.w il.a end of 1H74 had lost all hut eleven nf them KKK-KKkmt. coS'r-:S'riox.1 A .MUKIMBI CDIIVi niHUI Ol llllWl! III.: ' ; f Uilt'Dtwl ill ruinillfr titwi ami llm lit- ' (teller lo Chioago Tluiu. duct nf honoy, held athrve tlnys' etui- j Tho liltlu villuo of Climax, -Midi., vi'iilion In l'itteburib, recently. Tlu i lia hurl n noniiAtitm. A rlmrniliifr, lit iioxt convention will bo heltl ut 'J'ulo (liMlrnwitt liucuinc cuaiiiorcil with a tin, Olaitv trt tho-1t WJrw,ly if I iiwiiilipf. -The eystcinatlc 1 ailnllfrn - inin in nanny ruoeiveo fonaiiiurtiuiu uttuntinn at tho hunda of tho ftMxcni hliifro uiul- iiiinniiniiiiH coiidcinimlion. The clnnniittee aiusDiutetli to iireoure resolution, exii'ssini( Iho sense of tho eonvontioii on the adulteration of hon ey presented tho following, which went unanimously adopted : U'nHtK.ts, Ii has ciiiiio to our knowledge thul eortiiin honey denloin in New J ork and (.'hiiiigo ara using lurgo quantities of ngarsyriip, or glu cose,' with which they mix a smull quantity of Inney and sell tho whole tor pure honey, thus making 1,000 pounds of honey sell for from H.IHIO to 8,0111) pounds; and Wiikkkas, Wo, tho North American lleo-Kcopei,' HiK'ioty, in.unnnal sw. sion nssetnhled, believing that tho adul teration of honoy can tend only to the ruin of the honev nmducimr interest of tho country by overstocking iho market, ruditeing prices, iiltimutely lessoning the consumption, and dis honoring our culling as well as their own ; therefore, Jtt'StjIpeil, That wo hereby expivsa our unqualified cnirrk'iniintion of tho conrno of these honey ileulent, aud hereby notify them that thoy must 'oease to adulterate honey, and assure uaof'tho fact, or, fbr solf'-priitoetion, wo shall bo compelled to publish their mimes and expose them to tlesorved contempt. The opimnittvu advise honey protlucei's to sell no honey to dealers guilty ef adulterating. The coniniitUto recommend tho appointing of a standing committee ftnthorixeri to communicate with honey dealers, and tuko audi action, as they may deem necessary to carry out tbo spirit of this resolution. Tbo following named officers were elected for the ensuing year : Presi dent, itev. W. V. CI ark, Cana da; Vico Presidents, Messrs. 8eth Hoaglnnd, Pennsylvania; M. (juimhy. Now York; F. Drablie, Illinois; A.' Chapman, . U'ost A'iigiuia ; - A. Hone-; diet, Ohio; K.lieutoii, Tennessee ; Dr.' Thorn, Ontario; Secretary, -Mr. I). L. Drown, Indinna; Trensiirer, Mr. J. 8. Hill, Ohio. In (Jruf. A Radical, Ohio, editor bemoans the calamities of 1874 in the following touching strain : First that beocher business, then tbo grasshot pers, then tho Democratic victories, and now an increased tax on whisky! My goodness, shot is this country coining to? : All the elements which go to strengthen and liuild up our good old party, interfered witb by morality ; mongers and captious tax payors. It's too bad I Starti.ino IIkihibtii. Tho fifth at tempt to burn tho Navy Department at Washington, has been roortoi). It is rumored that several persons ol more than doubtful character have recently been employed about the I building, and suspicion is directed to ward them particularly to ono who is known to have done seniidulous things tor money elsowhcro. Kxperts suggest that records have been removed to hiding plucss, and fires started to. account lir their disapiK'urance. It: transpires that last summer a lctiding: otllcial in the department sold several tons of records to a junk shop, and that thev were earned off in broad 1 lie mat- ter became known to innny persons, i and the olllcml was sent to Laltlorma. Tho department took some action con cerning the mass of impel in posses sion of the junk dealer, but whether they were returned to their place has not been ascertained. Some pontons hint that tho fires have been set by the workmen to get employment but this seems unlikely. Journal of Commrrct. M 'Hitins Law SciT.-The tragedy en acted in Lycoming county, by which John M ' Bride and his wife were butch ered and robbed of several thousand dollars by Nelson Wado, who was al toward executed, will bo remembered. Shortly altor the death of the old pco plo N. I). Kimblo was appointed ad ministrator nt John M'liride. The heirs of Sarah Lusk, relative of the deceased, put in a claim for the money left by the murdered victims. The Jury on Saturday last returned a ver dict forthe plaintiffs of 11,900.54. The Wiliiamsport Bulletin says the action ngninst Mr. Kimble was brought for the purpose of determining th ques tion as to whom the Imlnnee of tho money in his hands as administrator of M Untie belonged. 1 his balance (i,(j.'lC.17, and it was all claimed by i no i.usks, wo ueneve, in tins act ion If the above verdict of :I'I00.61 is al lowed to stand, one-third nf it, or the interest of Isabella M'llritle, will go to the heirs of John M'Urido in the dis tribution of Sarah Lunk's porsnnal es tate ; but the probabilities are that the case will be taken to tlicSiiprcmc Court by the oounsel lor the Jl lindcs. AttKKeTiNd Tramps. As wo aro be ing visited by many of tho tramping ciuss, wo invite mo attention ot an con cerned to the following, which we have seen in several of out exchanges: Judgo Juiikin, of Perry county, has aeeitletl that neither justice ol the peace, sheriffs nor constables havo any au thority to interfere with or apprehend vagrants or tramps, except as provided by the act of February 21, lHtiT, and 13, 18.10 j that is, upon hearing anil committal, and furthermore, that tho sentence must be to the common jail. Ho also decided that no justice has authority to issue permits to tramps to obtain meals at either the poor house or jail, and mako tho county liablo fiir tbo meals furnished. The only way, therefore, for communities visited hy tramps is to support them privitely, or havo them arrested, convicted and sontonced by ajustico, when they will he kept at the expense of tho county. Compulsory Kductios. Ihn't want the J'ruMian System But, assuming that onr educational system is all thul its warmest advocates insist that it is, there aro still valid objections to a compulsory system, which would bo anti-Republican and, in many rases, oppressive and outragoona, to say nothing of the immense cxtienso to which it would subject our eity, If adopted at tins tnno. it would ho an outrageous absurdity for the Legisla ture of a free Stato to put tbo govern ment of tho Commonwealth in the placo nf parents, depriving them of authority over their own children and ol tho proceeds of their children's labor. We want no Prussian policy engrafted on our system of laws. If we begin by adopting Prussia's enforced educa tional system, we may end wilh Prus sia's enforced military system. These two systems are alike in spirit and aro equally subversive of true liberty. i'mfn. Day, lnd. --- "w i em i 1 , . Limitino Jury Ciiai.i.enues. A hill has been Introduced in tho Legislature limiting jury challenges to twelve for oat h party wilh one cause and to the samo number for each additional cause, providing also that the fact that any individual shall have formed or ex pressed an opinion (n regard to the causo about to be tried shall not bo deemed sufficient causo for tbsllcneo or exclusion from the jury, extent when urn hi'iiviumbi nan swear or ntnrm that the opinion which ho ihall havo formed or expressed is of inch a nature that it would not be altered, changed,. or eontroverted by any testimony that might he brought before him. This sot to take effect on the first of July, Iti.ti. 1 amusing fhkak of a dis- ri' Ii widow' duul.tur, uiul printed j lii ultftitioiis very (irrHiHtontly iii- on her, which she earnestly repelled, aim nuuuy uo was driven lrom the house, lint ho, eyen then, was not willing to givo' her1' up ; ho made nightly visits to tho yard and peered through the windows whuro his fair ililltilieu was silpjsed to be innocent, ly reposing ju the arms of Morpheus, orsomoolhor fellow. This trick wus soon found out, and he was cxiielled from the yard in u manner that made him revolve like a fly-wheel. Hut not w to givo up without at least it rolie of reinembranco of the lair one, he visit ed Iho clotheslino tho night altc wash-tlny, and purloined a chemise and a pair o,f drawers belonging to iter, winch no smiled anil tiling up in his bedroom, making a full effiginl representation of hisadurod by adding a stuffed head and1 feet, lie showed considerable skill in his chtircoul fea t u res nf the fiicu, but if a person was going to ride out with this feminine figure ho would have no need of a dash board, for, like the belle of Detroit, her feet would uuswer overy purpose. It Is siipiMwcd from I he appearance of Ibis nude figure, its demoralized and disheveled condition, that it occupied a shtiro of tho young man's couch du ring tho silent watches of the night, Hid was hid a way (luring the daytime lo prevent Its discovery by the cbam bernmrd. It was found by officers who wero searching for Iho lost wear ing apparel, who, alter showing the imitation mummy to a few triehds near hy, heartlessly disemboweled it iindearrivd home the stolen garment. Though ridiculously si range, the ubovo described occurrence is sub stantially true. .' !'- 'iT v. Cosri.Y Pat iikncb. The nruiies of Kuiopo are now larger than ever. That of tiennanv contains in round numbers more than a million nnd a half of men ; that nf Russia a million and a quarter ; that of Franco, over a million; thill of Austria, rt50,l)IO; thul of Italy, 7511,00(1, aud that of England, 280,000. In all, mora than four million and a hall of able-bodied men cm ployed in tho military servico at an an gregato expense, without counting the loss ot their abstraction from urixlut: live puiYiiits, of not less than three thousand millions of dollars a rent.. And yet thoro is no present probability of any war in Europe, and these be wildering armaments aro maintained for prudent reasons alone. ' 1 a ew a. tn Taot BLE. The Republican jour nals are hammering aw-ay at Frank M. Cockrell, the Democrutio Senator elect from Missouri, ls'cnuse be was a (reneml in tho Contedcrato ainiv, nnd thiuk it "perteclly awful" because he will take a scat in the Nenale. iliey conveniently forgot bow (irant put Hob Toombs's stuff officer Akerman in his cabinet, how bo put Longstroct, ono of the best fighters in tbo Confed erate nrniv in a lasx! Government position at New Orleans, how he eon stilts and hob-nobs with tho notorious rebel guerilla, Mosby, and how many Kx-Confederates aro now Republican members of Congress. When the war ended, Cockrell acquiesced nnd return ed to the ways of peace. Ho is a law abiding citizen and will make a good Senator aud tin honest one. AaiKiiitMN i i)KAS..n exciting scene occurred m the Aorth I aroltna Uegis luluro on Monday. Two Radical mem bers, learning of Iho passage of the civil nj;lits hill hv one ol tho Houses of Congress, denounced tho measure and. quit the party that passed the abntfnnahio mcasuro. I it dosing his remarks itr. t.lenn said : ''1 declare that I hereby liircver dissolve my con nection with tho Republican party and ally myself with the great party that is now building up in tho South and North for tho preservation of consti tutional government and tho purity and salvation of the Anglo-Saxon race of our great land." 2Jw g,fiwtisfituu.s. C AUTION. All peraona are hereby warned againetpor ehaaiag or In any aaaan.r meddliag wilk tba fal lowing doeeribed peraona properly Tia : I eeok atoee. 1 parlor auive, I eupboerd, 1 Bink, 1 table, 2 eett eboire. 2 rockin. ekaira. 1 aleea. 1 buffalo rone, 1 pain bediteed,, 20 yard, oil elotk 10 yerdi c.rpri, . eiUCB. , Will 11.00, Z pigl, I Iron Bet tie. 7 window kliada, 1 eel buggy kareeaa, 1 eel earpenter too!., I grind itone, 6l0 poonda pork, poutoee, apple butter, fanned fruit, atone ware, tin were and diihra. Now Inthebindi of Henry W-hltlenmyer. of Breily town.liip, the lame bar ing bera purrhaacd liy nia at Conelahle ' Hale, on Ibe IVlb d.y of January l.lt, and left wilh biiu on loan, oubjeet to uiy order. AHAM YOA8. Lulberabnrg. Feb. 10th, tlH St APMIXISTRATRIX'S notice. Notice llherahy girea that Lelten of Ad mlaiitratioB oa Ibo eeteta ot A hit A HAM I.ITZ, laleof Lawreaee towaililp, ClearReld ooont, Pa., deeeeeed, haviag been duly granted in the uoder eigoed, all pereoBa iadebted to eaid estate will pleaae meke iwaiediala paymeoi, aod thoaa kev ing eleima or deaiaad. will preaenl them properly authenticated for aettlemeol without delay. SI A It ( A It H , 1.ITZ, Adna'l. Or J. L CUTTLE, Altemey.at-Law, P.b. 1. 1876 01 ClearOeld. Penn'a. QAIJTIUX. AH perMni ro btrahy tftutlutMtl nftftiBtt ir ehMiai r tft nj wtjr nrdiJiinit witti tbm Co) lowintt pnprijr, low in tt. tmnHi of Jtbn Me K,of Knoi tuwnthift, rlt : T tarrr. mi. on ihrtro ytrttrt oiil nti ih tbor At tnii ol!. RBd two ( ef bsvrnn. Ih lam hftrinc ! f ho if t hy m Bt I'onitoibU'f Mis, mmd left witb Mia cam, wBjte. 10 mj oniar. I). AARON WISH. Nw Millport Fob. 10, 1871 -Jt N fOTlCB. llaonab J. Dowdrlck-I No. 875) Jan. T. 1876. ee, 'erVe.1 eot. ear eftverce. Jacob W. Dowdrlok.J A. W. Walter! baring beoa dolr arnolnUd by Ibe Coort to take teill- meoy In Ike ebovo eeee, hereby gieea notiee that he will attead to the duliea of eaid appointment at bia offloa ia Clearfteld, oa Wedaoedey, the Id day of March, A. U. IK76, at I a'elook, r. a.ef eaid day, ekera all partiea intereat.d may attend. ten 10 l A. vrrrALIHlta. ueeal. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Notice ia kareliy given that Letter! ef Ait. mlniitralloa on the eitnta of JOHN O.DIXON, late nf Lawrence lowmklp, C'lrarflald ooun tr, Pennaylvnnia, deceaaed, kavlng been duly granted lo ibo BBflerelgnrd, all p.raoae ia deble4 lo aaid aet.le will plraie make Immediate parmrei. and tbnaa baring elaime nr demaadi will .recent them properly aulkaatieated for eel. element wltkoat deUy. I. R. BIIAW, Clearleld, Jaa. 10 01.) Admlnietrator. QAljTlON. ' All pereena Bra hereby eaatloaed agalnrt meddling wilk ar.nreka.ing the following nron- erlr, prehaeed be me al Skerilf'a Bala and la left won Aaron u. lirown, or Lawrence townehlp, vie: I bay mare, I bay hneae, t aela harneea, I beggy, buggy harneil, timber alad, I plow, I anitlealor, 4 aerea of wheal in Iho grauad, lot of anr. earl, corn fodder and draw, I cow, t pig, ooeb eteva, enal Hero, bureen and ebalre. aa the aamo aw'aBga to aw and Ii lefl witb him, aabjewl to asy order. A. O. TATH. Clearleld, Peb. 11, 1171. HI AUilON.e- : All penono are kereby eewtlewed ageleat tarrhaaing or ia any way meddling with Ibe fol wlng de'eribed property, rial 1 bay awree. 1 sal mare, 1 lot nf limber lleili, 1 two-borrt wa gon and 1 leti of harneea, now in th. poeeee.ioo of Srtmurl Stotl, of Bongi lownihlp, ai tho aamo belong! to ui aod ia len la hi! nneieaeion on loan aul lenl tn our order. J. A T. M. HOLT Well.reloe, Peb. II, 107 .1) IbeTOTICR (s hereby givon lo sll eon- XI eerned that the comic, aroearlee. eonfeetion- erira aad txlurea la the ilore room lately oeea pied by R. M. Teal ant now in Ibe aare of Theo dora steveeion, belong ta mo aad Theodore Ktereoeoa tl sole- acting ai my agent, wlthoat BBy aulhorily ta contract any debt la my nana, Bad t will aet bo reeponiiblo for any Contracted by him. J. B. URARIIART. Pbillpahorg, Peb. If, 1171. 41 7 -iaT! dTFOiTS-o 17 ii iTRlii)! " " Thoae pereoai wkehavaleft Deeda.Motigagaa and otkat legal pap., a wilk mo, Ik Ibe .arnoaa of having them entered of Record, will Bleaaa call Immediately and lift aad nettle fbr tbem. I can be found daring- baataeoa boara, I. room Re. 4 aeeond floor of Pie'a Opera Ueaaaa Cl-rS.ld P.b. UNh, 1871, It A. W. LRU, RECEIPTS AM) EXPENDITURES IIOAU I'UNO ItlH IHT1. DAVID W. WISH, tea,., Tr.a.orer of Cleatteld in aooouul WHS the fundi el laa aevaral DBBTUB. To eaib In Treaaurer'a BBBde Jsa. 1174 1 Amount aneolleeted for l74. -1S.I7) 17 Amount aaeeaeed for IST4 10,11111 I) ...-aJt.H.OTW 01 STATEMENT OF Atoouat Aggregate aiaount. d for Townablpi 1174 Id llulieh ..... lluatnn .... Jorieo Kailbaua haul , awrenea Morria. Penn Pine- Pike Union Woodward Tnlal ,.1S,I74 17, .10.804 "it. Hl,07ll 06 ITe lal. due Jan. i, 1874 I 11-oc.OB...... S4 Mj 114 4s: 11.11 1,573 07 HAS 07 ' llloom ..... 41 74i 1st WO Hoiigo Ill tS 144 4l Braillerd..... s 2I 107 It"; Brady Tot 10, 1,04a H llurailda... 1,0.10 is 0 Illi ChreL I.H40 40 33 ,2 . Covlnitoa ... SAO u l.JiS 4S lleoaiur. .. I,"l aj o7 4.V Frrgu.ua 174 00 ,11 S0; llir.rd. ........ 1,414 1,100 IU llo.boo. 1.144 m I.I It SO bam ; i7S lo, 97a 10 , .... 1. 1 ! OS! 74a OS, 1 .... 1,111 01 1,174 lolj IS4 so! SI Bill ....I I, IKK 4(1 S4 1. .... veO 1 0! 4S 40,, .! l.kOO 001 1.111 Sllll I.S SI 1,111 till 1 SS4 7.1 0I 40!; l,io do, !,. en 440 41 170 ' 1,4X0 I0 1,131 SI! j 1.1 II t0 1.7U7 SUM SCIIOOI. 1'IJNH FOH 1M74. DAVIIi W. WIRE, Raq., Treaaurer of Clearlc-ld eounty, la the Cotnmonwaallh of Penneylvaala, la aonouBt with the fundi of the aareral tuwiuhipi lu eaid eouaty fur the year I074- ' or-BToa. To amoant aneolleeted Jan. 1B76. To amount areelaed for I874 ....11,401 61 16,20 61 Total.. .08,760 01 STATEMENT OP SCHOOL FUND IN DETAIL. obal..l.el Tono.bipl. 19,40.1 61 16,102 62 08,710 01 llubBl.mej Amount l Jan. 21, !aaici'd for . I 1874 1874 I Rerearia- ! 010 48! 321 72 ' Bell , 1,700 8Jl ISO 07 Bloom 46t 01, 228 72 II -UK. I 381 00 .117 1? BraiUord .....I 678 74; ' 167 84 i Brady j 007 4i 1.176 ll(!! Purniiile .. Sla 04: A-.0 to ' Cheat 1.07T 12' JU 62 ' Covingl'a ' 1,108 78 8!0 II Dreelur , l,02 64' 027 II Pergoiun.... 210 8l 116 00 1 Uirerd 1.464 it' 1,176 To;1 (loibea. ...... I 1,081 CO, 1.017 00' Oraliam.......! 8S4 04; 870 till Oulieh I 1.288 IS- 1,804 04:1 lluaton ....... 4 800 11; 14,718.10, Jordaa.. ...... 806 Oil; 131 12 Kanhana 1,100 10 too 01, Kaei ... 1.148 00, 6:16 01 Lawreaea.... 1.0HO 8ft: I.4S6 12 , klorrii 1.710 M 1,611 2. Penn .......... 400 out 600 OS ; Plna..... i 1,008 1ft- 1,164 06 Pike 808 OAj 14 07 t'nioa ....1 1.011 47, 1,661 80 Wooiiw'd 1,111 00 1.800 Oi l Total j COUNTY FI'SDSJ FOR IM1I. DAVID W. WISE, Eq, Trea.orer of Clr. Arid eooaty. la the Commonwealth of Pena- 1 eylraala, la aewoant wilk Ike funde nf eaid 1 eounty, from the twenty-Oral day of January, ! A. D. 1874, to thelwealy firr-t day of January, ! A. D. 1876- i BRBTOS. j To amount due from eolleelora laat eeltlement tO.tUt 0.1 To amouBt due from uaeeated landa... 11,876 00 j To amouot duo from aa-Tieaeerer- Wilion 0.11 27 ; To ainooat received from llablieritii.k. I 16 j To amouot received from Bradlord averaeeri ,. To amount received from (lulieb over- 147 70 111 31 201 at To omownt received Iroea U. 0. Kirk, Comojl.iiener To amount reevived 00 Joba Vaughl tract To eah from Itedebarb C. H.. To eaih tecenedua Mary Hendwieb... To eeih reeeived on BMaaoy Iraele..... lo eaib reeeived from A. W. Waltera for wood To beak tat for ls74 To at-eled oounly Ui for 1874 To reeled Mate tea for 1074..... To One of Sueklej . , To eavk reeeived .a Uagh Karate. Iraet , To UI paid-ly C II. Preecott.. . Tu oath by Dr. Potior H To eeih lor ate) w To oirew. lioeaeo..... H M To prieoa lot bund To Jene regiiter tai To aaab oo Keating treel MM To eeet reluoded To September rrgieter las To aoit rot ended . To laa aa No. 6071 lor 1071 To eeet refunded I'a eaia for utile To eeih for atoee To eaib reeeived oa Breaaor To rearter'l fee. To Jury fee .... To Aaea and forlclturea.w...M. To aaab for foal . To real for arbtlretiea rooea To wiuoea flnna To aaaealed redemptioa ................. Ta aeeled redempuea .... Ill It I 00 81 34 24 05 10 00 t.044 00 10,590 69 657 10 ta ot 100 .81 17 00 10 07 t 00 40 00 1,107 77 140 00 10 86 17 00 141 00 10 00 It 80 41 60 I 00 t 00 10 80 4 00 51 00 1,020 00 106 00 00 to to 00 140 10 44 10 To aaaealed eeanty ua for 1814 lt.71'0 66 To aaaealed poor laa for 1871 - 1,407 14 Total .. .... lot. 38.1 83 caaotroa. I'ounty Order. Redeemed, tin Ry Aeieeeere' wagea 1,411 40 100 00 By AuditeraeBd Clerk.. By Aaditor, Proiboooury and Itegiitora aeeoual for 1871 30 M By Auditor. PrelboaeUry aad Rrgiiter'a aeooaol for 1874 44 00 Ry Diilriet Atlorooy Atlerneva' Poea, via I 71 00 lot 00 Ry T. If. Mcrray Ily W. M. MeCullongh Ity flrael Teat ., By J. J. Lingle By Walter Barrett 20 00 15 (HI 15 00 10 00 It to to 00 114 90 10 40 Ily arpeal eap.oeec By b anting Jurore Ilrldgea, Tit I Rr Pika twp. bridge 100 00 By Don creek bridge....... sol It Ily Cerweaiville bridge.... 1,021 00 By boreaa itatiiliec By Commiiiionorc' oouoeol William Al. McC'allough . 7,122 76 46 00 Cowmlaelouern Wajrca, via 1 By P. t. Couterel By Jokn D. Tnompeon.... By Clark Brown By Comraiiiienera' Clerk. 150 00 446 00 446 00 1.340 to 1,000 00 Ily CoaeBB.awa.ltli cBta, wl. t Comwl'lk va. Arnold " " AnderccB..... " " Broembaugh. " Coalgan " Mary Beet.... " g, " " Ccraon " " Dathray " " Pawvar ....... " Plaegaa " " tlranger " " fleneler " tlray " llallou " Howe " Kama " Kooaar ....... " " Uaho " u Laaotu ....... " Med. ira Meehley " Mittoa " " Mcllirk....... " Melae Marpky Mack " " Oikall " )' Leery Rleberda. " " Sloaa tti or 4 II tt 17 It II 4 tl 16 00 17 Id 4 SO Tl 01 70 ot It II t 91 II Ot t 10 11 11 II 10 II It IS II II 61 ri tt n ti 4 tl tr to 111 II 64 II 11 II 121 01 II 14 II 44 41 60 II II 14 St tl II 60 97 I II ' TS II " TenKyek . " Toll ' Williama Wood " rrnatma...... ' Ily Court llo.ee 1,171 II via I Peel, eoat aad wood aa Pitlareo MeUlag Stoeec Wiadiag A repairing clock. Rcpcira tn furae. ...,.. Racket, aad broom. ....... Repairc lopaecmaat........ Hetelre la build. ag . Lime tor water await...... Service pipe Trimming treaa........ ..... OU 1188 It 31 SO 00 tl II II SI II to to It It T 4t I to tl 17 4 10 It 10 It 00 I 40 1,541 Tt Hy CeaetableV Kct.raa, Tit I Janeary term, 1174 HI tl March tarm, 1874 ft It Jaae term, 1874 II ti September tarm, 1174 Ill II Jaaaary term, 1171 II II 411 61 Court arlar. .... . gg By .al daa from Online vera, MtUtva-4. tin. Morrto ..R. Rwarta... 1171. Ren T. C. Lee.... Cheat. S Wnilama. Caiecne1U..T. Crart.... trwBea)........,.. Hortow TS fl 11 04 lit aa I. M II st 01 N OF CLEARFIELD CO. FOR 1874 eiooly, In the Commonwoallb of Penaaylraala, tuwaablpn ia eald eountjr fur 1074. ' CBBIIITOB. Hy emuunl paid Dial. Traaeurera-. Uy eaoue-ationa...., Ily Treaaurer'a per eentage liy amount uiioolleeted Jaa. 1176.. Ueleaoe due lownebjpe.,..H Total ! , li.SUI 19 use if 1,64 t M.II04 as 10,140 70 ....110,071 Ii R0A0 FUND IN DL'TAIL. I' By aint. illyei-l 'Treeaerr'al Caah In lipoid 1)11. ourra- liy ami. ' per I Treaa 1 fraaiurera ! tiuaa. uaoolleet' d; oeliiage. banda. .! us 200 to lt.1 II (14 4S 10 4 a; 105 si ,a::i 14 i.ihii e 47 4 0; 41 to! 131 on 711 Siil all on, 4 to, 1st 00 II 42 04 II 470 IMl j 110 111' t 31; 144 4. 04. 17 III M I). Il II t IK, 107 10' II Si' 104 01 1,401 H 417 SI' 1 1,044 III litis' III 71 1,710 40 Hit Oil! I SK0 lll ao u 40 as 1,710 02 7110 00 04 04 .11 61 40 So: ill IM 1.100 OS I S0 00 ; ,!18 4H, H 6)1 Ai Oil 1,404 01. 770 70 70 JO i; 41 30 4(1 110 011 620 00 ISO Oil' 10 40' III SO S 141 07 00 M44 10 4011 SO- 21 10, l.kUO 04) 41 S.1I VS0 70 4,o0 00 1,110 00 ton 1,1 14 SO 07:14 44 47 v.i 10 - ,110 00 t 461 sit in! ir in 1 1 47 I.SM 70: 716 Sill I 67l 746 OS M 61 V'O tl 16,010 10 1,600 Otl .ltS 101 7,074 II 11 16 1,420 4 lot 46; 114 00, HI 04, 6 6 14 01 1.101 n 000 00 40 an s:4 10 41 04 :7 16 1.440 40' 711 00 62 1 Kit II IS SO 1(1104 4,721 60: 1,110 10l Tall; 1,111 0(l 77 07 301 71 1.103 801 1,500 OOj 71 00.. 1,911011 60 411 46147 1,080 10 700 001 au 4 20 61, lit ' 6,600 Id. 1,101 Sl .12 OS ,4 60; 27.40 1,313 41 S26 17 I0S 311 10 48 I7S 001 13 10 114 11 1,071 00 1,201 4ll 1 1,111 Mi 43 I7i 101 ! 6,109 60 1.000 Ooj 60 00, 1.707 (Oj 71 6 170 46 126.S03 60 10,004 08 11.014 00 110240 70 raatiiToa. r By rioneratloni - '' 1 By 'freaauror'i peroenlagr 1.000 U By aionuiil pad Itiilriet Trtaiurere... 22,460 14 Bt eiot. onoolleeted Jan'y. 1874 .... 16.201 61 Br eaib in Trraiurre'i henda 0.010 33 Total 0(18,760 04 ' K.oii-1 By amount! Hy Treae'i l-'a.b in Aggregate1 era- paid I'i.l. llr amount Per Tree.rrr'a amouot. I liona. Trenl'n. uncolieotM ermage. handl. 080 10 02 7.1! 4;,0 00 121 71 H 75 I2 00 1,701 00,1 02 4 1,310 Oil OHO 07 69 Oil S:t0 40 fSl 84 6 4 0 8-0 111 22K 72 13 00 40 01 721 20, Hi' 2.0 00 .197 111 1162 1 IS 48 i 7:'8 IS 162 8S0 00 167 841 17 2V 17167 ' 1,0S! 51 j 600 00 1,175 Id! 27 21 3-0 22 ' 1 510 21 1 710 On OsO 20 24 7l 61 20 1,400 01 7 21, 71162 M 11 32 81 210 08 1,7.15 01 ' 000 on fit 14 H.1 II 472 01 1 l,87t Oft 152 8ll! 1,910 00 97 12, 60 67! ,101 47 816 74 17 1" lit 00 115 90 ' S 40 06 76 I 1,0.10 22! Ill Hi' euo (ill 1,174 70 43 6,1 701 70 1,790 601 S 00 1,1100 00: 1,017 00 40 41 025 10 1,200 it S 99 000 00 870 10 20 521 110 10 ! 1,591 K ! 14 5(1; 9110 00! 1,904 04 38 !' .1.13 02 19,144 81 101 00 1,985 00 14,748 .101 131 0i 1,070 01 430 II ! 146 91; 191 11 II; 160 01 I 1,416 02; 32 081 SI.O 01) ) l(; 13 10 240 90 . 1,703 01 08 .12 050 00 695 0! 87 44 101 14 , 4.174 08; 0 74, 1,244 14i 1,485 121 St 40 017 20 I l,213 07l7 10i 1,000 00 1,111 III 613! 69111 i I..4I 88 ; 424 00 40 tKt 14 72; 41 18 1,101 11,40 11 100 Oo; 1,114 01! HO 21 4:11 ST .i0 7.i20 2e 4I0H 210 07! ir o 1.1149 8,404 27' ; 1,700 00: 1.1.11 80 64 0.1 177 61 I 6,212 Toi 10 00 1.900 , 0; 2,809 01 7115 170 45 911 22, 22,460 14: 16,292 62:11,000 89 9.010 19 Karthaui T. White 51 60 1873. Rcecaria J. Kinkead. 103 48 Bell II. Ilr.ib Jr. 87 01 ' Brady Jaa. lilee Kit 43 llurni,da....D. MeheRey. 02 60 ( hret. B. Wllliami. 411 45 Curweai'lla .ll. C. Miller 115 11 tloiheu A II Slurry 12 00 llootadalo...O.W.Rowlcl 40 87 Ho. loo II. W Browa. 30 7 87 Joniao. S. Weimer... 99 1.1 Kuoa A. L. Kickok 1 05 Lwreuoe....T. Kowlea.. 114 38 Morrii J. M. Dillon 7 17 Oiceoln A. Kepkart. Ml 00 I'cna J.Penn 16 82 Pike J It. llloom. 14 01 Wuodwcrd. H. II. Miller. 320 10 1874. R.rearla....J. Klnkea.1... 221 48 Hill M. Thuntoa.. 124 17 llloom C. A. Wood... 04 40 Bogge.. I. Beiek.. 160 31 Bradlord. ..J. A. Aotel... 2l 48 llrcly A.M.Dreaekr 410 03 Bem.ile...I. R-.-on 34 13 C'lieil. J. II. Unta... 4f0 10 Co.ingt.m.L Leigry 10 88 l-ratlield....J. Mcl-I.llea 4SO 64 I'orwene'lle 8. Whipple. 128 20 llnalur Levi o.ei.... 210 41 Pergnvon Prod (Iroea. 109 47 Uolhea W.W.Wilroa IT 08 liraham J. M. k'vane 71 II - llolieb .8. Silica..... 03 07 lhojiedelo...R. Butler.... 2:0 T7 llo.l-oa C. Hocacker 270 42 Jordaa I. K, Straw. II 48 Kartbaal....L.P llertleia 18 60 Kiwi K Bieoa.... 14 34 l.awrcnee....N. Hiikei.... 3')4 14 Morrie A. Johneow. 00 It Oeeeola J. U. Snot.. 101 St Penn M. Plyaa.... 74 IS t'iae J. Hancock. t It Wallaoetea...M. Illedy... I 21 Woodward... II. II. Milea 144 11 1,011 16 Ily Eleello. Llxpeaaea, vlgl DceemW rleetlong 1971.... 14 11 Pebrucry eleetioo, 1874.... 700 14 Mederm lnd. icbool T 40 Lawrence lnd. aehool 4 01 November election, 1874.... T86 10 Clerk return Judgea 00 Neturn Jadgeale Bellefoata 4140 1,171 tl S'proee ft Ily Hospital avipeueea, tlat Bennett 4 to MeUuire 4 47 01 47 Inqeeit feea log ft Janitor'a wage. 176 tt Ily Jurors' Wi, rlil Grand jary, Jaa. term, 74. I tit It 127 00 76, June" "Ii. 114 16 Rent. '74. 1.17 14 .70 IA 14. "74. 74. 74. 74,1 Trarere" Jan." "74. 691 80 6S7 45 June" -74, Iw. 481 tt 74, lw. 410 06 14. 100 34 74, lw. 410 65 74, 2w. 4(10 00 74, 3 w. .1.18 10 '74, lw 121 41 74,2w.401 35 Aug. Sept. Nor. 4,311 16 19 44 17 60 1,134 71 Juatleo teee Jury eommleiinncre..... Penitentiary bill ly Printing Acrouut, Till S. J. Row in ol Ooodlander A Uagerly.,... 693 76 Rrainard 10 20 Bn.kin Urol. u tt Ily Pontage Accoant, Till Letter Duplicata Town.phip aceonnu Hehool traaeeripu.......... June Reg . Auguit Iteg Culleetore' daplicalei Poor and road oortiteatea. Snplewnwr Reg M...... Coi. duna Road raua Prothooetary feea. ........ Reg. caponier.... ........ u.r.oo llradrord achoo) 8calpa I 10 04 12 II S oo I tl I 05 II 79 T II t 64 I II t 41 1 44 It It 401 II 001 40 It! 11 1.14 20 111 II II 41 5 11 110 01 Sure ux on loaBB autioacry.... By Tlpataiea, vial Jeauary tarm, 1174.. I 14 10 II 04 , lw, II 00 lw. 10 01 II to II ot T4 00 . lw. 11 It . lw. 14 01 1874. 1874 1874 IJtand Jnry. 1874.. 1674 1874 1874 A., RepL 164 00 By Prison, rial Roardiag priaonors ,att 60 Bedding for priao.era 64 00 Clolking fnr prlaonera 31 IS Pnrnitwra tor priann It 41 K'Jl " " II It Repilra " " in gl Range aad liture. 101 ,0 Ill 15 Turnkey feea Tl 61 Pb.vileiaa 10. Clceaing prtien 9. 61 Waihing fur prlaonera 104 It llnadeuffa B f, t,10l It By Beeorde, vis I Protbonotary ' oBioo IS 06 P.egieter'a afflee gf tl Commicaionerc' Heg. hooka. It l By SherllP. Prea, Tint Serving Jary aoticoa I 1ST 40 Coeti ia II. C Caec 8S u Commenweallkeaata tl It Convey lag prieccra to pes- canary till fl Pabllahlng eleetioo pracla- milien g Amoant paid llarriebarg Meepital... Ameant paid Deaetlio Mewpilal Amoant paid road riewece Amoant paid road damage. Ameaatprtcoa aonpona redeemed.,.. A mono t peld Stau Ireaaarer, Amownt peid eowrl reporter By oEooeratloae allowed aalleelorc.. Ry CBoacratieaa on anaeaud laada... By ebaleoaaal allowed taapayera Amcawl paid teaebera taatltulo By treaaarar'a par Beat, aa ll,,, II Ml ptt cent By treaaarar'a per aiat on 41,171 II al I per cent y traacaree'e par ami. ea 111,111 44 It It par cent 111 II 411 10 161 01 41 10 1,111 41 111 to 1.584 It 1.131 44 Ml t. 1,11 1 M 717 01 T8I It 131 N tl II i.iti ir tn tt Ameant due from ooaeateal laatlo, count- la i 19,T0t It Amount duo frow uoieaud land poortai r,417 14 Ry orercharge oa sneeated lead 16 4 By cireua lioenic Irauiferrod ia total. acH,uol 60 It Ily coat o. land Kid IIII Uallaaco 14,194 It Total.. 191,181 IS Probabl. Ordluary lxp.uac. for IMS I To ordinary eipeaeea for 1171 114,111 M To priao. lot booda due d,loO OO To konda redeemed dariag Ike year.. 10,000 11 To Inleroal on 171,000, prieoa booda. 4,500 01. To eaoneratlona lu eolleetora SAI 01 To abauuteul ellowed laaiaycra , 111 It I'o Ireaeurer'i per eentage 1,800 Ot To probable ooit on bridge. 6,000 10 Hy amount In treaaurer'a kanda 114,104 It By emuunl duo lrom ool- lictor 1,011 10 By foutth payment ua old prlaou loll 1,117 Tf Uy dcOeiency for 1176 to bo railed on the Boated du plicate. 21,184 SI Total 461,100 01 5M0I II COMMISHIONKHS' CKKTIFICATI. ( We, Ih. underaieaed, Commicaionerc of Clear fleld county, lu ibo Commoawealih ef Panseylr. ma, having met aooordtng lo law, aod baring eg- wined me eovorei aeoounta and Tonobera of David W. Wire, Kit)., Trealuror .f laid omoty tor ma year A. u. IC7I. la oerllly tbet wo oa.l them aa -aet lurlh la the lereeeioa- atalemeot. We Ond the amoBnt daa the county from biw la tw fourteen tliouiaud eight hundred and .iaety. four dollera aod auiy.uino eeala (14.004 00f. I ue cmoum nuc l.om uneeated lanilc lor aountr purpoaea, but nut n..il.blc until 171, la nineteen tbouaend eevan hundred aad aia dollera aod llty. o.e era,. veie,iuo e,, ana lor in. ace o( mo puor, io the eggregete, laleo aaaeailablc aalil alter June, 1870.) eioounlo lo aerea tboaiaod lour nunored nud act en d..llaraand fcurteenc.ni. l4J,4u; 14). ll.e towmhipa nf Uccearla, Bell, Hloom, cheat, Deoaiur, Perguion, Uirerd, Goaben, Kanhana, Knea, Alurria aud Pike aeeraeed ob poor ux oo unarmed Unda, for .874, white Coy. ngion naaeaeed to uilla, Lawrenoe 4 u tie. Uuion 6 wiilp, and tba real of the lonnahipe alae.ced I aud two milli. 1'lic amouot due lrom Ibe col. lecture, la the auut wf eight tbouaand aa.l tbirtce. doliora and tweoly-eu eenu (o.ull lit,. n,. over n tbuaieud le.a thaa Ian year The amount jue tue rwau loud ny alic Treaaurer lea tbuuaaad two huodred nnd foily dollara and eercuty ccnta ..I0.24U 701, and tbc bool fund nine thooa.od aud t Ity-otne dollan and tbirty-tbree eenta. Por tolrinv-nl in deul , aee tabular aialrmeou of tba rued aud aehool luuda herewith lubmilled, cbow. eg mo auiouni o. coon fundi Di d the reiueetlea Dl.tiiel Treaiureri and the amoant of fned. .t n tt.e band, ol the County Treasurer. nilueaa our banda al f cerarld. thla tweate. utatk any ol January, A. D. 1875 J. D. THOMPSON, CLARK BROWN, C. W. KVLKH. Atteit: Commiiilowon. 14. ti. OoonLAsnan, Clerk. ATDITORS' CERTIPICATR. Wa, Ike ttndorained. AaditorB of tho aoant of L-earbald, ia the Cominooweelth of Penoayl- ante, uavmg mei at too voart lloocc. IB tbo aor. ough of Clearfleld, on tba Aral Monday of Jaaa ary, A. D. It75, aecerdiog lo law, and baring ai- Nonnea me eaverei aeeounu and Touenera ef David W. Wiao, Eao., Treaiarer of aaid eouaty . for Ike year A. D. 1874, do report that we tod them aa above lUted. The bemoea ia bic banda due tbo county appeara to bo lourteeo thouiand eight buudred and ninety-four dollar! and lixty- ie oeaie taie.sve Bin. lie M Indebted lo tbe rued fuud IB the aunt uf tea tbouaend two hun dred and forty dollar! and aeeenty ceatc (110,- eu 7U, ana to ine rrnooi fund in tbe aum of uioe tbouaand nnd Olly-nlne dollnre and thirty. three couta 119,010 33). The amount duo from unaeaied land, tor eonoty uurnoeec. bat aot avail able uoul A. D. 1870,1. niueteen thouiand aeeen hundred end all dollar, and fllty Ira eenta 1.10,701 65), and for Ibe a.e of the poor (ale. naraiiaoia until dune, l i7B.) amouBta lo aaeeo ttiuu.and four hundred and acven dollara nnd fourteen oentallf, 407 14). Toe amouot duo from cuilt-etoro ia eight tbouaand and thirteen dollars and twenty ala eenu (an.lild 20). In Icetiinuuy whereof we have hereunto act onr bandi, tbii twenty. ninth day af January, A. D. IB74. JAS. II. RII.K, I. C. BLOOM. HhMlV WHITEHEAD. Atte.1: Auditora. Jons W. lion a. Clerk. The Lightning Tamer. THE atUr.lffn r tbt lot AjftBt ! thi oiuDtf for tbMNorth AmarieBB dBlvuiitw L.IUHTN1NO RODS." Ttitio r tbt oalyMf rutta bw 1b ih, mnd Bra Bior4 hy mil U clntifl 1b tht bob b try. W hereby olifj Ut UtiBi of U mmtf that wb will fat lba ap a btUr ro4. for leti bobbjt. tbaa It bBffed by tb fortlya Birat wbo kd anal I j ti-BTrM tba toaat aad oAvrry off oar llttlt aaih, iBTtr I rttara. EXCOURAGB HOMB LABOR. Ttaoitf wishlni Llhtali(r Edi traeUd aa their bBlldiaB aeed but addreei u mj latter, ar eall la penoB. We will pal tkeai ap aaywbera la tbeeoBBty, aad wairaat tbeai. Tba Rodaa4 rtstaree eaa ba eaea al aajr tim by eeJUag a4 our itore. II. F, KIuLSll CO Olearteld. Mareh U. lT-ef JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALIR IN FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 8TRBKT, NBAR P. O. Tbe Bndmljrned htg9 laare ta lafona the elll ubi of Clearfleld, and tba pablie ffeaerally, Ibat ba ba aa hand a laa aeMrlMeat ef Faraitara. wrb aa Walaat, CbaMnat aad faiaUd Ubeaiber ftuitea. Parlor Saitea, Raoliainf and Bitttatioa Cheire, Ladita' acd Utatt' Cbaira. tbe Vtt fnrmted llifilnjt aad Parlor Cbalre, Cane rataaad Windior Cbaira, Cletbaa Rare, Step attd Ktlra aioa Laddera, Hat Raaba, Serabbtng Rraabca, Ac MOULDING AND PICTURI FRAMES. Looking QlaiM, Cbretaoa, Ae wblob araald ba aaltal'le for lloliaay praeenta. dMld n JOHN TROUTMAN. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATIONERY. Market M.,CIarflcId, fat Ibe Post Oft fa.) MIK aaderalgned baga laava taaaaoaaeata 1 tbaeltliaaaar ClaarSald and vieiait. that ba baa Itted ap a reaa. aad haa aat retaraed fro ia tba ally with a large avaoaatef raadlag aatter, reaalatlog la part af Bibles and Miscellaneous Bcx)ks, Blank, Aeeoaat aad Paai Book a af avara da orlpiloa Paper aad KflTetopea. Praaek preaacd andplaiai Pea aad Peaellai Blaab, Legal Ftptra, Ueedi, ortaagaa t Jadg aaeat, Kieaip Hob aad Proaleaoryaete, Wbluaad Parebi taBt Brief, Lfgal Cap, Record Cap, aad BUI Capt Sheet, Muaicfor either Plaaa, Plata ar Vtolia eonitaatly aa haad. Aay book a ar itatloaarj deiired thai I aaay aal bar aa band, will be or ordered by Irak ei pre.., aad eold at wbaUiale or retail to aalt aaitoBera. I will alao keep period loa I Itteratara, aaab aa Magailnea, Newa- papere, . p. A. wAULIJl. CUarfleld May T, IRALtf T. A. FLECK 5t CO., Have .ow e. bead, aad are daily receiving ad dition! tkercta. a large and well aelected ateek, aal frock from tbe menafaotarera, r Dree, floodi, Dry Ooede, Rilka, Halt, Ba.net, 014 Ladlea' Cape, Sbawle, Waterproof.. La dlec' Par Cepa, Hair flood., Heme' Per .i.hin. Oooda. Shlrta. tlloeea. Hone. Oreralli, Lumbermea'a Plannel, Lad lee' Uederwoac, Cage, Collar,, llendkerekiefa, CHILDREN'S 11NDRRWRAR AKD WIltTI ' DRESSES, Perlamery and Socpa, Balmoral Bktrta. away dowa, Btackiaga, feeerypia,Brwty and oolerr, NotloBB, Trimmiaga aad Faaey Uonda, ia alnoet ondieea variety, M B WB POR CASH. BUT FOR CASH AND RKLL Seellf O. I. c. TtTllRRE t. bay my DRY flOODI, ORO- T oeriee, Qaeeaanara, Olaacwara, Drag, and Nollnna, Coafectleaeeiee, Aa., eheep far aaab. Tba anbacribor bege leave la Inform hia aid aad saw eeet em ere that he kae apaaaA A TARIRTT RTORI IN QLRN HOPS, PA. And will cell gtwdi at prieoa to swMtkeUmec. A liberal redeeiiea will be made Ing at wboleialB. Call and 01-amtM my ateek Wforo parekeiinf leewbera. A liberal (bare ef ..bite patroaage la eelloited. 0. J. KEAOT. aiea llope, Pa., Jaaa II, 1171. JOOK OUT FOR TDK SIGN or tii CANT 1IOOKI MARKET STREET, CLEARPIELD. The elA -I J ,., . e. L eu 1. - - -, . m w i wtwr van. uo.e . - dlaeelrad, aad e aew owe h rated by Amoa t aard and O. B. Merrell, af CloarSeld, and S. M. A Hard, af Bmpariam, Oamara. aamaly, an part- - -. ... " - . v caeca, 01 vwarwcia, ae w" al Ageat. Tba aew awmpaay wlU carry o. th " eaawnneeeanag. Bailing; aa. anipp.en tba Cwal Deoka, with oil laeir Imprwreaacaea, wbieb ere ... All ceaeaatlff boy- ed. JAS. I. WATSON, July let, 1174. Oen-1 Ageal.