A 1 Jr t ., gavaiwrr, f iiHvnrf. i RACKET1 ' & SCIIBY YEB, milk its m HARDWARE, ud nunuftclurtre of Tln.Copprr & Sheet Iron Wnrc, Second Street, CLUAIU'IULI). PA. Having larg.ly loereased our eloek of Hard ware, wo Invito tho pulillolo ejtnmluo our Hoc and prises. Carpenters and persons who oonlemptnte build, log w ill do well to esamlne our TOOLS & BTJILDINO HARDWAKB. -i,i,.v. i. ... in,l of tin bcit manufacture, and i will bo lold low for ei.k. I NAILS. rrTTY, GLUE,! LOCKS, LATCH KB, HINGES. SCREWS All kin.li at HiMieh Planes, S,iw, Chisels, Squares, Itnmtners, llntehrti, I'ltimhs snd Levels, Mortised A Thutnh Uueges, Bevels, llrares A Hilts, Wood and Iron lleneh Merrws, and tbo best Boring Maehino in the mnrkrt. Double and Single Eitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, it. Ayrnt for flurnclt'a Iron Com Shelter, warranted. , Also, aguuts for Richsrds' (iUTIIIC I I.HE TOPS, which eOVetiially run Smoky Fluor. Farmers' Implements anil UarJen Tools of evary dr-sorlntlna. A largo variety of COOK STOVES, which we warrant to give llefuctioO. Portable it a it pes and Furuatea, its-Hoofing, Spouting mid Jb Work done on renii i a die tcnui. AU onlera will receive prom pi Rttcnttiii June j I. 87il; BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, t Sneceort to IJ.ijuhm A, Young, .FOUN DISKS & MACHINISTS Wiwiufuoturert of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine Streets, CI.BARPlKl.n. PA. HAVINO engaged In the manufacture of first olsss MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform the publlo that we are now prepared to 111 all order! an cheaply and as promptly as can be done In any of the rltie,. Wo manufacture and dealia Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheel!, Shafting Pulleys, OiRord'e Injector, Steam Onuget, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cup', OH Cops, Oange Cocks, Air Cuoka, fllnbo Volvo,, Oheek Valrei, wrought Iron Pipes, 8 cam rumps. Roller Food Pumps, Anll Frletion Metres, Roup Stone Packing, Onm Peok lug, and all kinds or NILL WORK, togothsr with Plows, Bled Soles. COOK AX I) PA RLOR STOVES, and other CARTINGS of all kinds. -Oideri solicited and oiled at any prices All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, bjaddrea tng as at ClearOeld, Pa. j.olTl.lf BIIILRH, YOUNfl A RKEU. VTEW 6TOHE AND NEW GOODF JOS. SHAW & SON Unva just opened I Niw Stoii, on Main SI.,t'LiAriii.o, Pa lately ocoupied bj Wro. F. IltWIV. , Their stock consists of a ira "52" sa- cd oe ao a norii! of tho best quality, Qheknswark, Hoots nnd Shoes, and every article necessary for oue's comfort. Call and examine our stock before pur ehiuing olsswhere. Ma; 0, IXGG-tf. TERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Strive Lining nnd Fire Brick, kcjil oonrtontlr en hnoil. STOXE A EARTIIES-WARE 01' KVKItY BKSCRIl'TIONI CHOCKS! POTS! CUOCKSI 1 fri.tt.ra Paf.nt Alrtlfhi Helf ftpaliliar I I'riill (anal BTtTTl'.R CROCKS, with llils, CREAM CROCKS. Htl.K CROCKS, AI'IM.K nt'TTEIt CROCKS, PICKI.K CltOCKH, TLOWKR TOTS, PIR PISHES, 8TEW POTS, And a great many other things tea nnmerons te mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S f STONE - WARE POTTERY, Comer of Cherry and Third Mtreets, rl.KAUFIKI.U, PA. anjj Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP CO HUSK THK CHKAPK8T) , A Proclamation against High Prices! TTTB are now npuiinr ap a lot of the let and If mort aeauuinable t.wnls nnd Wane ever offered in tbia mnrket, and at priiws that remind one of the good M daye wf okeap thinga. Those wlie lack faith upon this point, or deem oar alle gations superfluous, nued but VAI.L .1T tH It STOIti:, Corner Front and Market streets. Where they win eew, feel, hesr nnd know for then . selves. To folly nniliretnnd what are eheep Rood. ; this must be done. Wo ln Heou tt narti.an a f ennmerate and itemite onr etoek. l I, enooab for ns Ml stale lb. I We have Evorvtlung that ii Needod and eensnmed 1n this market, and at prices thai aetnnlsh both old and roung. da2 JOSKI'II II A It A PON. Clearfield Nursery. ' iNCOUKAGJ. HOME INDIWTUV. flMII wwelerilicned, hsrlnj eslahllihed a Mai JL serr Ike 'Pike, aboil balf way betwsst Cleerh.ld and Curwens.llle, Is prepared ie fvr nttemll winds .f FHVIT TRKRS, f standard and d.arf,V tCertrrawns, fthfnhhary, Orspe Vines, Ueweberrtea, taertel Rlaekbsrry, Strawharry. aod laatwery Vlewe, Aim, Siberian Crab Trsaa , Uvea, and Mrlfsnarlet Rhabarb, la. Ordet. , pr.aipaj atmde4 te Address, e i i. p. wittnnT. septl.'si-fi CarwsB.HIe. Pa. V-s ' ' " ' , gry owls, ttrorrrif. Ctf. i, r. w it a tiih v. vr. mtt. , ULEARF1KLD, PA., Art offering, it Ibc old itantt of 0. L. Herd A Co. their stock of goods, oouslttlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS CATS, HARDWARE, QtlKBNBWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., Al tbo unit immUi rates for CASH or in etrnange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COl'.VTRY PRODUCE. Per-Advances made lo those engaged In get ting out square limber on ths most advantageous terms. pdtljen7 T IO TI1K FRONT! CiRICAT EXCITEMENT AT TUR CLEARFIELD BAKERY OYSTER SALOON! Tht uinleriiirnrd hirinit Joit Bttrd up new, tnrge nnd coDt In r table rouiM oo Market atrset, ocr Tliird. rr'iftrullr to farm, tho public tlit lie now drpptrrd to nooninmodnle them with cTerTtbinjr In hii lini on vhnrt nulioe and at oil bvitrt of I be ur, HQ Rcrpii on iimn ERKSII DR RAD, Ri:SK.S, IIOLU, TIES, CAKEH, all kin . FRESH OYSURS IN EVERY STYLE, - and a funeral aitortmcnt of CONFKCTIONMUKS, VIlUITfl. NITS, io All of which will be delivered to euatoioere at ibetr reiidfoecu, wboa rc(ueted to d to. KV. CHKAM, by the dlnh.terved In o iientl) fur niidird mxa. Tin. tk fu I for the grneroux patronage bcntcwed In the paat, he bopra to merit and receive a eon tinnenec of the rame from Via old atu- inorr', and otlirrf. JOHN STADLER. - Judo IS. '75 If. rANIEL GOODLANBKU, Ll'THKUSBl RO, PA., Dealer la DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, HOSIERY k GLOVES, HATH k CAPS and BOOTS I SHOES, Tohafco, Uroceriei and Fib, Nail, Hard ware. Quonaware and Ulaiiwaro, Mrs a ana Hoy' Clothing, Drug, Painta, (Mil, School rlimka. a Urge lot of Patent Medioinea, Can. lice, Nate A Drlxd Frulli. CherM and Crack - ere, Uoek and Kiflo Powder, Flour, Cimin nnd PotatOfK, Clorer and Timothy Seed, Mole t.enther, Moroeooa, I.inlnjxw, Ilindinga and Thread, Hboernakera' 'ioul and tShne Finding. No greater variety of gooda In any atore In the eoanty. All ftr lale rery low fr canh or eounlrj proilucw) at the Cheap Corner. Aug. 21, 1871. The Hell's Run Woolen Factory, Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa. It V R M F. IJ 1IWTI BURNED UPI The subscribers haTe, at great e pen se, rebuilt oeighbnrhood ntoessity, in the erection of a flraU elass Woolen Manufactory, with all tho modern improvements at taohed, and are prepared to make all kinds of JMb, Cnasimerae, Hatinetta, Blan keU, Flannels, An. Plenty of goods ou band to supply all our old and ft thousand new eustomers, whom we ask to oome and eiamlne our atook. The husincts of ' . CAP.DINQ AND FULLINQ will reoelre our especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to reoeiro and deliver Wool, to euit lustumera. All work warranted and lone upon the shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to business we hope to rcallxo a liberal share tf public patronage. KMMMI P0l'NI8 WOOL WANTED I We will pay the highest market price Tor Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low aa similar goods ean be bought in the county, and whenever we fail to render reasonable satisfaction wo ean always be found at homo ready to make proper eiplanntion, either In person or by letter. . JAMBS JOIINHON A HONS, aprlUfltf ' Bnwer P.O. LKATIIM 8I1PKRSEIIP.D BY COVKRT'M PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the best Mallca- his Iron, and isattaehed to tbe Hemes by the best Snap ever Invented. It ia easily andqutrkly put on, and prevunta the whipping of the horses hy the polo, .hot liable to get out of repair. Will last for years. All We ask is a Tatr trial, to convince all parties us tng them that they art ' unsurpassed in value for the purpose for which they are intended. RACK ETT A BCIIHYVKR. Clearfield, April 14, 1874. MARBLE AM) STOVE YAKI) ! . Mrs. S. 8. LIDDKLL. Having engaged In the Marble buslneea, desires to infirm her frlendi anil the public that she lias row and win keep constantly on hand ft largo and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT UARDLft, nut m prepared to farnlih to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, . MONUMENTS, Curbs and PoeU for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills and Cnpi, slso. BUREAU, TABLE AND WASII STAND ' '' ' .. TOPS, d., aW ..' fcaYard on Reed street, near tbe R, R. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. . J07,TI jUNSMITHING. " t - Q. W.WOLFE, . PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. , Shop nn Third street, over Rlley'i blacksmith .hep, t'iiKAKMr,i.if, r. All kinds of Hides nnd Shot flutt tna hand Repairing dont In a firtt-elass manner and at fair prices. mini Ijlvory Ntnblo. rpHR wudertlgned begs leave to Inform the pub- 1. lie that be i new luliy prepareo to aeeom mo dule all in tbe way of furnishing Horses, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and en reasonable terms. Reaidtnoton Itoeusl street. OKo! W. GEAR II ART. Tlearfteld. Feb. 4. pOR n.AI,sV.w The anderelgned nffera for of Clearfie-id. Lot nilft feet, with a good twi ttery plank bovea thereaoft erected, with three rooms down etaVft and fnwr bd rvMHas up stairs. Also, tewing room aexl balh room wn eotnnd floor. llenee ntssmd complete) from Mner to ittic Ueod dnar.lc poreh and good waters, PHoe rcft aonahle end payments easy. HOaugTa . WU, M. MeCDLLOITOir. J. li. M'MUlfiiAY WILL RIIPn.T Von WITH SUV ARTtrl.lr OP at RattJM ANDIHK AT TIIK VKRV I.OWKST PlUCii. CtlMtl AND SKI. l t;lay,) NEW" WASHINGTON. DUtrrllanfous. JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCH YILJf-E I I am await that there are aonie peramia a little hard to pleaae, and 1 am alto aware (hat the enmplalnt of "hard lianea" it well nigb nitivtrcul. Hut 1 am po aituated now that 1 run titly the former and prove oonelualvely thai "bard hiuea" will not eOeut tbeee who ouy ineir goona irom me, and all my patroni hall I lultiatrd Into the e- ret of 4 IIOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have gooile enough to'aupply all the Itiba b tanta In (tie lower end of the county wgiub I aell at eieending low ratoa from my mamuii'tb atore In MULtiUNlit'HU, where 1 ean alwaya bt foontl ready to wait upon oaltera and etipply them wltt Dry Goods of all Kinds, Buoh at Clothe, getinctla, Caailmerea, Urlalnea, Linen, Prilling!, Lauooea, Trlmminga, Uibbuna, Lace, Read j -made Clothing, Rood and Phora, Hata and Cape all uf the beat material and made to order Iluee, nocka, uiavei, Minena, uaeei, riiunone,ae. . GROCERIES OF ALL KIM'S. Coffee, Tea, Bugar, Rice, Molaaiei, Fixh. Palt, Pork, Linseed Oil, t ih Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qneenaware, Tinware, Caitinga. Tlowi and Plow Caatingi, Nalla, Mpikea, Corn Cult it -tore, Cider Preiaa,and all kinda of Ami. Perfumery, Palnti, VarnUh, Ulaii, and a grniral aaiortment oi matumory, GOOD F LOU It, i . Of different brands, aiwayi on band, and will be old at the lowest possible nguroa. II. MeClaln'l Medicine, Jayne'a Medicines, Iloatetter'a and HouOand's Hitters. 5000 pounds of Wool wanted for which the bigbeat prloo will be paid. Cloverreed on bane and for sale at the lowest market price. Also, Agent for Btrattonvlllc and Cur we mi ilio Threshing Machine!. m.Call and eeefor yourselves. Ton will find everything waaally kept in a retail atore. L. M. COUDHIKT. Frenohrllte P. 0., Angnit 12, 1874. THE QI.EAK FIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEAllFIKLD, PA., HAltrr ACTfRKRt Of I Ilti: ItBtIC K, Furnace Blocks. Has Retorts,' Stove Linings, Paving Tilea, &o. Chlmuru Top, irGirfoic Cnp,' ntirf l'nc. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. nnmivir ttL'ct.ive r ti'dbi Atta MADE TO ORDKR. With iinprored meihinery, first elass material and skilled workmen, we ean warrant all our manufactures to be equal lo if not superli r to any In the market. Artivles uf our manufacture ean be seen at tbe Works, near Railroad Depot, or at tho Hardware Store of U. P. fiiglrr A Co. All order from ft distance, addressed tu (he tieneral Superintendent, wiil receive prompt at tention. ' J. CI. IIARTHWK K, JOHN FRKOlItiON, Ocn'l Supt. of Hratblield, Oarnkirk, Scotland, Supt. Manufacturing Dept. may 20 T I JEAD THIS. FLOUR & FEED DEPOT Tho attention of tho ottitene of Clearfield and vicinity la directed to the fact that Goodfrjlow A Bun are the agenta of M. Nleoe At Co., and have lust received ft nalr doaen ear loans oi F loor ana Peed, which they offer at tbe lowest possible fig res. A large stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, UUCKWnKAT PLOUIl, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Cora lo ear, Ac, At. Partloutar attention It tailed to M. Nice A Co.'t brand of Family Flour, which is tht beat In tht market. Flour and Feed can and will bo sold oheaner than U tan bo obtained elsewhere in Clearfield county. jany-(Store on Market street, neit door to lion. Alexander Irvift'e residence, (lOOllPrsLLOW A HON, Jan 1(1 tf Agents for M Niece A Co. jyjOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C O H P A N V, OSCEOLA STRAM MILLS, . . nARcracTiiasa l;U.uiil'u, IjATH, au 1'tuiv i', i a Satced fc Patent Jiibbeil Shinglci. II. B. SMLLIXOFORD, Pre.ld.ot, Offloe Fore.1 Plana, Nn. Iti 8. lib St., l'hil'a. JOHN LAW8IIH, General Bu,'t., Oaeeole Mills, Clearfield eonnty, Pa. Ann-TOWN LOTS C,r sat. In the boroagb of Osceola. Al.a-Keep the I.AROERT ASSORTMENT or Moods In Clearfleld eonnty at their Mamroolb Store I. Oseeol. JanS-7 F. O'LEARY BUCK. General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker. Represents the following reliable Insurance Co't: North BrltUh X Mercantile Ins. Co. $?0,i OO.nnn WashinRtoa Life Insaranee C...... e.tAH.noO rire A'soeiatioa In so ranee Co.. S.nOO.OiiU A ma tn fire Insuranoa Co A.OTH, 1 4t Phmnit Insuranoa Co., N. V t,U0A,n0U Watertown Fire, Insurea dwellings and farm buildings only... m.OOO Turk, Pa., H lock Insurance Co. Home insured again et death ewd thud. P. H rrties in the country desiring insurance on their Uvea or properly ean have it promptly attended to by addressing ns by letter, or calling in person at our office, in Pio'a Opera House, Room No. l.Cleftrfield. Pft. ftug2tV7 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD H CA LK H, or ILL SXlWtlft i BfcfKS Barrow t, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ac. . roaiALtar II. f: BIQLEU k CO., Dealers lis Hardware, sseh.lO rO tf Sannnd Street, Claarteld, Pa. JKATZEU tt LYTI.K, f , A0RNT8 IN CLEARFIRLD COUNTY FOR .OItII.T,AltIN k Cele bra kdG rands of . ( Smoking & Chewing Tobaccos. W are enabled to wholesale to dealers throtlgb ont tbe eonnty at oily prices. HKATZRR A l.VTI.It, Ja:74-Jf . ' - . JCI.ari.ld, Pa. jjF. BlGlKFdTcb. havo fee talt CARRIAGE A WAI.IU WOODS, ' 8IIAFTS AND POI.EH, ' ' II U BS, S ro K E3, FKL I.OHS, Ac Carrlaire and Wa,nn Msksrs shonld aoab. a oota ef tbis and aall and alanine them. They will bo aold al fair ,rlees. taayll Tl JUSTICES)' an c:nTAHt.l:' I'licw We hare printed a largo aanber of tbe sow FRR BILL, and will en the rwelol of tweeir Ir. ewM. W..II a Mrs. ft, two addroaa. ejyN THE JIEPUBLICAN. CI.KAKPlKl.n, I'A WKIINKSUAV MOItMMI.FKU.17, l!S. ABSENCE. Vpon untroddeo places grass will grow, Time alwa)a marks its rbnnges t Tbis Is the saddvsl, trurM truth 1 know- Aleiifl eeliacgrs! Ptar hratts, whttfta I M.I so warm a place, Ye rannol hilp forltlna! j Ye eannut alwaya think lo mii the fnoe my irera ere wutung. The lives that seeia tu twine arun 1 my own, And blossom but about me, Tbr'o these k ng days of abieoeo must hate grown To bloom without me. Tlie bapfly elrele where a in ist i tig link Brought for a season sadnt.s. Hal grown aemstomrd lo tho lots, I think, . v Aai ftooad new glad o sis, Ye bongU the dsjs woulJ ereimore seem long And sad wbiB I drpailid, Hut now again ye sing ths olden song AU iigbt'oiue hearted. I am remembered, hut not mlMcd, I kuow, And am contented only The knowledge helps these foullih tears to flow, Ann tnekei me lonely, How lad tbia world. If evei grt w alwaya wet At Bight of taoant pieces i Vsr better H at we ean, in part, f-irget The absent lares. SOVTIIERX OUTRAGE MILLS. The foiniiiiltwn iwcntly Kent by Congii'i to iuvi'stiguto atTitim in Loni iuim anil Alabama, art) innkiiiR snil havoc with tho asintH who havo boon ninuiifiicturiiifr Konthorn outnigoa for ton ycurt pant, for the cxoltmlve bene lit of the Radical parly. Tho report of the firxt committee, which went to New Orleans, o upset the "loyal" out rage btiHincfw, that the liitdictil loaders wore cnniolled to nend another com mittee, to correct tho blunders of tirho irnxleceKsors. This one. is also likely to prove n fuiluiv. Below will lw found some extraels. taken from thoivport of the committee sent to Alabama, to whic h wo call tho attention of our readers. . Tho testimo ny of tho witnesses tloes not read much like '-White League intimidation," but j precisely tho reverse. Democrats are ostracized by tho church, In the way of marriage, socially and in every other way possible. And yet tho agents of j (Irant'sdruiikenAttonioy-Generalkocpi u mill i,,.. in cv,-v ..nam. i .,. tl ,,,-,.. ,,i ,lnJ i . . ,, ' , . ,, J ,, , enivinir I hn iH'iutle nf the a nrl h. who. I I through falsehmsls and prejudice, are exicctcd to keep the liadicul party in power. Head the testimony : roUTic.u, ricasKci Tinri ltcibert lielinelt, cohuvd, teslitled he ' " vl "l' i . lor the last tour years, ami or this the , euuien oi m uieu lie nn n n iiruT n stowanl, tumt-d him out. THE OOVKRNMKNT BAfON. I.ldttt'nant Frnnk E. Tavlor, nt 0v clika, was asked whether any tiovcrn- menlliacoii hail boen tltstrilniteu anion); the sull'erers there from tho overflow. Ill) replied that he was given to under stand that thcro had not been any; that when tho bneon was sent there tho c hairman of tho Dvninrrntir county eonmiitlee protested njni utt it heinn; distrihutrd, as they never had had an overflow there, nnd consequently the distribution was itispended. Mr. Iley nian, United States commissioner, tho't such distribution improper. captain Krj.i.oon's lvidkni k. Kdar Jl. Kelloe;,', captain in the 18lh Infantry, ut 0ielika, Uelilied that he with tho troops simply nided the civil authorities to keep order at tho noils; not i menace was made, nor a Iiarsh word tittered by himself; ho wns con fident tho nrvsonce of troops preserved peace, ami prevented bloodshed and riot. a ooon wonn ron thr hicmocratb. Adum Kirk testified that the colored people wero told If liter voted tho l)emocratic ticket they would be put into tfmrry ; tho Democratic whiles are just as kind to Itepttblican blacks ns they arc to Democratic blacks ; they employ them just as quick and think just as well of them. A BLACK DEMOCRAT. Ham Keller (negro) testified that he was turned out ot a Iteiiublican meet- in); because ho said lie was iroinx H vote tho Democratic ticket: the white people had always treated him with great kindness, aim no thought they treated colored people with more kind ness than they ought to have done, con sidering tho way they have been treat ed by the blacks. "SOT Till KIND TO SPEAK.' II. A. Campbell (colored) testified. Ho bad been I Democrat ftvo runra : i there was a row on the hot Meptem ' bcrnt Montgomery, listweou the two factions of tho luipuulicau jisrty. nnil one colored man was killed ; in Jtullm k county the Demwrnti were not allow ed to sneak at tho public meetings. Q. What was there to prevent you from speaking? A. They said it wits not our turn, and we cottitl not sjicuk ; wu were less in number, and we w ould not persevere. 1 ' " 1 ' Q. Whit reason did they givef They said we wero mining tlie County as Democrats, and we were not tho kintl to speak any way at all, nnd wo would not insist upon it. ile further testified that tho Iiepiiblicani broke up another Democratic meeting in that county about tbe 2!'lh of rientutnher. John lii'iinct came up and said Ui Cn'sur Shorter, ono of the speakers, ' You onght to lie ashamed," and he Rennet drew weapon on him and snid he could whin him, and did strike him one or two licka, which resulted in n row. Q. Wlmt tlitl ho say ho ought to be ashamed of ? A. To control tho other negroes to bo Democrats, and said, "we ought to hang you, and if I hail my way I would do it;" at another place called Limekiln, in thq Kami county, they were broken up entirely j witness and another innu, who intended to speak, were shot at twice. r ' WOMB ROT TO MARRY ftEMOCRATS. In Chambers comity tho colored men formed society to prevent women from marrying Democrats, and to ad viso the separation nf man and wife where tho husband wilt it Democrat, ami to exclude Icraoeratic negroes from nil society. A similar organisa tion existed in I.ce county. The mem ber! uf. tlmt society had a pledge that I woman would leave her husband if ho wns n Democrat, or n young woman would riot marry a man it Tie wns a Democrat. In lilontgomery comity a preacher of tho Methodist Kpiscopal Church deprived tho secretary of the salary of liis office because, ho wns a Democrat, nnd stopped another man from being a deacon of tho church for tho Bfirno cause. - ) ,; ' ' (j. Whit li the spirit among the col ored Ilcptthlicnns here Against the col ored Democrats? Is there pniRorip lion or ostracism? A. Yes, sir; the ostracism is very great; o great that wo do not speak when wo moot them, and they do not treat no, properly in our different societies ; witness ntldress cd white 'cmocralic meetings, nnd with white Democratic speakei'sj took his meals at tho same table- with Dcfn ocritio spcikori St the hotel. M h i Ono Miss Atla Sweet, of Chlcagnjs tho only lady pension agent in the country, and receives the highest sala ry Of ny fettillo lu tho employ of the fovommont Sho is very swcot on Unclo Ham. ' -" ' - - THE VKSTKXXIAL. A NKW Villi K jtllKNtT liMTAIW.IMIIKI) TIIK PltoMHEKH THAT HAH UKEN MADK-1 , , , -, ui nti no riviiiiiitioit whurti tho noil t Joaluuny liirt long time kept tlenn, rultivutoJ. Civilizntion never ho ItiiHiuiM. men of the city of Nework ,1)fl.( , ,luladi0 lift.. The AhIuIIi: from RtvitiK their tune and money to-, wri ,,ttl lv,lt ,)vor Knn.p'o fn.m werd mHkiiiKthoC.Miteni.iaUeiiucestt.,,1,,, pajH , Uli no t.jviiu,tif,n.' At .gth, liowtwor, li,'ly ttnl.uln. AiUB wi(, ,ho Am.-rionii Imli.in, they . j . ui , , noKs men of tlmt city hitvo tiikun holit of tho project, and are contrihuliiif; their time, talent and money, anil if the Philadelphia (Juukcm do not keep a sharp lookout, Now York enterprise will yet lead in thin National enter prise, althotifh to bo held in rhiladol jiliiu. The New York Sun, of the JJDth, in alluding to tho arranomenU now goinu; on in that city, says : 1 " "1 ho new hcadtpmrters of tho Cen tennial Commission wore open yester day in tho St. Nicholas Hotel, (ior. Win. Hitler, of l'eunsylvuuia, is the financial Kout, and upon him I'oqt tho heaviest labors of the commission, fur, ns ho savs, it is a hcfririug concern now, nnd will bo I'm' some time to come. In the suite of rooms arc dia grams, topographical maps and per spective views of h'uii'inoiint l'urk and tho Exhibition building. Tho head quarters are to be kept open perma nently, or as long as iulornmtioti is needed by those interested in the Cen tennial, or as long as money must be obtained to prepare for it, which will probably be tin-inure Hum a year. Ths buildings cover over fort y-seven acres. (iov. liigle.r says that the general outlook is encouraging, llie applica tions for space lor exhibition lire al ready nearly equal to the amount set apart for tho I uited Slates, and tho indications from liireign countries are especially gratifying not only boeauso the cordial invitulion of our Govern ment has been accepted by all on this continent, und all of note in Kuropu, except ' Kttssia, while Oriental coun tries seem to titko special interest in this, to them very peculiar and inter esting country. Iiussia, explained the (iovornor, has taken no stis-k in the Government of this country since tho visit of Alexis to Washington. He was received with ovations in Now York nnd I'hiladelphia, while in Washington ho was hardly noticed by the Government. Not even n recep tion wis ottered him. So he returned t0 his renal puna's arms in high dudg- loon. lien Gov. t urtin was re-citlleU i from St. IVteivhurg. at tho expiration I of his ministerial term of ollice, tho ('. ..,.. Il.n v.., -A-,.. I ll,n Mi,,. Uu.r t0 (lku ,jlcir kilu.,,t .rd, t0 the people of tho I'nitod States. The ( invcl'liinrilt. WHS ll'ft nut Itf the COM- vorwttion. i l'niui tho ahnt ttniversid 1 tnnco tit tho invitation to participate ' in tbe celebration resumed tho (iov-i ernor, it is clearly settled thut there , will be an interesting display of the specimens of nut natalities of the world, and of arts and Dinnufacluivs. Nor- I way nut' Sweden havo agreed to pity ti,0 expenses t;,r tmnpnni..g ' article ,..., A) .(.a nd return. Tho buildings are all under contract except tho agricultural department, which can be completed in a very few month. It will ha begun in the spring. By tho terms ot the contracts the con servatory and machinery hull are to lie completed on llio 1st ol llutouer, 18T5, and the art gallery and main ex hibition building on tho Inst of next December. The directors are confi dent that the preparations for tho ex hibition w ill be made in ntuplu time, and to that extent has tho advntitttge over any of its predecessors. Many visitors called 3'cstcnlay at tho headquarters. During the day Sti.nOO was added to the luiiil. Appli cations uf all kinds poured in. .Some wanted space 0r exhibition, others wnntod to contribute their services. Tho Philadelphia iVfM, in alluding to the question, remarks : i,. "(iov. ISiglcr, whoso energetic la bors have contributed its largely to the present prosperous condition of tho Centennial enterprise, has estab lished a "financial agency" in New York, which servo as a valuable aitsil cry of tho commission. . Now York promisee to be the most powerful ot our allies In (hi. combine! effort to present our country to the world in the holiday robes which success is the model Republic and substantial wealth as a nut ion enable us to don with such perfect fitness in 1876." It in with pleasure thut we chroni cle, tho fact, thut our esteemed towns man has been assigned to the highest position in tho management of this great world's fair, which will bo held in our capital city during 1876. Al though one of the Inst to take hold ol it, ho is now at its head, and occupies a higher position in the affections of I lie people, than my other individual in the United Slates. THURMAX EXDORSED. ;. The great speech of Senator Thur man, delivered In the United Slates Scnatu on tlx Louisiana question, should he read by every body who Wishes to Comprehend this disturbing question, now agitating tho whole Union. Tho Sew York Tribune good liadicul authority in alluding to the speech, says : "Mr. Thuriuan'f speech in the Sen ate wns hardly heeded to iniiko appa rent to tho country the sins of the Ad ministration in tho management 0(1 lie Louisiana case, and wo cannot li)ipo that it will convince Senators who are determined to sustain t ltd Administra tion, Tight or wrong. Hut, as a hibto ry of tho troubles in Louisiana, hia speech has tho merit of strict truth fulness as well as raro conciseness, and ia altogether ono of the best dis cussions of tho subject from a legal point of view." , Tho New York World In rctnrriug to the same subject, remarks : t -. j ; "Senator Thiirmun's speech oil tlie Louisiana question is on of the histo rical speeches of tho Federal Kcuftto. The topic is well suited to his great powers, which no legal sophistries can disarm. Tho occasion is momentous. A sovereign rStuto bleeding beacuth the held of a usurper and a Union of sovereign States all outraged in tlie outraging of one, arc his clients, the law of the land and tho traditions bf an ancient freedom are his lino and plummet, and the people still five are hit judgotv Their judgment will ho just." c ; j The Ohio statesman may weU feel proud of such endorsements. Decides, three-fourths of tho people are with him in sentiment if not in practice. The Kari.y JIihino Hori. Tlie lire fptuirmiil piirlv riai-r Ino liluiiin ftlt.titM'l' ln aft iiflif i 1 tn thu nuin who irvtM ll7j,,l,rHt .hen h W to) is naturally a pri of, v ;-- -x ----- - h--;s. of the anti-somnolent mil. J I u oorr ceives that this habit bestows i tin him a moral superiority which mor tals amorous of sleep can never: imp to nttnin. Ho rises when he hurt noili-, ing in tho world to do on principle, as ho is fond of i.seHing. ott must have oliscrvcd how 'pntrrtnir.itigfy ho greets you when you descend tolirouk fust just aa it Is ready; with what unction he declares that ho has Uei up llireo hours; how inordinntt'ry proud he is that not a servant had stirred when ho was cnmptctuly dressed. r - r I : To every memlsjr or tho ivniachold no puti the questiisn, ''When did you rise 7" and on learning he attempts to rrtisn him or her with tho henna dif- feroncoa that exist between somo poo- pio inu ol hem.', A favorite tntomtga - tory w, -Are you op r-or, "flovr thrl you happen tj bo op?" as though yon hid ticen in bell since you- wire bora, " - n--iwmrT, wi i Trnr nppnm wtti 1 THIC ELKMKXTH OF OVU XA T ION AL HTRKSIIT1I. i Tlii'.v nil eirin I'rum tin' imil. '1'litiro pttsMt'd tittiii country to country fon tinting the natural 1 prod net of the soil, ami moving on as rnpully its tuey wero cttiisuineii. Whiitever nations or communities, or trilsM havo halted long ctluiigh'to cultivate tho soil, from instincts of Ml-prcsorvution, then ug rii ulliire guvo i biuis to civilijilioii. N lit ions that have lived chiefly on com inerco havo had to sell tho fruits of their labor in cxi bunge for bread that witB ruined by other countries. The Hint institution over established ill tbeworldwastlmlof aliunily, Otitnt llieao., primeval liirces liave sprung cominunities, laws, governments, reli gion, ciriltitntion. All the wealth of tho world coiiius IVam tlie nil, and tho wealth of a nation, and the aggregate wealth of tho world , depend on nn rxnoit ratio to tho j amount of labor well directed and intelligently lier- formod on tho soil. The products of tho soil II x the value ot everything ki. It is not entuigh to ruiso broad out of the soil. The question conies up, how iiiiu h bread nnd incut, and fruit and clothing1 can bo brought mit of a given nren of ground in tlie host condi tion nnd with the least labor and inju ry to the soiiroo of production. This principle of modern scionco, as amilied to ai;ricultiiro, has only botrtin to be understood even by t he nhlest agriculturists. What tho soil is, tint one million tho earth yet perfectly npderstands, much less is anything known on tho subject by mnny of thoso who plant and rein.,; Just in proportion, therefore, as knowledgo on these subjects is multi plied, oxactly in that proportion Is wealth increased, nnd all tho arts that adorn nnd embellish civiliiscd life. : lo thl tiisinms, ns tu all others, tho first thine to do is to discover mis- tukes. and then remedy them. Until within s hundred years it is a very doubtful matter Whether the world had, for two thousand years, made any proirress whatovor in actual ai;ricultu ral knowledge. Tho Greeks nnd Ho ninns, and Kgyptinns and Assyrians, cultivated their soil better than any portion of tho earth was cttllivated even nrty years ago. One irreut drawback to tho diffusion of correct views on this stibjoct is tho same drawback wo meet with in dis- ucceu-.ieminatiuK truth on ill other .objects . . ... ', . , namely, preconceived notions which cannot bo readily overthrown. Inro- ligion, they make bigots; in science, they burn or crncifv martys, like Gal ileo or Columbus; in literature, they perpetuate and transmit from ago to age hooks and theories, nnd styles, Whil lf every educated man coming uf tciuriirds is confronted with and which cannot be readily overthrown. Hneon fiHind Ibis truo when he overthrew the system of Aristotle, but ho knew it would take a century to do it, and he snya, "I leave my ft.mo to alter aires. The hardest obstacle to overcome in disseminating correct Viewi on agri culture, however, Is not preconceived impressions, which mnv bocnlleu prcj ttuices, oui me uciuui iiiHciniiiuuuu,iii too mnny instances, of fulso views. Tho time has couio when tbe host intellect of this nation should be brought to bear in collecting nnd dif fusing, as widely nnd us rapidly is possible, nil the knowledge that the human race possesses in rcferunco to this greatest of all material questions: flow to till our soil. fen and flow. TRUE WOftJ)S EJiOM AX VX t PREJUDICED SOURCE. Appleton's Journal, a ' publication without any political bio, hoi lb fol lowing to say ibout the present con dition of tho negro: . , ' The Rev. Dr.- Thompson, long known aa the pastor of tho Taberna cle, JNew lurk, unci distinguished among other thing for hi leul in the cause of abolitionism, gave in address roceutly at Ulasgow, beloro tho society lor Uie promotion of livience, on "The Question of Hacee." The reverend gentleman discussed tho condition of the negro raco nt the south, and . de clared thit be thought it would have have been a wiso policy, and greatly to tho advantago ol thu southern HtotoB, if a stindurd of education, in telligence and character had been fixed aa a qualification tor the voter, with out regard to eolor standard whih being uttninable by all, would bo un just lo none. Dr. Thompson's utter ances conies somewhut too lute. One can but reflect how much evil would havo been averted had tho class to which Dr. ThomjiHon belongs rocog niiod and acted upon the principle now advocated, when tuoughllu! men ol a more conserntive character were urging it upon them. What were the fuels y The Itcuublican leaders, in searching lor means whereby the great iiemocratic majorities in JNew lork city might bo reduced, had iilvociilud an onuoatioiiul text aa cerium to ex clude the k'norutit foreign hordes from tho polls. Hut tho moment an oppor tunity camo ior aecnnng lor thoir own party a great, ignorant vole, their for mer principles woro 'abandoned nt once. Kntiro jttstico would have been rendered thu southern negro by uu im partial rather than a universal suf fragethat is, by a test' like reading and w riting, which operating on ,hoth races alike, would buve been unjust to neither, and al the same time have' brought the ignorant negro niueuHia in to tho field ns a political iurco so grod- nnllyasto have greatly ameliorated the shock 'of the political dianga. That eevnittd lo us the w iser cowso at the time bat there can he no doaht thut tho ilupublkan leuders believed it neccewary to suetire beyoud a tkiuht the perpetuation of the power of the jiarty j they were determined to hive tlie votes; 'and so, regardless Jt pru dcucu or the good of tbe, south, hueti ly tmntlonnud a mob uf utterly igno rant slit into enlrRirdilsed etitleuiua.. And roy coincs an influential mtrilr ui liiul pally ncrotting tins- suiiuorc- tion ot tbe act. The politii isnn, how ever, remain unronvincca. .iNaturaliy. Their sole ptirnxis was lb strengthen therr party ; and they did strengthen it, fiir the limit being ut, leant; nlj in view ol this attainment, whS( bo lioovos tlie prostialion of the south ern people, tlie tiegrr) domlnitfoti,with till its uiim hiela ; tha.ruiu, and .ttufter iiig,.jati(l Impoverishment, that live The err nt tin rtolltii' an Ihtul ,lv1 Jipwcr, jl .thq Juans f. ,, -I ' V.L1 - 'i'uxl'THiWEuFoni(ar.TlieUoal(iei. bsref,' 1'slilorniSi f "rW,1 '' lrenl)erl 2Ut; inyi: , ''Tho famous"' pctrifiod liirest ol Nu pa county fi icighleea miloi from IUaluburg, by way. of Wiiitlior, nnu i no.1 jusi tusiw- wievecouniy tine, 'i'lie Ucs nro all , prostrate and, die "CstU'md thickly over an sxteat of, ally i airrm. The-' rmprwat," of 1 the fhrwttlia lately heen engaged fn dig. ging awav tht soil and lava from the jmrtiaUy .tinned tram, i .Lewis Vase, of I twinirton, into, ann u m. t m oi Tlnaldsbnr, Visited the place this week, nu rosmri inai me troca mat Iilva j been unearthed far anrfiasM ih aim any that have heretofore been dtscvvcrcrl: Ono fragment that appears to live ibeoa rod-waou, ucaaurea aleven fuel 'Kmi;. '1 he rae moan) ' origiwaHr have fiocn, $(H) Jbat.fn . IcTirth, tuttisronil other ji&ajinni ringed IVoai algbi U rnrrreu low, aa, twasaaejeJI n eai ss .i n 'I' 1 ' i II .rob .,..11 . lUisffllanfous. QfsKAIi FIELD. PLANING MILL COMPANY. T 1IIK h'tilerslirneit, sueee.sors te RKKD A I'llllsl,!,, hare nurehaaed Ih'LKAH KIK1.D IMiAMMl MILL, and relTTa It fot deing an extensive bgnineii. All tbe maohinejy will be died awimry te make It one of the most nun p lot e ostab Isbuieali ol (be kind in tbe State. They are now prepared to receive orders for any work in that lino. They will gireipeoial attention to all materials for house building. FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, 8 ASH, DOORS, BLINDS, or ALL fiTYLKif, alwaya oa hand. . WOHKKD B0AKD8, and all articles nse.i-a-rr fr bnildtag, will be etebanged for DRY LIUUIKri, so that persons at ft distaneo may bring their lumtier, oiehango it for, and return home with the manumotured artlolea. The Company will alwaya hare on hand a large fork of dry lumber, so ai to be able to All an ord'T on the shortest notice. Only tbe belt and most skillful handa will be employed, so that tbe public mity rely upon good work. Lumber will be worked or lold as low aa H ean h. purchased anywhere, and warranted to give aatlsfnetion. As the business will be done upon the eash principle we oan nfford to work for small prvita, DRY LTJMBE't WANTED I Rwpeelitlly one and elf and two inch panel etuff, for wtiieh a liberal prloo will be paid. The lmlneiii will be eon doe ted under the nam of tbe "Clearfield Plnnlnft Mill Co." M. f. Drown will personalty superintend tbe iiusinese. Orders rviporlfuHy solicited. M. 0. BROWN A PRO. Clearfield, Pa January 8, 1874. 1 Ml K L A n G E S T ARSOIITMEXT OF NTOYIIN! NTOVENI ever brolirht to tbe eoanty. are betrf reeelred at thr Hardware E.lahll.hment of II tf. HK.I.KH fc CO.. eomprliing lha following Cook Stoves : ipBAH'S CALOIilFIC. ,UflUlillANNA. It EMULATOR. NOPLE. RX';F.I.S!(IR. TRIUMPH. GOV. PEKN. KEAD1N0 NATIONAL RANGE, 4C. AC. Also, the following nesting Stores: - SPEAR'S AKTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S A NTI DUST. HPKAR'8 ORBICULAR, HPKAR'S PARLOR COOK, UOItN'INO LIGHT, DON T0N OirsEV, VULCAN. HUN BEAU, RUBY DAUPHIN EUQ, CHESTER EDO. VOLCANO, PHOENIX. HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STOKE lt KIM HTOVEH, AC. CtearOeld. Sept. JS, IS7J FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR 6 A IB BT II. F. Iltgler t Co. IRON DOUBLK-SMOVHL FLOWS. WOOD DOVBLX-SHOVRL PLOWS. WOOD SINGLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CDLTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. QOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBtlRO STEEL PLOWS. IIAUPrS BKLLRFONTB PLOWS. IlOnESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. Sr-sh.rrs for all ot the above Plows eon taiilly on hand. asy8-7l T. A. FLECK & CO., Havo now on! hand, nnd are dally receiving ad ditinaa thereto, ft large and well selected slock, at fresh from tho menu lecturer, of Dress Qoodi.'Dry Onada, Bilks, Hats, Bonnets Old Ladies'.Caps. Nfaawls, Waterproofs, 1. dies' Pur Caps, Hair Hoods, i. sots' Pur ishiag tsoode. hbirts, (lloves. Hose, Overalls, Lnmbermeu't Planael, Ladies Underwear, Cults, Collars, Handkerchiefs, CIIILDREN-8 I'SDRRWRAR AND WMTK DRKwAES, Perfumery and (foapa, Ral moral Hkirtt, away down, 8 tor kin era, of everv.rii. varittr and eolorr, Notions, Triiaiuina and Fancy floods, in almost eadleas vnrttiy. N. B.-WS FOR CASH. UUY FOR CASK AND 8RLL - deeitf O. I. c. "ItrilKRB to buy my DRY OOODH, ORO tV eeries, Queens ware, Glassware, Drugs and Notions, Coulee tioutries. sic, cheap tor easu. The subscriber hag. tenet to Inform hit old and new customers that he hut opened A VARIETY UTORR - IN OLRN I.OPK, PA, And will sell goods at t prl I be rices to suit the times. llrvera.1 rerlueltnn Will made to easterners buy- ing at whulcsalt. Call and eiamfao my etoek before purchasing tlaewharw. A UMrftl share tf pnblW patronage son. i ted. . i C. J. Glen Hope, Pft., iuna 14, 1871. KKAOY. JJ P. MGI.EU A CO.'S SPECIALTIES BUILDERS' HARDWARE, . MECHANICS' ItARDWARE, ' '- :' LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, r-iinMtNO TJTtNPILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IRON d NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ''" ' , PAINTERS' FINDINGS, , ' CALCINED PLASTER, , Nay IS, 1171. inriEAP GROCEH1K8! j 1 LnMRER ClTT. PA The nndrslgnedaaaiuieea to bis old friends and patrons that ha has Aliened a good lino or OKOCKHIRSA PROVISIONS at the old stand of Kirk A Speneor, for vhlah he teTteits a liberal patrenago. 11. W. SPENCER. Laesbor City, Pa., Mareo Jtl-tf. SAW3I 8AW8I 6AW81 ' I-; . ,r I' ... DISTAN'I CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND rmtctiLA saws. - 'l'l' '',';,' ,' :1 'tri , .,' BornUm'i Lightning Cross-ou. Saw. " "."'t'l-atSS,'' ' ' rATBNV FRRrORATRD 1 ELECTRIC SAWS, Ae,llV , S. . STOLEN ft CO, gjR.Krllaitfoitf. I. F. BIGLER & CO., DIA1.IM m II All W ARK, Alio, Mannfaeturersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CblAiritLD, f A AHMINO IMI'LEMKNTS of all kinds for sale by II. F. BIULKR A Co. RAILROAD W1IEKLHAKHO W for sale by H. F. BIO I. EH A CO QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Kalli, its., for sals by II. F. BIGLER A ''0 JJARNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE findings, for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO pUNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES far salt bj H. Fi BIGLER ft CO gTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND 6 ties, for isle by II. F, BIGLER k CO. HON I IRON! IKON! IRON! For aalo by II. K. BIGLER A CO. rORSE SHOES k IIORSE SHOE NAILS, for tale by II. 9. BIO I. EH k CO DULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And boat Maonfaetaro, for aalo by H. F. BIGLER ft CO. UIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for salo by H. F. BIOLER ft CO pODDEK CUTTERS for salo by CB30-70 H. F. BIGLER t CO. TTNEGrAR BITTERS. PURELY VEOETABLE. FltEK FROM ALCOHOL. PR. WALKER S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters arr purely Vegetable preparation, made ehiell.l from the native herbs found on the lower range of tht Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tht mtdieinal properties of which art eitieeled herefr m without the ure of Aioonol. me ques tion U almost daily asked, "What is the eaune of the unparalleled success of VueQAn 11itts" Oar answer is, that they remove the cause of dis ease, and the patient recovers his health. The., are the great blood purilier and a life giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigoratot ol the system. Never before in the history ol the world has a tuMtlione been compounded pos sessing tbe remarkable qualities of VisKasn liir rant la healing tbe airk of every disease man i heir to. They are a fertile Pargattre as well a a Tonic, relieving Congestion or IiidHtumntion ; tbe Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Iis- Tht properties uf Dr. Walker's Vinrgur Bit ers art Aperient. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nu tricinna, Lai at ire. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Irritant, Budoribe, Alterative, ftod Ant. Bilious. Grateful thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitter tbe most wonderful luvigoraut that ever .-Attain ed the sinking system. No person can take these Bitten accord ing to directions and remain long unwell, provided their hones ait not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs. Bilious. Romiltent and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, especially (host of tbe Mississippi, Okie, Missoarl, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colora do, Brasos, Rio tirande. Pearl, Alabama. Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our ealire country during the Hummer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasont of auuual heal and dryness, art invariably aocompmied by si lent! ve derang.) meets of tbe etomaeh and 'liter, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment a purgative, exerting ft powerful influence upon meet various organs, is essentially necessary. There ts no cathartic for tbe purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Rittere.aa they will speedily remove the dark -colored vise id matter with which tbe bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulat ing tht secretions of the liver, and generally re storing the heltby functions of tbt digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease, by purlftlng I its fluids with Vinegar Bit (ere, 14 e epidemic can use nolo oi a system ID us fore-fttmed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, Pain In the r boulders, Cuugba, Tightness of the ltst. in itinera, Ntor it r tit t ions of the BtomaeS, Itad Taste in the Month, II mows Attacks, Palpiith of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lang, Pw in ut region of tbt Kidneys, and ft hundred other paialul symptoms, are the offsprings ol Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a belter guar antee of Ut merits than ft lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Rrll. White Swellings. Ul cers, Rrysipelas, Swelled Neck, Ooltre, Hcrefu- luus inflammations, Mercurial affect tons, Uld Soma, Eruptions of tht tSkin, Sore Kyes, etc. In these, as in all other tonr.tttutiut.al diseases. Walker's Vinegar Hitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and in tractable eatci. Per Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. (lout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Pei-era, diseases of the ulood. Liver, Kidneys and the Bladder, these Hitters have no equal. Surh Dis eases are aaused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical tMsaassM. Perunne t raged In Paiatt and Minerals, such aa Plumbers, Tt (re sellers, Uold-beaters and Miosrt, as they advance in life, art subject to paralysis of tbe Rowels. To guard against tbia, take n dott of Walker's Vinegar Rittert occasionally. For Rkin D I teases. Fruitions, Tetter, Salt. Rheum, Bletehee, -Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Hoi Is, Carbuncle, King-Worms, Braid bead Hore Rres, Krysipelat, luh. Scurfs, Ditrwlottvtitmt of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of what oeer name or nature, art literally dug up and narrled on! of the system la a abort lima by the use of these Hitters. . , Pin, Tnpt and other Worms, tutklng In the system of se many thuusends, are effectually de stroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermilugea, no anthelminitica will fret tbe ay stem from worms like these Hitters. Fee Female Complaints, tw ywwag tr old, mar ried or tingle, ot tbt dawn of womanhood or the turn of We, laeot Tonlt liittert display to dt elded an Influeno that improvement it toon per eepHWc Cleanse tht Vitiated Blood whenever you And Ha impurities bursting through tht shift In Pirn plot, Kruptlene, or Sore t tteenoa tt bea you tad it obetrutted and tlugglsh tn tho reins ; tleftutt it wheft it la foul; yvnr feelings will tell you wheft. Keep tht blood pure, and tbe health nf tht system will follow. ! R- It. VcDOKALD A CO., , "v Dtnggitta tad Ota. Agla., Baa Frwnele-?, Call fatttift, and eerwet of Woehiagtoa awd Oharller Mretie, New Vork. told by all Druggist and Dfwsrftsv. ...... nvt i4-n. - - i- - -" ,, BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN- IJ STRUMRNTS ! Ortaaa. b.tb new and ooeond bMd,aiUiaMn8le8toro.oppoltQtlBSeb', rornitare Blero. aa persons latereeted ara tarl. tod te aall aad ueentae a new stria of Orsraa aow a aibibiliM. Bbeat Metie tad Meal. Beebt onaatantly oi tand. ,,....,, aplJI 7tlf ftOfflS. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Third and Foartb.l I I.KAHKIKLII. PA. The aubserlber baviog beooiao proprietor of this hotel, would rospeetfully o.h a liberal share f publlo patroo.g. 1'rlo.a rodoeed lo suit Ibo lines. Jan.J0.'7Silf. (I. L. LKIPOLDT. SUSy'tj EUAN N A FOL'SE, CIIIIH K.VKVII.LK, PA. NKW10N HEAD, Paoi'tlaran. Having bea.,uia proprielor of Ibis Hotel, I auuM r',eolfullr solicit Ibo p.lrons. ol the ul,!lu. Houm Ifaeaiill, and rmivebl, mly sit uated : 0 tl, refitted and r.rurni.hed ; gMd ,. u, ,le ronois stlaebed. All talliu.d trains slop al thi, bOM. J.nJO 74 S uaTv"ir)ijs7c7 (Cor. uf Murkt A Front .tr.eU.l CLEARI 1KLI), PA. The nndrr.igoed having twhen eh.rga of Ibis ll'ilel, would refpecHuil) solictl i-ul,he ,alrnna. janl'7i II. R. f UIXKhTON. L EONARD HOUSE, (Nr.r tlie II .ilrnnJ P' nt,) CLKA!!!-I r.l.I), I'A. A share of publie ftiilronsge is re.neetrully oo llelted. l li'Jt . II. HOW, I'rop'r. AlH!ONnoUSE NKW WASIIINUTON, PA. This new and well furnished hou.0 bsa bern taken by tbe .,ijersign.l. lie reels eonlident of being .bl. to render sal Israel iun lo those whu nay favor bun with a pall. May S, l;l. tl. W. DAVIS, I'rop'r. JJ' (INTOIJH II li Ittt "h. Opposite the Conrt House, LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A. J.14'71 IIAI'FKAL A KHtIM, Prop's. HOCkKHHIIFF IIDISI- BELLKFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor.. OCI217I 1 OVO UOUtSK. Main 8troet, PHILU'HItUIUl. PKNN'A. Table always supplied with the best the market affords. Tbe traveling public Is invited toealL novl73. KOltKKT 1,0 YU. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Heoond and Market Streets, I LAItl II I), A. THIS old and commodious Hotel slat, during the past year, boen tnlera-ed te double lu former ee pacify for tbe entertainment of stran gers and guests. The whole buiUing bat been rfuniisbod, end tht proprietor will spare no paint to render hie guests comfortable while slaying with him. Fdr-The 'Maosiot Houat" Omnibus runs to and from the Depot on the arrival and departure of each train JOHN !0 IIU II KKT Y, aprft 70 tf Pronr letor Stiitisti'it. J. M. STEWABT, D. D. S., Office over Irwin's Drug Store-. Ct'RWENSVH.LH, PA AH dental operations- either in the mechanical or operative brunch, promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. pt-uiel aiicniiun paid to tbe treatment of disrnrs of the natural teeth, gnms and mouth. Irregularity of Hie teeth suc cessfully corrected. Trrth extracted without pain by tht use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted of the host material and warranted te rcMer sat iafaetion. arril3rV71:ly r. K.?.tttoLn. v. aruold. j. artioLn F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Ilnnkerf nnd lirokers Rejiiuldavllle, JeiTcroou Co., Pa. Money received on deposit. Discnants at mo derate rat' t, P'antern and Foreign Ricbangeal- a-iivs O'i hand and collections promptly made. RcynoMtrlllc, Dee It, lS74.-ly County National Bank, OP CLEARFIRLD, PA. ROOM In Masonic Building, one door north of C. D. Watson's Drug Store. Haasnge Tickets to and from Liverpool, Queens- town, Olssgow, London, Paria and Copenhagen. lo, Draft. fr sale on the Royal Rank of Ireland and Imperial Dank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pres't W. M. SHAW, Cashier. -tl;l :74 J. D. M'Cirk. Rdward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. 8orw-seors to Potter, Perks, A Co., Plilllpeburfr, Centra County, Pa. WilKRB all the basinets of ft Banking How wil tt transacted promptly and upon tl most favorable terms. aaar7-tf DREXEL & CO., No. St outti Third Mtresjt, PltiUdclphla H.i.rMiFttS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt attea lion, and all Information cheerfully furnished Ontero solinH-d. April II tf. The Lightning Tamer. THE undersigned art tht aolt Agents la this contv for the ''North American Oalvanisrd LlUIITNlNut RODS." Ties are tktotlysaft rods now la ato, and are endorsed by all tkt scientific men ia tht coon try. We hereby notify tht citiitna of tht aoutty that wa will put them np ft better rod. and far tcss money, than la charged by tht fereiri agents who annually traverse tht toanty aad jerry off our little cash never to return. ENCOURAGE IIOME LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Rods troetsd ta their buildings need but address as hy letter, ef eall la person. We will ant them ap any where in the county, nnd warrant them. Tbt Rcdiatd hit urea eat bt lata at any tlmt by ealliag at our store. H P. RItiLER A CO. Clearfield. March M. lan.lt JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, I ' MATTRESSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P.O. The undersigned begs learo to Inferos fherltl sans of Clearteld. and tbe publie geseratly, that ha has on haa4 a An. assortment of Kursil.r. ,ueb a. Waujut. Chestnut and Painted Cbi.M Suites, Parlor Suites. Herlinlng and B.tee.es Ch.lrs. Ladies' and dents' Ksey I'baira. lee Per fnrsted Illnlng and Parlor Chairs. Case Seen sal Wl.a.ne rh.ira. Ol.lhae Ram. Htni and blles- sloa Ladder,, Hat Raoba, Scrubbing Brashes. s i MOULDlNCt AND HCTURE FRAMKS, trfioblng nissses, Chrnnin., Ae., whieh wesM b, snltaldo for llolieay preoenle. dl0 7S JOHN TROI TMAS READING FOR ALL!! HOOKS f- STATIONERY. Market at., flearAejId, (at 111. I'ost tmre l 'I'lIK undersigned bega leare loeanoaeeew I (h.eili..u. of Clearfield and rleinit, he has Sited .p a room and has just retsrtel fr.es th.eily with a large .saouatef ressisf ejatlor, .assisting in purl of Bibles and Miscellaneous Boob, look. Aeroent and Pass Books ef overt et' seripllna Pspor and Envelopes, Freneb rtem and plain l Ps.a and 1'enellsi Blaek, !'' Flairs, Deedo, Mortgages Jadgntat, lr lien and Promissory notes i Wtalts snd I'sresl rnenl llrlef. Legal Cap, Reeord Cap, and HilH'. She.l. Muslefur ellber Piano, Flats or Tl. ooe.uuily oa band. Any btwka or etslleix) desired that I Bay lot bavs oo hand, MI "' ordered by first otpress, and sold St onpir of retail tn suit euetnsner. 1 wilt else ojortodtoal llloroAur., snob aa Magaslees. Nre papers, Ao. P. A. UAt L' CI. art. Id May 1, llfit lf u N PERT A KIN (I. r ...... . flT The undersigned are now fully prerarel aery on tbe busiaess nl ' IIXlHOItTAKlXJ. AT REASONABLE RATES ,, And reopeettally telleH th. rjatranar " I awMing awosj omviooo. . i . , , JOHN TRfll'T' " ' ' ' ' JAMES L.1.KAM ClearSeM, T., Feb. IS, 1174. JMEl I.IMK1 The aa.l.r.lgard Is isow prepared to fs" tbe palrile with aa .re.ll.nt quality ef Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lima, fur plastering nrpoeel, by a sere, ev , ,1 . II. - k.. I A ... (k. .MHSl bt ' aew building, .a Market street. g , oetl tf L. K .sarCrHOrOS