Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 17, 1875, Image 2

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She UpttMu Jiu.
(itoRoi B. Odonr.ANniH, Eil i tor.
Tlio first 81 nlo election tliwyiwr wi) I
tnko pliii'O in Now Hnmpnliuw, n
Tiunilny, Mim'li 9th.
Hon. Samiiol HimpiT, me mixT of
Congress from tho -Mi -Iunb c1iui1 Ih
district, died in Washington on Snttir
ly, rtgwl 07 yottin.
An Illinois Bectlicr is putilioning
tho legisltituro of that Fliito lor ft
chungo of nnme. Ho ettnnot t-nrry
tho llnwklyn iirviiclior miy longer.
Lvoomimu Cointv. This county
has a ilcht of 8187.1JV-1.24 ; oiitxtunj
ing tuxes, $50,000.00, oml paid tho
printers 1 ,540.15, during tho past
AmiriitR Hite. J. Thompson linn
na & Co., Broadway N. Y., is tho last
fraud put upon tho hoanls, and a
groat many printers are nilihling tho
CtNTKii t'ot NTV. Tho outstanding
tax bill of Centre county is 4li,!lti5.!t
$3,000 more than Inst year and
nliout $12,1)00 more than tho whole
ninount assessed for 1875. The amount
puid tho printers for 1874 amount to
91,134.00, and the county indebtedness
Is about the same as tho outstanding
taxes $10,000.00.
Tm Xkw Senator. (iov. Ingorsoll,
of Connecticut, has appointed Win. W.
Eaton, of Hurtford, to till tho vacancy
in tho Vnited States Senate caused by
Senator Jiuckinghnm's death, tho term
ending March 4th. Mr. Eaton was
elected I'nitod Ktntes Senator in May
last, by the Legislature for six years,
from tho Ith of Mnrch next.
An oi.n Staukh. The editor of the
liellefonto Watchman Is very much ex
ercised over the fact that tho Legisla
ture bus agreed to adjourn on tho 18th
of March, lie was a mpmber cf thnt
body for three or four years and
should know ul! about It. llo is using
nil tho copy the State can furnish in
thnt line. Why be growls wo do not
compinheml, unless it is because he is
not a member of either branch.
Turk's W'aiiks. This is the way
tho County Commissioners of Indiana I
county state their account for clerk
hire. The parlies nil being Radicals,
they of course will not pay too much
for that kind of work :
D. R. l.awia, elrrk'l warra, for IRT4 ,
! Katra night work...
" " " Kitrn aU-fk bira. ..
$001 60
4 US 00
208 26 I
Total 1,448 74
That clerk certainly hns a heavy
job of night work on hands.
I'uovmiNo roa TnKM. (ien (irant
lias adopted the Onkos Ames' plan of
patting things whore they will do the
most good. His man, Gen. Thayer,
who was defeated in Nebraska, n few
weeks ago, for United States Senator,
has just been appointed Governor ol
the Territory of Wyoming. Ho will,
of course, provide for Chandler, Car
penter and tho rest of tho ''dead
ducks" who havo been exiled by the
Tin Plymouth I'mackim. Al
though on trial for adultory in a Now
York Court, on Sunday a week Mr.
Beochcr took tor his text a part ot
tho eighth and tenth verses of the
13th cbaper of Paul's F.pisllo to the
Itomana :
"For b. that loreth another hath folded lb.
law. a e a Lore workrth na ill
to hi. neighbor ; therefore lore ia tba falllling of
lha law."
He evidently had Mrs. Tilton nnd
some other friends "in his eye" while
preaching a sermon from this text.
Ho is a great preacher. Vl(-ronT.-C. V. Jones,
Democrat, has been cloeted United
State Senator by tho Florida Legis
lature. This uncxpcclcdly sends an
other carpet-bagger adrift. The con
test in tho Minnesota and West Vir
ginia legislatures over tho Senntor
ship still continues, but wo have no
doubt tho Democrats will come off
victor in the end. A few morn gains
and the Democrats will havo a major
ity in the United States Senate, alter
tho 4th of March. What a wonderful
rhango !
The debt of Armstrong county on
tho tst of February was as follows:
Amenat rtne oa new priaon 9138,19! 10
" Hoanty bond, 10,007 00
" ' ilridga b,da,...... 4,871 00
Tolal (110,009 10
The Commissioners paid tho print
ers tho last year tho snug sum of 12,-
3C1.40. Annsuonuj in certainly a gtKl
place for printers. Wo notice, too, tna
$24,000 worth of prison bonds wore
redeemed durine 1874. They must
have a nice jail at KitUiiuiing. Thooo
philanthropists who are opposed to
axistly buildings shoald look after
those Armstrongcrs, nnd see Unit tlicy
ao tne lair tiling.
Fossil, Vigns. Hen Made and
Thurlow Weed, two old Itadienl Cnv
nils, profess to bo liighy delighted At
Johnson's election t tho United States
Nenate. Wo jndg' they are a couple
of old fatoitVrs, to draw it mild, for
when Johnsoo was President they
both tried tK'ir hardiwt to have him
imxMcbed InsU'nd of being glad that
lie is in .ho Senate, they would bo
much fioro rejoiced to see hiui in the
penit'Miary, or some wliero else,
wbre his sledge-hammer blows would
nit be Jikcly to full upon their addict!
old pates. ,
i - a.. . . 11 .. j .jj
AiTis Funds. The government at
Washington is on tlio bunt ot money.
The expeiuius are loo great for the in
come, benee mora taxes iu tho shape
nf a tariff must e piled on. Tho text
nf tho new bill takes the enormous tax
off tucifer matched after July, IH75,
lut Imposes 25 per cent, on imjKirted
ugars, tiur cents additional a tobac
4N, fiilecn oents more per gallon on do
tnostio wine and whisky, nnd fifty cts.
adVUtional on rniported wines and bran
dy. Tu" eoffee and toa tax seems to
liave Rontf by tlte lrd. Th only
merit in tho .lew bill la that feature
vwhtoh removes ,'lie tax on matches.
Tho Co ngrossionnl coininitli-e which
went to 'i w Orleans to look up the
trouble 4 inanguiiiti-il In that city by
the ll'.olhcrs-in low, Cimnt and Casey,
find things so terribly out of order
that every effort is now being made
on their part in trying to compromise
tli( diDleultics, so as to prevent tin In
sii In iew of (I unit's villiunlcs as well
'4 (n allow his Lieutenants, Kellogg,
Viuchhuck and their scullawng back
ers to escapo proper punishment. This
compromise tliKlgo on tlio part of the
administration leaders, smacks more
of tho small pot house politicians thun
anything thut has yet transpired in
tho American Congress. Tho commit-
too is really trying to cover up the
outrages perpetrated uuin tho people
of Louisiana by the administration
lenders, instead of developing tliein
and exposing tlio uctoiv. Tho ivul
criminals are being sliudowed by "tho
government" so as to uiuko their es
cape doubly sure.
A J.ovai, (Sim)WI.. Tho cxpendi
tures oi tne (icucrui iiovornmeiil are
becoming so enormous (hut oven the
Philadelphia Preti has taken to growl
injt about tho oxtravaganeo practiced
nt. Waslnngton. Things must bo great
ly out of order over thoro, or this loy
al organ would not "cuff" tho admin
istration this way. I n alluding to tho
tax bill now before Congress, on of
tho scribes of tho organ in quest inn on
tho 12th instunt, says:
Mr. Ilawee opened the debet, on lb new Ui
nod tariff bill in lb. lluui. yesterd.y, feroring
il, ol eourM. Ha takee the ani. view of Hie
laws creating the linking fund Ihst rlorrrtary
llriatow duci, and which, If they prevail in Con
gress, will rcu.ll in Iba .addling a load of Iblit
milium dollari of taxation en the shoulder, of
tua American people, Jhe dabote ii likely lo
laat for MTeral day..
Well, what of it? Why make a
fuss about spending thirty milliim,
when tho fellows have spent hundreds
of millions of dollars, and if the peo
ple were foolish enough to keep them
in position, they would spend hun
dreds of millions more.
Iir.AD Them. Wo publish on our
first page this week, the major portion
of the report id' the Committee on Cnn
slitulionitl amendments, together with
tho reasons of the members of the
committee for suggesting the amend
ments indicated. Tho Coiuniitteo
strikes out nil clauses rclativo to
cuinulutivo voting; to prevent the res
ignation of members of tho Legislature,
pending an Inquiry or trinl, which may
if milt ill expulsion ; to restore to the
Legislature tho right to judge of the
qualification of its own members, and
to restrict foreign insurance companies.
Noamcndmentcan bo made until 1878,
as two suecessivo Legislature must
adopt them, nnd then ho submitted to
a voto of I ho people for rat ideation or
Not Jlr.Ai.Tiir. Tho
financial uf-
Inn's of Clinton county
mi n si v union vum m-.-iu in u ,
munnged like those ol the
government. Tho employees siiend ;
sccm to lie
more than their resources. According1
to the Auditors' rojiort of that county
for 1874, the ordinary expenses were
$4tl,2!)0.7(i, while the receipts were
but 148,306.00; leaving a deficiency of
(3,954.70. The outstanding taxes on
the 1st of January amounted to $45,
5G8.09. The statement does not show
the amount of tax assessed for 1874,
but we presume that it la fur less than
the amount outstanding. Clinton
comity collects her taxes on tho old
plan, and therefore has FIVE TIMES
tho amount of outstanding tuxes that
Clearfield reports.
The crimes of (irant, Kellogg & Co.
arc of an extraordinary character
they are not merely offences against
person or properly, hut against the
State and the nation, and n direct at
tempt to subvert our liberties upon as
cheap a plan as wus ever before at
tempted. Kvery one of .the real ac
tors in this Louisiana drama should be
exposed nnd punished, so that other
demagogues may avoid llicir fate, and
tho rights of tho pivpc resoetH for
all lutiirc time.
Brevet Major General (loorgo N.
Mncy died at his residence In Boston
on Saturday night. He accidentally
tell on Friday, and a small pistol in
his breast pocket was discharged, in
flicting a wound which resulted in his
JJapoi.kon' Tactics. The Harrls
burr? Patriot remarks: "As pratiral
statesmen, Clayton and Dorsey have
made np their minds that tho only
way for thetn to return to the Senate
of tho United States from Arkansas,
is by means of Fcdend bayonets
1 hey don t mean to risK any such
chances ol defeat at wore taken by
('handler and Carpenter,
in pursuance of the progioinmo of
imnorialism. Dorsov. carnet-bair Sena
tor from Arkansas, has reported a billi
to plaeo all tlio telegraph lines iintler
the control of tho government. When
Napoleon III. rando his amp d'etat he
found it nocpssnry for success to
scixo tho telegraph lines of Franco.
Admonished by thnt example, (Irani
is resolved to anticipate by mean nf
legislation the timo when he mny need
tho telegraphs of the connlry to as
sist inn 4,IM ,,r ,luniniiiam.
Local Option. A JIurrisburg cor
respondent, in alluding lo this question
buys: Tho bill to repeal tho Jocul
I Option law has been reported aflirma-
:....! r . t:
lively iruiil uiu uiiiiiuiii-v on r iui-
and ImmomJity by a very decided
voto. Subsequently, a motion was
made to re-commit tha bill to tho
Judiciary Committee which motion
was cut off by tho hour of adjourn
ment. This left it in tho condition to
be brought up under tho ortler of un
finished business. On Friday it was
proposed to suspend Hie rules so ns to
allow it to bo Uiken up oufniih! of tho
regular order, which required a fvio
third voto. Tho vote stood yes, 104 ,
nays, 75 ; a clever majority but not
two-thirds, honoo it will have to como
up in regular order when tho indica
tions are tl4 it will pass tho House
by a decided majority,
Moag Victims. William King, thi
lost ehild and Ibtdical Congressman of
Minnesota, baa been found by the
Sergcant-at-Arms of tho V, 8. JIoiie
of Keiiresoutativoa, as "subpwnaed" to
come forward and Ml a but he did
with the t! 21,000 he got in the Pucific
Mail subsidy case, William was eap
tnrwl in Canada, llo was surprised
at bis oit,ure, but no has not yet put
an appenaii to tell his story
Whitintr, another atiwr rcoeivor of:
frfltwu, ha aiso beeu captured and!
onlerwl to roport and give evidonco, ,
law aw ...
l'ABTIAI, I.aXllSLATIOrl, 'Thll I'ittS-
bnrgh ."rui complains that audor the
civil right hill a nogra gran reoovor
ITiuO for being ecludd from hotels,
etc., but a white man cannot. IU is
bound to put up With what bo can got
If ho is turned out at hotel he can
go to a (table.
sews ITEMS.
The new I'aliieo Hotel at San
Kiimciscn requires 1,00(1 locks uud 48,-
000 keys.
Two blncU bears wore born in tho
Zoological tiardon, l'hilndclphia, on
Mommy nigin a wook.
.Mm.'Poter Webor, of Chicago, ro-
Ccntly guvo birth to four daughters
anil nil Mil one are likely to live.
(ienerul and Mrs. (leoriro II. Me-
Clcllan will return to this country In
ilmrli. They are now In I'-gypt. I
-lion, lUiukmoro, hi.o Mayor
, , , , i , m
I on. James Mayor,
,ttbrgl,f died his residence In the Cth lust., aged Bl
of l'itt
thut cilv
Owing to a scarcity of water a lire
In Nowton, N. If., tho other day, was
extinguished with several barrels ol 1
Mrs. MuriuJ. I.cader.pronrielorof
tho Nimlittur, published at llanover,
York county, l'u.,dicd on tho Mil Inst.,
in tho Olid year of her age.
Dr. (ilenii, said to lo tho lurgesl
farmer in Citlilornin. bus iustsold bis
lust year's crop of grain for nearly half
a million dollars, gold coin.
Two children, while on their way
to school recently, at a village about
twenty miles from Mnilison, Wisconsin,
were killed nnd mutilated by wolves.
(iov. lugcrsoll, of Couuecliciitjins
appointed Win. V. Kuton to till the
vucuncy in tho I'nitod States Semite,
caused by tho death of Senator lSnck
inghain. Ihinic! Iteinpsev's slables, at lleu
nctt's Stnlion, on tho West IVnusyl
vnnia linilivinil, were ilestroyed by lire
Monilnv nioimng. tne bill mil., anil
thirty-five horses wore burned lo death. I
On the night of February 4i1i,hovoii
unknown men attacked Adam tirnve,
living at Vicksluirg, I'libm county,
I'll., beat him luully with a club, and
stole 81,200 and n sorrel and a bay
Among the finnnciiil corporal ions
of .Milwaukee is the Mutual llttil In
surance t'ompaiiy, which paid to limn
ers Inst year tji.ioil in coniiicnsiitinn
for damages by hail snstiiiued by llicir
crops. l.loyd llotvurd, Hulliinore,
bnsliroilg it suit llgulllSt Cluster etlUUty i
ford 1110 lor anillvsinff the remains ol
in sum or mini sing i no rt mains o i
he blankets wugon, etc bnrnc.l t ,
the nu.rder ol Windllelil Seotl t.oss by
I utlerzook.
M r. James M ( ormick, of t V,lre
unity, one tlay iveenlly huuletl t J
ishels and Cll jiounils ol wheat across
bushels and oil ioui
with two h.,rsc
Mil miy inoiiuluin
... ....
,iii, n.i.i ,iinii) .. ,.,i. v,,,,
nearly 4,100.
The Ilellcfonte Watchman snys it
turns out thnt Miss Vinnio Renin, tho
celebrated sculpt ress, was once n resi
lient of Centre countv. Jler fittber,
liobert lienni, lived for several rears.
;., p.... u, l. ..;,, i
. i . , .
. ii- . ..
are i,.iu.i nriiiiuui iiiuiuonus, i,;, rosoi
diamonds and 147 table diamonds, 1
u.ninoiuis aim . V , . , ,
largo ruby, 17 sum, hires, 11 eincrulds
4Ji""1 '',ll,l'."' a"A -17 l''"'ls, total
nt :i ii-.m ni-orirtna aimiiu
"I"-" i
Colorado is again asking for ud-
mission into tho Union as a Stnte.
She will doubtless bo enrolled toward
, . . ... . . , ,
tIlc. Uoirt v-eiKh 1 1. .ur in tho K..l,ix v- Itsl!andall of thiscitr,
cr,itn, Jionver. has a ptipulnlion of factory to his party,
Tho r(,pol.t of th n,,,,,,,,, ( t,0,
P. A K. Ittiijrond contains tho follow-l
ing item : 'The llunnctt's Hniiich or
l-"grado itjud wos opened on the 1st
in. ,i,
there were received from that sourco
701.878 barrels ol nil, beside a liiir
trade in coal nud lumber."
1 Ion. J nines W . Ny o,of N ovad a, not
long ago one of the ablest members of
tho U. S. .Senilis, is said to be lying at
tho residence of his daughter, in New
York city, a complete wreck from solt-
oningof tho brum. This once eloquent
orator imagines himself at times dead,
and awaiting lor his coiun.
An ice bridge covors the Ningui-a
river below tho Falls, which will re
main until spring. The ice mountains
reach nearly lo tlio ctlgo of the Falls,
and visitors ascend to their summit for
the best views. It extends a mllo or
more up the river, and varies in thick
ness from two inches to rive or six feet.
Tlio voluntary petition iu bank
ruptcy of Dan ilice, tho fumed show
man, was filed nt I'ittsburgh, on Tues
day, n week. Tho list of creditors
comprises tipwnnl of two hundred per
sons, including steamboat-men, show
men, hotel keepers, editors, job printers,
and representatives of all the profes
sions, as well as hunkers, trades people
nnd others, Tho list font np over
(100,000, and embraces creditors in
nearly every Stuto in tho I'uion.
Dan's assets are set down "ono suit
of clothes, 175."
A delegation of Japanese gentle
men, accompanied by their interpreter,
made a tour of inspection through the
oil regions Inst week, being sent out
by their government for that purpose.
T'hcy visited wells, refineries, pipo lines,
etc., and before leaving puroliiutcd oi
Houghton & ('handler, general agents
for (ieorgo W. Tift li Sons, of Hullnlo,
two boilers and engines, and other well
fixtures, tn lie forwarded to their native
country at nnep, Thev paid II. &(,'.,
twenty-five hundred (iiilliun in (rold,
and negotiated for further purchases!
'Dtmvtlle Jinald. .
During the abseneo of Mr,
Mrs. Itichunl Dailies of l.ymo, n town
in Connucticut, from home on Thurs
day night, tho 4th Inst., their bouse
was burned, Inking fire from tho ex
plosion of a kerosene lump. Their
children, seven in number, the oldest
being 17 years were obliged to lllMIIllirm.ffl,lww Ht oiuhl of ',
half tlresscd. Onp pf them, a boy fi
yoars old, reached n neighbor's find
was lonnrl nn thetltHir st.nis hcai iiiMrtt
ing nearly dead. The others took
rcfugo in a clump of cctlmn near by,
and on Friday nmi'iiiiif' wiien help ar
rived ono of them, girl 1'i yeurs olif,
was dead, and iinolliiir was so
batlly froieii that life is despaired nf
On February 3d, before James P.
Hterrct, l'rosideut Judge of the Alle
gheny Common I'leas, Antes, Snyder,
of tho Western I'cnnsylvnnin Railroad,
made an information charging about
forty persons In tho employ of Iho (V
lumbin Conduit Company, at I'owcrs'
Unn, with riot. A warrant was Issued,
and tho men were arrested on Febru
ary 4th, without resistance, and taken
to' I'ittsburgh. A hearing wns dad bc-
foro Judge Sioirett, acting as justice of
ina pence, sou resulted in tho accuser)
Mng hold to bail In sun ranging from
$300 to 11,000 each, The f ailrood men
hnvo again removed tho pipe, from
Powers' Hun, nnd tho court has granted
a preliminary injunction to restrain
th Columbia conduit company from
re laying Its pipw at thnt point.'
Tho annua) meeting of tho siocli
holder of tho l'biuidiilphii! and Frio
Hoilioud Company who held nt 1'bila
dolpliia uu Hominy of Iiiot week. The
annual report of tho Hoard of Direc
tors show that during thp year the
gross earnings of I ho roatl wore i,1,irMJ,,
iiisi.iirf. Iho if roa exnencs worn 2.
43R.133.01. Net nam n II finu Tnc .
27 ; nct (llHroaso in rovoiiuo in 1871,
tVWS lJT.nZ j not dcci-easo in expenses, '
SOTS 1 iM I...I. ...!...
!75,I7 7 R.1. 'J'hi lyholc number oi
passengers carried iu 1873 wero 777,
UTi. and J874, 080,103, a docreaso of
about s pr cent, I he net receipts
for tho year (l,0HH;7MI!.27 wore the
greatest ever recoirori by the road since
its construction, showing an. Increase
of II 12,777.1ft ovor tho revenue of 18G9,
tho largest enniini heretofore mndo.
I'liil.AiiK.i.i'iiiA, Feb. 13, 1H7iV
Thollvo buildings designed for tho
grund Exhibition of 1H7.I, are tho
&e,oril Art (iallery, Main I xhibitlon :
Iluililing, tho .Maehinerv Hull, tho
Agricultural Hull, mid tho Horticult
ural Jepartiuent. Contracts for the
erection of nil except tho Agricultural
Hall have been awarded, and work
muni these is beiiur unshed with all tho
energy characteristin of Ameiican en-
ternriso. Thousands of tons of irrnnito
"i"' ".1"?." "L
are being used in tho erect
A,.( ,. . , ,. ,
u.,s ,. Viigini, ilnine, Ve
N JIAno . The' Co,
urn giuonu
erniout and
Hampshire : Tho Conservatory
will Ik) the handsomest building ol tho
kind over seen in this country, uud tlio
glass rennisiio tor Its construction w
add to tho wealth of Mew Jersey tpiito
Tho Machinery Hull has been con
tracted lor by a'llrm in Wilmington,
lie!., ami it will give nn impetus to tho
iron industries ol' thut tbrivimr i-ilv.
J lio plan lor tho Agricultural Hall ,
is now under conHulenilion l.v Messrs. I
l.,l, W.,LI, f....;.i .; !
niul Uoartl of Kinuiice, 'I'hos. t'ot hrun,
Cluiirninu of the Building Coiuniitteo,
John Ibiird nud the oilier gentlemen
who nrc giving so much timo to the
erection ol these vitst buildings, cover
ing more than 10 acres of ground. A
suggestion hits been liiude to the Kttild
ing Committee by tin eminent agricult
urist, that in connection with this
building there shall be erected nil im
mense structure in the form of an arc
of a circle, large enough lo allow ouch
Stulo and Territory in (he I'nited
Slates to exhibit fairly and Tally tho
products of the soil ol'euch.
Should this suggestion be curried
''m'', 11 ,v,u '"' olu K'"1"1
..ui I.... i .,t 1 1,,. l.'vl, :l.;; :..!
ists from Kitrope nnd emigrants from
ubi'oud, will be emililed to wituesH at a
glume the peeuliur induceiiieiits thut
each State and Territory present for
the investment of cupitnl and labor.
To uiuko this particular exhibit all
that it should tie, the F.xccutivc of
cuih ('ommomveultli should select a
Commission to see that the Mule is
fully represented in every ting per-
Inoiiliir o it. n,rt-l.-..lM..-l i,,l,.,vtM
tn llg to Its llgll. llllllllll UltclVslH.
lheiiingnituilool these prepiiint s
n-qilil-O n large Slllll of inollev. mill
l.f... .?,.. t. !....... '; .i..
.,, i, , ..t i:
' ",V"U ,lf 1,l,V4'""'. l"" 'llllu
B , , , ovcrllr , irc u )orin
usili,lll(;u!1 ft . .
:',.. w.
. oiiiuiissiuii. x tie cut uu niirenii in inev
are meeting with fii.n. New York City
, is very gratifying, and the manner in
j which the N ew York Jlnalil, Tribune,
. ,7111111 in.-vn. a iiu ciiiijiiii;;.-iiit-iii tiii:
VVm,' and Wort.1 have taken hold of)
.. . .. - , ,
hid i.-iiii-iiiiii niu i. iiiliiii u n tiixrii
nn onthiisittsm throughout tlio entire
iSmco tho ln-st of Iho rear
New Y ork City has piirchitsi'd ntiout
$75,000 worth of Centennial stock
about one-tenth nf the amount allotted
to that State. And right hero let me
observo that tho State of New Y'ork
i purjioses taking tho lend ill tlio Kxhi-
union, ot cveryt
. c ,i i
itlOll, Of everything grown upon her
u-.o r,..,.t,fl r i,.,!,,..,. .....i ,.r .
,i' t -,,., . i , J
and I regard it us my duty as yon
eow (lont to
of ti,iHiiu,t so tl.nt they may arou,
they may arouse
., . .... . - ..
i incinseivcs to tlio iniDorlanco ol com.
peting with tho Kmpire State in the
! exhibition of American industries.
j Tho opposition to the civil rights
lion. Mimuei J.
so entirely nutis
tlint Wnshilitrtiiii
letter writers concur iu the opinion
' acc for Speaker ot the
i!,"u"c. J'T,0-mat c-r .ull.v enhanced.
The probability thnt lie may be chosen
Speaker, lends mo to rccull uu incident
I witnessed in which the lute Tliadetis
Stevens paid a marked compliment to
tho integrity of Mr. Kanilall.
During the war the aalnries'uf all
Government employes were lurgely j
increased oxcept deputy niurshnlls, I
grand anil petit jurymen of the I'nited
States District Courts. During the
Congress session of 1807-08 Mr. Kuntlnll
indroducod a bill to increaso tho pity
of such jurymen and marslmlis; the
proper committee reported it ftivoruhly,
and Mr. itnndall purposed calling it up
tho day following tho occurcnco of
which I write. T bud been visiting
Washington, and before returning call
ed to pay my rosiectB to Mr, Hundull,
who represented the district in which
1 then resided, llo met me iu tho
ante-chnnibcr of tho House, and while
wo were conversing two stalwart
negroes cumo through tho room bear
ing a chair upon their shoulders in
which wns seated the physically dis
abled retcinn" leader of tho ilonso,
Thndeus Stevens ; the oltl man spoke
kindly to Mr. Itundull, and the hitter
told him of his intention to call up the
bill to increase the pay of employes of
United States Courts, and snid liuiidull
"As I hope to hnvo your vote in fnvor
of tho lucusnro 1 will hand you some
papers bearing tqion tho case which
I trust you will examine this evening."
The old man straightened himself up
in his chair, and looking i(,m upon
Mr. liituditll with paternal nflVot'mn il
luminating a fnee more niiirkcd than
that of any other in the House of Con
gress, said '-Samuel 1 shall not take
the papers; if yn tell mo the bill is a
proper one, yon ahull not only have
my voto in its f'uvor, but I slmll ask
tho House to pass it." That old Hum
was h study as he was borne away by
bis snide trieiiils ; his face so pinched
anil hngguitl from physicul suffering
looked really grand iih the great mind
speuking through those rcmiirknhlc
f'Ht"' approved the straight line of
, P,"1'1!0, v '' V".""n, !.'' .h"!
ciierisneti inrini. .ipiuiiii illinium, nun
V ooiiie'.rbsl complicated ciise is
now ongiiging the attention ol our
Courts, About 12 yen in ago .lohn
-MeKnry not ho of Iiouisiaiianiarrii'd
a pretty little Irish girl 17 years of ago;
u.. l.. I..I... . . t.... i. .
at tho end of that timo Kllcn .Mi l'.iny
married Patrick O'liearv. and a couple
of yeurs niter ',len became Mrs.
O'I.eary, her first husband turned up
and claimed his wife; O'l.ciiry wus
peifecily willin lo givo up Klen, lint
Xii-s. O J,eiry clung to Pnlrlclf with a
pertinacity, which caused O'i.cnry lo
Imvo F.llen amisttnl liir bigamy, As
Mrs, (J'ioary could not .obtain bail,
she win sent to prison, hercaso brought
to immeiliute trial hy a habeas and tho
woman Was acquitted of tho cliurgo of
bigumy without the jury leaving their
.Now Aim. O'l.oiiry sues I'ntrl'k fbr
siipiort of liorselfand young O'l.enry,
nud tho Court lspiif.r,lcd to know what
to do aliout it. A Jury has determined
thut Kllin has a tit lu clean to two hus
bands, ami as her No. 2 has alienated
her emotions by Imprisoning her, Kllen
muy at any time return to JlcKnrv,
which Willi a weekly support of flO
from O'I.eary would bo aoinewlint
galling t the' feelings of No, g,
In my last letter I stated that poll
tics in this City were decidedly mixed,
and t'uve an illustration nf how each
parly regarded their nfimiiiations. Wo
are callcil ni)i, to elw t 21 Judicial
Mltip'st rules b r the ent ire Cilv. to tako
tho plaeo of AlduriuBU nOV n fifllco;
cui h r itir-vu can voto for Id, tho 1ji
biglumt on tho ticket to bo elected of
course cui h party nominated 10 men.
and now comes tlio Union leaguo nu
n-Jeots lb rue of Hie llepiiblican candi
dates ; and the Central llomocretlq
Assix'ialion of Punna., rejiorts six of the
10 nominated by tho Di-inocrntie (Con
vention j and (iiprowii ail tho Municipal
liLliinn Club, coiiHrius but. olglit. ))etn,
ocrnts of tho 10, and an equal nnmlier
of Itepublicans, placing eight new men
upon each ticket, To tell a wctl inclin
ing citiaen Just how to vote, would
puaslo the moat astute nf T'hiloilrlphl
! IttWyi'in. It U eoinliilliiig to know'
that wo have just lii g'ssl men in this
Cilv; and us u much less iiuinln-r
ZZ tTZ i'
;,w h?
""" "llUl fter the Com
would hnveaverU'd.tbeliito ofSndoiii,
saved a Kiiuilur
.1 1M (U'rrttSftutntg.
SherifTs Sale.
Ily ttrhm ii r utttrr Hl af VW '.infi Ii.
utii'ti nut uf tin Ctmrt uf Ci,uiiiinn I'trm ui' riuRr
liulil Ciiuot v, rnl In hi k ilirtiutM!,lt.oru will l,
vXtutot lo jullltt ttlf, t.1 thf Court lluuoo, in
liiuu)h of t'li'uifluhl, oa TliurtluY. lim lltb
dw)' ul' lroh, 1H7i, t I u'eiuck pai.i llio M
luwing iltMoribnJ roil eil.ttt. lo wit:
A certain Irnut uf Uml in llootmrln tow aibigt,
Cl'trli (.!(. auuuly. tleoribjti t rullnw i Lo.
k iuiiIdk nt it l.v jb I in in the t iilt uf
Cli'irliui I rrU t tkatiP by lint of (lan. V. (:. ,
well rntrlh 7(4 ttKtuj t VK porahii lo Ti-iio
tl thctiOA niirtli I'J ilotfrevt wttil K purohtt;
tin Di-- ncrlh 111 ujrtH' -t peroliei lu u jtumt
-i ...... . ...
ma oi aio crupa 10 a namiooa munuo aoniti 24 .
d.Btc.a . ..t W o.,h., to .Ion..: !.,. ..,,L !.
'"."' "'f'l '' J1"!1"1"-
"0' V"0' '" l.'l'. bo,niui al a
!""'." ""!h V0 01 ."T ", """ br
ol O. W. Uulwfill aoutll 11 dram, caal 4
pen-lie to a iiuat : Ihrtiee by Tliu.. tlroom'a land
north ii.'l degree east IS ieiobe toa pott; theuue
nur bet ' '
1 n.,r..t..,. i a.t.i . - ""S-
W' 1 U" "t' -l"1"
Ii ?7 .1. 5 , "f ' '""'"
Ld, Till. ! - rrarrvin,
A ? . , ' Jh C"P" -
Al.o, a tract iu tani,, brainnlnw
.ton., II,.,,,, .oulh SI dr,e .,t n ,
a po. l; tlnc. . d,re.,. w..t Sii p.r. hr. lo
a po. hen wulh 31 , 3 p., le
" "'", I,. ,
Ihrn routh Ml p.-tchra to r-roor, a.,
cour. ! perrh,, to, norlli M d,k-r,o.
weal by land ol N. I'billpa lit p.robo, to pi.,,,
of b.-K-iutimx. o.,,:,,,, it .,) u .,,. .,
dr.,bo,l a. folk,...,!,,
On, tb.reof b,-,,.0,o, nt a while pin- on tl,e
,h I i. w X ,"'td I"' J'' nrown,
I. ?',I ," i n;"b "4 J''."'"
ra.t 111 prrohc, 10, wlnte naarli tbi-n-i, by Janl,
hins, lund u,lh 6n Oereea wo.t US nerh to ,
a p.l, il..nrn; Jah M i.mnopprr'. I.n.l north .
J ' ,il,;'.un, 'rJ'V ,",,Ti..h''"N, '
. , , " "'"'U"
I I. .l. of b,,,nni.,.. nont.inln, .10 .ere. ,,!
: l'obe., n,o,a or
LJ '".? '"';dt. b'ltui-
il! l' on 1b,,ulbr..t bank i,f Clr.rli.ld
, ' "' l m
""-IT. ""' , V'uvt thono. outh
6 d.rro, .., , t., . p,K ti,c, ,oal0
-j1"''; JJ ,
" CV;" " "J 1
I n b.nk . .rr.k: ,i,;r. '"L '
i . . ,. . .. v,,r. ,
ZITZ ,',r lT "
Alio, n iran, ,itute a, ai ,r;.n. i.
' '"'" at a wbito pn. mnc ,ooih s; d, jro
. . , , , ;
j!.'..4' J'T.I 'LT'l !'L ."'
I uee.a,ea, eiium 10 arfroo, en.l 70 perch..,, l a
i iiciuiock; loci
nee aoulb 07 dexrec oa.t lol n.'.rhe.
10 "llhc P'M ,b"M' """b i dcstaei ,a.t oil
V," . ,.i. .7 V. "' ' 7. V.. .
widaia l Clrarlirlil enak, tfauRM rp lha aama iu
flaci; of bffinning, otttimntiig llUa rfi inortr
le. Ht'iwd, lakon lu rxooutlan an i to tw sold
m tb properly of Jeirjr Oiiir.
Alfv, aeerula tram wf land iltaaU in Kvrnj.
fun timnnhip, ClaaiKu.J onuniy, F Iwun.iV.l by
IhhIi of II. Umtt, H. C. lUiuilliia, Mittliuw
,t-p woT-aii nnrrutii in
'"""i w"in r. no-14 liq uiurrn. aoniaiiiii two
buuJred and Ihiruea roa. , or lew, and
i........ U..M. . . 7. . ..
i ing boaar, and bearlni nmlta'rd llraa. rt.i.i'.l
" anng oro.i.rii ii,ere.,n. eel,.,!,
S I if jb. J....I ,U " """"'
IT..-, .r-n e.,.n.,
...... ,...c. 00 am a, pai.t al
La, I. ..'.Ill 1' .' '" "7 .V arraugemanl
will bo ,n.tnd,alel, ,Htt up and .in U
Ilia eipeua. and n.k uf the pe.aon to whom II
.o h V. u : f, T ' '" .,' "
.ueh te le aknl make good III., and In no
i.l..e. will Ih. be prewnted I. Conrl
Ibe Sheriff. W. 11. M, l-in.H.-o..
n J i.v ,"'.".' ! "'
tleartteld. Pa., Kb. 17, 1871. (
Cti .firi g. I
ilienil S 3316.
)Y virlueofwrll.ol lV.Hio. AenoHee. ia.u.d
i out ol lha Conrt ut Common I'l.a. or Cleat-
Ovid eonnty, and I, nt. direeted, there wil
be .ipoeed te public ule, al the Conn Hun,, "
ia the borongb of Claarleld, na 1'bar.daj, Ike
lltb day of March, 1174, al I O'clock, n B
the lollowlng deartlbed real date, te wit '
A certain Iraet of land Bitaale tn Cheat b.wa
bill, ClearOiild eoanlT, Venn.lvanla, boonded
ami dra,-nlMd a, f.illuw, 1 Un lb. aoathoa.t hy
land nf Jo.lah Lamburtt, an the norlhenal br
Toloaa Weatover, ea the aurlh and west by
being part of a larger treat of land ia Ibe uaau
of Juoatbea We.tuver, haviag a email log home
and lug alabl, and other Improvement, thereon.
Seised, lakon In execution nad to be sold a. the
property of Uam.l Seltrldge and Thvnl'.rw 8te.
Al.o, a certain trad af laud altuate In Morria
lown,hip, Cleartleld eeunty, I'eniiaylranla. bouad
rd oa tba eeel nnd aeM by landa of Joeapb I'ol.
lor, north liy land ol Abrohaat tlrown, aontb by
Jauei Hughe, being off the noKhnect eorn.r of
th. John llueluo auriey, containing thirty aercc
mora or le,, with about tbraa acre olearwl land
and 0 plank at- frame hoa. thorooa erected
Heiied, taken in exneuilon aad to be aoUl a tha
property af INitar Hwarl.
Alio, a certain tract of lend altaata In tteonaria
townbip, i'lrarfleld eocntytPeoniylvania, bound
ed eocth by land of ItcKarland and tion, wait
hy lod of riamial Beaarty, north by laod nf II.
Weld and ea.t be kail of J H II. lino .,..,.1.1..
clglity.hra acre, mor, or leal, aad ha, lag about
illy-lvc aer of elatred land, a Hg botiec, log
barn and large ncarlag ornhard thereon. Moiled.
taken in ea.rntlnn and to be 0.11 n. th. property
of Maltliaw Cowen.
AIo, a certain lul id land llualc ia Vfondwaid
townihip, ClearOeld ouaoty, Fa., ia the village of
Foroyville, and baring a Urge two., lory franta
hooao and .table and uth.rr onlbuilding, thrrron
ereetrd, 'nid lot being 00 feet front by 100 feet
back, bounded a, follue, t oa the aoulb by Main
afreet, on cn,t and norlh by Ibceatnte uf Alexan.
dera, oa we.t hy alley. Keiacd, lakea in ateeo.
linn and to be aold 0 Ihe proH.rty cf lleorge W.
l.llt ana u. r. nioool.
Al.o, a oertaln tract tt land, alluat. In the bor
ough cf Houtiilale, Cbarfleld eunnly, I'a., en the
roulhwr.t eotm-r of tl.d and Ban itrerl, front,
ing on fee ilreel atd rnnaing bank 110 feel lu
Kilt alley, and known in in plot of mid borough
a, part of lot Ne 205, and linving a rinall frain,
dwelling bonne and liber antbuilding, Iberron
creeled. Helled, takeft ia exeenllnn and to be
.old a, the prnuerty of frank Mcllngh and
Alae, all that eorlaln tot ar plicof gr.ian.l alt.
uatc near the atoulh ol Uhr,t .rk, la Hell towa
hip, ClearOeld eimnl;, I'a., harlag lhareon a
Iwe-ltory frame dwcllikg hnuae. having a frnnl ol
thirty-two feet and a depth of twenty. fnar feet,
and the came preojiH apon whieh the aald de
fendant now re.idv.. Noiaed.'teken In exeoatiun
and lo b atdd a. the property of t'elcr Thomn.
eon. ' '
Alto, a certain Iraet .1 land itlual. In Mnrrli
townttup, Cleorleld noanjl r. Ma , bounded on th,
fuuth by priralc road; niirfh by land of Henry
lloorer ; we,t by land of Johmon nnd Wagoner,
and a.t by Itpd ef ll.nry Hocrari ecobainlng
21 nerr., and bari"g akuat right acre, .laared, a
two rlory rratne dwelling bottae, .mall (table and
other Improvement, tk,ron. Heiied, taken In e.
eeatlun aad t. be aold the property al Hicbard
Al.o, a oertala traelof land aituale in Jordan
lownahip, Cleargeld eiaoty, I'a., bonade.1 by
land, ol J. H. I'altermn. Thomn and Martin
Smile, C. Kr.lirr, M II lligaa, Jne. McAlliitrr,
and II. II. Taylor 1 eeouiniiig one bnndred and
illy acre,, more or leer being p.irt ul tract w,r
ranled la llarta Sia'la. rieiaed, taken in el eca
linnond to be Mid a lie properly of S. M. Pick
eroi.n,Uarnlili.. of twiur ll.irer.
AIo, a certain tuctol land fitiiatc to Iba bor
coghof Ibiiiltifale, ClearOeld enun'T, I'a., frunl
ing Ifiy feel on alary .tract, nad rnnning baoh oo.
hi.adr.ilond Oil) f.clln bilk alley, and keowa ia
nloluf Mid tnene.lM Mo. 170, a ith a two., lory
tramv or plonk baue,nil aibcr out huueorbuil.
ding Iberroo. O.iard, taken la eneoution
and to be aold ai the (roperty of Jamea Kian.
AIo, two cerlaio dark of land liliiale ia Pike
townihip, Cle.rl.l4 nnly. Pa , boonded and
deaerlbed a. tolh,w., via:
llegianiag at a peetea the Math aide nf Ih.
we,t branch of the Swonebanna rlreri thence
north Ihlny dig. r,.l ilairrn p.rq,i lo a
poill Ibruo. aaalb eiHr-eren deg aaventy-llx
perolicl ta a aktle-oel tree I Ib.iaoc north liny,
eight di gree weat fvirlean pureho hi a p'lao nn ol rireri Ihane op Ilic rlr.r by II Mroral
oonr and distance, to plane ofbeglnning con
lainlng aeeanly .See acre, with allwanae, baeleg
one plank nnd en. log enure Inerrnn.
Alio, Iho andlildrl one-half cf all that ccr
taia Iraet nr pieea of land rttuate in flke lorn
blp, llcnrOeld cwunlr, Pa., boandid and a
cribed a. Inllowi, flu ,
Urginoing al al I nut on Ibe aoalb ..! bank
of Surnnelianna rlret ; thence by land cf Peter
llccrer, aortk 31 degreel caat (4 p.rt-he lo a
pnat tbnaao by kadi cf petar Itoerer aoulb 14
degree. eat 71 ponkel lo a white-oak tree:
Ibenee norlh by landief Wm. Caldwell, 11 deg
celt 54 percbec lo a punt t tbenc hy landief Win,
UaldwcU, enulh 17 decree ca.l 111 perehe. lo a
port) Ibenoc by lanJ. af m. Price, lonth II
weat 62 perehe rn 0l;oe1 Ibenee enath by land
of Wat. Price, 114 degree anat 37 lo a
lakej Ibenee by Iea4 of Ut. prr, oonth Jl
degree, we,t J pemi la a po.t Ibeaco north
1. derreee welt to perches In a hleko;r , thence
wel 44 perehe, lo a port an beak af rleer 1 1 henna
doa teidriier wnk iho,aoatiea ad dig,
lance cf Ih. il,cr, 241 perehe to plan, ol begia
nlng, wntoirlng .Igbty Bin arrreo and thirty,
three perches with alloeance.
Hailed, Ukea la eoeedlwa aar) to be enhj M the
arnperty of II. and , llor.
lagua op price eras at whl.h
tho prepeny ,haN be ilrnek na Bait be paid .1
tbo tta-a af cel., at raoa other arrangeatcnti
made a. will b. annread.eth.rwlaetha nranee.
to will ba Immediately pal ap and told again al
the crpca.e and rlik ef the penoa la Ohoia It
wa. uruck at, and whe, la aae of at
, re eaie. enall make
.'in'!!.;!" f t" ,k nTV,"n '
III th. lloea be preoeated la Cart
'Jl'l.'' t'ST.ll'.'?M'
no inaianne will l
for Ocairaictloa
paid ta lb. Bk.rit. W. R. MiPllkHSnN
Saaairr Ornra, I . Sharif,
rieirleld, Pa., V.b. IT.IStt. 1
Wltree. ,at lull ,rrba lu n pupli llirma north .,. , ' . lt . ", .'
iod,,,.aa..t iiaPreb.a to c,t.i t id:,,.A",""r,"'","',"r J' ''": i-'ii
.r.-k! ' tltano. sort,, 't, d.Sr,.. o.l U ,,.i., "'' ' ". '.
tbi-uoo north I uvgraa. oa.t .17 neroiiaa to iila,:o '.' 7 . . """""" orr oi
h,nnlB- , , 1 ,,,,,.',. 'bo aliov,, tract ; ibvuce bt land of l.loyil. nortli
$tw gV(U'rrti.itmnits.
Sheriff's Sale.
T)V vlrlu of wrili uf lvari Faelu; t.
1 1 ul out or Hit Court uf ruianton Ploai of
l.)irllfl routilv, km) it, nm iliroloi. tlierti will
Im ikHiMtl lu HO II I. It: K A ItU, kI (he Ouurl JIouf,
lu tho Ooi'tiapl, el' Cltmrfluld, vn MouJay. Iiii
tli v uf Muroli, Ifin, at I u'eliiok, ii. m,, tb
I'ullowiug It ol KlUte, to wit I
All I lie right, tit l, Intent in J rtiim of I ho
lttrl-v (' ! l'tiuiii,v, uf Ilia Mtt of I'enniylvii.
11 in, ilio l'cfi-mlaul, uf, In nd to nil thai (trUli.
true!, ur iiuo (if Uud. lit Unto in tin towmbip m'
lit o.i l ur. In thi onuntv nf i;irrUvli anil ttttil nt
I'uLDJ'jYlviiiift, buuuilfil Hml dtrrribrtl ai follow,
tit Wit:
Mrlnuin at a potit, corn or uf (it-orjr Khnlii,
in Ilia ntailow l.vlow lli t'oal Hank t l It row liy
lail uf TmI, norlli 3A iirgrf wL 77 nrfliPi
lt a iat ; tlieiM'O by iEilm of trurt uf Ji(.b
Hlilmbnli, luutli All ilfgrua went MM MTuhta lu
a )fMf thpnva hy I ho fnie(ioulh twvuljr-atx ami
a hall (lev rcci "t ovcitt icron iitroliai lo a
oal In Uurg Hliultt llu thvnua by land of ;
on huuurad and lour nnvebra to lha ntuna uf lui.
. . . ; r. , 1 . .
E'"l. tolmf f.,rtj .lnwn. and an. ban
-If l"-l.. i. . ..-iPiha-r b. laid. of T.
: unit. ii. rlli ixty-tbt(i and a half tli-tfrct en't
: H4 iru)itiii Um )it in an oll lint iniit l,
lainl uf I'liilliji and ii't, louih 2tiJ deifreai
, di it it'ii porclim to birch lafiiing on th former
trmn ; tuaiiott vj wain iraoi touti) ,i tlfcrfft
raniaU to ilio aiuiit ir Jopb httohall.
,ar.-.. nt land, l.v.njj on Ilia water, of the Mo.
'h.nnnn .reek, in lb" eounli.. of Clears aid a.d
1 C ulra, in lb. S.ato of I'.on.yl'.nia ,
, , . lr .. d. J, W,h.non ,mt,
' In llo.l, lo.n.hlp, in Ibo county ol C.nlra.afo,..
,.u i-i...,.1,'. .., j. li.i!
, j.,,,,,,,.;,,.. , ,h. ' ju. wia.
,, 40,-. ...t OS p.,.-he. lo an old
. Mo.b.nne.'.reek : by i
, f Rnberl lltann. and l.n.l. of Jnbnaon and '
p ,. .,,, f S1n , ,. ,,
j ,. ,. :) ,,,, , , ., . ,,, ,
, , j,,, , , 40 j,! , ,,J
hM , , p , ,. ,, r ,
, . ,,, ,, ,,,, ,, b.ginit : bii,K tli. 1
,.,,',. of ,.,,'d .orroyrd und.r warrant, I., i
j,b !,, . , c,,i, ,n nnd '
'- lrcl,.-...d.n.l,or.n. ,11 pr i-nl. fori
V 1 I
.... ..
,h. ir ;.. ,!.r,T M.,,,1. i.! I
'bip, cl'arii.,,, couni.v, a.ijoioioe and hounded
kt rl..ur.a,.,l on .arr.nt.,lo J.rob U IJrm.a, t
', !,. u,lj ..orb, 0.r. H.l..k '
,,, Jm. v,rn. ,,, Mnuinin," Jit i
uor, or I-.., I (ll,...ina traol .urv.yed ;'
..., ,,.j ...... v..n ' ,
ilrtxl n I villain hurKhna
o,,e olhi-r lra.t tituale principally In llu.h
toHH.bip alim-eeid. U-uinnint al n mafilo ro,
f t v , b J , J
. m ,. r. i. . ,b. L.
nrerk , th. ... ;,i
' "r!"S : "J ' '-".
-r"n we.t tna pcrenai lo the plftee
.in 0s at-grd.
iraoi ami
eonlalnlujr 4ZI1 a-rta, ami al.
per ovnt. lor road.. An., lain.
uri-oyed ,n wnrr.tnt to llrnjautlng
One oilier trui-t situate in M'irrI, town. bin.
afiirt.Hid, beginping at white oak enrnnr ir IV
trr Yarnalt ; tbem-e I17 reiiie, horlh 17 ..'egr.r,
weal .TJS pcrrue, to a po ; thane, norlh, 12 do
gri .4.t 00 aerobe to a raaplo ; thence north,
71 d' Sri-i-a ea.t 140 pcrehu lo a m-iple on bank
of Mi .hannon ereok ; thr-nre li llrnjantin Mat
liu, ninth 70 degree rmt I0.'l perohe to a ma
plu 1 Ihenoe Boutb, 17 degree, rait 100 nervhe
10 a bUek oak i Ihenne anuth 10 degree, west H j
pen-he, to o white oak 1 th'inoe otf.h ,0 degree ;
we.t 174 perelie to place of beginning 1 con-
laiolng 47 I acre,, and allowance, being the eaiae i
Iraet .urteyed nn warrant 10 Ju,e Yarnall.
On, oilier tret, aorrerad on warrant to John
, Brl, Tur0pike 1 tbenoe h, reeidoe ol Iran
I ""' "'k " 'K"- 2:1 P"-
, ,, : ;,(, ; d, gree ee 70 perobe.
JUm oI Wm. Pol,r , ,,, , ,j ,;, h
,(7d, , wt 1011 perehe.. I. nn .1,1 beech
; w; Uk. LLb,rd ; Ib.nee l,j John
I p., 7li ,., Ul ,,, ,' oM
i ' ' "' "
.i,,,,., J,0 p.rehe.. I. an old hiokor, .tuoipi
," ,,, ,;. ,, , g,m'n 4P,
lle-rei rn.l 04 peroliea to, a pot oa bank or Me-
j .h.nnoii ereek : thence bv Ibe aama north 02 do.
! gree. ea.t SO perehe. to an old forked maple on
1 beak of oreok : Ibenee hy Kobert tllenn north 10
degier ea.t OH perehee lo an old hetulimk I
i1"'"" J'"''' Wl,l"o lb 40 degre.. rail
n" '" "" "f "' J"lb
Mr' Ibenee ,r eald Iraet and tract nf John
nalk 10 degree, weal 410 perehe, toa .tj
bj Kl1" Torapika olh s;l degrw neet 1
l""'. north 01 degreea wo,l 1 perehe., norlh 75
rhea, aontb 44 degree well SO
perehe,, Mulh 07 degreee weal 21 perehe,
,ioat aad lana ,f bwlowleg , to. .
acre,, 70 perch,,, anil allowane,.
And anu other tract, cureeyel ander warrant
lo Jacob Heah, beginning at a poll corner cat
uf tbo new turnpike I tbenoe by traela af Cbri,.
tiaa Hoiw and Andrew Oraff couth 40 degree,
weat 100 perehe,. lo a poet of Joba Wideman;
tbenoe by the aatne nurln 40 degree weat 142
perchea to a po,t , thence by traot ot Je.M Y.r
nall north 71 degree caat 00 perchea, to nn eld
while oak Iben.-e by tin north 11 degree, eal
07 perelie, to a poet i ibenee by aama norlh 17
degree weal loo perehea, to an old white oak ;
tbeouc by tract of lleojamia Merlin north 01
degreee ea.t 162 perehee, la and nld cherry tree
on tianh ot clerk I Ibenee contb 40 degre ia east
220 perehee, to the plaoa of beglaning oentain
lug ISO aere, and 22 perchea, and allowaooe ; be
ing the aame .It treria or piece, ef land and
premise, whiuh John Truck, and icden
tnrc, dale 0th day or October, 1060, granted and
eoar.yed lo James Nelson In fee, who Mid and
conveyed lb. sera, to .aid defendant, Ihe Derby,
Coal Company, of the 8taU of Pennsylvania.
I Sana or SALS. The arl
Taaita or Kalr. The price nr ram cj whieh
Pr"Prly ahull be alruclt off mnat ha (laid
the Hum of sule, ur euab other arrangements
made aa will be approved, otberwiM the properly
will be immrdistcly put nn nnd Mid again at ibe
eipenae end rltk ol Ihe perwn to whom it wa
track utT, and wbn, in case of deficiency at aoch
re-anle, abalt make good the aame, and In no In.
atanee will the Peed he presented ia Coart for
conOrmalion unloaa th. money j, actually paid
Ihe NliorilT. W. K. Mil'IIKKS iN,
Snanirr'. Ofmrn, 1 Sheriff,
ClearOold, Pa., Feb. 1 7, 1ST!.)
SherilTs Sale.
HY Vlrlo orwrlU of Lari raetn; ImiiH
oat of tk Cuurt of ComMoa PIh cf Cletr
fluid ooaatr, ind to m dirteted. iber will bt
txpoid to Pi; 111,10 HAI.K, fttlb Court Houm,
id tnt ttnmi, oi i:iirfleld, D TnurxUjr, Ut
Illh imj of March, IK7b, U 1 o'tloflh, p. m.,
Ibt follow Idr titrtoutl prnporl, tt wttt
All thnt tMrUtM twt-tlor; ft-tm dwpllinf hum,
it or nv irMii tn tin, tituttt on lol No. Ji8 .5 tbn
bortiDKh of Oim-oIk, riotrflfhl imiinly, I'd., tali,
Inl bilit Woui.lf! o thewitt I17 Klibflh tlrtcl,
outh hy lot of U, Krphtrl, v'l by ind
north hy hit or Mtrj K. pbmrt. S.Urti, UkeB In
xcetuioB nnd t lie mid kt (h proMjrlj of 11. H.
K-phart wid Mnrr Krphart.
Ttaai or BALt. Tbt prlrt or im tt wblcb
tht property tbtll bt tlruck off aat bt paid at
m im 01 uit, or turn o htr arrannntat
nadt at will ba approved, olhtra-itt tht iiruDtrtf
wil ba ImmediatfflT put up and told again at
.Hfj iinM nq riaa 01 int ptrton to waon tt
wat iiratk off, and who, la eattof dtfloiant; at
ueb rt ihttl tnakt good tbt taiat, ad la
no tB.tanoo will ibt Uaod bt nrtttatrd im Coart
for confirmation tinltta tbt aionejf It act nt ll
paid to tbt Hbtriff. W. H. Mcl'UKItSHN,
Hiianitr i (Irrirn, I H her iff.
Clfarflpld, PuMFob. IT, 191 S.
NOTU'K U hcrohy ivun ton.) con.
ttrnrd that tba goola, grueartti, eoaftotioa
rnct ami Hxturta ta tha ttora roupi latclj onoi.
pied by H. M. 1tt and now ta tbt etrt r Thtnj,
dira Bt-vrnnon, btlont; to me and Tht-odor
k,uMMn It ul tti,g at my oaf, wlihnnl
tnj tutborttv to ooolraot anr dtbt lo my namt,
and t trill not Im roapunniblt for unj toutraottd
JM. ' J. B.tlHAmiAHT.
IHtilipibiirg, VtV If, Uli. 41
All ptrtont art hvrvhy eta I toned ngnlnt
piinhaiing nr In any wjr na,Illinf wltb tht fol
lowint; dMirib-d prop-rtf, U : 1 bay horto. 1
roan mtr 1 nt of liiabr 1M1, 1 two-horn wa
gon and 2 tota of btrnttt, now ia tba ptutat-toa
of Hainutl 8tott, of H w townihip, aa tba latat
bt,(tB)f to nt and It toll it hit pota'aa'an pn loaa
tanjtat p oqr ordai. J. i T. M MULT.
Wallactloi), Kb. li, lT4.-.V
HarrlM Bol. br brrl la th. Tcnrl nf Oammua
Beat friend I plea, af Claarleld cnaa-
tr Fa Nc. 104 rlept.T.';4.
HulHirt ll'icle. J Snh .far Ciecree.
Nntiee la hereby (ivcq that the aBdersigned earn
taissiunor. appuiutod by Ibe eunrtto laha testimnoy
In the alinve staled case, will atlead In th. datim
nf the appointment at hi nAce, in Ihe lleranh of
Vltrlel.l, Pa, ea Thunder, iho Illh d.y af
Uareb, A. l, ISii, at 10 elueh A. M., bea and
aliero tiorliri lal.restrd may ntl.nd.
Feb. IT, 171 It. CcmmiHlenar.
rsma trcspaaaiag aa
Ihe hremlce. uf Iba
aahaerlner, In the bonin,h nf Clearfield, en w
alioul Ibe 10th cf Januarr, 1071 PIVB WIIITw
PIHa, abcnl three month, aid. The owaer, er
awaera, fa hrreby renaesled In nam. forward,
pre., properly, pay cbarii a and tab. them away,
or thry will bo dlst-aacd nl neecrdtnf tu law.
II. U. rUl.UtKTON.
r. it,,
AM p.rweo. Ore herel, cantiened a4r.lnsl
raiatrilini wltb or purehaalnK th. fcllnwlng prop
erly, prcbacd by m. al Kherir'a sale and lef
with Aaron 0. Drown, of l.awr.neolovnahln. viai
1 bat mare, 1 hay kern, 1 set. harnraa, I ber,r,
burar kararaa, llmh-r .lad, I plow, I .uMir.i.,,
! 1 " -ad, 1.1 .f anrm aw
earn Md.r aa.l Mraw, f cow, t nie. anak ami
".'" d .ir.. u ...... W!a.
te mo and It left trltk bha, auhjtet Ui my ardor.
ri.arVU, F, V 10, U7S..JIC
ItAVID W. WISU, Ki Tnaaurnr of Claaraidil enuatjr, In tho Cotniaonwaaltli ut Pannvlvanla,
in aoDvani wun too tanui oi toa aavoral lonn.blui in asm aouiiij tor jail.
To raih In Traaaurara baada Jan. 1874 1
mount anajllaalad for l7i..,. IS, in IT
Amooht aiM.Md lor IS74 10,1101 I
iTobal. dual Amount l!
Jan. iii, lararu'd forAKitr,ftata
Total Im,II4 17i:i0,O4 8b1i$00,Ii7 01
, own. oil,. io, i,i
llreearls....J SID a. 114 4S , 5fl1 UK ,
I li.ll f 1, 17 J 07 yss B7, J,.i;i9 li
Hlrnim 477 711 !S4 00 'i 711 l
i.i.," w: 1. en
llradlord..... M Is! 107 10; . nv
Urady TSS 20' l,ti 14'i l,4tl 34
liuriilde..... 1,0.10 Js rj-0 50 1,710 40
I'hr.l , 1,,H 10 JS.1 6J 1,72V Oi
"irlnjlou ... ..o no l.iiS 4s 9,100 0s1
,' Decolor 1,01. to; 1,70 (i, l.ioj o
.,.,) J14 0 111 BO, kit 00
jOlrard.. i ,4M Hi I.SW0 84) J..UI M
,beu. j 2,114 SU 2,(1, Ml 4,l0 00,
, tlrabmn.. 676 20 7t 10 0 ,2 SO
, Ouliuh.. , 1,11,00: 74 I,S(UT
: llu,ton ' .8,414 01 J.J74 14 j 16,010 10.
' Jordan ! HI 0i HI 04)! 2S0
: Karluaua ..... 1,. ISO to 021 lot 9,102 72
Hum 000 II) 400 40 : 1.410 40
Lawreno..,.., 9,400 00 : 9,121 Ol'i 4,721 10
Moni... i,sm as i,:i2i oj 1.2011 o
Henn.. SOI 70, 001 40i ,0s II,:
I'nia n Ula no 1 ain Hi . Lum ,
I'ika I 410 41: 178 111 024 .17'
Wuium I 1,4.10 20, 1,4.11 ill 9,071 00;
I Woudwnrd 2.411 (U 7,707 81); 6,209 00
t'HOOI. HUNI) FOB 171.
IIAVID W. WISE, Kaq Treaaurer of ClearOeld eounty, in the ('oruinonwealth of P.nn.ylranla,
in aor.uot with the fond of tha aarprnl towtifthipi in raid eounty lor the year 1S74
nraron. . laaoiToa.
To amount iincolleeted Jan. 1874 ft.1.1,408 62 By eionrratluo, f 0:l 22
To amount a,araMd for 1074 86,202 62 Ily Trea.urer'a pem-Mege 1,000 0.1
Illy amount pad lliilrict Trracurcra... 22,140 14
Ily amt. uni-vlloete.l Jan'y, 1874 84,202 62
Ily ..b in Trra.nm' hamll 0,040 3.1
'I'o lial. due Atuoont r
1 Jan. 26, a,r'd far Aritrafate
, IS74 1074 i, ami-ual.
lle-eiria i SIS 40 .1! Tt OSO 10 r.O 7.1 4..0 00 JJI J 10 75 In 00
Hell. 1,700 M 0110 07! .7i 00 0 2 44 I, ISO OH 0011 071 5100 S10 40
nioom 451 02 720 7? CHI 14 40 awl .'j 20 72; 1.1 00; 40 0:1
lligg. 301 08, I1J7 12 721 20 S IIH 2,0 011 3JI7II 1 1 52 11140
Ilradford ; 471 74 157 11 TH 50 S S2 .1.0 HO 147 S4. 17 3; 172 57
nradr 007 44 1.171 10 2,001 51 1,00 110 1,171 la' 27 22 gso 22
Earnide..., 010 01 0 10 1.500 21' lit M got Jf 24 70 51 20
Cbcil 1.077 12 52 1,400 0i 7 II 7 .il 62 M II .1131 210 00
lot ingt'a.... 1 .1 (15 70 020 24 1,7.11 02 OHO 00 o.'0 24 .1.1 17 472 II
I Ilee.lur. ..... 1,052 54 027 11 I.S70 00 152 40 1,350 00 027 12 50 1,7 .10147
.Fergumo 210 04. 125 00: 345 74 17 50 110 00 l4 00 0 50 04 75
lirard , 1,454 52; 1,575 70 3,030 22 10 10 no On 1,471 70! 4.103 70170
j liii.hen , 1.0HI 00; 1,057 00 2,750 50 6 00 l.liliO 00 1.II..7 Uoj 40 44 025 11
flrnham ! SS4 04 .170 10 1 1,20114 S .13, mm nil J70 10 20 52 240 10
i Oulmh 1.200 10 1,104 01 1,501 ll 14 50 000 00 1,1114 041 3 5S, 333 02
llu.ton ....... 4 100 15; 14,740 30 J 10,144 05 201 00 1.3S5 14,740.10! 131 OS ,0:t 01
Jordan ! 305 OOi 131 12 430 12 141 21 131 II 15 150 II
Karlhau I 1,100 50' 100 00 1,414 02 32 OK Si)0 00 :10 Oil: Ml 10 240 30
Kno ...... 1,240 00 534 01 1,703 01 OS 32 050 00; 134 04 .17 44 lot II
l.awrenee i J.0S1 80- 1,401 12 ' 4,174 OS S 711 1,244 11: 1,405 12! 00 00, 017 20 I
Morrl. 1.710 0.1 1,442 24 ' 1,25.1 07 07 20 I, ISM 00 1,542 4! 51.12 502 11
I'enn 400 001 100 1 ' I. Oil OS 425 00 51,0 OS 14 72 41 18
fine 1.0O1 1(1 1,154 04: 1,101 01 40 15 .',110 00 1,154 il 30 21' 43107
1'il.e.. .......... I 50.1 10: 240 07 . s.10 73 , 28 SO 41111 111 ot! 17 00 111 40
t'nioa. ' 1.031 47 1,531 On; 3.4i4 27 ' 1,700 00 1,511 80; 51 03 177 54
Woc,dw'd..... 1,111 10! 2.100 05 5,212 75'! 00 00. 1,000 10 2,800 051 72 li ,171 15
Total .133,(0.1 11 (35,102 62 100,740 OlnOjl 22: 122.450 14 1-IJ.W2 62! 11,000 13,Sl,060 13
IAVIO W. W1RK. Kmi.. Trtainw of llrtr
Brld oouatT, la tba Cora 0.0 n wot Ith of I'tnn
pj Irani . In nr-oount with (bp fanda uf taid
fHiuntj, rmin tht twtnly-tral day of January, j
A. D. tbtjtwrutv Qrt day ef January, '
A. D. I7&
Ta tmnunl duo from mlltctora tan
Mttifitnfnt $9,1 6 i.1
To amount dun from nnteetrd landa... Ji,7j r.0 :
To tmouut duo from tx-Tieaaurr
Wilaon 03)1 IT ,
To amount rtcolvtd from lltbhtratlnk. i j
To amount rtctirrd Iron 11 rati lord
ovtraarra j -fl 1
To amount reotirod from (lulieb orer- 1
IIJ 31 j
To mount rareircd I rum ti. C. Kiik,
rr.H.t.l.,1 ... I
To amount ret-cirrd an John .'aught
"'" I I at 41 J '
Tn atab from l(-.-lbtrb 0, H. no
t -..t. . -J .. tt U L .....
w arm.aa inoniuun mry nCBUWIdg.., ni ,1 i
To oaib rrtwir-ij un barmoy trata... J4 8.S
an fwan rrcfiiia irom A. n. Hautra
To bank tat fur lhT4 1 044 0(1 i
To tcftUtd oounty Ui rut H74 it,bV6 bi I
To tttod tat its for U74 4A7 fi
T Aaa. W Darvktvj (J (JJ ;
To eaah rrettrtd on Hugh ltalaton
To ui paid by 0. ii. Praaeot l. ,,!!.Z. IT 0 j
w w mj wt. rnw... 10 C7 I
To oaab for map 5 u
To irtM liraa-naaa lo i.n
To priaon lot bond J,l7 71
uno regniw ia.x 149 oa
To raih on Kttin ini . 10 i
To ooat raluadatl !,"7- ST M
Tw Htpumbtr rrgUtar taa w 14-t 10
To uat ratatiilata an nn
To tai ob No. Mi J far'ilVi"!!!!!!"!.!! 1 16 SO
10 aott rtlundtd ........- 4t M
'I'm Act .Ll fur tnhlo. nn
To eaah for atovt 7 00
To oaab r-wtivd Brenner IS HO
To rtportor'a fata a an
To jury ft-t AJ to
To finea and fortttturaa 1,020 M
To AKlk fur fiaatl I il r. nn
1 To rrnt for arbitratma room AO 00
10 wtiBaaa naet rf go 00
To anataUcBd ratiUmtAi ia. 1 1 oa I
To atattMl railtmptioB M 44 If
10 antaoud eounty tai for 1874 . H.Tt'fl bb
To uaaaatrd poor tai for 1H74 . 7,407 14 I
Total lOOSM 01 1
caoolraa. !
I tnnty iinlera Radc.acd, tttl i
By A,,' waite $1,011 40
Ily Auditor. BBd Clark M w 160 00
Uy Auditor, Prothoootary
and Hefist.r'o aeconal
far I07J tin 00 '
By Auditor, Prothoaotary
and Hefislor'a aeeouat i
fur 1074 41 to f j ot
By Di.lrid Atbiraey j o
Atloraeyt' I'eea, tli i
My T. II. Murray 120 00
Ily W. M MeCnlloanb. .11 00
By Israel Tecl......, 1 0O j
By J.J. I.ieale 10 00
By altar t to
By aipenae.
Uy k.ardina )nrara ,B
llrlrtrra, ltt
By Pike twp. brldire tl00 00
Ily lleer creek hridre n oal 7a
Hr Cerwecllle bride. ... 1.021 0
By bureaa autistiaa
By Comtols.iuo.r' euuat.1 William m.
00 00
14o 10
10 10
I'll 10
t'emmlaalonero Wmjrea, vial
By F. F. Oonterel .. $1SB 00
By Juhn 1). Tbompeon 441 00
Ily (Hark Hrnwa 441 00 1,140
By Commii.icBrr.' Clerk 1,000
Fly Commonwealth 4'o.te, lil
Cumwl'th v.. Arnold
lit 07
4 It
1.1 17
il to
It it
4 00
71 11
70 41
t 11
II 00
r to
it ii
II to
11 00
II tl
: m
tl 4
tl oi
4 tt
17 tl
14 II
.121 01
II 14
II 44
ta to
4 II
II 21
(it 17
t II
tl II
" llranmbaagk.
" Conigan
Jlnry Beat....
' larton ,.
" Bttlhrej,,,,,,..
a Fawvar.,
N (Ireager
" Header
" Uray
" llalloll
" Howe
" Kaat.
" Knoaer
' " Leslie .
l,aaotla .........
Meeklej..,, ..
" Melllrk..
Melns ....
" O'Uary ......
" Rlcharda
" iloaa
" " TeaKyek
' Toll ..
" William.
M 1 Troataaaa..,,.
1,171 U
Hy t'eaH Hauao, U I
Fart, anal aad wood Moil 111
Wiadlng A repairing eleek.
Riaira te feranna
Bucket, aad brooata .,,,,
Repnlnj ta parent .at.,
ta b.lld.BO ....
Ltm. fur water araact...,,..,
Berrlee pipe w
Trlmmiag tree.,.,.,,,,
Oil ...........,.
loo ti
1 it
01 11
1 N
It tt
I 41 1,141 71
Hy Canetaklaa- Rtturaa, rial
January terra, 1074
tl It
II la
ill M
I lo
Marak terns, I074H...M,
Juaa term, 1014
Heptember Una, 1074...
Jaaaary terra, 117!.....,
Court trior. .,.
4M 02
III 10
ay ami alae lYoea rallcctora,
aanrrla R. Rwan. .. It It
Bell T. C. Ue.... Tl 14
Cheel. . Willlema. Ill M
CwaMao'lbi.V. Clark..,. II 00
8allm......... ,.. II 00
Halloa tl 01
(IF (I,EU!HII.U (0. ICR 1071.
Ilf ainonnl nald Dlit. Traaaurara .
11 avonarallona
Iljr Traa.urtr'a pr eaulaga
liy amount unoollartjil JiiO. IS7j..
Ualanra dua lowniblia
.. IS.SUI 19
i Ml
.. 1,1m
, .1(1,111)4 IS
. Kim 70
I Tolol
Ujr aint. (Ilyajt-; Trt-aai'tr'l, t'aah is
aid lii.t.U'oera-1 Hr amt. - iar Tra.a
iraaiinrarai nona. ,uneil,Mt aaniaga. natiilt.
200 OH, .11 90
1,001 OS1 47 71
210 .Ml' 4 411,
214 4
Oi'dl 07
144 41
107 80
OMO 20
,1H 62
1.26S 4S
6;o 46
2,,l 811
1,800 841
2,116 SO
:i7 lo!
716 CS
7,174 15'
SI 06
824 10
408 40
2,121 80
I, .12 1 02
SOI 40
1,040 60
I7S 00
1,411 80
1,707 80,
i ,0 4
41 10
19 42
t 01
SI 0'
:,o on
hi :io
16 ,
:io 40.
' 8 24
41 0.1
07 34
17 2Sl
88 44
960 86i
1 6.11
41 161
28 !
77 07
! 411
106 81
22.1 00
04 92
57 10
104 06
216 II
40 JIS
oil on
in., oo
120 00
07 00
000 70
41 47
2 1 47
a.,0 07
9,420 43
84 07
.1S7 II
H8 04
.111.1 71
462 17
141 '8
210 10'
1 .12
20.1 SI
i 0s
417 81'
U.,0 00
7110 OH: 01 06
ftflr) 00
770 70, 70 8ii
ISO On 10 60
400 on 21 10 '
;,u oo no
.140 00' t 46
724 Oil' 8 47'
1.600 01: :ls 2:,
114 no;...: i
0110 OH 40 0
714 I'll' 62 60
2,110 OO! 7 00
l,:wll on; 72 80
700 on
1.601 01 .12 8S
90S l! 90 4S)
1,201 4ll '
l.voo on! eo on.
2S 6I
17 40 2,.V'"1 41
1.1 10 114 2.1
48 17: 101 02
71 86, 870 41
(26.002 I00U 60 lll,004 SI 11,064 1OIIO240 70
01 Total.....
9418,7.10 04
'iKiun- Ily ainnunli Illy Trcaa'i Cab In
- em. !iaid lli.l. Ily aioouiitl Pit Trre.rer'
'tlona.! 'Iroa.'r,. otirollout'd ccntafe. i hand.
Ktttthaur T. V'bttf 3 jfl
Hoooarla .1. Kinkrtvt. 101 4tl
IMI If. Itr-ih,jr. ttT OA
Brady I a. Mi If a... .Iti'J 4X
ltarnftfia-...D. Welinffcy. 03 D
l.Vtt H. Wiltlnmt. 4.'.l 6&
Carwroriia .il. '. Miliar JI6 II
ioihin A H Hliirvv II bH
lluuttlal...(.W.howltt 4(1 07
Huston H.f Union. :i7 .17
Jor-tan 8. Wcimor... It.t 1.1
Kno 1 A. Ii. Kiokok 3 Hi
Lawrttioa....T. Howie.,, 214 JH
.Morria. .. H.. J. . Dillon r7 17
iwia A. Ktpbart. 331 On
INtn ,..J.roi li 91
l',h- J It. llloem. 14 l
Woodward...!. 11. Mil lor. lit
Uararl....J. Klnkrad... 331 4M
IUII M. ThunlftB.. 124 17
Tltooin 0. A. Wood... Oft 4B
K'im I. HfUb 10 87
I! rail lord... J. A. Autoa... SMI 4 ft
Mr.lT......,A W-Dnturkr : 4:0 03
llurttti-la...l, Kvon .14 13
Vim. J. II. 4ft) Itl
IVivinRUin.L tviff-v 10 09
a.1). barlti... J, MvitMellnn 498 0
1'urwena'llt H. Wbipplr.. 120 20
Orratur Ltrl tla... IIO 41
Ftrgawa Fred tlroat. liltf 47
t.orbtB W.W.Wilaoa 17 08
Graham J. M. Kran- 73 13
tlalich S. Klilo-w . Ul 67
HuutBdale...K. Uutlcr 3711 77
llmtua C. Kobftckrr 370 43
Jordan J. H. Htraw. 01 48
Kartbaur....!. F.lltrtltiB IH 50
Knoa K Bloom.,.. 14 30
l4awrtnca....N. lUabul.... 304 34
1urrip A. Juhnaon. 00 911
Otoeola J. (I. Hboff I VI .1
IVnn 14. Khan.... 74 03
1'ikc .J. lUncook. 303 19
Wtllatton...M. Hardy... T 'il
V'a.dward...ll. li, M.loa 34& 3.1
0,01.1 li
election Kapcuaea, olo 1
Utoeninerrleclloa; 1071
February eleetiea, 1174. M
Medera Ind. school
Lawrence Ind. achool.
Norcmber eleelion, 1174..,.
Clerk retnra judge,
Meluro Jadgeato UellefoaU
t II 10
too I.S
r io
4 00
111 00
t to
II 40
Ily Hospital
Mod ulre
Inqnest feaa , ,
Janitor'a wage..,..;-.
Kxpenaoa, via I
.... I 41 00
14 47
II) Jurora
Wipi, Till
Ornrid jury, Jan. term, "74.
t 111 1
June "
Jan." '74. lit 11
Bept." '74. 217 11
Jan. " '74. Ml 30
" " '71. 607 01
Jun" '74, 1w. 411 10
" " "74, Iw. 410 Oi
Aug. " '74. 100 11
Kept. " '74, lw.4IO ii
" " '74, Jw. 400 01
" '74, Sw. 3.1S It
Nov. " '74, lw.lll 40
i ,'J4,lw,401 Sj
1 .
I Juetlee fee..
Jury eommiwionera...
I Peailealiary hill
By Print Irk Account, all I
8. J- Row I .m ot
lloodlander 1 llag.rly 40.1 75
Braioerd lo lo
Hn.bin Urea.,, ..... ' 11 to '
Ily Poetatre Arrounl, vltt
Letlw . t 01
Towarpbip aaeuaato a..
fteheel lraaacrlpt,....
June Heg.n
Atigut Heg
Cullaetar,' daplleale b
Puor and road certificate.
12 II
I 00
I u
I 01
II 70
t 84
I 14
I It
1 41
1 44
nnptembar Keg..,.MH.,
Col. dun.. ....
Kaad rales
Prutheaotary fee.. .u.....
Heg. exiieaee,
Bradford eobeo!
Bute tai oa waa
400 I
101 I
10! I
114 !
Ill ;
0 I
. Ol 01
110 00
Bint tuner.
By Tlpatatoa. til I
January term, 1174 H $ 14 00
1171. 1 II VI
1174 lw. II 00
1011 Iw. 20 00
lltaad Jary... II 00
1074 - II Ot
IH4..... . (4 00
174 w. II Ot
Not, .
" 174 Iw. 14 04
II) Priaon, tltl
Doardlng prlaonera 1 1,010 10
Bedding Tor priaenera 11 to
Clalklng Tor prlaonera JO 1 H
Furniture f..r prison 10 10
Key. 11 90
Hepaira " M l
Hang, .ad flxtureo 101 at
Fuel Ill 11
Turalcy foe..,..,.., 1 TO It
I'hrslciaa lot III
Cleaning priaon It HI '
Wa.hlng for priaener 101 U
llendeulf, ' t tt
Hy ttaroreta, tli (
Frotbonotarv's nfllne a an a.
Uegiiter'. effice ,.... 10 10
.omm,.i'on,n Hrg. boot,. U II
Hy nhorllTo Keen, tin
Rerrlagjury Bntleaa I 1ST 41
Quell la II. 0 Oaami.... r Mil,
Gammenwealtheaet.,:.,...,, ) If 11
.onT.ying prtsoa.r. le pen
Herniary. t.,.,..,
Pabllahlng .leelloa proela
Mtl 7
Aaaoaat paid HarriBburg atoapltal.....
w-.u. uaOTIil. lU.pi.l... ......
Aaioaat paid load ei.wer. ..M
Auseoat paid rand damagea
Amoaal prisoa eoapoa. redeemed....
Aaannnl paid Blatc treaiurar,......,M.e,
Amoaal paid court reporter
By eioaeralioao allowed oalleeter....
By eioaeialtaaa aa uemaUd laadc..,
By abatement allowed laapayer. paid taaahara' laaUlale ......
y Ireeewrer'e par aaal. aa tll.Mt IT
at I per aaal.
y Ireaaum't par a eat. aa tU.171 II
ul I par Ml
By Ir.aaurar'i per ami. a 111,111 11
l II oar taut..,,, ,
Amount du. Ironi nnacaled landl,
eoualy us 10,7114 it
Amount dua I rum uaj.eeted land
I'uorua 7,4ot 14
Ily overcharge oa oaaeeted land 91 41
Ily tirooa linen., Iranaferrad tu Stato .
ci.ui.t 6 oi
Ily a.t on land .old It 00
llallauow , 11,004
Total ... loo,!, i
Probable (Irdlniry Utpaiiaco for IK75I
To ordinary alpeiiaaa for 1171
4,100 00
10,000 00
4,600 01
061 00
060 01
1,100 00
6,000 10
to piivoa tot ounita due
To bonda redaeined daring the year..
Tointera.t on $ 74,000, pnton buna...
To oaoneralion. to eolleolor
To abeleiueul allowed laapayer.
To traeurera per Malage ,
To probable euat oa bridge.
Ily amount In treemrer'e
baud 4,8VI to
uy auiounl du. troia eel.
Ily Tuuitb payw.ot on old
prison lol,
Uy di-8i.-i.ney fur 1076 lo b.
1,011 18
2,107 7f
rioa.d on lb. eeateil au.
20,284 21
Ttal .4M,l.0 00 $61,3110 00
W, lha antUralgnMl, CommltaioBera of Clear-
uciM vuhiii, in iu irVHBiugwuiii w rtwapyira
nia. having mt aooording to law, and baring ti-
aooaj r m.-uuiita iuu Tooontra H
David V. Wlao, Kaq., Traaurar or aald aianty
Ut tht yotr A. 1. 74, do wrlify that wa flnJ
ill em at ttt forth In tha lorrgoing auttmtut.
Wt find lha amount duo tbt county from him to
be fourti-fo tboaand tight hundrad aad Biatty
Itiur dollar and auty-nint tenia ($14,004 oil).
Ititamouut dut from anatattd lands frooaoly
purpoara, but sot avoiloblt uniil a?, BlBfU
tliuuwad tavm hundred and aixdollara aad flftr.
Urt ceott (fltt,700 bj), and for tbt uao of ibt
poor, in thit atcgrvgat, (ulao UBarallablt antil
atttr Juno, lbJO.) tiLounla to acrB tbouatnd
f..urhundrtd and mvob dollartaad fourtnenu
i7,4U7 14). Jba toanaLipa of UttearU, Bell,
Hloom, tht.l, Itctatur, Farguaoa, Ulrard, Uotbta
kirtbtua, Knot, Alorria nud libt taatted oa
poor ui on bnacatod landa, far i74. Cor
inlon aattattd 10 miila, Lawrtnea4 milla, (Jnioa
& mill, tad tht real of lb tuwoablpt ttttaaed I
"d twu Tbt tmoant dut Irom tht col-
i ii,, m oi tight tbouaaad ud (falnr. and ttttnty-ti. etuu (B.UIS fl), boiag
over a ibouaand ka Ut yer. Tbt amount
due the road fund by tht Trcuurtr Ira thoaaand
two hunJred and foity dollart and ttTenty oeutt
tfHi.o jUj.nnd tbttvbool fund nlnt Ibmaand
and li Ily -at ut dolltraand thlrty-tbrta woU. Kor
clatrmeul iu detal , roa tabular atatrmtntt of tbo
road and tcbool lunda faoreaith in but i tied, sbow.
ing Ibt amount ol auuh lunda paid tlm rvaptclirt
i'litriot i rotuureri and the tutount of fundi ytt
In tbo battiia of tht lounty Troaauror.
M'itneaa our bantla at Ctearftild, thtt twnty.
ninth amy ol January, A. 1. IM7&
v LA It ft UHllWN.
O. W. KYLhK.
A'ttft: CvrnmiatitiBcra.
U. U. Uooni.atDaR, Clerk.
Wo. tLo undtraignfd, Audilora of tbo eounty
of ClearOeld, ia thr Cvmmoawealtb of 'ena.
vania, hai ing inn at tu Court lloute, in tbt btr-'
uugb ol Clfatticld, un tbo Brat JUusday of Janu
ary, A. D. Ib7i, at. cording loUw.aiid having ti
niuiced tbt totetal at-counti and roaehtra of
i'avid W. Wiae, Kcq., Trtaiarcr of aaid tounlv
lor tbo year A. U. In74, do rtport that wt And
them aa above titled. Iht balaneo in bia haadt
dut eutinty appetrt to l fourl-ea tbtmatnd
eight baudrtd and oinely fuar dullara and aixte
tiuitccBta (tl4.SU4 Oil), lit ia .udtbttx. lo th
road fund in tbt turn of ten thoaaand two bun-dn-d
and forty dollara and wveuty centa ($10 .
1'tO 70), and to tbc f-bool fund in Ibe turn of
nine Ibuuaand and ntty-nlnt dollara and tbirlr.
tbrro eanta ilfV,0.ill 3.1). Tht amount duo from
urma'tiJ lauda lor eoooly purpoaoa, but not trad
able uolil A. I. IU7B, t motteca ibouaand atrn
buadred and lix dollart and fitly. ftve centa
(1U,7 66), and for ibt art of tbt poor (tlao
uotttilabla until June, 1 .7n() amouata to Mran
thounaiid four hundred aud seven dollart and
iu amouoi 4tut rrom
collrcton ii tight thonaand and tbirtteB dollar
In letlitneny wb-reor wt htre hereunto tet our
7i?'' 'bit iwenty alnth dy of January, A. H.
I.. C. HI.O"M,
A,,e': Auditorr.
Juax W. Iluua, CbTk.
Thoae ptrtona aho hart left DefHla.MortgagM
and other legal papera with mt, for the purooit
of baring them tnttnd of Reeord, will pleaae
call immediattly aad lift aad aettla for tbtm. I eaa
be found during butlncee boun, ia room No. 4,
aerond Boor of Pit 'a Opera Hobio.
CUarfleld Feb. ltttb, IS7j,-U A. W. I.tK.
Hannah J. IVwdr
Na. 47i) Jaa. T. 1171.
'J.e.'A.. ..1 ... J
Ja-ob TV. Dewdrkik.J A. W. Wellera having
beea dale appolaled by Ibe Court le tnke
mony ia Ihe ebeve eaae, hereby girea aetiee that
ha will attend to the dotie. of aaid appoiatmeat
at hi. nffioe ia ClearOeld, en Wednesday, tha 14
dajr of M.eeh. A. tl. 171. al t e'elnet. a. u. ef
aaid dar, a here all parllea interested may attend.
feblO It A. W. WALTKRM, Com r.
I All pcrMti, ar, kerebr warned agaiaat pareh
tasing or in any way meddling with the following
I property, now ia the possesion of Jnha Kobeoa,
j cf Chert tawnchip, tiai one eorrel horN and oar
browa, aj the ,ama beloaga ta me and it
left with bim on loaa anly, subject to my ordsr
at any time. at. 1.. M MULLKN.
Vi'e.lorrr, Jan l.Vh, W! ll-
All peraone are hereby aautioned afaioat aar
ehaaing or ta may way Bieddling with Ibt fol
lowing properly, now la Ibt bauda of John Nr.
Kte, of Kooi townabip, fit: Two eorrel martt,
oat ibreo yeare eld and Ibe other Ire jeara 14,
aad two eeta of haraeet, the aame having boat
purchaeed by me at Coattable't aula, aad left with
aaid alcKeo, aubjeot lo my arJer.
New Millport, Fob. 19, I87i -it
All peraoaa are hereby warned afainttptr
chaaing or ia aoy ma air mad d ling wuh tht lol.
lowing daaertuod poraonal proporty ; tii : I ttuk
atove, 1 parlor ttofe, 1 eup board, 1 link, 1 UUr,
1 aett ebalrt, t rooking ehaira, I gUaa, 1 buffala
robe, S palre bedaleada, Iw yarda ail lolk. It jvit
oaqiet, 1 eloek, 1 waah aland, 2 piga, I iroa hat
tie, 7 wiodow blind i, I eel buggr haruaee, 1 ael
carpenter too'., 1 grind atone, aof pvaads park,
poUtoae, apfle butur, eatBBd frait. Heat war,
tin ware aad diabea. Now ia the hands ol llmry
VYMtteoBiTer, of Brad; towaahip, Ibt mme bar
ing be-B parchated be ma at Oonatablt'a Sale, oa
the IlUb day of January laat, and left with bia
oa loan, aubitet to my order.
!.tathdjvr. Feb. Ifltb, 7t.,.t
FIre,Lirc& Accident Insurnnrr
AGENT, Clearfield, Pa.
Bnrlfurd, Cuaa ,...Am.i- over ll.OM IM.
ColnmhuR, Ohio Aiartts errrtOOO.rlO
febl'71 ly
4 rMItJTI!TtrIY'Sl KflTII'K.
Not let laHirabe rlrtm that Letter tl A4-
mini a I rati on an the tatale of ABRAHAM Mil
lata of Law reset townabtn. Clearfield eoontr . Pa,
aiwetaeii. nan tig bten duly grantel tothtaewf
aigafnl, all peraoat lodthted to aald tatate till
pleaae make immodiatt payment, tad taoet w
ing elalma or demanda will Brettat lhm areeerh ,
auinenuoaiea lor aeuiement witbooi delay-
Or of, I. f- t'TTLK. Atturatt-A(
Feb. 8, 1ft7& t Clearfield, reoiV
TniTons notick.--.
In lha matter of the im tho Orphaaa'Cetrt
mimm oi vavia no- uttarSeiaoeot.r
land, deeeaaed. I
The anderalffned. annAiat.! Aud liar tt 4ie
irihulo tho balaaoo remtaiaiag fa Ibe btaeiet
Jaaoh Kolaad, Admiaialntytar, te ef aaid
oaaed, to and aoaoeg tba partita legallr eetiiW
inorvao, narany givtt BOUeO that Be Wiliauw- I
me a quae ni bit appoiatmeat at the ow " I
MrKeallr NeCardT. ia the batwaeh nf I'M
Arid, Pa.,onThardav,lba iHtk day al Mr7
ft. li. ib, at i ooiorR, f. a..
Fob. 1, l(t7Mt.J Aadritr.
A I1RNTS. male and female, a. aril Pin" I
rerr where. Fourieea Iho.. and retailed ej
Another write., "1 fan make more mooer ia
hu.ine,, than 1 ceo aa a 110,000 f.m. a
aineteil,' , W II II N K V 1 I "
Ken, a, ISJi .lm.l Norwieb,
$5 $201..:
I J-, - I..0). If I
The aa4erelgner) hi pr.pai id ae wear, a' I
ii.nrar io araer. in any eayle aeetrea,
bad arar thirty yatra nraaetoalcapcrernai r" I
adalphia, kataaia e..!4l J ....a. I
tarderc aeril. ar letter, addremid to W illisf, Ckarl.ld o will meet . il rTT
...n,,un. v. rt
Bigler At.Mea, bn. IA, 1114 Im.
i4n kcFf oiivs of icK-
Mallea la hereby glean Ibal letter. lnr I
cry en tha aetata a? TUHMAat WlTHklr I
lata mi Via. ... ,M ..1 J .u w fa. I
baring baa daly graated la Iba aad.riiir.r' I
frea. indebted ta Hid aetata arill F"",!
Immedlata paymeat, aad thee, hartal ei I
demand, will preeeal them properly BeUu" I
lar aetUeaaeat wilhoal delay.
. joiin wtTnurtow,
mvm ariTHKROW.
IUllnert,Jaa. ll.lHl. ig icro
I ob riiimira or ivaKT pisci"!
lion neatly efeeeted al Ihlo erne.,
It. . '