X A- i. . aa- . ... r . I' ! M 1 ! ! I i i S.U'KETT & SCHRYVER, DIAL! Ml II HARDWARE, tod manttfeaturera of Tlu.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Stmt, CLEARFIELD, PA. Kevin lartfolv lnoreased our slock of Herd ware, we invite too publlo to oiamiae our stock uo priors. Carpenters and persons who contemplate bultd log will do well to c semi no our TOOLS & BUILDING HARDWARE, which it new and of tbo boat muufeeturo, and win be sola low for cast. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, - SCREWS All kiade of Bt neh Pl.neo, flawa, Chleeta, Squarea, ueraniera, uaton.!., riuinoa ana Leeela, Mortised Thumb Go.gei, Beeela, Breeee A Bliu, Wood nd Iroa Bench Sorewe, aad th but Boring Meebiao ia tbo marhot. Donble and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Al.-' Agentt for BurneU't Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alto, ngenta for Rioborda' (iOTIIIC FLUB TOPS, which effectually euro Smoky Flutf. Fanaera' Implement, ond Garden Toole of Beary deeoriptloB. A largo variety of COOK STOVES, which wo warrant to giro satisfaction. Portable Minn ret and Fttrnacti- VfA. Roofing, Spouting and Job Work dono od rvaaunaoie terms, aii omen win receive prompt net-moo . Junt 1 1 1873. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, Successors to Bojntoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manafaetartri of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fonrth and Piao Strut!, CLEARFIELD, PA, n A VINO engaged lo tbo MOofatnro of f rot elan MACIlINBRy.wereapeetrelrylnforn (bo publlo tbat wo aro now prepared to All al ordera al cheaply and aa prompt) aa ean bo doo In any of tbo citlee. Wo maaafaotort and doal In Mala; and Circular Saw-Milli Hoed Bloekl, Wator Wheele, Shafting Fallot Qiflord'l Injector, Steam Qaugea, Steam Whlatloa Ollara, Tallow Capa, Oil Copa, Gauge Coeka, All Cooke, Globe Velreo, Cbeok Valeee, wrought Iroa Flpee, S'.eaoa Pampa, Boiler Feed Pumpo, Aatl Friction Metrea, Soap Stone Pecking. Sam Peek log, and all klnda of MILL WORK togetkot witk Plowa, Sled Solee, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all blade. VOrdort eolloited and tiled at eilj prloea All lettore of loqojrj with referonoo to maohiaer) of oar Banufaotnre promptly anawored, by eddrae Ing aa at Clearleld, Pa, Jen 174 tf BIULKR, YOUNG A REED. JEW 8TOKB AND NEW GOODS JOS. SIIAW & SON Har juat opened a Niw Stoti, on Main St.,Ci.iiirigiD, Fa lalelr ooeupled by Wm. F. 1RWJ.N. Tbelr alock ooniiatiol elu"5x cai cu ce ao a Gaociaiss of the beat quality, Queenbyvare, Boots and Shoes, and neery article neceaaarr for ooa's oomfort. Call tnd examine onr itock bitor par ouaiinjfeliiwhere. May 9, 1860-lf. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oooatanlly oo hand. ST0E AD EARTHEN-WARE OF IVBItT DBSCRIPT'ONI CHOCKS! POTSI CROCKS! ruber's Patent Airtight Self Sealing Frail leuel BCTTRR CHOCKS, with lldi, CREAM CROCK 8, MIl.K CROCKB, APPLE - BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PII DISHES, STEW POTS, And a groat aneny other thingi too anaioroaa lo montloa, to bo had at . v FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Coraer of Cherrv and Third Street, ULBAHriHLU, rA. augl Down ! Down II; THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices? WB aro bow opening up a lot of the beet and moil aeaaoneblo Uooda and Warea ever olftred la thta market, and at prleea tbat remind one of the good old daya of eheap thinga. Tboet who look faith apoa tbie point, or deem oar alia getioal oaperflBOBi, Beod bat CH, JT Oin STORE, Ooraer Froat aad Market alreeta, Where they oaa eee, feel, hoar and know for them aolf ee. To fally anderelaad bat are eheap good, thla maat ho done. Wo do aot deem it aoeemary to oaamerato aad lUmiie oar atook. It U oaoaib for aa to alau that Wo have Everything that is Needed Bad ooBoamed la thle market, aad at prleea that attoaleh Both old aad yeang. deeie JOSKI'H SHAW A SOI.! "Clearfield Nursery., 1NC0UBAGE HOME INDUSTRY. rIB aaderelgaed, haotag eiuhllahoi a Km aery o the 'Pike, abeal halfway holwoea Cloaraeld aad Carwoaaf llle, ll preparod lo far Blah kllklacief FRUIT TREI8,(iladardaBd dwarf,) iTorgraoaa, Shrahaory. Orapa Viooa, Geoaebeirlea, Lawfea Blaakaorry, eirawhorry. aad lUskirry Viaol. Alio, Slharlal Crab Treoa. qalaoo, and early ooarlal Rhahwb, Ao. . Ordon f ramptlr eiUaled eo. Addrooa, , J.b. WRIOHt aopN-'M-y - OarweaTille. Fa. sjrj &otat, GtottfUt, (ttt. J. r.WBiTBR,.. ,.w. w.iitts. WCATlt A IIKTT8 CLEARFIELD, PA., An offering, at tbo old atand of 0. L. Rood A Co. their atoek of gooda, ooaaiatlog of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A BUOES, BATS A CAPS, 'HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At tho soft reaaoaablo ratoi for CASH or la ictungo for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, 011 COUNTRY PRODUCE. 9kAdranoos mad to thoto ongkgod lo gut ting oat sqaaro timber om tbo uoit adTaaUgeotu tormi. pdtljanTl rjO TUB F R 0 N T ! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT TDK CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND OYSTER SALOON I Tho anJcri.KDed bartni imt fitted no new. I org and oomlurUbl- roomi oa Markot ttreat, oar Third, rtipect fatly in form t th public tht ho now drepared to aeeomraodoto then with jvrtbing la hit lioo oa abort notioa and it all aourt ot tbo a j. U koepi on band BRE6H BREAD. RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all kindi. FRESH OYSURSIN EVERY STYLE, aad a general .aaiortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS. N0T9, Ao., All of whieh will bodellrerod to euatomort at thtlr roaidenoof, when reoaoitod to do oo. ICE CREAM, bjr thodiib.Mrrod ina neatly fur- alihed room. Thankful for tho genoronf patronage beatowed In tho past, ho hopet to merit and reoelro a oon tlaoonoa of the lame from hla old fuato men, and other. " JOHN 8TADLER. Just IS.'TJ.tf. JANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTI1ERSBUR0, PA., Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaooo, Grooerieo aad FUli, Nallt, Hardware, ljueenittk.ro and uiniiwaro. Men 'a aad Boja' Clothing, Drag, Painti, Oil-, tichoul Book, a largo lot of Potent Medicine, Caadlei, Nali A DrUd Frnlta, Cheeeeand Crack era, Rook and Rifle Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes. Clover and Timethj Seed, Sole Leather, Moroeeos, Lint age, Bindtnga aad Thread, Bhoemekeri' Toole and Shoe Findings. No greater variety of gooda in aor atom la the aniy. ah tor anie rtry low lor eain or eouatrj produoe at the Cheep Coraer. Aug. 27, 1872. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory, Peaa townihip, Clearfield Co., Pa. HUR MGD O If T I ot nor B U R N E D U P! Tbenbeeribor here, at rent ex net to, rebuilt neighborhood neeeailty, in the erection of a flret alaaa Woolen Mannfaetory, with all tho modern impraTemenU attached, and are prepared to make ill klnda of Clotha, CeMimerea, Sattnetta, Blen. keta, Flannela, Ao. Plenty of good oa hand to rapply all oar old and a thonaand newooatomert, whom wo ask to oome and oxaminn oar atook. The baaineas of CARDING AND FULLING will metre oar especial attention. Proper trrangemeate will be made to receive aad deliver Wool, to unit customers. All work warranted and lone upon tbo aborteat notice, and by strict atten tion to bnslneaa we hope to realise a liberal share i tuDiie patronage. -. ( 10,)MH P0UND8 WOOL WANTED I " Wo will pay tho highest market prleo for Woo and sell oar manufactured goods as low aa similar goods oaa bo bought in theeoanty, aad whenever we fall to render reasonable satisfaction wo ean always be found at homo ready to make proper explanation, either In person or by letter. i a as ao ojuj.iiBvn Dunn, aprtlSStf Bower P. 0. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS e 8UPEREEDED BY COVERTH PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Madeef the beat Malice, bio Iron, and la attached to the II antes by the best Bnap ever Invented. It is easily and quickly put ' on, and prevent! the whipping of the horses by the polo, fcot liable to get out of repair. Will last for yeara. All wo ask Is a fair trial, to convince all partiee us ing tbem that they are unsurpassed la value for tho purpose for whieh they are Intended. HACK KIT A 8CHRYVBR. Clearfield, April IS, 1074. MARBLE AM) STOVE YARD! Mas. S. 3. LIDDKLL, Havlag engaged la tbo Marble baalaeaa, deelroe to Inform bar frleoda and the pabllo that abe bai now and will keep oonatantly on hand a targe and well eeleeted atoek of ITALIAN AND VERMONT If ARBLB, and ll preparod lo f.r.tfb to order TOMBSTONES, f,' BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Carbo aad Poata for Cemetery Lota, Wladow Bill, aad Capl, aloe, BURBA IT, TARt.B AND WA8n STAND ; TOPS, Ac, Al... ;,, fern. Vard oa Reed atreet. near the R. R. Depot. Clearield, Pa. J.7,l G UNSMITHINU. Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. , Shea tm Third atreet, onr Rller'a blaebamllh jbep, CI.RARFIRI.D, PA. All Blade ar hum and eaol Han eon hand. Repairing dona la a Irat-elaia manner ond at fair !?.! lalvery Ntnblp. 1MB anderalgned hega learot. Inform thepab . He that ho la aow foil, nropared to aeeemm date all la the wayef foraiabing llorate, Ruggiea, Baddloa and Ueraem, o tbo aborlort aotioe and on reaooaabfo torma. Roeideaoa o. Looaat otrooi, hotwoM Third and Foarth. UkSU. W. OEABHART. nieartold. Fob. 4, 1S74. . FOR HALITba anderalgned olfera for aelo a ealnable Iowa oronertr la tbo borooeb of Clearneld. Lot Maine feel, with a good two- aiory plana .oue IborooB ereoted, with throe rooma dowa ataira aad foor bod rooma ap atalra. "" Mwmg room aad beta room oa oooond floor. Hoaao Inkibed eomoUte r,.n Mn. .hi. flood doahle poreh and good wolar. Prioo rea eonel.le and BaimeoU eaerj IUoag7 - . WM. W. MoCIILLOCeil. J. R. M'MUilRAY Wtl.r, BMPfLT TOD WITH ANY ARTtrtw OF MRRCHANDI6R AT TUB VKRY LOWKHT r'V. ivaa aov oaa. , . (l,t,Uyi) NEW WASHINGTON. ?Hillnnfous. JJARD TIMES , HAVB NO EFFECT , IN FRENCHYILLEI I am awai-o that there aro some persons a little bard to please, and 1 are also awaro tbat the complaint of "hard times" is well nigh universal. But 1 am so situated now that I ean satisfy the .ormer ana prove conclusively mat "osrii Mure will not effect thoae who buy ihcir goods from me, and all my patrons shall le Initiated Into the so rot of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have goods enough to siini.J all the Inball tants in the lower end of the county wgioh I sell at exceeding low rules from my mammoth store In MULSONUUHO, where I can always be found ready to wait upon callers and supply them with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Snob at Cloths, Satinetta, Caul meres, Muslins, av !, biDcn, u rulings, vaueoei, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boota aid Shoes, Hats and i an ui u.c nest in ate rial ana made to order -Ilwse, Soaks, (Jloves, Mittens, Laces, tiibUons,Ae. OROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rico, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Pork, Liaseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Castings, Plows ana now castings, nans, spikes, Oorn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, tilaas, and a gcatral BHorimeni oi otationery, . GOOD FLOUR, '. Of different brands, always on band, and will bo uiu at vub iowbii poaaiuie ugureSa . II. MoC Iain's Medicines, J erne's Medicines, Hosteller's and lioofland s 11 i Iters. KOflfi finnnrla nf tl'oal n.ai.J V. 1 -L .l hihdiat nrl. sill km n.lJ J I j and for sale at the lowest market price. Also, Agent for Strsttevville aad Curwensvllle Threibiog Machines. la Taill mmA iaaf.. e.. V Ml aa verything asnally kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenohvills P. 0., August 12, 1874. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAXUrACTlTBtiai OF ',-1.1 1 l iiti: itiiK it, Furnace Blocks. Gas Retorts, Stove Linings, Paving Tilos, &o. Chimnty Topi, Wtndou Cmp; and Flawi. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL DE8I0NS.IN TERRA COTTA MADE TO ORDER. With improred machinery, Srat elaaa material and akilled workmen, we eon warrant all oar manafaetorea to be equal to if not aoporlbr to any ia the morket. Artlolei of our menufaeturo ean be a..n at tke Worka, nrar Railrued Depot, or at th. llerdwara Stor. of II. F. Big!.r A Co. All .rem frora k H i I aJJu.uj . l . General Buporiaundeat, will roeoire prompt at. tontion. I. O. HAHTDWICK, of H.nhl.ld, Uaraklrk, Boatload, supt. atanuraotariog lept mey20'7l BAD THIS1 . . , . r FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The at tent ten of the altliens of Clearfield and vicinity ia directed to the fact that Goodrellow A Sob aro tho agents of M. Niece A Co.. and have just reeeired a half dosen ear loads of Flour and reed, Which they offer at the lowest nosslble I ares, A large stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP. BUCKWnEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Cora, Cora In ear, Ao., Ac. Particular attentloa It celled to M. Niece A Co.'a brand of Family Floor, which Is the best ia the market. Vicar and Food ean and will be sold eheaner man mma om BDiainoa eisewoero in uiearaold ooanty. , ; MTHtore oa Market street next door to Hon. Alexander Irvin'a residence. UOODFELLOW A 80 N, Janlfitf m Agents for M. Nieee A Co. jOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCBOLA STEAM MILLS, MaanraeronBi LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS ana Sawed A Patent Ribbed Shingtei. H. B. BniLLINOFORD, Froald.nl, Oflee Foroot Plan, No. lit 8. ilk it., Phil'a. JOnN LAW8HR, Ooneral Bup't., Oaooola Milla, Ctoarfleld oonnty, Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS Im tola la tho boroaih of Omeola. Alio Keen tbe LARGEST ASSORTMENT of Gooda in Clearneld oounty at th.lr Mamnotb otoro ia uieooia. , , - janB-74 F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real estate Broker, Represents the following reliabla I me ranee Go's: North British A Mtreaolils Ins, Ca. t2fl,w,00f w aibtngtna Lire Insurance Co Fire Aeaoclation Ineuranoe Co.. A meson Fire Insurance Co 4,000,000 I.AOO.OUO l.-TH,H" Pbmnii Insurance Co., N. Y Watertowa Fire, iasuree dwellings and farm buildines onlv. 1,000,000 175,000 York, Pw, Slack Insurance Oe. liurses Insnred agatnvt death aad theft. . - P. 8 Parties fn the country deitring lose ranee na their lives ar property can have it promptly attended to by addressing as by letter, ar calling a person at oar otnoe, ta rie Upsra House, Room No. I, Clearfield, Pa. aug2ft'74 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD 'SCA Id K IH, Baggag. Barrowa, Wareheeee Tntoko, Oopylag ProaMl, Improred Moaey Drawer, Ae, i i' 'A I ''' IL F. BIQLEU 4 co.; Dealera In Hardware, whlliTI 1 Beeond Stroot, Cleorleld, Pa. JHATZKR A J.VTLK, ? J . i A AGENTS IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY FOR LOItlldliAltD'N J ..1 , ' CilebrateeBrandt T ' t: ( ' , ,") Smoking & Chewing Tobaccos. We are enabled to wholesale to dealers throuefa. oat tbe county at city prices. 74lf ' ' Clearfield, Pa. II. P. D1GLKU & CO. bare for aelo CARRIAGE & WAGOX WOODK, " BHAFTS AND POLKB, "' HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Ao. ,' Carriage aaA W.go Makora ahoald maha a aote of tkia aad eall aad eiamiai tkom. Tkey will bo Bold at fair prleel. ajayXS-71 JtlMTICItaV CORTABI.Em Rni Wo here printed Urge aaaaber of the aow FIB BILL, and will oa Ibe Haalpl of won. In M.U, mail a aoay to an addrwm. , mjm THE ItEPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WEDNESDAY MOUNINO, FEB. It, 1111. FOUR PHAU. DAVID . ADM, Golden ringlets, hsiel eyes, Deep and dreamy, fixed afart Thoughts that to the tenltb risof Life the heavens and be a star j This the youthful poels'a rapture Era tho hours his nature capture. Chestnut curls about the brow, Love and beauty rapt and real) Love, a laltb the heart to bow Beauty, a divine Ideal) These the poet's manhood gladden Ere the years hmjiirU sadden, Silvery gray the clustering curls Cloudlets ia tbe autumn sky j Diamond droata but ghostly pearls ) L Beauty dead and love a lit f This the poet's fatal after-- - . ' ... ':a Bitter teara or iigbtcr laughter. Snowy balr and frosty beard, Kindly glance aad cheery saying This tbe phantom ouee he reared While ibe soul was still a-may log. Poet, chant eeiestial meatuers j Heal the realm tbat holds tby treasures. THE CONFLICT OF COURTS. TUB MIXED eTIIOUL QL'EHTION. In many parte of tlie countiy great antipathy undoubtedly oxinte 4o the osluhlinhmcnt ot what are culled mixed schools, in which provision ia mado for tho joint infraction of white and Colored children. Soparuto suhoolHlbr eacu race are maintained in mont ol the Northern States, Tho right to ex cludo colored children from any hut tho echoole thus provided for their bene fit lias repeatedly boon questioned, formerly under the aevoral otate t on titutions, and more recently under tbe Constitution of tho United States. The latent rase in which it has been considered is that just decided in In diana. As lone hl'O as 1849. tho citv of Bos ton was sued in bohalf of a colored girl who sought to recover damages by reason ot bcr exclusion from one of the primary schools of that city at which white children received instruction. It was shown that tho citv bad eatnb- iislied and then maintained two prim. ary schools tor tho exclusive into of colored children. Tho plaintiff was represented by Charles Simmer, who are-iied the case in tho bunrcmoJu. dieial Court ot Massachusetts, before Chief Justice Shaw. Ho contended that the exclusion of colored children from tho piihlio schools which wore open to wiiito children was in viola tion ot tho Constitution of Massuchu setts, according lo which all men, with out distinction of color or race, are equal before the law. The Court,how- ever, directed a non-suit, holding that tlie regulation was Constitutional which restricted tbe plaintiffs attendance to tnescliools established lor colored clul dren. ,. A somewhat similar case was deter mined by tho (iencral Term of the Supreme Court of Now York at Buffalo in itjbti. There, a provision In the charter of that city requiring the es tablishment ot public schools exclusive ly for colored children, was alleged to be an inninircmcnt ot tbe Mate Con stitution, and contrary to the act of l ongrOBS known as the Uivu Kights bill. air. Justico Uaniols, now ot tbo General Term of this judicial depart ment, wrote the opinion of the Court, which affirms the power of the Lciris- latnro to require the separation of schools lor while and colored children. It went still further, and declared that the right to be educated in the com mon schools of the Slate is one derived entirely from legislation, and is not one of those inherent and paramount rights whirb tbe people by Uonstila tiunal provisions have placed beyond the control of legislation. Probably the most careful and intel ligent consideration which the ques tion has ever received in any Court, however, was in a case decided by the Supremo Court of California in Janu ary last. It was an application for a writ of mandamus commanding the principal of a San Kntncisoo grammar school for whito children to admit a colored k1 into the institution as a pupil, lie justified his refusal to re ceive her. by releronce to the school law of tbe Stato which expressly enacts that "the education of children of Alri- can descent and Indian children shall be provided tor in separate schools," under which statute two schools for such children are maintained in the city of San Francisco, where the schol ars are afforded instruction in all re spects equal to that provided for whit children at their schools. The peti tioner's counsel argued that this statu tory provision was null and void be cause in contravention of that clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which prohibits any State from deny ing to any person within its jurisdic tion the equal protection of the laws. The court, consisting on tins occas ion of the Chief J ustice and two of tho four Associate Justices, denied the ap plication. Tho equal protection of tho iaws, guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, was declared to be uni formity and equality in tho measure of legal riL'liU within the otato, w hich must bo "the same for all persons found therein, according to the rosjiective condition of each each child as all other children each adult as all other adult persons." 1 1 wsb held that evory child in the Stato, of whatever race or color, was entitled to instruction in the common schools, under the Consti tution of tho United States and the California School law ; and that this rijtht w as not, mliinifcd by rcquinns those of African desent to attend sepa rate schools, provided such schools ac tually were) maintained fur their bene fit. But, said the Court, "unless such separate schools bo in fact maintained, allchildrcn of the school district,w both er white or colored, have an equal right to become pupils at any common school organised under tho laws of the State." I This view of tho question seems to us neither unjust nor unreasonable ; bat it docs not accord with the conclu-' sioa rooently reached by the Supreme) Court of Inciuna in the com which lately has attracted so much attention. In that Stato there are scparato schools for colored children, wherever the col ored population is sufficiently numer ous to maintain them profitably ; else- wuore in tbe HUrta colore! children are allowed by law to attend tha same schools as whito children. The maiu- tnanca of separate schools, wherever justiflod by Ui number of colored In- habitants, is adjudged vonsUtutioaal but the Jndiaua court recoirnistm no constitutional obligation whatever on the part ol the State to provide colored children in any other district with ed ucational advantages equal to those afforded white children, or Indeed any educational advantages at sll ; so that they are prntically debarred , from the benefits of the common school sys tem, nnltwrihny happen to live In the neigiioorliood ol many others of their own race who can support a separate school. We cannot retard this as an canal measure of legal rights under the Con stitution. While it is not improbable that tha oonstitatjoaality of separate hods far tho race will ulUinaUly be affirmed by the Supremo. Court of ,llie uniioti mates, it seems, to us still clearer that a State which maintains ant school system whatever must eithor provide such scparato schools for per- buiib ui jiinean uusucnt, in eaco terrt- lonai aivision ol tbo Htato for schoo puiTwaea, or j also admit them to th same scnoots as are attended ! whitn .bildrwn, in tbos districts whorwaena. rai mTu.wnti nro vm eoianninefl. fat 1MV0R TANTf.HO A I VEC1.SION Tho most Important case tried at our late Court was that of Adam Hect or, A. L. Guns, and Dr. J. F. Thomp son vs. Samuel L.,Olasgow and Har riet n. uiasgow, nia wile. Tbo action was a scire tkciui, on a mortgage exe cuted by defendants, for tbe purpose oi mortgaging tne wile soparulo real estate as security for tlie indebtedness ot her husband to said pluintiff's. The evidunco showed that iiluintilf bml boon accommodation endorsers on sev eral promissory notes of Samuel it, Glasgow, amounting to 12,000. Thot some time previous to June. 1872. Air. Glasgow called on ono of tho plaintiffs wiin a view ot getting them to endorse more notes for him, which they declined to do. As an inducement for them to comply with his request, ho proposed that if they would endorse his notes for $1,500, his wile would join him in executing a mortgage upon her sepa rate rt-ai real estate, as security lor tho notes previously endorsed by tbem, and also for tho notes which ho then sought to have them endorse. This proKsition was accepted by plaintiffs, and a mortgage was executed by de fendants, whereby the wife's sopurate real estate was mortgaged as security for any liuhility then incurred or thut might therenllvr be incurred on tlie part of plaintiffs, by reason of their said endorsements. Mr. Glasgow did not defend in tho action ns against himself. His wile, however, defended and alleged that the mortgage did not oina tier lor two reasons. First, bo- cause there bad been a fruuullent al teration of tho mortgage by her hus band, after the execution thereof; sec ond, because the mortgage had not been legally acknowledged by her bo- lor tne justice 01 tuo l'euce, who took the acknowledgement. As tho Court withdrew the case from the jury for the reason set forth in the second ground of defence, it is not necessary that any special refer ence should bo made to any other branch of the case. Tho ruling prin ciple in the case was tho illegality of the wife's acknowledgment, as taken before the Justice. Mr. Glasgow and bis wife went befor P. II. Uence, Esq., a Justicn ot the Peace, residing in Throe Springs for tho purpose of hav ing said morlgago duly acknowledged. Tho Justice asked Mrs. Glasgow wheth er she know the nature ot the instru ment she was shout to execute stat ing to bcr that if sbe did not under stand it, it was his duty to explain it to her. She replied that she had read tho mortgage, and understood it. The Justice then made inquiry of her as to whether she executed the mortgage of her own free will and accord, and with out any coercion or compulsion on the part of bor husband, and she re plied that Bhe did. The mortgage was then signed by Mrs! Glasgow and her husband and duly witnessed. His Honor Judge Dean held that this was not S) substantial compliance with th provisions of the 2d Section of the act ol 1770, which requires tho officer be- lore wnom tne acknowledgement is taken to "read or otherwise make knovn to the mid vife the full eontenti of $uch aeta or convruanee:' Tho Justice in this case did not read or otherwise make known to the wifo tho contents of th mortgage, because she informed him tbat she had read it herself, and understood it. The Court held that oven if Mrs. Glasgow did Inform the justice mat slie bad read the deed and understood the contents of it, she would not be estopped from proving tho falsi ty of ber declaration to the Justice; and also that the Act requiring the officer before whom the acknowledge ment is taken to read or otherwise mako known to the wifo tbo full con touts of the deed, wiiut 6 sfnrty com plui with. Under this instruction of the Court, tho jury rendered a verdict against the husband for 13,914.32, and as to the wifo they found for thn do. fondant This is indeed one of tho most important decisions rendered in our Court for many years. Acknowl edgement of deeds by a wife have al. most invariably been taken bv onr Jus. ticoa, without the Juatice either read ing, or explaining to the wifo, tbe con tents ot tbe deed. These officers have heretofore generally contented tbem- seivwa with an examination ot the wife, separate and apart from the husband. and the assurance by bor that she un derstands the deed, and has executed it without any coercion or compulsion of her husband. This the Court holds is not sufficient; but that the Justice must actually "read or otherwise make known to tbo wifo" the content of the deed. The counsel in the case were Mossrs. It. M. Keer H. U. Potrikin and Vf. 1L Woods for plaintiffs and Messrs. John Scott and H. T. Brown for defendants. We learn that the case will be taken to the Supreme Court, by the plaintiffs, where the cor rectness of the ruling of the lower Court will be adjudicated upon. JJunt- xngaon Monitor. A MILLION DOLLAR FARM. Lyndale Farm ia a royal tract of be tween 2,000 and 3,000 acres of tortile, rolling ground, adjacent to the corpor ate limits of Minneapolis, and is worth from $300 to $1,000 per acre. Col. King has always conducted it as a stock larm, and his celebrated Lyndal nera oi snori-norns, winch was sold at Dexter Park, Chicago, last summer, wore of his breeding here. Kiirhtv head of cattle at that salo netted him tho enormous sum of $130,000.' Re cently King sold a young bull to M. 11. Cochrane of Canada lor $14,000. Ji as emphatically a man of lare-o figures His answer to the bank Pres ident in Now York that he did not re gard the check for $115,000 as a very large sum is characteristic of the man. Besides tbe million-dollar Lrndalo Farm, with its palatial improvements, King has another 2.000 acre stock farm at Litchfield, in this state, about eighty mile west of here. On both farms he has probably $200,000 worth of live stock. Ho raises nothintr but blooded stock ; there are no common cows in his herds. Then he owns at, least $100,000 or $200,000 wortj of real estate in this city. King is also a heavy holder of North ern Paciflo Railroad bonds, but the can hardly be reckoned aa very desira ble assets In th present stato of the market Nevertheless, Bill Kinirmnv be regarded as financially well fixed. Yet be is one of those men who is chronically "hard up." lie is a large borrower at bank and of private indi viduals, but was never known to pay a note on the day it was due. He, However, always nxe It np afterward. and pays the protest fees and addition al interest with iorfect cheerfulness. Some people csnnot see how a mau can honestly lay up a quarter of a mil lion. dollars a year .out of an annual salary ti -4,08. It is well known here that a dotcn years ago Bill King was not worth a dollar. He couldn't get bis note for $20 discounted, flo was editor of a Republican political shoot, tho Atlat. and waa quite a vigorous wriler.thoui'h somowhal slangy. Through the in strumentality ol the lion. Cyrus Aid rich, then member of Congress from this district, ho obtained th position ui iuBiiuiui!Qr oi in nous ol llcpra sentativea at Washington, which otllo n retained until bis resignation last year. 1 be salary of th office nover uicoaxlod $3,000 par annum, yet tha utinuw i. uii. ik wi won ware ma only ostensible mpfoyment Bill King ever k..l I. .L .I l !.! ... .mi uq piBllonai CBUIUU. Any one conld tell voa that mil King was a prominent member of tha Third House, to wit: tha lobby. It i well known that this has been th min wbos working has yielded him such riot return. If the whole truth wer tnown It is believed Bill Kil wus ss deeply in tho Credit Mobilier mud us olhors were in its mlro; and on pretty reliable authority boisclutrg od wilh having been handsomely inter ested in the Remington arms and tho great iron lobbies. Concerning his nuu eoniieiTlull wan tuo l'ucitlu aluil subsidy that is sure to como out soon. Ho bus unquestionably lust casto im mensely among his own purtv frinds. Hill King was counted upon as one of tne most potoniinnuoncus to bo brought to hour this month at St. Paul in the re-election ol Alex. Kumxiiv United States Senator. 'Last full Rumsay ox cried himself lo secure Kinn's election as member of tha Houso from this dis trict, and a bargain was mado at tho timo that King should in return en- gago in log-rolling tbo legislature in itumsay s beiiull' tins winter. llncm nati linqvirer. PER VERSION OF JUSTICE. Could tho nooplo of tho United States view tbo inner workings of the Federal Districts Courts for tho past lew years and sec each and evurv act ... :." I . u ii ib Known to omniscience, tbey would find their hair standing on end and their blood frosen with horror. We will not say all. but tho most of such courts havo long hoen tho merest inocKcncs oi justice, i licy havo been made tho instruments of extortion. fraud, perjury, oppression, and all sorts ot viuany acicBtod by men and accurs ed by heaven. Judges havo pocketed their bribes and district attorneys aro rolling in woullh, who, a few year ago, wore not worth a picayune With all this muss of rottenness and corrnp. Hon pervading tho temples of justice, no ono need wonder thai innocent men havo been mado to suffer, or that in dicted scoundrels havo escaped the pennltios duo to crime. Many a job has been put up sguinst innocent men in the courts, and on more than ono occasion witnesses for the Government have been forced to take tho nluccs of nucn as ino law condemned to penal servitude. Bribery has slopped in in hundreds, if not thousands of cases, to save tho property and pcrsoriul liberty of men who had worked a forfeiture of both by bold and open violation of law. A multitude of rascals are walking abroad this very day with uplifted beads, who only escaped incarceration between prison walls by a shameless purchase of thoso who were appointed lo maintain the majesty of tbo law and make it a terror to evil-doers. We know of cue who plead guilty to a crime which condemned him to Ststo prison for a term of three years. Yet by a private arrangement with tho court ue was saved. Vt hon tho court passed sentence the word or was glibly substituted for the word and in the law, and tho fellow walked out of court a free man. Of course bo paid well for it, and, although we may not bo able to Prove it. vet stlllftentlenf nvonta justified tho belief tbat others beside the judge profited by tho bribe. Millions of dollars havo boon lost to the 1 atioual T rcasury by compromises of revenue cases patched tip in the courts. This has been a profitable businoss to judges and district attor neys, as well aa to department officials at Washington. Distillers and others guilty of frauds on the revenue havo divied with tbo courts and saved wii slties, forfeitures of proporty, and loss r. );!,.. cA..u r . .: . j to tho real facts connected with thou sands of casos of compromises recom mended by tho courts of manv judges and attorneys would bo found ni subjects lor removal, indictment,and prosecution. It is to bo hoed that the next Houso of Representatives will cause tbe Commissioner of Internal Revenue to furnish all the tinners re lating to such cases on file in his bureau and go into an investigation. It will uouDiosa oe lonnrt a work requiring uotu time anu patience, but it will pav. W. do not wi ite lluliilv, nd trust thai in the investigations to come this one particular mine of fraud and raality may be lully explored. Outsido ot all this fraud and corrup tion in the District courts, attention should be paid to tho secret service of ine A reasuiy Department This ser vice should either bo broken up entire or rcnpoctable, honest men appointed to administer it affairs. It is time that such fellows as Whitley and Net tlcship wore made to exchange places with some of thoir many innocent vic tims, The following, from tho columns of the New York iS'ua, is only one Btory among many which may bo told of the scoundreham worked by the well-paid pimps employed by a reck less and corrupt Administration : "William Brown, of 36 Forsyth strcot, was rooently .discharged f rom the Trenton State prison, to which he was committed on the 28th of May, 18C9. Brown was the victim of one of the many secret service jobs which nave ucpnveu innocent persons of their liberty, and made Whitley and Netllo- ship famous if not infamous. "in April, 18G9, Brown was ono of JXeltlesbius omplovoes. He was not on tho regular force of detectives, but waa employed atodd jobe. Neltleship told Brown to meet him in Newark, lie complied, and was told thaURafuel Lewis, of Broome street noar Kinnov. a wealthy Hebrew, bad a borso which ha (Nottleship) wanted. Ho told lirown to buy or bargain for it Net Ueship, to whom tbo Government, was paying $250 reward for evory convic tion lor counterfeiting, gave Brown $10 in $10 notes (which wer counter feit) and instructed bim to nay $40 on account to secure tho trade, and say that be (Brown) would call on the next day, pay the rest, and lake tho horse away. He bargained to take the horse for $ ICO. Af ler Brown had Said the $10 in counterfeit notes to Ir. Lewis, William Schonawolf, of Orange avenue, who was employed by Netliesbip, rushed up to Lewis with a $50 note in his hand, and asked bim to change it Mr. Lewis handed him tho four $10 notes which he bad just re ceived from Brown, and two $5 notes. "On tho next day Nottleship and Schonawolf charged, before United States Commissioner John Whitehead that Lewis had passed counterfeit monoy. Lewiswastbercuponarrostcd by N oltlesliip and A pplegate,and placed under $5,000 bail. , "IjOwib was indicted, but be settled with Ncttlcship for $1,500, and there was no trial. Having fixed tin his own caso, Mr. Lewis offered $100 re ward lor the arrest ol Brown. Net- tleahip and Applegate became alarmed Hliould the local detectives capture Brown, he would exposo them ; so Net tloehlp and Applegate put thoir heads together and arrested Brown, and he was sentenced on the 2Mb of May, 1 809, by Judgo Nixon, to five years' Imprisonment. It was plain that the job was first fixed to send Lewis to Mute prison, hut ho made ao much fuss, and pursued tbe conspirators so sav agely, that they dropped bim and sac rificed poor Brown." Standard. MoimtrAL Hackmim The Mon treal Witneu tells this slory: "The other evening a little boy modestly mado known to the carters of a cer tain atand on St. Catharine street that lis wanted to go flr a doctor to attend his mother who was ill. A tremendous rush of drivers was made in ennse nnenca. No. 1 barely got tho lad lo his sicigii, wuon xso. Z snatched him away, win,, running won in inghtened Mo. 3 picked the little fellow out oil his arms, plumped him In his own sleigh, and pnlliur tbo blankot off his nors drov off. A minute after, how-l ever, ne was passed by farter No. 4, who was driving a little boy. No. 3, ' ' very strange, lookod around for his little bor hut in .in While It bad boon pulling (To his horse's blanket No. 4 bad aosnted the prise' ijffUilllfOU8. QLKAKFJELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. rpilB I.r.lgn.d, euoe..aora to 11KKD d X I'OWKl.L. her. nurou.aed Ilia t:l.KAU. k'iKI.U PLANING Ml 1. 1,, ami relitlrd It r uoing an eai.naiee nuilneae. All the maoblner. will be added aeoeaaary to mako it one of lb. moat eoni,lflto eetab iabmeal. ol Ifao kiad ia ib. Htat.. Tuey ar. aow prepared to reeeire order. ur any wora 10 tool one. i ney will glreapeoial aiiraiioD 10 an mai.naie lor Bouae building. FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. ' nnjcKETa, .not LnrGtt. OF ALL STYLES, always oa band. WORKED D0ARDS. and all articles neeeaia. rv for builtiiof. Will be eiehanarad for IlKV LUMHKIl, so that persons a( a distance ssay bring their lumber, eichange It for, and return none witn me aaannractured article. The Company will r-lwevs have on hand a larre stock of dry lumber, so as to bo attic to fill an order on the shortest aof lee. Only the best and most skillful beads will he employed, so tbat the puuiio aiay reiy upon gooa work. Lumber will be worked or lotrl ae low aa ll be purchased anywhere, and warranted lo give satUfaetion. As the businfii will be dune nnnn tne essb principle we ean iflord to work for small profits. DI1Y LUMBE't WANTED I E.n.ei.11 one and a-lalf end two loeh n.n.l tug, for whloh a libaral prie. will b. paid. Th. ba.in.aa will be conducted nnder tb. aami of the "Clearfield Tinning Mill Co." M. fl. Rrown will nerionallT aunerlntend the buaiaeaei . Ordra reapaetfully aollelted. M. O. DROWS A DRO. Clearneld, Pa., Jaaaary S, 1174. E LARGEST ABSOKTMKNT OF (STOVES ! NTOVjEN ! eeer brought lo the enunly, are belrg rroeirH at in. iterawaroKalaoinninenl of II a. IIIGI-IOH At CO.. oompriaing the following Cook Stereo SPEAR'S CALOHIFIC. SUsQUKlUNNA, KEQULATOR. NOPLB EXCELSIOR. TKIUMFIi. GOV. PENN. HEADING NATIONAL RANGE. AC. AC. Alao, the following Heating Btoeoai spear's anti clinker, spear's anti dust, (pear's orbicular, kpear's parlor cook, ' morning light, BON TON, GIPHEY, VULCAN, .SUN HE AM, RUDY' DAUPHIN EGO, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, PHOENIX, heavy bar room asd stork Room stoves, au. Clearaeta. Sept. la, ibtX. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALB BT II. F. Rigler A Co. IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD BINULB-8H0VEL PLOWA. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON BEAU PLOWS, PITTSRCRO STERL PLOWS. HAUPT'S BELLKFANTE PLOWS. RODn'SON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. aWr-Sharea for all ol the aboeo Plowa eon. HanUy oa hand. mylS TI T. A. FLECK & CO., Have now on head, aad are daUv receiving ad. ditioas thereto, a large and well selected stock, asi irein iron tne aouiaoturere, of Dress OoadtDry Goods, Bilks, Hats, Bonnet Old Ladies' Caps, Khewli, Waterproofs, La dies' Fur Caps, Hair Uoods, tl sots' Fur ai'hing tiooda, hbirts, Uloves, Hose, Overalls, Lainbermen's Flannel, Ladlea' Underwear, Coils, Collars, Handkerchiefs, CHILDREN'S INDBRWRAR AND WHITE IRKS9BS, Perfumerr aad Soma. iUtoioral Skirts, awav- dowa, Stocking!, of every t lie, variety and oolurr, Notion a, Trimmings aad Fancy Uooda, ia almost end Ism variety. n. n.-wa but F011 CAiSII. FOR CASH' AND SKLL dec.Lf O. I. c. WIIRRR ta bey my DRY 0001)8, OHO oerles, Qaeenaware, t. law ware. Druas aad Notions, Confectioneries, Ac, eheap for cash. The subscriber bees leave to inform his old and aew eastomert that he has opened A VARIETY STORK IN ULKN HOI'S, PA. And will sell goods at prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will be made to customers buy ing at wholesale. Call and eiamlne ai stock before nrahasine elsewhere. A liberal alter of public patronage it O. J. KIAQY. Qlea Hope, Pa., Jane 14, 1ST I. II. . F. BIGLER i. CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- .. . . BUILDERS' HARDWARE, . MECHANICS' HARDWARE, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWAHB, Farming utensils, MILL SUPPLIES, IRON a RAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISIIK., PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER. May II. 1171. CI1KAP GROCERIES! LUMIIb'R CITT, PA. The andereignod aaaooaeeo lo hit old ftlead. and patron, lhat h. h.a opened a good liao ol OHOI KKIKS A PROVISIONS at the old elaad of Kirh A Speneer, for whieh be eellell. a libera1 patronage. H. W. SI'RNCKH. Lumber City, Pa., Mareh JI If. 8AW81 8AWSI 8AW8! DISTAN'8 CROSS OUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. i Boynton'i Lightnbg Crow-out Saw. A ISO, PATENT PBRFORATBDA BLJtCTBIC SAWS, Fo, iale V, . . , eotll.tl B. F. BIOI.BR A 00. Hi6IIilllC0U3. II. F. BIGLEIt & CO. II Alt I) w in i:, Also, Manufacturerswf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLBARFIBLD, PA. HARMING IMPLEMENTS of all L klnda for aale Ly II. r. BIUI.EK A CO. I) AILItOAD WHEELBARROWS It fur aala by H. P. BIGLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nolle, ate., for till by II. F. BIGLER A CO TTARNESS TRIMMINGS A SnoE Finding!, for ill. by 11. K. BIGLER A CO Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For aalo by II. F. BIGLER A CO gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AND Biloe, for nil by H. F. BIGLER t CO RON I IRON I IKON! IKON 1 Wmt eala. t.j H. P. BIGLEH k CO. ITOKSK SHOES k HOUSE SHOE NAILS, for sale by II. F niQLEK I CO pULLEV BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And host Hannfaelarfffor sale by H. F. BIOLKR A CO. MUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sale by H. F BIOLEK k CO pODDEU CUTTERS for salo br cn30-7O H. F. MGLER k CO, TIN EU A ft BITTERS. I'l'RKLY VEGETABLE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTER S. Dr. J. Walker's California Yinenar Bitters are a purely VefetaUe prVpnrslion. made ehieflj from the native herds found on the lower ranjrrs of this Hti-rra Nevada mountains of California, (he medicinal properties of which are cxtiaeted 'be 'fir tn without the ue of Alcohol. The ques tion Is almost daily a iked, "What is tbe eaute of he nierellled sueeeis of maoaa liirraas r Oer an p wer is, that tbey remove the cause of dis cs, and the patient retjf vrrs bis health. The) are tbe great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invijturatur ( tbe syottm. Never before in the history ar ibe world, has a medicine been compounded ps wtiing tbe remarkable qualities of viatoaa Uit vans in healing tbo aiok uf every disease man ir heir to. They aro a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of oe Liver and isceral Urge as, la Bilious Dis- Tbe properties of Dr. Walker's Vincrar Bit. lera are Aperieut, Diaphoretic. Carminative. Ka- triei'ins, Laiative, ttiiiretir, Sedative, Counter Irritaat, Sudorific, Alterative, and AntiBiliuns. Orateful thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters tbe most wonderful Invigoraat tbat ever saatala ed the sinking By item. No person ean take these Di Iters according to directions and remaia long anwell, provided thsir bones ate nut destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital orgaas. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, whieh are so prevalent In tbe ralleyi of our great rivrrs throochnut tho United States, especially those of the Miseiseippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, tied, Colora do, Hrasoa, Rio tire ride, Petri, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout aar entire oountry during tha Hammer and Autumn, and remarkably to daring eeasona of unequal heat and dryness, are invariably aeeompinied by ex tensive derangements of tbe ktnmech and liver, and ether abdominal viaeera. In their treatment a parget Ive, exerting a power's I influeaee apnn these varioas organs, la essentially necessary. There is ao cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will epeedily remove the dark colored viie d matter with which tbe bowels are loaded, at the Same time stlmalat ing the areretione of tha liver, and generally re storing the bealtby functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purlfi ing all iU fluids with Vinrgar Hitters. No epidemic ean take hold of a syiietn (bus fore-aimed. Dyspepsia or Indif Minn. Headache, Pain la the H boulders, Cougba, Tiithtnesa or the Chest, Ditsiaece, hour Kruetinas or the Btnmach, Bad Tame in tbe Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pelpilation of the Heart, Inflammation of tbe Langs, Pain in tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painlul symptoms, are the offuprings ot Dyspepaia. One buttle will prove a better guar aatee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, W ears, Erysipelas, S-cll,d Neck. Ooltre, borufu lous Inflammation, Merearial affections, Old Sorss, Kruptions of the Skin, Sore Kyes. etc. la these, as in all other eoastitutional diseases, Walter's Vioefrar Bitters bare shown their great curative powers In the most obstinate and in tractable eases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, (tout, Bti.ou-, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers Diseasee or the lllod, Liver, Kfdneya and the Bladder, these flitter, have no equal. Pooh Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blond. Mechanical Dieeases. Psrsona engaged la I'aiats and Minerals, snob as Plumber, Type setters, Uold-beaters aad Miners, ae they advene ia life, are sabjeet to paralysis af tbe Bowels. To guard against this, take a does of Walker's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Bh: In Diseases, Kroptlons, Tetter, falt- ftliMtan tllnla.. Uu. E. ' i-- g . a, ,. tarbuaclev, Ring worms, Scald bead Horn Rvea, Rrysipelas, Iteh, Hearfs, Diseol oration a of the 8kn, Humors and Diseases or the Skia of what evee nana n asiaH 1 1- j . i a . . "asi.j aK vp ma carried eat of tbo erst em la a short time by the Pia, Tape and ether Worms, larking In tba system of so many thoussndi, are effectually de stroyed and rcnotfait. Na ! r .i.4.. no vermifuges, aa antholmiaities will free the iem i rum worms lite there Hitters. For Female Complaiats, la young or old, mar ried ar eingle, at the dawa of womanhood er the tura of liie, three Toatc Hitlers tilt-play so de cided an lnffeeee that tmpraremeat la sue sir- oeptible. r Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon ftnd Hts Imparities barsting throngh the skia In Pirn ;plei, Krupiton?, or Soreej ekanee It when tww and H abstracted end slnggish la I he rains: cleanse It when It Is foul, y..nr feeling will tell yea when. Keep the blood pare, and the health taaJ IVE W ivlleW. Ft. n. McDonald a co., Draggletl Bad Sea. Arte . Sea Franeleeo. r.B ferala, and ooraer of Wuhlagtoa ond Cherlten olreeu. New T.rk. Bold hy all Drugglata aad Boet JI la BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN BTRUMBNTSI Orgau, both aew aad eeeoad hand, at the Muiti Sure, oppoelle Ualiah'a Farailare Stare. All peroral latoreeoed are tael bed U aall and oaaaiina a aaw atela a n.. e eahtblliea. Sheet M.ale and Mule Books """"I"""- aplll-Tltf Sotfls. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Third aad Poarlh.l CI.KAHfllol.ll. A. " The eubeeilber boring beooma proprietor or thlahotal, would roapeelfully ark a liberal aharo or publlo patronage. Prioee redueed lo eall Ibe tiutea. Jaa.10.Ti.-ir. 0. L. LIIPOLDT. S" USL2UEH ANNA IIOUSK, " CUHWKNSVILLE, PA. NEWTON READ, Paoraiaron. II. ring heaoma proprietor of thla Hotel, I would r, apeollully aolieit tho petroaage ol tbo publlo. IJouao leeiantly and eoaveai.olly ait uetrd i B wl rofltled and roforBiabed t food earn, ploror.aealtiubed. All railroad Iraml il-p al thla hi,ael. jeoJI) To SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Merkel A Front alraal. I CLEAKFIKLD, PA. The aad.r.lri.d h..lo. .1. II otol, would reapeetrully .ollell puhlla oelron.ge. - w.n.rvi,l.aHIUA, LToITaTjFhous7!!, (Near the H.llroad Depot,) (.'I.KAHb-lui.lt 1,1 A aharo of pablio patronage le reipeetfull, H. "'""I. dilf.4 . B. MOW, Prop'," WASHINGTON Hoi'sl?; NEW WASHINGTON, p Tb a new and well rn,l.l..,i h - l '. taken by the andenlgned. He feela eonndont .1 oeing .Die to render lellefactlon to thoaa who faror biia with a oell. " "T O.W. DAVIS, Prop',. . M ONTOUH HUH BE, Oppo.lle the Court Ilooao, LOCK HAVEN, PENN A. Jell'71 HAUKKALA KROM. P..'. B RotkUHiiiipp iiot aii. BKI.LEFO.NTB, PA, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, ootli'TI Propriotora. LOYD HOUK15, M.I. S V, . .- o. PIIILII-oUlUiu, PENN'A. Table alwava i.t...l..T;.L .... ' r -nil iu m tbe market . Aisnnr idOl D. THE MAslfONlioUSET Corner of Soeondaod Market StreeU. . CLEAIirii.ll. aea rpHI! eld and eoaiBiodloaa Hot.) bai. darl.. X Ih. piat year, neea enlarged to doable ,J r.P, ior toe oniertamoienl of atrea gere end I goeata. Thi .bole b.lldin, bu b.V. r.rurniahed, and the proprietor wilf ap. ,, luyuftL"' f""" """tb" f-Th. 'Mualoa lloaae" Oaielboa raaa u and fro. th. D.pot on the arrival and depart." of eeeb treia. JOHN DOUuiiuhtv " " Proprleu, ffntistrj). J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., OB.e oror Irwln'a Drog Store. CUKWENSVII.l ui AlllMU.n.,.,l. .. J rr in loe Bieeaenieel Oroneralira hMn.l . - . . . .i t ' I""-,r"J auenoea to led Bllaraotioa guaraoleed. Special atleatioa paid I. h. Imiln.., .1 . . m . I1" u,...j -,,. , ,"."",r'."". r, . ,,r-'-nijr ji tne leetb toe- ..full,correct.d. Teeth extracted without ; id. aniaeiai teetfe tnaerted of the best material and warranted to render a. at 1.1- M'TII. v. i.JinnoLn. a. w. abxolb. j. b. absulb F. K. ARNOLD A. cn Hanker and Hrokorn, RcynoldsvUlo, Je Hereon Ca., Pa. Mortar rvii-i4t an Annmtt n:.. derate raUa. Eaatara shJ p.:. atl. " " i at Ditnani'i bj. wava an hand aad collections promptly made, Counly National Bankj"" OF CLEARFIRLD. PA. KOOM In MaMnle Building, .no door north el C. I). Waleon'a Drug Store. I'uanTi.Wti n.J t : r, town, llle.gow, London, Parie and Copenhegfi. " .. ,.,,. i.r on in. noyal aankor Ireland and Imperial Bank or London. JAaiKS T. LEONARD. Prert. W. M. SnAW, Caibler. o,l;.j4 J. Tl W'nirb DJ J ,,7. ' BANKINQ Sl COLLECTION HOUSE mcgirk & perks. Stweeasora to Foster, Perks, A Co., Phlllpsbarg, Centra Caaaty, p. WHERE all the business of a Banking He most favoraole torma marT-t DREXEL & CO., No. SI outh Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will reewieo proaipt attea tion, and all Inforuatioa ebaarfully ruraiiecd UHere eolieted. April 114 The Lightning Tamer. rpilB andereignod ere the aola Ageata la Ilia K ' - - - i.vi.b nn.n.ll UH.UIIOj LlllHTNlNO RODS." Tli.ee aro tbe oalruft mda aow la io, aad era oodoried by all tal etentilo niOB le the eoaatry. w a Boreny notir, tba elllaeae af tho oeetl that wo will pat then np a better red. aid Iw l.aa momy, lhaa la charged by the fenii ag.au who annually Iraeoroo tbe loaaty ail carry of oar little ceoB, Borer te retara. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tbo.. wlihing Lightning Roda ineted M thilrbnlldingi need bataddroea aa by lellat.et call la poraoa. We will pat them ap anyoken la Iheeoanty, Bad warraat thaal. The Redaaof Flttaroi oaa ha aoea al any tine hy colli., al oer .lore. H F. BIULKR A CO. Cleorleld, Mareh II, IK7l.lt JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. The anderalgned oeg. leaeo to lifer, the do- aena or Clearfield, and Ibe public grnrrellr, lad h. hae oa hand a In. aaeortmeat of Karelin neb aa W.laut. ChMaat and rallied CkeaW rluilee. Parlor 8.11.1. Reelialag aid ElleeM Cheire, Ladiee' ar.d fleate' Ke.y Chbira, u. Iw formed Dining oad Parlor Tbair.. On. oreliaal Wlndeor Chair., Clothu Bar.. Step led lint loa Laddara, Hal Reohi, Serabblag Breik". MOULDING! AND PICTURE FRABB8, t...'.:r.j Qlaaaoa, fkromo., Aa., which eo.H w .ullehl. ror llullea areeenfe dooloTI r JOHN TRorTNA. READING FOR ALLII BOOKS STATIOKERt Market at., Clearfield, (at the PeetoJ 'IIIIK BBdoralgaed hogo leaea teoaaeeaeia A IheeltleoBaofCloarlald aad rlaliili.l-" he hae llted Bp a room aad hae Jul rrooj ibeelty with a largo aoioaatef mi'H allir, leaalitlag ia part af Bibles and Miscellaneous Boobi m..b . . -, ... n... uw. .r ..en lerlptioaf Paper Bad EBoelopoa, Freiek prteej andplalai Peaa and Pencil! I Bleak, bir rpere, ueede, Hortgogeai dadnweat, tloa and Promloeory aotei Wki.-Iv" ..t Rri.f I....I r.. w...l c. eed Bill (W bbeet, Maela for eithor nana, FliM or Vwa ooaeuntly oo bead. Any book! or ItellieO dealred that I aaay aot haeo .a hoed, will M ordered by Iral aapnai, aad loll al or retail te Ball laalemora. I win o,r. . porlodloal lltoralere, laoh aa Hegeilm. ' I panora, ae. r. A. "" Olearlold May T, HOI If u NDERTAKINO. Tbo anderelgaed are bow Mir propuet I carry ea Ibe baalaeaa at lUiDEUTAKIJift AT RBAS3NABLB RATES, Aad eoeBoetlaTty Klielt the falreaiga ""I Beodiog each lerrleea. -Uil I JOHN TB'M --'' JAMES ULIA"' Cloarleld, Pa, Feb. II, 1174. . T IMKI LIMB! The (nderelgnod le bow ,-epared ee""! ae paella wllk a. eaooil.at ojaality Bfllldfnnts WonH.Burned Limi pleeeariag aaraooM.by the Urn t Illy. Caabofoaadfoelae,ieMalal,'l fldlBf.MMirhrt,,,,..,, I 1' aew atU-tf y. m. mvT