Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 10, 1875, Image 2

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'.' i
(r.onni! U. Gooulandeu, Editor.
c h kXit Ki isLi),"Ta '
An effort i being niuile befnre the
IiOgixlnturo to linvo our jinni'iit motlu
of oo'iloeting enmity nnd Stulo tuxoa
eliniiji'il. Tbe rvuiler in no lonlt nwrire
tlmt tlioitt nro two system in rogue in
. this Stnte. Tor gathering thoso tnxos.
The M jilttii wuh for the Aiwessorto
return tho namoK of two responsible
men tothcC'ommissione!W,onoofvuom
wn made eollcetur. Ho collected the
luxes anil whs allowed fiet per cent.
Hence, if the collector collected and
nid into tho county Treasury $15,000,
. it cost the taxpayers 8730. I'nilvr the
- new plan tho county TrenHurer collect
what he run ami is allowed two per
cent., costing the taxpayers but $300
for gathering a similar sum into the
Treasury. This is tlierofbro a laving
of $150 on J 1. 1,000, and when tho sum
reaches $30,000, makes $900, i.tlio tax
of two or threo small townships), in
favor of the taxpayers. Tho objector
will say thai in a large county like
ours, where tho Trenwii-er is required
to do much traveling and collect but
little, it iM unfair as the amount receiv
ed does not cover expense. This may
bo true; but our reply to that argu
ment is: That no man is couipetlcd to
kiTiv at County Treasurer, and any one
can therefore avoid that annoyance.
Again : Under our system the tax
payer who comes fiu'ivm-d in .May or
June, and settles Ins taxes promptly,
gets a discount of a percent., while the
delinquent is compelled to pay the
(.'unstable S per cent, for running after
iii tn in October nnd Xoveinber.
This feature Itself is very commend
able, because the Statcnutliorities there
by tench tho citizen a valunblo lesson
that of promptness, for which ho is
paid and if ho wants somebody else
to wnit upon linn, Jic must pay tho bill
himself, and not call upon his prompt
tax paying neighbor to help pay his
bill, ns was tho case under the old sys
tem, under which it mttdenodiffcrencc
how early in the season he paid his
tax, ho got no credit for being prompt
The mini who paid his tax in Novem
ber fared just ns well ns tho one who
paid his in May. In fact, tho system
was a premium on delay and nlotbful-
It is true that under the old law
counties were allowed 5 per cent on
the Shite fur, if paid into tho State
Treasury by the first of August.
.Shrewd collectors came fnrwiiiil and
paid nil' their duplicates and received
the disiYiunt. This, too, was a fraud,
because the riitemtnt iras allowed the col
lector anil not the tax payer.
Another virtue, which should not be
overlooked, is, that under tho "Venan
go system," as it is generally known
to legislators, a fur better class of inon
nrn elected to the ofHco of Constable,
in counties whore tha law has been
tested for fifteen or twenty years. This
is certainly commendable, as is orory
other Act of Assembly wliioh tends to
rcdnco tho burthen of tha people and
elevate the standard and responsibility
of tho officers who execute it.
Again, to bo still more practical, In
stead of theorizing, wo will state it in
this way. For several years past tho
county nnd Ktnto tax assessed in this
county has been, in round nninbers,
about $20,000, about half of which was
collected by tho Treasurer and the
other half by the Constables. The
former chnrged but $200 to gather his
half into the treasury, while the dctin
quents wero required to pay the officer
Sli.lO for gathering up his portion. It
would therefore cost tho taxpayers
only $520 toeollect $2fi,000, if all would
pay promptly that which must be. paid
anyhow, while under the old system it
would cost $1,300, beside a loss of $1150
in discount, making a substantial dif
ference of not less than $1,430 enough
to purc-huHc a good house and lot every
Wo are aware that both systems
contain some objectinnublo features,
but they cunnot be cured by legislation.
I')ithcr system is good enough, if tho
officers whose duty it is to enforce
them ilischurgo their obligations to the
public. Tho radical wrongs and de
fects in both systems is no fault of the
law, but are brought about by the ne
glect, either through ignnranco or do-
sign, of (he officers acting under them,
and must be remedied nt homo and not
beforo tho Legislature.
To conclude: Wo have personally
tested bolhsysU ms. In point of econ
omy tho Venango law is far the cheap
est for the poople, although rather
biirthensomo on the Treasurer in a
connly sparsely settled and of large
territory like ours. Hut, as before
tntotl, this is a penalty no man need
ineor. Wero we ns strong an advo
cate of "rings" as some people profess
to be, wit would prefer tho old plnn.
Under it the I'liinmissioners can ap
point certain individuals as collectors,
without consulting the K-opU, nnd give
them all the benefit of discounts and
profits that could le ninilo under a
nigged system, nnd they can form n
"ring" that could not be broken. Un
der the Vonnngo )nw, tho peajile make
I ho collector every year, and if they do
not choose a good one, tin? fault is
theirs. lWulcs, this annual iiilcrfrr.
onco with "rings" by liiti peoplo de
stroys ami weakens them, where they
exist, and tht rights of the people arc
treated with respect.
A (iooo Imitatou. An exchange
finds fault with Badicnl Congress
man, 8mall, of New Hampshire, who
is ft very Brutus in his determination
:osink his natornnl feelings for tho'
good of tho ritato. lie iiniuiiialea one
of his sons to a West Point CrvloUhip
i.nd recommends the appointment ofj
another as mail ngent. r'uch panri
otism is, happily, fun) .and very small. munll s mall ConirrcHsman,
who is only Imitating tho IWdent of
:i!ie I'nlkd StatesT It Small U
Jasiick,'' Jm R'W'U "',10 K"vern-incut
In IWinUrluHt tw .Wltuy nf
th Tivnmiry atnteil tltnt ftum tint
way the government miichinu was ma-'
niug, tho fiscal year would show a de
ficiency of from eighteen to twenty
millions of dollars.
He is now beforo Congress With n
tax bill, saying that tho ilufleuiicy will
reach forty millions of dollars, und in
order to cover this, tho tariff on tea
and coffeo must bo restores' which
tho coflb and tea "ring" had taken off
for their own benefit low years ago,
and the members of Congress vitb
whom they divided now this same
"ring" has its store houses full, pur
chased since the repeal and they want
it restored. This "ring" mado one
hundred millions of dollars by tho re
peal, and it propose! to niuko twice
that sum by having the tariff restored.
Tlteir store bouses nro full, and just as
soolfits Congress passes tho bill in
question thoy will chnrgo up the
amount and pocket tho profits, while
tho government will roceivo but very
littlo revenue for nt least two year.
In the meantime tho cofTo and tea
drinkers will bo compelled to pay the
tariff imposod.
It is oonsidered a vory mean .trick
for ono individual to collect dues indi.
rectly from another; yet this is tho
policy of the government under its
infamous tariff tyntetn. Our govern
ment agents are "hard up." They
need money ; but they are not manly
enough to assess and collect a direct
tax, imposing a burthen equully upon
ull tho people, llenco they proHme
tho shystenng plnn of putting a tariff
on tea and cofl'eo which mu.'t nil be
paid by tho consumer, while the job
ber and speculator in those prime arti
cles novcr contributes ono cent, toward
tho revenues of the government. The
Philadelphia Prcm in alluding to this
question, gets off tho following stupid
ideas :
Knowing that tuition le inevitable, tht coun
try will be chicly interacted la the article! upon
wbich It it to bo placed, nod it will not bo pleeacd
with Uia 00I7 two wbich tbe ooretery pofitiroly
tndieateo, fit: too and euflca. Tbo tariff on
thaoa arltoloa of prim aooeooily wao tba moat
unpopular impoiilion, with tha aingln ex'epltua
of tho ioeoma lai, aver lovittl in thin eounlry
But apart front tbil feeling, it ia Tory doubtful
that if roirapoaod It will nchiarn lha object Ibo
bVercUry baa in tlew, nhilo It will certainly ro.
cult in incrcaaing Ibo eeptof articles of unireriel
oontumplion, and moke thira in thourandi ot
oaeea luxurica where Ibey nro BOW necclieriei.
There would be just ns much com
mon sense in saying that whisky and
tobacco nro articles of jWi nteeuity,
and they too should not bo taxed. If
tea, coffee, whisky and tobacco are not
luxuries, what articles are? Take
your infernal tariff off tho boots and
shoes, hats and caps, clothing and pro
visions, worn and consumed by the
ioor in fact every body and then
you will "hit tho nail on tho head."
Those, wo say, are the "prime necessi
ties," and should bo untaxed; tariff
tho luxuries. If tho tea, coffeo and
whisky drinkers, and tobacco chewers
nnd smokers are uot patriotic enough
to support tho government in this way, I
let them quit using these luxuries, and
they will enjoy just ns good health as
they do now ; at least our grandfath
ers did. Theoditorof tho Trent con
tinues: The carfgrrtlen ot tba Keeo-tnry In bin lait re
port, lhat tbo taa oa rpirile bo inereaied ten
eenti por lallon.wu a ooand one,and onght to be
adopted ; but tbe ro-iropotitiun of tha tariff on
ten nnd coffee wools be erect mora unpopnlar
than the remodelling of tha entire Internal leva
nuna ayatem.
Yes, and wossy it is just assotindon
tho tea and coffee question. Mure,
stop your toritT hiimbnggcry and
adopt a squaro, honest taxation, and
then every body will know Just what
onr agents are doing, and who pays
the money. ,
Again : Threo years ago Congress
took the tariff off tea and cofl'eo, and
the government revenues wero deple
ted ubout twenty millions annually,
and tho deficiency raiaod from other
sources. How much cheaper were
thoso articles after tho tariff act was
repealed ? What tea n J ooffut drink
er purchased for any less? Who pnek
oted tho 25 cts. per pound on tea, and
the S cts. on coffee ? The importers
alone. They have just mado sixty
millions by this Congressional "trick."
Tim r"iXKU.-r-A Bill passed the
lower branch of our legislature hist
week, by a voto of 179 yeas to 3 nays,
fixing the timo and regulating tho
terms of nil city, borough and township
officers, excepting Justices of tho Peace
and School Directors, which are already
regulated by general laws.
The bill providcstlnit nil the officers
indicated in llip title, to bp elected on
the third Tuesday of Pehruitry next,
or in any year therenftor, whoso term
of office would, under existing laws,
expire prior to the first Monday in
March, shall continuo in office from the
dnto at which said term would other-
wise expire until the first Monday of
.11 arc n noxi ensuing inereio, nun nm
terms of their successors shall begin on
tho first Monday in March, and shall
continuo for tho period now fixed for
tho duration thereof by existing luivs,
And horcaftor all elections for officers
which shall la) vacant on tho first Mon
day in March shall bo Jicld on tho third
Tuesday of February next prucooding
thereto. Abo.lhalwhenovorsaid officers
aro now by law required to effect an
organisation they shall net nr tlmt
purpose on tho first Monday of March
of each year. ,
"I heard
Mr Bcoehor thoro say (foot nf the
stairs), to Mr. Motilton :"
"Have yon seen Elieitbeth'a confes
sion?" Mr. Moulton bnirotl and said : "Yes,
I have."
Mr. Bccchorthcn exclaimed t ''Tlifx
will kill me I"
Still iiecclior U alive anil kicking,
and liU in the lirooklyn Court with tt
bonnet of white me before him, on
a bonnet oi while roses octoro pint, on
. . ,, . j
.table as emblem, ,ul
virtue I
Was there ever such hngo tinud
pinoticfd on tho human raco, except
tbo one palmud nff on the occopants
of the gnrden by tho serpent.
Pikiu 8xrrT. The Ktwlical aulhorl-
tics at Harrisburg and Washington
rofusisl C. S, Senator Scott tho poorj
cnuipliment of iyi)i Jljio crcilenuols
of hit saenrsaor before tho CruiiattVa-
In the jrroceHings of that body on tbo
2d of r-obrtiary. wo find the following:
alor elect fmm tho Slnto of Panmylvaaii, for'
HWrWd'l'" l rHuiHa,
ell yaan frcm tbe 4lb af Marah, 1814. k-ad
and alacad oa ate. ,
About tho brl ignored publio man
in this State, after the a)tb of March,
will be tho lion. John Scott, nf Hunt
Ingdon, who died from u over dose
of Ka KIuIid- Jto'llrt! nm4y
cnmsunded by "' Butler
T'A'n ON II AND. -I '(llitflVX,! lln.1 lu n
ci-.-il ItiI.tH Hill, on l.uu.l w. Tim
?,,.., I.ill ia . I., il.n ll,.,u. ,l 1
the House hill is dead in (he Senate.
Tho Undical leaders nuiko strong pro
fessions to tho darkey in relation to
this Iniquitous, measure ; yet, we do
not belive that they want to pass tho
bill 111 question. Thoy only want to
humbug poor Sambo u little while
longer, so as to secure his veto at tho
next Presidential election. It they
pass tho bill tbo best portion of the
white wing of the parly will hreuk
with tho lenders, and then tho party
will bo mado up of negroes.sciillawngs
and carpet- baggers creatures wholly
without principles except to plunder.
Tho llelletonto lirpuliliean ill allud
ing to Mr. Wallace's victory remarks:
To liavii carried off tho honor fitmi
such men us Ilhick, ltucknlew and Cly.
inor, is a high tribute to hit tireless
energy and imfiiiling sagacity. Al
though we nro not his biographer yet,
there is much that could bo said to his
credit. It should bo a matter of satis
faction to his constituents thut ho has
yielded to their wishes and consented
to remain In the Senate nf the Stale till
tho 3d of iMarch.
Stii.l on a .Swki.i,. The national
debt swelled 0110 million four hundred
thousand dollars during tho shrinking
month of January. Kor four months
previous to tho Xoveinber clection.tho
Secretary of tho treasury monthly an
nounced a largo reduction nf the debt,
und tho liadica! journals set it out in
the largest typo they had in their offi
ces. Since the election tho debt bns
increased every mouth, nnd very
small type is used by "the govern
incut" journals. How strange!
Kaiui sl Kconhwv Hkmoxstrateii.-
Crawford county paid $35.0110 fiirbridg
es, last year. The outstanding bounty
bonds amount to $358,230.07. Pretty
well in debt. The liadical officials
squaro the account in this wav :
Cain and nulptaniling talei
County building!
.ni'e.aro at
Total fclliS.Ma j:
It is unnecessary to stato that this
anility has been managed by the llad
icals for the past t wenty years. They
must have extraordinary fine build
iligs out there.
Stkaniir Joy. The friends of Matt,
Carpenter wero so rejoiced over bis
defeat for Senator, that on his return
from the Slate Capitol to Milwaukee,
they unhitched his horses from his
sleigh and hauled him nil over the
city by hand, that altcrnoon. Matt,
told tho crowd that ho would make
them a speech beforo his return to
IUtiiks C(kil. The editor of the
Pittsburg Commercial reproaches tho
editor of tho Huntingdon (tlobe, for the
fact that tho Iliulicul majority in tho
former county is reduced from 800 to
less than 100. We recollect when Al-
leguny county gave 10,000 Radical ma
jority, yet it gavo 2,li0fl Democratic
majority last fall. Was that tho fault
of the (llobe too ? Say, M r. Commercial.
In Mkmoiih-m. Tho carpenter busi
ness was prnapcroaa at one time, but
front tho tono of Malt's letter and the
conduct of thu Wisconsin Legislature
recently the business is about played
out. Vide the following :
Dras KlLLotio i X am dnticralely ahnrt.
Can't yon asod me II. 000? If eu, II would ban
godcond. Yonri truly,
at Aug., tSTS. Mm. II. Ca'1tss.
A Dkad ('hnhrkshman, Hon. Huiii
uel F, Horsey, ono of tho Congress
men from Maine, died on the 3rd Inst.
Ho was a member of the present anil
also of tho next Congress. Ho is the
fourth Congressman that has tiled
since tho November election three
Democrats and ono Republican.
- 4
A Dkai Senator. Hon. Win. A
Huckiiigbnm, ono of the United States
Sonntors from Connecticut, dictl at his
homo in Norwich, that Stale, on
Thursday last. His term of office
would have expired on the 4lh of
March next. Ho will Iss Bucsccdod by
a Democrat.
NoMINATin. Tho death of Mr.
Wolf, one of the members of Assembly
from Centre county, causes a ipucinl
election in that county to fill the vu
ciincy. The Democrats last week nom
mated Win. K. Alexander, of Millheiin
for that position, nnd tho election comes
off on tho 10th inst.
The Caimtoi. CAtrrimn. Tho ne
groes now hold Washington. Thodis
cusaion in Congress of (ho Civil liights
Dill has drown cvey darkey to nsh
ington who could raise money enough
to tnko him there. No white man
could irel a scat III the lohbv on the
ftnj 6(h j,mt.
Til DtAD t'AII'KMTF. TIlO defeat
of Matt. Carintor, for United States
Sonittor in Wisconsin makes lis feel
exceedingly happy. ' lie was the ablest
man thu I!nds had in that body, lint
ho was .corrupt, nnd It seems that his
constituents found him nut.
Uf!A It. On our tlrst pago will Imi
found a lengthy comiuuiiiiiation from
Dr. Hnyer, on a vital rahjunt; and wo
bespeak for it an attentive terusal by
onr readers,
A WoNhKiin i. liAnicAi.. It Is not
olton that nn annnintincnt i declined
upon any ground, especially whore the
position is retiu tiH'iiiii vw. yin iionoiiioii
execption to tho rule has been found
in Kx-tiovernor Bradford, or Maryland,
who had declined tho appointment of
appraiser f merchandise nt Baltimore,
"II tho BP'nn'l 'hitf he hnsnn knowledge
j of ti,c ,,!(lti(.nl dtitttll nf tl.f ollloo, nnl
! that the duties should ho discharged by
ono w ho has. If appointees or official
asnirants had the same reasonable com
punctions as to liieir illness, wo rattier
, - -- - - - .
I link there would be a huge improve-
' (M ,(, o). lina,.!,,,,,
(Icn. firant must huvo been creatly
surfirlscd when ho hrard Kx-tloverimr
Hradford'i letter on declination.
Daunaiilk TnKAsoN. There Is not
a newspaper or politician, llemiH rntic
or Itcpiiblicaii, in tho whole land, which
doea not admit that Kellogg was not
elected Covornor of lionisiann. Yet
firant employs tbe army of tho United
Hiatus and uses tho luxes of the people
o fore Kellogg into Iheguhcrnntoriiu
scat ami til keep illl there in spite of
the will oi the people i j,0iiisiiua ex,
- -.. i om-
It ii re.iorlcd that nt fiirensburg
lire Othoiliie Cunleimillor, who is
over 112 year old. 'J'bil Is tho .Hb
timo that tho frostsji) yvlifer have
Visited her.
Tho rails were connected through
the llisisao Tupuid.nfth'uil Ceremony,
on the 3d inl
. vein 01 witiii is siuinoseM 10 net
anthracite coal has just been f.iund at i
iliincocK, -Ull.
I A nephew of Stonewall Jackson
j married u nieco of (ieorge II. McClel
, lull nt Denver, the oilier tiny.
j Francis Keriiaii is the first Demo
I ciut to represent New York Stale in
j tho I'nitcd Stntet Senate for thirty
j years.
Tho cranberry crop of Xew Jersey,
New Kiiglund and tho West, for 1874,
may bo roughly estimated at l!lli,00(l
On the night of the opening nf tho
Paris Opera House, orchestra chairs
sold for $200 ciii h, und a small box for
Skillful burglars nt Harrison, Ohio,
recently worked all night trying to
blow open nn empty safe, which was
nut locked.
The Committee on Patents in the
I'nitcd States Senate, has determined
j against any further extension of Sew
ing .Mncliine J'ntcnts.
Princo Philip, luko of Saxony, was
married on the 4th inst., 10 tho Prin
cess Louisa, eldest daughter of the
King of tho Belgians.
During 11 recent cold snap Xew
York harbor was so filled with ice that
foot passenger crossed on it from New
York to ami from Hi-ooklyn.
A grandson of N011I1 Webster pre
sented to His .Majesty of tho Sandwich
Islands, when in llostou. 1111 elegant
copy of Webster's Dictionary.
Tilusvillo has to pay Mrs. Piillnrd
$3,000 because she sprained her ankle
while walking along n street that was
left in a bad condition by the city.
j At a ball given at St. Albans, Vcr-
incut, recently, by the Hi-olherhood of
! Locomotive Knginccrs, tho sets were
tiiriiieit nt tho sound nt a steam whistle.
I An extraordinary drought pre
vails in nil the Hudson river counties.
I in New York nnd Ibo farmers have
I great difficulty In procuring water for
i no .inline 1 otisiitutmiuii I onven
A'i'ir.V ITEMS.
Anna li( kens is studying l
stage, mid will make her thlnit in'
of A iv."
I nu huvo (h leuted the proposition U! u 1 t .1 I "mount never reuencu Hie null-
! amend the cons.i.u.ion s., tlmt women 10 f""'hu'7 ! Hm.. l that over seventy-five pr
slu.ll he electors under the same rog. yPf,,bl,n 'n'1 '' ''(' " eent. went into tho p.-kcts of tlishon
rations and restrictions as men mt "1""' 0,"'n,' " U'X Mllll'nl cM Indian agents and Indian traders.
, lalio. s ami usti 11 lions as ,mn. i,rates in their own corrupt interest. Mr. Garfield (Hep, Ohio) denied the
j I he price of coal oil is on tho rise. "Wo chargo that tbo Magistrates' I assertion and called for tbo proof,
i It is now selling at Oil City and along bill was originally framed, and all tHe Mr. Peck I ask tho gentleman if it
j the Allegheny river in its crude state. I political movements under it, have i, no( tnlu that an absolute license has
' at $140 and $1.50 per barrel, an ad- been made with tbo fixiti purpose of! been given to tbo brother of the I'resi
I Vance ot oiie-hiilf since the M of He-! perpetuating the powtr of the King, dent as sole trader at one of tho Indian
cciiilor. by the aid of what if successful, will a"oncics.
-Rev. John Scarborough. D. n., of
l ittsltiirgti, was consecrated Ibsliop til
tho Diocese nf New Jersey, at liiirling
ton. on Tuesday, the 2d lust. lit. Rev.
J. II. Keifoot prenched the sermon on
the occasion.
All expedition under Col. Ilrsdley
will leave Foil l.nramicalsiut the 20th
of April, for tho lilack Hills, nominal-
ly to mnko n thorough reronnoissanec
of the country, but really to occupy it
lo the exclusion of the miners.
It is estimated thut in tho hills of!
Columbia county, New York, there is
u supply of at least 20,000.000 tons of
nun. winch could he mined and deliv
ered in boats on the Hudson river at a
cost of not over $2 n ton.
II t.i.- II .I' II. II
mm nn iteinv. oi Aiinona, itieni-
her of Congress elect, was recently
united in marriage with Miss Annie K.
Lloyd of llolhdnvsbnrg. The happy
couple have started West and will be
absent several weeks on a wedding
L. A, Maekey, President ; H. T.
Hcardnlcy, Secretary and Treasury ;
T. A. Scott, A. (1. Ciirtin, W. P. Wil
son, C. A. Mayer, A. C. Noys, Direc
tors, nro (ho managers of the llnld
Kttglo Valley Railroad, its elected at
their last regular meeting.
Tho famous city of I'ithole, Pa.,
lias been finally cut off from tho outer
world by tho discontinuance) of servieo
on tho I'ithole and Olcopnlis railroad.
iio matt now reaches tho forlorn placo,
and when communication is resumed
it will probably bo by aid of pock -
i ' ,
J times Rrokcrick.onciif the origl -
mil settlcra of Mnuch Chunk, Pa., died
at that place on tho 301 h ult., ntfed 83 j of pm-ty, on an issue of such moment
yearn. Ho was one of the party who 01m jinpurtunco, involving as it does,
mined tho first coal of the Lehigh coal t,e treltaro of tho entire community ;
and navigation company In 1820, in Un,l they apKil to all good men in
which year the whole shipment was onr nwll oinniriition, U the mombcrs
3(i5 tons. ol tho itcfiirni Association, and tho
The experiment of teaching ew- l'nn l-eaguo, and al! other eitixens
iug in tho Huston linblic schools gen- '"uvor of reform, to take iminodiate
orally is to he tl iCll. rillico last Ucto-
I her, sewing has been titiigtit to i.zuu
girls in Ibo Winthrop sohiHil, and with
ni,l .,.,.,..i K,.i, ..hiMo ivi'fitiin
scnamto instruction suited to its nil -
i w vi i' I I I
.-.nun, .. . ..i. . iiiiii....,,i . nn.j, j u'pariitt) anil instinct ticket
operator tit New Itethlehein. t larion j ; priJ8untw t ,,-iH u0 utterly impossi
cnunfy, whose nogbgciico 111 hidim- toj lU, , lil( nHt .lesm'rato effort
dclicver a message was lbs cause of f l0 jjj,,,, "
the terrible collision between a IVeight j '1'liisa.lilAia.isaigiied by o I',
uii'i pitsstoH.-i iiiim'ii ...... ......(!, vicai'Hiunta anil two secretaries,
Ihiilrood in . I ulv lust, near tho above
named place, plead guilty nt tho late
term of the Clarion county Court, and
entered into ivcoginr.nnce in the sum
of ?S,000 to appear nt tbe next term of
Court for sentence.
The consumption of petroleum is
said to bo much greater in Kuropo I hut)
ill this country, notwithstanding the
fact that it is produced hero in enor
mous quantities, and that many of tho
host contrivance flip burning tho nil
wilh safety nro Ainoriciin inventions,
Ono of tho reiisoiis is said to be that
lecislatioii thoro has secured tbo user
of oil from tlaiigeroiis fluids, while in
this country it has lulled to keep tho
market liinii Is'ing (liMsletl wilh unsafe
illuiniiiiitiiig oils.
t ..ii.. r.... ,l..,.. ,..!. i
tho Philadelphia and Heading railroad
company 11! V. Kinase has received
ju.lgement for tm in tho llefks conn.
tv court. The iihiintirt claimed pnv
mi'iit for ilamages resulting fiom the
throwing of hot rtshes upon nut) along
tho madwny of the defendants hy their
employ cos, 'out of bs-omotlves, tn flic
neigh liorhond of the plaintiff's fences,
grass and grain stacks, whereby they
wero burned and tho fence of the
field adjoining being also paitly tle
troyed, several eattlo wandered out
upon the railroad and were killed.
Admiral Porter's aiinuul report of
tho I'niteil .States nnvy shown, tht1
navy Is In u wisitched roiulliioii, The
luliniral says the West India fleet has
shown itself very unsuitable for war
pumoses; that of all Ibo wooden con
structions of tho war only three aro
hit available, the rest being decayed
and laid up ; Unit we have but six iron
monitors lit fur service mil ol forty
eight which appear on tho navy regis
ter; that of the tilncty-nliio wooden
vessels on the navy list only Ihirty-oiic
can iironorlv be culled vessels of war.
nml ot liioso not ono can contend with;
loreign ships nl equal sir.e,
The amount of wood eonsiiincdoiil
ll.i. milmoiln nf tl cniintrv notwilb.
standing tlici vast supply anil consamp-
tion ol cool, Is Immense, many or Ihel
Inennintire eoiisiiininff w.sxl nlonc I
Tliero aw probably about TO.OOO inlistl elnao iroxinHty to factory." : '
of railroad In the country, and besides I 'I'ln'se aro a low of tho reusuns id,
the great niinnlltbof Iniubcr used for! vaticod by observing citisctis of, the
fences, bridges ami buildings, Ihcro aiv Twentieth waul why Mr. Baldwin, "oi
alsmt 2 Tifin ties used for each mile of 1 the oil trade," should not represent tiro
lho, Assiin!liigthatthcnveniir"'life"j'l''ciititli wiml in Common Council,
of n tie Is six years, I hurl would ls Thto voluntary rffuslnnt (if illstunb
25,000,00 les iimsI Hiinuiillv, and It is In) minds, thut havo been intruded up-.
estimated lhat these
would contain
n,fn0,0(l0 ruble Ht of timber.
'nml I
Is only a Auction of the whole aiiKnlnl I
of timber lined by railroad oomprmloa.
PlHI.AiiKI.WiiA, Feb. 8, 1H75.
Col.lTICS IN 1'lMI.AIiKl.l'IIIA.
The nominations for tho Februurv
eiet-infiin unve iwen mauo vy 001 11 1
parties, and tho selections ot either!
..... 1.. .,1 ....
I puny are entirely accopiauio 10 luose
nominated. The general publio who ",,vu Ki,K1,Miia;
are magnanimously permitted to do'1''""1'1!"1" w',1 "I1 'ft '' Alderman,
tho voting, and who are required to! ( ,," ll'"' McMulliii.
pay the tuxes which keen the niaehin -
cry of our local government in running
oriler, do not contemplate tho nominu -
llous wiin nun degree 01 unanimity
Hint vivui V4111 iiiniuo 10 inniirv lilt)
nominees with ported confidence and
general serenity.
Would you believo that naughty lit
tle rebellions huve broken out riirht
here in the goodly City of Hrolhorly
Love, nnd tliut "the presumptiously
willful people huvo rcMled against
the parly, and with irreverent imperii.
iienee have proceeded to nominate'
candidates in harmony with themselves.
Such an insolent disregard fur the law I
and order of parly managers is perfect- j
ly preposterous, und I 11111 reaHy sur-!
prised that Sam Josephs and Hill 1
jic.iiunm, (I'emocraisi nave not joiiiea
hands with tho Mysterious Pilgrims in
calling tho President to put down this
wicked rebellion by tbrro of arms.
As showing how the people regard
the managers nominations, 1 select a
lew extracts from 1111 address issued
by tbo Democrats of one of the wurds
in this city, followed by tin appeal to
Itepubliciins ill another ward.
To the Jlonent Democracy of Philadel
phia :
"Tho shameful lurce timcted ut the
Magistrates' Convention last Wednes
day, the notorious character of tbo mob
who controlled it, and tho menus em
ployed to accomplish tho purposes ot
the political tricksters nt whose bidding
tho dirty work was iierformcd, nro tt
disgrace to the city, and an insult to
every respectable Democrat; and the
Democracy of tho Twenty-ninth ward
in mass meeting assembled, appeal to
their bretbern throughout the city to
join them ill repudiating the entire
proceedings as unworthy of" confidence
and support.
"Tho respectable chnincter of some
of the candidates nominated cannot
blind us to the damning fact that they
were placed upon tho ticket solely to
mislead the people into support of it,
Pve t ic nitmt powcrli.l ol all things
an Aldermaiiic Ring. '
tt c clinriro tlmt (. nssiily, Mc.Miillin, I it.
Leech und Josephs, in piirsunnco of Mr. Ris k Tho delegate from Mon
this preconcerted programme, arranged ! tuna has sent the papers.
uiu mute, niiicu. oiiii lew exceptions,
has boeu adopted
"We charge that thiro is n perfect
iiiiderslnniliiig between the leading
Ringsters of both parties, to select from
tho two tickets onlv thrme who nro
j i,0tiflw with them, and who can lie
relied on, while tho balance of the
Candidate! are to be slaughtered on
tne "ni' ol election.
"In view of all thoso shameful
chnrges, and with the full knowledge
that the notorious quartette of political
shysters Cnssidy, McMullin, l.cach
ana Josephs around whom aro ccn-
. . ,i . . . , ,. . ,,
j l"rod B ' V10 "-"lt ."''! 1'"T';''1
lirnsenly assumed to dietute who shall
bo the men to whom are to be entrust-
cd the primary judicial functions of
passing upon the liberty Und the prop
erty of the people, and who will bo, to
n great extent, responsible for tbe
preservation of order in tho community
is it any wonder that independent,
respectable Democrats mistrust tho
entire action of the so-called convention.
"When citizens like Hay, fiamblo,
Hacker, llradliunl, Cantrell, William,
Lowry, Carroll, Murphy, I'indlay,
Phillips, Ogden, and others, aro shoved
aside tor tho Hitguns, Moores, Quirks,
Lennys, McCarthys, Mahars, Atwolls,
and other creatures oi ttie lung, noth-
U'K,roma'hs for ns but to repudiate the
1 entire batch as presented. ami demand a
new ticket.
"Tho Democracy of tho 2!Uh Word
1 believo that tho duties of citixonshin
I nr0 pnrainomit to tho simple bchosts
t"eiinri s mr uio iiurnsmu oi mii.iiiK on.
au.o,i. -iiiueuu
i" " men ns can no cliiiiinaud
: from both party tickets, or aelected
: outside nf them, as will command tho
i entire confidence and support of the
I"!1'0 i believing, ns they do, that un-
and who aro among the most influen
tial nml intelligent i-itixehsiiilbeward,
At a meeting of tho Republican
Cilirens nf tho Twentieth Ward, held
on Kriday evening, Jan. 29th, 175, at
tho S. W. corner of rixth street and
(iiraiil avuiiuo, it was unanimously
" Kemleed, That tho nomination of
tho "lling" for Common Council is
hereby repudiated nnd that this res
olution he published in tho thtily papers,
fHlgiiedl 'TIION. STINSON,
j President.
. A. D. liiWIN', .Secretary."
i Tbe "llinir" candidate of this want
is a Mr. Baldwin, and in Urn nddress
to the nubhc ho is thus villilled:
"His vote in caucus defeated I'Vcdcr-.
il k Hindi', the intelligent and Inmost
Chief I'ltiL'ineor of tbo v nter llepart-
t '; Mr(.eirwMUim.o.itl)use
1 M " ho ,'",,1 '.'"I. i.h
! J'111 Mr'("W'ff ,n M.''' -M(l
Kaddcii has nn doubt cost tho oily, to
Ibis time, nhout 8.1(10,(1011. Mr. lluldwin
was chairman of tho caucus and hail
thu wfinj vofn, wbich ho guvo to Mr.
Mo Madden.
llo was chairman of tho sub-com-udttoo
which rociiiiinindetl, and he
advocated on tho fliMir of Select Coun
cil, the propostsl job of renting tho
(limrd building, which, if the Select
Council had possoil, would huvo cost
the city not less than IJO.OUO per an,
mini for ten years 200.(10(1, This was
tluowu no, ft "ring'' meai.uro and would
Hive been highly beneficial to that
reHinsible concern known ns the
"People's Bank." .
llo win in favor of the 1 1.200,0110 to
, build the Walnut Street llrulgo. This
was the most infamous and barv-faced
st-hcino of plunder suggested lust year.
l(o was in favor of abolishing tho
fire Commission, ami fo appoint one
man in tho "ring" interest as chief.
That in nn lay between M'-Cullotigh nnd
Baldwin. i . : ...
He advisviilcd In Mnuuiitlee, on the
floor of rielect Council nnd atleuiitod
'"''".v '-niinoii Council, tbo hi-
Ho school houso f6 on leillll slreet.
below Ciilunibia avenue, at a price far
" " imuv, aim entirely inniiiieu
r M-M Pui-imjucs by i-wtson of its
on intellurenl lieoplat will be nroiierly
resented at tho
depositing "trt.
polls hy inlelligoneo
depositing "ttrttaltt tickets and thfre-
by Meeting; very emnkni randi'hito.
The independent movements arc not
cohllned to llieso two wards; they ex
U in u number of ihem, und iioiuWy
in the J'ourth word-llr. Win. llf.Miil-
I111 a where a hiriro number of
.. , - " v ,
1 lu,""t','"l ''' had the
llllllltlH llllir C tl'llllfllFV Iji f,l..,a.,i.l a
I V- , ? , , 1 1
1 MtscrLLANKoi g.
! Kids for materials to be lined for tho
j public works nf the City are now bu
ingopencu ny me ticuilsol uenurtuicnts,
Tbo lowest bid for straight hard
brick for the Public Huildiugs was
$0,75 per 1,000, provided no mom than
1,1100,000 are taken ; from ono to fif
teen millions aro offered at 10.75. anil
as it requires nearly 5,000,000 fiir the
summer's work tho contract will bo
awarded at tho loiter into most likely,
The lowest bid tor laying these bricks,
is six .dollars per thousand, the Citv to
furnish tho lime and sand.
Tho Water Department awanls a
bid for supplying 50,000 feet of lead
pipo at (it cts. per pound; 800,000
pounds of iron findings lit 2 cts. per
pouiui ; lor nvo iiiiniiretl loiir ineh
water pines, and 0,700 six-inch nines.
2 74-100 cents a pound ; fur sight-inch,
ten-inch, and twelve-inch pipes 1 72-100
cents per pound.
Tho clerk, Ilobert Sliihl. who stole
over $21,000 from I rexol A Co., pleaded
guilty fo tho charge of embezzlement
and lureenv, anil was sentenced to
tluvo years imprisonment nud $50 fine;
with the money stolen, Staid went in
to tho business of lnixirting French
wines, brandies, etc., sunk nil I lie
money, blasted his own and bis chil
dren's reputittion, und has Iniiriiwl to
bis sorrow to wbut champagne will
fetch n fellow.
6' It A A' T I'H ESI DEN T. A NO Til EH
I , violation or Tux law ANP rvr.N or
Tho Indian Aiiproiritititm bilHwhich
appropriates $l,K;iS,507) being under
leralion ill the House 011 tint Llth
inst., Mr, Heck (Dem., Ky.,) declared
tlmt (he Indian Department cost the
country not less than seven millions a
year, although tho appropriation bills
were got up so as to make tho expense
appear less than five millions. Ho as
serted, also, that twenty-five per cent.
Mr. (iorflcld 1 do not know it. If
t,0 gentleman knows il let him show
Jtr. tiartleld 1 litigentlemanchargcs
lhat a brother of tho President has
some exclusive right to trade with In
dians. Is thut nn unlawful right?
Mr. Heck It is an unlawful right.
Mr. (iurfleld Against what law?
Mr. Heck Against tho Intercourse
law ot tho 3(ltb ol June, 184.1. That
j law authorir-es any man to trade with
Indians who has a csd moral charac
ter and run give sufficient bonds; and
no President, or Secretary of tho Inter
ior, or Commissioner of Indian Affairs
has n right to give a monopoly of trado
to ono man and to excliitle ull others.
Mr. (iurfleld lias tho gentleman
seen any commission or order in con
travention of lhat law ?
Mr. Heck I hare no access to ibo
department, and no means of gutting
tho information, and tho Democratic
party baa no means of getting it. Af
ter tho 4th of March wo will develop
the facts and have the information
Mr. tiarfieltl Let tho delegate from
Montana tell what ho knows nf the
violation of law.
Mr. jMeginiiis, delegate from. Mon
tana, confirmed Mr. lieck's stntoments
as to tho privilege taken from Mr.
j Charles ol Ohio and given to Mr. Or-
vuio n. drain, ami saiu mat. The par
ties having fhiled to como to terms for
nro purchase of JM r. Charles slock ot
goods, the'ouestion had been referred
to Washington and brought beforo tbo
secretary ot tho interior.
Mr. Lougliridc(l!op., Iowa) Do you
Know anything ol the matter,
' or only by hearsay ?
Mr. Meginnis 1 know it from Mr.
lirant and I know it from Mr. Charles.
Mr. Kandtill (Dem., Pa.) Yos, and
llio gentleman can nnd it out Trom sen
ator Allison, of Iowa.
That's tho way Grant provides for
his relatives! But how do tho tax
payers like it f "Blood is thicker than
water, in tho (irant family.
ANOTitKn One. Tho Democratic
party throughout tho United States,
says tho Milwaukee Xcws, will take
notieo that deorgo W. ('ate, Democrat,
has received his certificate of election
as Congresmcn from the Kighth Wis
consin district. This is a gain of one,
nnd the Bad ger State feels that it con
tributed to the tidal wavo.
$cu! 'JiilvrrtiscmfiiM.
ThnittF ittsTMfii who !, Ufl tr(tt.M6rlMcttt
nu niBor icui pipn. wuo tor ttt pairiMiit
of hrinf than tnttrcd of H"tJ, ftiea
oall itnniriiifilalr nii liflanrl leltlt for ihom. I ota
bt fbnnd tJartur bnitneu knttri, Ih room N. 4,
rrtmaa nr ni I II I Upi lln,n,
CiwHvlil Ki. I (tiki, lib,.u A. W. LKH.
HiDMih J. DrwJrfvkl 4TM J-n. T. lllTA.
ft. Ptmriomt $r rfircifK.
J-fh W. DnwHriek.) A. W. Wallort bavinR
omn aaty fpoiDiNi ny nn vnmn to ink Mttl
mnr im ibo nbor mm. tttirthr irM nottM ih.t
li will fttttnd ! (hi Uutiti of Mid tpoinlant
nil omft in cirarnrTd, an wrdnMittv, ta Id
U? of Mftrnb, A. I. 176, t I o'clwli, r. of
nl Ht, thor ail parllM Ifttproatixl mj alimtd.
IfDIV 4t Ac Vt. W Aid KIlH, Lull r
All ponnni arc hereby wanted naaTncl noreb.
ctnjr or In any way meddling with the followlof
nrnpr1y, acw la the pooaeerlon of iuha Rohoon,
of Chcal lewnebtn, Tin one aorrel harea and one
bniwa mam, na the lama belong! In me ami It
Iclt wilh blra on lonn only, cnlijent tn my oriler
at any lima. M. I,. M'MUI.l.KN.
Wcclorcr, Jan. 18th, 1S78 II.
(fJAUT10N. " ;"-
AM poraoiia arc hereby Muliaiwti ftftalait par
oh Kiln ft or la an? way Btrttllii-j( ith tha fn
Irtwiwjr propnt'y, now tha bandi of tfofan M
Ktt, of Krrx tawnihti. viti Twa Mrral mtt
oae three jtmn oi l nd th other Ira jan uld,
and two "tta nf barnMi, thfi ai bavini hststi
pnrchfd iy wi al ConiUhlo'ii aala, and It-n with
aid MoKta. tihjot t my ardor. .
Kaw M':il.(irt. r..b. 10, -Si
All proni ara htxrohjr taatlonitd Hftiail
inrditllnt with orporrhtn lha fnllawlni nron-
aitt, finrahawd by MO al Hhrriff'o talo and kfl
wilh Aaroa V. Itrawn, ( LawratKio iownnip, fit:
I Im tnaro, 1 but hnro, J aU hararH, 1 buaiT.
hiipT h-wncrt, tlmhor led( 1 plow, I oultirior,
4 acrci of wh't in lb f rnnad, lot of aorta oart,
ortt foddar and itfww, I no, I pirn, aook iiora.
ual aluto, buroaa anil btra, M ilia ataa bv'aia
iv tpy bhu M irn "iiin u inn, niijrn iw nj "r'irr.
A. U. TATR. '
CUarfloU, Fob, It, 1RT4. t
All ncraoni nra hereby wametl arelnit bnr.
cbacinx or In any auaair ateddlinn wiUi the fo.
lonlna tlcecrllied noranonl sronerty I til t I eonb
eloco, 1 parlar alora, I ani,hoar4, I link, I table,
f cist ehalra, I eocliiai obalra. I nlaea, I bnlala
rone, 1 1 ain beddceac, IS yarila oil clolb. 4 yarila
cacn eiano, a of. I iron act
4a, 1 eel bat f t nam ceo. I eat
oarnoatnr loola, I grind atone, eu ananda aock,
pitaloea, apple batter, canned frnil, iloao ware,
On wnro and dlchrr. Now In tbe kandi of Henry
Whlttenmyer. nf Beady townchip, the eerae hnv
lag hccel t'lrcheted by aaa ol Ounatabla'l Bala, oa
Ibe llllb day or Jaaanry but, and left with, ila
oa loan, lobjac-t to ny oriler,
. I.olaorchorg. vb- Ink, 1WH
both new and
ooend bond, at tho Maeta Slera, oripeelte Oaliab'a
IHrnltare liloeo. All aoaoaa intejroated an lat,
ted tn call and einaalna a acw ityla of Qrfaa sow,
nn Clblhlllon. Hhcet Mollc ngd finald koobl
enoelnntlT nn bn.J
DAVID W. WISH, Kq., Treaenrer of Clearleld aonnty, In Ike Commonmealta of Ponneylcanla,
rociiuiic wiia mo lunoo oi ma aerorei
To oait In Traainror'i band! Jan. 1174 1
Amount aneolleotcd for ll). is, I r IT
Amounl aaaoieei for IH74 I0,llt IS
e,tltll 06 I Total
To hat. duel Ainouot
Jan. lo, Uaacao'd tar.
1471 . 1474
Coriniiluu ..
Dcoalur. ,
Karlhaua .....
Woodanrd ..,
DAVID W. WfHK, Eon., Trearurer of Clearleld
ia neoounl erlik the r,u4e 4 ik eeveeal
To amount uncollected Jan. 1171 t31,4ll 12
To amounl arlcooed for 1874 11,111 11
911 41' 114 44.1 b' 200 411 II II 114 4S IS 44 104 41
i, i;j 07 hiis r; 1,9:11 14 i.eni os 47 74 utui 07I ' 41 iv us e
427 TI 1S4 DO, 711 II I 344 Jul 4 in; 14 VU II 4JI 44 11
III 144 41! 4il 00 lit 10, 4 31 144 4H, I 01 it It
si 11 l7 IDi M it 14.1 St. 4 Is ' 107 III II is: ll'l ti
754 10 1,111 II 1,101 14 617 81 . I 1,416 11 13 Ss lis 71
1,0.10 6-0 111 1,711144 ' V.'O 0I ' ISO 10 f.ll III! 411 S
1,44 40 3S.1 61 1,711 II 700 lloi 14 Oi IS 61 40 SO 111 tt
461 411 I.16S 4K I,I0 OS 440 00 ! 1,168 4S 21 ill 1HJ 00
1,014 IS 471 46 1,601 03! 770 741 II (0 lit 46 .14 44 J0 04
174 SOj 161 I0i 111 40 ! ISO Old II 60 161 10 I 141 II 01
1,464 11 l,H0 II I..144II, 400 00111 10, 1,100 1: 41 I.I1 til IV
1,110 1,116 40 4,340 40 1,1711 00 4 Oil 1,11110; 47.1 447
171 tn 171 lOjj Oil JO .114 01, 146; .17110 II ISj 1147
I.I II 44 741 IS; 1,144 74 ; 726 Oil 117; 7414a! J.I 61 360 17
l,llil 7,3711'; 11,01110; 4,600 01. .148 13 7,374 IJi 164 11 1,(20 43
141 SO SI 16 144 11 ! 14100, 6105 11.1 Jl 07
1,311 14; 124 Hi! 1,101 (2.1 0H0 00 84r 124 ll! 41 46 1ST 11
040 10, 444 40 1 l,4 40 711 00 11 10 481 40: ' 11 80 Ifll 14
1,601 00 1,111 4n 4,711 III ! 1,210 40 7 00 l.lil 40 77 17 10.1 71
1,441 Sl 1,321 Ol! 1,1113 III ! 1,1110 00 II 14 1,821 11! II 41 461 17
48 70 SOI 401! I,4K! Ill 700 Oil I 84144! 24 11 168 16
3,014 80 1,81 101 1,144 10 1,6111 81 81 HSi ,80 60 . 17 40 1,313 41
410 41 178 08! 426 37!) 208 31 10 48 178 VI 1.1 III 114 13
1,41 10 1,1.11 10 1,071 00 i 1,201 41 j 1,531 14 4.1 17. 101 81
1.411 80; 1,7117 80; 1,101 10 1,1100 00 40 I0 1,7117 80 71 31; 170 41
188,174 III 1.10,004 48Nll,llg 4l' I26.S0.1 IV08S 10 4:10,004 II 1,064 80 10210 TO
....111,714 01 Total
To hal. dun;
Ainouot II
Jan: 11,
airci'd for;:AsRregcle
laia ami'uni.
4 804
9.(1 1
1 401
4! 1.171
0! ISO
I1! 1,7.11
17 1,870
00 , 31
7o ; 1,0.10
Ilreatur. M.
Faraucou H
(Inchcn ......
Ilalicb .......
IS, 1,104
II 11,78
00 1.11
681 100
0 l:il
4 1,181
83 1,51
00! ISO
14 1,154
88 IIS
Iluitoa ......
31 10,11
II 44
Morrle ......
1'nion .......
471 1,511 ll'l
80: 1,800 I5ij
$3.1,44.1 11 l.ia.TOJ 111 $41,761 01
I'llUSiTV fUNDrl FOR IM14.
DAVID W. WISR, Eaq Troaorer of Clear
leld oounly. ia tho Commonwealth nf Penn
cylraaia, tn ncoonnt with Ibo fundi of aald
county, from tbe Iwonly-lret dny nf January,
A. D. U74,lo the twenty Irct dey of January,
A. I). 1871
To amount duo frum eolleetoro Intt
l.llll 43
11,871 80
9 11
147 78
Ml 84
111 II
I 118
81 14
11 11
ii oo
1,11 00
11.101 18
1-iT 80
II 40
108 II
17 40
II 17
1 IS
11 80
1,107 77
11 II
87 10
13 00
14 0
III 10
44 II
1 00
t 80
II 10
I 00
II 08
1,114 00
101 00
44 08
84 00
144 II
44 II
ll,7l4 11
7,407 14
To nmount due from nnccated Inndi...
To nmnunt duo from 08-Tieaeuror
Wilaon n M
To nmount receiced from llabberellck.
To amoonl reoeived from Umdlord
To amount received from Oulieb over.
To amount reoaired frcra 11. U. Kirk,
uomwlirloner ,
ro eiaonat receiced on Joha Vaught
To each front llailobei-h C. 11
To each teceived on Mary Saedwiok...
To oaih reeeiccd on Ilnrmoy trnctc.
o earn receiced Iron A. W. W altera
for wood M , H M,.
To bank lai far 1074
To coaled eaunlv ! fue IS7i
To ceotod Ule Ui tor U74.
To loo of Bnchley ,
Tn ench received nn Ungh Hnliton
To ui paid by 0. II. Hreeocll... ........
ro aacb by nr. leteer
To oocb for niap..,HH ...
Ta aircn, licence
To prinn lot boad
To jonn regirter tea
To onah on Kmting trnat
To coat reloaded
To September regiilar tai
To aoot reloaded
To Ui nn Mo. 1872 for 1871
To coot reloaded . .,....
To oaok for ublo
To aack for novo
Ta anak reeeired oa Broannr
To roporUr'c fooa
To jnry faea
To I nee and forttllares ,
To oaek for lad
'To root for arbitratioa room ....... ..
Ta witaoea Inoc
To anntated mdempliaa ,
Ta aeatcd rodeaapllea
To aneootod oounty ua for 1874 .......
To oaacaled poor ux for 1874
,.. .I08.38I 81
County Ordera Redeemed, tu:
By Aeeeeeerl' wngea
Uy Aoditora and Clark
Dy Aadiur, PrntboanUry
and Kegialera eeaoaal
for 1171
Uy Aatlilor, Prothoaolary
nad Megillar'a aconant
foe 1874
By Dialrict Attorney .,
1,411 40
164 N
t.11 N
41 40
tl Of
111 80
Attoraeyn Fee, vial
III T. II. Mercy
Uy W. M. NeCnlkingh...-
By Icrael Tccl .....
Uy J. J. Liagla
Uy WalUt Barrett....
Uy appeal axpeneei.......
Uy b arding Jnron
IJI 08
81 00
11 88
II 10
10 10
14 00
11 91
II 10
tlridgeja, nil I
By Piba Iwp. brljje.. ...... I00 II
lly lleor creek bridge 801 11
Uy Curweaicllle bridge.... 1,121 01 7,171 Tl
Uy boreaa lUlieliec 41 00
Hy Oeaieaiiiloaare'eooaoal William M.
McL'nlloogb.......... Ill 04
Commlnalonern' Waraa, vbi I
Hy 1. 1. Coolers!... II M 08
Hy John II. Thompoca.. 41 00
By Clcik Brown 41 00 1,140 10
Uy Commioilonera' Clerk...... 1,im 00
Ky CoaaoMnwealth Caata, rial
Ci mnl'tk i. Arnold. (II 07
' Andcrcoa 4 II
llrnombnngh. tl 17
' " Conigan I II
" Mnry Ileal.... 44 01
" " Barr II 88
" " t'araon 17 HI
" Dntbrey...... 4 48 l II
' " fiargaa 74 41
" " Oranger II 41
Oeaaler I II
" " Mray . 14 04
" Helliill. ....... II
" " Howe IS IS
" Knoll.... 11 18
" K oiler II II
' " Leah 18 II
" " Loaotla II II
" Mellnlra tl 41
" Meehley...... II II
. Milton......... 4
' " Melllrk 47 tt
" " Mclac 141 II
a Moron; 84 II
" Maeh It 8
" " Ochnll SJ8 01
Cheery II 14
" niebnrda 14 44
" Sloan 41 18
" " Shceoor II II
"Ten Kyek 84 II
". Tollc 8
William! ll .if
" . " Wond I II
" rroatmaa Tl II 1,171 II
Hy Coart lloaaa, rial
fad, goal nad wood
U88 II
1 II
SI 11
18 II
I 4r
11 17
4 04
14 08
I 41
Storea ,
Wiading A repairing cloak.
Rcpalre to fanraen
Koohots nad arnami.......
Rcpnira to pnremenL......
Haiialra la knlldlng
Lime cur water aland
Serf too pipe
Trimming treaa............
Oil... .
1,11 ta
Hj Caaataklan' Maiarna, tail
Jananry Una, 1874....
11 M
I Ii
11 84
I tl 411 01
Ill II
area term, 1874...........
dona tern, 1174
Scpucaber Una. 1874
doaanry Intm, I871...
Coart eeloT. ,.
By ami dal from Callacura, lMI-t-l-4.
Morrti It. Saane .. 71 II
BeU T. 0. lot.., M 44
Cheat. ,.S, WUIIanw, III II ,
Cammaa'llo.V. Clark.... II 04
allok , II M
Hnelaa II SO
towaibiue In tald county lor ilia.
1 ensntroa.
fly amount paid Dill. Treaiarera '. S,m !
II; oionerallnna Vi lit
II, Trearurer'a per aenlee I.aot (in
liy amounl unoulleoted Jan. IS73 30,1104 SS
Uaiance.duo loanibipa.. iu,zev 70
t,071 44
i Hy amt. Uyaa- iTroncerr'c, Ccab la
paid Diit. cnem-l Uy ami. 1 par Trcaa
! Treaaurara I liuna. lunculleol'd eoulaae. bandi.
74 1) FOR IMH. ,
euunty, ia tho Cuuiuonicealth of Penneytvanla,
ie MldMMintjr fur the roar IS7
By rlonercllona
By Trcaanror'c pciecnlanc
hy amount pn d biclriol Trcaaurcrc...
By nml. uncollected Jau'y, I87.H
By eaeli In Treacurrr'l hemic
1053 II
1,000 8J
11,460 14
11,201 61
0,060 .13
..$88,754 04
!iKxon -
Illy amount! jlly Treaa'
paid ticl.:rty amnnnt Per
TrCHc'ra. uocollcct'd eeniage.
C.ih lo
j arn-
:; itona.
81 T3i
I bl,
451 O'l
1,350 Oil!
301 (0
I.i0 00
IM 00
600 00'
T50 00!
Ill 12!
00 00
1,111 10'
III Oil:
00 00!
1,8110 OH1
in 71
088 07
128 Tli
3.17 l!
167 841
1,171 to
SsO 20!
.13 62:
21 1.
027 It!
Ill 00:
1,871 70l
i.oiT ;
378 10
1..104 01
l 75,
33 10'
1.1 8!
II 11
17 Si!
17 21
t 781
31 31!
31 17!
18 67
41 81
II 41
It 12'
II 18
1:11 us!
II 10!
37 41
80 80
11 31;
64 3
71 15
124 on
1.10 40
41 1.1
III 48
171 67
380 It
11 18
111 08
472 II
3V1 47
' 85 76
701 7t
821 II
20 10
.13.1 111
1,474 81
110 41
10 80
101 14
87 It
101 II
51 18
(.11 87
1.11 40
I7T 14
171 41
81 71 II
01 m..
II ill! Ml
74 17 60
12 II 10:
10 1 I 00
14 I I .13
III I 18
16 201 OH'
Hi i
421 12 OS
41 88 s:'
is! 8 7'
87 ! 17 10!
IS,' j
I I 41 16)
13 I II 301
75 ' 41 00
100 00'
ono la
1,381 88 14,748 .181
Ill II
131 11
801 00:
050 00
1.7 H
1,008 4l
421 00
600 00
418 11
1,704 00.
1,1110 40
800 44;
131 01
1,181 l!i
1,541 I'
180 08
1,164 16
11 07
1,631 10
1,800 06
Oil ltlll,450 14 $.16,101 l! $1,040 81,$0.0.i0 81
Karlbaai....T. White... ..
Becnarla J. Kinkoad.
Bell II. Bretbjr.
Brady ...Jal. Miiec
Burncida....D. Mchaffey.
CheaL 8. WillUmi.
Cnrwcac'lla..ll. C. Miller
Qoohoa A. II. Khircr
llooud.ic...I.W konlec
Hnltoa ll.W.Browa. Weimar...
Knoi A. L. Kicbok
Lawronoa....T. Rowloe...
Morric......J. M. billon
Oftoeola. A. Kephnrt.
Penn J.Penti ,
I'ike. J. K. Illonm.
Woodward..!!. U. Miller.
Dcco.rla....J. Klnkend...
Hell ..M. Tbnnlna.
Bloom C. A. Wood...
Boggi I. Bella.......
Bradford. ..J. A. Anteo...
Ilrnily A.M.brnaokr
Uoraaida,.,I. Hron
i'het. J. II. Bretb...
O.tMBt'e.! I"ln" J ...
Olenrbeld...J. Mci:iellaa
Cnrweaa'lla 8. Whipple.
hoeatar.....Lort tloai...
Forgaroa Fred llroii.
Uoihoa W.W.Wilioa
llrnham...w.J. at. Krana
llulicb .8. billcc.....
lloulidnlc...fl. Ilatler
llnitoa C. Hobnchor
Jordan J. K, Hlrnw.
Knrtbaa L.F.Uenleia
Knna B Bloom....
l,awreaoa....N. Riabel....
Morric A. Juhneun.
Ocoooln i. 0. 8bo
1'eon M. Flyaa...
I'll ..J. llaacook.
W allnoclon..M. Ileedy...
Woodwnrd...H. 11. Milea
11 44
I0S 48
8T 01
181 41
1 40
461 11
11 40
40 IT
1T 17
1 41
114 38
87 17
1.14 08
11 81
14 II
110 10
131 48
124 17
01 40
111 37
181 41
4 .0 01
. 84 IS
4f0 18
to aa--488
III 10
110 41
180 47
71 II
III 47
179 77
170 41
81 48
18 18
84 .11
SI4 14
04 II
111 II
: 74 II
181 II
T 91
31 1.1
8,013 11
By aSlecttan Kipoiiaea, tit I
tlecemhnr cleelioot 1873.... $ 110
February election, 1874.... 700 11
Under Ind. eabenl T 11
hawraaao lad. aehool. 4 00
Nnremnor election, 1874... IS! 00
Clerk reloro jodgco I 00
HelurajailgeetoBellcfoote . M 40
1,471 II
lly llaapltal Knptnaea, vial
Dennett $ 41 01
MeUuiro. .......... ,..14 47
Insane! feci
JnuUor'i wagac...
By Jurore Wagea, Tigs
81 47
101 40
J Ifl 10
Qrand Jary, Jan. taree.
liO 44
177 48
111 14
1.17 II
Jan. "
June "
Trncerc "
131 30
187 81
'71, Iw. 481 10
'74, Iw. 410 01
7. SnO 81
'74. Iw. 410 11
'74, Iw. 480 48 '
74.IW. .188 It ,' -
'7, Iw.SlI 44
' " " '7,Iw. 401 II 4,314 II
Jmtlco feaa ..n...... 14 44
Jury oommiiaionere..............m. If 10
Panilantiary kill..... 1,0.14 78
lly I'rliitlng Account, Till
8. J. Row $ J.M 01
lloodUnder A llngerly..... . 10:1 II
Bramard 10 10 '
Bmbin roi 12 08 Ml 01
By Poatag; Acroaal, yli I i ,
Townrpbip acooantc
8cbool Irencerlptl.. ..
Jane Reg..
Aoguat Ueg
Uolloourt' dapliealei......
Poor and roaA oartiaoatoa.
Hnplemlmr keg............
Col. duna ..,,
Rood mine
Prothoaolary leea.
Reg. aapoaeea...., h...m.
Bradford lobool
Scalpa ,
8tau tax oa loam
II 01
I 80
' I 41 -, . f
II 71
I 44
I 64
1 44
1 44 80 10
......... 400 00
......... 101 10
01 II
101 01 101 11
38 10
111 II
. , 10 48
,'tltl ' "'
Jannnry term, 1174... I 14 00
" 1871. U 14 ,
Jana 14lt...... lw. 14 44
" " 1871......... Iw. II 00 ,
" Oiand Jury 11 08 '
Aug. 181. . . 18 08 ,,i -Sept.
187 T 10
Nor. 1874 Iw. II Ot
" 1874......... Iw. 14 HI 111 II
By Prison, till
Boarding prloonerc $ 1,801 18
UoSitine lur hiImhim 81 OO
Clothing lor prilonera...., SI 18 ' -
inratlara mr prima....... It It
Keyi II 31
llcpalra " Ill It
Range nad lilarec 101 II
Feel nil at
Turnkey feel................ . 71 10
I'hrnelaa ' III! 80 -
Cleaning prleoa...... 31 10
nooning car BtleoBore 10 II
llandeuai. .... It M l.lot It
By Itec ordi, l
Prclbcnolary'c eSee........ t tt 11
Rcgiatcr'a amoa It 04
commlielonora Heg.aooba. 1111 III tl
By BhcrlfTa Pros, vial
Rerriag yary aotieat..
CeeU ia 11. C Caeec.,
Commonwcallk caita..
I 1ST 0
" Ii , . .
. ' tt It i l
Pnkllckiag cleat ion proela-
........... ,18171
malioa .....,. 4 14 401 40
Amount paid ilarrlihurg lloepllal..... Ill 84
Amount paid Daacille Huapiul.. IU 48
Amount paid road Me were l.lil 44
AmoasM paid rend damafea...., M 111 tt
Amuaat priana onapoua rr deemed.. 1,184 tt
Amount aald Bute treecam 1,111 44
Amnaal paid coiurl reporter IM 10
By exonerellona allowed eoUeataro.... l.lil 00
By eanaaralleoa eu uueaatad Innda... 707 01
By abetemeal allowed Uincyere....... Til tl
Amauut paid taaebora' laetilalo 131 tt
y Ireaaurer'a par war. aa IU.MI II i -
all per coal.. 40141
ly rrcaaarar'l Bar a eel. an til, !l M
at I par eeal... I, I It If
ly traaaurar'o nr cent, on 111,111 It
It It to? anal. tit tl
Amount duo fmu anaeeled tnuda,
onunty lal
111,704 it
Amount duo frost aoieaicd lno4
Puor lag
,407 14
Uy overcharge on unaealed land
ny otreua licence trnnaferred to butt
aaeunnl ,,..H W..,.M..H 0
By aoot oa land acid ' ' tt IS
lUllaooa. 14,1,4 tt
, t,lsl II
Probable Ordinary Eipenaea fur InCISI
To ordinary oxpcoeea for 1171 114,144 Ot
To prlroa lot boBda duo 4, lilt 00
To bundi redeemed during tba year.. 10,008 00
To Intereil nu 174,000, priion bundl. 4,100 ft
To oxoneratluiic lo collector! ,.. 810 bt
To abatement allowed tnxpayora 141 01
To trcaaurar'c per cantage 1,100 00
To proboble auat oa brldgea 4,010 00
By amount la Ireaaurer'a
bandc I4,8 19 .
By amount dun trout not
laolora 8,0 IS 18
By fourth payment oa vld
priaon lou 2,107 17
Dy dehcicncy for 1871 lo he
rnleed on tba coaled du-
pi leal, a 10,284 It
T'.l.l ..141,100 00 41,30 It
We, Ilia underaigaeil, Commieilnnera of Clear,
leld coomy, In iboCuoimonwcnlth of Fenmylia
nm, bncing wet according to low, and baring es
amiucd Ibe eaveral nooounu and eoucbore of
Uarid W. IVIh, L.q., Trcnaorer of cnid ounly
lur tbe year A. 21. It74, do ocrtily that wa bad
tbviu a. ict forth In tba foregoing atalement.
He tnd tbe amount due tbe bounty trout him to
bo fourUcn tbouiaud eight hundred and ninety,
lour dollar! nnd ilxly-utna eenta 14,IV4 80.
The amount duo from uoaeated landc for euunty
purpoaei, but nut nvailabla antil 1.71, la ntneuen
tboucuud acron hundred nnd cixdollare nnd In..
lire cculi 1111.708 11), nnd for Ibo uae of lha
puor, in tbe nggrcgntc, (aleo anacallable nnlil
alter June, Ibln,! otuounta to acreo thuoiand
lour buudred nnd aeven dullarannd fuurteeacenia
(17,407 14). Tba lowuibipo nr Ueoonrln, Bell,
lllooin, Cbetl, Uccalur, FerguaoB, tiirard, lloibaa,
Kartbaua, Knox, alurrii and I'ike aaacaeed Bo
poor Ux on uoeeuled landc, for i874, while Cor.
tngtoo niH-CMd 10 tnilla, L,awronca4 uilli, Union
1 ,u". ibe cm! CO cwMaOIpe niMiied 1
and two nulla. Tba auoaot due irom the ool
lectorc, ii Ibe tun ol eight tbouaaud and thirteen
doliura and twenty. ais eenu (8,011 111), being
ot er a tbouaaud leu tbaa Ian year. Tba amount
cue tne roau luna ny toe Ircaiurer tco tbuuaand
two hundred nod lorly doliara nnd aerantr aeote
(1111,70 70i, nnd tba echool fund nine tbuuaand
nud Olty-ninn dullaraand tbirly-tbree cent!. For
talcrneut in dctai', aeo lai.ular alalcmenu nf tba
road and eobool londa herewith cubmittod, ibow.
tug the nmount ot luob tondi pnid tbo rnpectico
lliatriot Ircacurcn and the amouut of fundi yet
in Ibo hand! ol the County Treasurer.
Wttiicri nur hnodi at ClearOcId, tbla twenty
ninth nay ul Janunry, A. 11. 1874
Attect: Commiilioncra.
Ii. U. OoooLAXPau, Clark.
A1.1I1T0KS' CtillTIFlCATK.
M'o. the anderaianed, Auuitura uf the countT
of Liearneld, in the Cummonwcnltb ol I'cnucyl
ranta, bnvtug mot nt Ibe Court llouee, 1b Ibe bor.
uugh ul Clenibeld, on tbo 8iet Jdondey ol Jann
ary, A. II. ln7o, according u law, nnd Baling aa
aniined Ibo aovcral accoouta nnd ruueberc of
Oarid Vt. H lea, lioq., Ircaiurer af cald aouoty
lor tbo yenr A. It. (074, Ue report that we find
tbem ec ahoco aUtcd. 'ibe balance in hi! kanda
due tbe ouunty appear! to bo lourtMB IhvuBaad
eight bundred nnu duller, and nxty-
ninn cenu (fie, sue u.i). nn ia inuebied to tan
road tuod tn the lum uf len tboumad two hun
dred nnd forty dullaie and aeceuty eenu (110,.
240 70), nnd to tbe eobool fund in tba lam af
nine Ibooeaod nud Olly-ntna dollari nod tbtrty
throe oeuta (40,00 1.1). Tbe aiooout due from
nnccnled laud, tor county puriueec,tMittiotacai.
able uultl A. 1. 1878, ie niuatcea thooaaod aecca
bondred and lis dullin ami ally-tra cenu
(8i0,7i'l 41), nud for ibe nec ul tho poor (nice
onavuilabie until Junn, 1,74,) nmounta In aecen
tbouiaud lour hundred nnd ceven dollar! and
fourteen oeuta (17,407 14). 1 be amount due from
collector! ta eight IbouMOd and thirteen dollar!
and tnooly 111 cent! (41,013 20).
In leitimony whereof we knee kereunto let our
bandi, Ihta twenty-aiath day af Janunry, A. II.
J Art. 11. II I
I. C. ULulili,
Allot: . Auditore.
Joae IV. lloun, Clerk.
FircLlfCtS Accident Iiuurance
AUBNT, tlcarfleld, a.
Rarlfird, Conn .twti uvar $1,000,000.
home fiur insuranijH co.
Colnmbni, Obin AnclU erer (8118,001
).fc'ra ir . .
QAUriON.- ,
All pei-ounf are heri?hr wariMtd ftMlnn nod
dling with or parehatiTt any ( tbo rol ootaia
now ocap.rd by Joba KcbDrll, IB Moirit wwi
bin, a well ai ono jruko of chraa-jroar old oiea
tiiti avll the personal prnptrty on the iimoo proni
a. aa tho lame belongs to mo and sabjrot to my
order at aa; line. J8, H. BATMOND.
hjrlcrtown, roi. 3, lB7-3t
Motieo Uberobv sivoa thai LatUn of A&-
tnisletration on tho otUle of AltHAHAM LITZ,
lato of Lawreaeo townohin. Cloarfleia, Pa
deo?aaad, havtod boca duly granted to the nndrr
iROtxJ, all peroooa iatlohtcd to aai4 aitate will
plaaM nake iwimodiata aoymaot, ena vooee ui
in ft elkim or domaade will ptroot ibow. properly
aatbcBtteate! for apttlemMit wit hoot dalay.
MAHUARKT L1T7.. Adm'i.
Or J. I. CllTTUt, Attoraey at-Uw,
Feb. ft, 187 Ct ) Clearfield, Pean'a.
In tho matter 6t tho S In tha Orphan..' Court
Xtualaor lald Ko. CladUlield oamty.
land, dtMojtrH. )
Tbo andereicnexl. anpointti Auditor to din-
tribute tho balojieo remain in f ia tbo handt of
Jaocb Roland, Admintstrator, lo., of Mid do-a-aoed,
la tod naaoitg tb parti et legally ontiticd
ihoretn, nereliy gtvoa notieo that he will atiead ta
the daliea nf hia appoiatnent at tba office of
MeKnally A MeCardy, In lha boreogh of Clear,
field. Pa., on Thanday, tho Iih day at Ftbruory,
A. D. U7ft,t a'oiock, P. M.,
Fab. , ISH It. ' i - Auditor.
AIIK5TS. mala and finale, In act! Ficterel
evert where. Fnurleaa Ikoucand roUiledby oae.
Another wrltea i "1 raa make more money in thia
huiineei than 1 aaa nn a $10,000 f.rtn. nil
locked." WHITNEY A CO.,
Feb. 1, 1174-lm.l , Norwich, Cera.
jist of jcnoiw.
Llat af Jornrc dmwn for March Term A. D.
1874, commencing oa tbe third llonday,tba Illb:
anon junoaa.
L. Flcgal Clearleld
1. Johmton....
I. Mnurcr.....Corlnzlct (
A. Id. lloorar..Ilicalor '
Th. Read Umbra
II. W. MeCul:y...Uolirh
lien. laltereoB...Jordaa
D. A. Wire Kaoi
A. Ogdea Lnwrrnaa
Jnn. a Iteboll. "
K. C. Urananr..,.llorTi4 .
A. Moorn ,...rcnn
R. R Carry Fiha
11. .Ma'hare...Woodward
A. UnlccCarwrniTlllc,
4. n. Capplec.Lum. C.
0. MeCauley....Omeola
John MrU T....Bcecnrlo
Tlim. McUbea,......Boll
Jnn. Hinuli..-. lllacm
L. M. IlilL Orullord
If. 8. Webber
.Tea. Hater Uurneidc
II. ratchen.... "
ThaTanaa jraoaa.
. Ti. Bairn
1. Rnyikr, Sr.
R. Redder. Qncbea
J. I. Jnry..i....,t)raham
Pcier Kcppla....
i. C. Keaaa "
K. Holler lloolidile
John McNeal.,i.Jordaa
Allied Krbrd.....Kno8
iloorga lirbara ...
Ii. Fultna Lawreaeo.
W II. llcaumunl "
Henry Penla Hreom
B. h Kmh.rt. .. Il..rr.
Joa. Jnenna....Urndrord
B l'e.roc "
0. Wllinn , -
J. W. Kerb Brady
Wm. L. Porter....
Jemei Hi ion "
A. M. Drnuckoc.
Jpo. Wearer.. .Bumaide
Jee. Doaghlrtj M
tlto. rare.!.....
Jon. II. Heed..
M. Owana.....
J. W. Laiuhnra Cbrit II. W.Bpaacar Lum.('ily
n. a. ri'J, T. lingerie "
M. H. Bpackman. W. T. Hotkrook..alcrrii
L. Lcigi-y. .... Covington R. fl. Unircy..,...Uiccola ,
Wm. ttcbnarrn - ' IJnn. Pentl..... I'rna
J. F. Thompaoa..CorllaK. A. Iloldoa. Pile
Ineji flee. ... IIm.Iu,!h.aII Ttniw. o
Rllli Kephnrt... " J. F McKearic'bi... "
Km. Becd I'ursucon I II. B. Llrnuekar.A.. "
John R. Carr Uirardlll. R. Caldwell "
Aug. Mignol... jK. Unwn.,.Woodwaril
Clearleld, Jaa. 17, 18.71. to ' '
All peroooa ara hereby otvotloaetj ciBt
neculUtina hr or tmadwainv eortatn protnt-
wry nolo drawl in fvor of ITrtah Lloyd, for tbo
Mia of oevea bttndrod do Hurt and dated a boot
Juno lllh. IS: it, and now held by A. llarter, ot
t aerry ir ladiono. aoanty. iw wa iaaon
lha aano hai boon altored In n material part
ewttt ito delirory. ft. A. LKONABP.
lirant, dan. 17, in.. 3t
A pair of light Boh Bltda and a good Sleiga
will ha told at a bargain, Tor want of are. la
quire at tbo fbnw Ui-nea of
janrf-Jt - u. n. rt'lti.-ii""
one. Tatai fr-
Addroaa O. Uti-iwo A Vo , Part-
land, llalaa.
The anlerilined la la weave ti
Oaui-ut la nrdor, la uy atyla deiired. Ilaviag
bad ever thirty yean practical experience In Phil
adelphia, be rode nonldenlef giving ullileeliea
at tfiiiac who mar ferae him with their wooing.
OrJore Mien addroeeadta Wtltmmnrreeo
I'm lorn cc, CloarteM an., will awd wial piemp
atleatUa. OtlARLBfl l. BEUH KR
Bigbar tulteat. Bee. It, 117 tax.
I tan neatry eterulod al tkll aaVaa,
j 44
-art a-