"2F" i t : H 1 1 ii $arfliwe, A Jlniwrr. 8ACKETT A SCHRYYER, pbalbb ii HARDWARE, tad BBBufaeltrora of BM 1. M. C 1. .... 4 H'nllA Second Street, CLElRrlElD, PA. Having largely tnereaced our Hook of Hard, won, we Invlu the public to uomloo our tuck ooa price. Carpentere end peraoni who oonlonplate bnllj Ing will so will to eianlue our TOOLS ft BDILDIHO HARDWIRE, whlok It new and of (ho bolt Manufacture, and will boiold low for out. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All bindt of Btnch PIodu, Suwe, Chlaela, Rqnaree, Uemtnero, lietohetc, Plombe and lievola, Jrinrtieed A Thumb Qungea, Bevela, Brooee BilU, Wood ond Irou Beneh Sercwa, ood the boit Boring Moehint In the aerkel. Double and Single Bitt Aiea, POCKET CUTLERY, Ao. Agentt for BurneWt Iron Corn ShtlUr, warranted. Alio, agoota for Richarde' GOTHIC FLUB TOP, wbleh effectually euro Smoky Floor. Farmera' Implemente ood Oardea Toole of every dcaeripiion. A torgo variety of COOK STOVES, which we warrant to give MllafeetloB. Portable Range and Fvmatet, fc. Roofing, Spontlng and Job Work don on reasonable term. All orders will receive prompt attention. June 11, 1871. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSuceeiaora to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conor or Fourth ond Plot StroeU, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged tn tho Btnufaettrt of trot eluo MACHINBRY,w.reipectfullyltfora I ho publlo thot wo iro sow prrpired to til all trd.re ta cheaply ond ao proaptly to ooa bo doH IB say of tb. citlea. We BMBBfaoturt tad detltt Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Hoed Blooka, Wotor Whoele, SWUag Pulleye, Qlfford'e Injector, 8 Imb Qaugea, Steaa WbliUoo, Ollon, Tollow Cupa, Oil Cupi, Gauge Coekt, Air Cooke, Olobo Volroi, Chock Velvet, wrought Irou Plpea, Bloom Pump,, Boiler Food Ponpi, Anti Frlctlou Metro, Boop Stone Peeking, Oaa Pock log, ud all kluda of MILL WORKj together with Plowo, Bled Solee, COOK AND PARLOR ST07ES, and other CASTINGS of til klndo. aay-Orderc eoUcilod and tiled tt any prloN All altera of Inquiry with rofcreuco to aueklaerv of our aaaafeetare promptly ttiworod, kj tddree lug 01 at Clotrield, Pa. . joulT4.tr BIQLER, YOURO A REED. ATEW BTORE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW it SON Hits jutt opened a Niw Sroas, on Mala 8..,Ct,saariiLD, Pa lately occupied bj Win. F. IRWIN. Their tlock eoniliti of m 3X1 GE CD CD CD SSL Oiocinn of the but quality, Qoeeniware, Boots and Shoes. tod arerjr articla ntoeetar? for ont'i oomfort. Call ud xtmtn our ttook before pur oheaiog elnwber. May 9, 1866-tf. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept ooBittnllv ot hood. STOSE AD EARTHED -WARE OP'SVBRY DESCRIPTION! CHOCKS! POTS! CROCKS! FUher't Pttont Airtight twir - KeaUBf rruit codii BIITTKR CROCKS, with lldi. CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - BUTTER CROCKS, . Dinvt rDnnu a FLOWKR POTS, til DISHES, STBW F0T8, A ad b frwt bibbj otbr thln((i too BanoroM to Btloa, to bo hivd si . , FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Co rear of ditrrr ond Third Strtt-f. CLKAKrlBiLL, FA BOgl Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST . ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST t A Proclamation against High Pricesf ' "TTTB are bow opening wp t let of the beet tad W Moot teoeoneble Qooria and Wares ewer ' oforod lu toll aorkel, tad tt prlcoe that reaiad ote of tho good old doya of cheap thinge. Thote who look ftitb upon thie point, or doea our tUo- gotiona ffupcrluoua, need out ttLL AT OIK MTOHE, Comer Front tnd Mtrkct etreett, Where they out ceo, fool, hour oad ktow for tbaa tolrot. To folly underatond what oroebcop gooda thla auat be done. Wo do tot doea It nooeeaary to onoaorote oad itoatoo our alook. It ie caouga (or at to etoU that ' ' We have ETerrtbing that la Needed tad eottwaed It tkla aorket, ud tt prlcoe tktt "docW ' JOSItPB SHAW A BON, V., Clearfleld Nurserv. 3NC0DKAQK HOME INDUSTRY. owia MijMj. tovloo MCoUbaat t Noi I eery ot the 'Pike, about half way kdtwooa Uleaneea ua vutwoootiiio, f"r-" ariib tllklod.Of FADIT Rl4,(etea ' dwarf.) aWelgFOoat, Barabawry, rap tad Rtabarrr Viaoi. AJM.AibtrUt Ortk Treot, Qaltoo. aad early ttarltt kkakawK Ae. , Oraawe ... MpTt-'dS-y ' OarweeTille. Pa tt 5oadl, GtOtttltt, U. I, t. wiirtt.. ..w. w. ttrra. WEA1ER Oc IIETTH CLEARFIELD, PA., Are ogorltg, at Ike tld attnd of 8. L. Reed A Co. tkelr atock of gooda, ooaaiatlng of DRY. GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPB, HARDWARE, QUEEN8WARE, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At the Boat retaontbli rotet for CASH or hi tsobange fbr Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ojrAdruoea ntdo to thoao eagtgod Id got ling out quart tlabor ot the Boat tdrutagooua term a. t pdtljurS rpo THE FRON T ! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE . CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND OYSTEB SALOON I The wfldtTtlffBed harlaff loit fltiod op now, largo and eonrortablo room ob Marktt itrtot. oar Tbtro, mpMUullj tBiortaa tho publlo that bo bow droparod to aoeomnodato thorn with vorytblng ia hit Hat on ibort ootleoaodatall boon of tbo dy. Jlo kocpi oa band ERESH BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all klDdi. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, aad a gonorraMortuBt of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, ., AU of wbleh wlflbodtllrtrod tooaitomon attkolr roiidenoM, whoo rtquMttd to do to. ICE CREAM, bj tho Jlib, oorred la a awUjr fir. libfd room. Tbaokfal for tb (eatroao patrooago Uatowed la tho pait, ho hopot to merit aod roceiro a oob tlnuoaoo of tbo mm from hti old cuito mori, and othfro. JOHN STADLEK. Jane IS.'TS-tT. JJANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTHBRSBURQ, PA., Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, UOSIEUT & GLOVES, HATS ft CAPS aad BOOTS A SUOES, Tobaooop Oroeorloa and Fiib, NUi, Hardwaro, (juooniwaro aad uioMwaro, Men ana boy' Clothing, Drngi, PainU, Oil, School Hook i, B largo lot of Patoat Medtclan, Oaadiot, NaU k Dried Frnlti, Cbooao and Craok or, Rook and Riflo Powder, Floor, Grain nd Potatoes, 1 Cloror Md Timothy Seod, Sola Leather, Horooooi, Lining, Binding aad Thread, naoonaiorr loon aad Shoo Finding. , Ho groatar variety of goods In aaj atom la tho oeantf. ah lor oaio try low lor ean or ooonirj prodaoo at tb Cheap Uoroer. Aug. 27, 1179. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pcnn towaahip, Clcorfleld Co., Pa. BURRED OUT ' ' lit HOT ' ' i ' ' BURNED UPI The fabMrlbor Bare, at great eipeae, reballt neighborhood BeoeaiMy, la tbo oroetioa of a flrtt olau Woolen Menofaetory, wHtb ail tho modern ImproTomenta attaobed, and are prepared to mak all kiad of Cloth, Cueimer, SatinetU, H lava bete, Flannel., Ae. Plenty of good oa head to enpply all oar old aad a thoaaand new enitemera, wooa we aaa to eomo ana osamino ear aroea Tbo bniloea of ' 1 CARDING AND FULLINO win reeelvw nt otpeotal BUentioa. - Proper arrangement will be made to reeetve and doliror Wool, to aalt enttomen. All work warranted and do apon tbo iborieat aotleo, aad by atrlot attea tloa to betinna wo hope to reatlao a tiberal here or panne patronage. 10.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTED! W will par the htibest market prloe for Woo and Hll oar menafeetered good ae low a similar good obb be bought la tho ooanty, and whenever we fail to render reasonable etiifeeUon we oaa always bo foand at homo ready to make proper explanation, either in peraon or ny loiter. JAMES JOHNSON SONS, aprillotf Bower P. 0. LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS SUPERSEDED BY COVERT PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Mad of the best Malla. hie Iron, and is attaobed . to tho Hemes by the best . i 1 1 Baap evsr Invented. It I eeally and qotokly put ob, and prevents the whipping of the horses by tbo polo, kot liable to get oat of repair. Will laat for year. All w ask la a fair trial, to ooavinee all peril us ing thorn that they are ansarpsmod ia ft loo for the parpoeo for which thy are Intended. 8ACKKTT RCHRTVRR. Clearfield, April It, UT4. MARBLE AD STOVE YARD! Mrs. 8. S. L I D D E L L, j Horlng ongogad ia the Marble baalneta, doalraa to Itfoeat kor frioado oad tho public tktt ike kta bow tad wil keep eonetaailyot hud t Urge ud well aoleetod atock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and it areptred to faraloh to ardor TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Cerba tad Pootl for Ocaotory Loll, Wltdow ., . .(, ; SUIt ud Oopa, tote, , j. '" BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH 'STAND ' TOPS, Ac, Ac am-Terd ot Rood atreot. tear the R. X. Depot, Oleortold, Pt. )'. 4 UNSMITiUINQ. Q." W. WOLFED , J PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, ' Shot oa Third atreot. over Rlloy'l Mtekaaith jaep, CLKAHr 1KI.I, rA. - ah a aai 01 aiioee too bdoi it.o enu ooso. Repolritg done la a Irot-eltea aeaoer ond ot fair prteeo. o; 10 L , - I I I I ill 1 1 Iilverr Stable. fflHE tnderatgaod boga loo to bo Ufora oaopub. a lie wot ae ie aow ratiy propoio 10 ueoonao dote on In tbo woyef ftrnlelilng Horace, BumIcl BoddVot and Horaeee, oa the aborted aotioe ead oa raacOBfcblo Uraa. Roeldcaec .a Loewol etroot, hotwooa Third tad rowrtk. RHU. W. fJEAKHART. )letrleld, Fob. 4, ttt. ; . T7UW AI,B-Tko aaderoigaod ogan for J ' ealoo ralttMo towa Brooerty ta tbo koroaeB ofCloooaalA. I0IM1IU fcot, wiUogeod twe- alory pita koaaa tbcraea orootod, alia urea roeaa towa autra aad Boar Bed rooaa ap aieira. Alec, trwoxo ruoai oad both rootu M etcoad loor, Hotao aotehed ooapletc froa wile, to attic. uoou o.o.i. poroa aod geot wotor. mcc ret- onobleoagpoTaaootaBuay. ' Htog'l . , WM. M. MeCraiOUOH., Jt R. M'MURRAY Wlfcfc (UPPLT TOO WITH ANT ARTTCLB o aBAainBB r Tisriuii lowrkt PIUliB. . COMB AMD AKE. ( ),,) NEW WASHINGTON. IHUrrUanrouii. JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLE I, I am awatw that there are some btreoai a little hard to please, and I am alo aware that the complaint of "hard time" 1 well algh universal. But I am o tiiualed now that I eao aBtlify the former and prove oneluWly that "bard time" will not effeot tboi who buy their goods from ms, aad all my patruaa shall lie initiated Into tho e tret of ROW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have gooda enough to .apply all the Inhabi tant la tho lower ead of Iho oouaty wgioh I eel! at exceeding low rale from mv memmoth store la MULSONBURO, where X oan alway b foand ready to wait apoa eallera and lupply them with Drj Goods of all Rinds, Such a Cloth, Sntlnstta, Caailmerea, Muni In, delaine. Linen, Drillings, Cahooea, Trimmings, Ribbon , Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hat and Capall of the best material and made to order- Hoe, book, uiorea, MM ten, Lao, mubon, e. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Soger, Rloe, Molaases, Fiah, Salt, 1'ork, ldtned uii, rub uii, tarbon tm. Hardware, Qooeoawaro, Tinware, Caatlnea, Plows and Plow Casting, iMaila, Nulkea, Corn Cultiva tor, Cider Preaiea, and all kind of A xei. Perfamery, Paint, Varnlih, QTaia, and a general aaiortmont ei stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, always on band, and will be old at the lowest posalbl figure. J. H. MoClaln'a Medicine, Jayne'a Medicines, llotetter s and Uoodand s u it ten. ftOOl pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest prle will be paid. Clovereeed on hand ana tor ai ai ia iowsi maraei price Also. Acent for Strattonrillo and Curwensvllle Tbreahing Haobinra. w i tTCall and see for yoarselrea. Ton will tnd verytbing Baaaliy kept in a retail atore. L. M. COUDRIET. Frsnehvllle P. 0., August IS, 1874. It EAD .Till SI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT! The attention of the eltlscn of Clearfleld and vicinitv I directed to the fact that Ooodfellow A Son are the agent of M. Niece A Co.. and bare Jeat received a half doien ear load of Floar and Peed, which they offer at the lowest posiibla Ag arose A large itoek of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn in oar, Ac, Ae. Partlealar attention la sailed to M. Nteeo A Co.'s brand of Psmily Flour, which Is tho best in tho market. Flour and Peed oan and will bo sold cheaper than it eaa bo obtained elsewhere 1b Clearfleld ooanty. oT-Store on Market atreot, next door to Hob. Alexander Irvin'a residence. UOODFKLLOW A SON, JanlOtf Agent for M. Nit A Co. MOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, . BAMVrACTtltuI LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS too Sawed & Talent JlMet Shingles. a. H. SHILLINOFORD, Preeldoat, OBoe Foreat Piece, No. lit S. 4th at, Pbil'a. i Oaeeolt MlUc, Caatrteld oouaty, Pa. Alto TOWN LOTS for cole la the borough or Oaeeolt. Amo Keep tho LARORST ASSORTMENT ofOooda lo Cleerneld oouaty tt their Menneth Store la Uaooola. Jaat-ie F. O'LEARY BUCK, General Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, Represent tbo following reliable Insurance Co': North British A Mercantile Ins. Co. $16, to 0,0 00 Washhigtoa Life Ioaarenae Ce...... 4,00,000 Fire Allocution loauraao Co.. J. 6 "0,000 Amasoa Fire laiaraaee Co l,AT8,14ft Phosaix Insuranoe Co N. Y 1,000,000 WatertowB Fire. Insures dwellins: and farm building only.- S7J.000 York, Pa., Stock Iniaranoo Co. Horace Inland agalnit death and theft. P. S. Partie ia tb eoantry desiring inearonee ob their live or property can have it promptly attended to by addrewiag by letter, or calling IB periOB at ear omoe, IB no upera none, Room No. I,Clarold, Pa. aog.6'74 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD 01 ALL BIBPI) BagffHo Barrow, Wareboae Track, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ae. i ' POBBAU IT ' II. F. BlGLER & CO.i Dealer, la Hardware, Bch3:T:tr 1 Second B treat, Cloariald, Pa. JOOK OUT KOR THE SIGN i . OF TUB Itltt CANT HOOK I MARKET STREET, CI.EARFIRLD. The old Cleorlold Eioelaior Cent Rook Co. la diaaolrM. tod t new one Tormed by Amoe Ken nurd tnd O. B. Merrcll, of Oleortold, tnd 0. M Allord, or Emporloa, Ooaorot county, ae part oora, tnd Joe. B. Wotaoo, of Cleorft.ld, oe lienor, tl Aireut. Tke Bow oeapoay will oorry oa the bualoeaa or BnoouroutarLog, colling and ahippiag tbo Coot Hooka, wllb all their inproveoa.nu, which arc aow pertoat. All ordera promptly niieO. nO, a. nniwn, Joly let, lard. Qon'l Agent. POR SALJI ,(, , , A large and well Inlihed Brlok Dwelling, aha ate ob the river beak, la the boroagh of Clear fleld, containing eleven room, with good cellar, water la the kite ben, ead all the modern eonve- Bieaoe. Fantriee, Balh-toom, Clotbea-pres, A. Lot aixtr feet front and two hundred and thirty vet back, with o-4enty eot alley oa the east side. Heid building, with ail the appurtenances, will bo sold cheap, with payments to suit purcha ser. Application eaa be made lo the ander slgaed, or to A. 0. Tate, Bq., who will give all Beceeeary tarormattoa lo those wbo desire to ta poet the property. . TH08. J. McCULLOUOH. May Slot, 1R7I, If. 4- - t Lime. Ibr Sale I THE nnderslgned, residing near tbo depot ha made complete Brraagemoate with Lime Hera era east of the mooa tela, whereby be Is ena bled to keep eooatantly on band a large quantity of VI r ,U l i DIM IS l- bleb he efJerl to farmer had balldora at ft trifle above eooL Thoee la aeed of the article woo. Id do well to give me a sail, or address me by letter, ba ton negotiating tbalr lime. URO.O. PA RUMOR. CtearfleU, Pa., Jons t, 1A. t TUB CLHAKKIRLD ' f WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! MaauTootured oopeololly ror . 0 ) f'. : ! I , , 1 .! THE CLSASFIKLD TRADE, . , ....,7 ," oot iiLt at .i.. i J?! lU'lIfUl-J.-?wmco. JRATZER A LYTLK, AORNTB IN CLEARFIBliD COtlNTT FOR I.OUII.LiAnTlH .., ; , Colebrotod:BmadaeC . , Smoking A Chewing Tobaccos. W are enabled to wholesale tb dealer through- oat the oooBty at oily price. JoJrTJ-tf , i'f 1 HOUSR AND LOT FOR 8ALEI ' Tbo Newoe ewd M two eerwer of Mar ket aad Fifth ttreete, Cleewweli. Pa., la Hf aale. The M MBlalB rearly aa aero of gtwamd. Tbo hoe U B Urge doable frame, ooautalag nine rooms. Foi tarsaj aard etbev larevtaratiea apply lo tho lbHK M MTII r. . WAUIdlfl, f IITHE REPUBLICAN. CLKAUKIKLl), PA, , WBDNEBDAT MORNING, FEB. S, U7ft. Tell mo, y winged wind That roaad my pathway roar, Do ye not know sooieapot Wber women fret no more? Some lone and pleasant dell, Homo "holler in the ground, Where babiea never yell, And oraillea are not foand f The loiid wind blew the snow loto my fkoe, And snlokored a II anawered "Nary a plaooV Trll me, thon mlily deep, Whose billow round m play, Know 'at thon ioui favored apet Soma Ifland far away, Where weary man eea Bnd A plaee to amoko la poeoo, , 1 y Where ortoollae I aot - - f ' And hoop are out of ple P J ' The load winda eonnding aperpHaal hoot, Stopped fbr awhile, and spluttered," Yu git out." And thon, serenrst moon, That with snob holy fee, Doit look upoa the girl. Who with their beaux embrace, Te!l me, In all thy round, f Hast tboo not aeon ioui apt t Where muslin i aot found, And ealieo la ootf Behind a oloud the mooa withdraw In woe, And a roioe weel, but ad, reiponded "Pb I" Tell mo, my seoret eoul Oh I tell me. Hop aod Faith, la there no roiling plaee Prom women, girl and death F la there bo happy apot Where baobelora are blJ, Where female never go, , Aod man may dwell in peeee Faith, Hope and Truth beet boon to moral given Waved their blight wand, and anawered MYaa, ib IlBAvaal" BROAD TOP VOKK INTEHKNTINO REIflBT OF JOHN fl'LTtlN, (HQ., UININO ENUINKER ITS CHEAP Htm IN THE COMI'AHIHON WITH AN THRACITE IN THE l ETAI.I.IROV Of IRON. . The following lntcrvHliiif; rinort on tho milijoct of iii-oud Top Coko, and its utility in tho mitnufuctiiro of good and olu'iip iron we Iny with likaBiire before our rtiadem. It wan nuilnmocd by Mr. Kultnn to a mombor of (.'on gri'BS from thin Htnto, unti has boon is mied in pamphlet form fbrdiRtrihution. Saxton, Bfuford Co. Ta., ) Docomhor 1, 1874. ' J Dear Sir: I have rccoivod your re quest from I'biladelphitt, of November Zsth, ftskniir tonie lucU in relation to tho inantifactiiro and use of coke in (lie llroad Top coal rcjrlon. Tho experience gathered in tho pat five years in making coko and in itt use in Ulan lurnacea, lurninh much in teresting data in regard to thin very important industry. Iron-making at tho Komhlo furnac- os began in 1KG9. Tlio furnaces ran for four years with coke as fuel, made from the coal of tho region as it came from tho mines, and poked in the boe- hive ovens. Tho result of theso four yearn' expo- rivuuu h nut rouNuuitirj , 11 nil good iron ores tho Juniata losnilorca, with coko well made from good, clean coal yet a pig iron was produced quite vanaiilo in cliantcter,and toldom attaining a grade which could reas onably be looked tor. Careful Investigation, prior to the erection ot theso Inmates, eiimlnnteu the tact that tho ores ot the region would, with proper treatment in the furnaces, yield a superior pig iron.- Hence, during the first three years, ef- lortt were directed to procuring a p-ood, pure coal, and In havinc it care fully mined, excluding all the impuri ties that could bo reached in this way. null, the working ot the lurnace was not as good as expected. The metal could bo sold at a time of demand, but in a depressed market it wasilimoult to dispose or. ' ' ' The furnace-men charged the mill era with sending out dirty coal, and tho latter retorted that the former tlid not coke tho coal properly, or failed in its ngnt application in tbo furnace. The very fact that the Kcmhle Company wore procuring a very supe rior, clean coal for coking, prolonged tho discovery of tho real, difficulty. Like all other discoveries, it seemed so plum, when once . reached, that the wonder was that tho thought diil not come to light sooner. 1 bey required a purer and denser coko. A year ago a coal-wanning appara tus was put in operation, crushing tho coal, anu thus disconnecting tho slates an sulphur pyrates from it, and sepa rating them in a further process of washing. The coko made from this washed coal is dense, lnstrous, and sonorous. Its uso in the furnace nt ones produced results boin startling ana gratnying. Tho pig metal produced is totally nnlilrA iKn fnm i. ,i.,.l If 'tm n Ti, i i granular, soft metal, No. 2 foundry. Iho product ot the onwaohwl coke, was silver)', mottled, fine-grained, and tolerably bard. ,s Samples of the two qualities ol pig metal present tho most derisive argu ment on this question, i, n Thirty or forty pieces of this im proved coke were submitted for thor ough test and analysis at the ('amhria Iron Works, at Jonstxiwn, J a., with tho following results : Carboo , . Aah Sulphur h . ToUI................ V...U.J IM.Oll It was added, YorbnUy, that tho Broad Top coke, from, washed -coal, "was equal to the host, and bolter than most of tho t onnclsvillo coal. ' It is not designed by this compari son to detract in tho least from the well-established (rood character of Con- ndlsvilla coko, but to respoctfully, yet firmly, insist on tho fact that, by the recent improvement in cleansing the Broad Top coal, wo can mnko fully as good a quality of Toko as the Oonncls- ville.- ..-I , -n, "'i In Mr. Dritton's valuablo eirculur to furnaca proprietors, published in tho Engineer and Mining Journal, of June last, an analysis ot a samplo of (Jon nelsvillo coko, composed of forty-nine dincrent pieces, Is Kiven "as a stand ard whereby tha value) of other cokes may bo ascertained, ( , , . ' ceriioB..:...;.'... T.S AA.dAnt,..riiHMHHMN MHnl 1 1 ,SS1 8ulphurutM..fcw,MMrM.H..,.tWw.,M.H r dilt Phoephorte Acid .17. ' " Moiiluro 4110 Total ....................... 1 00,00 This position is fu-thor strengthen ed by tho actual work in tho Kemhle lurnacea at iuddloaburgj i, Tha ubo of tliis popular coko in ono liirnacp, lonrteen hy sixty feet, in caeased it yield from ono hundred and forty ton- U kNio linndred and oiglity tons of tag iron a week,' and permitting the blast pressure to be in creased from thro anl a half to live and a half nonnds nor sounrn Inch. Tho improvement in the quality of pig metal has Deen carclully estimated at four dollars per ton. A visit to theso furnaces, and a brief examination or the unwashed coko )ig metal with tno w ashed ebko pig roti, will convince any Nasortablemind that a very decided ,mprormeiit has been made in this important fuel. The cost of llroad Ton coko ia a vory important question in the pres ont discussions of the furnaca propri etors. Mr. Lauder, suporintondont of ins ncrnine lurnacea, lumislic tho following estimate, of washod coko de lhured in railroad cars: , , ' i T t tbaa el Mai at It.H..'.' ..'.!' At Waiblag, act ..,.M..,l...a..u..-, : 11 Cohlag LMlag fa nllrcad oora f It Total lie. One and three-quarter tons of onlto amaJt ob (on f pig iron in the Kom hh rurnaees. 'This, at two dollars ami forty -nine conts per ton, give fonr dol lars and thirtv-six conts twr Va, of niir metal. i : n - On this question of a cheup supply of excellent furnace fuel there appears to exist some want of correct infor inution, or ruthor tho vigorous think ing minds of the eastern furnaro pro prietors have not yet reached out of mo autiiraciie circle ot tueir oiwra lions.' -; t- ( , i ," ' . . t ill tho (liseiiHsion of this queslion, at the I'hiladelplua meeting of the tiig iron manufacturers, Nov. 24th, Mr. ('oluman said, "The trndu of tho Mis sissippi Valley is in tho hands of the bituminous pig iron men. Tho only way was to blow out, and thus force the coal men down. They would como down if tho iron men stopped buying coul. It would not Ixs long before men would find out irood coko somewhere olso than at t'ounelsville, whero it could bo tinnsported cheaply to the east." Tho wholo scopo of these pungent remarks foreshadow a movement that has been forced forward by tho pres ent condition of tho pig iron manufac ture a searching uualysis ot the cost of production, with a view to its re duction in a permanent and reliable manner. This oan he accomplished by many of the eastern furnaces in tho sono between tho lino of true econo my in tho anthracite circle and the Broad Top coal field. That a movement must tuko place in many of tbo anthracite furnaces is becoming mnro evident, as coke is manifesting its leading claim us des tined to become the fuel In the metal lurgy of iron. Mr. Coleman's views of this is cor Uiinly fai-secing ; but it will only lie repealing a period in tho previous his tory of the pig iron mnnufuetnre.whcn charcoal fuel had to ho abandoned, ow ing to its increasing cost, and coko used in its stead. How soon this new movement from tho anthracite onal to coke will lie in itiated cannot now ho told. It is,how over, only a question of time The excellent but limited supply of (four hundred and soventy-two square miles) of anthrtcito conl'will bo re served for its manifest purpose do mestic use by an over-widening cir clo of demand, with a somewhat in creased price, and tho wasteful misa plication of it stopped just as tho for mer slashing down ol tha primeval forest was arrested when tho charcoal period closed. It requires one and three-quarters to two and one-quarter tons of anthra cite coal to smelt one ton of pig iron, indicating an average ot two tons ol this coal to ono ton of pig metal. The cost of this coal is a very varia ble factor its present averngo at the furnaces indicated previously as being outside ot tho txfinomio circle of an thracite operation may bo taken at five dollars per ton, costing ten dol lars for fuel for smelting one ton of pig iron. On the other hand, We have llroad Top coko costing four dollars and thirty-six cents per ton of pig iron no apprcciuhlo tlinerenco in the luels, hut a difference in cost, in favor of coke, of five dollars and sixty-four cents to go over freights eastward. Another fact appears very clear in this connection the time, is approach ing when many of tho anthracite pig iron manufacturers will have to cast about for coke. How to do this so as lo receive a cheap and thoroughly pure coke is a very important consideration. Evi dently, to procure a coko at a mini mum cost, and secure an uninterrup ted supply, the furnaco-owners will bo compelled to control and diiwt tbo whole operation of mining, washing and coking the coul. They will, therefore, require to pur chase the coal lands, and in such ex tent as to afford nn ample supply lor years lo coma , i . Tho quality of tho coal lor coke making in such purchases is ol prime importance. Many scums of coal of good quality mid well mlanlcd for innnv ntlrnoses. are cither totally or partially unfit for coking, From tho past five years' experience in coking the llroad Topcoats, it has been shown that they am peculiarly suited for making a very superior coke. Tho Broad Top coal Held, of eighty square miles, stands out eastward from the Allcghcnies, inviting development by its geographical position and supe rior typo of conking coal. This new Industry, furnishing in its own field tho indisputable testimony that its coal, carefully mined anil washed, pro duct's a coke thnl is not surpassed in purity or calorific iiower by any other now manulsctureii. John pYlton, Mining Engineer. THE BHOOKlTs UVRLKSQUE. The trial of Henry Ward Bccochor bus at lost commenced, and through out is likely to be attended by the samo harlequinading that has always marked the career of the I'lymouth 1'ostor. Ho and his counsel are in desperate straits, judging from the llieatrionl exhibitions in court during tha week. ' On the first dav a tableau was elnlioratcly prepared lor the ben efit' of tho jury, with Mrs. Hccchcr as tho central figure, having for accesso ries all the prominent members of the church. As this did not appear to be effective with tho jnry, nor with the counsol who was opening tho case for Tilton, another display was made the billowing day. Thon Mrs. Tilton was paraded and compelled tn listen to a shrewd lawyer presenting her hus band's cose anil her guilt in logical ar ray before the jury. The case of Mr. llecchcr must, indeed, bo desperate when it requires such trickery as this in its earliest stages. Any decent man, feeling himself innocent and con scious that ho could prove it, would not dare to drag his wife into court to lis ten to details which must bo more or less disgusting to every right-thinking mnn, and horribly humiliating to his life companion. Nor would any true man ask tho attendance of tbo woman charged with being a participant in his guilt, and compel her to faro, with burning cheeks (if innocent), the re cital of tho acts which, it is claimed, broke np her household, drove her1 an outcast from her home and her bns-' band. Hut all these things Rcechor is doing. It is an old trick, well under stood, among our Quarter Sessions Shysters; bnt it is Iho Hint tiina that a great Minister, claiming the ability to prove his innocence, has resorted to such tngc-busincss to influence a jury or deter a counsel. The full signifi cance, too, of tho presence of these two women, can he understood, when it is recollected that before the trial commenoed, the Judge announced that, in view of tho character of tho tcstl. mfmy to) lo g)vn, ho should not- per mit any females to attend. This would have furnished an abundant excuse for thoso in interest to resist even tho im portunity of tho ladies in question., if they aro present of their own volition. And, besides, under nn possible cir cumstances, can these women be wit nesses In tho case, either for or against tho rospectivo parties. Yet, in a rase which tho Juiliro thinks until lor the ears of Isdies strange to tho parties. needier urags his wile and lus Nllogud paramour, to listen! If this Is not conscious guilt, it is an audacious dis regard) or public nronnoty and .public tnntimant,- And tho man who ijo may well be ihouirht to be capable 'Violating, not only tmo, but all the commandments In tho-decalogue- t nua ta. ouaiiai iraxrtpt.i Tho Columbus Mia.) KmMref - snva. "Wo are "joing to quit the newspaper fcutrncet ; u doesn't pay to run pa per in town, where business man read almanacs and pick their teeth with the tail of a herring. 1 ' THE VOICE OP CLAY. ' In the yoar 1814, General Jackson, then In command of the Houth-westorn military district of the United States, without authority from tho govern ment marched an army into Florida, then tho possession of a nation ut peace with ua, took Ponsacola, hung two Indian traders and committed oth aets of harshness and termurity. Theso high-handed proceedings came under review in Congress In 1819, res olutions having boen offered to cen suro General Jackson for transcending his authority.and for tyranny. Among those wbo advocated tho passage of tho resolutions was the immortal Clay whoso watchful oyo was over open to detect, and whoso eloquont voice nev er fulled to point out ond denounce any act that portended dangor to tho iiliertios of tho peoiilo. Upon that oc casion he delivered a powerful spooch, in which were uttered words of warn ing that it may bo well to recall, in view of tho recent military usurpation in Louisiana, in comparison with which tho conduct of General Jackson dwindles into Insignificance: "liocall," said Mr. Clay, "to your re collection the freo Institution that have gone before us. Where aro they now ? "Gone gllaacrlog through the dreoa ci thlnga tbot were, A' aohool buy 'a ttlo, the wonder of ua hour." And how hare they lost their liber lies T If wo could transport ourselves back to the ages when Greece and Homo flourished in their greatest pros perity, and, mingling in tho throng, should ask a Grecian if he did not fear that somo daring military chief tain, covered with glory, some I'hilip or Alexander, would one day over throw tho liberties of bis country, the confident and(indignant Grecian would exclaim, No! no I wo have nothing to fear from our heroes; our liberties will be eternal. If a Homan citir.cn had boen asked, if ho did not fear that the conquerors of Oaul might estab lish a inrono apon tno ruins oi puuuc libortv. ho would have instantfy re pelled the unjust insinuation. Yot (iroeco fell, Ctcsar passed the Kubicon, and tho patriotic arm even of Hrutus could not preserve me noertie ot nis devoted country 1 J he celeurateu Madame'de Stael, in her last and per haps best work, has said, that in tho very year, almost the very month, when the President of tho Directory declared that monarchy would never more show its frightful bead in France llonnparte, with his irrenadiors, enter ed the palace of St. Cloud, and disper sing, with the bayonet, the deputies ol tho people, dehherating on tho af fairs of tho state, laid tho foundation of that vast fabric of despotism which overshadowed all fcuropo. Man has been described, by somo of those who have treated of his nature, as a bundle of habits. This definition is much truer when ap plied to governments. Precedents are their habits. There is ono important difference between the formation of habits by an individual and hy govern ments. Ho contracts it only alter fre quent repetition. A single instance fixes tho habit and determines tbo di rection of governments. Against the alarming doctrino of unlimited discre tion in our military commanuors.whcn applied even lo prisoners of war, 1 must enter my protest. It begins up on them ; it will end on us. 1 hope our happy form of government is to be perpetual. But if it is to be preserv ed, it must bo by the practice of vir tue, by justice, by moderation, by magnanimity, hy greatness of soul, by keeping a watchful and steady eye on the executive ; and, above all, hy hol ding to a strict accountability the mil itary branch of tho public lbrce." . Mississippi Mastodon. A private letter, received hy a gentleman in this city from Vicksburg, sa3- thatj one Washington (ireun, Jiving near icks burg, has discovered the remain of a huge mastodon, tho measurements be ing as follows : Two tusks, thirteen feet long each, and three foot in cir cumference, teeth nine inches In length and four and a half inches wide, in good shape and preservation. The re mains have boen seen by one or two zoologists, who pronounce them among the luriront fossil ever discovered. The skeleton of the monstor is still buried in the pit where found, and will not bo exhumed at present. Previous to finding the one above indicated, Mr. Green discovered a smaller skeleton in tho immodiste neighborhood, the measurements of which are: Tusks, seven feet lone. two feet in circumference; teeth, four and one-fourth inches wide, eight inch es long ; tnsks, teeth and sknll joined toiretlier and woll preserved. It is understood some gentlemen of Vicksburg, who aro interested in aoo- logy, will give their attention to ex burning tho skeleton this summer. A Curious Stort. When Napoleon the Great died at St. Helena, an Eng lish physician took charge of bis heart, depositing it in a silver basin filled with water, two tapers burned near it, but the custodian felt nervously anx ious while watching it through the night, and did not sleep. In the si lence of midnight ho hoard a rustling sound, then a plunge into the water, and a rclioundon the floor all occur ring with tho quickness of thought Ho sprang from hi bod to - too an enormous rat dragging the precious renc to nis noie I A moment more and the heart which had been too-vast in its ambition to be satisAod with the sovereignty of continental Europ, would have been more degraded than tho dust of Iniporial Cawar. How Hi Kkah It. At Trafalgar two Scotchmen, messmate and bosom cronies from the same little clachan, happened lo be stationed near each other, when tha celebrated intimation was displayed trom the admiral'sahip. "1-iook up and read yon, Jock," said one to Die other : " 'England expects overy mnn to do his duty;' not a word frao pnlr auld Scotland on this occa sion r' Jock cocked hi eye at the ob ject for a moment, and turning to his rompaninn,thaaddrccflhtm; "Mnn, uoordio, la tbat a yoar sensor Soot land ken well enough that her bairns will do their duty that' jnst m hint to the Englishmen." " ' a oa icBo .1 .., His Monit. The following anec dote nt r Alexander Dnntas explain how this proline writer, who earned snch vast ms ol money hy his pen, died a poor man. , An old comredo came to ask him for some pecuniary assistance. "All right," said Dumas ; "look on the chimnsy -piece ; I receiv ed 200 from my publisher this morn ing. Heveral people have already helped themselves to a little, yon take the rest." . lint there was not a Napo leon left "How foolish you have boen,'"aid flnmss, seeing his friend' disappointment, "to put off coming U inlddny M 'lOliC.-Uu , ,' Not AT flOMS In renlv to a nnalal card intimating that the poll-tax is due, tho following return ha been mane io mo assessor a omce in one ot tho western districts : "The person to wImmt. this aanl in aildmauAil. dnnaitAi1 this hfo soma eight months ago, in tbo oxjiwuiiion or a noma in glory, wnere I l,n .ImuI VAJ, 1. W 1 .il ... - i.i mmn irrou llianvililT ,comploted. If the hopes of hi friends i lev I'onnsVsl, it ia hardly probable unu no win ever again Da cerasjbletn poll-tax collector Ui this jurisdiction." ' " 1 1 i ui ... ia ea a a 1 1 1 'i i i , ' "brother" said little llrchlii borrt five year old, "why don'l tf loaoher make ma a monitor anaattimm, ? i can lick vry bojr In the) Has fmt one."- "rt" faon't keen toup he. H.fml 1 ,ai.. 'wetrns eolUr with ynnp dsst bin. Saimrllanrou. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL C O MP ANY. TUB anderalgaed, oeior to RKKD A POWRLL, have rare baaed tbo Cl.BAB FltfLD PLANING MlLL, and refitted It for doing aa aitenalve baalnee. All the maebloary will be added Beeeaiary to make It one of tb most complete establish moots of tho kind 1b the State. Tay are bow prepared ta receive order for aay work la that lino. They will glvoapeeial ettcBtioa to all materials for bobs boil ding. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS, JHOVLMAClt. OP ALL STYLES, always oa bead. WORKKD BOARDS, aad all article ry for building, will be exchanged for DHf lumiikh, m tbat peraoa at ft aisieeee saay briag their lamber, exebaago It for, aad retarn borne with the manaiaetared artiel. The Company will always hare oa head a large stock of dry lamber, oo as to be able to All aa order oa tbo shortest aotleo. Only the best and most killfal head will be employed, ae that the pablie may rely apoa good work. Lamber will bo worked or sold a low as II oaa be parchased Bnywhero, aad w or ran ted to glvr etisfeetioB. A tb beats will bo done npoa ta a priaeipie w eaa anora to work lor amaii profit. DRY LUMBEll WANTED I Bapoeieity ono tnd-t-ttlf tod two Inch panel etuff, for whiok a liberal price will be poid. Tho bineee will bo ooadaoted aador thoBaaa of Ike "Cleai'ueld Planing Hill Co.' M. O. Browt will portoBtlly eaporiotcBd tho ooalaoaa. Ordera reapeotrelly solicited. M. a BROWN A BR0. Cleorleld, Pc, J.ooory S, 1S74. rpiIE LARG EST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES ! WTOVJElS ! ever brooght to the county, uro Ming roeolred ot tho Hardware Eitobliabaant or H. V. BKiLKR dl CO., eonpriilog the rohowlng Cook Storoc : SPEAR H CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, REGULATOR. NOBLE. EXCELSIOR, TRIUMPH. GOV. FENN, READING NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Alee, tkc following Hotting Storoc i SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. SPEAR'S ORBICULAR. SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MOKNINQ LIGHT, BON TON, GIPSET, VDLCAN. SUNBEAM, RUBY' DAUPHIN EOO, CHESTER BOO. VOLCANO. rUOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, AC. oa.it. u, o-rk oe, io,a. - - FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR BALI BT It. T. Blgler A Co. IRON DOUBLaVSHOVBL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD BIND LB SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSRURO STEEL PLOWS. RAUPT'S BELLEFONTI PLOWS. ROBESON'S tad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. op-Sharee for all .1 tb. abort Plow, cob aloaUy oa bead. ayl-TI T. A. FLECK & CO., Have bow ob baa a, aai are dally receiving ad ditloa ihorete, a large aad well selected Block, ,'art fresh from the aa-vBBltotBjrera, of Dress Qoede, Dry Qoeds, Pilks, llata, Beaaels Old Ladies' Capo, Sbawla, WeUrpreoft, La dle' Far Caps, Heir Ueede, aii' Far Bisbiag Ocetle, Sblrta, .levec, UoM, Overall, Lambermea' Plena! Ladle' Under waar. Caff, Callers, Uaadkerehiof, CHILDREN'S UNDBRWKAft AND WHITE DHKSSK8, PfTfhmery aad Boapa, Balmoral Bklrto, away dowa, Stoekinr, of every siso, variety and eolorv, N otiose, Trim slop and Paney Ueeds, ia almost oodleea variety. It. B.-WB BUT FOR CASH AND 8KLL FOR CASH. deeStf O. I. c. HNRB ta kay my DRT OOODS, ORO eertea, Oaeeaiwue, 'ti lee ware, Drwn aad Not leas, tMfeatiwaev.ee, ., ebejap (or Tbo nbeeriber begs leave to Inform hi eld aad bow eeatomart that be baa opened A TAMKTT BTORB IN OLBN HOPS, PA. AndwmallK(eAsatprleeetewMtbetlflMe. A liberal redaetteB will be made to ewomert bay Iwf at wholeeal. ( . ( Call aad aaammio my olooh before pembeaiag eiMwaere. A naerfti saaro 01 paone paireaaf u aattelted. C. J. KBAOT. Oleh Hope, Pa., Jaae 14, 1171. H. F. BIGLER A CO.'S SPECIALTIES BUILDERS' HARDWARE, '" : , MECHANICS HARDWARE," . LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE. )! I 1 '-'.,,, . . . , i , , FARMINe) UTENSILS, i Mltl BPPrilES, , ' IRON at HAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARRISUES, . PAINTERS' FINDINGS, . , CALCINED PLASTER. Nay 11, Hll, .. pH RAP GROCERIES I Ci, v ',.!' M fcUimaR CITT, PA. i te.r,U.d tntnaaoee It bit tld rrw.de tod p'ottoaa that Ao hue opofiod awocS tine ct OKor-gMKS A PROVISIONS al IbcoM dead of Kirk A Spencer, lor which he toflette a liberal puirvnago. H. w. erancim Luabor City, Pa., Rank JO-IT. SAWS I 8AW8I 6AW8I DISTAN1 CROSS OUT, MILL, DRAG AND ' , CWOUIAI SAWI. " BoTBtoa's LifUftin Croei-oat Saw , I.- I.,- ..- ALIO, - - .' PATWtw PMIFORATMA ELECTRIOSAWS, Po oaa of ''AM 1 .1 .1 ioin.ri . P. H4LIR A CO. gtliiKtUaiirouj. if. F. BIGLER & CO., MIL... I HARD .V AUK, A Uo, MaBBfaotnreraef Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. JjiARMINO IMPLEMENTS or all kltda for atlt by 11. f, BIGLER A CO, R AILROAD WHEELBARROWS lor Bale by H. T. BIGLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Holla, etc., for aale by U. P. BIGLER A CO. JJAnN ESS TRIMMINGS ASHOE Fladluge, for aale by II. P. BIGLER t CO. G UNS.PI8TOLS SWORDCANES For aale by II. F. BIGLER t CO gTOVES, Or ALL SORTS AND Slice, for tel. by II. P. M0I.ER A CO TRONI IRON! IRON 1 IRON I For cole by II. P. BIGLER A CO. OR8B SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for aale by li. F BIGLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad teal HtBuraeturc, for aale by H. P. BIQLER A CO. rjMIlM BLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for aale by H. P. BIGLER t CO pODDER CUTTERS for aalo by ca 30-70 H. P. BIGLER A CO. yiNEGAR HITTERS. PI'RKLY VEOKTABLB. FREK FROM ALCOHOL. DR. WALKKR'S CALIFORNIA n N K (i A R BITTERS. Dr. J. Walker s California Viaegsr Bilters are a partly Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native berbe found ob Ib lower range, of tbo Sierra Kvada mountains of Celilornia, tho medicinal properties of wbieh ere ei Her ted tberefrtm wilhoat the ae of Aloobol. Tbeques- Uob is almost daily naked, "What ii the cauie of the unparalleled saereas ol vikboab Hirraair Oar aniwer 1, that they remove the eantc of dia ease, and tbo patient recover hi beattb. Tbey are tb great blood portlier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invirumtor of the ryiUta. Never before in tbo htitory of (he world ha a medicine been compounded ! seooing the remarkable qualitic of VintOAB 11 it raaa la healing tbe aick of every diecae aian I heir to. They ere a Ken tic Purgative aa well a a Tenia, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of too Liver an Wioral Urgana, la Jfilioa HIS- Tbe propertlsa of Dr. Walker's Viapear Bit ters are Aperiaat, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Ka trieinaa, Lai at ire, Die ret ie, Sedative, Counter Irvitaat, Badorifte, Alterative, and AntUB'iiuaa, Oratefbl thoaaaada p ror I aim Vinegar Bitter a moat woagiaarful lnv iranvat tkaal avar autAda. ed the aiakiag system. No peraon can take theso Bitters accordinc to direeuea aad rem ale long aawell. provided their aonee ai not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, aad vital orgaa. Billon, Remittent aod Intermittent Fever, wbieh are eo prevalent In tbe valley of oar sreet river throughout the United State, especially tboe of the M iiiinir.pl, Ohio, Miaaourl, llllnoii, Tsanessce, Camber I aod, Arkansas, Red, Colora do, Bra, Rle Urande, Pearl, Alabama. Mobile, Havaaaab. Roanoke, James, and manv etber. with their east tribatarire, tbrougheat eer entire cava try earing tno Hummer and Aolnmn, and remaraaaiy o aariag eeaeons of anoieal heat aad drrnee. are lavariably accompanied by ei- teasive derangtr-ments of tbe etomach aad liver, aad etber abdominal vleoera. In their treatment a par gall va, eiertieg a powerful tnloeaoe apoa the various organs, Is essentially necessary. There 1 ao cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker' Vieegar Bitter, as they will speedily remove the dark-oolered vice id matter with wbieh tbe bowels are leaded, ut tbe same time stimulat ing tbe eertieas of tbo liver, and wcaerallv re storiag tho healthy fuaetiofts of the digrative organs. Fortify the body agaiait diaeao by parlMng all it laid with Vinegar Bttiero. he epidemic cm aaa aoie oi a aysism in a rore-aimed. Dyspepeia or Indigestion, Headache, Palo la the Shoulder, Cough, Tigbtacaa of the Cbeit, Dissine, Soar Braotiooa of tbe Btomoeh, Bad Toite in the Moelh, Bilioa Attaoki, Palpitation of tbo Heart, laflaiumaUon of tbe Lung. Pata lu the rgioa af the Kidney, aod a hundred other paiaful symptom, are the offsprings ol Dyspepsia. One bottl will prove a better gear- aoiee oi lie mariu i&bb ft lengthy adrertlccmeot R rati,, I. aeVI..1. I.ll U-k.il. B 111 IT, , a.,,, .. aiavo I- 00 a II 1 UK a, .l, easra. Krwaln.Ua Rarall.J K.W dlii u A.. loue laSammatioas, Mercurial affocttona, Old Rare Bnaniiana af iKa Uhia GnM B.u ... tbe, a ia all other ooaatttntional 'dieeeete, ur-ii. Vl U-.. . a ... e mvrar nitter aavo nowa tair great raraiiTu power ia ibc moat onaiinat and IB tractable ease. For Inflammatory aad Chronic Rheumatism, Hoot, Bilioua, Remittent aad In term, tint Ferara. DlaH of th Blood, Liver, Kidaeya and tho Diaaaer, mem Diitrro aavo ao equal. Bnrh Into eaaes ere eauiea oy v lliaied Vloud, """'"I . rnrtmni curagvO IB Falat and Mineral, auch a Plnmber. Type- m-lmm fl.lA k. B UI .... . . ' U h. l-.l t.l IB . - . . . aan.a, awi. TWN, Ma AalinCrB, BO lOUT UaVUtfeO km Mm actkeA . UH.l. .u. u Tea aVudkril aaeakiaaa livia 1 h. . .r ui.n " OB - -h -.o, ewao 4 anew n TV I Vinegar Bitter oooarioriaUy. . 1st ble tl. a tn . B S'a.acBaaa, (a, r WJ pi A mi PIC, rail- Rheum, Blotch, SpoU, Pimplo. Puetaloo, Boils, Cavbemelee, Riug.worm, Srald beael Sore Ryes. Rrerltlo li.k Booj. tt ( .i .. J an., . -wir,v, riwwrarsiitjH Ot IH Skia, Humor aad Disease of the 8k la of what ever name or aai ore, are literally dug up and carried out of (he rysieea ia a bort lime by th Pin, Tape and ether Worms, lurking In tbe Mesa, an ao meay VBaaumads. are aftwtaallv da. etreyed aad Hawed, ti ayatem of medicla. bo veraaifuge, anthelminitic wiU freo the yetem from worm like the Bitters. For Femal Comulaisrta. la von a r aid. ai.p. fled or alagle, at the dawa of wemeoheod or the lurn of Ills, three Tueia BiUere dilute rl.. aided aft taOaeaoe that impravament is ooa pee. oopiiblo. r Cleanse (he Vitiated Blood whenever you Ita Imeurltie baratln ikrns.k ik. .l;. i. a Si, Brer Una i, ar Soree ; cleanse It when you d It a4i.laoawat.aa. .- A l-V a. .... - . . . eleaae II wba h lo fowl t y.or Hscllng will tell "'p o view pure, eaa too avail b af IktHilla aatll F.-ll- ' - -owoa. laiitiwi , , n , H.R.W. DONALD A TO.,""- ' ' I i - , , . . r i " . - - - oi-.., ...i vrmoeiiw, vwn focnla,ead ooraer of Waehingt.a aad CharlUa on cole. Maw Vork. Sold by all Drugglata oad TaAPflllVa 1ST Vllturriar' eo J ITTRSIIirNTSl-trrg, kM, n eooowd kaad, al lac Meat. Sim, oppooMa Oolioh'. - vmwwmrw ll pOTOTTB W1HIWI BP. IBf t- M la mil tad clealao a aow ttyle of Organ tow oa natbMlct. Sheet Mtatc tld Mtalo Bookt ooaefoutlreotieod. " apill-Tlif Shaw nousE, (Cor. of Market A Froal Itraeta.) CLkAEKIKLD, PA, The unileraicned bovlno taken charm of thl. Hold, wuald n.peotfully aollelt public potronago. ie , v. n. ouiibasTun. l KONARI) HOUSE, i (Neer the Rollrood Depot,) ty I.BA It r I KLU, rA. A eharoof pablie patroBage I reineotfally to Ilcited. eii re o. . nuw, rrop r. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WAfllllNOTON, PA. Thl. ui - - J -il r . . I I , . tek-a be tho uiijaralgnod. Ho foela ooBldeat of u,,.i , m. rHi.r wii.iaoiioa io inooc wao aoy IOTII r him with a call. lay 1, 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. J J O K T O II S HO VUK, uppoiit mo court Hoi. LOCK HAVEN, FS.N N'A. JeU7l IIAL'SEAL A KROM, Prop's. B IIOCKF.RIKIFir HOUSE, BELLEFONTI, PA, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, ooUJ'TI Proprietor,. T OYD HOUSE, A J Mala Street, PII1L1PHIIURO, PENN'A. Table olwov. atinll.4 iik Ik L. ik. ..L agurda. The trereliox Bublle la ioilled to a.lL aoel.tl. kOllERT LOVD. "mansion housl Corner of Soaond ond Market StrooU, CI.I-.AKFIM). eaa T IIIII old aad comaodioac note! kae.durlag form I .Bi.rg.. I. .D.OIC lU ar eapaelly for Ibe eouruieacnt of atraa and oueata. The whnU kuii.u.. i i ecra " ; ' K'"r"-w win tpere ao pain to render bit lueiU oemfartebJc while atayte with him. refui rniahed, and tha proprietor will, pore no flrlbe 'Mansion Hooao" Omnibua raaa U aa arrival ana departure reach train. JOHN DOUOllhhTV. Prg " Proprietor SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. C If R WENS V ILLS, PA. NKWION READ, Paoraiaroa. Havin come pronrietor of this Ilni.l r would rp obtlully o licit the patrontge r th public, JI Uaaantly and oDVnintly sit. uated ; Bawly re At ted and referoiibed ; good aam ple rooma attached. All railroad train stop tbi home. jaoJO-fs Jfiitistru. J. M. STEWAET,Dri)T OBoe over Irwla'a Drug Store. CI'RWENKVIt.l B ai All deatal operationa, cither la tbe aMbouieol -. --' -, I- IIM..IB io oao aatiarootion gaoroulcd. Special utlentlon paid . ..v.tui.,,, vi ai id. noiaroi teoia, . -'" - ""-'.",J .1 IM MtB euo- oeaarull,oorroetod. Teeth oatroelod wilhootpaia by the uae of Ether, oad ortiflelal tooth loeerud af th. Iwal . , -r i . I --I b . r ...... J t . J larootioB. aprilie'llil, r. aoi.n. a. w. inuoLt. J. l.aaaota F. K.ARNOLD 1 CO., llnnkerM nntl Ilrokem, ReHoldvlllc, Jefleraoa Co., Pa, M'iner reeelred on dcnoclt. Discount at mo derate rate. Kaiteru and Foreign Bihsng a), wav oa band aad collection promptly mad. ncynui'iaviiie, Ute, 10, 1074. iy County National Bank, OF CLRARPIHLD, PA. ROOM In Masonic Building, one door aortk ef C. D. Wsisoa's Drug Hi ore. 1'aaiare TickeU to aad from Liverpool. Qoeens- town, (liaigow, London, Paria and Copenhagen. Ato, Draft for sal on th Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. j a anno t. LftunAHti, rreat. W. M. SHAW, Cashier. tl:l:T4 J. D. M'Oirk. Bdward PcrkaT BMKINa & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Sueceesor to Potter, Perks, A Co., Phlllpsburfp;, Ceutro Couuty, Pa. WHKHB all the bnaiaes of a Banking Hoa wil1 oe transacted promptly and upon U moat favornol term a. mar7-tf DREXEL & CO., No. 41 South Third Street, PhUadelpbla BrUERM9 And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will receive prompt at tea tloa, and all Information cheerfully furniihtd Order olicted. April U-tf. The Lightning Tamer. THE undertlgaeA are Iho ol Ageata in UU county for the "North AmerieaB sJalvaaiud LIUHTN1N4 RODS." Toei are tke oaly af rod aow la a, and are eadord by all th Mtentifle men ia tbe eoaatry. W hereby notify the eiliien or Ike eooaty that w will pat them wp a batter red. aad for Ie money, thaa la charged by tho fereiga aire a u wbo annually traverse tbe soanty aid carry off ear little cash, a. ever to rotara. ENCOURAGE IIOME LABOR. Tboae wlihlng Lightftlag Rod rt4 M their bnlldlcga need bat add re a by letter, oell ia pereoa. Wa will put them up aay w ken ia the county, and warraatthem. Th Rodol rtatar oaa b ioob at any time by eaiiiBt si our atore. H. P. BIOLKR CO. Cleorleld, March St, 17 JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, ATTItENM ' AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. The underele-ned beoa leave to iafora the eiti- aeaa of ClrarA.ld, and tkc public ganrrolW, teat bo boa on hand a flna aaaortmeat of Porollaie, aarb aa Walaut. Cboarnwt aad Palaled Cbaaau Suilea, Parlor Settee, Roctlaiag and Eauana Chain, l.adlee' and Ueate' Roay Chain, tee Pit fntalod Diuinp aad Parlor Ckaira, Coo. Seataael Wlndmr Chalra, Clothoa Bar,, Step ond Ritaa aion Luddere, Hot Raoka, Serubbing Braiart. Ii MOULDINQ AND PICTURE FRAMW, Looking Ulaaaea, Ckroaoc do., wbieh weoM la auilobl. ror llulieay prefeale. doeio 71 JUtm l HUliam- READING FOR ALLII BOOKS i STATIONERY Market St., Cl.arflold, (at tha Peat Oalra.1 ritllB BBdoralgaed begt leave te eaaeoeeia L Ib.oltleene of Olcarlcld aad vlclally.a" ha kaa Stud up a room aid kaa Jutt reterM rroa Iteottywtea a cargo taoaalcl roaau. ooalier,eoBBltttBf ta part of . -i Bibles and MUoellaneoas Booii, B I--L 1 . m.mJt --- Buk -f ...tt t tcriptioB Paper aad EBvelopec, Fncah pronel and plain Nal tnd Pctaila I Blaak, tl Pnperc, DcedBf MoHgagoa Jadgaeal, Eaast Ilea aad Pr.aUe.ry aoloe, White oad Pam oat Brier, Legal Cap, Boeord cap, aaa aiu -i. ShMt, Maalefor either Plaae. Plata ar Tie eonauntly on bund. Aay bocka or ataSeee, d.elrod thot I a.y oe! have oa haad, .III ordered by Ira, eiproM, tad told al uiel oo retail to otto ..aeeoaMre. I will alee tot pariedtaal llwrMara, each aa Magaaleoa. " ponora.se. p. A. Mitvi'i" Ol.arteld May T, Illi-U TJNDKRTAKIMG. The undeialcwaJ1 ar aow folly pniiand tarry aa tie huetaeta of i - :,i DXDEItTAKI ,' " AT REASONABLE RATES,' Aad raopeoUaHy Mlicll tha patroaage d k" accatug ouet tarvicoc. . .,, , " jnnN TtinrTvi". '" v '' -' ' ''jAMMIkUAVIi CtearAetd, Po., F.b-.U, l4. j IMP. I LIME! The aindenlgnod la sew prrparod Mranw th. public with aa eBwelleat eaallty of .!',.' Boll.fonle Wood-Burned Lin a plaotarlag furpacot, by tbo kuge "J ejoaalllp. Caa bo found for tho pnal " r arw bonding, oa Morbot HroM. .. oll-tf " I,. E. f.eCVMMM lHNTEl).-)Jy th CIsBr" T T oolaler Caat Book Coapeay, Waed a . . Il,m SANT HOOK HANDtESi rfl, a-j,. gin to aloa. rJ" fonuatlon i.oolr. at tho Tebeooo U'CL 7' 'f OuBlTrf) ALEE. WAT trrT "" " J"