THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARKIKLU. PA WRDNKBDAY MORNING, PUB. t, MIS. Terms of Subscription, If paid ia a4raaoa,or within Ibra month. .$ tO II paid aftae thfNtid Mot lit monthly.,. S i9 It paid Tr IhaazplrmtloD of ill noDtbi... 9 00 KEI.IGIOUa NOTICE. . Met.., .lit Episcopal Church Rv. A. D. foe DMV I'-tUr. Publi. 8rviM wry Sabbath ai A.' MA 7 f. M. Sabbath -ebool ktV A. M. Prarar ttiat vrv Thuriday. at Tl P. U. Goraa.u'li tUrviea. flnt Babbatb of arery Praibt terlaa Church Bt. II. 8. Both a, Sabbath aarvioaa norning and arcoioft Hab- bath Kflkoul at 1 r. i'raj Maatlng Wadoat day araniog. Ht. Kraueli Churcli Catholic R.t. P J. SNtairAN. Man at o'lok A. M., on tha mad and fourth Sanaa of aach atooth. OFFICIAL DIRF.tTOHY. r.NB or BOUtlMU 4JVAHTBR trUfOX. COl'HT. Rvond Monday of January.. TVrd Monday of Mareb. Flitt Monday af J una. Fourth Monday of 8pt ember, TIM! OF IOLD1IO COMMOX PLHiX. Flnt Monday of June. ' 8ooad Monday of Nofainbtr. rciLto owe am, Prnidtnt Jtdgt lion. Cbarlfi A. Mayer, of Look Havan . A-Utaul turn Ju4pllan. John H. Orrli, of BelUfoata. Atiatt Judo Willian C. Folay, Clearllald i Jobs J. lUad, turwanirllla. Prttkmnotmrp Kli Bloom. Rtyititr and Award L. J, Morgan. Dittriet Alforaty Frank Fielding. TWearr-Iavld W. Wiaa. SktHg Willlan R. MoPbarion. Cbanry htrwg- Bmmmt V UoTLiakffV. Vm. weniUle. ObHMfy Cammitttontri John I. Tflompion, Ounrantrillet Clark Brown, Clearfield ; Conrad W. Kylr,irhainton. Oonmtf Auditor Jan..?- II. II il), Lumber City; LawU C. Bloom, Clearfield; Henry Wbllebaad, Uoioa towaahip. Jury CommitnioMr Jubn W. ttbugart, Janei Mltoboll, Clearfled. SuptrimUrndtnt a PbHf Sckoolt John A. Oreiory, Clearfleld. AWfet (.-Jobo W. Wrialey, Wn. Ra- debaugb, Cjroi L. Uordon, Clearfield) Joiiah gla, Oaeaola Mills ; Joknaton Hamilton, Lutbtra- Ht. VnU'ntiHe'a duv. Fob. 14th, fulls en fluuday this year. Bad for the young folks, "That aloighing party" enmo off, and If we may believe tke partlopanta, was the most reeAereie atTalr of the kind that has occurred in this neighborhood for a long time. The Bulletin man wtyrt n Williuins- port young lady, whose lover bad been bounced by her father, was beard the other night singing, "Mr father's at the helm." Not in orn Copt. The prweodhipi of the Lumbermen's meeting at I'tiilipioorg, on Monday a week, did net "drift into another column" of tbe Jounml, so far aa we could see, An exciting fox chnne camo off on the grounds of the Clear neia rem Aseooiatiou last Saturday afternoon. W. D. Blglere "purp captured Reynard and now wears the laurels of the victory. The Unitutl Brethren Conference, whioh held Its Utrty-aiith annual session at Johnstown, Pa., on the SOth nit., re-appointed Rev. J. A. Clem to take charge of the Clearfield circuit tbe ensuing your. A Sprkad. Tho Urookvillo Jtffer- mia came to band last week dressed la a full new suit and enlarged about one-third on tli'e former site. This la a bold move these break nook times, and shows pluck of tbe right kind. KiLiniouB. Thoro will be preaehing In tbe Lutheran Church, la this oo rough, on Sunday, February 7th, morning and evening, by Rev. J. 8. Hcilig. The public has a cordial in vitation to be present. It. Bank depositor, would do well to put stamps on all their checks aad cancel them by their Initials and tbo dates of tbelr checks. Uncle Sam has bii detectlrrs out bunting up tbe banks and broken for delinquents in these mat- (iRotiND Iltio Day, Yesterday was 0 round Hog Day, and, according to tbo old inporstition, the proguottleaUona were favorable for sl weeks more af severe winter weather. Old Bol anoM oat at intervals bright enough for the beast to sec bis shadow, unless be wu blind. aa Service will be held in Ht. Andrew's Kpteoopel Cbnreb, in this place, e Saturday, Feb. 0th, at T o'clock, v. v., and on Sunday, Feb ruary Tib, at 1 1 o'clock, a. v., and T o'clock, Right Rev. J. B. Kerfoot, Bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, will be present. Tho remain of George Adamn, who was killed on the railroad near Hontadale, an isocount of which wo published last week, were 'brought to this place, aad interred irtbe cemetery ibcrc on Thursday Inst, to which place they were raceompanied by a targe Bomber af relative and (friends. - i a i Tho member ol the Literary Society ejonnoeled with the Graded School in this place. In commemoration of tbe kindness of Hon, James T. Leonard towards them, hare named the society and the room In wbleb tliey meet, re spect ire) j, "Leonard Literary Roeiety," and "Leonard Hall." - i i mm m -- ' Still Proorkksino. The revival at the Methodist ekorob to this place la still In progress, although, we are sorry to learn, with not r as groat success as tbe effort put forth by tbe pastor, Re. A. D. Yceum, and tba members would teem to deserve. Tbe meeting will con tinue every night daring this week, and probably longer. From tho Owoola Jttvcitte, of hutt Week, we learn that tba potior of tbe Presbyterien church of that place expects, with tho aid af -clerical assistance from abroad, to open a aeries of interesting religious meeting next week, or nt farthest, daring the week following. .Tbe an nouncement it Inexplicit, from the fact that the arrangements were not definitely concluded, i mm mmm i ' George W. Chi Ida, pubhahor of the - Philadelphia aWecr, will acoeat onr thanks for a ' qpy of the Ledger Almanac for 171. It Is pre sented ta every subscriber of that paper free of cost, 111,061 copies having been printed for that 1 paiftoee. . It Is a hook fall of rateable aad neeful Inform tine, and gotten up In b neat style. am i . : t Attention. Membero of the Penn sylvania Reserret who Berved ta the field, aro re quested to mat) a postal card, with aame, regi ment, and pottoftoc address, to Major Chill W. Bastard Corresponding Secretary of the Pena sylvaaia Reserve Asroelatlon, Monongabela City, j Fa la order that alroulara and reports may bo regularly awlled ea twma. , . ,. . . . Lent. The mannD of ixnit begins , this year February 10th, much earlier tbaa la aay 'other year elaoc HCV. The high festival of . Setter will, therefore, occur on tho tilth of March, . avltbia st days af the earliest period apca which ' hesatsate.' Jioator has fallen aa lateastboMtb ' af Apttl. In some years a meaty as nine Sundays , Intervene between Epiphany, wtb manifestation .. af CerUl, aad Ash Wcdocsdsy, In 1P7S only ' lew fluadayo Intervene between tho jubilee of Bplpbaoy and tha aolemn feast of Leak . ' 3ist of letter remaining unclaimed ' na the Postoflee nt Clearfield, for the week ending February 1st, 1979 anau Krioer, Klmlra Lite, W. A. J Mann, W. L. ' Polmy, Rev. D. 8. Paeker, Chariot to Reed, Jaeaoa M. ReadfF. A. Kobtsoa, KldU (I) P. A. QAITLIN, P.M. figley, Mrc. Mary '' Relger, Mrs. Frank .Brady, Matilda ,4Cooratcr, Jalla foster. Mrf. Sadie Fiak, B. V. fletahoM, Hylvostor 0. Jaoaaoa, Mrs, J, H. TlACREls'lNOTITirriATNaVT Wabh-AifiToa.-A yrofraainie bU www iae.4 for n TaaekM' lMl InaliWI. U U bald 11 Odd .. Iowa' llall, at New Waahington. aonamMielng on Friday aaerniag, Vebrnary 10th, and eloaiageaj Sataralay Meting, F.breery lllb. All tka Iwtj y are af fielL Bnraeida, CaMt and Plka tewnabipa, . ud Bamaida, Kaw Waablngton, Lambar City anal CarwaMi U!a baracg&a, an; aavlud In nttand and laa. part la tba eaeraiKe, wbloh will enalrt af alaaa drill. tc1wr.a, aeeaye, rOAdlnge . and diKBiilena. Th. leralau will ha Inter aperaod with raal ud laatraajaotnl aanera. Aa tbla wlU b. Ibalret Loead UatUala .ver b.ld In the u.ty. Rh aarnaetly bopvd nnd nipaetad thai all Imaraalad will . their wltawl ta mabe ttnaaeaaai. " . " ba.trn.Mve laetarM will be aMIeerad . lb tba M. I. Cnarrh a Friday nnd Pnlnrdn k bvvalora, bra a fa. of It na wlllbiAargad ht alngla MmlHIea, H a., v.tb rav laga. TlalMa eaa be abtaiaad la Dr.. a,..,.. , ,f MVWMDell, K. MrMarray, ar al tbt . aaToaf ,. r. p,M). Tuit K. & K. JUiuioad The Lock llann KttwpriM, of the 124 nit., In alludtof to tba building of tba propoteo Keating A Karlhaua llatlroad, aaya i . "Sim tba attention of tbe publle bat been dlrtetad to tba proposed route na a most desirable and feasible one fur a road, aaauranoae bare been received from various sources auftoleut to make the building of it a foregone conclusion. A con siderable portloa of tbe fual land 1 iag lathe region through whk-h tbe read la to pa,U owned by persons living la distant parts of tbe eouuUy. Several of these parties have already eouo for ward and subscribed liberally. Citiaeui of Lock Haven wbo are to tow tod in lands la Keatlog townvbip have also pledged themselves to do their part, and a number of (be cl ticca of Keating tcwn.blp, this county, and K art ha us township, Clearfield county, bare expressed a willingness to aid to tbe extent or their ability In tbo con struotloa of tbe road ( and now It remains for others interested In tbesucocaa of tbo undertaking to do their duty. "It Is a well known fart that lands lying re mote from railroads, or ether Important linen. travel, aro almost valueless, as compared wftb land of the same quality and character lying in proximity to great thorough fares. This rale especially holds good ia regard to mineral lands, There have been Instances where certain tracts of land known to contain fast deposit or eoal or other minerals, could have been bought for less than one dollar per aero, but owing to their In aeoesstbillty were considered dear at any price. The same lands, however, after having been thrown Into market ty the construction of a rail road near them, was eagerly sought for at several hundred dollars per acre. This is a conclusive argument In favor of every land-owner doing his utmost to aeoare the construction of a railroad near his property, providing ho wishes to have it advance ia value "We know of no region In tbe State that would be more benefitted by tbe construction of a rail road through It than that through which the K. A K. Railroad ia to pass. Therefore, It be hooves all the cltiicns of Kti - townships who own land to net at once with a view to the early completion of this much nooded road A meeting of tbe friends of this road was to have been held at Loch Havon on Thursday last, but up to Monday we arc without tbe proceedings Special. There can be just as eood Tea bought at John McOaugbey'a at iO ccnis per lb., aa at any oilier store in we count j i ry it. jiinZ7-4t John MeOaoffhey keeps an excellent assort ment of Tea Can liter, very bandy and exceed ingly cheap, and he can fill them with lite beat Tea la tbe market. Uuy the cans an v how. They ihi a iiieiime. janz. .41 Don't Fububt. A red hot store and fubitan. tial breakfait Is what takea everybody tu K(ibin' before going out on the early morning trains uysier siews and nut coneo eoly so cents, lues. JtoBina, PrnpV, Oppo tte LconarJ Hbuso. dec 1 0 tf. Everything freiB. raw or stewed, In the Oystor line, at the Wet Branch Restaurant. Call and ten my preparations. lino. D. Ht'iK Doo. 16tb,l74:4U Tna Bbrt in Mark nr. Na I.Uph Mxtkm.! the first ever offered in this Market, freih, fnt and delicious. They are not No 2's with the beads cut ou.knd lar superior to Ao. I s with heads on. li quire for Heu Mackerel at Deo. 18 3m, LtTi.u A MiratBM.'B, A Rkdcctio!! Cim,-Another reduction In Artificial Teeth. Prices to suit thsse panicky times. 8. i'UKTKH HH AW, D. D. S. Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 30, 1874. -3m Rail. R. M. M'Koally'e advertisi-meot In re gard to Life Insurance. eugl2-ly Cam, on R. 31. M'Knally and ret your life In sured in the Old Continental Life Inturanew Com pany, of Hartford, Conn. augll-ly Bt'aoiKI Foa Ralb. R. Newton Rhaw kaum a full supply of i'reduni Buggies and Plattorin Wairona for sale. Tu be seen at the Shaw Huum yard. Call on or add reus him at Cleartleld Peno sylvaoia. may 3-f. Wood and Willow Ware of all dcseriDtlona for ale by II. F. Bigler A Co. A xbs. Seventy-five dotcn Clearfield Wood- ohoppere Axes at V::7I. H. r. B1ULKR A Co s. flare Timet Pave Labor! Save Munev! Kara Clothes! The" Novelty Wrioger" ia tbe boat in the market. Buy It: try It. For sale by H. F. Biomn A Co. Just received, a terse lot of n on -explosive lit run ana iaoieroi at . jt. r. hiclbb e co's. Nonca ta Wagon aim CaaataaB Makhrs. We have just reeeivad a ganeral assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also n full line of Springs ana abisb, woico we oner eoeap ror easn. 11. r. BiflLan A Co, PalnU. Oils and Varnlshea for sale bv It. F Big l.r A Co. II. F. Bifler A Co. bare been oiakint? attentive additions to tbelr stook of Hardware the laat few days. Krerytbiog new la Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware. Builders 11 era ware, and Hardware of all kinus.nan be'ieeo ai uieir siure. , May x. Raan Tbis ! Persons wboeontemplatabullilinK will do well to call nnd examine our stock of UUII.D1NU MATKUIALB. We have in atocka full lino of Builders' Hardware, A'ails, Paints, Oila, Ulesff, Putty, Calcined Plaster, Ac. . myas 7 ii. r. Biolbb Co. Sawb. Dlstan's Cross-cut Saw, Great American Saw, Boynten'e Lightning Saw, at V-Z(WX it. r. JilLB uo s. A full line of Household floods, Japanned Ware. c, lor sale ny it. r. uigier a te. Paihtc aan pAtnTuns' Ktwtttos. Onr stock of Paints and Painters Materials Is oont-'Me, in cluding J. T. Lewis' Pure White Lead. John Lu cas at Co's Pure White Lead. F. H. A Co's Busk Lead, nnd a number of cheaper brands of White iaaa, aiso, btuserd Ull, Turpentine, varnUhcsol all kinds, n full line of llrucbcs, nnd a foil lino of colors, cry and in Mil. yze'7a H. F. Biot.un Co. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co Montour Slate Paints, for painting houses in side and outside Cottages, Farm Buildings, Ac. Kcauwai, aurebie nua economical, u round la pure Lin reed Oil. my 73 it. r. Hiotan A Co. Bird Cacea a larae assortment at It. F. B ic ier A Cc's. Faaat Fhbb I Fata ! Among tho inanr nrcna- rations that we have for Coughs, Colds, Croup, or any inroai or luna airfleultv. none ot them are equal to Dr. Morris' flvrun of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horehound. If yon aro afflicted, coll at our store and we will give yon a sample bottle ret e eitutyir Agents: nartawtcl Irwin, fearneld ; Holt, Wondside A Holt, Wallaceton H. R. W il llama, William's Urove. March Il ly. RRCAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood anil Willow Ware. Household Ooode. i 1 ' - : Ail kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Paiata, Oils, Varnishoe. ' Csieined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale nt tbe mammoth Hard ware Store of II. F. Die lor A Co.. Haeond street. Clearleld, Pa. .-ft aStarrlrfl. On Tueeday. J.nuart Ittb. IKT1. b. ... J. W. Lncata, Mr. JOHN F. MII.LKH, of Clearteld eoonly, nnd Mlaa MAIIY R. MtCLOHKEY, .1 t. entre eonnty. , Atlh reeidenM af tba bride'a IWtbep. aa Tare. day, January ltb, IB7eS. by K.v. J. L. Laania, Mv. 0IIAKI.K8 COHVKI.L, at Venateld, and Mlaa KMMA, daughter of IlAvia It Lea. Rao. all of Cleertrld ooiaaty, 1'a. At the lit. Charlel Hotel. In Clearfield. h Tnea- day, J.naary 18th, IftTa, by Iter. F. J PHeaiaaa, CLAHK IIHOWN, Kni., one of tbe Clrarfl.ld Co. Cemrai.elenera, nail Mra. NANCY QALIR, nil of Clearleld. Tba "grawback" aompllaaaBt paid tale oOea ehewi tbat th. groom aadaraunda bia relation 10 th printer, and aeta ah oiananle wbleb tbowaanda Ighl follow with propriety and thrrehy largely inoeaea. tbelr fatora bappineaa. At the reaid.nca of th. bride'a father, on ThorW day, January 18th, 1878, by Her. H. U.CoiBtiaa, Wof. I.OI'IH i. HHAMtH, of rittabnrgh, Pa,, and Mlaa MAdlllR I., daegbtar of Ilr. Jllo M. Bv, af New Waebinglcn, Pa. sua. la Welleoelel,. Thiarfteld county, Pn., on Sun day, Janaary Klb, 1K74, LI.ZIK J wife of D. t. yptmaT, agd M yrara, I awnti,. and daya. . ,, . , la Paanlald, Cleariald aoaaty, Pa.,aa Wednfr day, January Mlb. UI. WILLI H. eon af laaac B. aad Mf iLaa BaoauAnnn, aged 2 taoalba, la PennHeld, Clearfield enanly, Pa., ha lfoa day, Jaatary lllh, IK76, URACIX, daughuref 0. D. nnd Vtnoinia Wood, aged I monifaa ud 1 weehe. E EXECUTOR'S NOTICR.- Kntice la hereby rtven that IHterwleetaarnt aryen the estate of TOHMAR WITHRKOW late iifFlkctwp ClearAeld county, Pa., dee'd having beee duty granted to the undersigned, al pareone ladeMad ta laid estate will pleat make laamadiata payment, aad these haeiec cttiais or demnsiiia will proaon! them properly auicUetoel icff setueeaeen wimoat aeiay. v , , ,. v ., , JUJIM WITHKKUW, v &AV1D W1THKR0W, Kew Millport, Jia. U, 18T.-4t. Xictntcrt. o War!uti. Clearfield Markets. Coaaicrao Wbiki.t bi Krataer A Utle. Whole aaleand Retail dealers in Dry Uooda, Urooertea nuur, roca, eie Marvel street, U learn eld, t ' . 0LBnriBL. Fa., Feb. I, ISfi. Apples, green, ., A)plea, dried Apple butter, f "li Butter. H , , Bcans...M Buckwheat Buckwheat flour V lb Baef, dried... Beef, fresh Boards, U Cora,sbelled.M. Corn, ear H , Com meal, 9 sack Chop, V awt ,........., CloverseedH.t Cbeee , Cherries, l lb , Chickens, dressed, ft th,.-. Kick Flaxseed 00 90 30 .0 0U(o) I 00 04 ,'tl 00 14 00 ;. 1 o" 00(i I 40 T oo ioa i nt i i 00 r o i to .00 OIKujll uo Flour u Hay HoK1! dr..i.d Hiuei, groan. II m. Htiouldcr, tM...vvw" Rid lord U.h Pork.V bbl. O.u Onion. l'otnlooi. Ponotie., driod, lb Plulrr, V bbl lljo Karl. 1) Ilia. ... ill v 14 11 il 00 I 00 76 14 I 00 1 10 Hall, W lark ib(g,l li Sbiniln, 18 Inob.. ., 01 Shlnilei, It Inoh ! Timotbjr aood .H 6 OH Tails... 10 Wbaal 1 M Wool ........ . 40 Wood, V oord - 4 10 l'ciiu.Hyl vault. Railroad I V HUMS A ULCAKflfiLO BBANOU ON and afl.r MonJ.j, NOV. li, 1874, tlia TaaMntar Trai.i will run daily (.xoottt Bun. day.) botwuan Tyrona and Claarliald, aa follovf CLKAUr'lULD MAIL. W. 0. lawix, Conductor. LKAVK SOUTH. LEAVE KOR.TII, Cl.arn.ld 1.40, r. a Tyron. w 9.00,A.H. Fbilipbun...4..16, " Onmla... 10.10," l'hill..borj...l0 J." Cl.arli.ld 11.10, " Oaeaola 4.0, H Tyrone 0.00, ' CLBAllUKLU ilXl'BKBa. W. 8. PLmuBR, Conductor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. ClearOcId 4.35 a. H. Tyrone T.10 p.m. Hbiliniburl.. Iuter.ection...7-!2 " Oeceola D. IS " l'hlli,ll,.r,...8. " ClearOald, ar...0.:it Oiooul. 1.40 Intersection... 0.41 Tyrone.. 0..4 TVBONB STATION. I&.TWARD. a h :I7 t:04 wKaTwaan. Mlied Train, (lincln'ti Kipreae, PociAe Kxprau, Waf Parrcnger, Mail Train, A M 1:11 4:11 0:34 P H 1:13 :4I :a Paelfle Kip.-eee. llarriburK Acc wi, P M .1:45 en Mall Train, Atlantic Kiprtaa, : nila aa l!.iprcaf, lOMIIVait Line, Th. Mall nakea clot, eonncetioo with Atlantic Kiprere eall at 6:4.S, arriving nt llarriaburg at lhlii p. ami at 1'biladrlpbla at 3:10 a. at.; and with Mall writ at 0:11, arriving at Allooraal7:!i I. and at riltlburuh at 1:40 A. M. The Bx- pre. eonneeti with 1'aeifie Kipraaa east at 8:17 a. N., arriving at llarrliburg at 12:0a a.m. ao1 at ruiiadripnia at :ia p. n.: ami with I'.cine xx- nrvM we.t at 8:14 A. M., arriving nt Altoona at 0:00 A. af . and ritbburgh at 2:l'0 p. M. Leaving ruiiHdoipoia on inn facinc Kspreia at I l:a p. m or tb. Mail at 1:00 a. at.; and Pitteburgh on At lantic Kkprcaa at 1:10 P. M. or J'ecilie Kapreaa at 3:10 a. eu inak. clove eonncetion at Tyrone with traina fur Cliarfield. N. B. The Mail train arrl.ra at Curwena ville at ll:a A. w., and leav.. Carwenaville at 8:00 p. H. The EipreKa arrivea at aatne place at V:A0 p. h., remaining 10 aiinnlea, retnrning to Clvarfied, Icavea Clearfield for Tyrone at 4:11 A.M. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa .. Middletown 5 0 Marietta I 60 Lock Haven , S 70 , 1 AO Wiliiamsport Huntingdon Lewistown WarTivill. Lancaster . I 85 PUUA1KLP1IIA 75 Altoona 1 41 Johnstown.- 1 SO S 90 4 oO 4 76 UAHHlHBUltd ITTHBUKU A 16 Cloae connections made bv all traina at Trnni no K oca UBTen. . ft. B. BLAIR, mylT-tf. tSaperintendent. WSTEK'S SALE! VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Public or Private Sale ! Being a Portion of the Estate of A. K. w 111-! La J J wigm, ueceasea. The undersigned will sell at public sale, unlrss sooner aiapostMj or, on tne FIHHT MONDAY OF JUNE 1H1A, at tbe Court House, In the bornnght of Clearfield, Pa., all tbe follow lag described real estate, els: All that certain traot of land, situate In Deca tur town-hip, Cleereeld county, surveyed end warranted in the name of Charles Hisk, contain- inc 404 acres nnd allowance. Also, that adiein ing tract, warranted and surveyed In the name of Robert Katney, containing 404 acres and allow, ance Both of raid tracts being and lying in tbe uiceoia eoai oain, ana aavtng t hereon a large amount of valuable timber of different kinds. Alro, all the undivided half part of acres uwre or less, in three several parcels of land, part of tho Joseph Clark and John Harrison sur veys, sitaate In Woodward township, Clearfield county, and same lands held in common with Caleb and Ueorge Cburohman, having a largo amount of valuable white pine and hemlock with other timber thereon. Aire, another tract containing 157 acres, more or loss, situate in Woodward township, being the west end of the Thomas Mart-ton survey, having thereon whits pine, hemlock and other timber, and being underlaid with eevcral veins of valua ble eoal. AIM), another tract of 40 acree, more or Iocs, fart of the Knsaa Ward surrey, being the bank ng ground situate at (ho mouth of Morgan Run and adjoining land of William Albert A Bros., in Woodwsrd townhip, ninarfleld county, and cov ered with Tamable hare lock and other timber. Alro, another traet of lite acres, more or lese, being part of the Thomas Steward ion survey, fit oate In Decatur township, ClearAeld county, and lving witt Id the coal measure of tbe Oscecla coal baiin. Aleo, two parcels of land situate In Lawrence township, within one mile of the borough, and valuable as out lots, one thereof ooataininjf eight acres, more or Ism ; the other four acres, a-ljoluing lands of Robert Wrigley and others. Alan, another traot of land, situate la Pike township, containing 32:1 acres, buitig part of war rant No. 42i0, situate within sii tnllvsof the bor ough of ClearAeld, covered with valuable timber and underlaid with Ire clay of the finest quality. Also, all those four certain buU Ung lots situ ate in Heed's addition to the borough of Clear Aeld, and known ae lots Mo. and In said addition. Alavo, all that panel of ground situate la rear of the Academy lot and Mosaon's store, part of lot No. a, la genernl plea erf C oarlehl, having a targe frame building 1 hereon aad caid let sita ate and bounded en oast aide by an alley. . All the nhove described lands are valuable. The lands in Decatur and Woodward towncblps are all within the coal measures of that District, and within reach of railroads, either built or now building, and commend themselves to purchasers for eoal and lumber. These lands will be cold nt private sale. If parties desire to purchase, but If not sold at private ale will be publicly sole, ae aforementioned. Terms will be made rrasnnahl n Butt nr. flhaeevs. All faqnirieo addreeasd to the under signed will receive prompt attention. . i u A. J, I A I Traate. , Clotrllatj, Pa., Jan. 20, lr.7ft.-td , ' i .,i- . i:J ADMINISTRATORS NOTICAl NtitlMlaherohy given thatlcfiersef ad rain- istration on the estate of HtlOH H. gUJULRV, late of Wallacetun, ClearAeld Co., Pa., deeeaaed, havlag been duly ran ted to the nndsrslcnad. all persorm IndlbaW to eaW estate Will please make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will present them properly authenticated for Battlement without delay, ,i , imnu r. tvuiuLBir, . WaJlawetca,. Jan. Admlnlitrsinr. ' AD.MINISTRATOR3' NOTICB. Notice Is hereby gteea that letters ef admin istration on tbo aaUia of JACOB WIHK, de ceased, late of Morris townshin. ClearAeld onenft, Penwa,, having been duly granted to tho undersign e, all persons Indebted to aaid estate will pleene make immediate payment, and thoea harlag otutowe or demands will present them properly authenticated fnr settlement without de lay. UKDHdR W. WHR. MILKS PRLTOI, t Mordale Mlnoc, Jan. A. -At Ad mra. 1 , m, , ,. .;, tt.i, . iit i , ,,, A DMIIHSTRATOR'S KOTiCK.- - Xol lice ts hereby alvcn that Letters of Ad ministration on Ueeotateof OKOKtil 11AQRR- TV, iatc of ClearAeld, Clearfield Coaoty, Pa.,, deesaeed, having been duly granted to the under gnea. an persons indebted te aaid estate will Cmse make intmeuiaU pa,.ui, ahj ttK ring claims or demands Brill present them proptWy aulhaotleairaj for leitleHeril without delay. JACKSON HAURRTV, ClearAeld, Jan. I, IMft.-et Adm'r. A DMIJSTKATOll,S' NOTICB. 1. Notice Is herehy given tbat LelUrc of Ad- iairtratloa en tbo eatete o4 JOHN 0. DIXON, rate of Lawrence aetrwshtc), ClewrAeld baa- ty, Pennsylvania, deceased, having been duly granted to aba ndersignad, all parson In. deb ted to cold estate will pao make immediate payment, and ehaoc having am I nee ar demaads will preeent them properly authenticated for set-sl-meat wilhewt eWay... j t. ft. flHAW, ' Cltarwel.L Jen. t. AdnlrOetrater. 9rw Q&vtrUtmtnti. KRATZER & LYTLE. THE NEW FIRM IN THEIR COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATED ' STORE i 'Are marking down their INUEXSE STOCK OF GOODS, CASH PIIICES. educed expenses and telling for ready pay blec them to do It. They will ondeavor to be HKAnQUAllTERM for Bapplyinf the eltiiens of Ctenrfleld county DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Dross Goods) Boots and Shoes,, Wall Paper, Queens ware, Ac, Ac. And all other goods In tbelr line. . B. TKKMS CASH. J. M. KRATZEB. J. ti. LYTLK. Cl-ir field, Dos. I A, 1B7. ALLKGHENY HOTEL, (Market Ht, bet. Third and Fourth,) ( LKAHKlaELIK PA. ' The aubscriber harina become nroorletor of inn noiiti, would rospectruiiy ak a liberal share i puouc patronage. , rricee reoucca te sun tao times. jao.20-75:tf. Q. L. LKIPOLDT. QAUTION. All persons are horehy warned ant net nur- hasing or la any manner maddlioff with the fol lowing property, new la tbe hands of Charlec vlare, of tlirard townshin. vis : one brown stal lion, one timber sled, one set double harness, two stoves, two beds end bedding, one sink, as tho same belongs so me, aad is subject to my order n any time. F. F. COUPUIKT. Frenehvllle, Jan. 20th, 187ft St. ?STRAY. Camo trerpassing on the premises ef the undersigned, about the middle of October last, an ALL KKDBl'LL CALF, abcut I A months old. Tbe owner Is requested to ceme forward, prove projverty, pay charges and lake him away, or he win oc auposca oi aecuraing te law. R. LANaSBBItRY. Woodland, Jan. SO, 18TA.-34. COURT PROCLAMATION. 1TTHBRBA8, Hen. O. A. MAYER, President V Judge of tbe Court of Common Fleas of tbe Twenty-Bftb Judicial District, composed of the connties of ClearAeld, Centre and Clinton and lion. William 0. Fulbt and Hon. Joai J, Kbo. Associate Jvdnea of ClearAeld aoaatv. hare laaaed their precept, to as directed, for the noiding of a Court of Common Fleas, urahaas' Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer ana iermiaer, eaa uowrt or ucncrei Jati Ueiiv cry, at the Court H oase at Clearfield, in aad for tbe county of ClearAeld, eommeneing-on tba third Muutla; , the lasat 1ar mf Marrn, IMt A, aad to continue one week. MOTiCK 18, therefore, hereby given, te the Coroner, JbsUcus of the Peace, and Constables, la and for said county of Clearfield, to appear la their proper persons, with their Recorde, Rolls, Inquisitions, Kaamiaatlons, nnd other Remeus. nranoes, to do those things which te their efieea. ana in tneir be hair, pertain to no dona. By aa Aet of Assembly, passed Ike Bth day ef May , A. D. 164, it is made tbe daty of tbe Jus tices of the Pence of ihe several couaUee of this Commonwealth, te return to the Clerk of the Court of .Quarter Sessions of tho respective counties, all Ihe recognisances entered Into before them by any person or persons charged with tbe commission of any crime, etcept such cases as may be coded before n Juatloe of the Peace, un der existing laws, at least ten days before the eomtaenoeaieet of the aeesloa ef the Court to which they are made returnable reipeetlvely, and In all eases where aay recotniiaacea are catered into lees tbaa tea days before the commencement of the cession te which they are made retarna- ue eata niusucee are to return toe aame in the aame manner aa if aaid act had not been passed. U1VRN under my hand at ClearAeld, this 17th day ef January, in tbe year of car Lord, eno thousand eight huadred and seventy-Ave. Jan27.te W. K. Mcl'UKKSON. Sheriff. A UdOlTOK'S -NOTICE. Notice Is berebv tlven that tbe uadcrsianetl Auditor, appointed by tho Court to distribute the proceeds in the hands of tbo K locators of Joseph Ltaee, of Brady towaek'p, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appelatmea, at his office In the borough of Clearfield, en Friday, tne hub aay or rerruary, I87, at ta aeieek a. a., whore aad when nil parttec interested may at tend U they see proper. i n Jia 44. MCCU1.LUUUH, Feb. I, 197(V4t. Auditor. CAUTION. bV ... All persons ere berebv cautioned asalasi Iiurc basing or In aay way meddling with tho foll owing described pronertr, via i 1 etove, 1 bed and bedding, 1 sink, obairs, 1 table, 1 dough- tray, p lot of dtsbes and tinware, now la the poc seesioA of Aleiander M. Ross, as the same be longs to ae and te left with him an loaa only, subject te ny order. ALKAAiHDKK an A NCR. Wellaeeton, Jan. 37, 187ft. -St pUBHO KOTicK The Interest of Simon McFarland, In a store at Utabvlile, having been purchased by mo, en tbe twin cf October, HT4, tho businoea has been since then, and berwatW will he cend acted In that store by the undsrsigned. JOHN CLARK. IHahvllIc, Dm. I, ISY4.-8m 'f ' 1 BALKl A Urge and well-IUlshed Brink Dwslllnr, sita ate on tbe river bank, In the borough of Clear told, containing eleven reoma, with good cellar, water ia the kiteheo, and all tho modern conve niences. Pantries, Bath-room, Clothes -presaee, Ae. Lot silty feet front and two hundred and thirty feet bask, with n twenty foot alley an the east aide. Raid building, with all tbe appurtenances, win ee soia eoeap, wiin payments to suit purcha ser. Application can be made to tbe nnder signed, or to A. C. Tote, Isq whe will five all necessary Information te thoec who desire te in spect the property. THUn. 4. MrCULLOUtlH.- Msy tut, 1 Mme l2T Sale I TUB and.ralgnnd, raelding near the depot kae made aetnplet arrangementa with Llaaa ilurnere aaat of tb mountain, whereby be I ena bled t heap ao.eta.lly ea hand a large oaantlty al ' 1 PURK LIMKI whleb he oRrra to rhmitr and hullder at a trlta a,ea Mat. Thoea In aaad af tba artlete would da wall t. giv . n Mil, ar uddraea aa by brlbrr, ba. for negotiating thnlr Una.. unu. v. rAnnatuital. Claerleld, Pa., f one t, IW. - I TUB CLEARFIELD , ' WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! :: ; Hannrnatarad pelally for THE CLK4RF1KLD TBADS, ' 1 1 roa ana ar auglTw Iiit . JH. r.jaflllrJ MC,m OUK OUT FOE THE SIGN ' IIK4 CAT HOOK I VAEKKT MKEIT, 01,RAirilLD. , Tho old Clearleld Biealalar Cant tloob C la dlaeelred, and a naar aaa formed by Aeaea Kea nardaad 0. B. aletr.ll, ef denrteld, and 0. M. Allard, ef Raiporiuia, Cameron aaaaty, aa part aara. aad Jaa. a. Wataan, af, aa Oeaer al Arena. Tba aw aampaay will aarrj a. tba baeiaae of mannfaatariBa. Mlll.a i aklhi. the Cant Itoobe. wlih all tbatr lmnre.aea.ale; whleb are new pntMt. All ardor .ramptly . . WATBOB, Jala M, MT4, ... . , 1 Ajant. 5rrr tfitnms. CLOSING OUT SALE I CLOSING OUT SALE! SEDUCTION IN CLOTUIA'O. ft g We dealm t ee.nulet .up frWnd and th pobll that w ar. ndaslng onr Itnak a loot lata aay. LOWER PRICES LOWER PRICES LOWER PRICES CU)THlNO AT COST CLOTHING AT COHT CLOTHING AT COST CLOTHING AT COST "We aara Jeet pareheeed a large let of nothing, nt prieea leae tha. maanfaeterere araald uaha them ap. but, aa tba pant amp)led thm t. .all far oaab, we took .dvaataga of it, aad aow offer ta ear pat reaa an immaaee etock of Clothing T LOWKR PRICES TnAK EVER AT LOWKR PRICES TAAN EVER AT LOWER PRICKS THAN EVER AT LOWER PRICKS THAN EVER AT LOWER PRICE8 THAN EVER We iataad te Cloae Ibla etoek nil nut bv . th let day af January. 8 If yoa want a Bargain, em eeoa, aa wa win ana are aa termiaod to maha a revolution la tb Cloth dog Baalneee. lit pair Pent reeled tbla day, to be eld aa law aa Remember, Past are aold laat month T ti it NOW BRING M M AT IS it NOW I1HINO 13 14) AT St t NOW BHINtI $3 M AT S) NOW BRING SI I AT li M NOW BRING S3 M ' OLD DEMOCRATIC PRICES ware high aompnred wltb theprteaael wblchweara aw aelilag Clatblag. a p G'-' W 'I KBMRMBII THI PLACE. OLD WESTERN HOTEL CORNER. KERR 4 CO. 8 Clearteld, Pa., Dm. I, 1174. 3 S i I i .it- .' ' w "' - a, ' t tP O'eJ mo a i B B B H B BBBBJ5 8 I B B g B B B E B 3 3 3 S S 3 S 2 u u u b u u U u u o QBBBBBBBB'9B B a n a tatBaiaaa) nBBBBB'BBBBB 5 5 ,3533 . a M ea aa Ki'S Column. 1874. DECEMBER. 1874. REMOVAL. WILLIAM REED -now of TUR KEYS-TONE 8TORE, Will on December 1st, remove to Room No. 2, at the Opera House, where ho will be pleased to see all hia old and many new patrons. Having leased this room for a term of years, at a reasonable rate, the room being well located and admirably adapted for my business, and by giving my undi vided attention to business, I hope to merit the attention of cash buy ers throughout the county. My stock will consist of a thor ough line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, f ARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, LADIES' MISSES' CUILDREN'3 SHOES, and as heretofore will keep a re liable class of goods. ,1 It is my determination to do a strictly cash business,and no books will be kept at all. . Will start with this determination, and will carry it through. , TO do a CBSli business. I mUSt i do. nn nrirn .nrt rrr. araavv arumiiVknyj HIIU gVIUUD' will be marked nt cash prices. In doing a cash business I save the expenso of , book-keeper; no loss in selling to poor pay; no limo spent in settling and collect ing; no dunning or boing dunned (comforting, is it not ?) , " In marking goods otio prico I can mark them low, and it will be more satisfactory to customers as all will be treated alike. It will iave an extra salesman, as not so much timo will bo con sumed in bartering or "jewing down," as it is called, and persons will know they can buy ot ia'.cs men or clerks a, low at from the proprietor. I will try and do business in such a way that it will be satis factory to all. ' ' ' A large stock of now goods will bo receivod next week, which will be sold at. prices never offer ed in this market. i t '.'M , WILLIAM REED. ." Room Ma. I, Opart Inn, nearly apanall, lea OvaarSeld, Mer.lJ, Ht, ' I ,, : y grg tSoodl, If. JKMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify the public generally that he baa removed hie Grocery Store from Show's Row, te tho building formerly occupied by J. Milse RraUsr, ea (Wad street, nest doer ta Bigler's hardware store, where he latcads keeping a full line of GltOCERIEN. HAMS', DRIKD BKEf and LARD. BUQAB8 and M HUPS, of all gredee. TKAB, Oreea ud Black. COFFER, Routed and Clraen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, vjiwr.u mi its, All kind, la tha market. PICK LKS, SPICKS, In aver, form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, All. KIHmaOK CRACKERS. SOAPS, MATCI1KS, DRIED APPLK8, DRIED PKACII11, DRIED CHIRRIRS, Coal Oil sal Zuap CUmaeyi. And a good aeeortment of thoea tblnge aaoally kept la a groeery atoro, wbirh ha will eaehango lor aurKallog at tb market prlera. Will eall for aaah aa cheaply aa aay ether one. PI.eec eall and aee hi etoek and Judge for yoaraeir. JOHN McUAUUHKV. Clearaeld, Hay IT, 1174. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Oppoall Put 0ta. New Goods I New Prices I CHOIC E LINK OF TEAK. O0L0NUS, JAPANS, IMPORTED, YOl'NO HYSON, ENOLIHIt BREAK FA8T Pareat In Mnrket. . HUTTKK AMD UliGta Will ha kept nnd Mid nt frit eoal. Caab paid far Country Produce. GERMAN CHERRIES, TI KKKV PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. aVIrJH. Mackerd, Lnk Herring, Cod, Ar. PICKLI. Barrel Pieklae and Engliah Piakle. rLOUR AND FEED. Flour, Cera Meal, Oat Meet, Ae. f.bint LYTLE MITCHELL. ED. W.GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LUMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., nee Juet opened, at tha old atand, la Graham', new, a aomplct etoek of F. ft' a O O D B, of every daaerlptlon. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTHINO, ff-c .rf-c., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT,' SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALVA YS OS HAND AND FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVA NCR P L O U R Kcv1t4 Is tbe cat loftd, end sold it sncll Advuce. 5 A supply of HOI'K coosUbIIj or bend. "l"""1 lnvlaaaau atrered to Ibom galliag aat j Square Tlmba, d Log., a. .. largely ia Lumbermen' Suppliaa, nod an pre pared at all time te pnrehaae tint bar aad lumber. Ell. W. 43 R A II A M , Market Slreat, , CLKARFIELD, PA. Oct il, K7I. . QLOSING OUT AT COST! 0ln to thtt pa ate, w thiah It li7 I 1m am oar iimi i . AT 0T, whl.h will aa aa advaalaga la bath aaaad ow ar etoek le large, eoaolalleg of CLOTHING, v.: -, ., IN ALL STYLES,, , , ' HATS & CAPS Gents' Furnishing Goods, Wblah w lalaad Mlllag al oat Sar a We say Josl What we Mean! If yoa wlek to aa.a from 14 ta t an a aaH new la pan, lima la key, Our Irat-tlaaa Ovaraaata . v l.rt.aaeAe ' k , SalU Pauu at ' Plata ail Veete tndar S.II ' OverShlrta , Ilu.k Glove , Ilea. Baapemdera ,. fr.m ! M aa 10 M .,, K to II III " IINb H 4 II U I IP " . : I M I. I . " inn in I 14 ta IN 10 le 10 It In II I Hie III , . 7 an If ,i!l net Cap Raaa.maai IbapUaa.. Marbet etradt, oypoalu tea Coart MeM ... I'll .., O.STEWART SON. FUK, WHITE A ROAJf LIVINQ 8EWS Jnat raaalved aad far aale br , , April II, lata. B. F BIOLER A pt). Sm 4Srsrtrf, CJtr. NEW FLiOUB, FEED, AND GROCEltY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Rac4 teu cue door areet of Leaiiard Hunar, t'learBeld, Pa. Keep aeaatantly on band SI'OAR, TEAS. SODA, COAL Oil, SVRVP, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Caaaed and Dried Fruite, Tobaaeo, Clgara, Can dies, Cider Vlaegar, Butler, Kgge, Ae. ALSO, EXTRA HOMEMADE J Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, 4o., All of whleb will be Mid eheap for raab or la axoheng. fur eonatry produee. a. u. KHAaita a iu. Cleerleld, Nor. II, IS74. tr s TOP THIEF 1 How often that crv Is beard In oar force tovri : bat no one orcr tbitks cf steel inf froni T. A. FLECK & CO., For tbelr foods nrc so cheep, 11 pars better to bey than steal then. Porch i Ing enllrtlj for cash, and sclllof for tbe cane, we are thus ena bled to oner goods ml snails r margin than can possibly be done by ear (edolDievcn tbe small est part cf trust busiaess either war. We bare aa eoUrelf MEW purrbas of DRY GOODS and LADIES' DRESS GOODS la variety nosarpassed aad prices to suit the srsnniy of Monty, uar stock or MILXISEaY GOOES, Bonnets and Ladies' Hals, bv aover baa. enadrd in tbe aounty.' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UXDKRWEAR a complete aeeortmrnt. Indies' Dress Trimmings, la Full Line. . Lateit Btylea. Gents' Furnishing Goods, ' a larg variety, both aoane and Ine. WINTER 8L0VE8, I TARNS, WOOLS, EEPIIYRS i Waterproofs, in Great Variety. All arc Invited to eall and examine oar goods and Biiees before buying elsewhere. We uahe do wry faces beeance yoa don't buy, bat bell ere Ibis te be a free country ; and that every one has tbe Inalienable right to life, liberty, the pursuit of bappiaees and to buy goods when thtyy eaa seeare the Wei goods for the lb Air money. At W. Reed's aM stand, opposite M sop's, - T. A. FLECK coUm A.M. BILLS. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! aoa QBroacQcc xy ce ss. CHKMICAL8I PAINTS, OII5, DYE STUFF VARNIPIIRS, DRI'SIIKS, PKRFl'MERV,' FANCY Q OOD TOILET ARTICLES, ' OF ALL KINDS, PURE WISES ASD LTQUOHS, lar MaMlieiaal purpotn. I Traaeea, Supporter, Hrhool Rok aad Station. ary, aad all ether artieiea uaually Vsjtt ; " awag MM,: a , - PIIV8IOIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARR FltLLY COMl'OirNliKI). Ilaviag a larg. an, perlenee In the biiaintee they ean give entire aat lreetien. i , J. O. HABTSWIf'li, JOHN F. IRWIN. ClcarB.lJ, UMml,r 16, 174. i ' Attention, Lumbermen ! WE nre now manalaeturing nur IMPROVED BTB8L SOCERT DHIVINO CANT HOOES, enperior to aay other In aria, Wa have aleo la oloea a large qoeatlty of Caathooka anlta bh far rajttng purpoM., wbinh we are arlling aaeap lereaan. aatirn h. ltr..iinAtlu. Clearleld, Pa., Mareb IS, 1TI. : lr t -- . i . Tin Booting and Spouting d.e at abort aatie and oa moat reaennnble ,'arma, nnd tvfieiriog neatly ,nd promptly exe- " ,ni.pniur , JOHN WAPLl. ' "i -1 auaau oy bael'74 APMlNlSTItATOn s NOTrUK. k atawta hereby ntvan that letterenf ad. mmialrattna oa tbo eatata or WARRKN IIILI, daa'd, let. fit Plka tewaahtp, CHarleld anuoty, aavlng naaw iiuiy granteo to tne nndaraignad, all peraone Indrratad te uld eetato will pleaaa make payment, aad Ihoee having claim or detaaade will preaeat IbeW properly authenticated tin aet Uvn.ot. IIENRr HII.E.Adnfr. Carwaaavllla, Jaa. 1, 1I7I.-II gTOKEKEErKKS, ATTENTION! Wedeeire ta aanyoarattaaUoa loear.ileaaire Commiaaioa bnaioeaa nnd to our fneilitiee tbr die Meing af aaah produee aa awraoaaigaore eand aa. ilaviag n large trade with city atoraa, wa ar en abled te make qntak eelurue, at fall prioae. Starefceepero havlag Cbiekeae, Butler, Egge, ar ether produee, will da woU ta giro aa a trial. Where Greoorieo are tehe. la eaehaage, aa earn, iaalaw will be .barged. i . , I. L. KIRK, DOM i bo., Whleale Oraaara and Oemmteetaa Marebenta, Ea. lap W. Third etreat, PbiWd'a. . aprly H OU8F. YOU BBNT.- tha a.d.nlined. who ran h. a. ,aj - naaw aaaee, naa n large Kri.k Ilwellmg. be. aatat aa great atreet, far rial. Fof farther aar- tleara aall II I la par r - blaarMd, r. 18, U'. a. n,. la aw. JlfSTI CU' COMT A !,! fBS ...w.,rT r"" " "" EB RILL, wed .lit a. th, H l , oyit Slirdtrirr, tiswirr, tftr. JOHN W. WAPLE, MANI PACTtUKR OV 'Tin, Shent-lron k Copper Ware AND MEAldER IK STOVES & RANGES, Nrnr Market Street, Cieartteld, I will keep on band a full stock of Cook and Host i of Stotrs, Ranges, Ac. AUo, a full line m TIN WARE, Sheet-Iron and Copper Wore. I will wake a fceelaltr of the fullow'.n. Stovaa. Evlipta, monarch, and Victor Cook. Ranaee and alulual Friend. Canopy and other Heating Btarea. I will scbaoga Tinware for Cotton Rag. deci.'N JOHN W. WAPLK. liOXSIDKS STOiiE. G. S. FLEGAL, I'EALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, BEATERS, RANOE8, Hollow-wake, 1 PAINTS. OILS A VARNISH, ' TUTTY A GLASS. ROPES, JSTF.P-I, ADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE The eelebrated Toledo Antl-Freealni Oalraniae IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Na batter Pump la the market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLl'ES, of all blade, LAMP FIXTI RES, do. All at lowest prieaa. 1-1474 lraen,aeilel Street, Phlllp.burg;, Pa, THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEAliFIEU), PA., AiTiracTrMM o FIRE ItlllCIaV, Furnace Blocks, Gas Retorts, . .i j Stove Linings, Paving TileB, 4.0. thlmnry Top; Hlxcfow Cpt, find tyurt. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL DBSftlNS IS TERRA COTTA . MADE TO ORDER. With improved maehla.rv. a..i .1... .i.i and akllled workmen, we ran warrant all our meaulacturee to be equal to If not auperli r to any In the market. Arlicl.a af onr a,.n.r..,n ... I.. ... Worke. near KailrMa1 a. ,),. ti i Store of H. F, Dialer A 0. - - All ordere from n diatanca. ad,lr....J . it.. Oaneral Suparintaadcnt, will receive prompt at tention. J. . HARTSWICK, JOHN PEROIIHO.V. 11..7 ..... f IIf.llifl.ld, tlarnkirk, Rootlaad, Supt. Manulaeturing Dept. tnay20'7S II. niGLKU k CO. hare for ial M'ACOX U00DS, SHAFTS AND TOI.E8, HUBS,SPOKE3,FKLLOES,4o. f L . ... ... . ' . ,T".""" mahara ahoald mak. a I hi !d. ,a ' They ) will be aold at fair prieaa. may 71 7 j Beale's Embrocalion, (LATE POWEH'a,) ! for all dlaeaa.a Incident ta Horea., CatU. and I Maman Flaah.reo, Irlng the aaeelaa i ..ruai appnaalioa, Thl. EmhroaaUoa waa aitenalvely aed br thaaorerament during the war. ' a.; ?''t bjl B""',' Iiwla, Clearleld jLon SALE, LEASE Oil KENT. and liValif'u1'!? g"P'"" '-, iaturea and good will . Having to etep kwa from the ad1.0. 'tM hr,""'' ? , l 'V "d eo.nta Im medieuly b, cb or a,t,, .d .11 p.WD1 ..,!, Mao la the aeina wee. k. ni . , . . ' a - "j rv.iu.uee laJ , ' iM' " Allegheay , ' 'ii - ! P, SHORT. n J . . F0'""1 ' Snarl fibae Kbop. ("1AUTION. " ' " -.n," I"'""' r eautloned again! ?,i:az i"- f.n..i.rpr.p tty porehamd by m.aA oon.tabl.'a aale and leil IhinT."' !"!"" "' K"" ' abip, via i I ew,k al.v. uj pip., ia..,,,,, ato.1 PJ b-d,,,.,, heSaVnd b.d3i I euphoarda, I aettle, I au.d, I table, I roekere, .haire, I bureau, t eloek I look In. Vlia. I ..TLiT:i, ::rtJ" '.e1, fsi at aaw. I deabl. billed ai, let di.he and li. war. lot poUtoM, aa th. balaug, . S Uaubjeotw myarderalawy tlraa. MM. Jaa.llu7..,a' ""W. QAUTION "TT. aala. .. ""aer.L.V Warned ag.ln.t p,Mk. pm, i m'!! ,''""'lt w,,h ,ollo" UrTL "wlp"Mioaof Job. R.b." I Cheat lowoahip, ,1a, on. Krnl k u brbna mare, aa Ihe i left with him n Iran aaly anbjart ta my ord ";''.' ,. s ' L at NUTTEN. -. ....h. ,.M,,n, 1OOTANl)SHOK MAkTso! w - . . JORWPH n. IHRRrNO, aa Ifarktt va.t t. Shaw', R, Clearleld, p". , h.a JS? ht I. lb. mark,,, aad la aaw prepared Zm?. efketer. everything ta hl Hnn ft. -ii. rt hi. trwk't. b?J r,.Vtid "," The rtthaa af 0h.r4.ig ,,,.. ... tetany laritog ,, ' ' v aTor dona at abort aotle, T:lrl'llj